1. Why is it that when I defend UMNO or the Malays I am labelled a racist but not when others speak up for Chin Peng?

2. If speaking up for the Malays is considered racist then are the Malays to be denied their right to speak for themselves?

3. Liberalism is fine but it should not benefit only certain people and not others. By definition not benefiting certain people contradicts the very concept of liberalism.

4. I really don’t think openly slugging it out on racial issues in Malaysia is healthy. But if that is what Malaysians want then they should be prepared to slug and be slugged.


1. I am saddened that PAS should suggest banning Sisters in Islam.

2. I don’t always agree with the views of the SIS. But they have not negated Islam. In most instances they cite verses of the Quran and Hadith to support their views. If we don’t agree then give the reasons why we don’t agree. But to resort to banning is draconian.

3. We can imagine what a PAS Government for Malaysia would be like.

233 thoughts on “SOUND BITES”

  1. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    mohon izin menghujah balas komen s.tan 9 july 12.36am.walaupun s.tan setuju “pada dasar nya” pendapat saya,dia sebenar nya kurang faham atau berpura-pura tidak tahu apa penting nya peribumi menguasai sesebuah negara itu.
    orang melayu tidak anti terhadap apa-apa bangsa pun.islam juga melarang keras umat nya bersikap racist.sebab didlm islam,semua manusia itu sama darjat dan yg menentukan kemuliaan seseorang adalah tahap iman nya.
    adapun perdebatan yg berapi-api yg anda lihat adalah sebagai tindak balas dari tuntutan-tuntutan keterlaluan oleh orang bukan-melayu yg cuba menduga kekuatan seseorang pemimpin baru.di zaman Tun,orang telah tahu Tun tak akan kalah oleh desakkan.Tun Badawi lembut,mudah kalah.pujuk boleh,desak pun boleh.lalu dia hanyut dipukul ribut yg dia nyalakan sendiri.
    kini zaman PM Najib,yg cuba menonjolkan dirinya sebagai tokoh sederhana,lebih matang dan praktikal hinggakan LKY sendiri datang 8 hari untuk mengukur apa yg boleh dia untung dari Malaysia di bawah PM Najib.bila PM Najib cadangkan jembatan ketiga,LKY mintak pasir.padahal jembatan adalah untuk kemudahan bersama,sedang pasir hanyalah untuk s’pura saja.ini lah contoh-contoh kaum oppurtunist.permintaan mereka takkan ada hujungnya.hanya apabila orang melayu marah-marah,hilang akal dan mengucapkan kata-kata berbau perkauman,baru lah reda seketika sesuatu isu itu.kemudian,sesuai dgn keadaan,akan dijolok sampai melatah dgn isu lain pula,yg kesemua isu-isu itu hanya membawa kesatu arah iaitu mencari atau mencipta jalan untuk menghakis kuasa politik melayu.itu lah tujuan akhir.mula-mula hapuskan DEB,kemudian MERITOKRASI,tapi tetap lah tujuan akhirnya adalah untuk mendominasi.
    s’pura adalah contoh.tiada kuasa politik,tiada kuasa ekonomi.mintak dijauhkan oleh Allah SWT dari terjadi seperti itu di Malaysia.
    bumiputera mana-mana negara sekalipun mestilah menjadi bangsa yg menguasai tanah leluhur nya.tapi islam agama suci membuka ruang untuk kita menerima bangsa asing yg walau berapa asing nya pun,selagi dia islam,dia adalah saudara yg boleh kita percaya dan jika dia berkebolehan,kita wajib mentaati nya.contoh nya adalah diri Tun sendiri.apabila telah sama-sama islam,bangsa sudah tidak bererti lagi sebab islam itu universal.apabila sudah sama-sama mengaku bumi ini milik Allah,sudah tak timbul lagi soal siapa pendatang,siapa peribumi.tiada syak-wasangka,tiada phobia sesama seagama.
    tapi jgn salah anggap yg kami meremehkan agama-bangsa lain.kami perlu menjaga kepentingan kami dulu.Encik S.Tan,pandanglah disekeliling anda diserata dunia bagaimana umat islam dianggap musuh,teroris dan sebagainya.di Eropah,pakai jilbab pun salah padahal itu adalah perkara wajib bagi wanita kami.di s’pura anak-anak kami dilarang memakai tudung ke sekolah padahal sejak zaman British lagi hingga awal merdeka,tudung dan songkok adalah identiti anak-anak islam.tapi apabila diambil alih oleh LKY,itu pun di hapuskan.demi memelihara agama kami,boleh kah kami percaya kpd orang asing lagi,Encik S.Tan? padahal dlm urutan keperluan hidup,agama adalah terpenting dan pertama bagi kami.sebab itu,kelantangan orang melayu mempertahankan hak nya,biarpun agak kasar,tidak boleh dianggap racist.ia adalah penakatan atau,survival,kami.kita tak mahu didiskriminasi seperti di amerika dan eropah dan tak mahu jadi minoriti di negara sendiri seperti di s’pura,yg dengar kabar nya ada sejuta pekerja asing yg diimport dari china.
    terimakasih Tun.saya berharap ruang blog Tun ini lebih berjaya membuka mata dan minda orang melayu-islam akan tanggung-jawap dan hak nya terhadap malaysia.

  2. Saudara Zulkiflee Bin Arip I find your comments pathetic and devoid of common sense.

  3. Wahai hisham1,
    You DO NOT have the right to ask people to leave this country, just because they have their own opinions.
    How would you feel if you are booted out of this country, for the same reasons that you are asking others to leave.
    When and where did you get this right from, my dear Sir?

  4. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Minta izin membalas sikit pengirim dibawah ini….
    Sdr ‘Zulkiflee Bin Arip’ on July 7, 2009 10:41 AM
    Ingin dijelaskan saya tak bantah tujuan perjuangan sdr pada dasarnya. Cuma caranya tak baik.
    Memang penyerapan terbaik, tapi pandang cara ajaran agama, percampuran dulu baru sampai penyerapan. Agama diperkenalkan pada orang dulu bukan dipaksa terus. Bahasa, budaya pun sama.
    Sejarah pendatang Filipina, Indon,Thailand tak sama M’sia dari segi jumlah, peratus pribumi, dibawa masuk (oleh British) dgn datang sendiri (lain negara), tuan bertukar (dulu British) dan tempoh masa. M’sia baru 50thn (dibawah Melayu) banding mrk dah beratus thn.
    Penyerapan akan berlaku semula jadi, cuma makan masa tak makan paksa.
    Buruk sangka, syak, sangsi terhadap orang semata mata krn budaya, bahasa, agama pun tak betul. Mrk pun makhluk Tuhan. Waspadalah pada niat yg tak baik tapi jgn menilai dari tutur, pakaian, cara sembahyang. Nilai perbuatan bukan penampilan.
    Don’t let your superstition become a phobia. Beraja, majmuk tidak dipertikai. Islam ikut janji perlembagaan pun tak jadi soal.

  5. Assalamu’alaikum Tun
    mohon izin mengulas komen s.tan 5 july 1.12am.
    saya kagum dgn semangat s.tan yg terus-menerus menghujah dan mempertahankan hujah-hujah nya dgn logika yg dia cipta sendiri tanpa perlu mengambil kira kaedah yg telah diguna-pakai dunia sejak zaman-berzaman ia-itu penduduk peribumi adalah pemilik dan pendatang adalah penumpang.dan penumpang hanya di terima setara dgn peribumi hanya apabila telah melalui proses asimilisasi beberapa keturunan.erti nya ia menerima dan memakai bahasa dan budaya tanah tumpangan nya.seperti di filipina,thailand,indonesia dan negara-negara lain.
    penumpang atau pendatang yg masih terus mengekal dan mempertahankan identiti asli asal nya hanya lah memberi isyarat bahwa dia hanya mahu menumpang buat sementara saja dan akan pulang atau keluar sesudah beberapa generasi.sebab peribumi rata-rata hanya menerima buat sementara perlakuan orang asing menjaja adat resam nya dalam jumlah kecil.kalau jumlah itu sudah sampai 23%,itu sudah sangat patut untuk mengundang risau.bumi boleh bertukar tuan dlm sekelip mata.
    mengambil s’pura,amerika dan australia sebagai contoh hanyalah sekadar silap mata menegak benang basah.amerika dan australia,selain jauh,adalah jauh berbeza dgn tanah melayu.kedua-dua negara itu adalah sangat luas,lebih luas dari seluruh nusantara,peribumi nya amat sedikit.selain tamadun Incha dan Maya,tidak banyak yg diketahui tentang amerika.begitu juga dgn australia.tidak salah kalau bangsa eropah atau sesiapa saja yg berasa kesempitan bumi nya meneroka atau berhijrah kesana.tapi jgn samakan dgn tanah melayu yg telah jelas dan terang siapa tuan nya.
    s’pura pula adalah kes istimewa dimana semua nya berjalan songsang.orang pendatang menjadi majoriti,bangsa peribumi jadi minoriti.entah bila berubah kuantiti,tak pula kita tahu dgn pasti.padahal s’pura itu pernah dipayungi raja,dari sang nila utama sampailah kezaman Yg DiPertuan Negara pertama dan terakhir Almarhum Yusof Ishak.erti nya s’pura itu telah ada identiti sebagai sebahagian dari bumi melayu lagi islam.dan kita kehilangan nya bukanlah kerana kalah perang sebalik nya kerana termakan kata manis,janji dusta dan propaganda kaum yg tujuan utama nya hanya lah untuk mendominasi kita.dan dominasi itu tidak akan berhenti.cengkaman nya diperkemas,perketat dan diperluas sentiasa.
    sebab itu hari ini kita perlu berhati-hati terhadap sebarang bunyi yg keluar dari terompet-terompet propaganda yg mengajak kpd persamaan hak.satu kali kita bersetuju,seumur hidup kita tertipu.contoh mengajar begitu,kita ikut saja.jadi tak lah kita bersikap perkauman,sebaliknya nasionalistik untuk mempertahankan malaysia pada kedudukkan nya hari ini,iatu Islam-Beraja-Majmuk.i am not racist,i am just superstious(due to history).thank u Sir for providing us a platform to voiced our concerns.

  6. Dear Tun, salam sejahtera harap sihat sentiasa. Minta izin menyahut seorang pengulas disini krn menyambut jawapannya….
    Terima kasih pada jawapan Zulkiflee Bin Arip on July 1, 2009 9:49 PM. Saya sambut jawapan yg lebih matang.
    ……………….HOW TO SKIN A CAT
    Tulisan kali ini lebih baik, tepat dan tegas tanpa menghina kasar bangsa dan agama.
    Saya faham kalau Melayu khuatir pisang berbuah dua kali. Tapi M

  7. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    mohon izin mengulas komen S.tan jun 26 11.45am dan 11.44pm.saya tidak hendak mengulas banyak.saya rasa cukup dgn satu perkataan saja.SINGAPURA.
    seorang mukmin tidak boleh dipatuk dua kali pada lubang yg sama.erti nya kita harus mengambil iktibar untuk tidak mengulang kesilapan yg sama.adalah salah bersikap buruk sangka,tapi adalah suatu padah jika kita gagal mengagak dgn tepat arah-tujuan orang.ada sebuah kisah berhikmah yg ingin saya kongsi bersama.kisah nya begini;
    ada seekor raja singa yg telah tua tinggal di dalam sebuah gua.raja singa itu sudah tak kuat lagi untuk keluar mencari makan,jadi dia hanya menunggu haiwan-haiwan lain melintas lalu didepan gua nya.kemudian menjemput haiwan itu masuk menziarahi nya.haiwan-haiwan yg berasa simpati akhirnya menjadi mangsa.
    suatu hari,lalu lah sang kancil di luar gua raja singa.melihat kelibat sang kancil,raja singa yg sememang sedang sangat lapar itu segera menyeru”wahai sang kancil,sila lah masuk menziarahi beta.beta sudah tua dan uzur pula,jadi jgn lah kamu bimbang”. kata raja singa dgn nada perlahan dan lemah.
    sang kancil menjawab,”ampun tuanku,kalau patik masuk ke gua tuanku ini,tentu lah patik akan mati menjadi mangsa tuanku sebab patik lihat di lantai ini cuma ada tapak-tapak kaki haiwan-haiwan lain yg berjalan masuk tapi tak satu pun tapak kaki yg menghala keluar”.
    ini lah ilmu hikmah yg perlu kita ada.pesan ikhlas saya tidaklah salah bersikap baik terhadap orang tapi adalah sangat salah untuk menganggap orang akan sebaik kita.kita memang perlu berwaspada.kita perlukan lebih ramai antikmalaya dan jjj.
    terima kasih,Tun.wassalam.

  8. Dear Tun, salam sejahtera harap sihat. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk melekehkan orang….
    Kaum Cina hanya 23% rakyat M

  9. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    sudah ada banyak komen dan debat yg membela hak melayu-islam di ruangan Tun ini.tapi kalau komen hanya setakat komen saja,ia tidak akan membawa manfaat apa-apa.yg kita perlukan adalah tindakkan.saya cadangkan kita mulakan nya dgn mengenal pasti idea-idea atau komen-komen bernas yg boleh dikemukakan kpd kerajaan/umno untuk diperhalusi dan kemudiannya digubal menjadi dasar rasmi.

  10. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Minta izin membalas komen sdr ini berbuih keluar…
    ‘Zulkiflee Bin Arip’ on June 24, 2009 10:49 PM
    Belajar sejarah tak ada makna pada orang yg hati tertutup. Mcm sdr ini, mati mati dia hanya nak kembalikan sejarah kepulauan nusantara. Dia ikat hanya yg beragama Islam sebagai saudara, serumpun, serantau dan yg lain pendatang, orang asing, menumpang dan tak layak berada di bumi ini (ikut susun katanya) Edaran sejarah tak ada makna pada dia.
    Tak kisahlah siapa dia panggil sdr, tapi menganggap yg bukan Islam itu musuh jauh menyimpang dari agama yg mengajar kemuliaan, kemanusiaan, persaudaraan pada semua termasuk binatang. Cermin diri bila berucap mengguna nama agama, tapi bersikap serong, tanggapan buruk memperlekeh rakyat bukan Islam.

  11. Dear Tun, salam sejahtera harap sihat. Minta izin membalas komen pengunjung ini. Kiriman dah sita dan susun. Tapi komen dia lulus cepat??
    Pandangan pada tulisan ‘Zulkiflee Bin Arip’ on June 18, 2009 11:20 PM dgn izin.
    Ini adalah cerita hantu oleh Umnoputera, pengaut untung politik wang Umno dan golongan yg nak bolot keistimewaan. Kalau benar benar ikhlas dan jujur basmi kemiskinan pada 5juta melayu(1970) tak perlu 40 thn, kecuali ada tujuan sampingan??
    Dgn majoriti melayu begitu besar dan jentera pentadbiran krjn, keselamatan negara di kongkong melayu, mustahil melayu boleh hilang perintah. Bekerjasama dgn Umno boleh, tapi bekerjasama dgn PAS/PKR anti melayu. Melayu dlm PAS/PKR habis di kecam pengkhianat bangsa.
    Kaum cina dulu(1957) 45% jumlah (nisbah 1:1), dlm pentadbiran krjn dan keselamatan (tentera/polis) 30%. Waktu itu pun kebanyakkan mrk berganding dgn Melayu menjayakan M’sia. Skrg dgn 23% jumlah (nisbah 1:3 bumi), dlm krjn dan pihak keselamatan tak sampai 4%, ada pembohong sebar momok kaum ini berupaya pijak Melayu, nak ambil alih negara ini!
    ………………TERUS TERANG
    Beritahu jika kamu melayu miskin, saya tolong perjuangkan hak keistimewaan sdr. Kalau dah berupaya, jgn mengada ngada mencuri kesempatan, berebut dgn orang miskin, pakai selindung hak keistimewaan. Cakap terang terang mahu bolot semua, krn ini Negara melayu (tamak), jgn berdalih belakang melawan penceroboh konon! Krn sejarah (Tun suruh belajar sejarah) kita berkongsi.
    Kalau kongsi tiada tuan hanya rakan, tiada bangsa mulia hanya bangsa amanah, tiada bangsa rendah hanya insan diuji, tiada penganut mulia hanya agama mulia, tiada penjajah hanya pemimpin. Pemimpin bertanggungjawab pada orangnya, bukan menekan mrk. Cermin diri !!

  12. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    tulisan saya sejak beberapa hari lalu mendapat kritikan pedas dan agak celupar.tepat seperti kata Tun apabila orang melayu mempertahankan hak nya,mereka akan dituduh racist lah,anti pendatang lah,menyimpan historical baggage lah dan berbagai macam tuduhan lain lagi.tapi saya tak peduli.bagi saya itu semua adalah strategi orang-orang asing untuk membuat kita keliru memilih apa yg patut kita bangga atau apa yg perlu kita malu.
    konon nya mempertahankan hak agama dan bangsa di zaman globalisasi ini adalah racist dan memalukan.sedang mereka bebas mencetus isu,kita harus berdiam dan memberi mereka layanan karpet merah selagi Umno berkuasa.tapi bila mereka pula berkuasa? jenguk-jenguk lah ke seberang selat tebrau.
    contoh dah ada depan mata.apakah kita mahu buat silap kali kedua? saya rasa amat mengerikan jika kita sampai tertipu lagi dgn cogankata MERITOKRASI dan HAK SAMA-RATA.jagalah hak kita dgn penuh cemburu.kita harus berani mengaku kelemahan kita sebab memang orang melayu itu selalu gagal mempertahankan milik nya.sebab itu kita perlu orang-orang Islam seperti Tun,yg dapat dipercaya,walau bukan melayu jati tapi begitu kasih pada bangsa yg lemah-lalai ini.
    saya benar-benar menyeru kerajaan malaysia mengambil tindakkan segera memperbaiki keadaan politik yg sudah condong ini sebelum ia rebah.pertingkatkan lah peratusan pengundi Islam dgn mengambil umat islam dari negara lain menjadi rakyat malaysia sekurang-kurang nya 80%,seperti singapura.hanya dgn cara itu sajalah kita boleh menjamin kedaulatan raja-raja melayu dan keutuhan agama Islam.

  13. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    tulisan saya sejak beberapa hari lalu mendapat kritikan pedas dan agak celupar.tepat seperti kata Tun apabila orang melayu mempertahankan hak nya,mereka akan dituduh racist lah,anti pendatang lah,menyimpan historical baggage lah dan berbagai macam tuduhan lain lagi.tapi saya tak peduli.bagi saya itu semua adalah strategi orang-orang asing untuk membuat kita keliru memilih apa yg patut kita bangga atau apa yg perlu kita malu.
    konon nya mempertahankan hak agama dan bangsa di zaman globalisasi ini adalah racist dan memalukan.sedang mereka bebas mencetus isu,kita harus berdiam dan memberi mereka layanan karpet merah selagi Umno berkuasa.tapi bila mereka pula berkuasa? jenguk-jenguk lah ke seberang selat tebrau.
    contoh dah ada depan mata.apakah kita mahu buat silap kali kedua? saya rasa amat mengerikan jika kita sampai tertipu lagi dgn cogankata MERITOKRASI dan HAK SAMA-RATA.jagalah hak kita dgn penuh cemburu.kita harus berani mengaku kelemahan kita sebab memang orang melayu itu selalu gagal mempertahankan milik nya.sebab itu kita perlu orang-orang Islam seperti Tun,yg dapat dipercaya,walau bukan melayu jati tapi begitu kasih pada bangsa yg lemah-lalai ini.
    saya benar-benar menyeru kerajaan malaysia mengambil tindakkan segera memperbaiki keadaan politik yg sudah condong ini sebelum ia rebah.pertingkatkan lah peratusan pengundi Islam dgn mengambil umat islam dari negara lain menjadi rakyat malaysia sekurang-kurang nya 80%,seperti singapura.hanya dgn cara itu sajalah kita boleh menjamin kedaulatan raja-raja melayu dan keutuhan agama Islam.

  14. Dear Tun, salam sejahtera harap sihat bahagia. Kiriman ini memberi pandangan pada saranan yg dibuat penulis ini sendiri. Kalau saranan layak disiar tentu layak dibalas…
    Pendapat pada tulisan ‘Zulkiflee Bin Arip’ on June 18, 2009 11:20 PM
    Ikut teorinya, orang beragama Islam lebih layak dan boleh dipercayai membangunkan negara krn mrk saudara. Pakistan 95% Islam. Siapa bunuh siapa disana dan untuk apa? Skrg di Iran keganasan bergolak, bukankah itu negara 95% Islam? Di Palestin, Fatah dan Hamas bukan sdr Islam? Indonesia 90% Islam ada masaalah keganasan di Aceh. Somalia, Sudan aman kah? Ini semua negara saudara se agama!
    Teori saya, dari sendeng tulisan sdr adalah golongan religious bigot, racist ultra, anti non-Muslims atau Umno slugger. Buktinya dari tulisan sdr seterusnya…
    Jika buat satu teori, ia mesti terbukti bila diuji berkali kali, bukan cari sebab dan alasan kenapa ia tak menjadi. Itu bukan teori, itu teka teki! Main tikam!!

  15. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    semuga Tun sekeluarga sentiasa didlm rahmat dan lindungan Allah s.w.t dan terus dapat menabur bakti kpd agama,bangsa dan tanahair.saya mohon maaf kerana menggunakan kekata tanahair menggantikan Malaysia sebab tanahair membawa maksud yg lebih luas dan kita orang melayu sejak ribuan tahun yg silam memang telah terbiasa menggunakan kekata tanahair sebagai gantinama yg lebih tepat untuk menyebut watan kita.
    lagipun Tun,bila menyebut tanahair,tidaklah akan ada bangsa melayu-nusantara yg berasa tersisih.ada rasa ukhuwah dan persaudaraan seagama,sebangsa dan setanahair sebab kita orang satu rantau.samaada orang kelantan atau orang kalimantan,orang sulawesi atau orang kota tinggi,orang songkhla atau orang sumatera,kita adalah sebangsa,tidaklah laut memisahkan kita sebab tanah dan air itu milik kita bersama.
    tidaklah betul pendapat yg menyamakan orang jawa atau bawean atau acheh atau sumatera atau riau yg berhijrah ke semenanjung sama dgn kaum pendatang asing,yg langsung tiada kena-mengena dgn rantau ini,yg samaada datang dibawa penjajah atau pelarian-ekonomi yg mencari tempat sebagai penumpang di bumi kita.orang pendatang adalah orang yg datang dari luar nusantara.orang melayu,atau jawa atau bugis atau sulu atau apa sukupun yg berhijrah dari satu daerah ke satu daerah dlm rantau ini adalah Perantau,bukan Pendatang.
    orang melayu atau orang perantau tidaklah sehebat mana.kita tidak sehebat bangsa Eropah yg pernah menjajah dan memerdekakan kita.tamadun kita tak dapat dibandingkan dgn tamadun India atau China,yg mempunyai maharaja-maharaja hebat.kita cuma ada raja-raja kecil yg hanya hebat bertelagah sesama sendiri.sebab itu apabila setelah Islam,kita menumpang kehebatan Islam.Islam lah yg mengajar kita agar tidak tunduk menjadi hamba bangsa lain.panglima-panglima islam menjadi sanjungan kita jauh lebih hebat dari hang tuah.cakap mudah nya,kita perlu pelindung,yg boleh kita percaya,yg dapat memastikan agama kita terpelihara,kepentingan kita terjaga dan kita tetap terus dapat bernegara di bumi kita sendiri.
    saya harap komen-komen liar yg mempersendakan tahap kemelayuan Tun jgn lah dilayan sangat.walau apapun darah yg mengalir dlm tubuh Tun,sebagai saorang Muslim,Tun atau sesiapa saja muslim lain sudah cukup layak menjadi pemimpin dan pelindung agama,bangsa dan tanahair.

  16. Quote ”
    By hisham1Author Profile Page on June 10, 2009 11:40 AM
    there are certain race groups in Malaysia that criticizing everything that Malay dominated party and Malay dominated government did. we just wonder why they are still here instead of go back to their own home country. they did not like things that happen here anyway ”
    You knw y? becos current govment is very very corrupted. U knw, I knw, everyone knws. Y we all still here? Pls la, we all borned in Malaysia LAH~~~. We already at our home country!! Voicing our disagreement and criticizing is to bring changes to the country and make it better. Hello dude, this is a democratic country!!
    Your remarks pictured your naiveness and “my id name”
    First of all, your malay problem isnt caused by non-malays. It’s more to modern malay vs old malay. So pls dun drag the non-malays into the deep salted sea…

  17. Salam Tun,
    Mengenai isu Melayu dan mempertahankan hak Melayu itu sepatutnya ada. tapi jangan mengaitkan isu ini melebihi apa yang pemimpin dahulu pertahankan. Kita perlu ingat Malaysia ini berbilang kaum, jika tidak baik jgn bukak negara demokrasi.
    Mengenai SIS baik ditutup sahaja perkara, bagi saya ini mengelirukan umat Islam. Can you imagine the basic things in ISLAM like wearing tudung, cannot be followed by SIS as a ISLAMIC society? Cuba Tun bayangkan lah. Pemakaian tudung tu telah tertulis di dalam Al-Quran dan hadis.

  18. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    saya ingin berkongsi cerita untuk bahan renungan kita bersama.suatu ketika raja Islam di Andalus di ancam oleh 2 musuh.pertama adalah gabungan kerajaan kristian pimpinan Ratu Isabella dan Raja Ferdinand dari sebelah utara,kedua kerajaan Islam Libya di selatan.
    Ferdinand dan Isabella memberi kata dua kpd raja Andalus;menyerah kalah dan tunduk kpd kerajaan kristian dan di beri ganjaran tetap menjadi raja di Andalus.
    Libya pula tetap akan menyerang Andalus tanpa syarat dan akan menangkap raja nya untuk di hukum.
    Raja Andalus yg walau sudah begitu rosak akhlak nya tapi sebagai seorang Muslim,tetap ada di hati nya sisa-sisa iman yg masih bersinar lalu dia berkata “Aku lebih rela di tawan dan di jadikan gembala kambing di padang pasir yg tandus dibawah kerajaan Islam daripada menjadi raja boneka di bawah kerajaan kafir”.
    saya benar-benar berharap orang Melayu-Islam Malaysia menghargai kuasa undi mereka.walau marah macamana pun kpd Umno,jgn lah dibiarkan Umno kalah.kalau ada yg tak betul dgn Umno,masuk lah Umno dan betulkan ia dari dalam.ambil lah tauladan dari kisah raja andalus.sebab kalau Umno jatuh,ia takkan dapat bangun lagi.
    Setakat ini sahaja bt masa ini.

  19. Zulkiflee Bin Arip on June 18, 2009 11:20 PM
    Bacalah dan renungilah apa yang awak sendiri telah tulis :
    1) “sekira nya di beri hak penuh untuk berkuasa dan mentadbir malaysia, tak dapat di nafikan memang mereka mampu menjadikan malaysia jauh lebih kaya dari sekarang”
    2) “untuk mengatasi kekurangan kita,perlu ada tindakkan dan tindakkan susulan.jalan mudah adalah dgn mengambil umat Islam dari serta dunia untuk menjadi warga malaysia”.
    3) “golongan karyawan islam yg ada di Amerika dan Eropah,mangsa perang di Sudan,Iraq atau Afghanistan semua ini adalah orang yg lebih layak dan boleh di percayai untuk memakmurkan malaysia dan melindungi Islam.sebab mereka saudara kita.”
    Adakah awak mencadangkan bahawa orang Melayu kurang berkemampuan berbanding kaum lain (yang awak gelar “orang asing yg kita kenal dgn panggilan-sebutan negara asal mereka”) untuk menjadikan negara ini lebih kaya dari sekarang?
    Adakah awak mencadangkan yang orang Islam Amerika, Eropah, mangsa perang Sudan, Irag dan Afganistan lebih berkemampuan untuk menjadikan negara ini lebih kaya berbandingkan dengan orang Melayu?
    Dengan cara ini, awak fikir kedaulatan Melayu akan dapat dipertahankan, kuasa orang Melayu akan dapat dimantapkan dan martabat orang Melayu dapat dipertingkatkan?
    Awak menganggap mereka ini ‘saudara’ awak? Adakah mereka menganggap awak ini ‘saudara’ mereka?
    Dan satu lagi, sebelum awak menyentuh tentang komunis, bacalah sejarah komunis dan selidik siapakah Shamsiah Fakeh, Rashid Maidin dan sebagainya. Jangan jadi macam katak bawah tempurung.
    Sungguh lucu sekali….

  20. salam Jumaat yang Mulia..
    kepada rakan-rakan dalam chedet…
    jangan beremosi sangat…
    lontarkanlah pendapat, pandangan dan teguran serta isi hati dengan penuh berhemah…sifat-sifat positif dan rendah diri perlu di bawa selalu…
    Ingatlah kita semua adalah anak Malaysia yang bertuah…
    Masih lagi mampu untuk bangun pagi dan mengecapi suasana aman dan sentosa…walaupun kadangkala hari itu tidak menyebelahi kita…
    Kita semua mempunyai hak untuk berkata dan berkongsi rasa maka gunakalah ia dengan penuh rasa tanggungjawab dan terkawal.
    Mungkin satu hari nanti suara-suara kita ini akan diberi perhatian yang sewajarnya…
    Syabas kepada anda semua kerana masih lagi mempunyai sikap sayang pada negara, bangsa dan agama.
    Terima kasih…
    dan teruskanlah semangat membaca dan melontarkan isi hati anda…

  21. assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    membaca komen-komen di ruangan Tun membuat saya berasa ngeri dan lega.ngeri kerana orang-orang asing yg kita kenal dgn panggilan-sebutan negara asal mereka (kita tak tahu apa bangsa mereka dan tak perlu ambil tahu) mula menyuarakan secara terang-terangan tentangan mereka keatas kedaulatan melayu-Islam kerajaan Malaysia.hari ini tentangan itu kelihatan tertuju kpd Umno saja,sebab Umno itu mangsa-mudah.PAS dan PKR akan dgn cepat menyokong siapa saja yg ada peluru untuk menyerang atau memburuk-burukkan Umno.tapi matlamat akhir orang-orang asing itu sebenar nya adalah untuk meruntuh kuasa Melayu-Islam.sama ada buruk atau baik,Umno adalah benteng Melayu-Islam.orang melayu dan umat islam perlu sedar tentang ini.dan Alhamdulillah,sebagian komen-komen yg membela hak Melayu sudah mula menyadari ada nya gerakkan tersusun untuk mencabut secara halus hak orang melayu untuk bernegara.saya rasa lega ada segelintir orang melayu yg faham bahwa kita sedang di serang secara halus oleh chin peng-chin peng capitalist setelah chin peng komunis gagal merebut malaya dgn kekerasan.
    sekira nya di beri hak penuh untuk berkuasa dan mentadbir malaysia,tak dapat di nafikan memang mereka mampu menjadikan malaysia jauh lebih kaya dari sekarang.tapi apa akan jadi pada orang melayu? orang melayu akan dikembalikan ke atas pokok,sebagai kaum minoriti,menjadi warga kelas 3,bahasa melayu dan agama islam bukan lagi bahasa dan agama rasmi,kampung-kampung akan di robohkan dan orang melayu akan tinggal di rumah-rumah pangsa yg memakai sistem kuota satu rumah melayu harus berjiran dgn 10 rumah orang asing,sekolah-sekolah melayu di hapuskan,madrasah di kurangkan,dakwah dikekang,masjid dikawal.kuala lumpur,putrajaya dan negeri-negeri,tempat-tempat dan jalan-jalan akan berubah nama..kemudian di sogokkan kita dgn kekata MERITOKRASI.kalau penjajah barat menggunakan DEMOKRASI untuk memporak-perandakan negara-negara Islam,orang-orang asing yg berhijrah ke bumi melayu ini pula akan sibuk dgn slogan MERITOKRASI untuk memperdaya kita.dan sistem quota akan di pakai mengikut kepentingan mereka.
    sekali lagi syukur Alhamdulillah,ada selintir orang melayu telah sedar tapi sedar saja tidak cukup.untuk mengatasi kekurangan kita,perlu ada tindakkan dan tindakkan susulan.jalan mudah adalah dgn mengambil umat Islam dari serta dunia untuk menjadi warga malaysia.golongan karyawan islam yg ada di Amerika dan Eropah,mangsa perang di Sudan,Iraq atau Afghanistan semua ini adalah orang yg lebih layak dan boleh di percayai untuk memakmurkan malaysia dan melindungi Islam.sebab mereka saudara kita.
    pada tahun 1511,Alphonso de Alburquque,selepas menewaskan kerajaan melayu melaka,dia mendarat dgn angkuh lalu menancapkan palang salib lambang agama nya sambil berkata dgn lantang ‘mulai hari ini jalan ke Mekah sudah ditutup!!!’ saya ingin sekali melihat pada tahun 2011,Tun mengetuai sambutan perayaan 500 tahun kejatuhan melaka dgn deklarasi kebangkitan Islam di nusantaragugusan kepulauan melayu adalah melalui Malaysia.semuga Allah swt memanjang usia Tun suami-isteri,sehingga kita dapat berjumpa di pantai Melaka meraikan kebangkitan Islam.wassalam.

  22. Btw, Im not pro-UMNO and I agree with you there is a corruption within UMNO that needs to be addressed before the majority of Malays will trust them again. That said, I am not fatalist and believe Dato Seri Najib may yet revive the party. We will see.
    And unlike many of the posters here, I am not dead-set against PAS either. They have some qualities that I greatly admire. Just like I admire the contributions Tun Mahathir has done for Malaysia. But that is a whole different story.

  23. To GreatGooner and Austozi,
    Since we are talking about the same topic, allow me to merge my responses to the both of you. It will save me time and I think we are nearing the end of our discussion. First of all, allow me to thank your for your responses as I enjoy reading the reasoning behind the minds of my Malaysian counter-parts, especially in areas that we are not in total agreement.
    Upon reading your responses, I am more relieved than anything else. What I had always seen as a push back to Bumiputra rights, I now understand as a request of inclusion for those rightfully deserving. I agree with Austozi that there is a gross misunderstanding the amongst the bumiputra masses regarding what the non-bumiputeras want changed about the NEP/Bumiputra policies. As a middle income Malay man, I think I fall into a rather large majority of the Malaysian demography. I’ve spent most of my life in KL (only shifted to Japan for work last year but return to KL next year) so my views are not ‘uncommon’ though I will even not presume to think that my opinion represents the masses.
    The general feel (at least among my circle of Malay friends and family), is that the wealthier non-bumi community want to demolish/change all the pro-bumiputra policies to allow a so called ‘even’ playing field for all. What this means to us Bumiputras is that we be put against wealthier, smarter, more experienced candidates (be it education, business, etc) regardless of our socio economic background. This scares the hell out of us as the majority of us will lose out on scholarships/loans/etc due to our socio-economy. Some non-bumiputras blatantly call for only merit based qualifications and take not into considerations the hardships faced by these people. Its easier to focus on getting good grades when you don’t have to worry about money. And its easier still when you’ve got the help of tuition classes, latest reference books, dedicated and qualified teachers, which is not necessarily the case for most low income bumiputras. They keep harping about equality and then scream from the top of their lungs about the odd (but widely sensationalized) ultra UMNO filthy rich businessman who abuses the policies. We get the impression that due to these irresponsible people, we must now give-up our only hope of catching up.
    GreatGooner, in your response you make references to the abuses being made by certain parties. Indeed I do not deny any of them and join you in calling for their heads. But by using this form of argument (which is what the bulk of the non-bumi community is saying), focus is put on the minority and many of us don’t relate to that. Yes we are upset he/she is abusing his power but doesn’t that happens everywhere, regardless of race? Instead of focusing on the abuses that are taking place, which is what the media makes us do, wouldn’t it be better if the plight of the low income bumiputras were brought forward? I would think we would receive many more supporters to the cause, even from the Bumiputra side as it no longer a matter of confrontation but rather, a matter of inclusion. Instead, what we hear are calls for reforms, about racist policies, and when it is likened it to ‘apartheid’ the first reaction from a Bumiputra is that non-bumis want the policies completely abolished. Hence my initial response to why I thought non-bumis were so against the policies.
    I like the module given by austozi and if you study it closely it shows that while making a huge difference to the low-income non-bumi, it does not substantially effect the majority of Bumiputras/Malays. This is exactly the points to make during an discussion on such sensitive matters. I concede that a lot of bumiputras, maybe even myself, were too sensitive to the issues and automatically jumped to the conclusion that non-bumiputras were asking for more than we are willing to give. Hence the malay saying ‘bagi betis nak peha pulak’ has been thrown about here and there. But then again, I think our reaction was also due to the line of reasoning being put forth. As an example see this quote by ‘Upholdjustice’ on this blog on this topic
    “We have given the Malays 52 years to catch up with us.You still have the face to want more time? At that time,Malaysia would be even more backward than Thailand and Vietnam.” unquote
    You probably wont be throwing that in my face but I can tell you that this hasn’t been the first time this type of arguments have been used when I speak to my non-bumiputra counter parts about this subject. If you take away the sarcasm, it still shows that the this non-bumi wants an ‘even’ playing field that we are not yet ready to concede. The other insults being thrown at my race is that we are generally lazy, and without ambition. Now of course these are not your opinions or maybe not even the majorities opinion but I think most Bumiputras feel like they must retaliate to such attacks against their race so they blindly defend the NEP and Bumiputra policies without understanding what is actually being asked.
    In closing, I now have a better understanding of what and why the non-bumiputras grievances are. I would like to think your opinions are closer to the non-bumis opinion than people who blindly ask for abolishment of the NEP/Bumiputra policy. Thank you for your time and thoughts.

