1. Can I say how glad I am that Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Muhammad has been acquitted of the charge of abetment in committing criminal breach of trust (CBT) and of cheating involving RM9 million.
2. I remember how shocked I was that this senior civil servant whom I know very well should have been found guilty of CBT etc. I knew him as a good officer who was conscientous when doing his work. I also remember the Minister involved telling me how profitable was the “koi” breeding and orchid ventures. But suddenly there was this accusation against Aziz. Apparently the ventures were not profitable at all. I wonder why!
3. I am sorry for the sufferings Aziz went through. Miscarriages of justice do happen and we must not blame anyone. I hope and pray that there will not be too many miscarriages. The talks of unseen political hands are not to be taken seriously.
I wonder whether Government leaders see anything significant in these headlines in today’s (Nov 7th) The Star;
1) “Malaysians bearish on Economy”
2) “Tough road ahead for man in the street”
3) “Economic downturn to cause drop in passenger volume”
4) “Third quarter may be mixed”
5) “Moody’s gives negative rating on gaming”
6) “F&N quarterly profit declines on property”
7) “Britain makes record interest rate cut”
8) “Fund to prop up South Korea stocks”
9) “Iceland’s swap loss set to fall”
10) “Bonuses of top Wall St execs to be slashed”
11) “Toyota forecasts huge drop in profit”
12) “US vehicle sector faces ‘critical’ period”
13) “Snoring judges’ verdicts overturned”
Salam Tun,
Headlines tadi menunjukkan tiada Peminpin yang ada sekarang ini yang benar2 ingin membela nasib rakyat ! Sebab tiada seorang pun drpd mereka yg memahami “basic economy”. Apa yang mereka fikirkan ‘bagaimana untuk korek banyak lagi untuk diri sendri ?’. Tiada ada seorang pun yg ……..”okay that’s it guys, lets address the situation arise and as such, 1st step action is bla bla bla bla…”
Peminpin yg ada sekarang ini ……lebih layak sebagai seorang pengurus (manager) sahaja. Monitoring, ensuring everything, hoping the correction measures pop in from the sky…..
God bless Msia !
A’kum Tun,
Semua Rakyat Malaysia harus tahu during the Financial Crisis in 1996-97 Tun lah yg mengambil tindakan yg tegas dan berani untuk tidak mengikuti nasihat IMF, kalau tidak Malaysia akan berhutang dgn Negeri Luar. Dengan tindakan Tun Malaysia dapat menghindari gejala berhutang dengan negara Eropah dan dengan tak secara langsung Malaysia tidak dapat diperkotak-katek oleh negeri asing. Kadang-kadang sebagai Seorang Menteri haruslah membuat keputusan yg tidak begitu favourable to the others just to avoid serious casualty and you had shown the World Tun that you have what it takes to be a good Minister in Commmand and not bow to people who got their agendas up in their sleeve. Bravo…
Good morning Tun,
I have a very simple message to you Tun. For me you are still the PM of Malaysia eventhough there is Abdullah (the weakest PM I ever seen).
As an ordniary malaysian – I strongly proud of you as my PM but at the same time, I also hate you as an ordinary Sabahan. I wish that you would understand my stands.
May God bless you always – you had made us proud being Malaysians.
Thank you Tun
Dear Tun, salam sejahtera moga sihat. Mint izin jawab seorang pengulas lain.
Kepada 123,
Semasa menjawab Encik Azman, kiriman 123 belum tersiar. Tapi kebetulan semua jawapan saya boleh pakai menjawab kamu. Open minds dont think alike, fo… seldom differ.
Tentang ‘tak suka’- Saya peminat blog Tun dan hadir atas kesudian Tun. Terpulang Tun sudi terima tulisan saya. Terima kasih Tun krn benarkan saya menumpang setakat ini (Jangan kena tuduh tak kenang budi pula nanti)
Blog bebas – Pilihan di tangan Tun nak blog penyokong, pemuja, penyembah atau bebas bersuara. Kamu boleh minta Tun sekat tulisan suara lain. Tapi kalau Tun siar, tanya sendiri kenapa. Tak tahu tanya Tun.
Blog popular – Saya fikir blog Tun popular krn sikap terbuka. Kalau di sempitkan untuk penyokong saja, satu rasa saja ‘tawar’. Tak ada masin, masam, pahit dll. Tun lebih bijak….
Dear Tun, salam sejahtera moga sihat bahagia. Minta izin menjawab pengulas.
Pada Encik Azman,
Hujah menghalau lemah, dan hanya digunakan Umno bila otak dah kosong tapi mulut masih berbuih. Susah nak jawab…
Saya tak marah orang nak halau, bukannya saya kena turut. Kesal, orang malas peras otak sikit bila menjawab. Hairan juga, hujah lemah buat orang terkejut nak menepis. Tapi tak ditunjuk lemah dimana, tak ada asas saya boleh betulkan hujah.
Tentang S’pura dan LKY, credit to Tun cos he is more open.
Ini blog Tun, semua siaran atas budi bicaranya. Saya pun tak tahu dia nak siar tidak. Kalau kena sekat saya sunting sampai lulus. Tak lulus anggap saya luahkan perasaan pada Tun sajalah…this is a blog. Commentors refer SNIPPETS Nov 1
Meluah perasaan, beri pandangan, buat tanggapan, tunjuk kesilapan tak payah fakta dan bukti kukuh. Cukup tunjuk sebab, asas dan ‘argue your case’. Nak menuduh dan tunjuk kesalahan orang, lain cerita. Kalau nak fakta untuk semua hujah kita bincang sains dan matematik saja.
Kalau nak bukti, tulisan Tun lebih separuh tak akan lulus (kecaman Pak Lah & Sons), 99% kiriman gagal (kecaman Pak Lah & Co) Blog Tun sunyi sepi, rating jatuh menjunam 10juta jadi 10 orang. Lain semua muflis atau tulis cerpen dalam penjara.
to s.tan..
kalau u tak suka blog chedet.com.u boleh pergi malaysia today,pkr blog,lim kit siang blog,teresa kok blog,ppp,mic,dap blog.karpal singh dan ,pas blog.laman blog ini hanya untuk peminat chedet.com.kalau tak suka u boleh blah..atau u pegi kaskus,malaysia forum topix.u boleh buat blog u sendiri jangan sibuk kacau ketenteraman awam di blog chedet.com.negara ini bebas untuk meluahkan persaan . u buat laman blog u sendiri dan cari peminat u sendiri..jangan masuk illegal dalam blog chedet.com .orang macam u kena buat blog yang lebih sensasi kalau nak kalahkan dan tarik peminat masuk blog u.jangan kacau kebahagiaan dan kepopularan blog orang lain..ada fahamm…
Dear Tun,
Here is another headline star online by MB of Terengganu
“25,000 pupils in T
To S..Tan,
Anda bernasib baik jika dihalau ke Singapura atau mana-mana pelosok dunia sekurang-kurangnya anda masih bebas.
Saya fikir anda berasa tidak selesa dan mungkin juga marah kerana dihalau ke Singapura.Jika sudah ada disana anda perlukan bukti-bukti yang kukuh untuk menyokong hujah-hujah yang diberikan,tanpanya anda akan dihalau ke dalam penjara dan juga boleh jatuh muflis.Inilah yang dibuat oleh Lee Kuan Yew kepada para penentangnya.
Di sini dan dalam ruangan weblog ini anda masih bebas menulis banyak kali dengan hujah yang lemah dan tanpa fakta.Tiada tindakan dikenakan terhadap anda.
Dear Tun.
This is what the Governor of Bank Negara commented today (source Bernama), I quote:
She said for a few years now Malaysia’s economy has been domestic-driven.
“(Hence), while the external sectors are affected by the global economic slowdown, we need to ensure that growth does occur in the domestic economy and we have every opportunity to see that happen,” she told reporters after launching the International Syariah Research Academy here Tuesday.
She said while half of the global economy was likely to go into recession next year and the other half some albeit slower growth.
“The key is to sustain consumption demand and investment activities,” she said.
She said in such a scenario the role of the banking sector was important in lending.
“So far we have seen our banking sector, which has been resilient, still providing lending which is vital for the growth process,” she said.
(end quote)
May be you can give your input in your future write-up.
Dear Tun, salam sejahtera moga sihat dan bahagia. Minta izin nak jawab pengulas.
Sikap apa ini. Tak bersetuju halau ke S’pura.
Ini standard operating procedure Umno. Halau orang merata dunia. Kerana nama saya Cina halau ke S’pura. Kalau nama Melayu halau ke …..? (ada sanggup halau M’layu ke neraka)
Bacalah tulisan balas penyokong Tun bila Tun dulu kena halau ke ne…..
Baca tulisan Tun SNIPPETS 1 Nov (Comments perenggan 2, 3) Saya bersedia dikecam atau ubah pendirian, but ‘argue your case.’ Saya mudah, I dont need supporting evidence!
Tangan kanan lebih kuat dialah kena kerja lebih. Dialah selalu kena marah bila silap. Tangan kiri hidup senang. Pihak berkuasa mcm itu nasibnya.
Sehelai kertas ada muka depan dan muka belakang. Kita diberi mata dan otak. Wujud berbagai agama hikmahnya, penganut akan lebih pedoman dan cerdik menilai…bukan bermusuh.
Dear Tun,
Tun tak terima poasting saya ka?
Hanya ingin tahu.
Dear Tun,
Ramai pegawai kerajaan terpaksa jadi kambing hitam atas arahan orang politik yang berkepentingan. Masalahnya arahan lisan sahaja. Nak ikut arahan maknanya melanggar peraturan dan prosedur yang dibuat oleh kerajaan sendiri. Tak ikut maknanya susah lah hidup…serba tak kena. Akhirnya yang kena pegawai kerajaan, orang politik cuci tangan je.
Banyak kali dengan pasal PM kita suka tidur waktu majlis rasmi. Saya cuba buka laman kennysia.com seperti yang disarankan oleh Noorfaiza tapi gambar tu dah dibuang. Cuma kasihan dengan nasib kita rakyat Malaysia.
Bayaran ex-gratia tu melampau sangat. Pemimpin perabihkan wang rakyat macam duit mak bapak sendiri. Patutkah?
Take care Tun. We still need U.
Dear Tun,
Corruption is indeed a vile act that sucks the life of the people of any nation.
There are no two ways about it. Corruption MUST be stopped at all cost.
It must be attacked from all directions and in as holistic a manner as possible. From the legal, social, educational, punishment, investigation, powers to take action, clear definition of what constitute corruption- stated as clearly as possible without an iota of double to its identity – and administration, social, political, judicial & enforcement systems will need to be changed to discourage or prevent opportunities of corruption happening.
Can we do it – it is an unequivocal YES we can. The leaders just need to provide the clear vision and the unwavering examplary leadership.
Salam Tun
Kelakarnya komen2 dari supporter Tun kali ini. Komen dari Tun pn kelakar selepas saya baca komen Tun pasal bekas2 hakim yg dpt durian runtuh dari kerajaan yg ditunjang Umno yg Tun akan masuk balik selepas Pak Lah berambus. Begitu berbeza nadanya.
Moral kat sini, kalu satu2 keputusan tu menguntungkan Tun maka komen Tun positif se positifnya dan komen balas dari supporter Tun bukan main positif lagi. Tapi bila keputusan yg tidak berpihak pada Tun, komen dari Tun dan supporter sebaliknya. Komen saya, kalu dah darah cop keris tu saaaaamaaaaaa ajeeee…..tk gitu Jebat?????Amirin, jgn ler tunjukkan sgt kebudak2an you ni. Buat malu supporter Tun yg lain ajer. Sekarang bukan zaman buruk2an peribadi seseorang itu utk nk tunjukkan kecenderungan kita.
Dear Tun,
Sabar dulu Tun, our country still rule by the sleeping PM.
Assalamualaikum WBT.. Terima kasih kepada tun kerana keritikkan tun lah kerajaan skrg berusaha utk memperbaiki kelemahan.. harap tun sihat2 selalu.. 1 lagi, mintak jasa baik tun utk tulis dlm bahasa melayu, klu org2 mcm sya ni tak paham bahsa english… wassalam..
Selamat pagi chedet,
1.Hakikat dan hakiki yang nyata dan jelas pergerakan ekonomi malaysia sudah runtuh sama sekali.
2.Kenyataan demi kenyataan di keluarkan hanyalah sekadar mengawal spekulasi, situasi dan ramalan yang akan lebih teruk.
3.Berkemungkinan akan berlakunya perang dan kemelesetan ekonomi dunia yang paling teruk berlaku di dalam sejarah dunia.
4.Situasi dan keadaan menjadi lebih buruk dengan kerajaan malaysia sendiri tidak punya banyak kerusi di parlimen untuk menentukan kestabilan politik malaysia.
5.Rusuhan kaum akan berlaku pada bila-bila masa jika rakyat tidak bersatu hati bersama-sama menangani kelembapan ekonomi dunia.
6.Mentaliti rakyat negara ini perlu berubah demi masa depan generasi akan datang.
7.Di sini kuasa penulis dan wartawan di internet,media dan akbar perlu telus didalam kenyataan mereka.
