1. The rule of law is an integral part of a democracy. In Malaysia today there is obvious disrespect for this principle. We are seeing many instances where the rule of law is ignored.

2. Normally when a report is made about breaches of the law by anyone, the police or the other enforcement bodies would investigate to find out whether indeed the allegation is right or not.

3. But when a report is lodged with the police on the wrong doing of the Prime Minister, the person reporting was investigated, detained, jailed and charged in court as a terrorist.

4. In another case when three major Government institutions made reports on the alleged diversions of money belonging to a Government company, the 1MDB by the PM, all the reports were declared by the A.G. to be without basis of any wrong doing by the PM. The reports were not acted upon or investigated by the police. Instead the reports were declared as Official Secrets and hidden from public scrutiny.

5. Normally the reports, especially the one by the Public Accounts Committee would be open to the public. But by making them official secrets, the purpose of making them a basis for criminal investigations were denied. Again the rule of law is not honoured.

6. In fact hiding evidence of a crime is a crime. Yet the A.G. did just this.

7. Citizens and companies have to pay income and corporate taxes. But the Income Tax Board now demand that additional taxes be paid. There is no basis for this extra taxes. But the tax people would threaten to carry out a raid, to seize account books and records. These raids may involve three busloads of tax personnel and they damage the image of the company.

8. Faced with these threats some businesses would pay the additional tax. But when the additional tax runs into millions, the businesses may challenge the tax department in the courts.This is their right.

9. But the legal process will take much time. In the meantime the tax people would insist on payment. If no payment is made then the office of the company will be ransacked and account books seized. Money in the banks will be frozen, preventing business from being done.

10. All these constitute abuses of the law.

11. There is no law which gives Government the power to close premises from being used by any group of people. Yet the Najib regime not only deny opposition parties the use of public halls but even privately owned halls may not be used by the opposition. Threats are issued to hotels not to rent out their halls to opposition parties.

12. Sometimes even open fields within the jurisdiction of a town council are denied usage by the opposition. Tents and platforms are not allowed to be put up for rallies by the opposition. The rights of citizens are denied. The laws of the country no longer protect citizens.

13. On the other hand when clear evidence show that bribes have been given openly during elections, neither the police, nor the anti- corruption commission have taken any action. Certainly they have not acted against the culprits.This is also not in accordance with the law.

14. The wholeworld knows about the 681 million U.S. dollars in Najib’s private account at Ambank. No PM can have this amount of money. Explanations by Najib are without collaborating documentary evidence. Yet the police and MACC did not carry out investigations. The A.G. simply declared there is no evidence of Najib’s wrongdoing in the reports by Bank Negara, PAC and MACC.And as pointed out above, the A.G. hid the reports by declaring them to be official secrets.

15. Now a yacht was bought by Jho Low allegedly with money stolen from 1MDB. The FBI and Department of Justice openly declared that the purchase was part of the process of laundering the money stolen by Jho Low. The Malaysian Government has remained silent, although Indonesia actually named the Prime Minister of Malaysia as being involved in the criminal acts. The Malaysian Government has not protested against this open defamation of the PM. It can only be because the allegation is true.

16. Again we see the rule of law being ignored several times.The Malaysian Government should actually seize the yacht and arrest Jho Low. Instead the Government seems to be protecting Jho Low. Although Jho Low declared that the yacht is his, a Malaysian Minister denied that it belongs to Jho Low. Another minister even said that the yacht does not belong to Malaysia.

17. Now a Government agency has refused to acknowledge that it received letters from the Pakatan Harapan.

18. Governments are set up in order to serve the country and its citizens. To do this the Government is endowed with the right to approve certain activities of the public. This it does by responding to requests by the public.

19. One of the agencies of Government is the Registrar of Societies. The ROS is empowered to approve or disapprove the setting up of organisations of citizens. It is not set up to ignore the applications by citizens while making it clear that its approval is necessary.

20. But the application of the coalition by the opposition parties has neither been acknowledge nor replied to.

21. The ROS is therefore failing in carrying out its responsibility. Even a court’s order for ROS to reply has been ignored.

22. Clearly ROS is ignoring the rule of law, specific or implied.

23. On the other hand a questionable postponement of a general meeting of a Government party, the UMNO, has been approved with alacrity.

24. A Government agency should be neutral. But ROS is acting with partiality toward a Government party. This it should not be doing. It should treat all its clients equally.

25. When a Government has no respect for the rule of law, it cannot be regarded as a democratic Government. In the case of the Government of Dato’ Sri Najib it is clear it is not democratic. Not being democratic, its conduct of the coming election would confirm its deviation or otherwise.

54 thoughts on “RULE OF LAW 2”

  1. 211. Who is cheating now?

    212. Who is lying now?

    213. Helpers vs beggars now?

    214. The chances of nuclear bomb programme site would be moved into north korea is extremely high.

    215. Why?

    216. To the american voters, as long as such programme not on their land, they dont care because that is the korean land, not north america punya land, betul tak?

    217. As chinese, we dont have to go to north korea and we could imagine what life would be in there.

    218. Also, as chinese, i for sure do not have the human basic right to question the koreans because that is the choice they have to make.

    219. Common sense will tell us that the one who baling the first stone to the victims is the one who are most guilty.

    220. No matter how the story is spinned and twisted, the scare is always there, and it would never go away.

    221. Therefore, it is up to the political parties to decide.

    222. It would be up to the voters of the states to cast votes when general election is called.

  2. 203. No matter what the result is, balance, they will chicken out one because afraid of losing their comfort zone, itu aja.

    204. They cant even have the guts to resign, then, what do you expect the outcome be?

    205. Everyone is aware of who will be the next pm in line, dont you think it is akin like the teachers and students already know the answer?

    206. The best part is, dap samseng had forgotten what they did too in the past political campaigns assuming mca and gerakkan members not aware of?

    207. Junk news, i mean fake news, will attract junk readers.

    208. In order to transform to the next level must be from their heart.

    209. The worst parenting style is they like to compare their children with other children without considering whether mereka boleh atau tidak.

    210. Therefore, whoever become the perdana menteri, got difference meh?

  3. SSLEE Mar 19,2018 7:26 PM

    Good opinion and writing. Yes pampered child is a spoiled child. Yes everything must be earn not given. I think Tun can see it now and he is on a mission to correct it. Yes Mr. Art Harun and Ms. Mariam Mokhtar are good suggestion.

  4. 121. The pro democracy political party loose in the recent general election in hong kong is expected with no surprise at all.

    122. The leaders of the political party admitted that the only reason that they loose because they fiecely and condemn hk govetnment policies without thinking the consequences.

  5. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Saya fikir pendekatan PH untuk mendaftarkan Pakatan Harapan adalah tepat iaitu melalui perintah mahkamah. Usaha ini perlu diteruskan oleh peguam-peguam PH.