  24. Cuba bayangkan persamaan matematik di bawah :
    Melayu + Melayu = Melayu, tetapi,
    Mamak India, Pakistan, Singapura, Siam, Arab, Cina atau India + Melayu = juga Melayu
    Arab + Arab, Indon + Indon, Mamak India + Mamak India, Melayu Singapura + Melayu Singapura, kalau jadi rakyat Malaysia = juga Melayu
    Adakah is benar? Jika ya, persoalannya, berapa banyak “hak keistimewaan orang Melayu” ini diberikan kepada mereka-mereka yang sebenarnya orang Melayu? Dan berapa banyak yang diberikan kepada anak-cucu-cicit orang Indonesia, Mamak India, Pakistan, Arab yang juga ditakrifkan sebagai “orang Melayu”?

  25. A’kum Y.A.Bhg. Tun,
    Saya fikir ada yang tak kena bila tiba-tiba tahun 2009, peratusan bukan bumiputra dapat biasiswa sangat tinggi berbanding dengan bumiputra. Apakah ini adalah hasil perjuangan UMNO? Jika benar, adakah ini merupakan sebahagian terjemahan perjuangan untuk memertabatkan Melayu? Angka pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya adalah pada tahap yang wajar melihat kepada komposisi kaum dan kehendak Perlembagaan Persekutuan Perkara 153(2), 153(3)dan 153(4)yang menyebut tentang biasiswa.
    Seterusnya Tun..saya petik dari Utusan Online..KUALA LUMPUR 16 Jun -..”Mark Koding didakwa di bawah Akta Hasutan ekoran menggunakan perkataan menghasut dalam ucapannya di Dewan Rakyat pada 11 Oktober 1978 yang meminta kerajaan menutup sekolah Cina dan Tamil,”Kalau semua rakyat pergi sekolah kebangsaan, maka semua rakyat akan tahu cakap bahasa Melayu..mungkin tak ada lah pemandu teksi atau lori atau peniaga pasar-pasar borong yang tak boleh cakap Melayu. Lagipun Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Perkara 152(1)(a)dan 152(6)’official purpose’..membawa maksud dan tujuan yang jelas. Apa pendapat Tun.
    Semuga Tun dan Tun Siti Hasmah sentiasa sihat dan berbahagia selalu..Ameen..Wassalam.

  26. Apa-apa la greatgooner…u boleh reka cerita dan berpura-pura ambil berat, ramai kawan melayu la dan macam-macam lagilah… statement u semuanya assumption… menyampah. Takpayah nak kesian, hakikatnya begitu dan kalau tak dek kerana pengalaman tak kan orang bercerita kan… oklah malas nak layan dah…. mungkin lepas ni 10 pages dia reply….

  27. Dear AAK,
    Sorry about the TYPO: It should have read:
    “I have (NO) objection to the assistance provided to poor Bumiputras, I just don’t believe all those who receive assistance ARE poor Bumiputras.”

  28. Dear AAK,
    Thanks for the compliments. I really do appreciate being able to discuss this without name-calling and abuse. And I don’t believe that my thoughts on this are faultless or impervious to attack by any stretch of imagination, so feel free to disagree. I’d appreciate your thoughts.
    I realise you’ve asked the question about the merits of NEP twice now. So I will try my best to answer.
    The easiest place to start would be the point you raised about changing the “semantics” of NEP benefiting Malays to benefiting the poor. You are correct in your assumptions about me – city-raised, middle income etc. However, I disagree that changing the wording of the NEP would merely be semantics. On the contrary i think it would have a HUGE impact. In the right places.
    My point is that there are many wealthy Malays at this moment in time when they weren’t as many in the past. Why does the NEP help them at the expense of poor Malays and non-Malays? I’m not against affirmative action policies such as the NEP. But I do think that it should take into account when someone from the “disadvantaged” race can actually afford something for themselves and is no longer in need of assistance.
    So I agree that there are many poor Malays in villages and so on who are not as fortunate as myself , or indeed many of my wealthier Malay friends. I wholely believe that we need to continue assisting the poorer and disadvantaged Bumiputras. However, I also believe that we should be helping the poor regardless of race. And we would have the money to do that if we weren’t wasting it on Bumiputras who don’t need the assistance. I agree that on the whole, Bumiputras are unable to stand on their own. My point of contention is “Why are we helping the Bumis who can help themselves at the expense of the poor Malays (and non-Malays)?”
    ALso I don’t believe we will see the necessary change while UMNO is in power because I believe that this party is so corrupt (nothing corrupts absolutely, like absolute power) that it no longer exists to fight for the rights of the Malays, merely their own self-interest. They use and manipulate the impressionable masses by saying that the non-Malays are “melampau” while they take holidays to Disneyland, drive expensive cars and live in mansions, all achieved through ill-gotten gains. The Malay masses are more a tool for keeping UMNO than the focus of their efforts. We need change.
    I fear I may lose objectivity if I continue talking about UMNO, so I’ll stop. Sorry if my personal thoughts on UMNO offend.
    You urged me to put myself in the shoes of a poor Bumiputra family-man, or businessman and I believe I have been doing so this whole time. I have objection to the assistance provided to poor Bumiputras, I just don’t believe all those who receive assistance ARE poor Bumiputras. And I am opposed to that. You asked why the non-Malays are so vehemently against the NEP. Ican’t tell you because I’m not “all non-Malays”, but I personally am against PARTS of it that refuse to acknowledge the changes in society that have occurred over the last 52 years.
    Surely the wealthy Malays are capable of standing on their own now and no longer require affirmative action assistance? If the argument is “No they are not”, I would suggest that the last 52 years have been a waste, breeding complacency in an entire race of people, and was probably a bad idea to begin with.
    But I digress, I think affirmative action is a good idea. We do however need to redefine the beneficiaries and NOT based on race, but rather by socio-economic status.
    I hope I have made myself clear on this. I believe we are more in agreement than you previously thought. I look forward to your thoughts.

  29. Saudara Azihan Alias,
    Kalau tak nak terjemahkan komen saya tak apa, tapi mengapa masih marah lagi. Tolonglah sabar. Saya tidak berniat “berlagak pandai”. Cuma saya hairan mengapa saudara naik marah dengan saya berkenaan komen saya yang saya kemukakan dengan hati yang ikhlas and segala niat baik, jadi saya rasa mungkin ada salah faham kerana saudara salah terjemah. Maaf kalau perasaan Azihan tersinggung. Sabar sedikit, ya?
    Saudara mungkin tak percaya kenyataan saya kerana mungkin saudara berpendapat semua orang dari kaum saya atau “my people” seperti Azihan kata, semua kaum penipu dan selalu ada udang di sebalik batu.
    Tapi boleh saya tanya, berapa ramai kawan Azihan dari kaum India atau Cina? Bukan kenalan sahaja, tetapi kawan rapat. Sebab saya ada banyak kawan rapat berbangsa Melayu. Saya tak percaya Azihan mampu berkawan dengan orang bukan Melayu kalau perangai kamu begitu. Dan jika betul tekaan saya yang Azihan tak ada kawan rapat bangsa bukan Melayu, mungkin kerana ITUlah yang saudara ada sikap prejudis sebegini sehingga tak mampu mempercayai bahawa saya berhati ikhlas. Kalau sikap Azihan begini sehingga tak nak mengenali dengan lebih mendalam sifat dan kebudayaan kaum bukan Melayu sebagai individu, maka Azihan langsung tidak akan mencapai tahap pemahaman antara kaum. Sikap minda tertutup ini bermakna saudara “lari” dari ilmu. Kalau saudara “lari” dari ilmu, macam mana saya nak berdebat dengan saudara Azihan secara rasional? Saya percaya saudara akan naik marah dengan saya namun apapun yang saya kata sekiranya tidak serasi dengan “pemikiran” anda dan saya percaya Azihan akan terus membenci kaum saya sampai akhirat, namun apapun jasa orang bukan Melayu di negara ini. Kalau pemikiran majoriti penduduk Malaysia serasi dengan Azihan, saya berasa hampa kerana tidak akan wujud pemahaman antara kaum, atau keamanan sejati. Saya percaya Tun Dr. Mahathir, Tunku Abdul Rahman dan ramai tokoh-tokoh Malaysia akan hampa dengan sikap Azihan, seorang warganegara Malaysia, berbangsa Melayu.
    Saya kasihan terhadap Azihan kerana mungkin Azihan telah menemui banyak kaum bukan Melayu yang tak suka tolong orang Melayu (seperti dalam komen saudara). Tetapi, tidak adil jika saudara menggunakan pengalaman buruk saudara untuk menganggap bahawa semua orang kaum bukan Melayu berperangai begitu.
    Saya tidak berpendapat bahawa segala hak-hak orang Melayu dimansuhkan. Sebaliknya, saya inginkan supaya semua orang Melayu yang miskin diberi pertolongan kerajaan sepenuhnya. Cuma mengapa tidak kita tolong orang miskin yang bukan Melayu juga? Pada pendapat saya (saudara mungkin tidak setuju), ada ramai orang Melayu yang sudah maju tahap sosio-ekonominya (ramai juga yang miskin, saya faham), sudah beli kereta BMW, rumah besar, hantar anaknya ke Oxford, mempunyai saham berjumlah berjuta-juta ringgit. Buat apa kita tolong orang seperti ini? Mereka sudah kaya, sudah maju! Lebih baik kita tolong orang Melayu yang miskin! Tidakkah lebih wajar, pendapatan negara dan pertolongan sosio-ekonomi diagihkan mengikut tahap sosio-ekonomi tanpa mengira bangsa? Setiap sen pertolongan DEB yang diberi kepada orang Melayu yang sudah kaya-raya, maknanya ada satu sen kurang yang boleh diberi kepada orang miskin.
    Saudara Azihan marah terhadap orang bukan Melayu kerana mereka “semua” sudah kaya, semasa ada banyak orang Melayu yang tidak ada kerja atau mereka miskin. Mungkin Azihan patut marah terhadap semua orang Melayu kaya yang tidak mahu kongsi kekayaan negara dengan orang Melayu miskin, malah memakan sumbangan yang patut dialirkan kepada orang miskin. Walaupun, Azihan tak suka kaum “penumpang”, kaum “penumpang” sekarang ni tak makan sumbangan ini, malah 70% sumbangan ini berasal dari poket orang “pendatang”. Jadi mungkin kaum Melayu sendiri yang berusaha untuk memundurkan orang Melayu, sambil berceramah, menyahut berkata mereka hendak mengagungkan hak Melayu, mereka hanya mementingkan diri sendiri.
    Tapi saya rasa (ini pendapat saya sahaja), keadaan seperti ini akan berterusan selama UMNO memerintah. Ramai ahli UMNO yang telah kaya-raya tapi mereka tak nak kongsi dengan sesiapapun, baik orang Cina, India ataupun Melayu miskin. Tapi kalau ada orang Cina atau India yang miskin minta keadilan sedikitpun, mereka naik panas baran dan kata kaum penumpang hendak “mencabar hak orang Melayu” atau kita sudah “melampau”, sambil mereka sendiri menghisap curut di rumah besar mereka dan memandu kereta mahal. Siapa yang lebih melampau? Gejala rasuah dan sikap mementingkan diri sendiri telah menembus ke semua pelusuk UMNO hingga UMNO sekarang bukan UMNO yang diimpikan Tunku Abdul Rahman 52 lebih tahun dahulu. Untuk memperbetulkan situasi ini, saya berpendapat bahawa pemerintahan negara perlu diberikan kepada parti politik yang lain. Saya percaya parti ini semestinya majoriti Melayu tetapi bukan UMNO.
    Mungkin penyelesaiannya boleh dicapai jikalau kita kurang sebut “hak Melayu” dan menumpukan segala usaha kita untuk mengagungkan “hak orang miskin”.
    Saya sudah tulis panjang lebar. Harap Azihan dapat menerimanya tanpa marah-marah lagi.

  30. Salam TUN,
    UMNO dilabelkan parti Racist ketika menyuarakan kepentingan melayu,tapi bagi saya semua parti politik yang terdapat di negara ini turut menyuarakan kepentingan masing-masing.Terpulang pada kita untuk menilai dan mengkaji kesahihannya antara baik buruknya.
    Pada masyarakat melayu kita harus sedar dengan tindakan kita samada ianya memberi kepentingan yang baik terhadap kaum sendiri dan kaum lain.Kaum cina bukan pendatang seperti yang dilabelkan malah dibawa oleh orang inggeris untuk membantu perjalanan tugasan.Kedatangan itu diterima baik penduduk setempat ketika itu dan boleh menjalankan aktiviti dengan bebas.Kaum india bukanlah buruh kasar pada mata masyarakat setempat dulu,tapi pandangan kolonist dahulu yang menjadikannya.Asal usul kita adalah dari agama hindu ketika parameswara dan selepas majapahit barulah datangnya melayu nusantara.Saya cuma tahu serba sedikit sahaja tapi saya rasa cukup untuk mengingatkan saya bahawa kita berada dibumi Malaysia amat bertuah dengan kemajuan dan kestabilan,janganlah merosakkannya.
    Untuk pedoman semua kaum sila tonton cerita-cerita seniman agung P Ramlee banyak yang boleh renungi,ia bukan sekadar cereka sahaja malah mempunyai realiti pada kehidupan sekarang.

  31. Dear AAK,
    Thanks for sharing your interesting views. Having read it thoroughly, I guess there was no other side of the coin which I didn’t see, but perhaps you and I just saw it from different perspectives. I commend you for being understanding in many respects towards other races, and I have attempted to do the same, to what extent, I do not know. However, on this matter, I think we have both expressed our views objectively. I do have a few things to add, though.
    First, let me summarise what I think should be changed about the NEP. I have made a diagram (they say a picture speaks a thousand words):
    (You can click on the image to enlarge it)
    I guess there is a gross misunderstanding amongst the masses regarding what the non-bumiputeras want changed about the NEP. I hope they would take a look at my diagram and give it some serious thoughts. In the diagram, (a) represents the current model in which the NEP operates. (b) is what I believe to be a better model. The bars represent populations of the different races.
    You wrote, “And I am sure your fathers case is the not the only one out there. My only defense to this is the hope that such cases are the minority, and that for every 1 poor non-bumi not receiving aid out there, there are still 2 or 3 Bumiputras who are also NOT receiving aid. Simply put, there are too many low income Bumiputras out there that even with the policies in place, there are still those who are left to fend for themselves… There seems to be a misconception that the middle class non bumi is being deprived of a place. Added to that, they see a few of their Bumiputra buddies who are also middle class with lower academic grades, get into the system which they cant. Well, for every such middle class bumi who gets in UiTM or MRSM, there are at least 80 or 90 other Bumiputras that got there cause they need the help.”
    This is precisely the problem. The reality is, the NEP is a lop-sided and inefficient policy. You said it yourself, there are more deserving people, not just non-bumiputeras but bumiputeras as well, who are getting shortchanged by the NEP. Then, in your example of UiTM admission, you acknowledged that there are people who do not need help but nonetheless benefit from the policy. I am only advocating that the opportunities be taken away from those who don’t need them and offered to those who are left out instead, irrespective of ethnic background. We cannot do that as long as the NEP operates in its present model.
    You wrote, “I must say I am not well versed in the plight on the Indians when it comes to this. Whether estate workers made more than farmers/fisherman, or if the numbers were too small, I don’t know, but if you go back to 1957, I can only assume that they were left out of the equation as they were foreigners in the land.”
    But the NEP was launched in 1971, 14 years after independence and recognition of the Indians as citizens of Malaya/Malaysia. It could not have been justified to consider the Indians as foreigners then.
    You also wrote, “Now that we 52 years removed, being 3rd or 4th generation Malaysians, I would very much like to see more help given to my fellow low-income countrymen. Like I mentioned above, I feel it is the low-income non bumis who suffer the most yet at the same time feel the number of low income bumiputras very much outweigh the numbers of non-bumis. If possible, Id like to see an inclusion of these non-bumis as well.”
    But it shouldn’t matter which race’s COLLECTIVE economic prowess outweighs which other race’s in the first place. The “Malay majority” argument may perhaps be offered retrospectively as an excuse (which our politicians have done at every opportunity), but by no means as a rationale, for why the NEP should discriminate between races. People should not be lumped into racial groups and have their socio-economic capacity determined, collectively, from their ethnicity. It just does not make sense. True that the richest men in Malaysia are Chinese. It skews the statistics, but it doesn’t mean that being Chinese, I’m getting any share of their wealth. Same goes for the bumiputeras. The current system makes it possible for Malay wealth to be concentrated in the hands of a few elites, and indeed that has been the trend since its implementation. One has to realise that there is a substantial economic disparity even within each ethnic group, that is, if we have to categorise people that way. If we were to group people by the amount of their chest hair, we would find the same economic disparity within each group, too. We can categorise people in 1001 ways. In this case, it is as ridiculous to categorise people by race as it is to categorise them by chest hair, because poverty in a Chinese or Indian household is no different from poverty in a Malay household, and they should all be taken seriously. Needy people, whatever their ethnicity, should be given priority. Those who do not need aid, whatever their ethnicity, should not be given any.
    I believe addressing the socio-economic disparity is easy to do outside the framework of the NEP. The difficult part is for our government to summon up the courage to admit the flaw in the NEP and start to do it the proper way.
    The problem with our country is that racial divides are too deeply entrenched to the point that we approach every single issue from a racially motivated perspective (e.g. recent controversies regarding Chin Peng, teaching of mathematics and science in English, alleged police brutality and abuse of power). We were divided and ruled by the British for a long time. Five decades after independence, that ‘divide-and-rule’ strategy is still very much in operation, though now the baton has changed hands, probably because it worked so well for those in power that they decided to keep it that way. And we are happy to let them divide us, how mindless are we? Racial prejudice is a shackle we have imposed upon ourselves, and it is us who refuse to take it off. We really have no one else to blame. We do not realise that a country is not just a collection of people living together, and they certainly do not need to have the same skin colour, religion or ancestry for that matter. These are shallow criteria that carry no pragmatic value for a nation. So what if we had the same skin colour, religion or ancestry, would that make us a successful nation? Just look at Thailand. It has a pretty homogenous population of people who share the same skin colour, religion and ancestry, yet the country’s history has been tumultuous to say the least. Closer to home, we have seen internal power struggles in single-race parties (UMNO, MCA and PPP) and disagreements among Muslims (UMNO, PKR, PAS). Race and religion really are not the answer our country needs. They are part of the problem, so stop making it a solution to all our problems.
    To my mind, we have spent too long dwelling on immaterial differences that don’t matter, and overlooked what truly matters. What is important for a country is that the people share common visions, which I’m afraid Malaysians don’t. At one time, we were hyped up about Vision 2020. That has now fallen by the wayside. Now, we cannot even agree on the most fundamental issues, such as whether the country is rightly a secular or Islamic state. Admittedly, people do not always hold identical views, but the government’s policies should align the people to common goals and not divide them. When it comes to the NEP, for example, the problem boils down to a common desire of all Malaysians, regardless of race, for social and economic equality. It’s as simple as that. But what the government has done is complicate it with racial segregation by telling Ah Chong, “No, you can’t have this because you are Chinese” and telling Ahmad, “Yes, take this, it’s your right to have it because you are Malay, and if anyone dares to question you, remind them of Ketuanan Melayu.”
    For our country to work, we need to first accept that the country is not anyone’s to own, but it’s ours to share. And if we only accept this idea, then we will feel compassion towards our fellow countrymen regardless of who their great-great-grandfathers were or where they came from geographically. Why carry the historical baggage? It’s irrelevant. What matters is where the hearts of the current-generation Malaysians are. If we were true patriots, we would hesitate at the thought of calling any other Malaysians immigrants, because we would be relunctant to entertain the nonsense that 4th- or 5th-generation Malaysians, who had been born and raised in this country and probably never seen another country, just wanted to get the money and go back to China or India. When we responded to such remarks with a public outcry, it was not because we defied history, but because we felt insulted and our allegiance to this country slighted. We feel a sense of belonging and responsibility towards this land, which is why we criticise ridiculous government policies, such as the NEP. It’s because we care. I personally do not care about the Chinese public healthcare system, but I do about the Malaysian one, passionately. I do not care about corruption problems in China, but I care about good governance in Malaysia, passionately. This is not what an immigrant will feel about his host country from where he just wants to get the hell out. I believe that, irrespective of race or religion, our fundamental needs as Malaysians are the same, and those are what we should work towards in unison. This is why I’m disenchanted by politicians (especially from BN) who resort to racial rhetorics come every election campaign, but fail to touch on issues of social equality, eradication of corruption, public healthcare, housing, access to education, etc. When they do talk about them, inevitably it’s with a racial tone (e.g. “We will preserve the bumiputera-only status of UiTM”). It makes me question why these people are running my country.
    Malaysians really need to grow out of their meaningless racial prejudice.

  32. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Minta izin berinteraksi dgn seorang pengunjung…..
    ………….ILLEGAL BUT COUNTED! (suratkhabarlama on June 15, 2009 11:14 PM )
    What is your point to bring in all the illegal activities? To paint that race as immoral? (This is the answer to those who complain other races stigmatize the Malays) You condone including illegal income in calculation of national wealth? Tun protested in a series of articles the calculation of national wealth for activities far less tainted than these.
    I don

  33. To Upholdjustice,
    “We have given the Malays 52 years to catch up with us.You still have the face to want more time? At that time,Malaysia would be even more backward than Thailand and Vietnam.” unquote
    It is exactly statements like that which raise racial tensions. Be careful of your semantics as you are coming off condescending and degrading. While it may be your aim to bring awareness to the ‘Malay’ plight, you should be aware you are not making things better! Especially when you generalize and stereotype everyone. Wouldn’t you be insulted if I called you out for being your stereotype race? I’m sorry, but I find your comments vindictive and not the least constructive.

  34. Dear austozi
    Thank you for your response. Based on the length and quality of your entry, I assume it took you a considerable time to compose for which I am grateful. Though in the big picture not much will changed after our discussion, I must admit I feel I am a little wiser and am closer to understanding the feelings of my non-bumiputra countrymen, after my correspondences with you. And while I wont pretend that my writings will change your mind, I hope you will see my arguments/thoughts and realize that the majority of Bumiputras are still your friend and countrymen, regardless of what’s being said by our politicians. I bear no ill feelings towards you, and ultimately want the same thing as you, an equal for all and united Malaysia. And as I indicated before, you are as Malaysian as I am.
    I am quite saddened yet uplifted as well by your fathers story. If it were up to me, I’d like your post to be read by every unemployed, freeloading, subsidy monger out there. The courage and preservation he must have shown is commendable. And it is these instances/examples that show the areas that the NEP need to improve upon. Your claim is legit and your grouses justified. If anyone is getting the short end of the stick, its the hard-working low income non Bumiputra. And I am sure your fathers case is the not the only one out there. My only defense to this is the hope that such cases are the minority, and that for every 1 poor non-bumi not receiving aid out there, there are still 2 or 3 Bumiputras who are also NOT receiving aid. Simply put, there are too many low income Bumiputras out there that even with the policies in place, there are still those who are left to fend for themselves. I can not back my claims with any evidence but I can tell you in my dads kampung (near Batu Pahat, Johor) there are a few Bumiputra families who while were eligible for help, but preferred not to utilize it. When my dad asked them about it, they simply said there are people who need the help more than they do. When I was younger I thought it may have been a lack of ambition on their part, but after seeing how the ‘kampung’ community works, you realize they operate as a unit and the poorer (widows, large families, etc) gets preference over the poor.
    “Again, one could be completely blind to skin colour and only consider each kid’s academic merit alongside socio-economic background, and simple mathematics (ratio) would have ensured that the outcome was fair. However, many feel today’s reality reflects that when a non-bumiputera kid and a bumiputera kid from the same city or kampung both apply for a scholarship or university admission, the bumiputera kid gets preferential treatment. ” unquote.
    You put forth excellent points and I too would have no objection to such a selection criteria. My only addition to that would be the need to emphasize the socio-economic background as academic merit will be highly favorable to the city dwellers who have a relatively easier/advantaged life. And if socio-economy was the main denominator, than you would not see such a huge shift in the change in the overall outcomes. The one point which I would like you to consider is the statement you made about how if all else is equal, bumis get preferential treatment. I concede there are those who in the middle class and even upper class who utilize these facilities, but I am confident that the majority of bumiputras receiving help are those who need it. I can say so because I was in such a group. There maybe the odd rich kid here and there but overall, we came from low income families which could barely afford to pay our balik kampung bus fare. I feel there is a disconnect here among the non bumis. There seems to be a misconception that the middle class non bumi is being deprived of a place. Added to that, they see a few of their Bumiputra buddies who are also middle class with lower academic grades, get into the system which they cant. Well, for every such middle class bumi who gets in UiTM or MRSM, there are at least 80 or 90 other Bumiputras that got there cause they need the help. Until, the non Bumiputras realize this, they will forever resent the policies as racist and close to Apartheid. I reiterate my point, the policies are to help the needy not screw the rich. Please realize that the Apartheid is a clear policy that makes the whites masters of the black slaves, which in my opinion is a ‘screw the poor help the rich’ policy.
    “It is clear that the NEP was not drawn up to tackle the problem of poverty head-on. Otherwise, it would have stipulated that the Indian estate labourers also be eligible for its benefits, considering that they were also destitute. I am basing this on the overblown (and generous) presumption that 100% of the Chinese were rich and thus did not need help (we know this was not the case).
    Now, where does that put those who are needy but, unfortunately, were born non-bumiputeras? They are certainly needy, but definitely not eligible for the benefits of the NEP. ” unquote
    I must say I am not well versed in the plight on the Indians when it comes to this. Whether estate workers made more than farmers/fisherman, or if the numbers were too small, I don’t know, but if you go back to 1957, I can only assume that they were left out of the equation as they were foreigners in the land. Now that we 52 years removed, being 3rd or 4th generation Malaysians, I would very much like to see more help given to my fellow low-income countrymen. Like I mentioned above, I feel it is the low-income non bumis who suffer the most yet at the same time feel the number of low income bumiputras very much outweigh the numbers of non-bumis. If possible, Id like to see an inclusion of these non-bumis as well.
    In your response you made references to the greedy bumiputras who abuse the system. Let me assure you that even among the Bumiputras, this does not sit well. As I mentioned before, there are implementation issues and the rich should be excluded from such policies. But this is not the norm, the majority of people who use this help, actually need it. Please realize that the majority of low-income bumiputras, especially those in Sabah Sarawak, still have no means to support higher education or small-mid level loans. Fishermen and farmers still tighten their belt during monsoons, and kids still only have one pair of school clothes through out the year. Alot of middle class non-bumis like to compare themselves to the undeserving rich-Malay kid who gets a government scholarship on average grades, who btw is minority, but not to the deserving 4th daughter of an 8 siblings family whose dad, mom and older siblings works the fields tirelessly, which btw is closer to the majority. (also hence my sympathy for the low income non bumis as well).
    “And the government is not to be forgiven for seeking to perpetuate the implementation of the NEP in the present form. It is not that we do not know of a better solution and have to settle for a half-boiled one. We have identified precisely what the problem is with the NEP, proposed a fairer solution, but those in power are refusing to make the improvements for reasons known best to themselves. Before I conclude, you may be wondering how I know some people have misconstrued the aims of the NEP. Well, when you question the NEP for the reasons above and hear shouts of “jangan cabar ketuanan Melayu” reverberating everywhere, that’s your clue. Unfortunately, we see that a lot here, but I trust I won’t get it from you.” unquote
    I am not a politician and have long give up on expecting them to perform miracles. There are those among our politicians who will do anything to garner votes, even to the extent of racial tensions. This holds true for both the government and the opposition. I use to get upset with such phrases coming from them but over the years I’ve realized 3 important things
    1. the media lives to sensationalize, even taking things out of context, (like with PAS wanting to ban SIS)
    2. often what politicians say do not matter nor do they represent the feelings of the masses (unless its the PM or someone of importance)
    3. often politicians will play to the crowd and will just mouth off BS anyway (your example fits this category) – tends to die down once people lose interest.
    In closing, allow to say that your previous response was quite enlightening and I hope you will be open to see the other side of the coin as I confess your response allowed me to do the same.

  35. Selamat tengahari Tun…
    Please do read this TRUE story…it’s releven to this matter…relate to why and what is happening in Malaysia politics now, those problems and hot issues uprissing by the extrem groups and by some individual…(nak jadi jaguh kot…jaguh kampong yang terselindung maksud dan tersirat niat dan hasrat)…
    1. Recently there has been an uproar over some section of the Malaysian political parties that are advocating the return of a well known man that has been EXCILED from Malaysia forever, Chin Peng.
    2. For those that has not learn their history, or a non Malaysian, or even an ignorant Malaysian, Ching Peng was the leader of the

  36. The real issue here is what Chin Peng represents, as Najib put it. But he didn’t go so far as to spell out what he represents, which is violence and terrorism as a means of securing power.
    Chin Peng was naive, and continues to be naive, with his suing of the Govt after failing to apply for citizenship according to the terms of the agreement for the peace accords.
    What’s common between Chin Peng, PAS and PKR is their naivety, and thanks to their naivety, if left unslugged, we will evolve into ‘a failed state’, as the Americans call it, without ackowledging their role in its evolution.

  37. kepada mantoba, saya dalam ‘code blue team’. hehehe. Tu team saya di hospital. Team saya tidak di Malaysia tapi saya sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan Malaysia terkini. Insyallah saya pulang negara tahun depan.
    Saya bangga jadi rakyat Malaysia. Orang luar negara kata “alangkah bertuahnya jadi orang Malaysia”, tak perlu takut simpan duit dalam bank, nilai RM masih kukuh tinggi, tak bimbang tinggalkan keluarga di rumah, tak perlu buang masa nak pergi mana-mana kerana banyak lebuhraya dan keselamatan terjaga. Nak makan pun masih mampu untuk dibeli kerana harga barang dikawal kerajaan. Petrol kereta kita pun kira masih murah. Paling penting kita mesti pandai menghargai segalanya.
    Olih itu, bersyukurlah rakyat Malaysia kerana kita bahagia dan jagalah kebahagian itu untuk warismu akan datang.

  38. Dear AAK,
    I guess you can say, from the fact that I came back to write this reply, that I was looking forward to your response. I, too, enjoy a reasoned and courteous discussion like this. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible with a majority of the readers who visit this blog. I only wish there could be more people like you around.
    We do agree on a lot of things, save the finer points. I do not dispute that the rich should help the poor. In that respect, what the NEP purports to do is noble. Neither do I challenge the notion that the NEP has helped a lot of deserving people. You are obviously well educated and I am guessing you can attribute that to the NEP to some degree. The problem with the NEP is the fundamentally flawed logic behind its approach, and of course, its poor implementation made possible by that approach.
    You wrote, “For all the shortcomings and defects highlighted by the press, there are many more success stories that never make the news stand. Who wants to read about a farmer or fisherman’s son or daughter’s success story of being the first in his/her family to get a diploma in computer science for a local university? Or how a struggling farmer was able to double his income (from 1k to 2k a month – nothing sensational) after taking out a government loan to buy some new equipment.”
    In fact, my father, now 60, still works as a farmer. In his 50-year career as a diligent farmer (he started really young–testimony that not all Chinese people were rich), he never had a loan from the government though he would have appreciated one. Through hard work alone, he was able to make sure my brother become the first in my family to obtain a university degree in computer science. Now that you’ve mentioned it, our plights and needs don’t actually seem so different just because our skin colours are different. But of course my dad was never eligible for any of the benefits of the NEP. Instead, he had to fork out hard-earned cash to keep it going.
    You wrote, “…in the early days, the majority (a big majority to that) of peoples professions were based on their race where the Chinese were predominantly working in the city, Indians in estates and Malays/Bumiputras in the ‘kampungs’. Personally (my own opinion, not based on any facts) I doubt it would have been feasible to base it on income/socio standing back then as there was no way of tracking such things.”
    It is clear that the NEP was not drawn up to tackle the problem of poverty head-on. Otherwise, it would have stipulated that the Indian estate labourers also be eligible for its benefits, considering that they were also destitute. I am basing this on the overblown (and generous) presumption that 100% of the Chinese were rich and thus did not need help (we know this was not the case).
    You wrote, “Now we jump 52 years ahead. Has the socio-standing changed much? Its changed but not to a state that allows for the abolishment of such policies. Has it changed enough to say that the majority of bumiputras are able to compete with their non-bumi counterparts? I don’t think so. Example: In general, the PMR/SPM grades of an urban city dwelling kid (regardless of race) is still better than that of a kampung boy. And he/she would obviously be a better candidate for a scholarship having a more impressive resume (piano, sports, etc).”
    Again, one could be completely blind to skin colour and only consider each kid’s academic merit alongside socio-economic background, and simple mathematics (ratio) would have ensured that the outcome was fair. However, many feel today’s reality reflects that when a non-bumiputera kid and a bumiputera kid from the same city or kampung both apply for a scholarship or university admission, the bumiputera kid gets preferential treatment. For example, the matrikulasi course which expedites admission to university degree courses preferentially admits bumiputera students regardless of socio-economic background. Most non-bumiputera students are forced to sit STPM, which takes longer to complete and has arguably more stringent passing criteria.
    You wrote, “It (the NEP) is there to help the needy not screw the rich.”
    Now, where does that put those who are needy but, unfortunately, were born non-bumiputeras? They are certainly needy, but definitely not eligible for the benefits of the NEP. I think you have touched the crux of the problem here. We both agree that the NEP is there to help the needy and not to screw the rich. What I am disputing is how we determine who is needy and who is not (by socio-economic standing or by race?). The fact of the matter is, there are many non-bumiputeras who are not rich. If anything, most Malaysians can only be classified as middle-class earners (this is the present we’re talking about). Within this middle class, the bumiputeras are entitled to a lot of state aid under the NEP, which the non-bumiputeras have no way of getting. If the policy makers acknowledge that middle-class earners should be helped in any way under the NEP, why the deliberate need to draw the racial line there?
    The worse thing for the non-bumiputeras to know is that filthy rich bumiputeras are allowed to abuse the system designed to help the poor, simply because of their skin colour. It does deprive us of our income, in that we pay taxes to fund the policy, get none of its benefits in return, but see the money go to the undeserving. Honestly, if I was rich, I could afford to be charitable and I wouldn’t care so much where my donation ended up–in the pockets of the rich or the poor (though from a moral perspective I should be indignant if it was misused). But when you hardly earn a comfortable living, it’s a different story altogether.
    What I personally want to see (and I believe is also the hope of many non-bumiputera Malaysians) is, if you and I were equal in every way, the only difference being race, and we were to buy the same house, we would not be presented with different price tags. When our children went to university, they would be given equal opportunities for admission based on merit (and social-economic background, perhaps, but not race). But the system just doesn’t work this way at present.
    I can understand why some of your non-bumiputera friends call it apartheid. I guess we feel that sometimes. It is because we feel stifled and frustrated by the system. Capable students are held back in their education. We sales personnel are forced to pay extra tens of thousands of ringgit in mortgage for our apartments while the bumiputera CEO of the company we work for gets a discount on his bungalow. And they won’t stop thinking I am rich just because I happen to share a common ancestry with the richest man in Malaysia. It is just convenient to call that apartheid when the frustration is caused by racially divisive policies.
    I can also understand why some of my bumiputera friends will not want to see the NEP abolished or changed. Life is already hard, they don’t want it to get harder. But they do not realise that when life is hard for them, it is harder for others because of the NEP (if you had a loan from the government to put into your crops and life was still difficult, imagine what my father had to go through without that loan). But the NEP is their only guarantee to comfort, to a good life. The only people who can effect change to the NEP and still ensure the interests of my bumiputera friends are the ones who are milking the cow like there’s no tomorrow. There is no way they are slaughtering the cow and sharing the beef with you or me.
    And the government is not to be forgiven for seeking to perpetuate the implementation of the NEP in the present form. It is not that we do not know of a better solution and have to settle for a half-boiled one. We have identified precisely what the problem is with the NEP, proposed a fairer solution, but those in power are refusing to make the improvements for reasons known best to themselves.
    Before I conclude, you may be wondering how I know some people have misconstrued the aims of the NEP. Well, when you question the NEP for the reasons above and hear shouts of “jangan cabar ketuanan Melayu” reverberating everywhere, that’s your clue. Unfortunately, we see that a lot here, but I trust I won’t get it from you.
    Have a nice day.

  39. Y bhg TUN,this is my comment on S,Tan’s comment
    I do not agree that the Chinese became rich because they are hardworking, some yes but some became rich because of organized crime, like mafia, The are the biggest drug king pins, smugglers, of all illegal items, importers of foreign prostitutes, owners of night clubs, brothels, massage parlors ,bars ,illegal lotteries gambling dens, you name it they organized them . Their net working are so strong like the mafia.All these activities , and Ah Long business The illegal DVD business etc earned them billions. Can you compare with the poor Malay selling goreng pisang and nasi lemak under the trees? These billions are making them rich beyond the reach of the Malays however hard they work. How many hardware shops belong to the Malays? Even with the NEP the Chinese are getting rich, because the Malay contractor has got to buy even nails from the Chinese, not to mention cement bricks and iron.The Malays are fishermen for all their lives while the Chinese become Raja Ikan Raja Udang etc.They buy ikan kembong for 1 RM and sell in the town markets for RM 8-9 ringgit. So they do big business, live in condos drive expensive cars, go overseas for holidays etc etc, and yet are the Malays complaining. Come on la Mr Tan without the tongkat the Malays would be doomed to kingdom come.I am waiting for the day when my grandchildren will be AT PAR with you and playing together on a level playing field.We dont want to be like the Red Indians of America, or the Fijians or the Hawaiians, or the natives of Australia, The Pendatang became the Masters while the natives Hawaiians became tourists attractio.they cant become governor of their own State, but only doing the Hula Hula dance,Even their king has become a legend.and yet the Hawaiian islands belonged to them until the Mat Salleh came and took over their lands.That was Chin Peng’s intention, to make Malaya a communist state under China .intention

  40. To JJJ,
    We have given the Malays 52 years to catch up with us.You still have the face to want more time?
    At that time,Malaysia would be even more backward than Thailand and Vietnam.

