al-Aqsa Mosque
Malaysian media is totally dependent on the so-called wire services (Reuters,
AP, AFP, etc) for foreign news. As a result there has been no report on the
Israeli desecration of the al-Aqsa mosque and the beating up of Palestinian
Muslims who wanted to pray there.
I don’t
think the Malaysian media is deliberately blacking out news which are not in
favour of
but if they depend solely on the wire services they would always be unfair to the
victims of Israeli brutalities.
We read very little about the blockade of
of the people there.
control that
exercises on the international media that it can actually openly commit
genocide and nothing would happen to it.
These are
the people whom we had sympathised with because the Nazis of Germany tried to
wipe out. Now they are the ones doing the very thing they, or their forebears
had suffered from in the past.
Tan Sri
Khalid Ibrahim
Singapore Straits Times on Tan Sri Khalid contains one error.
Tan Sri
Khalid Ibrahim was not the CEO of the (Malaysian) Government investment
vehicle Permodalan Nasional which “pulled off an infamous dawn raid” on the
London Stock Exchange by taking over
The officer
involved with the raid was Dato’ Desa Pachik, the first CEO of Permodalan
Salam Tun,
Touching on the subject of blacking out of news, all of the government-controlled medias in this country are no less guilty of hiding facts and truths from the public at large. Don’t you think so? Allegations against the goverment, speeches made by Ku Li, and recent allegations made by PI Bala and Dato’ Seri Gopal Ram were all covered up. On the other hand, Utusan Malaysia is allowed to publish controversial articles, time and again, that can fan racial sentiments.
Before we start accusing others, why not take a closer look at our own country.
What happen to World Peace
Is US lifestyle of too many democratic rights that leads to no value.
From Kids they are shown violence of war,fights,sex,video sex of human with animals,school children go rampage with guns at school, disrespects of child towards parents,
fantasy of US fighting against Aliens,
and many more of open but of no value.
Thus weapons is their modes of lives not values.
It is not western values nor eastern,nor Asian.
This impact of influence leads them to what they are today,looking from their leaders and the people.Not all but most and it is in them.
They maybe developed,high technology but are they civilized,
or upgraded barbarians of 21″century.
It is this influence via TV,Movies,Internet that somehow derailed
Human to War than Peace.
Assalamualaikum Tun,i want to thank you for bringing this issue. dont bother the proud jew(hanan) condemning you. I wont.
Many people these day who seems always talking about the freemasons and the illuminati propaganda are good but there’re some have involve ‘to deep’ in this madly conspiracy( especially kids in school). Nevertheless videos like ‘Zeigeist’ and ‘The Arrivals’ are truly makes people realize abit more about the crazy world. Especially us muslims.
I do believe there’re desecration towards Al-Aqsa mosque by the jews. Most muslims in Malaysia dont even know how Al-Aqsa looks like! in the news,books,tv,etc there’s always a yellow rooftop mosque pictured as Al-Aqsa! which is actually Al-Sakrah.
Dear Dr. Mahathir & Fellow Malaysians,
I am not a conspiracy theorist, nor do I rely solely on mainstream media for concluding events, but I have done my research on these subjects from all possible sources and I could conjure up a ‘big picture’ on the things that have been happening around the world. They (conspiracy theories) go in tandem with my logic and reasonings when I put the world events of the past and present in a ‘timeline-pattern’ study. The future is a scary one.
Sometimes we have to look at things from different perspectives, even if it means challenging old norms to get a grip on reality. Remember, people who hold great power can ‘prevent’ theories from becoming facts. This much is all I can say here, the rest is up to you.
I am new to this blogsite, but when I read the comments from a lot of the jingoistic nationalists here, it comes to my attention that this (cause-effect) is not neccessarily a good thing. I do not mean to undermine the rakyat’s love for the country, but I really hope people do not jump the gun by making lopsided judgments just to belong. You see, some of the comments are fueled by hatred against the other ‘side’. One can just feel it. Do not abandon your logic and senses by doing so, as we all know well enough that fighting fire with fire will only cause it (the problem) to burn more intense (more problems). Please address the root cause of the problem. Take the fuel of the fire away. Do not succumb to hatred, please.
If any of you is interested, you can start by studying Zeitgeist, formulate your thoughts objectively, go on to find other sources on the subjects addressed therein. Some past Science vs. Capitalism case-studies such as Nikola Tesla, Einstein and ‘Ciggarette Science’ can be helpful too. But be warned of the Zeitgeist contents, as it may offend some people.
Peace to all.
Jewish and Muslims should stop getting at each other’s throat, we are all human. Find a peaceful solutions for both the people of Israel, and Palestine.
Do not kill them, they are your brothers. Perhaps their ideologies are different than yours, but they are your sisters, brothers, and mothers. Why is there a need for the Jews to murder them?
We do not need to dictate our ways, and ideologies in others. What we should do is to find solutions, for us to work together, for the children, your children, my children, and the grandchildren of their children.
Think of the victim, what would it feels if it happens to one of you? There is no enemy, the enemy is us. We chose to destroy ourselves, and we chose the destiny of resentments, and hatred. Why is this happening?
Embrace each others, they are not as evil as you thought. We do not puts out fire with another fire, we put out fire with calming water. We do not sooth out pain with another pain, we cure pain with medicine.
We still have a very long path ahead of us, the only way to stay together is to embrace each others. Love is the answer, not hatred.
An eye, for another eye, will make the world turns blind.
good evening,sir
i’ve been travel to hongkong last week.My observation is that hongkong city is centered and thus there is many tall buildings in the city.I can see that the city is well-planned by british government.Because of this,hongkong people is not so rely on their own transports and they tend to use public transports.And because of their high standard of living,i guessed that there rising of oil price do not affect them so much not like in our country.
In malaysia,the development of the small city like puchong,damansara,shah alam,klang,subang is ‘wide’,to travel need to use our own cars as it is more convenient.And because of this rising costs of fuel very can be very burden to people of malaysia.
By the way back from hongkong,i am thinking that if sir,do u ever thinking of these problem when u developed the malaysia?I mean the reliation of malaysian of petrol.
Or what u think is the sales of proton that time?
my opinion is…we should study enemies tactics…have u ever heard of freemason? why not we study the brotherhood they claim so we know whats really happening around us…how we fell victim without knowing…by the way Tun Mahathir..send my regards to Pak Rashid
Salam Tun,
Perhaps you remember Adolf Hitler and his Nazi….. how about we go thousand years before….. the Pharaohs also wanted to eliminate the Jews. They knew then what Hitler knew later, and perhaps we should emulate the Pharaoh and Hitler as far as Jews are concern. You said we should learn from history. Now that we’ve learnt, lets apply.
i’m new friend on this blog..
although im only 15 years old but i really like with Tun
all your opinion is good
i have see your biography in history channel
you so good along you have be a PM
i respect u
assalamualaikum Tun…
Saya ada menonton astro oasis yang menyiarkan dokumentari yg bertajuk Kembara Palestine…,saya agak tersentuh bila masjid2 lama yg berdekatan dgn tel aviv dijadikan sebagai pub…. dokumentari itu amat berguna buat rakyat malaysia yg ingin tahu keadaan sbnr bumi palestine agar kita dapat sama2 berdoa untuk orang islam di sana…
Tun,,sy ingin bertanya pendapat Tun tentang 21 disember 2012 merupakan tarikh terjadinya atlantis di bumi seperti ramalan Nostradamus? sy juga ada menyemak tarikh tersebut di dlm kalendar di mana jatuh pada hari Jumaat….
Tanpa sebarang kemusykilan hari jumaat merupakan berlakunya kiamat..
Saya cuma curious nak tahu adakah ini hanya conspiracy NWO(new world order) atau betul2 ramalan nostradamus…
I am not against US and British.
Facts that tells that these are the 2 that causes War
everywhere in this World and since the olden days.
They interfere with yr internal affairs and drives a country
unrest between yourself.
Like now they mingles with China,sparking China Peoples
Democratic Rights,thus creating tensions between the people
and the Govt.Instigating Hong Kong towards China,could leads
to War.
Tickling Pakistan and India that can also leads to War.
Backing Datuk Anwar,against our Malaysia GOVT,creates unrest.
And many significant facts that US is interfering with the World
Peace.US and British that divides the World,into unrest.
This is how they stay in power,
it is time someone need to talk to them
As a fellow Muslims, I detest what the Israel Zionist did to the Palestinian and mosques. I’ve been to one of the Palestinian camp in Jordan and seeing their plight, I was wondering what the world community have done to ease the suffering of those people. To help the Palestinians, the Palestinians must have themselves first. West Bank and Gaza are being governed by different government. Fatah controlled the West Bank while Hamas controlled the Gaza Strip. Eventhough Hamas claimed that they are fighting for an Islamic state for Palestine, in actual, they are killing and torturing their own Palestinian people. If only Fatah and Hamas can put their differences and disagreement behind them and stay united in facing the onslaught committed by the the Israel Zionist. And if OIC members should stay united and committed in assisting their Palestinian Muslim brothers, there’s nothing that America and Israel can do about it. The failure of the OIC countries in assisting Muslims in distress actually help to the “birth” of Muslim extremists…. If only Tun Dr Mahathir could be the Secretary General of the OIC and implement what best for the Muslims world, then only will Palestinian can have their independence statehood…
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
Minta maaf Tun terpaksa guna ruangan ini yang lari topik.
