1.      The British parliament, to the surprise (and probably relief) of Prime Minister David Cameron, rejected British armed intervention in Syria.  Then Barack Obama, President of America, decided that he would ask for Congress approval even for what he called limited military action against the Syrian Government despite his right to declare war without the approval of Congress.  In other words he is   not really willing.  It is a smart move on his part because if the venture fails Congress cannot blame him alone.

2.      It looks like the Western Powers have learnt something from their experience in Afghanistan and Iraq.  They once thought that it would take only a few months of shock and awe to achieve regime change in these two countries.  In the event after ten years of war, after losing thousands of their own soldiers while killing hundreds of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis, devastating these countries, the regime changes have not resulted in the democracy they expected.  If at all the present situation in these two countries is much worse than before invasion and the regime changes.

3.      The hesitation over a military adventure in Syria, even a limited one is understandable.  Yes, the use of chemical weapons probably killed over a thousand innocent Syrians.  But already about 200,000 people have been killed.  Is it acceptable to kill unlimited numbers of innocent people with bombs, rockets and bullets but not with chemical weapons?

4.      If a military invasion is to take place surely it would cause more deaths, definitely more than the number killed by chemical weapons.  And supposing the arsenal of chemical weapons are hit, would it not cause even more deaths.

5.      Supposing limited war takes the form of assassination of the President, would the war stop?  Would the opposition take over the Government and set up a democracy?  The killings of Saddam and Ghadafi have not resulted in stability for their countries.  Even the removal of Hosni Mubarak has not resulted in Egypt being stable and democratic.

6.      The experience in Iraq shows that killing Saddam Hussain did not end the war.  In fact the killings or disabling of the leaders have not brought about peace or a stable democratic nation.  The supporters of Bashar would very likely continue the fight against the rebels.

7.      But supposing the rebels win, what kind of a Government will they set up.  It is reported that the Al Qaedah are also with the rebels.  An election would probably result in a Sunni Government.  The Shiah and Muslim extremist would not like this.

8.      People who rise against their Government must know that it is risky and success is not guaranteed.  And outside help cannot be depended upon.  Such help would tarnish the image of the rebels.  They would lose the support of many.

9.      We see this happening in Egypt.  Some people are already beginning to think that Mubarak’s rule was better.  At least the country was stable and people could go about their business and earn a living.  With the demonstrations against Mubarak and then against Morsi and now against the military rulers, the instability is hurting ordinary people.  They wish the rebellion had never taken place.

10.    Regime change may be desirable but it is wrong for the West to force it on people who may not ready for it.  The process must be through education and the slow spread of the principles of democracy and its weaknesses.  The focus should be on the next generation, which will be more appreciative of the good points of democracy and understand how it works.  The most important point is that some will lose in elections.  They must then be patient enough to wait for the next election.  A bad Government is better than a destabilised Government.  If the Government is really bad, it will not win the next election.  The losers in the last election may then have a chance to win.  And when they win a genuine regime change would take place.

35 thoughts on “REGIME CHANGE”

  1. Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. We do not need ‘Regime Change’ in Malaysia. Our current Government is doing fine, but the BN leaders must listen to public opinions and try to improve their service and upgrade their knowledge. Jangan ‘Perasan Bagus…’

    2. ‘Regime Change’ must take place in UMNO. Tun already advised all ‘Perwakilan UMNO’ to vote wisely. Pilih pemimpin ikhlas yang ‘committed’ untuk menjaga ‘Agama’, ‘Bangsa’ dan ‘Tanahair/Negara’. If not, UMNO will ‘bungkus or gulung tikar’ in PRU-14. I support Dato’ Mukhriz to be one of the VPs.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***

  2. Yang dikasihi Tun,
    Lately there are many negative comments on Omar Ong’s role in Petronas. As an advisor to Petronas, I would appreciate your comments to put this urgent matter to rest without prejudice. Wassalam.

  3. Dear Tun,
    Can you explain USA Partial Gov. shutdown, can it happen in Malaysia?
    Thank You.

  4. YAB Tun,

    Nasib baik di Malaysia kita tidak panggil regim tapi pentadbiran yang berwasatiyyah.
    Walaupun begitu sebagai pemimpin dalam masyarakat yang berbilang kaum kita harus mempunyai sifat tegas dan berani.
    Kita harus dapat melihat apa yang tersirat daripada yang tersurat.
    Keadaan negara kita akan menjadi ‘Regime Change” jika kita tak selamatkannya daripada sekarang.
    Perkara2 yang saya khuatiri adalah:-

    1. Tanggongjawab Persetujuan TPPA telah diberi kepada Parlimen. Terang-terang ini adalah satu tindakan “to pass the buck”. Maklumat terkini ramai MP Pembangkang & BN setuju Malaysia jadi ahli.

    2. Pemandu – cerita dalam blog mengatakan pemborosan wang berlaku. Untuk cerita lebih lanjut bukalah website ini.
    i. OutSyed The Box
    ii. A Brick in The Wall
    iii. Demi Negara
    iv Jebatmustdie
    ( ada banyak lagi)

    3. Rasuah dan penyelewengan dalam Kementerian2, Jabatan2 Kerajaan, Institusi Perbankan menjadi-jadi.Kesemua ini mengekang usahawan Bumi untuk memperkasakan ekonomi mereka. Orang Melayu bunuh orang Melayu sekarang ini.

