1. The Government has been urging Malaysian institutions and individuals to be innovative, to do research and invent. For this the Government has allocated over a billion Ringgit to help those doing research and inventing things which can contribute towards greater efficiency in the production of goods and facilitating all kinds of work.

2. I will not talk about how difficult it is to gain access to Government funds. That is a major problem for researchers, especially indiiduals and institutions in the private sector. But when the results are achieved, no one wants to use or apply them.

3. Malaysian business and people generally do not believe Malaysian products are any good at all. Often they would reject outright, simply because they are Malaysian inventions. Since theinventors are not business people and finding money to do the research had already been very difficult, they are not in a position to invest in their products in order to produce the quantities and the standards acceptable to the market. Producing something in the laboratory is not the same as producing on a commercial scale.

4. Sometimes products are rejected by Malaysians even when they are acclaimed in foreign exhibitions and journals. In fact even when foreigners accept these products, the Malaysian inventors cannot penetrate the local market, including Government institutions.

5. We need to have a change in our attitude to Malaysian inventions and products. It should begin with Government institutions. Malaysian medical researchers have produced stainless steel plates for bones. They have not been accepted by Government hospitals probably because they already have long contracts with foreign suppliers. They do not wish to break their relations even for a minor part of the supply. There may be other reasons.

6. The private sector behaves in the same way. They reject almost all the research results of Government research institutions. Private sector research also meet with the same rejection.

7. Obviously if the Government wants Malaysians to innovate, to do research and development, Government institutions should be directed to try out products, schemes or systems developed by Government and private individuals which have a reasonable chance to work. Following that the private sector must do the same.

8. There should also be rewards by the Government when a Government body or private company is prepared to try out inventions and systems researched and developed by Malaysians. The reward should be substantial when the trials prove successful. Tax holidays should be given.

9. As a public service I would like to set up a register of Malaysian inventors which have not been given opportunities to prove their products either by the Government or the private sector. I will try to contact relevant agencies or companies which may be interested in the inventions or systems.

10. For those wishing to register, please give;

a) Name and Address

b) Product

c) Stage of development

d) Funding and help required.

Please email all these details to

11. I cannot promise the results but I think the Government would be interested to know how people have responded to Government’s call to innovate, invent and use Malaysian products. Knowing this perhaps the Government would instruct relevant officers and departments to be more accomodating when asked for help and consideration.


  1. Salam Tun yang amat dihormati,
    Semoga kesihatan Tun sentiasa sihat dan diberkati Allah SWT.
    Bertitik tolak dari luahan saudara/saudari jiwa nanar dalam komentar beliau, saya terpanggil untuk menokok tambah apa yang tersirat pada yang tersurat di organisasi yang diilhamkan oleh Tun ketika suatu dulu.
    Saya tidak menafikan barah yang ada dalam tubuh badan terutama di bahagian”urat saraf di kepala” organisasi ini telah bercambah ibarat tiada penawar untuk diubati.
    Apa yang boleh dirungkaikan ialah ibarat sistem piramid Kapitalis Barat memerah tenaga dan keringat mereka yang berada di bawah untuk kesenangan mereka-mereka di puncak.
    Justeru itu, amatlah diharapkan gedung perusahaan inisiatif Tun ini tidak dijadikan satu batu loncatan untuk kepentingan segelintir mereka yang berada di puncak Piramid yang sepatutnya di dasar Dimarid untuk menyokong anak bangsa supaya terus berusaha dan memajukan diri dalam bidang kejuruteraan komposit penerbangan dan meletakkan organisasi ini sebaik mungkin di kancah perusahaan multinasional dan berupaya menerajui pennjanaan ekonomi negara.
    Hanya Tun yang boleh mengubah kembali sudut yang semakin bercambah ini kembali menjadi tirus seterusnya kembali ke sudut yang sebenarnya.
    Sekian dan ribuan maaf andai ini juga menambah kepada kekusutan yang sedia ada.
    Wassalam..dari Pulau Penyengat.

  2. Assalammualaikum wrt
    izinkan saya mengunakan panggilan ayahanda.
    ayahanda, saya amat tertarik dengan tajuk yang tertera di blog ayahanda. saya juga amat berasa bangga dengan kejayaan yang dilakukan oleh rakyat Malaysia terutama yang melibatkan orang melayu.
    ayahanda, saya cuma ingin menyatakan yang negara kita juga ada membuat barangan yang masih belum meluas penggunaannya didalam negara kita dan bahan mentahnya juga tidak terdapat didalam negara. bahan yang dimaksudkan adalah komposit (composite). buat masa ini kita gunakan bahan komposit ini untuk membuat panel dan component kapalterbang.
    Untuk pengetahuan ayahanda, rasanya bahan dan teknologi ini dibawa masuk ke dalam negara adalah dari inspirasi dan juga wawasan ayahanda menuju kearah tahun 2020. kami amat berbangga kerana majoriti 95% anak melayu adalah mereka yang terbabit didalam sektor pembuatan ini. bermula dari jawatan yang paling utama hinggalah ke level paling bawah semua dilakukan oleh anak melayu sendiri.
    ayahanda, walaupun waima kebanyakan yab menteri sendiri tidak tahu kewujudan kami tapi kami tetap bangga kerana negara asing mengenali dan berurusan dengan kami dan secara lansung dapat menaikkan nama bangsa dan negara di tempat mereka. setiap kali juga jika ada kapalterbang melintas diatas umbun-umbun kami, bagaikan hendak berteriak memberitahu orang sekeliling bahawa kami juga terlibat membuatkan ia terbang. terima kasih kami ucapkan pada ayahanda kerana titik mulanya juga adalah dari ayahanda sendiri.
    ayahanda, cuma masalahnya sekarang telah timbul tanda-tanda penyakit barah mula menular disetiap urat saraf yang semakin hari semakin melemahkan aset-aset penting yang menjayakan misi dan visi organisasi ini. telah ada perbezaan kasta yang amat ketara didalam pengurusan organisasi ini.
    Untuk pengetahuan ayahanda, kini…ramai anak watan yang telah lama menyemai bakti dan setia selama bertahun-tahun dan ada yang menjangkau belasan tahun yang mana kemahiran yang mereka ada amat memerlukan ketekunan dan kesabaran yang tinggi yang bukan mudah dan sekejap untuk dimiliki telah mula hilang membawa diri ketempat yang akan membuatkan mereka akan lupa pada kemahiran yang mereka ada.
    ayahanda, anakanda cuma ingin memohon dan amat berharap andai jika tidak menjadi kudis dan keberatan pada ayahanda kiranya dapat melihat dan membantu memulihkan semula keadaan sebelum semuanya parah dimamah barah.
    salam kasih dan sayang dari kami anak watan untuk ayahanda juga bonda. jutaan maaf jika ada yang memburukkan keadaan.

  3. I think one of the biggest problems is that many Malaysians are afraid to fail and therefore do not take too big risks.
    An example is that most buildings and houses have air condition.
    Nearly the whole country is air conditioned.
    So one could say that Malaysia should have knowledge enough to fabricate an own Malaysia Made Air Conditioner.
    What do you have in your house?
    Carrier, York, Mitsubishi …………….?
    There are no Malaysian Air Conditioners!!!!!!
    Jan Hofwegen

  4. My last coment on 15 July 2010 on Inovation ….
    Among other thing about my basic prototype research on Intergration and Inovation for sustainable Agricultutre. In involves rabbit ,goat,chicken,fresh water fishes in agriculturfe/crop farm..
    It is sucessful at concluding stage.
    Next step to improves all the prototype design and increase in leverage plus economic evaluation. Those research begining from Jan to October using my own fund.
    Next step is to get involvement Ministry of Science,Department of Veternary,fishery and Department of Agriculkture..
    I hope the shall be positive and open minded
    as it involves managing Malaysia riches: biomass recycle better than what we always copy…Japan and Korean Natural farming dan Indeginous microbe technique.
    My researchg shall involves organic fertigation as well in nextphase research and inovative design.

