1. The International War Tribunal in the Hague, Holland, has found Ratko Mladic, the butcher of Srebrenica, guilty of genocide. He is sentenced to life imprisonment.

2. Many may not have heard of the massacre of eight thousand Bosnian Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica, Bosnia Herzegovina. These people were forced to dig their own graves before being shot or bludgeoned to death and thrown into the graves.

3. Ratko Mladic as commander of the Serb army ordered the killing and oversaw the horrible massacre. His intention was to wipe out the Muslims of Europe so that Europe would truly become Christendom. It was genocide that he intended to achieve.

4. There had been massacres in Europe in the past. But after the Second World War ended with victory of the Western democratic powers, there were no more pogroms against the Jews.

5. But the Serbs still harbour the idea that Europe is exclusively for Christians. It is not a place for Muslims. And so the genocidal massacre in Srebrenica.

6. The surviving relatives of the victim can only partially rejoice that justice has finally been done. But a life sentence cannot compensate for the fears and sufferings of the Bosnians as they were led to the killing field to be murdered in cold blood.

20 thoughts on “RATKO MLADIC”

  1. Dear Tun,

    Get well soon Tun, jangan lupa makan ubat and drink lots of water okay. Don’t worry too much about things, have faith that the truth will prevail.

    Take good care, you need the rest, and hope to see you on the move again soon. Love you Tun Mahathir.

  2. Tun,

    The only way to release you from this feelings of injustice is to forgive those that discriminate others. Its seem that you cannot forgive them and maybe you are as judgemental as them. Do you think BN race supremacy politics and ideology are very similar too? But deep inside everyone know all those race supremacy propaganda are not to protect anyone or anything but just enrich those in positions and power or simply filling own pocket. BN policies are nothing or never about a race of people or the less capable, it is always been about MONEY to the elite and connected. Look at the amount of money gone into a few elite and look at those that are not connected. You can see the BIG GAP. The best part is the commoner cannot see the traps the elite put to them. The commoner will continue to enrich the elite. If you want to correct your mistakes you must tilt it back to the original.

  3. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Bersungguhan Dave Cooper nak suh undi BN.

    Niaga pasti ada risiko untung rugi. Lebih lebih lagi niaga mata wang. Macam kata Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcob, pengalaman tersebut mengajar untuk berhadapan dengan krisis mata wang 1997.

    Maksud rugi dengan maksud duit masuk akaun peribadi jelas amat jauh bezanya.

    Duit masuk akaun peribadi maksudnya MENCURI atau PECAH AMANAH.

    Kalau nak buktikan Tun Mahathir salah. Maka buktikan duit kerugian forex tersebut masuk akaun Tun Mahathir.

    Baru adil untuk katakan Najib tidak bersalah kerana masukkan duit 2.6b dalam akaun peribadi Najib.

    Atau kita katakan salah bapanyalah, Tun Razak sebab tak bina kolam untuk Najib berenang masa muda (kalau masih tak pandai), seperti mana Najib nak salahkan Tun Mahathir kerana keadaan ekonomi sekarang, sebab forex tersebut.

    “Ini semua salah bapak”, kata Sazali.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  4. Blame BN.

    General Election is drawing closer, but at this juncture, RCI released their report over BN’s forex trade losses back in the 1990s. Tun was the PM, and Anwar was the Finance Minister, both PH heavyweights.

    The 524-page report stated that the total lost was RM31.5 billion, which is about half of RM65.75 billion of Malaysia’s foreign reserve. (Based on 1994 Malaysia’s USD reserve of 26.3bil x 2.5 exchange rate)

    Tun is not supposed to allow Anwar to allow Bank Negara to get involve in forex trading, which is a form of gambling.

    But when Malaysia suffered great lost, neither Tun nor Anwar apologise or take responsibility for the lost of our country’s money.

    If the act of shirking responsibility is consider as an exemplary Muslim (world) leader, than, lets vote BN. Sorry Tun.

