2. But as to the two students who died – they were Malays. Someone already commented that there were no Malaysians at that time. I don’t think we can say the Sultan of Melaka was a Malaysian.
3. I am intrigued at the idea that if we all call ourselves Malaysians then there would be no racial conflicts. I agree it would probably contribute to a better Malaysia.
5. Socialism and Communism were conceived in single ethnic countries. What gave rise to these ideologies were the disparities in the distribution of wealth within these nations. The working class rose violently against the rich employers, killing even their own same ethnic Csar, because of the unfair wealth distribution.
6. So we must ensure fair (not equal) distribution of wealth before forgetting racial origins simply because the disparities are between races and not between class.
7. Incidentally in Singapore while the identity cards no longer indicate the dialect group among the Chinese, the Malays are now classified into Bugis, Boyanese, Javanese etc. The number of Malays are now much less.
8. themalaypress menegaskan bahawa suka tak suka peperangan akhir zaman tetap akan berlaku. Kita tak mungkin teka bila zaman berakhir. Sebab itu kita perlu bersedia menangani masalah dan malapetaka yang akan menimpa kita sebelum itu. Menolak senjata nuklear termasuk dalam usaha yang perlu dilakukan oleh kita kerana firman Tuhan dalam Al-Quran menyuruh kita mencuba mengubah nasib kita sebelum Allah s.w.t. akan menolong kita. Demikian juga usaha untuk menjadikan perang sebagai jenayah, sama seperti menjadikan perhambaan sebagai jenayah.
9. Saya tidak dapat komen tentang Amanah Saham 1 Malaysia kerana saya tak tahu kenapa ia dibezakan daripada amanah saham lain.
10. We need the support of everyone so as to make war a crime. We would love to have support from students and their leaders. The best form of support would be to spread the word that war is about killing people. Since killing people is a crime then war must also be a crime.
11. If you have friends among students from the countries which like to wage wars, tell them to campaign against election candidates unless they give an undertaking to reject war and consider it a crime.
Saudara soliha89,
Tahniah saudara yang menganggap diri saudara mewakili generasi muda hari ini. Saya sangat suka membaca komen orang yang belum membaca buku sejarah perjuangan dengan darah. Saudara melabelkan saya sebagai cetek pengetahuan. Mungkin saudara merasa hanya membaca buku sejarah UMNO sudah cukup.Saudara merasa parti UMNO yang telah berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan/membentuk negara berdaulat?.
Parti mana yang telah meniupkan api semangat kebangkitan orang di Malaya? Jika saudara kata UMNO. Tahun berapa UMNO ditubuhkan? Tahun Berapa PKM ditubuhkan? Tahun berapa KMM ditubuhkan? Apakah matlamat UMNO pada awal penubuhannya? Apakah matlamat PKM pada awal penubuhannya? Dari mana asalnya bendera UMNO Sang Saka Bangsa? Apakah nama bendera PKMM kalau bukan Sang Saka merah putih? Ada orang kata bendera UMNO tiru bendera PKMM kerana warnanya sama Cuma bendera UMNO tambah keris. Namanya juga hampir sama. Semua ini perlu dikaji. Bukan hanya membaca sejarah dari satu pihak. Kita perlu membaca semua perkara dan pilih yang paling baik.
Saudara amat salah jika saudara kata saya tidak menghargai jasa Tun Dr Mahthir. Malah saya percaya Tanya Tun Malaysia tidak akan berada di mencapai pembagunan seperti sekarang. Tun Mahthir Ialah Idola dan role model saya. Jasanya terlalu banyak membangunkan Cyberjaya Dll. Saya amat mengkagumi kepimpinan beliau dan dasar-dasar beliau. Beliau telah membawa Malaysia ke tahap yang tinggi. Itulah sebab nama saya mengunakan Username terma kasih tun.
Pelajar MMU
MMU student..
saya merupakan wakil generasi muda yang ingin bersuara.saya juga merupakan pelajar IPTA.saudara/i,bukannya generasi muda seperti kita tidak boleh memberi pandangan atau kritikan kepada parti2 tertentu.seperti yang saudara/i katakan label cetek pengetahuan tak sepatutnya diberikan kepada generasi kita.
Tetapi,saya di sini juga turut ingin melabelkan saudara dengan label seperti itu.tolonglah buka buku sejarah malaysia.parti mana yang banyak berusaha keras bagi membentuk sebuah negara berdaulat.saya salah seorang bekas pelajar STPM.kami belajar mengenai sejarah malaysia dengan buku setebal kamus.mustahil saya tersilap mengenai apa yang saya utarakan.saya pasti anda juga belajar sejarah di sekolah menengah.
mengenai hak keistimewaan melayu,jika difikirkan semula..jika kita asyik membangkitkan persoalan mengenai keistimewaan melayu..sampai bila2 saya,saudara dan generasi seangkatan kita tidak akan maju dan hanya bersandar akan keistimewaan tersebut.inginkah saudara,generasi kita dikatakan tidak hebat(tidak berani bersaing) dan hanya bergantung kepada hak keistimewaan itu.?
sebagai generasi yang dlahirkan di akhir 80-an,saya amat hairan kenapa pelajar2 ipt seperti saudara/i tidak menghargai apa yang telah dinikmati.bukanlah sengaja ingin menimbulkan provokasi.tetapi,fikirlah kalau bkn jasa tun..adakah saudara boleh melanjutkan pelajaran di MMU.mungkinkah cyberjaya itu wujud?
fikirkanlah..saya tidak mahu generasi muda seperti kita diperlekehkan kerana kurang kefahaman dan tidak berfikir secara rasional sebelum mengutarakan pendapat/idea.
Terima kasih kerana menyarankan bahan bacaan buat saya. Buku-buku di bawah telah pun saya baca termasuk bahan kuliah anda di sebuah university di singapura. Buku the road to independent
Salam Tun,
I am a student from UTM-Skudai, and have been an avid silent follower of your blog and this is the first time for me to comment. I was in Hiroshima for the August 6th Ceremony and was delighted to here that my priminister was among the honors to visit. unfortunately i was not able to meet you and feel very sad. The course I was that brought me to hiroshima is a summer course hosted by Hiroshima City University called Hiroshima and Peace where they enlighten us of the current situation where the world stands in several aspects and the past world history (namely the bombing from an american and Japanese point of view). for me this was a life changing experience. Discussions where held without restraint, every problem from each respective countries where out in the open, we had negotiation simulations (i was in the israeli-palestinian conflict). in this ive meet people from arab countries as well as from israel. its very strange to observe that they have taken an immediate stance of avoiding each person before actually getting to know the others personal background. i wonder if this reflects on the real situation of their respectives countries. if you are not able to get to know eachother on an individual level, how can are you able to solve conflict. this is just one of the few many observations that i have noted. i will spread the word you have stated in number 11. it would be my pleasure. thank you Tun. Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki.
Salamun’alaikum Tun
Salamun’alaikum Tun
Salam, Tun. If you would allow me…
Answering MR MMU student…
1. memoir Abdullah CD bahagian pertama, kedua dan ketiga,
2. Shamsiah Fakeh dari Awas ke regimen ke-10
3. memoir Rashid maidin,
4. Abu Samah Mohd Kassim Pejuang kiri kemerdekaan dan zuriat dato bahaman.
5. memoir suriani abdullah dan banyak lagi.
Nice choice of books to forward your theory that UMNO is a stooge of the British (why not include Chin Peng’s My Side of History?) Of course, being a history student of UM, we can safely say that these books are NOT considered history. They are memoirs, and they record the POV of the authors, and are debatable. These pro-Communist terrorist memoirs are no different from anti-Communist memoirs written by police officers. They are but POVs, based on he author’s bias, and not proper historical work.
And Dato’ Onn did not insult the Malays when he said that Malays are not ready yet to run their own country. Was he not correct when he said the Malays can’t even make a needle, let alone run a country? The Malays as a whole were not given proper education prior to the 1930s (excepting vernacular schools-until Standard 4), and scholarships to study in the best universities were given only to the elite, which (judging from Dato’ Onn’s exile from Johor for citicising the royal family) was not something he wanted-the shift from British rule to Malay aristocratic rule. And did not Dato’ Onn fought for independence immediately after that (the IMP and Parti Negara’s motto was Independence as well-in 1959, compared to Perikatan’s 1957)?
Which was why UMNO did not fight for immediate independence the moment they were formed. They wanted to secure the legitimacy of Malay political and economic status within their own nation, as they feared ending up like the Red Indians in the USA or the Muslims in India (which later led to Pakistan being formed), or the Palestinians in their own homeland.
Mr MMU student, you speak as if UMNO’s (and eventually Parti Perikatan) cooperation with the British to obtain self-government is a GRAVE sin, ignoring the fact that the other parties that existed during that time have no experience whatsoever in running a country. They are either influenced by Communist ideology (which, by the way, is not nationalist-you can check with Prof Khoo Kay Kim on the difference between nationalist-independence movements and communism) or Indonesian nationalism (which was based mostly of emotions driven by President Soekarno’s orator skills). Was it not right, then, for UMNO and Perikatan to co-operate with the British, learning to administer and run this country as smoothly as the British, before independence could be claimed as a right for the people?
It is appalling that youths today (especially those that never studied history as a proper discipline) suddenly has the cheek to claim themselves to have the monopoly of the subject, and believed in this ‘alernative, truthful history’ nonsense (like Kua Kia Soong’s 13 May: the declassified documents on the Malaysian riots of 1969, or 10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka), while totally dismissing the views of eminent, proper Malaysian historians who actually studied history, with all its discipline, school of thought, and extensive historical evidence before putting ink on paper.
All that aside, I have no beef with you on the whole Keistimewaan Melayu (not Hak Melayu) issue. I do agree that the Government needs to give a proper explanation on this Keistimewaan Melayu, and how EXACTLY it helps the Malays as a whole economically and politically, rather than just mere rhetoric until people get sick of it.
And since you have been so kind to introduce these books to the public, I would like to do the same. Here are some historical works on events pre- and leading to independence:
1) William R Roff, The Origins of Malay Nationalism
2) Joseph Fernando, The Alliance Road to Independence
3) Leonard Y Andaya and Barbara Watson Andaya, A History of Malaysia
4) Khoo Kay Kim, Malay Society, Transformation and Democratisation
And some memoirs and biographies:
1) Tunku Abdul Rahman-Malaysia: The Road to Independence
2) Ooi Kee Beng-The Reluctant Politician (about Tun Dr Ismail)
“So we must ensure fair (not equal) distribution of wealth before forgetting racial origins simply because the disparities are between races and not between class.”
Tun, you are not being honest here. To me, it is not that equality is not fair, but absolute equality is never possible in reality, even in a communist country. Some people do work harder than others!
Why is race more important than nation-building? Does Islam ever discriminate based on race? We are all of one race, the human race, and all are descendants of Adam and Hawa, that is if you believe in Islam. But we human beings always rationalize to gain some advantage. If it is not this, then it must be that.
Apparently, the NEP has benefited UMNO members, particularly UMNO leaders, much much more than the average Malays such that many are now living in palatial mansions, while, as you yourself mentioned, many Malays are still living in squatter houses. Don’t you think that the very people who claim to be championing for their community should not be living in luxury when they have failed miserably in their duty to help their community catch up with the other communities even after 50 years? And instead of blaming themselves for their ineffectiveness, they blame the other communities! Goodness me!
Still, assuming that what you say is true, would it not be more humane for the Malaysian government to help the non-Malays think outside the box and explore opportunities abroad, e.g. investing in China and India, two potentially high-growth countries in the world today, so that they can slowly divest their corporate shareholdings in Malaysia and gradually acquire shareholdings overseas instead… maybe even migrate so that only the poorer non-Malays remain in Malaysia? After all, as someone once said, “It is not that people wants to be rich, they just want to be richer than the other person.” This way, the Malays can achieve the NEP target even faster… maybe within 3 years, although most of us believe that the 30% target had been achieved long ago (just that it has not been fairly distributed among the Malays).
Salam Tun and greetings to all.
This will be the right blog posting for me to promote this event:
Please do visit their website and join the world community at:
Salam mun’alaikum
Mungkin disini saya perlu kongsikan sedikit cerita tentang anak melayu di desa dan kampung yang hidup teramat susah yang mempunyai hak-hak keistimewaan melayu.
Ini ada bukti apa yang anak-anak melayu dapat dari hak keistimewaan yang terlalu istimewa yang dilaungkan oleh UMNO. Hari ini saya senangkan diri pergi ke sungai siput perak untuk mendengar aduan rakyat kepada ahli parlimen sungai siput. Saya agak terkejut apabila diberitahu ada seramai 14 orang remaja melayu lingkungan tingkatan 3 ditangkap kerana mencuri biji sawit semasa dalam perjalanan pulang ke sekolah. Mereka ini telah ditangkap oleh pihak berkuasa dan terpaksa membayar ikat jamin. kerana tiada wang mereka telah ditahan selama 1 bulan dan selepas itu jaminan dibayar oleh ahli parlimen sungai siput Dr Jeyakumar. Mereka ini anak-anak melayu yang hidup susah, kerana kemiskinan mereka terpaksa mencuri biji sawit untuk membayar tambang bas ke sekolah kira-kira rm70 ringgit sebulan. Selepas itu, Dr jeyakumar yang berketurunan india sendiri telah menyewa bas untuk 2 bulan sebanyak rm 3 ribu sebulan dengan duit poketnya untuk menghantar anak-anak melayu ini ke sekolah sementara menunggu bantuan tetapi hingga hari ini bantuan dari pihak kerajaan tak junjung tiba. Apalah nasib yang akan terjadi kepada 14 anak-anak melayu itu kalau tidak mempunyai bantuan untuk ke sekolah. Selepas kita 52 tahun kita merdeka, apakah perkara sebegini logik terjadi? Apakah melayu betul-betul dibantu. Ini bukan hanya satu kes melayu terpinggir. Banyak lagi.
Berbanding rakan saya seorang anak kepada Dato UMNO di Ipoh. Semasa disekolah keputusannya tidak berapa baik, tetapi hari ini telah mendapat biasiswa kerajaan melanjutkan pelajaran keluar negara. Perlu dibetulkan disini, bukannya hak-hak keistimewaan orang melayu. Tetapi hak-hak keistimewaan orang -orang UMNO.