Abg sdahenan
[[Sesungguh nya rahsia yang di ketahui olih SAMIRI bukan
lah di atas tanah bekas tapak kaki nabi atau pun
ATAS BISIKAN iblis laknatullah ia lah dengan memasukkan
Minta maaf abg..Saya tidak bersetuju kerana mengikut Asbabul Nuzul ayat dari Surah Toha ini hanya ada 2 yang terkemuka.
1) Samiri mengamalkan sebahagian dari ajaran Nabi Musa a.s dan mencampakkan sebahagian yang lain.
2) Samiri memang nampak kesan tapak kaki kuda Jibril dan mengambil segenggam dan memasukkannya ke dalam mulut lembu emas itu yang menjadikannya “animate”..
Inilah pendapat Jumhur Ulamak..
LENA “]]itu adalah untuk kita
mengingati kepada ALLAH SWT
sepanjang hari 24 jam dengan cara
bertahalli akan KALIMAH ALLAH se
banyak 70,000 kali sehari semalam
sama dengan pernafasan kita yang
naik turun 70,000 kali sehari
Minta maaf sekali lagi abg..Ucapan sebenar Imam Ghazali ialah “AKU BERBURU DI KALA SYAITAN SEDANG LENGAH”
Jauh perbezaannya..
Keterangan :
Syaitan terlalu kuat menganggu manusia di mana hanya dalam 3 keaadan sahaja yang ia menjadi lemah.
1) Apabila manusia bertaubat.
Syaitan meraung-raung dan tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa sambil meyesali dirinya..Aku menggoda anak adam untuk melakukan maksiat dan durhaka kepada Allah supaya mempunyai teman di neraka tetapi bila mereka bertaubat maka Allah mengampunkan mereka..Jadilah mereka seperti bayi yang baru lahir tanpa dosa..Sia-sia sahaja usaha aku menggoda mereka..( Perhatikan bila Anak Adam banyak bertaubat dan beristighafar )
Perlu di hayati dengan Bahasa Arab terutama perkataan “Maghfirah”
Surah An Najm
[32](Iaitu) orang-orang yang menjauhi dosa-dosa besar serta perbuatan-perbuatan yang keji, kecuali salah silap yang kecil-kecil (yang mereka terlanjur melakukannya, maka itu dimaafkan). Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu Maha Luas keampunanNya. Ia lebih mengetahui akan keadaan kamu semenjak Ia mencipta kamu (berasal) dari tanah, dan semasa kamu berupa anak yang sedang melalui berbagai peringkat kejadian dalam perut ibu kamu; maka janganlah kamu memuji-muji diri kamu (bahawa kamu suci bersih dari dosa). Dia lah sahaja yang lebih mengetahui akan orang-orang yang bertaqwa.
2)Apabila manusia sujud kepada Allah terutama Sujud Syukur dan Sujud Tilawah.
Sekali lagi syaitan menguling-gulingkan dirinya penuh dengan kekesalan..Wahai!!..Anak-anak adam apabila di serukan sujud maka mereka sujud.Bagi mereka keampunan.Tetapi aku di suruh sujud maka aku engkar..Bagi aku Jahannam..
3)Mata yang tidur tetapi hati yang berjaga.
Diri Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri adalah contoh utama dan terbaik.Pernah syaitan menyoal Ketua Iblis mengapa tidak menggoda Rasullulah s.a.w di waktu ia sedang tidur?..
Manusia ini walupun matanya tidur..tetapi hatinya berjaga..
Pernah Rasullulah s.a.w melihat Iblis sedang terintai-intai di luar masjid.Baginda s.a.w mendapati ada seorang pemuda sedang solah atau mengaji.Di sisinya ada seorang yang sedang tidur.Baginda s.a.w bertanya kepada Iblis “Mengapa engkau tidak menggangu pemuda itu dan hanya duduk di luar masjid sahaja”?
Pemuda itu jahil dan hanya ahli abid.Mudah sahaja untuk aku menggodanya tetapi di sisinya adalah orang alim ( perhatikan : walaupun dia tidur).Jika aku menganggunya pun bila orang alim itu terjaga dan membetulkan pemuda abid itu maka sia-sia sahajalah pekerjaan aku..
Abg sdahenan..Memang benar dan tepat sekali Firman Allah melalui lidah Rasulnya bahawa sehebat-hebat dan paling agung mukjizat Rasullulah s.a.w itu ialah Al Quran..
Sesiapa yang mengamalkannya dia tidak akan menderita kerugian dan bila berhujah..Hujahnya tidak akan dapat di kalahkan..
Banyak manusia yang terpedaya menyangka maksud baca Al Quran itu “membaca”..Maksud sebenar Al Quran itu ialah “Menghayati”.
Allah tidak mengizinkan mereka yang tidak layak mendapat ilmu dari Al Quran kerana ilmu Allah ialah Nur.Tidak akan masuk Nur Allah ke dalam hati hambanya melainkan hati hamba yang telah di sucikan..
Marilah kita ambil contoh junjungan kita yang mulia.Baginda s.a.w telah di bedah dadanya dan di keluarkan segumpal darah oleh Jibril a.s sebelum Mikraj untuk menerima perintah Allah..Kata Jibril a.s “Inilah bahagian kecil dari diri mu yang perlu di bersihkan”
Ada rahsia dan kaedah untuk “membedah’ hati kita sendiri dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas amanah dari Allah..
Mereka yang tidak beramal mengikut sunnah..Jangan sekali-kali bermimpi dan berangan-angan kosong terhadap kemurahan dan keampunan Allah..Kita mesti menggabungkan harap dan takut..
Kebanyakkan manusia terlupa bahawa pengharapan tanpa takut telah banyak mencelakan makhluk Allah termasuk Azazil sendiri..
Ketua Para Malaikat
Harap..dan takut..Jangan terlupa bahawa..
Allah Hu Syadid Dul Iqab!!
“Bahawa seksa Allah itu amat keras”
Dan dari Surah Toha
“Mereka yang di timpa kemurkaanKU..maka binasalah dia!!”
Terima kasih Tun..
[8:73] Those who disbelieved are allies of one another. Unless you keep these commandments, there will be chaos on earth, and terrible corruption.
[17:16] If we are to annihilate any community, we let the leaders commit vast corruption therein. Once they deserve retribution, we annihilate it completely.
Did you ever wonder why we are here to face this chaos? Why not God make us all save and live happily instead of facing this misery.
[90:19] As for those who disbelieved in our revelations, they have incurred misery.
This misery will incur to those who do not believe in God revelations from the past generation till now and the future. No matter who try to solve the conflict in between them will never succeed without God leave.
What is the reason and purpose behind all this scenarios?
Before Genesis
It all began a few billion years ago when one of God’s high-ranking creatures, Satan, developed a supercilious idea that he could run a dominion as an independent god besides God. This challenge to God’s absolute authority was not only blasphemous, it was also erroneous.
Satan was ignorant of the fact that God alone possesses the ability to be a god, and that there is much more to godhood than he realized. It was the ego – arrogance augmented by ignorance – that led Satan to believe that he could take care of a dominion, as a god, and run it without disease, misery, war, accidents, and chaos.
The vast majority of God’s creatures disagreed with Satan. Yet, the minute egoistic minority that agreed with him in various extents were in the billions. Thus, a profound dispute erupted within the Heavenly Community.
[38:69] “I had no knowledge previously, about the feud in the High Society.*
The rebels’ unjustifiable challenge to God’s absolute authority was met and resolved in the most efficient manner. After giving the rebels sufficient chances to denounce their crime and submit to Him, God decided to exile the hard core rebels on a space ship called Earth, and give them yet another chance to redeem themselves.
If you claim that you can fly a plane, the best way to test your claim is to give you a plane and ask you to fly it. This is precisely what God decided to do in response to Satan’s claim that he could be a god; God appointed him a temporary god on the tiny speck Earth.
[2:30] Recall that your Lord said to the angels, “I am placing a representative (a temporary god) on Earth.” They said, “Will You place therein one who will spread evil therein and shed blood, while we sing Your praises, glorify You, and uphold Your absolute authority?” He said, “I know what you do not know.”
[36:60] Did I not covenant with you, O Children of Adam, that you shall not worship the devil? That he is your most ardent enemy?
As for those who agreed with Satan, they were given a chance to kill their egos and submit to God’s absolute authority. While the vast majority of the guilty creatures took advantage of this opportunity, a miniscule minority consisting of about 150 billion creatures failed to take advantage of this offer.
[33:72] We have offered the responsibility (freedom of choice) to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they refused to bear it, and were afraid of it. But the human being accepted it; he was transgressing, ignorant.*
The dispute in the Heavenly Community led to the classification of God
To Sweet Hanan
Your text sense insincerity.It is Creative.
You tried to swayed away facts of what,s happening in Palestine by pushing Tun aside. One Big Questions,
Why US did not home the Jews in New York or certain parts of America in those time.The Jews are US babies.
Likewise if you helps to shelter a friend why not extends yr rooms instead you left him in a remote area surrounded by strangers,consenting trespassing,disrespects others.
Perhaps in those days,US Intelligence has foresee the reasons and consequences,and its proven today.
If you come to someones home with respects,with Salam,
no money no gifts needed,you will be most welcome till today
and with respects.We can share this World.
Akum Tun.
Just to share some stories with Hanan and our fellow Muslims of the world……
Pioneers of terrorism
Facts about the founding fathers of Israel
By Sam Kabbani
Below are some rarely-mentioned facts about the relationship between Zionism and modern-day terrorism:
1. The first aircraft hijacking was carried out by Israel in 1954 against a Syrian civilian airliner.
2. Grenades in cafes: first used by Zionists against Palestinians in Jerusalem on 17 March 1937.
3. Delayed-action, electrically timed mines in crowded marketplaces: first used by Zionists against Palestinians in Haifa on 6 July 1938.
