Snippets – Tioman

1. I visited Pulau Tioman recently to see the new marina which was approved during my time.

2. It is beautiful. Unfortunately it is too small. The authorities were afraid that coral would be destroyed if a larger marina is built.

3. I am as much an environmentalist as anyone else. But if we are going to develop we have to accept prudent sacrifices.

4. The coral at the site was not the beautiful coral with multi-coloured fish darting in between that we often see in picture books or on television. Mostly the coral is in the form of shapeless rocks, damaged by boats dropping their anchors there. Samples of these rocks were dragged up and displayed in front of the administrative building. They are not attractive at all.

5. The locals had protested against the construction and obstructed the work claiming it was going to hurt their business. But now everyone is happy. Evenings and nights see the locals enjoying the jetty and the wharf. They use it to take on board their ex-fishing boats the tourists hopping to the other island. They earn RM200 for ferrying the tourists. I think they get more than they did using their boats for fishing. The marina has accommodation for shops and restaurants, which should give the locals some opportunities for doing business.

6. Unfortunately their standard of living although higher now than before development is not as high as in Langkawi. Certain people are determined to keep these Tiomanese poor by preventing the proper development of these beautiful islands.

7. I feel sad seeing the ramshackle huts which the villages used to rent to tourists for RM 5 a night. There is no proper toilet and no bathroom.

8. They are not doing well now and many have collapsed. Yet Tioman water is very clear and tourists like to swim and snorkel there.

9. The old landing strip has not been extended while the proposed new runway approved before I stepped down has not been built as the contract was given to a contractor quoting a ridiculously low price.

10. Maybe we should preserve the islands and the people in their pristine condition.

398 thoughts on “Snippets – Tioman”

  1. I’ve been to Tioman once and stayed in Salang. I was shocked to see that kitchen and toilet wastes are directed to the only river flowing out to the sea. This river is extremely dirty and smell so bad during low tide. I saw many tourist looking at this river with utmost shock and wonder where did all these came from.
    Oil slick can be seen at few locations and there are spills from ferry plying these areas. Rubbish thrown overboard by irresponsible local and foreign tourist.
    Just like Langkawi when development came in action. The main river over at Kuah town is black in color (till present) and the waste disposal center do not have a proper working incinerator! Everyone just dump their load of waste onto any place they could find. At high tide, the water takes some of these waste and it pollutes the mangrove area next to it! I heard from the locals, the government brought incinerator meant for dry waste and not wet waste!
    It is great to develop these islands and generate better revenue for the islanders but before any projects were to kick off, nobody think of proper sewage or drainage system to facilitate growth that comes along with it.
    We spend so much building wonders but fail in the most basic irrigation and drainage planning. Well, probably there are no funds allocation in the first place! No fines or effort made to stop people from polluting drains and rivers. If education fails, stern fines and court action will deter. That may give our enforcers more work to do than drinking coffee and eating “kuih” in their office.

  2. As a holiday maker, I do not see that much of a problem keeping Tioman the way it is. Yes, the facilities on the island remain a bit basic. And there do not seem like there is much to do there too. But I think that is one of the beauties of Tioman that keep tourists coming back yet and again. I went with my family not so long ago, totally enjoy the peaceful and relax environment. Locals are so friendly, happy despite your so-called under-development. Is this not something we should be pleased about? I receive plenty of queries from British who would like to spend time in JapaMala Resort. Time and again I warn them that there may not be much to do if they stay there for so long (more than a week usually). But that is exactly the reason why they choose to go there, to stay away from the hustle and bustle of city life! Having said that, I’m glad that Langkawi is not as commercialised as some of those islands in Thailand. Have a great day Tun.

    “It is beautiful. Unfortunately it is too small.”
    On what basis is it too small? It’s unfortunate that our country is small too.
    “But if we are going to develop we have to accept prudent sacrifices.”
    Define prudent sacrifices? At what economic value?
    “The coral at the site was not the beautiful coral with multi-coloured fish darting in between that we often see in picture books or on television. Mostly the coral is in the form of shapeless rocks, damaged by boats dropping their anchors there. Samples of these rocks were dragged up and displayed in front of the administrative building. They are not attractive at all.”
    Imagine Tun actually being in the water snorkelling? The beautiful coral and fishes on television are taken underwater. It is impossible to see them on land. If you actually have a closer look, Tun, you will see coral growing on the very marina now built. Samples of these rocks that you mention are actually dead coral. Nobody will know if they were alive or dead when they were being dragged up. Perhaps you do need a few lessons from your son who is a diver himself.
    “The locals had protested against the construction and obstructed the work claiming it was going to hurt their business. But now everyone is happy. Evenings and nights see the locals enjoying the jetty and the wharf. They use it to take on board their ex-fishing boats the tourists hopping to the other island. They earn RM200 for ferrying the tourists. I think they get more than they did using their boats for fishing. The marina has accommodation for shops and restaurants, which should give the locals some opportunities for doing business.”
    These locals have been doing what they have been doing on this tourist island for over 10 years. How has the marina bring economic benefits to the locals? Who exactly has made a study and published it? I “think” the locals have more jobs being coolie now for loading and unloading duty free goods. None of the shops at the marina is opened yet. In fact, in order for the marina to be built 20 chalets have to be torn down creating losses for the local businesses. I don’t think this loss is made up by the flocking sail boats and tourist coming in to park at the marina. I do wonder where you get your information from?
    “Unfortunately their standard of living although higher now than before development is not as high as in Langkawi. Certain people are determined to keep these Tiomanese poor by preventing the proper development of these beautiful islands.”
    Define this standard of living that is higher? There is no improvement on education, health or even transport to the mainland. Higher cost of living for sure since everything being transported to the island now cost more because of the fuel hike. Building a marina itself does not raise the local’s standard of living. Proper development of the island requires a lot of education especially in managing businesses and having the right working attitude. Massive development will only bring in businesses from the mainland which will only displace and alienate the locals. These businesses will not hire the locals as they do not understand what work really is. Find out how many local staff Berjaya has and how many youth who do not have a regular job.
    “I feel sad seeing the ramshackle huts which the villages used to rent to tourists for RM 5 a night. There is no proper toilet and no bathroom.”
    Indeed. The locals do not know how to maintain the rooms. There is no proper seweage system on the island and it cost too much! What is the state government doing about all this? Build, build, build!
    “The old landing strip has not been extended while the proposed new runway approved before I stepped down has not been built as the contract was given to a contractor quoting a ridiculously low price.”
    Hmm… what is this saying? Why has the contract been given to the lowest bidder who can’t even get it built? Whose fault is that then? And by the way, why do we need a new airport?
    “Maybe we should preserve the islands and the people in their pristine condition.”
    Why not? Or you could flatten the island and industrialize it. Then everyone will have jobs. It’s not interesting is it? Visiting an island with all dead coral and no fish. Can’t even go fishing. What do people do – do what they would do in the city – go shopping and makan in a noisy massive resort and… oh, I forgot, they can sit at the marina and “makan angin” just like the locals.
    an ex-tiomanese!

  4. Salam sejahtera and a good day to you and your readers,
    I am an avid diver and a marine biologist. I have been to tioman countless times and have observed the area of the marina before, during and after the marina construction. Here are my comments:
    Snippets – Tioman
    Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at July 9, 2008 3:43 PM | Permalink | Comments (394) | TrackBacks (0) | Previous Blog
    1. I visited Pulau Tioman recently to see the new marina which was approved during my time.
    I am glad to see that an ex-PM like you would go to such trouble to inspect the outcome of some of the decisions you made whilst in power. Especially when there is no personal advantage whatsoever……… 🙂 I fully respect you for that.
    2. It is beautiful. Unfortunately it is too small. The authorities were afraid that coral would be destroyed if a larger marina is built.
    I would beg to differ on this as at present the marina is quite empty without many boats there. Why do you then think it is too small?
    FYI even with the current size a substantial amount of corals and other marine organisms were killed. And this was just the ones under the present marina. Countless other organisms were killed and stressed in the near vicinity of the marina while it was being built. Would the area affected ever recover? Would the area and its vicinity be constantly slowly degraded with all the added activity of the marina in the future?
    3. I am as much an environmentalist as anyone else. But if we are going to develop we have to accept prudent sacrifices.
    I applaud your environmentalism. Yes everyone should care about the environment as it is irreplaceable when damaged beyond repair. Yes I agree that development should be done and sacrifices made. My question is how much sacrifice are we willing to make? As PM did you get to read an unbiased report of the status of the reefs there? Did the decision makers really know what they lost from the area when they built the marina? Did they really know what were sacrificed? Would we be able to replace the organisms lost and their economic potential?
    It was estimated by Costanza et al (2007) that a km2 of reef could be worth not less than RM2,126,250 per year!
    This is because Costanza et al only considered disturbance regulation, waste management, biological control, habitat/refugia, food production, raw materials and cultural resource. They did not consider gas regulation, climate regulation, nutrient cycling, genetic resources nor RECREATION.
    Can you imagine the economic potential lost when you add ALL of them together? And that is only for per year……… if you assume that the marina lifespan has 30 years then you have to actually multiply the reef value by 30 to see how much sacrifice we have made!
    We then have to consider the economic loss to fisheries, water quality, tourist perception etc….. to come up with the ACTUAL AMOUNT of sacrifice we make. Did we do this before making the decision? Can anyone of the decision makers tell us the ‘advantage of the marina’ VS ‘actual amount of sacrifice’ made to justify their decision?
    If the above was done then this would lead to what we want…… that is ………..’INFORMED DECISIONS’ ….. that leads to……..‘SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT’.
    4. The coral at the site was not the beautiful coral with multi-coloured fish darting in between that we often see in picture books or on television. Mostly the coral is in the form of shapeless rocks, damaged by boats dropping their anchors there. Samples of these rocks were dragged up and displayed in front of the administrative building. They are not attractive at all.
    ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ 😛
    Did you really see what was there ‘underneath’ the actual waters? Or did you just see the ones displayed in the admin building? FYI the corals were still beautiful as you say “…..with multi-coloured fish darting in between that we often see in picture books or on television”. They were a bit deeper where only good snorkellers and divers could see. With the marina ….. all that is gone.
    Did the decision makers read the numerous scientific papers detailing that rare species of corals, invertebrates and fish were present there? Over 200 sp of corals with about 15 considered rare; about 190 sp of reef fish; 3 of the protected species of giant clams and the list goes on. Some of these organisms might not be found elsewhere around Pulau Tioman. They could be lost forever from the island.
    5. The locals had protested against the construction and obstructed the work claiming it was going to hurt their business. But now everyone is happy. Evenings and nights see the locals enjoying the jetty and the wharf. They use it to take on board their ex-fishing boats the tourists hopping to the other island. They earn RM200 for ferrying the tourists. I think they get more than they did using their boats for fishing. The marina has accommodation for shops and restaurants, which should give the locals some opportunities for doing business.
    I have to disagree that ‘everyone is happy’. Some of the locals do still complain about the destruction.
    I have to agree that some villagers with boats are now making more money with tourists. Nevertheless I am uncertain if the marina had anything to do with it.
    Shops and restaurants at the marina will usually be occupied by people with lots of capital and are usually from the mainland. The local tioman people will not be able to afford it. Thus more competition to the local businesses. Nevertheless some people think that with competition then the consumers will gain. 🙂
    6. Unfortunately their standard of living although higher now than before development is not as high as in Langkawi. Certain people are determined to keep these Tiomanese poor by preventing the proper development of these beautiful islands.
    Why compare with Langkawi? If the plan is by taking the template of Langkawi then Tioman’s environment is doomed. Has anyone looked at how much Langkawi’s marine environment has degraded or in some places collapsed? Please rethink this.
    I agree that PROPER development must be done to lift the tioman people economic status. But PROPER development must first come with true, unbiased information of what’s there and what we would lose with the development. Is this being done?
    7. I feel sad seeing the ramshackle huts which the villages used to rent to tourists for RM 5 a night. There is no proper toilet and no bathroom.
    Please don’t feel sad. I personally love those type of accommodations. I have limited amount of money and want to stay on Tioman for longer. 🙂
    Some tourists actually love those kinds of accommodations. We must remember that there is a diversity of tourists out there, with different wants and tastes.
    8. They are not doing well now and many have collapsed. Yet Tioman water is very clear and tourists like to swim and snorkel there.
    That is sad to know that many have collapsed. We must remember that some of the proprietors have little money to market themselves to potential tourists to make ends meet. Maybe the government especially the tourism dept and tioman development authority could also add them in their marketing campaign and not only concentrate on bigger hotels and resorts?
    9. The old landing strip has not been extended while the proposed new runway approved before I stepped down has not been built as the contract was given to a contractor quoting a ridiculously low price.
    I agree that to extend the old landing strip is a good idea.
    I totally disagree with the new airport planned as they have planned to build it ON a 2km stretch of ‘beautiful reefs’ as you have described previously! Please go and see for yourself the reefs at the proposed new airport.
    With the new airport runway being built, the amount of sedimentation would be disastrous to the marine environment all around Pulau Tioman. It would be not less than about 20 times MORE damage than the marina!
    Would it not be better to build an international aiport in Tg Gemok (mainland) and then have superb ferries to carry all the tourists to and fro Tioman? With the airport in Tg Gemok it can also cater for tourist to go to and fro our Endau Rompun National Park. If this idea catches on, can I get a percentage too? 😛
    10. Maybe we should preserve the islands and the people in their pristine condition.
    I somewhat agree with this statement. Or were you just being sarcastic? Hmmmm…… 😛
    The message that people should know and take home with them is this:
    1. Pulau Tioman had been gazetted by the Malaysian Government as a Marine Park in 1994
    2. A Marine Park is an area that is earmarked for conservation and people to enjoy nature at its best
    3. There are only 34% of Malaysian reefs in Marine Park areas
    4. All the other 66% are open for exploitation
    5. Why then are we trying to decrease the small reef areas (34%) that we are trying so hard to conserve?
    Thanks and wassalam.
    I am cornis

  5. Assalamualaikum ayahanda Tun,
    Kebetulan saya sedang melayari internet mencari idea untuk menyiapkan skrip drama saya,saya telah masuk blog ayahanda dan membaca comment orang yang sentiasa menyokong ayahanda..saya cukup terharu. Sebab sejak negara kita dilanda masalah politik dan kini ada kemungkinan ekonomi,saya sentiasa berkata zaman ayahanda adalah yang terbaik…memang ada pahit getirnya tetapi saya berbangga hasil pengorbanan itu,generasi sekarang dapat merasakan pembangunan yang diinspirasikan oleh ayahanda…masa tahun 1997 saya bertugas di salah sebuah stesen TV,dan semestinya apabila kegawatan,kami akan merasakan peritnya mana gaji tak naik,elaun dipotong dan sebagainya tapi masih boleh bertahan kerana ketika itu barang xnaik melambung.Baru-baru ini saya ke Hong Kong,ketika menaiki teksi,drebar teksi bertanya saya daripada mana,jawapan saya Malaysia.Oh dia kata negara yang ada Twin Tower tu dan bekas perdana menterinya Mahathir?? saya menjawab dengan begitu bangga,Malaysia dikenali because of U the great leader. Ayahanda teruslah memastikan wawasan ayahanda terlaksana untuk generasi yang akan datang.
    Terima kasih,Tun Dr Mahathir….

  6. TUN,
    Develop, develop, develop! This is how , we will destroy the beautiful GOD given nature to us!! Why are we so infatuated with development, tall buildings etc! When will we ever learn??!

  7. Salam Tun,
    Yes, we should keep P.Tioman in its pristine conditions.Similar islands should be left untouched as national heritage for future generations.The number of visitors to these islands should be controlled so as not to damage the natural environment, including the beautiful corals.

  8. God is keeping the Tun alive for one simple reason: He wants the Tun to witness the destruction that he has wrought on the environment, and the destruction of the very organs of democracy in Bolehland. I pray every day for Tun, just like some of you here. I pray that he will be alive to see the country go down the drain.

  9. Dear Tun,
    I am not sure if you will have time to read what im writting, this is my 1st….i admire the courage you have and every time i read what u write tears are in my eyes, i hope the Malaysian, especially the Malays realise what you have done for the country and to the Malays….i pray to ALLAH that you will live along healty life…only if you are still young, Malaysia needs you.
    May ALLAH bless you.

  10. Askum… Tun Dr. Mahathir…
    Inilah kali pertama sy reply utk berkongsi idea, pendapat dan sbgnya dgn TUN… Mmg x dinafikan lg Pulau Tioman, Pulau Langkawi dan pulau2 yg lain yg terdapat di negara kita nie mempunyai keindahannya yg tersendiri. Sy akui cuma sy nak Tun bg komen ttg Pulau Batu Putih yg negara kita terlepas dan jatuh kepada Singapura? Knape boleh jd mcm nie? Tq…

  11. Yes…i think the best way is to just leave P.Tioman as it is.i say this cause the mentality of the tiomanese are also a hindrance to developments planned for Tioman.I am not talking about building of five stars hotel but buildings or constructions of infra works.if you notice Tun,JBA pipes are still seen left at some sites and connection of water supply are still not completed.The reason was soem private land owners does not allow the pipes to pass through their private land and since Tioman is a very small island sometimes the contractors were left with no choice but to just abandon the project.Anyhow, i was informed about this by one of the contractors whom were involved in the pipe laying projects.Last year they planned to have a centralized sewage treatment plant in tioman but till ow the tender has not been finalized.I was told it was because of land acquirement problems faced by the S.O of the projects.Well,i guess development isn’t one of the priority for, the best way is to just leave them as they are!We won’t be losing anymore rakyat’s money on problems caused by owns mentality!
    about the contractor whom quoted a ridiculously low price for the airport strip,well it is not only happening in Tioman but it is happening everywhere else!Reason..sometimes the departments’ involved itself sets the price for these people!You don’t follow you don’t get follow you die standing!
    I just heard these news or it true that the 4th Floor Boys have now control Pahang on their development.i heard all the high ranking officers in state owned company are now the cronies of 4th Floor Boys. I heard the reason was at one time the MB said something harsh to Pak Lah(..everyone knows how this MB is when he speaks!) and Pak Lah dah merajuk and tak mau layan dia lagi and these people from fourth floor came to see the MB to help him regain connection with Pak Lah but at a price!Is this true Tun?Maybe the Commission of AntiCorruption should check on this as well!I don’t know how true this is but i got my information from within the state government itself.So, kalu dia tipu i,i pun tipu semua orang kat sini.Har!Har!Har!
    lord musan

  12. Yang Berbahagia Tun,
    1. Tioman is close to my heart as I hailed from Mersing which is a sleepy fishing town off the eastern coast of Johor. Mersing is the embarkation/disembarkation point for tourist especially Singaporean or other tourists that came through Singapore enroute to Tioman and other nearby islands.
    2.The boat services from Mersing to this islands are regular and well regulated which started during the time of Tun as PM. It has provided a new source of income for sea going entrepreneur and small-time businessman who were fishermen before this.
    3. It is sad to note that conditions in Tioman is not as beautiful as the island itself as the present government has negleted to develop it. This is typical of Abdullah Badawai’s government to halt project that was started by Tun.
    4. Another sad thing Tun is that there are a lot of illegal treasure hunting/diving off the coast off Mersing and around the islands in the South China Sea for valuable artifacts from sunken ships. These stealing activities conducted by foreigners and foreign vessels in our territorial waters has gone unchecked for a long time and has caused a great loss to the country. Who is resposible for this? PDRM,Maritime,Customs,TLDM are not taking any action while the revaging goes unchecked. How inefficient can we be!

  13. Look at other countries like NewZealand, Australia, Switzerland.
    Their beautiful nature is what attracts the tourists.
    They are doing a very good job at protecting their nature.
    Because they know that if the nature is lost, they lose their uniqueness, their identity.
    They will also lose the tourism business.
    We should always prioritize protecting our nature, our uniqueness and identity. Our “golden goose”. Instead of tempering for short-term profit…

  14. comment by
    By Godfather on July 11, 2008 10:20 AM
    Unfortunately those writing here in support of what you think are really katak di bawah tempurung.
    Continue walking sideways, Ketam. Kalau bisu lebih elok, jangan jadi bodoh sombong.
    My comment
    name calling by people who compare facts and fiction. Arguing for the sake or arguing and in the end call people names.
    Godfather:, I compare Amazon because it is a very important source of oxygen and it contributes to global warming. Because of its rape deforestration(one of the reason) , the ozone is depleted and in the end the earth is warmer.
    Ada faham..
    Maaf Tun, janji lepas ni tak nak gaduh dah

  15. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to say something in reply to a commentator by the name of deena. Thanks!
    Salam Deena,
    Kita manusia tidaklah perlu memuji seseorang pemimpin setiap kali kita memberikan ucapan komen. Satu-satu peribadi yang saya akan selalu memuji setiap minit adalah Tuhan sahaja. Kalau saya berhutang budi, saya akan membayar balik dengan kebaikan mulut saya.
    Tetapi saya yang ingin memberitahu di sini adalah kesilapan besar yang Tun Dr. Mahathir selalu ulangi, iaitu, suka membazirkan duit rakyat dengan sewenang-wenangnya tanpa mengambil-kira kebaikan dan pulangan ataupun keburukan dan kerugian yang boleh dibawa daripada sesuatu projek pelaburan.
    Dengan jumlah pembiayaan wang yang sama, kalau pelaburan boleh dicadangkan ke atas kawasan Air Papan-Penyabung di Daerah Mersing, Johor, pulangannya yang lagi besar mestilah boleh dijadikan dibandingkan dengan cadangan pelaburan di Pulau Tioman.
    Tun Dr. Mahathir memilih Pulau Tioman sebagai tapak projek mungkin kerana kroni-kroninya seperti Tan Sri Vincent Tan sudah mempunyai banyak tanah di pulau itu. Tetapi kalau kroni-kroni ini meminjam duit daripada bank asing, hutang negara kita kepada negara asing akan meningkat lagi dengan secara amnya dan ini tidak baik untuk menaikkan nilai mata wang Ringgit kita dalam jangka masa panjang.
    Saya memang sudah pernah ditahan bawah ISA dan dituduh di Mahkamah selama 6 tahun kerana kes yang sama. Kalau saya bersalah, kenapa mahkamah tidak menjatuhkan hukuman bahwa saya bersalah? Polis Diraja Malaysia semasa pemenrintahan Dr. Mahathir kadang-kadang terlampau sangat dengan kelakuan penyalahgunaan kuasa dan makan rasuah!
    By deena on July 11, 2008 1:18 AM
    Dear Tun…
    ini untuk onlookers, rush008 dan lain-lain yang sejiwa dengan mereka.
    anda ni semua memang tak mengenang budi atau memang tak tahu mengenang budi… dah masuk ISA agaknya ni, itu yang komen sakan… tak tahu menilai pengorbanan penjaga keamanan, menimbulkan kekecohan… pergi laa tengok negara-negara lain yang lebih teruk, duduk laa di sana kalau nak kondem di sini sangat.
    selalunya orang yang komen macam ni adalah orang-orang yang frust…
    nak kata orang lain hipokrit konon… piiiirahhh…
    Sorry Tun, saya memang menyampah dengan orang macam nie.

  16. Ketam kata:
    “You can go to the Amazon if you want to. In fact the rape forest there is 4 times us in Malaysia. I was there and I saw what happened. Therefore, kindly keep that opinion to yourself. Go to other countries and compare ya.”
    This is exactly the mentality of Mahathirites. Yes, compare us to Amazon, and since the rape of the forests there is greater than in Bolehland, we should also allow the raping of our forests. As long as our rape is less than the rape in other countries.
    Continue walking sideways, Ketam. Kalau bisu lebih elok, jangan jadi bodoh sombong.

  17. salam che det
    to become a tourist destination, one has to justify it strentgh to the world rather than just based on natural resources. many tourist attraction in malaysia has failed to sustain due to fact that it is not so attractive.
    why? simple, theres a lot of beautiful places all around the world. back in the 80’s most of the tourist attraction 85% based on natural resources, natural settings etc. but nowdays, things had change & definitely the tourism pattern has evolve into something that are much greater than those days.
    dubai in example is an extreme country that works hard to built up its tourism image. the ruler was so concern that one day the oil is going to finish, he makes the effort to do something different in his part of the world, & its pure tourism. australia is famous for its numbers of theme parks in gold coast, where in the 1st place, offers different kind of attraction too. (just to say some example)
    when it comes to malaysia, theres lots of strength can be identified. some based on natural resources, some based on historic event, some based on cultures & some even tries to duplicate what others did in the out side world.
    sincerely, i’ve never been to pulau tioman. not just pulau tioman, but also pulau langkawi. but i’ve been to a lot of places that are being managed by the locals & with the help of gov agencies & they manage to establish their own attraction.
    to build up a tourism destination means, one must identify its strength & blend it with modern attraction & facilities, in order to come up with a complete tourism package. to build a marina sounds interesting, but do we have malays or chinese or indians that are interested to own a boat there? or are we focusing on offshore investor?
    Malaysia has the advantage of building up numbers of great tourist attraction, perhaps something like hawaii etc. we cant compete with thailand & indonesia for being a cheap tourist destination. lots of australian are more keen to visit these two countries rather than malaysia & thats a fact. One thing for sure they just like the cheap ‘thingy’ there rather than our country. so its either being as cheap as them or being much more attractive but at reasonable cost & at definitely different compares to others. after all thats what tourism is all about – being different!!.

  18. Dear Tun,
    If improving the appeal and unleashing the potential of a well-deserved tourist spot such as Pulau Tioman is seen as a waste of public funds, how can we make better use of the money to boost the country’s image, to share and flaunt our natural riches, to attract more tourists, to improve and diversify our income streams, and to dissociate ourselves from the label of primitivism?
    What is the general impression foreigners have of our country? How many tourist spots that we boast that the tourists find attractive? Do we have enough attractions to hold them for as long as their vacations permit? The argument is, do we have the quality as well as the quantity of tourist attractions to make our country a stand-alone world renowned tourist destination which does not, as in most cases, come bundled with our neighbours?
    The fact is that many of our tourist sites are under-developed, not well kept, and/or operated with little/no novelty.
    Developing tourism has far more advantages than those we can think of outright. The rewards transcend monetary gains. It is a good avenue to make our nation remain relevant and respected internationally.
    Sadly, many of the government initiatives to turn a place into a tourist icon either failed in one or more stages of the development or were doomed to fail on poor conception. The admiration and fame that were expected of such projects turned into controversy and shame. Facilities were not appealing and so were underutilized. Government spending, from this perspective, would look wasteful and unjustified.
    Our country is rich in raw natural beauty which ought to be processed and packaged in order to make it more appealing and in a better form for consumption. Waste is not the money we spend to make them more accessible, more attractive, and more able to hold visitors. Waste, on the other hand, is our failure to develop the very beauty we boast into one that produces for our nation.
    It is completely justifiable to develop tourism.
    PS: I don’t understand why ABI continues to lash out at Tun even though he/she knows that a person cannot be wrong all the time!

  19. Dear Tun…
    ini untuk onlookers, rush008 dan lain-lain yang sejiwa dengan mereka.
    anda ni semua memang tak mengenang budi atau memang tak tahu mengenang budi… dah masuk ISA agaknya ni, itu yang komen sakan… tak tahu menilai pengorbanan penjaga keamanan, menimbulkan kekecohan… pergi laa tengok negara-negara lain yang lebih teruk, duduk laa di sana kalau nak kondem di sini sangat.
    selalunya orang yang komen macam ni adalah orang-orang yang frust…
    nak kata orang lain hipokrit konon… piiiirahhh…
    Sorry Tun, saya memang menyampah dengan orang macam nie.

  20. Dear Dr Mahathir,
    From what you mention here about a proposed new runway in the landing strip in Pulau Tioman, it seems that you have never changed in your character of having fond of building grand monument like Petronas Twin Towers, KLIA and Putrajaya and the Crooked Bridge. As far as I know, the population size of Pulau Tioman is not even 1% of the population size of the combined areas of Air Papan and Penyabung of Mersing, Johor. The sceneries of Air Papan and Penyabung are so much more beautiful than that of Pulau Tioman. Yet you never proposed building a landing strip or aircraft runway for Mersing-Endau District. I think your proposed development of Pulau Tioman is going to be another waste of people’s money like many other wasteful white elephant projects such as PD Marina at Port Dickson and Pulau Melaka at Melaka.
    Many mega projects being proposed in Malaysia are in fact making use of debt financing from foreign banking and financial institutions. After gaining the bad experience of 1997-1998 Currency Crisis, it is deeply regreted that you still never learn a lesson from it and still simply make an extravaganza government spending proposal without really taking into prudent consideration of the cost-benefit analysis of the proposed project. I simply cannot understand how you are going to justify a mega development in Pulau Tioman, which has very limited flat lands and which has been covered mostly by hard rock mountains, on which building cost-effective houses for human dwelling can be a big challenge even for the brightest civil engineers.
    If you plan for your next vacation, I would suggest that you come to Air Papan and Penyabung of Mersing-Endau District. The scenic views in Mersing-Endau Areas will surely outmatch the tourist attractions of Desaru, Johor.

  21. Tun cakap pasal environmental issues? Sebenarnya Tun mmg boleh cakap dan handal dlm apa jua tajuk dan bidang. Cuma kerajaan sekarang je yg tak nak bagi peluang pada Tun utk terus berbakti pada negara dan rakyat Malaysia. Takut kena overshadow!
    Salah satu kesalahan Tun dahulu ialah dgn memberi kuasa pemerintahan pd Pak Lah atas dulang! Sepatutnya Tun kata pd Pak Lah dia boleh jadi PM tapi Tun kena jadi advisor. Mcm Lim Kuan Yew. Apa org lain nak kata, kata lah. Klu pemikiran Tun masih berupaya utk memajukan negara, apa salahnya?
    Anyway, selamat hari lahir Tun. Semoga berada dlm keadaan yg sihat zahir dan batin.

  22. I been to Tioman some years ago. The water is so clear. Beautiful. But the accommodation is bad. The place I stayed, the door can be closed properly, toilet… no choice have to use it. With this new development must go again. Talking about going there, oh… take so long to reach. Hopefully the runway is extended allowing AirAsia to land.
    There must be development at least a control one to allow easy access to this beautiful island, so that more people can enjoy it and the locals benefit too. Hope Tun could have stayed longer to complete all these projects.

  23. Dear Tun:
    It has been quite a while which I didnt drop comments here.
    Well, back to the main topic here…According to the tourist’s industry in Pulau Tioman;
    Tun have outlined that the villager just asked for Rm$5 for a rental there. I wonder is that enough for support/stablized their living there…
    -If they able to increase the rental prices for tourist maybe up to RM80-150+ which would be reasonable enough for them to have extra capital to maintance/improve the facilities there. This might bring a glooming for the tourist’s industry there.
    But at first, cooperation from the community and gov’t’s help aids are some important factors to help to modernize/improving rural’s life.
    Hui ling

  24. salam Tun,
    Semoga Allah panjangkan umur Tun dan memberi kekuatan utk terus berbakti pada negara. Amin.

  25. Salam yang dikasihi Tun,
    Tumpang lalu, nak jawap komen yang satu ni
    By Godfather on July 10, 2008 7:14 PM
    For 22 years, you presided on the largest environmental disasters in Bolehland – all in the name of development. You allowed your cronies Ting Pek Khing and Taib Mahmud to rape the pristine forests of Sarawak. After all the trees were felled and sold by Ting, you approved compensation to Ekran ! You approved 11 marinas in the country, when hardly 1000 Malaysians own boats. You approved Sutera Harbour in Sabah, which again affected the ecological system of that stretch of sea. During your “rein”, you allowed gazetted forest reserves to be de-gazetted. You allowed environmental reports to be overruled all in the name of development.
    Now, the reef off Kg Tekek is substantially destroyed, and you still think that a bigger development is justified ? You want to build the biggest, irrespective of demand. So your cronies proceed to build, and when they can’t sell their product, you asked the government to bail them out.
    That is the modus operandi of a very sick person who thinks that the environment is secondary to development. When you keep your mouth shut, at least no vitriol spews out. Unfortunately those writing here in support of what you think are really katak di bawah tempurung.
    You can go to the Amazon if you want to. In fact the rape forest there is 4 times us in Malaysia. I was there and I saw what happened. Therefore, kindly keep that opinion to yourself. Go to other countries and compare ya.
    Being a responsible leader , of course Tun helped to bail out ailing linked govt companies. If not, the repercussion to the local economy will be greater. It is the same as Bear Stern being bailed out by the US govt . The leader has to save the company because it will effect others in the whole economy. Or do think that the US can bail private companies and we Malaysian can’t . Go to US lah .
    We are not katak bawah tempurung ok. You are. Being doctrinised by foreign media to be exact.
    Maaf Tun, kadang kadang kena angin jugak.

  26. Salam Tun & semua warga Che det,
    I would think the tiomanese & everybody has had bad experience with regards to environment preservation. A further explanation & open communication would make the people to accept the notion.
    As far as environmental preservation is concerned, many developed countries had mastered with this issues but they have ways to explain to the masses. Just like a uni in Brisbane, Australia recently had a bridge within the campus after few debates with the environmentalist. A few archeological research was done along with the construction when they had some artifacts found at the site.
    Have a good day Tun. Don’t work too hard……

  27. Happy Birthday Tun!
    We found out it was your birthday while eating at the Loaf today.
    Hope to be lucky to bump into you there one day.
    Meanwhile my best wishes to you and tun siti hasmah for your good health and happiness. May god keep you both in his tender care.

  28. For 22 years, you presided on the largest environmental disasters in Bolehland – all in the name of development. You allowed your cronies Ting Pek Khing and Taib Mahmud to rape the pristine forests of Sarawak. After all the trees were felled and sold by Ting, you approved compensation to Ekran ! You approved 11 marinas in the country, when hardly 1000 Malaysians own boats. You approved Sutera Harbour in Sabah, which again affected the ecological system of that stretch of sea. During your “rein”, you allowed gazetted forest reserves to be de-gazetted. You allowed environmental reports to be overruled all in the name of development.
    Now, the reef off Kg Tekek is substantially destroyed, and you still think that a bigger development is justified ? You want to build the biggest, irrespective of demand. So your cronies proceed to build, and when they can’t sell their product, you asked the government to bail them out.
    That is the modus operandi of a very sick person who thinks that the environment is secondary to development. When you keep your mouth shut, at least no vitriol spews out. Unfortunately those writing here in support of what you think are really katak di bawah tempurung.

  29. Assalamuaikum Tun,
    Saya setuju dengan Tun persekitaran dan infrastruktur di sana haruslah diupgrade dan dijaga terutama kebersihan supaya dapat boost aktiviti perlancongan di sana.
    Perairan Tioman jernih, memang puashati snorkeling sambil memberi ikan makan.
    Memancing di perairan Tioman pun best jugak Tun guarantee tak menyesal punya, kalau Tun berhajat nak join contactlah saya bolehlah join trip kami akan datang…

  30. Ayahnda TDM..
    Pulau Tioman is a great Island..We love to be there..sometime many developments can be mental illness…Let it be there…

  31. Tun, please let me express to the other readers on your birthday. I manage to get them from the web, this also include your beloved wife as well. you were born on Friday 83 yrs ago.You wife were born on Monday 82 yrs ago. Let me show the type of leaders we Malysian had when you were the President of UMNO and PM of Malaysia and till presently I have respect for what you have done for us Malaysian.The similarity is with you together with your beloved wife as well, and the type of individual both of you are:-
    * Fun to be with
    * Secretive
    * Difficult to fathom and to be understood
    * Quiet unless excited or tensed
    * Takes pride in oneself
    * Has reputation
    * Easily consoled
    * Honest
    * Concern about people’s feelings
    * Tactful
    * Friendly
    * Approachable
    * Very emotional
    * Temperamental and unpredictable
    * Moody and easily hurt
    * Witty and sarky
    * Sentimental
    * Not revengeful
    * Forgiving but never forgets
    * Dislike nonsensical and unnecessary things
    * Guides others physically and mentally
    * Sensitive and forms impressions carefully
    * Wary and sharp
    * Judge people through observations
    * Hardworking
    * No difficulties i
    Tun & Toh Dr. siti Hasmah we love and have full respect for you and family. Please take care of your health and may Allah Blessed you for the kind deeds that you have done for our beloved contry and deservely being respected by those around the world especially from the leaders of other Muslim country.
    For the Malaysian Malay which is unfortunately still very forgetful, ungrateful, awful, and bloodyful. Is this your way to ensure the sucess of us Malaysian and for our future generations.