    4. Transformasi Parti UMNO hanya cantik diluar tapi dari dalam masih bersarang.

    Maaf cakap tapi pemimpin sekarang cakap depan lain cakap belakang lain.
    Memang betul kata Tun, BN akan kalah kalau perwakilan UMNO tidak pandai memilih calon pada 12 dan 19 Okt ini.
    Namun saya doakan Datuk Mukhriz menang dan semoga beliau berani ubah UMNO.

  5. HBT456

    “Tun perak, its okay if melayu umno does not welcome china president.”

    – Even Pakatan Rakyat leadership decided not to have a chinese as the Prime Minister of Malaysia ? So what ? President of the Republic of China can come to Malaysia as long as he is not guilty committing crime to Malaysian, so what ? Bring them on.

    “Similarly, other bn component parties also have the right not to welcome hamas palestibe in our country. ”

    – Are you from BN, or a double face agent of communist inflitrating into BN Parties ? Any human is welcome into our country unless they have broken this beloved country laws and committed heinous crimes.

    “Chinese family members were killed by the british soldiers too, why they are not terrorists? Chin peng is terrorist becaus3 he is chinese?”

    – Chin Peng is a significant Malaysian terrorist because he ordered Malaysia Communist Party to kill Malaysia civilians. Non-communist chinese are not killed by the british. In fact, british collaborated with them in trade and made them multimillionaires, so much like Li Ka Shing of Hong Kong.

    “Juntai myammar is not terrorists because they hold military power? Every 5 years, we have general elections, therefore, either you perform or out you go, pure and simple.”

    – Given several alternatives and opportunities not to have more people died due to anarchy, chaos and atrocities, the collective Asean countries decision to get the Juntai Myanmar to ship out their military regime features and introduces democracy is a success compared to the failed democracy turned into democrazy introduction in the middles east by the CIAs of America. Next step – ship out the regime through democratic process because of their heartless and blatant killings, murders and lootment of the Rohingyas.

  6. Tun perak, its okay if melayu umno does not welcome china president. Similarly, other bn component parties also have the right not to welcome hamas palestibe in our country. Chinese family members were killed by the british soldiers too, why they are not terrorists? Chin peng is terrorist becaus3 he is chinese? Juntai myammar is not terrorists because they hold military power? Every 5 years, we have general elections, therefore, either you perform or out you go, pure and simple.

  7. HBT456

    ” Tun Perak, all these years, it is the PM cum UMNO President via Ketuanan Melayu decides on the annual budget.”

    – Even if he decides the annual budget but the end other end supplier are mostly chinese contractors as they control the main supply, so what ?

    “Don’t blame the western or international democracy process, blame the political parties by allowing vote buying and cheating in the first place.”

    – Western and intrenational democrazy process are blamed becaused they actually introduced Democrazy and not Democracy; democratic leaders in Egypt who were elected through ballot box are brought down by Demonstration and Democrazy. So who are cheating who ? Arent the western so called international democracy cheated the middle easterners with their distorted version of Democrazy. Much so, the vote buying existed in the States through what they say donations, and donations are made by big business people and jewish lobbyist. No wonder, through the States, Jews control the world through proxy.

    “People progress and improve, but leaders can be voted out by the people for failing his job.”

    In real democracy, leaders are voted out by people. In the Democrazy tried to be introduced by the western powers to the middle east, leaders are brought down through street demonstrations, people killed each other, and American supplied the arms to some countries, and then they hanged the leader of the country that used the arms supplied by the American; but they forgot to hang the supplliers of the arms. Is this double standard or crazy standard ?

    “Well, the shut down of government in USA is something for the world sees how democracy works in reality.”

    Shut down of the government is an example of anarchy introduced by Democrazy. No wonder, USA is now being gradually taken over by China as the world no. 1 economic power.

  8. Tun

    For the real HockBengTeohhalfpast6. Why you write such good English these days ? Your PAP Singaporean husband, uh ? Where are your cantankerous one-liners ?

  9. Tun Perak, all these years, it is the PM cum UMNO President via Ketuanan Melayu decides on the annual budget. Don’t blame the western or international democracy process, blame the political parties by allowing vote buying and cheating in the first place. People progress and improve, but leaders can be voted out by the people for failing his job. Well, the shut down of government in USA is something for the world sees how democracy works in reality.

  10. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh..
    Semoga Tun sudi mengizinkan ruangan..

    Tun harap jangan marah…:)
    Gaji Perdana Menteri – RM22,826.65 sebulan.
    Setahun menjadi RM273,919.8
    Oleh itu jika di darabkan selama 22 tahun maka menjadi RM6,026,235.6
    Begitulah yang saya dapat dari kalkulator..
    Bila Tun menjawat dua kementerian saya percaya tentulah Tun juga dapat gaji Menteri dan elaun kementerian tersebut.
    Jika Tun hanya ‘makan’ elaun sahaja tanpa mengusik gaji Tun saya percaya dapatlah jumlah tersebut di simpan dalam ‘saving’ Tun.
    Bagaimana dengan pelaburan Tun seperti dalam BAT ( British Tobacco ) dan lain-lain?
    Saya percaya masih tidak mencapai saving sebanyak RM7 juta ringgit..
    Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad selama 22 tahun opss..maaf Tun..Gaji Tun sebagai menteri sebelum menjadi Perdana Menteri saya tak kira..masih lagi tak mampu membeli sebuah rumah yang bernilai RM7 juta ringgit!
    Selanjutnya Tun..
    Bagaimana dengan kabar kabar angin dan tomahan seorang anak menteri mampu membeli sebuah rumah yang berharga RM7 juta ringgit?..
    Apa tu? Tun tak tau kerana tidak tidur dengan anak menteri tersebut?
    Opss..Maafkan saya Tun..terlanjur kata..:)

    Sekian terima kasih Tun..
    Maaf sekali lagi..:)

  11. Assalam,

    When the western powers gave support to regime change movement in the middle east, it certainly excite some people who craze for power. To the Western Powers, what is nice, the war that they previously waged, is now shared by others – the internal parties.