4. Blowing up a ship with its civilian passengers still on board: first carried out by Zionists in Haifa on 25 November 1940. The Zionists did not hesitate to blow up their own people in protest at the British policy of restricting Jewish immigration to Palestine. The ship, Patria, was carrying 1,700 Jewish immigrants.
5. Assassination of government officials: first carried out by the Zionists against the British in Cairo, when on 6 November 1944 Lord Moyne was assassinated by the Stern Gang. Yitzhak Shamir, a member of the Irgun and later leader of the Stern Gang and Israeli prime minister, was behind the plan.
6. Use of hostages as a means of putting pressure on a government: first used by the Zionists against the British in Tel Aviv on 18 June 1946.
7. Blowing up of government offices with their civilian employees and visitors: first carried out by the Zionists against the British in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946. The toll was 91 Britons killed and 46 wounded in the King David Hotel. Menachim Begin, who masterminded and carried out the attack and later became Israeli prime minister, admitted that the massacre was coordinated with and carried out under the instruction of the Haganah Zionist gang.
8. Booby-trapped suitcases: first used by the Zionists against the British Embassy in Rome on 13 October 1946.
9. Booby-trapped cars in civilian areas: first used by the Zionists against the British in Sarafand (east of Jaffa) on 5 December 1946.
10. Beating of hostages: first used by the Zionists against the British in Tel Aviv, Netanya and Rishon on 29 December 1946.
11. Letter bombs sent to politicians: first used by the Zionists against Britain when 20 letter bombs were sent from Italy to London between 4 and 6 June 1947.
12. Murder of hostages as a reprisal for government actions: first used by the Zionists against the British in the Netanya area on 29 July 1947.
13. Postal parcel bombs: first used by the Zionists against the British in London on 3 September 1947.
14. The massacre of Qibya, northwest of Jerusalem, was carried out by Unit 101, under the command of Ariel Sharon on Wednesday 14 October 1953. The attack was the bloodiest and most brutal Zionist crimes since the infamous Deir Yassin massacre. Forty-two houses as well as a school and a mosque were dynamited over their inhabitants. Seventy-five women, men and children were killed.
……what more can we say. Though zionists are full of myths (and holocau$t being the mother of all myths) BUT these above were NOT.
p.s www. = 666
Most Malaysians would not know the real situation in Israel or in Gaza or in Palestine for that matter because they are not in that land to see for themselves due to their passports which are printed with the words that say banned from visiting the one and only country in the world and that is Israel. As such, they have to rely on reported news. Radio Television Malaysia is doing a good job on reporting those atrocities not reported elsewhere. These days, news are carried over the internet. Therefore, the internet is not just a game but also a serious tool for reporting news worldwide. It will be good if Malaysians would read other news with other opinions so that they would be open minded. In fact for many religious people, they know that these conflicts started ever since the creation of the world. If anyone is to know the truth, only God does because it is He who created the world and the Middle East is the very first settlement for mankind.
Assalamualaikum wajaperak,
Let me make you think a bit harder.
A stormy river flow lifts mud from depth, not alike a smooth clear water flowing creek in which is possible to drink
Thank you for the inspiration to invent this epigram and dedicate it to you.
Hanan, Jewish,
Once again thank you for clarifying information which I myself regret to admit, I believed.
may i add a critical point here
hating the JEWS would bring us nowhere
its the ZIONIST who are to blame
and also it’s ally the US (dajjal)
*just for the readers for i know my great Tun is well aware of this
I’m very to read some of the comments written here especially the difference between ‘The Dome of Rock’ which sits on Temple Mount and the original Al-Aqsa mosque that the Holy Prophet SAW had his prayers before ascending to Luh Mahfuz. So please do not talk about any brick missing if you even do not know which mosque is to be referred.
Such is so god the deceptions done by the Jews….they distort everything that anyone ever knows just as the Holocaust, and how they deceived the World into believing 6 millions Jews were killed.
These were the Jews who during the WWII helped Hitler to forged the Bank of England notes that the forgery was so good even the Bank passed the notes as originals.
Please do not condemned me as anti-jew, but even the Quran, Torah had mentioned how they even deceived God and even the Prophets sent to them. The Quran does mention about them being smart to the extent of using their intelligence to cheat even God.
I too have friends who are Jews but not many subscribe to Zionism. Again, one must know how to differentiate Jews from Zionist.
Yang Berbahagia Tun Dr. Mahathir Muhammad,
Para Blogger yang dihormati,
Please allow me to reply to Hanan on November 17, 2009 3:55 AM and Gopal Raj Kumar on November 17, 2009 9:01 AM
Shalom Aleichem dear Hanan,
The friendship logo is well-designed. Please keep us informed on the development of this website or weblog that you are preparing. Meanwhile your presence here is welcomed since many Muslims are desirous to bash you to release their frustrations (and mine as well), since we cannot go to battle with our Palestinian brothers. So far I notice you have done well in countering our unkind temperaments and your tolerance even has earned you some friends. May be we can nominate you to be the virtual Ambassador to Malaysia for the unrecognized (yet) State of Israel.
I suffer different types of dyslexia; of letters, words and sentences. My written ideas are littered with mistakes from grammatical, spelling or some mumbo-jumbo twisted facts and issues. Hence, I usually write direct sentences, play less with acrobatic words and focus more on facts.
Tun Mahathir himself uses the same directness in his writings which appeal to simple minded and dyslexics people like me. Whether we agree or disagree with him, it does not matter — his opinion is always clearly written.
Hanan, you misunderstood the first two paragraphs of my last posting. Another commentator (Gopal) also missed my point completely. It must be my bad dyslexic English that confused you and Gopal. So let me untangled (or retangled into another knot) myself again and be more direct.
An earlier posting (by Hanan) upset me when you accused Tun Mahathir of
untuk berjaya didunia dan akhirat taat perintah Allah dan hidup cara nabi muhammada saw, jaga solat berjemaah. Yahudi sangat takut akan perkara ini. kita perlu buat kerja dakwah kepada kebaikan dan cegah kemungkaran.kemungkaran yang paling besar ialah syirik kepada Allah.
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
[[Assalamualaikum Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir]]
Hanan..Your salam can desensitized some like Shaikino..but most muslim still maintain status qou..
[[From reading your sound biting posting I didn’t realized any particular fact that proves the Israeli destruction of Al Aqsa mosque]]
When one Israel ‘hardcore’ ran amok in Al Aqsa “sometimes’ ago..
( I don’t want to furnish details )many muslim died..We don’t have any particular fact that proves the Israeli authorities let him did this..but it goes without saying..
Preamble of the proof starts with symptoms and signs..
[[Dear Tun, Have you a single picture to prove your claim? As I can see the mosque is still standing firm on the Temple Mount and even a single brick is not missing. No window is broken to pieces and no smoke of a fire comes out of its broken dome]]
Too true Hanan..But what goes underneath of the foundation??
[[Dear Dr. Mahathir, How do you know that precise information while you claim the contradiction “We read very little about the blockade of Gaza and the sufferings of the people there”]] have the network of spies..oopss..I mean “informant” relies upon..We do have our “informant” too..:)
[[Dear Tun, Maybe the Malaysians (people) are not reading the information you have, so kindly provide them the information “first hand” that you have. If you have it, then why is your posting so short about the Al Aqsa destruction? Shouldn
Media News is a dangerous instrument if it is meant for no good.
People in power are able to manipulate news,able to make
good look bad,bad look good,by misleading facts,hiding truth.
It misleads peoples beliefs and thinking.
Like US, name Al Jazeerah as illegal when they expose US and Israel brutality.
Govt News Agency will somehow tickle their
neighbor Political Systems,by exposing the opponents negatives remarks,
that will shake the ruling party image.
It is an instrument rather than news.
Malaysia Media does not explore much,unlike the CNA which already have networks
in Malaysia,Indonesia,and many parts.
Above all it creates good revenue for the Govt.
Evaluate news with facts not words that was written.
The Malaysian media and generally the media of all of south east Asia are dependent almost wholly on the wire services and the near monoploy of the like of the Murdoch owned News Limited services.
It is neither new or novel to suggest what you have here about the way the state of Israel treats the Palestinians and how the local media appear to miss these items of ‘interest’ because of their ependence on foreign news services.
But as one of the posters here alludes to, there has been an element of sympathising of the Jewish cause by little minds who believe that because their professors are or were Jewish that they owe them an allegiance regardless of what it is their professors otherwise do.
There is no capacity to be analytical o why it matters what their professors engage in as part of their political and religious activities in support of their beliefs to this extent (even if it is to the student’s detriment).
This is a sign of an academic orientation and not an education. Not a very subtle difference.But it is a phenomenon that occurs with greater frequency these days particularly with students who go to the west after a long spell growing up in what may have been a wilderness as far as information in concerned.
A nations independence and its character can be gauged by what its papers, its TV Stations, its radio stations and the literature its citizens are exposed to carry in content.
A quick glance at that in Malaysia reveals the displacement of Shakespear and the classics for Madonna, Britney Spears, Coke, KFC, Fanta and MTV for intellectual stimulation. To that extent the superficiallity of an economic advancement without a parallel cultural and academic education is evident in Malaysia. Malaysians in general are terribly ignorant when it comes to world affairs and their root causes. You and your successors perhaps need to reinforce these issues with them.
Malaysia needs good strong government to channel quality relevant information to its vulnerable and impressionable youth. And it has not beeen a priority thus far. Acces to education is one thing. The ability of a candidate to avail themselves of that education by the right choice is something else.