  41. Assalamu ‘alaikum Tun,
    Semuga Tun sentiasa didalam rahmat dan lindungan Allah S.W.T, dpanjangkan umur dan beroleh kesihatan yg sempurna sehingga bumi nusantara,bangsa melayu dan umat Islam mendapat pemimpin yg lebih baik atau sekurang-kurang nya setara-setaraf dgn Tun.
    Malaysia hari ini jauh berbeza dgn Malaysia ketika Tun memerintah.di zaman Tun,Malaysia adalah pembela kaum yg tertindas.dari Bosnia,Palestin,Iraq,Afghanistan,dasar-dasar ekonomi WTO,ah long-ah long lintah penghisap darah World Bank dan IMF,Malaysia,walau kecil,begitu vokal memerangi ketidak-adilan dan penindasan.
    tapi sebaik saja Tun meletak jawatan,melantik seorang Perdana Menteri yg baik akhlak,berbudi mulia dan bermoral tinggi,Malaysia berubah dari Pembela menjadi mangsa yg perlu di bela.serangan demi serangan yg datang dari dalam Malaysia sendiri menunjukkan betapa bijak nya orang-orang asing ini menyusun strategi.perdana menteri yg baik tapi lemah hanya lah mengundang padah terhadap negara.
    kewibawaan PDRM,badan perundangan,sistem kehakiman,kewibawaan parlimen dan Speaker nya malah kedaulatan raja-raja melayu pun sudah boleh di persendakan.itu akibat nya apabila orang baik menjadi pemimpin bagi negara semajmuk malaysia.
    saya berharap jangan lagi dilantik orang baik menjadi pemimpin.lantik lah orang yg tegas,berani dan sanggup mempertahankan agama,bangsa dan tanahair biarpun di tuduh diktator.
    besar harapan saya untuk melihat tindakkan tegas di ambil oleh perdana menteri baru.untuk mempertahankan hak,rakyat perlu bersuara,pemimpin perlu bertrindak.

  42. Assalamualaikum…
    By I’m a Malaysian on June 15, 2009 11:24 AM
    I’m a Malaysian, sorry la yek kalau u tak senang dengan bahasa i tapi i bukan buat karangan sekolah, i meluahkan marah i pada greatgooner. Jadi kalau tak suka tak payah tengok ok…. orang macam u lah yang buat orang melayu berpecah belah, suka buat kesimpulan tanpa usul periksa, suka campur hal orang,… dengan satu luahan marah adakah ini membuat saya pengkhianat bahasa… kamu kena ingat, saya bukan buat karangan darjah 6, kalau saya sekolah setakat darjah 1 pun apa kamu peduli…atau kamu pun memang nak tunjuk bagus, kenapa kamu perlu komen bahasa saya, kalau kamu suka sibuk sangat kenapa tidak bantu mempertahankan melayu apabila dikutuk… itulah dia sikap cakap tak serupa bikin. Depan berapi macam mengalahkan naga tapi hampeh…. Maaf jika kamu terasa dan mungkin kamu orang senang dan tidak seperti saya yang pernah suatu ketika dahulu kais pagi makan pagi dan kadang-kadang tidak berkais pun dan jika tidak kerana UMNO suatu ketika dahulu, melalui bantuan pendidikan tak mungkin saya capai apa yang saya miliki hari ini…. dan mereka tidak pernah mengharapkan balasan walau seundi pun dari saya. Jadi jangan dicabar…
    Ayahanda Tun, maafkan saya terkasar didalam blog ayahanda Tun,,,,

  43. YABhg Tun,
    The Malays can’t seems to get the message. The fact that others are shouting abuses and taking shots at them is due to the simple fact that…these people can..!!! and no thanks to the Malays themselves. They are politically weak and divided..!! Comment pasal Palestine bukan main pandai, kena pada diri sendiri tak pandai sedar – sedar salah silap. Tak guna jawab – jawab sampai berbuih – buih mulut to these people. I rest my case.

  44. Ayahnda Tun,
    Hidup ibarat pusingan roda. Apa yang diterangkan dalam AlQuran selalunya berulang-ulang perlakuannya dari satu generasi ke satu generasi. Islam amat penyayang dan pemurah. Sedangkan Allah memaafkan hambanya, Nabi Muhamad sentiasa memaafkan musuhnya, ketebalan iman keislaman di dada boleh menghilangkan tinta hitam di hati.
    Chin Peng seorang manusia dan kisahnya sepertimana Abu jahal, Firaun atau lainnya yang kita tidak ketahui sepenuhnya tentang niat di sanubari. Pengukuran pahala dosa terlihat di niatnya. Sekiranya akal kita kuat kita tahu orang yang membunuh 99 kali juga di maafkan apatah lagi sifat Abu jahal.
    Chin Peng boleh di dakwahmiah menjadi islam jika amalan praktik kita kepada semua jenis manusia setara sebagaimana adilnya Padang Masyhar. Lihatlah kebaikan pada setiap orang elakkan pencabulan kejahatan kecuali perlu.
    Rahsia komunisme di Tanah Melayu dapat dibongkar seluas-luasnya dengan peluang catatan tinta dari hati ke hati. Janganlah sifat dengki sentiasa dihati. Apakala Chin Peng menjadi Islam adakah beliau akan dianak-tirikan? Ambillah peluang dan kelebihan ini. Tunjukkan kekuatan dakwahmiah so called “Malaysia” yang terkenal dengan Philosophy Negara Islamnya.
    Tidak berfaedah kita berlawan mulut, hati dengan perbuatan sedangkan sejahat-jahat abu jahal hingga tercatat dalam Al Quran masih lagi dibaca dengan motivasi diri perbandingan antara sebenarnya umat Islam atau munafikin islam.
    Tun juga seseorang yang alim dan bertamadun jika tidak Allah tidak akan membenarkan Tun memegang tampuk pemerintahan untuk kebaikan Ummah. Janganlan Jasa Tun kepada umat Islam di tenggelami dengan sifat prasangka yang kifarahnya boleh mencetus kepada peristiwa Abid warak kufur di akhir waktu hidup walaupun penuhnya pahala dalam diri di awal kehidupan.

  45. Dear Great Gooner,
    While I cant speak for the others, I find your arguments and thoughts civilized and indeed probably a good representation of the non-bumiputra’s line of thought. I can see you getting quite some flak some several other posters regarding your previous comments and while I don’t necessarily agree with them, I believe this is the drawback of discussing such a sensitive matter out in the open like this. I hope you understand that each poster is voicing his/her opinion and that is does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the masses.
    I also applaud you for your excellent use of Bahasa Malaysia, as I see you have managed to master the language and are able to put your thoughts into BM as easily as into English. Sadly, not all have the inclination to do so. You mentioned in one of your earlier post, you found that UMNO was advocating that the Bumiputra rights are beyond questioning. I would suggest that certain fractions of UMNO have probably been ‘playing to the crowd’ as you suggest, but the bulk and more importantly, the leadership have pretty much been consistent it the matter. And that is a united Malaysia regardless of race. I have always felt that the Bumiputra policies are necessary to allow an even playing field for the under-privileged Bumiputra. Of course there are those who abuse it, but on the whole, Bumiputras are not yet able to compete on their own.
    I urge you to imagine your self in the shoes of a lower income class Bumitputra with kids who want a higher education. As I mentioned in my earlier post, the policies in place are not to screw the rich but help the poor. This is the only way they could ever afford to send their children to a local University or even abroad. Likewise, an budding usahawan who wants to start a small time business can only turn to the government for help. Why are the non-bumiputras so vehement to this policy?

  46. SALAM TUN,

  47. Salam Tun yang dikasihi dan semua rakyat Malaysia yang mengikuti.
    Saya ingin memberi komen kepada kenyataan azihan.alias June 14, 2009 2:06 AM.
    Saudara, saya dengan segala niat baik ingin menyatakan bahawa Bahasa Melayu saudara lebih teruk daripada budak darjah enam yang lulus UPSR dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu.
    Penggunaan tatabahasa dan juga pililhan perkataan saudara tidak sesekali memungkinkan AWAK lulus UPSR! AWAKlah pengkhianat Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia yang berdaulat!
    Jika AWAK mahukan memperjuangkan hak Bumiputra (termasuk Melayu, Iban, Bidayuh, Kadazan, dan lain-lain), berbahasalah dengan tepat sedikit. Janganlah berlagak dengan bahasamu yang teruk dan memalukan. Perkara yang paling penting, jangan sesekali meruntuhkan martabat Bahasa Melayu sebagi Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia yang berdaulat.
    Perbetulkan penggunaan Bahasa Melayu AWAK sebelum AWAK memberi komen AWAK di blog ini. MEMALUKAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. Sampai hari ini lagi cakap “defend UMNO or the Malays” tak berhabis habis?????
    Do we still need to talk like this today?
    Tun, please think & talk as Malaysian, promote 1Malaysian, put a side whether you’re malay, chinese, india or mamak.
    Don’t separate Malaysian by race!

  49. Dear austozi,
    Thank you for your thoughts on the subject. I enjoy being able to have a civilized discourse on the matter without having to revert to name-calling and other insults. To be honest, many of my non-Bumi friends get very upset and some even blow their top whenever I try to defend this Bumiputra policy. Some even liken it to the Apartheid.
    Your thoughts have merit and I believe to an extent we are probably on agreement on many matters especially how the NEP’s function is (should be?) to decrease the socio-economical gap. I admit and in fact agree with you that many aspects of the IMPLEMENTATION of the Bumiputra policies need work. Some even require complete revamps. As a Bumiputra myself, I feel shamed at some my kin-folk who take advantage of these policies, all for a quick buck. I can only imagine how it must feel for a non Bumi to see these people take advantage of their hard earned money (tax-payers money). It makes it even harder when these incidents are highlighted in the press. One thing about the press/media though, is that dull news doesn’t sell.
    For all the shortcomings and defects highlighted by the press, there are many more success stories that never make the news stand. Who wants to read about a farmer or fisherman’s son or daughter’s success story of being the first in his/her family to get a diploma in computer science for a local university? Or how a struggling farmer was able to double his income (from 1k to 2k a month – nothing sensational) after taking out a government loan to buy some new equipment. But I understand that you are not disputing the necessity of such policies but rather the criteria of with the privileges are based upon. I just wanted to point out that while there will always be those who misuse it, to a degree the NEP does works/serve a function.
    On the topic of the eligibility, that socio-economy should trump ethnicity, I ask that you look into the history of the policies. In fact, if you scroll back into one of Tun’s earlier entry’s, he covers this topic quite well. I would provide you with the link but I’m too lazy to go through the archives. Basically it stipulates that in the early days, the majority (a big majority to that) of peoples professions were based on their race where the Chinese were predominantly working in the city, Indians in estates and Malays/Bumiputras in the ‘kampungs’. Personally (my own opinion, not based on any facts) I doubt it would have been feasible to base it on income/socio standing back then as there was no way of tracking such things.
    Now we jump 52 years ahead. Has the socio-standing changed much? Its changed but not to a state that allows for the abolishment of such policies. Has it changed enough to say that the majority of bumiputras are able to compete with their non-bumi counterparts? I don’t think so. Example: In general, the PMR/SPM grades of an urban city dwelling kid (regardless of race) is still better than that of a kampung boy. And he/she would obviously be a better candidate for a scholarship having a more impressive resume (piano, sports, etc).
    Should the eligibility criteria be changed? I cant speak for others, but I would not be against such a move as the socio-standing is still within the Bumiputras favor (in you can call it that). And it will be awhile till that 30% ratio you mentioned in your reply, is reached. What I don’t get is why many of the non-bumis feel like this policy is a threat to them. That as long as such policies are in place, they cant consider themselves true Malaysian. The policy does not threaten their lifestyle, their religion, their right to vote or even deprive them of any income. It is there to help the needy not screw the rich. Yet the arguments I hear attacking this policy is as if it’s close to slavery or apartheid. Maybe my sample is bias or my friends do not represent the majority of non Bumis, but to hear them declare themselves second rate citizens, they make it evident that they feel the policy is in place to screw them over.
    I will not start quoting how we came first or how you should feel privilege being here, bla bla bla cause that to me is less and less relevant considering we are now 3 or 4 generations since Merdeka. Also, in the spirit of 1Malaysia, you have just as much right as me be here. The only difference I am asking for is the help for the needy who the majority happen to be bumiputra. And I agree with you on the part that this is meant as a method to decrease the gap, and not a god-given right. I would like to see this policy abolished one day for that will have meant that the Bumiputras have succeeded.

  50. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    There’s always be pro and con. The have and the have not.And so be it..!!
    There is China Chinese,India Indian and so forth.Alas here Malaysia.. Melayu…!! But yet this “MELAYU Mudah Lupa” is not selfish enough to deny this ‘Pendatang’ a place to stay.
    This economic migrants is the one that purposely “LUPA” of their origin.They ran away from their so call ‘motherland’.Seeking wealth rather than stay on their own soil.
    I am positively sure this former economic migrants will leave this formerly known “Tanah Melayu” if this country were in chaos without a second thought..!!.And I believe that’s the realty are.
    The one that will stay loyally behind will be the “Melayu”. There no other land on the face of this earth that’s call Tanah Melayu.
    This humble Melayu readily accept the Malaysia concept. We does recognized the scarifies of their fore fathers. We are not that selfish enough to for-go some of our prides and privileges.
    This humble Melayu further more and readily accept this economic migrants with arm open wide, of their cultures and their languages to flourish. And an twain in the Constitution.
    The Melayu only ask for part of it Right of EXISTANCE on this formerly known land call “Tanah Melayu”. That too , for what ever constitutes in Continuation that have had agreed upon by our wise fore father in the making of MALAYA and later to MALAYSIA. Thus for go the nostalgic “TANAH MELAYU”.
    Is it to much to ask for and for the MELAYU to cling, for just a some tiny part’s of it Cultures and Heritages.
    We didn’t ask for your Cultures and heritages to demonise. We embrace it together to make and form it into this unique Country call MALAYSIA. And I am proud to be so. period.
    America is the land of Immigrants and this Immigrants that drafted their Constitution to be different from the OLD World. From where they came from.
    The MELAYU of this land call MALAYSIA are here to stay..ever and forever. Together, let us all no matter what ever colour it is, be PROUD of being MALYSIAN.
    We may be difference in lots of matter. So be it. Let the differences unite us.Easy said than done. But let us try through this trial and fix the error.
    Wassalam .Thank you.

  51. Saya bersetuju tentang banyak perkara apabila ianya dikatakan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir. Tetapi saya tidak bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun tentang SIS.
    Memang betul SIS ada berhujah menggunakan al-Quran dan al-Hadith, tetapi mereka hanya mengambil keratan-keratan ayat al-Quran dan al-Hadith yang hanya akan memihak kepada mereka. Contohnya, untuk membenarkan tidak memakai tudung mereka berhujah yang ‘TIDAK ADA PAKSAAN DALAM ISLAM’. Adakah itu cara yang betul untuk berhujah menggunakan ayat-ayat al-Quran dan al-Hadith? Kalau betul ‘TIDAK ADA PAKSAAN DALAM ISLAM’ boleh digunakan sewenang-wenangnya, saya tertanya-tanya adakah solat 5 waktu itu adalah terpulang kepada kita untuk melaksanakannya? Bagaimana pula dengan zakat, puasa di bulan ramadhan, etc? Ini hanyalah contoh kecil untuk menunjukkan bagaimana SIS menggunakan ayat-ayat al-Quran dan al-Hadith yang kononnya memihak kepada mereka walaupun sebenarnya ianya jelas nyata SALAH.
    Dalam kes ini, saya bersetuju dengan PAS yang ‘banning’ SIS walaupun saya sebenarnya penyokong BN, UMNO, dan Tun (^_^)

  52. Salam TUN, moga kesihatan Tun baik selalu.
    Hi, Greatgooner,
    U nampak macam seorang yang bijak bila menulis. Mungkin kerana u berkesempatan belajar ke peringkat yg paling tinggi di universiti. Tapi tahukah kamu ramai cerdik pandai yang keluar daru universiti yg akhirnya menjadi saitis bom nuklear yg pada pandangan ramai satu hasil yg tidak mendatangkan faedah kepada manusia sejagat.
    Oleh itu untuk kamu mengatakan “outdated social contract” ternyata kamu telah belajar dari guru yang salah. Persetujuan yg telah dibuat oleh datok kamu dulu bukan dibuat tanpa sebab dan tanpa penelitian. Datok kamu dulu lebih bijak bila bersetuju untuk mengiktiraf Melayu sebagai Bumiputra sebab kalau dia tidak mahu setuju maka dia tidak layak menjadi Warganegara dan bermakna kena pulang ke negara asal atau berhijrah ke wilayah jajahan British yang lain.
    Selain itu untuk sebuah negara itu menjadi makmur, keamanan itu sangat penting bukan semudah membiarkan sesiapa yang bijak berniaga terus kaya raya tanpa membantu mereka yang ketinggalan,.
    Sorry kalau susah nak faham u boleh tanya your friends.

  53. Salam hormat Yg Bhg Tun,
    Apabila Tun menyuarakan pandangan yang memihak kepada UMNO dan menyokong hak-hak orang melayu yang sebenarnya memang sudah termaktub dalam perlembagaan, Tun dilabelkan sebagai racist/bersifat perkauman tetapi tidak bagi mereka yang dengan lantang mahukan Chin Peng dibawa masuk ke Malaysia dengan alasan kemanusiaan tidak dilabel sebagai racist. Chin Peng berbangsa China, berfahaman kominis mahu dibawa masuk semula ke Malaysia atas permintaan seorang pemimpin komponen Barisan Nasional yang juga berbangsa China tidak dilabel sebagai racist. Memang wajar Tun membangkitkan isu ini untuk dinilai oleh pembaca blog Tun akan kewajarannya.
    Saya berpendapat ada beberapa faktur yang mungkin menyebabkan ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang kurang senang apabila Tun membela UMNO dan kepentingan orang melayu dan Bumiputra diantaranya seperti berikut:-
    1. Faktur kepentingan politik songsang oleh pihak tertentu.
    2. Faktur kepentingan perkauman yang melampaui batas oleh
    pihak-pihak tertentu.
    3. Faktur mungkin ada yang menganggap Kontrak Sosial yang sedia
    wujud sekian lama semenjak Merdeka sudah tidak menjadi relevan
    atau bersesuaian lagi untuk diamalkan mengikut peredaran masa.
    4. Faktur kebencian terhadap UMNO dan keistimewaan yang dinikmati
    oleh orang Melayu dan Bumiputra tanpa mengambil kira fakta-fakta
    sejarah dan perlembagaan negara yang tidak meminggirkan
    kepentingan kaum-kaum lain.
    5. Faktur helah dan muslihat parti-parti politik tertentu khususnya
    DAP dan PKR dan ada juga suara-suara sumbang dari kalangan
    pemimpin Barisan Nasional tumpang sekaki untuk mencari pengaruh
    dan sokongan politik.
    6. Faktur kesilapan era kepimpinan Perdana Menteri Ke 5 dimana
    kebebasan bersuara telah diberikan tanpa sekatan-sekatan yang
    perlu demi keselamatan negara yang dihuni oleh masyarakat majmuk.
    Tun sebagai bekas seorang Pemimpin Ulung negara memang sewajarnya
    berhak menyatakan sesuatu yang benar dari segi sejarah dan perlembagaan negara. Hanya mereka yang dungu, buta sejarah dan menganggap kontrak sosial tidak relevan lagi dan berkepetingan tertentu sahaja yang menolak fakta-fakta kebenaran yang ada.
    Saya percaya ramai rakyat Malaysia yang normal dan berfikiran rasional akan terus menyokong penghayatan sejarah dan perlembagaan negara demi kesejahteraan hidup dan kemajuan negara.
    Kerajaan di bawah kepimpinan YAB Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Hj. Abdul Razak diyakini berkemampuan memimpin negara ke hala tuju yang dimahukan oleh generasi terkini dan akan datang.
    Sekian. Sehingga bertemu lagi dilain ketika Salam Bahagia untuk Tun.
    Terima kasih.

  54. Tun yang dihormati,
    “Why is it that when I defend UMNO or the Malays I am labelled a racist but not when others speak up for Chin Peng?”
    Mereka yang mengatakan Tun bersifat perkauman kerana mempertahankan UMNO atau orang Melayu hanya mahu mematahkan semangat perjuangan orang Melayu untuk mempertahankan bangsa mereka sendiri. Jika difikirkan secara rasional, memang tidak ada salahnya Tun mempertahankan bangsa Tun sendiri. Katakan jika Tun mempertahankan bangsa-bangsa lain, adakah mereka akan mengatakan Tun bersifat perkauman? Sudah tentu tidak, kerana masakan mereka akan merendahkan semangat orang yang memperjuangkan hak mereka. Hal ini semuanya berbalik kepada kepentingan peribadi mereka sendiri.

  55. Orang Melayu.
    Yang miskin dan belum berjaya perlu .. DIBANGUNGKAN!
    Yang kaya dan sudah pun cermerlang perlu.. DIINGATKAN!
    Dari satu generasi. Ke satu generasi.

  56. The Ho ha’s on Chin Peng are just to frighten the Malays out of PKR so they can be back with UMNO.

  57. By GreatGooner on June 12, 2009 2:34 PM
    “….Saya rasa saudara naik marah kerana mungkin kurang faham Bahasa Inggeris. Saya rasa kalau saudara minta kawan terjemahkan komen saya ke Bahasa Melayu….”

  58. to GreatGooner…
    Tak payah u nak berlagak pandai… i can understand all your statement and i can speak , understand, and write in english…so what if i reply you in bahasa?…. i tak cakap u yang cakap malayu malas..i cakap your people.. memang Tun pernah ucap dalam sajak..tapi itu nasihat bapa kepada anak-anak dia..u jangan masuk campur la…memang padan pun u bayar 70% sebab u menumpang… so sendiri mau ingat la… macam mana mau anggap niat u baik.. u pun banyak ungkit la beb…i tak pernah benci mana2 kaum walau macam mana pun diorang layan and kutuk i..(ooo lupa .. i can understand your language)i tetap sabar… but i hate your statement.. ala2 macam baik… tapi POYO…. so tak payah nak tunjuk baik and berlagak ok…. i pernah dengan selamba your people cakap depan i in your bahasa waktu i mintak kerja “ada lagi ka bumikuota” so apa maksud keadilan yang u katakan? dan dengan selamba lagi orang you kata “buat apa tolong itu malay buang masa… mereka malas dan tak pandai”… u kena ingat dan belajar perlembagan kita… kalau u nak belajar dan faham semua pergi perpustakaan negara… saya anak melayu dan anak malaysia, sudah pasti saya akan pertahankan hak kami. saya ulangi kenyataan saya, you melampau dan sekali lagi melampau.. and kata nak berdebat kan… kat sini tak ada siapa pun cakap pasal bunuh-bunuh.. u yang cakap.. ni baru sikit bro… tak kan u tak pernah masuk youtube kot and tengok macam mana orang you kutuk melayu macam kami ni sampah and orang you jugak yang perlekehkan negara kita melalui lagu kebangsaan kita… si mamat poyo tu..tak kan tak kenal kot….
    emmm memandangkan ramai yang tak faham bahasa dan sengal…asyik sibuk meminta dan tak bersyukur…. kita patut wajibkan lulus bahasa melayu dan sejarah. Buat apa agungkan bahasa inggeris bila orang yang menumpang pun tak pandai cakap dengan betul bahasa negara yang dia tumpung tu.
    Kalau your people memerintah emmm jawabnya semua melayu kena pulau…sekarang cakap manis la.. sama adil la… huh.. tengok singapura je la…tapi pernah ke kami tindas kamu?
    kamu menindas kami ada la… menipu memang tak dapat saya buang statement tu.. bagi kamu menipu itu macam satu alat untuk untung dan menyelamatkan diri.. tak payah nak menafikanlah… dah terlalu banyak pengalaman la….
    sekali lagi… kamu yang mulakan jadi kamu kena faham apabila ada yang marah dengan kenyataan kamu dan selama 52 tahun tak pernah kami orang melayu menafikan kamu sebagai rakyat malaysia tetapi tolonglah hormat kami… jadi greatgooner… mungkin ayat kamu panjang lebar and mungkin kenyataan kamu yang pendek yang buat sesetengah orang marah…jadi jangan MELAMPAU!!!

  59. Dear Tun,
    Saya ingin tujukan komen saya kepada KT64. Saudara menyatakan bahawa Islam paksa kumpulan lain memasuki kumpulan mereka sebab tidak membenarkan pendapat yang berbeza. Memang benar, sekiranya kumpulan lain itu boleh membawa kepada keburukan atau kemudaratan kepada pengamalan agama sendiri. Islam tidak memaksa orang kafir menganuti agamanya tetapi Islam sangat berwaspada kepada orang yang mengakui mereka yang beragama Islam tetapi mengkhianati dan melemahkan islam secara sengaja atau tidak. Islam tidak membenarkan sesiapa sekalipun untuk memusnahkan Islam sama ada dari luar atau dalam. Musuh luar, senang dilihat seperti Kartunis Belanda yang menghina Rasulullah. Musuh dalam, sengaja memesongkan ajaran Islam dengan cara mengintepretasikan ayat-ayat Quran dengan niat dan tujuan yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. Contohnya ada kumpulan yang menentang tutup aurat. Kumpulan ini memang kuat dan berpengaruh. Walhal tutup aurat terdapat dalam Alquran secara terang dan sah. Ada pula kumpulan yang mengatakan bahawa makan babi sahaja yang tidak boleh. Tetapi kulit babi dan lain-lain berkenaan dengan babi boleh diguna pakai. Termasuk buka ladang babi di Sepang dibolehkan. Kalau Islam tidak benarkan makan babi, buat apa digalakkan bela babi? Jika fatwa kebangsaan mengeluarkan sesuatu fatwa kebangsaan tentang Islam, semua orang Islam patut patuh dan ikut. Ada juga yang mengatakan minum arak selagi tak mabuk, tidak apa. Bahkan, ia menyihatkan badan. Ada juga yang mengkatakan puasa adalah untuk menjaga badan dan kesihatan sebagai alasan berpuasa. Harus diingatkan Islam bukan berkenaan logik atau tidak logik. Ia berkenaan dengan Iman iaitu kepercayaan kepada Allah dan Rasul. Makan babi mungkin sedap dan tidak mendatangkan apa-apa keburukan dari segi kesihatan. Tetapi dalam quran mengatakan jelas jangan makan babi. Begitu juga puasa pada bulan ramadhan. Quran mengatakan “Puasalah kamu, moga-moga kamu bertaqwa”. Ia lebih kepada patuh dan ikut ajaran Quran. Bukan kepada logik manusia.Oleh yang demikian, jika seseorang itu mengaku dirinya Islam tetapi minum arak, tidak berpuasa atau melakukan maksiat, dia telah menghina dan melemahkan agama Islam dan mesti diperangi habis-habisan atau disekat.
    Dalam Islam, amal maaruf nahi mungkar bererti buat baik ikut Islam dan jangan melakukan kemungkaran. Makan babi, minum arak,berzina adalah kemungkaran dalam Islam. Bagi orang kafir, ini bukan kemungkaran. Amal maaruf pula sembahyang 5 waktu, beri sedekah dan amal jariah. Walhal beri derma oleh orang-orang kafir kepada badan badan kebajikan dengan cek yang besar besar oleh orang kafir tidak dikira amal maaruf oleh Islam. Islam ialah satu agama yang ekslusif untuk orang orang Islam sahaja. Orang orang kafir boleh tiru bagi derma banyak banyak tapi tidak dikira sebagai amal maaruf sebagai sedekah atau zakat. Sebab pemberi itu bukan orang Islam. Akhir kata, Islam menyeru kepada semua manusia supaya beriman dan memeluk agamanya untuk kebaikan dunia dan akhirat. Janganlah menganggap Islam itu musuh sebab agama Islam tidak bermusuh dengan sesiapa melainkan orang orang yang ingin bermusuh dengan agama Islam. Orang orang yang pernah menjadi musuh ketat agama Islam seperti Umar, Khalid Ibn Walid, Abu Sufian menjadi pejuang kuat Islam selepas mereka memeluk agama Islam. Percayalah, agama Islam baik untuk anda.
    amin tan

  60. The Malays by now should not look pathetic. They must be seen to be true leaders for all and not because of Bumiputraism and Malay Rights etc etc. Just because Malays have the rulers, the army, the navy, the tudm and the police, the leaders will always want to look pathetic to the extent that they always remind others the consequence May13. Others have to tone down in order to remain safe. This is the leadership in you, Tun. So every time you defend UMNO and Malays you are seen as a racist. Why? Because despite having been a PM you created NEP, now Chairman of goldmine Petronas, but you still think the Malays are losing. Aren’t you trying to be pathetic?

  61. Tun,
    saya sangat cemburu dgn kebebasan politik Malaysia. Orang-orang asing bebas mengkritik bukan setakat dasar-dasar kerajaan malah pemimpin-pemimpin terkanan kerajaan pun boleh dikritik,dicela dan di perlekehkan. Cuba bayangkan perkara itu dilakukan di S’pura.
    Tanah melayu telah lama di exploitasi oleh penjajah dan penghijrah yg datang silih-berganti. Sejarah telah berulang kali membuktikan orang melayu memang tidak mampu mempertahankan hak kita. Dari sejak serangan Portugis hinggalah kedatangan British dan Jepun kita sentiasa kalah. Ketika merdeka pun kita kalah dgn memberi taraf kerakyatan kpd orang-orang asing yg bukan islam, bukan melayu tidak pula bumiputra. Kemudian kita kalah lagi bila melepaskan tuntutan keatas garis sempadan dan umat melayu-islam selatan siam.
    Kata orang kita dapat sabah tapi sebenarnya kita hilang sulu dan daerah islam mindanao. Kemudian, kerana takut hilang Malaysia, kita terpaksa sedekahkan S’pua untuk orang-orang asing itu bernegara.kita sangka kita adil’kita sangka kita baik’tapi apa pun yg kita kasi,orang asing tak akan rasa puas.lalu kita hilang batu putih.
    kemudian timbul hindraf dan isu hak menggunakan nama Allah oleh orang -orang yg bertuhankan Jesus.semua serangan ini tidak akan berhenti.orang melayu pada akhir nya akan kalah juga.kita tidak bersatu,tidak secekap orang asing dlm politik dan ada patih karma wijaya dikalangan kita.kita akan kalah kalau kita tidak secerdik orang asing.
    saya cadangkan kerajaan malaysia ikut jejak s’pura.import umat islam dari timur tengah untuk mengekalkan malaysia sebagai negara islam.sekurang-kurang nya 80peratus rakyat malaysia mesti beragama islam,baru lah kedudukkan agama islam dan kedaulatan raja-raja melayu boleh terjamin.

  62. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat bahagia. Kiriman menjawab beberapa komen pengunjung blog….
    ……………….40 YRS OLD STILL LAGGARD?
    For those who argue the NEP is still required cos there are still poor Malays, professionals still few etc fail to see the wood from the trees. No policy takes 40yrs and still fail. Something is wrong with the policy implementation. Pushing on without serious review of the deviations will only waste our resources.
    The poor Malays deserve help, we dont need NEP to tell us this. There are still poor Malays cos there are too many obscenely rich NEP Malays. There are few general Malay professionals cos there are too many elite NEP professionals. There are many Malays without tertiary education cos there are too many children of Malay elites in these institutions. It is not the other races now that is the major competitor to poor bumiputeras. Take from these people, dont deny the poor hawker’s son due to his race!
    ……………….MONOPOLY TO PAY
    After pushing the other races into private institutions (via quotas in govt funded IPTA), they now use the argument other races monopolize IPTS!(fees funded) They complain other races monopolize private institutions.What idiotic mind equates public funded education with private funded one. How can govt resources lose to private resources when educating the people, unless there is severe diversion. Investigate, not cast jealousy.
    See how S’pore(5mil), Taiwan(25mil), S. Korea(50mil) managed to develop their ENTIRE population in the last 40yrs. How can M’sia fail to develop 5mil Malays when the policy introduced 40yrs ago. Still can’t see it is the deviation and manipulation?? NEP under Umno is like magical power in the hand of a witch!
    ………………..SIAPA KAYA
    Dont look at condos, expensive cars of the rich when talking about need of a community. The no of rich in a community has no bearing on the needy that exists in any community. We are talking about need not supremacy of other races! That is why need not breed is the fairest of them all. Please dont use such shallow arguments using the rich to justify your desire for enrichment.
    Ingat rumah orang itu dibeli tanpa keistimewaan. Pada Melayu tak ada rumah minta dgn krjn Umno, tuntut ini dasar NEP. Kalau tak duit itu lesap entah ke mana. Tapi di salahkan kaum lain yg bukan pemegang amanah duit itu, yg tak dapat nikmat duit itu. Orang makan durian kita kena duri.
    That no M’sian should live in shacks is the duty of any decent govt, you dont need the disguise of NEP to do this!
    ……………….GARIS HALUS
    Debate about fairness of supremacy and blind privileges is racially twisted to who has rights over this country. Who owns this country is God, our children and future generation. Until you destroy it with silencing people.
    Kelebihan permintaan mulut, tapi dihati ialah ketuanan, penekanan. Keistimewaan, hasrat yg dikejar, tapi penganiayaan kezaliman perbuatan yg belaku.
    PS: Sifat di atas bukan semua, tapi kebanyakkan yg dlm blog ini! Melayu cari makan di luar baik baik belaka…..
    “ blog has become slug. GOODBYE ALL BLOGGERS, WELCOME ALL SLUGGERS!”

  63. Last but not least, let us all who called ourselves Malaysian stop throwing brick bats at each others race, and continue living in the new concept of 1 Malaysia , where everybody will get the chance to be treated equally, but do not question about Malay rights and privileges because it will not stop there. People must know the history of Malaya and of Malaysia well , only then one will understand why the Government must continue to help the Malays to be on equal footing with all the other Malaysians who have advanced far ahead of the Malays in all respect, economy, wealth, education, occupation etc etc.To put in a nut shell if the country has 25,000 doctors 50% of them should be Malays, if there are 20,000 lawyers,engineers, accountants and other professionals, and so on , and 50% should be Malays ,and the Malays must hold 50% of the economic cake, Only then can we say we are on level playing field, and the TONGKAT can be thrown away forever ,only then can the Malays compete on equal footing.IF the playing field is level, then we can play the game, and the strongest team ,who is cleverer, hard working and stronger will win the game.The RULE of the game is the MALAYS must first be AT PAR with all the others in all respect.

  64. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Kiriman ini mengulas komen pengunjung blog dgn izin…
    ………………..MENGULAS KOMEN
    >>donnaopi on June 10, 2009 9:51 PM
    Tunjuk mana dlm perlembagaan sebut biasiswa milik Melayu saja. Lainlah peruntukkan khas, bukan maksud bolot semua.
    >>saudara on June 10, 2009 9:16 PM
    Terima, maknanya tiada mrk dan kita lagi. Hanya ada satu kita, termasuk bila waktu makan.
    >>pakbelalang on June 10, 2009 9:15 PM
    Korek Pak Belalang korek.., jgn tak korek. Korek sampai dapat. Tauke Cina kah, Umnoputera kah dia makan duit rakyat!!
    >>hisham1 on June 10, 2009 11:40 AM
    Hujah menghalau (mcm maki hamun) dari fikiran cetek atau lesap akal, mcm budak sekolah. Kalau masih budak sekolah, saya terima penuh hujah cara ini, tapi perlu dewasa sikit bila besar.
    >>Other comments
    Jika kritik krjn kena halau keluar Negara, membahas perlembagaan kena buang Negara, menuntut hak masuk Negara ISA. We are a communist state without ChinPeng only!
    We are here in M’sia cos we are citizens. You may not like it but our forefathers (all races and British) granted us this nation and I respect, appreciate them for it. It is the present generation that tries to manipulate history to perpetuate a compromise into a blood debt.
    No religious, humanitarian value teaches us the superiority or dominion of one race over others. Article 8 M’sian constitutition also says so. Universal values are equality, fairness, justice. In M’sia, Umno will spice racism into such values by twisting compromises, quote half history (or propaganda?), invoke eternal gratuity, unending debt, ownership class citizenship and rental class citizenship.
    We are ignorant, we need the enlightened to lead us. We are racists, we need the noble non racist to lead us.Only dirty politicians will sound like a racist, talk like a racist, act like a racist but claim they are not racist!

    Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. I did not want to be rude and post off comment in Tun latest posting on our education system. And besides, I think that Nasha Bin Edwin peddling his Solfware, is just best left alone. The http link above is a sneak-peak into Perodua latest MPV to go on sale soon. The price looks attractive, the shape is just right. I seriously hope that Perodua would make at least ABS and SRS as standard fittings on all models. Set the precedent for bigger brother Proton. It

  66. Assalamualaikum Tun & family,
    Tun please take good care of yourself and Tun Hasmah.

  67. Ayahanda Tun,
    //By rarunasalam on June 12, 2009 8:40 PM
    Dear Ravi,
    You are a racist to me!!!
    An opportuinist- YES!! but you are on the wrong side that’s why you failed at this age, ha… ha….
    A capitalist – YES!! – You have did not benefit from capitalism because you are self-centered who loves to “korek” weak points of others (and you do not give them a 2nd chance, I am wondering did they kill your family or something) especially from the Malays and Chinese because you think you are damn good in writing and has wide knowledge. I do not even want to spit (my air liur) on you, why should I waste my “air liur’ on you, lebih bermakna I telannya untuk mengenyangkan perut I. Like Comedy Court said, “Who Are You???? Who Are You, Ravi?
    A hypocrite – YES!! Because of the hypocripcy of human beings like you, Malaysia has 1st class leader and infratructure, but 3rd class mentality because we have many2 people like you who know nothing like our politicians, the YES MEN who claim to know everything due to “cari “manyak” makan”!!!!
    //The fact you have written that while it’s unhealthy to air racial issues openly, but also comment that Malaysian should prepare to be slugged if they slug goes to show//
    Well, Ravi, when we are unable to solve a conflict of the “no blood-shed and no lost of innocent human lives”, the best strategy is to confront the conflict. Hiding behind the curtain will bring us no where, dear Ravi, don’t you agreed? And many of you want CAT system to be implemented, now we are here to confront such issues, and now you agree it’s unhealthy, aiyo..yo, you do have double standard.
    // a/ your hypocrisy where under your administration, you would have shut people up for even “suggesting” the theme
    b/ your create your opportunity to futher instill conflict amongst Malaysians who never had the environment to feel like a single race.//
    I have to admit, Ravi, that Tun Dr M is weak and has failed in tackling these issues because he was surrounded by too many people like you and he trusted you guys. When he resigned, what did you guys did to him????
    //And you succeed in some quarters like HBT, JJJ, Samurai Melayu who have no understanding what the origins or history of this great country of ours. Their limited knowledge makes them think gaining independance from the British is all what counts…//
    Yes, Ravi, Tun Dr M has succeeded in gaining support from me who has never dealt with him be it in business and projects, that is why I spoke without fear lah!!! You did have relationship with him, and you are barking at his blog when he is nobody now, siapa hypocrite, Ravi?
    Wow! I was named in no. 1 in this remark and I am flattened for your not so nice and humiliating remarks.Huh.. British independence that counts? 60 years ago British ruled us, 60 years later we rule our country, is there anything wrong with it? I will be delighted if Bristons choose to stay in the country. British is no longer our ruler, they are still our crony (oops, I mean friends- crony also can be friend ma….).
    //And I think it’s irresponsible of you to allow racist comments to be posted on your blog without the appropriate moderation…under your leadership, you would have shutdown any mass media that published seditious comments. Or do you not see your responsibility in ensuring your blog authors not conduct themselves well.//
    Wow, cepatnya kau ini tukar arah!! Angin tiup mana, ikut saja arah yang ditiup angin (lalang jugak macam politicians kita!!) and I have to agree that it is because of you (the ex-senior journalist of NST?) that we are landed in this chaos because of your so-called self defined (but I call you the copycat lah) of democracy, liberalism and racism and I have learned to protect myself from these remarks because of chedet!!! Lu ingat I ini bodoh ke!!!
    //HBT, JJJ, Samurai Melayu – criticise me for criticising your idol…but be responsible with your comments. Malaysia today and working towards vision2020 that your beloved Tun initiated is all about a SINGLE MALAYSIAN Race. Understand that before you continue spilling your gobbledegook!//
    I am not critising you Ravi and I am sure JJJ and Samurai Melayu (my abang) have the same thinking like me. We do not need to go to war to attack others who are disagreed with us because we have CYBERNET (bukan SKYNET lah, the machine operated company in San Francisco that ruled the world in 2018 from the latest movie “Terminator The Salvation. I do not understand what is gobbledegook, as a lady, I say “whoopsi diasies”.
    Gong Li
    Ayahanda Tun, I know that you try to improve ties between indians with Malays and Chinese because you do care for the indians. I am not against indians, but I am piss off with these educated and irresponsible indians like Ravi (yang langsung tidak mempunyai
    “social resposibility” and ignorant. Pakpandir08 and nswamy, to me they are okay because they deserve to have 2nd chance and still can be re-educated, but not Ravi, Ayahanda Tun because he did not appreciate the opportunities he gained during your time and he blamed you for that and he is a selfish and mean guy.
    Ayahanda Tun, I watched Terminator in the cinema because our government’s entertainment tax is about 25%, I am willing to pay because of capitalism.

  68. Dear Malaysian,
    1. Please recall back why 13 May happened?
    2. Even thou there was a social contract understanding then, AlMarhum Tunku doesn’t wants to implement fully. So races remains divided, inequality of wealth, Malays remain in their status quo. Only one race is rich and boastful ie Chinese. Indian kept in the estates. And when DAP won the municipal election in KL, ‘brooms’ were used to symbolised sweeping Malays out of the town permanently…
    3. Do we want this thing to happen again?
    4. Thats why in order to reduce tension, Malays need to be help so that the wealth ratio among races is ideally kept to 1:1:1. Now is 1:1.3:1.7
    5. Tak guna juga kita kaya tapi hidup dalam ketakutan. Hari-hari orang nak curi duit kita or sembelih keluarga kita…

  69. TUN.
    By ina on June 12, 2009 11:39 PM
    Ina, anda di kumpulan mana?
    Ada kebenaran pendapat dan kajian anda itu. Maka itu lah blog TUN sentiasa mendapat sambutan. Tak mengapa, semua itu boleh membuat masyarakat berfirkir. Mana yang ada otak sempurna boleh membuat tafsiran yang baik dan positif. Mana yang tak ada otak itu akan mengikut secara membuta tuli dan nafsu akan apa2 yang dirasakan sesuai dengan jiwa nya.
    Terusakan menulis dengan cara dan pemikiran sendiri. Kita negara demokrasi, bebas untuk bersuara. Namun ada lah had dan sempadan nya.
    Asalkan tidak akan menimbulkan ‘Fitnah’dan ‘hasutan’ sehingga boleh mencetuskan huru hara.
    Blogers2 kat sini pun dah kenal pasti nama2 penyokong tulin TUN. Kumpulan kaki bodek berlebehan. Kaki penghasut dan fitnah. Pendendam kesumat keatas diri TUN.
    PoliTIKUS yang cuba menyemaikan fahaman idiologi mereka. Dan ada juga yang bersifat neutral yang ingin melihat perkara2 itu di bahas kan dengan asas logik. Tak mengapa itu semua perkara sehat dan amalan demokrasi negara.
    Saya penyokong dan peminat setia TUN dan sentiasa optimis akan apa yang TUN lakukan.

  70. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat gembira. Kiriman mengulas beberapa tulisan pengunjung blog kali ini krn topik panas….
    Awang di Utusan lain dgn Negaraku di You Tube. Satu orang dewasa bijak pandai satu budak mentah belum habis sekolah. Satu media berpengaruh dan penanda arah dasar, satu media meluas tapi dipandang sekadar hiburan saja.
    ……..US MISERY VS M’SIA HEAVEN suratkhabarlama on June 10, 2009 11:22 PM
    >>Race and Nationality
    They are called Chinese/Indians here by the govt! America has no race tag on their ID. M

  71. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Kiriman mengulas tulisan pengunjung Tun dgn izin….
    Pandangan saya pada tulisan Pembela on June 11, 2009 3:49 PM
    Betul, semua yg ditulis itu di persetujui di zaman datuk nenek kamu. Dari orang mcm sifat sdr skrg, mungkin jgn harap.Nenek moyang kamu yg mulia, murah hati dan tidak tamak. Jgn samakan permintaan kamu skrg dgn mrk. Jauh kuah dari nasi!
    Saya sanjung mrk dan sokong mrk diberi perlindungan perlembagaan waktu itu. Mrk dulu berbasikal tua, rumah atap. Apa salah diberi apa mrk minta.Tapi orang yg sorak hak Melayu di gadai skrg, memakai Mercedes (isteri BMW), rumah mahligai (berkolam renang), jawatan tinggi krjn atau GLC(isteri juga), anak tiga empat di IPTA, isteri dua tiga, makan angin luar negara, umrah berkala.
    Tak jijik kah dengar laungan golongan ini! Dalam blog ini berkeliaran jenis begini.
    Saya dah jelaskan sifat perkauman pada kiriman June 11, 2009 3:38 PM. Tahu sama tahu sdr mana satu!
    Tuduhan kaum lain buta sejarah, kurang ajar, melampau batas betul, kalau dari golongan pra Merdeka yg masih tak dapat nikmat. Yg dapat nikmat 40thn, lebih tepat krn tamak tak nak lepaskan demi kesaksamaan, keadilan (tapi untuk ketuanan pula) Mrk ini yg lupa sejarah, kurang diajar, melampau bila dah di atas.
    ……………….LUPA BUDI
    Kenang budi dibawa mati. Ada hikmah kata kata ini. Orang yg berbudi dan pembayar budi dah lama tinggalkan kita (pra Merdeka). Keadaan dah berubah.
    Dulu lain, skrg lain besar maknanya. Yg ada skrg bukan orang yg berbudi, tapi penerima nikmat keistimewaan.Yg ada skrg bukan yg terhutang budi (banyak dah berhijrah) tapi yg berkorban dibawah DEB.
    Golongan dari yg ‘berbudi’ tak serba kekurangan lagi, dan golongan ‘terhutang budi’ dah tak serba berada selepas 40 thn DEB. Bila membalas budi kita lihat kelakuan yg berbudi, sama waktu berbudi dulu?

  72. Sisters In ISLAM memang patut diharamkan pun seperti mana Al-Arqam diharamkan atas alasan menyesatkan aqidah umat Islam.

  73. Kepada rakyat Malaysia yang tercinta.
    Berhati-hati serangan 3 penjuru masuk ke blog ini,
    Kumpulan 1, mereka ini kononnya menyebelahi Tun tetapi telah mengujudkan sentimen perkauman.
    Kumpulan 2, mereka ini sentiasa menentang pendapat Tun dan memesongkan segala fakta. Maka perbalahan kumpulan 1 dan 2 itu menarik perhatian umum.
    Kumpulan 3, mereka bukan kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Mereka ini sangat berdendam dan benci pada Tun tapi yang jadi mangsa adalah rakyat Malaysia. Mereka cemburu dengan keharmonian Malaysia. mereka sentiasa mencelah dua ruang kumpulan 1 dan 2.
    Kalau nak tau kebenarannya bacalah dari awal komen-komen itu hingga kepenghujungnya. Makluk-makhluk itu tidak fikir apa yang terus akan berlaku tapi cukup nak merasa kepuasannya.
    Kepada rakyat Malaysia, serahkan kepada Allah supaya makhluk-makhluk itu dapt hukuman yang setimpal dari Nya.

  74. Kepada rakyat Malaysia yang tercinta,
    Berhati-hati, serangan 3 penjuru masuk ke blog ini.
    Kumpulan 1, mereka ini kononnya menyebelahi Tun tetapi ambil peluang wujudkan sentimen perkauman.
    Kumpulan 2, mereka ini menafikan kebenaran atau mencanggah pendapat Tun dan memesongkan fakta. Maka perbalahan kumpulan 1 dan 2 menarik perhatian umum.
    Kumpulan 3, mereka ini bukannya orang Malaysia. mereka cemburu kejayaan Malaysia yang harmoni. mereka ini sentiasa mencari ruang antara kumpulan 1 dan 2.
    Kalau tak percaya bacalah dari awal hingga akhir komen-komen tu semua. Anda akan tahu akhirnya.
    Mereka hanya berdendam dan bencikan pada Tun tapi yang menjadi mangsa adalah rakyat Malaysia. Mereka tak akan pedulikan apa yang akan terus berlaku asal mereka dapat kepuasan.
    Rakyat Malaysia yang tercita, berdoa pada Allah supaya makhluk-makhluk itu terima hukuman dariNya.

  75. Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir
    1) Saya setuju bahawa memang ada AGENDA untuk memperDAJAL Melayu-Islam yang lantang bersuara MEMPERTAHANKAN Haknya dan KONTRAK SOSIAL di MALAYsia ini. Mereka kalau boleh ingin menulis SEJARAH sendiri yang lain dari FAKTA sebenar sejarah Nusantara kita ini.
    2) Berkenaan SIS, saya setuju jika PAS memberikan HUJAH kenapa SIS perlu diharamkan. Tetapi dalam masa yang sama saya juga telah beberapa kali mengamati kegiatan dan agenda SIS ini amat bertentangan dengan ajaran ISLAM sebenar. Seolah-olah mereka ini MODERATE MUSLIM or LIBERAL MUSLIM… amat bahaya!

  76. Tun are not a racist in my book.
    An opportunist – YES. A capitalist – YES. A hypocrite – YES. But not a racist.
    The fact you have written that while it’s unhealthy to air racial issues openly, but also comment that Malaysian should prepare to be slugged if they slug goes to show
    a/ your hypocrisy where under your administration, you would have shut people up for even “suggesting” the theme
    b/ your create your opportunity to futher instill conflict amongst Malaysians who never had the environment to feel like a single race.
    And you succeed in some quarters like HBT, JJJ, Samurai Melayu who have no understanding what the origins or history of this great country of ours. Their limited knowledge makes them think gaining independance from the British is all what counts…
    And I think it’s irresponsible of you to allow racist comments to be posted on your blog without the appropriate moderation…under your leadership, you would have shutdown any mass media that published seditious comments. Or do you not see your responsibility in ensuring your blog authors not conduct themselves well.
    HBT, JJJ, Samurai Melayu – criticise me for criticising your idol…but be responsible with your comments. Malaysia today and working towards vision2020 that your beloved Tun initiated is all about a SINGLE MALAYSIAN Race. Understand that before you continue spilling your gobbledegook!

  77. Dear AAK,
    It’s been interesting following your discourse with Great Grooner. Excuse me for butting in but I cannot refrain from saying this.
    By AAK on June 12, 2009 10:22 AM:
    “Now to counter these points, you may state that to base these privillages on race instead of socio-ecomomic standing is racist. I for one would be happy to change the wording of the policies in mention as they are just semantics. The heart of the matter is still hthat the majority of the lower income class is still Bumiputra. If anything, I would like to see these policies include low income non-bumi as well.”
    To many people, that is more than just semantics, hence the clamour.
    By stipulating that all bumiputeras (and only bumiputeras) are entitled to certain aids provisioned by the NEP, it effectively means that the policy:
    (a) is prone to being, and has been, abused by those bumiputeras who don’t need aid.
    (b) shuts its door to those non-bumiputeras who need aid.
    While affirmative action is needed to address socio-economic imbalances between the rich and the poor, the approach of the NEP is questionable, because it does not address the imbalances between the rich and the poor head-on, but the gap is interpreted to lie between the bumiputera and non-bumiputera. The NEP does not close the racial divide, but accentuates it.
    If we assert that the aim of the NEP is to equalise the socio-economic well-being of Malaysians, then common sense dictates that aid should be given based on socio-economic standing. The issue of ethnic origin should not matter at all.
    You are born into a particular ethnic group and live with it till you die. But your socio-economic situation may improve in your lifetime (which is what the NEP purportedly seeks to achieve). It is nonsensical to judge one’s socio-economic status by his/her ethnic origin.
    What if the NEP was to be changed to take into account socio-economic standing only and not race?
    If it is true that 90% of the needy are bumiputeras, then simple mathematics (ratio) dictates that 90% of those who receive aid will be bumiputeras, i.e.:
    Let number of needy = number who receive aid, then:
    Number of bumiputera who receive aid
    = 90% x number of needy
    = 90% x number who receive aid
    Likewise, number of non-bumiputera who receive aid
    = (100%-90%) x number of needy
    = 10% x number of needy
    = 10% x number who receive aid
    No one undeserving of aid will receive aid, and no one will feel shortchanged for being born poor but with the ‘wrong’ ethnicity.
    Should the situation change one day and only 30% of the poor are bumiputeras, then 30% of those entitled to receive aid will be bumiputeras. There will be no need to abolish or even modify the NEP from time to time to reflect the contemporary collective socio-economic standing of each race (which is nonsensical to begin with).
    The problem we have today is that many confuse state aid with privileges, and the government of the day has no intention to correct this public perception. Because the NEP has been conceived and implemented along racial lines, it reinforces the belief in certain people that the NEP serves as a guarantee of their birthright privileges. Many cannot differentiate what is guaranteed by the constitution and what is doled out by the NEP. As far as they are concerned, they have always received benefits from the state and will not see those benefits taken away from them. This is why I personally believe the NEP will never be abolished as long as misinterpretation of the affirmative action is not corrected.

  78. Tun,
    dia olang jenis kuku besi suka tekan olang sampai leper.
    guru dia olang zionis.kita mana bleh kutuk olang yahudi nanti dituduh anti semetik. lulu tun dituduh anti semitik.ada betul ka?
    sama jugak kalau kita komen olang kapir,kita dituduh tengok mana dia olang blajar. aiyaaa hati mayak panas ooo
    klau ini macam..lama lama bleh jadi gaduh ooo..
    gua mayak heran la..apasal..semua bangsa mahu gaduh ..ini malaysia ada olang mati tk makan kaa…bersyukurlah kita bleh makan manyak kali satu hali oo.mahu apa lagi maa..olang melayu manyak baik hati..hormatlah sama org melayu..kita mesti hormat menghormati..baru aman..senang mahu cari makan.
    oklah gua chow lulu..manyak panas la..

  79. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    Sebagai seorang warga negara Malaysia daripada kaum Cina, saya menghormati peruntukan ryang memberikan hak istimewa kepada bumiputra. Namun sekali sekala, saya amat terkilan sekali dengan komen-komen yang diberikan oleh Tun.
    Tun selalu menyatakan kepentingan hak Melayu. Namun, saya yang berasal dari negeri Sarawak amat terkilan dengan perjuangan yang dinyatakan. Hal ini disebabkan seolaah-olah bumiputra Sarawak seperti Iban, Bidayuh, Kayan, Kenyah, dan sebagainya lansung kurang diberi peluang untuk maju, terutamanya suku kaum nomad Penan. Jika dilihat dari segi Perlembagaan Malaysia, mereka mempunyai hak yang sama dengan ornag Melayu. Yang lebih menyedihkan, banyak ahli politik yang kononnya berjuang demi kaum Melayu tetapi sebenarnya untuk diri mereka sendiri.
    Saya tidak menafikan bahawa terdapat banyak kaum Cina yang keterlaluan. Bahkan, saya terperanjat dengan sifat kekauman yang ditunjukan apabila melanjutkan pelajaran di Semenanjung Malaysia. Kelab mereka lansung tidak dibuka kepada kaum-kaum lain. Situasi ini telah mamaksa saya tidak sertai kelab tersebut lagi. Saya amat kesal dengan sifat perkauman mereka. Namun, kelab-kelab lain juga bersifat perkauman sehinggakan saya tercari-cari kelab yang boleh disertai.
    Sebagai seorang Bangsa Malaysia Kaum Cina, saya juga amat mengesali tindakan umum yang menyatakan Bangsa Melayu, Bangsa Cina, Bangsa India, dan sebagainya. Kita merupakan Bangsa Malaysia yang berlainan kaum, bukannya berlainan bangsa. Guru Sejarah saya pernah menegaskan perkara tersebut. Namun, amatlah pilu hatiku melihat pemimpin tanah airku membahagikan bangsa dalam ucapan seharian mereka. Jika saya tidak silap, membahagikan rakyat berdasarkan bangsa (bukanya kaum) boleh DILUCUTKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN oleh PERLEMBAGAAN PERSEKUTUAN MALAYSIA.
    Saya dilahirkan di Malaysia. Saya juga dibesarkan di sini dan telah diterapkan dengan semagat kebangsaan sejak kecil. Selain itu, saya juga amat meminati Bahasa Melayu yang dipanggil sebagai Bahasa Malaysia seketika dahulu. Saya tidak pernah menyokong negara China sesekali pun dalam apa jua benda dan pencapaian. Namun, situasi yang saya nampak pada hari ini lansung tidak mencerminkan perkara yang telah diajarkan kepada saya. Ahli politik semakin mementingkan pencapaian politik semata-mata. Kejadian yang amat saya kesali dan pilu ialah terdapat ahli politik yang menggunakan sentimen kekauman demi mencapai matlamatnya, sebagai Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri, Ahli Dewan Rakyat mahupun menteri. Jika negara kita berada dalam situasi perang, saya yakin bahawa ‘pejuang’ seperti mereka menyorok di bawah katil. Saya sebagai seorang rakyat yang sihat sedia ke medan perang jika negara memerlukan saya. Bahkan, saya telah memohon masuk ke PLKN namun ditolak.
    Dalam isu bahasa pula, saya amat setuju dengan perlaksanaan Tun dalam isu PPSMI. Saya merupakan seorang pelajar sains di sekolah menengah dan pelajar kejuruteraan sekarang. Semasa di sekolah menengah, saya telah menggunakan buku antarabangsa yang ditulis oleh Douglas C. Giancoli bertajuk Physics for Science and Mathematics sebagai rujukan saya di Tingkatan Enam. Di universiti pula, kami menggunakan banyak buku rujukan antarabangsa selain buku teks yang ditetapkan oleh pensyarah. Belajar sains sememangnya dalam Bahasa Inggeris sememangnya penting kepada kami. Tanpa buku rujukan antarabagsa, kami pasti ketinggalan.
    Saya amat keliru dengan kenyataan pihak tertentu yang mengaitkan PPSMI dengan kedaulatan Bahasa Melayu. Walaupun di dalam kelas guru kami menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris, saya akan bertutur ddalam Bahasa Melayu dengan guru saya di luar kelas. Kami hanya mempergunakan, menagmbil kesempatan terhadap Bahasa Inggeris untuk mencari ilmu dalam bidang sains. Di hidupan seharian, Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kami juga. Saya denagn bangganya mendapat A2 dalam Bahasa Melayu SPM dan A- dalam kertas Bahasa Melayu Universiti. Walaupun pencapaian saya bukanlah yang terbaik, namun, saya pasti saya dapat mengalahkan banyak ahli politik dan kononya pejuang Bahasa Melayu dengan mudah. Saya amat suka memetik kesalahan tatabahasa ahli politik semasa dalam ucapan di kaca televisyen. Persoalan saya, mereka sering ‘memperjuangkan Bahasa Melayu’ dengan tidak menggunakan Bahasa Melayu dengan, tepat dan baku? Mereka lansung tidak pandai berbahasa Melayu dengan baik dan betul! Ada diantara mereka pula merupakan graduan politik yang tidak pernah belajar mata pelajaran sains dan matematik pun, setakat PMR mungkin adalah. Hak apa yang mereka punyai untuk menyangkal tindakan seorang bekas perdana manteri (kesalahan tatabahasa yang diterima- sepatutnya menteri perdana-hukum DM) yang berkelulusan medikal?
    Untuk menamatkan kenyataan saya kali ini, saya menyeru semua supaya berfikirlah secara logik. Gunakanlah akal otak yang dikurniakan Tuhan. Janganlah terlalu senang terpedaya dengan ucapan ahli politik yang hanya mementingkan pencapaian politik individu mereka sendiri secara buta tuli. Dengan ini, amanlah, majulah negara tercinta kita, Malaysia.

  80. Hi Tun,
    Dah lama saya tak tulis. Tapi pernah tak baca tulisan Tun.
    Saya seorang pengurus di sebuah syarikat di Johor. Sebagai seorang pengurus, saya sentiasa pastikan staff2 yang reporting kepada saya bukan dari keluarga atau saudara mara dan juga bukan kawan baik saya.
    Ini kerana saya takut saya akan dilabel berat sebelah bila buat sesuatu keputusan memihak atau menguntungkan saudara mara atau kawan saya.
    Apabila sudah menjadi ketua, kita mesti buat pengorbanan. Itulah antara sifat seorang ketua yg baik dan dihormati. Ini saya belajari dari Tun sendiri. Semasa Tun menjawat jawatan PM dulu, Tun berkerja utk semua; tak kira bangsa.
    Dalam BN; UMNO adalah PM. UMNO ada fungsi besar dalam tentukan masa depan Melayu dan bukan Melayu. Ketua-ketua UMNO sering dianggap sebagai ketua mereka juga oleh rakyat Malaysia lain. Sebab itulah setiap kata dan tindakan oleh ketua2 UMNO begitu sensitif.
    Ada suatu peribahasa Tamil yang lebih kurang berbunyi : “Hanya pokok mangga berbuah sahaja akan terkena balingan batu”. Orang baling batu bukan marahkan pokok tapi nakkan buahnya.

  81. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Ramai bukan melayu menyentuh mengenai hak-hak orang melayu dan mereka tidak mengaku mereka recist tetapi sebenarnya mereka recist,saya ada membaca di belakang buku malaysia kini,pada pendapat saya ,apa yang saya dapat lihat mereka sangat recist, saya tidak rasa penduduk malaysia sangat bodoh terutama orang melayu , apabila kita membaca mereka seperti menyebut org melayu racist, tetapi sebenarnya mereka inilah recist.
    Mengenai org melayu pula ,baru-baru ini saya pergi sembahyang jumaat di sebuah masjid diterengganu, Ia yang berwarna hijau dan dikatakan itu adalah masjid PAS.Saya sembahyang disana disebabkan masjid tersebut dekat dengan rumah bapa mertua saya, Saya berasa sungguh sedih dengan khubah yang diberikan , kenapa ada khubah politik di dalam masjid , apa yang saya faham dari khubah tersebut mereka seperti menanamkan kebencian yang amat sangat kepada org UMNO iaitu orang melayu sendiri, kenapalah kita perlu membenci sesama islam dan melayu sedangkan pada hari jumaat yang mulia tersebut sepatutnya kita menanamkan semangat kerjasama dan menyelesaikan masalah bangsa dan agama kita. Perlukah kita memutuskan silaturahim sesama islam?betul ke khubah yang diberikan? Orang melayu yang serba lemah akan menjadi semakin lemah bila berpecah belah. Tolonglah sedar pemimpin melayu samaada PAS ataupun UMNO termasuk melayu yang berada di dalam PKR ,Janganlah disebabkan gila sangat nak berpolitik hingga bangsa kita tergadai. Fikirlah dulu bila buat sesuatu , bagaimana kesannya pada masa akan datang terhadap bangsa kita. Tolonglah gunakan fikiran yang waras dan lebih rasional.

  82. Dear Tun,
    I don’t think your statements sound racist, but I did find that some of the comments left here by the viewers of this blog look rather racist and the tone used is somewhat terrifying.
    Forgive me, but I do think there are some of us here who tend to interprete Tun’s view into some kind of misleading conceptions.
    Let’s aim for the better, not for the worse yea.

  83. Saudara Azihan.Alias,
    Mengapa marah sampai begitu? Menuduh saya “melampau” pula? Tolong sabar sedikit. Kita tidak bermusuhan. Inikan forum untuk menampilkan pemikiran kita semua? Tidak semestinya idea kita sama dengan pemikiran Tun Dr. Mahathir bukan? Tak pernah saya memperlekehkan perjuangan Tun. Sebaliknya, saya amat menghormatinya.
    Saya rasa saudara naik marah kerana mungkin kurang faham Bahasa Inggeris. Saya rasa kalau saudara minta kawan terjemahkan komen saya ke Bahasa Melayu, mungkin saudara akan nampak bahawa saya tidak berniat untuk mengutuk orang Melayu atau Tun. Hanya menampilkan pemikiran saya tentang isu ini. Tak pernah saya memaki hamun orang Melayu. Sebaliknya, ramai kawan saya berbangsa Melayu. Mengapa Azihan berpendapat kalau saya tolong orang Melayu, ia hanya untuk mendapat ‘nama’ sahaja? Mungkin ini prejudis saudara. Kalau benar, mungkin saudara Azihan yang perlu “sedarkan diri”.
    Saudara Azihan panggil saya “penumpang”. Tidak mengapa. Ini serasi dengan pemikiran sesetengah ahli politik UMNO seperti Ahmad Ismail, seorang ekstremis yang suka membangkitkan perasaan nasionalistik Melayu yang tak tentu arah. Kalau pemikiran saya serasi dengannya, saya rasa malu. Saudara Azihan tidak malu?
    Saudara kata “your people always said malays ni pemalas and suka ambil subsidi”. Memang benar. Ada sesetengah kaum bukan Melayu yang berpendapat begitu. Tapi saya tidak berkata begitu. Mana ada saya panggil orang Melayu pemalas? Ramai orang Melayu memakihamun bangsa saya, tapi kerana saudara Azihan tidak berkata begitu, saya tidak mempersalahkan Azihan, walaupun saudara memanggil kaum saya “kaum penipu”. Saya amat menghormati rakan-rakan saya yang berbangsa Melayu. Saya suka orang Melayu. Bahasa Melayu, bahasa yang indah sekali (walaupun saya sedar, penggunaan BM mungkin tidak begitu fasih sekarang berbanding dengan dahulu). Tak pernah saya perli orang Melayu atau bahasanya. Saya amat bangga dengan kebolehan saya bertutur dalam dua bahasa.
    Jadi saya “penumpang” ya? Tak mengapa. Saudara kata: “well suka hati kitaorang la.. our own country…u sapa..” Kami kaum penumpang di negara saudara Azihan. Memang benar Malaysia in negara yang moden (terima kasih Tun!). Tapi Malaysia yang wujud hari ini, wujud kerana perjuangan SEMUA kaum di Malaysia, bukan orang Melayu sahaja, betul? Tun Dr. Mahathir pun pernah berkata bahawa kaum Cina di Malaysia membayar 70% pendapatan cukai negara. 70%! Kenapa orang Cina begitu gian membayar 70% cukai negara kalau mereka sayang sangat dengan negara Cina? Mengapa setelah orang bukan Melayu bekerja begitu kuat (sesama orang Melayu), bayar cukai, membangunkan negara, saudara Azihan dan Ahmad Ismail nak rampas balik tanah, harta, kewarganegaraan dan suruh kami balik negara asal? Setelah 52 tahun kita bekerja berganding bahu, bergenerasi, tak cukupkah untuk kaum bukan Melayu panggil bumi Malaysia, negara kita juga? Setengah Malaysia pun Azihan tak sanggup nak beri ke?
    Namun, orang bukan Melayu tidak meminta untuk memusnahkan hak kaum Melayu. Hanya supaya dasar ekonomi ditukar sedikit untuk mengagihkan pendapatan negara mengikut tahap sosio-ekonomi, tanpa mengira kaum. Kalau ada orang Cina, Melayu atau India yang mampu beli rumah mahal, atau bayar yuran universiti, buat apa kerajaan tolong mereka banyak-banyak lagi? Alangkah baiknya kalau kerajaan tolong orang miskin TANPA mengira bangsa. Kalau orang Melayu masih kebanyakannya miskin, mereka semua akan memperolehi pertolongan. Apa salahnya? Sama dengan orang Cina dan India yang miskin. Kalau sudah kaya-raya, tolong sendiri lah. Tapi, kalau menampilkan idea macam ini pun, ada selalu ekstremis seperti Ahmad Ismail yang suruh kita balik Cina atau India atau mana-mana pun. Perangai sebegini baik kah untuk kemajuan negara? Mungkin idea ini tak baik, juga. Tapi inilah tujuan kita berdebat tentang isu ini. Tapi sebelum dapat berdebat, sudah kena hentam orang ekstremis yang mengugut nak bunuh sini sana, atau halau balik Cina.
    Dan saudara, “Melayu mudah lupa” bukan idea saya, ianya idea Tun Dr. Mahathir dalam sajaknya “Melayu mudah lupa”. Mungkin saudara patut membaca buku Tun: Dilema Melayu juga.
    Harap Azihan dapat menerima pendapat saya dengan hati dan minda yang terbuka.

  84. Tun,
    Memang menghairan kan kenapa depa nak sangat si Chin Peng ni balik ke M’sia?? apa faedah nya?? ke saja nak propoganda.. biasa lah DAP & PKR kecoh aje lebih.
    Baiklah cek2 semua pikir kan hal yg TPM sarankan hal English mesti lulus utk SPM & menghadkan 10 mata pelajaran ni lebih baguiii

  85. Dearest Tun,
    I always agree with your view and I have the highest respect for you. However, with SIS, I am not so sure. Don’t know much or heard about them except that they were ‘involved in ensuring that justice was upheld’ for Linajoy’s case? As female muslim, there’s no such thing as equality of rights of each sexes but we do have special rights in a so many aspects that surpass any rights given to non muslim women in any parts of the world. Masalah Malaysia di antara yang amat ketara ialah ibubapa jangan terlalu manjakan anak lelaki. Itu yang menjadikan mereka berfikiran sempit dan malas dan tak bertanggung jawab!

  86. Salam Tun,
    Saya harap Tun dan keluaraga berada dalam keadaan yang sihat walafiat.
    Sedih Tun bila dapati orang Melayu sendiri menyokong kejatuhan orang Melayu. Sedangkan bangsa lain terus maju kehadapan. Ini semua berpunca dari ansir-anasir luar yang ingin menjatuhkan bangsa Melayu dan agama Islam. Apa yang menyedihkan lagi anak Melayu sendiri yang terlibat dalam perkara ini.
    Saya rasa sangat sedih apabila saya mendapat tahu bahawa Anwar Ibrahim ada hubungan yang sangat rapat dengan CFR. Walaupun terlambat sekurang-kurangnya saya dapat tahu mengenai perkara ini. Saya rasa ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia yang tertanya-tanya kenapa Anwar didakwa sebagai agen yahudi adalah disebabkan perkara ini dan banyak lagi bukti lain yang menujukkan beliau mempunyai hunbungan terus dengan Amerika. Perkara inilah saya akan war-warkan kepada rakan-rakan!
    Saya sentiasa doakan Tun sekeluarga sentiasa sihat selalu.
    Bila Tun nak melawat Langkawi lagi? 🙂

  87. Tun,
    You are labelled as racist is because, despite emphasizing you are not one, your efforts in explaining always comparing interracially and every single words you have used worked in the way you wanted to see and other way round, you’ve have just decided to shut an eye on them.

  88. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    My apologies go out to our friends and relatives of non Malay descendant present on this page, due to my somewhat floundering remarks on racial relations in Malaysia off lately. I am not racist. For all I have said here, I firmly believe in making all of us Bumiputra. But certain deliberate irresponsible parties are placing plenty of an element that were brought about by ill intent and plans to disintegrate Malaysia in order to start building their agendas soon afterwards. In Jewish terminology it is perhaps best describe as the yom kippur thinking, their version to the Bible

  89. To Great Gooner,
    Allow me join your conversation regardng this matter as I find it a topic of personal interest. I agree with a lot of what you say especially the part about some Malays taking for granted their ‘privillages’. I use the inverted commas here as while these privillages are necesssary for most, they are a constant reminder of the handicap of the Malays (though I prefer to use the term Bumiputras as it includes other races).
    That said, I would like to point out that your views and opinion seem based on the preception of a middle/upper class, effluent non-bumiputra (I apologise if this term is not to your liking but for lack of a better word, allow me this usage). Since we are talking about the masses, I would point out that the majority of Malaysian farmers, fishermen, estate workers, are bumiputras. These people earn just enough to live moderately. Meaning no-life insurance, no stocks or bonds, no financial investmest (or just an ASB account for rainy days) and even with all their mis-givings they are happy that way. For most its a hard life but they have their religion which reminds them of the mortality of life.
    If you are a parent, you must know that all parents want their children to succeed and have better lifes than ourselves. However, considering their means of income, it would put an outstanding ammount of financial strain on them if their child (or children) wanted to study in a local University or abroad. They cant mortage their house or take out a loan with out any capital. Hence, the NEP.
    Now to counter these points, you may state that to base these privillages on race instead of socio-ecomomic standing is racist. I for one would be happy to change the wording of the policies in mention as they are just semantics. The heart of the matter is still hthat the majority of the lower income class is still Bumiputra. If anything, I would like to see these policies include low income non-bumi as well.
    Yet to say that we are at a level where a even playing field is whats best for the masses, I must disagree. While those of us living in the city have access to tuition classes, latest reference/workbooks, piano, swimming, tennis, taekwando lessons or whatever (which help in getting a scholarship), most of these low income family kids either are busy helping their parents earn a living or are just busy being kids (playing bottle caps or guli).
    Yet while you may envy the Bumiputras for their so called ‘easy life’, rest assured that many of us understand that we are playing catch up. That these hand-outs are not long term. And these so called privillages are in place to allow the Bumis to get to where the non-Bumis already are. Like I mentioned, it is a reminder of the Bumis handicap.
    I long for the day when the Bumiputras dont need this hand out. That an even playing field means exactly that. As of today, I dont think we are there yet. But like you wisely mentioned its been 52 years already and the non-Bumiputras patience is wearing thin. I hope we Bumis understand this too.

  90. Salam Tun,
    I came across an article in the Tamil Daily recently that you will be attending a wedding function this month. How do you feel when your humble name is being used as a publicity stunt for others to gain popularity among thier friends and family.
    In my opinion this has become a culture in Malaysia. People start to evaluate a person due to one’s exposure and not on achievements and contribution.
    How many of these people inviting you to thier functions are really sincere in your attendance?

  91. salam Tun,
    to Upholdjustice,
    Slowly but surely the Malays are changing for the better.This thing takes time you know.
    After all the Malays have lagged behind in many aspects until recently.But things are changing in front of our very own eyes.
    God willing.

  92. Dearest Tun,
    Alhamdulillah today is Friday and may Allah s.w.t bless us on this very special day.
    My solution to the problem is :-
    The solution may sounds radical but without doing so, the Malays will continue to be their subject of ridicule. The Non-Bumis will never be satisfied with the Malays for as long as they are not on top of the Malay. To be on top would mean to turn this country into a Republic and to remove the Monarchy institution.
    Can the Malays allow this to happen? But this would be the pinnacle of the democracy process as democracy denotes to people’s power. Ketuanan rakyat seperti yang dilaungkan oleh PKR, PAS and DAP. They are betrayers to the Malays and Islam and they should also be removed.
    Why I’m suggesting the above is because:-
    1) We have seen how ungrateful these immigrants were. The accusation of the Malays applying Apartheid is way too much for us to accept. If the Malays were as such, the Non-Bumis wouldn’t have survived this long in this blessed country. We have given in way too much and we must know when to stop.
    2) If the immigrants have no respect for our right which is enshrined under the Constitution, should we continue allowing them reaping the wealth of the country and making them the richest in the world?
    3) The Non-Bumis can continue living in this country but only as a PR. They have no voting right to determine the future of the country.
    4) There shall no longer be separate education system between the races. Government school must match the standard of the Chinese school or even better in order to pull the crowd for the eventual close down of the Chinese and Indian school. Education programme is VITAL to social integration and loyalty building. Our education system is way below standard. How could we be one when most of our teachers are not conversant in English and timid. We can never be competitive.
    5) Monarchy system is to stay in Malaysia. Ketuanan rakyat is a deception concept as it will lead to a republic system. If Islam is what we are protecting and preserving for Malaysia, ketuanan rakyat can never be the ideology. Our Monarchy system is an Islamic system because it resides on the premise of Khalifah. Thus as Raja/Sultan/Amir of the rakyat, he has the right to appoint his PM and Cabinet. Democary is no longer relevant.
    Thanks for reading Tun. I have to get back to work now. I wish you are in good health and may Allah s.w.t bless all of us on this very special day.

