It had been an exciting journey to be able to share my thoughts with so many who had taken time to visit and comment on my postings.
When I first started blogging, I was merely trying to find ways of expressing myself after being blocked by the mainstream media.
I did not expect to receive such high hits (to date it is 18,710,769) and such thoughtful comments. I have tried my best to respond to these comments. But the commenters must know there are too many.
There had been times, especially when I was travelling, when I found it to be quite difficult to keep up with the postings but I am glad that I had managed to ensure my blog remains active.
I have to thank visitors and commenters for their continued support. Without that, I would not be inspired to continue blogging, at least not at the pace that I do.
I hope to be able to continue with my blogging and I also hope that your support will keep on coming.
Thank you.
we still love you tun!
dont worrry about the media!
the bad media are sucks!
Assalamualaikom Tun, you are one of the best besides nabi muhd s.a.w. and other prophets and my daddy-o.
You’re my inspiration, and you are my role model, at work and in life in general.
dear tun…
now days we are getting to many manipulated news regarding our beloved tanah air MALAYSIA..all the news appear betul but ada orang boleh memutae belitkan news tersebut dan menjadi tak betul..kita pun keliru la Tun..thanks to Tun kerana blog Tun ada sedikit clear my mind..
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I am not Malaysian but I have been an avid follower of your work ever since I could remember. My parents are inspired by you, thus, my sound knowledge of your inspiring self. My father even reads your blog on a regular basis. I am 23 and still have a lot to learn but all I can say Tun, is that you are an amazing person, this world needs somebody like you.
You have brought Malaysia to great success and I am very proud to have Malaysia as a landmark in South-east Asia. I study in the UK and everytime someone asks me where I’m from, I would say somewhere close to Malaysia coz that seems to be the only country people knew within the South-East Asian region. This is all thanks to your brilliant flawless ideas which brought Malaysia to where it is now.
You are fair and wise Tun, you always speak the truth and the suffering population of the world have wished for you to be their leader. Malaysia is lucky to have you. Saya ingin mengucapkan tahniah Tun dan Terima Kasih diatas segala sumber inspirasi dari Tun. I shall look forward to many of your great work.
Assalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun n Bonda,
Couldnt say enough of jubilant feelings on your first blog anniversary…YOU ARE SIMPLY THE BEST!
It would be a heavy load of effort if someone else try to write like you. So wide, so many issues, so many facts and superb opinions. Wish you will write on and on and on…then we can read on and on and on.
And of course, millions of responses from commenters who are mostly indebted toward your kindness and deeds; and also from those who have grudges against you as if you havent done anything good for them. Yet you entertained us all the same. If you responded specially to any of us, you responded with your wisdom, sometimes cynical but most of the time, to the point – bull’s eye!
Millions have been praying for your well being and never in my life, seen another blogger receiving such a tremendous support and love and also bits of revulsion in the reactions.
Well Ayahnda,
May Allah the Al-Mighty bless both of you endlessly…
just my brain wave…
Yg Berbaghagia Tun,
Terlebih dahulu saya mengambil kesempatan diruang ini untuk mengucapkan tahniah diatas dayausaha Tun mengujudkan blog ini yang mana diam tak diam telah pun memasukki anniversary pertamanya. Sesungguhnya saya dapati topik-topik yang dihidangkan amat menarik untuk dibincangkan bersama. Tahniah sekali lagi.
Thank you Tun. Your blog has given good knowledge to me & very inspiring.
Salam Tun,
I love to read your blog…and always do.. 🙂
Regards :
Dear Tun,
I personally like your idea very much. May God be with you and your family always..
Salam Tun,
Tahniah & Alhamdulillah Tun di atas sambutan and keberkesanan blog Tun .
Tun merupakan idola saya,
you will always be my hero! Pls keep it up and don become old! You always look young to me!
Salam ayahanda Tun,
Sepatutnya kami yang mengucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga pada ayahanda Tun, kerana dengan adanya ruang blog ayahanda ini dapat juga menimba ilmu(walaupun kadang2 pening sikit sebab bukan background economy), mencurah rasa dan paling penting mengenali ayahanda dengan lebih rapat lagi.
Saya berjumpa dan dapat bersalaman dengan ayahanda selepas jamuan makan malam Bekas Pesara Polis di PWTC minggu lepas. Amatlah menggembirakan hati saya apabila Tun sudi berbual bila saya katakan saya mengikuti blog Tun. Kekadang tak sempat nak menulis komen, ataupun tak de idea, tapi ayahanda dan bonda Tun sentiasa dalam ingatan saya.
Sebagaimana saya doakan untuk kesejahteraan dunia dan akhirat untuk ibu dan arwah bapak, begitu juga saya doakan untuk ayahanda dan bonda Tun. Semoga dirahmati Allah SWT sentiasa.
Salam hormat,
anakanda NorFadzilah.
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat dan gembira. Kiriman saya mengulas tulisan pengunjung…
This view in response to comments on bias of The Star, MCA, Gerakan by a commenter. I have split the comments to facilitate ‘release’ of the views after a quarantine.
In terms of biasness, The Star is a tiny fraction and a pale shadow of Utusan. Utusan will lie to even its own constituents. Tun himself denounced their bias before (being subject of their misreporting) Utusan is being sued for their lies which the Star has not.
MCA Gerakan draw their support from Chinese community (just like DAP) surely they will scramble over each other to highlight Chinese issues. Umno and Pas do the same over Islamic matters. Simplistic to think these constitute betrayal or racist pursuits.
On comradeship, Umno even tried despicably to entice Pas in S
Salam Tun,
Tun meman layak di gelar juara Blog,
aidia danpendapat dan ulasan Tun memang tepat dan kena pada masanya.
wancana dan pemikiran Tun kehapan dan perlu di baca oleh semua masyarkat.
saya doakan Tun sihat dan dapat memberi idea dan buah fikiran.
Tun Dr. Mahathir
This is not the first time that you had complained that the ‘main stream media’ had ‘blocked’ you. May I ask how many ‘unblocks’ you want. In 1993 when you were PM you complained that the main stream WESTERN media ‘blocked’ or did not give enough publiicty of your speech at the UN General Assembly. Of course the late Soviet leader Nikita Krucshev got more publicity than you did when he took off his shoes and banged it on the speaker’s dais at the UN GA around 1960 and Hugo Chavez also got publicity when in 2007 he stated that the UN General Assembly hall ‘smelt’ of sulfur (‘the devil’) as George W. Bush had spoken earlier
During your time as PM as far as the English language media was concerned it was all or mostly praise for you. THE JAKARTA POST was more critical of Suharto in its editorials than the NEW STRAITS TIMES or THE STAR was of you in the 1990s. I realize that more people in Malaysia read English language newspapers than Indonesia. Since there is a new PM perhaps to your liking perhaps there will be less ‘blocking’ of your views now in the Malaysian ‘main stream media’.
Dearest Tun,
Was at a meeting with friends. Can
for once I come across Tun’s real humility.We should also thank Tun for this blog to air our comments & frustration.Healthy airing.At least we M’sians I mean the bloggers here know how to be responsible.At least we don’t become violent like our neighbours & do all the bad things to shock the world la.Must confess regretably that Tun had not done more to reduce the Royalty’s power.See what they had done in PERAK–such a mess Tun.Tun ada kah terkejut?? Atau Tun tak peduli lagi????
Assalamualaikum ayahbonda Tun,
you are most welcome. And thank you too for getting this blog alive and kicking.
Congratulations and please continue with what you are doing. Malaysians still need you. The slapping sort in the face to wake us up with your ideas, thoughts and comments.
Allah panjangkan usia Tun berdua, diberikan kesejahteraan dunia dan akhirat.
Selamat Hari Ibu, bonda Tun Dr Siti Hasmah.
Dear Tun,
I think Tun must have found last week very eventful & some incidents especially in Perak legislative Assembly very disturbing,unwarranted,high-handed & unnecessary.It should not have happened at a democratic sitting.I saw in internet video & read in papers too.I think our democracy had flown out through the windows.Somebody suggested going back to monarchy system–berpayong semula dgn Raja Melayu.I take it as suggesting we return to kampong days.Well, I doubt many of us want that.We all want good & peaceful progress to lead a happy life.
Sure Tun tak mau berpayong semula for obvious reasons ‘cos Tun has 2020 vision for Malaysia.Hope we can achieve the goals.Seems very far away now…..Can’t even solve the Perak debacle right now!!!!!So how to achieve Wawasan 2020.Entahla????
Selamat pagi Ayahanda Tun,
//By S..Tan on May 8, 2009 12:22 AM//
Ha…ha…ha….. Tan, you are indeed a BORN LOOSER! BORN LOOSER is the 2 words that best descibe your behaviour, nothing more, nothing less, just straight to the point.
A’kum Y.A.Bhg Tun,
You’re most welcome Tun..may Allah bless you, Tun Siti Hasmah and us all..wassalam Tun..
a’kum Tun,
Happy anniversary and keep on blogging. Millions including myself each time visited your blog to keep up with your updates and thoughts. Keep on blogging.
Dear Tun,
Tahniah kepada chedet kerana dah berumur 1 tahun. Harap Tun tak berhenti untuk memberikan komen dan pandangan dlm blog ini.
Asalamualaikum bapak…
tanniah n multitrillion terimakasih kerana membuka blog ini…
di sini lah saja tempat yg boleh saya lepaskan tension kekeliruan saya selama ini n di masa2 akan datang…..
selamat hari ibu juga utk mami hasmah….semuga sentiasa sehat sejahtera hendaknya….
rasanya najib tak jauh beza ngan pak lah(kong)….
sangat mengecewakan n menyedihkan……….
Will support you all the way Tun.
For Tun’s info, I had joined a few blogs n had put my picture taken with you and Tun Siti during last year’s raya as the profile picture…I was invited by many to be their friends n some asked me to send their regards to you. Rupa-rupanya diaorang ni bukan peminat saya….,depa minat kat Tun rupanya.Saya ingat tak mau letak gambar tu lagi…..he he. Anyhow, salam depa saya dah sampaikan ya.
Salam Tun,
I am glad you are still writing though age is catching up. I saw you on the night of the UMNO Bahagian Cheras dinner. You are still what you are and the crowd loves you. I was there but never had a chance to shake your hands. Congratulations for being 1 year old bloogger with 18million hits.
I enjoy your writings on the currencies and hedge funds. I am trying to understand the words itself and now that you have explained in simple sentences, GOT IT. Thanks a zillion.
Salam Tun,
I feel proud that a man of your stature takes to blogging like duck to water.It gives us ordinary Malaysians an insight into your super sharp mind.
To thambi Ravi@rarunasalam,
I wish God can grant you an UNDERSTANDING HEART AND OPEN UP YOUR EYES so as not to be a blind follower and consumed in all things negative,but I doubt it very much.
Don’t worry about me,I am not blind,in fact I have perfect 20/20 vision.
“one man’s poison is another man’s meat”
YABhg Tun,
I thank you..sir.
Bila Pak Lah dah tak ada,saya dah risau pasal ni.Takut Ayahanda sibuk nak memberi tuition pada DSN sampai tak ada masa nak update blog ni.Alhamdulillah kalau keadaan akan jadi macam biasa sebab blog ni merupakan sumber informasi dan sumber inspirasi saya.
You make my day….
Salam hormat dari saya….orang Kuala Pilah.
Dear Tun,
Congrats on the 1 year. Now we all have an avenue to channel our thoughts, frustrations and feelings. Thank you.
It is time you made a strong statement on the Mat Rempit menace. The police force does not have a clue on how to handle this problem. The Deputy Home Affairs Minister did not mince words when he told the police “DON’T MAKE EXCUSES”. Below is a list of point he made:
Points made by the deputy minister that the IGP must take stock are:
– the force must think outside the box, in tackling the issue
– the police have to buck up
– no means is too conventional (in arresting the menace) as this is not business as usual
– it is a question of the putting the right emphasis where roadblocks are set up
– we have to get sufficient intelligence on when they are coming and what their next moves are
– members of the People’s Volunteer Corps (Rela) would also be roped in to assist the police
– possible deployment of spike strips at roadblocks to disable motorcycles quickly while ensuring the safety of enforcement officers on duty, suspects and civilians
Tun would have to add on and give these guys a clear direction on addressing this menace. Our streets are no longer safe!!!!
Salam Ayahnda TUN
Dear Tun,
Congratulation on birthday.
Hope you could include some memoir in the blog.
Sihat Selalu.
Assalamualaikum Tun Dr Mahathir,
Thank You & Thank You & Thank You x 10000000000
We proud of you
“Perjuangan Belum Selesai”
By MAMZ on May 7, 2009 11:12 PM
Untuk pengetahuan komentor diatas dan pembetulan ayat saudara.