Parents have a significant role to play in such development. There is a generation that failed their children expecting the state to take care of them from cradle to grave. it is a situation that can still be remedied.
Adolph Hitler did not discrimimate in this respect. His grandmother was a Jew and so too was his cook who was interviewed in late 1979 by Mary Delahunty the ABC reporter turned member of Parliament on a programme called “The Reporters”.
Rupert Murdoch is aa Jew because his mother Dame Elizabeth Murdoch is ELizabeth Green who married Sir Keith Murdoch. She is avowed Zionist as is he. How can his very large empire in News therefor be impartial?
Tun, saya memohon agar tun memberi sedikit nasihat terhadap pihak polis, apa yang saya lihat sejak kebelakangan ini pihak polis ghairah menembak orang yang disyaki penjenayah. perkara ini jika terus berleluasa akan menyebabkan rakyat akan benci kepada pihak berkuasa.
bukan saya menyokong tindakan penjenayah ini, tetapi apa yang dapat dilihat tindakan polis ini menafikan hak penjenayah untuk membela diri, mungkin jenayah yang dilakukan tidak setimpal langsung dengan hukuman tembak yang dilepaskan oleh polis. contohnya apa yang berlaku kepada seorang pemuda di perlis baru-baru ini.
apakah hanya berbekalkan sebilah pisau mampu mendatangkan mudarat kepada sejumlah 13 orang polis yang lengkap bersenjata pistol? apa akan terjadi sekiranya pihak polis nanti berhadapan dengan tindakan ganas orang kulit hitam yang semakin ramai di negara ini pula.
saya memohon sangat2 Tun memberi pesanan ikhlas kepada polis melalui blog ini kepada pihak polis, saya yakin ramai peminat blog ini juga inginkan ulasan Tun tetntang perkara ini. saya begitu mangharap sangat sekian.
Assalamualaikum dear PenyuMenagis,
I must admit your very friendly
Yang Berbahagia Tun Dr. Mahathir Muhammad,
Para Blogger yang dihormati,
Please allow me to reply to Hanan
on November 15, 2009 5:00 AM and on November 14, 2009 1:33 PM
Shalom Aleichem Dear Hanan,
This time you really touch my sensitive button.
I am one of those lucky Malaysians who have benefited receiving education from the West and yes some of my teachers/professors were Jewish. I remember them all and feel grateful to each and every one of them. For a few of them, I am still in contact via email and meet occassionally. We have always maintained a good teacher/student relationship. For most of the time, we never realized our religious differences. I thank them again.
However one fact which you may not realized or chose to ignore, is that we pay for our education, at least 3 times more compare to the local student’s fee. Our education is not free and our education is good business to the West. Since more than 30 years ago, thousands of Malaysians have been sent abroad for their educations supported by our Government including during the 20 years of Tun Mahathir premiership. Does it fair to accuse Tun Mahathir hate the West or the Jews or the Jewish teachers and professors, when he supports this massive education business in the West, until the present days?
Tun Mahathir expressed his concern on Israel’s blockade on Gaza and recently Israel prevented Muslims to access the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Please do not try to cloud these issues with our domestic affairs. You will only get it wrong.
In his (Tun’s) sound bites (a limited compilation), he may not outline all the proof, but surely he has a long list of these.
I have personally heard the complaint from a student from Gaza who until now cannot go home without facing the possibility of not being able to go out again due to Israel blockade. I did not understand fully his problem, but he is now here for 4 years trying to finish his study before trying to go home, his troubled homeland. And just a few days ago, we hear the story of a girl from Gaza, being forced by IDF to return to Gaza when she was nearly finishing her study in the West Bank.
Please ask your Government to have some compassion for the free movement of these people, your neighbors; especially these are students.
Dear Hanan, I take kindly and appreciate your presence here in this blog, since I feel this is my channel to communicate directly with the Israeli people. I will join your blog if your have one, simply because I want to extend the anguish, frustrations, sufferings, sorrow and distress of the Palestinians for their 60 years occupation by your Government.
Just recently, I received an email from the occupied West Bank, and let me cut and paste here an excerpt of this email:
Simply, Palestinians need to be free from the occupation and all forms of oppression in their independence state and to live in peace with Israel.
Is it so hard to give them peace an independent?
Please do not worry about your dyslexia, I am suffering from the same problem
The Jews is our born stated in the Holy Quran. Our religion and faith is the main road to success and prosperous, we should and and have the responsibilities just to get on fighting them and protect ourselves, our county, our religion and mind from being manipulated by them. They are very clever but even their brain is also given by Allah and they are very well strategies people. We’re not stating about them for hatred or to burn flames between both religion..but as our Jihad. In Islam, we dont fight if people dont start fight with us. we dont eat unless we’re hungry, but for Jews, they will fill their stomach and leave nothing for others..
Sama juga la berita di Malaysia juga semenjak dari TDM jadi PM. Semua di sekat dan ditapis. Tak ada pun berita di suratkhabar atau tv yang berani report “without fear or favour”.
Salam Tun,
For me Khalid is just a puppet for Anwar..not more than that…
He going to bring Selangor down…sad..sad..sad..
WHY? WHY? WHY? did they throw stones ???? A hobby may be???
Throwing stones are nothing compared to killings, rape, and stealing palestinians land…..and building new settlements for your species to breed…for over 60 years now. Are you a 6 year old? because you are asking and reasoning like one.
salam Tun dan semua.
Sebab utama negara kita ketandusan berita mengenai kisah penindasan/penderitaan rakyat Palestine adalah kerana media kita sibuk sangat membodek kerajaan dengan menyuap berita-berita tentang keburukan pembangkang sampai lupa akan tanggungjawab sebenar menyalurkan berita yang benar dan adil.
Dari dulu sampai sekarang.
To quote Robbin Williams ; “It is the weapons of mass distraction!” I’m no politician , but there’s something else going on here…
Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,
One commentor compared Tanah Melayu with hong kong. I think it is not a bright idea. We have vast amount of land area for the Malay populations.
Salamunalaykum Tun and others.
I am not a supporter of Israel. However, let us ponder on the following :-
1. No matter how deep the hatred which PAS have on UMNO or vise versa, both parties never shoot or kill their opponent. However, the Palestinians are different. They did kill each other when they were supposed to be united to face Israel. Do the members of Likut shoot and kill the members of Kadima?
[4:92] NO BELIEVERS SHALL KILL ANOTHER BELIEVER, unless it is an accident. If one kills a believer by accident, he shall atone by freeing a believing slave, and paying a compensation to the victim’s family, unless they forfeit such a compensation as a charity. If the victim belonged to people who are at war with you, though he was a believer, you shall atone by freeing a believing slave. If he belonged to people with whom you have signed a peace treaty, you shall pay the compensation in addition to freeing a believing slave. If you cannot find a slave to free, you shall atone by fasting two consecutive months, in order to be redeemed by GOD. GOD is Knower, Most Wise.
Who will go to Hell? GOD was angry with whom? Whom GOD has condemned? Whom GOD has prepared a terrible retribution? Hamas? Fatah? Both? None of them?
2. The Muslims condemned the Israelis civilians who went up a hill to watch the Israelis soldiers strike Hamas (or Palestine). Did we ever see any Israelis, Americans or Christians dancing in the street, rejoicing when the Israelis soldiers killed the Palestinians? We did see the Palestinians and the Muslims dancing in the street, rejoicing on the 911 attack. Shame on the Palestinians and the Muslims!
3. Did we ever see the Israelis train their toddlers or children to go to war? Does Hamas (or the Palestinians) train their children and toddlers to go to war when they (the children and toddlers) were supposed to learn Science and Maths?
4. Did the Israelis or the Americans influence and encourage their children to become suicide bombers? What about the Palestinians?
5. Did the Israelis or Americans ever use human shields? Did Hamas (or Palestinians) never use any human shield?
6. Are we really want to support these type of Palestinian leaders?
7. Where was Solomon’s temple?
8. Did we ever see the Israelis or the Americans marrying their underage children in a mass public ceremony? Did Hamas arrange to marry adults with underage girls? Or was it just a blasphemy? Before anyone says something… Do we believe that Prophet Muhammad married with an underage girl because history or narrations said so? GOD be glorified, HIS messenger will NEVER do that!
(Were the underage girls the flower girls or brides?)
(Why interview the flower girls? What did the flower girls said?)
(Palestine is a small country. There will be not much different between the wedding tradition in city and village. Any flower girl walking hand in hand with the groom?)
(Any flower girl walking hand in hand with the groom?)
No doubt that Israel is brutal but are the Palestinians “cleaner”, better that the Israelis when the Israelis never do things which the Palestinians did?
Is it worthy for us to keep on blaming Israel? Or is it worthy for us to remind the Palestinians with THE WONDERFUL QURAN (which at the same time will reminds us also)? Or should we do both?
GOD bless.
Dear Tun,
Since the Independence of our beloved state, Malaysia is trying to become the saviour nation of the Islamic world. Why is this so? Is Malaysia strong enough in military strength? Are we rich enough in the economic sector? From what I see since the day of th establishment of OIC, Malaysia can only talk and give opinions, sometimes we send our peace keeping armies to certain countries. What I am trying to say is that Malaysia should at first strenghthen our internal business and people rather than helping some foreign country in their mishaps.
Malaysia has many poor people, unemployed graduates, crime rates are high, corruption among politician, etc. This are the war we need to fight first before fighting for international issues. To be a great country, a country should have strong internal human resource. Concentrate on what is important for Malaysia, only then we can bark at the hill internationally.