  93. TUN.
    Mengulas beberapa2 berita dan lapuran akhbar semlam.
    1.PAS. Nik Aziz tetap pendirian tidak bersetuju dengan idea “Kerajaan Perpaduan” antara BN dan PAS. Dengan riak terus mengatakan dia berpegang persefahaman dengan Muktamar di Ipoh sebelum ini untuk menyokong , bersengkongkol dan taat setia dengan PR. Dengan ungkapan yang mengelikan hati dia berkata “Jika PAS bekerjasma dengan UMNO, PAS akan jadi boneka UMNO” Apakah dia tak nampak NIzar(PAS) bekas MB Perak itu tidak dijadikan boneka oleh DAP semasa berkuasa di Perak? Malah dijadikan kuda tungangan oleh DAP dan PKR. Aduhai Nik Aziz,sememang dah nyanyuk akhir2 ini. Namun tak kisah lah apa dia cakap kerana keseluruhan pemimpin2 PAS dari Kelantan hampir semua tewas merebut jawatan penting parti dan Tok Guru kini keseorangan. Tapi yang jelas Nik Aziz maseh ‘Gila Kuasa’. Dia khuatir jika dia hilang pengaruh, orang ramai tidak lagi menyanjung diri nya sebagai Tok Guru. Maka itu dia dah mula merapu akan komen2 dan ulasan2 nya. Wallahuallam.
    2.Tok Guru Hadi dah mula berdolak dalik akan idea nya untuk kerajaan perpaduan bila mendapat tentangan dari sebahgian pemimpin PAS. Sebelum ini kita telah meramalkan tak perlu di hebuhkan rancangan itu. Segala2 nya hanya mainan politik Hadi untuk kempen parti. Cuma nak Test market. Jika dia benar2 ikhlas dan jujur dalam perjuangan untuk membela syariat Islam di negara ini, dia mestilah komitted apa yang di syorkan nya. Tapi kini meletakkan pelbagai syarat yang tidak relevan. Kebebasan media. Media dah bebes sekarang, terutama media2 IT.Blog2 bercambah macam cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan. Kehakiman pun dah lebih telus, tapi usah lah setiap keputusan mahkamah di politik kan, sampai kiamat tidak akan jadi telus. Demokrasi, tak ada demokrasi tak kan PAS memerintah Kelantan dah 20 tahun. Kini menguasai Kedah. DAP menguasai P.Pinang.
    Kita lihat lah kesah2 seterus nya.

  94. Ayahanda Tun,
    //By damai ria on June 11, 2009 8:41 AM
    Salam Tun,
    Next, from your opinion, with the current situations and scenarios happening around,if next general election were to be held tomorrow,what will happen?//
    Dear damai ria,
    If I am Tun Dr Mahathir (too bad I am nobody now, and I have to accept my nasib and rezeki too just like other Malaysians), I will say NO to tommorow’s next general election because it will be more harmful to the country. Since I am making such an important decision, so I say cool down and work hard now so that all 1Malaysians will understand and diagest the current on-going scenario. I am sure we can wait for the best outcome, and making an important hastily will be no good!!!!
    Good day Ayahanda Tun, I have to go now and get ready for work. I am patriotic but I do not want to die and hunger my family’s ‘perut’ for the country.

  95. salam tun
    kemenangan OBAMA menjadi presiden amerika la yg buat negara kita kacau bilau sekarang.kaum minoriti di malaysia ni melihat obama seorang rakyat kenya dan juga berkulit hitam boleh menjadi president.amerika lain bro.dieorang demokrai.malaysia demokrasi berpelembagaan..semua ni telah di persetujui oleh rakyat malaysia.
    tapi kenapa pula sekarang nak buat kecoh pasal ni.
    BUKANKAH individu2 yg cuba untuk mencabul perlembagaan negara harus di ambil tindakan.
    BAGAIMANA pula sebuah parti yg mempertikaikan perlembagaan negara boleh di tubuhkan.bukankah ini sama dengan PEMBERONTAKAN.
    sama lah juga dengan PAS.antara perkara yg di nyatakan dalam rukun negara ialah, malaysia ialah sebuah negara ISLAM.dieorang nak memerintah negara ni dengan cara islam yg bagaimana lagi.adakah ia termasuk tidak membenarkan penjualan arak,penternakan babi.kedai nombor atau banyak lagi yg haram.kalau betul la itu perjuangan mereka,mana munGkin mereka boleh bergabung dengan DAP yg mahu kuasa sultan di hapuskan.bukankah kuasa sultan itu yg mengHEBATkan islam.
    DULU bile UMNO berusahasama dengan mca dan mic mereka kata orang umno kafir.tapi sekarang mcmana pulak.Tak payah nak temberang la.sebenarnye yg di kejar bukan lah sebuah perjuangan negara islam. Tapi hanya GILA NAK KUASA.
    di harap PM kite dapat menekan dengan jelas tentang rukun negara. Dan selepas itu,jika ada pihak yg cuba melangar persetujuaan sebagai rakyat malaysia haruslah di ambiL tindakan. itu lah fungsi menubuhkan ISA. tun juga la da bomb.
    TENGOK TAK KENYATAAN TUN TENTANG PARTI PEMBANGKANG IALAH CERMIN KEPADA KERAJAAN.itu la kata2 seorang ahli politik yg bijak.nasib baik tun tak terangkan sekali FUNGSI PARTI POLITIK UNTUK SESEBUAH NEGARA dan RAKYATnye.silap2 ramai yg jd profesinal di buatnye.
    YOU JUMP I JUMP…kalau bukan tun yg memerintah selama yg sudah,keadaan nye tentu berbeza.mungkin yg mati tak mati dan yg hidup pun dah tak saya bersyukur dengan hari2 yg sudah saya lalui baik suka dan duka…HARGAI LAH PERKARA YG LEPAS.SAMA LAH JUGA SEPERTI SEORANG ANAK YG MENGHARGAI KELAHIRANNYA BERSAMA IBU BAPA YG SEDIA ADA.

  96. salam tun
    tun seorang yg sangat hebat.jadi daeorang kena jatuhkan tun dulu baru dieorang ble berjaya.
    sekarang dieorang punya target nak berkuasa penuh kat malaysia. salah satu cara untuk berjaya ialah dengan memecahbelahkan orang melayu.dulu saya ada beri pendapat kepada tun tentang sekolah sjk(melayu).kalau dieorang kata tun rasict,siapa dulu.orang melayu (mukhriz) ada mencadangkan utk buat sekolah satu aliran.dieorang tak nak.dah memang sah dieorang nak MALAYSIA betukar jadi cinaCia.
    TUN berada di tempat yg baik untuk menguatkan orang melayu.yg tingal hanya nak buat je.terpulang kepada tun.cadangkan aje dah cukup.masuk suratkhabar dan kita tunggu apa kata mereka pulak.
    DIEORANG bijak guna kesempatan bile tengok UMNO dah goyah.kite pun patut bijak juga guna kesempatan bile dieorang dah biadap tehadap negara kite ni.cuma yg ada ruang dalam politik ni la yg kena main peranan.
    BERKENAAN isu SISTER IN ISLAM(SIS) tu.saya setuju ia di haramkan. pengunaan perkataan sister itu sudah cukup salah sebab penganut kristian biasanye memagil seseorang wanita yg mengabdikan dirinye kepada tuhan dengan pangilan SISTER.

  97. To slug and be slugged.
    100% this is rasict blog…..maybe there will be another may13 cause by this blog…From good leader to bad blogger….

  98. The Chinese always comparing Malaysia to Singapore.
    Never they realised that their lifes in Malaysia are much better than the Malays specifically and even some Chinese in Singapore.
    The Malays in Singapore are not getting equal opportunity and sometimes facing discrimination, be it from the government or private sector.
    The worst thing is, now the Singapore Malays is considered a third class citizen. They are behind the Singapore Chinese as 1st and the Singapore PR Chinese from other country like Malaysia, China, etc.. as second.
    But the Singapore Malays value peaceful life than material and they are easily contented and have high tolerance. Even though that they are not very happy at times, they prefer to keep silenced and be grateful with what they have.
    Tolerance and respect each other is the key thing for stabilityand growth. You can’t get everything you want in life, think of giving and be grateful.
    Lets Pay It Forward

    I am no racist either but I do notice how the Chinese and even the Indians when given the rights and freedom, they never seems to be satisfied. Economically the Chinese especially are always way ahead of others. Politically if given to the Indians, they tend to be master above all.
    The Chinese for example, when Malays get big contracts normally the sub-contractors tend to be more to the Chinese. But when the Chinese are given the main contracts, hardly you can get see a Malay sub- contractors nor a suppliers. Why is that so ?
    The same for the Indians. When they are given the power to lead in most cases those below them are always Indians. If ever there are Malays, they will be the office boy or just a mere clerks.
    But in the same breath I too have to accept the Malay weakness. The Malays tend to take it things easy. Given big contracts they tend to sell it for a mere percentage. Given an important position they tend to abuse and misuse that power. Just like the malay saying..Di beri salah Tak beri salah.
    However, since this is a Malay nation with a Malay majority, it is only fair that we as Malays should LEAD and not as most Opposition tend to label as Ketuanan Melayu . it should be KEPIMPINAN MELAYU ( Period)
    All these while since independent it has been KEPIMPINAN MELAYU. Only the few ultra malays as well as those in the Opposition that like to create this misunderstanding among the races.
    Tun yang di hormati..saya tetap sokong dan trus menyokong dgn apa yg Tun katakan itu.
    And to those that are not happy with the system, I advise them to migrate to their homelands. Why become stressed and angry when you know you are the minority. Minorities in any nations be it the USA, Uk, Thailand,Singapore, ,etc,etc..WILL ALWAYS BE A MINORITY. YOU HAVE LITTLE SAY. SO DONT TRY TO BE ARROGANT

  100. Sukan mampu menyatukan.. Bolasepak tentunya..
    Malaysia berada di ranking FIFA yang ke berapa sekarang?
    Peminat bolasepak di Malaysia sudah malu untuk mengetahui.
    Tapi kita masih menyokong.. Tentunya..
    Wahai FAM
    Cadangan pertama orang2kilang@blogspot
    1. Pilih 24 calon yang terbaik (meritokrasi tau!) dari lepasan SPM yang hebat dalam bolasepak. Hantarlah belia belasan tahun ini ke beberapa negara yang maju dalam permainan ini.
    2.Buatlah sebagaimana JPA, MARA, Petronas dan berbagai Yayasan yang lain, yang sanggup melabur jutaan ringgit setahun, untuk menghantar pelajar ke luar negara.
    3. Pilihlah akademi bolasepak yang terbaik di beberapa negara yang berbeza.
    4. Kepada pemain, berikan pinjaman / biasiswa untuk sara hidup di sana, dan FAM juga perlulah lunaskan segala yuran dan bayaran berkaitan kepada akademi terbabit.
    5. Sebagai contoh, 3 Orang Penjaga Gol, hantarlah ke akademi di Mexico. 8 Orang pemain pertahanan, hantarlah ke Brazil, 4 pemain sayap ke Sepanyol, 5 pemain tengah ke England dan 4 lagi penyerang, hantarlah ke Jerman.
    6. Sebaiknya, setiap pemain belajar di akademi yang berbeza agar mereka tidak berkampung Malaysia. Dengan cara ini, mereka lebih cepat menguasai bahasa di tempat mereka belajar.
    7. Selepas 3 tahun, mereka telah mempunyai pengalaman yang cukup, tidak lagi malu alah untuk menghadapi lawan dari negara mana sekalipun.
    8. Pada masa itu, Malaysia sudah mempunyai pemain-pemain yang hebat di semua posisi.
    9. Hantarlah setiap tahun sekurang-kurangnya selama sepuloh tahun. Dalam masa yang sesingkat ini, kita telah mempunyai lebih 200 orang pemain bertaraf dunia.
    10. Sekembali mereka ke tanah air, jika ada pasukan negeri yang berminat untuk mengambil mereka sebagai pemain, seperti kebiasaan, yuran akan di kenakan dan FAM masih boleh membuat keuntungan.
    Cadangan kedua
    1. Setiap tahun kita mempunyai pertandingan Bolasepak kalah mati peringkat MSSM. Dari peringkat Daerah, Negeri dan akhirnya peringkat kebangsaan.
    2. Promosikan pertandingan ini. Setiap kali perlawanan peringkat kebangsaan, siarkan secara langsung di TV.
    3. Dapatkan penaja yang kaya dan ikhlas. Jemputlah ahli keluarga, saudara-mara dan kawan-kawan setiap pemain untuk datang menyokong di Stadium Nasional.
    4. Di peringkat kebangsaan, hanya satu perlawanan kalah mati sahaja di adakan setiap hari.
    5. Setiap kali ada pasukan yang kalah, penuhkan dengan emosi sebagaimana hebatnya Akademi Fantasia. Alirkan airmata pemain agar menjadi kenangan seumur hidup mereka.
    6. Sebelum pertandingan peringkat kebangsaan bermula, krew-krew TV bolehlah membuat dokumentari tentang pasukan-pasukan yang mewakili setiap negeri. Fokuskan juga pemain-pemain yang hebat dan menjadi harapan setiap pasukan itu.
    7. Bendera sekolah yang kalah akan di ikat pada tombak yang panjang. Tombak yang tergantung padanya bendera-bendera sekolah yang kalah pada tahun tersebut, akan di simpan oleh juara pada tahun itu. Juara adalah pasukan yang tidak pernah kalah sepanjang pertandingan berlangsung, dari peringkat daerah, negeri sehingga peringkat kebangsaan. Mereka sebenar-benar JUARA.

  101. 1.Recently I was started to reading the newspaper.This few week I was shock by the PAS. The way there view things is too narrow and too traditional. About banned SIS , Unity government and abolish english language is totally a troublemaker in our country. Even I was a 20 years old student , I disagree with them. If what PAS suggest is approve and agree by our government it will lead to a big protest in my point of view. “ONE country , one vote” , I think the truth meaning would be “one race , one country” and chinese and others will be minority. I cant imagine what will happen.
    2.I admired BARRACK OBAMA, his speech at CAIRO is a incredible. “… I know it was tough , but if we choose to be bound by the past , we will never move forward… for the young you have the chance to re-imagine and re-make the world…” this is call change for the good faith. And what PAS say “Islam lead for change” the word “ISLAM” is been choose for their sentence in multi nation country is really a “wise” leadership had been shown.
    3.I wont vote for any parties that consist of PAS. It will be expected what will be the leadership of B.N but for PAKATAN, I cant imagine it was good or bad for the country. Therefore voting PAKATAN is a risky “investment” hopefully B.N will perform well. Use the way to think for the whole nation focus on citizen not the race.
    4.Just hope people like DR.M in Islam race will appear as a leader.

  102. Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
    1.Pada pendapat saya tiada kenyataan yang berunsur perkauman yang melampau daripada Tun.Bagi saya,teguran Tun adalah ikhlas untuk kemajuan rakyat Malaysia khususnya kaum melayu.Tun selalu memberi teguran pada setiap perhimpunan agung Umno dahulu.Tiada pula yang hendak mempertikaikan apa yang Tun katakan,walaupun kadangkala agak berbisa.Siapa yang makan cili,akan terasa pedasnya.
    2.Bagi saya,mereka yang menyatakan Tun perkauman adalah tidak benar sama sekali.Golongan ini tidak faham akan maksud Tun,mungkin mereka ini golongan muda yang baru hendak mengenali Tun tambahan wujud pemimpin yang sibuk melaungkan ‘human right’dan kebebasan bersuara sehingga SENGAJA tidak faham segala usaha murni kerajaan untuk kemajuan negara sekali gus untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup dan mentaliti rakyat negara ini.Sebab itu wujud golongan yang merasakan sudah pandai tetapi kurang ajar,sehingga sanggup menafikan apa yang telah diusahakan oleh kerajaan selama ini.
    3.Kalau dahulu teguran Tun dan pemimpin lain sebagai teguran membina ,tetapi ada segelintir mereka menuduh Tun sebagai perkauman.Siapa lagi kalau bukan Lim Kit Siang dan kunco-kunconya yang memulakan mempertikaikan isu-isu sensitif,tidak akan ada orang lain yang akan marah atau terasa hati.Si Anwar Ibrahim juga banyak mengeruhkan keaadaan,diikuti oleh pengikutnya dan golongan yang sentiasa mengambil kesempatan meneguk di air keruh.PAS dan PKR lagi tidak boleh diharap.Tun Lah…..mmmmp tak payah cakaplah.
    4.Saya amat berharap dan berdoa semoga suatu hari,akan wujud hanya satu aliran sekolah,di mana bahasa Melayu masih lagi sebagai bahasa kebangsaan,manakala bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil sebagai mata pelajaran elektif.Sekolah wasasan adalah langkah pertama yang bagus ke arah memperkukuhkan ikatan kaum,tetapi sayang ada pihak yang membangkangnya.Di sini kenapa golongan ini tidak dianggap perkauman?
    5.Semoga DSNTR tegas dalam menyelesaikan apa-apa isu sensitif.Jangan melayan golongan yang boleh menjejaskan perpaduan dan keamanan negara yang telah terbina dengan kebijaksanaan pemimpin terdahulu termasuk Tun sendiri(terima kasih Tun).Isu Chin Peng dikira sudah tamat.NO ENTRY!!
    6.Sister in Islam,bagi saya lebih baik diberi teguran dahulu, sekiranya ada yang tidak kena.Apa yang dicadangkan oleh Pas memang tidak menghairankan kerana mereka dari dulu lagi cepat menjatuhkan hukuman ke atas orang lain.
    Kepada NASHA awak ibarat seperti melukis satu bulatan,pelbagai alasan ,andaian dan anggapan buruk terhadap Tun dan akhirnya kesimpulannya awak memang tidak sukakan Tun.Tun tidak mengharapkan sesiapa untuk memuji Tun.Kalau mereka yang memujipun termasuk saya,kenapa…. tak senang duduk ke?Siapa suruh datang sini??Kalau awak rasa diri tu pandai,baguslah…tapi awak kekurangan nilai murni yang tidak boleh dicari dalam buku atau kamus,hanya lahir dari hati dan mental yang ikhlas…..iaitu budi pekerti.Saya juga boleh berikan satu persepsi terhadap awak iaitu….BIADAP!
    Semoga Tun sentiasa dirahmati Allah.

  103. Dear Tun,
    Former Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) director-general Datuk Aziz Deraman said recent poltical developments had split the Malays.
    He said the split became wider due to ‘political arrogance’ within parties or between parties and the people.
    “The time has come for Malay political parties to find a new formula to strengthen Malay unity,” he said in his paper ‘The Malay World: Islam and the Malays in the Malay Archipelago.
    Don’t expect too much from the Malay political leaders to create anything good for the Malays.Literally, they are “deaf, blind and dumb”. Sum mun buk mun um yun fahum laa yar jiuun !!
    Malay political leaders are all failures. To be blunt they are simply haprak and HP6.
    Mereka masih lagi terkapar-kapar, bingung dan meraba-raba ke hala mana mereka nak bawa bangsa Melayu.
    Mengapa umat Melayu hingga kini tidak boleh bersatu? Kerana semua pemimpin Melayu hanya pandai main “politik kampong”. Politik “kopiah putih” dan “songkok hitam” !! Mereka kurang pengetahuan global sebab mereka “goblok” !! Terimalah hakikat ini. Mereka sebenarnya tidak layak memimpin umat Melayu.
    Melayu nak bersatu? Forget it. The Malays can never be united selagi sifat cemburu, dengki, iri hati, riak dan bodoh sombong bergelumang dilobok hati mereka.
    Itulah sifat Melayu Asli yang tak boleh di kikis. Dah sebati dalam darah daging mereka.

  104. to GreatGooner…
    TOLONGLAH sedar diri tu sikit…kamu sampai 1000 tahun pun menumpang…kalau u tak suka sangat malays balik china… tu pun kalau diorang terima u..sorry to say la..memang karpal singh tu non malay…tapi dia bukan melayu… ada ke melayu dalam dap yang u agung-agungkan.. tak payah nak berlagak pendai menulis panjang lebar.. baca dulu sejarah sepenuhnya.. bukan sejarah tingkatan 3 ya..tapi sejarah sepenuhnya asal usul kamu. and again.. sorry to say your people always said malays ni pemalas and suka ambil subsidi… well suka hati kitaorang la.. our own country…u sapa.. your people lagi kuat menipu.. kiri kanan, atas bawah, depan belakang tipu.. lagi tak kenal dosa.. yang penting untung ajer… 20 orang your people i jumpa belum tentu 1 orang pun cakap betul. i memang tak suka sentuh pasal agama,kaum dan bangsa, tapi u dah melampau..sedarlah diri u siapa. Mujur malaysia satu ketika dahulu sudi menerima datuk nenek moyang u di sini. Kalau u di negara asal, fikirlah, jangankan buruh, tukang cuci pun belum layak lagi… kenapalah semua mengutuk Tun, tak syukur ke apa yang 22 tahun yang tun korbankan untuk dia. kalau pandai sangat… kenapa tak tampilkan diri untuk jadi PM jugak. Nasha ni pun satu…macam la awak tu bagus sangat. Atleast apa yang u and Gooner perasan ada sekarang ni hasil dari negara kita yang aman. Cuba bagi satu contoh la…pernah ke parti bukan melayu memperjuangkan orang melayu bersama mereka. Mestilah UMNO perjuangkan hak Orang Melayu, tak kan untuk you pulak. Orang melayu jangan diingat lemah apabila senyap.. jangan sampai kami pun meminta sama. ” Mylayu mudah Lupa” kata kamu.. kamu pelupa terus asal usul kamu. Kamu sudah diberi hak kamu sebagai penumpung dan sampai 1000 keturunan pun kamu adalah pendatang di tanah malaya (Malaysia) Kenapa kamu tidak memperjuangkan hak kamu dinegara asal kamu? Kalau semua benda tak puas hati jangan jejak kaki di Malaysia. Cakap pasal ekonomi konon…Pernah ke kamu tolong malay… tolong pun sebab nak pakai nama je..

  105. When the Malays are the majority of police force and of arm force,do you still need to defend the Malays? You are very good at telling jokes.
    Sometimes,you really need to think why Singapore,Taiwan,Hong Kong and Japan without natural resources can be more successful and prosperous than Malaysia which is blessed with plenty of natural resources like petroleum and natural gas.Do the dominant populations of these countries need protection?
    You had overprotected and had spoilt the Malays.Have they made you proud of them ?Please learn from Mr Lee Kuan Yew about how Singapore Malays can succeed without protection.

  106. Dear Fairuz,
    I did not intend to provoke the Malays.I just want to inspire the Malays to work hard and stand on their own feet.
    Do you know why Tun introduced Look East policy ?So that the Malays can work hard like the Japanese and South Koreans.
    Do you know why Tun introduced Proton cars? So that the Malays can have something to be proud of and achieve more successes.
    Do you know why Tun described the Malays special rights as tongkat?So that the Malays feel embarrassed and want to abolish the special rights themselves.
    Do you know why Tun said 90% of income tax contributed by the Chinese?So that the Malays feel humiliated and work very hard to contribute to the nation.
    Do you know why Tun cried in UMNO meeting?Because the Malays disappoint him despite much efforts put in by him.
    Do you know why Tun supported the idea of Malaysia boleh?Because he thinks the Malays still can excel if they change their attitude.
    I hope all Malays can be inspired to work hard for the benefit of Malaysia.

  107. Salam sejahtera YAB Tun,
    Mahathirism memang sesuatu yang menarik untuk diperbincangkan malah lebih elok untuk dijadikan akademik bagaimana era seorang Perdana Menteri mampu menggalas tugas menjadikan sektor pembuatan dan perkhidmatan mengantikan era pertanian bagi orang-orang Melayu. Selama YAB Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri, tidak salah jika dikatakan YAB Tun boleh menerapkan daya saing di dalam setiap rakyat Malaysia dari kaum Melayu, Cina, India dan lain-lain keturunan di Sabah dan Sarawak.
    Saya amat menghormati sekiranya pandangan seorang pemimpin mampu memberi impak dan kesan mendalam untuk bentuk kebaikan yang lebih elok tetapi tidak untuk pemimpin menghancurkan sesuatu bangsa walaupun bangsa itu bukan dari kaum Melayu. Sebagaimana YAB Tun mengeluarkan ilham untuk menghantar orang Melayu ke Angkasa mungkin masa akan datang akan ada orang Melayu membawa bendera untuk pergi ke Bulan walaupun negara lain telah mula ada seabad yang lepas.
    Cerita perkauman telah lama timbul ekoran kegagalan YAB Perdana Menteri ke-5 gagal menjadi pemimpin yang dihormati. Perlu diingat, apabila menjadi Perdana Menteri kita bukan sahaja perlu mengawal orang daripada Barisan Nasional sahaja tetapi juga Pakatan Pembangkang. Nyata sekali cara bentuk demokrasi keterlaluan menjadi agenda utama mereka. Dato’ Seri Anwar, Karpal sering mengutarakan perkara pokok yang membahaskan sensitiviti kaum Melayu termasuk kaum-kaum yang lain. Hinggalah seorang daripada Gerakan mencadangkan Chin Peng kembali semula ke Malaysia. Memang sesuatu yang pelik bagaimana idea tersebut timbul dan bukannya sesuatu yang membanggakan. Perlu diingatkan, di dalam era Komunis terdahulu Chin Peng bukan sahaja mengeluarkan ideologi untuk membunuh bagi cara mendapatkan kuasa daripada orang Melayu sahaja tetapi juga termasuk kaum-kaum lain di Semenanjung Malaysia iaitu Cina dan India.
    Kenapa tidak kita katakan Portugis dan Belanda itu sama juga dengan Chin Peng. Kerana mereka penjajah, dan mereka bukan musuh dalam selimut. Mereka tidak bermuka-muka semasa era tersebut. Datang untuk menjajah tetapi tidak Chin Peng. Hidup sekali dengan bangsa Melayu, tetapi membunuh bangsa yang pernah mungkin menolong untuk mendapatkan makanan dan minuman. Itulah dinamakan pengkhianat. Kenapa ramai Melayu tidak masuk Komunis dan sanggup mati di tangan Komunis termasuk askar mati. Bagi mempertahankan bangsa mereka sendiri dan juga bangsa-bangsa yang lain.
    Secara logiknya, adakah kita tidak pernah memberi kemaafan kepada mereka. Jawapannya pernah pada masa tersebut. Pernahkah mereka setuju. Jawapannya tidak. Dan, jawapan TIDAK tersebut harus Chin Peng pegang dengan kata itu sehingga dia mati di luar dari Malaysia dan tidak di dalam Malaysia.
    Agenda Kerajaan Perpaduan juga ditolak oleh pemimpin Melayu itu sendiri, dan bukanlah sesuatu yang membanggakan apabila dicadangkan Kerajaan Perpaduan seolah-olah bangsa Melayu ini suka kepada perpecahan. Yang nyata tergambar satu kebaikan sekiranya apa yang dinamakan Kerajaan Perpaduan ini dapat diwujudkan. Cuma hendak diwujudkan perbezaan tersebut bukan lagi daripada segi bangsa tetapi ideologi. Dan saya tidak mengharapkan ia terjadi tetapi untuk berpadu kita semua adalah Melayu. Dan kita semua adalah Rakyat MALAYSIA.

  108. Salam Tun and fellow bloggers,
    1. There are a lot of good non-malays in our country but there are
    more no-good non-malays who are going into politics, laws,
    ngos, unions fighting for communism, anti-malays, anti-UMNO,
    2. The fact that the malays compromised with the non-malays to
    achieve independence in 1955 (1st election) showed that the
    malays were genuine, trusted the non-malays.
    3. But the 13th May incident, the DAP’s malaysian malaysia, the
    pariah council demands, the hooligan hindrafs, the model from
    the chinese govt in singapore, etc made the malays reconsider
    their perceptions about the non-malays. The opinion was
    supported by a chinese writer who wrote ‘the only straight
    about the chinese is their hairs…’ and the saying ‘kalau
    jumpa ular dan orang india, pukul india dulu…’why?
    4. After all these incidents, experiences, more malays are thinking
    more seriously about sharing with these ungrateful few. Just
    like the jews who were given shelter but now trying to chase out
    the same people who sheltered them. Now, that old man from
    singapore came here, why met MCA? why met DAP leaders in Penang?
    Why Perak? See, can you blame the malays for being suspicious?
    5. I am one of those who have lotsa chinese friends and
    girlfriends, indian friends…but I am angry with some of those
    non-malays who are out to take over my country and have bad and
    wicked plans for my malay race. I can still recall the images
    of the non-malays shouting, using brooms as if sweeping the
    malays out of this country…now, how can I trust all of them?
    6. Yes, I am a racist.
    Sorry Tun, a little bit angry and showing through your blog.

  109. Ayahanda Tun,
    By YSLim on June 10, 2009 4:47 PM
    If you want to work hard, then work hard lah!!! Nobody will stop you lah!
    Honestly speaking what kind of hard working attitude are you referring at? Is it the kind of hard working career minded lady who thinks she is hard working, but in the eyes of others she is only showing off that she is hard working?
    The way you put it is really very negative and aggressive. If you are the boss, matilah kita sebagai orang bawah you. Hanya syiok hard working tanpa mempedulikan perasaan orang bawah mu, mampus lah!
    By the end of day, you are only interested in the RM sign! Don’t try to show off your hard working attitude in chedet because
    Tun Dr M is the most hard working Malay who worked for the rakyat and that is why he was there for 22 years. Do you know why Mr Anwar Ibrahim is quiet now???
    You are only interested in your personal “nafsu”, and you defended yourself being oppressed by the Malays. You think chinese can lead and be fair to all races? In reality, there is still a tyipical china man company which is paying clerks and coordinators for RM750 per month (5 and 1/2 days per week) and they are entitle to claim 1.5 overtime per hour. Because we have opposition party, thus the government cannot fight for minimum salary for these people (semua kaum pun ada) because we have too many people like you who cries thief like all those greedy company (Sdn Bhd) directors!!!
    Don’t defend your view that you are not a racist, the way you put it is much much much worst than Tun Dr M. 1Malaysia can be succeeded if people like you could be exported out from the country. No money, no problem, just follow the foot step of Pakatan Rakyat or Hindraf leader, sue government. Once you get the money, you migrate to your dream country, what do you call this then? Liberalism, freedom, justice or human rights? I call it bullshit!!
    Ayahanda Tun, Mr Lee Kuan Yew is a bit nyanyuk and Tun Dr M is still very sharp. I admire Mr Lee for his concern at his age for his Singaporeans’ future. But some of our chinese just do not accept what Tun Dr M has done just because he is a smart and hard working Malay.
    Selamat malam Ayahanda Tun
    P/S: S.. Tan, aiyah stop protecting your dam racist comments lah, you are worst than Mr Ravi!!!! I sedang tunggu you attack me, why no cyber blog attack, the friendly banter kind, from you?????

  110. PUTRAJAYA: MCA tidak akan meninggalkan Barisan Nasional (BN) walaupun hasil pungutan suara dalam laman blog presiden parti, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, menunjukkan sebaliknya, kata Datuk Seri Najib Razak
    Perdana Menteri yang juga Pengerusi BN berkata, pungutan suara itu hanya kaji selidik untuk tujuan akademik parti berkenaan.
    Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media selepas mempengerusikan majlis Konsultasi Bajet 2010 di Kementerian Kewangan di sini, hari ini.
    Najib diminta mengulas keputusan pungutan suara dalam laman blog Ong yang lebih 75 peratus menyatakan MCA patut meninggalkan BN.
    Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahda Tun.
    Ulasan saya:
    1) Bolehkah dinafikan tiada langsung kedapatan sebarang hubung-kait isu ini dibangkitkan oleh MCA pada ketika DAP juga sedand berusaha untuk melemahkan hasrat PAS berkenaan Kerajaan Perpaduan bersama UMNO?
    2) Dapat dinafikan dengan 100% (tanpa 0.01% pun) yang ini tidak langsung berhubung kait? Maksud saya MCA bagi tekanan pada UMNO dan DAP bagi tekanan pada PAS?
    3) Jika benar ada hubung-kait maka kita dengan jelas dapat melihat percaturan yang sedang berlaku ketika ini.
    4) Kenapa perlu Ong Tee Keat membuat pungut suara sebegini pada ketika ini juga? Apakah rasional beliau jika bukan untuk memberi tekanan kepada UMNO untuk “slow down” sikit hal Kerajaan Perpaduan dengan PAS (DAP bagi tekanan pada PAS).
    5) Dengan ini juga maka 1001 soalan, kesangsian dan sebarang was-was semua sudah terjawab.
    1) Andaikata saya ini seorang Cina MCA/DAP, ini apa strategi yang saya akan mainkan: Biarkan UMNO dan PAS berunding sampai 36 bulan ini. Biar tidak ada kata sepakat antara mereka, sebab ini akan terus menjamin perpecahan antara mereka dan ini bagus untuk agenda saya. Mudah jadi kerja saya lagi (saya boleh guna man power UMNO dan PAS saja untuk tugasan ini

  111. Assalamualaikum YTC Bpk Tun
    Aneh juga ya kenapa orang Melayu rasanya menentang Melayu bila berkata mengenai kepentingan Melayu. Betul-betul aneh dan kalau orang bukan Melayu membicarakan tentang bangsa mereka tidak menjadi persoalan dan didukung pula oleh orang Melayu, lagi aneh.
    Tentang SIS kalau mereka mentafsirkan Al-Quran untuk kepentingan mereka, apa bedanya pula dengan para Ulama dan partai Islam yang membuat yang sama. Kenapa tidak dikomentarkan? Dunia ini kan aneh apalagi kalau untuk kepentingan sendiri dan diberi kuasa pula. Begitulah Tun nasib orang yang jadi pembela.

  112. Dear Tun..,
    Dishonouring Umno article I agreed.
    But your opinion about PAS regard SIS issue I disagreed. What PAS mention is truth. SIS is not represent Islam itself. Or maybe some SIS member include VIP (read PM, exPM, minister etc.) daughter then we must zipped our mouth.

  113. Tun,
    Just like to make some brief comments.Yes,you have shown your mellow side Tun when you said draconian measures should not be adopted. Most fair & rational Malaysians prefer the moderate & peaceful path.
    However I find Nik Aziz Nik Mat & Nizar Jamaluddin sensible & moderate & their views conform to the needs of Malaysia’s young & modern Muslims & non-Muslims.Not draconian after all!!! I think we cannot generalise PAS.It’s important for the ruling party to meet the aspirations of the young educated Malaysians from all walks of life & different religious background.I know it’s not easy to govern Malaysia as it’s multi-racial & multi religious.

  114. To DAP and Indian Hindraf and anwar’s pro.
    Why called Tun as a racist? So if it’s racist what about Sultan? Is it racist? Or u also want chinese to become sultan? What u’ve trying to have is more racist than this. U need to be clarify where did u live. This is malaysia. We merdeka, the constitution was made. And certainly constitution is the highest law in malaysia and the backbone for the development of malaysia. If you still think that Tun M was a racist, this based races politic style was develop since 53 years ago! Thus you should blame the one who founded all this things. Dont act to be like a hero saying all this nonsense things and make the citizens apart because of u statement which are too sentiment and sensitive!

  115. excuse me nasha bin edwin.
    its okay to be stupid.but don’t show it!
    kalau betul pun x suka dgn Tun,n sanggup pulak kata chin peng tu lagi baik..haishh..x taulah takat mana pemikiran.
    okay2..lets try this.
    why dont you think first before you speak.
    it helps..
    selamat mencuba!