  32. Tun,
    First of all Selamat Hari Jadi to you and Tun Siti Hasmah. Moga-moga sihat walafiat. I would be grateful if you could discuss on the rise of crime in Malaysia. Crime issues has to be tackled intelligently.TQ

  33. Assalamualaikum Tun, saya sangat menyanjungi Tun dan tiap hari mesti tengok blok Tun. Segala pandangan Tun bukan sahaja bernas tapi amat berinspirasi. Ini mengingatkan saya pada kata-kata bekas bos saya, Awang Selamat tatkala Tun mengundur diri dari jawatan Perdana Menteri dimana beliau menulis ; .. Awang hilang sumber inspirasi…
    Kini dengan mengikuti blog Tun, kami seolah dapat semula sumber inspirasi yang hilang tu. Tentang suasana politik negara, percayalah Tuhan akan sentiasa memperkenan segala doamu Tun. Sesunggunya kami, rakyat Malaysia sangat menghargai semua legasi Tun. Moga Pak Lah segera berundur… salam.

  34. Salam buat Tun sekeluarga…
    Just to wish happy belated besday…
    Semoga Tun dipanjangkan umur dan dirahmati Allah hendaknya..

  35. TUN,

  36. Dear Tun,
    I was in the meeting last year on whether to accept the new EIA on the building of a new airport or to hold on to the previous EIA. It seems after initial research, that the proposed location for the airport on the western part of the island near the jetty will cause excessive SILTATION to the whole western coast of Tioman whilst it being built. The siltation will destroy the reefs and biodiversity of the western coast and will ultimately affect the whole island’s unique ecology. The building of the proposed airport will beat its purpose of getting more tourist in to visit the reefs.

  37. Salam kasih Kami AYAHANDA RAKYAT,
    Pegertian kami tentang tahap kedudukan manusia yang dinilaikan dari keperluan nafsu dan iman yang telah dianugerahkan Allah
    1. Ada nafsu tiada akal sudah tentu terletak dikategori ‘binatang’
    2. Ada nafsu ada akal tiada moral(negative qualities) dikategorikan sebagai ‘orang’
    3. Ada nafsu ada akal dan ada moral(positive qualities) dikategorikan sebagai ‘ manusia’
    3. Ada nafsu ada akal ada moral dan ada iman(taat kpd ajaran Agama) dikategorikan sebagai ‘ Insan’
    4. Tiada nafsu tiada akal tiada moral dan tinggal hanya iman dan takwa kepada Allah swt dan RasulNya dikategori sebagai ‘insan kamil’
    Ashhadu alla ilaha il Allah, wa ashhadu anna muhammad rasulullah.
    Alfatihah, Amin

  38. salam sihat Tun dan sekeluarga.
    I am totally agree with you that the authority should look into the developement of Tioman in full scale. i was very dissapointed when i visited the island 8 yrs ago specially seeing the rubbish and waste water being drain to the back of the houses (hotel/resturants). All this waste offcourse will drain to the nearby beach eventually.
    Why can’t the autthority provide a good centralised “system kumbahan”? This not only apply in all nice islands…perhentian, kapas, tioman, pangkor but all to the all the “kampung nelayan” like sungai besar, pontian, Sungai Tiang, kuala perlis, KUALA KEDAH,,,,,where people just drain whatever from the house to the sea………

  39. Sallam Tun…
    “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang”
    Ada kah ayat ini relevan ngan Pak Lah… Kalau macam tu saya pun leh jadi PM ganti kan Pak Lah… Beras naik je, suruh rakyat makan ubi kentang… Harga petrol naik je, suruh rakyat naik basikal… bagi la coment-coment yang bernas dan masuk akal…
    U are Wold class leader Tun…

  40. SELAMAT HARIJADI TUN DR. MAHATHIR, smoga dipanjangkan umur, murah rezeki dan sihat selalu.

  41. Dear Tun,
    Firstly, it an honour to be able to write to you. Just want to take this opurtunity to congratulate you on your Birthday. Happy Birthday.
    forever indept of you..

  42. Salam kasih Kami AYAHANDA RAKYAT,
    Pegertian kami tentang tahap kedudukan manusia yang dinilaikan dari keperluan nafsu dan iman yang telah dianugerahkan Allah
    1. Ada nafsu tiada akal sudah tentu terletak dikategori ‘binatang’
    2. Ada nafsu ada akal tiada moral(negative qualities) dikategorikan sebagai ‘orang’
    3. Ada nafsu ada akal dan ada moral(positive qualities) dikategorikan sebagai ‘ manusia’
    3. Ada nafsu ada akal ada moral dan ada iman(taat kpd ajaran Agama) dikategorikan sebagai ‘ Insan’
    4. Tiada nafsu tiada akal tiada moral dan tinggal hanya iman dan takwa kepada Allah swt dan RasulNya dikategori sebagai ‘insan kamil’
    Ashhadu alla ilaha il Allah, wa ashhadu anna muhammad rasulullah.
    Alfatihah, Amin

  43. Dear Tun
    Selamat Sejahtera Tun,
    Under AAB administration, what project had been successful implemented? Not only the runway you mentioned about.
    I don’t remember any beneficial projects he had proposed or implemented as PM. He is in the helm 4 years already. How the country can move forward?
    Hope you are in good health always.

  44. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Kepada neil, saya rasa neil ni ialah budak inggeris semasa umur 12 tahun minta Tun supaya jangan menebang pokok balak sebab suatu hari nanti apabila dia besar dia hendak belajar tentang pokok balak berkenaan, onlooker ialah ayah atau abang kepada neil dan abang tiri kepada antimamak sebab mereka sama sahaja asyik membangkang tanpa usul periksa .
    Minta Maaf Tun tetapi saya memang tak senang dengan mereka ini. Sekian terima kasih. Semoga Allah memberkati segala usaha Tun, Aminn….

  45. Tun,
    Beside the development, please lets check if there is any claim for this islands from our neighbouring countries ?
    We definitely don’t want to loose this island too. Our government is capable of this. You doubt me ?

  46. Salam Tun,
    I would like to repeat my suggestion here for the 2nd time.
    It would have been very informative for you to include PHOTOS of what have been discussed.
    As photos speak by itself more than words. Thank you Wassalam
    Srazali Aripin
    PhD Scholar

  47. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Semoga Allah memberikan sebanyak-banyak kerahmatan dan diampuni dosa-dosa dan diberikan akal fikiran dan kesihatan yang berpanjangan. Amin.

  48. salam Tun…….selamat hari jadi yang ke 83…di harap Allah s.w.t panjngkan usia Tun….amin….kami sekeluarga sayang Tun..Tun lah tanda perpaduan umat islam di m’sia….pejuang bangsa dan negara yang digeruni…saya sentiasa doakan Tun sekeluarga…

  49. Selamat Hari Lahir… Tun !!!… 10 hb Julai, 2008..
    Semoga panjang umur dan sihat…. And i think,… we all think… Tun memang hensem dan makin hensem…tetap hensem

  50. Tun Dr Mahathir & Fellow Malaysians,
    This article sounds a bit relaxing but yet very informative. Ive never been to Tioman- as its promotion is not strong as Langkawi or Perhentian. Therefore, Ive less interest in visiting Tioman Island.
    But after I read your article today- now makes me wonder, does Tioman a good place for vacation? I seriously need time off now- and since you mentioned about Tioman, maybe I should go there for holiday.
    Anyway TUN, your idea of developing Tioman should be a great idea. But then again, we must take extra consideration towards its environment. Nowadays people wanna go to a place where the sea is crystal i hope your idea of developing Tioman will give extra advantage towards our Toursim Economy. 🙂

  51. Tun,
    Saya setuju dengan Tun bahawa Tioman seharusnya dibangunkan dengan perancangan yang teliti.Orang Tioman mahu hidup mewah juga saperti orang-orang lain. Saya sendiri ada sadikit tanah disana dan selalu menanti pembangunan Kerajaan untuk menikmati sama. Kita kena menanti DN kok.

  52. Tun,
    My 3rd apperance in your web. Well as usual your comments is really interesting and concerned for our Malaysian environment while being on holiday in Tioman.Tun our leaders presently preferred to invest overseas especially in Australia. What a waste? Our beautiful country is not their home when they retired and carrying with them all the bad money gained during their time in the Goverment. Why wait till retirement, or greed is the word.If most of them retire now and at the same time give up their cit1senship as well, most, if not all Malaysian would be a happy Malaysian.Tun and Wife Happy Birthday. We care and love you. I have tears in my eyes everytime I’m in your web, and how I wish that you are stiil the PM of Malaysia again, is this not possible? UMNO & BN still need you.You have support from Johore I can assured you.Penang, Malacca have voice their support to retain AAB & Najib. Is the the voices of the rakyat, or only the present unrealiabe UMNO leaders support?

  53. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to make a reply to the commentator Why Bee Bangi.
    Why Bee Bangi’s comment here is referred.
    “They are not angry with Tun. Too bad you have now wasted your time on expressing your anger based on your own conclusion and emotions. Be cool, because your comments about our dear Tun sounds like you have reach the level of a PSYCHO PATIENT…UNCONTROLLABLE.”
    I am so sorry that after about 10 years’ struggle to be healed by God, I can still get angry so easily on Dr. Mahathir.
    If I was to be diagnosed by a psychologist that I had reached the level of a PSYCHO PATIENT, it was all attributed to the ISA detention during Dr. Mahathir’s reign! Frankly speaking, I had tried to learn how to forgive and forget but just like what Dr. Mahathir said: to forgive and forget is easy saying than doing.
    I just pray that God will continue to allow me to draw strength from Him and make me forget about the darkness of ISA solitary confinement in the past!
    Thank you for your advice, Why Bee Bangi.
    May God bless you!

  54. Dear Onlooker,
    Siapa yang psycho? Kami bukan ‘apple polisher’ kami ada otak, mata, telinga, hati, kami tau yang mana betul yang mana salah, that’s why Tun is our HERO. Long live Tun.

  55. Asalamualaikum Tun,
    ada ke tak usaha utk meningkatkan ekonomi bumiputera menerusi rancangan yg menyeluruh, yg mampu diusahakan oleh bumiputera sdiri dgn satu jaringan dan sistem yg tidak terlalu membebankan.
    contohnya usaha utk mgalakkan supaya bumiputera memiliki satu lot atau pintu kedai di pusat2 komersil atau pasaraya besar di bandar2. bank perlu menyediakan pinjaman utk memiliki kedai ini yg boleh dibayar lebih daripada 20 tahun atau disambung oleh generasi anak2 seterusnya. supaya dgn itu bayaran ansuran bulanannya tidak sampai RM500 ke atas. dgn tempoh yang lama bayaran ansuran yg termampu dibayar misalnya RM100 sebulan. sekiranya peniaga atau pemilik kedai bumiputera ini mampu membayar lebih maka faedahnya boleh dikurangkan tanpa perlu membayar shgga lebih dr 20-30 tahun. cara ini dpt mjdkn lebih ramai bumiputera antara pemilik hartanah atau bangunan perniagaan di bandar2 besar. apa yg dpt diperhatikan skrg ini majoriti peniaga tetap di pasaraya2 dan bgnnan kedai di bandar adalah org cina. bumiputera kalau adapun byk yg terlibat dgn perniagaan berkaitan makanan.
    bagi menyokong peniaga2 bumiputera ini maka perlu diperluaskan lagi syarikat2 MLM dari kalangan bumiputera sdiri utk mengeluar produk2 tempatan sdiri yg lebih berkualaiti dan dipercayai sbgai produk komersil. peniaga2 bumiputera ini boleh menyertai pelbagai MLM ini dan mjd ejen dan pjual produk2 MLM di kedai2 mereka. Selain itu juga, perlu diusahakan juga dgn sokongan kerajaan utk bumiputera2 lain mengusahakan perniagaan lain misalnya dlm bidang penternakan ayam atau lembu dan hasil2 keluaran ini boleh dijual di kedai2 milik bumiputera ini sbgai pengedarnya.
    terdapat satu lagi sistem perniagaan yg semakin popular sekarang ini iaitu melalui pelaburan. pengusaha2 bumiputera misalnya yg ingin memperkembangkan hasil penternakan lembu, disebabkan masalah modal pengusaha ini perlukan penglibatan dr pelabur utk memberi modal dan mereka kelak akan dibayar mengikut peratusan dr hasil keuntungan sebenar pd tempoh2 tertentu. pakej2 pelaburan dgn pilihan misalnya yg kurang mampu pakej RM500, sederhana RM1500 dan yg mau dpt pulangan byk RM3000 ke atas. bkn setakat jd pelabur saja, peserta terutama yg memiliki kedai sdiri juga boleh terlibat dgn aktif dgn mjd ejen penjual hasil keluaran pengusaha tersebut di kedai2 milik mereka. pelabur yg aktif akn dpt lebih byk faedah dan insentif lain.
    masalah mengapa bumiputera tidak mempunyai kdudukan ekonomi yg teguh ialah krn tidak diberi peluang yg mampu dilakukan oleh bumiputera yg kurang mampu. tiada rangkaian perniagaan, perusahaan dan pengedaran produk, tiada sistem ekonomi yg mampu mengumpulkan bumiputera sbgai pemodal dan peserta MLM, tiada sokongan kerajaan utk membantu dgn melibatkan bank2, jabatan2 seperti pertanian, ejensi2. kerajaan tidak mggunakan kuasanya utk membantu ekonomi bumiputera spya tak bergantung terus pd kerajaan dan subsidi berterusan.

  56. Menarik mengenai komen Tun mengenai alam sekitar. First time membuat komen di blog Tun. Just want to wish you and your beloved wife “Happy Birthday”.

  57. Without you Tun, don’t know what will become of Malaysia. Malunya dengan keadaan Malaysia sekarang. Tak ada apa-apa yang boleh dibanggakan. Sudah jadi bahan ketawa seluruh dunia. Geramnya…………………

  58. So, what you are saying is that having been responsible for the partial destruction of the coral at Tioman, you now want to sanction the COMPLETE destruction of it?
    Dr.M, when will you realise that development is not the end all and be all of everything in this world? And when will you understand that you should not tamper with what nature has created until you have properly researched it?
    Global warming, polar ice-cap melt down, ozone layer depletion and more disasters are looming precisely becoz leaders like you worshipped at the altar of DEVELOPMENT without caring enough about the disastrous consequences which may not be reversible, and could well spell the end of our civilization!
    It is this attitude’what will a little destruction of coral in Tioman cost the world’ all over the world, that has brought us to the brink of extinction. The cumulative effects of little works of slaughter in pockets here and there and everywhere is catastrophy on a truly Global scale.
    So, stop pretending not to understand the consequences of poorly made decisions and projects awarded to your croneys for a few more dollars!

  59. Tun yang dihormati,
    Selamat hari jadi, semoga dimurahkan rezki, panjangkan umur, dikuatkan iman, sentiasa sehat walafiat dan dalam kesejahteraan selalu.
    Facts are painful but it remained. Manusia tidak sering dari membuat kesilapan kerana kita tak sempurna. Ini adalah kenyataan. Satu kesilapan Tun yang Tun sendiri sedar dan cuba memperbakinya ialah memilih DSAAB sebagai Pengganti. Harapan Tun terhadap DSAAB menggunung tapi semuanya menjunam ke lurah. Keep on doing what you are doing. I know you are a spirited and determined person. It’s not my intention to blame you for all the hardships that we are suffering now out of the doings of this so-called pious and very ungrateful and stubborn man. Dia patut menilai diri sendiri dan mengukur baju dibadan nya sendiri!!
    Maaf jika terkasar bahasa.
    Anak jati Kedah.

  60. salam tun…
    hapy birthday……
    bile nak berkumpul,,,
    saya nak sangat jumpa ngan tun

  61. Sir,
    If next time you got go, Please bring you camera as well to take the photo that you can share with us.
    Chester Chong


  63. Happy Birthday Tun. Semoga sihat dan berbahagia selalu di samping keluarga.
    Harapan kami di Johor supaya kami juga boleh berbahagia di samping keluarga “jika Minyak dan Barang-barang tidak naik harga”. Terima kasih tak terhingga kepada Abdul dan penasihat 25% kerana berjaya mengubah “cara” kerja. “Maklumlah bekerja bersama saya” tidak bermaksud hasil dikongsi bersama. Yang mengaut laba hanyalah menantu, anak pinak dan sedara sahaja.
    Teruskan berjuang Tun, nampaknya pemimpin UMNO lain dah tak boleh diharap… Ibarat slogan “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” kini jadi “Malang, Hilang , Tembelang”..
    Jika tiada juga perubahan, kami akan terus menyokong pembangkang untuk PRU 13. Mungkin bila dah terhantuk baru mereka akan terngadah.
    Sekali lagi Selamat Hari Jadi dan Moga Panjang Umur.

  64. Dear Tun,
    1)Happy birthday to you and may god bless you with longevity.
    2)Tun, have you gone through the latest poll in Malaysiakini with regards to Anwar and Najib? If you haven’t please do. I would like to hear your comments after thousands of people who have taken part in the poll.
    3)Tun, would you have reprimanded MP like Bung Mukhtar for acting moronic in parliament? This is not the first time and he is always a nuisance.
    4)Withstanding the fact that every one of your your blog or article if i may call it, attracts hundreds of comments i wonder if you do actually go through the comments column.
    5)Finally, i would also like to extend my heartiest birthday wishes to Toh Puan and may god bless her too.

  65. Salam buat Ayahanda Tun…
    Happy Birthday to Ayahanda dan Bonda Tun.
    Hari ni hari lahir Ayahanda Tun? Tak kisahlah hari apa pun.. kerana setiap hari saya tengok kat blog ni penuh dengan ucap selamat dan doa untuk kesejahteraan Ayahanda Tun. Jadi nampak macam hari-hari adalah hari ucap selamat untuk Ayahanda Tun.
    Pergi la cari mana-mana blog yang ada ramai orang berdoa untuk kesejahteraan seseorang seperti di sini.
    Kenapala bila saya memandang wajah Ayahanda Tun fikiran buntu jadi tenang… tapi bila memandang wajah Ayahanda Dolah fikiran tenang jadi resah dan bercelaru????
    Kalau bulan lepas, duit gaji masih dapat bertahan sehingga hujung bulan tapi bulan ni baru setengah bulan dah tinggal duit syiling! Semuanya gara-gara harga minyak dan barang-barang keperluan naik secara mendadak. Saya hairan bagaimana idea dari Ayahanda Dolah kita ni agar menaman sayur di laman rumah. Tapi saya ragu-ragu juga… takkan nak makan sayur saja siang malam. Saya takut juga esok-esok ni manatau idea Ayahanda Dolah suruh pulak kita pi ke laut tangkap ikan sendiri kalau nak makan ikan…!
    Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umur Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Tun…
    Begitu jugalah limpahkanlah kesejahteraan dan kesihatan yang baik buat mereka dan kita semua. Semoga Allah memerihara kita semua dari perkara-perkara kejahatan dan memberi petunjuk ke jalan yang diredaiNya… Amin.

  66. Salam Tun,
    Sorry sir,I neeed to communicate with the Onlooker who seems to be very very upset with you.
    “Dear Onlooker,
    Don’t be too emotional la. You are far better off here in Malaysia than anywhere else and even during our Tun’s era. Be grateful.
    Whether you agree or not, Malaysians are suffering now. It will get worse soon. Not under TDM’s era.
    Thanks for the democracy, guys like you who wish to bring about. Maybe you are happy with the recent victory by the opposition and claim to have played a role in it. We have a flip flop government and an ineffective opposition. I vote for the opposition too. Frustrated with the Pak Lah government. So does most Malaysian. They are not angry with Tun. Too bad you have now wasted your time on expressing your anger based on your own conclusion and emotions. Be cool, because your comments about our dear Tun sounds like you have reach the level of a PSYCHO PATIENT…UNCONTROLLABLE.”
    Thanks Tun, take care.

    Walaupun sedang sibut, laman kami akan layari jika ada sedikit kelapangan dan menjalankan tugas samuraimelayu.
    To. ‘Onlooker’,
    Though we find your comments are once in a while acceptable but to us, most of the times are half baked of near nonsense.
    Just to correct your remarks…’I now confirm that you are a true hypocrite. In your blogs, you keep saying some ambiguous things which carry the meaning that you are more liberal and more open-minded than your political opponent Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.’
    Firstly, if you care to bother reading Ayahanda Tun’s articles and actions over the past 30 years, when, where and which statements that he made are defined as ambiguous by your stonehead(brains) and since when is/was AAB(Atas(kepala) Ada Batu) a political opponent?
    However we wish to apologise coz we are merely HUMAN blessed with many imperfections eg. FORGETFOOLS.
    May God Cleanse your body and soul.

  68. Dear Tun,
    After reading, i’m quite positive today is your birthday.
    So Happy Brithday Tun. Love you always.
    P.S. What about my request for 5 best commentors to have tea with you sir, boleh tak? One hour of your time pun jadilah, janji we can put it as part of our history. Please sir, pleaseeeeeeeee.

  69. ********************* al kisah ********************************
    sekarang..yang sorang tu dah merajuk..ntah la, mungkin x reti guna komputer nak cek internet selama, bila org lain tlg cek kan..byk plak org ngutuk dia..ancur remuk la perasaan org nie..skrg dia sibuk2 nak cakap internet buat fitnah..nak fitnah mcm mana?? untuk menjadi seekor ketua/raja di sebuah hutan..kena la tegas, garang, ngauman kuat, pantas berlari dan macam2 lagik..kita tak bley nak paksa seekor itik jadi raja di sebuah hutan..itik ni may b baik, suci dgn warna putih, tapi lembap berjalan..bila itik menjadi raja di hutan, maka harimau, beruang, bigfoot, singa, tikus dan haiwan2 buas yang lain semakin berleluasa..dengan itu, haiwan2 buas ini makan selahap2 yang mungkin..klaw dulu harimau makan 2 ekor kijang sehari..sekarang dia makan 6 ekor kijang sehari..bagaimana dengan munsang, serigala (haiwan2 pemangsa yang kecil)..oleh kerana peluang memburu kijang semakin susah, maka mereka bertukar memakan arnab, kucing,kambing,burung..makan dengan selahap2nya..

  70. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sir! My family and I would like to wish you a very happy day and may Allah continue to shower you with good health and a happy family.
    p/s Our only ‘impossible’ wish is that for your biological clock to be turned back and you become 20 years younger tomorrow.
    God Bless You, Dr.Mahathir.

  71. JUST TO WISH U HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUN… from me and my family and my 6 year old sister whose only wish is to have a picture with you. Oh well, everyone in the family actually.
    Take good care okay. We need you for many, many, many more years. I know I sounded selfish but we did that to our dad all the time.

  72. Salam Tun
    Selamat Ulang Tahun…hehehe…x ada apa nak bagi….bagi ucapan je laa

  73. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Selamat hari lahir ke 83 Tun, saya doakan Tun suami isteri sihat waal’afiat sentiasa. Semasa mengucapkan selamat hari lahir kepada Tun, saya teringatkan seorang sahabat Tun yang juga baru menyambut hari kelahiran nya juga iaitu Nelson Mandela. Beliau juga ada lah seorang tokoh yang pernah di penjarakan kerana memperjuangkan hak sama rata menentangkan dasar aparteid. Akan tetapi di Malaysia ini kita tidak pernah hendak menghargai perjuangan Tun Dr Mahathir selama 22 tahun yang telah meletakkan bumi Malaysia di atas peta dunia. Bagi mengenang jasa Tun, saya rasa kerajaan sepatut nya membina sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi awam khas untuk mengkaji segala dasar, pemikiran dan juga tindakan olih Tun Dr Mahathir dalam menghadapi segala rintangan dan cabaran bagi kejayaan Malaysia dan juga menamakannya Universiti Tun Dr Mahathir. Saya berharap dan berdoa agar ini menjadi satu reality pada masa akan datang. Kita seharusnya berhenti dan berfikir sejenak tentang pengorbanan dan kejayaan Tun selama 22 tahun sebagai perdana menteri agar Malaysia dapat duduk sama rendah dan berdiri sama tinggi dengan negara maju yang lain. Saya rasa kita tidak dapat menafikan jasa Tun selama 22 tahun, KLIA, menara berkembar LRT, PLUS, Proton jambatan Pulau Pinang, Putrajaya dan Cyberjaya, internet MSC dan banyak lagi yang secara tidak langsung memainkan peranan penting dalam kehidupan kita seharian sebagai rakyat Malaysia…..
    Tun, sekali lagi saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari lahir dan terima kasih saya kepada Tun suami isteri atas segala nya dari lubuk hati kecil. Semoga Allah akan memudahkan segala urusan, memberkati, melanjutkan usia, diberikan tahap kesihatan yang baik dan juga di berikan rezeki yang melimpah ruah bagi Tun sekeluarga. Aminnnn…..
    JASA MU TETAP DI KENANG, HIDUP TUN DR MAHATHIR……Wasalam dari anakanda mu rakyat Malaysia………..


  75. Tun Dr. Mahathir yang dikasihi,
    Selamat Hari jadi yang ke-83. Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki selalu. Celebrate kat Tioman ke Tun ? Hehe ..
    BTW, My birthday is tomorrow 🙂

  76. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    Tun prihatin dan cekal membangunkan Negara. Saya masih ingat lagi pada satu hari setelah beberapa bulan Tun mejadi PM, saya tersentuh akan perubahan di Jalan Parlimen. Jalan yang saban hari saya lalui dari tempat tinggal di Bukit Persekutuan (Federal Hill) ke tempat kerja saya di Jalan Ampang berubah, kelihatan gemilang seseolah-olah menyinarkan harapan baru Negara kita. Sebelum itu jalan ini saya rasai sepi seperti jalan ke Mimaland, Ulu Klang 30 tahun yang lampau. Bagi saya inilah merupakan titik permulaan perubahan sehinggalah negara ini mencapai ke puncak kegemilangan di bawah kepimpinan Tun. Kini saya berasa sungguh sayu mengenangkan nasib negara yang tercinta. Apalagi apabila saya balik ke Melaka untuk melihat rumah saya di Pantai Klebang. Dulu rumah saya di pesisiran pantai dan kini sudah kira-kira 2 kilometer dari pantai. Laut telah ditambak dari Bandar Hilir hingga ke Tanjung Kling untuk mencapai target pelan pembangunan Ali Rustam. Dia berasa sombong akan pembangunan Melaka di bawah terajunya. Setelah dibangunkan nanti tahulah siapa yang mendapat manfaatnya. Lihatlah bandar Melaka Baru, Ayer Keroh dll., berapa keratkah orang Melayu di situ. Saya masih ingat lagi cacian yang diluahkan menjelang berlakunya 13 Mei,’69, “Orang Melayu pergi masuk hutanlah!!!”. Nampaknya nasib orang Melayu adalah seperti kehendak cacian itu. Itulah sebabnya jika Tioman dibangunkan biarlah ianya untuk menfaat orang Melayu. Orang lain sudah terlalu banyak kita bagi can sehingga kini mereka sudah tidak segan-segan lagi membangkitkan Ketuanan Melayu. Janganlah kera di hutan disusui, anak di pangkuan mati kelaparan. Janganlah kita menang sorak, kampung tergadai.
    Ucapan doa sejahtera kepada Tun Sekeluarga.

  77. Salam perjuangan buat Tun yang dikasihi…
    masih belum terlewat kiranya untuk mengucapkan selamat hari lahir ke 83…
    semoga sihat,pjg umur,murah rezeki,hati dan jiwa tenang,diberi keselamatan didunia dan akhirat,dijauhkan segala macam penyakit,fitnah dan kezaliman orang….
    buat penama outrider yang komen diruangan ini……anda membuat tuduhan yang berat buat tun….
    “By outrider on July 10, 2008 12:11 AM
    Wahai Mahathir,
    Bertaqwa lah kepada Allah sebaik baik nya. Anda telah banyak menunjukkan peribadi seorang fasiq”
    siapa awak ni nak tuduh orang fasiq ke tidak…awak mufti ke???
    tahu tak apa itu fasiq dan balasan Allah untuk orang fasiq?
    maka kami semua doakan kesejahteraan buat kamu outrider dan semoga kamu mati dalam Husnul khatimah…amin.
    boleh senaraikan disini peribadi-peribadi seorang yg fasiq pada diri tun??
    kalau tak silap saya…ambil ilmu fekah sahaja tanpa tasawuf itu dinamakan fasiq dan ambil ilmu tasawuf tanpa fekah itu dinamakan zindiq.
    adakah kamu zindiq????

  78. DEAR TUN M n TUN H
    Pelantikan Tun sebagai PM pada 16 Julai 1981 pun sebagai hadiah Hari Jadi Saya yang Ke 3 Tahun. Terima kasih kerana memimpin Malaysia selama ini.

  79. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun…
    Selamat Ulang Tahun..begitu jua dengan Bonda Hasmah..Saya sentiasa medoakan kesihatan Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda..Semoga panjang umur…Murah rezeki…


    kepado pak lah… PM paling sey sayang…I lap u
    namo sey ni KARIM…pengundi bedaftar DUN CHOMBUNG, PARLIMEN
    ROMBAU…alaaaa tompek si KERY yg abah’eh JAMALUDIN tuuu…tak kona’????
    menantu PAK LAH tu laaaaa….suko bona’ sey ngan dio tu…ghaso nk buek
    menantu lak…
    sey nulih surat ni bukan apo…sajo yor nk ucap’an timo kasih kek pak lah
    sobab naik’an hargo minyak ari tu..
    lopeh ini bilo hargo minyak naik..hargo barang l ain pun naik gak
    laaaa…banggo boto’ sey ghaso…mcm duduk kek LAS VEGAS lak…HIDUP PAK
    sey janji ngan pak lah yg sey akan ubah tebiat sey dari makan ikan kombung
    yg dah merah menyalo mato’eh & pocah bedorai porut ikan tu pado ikan koring
    sey sanggup bekoban untuk UMNO dan bn..
    anak sey yg 7 org tu yg dh buleh buek team futsal tu boleh la bekojo lopeh
    sekolah buek bantu mak ayah diorang ni haaa…kok tk bekojo pun buleh la
    jadi mat rompit kek SENAWANG tu…dapek gak la duit sesikit….buleh gak la
    menoruskan tradisi keluargo sey ni yg nyokong UMNO dan bn
    ghaso2 sey ni nk ubahsuai bilik bilik yg ado kek ghumah sey…nk buek
    tompek bolo ikan & tanam sayur cagho hidroponik (apo binchek’eh ni???) sey
    tepakso tanam kek dalam bilik sobab sey tingga’ kek umah flat…
    rebet yg pak lah bagi kek sey memang melampuh2 lobeh’eh dari keperluan
    bilo sey congak2.. sey cumo guno 20 sen yor duit minyak moto sehari.. ado
    la untung 21 sen…bak kato si SAIDA AF6 “ok la tuuuu”
    sey tak pakai pon keto… sobab bilo minyak naik hargo.. sey kono jual
    datsun kotak mancis sey tu.. dapek gak la duit….tokih2 pun ado la
    team futsal sey tu, sey nak suruh eksesais hari2 berjalan kaki tak pun
    naik beska’ poie sekolah…ado la 5 km…dokek yor tuuuuu…
    walaupon gaji sey ni rm 1000..sbona’eh terlobih cukup untuk keluargo sey…
    buek permulaan nk ngubah kehidupan sey..
    sey tak akan guno’an gulo bilo buek kopi… tak akan guno’an topung untuk
    buek kodok
    sey nak ganti’an bogheh ngan ubi… tiap hari sey ngan keluargo akan
    berposo (kecuali pado hari hari yg dilarang beposo)
    sey akan buek minyak masak sendiri
    itu antaro caro sey ngubah caro hidup..
    ade banyak laie caro
    semuo kerano UMNO dan bn…
    dan sey mintak bona’ pak lah naik’an laie hargo minyak yg ado..
    bukan tu yorrr.. sey mintak bona’ naik’an laie hargo tol sobab org sbolah
    rumah sey nih org pembangkang…dio slalu guno highway, biar padan muko
    dio…tu la…suko bona’ nyokong pembangkang…PAKATAN RAKYAT konon…palo
    hayah dio tu…
    nnt pak lah buleh la melawat sey dan sedokah pado sey solai k ain pelikat
    bilo dh nak dokek2 pilihanrayo nanti…
    insyaallah k ain pelikat tu sey nk bubuh dlm frame dahtu gantung kek rumah…
    tapi jangan lupo lak.. pak lah s ain otogeraf yor kek k ain tu….
    jgn lupo pak lah.. naik’an laie hargo minyak..
    jgn la diturun’an gaji mentori2 tuuu..siannn diorang…kang apo lak anak
    bini’eh nk mentodarah….tak dapek pulak nak menyopping sakan kek obe sea tuh…
    sey totap nyokong pak lah..
    akhir kato biar pak lah sonang, janji kami papo kedano.. hidup UMNO, hidup
    sekian timo kasih..
    ps/ sampai’an salam sey kek si KERY samo PATRICK BADAWI tu yor..tak lupo
    gak tuan punyo syarikat SCOMI…sapo tah namo’eh…lupo lak…
    pocah kaco, pocah golas,
    sudah baco, harap baleh.

  82. TUN yg berjasa,
    minggu lepas sy bermimpi bersembahyang di belakang seorng tua yg macam dikenali. habis sembahyang sy meluru ke depan untuk bersalam dengan beliau. sambil tersenyum beliau juga menghulurkan tangan dan sy dengan serta merta terus memeluk beliau. sayang sekali sy terjaga tetapi dengan senyuman dan sebak dihati kerana beliau adalah TUN DR MAHATHIR.
    alangkah indah jika mimpi itu realiti. sy teringin sgt utk berjumpa dgn TUN. sepanjang 31 tahun hidup sy baru 2 kali sy melihat TUN secara live itupun dr jauh.
    maaf pembaca jika lari dr tajuk.

  83. salam Tun..di harap Tun sihat sentiasa..
    topik yang Tun bicarakn ini menarik minat saya untuk memberi sedikit ulasan…
    saya pernah beberapa kali bercuti di pulu tioman..tetapi pulau tioman sekarag tidak seperti dulu lagi..kerana kurangnya penjagaan daripada pihak2 yang diamanahkan untuk menjaganya…pantainya kotor pada waktu2 pagi…ini juga berlaku kerana sikap pengunjung itu sendiri yang kurang menghargai pantai yang dahulunya cantik ini…dan yang paling terkenal di pulau2 d malaysia termasuk pulau tioman adalah tempat untuk muda mudi memadu kasih..tempat untuk melepaskan hawa nafsu masing2..ini berlaku kerana di kebanyakan pulau tiada penguatkuasa agama…jadi muda mudi bebas melakukan apa saja dengan membelakangkan agama..minum arak di tempat terbuka..maksiat..ada yang menghisap dadah di sana..siapa yang kisah ???…kerana longgarnya undang2 disana..semua yang bercuti di pulau2 mengakuinya…pulau adalah tempat yang bebas dan terasing dari dunia luar..ada sesetengah pulau yang mempunyai pub..tentunya pengunjung tetapnya adalh muda mudi yang beragama islam….menyentuh mengenai keindahan pulau tioman pula,memang di akui pulau tioman adalah diantara pulau tercantik di dunia tetapi akan hilang namanya jika penjagaan pulau tidak diutamakan..contohnya batu2 karang,hidupan2 laut,pantai, yang menjadi tarikan utama pelancong2 asing untuk mengunjungi pulau tioman…kita tidak mahu satu hari nanti pulau tioman tidak lagi dikunjungi oleh pelancong2 dalam atau luar negeri…kerana tidak lagi indah seperti sebelumnya…saya berharap pihak2 yang terbabit menghargai anugerah Tuhan yang tidak ternilai ini…..wassalam….