Apakah benar-benar UMNO membantu dan mempertahankan melayu? Kenapa royalti mingak yang perlu diberikan kepada rakyat sebanyak RM1 Billion tidak diberikan untuk pembangunan Rakyat kelantan? Mana Khir Toyol dapat duit berpuluh juta bina bunglo dengan hanya duit makan gaji sebagai menteri besar? dan banyak kes-kes lain lagi. Siapa yang sebenarnya pengkhianat Melayu. UMNO sebenarnya yang telah khianati orang melayu.
Seruan Dr Mahthir mengenai perlunya anak-anak muda mengetahui sejarah sebenar telah saya sahut. Saya tak baca sejarah melayu lagi, tapi saya dah khatam buku teks sejarah sebenar malaya. Bagaimana UMNO manipulate dan menjadi pro penjajah pada sebelum kemerdekaan pun saya dah baca. Cerita tentang Dato ONN bin jaafar yang memperlekehkan orang melayu pun tercatat dalam buku sejarah perjuangn sebenar. Saya memetik kata-kata Dato ONN yang merupakan pengasas UMNO. Katanya orang melayu masih belum boleh memerintah negara sendiri, buat jarum pun belum tahu, dan tidak ada orang yang layak untuk menjadi menteri. Jangan dilupa namanya bukan sahaja Dato ONN tapi SIR Dato ONN bin Jaafar. Fuyohh British bagi gelaran SIR ada pasal tu, bukan saja-saja. Jangan marah saya. Ini bukan saya reka ini fakta sejarah. Kalau terkejut pi baca buku sejarah banyak-banyak. Saya cadangkan anda semua menyahut seruan Tun DR Mahathir supaya memahami sejarah SEBENAR tanah air. Saudara-saudara bila lagi mau baca?
1. memoir Abdullah CD bahagian pertama, kedua dan ketiga,
2. Shamsiah Fakeh dari Awas ke regimen ke-10
3. memoir Rashid maidin,
4. Abu Samah Mohd Kassim Pejuang kiri kemerdekaan dan zuriat dato bahaman.
5. memoir suriani abdullah dan banyak lagi.
Baca sikit, baru kepala otak masuk oksigen.
pelajar MMU
Dear Tun,
The world was a very dangerous planet during the Cold War.
There was a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons in the Soviet Union and the US. IF NUCLEAR WEAPONS EXIST, THEN THERE EXISTS A POSSIBILITY OF A GLOBAL NUCLEAR CONFLAGRATION. Human nature as it is, an egoistic Russian President or a misinformed US President may be the first to press the button to launch a nuclear pre-emptive strike. Looking back, all the US and Russian Presidents had different dispositions. The day of infamy threat is real and there were at least two incidents in the past. During the Korean War, General MacArthur pushed for a nuclear strike to end the war. However, President Truman rejected the plan, but it could have happened if it was another US President. The second notable possibility of a nuclear war was the Cuban Missile Crisis. If either President Khrushchev or President Kennedy did not back off, then there was a real nuclear war in 1962. It wasn’t funny at all. There would be massive nuclear fallout. The whole world, the air, the water and soil, would be contaminated by radioactive particulates for millions of years. The atmosphere and the air will never be the same anymore with its lingering radioactivity effects. Every human will be ingesting radioactive particles on every breath.
YES. NUCLEAR WEAPONS STILL EXIST TODAY. There is enough stockpile of nuclear weapons in Russia, US, France, China and UK to start a significant nuclear war.
Then came along a President with a mission. At his inauguration speech: “… the greatest honour that can bestow a human is peace …”. President Nixon and Dr Kissinger laid the groundwork for a peaceful world. It is no accident that China is the key player in global peace as was seen by Dr Kissinger in 1972.
The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) was initiated by President Reagan and was ratified in 1991. This keystone agreement was the cornerstone for world peace for over twenty years. Does the agreement work? It was just an agreement, but it has served the world very well. It depends on US and Russia being responsible global citizens. It may be trouble if there is a breakdown of the Central or Federal Governments. The world has gone through a dangerous nuclear devices transition with the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991. Nuclear materials could have gone into wrong hands between 1991 and now.
The ‘Mutually Assured Destruction’ nuclear strategy was formulated during the cold war. It was a doctrine of total destruction and no one win. It is for this reason that no one earth is to be allowed to start an all out nuclear war. Not even President Obama or President Medvedev. No human has any right to start a nuclear war, but every citizen of the world has the full right to stop President Obama, President Medvedev or anyone to launch a nuclear pre-emptive strike. Nuclear war has no border and affects everyone. It is on this basis that everyone on earth has every right to stop anyone from starting a nuclear war and demand for full accountability.
However, the nuclear war system for total annihilation exists. With the emergence of President Obama and President Medvedev, the world is now entering the true dawn of global peace. The Obama generation is the one that understand the synergistic and participatory world. There will be uncertainty on nuclear policy when the next generations assume power. It is for this reason that someone, perhaps Tun, should set the course for the two important leaders to prevent any nuclear war indefinitely. I mean Tun has important contacts like the Reverend Jesse Jackson. Also, the Nobel Peace Prize is up for grabs here. It is the perfect window of opportunity to device the instruments (treaty) to eliminate any nuclear war indefinitely.
START will expire at the end of the year. The world can do better in the next agreement. All countries with nuclear weapons are to participate in a new treaty. Key people like Dr Kissinger, President Carter and President Gobachev should be invited to give their views and to participate in the process.
The knowledge to produce nuclear devices is now widespread. Many countries, with enough will and persistence can do it. If you stopped North Korea, then it will be Iran and who will be next? Of course, the world must in the first instance do the stopping because of the simple fact that a deviant nuclear explosion can occur.
Countries that experiment with nuclear weapons are like playing with toys. Ten nuclear warheads are not enough to win a war. What is of concern is the fact that the nuclear devices or dirty bombs may go the terrorists. This is the central issue that the world must address immediately.
It is time for the world to apply technology to contain any nuclear threat in the future. The US is proactive and being very agitated by countries toying with nuclear devices. The world needs to look into another approach now, especially when many countries are moving toward nuclear energy to supply their energy need. There will be extensive movements of radioactive materials throughout the world in the next fifty years.
Build a database to track the movements of uranium, plutonium, yellowcake, reprocessed nuclear fuel, caesium-137 and all fissile materials. Use RFID, GPS and the satellite links to track the movement of nuclear materials in real time. The radioactive decay can be monitored while the nuclear materials are in transit to check for theft. Use mass spectrometry to monitor and check the source of the materials. As an example, the uranium from South Africa will have a different fingerprint profile to that of the uranium from Canada. The database and the integrated monitoring and control system will enable IAEA, and authorities in US and Russia to know exactly at any moment where the fissile materials are, what it is for, how much it has decayed, how much it has been used right down to the gram quantity. If the data does not match expected preset parameters, then it indicates theft, fraud and illegal use. This is basically an ICT and forensic system that will do the job exactly and accurately as intended.
I have thought of the above idea before I visited Northport and Westport in February 2008. Malaysia, being a neutral country, is perfect to develop such a system. It can be done. The technology is there. What is needed is the funding, maybe from US and China, to make this happen.
As for the new Strategic Arms Control Treaty among nations, the nuclear containment mechanism above can be put into use to track and monitor the strategic stockpile to ensure a precise enforcement. All nations will join in the pool if it is fair and transparent. This is a collective responsibility for all nations to ensure that the fissile materials do not fall into the wrong hands which will contaminate our atmosphere, soil and water. Then the world will have a guaranteed nuclear containment mechanism.
Kind Regards,
Salam Tun,
Cukup2xlah tuh menghentam mmu student..
Kiter terangkanlah secara baik. Yg tak tau, kita bgtau.
X perlulah kiter seiringkn skalik dgn kater2x menyakitkan hati.
Yg menhentam, tau sagt ker hak2x keistimewaan org melayu. If kiter baik2x beritahu, dier akan beritahu yg laen dan seterusnya..bukan ker baek tuh. Xkn dh bukan “budak2x” pon maseh nk kene ajar jugak.
Peace no war..
Semoga semua sehat dan sejahtera.
Salam WBT, Yang Terhormat Ayahanda Tun M
Semoga dalam sihat walafiat- AMIN.
Izinkan saya minta laluan, kepada: Terima kasih Tun/MMU Student.
Ada beberapa cadangan untuk anda MMU student:
1. Mulakan hidup dengan bersyukor kepada Allah SWT apabila anda dapat melihat sinaran matahari pagi.Berdiri dihadapan cermin muka dan bertanyalah kepada diri sendiri apakah yang kurang terhadap diri anda.
2. Selaku penuntut, disuroh mencari ilmu sehingga cerdik bukannya pandai.Apabila anda sudah cerdik nescaya anda menjadi bijak. Ada pepatah melayu mengenai: “Pandai….”.
3. Bila anda sudah graduan terbilang, jangan nanti duduk di kerusi empok jadi, pangkat besar akhirnya: “cakap tidak serupa bikin”
4. Laut sangat dalam dan luas dan langit tidak tercapai dengan tangan. Jangan kail panjang sejengkal…. hendak menduga kebijaksanaan dan sumbangan Ayahanda Tun M. Banyak lagi ilmu yang anda perlu cari.
5.Untuk pelajari sejarah Malaysia, sila tution dengan YBhg Datok Prof Khoo Khay Khim.
6. Untuk pelajari kehidupan di Malaysia sambil berhibur, sila banyakan menonton filem lakunan dan arahan Allahyarham Tan Sri P Ramlee. Rasanya Allahyarham Tan Sri P Ramlee lebih cerdik dari anda.
7. Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, sudahkah anda kibarkan Jalur Gemilang dirumah anda? Kalau sudah..Tahniah..
8. Kata orang: Jangan tanya apa yang negara boleh sumbangkan kepada anda, sebaliknya, apakah sumbangan anda terhadap negara.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Semoga Allah sentiasa memelihara dan sentiasa merahmati Tun dan keluarga.
I just cannot agree more than what you’ve written. I don’t think anybody can claim himself/herself as a real Malay as the Malays are a mixture of a number of races. I don’t think there is a race in this world which are not being mixed with other race/s. But maybe some common features, cultures and religion may differentiate a group/community from the other. And being human (with ego) each group wants to be more superior from the other.
Similarly, with people from the different state. It’s unfair for one to comment that the Kelantanese are the most extreme in ITM circa 1974. I was there a couple of years later but there are many good and moderate Kelantanese. At one time the Director of ITM was a Kelantanese. Ibrahim Ali or some arrogant successful businessmen should not be portrayed as a common behavior or attitude of most Kelantanese.
If one wants to be racial, one can be racial to his/her own brothers and sisters. I come from a big family, and among us there are some differences. Among us there are some who is darker than the other, with curly and straight hair, sharp and blunt features. We used to call each other names, which reflect the lacking which each of us has. Hitam, gemuk, pendek (jepun), sepek and alike. But as we grow us we learn to accept the difference and the bonding od brotherhood/sisterhood becomes stronger. It’s not that we don’t have additional differences but we only look on our commonalities to be closer.
The same thing happens to us in a country. There are many types (or origin) of Malays, so are the Chinese and Indians. There are the in-betweens from recent mix marriages. If each individual or group want to differentiate himself or themselves from the others, racism exist. But if each of us, just look into our commonalities (forget whether we are Bugis, Javanese, Champa) than we can co-exist harmoniously.
Rasicm may also prevails as long as one has the immigrant mentality. A Kelantanese (or Johorean for that matter) may think he/she be superior/inferior as long as he/she has in his head that he come from Kelantan/Johor, though now he/she resides in Selangor (for example). Similarly, if a Chinese, still think that he comes from China (though he’s a third generation Malaysian Chinese), this Chinese may have some degree of racism in himself.
Hence, each of us must first eradicate the element of racism in ourselves before we start pointing fingers at others or blaming others or circumstances.
Dalam Islam, keturunan dan bangsa tidak penting disisi Allah. Tetapi apa yang di nilai oleh Allah keatas seseorang individu ialah keimanan dan ketakwaan nya.
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera.Minta izin mengulas komen yg disiar di sini…..
………….. Pada ‘Terima Kasih TUN’ on August 14, 2009 12:59 PM
I am not surprised at the speed with which people here pounce on you. Any seemingly Malay commenter who doubts ‘Malay rights’ will be hammered! More alarming is they fail to see the point and go on frenzy attack.
They fail to see the so called Malay ‘rights’ is not being enjoyed equally by all Malays and some dont even smell it!
A ‘right’ is a grant (a given) and is equal. Like voting right, everybody gets one (just show IC). Do all Malays get licence, permit, scholarship, projects, contracts by just showing IC? Do they get the rights equally?
It is not a right then, it is a privilege! It is a privilege for Umnoputera, families and cronies, voters for Umno. Ask Kelantan people what ‘rights’ they enjoyed? They are not Malays?
Malay rights are safe in the constitution but it is Umno privileges that is being challenged. Umno and Utusan privileges, not Malay rights is being threatened!
Is it because the constitution recognizes this that Article 153 mentions ‘special position’ of Malays not ‘special rights’ which is Umno creation. If it is a ‘right’ it is impossible to give all Malays govt job, scholarship, licence and permits! Every Malay asks for this ‘right’ we are doomed!
The Malays are recognized to have a special position in this country via article 153. How special and how much is debatable, but its special position is written. Umno cries out it is fighting for Malay rights (which should be given equally and unbiasedly) but gleefully wields it as a privilege (for families and cronies).
Umno beneficiaries cant see this. This blog is crawling with these people. Menjaga ‘hak keistimewaan’ mrk (lain dari kedudukkan Melayu), kata pantang jadi mayat sebelum habis hayat. Sebenarnya hati mrk zahir berhayat, batin dah bermayat.
Berjuang untuk hidup senang, kaya cepat dengan keistimewaan, tak fikir lepaskan kesenangan itu untuk anak miskin dan orang susah.Dia asyik dengki orang kaya dgn usaha sendiri, tapi bermegah kaya dgn bantuan tongkat yg lebih bermakna bantu orang miskin dan susah.
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini yg dah bertukar perkauman….
Race and religion are two devastating weapons of mass destruction or weapons of terror. Many wars and atrocities have been waged in its name. We should criminalize all war mongers who legitimize their violence using race and religion. M
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Minta izin membalas sebuah komen di sini setelah ubah suai sikit….
Pandangan pada ‘tunnusantara’ on August 12, 2009 5:01 AM
Language is not a zero sum game or an axis of racism. Racism is wanting to bar learning of another’s language. You can learn another language without abandoning your mother tongue. Support the vernacular schools effort to strengthen learning of BM, instead of blindly accusing learning of mother tongue as racism.