  5. Salaams Dr. Mahathir Mohammad,
    I have followed your career with interest over the last 2 decades and wonder where malaysia would have been without your leadership.
    I am a transplant surgeon working in Saudi Arabia but I have had the privilige of working in Malaysia for 8 years before training in transplantation.
    I have been the best ambassador Malaysia has had overseas and would like to offer my help and expertise in setting up a proper kidney transplant center to serve the people of Malaysia. At present, there is little activity and falls way short of expectations, to give you an example, there were 35 transplants done last year in the whole of Malaysia which for a 20 million population is very little. My unit in Riyadh did 73 cases last year. I just love Malaysia and vacation there most years to refresh great memories I have of your country.
    If you need any more information, I will be glad to help.
    Taqi Khan

  6. salam Tun.
    Ade ke kemungkinan bila Tun post article berjudul ‘Research and Developemnt’ dia nk tgk mentality responder terutama melayu dalam hal2 berkaitan RND. ade kah komen tentang peluang2, atau berkembangan teknology terbaru yg sesuai utk negara kita, atau ape2 idea yg bernas utk di utarakan.
    hakikatnye, di atas adalah komen2 yg di terima beliau.
    Ampun Tun. Selamat hari raya.

  7. R & D PERLU.
    Perlu yg berilmu,Tak ada Ilmu kena tuntut ilmu.
    Jangan kita khayal dengan dunia harapan.
    Berprestasi dengan hidup yg nyata bukan andaian dan impian.
    Oran kita memang banyak beranggan.
    Khayal dengan dunia harapan dan mengharapkan tidak dengan pernuh azam.

  8. I never asked any help from the government. I do research on my own with my own pocket money. I m not sure if your offer applies to historical research.
    anyway ive set up my own TMP Research and Journal. Perhaps 1 fine day…1 fine day..
    Herman Abdullah

    Saya tertarik dengan apa yang dibincangkan, Saya fikir kita perlu ada suatu organisasi yang mana boleh menerima idea individu yang boleh merialisasikan innovasi untuk penggunaan komersial atau kerajaan,
    Saya sendiri ada idea bagaimana TNB tidak perlu lagi menggunakan minyak sebagai bahan utama, mahupun arang batu atau ombak, solar, geothermal dsb. ianya sungguh mudah dan simple.
    Malah penggunaan nuklear untuk reaktor yang hanya memerlukan haba dari tindakbalas nuklear yang merbahaya juga tidak perlu.
    yang menjadi masalah bagaimana idea idea ini boleh diketengahkan dengan SELAMAt dan dibantu dengan pakar2 tempatan yang ada.
    Diantara kami ada yang boleh menggunakan advanced theory tetapi paractical dan penyelesaian kepada kaedah masih memerlukan pakar pakar yang sememangnya ada di dalam negara.
    jika ada sebuah badan/institusi yang boleh ditubuhkanuntuk penciptaan sebegini banyak memberi manfaat kepada kerajaan seterusnya masyarakat

  10. Salam Tun;
    Negara kita ada banyak sumber asli. Kita adalah pengeluar bahan asli seperti getah, kelapa sawit, koko, petroleum dan bahan buangan bijih timah(amang), silika dan sebagainya. Tetapi amat sedikit inisiatif dan usaha penyelidikan bagi menghasilkan produk baru dari bahan-bahan asli tersebut. Kesenangan dan keselesaan hasil kekayaan dari bahan asli tersebut menjadikan kita tidak perlu berusaha lebih daripada itu untuk melakukan sesuatu yang lebih kreatif lagi bagi menghasilkan barangan yang ditambah nilai.
    Usaha-usaha tersebut hanya dilakukan oleh Negara pengguna seperti Amerika, Jepun, Negara Barat dan China. Di China getah terpakai dikitar semula untuk hasilkan bermacam bahan lain yang lebih bermanfaat untuk dieksport.
    **Sejarah manusia menunjukkan bahawa manusia hanya akan sanggup melakukan usaha kreatif apabila keadaan hidup terdesak dan demi untuk survive. Contohnya semasa perang dunia pertama dan kedua, berbagai peralatan diusahakan oleh manusia bertujuan untuk menang dalam peperangan dicipta bagi menyaingi pihak lawan.
    Berbagai peralatan dicipta untuk membina kilang-kilang termasuk membina kilang pelebur besi dan keluli untuk pelengkap kepada kebangkitan pertumbuhan industri yang begitu pesat bagi menghasilkan mesen-mesen bagi kegunaan membina kilang ketika era industri berat berkembang pesat ketika itu.
    Seterusnya alat tersebut dikembangkan penggunaannya kepada keperluan awam setelah dilakukan sedikit ubahsuai apabila peperangan sudah tiada lagi((kereta kebal terhasilnya tractor, jentolak dll. Sistem elektronik terhasilnya walkie talkie, handfon, komputer dll. Sistem jet pejuang terhasilnya injin jet kapalterbang komersial dan enjin roket), dan malahan banyak lagi.
    Di Malaya ketika perang dunia keuda, saya telah diceritakan oleh arwah datok saya bahawa ketika itu getah diguna untuk buat minyak sebagai bahan bakar, tayar kereta lembu, kereta kuda, basikal dan sebagainya oleh orang tempatan bagi kegunaan sendiri. Ubi kayu menjadi bahan makanan utama dengan menghasilkan tepung daripadanya. Demikianlah kreatifnya nya manusia apbila keadaan terdesak.
    Bill Gate boleh jadi kaya kerana hasil inventnya dalam bidang SOFTWARE yang dilakukannya secara berterusan, berjaya menguasai pasaran dunia dengan memaksa ujian penggunaannya kepada Negara pengguna(seperti system OS windows) untuk mendapatkan feedback penggunaan bagi tujuan improvement dengan menggunakan kuasa dominan Amerika, dimana Negara pengguna terpaksa ikut turut serta meggunakannya kerana mengikut trend.
    Tetapi LINUX, APPLE dan lain-lainnya menemuai kegagalan untuk cuba menguasai pasaran dunia kerana tidak boleh bersaing dengan produk Microsoft yang lebih kuat dan dilindungi. OS Linux umpamanya, walaupun penggunaannya(bagi tujuan ujian) diberikan secara percuma kepada pengguna oleh pencitptanya, namun tetap tidak popular dan satu hari mungkin dilupakan.
    Untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah Negara yang berupaya menyumbang dan menghasilkan teknologi, peranan GLC adalah penting kerana mereka mempunyai sumber dan kedudukan yang kukuh. Mereka juga mempunyai

  11. salam…
    malaysia kena mula R&D atau hasilkan sesuatu dalam bidang atau produk yang dah sedia ada dulu…
    broadband tun…inovasi ker kreativiti?

