Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan selamat menyambut Hari Deepavali kepada semua penganut agama Hindu di Malaysia. Hari Deepavali yang merupakan Festival of Lights dan turut diertikan sebagai perayaan di mana kebaikan mengalahkan kejahatan. Diharap memberi makna yang besar kepada penganut hindu di Malaysia tahun ini. Sepertimana apabila perayaan yang diraikan oleh rakyat Malaysia yang lain ianya dikongsi bersama dalam erti kata kita turut berkongsi kegembiraan yang dirasakan oleh rakan kita yang lain agama ataupun bangsa.
Hari Deepavali ini juga tidak berbeza walaupun ianya perayaan bagi penganut agama Hindu rakyat Malaysia yang lain turut merasakan kegembiraan tersebut kerana ianya menjadi ketenangan dan berasa selesa yang dapat dikongsi bersama. Perasaan sebegini memberi makna kepada ungkapan hormat menghormati dan perpaduan di dalam perbezaan ataupun unity in diversity. Atas semangat ini saya mengucapkan Selamat Hari Deepavali dan berharap sambutan kali ini memberi harapan kepada hari depan yang lebih bermakna.


  1. sorry to say that it looks like our beloved PM is a busy men lately & no time to responce since my case now will be heard at the high Court tommorrow morning.
    Hopefully he will pray for me. Thank you

  2. As repbublican’s mr trump puts it, everyone has to go in white house, washington dc, and that includes him if they loose the mandate of the voters.


    Unless gerakkan cut themselves out from bn and other states, if they really want to develop penang and kedah, and thats no 2 ways about it.

    P/s: tdm is orang lama, and human too, and he has his race preference but being the pm, he cannot have this race preferences and must adhere consensus of ph and this applied to dsai or any future ph perdana menteri if ph wants to stay relevant.

  4. Khairy Jamaluddin of UMNO
    Is a Mature Politician
    He and most UMNO member and ex member as much as Tun Mahathir himself
    Was much Heartly Saddened by Najib ruling
    As the saying goes Right
    Tun Razak builds UMNO
    Najib his Son Destroyed UMNO

    May I suggest Tun to invite Khairy into PH
    He has shown maturity and is a True politician for Malaysia

  5. Assalam Dr. M,

    I feel very happy that you received honorary doctorate degree from University of Tsukuba of Tokyo. In fact, many of us are happy.

    Apart from the invitation, you should have visited the main campus at Tsukuba city itself where there is an engineering based laboratory that has created product which is useful to humanity.

    The Cyberdyne of Prof. Yoshiyuki Sankai, whose main invention is the exo-skeleton suit gives power to weak muscles, for physically impaired person (spinal cord injury, etc), by detecting human intention (i.e. electrical pulses from human brain which are transferred to the body parts which the person intends to move). As Malaysia is moving to aging society, this invention is very useful for the old. Not only that, it can be used in manufacturing plant like the automobile factory, which may lessen injuries.

    Cyberdyne has been exporting the product to a few institution, such as the Brooks Rehabilitation Centre in Florida.

    Was very lucky to participate in a class workshop conducted by Prof. Sankai many years ago, the way how system engineering group of students validate a product that can be very useful to engineering and medical society is very direct and inspiring. It could be best to showcase his success to inspire the university industry in Malaysia.

    Of course, there are many other laboratories in University of Tsukuba which has shown good result, such as the one that created robots a receptionist and usherer, and the other lab. which study safety system in automobile by detection of human intention while he is driving.

    Japanese university is not only about the values of Japanese culture, but it is about how the laboratories initiates open discussions between the students based on english journals (translated into japanese) and post-degree students direct interviews/workshop with industry experts.

    There is something that can be learnt there.

  6. I think if Zahid Hamidi now has become PM of Malaysia
    He would have Greet you Happy Deepavali

    Sadly he can only dream of becoming one
    As long as he and Najib is still with BN
    BN will continue sinking

  7. Dear Chedet,

    Happy Deepavali.

    Bringing in the Japanese system of education to Malaysia is a brilliant idea. Bear in mind that the knowledge must come with the values and culture.

    Ever wonder why IBM, Google, McDonald’s, KFC, Toyota, Honda, Samsung and those MNCs are successful wherever they are situated all over the world? Besides the world class work culture, they instill their values and principles to the employees.

    It had been 30 years since I left the IBM World, but I still remember their 3 values:

    * Customers come first
    * Respect for individuals
    * Excellence in everything we do

    I remember K.B. Low the GM of IBM Malaysia then said, “We can take people from any discipline, by 2 years with us, we cut their wrist, they will be bleeding blue.”

    The answer is training, training and more training. Train more than you sleep, according to a Japanese martial art master.

    Here is the principle that I live by. It is from the master swordsman Miyamoto Musashi:

    Miyamoto Musashi 9 Precepts:

    * Do not think dishonestly.
    * The Way is in training.
    * Become acquainted with every art.
    * Develop intuitive judgment and understanding of everything.
    * Perceive those things which cannot be seen.
    * Pay attention even to trifles.
    * Do nothing which is of no use.