If the intention is to teach BM, there is no need to oppose vernacular schools. Just strengthen mastering of BM. Unless the intention is otherwise!! Also I dont think your opposition will be so adamant if the vernacular schools were to teach Islam and Malay culture in Chinese?
I dont think the British called Malays racists for wanting Malay language schools instead of English medium those days?
Vernacular education is agreed in the constitution, why label their existence as racism, unpatriotic, ungrateful? It is not demanding or insisting anything new. It is a mutually agreed right to learn the mother tongue, with full recognition of official status of BM and its compulsory learning.
You can ask for removal of govt assistance to vernacular schools but it is ultra vires the constitution to remove vernacular schools. We should work to find the problems causing the current situation in schools instead of squarely blaming minorities and vernacular schools. Tepuk sebelah tangan tak kan berbunyi.
Haven’t the migrants who were granted free citizenship (pre 1959), paid their dues and lived for 52 yrs with non bumi status? I doubt non-M’sian granted Malay citizenship (migrants and marriage) after 1959 need to sacrifice living as non bumi for 52yrs. These are the mamak, Indons and descendants of Malays by marriage. Maybe they should, and there will be lesser cries of unfairness?
It is a never ending sacrifice for non bumis if the no of bumis keep on rising due to ‘parachute’ Malays. There is no problem for other races to sacrifice for the original Malays of 1959. They definitely cannot take the burden of the rising tide of these Malays (newly granted citizenship).
M’sian minorities are not like the other countries cos other countries do not have ‘race’ stated on their IC. Just Thai, Filipino or Indon! Maybe we should follow this to encourage feeling of patriotism and oneness.
No country makes you live a ‘non native’ status for 52 yrs as condition of citizenship. The law abiding, hardworking labourer or maid will no longer be a maid after 52 yrs. A decent country will accept him.
Since you mentioned uphold the constitution, please uphold Article 152 of the constitution!
Religion confers you the right of self defence and preservation. Who is right when both parties claim this religious right? The person having special privileges or the one asking for more equal privileges?
Double check your facts. India is not single ethnic. It is not mono religion (Hindu 1bil, Islam 140mil, Christian 25mil, Sikkism, Buddhism), not mono language (Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Bengali all more than double M’sian population). India has no race identification, so appears mono ethnic.
China has 110mil minorities in its midst, much more difficult number to manage. There are 6 minorities (largest one 16mil) in China whose population more than M’sian chinese 6mil. They have a bigger headache than M’sia!
Tun says we need to have mirrors (strong opposition), disfavour demonising, criminalise war. Bloggers here cannot tolerate opposition, turn into racial demons and resort to race mongering.
Semua mahu komen panjang-panjang kat sini. Tolonglah bagi “point” sudah lah ini tidak berjela-jela melebihi artikel che det. Apa kata kalau banyak sangat nak bagi tau buat je blog sendiri. Tak payah nak “berayahanda” la apa la kat sini, membuang masa. Kalau nak ber”ayahanda” ke apa ke, bila hari raya rumah che det, bukan kat sini.
Salam YAB dan Di Kasihi Tun,
Saya SOKONG penuh saranan/kempen Tun untuk
Lagi satu komen dari MMU student yang lemah akal tu!
“Inilah kebebasan bersuara yang telah dihalang. Kenapa komen saya tidak disiarkan? Komen orang yang menghentam saya semuanya disiarkan. kenapa tak boleh ker ada orang yang mengkritik UMNO.
bak kata Benderbuzz, janganlah dilayan generasi muda macam saya ni. Masih budak tak tau apa-apa lagi. Tak baca sejarah. Generasi yang sudah tua-tua kerepot yang akan mengundi bukan generasi muda ni kan.”
Below is my reply sebab budak ni tak faham2 lagi. Tulah suruh belajar sejarah dan asal-usul keturunan Melayu di bumi Malaysia tak nak, ketegaq.
1) Tell us with hard facts if there is any country as large as Malaysia (or larger) that does not have any affirmative action programme or something similar to “hak2 keistemewaan melayu” but is able to produce 50% of any of its ethnic group as rich and wealthy group? Oh! at the same time none of the ethnic group is eleft behing in wealth accumulation. Don’t just talk cock and bull story here, k. – This question is in respond to your claim that UMNO has failed to produce 50% of the Malays as rich group. Memang pun failed tapi 50% tu logik ke?
2) I advised in my earlier posting that you need to avoid from making a statement without facts. You said “Hang (sic) Generasi yang sudah tua-tua kerepot yang akan mengundi bukan generasi muda ni kan.” Please do not speak for every young people in this country or make an inference that every young person will vote against UMNO or BN. I am a young person as well but I will NEVER give my vote to PR! Many more young persons that I know did not vote for PR as well. True, there are many youths voted for PR but to make an inference that only “generasi muda” will vote and to imply that they will vote against UMNO/BN will vote is blatantly careless. BN did not LOSE in the last election, otherwise PR will get the majority in the Parliament. Cuma sebab pemimpin2 UMNO/BN yang kureng sikit rakyat naik meluat.
3) You seemed to be unhappy when other people suggested that you or young people like you “Tak baca sejarah.’ But, your own statement in the earlier posting seems to suggest that you memang tak tahu sejarah! Otherwise you won’t claim that there is no such thing as hak2…” and you rudely asked Tun to write something on this topic. Tak pergi library lagi ke? or Sibuk sangat surf the Internet?
4) Apanya kebebasan hang bersuara terhalang? Hanya sebab satu posting hang tak keluar terus hang nak conclude kebebasan bersuara hang terhalang? Hang ni bingai ke apa? Kalau berani buat statement berani lah hadapi hentaman orang lain sebab hang memang patut kena hentam pun. Supaya dapat belajar through the hard way.
5) Kritiklah UMNO tu sampai zaman cucu cicit hang. Tak apa pun. Memang UMNO layak kena kritik pun sebab some of their leaders memang bingai macam hang. Tapi, kritikan mestilah ada asas yang kukuh bukan main hentam kromo aje mengikut rentak dan arus yang anti-kerajaan membuta tuli.
Aih, naik penat aku menutuh budak sorang ni. Bukan ‘tutuh’ yang tu tau. Jangan pikiaq macam2, dosa! Maaf banyak2 sebab guna bahasa caca merba sebab kadang2 bahasa macam ni lah yang dapat menyampaikan rasa yang terbuku sebab kebingaian sesetengah orang.
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
[[I have heard that those people who memorize the Al-Quran are usually very intelligent. My Sudaness friend’s brother is one such an example. He is a hafiz, and a mathematician. Hence very intelligent. But I wonder what is the rationale behind this?]]
Observe Carefully Saudara PenyuMenangis..
1.Conventional Wisdom.
Berdasarkan Ayat Al Quran dari Surah Al Qamar.
“Kami ( Allah ) mencipta dengan sesuatu kadar
( ketetapan ).Meaning :Rule and convention.
Di dalam ketetapan itu ada undang-undang alam.Nature of law.Law of nature.Api itu membakar.Kalau di bakar hangus dan sebagainya.Juga Pisau itu memotong.Yang Di Potong Akan Putus.Ini di dalam Islam di panggil Ketetapan Yang Pertama.
Ketetapan Yang Kedua ialah bila di bakar tidak hangus dan bila di potong tidak putus.
Contoh : 1) Nabi Ibrahim a.s yang tidak hangus di bakar.
2) Nabi Ismail a.s yang tidak putus lehernya di
Rasululah s.a.w menjelaskan di dalam Hadithnya..
Ketetapan Pertama Tidak Akan Di Ubah Oleh Ketetapan Kedua melainkan dalam keadaan Yang Istimewa..Dan Hal ini Amat Jarang..
Coming back to the question.What is the rationale behind this?
2.Unconventional Wisdom.
Sains tidak mengakui perempuan mempunyai air mani.Islam menjelaskan di dalam Al Quran..Air mani yang bercampur..
The rationale is..You can differentiate people honesty and integrity through..Pandangan Mata Hati dan Memandang Dengan Nur Allah..
[[How does memorising the Quranic text leads to increase in inteligence? What is intelligence anyway?]]
It is impossible to increase intelligence by memorising Quran.Let Allah tells and shows us the way..
“Mereka yang bersungguh-sungguh menuju jalan Kami ( Allah )..akan Kami ( Allah ) tunjukkan kepadanya..
[[I am sorry to ask these pertinent questions, but this is “my chinese character” talking. The Malayness in me, told me not to ask question, it is very rude to ask question]]
On the contrary..It is very good to asks questions…:)
[[What I understand from this, most people cannot read and interpret their surrounding fast enough. Having good brian is not good enough, you must have efficient “feed-back” system, so that you can make best use of your surrounding. In nature, this is how animal survive. Human being are now less efficient, I wonder why?]]
Saudara PenyuMenangis…It is a pity you don’t have the privileges to mix with Quran Tahfiz student..Go..find them..You will have the inkling what I am saying..
My final parting shot.Not memorising alone but they who knows Surah Yassin in their heart..understand the meaning and purpose is a standard above normal people..Allah chose them to lay the beautiful verses in the very breast of their chests..You will only know how great this gift in Hereafter..
A Pakcik once told me..he tries very hard to memorise Yassin..alas..in vain..and how about us?..We have been reading Surah Yassin for what 10,20,30,40,50,60 and 70 years..and yet have we been able to memorise the “mere” 83 verses?..
Coming back to the pertinent question..Actually it is all about
the Profound Wisdom…
Terima kasih Tun..
Salamun’alaikum Tun
Inilah kebebasan bersuara yang telah dihalang. Kenapa komen saya tidak disiarkan? Komen orang yang menghentam saya semuanya disiarkan. kenapa tak boleh ker ada orang yang mengkritik UMNO.
bak kata Benderbuzz, janganlah dilayan generasi muda macam saya ni. Masih budak tak tau apa-apa lagi. Tak baca sejarah. Generasi yang sudah tua-tua kerepot yang akan mengundi bukan generasi muda ni kan.
*diharap komen ini disiarkan
MMu student
Ayahanda Tun, I think Macro Man would do okay in the end if he could somehow throw in compassion in between Macro management and Micro admin. That was the one ingredient I left out then, and I think compassion never goes out of need or fashion. Macro man must add in compassionate ground somewhere in there. That way, he would be at best.
Dedah lokasi panas H1N1
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Tun, you were the top management for 22 years straight running. You surely understand better than me the principles of macro and micro management. Macro is for the good of all with “acceptable losses”. Micro is for the good of one/few with no losses. This two are hard to balance and hard to sync at most times. That
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Tun, you were the top management for 22 years straight running. You surely understand better than me the principles of macro and micro management. Macro is for the good of all with “acceptable losses”. Micro is for the good of one/few with no losses. This two are hard to balance and hard to sync at most times. That
To those people…
I speak out based on my experiences and life. I live in kampung area. I feel ashamed when chinese and indians say ” you ada hak keistimewaan orang melayu boleh la”. I just don’t know what d i get from hak keistimewaan orang melayu. If I got something from it, at least it’s worth to get dumped by them. I asked all my malay friends what do you understand from hak keistimewaan orang melayu and what did you get from that. They don’t even know.
Some malays became rich because they worked hard just like chinese and indians. They are rich not because of UMNAOoo. If UMANOoo does really help the malays, Im very sure 50% of our economy will be controlled by the malays. So UMNAooo failed. If UMANOoo doesn’t exist, there won’t be any rich malays in malaysia?
As young generation, my colleagues and I feel like vomiting when listen to the speeches by UMNOoo corrupted party and their leaders too (except TDM – i believe on him). What you guys are talking lol? some sh** right? What you gonna prove to us? 52 years UMNAOoo led this country but where are the malays? The UMNAOoo just using Malays for their political agenda.
correct me if i’m wrong.
UMNO The Club of DOOM
MMU student
Tun wrote:-
7. Incidentally in Singapore while the identity cards no longer indicate the dialect group among the Chinese, the Malays are now classified into Bugis, Boyanese, Javanese etc. The number of Malays are now much less.
My comment:-
I disagree with your statement please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malay_Singaporean
regardless the Malays in Singapore classified to Bugis, Boyan, Jawa, etc they have Malay written in front in their ICs i.e. Malay – Boyan, Malay – Bugis etc and statistically wise, they fall in one group called ‘Malay’. Checking the link, if we take the % on the growht of each ethnic, from 1970 to 2006, you can see that the Malays shrunk by 8.1%. Even though the Chinese shrunk less at 2.3%, the fact that they shrunk more than the Malays considering the massive intake of Chinese immigrants during the 36 years period. I have many Malay friends there and they really thank your rival LKY. LKY really took your remarks seriously about “habislah nasib melayu di singapore di bawah LKY”. The Malays survived and surviving very well there.
Yang Berbahagian Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Para Blogger yang dihormati
Allow me to comment Wajaperak’s comment.
By wajaperak on August 13, 2009 10:51 AM
[[There are now many Malays who are clever and these mostly the result of inter-marriages.]]
I have to say I disagrees with you on this one.Quran Hafiz and Hafizah is the most clever and intelligent.Yet this is dying breeds.Go to Pakistan and you will suprise to finds out that their intellectuals are among Quran Hafiz.Truly best of both world..
When I suggested intermarraiges to improve the Malay charcters (including intelligence, perserverance, diligence etc…), it is a long term plan covering several generations This is not my own fancy theory, but base on well documented studies on genetic inheritance, evolution theory and biological diversity. Again I must admit, scientific studies is not deterministic but probabilistic. This method is never 100% guaranteed.
I have not considered other methods to breed genius, as proposed by many people. They usually claim 100% success.
I have heard that those people who memorize the Al-Quran are usually very intelligent. My Sudaness friend’s brother is one such an example. He is a hafiz, and a mathematician. Hence very intelligent. But I wonder what is the rationale behind this? How does memorising the Quranic text leads to increase in inteligence? What is intelligence anyway?
I am sorry to ask these pertinent questions, but this is “my chinese character” talking. The Malayness in me, told me not to ask question, it is very rude to ask question.
One Iraqi friend told me in the old days, Chinese people said “all non-Chinese people are blind except the Iraqis who have one eye”.
What I understand from this, most people cannot read and interpret their surrounding fast enough. Having good brian is not good enough, you must have efficient “feed-back” system, so that you can make best use of your surrounding. In nature, this is how animal survive. Human being are now less efficient, I wonder why?
Oooppsss… I ask another question. Mohon Maaf.