Bukan ‘rampasan kuasa di Perak dan rampasan kuasa kerusi Speaker’
Tapi ia adalah ‘Peralihan kuasa’ . Hati2 bila buat kenyataan.
Tidak ada rampasan kuasa berlaku.
Jika anda meneruskan tuduhan sedemikian anda telah menghina ke Bawah Duli Pemangku Raja Dr Raja Nazrin yang telah merasmikan persidangan Dewan DUN Perak.
Kerajaan BN diPerak adalah sah mengikut Perlembagaan Tubuh negeri Perak. Dan perlantikan Dr Zambry selaku MB telah di perkenankan oleh Duli Baginda Sultan Perak.
Assalam wbt.
Kepada Tun moga sihat waafiat dalam menunaikan tuntutan rohani dan fizikal. Setahun rasa macam sekejap….tahniah untuk blog ‘chedet’ ni semoga mencapai azam dan impian baru dalam mendidik rakyat berfikiran matang,praktis dan positif.
Selamat Pagi Tun
Keep on Rollin’!
Salam bahagia buat Tun yang dikasihi,
Tahniah sempena ulangtahun pertama blog yang mampu menjana kembali pemikiran rakyat terutama generasi muda Malaysia.
Didoakan moga Tun dan isteri sentiasa dilindungi Allah s.w.t.
Dengan izin Tun…Terimakasih…
The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.
1) Basic troubleshooting.First you must check all the connecting apparatus and device are in working order.
2) Check your modem.Is it working properly? The simple method of checking is replacing it with another modem as same capabilities.Hence the need for backup modem.
3) Call TM Streamyx if you are using their services.
Above is few basic non user of TCP/IP.If you are adept user of TCP/IP you must check the line status.
1) At command prompt type icponfig.
2) Ping ip adress.Ping -t ip adress.
3) Tracert ip adress.
Ravi..why we take all trouble to do this?
I WANT MY INTERNET CONNECTED DAMN IT!!! wants your internet line connected…but do you care to points all underlying cause,effect and points on the why you cannot get connected..?
I have underline certains factor as above.. have a bone to pick with my father.Tun is my ‘father’.Surely I will not let anybody hurts my father..
Would you?
Now you says that I am blind follower of my father.True enough. Maybe he made huge mistake in his life.But then again maybe he is not.All I am asking you is to furnish details and evidence of my father folly that hurts your conscience..
Where is the evidence?..Show me..As a rightful sons of my father, I demands you to furnish them..
I will tells you something out of your faith incidence.When our prophet Rasullulah s.a.w was summoned to Allah ( you says he passed away )Why he was summoned ?
“Janganlah kamu menyangka mereka itu mati, tetapi mereka itu hidup di sisi Tuhannya.”Maksud Al Quran.
Rasul s.a.w did not appoint his successor.Why? Allah decreed so.
Same principle applied in Tun cases.He have many ‘mistake’ in his successor for Allah needs us to learns from this incidence.
So where do you stands in Tun Blog?
S..Tan and pakpandir08 is one of the brethren…
Brotherhood of Roses
Are you one of the fraternity?
Heart of cold ? Cold as stone ?
The Fraternity of The Stone?
My parting shot is this..
Don’t hurts my father or you will face the wrath of his sons..
Salam Hormat TDMM & TDSH,
Thanks to you and happy anniversary. You have lifted up all your bloggers intelligent a platform higher !!!
Thank you SIR!!!
Salam Tun and all,
Tahniah!! Jaga diri jaga solat semua….
Dearest Tun,
I believe that you dont have to worry abt the support, because all of us would want to read your thoughts and writing because it makes us think.
Thank you for the blog.
Dear Tun!
18,000,000 is indeed a feat, I must add!!! Congratulations!
Any comments on what has happened in Perak yesterday?! If you indeed comment, and that too sensibly, be rest assured your blog will certainly reach the billion mark in no time!!!!!
Najib’s doomsday as PM has begun and there is no stopping!
The MONGOLIAN RAIN is about to decend on Putrajaya and the end of UMNO/BN sealed!!!!
Get ready to migrate, dear Tun!
Dear YABhg Tun and everyone,
I agreed with mr Libzim that I noticed offlate since PRU 12 last year, that a newspaper the Star, bit by bit, little by little, has shown its true picture and agenda that can be considered as racist by always putting heroic images and rhetorics by whatever favor to certain race. Instead, cleverly and trickly, portraying still supporting the govt consists of many components including MCA and Gerakan, slowly, unnoticely, i can sense some hidden agenda in what we call gunting dalam lipatan or menyemai api dalam sekam, as well as sapu keliling, by giving emphasis, sympathecical portrayal of image and prominent space for DAP government in Perak as well as Pulau Pinang.
In short, what ever favors for certain race will be given highlights. At the same time, try to demand kesamarataan, but indeed if given any chance to have power cannot tolerate and samarata for others.
I think this should be given some deep thoughts to prevent thins become cancer to the society at large.
Thank you
Salam Tun
Congratulation! Happy 1st anniversary to Chedet blog. The best blog I’ve ever been. It was your blog that taught me best knowledge on banking system etc.. Terima kasih Tun Dr. Mahathir with all the best and good health to you and your family.
asalamualaikum tun
thank you for shering your thoughts and let everyone sheres thiers with you and the rest of visiters which i think are very healty.
keep it up tun , your blogg have been tremendous.
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Ini kiriman tahniah dan sokongan…
If dissenting view is welcome as supporting the blog, I am in! Anyway, you have the pleasure to overlook, quarantine or block and they inadvertently calculate as multiple hits.
In my case, it is sparingly applied so far.
Those who gripe that negative comments are nuisance and don
Tahniah Tun sempena ulangtahun pertama blog chedet.
Nak dengar komen Tun berkenaan rampasan kuasa di Perak serta rampasan kuasa kerusi Speaker Perak pagi tadi.
To priss01, I would like to ask a similar question to you ” are you proud of what PR has done in Perak? Do you think PR has achieve anything in Perak?
Kami dari ingin mengucapkan ulang tahun yang pertama kepada Blog Tun M. Selamat maju jaya, bersama kita mencipta masyarakat yang aman dan damai dan juga bebas daripada gelaja-gejala yang keji seperti rasuah.
Dear Tun,
One year and 18 million hits is great impact.
Too bad, the entire nation is plaqued by evil spirits.
Tun said Najib tak mampu atau tak mampus tu?
Salam Tun,
I read your blog almost every night after work and I treat it as an “online news” since this blog discussed a lot of issues in Malaysia or other parts of the world. I rarely read newspaper in the morning as I tend to forget to read it. (Bzzz at the office….sigh).
Loved your postings a lotttt!!! I can learn so much by reading your views on certain issues and some comments from others as well.
Keep up the good work. Looking forward to your postings everyday…
Salam Tun, Your blogs are indeed inspiring….and..enlightening….
lots of…lots of… Nobody..want to be Somebody…for our beloved
Nation and People..!Surely one day it will appear as a telemovie..!
May God Bless you forever……………!
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Tahniah sebab dah cukup setahun jadi blogger.Saya seminggu dua lagi baru nak cukup umur setahun.
Memandangkan PM kita dah mulakan blognya sendiri,maka lagi baik saya fikir untuk bagi pandangan terus pada beliau.Yang berkenaan dengan beliau.
Saya fikir beliau tahu saya dari, sebab saya yang bagi tahu.He..he.. akan terus maju ke hadapan.InsyaAllah.
Terima kasih Tun.
Tahniah Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Dr Mahathir,
Saya mendoakan segala yg baik untuk Tun dan semua sahabat seklian, di sinilah ruang yg dapat kita saling belajar-mempelajari apa yg ada sesama kita dan berkat ketajaman fikiran Tun kami warga muda Malaysia sedikit demi sedikit kembali tahu menghargai harga diri dan maruah diri sebagai bangsa Malaysia bertunjangkan adab dan adat Melayu yg terkenal penuh diplomasi, dalam lembut ada keras, pantang surut pulang, berhemah dan penuh sopan dan menghormati segala bangsa yg ada di dunia.
Di sini kami dapat meluahkan apa yg terbuku dari hati tapi dengan berakal, berhujah tetapi tak semestinya kena menentang, menyokong tapi tak membuta tuli, mana yg betul tetap betul, mana yg salah tetap salah. Kerana selagi kita bersandar kan yg hak, tidak perlulah gusar dengan kebathilan yg palsu dan sementara itu.
Terima kasih Tun dan teruskan perjuangangan mua yang belum selesai. Saya ada di sini.
Fairuz Bin Kamarulzaman
salam Tun…
May Allah bless u…
AsSalamua’alaikum wbt Tun,
Syabas dan Taniah !
“Didiklah anak-anak kamu berlainan dengan keadaan kamu sekarang kerana mereka telah dijadikan Allah untuk zaman yang bukan zaman kamu” – Saidina Umar Al-Khattab r.a.
Mungkin adalah lebih baik jika Tun tulis untuk mengembalikan kecemerlangan ummat Islam.Jangan tinggal heritage saja and feel good
Penceraian membawa padah anak anak hilang pembimbing dan pertimbangan .+++
Yang ada tak boleh jadi role model .Haru hara ! Ghafalah ! ! ! ! Dulu MB kini MP …macam macam …kelabu asap ..tak kenal mana satu intan mana kaca.
Teruskan menulis untuk revitalisasi dan inspirasi.
Salamun Salama
Pa Shaik
Congratulation Tun.
Happy 1 st anniversary to chedet’s blog
Keep blogging…widing up our mind with your thinking
May Allah bless you and your family.
Salam hormat dan kasih sayang buat Tun, isteri tercinta dan keluarga.
Tahniah atas pencapaian 18+ juta pengunjung dalam setahun dan mendapat komen bloggers yang kadang-kadang mencapai seribu (terutama isu politik).
Terima kasih tak terhingga kerana Tun sudi berblog dan berkongsi pemikiran Tun dengan kami tanpa sekatan, diskriminasi dan pilih bulu. Yang penting sekali secara percuma.
Saya bersyukur Allah swt telah membuka hati Tun untuk berblog dan memberi sedikit kekuatanNYA pada Tun untuk terus berbakti kepada agama, negara dan bangsa. Saya lihat ini adalah sedekah dan ibadah yang Tun curahkan pada anak bangsa.
Alhamdullillah, selagi Tun terus menulis, kami mendapat faedahnya. Doa saya sentiasa mengiringi Tun dan mendapat pahala yang berterusan dunia dan akhirat. insyaallah.
first and foremost – congrats on you reaching another milestone in your ‘successful’ post political life.
You achieved significant milestones in your long 22 year career as PM, plus many more before that.
But in the last 6 years, you have taken your entire good-will that you built and created and flagrantly threw-it out.
Yes, you still have a loyal supporter base. Now these are the people who will follow your every footstep and accept your every word with no objection or thought of their own. It’s called BLIND WORSHIP!
And then there are a much bigger community who don’t blog here because they believe you to be the hypocrite and disruptive personality you are, one who had selfish ambitions to enrich yourself and your family and cronies, and one who will ‘rattle the apple cart’ if it’s in your way so to speak.
The simplest achievement you could have left Malaysia is building a viable succession plan, which you didn’t. You left us with a lot of baggage of old and crusty politicians with pretty much the same selfish values as you.
Yes, you built and modelled Modern Malaysia – I thank you for that. But that is infrastructure, not Goodwill and sincerity.
You did that to enrich your own coffers – i.e. Proton, Petronas, Perwaja (note the 3Ps).
You sir remind me of an Albert Einstein phrase –
We can
sama sama lah Tun… hhihih….tu nak melawak la tu Tun. sebenaqnya…adalah satu rahmat Allah yang buka hati Tun untuk bloging ni… kalau tak, tak taulah kat mana nak dengaq suara hati Tun.. keluaq tv pun sat sat ja….soghat habaq pun sikit ja… adalah 2 para 3 para. Kalau dulu masa Tun Jadi PM dulu buleh la dok baca ucapan Tun dalam utusan…lepaih lepaih pak lah jadi pm ja…teghuih takdak.rasa macam tadak motivasi ja hidup ni.