    Chedet, you want to be like the Japanese? Learn about their values.

    “Shinu Kikai O Motomo”.

    Sine cera,

    MSC 0072


    “Jika tun beri sebuah telefon kepada orang tertentu, manfaatnya hanya orang tersebut sahaja yang merasainya.
    Jika tun membina sebuah PONDOK TELEFON, orang kaya kehabisan bateri telefon boleh gunakan,pelajar boleh gunakan,orang tua boleh gunakan, sesiapa sahaja boleh gunakan. Semua merasai subsidi kerajaan itu. Orang kaya, orang pertengahan, orang miskin.”

    Orang kaya, pertengahan pun membayar cukai kepada kerajaan. Malah cukai yang mereka bayar lebih tinggi, Mereka juga patut merasai kemakmuran, kesubsidian samarataan seperti contoh pondok telefon tersebut.

    Tun… saya rindu seperti dahulu kesamarataan kesubsidian, kemakmuran. Dimanakah SST yang dulu, kenapa Elektrik yang sepatutnya tiada SST dizaman SST dulu di SST kan…

    SUBSIDI BERSASAR KONONNYA… mencarik pada yang kaya, untuk diberi pada yang miskin seperti ROBIN HOOD.. saya tak setuju tun!


  9. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya fikir bila saya sertai Bahagian Bersatu kawasan saya, saya lebih mudah untuk berjumpa dengan figura figura politik semasa. Terutamanya Tun.

    Tapi itu tidak terjadi. Yang ada bagaikan ketakutan dan tidak berpengalaman. Saya nak tumpang pun tak boleh. Seolah sia sia sahaja Pengerusi Bersatu jadi PM. Itu belum kira soal cantas mencatas lagi. Bahkan sebelum PRU 14, kedengaran datang tawaran 50K, 80K. Armada lingkup. Dah masuk tv3. Dah kaya agaknya tuan punya badan.

    Terus terang saya katakan, saya bukan tidak boleh berfikir. Saya berusaha untuk tidak bagi promosi atau diskaun pada sesiapa sahaja berkenaan politik.

    Seperti kata saya sebelum ini. Saya beri PERCUMA untuk Tun Mahathir seorang sahaja. Ini kerana ia adalah ‘arahan’ bagi mengenali diri saya sendiri dan secara tidak langsung untuk menjaga keselamatan negara. Tun Mahathir adalah guru saya dalam politik. Saya mengenali/mendalami politik dan liku liku mentadbir melalui Tun Mahathir.

    Sudah tentu saya punyai sikap saya sendiri. Tetapi setiap manusia itu tetap berguru pada yang ada. Atas izin Allah swt.

    Ya, saya bercakap mengenai jawatan, peluang dan duit saku. Ini adalah kerjaya politik.

    Jika ketua ketua (penyokong gerakan Tun) tidak berupaya memahami situasi untuk berjaya dalam politik, mereka patut undur diri. Jangan jadi seolah olah takut dengan bayang bayang. Apa yang ada, segan untuk berkongsi tapi mahukan sokongan. Atau pun tak pandai. Sekali lagi itu belum kira cantas mencatas lagi.

    Sudah tentu saya boleh berdiri atas kaki sendiri tanpa harapkan persatuan parti untuk mendekati Tun (itu pun jika Tun benarkan hahah..)

    Dulu pun, sebelum tiba di Muar sempena ulang tahun pertama Bersatu, saya dah katakan pada Bahagian saya, saya mahu bergambar dengan Tun. Marilah sama sama kita berjumpa dan bergambar dengan Tun Mahathir.

    Alih alih, semua tak ada. Tinggal saya seorang sahaja.

    Jadi saya je lah yang cuit tangan Tun dicelah celah pengiring Tun yang secara spontan menjarakkan diri agak jauh bagi memberi peluang saya bersalam (tanpa suara) dengan Tun.

    Yep. Tun masih kuat dan gagah pada pandangan saya ketika itu.

    Alamak! Takde orang ambil gambarlah!

    Terima kasih Tun.

  10. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Masa remaja saya tinggal di kawasan India dan Melayu serta berhadapan sekolah menengah jenis kebangsaan cina.

    Tanda untuk berhenti bermain bola sepak adalah bila loceng kuil berbunyi. Azan maghrib hampir tiba.

    Setahun dua ini, bila di kolam, ada student USM, seorang pemuda cina bila cuti semester jika kebetulan sekali, pasti akan ambil peluang ajar anak saya renang.

    Cara dive, underwater dolphin dan beberapa teknikal. Terima kasih padanya. Saya patut belanja dia makan sekali hah.

    Mungkin dia suka ajar sebab student dia cepat pandai dan saya pula ramah tamah, kan.

    Selamat Hari Deepavali ye.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  11. Very touch of Najib concern today in his own forum Santai and his recent Video clips which are just meant for Malaysia
    He had a note ,writes down Malaysia grievances, very concerns indeed
    Never seen him doing all these during his premier
    Probably too busy spending, distributing , playing Golf whilst Rosmah were busy shopping .
    He mention and showing images of proofs of Saudi giving him a piece Kiswah and King Abdul Aziz Honor of Merits .Physical evidence .

