1. The Sultan Abdul Hamid College in Alor Setar is the alma mater of many who have done well in life. Of course there are the two Prime Ministers, but there are also Ministers, business tycoons, professionals in every field and heads of many Government Departments at State and Federal levels.

2. All must remember the fun and games and the great days of schooling. And many must be nostalgic about those days of youth, uncomplicated by the need to struggle for a living. Of course there were exams to get through and that can be a bore – except when you happen to be a distinction kid.

3. I think it is payback time now. Not many schools have hit the century. But in 2008, SAHC became 100 years old.

4. To commemorate this event it was decided to build a Dewan Centennial. The only problem is money. We need money to make this dream a reality. But suddenly we are made aware that everyone, every old boy and (old) girl is poor. No donations have been forthcoming.

5. But I don’t think we are so poor that we cannot donate a month’s income over a period of 2-3 years.

6. Easy to say but what about you? Well my pension is half my last drawn pay. That makes it RM10,000 per month. In a generous mood I will give RM20,000. Maybe more later, Insya’allah.

7. So how about it? Don’t pledge. Just give. Anything less than one million Ringgit will be accepted.

8. Please make out crossed cheque to SAHOCA Centennial Fund c/o Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid, 05460 Alor Setar.

Mahathir bin Mohamad

Class of 1946

32 thoughts on “SAHOCA”

  1. I stumbled upon and I find this site really interesting. It is my pleasure to read such article concerning the people of Indonesia. Thanks for sharing/.

  2. Salam Takzim Untuk Ayahanda Tun Sekeluarga;
    1. Ayahanda Tun Seisi Keluarga
    Saya mengambil kesempatan mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya kepada Ayahanda Tun seisi keluarga semoga dimurahkan rezeki, dilimpahkan rahmat serta berkat dan dipanjangkan umur oleh Tuhan supaya terus berupaya menulis dan memberikan pandangan demi kebaikan kita semua di bumi bertuah Malaysia ini.
    2. Melayu, China, India dan Lain2 kaum (Beragama Islam)
    Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Fitri semoga terus diberkati Tuhan dan saling bermaafan antara kita demi menambah kerukunan hidup bermasyarakat majmuk di negara ini.
    3. Melayu, China, India dan Lain2 kaum (Bukan Beragama Islam) Bersamalah kita kunjung mengunjung demi mengeratkan perpaduan & kekalkan kedamaian hidup anuggerah Tuhan di Malaysia yang sama-sama kita sayangi ini.
    4. Kerajaan Barisan Nasional
    Berusahalah bersungguh2 mengurus tadbir negara & negeri yang diterajui oleh parti tuan dengan sebaik mungkin agar terus diberi peluang memenangi PRU akan datang serta diberikan rahmat & keberkatan oleh Tuhan. Jagalah amanah yang diberikan rakyat sebaik mungkin. Sekurang-kurangnya tuan/puan mampu menjengah Syurga yang disediakan oleh Tuhan untuk meneruskan hidup sesudah mati. Janganlah hendaknya para pemimpin dan penyokong BN menjadi penghuni Neraka seperti mana anda semua dikategorikan oleh PAS (Pakatan Rakyat)sebagai KAFIR yang memang akan menghuni Neraka selama-lamanya.
    5. Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat
    Berusahalah juga dengan bersungguh2 mengurus tadbir negeri yang dimenangi dengan sebaik mungkin supaya turut diberi peluang memenangi PRU akan datang serta diberikan rahmat & keberkatan oleh Tuhan. Pastikan anda semua mampu ke Syurga. Jangan pula nanti anda akan bersama-sama seiringan dengan penyokong Barisan Nasional menjadi penghuni berdaftar Neraka Jahanam (yang mana anda telah kelaskan mereka(penyokong BN sebagai KAFIR LAKNATULLAH dan turut melabelkan mereka ahli NERAKA.
    6. Para Ahli Politik
    Berpolitiklah dengan berhemah demi kesejahteraan parti yang YB dukungi agar YB turut diberkati. Janganlah hendaknya para YB mendapat sebaliknya iaitu dilaknat oleh Tuhan, disumpah rakyat & parti YB ditolak oleh para pengundi. Paling utama…biarlah hidup YB bahagia dan sejahtera.