  5. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Sekarang saya telah perolehi ruang niaga yang berdekatan dengan rumah saya. Boleh dikatakan tercapai hajat yang saya usahakan selama kebelakangan ini.

    Kecil sahaja. Cuma harapan dan doa saya agar saya dapat wang lebih banyak dengan hanya berusaha sedikit sahaja. Saya mahu relaks dan santai. Usaha sikit tapi dapat rezeki banyak. Semoga Allah swt makbulkan jika itu baik untuk saya.

    Biasanya, apa yang saya tulis di sini, InsyaAllah akan termakbul. Sebab itu saya tulis di sini.

    Sambil sambil relaks dan santai itu, orang susah yang terima dan harapkan BRIM sendiri mengaku akan tetap undi BN.

    Malah rakyat sendiri tidak mengharapkan pada kerajaan sedia ada. Cuma boleh membebel dan tunggu pilhanraya.

    Katanya pemimpin yang ikhlas adalah pemimpin yang sedia dan berani untuk masuk penjara. Namun yang ada sekarang pun adalah mereka yang makan gaji.

    Saya cuma boleh senyum mendengarnya. Katanya, kita berdua boleh cakap, tapi nanti kalau dengar pada orang ‘dia’ nanti kena tangkap.

    Itu kata seorang sebatang kara di dunia ini.

    Yang bukan sebatang kara cakapkan pemimpin ikhlas adalah orang yang sanggup dipenjarakan (dibuang).

    Tiada orang tahu siapa saya. Saya tak perlu menyamar. Tapi perasaan sebenar saya, saya suka berjumpa dan berborak dengan rakyat jelata.

    Maha Suci Allah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  6. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya tengok tv3 pasal RCI Forex dan esok harinya terus beli surakhabar sebab fikir mungkin ada isi terperinci berkenaan dengannya.

    Tapi beritanya hambar, tak bersungguh sungguh malah tiada isi penting. Setakat ingin mengembar gemburkan sahaja tentang ‘kesalahan’ mereka yang bakal ‘didakwa’.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  7. Salam Dearest Tun,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    Salam Maulidur Rasul kepada Tun dan semua umat Islam.

    Umat Islam mesti mencontohi keperibadian mulia dan cara kepemimpinan Nabi Muhammad SAW yang BERAMANAH, lembut dan berhemah, tetapi tegas.

    Tun Mahathir is an exemplary MUSLIM (world) LEADER. I am so proud of you, Tun.

    Thanks Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  8. Assalamualaikum wbt Tun.

    Dlm bbrp hari ini, PH beroleh rahmat di atas keterdesakan ie desperado UMNO.

    Pertama, Kun Nan kata UiTM ini bagus demi utk tampung budak2 lembab. Itu boleh digoreng cukup2 utk lukakan hati yg berkaitan dgn UiTM.

    (2) Kedua RCI BNM Forex Trading. Bab tak betol tu tetap tak betol. Tapi bab jika Tun kekal Negarawan n sanggup disiasat, you won a bigger battle. Is Najib MO1 ready to form RCI on 1MDB n FGV as PAC kata ada masalah? Goreng benda ini cukup2, pasti sifat bacul Najib MO1 akan terlondeh.

    (3) The latest, Pandikar nak debat dgn KM Sarawak pasal M63. With this, jika Shafiee Apdal pandai goreng, you won Sabah without “further a do”. Similarly now, KM Sarawak sudah dlm dilema. Fight hard, Najib MO1 not happy. Not to fight, now DAP + PKR ada good bullet to go to great war over here. In either way, BN Sarawak sudah in big dilema.

    (4) The “kepala bapak” surely adat Melayu tak suka benda2 macam itu apa lagi bila bapa kita sudah tiada. Suatu Malay taboo jadi air liur Najib MO1. Sikap biadap dia boleh digoreng utk menangi pengundi berumur emas.