  84. Yooo Tun,
    Happy birthday sir. Only Allah knows how glad I am because of you. Thank you sir for all you have done and, InsyaAllah, will continue to do.

    TO ABI: TRUE …..lots of profit from Petronas had been been used in implementing mega projects during Tun’s tenure but FALSE…
    it was at all a waste!!!!!!!!!!. Name one project which you classified as failure !
    ‘Need to be prudent and not profligate our wealth’. Sooooooooooo
    clever of you……then tell that to ur beloved DSAB. He’s the one
    who has been enjoying the shopping spree at the spur of moment lately…….

  86. Dear Tun,
    Although Tioman is relatively small compares to Langkawi, in terms of development, you should have contributes a little more just like you contributed to Langkawi. Why spend all your effort in developing Langkawi alone? Is it because it belongs to Kedahan where you have special interest on? Since it is smaller I reckon it is much easier to develop the island without interrupting the nature of it.
    Clearly being an environmentalist is not something by saying it. Why only on Tioman? Sipadan at one time also was pretty run-down. Sipadan Island itself have one of the beautiful choral area in this world. Sadly at one time nobody intend to take initiative and look into it.
    Although you have great vision being a leader but not something as environmentalist. One thing for sure you are great in developing area. I also learned you should have done more in your early days. Maybe Tioman is something you reflect back and regretful piece of work.
    By the way, Happy Birthday to you Tun.
    I was claimed by some visitors here as hypocrite and an apple polisher of Tun. Not knowing head or tail during my comment here coming from which perspective, I forgive these people. I also welcome constructive feedback on my posting in my blog. My comment to others is my entitlement view, my blog is a place for me to share with others of what I know. I’m no Saint and no Smart Alex.

    May All The Happiness Be At Your Path.
    God Bless.

  88. Asslamualaikum dan Selamat menyambut hari kelahiran buat Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dan Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah,
    Menuju Ke Puncak – Tulisan Tun dalam buku ni memang meremangkan bulu roma bila kita membaca dan memahami isi kandungannya.
    Apa yg berlaku sekarang ni seperti mengimbau kembali ke tahun-tahun sebelum 1969 dan seterusnya tercetus peristiwa berdarah, di mana isu-isu yg boleh membawa kepada perpecahan. Pentadbiran sekarang seolah-olah tidak nampak UMNO, MCA dan MIC tidak seteguh tahun sebelum hingga 2004. Goyah dalam UMNO, kekalutan dalam MCA dan keberantakkan dalam MIC menambahkan lagi kebimbangan rakyat biasa di atas ‘kebijaksanaan’ pemimpin-pemimpin yang mereka undi/pilih dalam UMNO, MCA dan MIC walaupun KALAH. Ditambah dengan kenaikan harga minyak yang melampau pencetus kepada segala kenaikan dalam menjalani kehidupan.
    Apakah Pak Lah yang zahirnya begitu lembut, sesekali terbatuk-batuk ketika memberi ucapan yang mendatar sahaja, tidak nampak akan kronologi yang boleh mencetuskan apa yang rakyat Malaysia tidak inginkan? Apakah DEB tidak ada dalam kepala Pak Lah? Kerajaan terdahulu bersungguh-sungguh untuk menaikkan taraf pegangan melayu-bumiputra ke 30%, apakah sudah tercapai?
    Kehidupan Bukan Ketakutan

  89. Apa yang Tun nak cakap? Bina toilet kat kl bayar 30 sen sekali masuk macam mana nak maju Tun. Parking kereta buat perancangan. taka ada parking yang diselai oleh kerajaan. Pemilik persendiriaan ataupun milik PBT masing-masing nak kau keuntungan . Bayangkan sejam pertama RM3.50 dimanalah Tun masa buat undang-undang ini. Tun cakap tentang Pualau Tioman dengan mengatakan ada pihak mahu kekalkan mereka dalam kemiskinan di Pulau Tioman. apa pula cerita di bandar-bandar utama? Tol , jarangan pengangkutan awam yang teruk, kesesakan, semua ini Tun gagal tangani. malah Tun asyik banggan dengan perancangan Bandar di Putrajaya. kalau Tun pergii waktu malan parking pun tak cukup Tun. Bandar terancang pebenda? Napalah Tun asyik cari kesalah orang lain macam saya. lainlah saya pemerhati politik yang menguapas perkara-perkara yang harus dibtulkan. Tun pula bertindaj menjatuhkan kerajaan.
    22 tahun tak cukupkah Tun? Dalam pembangunan yang tun bagi banyak juga beban-beban kewangan Tun sertakan. yang paling tak masuk akal pembinaan highway di bandar-bandar utama? kenapa kerajaan je tak nak buat. Kalau kerajaan tak nak jaga kebajikan rakyat apa gunanya kerajaan macam itu.
    Ayuh kita beralih ke

  90. YAB Tun,
    Since we are talking about tourism, let us talk about the Minister in charge of tourism now.
    First, In my opinion,she is proving to be in the same ‘yes-man’ boat and does not have her own drive and passion for what she is doing.
    One example, the billboard for tourism campaign dubbed ZOOM that we see in Kuala Lumpur. Its a billboard on tourism that you see the picture of the PM, DPM and the Minister of Tourism more that the tourist attraction itself. One is left to wonder what is the purpose of the billboard in the first place?
    Just look at tourism billboard by our neighbors Thailand and Singapore.
    And we thought that if we have an energetic, young and so-called promising candidate in that position we will see some energy coming out from our Government with regards to promoting tourism.
    It makes one feel as though the country is in reverse mode. Am I alone having this feeling?


  92. As a strong environmentalist, I feel the coral reefs should not be touched no matter how ugly they are just to build a larger marina. The trick is to build a larger runway for small aeroplanes. Or perhaps choose another site for the marina…

  93. Assalamualaikum…
    Hai Tun,
    Happy birthday to you and Tun Siti Asmah…
    Semoga Allah memberi kesihatan dan kesejahteraan kepada Tun berdua…
    Take care Tun…


  95. Salam Tun,
    Happy Birthday to you. May ALLAH SWT continue to shower you with excellent health and wisdom to guide us to achieve Vision 2020.
    As being practice by all the developed country, tourism is a way to get the foreign exchange. We need the foreign exchange badly.
    I studied in UK (thanks to DEB), my wife studied in Canada, UK & Australia (again thanks to DEB) and we travels during our student days using student passes and student discount. We went to US and around Australia with our children, but our opinion is that MALAYSIA HAS LOT OF TOURISM PRODUCT TO OFFER TO THE WORLD.
    Apart from getting foreign exchange that we need badly, we are able to create more jobs and stimulate the economy.
    Just look at Vancouver and Perth, Western Australia. These 2 cities are rated the most visited city in the world. Look at their economy and the amount of tourism dollars that they are getting.
    In Malaysia, we have to improve further our infrastructure and the tourism industry. This industry is a money spinner. If DSAAB want to cut cost on some mega project, why don’t the TOURISM MINISTER think about this matter. We can give more incentives, tax breaks to foreigner & private sector to venture into this industry. We don’t use lots of Rakyat’s money. We may be able to get more FDI if we are serious about this matter.
    I have spoken to some expatriate working in Malaysia, they are agreeable to this idea. They even spoke about Malaysia my 2nd home program. They keep on staying here because of various tax incentives, tax break, education facilities for their children and the fact that majority of Malaysian speaks English.
    Imagine that in London, a bed & breakfast will cost you at least £100 per night but imagine a RM600 room per night here. We only have to ensure a 3 hours max transfer from the airport to the resort. Beyond that it will make them unhappy. Please capitalise on our unique culture, our cheaper alternatives compare to their tourism product in their country and we have SUMMER everyday. Even evening rain will bring happiness to the foreigner because of the cool wind.
    We can utilise KLIA, Singapore’s Changi airport because of their various direct flights from US and Europe and Air Asia & Fire Fly will do the connection. For Johor area & Tioman, we can use fast ferry service from Singapore. Maybe we can include some nice entertainments during the ferry ride to create the atmosphere.
    So, TOURISM MINISTER (if you are reading this posting), please sit down with your think tank to think about this matter seriously. Don’t just hang banners and advertisements with PM, DPM & Tourism Minister face on it, we need the foreigner to look at our beautiful country instead of the politician face.

  96. whoa TEE KAY PEE you’re a GENIUS!
    ini lah yang orang selalu tak setuju dengan ayahanda Tun.
    Pandangan Tun terlalu jauh untuk mereka.
    Sebelum ni pun macam ni, banyak yang tak setuju dengan cara pembangunan Tun yang ada kalanya memusnahkan alam sekitar lah,
    Tapi Tun seorang yang tegas pendirian
    As you said Tun,
    we have to make a sacrifice
    we have to move forward!
    sekarang kita sudah lihat besarnya jasa Putrajaya, Monorail dan pembangunan lain kepada rakyat.Inilah yang kita mahukan
    Without Putrajaya,traffic jam in KL will be multiple worst than now…

    Kepada Sdr. ‘ABI’,
    Sebenarnya kami dah lama menafikan adanya orang AAB(Atas[kepala] Ada Batu)seperti ABI ni tetapi hasat dengki nya yang berterlaluan perlu ditegur.
    Tiada siapa melarang ABI mengkritik atau mengutuk Ayahanda Tun kerna itu hak kebebasan ABI sebagai ‘orang'(belum sampai tahap menjadi manusia dan juga bukan seekor binatang) tetapi janganlah menghasut keluarga yang juga ada hak ‘freedom of speech’.
    IMPIAN Ayahanda yang tesirat dulu dah menjadi kenyataan dengan tersergamnya projek2 ‘mega’ yang telah menjadi kemegahan anakanda rakyat sekelian dan antara tempat2 yang paling menarik kepada ‘parawisata'(tourists) dari segenap pelusuk dunia!
    Before…Malaysia?… How we wished your Dr. Muhammad( Dr. M) is our LEADER!
    Now …..Malaysia?… How we wished your Dr. Muhammad (Dr. M) is our LEADER.
    Malaysia.. Mahathir, dulu, sekarang dan selama lama nya.
    Alfatihah, Amin

  98. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Berita yang paling menggembirakan sepanjang abad ini.
    Anwar merujuk pada Mahkamah Syariah berkenaan dengan ‘Qazaf’.
    Umpama memberikan pakaian pahlawan dan sebilah keris.Kemudian kita akan berkata ‘Marilah’.
    Siapa yang menang tak kisah la.Ada ‘feel’.Menikmati satu proses perjalanan lebih menggembirakan.Ada ‘feel’.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  99. SELAMAT HARI JADI TUN! Semoga Tun sihat walafiat sepanjang umur!
    TAHNIAH Melaka dan Georgetown Pulau Pinang akhirnya di akui Unesco World Heritage Sites. Tetapi, this status adalah under ‘probation’ and can be withdrawn sekiranya Unesco mendapati the administrations and managements to the sites are not meeting the terms and conditions set by Unesco!
    Malacca heritage management will be safe as the Fed-Gov will bend over to help the Malacca state government to shine and prime up Malacca Heritage sites. Kudos! I hope that the current Fed’s Ministry of Tourism will not display her petty and unprofessional ‘ah long’ way of helping Penang to upkeep this revered heritage status!
    Wake up PM – it would be A SHAME if we have to give up any our hard earned heritage sites in your administrations! Already thieves are pilfering sunken Malaysian’s artefacts from Johor waters. What are our Fed-Gov doing to mitigate this?
    We are sore losers to post-Pulau Putih case. NOW orang duk curi artifak kita – adakah kita hanya akan BERLOLONG setelah harta puaka kita habis lesap dari pengairan kita? Sebagaimana reaksi kita atas kegagalan ambil balik Pulau Putih kita?
    Bernama hari ini(10July;08) – a Sr bank manager commented : Increase petrol secara mendadak : Result : The industrial factories – suffer major loses.
    1. No time to tell their Customers – so sell products at a loss.
    2. No time to re-cost their products – so sell products at a loss.
    3. No time to arrange for better efficiency machines for production – so high cost of production.
    4. Too high a jump in petrol price – scares off customers.
    Honestly, how many hold ciplak degree in that building?
    Sori Tun I hilang control sikit tapi I betul betul kecewa lah! Saya ingin berlolong lah tetapi takut rakan sekerja saya panggil ambulan ke Tanjung Rambutan

  100. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya sebagai anak jati Kg Tanjong Gemok (Berhampiran jeti ke Pulau Tioman) juga merasa malu dengan kedaifan dan kedangkalan pemikiran pemimpin-pemimpin kami dalam negeri Pahang.
    Pemimpin kami yang rata-ratanya hanya pandai membuat lawak bodoh semasa bersama rakyat yang konon-kononnya berjiwa mesra rakyat, amat daif dalam perancangan dan perlaksanaan untuk memajukan Negeri Pahang amnya dan Pulau Tioman khasnya.
    Semenjak kecil sehingga sekarang saya dapat menatap keindahan Pulau Tioman yang terletak berhadapan dengan kampung saya. Lebih indah lagi untuk kaca mata orang asing. Yang nyata penduduk Tioman dan rakyat sekitarnya termasuk dari Kg Tanjung Gemok hanya setakat berpuas hati dengan sedikit pembangunan untuk menyedapkan hati penduduk iaitu pembinaan Jeti Tanjung Gemok yang pastinya tidak dapat menandingi Jeti Mersing, Johor.
    Rasanya amat bertuah jikalau pemimpin-pemimpin di Negeri Pahang ini mempunyai walaupun sedikit sifat-sifat ketekunan, kreatif dan berani seperti Tun.
    Contoh yang paling jelas, kerajaan negeri masih lagi tidak dapat atau sengaja buat-buat tidak tahu bagaimana untuk mengoptimumkan pembangunan di sekitar Jeti Tanjung Gemok walaupun kemudahannya lebih baik dari Jeti Mersing.
    Kami yang tinggal bersempadan dengan Endau Johor merasa iri hati dengan kekreatifan pemimpin-pemimpin dari sebelah selatan yang berebut-rebut untuk membangunkan Endau demi untuk mengambil peluang dengan kewujudan Jeti Pelancongan di seberangnya.
    Anak-anak muda Tanjung Gemok semenjak dahulu hingga sekarang terpaksa berhijrah ke luar dari Pahang termasuklah ke Singapura untuk mencari rezeki.
    Negeri yang besar. Rakyat yang ramai. Tetapi dikuasai oleh pemimpin-pemimpin negeri yang tidak kreatif, berakal pendek, penakut untuk bertindak dan hanya pandai membuat alasan dari dari mencari penyelesaian.
    Anak Pahang Kecewa.

  101. Assalammualaikum Yg Bhg Tun,
    komen ini ditujukan khas juga untuk Qausar dalam komen ‘gula-gula’ jangan nak cakap ikut rasa sahaja..yang sememangnya menyinggung hati Sabahan. Dengan merujuk kepada komen saudara Jjj. Benda haram yang diteguk, tak kisah samada di tioman ke? di Sabah ke? atau dimana-mana.. sentiasa ada yang miskin tauhid lebih-lebih lagi disemenanjung malaysia..
    Kenapa seharusnya Sabahan dikatakan ramai MISKIN Tauhid, sedangkan banyak kes-kes jenayah seperti Murtad, Ajaran Sesat, Kes Rogol, Kes Video Lucah dan macam-macam lagi banyak berlaku di Semenanjung Malaysia.. MENEGUK AIR HARAM TU PUN BERLAKU DI TIOMAN.. yang tu bukan MISKIN TAUHID KE??? Tak takutke bila Tioman nanti macam Bali ditimpa Bala akibat perbuatan maksiat… Rasanya lebih banyak kes-kes maksiat yang berlaku di SM berbanding diSabah, yang murtadlah??? minum araklah??? Ajaran sesatlah 7 lapis langitlah??? TAK MISKIN TAUHID KE QAUSAR???? sedar..sedarlah…sikit…ooii
    Dewasa ini selama saya hidup di Sandakan, Sabah…. asalnya yang membawa ajaran sesat tu pun dari SM juga… tetapi yang terpesong akidah dah berbalik kepada ajaran Islam sebenar.. yang murtad rasanya seperti yang banyak berlaku di SM sehinggakan naik mahkamah kita nak gelar apa??? … Kalaupun saudara Qausar nak komen selidik dahulu… jangan cakap ikut rasa sahaja.. buta ke mata dan hati awak… selemah lemah insan ialah bila berlaku kekufuran tidak di tegah hanya ditegur dalam hati… SAUDARA QAUSAR BERADA DIMANA??
    Berapa ramai guru-guru yang berasal dari Semenanjung mengajar di Pendalaman???? adakah seramai guru-guru yang ditempatkan di kawasan bandar??? tak usahlah nak kutuk budak termasuk ibubapanya sehingga mengumpamakan ‘MACAM TAHIK’ , sekiranya guru tersebut gagal dalam tanggungjawabnya… bandingkan sahaja…guru-guru Sabahan yang dilantik dan terus ditempatkan ke kawasan pendalaman…. KAWAN AWAK YANG GURU TU…. nawaitunya sekadar nak dapat gaji dan elaun aje ke… rasanya dia yang MACAM TAHIK kerana menempel kat pendalaman tapi gagal buat pembaharuan… LU PIKIAQ LAH SENDIRI.. JANGAN DOK ASYIK NAK NUNDING JARI HEBOH MACAM AYAM BETINA BERTELOQ MEMBURUKKAN ORANG SABAH…. DAH BAIK SANGAT KE QAUSAR…???
    Yang marah… Maafkan saya yang Berbahagia Tun, sesungguhnya yang baik itu dari Allah dan yang buruk itu adalah kelemahan saya sendiri..inilah yang akan berlaku kepada rakyat kita (perpecahan sesama sendiri) akibat mulut badan binasa….

  102. Assalamualaikum Tun dan semua pembaca …
    [ Admin ; Dgn Izin .. mohon laluan .. ]
    **** ISA ********** ISA ***** ISA ******** ISA ********
    Yang kali ini saya nak tujukan kepada ONLOOKERS ..
    Onlookers .. Aku rasa engkau nih orang yang tidak berterima kasih. Kau petik semua isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh musuh TUN dan kau campak kan dalam blogg ini.
    Masalah engkau nih sama dengan masalah penyokong Anwar yang tak pernah berterima kasih terhadap ISA. Semua ISA buat salah belaka. Pernah ker engkau kaji dan tengok apa JASA ISA sebenarnya ? Aku rasa engkau tak pernah .. melihat kepentingan ISA ..sebab … Engkau leka menikmati negara aman macam MALAYSIA. Tetapi engkau taka tahu KOS untuk memelihara keamanan. Engkau mahu semua benda yang engkau buat dibawah nama ‘FREEDOM’.
    Bila engkau tengok berita luar negara .. yang huru-hara. Pernah ke engkau tanya … kenapa mereka jadi macam tuh ? Pernah ke engkau tanya pada Tun .. mengapa SOMALIA ashik perang saudara ?
    Engkau dan penyokong Anwar umpamanya .. Ada pernah tanya Tun sekarang nih .. Bila Tun dah RESIGNED .. dari PM Post … Ada ker Tun mintak kat Pak Lah … Haramkan ISA. Tak der kan !!!
    Kalau Tun nih sejahat yang engkau kata … Dah masuk surat khabar dah … Tun masa berkuasa kekalkan ISA .. Masa dah tak der kuasa .. Cadangkan Pengharaman ISA … Ini pun korang tak nampak .. Bermakna sebelum .. semasa .. dan selepas …. Tun jadi PM .. Tun percaya dan saya pun percaya ISA diperlukan untuk memastikan golongan Extreem … dikawal dengan ketat demi keselamatan dan kesejahteraan.
    Yeelah .. logik lah kalau pembangkang tak suka si ISA. Dia blame lah si ISA sekat kebebasan. .. KEBEBASAN DARI KACA MATA dia sendiri !! Dia tuduh lah si ISA diguna pakai OLEH Kerajaan untuk menyekat …. dan seumpamanya …
    SiPencuri kalau kita dapat tangkap dengan barang Bukti pun .. kalau kita tanya .. Dah Mati dan Idup balik dia Tak akan mengaku dia Curi. Serupalah dengan mereka yang kena tahan ISA tuuh .. Tak kan dia nak terima dia dah jadi Pengancam Keselamatan .. Yang pasti dia kata dia ‘Pejuang Kebebasan’ .. dengan ‘CARA’ dan ‘Pendekatan’ dia tersendiri … dan orang lain (majoriti lain) dipaksa menerima cara dia …… Macam lah semua orang bersetuju.
    Logik nya .. Kalau engkau tak salah .. Pesal kau sibuk dan takut ?
    Aku bukan nak sokong ISA tak tentu arah. Aku ambik rasional dan logik.
    Engkau jenis yg Selalu anggap ..
    … Semua yang Baik …
    …Semua yang Aman …
    …Semua yang Cantik …
    ……Semua yang Sedap …
    ……..Semua yang Cekap …
    Turun macam Air Hujan dari Langit ..
    Jenis orang macam engkau dan pengikut Anwar dan mereka yang menentang ISA … adalah mereka yang tidak pernah dan hipokrit terhadap sumbangan ISA terhadap kemakmuran negara.
    Bila engkau disekat .. atas dasar keselamatan .. korang kecam lah si ISA .. Memang lah .. orang jahat tak suka JAIL.
    Apa yang korang anggap BENAR .. orang lain mesti PATUH dan BERSETUJU … macam diktator.
    Mana ada pihak yang akan seronok lompat-lompat macam kera .. kalau keinginan dia TERSEKAT. Yang lompat-lompat dan bising – bising macam kera tuh si Kari ajer … Pasal dia tak pernah di sekat.
    Aku nak tengok engkau @ onlookers … bercerita pasal ‘Keselamatan Dalam Negeri’ .. aku nak tengok banyak mana engkau tahu …
    Para pembaca yang budiman ….
    Fikirkan FAKTA ini :
    TDM … sebelum … Semasa …… Sesudah …. menjadi Pedana Menteri …. Tak pernah USUL kan si ISA di mansuhkan … Terutama selepas Tun Bersara … Yang issue ini Onlookers tak Nampak Ker … Buta hati atau Buta Mata atau .. sejer Pekak Telinga … Kenapa macam tu Onlookers ?? Engkau nih orang Singapore ker ?
    Tentu lah ada sebab kan … Tun kita akui dan kita terima dia bijak. Tapi biarlah kita Ikhlas … Bijak yang bawa sejahtera kita berterima kasih …. sebab kita untung. Tapi bila Tun tak mansuhkan si ISA … apakah kita boleh kata .. Tun Tidak Bijak Lah …!!!
    Sesekali tanyalah kawan-kawan yg kerja Polis tuuh .. Kerja Army tuuuh .. macam mana susah payah mereka jaga Malaysia .. jangan kan nak berterima kasih .. tanya khabar jauh sekali.
    Bila sebut Polis .. korang chop RASUAH .. sumua orang Jahat dari Mata korang .. Itulah Kepandaian korang .. Ashik orang lain ajer salah .. onlookers ingat Tun nih MALAIKAT KER ?
    Wassallam ….

  103. To Besday Boy da’ TUN,
    Allah Selamatkan Kamu…
    Allah Selamatkan Kamu…
    Allah Selamatkan Ismet Ulam Raja…
    Allah Selamatkan Kamu…
    Semoga panjang umo, murah rezeki, kesihatan yang baik, dan hidup dalam keberkatan..
    Al fatihah..

  104. Happy BIrthday, selamat berjuang ayahanda, you are the best, kami cinta ayahanda, ayahanda yang dikasihi, bla bla bla bla….

  105. YDH TDM
    Assalammualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh, “SELAMAT HARI LAHIR- TUN DAN ISTRI” semuga sihat, dimurahkan rezeki dan panjang umur.
    “Never fight with an ugly person~*~they have nothing to loose!
    Kami sekeluarga sayang TUN

  106. Dear Tun
    This is my first comment in your blog. Just want to wish TDM and wife – a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY – semoga panjang umur dan sihat selalu.
    You are a living legend – always close to our heart 🙂

  107. Assalamualaikum Tun & keluarga,
    Memang Tun mempunyai pandangan yang menjangkau minda… dan saya amat tertarik membaca minda yang dicetuskan oleh Tun…Semoga banyak lagi cetusan minda Tun dapat dikongsi bersama…

  108. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Selamat hari lahir mudah2an Allah Taala memberkati usia Tun.

  109. salam tun…
    semoga tun sihat sihat selalu dan dirahmati Allah. Saya ni memang takjublah dengan kehebatan pemikiran tun ni. tun jugak boleh tahan dengan cabaarn2 dan kritikan orang. tun jugak hensom lah (saya bukan gay)…syabas tun….teruskan memberi buah fikiran…kalo ada komen2 orang yang teruk teruk mengkritik tun tu, tun jangan layan…tak publish terus pun takpe…buat sakit mata kami je nak membacanya….
    oklah tun selamat hari lahir semoga berbahagia selalu bersama tun dr. siti hasmah dan seluruh keluarga

  110. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Selamat Hari Lahir mudah2an Allah Taala memberi kesihatan yg baik pada Tun untuk berkhidmat kepada Allah dan manusia terutamanya kepada rakyat Malaysia yg sekarang ni resah dan ‘pening’ melihat perangai dan tingkahlaku sebahagian pemimpin yang di amanahkan oleh rakyat untuk membela serta menyuarakan pandangan rakyat tetapi tidak berbuat sedemikian sebaliknya hanya menurut ‘kata’ satu dua kerat pemimpin/ketua mereka.
    Blog Tun ini adalah tempat terbaik untuk saya sebagai rakyat yg kerdil ini untuk menyuarakan pandangan serta isi hati kepada para pemimpin negara ini.Blog Tun ini mempunyai ‘rating’ yg tertinggi di kalangan blog yg lain malah tidak keterlaluan kalau saya katakan blog Tun ini lebih popular dari rancangan2 TV saluran perdana masakini.

  111. Good Morning, Tun.
    And a Happy Birthday to you, sir.
    Semoga Tun serta keluarga sentiasa didalam peliharaan Allah.
    About bringing development into pristine places for the sake of tourism and revenue generation, I am of opinion that a lot of thought and planning have to be done prior to that.
    Humans are highly polluting. If Tioman is to be developed, it has to go hand in hand with proper waste management – for wastewater as well as for solid wastes. Without which Tioman will lose the attractiveness that brought tourists there in the first place. Also importantly, the local population in Tioman need to be enlightened about nature conservation. There are ways to overcome destruction of corals by boats.

  112. Tun, Semoga sihat walafiat.
    Sementara menunggu post Tun yang berikutnya ingin saya coretkan sedikit pandangan berdasarkan pengalaman saya.
    a) Tun pemimpin besar. Yang dipimpin pun besar juga. Jadi saya faham betapa sukarnya untuk memimpin sebuah negara. Bukan calang-calang orang yang berjaya memimpin negara selama lebih 2 dekad. Tun berja melaksanakannya.
    b) Sedikit banyaknya dapat juga saya rasakan betapa hebatnya pengorbanan kehidupan Tun selama mentadbir negara.
    c) Sedikit banyaknya juga dapat saya rasakan bagaimana perasaan Tun untuk melepaskan kepimpinan meninggalkan kerusi PM Malaysia. Saya fikir Tun bersetuju bahawa yang penting bukan kerusi itu, tetapi negara dan survival rakyatnya.
    d) Saya juga pernah memimpin sebuah institusi kecil selama 12 tahun. Walaupun menjadi pemimpin kecil, tetapi cabarannya tetap besar juga.
    e) Walaupun pada saat akhir melepaskan jawatan kerana tamat tempoh perkhidmatan, malah setelah tidak lagi menjadi pemimpin, masih bercambah harapan-harapan murni agar institusi atau organisasi yang akan ditinggalkan itu terus berkembang maju.
    f) Saya fikir Tun pun demikian. Malah lebih hebat harapan Tun kerana Tun memimpin sebuah institusi yang cukup besar, penuh dengan segala harapan. Saya hanya pemimpin kecil.
    g) Selepas kita melepaskan jawatan, kita meletakkan harapan yang tinggi kepada pengganti.
    h) Banyak yang kita rancang ketika memimpin. Yang kita rancang itulah yang kita harap diteruskan pelaksanaannya. Apatah lagi jika perancangan itu telah kita susun begitu rapi dan teliti untuk faedah dan kepentingan negara dan rakyat.
    i) Apa yang kita harapkan ialah pengganti kita itu, di samping mempunyai rancangan sendiri, tidaklah seharusnya mengenepikan atau membatalkan rancangan-rancangan pemimpin terdahulu yang pasti mempunai manfaatnya.
    j) Walaupun tidak lagi bertugas, saya percaya bahawa seorang pemimpin yang jujur, ikhlas dan mempunyai karisma serta kecintaan yang mendalam kepada organisasi/institusi/negara akan sentiasa mengharapkan penggantinya bertindak bijaksana membina kepemimpinannya. Malah tahap pencapaian dan kemajuan pemimpin baru diharap melebihi apa yang dapat dicapai ketika kita menjadi pemimpin.
    k) Barangkali kita boleh memberi peluang dan masa lagi…
    l) Pengalaman kita, m boleh membantu.
    m) Tun, saya fikir sesiapa yang menjadi pengganti, tidak patut melupai akan perkara ini.
    n) Tun, bukan mudah bagi Tun ketika menjadi pemimpin negara, tetapi tidak mudah juga bagi Tun meninggalkan UMNO.
    Menanti post Tun seterusnya…

  113. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda,
    Happy Birthday & may Allah bless you always….hope you will keep on writing and stay healthy…

  114. Good Morning Sir!
    Selamat Hari lahir Tun(10.7.2008)…semoga Tun dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik.Teruskan perjuangan Tun ini demi kami rakyat Malaysia.Selamat hari lahir juga kepada Toh Puan yang bakal menjelang tiba pada(12.7.2008)semoga hidup diberkati.

  115. Salam YAB Tun Dr.M,
    I certainly don’t want to miss wishing you “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” and may Allah bless you and your family. Please continue with you writing as I’m sure that Malaysian could learn a lot from it. At least I certainly did. Again “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” to you…

  116. SELAMAT HARIJADI TUN!!! Semoga Allah permudahkan segala niat dan impian Tun.
    Sheikh Hedra Sheikh Musa dan Keluarga

  117. Salam YBhg Tun Dr M & Tun Hasmah
    Selamat Hari Lahir. Semoga panjang umur & dimurahkan rezeki.
    Terima kasih atas jasa Tun Selama ini hanya Allah sahaja yang akan membalasnya

  118. Dearest Tun Dr Mahatbir bin Mohamad,
    Selamat menyambut hari lahir dan semuga dikurniakan Allah kesihatan dan keberkatan. Terima kasih tidak terhingga atas segala usaha Tun selama ini.

  119. Salam Tun!
    Firstly Happy Birthday to you & Tun Siti Hasmah. Semoga diberkati Allah selalu.
    I do agree with you that in order to develope something, some other things needs sacrificed. Tapi kita kena tengok mana yang membawa lebih kebaikan. Kalau develope tu lebih baik, teruskanlah….dan sebaliknya. A great thinker like you must have thought about all the good and bad stuff before deciding for a development at Tioman. Cuma yg kurang cerdik saja bila dah dpt power tak buat satu benda pun walaupun dah 5 tahun memerintah. Org dah bagi idea & plan what to do pun tak reti2 nak buat apa jugak. Yg dia tau, semua yg Tun plankan dia nak cancel….apa la nak jadi dengan Pak menyusahLah ni…betul2 menyusahkan….macam kata Ahmad Nisfu dlm Seniman Bujang Lapuk…”kecik2 tak mau mati, bila dah besaq menyusahkan orang!”
    cheyan – org. kedah!

  120. Salam Ybhg Tun,
    Me and friends from MERBOK would like to wish you ‘A HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU AND FAMILY’AMIN !
    Salam Hormat,
    Major(r)Hj Anuar Abd Hamid

    Happy birthday……Semoga Tun diberkati dan dikurniakan kesahteraan,kesihatan yang baik dan dipanjangkan usia oleh ALLAH S
    TUN. Teruskan ler menulis aper2 topikpun.Kami sentiasa respond dan menyokong Tun. Selain topik politik dalam dan luar negeri, Tun tulis ler jugak soal alam sekitar cam isue Pulau Tioman tu. Tulis ler jugak subjek sosial,budaya,I.T. Tun sorang doktor, tulis ler tentang science perubatan, roket science,Industries,sejarah, arts dll.Ini semua ilmu yang nak kami belajar dan berkongsi pengalaman dengan Tun. Semoga kami dapat memantapkan diri untuk memimpin negara masa depan.
    Akhir sekali, boleh ker Tun buat pembedahan otak kat PMzzzzzz kiter tu,supaya lebeh Cemerlang,Gembilang dan buangkan TEMBERANG tu….
    Tak pun tanamkan chip dalam otak nyer supaya dia boleh berfikir lebeh baik dan tak zzzzzz lagi….
    Saya cuma pegawai ortopedik disebuah pusat klinik kereta berprestig dan mewah…….he he he…

  122. Selamat Menyambut Hari Lahir ke 83 dari saya dan keluarga.
    Semoga Allah swt rahmati Tun, kurniakan kesihatan yg berpanjangan. Terima Kasih atas sumbangan Tun selama ini. Saya membesar dalam era Tun, mendapat pelajaran yang elok hasil DEB yang Tun lindungi. Sekarang mempunyai perniagaan dan pekerja-pekerja sendiri.
    I’m so grateful you were the PM for 22 years. We love you ‘dictator’ ….. :). I’d like to see you came back and topple the current administration out, but I’d rather see you enjoy your time which you most deserve it now.
    Ibu saya hampir 70 tahun – dan sudah bertahun enjoy her golden age dengan cucu2 dan holidays. I know you can’t sit still. Thanks for your blog which enable us to communicate with you directly. You know that, you still have a big influence on us. For a lot of us, malay, chinese, indians – you’re still our leader. Our trusted leader. I’ve lost my faith to Pak Lah and he must be true to himself that he’s not capable and good enough to be Malaysian leader.
    Again, Happy Birthday. May Allah bless you Tun.