    Syrian is quite uniqe. The leader is a Syiah but his wife family is a Sunni and it is very ironic how Syiah and Sunni could fight each other, unless they have been provoked.

    The indecision by America and Britain are simple. Their enemy are Al-Qaeda and Iran. They accused both of them as the axis of Evil. In the case of Syria, if Sunni win, the power may fall into Al-Qaeda hands while if the government win, increases the influence of Iran in the middle east. Since both of them are their nemesis, they are not bothered to get involved. their job is being done by the internal parties.

    By not getting involved directly, they avoid being clearly seen as meddling in other countries to push for democracy. But the act of hidden hands are much more dangerous. Their effect and impact is huge but their acts are unseen.

  12. Tun

    I do not understand what all the angst is about with the Islam religion which is pure, strong and compassionate. It is the religion of the 21st century which had been suppressed by outsiders for hundreds of years. The horrific events of today are the harbinger of the events of peace and goodwill of tomorrow. And what is it that binds ? It is the the superfast communications of today. The victims, the innocent men, women and children who gave their lives for nothing are the martyrs for a religion which will ever become stronger and stronger. Differences will eventually be subsumed and peace and harmony will prevail amongst all Humankind when the religion is finally de-politicised in recognition of the full human values as per the United Nations for Human Rights. I believe no single power nowadays can steer events their way but to allow the full flow of human desires and freedom to prevail. And in the meantime, more turmoil on our TV screens nightly.
    Rapid development and modernization have left the Arab countries behind due to many reasons. But justice, peace and goodwill will surely prevail one day. This sort of incongruity cannot and must not be permitted to go on forever.

  13. Salam Tun,

    to the admin of this blog, I apologize if my postings have caused you to remove them for inappropriateness.

    Islam now has turned into a club, with its Sunni and Shia memberships. There is an internal struggle (jihad) for who is righter, correcter and kosher than the other. Without the full historical understanding of how the split of the Shia from mainstream Sunni happened, it is not fair to pass blanket statements based on the “kafir” news network, as it only serves to perpetuate the animosity to another level. Kafir meaning those who cover up the truth, and not necessary a non-muslim entity.

    Who benefits from the Syrian war? Who is the main investor in this war game?

    Why should we, Malaysians of various faith, get ourselves and tax money involved in this Muslim internal conflict …

  14. Assallammualaikum Tun.Saya mohon ruangan.

    [It is Islam that is making the blanket statement that it is a Religion of Peace]

    Saudara Sentinel3.
    Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada saudara kerana saudara adalah orang-orang yang jujur dalam berhujah.Saya amat menyampah dan benci orang orang yang menggunakan nama Golok Allah, anak murid wali Allah, broker jin dan mereka-mereka yang sekonco dengannya.Apabila dtan menyerang Islam, mereka-mereka ini bersikap bacul dan pengecut!…:)

    Saudara Sentinel3..
    Saya pernah berutus e mel dengan dtan ini.Saya meminta pertolongan dan bantuan beliau dan konco-konco mereka untuk memajukan perisian yang saya cipta sendiri untuk mempercepatkan waktu menunggu pesakit.dtan telah menunjukkan sikap bengis beliau dan bertanya apakah gunanya menolong pesakit-pesakit ini?

    Saya membuat kesimpulan bahawa agama dan kepercayaan mereka mengasingkan diri dengan perbuatan, feel, serta amal laku perbuatan di dunia ini.Sehubungan dengan itu hujah seperti di atas akan menjadi sia-sia kerana dtan tidak memahami maksud maujud di mana Qadimlah yang berkata Islam itu keamanan.Masuk Islam bererti masuk kedalam keamanan.Akal kepala otak mereka tidak dapat membezakan apakah peranan makhluk terhadap QadimNya..

    Sehubungan dengan itu,jika adalah saudara mengenal sesiapa yang boleh menolong umat Islam dengan sekadar minutae micro melalui mempercepatkan waktu menunggu pesakit harap saudara sudi berhubung dengan saya.

    Kata orang melayu ‘A thousand’s step begin with a simple small one’..

    Terima kasih saudara..
    Terima kasih Tun.

  15. Amin Tan, Islam is made so ugly when it is used to unite Malay in the name of Bumiputra, the official religion, by denying the smarts just to keep political stability. Whenever comes to budget, Tun Dr MM made sure Muslim gets the largest portion with the political excuse Malay are more, they must have more to get their votes. What about Surau built by non-Muslim? Taxes, petrol, EPF and MYR involved kafir too, how are you going argue this point for Islamic fund? If MCA still think that supporting UMNO blindly, they will be history as with a stroke of pen, UMNO and PAS can do what they like, and that’s bad. When they see others do well, they sent Perkasa and Cyber-troopers out there to play dirty, black out, fitnah Anwar so and so. Therefore, I no longer respect Muslim like you in Malaysia, especially those in UMNO.