    (5) Surely bab “Kuthi” jika digoreng elok2, KSU Perbendaharaanpun boleh jadi hangat hati. But more important, “sifat biadap kat orang tua” boleh dipalu hebat n jika ini di Kelantan pasti sesuatu yg rakyat tak suka. Orang Kelantan depa cukup hormat Raja, Guru n Orang Tua. Langgar salah satu @ ketiga2nya, dikira derhaka dan itu sekali2 tidak wajar.

    (6) Earlier on tuduhan Bangsat dan Haram Jadah, lagilah Melayu hangat hati. Goreng betul2, sure Najib MO1 terasa pedas mulutnya dan menangis sesal tak sudah.

    (7) Banyak lagi termasuk “stupid” dsb. Kata2 pedih Najib MO1 dan geng haprak dia, jika PH pandai goreng, adalah senjata paling ampuh “mungkin Allah sudah ilhamkan utk kita guna bagi menang perang”.

  9. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

    Dear Tun

    I know your blog on 2008 for first time, at that year i tried to commented about muslim uighurs,east turkestan,

    Dear malaysian muslims please help us and pray for us

    Don’t deport Uighurs without due process
    Nov 2017
    Posted by Dennis Ignatius in China, Human rights, Malaysia, refugees ≈ Leave a comment
    Tagsasylum, China, human rights, Malaysia, refugees, Rohingya, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Uighurs

    It was recently reported that Thailand is seeking Putrajaya’s cooperation to extradite more than a dozen Uighurs who may have slipped into Malaysia after having escaped from detention facilities there. They are part of some 200 Uighurs in detention in Thailand awaiting deportation.

    An oppressed minority

    The Uighurs, an ancient Muslim community with deep roots in Xinjiang province, have long suffered oppression and discrimination. In recent years, thousands of people from other parts of China have been brought into Xinjiang in an effort to alter the demographic composition of the province to the detriment of the native Uighur population.

    China has also effectively used the ongoing war on terrorism as a pretext to further isolate and persecute the Uighurs. Opponents of Bejing’s heavy-handed rule are routinely branded as terrorists or “aspiring terrorists” and hunted down. Ilham Tohti, a secular professor and blogger, for example, was sentenced to life in prison in 2014 for arguing that it is Beijing’s harsh and repressive policies that are stoking radicalization.

    While some Uighurs have undoubtedly found common cause with Islamic terrorist groups, the vast majority are simply a disaffected and oppressed minority struggling to survive under appalling conditions. Many are also fleeing in the hope of finding refuge elsewhere.

    Malaysia’s shameless treatment of refugees

    Those who end up in Malaysia in the mistaken assumption that they might find favour in a majority Muslim country quickly end up disappointed.

    Malaysia, quite shamefully, has a sordid history of ill-treating refugees and asylum seekers. The Home Ministry often plays along with the charade that all Uighurs are terrorists and quickly deports them without due process in order not to offend China. Many of those deported face torture and even death in their homeland.

    Earlier this year, for example, Malaysia deported 29 so-called Uighur “terrorists” to China at the request of the Chinese government.

    In fact, going by recent remarks by the Minister of Home Affairs, China is providing equipment to Malaysia to help track, apprehend and deport Chinese dissidents who try to find refuge in or transit through Malaysia. It is a troubling development, one of the hidden costs of our dependence on cheap Chinese loans to fuel dubious mega-projects.

    And the Uighurs are not alone. Several Turkish nationals who ran afoul of the increasingly despotic regime of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan were rounded up and deported back to Turkey as was Hamza Kashgari, a Saudi national fleeing charges of blasphemy.

    Clearly, Putrajaya is willing to even trample on internationally accepted human rights laws simply to ingratiate itself with foreign governments no matter how despotic they are.

    Hype and hypocrisy

    Putrajaya, of course, likes to pretend that it is a great champion of human rights, especially when it involves Muslims. When it is politically expedient, Putrajaya waxes eloquent about oppressed and persecuted groups like the Rohingya but it’s mostly hype and hypocrisy.

    They are quick to organize big rallies to champion the plight of the Rohingya to burnish their Islamic credentials but shy away from the real challenge of building sustained and comprehensive approaches that alone can save the Rohingya from the genocidal policy of Myanmar’s military.