  12. Sekarang gua gunakan kecekapan pertuturan bahasa melayu gua dalam perbincangan ini.
    Saya akan mendorong kepada perbincangan yang constructive daripada memaki hamum orang lain 😀 (its looking pretty optimistic)
    Proton tak guna! Duit yang digunakan untuk menyelamat proton berbilang bilang kali boleh digunakan untuk menyumbang kepada pengajian dalam bidang yang lain.
    Sekarang negara-negara yang lain sudah mempunyai kereta hybrid yang menguna fuel cell tetapi proton belum mengeluar kereta hybrid. Lebih baik jual proton kepada China. Publicity yang proton sering pengalaman adalah publicity yang buruk. Sudah beberapa kali kereta proton disiar dalam Topgear tetapi dimaki hamun Jeremy Clarkson. Mr Mahathir tahu berapa juta orang tonton topgear? Banyak orang tu okay.
    Kenapa kita tidak memasuki bidang kajian tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui? Kita mempunyai Petronas. Pendapatan petronas boleh disalur kepada kajian tanaga yang boleh diperbaharui. Bidang ini cukup sesuai dengan Petronas kerana Petronas sudah lama membabit diri di bidang tenaga. Industri tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui, walaupun sudah lama dikaji oleh orang eropah and orang jepun, belum lagi dipasarkan secara besar-besaran.
    Banyak syarikat yang membabit diri dalam dibandang ini sering mempunyai produk yang mempunyai potensi tetapi sebab produk mereka belum mempuyai pasaran, syarikat mereka tidak bernilai tinggi.
    Petronas, dengan poket mereka yang dalam, boleh membeli syarikat syarikat yang berpotensi supaya Petronas dapat akses kepada technology yang awesome. Langkah ini juga dapat memastikan Petronas tidak bankrupt bila dunia sudah kehabisan minyak.
    Jurutera tempatan boleh membabit diri dalam syarikat tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui juga. Ini membolehkan mereka mendapat pengalaman dalam bidang yang masih dalam phasa bayi.
    Tapi jangan pula letak orang UMNO dalam syarikat syarikat itu. Kebanyakan orang UMNO bodoh sebab itu mereka berpolitik. Kalau orang into pandai, mereka tidak akan berpolitik. Sebab itulah PR mempunyai banyak professional-professional yang berjaya, bijak and mempuyai testis yang besar seperti Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and Zaid Ibrahim. Saya rasa mereka berpolitik kerana mereka tidak tahan melihat kerenah orang bodoh.
    Okay lah saya sudah penat menulis dalam bahasa Malaysia. Sudah lebih 5 tahun saya tidak pernah menulis bahasa Malaysia sebegini banyak. ciao!

  13. Salam Tun,
    Salam 1Malaysia untuk semua pembaca blog cekdet sempena menyambut Hari Malaysia 16th Sept. 2010.
    Izinkan saya jawab komen saudara Alex..
    Hi Alex, marah nampak..??. Baru test sikit dah melenting..?.
    Soalan saya tentang identiti anda pun tak dijawab. Sebenarnya saya bukan lah tidak bersetuju 100 peratus apa yang anda katakan. Tetapi tahukah Alex yang mengajar orang Melayu rasuah ialah orang-orang seperti Alex sendiri. Orang-orang seperti Alex ini sanggup gunakan wang untuk menutup kegiatan haram mereka.
    Melalui pengalaman, orang China sanggup buat apa saja asalkan kesalahan dan kegiatan haram mereka dalam perniagaan boleh diselesaikan dan terlepas dari tindakan. Wang tidak jadi masaalah bagi mereka, asalkan kegiatan tidak sah mereka diberi laluan dan tidak diganggu-gugat kegiatannya.
    Lihat saja dekat pejabat-pejabat kerajaan dan agensi-agensi lainnya seperti JPJ, Kastam, Imegresin, institusi kewangan dan sebagainya. Golongan manakah yang banyak berurusan secara pintu belakang..??
    Jadi kenapa Alex kata begini

  14. Tun,
    Izinkan saya balas komen ” anaconda “. Negara Malaysia adalah sebuah neara demokrasi, bebas bersuara kalau tidak apa gunanya Tun hasilkan blog Chedet ini ? Untuk apa kalau bukan untuk rakyat suarakan isihati mereka, kalau blog ini hanya umtuk sedapkan telinga sahaja lebih baik tutp buat sahaja, saya percaya Tun faham apa yang saya maksudkan.
    Kalau masih tak erti bahasa ibunda anda, anda mahu saya guna bahasa Tamil ker ? Orang melayu selalu berlagak sombong dengan mengatakan bkepada penduduk bukan melayu kalau tak erti bahasa melayu balik ke negara China atau India, saya nak tanya kepada melayu sudah 53 tahun kita hidup bersama di negara ini sejak merdeka lagi berapa ramai ker melayu yang boleh bertutur bahasa Cina atau Tamil ???
    Saya tanya berapa rama yang boleh bukan fasih, kalau pun ada ia boleh dikira dengan jari sahaja. Apa yang melayu nak banggakan sangat, bangsa lain boleh belajar bahasa anda apa melayu boleh belajar ??? Saya cuma boleh katakan melayu paling pandai belajar ialah rasuah, curi tulang, gunakan peruntukan Undang-undang untuk hidup malas, dengki, cemburu dan banyak lagi malas nak sebut.
    Sekurang-kurangnya kaum bukan bumiputra sanggup belajar bahasa melayu, pasal itu lah mereka boleh maju dan berjaya. Kalau mereka aysik nak ikut sikap melayu, habis bankrap negara Malaysia dari dulu lagi. Tun pernah katakan bahawa kaum Cina lah yang menyelamatkan negara Malaysia ketika negara menghadapi kegawatan economi pada tahun 1997, semua negara Asia Tenggara kecuali Singapora terpaksa meminjam dari IMF. Kenapa orang melayu tak erti berterima kasih.
    Kalau orang melayu begitu bangga dengan bangsa anda, kenapa tidak anda semua buat sesuatu untuk selamatkan negara Malaysia ketika kegawatan economi pada tahun 1997 ????? Mana perginya kewarasan anda semua melayu. Jerit sana sini memang pandai orang melayu, apa lagi melayu boleh buat ????
    Tolong jawab anaconda.

  15. YAB Tun,
    Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Sejahtera.
    Telah lama saya tak menurunkan komen saya tetapi sempena Syawal ini saya mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada YAB Tun serta YAB Tun Siti Hasmah beserta anak dan cucu. Mohon maaf sekiranya terdapat salah silap saya semasa memberi komen2 yang kurang menyenangkan YAB Tun selama ini.
    Saya sangat kagum dengan kesanggupan YAB Tun untuk memberi ruang dan juga cuba menolong rakyat Malaysia yang menghadapi kesukaran untuk menonjolkan produk buatan Malaysia untuk diiktiraf dan bersaing di arena domestik dan global. Syabas saya ucapkan kepada YAB Tun.
    Tun boleh berdiam diri tanpa cuba menyusahkan diri untuk menolong rakyat Malaysia dalam perkara yang sebegini kerana ada manusia di luar sana yang sangat taksub membenci Tun sehinggakan sebaik mana niat Tun, akan di lihat sebagai ada udang di sebalik batu. Jangan pedulikan orang2 seperti ini Tun, kerana bilangannya sangat terlalu kecil. Majoriti rakyat Malaysia masih dahagakan nasihat, pendapat, pengalaman dan visi Tun dari masa ke semasa.
    Semoga Allah akan sentiasa melindungi YAB Tun dan Tun Siti hendakNya.
    Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri

  16. Salam Tun,
    Thank you very much for the offer to help for us small Malaysian company. We will send the necessary information to the email stated above soonest.
    FYI, we have just concluded and patented a new innovative invention that is an improvement to existing product that is widely use in industrial sector, especially to oil & gas, power generation and water works. I’m happy to say we did get funding from relevant agency for this 1 1/2 years R&D that was done fully here in Malaysia with Malaysian engineers (Bumiputra no less).
    We are now gearing for commercialization and marketing phase. The hurdle is of course all that you’ve mentioned above. It’s heartening to know our ex-PM does identified with our problems.
    Thank you.

  17. Dear Tun,
    Something is really not right with our R&D initiated by the government. There must be an efficient mechanism to monitor all R&D activities to be more effective. R&D should not only be focused on product development but also marketing research is also essential to ensure that the development of new products are marketable not only for domestic consumption but the whole world.
    Those who manage to invent new products do not seem to have the capacity how to market them. They may be creative in inventing new products but lacking the knowledge to promote their new inventions.
    The government should study how other developed countries develop their R&D. By allocating and spending billion ringgit on R&D with “ground zero” results is really a waste of public funds.
    The problem with our government is that whatever new R&D projects being initiated,I can safely say that there is a lot of “pilferages” in the funding along the way. The end result is wasteful of scarce resources.