  16. Dear Tun,

    Please allow me to quote Mr dtan as below,
    September 30, 2013 at 11:24 PM | Permalink

    Per Amin Tan and Sentinel3

    I’ve been to a Synagogue. I’ve heard Rabbi’s preach not by
    special invitation.

    Why can’t a normal person visit a Mosque on a normal day, to
    listen to a normal sermon. Why does it have to be a special
    invitation? None of my Muslim friends have ever given me an
    open invitation to a Mosque. I’ve seen advertising’s on special
    invitations to non-muslims, only for special occasions. What do
    they talk about during the other times. Whereas, i’ve given my
    friends (Muslims, Buddhists, etc) an open invitation to come
    anytime they please during regularly scheduled Church services.
    It is similar with the local Synagogues in the city i live in.

    I’ve read the Quran including several commentaries by Karen
    Armstrong and Ali Akhbar pro-islamic writers. I’ve conversed to
    a Sunni (Lebanese Engineer) in depth to compare and contrast the
    Bible and Quran. Also, close conversations with a Shiite
    (Design Engineer). Hung around Malay friends asked questions on
    Islam in Malaysia. I don’t claim to be an Expert on Islam but i
    certainly can claim i’ve been around Muslims most of my life and
    know how they behave and what they believe. What is your
    experience on Christianity? The reason why i like Muslim Apologist
    Shabir Ali is because he understands Christianity on a personal
    level i.e. has read the Bible, commentaries on both sides of the
    fence and has openly debated Christian Apologists from a wide

    I don’t make the blanket statement that Christianity is a Religion
    of Peace but certainly Yeshua (Jesus) never murdered, killed or
    ordered, implied, suggested the killing of non-believers in
    self-defence or whatever (~ Love your Enemy. Matthew 5:44). It is
    Islam that is making the blanket statement that it is a
    Religion of Peace.

    Shalom in Yeshua’s name]

    Dear Mr. dtan,
    Now you sound a bit conciliatory and not so as arrogant as in the earlier comment.
    1. Invitation to a mosque. Anybody can go into a mosque as long as you observe certain dress code and etiquette. There are tourists and visitors almost daily visiting Masjid Negara and Masjid Putrajaya.
    2. For a muslim masjid is a holy place for prayer, normally the 5 times daily solat. When a muslim enters a masjid for prayer, he must cover his aurat and have ablution or wuduk meaning wash himself properly. Before he sits down it is conventional that he performs tahyatul masjid 2 rakaat. Muslims don’t sit on a chair, unless medically need to, to pray. Everybody sits on the floor row after row. Masjid is not a place to chit chat or talking out loud as to disturb others’ concentration in prayer. During Friday sermon(kutbah), the imam must follow set procedure and has to stick to verses from the Quran. Of course, some imams stray into politically sensitive domain of Hudud. On the whole Friday sermon is a session to urge Muslims to do good and be charitable and do not do evils(amal maarof nahi mungkar) with the rewards and retribution in the hereafter.

    3. salam, islam means peace in arabic. If there is a civil war in Syria which happens to be a Muslim majority country, it is a distortion or manipulation of the worst kind to say islam promote killing and murders among their own kind.

    4. All these while, you have wrong impression and perception of islam and the Malays. 45 years ago, in 1969, after my HSC, I went to a state government scholarship interview with a Malay classmate in Kota Bharu Kelantan which was under PAS government. I was given rm500 bursary and the Malay classmate did not get anything although we both got about similar results and admitted into University Malaya, the only university in the country then, because his family was wealthier than mine, even though I was a non Muslim Chinese then. Tak kenal maka tak cinta. Wallahu alam.

    amin tan

  17. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    I do agree the result of the “Arab Spring’ has not brought about the desired outcome it was intended. The people have high hopes with regime change, their livelihood would improve. Rather, they found the the regime change caused infighting as the losers of the old regime fight the winners of the new regime. Not only have their livelihood not improved, they now have to contend with instability caused by the infighting by the various factions.

    However, there are good side to the “Arab Spring’. The old regime of the middle east were puppets of the US, and in so doing are also puppets to Israel. This explains why the Palestinians were freely killed by Israel, with no actions taken by Islamic countries since the 1900s.

    With the “Arab Spring”, the new regimes actively ‘forced’ Israel to behave in particular the the Morsi government and the Turkish government. An invasion by Israel to Gaza was stopped by the Morsi government, thus averting a possible massacre of Palestinians.

    On of the few success stories of the ‘arab spring’ , is Turkey. Turkey not only able to maintain its Islamic fundamentals, but also became an economic powerhouse.

    Now in the middle east, there are two factions. One are the products of the Arab Spring, led by Turkey. While another is led by the monarchies of the old regime, led by Saudi Arabia.The military coup in Egypt, which toppled the Morsi government, saw the clash of these two factions.

    The free killings by Israel of innocent Palestinians is in part, due to the inaction of the old regime of Mubarak, and other monarchies in the middle east. When the Morsi government was toppled, the tunnels where food was smuggled to help the Palestinians was immediately closed. The pre-Arab Spring government was very supporters of Israel due to their inaction which have caused many Palestinians to be massacred. On the other hand, the post Arab Spring governments was very pro Palestinians and actually stopped Israel from invading Gaza.

    I feel if there was no Arab Spring, the Palestinians would continue to be massacred, new Israel settlements be built as the old regime of Mubarak, Sauds, etc would just watch and condemn from afar and the OIC will continue to be Oh! I See.

