1. In any other country the report by the Auditor General would be a public document. But in Malaysia the A.G’s Report is made a Government secret, denied access by the public. And this despite the provision in the Constitution that the report is to be made to the King and by his order to be tabled in Parliament.

2. It was Dr. Kissinger the Secretary of State of the United States of America who said that once the Xerox machine was invented secrecy became impossible. Since then we have come a long way with the advent of the Internet and mobile phones and instant transmission electronically. All documents can be copied and broadcast worldwide. And secrecy has become a thing of the past. The best of security systems have all been hacked by computer savvy amateurs.

3. And so it is with the A.G’s Report. Everyone should have read it if not actually possessing or copy of the document.

4. And what a revelation. How a Government agency can be set up and managed as if it is selling nasi lemak bungkus is beyond imagination.

5. How billions of Ringgit are borrowed without approval by the directors of 1MDB and then invested again without approval is amazing.

6. When one borrows even a few thousand dollars, entries are made in books in the bank and the records of the companies or the individual. When it is spent cheques are written, stumps are kept, records are made by the bank and the recipients, stamped and signed by authorised personnel. All these are meant for checking the movements of the money and the legitimacy of the transactions.

7. But with 1MDB, all these documents and records were not shown to the A.G. They don’t seem to have been kept by the management of 1MDB.

8. If the A.G had doubts, the actual person giving or receiving payments should be questioned. The records and documents should be requested for. The banks involved should be identified and their records studied and questions asked. But none of these things were done. The Attorney General simply said there has been no wrong doings and the report was categorised as official secret.

9. We are not dealing with the sale of nasi lemak. It is not about two or three Ringgit. It is about billions of Ringgits. Yet the investigations and the reports make it look like auditing the sale of nasi lemak bungkus.

10. Then there are the bogus companies to which billions of US Dollars are paid. Not once but many times with different cheques. Clearly 1MDB did not care to check the status of the company. It seemed to have relied on the name only. Why there is a slight difference in the names seems not to have been noticed by the paying agency or officer.

11. Looking at other reports it became obvious that there are other companies with the same name, albeit with minor differences which 1MDB do business with.

12. There is Petro Saudi. Then there is Petro Saudi International (Saudi Arabia) Ltd, Petro Saudi International (Cayman Islands), Petro Saudi Holdings (Cayman) Ltd, and Petro Saudi International Ltd (Seychelles). Payments are made to one entity when ownership of oil concession assets was by another entity, loans to yet another entity and profit from another all having very nearly the same name.

13. Banks and companies are set up, registered in different places, owned by one person. Subsequently these banks and companies are closed down. They are registered in the British Virgin Islands, in the Seychelles, Hong Kong, Singapore, Switzerland, Luxembourg. Huge sums of money passed through these entities.

14. Even an experienced auditor would have a nightmare tracking the movements of money in different forms as they pass between these entities and locations.

15. A suspicious mind would suspect that all these entities were set up or used in order to prevent auditing from being done properly. A suspicious mind would suspect that the whole thing was set up and managed in order to siphon money into some account. And those suspicions will remain until all the documentations, records and personalities are indentified, questioned and verified.

16. The only real conclusion that can be made is that billions of Ringgit have been stolen from the Government. Someone stole it. The A.G. is not saying. But the fact that the Government is making a secret of the report implies a cover-up.

17. The OSA is not for hiding criminal acts. It is for protecting legitimate administrative matters, such as drafts for new agreements or contracts or Cabinet papers.

18. Hiding criminal acts behind the OSA is wrong, is illegal, is criminal.

19. The Auditor General’s report clearly shows that wrongs and illegal things were committed by 1MDB and its staff. At least USD7 billion of Government money have been lost. Selling land bought from the Government at below market price and claiming that the loss has been recovered is not acceptable. The USD 7billion is with some people and they must be made to return the money.

20. It is time that the Government comes clean and allow the courts to hear charges against the people who mismanaged the 1MDB. Zeroing in on one CEO is not enough. Besides he is not being investigated as promised by the IGP. The IGP must explain this inaction.
21. A tribunal of independent judges, including foreign judges need to be set up to hear the case. The Attorney General may defend the Government or the officers but he should not be the judge. Let the tribunal do the judgment. The OSA should not be used to hide evidence of criminal acts.


1. Di dalam mana-mana negara lain laporan oleh Ketua Audit Negara adalah dokumen awam. Tetapi di Malaysia Laporan Ketua Audit Negara ini dijadikan rahsia Kerajaan, dinafikan akses oleh orang ramai. Dan ini walaupun terdapat peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan bahawa laporan ini akan dipersembahkan kepada Agong dan dengan perintah Baginda akan dibentangkan di Parlimen.

2. Dr. Kissinger, Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat, adalah orangnya yang menyatakan bahawa sebaik sahaja mesin Xerox dicipta kerahsiaan menjadi sesuatu perkara yang mustahil. Sejak itu kita telah jauh maju dengan adanya internet dan telefon mudah alih serta penghantaran segera secara elektronik. Semua dokumen boleh disalin dan disiarkan di seluruh dunia. Dan kerahsiaan telah menjadi sesuatu perkara yang lampau. Sistem keselamatan yang terbaik pun boleh digodam oleh amatur yang celik komputer.

3. Dan itu adalah hakikatnya dengan Laporan Ketua Audit Negara ini. Setiap orang mungkin telah membacanya, kalau tidak, mungkin juga telah memiliki satu dokumen itu.

4. Pendedahan yang mengejutkan. Bagaimana sebuah agensi Kerajaan boleh ditubuhkan dan diuruskan seolah-olah ia terlibat dengan jualan nasi lemak bungkus, adalah di luar imaginasi.

5. Bagaimana berbilion Ringgit dipinjam tanpa kelulusan oleh pengarah-pengarah 1MDB dan kemudian dilaburkan juga tanpa kelulusan, ianya sungguh menghairankan.

6. Apabila seseorang meminjam walaupun hanya beberapa ribu dolar, entri akan dibuat dalam buku di bank dan rekod-rekod syarikat atau individu. Apabila dibelanjakan, cek-cek akan ditulis, tunggulnya disimpan, rekod dibuat oleh bank dan penerima, dicop dan ditandatangani oleh mereka yang diberi kuasa. Semua ini adalah untuk memantau aliran wang dan memastikan kesahihan urusniaga.

7. Tetapi dengan 1MDB, semua dokumen dan rekod tidak ditunjukkan kepada Ketua Audit Negara. Seolah-olah dokumen-dokumen itu tidak disimpan oleh pengurusan 1MDB.

8. Jika Ketua Audit Negara mempunyai keraguan, orang yang sebenarnya membuat atau menerima bayaran hendaklah dipersoalkan. Rekod-rekod dan dokumen-dokumen berkenaan perlu diminta. Bank-bank yang terlibat perlu dikenal pasti dan rekod mereka diselidik serta soalan-soalan ditanya. Tetapi semua perkara-perkara ini tidak dilakukan. Peguam Negara hanya berkata tiada perbuatan yang salah dan laporan itu dikategorikan sebagai rahsia rasmi.

9. Kita bukan berurusan dengan penjualan nasi lemak. Ini bukan melibatkan lebih kurang dua atau tiga Ringgit. Ini melibatkan berbilion Ringgit. Namun siasatan dan laporan yang dibuat kelihatan seolah-olah seperti pengauditan penjualan nasi lemak bungkus sahaja.

10. Kemudian terdapat syarikat-syarikat palsu yang mana berbilion Dolar AS dibayar. Bukan sekali tetapi berkali-kali dengan cek-cek yang berbeza. Jelas 1MDB tidak mengambil berat untuk memeriksa status syarikat. Ia seolah-olah seperti bergantung semata-mata kepada nama sahaja. Terdapat sedikit perbezaan dalam nama-nama seolah-olah tidak disedari oleh agensi atau pegawai yang membayar.

11. Melihat kepada laporan-laporan yang lain, jelas terdapat syarikat-syarikat lain dengan nama yang sama, sekalipun dengan perbezaan yang kecil, yang berurus niaga dengan 1MDB.

12. Terdapat Petro Saudi. Adanya juga Petro Saudi International (Saudi Arabia) Ltd., Petro Saudi International (Kepulauan Cayman), Petro Saudi Holdings (Cayman) Ltd., dan Petro Saudi International Ltd (Seychelles). Pembayaran dibuat kepada satu entiti manakala pemilikan aset konsesi minyak adalah dimiliki oleh entiti yang lain, pinjaman diberikan kepada entiti yang satu lagi dan keuntungannya pula datang daripada entiti yang lain, kesemuanya mempunyai nama-nama yang hampir sama.

13. Bank-bank dan syarikat-syarikat ditubuhkan, didaftarkan di tempat-tempat yang berlainan, tetapi dimiliki oleh orang yang sama. Selepas itu, bank-bank dan syarikat-syarikat ini ditutup. Ianya semua berdaftar di Kepulauan British Virgin, di Seychelles, Hong Kong, Singapura, Switzerland, Luxembourg. Sejumlah wang yang besar mengalir melalui entiti-entiti ini.

14. Juruaudit yang berpengalaman pun akan mengigau mengesan aliran wang di dalam bentuk yang berbeza apabila dipindahkan di antara entiti-entiti dan di antara lokasi.

15. Minda yang mencurigai akan mengesyaki bahawa semua entiti ini telah ditubuhkan atau digunakan untuk mengelakkan daripada pengauditan yang betul dilakukan. Minda yang mencurigai akan juga mengesyaki bahawa segala-galanya telah ditubuhkan dan diuruskan untuk menyedut wang ke dalam beberapa akaun. Dan syak wasangka ini akan berkekalan sehingga semua dokumen, rekod-rekod dan personaliti-personali terlibat dikenalpasti, dipersoalkan dan disahkan.

16. Satu-satunya kesimpulan sebenar yang boleh dibuat adalah bahawa berbilion Ringgit telah dicuri daripada Kerajaan. Ada seseorang telah mencurinya. Ketua Audit Negara tidak menyatakan. Tetapi, hakikat bahawa Kerajaan merahsia laporan ini membayangkan wujudnya perselindungan.

17. Akta Rahsia Resmi bukan untuk menyembunyikan perbuatan jenayah. Ianya adalah untuk melindungi hal-hal pentadbiran yang sah, seperti draf-draf untuk perjanjian baru atau kontrak-kontrak atau kertas-kertas Kabinet.

18. Menyembunyikan perbuatan jenayah di sebalik Akta Rahsia Resmi adalah salah, menyalahi undang-undang, adalah perbuatan jenayah.

19. Laporan Ketua Audit Negara jelas menunjukkan kesalahan dan perkara-perkara haram yang dilakukan oleh 1MDB dan kakitangannya. Sekurang-kurangnya USD7.0 bilion wang Kerajaan telah hilang. Menjual tanah yang dibeli daripada Kerajaan di bawah harga pasaran dan mendakwa bahawa kerugian telah ditampung tidak dapat diterima. USD7.0 bilion itu berada dalam tangan beberapa orang, dan mereka mesti dipaksa memulangkan wang itu.

20. Sudah tiba masanya Kerajaan berterus terang dan memberi ruang kepada pihak mahkamah mendengar pertuduhan-pertuduhan terhadap orang-orang yang menyalahtadbir 1MDB. Menumpukan ke atas seorang Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif sahaja tidak mencukupi. Lagi pun beliau tidak disiasat seperti yang dijanjikan oleh Ketua Polis Negara. Ketua Polis Negara mesti menjelaskan kegagalan mengambil tindakan ini.

21. Satu tribunal yang dianggotai oleh hakim-hakim bebas, termasuk hakim asing, perlu ditubuhkan untuk mendengar kes ini. Peguam Negara boleh menjadi peguambela Kerajaan atau pegawai tetapi beliau tidak boleh menjadi hakim. Biarlah tribunal melakukan penghakiman. Akta Rahsia Resmi tidak boleh digunakan untuk menyembunyikan bukti perbuatan jenayah.

222 thoughts on “THE A.G’s REPORT”

  1. Salam Tun

    To all, if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! 🙂

    Coalition hands over memo on 1MDB to PM’s Office

    PUTRAJAYA: A coalition of 34 civil society groups delivered a memorandum to the Prime Minister’s Office, demanding that MPs speed up the investigations into the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) issue.

    Gabungan Tangkap MO1 spokesman Anis Syafiqah Md Yusof said the coalition handed in the memorandum out of concern over recent developments in regards to the US Justice Department’s civil suits alleging siphoning of 1MDB funds.

    Among others, the memorandum called on MPs to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry into 1MDB, declassify the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) proceedings on 1MDB and allow full and unimpeded investigations into the parties in the issue.

    Five members of the coalition – National Human Rights Society (Hakam) president Ambiga Sreenevasan, Bersih 2.0 steering committee chairman Maria Chin Abdullah, Suaram executive director Sevan Doraisamy, Malaysian Physicians for Social Responsibility representative Dr Roy McCoy and Oriental Hearts and Minds Institute representative K.J. John – handed the memorandum to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Paul Low.

    Speaking to reporters here later on Thursday, Ambiga said Low had agreed to raise the 1MDB issue in the coming Parliament meeting.

    “We will send this memorandum to all ministers and MPs. We are asking the MPs to abide by their oath of office and do their part to get us out of this mess,” she said.

    Ambiga said though their complaints might sound “like a broken record”, they insisted on pushing forward with the issue to show that “the rakyat will not take it lying down”.

    The memorandum was endorsed by 34 NGOs, which included Lawyers for Liberty, Community Action Network, Himpunan Hijau and Rise of Sarawak Efforts.

    In July, the US Justice Department filed lawsuits seeking to seize property tied to 1MDB, alleging that over US$1bil (RM4.02bil) was misappropriated from the sovereign national fund.

    The lawsuits, filed in Los Angeles, seek to seize assets “involved in and traceable to an international conspiracy to launder money misappropriated from 1MDB”.

    The lawsuits said the alleged offences were committed over a four-year period and involved multiple individuals, including Malaysian officials and their associates.

    Link :

  2. Betul kata abang musato, tanah jawi kecik, hakikat undinya, i mean, pemintaannya pun kecik.

    Hong kong is designated as special administrative region (sar) after the brits returned this land to china in 1997 officially whereby hongkongers can fully enjoy full autonomy for 50 years.

    All administrative affairs and portfolio remain unchanged.

    But both the defence and foreign diplomacy portfolios are hold by beijing central government.

    Hongkongers boleh merebut pangkat adun saja but the candidates for the sar chief must be appointed by beijing.


    Because hongkong is the sar official gateway endorsed by beijing central government for those who have genuine interest to develop south china sea region.

    Singapore is a country itself whereby singaporeans have the full autonomy in general election to elect the prime minister via parliamentary democracy system.

    If snap election is called in penang, who will win?

    Its not hard to guess.

  3. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    All the foolish shallow statements and remarks torpedoed at Tun will not paralyse Tun. Tun will not and has never bow down to these bully gangsters-like people. They are trying to inflict mental torture to Tun, family members and friends. They are making Tun as their subject to elicit confession of conspiracy and betrayal to the Sovereign. They are so devious, working day in day out to sow the seeds of resentment and dissension towards Tun. These scoundrels will never sleep till the seas run dry. They are not good people to be trusted with the administration of our beloved country.

    Tun, do they think they can scour off by challenging the FBI, US DOJ and other countries’ investigations without themselves being committed to investigate and gather documented forensic evidences to produce to the rakyat? Do they think they can fool all the Malaysians all the time by acquitting DSN and his associates merely by way of mouth…mouth-full of you know what. All they can give us are denials after denials without producing a shred of evidence that can convince us of his innocence from all his wrongdoings, no more arguments allowed. Case closed. Reports from Ag, Pac? Boleh percaya ka?
    The people are angrier at his thieving and corrupted administration. His people repeatedly said that all the 1MDB’s financial mess will be settled within 6 months. And that the 1MDB’s assets will be infused into Mof. TRX land will be sold by TH etc etc. But no, all these chaotic financial mess of great magnitude now well known the world over, is instead getting even worst after reports from US DOJ, not only bring shame to Malaysia but almost frightening. If he had not misappropriate the country’s funds to furnish his baby 1MDB, if persons involved had not laundered this money in the US and other said countries, this would not have happened. Time cannot be rewind, if it could I think DSN would wish he had taken Tun’s advice, not to associate with Cash is King or be the King of Cash. But it’s too late now. He has to face the music and we the rakyat unfortunately have to bear the burden too.