    Berkenaan PPBM pula, ada 2 senario yang akan berlaku iaitu dibenarkan atau dibubarkan oleh RoS. Masalah timbul jika PPBM dibubarkan. Komen saya yang lepas, jika PPBM mengikut undang-undang, maka RoS terpaksa membenarkan PPBM terus berdaftar. Tetamu kita dapat lihat UMNO jelas tidak mematuhi undang tetapi boleh saja RoS tidak mengikut undang-undang dengan membenarkan UMNO terus didaftarkan.

    Jadi timbul senario dimana RoS akan tetap membatalkan PPBM walau apapun dokumen dan fakta yang PPBM beri. Saya tidak suka fikirkan senario kalau sebab belum tentu perkara itu berlaku. Tetapi PH kena bersedia menghadapi senario ini.

    Pada pendapat saya plan B PH adalah menggunakan logo Amanah atau PKR dengan sedikit perubahan iaitu warna PKR atau Amanah ditukarkan ke warna merah. Warna merah ini sinonim dengan PPBM, kalau orang ramai tetapi menganggap PKR dengan warna merah adalah PPBM, maka itu tanggapan orang ramai. Dengan adanya warna merah, semangat perjuangan PPBM itu tetap ada bagi rakyat walaupun dibubarkan oleh RoS. Ini juga bagi mengikatkan rakyat tentang ketidakadilann yang berlaku dengan pembubaran PPBM.

    Lagi satu cara ialah mendapatkan perintah mahkahmah untuk menghentikan RoS dari membubarkan PPBM dengan hujah segala arahan RoS telah dipatuhi, dan berlaku ketidakadilan jika PPBM dibubarkan juga.

    Apapun saya rasa wujudnya PPBM telah mencetuskan keberanian orang Melayu untuk beralih ke PH, sedangkan sebelum ini tidak mungkin orang Melayu bertukar sokongan dan menyebabkan Najib terus kekal PM. Kita kalau setakat mencemuh Najib dia tidak kisahpun asalkan dia masih PM. Hanya adanya PPBM baru dia terasa tergugat sebab mungkin ke hilangan jawatan PM.

  6. 191.

    192. Dont you think this plan sound too BEST to be true?

    193. You cant have both way,dap.

    194. Donald trump decided to deal with taiwan diplomats, and bypass beijing.

    195. The only thing that the foreign minister of beijing can do is to warn taiwanese, not president usa or americans.

    196. Why such stern warning is expressed?

    197. If anything happened, taiwanese working or setting up businesses would be targeted as the separists of people’s republic of china.

    198. We dont have to go far, whenever bad things happened, the anger, hatred, frustration would be directed to the chinese voters and business men, and it happened again.

    199. Therefore, it would be definitely safer for the chinese to be 2nd class citizen so that we would not end up as the punching bags of malay, bumiputra, muslim and hindu, all the time.

    120. Bak kata, you close your gate, there are many windows of opportunity opened up there in this region.

  7. Salam Dearest Tun,

    The rule of God (Allah SWT) is the BEST.

    Men /Women can always manipulate and change the laws that they themselves created in the past (for personal gains).

    Furthermore, human beings make mistakes.

    No one is perfect.

    Many of them (human beings) are being ruled by GREED.

    We plan, but Allah SWT’s plan is the best.

    P/S: Tun tidak perlu risau jika pendaftaran PPBM dibatalkan. Mesti ada banyak hikmahnya. Dahulu pun saya tidak galakkan Tun untuk menubuhkan parti baru.

    Thank you Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  8. 171.

    172. Ds rais yatim also have raping scandal with his indonesian maid during the era of tun lah.

    173. Both pm pak lah and the then dpm dsn, may agree to disagree of the cover up, since both think ds rais yatim is a malay base crowd pullers in n9, and such issue published by malaysia today, raja petra kamaruddin.

    174. With this kind of twist and turn, maverick, flip then flop, i guess the younger generation of malay might have given out their voting rights long time ago.

    175. When such rhetoric politics are continued, later on the chinese also gave up the voting rights.

    176. Then the ball will be in the court of mic?

    177. Can indian tsunsmi be the next king maker?

    178. Even indian tsunami be the next king maker, the ultimate result is ultra, atau tidak kukuh.

    179. Why?

    180. They are chosen not because they are good, skillful and have real experiences.

    181. They are chosen because they know what their political masters need, and they know how to make their way into it through closed door dealings behind the back of the voters.

    182. They have been doing this since dr m’s era, and until today.

    183. All they care is janji menang, then bikin.

    184. Jika tarak untung, itu bukan aku punya pasal.

    185. There is an ancient chinese proverb that said, though these people not killed by you, but the fact shown that they died because of you.

    186. Ying luck escaped the trial of power abuse by her political party members and herself, and i think she and her brother can never be allowed to go back to thailand as the new king already sworn in and replace his father permantly.

    187. Bak kata, when the string is pulled too hard, it would break, and both sides would eventually fall.

    188. We too regardless of race, religion and position, are evolving, learning, adapting and improve as we move on.

    189. To be or not to be, that is not the question.

    190. Able or not, we will see.

  9. 165. Beijing has already lower their national output of steel few months back, not as retaliation, but as safety measure to avoid over capacity of steel that would lead to wastage which would be born by prc.

    166. Bn has been in power for too long until they lost their struggles and direction.

    167. Opposition parties have been in opposing for the sake of opposing until they too lost their struggle and direction.

    168. They should be grateful for being elected by the voters to lead them.

    169. But sadly, they think the voters should be grateful for them to lead.

    170. I dont know what to say, but i believe the good ones will be blessed, and the bad ones will be left behind.

  10. 151. This reminded on what putin said before the general election starts.

    152. He said, those people who made the country losses its population, they have no hearts, and those people who think soviet union could be recreated, they have no brain.

    153. Donald trump and kim jung-un will be meeting this may in pyongyang.

    154. Will the dream, or ambition of donald trump be fullfilled by shifting the nuclear bomb programme into pyongyang to make america great again in the name of national security?

    155. Americans are not easily fooled, therefore majority of them in fact have given up voting because they know the white supremacist president would never give up their ambition to be military strong so that they can dominate the world.

    156. The only weakness that the americans have is they see only black or white which is totally an opposite of canadian.

    157. The body language of melania trump shown her insecure, frightened and stressed when attending the welcoming party of sword dances held by king salman when her husband donald became the president.

    158. The next day, donald announced to the american press proudly, i have bring back multi billion us dollar deal from saudi arab.

    159. Donald fired his top aides, and many of them resigned voluntarily without making any noises to maintain the smooth transition of power in gentleman way because this is how america is built.

    160. Over here, bn has its manifesto, pakatan harapan has its manifesto and pas also has its manifesfo.

    161. I am not sure whether they have hearts or no brain because they only put their interests above the people and the country.

    162. Whenever i get confuse and dissappointed with the political environment, i will refer to rukun negara, and i will be alright.

    163. What will happen next, i dont know.

    164. But i know for those with greedy mindest, they will not get votes from their consituencies, and will be replaced.

  11. Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    Allow me to elaborate on the difference between ‘the rule of law’ and ‘the rule of man’.
    Let’s start with our beloved country Malaysia, the so called democratic government is made up of three branches:
    Legislature: One who enacts the law.
    Executive: One who implements the law.
    Judiciary: One who uphold the law.
    To ensure the government is effective and all its citizen’s rights are protected, each branch has its own power and responsibility (separation of power) as stated in our Constitution.