  3. larocheguy: “For what u have contributed to Malaysia, u only earned RM 10 k as pension….Whereby the plp under you earn and make money more than you….Even Anwar the Biggest Liar earn more than you and Anwar mansion are much much more expensive than your house….May Allah rewards you more in after life.”
    Beats me that people can be so gullible! More, I do not need to say. Tun and Allah know better that he can still maintain his present lifestyle without a pension. No need to elaborate.

  4. Hi Tun,
    One of the main different between Chinese and Malay is the support of the education.
    All the Chinese indenpent school are supported by the contribution from the chinese community.
    This kind of thing, just simply an imagination in Malay community.
    There rather spend on the new luxury car rahter than the education….

  5. QUOTE: Easy to say but what about you? Well my pension is half my last drawn pay. That makes it RM10,000 per month. In a generous mood I will give RM20,000. Maybe more later, Insya’allah.
    If you are eking a living on an RM3,000 salary, contributing half your last drawn pay is not that easy, especially if you have a family. One has to consider how much one has left each month after normal living expenses, and not just consider only the monthly salary. In fact, a family of four living on RM3,000 a month can just about manage these days, what with the inflation during the last few years.

  6. Dear Tun,
    1. I am sensing individualism. People are becoming individualistic as Malaysia moves forward. In many instances, neighbors do not talk much as they did in the past, siblings are not as close with each other as they did before and children are not that caring towards their elderly parents anymore. There are many old folks home now.
    2. I am afraid associations are becoming weak.
    3. Good luck to SAHOCA in their fund raising effort.

  7. Dear Tun,
    with your permission,
    By andrewtayAuthor Profile Page on September 8, 2010 6:49 PM
    “Rm 20K. Thats alot of money that should be going to the poor. But im not your moral conscience”.
    Andrew, what moral conscience are you talking about? Do you actually understand what the word means? For you Andrew Tay, have no MORAL, period.
    On a serious note, I do wish the Australian govt. would offer you a citizenship status so that you could continue harping for a vernacular school like the one being practice here in Malaysia. I’m more than willing to support you on your quest if you decided to start a petition for one.
    But being a Hypocrite with a capital ‘H’ I’d doubt you would do that for, you would insist that your children should go to an Australian school, speak the English language and the more Australian they are the better you’ll feel.
    On second thought maybe its not a wise decision for me to wish that you’ll be granted an Australian citizenship for I’m afraid when your greed sets in you will be harping for the Australian govt. to take away favors granted to help the Aborigines. I guess my moral conscience wouldn’t allow it.

  8. Selamat Hari Raya, Ayahnda TDM dan Bonda TDSH yang dikasihi. Semoga panjang umur dan segala amalan diberkati Allah.

    Harap Dewan Centennial SAHOCA, alma mater Tun, akan menjadi kenyataan secepat mungkin.

  9. Dear Tun,
    It seems that the latest message in your blog has something in common with that from the present PM – reminiscing your roots (balik kampung). While you cherish a revisit to your alma mater SAHOCA and pay back (and exhort others to do the same – putting your influence to a good cause) by contributing to the fund for Dewan Centennial, the PM in his 1Malaysia blog, has expressed his indebtedness to the Pekan folks for their long relationship with his family; their simplicity and sincerity, including the small gifts from their orchards, have indeed left an indelible trait in his character and style of leadership, inspite of his years in UK as a student. Hope, such linkage will not be jeopardized by the next layer from the elite clan who were brought up in times of plenty.

  10. Salam Tun,
    Hope your Dewan Centennial will become a reality soon. Maybe ANSARA can help. There are already many big shots from ANSARA eg Wahid Omar (Maybank), Shazali Ramly (Celcom), Mukhriz (Deputy Minister), Kamarudin Meranun (Air Asia), etc. They are your product and should be able to donate some money towards your noble cause.
    Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1431H and Maaf Zahir Batin. I will send you a card like every year since 1985. I got your reply once when you were still PM with a CD containing surah yasin and ayat2 suci Al-Quran. Thanks a million. You are truly a Muslim statesman!