    I was advised to ignore and skip over but not when he goes way overboard.
    There is still this person who likes to twaddle here. He failed to unseat Tun, to dethrone Tun. Dia ingat Tun ni bahan ujikaji dia ka? Now he’s inciting racism and agitate jealousy and hatred between the Yellows and the Reds. This fella, the embedded snappish one, why does he like to make snarl remarks about the other race? Is he Cinafobia? His writings are getting very irritating. He is so antagonistic. Please, don’t ever forget that we Malaysians of all race and colour exist and has co-exist even more harmoniously during Tun’s premiership. If he thinks he can inject and plant the seed of racialism here in Tun’s distinguished blog he better find somewhere else. Is he getting blur, mixed-up with his act of seeing or believe in or deluded by his insight or foresight or political sagacity?

    Many good things have been said of Tun, maybe I can add this about Tun, there is no one more courageous than the person who speaks with the courage of his convictions. Allah SAW will reward Tun for his unselfish sacrifices to Save Malaysia.

    May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you Always Tun. May Allah grant you great wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take extra care of your safety and Thank you Tun.

  4. Assalam Tun.

    Just hoping for someone with access to the MACC report which was given to the attorney general (and which was rubbished by Apandi aka A…pandi…r as “no case”) can become another whistle blower, if not the full report at least a few important pages from the report that can give light to Najib’s corruptions in 1MDB.

  5. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Minta ampun berbillion Tun terpaksa bazirkan ruang untuk melayan seekor kaldai tercekik dedak yang buat tempat ini macam kandang dia pulak dasar tak masuk ajar.

    Kami sedang berusaha tepuk atau ketuk kepalanya supaya dedak yang tersangkut tu terkeluar kalau tidak tak tahu berapa banyak sambungan lagi bila dia dah meracau dan sawan kaldai.

    2. Faktor Ketenteraman Awam

    Terima kasih sahajalah rakyat tidak mahu buat demostrasi jalanan atau buat huru hara sebab kalau kita orang duduk dalam rumah atau pejabat ada penghawa dingin dan wifi cukuplah tahu-tahu pihak AS, UK, SWISS, Luxembourg, Singapore dan Hong Kong settlekan problem.

    Tak elok kerja2 menghasut rakyat turun ke jalanan ni sebab itu macam pasang perangkap je mana taknya bermula 1 Ogos ni akta MKN mula berkuatkuasa untuk kegunaan orang yang kuat dan berkuasa di negara Kleptrokasi ini.

    Kami kecut perut bro.. apatah lagi sang kaldai pun berkawan dengan orang besar seperti Mejar Jeneral atau sang kaldai ni jelmaan SSK; Mat Malaslayanlah, Nazri A/L Aziz , Rahman Dahlah atau Shahrir gigi mancung.

    Sabar jelah tunggu lagi sambungan.

    Wasalam Tun.

  6. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Minta ampun berbillion Tun terpaksa bazirkan ruang untuk melayan seekor kaldai tercekik dedak yang buat tempat ini macam kandang dia pulak dasar tak masuk ajar.

    Kami sedang berusaha tepuk atau ketuk kepalanya supaya dedak yang tersangkut tu terkeluar kalau tidak tak tahu berapa banyak sambungan lagi bila dia dah meracau dan sawan kaldai.

    2. Faktor Ketenteraman Awam

    Terima kasih sahajalah rakyat tidak mahu buat demostrasi jalanan atau buat huru hara sebab kalau kita orang duduk dalam rumah atau pejabat ada penghawa dingin dan wifi cukuplah tahu-tahu pihak AS, UK, SWISS, Luxembourg, Singapore dan Hong Kong settlekan problem.

    Tak elok kerja2 menghasut rakyat turun ke jalanan ni sebab itu macam pasang perangkap je mana taknya bermula 1 Ogos ni akta MKN mula berkuatkuasa untuk kegunaan orang yang kuat dan berkuasa di negara Kleptrokasi ini.

    Kami kecut perut bro.. apatah lagi sang kaldai pun berkawan dengan orang besar seperti Mejar Jeneral atau sang kaldai ni jelmaan SSK; Mat
    Malaslayanlah, Nazri A/L Aziz , Rahman Dahlah atau Shahrir gigi mancung.

    Sabar jelah tunggu lagi sambungan..

    Wasalam Tun.

  7. Dear Tun,

    Some thoughts to share with fellow commentators:

    July 25,2016 10:54 am
    You can never be more than right. As long as the Malay prefers the keris to moving their paradigms, as long as the ketuanan syndrome is holding their mentality, it will be easy to control them. Just like what the present dictatorship is doing. Just nurture their fancies and you get to hold them by their most sacred parts. Their master and his doormats are teaching how to live in denial, pointing foul to everything else but themselves. Now they are busy conducting nationwide sembahyang hajat and doa so God will save their cat o’ nine lives. How many lives do you think he still has right now?
    Keep on sharing your thoughts 🙂

    July 25,2016 6:19pm
    faridina, bravo! Now it’s brewing in the US DOJ’s cup. Won’t be long now when it will be brewing also in the other countries’ cups. Though I personally feel what’s brewing over in US is chamomile, so calming to the them and to you and me. Only to Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) and his castrated eunuchs (with their testicles still intact) it’s still sunshine and roses. Though what I heard from a reliable source is that their asses are burning, with MO1’s burning so intense that his eunuchs have offered their ‘eggs’ to be shoved in their master’s *ssh*l* to cook!
    Keep on bashing the eunuch faridina 🙂

    Sri Sense
    July 25,2016 9:45pm
    Sri Sense, I feel truly touched and sad reading the article you posted re the PM’s stepdaughter Azrene Soraya Aziz If that is how a daughter speaks of her birth mom.. that birth mother deserves not to mother human being but kitties and cubs 🙁
    Keep on keeping us updated Sri Sense 🙂

    Dear Tun Mahathir, stay true to your convictions. Najib’s powers are real only as far as his kingdom of eunuchs is concerned.

    Take care now Tun. Jaga keselamatan selalu. :-*

  8. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Izinkan saya melayan sambungan perbahasan Sang Karldai,

    Cukup dangkal dakwaan sang karldai berhubung pengikut dan peminat blog Tun M ciri2 dedakian yang mula panas sampaikan siapa pengkomen2 yang merupakan orang2 kebanyakan di sini pun mula dirisaukan. Sukahati Tun lah siapa nak komen komenlah sedangkan kamu dedakian di sini pun Tun tak kisah.

    Sekurang2nya takdelah hashtag macam I ♥ PM, I Respect PM dan terbaru I Believe PM dalam FB bos kamu dan menurut sumber yang sah dari 10 akaun 9 adalah fake keje2 tagteam SSK dan Mat Malaslayanlah.

    Nak cakap bab Melayu kecewa ke, Melayu tak berparti kecewa ke, Melayu kecewa dalam parti Najib dan Melayu PKR cakaplah TETAPI tak elok tak manis tak matang dan tak tak modal bila cop bangsa lain sebagai komunislah dan berkiblatkan China.

    Kamu macam budak2 opps memang budak2 (dah berkhatan?) pun ‘bad loser atau sore loser’ macam dalam vine budak ‘Mak Kau Hijau’ dah kalah makipun ikut suka mulut apa yang teringat.
    Biarlah mereka nak jadi Mr Bean sekalipun sedangkan kami orang Melayu meluat dengan Red T-Shirt Army yang lebih ganas dan berbahaya macam beruk masuk bandor dan mengugatkan keselamatan negara.

    Secara peribadi DAP tidak sekleptrokrasi UMNO versi Naji$ dan harus diingatkan bukan sahaja bangsa Cina yang bangkit menentang bos anda tetapi bangsa Kulit Hitam dan Kulit Putih dan Kulit Coklat sedunia pun turut sama kami bangsa Melayu menolak bos anda.

    Akhir sekali saya perbetulkan kenyataan Yang Bijaksini Sang Karldai – kami tak hingin dan tak perlukan penyokong Naji$ sebab jangan buat lawak siang2 hari pulak – Naji$ mana ada penyokong? Yang ada hanya Pendedak @ Setiatolol tak gitu dude!

    Oklah tunggu sambungan lagi berapa banyak sambungan dah.. takde kemaluan sungguh buat macam blog sendiri pulak ekk. 🙂

    Wasalam Tun

  9. Salam Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. To make Malaysia GREAT again like when Tun M was PM, we must get rid of (dump) PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor, the most corrupt PM ever in Malaysia.

    2. We must stop DSN from stealing and misusing our hard-earned money further.

    3. He thinks he can clean 1MDB’s bad and corrupt reputation by sponsoring ‘Imam-imam masjid/surau and pengerusi-pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung Persekutuan (JKKP)’ to perform Hajj.

    4. It is not fair because there are many people with money who cannot perform Hajj because of the quota system, but suddenly we have people who are being sponsored by ‘Yayasan 1MDB’ to perform Hajj without the need to wait for their turn (the long Hajj queue). Furthermore, I believe it’s wrong to sponsor (using the rakyat’s money / dirty money) people with no money to perform Hajj on their own (they CANNOT AFFORD it in the first place – TIDAK wajib).

    5. I just cannot understand why 1MDB is still allowed to exist and operate (business as usual) while it is being investigated in several countries for wrongdoings (already sued by DOJ USA).

    6. I feel sorry to see those ‘dedak eaters & bu** kissers – DUMP PEOPLE’ who are still trying very hard to defend our disgraceful / scandalous and corrupt PM. Shame on them (dedak eaters & bu** kissers). May be they are not qualified to do other more HONORABLE jobs. Terpaksa tebalkan muka menjilat PM korup untuk sesuap dedak…Alahai…

    P/S: Bersambung-sambung pula penulisan dangkal siDung*, memang dasar muka tebal, kurang ajar dan tidak faham bahasa. Tulisan (siDung*) sebegini patut dibuat di blog sendiri atau blog Tuan yang dijilat dan dibodek

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  10. I am going to produce a movie. Still thinking it’s title…Any advice?
    1. The Wolf of Malaysia Swallows The Wolf of Wall Street
    2. The Greatest Heist of The Millenium And Beyond
    3. 1MDB – The Ultimate Spirit of Malaysia Boleh
    4. Malaysia Official 1, Official 2, Official 3 Vs. James Bond 007, MI6, FBI etc
    5. Stone Face….It Wasn’t Me, It Wasn’t Me, It Wasn’t Me All The Way

    Any other ideas ?

  11. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Bagaimana Nak Tumbangkan Najib Dalam Beberapa Ratus Hari Pun Tidak Mengapa Asalkan Tumbang

    Terlebih dahulu saya mohon keizinan blogger dengan nama penanya Sang Karldai untuk mengupas topik dalam blognya ini yang sememangnya menarik untuk dibahaskan untuk makanan minda.

    Saya juga bersetuju dengannya agar blog dia ini jangan dibazir2kan dengan isu2 yang remeh temeh dan sememeh.

    Namun saya juga hairan bagaimana dalam blog dia ini terlalu ramai pengikut dan peminat Tun Dr Mahathir. Lebih mendukacitakan dia bagaimana orang2 yang diistilahkan pembodek dan minions kepada Tun M boleh menyibuk mempertahan Tun M dalam blognya.

    Dan salah seorang minions yang dimaksudkan adalah saya sendiri 🙂 . Nampakkan icon tersenyum saya, biarlah saya berterus terang bahawa saya tidak berasa marah walau sekelumit sekalipun mendapat gelaran tersebut. Saya rela digelar dengan pelbagai gelaran asalkan berada bersama Pembela Rakyat No. 1 – Tun M yakni dipihak yang benar walaupun
    mengikut maksud minions kami sekadar pengikut kelas bawahan sekali yang tidak memberi kesan dan sumbangan langsung.

    Tun M bukanlah subjek yang menarik untuk dibincangkan dalam konteks ini tetapi Tuan Guru Ajaran Songsang Hj Naji$ lebih menjadi tarikan semasa di dalam dan di luar negara khususnya dalam menghalalkan amalan Kleptrokasi (perkataan yang paling popular hari ini).

    Beliau hari ini menjadi bahan rujukan seluruh dunia dan bukannya ‘guinea pig’ seperti didakwanya.

    Oleh yang demikian faktor No.1 sang karldai ada kebenarannya kerana kami dah tunggu beratus hari maka tambah berapa ratus hari pun tak kisah asalkan beliau tidak lagi memegang tampuk pemerintahan.

    Saya pun berhenti di sini dahulu sementara menunggu sambungan dari pemilik blog Sang Karldai ini.

    Wasalam Tun.

    p/s – Lupa nak pesan pada Sang Karldai kalau nak cari rezeki halal senang aje, apakata tuan karldai keluarkan t-shirt “I’m Tun M’s Minions” dan saya percaya ramai nak beli dan aya nak order banyak sikit sebagai cenderahati. Berapa harga pun kami sanggup bayar tapi kalau nak bagi free t-shirt “I ♥ PM” pun kami tak hingin, jangan kata kami beri pada pekerja bangla pun mereka dah tak mahu sebab dah jadi bahan ketawa dunia kata mereka (mat bangla pun dah mengikuti perkembangan dunia canggih dengan applikasi telefon pintar hari ni ya tak).

  12. Salam Tun,

    Thank you isayso.

    I have always thought that when Mr PM silently accepted the billions into his account, it is just plain unethical. A clear breach of rule for a public official. It’s just ridiculous trying to make it permissible. After all local investigations are made to cease, we can now only rely on foreign actions.

    Thank you Tun.

  13. Salam Tun,

    Sarawak Report claims that the HSR contract which was awarded to a Chinese(the country) Corporation, will actually be used as a cover up for 1MDB’s debts by inflating the costs. They claimed they have leaked documents about it. It will be tabled in Parliament on the 27th of July apparently.

    Tun, if this is true then are we(Malaysia) selling our sovereignty to China?

    Tun, I pray this is untrue. I am crying tears, praying to Allah that this is untrue and to protect everyone in our country.

    Tun please help the Rakyat find out the truth about this and please find a way to stop this.

  14. >>> sambungan

    2. Faktor Ketenteraman Awam

    Ini adalah root atau tunjang kekuatan pemerintahan Najib. Tidak dapat dinafikan, Malaysia adalah antara negara yang paling selamat untuk didiami, berkat keupayaan kerajaan dan pihak PDRM mempastikan public order atau keselamatan awam dalam keadaan terkawal.

    Laporan Global Peace Index 2015, meletakkan Malaysia di tangga ke 28, dan negara kita jauh mendahului Taiwan, Italy, United Kingdom, United States, South Korea, China, India, Thailand, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey …

    Semakin tenteram dan semakin selamat rakyat, maka semakin susah untuk tumbangkan Najib. Ia memberi persepsi bahawa rakyat mempunyai ‘guardian’ yang boleh dipercayai di bawah pemerintahan Najib.

    Pun begitu, letupan bom di pusat hiburan di Puchong baru-baru ini dan peningkatan kes pembunuhan terancang, memberi petanda bahawa senjata api semakin mudah diperolehi oleh penjenayah.

    Kegiatan peminjam wang haram (AhLong) atau yang berlesen juga menjadi pencetus peningkatan jenayah terancang mengguna senjata api, mereka adalah network dari kegiatan Kongsi Gelap Cina, dan selain mereka ini serpihan gerila pemisah Tamil Eelam Sri Langka juga ramai yang lari masuk ke Malaysia, turut menyeludup senjata api.

    Sehari sebelum GE13, saya sempat bersembang dengan seorang otai berpangkat Mejar Jeneral di kem Angkatan Tentera di Jln Semarak, KL. Dari bualan kami, saya dapat rasa keresahan beliau tentang aktiviti membocor rahsia maklumat sulit tentera kepada kelompok parti politik yang anti-kerajaan. Cukup untuk saya katakan bahawa kegiatan espionage berada ditahap yang runcing.

    Rusuhan yang dirancang oleh CIA seperti fenomena Arab Spring …

    [ bersambung ]

  15. Salam Tun,

    @karl. Thank you, for your recent post. I will take it at face value that you mean nothing personal (although I’m not sure about others). Also, I agree with you, all of us here should be as one to make Malaysia great again, or at least not go further astray.

    In return I ask you to use non-provocative statements which can easily be construed as personal attacks in the future. You should use the tone in your previous post from now on. I know you disagree plenty with Tun and the others here, but please apologize and explain, if next time someone is insulted by what you wrote. You’ll get more traction if you write more tactfully.

    On another note:

    Dtk Sadie Apdal seems to be distancing himself from the situation. In any case I hope you keep in mind the needs of the people of Sabah also Tun. In any case be strong, I’m sorry to hear the harassment being done to you and your close ones. The people are with you Tun.

    Thank you Tun. May Allah Bless you and your family.