La ni… saya dok tengok blog Tun haghi haghi. … dok rindu dengan posting terbaru, dok rindu dengan ilmu pengetahuan terbaru. macam macam dok ada….astro pun kalah…hihihi…..
dalam setaun ja…dah nak cecah 20 juta hits,… kalau dapat kat bill gates tu, tambah 0 lagi kat pendapatan dia. tapi takpa, bukan tugas tun nak cari kekayaan…:)…
sebenaqnya, saya selalu dok habaq kat bini saya…Tun tu Imam Mahadi, kawan saya kata Tun tu dulu nama mahadi, tapi tunku abd rahman tukaq nama tun jadi mahathir.. tak tau lah betui ka dak…
tapi, kalau pikiaq pikiaq balik, betui lah kut… sebab imam mahadi takkan nak keluaq kat mekah sana dok pakai serban dok cerita pasai bunuh orang kapiaq ja…. org yang nak jadi imam mahadi misti pandai serba serbi.. akai panjang….misti nampak dunia ni lagu mana..agaknya la kut..saya pun bukan pandai sangat….sekolah takat spm ja…hihiih…
tu ja lah saya nak habaq…..saya nak ucapkan terima kasih sebanyak 5 kazillion pada Tun dan saya akan menjadi pengikut Tun hingga akhir nanti….. hingga akhir nanti…
Dear Tun,
Congratulations and thank you very much for your very informative blog. I enjoyed reading it and never failed to visit ur blog everyday unless i have no access to the computer on that day.
Though i seldom make any comment, nevertheless i enjoyed reading it.
Thanks You once again and May God Bless You with good health and keep on bloging.
Congratulation Tun. You will always have my support. Please continue share your thoughts with us. It is always a pleasure.
Hazman Abu Bakar
Dearest Tun
Congratulations. I love you.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Congratulation Tun on you becoming a blogger for a year now and a big happy mother’s day to our dearest mother Tun Siti Asmah. You have been like a burning candle that lights us all in voicing our frustration with the previous premier. Your experience and expertise have taught us a lot and you were like a father to us all when we thought that there was no more hope. For that we salute and admire your courage in supporting us in times of difficulties. You are really a noble, brave statesman who speaks out the truth and for that you will always be a hero to us all and we love you for that.
Once again Tun congratulation and ” Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir and may Allah bless us all”. Aminnnn…..
Are you proud of what BN has done in Perak ?
It has been a real honoured to be able to communicate with Tun whom we Malaysian cherished and have full respect for.Matters concerning within the Malaysian Political senario was then the main issues for many to response positively giving their thaughts and ideas. Keep on with your Blogs and highlighting us on matters which most are not aware off.Directly or Indirectly there is some effects, and tremendous impacts. For you know the truths is indeed hard to be swallowed especially for those that goes out of their way. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed is our Hero, and is very much loved by the Majority. Salam, May Allah Blessed Tun & Family with the strength and wisdom always.
Is UMNO still keeping KJ as their KP?
Salam Tun
Congratulations on your 1-year blog! Although from your viewpoint, you see it as a way to express yourself, from my viewpoint, I see it as a way to express myopinion to you directly because the reality is that the Malaysian public cannot just come over and meet you like I go over and meet my teh tarik maker at the stalls anytime I want. It is unfortunate that this is so because I think many people would like to be friends with such a high intellectual and visionary leader who has led us for 22-years, like you.
Alhamdulillah, my prayers has been fulfilled and when you created your blog, I knew I could get my thoughts over to you by my comments. However it is a bit unfortunate that this blog technology did not exist earlier and you had not started blogging earlier during your early days beginning your Prime Minister-ship. The comments and opinions of all the blog commenters would have given you valuable input in your role as leader of the country. But never mind. Let bygones be bygones. At least we have chedet now.
Before I sign-off, I cannot resist to express my shame at what is going on in Perak. You are right in that BN should not be too hasty to take over Perak. I believe at 28-28 ratio with just 3 independent reps to back BN, BN will lose its more valuable integrity by choosing to forcibly govern Perak in this manner. At first hand, it looks like the police and the Sultan is biased towards the BN. Nobody cares about the people. I respect Dr Zambry but looking at the Perak situation, I just goyang kepala. It is just too “equal” for the state to be governed well. So BN, your 2/3 majority is very important to run the country smoothly. Don’t be like Japan, UK or US where left and right wings are more equal in representation. But at least the US and UK can accept this in a civilized manner and the equal representation seems to be a good thing for them.
Kept it up Tun,
another 18,000,000?
Tahniah Tun! keep on blogging. This is one of your valuable legacy when you’re gone…Brilliant person (like you) should keep writing until the day he dies.Tinggalkan ilmu-ilmu Tun kepada generasi baru yg most of them lahir selepas MERDEKA.
Dear Tun,
saya nak share ttg kemarau politik di Perak. Baru terima emel drp kawan ttg kekecohan sidang DUN pd hari ini(7/5/09)
saya copy n paste ttg sequence (latest news)peristiwa itu dibawah.
DUN Perak kecoh, BN-PR bertegang
May 7, 09 8:31am
Persidangan DUN Perak yang dinanti-nantikan – menentukan hidup mati pentadbiran menteri besar Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin dan kestabilan kerajaan pencabarnya Datuk Zambry Abd Kadir – bermula seawal menjelang subuh hari ini apabila sekumpulan penyokong PAS mengadakan solat hajat di Manjoi, beberapa kilometer dari pusat bandar Ipoh.
Berikut perkembangan terkini di Perak:
10.35am Kedua-dua kumpulan wakil rakyat BN dan Pakatan terus bertegang. Speaker terus mengulangi bahawa usul yang dibawa Zambry untuk menggantikan beliau terbatal dan tidak sah, sementara menteri besar BN itu tetap bertegas Speaker itu telah diganti.
Speaker mengarahkan pengawal keselamatan dewan menghalau keluar tujuh wakil rakyat BN, termasuk Zambry, dan tiga bebas. Pengawal bagaimanapun enggan berbuat demikian.
Kedua-dua pihak berkerumun di kerusi menteri besar di dalam dewan dan terus bertikam lidah. Setiausaha dewan cuba campur tangan tetapi ADUN Pakatan mengawalnya, sementara Speaker tidak melayannya.
Zambry cuba mengumumkan Speaker telah ditukar tetapi tetapi semua mikrofon ADUN telah dimatikan kecuali di depan Speaker. Setiap kali Zambry cuba bersuara, ADUN Pakatan Rakyat membuat bising.
Suasana tegang berlanjutan.
Pemangku Raja Perak, Raja Nazrin Shah yang dijadualkan membuka secara rasmi persidangan tersebut belum boleh memasuki dewan akibat ketegangan tersebut.
10.20am Suasana kecoh di dalam dewan apabila kedua-dua kumpulan wakil rakyat BN dan Pakatan Rakyat masing-masing bangun untuk campur tangan keputusan Speaker, V Sivakumar.
Sekumpulan ADUN Pakatan menghalang setiausaha dewan Abdullah Antung – yang juga digantung tugasnya – duduk di depan Speaker untuk memulakan persidangan.
Mereka menggesa Abdullah agar tidak campur tangan dengan alasan beliau hanya seorang kakitangan kerajaan.
Tindakan itu mendorong wakil-wakil rakyat BN bangun dan turut berhujah. Kedua-dua pihak saling bertengkar dan menjerit-jerit. Suasana dewan menjadi tidak tentu hala.
Bagaimanapun tiada pergaduhan fizikal berlaku.
Menteri besar BN Datuk Zambry Abd Kadir cuba berkata sesuatu tetapi Speaker menjawab bahawa beliau enggan mendengarnya. ADUN-ADUN Pakatan juga cuba menghalang Zambry bercakap.
Menteri besar BN cuba membawa usul menggantikan Speaker tetapi ditolak.
10.19am Dua ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat ditahan polis berdekatan DUN Perak kerana memasuki kawasan larangan polis 500 meter dari bangunan tersebut.
Wakil rakyat PAS bagi Parit Buntar, Mujahid Yusof Rawa dan wakil PSM bagi Sungai Siput, D Jeyakumar antara ADUN dan ahli parlimen pembangkang yang telah ditahan.
9.55am Speaker DUN V Sivakumar mengarahkan Menteri besar BN Datuk Zambry Abd Kadir dan enam exconya – yang digantung oleh jawatankuasa khas dewan tersebut – keluar.
Beliau enggan memulakan persidangan jika ketujuh-tujuh itu enggan mematuhi arahannya. Wakil-wakil Pakatan Rakyat menepuk meja sebagai tanda sokongan.
Tindakan tersebut bermakna Speaker – yang mempunyai kuasa tersendiri dalam cabang legislatif – tidak mengiktiraf keputusan mahkamah yang telah membatalkan penggantungan yang dibuat oleh DUN.
Sivakumar, yang mengetuai jawatankuasa hak dan kebebasan DUN Perak, juga mengarahkan tiga ADUN bebas meninggalkan dewan.
Ketiga-tiganya dianggap telah meletakkan jawatan awal Februari lalu, sebelum rampasan kuasa BN.
Wakil-wakil Pakatan Rakyat menepuk meja dan menjerit “keluar” ke arah 10 ADUN tersebut, tetapi mereka masih berdegil.
ADUN Pakatan dan BN masing-masing menjerit ke arah satu sama lain.
Speaker DUN terus mengarahkan 10 ADUN itu meninggalkan dewan. Kedua-dua pihak BN dan Pakatan masih saling jerit-menjerit ke arah satu sama lain.
9.45am Ketua Pemuda PAS Salahuddin Ayub, yang juga ahli parlimen Kubang Kerian, ditahan polis di belakang bangunan utama pentadbiran Perak – yang menempatkan DUN.
9.30am Raja Muda Perak, Raja Nazrin Shah tiba untuk memeriksa perbarisan di luar dewan DUN.
Kedatangan baginda disambut dengan rasa hormat semua ADUN Pakatan Rakyat, mereka semua berdiri, tidak seperti sikap mereka terhadap Menteri besar BN Datuk Zambry Abd Kadir yang tidak menerima penghormatan itu.
9.24am Menteri besar BN Datuk Zambry Abd Kadir tiba untuk memeriksa perbarisan di luar dewan DUN sebelum pembukaan rasmi sidang.
Beliau berjabat tangan dengan Speaker DUN V Sivakumar, juga seorang ADUN DAP bagi Tronoh.
9.23am Bilangan anggota polis yang kebanyakan berpakaian biasa – dalam vest kuning bertulisan “polis” – semakin ramai di bangunan Umno.
Suasana tenang, helikopter kelihatan mengawal dari udara.
9.00am Ahli parlimen PKR-Ampang, Zuraida Kamaruddin [foto, serba hitam] dan ADUN Ayer Keroh (Melaka) Khoo Poay Tiong – yang ditahan – dibawa di dalam trak polis.
Mereka menjerit “1Black Malaysia”, “bubar DUN” dan “reformasi.”
8.50am Sekurang-kurangnya 11 orang ditahan polis, termasuk ahli parlimen PKR-Ampang, Zuraida Kamaruddin, ADUN Teratai (Selangor) Janice Lee [foto, tersenyum] dan ADUN Ayer Keroh (Melaka) Khoo Poay Tiong.
8.40am Semua lebih kurang berada di perkarangan lobi bangunan Umno Perak, beberapa kilometer dari bangunan DUN. Sepanduk yang direntang berbunyi, antaranya, “kami anti penderhaka, pertahankan hak rakyat, biarkan DUN bersidang dengan aman.”
Mereka juga melaungkan “daulat tuanku.”
8.35am Mohamad Nizar dan semua ADUN Pakatan masuk ke Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan. Semua pengawal peribadi mereka disekat masuk di pintu utama. Pemandu dibenarkan masuk.
8.30am Semua ADUN Barisan Nasional tiba di Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan dalam sebuah bas. Mereka disambut oleh sekumpulan penunjuk perasaan yang berpakaian hitam di luar bangunan tersebut – yang menempatkan DUN Perak.
Tiga orang ditahan polis, termasuk ADUN Ayer Keroh (Melaka) Khoo Poay Tiong.
7.55am Kira-kira 100 penyokong BN berkumpul di bangunan Umno, beberapa kilometer dari bangunan DUN Perak.
7.45am Kawalan keselamatan ketat di Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan – yang menempatkan DUN Perak – bagi menghadapi sebarang kemungkinan pada hari pertama persidangan yang akan dibuka secara rasmi oleh Raja Muda Perak.
11.22am V Sivakumar, speaker Pakatan, memulakan semula persidangan DUN walaupun R Ganesan, speaker BN, menangguhkannya sebentar tadi.
Walaupun tanpa mikrofon, Sivakumar tetap meneruskan arahannya yang awal agar tujuh ADUN BN termasuk menteri besar mereka Zambry dan tiga wakil bebas meninggalkan dewan.
Jika mereka enggan berbuat demikian, beliau enggan memulakan persidangan tersebut.
Kedua-dua pihak bertikam lidah sekali lagi dari tempat duduk masing-masing, tidak seperti tadi.