  116. SALAM TUN.

  117. Saya nih bukan orang Melayu, orang Cina. Saya di sini ingin memberi pengakuan bahawasanya hujah saya berikut bukan berdasarkan apa jua perkauman dan bukannya ingin mencetus sebarang provokasi. Tetapi, perkara-perkara berikutlah yang terpendam dalam hati saya selama ini.
    Saya amat membimbangkan beberapa perkara di negara kita, Malaysia.
    Yang Pertama, mengenai isu komunis Chin Peng. Saya berasa mengejutkan kenapa di kedai-kedai buku Popular dibenarkan menjual buku-buku yang ditulis oleh komunis Chin Peng yang ganas ini ? Saya ternampak buku-buku yang tertulis dalam bahasa Cina dan bahasa Inggeris dijual secara terang-terang di kedai-kedai buku Popular.
    Sedangkan makhluk ini begitu zalim sekali dalam bukunya berkata dianya tidak kesal terhadap (perjuangan ); apa yang dilakukan olehnya serta kroni-kroni komunis beliau semasa darurat di negara kita.
    Kita nih jangan lupa, makhluk inilah yang secara tidak langsung mengilhamkan perancangan “guerilla warfare” terhadap anggota polis dan tentera di negara kita semasa darurat itu. Kezaliman makhluk-makhluk komunis ini memang ada bukti, mereka nih boleh nafi tetapi luka anggota tentera dan polis, yang majoritinya orang Melayu masih terasa walaupun dah lepas.
    Yang paling notorius sekali adalah peristiwa Bukit Kepong, begitu zalim sekali makhluk-makhluk ini melakukan perkara biadap dan kezaliman yang “uncivilised” terhadap anggota keluarga polis. Sehingga wanita yang mengandung pun tidak terselamat daripada kezaliman. Ini adalah perkara yang menghina wanita, dan perkara-perkara yang dilakukan komunis ini amat memalukan orang Cina. Saya juga hairan kenapa ada sesetengah manusia di Setapak yang melabelkan dianya pejuang hak wanita, tetapi kenapa dianya tidak secara terbuka membantah kepulangan Chin Peng, sedangkan Chin Peng yang secara tidak langsung merestui kezaliman komunis terhadap anggota polis dan tentera semasa darurat.
    Jadi persoalannya, minda dan pendapat makhluk yang begitu ganas sekali, kenapa bukunya dijual di negara Malaysia. Sepatutnya kerajaan menggunakan Akta Hasutan untuk mengharamkan buku-buku ini dijual , mengelakkan anak watan Malaysia daripada brainwashed ataupun influenced daripada pendapat/minda yang mempunyai elemen ganas.
    Berkenaan dengan permintaan makhluk Chin Peng ini, untuk kembali ke Malaysia. Saya membantah beliau kembali di Malaysia, sebab kepulangannya amat menyakit hati anggota keluarga polis dan tentera yang terkorban dengan kezaliman komunis semasa darurat. Dan saya tidak tahu bahasa apa lagi yang lebih sesuai untuk menggelar Chin Peng ini selain daripada menggelarnya sebagai makhluk.
    Yang Kedua adalah berkaitan dengan Pulau Batu Putih, setakat ini apakah kerajaan dah berusaha mencari jalan untuk merampas balik hak Pulau Batu Putih daripada Singapura ?
    Mengenai isu Pulau Batu Putih, saya berasa amat sedih kerana ramai orang muda sekarang nih tidak lagi prihatin terhadap isu dalam negara mereka, especially politics, dasar luar Negara kita dan juga kedaulatan negara kita (hak tanah di Lautan China Selatan dan Pulau Batu Putih, kononnya). Mereka nih selalu berkata, politik ini saya tidak berminat dan tidak kaitan dengan saya, Pulau Batu Putih hilang pun saya nih tidak ada kerugian apa-apa. Mereka kata pulau nih kecil saja, hilang satu pun Malaysia pun tak rugi apa-apa.
    Tetapi mereka nih tidak faham daulat Negara kita. Sebabnya, semangat nasionalisme amat rendah di kalangan mereka. Semangat nasionalisme memainkan peranan yang amat penting dalam perpaduan dan peperangan, umpamanya Perang Dunia Kedua, orang Jepun nih begitu tinggi semangat nasionalisme mereka, dan semangat inilah yang membantu mereka mencapai kejayaan dan beberapa kemenangan dalam pertempuran yang kritikal dalam Perang Dunia Kedua, umpanya di Pearl Harbour.
    Saya di sini bukannya nak sokong peperangan, saya bukannya orang seperti George W. Bush yang ada jiwa War Monger. Tetapi, apa yang saya maksudkan adalah, semangat nasionalisme amat diperlukan sekiranya negara kita menghadapi apa-apa ancaman luar.Kita nih kena bersatu-padu dan tidak sengketa sesama sendiri dan akar umbinya adalah semangat nasionalisme.
    Mereka berkata perkara politik dan kedaulatan tanah kita nih boring, sedangkan perkara ini lah yang menentukan masa depan negara kita.Bayangkan, sekiranya rakyat kita mempunyai sikap tidak apa, ada yang kata: cuma satu Pulau Batu Putih yang dirampas oleh Singapura, tidak apalah. Jadi, gambarkan macam mana orang luar atau musuh akan fikir terhadap kita ? Jelas sekali, mereka akan fikir rakyat negara nih tiada semangat nasionalisme dan dasar luar negara nih lemah saja. Kalau lain kali nak rampas tanah lain pun senang saja, nak perang dengan negara nih pun senang sebab tiada semangat nasionalisme di negara ini.
    Jadi, daripada fenomena tersebut, saya berasa kerajaan haruslah mencari jalan yang lebih efektif untuk memupuk semangat nasionalisme yang lagi efektif di kalangan anak watan Malaysia, di antara semua kaum.
    Lihat orang Jepun dan orang Korea , bila berlakunya peristiwa konflik Pulau Dokdo, rakyat negara mereka begitu emotional dan prihatin dan meluahkan kemarahan, sampai tahap menunjuk perasaan dengan memotong jari di tepi jalan semasa tunjuk perasaan. Saya di sini bukannya menyokong demonstrasi dan pertunjukkan perasaan. Tetapi, hakikatnya adalah negara-negara tersebut mempunyai semangat nasionalisme berkobar-kobar yang nampaknya tidak ada di anak watan negara kita, kalau ada pun, cuma segelintir golongan orang Melayu yang bernasionalisme yang protes. Yang ada protes hanya mereka yang tidak mempunyai persefahaman politik yang sama, sengketa sesame sendiri, ini amat menyedihkan.
    Yang Ketiga adalah berkenaan penggunaan Bahasa Malaysia atau Bahasa Inggeris dalam pengajaran matapelajaran sains dan matematik. Perkara ini amat susah ditentukan di Negara kita. Sebab jika guna Bahasa Malaysia, kita nih adalah ketinggalan sedikit daripada technology update, sebab kesemuanya sains dan teknologi nih, menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris, kalau ada pun bahasa lain seperti Rusia dan Jerman. Persoalannya apakah kita nih mampu menterjemahkan teknologi dan sains dalam Bahasa Malaysia supaya anak watan yang biasa dengan bahasa Malaysia ,mudah faham akan karya sains dan teknologi. Tambahan lagi, dalam informasi dan IT, programming languages, umpamanya C Language, Visual Basic dan C++, semua nih adalah based on English. Apakah kekeliruan akan berlaku sekiranya karya-karya mengenai ilmu ini diterjemah dalam bahasa Malaysia. Jadi inilah adalah satu persoalan dan keraguan.
    Yang kedua, kita semua tahu, Amerika serta kroni-kroninya Britain dan European Union ini kendalikan globalised economy. Mereka lakukan ini adalah untuk preserve kepentingan mereka di region Asia serta untuk menyekat kebangkitan Negara Cina, North Korea, India dan Iran sebagai new superpower dan negara kuat yang berkelengkapan senjata nuclear. Jadi persoalannya, apakah kita mampu bersaing dalam globalised economy yang begitu sengit ditandingkan sekiranya kita gunakan Bahasa Melayu sahaja sebagai bahasa pengajaran dalam sain dan matematik ? Apakah kita boleh mengikuti footsteps arus perubahan teknologi, sains dan ekonomi yang kian selalu update dan berubah-ubahan? Mampukah tokoh-tokoh Bahasa Malaysia ini membantu manterjemah karya sains, teknologi dan ilmu yang majoritinya terdiri daripada Bahasa Inggeris, Jerman dan Rusia ?
    Dan sekiranya menggunakan bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa pengajaran dalam sain dan matematik, golongan yang menyokong ini, apakah mereka nih dapat membantu Negara Malaysia survive dan berkembang dengan tabiat self oriented dan

  118. To Chin Peng:
    You did a REALLY, REALLY HUGE damage to Malaysia. It’s not a question about hate, but THERE’S ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR MALAYSIA TO TRUST YOU AGAIN, even if you say that you’re old and ‘just wish to die here’. Just be thankful that Malaysia didn’t send any special ops to assassinate you.
    And, actually, something to think about: Isn’t Chin Peng afraid somebody might kill him if he comes back? After all, he was the leader of communist, responsible for lots and lots of lives lost during the 12 years of darurat (which was because of him too). He sure have lots of balls to come back here.
    ‘Just want to die here’? LOL. You killed lots of people in Malaysia (indirectly) and still want to die here? Nice choice.
    “Why is it that when I defend UMNO or the Malays I am labelled a racist but not when others speak up for Chin Peng?”
    When people comment that ‘people defending Chin Peng is not about racism, but you made it out like it’s about racism’, that’s exactly the point. When Dr M defended UMNO and Malay, people made it out like it’s about racism, but it’s not. Not sure if I get the point out correctly but Duh.
    No comment about SiS. Didn’t really follow their perkembangan. After all, I’m just an ignorant rakyat =p.

  119. assalamulaikum ayahanda tun.
    it is very unfair to blame on the government when they dont want and not interested to join the police, armed forces and civil servant.
    advertisement appeared in most newspapers only handful of non malays applied.
    non malays not joining the police, armed forces is not new. it has been since their forefathers during colonial time.
    they prefer to do business no matter how small that is why during the height of emergency most fallen was malay soldiers.
    being son of the soil malays have the right to speak when their rights are being threatened. we should malaysia back to tanah melayu if some ignorant of history.
    malaysia is the only country in the world recognise chinese and indian school ( beside china and india). is there chinese or indian school in singapore or in america??
    malaysia is a land of oppurtunity, anyone who is smart and willing to work hard can be a millionaire. no such thing as any group was being marginalised. it is a different case if you collect thousands uneducated from estates to flood KL holding slipers in hand no idea where to go KL city and promised them RM1 million each BUT THEY GET WATER CANNON. pity them got cheated.
    parents didnot register birth of childrens in the estates also blamed the government you think government got a cctv in every house in the estates to monitor kah.
    be thankful to god what we have today dont talk about malay like this and that.
    indian proffessional in malaysia is 24% although they are only 8% of the population. means no any one race was being marginalised.

  120. There is nothing wrong in speaking up for the Malays. The Malays must speak up, show that they have balls, big balls and they have all the rights.
    It is the faults of UMNO that many people complain, even the Malays themselves.

  121. Dear Tun,
    We reap what we sow.
    We are sowing the mess we put ourselves into by straying from the secular path.
    The seed for this was sowed when we decided to use the Arabic greeting “assalamualikum” on national tv and then went on to listen to idiot ulamas to shape this beloved country.
    Listening to ulamas to guide is a case of asking the blind to lead the enlightened.
    As for SIS, keep up the good work. Have to expect such reaction from people who just won’t are unable to use their God given brains.
    I’ll cite polygamy as an example. Common sense tells me if God wanted humans to be polygamous, He would have created more than one Eve when He created Adam.
    Best Regards

  122. Dear Tun,
    We reap what we sow.
    We are sowing the mess we put ourselves into by straying from the secular path.
    The seed for this was sowed when we decided to use the Arabic greeting “assalamualikum” on national tv and then went on to listen to idiot ulamas to shape this beloved country.
    Listening to ulamas to guide is a case of asking the blind to lead the enlightened.
    As for SIS, keep up the good work. Have to expect such reaction from people who just won’t are unable to use their God given brains.
    I’ll cite polygamy as an example. Common sense tells me if God wanted humans to be polygamous, He would have created more than one Eve when He created Adam.
    Best Regards

  123. Dorang nie mmg tak kenang jasa..
    YG bawak keta mewah sapa? yg umah besar2 tu sapa? yg jawatan tinggi tu sapa?
    suma bangsa dorang…
    orang kita yg melayu ni, suka berperang sesama sendiri. sama la yg macam jadi kat palastin..yg sesama islam berperang…bagus la sangat.
    sanggup jadi boneka, badut tuk bangsa lain dengan harapan dapat memerintah..iye la tu..
    kita amik contoh paling senang la,
    klu kita keja kat kompeni yg bangsa lain pegang jawatan besar2, berapa kerat sangat orang kita yg dapat naik pangkat?
    masuk je opis – semua yg mata sepek
    masuk je production line – banyak yg kulit sawo matang ngan gelap
    kalau pun ada mata sepek kat production line, gaji dorang 3 4 ratus lebih dari org lain..
    jgn smpi org melayu rasa terancam,
    parang terbang, selendang merah,
    harap2 org melayu masih ingat lagi semua tu..
    jgn smpi bangsa atau agama kita tergadai..

  124. I am not quite sure base on which point you made your conclusion that people label you racist. But if you mean they label you racist for what you have written in article “Memperlekeh Perjuangan UMNO” I would not be surprise with that.
    In that particular article your argument (or should I say facts) are pitting up UMNO against Chin Peng. As we know UMNO is a Malay party while Chin Peng is a Chinese old man (or should I say villain). Putting them side by side in your argument could send wrong message to readers with narrow mind. No matter how good you try to explain these narrow minded reader will not changed.
    These are some of the common tactics and tools employed by politician to poison the mind of the simplistic and to spread sentiment through differences.
    On the other hand who speaks up about Chin Peng which concern you very much that you need to openly express your differ opinion anyway? How do you know that the person whom speaks up for Chin Peng end up not being label racist? Everyone are entitle to their opinion. Therefore I would be surprise if no one would have differed opinion or none of those tends to be more extreme would criticise or insult others to satisfy their own opinion.
    If I am afraid being label racist I will try to avoid topics which would project race differences. Will ever people label me racist because I am are sharing my experience and opinion of nuclear power, pyramid scheme, holiday in langkawi, etc? Might be for those with twisted mind but not majority of them with conscience I believe.
    I am not saying we should be afraid to express our opinion in open and free way but what I mean is if we are bold enough to voice and express sensitive and less popular subject, we should be brave enough to accept the reaction or consequence. Some even claim they end up in jail for making inappropriate comment. Would questioning the consequence make any difference i.e. not ending up in jail?

  125. Salam,
    Chin Peng wants to come back because he wants to die in Malaysia and be buried in one of those “heavenly” hillside condos.
    Then people will say…”finally, Chin Peng gets a piece of Malaysian soil he fought so much for”.
    My advise is to ban him or anyone like him from entering Malaysia. When he dies…just throw his body into the ocean for fish meal…or artificial reef. Just don’t ask me to do that…
    I think by dying in Malaysia, Chin Peng is counting on his admirers/followers to glorify his grave…he may want to reward them with 4D numbers once in a while.
    Seriously…Chin Peng his monument too…after all his struggle is for his legacy not for others. DENY HIM FROM HAVING A LEGACY IN MALAYSIA.

  126. TUN
    MUTAKHIR. MCA tidak akan tinggalkan BN: Najib.
    Kaji selidik di blog President MCA 75% responden mahu MCA tinggal BN. Nampak nya masyarakat Cina cuba mengujudkan atau berusaha untuk bersatu di bawah satu payung kaum itu.
    Dengan perkembangan baru itu maka mereka akan kuat. Melayu dah terpisah tiga akan terus lemah. maka mudah lah nak di tawan.
    “Masuk, pecah dan perintah” Ini lah senjata yang sedang diusaha kan oleh pehak2 tertentu untuk menakluki kaum melayu dan negara orang melayu.
    PAS maseh tak nampak permainan politik kaum2 ini. Maseh lagi berangan2 dengan mimpi2 kosong untuk menjadi penaraju negara.
    Renung2kan lah wahai bangsa ku…..

    1. Orang China/India yang dibawa masuk oleh penjajah akan setaraf dengan pendatang Indon dan Bangla sekarang.
    2. Anak orang Cina/India yang lahir di Malaysia dihadkan dan tidak akan diiktiraf warganegara seperti ibubapa mereka.
    3. Orang Cina/India tidak akan jadi menteri penuh seperti di Singapura yang langsung tidak ada menteri penuh Melayu.
    4. SRJK Cina/Tamil telah lama dimansuhkan. Aliran pembelajaran, bahasa dan tulisan Cina/India mungkin telah pupus.
    5. Orang Cina/India tidak dibenarkan menyertai pasukan keselamatan dan sektor awam.
    6. Dewan Perniagaan dan Pertubuhan Cina/India yang dipenuhi chauvinis dan ektrimis Cina/India telah lama dihapuskan.
    7. Suratkhabar/majalah berbahasa Cina/India diharamkan.
    8. Bahasa Cina/India diharamkan di TV dan Radio.
    9. Nama Cina/India tidak boleh digunakan seperti di Indonesia.
    10. Taraf ekonomi Cina/India mungkin setaraf orang Melayu Singapura.
    11. Pemilikan tanah Cina/India tidak dibenarkan atau dihadkan.
    12. Pembinaan tokong dan kuil baru diharamkan terus.
    Orang Melayu telah banyak “memberi” daripada “menerima” selama ini. Sudah sampai masanya orang Melayu berhenti memberi dan ambil semula apa yang telah diberikan. Kerana mereka yang menerima tidak pernah berterima kasih malahan telah menjadi buta sejarah, kurang ajar dan melampaui batas!

  128. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat bahagia. Sumbangan saya pada tajuk ini dgn izin….
    An outward racist will be confrontational, hostile and belligerent (any opposition is enmity)
    A cloaked racist will just argue his rights and diminish other peoples rights.
    A fair minded racist will acknowledge other peoples rights first, then argue his rights.
    An affirmative racist will argue his rights by criticism of others and question their response thereafter.
    A non racist will just defend the weaker side for their miniscule rights!!
    Choose which are you??? Remember there is only one non-racist above! Surely Tun is not the non racist, as are many of us. So why grumble??? My concern is the first racist.
    A true statesman will defend the minority against the majority. Does the majority need defending? Politicians know only how to

  129. Assalaamualaikum Tun,
    Di harap berbahagia di samping keluarga.
    1} Biasa Lah Tun manusia ni kasi betis nak peha,kasi sejengkal nak sedepa.Kita tengok saja keliling kita di Malaysia siapa yang mendiami kediaman yang besar besar.
    2}Orang Melayu ni memang pemurah sehingga mereka di tindas pun tak sedar.Nasib baik ada Tun Pembela dan Pejuang bangsa memimpin kita kalau tidak lagi habis lah kita.
    3)Kita lihat sahaja bila Kuan Yew datang ke Malaysia, kalau mengikut protokol tak payah di sambut sebab dia bukan lagi PM lagi.Tetapi masih di layan sebab orang Melayu ni pemurah dah ramah tamah.KIta tidak berlaku kurang ajar.Cuma pemurah nya kita tidak berpada itu sebab mudah di pekotakkatik kan menyeabkan negara tergadai.
    4)To Khairul-Dean tak payah lah nak tanya Tun “how is Tun’s heart beat when Kuan Yew around” tak nampak ke Tun jauh nampak lebih sihat dan bertenaga dari Kuan Yew.One more thing I guess Tun is more handsome than you.HA
    Tun May God Bless You Insha Allah.

  130. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Pandangan saya pada persoalan ini dgn izin….
    ……………WHY?.. WHY?….IS THE SKY SO HIGH?
    Check your tone. Check your language. Check your words. Check your nuance. Cannot find a trace of race stigmatization? Syabas, berjaya dapat……..apa nama…correct correct correct!
    We realize its difficult for some to couch their language on race topics (lifetime habits hard to go away!). However when

  131. Salam buat Tun,
    To all Malaysian,
    1. Sorry for being racist…
    2. Please don’t under estimate @ under rates the Malays.
    3. We just want to lead life in harmony. Please don’t push your luck.

  132. Salam Tun,
    Lama dah rasanya tak menulis dlm ruang komen ni. Pasal Chin Peng & Komunis, anak-anak zaman la ni depa bukan tahu pahit getir orang zaman dulu dok berperang lawan musuh negara ni. Pada saya ianya tidak “racist”. Mereka yang mendakwa Tun “racist” itulah sebenarnya “racist”. Hanya Jauhari yang mengenal manikam.
    Ayah saya askar (komando). Saya masih ingat kecil2 dulu ayah saya selalu tak ada di rumah, kena masuk hutan lawan komunis. Balik – hidup atau tidak, hanya Allah swt sahaja yang tahu.
    Masih terngiang-ngiang lagi di ingatan saya, dalam kelas, Cikgu akan panggil sekian-sekian polan punya nama. Kemudian cikgu akan bagitau, ayah kamu kena tembak oleh komunis, cedera/ meninggal … dah hilang tempat bergantung… Alhamdulillah ayah saya masih hidup sehingga sekarang. Kami semua mendukung UMNO. Cuma kami harapkan UMNO berubah. bukan dipimpin oleh orang2 yang nak projek jer … itulah punca masalah UMNO.

  133. Dear Tun,
    Regarding SIS, why is it that we have the attitude of banishing our opponent when we do not have an answer to their arguments? I know SIS had made some controversial arguments about Islam before but if you do not agree with them then rebut in a constructive, intelligent and kind manner. Afterall if you think they have strayed, Is it not your responsibility to guide them back to the path now?. It is so easy to utter the word haram and be done with it. No actual point to point justification or reasoning. But does that resolve the issue at all?
    I have come to appreciate some of SIS efforts in fighting for justice for the womenfolk. In Malaysia there are not many avenue simply becoz the men folk dont give a shit about women’s issues especially in the family law. A relative of mine made police report 13 times for stalking, physical assult, threats by parang and battery by her estranged husband who refused to divorce her. He is unemployed, was having an affair and they have 5 kids. Every time she appears in court they postponed hearing. Meanwhile she has to endure the anxiety, pain, trauma and fear for her and kids’ safety. Is this how justice works? Sometime ago we had this lady who had to endure 7 years of hopping in and out of syariah court for divorce. Meanwhile her husband went on with his life and remarried. By the time she got her divorce she was has wasted much of her life and perhaps lost quite a bit of prospects to get hitched again. Great, thats what these religious bigots think is justice.
    The men are supposed to protect the women and children and lead the ummah according to the holy books and prophet. Why can people in PAS concentrate their energy in improving weaknesses that affects people’s lives rather than attack the people who tried to fight for justice as it should be?
    Imagine the impact of the incidence have on the kids that are growing up. I remember someone told me bout a hadith that says wives who do not respect their husbands will not get the respect of their children and husbands who do not respect their wives will get a tyrant ruler over him. (correct me if I am wrong in quoting)
    Another example is about the prayers in mosque, the prophet prohibit division between men and women with a barrier. Imagine the womenfolk cant even see the face of the imam giving khutbah and can hardly follow the ongoings in a mosque. cant see and cant hear. They are sometimes put on a different floor! this is against sunnah but who will listen. especially if it comes out from a woman’s mouth.
    Cant people see that the ummah is more afraid and respectful of the man made civil court then respecting the law ordained by God via the Syariah court. And yet we say God’s law is supreme law. what blasphemy in their actions and Shirk to God but yet…oh well..I am the authority, you listen to me.
    I am in my late forties, I ve heard about this family law problem eversince I was little. Within my own family and friends family. Nothing much has changed. Sometimes I feel the authorities are run by male chauvinist pigs more than learned men. Oh ..they dont have ears too coz they dont listen. Let alone consider..
    Give people their forum or platform for intellectual discourse and treat them as one who is seeking wisdom and justice not your enemies. Now you want to shut them out totally instead of engaging with them in a peaceful and meaningful discussion. Thats really intelligent.

  134. SALAM TUN,

  135. Tun,
    I have the greatest of respect for you and almost always agree with your viewpoints and stance. However with your support and comments for SIS, I must disagree.
    You say: “they have not negated Islam. In most instances they cite verses of the Quran and Hadith to support their views.” – This is actually far from the truth because as secular and a feminist NGO, SIS has trampled on the very foundations of Islamic teachings and gone against the established usool and ijma of the early Muslims.
    There are many heretic sects like the Qadiyanis and others who also use Quran and Hadith to “support their views”, but they twist and manipulate these sources which again, go against the shari’ah. Therefore this argument is a misnomer.
    SIS began its life as an NGO promoting human rights for women and this is a noble cause because Islam has guaranteed those very rights. It was the cultural pollution and ignorance that began to curtail their rights.
    However, now we find that SIS want unfettered and total and complete freedoms and rights for Muslim women; those which is not even prescribed by Islam. They want to trangress the bounds of shari’ah so that they can fit into the Western definitions of what human rights and freedoms should really be about.
    Either you are a Muslim (lit. those who sumbit to the will of Allah), or you are a fasiq (transgressor) who has no respect for Allah’s Book and His Messenger’s Sunnah. Then you can either change your name from SIS to SIW (sisters in womanhood) and KEEP ISLAM OUT OF THEIR AGENDA!
    Thank you.

  136. Dear Tun,
    I must say you make a very interesting first statement :-
    “1. Why is it that when I defend UMNO or the Malays I am labelled a racist but not when others speak up for Chin Peng?”
    Let me share my thought.
    Tun,you are a man of standing and of influence. Surely you are aware
    your words if not communicated properly will be misunderstood.Or even properly communicated can be purposely misinterpreted. Ordinary people can said anything but it will not be taken seriously.
    That is where all the problems in this world started, man of power & influence make irresponsible & ambigious remarks & it work up the
    emotion of ordinary people and that where fighting, wars originated.
    At the end of the day, it is not what you said but what you actually do or put into action.As long as your conscience is clear, what is the problem?

  137. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. See, this what we love about the Star Newspaper Malaysia, its like watching Forrest Gump everyday – its like a box of chocolate, we don’t know what we’re going to find inside.
    Thursday June 11, 2009
    Spirited Pisang bomoh duo aiding folk in England
    LONDON: Here, in this financial capital of the world, a little black magic (sihir) is at play within a small community who blame the supernatural for heartbreaks and shaky marriages.
    Ask some members

  138. salam Tun,
    you are unintentionally hilarious Jaquar.Racist to the core to boot(communist too,perhaps?).
    Credit to Tun for allowing your comments.
    Here’s one to wipe that silly smile off your face…
    The Charade Of Meritocracy
    FEER, October 2006
    By Dr.Michael D. Barr
    “The legitimacy of the Singaporean government is predicated on the idea of a meritocratic technocracy. A tiny number of career civil servants play a leading role in setting policy within their ministries and other government-linked bureaucracies, leading both an elite corps of senior bureaucrats, and a much larger group of ordinary civil servants. Virtually all of the elite members of this hierarchy are

  139. TUN.
    By Nasha Bin Edwin on June 10, 2009 1:06 PM
    Nasha. Cara tulisan awak tu jelas sangat menunjukan awak tersangat desprate dengan penghormatan dan sanjungan besar rakyat kepada TUN. Segala niat jahat untuk memburuk2 kan TUN dengan pelbagai fitnah tidak mendapat perhatian sebahgian besar rakyat. Ini jelas di tunjukan didalam blog TUN hanya beberapa kerat sahaja yang selalu membuat ulasan bertentangan. Dan orang2 ini adalah muka2 yang sama. Langsung tidak mengambarkan konon nya keseluruhan rakyat membenci TUN.
    Awak tu harus “Bertaubat” dan mensucikan hati busuk awak itu. Biar lah behujah secara adil dan buktikan dengan fakta2 dan penterjemahan secara ilmiah. Tidak dengan kata2 kesat dan isi nya langsung tidak menampakkan awak seorang yang berhemah dan cerdik. Macam budak2 sekolah rendah bergaduh kat padang bola bunyi, merapu tak tentu ujung pangkal.
    Sekian terima kaseh .

  140. hai la GreatGooner….
    silap la tuan tanah ambik pendatang suh keje kat estet kat lombong bijih..
    silap la tuan tanah ikut telunjuk srh pi pecah yang ni duk kampung yang ni berniaga yang ni keje estet..
    hai silap silap..

  141. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Tertinggal pulak pasal should be prepared to slug and be slugged.Ye…amat bersetuju dengan Tun.Sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  142. Tun,
    Assalamualikum.Saya bersependapat dg Tun dalam isu SIS.Ada perkara-perkara yang dinyatakan oleh sis kita setuju dan ada yang tidak.Dalam perkara-perkara yang kita tidak setuju ,kita perlulah ada sebab-sebab yang munasabah mengapa kita tidak bersetuju.Apabila kita hendak mengharamkan sesuatu kita perlu memberikan hujah-hujah yang konkrit mengapa perkara itu perlu diharamkan.Dalam perkara aqidah mestilah hujah-hujah itu belandaskan alquran dan hadis atau sekurang-kurangnya pandangan daripada ulama-ulama muktabar.Kepada mereka yang menentang Sis ,mereka perlu memberikan bukti-bukti penyelewengan yang dilakukan oleh Sis dalam perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan aqidah.Dalam penghujahan,apa yang penting ialah pertama,bukti-bukti penyelewengan yang dilakukan oleh tertuduh . kedua ialah nas-nas syarak seperti alquran,hadis,ijmak ,qias atau dalil dalil syarak yang lain seperti istihsan,istishab,amalu ahli madinanah atau pandangan-pandangan ulama terkini seperti Yusuf Qardawi atau Dr fatah harun di Malaysia yang dipakai oleh pendakwa untuk menyatakan sesuatu pegangan ,pandangan atau kenyataan itu salah disegi aqidah.Ketiga,mereka yang dituduh iaitu Sis perlu diberi peluang untuk membela diri atau membuat penjelasan terhadap sesuatu tuduhan yang dilemparkan terhadap mereka.Dalam sejarah islam,hakim pernah membebaskan seorang yahudi yang mencuri baju besi milik khalifah saidina ali kerana baginda gagal memberikan saksi dan bukti terhadap yang dituduh.Apa yang dibimbangkan hari ini ialah dalam kegairahan kita bercakap soal islam,kita sendiri lupa terhadap perinsip perinsip asas islam yang adil dan saksama terhadap semua insan tanpa mengira agama dan bangsa.

  143. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Orang-orang PAS tak reti berpolitik.Janji pakai kopiah dan serban.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  144. Tun,
    I would like to just make a small correction.
    PAS did not really suggesting to ban SIS.
    What they did is asking the Fatwa council to investigate SIS. I think there is a difference.
    “SHAH ALAM, 7 June 2009: Sisters in Islam (SIS) should be investigated and declared “haram” if it is found to be anti-Islam, the 55th PAS muktamar declared today.”
    I think the motivation from PAS stems from the concern that SIS is giving views of islamic perspectives that deviate from the current thought or believe adopted and practice by most muslim.
    Hence they are just suggesting the Fatwa Council to investigate, no big deal. The fatwa Council is to decide not PAS.

  145. To Adam Johari,
    Thank you for your reasoned comments. I appreciate the fact that we can debate this issue without losing objectivity.
    I appreciate your views on the allocation of scholarships and setting public policies based on socio-economic standing, rather than race.
    I think you misunderstood my point on racism a little bit though. I never said Malays were the only racists around. I fully agree that non-Malays are equally racist in their thinking. I am of mixed race – Indian, Malay and Chinese – so through my family members, I am privy to what everyone thinks of each other. It’s not hatred per se, but I think there is a level of distrust. Very disappointing to see.
    As for hardworking Malays, I have had the privilege of knowing quite a few through my schooling years too. I don’t have any doubt that Malays are equally as capable and intelligent as everyone else. I personally believe that being smart is something you have to work at, not something you are born with. My concern is that sooo many young Malays are being lulled into complacency because they get so much handed to them on a silver platter – they don’t HAVE to work as hard as possible. It is very distressing to see as a fellow Malaysian. The same “tongkat” policies meant to raise the Malays out of their predicament are in fact keeping them there.
    They don’t HAVE to be competitive. They don’t HAVE to work as hard as possible. They don’t HAVE to reach their full potential. So, they don’t. I am generalising here, mind you. There are very many who do – but I am talking about the masses here. It saddens me as a Malaysian to see a race of people being rendered uncompetitive by a government that says: “This is for your own good and don’t let the non-Malays “cabar” this!”
    Sigh..I’m not trying to blow my own trumpet here but sometimes I feel that I, as a non-Malay Malaysian with no vested interests, has the plight of the Malay community at heart more so than our government, with its UMNO majority.
    I look forward to your thoughts. And Tun’s too, if he is reading this.

  146. Salam Tun,
    Saya pun tak faham apa yang racistnya. Dalam blog Tun yang lepas, Tun comment pasal Chin Peng dan MCP. Title blog pun “Jangan memperlekehkan perjuangan UMNO”. Kena discuss pasal UMNO lah. Kalau parti lain nak tulis pasal parti mereka, tulislah blog lain, tak payah baca blog ni.
    Saya rasa kita pun dah cukup baik dengan kerakyatan 1Malaysia. Tetapi, orang Melayu dari dulu sampai sekarang suka ‘outsource’ kerja. Panggil British lawan lanun, sahabat-sahabat bukan Melayu untuk berniaga dan kerja di estate, ‘pakar-pakar’ dari Barat untuk industri canggih, security-security guard dan buruh murah dari kawasan India, pembantu rumah dan kontraktor binaan dari Indonesia……. Orang kita, bercuti-cuti, berfoya-foya, rasuah, rempit (samseng jalanan), senang iri hati, ‘berfantasia’,…. Malu saya, Tun.
    Saya pun setuju untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak Melayu. Tapi orang Melayu perlu menunjukkan ciri-ciri kepimpinan yang indah dan murni. Kalau orang lain habis kerja 2 jam, kita habiskan kerja 1 jam 30 minit dgn hasil yang lagi baik. Bila nak mintak tolong, orang akan panggil orang kita sebab kita yang terbaik. Barulah datang ketuanan Melayu. Sekarang ni, kalau nak panggil orang repair rumah, saya segan nak panggil orang kita, takut lagi merosakkan.
    Itu sahaja kali ini Tun. Sekian.

  147. Dengan Izin Tun..Terimakasih..
    Mungkin hadith ini dapat membantu..
    1)Rasulullah Sallallahu

  148. salam Tun,
    I believe Tun’s statement is directed at some individuals intent and hellbent on discrediting and ridiculing the Malays achievements in general to make this country prosper as what it is today.I believe thambi Ravi is one of them.
    Some will always compare us with our neighbours down south AS IF they will be better off there!Well,just to remind these ignorant people that in Singapore,cyberspace is closely monitored and some of you here would have been charged in court for inciting racial hatred!Remember the motto,FEED THE MOUTH TO KEEP THE MOUTH SHUT!
    I strongly believe in our concept of tolerance and power sharing that have been practiced since independence.This is a unique system which is best applicable in our multi racial society.
    Please learn to be thankful to uor leaders and yet strive our best for the betterment of our nation’s future.Do not attempt to ridicule and belittle other races.

  149. Salam Tun,
    Just to inquire, do you keep track on the readers’ comments in 1Malaysia blog?
    Next, from your opinion, with the current situations and scenarios happening around,if next general election were to be held tomorrow,what will happen?

  150. salam tun,
    1. One thing that i can stated here that i will continue the mahatirism. why? we live in a multi racial country and it need that type of system too make peoples in the country live in peace. Correct me if i wrong, Caliph omar a strict person when he became the second caliph even his warlord Khaleed had been warn him time by time (can refer to book titled sword of allah).
    2. That all, thank you. God bless you.

  151. Malaysia will always be troubled by race policies, race this and race that. It will never change. Instead of celebrating the difference of each person’s culture or race, Malaysia likes to concentrate on each others difference and critisize each other. With a racist governmental policy all these years since independence, don’t expect racism to disappear all at once.
    You yourself, Dr.M is a racist too. How much a racist you are depends on how one sees himself. Your policies when you were in power were all racist too and don’t tell me otherwise as to patronise me. A little racism is still racism. There is no grey area and that is why Malaysia will always retain a third world country mentality after more than 50 years of independence.
    If the Japanese did not surrender and Chin Peng was still fighting them all these years for a free Malaya, he would have been seen in the light as a true nationalist hero for Malaya. To the victors belong the spoil.
    This holier than thou image that you project is getting really soiled with bullcrap. Your blind “jock strap” supporters are even more hilarious. I’m rolling on the ground laughing out my guts when I read their praise and comments of you and your former policies.
    I’m looking across the border to a small country who was kicked out of Malaysia and was expected to come crawling back to beg for forgiveness and rejoin. Instead their policies of meritocracy has brought them to a first world standard of living and policies while you are still stuck in reverse.
    Congratulations on your racial government system. Well done Mr Jack Meoff.

  152. TUN.
    Memang tertarik untuk melihat politik semasa waktu ini.
    Muktamar PAS telah pun berakhir. Banyak keputusan2 pemilihan pimpinan nya mengejutkan. Antara nya hanya seorang sahaja wakil dari Kelantan berjaya menempatkan diri di peringkat pucuk pimpinan.
    Kumpulan ‘Erdogan’ tumpas teruk.
    Ingi nmenyentuh sikit akan ‘Kerajaan Perpaduan’ yang cuba di perkenalkan oleh Uztaz Hadi. Apa kah konsep kerajaan ini. Ramai yang tak faham akan maksud dan konsep nya. Namun tak mengapa apa nama nya sekali pun. Tapi adakah PAS ini iklas dalam usaha mereka kearah itu.
    Apa yang dilihat ramai antara peminpin2 PAS tidak seiya dengan Hadi dalam usul ini. Tok Guru bertambah2 latah dan nyanyok nya bila di ajukan soalan ini. Lantang menolak dan medakwa tidak perlu kerana UMNO adalah MUSUH PAS. MashaAllah. Maseh belum reda dendam kesumat nya terhadap UMNO. Apa kah yang telah dilakukan UMNO pada PAS sehingga tidak lagi dapat dimaafkan nya.
    Pada beberapa pemimpin UMNO pulak jangan lah bergitu teruja dengan cadangan Hadi itu. Usahlah mengaharapkan nya sangat. Tak perlulah membuat kenyataan berbentuk sokongan akan idea itu. Nanti PAS akan kata UMNO yang terhegeh2. Ibarat kata “Hidung tak mancung pipi pulak tersorong2.” UMNO mesti ada kenyakinan sendiri untuk terus memperjuanagkan mandat parti untuk sekalian rakyat.
    Biarlah PAS selesaikan masaalah dalaman mereka. Sekarang dah kedengaran dalam pakatan, gabungan atau cinta tiga segi mereka dah mula bergolak. DAP tuduh PAS curang. PKR hentam belakang DAP. PAS tak nak lagi jadi kuda, nak jadi joki pulak selepas PRU 13. Pelbagai2 lagi yang tak enak didengar.
    Bila di tanya, masaalah kecil. “Perkara biasa” kata orang PAS.
    Kecil sekecil mana pun jika memerintah negara macam mana jika asyik merombak kabinet lah, kerap mengadakan plihan raya kecil lah untuk
    menukar2 wakil rakyat. Sentiasa akan ada sahaja perbalahan bila membuat dasar2. Masa akan banyak habis untuk menyelesaikan masaalah parti bukan untuk menyelesaikan masaalah negara. Akhir nya rakyat yang menanggung akibat nya. Mereka dah tentulah ada gaji, pakai kereta kerajaan, dapat lagi alaun itu dan ini, walaupun setakat bercakap sahaja, kerja tak bikin. Rakyat akan terus terabai.
    Oleh yang demikian harap kerajaan BN/Umno usah lah mengharap akan apa yang di usulkan oleh Hadi itu. Jangan lah membuat apa2 ulasan berkenaan dengan nya sehingga Hadi sendiri yang datang dengan ikhlas untuk bebincang.
    Saya pasti bila PR roboh PAS perlukan UMNO untuk bekerjasama jika mereka bertanggung jawab dan iklas ingin melihat kejayaan ummah di negara ini. InshaAllah.