8.Sebelum segalanya menjadi lebih buruk dan teruk, pemimpin dan rakyat perlu di dedahkan dengan realiti yang sebenar, semoga mereka ini mampu berfikir dengan waras dan wajar di dalam membuat keputusan…
9.Marilah bersama-sama kita berdoa kepada tuhan agar keamanan yang kita kecapi selama ini tidak diragut dan dirampas dari pihak penjajah atau bangsa asing semata-mata memenuhi hajat mereka seperti berlakunya rampasan kuasa di thailand, perang di iraq, afganistan dan perang saraf di beberapa negara dunia.
110. Seharusnya kita belajar dan mengambil iktibar dari kesilapan orang lain dan menuju wawasan 2020 demi anak bangsa kita di masa depan.
salam tun…….
pasal rasuah projek2 ni dah byk sangat. seblom ni saya ada mengutarakan ttg permasalahan bg generasi muda untuk menimba pengalaman melalui perniagaan dan minta sedikit nasihat tun. xtau kalo tun x display kat ruangan komen ni. itu xkisah lah. tetapi yang amat membimbangkan apabila pmulaan bisnes pun dan ada menteri2 mintak upfront(rasuah la tu…) untuk menykong dan mempercepatkan projek. ade plak yang nak majoriti. walhal xsangkut paut pun satu kerja dlm bisnes tu… yang satu lg. blom je tender dah bukak menteri dah senyum sampai telinga dah(dah pasti projek tu sape punye la tu…) ini bukan cerita2 kosong. apabila org kata lari cukai… byk cara yang org buat. tp masih ramai xtau n xpercaya… pe kate suh si BPR check sekor2 menteri skang. kalo x xkanlah penduduk miskin xdpt nak bendung, org yag kurang kemampuan jdk lebih xkemampuan? cube sama2 carik sebab musabab neh.
saya bgtau neh bukan nak crk gado ke ape ke. tp negara MALAYSIA, sape yang punye? MENTERI? ORANG KAYA YANG TERUS KAYA? atau orang yang dilabel warganegara malaysia tanpa mengira status? cemane nak wat neh? hurmmmmmmm………
salam tun…….
pasal rasuah projek2 ni dah byk sangat. seblom ni saya ada mengutarakan ttg permasalahan bg generasi muda untuk menimba pengalaman melalui perniagaan dan minta sedikit nasihat tun. xtau kalo tun x display kat ruangan komen ni. itu xkisah lah. tetapi yang amat membimbangkan apabila pmulaan bisnes pun dan ada menteri2 mintak upfront(rasuah la tu…) untuk menykong dan mempercepatkan projek. ade plak yang nak majoriti. walhal xsangkut paut pun satu kerja dlm bisnes tu… yang satu lg. blom je tender dah bukak menteri dah senyum sampai telinga dah(dah pasti projek tu sape punye la tu…) ini bukan cerita2 kosong. apabila org kata lari cukai… byk cara yang org buat. tp masih ramai xtau n xpercaya… pe kate suh si BPR check sekor2 menteri skang. kalo x xkanlah penduduk miskin xdpt nak bendung, org yag kurang kemampuan jdk lebih xkemampuan? cube sama2 carik sebab musabab neh.
saya bgtau neh bukan nak crk gado ke ape ke. tp negara MALAYSIA, sape yang punye? MENTERI? ORANG KAYA YANG TERUS KAYA? atau orang yang dilabel warganegara malaysia tanpa mengira status? cemane nak wat neh? hurmmmmmmm………
Leading by “supreme malays” definitely make our country kebal from external financial turmoil. Or so they said.
I lost my respect to our financial management system a long time ago. We were blessed with coincident event that tied up to our natural and plantation resources. We also possess a good number of imigrant which tradable to local job when job vacancy exhausted and unemployment number arise. Illegal imigrant contribution to our crime rate is so minimal which less than 3%. How the number was derived still remain a mystery to me, even headlines showing the significant contribution of the crime rate by these illegal immigrant, almost everyday in newspaper there will be a story of extortion, kidnap, robbery which supprisingly only accumulated to such low percentage. Either that was hoax or tour crime rate is so huge and made the number small.
Biar hidup di kandung tanah negara malaysia akan kami pertahankan dari org2 seperti Anwar brahim,Teresa kok (anak dara tua),Karpal Singh (si lumpuh),Lim kit siang (Ayam pencen) dan dari manusia2 yg tak sedar diri.
salam tun,
Luar tajuk,saya sedih apa yang berlaku dalam umno.politik wang yang amat kronik.bagaimana orang macam mtm yang di gelar i speak no englis ,pernah rasuah di australia bawak duit berjuta,boleh dipilih untuk jawatan vp umno dan juga ali rustam yang entah apa-apa kerjanya di melaka.saya amat kecewa.orang seperti tengku razaliegh yang berpengalaman tidak dipilih.budak hitam pun boleh naik.jadi terserlah lah kenapa pertandingan diadakan bulan mac.rupa-rupanya nak beli undi dan juga tengah kumpul dana nak beli undilah tu.saya kecewa dan amat kecewa.saya tidak terkejut nanti ketua pemuda adalah budak hitam,vp umno adalah ali rustam.rupanya paklah nak pastikan kroni dan menantunya sudah ada tempat yang selesa di umno.saya tidak sangka ahli dan orang umno sangat moralnya.yang terlalu parah dan separahnya.keadaan ini memang lagi kuat keinginan rakyat malaysia menguburkan umno dalam sejarah dan membuang dan meninggalkan parti ini untuk selama-lamanya.selamat tinggal umno dan selamat tinggal perjuangan untuk melayu.sekarang hanya memperjuangkan perutku..
Dear Tun,
Saya ambil kesempatan disini bukan untuk berbicara mengenai sahabat tun, tetapi lebih kepada suatu pandangan dari generasi muda. Tidak guna sebenarnya yang muda menyatakan kepada yang tua sebab tiada masa yang banyak tinggal lagi untuk si tua. Tetapi setidak-tidaknya kita kongsa dalam masa yang sedikit cuma ini.
Situasi pemerintahan Negara
Dipimpin oleh BN sejak dari Merdeka sehingga hari ini, perjalanan pemerintahan dijalankan mengikut acuan pemerintahan barat. Ada yang diperbaiki keburukannya ada yang diperbaharui mengikut kesesuaian negara.
Jika di kaitkan dengan sebelum merdeka kita dipimpin oleh Raja-raja, kemudian dijajah dan sekarang dibawah sistem parlimen.
Pejuangan asas yang kuat menunjangi pemerintahan adalah perjuangan bangsa. Dan kini ia di uji. Saya yakin, pihak pemerintah yang berasaskan perjuangan bangsa ini akan cuba mencari kelemahan dan kekurangan akibat sokongan yang semakin berkurang. Jalan mudah, singkirkan orang-orang yang menolak perjuangan bangsa. Jalan susah cetuskan pertembungan antara kaum. Untuk memenangi kembali hati kaum masing-masing. Jalan biasa, perjuangankan kembali hak-hak kaum masing masing dengan mendengar dan membantu mereka. Antara semua jalan ini. Jalan yang biasa yang paling susah. Musuh utama Internet. Mungkin RPK boleh dihumban dalam ISA, berapa banyak lagi RPK yang akan muncul.
Pada pandangan saya yang muda ini, perjuangan kaum bukanlah jalan yang seharusnya dijadikan perjuangan dalam merebut pemerintahan negara. Mungkin nanti Tun akan kelaskan saya dari kelompok penyokong PR. Tapi tidak mengapa, sebab perjuangan bangsa sangat lapuk dan busuk dihati saya.
Bila sesebuah negara, dihuni oleh tiga bangsa, salah satu menjadi majoriti dan dua lagi minoriti. Kekuatan akan menjadi hak milik majoriti. Kehadiran “Social Contract” sedikit sebanyak membantu kekuatan bangsa tersebut untuk bersuara. Tetapi dari sudut bilangan, bangsa itu terpecah kepada tiga dari segi perjuangan. Dari segi ekonomi bangsa majoriti itu tidak ada kekuatan langsung. Malah minoroti yang menyumbang kepada kekuatan ekonomi negara. Di sini wujudnya khilaf sokongan terhadap “social contract”. Ketuanan Melayu, tetapi melayu panggil towkey cina “Boss”. Dimana ketuanan yang dilaungkan. Itu cuma sebagai kiasan sahaja. Tetapi pokok pangkalnya, ia ibarat, sekelompok manusia yang majoriti yang bertindak sebagai gangster(mafia di itali, yakuza di jepun) yang sering menunjuk kuat dan taringnya dengan menjadikan undang-undang sebagai bentengnya. Tahniah saya ucapkan. Tapi kejayaan itu sudah tidak lama, ia semakin ditarik sedikit demi sedikit.
Tetapi kita telah mula nampak kepincangannya. Melayu yang dididik oleh melayu itu tidak pernah kenal erti puas. Senang sikit sudah mendabik dada, rasuh, pecah amanah, tinggal agama, memusuhi sesama sendiri. Perkara-perkara ini yang hidup subur dalam masyarakat melayu akan menjadi asas keruntuhannya. Saya tahu Tun selalu disebut orang yang sentiasa realistik dan logik. Antara yang mungkin langkah yang kemungkinan Tun ambil, tangkap semua yang makan rasuah, didik mereka, hantar BTN, atau jalan paling mudah senang ja, “hangpa biaq dulu depa, kalau depa buat hal skit dengan aku hang tau la nak buat apa no. Aku nak tambat depa nie semua ikut telunjuk aku”. Samaada jumpa atau tidak, mereka yang berpegang kepada penyelesaian jangka pendek akan menambah susah, hanya mengubat dari mencegah, pasti bertambah nanah.
Asimilasi Kaum.
Ada pendapat mengatakan bahawa asimilasi kaum mengambil masa yang lama. malah faktor utama yang membolehkan ia berlaku ialah wujud satu kaum yang mendominasi sesuatu tempat. Kaum-kaum yang lain akan cuba untuk mengasimilasikan diri kedalam kaum sediaada yang lebih dominan. Ada yang menyatakan Baba dan nyonya antara contoh asimilasi. Banyak lagi contoh lain contohnya orang-orang arab, orang india.Ia wujud tetapi tidak sampai kepada skala yang lebih besar. Mungkin kerana proses itu tergangu oleh sebab penjajahan atau sebab sebab lain lagi.
Saya cuba menarik topik ini kerana ruang asimilasi kaum diMalaysia telah lama dihapuskan. Melayu seperti dominan tetapi lebih kepada pak lagak sahaja. Lebih ramai melayu yang menyerap budaya dan corak hidup barat dan bangsa-bangsa lain. Mungkin itu sebabnya Zaid menyatakan Ketuanan MElayu telah lama gagal.
Seperti yang saya katakan diatas, pejuang pejuang bangsa seharusnya tidak wujud dalam pemerintahan negara kerana ia menambah jurang antara kaum. Nampak seperti satu “Barisan” tetapi yang pasti ia berpecah. Namun ruang asimilasi tidak mustahil diwujudkan semula. Bukan untuk menukar bangsa Cina menjadi melayu India menjadi melayu tetapi penerimaan budaya penerimaan agama dalam skala yang besar seharusnya di jadikan matlamat. Bila mereka kenal agama dan budaya kita barulah mereka menghormati, disini wujudlah perpaduan, dan penyebaran Islam itu merupakan Bonus yang amat dinanti-nantikan oleh sebuah negara yang meletakkan Islam sebagai agama Rasmi.
Siapa pula yang seharusnya menunjangi pemerintahan jika bukan perjuang bangsa. Mudah sahaja mereka yang sentiasa memperjuangkan keadilan. Sebab itu sebenarnya bila menyebut kepada keadilan. Tidak pernah melayu mempunyai kitab yang mendidik mengenai keadilan. Bagi melayu kalau adil bahagi samarata. Manakala Islam keadilan itu meletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya. Ingin saya katakan kita wujudkan majlis syura, tetapi kita terlambat. Tapi tidak mustahil. Ingin sayakatakan Kita serahkan kebali kuasa kepada Agong. Tapi ramai lagi yang ingin memperjuangkan melayu yang tak tahu sampai hari kiamatpun tak habis. Yang memperjuangkan kaya ada rumah dekat the mines resort, orang yang diperjuangkan mitak sedekah dekat tangga th mines. Antara perjuangan bangsa dan perjuangan keadilan. Wujud perbezaan yang ketara.
Islam telah mengariskan satu panduan yang jelas dalam menjalankan keadilan. Tetapi untuk melaksanakannya Islam itu sendiri seharusnya bernyawa dan berkuasa di tempat atau negara tersebut. Rasa Tun boleh syorkan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin muda yang akan datang, baca dan Rujuk Al-Quran & Hadis & As-sunnah. Biar negara maju dengan berlandaskan jalan Allah.
Islam Kuat di Malaysia.