Wakil-wakil rakyat Pakatan berkumpul di sekeliling menteri besar mereka Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin dan berbincang dengan mereka tindakan selanjutnya.
Kedua-dua pihak masih bertegang leher tetapi tidak sehangat tadi.
11.13am Zambry membawa usul agar persidangan dewan ditangguhkan dan ia diluluskan. Persidangan dewan ditangguhkan, kata Ganesan.
Pemangku Raja Perak, Raja Nazrin Shah yang dijadualkan membuka secara rasmi persidangan hari pertama belum boleh memasuki dewan.
11.01am Wakil-wakil BN berdiri mengelilingi timbalan Speaker, Hee Yit Fong dan menteri besar mereka Zambry.
Mikrofon Speaker kini dimatikan tetapi mikrofon depan Hee dan Zambry masih berfungsi walaupun telah dimatikan sebelumnya.
Dengan perlindungan kumpulan ADUN BN itu, Hee mengumumkan beliau kini sebagai pemangku Speaker dan mengarahkan pengawal keselamatan dewan menghalau V Sivakumar daripada kerusi Speaker.
Mereka bagaimanapun tidak bertindak mematuhi arah tersebut.
Kemudian Zambry mengusulkan Sivakumar digugurkan sebagai Speaker dengan sokongan tangan semua ADUN BN. Zambry kemudian membawa usul melatikan R Ganesan sebagai Speaker baru.
Dengan cepat Ganesan datang dan menerima pakaian rasmi Speaker, memakainya, mengangkat sumpah dan menandatangani beberapa dokumen berkaitan di tempat ADUN BN.
Sivakumar masih duduk bertahan di kerusinya, sambil menjerit “Speaker (Ganesan) ini haram”, “selagi Speaker ada di sini, Speaker ini (Ganesan) adalah haram” dan “Perak ada Speaker haram.”
Ganesan kini cuba mengambil alih perjalanan dewan dan wakil-wakil BN membawa beberapa usul lagi.
Sivakumar kemudian bangun semula dan mengumumkan – tanpa mikrofon – semua usul yang dibawa sebentar tadi ditolak oleh beliau sebagai Speaker.
ADUN Pakatan bersorak gembira. Kumpulan wakil rakyat BN mengabaikan arahan Sivakumar, dan meneruskan dengan usul bahawa perhimpunan di bawah pokok, pada awal Mac, anjuran Pakatan Rakyat sebagai tidak sah.
10.35am Kedua-dua kumpulan wakil rakyat BN dan Pakatan terus bertegang. Speaker terus mengulangi bahawa usul yang dibawa Zambry untuk menggantikan beliau terbatal dan tidak sah, sementara menteri besar BN itu tetap bertegas Speaker itu telah diganti.
Speaker mengarahkan pengawal keselamatan dewan menghalau keluar tujuh wakil rakyat BN, termasuk Zambry, dan tiga bebas. Pengawal bagaimanapun enggan berbuat demikian.
Kedua-dua pihak berkerumun di kerusi menteri besar di dalam dewan dan terus bertikam lidah. Setiausaha dewan cuba campur tangan tetapi ADUN Pakatan mengawalnya, sementara Speaker tidak melayannya.
Zambry cuba mengumumkan Speaker telah ditukar tetapi tetapi semua mikrofon ADUN telah dimatikan kecuali di depan Speaker. Setiap kali Zambry cuba bersuara, ADUN Pakatan Rakyat membuat bising.
Suasana tegang berlanjutan.
Pemangku Raja Perak, Raja Nazrin Shah yang dijadualkan membuka secara rasmi persidangan tersebut belum boleh memasuki dewan akibat ketegangan tersebut.
Berikut perkembangan terkini di Perak:
2.55pm Kumpulan “pegawai” mengelilingi tempat duduk Speaker – kini diambil alih oleh R Ganesan – untuk mengawal keadaan.
2.41pm Sekumpulan lelaki berjaket, dengan tag nama “pegawai”, mengheret V Sivakumar dan memaksanya keluar dewan.
2.35pm Usaha pengawal dewan dan kakitangan DUN mengalihkan V Sivakumar dari tempat duduknya dibantah oleh Speaker tersebut dan sekumpulan ADUN Pakatan Rakyat.
Sementara sekumpulan ADUN Pakatan yang lain cuba membawa keluar Ganesan, speaker lantikan BN, dari dewan.
2.15pm Persidangan dewan negeri Perak bersambung. Wakil-wakil rakyat Pakatan cuba menghalang R Ganesan, speaker lantikan BN, memasuki dewan.
Suasana kelam-kabut dan tidak menentu di dalam bangunan tersebut. Saling tolak-menolak dan tumbuk-menumbuk, beberapa ADUN kelihatan nerdiri di atas meja.
Bebarapa pegawai polis masuk ke dalam dewan DUN bagi menenangkan keadaan, dengan disambut jeritan ADUN Pakatan agar mereka meninggalkan dewan.
Pada waktu yang sama, wakil-wakil rakyat pula berusaha membuang keluar V Sivakumar dari tempat duduk Speaker – tetapi beliau masih dikelilingi oleh beberapa ADUN Pakatan.
1.10pm Difahamkan Zambry bertemu dengan Raja Nazrin Shah – yang dijadual membuka secara rasmi persidangan DUN Perak pagi ini – di luar dewan.
Tiada maklumat lengkap tentang pertemuan dan tujuannya.
NAMPAKNYA kelam kabut kerna puak pro anwar buat kecoh dlm politik di Perak.
Tun, saya rasa wajar cadang bubar DUN, buat pilihanraya semula. saya berkata begitu bukan kerana saya sokong PKR (puak2 pro anwar), saya sokong UMNO dari dulu hingga kini. Tetapi jika dr awal lagi ‘rampasan’ kuasa BN menjadi buah mulut orang sebab 2 orang yg keluar PKR pun ada kes rasuah belum selesai serta masuk Bebas tapi dok bergambar dengan orang2 UMNO/BN. Tak seronok betul, saya ada baca kenyataan Tun dlm utusan malaysia hari ni, peralihan kuasa di Perak mungkin betul tapi tergesa-gesa. saya bersetuju dgn Tun….minta pandangan orang bijak pandai dan berhemah dlm hal ini.
Salam Ayahanda Tun yang dikasihi,
Ucapan terimakasih sepatutnya datang dari kami rakyat Malaysia. Terimakasih tak terhingga kerana Tun masih sudi untuk menunjuk ajar, menasihat dan membetulkan tanpa mengenal erti jemu.. walaupun dikutuk dan dikeji oleh segelintir yang tidak mengenal berlian dari kaca…
Kami anak2 Tun akan sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan Tun sekeluarga dan nasihat serta tunjuk ajar Tun akan dibawa dan dihayati selagi hayat dikandung badan.
Terimakasih Tun, you are still my Prime Minister in my heart and mind.
salam tun,
first thing i did every morning after solat subuh is to serve your blog.
chedetblog has help M’sian n M’sia in many ways…
Labu, IJN, Flip Flop…
To many more years of chedetblog!!
Semoga Allah panjangkan usia Tun dan diberikan kesihatan yang baik…AMINnn
Dear Tun,
It is we who should thank YOU. You were the shining light in the darkness Malaysians suffered the last five years.
I pray God blesses you with good health so that you can oversee that the necssary “repairs” are done to overcome the damage done to the country under Abdullah’s reign.
Pls convey my warmest regards to Kak Hasmah.
I thank God He gave Malaysia a leader like you. Everyone else will have to be compared to you because I doubt anyone can equal let alone better you.
Best Regards
Dear Tun M,
I think we the citizen should be thankful, because you have managed to educate us of both the politics and economic intricacies in the most simplest form for lay man to understand. With respect to your profession as a doctor, is able to diagnose and propose a prognosis- unlike some who only criticize but not offer a solution. Once again thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Dear Tun,
As a Malaysian, residing overseas, I am astounded upon learning that Pak Lah is appointed as the advisor for MAS & the national corridor. He can’t emulate you coz you helped developed proton & Petronas. I almost have faith in Najib as the new Prime Minister. I thought he would change from being the yes man & “terharu” man to a man of principal. I am almost certainly wrong. When he appointed Pak Lah as MAS advisor I was flabbergasted. And now as the National corridor advisor? Looks like Khairy & Pak Lah still has his claw on Najib. To Najib tun Razak… Don’t let this be your downfall.
Assalamualaikum Tun!
Congratulation on your 1st anniversary of blogging. I really envy the stamina that you have to constantly put your ideas and thoughts in your web-log. I wish I have the same stamina as yours.
I can be considered as a silent reader and yes, I do love to read. I only conveyed a couple of feedback on your previous writing but that was all, they were just feedback. Nothing special. Frankly, I am not always in total agreement of all your ideas or thoughts like some of your readers here. However, I am also not like those people who dislike your ideas or thoughts simply because who you are or who you previously were. In my opinion, if I am to disagree with someone ideas/thoughts I must counter provide alternative ideas/thoughts. Since I am not a smart person and unable to do that, I better shut up or write nothing at all. I really hope that my humble opinion here can be a ground rule (or etiquette) for all bloggers. That was just my thought, Tun. Nothing special.
Lastly, I wish that you continue writing in your web-log for as long as you can. At least it can give a simple man like me the pleasure in fulfilling my passion in reading.
with regards,
I dont understand why the tree in Ipoh is called “Democracy Tree”. I think the newspaper, in this case,the STAR, have a hidden agenda. It should actually be called “TREASON TREE”. this is in alignment DAP, PKR & PAS stand.
PAS reaction in many instances only show their greed for power, if not their extreme spudity. I do not know what the power for, for them. There is no so-called “ISLAMIC NATION” agenda. They even bargain with DAP on this issue. GOD ordain can be taken lightly and compromised. GOD being paramount is their way to cheat their supporter. So far, it has worked well, as far as their short shighted objective is concerned.
PKR is more heineous. UMNO also is not completely clean.This needs a special session to discuss.
Now when i think of PAS, i associate with stupidity. PKR crook at all cost. UMNO, self interest. DAP, they have clear agenda which is not good at all for the majority of the RAKYAT. Its stupidity of PAS & PKR supporters to support DAP.
The obvious good thathas happened in the Selangor Government since Barisan ALternatif to over is the new liberalism and human right (or privacy) where indecency is not only allowed, but encouraged. To demonstrate this the EXCO herself practice this and proud of the sexuality. This is her statement.
The PAS muslimah (muslimah, I dont know what it means now), has never condemned it but tolerated. PAS murshidul am also condons KHALWAT. May be that is what is said in the Quran as the murshidul must be well versed with quran (doubtful???). Islam is not that rigid as feared by the non-muslim. I am not surprised if SALMAN RUSHDIE condons it.
I would like to propose Selangor State set up “ART GALLERY” and make it a tourist destination and include in tourist. It should be easy as the EXCO tourism is the person in the centre of this new liberalism. Space should also be resrved for other prominent figures. I am positive sure there will be positive spin offs and the tourist dont have to cross the border up north.
I look forward to a country rule by BARISAN ALTERNATIVE where people have greater freedom in practicing sexuality without negative stigma.
Salam Sir,
Maybe i am the last in this comment list, but it is still not too late.
I enjoy reading yr blog; saucy & cynical.
Keep on writing. I am sure this blog will always have high hits.
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
Just continue blogging Tun. We very much need you view when come certain difficult issues confronting us that require an indepth analysis and out of the box kind of thinking. The most important think is that we want to learn from you on how to approach issues.
Tahniah Tun,
Teruskan berkongsi pemikiran Tun.
Salam Tun,
lippoq-lippoq toup-toup dah setahun blog Tun. Alhamdulillah, sehingga kini blog Tun teruis diminati, malah boleh dikatakan pecah rekod entrynya.
I’m your regular reader and never miss to read your articals eventhough seldom commenting to your writting because most of your writting nearly perfect to understand that need no comment on it.
Good Luck and hope Allah continuosely give you an excellent health to assist Malaysia toward success and peace
Salam kepada Yang Berbahagia Tun,
Tahniah akan sambutan ulangtahun pertama
Percayalah, ia memberi input berguna untuk orang yang daif politik sepeti saya. InsyaAllah saya sentiasa di belakang Tun yang saya hormati sebagai pemimpin dunia berwibawa dan lantang. Pada lewat 90an, saya sentiasa ternanti hari Jumaat untuk melihat kelibat Tun bersolat di bahagian anjung kiri Masjid Negara.