  123. Selamat sejahtera
    Pada pendat saya bumi yang bertuah ini yang dulunya dikenali sebagai
    semenanjung emas ,memang kaya dengan pelbagai sumber,sumber galian,
    sumber asli,kebudayaan , kemanusiaan ,permandangan dan sebagainya.
    Peindustrian pelancungan jika dilancarkan secara rapi akan membawa
    pendapatan yang lumayan kepada negara kita. Pembinaan Infrastuctur
    seperti Lapangan Terbang antarabangsa Sepang KL , North South
    Highway nescaya memberi kesan yang baik untuk peindustrian
    pelancungan.Sungguh gembira saya sebagai anak PULAU PINAG apabila
    saya dimaklumkan bahawa GeorgeTown dan Bandar Melaka disenaraikan
    sebagai BANDAR WARISAN oleh UNESCO.Akan tetapi saya berasa sangat
    bimbang apabila kedengaran bahawa RANCANGAN untuk membina JAMBATAN
    PULAU PINANG yang kedua mungkin akan dibubarkan kerana persetujuan
    tidak dapat dicapai antara syarikat pembinaaan Negeri China den
    syarikat pembinaan Malaysia yang Jeff Ooi dari DAP beritahukan.Saya
    harap maklumat yang saya dapat itu tidak benar.Pembinaan Jambatan
    Pulau Pinang adalah baik bukan untuk orang pulau pinang
    sahaja ,tetapi untuk semua rakyat Malaysia. Dengan peningkatan
    jumlah pelancung ke Pulau Pinang , Industri Pelancungan di tempat
    tempat yang berdekatan dengan PULAU PINANG juga akan berkembang.
    Jadi saya berpendapat Pembinaan Jambatan PULAU PINANG mesti
    dijalankan.Berharap Tun dapat memberi koment tentang hal ini.
    Sekian terima kasih

  124. Assalamualaikum Tun….
    Hari saya tidak lengkap jika tidak membaca apa-apa daripada laman blog Tun. Tetapi hari ini saya cuma ingin mengucapkan
    “SELAMAT HARI JADI” kepada Tun yang disayangi. Semoga Allah melanjutkan usia Tun dan Tun Dr Siti HAsmah serta keluarga. Dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik, ketenangan, keikhlasan, kebijaksaan, ketajaman fikiran dan segala-galanya yang terbaik buat Tun..
    We love you so much……

  125. Dear Tun,
    In addition to the earlier comment, a point to note as always, not only of Tioman, but also other parts of the country, it has always been who was given the job(contract) and how sincerely they are in performing their job. Unfortunately, when a contract is given, was there any penalty clause included, so that should a job be done improperly, they can be penalized for it. The authority must take their role without fear or favour.
    Its an issue that need to be address immediately.

  126. assalammualaikum,
    dear all,
    Pulau Tioman memang Cantik air nya jernih dan tenang bisa menenangkan jiwa.Tapi Pak Dol N CO tak suka Pulau.Yg dia suka menyuruh org memulaukan TUN.
    Patah tumbuh hilang belum berganti….kau LAGENDA kebangaan rakyat MALAYSIA.

  127. Dear Tun,
    It sure is great to read on your continuous concern with regards to the well being of Malaysia and its environment. You had visualize the greatness of this nation with Vision 2020, and I would appreciate that you continue to observe and comment on how Malaysia can be one of the great nation of the world.
    At Cinta Alam Malaysia, we propagate the need to love our country, for the beauty that we have and the culture that are entrusted upon us. However we beleive the loyalty and love for the country should be continuously highlighted.
    We can be better as long as we work as one.


  129. Salam TUN,
    Happy Birthday. Semoga Allah memberi kesihatan yang baik dan panjang umur.
    Luv u TUN.

  130. Good morning Tun,
    Never been to Tioman. Would love to go, but Berjaya Air seems to
    be a bit expensive. Do we get pensioner concession!

  131. selamat menyambut hari lahir,semoga Allah terus memberi kesihatan yg baik dan panjangkan umur TUN & isteri,insyAllah

  132. Tun,
    You are probably the first person PM to have made me realise about eco-tourism. In those early days 1980s i remembered our hotels throughout aren’t doing well at all. We often ask the hotel frontdesk questions about vacant rooms just to get a pulse of business.
    Some years later we see a remarkable concept been introduced by you as PM which is to attract tourists not due to industrialised works but giving them access to our rich eco-systems and overnight even villagers turn to millionaires in the case of Langkawi.
    Of course our locals became greedy and soon forgot what the wealth is about, or they make out that wealth is like a forbidden fruit that they must hoard and waste to show off.
    Many today still live on the fruits of yesteryears. But sadly there are still those who policise what you did and looked at anything you did as wrong and wasted.
    What you wrote here is no different from how you attend to things back then as PM. You are noted to often make your rounds and take notes and ask that things be attended to in a better and creative manner.
    Your PM work culture makes for good reading by PMs in waiting.
    Humble regards and May Allah bless our great nation!
    Redhuan D. Oon

  133. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Even if it is not your birthday today, I just want to wish you this: “May Allah continue to bless you with good health, joy, love, happiness, peace of mind, panjang umur, murah rezeki and kuat beriman.”

  134. Dear Dr M,
    Happy Birthday and God Bless ….. Dr M
    ….. the concept of continous improvement need to be instilled be it Tioman or any other projects. Let’s just say that we actually need the right people from top down to manage this country ….. you said it too many times!

  135. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Tun. I pray that Allah gives you good health and stout piety.
    In the meantime, I also pray that you keep a steady hand and a valiant heart, and speak out for the truth, not the applause.

  136. dear beloved tun, selamat hari lahir…semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki…semoga sihat walafiat selalu…aamin…

  137. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Happy Bitrhday..!! Semoga Tun sentiasa dilindungi dan dirahmati oleh Allah SWT.. Diberikan kesihatan yang baik untuk meneruskan perjuangan bangsa yang belum selesai…


  139. happy birthday!!!!!!!
    hehehe…. tun m @ 38, tun sh @ 28 (cute!!!!)
    semoga Allah makbulkan doa kami semua.. stay healthy!

  140. Malaysian Tourism Development Ideas
    Typical. As people are suffering from the fuel hike, the government is spending money on silly and expensive tourist attraction!
    How about using that money to boost the public transportation system? Once that’s done, tourism will be better as it’s easier to get around. How about less expensive initiatives like making it easier for tourists to get around tourist spots? Totally annoyed.
    When schemes and projects look silly, there is always a rat hiding in there somewhere. The ACA should investigate.
    Why can’t the government learnt and grow-up. Why need to waste so much of money when it’s not worth it at all. Be prudent in spending when the price of fuel is shooting up. Think of more creative and local ideas in promoting tourism. It’s mind boggling when you cannot promote your own stuff and need to invest in some useless expensive tourist attraction projects which cannot make back your investment. If the tourism board runs out of idea of tourism product, get an entirely private entity to run it.
    I am utterly horrified at the thought of any useless and expensive projects to “attract tourists”. It is a shame that these people have skewed ideas of what would attract tourists. The government should be focusing on things with historical and cultural values which are reasonably cheaper to invest which could attract more tourist. Instead of a useless expensive means.

  141. Salam dari US,
    Walaupun byk orang kata buruk pasal Tun, tapi saya suka lihat kebaikan yang Tun bawa kepada negara kita. Roommate muslim saya dari Sri Lanka pun respect Tun sebagai pemimpin negara Islam yang lantang.
    Selamat hari lahir semoga panjang umur!

  142. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Sy mengucapkan Selamat Ulangtahun Kelahiran Ke-83 utk Tun. Semuga Allah swt mengurniakan kesihatan yg baik kpd Tun agar Tun dpt terus memberikan inspirasi kpd seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Amin..
    Sy tk pernah p Tioman tapi setiap tahun semenjak 1995 sy & suami akan pergi ke Pulau Rawa berdekatan dgn Pulau Tioman, hanya semata2 kerana telah jatuh cinta dgn air laut yg jernih, pantai bersih yg pasirnya halus dan putih umpama garam halus. Sgt menakjubkan melihat perkembangan pembangunan yg amat positif di Pulau Rawa. Keindahan semulajadinya tetap terpelihara disamping kemudahan yg cukup selesa & moden tanpa menjejaskan ciri2 tradisional yg internasional.
    Sy pulak rasa spt berada di luarnegara kerana dikelilingi oleh ‘orang putih’. Ternyata pelancong2 ini dan keluarga mereka amat selesa & gembira semasa berada di Pulau Rawa. Sy tk fikir mereka mahu berkompromi dlm hal keselesaan.
    Kesimpulannya, pembangunan memang perlu kerana ia memberi tambahnilai yg berlipat ganda. Kerana ada pembangunanlah barulah keindahan semulajadi dpt dinikmati dgn penuh keselesaan oleh lebih ramai org. Pasti pelancong atau pengunjung yg sama akan datang berkunjung semula. Secara tidak langsung ianya memberi manfaat kepada negara & penduduk tempatan juga.
    Salam utk isteri Tun dan ucapan “Selamat Hari Lahir” juga.
    I love u Tun & ur wife too…

  143. Salam Ayahanda Tun, Happy Birthday and bright wishes from all of us here. – Kamal Ahmad Yahya & Family.

  144. Tun Dr.Daddy M,

  145. Selamat menyambut hari ulangtahun kelahiran Che Det hari ini. Moga Che Det sentiasa sukses, diberi kesihatan berpanjangan dan diberkati Allah s.w.t dalam meneruskan kehidupan mendatang. Terkenang bos lama, Hj Ikhwan Nasir yang menyemarak majoriti tertinggi Che Det di Kbg Pasu.

  146. SELAMAT HARI JADI KPD TUN DR MAHATHIR & TOH PUAN SITI HASMAH. DGN KEHENDAK ALLAH SWT TUN & TOH PUAN AKAN SENTIASA DIBERKATI & DIPELIHARA DARI SEGALA MUSIBAH. Biasanya org yg sentiasa dikutuk panjang umur. Org yg mengutuk mati cepat sbb dendam itu adalah penyakit yg tiada ubat. Saya berbangga kerana saya adalah salah seorang warga negara Malaysia yg berkesempatan merasai zaman pemerintahan Tun sebagai Perdana Menteri yg ke4. Persaraan Tun sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia adalah hari yg amat sedih dlm kehidupan saya.

  147. Dari kami sekeluarga menyampaikan ucapan Selamat Hari Lahir pada Tun Dr. Mahathir dan isteri, Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah. Semoga dirahmati Allah selalu, dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik, diwaraskan akal fikiran, dimurahkan rezeki dan dilanjutkan usia.
    Terima kasih atas jasamu pada kami sekeluarga dan rakyat Malaysia.

  148. Selamat Ulang Tahun Ayahnda Tun dan Bonda Tun Dr Siti Hasmah yang dikasehi, semoga dipanjangkan usia dan sentiasa dilindungi dan diberkati Allah s.w.t.

    Dengan DOA moga Tun dan Keluarga dalam keadaan sihat dan ceria selalu.
    Nasihat Tun: “Berhenti (makan) masa tengah sedap” sungguh dekat di hati teman.
    Kalu dulu, teman boleh makan 2-3 pinggan, kini sepinggan pun udah amat cukup rasanya…….walaupun lauk tu betoi2 sedap.
    Tapi Tun, kesian Paklah………….Paklah terus makan walaupun lauk tu tak sedap!!

  150. You are of course talking sustainable development, something that would benefit the people of Tioman (and ultimately the nation’s tourism industry) while taking care to preserve the natural beauty of the island.
    I doubt Malaysia will ever again see a leader as all-rounded in outlook and approach as you, dear Ayahnda Tun.
    It is so unfortunate for Malaysia that the current leadership can only see the way to build his own legacy is by engaging in a one-upmanship with you. Instead of coming up with new things for the country while preserving all the good things that are already started, he sought to diminish and destroy to the detriment of the country.

  151. To Both ayahanda Tun and bonda Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah,
    A very happy birthday to you both. It’s ok Tun, takpa org dalam kabinet mcm tak menghormati Tun lagi, mcm kacang lupakan kulit…takpa Tun, hampir 95% rakyat biasa mcm saya yg sayang dan menghargai jasa jasa Tun.
    We are the silent majority who’s behind you armed with prayers and doa. InsyaAllah nama Tun bukan saja mekar di dunia ini tapi harum mewangi di alam barzah. Saya doakan kesihatan Tun berdua sentiasa terpelihara dan ingat Tun, perjuangan Tun belum sudah dan berjanjilah untuk terus membantu rakyat dlm perjuangan yang tersangkut-sangkut ini. Kalau galang nyawa dapat diganti untuk Tun ambil alih bagi meneruskan usaha, ambik tenaga dan kederat saya…halal dunia akhirat saya izinkan.
    Adzhar Aziz sekeluarga

  152. My beloved Tun,
    First of all…Happy Birthday and may you have a happy and eventful live ahead where all your Deeds will be safely restored and damage by the current PM be repaired.
    Your last statement about the contractor quoting a ridiculously low price and not delivering brings me to a recent report on the star Nation column,page 30 on monday the 7th of July where Pak Lah says that the Sabah Sarawak Gas Pipeline (SSGP)is scrapped whilst Petronas says it is on.
    The winning main contractor quoted the project price some 400 million below Project owners projection and 800M below the nearest bid.Wouldn’t such ridiculous bid price be investigated as it obviously would not be delivered even with acceptable VO’s.Now the cost have gone horribly up and the winning contractor not getting any service partners to fulfill the contract.
    Would I be correct to assume that the last and final say on the award be from the EPU, PM’s ofc ?
    Would I be correct too that this project is temporarily scrapped to be the double tracking,Penang 2nd Bridge, Terengganu Breakwater and so on and so on.

  153. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU DEAR TUN. Semuga di panjangkan usia dalam keadaan sihat serta diberkati dan dilindungi Allah s.w.t.

  154. ASM TUN,
    Happy Birthday to you and your wife, may allah bless you and your family….

  155. Salam Tun:
    Frankly Tun, it seems that all that you have planned and commited when you’re still in office and immediately after leaving office are in the process of unravelling and dismantling now. The one that really pissed me off so much and I believe the majority of the other rakyat will be the Tambak Johor Bridge project. This are suppossed to be PRIDE of our nation and the rakyat, and we are not discounting the advantages it will bring towards trades and tourism. But sadly NO, we have a narrow minded and shallow thinking PM who fail miserably in future planning and forward thinking and thus, cancel the project which I believe have taken painstaking years of planning. I can’t help but wonder, or is it SHELVE it for 1 or 2 years and restart it again with contractors that they have vested interest with? Given the events that have recently unfolded I can’t help but think of this as being the main reason behind it all.
    Not only the physical structure of real development that have been dismantled or totally ignored, the livelihood of the rakyat, UMNO and the Barisan Nasional, national unity, economic, macro economic have all been left in shamble. Turn the pages of any newspaper and you could hardly heard of the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) nowadays. This is the department that plays a very active roll in managing our economic development and it’s sustainabilty too have been systematically dysfunctioned and all planning is left to the single brain (if ever he really have one) of the boy from the 4th Floor. The cabinet is left to run like ‘chicken without head’ with the lefthand not knowing what the righthand is doing thus came the half past eleven decision making that we are left to live with now.
    Talk about tourism destinations and it’s caretaking and upkeeping. Funny when you ask around about the ‘ZOOM’ project of the Tourism Ministry. 8 out of 10 does not even know what the bloody heck it is. A classic example of fly by night tourism drive and all the good money have been wasted yet again. It is cheaper for us a a family of 4 and in term of VALUE to spend our holiday in Phuket, Thailand or Perth, Australia rather than domestically, what more with the availabilty of Air Asia.
    Tun, I would like to quote the Malay proverb that is most befitting of the present administrators; “BAGAIKAN BEROK MENDAPAT BUNGA” Forgive me for being to harsh, but thius is the reality of things now.
    Salam and best wishes for your family.

  156. Pulau Tioman memang INDAH & NYAMAN dgn pemandangan lautan yg luas. Selama 22 tahun Tun menerajui Malaysia menempuhi onak dan duri. Bolehkah Tun ceritakan pengalaman Tun dgn Temasek mengenai soal KTM(Keretapi Tanah Melayu)di-Tanjong Pagar, Ayer, Jambatan, Udara Johor(latihan tentera udara Temasek) dan lain2….Sekian Terima Kasih!

  157. Di sini saya ucap kan Selamat Menyambut harijadi Tun yang di hormati.
    Dlm fikiran saya, Apa yang paling penting utk satu tempat pelancongan….Dlm negara kita paling minati ialah kehidupan kita tidak maju seperti negara US dan lain…
    why not let tioman inlands keep the natural look, as a place we can far away from city,and also a place can let us keep our mind peace and relax… for a lot of western there also got a lot of coral inland… why there ned select malaysia as destination for tour? so poor is bad but also can say is nice for health way life>>>>
    Hope long life for TUN ………………

  158. Salam semua dan istimewa untuk Tun yang disanjongi. This ABI fellow is boleh tahan pasal dia guna proper language unlike dia punya second cousin Antimamak yang bukan saja emotional tapi guna bahasa samseng yang dia ingat dia sorang saja samseng, orang lain pun samseng juga tapi kena pada masa dan tempatnya. ABI, if you are a right thinking person as you claimed, you name 10 (ten) achievements of Tun and 5 (five) of the Present PM. Likewise, you list 10 blunders of Tun and 5 blunders of AAB. I have to give advantage to the latter because he has been PM for ONLY 5 miserable years, and TUN has been at the helm for 22 meaningful years. To me I can only say that Tun has made 3 (three) big mistakes but two have been rectified. Firstly bringing into UMNO and grooming of DESAI, the person who never subscribes to UMNO priciples but merely using it as a stepping stone to achieve PERSONAL ambitions. But this was made right by sacking him. Secondly was the appointment of One Kedah Menteri Besar whose mouth was worse than women and a lot of people voted for PAS in 1999 since numerous times he mentioned that he has got more friends in PAS than in UMNO. We almost lost the State to PAS in that election because of his ‘loud mouth’. To rectify this situation he was not re-appointed MB and was replaced after the election. The third mistake and still in the process of correcting it, was nominating AAB as successor to be PM. We know that if Tun wanted to retire he has to have a successor. If Tun stayed put I don’t think anyone could shake him effectively and he is still at Putra Jaya (not private residence). Hopefully dengan izin Allah s.w.t. Tun berjaya perbetulkan kesilapan yang ini. I still remember when a foreign journalist asked Tun (prior to his retirement)what if his nominated successor did not live up to his ecpectations, the answer was ” I come back and haunt him”. He has kept his promise and Tun is haunting the ‘ghost’ now and for quite sometime to come for an unlimited time. Let us pray and hope that (and support Tun 100%) Tun succeeds in his mission and I have to note that when Tun was PM he seldom failed, but a lot of people failed him. As human people make mistakes, so did Tun.
    Semoga Allah swt panjangkan umur, beri ketenangan, kesihatan yang sempurna dan kesejahteraan dalam hidup.
    Salam Hormat dari saya,
    Anak Jati Kedah.

    10 JULAI 1925 – 10 JULAI 2008

  160. Salam berbahagia buat Tun Dr Mahathir yg Dihormati,
    Betul ke hari ni ulang tahun kelahiran Tun.Tak Kisah le janji Tun masih lagi hidup sihat walafiat untuk meneruskan perjuangan yg belum selesai…Selamat menyambut Hari Lahir buat Tun yang amat dikasihi.Tun nak tanya sikitlah.Dulu masa kat U sibuk ahli akademik mentafsir nama pemimpin negara.Masih sinonim ke nama RAHMAN dalam isu memilih pemimpin tu.Rakyat biasa macam saya ni tak berkebolehan menjadi Ahli Nujum Negara..Hi!hi!Bermakna lepas ni lengkaplah lah ya kalau TPM sekarang ni menjadi PM kita pula.Buat Ahli Nujum, lepas ni boleh tak kita gunakan pula nama MAHATHIR.Bermula M-Mukhriz.Wallahualam…

  161. Tun,
    maybe Tioman should just take its own pace. Its a retreat. I’m sure the life of Tioman locals will improve. People will still visit the island, after all, its a very small island.
    May Allah bless you

  162. Assalamualaikum Tun…
    Sekian Tun, Wassalam…

  163. Assalamualaikum Tun..
    How about Penang Island Tun ?
    I can see the two leaders that were born in Penang Island was your enemies…Anwar and Pak Lah….hahaha..just a jokes…anyway Happy Holiday Tun…

  164. Happy Birthday, Tun dearest! I’ve never had this opportunity to wish you. now that you’ve got a blog your own, no way i’m giving this a miss. have a good one, sir!

  165. salam TUN…….
    pd hemat sy paklah duk sibuk promosi negara jiran lebih drpd negara sendiri…..masa TUN memerintah dulu mana ada iklan kat tv pasal nak promote negara jiran………la ni hari2 duk ada iklan itu,itulah pemimpin skrg,nak ampu2 sgt negara jiran last2 negara sendiri tergadai,dgn keadaan ekonomi skrg patutnya pemimpin suruh cuti kat dlm negara je supaya duit kita tak keluar tp paklah nak mufliskan negara suruh rakyat p cuti kat negara jiran plak,apa neraga kita lekeh sgt ka,pklah skit paklah………
    buat TUN jaga kesihatan elok2,we all know you suppose retired but your replacement realy disspointed

  166. Salam Tun,
    Allah selamatkan kamu X2
    Allah selamatkan TDM
    Allah selamatkan kamu

  167. Dearest Ayahnda Tun Dr. Mahathir
    I wrote in just to wish you “Selamat Hari Lahir” and an upfront wish also to Bonda Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah. May Allah bless both of you and may you have a prosperous living.
    From Me and Family

  168. How International Bankers Gained Control of America
    From a Video Script Produced by Patrick S. J. Carmack
    Directed by Bill Still
    Royalty Production Company 1998
    One month after the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, the first shots of the American Civil War were fired at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12,1861. …
    Certainly slavery was a cause for the Civil War, but not the primary cause. Lincoln knew that the economy of the South depended upon slavery and so (before the Civil War) he had no intention of eliminating it. Lincoln had put it this way in his inaugural address only one month earlier:
    “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it now exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”
    Even after the first shots were fired at Fort Sumter, Lincoln continued to insist that the Civil War was not about the issue of slavery:
    “My paramount objective is to save the Union, and it is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it.”
    So what was the Civil War all about? There were many factors at play. Northern industrialists had used protective tariffs to prevent their southern states from buying cheaper European goods. Europe retaliated by stopping cotton imports from the South. The Southern states were in a financial bind. They were forced to pay more for most of the necessities of life while their income from cotton exports plummeted. The South grew ncreasingly angry.
    But there were other factors at work. … The central bankers now saw an pportunity to use the North/South divisions to split the rich new nation – t divide and conquer by war. Was this just some sort of wild conspiracy theory? Well, let’s look at what a well placed observer of the scene had to say at time.
    This was Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Germany, the man who united the German states in 1871. A few years later, in 1876, he is quoted as saying:
    “It is not to be doubted, I know of absolute certainty,” Bismarck declared, “that the division of the United States into two federations of equal power was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained as one block and were to develop as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset the capitalist domination of Europe over the world.”
    Within months after the first shots were fired at Fort Sumter, the central bankers loaned Napoleon III of France (the nephew of the Waterloo Napoleon) 210 million francs to seize Mexico and station troops along the southern border of the U.S., taking advantage of the Civil War to violate the Monroe Doctrine and return Mexico to colonial rule.
    No matter what the outcome of the Civil War, it was hoped that a war-weakened America, heavily indebted to the Money Changers, would open up Central and South America once again to European colonization and domination.
    At the same time, Great Britain moved 11,000 troops into Canada and positioned them along America’s northern border. The British fleet went on war alert should their quick intervention be called for.
    Lincoln knew he was in a bind. He agonized over the fate of the Union. There was a lot more to it than just differences between the North and the South. That’s why his emphasis was always on “Union” and not merely the defeat of the South. But Lincoln needed money to win.
    In 1861, Lincoln and his Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, went to New York to apply for the necessary war loans. The Money Changers, anxious to maximize their war profits, only offered loans at 24-36% interest. Lincoln said thanks, but no thanks, and returned to Washington. He sent for an old friend, Colonel Dick Taylor of Chicago, and put him onto the problem off financing the War. At one particular meeting, Lincoln asked Taylor how else to finance the war. Taylor put it this way:
    “Why, Lincoln, that is easy; just get Congress to pass a bill authorizing the printing of full legal tender treasury notes… pay your soldiers with them and go ahead and win your war with them also.”
    When Lincoln asked if the people of the United States would accept the notes, Taylor said:
    “The people or anyone else will not have any choice in the matter, if you make them full legal tender. They will have the full sanction of the government and be just as good as any money … the stamp of full legal tender by the Government is the thing that makes money good any time, and this will always be as good as any other money inside the borders of our country. ”
    So that’s exactly what Lincoln did. From 1862 to 1865, with Congressional authorization, he printed up $432,000,000 of the new bills.
    In order to distinguish them from private bank notes in circulation, he had them printed with green ink on the back side. That’s why the notes were called “Greenbacks.” With this new money, Lincoln paid the troops, and bought their supplies. During the course of the war, nearly all of the 450 million dollars of Greenbacks authorized by Congress were printed at no interest to the federal government.
    By now Lincoln realized who was really pulling the strings and what was at stake for the American people. … This is how he explained his monetary views:
    “The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers… The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the Government’s greatest creative opportunity… By the adoption of these principles, the long-felt want for a uniform medium will be satisfied. The taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. The financing of all public enterprises, and the conduct of the Treasury will become matters of practical administration. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.”
    Meanwhile in Britain a truly incredible editorial in the London Times explained the Bank of England’s attitude towards Lincoln’s Greenbacks.
    “If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become indurate down to a fixture, then the Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
    Keep in mind, by this time the European monarchs were already chained to their private central banks, hence the bankers’ concern to preserve their captive monarchs. Within four days of the passage of the law that allowed Greenbacks to be issued, bankers met in convention in Washington to discuss the situation. It was agreed that Greenbacks would surely be their ruin. Something had to be done. They devised a scheme gradually to undermine the value of the Greenbacks.
    Seemingly unimportant limitations on the use of Greenbacks (printed on the green back), insisted on by the bankers, forbidding their use to pay import duties and interest on the public debt, were utilized by the banks to slap a surcharge on Greenbacks of up to 185%. This undermined the confidence of the people in Greenbacks and necessitated further concessions to the bankers to obtain more, discounted as the Greenbacks now were.
    This scheme was effective – so effective that the next year, 1863, with Federal and Confederate troops beginning to mass for the decisive battle of the Civil War, and the Treasury in need of further Congressional authority at that time to issue more Greenbacks, Lincoln gave in to the pressure, which he described:
    “They persist, they have argued me almost blind – I am worse off than St. Paul. He was in a strait between two. I am in a strait between twenty and they are bankers and financiers.”
    Lincoln allowed the bankers to push through the National Banking Act of 1863 in exchange for their support for the urgently needed additional Greenbacks. This act created “National Banks” (hence the N.A. still in use after National banks’ names) and gave them a virtual tax-free status. The new banks also got the exclusive power to create the new form of money – National Bank Notes. Though Greenbacks continued to circulate, their quantity was limited and no more were authorized after the war.
    The ones who REALLY pull the strings in politics are the ones who pull the PURSE strings. Sharon, Bush, Blair and their ilk are merely puppets. The REAL tyrants – the Mammonites, the Plutocrats, the gazillionaires – almost always remain nameless!
    Courtesy Ardeshir Mehta and togethernet

  169. Assalamualaikum
    Dear Tun Dr.Mahathir, Tun Siti Hasmah and fellow Bloggers,
    I am amongst those three millions people who visited your blog regularly. As to mark my first entry, here and today (10 July 2008), I’d like to greet you Happy Birthday. May Allah grants you health, wealth and happiness. May Allah grants you a true fullfilment in your life. May Allah grants you the pleasure of paradise.
    May you continue to guide us for a long time more, until someone amongst us, emerge as the new champion to spearhead the “Perjuangan yang Belum Selesai” as you called it; and not just for the betterment of all Malaysians regardless of race and religion but for also for the grearter good of Humanity.
    Your thoughts have always inspired me for their pristine clarity. I, like your many other admirers, pledge our loyality and will stand behind you. We love you and will always support you.
    This pledge of alligence, is noble, since it comes from the bottom of our hearts. We (your true supporters) will follow and practise your ideas in everyday dealings. We shall carry your mission, we shall contribute to make Malaysia a better place for now and the future.
    As we know you read alot, perhaps you could list down some of your recent and favourite readings in this blog. Please also has a section of your books and articles that has appeared elsewhere throughout your life. This will serves as another source of knowledge to us.
    They used to call me “the Mahathir Girl”.
    Wassalam, TDM and TDSH

  170. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TUN!!! Here’s to a great many years ahead, and may all your greatest dreams for our nation come true. A happy, healthy life to you and your family.
    (I believe it is your birthday… according to
    Regarding your latest blog entry on Tioman, I was personally involved in the project, and it was quite a roller coaster ride with the protests and hiccups. The project itself has gone through numerous changes to cater to these objections.
    I do agree that the worries over the corals in the area were unfounded, as they were pretty much damaged from the existing activities especially the neighbouring passenger jetty and anchoring of boats. Furthermore, EIA was conducted.
    I am glad that it has brought some good to the locals, even though it may have brought more if your original vision were to come to fruition. Unfortunately I haven’t the opportunity to revisit the island, after the marina started its operations, to witness its successes/failures personally. I will make my way there, one day.
    Take care.


  172. Best!!! 10 years ago hari-hari nak beli surat khabar nak tgk apa pulak Tun has to say kat front page.
    Sekarang hari-hari nak bukak nak dengar apa pulak Tun nak kata…tau tak Tun kalau ada satu hari yang Tun tak post..rasa macam frust pulak…hehe..mesti bloggers lain feels the same…
    Write more Tun!
    Happy Birthday Tuns!!! As cliche as it sounds..We still need you!

  173. Assalamualaikum wm wth Tun,
    Buat yg dikasehi Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir dan Tun. Dr. Siti Hasmah berdua, TERIMAKASIH atas semua jasa dan pengorbanan utk anak bangsa, rakyat Malaysia, negara tercinta, juga ummah Islam dan mereka2 yg tertindas di dunia. Hanya Allah yg dapat membalasnya.
    Selamat Hari Lahir Tun Dr. Mahathir pada 10 hb Julai (1925) yg ke 83 tahun dan Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah pada 12 Julai (1926)yg ke 82 tahun.
    (Sheila Majid) –dgn sedikit revisi
    Sejuta bintang di angkasa
    Sinarnya mempesona
    Sebutir bintang di persada politik
    Cahayanya berseri
    Biar bertahun masa beredar
    Satu wajah satu nama takkan pudar
    Tetap jelas di ruang mata
    Setiap gerak gaya
    Bergetaran merdu sinar
    Di persada negara
    Hingga kini menjadi sebutan
    Tetap terpahat namamu di ingatan
    Kaulah satu satunya
    Di antara berjuta
    Insan teristimewa
    Patah tak tumbuh lagi
    Hilang tak mungkin berganti
    Kerana kau tersendiri
    Kau kebanggaan kita
    Kau negarawan bangsa
    Engkau lagenda..
    Terimakasih di atas segala2nya dan kerana menjadikan kami rakyat dan negara Malaysia dewasa, bermaruah dan dapat menebarkan sayap di persada dunia.
    Hanya Allah dapat membalas jasa Tun berdua.
    Semoga dirahmati Allah dunia dan akhirat.
    PS/ Tun, IMHO Singaporeans should be banned from Tioman, just too many of them there! And they are NOT environmental friendly on our islands.. we have known Singaporeans to pick on the endangered Giant Clams on Taman Laut off Redang and trying to smuggle live corals out. During public holidays there are just too many Singaporeans on Tioman that locals can’t even get any food on the island coz it was all RESERVED by the Singaporeans ): The Singapore reclamation activities on their coastal area to expand for development is a major reason for the lost of habitat and foraging area of our endangered dugong.
    Tun, a fren of mine from the States once came by to a dinner where you were in attendance and we talked about Turtle Conservations.. (your last PAU 2003 Dinner w President as UMNO President and Malaysian PM before transition of power.. you were so nice to talk to us about species conservations 🙂 My American fren still couldn’t believe he could just come and said hi to you .. not once but TWICE coz the next day we met you again at Bintang Walk after you finished attending the performance of a Mr Pavarotti I believe 🙂 The American was still in awe of the “guru-like” persona he met in person vs the “dictator image” American and western media love to potray you as. And this is not the first American or European who told me this. Now they know that their media are just so biased 🙂
    Latin Americans, the Balkans, the world over etc just love you any which way .. words like “if only they could borrow you to help their countries..” came up a lot among ppl the world over!

  174. Salam Tun,
    Selamat Hari Jadi Tun !!
    Semoga Allah panjangkan usia Tun dan Tun sentiasa dilindungi oleh Nya disamping sihat sejahtera disamping Tun Siti dan seluruh keluarga.

  175. Assalamualaikum Tun
    I know that you weren’t born on 9th July but just for the fun of it I’m wishing you a very happy birthday and may Allah bless you in whatever you do.
    Btw, I went to tioman about 2 years ago for an industrial training visit – a student of mine had her practical training at BErjaya Resort @ Tioman. I had my first speed boat ride experience and nearly barfed due to seasickness. Stayed there for a night because no available transportation ferrying out after 6pm from there. I loved the day time there because there were lots to see (even with the VERY limited time I had) but didnt enjoy the night time because it was really dark at Tioman. The sandy beach was so clean and white, the sea was so clear you could even see colourful fish and white sand on the seabed.
    Loved my daytime there and given the chance i’d visit Tioman again, this time with my hubby n kids!

  176. .
    Assalamu’alaikum Tun.
    Tun, TS Sanusi, & myself have the same b’day!!
    Happy b’day to TS Sanusi, too!
    May Allah SWT give us (the cool, straight, sincere, sensitive, strong-headed, quick-thinking July 10 “babies” 😉 the Strength, Patience & Good Health to be able to insyaAllah help serve the nation positively forward – demi agama, bangsa, negara – kerana Allah SWT. Amiin (please excuse the wAllahu’alam description).
    Thank you. CHEERS! Wassalam.
    GOD BLESS Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad & Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd. Ali.

    Today is former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s birthday. He was born in Jalan Kilang Ais, Seberang Perak, Alor Setar, Kedah 83 years ago, today.
    May Allah s.w.t. bless you, for many more productive years.

  178. Salam Tun,
    Pulau Tioman mmg sat cantik dan berbakat berkembang maju serta mendatangkan keuntungan yang besar kepada penduduk di sana. Padahalnya, negara kita byk mempunyai pulau dan gunung yang indah, tetapi semua ini tidak dibangun dengan secukupnya. Jika berbanding dengan negara lain seperti thailand dan Singapura, negara kita mempunyai tempat pelancongan yang lebih menarik. Namun begitu, tempat pelancongan tersebut tidak membawa keuntungan yg maksima. Kita mmg perlu mencontohi Tailand cara mereka membangunkan pusat pelancongan. However, kerajaan hari ini mungkin tidak akan berbuat demikian. Mereka hari ini sudah bangga dengan apa yang sediaada sekarang. Walaupun hutang negara semakin berkurangan tahun akhir-akhir ini, namun negara tidak lagi bangun pesat. Sedih untuk melihat pelbagai projek major dibatalkan. Kerajaan Abdullah Badawi memang berjimat cermat, ttp tidak akan jadi kaya.
    Saya memang harap esok dia akan turun drpd position hari ini. Bagi pemimpin lain memikul tugas yang berat ini.

  179. Salam Yg diKasihi Tun,
    Saya doakan semoga Tun sihat sejatera, dipanjangkan usia dalam sihat, dimurahkan rezeki, dihindar dari perbuatan khianat & hasad-dengki dari mereka yg berkepentingan, dan semoga Tun terus-menerus berjuang dengan ikhlas untuk kebaikan AGAMA, BANGSA dan NEGARA..Amin.
    Saya sokong dan sayang Tun, dulu, kini dan selamanya

  180. Dear Tun,
    I’ve been to Tioman a couple of years ago. It was a beautiful place. I took my first snorkeling there. It was really fascinating to see colourful fishes and wide variety of corals. The only beauties that I missed were “melihat pelancung terdampar di pantai tanpa seurat benang di badan” ;-).