It is no new story that we rely on the likes of CNN, AP and Reuters for almost all of our foreign news. Whatever that are against the group or country that they are defending, won’t be reported – in fact sometimes the facts are biasedly reported. Quite often in world news in our local channels, the newscasters merely report what have been stated by AP, Reuters and perhaps Al-Jazeera – whether the news are biased or otherwise.
Asian countries and in particular Malaysia have limited capabilities and resources to obtain independent news.
The same is also true for Western countries that have their news about Malaysian being sourced by these media agents.
So, how to move forward?
It is not easy – nowadays to prosper and live well we don’t just need the strength of unity amongst ourselves, ability to defend country ourselves.. but also to have adequate media agents for reliable, independent information..
Assalamualaikum Tokdet,
Malam tadi tengok dokumentari Tokdet kat ‘History Channel’. Saya rasa besar hati dan bangga dengan perjuangan Tokdet. Kami semua masih perlukan momentum dalam pembangunan Malaysia khususnya berkenaan nasib orang-orang Melayu. Harap-harap Tokdet dapat teruskan memberi idea bernas khususnya kepada pengganti Tokdet supaya perjuangan ini dapat diteruskan.
Terima kasih..
Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
Yes absolutely..most of the foreign news are directly taken from the mentioned press.
Salam to Yg Bhg. Tun and readers,
Please correct me if I am wrong but Masjid Al-Aqsa is actually the masjid quite next to Masjid Al-Sakhrah (Dome of Rock) which is Gold
in colour.
Have you noticed that the media has been giving us all this while the picture of the Dome of Rock to show that it is the Masjid Al-Aqsa!!!
The Zionist Regime is trying hard to erase the memory of the Muslims worldwide, the true picture of Masjid Al-Aqsa.
So, we all publish the incorrect picture of Masjid Al-Aqsa out of ignorance since Muslims have been barred from Masjid Al-Aqsa so we rely on the pictures and infomation that the Zionist Regime and their “best friends” are providing us all the while.
We have been displaying the picture of the Dome of Rock in masjid, rumah, sekolah, surau, pejabat etc. SUBHANALLAH.
Dearest Tun,
Thank you for bringing this up and please help us to help others who are so ignorant and that this is just another “PENJAJAHAN MINDA DAN Ajaran AGAMA ISLAM” Masyaalah.
Salam Tun
I want to thank you for this very special blog article because I thought Khalid was involved in the dawn raid in the UK Stock Exchange. Again I think honest people like you who strive to give us Malaysian public the correct information, are very important to Malaysia and your effort has made a very important website to me and I am sure to others as well.
You said in your blog, “The Malaysian media is totally dependent on the so-called wire services (Reuters, AP, AFP, etc) for foreign news…”
and I could not agree with you more. How Malaysia operates since being independent from the British in 1957/1963, the workings of the Government has not been very transparent to the Malaysian public. Also we Malaysian public do not know a lot of things like how the public companies like EPF, Khazanah Malaysia, Petronas are being run and how top Government officials are spending our hard-earned money used to pay taxes.
Unfortunately, all has come to light recently with the newspaper media blowup on badly run corrupt projects like PKFZ and also Government buying things at badly inflated prices in Government quotations and tenders which have taken place over many years. This has really put a big dent on Barisan’s reputation (and UMNO as well) as even before this exposure, the public has been dissatisfied with BN and showed its displeasure in the last GE.
Now that BA has taken over 5 states, I was really hoping to see a difference in management but it looks like the same thing … what with fitnah memfitnah from one party to another tak habis-habis and Islam not coming to the forefront under PAS/PKR/DAP rule as expected.
I am disappointed with PAS for forging an alliance with PKR and DAP and now having trouble implementing its Islamic agenda. I would like to see Islam being properly implemented in Malaysia as it is the best religion and would bring peace and prosperity and Allah’s pleasure on our beloved nation. Alas…
I am especially disappointed with Khalid Ibrahim. He is the main obstacle (very unexpected) to PAS trying to implement Islam in Selangor, siding with Ronnie Liu who tried to interfere Dr Hassan’s Ali’s suggestion to remove beer and alcoholic beverage sales in Muslim-dominated areas, in the Hindu temple fiasco at Shah Alam and also better implementation of Islam in Selangor. This man is too secular and PAS would be better off on its own.
I am also disappointed about Dr Asri’s arrest. Dulu when BN rule, they only banned Nik Aziz and PAS’s leaders from speaking in BN-dominated areas but they did not humiliate them by arresting them in public. Looks like when the opposition rules, the opposite happens instead.
Another area of my worry is corruption in the disbursements and usage of public funds and taxes by both BN and BA. I hope MACC can do a good, independent and vigilant job to catch all corrupt politicians and bring them to justice.
So now looks like I do not like BN and I do not like BA. I do not know where to go now…
Salam Tun,
Saya berasa sungguh takjub dengan kebijaksanaan Tun, bagaimana Tun telah berjaya mengambilalih Guthrie Corporatio pada tahun 1981 yang pada asalnya milik Britain. Syarikat Guthrie yang pada asalnya membawa keluar hasil negara dan mempunyai cawangan di seluruh dunia kini adalah syarikat milik Malaysia yang menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara yang kaya raya. Kejayaan Tun mengambilalih syarikat tersebut dalam tempoh masa 4 jam sahaja telah berjaya mengubah mentaliti orang-orang British ini yang pada asalnya menganggap kita orang Melayu sebagai kononnya golongan hamba. But we are not!!! This shows that how stupid the British people are. That’s why Tun perkenalkan Dasar Pandang Ke Timur dan Buy British Last apabila Margeret Thatcher memutuskan hubungan perdagangan dengan Malaysia selepas itu.. betul tak Tun. Kalau Tun tidak sebijak itu.. saya rasa Malaysia sekarang ini tak ubah seperti Indonesia. We are really proud of you Tun. I think that was one of your MAJOR CONTRIBUTIONS to Malaysia negara tercinta. Kekayaan ini jugalah yang menyebabkan kita mampu bertahan pada tahun 1998 daripada serangan penyangak matawang. We miss you so much Tun.
Prof Ribut
Dear Tun,
The untold stories and cover-up episodes happen everywhere, even in our own backyard.
Even if the truth reach our ears,the game of manipulation/viewpoints will regard us as ONLY a VOICE.
Our local scene had heard many voices, but yet, nothing much had been done.
We should clean up our own house first before meddling outside affairs.
Best Regards!
This is not the first time Singapore’s Straits Times attributing Khalid Ibrahim with the infamous dawn raid.
In fact, I think, it is part of PKR’s campaign to self-promote their leaders as if they were the ones involved in major economic develoment in Malaysia.
I am not surprise that the mis-information about Khalid Ibrahim and the dawn raid originated from PKR.
For example, I have also heard Prof Jomo Sundaram claiming that Malaysia managed to get out of the Asian financial crisis of the 1990s due largely to Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim’s policies when he was the Finance Minister! (Although it was very clear that Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim’s policy of high interest rate and other IMF-prescribed policies nearly brought Malaysia to its knees)
Just wonder why Barack Obama got NOBEL PRIZE in World Peace instead of your…:)
Wow!! Dato Desa Pachik…regretfully I have never heard of him, yet this is an awesome piece of Malaysian history that we Malaysians can be proud of…
I wonder whether there a lot more that the younger generations and not too old like myself ( perasan sedikit 🙂 )…do not know about our Malaysian unsung heroes…
I wonder whether the younger generations know the names :
Tuk Janggut, Raja Haji, Pak Sako and the rest…
Histories – made in Malaysia – like these ought to be made into movies…like Bukit all time favourite…:)
Salam hormat.
Proud to be Malaysian..
Caspian Sea
Dalam Quran difirmankan bahawa Tuhan tidak mengubah nasib manusia(individu, kumpulan atau kaum) itu melainkan mereka sendiri yang mengubahnya. Demikian lah halnya dalam soal Palestin ini.
Berikut antara beberapa fakturnya yang dapat diperhatikan:-
1. Keadaan umat Islam itu sendiri yang cenderung kepada perpecahan. Ini menunjukkan betapa tidak bersatunya(khususnya umat Islam Arab) dalam banyak perkara.
2. Perpecahan ini telah berlaku dengan ketaranya selepas wafatnya Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dan setelah berkhirnya zaman pimpinan Khalifah ra, sehingga telah wujud pula fahaman BERMAZHAB.
3. Kemunduran dan kelemahan umat Islam itu sendiri yg amat ketara ialah dalam penguasaan bidang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan ekonomi untuk melaksanakan sendiri penguatkuasaan dan mempertahankan diri.
4. Tidak bijaksana dalam mengatur strategi bagi mendapatkan sokongan dalam usaha melawan Israel, seperti mana Israel menggunakan US untuk menjadi PROXInya.
5. Ini ialah kerana Israel mempunyai ramai bijak pandai dan pakar-pakar yang diguna dan diperlukan Amerika(terhutang budi) seperti Saintis, Pakar Ekonomi, Pakar Bank, Pakar Kewangan, Ahli perniagaan dan sebagainya.
6. Melalui mereka ini pula diguna kembali oleh Israel untuk eksploitasi ekonomi, politk dan kuasa ketenteraan Amerika tanpa disedari.
7. Orang Palestin atau umat Islam persekitaran atau negara Islam yang berpengaruh juga harus mempunyai ciri-ciri sedemikian; jika ingin melihat nasib umat Islam terbela dan meraih sokongan, disamping pandai mengeksploitasikan sumber sebagai bahan tawar menawar dan konsesi seperti mana Israel lakukan.