Saya cuba bayangkan Islam itu kuat di Malaysia. Semua orang melayu kuat dengan agama Islamnya. Perasaan rahim(kasih) sesama kita kuat. secara automatiknya kita akan menolak apa apa yang buruk yang bertentang dengan agama yang dibawa oleh kaum kaum minoriti. Arak( ada kilang arak dekat rumah saya jalan klang lama), Judi(Genting), Rokok(bersepah kilang, rokok seludup dari indon pun banyak, kastam macam tak serius ja buat kerja), pusat hiburan malah dadah, semua boleh dikawal.
Disini akan hadirnya asimilasi yang saya perkatakan sebelum ini. Tidak kira macam mana sekali pun kita akan dihormati. Tidak akan ada suara yang lantang memperlekehkan islam, memurtadkan pemuda-pemudi islam. Bangsa lain, agama lain akan cuba memahami agama dominan ini. Tidak mustahil akan ramai yang dapat melihat keindahan islam itu. Kalau orang islam tidak dapat melihat keindahan itu, itu sudah rugi buat diri dia, apatah lagi orang agama lain nak nampak keindahan agama ini.
Yang menyedihkan sekarang ini di Malaysia, yang orang luar hormat kita, sebab satu Individu(Tun sorang ja), KLCC (itupun Dubai skyscrapper lagi tinggi).
Malah Ingin menyebut Islam itu kuat hati orang islam pun saya malu inikan pula Islam kuat di Malaysia. Ulama-ulama besar ditegah kelaur TV, sekolah-sekolah agama di arahkan tutup. Dididik rakyat supaya tinggalkan ilmu agama, “nanti hang nak kerja apa, hang nak kunyah kitab”. Semua sebab ia sangat bertentang dengan konsep perjuangan bangsa yang mereka bawa. mereka takut mereka mundur, takut hilang kuasa dan harta.
Kesimpulannya apa yang ingin saya katakan, perjuangan bangsa bakal memusnahkan bangsa itu, menjadi ruang untuk manusia menjadi syaitan yang tamak. Menghalang Islam untuk berkembang, menghalang orang lain mengenal Islam. Keadilan menjadi asas dalam memenangi pemerintahan negara, Pejuang bangsa akan menjadi satu badan yang sentiasa membuat “check and balance” terhadap social kontrak. Mereka-mereka yang berpendidikan tinggi seharusnya mengetuai pertubuhan ini.
Dan Islam seharusnya menjadi satu pilihan utama dalam corak pemerintahan negara, kerana Islam juga merupakan agama rasmi. Kerana ia juga menjadi agama majoriti dalam negara malaysia yang kita cintai.
Ingatlah wahai pejuang-pejuang bangsa, bahawa pejuangan itu tidak salah, tetapi halangan yang engkau wujudkan dalam perjuangan agama akan menjadi soalan yang sangat rumit untuk engaku jawab dihadapan Allah kelak. Ingatlah Allah tidak memungkiri janjinya.
P/s: Tun tak mahu Malaysia jadi macam singapore, tetapi secara tidak langsung, ia akan menjadi singapore sedikit demi sedikit malam ia akan menjadi “singapore yang mundur”.
Pls comments on 900 reports on corruption in UMNO.
Assalamualaikum Tun…
Our politicians are sick of knowledge. I dont know how do they
are working daily without being exposed to the global world
economic turmoil. Well, everybody knows that when idiots are
running the country, they are going to ruin our motherland. All
we need is just a BRILLIANT AND GENIUS leader like you Tun.
George Soros said, “The global capitalist system which has been
responsible for our prosperity is falling apart at the seams” – I
dont understand what does he means by the SEAMS but even our
politician leaders and economic strategist should learn and
predict the consequences and the string behind the system.
Wealthy investors sought new fields of investment for their
super-profits, seeking higher profit levels than they could
achieve at home. I think even our current leaders dont
understand a BASIC concept of the economy.
p/s: Salam from the University Malaya supporters of Tun.
What was happening to Dato’ Aziz has already happen to Tan Sri Sanusi Junid. Clearly, ACA only targeted to somebody who can be scapegoat for a benefited powerful unseen hand. As were told in your past comment, right after Tan Sri Sanusi help Mukhriz in the last general election, his office were raid by ACA. Im trully believed, that somebody who has political agenda behind this. Subsequently after that, Tan Sri Sanusi were sacked from his office.
Pak Lah look good infront of our eye, but really cruel and dishonest behind our back. I hope, once he pass his button to Dato Seri Najib, the government do not reward him the title of Tunship to him because in my opinion, he clearly do not fit to that title.
The worst PM in Malaysian history
Salam cium tangan…Tun,
Saya anak Kepala Batas SPU… la ni dah malu nak mengaku anak Kepala Batas. Ingin tahu sangat siapakah yang menjadi penasihat DSAAB sampai terlungkup habih semua apa yang ada. Penasihat DSAAB sebenarnya adalah musuh dalam selimut kepada negara bangsa & agama (ada yg kata mereka ni adalah balaci2 agen2 DSAI). Mereka ni berjaya mengenakan DSAAB (Najib kena pastikan depa ni sekoq pun jgn ada dlm barisan beliau)…yang heran tu kenapa DSAAB begitu bodoh sehingga tidak dapat menilai seperti tiada akal fikiran langsung. Pada pendapat saya lah kejatuhan DSAAB adalah disebabkan sikap AMBIL MUDAHNYA, ketidakapaan & tindakan2 beliau akhirnya menjadi senjata makan diri. Salah satunya tindakan DSAAB adalah apabila menaikkan harga minyak lebih awal sedangkan pada mulanya pada bulan ogos 08(think tank punya advice la ni) dengan drastiknya pada bulan Jun 08. Kalaulah bersabar dlm beberapa bulan mungkin DSAAB akan berada didalam situasi yang amat berbeza.
Dear Tun, salam sejahtera moga sihat panjang umur. Minta izin….
Kita di ambang krisis ekonomi. Pada 97/98 ada orang ambil langkah pantas dari berbagai arah. Dua tunjang penting iaitu pasaran saham dan institusi bank di sasar untuk tindakan awal. Pre-emptive measures (not meant to be permanent) were taken to ‘protect’ them.
Share financing and trading restrictions, tight bank and lending guidelines were implemented. Berjuta orang dan duit bank terselamat dari terjerumus ke dalam gelombang kegawatan yang melanda sejurus kemudian. Tapi orang salahkan dia memburukkan keadaan atau menyebabkan kegawatan itu. Yang seluruh Asia lumpuh pun krn dia?
Skrg orang berjaga jaga, khuatir bertindak cemas. Tun keluh pula dia tak bertindak! What do you want..jump or dont jump?
On economy, Najib sitting on block of ice. If he sit longer the ice will melt, he will freeze. If he gets up the ice will not melt. To get up or to sit. Kalau ikut nasib Anwar, depan perahu ada ombak, belakang perahu ada hantu. Damned if you do, damned if you dont. Tapi pemimpin harus tegas bila bertindak dan rajin pantau kesan tindakan untuk penyesuaian.
Jangan khuatir dan terdesak dgn bisik bisik dari tepi garisan. Dulu ada orang terjun dulu dan botnya dilarikan.
Ask him to jump first!
Have you been irritated by passengers constantly pointing hazards while you are driving? Melebih sangat ia menyusahkan. Keadaan skrg beza dgn dulu. Dulu ekonomi kita diserang (matawang saham ditolak jatuh, modal ditarik keluar) Sekarang kita akan terhempap pokok tumbang. Pandai pandai kita mengelak lah.
Tapi ada orang nak jual ubat lama ke? Atau nak jadi hero sekali lagi…? Ikut dasar DEB… beri peluang orang lain krn sendiri sudah ada.
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
1) “Malaysians bearish on Economy”
*Ini kerja spindoctor yg sekolah tak habis
2) “Tough road ahead for man in the street”
*Bila minyak turun,harga barang tetap naik.Lemah matematik
3) “Economic downturn to cause drop in passenger volume”
*Yg naik k/terbang,naik bas-naik motor-naik basikal-jalan kaki?
4) “Third quarter may be mixed”
*Macam kopi+teh = koteh
5) “Moody’s gives negative rating on gaming”
*Kalau mood baik boleh tambah pelaburan 4D,walaupun anak tak makan..
6) “F&N quarterly profit declines on property”
*Boleh guna botol oren ganti batu blok buat rumah
7) “Britain makes record interest rate cut”
*Supaya senang orang pinjam bank,bayar payah sikit la
8) “Fund to prop up South Korea stocks”
*Untuk elak director/ceo bunuh diri
9) “Iceland’s swap loss set to fall”
*Harga peti sejuk/air-con turun,harga reindeer naik..hehe
10) “Bonuses of top Wall St execs to be slashed”
*Sedih,kena trade-in Lamborghini untuk Mustang
11) “Toyota forecasts huge drop in profit”
*Yalah,aku sendiri jual Unser pakai motor pegi kerja
12) “US vehicle sector faces ‘critical’ period”
*Yang cc besar je macam Dodge Viper,Hummer.Ford 2000cc tak terjejas
13) “Snoring judges’ verdicts overturn”
*Dah kata dah memang..zzzzz..oops..la dah tak de orang
Salam Tun,
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA… With all due respect to you Tun, you would’ve TRUMPED Jay Leno, should you have been in the entertainment industry…
That was a classic!
Salam Tun,
Yang no 13 tu betul-betul macam Abdullah. Yang terbaru dia tidur lagi di(semalam) khalayak ramai Tun. Cuba Tun tengok sendiri
adakah kerajaan membayar anwar ibrahim pencen sebagai ganti rugi kerana dipecat oleh tun?
come on Dr M, u know we’d love to hear from u about RPK’s release as part of your highlighted headlines of the day. please share your opinions and with this also share with us about the home minister – it seems like he’s the law for the past 2 months. how can malaysia have a home minister who can detain anyone as he wish? badawi has been silent about it too – why?
God is great.. the truth prevailed.
Kelana Jaya Selangor
Salam tun,
Totally agreed with you….but always wonder why our government is still in denial state. I watched CNBC & Bloomberg last night and this morning and everthing looks so bad in US. GM and Ford are showing high losses, Yahoo shares already dropped more than 50% and looking for potential buyer…about 6.5% of US citizen are unemployed which is equivalent to approx. 15 million people (about half of malaysian citizen….can’t imagine that!!!)…and the list goes on.
I wonder how are we going to survive this since this is going to affect globally…..talks about globalization…..EU ministers currently having meeting to discuss on this major problem…ENTIRE WORLD ARE IN CRISIS BIG TIME!!!!
But unfortunately for malaysian politicians and citizens, we are too busy on political power, judicial issues, racism etc. rather than putting our focus on this main economic issues.
So, tun i do sympathised with you coz it seems you are the only one concern about the newspaper headlines and can’t enjoy your retirement age in peace. First malaysian leadership crisis, then now global economic crisis. The rest only busy about UMNO election, forming alternative government, digging other people scandals, fighting over appropriate words to use in parliament and other junks.
Mengapakah agaknya SEBAHAGIAN pemimpin peringkat cawangan dan bahagian menjadi seperti Anjing Liar yang lapar dan KEBULUR. berebut-rebut membaham apa sahaja yang dicampak orang. Tak pernah duduk hotel ke….? tak pernah makan di hotel ke…? Apa kah bangsat sangat MELAYU jenis ini hinggakan RM10,000 ribu, RM5000, waima RM200.00 pun nak di sapu nya. berebut-rebut nak jual MARUAH BANGSA.
Ada juga yg fikir ” kalau dia tak hulur pun memang aku nak pilih dia, so ambil pun tak apa..” Salah tetap salah, Dosanya sama Tuan2…
Yang menghulur pun sampai berhabis berhabisan…tak cukup saving, hantam kad kradit, tak cukup lagi korek loan di bank, tak cukup lagi…..rosak pemimpin macam ini. Takut..kalau kalah nanti silap-silap hilang jawatan menteri..Masyaallah…
KALULAH saya berpeluang bercakap semasa perhimpunan Agung……
(bagi peluang adik2 under grad lead Kelab UMNO)
salam tun,
apa pendapat tun jika paklah berhenti sekarang jugak.sekarang ni datuk najib macam nak jaga hati dia pulak supaya nak tunjuk tak lawan tokey..
ini adalah negara bukan cerita pasal ketua kampung.macamana negara ada dua pemimpin.satu pemimpin yang tak boleh buat kerja tapi nak tunjuk boleh buat kerja.satu lagi nak buat kerja tapi tak boleh takut lawan boss..saya benci tengok keadaan negara sekarang.6 tahun berlalu sangat sia-sia..tidak efektif dan membuang wang rakyat.saya hairan mengapa ini boleh terjadi..di negara yang sangat dicintai.jangan terkejut umno hanya tinggal sejarah bila umno tidak berubah mulai hari ini.rakyat menderita dan tertekan tetapi pm dan tpm hanya sibuk bercerita tentang pemilihan umno.mereka tidak berasa peritnya kerana tidak mengalami masalah kewangan seperti majoriti rakyat malaysia yang hidup habis bulan tunggu bulan untuk mencari sesuap nasi.inikah balasan yang rakyat terima dari pemimpin UMNO.dimana roh yang pejuang melayu dulu yang berkobar untuk selamatkan melayu.tetapi sekarang umno hanya berjuang selamatkan saya dulu..