    BUT repeatedly We Malaysia did not see the proofs
    The images of 2.6 billion of money that was donated to Najib
    Be in in cash nor in ledger transactions nor cheque

  12. Congratulations Tun for the recent one in Japan and the honour is being felt by us all. Really proud of it and reflects the recognition.
    Thank you so much once again for liberating and wonder how best to get to you to share some predicaments. Met up in Jakarta during your visit early after coming back to head Malaysia

  13. Good afternoon YAB Tun

    Bila Tun sebut deepavali, I teringat semasa kecil, biasa makan maruku, dan satu kuih yang keras – kalau baling dinding tak pecah punya hahaha

    Zaman I kecil I biasa campur dengan kaum India sebab orang bawahan my dad ramai India. Kalau Thaipusam I sama pergi tengok perarakan, beli gelang warna warni sampai ke lengan hahaha

    I think masyarakat sekarang kurang campur dengan bangsa lain hingga kedai India dan kedai mamak sama saja. Mereka tak dapat bezakan kedai non-muslim dan kedai muslim. Perhaps based on kulit, serupa sahaja.

    Di Shah Alam ada banyak kedai makan Cina Muslim. Orang Shah Alam kalau kedai makan yang tak muslim tak nak masuk. Maka tumbuh la kedai makan Cina Muslim dengan banyak. Tak tau la benar2 Muslim ke tak. While kedai mamak tu kita tau kedai India Muslim, so no problem.

    I rasa orang Melayu kalau buka kedai makan kena jaga kebersihan. Kita orang Islam biar hidup kita serba bersih. Kalau kotor nanti orang makan jadi sakit. Tak baik gitu.

    Juga bila beri pekerja jaga kedai, selalulah pantau kebersihan, cara mereka masak dan layan tetamu. Tak salah jadi tuan atau puan kedai. Juga bila charge harga itu kenalah cermin diri sendiri dulu, jangan charge harga macam restaurant berhawa dingin, ada internet, kalau tidak ada benda ini semua. Part ini orang Melayu kalah pada kedai mamak.

    I think bangsa Melayu orang yang kreatif, cuma perlu sikit2 perubahan dan motivasi. Insyaallah akan jadi bangsa yang disegani nanti.

    Thank you. 🙂

    Part bekerja dengan company Jepun, setau I memang sukar. I dulu ada kawan kerja company Jepun di Bangi. Dia tak boleh balik selagi boss tak balik. Dah tu dia duduk depan pintu boss. Dia juga kena main golf.

    My son-in-law, I like to refer him as my brother because my daughter panggil I kakak hahaha

    He kerja company Jepun dan di Jepun. Disipin cukup kuat. Nak ambik lesen kereta pun payah. Entah berapa kali dia ambik baru lulus. Not only that, kena jaga makan sebab tiap2 bulan ada medical checkup. Dah tu kena fasih bahasa Jepun. Pergi kelas lagi, hingga dengan I pun dia cakap Jepun. Punyalah I menyampah sebab kena pulak cari online translation.

    I hope dia balik sini dan kerja. Tempat dia kerja sering bumi bergegar. Do not understand why dia nak kerja sana, though the pay there much better than here.

    Thank you 🙂

  14. Happy Deepavali Dear Mr PM..
    Expecting my very 1st message finds you in very good health Sir,actually I’m been trying to get in touch with you for many months & finally my friend suggested to contact you thru your by using chedet,& hope it reaches you Sir.

    I’m a Malaysian living & working in Indonesia for 28 years. From AIwa to Panasonic than was hired by (they chassed me with their offer) at Vantec Indomobil Logistics for the past 7 to 8 years. I build up this company for zero to become an established company in logistics & warehousing but 2 years ago the MD as to leave & stay at home due my stroke that was really very sad as they did not give any compensation for this. I was shocked & sad & without work & have wife & 2 lovely kids to take care. I suede the company & since Indomobil group is a big company & I lost & now the case is going to the high court soon & hope to get your advise & support Sir. I was badly effected financially due to this court case & I did send a letter to the embassy thru my lawyer 2 years seeking legal help & advise but nothing came out of it Sir.
    Even my case was in the papers but nothing came out of it Sir.
    Sir,,being a malaysian no support from the government is fully known in Indonesia but I pray to the LORD that with as the PM there will be some kind help from you on my matters Sir. This is also a parts of Hitachi group of company but the problem lies with 1 men..the current MD of vantec in Indonesia..who cheated & Lie for my BPJS claims & under declared my salary Sir. They lie to the govt of Indonesia & I have made a police report but they have movey & backing of,only a small malaysian who seek your kind support to solve my problems & get some compensations from them Sir.
    Pls kindly support me Sir..My name is Adam Aawluddien Mohan bin Abdullah.from Johor ,Kluang Sir.. looking forward for your kind responce Sir & hopoe to arrange for a discussion with my lawyer on this subject. Please sir…you are my last hope to escape for this issue. Thank you & sorry for troubling on this matter Sir. GOD bless Sir.

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