    As for Syria, it is a known fact the the Bashar government are killing innocent Syrian people, in particular the Sunni. I have seen pictures of babies with only their heads, rows and rows of bodies of civilians killed by the Bashar government. It seems the Basyar government are syiah and they are very much anti-Sunni. To the syiah, Sunni blood is halal to be killed.To allow the Bashar government to continue killing the Sunni by doing nothing is something I could not agree. I feel assistance to the rebels should be given in whatever form to topple the Bashar government.

    The Arab spring have not brought about the desired affect of improving the livelyhood of the people and stability, with exception to Turkey. However, maintaining the status quo of the old regime is also not desirable by the people. I am being biased in support of the Arab Spring because it has stopped Israel aggression to a certain extent.

  18. Tun,

    Mohon Izin lagi di beri ruang untuk menjawab HBT456.

    HockbengTeoh456, pergi ke cermin dan tanya ““Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who Is the Fairest of Them All?”.

    Oops, mirror pun tak mahu jawablah sebab yang bertanya kaki tipu dan aso tua yang terlalu hodoh serta penuh dengan venom ular dan kebencian perkauman yang melampau.

    Cermin itu berbisik sendiri, kalau aku jawab (menipu kepada aso tua yang hodoh ini) dia yang paling betul dan bukan rasis nanti, Tuhan akan marah kepada aku menyebabkan aku menjadi retak nanti. (Aku pun mahu hidup ma).He..he…he.

    Tun, ada gambar Tun dengan isteri, Yang Berbahagia Tun Dr. Siri Hasmah membacakan buku cerita kepada kanak-kanak di Putrajaya baru-baru ini.

    Saya cadangkan Tun turut membaca cerita HockbengTeoh456 saya ini kepada mereka supaya menjadi teladan kepada kanak-kanak tersebut supaya sentiasa berhati mulia dan tidak bersikap rasis apabila dewasa nanti. He..he…he.

    Salam Tun.

  19. Tun

    I have observed that a few comments on this Blog have been erased when an attempt was made to put it out of service. I now re-instate the following :‘s-trip-Singapore/. The brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 10 failed Policies for Singapore claims that China became great because of Deng’s visit to Singapore in 1978. Of late, the brilliant Lee seems to be burnishing his own image himself with the publlications of books which were filled with pictures of himself with the World’s Best and Greatest or other unmentionable tomes written by paid hacks to do down his rivals. Whatever he is doing, he lacks compassion to underline his self-glorification of his deeds in building shining tall buildings of a life-time.
    On the very day, the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 10 failed Policies for Singapore was claiming that he helped China to be great, our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was beseeching all and sundry to help the disadvantaged in the Middle East where hundreds of thousands of Arabs are dispossessed and became refugees through no fault of their own but the zany idea of some super-power advisor.

    We have proven before us the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 10 failed Policies for Singapore seeking self-glorification late in the day and through a lifetime at the Singaporeans expense, and his refrain too, ‘We must grow barnacles in our hearts.’ and our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad still pushing at the sheer cliff of a granite superpower hill to give even one centimetre for humanity and compassion. This is the true difference in a human character.

  20. Tun,

    Per Amin Tan and Sentinel3

    I’ve been to a Synagogue. I’ve heard Rabbi’s preach not by
    special invitation.

    Why can’t a normal person visit a Mosque on a normal day, to
    listen to a normal sermon. Why does it have to be a special
    invitation? None of my Muslim friends have ever given me an
    open invitation to a Mosque. I’ve seen advertising’s on special
    invitations to non-muslims, only for special occasions. What do
    they talk about during the other times. Whereas, i’ve given my
    friends (Muslims, Buddhists, etc) an open invitation to come
    anytime they please during regularly scheduled Church services.
    It is similar with the local Synagogues in the city i live in.

    I’ve read the Quran including several commentaries by Karen
    Armstrong and Ali Akhbar pro-islamic writers. I’ve conversed to
    a Sunni (Lebanese Engineer) in depth to compare and contrast the
    Bible and Quran. Also, close conversations with a Shiite
    (Design Engineer). Hung around Malay friends asked questions on
    Islam in Malaysia. I don’t claim to be an Expert on Islam but i
    certainly can claim i’ve been around Muslims most of my life and
    know how they behave and what they believe. What is your
    experience on Christianity? The reason why i like Muslim Apologist
    Shabir Ali is because he understands Christianity on a personal
    level i.e. has read the Bible, commentaries on both sides of the
    fence and has openly debated Christian Apologists from a wide

    I don’t make the blanket statement that Christianity is a Religion
    of Peace but certainly Yeshua (Jesus) never murdered, killed or
    ordered, implied, suggested the killing of non-believers in
    self-defence or whatever (~ Love your Enemy. Matthew 5:44). It is
    Islam that is making the blanket statement that it is a
    Religion of Peace.

    Shalom in Yeshua’s name

  21. Sentinel3, the difference between you and me is you made islam ugly. BagI wang kat u, u boleh bikin apa? Tengok lah keruntuhan di trengganu atau umno punya….jika aku ni muslim, aku macam kau, buat diam aja dengan panggil orang lain rasis. Bodoh takpa, tapi jangan sombong bodoh.

  22. Amin Tan, please do not use this as an excuse to blame the government, or non-Muslim like me. If they do not help themselves, no one can help them even if the government is non-Muslim. You should ask, why are willing to stay there, and not their kampungs? Also, I find it rather amusing when Chin Peng’s ash is denied to enter his homeland, it makes me wonder is UMNO a pro-communism leaders? When Deng Xio-peng became the premier, Chinese Cabinet concentrated on Capitalism to reform, and they did well when Bo Xi-lai was sent to life prison jail. Being a kind to the poor does not mean that you are a good leader.