I felt that with new finance minister in charge things are getting more systematically implemented. The Oil prices on the dot 1st and 15th forthnightly review, the task of tackling the impending economic downturn, the stimulus packages, the valuecap coming in to bargain hunt bashed up stocks. Opposition leaders are screaming and they want to cook up already fragile sentiments …. but i think we have to let our leaders decide and take responsibility. Eventually history will become one’s judge and just as the 1997-98 crisis damage control team did then history now tells us they have prescibe the best antidote possible. Kudos Tun!
Dear Tun,
It seems that you have more worries than the government about our country economy. I salute Tun more than anybody in the government. At least you have the sense of urgency than the government. Althought Bank Negara has sufficient of fund, but the government also must plan out how to tackle the coming disaster. I’m worried,I believed alot of businessman out there are the same. I suggest to Tun if possible give us some clue on how to tackle the coming situations. Your blog have becoming the most powerful blog or infos for all Malaysians that love you. Media cannot be right all the time. You knows what you doing & saying as well as you proved your words. Some peoples may not like you, but they can’t beat you because always proved them wrong. Take care & God bless Tun & family.
salam Tun,
Terima kasih Tun kerana menghuraikan kes Datuk Dr. Aziz ini.Dari tulisan Tun saya faham dengan lebih baik lagi.
Bekas menteri yang seorang ini perangai macam artis.
Ramai artis (tidak semua)adalah hipokrit.Kalau depan kamera / pemberita punyalah alim,semua ungkapan2 ala ustaz diucapkan,niat mengerjakan umrahlah,itulah inilah…tetapi perangai peribadi ramai takkan percaya kalau tak tengok dengan mata kepala sendiri.
Saya berpeluang tengok beberapa artis dan menteri alim2 kucing kaki minum dan ketagih arak.Saya dapat menilai tahap hipokrasi mereka ini.
Jika menteri ini saya tidak terkejutlah.UMNO perlu menapis dan menilai peribadi semua menteri agar tidak memalukan diri sendiri dan konsep Islam Hadhari.
Rakyat tergelak besar bila cakap tak serupa bikin.Padahnya PRU 13 nanti.
Salam Tun,
tun salleh and gang found guilty of wrongdoings by tribunal, asked to retire early (according to nazri) but enjoyed due pensions and gratuities. then, smart lawyer ex minister zaid felt there was a need to compensate their SUFFERINGS DUE TO BEING FOUND GUILTY. illustrious bar council agreed. so govt paid them large sums of ex-gratia.
datuk aziz is INNOCENT BUT HE HAD SUFFERED. so, who is more deserving of ex-gratia?
Focus on jobless people. Create an economic strategy through jobless and less fortunate people. Create them as our heroes to safe economic crises.Study on how the jobless and less fortunate people could assist us e.g. land should be made easily available for temporary use to toil producing crops,and other related food production.This will reduce sufferings from the crises.
Dear Tun,
I know Datuk Dr. Abdul Aziz personally and the amount of sufferings that he and his family had endeared in the past seven years due to this case is unexplainable. Those who know Datuk Dr. Abdul Aziz like you can vouch for his ability and credibility. Unfortunately, nowadays, it’s becoming very difficult to be sincere and credible. As one visitor to your blog had said, these sincere officers often end up as sacrificial lambs to those who are higher up in the hierarchy.
Speaking about sacrificial lambs, I would like to just continue my comments on your posting on Obama’s victory. The appointment of Emanuel Rohm, the native son of Israel as Obama’s Chief of Staff and the appointment of David Axelror , Obama’s Chief Strategist during the campaign as Senior Advisor indicates to us where the Obama government would head in terms of international relations. Obama has inherited an America at it’s lowest ebb. It’s going to take tremendous courage and effort to salvage America from this economic crisis, more than what FDR had to do during the Great Depression. There are serious efforts going on to replace the USD with a single international currency and whoever is going to control the currency will control the world. Israel looks very likely to be the candidate. American drones are intruding into Pakistan almost everyday and this is in order to minimise the threat by the nuclear powered Muslim Pakistan to Israel’s ambitions. Iran is still a threat to Isreal. Ahmadinejad’s congratulatory message to Obama was greeted with cold response as in his first press conference after the election; Obama said he is still ‘thinking’ on how to respond to Ahmedinejad’s message.
America did not elect Obama. Americans were made to elect Obama. If America fails, Obama will be blamed. Given the current scenario, Obama has a gargantuan task to rebuild America. Obama has been led into the slaughtering house as a sacrificial lamb.
Dear Sir,
1. I do not wish to comment on your writing on Sec. gen as I do
not have sufficient knowledge on that matter.
2. On your writing on star economic news, all negative on our
economy. Dear sir don’t worry, as long as there are chinese in
this country, Malaysia will progres but the rate of growth may
3.During you office as PM the private sector employes were
completely forgotten. The trend continues now.
4.There were several times wage of civil servants wages were
revised but nothing was done to private sector employees and
their wage was determine by market forces. Their contributions to
the national development cannot be ignored but government do
not interfare in the determination of their wage.
5. When there is an economic down turn all Malaysian have to
shoulder the burden but when there is rapid growth new economic
policy will be in the main agenda.
6. Due to number 5 of mine just think who contribute to economic
progress of the country but their loyalty is always questioned.
7. Whenever GLCs make profit the profit is privatised but when
their accounts in red the lost is socialised in our country.
8. Dear sir, only if the all wealth of this nation is well managed
we would have been far from where we are now.
9. Dear sir, I would like to see my beloved country to be a strong
nation in all aspects.
10. I prefer you to write more on to realise my no.9
Assalammualaikum wb to Tun & family,
No 10 sounds good, should be emulated within the Ministers
certain allowances and grade 54 above…
And my advise to Mr. Barrack Obama : Consult Tun Dr. Mahathir.
Dear Tun,
1. Forest industry sedang suffer yg amat sgt sekarang ini. Plywood, mdf, particleboard menimbun dlm warehouse. Keadaan semakin teruk bila particleboard Thailand masuk dan dijual tersangat murah. Apo nak buek? Tak apa……ekonomi Malaysia masih stabil….kata Pak Menteri.
2. Suruhanjaya Diraja perlu ditubuh untuk siasat pemberian ex-gratia.
3. KWSP 8% tak sepatutnya otomatik. Tapi sapa nak dengar, betul tak?
4. Request saya kpd Tun: semoga dapat tulis tentang peristiwa memali.
Dear Tun,
The recent judge decision to keep Anwar Sodomy Trial in Session Court has deep meaning about Prime mini-star control on judges.
1. If the judge approved the transfer despite Abdullah warning means the transfer order was legal. However, since the transfer was rejected after Abdullah warning to Peguam negara not to interfere, it means the Peguam negara was abusing his power.
2. The prime mini-star control over the power of the judges was written into the constitution in 1988 by the prime mini-star at that time.
3. That prvision in the constitution is illegal as clearly demonstrated in this case. An illegal Constitution must be repelled.
4. The fact that the prime mini-star instruction can determine the outcome of the case also mean the judicial in malaysia is not independent. Abdullah for all his leadership weakness has done the right thing.
5. Dear Tun, Prime Minister Abdullah has proven Tun Mahathir is wrong in the 1988 Constitution amendment to restrict the judges independence.
i) Tun, you were wrong. Please repent and speak up on the need to repel the unlawful constitution that allows prime mini-star to control judges.
ii) Prime Mini-star in waiting Yang Berhormat datuk najib must also join the call to amend the constitution to remove prime mini-star power to control judges. That is the only right thing to do. Any less is wrong.
Dear Tun,
Item 2) Tough road ahead for man in the street, tougher road ahead for our next generation in the street……
Item 3) “Economic downturn to cause drop in passenger volume” – Didn’t read the paper, but shouldn’t be public transport in this case as more will take public transport when economy is bad, should be airline passengers i think…….
Have a nice weekend Tun…..
On Malaysian foreign reserved within couple of month we lost closed to 40B as reported yesterday, what is your comment.
I think that is a lot of money.
salam tun,
1.Nampaknya tun seorang saja yang bimbang pasal ekonomi..orang lain nampak ok je..
2.Tun,ekonomi kita ok lah…tengok list yang tun bagi kat atas tu…orang lain tak rasa apa-apa pun…tun sorang je yang dok sibuk sibuk…..nanti dato najib marah.ha ha ha…
3.Semoga tun terus menulis dan memberi kritikan yang bijak.
I would like to add in one comment,
For the car back sits safety belt to be implemented by the Transport Ministry, a VERY LOUSY move, nampak sangat untuk keuntungan sesetengah orang. Moreover, the road accidents are majority from the motorcyclists and the irresponsible drivers of the big vehicles.
Instead, I would prefer the ministry would implement heavy penalty on these drives and to make it compulsory to have 2 drivers for all long journey destination.
To all motocyclists, your “nyawa” is the most important to you and your beloved ones. Take good2 care, and if you find any drivers of big or small kereta driving recklessly, buat report and make sure you mark their license plates numbers. This would indeed safe more lives.
Bye Tun.
Selamat pagi Tun,
I have just read Star online on Mukhriz’s Q & A.
Great shot, this is what the rakyat wanted, if those wakil2 UMNO
got elected because politik wang, then UMNO will lost in PRU 13. I do agreed with Mukhriz on picking up Najib as the PM, not Tengku Razaleigh.
UMNO is still relevant, Tun, but because of our si dido yang ingat dia adalah perjuang untuk democracy, sebenarnya dia tak faham apa maksud sebenarnya. Mungkin sekarang dia dah faham maksudnya, tapi dah terlambatlah kerana dia yang naikkan Anwar (majority of malays and other kaum do not like him), Karpal (his kaum pandang rendah kat Malaysia and syok sangat kehidupan di USA), DAP (a typical chinaman who can manipulate his Fong Poh Kuan sampai ke tahap memalukan dirinya – poor Poh Kuan, sifu ini adalah orang lama, dah tak sesuai untuk menguasa dan menjalani hak2 minority kaum cina)
To wakil2 UMNO, janganlah ingat wang adalah segalanya untuk dapat pencalonan. Jika anda sekalian dapat dicalonkan kerana politik wang bukan base on kemampuan anda, janganlah calon, membazir wang sahaja. Janganlah ingat rakyat bodoh!!!
Wang politik juga boleh dianggap sebagai “sedekah”, kerana majoriti rakyat melayu adalah miskin, jadi dapat RM200 dah happy lah kerana dapat bayar minyak petrol, beli makanan untuk anak2, bayar sewa rumah, etc…. jadi, kalau btuih nak bagi duit, bagilah dengan niat yang baik, janganlah bagi setakat untuk calon kau. Dosa lah kalau macam tu.
Now as the rakyat, I am waiting for the government to come with some fiscal policies eg, consumer & government spending and local & foreign investments. Whatever the parti lawan and NGO cakap, biar aja. Kerana kepada rakyat, mereka ini mempunyai agenda tersendiri dan tak faham apanya maksud economy atau “recession”.
Good day Tun.
I really hope justice was served!
Despite that, I would like to wish Tun good luck and best of health.
Please remove KJ and Pak Lah as soon as possible.
my latest article: Mahathirism: Patriotism or treachery?
Dear Tun,
1. Few days ago, I had the opportunity to listen to a lecture by a local Professor on project evaluation. At the end of his session, he talked about you so passionately. He said, even in 100 or 150 years, Malaysia won’t see another leader with your calibre. He said, he has been to many countries and when they knew he was from Malaysia, your name, Mahathir was mentioned with great respect and admiration. My feeling was mixed hearing that commnet. Proud for you but sad for me and our next generation including my children.
2.Tun, lawyers and those in legal fraternity always said justice is blind but it can see in the dark. I think otherwise, I think justice is blind that it can be bought. In reality, only those who have money, lots of it can get justice in court of law. Lawyer’s charges are exorbitant that sometimes the fees are far greater than the compensation received. The latest, pay 10.5 million of people’s money over and above the pensions etc and everyone said justice is done.
Take care Tun, our prayers are always with you.
Percakapan kepada Tun Dr Mahathir
Wahai Bapa Kemodenan nusaku,
Telah kaucantumkan fragmen kaca impian menjadi intan persis wawasan bangsa tercinta ini.
Kau pemimpin agung gemilang,
Seantero dunia kau disanjung ; baik Asia mahupun Eropah,
Lantaran kehandalanmu berhunus akal memakmurkan zamin tercinta ini,
Dari sekeping tanah penuh heming darah kepada tanah bersalut emas permata.
Aku masih ingat tika kudrat mudamu masih pugar,
Kulihat engkau tangkas menghampar peta strategi perjalanan kita,
Meredah samudera halangan untuk melabuh bahtera merdeka ini di Pulau Wawasan 2020.
Aku percaya engkau bukan sehebat Adolf Hitler,
Tapi engkau pejuang demokrasi unggul malah disegani,
Kerna kau tahu itu tapak pelabuhan kita.
Dalam pelayaran tanpa henti ini,
Telah kau temui kelemahan kita,
Ya, kita perlu menjadi bangsa Malaysia yang bisa meredah laluan hak dan keadilan,
Dan kita jua perlu menjadi bangsa bebas, yakin dan bangga akan ketokohan bangsa tercinta ini.