Saya juga turut resah pada waktu solat Jumaat sehari lepas DSAI ditangkap pada pada penghujung 1998 (dalam demam sukan komanwel dsb). Saya amat takut akan apa-apa kemungkinan berlaku pada Tun… DSAI pula di lokap, kemungkinan rampasan kuasa dari mana-mana arah. Bukan ingin memikirkan benda-benda buruk sangat tetapi dek saya betul-betul menyanjung dan takut kehilangan Tun.
Tindakan Tun memberi komen akan flip-flop pemimpin sebelum ini sebenarnya patut dipuji, kerana tanpa ada pandangan berani dari pihak Tun, dikhuatiri menjadikan pemimpin itu alpa dan menganggap tindakannya betul belaka. Komen yang membina sepatutnya diterima dengan hati terbuka dan dikaji semula selain dari tindakan pembaikan yang mesti diambil..Bukan kita secara negatif menerimanya dan menyangkal pendapat/komen memikirkan kita saja yang sempurna dalam serba serbi.
Didoakan juga kesihatan kebawah Tun dan diterima Allah segala amalan yang baik dan dijauhi daripada keburukan dan bahaya yang kita nampak dan tidak nampak,Amin.
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada YAB Tun,
Salam Harijadi yang pertama di atas ulangtahun 1 Mei yang lepas. Semoga terdapat isu-isu yang baru daripada YAB Tun yang boleh dirungkai hingga menjadikan kita ini adalah manusia yang perlu berfikir setiap kali perbuatan yang perlu dan apakah yang kita lakukan. Tahniah.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for everything.
Time to declare emergency or better still declare Perak state as as having “absolute monarchy system”. Kuasa balik semula kepada Sultan Melayu jajahan Negeri Perak. I still remember when the late Tun Ismail made a public statement on TV telling the rakyat that DEMOCRACY IS DEAD.
Yes, history would soon repeat itself. DEMOCRACY IS DEAD AND THIS TIME FOR GOOD.
Actually, I am a monarchist and a typical conservative person of old generation. I believe in “guided democratic feudal system” if there is such a term.
I don’t believe in absolute Westminster parliamentary democracy. It is a nuisance because our multi-racial rakyat are inclined to take advantage by abusing the system. The rakyat are still not matured enough to practise the system even after 50 years of practising it.
So in order to prevent anarchy and causing a lot of distractions to the daily life of the rakyat I think the most appropriate thing to do is for the rakyat “berpayong semula bersama Raja Melayu”.
Daulat Tuanku ! Daulat Tuanku ! Daulat Tuanku !!
salam tun sekeluarga, terlebih dahulu saya ucapkan tahniah di atas ulang tahun pertama tun sbg blogger, saya berharap tun dapat berkongsi idea dan pandangan tun dalam artikel dan rencana yang akan datang…
Dearest Tun
You’re always in our heart as a great premier. I thank you for being the Prime Minister of Malaysia for 22 years. We’ve achieved so much under your leadership. Because of you, I’m successful too.
Keep on blogging Tun. Your article inspire us all the time.
May god prosper you, Toh Puan and family with happiness and good health.
Tanjung Bunga and the View of Kedah Peak
Salam sejahtera Tun,
Tahniah Tun kerana berjaya menampilkan pandangan/pendapat luar biasa dan di luar kebiasaan tentang isu-isu glocal dan global terkini di dalam blog Walaupun baharu mencapai usia setahun jagung sememangnya adalah luar biasa kerana mendapat respon puluhan juta maklumbalas dari para peminat di serata pelusuk dunia. Harapan saya sebagai salah seorang dari peminat blog Tun,teruskanlah usaha murni Tun itu walau dengan apa jua halangan dan cabaran kerana semakin sulit dan banyaknya rintangan yang dihadapi maka semakin kelihatan hebat aura minda Tun sebagai jawapan kepada arus aura minda global.
Hi Tun,
I am very proud to have grown up under your era and appreciate your contributions in the past and present. I wish you the pinkiest of health all the time.
Keep writing and I will support you always.
Tahniah atas ulangtahun Blog ini. Semoga Tun dapat menulis selagi Tun terdaya. Pembaca akan sentiasa mengikuti Tun.
Sepatutnya, kami, pembaca yang patut berterimakasih pada Tun atas kelahiran blog ini. Tanpa blog ini, Malaysia mungkin akan sedikit berbeza berbanding sekarang. Mungkin itu pendapat saya. Tapi blog Tun akan sentiasa menjadi tumpuan semua. Terima Kasih Tun.
Have a nive day to you and your family.
I have to thank visitors and commenters for their continued support. Without that, I would not be inspired to continue blogging, at least not at the pace that I do.
Tahniah Tun,
Satu permintaan ikhlas kepada Tun. Tulis la sikit pasal DSAI – Tell us and the world who he is, his principle, intention etc etc. Something like what you did on Tun Abdullah.
Keep posting Tun
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
I sure hope his bladder holds as good as his mouth Tun. Other wise it would be a total mess with the DUN Seating. Will somebody hurry and call in Ripley
Izinkan menyentuh sedikit ‘Kemelut’ kerajaan negeri Perak.
1.Apabila selepas PRU12 parti2 dalam Pakatan Rakyat telah dapat mengumnpulkan jumlah kerusi sebanyak 31 untuk mengatasi jumlah kerusi BN sebanyak 28 kerusi untuk membentuk kerajaan pada ketika itu.
2.Gabungan parti2 dalam PR secara teknikal nya berjaya mengambil alih pemerintahan negeri Perak dari kerajaan BN yang memerintah sebelum PRU12 dengan kelebihan cuma 3 kerusi sahaja.
3.Perlantikan MB dan ahli exco baru dari PR setelah di perkenanakan oleh Duli Baginda Sultan Perak mengikut Perlembagaan Tubuh Negeri Perak.
4.Tidak timbul masaalah bagi BN untuk melepaskan dan peralihan kuasa pada PR. Segala peralihan berjalan lancar melambangkan menjunjung demokrasi.
5.Tapi telah berlaku disebalik nya selepas 11 bulan. Apabila jumlah anggota di pehak BN pula berjumlah 31 kerusi melebehi 3 kerusi PR.
6.Dalam keaadaan ini BN berhak mendapatkan semula kuasa nya dari PR.
7.Dengan kebijaksanaan Baginda Duli Sultan Perak setelah dipertimbangan dan tiada keraguan mengikut perlembagaan Tubuh Negeri Perak telah melantik BN sebagai kerajaan baru Perak.
8.Jelas disini tidak timbul masaalah “Rampas Kuasa’ sebagaimana yang di kelirukan PR pada rakyat. Ini terjadi keadaan yang sama sebagaimana PR mengambil alih kerajaan dari BN.
9.PR mesti menerima hakikat ini. 31 kerusi dipehak mereka adalah jumlah rangkuman dari tiga parti ia itu PAS 6 kerusi, DAP 17 dan PKR 8.
10.Keadaan itu terbalik apabila BN dengan 28 kerusi disokong oleh 3 wakil bebas (Setelah 2 adun PKR dan 1 DAP) untuk menyebelahi BN. menjadikan BN pula berada 31 kerusi. Ini lah yang membolehkan BN membentuk kerajaan.
11.Sekali lagi Tuanku Sultan telah mengikut kebijaksaan Baginda memgikut perlembagaan melantik calun BN sebagai MB yang baru mengantikan Nizar yang dilihat telah hilang keperjayaan dan majoriti dalam DUN Perak.
12.Persoalan nya kenapa PR tidak mahu menerima keadaan sebenar nya dan cuba pula mengheret perkara ini sehingga ke mahkamah dan lebih sedeh dan dukacita nya melibatkan ketidakan taat setia pada perintah Sultan. Malah mengheret bersama Sultan dalam kancah mainan politik mereka. Menghasut rakyat untuk menderhaka pada Sultan.
13.Sehingga saat saya menulis ini khabaran dari Perak mengatakan keadaan agak tegang dalam dewan. Exco pembangkang menumbuk wakil BN dihadapan Duli Pemangku Sultan Dr. Nazrin.
14.Sivakumar telah berjaya dilucutkan jawatan Speaker nya. Dan digantikan oleh Datuk P. Ganesan.
15.copy & paste.
MUTAKHIR 12.34 tengah hari: Sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Perak kembali kecoh apabila disambung semula selepas rehat selama sejam. Bekas Speaker, V Sivakumar tetap mengambil tempat di kerusi Speaker.
16.Nampak nya Sivakumar ini tidak menghormati dewan dan undang2 pelembagaan. Dia seolah2 dah hilang akal, amat kemaruk dan gila akan kuasa speaker.
17.Walaupaun gaya bahasa TUN tidak merestui cara BN mengambil kuasa di Perak, namun saya amat gembira keadaan itu. Sebagai anak jati Perak saya tidak mahu cara kerajaan campuran PR itu berkuasa. Mereka bukan bekerja untuk kepentingan dan faedah semua kaum rakyat Perak tapi hanya untuk puak dan kaum2 tertentu sahaja yang di beri keutamaan.
18.Walaupaun Nizar itu orang Melayu dan wakil PAS namun dia tidak berbuat apa2 pun untuk kemajuan orang2 Melayu. Tak kira lah kawasan PAS mahupun BN. Dia hanya pak angguk kepada Nga & Ngeh dua bersaudara dari DAP itu sahaja.
19.Orang2 Melayu hanya disuruh berdemontrasi sahaja untuk kepengtingan politik mereka. Itulah malang nya orang2 Melayu Perak, mereka celik tapi buta, Tidak dapat melihat dengan jelas maianan poltik pembangkang.
Salam Tun, bila Tun akan siapkan Buku Memori Tun?
Salam YBhg Tun,
Congratulations on your 1st anniversary of chedet blog. Keep on writing. May you & family be blessed by allah always.
Assallamualaikum YAB Tun berdua, semuga seisi kluarga beroleh sejahtera sentiasa….
Harapan saya semuga Tun teruskanlah ‘ber-blogging’…as this is the only way I and the many others could be closer to you…
Dear Sir
Congratulations on your first anniversary of blogging. It was a fantastic year of mind blowing comments that you were willing to share with us Malaysians that are starved of good intelligent and no-hold-bar views on various topics.
May Allah always keep you and your beloved wife in the best of health.
Tahniah dan Terima kasih Tun
Keep on blogging
Best wishes always
Is this a joke? What is it with najib? Is he out of his mind? The national corridor & MAS is a crucial tool to boost the country’s economy and yet Pak Lah is appointed as its adviser? What can he advise? Tun please comment on this. Once again, please save Malaysia!!!
Salam Tun,
Tahniah..!! di atas sambutan ulangtahun yg pertama..semoga terus success! Teruskan menulis Tun, kami masih perlukan pandangan Tun yang penuh bijaksana..
Selamat menyambut hari ibu buat Tun Siti..
assalamualaikum Tun,
thank you Tun.only ALLAH SWT knows and can reward you.our doa’s always.keep it coming.
Salam Tun,
Congratulations on your milestone achievement.
Your articles are packed with enlightenments and wisdoms.
To our younger generations,wisdoms can only be achieved as
we grow older.
B Rgds.
Dear Tun,
I will always support you. Please also know that you inspired me and I think others as well, so keep blogging. Wish you and your beloved wife be blessed by Allah with good health, hapiness and tranquility.
Best Regards
Bani Fawz Mohamed
Salam YABhgia Tun Dr M,
Semoga Allah SWT memberi kesiahatan yang baik kepada Tun untuk berjuang membela bangsa ,agama dan negara.InsyaAllah…
YAB Tun,
Assalamualaikum, Selamat Sejahtera and a very good morning.
Congratulations on the 1st anniversary of your blog. Its been a very successful blog hitting close to 19 million.
Honestly, I started getting into blogging because of chedet. Your thoughts, experiences, advise and unselfish without fear or favour comments made your blog popular.
Judging from the responses and comments that were posted, I could safely say that your blog have world wide followers and from all walks of life.
Please continue your good work Tun and I will always looking forward towards your writings.
Once again congratulations on the 1st anniversary of chedet.
Ayahanda Tun,
The Government has appointed former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as the National Corridor Development adviser. I expect some of the bloggers will ask why such appointment is a MUST.
UMNO and BN must fulfill all the signed “promises” (agreements, IOU, etc) made when Tun Lah was the PM. Corridor projects must carry on and that is why the Finance Minister liberalized the sub-sectors services by deleting 30% bumiputras equity. FLIP FLOP must be erased from UMNO/BN in order to get back the confidence from investors and rakyat.
I believe Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is one of the invited local expert in determining the 1Malaysia Economic Model for our future.
Good day Ayahanda Tun.
Dear Tun,
I remember when I read a small print in The Star that you are about to start your own blog, my thought was that you gonna be popular again simply becoz people are missing you so much in the MSM.