  16. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Saya percaya skandal 1MDB ini terjadi hasil kepercayaan bahawa ‘Duit adalah Raja’. Malaysian Official 1 menyangka dengan duit dia dapat selesaikan segala masalah. Dengan duit dia akan dapat beli penyokong, pengundi, harta, barang-barang kemas dan segalanya. Sebenarnya kepercayaan nya amatlah salah, bahkan menyesatkan. Mungkin kali ini memerlukan RM12 billion (nilai baru duit dicuri, bukan rm2.6 b). Selepas ini, pasti penyokong Malaysian official 1 akan meminta lagi, bahkan mengugut kalau tidak beri kami tidak akan sokong. Kepercayaan ‘duit adalah raja’ bukan menyelesaikan masalah bahkan menambahkan masalah kepada Malaysian official 1. Sekarang satu dunia dah tahu, malu bukan kepalang, terdedah kepada ugutan, dorongan untuk mencuri lagi bertambah lagi, dorongan untuk menzalimi mereka-mereka yang baik dan dan berjuang di pihak yang benar bertambah, menanam budaya rasuah di mana perlu disogok baru buat keja. Bukankah ini menambahkan masalah bukan menyelesaikan masalah? Saya harap Malaysian Official 1 insaf dan bertaubat. Besar sungguh dosa yang anda buat terhadap agama, bangsa dan negara hasil kepercayaan anda bahawa ‘duit adalah raja’.

  17. >>> sambungan

    For the record, majoriti ‘Poyo Mahathir’ yang tulen adalah terdiri daripada orang Melayu yang kecewa dengan UMNO, termasuk ahli PKR berbangsa Melayu. Ada juga ‘Poyo Mahathir’ yang palsu dan pelesu, terdiri daripada kaum Cina komunis yang seludup masuk ke dalam Trojan Horse DrM untuk tujuan pengintipan dan mensabotaj kuasa politik Melayu dari dalam.

    Mereka ini adalah Red Bean Army, satu sayap tentera saraf yang menjalankan tugas di ruang siber. Mentaliti mereka adalah komunis Cina totok, saki baki dari warisan Chin Peng dan penganut Parti Komunis Malaya. Boleh kata 100% mereka adalah anggota DAP dan mereka berkiblat ke Singapura dan Tanah Besar China. Ramai mereka ini berkeliaran di dalam blog menyamar sebagai orang Melayu Islam, siap bagi salam dan quote ayat Quran berjela-jela lagi 🙂 Sebenarnya, tak susah nak detect mereka ini, but that is another story for another time.

    Penyokong Najib, juga adalah menjadi satu faktor yang boleh digunakan untuk jatuhkan Najib. Hakikatnya, adalah sangat ‘mahal’ dan memerlukan belanja yang tinggi untuk gunakan penyokong sendiri, jadi kenapa tidak guna resos musuh apabila boleh mengguna penyokong pihak musuh sendiri untuk tujuan yang sama. Oleh itu, selain dari komunis Cina RBA dan Poyo Melayu Mahathir, penyokong Najib juga boleh menjadi faktor kejatuhan beliau ….

    [ bersambung … ]

  18. Salam Tun

    I terfikir dalam kecuhan ini kalau Najib kena tangkap, adakah dia akan kata, I don’t know, I’m under Rosmah’s spell 🙂

    Ini memandangkan cerita2 yang kita pernah dengar dulu2, about Rosmah kaki bomoh, anak menantu sendiri dia torture, emotional abuse – ini pun telah diakui oleh anaknya sendiri baru2 ini. 🙂

  19. 9:25AM

    Bagaimana Nak Tumbangkan Najib Dalam 7-Hari

    Terlebih dahulu saya nasihatkan, diri saya dan, diri anda untuk tidak simpan di hati perasaan marah atau dendam, dont take it personal. This space and opportunity afforded by DrM must not be wasted and filled with incoherent blabbers and wishy-washy pembodekan of idol-worshippers.

    Pandangan saya terhadap DrM hanyalah sebagai seorang penyelidik ke atas subjek penyelidikan. Begitu juga dengan Najib.

    Pada dasar tersebut, saya fikir tidak perlu ada permusuhan antara kita kerana, kita semua mahukan yang terbaik untuk Malaysia.

    Menciplak tagline kempen Trump, kita semua want to “Make Malaysia Great Again”

    Tanpa membuang masa, jom kita buat lakaran, bagaimana Najib boleh ditumbangkan. Ada beberapa faktor, dalam dan luar negara, menjadi penentu yang tidak dapat ditolak ketepi dalam proses menumbangkan kerajaan :

    1. Faktor Penyokong
    Jangan marah bila saya meletakkan label ‘minions-M’ atau ‘Poyo Mahathir’ kepada satu kelompok yang mahu jatuhkan Najib, melalui jalan-jalan yang ditetapkan oleh mantan PM yang masih berkarisma ini. Bagi saya, dan seperti yang diakui sendiri oleh DrM, beliau adalah political animal paling inteligen dalam abad ini, setakat ini.

    … bersambung

  20. Good morning Tun.

    For canbatek:

    The link above somewhat explains the innocence of Malaysian Official One.
    Can someone counter this, I m just confused.

    Let me try.

    The DOJ suits list 3 phases in presenting its claim to seize the assets. Each phase is complex, especially the Petro-Saudi deal. There was that mantra that $481 million was made, so go away. It is an empty drum. In the interest of time, the Aabar-BVI phase is a lot easier to explain and it should give you an understanding about the mantra by or on behalf of 1MDB that all monies have been accounted for and nothing is missing.

    In 2012, 1MDB issued $3.5 billion in bonds in two separate offerings arranged by Goldman Sachs.

    The first bond May 21, 2012 offering (code named Project Magnolia within Goldman Sachs) was for $1.75 billion. The DOJ found that nearly $577 million – a sum equivalent to more than one-third of the net proceeds of Project Magnolia was diverted to Aabar-BVI (the bogus IPIC subsidiary) within one day of 1MDB’s having received the proceeds of the bond offering.

    The second bond October 19, 2012 offering (code named Project Maximus within Goldman Sachs) was also for $1.75 billion. The DOJ found that $790,354,855 – a sum equivalent to roughly half of the net proceeds of the Project Maximus – was diverted to Aabar-BVI on or about the same day that 1MDB received the proceeds of this bond sale.

    In summary, $1.367 billion in total was transferred from1MDB to a bank account at BSI Bank in Switzerland held in the name of Aabar-BVI. DOJ alleges on information and belief that the funds transferred to the Aabar-BVI were not held for the benefit of 1MDB, IPIC, or Aabar. Rather, the Aabar-BVI Swiss Account was used to unlawfully divert proceeds of both the Project Magnolia and Project Maximus bonds, which were thereafter used, after having passed through various accounts, to make substantial payments to QUBAISI, HUSSEINY, MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1, and 1MDB OFFICER 3.

    Neither of the offering circulars contains any mention of an agreement by 1MDB to pay Aabar-BVI, either as a premium or as collateral, more than forty percent (40%) of the net proceeds from the two 2012 bond sales in order to secure the guarantees. I had mentioned in this blog months ago that it would be stupid for any company to borrow $3.5 billion and immediately $1.4 billion of the net proceeds (after the ultra high charges paid to Goldman) needs to be parked somewhere as a collateral deposit. How could the 1MDB board be so dense? They weren’t. They just did not know.

    The DOJ makes a good point that information about the need for a collateral deposit of such a magnitude would have been material to the transactions, because it would have significantly affected 1MDB’s liquidity, as well as its ability to engage successfully in the business ventures described in the offering circulars, and thereby increased the risk of default.

    According to the DOJ, auditors working at the direction of the PAC concluded that the $1.367 billion “security deposit” payments made to Aabar-BVI in 2012 were “made without the approval of the 1MDB Board of Directors.”

    Today, as far as 1MDB is concerned, the $1.367 billion is a good asset sitting there as a “collateral deposit”. Thus no money is missing. IPIC is of course rejecting that notion because Aabar-BVI is not their subsidiary. Besides there is nothing in the bond offering documents requiring a deposit. Hence it is now under arbitration. IPIC is on a sticky wicket because QUBAISI and HUSSEINY were their employees at the material time and if they lose the case, IPIC would have to cough up the $1.367 billion. However, payments to Malaysian Official 1 and 1MDB Officer 3 after the funds were diverted to Aabar-BVI may help their case to reject that they owe 1MDB S1.367 billion.

    Even if 1MDB win, it does not mean crimes had not been committed. DOJ will still win. And IPIC is the new Santa Claus.

  21. Untuk Wartawa khususnya juga Malaysia

    Wartawan kena tanya Najib secara ‘ Live ‘
    Siapa dia Official 1 yg di madsudkan DOJ
    Kalau beliau kata beliau sendiri tidak tahu
    Kita suruh Najib sendiri tanya DOJ
    Siapa dia DOJ . Ini juga tugas Najib

    Mari kita sama sama dengar apa yg beliau jawap nanti dari mulut beliu sendiri
    Tal perlulah kita nak main teka teki

    Apa pun jua Najib memang tidak layak memimpin sebarang jawatan
    Apakan lagi sebagai PM Malaysia
    Jangan salahkan perbuatan si tua kutuk ni Tun Mahathir Mohamed
    Tanpa mulut jahat Tun , Satu Dunia sudah tahu sendiri dan ketawakan Malaysia
    Ini dek perbuatan sial Najib sendiri

    Adakah kita masih bolih membiarkan Malaysia di wakili Bangsat yg tidak bermoral
    Di pandang hina olih Pemimpin antara Bangsa ?

    Walau sekira nya beliau tidak bersalah sekali pun
    Melindungi kesalahan orang lain juga telah salah guna kuasa yg di amanatkan
    Tidak perlulah kita nak hormat pemimpin sebergini

    Senyap saja First Lady Malaysia
    Tengah sibuk masak agaknya . Sekarang step sibuk kat dapur lah

    Inilah Sandiwara Dunia

    Harapkan Pagar , Pagar Makan Padi
    Harapkan Mama , Mama minum Todi
    Harapkan Najib , Najib Najis Yahudi

    Inilah tabiah manusia apabila berselimut Yahudi
    Yg tunduk pada si Kafir & Bongkat sesama sendiri
    Yg ber Mesyuarat Tingkap , Takut Bini

  22. Karl, perhaps you think you can get away with it and let our future generations to pay in advance for your horrendeous greed due to political connections, but you cannot escape being judged in the eyes of the public.

    There is no accident, said master wu guay.

    To be or not to be, thats not the question.

    Can or not, that is the question and you must answer to the board.

    A winner or loser, let the judges make the decisions.

  23. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Peristiwa berulang lagi.

    Begitulah pembacaan saya tentang sejarah mengenai keluarga nenek moyang Syeikh Abdul Malek yang ditulis bahawa ia adalah serpihan dari Empayar Abbasiyah yang dikejar dan di cari, berpindah dari Baghdad.

    Harap Tun bersabar.

    Buat pengikut Najib, negara Malaysia ini kecik sahaja. Tanah Jawi orang kata.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  24. To er is human.

    To forgive is divine.

    To me its a blessing because I have learned to forgive and move on.

    To me its a lesson because I have learned not to forget so that I wont make the mistake again.

    What about all of you you here?

  25. Masuk mulut naga tidak berbaloi. Masuk mulut karldai marah pulak.

    Buat filem rugi, diam aje. Buat filem hollywood untung besar2an, marah pulak.

    Sebagai umat islam, mereka jugak macam kaum2 lain di negara ini pasti akan buat yayasan.

    When bad things happened, there must be a good reason.

    The current political system has been running for decades whereby winner of the day shall dictate the public fund. Why suddenly it become no good? The simple reason is bn no longer enjoy 2/3 majority since 2008.

    Both republic and democrat never threaten the public by sending their presidents to jail. Even japanese politicians no longer commit harakiri. Have you ever read prc and russia send their presidents and pms to jail?

    What happened in the past, we cannot change. What happened in the future, we definitely can improve.

    Snap or general election?

    This is the political risk that both coalitions must consider seriously.

    The end must justify the mean.

  26. Salam Tun,

    Kita ni negara kecil membangun (small third world country) yang masih berotak jakun. Cakap, bahas dan menyokong sekadar kata-kata tidak bersandarkan fakta.

    Now the white men (orang putih) from advanced civilisation have done it the way it should have been done with such a class, such a high standard, with all the forensic facts. Nobody can hide from forensic facts – money was stolen and they have evidence how much was stolen and who were the thieves. Money moves from bank account to bank account. Banks keep record of account’s holder and record of wire transfers, stupid.

    Empty words from these high ranking Jakuns were useless. You needed to send young professionals to analyse all these bank and wire transfer records, exactly what was done by these orang putih. Stupid Malaysians. Billions were stolen and nobody goes to jail? Get real. Advanced civilisation will not allow this to happen.

  27. Untuk selamtkan Malaysia
    Juga memulihkan UMNO

    Anggota UMNO bertanggung jawap Singkir Najib dari President UMNO juga
    Berambus dari jawatan Perdana Menteri

    Tidak perlu lihat kesalahan jenayah Najib
    Kebodohan dan bebal beliau satu demi satu
    Sudah nyata Najib harus disingkir bukan disuruh letak jawatan
    Letak Jawatan bukan Huruf nya sekarang

    Terserlah Najib Ros & Anak Tiri & Co Snd Bhd sedar akan tindak laku mereka sesama
    Tak buta mata masing masing ke yg tiba tiba masing masing bolih hidup mewah

    Yg kita lihat
    Najib instant Billionaire dan selaras dengan sudden burden of 1MDB Debts
    Yg tak nampak adalah pengakuan Najib yg kononnya
    Nenek tiri dia dari Saudi derma kat dia

    Sungguh Mejijikan dan Kami Rakyat Malaysia Amat Marah
    Dah lah kena rompak , kami di perbudak budakkan
    Seperti Singa memperbudak budakan Harimau

    Anggota UMNO perlu Merayu
    Sekali lagi ayat saya Merayu Tun Mahathir , Mukhlis , Muhideen
    dan yg lain yg sudah keluar dari UMNO kembali ke pangkuan UMNO
    Untuk memulihkan UMNO yg sedang Tenat

    Bapa tubuh UMNO
    Anak Kubur UMNO
    Anak tiri Najib & kawan baik beliau J.low yg tak sunat, tak istinjak
    Kencing atas batu Nisan UMNO

    Mari kita bersama 1 Malaysia
    Buang Najis tersebut dan pulihkan UMNO seperti Sediakala

    Parti baru Tun bolih K.i.v lah……Stand by je

  28. US should not allow Najib’s step son to leave US. Let him rot in jail for using people money for his luxury life.

  29. The star News:
    “Najib: Those named in DoJ lawsuits must clear their name”


  30. Salam Tun

    Berita dari straitstimes

    Mahathir says family and friends under pressure over criticism of Malaysia PM Najib

    JAKARTA – Former Malaysian premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said his family and friends have been visited by the income tax department, which he said was part of attempts to pressure him to stop criticising Prime Minister Najib Razak.

    The former mentor of Datuk Seri Najib who has turned into his fiercest critic, Dr Mahathir told reporters in Jakarta on Monday (July 25) that he is being “harassed” in retaliation for his attacks on the administration.

    “I am being harassed at the moment. A lot of things are being done to make life very uncomfortable for me, and my family and my friends. They are being visited by income tax department,” Dr Mahathir told a press conference, in response to a query by The Straits Times.

    Read More

    Berita Asiaone

    Najib’s stepdaughter speaks out against family for 1MDB crisis

    Just when you think the 1MDB scandal is just an issue of national interest for Malaysians as well as international concern where alleged stolen funds were transferred, sparks of it becoming an embittered family drama have ignited.

    Perhaps far more brash than banker Nazir Razak in criticising his prime minister brother Najib Razak for mishandling Malaysia’s state fund since last year, the harshest critic of the Najib family is none other than his estranged stepdaughter, Azrene Soraya Abdul Aziz, who unabashedly considers herself the “black sheep of the family”.

    Not on endearing terms with her mother, Rosmah Mansor, who married Najib after he divorced his first wife, Azrene did not mince her words when she slammed the couple and her brother Riza Aziz in a Facebook post after the United States Department of Justice announced lawsuits against key players, including Riza, who are suspected of pilfering 1MDB funds.

    Writing under the name Azrene Ahmad, the feisty married image consultant said in her ‘official statement’ last week: “If Malaysia is not willing to give the justice that the Malaysian people have prayed for and the justice my family have each night prayed for then the US has – in its own way that only they can justify.”

    She added: “Those who know me know that i am the black sheep of the family – but that does not mean i do not love my family. People can call me heartless for what i write today but i have always stood for and done what is right, for truth and for justice even if there is a high price to pay and if it means doing the unpopular thing. ”

    Reserving her harshest words for her estranged mother, Azrene accused her of “(utilising) and (mobilising) government resources to wreak terror to harass us (the family) over the last ten years for standing up for what we believe to be right”.

    Ms Azrene bluntly told her mother not to throw her US-based brother Mr Riza Aziz under a bus “so that you and your husband can get off scot-free”.

    She also appealed to her mother to “Be. A. Mother.”