  18. Dear Tun,
    1.Besides attempting to drive productivity, Malaysia is also trying to attract investment and promote innovation. These three predetermined strategies are believed to make the country become globally competitive in the near future.
    2.We are seeing very much effort being put on deregulation. This includes phasing out the socio-economic harmonization agenda. In fact, the spirit and principle of New Economic Policy (NEP) are lately perceived as structural barriers to efficient and flexible business environment. ‘Kamal Ahmad’ referred the phasing-out process as ‘soft-landing’ sometime ago.
    3.It is difficult to deregulate. What more if we are to remove or ease regulations that can stabilize the socio-economic imbalance.
    4.Deregulation also requires time. Each rule intended to be removed or eased, has to be tabled in the parliament for approval. At the same time, in a country where some people are now free to abuse the freedom of speech, statutory and administrative amendments are subject to severe criticism. It must be noted that only after a decade of tedious work in the 1970s, the United States began to benefit from deregulation.
    5.Focusing intensely on deregulation process will hold us back. The process is unacceptably slow when we have slightly less than ten years to work with. Moreover, hurting the feelings of the Bumiputera by taking away their existing rights will only result in unnecessary political and social threat.
    6.It is true that technological advancement and innovation will stimulate economic growth. The internet boom was known to have galvanized economic activities and benefited many economies of the world in late 20th century.
    7.It is also true that many of our researchers need business support. I see venture capital. With the help of a venture capitalist who also functions as partner, an innovator can be assured that his or her product is adequately funded and properly marketed. Having foreign venture capitalists is similar to having international partners. It will be easier for Malaysian innovators to market their products overseas.
    8.Over and above, venture capital allows Malaysia to retain its interest on local equity. Local innovators partly own the businesses. Therefore, profitable businesses will positively influence Malaysia’s Gross National Income (GNI).
    9.It seems that many venture capitalists from developed countries are now looking at the emerging markets. It is time for Malaysia to welcome foreign venture capitalists, our potential investors cum partners.

  19. Assalamualaikum
    Yang Berbahagia Tun Dr. Mahathir
    Para Blogger yang dihormati,
    The neglect of creative people in the country, especially inventors amongst scientists and technologists now came to the attention of Tun in this blog. I could not thank you enough for your effort to compile those neglected Malaysian inventions.
    Creativity are not limited to those in the artistic field, there are many creative people in science (understanding and knowledge) and engineering (the making). The creative merger of these two usually produces a technology.
    Government has provided good education infrastructure, good ministries (MoE, MoHE, MOSTI etc…) to look after our scientists and engineers, and we think these are sufficient. We are wrong.
    These agencies, serves to regulate, confine them to within a certain structure with their limited missions and visions. Creativity cannot be confined or stifled with too many rules and regulations. If they are not in-line with these objectives, they will be left out. Even if they are in-line within these objectives, there is a high chance that they will be left out because of other reasons, a very good examples of these is the lack of recognition. A truly inventive product may be too advanced for its time. Only someone with foresight will be able to identify this sort of inventions, bak kata perpatah Melayu

  20. Selamat hari raya Tun!
    Buatan malaysia ha…cukup..cukup derita dengan proton,saya dah pakai dari saga,wira,waja dan sekarang v6.cukup derita saya dah belanja lebih dari setengah harga kereta untuk membaiki ingin dan giar box tapi sehingga sekarang masih selalu rosak,fikir nak tolak balik ambil kereta Jepun tapi tak dah siapa nak beli hutang masih ada 40,000 ribu.ini lah taraf buatan malaysia tak malu ke macam ini,sambil rakyat sendiri menderita,mereka yang membuat kereta itu pun tak perna cuba nak betulkan adakah mereka ini tunggul ataupun orang yang pekak yang tak da qulity langsung.sepatutnya proton bayar ganti rugi kepada rakyat sebab buat benda yang tak da taraf langgung.kalau lah saya menyimpan semua duit yang saya belanja untuk proton ini dah tentu saya boleh pakai mes 280.hantar kat benkil cina dia kata,”ini keleta ploton selalu ini macam sumua olang bodoh talak otak punya olang bikin selupa tahi” kata tauke benkil,macam ini ke percipataan Tun untuk rakyat yang tersayang?tapi apa yang saya lihat orang-orang politic jarang pakai kereta proton kenapa dia orang tak nak sokong buatan malaysia hanja rakyat kena ikut?hanja rakyat yang kena jadi mangsa?

  21. Salam Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Isteri serta keluarga. Ucapan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri dari saya sekeluarga. Doa kami juga untuk Tun sekeluarga agar terus diberi kesihatan.
    Kami juga akan terus menyokong PERKASA meneruskan perjuangan memertabatkan bangsa.
    Kepada pemimpin2 UMNO yang pendek akal, tak payah lah nak tunjuk juara ‘rakyat2’ dengan memperlekehkan bangsa sendiri. Kita pun nak tunggu pemimpin UMNO yang ada jadi juara di Penang. Pertahankan kampung2 Melayu yang tinggal sekangkang kera. Kesian Melayu sana, duk jadi reserve je lah. Dulu PM dari Penang, Ketua Pembangkang pun duk Penang, duk perang sama sendiri, habok pun tarak.
    Teruskan perjuangan mu PERKASA dengan jujur dan orang Melayu akan faham. Percayalah.
    Salam Syawal, Salam Kemenangan.

  22. Assalammualaikum dan Selamat Hari Raya buar Tun Sekeluarga.
    Tun, baru-baru Setiausaha UMNO, Tg Adnan bagitau yg UMNO tak sokong PERKASA. Salah ke UMNO sokong PERKASA? UMNO ni nak perjuangkan Melayu ke atau bangsa-bangsa lain??? Jgn sebab nak sgt undi Cina & India, UMNO membelakangkan bangsa sendiri. TG Adnan tak tau ke UMNO tu United Malay National Organization?? Dlm PERKASA ada mcm2 org Melayu, ada PAS, UMNO,PKR dan juga yg tak berparti. Saya pun tau senior ITM saya Dato Ibrahim Ali pun ada aspirasi politik dia sendiri tapi kalau UMNO secara terang-terang TIDAK MENYOKONG PERKASA, DEMI ALLAH, undi saya masa pilihanraya nanti bukan BN saya pangkah.
    Berpolitik lah semahunya tapi jgn sampai membelakangkan BANGSA SENDIRI. Saya ingt KJ je yg tak sokong PERKASA tapi rupanya, UMNO secara rasmipun tal sokong jgk. Sekurang-kurangnya saya tak penah dengar pulak PAS secara rasmi tak sokong PERKASA. Wahai org UMNO, cukup2 la melingkupkan hak2 org Melayu sampaikan kita yg nak memperjuangkan sisa2 hak yang tinggal pun kamu nak halang. Org Melayu nak kekayaan negara Tanah Melayu 30% je, itu pun KAMU tak boleh perjuangkan malahan KAMU ORG UMNO nak sokong bangsa lain yg sudah pun genggam 70% kekayaan negara. Hey UMNO, KAMU ORANG MELAYU KE BUKAN????

  23. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Bab Kereta Proton ni, yang saya hairan untuk pasaran eksport teramatlah berkualitinya. Saya perhati kereta Proton Saga lama dan Waja di UK cukup padu, langsung tidak berkarat meskipun dilanda pelbagai musim. Malangnya pembelian Proton baru di Malaysia, pelbagai masalah dihadiahkan kepada kami yang menjadi pembeli. Lebih kurang macam ‘kera dihutan disusukan, anak di rumah dibiarkan kelaparan’. Sebab tu saya hilang kepercayaan dengan Proton khususnya after delivery.
    Klu tak caya, cuba Kerajaan lancarkan satu model kereta Proton baru, satu bulan lepas tu, macam-macam penyakit datang. Klu kereta untuk Tun, mesti tip top punya yang diberi. Yang hairan, Toyota dan segala kereta model Jepun tiada masalah. Malah, after delivery, customer service mereka memang dahsyat. Harap pengurusan Proton peka dengan masalah ini.