Dan tika angin globalisasi kencang menghentam bahtera ini,
Kau teguhkan tiang dan badan bahtera ini dengan iktikad bahawa kita perlu berpegang pada agama dan setia bersama bahtera ini sepanjang pelayaran.
Aku pasti bahawa percaya bahtera ini,
Akan karam bersama terumbu karang,
Andai warga ini benci-membenci,
Andai ikatan perpaduan warga tercinta ini punah,
Disentap sang algojo durjana.
Mana mungkin bahtera ini berjaya mengharungi samudera itu,
Berbekal emas sekati namun kau bijak membaca tujuan IMF,
Tiada tunduk ujar mu..
Kita semua tahu,
Bahwa sepanjang pelayaran ini,
kita perlukan para doktor mengubat segala masalah yang menempa,
Para jurutera pemasak tiang pembangunan serta segenap warga ilmiah,
Dan anak watan inilah,
Pendokong dan pewaris wawasan kita bersama
Assalaamualaikum Tun,
(Rakyat akan bangkit jika Tun dianiaya.PosBy matbinggung).Antara comen yang sangat menarik utk di baca.kepada matbinggung teruskan perjuangan.
The present government should really go back to basics, and do not keep introducing some run-away-from-critical/major problems measures
It will NOT help in the long run, it will just stimulate the domestic economy for an UNREALISTIC short time of period,
when that runs out, would they, again, come out with some “short-fall” measures for another time period?
To adopt a free market economy to let the demand & supply to correct themselves would be good, it’s at least neutral – no inventions at any point. People will just have to adjust themselves, but then, it is highly unlikely this will occur in our country and many other countries.
If they would to take actions, FIRM & ONCE & for all measures, why don’t they just put it straight down to tackle the main issues?
They really need to keep driving up the positives and reducing all negatives in great effort for the smooth running for the country : economically & politically.
Assalaamualaikum Tun,
May Allah give you good health, Amin.
Just wanted to say…I still remember the ‘dasar pandang ke Timur’ which I think was a good idea. We all know the fate of those who put their faith in the US e.g. Musharraf-Pakistan, Saddam-Iraq. I fear for the future of Malaysia if we have a government that is pro-US. What price would Malaysians have to pay to achieve US ‘friendship’? Please advice us, Tun.
Dr F Ariffin
Dear Tun,
I think number 10 is good.
Dear Tun,
I always have a question in my mind that whether a great premier like you would again appear in our political centre to lead the country that we all love aimed at becoming an economically as well as competatively strong country that best illustrated during your tenure as our honourable prime minister of Malaysia. I fully agree with you for your recent forecast that Malaysia will not be truly isolated from effect of the worst financial turmoil ever happened in the century. Appropriate measures have to taken into deep consideration by the government to face the critical challenge.
I would like to add my sincere appreciation to the millions that I am sure you must have received in term of your struggle and contribution towards the nation’s economy growth, I am honoured to be given the opportunity of reading your articles or views of various issues, eventually this has promoted a culture of life long learning of English language among readers.
Thank you Tun, may Allah bless your family and you a healthy living.
All the headlines spell trouble for the world economy. The root cause is the over-indulgence of the Americans which has been going on for a long time. That’s why the cure may also take a long time.
There will be a lot of pain around the world. Let’s hope the world leaders and economists can soften the suffering as much as possible.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Semoga Ybg. Tun & Keluarga sihat selalu. Ybg. Tun teruskanlah perjuangan. Dari saya penyokong setia.
Salam Tun,
I can rest assure that our leaders do read the headlines….they read it….and they read it. That’s that. They just read whats written on the pages. Underlying messages?….they are not interested.
Have a good day Tun….
Hanya kepada Tun saja nampaknya rakyat yang semakin pening, binggung ini nak mengadu hal atas kekalutan demi kekalutan yang dibuat oleh PM kita yang sorang ini.
Dahlah duit gaji belum masuk tengah bulan dah habis dek mahalnya harga barang, kerajaan perguna duit rakyat sewenang-wenangnya. Bayangkan RM10.5 juta untuk bayar exgratia kepada enam hakim yang turut mendapat pencen penuh. APA DAH JADI NI TUN?
BETULKE Tun, ada buka yang ditulis oleh Queen Quantial yang ada di pasaran bahawa tindakan memecat hakim dulu adalah betul dan tidak menyalahi undang-undang dan peraturan. Jika begini, wajar mana-mana rakyat bangkit untuk membawa kes ini ke perundangan. Datuk Zaid dan mereka yang terbabit dalam kes ini perlu diadili di mahkamah. Ingat ini wang rakyat dan pembayar cukai.
TOLONG Tun perjelaskan hal ini. Memang rakyat tahu di sebalik pemberian exgratia itu, kerajaan memang perkena Tun. Tapi Tuhan masih di sebelah hambaNYA yang benar. Rakyat akan bangkit jika Tun dianiaya.
salam kpd tun sekeluarg
semoga tun dlm keadaan sihat
saya ingin menghuraikan isi hati saya kepada tun
adakah langkah perlaksanaan sains dan math dlm bi satu langkah yang wajar
ini kerana perlaksanaannya sedikit sebanyak menghina martabat bahasa melayu
saya tidak ingin memandang rendah kepada keupayaan anak anak bangsa melayu
dan saya tahu hakikat bahawa semua ilmu di university mggunakan bi dalam pembelajaran
namun ..sampai bilakah kita ingin berbangga dengan bahasa asing.
sekarang bi
nanti apabila china mengjadi kuasa besar,adakah kita akan melaksanakan sains dan math ddlm b.mandrin?
jadi bilakah kita ingin berbangga dengan bahasa kita sekarang
tidakkah kita patut berwawasan menjadikan b.melayu sebagai bahasa pengantaraan antarabangsa
kerana kini bahasa melayu telah jatuh ketahap paling hina di malaysia,apabila negeri yang diduduki pembangkang mula merendahkan martabat bahasa melayu seperti isu papan tanda di pulau pinang
kekuatan melayu terletak pada politik.. ekonomi jauh sekali…tapi kalau politik dilacurkan diri…dimana letaknya harga diri….bersedia untuk mati..umpama jasad mati berdiri…..
kerana kasih kerana kebenaran JEBAT sanggup mengorbankan diri… inilah simbol melayu sejati….
perjuangan bangsa tak kan mati…..
wawasan kita tegakkan tinggi…
kebenaran kita sebarkan didalam diri….
melayu jangan ditipu lagi….
hapuskan kroni pentingkan diri…..
kerajaan dan pembangkang jangan beri harapan basi……….
melayu tetap melayu..buruk hina tetap mati bersama melayu…
dear sir
hm.. whatever~
Dearest Tun,
On the headlines, I think you missed one at the front there. I don’t know what to make on the justification on the ex-gratia payment.
Best regards to you and your family. Wassalam..
Salam Takzim Tun,
Please add another matter of equal importance for the rakyat to ponder its implications : RM10.5 mill. paid to the 6 judges. RM5 mill paid to Tun Salleh Abas.
This Salleh Abas saga could not have happened if not for the inter-play and very close cooperation between these 4 elements :
1. Zaid Ibrahim,of course the Government behind him,
2. The Judiciary,
3. The Bar Council, and
4. An powerful unseen hand .
The book authored by a Queen Council recording the full and true facts about the Salleh Abas saga provides unchallenged proof that was no miscarrigae of justice involving Tun Salleh Abas and his 5 comrades.
There was no interference of the Government under Tun then to vitimise Tun Saleh Abas and gang. But the current Government blames you and unashamedly states that the Executive did injustice to Tun Salleh Abas and gang.
In the premise,we can conclude that there was a conspiracy to illegally and unethically salvage Tun Saleh Abas and gang and pay them gratis. And they demonised you.
Zaid refused and Pak Lah concurred, not to disclose the amount paid to the 6 judges.Zaid must have thought that the gratis, though all of us know being paid out of Governmnet coffers,came from the bank of his rich grand father.
I agree with a commentator that this gratis is “haram” and we taxpayers, “tak reda’ and “tak halalkan”.Those who took part either directly or abetting this “dosa besar”, shall be made to answer to the All Mighty.
Hang Kasturi
Dear Tun,
I also remember the Minister involved telling me how profitable was the “koi” breeding and orchid ventures. But suddenly there was this accusation against Aziz. Apparently the ventures were not profitable at all. I wonder why!
You can have the best product but if you don’t have an effectve marketing plan to promote your product the chances is your product will fail. This is always the cause of failure in business venture.
asalamualaikum bapak…
dulu masa bapak pm saya ada terbaca paper yg kata bapak baca seme jenis paper dr bahasa cina tamil n om putih….
aab nih taknah dengar kata dia ada baca paper…..tu pasai seme2 m’sia ok jer….ekonomi best giler…keadaan rakyat pun aman damai…
ye lah kalu tv wat temuramah pasai ekonomi pun org ramai duk kata ok..tanya pasai minyak naik ok gak…minyak turun ok gak….masuk tv eseme2 ok..takder yg tak ok….tapi saya tabik spring lah kat sorang insan tu…tak salah taun 2004/2005 masa tu aab pertama kali naikkan rege minyak n satu stesen tv tu buat tinjau on air berita pukul 8 masa tu stesen tv tu berita b.malaysia..la b.english…insan tu kata lebih kurang…terima kasih lah kerana naikkan harga minyak ni..kan ker kerajaan bn nak tolong rakyat…pemberita tanya…encik keje aper…saya jual goreng pisang kat tepi jln..saya tgk sowang gelak sowang ckp sowang….saya jd giler2 mlm tuh…rasa2 aab tido lena tak mlm tu ek…kalo tak takkan nak naik 78sen lak ek…patutnyer buat lah feed back on air mcm tu lagik….baru kow2….heheheheheee…maaf bapak..tension aar…rasa mcm takleh pusing badan dah nih….yg boleh caya tak kuar tv…penat…letih…rimas…riso…
Agree with your point: The talks of unseen political hands are not to be taken seriously.
On the economic issue, I think the current leadership needs to impose a more up-to-date way of giving misleading facts if they want to do so or they will look stupid. This is due to the fact that Information Technology is so advanced now and the people have become very informative. It seems to me that Malaysia is the only country in the world that is not affected by the world financial turmoil, if we depend on what we hear from the Ministers. At the same time, the Government borrowed billions of ringgit from EPF to bail-out mis-managed company(ies). Question: Why do we do this if we are really strong? Why do we do this if our economic fundamental is strong? Bear in mind that some countries have already taken up loans from IMF
The cut in members’ contribution to EPF to 8% also means that people will have more money to spend, a move you did years ago. But will this solve the problem? No. It will only help to mitigate or cushion the impact of the economic recession. We need something more substantial than that.
I think the ‘extra’ money that the people have will help to cope with the already high cost of living, the sub-sequent event of the oil-price hike by the Government, a move supported by the ALL Governments’ MPs, a move that I think some Ministers regret, hence the reduction in oil price now.
In Malaysia, there was never a drop in price. Suffice for me to say that some desperate moves has been performed to regain the support of the already tarnished people of Malaysia.
Fakhrur Bukhary
Dubai, UAE.
Salam bahagia Tun & Isteri,
Segala kebenaran sudah jelas.
Menteri menteri yang ada pun kaki bodek keras punya..cakap macam budak tak sekolah je macam semalam mengenai ex-gratia kepada bekas hakim, berbelit-belit kuntau sini sana. Dulu jaga duit buat macam macam coridor ni tu,wilayah ni itu..habuk pun tarak.
Bila nampak ekonomi dah nak kabur dan tenat pass kat orang lain. Nak beli helicopter pun jadi pulak, tunggu jatuh empat lima buah lagi baru nak buat keputusan, apalah nak jadi.
Tun yang lebih arif tolonglah selamatkan kami sebagai generasi pelapis ni kalau dah nasi dah jadi bubur..kami pun akan terkubur sekali.
Pandangan,wawasan, perancangan pembangunan dan ekonomi nyata dan jelas, segalanya sistematik daripada tiada kepada ada. Lebuhraya, Airport,LRT, Putrajaya & Cyberjaya, KLCC ,Proton tapi disebabkan orang yang lembab jadi pemimpin segala peluang yang ada pun terlepas. Ini yang telah terjadi kepada M.V Agusta. Orang putih pun dok gelak kat kita..
Semoga Tun & keluarga di lindungi Allah sentiasa.
Abdul Aziz Muhammad must be the only senior officer durimg your 22 years as PM who is not corrupt. Perhaps it is still not too late to check him out by conducting a lifestyle audit on this good senior officer.
Even though acquited by the court, the govt has to be fair to him to truly clear his name by requesting a big audit firm to do conduct a financial audit on him together with the LHDN to prove that he is clean, simply because our judiciary is still very much suspect, no thanks to you and your buddy Lingam.
that the way i like it
Tun you are a doctor in qualification , thus what ever you do and check are according to the sickness ,therefor you use the correct medicine and dosage to cure or atleast stablise the diease. Tun now I know the foundation of your action on governing the country , you are firmed in what everway you think is right and I aggree to that for you know the diease and how to cure it…………………Thank you very very very much please forgive my wrong interpretation on you previously. I am sorry and please FORGIVE ME from the bottom of my heart.