    – See more at:

    Goodnight Tun. Sleep Tight.

  31. Salam YAB dan Yang Amat DiKasihi Tun,

    Saya rasa loya dan mual bila baca tajuk dan kandungan berita berikut:

    Pastikan wang rakyat tidak disalahgunakan – PM

    PUTRAJAYA 25 Julai – Kerajaan mahu mana-mana individu dalam isu 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) yang dinamakan oleh Jabatan Kehakiman (DOJ) Amerika Syarikat untuk membersihkan nama mereka dan memastikan tiada wang rakyat yang disalah gunakan.

    Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, kerajaan memandang berat terhadap tindakan saman sivil DOJ ke atas 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) dan menyerahkan perkara berkenaan untuk proses keadilan sewajarnya.

    “Inilah pendirian kerajaan dan kita akan beri kerjasama sepenuhnya. Kita harap lambat laun kita akan tahu kebenaran,” katanya ketika berucap dalam Majlis Penyerahan Surat Tawaran Fardhu Haji Program Khas Haji Perdana Menteri di Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin di sini hari ini

    Program tajaan Yayasan 1MDB itu menaja seramai 1,100 bakal haji yang terdiri daripada imam-imam masjid dan surau serta pengerusi-pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung Persekutuan (JKKP) seluruh negara.

    Menurut Najib, di sebalik celaan-celaan terhadap 1MDB, ramai pihak bagai terlupa pelbagai program sosial yang dijalankan oleh 1MDB termasuk membantu golongan belia, wanita dan mangsa-mangsa banjir.

    Katanya, rakyat diminta tidak terbawa-bawa dalam isu 1MDB itu kerana kerajaan akan memberi kerjasama sepenuhnya untuk proses keadilan dijalankan. – UTUSAN ONLINE

    Pertama, PM sendiri suka membazir wang rakyat, bersikap boros dalam berbelanja, dan turut menyalah-guna wang rakyat untuk memberi sogokan / suapan (wang haram sebab telah diseleweng) kepada para pembodek dan kesemua pemakan-pemakan dedak beliau termasuk yang sering berkeliaran di blog Chedet.

    Kedua, DSN masih mahu berlakon bahawa ‘Malaysian Official 1’ bukan beliau.

    Ketiga, tidak MALUkah PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor bila Kerajaan yang beliau terajui sekarang sudah secara automatik di COP sebagai ‘Kleptocracy / Kleptokrasi’. Secara tidak langsung, DSN ialah ‘Ketua Pencuri / Penyamun’.

    Keempat, duit 1MDB (Hutang? Wang songlap? Halalkah?) diguna untuk ibadah haji dan lain-lain program sosial / kebajikan tajaan 1MDB. Alahai! Memang sah DSN sudah tidak waras (sama seperti para pembodek dan pemakan2 dedak DSN). Sudahlah tidak waras, dungu pula.

    DSN wajar mendapat gelaran ‘Bapa Kleptokrasi Malaysia’.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  32. Salam Tun

    Nak kongsi tulisan TK Chua, kebetulan I baru membacanya 🙂

    Let’s not take our defence of 1MDB to ridiculous levels

    Since the seizure of assets and the filing of lawsuits by the US Department of Justice (DoJ) against individuals said to have stolen money from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), certain quarters have put forth arguments in defence of these individuals and the state investment fund.

    Are the arguments worthy of consideration? Or are these desperate measures due to desperate circumstances?

    Foreign interference of Malaysia’s affairs is now a favourite argument.

    Various reasons have been attributed to this: US jealousy; a domineering superpower with bad intentions: and the fact that Malaysia is a Muslim country.

    This is just odd to me. When US President Barack Obama came a-calling more than four decades after Lyndon Johnson, when our PM played golf with Obama, and when our VVIPs made numerous trips to the US officially and “clandestinely”, how come there was no scream of foreign interference? To me it is simple; I wouldn’t say the US is for Malaysia or against Malaysia. I think they are indifferent, acting within their jurisdiction and authority.

    The next argument was that the money purportedly stolen and invested in the US was from IPIC, not 1MDB. They used the current arbitration in London between 1MDB and IPIC over money paid to a “wrong” subsidiary in IPIC as the reason for this argument. I have one simple question: if indeed the ill-gotten money was from IPIC, may I know how Jho Low, Riza Aziz and “Malaysian Official 1″ were deemed to have benefited from it? Are we saying those Arabs from IPIC stole the money and then handed it over to Jho Low and others to squander it? Those two Arabs may be stupid, but definitely not that stupid.

    Finally, why argue whether the case filed by the US DoJ is civil or criminal? Why argue those named in the suits have yet to be found culpable? To me, this is splitting hairs and taking an argument to a ridiculous level. I believe most of us would have no problem appraising the DoJ’s action if only the sources of wealth of those high-profile individuals was made known; the origins and destinations of the flow of funds disclosed; the testimonies and whereabouts of Jho Low (and other related individuals) gathered and disclosed; the contents of the Auditor-General’s report declassified; and the dossiers in Bank Negara Malaysia and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission tabulated and disclosed.

    I think the people of this country have been on a wild goose chase for far too long already. Please don’t ask us to peel the layers off more onions.

    TK Chua is an FMT reader.

  33. Asalamualaikum Tun.

    Sang Karl Dai usahlah merapu lagi.

    Kesian Naji$ punya anak tiri yang memalukan Naji$.

    Anak tiri Naji$ adalah anak kebangaan Ro$mah.

    Hasil didikan Ro$mah, ternyata CASH IS KING memakan diri.

    Saya cukup yakin bahawa Riza bersalah dan bersubahat dengan bapak tirinya Naji$.

    Saya cukup percaya Naji$ kini sedang bingung memikirkan 1MDB tetapi tidak berani menyalahkan anak tirinya Riza kerana takutkan Ro$mah.

    Bangkai Karl Dai @ Naji$ sudah tidak mampu ditutup lagi.

    Wassalam Tun.

  34. Assalam Dearest Tun,

    A Storm in DOJ Cup – Done _/

    A Storm in UK AG’s Cup – Next Change.

    A Storm in Swiss AG’s Cup – Coming Soon.

    A Storm in Luxembourg AG’s Cup – Coming Soon.

    A Storm in Singapore AG’s Cup – Coming Soon.

    A Storm in Hong Kong AG’s Cup – Coming Soon.

    Yeah some bloody fool here did remind us about one particular storm and we are taking the privilege to inform him for the more storms to come so as to get him prepared for more stormy weather in his cup of bran (add boiling water and some fresh donkey milk to your monthly bran supply b4 it ends).

    Wow more celebrations to go but thank you we are not going to be a copycat like your small fatty boss Kunan whenever feeling joyful go half naked in celebration.

    Or could it be you, reminding the reader here about our story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” in Malay version which fits your paymaster description so very much.

    By the way the rakyat’s boss says he is exceedingly happy what more can he asked to get this very much awaited 91th Birthday present from the people of United States.

    Instead your boss is fuming angry because the people of United States betrayed him despite of him willingly agreed to sign the TPPA and willingly gave Mr President some valuable golfing tips and tricks and in return they gave this slanderous DOJ report as his No. 1 birthday present.

    Boss (Malaysia Official No. 1) : Your dedakians are dumb, really the DUMBEST!

    Do we care what you think? In Malay Ada kami kisah?

    You can never think because you stink Karldai kid.

    Thank you Tun for this wonderful space.


  35. Salam Tun

    Nak share berita menarik ini

    A-G explains why 1MDB report is under OSA

    KUALA LUMPUR: Auditor-General (A-G) Ambrin Buang told the Sessions Court on Monday that he took steps to classify the 1MDB final audit report under the Official Secrets Act (OSA) because there was a leakage in the interim report last year.

    “My department, the National Audit Department (NAD), expected the final report to be also leaked to the public.

    “Based on this, we sought advice. We were advised to classify it so that the PAC (Public Accounts Committee) can conduct its proceedings without interference. It would also protect the integrity of the NAD,” he told Deputy Public Prosecutor Abazafree Abbas.

    He was testifying as the fifth prosecution witness in the trial of Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli, who is facing two charges of allegedly possessing and leaking classified documents.

    He was charged under Sections 8(1)(c) and 8(1)(e)(iii) of the OSA for having in his possession and exposing page 98 of the 1MDB audit report at a press conference.

    He was said to have committed the act at the Parliament building between March 24 and 28 in the late afternoon.

    If convicted, he will face a jail term of up to seven years.

    Ambrin added he was given the authority by the prime minister in 2012 to stamp the report as secret.

    “I classified the report under OSA in January before the final report was debated,” he said.

    When quizzed by Abazafree on the current status of the 1MDB report, whether it was still a classified document, Ambrin confirmed it was still under the OSA.

    Abazafree: What’s the reason (to still be under OSA)?

    Ambrin: There’s no need to de-classify. PAC decided the 1MDB report does not need to be included in the PAC report. I respect the decision.

    During cross examination by Rafizi’s lawyer, Gobind Singh, Ambrin told the court that 1MDB is one of the government-owned companies gazetted to be audited by his office.

    “The audit on 1MDB is a special audit.

    “We audited because it was a request from certain bodies like the Cabinet and PAC. The report that we prepared was presented straight to PAC.”

    He added it was up to PAC if they want to produce it before the lower house (Parliament).

    Gobind asked Ambrin if his decision not to declassify was “against the law”.
    The question was objected to by Abazafree, who said it was not within Ambrin’s capacity as a witness to answer it.

    Despite the objection, Sessions Court Judge Zulqarnian Hassan allowed Gobind to proceed with the question.

    Gobind: Tan Sri had mentioned earlier that you respect PAC’s decision to place the 1MDB report under OSA. Was your decision against Article 107(1) of the Federal Constitution? It states the A-G’s reports should be submitted before the Agong and presented before Parliament.

    Ambrin: I am not well-versed (with the law), whether my decision to respect the PAC decision was against the Constitution.

    The A-G also confirmed the documents which Rafizi produced at the press conference were from his report.

    Gobind asked him if the contents in the report were a basis for criminal charges.

    “I refrain from answering that,” Ambrin answered.

    The hearing continues on Tuesday before judge Zulqarnian.

    Link :

  36. As Salam Tun,

    Karl..pernah dengar pepatah”Seperti menegakkan benang yang basah”?? kalau ya pun boleh di tegakkan benang tu..bila dah kering benang tu perlahan-lahan akan terlentuk juga!! Hukum Sunatullah akan terus berjalan , sama ada kita suka atau tidak..Please tell the truth Karl, tak kan x de sekalipun terlintas jauh di sudut hati..awat Najeb hang ni betui ka tak betui,penat dah bersilat nih??!!!

  37. Para ambiak para Ulama UMNO sekarang
    Takkan IA Anak Najib & Rosmah sendiri
    Bolih melabuh berbillion duit
    Najib & Rosmah Tidak tahu akan asal usul duit dari mana

    Sedangkan Najib sebagai Official NO 1
    Tahu akan kuntang kangtil 1MDB yg sedang berhutang Rabak
    Takkan anak sendir berbelajan kasar hidup mewah
    Mak Bapak sendiri tidak tahu
    Sedangkan Najib membiarkan J.lOW & Anak beliau menguruskan 1MDB

    Tidak bermakna Nama Najib TIDAK disenari Najib tidak bersalah
    Jangan sangkan air yg tenang tidak ada Buaya
    Air yg tenanglah yg membiakan anak anak Buaya

  38. Salam Tun.

    Nampaknya PERMATA dinaungi oleh Datin Seri. Rosmah Mansor akan melahirkan insan yang serupa dengan anaknya Riza.

    Kuat berjudi, kaki joli dan mencuri adalah antara syllabus wajib diajar disana.

    Mungkin selepas ini apabila di tanya pada anak-anak Permata apakah perkataan yang sama maksud dengan mencuri maka mereka beramai-ramai akan mengatakan Riza.


  39. HERO-HERO DUNIA (Susulan pendedahan DOJ U.S.A)

    Spiderman = Peter Parker

    Hulk = Bruce Banner

    Superman = Clark Kent

    Iron Man = Tony Stark

    MALAYSIA OFFICAL ONE = … emm Nejib Rojak


  40. Dear Tun,

    Accessory after the fact

    I am not sure whether there is such a law in Malaysia which is essentially to punish people who obstruct the pursuit of justice. The US has it and so do many other countries.

    The simplest definition from a dictionary: An accessory who assists a lawbreaker after the commission of a crime, as to avoid arrest, trial, or punishment.

    The 1MDB saga is a prime example of the need for such a law to be enacted or enhanced if such a statute already exists. I am not sure if there is one.

    Hope to hear from other readers.

    Thank you for the space.

  41. Salam!

    Pastikan Riza dan Jho Lo masuk penjara supaya mereka tertekan, tak tahan dan membuka mulut bahawa Malaysian Official 1 la yang jadi dalang merompak 1MDB.

  42. Salam Tun,

    1. US DoJ vindicated you, and validated our faith in you! Alhamdulillah.

    2. Let us intensify our effort in pressuring Najib to resign. We need to start rebuilding and re-position our beloved country on her correct path, soonest possibly.

    3. Let us remain calm. We must not do or act in a manner detrimental to us. We must not tempt or permit the Najib Regime to abuse its authority upon us esp. in the run up to GE14. We are winning already, come what may.

    Sekian, Tun, terima kaseh. Wassalam.

    4. Isayso,
    Bravo! Excellent works! Keep it up! Do not give up! Najib’s dedakians are full of hot airs but lack substance; they are just hot wires, merely. Their MO is to insight doubt and create dissension to those unsuspecting (intelligent?) minds so they would win the psy war among the suburban and urban folks (unlike for those rural folks that they could buy, easily!). Do not relent lest they win this psy war.

    5. Adelheid,
    I agree with you, fully! Why Najib (and countless others before and after him, most likely!) could make a fool of us easily, is because to us, everything has a theory; they can never take anything that is practical in nature. They are concerned with the theory of the subject only rather than its practical application. Does it have something to do with our education system? Are these also the reasons why our Malay graduates are unemployed and or holding lower levels jobs, mostly? Yes, it is because they are just full of theories but lacks substance and practicality. What I witness today (viz. US DoJ matter) is akin to when that fellow was on trial in the Court of Justice. Everybody had performed some sort of prayers so the Gods would serve us justice. Alas, when the Court had found him guilty and jailed him, yet they blamed it on biased courts of justice. Nothing that do not serve their fancies ever right including the Gods! Pity.

    6. Untuk pencerahan yang kurang jelas kes Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat (JK AS), berikut sebahagian tulisan Sdr Muhammad Faiz Fadzil yang disiarkan di dalam Blog Sdr Shahbudin Husin pada 22 Julai 2016 (Dengan izin, Sdr Faiz Fadzil dan Sdr Shahbudin, terima kaseh!) untuk manfaat semua:

    ‘Tindakan “Civil Forfeiture” oleh DoJ USA adalah Prosedur Kes Jenayah’
    a. Ramai yang terkeliru dan dikelirukan dengan perkataan sivil dan jenayah di dalam isu tindakan JK AS untuk menyita dan mendapatkan semula aset-aset (“Civil Forfeiture”) yang dikaitkan dengan penyelewengan 1MDB. Tindakan ini diambil di bawah program yang dikenali sebagai ‘Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative’ (‘KARI”) untuk mendapatkan semula harta negara asing yang disonglap atau diseleweng melalaui perbuatan-perbuatan jenayah.
    b. Adalah benar ia hanya satu tindakan sivil sepertimana yang kita faham di Malaysia sepertimana tindakan sivil untuk kecuaian atau tuntutan gantirugi. Jadi kenapa Peguam Negara Bahagian Jenayah yang mengetuai tindakan ini? Ini adalah disebabkan US Code (USC) adalah Undang-Undang bertulis di Amerika Syarikat.
    c. Justeru itu, di dalam tindakan JK AS ini, mereka telah menggunakan peruntukkan 18 USC 981 (Title 18 Section 981) iaitu “Civil Forfeiture” atau Penyitaan Sivil untuk menyita harta-harta alih atau tidak alih yang mereka percayai berdasarkan kesalahan 18 USC 1956 (Title 18 Section 1956) yang di dalam penyiasatan mereka adalah hasil daripada kegiatan jenayah ataupun penggubahan wang haram.
    d. Apakah Title 18 US Code? Title 18 US Code adalah Undang-Undang Jenayah dan Prosedur Undang-Undang Jenayah. Di Malaysia kita menggunakan Penal Code dan Criminal Procedure Code. Sila rujuk:
    e. §981. Civil Forfeiture
    Title 18 SC 981: Civil forfeiture Text contains those laws in effect on July 20, 2016
    From Title 18-CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE PART I-CRIMES CHAPTER 46-FORFEITURE (a)(1) The following property is subject to forfeiture to the United States:
    A) Any property, real or personal, involved in a transaction or attempted transaction in violation of section 1956, 1957 or 1960 of this title, or any property traceable to such property.
    f. §1956. Laundering of Monetary Instruments
    Title 18 USC 1956: Laundering of monetary instruments Text contains those laws in effect on July 20, 2016
    (a)(1) Whoever, knowing that the property involved in a financial transaction represents the proceeds of some form of unlawful activity, conducts or attempts to conduct such a financial transaction which in fact involves the proceeds of specified unlawful activity-
    g) Walaupun seksyen-seksyen yang disebut tersebut adalah “Civil Forfeiture” tetapi tindakan yang diambil oleh AK AS adalah tindakan di bawah Undang-Undang Jenayah Amerika Syarikat.
    h) Tindakan “Civil Forfeiture” ini adalah tindakan permulaan sebelum tindakan di bawah peruntukan undang-undang jenayah diambil.