    The Rohingya issue has, after all, been decades in the making. Thousands have fled to Malaysia mostly to suffer yet further hardship and persecution. Like other Myanmar refugees, they have been trafficked, abused, and condemned to live in the shadows. Some have even ended up in mass graves. Reports suggest that systematic human trafficking is going on but there never seems to be the political will to stop such heinous activity.

    Putrajaya also appears to be very outspoken when it comes to confronting Myanmar over its human rights abuses involving Muslims but is spineless when it comes to Muslims from countries like China, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

    As well, it is willing to go to great lengths to defend the rights of fugitives like Zakir Naik who has been condemned by a number of different countries for his extremist views but is unwilling to defend the rights of Muslim Uighurs fleeing persecution in their homeland or peaceful Turkish residents in Malaysia from the wrath of President Erdoğan. It is even willing to consider asylum for corrupt and murderous despots like Robert Mugabe but cannot find place for a few persecuted Uighurs.

    Respecting international human rights

    Thailand’s request to apprehend and return Uighurs who might have entered Malaysia is a timely reminder that our country needs a just and compassionate refugee policy. Genuine refugees and asylum seekers, irrespective of their religious or ethnic background, should be given sanctuary and safety in Malaysia.

    Asylum seekers in particular should be entitled to a fair hearing before deportation requests are acceded to. Those with proven links to terrorism should, of course, be deported while those who are simply fleeing political persecution or oppression should be protected, even at the cost of upsetting other governments.

    Until we do, few will regret that Malaysia failed in its bid for a seat on the UN Human Rights Council; the world doesn’t need another cheerleader for despotic regimes on that already tarnished council.

    Dennis Ignatius | 24th November 2017


  10. Salam Tun,
    Keluar tajuk sikit,
    Tempat yg paling sy nanti utk Tun bertanding ialah Putrajaya,
    Sungguh klasik dan exclusive sekali suasana bila Tun menang,

  11. Assalamualaikum wbt Tun.

    Kemenangan PH bergantung kpd kemenangan Bersatu, PKR, Amanah, DAP dan Warisan. Warisan seem making lots of progress, just that PKR n DAP in Sabah need to give a go but to help build Warisan.

    (2) Saya kini agak memberikan sedikit perhatian kpd Kelantan. Saya yakin, kena cara, Kelantan boleh jatuh ke tangan Amanah dan Bersatu. Sebabnya, PAS Kelantan tidak seperti PAS di negeri lain. Mereka benci UMNO.

    (3) Cuma muskil saya adalah cara Husam Musa handling Kelantan. Betul orang Kelantan tak suka “ore luar tunjuk pandai di Kelantan” tetapi mereka juga tidak berminat utk tengok “gayo aye tuo dok berkukok”. Saya tidak nampak selain seronok “bergomo sesama sendiri” Husam is able to give a better dream to the Kelantanese. I think “Kelantan Perantau” they want to hear n see a better dream for them to influence the “total change in Kelantan”. Tun, Bersatu n Amanah should do something now to get “Kelantan Perantau” to be your silver bullet for Kelantan.

    (4) There should b a group now to focus on Pahang n Felda. Rafizi sudah hilang kelayakan (?) ukt bertanding dlm PRU14. He should lead the focus grp utk gempur Pahang, Felda dan Trengganu. He has nothing to loose jika itu strategi yg PH guna. Pin Pahang n Trengganu to pin Najib MO1 n Hadi.

    (5) I believe your smart old days “commandos in Bosnia” can still work to the best result in this coming PRU14 utk susup to all the Malaya states. In shaa Allah

  12. Assalamualaikum wbt Tun.

    Firstly tahniah di atas usaha Tun membantu PLO, ANC ie Mandela dan pasti Muslim Bosnia secara senyap2 sehingga semua mereka berjaya. Yaser Arafat, setidak2 pd 1988 telah dapat mengistihar pembentukan Negara Palestin bukan dari jajahan Israel tetapi “berjalan keluar” dari mainan sdra2 Arab mereka. Kejayaan Mandela seluruh dunia kagumi. Kejayaan Bosnia, pasti Allah berkati. Itu kejayaan Tun yg tidak teraikan apa lagi diketahui umum.