Assalamualaikum Y.Bhg Tun,
Miscarriage, misjudgement and misbehave? That’s the reality of our justice even in most fields and issues related to the government. Nothing is impossible but everything is possible. Yeah! Malaysia BOLEH! – by Pak Lah and Pak Jib. Unbelievable! Bravo!
My New Topic: Bahagian Yang Berkecuali Menafikan Hak Ahli
Hello Tun,
Saw on the internet the release of people’s hero RPK & his departure in a Rolls Royce.This is befitting a Prince.His supporters know how to treat him well.That’s good!Before that the acquittal of The political analyst.Malaysia boleh lah!!However I’m beginning to have more faith in judicial system.The big wigs show they are masters of Law & know how to apply the Rule of Law.Quite well- timed.At least people’s civil liberties are respected when times are getting harder.This is a consolation for freedom & democracy lovers.One important step forward….
Dato Aziz was charge by ACA when you are still PM.I wonder what happen to AG.You mean he didnot brief you.In this case the one should be charge is The Minister,Anwar Musa.he personally benefit from the project.
I heard you told Pak Lah about this.Pak Lah ignore your advise and continue to appinted Anwar as Ketua perhubongan UMNO Kelantan.
A very sad case for Dato Aziz.I know him personally when he was with MOF.Yang amat sedeh lagi Bagi dato Aziz,Pegawai Polis yang menyiasat dan menangkapnya ia lah Dato Yaakop.CID Chief,yang salepas itu berbisan dengan nya.
Salam Tun,
Our government want to reduce rakyat EPF contribution from 11% to 8%. Why the government can only target on rakyat EPF? Why not let the rakyat to save more monies in the EPF?
Why don’t the government reduce the rakyat income tax instead? Hope our government will do so to lessen some of our rakyat burden.
Tun, you are always our respected leader. Wish you in good health always.
Thank you.
terkenang jasa2 yang tak akan dilupakan oleh rakyat seantero malaysia,akan jasa2 tok zaid berahim mengsedekahkan akan duit rakyat kepada hakim2 yang terlucut jawatan.dengan pencen melebihi 5k ditambah dengan x-gratia 5j.jutawang lah mereka.itu menunjukan ayahnda tun dulu dah buat salah dimata zaid.hanya itulah jasa yang dibanggakan beliau.sekarang agak2 kemana perginya si zaid ni.ada yang kata dia dah ambil upah noreh getah kat sempadan thailand kelantan nunn…beza jasa zaid dgn tun. zaid perabih duit rakyat,berjasa besar pada lima rakyat sahaja.lepas tu cabut.jasa tun banyak pada rakyat hanya allah s.w.t dapat membalasnya.lama tak dengaq tun sebut apanamaaa…….
Agak mengelirukan kerana selama ini rakyat difahamkan bahawa hakim-hakim tersebut telah dipecat. Tetapi apa yang berlaku sebaliknya mereka sebenarnya telah ‘diberhentikan lebih awal’..
..jika pemecatan berlaku 20 tahun dahulu, maka tiada pencen dan lain-lain bayaran yang layak diperolehi oleh mereka.
Berdasarkan pendedahan Tun sebelum ini dan Menteri di Parlimen, hakim-hakim tersebut telah dibayar semua bayaran seperti pencen dsb selaku ‘pegawai yang telah berpencen’. Isunya adakah mereka diberhentikan lebih awal atas dasar kepentingan politik atau disebabkan oleh lain-lain perkara..
Jika ex-gratia sebanyak RM 10.5 juta dibayar kepada mereka maka ianya atas dasar apa….?????…. Jika atas satu sebab yang sama ‘pemberhentian lebih awal’ hakim-hakim tersebut, kenapakah pemberian ex-gratia tersebut tidak dibahagikan sama rata di antara keenam-enam mereka…hakikatnya seorang hakim telah dibayar RM 5 juta (tertinggi) dan ada yang hanya dibayar RM 0.5 juta (terendah)..
Walau apapun pembayaran tersebut merupakan satu pembaziran wang rakyat yang hanya bertujuan untuk ‘mengenakan’ TDM..
it is realy dumb and dumber,pak lah should be refer to royal comission,duit kerajaan bukan duit paklah,duit rakyat senang senang dia bagi kat hakim-hakim laknat.bayangkan rm 5 juta klau tolong orang miskin,
dont know what happend to malaysia now,semua pemimpin yang ada semuanya songsang,teringat khutbah jumaat hari ni pertama kali imam baca doa berbunyi ;ya allah ya tuhanku berilah petunjuk kepada pemimpin kami yg songsang dan lari tanggunjawab dan amanah yg diberi
ameen,moga tun berdua sihat walafiat selalu
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Maaf keluar tajuk. Tapi marah dengan jumlah pembayaran EX-GRATIA sebanyak RM10.5 juta.
1.Idea siapa yang tersangatlah BODOH sehinggakan begitu banyak duit rakyat dihabiskan untuk pembayaran EX-GRATIA kepada hakim2 pencen.
2.Berapa percent orang yang terlibat (termasuklah SI LAWYER BUROK ZAID) dapat hasil daripada pembayaran tersebut.
3.Pak Lah sepatutnya letak jawatan sekarang bukan tunggu sehingga Mac 09 kerana salah guna kuasa dengan membazirkan duit rakyat.
4.Sepatutnya duit tersebut digunakan untuk rakyat bukannya diberikan kepada kakim2 pencen yang telah kaya raya.
5.Saya percaya semua rakyat tidak akan halalkan duit mereka yang telah dibayar kepada hakim2 pencen tersebut.
6.Dulu dia orang nak perkenakan TUN tapi sekarang balik terkena ke batang hidung sendiri, PADAN DENGAN MUKA.
Doa moga Tun sihat selalu hendaknya.
It is shocking to see the delusions of certain individuals that our country’s economy is not affected by the global recession.
Its sad to say but we have been in recession for quite some time, thanks to the slow countermeasures of the Govt.
Rather than painting an illusion for Malaysians to digest, Najib should be honest with our predicament. He should rally the people and the business community towards collective corrective measures, that would not stop the decline but rather slow it down.
Najib’s actions also appear to be part of the flipflop legacy of PakLah. Both do not seem to think much of the economy and its ever-present mega projects.
Yes one has to spend to make more money. However when one denys the truth of our recession, then it will naturally backfire, one fine day. By then I am sure Najib would be declared another PakLah in the making.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Komen Tun bertajuk
it would be lucky if the leaders are understand the headlines…
Dear Tun,
First on the acquital of the former Secretary-General. Now that it have been established that he was wrongly accussed and prosecuted, will the government pay him compensation (as they did to the sacked judges) due to the humiliation and injury that he sufferred? Or does he has to counter sue the government for the compensation? After all he tried to carry out his duties to the best ability as he could but instead got prosecuted for something that he had not benefitted from. If he was corrupt, that is justified, but in this case it was not corruption. It was something to do with a decision and action that he had to make at that time.
Secondly, it is always safer for the government to stay away from direct involvement in businesses. Times and again it has been shown that it is easy for things to go the other way round, losses easily in the millions if not hundreds of millions or even billions of RM. Directors appointed in the GLCs has to be really clean people not to be swayed by temptations of big money, which are not easy to find nowdays. Unlike directors in private companies who usually have substantial stakes and investment which they will go all out to protect, directors in GLC lose nothing except their reputation, pride and dignity if the companies were to fail miserably.
On the economy, I think all of us has to do our part to save the country. Just ponder the amount RM7 billion being injected by the government is actually just above a third of the amount projected to be remitted by foreign workers out of this country this year(RM19 billion). Why can’t we rectify this? Why can’t employers sacrifice, stop or at least reduce the intake of foreign workers, hire more locals even though that may cost you more, and in the process putting more money into each household in this country.
In cases of PATI, our country is actually bleeding with expenses involved in deporting them which cost the government between RM250 to RM3,000 for each deportation depending to where and either by sea or air. Still agents and permit holders keep on bringing foreign workers into the country no matter either there jobs waiting for them or not. When problems crop up later, these jobless foreign workers will be passed over to the government to handle.
Lets also start the drive of “Buy Malaysian Goods” rigorously. Import less and save our foreign exchange. I do not know about increasing our export, as can the other countries buy more from us during this economic crisis? However we can plant anything that we can, expand the agricultural sector so that our food import bill is reduced. Everything in a little way eventually adds up to a quite big amount of money. Everybody has a part to do in order to save our country and also save ourselves.
Malaysia Recession or Slowdown?
Factors to take into consideration: –
1.Malaysian KLSE
Assmkum Tun.
Didoakan Tun berdua dalam kaeadan sihat walafiat.
Ini pertama kali saya mendapat peluang untuk komen.
Saya telah lama mengikuti blog Tun tapi komen yang ditulis oleh penulis lain cukup untuk saya meneliti hati budi mereka terhadap Tun. Majority sayang terhadap Tun Berdua dan saya amat berasa kehilangan saorang pemimpin Melayu yang agong ,yang orang Melayu dan Malaysia tidak akan dapat lagi dalam abad ini. Biarlah cacian demi cacian dilemparkan terhadap Tun namun mereka hanyalah haprak dengan agenda busuk mereka sendiri. Yang pelik mereka ini Islam. Yang bukan Islam dan Bukan melayu sama sama kita faham.
Saya ingin mendengar komen Tun mengenai bayaran Saguhati RM 5 Juta kepada Tun salleh Abas. Bagi saya itu bayaran politik.
The present prevailing motto in the financial market is “CASH IS KING!” The great dampening of international demands for industrial products, metal commodities and cash crop commodities has already caused economic slowdown in many developing economies, including Malaysia. A Johor-based agricultural company which has just gotten listed in Bursa Malaysia second board recently already declared its retrenchment plan in order to lay off many idle workers. In such a bad time of economic sluggishness, what hope will Tun expect to see from fiscal budget of the new finance minister?
Notwithstanding the widespread of many bad news, there is still one good news which I can read from the on-line newspapers today, i.e. Raja Petra Kamarudin had been granted a habeas corpus by the Shah Alam High Court and the Home Ministry was ordered to release him by 4:00 pm 7.11.2008 from the detention under Section 8 of the Internal Security Act (ISA). I say it is a good news because with this court ruling, the Malaysians will have a common law case to follow from now on in order to counter-fight the misuse or abuse of power by the Home Minister in giving order to detain a person under the draconian ISA without a legitimate reason.
It seems that with such a beneficial court ruling, Tun yourself is also one step safer from the possibility of being detained by Anwar without a legitimate reason if Pakatan Rakyat has to take over the majority power of Parliament to form a Federal Government in Malaysia and appoint Anwar to be the next Prime Minister. This is the kind of judicial reform which most Malaysians would like to hear about!
Salam Tun
Tindakan pantas dari pihak kerajaan dan kerjasama dari setiap lapisan rakyat di perlukan untuk “bounch back”
Marilah kita bersatu hati menghadapi masa-masa sukar ini…
yg berbahgia tun,
saya rasa depa semua tu dapat 10% dari duit x granti tu.
sebenar nya meeka ni tak pandai bagaimana nak takbir negara dan bodoh sombong pulak tu, patut nya tanya lah pendapat orang yg dah berjasa mentabir negara.
saya doakan negara malaysia akan makmur sebagai mana zaman tun jadi pm dulu.
Biasa BPR tidak tuduh orang kalau tiada 90% fakta yang boleh disabit kesalahan.Dalam kes Datuk Aziz, Tuhan sahaja yang tahu.Boleh juga dia dituduh bagi menyelamat orang lain atau dia bersalah tetapi kurang fakta bukti dapat dikemukakan di Mahkamah. Memang banyak kemungkinan kemungkinan yang tidak mungkin dijawap oleh kita orang biasa.Kalau betul dia memang tidak bersalah, adalah diharap kesnya tidak ditutup dan BPR terus memburu pesalah yang sebenar.
salam tun,
saya rasa tun je yang baca paper setiap hari.bukan macam ahli parlemen dan menteri sibuk cerita pasal nak bertanding mt umno.tidak ada yang layak jadi mentri kat parlemen.saya tengok boss bank negara tutup mulut je.macam ada yang nak disorokkan.selama ni saya ingat nor yaakob pandai pasal ekonomi rupanya tun yang lebih pandai pasal ekonomi selama ni.bila tun pencen tah apa-apa yang dia buat kat kementerian.memang patut tun dianugerahkan nobel prize winner.naik muak tengok menteri bercakap dalam parlemen. macam orang tak pernah pergi sekolah..