    Legislature: Legislators are members of parliament who are elected directly by voters (citizen) through the General Election which must be held every five years.

    Executive: The executive lead by Prime Minister is elected by members of parliament and is mandated to form the government, appoint cabinet ministers, hand-pick head of civil servant and govern the country as he sees fit until the Parliament is dissolved.

    Judiciary: Malaysia current system consists of civil/criminal law with the following hierarchy of courts begin from the Magistrate Court, Sessions Court, High court, Court of Appeal and finally the Federal Court and a parallel system of state Syariah Court. The appointment of the Chief Justices is governed by the Constitution of Malaysia so are the appointment of President of Court of appeal, the Chief Judge of Malaya, Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak, other Federal Court Judges, Court of Appeal Judges, High Court Judges, Sessions Court Judges and Magistrates.

    Since independence and after 13 General Election, BN coalition party representatives were retained with more than 2/3 or simple majority into legislators. With such monopoly the legislators had enacted law to favor the majority at the expense of the minority. Election Commission under article 114 was given the power to redraw constituencies’ boundary to favor and consolidate BN support base and draconian law to oppress, suppress and silence dissident voices and opposition parties.
    “It seems to me that an unjust law is no law at all.” – Saint Augustine

    UMNO is the dominant party of BN coalitions; hence UMNO president and deputy president will be automatically elected as PM and deputy PM with lion share of UMNO ministers dominating the Executive branches. PM is given the authority to appoint Head of Malaysian institutions i.e. Police, Army, Central Bank, Attorney General’s Chamber, National Audit, Parliament speaker, Judiciary, MACC, ROC, EC, Custom, Tax, Immigration, GLC and every government department. These make our PM the most powerful person in Malaysia and if this post falls into wrong hand the consequent can be disastrous for the nation.
    “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”- Lord Acton

    UMNO after so many years in power had become corrupted from head to toe. Everyone is in it for their own interest only. Party, Government and GLC positions are used to enrich themselves beyond imagination. The early UMNO founder’s spirit of service above self is relegated into history shelf. Money politics, bribery, corruption, abuse of power, cronyism and nepotism, arrogance, thuggish, cheating, lying through their teeth and brutal disregard to rule of law has becomes an inseparable part of today’s UMNO culture.

    Our Judiciary where the A-G is directly appointed by the PM and given absolute power under Article 145(3)at his discretion to institute, conduct or discontinue any proceedings for an offence will most likely do what was told by his Boss, the PM.
    Judges appointed by the PM will most likely deliver judgment in favor of his Boss, the PM.
    Judges who do not uphold our constitution law and are biased towards his own religion and race will most likely deliver judgments that favor his religion and race.
    Judges who are corrupt will deliver judgment in favor of the highest bidder.
    Mediocre Judges who are there not by merit but by other consideration will most likely deliver sub-standard judgment.
    Only judges that are brave, upright, impartial and well-learned are able to dispense justices, uphold the law and serve the people well. These judges had become a rarity now due to judge-promotion which is not based on merit, ability and competency but by other consideration.

    I extract from Robert Kuok Memoir to answer the question on the difference between rule of law and rule of man: “In its 5,000-year history, I doubt that China has had as enlightened a group of leaders as during the past 30 years. They wanted their country to grow, and their people to prosper. Few leaders today compare with China’s in terms of true patriotism, selfless devotion to duty, and complete willingness to dedicate their lives to the causes of nation-building and raising the peoples’ standard of living.
    In my business travels around China, I often came across incompetent or bigoted officials. Nearly every time I had a major tussle with one, or I met a dubious vice governor or mayor, I would come back and, in my judgmental way, tell my colleagues, “How can that man run such-and-such a city?” And sure enough, the next time I visited the place, say a year later, the man had been removed and a better man was in his place. I began to note to myself and to others that in Southeast Asia, a bad egg gets promoted; in China, a bad egg is removed.
    The years of experimenting with extreme left-wing communism have had adverse side effects on Chinese society. One effect is that many grew up without a strong moral compass. They acted as though your wealth should be shared with them. While they professed to share their wealth with you – they knew full well that they had nothing. I used to tell Chinese cadres: “That is not communism; it is highway robbery! You people are even indecent in not telling the truth to yourselves.”
    To my mind, the two greatest challenges facing China are the restoration of education in morals and the establishment of the rule of law.
    A moral society cannot be attained through policing. You must begin at the beginning, and infuse the young with a strong sense of morality from a young age, both at home and at school. For centuries, Confucian principles provided China’s moral compass; they can do so again.
    The second important point is that China must strive to understand and implement the rule of law. This is more important than implementing democracy. It is a basic principle of the rule of law that everyone is equal before the law. In China today we have rule by man. Under the rule of law, even the General-Secretary of the Communist Party is not above the law.
    I know many believe that it is impossible for a communist party to accept the rule of law. But I think that, if the Chinese Communist Party is to survive, the leaders of the Communist Party must adapt. Otherwise, the people of China will reject them and cast them out.
    I only hope that the Communist Party will take the lead in implementing the rule of law. It will require a gigantic effort, as the culture must change and the legal infrastructure must be created.
    You have to train upright judges and lawyers to uphold the legal system. This may take 20-30 years, but it must start today. If the party succeeds in this monumental task, then the road ahead for China is filled with hope for all mankind.”

    Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    Actually it makes no difference whether it is rule of law or rule of man because rules are made by man and uphold by upright judges only. What matter now is the quality of man; who enacts the law, who implements the law and who uphold the law? For a country to be successful, the country must have an enlightened group of leaders with high moral value, true patriotism, selfless devotion to duty, and complete willingness to dedicate their lives to the causes of nation-building and raising the peoples’ standard of living. We can only produce an enlightened group of leaders with high moral value from the quality of our education and what is imparted into our children in our schools. Does anyone have any idea what had been taught in our school, our university and BTN nowadays?

    Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    I am glad and delighted to read the above news. Mr. Wan Saiful is a man of integrity who possesses all the quality of true patriotism, selfless devotion to duty, and completes willingness to dedicate his lives to the causes of nation-building and raising the peoples’ standard of living. Tun, please also invites Mr. Art Harun and Ms. Mariam Mokhtar to join your Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia or better still stand for MP under PH ticket.