  181. salam.selamat hari lahir buat tun dan isteri.sepatutnya dlm usia ini tun sudah lebih dari boleh utk berehat bersama keluarga dan melayani kerenah cucu yg pastinya rindukan tun,namun tun tlh memilih utk meneruskan perjuangan yg belum berakhir.inilah sifat seorang pejuang yg sebenar. terima kasih dari kami ats pilihan yg tlh tun terima dan terima kasih juga utk keluarga tun yg amat memahami diri dan perjuangan tun.semoga tun terus dikurniakan ilham dan kekuatan demi kesejahteraan bangsa dan negara ini.kerakusan kepimpinan yg berlaku skrg ini sememangnya patut dihentikan.utk itu saya percaya tun punya pengetahuan dan kekuatan utk melaksanakannya.saya tidak tahu apa agenda dan perancangan yg ada dlm akal fikir tun,namun saya percaya inilah masanya utk tindakan atau langkah yg seterusnya sebelum rakyat dan negara ini tambah menderita.semakin lama kita biarkan semakin banyak pengkhianatan yg berlaku.apakah kita ingin melihat negara ini tergadai?tidak lupa juga utk saya bersyukur kehadratNya kerana dianugerahkan seorang pemimpin seperti tun dan amat berharap akan terus ada keseinambungannya,insyaallah.terima kasih.

  182. Wahai Mahathir,
    Bertaqwa lah kepada Allah sebaik baik nya. Anda telah banyak menunjukkan peribadi seorang fasiq

  183. Dear Tun,
    Happy Birthday to you and Tun Siti Hasmah.May God bless you and your family..

  184. Salam YAB Tun,
    My comments:-
    1) I was in Tioman 6 months ago. I agree with Tun that some people is taking advantage in Tioman and this effects the environment and local business. There is no help by the State and Fed Government to look after the island and the people there.
    2) Tioman has a potential to be a tourist spot but development now is focusing at Kepala Batas. But when YAB Pak Lah steps down, I still view there will not be any development in Tioman as none of UMNO leaders is interested in Tioman…. so Tioman has to wait.
    4) The current ADUN and MP are not interested to see development in Tioman. So I suggest that the island be given to PAS instead. The MP is more interested in Meridien or Hilton KL!
    5) The Government should start developing Tioman as one of the major tourist spots in the country, a smaller scale of Langkawi.
    6) Thank you Tun for showing interest in the environments and tourism development in Tioman during your time as PM. Pak Lah & the gang are not interested in the island.

  185. Tun Salam sejahtera kepada Tun dan Keluarga
    Tun jasa mu tetap di kenang.
    Kami bukan anak Melayu yang mudah lupa daratan.
    Mati lah beramai ramai datang ke port dickson pada 12hb Julai pukul 10.30 pagi untuk mendengar Tun berucap.
    Tunjukkan kesetiaan kita kepada Tun.Jangan hanya di bibir sahaja.
    terus kan perjuangan mu TUN yang sangat di hormati.

  186. Dear Dr. Mahathir,
    I now confirm that you are a true hypocrite. In your blogs, you keep saying some ambiguous things which carry the meaning that you are more liberal and more open-minded than your political opponent Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. However, I noticed in many occassions that you would delay publish in your blogs the unfavourable comments written by your dissidents and give priority in queue for the publish of the favourable comments made by your apple polishers.
    If you were still holding the premiership now, I believe the first thing you would do is to give instruction to the IGP in order to trace your dissidents from Streamyx’s computer and then ask the Bukit Aman Police to come knock their door with some police force encircling their living compound. Then the dissidents who have written something unpleasant which has outragiously offended you will be handcuffed and be sent to ISA detention camp. Next morning, the Star newspaper will be instructed by the IGP to put up a headline news saying that the Police has successfully captured some suspects who are believed to spy for foreign insurgent power!
    However, since you are no longer the PM now, this cunning tactics of yours have been effectively passed down from you to the present Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar for use on 5 Hindraf leaders. The UMNO home minister every now and then, inclusive of you who held the post of Home Minister during 1990s, was only a big liar who liked to make false accusation on the innocent. We have yet to see Syed Hamid Albar to show us the substantial evidence, if any, that can truly prove that Hindraf leaders got involved in the terrorism of Tamil Tiger! We also demand that you Dr Mahathir to show us the substantial evidence which led you to the final decision of allowing a police arrest on Anwar Ibrahim in 1998.
    During your 22 years’ iron fist reign as the Prime Minister cum the Home Minister, you had already made use of the draconian ISA law to detain many emailers who were labelled by you as “rumour monger” or “pengkhianat” (the defector). When you were the PM, you behaved like a maniac who liked to make false accusation on some fellow citizens of Chinese origin who happened to be the hardcore criticisers of you. Quite often you labelled them as “Singapore agents”. Sometimes I am inclined to believe in the hearsay that you have been diagnosed by psychologist to be a chronic psycho patient with a symptom of uncontrollable hatred on Singapore due to the reason that your medical college life in Singapore was a miserable one which turned you to be a psychopath. If this is true, then I wish to pray for you and ask the Almighty God to heal you with His great mercy and turn you immediately to a sane person with His graceful miraculous touch that is to be laid upon your body and your soul for a complete healing and protection from the satanic attack. May God bless you, Dr. Mahathir! Amen.

  187. selamat hari lahir semuga Allah sentiasa melindungi memberi bantuan memberkati merahmati memberi kebahagian n kegembiraan melimpahi kekuatan kesabaran memberi ketenangan memberi kesihatan tubuh badan n fikiran memudahkan n menyempurnakan perjalanan hidup bapak dr.mahathir mohamad n mami siti hasmah mohd ali di dunia n akhirat hendaknya…tak kira lah 10 jul ker 20 dec ker..nati smpi 20 dec ceq wish besday kat bapak lagik..heheheheheeeee…
    p/s..pak..pak.pak..ceq nak minta tlg sikit nih..boleh ke boh newer/newest kat blog bapak ceq tak jumpa pun kat sini..bkn apa
    ceq takleh baca abis dr hp heheheheheheee…sekali fikir ok gak kurang sikit bil 2 kali fikir tak ok sbb blog bapak nih tmpt ceq lepaskan tension heheheheheee…ceq selalu lupa nak cakap..heheheee..
    boleh na bapak na…go2..bapak go…yeaaaaaaaaaahh..
    p/ss woooiyooo…ceq sensorng jer yg pasang bendera kat umah n keta..
    rini mai keje director kilang ceq duk ushar semcm kat kete ceq..ceq buat deq je…yg penting doa usaha n tawakal…

  188. salam Tun,
    Andaikata 10 July tarikh hari lahir tun saya ucapkan
    adakaikata TIDAK saya tetap ucapkan kebahagian, kesejahteraan dan kesihatan Tun dalam keadaam baik se adanya.

  189. Tun
    Tioman memang cantik seperti yang Tun kata tu…begitu juga pulau-pulau sekelilingnya….
    Tapi yang menyakitkan hati cuma lah satu…Kehadiran bot-bot pukat rimau dan bot-bot laut dalam yang rasanya terlalu banyak…
    Populasi ikan pun dah berkurang dan kadangkala kelihatan juga bot-bot pukat tunda negara jiran menumpang mencari rezeki disitu…kurang pemantauan?.
    Tangkapan nelayan kita pun menyusut 5-10 tahun dahulu banyak…tapi sekarang dek tangkapan dan kaedah terlampau…ikan pun hampir pupus…
    Kepada Angler/Pemancing…dulunya perairan Tioman (Bukan Kawasan Di Istiharkan Taman Laut) sehingga ke Pulau Pemanggil dan kawasan sekitarnya adalah Surga Pemancing…Tapi kini..tandus…
    Harap Tun ada idea macamana nak mengekalkan selain keindahan pulau-pulau tersebut tapi juga hasil lautnya..
    Selamat Hari Lahir TUN.
    p/s: Tak Sangka TUN juga Begitu Enviromentalis….(macam Aku jugak!!!)

  190. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun, minta tolong ayahanda berbuat sesuatu jika boleh mengenai pasal kelakuan Petronas Dagangan Berhad terhadap pengusaha-pengusaha stesen minyak Petronas. Terutamanya isu seperti Kad Kredit, kadar komisen dan bayaran penyewaan stesen.
    Mengenai hal penggunaan Kad kredit di stesen, kadar caj yang dipungut oleh pihak Bank adalah 1% diatas RM1.00 pembelian oleh pelanggan,isu yang timbul iaitu caj ini dikenakan terhadap pihak pengusaha stesen dan kenapa caj ini dikira berasaskan pembelian atas nilai RM. Mengenai caj yang dikenakan terhadap pengusaha stesen minyak, sewajarnya pengguna yang patut dikenakan caj, dan ianya patut dikongsi bersama menanggungnya oleh pihak syarikat petronas dan pihak yang mengeluarkan kad-kad kredit berkenaan. Adalah lebih logik jika pihak bank membayar komisen atau saguhati kepada pengusaha stesen minyak yang menerima kad-kad kredit mereka sebagai tanda usaha sama dalam perniagaan.
    Mengenai caj sebanyak 1% berkenaan, walaupun kesemua traksaksi perniagaan adalah berasaskan matawang dan dinilai dalam RM, komisen yang diterima oleh pengusaha stesen minyak adalah berasaskan kuantiti liter yang dijual dimana komisen bagi 1 liter jualan petrol adalah sebanyak RM0.1144 manakala disel pula adalah RM0.0662. Komisen ini sebenarnya adalah setelah ditolak dari bayaran sewaan stesen. Kadar komisen sebenar bagi petrol adalah RM0.1216 per liter dan bagi disel adalah RM0.0700 per liter. Pihak Petronas Dagangan Berhad telah terlebih dahulu mengambil bayaran penyewaan stesen minyak.
    Jadi jika pengguna membeli 1 liter petrol iaitu RM2.70, caj kad kredit adalah RM0.027 dan disel pula pada harga 1 liter RM2.581 – caj kad kredit adalah RM0.02581. Isunya disini ialah mengapa komisen kepada pengusaha stesen diberikan berasaskan liter dan caj kad kredit dikira berasaskan RM? Patutnya caj kad kredit juga dikira berasaskan liter iaitu 1% dari kadar komisen iaitu jika komisen jualan petrol adalah sebanyak RM0.1144 per liter, maka caj kad kredit adalah 1% x RM0.1144 = RM0.001144; manakala bagi disel juga 1% dari kadar jualan disel perliter iaitu 1% x RM0.0662 = RM0.000662 per liter.
    Isu kadar komisen yang diterima oleh pengusaha stesen minyak juga tidak akan selesai selagi komisen dikira berasaskan jualan per liter. Hal ini jelas mendatangkan masalah bilamana harga minyak berubah. Adalah lebih munasabah jika kadar komisen petrol dan disel ditetapkan berasaskan jualan per RM, dimana katakan setiap RM1.00 dijual maka komisen yang diperolehi oleh pengusaha adalah sebanyak RM0.1144. Jika komisen dibayar berasaskan RM, tentu sekali masalah-masalah asas dalam isu kenaikan harga minyak tidak timbul lagi.
    Mengenai kadar penyewaan bagi stesen minyak keadaan sebenarnya adalah dimana Petronas Dagangan Berhad telah mengenakan bayaran sewaan stesen berasaskan komisen jualan minyak stesen iaitu sebanyak RM0.0072 per liter petrol dan RM0.0038 per liter disel. Persoalannya adalah kenapa kadar bayaran sewaan stesen dikira berasaskan liter jualan minyak? Kenapakah pihak pengusaha stesen minyak dikenakan sewaan sedangkan pengusaha stesen sebenarnya wakil jualan bagi pihak Petronas Dagangan Berhad dan pendapatan mereka adalah berasaskan komisen diatas jualan minyak? Pengusaha stesen minyak sebenarnya bukanlah peniaga sebenar dan yang sebenarnya berniaga adalah syarikat minyak. Hakikat sebenarnya pengusaha stesen minyak adalah sama seperti jurujual atau ‘salesman’ sahaja. Justifikasi pengenaan bayaran sewa atau pun bayaran sewa yang dikutip dari komisen adalah satu bentuk ‘ufti’ yang lebih mencerminkan kuasa dan ‘ambil kesempatan’ pihak yang kuat terhadap yang lemah. Patutnya sewa tidak dikenakan langsung jika terma ‘wakil penjual’ adalah asas hubungan antara Pengusaha Stesen Minyak Petronas dengan Petronas Dagangan Berhad.
    Ayahanda… banyak lagi tingkahlaku lain yang patut diteropong, diselidiki, dikaji semula dan diperbetulkan contohnya seperti pembinaan stesen-stesen baru dalam jarak yang dekat ( lebih kurang 1km) dari stesen yang sedia ada. Penggunaan radas-radas peralatan yang tinggi penggunaan tenaga elektrik. Kadar bayaran royalti Kedai Mesra yang dikenakan ( Kadar royalti Kedai Mesra dikenakan sebanyak 5% diatas jualan) dan termasuk juga tahap disiplin dan tahap keislaman kakitangan-kakitangan syarikat minyak ini. Ini adalah sebahagian kecil dari permasalahan dan isu yang ada.
    Akhir sekali, ayahanda.. anakanda berdoa agar ayahanda sentiasa dirahmati Allah, sihat dan selamat. Semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi ayahanda dari segala bahaya. Amin.

  191. Tun Mahathir & Tun Siti Hasmah,
    Selamat Menyambut Hari Lahir, moga dipanjangkan usia Tun berdua dan sentiasa sihat walafiat.
    Walaupun usia Tun sudah menjangkau 83, namun bagi kami rakyat Malaysia yang mengasihi Tun, usia tersebut hanya suatu angka kepada manusia. Sebenarnya, tua muda seseorang itu merupakan kurniaan Allah swt berpaksikan ilmu, pengetahuan, pengalaman, kebajikan, akhlak dan kesihatan seseorang.
    Tun mungkin memiliki angka 83, namun ramai di antara kami rakyat Malaysia yang berusia di antara 18 hingga 60 tahun pada hakikatnya adalah lebih tua dan sakit berbanding Tun di atas sifat2 kami yang rendah ilmu, cetek pengetahuan, kurang pengalaman, kebajikan yang sedikit, bermasalah moral dan berhadapan berbagai penyakit sama ada fizikal maupun mental.
    Sebagai contoh, saya menganggap Menantu PM sekarang iaitu KJ yang berusia 30an dan masih ‘kanyak’ itu sebenarnya sudah tua akal kerana bukan sahaja bercita2 menjadi PM dalam usia 40 tahun, tetapi juga tua mental kerana kedegilannya mendengar tohmahan2 rakyat. Badan KJ sahaja masih muda, tapi hatinya tua kerepot. Pemuda tua ini juga kelihatan angkuh dan berlagak.
    Saya beranggapan Tun bukan 83, tapi Tun sebenarnya ibarat Pemuda Melayu Perkasa 38 tahun berdasarkan kemampuan fizikal dan mental Tun yang tajam minda dan cerdas, berjiwa besar untuk membimbing rakyat yang kini dibelenggu kesusahan hidup angkara kepimpinan lemah Kerajaan sekarang.
    Lagipun, Tun masih handsome dan power!!!!!!root
    Ayuh Tun, teruskan perjuangan mu sebagai Pemuda Perkasa Bangsa untuk menyelamatkan rakyat Malaysia.
    Selamat “HARI LAHIR BARU” ke 38…….TUN MAHATHIR.

  192. Tun M dan Tun H,
    Selamat Hari Lahir…. semuga panjang umur.
    Pulau Tioman memang cantik….. perlu lah dimajukan untuk tarikan pelancong tanpa menjejaskan alam sekitar.
    Ada cara untuk melakukannya agar pemajuan dan pembangunan dapat dicapai bagi menyambung dan mengekalkan tamadun generasi akan datang.
    Tak guna juga kalau pulaunya cantik tetapi tiada teknologi dan keperluan fizikal bagi para pengunjung mengakses ke pulau ini. Cumanya, kawalan adalah perlu supaya pemajuan ini dibuat secara terancang dan terkawal… Eh… hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih… tak kan lari gunung dikejar.
    Yang asyik berdalih dan berlari (macam org tenggelam punca tu) ialah DSAI dan DSAAB kot.
    Tun, keep updating us with yr pandangan yang bernas dan tajam tu… suka sangat. Biar padan muka pak-pak menteri dan pembangkang lain, kerana satu pun dari depa tak boleh teng Tun tau, pasai tu depa dengki gila kat Tun pasai depa punya akal fikiran tak terjangkau jauh macam Tun… Depa masih lembab Tun…

  193. salam TUN
    ni 1st time nih…
    cuma nak tulis kat sini……seronok sangat baca blog TUN…..bila dah tension tension tuh….Tun divert pi kot lain pulak…bila baca topik ni…tak la tension sangat….asyik asyik politik pun pening jugak ye Tun…
    semoga panjang umur dan sihat senantiasa hendaknya….wasalam

  194. Assalamualaikum Tun .. dan pembaca semua.
    Bila Tun bercakap pasal Pulau Tioman, saya teringat Pulau Lagenda Langkawi. Saya ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada Tun yang telah berjaya membawa kemajuan yang pesat di Pulau Langkawi @ PL.
    PL harus diambil sebagai contoh dan teladan kepada kita sebagai mana kita harus membangunkan lain-lain pulau yang mempunyai prospektif. Memang tidak harus dinafikan bahawa terdapat kesan-kesan langsung yang tidak bersesuaian dengan perancangan awal. Namun itulah hakikat yang perlu kita tanggung. Sekiranya kita perhatikan, wujud banyak kesejahteraan dan peningkatan ekonomi kepada penduduk setempat. Pertama kali saya pergi PL pada tahun 1991. Takala itu saya mengikuti program Malaysian International Youth Village. Masa tuh MAYC dibawah D.S. Sanusi Junid kalau tak salah saya. Ketika itu amat DAIF betul Jeti Kuala Perlis. Tak boleh ramai masuk kedalam Jeti kayu itu – takut roboh. Kelakar pun ada .. sedih pun ada.
    Dipendekkan cerita saya menjadi Anak Angkat Kepada Pasangan Melayu berumur sekitar lewat 50an (Padang Lalang – Kawasan Round About tuuh). Mereka ini Melayu asal moyang dari Thailand. Sehingga kini, hampir 13 tahun – dari status bujang hingga berkahwin dan mempunyai anak 3, saya kekal sebagai anak angkat mereka. Saya lihat perkembangan sosio-ekonomi pulau ini. Tahu kah kita bahawa tidak ramai anak-anak PL keluar dari pulau ini bagi mencari kerja di tanah besar !! Tidak seperti di Kelantan, ramai anak-anak Kelantan hijrah ke Kuala Lumpur cari perkerjaan. Di Langkawi ada banyak peluang berniaga. Pembangunan pesat dan perkembangan sosial terkawal. Pada ketika ini, walaupun terdapat gejala yang kurang sihat (tidak dapat dielakkan seratus peratus) tetapi manafaat kepada penduduk Langkawi amat jelas.
    Seperti mana ramai pembaca bersetuju, Tun telah merancang dengan terliti agar pembangunan di Langkawi terkawal. Namun, Tun bukan seorang yang boleh mengawal segala-galanya. Terpulanglah kepada penduduk Langkawi. Peluang telah diberikan dan tadbirlah sebaik mungkin. Walau apa pun, saya menyaksikan sendiri hasil kerja Tun ini (ramai jugak yang membantu Tun). Saya sendiri berterima kasih kepada Tun kerana keluarga angkat saya sejahtera di Langkawi. InsyAllah hari Jumaat ini, adik angkat saya sekeluarga akan datang ke Kuala Lumpur menghantar anaknya belajar di Cheras sambil melawat saya di Taman Melati.
    Kita rakyat Malaysia terutama penduduk Langkawi harus membantu usaha-usaha Tun. Tun boleh merancang dan kita harus membantu. Tun tidak mungkin boleh melaksanakan semua untuk kita. Oleh yang demikian, penduduk Pulau Tioman harus menyahut cabaran untuk memajukan tempat mereka dan dalam waktu yang sama mengekalkan kedaulatan agama dan cara hidup sederhana berlandaskan keunikan tradisi orang Melayu.
    Memang wujud golongan yang suka ambil kesempatan. Akan tetapi – tepuk dada tanya selera. Ikut Hati Badan Binasa .. Tamak Haloba Bencana Menimpa.
    Pembangunan Pulau Tioman harus diserahkan kepada Pemaju terpilih sahaja. Pemaju yang terbukti kecemerlangan (Tender By Invitation). Tetapi dibawah Kerajaan Pak Lelah nih tak pasti lah saya .. selagi siKari bermaharaja lela. Kalau negara boleh digadaikan .. apatah lagi si Pulau Kecil Tioman kita.
    Tangguh dulu lah jawabnya .. Bersabar untuk kepentingan penduduk jati Pulau Tioman. Sampai Kerajaan Pulih Semula.
    ps : Administrator … saya kali ini mencontohi Tun ..
    Tulis biar bernas
    Isi biar padat
    Sumbangan walau panas
    Tapi hormat Adat
    (Bila lagi dapat jumpa Tun yer !!)
    Bungaraya .. Taman Melati Utama .. Kuala Lumpur.

  195. Tun Mahathir & Tun Siti Hasmah,
    Selamat Menyambut Hari Lahir, moga dipanjangkan usia Tun berdua dan sentiasa sihat walafiat.
    Walaupun usia Tun sudah menjangkau 83, namun bagi kami rakyat Malaysia yang mengasihi Tun, usia tersebut hanya suatu angka kepada manusia. Sebenarnya, tua muda seseorang itu merupakan kurniaan Allah swt berpaksikan ilmu, pengetahuan, pengalaman, kebajikan, akhlak dan kesihatan seseorang.
    Tun mungkin memiliki angka 83, namun ramai di antara kami rakyat Malaysia yang berusia di antara 18 hingga 60 tahun adalah lebih tua dan sakit berbanding Tun di atas sifat2 kami yang rendah ilmu, cetek pengetahuan, kurang pengalaman, kebajikan yang sedikit, bermasalah moral dan berhadapan berbagai penyakit sama ada fizikal dan mental.
    Sebagai contoh, saya menganggap Menantu PM sekarang iaitu KJ yang berusia 30an dan masih ‘kanyak’ itu sebenarnya sudah tua akal kerana bukan sahaja bercita2 menjadi PM dalam usia 40 tahun, tetapi juga tua mental kerana kedegilannya mendengar tohmahan2 rakyat. Badan KJ sahaja masih muda, tapi hatinya tua kerepot. Pemuda tua ini juga kelihatan angkuh dan berlagak.
    Saya beranggapan Tun bukan 83, tapi Tun sebenarnya ibarat pemuda Melayu perkasa 38 tahun berdasarkan kemampuan fizikal dan mental Tun yang masih tajam minda dan cerdas, berjiwa besar untuk membimbing rakyat yang kini dibelenggu kesusahan hidup angkara kepimpinan lemah Kerajaan sekarang.
    Lagipun, Tun masih handsome dan power!!!!!!root
    Ayuh Tun, teruskan perjuangan mu sebagai Pemuda Perkasa Bangsa untuk menyelamatkan rakyat Malaysia.
    Selamat “HARI LAHIR BARU” ke 38…….

  196. Salams to Ayahanda Tun,
    Too bad i’ve neva been to tioman.
    Someday maybe.
    I hope u are well n been bless with good health.
    Norhayati Awang Sulong
    Uitm Dungun, Terengganu

  197. Dear Tun,
    I have read “The Malay Dilemma”,”Kebangkitan Semula Asia”,”Jalan Ke Puncak” and many other books written by you.A lot of your ideal,explanation and writing not only encourage the Malay to know himself but also so that the non-Malay can all the better understand the Malay’s reaction to the problem of the day.That why we Malaysian love you.During your time you have turn Malaysian into educate,progressive think and believes, and the best of all is ‘Malaysia Boleh’that motivate our Malaysian to be first class nation in Islam and development countries.’Malaysia Boleh!… ‘Malaysia Boleh!….Malaysia Boleh!…..We Malaysian will always remember you.
    I always remembered the word; Diatas runtuhan Kota Melaka,kita akan diri dan bangunkan Puterajaya……….

  198. Salam Tun,
    Pembangunan itu perlu tapi janganlah berlebih lebihan nanti rosak alam sekitar dan pemikiran manusia.

  199. assallammualaikum Tun..
    La…senang saja..cuba tanya tok dollah tu apa kiranya yang boleh dilakukannya dengan benda-benda begini…jawapannya boleh agak dah…
    “Saya bukan Pekak dan buta…saya boleh lihat dan dengar..sekarang ni kta kena berjimat…belanja apa yang perlu..semua kena makan satu gengam beras setiap hari…kena tanam sayur dalam laman rumah jadi boleh jimat belanja rumah…”
    Comment yang tak membina langsung..!! sepatutnya bagilah comment yang membina, bermotivasi, bersemangat dan berwawasan….ni tidak!!!saya teringat kata seorang kawan satu ketika dulu..”kita ni, dalam apa keadaan sekali pun kena berkeyakinan, bersemangat,berusaha dan pastikan sentiasa bergerak kehadapan…you tau,kalau seseorang tu bergerak kebelakang apa yang dia dapat….? dia dapat jumpa dinasor!!!”
    Kita perlukan seorang pemimpin yang berfikiran ke hadapan. Kita tidak mahu pemimpin yang umpama makan hari ini kita cari hari ini…kita mahukan seorang pemimpin yang kerja hari ini untuk dapatkan makanan seluruh keturunan turun menurun…
    Bukan itu sahaja…kita mahukan seorang pemimpin yang bermotivasi dan mampu memberi motivasi supaya kita sentiasa berkeyakinan dan bersemangat tinggi barulah segala perancangan dan usaha boleh dilipatgandakan dan berhasil…sebab kita ingat!! sesuatu yang kita fikirkan MUSTAHIL tu akan manjadi TIDAK MUSTAHIL sekiranya semangat, keyakinan, perancangan dan usaha kita berada pada tahap yang teratas…..
    Ha!!nilah yang Tun tanamkan kepada pemikiran dan tingkalaku setiap rakyat malaysia semasa era pemerintahan Tun..saya masih ingat selogan “MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!” sampai sekarang anak saya yang lahir tahun 2003 pun pandai sebut bila lepas buat kerja sekolah (Pra sekolah) tanpa disuruh atau diajar..dan dengan semangat yang Tun tanamkan itulah ramai rakyat Malaysia yang mencipta nama di peringkat antarabangsa…mendaki gunung everest, menjadi pemain no 1 squest dunia, menjadi pemandu F1, berenang menyeberangi selat inggeris, menerokai kutub utara, belayar mengelilingi dunia…membina bangunan berkembar tertinggi dunia, buat kereta sendiri dan macam-macam lagi….ni membuktikan keyakinan diri mengatasi segalanya, mengatasi kekuatan, kuasa, wang, teknologi dan yang paling penting mengatasi ketidak yakinan diri, rendah diri, sikap malas, pemikiran negitif dan macam-macam lagi..
    Pak Dollah dan geng-gengnya ada gitukah??? makan nasi satu gengam beras satu hari!!! tanam sayur dilaman rumah!!! hahahahahahahaha!!! kalut kalut!!! ha!! satu lagi..suruh tukar pemakanan rakyat malaysia dari beras ke benda lain…watthu!!! pelik-pelik!! Tu kira cadangan tu ok jugak tu..tapi kenalah pikir…kalau cadangan tu datang dari jiran sebelah rumah saya seorang ni, yang bujang tratang-tang…sampai sekarang tak kahwin dan tinggal seorang dekat rumah walau pun dah berumur dekat 50th..kira boleh terimalahhhh..Tapi cadangan macam ni datang daripada PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA oooo!!! tengok kelaslah!!!! apa ni?!!! Janganlah!!! macam tak percaya!!!
    Janganlah jatuhkan semangat dan keyakinan diri rakyat Malaysia..kan selogan pak dollah “CEMERLANG, GEMILANG DAN TERBILANG…” ni apa bagi idea yang macam ni…pak dollah…tengok kelaslah…Bererti dalam keadaan ekonomi yang macam sekarang ni..bukan rakyat malaysia yang “down”! para pemimpin yang lembab..buktinya cadangan dan idea yang macam tu…
    Kami mahukan pemimpin yang ada Xtra!!! macam Tun!!! yang ada Xpower macam Tun!!!yang ada Xenergy macam Tun!!! barulah boleh “ROCK THE WORLD!!!” (kata orang muda sekaranglah…maksudnya mengoncang dan menakluki dunia….ni pengertian daripada orang muda, walau pun perkataan english dan maksudnya dalam bahasa melayu tak sama..)
    Kekadang saya lucu jugak bila selalu dengar selogan pak dollah selalu bebudak tukar dari “CEMERLANG, GEMILANG DAN TERBILANG” ke “CEMERLANG, GEMILANG DAN TEMBIRANG!!!!”
    Aduhai… rakyat Malaysia!!!bangun!!!bangun!!! kita kena bangkit dari keadaan macam ni…macam yang saya comment dahulu..tak kira siapa pun pemimpin, kalau kita tahu mereka ni gagal dan tak effective..kita kena tukarkan mereka dengan yang lain..bukan untuk kita tapi untuk semua rakyat malaysia..tak kira keturunan, agama dan warna kulit..RAKYAT MALAYSIA ADALAH NEGERA MALAYSIA DAN NEGARA MALAYSIA ADALAH RAKYATNYA!!!!percayalah…
    sayang Tun…….

  200. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Wish you happy birthday,
    Wish collapse of the Pak Lah ministry,
    Wish Malaysians will get rid of high inflationary,
    Wish you always stay healthy.
    Thank you for reading my poem.

  201. Salam sejahtera YABhg Tun dan keluarga.
    Pandangan YAbhg Tun, amat berharga darisegi ekonomi jangka panjang memang menguntugkan negara untuk masa depan anak cucu kita. Tapi pemimpin kebenet hari ini suka buat projek jangka pendek yg harga nya berjuta ringgit,jangka bayaran balek berjangka panjang sampai menanggung hutang hingga dua generasi tak habis bayar hutang.Itu tak apa bagi mereka.
    Saya berpendapat kerajaan pimpinan Wak lah ni, harus dihantar ke sekolah semula belajar ekonomi semola,atau lebih baik letak jawatan dari menyusahkan rakyat masa kini dan generasi kita akan datang. Apa pun yang baik bagi mereka tak baik. Saolah-olah mereka saja yang pandai,pandai tikus barikkan labu.
    Sudah lah YBhg Tun, mereka ini semua munkin telah ditutupkan pintu hati mereka olih Allah hingga dah tak dapat bizakan intan dengan kaca. YABhg Tun teruskan perjuangan biar kami semua yang menyokong Tun berdiri teguh bersama Tun. Jangan harap pada mereka pemimpin yang pernah Tun berbudi pada mereka dapat menyokong Tun. Mereka semua telah ditutup molut,mata.teliga mereka dengan kebedaan hingga tak terkata.
    Sekian, salam hormat dari saya dan keluarga untuk YABhg Tun sekeluarga. Saya doa kan YABhg Tun dan seluruh keluarga Tun di berkati Allah sepanjang masa amin…

  202. Yang dihormati Tun Dr. Mahathir
    My posting is certainly out from your topic today. But it’s still about an island which I am one of the many beneficiaries amongst my family members.
    My great grandfather Wan Ismail, whom was a District Officer at the time, acquired the island from the late Sultan Abdul Hamid in 1927 for a price of RM24. My grandfather, Wan Abdullah later inherit the island, followed by my uncle Wan Azmi. It is now 81 years of ownership by the family.
    Wan Azmi died in late 90’s. He’s married but has no children. Under the islamic law, his property are distributed amongst his sibling and his wife. My mother is one of them. As my mother passed away, my brothers and sister shared her portion of my uncle property as beneficiaries. Our devide of entitlement is a mere fraction of the 20 hectare land located on this island.
    The highlight is now. My uncle as the inkeeper together with the majority of the family members are now contemplating to sell the island in which we all inherit.
    Upholding our pride and appreciation for something that we got from the ancestors is far within their thought. Not everyone got the chance to own an island. What more in Langkawi.
    “Ignorance appreciate nothing else than the value of Ringgit Malaysia. As for wisdom, many have none”.
    With natural spring, beautiful beaches and with clear water, the island is heaven for outdoor activities, the place has been the family paradise for many decades.
    Dear Tun, at least you and Toh Puan Siti Hasmah have been there when the late Pak Wan & Mak Wan managed their little resort in the 80’s.
    Trying to keep the island as the family property is an uphill battle with the rest of the relatives. My sibling and I prefer to retain the island within the family rather than selling it. After all we inherit it. Our live do not depend on this island. Why don’t we keep it as the family property. Perhaps developing it in the future.
    Our days as proud owners and inheritors or Pulau Bumbon are numbered. It seem a matter of time when we are overuled by the majority. Selling it, is an easy way out. A downfall culture within the Malay, that after the parent or rightful owner of the property died, property are sold for easy divide amongst the family members.
    Nevertheless, looking at the reality of live, some people are born lucky. One of my uncle as an example, inherited many pieces of title from my grandparent, sold his land at the speed rate of a blink. Easy money. After all he doesn’t work to earn what he has acquired. Should he become rich by his trade, I wouldn’t mind. But it’s the reverse.
    It’s a shame. Many do not appreciate what they have.