    (2) Saya yakin dgn kebijaksanaan Tun mengatur langkah kemenangan di tiga tempat asing tersebut, harus menjadi keyakinan besar rakyat Negara ini utk kembali meletakkan Malaysia ke tangan Tun utk suatu tempoh peralihan dlm memulihkan ekonomi dan martabat Negara akibat rosak di tangan Najib MO1. Apa lagi dalam tempoh 22 tahun, BN di bawah Tun tidak pernah gagal memperolehi majoriti 2/3 di Parlimen. Bukan sekadar soal majoriti, kesan pembagunan juga agak menyeluruh. Tidak spt Najib MO1, penggal pertama sebagai PMpun dia dah hilang majoriti 2/3. Sudah 8 tahun jadi PM, Najib MO1 sebetulnya hanya berjaya menjelmakan dirinya dari Perdana Menteri kepada Penyamun Master.

    (3) Maka Tun dlm PRU14, Tun kena turun gelanggang. Tun tidak boleh berdiam diri hanya bantu berkempen. Cuma, jgnlah takbur. Saya kira, Tun ikutlah pepatah Melayu: “Ikan pulang ke lubuk, sirih pulang ke gagang, pinang pulang ke tampuk” – Tun bertandinglah di Langkawi. Tun telah memecah sumpah Mahsyuri, kali ini, Tun semadikan sumpah Mahsyuri.

    (4) My gut feeling, the best candidate utk Putera Jaya adalah Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. Let her be with the women power to topple SUA UMNO di Putera Jaya. Wan Azizah, not only will command the women power di PJ tetapi her Kelantanese (?) blood should have great impact on the civil servant support. How? That is my gut feeling not really of mathematic rationalization. Accordingly, her based ie Kajang is just nearby.

    Tun, let fight to our very best honesty. I pray for your good health.

  13. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya ada baca juga yang undercover commandos dihantar ke Bosnia.

    Malah Israel turut berang apabila tenteranya dikalahkan oleh pejuang Al Qassam di sempadan.

    Mereka kata orang Malaysia latih pejuang Al Qassam.

    Malah orang tua ini pun nampak sangat tak berapa cerdik bila ikut pandangan supaya face to face dengan pemberontak untuk ambil mayat dan kotak hitam MH17.

    Sekarang orang muda kata, “kami boleh nampak masalahnya?!”


    Terima kasih Tun.

  14. Assalamuaaikum Tun.

    Vote BN pada PRU14 bererti vote pemimpin bodoh, dungu dan dayus.

    Saya cukup pasti bekas graduan ITM / UITM pasti terkesan dengan kenyataan Ku Nan baru-baru ini kononnya mereka adalah “slow learner”. Saya mahu nyatakan bahawa walaupun saya belajar di university awam tetapi ramai kawan-kawan sekelas dengan saya di tingkatan 5 dahulu mendapat cemerlang seiring dengan saya memilih ITM kerana kualitinya.

    Ku Nan dan Najis Razak kini kian tersepit, terdesak dan melatah, akkhirnya terkeluarlah banyak kenyataan bodoh dan melambangkan sifat politikus UMNO di bawah pimpinan Najis Razak yang sebenar.

    Ayuh ex graduan ITM /UITM … bangkit dan INI KALILAH.


    Yang menyokong UMNO sekarang sepuluh kali bodoh seperti orang yang membuat penngakuan “vote BN”.

    Wassalam Tun.

  15. Salam Tun Dr Mahathir

    It was sad on those days when the Serb freely killed the unarmed Bosnian and European Countries seems to condone the slaughtered.

    The whole world may be protesting it but none has taken any effort to armed Bosnian for self defend against the Serb.