  24. Salam,
    Difficult to gain access to government fund??? Hmmm… I wonder how Invent QJaya got so much of it.

  25. Assalamualaikum….Tun ,
    Selamat Hari Raya aidil Fitri ..maaf zahir dan bathin..
    Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan didoakan berda didalam keadaan sihat selalu..

  26. Selamat Hari raya aldil fitri maaf dan batin Tun!
    semoga sehat dan berumur panjang bergembira di samping
    History of Malaysia
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    In the first century AD, two far-flung but related events helped stimulate Malaysia’s emergence in international trade in the ancient world. At that time, India had two principal sources of gold and other metals: the Roman Empire and China. The overland route from China was cut by marauding Huns, and at about the same time, the Roman Emperor Vespasian cut off shipments of gold to India. As a result, India sent large and seaworthy ships, with crews reported to have numbered in the hundreds, to Southeast Asia, including the Malayan Peninsula, to seek alternative sources. In the centuries that followed, rich Malaysian tin deposits assumed great significance in Indian Ocean trade, and the region prospered. As maritime trade among Middle Eastern, Indian, and Chinese ports flourished, the peninsula benefited from its location as well as from development of its diverse resources, including tropical woods and spices. Malay ships became prominent in that trade, and Malay ports served as transshipment centers. Indian trade brought Indian culture, economy, religion, and politics, with historic results for what is now Malaysia.
    The early Buddhist Malay kingdom of Srivijaya, based at what is now Palembang, Sumatra, dominated much of the Malay peninsula from the 9th to the 13th centuries AD. The powerful Hindu kingdom of Majapahit, based on Java, gained control of the Malay peninsula in the 14th century. Conversion of the Malays to Islam, beginning in the early 14th century, accelerated with the rise of the state of Malacca under the rule of a Muslim prince in the 15th century. Malacca was a major regional entrepot, where Chinese, Arab, Malay, and Indian merchants traded precious goods. Drawn by this rich trade, a Portuguese fleet conquered Malacca in 1511, marking the beginning of European expansion in Southeast Asia. The Dutch ousted the Portuguese from Malacca in 1641 and, in 1795, were themselves replaced by the British, who had occupied Penang in 1786.
    In 1826, the British settlements of Malacca, Penang, and Singapore were combined to form the Colony of the Straits Settlements. From these strongpoints, in the 19th and early 20th centuries the British established protectorates over the Malay sultanates on the peninsula. Four of these states were consolidated in 1895 as the Federated Malay States.
    During British control, a well-ordered system of public administration was established, public services were extended, and largescale rubber and tin production was developed. This control was interrupted by the Japanese invasion and occupation from 1942 to 1945 during World War II.
    Popular sentiment for independence swelled during and after the war and, in 1957, the Federation of Malaysia, established from the British-ruled territories of peninsular Malaysia in 1948, negotiated independence from the United Kingdom under the leadership of Tunku Abdul Rahman, who became the first prime minister. The British colonies of Singapore, Sarawak, and Sabah (called North Borneo) joined the Federation to form Malaysia on September 16, 1963.
    Singapore withdrew from the Federation on August 9, 1965, and became an independent republic. Neighboring Indonesia objected to the formation of Malaysia and pursued a program of economic, political, diplomatic, and military “confrontation” against the new country, which ended only after the fall of Indonesia’s President Sukarno in 1966.
    Following World War II, local communists, nearly all Chinese, launched a long, bitter insurgency, prompting the imposition of a state of emergency in 1948 (lifted in 1960). Small bands of guerrillas remained in bases along the rugged border with southern Thailand, occasionally entering northern Malaysia. These guerrillas finally signed a peace accord with the Malaysian Government in December 1989. A separate, smallscale communist insurgency that began in the mid-1960s in Sarawak also ended with the signing of a peace accord in October 1990.
    Malaysia’s predominant political party, the United Malays National Organization (UMNO), has held power in coalition with other parties since Malaya’s independence in 1957. In 1973, an alliance of communally based parties was replaced with a broader coalition–the Barisan Nasional–composed of 14 parties. In September 1998, Prime Minister Mahathir dismissed Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and accused Anwar of immoral and corrupt conduct. The Prime Minister later replaced Anwar with Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as deputy prime minister.
    Anwar said his ouster actually owed to political differences and led a series of demonstrations advocating political reforms. Later in September, Anwar was arrested, beaten while in prison, and charged with corruption and sodomy. In April 1999, he was convicted of four counts of corruption and sentenced to 6 years in prison. In August 2000, Anwar was convicted of one count of sodomy and sentenced to 9 years to run consecutively after his earlier 6-year sentence.
    Both trials were viewed by domestic and international observers as politically motivated. In the November 1999 general election, the Barisan Nasional was returned to power with three-fourths of the parliamentary seats, but UMNO’s seats dropped from 94 to 72. The opposition Barisan Alternatif coalition, led by the Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS), increased its seats to 42. PAS retained control of the state of Kelantan and won the additional state of Terengganu.
    On October 31, 2003, Prime Minister Mahathir stepped down voluntarily after 22 years in power, and his successor, Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, was sworn into office.
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  27. Dear Ayahanda Tun,
    Indeed good news to know that the Government is thinking of making the ringgit tradeable offshore again; I believe PM will get back up from 1 Malaysia.
    As for Malaysian insiders, they may not like this idea, but I believe PM will get back-up from ground zero with or without them; and pasar Chinese mongers seru Satu Malaysia!
    1. Published: Saturday September 11, 2010 MYT 12:16:00 PM
    Updated: Saturday September 11, 2010 MYT 1:46:02 PM
    PM: Ringgit may be made tradeable offshore
    2. KUALA LUMPUR: The Government is thinking of making the ringgit, which recently touched a 13-year high, tradeable offshore again, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in an interview with CNBC Asia’s Martin Soong aired Saturday.
    3. He also said the country was poised to grow by at least six percent this year fueled mainly by domestic demand.
    4. He also said that the Government was seeking to increase Malaysia