  203. Salam Tun,
    Pulau Tioman….kalau dari Mersing..naik feri…saat dilambung ombak…cukup mengerikan…Pulau Tioman…sesuai untuk keluarga…jabatan kerajaan….pelancong…berehat…bercuti…berkursus…menikmati keindahan pantai dan air lautnya…flora dan fauna…
    Kos ke sana amat berbaloi jika dapat habiskan percutian dengan selesa..harga barangan yang berpatutan…
    Kerajaan patut bantu….Pulau Tioman perlu dinaikkan taraf…dalam masa sama..hak penduduk di sana perlu dipelihara…alam sekitar sentiasa berjaga….kurangkan aktiviti kurang sihat…tambahkan aktiviti sihat…
    Kerajaan seperti tiada idea nak bangunkan secara berhemah Pulau Tioman tu…
    Saya fikir…kalau Tun Mahathir jadi PM lagi…tentu Pulau Tioman akan lebih hebat….tapi usia Tun sudah masuk 85 tahun….usia sebegitupun masih ada musuh Melayu dan Islam dari kalangan Melayu seperti bla…blaa…yang nak ajak Tun gaduh….
    Nasib baik la Anwar tak tuduh Tun buat konspirasi liwat ke atasnya lagi….itu yang aku hairan tu…dulu bukan main lagi Anwar tuduh Tun…habis satu dunia percaya…kini…Anwar seperti sudah lupa….apakah Anwar sudah menggugurkan tuduhannya ke atas “konspirasi Tun” dulu tu…??? Kalau ikut katanya…Najib punya konspirasi….maknanya selama ini mana satu yang betul…konspirasi Tun Mahathir ke atau konspirasi Najib..?
    Yang saya hairan…kenapa pula budak si saiful tu yang buat laporan dia kena liwat…kenapa bukan Azizan…??? Saiful budak U…Azizan..bekas pemandu…
    Ni kes Anwar nak bawa ke Mahkamah Syariah Wilayah Persekutuan…maknanya…dia juga kena dakwa Azizan sekali…selain mangsa baru…si Saiful…barulah adil…
    Saya cadangkan…Anwar hadapkanlah sekali Azizan…Saiful…barulah kes ini meletop-letop….kalau betul Anwar betul…
    Soal sumpah menyumpah ni…atau “Mubahalah”….saya agak hairan kenapa ada perbezaan …Mufti Perlis kata boleh Mubahalah…Mufti Perak kata..tidak boleh…sebab tiada saksi 4 orang….boleh kena tuduhan Qazaf…sebat 80 kali…
    Saya ni tak setuju dengan Mufti Perak…pasal…pertama…Saksi 4 orang itu…hanya di hadapan Hakim Manusia….tapi…dihadapan Hakim Rabbul Alamin…iaitu Allah…cukup dengan cara “Mubahalah” atau “Sumpah Lian”….
    Lian atau sumpah kena laknat kalau dusta….dibuat di hadapan Hakim Agong iaitu Allah S.W.T…..sebab itu boleh Lian…
    Allah dah jelaskan perkara ini dalam surah An-Nur ayat 6 hingga 9 yang bermaksud:
    “Orang-orang yang menuduh isterinya berzina sedangkan mereka tidak ada saksi kecuali diri mereka sendiri, hendaklah bersumpah empat kali dengan menyebut nama Allah bahawa sesungguhnya dia adalah orang yang benar. Pada kali yang kelima dia hendaklah berkata, Allah akan melaknat dirinya jika dia berdusta. Adapun isteri yang tertuduh itu dilepaskan daripada terkena hukuman (had zina) jika dia juga bersumpah empat kali dengan menyebut nama Allah bahawa suaminya berdusta. Pada sumpah yang kelima..dia hendaklah berkata..Allah memurkai dirinya jika suaminya berkata benar…”
    Saya berharap Mufti Perak hendaklah adil kepada kedua belah pihak…Allah adalah Hakim yang terbaik dalam kes seperti Liwat ini…
    Sebarkanlah apa yang saya tulis ini….untuk kebaikan umat Islam dan umat manusia…
    Kepada Pak lah….bila hang nak bersara ni…? Janganlah senyap sahaja….mana pergi sifat tabligh…..fatonah…pemimpin adalah guru agong…dia tak boleh serah tugasnya sebagai guru, sebagai mursyid, sebagai muallim…. kepada orang lain…maka atas alasan itu maka akan hilanglah ciri-cirinya sebagai pemimpin….
    Ambil contoh…rasul atau nabi tidak boleh serah tugasnya sebagai rasul..sebagai nabi kepada orang lain…rasul wajib memikul tugasnya..kerana ia dipilih oleh Allah…
    Pak Lah dipilih oleh Tun Mahathir….bukan dipilih oleh ahli UMNO…
    Jadi..tak salah kalau saya minta Pak Lah berundur kan…kan..kan…
    Ok Tun…byeeeee..!

  204. Dear Tun,
    Trouble is that there are few who has vision alike yours.
    Great achievements done by great leaders are never appreciated and usually condemn during their lifetime.
    What Tun has given to Malaysia has already been seen and appreciated.
    Tioman is a gift of Nature to us. Sad Tun did not have the time to finish the job. We are indeed blessed for all that Tun has contributed and in years to come, all our children will read and learn from book the greatness of Tun. That I am sure!
    I truly pray that HE will bless us again with another PM alike Tun – Trouble is there are few that can see as far as Tun!
    Always, my greatest respect to Tun and Toh Pun.

  205. Assalammualaikum Tun
    Happy birthday to you. No matter whichever date people argue, i will always wish you happy birthday, even if your birthdays is everyday for 356 days. Semoga Allah selamatkan Tun, dan keluarga Tun, sehingga cucu, cicit piut dan semua keturunan Tun. Semoga Allah sentiasa berkati Malaysia dengan orang-orang yang bersemangat seperti Tun mempertahankan negara, bangsa dan agama, yang bijak seperti Tun di masa kini mahupun di zaman akan datang.

  206. Salam Tun,
    Dengan perasaan bangganya saya apabila melihatkan surat beranak saya mempunyai cop MAHA KLINIK, ALOR SETAR dengan suntikan BCG (31.5.1969),vaccin pada (10.9.1969, 15.10.1969 dan 12.11.1969) anti polio pada (17.2.1972, 19.2.1972 dan 25.3.1972). Is it you my dear sir?

  207. Dear Tun,
    You are indeed very observant,Tun, not like your successor who is always sleepy all day long. Kuat tidor. He has no vision. He doesn’t think much. He only likes to go to Perth for holidays. This is not the Prime Minister we want, Tun. You are very mean to the rakyat for handing over your responsibility to a person who has no vision. A person who lacks the quality to move the country forward.What a blunder you had made! Unforgivable!! What vision has your successor got? GROUND ZERO !! Whatever he does all become “flip flop” !!!
    What a shame !!
    If I were the prime minister I would develop Port Dickson into a vibrant tourist resort. I would convert Port Dickson as a beautiful coastal city of international standard and initiate a project to nourish the beaches. To ask your successor to think like what I am thinking now is rather too little too late. He is a goner!!


  209. Askm Tun,
    For me very simple.. To sustain the island we need to sustain the culture or improved the existing culture. We can have a proper development especially on the infra and basic amenities. Over-develop to this small island will kill the envionment an the eco system value- that includes the social and civilisation & the built environment (if any).. The island reflects the Malays period and archipelago tropics..that means its unique. We are not Balinese, we are not Phuket, nor we are not Miami, but we can learn something from the humble side of MALDIVES islands…less is more, more is less….

  210. Tun,
    Baru-baru ni saya ada mendengar cerita daripada orang umno johor kononnya Pak Lah membatalkan projek jambatan bengkok kerana beberapa sebab;
    1)terdapat paip air di tambak johor yang menyalurkan air johor ke singapura yg tidak boleh diusik atau diubah walau seratus tahun. jika dilaksanakan jambatan bengkok, singapura akan menyaman Malaysia dan kerajaan Pak Lah perlu membayar gantirugi berpuluh billion. benarkah?
    2) terdapat dakwaan orang umno johor kononnya projek danga bay dan semua prasarana berhubung jambatan bengkok berkenaan adalah diberi oleh Tun kepada Bisnesman singapore. Maka dakwaan Tun bahawa Pak Lah bersekongkol dengan singapore adalah tidak boleh terpakai kerana Tun pun 2×5. betulke?
    3)orang umno johor juga menempelak Tun bahawa Tun teringin sangat jambatan bengkok sebab nanti Tun dan anak-anak senang sikit boleh terus belayar naik kapal mewah dari langkawi ke tioman. mereka tuduh Tun dan kroni ada projek berpuluh juta di tioman.
    Saya sangat menyanjungi Tun sebagai seorang PM yang telah banyak membantu rakyat dan memajukan negara. Harap tun dapat ceritakan everything about jambatan bengkok coz orang umno pengikut Pak Lah sekarang ni suka menyebarkan cerita buruk mengenai Tun tentang kisah disebalik jambatan bengkok ni.

  211. I admit it. I’m one of those people who disagree with your decision then to build the marina and extend the airstrip in Tioman. Yes, I understand the need to develop the island but I was concerned that the damage done to the island will far outweigh the benefits. This belief come from the poor track record of the maintenance of Malaysian seaside resorts (just look at the state of Port Dickson today).
    From your post, I can understand your concern and vision. Still, I’m not sold on the idea as I was concerned that the implementation might not match your vision. It’s not easy to get developer that is concerned with taking care of the beautiful environment – like Langkawi that has the beautifully maintained Datai and Andaman. Pulau Tioman is small, maybe if the development plan include the nomination of suitably reputable developer and well-funded masterplan – then it may be feasible. But then again – there will be cries of cronyism and demand for open tender and the flip-flop circus will start…

  212. Salam dan syabas Tun. Cerita macam ni jauh banyak faedah dari yg nak mengena sesiapa. Cerita kebaikan yg kita buat tanpa ada riak pasti menenang kita dan lebih berkesan utk memperbaiki keadaan. Cerita sekadar menaikan semangat penyokong taksub tak kemana. Harap Tun jadi pemimpin bukan setakat utk penyokong taksub malah semua kami. Pemimpin tak semesti ianya PM. Mufti Perlis yg muda bkn ahli politik jauh berjaya dari Hj Hadi yg suka fatwa dan byk pengikut taksub tu. Itu beza perjuangan sebenar dgn perjuangan syok sendiri. Harap Tun pejuang sebenar.

  213. I don’t have any faith in the administration of AAB to plan and develop any of Malaysia’s beautiful islands with the foresigt of Tun. It’s more than just developing tourism and infrastructure; it is about preservation of nature that would appeal equally to tourists as do good standards of service. Slightly off subject, but had we the conviction of development, we would not have lost Batu Puteh!

  214. Salam ayahanda tun,
    Ada kekeliruan tarikh hari kelahiran ayahanda.
    Rujukan kepada Institut Pemikiran TDMM, UUM, halaman ‘Biodata’, tarikh kelahiran ayahanda tun adalah 20.12.1925.
    Walaubagaimanapun, didoakan kesejahteraan ke atas ayahanda tun dan isteri.

  215. tourist yg byr RM5 tu memang jenis tak mandi. cuci pun pakai tissue..biarlah mereka..
    kalu org tioman charge RM50 per head pun depa agreed kot(tourist org putihle). mereka ni jenis yg nak rasa duk mcm ala2 ‘pristin’, kena gigit nyamuk sikit kot sbb dah bosan dgn moden2 dan cosmopolitan tu….
    mereka bkn kira nak tempat tido.. mereka lebih nak sightseeing and natural beauty… org tioman le kena pandai commercialisekan ‘pristine’ mereka tu..maintenance pun tak mahal..buat perigi untuk mandi tentu mereka enjoy expericing something different..air perigi sejuk dan nyaman..
    lainlah kalu tourist m’sia sendiri… nak duk kat berjaya tioman suite atau chalet…yalah.. cuti sekali sekala mesti nak comfort and relaxing in aircon room, spa, balik dari snorkeling island hopping terus p mkn buffet kat hotel. tu semua dah masuk package.tak payah pikir apa2 dah.. Tun duk kat mana di tioman tuuuu..he..he..
    tourist yg p europe pun kdg2 sewa caravan, it will be more convenient.
    apa2 pun everything must be accdg to budget and concept percutian masing2.
    kalu duit tak byk… conceptnya duk rumah je lah… macam saya ni..
    nasib baik dah p tioman dulu2 lagi…..
    sekarang ni bukan cuti cuti malaysia.. tapi cuti cuti rumah…

  216. Comments @ chedet blog
    YABhg Tun Born 10th July
    Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad was born on the 10th of June 1925
    Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad was born on the 10th of December 1925
    Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
    Saya pun lahir July tak pernah pulak rasa dekat dengan tarikh lahir YABhg Tun.
    Mana – mana pun
    Semoga jadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia kali Kedua
    Salam perjuangan

  217. YABhg Tun,
    Kalau saya tak salah, Tioman telah dicadangkan supaya menjadi tempat “retreat” untuk ketua-ketua kerajaan Komonwel semasa Mesyuarat Ketua-Ketua Kerajaan Komonwel di KL pada tahun 1989. Tetapi cadangan itu ditolak kerana Tun lebih meminati Langkawi kerana Tun orang Kedah dan mempunyai sejarah peribadi di Langkawi. Sebab kedua ialah Tioman tidak mempunyai landasan yang cukup panjang untuk kegunaan kapalterbang jet untuk mengangkut Ketua-Ketua Kerajaan itu dan ahli-ahli delegasi yang lain. Cadangan untuk memanjangkan landasan yang ada ditolak kerana sebab-sebab alam semula jadi. Jadi mengapa sekarang Tun terkilan?

  218. You remind me of the Visit Malaysia Year 2007. There are some high standard hotels which did not have travel brochures or anything in its’ room. Was it necessary to corrupt some of the Korean officials associated with VMY 2007 as reported by the news ? What about local travellers ? Why is it that foreign travellers are paid special attention to ? From the smiles to the services. No wonder government servants are allowed to do side businesses. It is to make them treat whoever they meet as clients. When there is money, there is better service. The disadvantage is that there is no status anymore. Clients do not have to give any regards because they are the ones who bring in the money. Clients are the bosses now. So, the government can go further. Don’t upgrade their staff in any way because upgrading means money. They don’t need to be upgraded. They only need to pull in the money and in return give the best service if they want more money. It is sickening. Who here still thinks that Malaysia means West Malaysia only ? Then, should they visit the neglected part of Malaysia ? Other than Tioman, there are other places which only a few know of its’ beauty. Why are those places not given a thought to ? I am sure foreigners who are internet literate would surf to all the websites regarding Malaysia. Some have different tastes. They want to know something unknown in Malaysia. The whole of Tioman island should be well developed by now. If not, then there is something wrong somewhere.

  219. Dear Tun,
    One of the viewers disagreed on the status of Pulau Tioman as a duty free island which includes alcoholic beverages. Recently, I just came back from a short holiday trip to Pulau Tioman. As you said, it is a beautiful island. We enjoyed all activities that we could afford around the island as we were on a strict student budget. Recently, there were rumours that Port Dickson might be made into a duty free zone. I have to admit, this definately gave me and my friends a more concrete reason to have our next short holiday stint in PD. Yes, people who do not drink responsibly might end up causing chaos in public. But there as some people who enjoy drinking at the comfort of their home. Especially people like me and my friends.
    My question to Tun is, is it wrong for places such as Pulau Langkawi & Pulau Tioman to be a duty free island for alcoholic beverages?Is it wrong for PD to be a duty free zone as well?I would love to hear feedbacks from fellow visitors as well.
    & Tun, it’ll be great if your site had an open forum for your fellow supporters to discuss current issue’s regarding inflation & rising cost of living.

  220. Salam perjuangan buat Tun….
    buat hero tamil…pembetulan tarikh lahir tun…20/12/1925
    ada lagi pasal tun….yang ramai tak tahu..
    Pada tahun 1957, setelah tamat kontraknya dengan kerajaan, Dr. Mahathir dengan bantuan dan kerjasama Dr. Siti Hasmah telah membuka klinik persendirian yang bernama Klinik MAHA, di Jalan Tunku Ibrahim, Alor Star. Klinik MAHA merupakan klinik Melayu pertama di Negeri Kedah. Selain daripada perkhidmatan perubatan, klinik MAHA juga telah menjadi pentas untuk beliau menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti perkhidmatan komuniti setempat.
    Keperihatinan beliau terhadap masalah ekonomi dan politik Melayu telah diluahkan dalam bentuk rencana-rencana yang diterbitkan oleh Sunday Times di bawah nama pena ‘C.H.E Det’ antara tahun 1946-1950. Penulisan merupakan satu dari minat Dr. Mahathir hinggalah ke hari ini. Pada tahun 1945, semasa beliau masih di bangku sekolah, Dr. Mahathir telah menjadi penyunting Darulaman, majalah rasmi keluaran Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid. Beliau juga berkhidmat sebagai penyunting sebuah majalah yang diterbitkan oleh kolej perubatan di mana beliau menuntut. Kegigihan dan semangat untuk menyuarakan pendapat melalui penulisan telah menyebabkan beliau menghasilkan pelbagai jenis penerbitan termasuklah buku “Dilema Melayu” yang diterbitkan dalam tahun 1970.
    Selain daripada menulis, Dr. Mahathir juga merupakan seorang yang rajin membaca dan berpegang teguh kepada prinsip bahawa pembelajaran adalah proses seumur hidup. Tuntutan profesional dan politik juga tidak menghalang beliau untuk menjadikan seni pertukangan kayu sebagai satu hobi. Dr. Mahathir dikenali sebagai seorang yang kreatif dan pernah mengikuti kursus pertukangan kayu di Great Britain untuk mempertingkatkan tahap kemahiran beliau. Dalam tahun 1989, berdasarkan minat yang berterusan dalam bidang ini, Dr. Mahathir telah dianugerahkan Honorary Freedom of the Worshipful Company of Carpenters oleh British Carpenters Society.
    Penglibatan Dr. Mahathir di dalam arena politik tidak begitu ketara dalam tahun-tahun 1950an disebabkan beliau masih menuntut di Universiti. Walau bagaimanapun, beliau terus menulis esei dan komentar mengenai isu-isu sosio-politik negara di akhbar The Straits Times. Perletakan jawatan sebagai doktor kerajaan pada tahun 1957 telah membolehkan Dr. Mahathir bergiat semula di dalam bidang politik. Beliau telah dipilih untuk bertanding pada pilihanraya negeri tahun 1959, tetapi menolaknya.
    Tun…buat part baru ye..PARTI WAWASAN…..

  221. Selamat Hari Jadi Ayahanda YABhg. Tun,
    Saya bersyukur kehadrat Allah dilahirkan di dalam zaman Legenda Dr. Mahathir. Terima kasih Tun kerana merubah kami daripada anak-anak hingusan kampung kepada bangsa yang bermaruah dan berdiri sama tegak dengan bangsa lain. Tetapi saya sangat risau perkembangan politik semasa… Saya amat berharap YAB Tun merancang sesuatu..
    Long Live Tun!

  222. assalamualaikum ayahanda Tun,
    saya dan keluarga pernah bercuti ke Tioman beberapa tahun yang sudah. mmg cantik, terutama pulau-pulau kecil yang terletak berhampiran dengan pulau tioman. sesuai untuk aktiviti keluarga dan juga untuk melapangkan fikiran.
    cuma satu yang saya terkilan. keindahan pantai serta pulau tidak seimbang dengan keindahan kampung (Pulau tioman). seperti langit dengan bumi. kawasan sebelah pantai/pelancongan mmg tidak dinafikan teratur dan dijaga. tapi bila ada kesempatan, sesiapa yang bercuti di pulau ini, ambil masa menyusur (boleh sewa basikal) dan menikmati kehidupan penduduk pulau itu. anda akan terkejut kerana keadaan penduduk langsung tidak mengambarkan keindahan pulau Tioman.
    saya rasa perlu ada satu projek khas yang boleh menampilkan budaya penduduk di pulau itu. sebagai contoh di Kuching, kita ada “kampung Budaya”. alangkah elok jika projek sedemikian dibuat juga di Pulau Tioman. Para pelancong bukan saja dapat menikmati keindahan pulau tetapi juga boleh mendalami serta menghayati tradisi dan keunikan penduduk di pulau itu. tidaklah semua aktiviti pelancongan bertumpu kepada kawasan pantai sahaja.
    sebagai tambahan, infrastruktur juga perlu diperelok.
    jaga kesihatan ayahanda..


  224. salam…taniah TUN, walaupun Laman web TUN hanya berusia beberapa bulan tapi dah duduk di tangga ke-60 laman web paling popular menurut kajian…..apa komen TUN CHE DET?

  225. Dear
    TUn Dr Mahathir Happy besday ke 38 hehehe
    Love you soo soo much.. may Allah bless you n dilindungi
    dan di murahkan rejeki.. both u n ur family
    Air muka Tun sangat2 menyejukkan hati saya
    Tun sangat merendah diri..
    Senyuman Tun Dr sangat menyejukkan mati dan hati
    Kami doakan Tun Di panjang kan umur dan sihat walafiat insyaAllah

  226. Ayahanda Tun & Bonda Tun,
    Selamat Hari Lahir kepada dua insan yang amat disenangi dan dihormati ramai! Ayahanda & Bonda adalah insan yang dianugerahkan Tuhan dengan ksh syg & perihatin yg tak terhingga thadap rakyat Msia!
    Semoga Ayahanda & Bonda sentiasa dirahmati Allah SWT dan beroleh kesihatan untuk terus menyayangi anak2 Malasia!

  227. Dear Tun,
    I am honored to learn that you are an eternal honorary member of ILAM. Excited but sadden, our worksmanship overall with the respect to our environmental has sulk down to a level it could perhaps be recovered back in 50-80 years time, perhaps if reforestation was imposed somewhat many years ago, many mother nature dissaster could have been prevented.
    I am touched by the late Roberto Burle Mark for KLCC park design, and I would hope to see more green areas in KL. Today even DBKL dept. of Seni Taman crack jokes of “the PM told us to green KL, maybe he meanted by painting the walls in shades of green”. We are forseing what the future holds, too many development at too soon leaves the future generation not knowing what to develop. Sustainable development could not be proven sustainable unless it has worked for 100-150 years from date of completion, considering that the same system built upon have never failed to work.
    Our historical value is loosing its grip, as many old buildings in KL has been replaced with new ones, for instance BBGS vs. Pavillion. In terms of political issues that has gone to way so many places now, we should also preserve some values. Perhaps maybe one day our future nation would learn of the hardship our previous leaders did for our nation, our country, Malaysia. We seem to have lost grip with the current economical, social & development. We pursue what we want, to be number one. Life is a system, and in any other ordinary system runs by a simple method, which is if 1 fails, all fails.
    This is my humble oppinion. But how can we convey this to Malaysians?

  228. Tun,
    We should be preserving the nature but still the people in Tioman also need a better living.Only you can make those two balance.
    Moga Tun sentiasa sihat sejahtera.

  229. SAya boleh agak la kenapa tidak diteruskan projek2 yg Tun initiate tu.
    Kepimpinan Abodolah tidak mahu lagi meneruskan apa yg lahir dari Tun, dia mahu projek baru yg diberikan kepada menantunya saja..dan mahu disebut…ooo itu Pak Abodolah yg ilhamkan la tu….
    Kalau dilihat dia hanya meneruskan apa yg Tun rancangkan sahaja…itu pun ada jugak yg dia tidak mahu teruskan..menunjukkan kedegilan dan keangkohan beliau. Kalau dulu ‘Yes Sir’ tp skg ‘he’s the boss…who cares’

  230. Dear Tun,
    Just found out that your birthday will be tommorow 10th July.
    A very happy birthday to you and long live FATHER OF MALAYSIAN….
    You are a wonderful person who had changed Malaysia to a well recognised country in the world. Your efforts cannot be denied even though you have quit but your concerns on this country still exists.
    May you stay healthy and active and we still need your useful advise.

  231. Salam Tun..
    Ini lah perbezaan antara Tun dgn pemimpin lain, Tun sgt berpandangan jauh dan bijak.. Malaysia ketandusan pemimpin yg berpandangan jauh dan bijak, yg ada suma kaki bodek shj..
    saya setuju dgn cadangan zali lampai, boleh Tun komen mengenai Proton?
    Terima kasih..

  232. TUN,
    Hampir saya terlupa:
    Mana pun Tarikh yang TUN sambut:
    10 Julai atau 20 December.
    Kami Ucapkan Selamat Hari Lahir pada ayahanda TUN(10 julai) dan Isteri.(12 julai)
    Semoga dipanjangkan umur, sihat walafiat disamping Isteri tercinta.
    Mudahan tiada lagi masalah yang membebankan fikiran. Amein.
    salam perjuangan

  233. Salams and Salutations..
    To TUN if it is your Bday than Hapii Bday.!
    Looking forward to meeting you in Port Dickson.
    Aahhh… Yessss…. PONTOON STSTEMS and MARINAS…!
    Good system to implement.. The SEA… yes.. The Open Sea… I see..
    A Better Future.. If we act NOW..
    Most projects was STOPPED when Pak Bendollah Stepped Up..
    HALT..!! HALT..!! HALTED…
    Now no more cari makan.. No Added Value any more..
    Everything is fluctuated.. Environmental Issues are left unattended..
    I think its good that Tioman stayed the way it is.. Reminding us of what it use to be..
    Yes.. When nature calls… Hehehehe… We the “Orang Laut” or the “Sea Man” as they use to call us..
    Our ancestors.. The Lanuns of Malaya.. Hahahaah… No body dare to come to Straits of Malacca..!
    They will be stopped, robbed, raped and killed… Mia.aa..aaaa.. Muahahahahaha..!!!
    Even before the time of Parameswara..!!!
    Why did the British NEED to controlled PENANG and MELACCA..??
    It was their trading route.. to CHINA… HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA…!!!!!!!!!
    If Not they would all not have save passage if they did not KAUTIM with the Leaders..!!!
    Now sudah jadi MALAYSIA.. Singapura tumpang Glamour..!
    Kita sudah SHARE sama- sama.. Tapi ada yang nak LEBIH rupanya…
    So dah TERPAKSA kita GUNA kuasa.. Rakyat Jelata..
    Harap jangan tinggal KEMPEN RIBBON PUTIH kita..
    Yang kita sama- sama MULA..
    Akhir kata dari saya.. Jangan lah kita LUPA..
    Mai ramai- ramai di Port Dickson kita jumpa..
    Pakai Ribbon sama Kalaa.. Putih Bersih rupanya..
    Kalo benar Hari Esok Berbahagia.. Kebijaksanaan menjangkau USIA..
    Inilah saja persembahan Tuan hamba.. Untuk TUN, kami tak lupa..
    UNdur tujuh tapak.. HORMAT..

  234. Dear Tun,
    Honestly speaking, I did not enjoy my trip to Langkawi that was too touristy and too many duty-free shops. We’re on an island, aren’t we supposed to be enjoying the nature instead of shopping?
    I do prefer Tioman a lot better. 🙂

  235. Dear Tun,
    I have never doubted you since you became PM until this moment.I am 55 years old now.I held you in the highest regard and strongly believed you were GOD-SENT.I shall always pray for you.Moga moga Allah melimpahi Tun dgn RahmatNYA dan beroleh kemenangan demi maruah negara dan diri Tun sendiri yg telah difitnah dgn begitu rupa.AI is a madman.He puts his personal greed for power above the security and safety of the nation and its people at risk.He invited the US to meddle in our affairs too easily.Is this how a leader should behave? A true leader will not run away and hide in other’s embassy.Inviting foreign power to meddle in our affairs is dangerous and most idiotic thing to do.AI is self-centred,power crazy and greedy to the utmost.He is capable of selling the country to the devil and would stoop to any world power who could guarantee him to be the PM. So obsessed is he to be PM that he acted out these beliefs so that the entire nation became destbalised by the repercussions of his tantrums. In the interest of the nation this man must be stopped.To PM AAB please step down now. Salam Tun.We love you.

  236. Salam Tun,
    Izinkan saya komen tentang Sdr. Abi buat kali terakhir, habis ini saya tak kuasa lagi nak layan. Wassalam.
    To Abi,
    You really hate TDM to core, don’t you? What have he ever done to you or your family members?

  237. TUN,
    Isu tarikh kelahiran sebenar TUN sering di persoalkan.
    10 Julai 1925
    20 Disember 1925
    Walaubagaimanapun, baiklah kiranya TUN menerangkan sendiri akan kekeliruan ini.
    Salam perjuangan

  238. apa kata convertkan bas2 rapidkl yg tersadai di store scomi tu jadi chalet moden kemudian hantar ke pulau tioman…

  239. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I’m agree about developing the island and finding ways to increase the locals income. but, about sacrifying the environment, I am not totally agree with that. Because for me, the beautiful environment is a gift from god and we should appreciate what god give to us.
    May be we can a find a way to developed the island without destroying it’s mother nature. may be we can sacrifice more money in developing it.
    the goverment need to open their mind about long term plan rather than doing short term plan that only satisfy people for only short time, and needed to be change later.
    only this for the moment. May Allah bless you.
    ~la motion c’est la vie~

  240. TUN dearest,
    9)……quoting ridiclulously low price.
    This particular commitee that chooses the company for the airport must be really stupid and incompetent.This shows they either want to sabotage or they dont know head or tail in the said project.
    The GANGS are not interested in the project, because not much(RM) can be made out of it.
    A job awarded to a certain individu in Sarawak for RM50M was hijacked by the GANGS.The contractor was given RM1M and ‘di suruh balik kampung’. Later the project price rose to RM80M.
    The GANGS sekarang dah terlalu kaya.Baru muncul terus boleh beli saham ratusan juta.Sekarang boleh kontrol bank lagi.Aduh sedehnya kita bertambah miskin, dia org bertambah kaya.
    Zaman TUN, anak2 TUN naik sedikit demi sedikit.Pulohan tahun baru berjaya tapi sekarang baru tahun pertama dah kaya raya.
    Anak TUN start jual kereta depa start jual nama sahaja.
    Salam buat TUN dan keluarga.

  241. Salam Yg DiHormati Tun,
    Tun, kami ni dah tak tau nak buat apa & dah tak tau nak kata apa..DSAAB & Co ni tak faham apa-apa..kalaulah mereka ni cerdik sikit, apa yg sepatutnya mereka buat ialah ikut saja perancangan2 Tun yg sudah ada di depan mata. Guarantee kejayaan menyebelahi mereka, dan mereka juga boleh berbangga. Ini tak, nak tunjuk pandai, tapi pemikiran dia orang tak setanding Tun (walau dicampur kesemua pemikiran2 cabinet members). Sebab tulah kerajaan pimpinan DSAAB GAGAL, sebab mereka gagal menghayati idea-idea bernas Tun.
    Kepada DSAAB & Co, TOLONG BERUNDUR. All of you are LOSERS.
    Semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat sejahtera dan dirahmati Allah SWT. Thanks Tun. You are still the best.

  242. TUN,
    Sungguh benar bagai di kata:
    Kalau tiada niat yang sungguh sungguh membangunkan Negara,
    lebih baik jangan bazirkan wang rakyat..!!!!.
    Merugikan semua sahaja.
    Setiap perencangan harus disusuli dangan pemantauan yang menyeluruh. Baik kesan alam sekitar dan kesan pembangunan sosio ekonominya dan rohaninya. Sehingga rakyat terbimbing dan terbela dengan kesan pembangunan yang dibawakan.
    Kalau sekadar acah-acah aja,
    seperti TUN ibaratkan perbelanjaan “gula-gula” oleh pemimpin sekarang ini, memang merugikan duit rakyat.
    Inilah kelemahan pemimpin sekarang….
    salam perjuangan

  243. Allah Selamatkan Kamu
    Allah Selamatkan Kamu
    Allah Selamatkan Ayahanda Mahathir Mohamad
    Allah Selamatkan Kamu
    Yg Amat Berbahagia Tun and Toh Puan
    Doa dan sejahtera dipanjangkan selalu kepada ayahanda dan bonda tercinta, semoga diiringi rahmat dan pedoman Ar Rahman, dikuatkan iman dan taqwa, dipenuhi dada sabar dan yaqin, dijauhi bala fitnah dan malang, dielakkan ujian mudarat, dilimpahi tenang berpanjang, diberkati urusan siang malam, dimudahkan rintang dan halang, dikasihi teman taulan tua dan muda, dikenang jasa pengorbanan, disanjung ilmu dan amal.
    Hanya Allah s.w.t yang layak memberi lindung dan kasih kepada ayahanda dan bonda berdua. Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezqi berkekalan.

  244. selamat hari jadi che’det dan mrs.
    nampaknya che’det bawak kami me’lencong’ ke tioman.
    a good diversion, a welcome one.
    aruah bapak saya ‘org hutan’, maknanya dia bekerja dgn pejabat hutan. dia macam che’det, org gomen, kami dikulim masa che’det jadi doktor. bila servisnya dikuantan, kami ke tioman 35 tahun dulu, tahun 1973, dia kata mari jom pi tioman, dan dia heret semua org, termasuk 3 famili ‘org2 hutan’ jugak – staff dia. kami selalu ke port dickson bila cuti sekolah, duduk seminggu sampai legam badan, jadi dengar kata tioman, kami tak komplain. lepas 3 kali naik feri cable menyeberang sungai2 dipahang – nenasi, rompin dan dekat mersing [dah lupa, tapi lagu tu lah – sekarang mana ada feri cable, jembatan dah gantikan]. mersing ke tioman naik bot ikan – takdak feri atau bot pelancung. 6 jam berader!!! seronok konon, mabuk laut. org kuala perlis dulu lagi canggih, depa berkayuh sampan aje ke langkawi. tinggal ditioman tumpang rumah saudara staff bapak saya. minum ayaq payau, memang pelik tapi segar satu badan. dilaut, air tenang dan jernih macam akuarium kat rumah, tak payah terjun selam, semua nampak kat bawah.
    kami juga dibawak tengok org mengusahakan kayu ‘arang’ yg hanya terdapat di tioman. keras betul kayu ni, sumbing pahat2 dibuatnya. paku tak lot. inilah kenangan2 tioman saya, satu tempat yg natural tanpa apa2 pembangunan. naikkan taraf mereka, beri dia org letrik 24-jam, sedikit bisnes utk pelancung dan yg lain dia org tahu nak buat. jeti tu dah kira baguslah tu. petang2 satu tioman dok situ tengok matahari terbenam.
    bila nak pergi lagi? tak taulah. dgn herga minyak lagu ni, harga pun mungkin naik ribu2 kalau nak pi satu keluarga.
    i guess, one cannot resist to go to tioman, if one can afford it. maybe it’s going to be a bit tough now with all these uptrending in the rise of living costs and what-nots.
    surely, whatever development earmarked for the island, during yr time or after, the idea should be to make the place and the trip there a worthwhile one, for the time and price. bad experience tend to give people the impression that the place is a so-so place and then discouraging others. but i know a lot of foreigners tend to flock to these places as their idea of a holiday is to rid themselves of the busy and hectic working place for a change and they wouldnt mind trying new places and these are the people that keep the place in good books, only if we keep the place in out good books as well. foreign bacpeackers tend to spread the word faster, and most of them, from the langkawi experience they tend to come back, and with more friends. and even after they were no more backpacking, they do come back as tourists. the beach bums effect cannot be rid off coz that’s the way they live while backpacking. courteous reminders could curtail the habits. it works.
    back to the development plans not being developed, i always thought that whatever judgement one makes to not to go ahead with one, needs some sort of press release or announcement. maybe an airport extension is not possible, so what’s the alternative to get people there if the volume keep on coming. half way to tioman is pulau rawa, a privately managed island resort and privately owned. and people keep streaming to go there.
    maybe we would get a stronger dose of malaysian realities after che’det comes back from his trip to port dickson this weekend.
    sekian. t.k.

  245. Allah Selamatkan Kamu
    Allah Selamatkan Kamu
    Allah Selamatkan Ayahanda Mahathir Mohamad
    Allah Selamatkan Kamu
    Yg Amat Berbahagia Tun and Toh Puan
    Doa dan sejahtera dipanjangkan selalu kepada ayahanda dan bonda tercinta, semoga diiringi rahmat dan pedoman Ar Rahman, dikuatkan iman dan taqwa, dipenuhi dada sabar dan yaqin, dijauhi bala fitnah dan malang, dielakkan ujian mudarat, dilimpahi tenang berpanjang, diberkati urusan siang malam, dimudahkan rintang dan halang, dikasihi teman taulan tua dan muda, dikenang jasa pengorbanan, disanjung ilmu dan amal.
    Hanya Allah s.w.t yang layak memberi lindung dan kasih kepada ayahanda dan bonda berdua. Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezqi berkekalan.

  246. Salam sejahtera buat TUN sekeluarga,,
    Leviathan friend,
    You are wrong..;-)
    TUN Dr. Mahathir will be celebrating his 83rd Birthday on the 10th of July, and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah is celebrating her 82nd Birthday on the 12th of July.
    Wikipedia only have the official REGISTRATION DAY.
    BUAT TUN Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan TUN Dr Siti Hasmah
    sekali lagi saya ucapkan selamat hari Lahir
    Selamat Hari Lahir.
    Dipanjangkan umur.
    Dimurahkan rezeki.
    Dimintak sihat walafiat hendaknya.
    Semoga ALLAH lindongi nya dan di permudahkan segala urusan.