Well done Tun and pls keep it going…
My best wishes always…
I admire “Rimbulan” who disagree with Tun but in a polite and civilize manner. We may not agree with each others opinion but that does not mean we should hate each other. Having different views allow us to think more rationally and it does not make us less wiser.
GO “Rimbulan” !!
yes, it’s very knowledgable info/ and also you though where we can compare other public media.
and being a malaysian, definately we will support, great leader for malaysia, which keep the country peaceful & harmony & prospective…
take very good care, SIR…
Ayahanda Tun,
Congratulations to chedet, a 20 Millionaire Club today. From May 1st 2008 – until today, Chedet learned from us and we learned from chedet, utilizing the latest information technology.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad for driving Malaysia out from the choas done by LAH-UMNO Family, which has jeopardised the harmony and peace in the nation be it politically or economically which we have enjoyed for the past 20 years. Without Tun Dr Mahathir, we will not be able to see what lies a head of us.
Keep on blogging Tun, we need your information to plan for and determine our future so that we will not be the slaves to the crooked politicians of all parties (BN & PR).
Take care and May “ALLAH” be with you ALWAYS.
The Age of Enlightenment/Kegemilangan has arrived
The union of science and religion
Peace upon humanity
Mother Earth and Nature must be restored
Ignorance/KeJahilan must be defeated and eradicated
All secrets shall be revealed
Knowledge MUST be FREE
The Internet and broadband must be liberalized to allow the poor to gain Knowledge/Ilmu
To seek knowledge is the sacred duty of Muslims, as for other religions as well
FOR IGNORANCE IS SUFFERING, as Buddha has mentioned
Salam Ayahanda Tun ..terima kasih dengan adanya Blog Chedet…dapat kami meluahkan pendapat dan pandangan disini…. Kami happy dan terus menyokong blog ayahanda…. teruskan blogging …Tahniah dan menyambut ulangtahun pertama Chedet….
Dengan izin Tun..Terimakasih..
Lihatlah hemah Tun ini..
Dia yang memberi, tapi dia yang yang mengucapkan terima kasih..
Tun..kami ingat Firman Allah dalam Ayat Al Quran..
“Sesungguhnya..usaha kamu di syukuri”
Allah tuan punya hamba pun menyatakan usaha hambanya di syukuri sedangkan Allah tidak perlu sama sekali hambaNya itu..
Inilah contoh begitu Agungnya Allah s.w.t.
Kita dapati Tun mencontohi perumpamaan ini..
Hanya Allah sahaja yang membalas jasa Tun untuk kami.
For your detractors…comes on board and we will treat you accordingly..
Sudilah cerita kepada kami apa yang ada di dalam kaabah.
Allah memilih Tun untuk masuk ke dalam dan bukan ulamak yang mereka agung-agungkan itu…!!!
Salam Tun,
1) Thank you, thank you, thank you……….
2) I wonder what happens if you do not have this blog.
3) Pak Lah may still be around.
4) I hate reading NST, except the sports section.
5) And people like ‘onlooker’ and those alike will be banging their heads on the wall for not being able to get at you by any other means.
6) Again, thank you and keep up the good work.
7) Tapi hati hati ya Tun, nak pakai lama lagi. Najib tak tau boleh ka tidak….
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Terlebih dahulu saya ucapkan ribuan terimakasih kepada Ayahanda Tun kerana sudi mendampingi rakyat melalui blog. Fikiran dan idea Tun yg bernas memberi inspirasi kepada kami rakyat Malaysia.
Saya bersependapat dgn rakan2 dari MAS yg tidak berpuashati Pak Lah menjadi penasihat mereka. Sbg seorang PM flip-flop dan decisionnya lebih byk membawa kepada kehancuran, tak sepatutnya beliau dilantik sebagai seorg penasihat. Mengapa perlu kita berikan padanya tugas sbg penasihat sedangkan semua sedia maklum beliau bukannya seorg yg bijak-pandai? Cukuplah Anugerah Tun diberikan padanya suami-isteri sbg menunjuk terimakasih Malaysia padanya.
Sekian, terimakasih.
Semuga Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga sihat sentiasa dan dilimpahi rahmat Allah snw.
Good Morning Tun,
Congratulations Tun on celebrating the 1 year annivesary of your blog.It has been a wonderful experience sharing your thoughts and view on the current issues both home and abroad. Your views has always been welcomed for us to view certain issues with an open mind.Keep up the good work and don’t stop.
On the other hand,may i ask what is your comment about the appointment of Pak Lah as the advisory of MAS.I can’t believe that MAS are willing to pick such an unwanted person to become their advisory.Is there any political motivated decision made by them on this selection,or are we in for another Pak Lah and family drama.Please give your thoughts on this issue.
Please take care yourself.Wassalam.
Now Playing : Morbid Angel- Rapture
Carry on Tun!
We really appreciate all your efforts in sharing your thoughts with us.
Thank you.
Got 1 or 2 suggestions at hand;
1. How about a “Meet the Chedet Session” over
a cup of Teh Tarik to commemorate this?
2. I understand it is not possible for Dr to
reply individually all comments.But it would
be good if a short commentary/summary is given
to all those burning questions and issues
forwarded in chedetblog. At least we commentators
know that you really read each and every comment
of ours.
Salam and may Allah swt provides you and yr family
good guidance.
Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,
Just wanted to let you know that there are SICK people in the alternatives media that are trying to pit you against Najib and UMNO.
Their latest MIS-INFORMATION is the article written by them on your speech regarding the constitution yesterday.
They CLEARLY manipulated your words to suit their SICK agenda. They wrote in their articles as if you are endorsing what PR is saying all along.
They omitted (in their writings) the part where you talk about responsible media and how one should not go against the Sultan for personal/political reasons.
I am sure you and your visitors know these alternatives media. They are nothing but a mouthpiece of that sodomite! Very unprofessional!
salam tun
Tahniah kepada tun kerana setahun umur blog coretan tun.
Banyak input, dan membuka idea rakyat dalam memberi komentar.
The perfect leader!
Salam Tun,
Tahniah! Dengan adanya blog ini ramai yang berkesempatan berkomen dgn agak bebas, samada menyokong atau sebaliknya. Saya rasa ini adalah baik untuk membuka peluang buat masyarakat kita membentangkan sesuatu yang dipikir tak baik untuk kita sama-sama bahaskan dan menyelesaikan, umpamanya, perkara atau sesuatu yg telah lama masyrakat telah mengamalkan yg telah menjadi darah-daging yg meracuni dan menjumudkan pemikiran kita. Ini lah penyebab masyarakat kita dikelabui dengan pandangan sempit dan takut untuk menghuraikan sesuatu perkara dengan mengambil jalan yg paling baik untuk menyelesaikan nya.
Tidak kurang banyak nya para-cendikiawan kita, tetapi kalau tak dapat berbuat sesuatu yg paling baik, masaalah yg menyeret kita ke tahap yg lebih terok akan terus mengancam kita.
Pemikir dan penulis Dr Kassim Ahmad, Professor Emeritus Engku Aziz dll, jika mereka ini dikumpulkan bersama Tun saya rasa tembok kejumudan masyarakat kita akan dapat dihancurkan untuk kita terus maju. Mungkin usaha Tun selama 22 tahun sebagai PM telah pun melebihi apa yg baru saya perkatakan ini. Jika demikan halnya, saya mohon maaf!
Tahniah untuk Tun atas ulangtahun pertama. Teruskan aktiviti blog ini kerana ianya amat merangsang minda anak muda seperti saya dalam mengenali negara ini.
Salam Tun,
You are most welcome and happy 1st Anniversary.
CONGRATULATIONS on the anniversary of Chedet and hits high visitors.
You’re our inspiration and thank you.
Dear Tun,
We as Malaysian should be proud with what you’ve done. Your meaningful thought & comments are needed for the sake of the our country.
Hope you would continue your journey. keep up healty & have a good life!
Salam Kasih Dari Rakyat Jelata,
kalau Tun rasa masih ada lagi tugas yang belum selesai,
make sure you do it right at this time…..
We want new Malaysia….
new evolution…
new mindset…
keazaman yang baru…
new Malay…
Kami mahukan Melayu yang jujur…
Kami mahukan Melayu yang hatinya bersih daripada kekotoran darah hitam pekat…
kami mahukan Melayu yang mula mahu membersihkan kekotoran hati mereka…
kami mahukan Melayu yang hormatkan Raja/ketua mereka..
bukan Melayu yang haprak…
bukan Melayu yang tahu makan duit haram…
bukan Melayu yang menjual baja subsidi kerajaan
bukan melayu yang malas berfikir…
bukan Melayu yang paling ramai jadi bohsia/bohjan…
bukan Melayu yang paling ramai di Pusat Serenti…
bukan Melayu yang paling ramai gagal dalam perperiksaan…
bukan Melayu yang tidak tahu kekautan mereka sendiri…
bukan Melayu yang berhasad dengki sesama sendiri…
bukan Melayu yang tidak sedar tugas mereka kepada PenciptaNya…
bukan Melayu yang memohon pertolongan selain daripada Penciptanya..
jangan jadi Melayu yang lebih teruk daripada Yahudi…
You must do it right this time…
May God Bless you..
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Tahniah diatas segala khidmat bakti Tun dalam usaha memajukan melayu bertambah bertamadun. Muga usaha dan fikiran Tun dapat berdaya diteruskan. Kini, mungkin kah Tun dapat menumpukan sumbangan dalam apa cara sekalipun untuk menyedarkan melayu betapa Malaya penah menjadi miliknya. Kini pemimpin Melayu telah mula lupa membela Melayu, mereka hanya perlukan undi dan berusaha dengan segala cara malah mengadai hak melayu.
Senantiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan dan kebahagian Tun sekeluarga. Amin
Salam Tun
You’re the man Yo..!!!..keep it up, don’t stop posting. Malaysia need you to keep on posting and criticising. Only you can advice our govertment to be at another best level!!!…
Terima kaseh seharus nya kami yang ucapkan pada TUN kerana tetap bersma2 rakyat walaupun tidak lagi menjadi perdana menteri kami.
Kerana ada nya nya Blog TUN ramai rakyat Malaysia dapat disatukan semula setelah hampir kehilangan arah tanpa dipimpin oleh seorang pemimpin dan pejuang bangsa sebenar.
Syukur akhir nya TUN kembali bersama Blog, dengan sentuhan kritikan yang mencabar minda rakyat untuk bangun semula dan bergerak kehadapan. Artikel TUN telah banyak membantu kearah kesedaran dan membina semula minda rakyat untuk bangun memulihkan negara yang seakan2 hampir tenggelam selepas PRU12.
Teruskan usaha TUN untuk membentuk pemikiran rakyat kearah lebih positif dan berilmu terutama genarasi muda yang baru membesar dan baru mengenali diri TUN.
Terima kaseh kembali pada TUN.
Salam YAB Tun,
I hope you are in the pink of health. Congratulations on chedet first anniversary and indeed I enjoy reading your blogs. They are fundamental and yet inspiring.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I look forward for more invaluable insights from you.
May Allah bless you with strenght and good health!
Tahniah dan terima kaseh kembali.
Sesungguh nya Blog TUN telah memberi banyak pengajaran, pelajaran pelbagai ilmu pengetahuan serta motivasi dan semangat baru pada sebahgian rakyat Malaysia. Kami telah seakan2 kehilangan TUN selepas TUN menyerahkan jawatan pada Pak(TUN) Lah, sehingga lah TUN muncul dengan Blog TUN. Kehadiran TUN dalam Blog TUN telah mengubati rindu rakyat pada TUN dan mengembalikan semangat dan keyakinan kami untuk terus menjalani kehidupan yang lemah dan rimas semasa regim PL.
Terima Kaseh pada TUN dan TUN CT kerana maseh terus bersama2 kami rakyat Malaysia.
No Tun… Thank you very much for blogging and share your thought to us. Keep on blogging 🙂
Abdullah, The Fokker F28 and MAS.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
One day in 1999 when Tun was still PM and Abdullah was just warming up to his DPM role, he had to fly back to KL on short notice and there was not a single Government Jet on the apron. So Pak Lah took the MAS Fokker back to KL. The flight in the ever trusty F28 Fellow Ship was pleasant and relaxing. Upon final approach into Subang, the pilot must have had a cross wind situation. Hard to tell really, he might have slightly crabbed in that approach to compensate for the shifting angle. Anyway, thanks to the excellent Pilot ship, the Fokker landed with only a slightly above normal thud. But still enough to unnerve several passengers, who were nonetheless, lighten of the safe landing. Later when the Press asked the new DPM about the incident, Pak Lah coolly relied:
Salam Tun..