Salam tun,
Sy setuju dengan etp2020. UMNO itu sendiri walaupon ditubuhkan sebagai benteng pertahanan orang melayu dan hak2xnya, dieja dalam bahasa inggeris..kenapa tidak Organisasi Melayu Bersatu Nasional (OMBN)???
Dan satu lagi, sy ingin sekali tau apakah bahasa melayunya “MALAYSIA”??..kita selalu mengucapknnya sebagai MELEYSIA..bukan MA-LAY-SI-A..
Hiroshima di BOM oleh USA. Orang barat yg kecewa kerana peluang mereka melebarkan pengaruh dan jajahan di Asia disekat oleh pengaruh Jepun. Mereka bukan mahukan keamanan sebenarnya. mereka tidak peduli nasib rakyat negara2 yg dijajah Jepun pun. Maka pemusnah besar besaran dan kejam itu di gugurkan di nagasaki dan hiroshima.
Cerita lain tajuk
Rakyat tidak suka KJ tapi ramai tidak seronok tengok gaya hidup mewah yg keterlaluan dan cara hidup kebaratan Mukhriz (rujuk gambar house warming Mukhriz). Jadi dua-dua pun tidak jadi idaman rakyat utk masadepan negara.
Sekiranya jadi pemimpin melayu musti amal carahidup melayu. besederhana. Ingin jadi pemimpin berjaya macam Tun. Mist bijak dan berani. sebab pemimpin naik melalui rakyat. mesti tahu aspirasi dan selera rakyat.
Kami kagumi kepimpinan TUN
Dear Tun,
By Terima Kasih TUNAuthor Profile Page on August 11, 2009 8:03 PM
I wonder What did I get from “Hak keistimewaan melayu”. When I was in school My dad provides me with the text and reference books. Do i get any discount for being a malay or with the “hak keistimewaan melayu”. Can I go to any shopping mall and tell them hey i’m malay i owned hak keistimewaan melayu, give me 10 % discount. I tried to think what the benefits from it but couldn’t find until now. Rakyats belief that it is just UNITED MALAYS ORGANIZATION propaganda to bodohkan melayu.
The ” hak keistimewaan melayu ” was started by the British when they realised that the Chinese Immigrants or “Sinkhek” were acquiring lands from the local Malay and soon if they did not put a stop to this, the natives Malay will be just be a squatter in their own land. Thus begins the policy of the “Malay reserve land” and as times changes those policy became the NEP. Like you, my dad too provides me with the text and reference book too without the help from the government. But that does’nt mean that I should join your bandwagon and deprive other Bumiputra’s whom the majority are not as lucky as you and me.
As for your assumption that the rakyat believes the United Malay Organisation propaganda out to ” bodohkan Melayu “, I dont think so cause with a Malay undergrad like you, they dont have to. Like the script from ” Pendekar bujang Lapuk ” movie goes “Din engkau dengan bapak engkau pun sama jugak. ”
Salam Tun,
Mohon laluan Tun,
By Terima Kasih TUN on August 11, 2009 8:03 PM
….. belief that it is just UNITED MALAYS ORGANIZATION propaganda to bodohkan melayu.
… I tried to think what the benefits from it but couldn’t find until now…..dont even know what they got from it. Don’t just fool us!
MMU student
Inilah contoh produk (defects)yang dilahirkan oleh ibu bapa yang sentiasa mengalami masalah emosi, dendam dan busuk hati. Mereka ini sebenarnya bukan golongan yang sihat dari segi mental dan berkemungkinan memiliki gen yang bermasalah.
Tun, tak perlu dilayan kanak-kanak sebegini kerana semakin dilayan semakin kronik penyakit hati mereka.
Dengan pandemik H1N1 Selesema BABI kini, angka maut terkini sudah mencecah 51 mangsa. MOH masih lagi tercari-cari kaedah yang sesuai menangani wabak ini. Rasanya semuanya ini berlaku akibat kealpaan dan tindakan sambil lewa mereka sebelum ini yang tidak memandang serius perkembangan yang berlaku.
Kini masyarakat semakin panik, peniaga pula semakin rakus menaikkan harga penutup hidung (mask) daripada jenis murahan sehinggalah ke model N95. Kalau yang dulu berharga RM0.50 .. kini dah naik RM1.00, N95 (RM5.00 ke RM9.50).
Entahlah apa kesudahannya nanti. Yang pasti suara-suara dalam masyarakat sudah kedengaran yang mahukan KP MOH Dr Ismail Marican dan Menteri Liow untuk meletak jawatan kerana gagal sepenuhnya dalam menjalankan tugas mengekang penularan selesema BABI.
Mereka gagal menasihatkan masyarakat dan kerajaan untuk bertindak secara proaktif dalam menangani selesema BABI sehinggakan kinipun acara-acara perhimpunan awam masih galak dijalankan.
Salam ayahanda Tun,
Ya Allah, tak sangka ada student melayu kat universiti(MMU)masih daif dan bodoh tentang Hak2 Keistimewaan Orang Melayu. Masih tak paham tapi cuba berlagak pandai. Ramai lagi ker bebudak macam ni kat MMU? Belajar lah balik jati diri. Siapa bangsa Melayu dan dari mana asal usulnya. Sampai hak bangsa sendiri pun tak tahu.
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
[[Allow me to tell my story… it is a tale of two Asean cities]]
Allow me to comment..Thank you..
[[the Chinese people have a better capacity to improve themselves, while the Malays have less capacity to improve despite the NEP.]]
Agreed.But why this is so?..I believe it has something to do with basic human survival itself.From Japan to America.Let just take a look at what flour can be made into and why?..In Japan..what is Japanese people do with flour in their staple food and consumption?
In China maybe ? Mantou? A pau like food? So you see from Japan to America,people don’t share same characteristic even in food making and consumption from the basic that their share: flour..
Same goes with human characteristic,traits and value.Chinese inherits better capacity of survivor from their forefather more than Malays do from their forefather..
Malay Dilemma actualy is about education.When you are educated, you will see all of your shortcoming and try your best to improves.
[[The Malays were being discriminated by the non-Malays employers in the private sector. This is another fact.]]
Agreed.But does anybody truly understands why? So far as I know, it is Malay themselves who ask to be
discriminated..SUPRISE..SUPRISE..Yes..gives credit when it is due and don’t gives it for the undue!!
1)Chinese are known to be hardworking.They only gives respect and credit to the one who practice hardworking attitude like them..So..are you sure the ‘discriminated’ are truly hardworking?..Seriously?
2)When you have visitor’s from other place and you are about to performs next day..How was your night?..Anxious with preparation or you sleeps it away?..Which criteria that bosses like, Malay or Chinese in this context?
3)I have many Chinese boss..And true they are harsh to me, yet they are most rewarding.Malay boss?..Yuck..Sorry..It goes to without saying
What you sow..Is the only thing you can reap..!
[[There are now many Malays who are clever and these mostly the result of inter-marriages.]]
I have to say I disagrees with you on this one.Quran Hafiz and Hafizah is the most clever and intelligent.Yet this is dying breeds.Go to Pakistan and you will suprise to finds out that their intellectuals are among Quran Hafiz.Truly best of both world..
[[Those who experience war and violence must live with some bitterness, anxious and suspicion.]]
Yes they do.Ask Hanan.But even him, make the most of war.And me? How do I know?..Or pretend to know? I am among few student of the art like Uwais Al Qarni.Here a short intro.
Saidina Umar and Ali was asked to sends Rasullulah s.a.w regards to Uwais.They found him and asks him why?..
Umar and Ali :You claimed you loves Rasulullah s.a.w the most yet
you did not participate in Uhud?
Uwais :You claimed you fight alongside Rasulullah s.a.w in
Uhud yet wich tooth that he lost?
The point is Divine Knowledege like this esteemed Sahabat had and
the “Ladunna Ilma” direct from Allah like Khidir was bestowed..
[[I am not saying the Chinese are rude and opportunistic, but they are generally less polite and less respecting for other people. This is understandable if you are thinking forever of moving (normad)]]
Again.I disagrees with you on this.Uighur and Xinyiang will tells you that this is not the case.
[[Try to simulate yourself to be a Chinese, if you are a Malay and vice-versa.]]
Not neccessarily true.Being a Hafiz and Hafizah is sufficient because Mukmin can see through Allah light.
Terima kasih.
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
Saya amat bersetuju dengan Tun berhubung perbezaan antara “equal distribution” and “Fair distribution”. Pandangan Tun amat tepat dan SEWAJARNYA DITERIMA OLEH MEREKA YANG BERFIKIR WARAS. hanya orang rakus sahaja akan menolak keadilan dan kesaksamaan.
Semoga Tun terus sihat dan mencurah bakti untuk Islam dan kemaslahatan manusia segat.
Dear Tun salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Your wise comments attract wild accusations again. Izin saya beri pandangan pada satu komen tuduh menuduh….
Pandangan pada ‘tunnusantara’ on August 12, 2009 5:01 AM
Language is not a zero sum game or an axis of racism. Racism is wanting to bar learning of another’s language. You can learn another language without abandoning your mother tongue. Support the vernacular schools effort to strengthen learning of BM, instead of blindly accusing learning of mother tongue as racism.
If the intention is to teach BM, there is no need to oppose vernacular schools. Just strengthen mastering of BM. Unless the intention is otherwise!! Also I dont think your opposition will be so adamant if the vernacular schools were to teach Islam and Malay culture in Chinese?
I dont think the British called Malays racists for wanting Malay language schools instead of English medium those days?
Vernacular education is agreed in the constitution, why label their existence as racism, unpatriotic, ungrateful? It is not demanding or insisting anything new.
It is a mutually agreed right to learn the mother tongue, with full recognition of official status of BM and its compulsory learning.
You can ask for removal of govt assistance to vernacular schools but it is ultra vires the constitution to remove vernacular schools.
We should work to find the problems causing the current situation in schools instead of squarely blaming minorities and vernacular schools. Tepuk sebelah tangan tak kan berbunyi.
Haven’t the migrants who were granted free citizenship (pre 1959), paid their dues and lived for 52 yrs with non bumi status? I doubt Malays in the form of Indons,mamaks,Arabs,Thai,Filipinos converted after 1959 need to sacrifice living as non bumi for 52yrs. Maybe they should, and there will be lesser cries of unfairness?
It is a never ending sacrifice for non bumis if the no of bumis keep on rising due to ‘parachute’ Malays. There is no problem for other races to sacrifice for the original Malays of 1959. They definitely cannot take the burden of the rising tide of ‘migrant’ Malays (newly granted citizenship).
M’sian minorities are not like the other countries cos they do not have ‘race’ stated on their IC. Just Thai, Filipino, Indon! Maybe we should follow this to encourage feeling of patriotism and oneness.
No country makes you live as ‘non native’ status for 52 yrs as condition of citizenship. The law abiding, hardworking labourer or maid will no longer be a maid after 52 yrs. A decent country will accept him.
Since you mentioned uphold the constitution, please uphold Article 152 of the constitution!
Religion confers you the right of self defence and preservation. Who is right when both parties claim this religious right? The person having special privileges or the one asking for more equal privileges?
Double check your facts. India is not single ethnic. It is not mono religion (Hindu 1bil, Islam 140mil, Christian 25mil, Sikkism, Buddhism), not mono language (Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Bengali all more than double M’sian population). India has no race identification, so appears mono ethnic.
China has 110mil minorities in its midst, much more difficult number to manage. There are 6 minorities (largest one 16mil) in China with population more than M’sian chinese 6mil. They have a bigger headache than M’sia!
Tun says we need mirrors (strong opposition), disfavour demonising, must criminalise war. Bloggers here cannot tolerate opposition, turn into racial demons and resort to war mongering.
Terima Kasih Tun Said :
“By Terima Kasih TUN on August 11, 2009 8:03 PM
Out of topic,
I wonder What did I get from “Hak keistimewaan melayu”. When I was in school My dad provides me with the text and reference books. Do i get any discount for being a malay or with the “hak keistimewaan melayu”. Can I go to any shopping mall and tell them hey i’m malay i owned hak keistimewaan melayu, give me 10 % discount. I tried to think what the benefits from it but couldn’t find until now. Rakyats belief that it is just UNITED MALAYS ORGANIZATION propaganda to bodohkan melayu.
Please write an article about hak keistimewaan orang melayu. Malays dont even know what they got from it. Don’t just fool us!
MMU student
Azhar85 said :
Alahai..Ni la first time aku dengar komen bodoh dari org yang bodoh. Aku tak tahu la samaada ko ni Melayu atau bangsa lain yg berpura-pura menjadi bangsa Melayu.(Maybe Chinese, Israel, US, Indian etc..Indon Maybe..hahahaha)
Wei mangkuk, tahu tak keistimewaan orang Melayu ni dari segi apa. Bukan diri sendiri, but secara menyeluruh. Apa yang orang Cina dan India mahukan dari kita adalah perkara-perkara yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan Malaysia.
Contoh kouta perkerjaan kerajaan, pinjaman bank, bisnes, franchise, ASB, kemasukan pelajar ke IPTA, biasiswa kerajaan, Petronas, Proton dan pelbagai lagi banyak memihak ke arah kita tetapi kurang memihak kepada mereka.
Apa yang mereka nak, semua kouta tersebut menjadi hak sama rata supaya senang bangsa-bangsa mereka mendominasi/memonopoli semua kekayaan di negara ini. Sebab apa, mereka rasa bangsa Melayu di Malaysia ni xdapat mencapai atau mengalahkan mereka dari segi pendidikan dan perniagaan. Bila mereka dapat keistimewaan seperti bangsa Melayu, maka secara tak lansung populasi penduduk mereka secara ratanya akan mendominasi seluruh kekayaan Malaysia dan mereka akan dapat segala-galanya. Tu la objektif mereka.
Ko sebab terlalu mementingkan diri sendiri, tu la ko rasa hak keistimewaan Melayu tu tak berpihak pada ko. Ko ni sama la dengan manusia-manusia yang mementingkan diri sendiri seperti DSAI, Khalid Ibrahim, Nizar dan seumpama dengannya, cuma ko x sedar.
salah satu tujuan UMNO ditubuhkan adalah untuk menjaga hak dan keistimewaan org melayu yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan Malaysia. Tujuan lain adalah untuk membahagikan hak kekayaan negara ini sama rata kepada seluruh kaum tetapi tidak akan menggugat hak dan keistimewaan orang Melayu yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan.