  247. Salam Tun,
    Saya hanya pernah mengunjungi Pulau Tioman pada akhir tahun 90-an. Pada masa itu saya terkejut melihat airportnya. Langsung tidak setaraf dengan nama pulau yang amat terkenal itu. Lucu pun ada.
    Hotel pula hanya ada satu iaitu Berjaya Tioman. Kapal terbang pun milik Berjaya iaitu Berjaya Air.
    Pada pendapat saya, Pulau Tioman yang indah biarlah dimajukan sesuai dengan keindahannya. Mungkin Tioman boleh belajar dari Langkawi iaitu LADA bagaimana untuk menjadikan pulau itu lebih menarik untuk para pengunjung.
    Lihat sahaja bagaimana kabel car di bina bagi membolehkan pengunjung naik ke Gunung Mat Cincang dimana disitulah keindahan sebenar Langkawi dapat di rasai. Inipun idea Tun kan? Betullah orang hebat akan menghasilkan idea yang hebat.
    Terima kasih Tun atas jasa-jasa Tun yang tak terbalas.

  248. Dearest Tun and wife,
    Happy BIRTHDAY…
    Juz wanna say that I love both of you so much…
    Semoga sihat selalu…
    I have a lot of things to say about you…and how you..influence my way of thinking…
    I’m just an ordinary girl from rural area…in Ranau…
    During my childhood…looking you on TV…listening to your speech..
    It will always be alive in my memory….
    I always have a dream to see you in person…
    Thanks for everything Tun.. 🙂

  249. Salam Tun,
    Tun memang saya sayang. Memang hari ini Tun tulis lembut sedikit. Bila baca apa yang Tun tulis dan komen penyokong Tun komen buat saya sebak ni.

  250. Maaf mencelah lagi.
    Tun, saya rasa Neil ni memang peminat die hard Tun. Dia jual mahal saja sbb hari hari dia post pada Tun. Hari ni the first one to post pulak. Agaknya, dia duduk depan komputer tiap tiap hari tunggu post dari Tun, bila Tun habis saja posting… terus dia komen.
    Alahai Neil… malu pulak nak bagitau pada kami. Mengaku sajalah… kami pun die hard Tun jugak.. tak malu pun

  251. Salam Tun,
    We have to make sacrifice to be a better nation. For those that want to move forward they are a risk taker, and I am sure you are . This is the same as the second bridge to Penang. If it was constucted long ago, I am sure Penang will not be as it is now. A new bridge is needed to lessen the jam as well to facilitate transportation. Inilah zaman Pak Lah, nak jimat konon. Last sekali apa pun tak ada.
    Dalam kata lain, we have to make unpopular decision . Unpopular decision has always been your theme and yet the benefits are there to see. If you did not build Putrajaya, KL alamatnya dah jem. If no KLIA, tak taulah apa jadi di Subang tu. I’ve been to Heathrow, dah buruk Tun and British Airways dah buat Terminal 5. As always, the environmentalist tak suka but we have to fact the fact, we have to move forward.
    Kalau Pulau Tioman tu saya tak pernah pergi , jadi tak boleh nak komen. Yang saya pasti, Langkawi best tp sekarang tak berseri . Entahlah, mungkin saya pergi waktu bukan cuti sekolah
    Happy Birthday. May Allah bless you with few more decades. Tun, kalau boleh saya harap Allah panjangkan umur Tun untuk membimbing kami.(sound very selfish)

  252. TUN,
    Sekecil pulau TIOMAN pun TUN mengambil berat dan peduli,
    satu sikap pemimpin yang terpuji.
    Izinkan saya posted biodata TUN,
    Biodata of Tun Mahathir
    Name : Mahathir bin Mohamad
    Place of Birth : Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia
    Father’s Name : Mohamad Bin Iskandar
    Date of birth : 20 December 1925
    Spouse : Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Bt Mohd Ali
    Kids : Marina, Mirzan, Melinda. Mokhzani,Mukhriz, Maizura and Mazhar
    Higher Education : King Edward VII College of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Singapura, Graduated in MBBS 1953
    Major profesion : Open first Malay clinic at Alor Setar, known as Clinic Maha
    Minister Of Education : 1974
    Deputy UMNO President : 1981
    Appointed as Prime Minister : 16th Julai 1981
    Resigned as Prime Minister : 31th Oktober 2003
    Salam perjuangan.
    kibar bendera putih tanda sokongnan pada TUN.

  253. SALAM,

    Saya pernah ke Pulau Tioman sekali saja pada tahun 1996 dan berharap dapat mengunjunginya lagi..Memang cantik dan menenang kan…air yang jernih membiru tak akan saya lupakan..
    We are in the same zodiak….hehehe
    May ur day will be full of Blessing…
    Standing Still..

  255. Pada pendapat saya, kalau betul la kerajaan Pak Lah (haih, memang dah jadi macam kerajaan dia sorang) prihatin dengan isu environmental, takde la diorang nak buat jambatan lurus gi singapura and jual pasir untuk singapura buat projek tambak diorang..
    Memang kena korbankan nature untuk pembangunan eh? Maybe memang kena kot. Saya tak arif bab ini. Yang saya tau salah satu tanggungjawab manusia ialah khalifah di muka bumi. i.e. kena uruskan alam dengan bijaksana.

  256. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir Dan Ibunda Tun Dr Siti Hasmah.. Saya doakan agar ayahanda dan ibunda di lindungi di rahmati dan di berkati ALLAH S.W.T.AMIN…..Saya menyokong penuh apa saja yg ayahanda cadangkan atau usulkan pada kerajaan yg sedia ada…….Tetapi adakah kerajaan akan menimbangkan cadangan ayahanda atau menidakkannya…Di sini saya ingin mengambil kesempatan mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari lahir buat ayahanda pada esok hari dan ibunda pada 12julai ini mudah2an ayahanda dan ibunda di panjangkan umur di murahkan rezeki dan di berkati amin……..Yang akan terus menyokong sehingga akhir hayat saya amin …..Salam.

  257. Herotamil, according to Wikipedia, Tun’s birthday is on Dec, 20th. Correct me if I’m wrong.

  258. TUN,
    it is always has been your way in carrying out plans to make it as a landmark. projects and ideas without considering tourism factor will be useless. I wish i could be the prime minister. i will follow your style

  259. Salam untuk Tun serta Keluarga
    Agak2 dari sibuk buat jambatan kedua PP, duit tu boleh majukan Pulau Tioman lagi bagus.
    Hidup Tun!

  260. Memang dasar kerajaan paklah sekarang ini untuk tidak mahu menumpukan pada pelancongan dan perindustrian. Paklah hanya nampak PERTANIAN & RASUAH sahaja.
    Paklah tak berminat langsung untuk meneruskan projek-projek peninggalan Tun, kononnya kerajaan tak ada duit.
    Duhai Paklah, jangan la menipu rakyat dengan mengatakan kerajaan tak ada duit. Rakyat sekarang semua dah ada pendidikan, dah ada ilmu. Mungkin paklah sorang saja kut yang belum cukup ilmu.
    Sudahlah Langkawi dilingkupkan Paklah, tak kan Tioman pun nak jadi mangsa jugak? Paklah nak bangunkan Penang saja ke? Apakan daya Penang pun dah terlepas ke tangan pembangkang.
    Mesej kepada Paklah:

  261. Assalamualaikum Y.A. Bhg Tun,
    Saya amat bersetuju dgn pembangunan di pulau2 peranginan. Tetapi harus lah pembangunan terancang dan balance. Ambil jalan tengah, jgn terlampau membangun sehingga mengganggu ecosystem, dan tidak boleh tidak membangun sehingga tiada kemudahan dan keselesaan awam. Satu lagi yang kadang2 saya kurang faham ialah, kenapa kebanyakan pembangunan yang dilakukan tiada “Proper Maintenance”, kita selalu lihat sesuatu resort pada mulanya sungguh indah tersergam tetapi apabila lebihkurang 2 – 3 tahun umurnya, ia tampak lusuh dan seperti berumur 20 – 30 tahun, inilah kelemahan kita. Mampu mengadakan sesuatu yang baru tetapi tidak tahu menjaganya supaya ia kelihatan baru senantiasa, apakah masaalah nya? Adakah ini sikap kita “rakyat Malaysia”? atau sikap pengunjung yang tidak tahu tertib menjaga hak awam? Kenapa di Negara2 lain perkara sebegini tidak berlaku? Saya rasa mentaliti / sikap tidak endah adalah puncanya.
    Terima Kasih TUN Dr. Mahathir kerana melapangkan masa bersama kami dgn tulisan2 Tun. Saya senantiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan Tun berdua.
    Ardi Kashfi
    Johor Bahru

  262. Salam,
    Semua orang dah naik boring dengan Pentadbiran Pak Lah.
    Tinggal kaki2 ampu dalam kabinet sahaja…
    TUN tolong dapatkan sokongan TAN SRI MUHYIDDIN kerana saya yakin dan rata2 ramai ahli UMNO yakin Tan Sri layak menjadi PM MALAYSIA.
    Lagi pulak Tan Sri tidak terlibat dengan komplot Pak Lah, Musa Hitam untuk menjatuhkan TUN satu ketika dahulu.
    Kempen reben + bendera putih tak menjadi…..
    Kalau nak ikat juga……
    Ikat sahaja kat tiang pintu rumah Pak lah KEPALA BATAS, tiang bangunan, kilang tempat bekerja juga di jambatan pun boleh……….
    Lagi satu tak payah tunggu lagi……….
    tandatangan petition online “PETITION ONLINE MEMINTA PM MALAYSIA PAK LAH UNTUK MELETAK JAWATAN” dianjurkan dari laman web, petition online tersebut percuma di:
    Tandatangan sahaja bagitau member2 minta tandatangan sekali sebelum bulan September ini kita nak letak MUKA DEPAN AKHBAR METRO DAN KOSMO.Kita nak tunjuk bukti pada Pak Lah berapa ramai rakyat tak sokong dia.

  263. Kalau lah mereka punya kepentingan pribadi kat Pulau tu… sudah pasti ianya akan di majukan..

  264. Selamat hari jadi Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad!! 10 Julai 2008! Itu tarikh asal kelahiran Tun. Disember 20, 1925 tu tarikh rasmi didaftarkan.
    Long live Tun! Long Live TuN!

  265. SALAM,

  266. Salam Tun,
    Tioman is indeed a very beautiful island. We should support all developments that do not harm the enviroment. We must preserve the enviroment for our children, and future generation. The last time I went there was in 2006. Unfortunately, some of the boat/ferry operators did not care for the environment. I saw a few of the boats have oil leaks and a film of oil is floating in the ocean. The authority should supervise these boat operators so that the beach is always clean and beautiful.

  267. Salam Tun..
    Saya x memberi komen for couple of ur writtens coz i felt so badly sad and i had my tears read all ur writings and comments…and all are had the same idea and tot as me..Today i read the malaysia insider and its my 1st time surf that blog…
    Anwar is so chicken to make the oath on the Quran and he makes a stupid xcus to prove it how innocent is he..
    here is his statement…”Anwar has refused to be baited into Mubahalah, that is, taking an oath on the Quran as challenged by Saiful, who has said that he is prepared to do the same. Today, he said that it was never a matter of himself being prepared or not, but that he had been advised by religious experts not to make any statement or action as it would negatively influence other Muslims.
    “I am very clear, if the Syariah court says it must be done, I will do it. There is no question in my mind about not being prepared to take an oath. I leave this to the Syariah scholars. There’s nothing in Islamic law that allows you to take an oath in this position. There is even an Umno suggestion that one should hold the Quran on your head! The Perlis mufti’s (Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin) view is for general cases which he explained to me, is not specific to my case.” Wonder, is he very special person?…
    Tun, please take good care of your self kay…May ALLAH Bless u and ur family as well all of us…MALAYSIAN

  268. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I went to Tioman recently and I saw the new marina. To facilitate increasing tourist, I reckon what you have proposed was spot-on.
    But I want to comment about the big *****hotel service. The service must be upgraded also. Maybe because I am not a caucasian(orang putih). From the ferry(over crowded/non paying passenger) to the chef who can’t grill my catch because he was busy.
    I have always love travelling to Malaysia for the wonderful food and fantastic shopping. But my travels to neighburing countries were more people oeriented. The staffs at the tioman hotel were like robots and not motivated.
    I hope the new regime will look into this matter.

  269. I was in tioman a week before u went there TUN. I must say the place there is beautiful. Me and afew others went island hoping and the corals and colourful fishes was a magnificence sight. The people there make more than the rm 200 you claim. I went there with 15 of my friends, and the boat man charged us rm 60 per person. Do the math people!!! But it was all worth every penny. But after this i dont know if i can afford it since the petrol price is up, and i commute every day using my car. (there is no public transportation to my workplace). But i agree with you about the chalets. It was pretty run down. Atlast we foud a suitable place to stay in the TNB quarters. No luxury there, but we managed to catch a good nights rest.
    just my 2cents.

  270. AKUM TUN..

  271. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Kita tak kesah lagi da pulau ni…….sedangkan mega projek pun sudah kita batalkan….ini kan pula pulau tioman…..
    Sekarang ni pula kita dilarang da tanam sawit, Pak La kata kurang da pengeluaran makanan dunia, jangan tanam sawit lagi…..tanam tanaman yang menjadi sumber makanan………Kempen buku hijau kah?
    Pada tahun 2014 dijangka simpanan minyak kita akan habis jadi kita akan import atau akan beralih kepada biofuel juga akhirnya…….. Kalau minyak dan biofuel kita import,subsidi pun da tak ada, apa akan jadi pada rakyat dan ekonomi negara kita?
    Indonesia semakin rancak tanam sawit, kita pula stop……… ?????
    YBHG Tun, adakah kita akan beralih dari negara pengeluar minyak dan biofuel kepada sebuah negara pertanian tanaman kontan ? ………
    Biofuel kita jual ke Eropah, china, Jepun, Korea dan USA……
    Untung sawit kita import beras dan gandum pula…….. ayam dan lembu kita ternak kat bawah pokok kelapa sawit, ikan kita buat kolam………..
    Yang saya tahu, negara Arab pun tidak ada sawah padi dan ladang gandum……. mereka cuma ada minyak dan kurma sahaja tapi lebih maju dari Thailand dan Vietnam…..
    YBHG Tuan, adakah rancangan ekonomi negara kita ini berada pada landasan yang betul?
    Adakah semua ini ada dalam wawasan 2020 ?
    Salam untuk Tun sekeluarga.

  272. Dear Tun..,,
    I think Langkawi will be the next target after Tioman or as Batu Putih.

  273. Salam Tun,
    Tioman memang pulau yang indah. Pelancongan memanglah telah meningkatkan ekonomi penduduk Tioman. Tetapi saya cukup sedih dan bimbang tentang pengaruh kedatangan pelancong ke situ. Sepanjang perjalanan melaui bot ke Pulau Tioman, saya merasakan bahawa penduduk di situ seperti penduduk pulau Fiji, kerana pakcik-pakcik melayu yang mungkin islam yang membawa bot disana tanpa segan silu minum Carlsberg. Itu yang nampak, yang tidak?
    Oleh itu lebih baik kalau kita benarkan pelancongan disana, tetapi pada masa yang sama kita jadikan tempat itu untuk latihan para pegawai-pegawai agama islam. maka bolehlah kita mendapatkan pegawai yang terbaik apabila mereka bertugas di tanah besar. What say you sir?

  274. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    Please save Malaysia from further destruction sir. Can’t we do anything to make our country on the track once again, sir?
    Semoga ALLAH panjangkan umur, sihatkan badan dan minda Tun. Amin

  275. Assalamualaikum,
    a) Jika dibuat R&D (Research & Develop)yang teliti dan sempurna, saya percaya Tioman boleh dimajukan seperti Langkawi.
    b) R & D mestilah merangkumi bukan sahaja projek pembangunan yang menyeluruh tetapi juga projek dan tindakan-tindakan memulihara persekitaran secara berterusan akibat pembangunan.
    c) Pulangan pendapatan daripada sektor pelancongan di Tioman boleh dimanfaatkan untuk pemuliharaan persekitaran.
    d) Penduduk setempat perlu diyakini bahawa hasil pembangunan Tioman boleh dinikmati bersama jika mereka faham dan bijaksana melibatkan diri dengan arus pembangunan.
    e) Kerajaan perlu memberi perhatian bahawa Tioman perlu diambikira dalam arus pembangunan negara. Ini melibatkan peruntukan kewangan yang bukan sedikit. Sekali R & D memainkan peranan penting.
    f) Benar, kemajuan dan pembangunan memerlukan pengorbanan. Tetapi biarlah pengorbanan itu nanti akan memberikan pulangan yang positif kepada seluruh aspek kehidupan kita, khususnya penduduk Tioman.

  276. Assalamu’alaikum Tun and family
    I opine strongly that the de facto PM has his own agenda. As I see it, siBadwi’s motto is ,”Why crack yr head for the rakyat when you can siphone the monies for yr own family?”
    As i can remember, almost all the projects that you had initiated had either been scrapped or had been continued sluggishly.
    Take good care of yourself and may Allah bless you

  277. Tun,
    Perancangan amat penting untuk itu. Pendapat penduduk setempat juga perlu di ambil kira kerana mereka yang menghadapinya setiap hari.
    Oleh itu perancangan itu biar pun lama tetapi membuahkan hasil yang baik. Mungkin boleh tahan beratus tahun.
    Mereka mereka yang teribat iaitu penduduk, peniaga dan lain lain boleh menghaluskan lagi perancangan supaya ianya lebih sesuai di samping memberi pemahaman mengenai idea idea baru kerajaan.
    Kadang kala kita perlu memberi pelajaran dan membetulkan salah faham atau salah sangka rakyat supaya mereka tahu.
    Pemikiran itu mesti di betulkan asal mereka percaya dengan kerajaan yang memerintah.
    Soalnya jika mereka sendiri ada syak wasangka dengan kerajaan atau mereka sendiri mempunyai pandangan negatif dengan kerajaan ini sukar. Sukar untuk mengajar atau menasihat orang yang tidak percaya kepada si penasihat. Tambah pula fikiran mereka di racuni oleh parti pembangkang.
    Mengenai mengekalkan ekologi atau alam sekitar laut ianya tidak juga boleh di buat separuh separuh.
    Dalam pada tidak mahu ada pembangunan dan mengekalkan alam sekitar, mereka tetap juga menjahanamkan pulau itu dengan aktiviti aktiviti sekarang secara kadar yang tidak kurang perlahan.
    Kalau ada pihak berpendapat sayangkan alam sekitar, jangan terlibat dengan teknologi atau tinggalkan pulau itu.
    Orang barat memang suka kita kekalkan alam sekitar sebab yang di barat telah di jahanamkan oleh mereka untuk di jadikan wang yang di gunakan untuk menguasai dunia.
    Jadi paru paru hijau dia pada kita lah tempatnya. Kita jangan rosakkan hutan. Dia tak mengapa. Dia sudah menyesal. Kita jangan buat begitu lagi kerana dia telah belajar dari itu.
    Semuanya apabila mereka telah rosakkan dan mengambil keuntungan yang bukan sedikit dia mengajak kita sama sama betulkan. Misalnya masalah Ozon atau Kesan rumah hijau.
    Kita yang tidak maju ini jadi terbantut dari segi kemajuan melayankan masalah alam sekitar sedang mereka pula mendapatkan keuntungan dari situ dengan menjual teknologi yang mesra alam.

  278. Dearest Tun
    The residents would be grateful if the tourism dollar could help them earn a living. But they would need help to develop the island to continue to attract tourists.
    I suspect they know that, the CARE and attention given to them all along has now dwindled.
    Looks like everyone has to fend for themselves nowadays. That’s the order of the day.
    Do take care of your well-being, Tun.

  279. Probably the government assume that most islanders have migrated to Iskandar Malaysia. Oh wait…they can’t be there. There’s no more room after all the singaporean crowding Johor to buy Malaysian petrol. I imagine people opening up petrol stations like nobody business in anticipation to sell fuel at market price to foreigners. They still get the same profit margin but they can make a killing in between policies launched by the flip flop switch board in Putrajaya.

  280. Assalamualaikum che det.
    Nampaknya topik garing dah ayahanda alihkan pada topik alam sekitar dan topik “the contract was given to a contractor quoting a ridiculously low price”???.
    Oklah sekurang-kurangnya kita alih ke topik lain sebab apa yang ayahanda ceritakan tak di ambil sebagai pakar rujuk jugak oleh pihak tertentu.
    Mengenai PKR takpalah dia dok bising rakyat dah nak dia biarkan. jangan jadi si luncai!!! biarkan. masa orang report dia liwat si penasihat tu dah lari kat kedutaan asing katanya tak caya kat Polis, anak dia lawat budak hilang,, nak kerjasama dengan polis pulak??? tak tahu mana yang betul itu namanya pancing undi.. nak harap pelapis PKR dah tak boleh sebulu dengan PAS satu kat ok satu kata tak ok. mufti kata suruh sumpah dgn quran atas masjid kata boleh satu lagi kata tak boleh kalau betul si saiful tu kena liwat susah jugak nak cari 4 saksi sebab nak m’liwat tak payahlah sampai ramai-ramai nanti tak sting pulak… susah jugak kalau fitnah hukumlah si saiful tu, kalau betul kena liwat…..????? Ingat tak MB selangor masa kat Ijuk sama-samalah kita undi barisan nasional… jangan salah sebut pulak pasal air free kat selangor nei….
    ok lah ayahanda nanti cerita banyak orang marah pulak…
    Salam untuk Ayahanda dan Bonda..

  281. Salam Tun,
    Malaysia is bless with natural wealth and beauty. This country can be economically strong and beautiful and wonderful than Australia and New Zealand. But as it turnout, we are still narrow minded and what to say our Malay mentality. Do you agree that if Malaysia were to go further and to achieve the 1st world standard, the goverment and its administration system need to change and most definately our mentality. The system of governance that we are using are only good during the 50s and 60s. If you take a look at the current situation, when the opposition party won in a certain state, they change the policy and the administration of the state is changed and this will be a great setback. The system whereby the party rule the state and the Menteri besar rule the state is no longer relevant in the current days. As you know many Mentri Besar are not carrying their job and numerous abuse of power. Many of the MB are not fit to be in their position. What education background do they have? Do they now how to run the state? We have seen many of the state funds are not being spend wisely and corruption is very rampant. Not to mention cronism and nepotism widely spread. Why do we have still a system whereby the MB is more powerful than the Minister? How can a MB overide the ruling of a Minister? Example if the Minister of environment found that theres environmental hazard on a river, and certain drastic action needed to be done but the MB overide that order, can this happened? Or Jabatan Alam found that theres poison waste being dump on the open site and inform DBKL, but DBLK ignore it, because they dont take any orders from them. Dont you think that this is really ridiculous but is happening. And worst still, the cuplrit that did the environmental hazard, if the case were to go to court, the maximum punishment is RM$100,000 but to fix the damaged, cost the goverment Millions. And the minister for law, who is suppose to look at all this matter, is not doing his job but is more interested in looking at the past matter and pay gratuity to the judge, the amount is secret. What is his job discription? To look and rectify all the past mistake, during Tun’s PM era and annouce to the whole world that it was Tun’s mistake and create a scenario that the goverment during that era have done the mother of all mistake and make him look like the saint.
    I urge all good UMNO members, yang berugama Islam, cinta kepada bangsa dan negara, janganla jual maruah dengan hanya RM200 atau RM300. Malu lah kepada diri sendiri, sanggup menjual maruah and martabat bangsa and agama kerana wang tak berapa tu. Sama lah menjual maruah isteri and anak2 kamu sendiri. Sanggup kah kamu melihat Isteri and anak2 kamu semua di Liwat berkali kali oleh orang durjana. Jadi lah ahli UMNO yang bermoral and berahlak tinggi. Tegakan yang benar and tentang lah habis habis yang durjana and yang bathil. Takutlah bahawa kalau mampus nanti, ular, cacing, kalajenking akan meliwat mayat kamu di Alam Kubor. Wahai ahli2 UMNO, bangkitlah dari sifat bachul and penakut. Dirilah and tentang habis habisan untuk, negara, bangsa, anak2 and keturunan kamu. Dengan berdiam diri, you are nothing but a bunch of cowards, sanggup melihat masadepan anak2 and cucu cicit keturunan kamu, mundur kini and selamanya. Bangkit lah ahli2 UMNO. Anak2 and isteri kamu menuntot kamu menjadi Lelaki sejati. Jangan lah tunggu, sehingga nasi menjadi bubor, perubahan tidak akan datang selagi kamu diam diri dan berpeluk tuboh. Kesian lah kepada anak, isteri and keturunan bangsa kamu. Berdiri bersama Tun, untuk martabat negara dan bangsa.

  282. Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun,
    It’s refreshing to read your thoughts on different subject matter.
    I took my family for a holiday once in Tioman about four years ago. We had a great time especially during the island hopping session which also include snorkeling to watch the beautiful marine creatures surrounding the island.
    I believe Tioman is smaller than Langkawi, and with a proper implementation and supervision, the island can really be turned into a respective tourist destination.

  283. Tun…
    Please take a good care of yourself…
    Being you…I know…it’s hard to see such scenario…

  284. Dear Tun,
    Maybe the whole of Malaysia should go back to our pristine condition where life was simpler i guess….no fuel hike, no food hike and no stupid decision makers.

  285. Dear Tun,
    Assalamualaikum, this is yet another example of AAB’s government incompetence!
    Thank you, Wassalam.

  286. Dear Tun,
    It takes a visionary to achieve the best for the country and the rakyat and certainly sacrifice for the better is required.
    People will always complain about this and that for the lack of vision and that is why a good visionary leader for the country is needed.
    We cannot be compelled to follow the west who has 200 years (or more) of history and development behind them compared with 51 years for Malaysia but what to do, all of a sudden everyone is so counscious of the environment.
    Therefore, its sad and heart breaking for Malaysia now and after 22 years of yr leadership there is a sudden void and the Rakyat will have to pay for it and I do hope not via a REVOLUTION.
    Do your best TUN, as thats the only thing left for what ever hope there is left, GOD BLESS.

  287. I often visit Tioman since I am a Diver. Tioman has one the best corals found compared to other neighbouring islands. In other islands the development of resorts in large scales have eventually bleached and eroded the corals. Only the divers get to see some beautiful ones away from the shore.
    The Govt has done good in closing down Sipadan and it now is still one of the best places in the world for marine life. Amazing! Divers get there as early as 5 am at times to avoid congestion especially in South Point and Barracuda Point.
    Marina Project may benefit very few areas/people and the damage to it flora and fauna could be irreversible. My advice for the people who wish to enjoy the beauty of the nature is get whatever is required to see it. If it takes a person to snorkel, so be it. It is not that difficult and in fact it is more enjoyable to do so. For others who are more adventureous, pick up diving.It is not really necessary to buy your own gears and equpments since one can just rent it.
    If one wants to see sunrise from Mt Kinabalu, one has to take the effort to scale it. The is no other way.
    I would rather suggest upgrading the aistrip in Tioman at Tekek which currently allows only Berjaya to take off and land given its lenght (STOL aircrafts only).With an updrade or a new airstrip say somewhere in Kg Salang, we can then have FireFlyz to operate there.This will help the locals by increasing the number of tourists in the Island.Good road connection is also required between each Kampung for the whole Island to benefit.
    It is true that many chalets are run down and very cheap. The people of Tioman do not have much income to continue maintaining them. The Govt can help them with funds but the design of the waste management has to be done very prudently.
    I believe we should begin with these projects and seeing its success the people may accept Marina Development later. One feels one’s ricebowl is threatened at the moment given that they do not already earn so much.
    Who are the direct beneficiries of Marina Project anyway?

  288. Tun,
    Interesting article Tun.
    I think our internet savvy crowd is more politically sensitized, hence the non comment on this recent posting or maybe it is a bit too premature for me to comment (this posting was done 2 hrs ago).

  289. Dear Tun
    Did go to Tioman few years ago with my wife and the scenery was amazing. Lacking are utilities as mentioned by you. The operators there should buck-up but still need to preserve the area for the future. The mountain should also be promoted for rock climbers
    All d best, Sir

  290. Salam Tun,
    I agree we should leave Tioman as it is, even though the people is not as rich as those in Langkawi. As Tun mentioned, the tourists still loves it.
    If you look around this lovely country called Malaysia, before there were jungles or former rubber estates. Now it has become new towns and cities. But actually who owns it? Definitely not those you wish to help improved. It is the towkays…..
    I suggest we encourage the islanders to maintain the environment and ensure that the area is clean at all times. Tourists will be there.
    Once in a while we need to think small lah.

  291. Salam Tun dan blogger’s sekalian,
    Banyak betul snippets… Bagus2 teruskan perjuangan Tun. Saya tetap menyokong. Jaga kesihatan ya?

  292. Assalamualaikum Tun…
    diharap sangat Tun dapat kembali ke arena politik tanah air…
    pulihkan lah ekonomi negara ini…

  293. Salam Tun,
    You wrote
    “They use it to take on board their ex-fishing boats the tourists hopping to the other island. They earn RM200 for ferrying the tourists. I think they get more than they did using their boats for fishing. The marina has accommodation for shops and restaurants, which should give the locals some opportunities for doing business.”
    I think this is another way to create business for the local. Your idea of developing Tioman is another way of giving the opportunity to the local. They have to work hard.
    “Certain people are determined to keep these Tiomanese poor by preventing the proper development of these beautiful islands.”
    I think the Tiomanese should be allowed to raise their standard of living through their hard work and the government should look into these matter seriously and not to concentrate on politics. I think Tioman should be turned into a financial centre. What is your comment on this.
    May ALLAH showers you and the family with good health and continue to guide us.

  294. Yes Tun; it is about the balancing that we need to do along the way in making decisions … which one is big and which one is a bit smaller … present and future … near and a bit far … making a more accurate decision … not just decision

  295. Jangan pinggirkan rakyat Malaysia di mana jua mereka berada di pelusuk tanahair..

  296. tun,
    i wish one day the gov of malaysia will develop gua musang into one of the best attraction malaysian can offer to the world. take care tun, we love u.

  297. Salam Tun,
    A friend recently visited Labuan. He was impressed how Labuan had changed since he was last here. There were new buildings, a new and modern airport, a new lawn bowl arena and institution of educations.
    Labuan was touted to be a successful IOFC and tourist centre.
    Despite the inflow of money into Labuan, we see developments which brings little boon to the locals.
    The new and modern airport is impressive but there is little flight traffic to and from Labuan. Most of the time, one feels oneself alone in such a large air-conditioned space.
    A multimillion new lawn ball arena was built but only a handful plays the sport.
    Beautiful flowers are planted then uprooted a couple of weeks later then new ones replanted. This whole exercise costs the government about RM5 million.
    Development may be necessary.
    But development for developments sake is usually not a good idea.
    Sometimes less means more.

  298. Salam Tun,
    Nampaknya industri pelancongan negara semakin terjejas dalam jangkamasa 5 tahun sahaja. Kelihatan usaha kerajaan hari ini tidak menyeluruh dalam semua aspek. Saya percaya banyak lagi tempat-tempat pelancongan lain mengalami masalah yang sama. Semoga tulisan Tun menyedarkan pihak yang berkenaan. Terima kasih. Selamat Hari Lahir Tun! Semoga panjang umur.

  299. Salam Tun,
    Nampaknya industri pelancongan negara semakin terjejas dalam jangkamasa 5 tahun sahaja. Kelihatan usaha kerajaan hari ini tidak menyeluruh dalam semua aspek. Saya percaya banyak lagi tempat-tempat pelancongan lain mengalami masalah yang sama. Semoga tulisan Tun menyedarkan pihak yang berkenaan. Terima kasih. Selamat Hari Lahir Tun! Semoga panjang umur.

  300. As the saying goes, we must cut the coat according to the cloth available. We should not try to keep up with the Jonses or ape others in constructing monumental structures which serve no purpose at all.. Money is a scarce or limited resource and it must be spent not on prestigious projects but on necessities. Lot of Petronas profits have gone to waste in implementing mega projects during the Mahathir era/ Administration. We need to be prudent now and can’t afford to profligate our wealth, if any! Tun M will keep on harping on the so-called weaknesses and maladministration of the present government. All right-thinking people in this country must ignore and dismiss his comments and views as they are hypercritical and hypocritical and based on convoluted logic.

  301. Dear Tun..
    no doubt sir..every pembangunan if dirancang dengan baik akan membawa kesenangan kepada rakyat..setiap pembangunan yang “menempias” hasil kepada rakyat pasti akan diterima oleh rakyat.i not worried about yr development planning,because at the end rakyat will get the benefits.Ocourse la sedikit sebanyak ada juga kroni2 yg terima..but that ok bah..rakyat pun tumpang sekaki.
    If Mr. Adullah x cantas all yr projek..i’m sure, rakyat dapat lagi banyak tempiasnya..
    last but not least..make sure la nelayan2 yang menggunakan bot mereka untuk feery tourist mempunyai lesen dan insurance.
    Take care tun..provide us more info..

  302. Tun et readers,
    We are constantly faced with dilemma,, either to choose one or the other… your note you hinted choosing between conservation vs development. you know it is not always black/white. In my opinion in today’s world
    Especially for Malaysia – we need to have both and it is compatible.. ..
    ..the crux of the matter is to make the conservation initiative economically
    feasible/ positive ROI by backing this with sustainable development.
    ..easier said than done ?….. No, I don’t think so. The question is motivation
    and perseverance (with vision) – like all thing that we set out to do..
    …this is what make the difference between success and failure, balancing
    short term objective with long term development….
    …coming back to environmentalist/ conservation…. I have (another) dream to
    set up a mechanism that will secure the future of tropical forest and yet provide
    future earning without destroying it… the time is right to make this happen
    not only for our children, Malaysia but also for the world….
    Are you ready to work on this..?

  303. Dear Sir,
    I always agree that to achieved a goal for the good for all, there will be sacrifices to some ppl…this is something which have been stated in the history regardless where..
    Your will always be the best PM in Malaysia and there will be no others who can take this away, no matter what they say…the truth and facts that you are the one who had bring Malaysia to the international platform will always be known by we Malaysian.
    For those who give bad critics to TUN, I just want to tell them, please look at the mirror and asked youeself what you have achieved in your life. Have you ever manage a team of ppl before, how about act as a manager, or CEO for a company???….if not, so please don’t comment on TUN who had handle the nation for 22 years, and bring glory to the nation…you think is easy to do that….if you think yes, then you go and handle a team of ppl or maybe handle your friends, girlfriend(if you have one),wife(if you are married) and plan out something…then you tell me whether is easy…to all the critics of TUN, please don’t pose comments which maybe you think that you are smart, because you look stupid to some ppl.
    Dear TUN, hope you always stay healthy and happy….rest more and enjoy life.
    Best Regards,

  304. Assalamu allaikum Tun………. tun, u are the only leader with a vision. your thinking is years ahead of, then all the present leaders and the past. last week i took my friends to putrajaya. they were stunned. KLIA is a masterpiece. you are right , we have to accept prudent sacrifices to develop. my heart cries when i see the new half completed immigration and customs building in johor, and what would it have been, had your dream of ‘that daring bridge’ been realised. Long live Tun…….. malaysia would have been so much in only good news had they just to seek ur advice even for only minor doubts. But one thing Tun.. going through the present ‘happenings’, pls give Pk lah some time to reflect, He will definitely need u and ur advice more than anyone else. Long Live Tun.. Long Live Our beloved Malaysia.

  305. Not only that Tun, besides preserving Tioman, the authorities should take care of the Langkawi Galeria Perdana. Some of the state gifts and awards as well as souvenirs from world leaders have lost their shine and may not have been lovingly taken care of.
    I hope the relevant authorities will do something about it.
    Thank you Tun.

  306. At lasttttttttttt
    Its really how concern you are to Pulau tioman eventhought you already retired.
    May God bless you with good health.

  307. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Eventhough I never been to Tioman, I think the new PM more focus to PENANG.
    Thank you for the Luncheon talk on 24th June 2008.