  153. Selamat pagi Ayahanda Tun,
    Those people who labelled Tun Dr M a racist because they have forgotten tha he is a human being too. Due to their greed and power crazy attitude, they think that they can say whatever they want because they are ignorant of the true meaning of freedom of speech. I think they cannot accept the truth or do not realize that “respect” needs to be earned and learned!
    As for PAS’s ban on SISTER, biasa lah, because they are banning something which they do not or cannot understand. Me too wonder what is the future of Malaysia if she is under PAS government.
    I was shocked and suprised a youth (in his 20’s) from Kelantan selling durians have lost all his teeth due to no knowledge in this area. He told me that he is not taught to use toothpaste to brush his teeth in his kampong. I am not against PAS, but I cannot accept PAS as the government for Malaysia. You want to know why, drive down to Kelantan and you will know the answer!!!!
    Good day and enjoy yourself Ayahanda Tun.

  154. To GreatGooner,
    I agree with you that some of the policies are racist, and that some of them need to be changed. Like you mentioned, it doesn’t make sense that houses should be cheaper for people of different races. It should be based upon a persons income. So the poor are able to afford cheaper houses regardless of race.
    On Obama, I think most of the American people voted him into the presidency because he is a Christian. Not because he is black. If he were to have a different religion I guarantee you he wouldn’t have won. I know, I’ve been living in Illinois for 6 years now.
    From my observation scholarships aren’t as racist as you have pointed. I know plenty of Non-Malays (I know you dislike this word, my apologies) who have been given scholarships by the government. Aren’t the distribution of scholarships leading to almost 60-40 to Bumis and Non-bumis today? I’m not so sure about this. But I would say that based on the population of races that the distribution is not heavily skewed.
    Tun Dr.M realizes the reality of the Malay shortcomings. As a Malay, it is a little embarrassing myself to admit that some of us aren’t working as hard as we should be. But I guarantee you that things are changing. I’ve seen plenty of smart and hardworking Malays through out my sekolah and university experience. Hopefully one day the Malay race will rise to the occasion when the time comes.
    Receiving a ‘tongkat’ by the government will eventually end one day… just maybe not today.
    ps – on the notion of racism. trust me when i say that there are as many racist non-malays as malays. it isn’t warranted, but it is definitely out there.
    Adam Johari
    [email protected]

  155. Tun,
    Kepercayaan orang melayu kepada bangsa lain terutamanya orang Cina sudah terhakis teruk. Selepas kejayaan pihak Pakatan Rakyat menafikan majoriti 2/3 BN dan memerintah 5 negeri, orang Cina melihat ianya sebagai satu peluang untuk menuntut lebih banyak hak dan secara langsung ianya telah menafikan hak atau keistimewaan yang telah lama dinikmati orang melayu (samada adil atau tidak itu persoalan lain) seperti pemberian biasiswa,kontrak dan pekejaan di sektor awam.
    Sementara itu kita dapat lihat seperti ada usaha tersembunyi dan licik untuk memperlekehkan PAS dari kalangan DAP dan PKR tanpa menyedari bahwa PAS lah yang memberi nyawa kepada Pakatan Rakyat walaupun jumlah kerusinya kecil..
    Atas sebab itu, PKR dan DAP tidak seharusnya terkejut dengan cakap cakap mengenai kerajaan perpaduan kerana ianya akan menguntungkan PAS dan UMNO dalam konteks politik terkini Malaysia..PAS mungkin akan mendapat lebih manafaat jika bekerjasama dengan UMNO..sdangkan setahun bersama Pakatan mereka seolah olah terpaksa menggadaikan prinsip mereka sedangkan DAP dan PKR tidak sanggup berkorban apa apa untuk kepentingan Pakatan…
    Adalah satu kebodohan jika PAS memilih untuk terus bersama Pakatan tapi terpaksa men”sekular”kan diri mereka sedangkan DAP dan PKR masih tetap dengan perjuangan Malaysian Malaysia dan “Ketuanan Rakyat ??” mereka…

  156. Salam Tun,
    Saya sangat bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun tentang DISHONOURING UMNO. Sejak kebelakangan ni kalau orang melayu bersuara mesti depa bising. Kata kita racist but depa pulak bebas bersuara, bebas kutuk melayu.
    Bila wartawan utusan tulis artikel pasal melayu,depa semua nak ambil tindakan tapi bila bangsa depa perlekeh negara sendiri(Contoh lagu negaraku) ada kena tindakan??just mintak maaf je.Utusan tu org malaysia je tau but mamat tu kt youtube satu dunia tau.
    Entahlah Tun cakap banyap pun tak guna.Kita ni bangsa lawan sorang-sorang,bila kantoi yang lain menyorok & lari.Macam pahlawan-pahlawan kita masa lawan inggeris dulu.
    Agaknya biarlah kita dipijak.kita nak pijak depa xboleh pasal kita melayu tak bersatu,semua ego tak nak mengalah.semua pakat nak jaga kepentingan diri.sudahnya negara tergadai macam dalam cerita pak pandir

  157. Draconian if perfect word for PAS thinktanks. They always ‘haram’ everything what they dont like. I hope PAS will learn from UMNO Malaysia how to handle complicated matter involving religion. Altough sometime i dont agree with SIS, they doing a good job involving with Syarie Court in ‘kes penceraian tertunggak’, ‘faraid’ and woman rights. Why not PAS and SIS sit together and ‘bermuzakarah’ or ‘berdebat’?
    umno malaysia blog

  158. let’s not forget what happened to the malays in singapore.
    It is happenning again in malaysia. Don’t let the voices of malays die.
    What TDM says is bulls eye.
    These statement of anti malays never happened when TDM was in power.

  159. Asalamualaikum..ntah lah…sejak dua menjak ni cacing naik ke mata..
    ini kerana ketua yg lemah dan tidak tegas…dari melayu cina india ada jer yg tak kena…..mcm2 yg dorang nak…kaler yg membangunkan negara ok gak…nih utk kepentingan dorang jer…..mentang2 lah motto pm baru rakyat didulukan pencapaian di utamakan….
    rasa mcm motto beli jiwa jer……errr…aper yg den duk merapumeraban nih…..tensionnnnnnn…..gamaknyer najib ni kowtow rape kali sampai kuan yew mai….patut pun org lain tak segan silu ngan kita melayu…tak abis2 nak melindungi jiran sebelah….
    org sendiri terbiar…….tension……..

  160. Dearest Tun, Assalammualaikum, Let them call you racist, I think they are the biggest racist,themselves, otherwise they wount call themselves Chinese and Indians. In America all the immigrants called themselves American, and here they are afraid to call themselves Malaysian. They still want to be Chinese, with Chinese Schools, Chinese language, Chinese everything, and so are the Indians. So who are racist? Isit wrong for the Government to help the Malays to be at par with them? They are the richest people in Malaysia to day,compared to the Malays who have been left behind hundred of years behind them
    The GREAT GOON said that they are being marginalised and yet they are the richest people in Malaysia to day. They owned the cities and towns. While they are doing business in shopping complex bigger shops, hypermarkets, supermarkets etc the Malays are still selling nasi lemak and goreng pisang under the trees.While they are living in condos big expensive houses driving expensive cars, the Malays are living in shacks in the rural areas. While Malay youths are becoming Mat Rempit, drug addicts and snatch thives , they are drug king pins, Ah Long, printing DVDs gambiling and prostitution business racking millions.
    There are 25 thousand doctors in Malaysia to day and only about 20% are Malays and so are other professionals. If the Government send 100 students to study medecine, they could afford to send 1,000 students, so when are the Malays going to be at par with them? The government must help the Malays until they become at par with the other races in ALL RESPECT . I think TUN will be able to draw a better picture as to why the Government must continue to help the Malays in every respect, until such time they will be AT PAR with the others.

  161. If the non-Malays continue to harp their grievances, the Malays also have every right to harp 1001 grievances.
    So it is best to just shut up. Live and let live! At the end of the day if this situation continues nobody will gain. You can expect Malaysia will be a failed state in no time and everybody will be back to square one trying to build up their lost wealth all over again. Make no mistake about it.
    This will happen for definite if Pakatan Rakyat were to rule. Malaysia will be governed by greenhorn politicians who know nothing about government administration. They will govern the country under the “cherry tree” and make stupid laws. This is a fact.
    Malaysia will be in chaotic condition for sure. It is proven how the Pakatan Rakyat govern the 5 states. All “kelam kabut” !! They don’t even know where to begin except keep on criticising the previous state governments in order to gain popularity. The rakyat have been short-changed. No denial about it !! They are just useless bunch of administrators !! I don’t give them a damn.

  162. Tun,
    Boleh dikatakan semua orang mendahulukan bangsa masing-masing.
    Ini adalah lumrah dan naluri manusia.
    Dalam kes Negara kita Malaysia, orang Melayu adalah majoriti dan adalah logik kuasa politik ditentukan oleh mereka melainkan mereka tidak bersatu. Kenyataan ini harus diterima oleh semua lapisan rakyat Malaysia.
    Yang penting orang Melayu mesti memilih pemimpin yang cerdik, pintar, bijak, bermaruah, berkeliber, berkarisma dan memenrintah dengan adil terhadap setiap kaum di Negara ini.
    Itu sebabnya dalam tempoh 22 tahun Tun sebagai PM, Malaysia telah jadi aman makmur dan terkenal kerana Tun mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti yang telah dinyatakan di atas.

  163. Nasha B. Edwin,
    Begitu mendalam perasaan benci saudara pada Tun, sehinggakan hilang pertimbangan waras saudara. Banyakkan mengucaplah wahai Nasha, saudara harus ingat, saudara sebenarnya tak layak menghakim seseorang. Biar Tuhan yang menentukan kejahatan seseorang dan menghukum seseorang itu , Tuhan tu maha adil. Saudara terlalu dibalut oleh perasaan benci sehinggakan menghakim seseorang berdasarkan perasaan benci saudara hinggakan hilang pertimbangan waras saudara. Saudara haruslah mengucap banyak – banyak diatas kebodohan dan ketidak warasan saudara.
    Saya pohon pada Tun supaya banyak bersabar dengan orang gila ini, anggaplah dia itu gila sahaja dan ampunkanlah dosa – dosanya.

  164. Salam Tun,
    Saya anggap begini la….
    1 – Adakah Jews dah memaafkan Hitler semasa perang dunia ke 2?
    2- Adakah tahanan perang jepun telah memaafkan tentera jepun ekoran kegananasan tenteranya? (seingat saya tuntutan demi tuntutan dibuat hingga ke hari ini)
    3- Adakah rakyat Kemboja memaafkan Khmer Rouge dan tentera Pol Pot?
    4 – Rakyat Bosnia memaafkan memaafkan tentera Serbia?
    Adakah golongan manusia yang melalui zaman kegelapan dan keganasan memaafkan dan membenarkan pemimpin-pemimpin tersebut hidup dengan aman? Semuanya tidak. Begitulah dengan CHin Peng ini dan rakan-rakannya Rasyid Maiden dan semuanya. Ada komen yang mengatakan Samsiah Fakeh telah dimaafkan. Saya tak pasti tapi saya yakin dia juga tidak dibenarkan pulang ke Malaysia. APakah sumbangan Chin Peng ini? Kalau ada yang mengatakan dia pejuang kemerdekaan nampaknya mereka cuba mengelirukan hanya untuk mereka yang buta sejarah. Sekiranya jika dia pejuang kemerdekaan, apabila Malaysia Merdeka mereka juga telah meletakkan senjata kerana Malaysia telah merdeka. Ini tidak , Malaysia terpaksa melalui zaman darurat selama 12 tahun dan sehingga ke hari ini tiada negara yang mempunyai atau melalui undang2 darurat selama 12 tahun. Cis nak maafkan Chin Peng. Saya minta Jews maafkan Hitler dulu (patutnya mereka dah maafkan sbb Hitler dah mati lagi tiada ancaman), Suh rakyat Kemboja maafkan Khmer Rouge…..Suh rakyat Bosnia maafkan tentera Serbia….Kita tgk reaksi rakyat2 ni.
    Bagi mereka yang tak melalui cakap maafkan mmg senang sbb anda semua tak melalui keperitan ni. Cuba lah sensitif sikit!!!

  165. Tun,
    Boleh dikatakan semua orang mendahulukan bangsa masing-masing.
    Ini adalah lumrah dan naluri manusia.
    Dalam kes Negara kita Malaysia, orang Melayu adalah majoriti dan adalah logik kuasa politik ditentukan oleh mereka melainkan mereka tidak bersatu. Kenyataan ini harus diterima oleh semua lapisan rakyat Malaysia.
    Yang penting orang Melayu mesti memilih pemimpin yang cerdik, pintar, bijak, bermaruah, berkeliber, berkarisma dan memenrintah dengan adil terhadap setiap kaum di Negara ini.
    Itu sebabnya dalam tempoh 22 tahun Tun sebagai PM, Malaysia telah jadi aman makmur dan terkenal kerana Tun mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti yang telah dinyatakan di atas.

  166. Salam Tun dan pembaca budiman
    Haramkan Sisters In Islam
    4 TQ

  167. Saya sebenarnya tak mau wujudkan sentimen perkauman. tapi ada kadang2 comment yang saya rasa agak sensitive ini perlu saya terangkan situasi keadaan sebenar. Jgn cuba sebarkan dakyah yang tak benar pada rakyat
    org cine ni, da lah minority. Bukan saya nak kata kesemuanya, cuma ada beberapa org cina ni. pastu org da bg peha nak betis. Bile kite hidup sebagai seorang rakyat malaysia, pastikan anda patuh pada undang2. Patuh pada perlembagaan. Perlembagaan adalah undang2 tertinggi. Kalau anda nak ubah undang2, dapatkan dulu majoriti 2/3 di parlimen. Selagi majoriti berkuasa, selagi itu kita kena patuh pada perlembagaan. Tak suka pada perlembagaan yang ada bermaksud menyalahi undang2. Pergi la luar negara.
    Bertapa DAP atau cina2 yang lain cuba utk memperjuangkan hak sama rata mereka ini, tidak akan berjaya punya sampai bile2. Sultan dan yang dipertuan agung akan memelihara hak melayu di negara ini. Apa yang aku nampak, DAP lagi rasist. Cuba jatuhkan melayu. Jealouse pada melayu, dimana perkara yang dikatakan ‘hak’ kepada mereka diambil oleh org melayu. Mereka ini tak boleh terima hakikat. Hakikat DAP multiracial juga tidak benar dengan menyatakan Karpal singh pengerusi dap. Adakah DAP bergerak dibawah karpal? Ternyata sekali ini cuma bayangan ataupun puppet yang sengaja diletakkan disitu. Tgk sahaja singapura. Presiden pertamanya adalah Melayu, bahasa kebangsaan adalah melayu. Ini semua adalah utk memenangi hati Melayu! Ternyata lee kuan yew berjaya. Tapi lihat sahajalah org melayu disana selepas itu. Adakah mereka mempraktikan bahasa melayu sebagai kebangsaan? Cuma lagu negara mereka sahaja bahasa melayu. Cuma kawad kaki je guna bahasa melayu. Ada presiden melayu selepas itu? PM singapore Hsein Loong mengakui Melayu takkan jadi PM dalam masa ini.
    Ada sebahagian org cina pastu dahla tak patrioritik. Ada pi singapore lari keje dari khidmat dalam negara. Contoh cukup doktor. Da diberi pendidikan, ada tak mau praktis dalam negara. Pasal Biasiswa JPA da cukup terang lagi jelas. Siapa kata biasiswa JPA tak diberikan pada org cina. Cuma org CINA saja tak mohon biasiswa sebab tak mahu terikat dengan kerajaan selama 10 tahun! Maka jgn cube mainkan sentimen Biasiswa tak diberikan pada kaum lain walaupun sedar dalam perlembagaan biasiswa itu milik kaum melayu.

  168. Salam Tun
    Saya bersetuju dengan unjuran yang dikeluarkan oleh supaya Majlis Fatwa meneliti kenyataan2 yang dikeluarkan oleh SIS. Bukan untuk mengharamkan pertubuhan berkenaan tetapi memberi keinsafan kepada anggota2 bahawa jangan sesekali mempermainkan soal agama.
    SIS seharusnya mempelajari dengan mendalam soal soal agama sebelum membuat kenyataan terbuka. Kepada orang bukan Islam amatlah menarik dengan kenyataan2 yang di keluarkan oleh SIS tetapi sebagai seorang Islam ianya satu penghinaan dan boleh merosakkan akidah seseorang islam yang cetek ilmu agama.
    SIS seharusnya meneliti dan merujuk perkara perkara yang menyentuh hukum hakam agama sebelum mengeluarkan kenyataan dan jangan sesekali cuba mempergunakan agama untuk meraih pepulariti.
    Kepada Chin Peng biarlah dia berkubur di China.

  169. Salam hormat Tun Mahathir
    Selagi bangsa ini tidak bersatu masa depan bangsa terus ter-ancam.Ini akan menguntung bangsa lain mereka ambil kesempatan memperjuangkan hak mereka.Pada hal mereka fikir bangsa ini bodoh tidak ada haluan.Belum lagi kita lihat penulis bangsa lain baik di Malaysiakini atau media lain ,mereka senatiasa menonjolkan kelemahan peminmpin kita dan bangsa ini.Komentar mereka sebahagian besar menghina dan mencaci kerajaan dan pemimpin bangsa ini
    Saya tidak faham bangsa kita khusus yang menyokong parti pembankang tidak dapat melihat keadaan yang sebenarnya.Di Malaysia yang paling banyak yang terkaya bukan bangsa melayu dan terbanyak bangsa paling miskin ada lah bangsa melayu. Coba kita buat survey di kota Kuala Lumpur berapa banyak pegemis bangsa melayu , india dan cina.Yang 10% terkaya pun adalah bangsa cina dan india. Mungkin suroh saudara Zaid bekas menteri buat survey di seluruh Malaysia. Lihat parti Pas sudah hilang aluan dulu kononnya memperjuangkan Islam tapi sekarang sudah hilang kepercayaan diri dan gilakan kuasa.Contoh gunakan ibadah puasa untuk kepentingang pribadi yang sedang berlaku di Perak.Belum saya lihat penyokong Pas tunjuk persaan diPerak kerana faham RaJA HARUS DI HORMATI.Yang banyak tunjukan perasaan dari anggota DAP.Dulu waktu acara pelantikan menteri besar selepas election 2008 anggota DAP mulanya mahu boycott kononnya kenapa bukan menteri besar di berikan kepada anggota DAP.Ternyata angotta DAP tidak hormat Raja2 melayu.Saya tidak boleh bayangkan kalau parti DAP menguasi pemenrintah mudah2an tidak akan tercapai.

  170. Assalamua’laikum semua dan Tun,
    saya teringat ketika khutbah Jumaat 5 Jun 2009 di Masjid Al Mukhtafibillah Ladang Kuala Terengganu, ada satu hadith yang diutarakan yang teringat saya ada menyatakan Sahabat bertemu Rasullullah memohon izin untuk memerangi satu kaum itu, dan dinasihati oleh Rasulullah jangan memerangi mereka selagi mereka menunaikan solat kepada Allah. (Harap dapat sesiapa memberi hadith yang sebenar dari apa yang saya ingat ini, berikanlah saya hadith ini dalam erti yang sebenar dan termasuk perawinya)
    Kita tahu dalam Islam sentiasa ada ruang dan peluang untuk semuanya!! beri peluang yang ada, yang mengetahui beri pengetahuan kepada yang kurang tahu, yang arif beri nasihat kepada yang dangkal, dan sebaliknya…. tolong lah, bantulah, nasihatkan, ajarkan, berikan dan usahakan agar sentiasa dalam beringat kedudukan masing masing.
    Tukar lah dari melawan baik berbincang!! dari mencaci dan memaki baik bagi nasihat!! cuba dengar nasihat!! cuba dengar penjelasan!! tanya lah pada yang berilmu untuk lebih faham!! Tok guru, bijak pandai, ilmuan Ulung dan professor beri tunjuk ajarlah dari meninggi diri!!!
    Sejarah dah terbukti! Orang Melayu Ramai bijakpandai!! Kemerdekaan kita berteraskan ilmu dan keberkatan dalam amalan, jadi kita merdeka kerana kebijaksanaan diplomasi yang berilmu, nah Komunis!! bumi melayu hancur pon belum tentu melayu merdeka!
    Dikalangan kita sendiri sebenarnya berasal dari Nenek yang sama! Datuk yang Sama… perjuangan mereka dahulu adalah demi kelansungan bangsa dan AGAMA ISLAM kita!! saya yang ilmu tidak seberapa ini akan terus berjuang atas landasan datuk nenek saya dahulu untuk kelansungan bangsa dan Agama Islam ini… setakat saya termampu saya tetap akan perjuangkan!!
    Kejayaan merdeka ini untuk kita. Kita memberi peluang sejak dahulu bangsa lain di bumi melayu ini untuk hidup bersama ikut keinginan mereka, kemudahan dari lahir ke sekolah ke universiti, kerja dan peluang berniaga, mencari kemewahan dan kekayaan, memperoleh harta dan keluarga besar, beragama sendiri sehingga punya tanah kubur yang besar, menjelajah dari utara, selatan, timur dan barat, menjadi segala macam jenis perwatakan dan hampir tiada dunia di tempat lain yang boleh memberi kepada mereka seperti apa yang ada di bumi Malaysia ini. Walau mereka kembali ke negara asal nenek moyang mereka sekalipun tiada jaminan memperolehi apa yang dimiliki di tanah Melayu ini!!
    Tidak kami meminta malah telah memberi! tidak kami menagih malah kami memberi dan tidak kami berharap malah kami tetap memberi!!
    Kelansungan Bumiputera Malaysia tetap akan kami perjuangkan se gah negara India dan China!!
    Tiada satu manusia pun di dunia ini yang punya pengetahuan seluruh umat manusia, telah dijadikan manusia dengan kebijaksanaan masing-masing! Ilmuan perlu bekerjasama bukan banggga dengan bijaknya diri sendiri dan menentang orang yang bodoh, ajar mereka, beri nasihat beri peringatan, Itulah kelebihan yang ada pada bangsa Melayu ketika mana untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan!! Kita pakai otak tidak pakai senjata!! akhirnya kita Merdeka!!
    Telah sampai waktu di mana kelansungan Tanah Melayu sekali lagi tercabar. Saya amat sayangkan agama saya dan datuk nenek saya yang telah berjuang dulu, kini saya akan tetap berjuang untuk pastikan kita tetap Melayu yang Bermaruah, Punya budi pekerti tinggi!! siapa ‘mereka’ pada kita?! kita jadikan mereka ahli rumah kita. Kita tetap di ajar melayani, meng hormati dan berbaik baik kepada ahli rumah kita termasuk ‘mereka’ yang telah kita terima tinggal di rumah kita. Kita takan lupa siapa ‘mereka’ cuma mereka lupa siapa ‘mereka’.
    Kita perlu ingatkan ‘mereka’ siapa ‘mereka’, ini perjuangan baru kita!
    Hari ini mungkin saya seorang, tapi esok lusa siapa yang tahu.
    Mohon Tun restui perjuangan saya.

  171. RM3bil project in Mersing
    Radian to develop seafront Laguna Marina
    MERSING: Radian Starfish Sdn Bhd will develop Laguna Marina, a RM3bil integrated development on the seafront of Mersing.

  172. Salam Tun,
    UMNO or Not … everything we do moving forward will have to take into consideration of the history of things.
    KALAU “Mereka” mahu mempersoalkan kedaulatan dan kelebihan orang Melayu!
    Aku anak Melayu nak juga mempersoalkan “KERAKYATAN” mereka!
    Dah bagi betis nak peha!
    Kepada melayu yg kalah berpolitik dalam UMNO tuh, don’t be a sore loser larr.. dok diam diam sudah. Hingaq tak habih habih!

  173. Dear Tun,
    You are an intelligent man knowing that your people are not as intelligent as you. So you took advantage of them.
    You are not racist, but you need the racial card to stay in power.
    You wrote ‘Malay Dilemma’ but you played on their weakness.
    You are anti corruption, but corruption thrives in Malaysia.
    Talk is free
    Wayang is free
    Your opportunity (22 years) to make Malaysia a great country was squandered. LKY did not not even bother to meet up with you this time, Why?? Because you main main too much!
    You scold Singapore 14 times and Singapore scold you one time and you cannot tahan. You must really dislike Singapore and its leaders. Pull handbrake a bit Tun.

  174. Salam Tun,
    Yeah, Why is that when a Malay talks about our rights, we are labeled as racist??
    Don’t pretend that we are not racist, instead we should embraces it.
    What’s important is respect!
    Celebrate Diversity!
    R.E.S.P.E.C.T…& what it means to me!

  175. Dr. M,
    Neither am I a fan of SIS. We don’t need to support thier views – only western journalists and westernized Malaysians are out there listening to them.But by banning them, we are elevating this favorite western journalists’ rag-team team into some sort of martyrs.
    PAS itself is a wahhabi based party – it has done more damage to Islam than SIS. It is an extremist party preparing to turn Malaysia into another Saudi Arabia.While SIS wants to turn us into another Holland.
    When Pas called SIS extremists – it like Pot calling Kettle Black.

  176. sO TUN
    WE DO AGREE ON one thing ie the SIS thing. In the name of free speech and other basic rights it is progressive women organisation here so why would PAS have a problem with that.
    But that is good ins’t it for you and ketuanan melayu types.? it gives you a point to score against PAS.
    But PAS is pretty free from other ailments affecting BN namely corruption and the current wayang kulit they are projecting of running the country well..
    on the other note : SLUG and be SLUGGED – why are you whinning. people will point out the deficiences during your rule, the ketuanan melayu policy, the so called social contract. so we get slugged over over view points, we will slug you right back with what we think should be the new way foward. you especially should have any problem with that? Not by age or anything . because view points are view points. everybody is entitled to theirs or do you want a special deference. beleive me no younger generation gives the older ones any sacred deference, it needs to be earned . you never did give much credence to your elders in the party like Tunku, Hussien onn etc

  177. Salam Tun,
    On the issue of SIS and PAS. PAS leaders are a mockery to Islamic intellectual discourse. For years they did nothing towards building the scientific progress of the Islamic world nor any contribution to the constructive thinking of human species.
    “Membangun Bersama Islam” is a an empty slogan, good for those with empty mind. They surely have abundant of them.
    Without power, they fight to ban and remove ‘Carlsberg’ brewery factory. When they are in power, they choose to be blind,dumb and mute. This goes to all other issues as well.
    They and their supporters are dummies.

  178. Terima kasih kerana pendirian Tun atas Orang Melayu.
    Namun ada segelintir diluar sana yang masih terpesong fakta sejarah apabila masih bertegas mengatakan Chin Peng itu sebenarnya juga adalah pejuang kemerdekaan negara kita.
    Hakikatnya mereka terlupa kebangkitan pejuang-pejuang kemerdekaan yang seangkatan dengan Tok Janggut, Datuk Bahaman, Mat Kilau dan ramai lagi yang berjuang menentang Orang putih sejak awal. Mereka disiksa dan ada yg digantung kaki diatas dan kepala dibawah seperti yang terjadi pada Mayat Tok Janggut seperti mana yang kini tersebar di dalam emel sejak akhir-akhir ini.
    Chin Peng pula mendapat gelaran sebagai pengganas yang sanggup membunuh bangsanya sendiri untuk menjayakan matlamat diri sendiri. Wajarkah orang seperti Chin Peng itu dinobatkan sebagai pejuang kemerdekaan. Orang seperti itu tidak layak pun mempunyai tanahair sendiri. Berapa ribu anak bangsa kita yang gugur kerana mempertahankan tanahair ini untuk menyingkirkan si Pengkhianat Bangsa seperti Chin peng itu. Orang yang menkhianati Bangsa ialah juga orang yang menghianat Negara.

  179. Tun and bloggers
    Speaking up for Malays is not right but speaking against Malays is alright and most welcome!! Apa ni
    Orang Melayu sendiri menderhaka pada Melayu. Tengok Anuar Ibrahim sekeluarge nak popolar panggil orang India dan semua peguam dia pun orang India. Tapi bila di tanya who and siapa pengganti beliau, si Melayu Anuar ni yang tak sedar diri tak bulih jawab- sebab nak jaga hati bukan Melayu konon . Masa dalam UMNO Anuar jilat MCA/MIC tapi dulu kutuk DAP dan kutuk PAS sekarang ni dah jadi kepala PKR jilat buntut mereka dengan terang terang- Kalau bulih nak tidor dengan Kit Siang, Makan nasi dengan Chin Peng guna chop stick tak apa janji dapat. Melayu apa ke bende ny ni ha. Guna Islam dan masjid untuk dapat glamour buat rusuhan sana sini. Kenapa tak cakap dalam tokong atau Kuil. Bukan aje derhaka kat Melayu malah malukan kaum Melayu aje.
    Memang patut Tun Mahathir cakap dia pro Melayu dan di lebel racist. I am also racist of my bangsa , so is Lim Guan Eng, Kapal Singh, Samy vellu, Rafa Nadal, Hitler, Chin Peng, Lee Kuan Yew, Benjamin Nentayahu, Rashid Maidin, Hadi Awang, Nik Aziz and youself
    Kalau Melayu tak ada keistimewaan Melayu dah hak Melayu di Malaysia apa lagi yang tinggal – nak makan daging pun takut tak Halal?? Raja berdaulat pun nanti hilang. Masjid pun tak bulih Azan. Sembahyang Jumaat nanti kat padang bukan bawah pokok. Tengok kat Perak rakyat Melayu tak Hormat Raja Melayu. Mungkin Nizar bulih bagi contoh yang Baik??bersidang bawah pokok!! Kirim Salam lah. Dah jadi kuda Bangsa lain. kejab lagi cabar Islam pulak. Tak habis habis
    Kalau pun nak cakap kita tak fair what about Datuk Maninvasagam/
    Datuk Nicol David/Datuk Lee Lam Thye/ Datuk Lee Chong Way/Mr Kapal Singh, anak anak datuk yang non Malays dan saudara serta sahabat mereka – are they merempat di Malaysia?? In fact no! not at all!!Most of them is enjoying their status as rakyat Malaysia
    What about the non Malays in Singapore who have properties in Malaysia? What about the Melayu in Singapore, can they go to be a jet fighter in Singapore?? What about the Chinese in Singapore can they go against Lee Kuan Yew??
    So what wrong if Tun Mahatdir Mohamad being racist?? He is accepted well in the Arab world and also in Bosnia, all of Asia.In fact he is wrll known pulak. The english, Australian and some part Europe and US do not like his way but he is Malayu so what.
    So Melayu fight for your Melayu and nothing wrong with that. OK at the same time be yourself – Melayu

  180. Hi Tun,
    This is my first time leaving a comment here.
    Let me get things clear myself. When people against the return of Chin Peng, are they against him because of his race or because of his communist ideology? Again, those who defended him is because of his race or because they sympathies them? Its a two different when u said u defend UMNO, Malays and some other defended Chin Peng.
    My home is Malaysia. How can someone call me pendatang when I’m born here and I speak fluent Malay than my own mother tongue. Tun,you have been a leader for so long but still do not really understand the need of the current younger generations. To us, we never bring out racial issues. The ones started were Politicians and Political Leaders. All we ask for is to compete as equal without advantage being given to any races. That is meritocracy. Why not the Malays compete equally with non Malays without special advantage or quota? Is it because Malays feel they are still weak? I dun think Malays are weak. They are capable of challenging any race around the world. But why not take challenge to compete as equal, as an individual with talent, not by its colour? God made you and me different, so that we could help improve each other. God did not make you and me different so that you can get rid of me and vice versa.
    Thank you.
    “Born as Malaysian, Live as Malaysian, Die as Malaysian”

  181. Dear Tun,
    Everyone of us are a bit racist. This I think is true, though some are too extreme.
    I am not a supporter of Chin Peng or approved of what he has done. But he is an old man now, couldn’t we forgive him and let him come back here. Do we really need to hold so much hatred for this man whom many of us don’t even know except for what we read in history books. nevertheless, don’t we have enough love to forgive him and grant him his last wish. Even a condemned murderer have their last wish.
    I know God will forgive those who have sinned. We are children of God and we must learn to forgive.
    I know many may not agree with me but this is only my opinion because i see no harm in letting this man return to his homeland. At least we can show him that despite all the wrong things he has done, we malaysian people are not heartless or are we????

  182. Dear Tun,
    On ‘Dishonouring UMNO’:
    People call you a racist on this occasion because the issue of Chin Peng was never about race until you made it out to sound like it was.
    Your article seemed bent on misleading your readers by implying that UMNO represented all Malays and those who showed it disdain were disrespectful to the Malay race.
    It is also dangerous to say that because some of your readers do not seem to understand that communism is not a Chinese inception. Communism originated from the West. Post-World War II, communism was on the rise the world over outside Malaya. Until the 1990-s, the largest communist country was not China but the Soviet Union. Chin Peng, who happened to be Chinese in origin, attempted to bring communism to Malaya. It, however, doesn’t make it a Chinese-versus-Malay issue. It’s just a difference in political ideology.
    It is justifiable to say that the Malays didn’t want a Chinese-majority government under Chin Peng’s communist dictatorship. But a Malay dictator is no different from a Chinese dictator, communist or not. You may be aware that people have called you a dictator in your 22-year reign as UMNO president and Malaysia’s premier, too.
    There is no ground or need to say whoever wanted to bring Chin Peng back insulted UMNO and thus the Malays.
    You should have explained the incident in the 1980-s which led to the demise of the UMNO that fought British colonialism (“Dengan kesedaran dan kepercayaan ini maka orang Melayu telah tubuh badan yang tersendiri untuk betul-betul memperjuangkan kemerdekaan daripada penjajahan British. Badan yang ditubuh ialah UMNO.”), and the formation of UMNO baru.
    You should also have made it explicit that UMNO baru was not endorsed by Tunku Abdul Rahman, a key figure in our country’s independence, for the very simple reason that it deviated from the spirit which drove our fight for independence. In fact, Tunku died a staunch opponent of your UMNO baru.
    You should not have credited UMNO, in its present form, with the independence of Malaya.
    You should not have misled the public to believe that UMNO baru, which you formed 31 years after Malaya’s independence, had anything to do with the fight for independence, while Tunku Abdul Rahman, our Father of Independence, clearly opposed your UMNO baru.
    But you are right, we are quick to forget. There are people who actually buy your argument.
    You should not have implied that anyone who did not respect UMNO, in its present form, disregarded Malay efforts in fighting for independence.
    As a matter of fact, the UMNO we have does not represent all Malays in Malaysia today. It certainly does not represent the Malays who fought for our country’s independence 52 years ago. Case in point: Tunku.
    People have given various arguments for why Chin Peng should be allowed back into the country, and none of them have “memperlekeh” the Malay race or denied their involvement in the country’s independence.
    On the matter of “memperlekeh UMNO”, no one has done so to the UMNO which gave us our independence more than you. You caused that UMNO to cease to exist.
    UMNO, in its present form, deserves dishonour. “Memperlekeh UMNO”, in today’s context, is miles away from “memperlekeh orang Melayu”. If you think they are the same, you think too greatly of the people in UMNO who are there only to enrich themselves. If you only care to ask, you will find that most people who disapprove of UMNO disapprove of other Barisan National component parties, including MCA and MIC. UMNO has to bear the brunt of the disapproval because it is the largest component party and that which has the most say in day-to-day running of the party.
    I reiterate that the disapproval is never about race.
    I wish you had been more upfront with your facts.

  183. By hisham1 on June 10, 2009 11:40 AM
    Salam Hisham,
    You asking why PAS not following Nabi S.A.W.We should ask wether WE ourself following Nabi S.A.W.
    Maybe you can try to approach the mat rempit and said “nicely”
    to stop rempit and go to mosque.
    Maybe you also can go to park where youngster khalwat and “nicely”
    tell them that is forbidden.
    My point is time change bro.You can’t compare people become obstinate and more nowadays.

  184. salam Tun…
    Maaf, tapi saya juga tidak setuju dengan Tun tentang SIS.
    pada saya mereka memesongkan…lantas menyesatkan….
    Niat tidak menghalalkan Cara
    Pada saya SIS punya niat yang baik, tapi caranye terlalu ekstrim dan
    malampau…. lantas tidak mencerminkan apa itu islam yang sebenar..
    saya bukan penyokong pas tetapi saya tetap tidak setuju dengan SIS..
    Harap tun dapat selidik lebih sedikit tentang sis ini dan komen semula…
    SIS itu umpama Al Arqam… itulah perumpamaan yang terang.

  185. Tun,
    May I know when God create human does he/she differ what color should be more superior and what color should not? Ain’t all human are God creation? The Non-Malay is not labelling you as racist, but what you deliver have the hidden meaning behind to Malay that non-Malay is a threat..don’t you?