    Dear all Malaysians,
    I pledge with you, beg you, kneel down to you; please find in your good heart to forgive those who wronged you, jailed you, slandered you, betrayed you, hurt you and inflict pain on you. By forgiving others and forgiving ourselves we set ourselves free, so that we can find peace and move on.
    Yes, Tun Dr Mahathir’s era had inflicted a lot of pain to a lot of people, but please empathize with Tun. Tun’s first child UMNO whom he loved and pampered so dearly for so long had been infected with cancerous cell called “Money is King”, chronic corruption and turned into a destructive monster. No matter how much he as a father would like to save his first child; his medical diagnostic expertise revealed to him that UMNO is beyond saving and with a heavy heart for the good of nation he need to put UMNO to sleep by a lethal injection. UMNO knowing their days are numbered, to be killed or to kill is fighting back with all their dirty money to buy favors, supports and votes. Tun cannot win this fight (GE14) alone and need all our help to administer that final lethal injection to put UMNO to sleep and give birth to a new political era. A new political era/newborn that we all help to give birth to and will see to it that this time around we shall raise this child of ours to have all the right quality of true patriotism, selfless devotion to duty, and complete willingness to dedicate his/her life to the causes of nation-building and raising the peoples’ standard of living.
    “Everybody deserves a second chance, because life is too complicated to get it right the first time”- SkyLug.
    Please give Tun and ourselves a second chance to get it right this time. I thank you.
    Please watch the Malay Classical Movie ‘Anak Ku Sazali’ to empathies with the feeling of a father towards his only son that has been ruined by too much pampering.

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE

  12. PRU bakal menjelang
    Di lihat lebih belahnya perpaduan Ummah
    Lebih belahnya perpaduan kaum Melayu

    Di mana salahnya , retaknya perpaduan ini ?
    UMNO di tubuh untuk Melayu
    Begitu juga PRIBUMI , PKR , PAS di tubuh untuk Melayu
    Begitu jug DAP di tubuh untuk kepentingan kaum Cina
    Di mana pula tujunya perpaduan Kaum 1 Malaysia

    UMNO memang Gergasi
    Mungkin akan tumbang olih Pakatan
    Dek disebabkan olih seekor Badut yg tidak bertanggung Jawab yg bernama Najib
    Begitu juga bila Anwar tersingkir , beliau membina Parti sendiri PKR
    Sekarang ini pula Tun , demi menyelamatkan Malaysia dari di Baham Badut
    Tun terpaksa menubuhkan Parti untuk tumpaskan Najib yg dinamakan PRIBUMI
    Hujungnya kaum Melayu menuju pada perbelahan
    Orang Melayu Malaysia Di antara
    Di Telan Mati Ibu
    Di buang Mati Ayah
    Jadi Sekarang orang Melayu terpaksa komor komor
    Telan tidak , Buang pun tidak
    Tapi sampai bila ?

    DAP Party yg di tubuhkan dengan bantuan asing LKY
    Di tubuh demi kepentingan kaum Cina untuk menakluki Malaysia
    Yg dikatakan DAP untuk semua kaum
    DAP berdasar Meritocracy
    Tapi tunggu masa , kita akan lihat belang sebenarnya
    DAP dalam senyum , riang melihat Kaum Melayu Berbelah
    Walau terpaksa menyediakan Kopi untuk Tun dan Anwar

    Sememangnya Najib bakal menghancurkan UMNO
    Sama ada UMNO menang atau kalah di PRU akan datang
    Jika Menang pun UMNO akan tumbang di tangan Najib sendiri
    Pergolakan lain pula akan berlaku jika Najib sifat sebergini
    Jika Kalah memanglah UMNO tutup Kedai
    Satu perubahan besar di Malaysia
    Semua angkatan UMNO dari bawah hingga Menteri akan di bubar
    Di saluti dengan angkatan baru
    Begitu juga PAKATAN yg terpaksa membersihkan najis Najib
    Menguruskan hutang piutang yg di berak olih Najib
    Ini satu kenyataan
    Begitu juga Najib bersama setongkol beliau yg telah merosakan nama baik Malaysia .Akan di hadapkan ke muka Pengadilan
    Ini juga satu kenyataan juga
    Malaysia kena pastikan Najib tidak Kabur Lari
    Malaysia hanya suruh Najib undur bukan suruh Najib Kabur Lari
    Ini satu kenyataan juga

    Dimana inilah yg merisaukan Najib
    Itu sebab Najib akan memperbelajakan duit Malaysia lagi
    Bagi menyogok , membeli undi hati Rakyat
    Sedangkan Tun Mahathir yg berusia 93 tahun
    Masih bersusah payah , sibuk beliau berberapa bulan kini kesana kesini
    Berjuang demi Menyelamatkan Malaysia

    Ini nya bezanya Najib & Tun Mahathir
    Kita sendiri yg lihat
    Bertapa bezanya erti perjuangan Tun untuk Negara
    Sedangkan Najib masih ambil lewa menghabiskan wang kita untuk beli kita

  13. Saya bersama Tun
    Tapi saya tidak setuju GST di bubarkan

    Salahnya Najib
    Najib melahirkan GST untuk menutup pekungnya yg sudah bernanah
    Tanah beliau sudah tidak bolih permainkan lagi
    Sudah ketahuan ramai
    Maka beliau terpaksa menubuhkan GST untuk membayar hutang piutang Negara
    Atas Kegagalan beliau yg membebankan Negara

    Singapura pun kaup GST
    Bezanya Singapura mengunakan hasil GST amat dengan Cermat
    Membanggunakan Negara , memperbaiki taraf kehidupan yg lebih sempurna
    Mempertingkatkan Ketenteraan , membeli senjata yg canggih dan terkini
    Kerajaan Singapura amat Peka & Cermat mengendalikan Wang mereka
    Lebih menyimpan dari membazir
    Jauh dari ucapaan Najib yg kononya Singapura Negara yg Maju lebih banyak hutang dari Malaysia . Bila saya dengar hujah Najib bergini …..Saya tersenyum lebar dan amat sedih kerana mempunyai Pemimpin yg sudahlah penyagak pencuri malah nak tipu pun macam budak budak

    Singapura mempunyai Simpanan yg amat hingga rakyat sendiri tidak tahu jumlah sebenarnya .Setiap saat , setiap detik ,setiap satu tapak , Kerajaan Singapura buat duit yg menglimpah berbanding Malaysia. Sedangkan Singapura tidak punya apa hasil Bumi pun . Air pun takda

    Jadi , Jib
    Tak payahlah nak tipu saya , saya ni pun penipu
    Jangan tipu si penipu
    Makcik Makcik , Pak Chik PakChik bolih lah awak temberang

    Saya berharap kedepan
    Kerajaan yg Berdisplin
    Lebih buat dari Lagak
    Lebih simpan dari membazir

    ” Berjimatlah semasa Berada . Dah takda nak jimat apa ” ? Jib

    ” Biar kita Malu Miskin . Jangan kita Malu Berlagak Kaya “

  14. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Ada yang bertanya mengenai mimpi ketakutan yang saya tuliskan, iaitu mimpi yang saya sifatkan berkenaan masa depan.

    Untuk penerangan, saya sengaja tuliskan tentang tafsiran mimpi saya itu bagi mengesahkan tentang pandangan saya mengenai perjalanan politik semasa ini kepada Tun.

    Mimpi tersebut berlaku pada november 2016. Semasa Bersatu baru ditubuhkan. Dan saya hanya memandang sekeliling segala proses yang berlaku.

    Dan dapat kita lihat, jabatan jabatan kerajaan secara efektifnya telah dapat menjalankan arahan pihak atasan sepanjang tahun lalu, 2017.