    I remember a leader who make a secret military and medical aid moved to the Bosnian sending undercover commandos and doctors to help defend the Muslim. With Allah swt permission, the mission went well and Bosnia has emerged to be the only Muslim Country in Europe nowadays.

    While Ratco Mladic is a monster, we the people of Malaysia glad to know that the leader who known as an angle helping Bosnia is also from Malaysia.

    May Allah protect and reward this great Malaysian leader which is none other than you, Tun Mahathir.

    Your signature is always be in the heart of Malaysian who loved peace and hate war criminals.

    Take care Tun M.


  16. Salam Tun.

    1. Radko Mladic ada ciri-ciri pengikut Dajjal.

    2. Begitu juga orang-orang yang sedikit simpati pada Radko. Persimpati ini rasa dia lebih kuat berhadapan pembunuh ini bila ia sudah bersendirian.

    3. Lalu tidak rasa Radko ini akan dapat bertindak ganas bila di sumbat dalam penjara.

    4. Bayangkan jika dia bertemu Dajjal serta menjadi pengikutnya pasti sel penjara tidak dapat menghukumnya hingga ke akhir hayat.

    5. Ini satu pengajaran kepada manusia bahawa kalau kejadian itu tidak berlaku pada kita pertimbangan kita ambil selalunya mudah sahaja.

    6. Kita tidak cuba rasa apa perasaan kepada kaum keluarga si terbunuh. Seolah-olah kita tidak dapat memberi KEADILAN terhadap manusia lain.

    7. Riwayat sahih kedatangan Dajjal akan mematikan kehidupan manusia malah dikatakan yang dapat membunuhnya hanyalah bila Allah s.w.t menurunkan Nabi Isa a.s kembali ke dunia ini.

    8. Kita manusia lemah hanya Allah s.w.t maha berkuasa.


  17. Salam Dearest Tun,

    1. Such a cruel, barbaric, brutal and inhuman individual (animal?), and yet Ratko Mladić is only sentenced to life imprisonment.

    2. This is not justice. He must be treated the way he treated those he murdered (without any mercy). All of the victims were unarmed. Such a coward!

    3. This person should be stoned to death in front of the family members of all the victims. I believe most of the family members are still alive since the Srebrenica massacre happened in July 1995.

    4. Something like this is happening in Myanmar. Muslims are being killed and abused/ tortured. They are forced to flee their home; their villages are destroyed. Very similar to what had happened to those poor Bosnians (Muslims).

    5. The Palestinians are also being oppressed and killed, and their lands/homes are seized.

    6. Sadly, some Muslims in Malaysia are more than willing to support the agendas of non-Muslims (those who are against those agendas are labeled as ‘barbaric / Taliban etc).

    Thanks Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  18. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    When one unwanted incident happened to one particular case, please do not pull another incident into the scene concerning another case. By doing so, the story goes endlessly.

    The case as mentioned happened because of racial discrimination. Hopefully, such does not take place in our beloved nation.

  19. One can never have Justice
    One man killing of hundreds does not substantiate the crimes
    You kill a man is as if you kill the whole of mankind

    It is important
    It is now and a wake up call
    Muslim World must built their own Weapons not relying on others
    The Muslims today are Cowards
    They cannot hold their face up to face their enemy
    And it was never such an Islamic teachings

    The Muslims today are Begging for Mercy
    They throw their dignity , their pride down the drains
    Again it was never The Islamic teaching

    But , again it is all written
    Nevertheless it is their also duty to change and not to blame others

  20. Ratko Mladic is a monster! His act of ethnic cleansing and intention to establish an European Christendom was clearly an act of terror.


    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is a monster! His act of ethnic cleansing and intention to establish worldwide caliphate was also clearly an act of terror.
    If the Serbs still harbour the idea that Europe is exclusively for Christians and not a place for Muslims, the genocidal massacre will continue.


    If some racists here still harbour the idea that Malaysia is exclusively for Malay and Muslim and not a place for other ethnicities, religions and cultures, racial tensions will continue.

    Stop PERKASA and PAS!

    Vote BN!

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