  28. Dear Dr. Mahathir,
    It appears that the issue is not only with not looking up on Malaysia invention. It

  29. Salam Aidilfitri buat Tun dan Keluarga.
    1. Inovasi yang dihasilkan oleh penyelidik khususnya di IPTA dengan geran berjuta-juta ringgit yang diberikan oleh kerajaan melalui MOSTI, MOHE, MITI, MOA dll haruslah bertunjangkan ciri-ciri berikut supaya ia mampu dikomersialkan: (a) ROI yang optima, (b) bolehsesuai dengan keperluan glokal (standard Malaysia dan antarabangsa), dan (c) mempunyai rujukan pengujian atau pelaksanaan perintis dalam dunia sebenar.
    2. Penyelidik IPTA juga harus menanamkan sifat “bertatih”. Bukannya hari ini dapat anugerah atau keluar surat khabar, maka esok boleh jadi jutawan. Ingin saya mengambil kata-kata seorang pegawai tinggi MARA: “Jika kita tidak pernah jual produk berharga RM2, bagaimana bisa kita berbicara tentang projek ratusan dan jutaan ringgit”.
    3. Sebagai golongan ilmuwan dan mempunyai kelayakan PhD, bukan bermakna penyelidik IPTA bijak dalam perniagaan. Malahan, sifat mengagungkan syarikat-syarikat konglomerat dan memperkecilkan usahawan IKS juga harus dikikis. Kerjasama dan niat untuk membantu usahawan IKS adalah lebih bermakna kerana mereka adalah golongan yang lebih tinggi azam untuk berjaya berbanding syarikat-syarikat konglomerat yang sentiasa mempunyai pilihan. Melalui kerjasama dengan usahawan IKS (khususnya graduan yang lahir daripada program pengajian IPTA itu sendiri) dapat membantu mengurangkan kos R&D mereka kerana ia dapat ditanggung oleh penyelidik IPTA melalui geran-geran yang mereka perolehi. Manakala, usahawan IKS dapat memberi input mengenai keperluan industri dan pasaran kepada penyelidik IPTA supaya produk R&D mereka lebih relevan dan “tidak syok sendiri”. Secara tidak langsung, dapat mewujudkan “seamless laboratories”: (a) makmal “production” (usahawan IKS), (b) makmal “development” (secara bersama), dan (c) makmal “research” (penyelidik IPTA).
    4. Bayangkan semasa pembentangan atau demo produk kepada sektor swasta ataupun kerajaan, ia dibentangkan secara bersama antara usahawan IKS dan penyelidik IPTA. Pasti lebih menyakinkan. Tapi penyelidik IPTA harus tidak terlalu menekan dan meminta-minta (seperti tiket kapalterbang kelas pertama, hotel 5 bintang, royalti 25% dll). Malah, penyelidik IPTA harus berani membuat pelaburan masa, tenaga bahkan wang ringgit.
    5. Dalam perniagaan, rangkaian (“know-who”) adalah aset yang penting. Penyelidik IPTA harus memaksimakan konteks mereka (contohnya bekas pelajar, bekas rakan-rakan sepengajian, saudara-mara dsbnya kerana mereka lebih matang dan “lebih makan garam”). Manakala, usahawan IKS harus menyambutnya dengan norma-norma dalam perniagaan seperti aktiviti-aktiviti melobi, bina reputasi, sesuaikan “packaging” mengikut bajet, menawarkan pakej “trial” dll.
    5. Melalui kerjasama ini juga, mampu menghasilkan syarikat-syarikat berteknologi tinggi dengan cepat, meningkatkan peluang kerjaya siswazah, mengurangkan kos dan “repetition” dalam R&D selain akhirnya dapat membentuk penyelidik IPTA yang lebih “independent” serta tidak bergantung kepada fasiliti/infrastruktur yang disediakan oleh Universiti semata-mata.

  30. Salam Sejahtera,
    Ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya pada YBhg Tun Mahathir dan Tun Siti Hasmah, mohon maaf zahir dan batin dunia dan akhirat. Semoga Tun berdua dan keluarga sentiasa sihat, tenteram, sejahtera dan bahagia.
    Wahai Tuhanku – lidungilah dan peliharalah Tun berdua dan restuilah tulisan-tulisan Tun yang pastinya mengajak terutama masyarakat Malaysia untuk berfikir jauh ke hadapan demi kesejahteraan, keamanan dan kemajuan Malaysia negara yang tercinta ini untuk anak cucu cicit, generasi ke generasi rakyat Malaysia.
    Salam Hormat dan Sayang
    Dari Kami Ghazali Salali & Samaiah Salali.

  31. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    As I said, this is a good topic for discussion. I fully agree to most of the comments why it is so difficult to :
    1. To translate creative ideas into realisation through development processes that need to be supported.
    2. To produce research work into workable and marketable products
    There was once an idea of forming a conglomerate by a few GLCs to develop and commercialise selected research works. It failed to materialise. There is a need to re-look into this idea. The failure likely was caused by the same reasons for the failure of sogososha to promote Malaysian-made products into global market.This ala-Japanese SOGOSOSHA become Malaysia “sungguh susah”.
    One weakeness for Malaysian is that they like sensation. They can get easily excited about cerita atau barang yang sensasi and that is all. The rest can be well described in peri bahasa Melayu ” Hanya hangat2 tahi ayam” and ” Bagai lepas batuk ditangga”. In my humble opinion from a simple person, the main culprit are the “politicians” and LEADERS who are not really sincere but coming into the sensational event of the day to just show their presence/face with beautiful smile and making rhetoric statements just hoping for more votes or adding more credentials to their job.
    Unlike Tun, once you get hold on the idea, you would persue it to a success. This was said by an Engiineer friend of mind that he was assigned to one of Tun’s “projects” and he was not willing to work for more than 2 years on the project because his personal commitment that need to put in to work on the project, in line with Tun’s was too much for him.
    Siapa makan padi dia yg merasa pedas, wallahu’alam.
    Saya akhiri dengan…..

  32. Thank you Tun for you attention on this matter.
    Wishing you and family and readers of your blog a ‘Selamat hariraya’ and a good holiday.
    I like to make some observation and comments.
    The Malaysian government spent billions of ringgit annually on research funds and millions more for commercialization of the researched products or the new innovations. Have we done honest studies on the outcome of such huge investment?
    In my opinion the outcome is dismal. In terms of creation of new innovations or technology we are far behind South Korea or Japan. At a glance one may deduct that our researchers or our local research innovations are not good enough.
    One may also deduce that the government

  33. Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
    1. They do not wish to break their relations that include government, non-government and private sectors even for a minor part of the supply. There may be other reasons, and what are these reasons, only they themselves know better as barrier entry personally, politically or economically.
    2. I heard and read comments condemn Proton especially from Malays, and I do not know why are they so unhappy with Proton today. I guess the reason they dislike Proton politically due to Umno’s weakness in leading the country that makes them dislike Proton, or are they pissed-off as sub-contractors or dealers for Proton because of limited capital investment, I don’t know since I am no longer in this line.
    3. I have been driving ‘kereta buatan Malaysia’, Proton since 1989 until today. I have chosen Proton because of lower maintenance cost in long run since spare parts can be obtained abundantly and manufactured locally. Maybe because I have been in metal stamping industry in early 90s as sub-contractor for 6 years plus with clientele mainly from Japanese, Taiwanese, South Korean and Hong Kong, I choose Proton due to raw patriotism at that time with zero experience in Marketing.
    4. As for Malaysia semi-government clientele, I have dealt with SME Manufacturer arm for TUDM and PDRM in Sg Buloh and it really pissed me off and the Purchasing Department had no choice but to cancel the parts purchase order with reason of ‘quality problem rejected by the QC department’ and we stamped the parts according to PO quantity and SME QC specifications.
    5. The Purchasing Department could not do anything and there was no monetary

  34. Salam bahagia Tun.
    To generate more ideas for invention, could Tun also initiate or hints to the relevant departments to organise some technical or mechanical expo that could be accessed by the masses.
    Participants should be given incentive to bring in machineries and be able to be sold off to some potential customers. It will also help the local to innovate on such machineries and later be able to produce better machineries.
    Meanwhile, thank you Tun, for initiating this move.
    Now, the follow-up will be to reach down to the small-medium sized industry in the Kampungs or villages that are not so IT savvy. Sometimes, these folks are generally very inventive.

  35. Dear Tun,
    Thank You Tun for this effort. I was not expecting it, and your efforts are indeed very encouraging to science.
    I would like to take this opportunity to appeal to ‘unemployed’ local scientists ( those of you whose real interest is in science, pure or applied, but have to scrape a living by working for highly profit motivated companies ) to maintain your interest and keep your mind active at all times. As Einstien himself once said “science is nice to do if one does not have to earn a living”.
    Politics and religious bigots have a way to look down and scorn at efforts by scientists to explore the world and universe for answers which benefit mankind. Scientists all over the world face this same phenomena with varying intensity. Some scientists are not aquainted with the proper history of science. I encourage you to do so as it is important to know what and how it progressed, and more importantly what challenges they faced ( including persecution & house arrests ).
    Lastly, in the history of radio as discovered by Marconi, one scientist remarked that “if all the wealth of the British Empire was handed over to Marconi with the order to invent a radio, he could not have done it. It took the deep understanding of the science and mathematics of waves.”
    I wish all the best to local scientists, and thank you so much Tun Dr Mahathir.