We all should suspect that there is a hidden entity who is playing out both Muslims and the Jew. True Jews are against the Palestine invasion for the invasion of Palestine is forbidden in the real Taorah. The Jews who practice tyranny in Palestine are actually the disbelievers.
The problem is, the hidden entity which governs USA as the so called current leading world power, is supporting the invasion for they (the hidden entity) for god knows why.
Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,
It seems that our friend Hanan still has a lot of friends in Malaysia.
Salam buat Ayahanda..
1. Ketandusan berita sebenar kat Al Aqsa – orang kita rata-rata tak berani jadi pemberita kat medan perang / pusat konflik. Orang kita yang berhati waja lebih rela mati berjuang di medan rempit. Rempit sana, rempit sini, kurang-kurang mati depan mak bapak. Kalau mati jadi pemberita kat negara orang, susah pula kerajaan nak ambil balik jenazah, keluarga nak pi tengok pun, kedudukan ekonomi tak sebagus mana. Nak buat buat macamana.. Kita orang malaysia.
2. Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim tu, memang CEO PNB yang terkenal (sebab mentor dia ada jadi juru-pandunya..) dan masa kat Guthrie, dialah orang yang bertanggungjawab melabur buka estet sawit besar-besaran kat negara seberang. Khabarnya dulu, masa hujan, kena kutip sawit pakai perahu sebab banyak tanah yang digenangi air (masuk air..!).
Tapi kini Guthrie pun dah tinggal nama, dah ‘masuk air’..
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
May be the time has come to us to seriously think about providing alternative to these foriegn wires. Any media organisation in this country ready to be the alternative?
Salamunalaykum Tun and others.
It is absolutely true that all pro Israel medias will conceal all news which are not in favor to Israel.
The pro Palestine medias also conceal all news which are not in favor to Palestine.
Being prejudice, biased, not being neutral or self-censorship are the COMMON PRACTICES or TRAITS of ALMOST ALL MEDIA, THROUGHOUT HISTORY, INTERNATIONALLY OR LOCALLY.
Maybe YouTube is where we could freely and easily view all news/propaganda/lies/truth etc.
GOD bless.
i wonder how many papers do u read in a day. do u get international papers delivered on ur door steps or just read it online?
anyway back to Gaza, since israel control the international news directly or by proxies to favour them, then perhaps we could sponsor the setting up a news agency in Gaza or West Bank to get their side of the story if there arent any yet. Most probably israel will create another reason for war just to blow the agency to pieces to prevent the news spread so the HQ had to be outside of the country. even if we had to use pigeon to get the news out it may be worth it. the Gaza Daily Newspaper then would be international paper and not really for the people of gaza but the world so it should be in english. someone had to put these news on wire, if no one else are doing it or willing to do it then perhaps we should start the initiative. as for the inside reporter i think we can get plenty of cheap palestinian workers for that position. If israel resort to violent to stop the news then that’s the news in front of our eyes. maybe the paper will be full of news of our reporters struggle to get the news out. the best way is to always have a live broadcast to HQ when taking news so as any unnecessary violent act can be recorded instantly at the HQ. then it will be up to our reporters at the HQ to make up the story even our field reporter turn out dead and the camera being confiscated. And if hamas cooperate by stopping their violent act towards israel, then israel will have no news to counter our news to justify their act. they may and they can terrorize their own citizen and put the blame on hamas to justify their action, but the truth will prevail.
Well our OWN ASTRO is supporting Israel. Just go ahead to wikipedia and search nds group wiki. I should stop subscribing to astro because i believe it’s funding the Israel occupation in palestine. Come on Muslim MP speak out about this why on earth do we have to rely on Israel for technology.
Assalammualaikum Tun, saya merupakan salah seorang pelajar dari Multimedia University,Cyberjaya ingin menemuramah mengenai kisah hidup Tun untuk menyelesaikan tugasan yang telah diberikan oleh pensyarah saya. Saya sangat berbesar hati sekiranya Tun dapat memberikan peluang ini kepada saya. Terima Kasih.
I’m in agreement that news agencies should report with fear or favour – what is taking place in the fragile Middle East area is not represented in a clear and untainted way.
However I think you’re once again showing hypocrisy – under your administration, a number of accounts weren’t accurately or completely reported. Now that censureship could have been on the basis it could be detrimental to the country’s safety OR that was the perception given to people to justify your Government’s directive.
(and your supporters will say, here I am again criticising you).
So I guess, there is no such thing as complete openness and transparency in any land or government for that matter?
Further thoughts on the above Tun?
Sins of Democracy
This is a brief review which explains some of the destructive and dangerous effects resulting from plunging into the quagmire of democracy by which many people have been deceived due to putting on their hopes on it even though it is clearly against the methodology of Allah, just as what we are going to explain in this brief study, especially that there have been a lot of bitter experiences encountered by those people who have been deceived by this game and where its diversion and debauchery aspects were shown.
1. The system of Democracy makes us forgetful towards the confrontation in behavior between jahiliyah and Islam, which is the haqq and batil. Due to the fact that the existence of either one of them allows the extinction of the other, it is not ever possible for the two to mix together. Anyone who thinks that through the general election, the jahil fractions will submit all the institutions to Islam is mistaken, as this is clearly in contrast to the rationality, nash and sunan (decision of Allah) which had taken place to the earlier ummahs.
“On account of their arrogance in the land and their plotting of Evil, but the plotting of Evil will hem in only the authors thereof. Now are they but looking for the way the ancients were dealt with? But no change wilt thou find in Allah’s way (of dealing): no turning off wilt thou find in Allah’s way (of dealing)” (Surat Faathir: 43)
2. The system of democracy will cause the decay in the values of true aqeedah which was believed and practiced by Rasulullah and the noble Sahabahs. It will cause the spread of bid’ah, of not studying and teaching the true aqeedah to mankind because its teachings cause divisions amongst the party members. In fact, it could make someone to be excluded from the party that it can reduce the total number of votes and voters.
3. The system of democracy does not differentiate between the
Assalamualakum Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
In my previous comment I had an error due to my dyslexia during reading (a real problem). I read your posting several times while the word “desecration” was read as “destruction” again and again.
In order to keep honesty in my comments I must admit that failure of reading. My comment would be somehow different but not very much in the mood.
Kindly Dear Tun, can you tell how are the Jews desecrating the Al Aqsa mosque? Jews are praying near the Western Wall (The Wailing Wall), the last remnant part of our temple. That wall is at the lower side of the Temple Mount where the mosque is built. The Muslims who are coming to pray there, are throwing stones from the mosque area (internal yard) on the Jewish prayers who are praying near the Wailing Wall. What should the Jews do? What should the police do? We respect the Muslims desire to pray in that mosque and we expect them to let the Jews practicing their faith near the last remnant of our temple.
The police are trying to stop the stones throwing. Initially by loudspeaker announcements. But this is just maybe provoking the Muslims (mostly young boys and young men) to increase their disorder, irrespect to the other religion and increasing their throwing of stones. The police has no other choice, but to enter the mosque area and deal with those hooligans as they deserve to be dealt.
So in this case Dear Tun, the desecration is of the Jewish place of prayer
Salam Tun,
Saya berdoa semoga Tun di panjangkan umur kerana saya amat menghargai apa yang selalu Tun timbulkan dlm blog Tun ni,
Bagi pendapat saya apa yang berlaku di Palestin adalah sesuatu yang nak di tunjukkan dan nak di sedarkan oleh Allah kepada kita semua bahawa orang Islam yang jumlah nya ramai di dalam dunia ni lebeh ramai berganda ganda dari orang Israel mesti lah bersatu. Selagi kita orang Islam dok bertelagah sesama kita dan menuduh yang dia je yang betul dan orang Islam lain salah, masuk parti sekian ni masuk shurga dan masuk parti sekian tu pula tak bau la syurga, dan yang syok tu adalah pulak yang buta perut tak tau apa-apa sanggup mati(konon mati mempertahankan ugama)syahid la konon nak menegakkan yang orang masuk parti lain dari parti ……. masuk neraka. Mati lawan dgn orang Israel di Palestin mempertahankan ugama depa tak kalut, yang depa kalut nak mati lawan sesama Islam pasai fahaman parti, ni kita baru tengok Islam dalam Malaysia,dalam Malaysia pun tak boleh bersatu macam mana Islam dalam dunia boleh bersatu. Tang ni pun tak pasai pasai 50% peperangan menentang Israel kita orang Islam dah kalah, ni kita belum masuk teknologi persenjataan yang 100% di menangi oleh Israel, kereta kebai, jet jet pejuang, kapal laut, senjata nuklear. Yang menjadi topik harian kita ialah macam mana nak cari salah orang Islam lain, yang tu tak betul, yang ni tak betul dan yang syok tu tak boleh nak tegox. Tegox sikit je, bijak-bijak pandai dari Al Azhar, Libya, Syria hantam, balun, renyak kita sampai tiga suku nyawa. Macam mana Islam nak maju kalau sampai tak boleh nak tegox ni? Umar Al Khattab pun pernah berkata = kalau aku silap jangan ikut aku dan tegox lah aku. Lani dah jadi macam satu hukum pulak, kalau orang tu balik dari belajar pasal ugama, depa tak boleh di tegox, apa depa cakap semua betul macam satu hukum pulak. Kalau pekara yang macam ni berterusan, bukan saja Palestin, kesemua negara Islam akan hancux di sebabkan orang Islam sendiri bergaduh sesama sendiri kerana ada satu golongan orang Islam yang anggap mereka adalah bijak pandai pasal ugama dan depa tidak boleh di tegur. Sampai lagi 30 tahun pun orang-orang Palestin masih lagi akan menagis di bumi mereka sendiri dan kita umat Islam di Malaysia akan bergaduh sesama sendiri.