  308. salam TDM,
    Terima kasih untuk info pulau tioman, dh lama tidak pergi pulau tioman, last pergi ke sana 10 tahun yang lepas.Pembangunan pulau tioman saya tidak pasti tapi saya akui air laut di pulau tioman memang cantik. sekarang kalau nk ke pulau tioman dari kl kene fikirkan budget.
    P/s: parti baru macammana?
    Jg kesihatan Tun n Tun Siti hasmah semoga di lindungi allah.

  309. Tun,
    Saya bertugas sebagai Malim Laut sudah hampir 114 tahun dan saya amat menghargai ketenangan, keindahan laut, persisiran dan pulau – pulau. Pemandangannya amat mengasyikkan.
    Keindahan dan kecantikan perlu dikongsikan bersama dan seiring dengan kemajuan. Saya kira negara-negara maju sudah banyak yang melakukan sedemikian tanpa merosakkan alam semulajadi termasuk habitat ikan dan sebagainya. Kemasukan pelancong sepatutnya digalakkan agar dapat menjanakan ekonomi kepada semua pihak.
    Saya rasa ada pihak yang masih bermain silap mata tentang perkara ini. Sayang kalau kita tidak pantas memcapai peluang.

  310. Salam Tun,
    Baguslah sesekali tenangkan fikiran menghirup udara bersih dan mencuci mata dengan pemandangan yang indah-indah dalam negara. Sebenarnya bukan hanya Tun sahaja yang cintakan alam sekitar bahkan boleh dikatakan sebilangan besar rakyat Malaysia. Kita dengar dan dihidangkan perkhabaran indah-indah belaka oleh media arus perdana tentang industri pelancongan tetapi hakikatnya indah khabar dari rupa.
    Kerajaan DS Abdullah Badawi membazirkan perbelanjaan yang bukan-bukan tetapi ke mana perginya bajet pelancongan sebenar? Jika ini diulas oleh Tun bermakna kerajaan pimpinan DS Abdullah masih takut-takutkah untuk memajukan pusat-pusat peranginan dan pelancongan negara dengan sebaik-baiknya? Tidak seharusnya ia dibuat ala-kadar sepertimana yang Tun sendiri telah lihat. Apakah pandangan peribadi Tun terhadap Menteri Pelancongan yang baru ini? Rasa-rasanya mampukah beliau memajukannya?

  311. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    I have noticed that your every posting would be commented by atleast few hundreds of people. And these commentors would be very proud to be among few that commented in your every posting. Well today I’m fortunate to be that among few!
    Anyway, you have always been more of “visionaries”. Means that you would forsee how the development now will bring “profits” or change our way of living in the future. Sadly thou that the current goverment don’t have these vision.
    When you started the mega projects, the people and opposition would say that it would be another white elephant project but see who is laughing now!
    The next mega project that you have put inplace has been scraped due to “no money”, is it funny how the present goverment can say they have no money when they can spend billion for Sabah. I guess spending billions in Sabah would be better rather than have a balance economics growth. In the coming few months, I’m sure there will be more “millionaires” in Sabah as they now get “candy” from Mr. Flip Flop.
    End – Aku Pening.
    P/s Why not we the rakyat petition the Agong to execute Emergency Ordinance? it will definately solve all this Flip Flip, KJ and Anwars antics. Agong has done it before and it would be sure easy to do it another time.

  312. Salam perjuangan buat Tun yang dikasihi…
    Tun…pergi berehat ke pulau tioman pun masih teringat kepada penduduk yang miskin dan ada idea utk membangunkan nya pula…diktator ke macam ni????
    Semoga Allah sentiasa beri kesihatan,ilham dan kekuatan untuk tun berjuang demi kami…anak-anak bangsa yang tidak mahu lagi terjajah…dijajah oleh kebodohan,dijajah oleh kemiskinan,dan yang kami paling takut…merempat dibumi sendiri dan bumi dipijak milik orang…
    Tun..PARTI WAWASAN…(WA-wadah WA-warganegara S-semangat A-angkatan N-nasional..)…biar mukhriz jadi presiden, Tun jadi penasihat….
    Tun…teruskan berjuang untuk agama,bangsa dan tanahair…

  313. Pulau Tioman memang pulau yang paling cantik tetapi sikap orang di pulau tersebut yang pentingkan orang luar negara membuatkan saya kecil hati nak ke pulau tersebut lagi. Mereka labih suka senyum pada orang yang datang dari luar malaysia dari senyum pada rakyat malaysia. Maka saya berharap agar sikap tidak hormat tersebut haruslah di kikis bagi menggalakkan pelancong dari malaysia melancong ke pulau tersebut.

  314. Dear YBhg TDM,
    9. The old landing strip has not been extended while the proposed new runway approved before I stepped down has not been built as the contract was given to a contractor quoting a ridiculously low price.
    Contract should be based on Proper Planning of Work Method Statement, Material Price, Labour Wages, Machinery/Transportation, Contract Period, Management cost, terms of payment etc.
    Who to be blame if the contract given to a contractor quoting a ridiculously low price? How much the cost of Pre-Contract was wasted due to that matter? Hope fully the persons authorize to award any contract should have overall view before they decided to awarding to anonymous contractor.

  315. Talking about environment, we should see how Sarawak was destroyed by the uncle and nephew chief ministers over the past 30+ years when you were the prime minister. The forests were cut down, and the wealth went to a small group of people – a great example of abuse of NEP to enrich a small fraction of royal bumiputra. I don’t know why nothing has been done.
    So I could imagine what happens if oil is left for the state…His royal family will suck away the wealth.
    More lands are now cleared to plant oil palm. Don’t be silly. If palm oil starts to make big profit, all the poor countries will start growing oil palm. When there will be over production, the price will be low. Eventually we will be killing ourselves.

  316. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for your sharing, so good to hear from you today again !!! Indeed, you have bring a lot of development to this country !!! i am so proud of you, because you are really a great great great leader !!! your detractor can smear your name so much, but at the end, to us, all the glory you bring to malaysian can be seen, you make us pride to become malaysian, thats why we stand firm behind you. There is no doubts that if we still have the chance to choose, even you r 90 years old, we still want you to be our PM, because you still are the best and sharpest PM compare the all.. TAke care and long live!!!

  317. Tioman is one of the many jewels of Malaysia and also one of the top 10 best beaches in Asia. I recommend that all Malaysians make holidaying within Malaysia their priority before deciding on overseas travel as we have everything that other countries offer and more!

  318. Salam Tun,
    As what from my visit last year to Tioman,
    seems like the island is improving a lot….
    But some how of course there will be lacking here & there
    as mentioned by Tun….But in my opinion about the huts,
    maybe it is meant for the backpackers where by they usually
    love with those kind of environment…But if the facilities are
    not proper, it might cause bad image of that island….
    At least, now Tioman its getting better & better if we want to
    compare with those years back…

  319. Salam ayahanda tun,
    I’ve been to Perth, Australia for a holiday once.
    Other than that, all my family holidays are spent in Malaysia.
    I must admit that Perth is a nice place to visit and I assume so are other places overseas.
    However, I make it a point to spent more holidays within Malaysia as I knew Malaysia have so many more interesting places to visit!
    However, the authorities aren’t doing enough to explore these ‘god-given’ beauties!
    p/s: for my next family holiday i’m planning to visit Langkawi, Pulau Tioman – maybe soon!

  320. Salam Tun,
    As what from my visit last year to Tioman,
    seems like the island is improving a lot….
    But some how of course there will be lacking here & there
    as mentioned by Tun….But in my opinion about the huts,
    maybe it is meant for the backpackers where by they usually
    love with those kind of environment…But if the facilities are
    not proper, it might cause bad image of that island….
    At least, now Tioman its getting better & better if we want to
    compare with those years back…

  321. Tioman is a beautiful island. We are proud to have such paradise in our very own MALAYSIA.
    Mrs Ravi.


  323. Dear Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, I have enjoyed visiting many islands in Malaysia. Except Pulau Labuan, and a minute Pulau Batu Putih. I have been to Langkawi many times. Including Pulau Tioman via boat from Johor.
    I notice the tourists in Tioman are traveling deeper into nature, while the Island is progressing.
    Malaysian Islands are truly fascinating. The views are nice. We should preserve all within each of these, a pristine…

  324. Assalam’alaikum. This is the first time that I am writing. Iam from Kedah, Alor Star to be precise. I have seen the growth and development of Langkawi. You were and are different Tun. You managed the Country based on Msia Inc concept. More or less hands-on management. Present day government is different. It is Free For All for whoever has power and influence they can do it because the leader delegated everything. There was no follow-up because the lesder wants to rest and sleep. What can we expect even the nominated state leaders for MBs’ appointments were not respected and rejected by the respective Rulers. Some people can live with it but not people like you or me. It was slaps on The FACE. Some people are MUKA TEBAL and most MUKA TEBAL people are MUKA TEMBOK. With due respect in Japan Leaders accept victory or DEFEAT, claims victory likewise accept responsibity for defeat but is THIS happening here in MALAYSIA. In the case of the latter (defeat) they would either retire gracefully or commit …….. In the olden days and in the recent past, they committed harakiri..
    That’s all for now and fellow readers can expect more from me in due course.

  325. Tun,
    I totally agreed with you. For every development, big or small, some sacrifices must be made. Such as the PGCC project. I somehow think that PGCC is good for Penang economies in the long run. Just the authorities & developers need to tweak some of the project elements so that it will benefit all level of people in Penang, & not just a few privileges.

  326. Salam Tun,
    Pada hemat saya, tidak ada salahnya membangunkan sesuatu kawasan itu jika kebaikannya jauh melebihi keburukannya. Memang ada hidupan atau perkara lain yang terjejas, tapi kalau ditinggalkan tanpa pembangunan, rakyat sendiri yang akan kerugian. Kita perlu korbankan sesuatu untuk perolehi manfaat yang lebih banyak. Seorang manusia perlu korbankan seekor lembu untuk membolehkan dagingnya dimakan dan menyelamatkan nyawa ramai manusia lain yang sedang kebuluran.

  327. Salam Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga serta all bloggers
    Terima kasih kerana adakan versi bahasa malaysia untuk artikal The Apologist

  328. Tun,
    Itu lah lumrah dunia…. untuk memastikan alam semulajadi terus terpelihara bagi yang berada dan berduit bersuka-suka dan beriyadah. Takpa la orang miskin terus papa kedana. Asalkan mereka yang miskin ini bukan dari kaum keluarga yang berada dan kaya raya.
    Mereka sanggup biarkan rakyat menderita sepanjang masa supaya mereka boleh bersuka dan menikmatinya untuk beberapa ketika.
    Jelas sekali kekayan negara and proses memajukan negara tidak dilakukan dengan adil dan saksama.

  329. y would that certain people want to keep the tiomanese to stay poor..everybody is eligible to develepment. no gula-gula i guess..;)

  330. Dear Tun,
    I have been to Tioman and you are right about the lack of development for the locals there. There must be people there who are really concerned with the proper and sustainable development in the beautiful island. You have done your best by given the island tax free status and if you noticed the cheapest place to buy imported chocolates in Malaysia – about half the price of KLIA – is in Tioman !! Due to low overheads.
    Difficult question to solve – whether to develop the island fully and gain the maximum economic benefits or leave it in its pristine condition. I was staying at the five star resorts – as a retired person, the thought of paying RM5 per night (even without the bathing or toilet facilities) sounds attractive.
    Go back to nature – how about joining me Tun?! I always have this wish to stay in Tioman during the monsoons – be stranded there for a few months. Maybe all the ridiculous things that are happening in the country would go away!

  331. Dear Tun,
    I am always proud to be Malaysian as our country used to have beautiful beaches, nice mountains and the rain forests…
    I am quite disappointed with what they are now as they are not properly taken care of or maintain by the authorities. Also, the living standard of the people on the islands has never been improved. I think Malaysian Tourism Authority need to do something to help the people for their livings and to improve the basic knowledge of cleanliness and hygiene in order to attract more tourists. Also, the price of hotels and any resorts room is far too low as compares with our neighbour countries. There can be a double standard pricing for the local and the foreigner. To the locals, they enjoy what they have in their country, to the foreigner, it is still worth to pay with thier money after the exchange rate.

  332. This is why we are still talking to you…
    the concern about the country and all in it.
    I love you Tun… send my regards to your beloved wife.

  333. Salam Tun,
    Saya salah sorang yang boleh digelar kaki pancing dan antara destinasi utama saya ialah pulau pemanggil dan pulau aur yang terletak berhampiran pulau tioman.
    Di situ terdapat pelbagai spesies ikan yang boleh dianggap ‘game fish’ kepada kaki2 pancing seperti saya dan merupakan syurga untuk kaki2 pancing.
    Saya amat berbangga dengan pulau tioman kerana ia adalah salah satu pulau yang cantik dan kerap dilawati oleh pelancong2 dalam dan luar negeri.
    Tidak dinafikan pulau tersebut amat terkenal kerana kecantikan batu karangnya serta flora dan fauna yang terdapat disitu. Walaubagaimanapun saya berpendapat tidak salah untuk membina pembangunan yang tersusun tanpa merosakkan keindahan alam semulajadi di situ. Pembangunan yang seimbang akan dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup penduduk di pulau tersebut dan saya menjangkakan pelancong2 yang melancong ke sana akan bertambah dari semasa ke semasa sekiranya pembangunan tersebut tidak dipolitikkan oleh segelintir orang yang mempunyai kepentingan sendiri.
    Sekian, terima kasih.
    Semoga Allah terus merahmati perjuangan Tun untuk membela rakyat Malaysia. Amin.

  334. Salam Tun,
    Seperti selalunya pembangunan dan membangunkan sesuatu tempat atau kawasan memang menjadi minat Tun.
    Pulau Tioman haruslah jua dimajukan setidak tidaknya untuk keselesaan penduduknya.
    Tak haruslah di biarkan begitu saja, jua tak harus di bangun sehingga menjadi pembaziran.
    Keselesaan pelancung haruslah di ambil kira, rakyat melaysia suka bercuti dan juga ingin mendapat keselesaan tuu.
    Penginapan naklah selesa taklah sampai nak pijak lantai pun takut.
    Tandan pun perlulah bersih tak payah mewah.

  335. Salam Tun,
    Seperti selalunya pembangunan dan membangunkan sesuatu tempat atau kawasan memang menjadi minat Tun.
    Pulau Tioman haruslah jua dimajukan setidak tidaknya untuk keselesaan penduduknya.
    Tak haruslah di biarkan begitu saja, jua tak harus di bangun sehingga menjadi pembaziran.
    Keselesaan pelancung haruslah di ambil kira, rakyat melaysia suka bercuti dan juga ingin mendapat keselesaan tuu.
    Penginapan naklah selesa taklah sampai nak pijak lantai pun takut.
    Tandan pun perlulah bersih tak payah mewah.

  336. Dear Tun,
    You are everywhere everytime. Love to read “corat coret’. Continue writing YABhg Tun. Semoga Allah S.W.T panjangkan umur dan sentiasa melindungi Tun.
    Thanks & Regards

  337. a’kum TUN,
    am i the 1st?ehehe your no1 fan.saya doakan Tun dikurniakan kesihatan dan gembira hendaknya.take care Tun…

  338. I luv Tioman…compared to Langkawi, Tioman can be considered more peaceful.
    Agreed with you Tun, Tioman needs attention probably as much as Langkawi.
    Somehow this post makes me feel a bit calmer today (95% pure-no politics review!).
    I recommend you to write more on the welfare of Malaysia.
    True, these kind of topics may not be so popular, but you’ll be surprise to see how people react and gradually understand your “out-of-the-box” mind.
    Way to go TUN!

  339. Salams to u Tun,
    Been reading ur posting everyday. I hope u are well n been bless with good health.

  340. Dear Tun,
    Many people do not know the difference between development and sustainable development.
    There are many people in Malaysia would want a lot of the people to remain as it is. I think they are wrong.

  341. Yang Dihormati Tun,
    Untuk makluman Tun, keahlian Fan Club di facebook telah mencecah melebihi 500 orang ahli hanya selepas 4 hari diwujudkan.
    Tulisan Tun saya fowardkan kepada setiap ahli sebaik sahaja di terbitkan di
    Selain itu, saya juga akan menghantar sekurang-kurangnya 1 petikan kata-kata Tun yang sungguh bernilai sepanjang Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia kepada setiap ahli.
    Kami di FC sentiasa mendoakan semoga Tun dan keluarga akan sentiasa diberikan kesihatan yang baik, tidak jemu dan berputus asa dengan apa yang berlaku pada ketika ini. InsyaAllah, pekerjaan yang baik tentu akan mendapat balasan yang baik jika tidak di dunia tentunya di akhirat.
    Kata-kata Tun sesungguhnya sentiasa menjadi inspirasi kepada kami generasi muda yang dibesar, dididik, dibimbing, ditegur dan diasuh oleh Tun. FC (

  342. Assalam ayahanda Tun,
    Yes, if not mistaken this is one of your project and remembered “pecah tanah” ceremony…are you saying this Tioman Tourism project is not been focus for follow up by existing PM…Aiya!Hilang focus tu…macam monitor kelas sekolah rendah tak leh control kelas le…itukan ada roadmap and action plan, follow up, endorsed,, perancangan bandar, etc, etc.
    Rakyat susah macam nie, pbangunan tak seimbang, ada natural resource tak develop (walaupun dah ada action plan), macamana nak buat ni?
    Ayahanda Tun,
    I recon your capability + capacity dari dulu lagi, once TUN starts talking je…there must be a bad impact, mesti ada yang kantai…itu le sifat kepimpanan yang tajam (bukan nak mengampu nie) sendiri tengoklah, masa nak buat proton, berapa byk da orang kata, nak buat kilang jarum pun belum tentu…
    1- Isu Soros, Tun yang templak dulu
    2- Tetapan RM 3.80, Tun jugak
    3- dan banyak lagi, boleh kata TUN ayahanda macam indicator macam tu,apasai la yang “depa2” nie susah sangat nak dengar dan pertimbangkan…atau takut TUN yang dapat credit depa yang kena kerja (itu aje yang saya nampak) sebab itu tak ikut “the path” yang telah ada…apa benda yang depa sekarng ni nak buat “branding trademark sendiri”
    Betui le pertanian penting, tapi takan nak guna konventional…kena kaji contribution per area luasan tanah, buat ke teknology ngan produktiviti tinggi (R+d)bla…bla… Ini cakap aje, mana roadmap and milestonenya…kerajaan katun (cartoon) pun ada mekanisme dia, cakap takde isi, pemikiran lemah, pemimpin lemah,
    Saya gi jepun, sampai atas atap depa tanam padi, ini tanah pertanian sedia ada betui2 ke ada capability untuk bertani, entah2 ngan saliran takde, hutan banat ke….cuba fokus sikit
    Jadi PM kenalah hands-on sikit, jangan dok dengar orang keliling, nanti yang menjatuhkan pun orang keliling, kena tegas, cakap terus terang, jangan belok, pagi lain – petang lain, masa TUN dulu MANTAP…ni yang jadi igauan si PM sekarang nie
    Apa nak jadi ngan negara kita – TUN, minta tolong la…kita kat blogger ni boleh tulis macam2…tapi pemerintah ngan kuasa, depa ada kelebihan…kalau saya-anak-bini nangis bergolek2 kat jalan pun = takleh buat apa, depa cap keluarga gila
    Apa cara nya nak pecahkan “telur temakul yang sekor ni” keliling tu banyak la pulak ” belacak tak bertelur”, main OK, ya…Ha..ah! Gitu aje le
    Ayahanda Tun; macamana ye? tapi harap sihat2 dan keredhaan Allah hendaknya, wasalam – anakteja

  343. assalamulaikum tun,
    vision of a leader is vital for the follower to go where he want to go.

  344. Y.A.Bhg. Tun,
    Terima kasih kerana berkunjung ke negeri saya. Tioman satu destinasi pelancongan menarik tetapi agak terpinggir dari agenda pembangunan pelancongan nasional seperti kebanyakan lokasi pelancongan lain di negeri ini.
    Selain Tioman di Pahang punyai Taman Negara, Cameron Highland, Rimba Kenong, Tasik Chini dan banyak lagi yg lokasi Ekopelancongan yg menarik dan berpotensi tetapi tidak mendapat perhatian sewajarnya utk dibangunkan.
    Saya melihat perkara ini disebabkan masalah utama seperti perhubungan seperti ketiadaan jalan raya penghubung yg baik atau lapangan terbang yg bersesuaian untuk membawa pelancung kesitu. Ketadaan pelaburan kerajaan dan kesungguhan pihak kerajaan utk menarik pelabur datang dan melabur kesitu mendorong kpd faktor ini.
    Negeri Pahang juga tidak menadapat faedah pelaburan sampingan yg sewajarnya dari pelaburan disini. Sebagai contoh pembangunan di C. Highland limpahannya dinikmati penduduk di Tapah dan ipoh,Perak manakala Tioman lebih mambawa faedah kpd penduduk di Mersing berbanding Rompin.
    Saya sependapat dgn Tun bahawa pemuliharaan alam sekitar tidak akan terjejas sekiranya kawasan2 ini dibangunkan dengan baik dan berhemah. Yg penting rakyat tempatan mendapat impak ekonomi dan sosial yg berlipat ganda dari pembangunan kawasan2 pelancongan tersebut.
    Soalnya sekarang rakyat masih menunggu harapan pada khairi (Hadari) sebelum pembangunan dikawasan tersebut dapat dilaksanakan.
    Hidup Tun….

  345. Salam tun.
    Jadi sekarang ini tun lebih tenang semula. Dapat melihat kebesaran Allah di muka bumni Malaysia ini.
    Dapat melepaskan tension dengan menulis…. teruskan

  346. It is sad that the new government dose not care about Tioman. I also hope that Malaysia preserves these islands.
    If Malaysia is not interested in pulau Tioman, it will become another pulau batu puteh.
    I, on behalf of all members of my family and all grateful Malaysians, take this opportunity of wishing Tun Dr Mahatir Mohammed, A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. ‘ALLAH WILLING, MAY HE LIVE FOR MANY, MANY YEARS TO COME FOR THE GOOD OF MALAYSIA AND ALL MALAYSIANS, IRRESPECTIVE OF RACE AND RELIGION.
    Again, God willing, for the prosperity and future of democratic Malaysia, may he become the Prime Minister of Malaysia, once again.

  347. Dear Tun,
    I think you are just not talking about Tioman but about island tourism industry and local economic growth in those islands.
    I love nature especially clear water beach.
    To develop an island, we need to understand what we are ‘selling’ and preserve those selling point. For Tioman, we have natural world to offer from clear water, marine life, clean beach and natural coral. Any development to take place must consider this preservation. I agree that building the marina can be done with minimal damage and will not hurt the environment.
    For local tourism industry to develop with nature preservation in mind, a master plan is needed. The people there do not have the master plan and it is wise for government to come up with one. After all it will be for the betterment of the locals.
    Basic infrastructure is needed, electricity, water and building material. Often forgotten is the most important element of rubbish and waste management that eventually will prudently damaged the naturalistic elements and defy all the purpose.
    The local need to be trained of basic business principal, services principal, price setting and basic foreign languages. They also need to be alerted with the importance of nature preservation, recycling (I have seen in numerous count garbage been thrown out to sea by locals) and stock preservation (for sport fishing).
    In parallel, there should be a means to flock tourist there. Extending the runway definitely will give a big impact. There should be cheaper route as well, on boat or ferries for instance. Not managing this properly is catastrophic for small business.
    They also need to be able to keep their running cost and supply cost low for be able to provide reasonably affordable cost for local to be part of the tourist.
    Perhaps we could add a clever way of generating electricity as well that is more environments friendly. Solar panel and wind turbine is a good option. I know solar panels is available in our island provided by TNB if I am not mistaken, but we need a bigger scale of electricity. The idea of enjoying the sun in Malaysia is not very practical if you don’t have a getaway in air-conditioned room.
    I really like to see this industry grow. We have all the goods but failed to exploit it properly. I can’t see Malaysia is only about the monuments such Twin Tower only. The tourist will have the luxury to see our beautiful Sungai Klang and our clogged drainage. I wonder what they thought of Malaysia by seeing that.

  348. Assalamu’alaikum Tun, keluarga dan seluruh penyokong dan peminat Tun
    Saya lihat Tun semakin bersemangat, aktif memberikan pandangan dan buah fikiran, ghairah mengulas isu semasa seolah-olah Tun belum bersara.
    Ini menunjukkan Tun adalah pejuang yang tidak mengenal erti persaraan. Keperihatinan Tun dalam semua aspek keselamatan, kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan negara merupakan darah daging Tun.
    Tahniah, semoga Allah lanjutkan usia Tun, diberikanNya kekuatan akal, roh dan fizikal demi masa depan agama dan tanah air tercinta.

  349. I wonder who are these ‘certain people’…Are they really against development or are they waiting for a ‘better contract’?

  350. salam tun,
    kadang-kadang orang ramai tak sedar manfaat/ sebab sesuatu projek dibuat. ada yg nak cari duit poket kot…

  351. My last visit to Tioman was in 1990, I was 17 at that time. It will be nice if you have some photos.

  352. assalamualaikum tun….
    saya amat berterima kasih kepada tun kerana berjaya membuka minda saya,dengan nasihat2 dan keadaan politik sekarang ini….sekiranya tun membaca msg ini berilah sedikit nasihat untuk saya sekeluarga di alamat email saya… terima kasih tun..

  353. Pulau Tioman, I go there once a year.. truly beautiful & peaceful .. Yes Tun, I agreed … We should preserve the islands & the ppl in their pristine condition.. Nanti habis rosak…

  354. Dearest Tun,
    I was there in 1992 with my friends.
    All wanted to save cost, did not mind to take smaller boat and longer time of travelling.
    It took us 6 hours from Mersing Jetty to reach Pulau Tioman.
    Really very nice and beautiful island but no food available on the island where we ere staying.
    Morning, afternoon and night time all NASI LEMAK Bungkus.
    No proper toilet, no proper bathroom, we took our bath inside the jungle waterfall, feeling much better.
    No doubt is a nice place for snorkeling and swimming, photo taking.
    And every year ,my wife and kids ask me “go Tioman”. I always give excuses, Tsunami lah, earth quake lah, this year we go “other place first” etc
    My friend told me , still the same like 16 years ago. Only small changes. Nothing more except fresher air there.
    Dearest Tun, Please take care.

  355. “Ibnu Khaldun, tokoh terkemuka Islam pernah mengemukakan teori tiga generasi bagi fenomena sosial – Generasi Pertama, dengan semangat, ketegasan dan usaha membina satu asas sistem yang kukuh. Generasi Kedua, dengan asas-asas yang dibina, membawa kepada keagungan. Dan Generasi Ketiga, kerana kekurangan, menyemai bibit-bibit kehancuran.”
    “Ini tidak semestinya benar bagi semua keadaan, tetapi jika kita kurang berhati-hati, ianya tidak mustahil pula berlaku, malah boleh berlaku kepada kita, mungkin sebelum kita sampai kepada Generasi Kedua pun.”
    “Kita harus tekun membimbing negara kita ke arah kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan, dan sentiasa mengisi kemerdekaan kita dengan semangat, makna dan maruah, dengan usaha dan disiplin, supaya setiap generasi bangsa kita tidak akan mengalami kelemahan, atau membenarkan unsur-unsur yang tidak sihat, serta khayalan dan keghairahan menyerapi pemikiran dan cara hidup kita.”
    YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
    18hb. Oktober 1983
    ~Adakah bibit-bibit kehancuran itu sudah bermula ???

  356. Salam untuk Tun (THE 3 STEPS AHEAD LEADER)
    dan warga,
    Pemerhatian tajam Tun terhadap sesuatu perkara yang Tun lihat amat menakjubkan. Sy teringat kata-kata ayah sy..Tun sentiasa membawa buku ‘kecil’ Tun kemana-mana saja Tun pergi. Sekarang masih bawa lagi kah Tun? (sambil tersenyum)
    Ini ada lagi satu yang saya masih ingat kata-kata ayah sy…(petikan dari
    Sejenak mengimbas kenangan lampau…
    Semenjak saya berusia 10 tahun, saya seringkali mendengar ayah bercerita kepada ibu tentang UMNO. Pada waktu itu saya langsung tidak mengerti apakah UMNO yang selalu diceritakan oleh ayah dan saya juga tidak mengambil kisah mengenainya.
    Setelah usia semakin meningkat dan menyambung pelajaran disekolah berasrama, saya tidak lagi mendengar kisah-kisah perjuangan UMNO dari ayah. Ayah bukanlah seorang pemimpin tetapi semangat UMNO amat kuat sekali.
    Kini, semua kenangan tersebut telah lama berlalu dan banyak perkara yang diceritakan oleh ayah telah saya lupa. Namun, ada satu kata-kata ayah terhadap pemimpin UMNO ketika itu iaitu Dato Seri Dr Mahathir (kini Tun) yang masih dan sentiasa berada dalam ingatan saya sehingga kini iaitu…
    “Mahathir bukan macam kita semua. Fikiran Mahathir sentiasa 3 langkah dihadapan kita.” katanya dengan nada serius.
    Kini apabila terkenangkan UMNO, baru lah saya benar-benar faham apa yang telah dimaksudkan oleh ayah dahulu.
    Terima kasih untuk ayah yang telah memberitahu saya. Kini baru saya mengerti……..
    Take care all…
    Bebaskan diri!

  357. Salam Tun,
    Semoga Pulau Tioman membangun seperti Pulau Langkawi…
    BTW, happy birthday buat ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir dan bonda Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah yang dikasihi….

  358. Dear Tun,
    How many kids would want their sweets to be taken away? I guess none would. The similar thing applies to our people. Worst is when the father tends to each and every demand of these kids. It seems that the father now doesn’t want to know or even care what is best for the kids. He should have tend to needs and groom the boy for independence.
    I look forward for a leader(like yourself) which was stern and can discipline the kids. Although we did disagree on issues and had grouses in the past, none of my generation can say that what you did was not for the good of many. What you did was ahead of our time. One can only appreciate it after time pass by. You’re like the father to my generation. And when 2020 comes, I’m sure we will cherish your leadership once again. Then, you’ll be the true Father of the new generation.

  359. Salam sejahtera buat TUN SERTA KELUARGA,
    sebelum saya itu, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan
    pada 10hb Julai Buat Tun Dr. Mahathir
    pada 12hb Julai Buat Tun Dr Siti Hasmah
    Semoga di pemudahkan segala Usaha,
    di berkati dan dilindungi oleh ALLAH hendaknya.
    Ini lah beza nya pandangan TUN dgn org kebanyakkan,
    Nun jauh kehapadan, lihat apa kebaikan dan keburukan akan timbul,
    mungkin agak cerewet….but hasilnya BAIK UNTUK SEMUA.
    I guess….
    Kekayaan dan Pembangunan is not good for the TIOMANESE.
    Biar saja penduduk TIOMAN as there are….
    Apa nak risau, nanti bila anak cucu mereka tanya,
    kenapa mereka masih ketinggalan, kenapa tiada pembangunan…
    Dear Sir,
    Please take good care of yourself,
    You are needed, STILL.
    And Again…HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and TUN Dr. Siti Hasmah.
    : Herotamil,

  360. Dear Tun,
    As usual, the Pak Lah administration are their best not to continue with the projects which was under your time.
    Cut down costs only will lead to a poor material,definitely.
    To gain something, we must sacrife another..same goes with Pulau Tioman.Yet many people don’t see the benifits behind it.If everyone compromise then it won’t be much a problem and P.Tioman and its inhabitants will prosperous, for sure.
    Only time will tell Tun…
    All the best from me and family from Kuching sarawak.Will looking forward for your next comment on things in Malaysia.

  361. Y.Bhg Tun,
    Semasa kami di UM awal 80’an, semasa itu Tun selain menjadi Perdana Menteri Tun juga menjadi Menteri Pertahanan . Kami melaksanakan baktisiswa di Pulau Tioman dengan mendapat kerjasama dari Mindef khasnya dari segi penggunaan Kapal mengangkut siswa dan siswi peserta program dari tanjung Gelang Kuantan. Dato Aziz Shamsuddin Setiausaha Politik Tun menyokong kami mendapatkan khidmat KD Rencong dan KD Jebat.
    Adalah diakui memang Pulau Tioman cantik tetapi KURANG PRASARANA. Maka sangatlah tepat segala usaha yang Tun laksanakan di Pulau tersebut walaupun ada orang yang mempersoalkan kenapa Berjaya mendapat tempat utama di Tioman. Penghulu Saadon yang sangat berdisplin dan bersemangat tinggi sentiasa berharap agar kerajaan memajukan Pulau Tioman. Mereka mahukan kemajuan untuk tingkatkan taraf hidup. Apa yang melucukan Dato’ Penghulu mengatakan pembangunan sangat perlu di Tioman agar penduduk di Tioman dapat lebih kerap melihat kereta dan bas dari melihat pelancung terdampar di pantai tanpa seurat benang di badan. Sungguh dalam maksud penghulu. Maka seharusnya usaha pembangunan yang terancang dan bersungguh-sungguh dilaksanakan di Tioman. Semoga Pak Cik Mat suka dengan pembangunan yang akan memjamin kuasa eletrik dibekal dua puluh empat jam.

  362. Authority should upgrade the facilities especially on solid waste and sewerage management to protect the island.

  363. Salam buat Tun,
    Sesungguhnya tanpa tun rakyat malaysia akan hilang arah..teruskan perjuangan tun..

  364. Salam Tun,
    Berdekad-dekad tanggung jawab menjaga alam sekitar di letakkan pada negara-negara dunia ke 3 dan Malaysia. Seolah-olah kita tiada hak untuk membangunkan atau memikirkan apa yang terbaik untuk negara.
    Bagi saya apa yang saya kagum tentang Tun adalah kesanggupan untuk memikul tanggungjawab dan kritikan terhadap apa-apa projek yang Tun ingin laksanakan. Pengkritik Tun mungkin melebelkan Tun sebagai diktator tapi sebenarnya Tun cuma melaksanakan amanah rakyat terhadap Tun dengan melaksanakan apa jua yang Tun rasakan terbaik tanpa memikirkan kritikan yang mendatang – suatu yang tidak sanggup dipikul oleh ramai pemimpin sekarang.
    100% demokrasi (untuk Zahid Ibrahim) tak bermakna baik jika semua rancangan yang baik tak dapat dilaksanakan atas sebab red-tape dan sebagainya. Begitu juga absolute power tak bermakna tak baik jika pemimpin yang diamanahkan itu benar-benar ikhlas dan berkepimpinan.
    Ismail N
    Malaysian News Blog

  365. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Seronok dapat baca tulisan membuka minda daripada Tun setiap hari.
    Boleh Komen mengenai Proton? Sekarang Proton sudah berusia 23 Tahun.
    Selamat Hari Jadi Proton.

  366. Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Petang ,
    Pulau Tioman sememangnya indah dan pernah menduduki salah satu dari 10 buah pulau terindah di dunia . Oleh kerana pulau itu kecil, proses pemabangunan perlulah dilakukan dgn berhati2 dgn mengambil kira faktor alam sekitar . Walaubagaimanapun landasan kapal terbang mestilah diperbesarkan , tempat penginapan lebih selesa dgn kemudahan asas yg mencukupi mestilah dibina utk menarik lebih ramai pelancong . Tetapi saya tak bersetuju apabila semua barang dijual adalah duty-free termasuk minuman alkohol sehingga budak2 sekolah boleh beli. Jangan sebab nak tarik pelancong maksiat makin menjadi2. bagi saya barang seperti alkohol jgnlah duty free.Nanti tak pasal2 pula Tioman nanti ditimpa bala .
    Wassalam .

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