  23. Tun,

    Mohon izin mengulas tulisan Haji Amin Tan.

    Tuan haji, saya suka dengan jawapan tuan haji kepada dtan quote” Tak kenal (Islam) maka tak cinta. Wallahu alam.”

    Orang seperti mereka ini tuan haji, sebenarnya memang tak mahu kenal dan tidak mahu cinta kepada agama Islam, begitu juga kepada penganutnya.

    Bagi mereka ini mereka hanya cinta kepada perut sendiri dan kaum mereka sendiri (yang tidak hebat pun daripada kaum lain dan cuma pada tanggapan dan syok mereka sendiri) sahaja dengan agama mengikut rekaaan dan selera mereka sahaja.

    Walaupun dtan ini cuba menunjukkan dia seorang penganut agama Yahudi yang hebat, sebenarnya saya tidak fikir pengamal agama Yahudi yang sebenar akan berfikiran dan bersuara seperti dia ini.

    Dtan ini (kalau betul dia seorang penganut Yahudi) cuma seorang amatur kerana penganut Yahudi sebenar adalah lebih licik dan tidak akan mengeluarkan venom ular dan hasad dengki secara terbuka seperti dtan mencemuh agama lain.

    Sebagai contoh, kita boleh membuat perbandingan tulisan seorang penulis Yahudi, Hanan the Jew yang pernah menulis di blog Tun sebelum ini sebelum hilang entah ke mana berbanding dtan.

    Bayangkan dua orang rasis seperti dtan dan HockbengTeoh456 bercakap mengenai agama?Lebih kurang macam Hitler bercakap mengenai keamanan manusia sejagat. Wallahu alam. He…he…he.

    Salam Tun.

  24. Dear Tun,
    May I address HBT456 and dtan,
    Dear dtan,
    Your criticism of muslims and islam is not moral at all. It is absolutely offensive, obnoxious, provocative and uncalled for. Whereas the surgeon who performs the honourable duty of open heart surgery with the fervent hope of curing heart disease, your wicked and amoral provocation of the muslims is evil. It sows the seed of racism and religious hatred. You would be responsible for the aftermath and racial and religious violence as a result of your persistent instigation. You bear the sin of your careless and hatred towards the Muslims. You are a sinful man towards innocent Muslims, the subject of your prejudice. I guess you never study the Holy Quran and never have malays as close friends. The Malays are the most friendly people in the world and the Holy Quran is the revelation of Allah through the Messenger of God, the Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) for the salvation of mankind in the world. Tak kenal maka tak cinta. Wallahu alam.

    Dear HBT456,
    I guess you do not understand racial politics in Malaysia. You go to Bandar Baru Seri Petaling, near Buit Jalil or Sri Hartamas, the two booming growth centres. There is not a single malay ownership of the 3 storey shop lot which is now selling for rm3 millions.
    There is hardly any Chinese factory workers. Chinese are the factory owners. Whereas the malays work on the shop floor side by side with Banglas.
    If the government economic policy is slightly in favour of the malays it should be tolerable and understandable. Let us live in peace and harmony.

    amin tan

  25. Tun,

    Per Amin Tan and Wajaperak

    I did write something else in reply. However, i would
    like to wish you Both Well.

    The Lord Bless You Both. I believe that the Moral
    Cost of doing nothing is Evil and as a Moral Person.
    I would be willing to ‘count the cost’ and err on the side
    of Morality.

    There is no guarantee that someone will live through
    open heart surgery but one takes it when necessary
    because the cost of doing nothing is worse. If complications
    develop and the person dies in the operating room. Is
    it then the Surgeon’s fault ?

    Shalom in Yeshua’s Name

  26. Amin Tan, do you know that you are at the extreme line of pro-nationalism that made Malaysians like me dislikes UMNO and BN, and also Islamic Fund, and BN was denied 2/3 majority? Mr Lee Kuan Yew was right about the Japanese leaders in the past whereby they pro-nationalism. Thank God, Japanese younger leaders saw this, and they got Olympic. If I am dtan, I wont befriend with you, Amin Tan.

  27. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to quote dtan as below,

    September 30, 2013 at 4:01 AM | Permalink

    Someone made a cynical remark that

    If Muslims Die at the hands of Christians it’s a Crusade
    If Muslims Die at the hands of Jews it’s a Massacre
    If Muslims Die at the hands of Muslims it’s the Weather Network

    When Muslims murder other Muslims. They should be allowed
    to work things out ? Are you inferring as they say in Japanese
    Shoganai ( It couldn’t be helped?). This is the Religion of Peace?

    Shalom in Yeshua’s Name]

    Dear Dtan,
    You are really wicked and biased against the muslims. Either you are born biased, has been indoctrinated to be biased against Muslims, but your instigation and provocation is without basis and too much for any muslim or any body on the receiving end to swallow. You are as bad as Hitler but on the other side. You really know how to twist and turn and manipulate. It is people like you that has caused and ignited racial and religious animosity, intolerances, hatred and killing. War as opposed to peace among humans can happen among even homogenous human population, like the civil war between Nationalist Chiang Kai Sek and Communist Mao Tze Tung, Catholic against Protestant in Northern Ireland and absolutely has nothing to do with Muslim religion.
    I am a converted Muslim and I live and practise as as a muslim. Islam is a religion of peace. Why are you embarked on the road of hatred and instigation of hatred against the Muslims? Please stop it and I pray that you will repent one day and stop spewing venom and poison and hatred against the Muslims.

    amin tan

  28. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Seperti pada masa2 yg lepas dan juga sekarang ini, Amerika Syarikat dan juga Barat amat takut kepada komunisme dan mereka juga amat takut sekiranya ia menular kemana2 negara dan akhirnya menjadi negara komunis.