  11. Tun and Family
    Salam Aidil Fitri,Maaf Zahir Batin
    Semoga Tun Sekeluarga dicucuri rahmat dan barakah. Amin.
    Tun,You my friend.
    I see your determination,your sincererity to change the Malay,
    to uphold Islam,You did not fail.
    One has to help onself as others can just give support.
    Berdoa,Ikhtiar,and it takes a chemistry to meke it happen.
    Tak akan berubah sesuatu kaum,jika mereka tak berubah sendiri.
    Luv you Tun.Muach,muach.
    From Adik adik,bakal menantu Tun.

  12. For many RM10k a month is luxurious. But that amount is definitely insufficient for a constantly on-the-move leader.
    Tun, I hope your travels are funded somehow. I’m pretty sure RM10k can quickly runout in a three-day trip to Japan to deliver a speech.

  13. Tun, saya cadangkan diletak no akaun Maybank. Mungkin sesiapa yg ada lebih duit raya, boleh transfer barang 10-20ringgit.
    Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin buat Tun dan Keluarga.
    Ikhlas – Hafidz & Keluarga

  14. Salam Tun,
    Salam Raya buat Tun. Am agree wif u..even my boyfren was born frm SAHOCA..and he’s always proud for being wif the college, & always proud wif watever ur thoughts are…!! Nevertheless, he’s thoughts always make me grow & grow as more rasional human being.
    RM10,000?!!’s not worth for what you had bring for country..
    Opposition people / person can always blame you, but they never thought if they put themselve in your shoes..?!!..
    They can talk & ttalk whatever they dislike & demanding..but if they are handling this country or even a small company..I cant assure they can do that..rite
    Yes, sometimes we can demand, cuz we like to talk & blame & think negative on whatever not on our side…everything became wrong.
    however, rasional perhaps is the together!
    Me myself, bumi & malay…my workplace..always talking & comparing..saying am lucky as Malay..
    Reality, am not lucky..I even never call for interview as gov servant even applied for almost 10times.. also, am even unlucky in receiving any benefit for bumi…yet, I think rasionally..& never blame gov…just let other get it lah..kan..& do whatever we can do, as long as we are still can live freely..
    People never thankful wif whatever they had..! Let say they born in terrorist country, so how..? Are they still alive..? Malaysia is very2 lucky, rite..!
    I really hope, Malaysia still can survive for more than 100 years what happened when you are the PM (not mention that now isn’t is Ok). Hope all races still can be together like what still applied in Sarawak..still can sit together in one table…
    Less talk on races or religion..just respect ach other.
    We are still need each other..& everybody has own duty..that’s why Malaysia is unique..
    Don’t really know what to jot down, become too emotional,
    just that am one of your no.1 fan..
    Hope you always well cuz Malaysia still need your thoughts..!
    p/s: never had opportunity to meet Tun live in front of me.

  15. Dearest Tun
    1-RM10K only,that’s all you get at the end of the month?Not many will believe of course.Maybe that’s the official pension but I think you don’t even check your bank acct.
    2-If my sister in law who married a millionaire could give her father a bungalow with all household expenses taken care of,a brand new 7-seater luxury MPV to replace the 4 yr old one and a monthly allowance of two thousand,wonder if your billionaire son don’t give you anything at all to supplement your income…Is Mokhzani that ungrateful?
    3-Anyway that’s your personal thing but you are the one who’s brought it up..just thought I’d share what I think about it anyway. All the best to your Dewan Centennial which I know will materialize ..the things you would do for your alma mater in your town of birth.
    4-Don’t be surprised if it turn out to be bigger than the Dewan Chancellor of MU.It would have been the biggest school hall in the world had you still be in power..bukan apa apa just to create another tourist product for your Kedah/Langkawi.
    5-Jangan marah Tun,cuma lawak kasar sikit I know a world class leader like you can take..anyway,maaf zahir dan bathin and selamat Idil Fitri to you and your beloved family.
    6-No matter what you may think of me if you’ve ever read my comments..I am your supporter for all these years even though strangely I just don’t agree with you on MOST things…of course a layman like me sees things differently from a world leader that you are.
    7-As far as I am concerned you are the world’s greatest leader not even Lim Kuan Yew can match.Bush,Blair,Obama,Clinton,etc are nobody me,they are only great if they can manage Malaysia which I know these jokers can’t.
    8-Mr Lee is also amongst the World’s greatest leader ,but he has got hold of the 2nd richest nation after Japan, the fourth biggest port in the world at time of separation(not independence) from Malaysia,not a starving nation it has been exaggerated to be.. a land advantaged by the laws the British have enacted to protect their economic interest,an overwhelming majority of his own kind of industrious business minded people..etc.etc.
    9-You on the other hand have inherited a land that was an agriculture based economy with a GDP similar to Ghana,with the kind of racial divide the British have PERMANENTLY incorporated in our constitution which have become problem that even the British could not handle,yet against all odds you’ve successfully turned it into a truly amazing and astounding nation ppl from nations that have achieved independence much earlier than us have never fail to compliment.Of course the kiasu ppl abroad as well as the homegrown ones will always disagree.To them Malaysia is the most hopeless country in the World..
    10-Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Maaf ,Zahir Batin too to all Muslim bloggers wajaperak,amin tan,aziz,samuraimelayu,checkers,owlz,takaful,bobo,roslidin,jeffrey suresh abdullah,hajar,razak dll.Selamat cuti raya to all the carefully balek kampong.
    Thanks Tun.