  36. Dear Tun
    My family and I would like to wish you and your family a
    Semoga Tun diPanjangkan Umur
    DiMurahkan Rezeki dan
    DiTinggikan Darjat.
    I find that Malaysian-made products, including our Proton cars, are of comparable if not superior quality over imported goods. That is, once these products have achieved a significant level of acceptance by our own Malaysian consumer, commercial and industrial users.
    Over the years, in my interest in new products and processes, I have noticed that Malaysians have proven their capability in inventing and developing a wide range of innovations.
    Sadly, they are hurdled by :
    Poor marketing skills
    One cannot be a jack-of-all-trades in the sense that one cannot be concerned with every aspect of the product. A very good example of market development is by EON for Proton where Proton makes the cars and EON markets and sells them [think of Royce and Rolls] until at one time, they had about 75 % of the passenger car market in Malaysia.
    Inconsiderate [most] Govt policies, officers, GLC, Depts, agencies
    There should be a Dept or Agency helmed by the KSN or PM’s Dept where such ideas, innovations, products, processes can be funded and nurtured to be commercially and/or socially viable and then channeled for purchase and use by the Govt, its GLC and agencies. This avoids many types of redundancy. The end result would be a Sen earned is a Sen saved in foreign exchange.
    Lack of resources
    This covers many things but can be overcome if a concerted, partisan and patriotic effort is put in by all parties, both the private and public sectors. Our public officials, private industrialists, politicians and the rakyat should not just “NATO” but “walk the talk”. This is where a change in attitude, mentality has to be indoctrinated into all concerned. Korea is an example. For many, many years, a Korean, no matter how rich or “well-connected”, could own any car so long as it is Korean. That is how their auto industry developed fast and well. I was in Korea at that time years ago and have driven the “Pony”. It was a terrible car and was nothing compared to our 1986 Saga but no Koreans complained !
    There are many other reasons and I have many other ideas and suggestions but it is already past 2 AM on the 1st of Syawal. I look forward to further exchange with Tun and other CheDet readers soon.
    Until then, Happy Holidays.

  37. assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera,
    terima kasih kepada tun kerana sehingga ke hari ini masih lagi menyemai semangat ingin berinovasi di kalangan rakyat malaysia.
    Budaya percent di kalangan penjawat awam atau swasta nih memang mengecewakan. Saya dengar, projek nak buat rumah anak yatim pun ada yg pau ten percent, nak sewa rumah utk pelajar pun ada jugak yg mintak ten percent. Saya sedih.
    Bila ada orang menolak untuk memberi rasuah, kawan kawan pula boleh mentertawakan dia. Ada yg kata kita bodoh, kedekut dan sebagainya. Saya keciwa.
    Kepentingan diri telah melebihi dari kepentingan negara dan agama. Saya fikir jati diri kita semakin menyusut. Sekiranya ini tidak dibendung, yg kaya semakin kaya, yg berinovasi akan berkubur.
    Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin.
    Better future through research.

  38. Dearest Tun
    1-R&D is the way to go but if you don’t have proactives like you or Lee Kuan Yew it will be more of that NATO thing only.R&D and making new untested things to happen is a risk only true leaders dare to take and Tun I think after your departure we are lacking of one.
    2-NajiB?No sir he is a manager type and a playsafer but with you doing these things to help out we may have a hope.Najib should exploit Idris Jala to look into this as I find that this chap has the right attitude to see R&D through to evolve into real inventions or innovations.As regards the present PEMANDU Transformasi project Najib can let the most successful young blood Mokhzani to take over..
    3-Let’s begin by emulating someone as there is no need to reinvent the wheel.If we are too proud to study Singapore’s model than we can emulate South Korea (again)or why not Taiwan?We are nowhere yet so we must be humble..the Proton project is not a success yet ok?
    4-Curb corruption because there is a lot of ground for manipulators of funds to suck dry this billion allocation by churning out bogus projects that doesn’t exist and later simply classify it as a failed projects.Afterall its normal for new ventures to failed isn’t it? There is room for kebocoran to be anywhere.. Malaysia boleh?..
    5-Fight corruption,fight inaction and fear,support the brains with all our hearts and soul,don’t see skin colour,emulate the success stories and with Tun breathing down Najib’s neck Malaysia may soon be a power to reckon with.
    6-I think I am beginning to like those hate topics better..easier to express myself as compared to this.
    Thanks tun.

  39. May I take this opportunity to wish you and family, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, May Allah blessed you and family and in the best of health.

  40. Assallammualaikumwarahamtullahiwabarokatuh..
    Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun..
    Mr tauugis
    [[Tun had stopped short of mentioning the other reasons of heinous truth, “corruption involved”. Yes, many heads and officers of Govt departments are most reluctant to pursue anything constructive without some paybacks in return. They have become the silent partners in the business. In fact, these bunches of officers would happily smoothen things out for the businessman’s project proposals if only certain percentage out of the deals be allocated to them. While the inventors or businessmen scratches their head to survive, these officers simply impose barriers. No 10% or 20% than no deal lah. As simple as that. So how to see light in innovation and creativity]]
    Maybe you have personal account of this “another side” of government servant but I am proud to say on my own behalf that we have minimal if any of that kind of conduct in our department..
    But what is glaring for all to see is incompetence..Our government servant is as much as incompetence as male’s diabetes sufferer minus the word “com” and add in the word “po” to replace “pe”..
    In this sense I seconded the essence of the lamentation by andrewtay and alex..Poor them too..They should have shown example of “how not to do it” because we are as guilty of our student if we behave like lecturer’s and professor’s…
    Malay in general need the very act of demonstration every now and then..They are quite “pelupa”..I know because every time I teached and sampled basic computer approach to these “government servant”..I have to do it again in next few day’s let alone week much more so for month’s!!..
    The point is never say die attitude..If you don’t have them like Tun,don’t lament any fact or figure’s because you will be as guilty like
    A gold medallist swimmer ( whatever tournament ) should not shout help for dying person..incapable of swimming for whatever reason’s..Where is your conscience seeing that fella submerges slowly under water??
    Feel’s at your neck..What is dangling there..Gold medallist of what??
    What was that? You only learns how to compete but not salvaging human lives anything related to swimming?? You excel only in “conditioned” situation of that proportion??..That is what it is all about..
    Holder’s of tertiary education always disensitized about the need of their younger brethren.The need they themselves shout in despair and anguish just few year’s back..
    So..take stock and reflection..In Tun blog we have many “lamenter”..They readily offer’s advice of many nature here and there..But when comes to real many gives back what they have taken earlier?
    You benefited from our education..Strengthened by Tun directly and indirectly..What have you the “ivory tower” resident have gives us back?Give the people back?Give the nation back?
    Granted everyone must strive hard for succes..but do you play you role?
    I did and I am proud for my small and insignificant contribution..Research and development is for people like me by people like you.. us out like Tun always do..
    Terima kasih Tun.

  41. Dear Tun,
    I read sometime ago that the guy who invented the thumb-drive that is being used all over the world today was from Sekinchang, Selangor. He is now in Taiwan so I understand. Our loss is Taiwan’s gain. I believe there are many more malaysians who have invented things but not in our own country. You are right in saying that we malaysians do not look up to our own people.