    Baru2 ini seorang ahli Parlimen PAS menyanjung tinggi perjuangan Chin Peng didalam Dewan Rakyat mengatakan perjuangan Chin Peng patut dibanggakan kerana mereka telah membunuh Henry Gurney, antara orang yg membawa masuk 1 juta Yahudi ke Palestin. Henry Gurney, Gerald Templar etc juga adalah yg bertanggung jawab memberi 1 juta kerakyatan kepada bukan Melayu di Tanah Melayu ini ketika itu.

    Kini dalam usaha untuk regime change, mereka berusaha untuk menghebahkan ketua2 komunis dahulu sebagai pejuang rakyat dan sebagainya. Secara tidak langsung mereka mengiktiraf fahaman komunis sebagai system yang bagus disini.

    Ini sangat ditakuti oleh Barat dan juga Amerika. Mungkin selepas ini tiada lagi sponsor dan private jet kepada pakatan. Tiada lagi RBA. Mereka akan mengatakan UMNO bodoh, korup, rasuah, ptuii dan sebagainya adalah lebih baik daripada yang mendukung fahaman komunis yang tiada ugama.


  29. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh..
    Saya mohon ruangan Tun..

    This is the Religion of Peace?]

    dtan..dtan..You could not help it could you?..
    You keep grinding and scrubbing in the vain attempt that certain ‘sense’ could be knocked inside muslim heads..
    Such irony..
    Now a parallel..
    If a hospital keep mistreating it’s patient to certain abusive level are we going to close the hospital and denied many laymen it services?
    We send a reprieve team to sort matter out for the benefit of thousand’s upon thousand’s laymen..
    And what about Islam the religion of peace that have been abused?
    Islam means submission.The moment you no more submit to the principal of Islam you are not muslim!!
    See the context and concept..
    What about you the proponent of religion of peace??
    Should I say you are bad example of your religion or belief?..

    Thank you Tun..

  30. Tun

    I am of the firm opinion that UMNO is a unique World institution which was created by the Malays in an hour of need and managed to attain the highest heights of statemanship through it far-sighted distinguished leaders right up to 2003 and beyond.

    In my lifetime, I have been scolded by 13 Malay Datos upwards. But I did not run off to be a DAP member, a Communist or run around the streets of Kuala Lumpur in my yellow T shirt draped over my pot-belly. I reasoned that people are different as chalk is from cheese. I did not submit to gain the filthy lucre like so many Chinamen who ran away with bags of black ringgits. I stayed and build a better beloved Malaysia for all. I have been cheated by all including the closest members of my own family for the filthy lucre. Strange to say, no Malay has cheated me even though they forget about me when they became mighty rich and powerful.
    With that background, I can honestly say that our beloved country has a unique political system which is still in its infancy with a vital role to be played by the UMNO. The Malays have so far built a world class political party which not only stood them in goodstead but for us non-Malays too. IT IS THE WISDOM OF THE UMNO LEADERSHIP WHICH IS ENGRAVED IN STONE OF ITS MAGNANIMITY IN GRANTING CITIZENSHIP TO ALL NON-MALAYS. This we non-Malays must not forget because from zero base, most of these non-Malays prospered ESPECIALLY THE RICHEST ONES WHO SHOULD SET THE PROPER EXAMPLE FOR ALL TO SEE IF ANY.
    We can see that a moment of weakness in the UMNO leadership brought upon us all sorts of unsavoury attempts to pry power from the BN as led by the UMNO with the 13 components. Chaps looking for low hanging fruits are ready to parachute from Singapore all the time, the one street town which is armed to the teeth. Women in hot-pants which I saw with my very own eyes gallivanting in the lst Class cabin of the SIA after a successful deal with SIME DARBY out in the flooded plains of Queensland. IT PAYS FOR ALL OF US TO REMEMBER HOW RICH OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA IS even though we do not call ourselves world-class.
    The Malays not only have a unique world class political organisation but the finest religion. Because the outsiders can see the danger of the Malays of doing much much better as often exhorted by our good and beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, sly and cunning attempts were made to brainwash their minds that this could not be so. Hence, some do still pay big bucks to get others to craft easy to read papers. LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED TO WORLD CLASS SINGAPORE IN OCTOBER 2008. Their dysfunctional meritocratic pyramid with the smartest fellow on top lost US$108 Billions (RM350 Billions) through these convincing well-crafted papers. CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME.
    With the new and young UMNO leadership, the new shoots of hope, from the successes since 1957 to the next 100 years we should expect a much better Malaysia to come from this period which our beloved Malaysia was waylaid full of booby traps, fly by night types, etc.etc. And a trillion ringgits flowed out whilst the owners stayed at home enjoying nasi lemak. It is a waste.
    I can speak from experience because the most senior Chinese Adviser to the Federal Government who worked closely with Tun Ghazalie Shafie briefed me from 1960 to 1992 for 1 hour at 8 pm every month on the Communist Insurgency/Malaysia-Singapore Politics. Tan Sri C.C. Too was the World’s expert on Communist insurgency and lectured in the United States.