Ko ingat kalau Lim kit siang, Anwar ibrahim, karpal singh, dan sewaktu dengannya memerintah, ko akan dapat keistimewaan ke..hahahaha..mimpi la wei…dengan hak hak yang ko ade skrg diorang kebas kot..silap silap xde dah MMU kat situ..diganti dengan nama Lim Kit Siang Open University…hahahaha…
Jadi aku harap ko banyak banyak kan la baca paper, cari pengalaman kt tempat kerja yg banyak chinese tetapi profession ko setaraf mereka, bukan jadi kuli mereka, cari pengalaman nak buka perniagaan secara official, kaji sejarah-sejarah yg lepas, jumpa dengan orang-orang yang mcm DSAI sendiri (faham-faham la kan), lepas tu kalau boleh (mungkin x boleh kot), cuba tukar kad pengenalan ko jd chinese, atau pura-pura jadi chinese atau melayu pengkhianat dan bincang dengan mereka tentang perlembagaan Malaysia,baru ko tahu apa tu perlembagaan malaysia sebenarnya, dan baru ko boleh cakap tentang hak keistimewaan org Melayu…
Penulis menulis berdasarkan pengalamannya selama 24 tahun menjadi penduduk Melayu di Malaysia dan penulis berasa bangga menjadi rakyat Malaysia. -reuters-
Dear Tun,
1001 apology been popular on your blog. It was not my intention. For the compliments I read from 1 or 2 readers made me realized how Tun felt reading 20 million+ comments and counting. I believe Tun read all and very quick to tick too.
I hope comments from readers like us follow some ethics. Ideally saying bad words and cursing others beyond control must be banned.
Tun provide us this platform, lets be sincere about our comments. Some like me too benefit to promote own issues, example : http://www.sagrodmalaysia- agriculturedeveloper.blogspot.com
Jangen marreh
Thanks Tun
salamun ‘alaikum
1. tiada kejayaan dalam dunia tanpa merujuk pada akibatnya di akhirat.
2. orang melayu kurang faham islam itu Al Quran & sunnah Nabi saw.
3. orang melayu kurang tahu, setiap amal perbuatan makhluk, Allah swt cantikkan dengan sunnah Nabi saw.
4. Maulana Yusoff beritahu dalam bayan hidayat, Islam mudah untuk diamalkan apabila dunia disisihkan.
5. Nabi saw pernah bersabda, mafhum yang bermaksud, “sekiranya kita hendak tahu kita ahli syurga atau neraka, lihat pada amalan”. No in between, banyak haram sila ke neraka, banyak halal boleh ke syurga.
6. Tiada yang mudah dalam dunia ini, setiap makhluk diuji. Nabi saw berdakwah di Mekah selama hampir 10 tahun pertama, hasilnya tidak seramai 12 tahun berikutnya. Atas perintah Allah swt, Nabi saw & sahabat ra pindah, titik mula sejarah perkembangan islam. Adakah Nabi saw pandai-pandai tubuh persatuan islam dan ajak mengundi, mengarahkan sahabat cipta senjata hebat-hebat untuk hancurkan musuh, arah kumpul harta untuk beli teknologi kuffar, ajak pindah ke tempat lain?
7. Benarlah Nabi saw & para sahabat ra the best ummat of all time. Sentiasa bersabar, tidak bertindak atas untuk kepentingan diri tapi semata-mata untuk Allah swt.
8. Apa yang kita capai pada hari ini? Barang semakin mahal, kenderaan semakin banyak, melayu semakin gilakan dunia, umat semakin jauh dari agama. Yang beruntung mereka yang mempopularkan agenda berparti, sudah habis masa, mereka pergi dengan senyum, maklumlah, poket dah penuh.
9. Dunia tempat diuji, method yang betul, hasilnya betul. Method yang salah, hasilnya umat kucar kacir.
I just want to respond to MMU student/Terima kasih Tun’s comment, which is reproduced below.
“I wonder What did I get from “Hak keistimewaan melayu”. When I was in school My dad provides me with the text and reference books. Do i get any discount for being a malay or with the “hak keistimewaan melayu”. Can I go to any shopping mall and tell them hey i’m malay i owned hak keistimewaan melayu, give me 10 % discount. I tried to think what the benefits from it but couldn’t find until now. Rakyats belief that it is just UNITED MALAYS ORGANIZATION propaganda to bodohkan melayu.
Please write an article about hak keistimewaan orang melayu. Malays dont even know what they got from it. Don’t just fool us!
MMU student
Salam Tun…
Inilah yang dinamakan pecah dan perintah…
1. “Incidentally in Singapore while the identity cards no longer indicate the dialect group among the Chinese, the Malays are now classified into Bugis, Boyanese, Javanese etc. The number of Malays are now much less”. (pecah dan perintah)
2. Demokrasi itu sendiri adalah pecah dan perintah (rebranded)…fikirkan kenapakah New World Order mahu ianya diamalkan didunia sama ada secara paksa atau sebaliknya
3. Pengwujudan blok2 di dunia ini (demokrasi, komunis, sosialis dan banyak lagi) adalah pecah dan perintah
4. Penaklukan dan penyempadanan semula negara2 juga adalah teknik pecah dan perintah…inilah yang terjadi kepada tamadun Melayu lama
5. Mewujudkan dua puak atau lebih (parti2 politik) yang saling bertelingkah akibat dicucuk oleh new world order juga adalah teknik pecah dan perintah
6. Flase flag operations juga adalah pecah dan perintah
7. Motto New World Order adalah “Order within chaos”….saya sokong dengan apa yang Tun lakukan ini…peperangan mesti dihentikan tetapi Tun pasti akan menghadapi tentangan yang hebat daripada mereka ini….
8. Apa kata Tun kumpulkan kumpulan2 yang yang menentang peperangan dan satukan mereka kerana pada pandangan saya mereka ini berselerak dan berterabur sana-sini…kemudian koordinasikan mereka sebagai satu kumpulan besar…mungkin dengan cara ini akan lebih mendapat perhatian dunia…(ini hanyalah pendapat saya yang tak seberapa)
Lihatkan perumpamaan dibawah…
Salam Tun…
Inilah yang dinamakan pecah dan perintah…
1. “Incidentally in Singapore while the identity cards no longer indicate the dialect group among the Chinese, the Malays are now classified into Bugis, Boyanese, Javanese etc. The number of Malays are now much less”. (pecah dan perintah)
2. Demokrasi itu sendiri adalah pecah dan perintah (rebranded)…fikirkan kenapakah New World Order mahu ianya diamalkan didunia sama ada secara paksa atau sebaliknya
3. Pengwujudan blok2 di dunia ini (demokrasi, komunis, sosialis dan banyak lagi) adalah pecah dan perintah
4. Penaklukan dan penyempadanan semula negara2 juga adalah teknik pecah dan perintah…inilah yang terjadi kepada tamadun Melayu lama
5. Mewujudkan dua puak atau lebih (parti2 politik) yang saling bertelingkah akibat dicucuk oleh new world order juga adalah teknik pecah dan perintah
6. Flase flag operations juga adalah pecah dan perintah
7. Motto New World Order adalah “Order within chaos”….saya sokong dengan apa yang Tun lakukan ini…peperangan mesti dihentikan tetapi Tun pasti akan menghadapi tentangan yang hebat daripada mereka ini….
8. Apa kata Tun kumpulkan kumpulan2 yang yang menentang peperangan dan satukan mereka kerana pada pandangan saya mereka ini berselerak dan berterabur sana-sini…kemudian koordinasikan mereka sebagai satu kumpulan besar…mungkin dengan cara ini akan lebih mendapat perhatian dunia…(ini hanyalah pendapat saya yang tak seberapa)
Lihatkan perumpamaan dibawah…
Salam Tun,
Tun, semenjak dua menjak nih, isu mengenai satu sekolah dan yg paling penting, “ASIMILASI” makin hangat diperkatakan..Sy ingin sekali membaca pandangan Tun mengenai dua perkara di atas..
Semoga Tun sekeluarga sehat dan dipanjangkan umur..
Nama pun bom.
Berbahaya jika digunakan oleh yang suka menyalahguna.
Nasib baiklah Malaysia bukanlah seperti negara lain yang boleh menjual senjata dengan mudah kepada penduduk awam.
Kalau tak, memang ada kedengaran tembak-menebak sana-sini.
Salam tun,
Saya bukan orang melayu,saya tak faham kenapa sekarang ni selalu ada saja persoalan tentang perkauman.
Masa dulu, saya masih ingat lagi dalam tv selalu ada buat iklan kerajaan tentang orang melayu, cina dan india hidup dalam “MUHIBBAH”
Tetapi sekarang, mana perginya “MUHIBBAH” kita ??
Dalam persoalan Hak Keistimewaan Orang Melayu, saya nak comment sikit saja..sudah biasalah…Orang melayu memang ada banyak hak keistimewaan, tetapi orang melayu juga ramai yang miskin, orang bukan melayu pun sama juga ada ramai yang miskin. Yang kaya semuanya orang “ATAS” !
Jadi, ada hak keistimewaan atau tak ada pun sama sajalah, masa perut lapar, makan kena bayar sendiri,kan? Masa sakit… kena bayar sendiri juga….belajar pun kena sendiri bayar….beli rumah….kereta …motor.pun kena sendiri bayar …masa nak mati…siapa nak tanggung….? SENDIRI JUGA !Jadi kita kenalah kerja rajin2 cari “DUIT” . Inilah kenyataan !
Jadi, apa yang penting kita semua rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum kenalah sama-sama berusaha dan BERDIKARI . Janganlah terlalu berharap terhadap kerajaan kita…..tak berapa lama lagi…mereka tidak akan berlakon politik di MALAYSIA lagi….sebab… tun kita ..nak hantar mereka pergi berlakon di “BOLLYWOOD” pula, betul tak, tun ?!
i am wondering how many of us in this approx 26 million malaysian citizens knows 2 malays were dead in Hiroshima? surprisingly, i only knew it in your article (maybe I am not good in History…)
I am wondering if these 2 people were classified as “2 Malaysian Chinese or 2 Malaysian Indian”, will it be as quiet as “2 Malays”? I believe the political ‘racial’ party will play on this issue and claim that the government never revealed the facts of history…..maybe they will make a u-turn saying Malaysian do exists that time.
Dear malaysian,
open our eyes and see from our hearts how lovely we live in Malaysia…. is there any countries in the world with more than 15 ethnics can live and do business side by side for 52 years in peace? if there is, please let me know as I am not good in History and i might be mistake.
Tun, we all know very little about your family. Apart from the many blogs in the internet that insinuate many things, we do not have an official story of your family and how it’s roots started in Malaysia.
Surely for such a great man like you, it will be to the nation’s interest that we are all educated about your exteemed family tree. It will also put to rest all these ‘rumours’ about your family tree, epecially your paternal grandfather’s side.
Let’s say we start from both your maternal and paternal your great-grandfathers.
I, too, would gladly tell a story of how my forefathers came to this land 7 generations ago but alas, I don’t think anyone is interested to hear.
But you are different…you were the longest serving Prime Minister of Malaysia.
What say you?
1. Saya tertarik dgn komen Tunnusantara berhubung dengan orang cina dan India di Malaysia. Bagaimana kerakyataan diberi oleh British kepada pendatang Cina dan India.
2. Nenek-moyang saya datang dari China pada tahun 1930an dan saya generasi ke2 di Malaysia.
3. JUS SOLI diberikan adalah satu fakta. Jika tidak hubungan perkauman akan menjadi terlalu rumit dan British tidak akan menberikan kemerdekaan kepada Malaya.
4.Perlembagaan digubal supaya semua kaum mengetahui hak masing-masing dan hidup aman dan damai. Isu-isu semasa atau tuntutan pihak-pihak tertentu berhubung dengan sesuatu perkara adalan mainan orang politik. Kita harus faham muslihat dibelakang isu-isu itu. Mereka cuma mahu undi baik dari parti mana sekali pun,
5. Tulisan Tunnusantara membayangkan bahawa masyarakat cina atau india di negara ini tidak memberikan sedikit sumbangan langsung kepada pembangunan negara. Masyarakat cina dan india cuma tahu hendak menuntut atau mengambil hak-hak kaum peribumi.
6. Kepentingan kaum masing-masing termaktub di dalam perlembagaan negara.
7. Masyarakat cina dan india dan lain adalah juga masyarakat pembayar cukai. Negara memerlukan cukai untuk membangunkan negara.
Jikalau rakyat tidak berhak untuk berkerja untuk mencari nafkah dimana datangnya cukai pendapatan?
8. Hubungan perkauman kini sudah agak berubah. Dahulu apabila negara kita baru mencapai kemerdekaan, bahasa Melayu dijadikan Bahasa Kebangsaan. Kedudukan bahasa Melayu diletakan sebegitu tinggi sekali. Semua nama-nama jalan utama yang diberikan atas nama orang British ditukar semuanya. Penuntut-penuntut Melayu di Universiti Malaya lebih agresif lagi dengan menyapu cat merah pada papan-tanda yang berbahasa Inggeris.
9. Semua kaum menerimanya tanpa sebarang masalah. Tetapi pada 2003,
Tun Dr Mahathir, menukar pengajaran Sains dan Matematik di dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Adakah Tun Dr Mahathir sudah tidak cintakan bahasa melayu lagi? Tentunya tidak. Beliau terpaksa menerima hakikat bahawa ilmu sains dan teknologi dan perubatan datangnya daripada bahasa itu.
Di dalam undian blog Dr Mahathir, lebih 100,000 orang mengundi dan lebih 86% pengundi bersetuju dengan Dr Mahathir.
Dr Mahathir menulis dengan panjang sebab-sebab PPSMI itu diperkenalkan. Malangnya kerajaan semasa telah mengambil keputusan sebaliknya.
10. Dalam era globalisasi, anak-anak kita akan “merantau” untuk mencari pekerjaan masing-masing. Mereka mungkin akan bekerja di India, China atau Amerika dan bukan hanya terus menetap dinegeri sendiri. Tuntuan semasa sudah berubah.
11. Janganlah kita terus berdebat pasal bahasa kebangsaan, hak tanah melayu, DEB, dsbnya. Kita perlu lihat jauh kehadapan.
12. Satu pengamatan yang agak menarik yang diperhatikan oleh saya ialah, para pendatang Cina yang masuk ke Malaya pada tahun-tahun 1940an( atau yang curi-curi masuk seperti yang tunnusantara perkatakan )dan pada hari ini ada yang kembali semula tetapi sebagai pelabur yang datang dari Malaysia.
Bayangkanlah perubahan-perubahan yang sungguh drastik ini dan teruslah maju ke depan.