    Kehidupan saya tidaklah dalam ketakutan. Malah rasanya Tun pun tidaklah rasa takut.

    Sekadar untuk bagi penerangan pada yang menyokong dan yang bersetuju tentang kerosakkan yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan Najib sekarang.

    Saya rekodkan tentang mimpi ketakutan ini (2016) kerana ianya terjadi pada malam hari di Malaysia, sementara wife saya baru sahaja menjejaki kakinya di Mekah. Umrah bersama ibunya dan rombongan saudara mara kampung.

    Saya cuma bagi pesanan pada wife saya, “sampaikan salam pada Rasulullah saw bila sampai sana.”

    Alhamdulillah perjalanan mereka saudara mara untuk mengerjakan umrah berjalan dengan lancar dan kebetulannya, mereka turut diiring oleh polis kawalan pergi dan balik kerana terdapat vvip policeman dalam rombongan tersebut.

    Sementara saya di Malaysia menjalankan tugas menjaga anak anak. Makan dan tidur.

    Menceritakan tentang mimpi ketakutan ini, selepas saya bermimpi dengan rasa takut dan diisyaratkan supaya maju terus ke depan itu, terus saya tak tidur di tempat tersebut sepanjang tempoh berkenaan.

    Seperti kata Ustaz Badlishah dan hosnya Nabil Ahmad dalam rancangan tafsir mimpi, mimpi akan terjadi seperti yang ditafsirkan oleh penafsir, jika diri menafsirkan negatif maka negatiflah hasilnya. Jika ditafsirkan positif, maka positiflah hasilnya.

    Samada ujian atau kesenangan, terimalah dengan tafsir yang positif, kerana kesemuanya adalah tujuan untuk mendekatkan diri kita kepada Allah swt.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  15. The difference of intentions
    Between Tun Mahathir and the call we just call Najib

    What is Tun doing at this age ?
    Najib query 92yr old man want to be PM ?
    Well the answer is very clear
    92 yr old is more fit than Najib
    Najib is Fat , Bald , his eye brow so whitish like those Chinese Opera Apek
    Tun , Slim & Fit even if this 2 jogs , I bet 2.6 billion
    Tun Mahathir will lead
    Age is not a matter , its just a figure
    Even if were to choose a 10 yr old boy between Najib as the PM of Malaysia
    I will still choose the 10 yr old boy
    How can I allow a Monster , A Clown , A Mascot of Malaysia to be our PM ?

    Tun is our Hero
    He did it for Malaysia
    No one can argue nor doubt Tun intentions

    Najib he did it for himself
    He is an afraid man today
    He can say a thousand nice words, but his deeds tells he did it for himself
    Not for UMNO not for Malaysia
    He is too much afraid , once his down
    He knows he will be dealt with
    This we see . We are not Blind

    The only strength Najib hsa now is UMNO
    UMNO had its strength
    This strength could be broken to at its weakest link
    Najib is the weakest link holding the strong chain

    Aboves all
    Its about to Kick Najib not UMNO
    But it goes in a bag

    May The Best Man Win
    If Najib win , The struggle to kick him out will continue
    As we Malaysia would prefer to pick a 10 yr boy
    Than A Fat Monstering Clown like Najib

  16. Dear Tun Mahathir,
    Du’a PAS untuk HARAPAN.

    PAS never fails to pray to Allah for others’ destruction. Before they used to pray for the destruction of UMNO. Now it’s the destruction of ‘pakatan jahat’ HARAPAN pula.

    Such negativity shown in their prayer to God. How can they expect the Kafirs to support them if they become the government together with BN or the advisor to BN? Both thinking Muslims and non-Muslims would be afraid of PAS for having such negativity and hateful attitude towards others who do not profess the same belief, religious and political.

    PAS is a selfish group of people who has only HATRED in their agenda. This type of hate group will in no way respect the rule of law nor will it uphold democracy. To this hate group it is always their way or no way.

    I believe God knows better than to be told what to do. God loves all His creation, not just PAS. And God will never condone looting of the people’s money, bribery and corruption, lying and cheating, abuse of power and abuse of the people’s trust, etc. you name them.

    God does not work in the ways that PAS thinks.

    Goodnight Tun. May God bless you and PAKATAN HARAPAN.

  17. Tun,

    Stor Institut Perubatan Forensik Negara HKL terbakar tengahari tadi…

    Tempohari bangunan KWSP terbakar…

    Don’t know what else will terbakar…

    Looks like all fingers are pointing everywhere else except to the real villain.

    Have a restful weekend Tun.

  18. Dear Tun,
    500,000 bekas pelatih PLKN mendaftar sebagai pengundi.

    BN also said they will sapu Pulau Pinang this time around.

    Don’t underestimate what the UMNO-BN are capable of doing. Though the above are just a couple of news which seem small and almost invisible to be noticed, just be wary HARAPAN. They are doing everything under the stars to not lose this PRU14. The wicked will have their way again and again and again even if it means to steal the elections.

    I can’t imagine the rakyat’s disappointment when evil and injustice still win no matter.

    Take good care Tun. Be safe no matter where you are.

  19. 149. At least we know, especially the younger generation knows why it happened.

    150. After this trial, it would definitely, mark a new chapter in malaysian politics.

  20. Assalamualaikum wbt Tun.

    Just wandering & wondering, agak2 kenapa Rafizi jadi terlalu seronok utk reveals segala details maklumat2 yg saya kiralah boleh makes UMNO-BN b alerted sedangkan jika dapatan penyelidikan dia itu betul, demi utk yakinkan pekerja n penyokong PH dia hanya patut umum secara umum sahaja. Pendedahan details survey dia kpd pekerja PH elok dibuat secara tertutup.

    (2) Cara dia buat now, makes UMNO-BN b more aggressive and deparate, which to certain extend akan memaksa PH utk bertindakbalas lebih parah. So wajar, Rafizi @ PH simpan sikit maklumat penting peperangan. Tak payahlah too exited “to win on paper” sebab itu boleh jadi riak & silap2 senjata makan tuan.

    (3) Harap Tun dapat perhatikan psywar yg saya rasalah tak berapa nak “cun” ini. Jgnlah Rafizi terbawa2 dari rasa kecewanya “utk tidak dpt bertanding dlm PRU14 ini” @ kemungkinan utk “display the incoming PH winning adalah bersebab his great work @ course”. Saya tidak menafikan dia telah dan sedang bekerja keras ke arah itu. But great to be humble, cool & strategic.

  21. 126. Who were the real victims when dsai was charged for sodomy 1?

    135. Who were the real victims when dsai were charged for sodomy 2?

    136. Truth shall and will prevail one day.

    137. It is only a matter of time.

    138. Betul tetap betul.

    139. Salah tetap salah.

    140. Time will reveal a person’s character.

  22. 127. Dont forget, the era of government knows all is already long gone, always top down aja to show their power of authority, nothing more.

    128. Dsn announced rm2000 for pnb malay staffs to enjoy raya means umno needs malay and bumiputra votes to stay relevant, perhaps for 1 penggal pun sudah cukup.