Salam my Dearest Mantan PM,
Lambat laun kebenaran akan muncul jua. Sekarang ni semua yang diperkatakan dalam bentuk negativiti tentang Tun telah terbukti terbalik. Orang yang menuduh pulak yang malu. Itulah… berani kerana benar. Tun berani kerana Tun berkata yang benar. Tun tidak berpura pura. Itulah yang kami mahu dari Perdana Menteri kami. Tak perlu berpura pura kerana lambat laun kebenaran akan terbit jua. Saya juga tak halalkan duit ex-gracia tersebut diberi pada hakim tersebut yang dibayar untuk memalukan Tun. Wang tersebut jika diberi pada orang miskin, banyak yang boleh dilakukan. Dahlah hakim tersebut dapat pencen etc, ex-gracia berjuta pulak diberikan lagi dengan menggunakan wang rakyat. Yang herannya, Bar Council senyap saja. Siap buat majlis dengan bil RM86000 lebih lagi.
Memang Pak Lah dan Zaid Ibrahim ialah pengkhianat penduduk Malaysia. Bagaimanapun, saya halalkan duit cukai saya membayar RM 5 juta pada Pak Lah untuk keluar dari kerajaan sekarang juga.
Tun, tajuk akhbar tu contra antara satu sama lain. Kata ekonomi baik tapi tajuk kat bawah pulak menunjukkan ekonomi tak baik. Diaorang ingat kami ni tak cerdik ka? Nak tipu kami mcm kami ni anak anak tadika
Salam Tun,
Item 13, is it part of Zaid Ibrahim’s business plan………..
Dearest Dr M
Ha ha, you are hilarious (kelakar seram).
Malaysians are “insulated”, perhaps because they are on a different planet??
Politics make the world go round and Malaysian politics is the most melodramatic. From politicians to policemen to bloggers, Malaysians are special people.
Like they say “It’s a happening country”.
Keeps you on tenterhooks.
Dear Tun,
Star latest headline:
– China bailout Agricultural Bank $19b. Others included Bank of China, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China and China Construction Bank.
– Bank Negara international reserves decline
Another interesting article:
The situation in Malaysia is sadly very different. Unlike Obama, our politicians are not seeking to inject hope or even competence into public life. This is no more evident than in Umno. The ruling party (much like the Republicans) has evidently chosen to respond to electoral defeat by becoming more conservative and fearful.
Umno appears not to have realized how much corruption, inefficiency and racism have turned off Malaysian voters of all races, including the Malays. Money politics remains endemic, as the head of the Umno’s Disciplinary Board; Tengku Ahmad Rithaudeen has been forced to admit.
The party’s ongoing rejection of genuine talent in favour of those with money and family connections is driving away young Malay professionals. This has meant that those who could do so much to revitalize Umno, are throwing their support to the more meritocratic Opposition. Even a cursory watch of the Parliamentary broadcasts will tell you that the party is suffering because of it.
Amazingly, Umno seems to feel that the mere removal of Abdullah Badawi and a return to the authoritarianism of the Mahathir years will repair the party’s fortunes. In the face of calls for new politics and fresh faces it has put forward veritable political dinosaurs – men such as Rais Yatim, Rahim Thamby Chik, Syed Hamid Albar and Muhammad Taib
Interesting News I picked in the Net:-
‘The incoming Umno leadership is a Mathathir leadership. Mahathir announced at Hotel Singgahsana in Petaling Jaya that the new prime minister will be guided by a Presidential Council. Who will head this newly set up Presidential Council? Can the people accept the fact that Mahathir will be back in power and will be ruling by proxy?’
I do not know how far is the truth? But logically he gave his life to bring down Badawi. Now that badawi is down, what is next, DR?
Dear Tun
Some one who is aquitted from the court of law, it mean the court cannot prove his is guity. they are those who believe innocent till proven guity & they are those believe guilty despite proven innocent.
I hope the media would be more considerate, not trying to adding salt to the wound, it already bad please don’t mention it everyday.
our government are fully aware of the situation, but that doesn’t mean they need to magnify the situation & create panic to the people by telling them the economy is bad don’t spend they money, don’t invest, their company may go bankrupt anytime etc. and every body to wait for dooms day to come.
If a doctor keep tell a patient that they will feel great paint after an injection, they patient may “pengsan” fainted before been inject.
Salam muhibah to Tun & Family
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Hari ini ada pertandingan catur siri ke-5.Sebelum ini saya ada promosikan satu blog tentang ini.Saya keliru samada itu blog peribadi atau persatuan.Nampaknya blog peribadi.
Lagi pun tiada sebarang ucapan terima kasih.Jadi mungkin ada something wrong.Seseorang yang tidak tahu berterima kasih.Tapi saya tidak berani kata yang pertandingan itu adalah asas dari idea saya.Tiada bukti.Biasalah tu….
Jadi saya tidak berminat untuk memeriahkan suasana pertandingan dalam 2 siri yang lepas.Perabihkan duit tambang dengan masa bernilai saya sahaja.
Dalam siri yang terdahulu saya telah berjaya mengalahkan Mr Chinese (apa ke nama ntah) yang berada pada ranking ke-6 terkini dengan ‘concealed move’.
Dalam open middle game tersebut saya dapati yang pergerakan saya adalah terhad walaupun saya bermain buah putih (maklumlah kurang bergiat aktif,suka-suka sahaja).
Dia mempunyai 2 bishop,2 rook,1 queen dan 1 king.Saya mempunyai 1 kuda,1 bishop,1 queen dan 1 king.Tetapi saya mempunyai kelebihan 1 askar berbanding lawan.
Strategi saya adalah tukarkan kuda (pergerakan L shape) dengan bishop lawan.Memandangkan middle game adalah terbuka dan bishop akan amat berkuasa jika dibandingkan dengan kuda (walaupun point material adalah sama).
Matlamat saya adalah untuk tukarkan kedua-dua bishop pihak lawan.Supaya cepat pergi kepada end game.Mana tahu dengan kelebihan askar, saya mungkin dapat pergi haji dapatkan Queen pada end game.
So, saya menang end game dengan satu askar sahaja.
Saya kagum dengan klip video Mr Ong Tee Kiat semasa berkempen Presiden MCA yang menggambarkan beliau berfikir melihat pergerakan catur.Saya fikir saya perlu belajar dari beliau.
Saya juga fikir Datuk Mukhriz adalah Bishop bukan Knight.Bishop more powerful in open game.
Tetapi saya fikir saya dan Tun adalah Queen.Pak Lah adalah King.We must protect him.Already protected.
Sorry….saya bukan expert sangat.Mungkin ada expert yang baca taipan saya ini.Saya cuma boring sangat-sangat 2,3 hari ini.
Terima kasih Tun.
In the business world, sentiments are important.
As a government, there is always a tendency to tell the positive
side of the economy, hide the negative side. This is still a lie,
a white lie.
If share market goes up, commentators (analysts?) will say response
to economic initiatives, politics, FDIs, etc.
If the market goes down they say due to ‘profit taking’.
Of course, we always want to ‘create’ bullish sentiment, but we
cannot continuously try to do one when the reality is the opposite.
After some time people will not believe, all the GDP growth,
low inflation, etc will be just become untruth statistics although
they may be true.
Don’t be in the state of denial all the time. Government and the
so-called experts should stop giving too many comments about
Malaysia being resilience, unaffected by the global crisis.
Nobody knows the future, tomorrow we may be in recession worst
than in the 80s. The general outlook is not good, so better to keep
silent than to say all the rainbows.
Salutations Tun,
I can’t stop laughing at the ‘significance’ of the headlines.
Being in advertising, I once proposed a newspaper headline-driven ad. Right after going through my research, I realised I had to dig deeper (and further) to get a perspective from a higher point of view. And even then I had to get the perspective I wanted, out of my own personal curiosity, with a fair bit of lateral thinking involved.
Allow me to say that your blog has some of the funniest and most intelligent content around since Gary Larson’s “The Far Side.”
I wish you, and all the peoples on the street, well.
Reading through many of the comments here, it appears to me that the ‘Malaysia Boleh’ has evaporated within many of the commenters. Probably a reflection of the community as well – back to the old days when we believe that we are poor hopeless group of people that has no way to go but to the pits.
Without the ‘Can do’ spirit that was briefly fostered here (and now made popular by Mr Obama), it will difficult to lift ourselves up – not when we’re too busy bitching on our inadequacy.
Good thing not everyone is like that. Many are keeping quiet, going about, working hard to improve themselves. People like Azizi Ali (well known author, pubic speaker and self-made millionaire) and others in the business community.
If you think the Govt is not up to speed – what have you done (or going to do) to face the oncoming barren economy?
Dear Tun
Overall, I understand you are trying to tell us there are more negatives than positives now around us.
How nice would it be if we have a reset button, to restart everything from the scratch and put them in order
But in reality, this “naive” thought can hardly be achieved unless drastic actions & stern determination are taken in placed, tightly!
1. Mungkin semua tengah sibuk pasal bulan 3 nie kot..takut soru miss
2. Rakyat …biar laa diorang pandai-pandai…kan
3. Yang penting perut sendiri..
4. Kalau betul betul nak bela..bertindak sekarang – bukan sahaja beri pengumuman
5. Ayuh jangan jadi macam negeri kat luar tu..dah kene baru terngadah
Recently the Kuwaiti government announced that they will guarantee bank deposits. That comes after the central bank stepped in to bailout Gulf Bank, the fifth largest lender in the country, which suffer from unexpected steep derivative loss. Before the incident, the Kuwaiti government keeps telling their people that their banking system will not affected from the crisis and everything would be ok. A lot of investors then suffer from the false government assurances. In this case, could you relate this incident to that of our country? whats your comment. TQ tun.
what to do? After all that we’ve been through?
Saya mahu tun buat kenyataan begini ” Apasal depa tak bayar saguhati kat Anwar Ibrahim dia pun saya pecat jugak!! ” kehkehkehkeh
UMNO Serdang
Dear Tun,
Regard to the headline, isn’t to increase goverment spending and money supply are the right choice at this moment while inflation caused by fuel hike effect still present?
Would the slow down of world economic, should allow Malaysia to coop up which Taiwan & Korea? The gov. may consider to invest strategically, for long term benefit rather than short term.
One last question, May I know why malaysia control sugar trade( import/export) allow only two individuals to control the market. What kind of benefit do the citizens get?
Assallamualaikum w.b.t
Dearest Tun,
On your heading of ‘Ecomonic Headlines’, I do not know what do our current gov. know about it but I as a normal citizen can see it very clearly what is awaiting us just upon the next corner. The unavoidable is coming. I as a average joe Malaysian will be effected no doubtly as I do not have the capability to evade such phenomenon, but rest assure I will do what I can to ensure my survivality. For the whole, I trully rest it to the current gov. to manage it and do the best this country can do to protect it citizens. I highest hope is that they don’t fondle-up. (well that happen a lot).
Lighter note, have a pleasant weekend. My love to you and your family.
Your 1st edition priced at RM25 is nothing worth than your train of thoughts. priceless.
thank you for publishing the book. i am very happy to be part of it.
Miscarriage of justice will always prevail. Competent civil servants often get into trouble. And the ACA will always be the advocate.
Anyone who steps on the shoes of the boss will needlessly be villified.
The next victim of this villication is Tourism Malaysia’s Director General who rose from rank and file, with vast experience and practically ‘a man by the book’.
Just one small “teething problem” years before he became DG, seems to be the villification factor to show him the door.
One really has to be a saint to survive in this world.
On the economic front, the doom and gloom predictions may make people spend less. And that is not good.
Spending is on form of spurring economic activity. Likewise, traffic jams are good indicators of a vibrant economy.
But I am not a trained economist to comment on such matters.
snoring judges? whats that got to do with the economy?
heheh, i guess this is another one of your unique sense of humour to relate to the 10.5M Men?
Salam Tun,
Just another day counting for new resolution. Hopefully we could’ bullish on bouncing back’ again 🙂
Salam Tun,
1. Dunia ni memang pelik, kadangkala yang sepatutnya tidak berada ditempatnya. Yang benar disalahkan, yang salah dilepaskan.
2. Kita manusia mencuba sedaya mungkin berpegang pada benda yang betul tapi tak semua orang berfikiran begitu…
Dearest Tun
Most of our goverment leaders and minister will not see a things from the economic review as reported in the media. Many wouldn’t care less.
Perhaps a few would be concerned, such as Tan Sri Muhiddin Yassin, Noor Muhammad and Mustafa Muhammad. The rest of our ministers are simply quorum filler.
Nothing much is now expected from our 1/2 past six PM. Tengok pun meluat. As for Dato’ Najib, he masses doesn’t seem to respect him anymore, especially the MPs. With him as PM within the next few months, Malaysia will continue having hard times.
I hope he’ll regularly seek your advised. If he’s smart.
Have a good weekend, dearest Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Begitulah nasib pegawai kerajaan dari peringkat bawahan sehingga paling tinggi dalam hairaki setiap kementerian. MEREKA ADALAH KAMBING HITAM dalam usaha melarikan peruntukan yang disediakan.
Nak buat ke tak nak…………jagan takut saya dibelakang anda, bila terbungkar…..engkau tanggunglah.