Maafkan saya, saya cuma bagi pendapat saya, nak hentam saya pun jgn teruk sgt, sikit-sikit dah la na. Iklas dari saya demi perpaduan kita bersama.
Terima kasih.
Take care Tun….
Dear Prime Minister Mahathir,
I would like to congratulate you on your wonderful achievements these last 20 years. I remember your speeches and the vision you had of your country in 30 years time.
After 20 years, I have visited your country once again to see my brother Anuar Bin Adam, with whom I built the Shah Alam sports complex in Selangor. I must admit I was very touched when I saw that the dream of a politician has been fully realised.
You are a unique politician, and one of the only in history to have fulfilled all his promises to his people. I was amazed by the new highways, airport and other infrastructures> I simply could not recognize Kuala Lumpur.
I write to you because I was inspired by Barack Obama
YABhg. Tun,
Saya memohon izin untuk membuat ulasn dalam Bahasa Arab supaya laman web Tun mempunyai pelbagai warna. Dalam bahasa Arab ini saya menyebut Tun sebagai negarawan yang agung di Malaysia menulis dalam laman webnya dalam bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris. Saya cuba melakukannya dalam Bahasa Arab. Saya mencadangkan supaya badan NGO Islam di negara ini menaja wartawan kita ke Palestin dan membuat laporan terus dari sana. Negara Islam yang mendapat hasil minyak boleh menajanya. juga mencadangkan supaya menggerakan NGO Islam di Amerika dan Eropah supaya mengadakan seminar mengenai kekejaman Israel.
Dear Tun,
Please allow me to share with other readers about the Zionist plot against Islam. It is very dangerous plot to us all and the article was penned by researcher. it is our responsibility to expose all of zionist evil plots.
Quotes to begin with:
“Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.”– Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 25 March, 2001 quoted in BBC News Online
To the people the obvious manipulator seems to be the United States. Actually, US Administration led by President Bush is itself an instrument in the unseen hands of another entity. The Gulf Crisis, the ongoing War, the Catastrophes that will still come are not the work of America, but the schemes of the Zionist Jewry. The Jews are directing the War from both sides
YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,
I don’t think the Malaysian media is deliberately blacking out news which are not in favour of Israel but if they depend solely on the wire services they would always be unfair to the victims of Israeli brutalities.
They appear to a problem in the White House – the Palestinians:
Obama Declares Support For Dividing Jerusalem
This week Obama’s Mid East policy has begun to publicly unravel. Yesterday, Palestinian President Abbas threatened that he would not run for re-election. This surprise declaration came after Secretary of State Clinton publicly praised Israel’s flexibility on the settlement issue and then retracted her praise when the Arab world protested. And on the day of Abbas’ threat the UN – the Obama international organization of choice – voted to adopt the anti-Israel Goldstone Report. (Watch Dore Gold’s spirited defense of Israel in his debate with Goldstone.)
In all this tumult, President Obama once again reaffirmed that he sees Jerusalem as a divided city. Haaretz reports: “President Barack Obama has promised the Palestinian leadership that there will be no change to U.S. policy on the issue of Jerusalem, and that East Jerusalem does not constitute part of the State of Israel.”
It is important to always keep in mind that when the term “East Jerusalem” is used it includes the Old City and the Temple Mount. In other words Obama supports dividing Israel’s capital and taking a way Israel’s control of the Old City. By all accounts Israel’s governance of the Old City has been stellar. Before Israel took control, Jews were banned from the Old City and Christians had limited access. Today, thanks to Israel, the Old City is open to everyone.
We must redouble our efforts to keep the status quo. Prime Minister Netanyahu has repeatedly reaffirmed his commitment to keeping Jerusalem united. You can help by getting friends and family to sign the One Jerusalem petition. It is important for us to be able to contact friends of a united Jerusalem to keep them updated on news about the Holy City and to inform them how they can be helpful in times of crisis.
YABhg Tun,
I am for one Jeruselam and a two state solution. So that makes me – lover of fine mosques and Solomon’s Temple – and most Arab Isrealis in Baitul-lahm like out of orbit celestial dust:
Outrage at East Jerusalem evictions
The court decision has defied international protests over Jewish settlement activity in the area [AFP]
The United States and the UN have condemned Israel’s forcible eviction of two Palestinian families from their homes in East Jerusalem.
Washington sent a letter to the Israeli foreign ministry in Jerusalem, stressing the move went against the country’s obligations under the so-called “road map” to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
US diplomats said a high-level protest will be communicated to Israel later on Monday.
Speaking after the al-Ghawi and al-Hanoun families were evicted on Sunday, Robert Serry, the United Nations special co-ordinator for the Middle East peace process, said: “I deplore today’s totally unacceptable actions by Israel.
“These actions are contrary to the provisions of the Geneva Conventions related to occupied territory.
“These actions heighten tensions and undermine international efforts to create conditions for fruitful negotiations to achieve peace.”
The homes from where the Palestinians were evicted would reportedly give way to a hotel project believed to have been sanctioned by Israel…
Once there was a man from Habshah and his elephants…
Terima Kasih dan Salam Kasih.
i. does that mean the PM – Najib is a politician high born – has to be tauliah-ed, too
ii. History channel on the 15th Nov))
Assalamuaalaikum! Untuk ayahanda & bonda Tun berdua semuga sihat dan sejahtera serta dilindungi Allah sentiasa, amin!
Saya terdengar bekas menteri yang hampir memusnahkan negara kita telah dilantik sebagai penasihat ekonomi atas pengalaman beliau yang lalu. Nampak gaya akan musnahlah sebuah negeri yang termaju di Malaysia. Apakah dosa kita untuk menerima cobaan yang sebegini? Sampai bilakah orang melayu akan sedar … tidakkah mereka nampak contoh-contoh yang telah ditunjukkan oleh Allah swt? Agaknya nak tunggu sampai kena atas batang hidung sendiri.
Terima kasih saya dan keluarga pada Tun yang masih tak jemu untuk meperjuangkan nasib bangsa, agama dan negara.
Oh the poor M’sians! Scarce news and sources everywhere but the internet! I can survive without a day of newspapers or prime news on tv coz the net provides everything. From to and to name a few), try compare the news & articles these sites publish compared to the prime newspapers in M’sia. It’s a shame! Maybe our mass media are too busy with highlighting political issues we tend to forget about the wars that’s been going on in this world. The details on Fort Hood shooting were real shady, you hardly can believe anything they say on these MSM!! Physical newspapers will die… if they yet still shutting down much-ado-about-nothing politics issue down our throat and scarce global issues.
Yours truly.
It says in Wikipedia, which quoted from that:
Khalid began his career as a university lecturer. Later, he entered the corporate world and held the position of CEO from 1979 to 1994 in the government-controlled fund management firm Pemodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB).[1] In 1981, he became famous for leading the “dawn raid” on the London Stock Exchange, which resulted in PNB gaining a 51% share in British plantation concern Guthrie in less than two hours. He later became the CEO of the Malaysianized Guthrie, now known as Kumpulan Guthrie Bhd, from 1995 to 2003.[1]
See how the media tries to skew things? You never know what’s going on in this biased world of ours. If I were to trust sources, I would definitely believe in the Tun when it comes to this matter instead of Tan Sri Khalid who is trying to advance his political career.
It’s a shame that there are people out there that claim what is not theirs.
Assalaamualaikum Tun.
Apa yang Tun beritakan memang benar.
Kita dapat lihat surat khabar jiran kita selalu memburuk kan Negara kita dengan cerita jenayah,rogol dan lain lain lagi berjela jela.apa yang media kita buat untuk menangkis.Kita selalu at the receiving end.
Kalau masa Tun dulu lain,mereka rasa takut dan gerun.
Tak faham lah Tun dengan media kita.
Jasa Mu sentiasa di kenang.
Y.Bhg Tun,
Hanya bergantung harap berita daripada satu sumber tiadalah kebenaran cerita/berita dari Gaza.
Mungenai Tan Sri Khalid…..hanya Tun sahaja yang tahu mengenai peralihan Britain’s Guthrie Corporation. Pemberita di Singapura haya tukang cedok berita dari sumber yang salah.
Pemberita luar sering memburuk burukkan negara kita…. inilah kemistian dari pemberita luar. Tiada langsung berita negara kita di luar negara melainkan hanya berita YANG BURUK.ini adalah hakikatnya. Amat berharap agar rakyat Malaysia sedar perkara ini.
Evening Tun,
Glad that Tun has brought up the subject. It is about time that our local media, especially TV3 news, to take note and look into this matter seriously.
Dear TV3, I hate to watch your news report! (actually almost all of your programmes.. 999, 360, etc.. so irritating!)
TV1 news is much better than TV3, in my opinion. Have noticed that TV1 does make some effort to write their own report, by using the right words and sentences when reporting certain news. TV3 simply copy everything they received fr international media. I maybe wrong but that is what TV3 news report sounds like.
good evening,sir
i’ve been travel to hongkong last week.My observation is that hongkong city is centered and thus there is many tall buildings in the city.I can see that the city is well-planned by british government.Because of this,hongkong people is not so rely on their own transports and they tend to use public transports.And because of their high standard of living,i guessed that there rising of oil price do not affect them so much not like in our country.