Semoga sihat selalu…
Atas rasa tanggungjawab dan sayangkan negara…
Sebagai mahasiswa yang telah menuntut hampir tujuh tahun di IPTA..
Saya rasa terpanggil untuk mengulas mengenai isu politik dan sistem pemerintahan negara…Saya anak muda, anak jati Perak yang begitu berminat meneroka permasalahan politik atau secara umumnya digelar sebagai seni pemerintahan…Namun akhir-akhir ini, sistem pemerintahan negara telah hilang seni nya…Seni ini telah ditendang dan dipijak sewenang-wenangnya waima ia terus dijadikan bahan lucu untuk dibualkan oleh masyarakat…Disebabkan kerja-kerja manusia yang tidak memahami dan menyintai seni pemerintahan ini, kehidupan rakyat kemungkinan akan lebih parah akaibat merosotnya kecekapan dan keberkesanan prestasi kerja dan pembangunan ekonomi di setiap unit sama ada kementerin ataupun kerajaan negeri…Tun, seni pemerintahan berhubung dan memberi kesan yang signifikan terhadap pembangunan ekonomi dan sosiobudaya masyarakat sejagat…Kesan ini akan dirasai lebih teruk lagi jika isu berbangkit berlaku pada pilihan raya akan datang…
Berdasarkan kajian dan pemerhatian saya, saya boleh membina satu hipotesis yang mengatakan kerajaan BN mungkin akan terkubur pada PRU akan datang…Undi golongan muda terutamanya mahasiswa akan lebih memihak kepada pembangkang…Golongan mahasiswa yang kurang di pandang oleh kerajaan kini mempunyai peranan yang besar terhadap pembinaan kerajaan baru pada masa akan datang…Mungkin kempen-kempen golangan ini tidak kelihatan begitu membahayakan kerana ia tidak kelihatan secara ekstrensik tetapi ia bergerak secara intrinsik…
Tindakan dan prestasi kerajaan DS Najib kini menjadi penanda aras tehadap perubahan sikap golongan muda…Rampasan kuasa dan kekecohan di Perak adalah satu bencana besar yang menyebabkan golongan muda semakin tidak percaya terhadap kerajaan pimpinan DS Najib…Ketelusan dan keadilan media menyebabkan golongan muda semakin bijak menggunakan informasi sistem teknologi maklumat sebagai contohnya seperti blog2 di internet..Kemenagan KJ dan penolakan KJ dalam kabinet juga menjadi bahan ketawa golongan muda yang semakin menjauhi diri dari dunia politik…PPSMI juga memberi kesan terhadap undi golongan muda yang mempunyai sifat cintakan keindahan bahasa melayu sebagai bahasa rasmi negara…Keangkuhan dan kekayaan golongan elit Umno juga menyebabkan golongan muda semakin hari semakin sedar akan perbezaan jurang ekonomi yang diwujudkan oleh sistem kapitalis yang semakin tidak terkawal kini…Kesedaran terhadap nilai agama dikalangan elit umno juga menjadi bahan kajian golongan muda yang menjadi penentu kemenangan atau kehancuran kerajaan BN kelak…
Golongan muda inginkan perubahan…mereka inginkan ketelusan….mereka tidak mahu ditakutkan….mereka ingin mengelak daripada dituduh orang yang tidak menghargai jasa…mereka juga mahukan agama mereka diangkat ke darjat yang lebih tinggi…mereka tidak mahu dizalimi…golongan muda kini lebih bijak dalam pelbagai soal terutamanya soal ekonomi…mereka kini berfikir dengan lebih kreatif dan kritis…mereka telah berubah dan mahukan perubahan…
Akhir sekali…berubahlah…jangan meminggirkan golongan mahasiswa..dekatilah mereka..sayangilah mereka…
kenyataan santai ini hanyalah sebuah hipotesis yang boleh diterima atau disangkal oleh keputusan pilihan raya akan datang…
Salam Tok Det…
Happy 1st anniversary of blogging!! We really hope that you will continue to write about your thoughts through this blog. It’s like a TV drama series you know.. always eager to read the new posting… hehehe…
Congratulations, Tok Det!!
Dear Dr. Mahathir,
Salam Alaikum, Salam Sejahtera.
It is me to thank you for the space you gave me to comment in your blog. Despite our tough arguments, mainly on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I can inherit many things from your writing. It is never late to learn (and I’m not a teen ager, hahaha).
I’m sure we’ll have future arguments but I can feel that they are with sense. Keep enriching us with your thoughts. I’m following your writing and speeches regularly. Your blog was a “spring board” to know very special people from your country, real peace lovers even many people here poured on me “freezing water”. It is above what people can imagine and I thank you for what your blog did to me in my activity towards peace.
May God bless you and your family with long living years and good health.
Hanan, Jewish,
Dear Dr. Mahathir,
Salam Alaikum, Salam Sejahtera.
It is me to thank you for the space you gave me to comment in your blog. Despite our tough arguments, mainly on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I can inherit many things from your writing. It is never late to learn (and I’m not a teen ager, hahaha).
I’m sure we’ll have future arguments but I can feel that they are with sense. Keep enriching us with your thoughts. I’m following your writing and speeches regularly. Your blog was a “spring board” to know very special people from your country, real peace lovers even many people here poured on me “freezing water”. It is above what people can imagine and I thank you for what your blog did to me in my activity towards peace.
May God bless with you long living years and good health with your family.
Hanan, Jewish,
Congratulation for Dr Mahathir in successfully attracting more than 18 million visitors in a year.
From past history i’ve learned that Tun Perak was the last Malay capable administrator to four Sultans. You have achieved beyond that though you didnt conquer neighbouring states. But its ok.
Kita kan bukan lagi dizaman meluaskan empire menggunakan kekejaman dan senjata tetapi menngunakan ilmu dan budibicara.
Tertarik juga dgn komen Speedbird dan Romeo tentang perlantikkan penasihat dalam MAS. Adakah khidmat penasihat diperlukan lagi kerana beliau pernah menyelamatkan MAS dari terlungkup dahulu ataupun kerana untok menghargai jasa2nya maka diadakan jawatan itu.
Teringat cerita Ibnu Sutowo – menaikkan Pertamina setinggi2nya dan kemudian melungkupkan sebawah2nya. Harap2 MAS tak akan menjadi seperti itu.
Thanks Dr Mahathir for having an you as my idol in my lifetime.
How i wish Pak Lah or future leaders like the Agong can have an entertaining blog like Chedet for rakyat to learn and read.
Thank you for telling Malaysians to take IT in 1997.I remembered you saying that in the 21st century, those who don’t know how to use computers will be considered illiterate.
KUALA LUMPUR, May 6 (Bernama) — Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s openness and transparency in administration when he took over as the Prime Minister in 2003, contributed largely to a flourishing democracy in the country, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Najib said since taking over, Abdullah practiced a leadership that portrayed openness and one that was receptive to criticism.
Yes, but when Pak Lah allowed openness, transparency and criticism he should also be prepared to tackle and take immediate action for all the weaknesses of his administration. But on the other hand unfortunately,he did nothing and the end result was reflected by the rakyat forcing him to resign. That shows how stupid he is and he deserved it for being naive by letting his government of BN almost “masuk longkang” !!
Congratulation especially to the dearest Tun! Happy one year anniversary… Hope it will not the last for all of us… Your bloging have made us fascinating… Very much appreciated!
CONGRATULATIONS, Tun!… And, you’re very much welcome.
But, THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO YOU, SIR; especially for giving us, the rakyats of this small country, answers and reminders.
If everyone could live in unison, as SINCERE MALAYSIANS:
– respecting one another,
– upholding our country’s Constitution,
– remembering the history of this beautiful land AND its humble people;
– appreciating the peace, harmony and wealth already garnered living as Citizens of Malaysia,
insyaAllah, Malaysia will be able to be a great developed “little” nation as envisioned by YOU in our Wawasan 2020!
May ALLAH SWT Bless You and Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Always.
Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir said he is not bothered where Barisan Nasional (BN) state assemblymen will be seated during the State Assembly session starting Thursday.
An English newspaper today reported former menteri besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin as saying that he expected a tussle for seats to occur tomorrow.
If this happens I think all the Pakatan ADUN must have come out from Hendry Gurney School!! What a shame having such idiotic bunch of low mentality ADUN !!
Dear Tun,
Congratulations and please keep on blogging.
I enjoyed reading your views and I respect your stand which sometimes changes my perceptions of things.
1)Thank you.Although I do not agree with you over many issues and how you ran our country,particularlily the NEP and giving silverspoon to a selected few,nevertheless I respect you as a worthy stateman.
2)Tunku impressed me as a moderate guy ,at least he gave a million citizenships to non-malays but he also got it back by incorporarting S153 into the Federal Constitution which leads to many abuses and the others impressed me not a bit as I was overseas then.
3)I don’t want to waste time to comment on your successor but I did bump into him, while he was then out in wilderness,sitting next table ,in Bangsar in an open night store for a cup of tea tarik.
4)With your blog opened,I am able to air my simplistic thoughts.And sofar,the Sedition Act,PPSA,ISA etc,have not been used is a good sign in that the authority does not dare (yet) to touch all the postings.
5)keep it up for our country sake.
Salaam & Tahniah Tun 😉
Thank You Tun for all the great years while you were in the office. you have certainly taken us to a much greater heights and i wouldnt trade you with any leaders (past and present) in the world.
Salam Dear Tun,
Well, actually were’re the one who’s supposed to say thank you especially for enlightening us on many issues. InsyAllah, we will always continue to support your blog…(and why not? since you are much better informed than many of us out here….!)
Thank You Tun, Wassalam
Dearest Tun,
Congratulations on your blog first anniversary, I wish you and family the very best of health.
The Camry auction in Perak is a failure because of the rakyat dissatisfaction of the BN government or because it’s too expensive ? But then again, broken plague are sold for ten of thousands.. ?
Just my 2 cents of thoughts.
Take care my dearest Tun and thank you for this wonderful blog…
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu!
Saya Muhammad ,orang Turkestan timur,saya gembira untuk melawati blog anda ,dengan rahmati Allah ,saya hendak bina satu buku tentang bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Saya ,silakan harap berdoa untuk kebabasan menusia saya ,Muslimin turkestan timur
somaga Allah memberikan rahmatan keatas kami
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
THANK YOU, TUN! for you TRUTH (also hidden Truth behind certain action you took that people dont understand or criticise you.
to me, you’re always the man who like to slap/whack others with your TRUTH. thank you especially for trying to save Perak from LIES with your Truth, even at the last minute before 7th mei, 2009. thank you so much.
p/s: i’m a late comer, i should have found your blog earlier.
Dearest YAB Tun,
Congratulations Tun! Excellent blog!
We should thank Tun instead for giving us the opportunity to express our views.
Semoga Tun dan keluarga sentiasa dirahmati dan diberkati Allah SWT. Dan semoga Tun akan sentiasa sihat walafiat untuk terus ber
Salam Tun,
Tahniah kerana masih tetap berblogging utk sudah lebih setahun dengan isi2 blog yg sangat membina dan membuka ruang pemikiran.
Semoga Tun dan keluarga beroleh rahmat dan sentiasa dalam lingkungan hidayah Allah.
Congratulations Tun on your 1st Anniversary on Blogging.
I’m actually truly honored to be able to interact with our former PM who has made Malaysia what is is today. How many countries in this world can boast of being able to gain ideas and interact with a former PM. You will never fail to inspire us with your witty comments and updates on the latest political scenario. May Allaah give you the ability to continue inspiring us. Ameen.
Dear Dr. Mahathir,
Thank you, sir, for your honest opinion as well as shedding truth on Malaysian issues.
I am so glad and honored to be part of your supporters whom inspire you to continue blogging. In turn, you inspire me to keep on pursuing my dream. It is leaders such as yourself that make me proud to be Malaysian.
Thank you.
The Patriotic Immigrant
Tahniah Tun.. Jaga ksihatan ekk…
Yup it has already been a year plus chedet blog launched in our community.
I do still remember what I have commented on the very first post of you. I found your blog several hours you launched it in blogspot.
Many things happened in these 12months time with the growing of your blog.
I have learnt a lots and been motivated through here.
I have too make some friends with seniors who willing to share their views and comments via this blog.
Thank Tun, way all the best.
Hui Ling
Assalamualaikum YB Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
1.Tahniah,Tun.Terima kasih kembali kepada Tun kerana telah banyak
menyumbang pendapat dan idea bernas kepada kami.Ada juga isi hati kami sebagai rakyat dapat disampaikan oleh Tun kepada pihak tertentu contohnya,isu kelemaham kepimpinan PM yang lalu.