  186. TUN.
    Sejenak bersama “Chin Peng”.
    Disatu lorong di pusat bandar Bangsar. Seorang apek berseluar pendek berbaju siglet Pagoda menghampiri seorang pengawal keselmatan di sebuah gedung.
    Lalu si apek menyapa si pengawal keselamatan.
    “Alo! Kawan, sini mana ada ‘Chim Peng'” dengan loghat pekat Tionghwa nya.
    Terpingga2 si Pengawal keselamatan. ” Tak tau lah apek, Chin Peng sudah balik Malaysia kah?” balas nya.
    Ayo! Bukan itu Chin Peng olang lo…Itu yahat punya olang…”Si Apek naik geram.
    Balas si pengawal.”Abis lu mau apa?”
    Apek tu pulak gelabah.”Itu ‘Chim Peng’lo…Itu mau angkat wang…selupa itu ‘MAI Peng’ lo…
    Bengang si pengawal.”Aisay Tokeh….cakap lah CIMB BANK…..”
    “Itu yugak gua sudah cakap lo”……Apek naik geram kat si pengawal….
    Moral of the story….Salah faham….
    Mereka yang tersalah faham dan tafsiran akan apa yang TUN cuba terangkan. Kemudian menuduh TUN racist. Dan cuba pulak nak spin2 cerita dan fakta agar mendapat perhatian akan tulisan mereka.
    Satu perkara biasa pada yang tidak pernah tau berterima kaseh pada jasa2 dan usaha2 TUN membangunkan dan memajukan negara sehingga mereka dapat terus hidup selesa malah ada yang lebeh baik dari TUN sendiri. Orang2 ini hanya pentingkan kejayaan dan kepuasan diri sendiri dan tak pernah ingin melihat kesengsaraan orang lain.
    TUN seorang pemimpin dan negarawan yang patut di kenang dan di hormati oleh rakyat Malaysia. Bukan di fitnah dan perlekehkan.
    Terima lah hakikat, kerana usaha TUN telah berjaya meletakkan negara sehingga ketahap ini.

  187. Why is it that when I defend UMNO or the Malays am labelled a racist – BECAUSE YOU ARE DENYING THE RIGHTS OF OTHER TO IMPROVE THE RIGHT OF THE OTHER.
    If speaking up for the Malays is considered racist (NOT IF YOU DID NO DENY THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS) then are the Malays to be denied their right to speak for themselves (NOT IF THE MALAYS DID NOT DENY THE OTHER NON MALAYS NOT TO REBUT)?
    3. Liberalism is fine but it should not benefit only certain people and not others (LIBERALISM WILL BENEFIT EVERYBODY IF EVERYBODY IS HARDWORKING, HAVE THE MENTAL FACULTY, WILLING TO LEARN). By definition not benefiting certain people contradicts the very concept of liberalism.(THEREFORE YOU SHOULD NOT USE THE CONCEPT OF LIBERALISM IN NARROWLY. IF WE GROUP THE SAME IQ AND EQ WITHIN THE SAME SPHERE AT EACH STRATA.

  188. Melayu kena berani. Biar orang cerca kita walaupun kaum sendiri yang memang terkenal dengan dasar pengkhianat dan hasad dengki mencerca kita. Kita kena berani dan hadapi semua hinaan ini demi kebenaran. Truth hurts!
    Hazman Abu Bakar

  189. If as you claimed, you “really don’t think openly slugging it out on racial issues in Malaysia is healthy”, then, why make this whoele thing look as though it is one race (Malays) who wants Chin Peng to be banned from coming back and another race (Chinese) who wants him to be allowed back here?
    Why turn and politicise this issue of Chin Peng being allowed back or not, into one of “dishonouring UMNO”, “defend Malay rights”, “speaking up for the Malays”?
    You know well that this issue has got nothing to do with Malay rights, UMNO, speaking up for the Malays, etc. It is about one individual, an over-the-hill communist leader, who wants to come back to this country, the very same country that he terrorised many decades ago, and pay respects to his father’s grave, the same thing he deprived of many Malaysians whom he killed and left graveless.
    And yet with some “putar-belit”, you have made it looked like a “campaign by the Chinese community” and worse still, into one that involves “Malay/UMNO dignity/pride/rights”.
    Just because a few Chinese politicians open their big gap, doesn’t mean that there is a “campaign” to bring Chin Peng back or that the majority of Chinese here wants him back. Have you actually asked the Chinese community?
    Let me remind you and the readers here that although the country as a whole fought against communism, the majority of the people who suffered the most at the hands of the communists are the Chinese. The communists will/dare not go to the Malays or Indians for help; instead they go to the Chinese. And whichever Chinese dare turn down their request will be deemed as anti-communist and will be tortured and killed. At times, even whole families were known to be killed. For sure, 2 of my granduncles were killed by the communists.
    Perhaps, there should be a count of how many Malay lives were lost at the hands of the communists and how many Chinese lives were lost.
    Perhaps you should ask yourself, if Shamsiah Fakeh can be welcomed back, why not Chin Peng? On the same note, if Chin Peng is banned from coming back, why not Shamsiah Fakeh? Aren’t both of them communists? Why is one treated differently from the other?
    All in all, well done Tun, it only goes to show that even in retirement, you have not lost your touch to “putar” and “belit” and the sad thing is that you still have followers that believe everything you throw in their way.

  190. Dear Tun
    I think anyone who keeps harping on their own race is deprive others is a racist. The same applies to MCA or MIC. We are all humans and we should help everyone regardless of race for the better of the country. Why should we only help our own race? Are the other races not people? God made them too, don’t you agree? I work and get along very well with all races. In fact, very good friends with them. Love them too. However, whenever politicians keep harping on race, then it starts to affect me and get me start thinking otherwise. Lucky thing, I realised that it is not them who are bad but politicians who are causing all the racial disharmony. This affects most people. If you want people to get along well, do not talk about race issues. Talk about helping the poor but keep out the race. When you help the poor, you automatically help the Malays more because they are poorer but at the same time, the poor Chinese and Indians also benefit. Tun, if you really love Malaysia, do the right thing. Help bring us all together as one country, one family.
    You are a great leader if not for these racial issues. You have the foresight about English and many things. I love you for the many good things you’ve done and at the same time angry with the things you’ve done wrong that made us all so divided.

  191. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Locally, you are normally remembered and referred as the leader of the UMNO and the Malays. Both refer to the Malay race. In the international platform, you were seen as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. How you are assessed, depends on the statement and the capacity used by you. So, 2 out of 3, you represented the Malay Community. So, whatever you say and do will normally be assumed in the Malay leader perspective.
    As for Chin Peng, he is the synonym of Communist Party of Malaya. We should not forget that majority of the Chinese community hated him for his political ideology. During the World War II Chin Peng defended his Communist Party and not Malaya.

  192. I strongly believe, we should refresh the memory of our
    Non-Bumiputera counterparts that who owns the country in the very
    beginning. By throwing them inside the ISA Lock Up. This will at
    least keep their mouth shut for the next 100 years. Case closed.
    Have a nice day Tun!

  193. By mantoba on June 10, 2009 2:24 PM
    Saya tertarik dengan dengan pandangan anda dalam perenggan ini…
    “..Maka timbul lah kumpulan2 ini untuk ‘menghapuskan’ TUN. Kerana itu lah ada penulis2 upahan dengan pelbagai nama masuk keblog TUN dan menulis secara bertentangan segala apa yang TUN tuliskan untuk cuba memesungkan pemikiran rakyat yang maseh setia dengan TUN..”
    Betul tu Tun.
    Jangan bimbang Tun, tak semua orang melayu dah lupa. Orang yang sebelah selatan pelbagai kaum masih ramai setia padamu.

  194. Dear Tun
    Everyone seems to have gone overboard with being sensitive to everything and anything. In the US, all official forms will ask you to denote your origin – Asian, African, Hispanic, Caucasian etc. and no one takes offence because they understand that they are AMERICANS first and African, Hispanic or Asian American second. Same as in England and many other european countries.
    The US achieved independence in 1776 and after almost four centuries have their 1st black American president. I’d say Malaysia has done very well by all races, be they Malay or non-Malay but is this enough – no, of course not! They want us to be like the US today but whilst America has got it’s first black president, anyone who has lived there will tell you that it’s not sugar and spice and all things nice there either. There’s still plenty of discrimination.
    We are a much better country than America and we respect all races but that does not seem enough. It will probably not be enough until we become like Singapore and “practice meritocracy” the way Singapore does but ask any Malay there if they feel they are given equal opportunity. I’d hazard a guess that the answer is no.
    All non Malays here want a piece of Malaysia which is fine but ask them to give up their culture, their language and speak one language and be taught in one school system as in Indonesia where the Chinese Indonesians are as Indonesian as their Malay Indonesian counterparts and they will resist. I guess the non Malays here want their cake and to eat it too …..
    And all of them who rubbish you and your 22 years of premiership should think again because they were the best 22 years this country has had … we prospered economically – all races benefitted and whilst there were some mistakes as there will be bound to be, you did better by this country than most prime ministers we have had!

  195. Yes, 100% thats right……to slug and be sluged… That is same happening in middle east. Lastly, arabian moslem no power to managing their kingdom. Saurian become poor time to time. Islam only for the name of holy land.

  196. Malaysia is a unique nation in the modern world whereby its citizens are identified by ethinic race and not by nationality. The politicians of the various communities exploit the term “race” to their advantage and create disunity among the people. The Government of the day is conducted on this NOTE. There were many calls made to the Government to abolish the use of the word “race” on all administrative matters but seems to have fallen only on deaf ears.
    The 1 Malaysia concept of Najib emphasis much on the unity of the people.Proposals are made to undo the disuniting factors to forge close unity. Let us do away of the term “race” in all Government business dealings. The Government should be sincere in walking its talk on unity.
    After 52 yeasr of independence, it is disheartening to not that the people are divided in between this line. Our system of education should be revamped. The use of English in the teaching of Science and Mathematics should be continued as it would benefit the nation in the long run. We have given much importance on nationalistic sentiments to the extent of depriving the geographical movement of the people. We should have maintained Bahasa Malaysia and use English as a medium of instruction for all the other subjects like we had in the 50s and 60s. We may also maintain Mandarin and Tamil as elective subjects as is done in Singapore and this would preserve the rich culture of the nation. The Chinese and Tamil schools should then be nationalised and integration would naturally fall in place. Malaysia would have been the most successful nation in the region if we had adopted the old system of education whereby English was the medium of instruction in the secondary and higher institution of learning. We may have surpassed Singapore with our human capital.
    Najib should be brave enough to take the challenge into taking the nation to a colour blind zone whereby all Malaysians are treated equal!
    He should give 1Malaysia concept a rightful meaning.Is he prepared to take the challenge? Otherwise…..we may carry on with our dreams and go to sleep!
    Dr. Mahathir is a public figure and much is expected of him in uniting the people. Rather than discussing racial issues, which I feel is a primitive topis, discussions and suggestions on nation building would certainly help. Dont forget that you were a Prime Minister for ALL! Its surprising for a man of your standing and wisdom to still have racial connotations in your outlook.
    Your comments and support of the NGO, Sisters in Islam (SIS)is welcoming. SIS is quite rational in its arguments and their approaches are well received by all faiths in this country. Lets hope that extremism does not creep into this organisation.

  197. Dear Tun,
    Racism is defined as:

    1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
    2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
    3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

    Therefore, until & unless it is shown that you indulge in any of the above, no one can justifiably call you a racist. Similarly, if you (or anyone else) believes that those who speak up for Chin Peng are racists, you need to show how they meet any of those same three criteria. As far as I am aware, they have made no such arguments, but I will stand corrected if anyone can show otherwise.
    I too believe that “openly slugging it out” on any issue is not healthy. However, that must not mean that issues of National interest are decided behind closed doors by the elite few. All Malaysians need to be able to discuss these issues (even sensitive ones), calmly, rationally, with goodwill and without trying to incite racist sentiments, or succumbing to them. Leaders & statesmen (including your goodself) can help this by leading through example and encouraging Malaysians to look beyond communal one-upmanship to seek dialogue and consensus on shared concerns.
    Sadly for Malaysia, some politicians, ex-politicians & media seem to believe that they will be more powerful by returning to the days before PRU-12 and even further back. Therefore they frame all issues in racial, religious or communal terms, and portray others as the enemies who seek to victimise & disposses.
    While such actions and words are not necessarily racist, they constitute demagoguery, i.e. a strategy for gaining political power by appealing to the prejudices, emotions, fears and expectations of the public

  198. TUN.
    Sememang nya benar apa yang TUN lalui itu. Memang ketara apabila TUN bersuara walau apa pun topik nya pasti ada tanggapan negatif di lempar atau di labelkan pada TUN.
    Ini adalah kerja2 orang2 yang tak bertanggung jawab. Pehak2 tertentu sengaja menimbulkan perangsangkaan terhadap TUN untuk kepentingan sendiri atau ada agenda lain yang tersembunyi.
    Pehak ini tidak mahu TUN bersuara. Kemungkinan mereka tidak mahu TUN menceritakan atau menyedarkan hal sebenar kepada rakyat.Maka itu lah mereka mengatakan pelbagai perkataan yang buruk terhadap TUN. Sebenar nya mereka akui akan kebenaran yang telah TUN perkatakan atau yang telah TUN lakukan untuk negara. Namun kerana TUN telah mengagalkan usaha mereka untuk ‘mendakyah’ atau ‘menakluki’ rakyat dan negara dengan pelbagai maklumat dan nasihat dan peringatan pada rakyat. Maka itu lah mereka cuba memesungkan pemikiran dan pengiktirafan rakyat pada TUN dengan mefitnah TUN.
    Ramai rakyat telah dapat memahamai akan pelbagai issu dan permasaalah negara melalui penulisan dan ulasan serta hujah2 TUN dalam blog ini atau pun di media2 lain.
    Kemunculan semula TUN dalam politik negara selepas bersara dan telah cuba di ‘lenyapkan’ oleh mantan PM (TUN L..) amat lah mengerunkan setengah pehak. Laluan pehak2 ini untuk menukar corak pemikiran rakyat untuk mengikut fahaman dan pemikiran mereka telah menjadi sukar apabila ‘semangat’ TUN kembali semula menyusup dan menular kedalam denyutan nadi rakyat.
    Ramai rakyat terutama nya orang Melayu mula sedar akan kesilapan beberapa pemimpin2 politik atau sikap bangsa itu sendiri dalam pelbagai issu dan hal yang telah hampir memusnahkan mereka dan negara kerana telah tersilap perkiraan atau pun telah disesatkan oleh fahaman2 yang memudaratkan bangsa dan negara dan juga yang memungkinkan orang melayu dan kerajaan melayu akan hilang di bumi sendiri.
    Maka timbul lah kumpulan2 ini untuk ‘menghapuskan’ TUN. Kerana itu lah ada penulis2 upahan dengan pelbagai nama masuk keblog TUN dan menulis secara bertentangan segala apa yang TUN tuliskan untuk cuba memesungkan pemikiran rakyat yang maseh setia dengan TUN.
    Seperti mereka2 ini, rakyat diluar sana juga amat memahami apa yang sebenar nya berlaku. Tidak semua rakyat boleh di perbodoh2kan dan dipengaruhi dengan tulisan2 yang sebegitu.
    Harap TUN teruskan lah segala usaha TUN demi untuk bangsa dan negara. Telah terbukti TUN seorang pemimpin yang tersohor diseluruh dunia. Usaha TUN bukan sehaja di dalam negara sahaja tapi juga merentasi sempadan dunia. Dari Timur ke Barat, dari khutub utara sehingga ke khutub selatan terus ke angkasa lepas.
    Sebutkan nama lain yang ada waktu ini telah melakukan serupa sebagai mana yang TUN lakukan untuk negara dan bangsa nya.
    Maka siapa lah diri anda diluar sana itu untuk dibandingkan dengan TUN. Anda tak lebih hanya seorang yang kerdil,pendik langkah nya, kecil jiwa nya, kurang akai nya, rabun mata nya, busuk hati nya sehingga tidak dapat melihat akan kebenaran sebenar nya.

  199. Salam Tun,
    Yes Tun, Why is that??? Talking about Chin Peng like they are heroes…but when you said about THE TRUTH in protecting Malays they call you racist. I couldn’t understand!!! Maybe Malaysian is looking foward for their dooms. And for Chinese is it really you want Chin Peng back here?? My suggestion is…maybe you join Chin Peng where he live now. If you really love him.
    As for indian talking about Hindraff you said Uthaya your truly love Indian leader. But Malay leader talk about Malays you called him racist?? Pls think again….

  200. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Chin Peng knows that he has failed in his jungle communism warfare to put this country under China/Chinese rule. But he sees a new vehicle now, one in Pakatan Rakyat and in particular Parti Keadilan Rakyat; moreover in specific particular, to the likes of Anwar Ibrahim and Khalid Gagap. So Chin Peng is now utilizing this new found platform. Where was he along with his claim in 2003? Chin Peng has no desire to come back and die here. He could practically do it anywhere he wishes and it would be better-off in China surrounded by the old Politburo buddies and comrades. A fallen comrade would not want to die in enemy

  201. Speaking up for Malays is not right but speaking against Malays is alright and most welcome.
    MALAYSIA is multiracial, multi religious. Chinese and Indians fought for Malaysia

  202. The racial issue is due to provocation by politicians or those politician who already retired but still mad for power … they like to play the racial card in order to gain political supports …… in fact, for the community itself, there is no racial issue arise …
    For Chin Peng cases, support should be obtained from all Malaysians regardless of races, to create awareness that the ideology of communist is a threat to the country, based on the history of Malaysia … unfortunately, some people make use of this issue to create hate among races … that’s the reason, you can see a huge numbers of comments blaming/insult the chinese … even thought the issue is regarding Chin Peng … don’t believe? just open up the eyes and read through it …
    Why certain people is labeled as racist? it is quite simple and clear ….
    As a normal human … we will always taught the young generation of our same kind, that they should work hard in order to perform well and gain a better life … and hopefully if they are successful, they should helping up the poor one regardless of skin colors
    For a racist human, they always use the tactic, to urge their own kind to beware, to work hard, to unite not because with the objective for achievements and improvements … but mainly because other races are devil, always have bad intention and they are harmful
    From the example above … you can see there are 2 different person, with 1 same intention to create awareness among same kind of him …. however, one is mainly wanted to see achievement … but the other one sound more like provocation and create hate among races …
    so …. that was the differences … and it is the main reason why certain individual is labeled as racist …


  204. Dear Tun
    It is a figment of your imagination that people regard you as a racist for defending UMNO and/or the Malays.
    The regard you as a racist for referring to naturalised citizens and those non-Malays born in M’sia after independence as ‘Pendatang’. These Malaysians are equal citizens just as any other Malay or ‘Bumiputra’ by Constitution. Our Constitution does not have 2 classes of citizenship.
    Non-Malays have never questioned the ‘special rights’ provision for Malays or the position of the Sultans as enshrined in the Constitution. Most of us welcome broad-based affirmative action policies. But the hijacking of 80% or more of scholarships and jobs and top positions in the Civil Service, Police, Army, Navy, Airforce, Judiciary, Teaching profession and GLC’s and Petronas even after 40 years of the NEP is a major bone of contention. And much of it happened during your 22 years as PM!!
    As for Chin Peng and those who defend him, and I am certainly not one of them, do so not because he is Chinese, but because they are Communist sympathisers or, in my humble opinion, on some misguided sense of human rights. I can’t see the connection with race here.
    It would do us all well to remember that some of Chin Peng’s staunchest Communist cohorts, right hand man and close allies were M’sian Malays, some of who were pardoned and returned to M’sian shores in the ’80’s. I understand that these Malays renounced Communism and violence which was a pre-condition for their repatriation. But if Chin Peng had also done likewise, who would believe him?
    As for open slugging, it all depends on what you mean by ‘slugging’.
    Educated people speak, write and debate on these issues to try and achieve progress, consensus and national unity. It is up to respected leaders with a huge following like you to keep such discussions civilized and encourage peaceful resolutions to the various issues and bones of contention. Perhaps oratory and rhetoric could be toned down, but your thinking is old too old fashioned.
    But if you seemingly hint that ‘slugging’ could mean taking to the streets and violence, then you wil have to bear a huge portion of the blame should that become a reality.
    The Rakyat today are fed up with ethnic based political parties and ‘Big Brother knows best, we’ll discuss it behind closed doors’ which usually means a cover up and no real action of any substance. There is much to be said for plain speaking and Ahimsa!!

  205. You are definitely right Tun. If people want to label me as a racist, I wouldn’t mind for I have to stand on my own race and not for others. I presume everybody would definitely does the same and being a racist when it comes to the sensitive race issues. The Sisters In Islam, I don’t agree with most of their opinions. Don’t suit much in some of the brought up issues. Somehow, they have touched people’s sensitivity.

  206. Salam buat TUN berdua moga dirahmati Allah s.w.t
    1.Dengan rendah diri “WHY???”..terkesah manusia sejak dilahirkan perlu melalui rintangan dan cabaran dalam kehidupan sebelum menghadapi yang menciptakan kita.Hanya satu yang betul…dan manusia diberi akal mengawal fikiran.,hati mengawal perasaan dan emosi.,naluri untuk bertindak….semuanya dipengaruhi ilmu yang baik atau jahat.
    2.Benda-benda inilah kadang-kadang menghalang segala kemahuan kita semua termasuklan Rimba Emas dan yang berbahagia Tun.Kenapa? rahsia itu hanya yang maha berkuasa maha mengetahuinya dan bagi umat Islam semuanya terunkap dalam Al-Quran….
    3.Manusia sentiasa berbalah sehinggakan soal ketuhanan sehinggalah sekecil-kecil kejadian di bumi ini.
    4.Dalam soal Tun kali ini bagi Rimba Emas memegang kuat terhadap kepercayaan MEMBELA KAUM YANG MENGIKUT UNDANG-UNDANG ALLAH S.W.T ADALAH MENJADI PEGANGAN UTAMA….walau bagaimana pun sudah tentu berbagai rintangan dan ujian yang perlu PEMEGANG KEPERCAYAAN ini harungi.
    5.Melihatkan kelemahan kita menjalankan hukum-hukum Allah s.w.t..kalau dijalankan pun masih ada lagi kepentingan memihak kita..maka seharusnya kita semua membuang sikap ‘PEMERINTAH’..sebaliknya…sikap ‘HAMBA’
    6.Contohnya..seorang pendakwah hanya perlu mengatakan apa yang disuruh oleh Allah s.w.t dan cuba mengelak mengatakan kesalahan seseorang kerana tiada siapa pun yang tidak pernah melakukan dosa melainkan Rasullullah s.a.w.
    7.Sebab nabi s.a.w tidak mahu menamakan khalifah selepasnya kerana ditakuti manusia akan menyalah gunakan gelaran ‘Khalifah’ dan ini terbukti dengan timbulnya nabi palsu…
    8.Kita sepatutnya menganggap mereka yang diberi gelaran khalifah sebagai penyampai seruan nabi s.a.w sahaja tidak lebih daripada itu..jangan mengagungkannya..
    9.Nabi s.a.w mengatakan bahawa beliau tidak minta diupah untuk menyeru kita menyembah Allah s.w.t…jadi bandingkanlah ciri-ciri ini dengan pemerintah yang ada sekarang….Perintah taat kepada “PEMERINTAH” tidak salah disangsikan pada zaman sekarang.

  207. ASKM Tun,
    1. Telah lama bangsa melayu selalunya malu2 bila hendak menegakkan bangsanye, terutamanya di hadapan kaum lain….bangsa melayu selalunya berhati2 menjaga hati bangsa lain mungkin kerana telah di asuh dengan adap sopan santun, sehingga jika bangsa melayu dichopkan sebagai pemalas dia masih tersenyum kerana menyangkakan ia adalah sebagai bahan jenaka…
    dan apabila bangsa melayu tiba2 melenting terus dia dichopkan tidak tahu berjenaka, ataupun seorang bodoh yang panas baran, lol.


  209. Fully agree with you Tun, Sir..
    Liberalism…on the expense of MALAYS…
    what a shrewd politicking maneuver and hidden agenda by certain opportunist people..
    Why are we being labeled racist or ultra for mere stating facts and protecting what is ours? we didn

  210. Salam Tun
    Sigh…it is very difficult to get the balance right when it comes to Islam. Moslems (not Islam) is fraught with problems today. From the Arabs themselves that do not give a good image of Islam (of constantly fighting and squabbling and not helping their neighbours and being a totally Western hypocrite when they put on their suits and live in Western countries and investing so much of their oil money on Citigroup and other American banks and financial institutions, on Hollywood and Universal Studios and on many tall skyscapers in Manhattan, New York and other famous cities in the USA, and on English football clubs.From we ourselves who constantly kiss the buttocks of the West when it comes to asking for their advise and expertise and spreading their influence (such as movies and TV series and lifestyle) here in Malaysia. I mean we hardly see any of our traditional dance and music on TV or in public places anymore except just to attract tourists. Such a shame…Malaysians who don’t know who they are and prefer to “pretend” to be Mat Sallehs except they fail miserable because of their height, dark skin and accent (especially if you see our modern Malay-directed movies now!).
    UMNO Muslims are also not helping out..preferring to be interested only in “the party” and “politics” and what projects can bring the most money and in amassing wealth, a big house and BMWs and Mercedez.
    One of the biggest problem is that some of our traditional ulamaks have got a narrow viewpoint as they may have never been outside Malaysia or seen the culture or living lifestyle of other races and people of other “religions”. Many of them only have a kampung background and a kampung education and with this outlook, it is very difficult for them to preach Islam convincingly to the modern professionals and younger generations who have gone and seen it all. This may be despite the message they are trying to preach is true but they are unable to attract the interest to wit and modern examples. Such is the case with the PAS mentality of ‘ban this’ and ‘ban that’ when things start to get out of hand, thus scaring away the modern people. So we must have a moderate and wide balanced view in life before Islam can be effective for us and with such a balance and knowledge, we can understand God’s message in the Al-Quran easily.
    The other problemis the opposite side. Youngsters and modern people who do not know enough about Islam and haven’t got the time to learn Islam thorouoghly before speaking out and getting involved in the debate.

  211. YAB Tun,
    Orang Melayu berterima kasih kepada Tun kerana terus memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan Melayu di bumi Melayu ini. Tun tidak lagi mempunyai sebarang kepentingan poltik atau mengharapkan sebarang habuan dari Kerajaan. Sebenarnya Kerajaan masih memerlukan Tun untuk memberikan kredibiliti kepada sebarang tindakan yang diambil. Tidak lagi pemimpin Melayu yang dihormati masa ini. segelintir pemimpin Melayu tidak mahu atau tidak mahu bersuara kerana bimbang kepentingan mereka terjejas saperti dipecat dari mendudoki Lembaga Pengarah Syraikat yang Kerajaan mempunyai kepentingan. Contoh terbaik Tan sri Sanusi junid dipecat oleh Tun Abdullah Badawi sebagai Chansellor UIA kerana mengkritik Kerajaan. Rama juga yang lantang bersuara tetapi tidak ada kredibiliti saperti Ibrahim Ali. kita mahu cendiakawan Melayu atau bekas pemimpin Kerajaan atau bekas Pentadbir saperti KSN untuk bersuara. Bagi menjaga kepentingan bangsa Melayu, jangan terlalu takut hilang kedudokan kerana kepentingan bangsa lebih penting.
    Saya langsung tidak yakin dengan keupayaan pemimpin PAS untuk membangun dan mempertahankan kepentingan Melayu. Agenda mereka hanya untuk berkuasa dan sanggup berubah agenda dan matlmat perjuangan. Pemimpin mereka pernah mengkafirkan orang UMNO kerana bersepakat dengan orang bukan Islam tetapi kini mereka telah menolak prinsip nasionalisma melayu. Hari ini mereka menyanyi dengan lagu dan nada yang berbeda dengan melabelkan perjuangan UMNO sebagai sangat sempit yang memberi fokus kepada kepentingan orang Melayu. Pemimpin PAS akan berbuat apa sahaja pada masa ini untuk mendapatkan undi kaum Cina dan India kerana undi melayu berpecah dua. Mereka juga sanggup menjadi boneka saperti membentuk Kerajaan Negeri Perak walaupun mereka sedar Majlis Kerajaan Negeri (EXCO) dikuasai oleh DAP. Terbukti mereka menolak untuk berkerjasama dengan UMNO untuk membentuk Kerajaan Negeri Perak walaupun mereka sedar UMNO memenangi bilangan kerusi yang hampir menguasai majoriti dan ini diakui oleh Pesurohjaya PAS Negeri Perak semasa Muktamar PAS di Shah Alam minggu lepas. Orang muda yang termakan dengan kempen PAS patut sedar dari peristiwa PAS Perak menolak untuk berkerjasama dengan UMNO untuk membentuk Kerajaan Negeri teapi sanggup bekerjasama dengan DAP yang sudah jelas menolak nasionalisma Melayu dan sebarang usha menegakan undang_undang syariah.
    Kebanyakan orang muda Melayu tidak mengikuti sejarah poltik negara ini sebelum dan selepas merdeka. Mereka tidak mengetahui betapa hebatnya perjuangan askar melayu bertempur melawan gerila komunis. Parti komunis Malaya melancarkan perang gerila untuk menegakan negara komunis di negara Melayu dan Islam ini. kita bernasib baik diatas kebijaksanaan UMNO menggerakan orang Melayu untuk menentang komunis dengan permufakatan dengan kaum lain. Tetapi orang Melayu banyak berkorban termasuk nyawa dan hak-hak yang lain yang diberikan kepada kaum lain saperti hak kewarganegaraan.
    Saya amat sukacita melihat bagaimana akan berdepan dengan isu-isu sensitif saperti usul menghapuskan Sisters in Islam. Isue saperti ini akan mewujudkan keretakan dalam Pakatan Rakyat yang sememangnya sudah rapuh. UMNO harus menguji PAS dengan isue-isue yang lebih sensitif saperti isue hak orang Melayu dsb. akhirnya PAS akan berpecah kepada dua puak. satu puak akan kembali kepada prinsip asal PAS ditubuhkan iaitu memperjuangkan nasionalisma Melayu berlandaskan Islam dan satu puak lagi tidak kira apa saja asalkan mendapat kuasa melalui kerjasama dengan kaum lain.
    Saya cuma mengharapkan YAB Tun supaya dapat bertemu dengan pemimpin PAS untuk memberi kesedaran kepada mereka bahawa landasan perjuangan hendaklah mengambil kira menegakan kepentingan Melayu dibumi Melayu ini, orang melayu mash ketinggalan, hak equiti Melayu masih kecil dan tamadun melayu masih mundur. Orang melayu tidak ada bumi lain melainkan tanah Melayu. Kita bukan ada naluri untuk berpindah ketempat kenegara lain kerana peribahasa Melayu menyatan hujan emas dinegeri orang, hujan batu dinegeri sendiri tetapi kita tetap pileh negeri sendiri untuk tinggal dan membina tamadun.
    Tun telah bangunkan tamadun melayu selama 20 tahun menjadi Perdana Menteri dan wawasan 2020 harus menjadikan orang Melayu sebagai bangsa yang maju dan setaraf dengan bangsa maju yang lain . Malang sekali ramai pemimpin PAS tidak nampak ini dan mereka hanya mencari kesempatan untuki berkuasa. saya tidak bimbang dengan Parti Keadilan kerana ianya hanya bersifat sementara untuk memenuhi8 agenda Anuar Ibrahim yang tidak ada tempat untuk kembali kepada UMNO.
    Semoga Tun dapat berbuat sesuatu untuk bangsa Melayu dan negara.

  212. Takkan Melayu Hilang Didunia.
    Pertahankan ketuanan Melayu kita dan agama Islam.Biar putih tulang jangan putih mata.
    Tapi jangan terbeliak bijik mata dah kalau nak tegakkan Melayu,kerana berbagai sogokan akan di tampilkan.

  213. salam tun
    It is unfair when we malays speak up our right then it will become racist. We never consider other ethnics that speak something about their right, bumiputera quotas as racism.
    Just say the right tun. I believe the right will be prevailed

  214. YABhg Tun,
    I am amazed! and after all that work in progress:
    “The quest to find what we stand for is the work of many generations. But in the final analysis, we can agree on one thing: that we love (Malaysia

  215. salam ayahanda dan rakan bloger
    saya memang bersetuju bagi perenggan pertama bila kita bercakap pasal melayu,kita dilabel racist
    saya memang kurang setuju jika SIS di hapuskan
    namun saya seringkali membaca dan melihat tindakan SIS ini amat bertentangan dengan ISLAM.
    mereka mentafsir al quran untuk kepentingan diri dan kenyataan mereka terutama dalam persoalan gender boleh mengelirukan pemikiran umat islam pada masa kini.
    pendirian SIS dalam setngah isu amat janggal dan seolah menentang arus.apakah matlamat sebenar SIS?

  216. Salam Tun,
    I rarely want to use the word racist, to me the word is relative or may be also subjective, the can be use in any way. I think the only right time to use it, is when a race or nation is planning on genocide, other than that not sure where or when is the proper use of the word.
    Let us examine some of the instances here:
    1) Group which defended the use of Malay Language for Math and Science? Are they RACIST? Can we call them racist as the are defending their mother tongue?
    2) Group which defended the existence of SRJK, when Datuk Mukhriz propose one system school? Are these people also a racist?
    3) How about HINDRAF? MIC? MCA? All the Persatuan for Chinese/Indians/Malay, these are race base party and movement mind you? Are they racist?
    4) Hey, what about Job Ads which states, Chinese speaking candidate preferred. Or Bumiputra are encourage to apply. Are these racist Organizations?
    Salam Tun, Moga Tun Sihat Senantiasa 🙂

  217. Maybe after being too comfortable in this country… dah bagi betis nak peha pulak…. perhaps too much freedom…. and too many in this blessed country are totally ungrateful or kufur nikmat… org tamak tak pernah untung… lebih2 ckp nanti org label racist pulak…
    Jom pi mancing Tun…

  218. Well Tun, the answer is simple.
    Communism is an ideology that transcends race. China is NOT the only communist country in the world. Rashid Maidin was a Malay and he supported the Communist efforts.
    When you talk about Malay rights, you do not transcend race. You bring it to the fore. The idea that one race should be promoted at the expense of others is an idea that is NOT agreeable to ANYONE. Which is why so many Malays get all worked up at the prospect of a DAP government. They are afraid that the Chinese will promote only themselves.
    I think this is paranoid behaviour. DAP has shown willingness to work with other races. Karpal Singh, is not Chinese, yet he is a party leader. So is his son. PKR for all their criticisms, have got non-Malay members and supporters, because they are attracted to an idea of fighting for issues that transcend racialist divides.
    When you talk of UMNO, and Malay rights and this outdated Social Contract (a vague notion to begin with) – you marginalise all other Malaysian races because you focus ONLY on the needs of one race. Surely these exclusionary views based on race have no place in modern society. Even the US for the flak they get on racial issues, have made tremendous strides forward in civil rights. Obama is the first black president. Only 40 something years ago, blacks were being hosed down in the streets.
    It has been 52 years since Independence, Tun. Maybe at some point at the beginning, the Social Contract made sense due to the struggles of the Malays in gaining independence (although I would argue this was also a multiracial effort). It has been 52 years, and Malaysia has got to where it is now, whether you like or not, through the combined efforts of the Malays AND non-Malays (as UMNO likes to classify us). Surely 52 years is long enough that the Malays can acknowledge the efforts of the non-Malays and make us feel that this is our home too. Because it is! Don’t call us Pendatang or whatnot. Don’t tell us that we are still second class citizens who have to pay more for houses and be second or third preference for scholarships and university places, because we are not of a certain race. That is racism.
    It has been 52 years. Let us move on and make policies that transcend RACE and focus more on SOCIO-ECONOMIC standing. Malays are no longer poor across the board. There are very rich Malays, the same way there are very rich Chinese and Indians. And there are poor Malays, Chinese and Indians. If we focus our policies on pulling up the poor (regardless of RACE) then surely everyone wins.
    But no, UMNO wants to talk about Malay rights and its other racist policies. Meritocracy goes out the window. What about getting a fair go? You often mention that “Melayu mudah lupa”. If UMNO’s racist policies continue for much longer, the Malays may “lupa” that in a globalised economy, everything is based on merit and competitiveness. For 52 years, every other race in Malaysia has had to become competitive and survive on merit, EXCEPT for the Malays – because UMNO’s policies have fostered this behaviour. For the sake of the Malays and the non-Malays, racialist policies must go.
    Let’s start talking less about Malay rights and more about human rights.
    Of course, I think UMNO finds it easier just to stoke the fires of Malay nationalism. It has kept them in power all these years. Why change that for something that may actually do some good?

  219. there are certain race groups in Malaysia that criticizing everything that Malay dominated party and Malay dominated government did. we just wonder why they are still here instead of go back to their own home country. they did not like things that happen here anyway
    i think the PAS intention to ban SIS is correct. it is because SIS keeps spreading their understanding of Islam even though they did not understand Islam. just the PAS approach is always not ‘berhikmah’. PAS should learn how to make friend with people not to curse people only. Islam is a very nice religion, Rasulullah spread Islam in a very nice manner. Why dont PAS follow Rasulullah way?

  220. YABhg Tun,
    Sekiranya ‘draconian’ adakah ia akan menggalakan negara ini mirip Sudan atau Palestin atau Iran atau Saudi Arabia atau Pakistan, Tun?
    Salam Takzim.
    ps how is your heart beat with Kuan Yew around.

  221. Dear Ayahanda Tun,
    Pendapat Ayahanda tepat! Orang-orang Melayu sekarang sudah takut untuk bercakap pasal Melayu. Takut dichop racist. Bangsa lain bebas mengutuk bangsa melayau seperti komen-keomen di dalam The Malaysian Insiders. Apa ni? Awang Selamat cakap pendatang racist, diarang song komunis tak pa pula. Harap Ayahanda dapat menjaga kesihata. Salam buat Ayahand dan Bonda.

  222. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I’m totally agree with you on Dishonouring UMNO. However to say that PAS suggesting that SIS to be banned is kind of misleading.
    What PAS suggested was and I quote, “PAS wants the National Fatwa Council to declare the non-governmental organisation Sister in Islam (SIS) as haram (forbidden) if its activities is found to be contrary to the Islamic teachings and principles.
    In my point of view, this gives SIS the chance to defend themselves, to tell the public their principles as they have been too many times accused of providing misleading information.
    I can’t decide whether they should be banned, that is best to be decided by the National Fatwa Council.

  223. Salam Tun,
    Kesian kita orang Melayu nih… bila kita cakap yang benar ikut fakta pun orang perlekehkan..
    Malangnya, orang kita jugak yang bangkang orang kita yang memperjuangkan maruah Melayu.
    Semata mata nak cari pengaruh dan populariti, Maruah bangsa digadaikan.
    Menang sorak, kampung tergadai

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