  42. Salam,
    Ada beberapa masalah produk hasil R&D tempatan tidak dapat sambutan termasuk institusi kerajaan
    ***1. Nepotisma/kronisma dan rasuah***
    Ada kalangan pegawai tinggi kerajaan /GLC tidak mahu saingan dari orang yang tidak dikenali atau diingini. Tepuk dada tanya selera. Siapa makan cili dia rasa pedas. Amalan nepostima/kromsma dan rasuah bukan saja dilakukan ramai orang politik, tetapi penjawat awam/GLC pun tumpang semangkuk!!!
    ****2. Kegagalan Menyediakan Datasheet(Technical specification) dan Validation/verification****
    Ada juga pegawai kerajaan/GLC yang ikhlas nak membantu tetapi penyelidk gagal menyakinkan kerana tida maklumat terperinci berkaitan kualiti proudk. Insyallah jika diberi diberi dokumen yang disebut diatas akan memudahkan proses penilaian.
    Universiti tempatan ada Pusat pengurusan Penyelidikan yang mempunyai senarai hasil produk R&D yang sedia untuk dikomersilkan. Mungkin pihak Tun boleh hubungi terus depa.
    Mohon izin cerita politik sikit.
    ****1. PAS kecam Mahathir tuduh jual agama ,Harakahdaily, 9 Sept 2010***
    Solat itu tiang agama. Tiang PAS ialah Islam. Tun pi goyang tiang depa. Tentu marahlah depa. Tapi kalau kita semua lihat perkembangan PAS dari dulu sampai sekarang,mungkin ada kebenaran Tun katakan.
    Saya masih ingat beberapa insiden yang lampau yang PAS kata salah tapi dia buat sekarang. Tapi saya ingin tarik perhatian kepada dua perkara “tahalluf” ala -PAS yang masih baru dalam ingatan
    *persetujuan PAS kepada DAP antara syarat2 Datuk Nizar jadi Menteri Besar Perak dulu? (lihat kenyataan Pesuruhjaya PAS Negeri dalam Malaysiakini, cuma tak dapat kesan tarikhnya!!! )
    *”Dzulkefly says hudud law proposal goes against

  43. Salam Aidil Fitri untuk Tun dan semua warga blog cekdet yang beragama Islam,
    Kepada yang nak balik kampong, hati-hati bila memandu dijalan raya. Biar lambat sedikit asalkan kita sekeluarga selamat. INGAT LAH ORANG YANG TERSAYANG.
    ( ) TQ.

  44. Tun,
    Macam mana hendak pakai atau percaya product Malaysia ? Kita jangan kata product lain cuma satu sahaja sudah cukup iaitu ” Kereta Proton “. Rakyat memberi kepercayaan kepada Impian Tun untuk menghasilkan kereta buatan Malaysia pada tahun 1985 tetapi sepanjang tahu sejak ianya dilancarkan sehingga hari ini apa ker hasilnya ?
    Rakyat terpaksa menderita kerana terpaksa membayar harga kereta Proton yang tidak sepadan dengan kualitinya, pintunya rosak, power windownya rosak, otomatic gearnya tak berfungsi, boot kereta masuk air dan banyak lagi. Hari ini Proton sudah 25 tahun tetapi masalahnya tetap sama.
    Kalau bukan kerana kereta Proton, rakyat Malaysia dapat beli sebuah kereta yang berkuasa 1500 kuasa Kuda RM30,000.00 lebih murah seperti mana rakyat Thailand nikmati sekarang. Rakyat Thailand ketawakan kita kerana pada harga yang sama mereka dapat beli kereta buatan Jepun yang jarang ada masalah sedangkan kita rakyat Malaysia terpaksa beli kereta Proton.
    Bagi saya kerajaan Thailand lebih bijak dari kita kerana mereka membenarkan kemasukkan berbagai Jenama kereta memasuki negara mereka, apabila AFTA dilaksanakan di Thailand kilang pemasangan kereta terpaksa dibuka di negara masing-masing yang aman akhirnya peluang pekerjaan bertambah. Jadi siapa ker yang dapat hasil itu kalau bukan rakyat Thailand sendiri.
    Kalau kita masih tak mampu khususnya orang melayu yang masih tak mampu nak mengejar impain Tun, apa gunanya Tun nak sangat project kereta buatan Malaysia. Saya hairan apa sangat nak dibanggakan dengan Proton, enginnya tetap buatan Jepun cuma barang plastik sahaja dibuat di Malaysia. Bukan ker kereta tu tetap kereta Jepun walaupun technologi engin tu ketinggalan ?
    Apa jadi pada engin Campro yang kononnya dicipta oleh rakyat Malaysia ??? Saya ada ramai kawan melayu sampai berludah tak nak beli kereta Proton lagi kerana sudah tak tahan dengan kekerapan kerosakkan kereta itu.Saya sendiri penyokong Proton sejak ianya dilancarkan tetapi terpaksa ” Give up ” kerana kerap memberi masalah kepada saya. Jadi Tun bukan rakyat tak mahu memberi barang buatan Malaysia tetapi kerana rasuah yang terlampau sangat sehingga hasil buatan kereta Malaysia menjadi bahan ketawa dunia.
    Rakyat yang setia kepada Malaysia
    Terima Kasih

  45. semoga Allah murahkan Rezeki Tun , Panjang Umur , Berkat selamat .
    Selamat hari Raya aidil Fitri.
    Kerajaan sekarang ni lama betul recovery . Macam takdak “umh” macam dulu . Pilih kurang mudarat PRU nanti. PKR mudarat betul.

  46. Salam hormat buat Tun.
    “They do not wish to break their relations even for a minor part of the supply. There may be other reasons.”
    Tun had stopped short of mentioning the other reasons of heinous truth, “corruption involved”. Yes, many heads and officers of Govt departments are most reluctant to pursue anything constructive without some paybacks in return. They have become the silent partners in the business. In fact, these bunches of officers would happily smoothen things out for the businessman’s project proposals if only certain percentage out of the deals be allocated to them. While the inventors or businessmen scratches their head to survive, these officers simply impose barriers. No 10% or 20% than no deal lah. As simple as that. So how to see light in innovation and creativity.
    Many people struggle to be among the selected few to become Wakil Rakyat not because they sincerely want to work for the people but more of to get rich quick. Presently, participating in politics is a business where they make money and transform into instant millionaires unlike decades ago.
    Govt officers noticed the chronological transformation of their political masters. Don’t expect them to just watch because they too are anxious to be rich as well.

  47. Assalamualaikum Tun & Isteri
    Saya sekeluarga mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri & Maaf Zahir & Batin. Semuga Tun sekeluarga diberkati Allah dan dipanjangkan umur.

  48. Salam Tun
    Again TUN have raised an excellence topic to discuss, a topic that should receive attention by All Malaysian irrespective of their political affiliation but for those to develop a progressive Malaysia, in line your earlier MALAYSIA BOLIH.
    Selamat Hari Raya – Maaf Zahir Batin to Tun & Famiy and to all fellow bloggers.
    For those driving , please drive carefully and safely home.

  49. Dear Tun,
    Malu saya membaca artical ini, sepatuhnya YB… YB yang datang mintak vote dari kita yang kena buat benda ini. Dia orang sibuk cari jalan untuk buat duit sahaja.
    Terima Kasih, Tun untuk Haparan Baru.
    Best Raya gift I got this year.
    Selamat Hari Raya,

  50. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun
    Saya serta keluarga ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Maaf Zahir Batin kepada Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga, semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga.

  51. Salam Tun and Bloggers,
    I would to take this opportunity to wish you, your family and all blogger friends ‘Selamat Hari Raya’ Maaf Zahir Batin. I seek your forgiveness for anything offensive and whatsoever that is inappropriate. May we all be blessed with ‘Rahmat’ from Allah S.W.T.
    Salam Aidilfitri from me and my family.

  52. Assalam!
    I just want to saya ” Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Kepada Ybh Tun dan seisi keluarga, maaf zahir dan batin dunia dan akhirat.Semoga hari raya aidil fitri tahun ini membawa kebaikan untuk semua.

  53. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh..
    Tun..mintak ampun dan maaf kerana hingga ke saat ini di mana Tun patut berehat tapi kami masih menyusahkan Tun dengan pelbagai macam kerenah..
    Why Tun?
    Because there is only one Tun who truly deserves your Tunship..
    That is you.
    Cukuplah Allah yang membalas sekali jasa baik Tun..Amin.

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