Apa yang saya nampak…kekurangan majoriti kerajaan pada pilihan raya lepas lebih kepada kebencian rakyaat kepada kebocoran perbelanjaan kerajaan yang sepatutnya sampai kepada orang yang sepatutnya tetapi jatuh kepada pehak yang berkepentingan..lebih tepat kepada mereka yang dipertangungjawabkan untuk melaksanakanya. Sistem penyampaian yang digembur gemburkan oleh ABD sebenarnya lebih kepada retorik politik beliau saja. Ya, tidak dinafikan terdapat perubahan dari segi masa dan layanan di beberapa jabatan kerajaan yang berhubung terus dengan orang ramai.
Tun, Adakah rakyat sedar bahawa FENOMINA KAMBING HITAM INI masih berleluasa malah semakin hebat sekarang ini tetapi dalam bentuk yang lebih profesional. Rakyat BIASA faham TAK apa yang dimaksudkan dengan PROJEK WAHYU / PROJEK TERPIJAK. Saya yakin tidak. Untuk makluman ini adalah intiti terbaru mengantikan KAMBING HITAM yang di awasi oleh anak muda terpelajar TINGKAT 4 PUTRAJAYA. Peranan mereka, macam mana hendak mengeluarakan peruntukan yang disalurkan kepada jabatan kerajaan yang diistilahkan perbelanjaan “menaiktaraf sistem” yang terlibat banyak dengan unsur IT. Wang terlibat lagi besar Woooo…..ratus ratus juta. Drebar pun jadi Pakar IT ada syarikat lagi, nama syarikat tak payah cakaplah, cangih secangih produk yang ditawarkanlah…………Hancurrrr semuanya. Apa tidaknya pergi INDIA beli dan balik pasang. Harga SETEGAH DARI NILAI KONTRAK………INIKAH CARA UNTUK MEMPERBAIKI SISTEM PENYAMPAIAN JABATAN KERAJAAN YANG DIAGUNGKAN ABD.
Kepada empat kambing hitam, wakil pemuda setiap bahagia (Maaf kasar sikit)hentikan perbuatan ini. Kembalikan maruah kerajaan dan UMNO.
bless u dr m
Dear Tun,
I am not that sophisticated to get your spin, but in my opinion this looks like a pyrrhic victory. Needless to say, for a Ministry that was supposed to be taking care of the poorest of the poor, to have this case come up, was in itself significant.
‘Was’ because right now there is nothing that the Government does which could surprise anyone. Absolutely nothing. It is a shame though, and I fear that Zimbabwe and Malaysia may soon share more things in common than we would rather have.
I like your take on reporting the ‘reporters.’ I think the local newspapers do more harm than good, and should carry a Government health warning – ‘Reading this will make your mind numb.’
On a serious note, you clearly demonstrate a lack of thought leadership in the halls of power.Your method of investing in key infrastructure as a way to create ‘stimulus’ as well as develop the neccessary infrastructure for trade has been sorely missed. Even the great United States is embracing this, of course after giving the ‘free market’ lecture to the country during the crisis.
Without yourself in charge, we do not have these projects, instead in its place are Eurocopters, ‘abandoned projects which cost more than the project itself’ and ‘prosper thy neighbour mentality by buying their investments at 4x their value.’
Well, not much more to say. Only that you were right, and they were wrong.
Semoga Tun sihat selalu…
kebenaran akan tersirna jua…
Assalamualaikum wbt
Saya nak bertanya adakah seseorang Perdana Menteri menerima gajinya puluhan ribu dan kerjanya semata mata untuk membayar saguhati Bekas Hakim terutamanya Tun Salleh Abas yang telah dipecat oleh kerajaan.
5 Juta bukan angka yang sedikit … Keputusan kerajaan membayar Ex gratia kepada bekas2 hakim ini bukan tindakan positif malah boleh di anggap rasuah, agenda tersembunyi oleh Pak Lah dan bekas Menteri iaitu Dato Zaid. Ini bukan caranya memperbaiki institusi kehakiman negara tetapi memusnahkan sama sekali oleh Dato Zaid sendiri dan juga Perdana Menteri. Esok lusa ada hakim lain akan terima imbuhan oleh kerajaan kononnya nak jaga Kehakiman Negara.
Ini adalah satu rasuah besar di lakukan pucuk pimpinan kerajaan Barisan Nasional!!
Saya harap Tun beri kenyataan mengenai perkara ini..
UMNO Serdang
It seems that our economy ‘Rising’ down …
Assalamu’alaikum Tuns,
I’m the first..take good care both of you
From anak Tok Awang Transport and Che’ Nun Lebai Tambi
Remember them?…salam
Dear Tun
Don’t blame the leaders, all are busy with their most extremely important schedule’s to attend to thier party matters infact that is the main focus. The current elected Barisan Nasional government and all component parties are waiting to see who will be the chiefs and comrades in umno so that they can close ranks. Each one of them want to control and gain power to override the weak one. All this are anticiapted ever since the umno election has postphone to March 09. Action and economic packages to face any unwanted financial crisis are very slow and dissappointing. Hello government executives get up from the political shadows stop bickering in the parliment and start working thats what you are elected for.
Salam Tun,
The government leaders only sees uncle, son-in-law, families not enough… they strongly reported the economy is still strong today, then tomorrow 9 billion package to save the economy. Disallow people asking questions and continue arrogant in the non-Parliamentary Parliament.
gud luck tun……
Dear Sir,
Your number 13 inclusion, perhaps gives us a heads up on things to come to remedy our current bleak situation [1-12] ?
Will be looking forward to the u-turn of certain U-turns in policy implementation during the snooze years.
Have a good weekend Sir (like bumper end week… multiply postings!).
Asslamualaikum TUn yang dihormati…
harap2 dapat jadi yang pertama kali ni..
rasanya kerajaan tak nampak sumer headline dalam surat khabar hari ni.. sbb sibuk nak menjelaskan bekas2 hakim yang bersalah tu jadi orang kaya baru…
pendedahan ini menyebabkan orang semakin meluat dan geram.. rasanya Pak Lah patut bercuti dan serahkan kuasa kepada DS Najib sekarang juga.. Nazri juga memberi alasan yang tak munasabah apabila bercakap kerajaan tak mengumumkan jumlah ex-gratia atas permintaan bekas2 hakim tu.. mengapa perlu kerajaan menurut pesalah2 tersebut.. harap dapat komen dari Tun berkenaan perkara ini..
Salam Tun,
Everywhere in this world is facing economic downturn. Our Malaysian still unprepared for the worse to come. Tough days ahead for sure. Our household goods and items still at high price. Too much talking on politics. Nobody really cares of people like us.
– Jinggo Rock –
Hope to be the first.
Someone who brings up the case in court must be punished…
Do you know how to remove this blog’s address from your “Favourites”? Thank you boy, and go fly kites…
Tun, you are the best….
Greetings Tun,
it is indeed sad that his career and good name was so easily tarnished by vigilantes who are on hind sight able to arrive to a different commercial decision on the project. we need to separate corrupt and reckless decisions from poor or even innocent but negligent decisions.
may he find it in his heart to forgive and forget his accusers
I don’t think they ministers(from Umno) had time to read those news. They are so busy with Pemilihan UMNO at this weak end. Or may be they just read the Head Lines only.
I hope The government will pay Ex gratia too to former SG. How about that TUN.
Hi Tun
Don’t expect our leaders to pay too much attention on the above matters. Our system don’t exactly allow competent leaders to rise to the top.
But it is changing as March O8 elections have shown!
Please continue the list.
erm, kesian dato aziz..walaupun dia proven to be not guilty, tapi nama dia dah buruk…too bad huh?
erm, rasanyer org malaysia lebih tertumpu ke arah kisah rumah tangga norman hakim-abby daripada berita2 itew..at least, i do..hehe
-salamat munak-
Dearest Tun,
I do not know who is Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Muhammad, but I am glad that Tun responded your feeling fast in this blog. If not, then we will see more of negative stories on BN government.
My comment on Tun’s economic headlines:
The road a head of us is that Malaysians believe that we may be in recession very soon. So what should our government do to drive us out this mess????
By the way, for the opposition party, please focus on these issues too, stop talking about race issues, ketuanan rakyat, etc….
Both parties, for god sake, please be united to drive Malaysia out of this mess that was created by the so-called DEMOCRACY of the west!!!!!
Good day Tun.
Dear Tun,
Always love your idea.
Salam Tun,
“Setiap kesusahan pasti disusuli dengan kesenangan”. Saya berpendapat kebanyakkan rakyat Malaysia sudah meragui keadilan Sistem Mahkamah di Malaysia ini.
Unfortunately, our current leadership are sleepingZZZZZ………
Yang berbahagia Tun,
Tolong komen pasal jumlah ex-gratia yang dibayar oleh kerajaan kepada bekas-bekas hakim tersebut yang diumumkan di parlimen kelmarin.
Anyhow,kalaulah ada walaupun sekupang duit saya sebagai pembayar cukai dalam jumlah tersebut,saya tidak akan halalkan sampai bila-bila
Jaga diri Tun baik-baik
Nampaknya ramai pemimpin yang ada sekarang lebih mementingkan diri sendiri daripada generasi yang akan datang. Tindakan seorang menteri yang tun katakan itu lebih menguatkan lagi andaian saya bahawa ramai pemimpin atasan adalah terdiri daripada lalang. Mudah berubah arah mengikut angin, tiada keputusan sendiri, mudah membiak pula… Bagaimana lalang boleh memerintah negara? Jadilah sekarang pemimpin2 tidak kira dari BN atau PR lebih gemar mendedahkan satu isu kepada rakyat terlebih dahulu untuk melihat reaksi umum. baru keluarkan kenyataan. Berbeza satu ketika dahulu, isu2 ditangani dahulu baru diumumkan.
Saya teringat kata pepatah Alexander (saya terbaca terjemahan di dalam bahasa Inggeris). 1000 kambing yang diketuai oleh seekor harimau, adalah lebih gagah dari 1000 harimau yang diketuai oleh seekor kambing.
u r right……….
hidup TUN
salam tun,
saya juga terlibat dalam peringkat perancangan projek2 yg berkaitan dgn tuduhan terhadap Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Muhammad. sungguh terkejut masa tu. apa2pun kami sempat menyiapkan apa yg patut. bersimpati terhadap datuk.
kami disektor awam sgt terdedah dgn laporan pecah amanah. biasalah.. kalau ada saja org yg tak suka dgn ketegasan kita, pasti laporan sampai ke BPR.. beginilah nasib kami. walaupun kesalahannya sangat kecil.
Tun, well said!
I just wanna say thats its normal when people trying to ruin P*D reputation!
pak lah now is defence minister…pity on najib to answer all this question now…
YAB Tun,
I shall not comment on the acquittal. However I would like to comment on the media reports on the state of our economy.
Whether the present leadership like or even care to admit, we are starting to feel the economic slow down. The man in the streets are feeling the pinch. RM100 does not go far at Pasar Tani certainly making it difficult for lower income groups to survive. If RM100 is insufficient for a week’s supply of food, how would people earning a gross salary of RM1,500 (or less) survive with loans to service, utilities to pay and petrol/fuel to buy?
The announcement of September 2008 export numbers (if I am mistaken), have been manipulated. I have been told that 3Q export numbers are down. However, since we have strong 1H numbers, the impact of 3rd-Q on 9-month numbers are nullified to a certain extend. The resultant numbers would therefore show a strong 9 months growth. Statistically what is said is true but it does not paint the real prevailing numbers.
The government did not lie. However neither did they tell the whole truth!
Third quarter exports declined. Orders from traditional markets ahead of Christmas have been drastically reduced. This so-called transparency by the current government is nothing more than rhetorics aimed at pleasing politicians own ears only.
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Saya juga selalu tertanya-tanya sama ada pemimpin kita baca paper ke tidak atau dengar je apa-apa yang press sec cerita. If they do reads the newspaper daily, they would have commented better when asked by the reporters on the spot, like you did.
Asalaimualaikum Tun,
I am not a economic graduates. But I have a strong interest in knowing more about our country’s economics situation.
Tun, could you please let us know why our government still holding the BLR rate at 6.75% as other countries are cutting their prime rate.
What’s the effects if we cuts the BLR?
May ALLAH continues to bless you and your family.
Thank you…
ya saya setuju dengan tun mengenai projek tanaman orkid tersebut.
pada waktu itu saya masih tinggal di Gua Musang, dan Lembaga Kemajuan Kelantan Selatan (KESEDAR) – badan di bawah Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar (KPLB) sibuk menanam pokok orkid di tepi jalan utama Gua Musang menuju Kota Bharu. setahun kemudian tapak projek tersebut tinggal jadi semak samun. entah berapa juta duit habis buat projek sia sia ini.
“Malaysia tidak akan menghadapai kemelesetan ekonomi, ” dumb and dumberer.
Asalaimualaikum Tun,
I am not an economic graduates, but I am really interested in knowing more about our country’s economic condition. Tun, could you please tell us why our government still wants to hold the BLR rate as other countries are cutting their rates.
What’s the effects if we cut our rates??
May ALLAH will always bless you & your family with good health.
Thank you.
tak payah takut, kalau hampir bankrupt … boleh pinjam dari EPF … lebih-lebih lagi kalau keadaan terlalu teruk, boleh lari diri dengan helikopter dari eurokpter …
Salam Tun,
I like no. 13, it’s mean a lots to some folks!!!!
Thank you Tun…..