    22 JULAI 2016
    Posted by Shahbudin Husin at 15:05’

    7. To those uninitiated, this is real and not fantasy. Get down of your high horses, and kiss the roses.

  43. Hebat sungguh blogger Tun sekarang
    Sampai nak minta maaf pun type Berbillion Maaf bukan Beribu Maaf lagi
    Begitu juga saya Berharap dan Berbillion Doa Semoga apa yg kita nyata Kebenaran akan berbillion memihakan kita dan berbillion menghukum Pengkhiatan No 1
    Sekain Salam Berbillion

  44. 😀

    A Storm in DoJ Cup

    It is the usual dramaturgy from Washington.

    Expected to create a storm, it did. Immediately as the US AG Lynch unhook her cup, exposing what seems to be a huge Hollywood scandal involving colored people, correction, rich colored people who made tons of money, from movie business in the US, money to the tune of billions, you can almost visualize Donald Trump shaking his golden mane, eyes wide shut in disbelief shouting, ‘Yes! Black is bootiful’, while giving his middle to the #BlackLiveMatters campaign.

    While Trump’s counterpart, the M-minions on the other side of the globe, here in Malaysia also celebrate the exposure with all their might stomping upside down so hard till their pants covered their heads, wherein their kemaluans, I mean where their embarrassing parts are located, almost drowning them in hysterical whatnots.

    But the boss is still not happy and, in fact, fuming angry. Why, boss?

    Boss : You minions are dumb, really DUMB.

    I don’t think they get it. They still don’t get it. Will they ever get it?

  45. Assalamualaikum,

    Bila bercerita tentang negara AS saya percaya ramai di sini orang-orang yang terpelajar dan pernah menuntut ilmu di negara tersebut.

    Orang AS kebanyakan mempunyai budi pekerti yang baik. Mereka menghormati kita selagi kita bertindak mengikut “universal moral values” walaupun kita berlainan agama dan budaya.

    Anak Malaysia diajar oleh ramai cerdik pandai mereka untuk berfikir dan menganalisa sesuatu perkara dengan baik.

    Sepatutnya kita memenafaatkan apa yang dipelajari untuk kebaikan negara kita sendiri. Rugilah kalau negara sudah berbelanja besar untuk anak Malaysia belajar di AS tetapi apabila mereka balik teguran konstruktif mereka (corak pemikiran) tidak boleh diterima. Kerajaan mengatakan anak Malaysia tak berterima kasih. Takkan apabila mereka balik mereka perlu mengangguk macam “puppet” mengikut arahan membuta tuli sepanjang masa.

    Yang baik kita mesti ambil yang keruh mesti buang. Kita tidak boleh mengatakan negara AS itu buruk sepanjang masa atau mempunyai agenda dengki. Kita mesti guna akal fikiran kita untuk menilai mana yang baik mana yang buruk.

  46. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,


    Sekadar memohon pencerahan atau pendapat perihal kasih sayang seorang insan bernama ibu sempena Hari Ibu tahun ini yang sudah terlepas.

    Ramai ibu-ibu yang baik di sini tidak akan putus-putus mencurahkan kasih sayang kepada anak-anak masing-masing walaupun anak-anak tersebut sudah besar panjang atau samada anak-anak itu kaya atau miskin, sihat atau sakit, suka atau duka, cerdik macam kancil atau kurang pandai macam karldai dan waimanya baik atau jahat sekalipun.

    Orang pertama yang akan mempertahankan anaknya adalah seorang ibu.

    Soalnya hari ini siapa ibu kepada Riza Aziz yang namanya telah dikaitkan dalam laporan Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat dan mengapa beliau tidak tampil kehadapan mempertahankan anak kandungnya sendiri?

    Carian wikipedia terhadap Riza Aziz menemukan nama Rosmah Mansor sebagai ibu kandung beliau.

    Namun carian wikipedia atas nama Rosmah Mansor menemui jalan buntu apabila kenyataan berikut
    Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,


    Sekadar memohon pencerahan atau pendapat perihal kasih sayang seorang insan bernama ibu sempena Hari Ibu tahun ini yang sudah terlepas.

    Ramai ibu-ibu yang baik di sini tidak akan putus-putus mencurahkan kasih sayang kepada anak-anak masing-masing walaupun anak-anak tersebut sudah besar panjang atau samada anak-anak itu kaya atau miskin, sihat atau sakit, suka atau duka, cerdik macam kancil atau kurang pandai macam karldai dan waimanya baik atau jahat sekalipun.

    Orang pertama yang akan mempertahankan anaknya adalah seorang ibu.

    Soalnya hari ini siapa ibu kepada Riza Aziz yang namanya telah dikaitkan dalam laporan Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat dan mengapa beliau tidak tampil kehadapan mempertahankan anak kandungnya sendiri?

    Carian wikipedia terhadap Riza Aziz menemukan nama Rosmah Mansor sebagai ibu kandung beliau.

    Namun carian wikipedia atas nama Rosmah Mansor menemui jalan buntu apabila kenyataan berikut dikeluarkan “Investigation of Potential Copyright Issue”.

    Jadinya soalannya sekarang apa itu “Investigation of Potential Copyright Issue” untuk pencerahan sebab teringin sangat hendak mengetahui lebih mendalam perihal ibu Riza ini yang dikhabarkan angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa, seorang wanita yang kuat, tabah, gigih dan cekal dalam menabung sejak dari kecil lagi dan seharusnya DOJ melihat kemungkinan Riza Aziz bukan sahaja mewarisi kekayaan ibunya tetapi yang lebih penting mewarisi amalan menabung ibunya sejak dari kecil untuk menjadi kaya raya seperti yang dilaporkan.

    Entahlah malas nak komen siapa Rosmah Mansor ini sebab carian wiki tadi terbantut 🙁 .

    Wasalam Tun.

  47. In US The CIA , IRAS & AG
    May look it as Civil
    They are not Robbed .They did not encounter Monetary , Assets loses etc

    In Malaysia here
    Police , Parliament , AG ,Judiciary System , Iras & other department
    Must look it as Criminals with Intentions
    This is a Big Crime .It Hurts MALAYSIA

    We Malaysia have been Robbed for their Greed

  48. Kenapa Tidak kita tanya DOJ US
    Siapa gerangan si teruna tampan yg digelar Official No 1 ?
    Kenapa pula DOJ bermain Teka Teki ?
    DOJ US mesti Transparent
    Tak payah nak sembunyi atau menlindung siapa Official No 1

    Just straight to the point
    This is Law . This is Legal and they are making headline news here
    DOJ has to be positive , transparent to be seen as Sincere

  49. Salam Tun

    Pagi2 lagi dah baca berita kawan dari stock broking, berita reuters yang kuncu Najib pergi US nak implicate anak Tun Mahathir pula. 😐

    The way I look at it, very childish act, ternyata Najib a spoiled brat. 🙂

    What more, now I think UMNO lebih kampung dari dulu, not civilised at all 🙂

  50. Semestinya
    Najib bersama The First Lady of Malaysia Rosmary
    Bersyukur dan berbangga mempunyai anak Riza Aziz yg amat cukup berbakat
    Mencuri ,menipu ,berjudi harta dan titik peluh Rakyat Malaysia

    Begitu juga Anak perempuan Najib
    Mesti bersyukur dan berterima kaseh pada bapa beliau
    Tun Najib Razak kerana membesarkan dan menjayakan Majis Perkawinan
    Yg Terbesar ,terindah didalam sejaraj Malaysia mengalahkan Sultan Melayu
    Dengan Duit HARAM

    Sedangkan Rakyat ada Malaysia yg masih terkontang kantil menepuh hidup seharian
    Kita rakyat Malaysia
    Harus Bershukur mempunyai Pemimpin yg Hebat ,Cekap tak Amanah ,Tidak Bermaruah
    seperti Tun Najib Razak

    Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah Assalammualaikum warahmatullah hi wabaraka tuh

  51. Billions of dollars were siphoned from the government while public infrastructures in many parts of Malaysia are left to deteriorate or be non existent.

    In Johor, for example, 1MDB could have invested heavily in fibre optics and communications technology and help to position Johor as a serious rival to Singapore as a technological hub. Instead residents and businesses have to beg private firms to run fiber cable to their properties just to get decent internet speed. Others are at the mercy of using expensive cell phone data to run their businesses.

    Private firms are rushing in to invest in start ups that are geared to be the ecommerce giants such as Amazon. These future companies will ultimately control production, distribution of goods and ultimately distribution of wealth.

    As this embarrassing chapter in the political history of Malaysia is coming to near closure, we should start thinking about the qualities and visions we should expect from our future leaders.

  52. Salam Tun.

    Tun,nampaknya persoalan 1MDB amatlah payah untuk dirungkaikan. Tidak ada “siapa” pun yang ambil peduli. Bertapa sedihnya kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang terkesan dari kemelut 1MDB ini di biarkan dalam menentukan hala tuju sendiri.

    Jika diamati, negara kita Malaysia boleh dikatakan terbahagi kepada 3 lapisan iaitu Rakyat Jelata,Kerajaan dan Institusi Diraja. Apabila terdapat pertelingkahan diantara Institusi Diraja dengan Kerajaan maka Rakyat Jelata tanpa ragu-ragu lagi akan memainkan peranannya sebagai kuasa ketiga yang akan meredakan dan mencari cara untuk merungkaikan pertelingkahan tersebut.

    Tapi apa yang saya lihat sekarang, apabila timbul pertelingkahan diantara Kerajaan dan Rakyat Jelata tiada kuasa ketiga yang dimainkan oleh Institusi Diraja. Pertelingkahan ini di biarkan berpanjangan bertahun-tahun dan akan memecahbelahkan lapisan Rakyat Jelata. Adakah itu yang dimahukan?

    Jika dahulu Institusi Diraja ada mengarahkan agar kemelut 1MDB diselesaikan segera. Rakyat Jelata amatlah berterima kasih kepada Institusi Diraja dengan arahan itu kepada Kerajaan dan ia membawa keamanan di hati Rakyat Jelata. Terbayang dimata dan terdetik dihati Rakyat Jelata yang Institusi Diraja masih lagi berfungsi.

    Pendekatan diambil oleh Kerajaan di dalam memenuhi permintaan dan arahan Institusi Diraja itu maka tertubuhnya PAC dan Laporan Audit Negara. Rakyat amat mengalu-alukan Laporan PAC tapi malangnya ianya tidak lengkap tanpa Laporan Audit Negara yang berstatus OSA.

    Dengan perkembangan terbaru dan pendedahan DOJ, maka bertambahlah gusar dihati dan minda Rakyat Jelata akan kualiti pimpinan Kerajaan sekarang. Adakah kegusaran ini turut di rasai oleh Institusi Diraja? Atau Institusi Diraja hanya berhak untuk mendengar dari kerajaan sahaja dan mengabaikan suara Rakyat Jelata. Amat lah elok Institusi Diraja menjadi pihak yang menjernihkan keadaan apabila terdapat rasa tidakpuashati yang ditimbulkan oleh Rakyat Jelata. Tapi sayangnya kita masih lagi tidak dapat lihat usaha Institusi Diraja kearah itu. Tidakkah Institusi Diraja mahu tahu sedalam-dalamnya permasaalah 1MDB kerana ia juga melibatkan Institusi Diraja secara tidak langsung dan Negara Malaysia amnya.

    Akhir kata tinggallah rakyat keseorangan dan “terpaksa” pula berdepan dengan Kerajaan. Rakyat Jelata terpaksa menerima dan menanggung akibatnya dari perkara yang Rakyat Jelata merasakan itu adalah kesalahan dari pemimpin Kerajaan.


  53. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Pembetulan pembetulan!

    Mohon sebillion kemaafan Tun..

    Proofreader sudah tertidur tadi 🙂

    Ayat terakhir sepatutnya berbunyi

    “si karldai takut kerana salah !”

    yang akhir tu sesuai sangat untuk cif penyamun dia aka Pegawai Malaysia No. 1 MALAYSIA.

    “takut kerana benar sudah tidak tertutup lagi akhirnya!”

    Wasalam Tun.

  54. Dear Tun,

    How some people can twist and turn facts into fairytale that only he, his master and the UMNO do or die loyalists believe. The US DOJ thing is not cobaan okay, it’s betul-betul. This is not about Malaysia vs DoJ. This is no war of perception launched by the US. We are not being assaulted by them. Yes we have been shamed by their action but only because their action is justified with the truth.

    PM Najib is the one with personal agenda from day one he became PM and that is to use the nation’s coffers to enrich himself and his family. He is the one who has committed treason against the country and the people. He is the one who has turned the country into a communist in capitalist skin. We are already a banana republic being ruled by people who have gone bananas.

    Dear Tun Mahathir, be staunch in what you have set to do that is to clean Malaysia of this terrible mess brought about by Najib and his clan of liars and thieves.

    Goodnight and take good care dear Tun Mahathir.

  55. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Terlebih dahulu berbillion terima kasih kepada Isayso Jul 24,2016 8:49 AM kerana bercakap bagi pihak yang benar berdasarkan bukti dan fakta bagi menyangkal pembohongan fakta Pendedak Malaysia No.1000 aka Karldai penajis.

    Untuk pengetahuan saudara mara di kampung dan sekutu di kota, makhluk jenis ini adalah sebenarnya pengkhianat bangsa dan negara yang sanggup berdusta dengan memutarbelitkan fakta dan kebenaran demi menyelamatkan kedudukan Pegawai Malaysia No.1 aka Najis Tun Razak hanya kerana beliau dibayar untuk satu kelangsungan hidup yang tidak bermaruah, begitu keji hina dan bacul sekali.

    Buat pengetahuan Average Joe, pengkhianat seperti ini yang bersubahat dengan pemimpin yang korup tidak perlukan dikasihani dan dibenarkan meneruskan agenda temboloknya serta propaganda perut buncitnya.

    Kita boleh berbahas secara sihat atau menghormati perbezaan pendapat atas satu2 isu atau pandangan tetapi kita tidak boleh menidakkan angka dan fakta yang benar dan berterusan diputarbeitkan di blog keramat ini.

    Perangai Karldai tak ubah macam dalam hikayat Raja yang tidak berpakaian. Karldai, Menteri2, AG,KPN, ahli2 UMNO dan pendedak sekalian semuanya menipu berkata Raja Rasuah mereka berpakaian molek dan cantik2 belaka sedangkan hakikatnya kami rakyat jelata melihat tuan mereka berjalan ke hulu ke hilir ke sana ke mari tanpa pakaian yakni bertelanjang bulat tanpa rasa malu langsung dan lebih memalukan penampilan bersahaja beliau telah dipersoalkan masyarakat antarabangsa dan dari menjadi bahan jenaka dunia kini beliau dicela dan disedarkan.

    Bayangkanlah diantara begitu ramai pembesar negara hanya 3 orang sahaja yang berani berkata benar mana taknya TSMY, DSSA dan DSMM tak mahu menanggung pelbagai jenis dosa iaitu bercakap bohong, bersuhabat dan membenarkan kemungkaran yang nyata.

    Lebih teruk penyakit Raja tadi sudah menular pada khadam2nya dan cukup sekadar 2 contoh buat kali ini.

    1. Ada seorang pembesar tu dah mula tunjuk ‘spender’ bila gumbira.

    2. Ada seorang khadam dia dalam blog ini yang suka membogelkan kebodohan dirinya sendiri atau minta kebodohannya dibogelkan untuk bacaan berjuta peminat blog ini.

    Apapun suka ditegaskan sepatah kata Tun hari ini tiada lagi istilah rahsia sulit.

    Segala wang yang dipindahkan dari satu akaun bank ke akaun bank yang lain mudah dikesan dengan kecanggihan rekod2 pemindahan elektronik, perbankan internet, rekod2 email dan akhirnya dalam laporan DOJ disertakan juga rakaman perbualan telefon sebagai bukti.