Terima Kasih
Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga, assalamualaikum
Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga, assalamualaikum
Sesungguhnya kekadang kita keliru dan tidak dapat melihat dengan jelas sempadan baik atau jahat dan benar atau salah amalan dan pekerjaan kita. Pada pandangan saya yang jahil ini lemah ini, peperangan tidaklah diharamkan di dalam ISLAM, begitu juga perhambaan. ISLAM itu indah, lengkap dan sempurna untuk dijadikan cara hidup hinggakan berperang, marah ataupun gembira diajar supaya beradap dan sederhana. Sederhana adalah pendekatan ISLAM dalam semua perkara tetapi bersungguh-sungguh melaksanakan urusan tersebut. Dalam ISLAM tiada istilah ekstrem tetapi amat sinonim dengan dengan istilah istiqomah. IMAN, ISLAM, EHSAN, BERJIHAD DENGAN DIRI (NAFSU) dan BERJIHAD DENGAN HARTA (MAL) adalah sumber kekuatan dan kejayaan umat ISLAM yang telah dilupakan lantaran diracuni oleh fahaman-fahaman yang bertujuan melemahkan ISLAM seperti kapitalis, sosialis dan banyak lagi ‘ism’ yang dicipta berdasarkan logik semata.
ISLAM mengajar umatnya berlaku adil dan benar dalam semua perkara dan keadaan. Kezaliman terjadi adalah kerana kita yang menzalimi diri kita sendiri. Adilkah kita andainya perbuatan kita menimbulkan kesusahan dan kesukaran pada pihak lain? Adilkah kita jika gagal menjalankan tanggungjawab tetapi menuntut hak sebagai warganegara? Zalimkah pemerintah andainya menjalankan tanggungjawab menjaga keamanan dan maslahat umum? Alangkah mudahnya kita ditipu dan diperdaya oleh mereka zahirnya baik tetapi hatinya lebih ganas daripada serigala. ISLAM itu tegak pada diri, keluarga, masyarakat dan seterusnya NEGARA. Alngkah zalim dan munafiknya kita andai gagal menegakkan ISLAM didiri dan keluarga tetapi mahu MASYARAKAT dan NEGARA ISLAM ditegakkan. Apakah asasnya? Tentulah ianya hanya omong kosong yang sia-sia.
Saya berpendapat elok kiranya Tun berkempen mengharamkan senjata yang membawa kerosakan besar (WMD) daripada menjadikan perang sebagai jenayah kerana ianya lebih praktikal dan sesuai dengan pendekatan ISLAM yang tidak menharamkan perang tetapi mengariskan adab berperang. Jika perang dijadikan jenayah, apa akan terjadi andainya kita diserang dan pemerintah mengistiharkan perang? Tentulah sukar bagi pasukan tentera kita dan juga kerajaan. Ini cuma pendapat saya yang jahil lagi lemah ini. Harap Tun tidak tersinggung andainya saya tersalah.
UMNO ialah singkatan dari United Malay National Organisation iaitu nama dari Bahasa Inggeris.
Jadi, jika UMNO benar2 perjuangkan Melayu mereka mesti tukar nama.
Apa pandangan anda?
Salam buat Tun berdua moga dirahmati Allah s.w.t.
1)Kisah sejarah pemerintah-pemerintah lama seperti dalam pemeritahan Turki dan pemerintahan sejarah India ada diceritakan kembali kesan terhadap usaha sendiri pemerintahnya menyatukan bangsa yang berlainan fahaman agamanya.
2)Pemerintah itu gagal ditelan zaman..,sehinggalah silih berganti mengikut fahaman pemerintah tersebut.Semua ini disebabkan hidup berpuak -puak.
3)Penganut Yahudi sendiri pada zaman Nabi Muhammad s.a.w terdiri dari tiga kaum iaitu Bani Nadhir,Bani Qainuqa’dan Bani Quraizhah.
4)Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sendiri pernah berkata umat Islam walaupun berjaya menyigkirkan kaum Yahudi dalam kawasan Islam ,tetapi sisa-sisa perangai buruk tetap ada juga dalam tiga golongannya iaitu golongan munafik,golongan berpenyakit dan golongan pengacau.
5)Kalau dalam Islam sendiri ada golongan yang tercemar..begitulah juga pada bangsa-bangsa lain juga turut ada golongan yang mengamalkan perkara buruk.
6)Jadi 1Malaysia tidak akan berjaya kalau setakat untuk merelakan kemahuan diri masing-masing kerana batas-batas yang dibolehkan dalam agama agak berlawanan.
7)Jelas perpaduan atas kehendak diri dan keduniaan rapoh..,kalau di UNDANG-UNDANGKAN oleh kehendak yang maha berkuasa kukuh sebagai bekalan hinggga ke akhir zaman.
8)Nasihat yang dikata-katakan untuk perpaduan sesama kita rakyat Melayu,Cina India harus dibuktikan juga bukan ‘DI SEBALIK BATU’…hairan juga kerana diri yang mengatakan itu juga berkonflik dengan pemimpin yang ingin merampas jawatan tertinggi negara.
9)Contohilah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sanggup kehadapan dahulu dari arahan yang dikeluarkannya secara fizikal dan kerohanian dirinya.
Yang Berbahagia Tun Dr. Mahathir,
and my fellow bloggers.
Allow me to tell my story… it is a tale of two Asean cities.
I was born a Chinese. And I was born in Singapore. But since my biological parents (in Singapore) were very poor, they gave me away when I was a baby to a Malay family (in Johor Bahru) whom themselves were also poor (not much better than the Chinese one), except they have fewer children. I grew up in a Malay village, and I felt being differentiated (not completely alienated) because of my look. I am fair skin, but my nickname is “Black” (Si Hitam).
Although we were poor, life was not difficult; I have enough to eat, but no luxury. Because I did well in school and I qualified to be Malay (by Malaysian Constitution), I earned a Government scholarship. This opportunity has enabled me to improve my life more than 100 fold. But what sadden me, my other Malay family members (uncles, aunties and cousins) remain mostly uneducated and poor. Some of them, I am supporting now. On the other hand, my family members in Singapore, who were also poor in those days, are now very rich due to the abundant opportunities and their hard work. They all live in Singapore and I have a close tie with them.
What I would like to demonstrate here, given the same original baseline economically, the Chinese people have a better capacity to improve themselves, while the Malays have less capacity to improve despite the NEP. I know after 52 years, it should have been stopped and I agree NEP will weaken the Malay, but without it, will be no help for the Malays also.
This is the Malay Dilemma as Tun M said in his famous book. Some non-Malays accuse the continuous implementation of NEP will enrich further a certain rich Malay quarter. I cannot deny this. But what is the alternative? I am all for a just society, but my own experience (in work place) to be under a Malaysian Chinese controlled proves them (the Chinese) capable of being equally unjust.
Malaysia has about 25 Millions in population. Out of this, let say 4 millions are employed. The Government sector consist of about 1 million workers (this number is quite accurate). 3 millions (75%) are privately employed and their employers are mostly non-Malays and mostly Chinese. I have many unjust stories from this section of the society controlled by the Chinese that I tend to support for the continuation of NEP. The Malays were being discriminated by the non-Malays employers in the private sector. This is another fact.
To equate the NEP bias practice to that experience by the Jews in Western countries is not correct. Firstly, the Chinese came to Malaya for opportunities leaving their homeland. My biological parents were the first generation of this group. If they had found Malaya at that time to be discriminating them so badly, they could choose to go back to China. They have a homeland. But they found prosperity and tolerance here.
The Malays are generally gentle, polite people and generally not very clever. There are some hooligans like those villagers who discriminated me and called me “Black”. But this is the mentality of uneducated and bad people. It has nothing to do with race. Bad people exist everywhere. There are now many Malays who are clever and these mostly the result of inter-marriages. This is another important fact. To achieve one Malaysia, we must encourage inter-marriages between the races.
I have not experience war all my life. God forbids. Hence I tend to be more forgiving. Those who experience war and violence must live with some bitterness, anxious and suspicion.
My biological parents in Singapore have both passed away; my mother died about two years ago, while my father more than 20 years ago. Both were devoted Christians. I wrote about my biological mother since her story is very interesting. My biological sister also wrote a book about her more elaborately in Chinese. It is an account of a survival but without bitterness. She was a wonderful woman, courages and honest, despite poverty and all her disadvantages, including having to give away 3 children. When she died, all her wealth and belongings (what little she has) were given back to the society and her church. Even though she was a good Christian, she never had attempted to convert me to become one. She never interfered with her children
Tun, you are not helping the mission of 1Malaysia at all with your non-stop continuous babling of Malay race as supreme to other race.In this new cyber era, race is obsolete & insignificant.This new generation is not like your generation, only talking about ketuanan Melayu,Cina,India etc., this new generation has transcended beyond race,(you are behind the race), we are seen as all Human Beings.In the cyber world, it knows NO Race(the only race we know is formula One race or Amazing race). All are coloured now and we don’t communicate in person now , we communicate with our “mouse” & “Mind-Talk”. Race is not King now, Mouse IS.No need to keep talking and talking about race until cows come home.
Tun, you should contribute your ideas in combating the current ESCALATING HINI and the haze problem, being a medical dr. iF you care for YOUR RACE.There is one more issue you have not given the answer to your question when you were PM “what is the root cause of terrorism” and “why people became terrorirsts & suicide bombers”?
For the sake of 1Malaysia, pls propagate UNITY & NOT DIVIDE the Malaysians and the WORLD!. This earth is very tiny compared to the whole World System and GALAXY.So, why waste life in disputes when we can choose our destiny to live harmoniously together regardless of colours. Life would be more colourful with many colours.Don’t deprive Malaysia of its rainbow Malaysia.Malaysia is colourful like a RAINBOW..don’t destroy that!BE HAPPY, DON’T WORRY!Be part of the rainbow…..you’ll love it and your heart will be free of HATRED!!Once hatred is overcome, all are seen as ONE….1Malaysia (mission possible by our new PM – we salute him for 1Malaysia, that is the change we Malaysians want…a colourful multi-lingual, multi-culture,multi-racial & LIBERAL country, as professed to the world!Be at peace with the world and you will have peace in you.Salam Sejahtera.
Rosak bawang ditimpa jambak, itulah apa yang sedang berlaku kepada Melayu hari ini Ayahanda Tun.
Namun Ayahanda Tun, mohon diizinkan agar saya memegang pendapat bahawa Sultan Melaka yang pertama adalah sebenarnya Melayu yang berketurunan dari Kerajaan Majapahit Sri Vijaya Malayu lama. Parameswara adalah dari keturunan Sri Vijaya dan nama Parameswara dalam penulisan Sanskrit juga adalah bererti Shiva. Beliau kemudiannya memeluk Islam selepas menjumpai/mengasas Melaka dan terus mengambil nama sebagai Sultan Iskandar Shah selepas berkahwin dengan seorang Puteri Kerajaan Pasai. Pengaruh Islam ini juga telah dikenalkan kepada beliau oleh para pedagang India Muslim berketurunan Rowther yang giat berdagang di Melaka pada ketika itu.
Wassalam Ayahanda Tun.
Salam Tun and good morning
I fullly agree on your efforts to (1) criminalise war and (2) that we Malaysians will be more united if we identify ourselves as Malaysians rather than Chinese, Indians, Malays, etc.
However I think our efforts to criminalise war may be a futile effort as we do not have the strengths to force the largest nations (such as US, Europe, Russia and China) or dangerous war-biased nations (such as Israel, North Korea, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Cuba) to hand-in all their nuclear weapons so that they can be destroyed. More importantly, to erase the concept of war totally from the human mind.However, it should not stop us from putting in the effort and Allah SWT will help us make this planet peaceful.
As for thinking ourselves as Malaysians, I believe Islam is the unifying glue. As Muslims, we should be carrying out dakwah to our fellow non-Muslims. UMNO should be showing a good example and carry out dakwah on MCA, Gerakan and MIC. Likewise PAS on DAP. However I believe this has not been done. You will find that a Muslim Chinese or a Muslim Indian will have a very fine character and will readily see themselves as Muslims and defend this nation as it is a commandment of Allah Subhanahuwa Ta’ala to defend one’s family, property, country and ummah. Probably a key impediment is that our British colonialists had totally taken over our educational, criminal and constitutional judicial systems and as a result many of our early leaders were Western-educated and lacking in expert knowledge on the Quran and hadith. Only now are we seeing a rise in Islamic knowledge as Allah The Most Benevolent has made available facilities such as the Internet and media to make it easy to learn the principles of Islam. This combination of worldly knowledge and religion will help to make a wise leader for our beloved country!
Your points of…
5. Socialism and Communism were conceived in single ethnic countries. What gave rise to these ideologies were the disparities in the distribution of wealth within these nations. The working class rose violently against the rich employers, killing even their own same ethnic Csar, because of the unfair wealth distribution.
6. So we must ensure fair (not equal) distribution of wealth before forgetting racial origins simply because the disparities are between races and not between class.
7. Incidentally in Singapore while the identity cards no longer indicate the dialect group among the Chinese, the Malays are now classified into Bugis, Boyanese, Javanese etc. The number of Malays are now much less.
Can BE EXPLAINED according to a reliable source from Li, she said
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Diantara bahan untuk menghasilkan nuklear ialah plutonium dan uranium. bahan tersebut jika dijumpai dalam keadaan mentah tidaklah membahayakan. tetapi apabila bahan tersebut diemparkan maka jadilah ia suatu benda yang amat menakutkan.
dalam erti kata lain, terhasillah nuklear. Uranium yang diradioaktifkan akan menghasilkan bahan nuklear.
Bagaimana bahayanya nuklear tersebut?
1. Ambil uranium yang telah diradioaktifkan sebesar batang mancis.
2. Penuhkan air di stadium nasional sampai ke bumbung.
3. Campakkan uranium yang diradiokatifkan kedalam perigi stadium nasional tersebut.
4. dijangkakan, dalam masa 10 minit, keseluruhan air tersebut akan kekeringan.
Begitulah bahana nuklear. sebab itu logi neuklear di chernobyl yang bocor berpuluh tahun dahulu sehingga kini kawasan sekitarnya menjadi padang jarak padang tekukur. Tiada apa yang dapat menutup kebocorannya selain daripada plumbum. takkan nak tutup seluruh negara tersebut dengan plumbum??
kesimpulannya, nuklear ini mendatangkan mudarat yang amat berat berbanding dengan kelebihannya.