In malaysia,the development of the small city like puchong,damansara,shah alam,klang,subang is ‘wide’,to travel need to use our own cars as it is more convenient.And because of this rising costs of fuel very can be very burden to people of malaysia.
By the way back from hongkong,i am thinking that if sir,do u ever thinking of these problem when u developed the malaysia?I mean the reliation of malaysian of petrol.
Or what u think is the sales of proton that time?
Are Tun suggest that we should send our own reporter to report the situation on the Palestine?..
Then we should provide them with the best security since it is to dangerous….
Or is there any other way?…
Is there any other way to stop them??..Even after the US president had changed to Barrack Obama, there’s still no improvement at all..
This is so sad..
YABhg Tun,
Reuters is a British news agency,
Associated Press (AP) is an American news agency, and
Agence France Presse (AFP) is french news agency.
Enough of their biased report on you.
What can we say more.
Best regards,
Manusia Biasa
salam tun
this is what make me admire never give up to rise up voice against injustice made by israel. Keep this effort tun and we will be with you.
The news on Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim was not an ‘error’ Sir. This to potray the ‘competencies’ of some leaders. Something is being played out there…
Salam Tun,
Masalah Palestin tidak akan dapat diselesaikan oleh umat Islam. Umat Islam sebenarnya tak berminat menyelesaikan apa-apa masalah. Kalau menambah masalah, mereka suka.
Yahudi akan terus melakukan tekanan untuk survival mereka. Saya berpendapat Palestin perlu menyelesaikan sendiri masalah mereka. Kalau betul-betul berusaha tentu ada jalannya. Tapi sesama sendiri pun mereka berpecah macam mana nak lawan musuh.
Kita juga bakal melalui apa yang dilalui Palestin kalau tak berjaga-jaga. Paklah misalnya, telah menyerahkan Johor selatan kepada Singapura. Dalam 10-20 tahun lagi rakyat tempatan tidak akan dapat survive di kawasan Iskandar tu akibat tekanan ekonomi yang tinggi dan mereka akan merangkak ke utara. Pada masa itu kita tak akan ada masa lagi dah nak cakap pasal Palestin.
Apa pandangan Tun mengenai apa yang saya tulis di
Terima kasih.
Salam Tun dan rakan blogger.
Siapakah di belakang Reauters,AP,AFP DAN lain-lain.Mereka adalah kaum Yahudi yang ditatang oleh Amerika.Tidak menghairankan kalau mereka melaporkan perkara yang tidak benar.
Cuma Allah sahaja yang boleh menjahanamkan mereka.
Assalamualaikum Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir.
From reading your sound biting posting I didn’t realized any particular fact that proves the Israeli destruction of Al Aqsa mosque. Dear Tun, Have you a single picture to prove your claim? As I can see the mosque is still standing firm on the Temple Mount and even a single brick is not missing. No window is broken to pieces and no smoke of a fire comes out of its broken dome.
Dear Dr. Mahathir, How do you know that precise information while you claim the contradiction “We read very little about the blockade of Gaza and the sufferings of the people there”. Is the Gaza information different from the information about the Al Aqsa mosque? Does the information about Al Aqsa mosque come from other “bribed-Zionist” media sources like Al Jazeerah? If you have so little information, how can you be so sure about the destruction of the Al Aqsa mosque? I would think you are more logical than this. If you claim the destruction, you should not admit the low level of information you have. Dear Tun, Maybe the Malaysians (people) are not reading the information you have, so kindly provide them the information “first hand” that you have. If you have it, then why is your posting so short about the Al Aqsa destruction? Shouldn
Salam Tun. I agree with you that the world’s news is largely monopolized by AFP, Reuters, etc. Based on your experience where should one go for alternative news, especially on middle east matters? Blogs onthwse matters are often emotional and not even written by those in the know. Appreciate if you could advise. Assalamualaykum.
Dear Tun,
I am very disapointed with the government to bar tribal language in Herald which may effect mostly BN supporters in Sabah. As Malaysian I feel discriminated from being a true Malaysian. We did well spoken in Malay. But we did’nt understand the politics brought into the religions. If they proceed doing this, Maybe there will be nothing left to respect and the government can take back the two Billions back and spend them in Making laws.
Unhappy Malaysian
Dear Tun,
Thank you for highlighting the issue where the international media has failed very badly.
We all know what is happening yet the same mistakes are being made by the media in the Muslim countries and those that are suppose to be impartial.
It is obvious that suppositely “international” wire service do not present all news objectively and from the view point of all interested parties and from an impartial view point.
There is a BIG market for such really international wire service. Doing an evil is bad but intentional or unintentional spreading of lies to hide the evil is JUST AS BAD.
Lets all black out all the news about Isreal & Palentine which comes out from these suppositely “international” wire service. For such news item refer to the local news agents and such news service like Al Jazerra and such source.
May Allah prevent us from spreading lies about our breathen.
As for the error by the Singapore Straits Times, they should publish a correction ASAP.
Dear Tun,
Thank for make the fact right. Very surprise that Tan Sri Khalid face is so thick that he enjoy taking credit for other people work.
Looking the point that he owe bank RM66 million and refused to pay already know what kind of people he is. (One thing I dont understand that is why his declaration of assets never mention any of that)
The state under his management / administration, I just cant imagine what would happen to it in 3 more year.
But having say so, the former administration has done such a bad job and so corrupted that people just hate it. But yet no one take any action against it.
With that, I would like Tun to share some view on the following : –
1. In the audit report released recently, so many “mis-managed” of tax payer money happen in the government department,why no action taken (even during your time, this has happen, why no action)?
2. Why we allow a leader enjoying sodomised people escape the crime he committed. (Yes, the first time he escape due to technical point)
But strange thing is that he still can delay all court proceding by postponed here and there until now he didnt actually stand in court and say he never sodomised the victim. (He dont even dare to sumpah in mosque.) Is he so rich that he can do all that, Where did he get all the money?
And yet no one dare to do anything about it. Worst part is people still blindly follow him. Is Islam teaching allow all that?
Please share your view. Thanks
You are already starting your own news agency here! 🙂 Bravo!
We truly appreciate and depend on news source such as yours. Without freedom of source we cannot really learn anything new.
Redhuan D. Oon
PendAtang Dengan Izin
yeah, that’s why it is important for the media to search for alternative resources. We have so many talented journalists in malaysia, but so dependent i guess.
that’s why i’m here, seeking for ‘alternative’.
Selamatkan Palestin………..bantu Hamas……pertahankan Al Aqsa.
Boikot Israel dan sekutunya.
YABhg Tun
No, don’t expect wire services that you mentioned and CNN/BBC to carry news on the atrocities and brutalities being committed by Israel on the hapless Palestinians and elsewhere in the world. Nowadays I am watching more and more of Al Jazeera though I have not stopped watching CNN and BBC. Well, I still want to know what the Jews and their allies want us to know and what they are hiding and manipulating. Even CNN’s golden girl, Amanpour, whom they hail as brave and courageous does not report on the brutalities, atrocities and cruelties of the Israelis. And you can forget about their golden boy, Anderson Cooper too. However, that is understandable cause if they do that – bye, bye career and hello ostracization. That is how powerful the Jews are. They call the shots from the White House to you name it, that is, on things that matter to them.
One thing I notice that the Arabs in spite of their trillions of $ still cannot get their act together and right now Arab Saudi is being distracted by the Yemen moslem rebels.
There are moments when I think that we moslems are really begging for all the troubles that we are facing now. Most of us are not highly educated and even those who are, are busy fighting each other. The honchos who are heading our media agencies are busy playing politics themselves to keep their cushy jobs and fat salaries. Where got time to think of expanding and weaning themselves off (to a certain degree) the foreign sources. Masa tsunami dulu pun TV kita dok main and tak mahu interrupt filem Hindi and program yang sedang ditayangkan. Well, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment if we expect these same people to move faster and not amble and tidur.
tun has a good point,except that there is al-jazeera and other middle east media outlets available.
Sudah tiba masanya wartawan Malaysia bersifat Global seperti CNN dan juga agensi berita yang lain yang sentiasa ada dilokasi kejadian berita. JANGAN hanya menjadi wartawan yang hanya HERO di Negara sendiri terutama berita yang berkaitan dengan POLITIK.
Begitu juga kepada hero BLOGGER Malaysia ..jangan hanya jadi HERO di negara sendiri sahaja.
salam ayahanda dan rakan bloger
berkenaan isu media cetak dan elektronik yg dikawal oleh si lakhnat israel,memang kita xkan dapat gambarn yg jelas..namun kita tahu yg mereka memang kejam lagi zalim membunuh manusia umat islam.semoga pembalasan Allah akan menimpa mereka.JANJI ALLAH ADALAH JANJI YANG BENAR…
Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim
Ini konco brader anwar..memang kaki belit punya
sape dalang dibelakang si khalid ni..brader anwar le
singapore..kita semua tahu peranan mereka….MENIPU
salam Tun,
The jewish regime is now famous for many things.
1.The modern day Nazis
2.The new Berlin wall
3.Creator of a huge concentration camp (the Pope said this)
4.Root cause of current terrorism
5.War criminals
Man,the audacity of these people!And still much of the world turn their faces away hoping that these problems will magically disappear one day.It will not go away as long as the aggrieved party is being treated like a step-child.
Salam Dr,M
In July 2007, the Second Penang Bridge was first estimated to cost RM2.8 billion to build. Four months later in November, this estimate was revised to RM3.0 billion. Yet another two months after that, the new estimates came to a whooping RM4 billion. Finally, in April 2008, the government of Malaysia announced that the real cost to build Penang