    Sebagai pihak yang berwajib DOJ, FBI dan IRS dengan mudah boleh mendapatkan segala rekod dan maklumat dari bank2 terlibat, pengendali rangkaian internet dan pengendali telekomunikasi untuk dijadikan bukti sebenar BUKAN ANDAIAN seperti dakwaan Karldai yang mula kepanasan dan takut kerana benar.

    Wasalam Tun.

  56. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    I have been wondering regarding Najib’s response with regard the the US Dept of Justice report on 1MDB. If we were to compare what happenned to local opponents who criticize him regarding 1MDB and his response to the US Dept of Justice, the response is totally different.

    Local opponents would either be questioned by the police, fired if he is a minister or party member. Instead, the response for the Dept of Justice was “we will cooperate fully, lets follow the process in a fair trial, we strongly believe in good governance.” Why such a response?

    The leads me to believe of another of Najib’s fear. He fears he (and drag Malaysia as well) will be shunned by the international community. He fears Malaysia will be a pariah state or an outcast. That is why he is responding so politely. “Look, we will cooperate, innocent until proven guilty, remember? Don’t shun us ok?.”

    He fears the backlash of the international community regarding the 1MDB scandal.

    Oh, Malaysia my country. I’m sad to see Malaysia has become like this.

  57. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Berkenaan MH17, Tun katakan bahawa ia bertujuan untuk mewujudkan perang dan menggalakkan lagi penjualan senjata. Bisnes yang menguntungkan. Malah tragedi tersebut dilaporkan ada penglibatan CIA.

    Pada fikiran saya/rakyat, Amerika dilihat berkuasa menentukan hala tuju dunia.

    Saya ada sedikit minat menonton hiburan seperti The Voice yang mana Adam Maroon 5, Blake Shelton, William Pharrel dan Cristina Aguilera jadi juri.

    Blake Shelton seorang penyanyi country dilihat mendominasi rancangan tersebut. Dengan imej yang sopan, tatoo yang teramat sedikit, kemas seperti seorang lelaki.

    Malah peserta pilihan Blake banyak kali menang The Voice termasuk peserta Adam Maroon 5.

    Kelihatan peserta yang menang memang berkebolehan dan memiliki imej yang sopan dan baik jika dilihat pada kehidupan peribadi mereka.

    Secara umumnya dikatakan ya. Walaupun ada kes seorang juara The Voice kena tembak mati baru baru ini?

    Juara The Voice adalah pilihan penonton di rumah. Jika pemenang memiliki ciri ciri yang baik, maka boleh dikatakan penonton/orang Amerika memiliki dan mendambakan ciri ciri yang baik juga.

    Mungkin itulah berbezanya antara kerajaan Amerika dan rakyatnya.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  58. Assalam Tun.

    Nazir Razak has frequently stated his dissatisfaction on big brother Najib, really?

    The latest Nazir mentioned on how The Edge was once suspended for printing details of the alleged 1MDB fund flows, which is now being repeated yesterday in the US Department of Justice’s civil forfeiture filing.

    Just to help make his statements more convincing, how about Nazir challenging Najib for the Pekan parliamentary seat come PRU14. Say it now.

  59. Karl Iskandar.

    Nampaknya Saudara cuba membela Najib dengan berkata;
    -Amerika, melalui DoJ mahu ‘menekan’ Malaysia.
    -Bahawa ia “war of perception” dan satu konspirasi untuk memburukkan Malaysia.
    -Bahawa ada pengkhianat dan penderhaka yang membocorkan *Rahsia-Negara kepada musuh.

    Pada saya, Lebih tepat: Rahsia-Najib. Sebab itu juga, Laporan Ketua Audi Negara diklasifikasi OSA…untuk lindungi Najib, ia mesti dirahsiakan.

    Satu dunia tahu, Najib sendiri yang buka-peluang pada musuh untuk ambil kesempatan.
    Saya sudah huraikan sebelum ini. Mungkin Karl terlupa atau tak baca. Tak pa…saya copy-paste kan sekali lagi.
    Lepas ni jangan ungkitkan lagi bahawa DoJ sedang membawa agenda Zionist atau mahu menekan sebuah Negara Islam… wasaatiah kononnya, tapi guna Baju-Merah untuk gertak Baju-Kuning.
    Jika benar mereka berkomplot, ia adalah kerana Najib yang beri peluang & ruang, bila Jho Low & Riza guna sistem perbankan mereka untuk klepet WANG Rakyat Malaysia. Pasal itu DoJ gunakan klausa ‘Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative’. Mereka klasifikasi Malaysia sebagai Negara yang diperintah oleh pencuri-pencuri.

    Ini dia, sekali lagi (dengan sedikit tambahan & pembetulan):-

    Adalah lumrah, musuh mencari peluang & ruang untuk memperak-perandakan Negara demi kepentingan mereka. Maklumlah, mereka kuasa besar dan mereka adalah pembuat senjata-pembunuh. Jika dunia aman-damai, siapa yang nak beli senjata yang mereka keluarkan itu.

    Mustahil US boleh beri tekanan politik jika Najib ‘membela-Rakyat’ dengan telus, jujur dan amanah. Tidak terlibat dengan ‘orang-tengah’ kelabu-asap. Hujung hilang, pangkal lesap.

    -Najib TIDAK berhutang atas nama Rakyat untuk tubuh 1MDB ketika Rakyat sudah ada Khazanah Nasional.
    Bukan Dr.M yang memperdayakan Najib untuk tubuhkan 1MDB.

    -Sebagai PM, Najib lantik diri-sendiri sebagai Menteri KeWANGan. Ini saja, sudah membuka ruang spekulasi tidak baik. Jika di Negara KAFIR, rakyat mereka akan terbeliak-biji-mata. (would have raised a lot of eyebrows)

    -Najib sendiri yang pilih Goldman Sach. Dikenakan komisen tinggi untuk mengurus pinjaman 1MDB.

    -Najib mengaku di Parlimen, Kerajaan belanjakan RM7.2 Billion dalam 5 tahun untuk bayar Penasihat dan Consultant. Di kalangan pulohan mereka, Najib percayakan nasihat bangsa-penjajah. Seorang darinya, kaki-botol dan suka berparty-mabuk-liar dengan gadis-gadis Malaysia.

    -Jika dulu dia guna orang-tengah, Razak Baginda & Deepak Carpet, sekarang Jho Low, untuk berurusan bagi pihak Rakyat/1MDB. Oleh itu Najib, samada dia bodoh atau dia sengaja membazir WANG Rakyat, bayar berbillion sebagai komisen.
    Maka sia-sia lah Jihad KPDNKK memerangi Orang-Tengah.
    Dan semua ini membawa malapertaka kepada Kerajaan, terutamanya UMNO.

    Sebagai contoh;-
    Dalam kes Orang-tengah Razak Baginda yang Najib guna semasa jadi Menteri Pertahanan, lebih 14 tahun lalu. Sehingga ke hari ini masih menghantui UMNO & BN. Setiap kali PRU, ia menjadi senjata-utama untuk memburuk-buruk UMNO. Dan sekarang pembunuh Altantuya pula yang buat Kerajaan membazir sumber & WANG untuk menangkis dakyah pembangkang sehingga ke Ostolia.
    Jika Najib guna sekumpulan Pegawai TLDM untuk berunding dengan pembuat Kapalselam, bukankah lebih jimat? Kerajaan hanya perlu bayar allowance jika mereka pergi ke Perancis. Tempat menginapan mereka mungkin boleh uruskan oleh Kerajaan Perancis atau Pembuat Kapalselam.
    Jika guna ‘orang-tengah’ Razak Baginda, kemudian bayar komisen 500 Juta, sudah tentu dia akan tergolek-dog, joli-sakan dan ini akan buka peluang & ruang untuk pisau-cukur professional, cilok-masuk untuk memeras sebahagian dari durian-runtuh itu.

  60. Assalamualaikum.

    Pada suatu masa saya berbalas bicara dengan HBT, terdapat seorang kristian di sini mengakui bahawa tasawuf adalah bagus dalam bab ketuhanan dan menyatakan bahawa sememangnya di dalam Al Quran terdapat sebahagian perkara yang lembut dan sebahagiannya lagi mengenai perkara yang keras.

    Malah terdapat satu artikel dalam akhbar menyatakan bahawa orang yang bertasawuf telah dipanggil untuk memberi penerangan/ceramah di dalam gereja yang terkenal di Eropah mengenai bab ketuhanan. Saya lupa tentang perincian artikel tersebut.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  61. Untuk Selamatkan UMNO . Selamatkan Malaysia
    Anggota UMNO dari bawah hingga atas
    Perlu singkirkan Najib demi Kepentingan UMNO demi Kepentingan Malaysia

    Malaysia Cobaaa…
    Ini bukan cubaan Ini Betul betul !

    Pembangkang akan ambil Kesempatan dek perbuatan Najis
    Muhideen , Mukhllis , Tun Mahathir dan yg lain
    Mesti dirayu pulang ke pangkuan UMNO

    President UMNO PERLU DI UNDI semula untuk bersihkan diri UMNO
    dan perlu mandi Hadas Besar
    Sebab akan jadi tak sah kemudian ibadah dan perjuangan kita

  62. Salam Tun,

    I would also like to add, if people think the DoJ is just doing this as a provocation(acah-acah saja, mo tinguk what happens) and will not push on with its efforts to find the perpertrators, then let them ponder this. Apart from losing face internationally if they are proven wrong(which is a pretty strong motivation by itself), :

    1) If they win the civil case then they are looked at as heroes when they give back the money to Malaysia. So we ‘owe’ them one now.

    2) if they win and somehow(bear with me) the Malaysian Government still say its not their money, then the DoJ gets to KEEP the money. All the proceeds will be used for the benefit of their Law Enforcement.

    They have 1Billion reasons to win this case, they won’t let up, I assure you. So to the Malaysian Official One(aka DS Najib) don’t bet they will let you off the hook so easily.

    Thank you Tun.

  63. Aftermath…

    1, Najib’s step son will not be allowed to go out of US till the case is in court.
    2, Foreign leaders will hesitate to meet Najib and stand with him in meetings, since he became an associate of criminals officially.
    3, Malaysia has no choice except get rid of Najib from PM, since it has no known power in the international stage to influence any important world decisions.
    4, During the case, Najib may be directly indicted and his movement may be restricted to only few countries.

  64. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Kalau nak cerita pasal Amerika nak nayakan Malaysia, saya rasa tak payah beria sangatlah nak ajar Tun.

    Apa yang WSJ lapor saya percaya adalah benar. Apa sidang akhbar wakil Amerika cerita pasal 1MDB juga adalah benar. Jangan jadi buta mata, buta hati.

    Pernah tak kita dengar yang Najib mengaku dia selesaikan tragedi MH17?

    ‘Dozen Person’ pun mengaku secara langsung dalam tv rtm1 yang dia orang tak percaya sumber itu datang dari Najib malah mengaku diaorang cuma terpaksa percaya ia datang dari Najib.

    Sumber tersebut datang dari saya kepada Tun Mahathir kemudian kepada beberapa ‘orang kepercayaan’ PM iaitu termasuk Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

    Akhbar yang dikatakan Yahudi, WSJ melaporkan bahawa PM mengadakan perbincangan sulit dengan beberapa orang kepercayaan beliau. Pada saya ini termasuk kehadiran Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin selaku TPM masa itu.

    Maka tindakan tersebut dapat menghalang dari Amerika mempengaruhi dan menjadi pemandu kita.

    Islam mementingkan integriti. Samada Yahudi atau tidak, Islam tetap memandang tinggi pada kejujuran dan kepercayaan yang dimiliki oleh seseorang. Malah Rasulullah saw juga bangun berdiri menghormati jenazah Yahudi yang lalu di depan baginda.

    Begitu juga pengalaman saya, ketika jenazah MH17 lalu di depan YDP Agong secara langsung di tv, di luar pintu rumah saya kedengaran orang memberi salam lebih dari sekali.

    Saya tergesa gesa menjawab salam kerana sangka anak saya balik dari sekolah.

    Apabila dibuka pintu rupa rupanya tiada orang pun.

    Saya cuma boleh mengucapkan ‘dari Allah kita datang kepada Allah kita kembali’ sambil menyambung kembali menonton jenazah berlalu di hadapan YDP Agong.

    Kita boleh dengar cakap otai. Tapi otai pun belum tentu betul penafsirannya. Lebih baik kita kenal sendiri orang kita nak kenal tu. Betul ke tidak seperti yang dikatakan orang.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  65. Salam Tun,

    Just an update, so far the people of Sabah (In my FB and the ones I manage to meet) are still oblivious or perhaps indifferent towards the issue. Our leaders, both opposition and in government, act as if nothing is happening. Maybe they are united somehow, pushing a different agenda? Dtk Adenan seems to be trying to push for more autonomy, maybe here the leaders are looking to see how this is playing out in the Peninsula? In any case I am trying to create more awareness through my writings, but so far I have bately caused a ripple.

    On another note, it is a given that the US will have their own agenda. They are opportunist, looking for the country’s OWN weakness. Unfortunately our present government leaders feel that to combat the problem they have to protect DS Najib at all cost. In fact the true ‘medicine’ is as easy as him stepping down so a real investigation can be done. Once the perpetrators are dealt with then all that’s it. If it is found he is guilty then punish him if again he is found innocent even after an independent tribunal then problem solved, the US’s dastardly plan fails.

    In case people forget he is Obama’s golfing buddy not too long ago. He signed their TPPA. He is pretty beholden to them from the looks of it.

    *Warning: this is my speculation* More likely, the US agenda is, they can’t trust such a weak PM, who they obviously feel is untrustworthy and can easily sway in any which way as long as there is monetary profit involved, as is obvious when he sold Malaysian assets to the Chinese. Seen in this light then the US wins either way, they get a regime whether peacefully or with an uprising. Win win for them. The beauty is, our present PM exposed himself and gave them the perfect opportunity to do so. Note: the Chinese I mention here is the Country, not the race.

    I urge everyone here to start reaching out to as many people as possible, physically or virtually. Next week might be the only time we have to conclude this peacefully. I do not want to find out if the NSC will be invoked.

    Thank you Tun. May Allah Bless you and your family. Let’s prepare for tomorrow, may Allahbately our efforts.

  66. Setuju 100% bang daeng mereka semua sungguh dangkal dan nyata bersyubahat dengan najib kerana hanya membela diri dengan fakta najib tidak bersalah kerana “malaysia official 1” tidak sebut pun.

    Mereka semua langsung tidak menyentuh akan Riza anak rosmah guna duit 1MDB untuk membayar hutang judi di Last Vegas?
    Mengapa senyap akan ini? Mengapa mengapa wahai hadi awang dan mufti pahang?

    Mengapa semua pusing2……kita mesti kembalikan nama negara atas nama kami sebagai bangsa melayu di Tanah Air Malaysia kita mesti tolak najib, zahid, saleh kruak, rahman dahlan, nazri, azalina, ismail shaberi, shahrizat, nancy, puad jarkas, adenan pendek akal, jamal bahrom, sahidan kassim, shahril samad,nurjazlan, hasan ariffin, gabenur bank negara rambut putih, ahmad maslan, mas ermiyati, menteri besar johor, menteri besar kedah, Tun ku aziz, liow tiong lai, hishamuddin keris, ismail, ahmad shaberi chek, anifah aman, hajah rohani, khairy, noh omar dan semua ahli ahli umno yang cuba melindungi perjudian anak tiri najib ini dan ketua2 Jabatan yang bersekongkol.
    Untuk mengembalikan maruah bangsa dan negara kita tolak mereka di pru akan datang, kita pastikan mereka semua di tangkap dan di penjarakan sumur hidup.

    Malah Jamal ikan bakar pula telah mencemarkan maruah seolah orang yang tidak bersekolah langsung memburukkan nama melayu apabila membantah kempen cegah rasuah kerana :
    1. Tak mengaku ingin meludah Tun Mahathir
    2. Menunjukkan sikap seolah melayu racis
    3. Dia mengelarkan Tun Mahathir Dajjal
    4. Mengapa tidak mengajak shahrizat dan nazri berkumpul di kedutaan usa untuk bantah mereka memfitnah najib, jika anak melayu tulin.

    Jika pru14 umno tersungkur kita juga harus hapuskan TV3 dan utusan malaysia….mereka juga tidak pernah bersyukur kerana allah telah mengurniakan kita dengan seorang ketua negara yang bernama Tun Mahathir Bin Mohamad.

    Sabar banyak banyak Tun…kami bersama sama tun tanpa memikirkan imbuhan dedak…kami bersama demi maruah Negara.