    129. Even if opposition parties form a coalition and wins out, they will face a lot of resistants from umno and bn.

    130. I dont mean to hurt anyone, but the manifesto of pakatan harapan will only increase the budget defecit, and this manifesto for sure will not get sambutan from the investors, especially the private sector.

    131. Bn had implemented the manifesto of pakatan harapan in the past, but failed miserably.

    132. You think such manifesto is relevant?

    133. Winners take all.

    134. Similarly loosers take all.

  23. 121. The thing is malaysia memang tak ada kuasa veto, kemampuan maupun human resources untuk bikin atau ekspot wmd atau mass destruction of weapon, jadi kdn kena import very much depend on voting pattern.

    122. Sekarang tak payah fly to usa to visit empire city, kan kita sudah ada kat lebuh damsnsara puchong.

    123. In the past, i dont see malay doing ice skating, but today, i saw many of them came out to skate.

    124. Tapi, indian masih berkurangan.

    125. The indian community yang tua tua punya can blame dr m for maika holdings, but not mic ex president, samy velu, mereka ingat dr m ini bapa mereka ke?


  24. Today PNB staff got announcement they will get 2K “bonus”? What is the souce of such payment.. from PNB or? If it was approved by PNB, was it approved by the board? Why is PM making the announcement as if he is the one owning the PNb money? Another obvious example of abuse of power by M01 .. but Wahid is appointed by him.. so, there goes conflict if interest, glaringly shameless both of them

  25. Assalamualaikum wbt Tun

    Sehingga kini, hampir segala2nya telah didedah dan dimuntahkan kpd rakyat tentang kelemahan dan kejahatan Najib MO1. Biar sebilangan besar rakyat telah faham dan menerimanya, namun saya yakin masih ramai mereka di luar bandar malah kalangan generasi lama belum dapat menerima akan kelemahan UMNO (dan PAS) dan Kerajaan kini.

    (2) Pun sebegitu, ramai juga antara mereka masih taksub akan “Islam” PAS. Bukan sebab PAS itu Islam, semua kerana “kecintaan mereka terhadap Melayu dan Islam” yg cukup hebat PAS dan UMNO permainkan. Mereka masih berpegang kpd “kekoloton (assabiyah) tafsiran Melayu dan Islam”. Saya namakan mereka ini sebagai golongan last frontiers. Mereka adalah kubu kemenangan UMNO (dan PAS).

    (3) Kemenangan bergaya PH kini tergantung di tangan golongan last frontiers ini. Jika mereka beralih, In Shaa Allah PH akan menang bergaya.

    (4) Pada pemerhatian saya, apapun isu yg kita bangkitkan selama ini belum dapat mengubah pendirian sebahagian dari mereka. Kecintaan mereka pd Melayu dan Islam cukup kental. Ini bukan salah mereka. Itu sebetulnya kekuatan mereka, cuma PAS dan UMNO telah salahguna ketaatan dan kecintaan mereka.

    (5) Saya kira dlm bbrp minggu ke depan ini, saikologi kecintaan pd Melayu dan Islam golongan last frontiers ini harus PH turn around sehingga menjadi senjata utk mengalahkan UMNO n PAS. How?

    (6) Tun, Mohamad Sabu, Sanusi Junid, dll ada mengutarakan konsep “Tidakkah kita berasa malu?” dgn gelagat buruk Najib MO1 dlm ceramah2 PH. Cuma cara penghujahannya itu belum membangkitkan rasa malu dan marah rakyat terutama di kalangan last frontiers ini. Maka, saya kira konsep ini harus dikembang dan ditekankan bersungguh2. Kita perlu bangkitkan rasa marah rakyat atas sikap pemimpin Melayu yg tidak amanah dan tidak bermaruah. Sikap2 ini menunjukkan kelemahan akidah Islam kita. Ianya boleh merosakkan nilai moral dan martabat Melayu dan Islam. Kita kena bangkitkan rasa malu dan marah rakyat lantaran sikap buruk Najib MO1 maka Melayu dan Islam dihina di dlm dan luar Negara. PH kena gendangkan bersungguh2 bhw PH benar2 hendak membela dan membina kembali martabat Melayu dan Islam agar semua mendapat rahmat di bumi ini.

    (7) PH need to be seen utk membela dan membina martabat Melayu dan Islam utk menarik keluar golongan last froontiers ini dari kepompong lama mereka. Saya yakin PH bombardment on this approach will have great impact on these UMNO ( and PAS) last frontiers. In Shaa Allah.

  26. assalamualaikum tun

    1.satu sebab mengapa saya menyanjungi tun adalah kerana tun berpegang pada pendirian yang tun percaya.bagi saya itulah juga penanda samada itu adalah seorang pemimpin yang kuat ataupun tidak.

    2.jadi bila tun berkata tun tidak patut memecat anwar,dan dilaporkan bahawa tun menyalahkan pihak polis.ini membuatkan saya terkejut dan kecewa.

    3.ayah saya adalah seorang bekas anggota polis.saya sedikit terasa apabila tun menyalahkan pihak polis tapi saya tidak mudah percaya jadi saya cuba mencari artikel asal temubual itu.

    4.apa yang saya baca adalah tun berkata yang tun bertindak hasil dari bukti pihak polis dan tun memarahi pihak polis kerana tidak membawa anwar ke mahkamah.dulu tun pernah berkata yang tun ingin mempercepatkan perbicaraan anwar dan pihak polis melengahkannya rupanya adalah kerana mata anwar sudah lebam.polis nak elak dari orang ramai nampak.

    5.lupakah tun yang tun pernah berkata tun tidak boleh mengambil anwar menjadi perdana menteri kerana risau nanti musuh akan mengungut anwar berkanaan perangai songsangnya itu?itu akan sangat membahayakan negara. jadi apa yang tun perlu sesalkan?

    6.manusia sukar untuk berubah.kebiasaannya mereka hanya akan berubah apabila ditimpa musibah.anwar ni lepas dari pemecatan timbalan perdana menteri pada 1998, lebih dari musibah yang telah menimpa beliau.harapnya dia betul2 telah berubah.

    7.kalau tun tidak memecat beliau pada tahun 1998 itu dan tun melantik die menjadi perdana menteri.tun fikirlah sendiri,seorang yang berada di puncak,menjadi orang no 1 dalam negara dan mempunyai kuasa mutlak.orang yang dalam keadaan semacam ini,akan berubah insaf secara tiba2 pada waktu itu?

    8. jadi apa yang tun perlu sesalkan?adakah faktor usia menyebabkan tun yg sebelum ini seorang yang kuat,berpegang teguh pada pendirian telah bertukar menjadi seorang yang lembik?

    9. minta maaf kalau saya terkasar bahasa. saya doakan semoga tun sihat sejahtera.

  27. 111. Even dap national chairman sent their liang lui down south, why bn chairman cannot decide who to contest where?

    112. The tunjuk perasaan of these mca grassroot signals they do not have loyalty to the mca president, mahupun, president umno dan bn chairman.