Di negara kita pun radioaktif sedang di emparkan (diradio aktifkan). tetapi radioaktif kita adalah hubungan kaum. proses emparan radioaktif sangat lama untuk menghasilkan 1 kg nuklear. makan tahun. begitu juga dengan radioaktif kaum di negara kita.
Setelah 52 tahun diemparkan, tahun 2009 ini nampaknya dah nak masak radioaktif tersebut. Dah boleh jadi nuklear. Dan bersiap lah kita tidak kira apa bangsa dan agamanya… Yang pasti, negara kita di ambang kehancuran jika proses emparan ini tidak dihentikan.
Kasihan Tun, terpaksa berpusing sampai ke hiroshima untuk memberi pemahaman kepada rakyat malaysia bahayanya bermain api perkauman dinegara ini.
Kecil besar sesuatu peperangan itu tidak ada bezanya kerana ianya melibatkan kematian. bahang radioaktif akan sentiasa terasa setelah nuklear diletuskan. begitu juga bahang dendam. jadi mengapa nak hasilkan nuklear setelah diketahui keburukannya? kerana manusia sentiasa merasakan bahawa mereka boleh mengawal keadaan. mcm mat rempit, dia kata dia takkan jatuh sebab dia confident dia boleh kawal motor.
Fikirkanlah, generasi akan datang menuntut hak mereka dipelihara oleh kita sementara menanti mereka dewasa.
Life is short
Live Love Learn
Leave a legacy
What make life worth living?
What’s missing?
How do i know?
How di i show love?
Where are the answers?
What di i need to learn? to unlearn?
Leave a legacy
How will i be remenbered?
What do i dream of?
what is my fire within?
To Live
To Love
To Learn
To Leave A Legacy
life is short
F Covey
The link above would bring interested readers to an interview with the sole Malay student survivor of the Hiroshima bombing in 1945, Tuan Haji Abdul Razak Abdul Hamid.
Thank you Ayahanda Tun.
Salam. Sejahtera semua.
Tidak dinafikan setiap hari kita pasti akan menonton televisyen
Sebijaknya, media elektronik di Malaysia tidak memainkan peranan dalam pengukuhan hubungan antara kaum. Rancangan yang dipaparkan jarang sekali membuka mata kita sebagai SATU masyarakat berbilang kaum. Jauh sekali dalam merapatkan hubungan antara kaum.
Kerajaan mahupun pihak swasta sepatutnya bijak dan kristis dalam hal ini. Bina identiti sendiri.
Duri jangan dinampakkan. Pelangi harus ditunjukkan.
Salam Tun,
I think most people here, when we talk about RACE, they’re kinda like “oh.. don’t talk to me about RACE… and, I’m NOT a Malay”.
Well, that’s the extend to WHAT the Malay race is all about, nowadays. It has gone “down” slowly – and THIS IS WHAT leekuanyew & his likes (hIS racist Dap) WANT!
For your information MALAYS out here in Malaysia, even if your parents are a mix of a Malay+WHATEVER; in Malaysia, if you speak Malay, do dress in Malay traditional clothes, follow Malay traditions (like eat using your fingers), and of course, are a Muslim; you ARE a Malay — ie. in Malaysia’s context.
If you want to identify yourself at home as “malchin” or “chima”, that’s your prerogative. But if you define yourself as A MALAY, you’re a Bumiputera. & You’ll get some “HAK”/specials — yep! just like those Chinese in China or those Indians in India; where everyone in the world knows, like BY DEFAULT; of those people’s “HAK” in their China-land or in their India-land.
But, since over there (they’re “single ethnic countries”) — they WILL NEVER, SIMPLY; and CAN NEVER, EVER; Accept “pendatangs” to their lands as “citizens” like the case here in MALAYa where we all KNOW that the Malays ARE a Very Good-Hearted & Generous lot, and we Malays can just SIMPLY Agree to that JUS SOLI stuff for the British labourers; as Their Own Countries (China & India) SIMPLY REFUSED to accept them back (esp. those who came here after WWII).
YES, the British WOULD NEVER take up their 800,000+ labourers to England, & they had to come up with that “Jus Soli” as a Condition for MALAYa to get our Independence!…(+200,000 more are those Chinese & Indians who CURI2 MASUK MALAYa, ie. like THE Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin, PATI, now!!!)
So, if those “MIX” families’ non-Malay parent is like too “arrogant” to accept the fact that their children (on papers) ARE defined as Malays here in Malaysia, then, you (the parents) simply Should NEVER accept the “hak” reserved for the Malays — Simple!
We know in Islam, everybody is EQUAL.
But, why do Allah SWT divided us humans into so many different races?? Allah SWT already answered that: so that we all can learn from one another. & Rasulullah SAW also said that one Must Defend his family, clans/race, land/country — IE. acknowledging the BASIC FACT that as Humans, it is OUR NATURE, to Protect Whatever that Belongs to us, and that, we CAN Protect them/whatever is ours.
Looking at current global situation where interacial marriages is like a norm, it is good to have the children exposed to different cultures. But on the other hand, those children MUST ALSO be aware of Many Other Children who are still within single race families.
And THESE are the areas where race relations are somewhat at a strain just because, in our Malaysia’s case, those with ancestors given the JUS SOLI, REFUSE to acknowledge the Peribumis… At least appreciate what had been GIVEN to their grandparents!
(* I put here just up to “grandparents level” because PRIMARILY, Majority of the non-Malays came here after 1920s – mostly were in the 1940s AFTER WWII!! Even Genting’s Goh Chock Tong came during the 1940s! MOST of the Chinese labourers & the Indian coolies that came earlier in mid-to-late 1800s to before 1920s, were just simple British labourers on contract — Just Like current Indon, Bangla, Nepal, Myanmar workers!)
Point is, it is these majority “late-comers” who had been demanding this & that for THEIR “Race” (like CONTINUE INSISTING to have their berJENIS2 “Chinese”/”Tamil” schools – IE. languages of THEIR grandparents OLD land, IE. Mainland China & India!!??… AS IF, they ARE STILL “BLUR” & UNEDUCATED, like their Grandparents who DID NOT KNOW the Malay Language, IE. OUR MALAYSIA’s (since thay ALSO “insist” that they ARE Malaysians..) OWN Bahasa Kebangsaan of almost 52 YEARS now!!??).
They are Simply NOT like those Sincere Chinese/Indian Citizens of Indonesia/Thailand/Philippines as we can Sense/FEEL their Patriotism & Love towards their “new” countries… – who went to those neighbouring countries on their OWN WILL (ie. NOT FORCED by the British to come here).
Thus, they can EASILY Adapt themselves & Respect the Peribumis in those Countries as they did not get IMMEDIATE & “FREE” Citizenships.
They simply MUST PROVE their Loyalty, Love & Respect for MANY Years — Just Like ANY OTHER COUNTRY in the WORLD Would — before they were given citizenships!!!
(** please think RATIONALLY. How Long would you think “hard labourers/maids” would have to wait for ANY Country to Accept Their APPLICATIONS for CITIZENSHIP?!?….)
SO, think RATIONALLY & definitely, as a WHOLE / BIG PICTURE — and NOT “sekerat2” IGNORING Real Facts and “CONTINUE hurting” the hearts of the Peribumis here, “belittling” our Feelings; & tak sedar dia angkuh, buat2 tak tahu sejarah, biadab to the Malays honours & adat-resam (which includes Agama, Raja2, Bahasa, Tulisan, Tradisi), ETC.; just like those bloody BODOH-SOMBONG hindraf, dap, namewe “negara cuckoo”!!! — WITHOUT showing your Understanding, Love & Respect as CITIZENS!!
— Any responsible, clever, Civilized and humble Citizens of Any Country would SURELY/NATURALLY Uphold their Country’s CONSTITUTION……….. Just show your SINCERITY towards this country & its peoples FIRST, & not continue on with some old 1964 OBSOLETE racist ideology brought in by pap which was Unanimously REJECTED by Malaysians of ALL races back then in 1965.
Thank you very much, Tun! God Bless you, SIR! Wassalam.
Salam Tun,
I think most people here, when we talk about RACE, they’re kinda like “oh.. don’t talk to me about RACE… and, I’m NOT a Malay”.
Well, that’s the extend to WHAT the Malay race is all about, nowadays. It has gone “down” slowly – and THIS IS WHAT leekuanyew & his likes (+ hIS racist
Salam utk YAB TUN.,
Sememangnya peperangan xblh dielakkan selagi ada pihak yg mahukannya utk mencapai agenda tersendiri. Namun demikian, sekiranya setiap penduduk diatas muka bumi ini sedar dan insaf ttg bahayanya peperangan, xmustahil peperangan itu dpt dielakkan atau setidak2nya diminimumkan sedapat mungkin. Apa yg sy perhatikan, kebanyakkan negara2 kecil didunia ini majoritinya menentang penggunaan nuklear sbg senjata peperangan namun bagi negara2 yg memilikinya, amat kurang penentangan yg dilakukan. Ini mungkin disebabkan oleh faktor ‘jaminan keselamatan’ dr ancaman negara2 luar yg mgkn mempunyai keupayaan yg sama. Kalau ada pun penentangan dlm negara2 berkenaan, selalunya jrg yg dpt mencapai objektifnya. Namun begitu, ia tidak bermakna tiada tekanan yg diberikan, cuma kempen penentangan yg berterusan perlu digerakkan. Sehubungan itu, pihak kerajaan juga perlu memainkan peranan secara aktif dan lantang dlm mengutarakan isu ini diperingkat antarabangsa dan juga serantau. Penglibatan golongan muda dlm setiap kempen2 kerajaan dan NGO perlu dipandang serius dengan menyediakan saluran yg sesuai bagi golongan ini menyampaikan idea dan menyalurkan semangat perjuangan utk menentang penggunaan senjata nuklear dlm konflik peperangan global. Rakyat kita sememangnya sedar akan hakikat ini namun xbyk yg sama2 berada dlm gerakan ini. Rakyat xblh dipersalahkan semata2 krn xbyk yg tahu bagaimana caranya utk terlibat secara aktif dlm apa juga aktiviti spt ini. Ada juga yg berpendapat gerakan penentangan seperti ini ibarat ‘anjing menyalak bukit tp bukit xruntuh2 juga’.. namun kalau kita bersuara dan disesuaikan dgn tindakan, xmustahil bukit akan runtuh juga akhirnya. Belum cuba blm tahu. Sekurang2nya mencuba itu lbh baik dr langsung xbuat apa2..
Salam utk semua..
Asalamualaikum…ha ah lah bapak no…rakyat thai pun duk gaduh2 sesama sendiri banyak negara yg sama bangsa duk gaduh2…yg kita nih
dah mmg sejak azali berlainan bangsa duk nak kecoh lg…
dah ada tulis warganegara malaysia dah cantik dah tu…
saya kalo boleh nak buh kat ic tu jawa…dlm masa yg sama saya taklah kecewa di gelar melayu..balik kg saya cakap jawa kat penang saya cakap penang…saya bangga kalo ada org tgk ic 0r passport saya ada tertulis melayu warganegara malaysia…bangga apa….
tapi sejak 2 menjak ni tak bangga dgn pm saya….bukan pm yg no 4 keatas arrr…..tu tu pm no 5 kebawah tu…semput….takyah nak kecoh2 1malaysia tapi niat tu busuk ngalahkan bau mayat…
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk berjasa ini…
I hope the contributors who like to hound M’sians out of the country should remember your 4th statement. Mono ethnicity does not guarantee against conflict nor prevent class differences. Conflict and class differences (rich and poor, educated and illiterate, privileged and disadvantaged, powerful and powerless) occurs everywhere.
So it is more relevant to fight the class difference rather than race difference.
Distribution of wealth is different from dividing of wealth. Umno practises dividing wealth. Distributing wealth is spreading and creating wealth, not apportioning wealth by an unseen hand. When others protest Umno quickly hides its hand and hugs the poor Malays. Otherwise it is busy dividing handouts (Ali Baba and the forty thieves style)!
Bringing in S’pore again to keep it burning?
1. Laungan peperangan oleh penuntut-penuntut itu memang ekstrim & secara logiknya perjuangan mereka tidak mudah dijayakan.
2. Pada saya, apa yang penuntut-penuntut ini usahakan adalah perjuangan membangkitkan kesedaran tentang kebangkitan Islam di sana sini. Apa yang membingungkan saya adalah pejuang-pejuang Islam di negara-negara yang dimaksudkan adalah daripada kelompok kiri. Ekstrim dan tampak fanatik.
3. Perang akhir zaman itu benar akan berlaku bagi bagi penganut agama-agama yang membenarkannya. Menentang kuasa nuklear adalah satu perjuangan yang sangat superb. Demi kepentingan dan keselamatan Negara kita di akhir zaman.
4. Bagaimanakah cara untuk memperluaskan kesedaran tentang wujudnya platform untuk menentang kuasa nuklear ini? Honestly, saya baru tahu la ni.
5. Saya sedar Allah tidak akan membantu hamba yang tidak membantu diri sendiri.
6. Hamba? I hope it has over.
1. Tun, you should happy now under the current leadership in Malaysia. Because all Malaysian (Bumiputera and non-Bumiputera) are very very happy of the reforms done by the government during this Post-Mahathirism era. (Based on the survey done by an independent firm). You should congratulate to our current PM for the achievements done by him. Right?
So… together we help the current BN government to help Malaysian accomplish its various objectives.
So, Tun Dr Mahathir, don worry, the grassroots now saying the current government is very good. So, we as Malaysian should happy about it.
2. The Bumiputera in Malaysia now are feeling more proud bcos the 30% quota is abolished. With the abolition of 30% by the government, their self-esteem is more higher. They got more self-respect in themselves, because they don feel shameful of the NEP anymore.
3. Should we stop sending our peoples studying in developed countries that you always criticizing?
4. Do you think the MSC is successful already or not? Should we request the investors from US and Singapore to come there to invest more?
5. I love Putrajaya and Cyberjaya so much, because they are peaceful township under MSC plan. Crowdless and quiet like a paradise, i love cycling in the roads there.
best option for future world is…
control world population (world food resources cannot coup up with the mouths that the world are having today & worst to come in future).
control industrialization. those evil money is eating up earth resources at a racing rate.
make world peace & fokus on exploring the Universe for new knowledge, new earth or resources.
today is the era of Truth. break the formula of God (Mother Nature) & proof God exist with sciences, then only the humans can satisfied & follow the ONE Truth way of God. all humans belongs to God. no matter which religion membership card you are holding, as long as you are not greedy & not a liar without any good Truth course behind it, you have very good chance to go to the place that we so called ‘heaven’. Holy Books got good guild lines. There is actually only ONE SIMPLE way to God but the evil in humans has confuse us from the ONE SIMPLE way to God since long ago. when a religion get a split, it mean it been tainted with lies or else it wont split if it is purely Truth.