  67. How they Jo Low and Najib Step son
    Spent or invest our money is not important & not relevant to us Malaysia

    How they get the money via 1MDB is relevant and important to Malaysia

    As these are Criminals Intentions to Rob Malaysia
    And we have been robbed . We have ascertain Loses

    Did The Judiciary acknowledge this ?
    Did Sultan read the news ?
    If not we the whole Malaysia can take Law into our own Hand

    Like Father like Son
    Like Step Father like Step Son also

  68. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Selama ini sebahagian besar dalam blog ini sememangnya meyakini Tun sejak dulu semasa Tun berkuasa hinggalah Tun hilang kuasa dek angkara NAJI$.

    Tiada istilah bodek kepada kami terhadap Tun kerana kami tidak pernah meminta sebarang imbuhan malah Tun tidak berupaya memberi kami dengan sebarang wang rnggit mahupun pangkat.

    Yang nyata kami terlalu berbeza dengan binat@ng bertopengkan manusia yang turut sama dalam blog Tun seperti K@rl.

    Dalam situasi terbaru berhubung DOJ US, ianya benar-benar mengoncang dunia dan kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia terasa malu teramat sangat bila disebut terang-terangan “pegawai Malaysia no 1” dan anak tiri Naji$.

    Ada pendedak Naji$ jika datangnya dari luar negara mengaitkan isu ini dengan angkara Yahudi yang anti Islam kononnya, manakala dalam negara akan mengaitkan dengan juga menuding jari kepada DAP yang anti Islam kononnya.

    Bagi saya apalah sumbangan Naji$ kepada Islam di dunia, juga apalah sumbangan Naji$ kepada syiar Islam dan Malaysia ???? Jika pun Naji$ tidak memerintah negara Malaysia saya cukup yakin syiar Islam lebih gah kerana yang nyata seorang pemimpin yang baik dan beragama Islam, dia perlu bersih dari politik wang iaitu RASUAH. Tetapi Naji$ bersifat sebaliknya.


    Naji$ Razak terlalu banyak menganiaya rakyat Malaysia Tun, khususnya Tun. Tiba masanya Tuhan akan tunjukkan kekuasaan Allah mengatasi Cash Is King. Kini sedikit demi sedikit kebenaran akan ditunjukkan olehNya. Tiba juga masa mereka yang bersubahat dengan Naji$.


    Setuju juga dengan pandang sesetengah orang mengatakan, KETUA PEGUAM NEGARA, KETUA POLIS NEGARA, KETUA SPRM, dan banyak ketua tertinggi dalam kerajaan sekarang sudah TIDAK PANDAI BUAT KERJA. Dalam ertikata lain SUDAH BODOH.

    Mengapa mereka BODOH, kerana dia percaya kepada KETUAnya yang bodoh.


  69. #nikmatSementara
    Perang dunia pertama….
    Perang dunia kedua….
    30tahun anggaran beza….

    Perang dunia kedua hingga sekarang….
    Sudah brapa lama..?
    Sudah berperang???

    Kt negara Turkey, nk di kudeta….
    Kt negara sendiri,
    kami dgn CHEDET laa….!

    MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia…..

  70. RD.

    Saya melihat langkah DoJ adalah seiring dengan rencana Washington dlalam usahanya membenam blok ekonomi BRICS (Brazil Russia India China SouthAfrica)

    President Brasil telah berjaya ditumpaskan baru-baru ni. India berjaya digula-gula oleh Trump untuk kempen anti-Islam. Manakala China akan dititik melalui negara ASEAN, terutama Malaysia yang merupakan rakan dagang utama.

    Permainan US, di mana sahaja mereka beraksi, baik di Latin Amerika, Timur Tengah mahupun di Eropah, akan menyaksikan konflik bersenjata. Macam yang anda sebut, bisnes senjata adalah lumayan.

    Samada bola Najib akan dilanyak atau ditanduk oleh US, strategi awal sudah kelihatan dalam kempen DoJ yang berbuih mulut meratib tentang “a relative of…”

    MALAYSIA vs DoJ. Agak-agak berapa skor 😀

    RD. Before the real battle begins, the war of perception is launched to assess the enemy’s preparedness. Can we, a small nation of divided people stand to face the US assault?

    Already we have amongst us, treasonous people who are ready to shower the enemy with state secrets to advance their personal agenda. These are the new era Communist who wears the Capitalist’s monkey suit, who can’t wait to establish their rule in a Banana Republic.

  71. Tun,

    Semakin ramai yang ditangkap dalam negara kita berkait kegiatan Daesh Isis. Semakin menjadi juga rakyat kita diculik oleh Abu Sayyaf. I just hope these are not purposely accelerated just so Najib and his government can use the Akta MKN come this 1st August. Menjadi-jadi sangat jadah menakut-nakutkan rakyat ini. Seolah-olah mendayus-dayus sangat pihak yang selama ini tugasnya menjaga keselamatan dan ketenteraman.

    Tun, Najib will definitely use the NSC Act. It won’t be long when every effort for justice will be smashed and every voice will be silenced by Najib via the powers given him by the NSC Act. I think soon even the Agong will have to salam kiss the PM’s hand.

    Tun please be aware of their dirty tactics to remain in power to stay safe as long as they are the law.

    Take care Tun Mahathir.

  72. If you put the people and country above your parties, you will see the lights at the end of the tunnel. Warren buffet’s rule of thumb is be greedy when they are fearful, be fearful when they are greedy. The choice is with you. My obligation is to vote when snap election is called as selangor voter.

  73. The other option is mb pkr can follow the foot step of dap mb penang in disolving the selangor state with the consent from sultan selangor.

    President umno dsn can remain as pm until next ge is called.

    Amanah can replace pas in selangor and penang jika pas merajuk, takda masalah.

  74. Dear Tun,

    It’s funny how our people argue and fight when it’s all so clear and simple, that our official number 1 has been peeing and shitting on us ever since he took the lead in 2009, or even earlier.

    No matter what the other countries see of us we won’t be able to see. No amount of truth will be able to unhermit us or shift our impossible to shift mentalities. Even when countries like the US DOJ’s action is to seek justice for their own financial system their people their sanctity. We will always see them as having ulterior motives even when the actual devil is standing right in our faces.

    Teruskan usaha Tun bersama seluruh rakyat Malaysia untuk menolak kerajaan yang dipimpin oleh Dato’ Najib beserta pentadbiran yang penuh korup, tidak amanah, penuh sembunyi, melaga-lagakan bangsa-bangsa serta menggunakan agama sebagai topeng. Kami rakyat mahukan perubahan. Sudah tiba masanya UMNO beserta BN disedarkan ditampar bangun daripada lena yang terlalu panjang sehingga boleh memudaratkan nyawanya sendiri akibat terlalu lama tidur.

    Terima kasih Tun Mahathir. Jaga diri selalu. Sayang Tun.

  75. Karl Iskandar wrote;

    “What motivates DoJ is also something to ponder on.”

    I hope Obama or maybe Trump would not hold any incriminating evidence to squeeze Najib’s balls to make Malaysia their new ally, against China so-called aggression in China Seas.

    As I had said earlier: Anywhere China have disputes and hostilities, over anything with its neigbours, it must be with staunch allies of the US, most of them with Naval or Military Bases/attachments on their land.
    And remember; Anywhere in the world that the US had a hand, death and destruction ensued. Ukraine was the latest manifestation to this fact and that was why the Russian are siding with China in South China Seas.

    We lost MH370 and then MH17 at a time when we’re seen closer to China too. At the same time, MH370 can also be used to deflect media-attention away from Ukraine. At that time, Crimea with 95% etnic Russian, was about to be taken over by Putin. It’s a fact that US & the West are instigators of the bloody street rebellion that brought-down a pro-Russian government in Ukraine.
    A month after MH370, MH17 was shotdown and the West have been showing fingers to the pro-Russian rebels, ever since. An surprisingly, it was Najib who seems to defy US imperialism, by secretly negotiating the black-box recovery with Leader of Pro-Russian Rebels. What an extra-ordinary feat. Must have been a great embarassment to the West, especially the US.

  76. If you look back to the capital control and the pegging of usd1.00 to myr3.80 in the name of syariah compliance policy, in fiat money term, regardless of our race, the states that we come from, we were poorer by 35% just on paper value itself when umno bn won 90% with the support of terengganu pas that gave birth to crystal mosques for bn slogan of malaysia boleh in 1999.

    Until today, we still have not recover the paper value. Whoever put the blame to singapore and british, they should feel ashamed of themselves.

    Because of the obssesion in winning the malay votes, all political parties’ leaders are guilty of negligence in protecting the country and rukun prinsip negara ini.

  77. Kata Karl Iskandar:-

    “Dengar cerita, bisnes wayang Red Granite telah memperolehi pendapatan USD835 juta! Not bad.
    Saya tidak pernah menyangka, tapi rupa-rupanya tinggi juga perolehan ke atas pelaburan (ROI) dalam industri filem Hollywood. Maka, tak heranlah bila banyak Pak Arab yang sanggup melabur besar dengan Red Granite.”

    Syukur…ROI yang diperolehi oleh Riza amat memberangsangkan. Tapi…sumber dana yang dilabur di Negara Kafir, diragui. Hairan juga…Pak Arab mana yang sanggup melabur dalam filem separa-lucah ini, sehinggakan diharam tayangan di Malaysia.

    Walaubagaimana pun, Riza mesti tunjukkan bukti bahawa sumber dana pelaburan itu datang dari ‘Pak Arab’ juga, sama seperti RM2.6 Billion yang masuk akaun peribadi bapa-tirinya. Jika DoJ tidak percaya, segala keuntungan, dari royalty atau hasil filem lain Red Granite akan dirampas, kemudian dipulangkan kepada Rakyat Malaysia yang di perintah oleh sekumpulan pencuri.

    Yang jelas, Najib telah memalukan Rakyat Malaysia. Kita mendabik-dada sebagai Negara Islam dan Najib pula menjuarai ‘Wasatiah’. Sudah la Islam dikaitkan dengan keganasan dan sekarang Kerajaan Islam Malaysia pula dianggap ‘Kleptocratic’ atau ‘Rule by thieves’. Mungkin Kleptocracy berasal dari bahasa Melayu, iaitu ‘Klepet’.

    Hanya PAS yang boleh dapat menyelamatkan PAS. Oleh itu, Najib memerlukan sumber dana yang besar untuk membeli kesetiaan ahli-politik dan penyokong PAS. Pasti masih ramai Pemimpin PAS yang berintegriti, jujur dan beramanah. Imej dan maruah Islam akan tercemar jika PAS berbaik-baik dan menyokong UMNO-Najib dalam kemelut 1MDB. Jika hasil dari filem lucah dikembalikan oleh Negara Kafir, sudah tentu mereka serba-salah. PAS mesti tunjukkan kemarahan mereka terhadap WANG 1MDB yang digunakan bayar hutang-judi anak-tiri Najib.
    Setelah dikaitkan dengan pengganas, sudah tentu PAS tidak mahu Islam dipandang serong pula oleh bukan-Islam di Malaysia dan seluruh dunia bila Kerajaan BN yang di pimpin Najib dilabel Kleptocratic. (Klepet Wang Rakyat)

    Oleh yang demikian, saya jangkakan PAS bakal berpecah lebih teruk lagi ini, selepas ini. Jika berpecah menjadi PAN tidak banyak menjejaskan PAS, perpecahan kerana ‘Cash is King’ kali ini akan lebih menjahanamkan.
    Maka yang tinggal untuk ‘bergabung’ dengan UMNO, sudah tentu boleh diibaratkan sebagai kain-buruk yang hanya layak diletakan depan pintu jamban sebagai pengelap kaki.

    Mungkin Dr.M tahu hakikat ini. Sebab itu beliau kelihatan, tidak terburu menubuhkan ‘party baru’ yang hanya akan lebih memecah-belahkan Melayu. Lagi pun, PRU14 nampak seolah-olah akan tertangguh, sampai tak tahu bila, sama seperti PAU.

  78. Salam Tun.

    1. Tun hanya 22,607,484 sahaja yang ambil peduli apa yang di utarakan Tun dalam ‘ Chedet ‘.

    2. Itu pun boleh terpecah kalau ada yang hanya melayari untuk ambil tahu sahaja kerana sibuk dengan urusan kehidupan keluarga sendiri.

    3. Jadi yang berani bertindak untuk mendakwa melalui undang-undang pula boleh di bilang dengan jari.

    4. Malah untuk semua urusan itu semuanya memerlukan wang.

    5. Ungkapan Tun betul Money is King sudah menjalar dalam kehidupan kita. Malah wang sudah menjadi ganti kepada setengah tengah hukuman.

    6. Tun Rimba Emas menulis dalam chedet ikhlas kerana Allah s.w.t sebab itulah yang termampu.

    7. Ruangan inilah yang memudahkan berbicara dengan Tun ( itu pun kalau ambil peduli).

    8. Ruangan Chedet ini memudahkan Rimba Emas ambil peduli disebabkan kekangan kewangan dan kehidupan harian seperti menghadiri perjumpaan penubuhan Parti Baru oleh Tun pada 27 July ini.

    9. Tun , Rimba Emas memohon jasa baik Tun mendaftar bagi pihak Rimba Emas dalam Parti Baru ini.

    10. Kepada yang tidak ambil peduli dari jumlah 31.1 juta penduduk Malaysia ini. Rimba Emas mengakui bahawa apa yang di tulis dalam Chekdet semata mata kerana Allah s.w.t tiada unsur ‘Money is king’.

    11. Pahala milik Allah s.w.t. Wang milik dunia yang sementara.


  79. Salam Tun

    With the exposure of the DOJ in regards to the 1MDB money trail, do you think Najis will step down !

    My answer is No Way !.

    He is the PM and Msian Official No.1. All those under him..the Administration. Legislative, Judiciary and including the Royalties bow to him.

    He will use the country’ s assets to buy out his way from the US, UK Spore, etc,etc. He is willing to sell his soul as long as he remain in power.

    He may use the NSC to rule this country ala Mageran style of 1969.

    He knows that he has fatten the stomachs of UMNO members and his allies and they will not demand for his resignation.

    He has to stay and remain in power for at least another 10 – 15 years. By that time 1MDB will already be in the National Archive.


    So there are few options to bring him down or take him out.

  80. If both bersih and red shirts decided to go for it, then they must follow safety rules and regulations set by the local authorithy. They can paint kl sogo with yellow and red so that all of us including foreign diplomats, foreign workers and tourist can see, hear and feel their voice.

  81. If selangor pkr and amanah pledge full support for penang to call for snap election, then, the referundum of penangxit is official. When its official, then the ec has full pleasure in blocking dap, pkr and amanah to contest in other states including sabah when ge is called by pm. The ends must justify the means.

  82. The us doj has the absolute right to call for investigation if suspicious is raised after the most bitter lesson learned in 911, sibotak. Either you call for snap election in penang first, or you endorse the winner to be the next pm when ge is called.

  83. For Karl:

    The fact is, the DoJ suspects Red Granite Pictures (RGP) knowingly received funding from what they suspect, again another suspicion, are illegal sources.

    They acted based on their suspicions and with the allegations coming from third parties, possibly RGP’s industry rivals and/or personal enemies, without due evidence and due proof. DoJ acting on suspicions are now putting the burden on RGP to maintain their innocence.

    I am in awe of your efforts to defend the Honourable and Distinguished Prime Minister of Malaysia, aka MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1. Unfortunately, and this is not meant to be an insult, you do not have the intellect and knowledge to do the job that you voluntarily undertake or are being paid to do.

    In making the above statements, you demonstrate you can certainly put pen to paper but what you proffer is sheer nonsense because of your shortcomings.

    Let me explain but first read the salient excerpts from the DOJ complaint pertaining to RIZA AZIZ, a relative of MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 aka Najib Tun Razak. You can read those intervening sections I have left out and decide whether I am cherry picking.


    202. Between June 18, 2012, and November 4, 2012, $238,000,000 was
    transferred directly from the Aabar-BVI Swiss Account to an account controlled by AZIZ, a relative of MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1. From there, the funds were used to acquire nearly $100 million in real property for the personal benefit of AZIZ and to fund Red Granite Pictures, AZIZ’s movie production company.

    203. Aabar-BVI sent three wire transfers totaling $238,000,000 to an account at
    BSI Singapore held in the name of Red Granite Capital Limited (“Red Granite Capital Account”).

    206. Shortly after receiving funds from the Aabar-BVI Swiss Account, AZIZ
    sent two wires totaling $94,300,000 from his Red Granite Capital Account to the Shearman IOLA Account in the United States.

    207. AZIZ used this $94,300,000 to acquire three pieces of real estate – one in
    New York City, one in Beverly Hills, and one in London, United Kingdom.