2.Teruskan’blogging’Tun.Bagi saya,Tun adalah seorang pemimpin yang
‘kaya’ dengan pengalaman dan ilmu.Ini yang membezakan Tun dengan kebanyakan pemimpin’mee segera’ yang ramai sekarang.
Saya dan sekeluarga mendoakan semoga Tun sentiasa dirahmati Allah.
Congratulations on your first anniversary!
Your blog has been a mixture /combination of trash, harsh comments and some common sense (which these days is a most uncommon commodity!).
It’s heartening to note that you’d continue with your postings. Your readers have the right to present you with bouquets and brickbats after reading your messages. So far you have been tolerant of negative views and criticisms and I fervently hope that you would continue to be tolerant about dissenting views.
Salam Tun,
Tahniah 🙂 Im totally fan of yours. Saw you on tv tonite and i agreed with you. Kedaulatan Raja raja Melayu perlu dihormati dan di pertahankan.
salam sayang
-lina hj zainal-
Congatulation Tun,
I wish I can get that much visitors to my blog, actually half of that will do. Lots of laughs.
Salam buat Tun berdua moga dirahmati Allah s.w.t hendaknya.
Salam Tun,
I almost visit your blog every day. U may find me like to criticize u cause i don’t agreed with some of your writing. But i don’t have any hatred against u. The only things is we have different view on certain matter.
May u and family be well and happy.
Tahniah diatas ulangtahun pertama dan hits yang power gila.
Moga akan berkekalan blog ni untuk semua generasi akan datang. memang panassssss
Dear Tun,
Congratulations and please keep up with your writings, especially on the history of this nation, Tanah Melayu.
I believe could touch 27 millions (Malaysia’s population) by December 2009.
Salam Tun Dr. Mahathir and family,
CONGRATULATIONS on the anniversary of Chedet!!!
You’re an inspiration and thank you for writing.
Take good care. Wassalam.
A’kum Tun
You are most welcome and happy anniversary..
Assalamualaikum…ayahnda Mahathir dan bonda Siti Hasmah adalah insan yg amat anaknda kagumi dan anaknda berasa amat bertuah,megah dan bangga mengenali insan yg membarisi nama besar dalam memimpin serta membangunkan Negara Malaysia ke persada dunia sehingga di segani! semoga Allah swt sentiasa memberkati seluruh kehidupan ayahnda bonda dan keluarga…amin.
People will give you support only when you talk things with good sense, like saying openly about the constitutional truth that the Sultan has no discretionary power to sack a Menteri Besar.
You will most likely find that the number of commentators who leave their comments in your blog will turn lesser and lesser if you keep on talking nonsense, like fantasizing on the legend that the financial fallout of the global economy was the effect caused by the fact that Hedge Fund Managers were allowed to borrow up to 30 times of their cash on hand!
In fact, many KLSE-listed companies, which one of your sons sat as the non-executive director in the Board of directors during 1997-1998 currency crisis periods, had borrowed more than 30 times of the net tangible assets they possessed. Why did you have to keep finding fault on the foreigners while you yourself failed to clean up the whole mess in your own backyard?
The Selangor Government will launch a programme to turn Mat Rempit into useful citizens, said Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.
Hello Tun,
1. Congratulations and happy blogging.
2. It is your blogging in point forms that inspire me to write in such manner to clearly distinguish comments and ideas so that readers could understand clearly.
3. Speaking of media freedom, during your tenure, did you do anything to supress media freedom?
4. Besides you there are many bloggers out there whom having a higher chances of being arrested if they comment the government or certain politician. Maybe your statue shielded you to have superior luxury not being put into their situation? Lately more and more bloggers being arrested.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun Mahathir Mohammad.
Saya meminta jasa baik Ayahanda Tun Mahathir untuk KOMEN tentang Penasihat baru Syarikat Penerbangan Malaysia(MAS)yg baru.Tolong lah Ayahanda Tun Mahathir…Sebagai seorang warga syarikat yg setia.Mengapa MAS perlukan penasihat???Tidak cukup bagus kah prestasi kewangan setakat ini??Mengapa perlu di tambah satu lagi jawatan yg tidak perlu?Gaji yg di beri pada satu lagi jawatan??Sedangkan syarikat sedang berusaha cut cost??Ayahanda Tun Mahathir sebagai penasihat Proton dapat diterima kerana Ayahanda berusaha menaikkan nama kereta nasional Malaysia.Tapi Saya tak pernah nampak penasihat MAS yg baru ini sebelum ini datang ke tempat kerja kami??Melawat??Jauh sekali.Tahukah remuknya hati saya sebagai warga kerdil syarikat yg berusaha keras ke sana dan ke sini menjaga nama baik syarikat dan Malaysia??Gaji yg besar dapat kepada orang yg belum boleh menaikkan Malaysia ini di lantik pula menjadi penasihat MAS??
Tolonglah Ayahanda Komen kan tentang topik ini.Saya amat tidak berpuas hati.Tapi apa hak saya dan kedudukan saya.Tapi saya berhak bagi pendapat juga.Pengarah Urusan syarikat MAS telah bertindak baik selama ini..Apa perlunya jawatan Penasihat MAS ini??Di mana Fungsinya??Apakah kerana kepentingan??Apakah kerana orang yg supply makanan di dalam kapal terbang itu adalah “saudara” Penasihat MAS??Malaysia ini adalah sangat kecil..Tiada kebenaran yg boleh kita selindung..Saya memang tak faham lah apa Fungsi Penasihat MAS yg baru ini??Jambatan untuk memajukan Ekonomi Malaysia tak boleh di buat..Jadi Penasihat Pula??Macam petikan cerita “Seniman Bujang Lapok” Badan kurus keding ada hati nak jadi HAng Jebat??
Jaga Kesihatan Ayahanda Tun MAhathir Mohammad dan Bonda..
Saya tetap menantikan komen Ayahanda Tun untuk Topik ini biar terpaksa menunggu 100 tahun.Terima kasih.
Assalamualaikum, Salam kasih dan Salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. Seperti penulisan saudara kami Samurai Melayu, jika bagi setiap yang hadir dilaman ini menganjarkan dengan nilai RM0.50 sen kepada laman istimewa ini, maka pasti jugalah banyak perolehannya. Namun, kami semua memberikan sesuatu yang lebih bernilai bagi individu yang seistimewa Tun. Di setiap kali kami berdoa selepas bersolat, kami memohon kepada Allah untuk kesejahteraan Tun dan Toh Puan. Sama keistimewaannya kami letakkan pada hati kami sepertimana juga kami berdoa untuk kedua-dua orang tua kami. Tak kira dimana kami menghamparkan sajdah kami, tak kira musimnya; doa kami kepada Tun berdua tetap kami kirimkan. Tanpa pengorbanan dan jasa Tun kepada negara, siapalah kami semua pada hari ini. Segala pengorbanan Tun adalah ibaratkan tiupan bayu yang telah mengizinkan kami untuk menebar sayap, dan mencecah angkasa jua dalam kehidupan kami. Terima kasih daripada kami Tun. Seikhlasnya dan buat selamanya bagi Tun berdua yang sentiasa istimewa dihati kami.
My beloved are every hope, every reason and every dream not to only me but to all Malaysians whom fondness to every you…
Dear Tun Dr M,
I got my internet fixed 8 months ago. My nature is that I would like to express my views on Politics, Humanities and current affairs. So, I decided to commence blog communications.
The first blog that came to my mind was yours. True enough it satisfied my taste and it will in the future. I believe I have taken part in at least 90% of your blog discussions from September, 2008.
I would say that you are walking dictionary for Politics and a Nuetralizer of any situation.
Many more returns of the day to you and your blog.
Happy One Year Anniversary, chedetblog!
Congratulations Ayahnda TDM and thank you very much for reaching out to us. Your easy-to-follow thoughts and reflections over the last one year have been a joy to read.
For those of us who sorely missed your steady leadership, your blog has given some respite from the ambivalence that is now Malaysia. It is not only a source of information but also a source of solace… a virtual shoulder to cry on for many of us. We love you!
To many more years of chedetblog… BLOG ON!
Terima Kasih, kerana masih lagi prihatin dengan masalah rakyat Malaysia.
TAHNIAH TUN !!!!!!!!
* Tun, Tolong cerita & rumuskan sedikit hal kegawatan politik dalam PAS sekarang ini. Dedahkan siapa Anwar di dalam PAS, biar pengikut-pengikut PAS kenal siapa Anwar Al-juburi ni……….
Thank you for your concerned for rakyat even when u were denied by the previous government.
U simply the best Tun.
PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa condemned the arrests of political activists, saying they were
Dear Tun..
What is it with MAS now? They appoint Pak Lah as the advisor of the ailing national carrier. Seems like cronysm is still active in MAS. perhaps it has something to do with Munir Majid (They guy who spent millions of MAS funds to buy painting, and yes he is still around)
Or maybe just to secure Pak Lah’s brother’s stake in LG skychef, the caterer for MAS.
Tun please stop these madness!!!
Congratulations, Tun.
Please continue blogging, and share your thoughts and ideas with fellow Malaysians.
Please also post your public speeches on your blog to enable us to view them and provide our comments to you first hand.
Happy Birthday
You certainly helped to make Malaysia a better place to live in
Happy 1st aniversary, chedetblog!
Saya tak perlu ucapan Terima Kasih, Tun. Kami yang perlu ucapkan Terima Kasih.
Bilionan Terima Kasih buat sekian kalinya. Terima Kasih sekali lagi.
Sekian, Terima Kasih.
Terima Kasih..
salam tun
no problem..I will stand with you.Congrats for the achievement.Hope to read more opinion and idea from a brilliant man.
Best regards,
Dear Tun,
Thank you very much to you too. You will be a Malay and Malaysian legend.
Many thanks to you too. In fact, if not for you, I would not be into blogging seriously.
Good to know you better through your blog and am able to appreciate what a great person you really are/is ?,,,,, not only as our former PM but as an ordinary guy !.
Will pray for your good health and many regards to your family members too.
KapasPirateKing ;
thank you for sharing your thoughts. i hope this is the first of many years to come! congratulations!
Greetings Tun,
Regardless of what people say of you, please keep your entertaining but at times controversial comments coming.
On sober moments, we hate to love you and at critical times, we love to hate you otherwise. Happy anniversary to your mindful blog.
Pink health to you and family, Tun.
Keep blogging doc!.. Thankz for sharing ur idea with Malaysian
I’m proud to be an observer of this blog.
It has taught me a lot about things and how they work.
Dear Tun,
Congratulation to your blog. Keep it up, Malaysians need you. God bless.
Dear Tun,
One of the reason why your blog became so popular is because the topic chosen always near to the people heart. Your posting not only confined in politics but also ranging from economies, world issues till up to the slightest stories which sometime people not even think about it.
I understood that you will not be able to answer all comments posted by other bloggers, but you still answer to certain comments posted which has caught your attention such as Hamman, Robe and Nasha B. Edwin.
It has shows that, more people particularly new generation has shifted their attention toward internet blogs rather than common media such as newspapers etc, even we has seen that NST newspaper have received a rapid declined in sales lately (probably it was due to the accuracy and biased in posting).
The government on the other hand should take into consideration on every thought posted because your blog is most popular among other blogs which have seen the numbers of visitor already touch 18 million in about 1 year, congratulation for that.
Congratulations Tun.
I want to thank you for the book ‘Malays forget easily’… helps me to keep grounded in many ways….Allah bless you more….
If you ever have the time, please visit the following blog
Salam Tun
Tahniah diucapkan… Selamat berblogging…
I will make sure more constructive and yet frank comments from my end 😉
All the best and good health all the way..
alhamdulillah….syukran jazillan..
smga ayahanda TUn smkin kuat & kchtan ayahanda TUN bertambah baik..insyaallah.
ayahanda byk mnyuntik smgat anak melayu utk trus bngun& sedar dgn arus perubhan hr ini…
Dear Tun ,
THANK YOU should be from me as I have benefited from your postings. Please continue writing and that includes books for us to tap your experience and your ideas.
Thank you
Salam Tun & All
Tun are most Welcome!
You are among the top man in my life time that i respect & admire, that said a lot.
So Thank you.
Selamat menyambut ulangtahun yang pertama sebagai blogger, buat Tun Siti selamat hari ibu..
tahniah untuk Tun Sekeluarga dan semoga sihat sihat selalu supaya kami dpt terus membaca blog Tun yg amat diminati , Tiada blog yg dpt menandingi blog Tun. Terus kan menulis demi kepentingan rakyat dan negara