    113. It means they serve the interest of their political masters first, not malaccan or malaysians.

    114. Bak kata, bagi bukit emas pun tarak guna.

    115. By the of day, it would end as bubble as expected.

  28. Dear Tun Mahathir,

    Kudos to TS Rais Yatim and TS Rafidah Aziz for their commendable stance on the Jho Low issue! We know now that there are still honourable people in UMNO who are not afraid to voice out the truth! If only the rest in UMNO’s sinking ship would realise this and follow in the two’s footsteps!

    Take care dear Tun.

  29. PRIBUMi, PKR , PAS juga DAP bolih mohon AG Swiss supaya dapat balik duit 1MDB yg Swiss ingin kembalikan . Dengan ini Tamparan bagi Najib juga kesemua rahsia Najib akan terbongkar.Ini Hak dan Kehendak Rakyat jika UMNO , Najib tak mampu minta balik .Pembangkang juga ada hak mewakili Malaysia.
    Ini duit Halal, Duit 1 Malaysia .Tak perlu Takut .Lainlah duit Najib curi.Itu duit Haram
    Yg Haram perlu takut .Inikan lagi duit Halal , duit kita bersama .Apa nak Takut ? Betul tak Pak Uztad ?

  30. 106. Even when we know the truth, there is nothing we can do.

    107. Tak nak takpa, tapi jangan hina kita.

  31. 104. Some mistakes made could be forgiven, but some mistakes made could never be forgiven.

    105. Without the consent of mca, there is no way dap can represent malaysian chinese.

  32. 101. Suddenly lim guan eng talked in fork tongue.

    102. Respect umno?

    103. You go figure out, sibotak.

  33. Asshe day doealam’kum Tun,

    Next Question : What will happen if the govt of the day does not follow Or allow the opposition to conduct in the voting process?
    Is there a world body where this can be addressed??

  34. Tun,

    Rules of Law is very subjective.
    Rule of whose Law?
    My Law, Your Law or His/Her Law
    The person in power will create rules & laws to suit him/her or his/her politics.
    From day 1 Malaysia only have rule of law of the person or people in power.
    Did NEP practice unreasonable rules and law?
    Did you practice your type of laws and rules when you were in power?

    Petrol money gone so all sorts of changes happening. Survival of the fittest and natural selection are happening. However strong and smart one can be, nature is stronger and more powerful than humans politics and emotions. Authority is no more truth but truth is authority now. Change or forced to change is a everyone choice.

    Hope you can get the registration and win the election for the sake of Malaysia. Racism is just an emotion and it is an untruth to humans and humanity.

  35. To UMNO Member concerns
    Those protecting Najib for the wrong reasons
    Does not & will never help to furnish any good image for UMNO
    Indeed their protecting Najib wrong doings will Tarnish UMNO more severe
    It already shown today

    Even in Pribumi
    They cannot salvage the image of any wrong doers
    If Tun Mahathir did wrong
    He has to face his own music
    Shielding his wrong doings will just tarnish & destroy his own Party Pribumi
    Every Man will pay & be punish for his own wrong doings, his own deeds
    No man will be punish for another man sins though they are Twins
    Prophet Isa a.s does not pay for any man sins

  36. 96. Dont forget, law makers need to be tested too.

    97. If the law they made failed, dan tak dapat sambutan, obviously, they will be left behind.

    98. The world was never perfect, therefore, whoever become the perdana menteri and formed the kabinet, i wish them best of luck.

  37. 87. Fake news?

    88. Genuine news?

    89. In economic senses, both news sell.

    90. No matter which news you touch, it is still a micro economic activity.

    91. No matter which news you support, it is still an income earned for the system owners.

    92. Internet too is evolving rapidly.

    93. It will become more and more user friendly, more and more efficient, more and more competitive, more and more cost efficient and more and more safety features
    introduced by the ipo to protect their users.

    94. Therefore, there is no way to stop internet.

    95. It is either we adapt to these changes or we will be left behind.

  38. Rule of Law
    None should be above the Law

    But is seems here in Malaysia
    Najib is above the Law
    A sign of very very not right and Malaysia is in The Danger Zone

    None can be above The Law
    Not Najib not Sultan nor Agong not Imam nor Priests nor Nobody

    Malaysia is in The Danger Zone
    Consenting PM above The Law
    Is consenting Malaysian narrowing to be Barbaric
    It involves all The Police , The AG , The relevant Authority which consented & abetting to Najib Wrong Doings
    These will be dealt with when the New Healthy Govt is Formed
    Every each of them
    I mean how can them representing the Law under Oath
    Did not know what & where to stand regardless of their Superior
    even The PM nor any Agong ?
    This topics should be on The Opposition Forum now & then in the Media
    So as to keep the people update & to send a stern massage Justice is above all

    No wonder Malaysia under Najib
    Was never at Ease nor Peace
    We heard today Malaysia have increase in Crimes , Brutal Crimes Tremendously
    Lots of illegal groups , Illegal Assembly , Illegal Money Laundering is spreading its Wings ,Crimes rates at its purge , murder , gang fight ,robbery snatch , kidnapping , prostitution ,Scams rooted in Malaysia and many many more .The best this illegals can buy over the Police

    Najib Please just read this
    Yr Stupid incapable unprofessional decision to abolish ISA
    You are one Stupid Idiotic Prime Minister of The World
    Your True character has in a way Mould yr Nation today into a disturbing Nation today . Your Act is widely known today . Shame on you

  39. 81. No matter which side the voters vote, the ultimate result is both of the divides will continue to sell their plan to tap the voters to stay relevant.

    82. It is an open secret mps and wakil rakyat could be rigged behind the voters just to win an election.


    84. Which way to go?

    85. When general election result is made known, then, we will know what will happen next.

    86. Cronism, nepotism, corruption, kletrocracy, or lobby, its up to the political parties of the divide to play their parts.

  40. Rule of Law
    The head of the police has tried to launder money in Australia and has had the funds taken – no contest.

    The AG is corrupt and complicit in corruption.

    Yes Malaysia is a compete third world corrupt joke of a country.

  41. 69.

    76. To mahb, it looks like they can never be wrong, and it is all about mega project lobbying to win even it does not make money.

    77. Politics is not dirty but politicians can never learn from history.

    78. They are not interested to build a country, they are more interested to build their vision.

    79. Tak pa lah, siapakah jadi perdana menteri, hakikatnya adalah sama.

    80. Keranamu, mereka tetap akan put their interest above the country and people.

  42. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Recently Rafizi announced findings by Invoke survey on the expected outcome of GE 14. According to the survey, UMNO is expected to retain only three states namely Kelantan, Pahang and Terengganu. As expected, PAS will only collect eggs (zero), this was expected by everyone but PAS leaders. PH will have most seat in the peninsula but ironicly, BN is expected to continue to rule. Upon closer analysis, it was due to parliamentary seats from Sarawak and Sabah.

    As I was pondering what to make of this, BN holding only 3 states but still manage to rule the country, I came to see a movie, the Justice League. In this movie a group of superheroes, although initially not united, banded together to fight a very strong supervillain. Sound familiar? I imagined Superman (PPBM), Wonder Woman (PKR), Aquaman (DAP) and Cyborg (Amanah).