  16. Salam TUN && bloggers,
    Saya dan kawan2 from class 2002 @ Mrsm Jasin juga akan mengadakan our first grand reunion dalam bulan october nie, kira2, 8 tahun lepas, kami ada tanam our own “time bullet” kat kawasan sekolah… now, we all dah genap 25 tahun… so memang “excited” sangat nak p gali la nie, “isi” nyaa rahsia !!.. hehehe… (saje jer nak khabaq kat sume org…)
    Okla TUN…
    Jemputla datang rumah…
    Tahun nie ader open house tak? tak sabar nak visit rumah TUN lagie… yelar.. setahun sekali jer…
    TQVM TUN….
    class of 2002

  17. I am proud be ex-SAHOCAn. How do I donate my expertise, management or any other construction related skill? I am not the best – but my CV is not bad 🙂

  18. Salam Tun,
    Terima kasih atas kesudian Tun dalam usaha membantu our Alma Mater..Once a Collegian,Always a Collegion.
    SAHOCA/Pekan Rabu

  19. Ayahanda Tun,
    If it’s RM1 million and above, it is subject to BNM’s anti-money laudering act.
    Recently a rich businessman wanted to donate RM30 million to MCA for hostel construction in UTAR, Perak. He pledged and wanted hostels to be named after him, and interior design follows his style. Mana boleh, UTAR is under MCA Supreme Council, Dr Ling Liong Sik, and he thinks that his wealth and pride are greater than the universe and he can pledge what he likes only when the head is landed in court for cheating the government under 4th PM.
    I sure hope that Ayahanda Tun will get some genuine donation without pledge because this is about the construction of SAHC which became 100 years old in 2008.
    Selamat berbuka, and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
    P.S. Dear kzgeopark,
    This chicken rice ad. and shop owner will not set up and park their investment in your area because you are not their target market. You tak suka, click close button as per the ad instruction on the right. Simple and straight forward because the owner has plenty of other destinations in Asean and Asia to choose base on ground zero demand and supply. Maybe you are very kaya and may be you dont like to pay debts, I mean you dont have debts, but the management team in chedet requires ad RM to pay their gaji and allowance as rezeki….just like all GLCs, Government Agencies and private sector in the whole country under payung 1 Malaysia, and they don’t need you to tell them what to do with their hard earn money now.

  20. Salam Tun,
    Thank you for putting up such a great effort for our alma matter. I supposed to be making a video concerning this whilst your visit to pekan rabu on the 2nd of september, unfortunately however, that’s the date of my flight leaving for jeddah (performing umrah). Hopefully to get another date to do the video again as to put it up on the sahoca website, insyaAllah.

  21. Salam Tun,
    Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to you, Tun Hasmah and family. May Allah swt Protect you both.
    Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Semoga segala ibadah kita diterima Allah swt.