Assalaamualaium Tun.
Tun thank you for your sacrifices for Agama , Bangsa dan negara.
What suprises me most ia that you are very knowledgeable,you really at the cutting edge.
Your comment item no 7 right on the dot
Tun May God Bless You always.
It’s look like the someone is going to harass IC department through point:-
//7. Incidentally in Singapore while the identity cards no longer indicate the dialect group among the Chinese, the Malays are now classified into Bugis, Boyanese, Javanese etc. The number of Malays are now much less.//
If they can do this, means that the Melayu will become the minority, India will become the 2 nd largest race, chinese race will be the majority!!!! Singaporeans told me that they have ways to “kow-tin” our masked ANwar & his Robin Hoods in Malaysia……
//9. Saya tidak dapat komen tentang Amanah Saham 1 Malaysia kerana saya tak tahu kenapa ia dibezakan daripada amanah saham lain.//
This fund is mainly to fund the concept 1 MalaySia’s People First, Performance Now, very very risky oh……….. Now the death toll for A(H1N1) has risen from 28 to 38, and my children were informed by school that they must wear mask 2molo. Just wondering, izzit necessary or it is just a conspiracy by WHO (World Hell Organisation) because cent no in????
Ayahanda, everyone is asking, will there be a drop of “Little Boy” in the near future? I am sure all of U still remember “TSUNAMI” in Aceh on 25 December 2004 which had took almost 500,000 lives.
TAK NAK Candidates Who supports WAR/PEPERANGAN NUCLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good night Ayahanda.
P/S: Kamal Ahmad, I am in as the “Shogun” for Wawasan 2020. I heard rumours that Teh HP’s girl friend is Amber C. who made him admitted 2 hospital recently, have U heard of it, Kamal????????
Pada pendapat saya, MEMANG Melayu banyak lupakan diri, hingga ada yg malu mengaku dirinya bukan Melayu. Terutamanya di Kelantan, dan pada zaman 1996-2001, ramai kawan saya mengaku diri mereka bangsa Kelantan. Terbawa-bawa fanatik mereka hingga dalam borang pun bahagian bangsa diisi Kelantan. Ya, saya bangsa Melayu (bukan Kelantan), dan saya sendiri mengaku KEBANYAKAN bangsa Melayu BODOH DAN SOMBONG, tetapi segelintir org yg berbangsa Melayu ini cuba menaikkan taraf bangsa ke tahap tertinggi, dan masih lagi tak berputus harapan terhadap bangsanya.
Adakah mereka fanatik kepada Tun? Fanatik terhadap kata-kata Hang Tuah? Pernah ditanya soalan ini kepada saya pada satu ketika dahulu. Jawapan saya mudah; “Yang saya mahu bangsa saya maju dan matang dari segi pemikiran, tanpa mengira asal negeri atau kedudukan. Jika agama menyatukan umat manusia, maka saya mahu bangsa Melayu yg mengetuainya.”
Maaf kalau lari sikit daripada tajuk, Tun.
Mengapa Khairy Jamaluddin harus di ambil tindakan terhadapnya:
a) Pemilihan yg lalu yg begitu kotor yang mana Khairy & jenteranya menggunakan pelacur china (amoi gebu) pelacur mat saleh perempuan russia, karaoke, hiburan & arak, duit yang melampaul-lampau untuk menjamin kemenangannya.
b) Ketua jenteranya, Ketua Pemuda Wilayah Persekutuan KL yang digandingkan dengan bijak pandai budak tingkat 4 serta konco2nya…hari ni ada di kalangan mereka adalah exco pemuda pusat. Wan Badak, orang kuat Khairy yang hidup sebagai jutawan! terdapat rumah banglo di Putrajaya, berapa ‘income’ dia?
c) Sungguh sedih sekali banyak perwakilan g2 pemuda pemilihan yang lepas tak tau sapa itu budak tingkat 4 yang dimaksudkan oleh mantan PM Tun Dr. Mahathir ini tidak di ambil kira berapa banyak KP bahagian-bahagian & Naib Ketua Pemuda bahagian yang pening kepala kerana hilang kawalan keatas perwakilan g2 masing-masing kerana ramai perwakilan g2 mereka tewas pada umpan yang disebut diatas tadi.
d) Khairy adalah seorang yang cakap tak serupa bikin punya manusia. Dia kata nak buat 5 teras yg digariskanya! Lihat saf ahli exco pusat lantikan & ketua-ketua pemuda negeri? Berapa orang kalangan mereka dari kalangan orang Mukhriz atau Dr Khir? Tiada. Ini belum diambil kira saf para pegawai-pegawai diperingkat pusat mahupun negeri. Tak payah tengok jauh, apasal pelantikan ajk biro, sekertariat, unit mesti dpat pelepasan atau ‘green light’ dia? Termasuk ler Unit Media Baru!
e) Umumnya diperingkat kepimpinan atasan UMNO terutama PM tahu tentang keputusan siasatan SPRM! Didapati 14 ahli dari kalangan 30 orang yang disiasat didapati bersalah antaranya termasuklah Khairy Jamaluddin sekali. Namun begitu oleh kerana kes ini disiasat dan bukan ditangkap ‘red handed’, maka kuasa pemutus ada ditangan Perdana Menteri. Bila Perdana Menteri hendak buat keputusan? Harus di ingat perundangan UMNO menetapkan sesiapa calun yang bertanding ada tempoh edah 6 bulan sebelum kemenangannya disahkan sahih atau mutlak. Dlm konteks ini Khairy & konco2nya tempoh mereka matang pada sekitar minggu ke 2 atau ke 3 bulan 9(september). Nanti dah lepas tempoh edah dah lepas, tengokler cam mana kaler, besar kepala & masalah yg dibawaknya.
f) Matlamat utama Khairy si anak omak ini ialah untuk memendekkan sependek mungkin tempoh era Dato Seri Najib, pastu naikler sikitol Dato Seri Anwar. Dikala UMNO huru hara ini muncullah si Khairy jadi hero & pemimpin terunggul. Pecah rekod lagi PM yang termuda dalam sejarah Malaysia.
g) Kami harap Perdana Menteri jangan terpedaya dengan gerakan saikologi/saraf si Khairy & konco2nya bahawa UMNO sedang lemah, mereka memang mahu begitu agar PM takut nak ambik keputusan. Walhal sebenarnya akar umbi & rakyat hilang minat kerana umno tak mahu berubah dan masih membiarkan perasuah berkuasa dalam UMNO! Isunya sapa harus berubah dulu? Perdana Menteri dulukah? Atau rakyat ubahkan kita? Insaflah.
h) Khairy Jamaluddin & konco2nya dah study habis-habisan tentang Perdana Menteri, mereka tahu selama ini Yang Amat berhormat Perdana Menteri adalah seorang ‘SAFE PLAYER’, jangkaan mereka Perdana Menteri tidak akan berani buat apa-apa pada mereka. Tambahan pulak Tun Lelah masih kuat membela mereka!
f) Tanggungjawab kami sebagai penyampai berita ini sudah kami laksanakan, terserah kepada Perdana Menteri untuk mengambil tidakan selanjutnya!
I am already 47 years old, very much a Singaporean of course if this irks you abit. Since the day I was issued my first identity card, that was back in 1974, my race indicated in my IC has been Chinese though I am a Hokkien. For my Malay classmates and friends, they are known as Malay as a race, same for my Indian friends too. Have you gotten your fact right, Tun?
Dear Tun,
If only we have more moderate Malays like “Halimsagrod”, I am very certain we could have more mix marriage, more non Muslim adopting Islam. We would not even be debating about ethnic differences now.
Isn’t true Islam promotes unity and peace? Isn’t true Islam fair and transparent?
as a malaysian, i am fully agreed with en halim sagrod that we better emphasis our effort to strengthen Islam rather than arguing about our races… i believes that most of the “MALAYS” nowadays is a ‘mix-blood’ with other races and why must we make is so complicated…Learn and understood about islam…it will lead us to a better unedrstanding about life and teach us to be rational about our life….Tun, i was brought up during your era and I am proud that you used your ‘gifted’ mind from Allah for the good of the mankind…
we see many ppl like the 1 malaysia concept… hopefully it will be done accordingly & nicely
Out of topic,
I wonder What did I get from “Hak keistimewaan melayu”. When I was in school My dad provides me with the text and reference books. Do i get any discount for being a malay or with the “hak keistimewaan melayu”. Can I go to any shopping mall and tell them hey i’m malay i owned hak keistimewaan melayu, give me 10 % discount. I tried to think what the benefits from it but couldn’t find until now. Rakyats belief that it is just UNITED MALAYS ORGANIZATION propaganda to bodohkan melayu.
Please write an article about hak keistimewaan orang melayu. Malays dont even know what they got from it. Don’t just fool us!
MMU student
Aslmualaikum Tun,
I like ur idea. fair but it’s not should be equal..
leaders nowadays fighting for their own interest. they did not think about others. some of them (non malays) claimed that they want equal wealth distribution and rights in our beloved country.
but they never sensitive towards others.
same goes to malay leaders. they claim they (malays) “adalah TUAN kpd negara ini.” how come now in 21st century we still have narrow minded like this?
both party must think wisely. they should not try to mocking each other with stupid words and opinions.
what i regret is, till now malaysian are still not understand each other. they have to and they should already understand it more than 52 years ago but we still fighting for nothing. at the end of the day, both will losing.
1. I think JPN should terminate “bangsa” in our IC
2. SK, SJKC and SJKT should be only one entity. 52 years we seperate our kids with different environment.
we are creating a racist malaysian.
if our leader (including malay and non malays) are sincere, they should sacrifice their interest on “semangat keBangsaan”.
they have to sacrifice their “perjuangan” on SJKT and SJKC for the sake of our future generation (and everytime people come out with this suggestion, we claimed them as racist – those people who condemn others who come come out with this idea and object it, are the REAL RACISTS!)
we all malaysian.
I’m Malaysian. Proud to be one.
Tun, i hardly believe that “perjuangan bangsa Melayu” adalah sia2.
we must come out with “perjuangan bangsa Malaysia”
and i think it is relevant
By the way, Perang adalah jenayah – u have my support
Thank you sir
salam tun
I will start to support of criminalising war from Malaysia and we will take the young generation to join the global peace organisation via Perdana Global Peace Youth which i would love to tell u more during the upcoming conference. I hope to meet you there and i will assist you to merge all the students to join this organisation. By now UiTM Kedah&Shah Alam as well as UM and UIA are agree to form this faction.
Assalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh!
When Tunku Abdul Rahman became Prime Minister of Malaysia, it was so easy to accept and recognise him as the Prime Minister stuff; the same applies to Tun Razak, Tun Hussein Onn and you. Beginning with Tun Abdullah Badawi we started to have mixed feeling. It was surprising too that the mantan Prime Minister got the title Tun so fast.We were not even ‘given’ the ample time to think whether he is indeed qualified for the title. That does not mean that I am against the YDPA for conferring the honour on Tun Abdullah for the service contributed by Tun Abdullah Badawi that I don’t know and cannot measure.
It is heartening to admit that present leaders in UMNO are not that convincing to become potential statesmen of Malaysia, worse are those from the BN component parties.
Looking at leaders of MCA today to that of those MCA’s in the Alliance years, who wouldn’t salute, for example, Tun Tan Siew Sin?
MIC? The children in MIC never grow into adulthood because their President never grow old.
As for that MP Ibrahim Ali, I think he is as Malay say “sudah ketinggalan zaman”.
No offence intended.
dear che det,
ya kita semua sedang berperang,bermcm peperangan yang sedang berlaku sekarang.perang yang paling hampir dgn kita sekarang adalah h1n1,semua org boleh terancam dgn nya.bagi saya perang ini lebih dasyat dari perang hiroshima.jadi marilah kita sama2 muhasabah diri dan memohon kpd allah semoga tidak di timpa bala ini.
Perhaps i am wrong, but it is interesting to note that the possibility of freedom of speech begets racialist sentiments to come out into the open at the same time. It was during Pak Lah’s term in office that many equate him with a more kinder and open administration unlike yours. And so it goes that Pak Lah enjoyed an untimely short term in office due to been too open!
Now that Najib has taken over, a more vigorous return to stricter policing of the airwaves and cyberspace is making some of the rakyat to compare which is better – more open albeit racial tone or a suppressed peace? Can we have the best of both worlds?
In hindsight, that same rakyat can ponder if your 22 year rule was too long or too short!
Redhuan D. Oon
PendAtang Dengan Izin
Peperangan bukanlah jalan penyelesaian dalam sesuatu pertikaian.
Perundingan adalah jalan terbaik.
Keduanya bertujuan sama untuk kemenngan tapi perundingan menyelamatkan nyawa.
Fair but it’s should be not equal!!
Dear Tun,
As I was reading the subject on Hiroshima and the comments, I saw your “SoundBite” hot from you at 4.16 pm just minutes ago.
I would like to comment items 2-7 about races. My wife is a Chinese. You had met my kids and my wife too. The Bateel (Ex-GM). She insist to be known as chinese. Our Kids I want to be known as Malay. Can you imagine if both of us start to argue to classify our kids? MalChin? ChiMa? . What do we put in their IC for bangsa?.
Last week I was with my mother, Hjh Zaleha bt. Muhammad. While eating at the hotel for breakfast, she claim “Mak ni mamak, abah hang tu Arab”(maktab Mahmud). They are in your age group. My mother told me too that you been the youngest left only with a sister now same like my mother too.
1974- ITM – 100% Malays – There were Kelantan, Kedah, Johor etc group. The extreme are the Kelantanese like Ibrahim ALi.
1990 when I was working for a Kelantanese owner (M_ F _Z), in front of a chinese staff he claimed that he is not Malay, he said ” Melayu Bodoh” , he claim to be “Champa” the smarter Kelantanese, Malaysian
2009 after my morning breeze walk in TTDI, had breakfast in Pencala where regular Kelantanese gathers, the same word was said “MELAYU BODOH” this is coming from a younger generation Malaysian.
Even among malays we are racist, so nothing wrong to be proud of our races then. As Islam , whatever our races , We are Islam. Now let promote Islam with the right perception.