    There was only one supervillain in the movie but he was very powerful and his minions follow and fear him because of this. The ending part is what intrigues me. Having battled the Justice League from all sides, the supervillain strength was reduced considerably (Say now at 30% representing the 3 states). The villain could have won had he fought on, but his minions became to notice he is no longer as strong as before. His minions became to sense fear in him. So the minions rebeled and fought the supervillain. In the end, the supervillain was defeated by his own minions.

    Coming back to UMNO, let say after GE UMNO strength has been reduced to 30%, would MCA, MIC Sarawak parties remain loyal to UMNO now that UMNO is not strong? Remember how UMNO treated them when UMNO was strong? Look what Nazri say MCA. I dont respect MCA because MCA does not represnt the chinese. By thay same rule, should BN parties remain loyal to UMNO now that UMNO does not represent the Malays?

    With 3 states, there will be alot of UMNO people out of work. Within UMNO, will the warlords continue pledge loyal to Najib with less dedak to go around? Remember, cash is king. Now no more cash, remain loyal?

    We have seen to Pak Lah when he lost several states, but now Najib is only able to retain 3 states, would the warlords remain loyal?

    When you were in power, you abuse your partners, when you weak, do you expect them to remain loyal?

    The movie maybe fiction, but it may tell us what happens the leaders who rule by power and not by comadreship.

  43. Dear Tun,

    Corrupt politicians who are also corrupt government officials are in power in our country. The infamous chief thief being at the helm his corrupt regime will by crook protect his office. UMNO being the big bro will steer the wheel to steal even the coming 14th General Election. That’s how a good crook they have become.

    More an authoritarian government than a government governed by law we are definitely moving towards a failed state status. The rule of law is no more respected, in fact it is being ignored to give way to individualistic decisions of the corrupt government officials.

    When there is no more rule of law there is no more democracy. Democracy in Malaysia now is only a facade to deceive the people. The rule of law is just a principle the corrupt now mock and tuck under their asscrack. In reality Malaysia is a nation now controlled by absolute power.

    We the people want a change of government. No more fake politicians who are corrupt and abusive of the power they hold in trust for the people. PAKATAN HARAPAN must make sure the people’s HOPE is not crushed this time. It is this GE14 or it never will.

    Take good care Tun, be safe always okay.

  44. 70. Lalang tetap lalang.

    71. When a principle could be dated, that is not a principle.

    72. Therefore, the price we paid, it is the value that we get.

    73. By the end of the day, it is still up to the political parties to send their contestants of the political divides to represent their states to contest.

    74. Whoever gets the majority, they will name the perdana menteri, and form the cabinet.

    75. To change or not to change the kongsi formulae, the decision is in the hands of umno who is the chairman of barisan nasional.

  45. 47.

    48. The set up of bersatu political party would only make umno and bn stonger and stronger, more and more united than before.

    49. Bersatu will only make opposition weaker and weaker.

    50. Pendek kata, bersatu is neither here nor there.

    51. Pkr was set up due to dsai from penang, and he was kicked out, belasah by pdrm prison chief kerana kata kesat beliau, and sent to jail to due lawan mahathir, and pkr was formed and lead by the wife.

    52. Pkr was purely based on keadilan of dsai and family against dictatorship, itu saja.

    53. Amanah was formed due to disagreement with pas, itu saja.

    54. Look at dap, lim guan eng, suddendly he u-turn and said he is not always base in penang.

    55. Meaning, he just leave penang in limbo after all those mess he created?

    56. Bak kata, time will reveal’s the character of a person.

    57. There is no absolute power, and history has shown that.

    58. Now, my mb selangor, the gombak mp, challenges pekan mp, our pahang perdana menteri to solve the flood in pekan first, has my mb forgot kl and selangor flash flood until today also have not solved yet beside water issues.

    59. Selangor is the most developed state, and yet flood and water crisis keeps occuring, why?

    60. It is easy to yes, but how many of them dare to say no?

    60. Even if they said no, will you listen?

    61. Yesterday, bn rewrites history?

    62. Today, history rewrites bn?

    63. Tomorrow, bn rewrites history?

    64. Day after tomorrow, history rewrites bn?

    65. There is no way out.

    66. Opposition must formed a strong alternative coalition if they want to be at par with bn.

    67. If they are unable to do that by keep registrating new political parties, they will become weaker and weaker as there is no law to say malaysians cannot form new political parties at ros.

    68. What will happen next, we will see.

  46. 26. The rule of the law is always there.

    27. It is the wanabes of the political divides who would always outsmart the not so smart politicians via lobby, donations and money politics behind the voters.


    29. Such decision is expected.

    30. You think americans of the political divide not kiasu and tamak?

    31. Have you read any news of usa opposition parties in sending their ruling president to jail for war crimes?

    32. There is always benefit of doubts why it happened so that all of us learn and improve to make the world better and safer to live.

    33. I prefer android phones more than iphones, and both of the systems are originated from usa.

    33. It is expected, as donald trump, has vowed to fullfill his political campaign to keep jobs for the american blue collars to make america great again.

    34. Moreover, malaysian players are still new to them, therefore, it is understandable why they prohibit the takeover of malaysian players.

    35. Dont forget, republic and democrat too have the benefits of doubt whether this merger is good or not for their bilateral trade.

    36. Warren buffett, an american investor, always believe invest in the long run.

    37. Buy a business, dont rent stocks.

    38. Therefore, no one knows who is swimming naked in there as long as the tide is not off.


    40. New kid in town needed to be tested too.

    41. It is either he is with bn, or opposition party.

    42. Voters’ hearts too are hardened as they aged, and there is no way to change them.

    43. Young voters are impulsive, and uncertain, and needed to be tested too in many general elections by either ruling or opposition parties.

    44. There is no free lunch in this world.

  47. Selamat pagi saudara saudari
    Ini cerita negara sendiri..

    Dugaan, Godaan siapa yg suka.?
    Berkawan, Berlawan, siapa yg sangka.?


    Negara dirogol oleh menteri..
    Sultan & Raja berdiam diri..
    Adalah juga yg join sekaki…
    Mencari nikmat kononnya hakiki..



    Ikan di laut, Asam di darat.!
    Kapal di laut, siapa mendarat.?

    Bertemu di mana..??

  48. PRU is coming
    These Najib cannot hide nor ignore
    We need to tell the World
    PRU of Malaysia is coming and we need UN interference
    Najib sudah jadi Kebencian Rakyat
    Najib dan anggota UMNO sendiri sila buat survey akan kenyataan Najib sudah jadi kebencian Rakyat
    Lihat saja di media kini.Tidak ada komen yg sukan beliau.UMNO pun akan ikut Najib kecundang
    Najib akan hidup dalam dilema ini
    Bapa tubuh UMNO
    Aku Najib Razak Kubur UMNO
    AG , Menteri , anggota UMNO yg bersubahat
    Masa menanti anda
    Anda semua akan di hisap satu per satu


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