  22. The alumni activities and funds reflect the emphasis on education, or the pride of having a great education establishment.
    In Britain once you enter a public school or royal charter university, you will get newletters every quarter. There are plenty of activities almost on monthly basis such as trips, sports meet etc. There are offices or buildings meant for Alumni members, obviously donated by the alumni. Some members donate their entire wealth into the alumni funds in their will (they dont have faraid). In short, a majority of them acknowledge school’s contribution to their lives and success and ever willing to repay in the form funds and charities.

  23. Rm 20K. Thats alot of money that should be going to the poor. But im not your moral conscience.
    Which reminds me, i should donate too.

  24. Salam Tun.
    I was in KSAH too. I was accepted as a collegian not for sports excellence, but yes, I was a distinction kid. And, my father and brother was schooled there too. It runs in the family I guess.
    Thanks for writing this post. I often forget that KSAH was formed in 1908. I’d like to contribute to this cause. But I second Hazman Abu Bakar’s opinion about putting out the acc no. details. Cheques are messy, also my handwriting is bad.
    Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin.

  25. Dear Tun,
    For what u have contributed to Malaysia, u only earned RM 10 k as pension….Whereby the plp under you earn and make money more than you….Even Anwar the Biggest Liar earn more than you and Anwar mansion are much much more expensive than your house….May Allah rewards you more in after life.
    Selamat Hari Raya

  26. Dearest Tun,
    I’m sure in no time you will discover comments here about you having such wealth in the billions accrued during your 22-year pro-development tenure as the PM, rather than a meagre RM10k monthly pensions, which you won’t even care to look if it is banked in regularly into your account or not.. Many would perceive you, solely, could finance that Centennial Hall. It’s sad that people have this misperception of politicians and their enrichment dealings while in power, which I believe Tun was not one whom has succumbed to such prowess and greed.
    I hope the dream to have the Hall comes true in no time with your support.
    Incidentally Tun, please get rid of this chicken rice ad. that has this chicken and vegetable plate popping up every other second from the bottom left of the screen..very very irritating indeed!!

  27. “6. Easy to say but what about you? Well my pension is half my last drawn pay. That makes it RM10,000 per month. In a generous mood I will give RM20,000. Maybe more later, Insya’allah.”
    Assalamualaikum Tun, everybody.
    Wow. RM10,000.00 per month. That’s cool and high… Even the
    pension is already more than enough for Tun… Alhamdulillah
    (praise to Allah)… Living in Malaysia, can expect a good
    standard of living especially in the main towns and cities.
    Unemployment in Malaysia is currently low, running at 3.6%
    (2005 est.) which means that there are currently no
    restrictions on foreign workers seeking employment in
    Malaysia… Banks also give loans for housing and business…
    What a beautiful country we got here… The price of meat
    and fish in the UK can only cost half as much in Malaysia…
    Most of the locals prefer to live in suburban areas since
    these have more space, is still close to the city plus they
    get to have the opportunity to permanently own the
    property… Malaysia is pretty huh… Now lets enjoy our
    Malaysia, make her strong and do a good thing everyday…
    – Mohammad Shafiq –
    p/s: Salam and hye to Rimba Emas, tauugis, lilimuchlis,
    hati.malaysia, Harimau1900, Gravity, eanisazman, takaful,
    Allen Francis, solve_it, AmosLimZhenYu, checker,
    parameswara 2, pakbelalang, Redhuan D. Oon …
    Love you all.

  28. Salam TDM,
    Whenever my frens the breeds of MCCK talk about their big shot in MCOBA,i always counter with 2 things,1) Tun Mahathir 2)Tun Daim.That enuf for me make them think that SAHOCA boy is not a man u can show off with your heroic tale.But i never care to listen what BM High School talk bout their big shot especially after what “he” had done to our nation.Guess who? ehehe
    Once SAHOCA,always SAHOCA.Rite now i still feel inferior since i havent achieve anything great to be proud off,at least to make SAHC proud that i was their product.I dont like to use SAHC name for my own sake,but i hope i can contribute more to my beloved almameter,to make my almameter proud of me.i believe many more my frens share my thot.
    I feel jealous to what Tan Sri Halim did to MCOBA.Finally,i hope Tun Daim read this article too.Tun,u re far greater than Tan Sri Halim ehehe

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