  31. Tun,

    Someone made a cynical remark that

    If Muslims Die at the hands of Christians it’s a Crusade
    If Muslims Die at the hands of Jews it’s a Massacre
    If Muslims Die at the hands of Muslims it’s the Weather Network

    When Muslims murder other Muslims. They should be allowed
    to work things out ? Are you inferring as they say in Japanese
    Shoganai ( It couldn’t be helped?). This is the Religion of Peace?

    Shalom in Yeshua’s Name

  32. Nothing Wrong with Regimes Its the Arab Culture
    Its an individual One Nation Culture
    Its the same as Dynasty , Empire , King , Governor , Sultan etc
    Its an elected Regimes as much as elected President , Prime Minister
    US Elected President also has problems , unhappiness so on & so far
    They have Demos of human rights , discrimination of the races , Riots etc
    Even in the School , Students Kills with Guns – Wow what a Democracy

    Saudi . Bahrain & many more still have Regimes
    The Difference is Puppet Regimes or Not

    Obama Medals should be given to Putin
    Putin the Hero Dares to speaks of Truth
    That has an opening Eyes & A Wake Up Call to The World
    Recent found of Chemical used by rebels was proven by Russia
    US has A Baseless Assumptions that have no proof regardless of classified by C.I.A
    A Classified Lies
    So what had happen in Iraq
    A Classified Lies too ? That kills Innocents , Babies ?
    US AdmitThese Rebels are already US Boots
    s to finance support & supplied the Rebels with Al Qaeda
    No wonder Obama sayings US will not Boots In Syria
    Not surprise it is US that might supply chemicals to Al Qaeda
    Fabricated with Russia old weapons

    US cautions The World of Al Qaeda as a Dangerous Terrorist Group
    YET , INDEED US is abetting with Al Qaeda for Crimes in Syria
    So It Tells Who is The Worst Terrorists
    These is the cause of the very disturbance and damages of Europe economy
    And The Unrest of the World
    That United Nation , International Court of Justice
    has the Duty to
    Apprehend This International Brutal Crimes against Mankind

  33. There will be 2 payouts of br1m in 2014 just to win pru 14? Well, we do not need rocket scientists to tell us what will happen in malaysia after being spoon feed by bn for the past few decades. Giving br1m will guarantee bn wins in next pru 14 when pr is more transparent in party member elections? Ini bagai minta duit daripada rakyat kita yang kian miskin kerana kos sara hidup naik mendadak gila untuk membelakan nasib umno saja. Pm kita terpaksa pergi luar negara untuk minta peminpin2 negara to invest in malaysia assuming asean countries do nothing to get investment? IMF will make umno and bn stronger and learn in terms of financial support so that they will learn to pay debts and to not building infrastructure just because tengku razaleigh said so. This is my final comment in here as I find that politicians kita cakap besar saja, mereka tak tahu apakah itu prinsip rukun negara.

  34. Tun

    Today’s screaming headline comes from the NST’s Editorial Viewpoint on ‘National Service: Time for Review.’ If you recall, it was alleged that at one of your last conferences in 2003, a prominent social welfare worker jumped up and suggested the NS. At the material time, I believe his children were either schooing or working in London. In 1972, I thought about this when Singapore introduced their NS. I thought the NS would not only be unfair to different levels of society but all so, deaths, injuries, rapes and misdemeanours of all kinds would surface to the unhappiness of the parents. Not only this, it is also alleged money scandals were involved in the construction of the camps, in the transportation and in the catering of food etc. I was of the opinion all the money so spent might as well be used to finance the National Schools where the different students meet together within the safety of their schools and homes during their formative age.
    Therefore, in view of the ineffectiveness of these NS camps, it is better that these are put to better use for drug addicts who should not be put in jails, underaged criminals, suspected criminals, refugees etc. All these NS camps should be used in the name of Humanity and Compassion. I myself did not learn loyalty and respect others in a NS camp !

    By closing the NS camps the heartache and anguish of the parents and a source of leakage of the Rakyat’s money are removed once and for all.

  35. Tun

    What is regime change ? To me it is just a rendering of the thoughts of Hilary Clinton which inspired the Arab Spring from Tunisia, through to Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria and Iran. By the time the Arab Spring reached Syria with its deaths and injuries of the thousands of innocents, it became a damp squib. It was a zero sum game of zero proportions without the introduction of the established democratic functions in place for the simple reason that all these Arab countries had only known one Ruler since the Ottoman Empire. How to impose a complete alien thought and action on an Arab populace which strifes if given the opportunity, to keep up with the rest of the World ? Ironically, whilst the words Regime Change are bandied about for the Arab countries including Syria, what about Singapore which has been ruled by one single person since 1959, for over 55 years ? The Assads only assumed power in 1970 some 43 years ago. Both places are armed to the teeth, with secret police and spies and are family dynasties. However, a story is told that in 1947, an aide went to see my favourite American President, Harry S. Truman. He reported,’ Mr President, Sir, as soon as we send the Marshall Aid to China, the next moment the money would appear in the Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek’s bank account in New York !’.The good President hesitated for a moment and burst out, ‘ He is a bastard ! But our bastard ! ‘ Is this the moral of the sad tale of Arab Spring and Singapore ?

    I am proud to note that the UMNO has established itself like the Congress Party of India, the Conservative and Labour Parties of the United Kingdom and the Republican and Democratic Parties of the United States. We have well-funded Opposition parties as well. We had our Malayan Spring way back in 1946 !

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