    3. AZIZ Transferred at least $41 Million in Funds Received from
    Aabar-BVI to an Account That Was Then Used to Pay Gambling
    Expenses for Himself, LOW, and TAN

    220. Just days after the Red Granite Capital Account received funds from Aabar- BVI, some of those funds were transferred to an account at Standard Chartered Bank in Singapore held in the name of Alsen Chance Holdings Limited (“Alsen Chance Account”). Account opening documents for the Alsen Chance Account list TAN as the director of Alsen Chance. Shortly thereafter, the Alsen Chance Account was used to pay gambling expenses for LOW, TAN, AZIZ, and at least one former official from 1MDB.

    2. Approximately $64 Million in Funds from Aabar-BVI Was Used to
    Fund Red Granite Pictures

    212. Funds transferred from Aabar-BVI to AZIZ’s Red Granite Capital Account
    were also used to fund Red Granite Pictures, an investment unaffiliated with 1MDB, Aabar, or IPIC.

    DOJ is contending that RIZA AZIZ received approximately $238 million from AABAR-BVI (the infamous fly by night company) which had earlier received loads of money from 1MDB. DOJ further contends that RIZA AZIZ used the money to buy properties, pay gambling debts and make movies. The DOJ does not pull the dates, amounts involved, details of payers and payees and details of the assets acquired out of thin air or depend on Red Granite’s industry rivals or their enemies. That’s the mindset of a novice. The DOJ demand and will be given access to bank statements, money transfer documents, etc from the banks or any other party concerned. I suppose this is rather hard for you to accept because the ‘style’ in Malaysia is rather different.

    DOJ is not concerned whether Red Granite knowingly or unknowingly used allegedly stolen funds. The DOJ’s beef is simply this:

    The use of funds traceable to proceeds of the 2012 1MDB bond sales for interests unrelated to the business of 1MDB, as described above and in further detail in Part V below, is not consistent with the intended use of those funds and further demonstrates that funds transferred from 1MDB to the Aabar-BVI Swiss Account were unlawfully diverted.

    RIZA AZIZ can have his day in court, if he dares show up. He can challenge the truthfulness of the information presented by the DOJ and show the court where the money actually came from. If he cannot disprove the information he can argue that the asset forfeiture is inappropriate/an abuse of power/whatever because he is legally entitled to the monies that originated from 1MDB and it is absolutely in order that 1MDB money be used to settle his gambling debt because he is a relative of MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1.

  84. Why bother much about DOJ , Red or Green Granite etc
    Its US call not us
    But sure it helps us with something
    Something very wrong with 1MDB
    The reason why Najib call to be classified as OSA
    Why OSA suddenly ?
    Sure its meant to hide many dirty , filthy , stinky laundry
    What has it got to do with Secrecy

    1MDB needs to be Postmortem
    1MDB needs Autopsy
    1MDB needs to be Cross examine

    Najib nor Opposition must Hands OFF
    The earlier investigations is contaminated with Najib picking up his choice
    And interfere with the investigations
    Perhaps he is protecting his step son criminal wrong doings together with J.Low
    at the request of Rosmah
    It is clear seen Najib Ruling
    Is like he thinks Malaysia belongs to Rosmah

    We will not be surprise upon a professional un corrupted investigations
    We will see Maggots . There’s a lot hidden under the carpet

    Stop creating Confusion Stop changing the subjects , stop Twisting
    Dulu lah , zaman Tun lah , ini lah , itu lah
    Now is Sekarang , Sekarang is Now…..Bodoh

    1MDB must be taken up by Third Party
    Not Govt nor Opposition
    And every suspects concern must Hands Off
    Stop Wasting our Time

    Najib…Get lost if you know you are not Fit
    We most Malaysian can’t bear yr sight

  85. Salam semua….rsenye dr.jafri dgn karl ni org yg same..tak pon satu pejabat dgn pegawai malaysia no1. Sy bkn nak kutuk keeraajaan or ummmno sy nak nujibon letak jawatan jawatan tu ke kak roszitamah. Salam tun.

  86. RD and umranrc.

    Thank you for sharing your opinion.

    I believe you would agree that cherry picking is not uncommon in debates, and where opinions are mistaken for facts, then it will be almost impossible to arrive at the truth of the matter. You need to base yourselves on facts, and not on hearsay and unsubstantiated statements.

    The fact is, the DoJ suspects Red Granite Pictures (RGP) knowingly received funding from what they suspect, again another suspicion, are illegal sources.

    They acted based on their suspicions and with the allegations coming from third parties, possibly RGP’s industry rivals and/or personal enemies, without due evidence and due proof. DoJ acting on suspicions are now putting the burden on RGP to maintain their innocence.

    It is to my understanding that DoJ is just scratchingly beginning to build its case and trajectory – lavishly shooting in the dark, to later on extract matching bullet shells from holes in their very own firing range. How they will score in this gunning exercise is a no-brainer.

    This “experimental justice” launched by the US DoJ is made even ludicrous when they prematurely link their suit with innuendos and reference to an unrelated and uninterested party.

    What motivates DoJ is also something to ponder on.

  87. Banyak jawapan yang Red Ganite Pictures kena jawab dengan Department of Justice.

    Selepas ini kita akan tahulah siapa yang bercakap benar atau tidak.

    Kertas fail saman oleh DOJ boleh di download melalui link di bawah untuk sama-sama kita fahami, nilai , fikir dan hayati.

  88. …..

    the US Government will rent out Aziz’s condo in NYC and his Beverly Hills house. They will take over the management of the hotels in New York and Beverly Hills that were purchased with the stolen money. The US Government will collect the profits from all future sales of the DVDs and TV rights of “The Wolf of Wall Street.” The Monet and Van Gogh paintings will go on exhibition somewhere. And so on. And all of that profit will be held by the US Government for the Malaysian people.

    Young Aziz will be homeless. In order to save itself and the films it has in production (including a new film about George Washington, starring Leonardo Dicaprio), Red Granite Pictures will get rid of him. So Aziz will be jobless, too.

    When the US Government files criminal charges against Aziz (and I am sure they will), they will ask the court to seize his passport, so he cannot leave the US. The Malaysian Embassy in Washington will then try to defraud the US Government and issue a new passport to Aziz so that he can leave the country — and we will see how efficient the US Government is at catching this.


    Bukan nak berpolitik tapi kongsi pendapat.

    1. BAGAIMANA Negara luar boleh DAN berjaya menyiasat 1MDB ada masalah? Department of Jutice America, berjaya siasat ada masalah di 1MDB walaupun bukan hal dorg..Tapi negara malaysia sendiri punya hal pun tak tahu ada masalah kat 1mdb…. ini SANGAT MEMALUKAN..

    2. macam mana polis, peguam, cakap tak ada masalah kat 1MDB? Dorang main-main siasat ke? SANGAT MEMALUKAN KALAU AMERICA BERJAYA MENYIASAT ADA SCANDAL DI 1MDB..

    3. Malaysia nak jadi negara maju konon 2020…Tapi soal rasuah tak boleh siasat..tapi saya tahu bukan semua polis, peguam tak buat keja,…yg cuba menutup scandal 1MDB NI PATUT DI PECAT SERTA MERTA!!!

  90. Salam Tun,

    Berdasarkan timbal balas Karl melalui capaian link yang diberikan,

    “Red Granite Pictures is fighting back against allegations that it used funds stolen from a Malaysian development fund to produce “The Wolf of Wall Street.”

    Riza Aziz, the company’s CEO, is identified as a central figure in the civil forfeiture suit filed Wednesday by the Justice Department — the largest such case ever filed involving offshore corruption. The suit seeks the return of $1 billion in allegedly misappropriated funds which originated with the 1MDB development fund. Aziz is the stepson of Najib Razak, the prime minister of Malaysia.

    In a statement issued Wednesday afternoon, the company said its executives did not knowingly use illicit funds.”

    Sila baca betul-betul apa yang disebut didalam perenggan ketiga artikel tersebut, ‘did not knowingly use illicit funds’ atau sekiranya dialih bahasa, ‘tanpa pengetahuan telah menggunakan wang haram’.

    Nak kata apa lagi Tun? Entahlah….

  91. Paying millions of dollars to J.Loh by PM Najib
    A Badly Failed Investment
    Tells Malaysia PM Najib is an Idiot
    Is a Clown indeed
    Najib The Clown of Malaysia . Bandut Bugis

    I do not see 1MDB as an intention to invest
    I see it as a Scam to embezzle Govt Funds & Property with Intentions
    Intentionally misuse of the higher authority
    that leads to billions of Debts
    And these Idiots are enjoying every bits of their life at our expense

    These money ,these liabilities
    Could be intelligently use to even feed the Stray Dogs & Cats of Malaysia
    Than feeding these bunch of Idiots with Luxury

    It is Time

  92. Wayang dan Drama US DoJ

    Baru-baru ni komuniti Hollywood kecoh bila US DoJ membuat tuduhan terhadap pemilik syarikat wayang Red Granite, mempertikaikan sumber modal pembikinan filem WOWS, yang berjaya meraih sukses di box-office.

    Riza Aziz, CEO syarikat filem Red Granite, yang dituduh oleh US DoJ sudah menembak balas, sila baca @ | Red Granite Fires Back at Money Laundering Allegations, Says It Did Nothing Wrong

    Orang yang niaga filem di Hollywood pun berdepan dengan permusuhan dan persaingan perniagaan. Perasaan hasad dengki di atas kejayaan orang lain, adalah antara sifat yang lumrah dan sebati dengan manusia.

    Dengar cerita, bisnes wayang Red Granite telah memperolehi pendapatan USD835 juta! Not bad.

    Saya tidak pernah menyangka, tapi rupa-rupanya tinggi juga perolehan ke atas pelaburan (ROI) dalam industri filem Hollywood. Maka, tak heranlah bila banyak Pak Arab yang sanggup melabur besar dengan Red Granite.

    Riza Aziz dan pengurusan Red Granite kini perlu menghadapi satu lagi cabaran dalam dunia bisnes, yakni SABOTAJ dari saingan.


  93. Saudara Karl Iskandar.

    Adalah lumrah, musuh mencari peluang & ruang untuk memperak-perandakan Negara demi kepentingan mereka. Maklumlah, mereka kuasa besar dan mereka adalah pembuat senjata. Jika dunia aman-damai, siapa yang nak beli senjata yang mereka keluarkan itu.

    Mustahil US boleh beri tekanan politik jika Najib menjalan tugas sebagi PM dengan telus, jujur dan amanah. Tidak terlibat dengan ‘orang-tengah’ kelabu-asap. Hujung hilang, pangkal lesap.

    -Buat apa lagi Najib mahu berhutang atas nama Rakyat untuk tubuh 1MDB bila kita sudah ada Khazanah Nasional. Bukan Dr.M yang memperdayakan Najib untuk tubuhkan 1MDB.

    -Sebagai PM, Najib yang sendiri pilih untuk pegang Kementerian KeWANGan pada masa yang sama. Jika di Negara KAFIR, ini saja sudah buat RAKYAT mereka terbeliak-biji-mata.

    -Najib sendiri yang pilih Goldman Sach dengan komisen yang tinggi untuk mengurus pinjaman 1MDB.

    -Najib juga mengaku di Parlimen, Kerajaan membelanjakan RM7.2 Billion dalam masa 5 tahun sebagai PM untuk bayar Penasihat dan Consultant. Di kalangan pulohan mereka, bangsa penjajah pun Najib percaya ‘nasihat’ mereka. Seorang darinya, kaki-botol dan gemar buat party-mabuk-liar dengan wanita Malaysia.

    -Jika dulu dia guna orang-tengah, Razak Baginda & Deepak Carpet, sekarang Jho Low, untuk berurusan bagi pihak Rakyat atau 1MDB. Oleh itu Najib, samada dia bodoh atau dia sengaja membazir WANG Rakyat, bayar berbillion sebagai komisen.
    Maka sia-sia lah Jihad KPDNKK memerangi Orang-Tengah.

    Sebagai contoh;-
    Dalam kes Orang-tengah Razak Baginda yang Najib guna sebagai Menteri Pertahanan, lebih 14 tahun lalu. Sehingga ke hari ini masih menghantui UMNO & BN. Dan sekarang pembunuh Altantuya pula yang buat Kerajaan membazir sumber WANG & resources untuk menangkis dakyah pembangkang.
    Jika Najib guna sekumpulan Pegawai TLDM untuk berunding dengan pembuat Kapalselam, bukankah lebih jimat. Kerajaan hanya perlu bayar allowance jika mereka pergi ke Perancis. Tempat menginapan mereka mungkin boleh uruskan oleh Kerajaan Perancis atau Pembuat Kapalselam.
    Jika guna ‘orang-tengah’ Razak Baginda, kemudian bayar komisen 500 Juta, sudah tentu dia akan tergolek-dog, joli-sakan dan buka peluang pisau-cukur professional cilok masuk untuk memeras sebahagian dari durian-runtuh itu.

  94. Salam!

    Dalam apa-apa peperangan pun, untuk melemahkan musuh, kita mesti musnahkan resources musuh kita. Duit merupakan antara resources yang paling utama bagi Najib. Kita kena usahakan supaya kerajaan Najib tak ada duit. Lagi pun… duit kerajaan tu asalnya duit kita juga. Selagi kita bagi kerajaan Najib duit, selagi itulah kita susah untuk menjatuhkan Najib. Di mana logik akal kita bila kita bagi duit penat lelah kita bekerja kepada kerajaan Najib yang akan menggunakan duit kita untuk membayar hutang 1MDB yang digunakan oleh Riza untuk membayar hutang judi dia?

  95. Salam!

    Kita mampu goyangkan kerajaan Najib kalau bisnes-bisnes kita semua berhenti membayar GST dan cukai pendapatan. Buat ape kita nak bagi duit kita kepada kerajaan Najib yang korup? Hanya orang bodoh sahaja yang bagi duit kepada musuh dia. Biar GLC je bayar GST dan income tax. Income kerajaan pusat memang sangat2 bergantung kepada GST dan income tax. Tindakan perlu dibuat secara kolektif.

  96. Another solid evidence against the thief and still he is PM because of some dumb Malays who lick his toes for money.

  97. Saudara Karl Iskandar.

    The clause ‘Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative’, used by the DOJ is damning enough to Bangsa, Agama & Negara. The DoJ is basically saying that Malaysia is being ‘ruled by thieves’. This practically meant that Najib and his cabinet are plainly, corrupted.

    From Wikipedia:-
    Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, (from Greek: ???pt?? – kleptes, “thief”[1] and ???t?? – kratos, “power, rule”,[2] hence “rule by thieves”) is a term applied to a government seen as having a particularly severe and systemic problem with officials or a ruling class (collectively, kleptocrats) taking advantage of corruption to extend their personal wealth and political power. Typically this system involves the embezzlement of state funds at the expense of the wider population, sometimes without even the pretense of honest service.
    End quote.

    As a Muslim, I’m very ashamed when Kafir country points a kleptrocratic finger at my so-called, Islamic-wasaatiah government, running my Country.

    Malu la bro. Sudah la Islam dikaitkan dengan keganasan. Sekarang sebuah Negara Islam-Wasatiah, dikaitkan pula dengan Kleptocracy. Lepas tu, pemimpin yang dituduh itu pula buat nama Islam lebih dipandang serong oleh bukan-Islam.

    Bila dia tersepit dengan berbagai tuduhan salahlaku mulalah memperagakan pakaiaan keagamaan dan mendekati Agamawan. Beri Zakat pada asnaf dan salur wang untuk bina Masjid dan Surau. Jadi hero pengajian pondok pulak lagi.

    Lebih kurang sama, kita lihat dalam TV, gelagat Orang-Kena-Tuduh liwat, rogol anak-kandung, merompak dan lain jenayah keji, mengenakan ketayap sambil diiringi Polis, naik-turun Mahkamah. Imej & maruah Islam yang pertama sekali terjejas. Pasal itu Agama kita sering dipandang serong, dipersenda dan dihina.

  98. Assalamualaikum,

    Tindakan-tindakan yang tak masuk akal seperti yang disebut oleh Tun inilah yang rakyat marah kerana mereka rasa diperbodohkan.

    Sekarang malu pula yang dapat apabila nama Malaysia dikaitkan dengan perkara yang tidak baik.

    Malu! Malu! Malu!


    Adakah senario begini yang cuba dicipta melalui Referendum, contohnya Penang Snap Election atau referendum berkaitan saman sivil USDoJ yang dicadangkan oleh DrM baru-baru ini?

    Washington telah mencuba resepi ini dengan jayanya di Brasil dengan pemecatan President Dilma Rousseff baru-baru ini, dan kini mencuba di Venezuela.

    Ada corak yang menunjukkan Malaysia termasuk dalam senarai perencanaan US – apatah lagi dengan konflik ketenteraan US-Cina di Laut Cina Selatan.

    Apapun, tekanan politik seperti tindakan USDoJ mempunyai motif yang khusus.

    Kenyataan Kerajaan Malaysia yang tenang dan yakin, sudah pastinya tidak disenangi oleh pihak yang mahu membikin rusuhan. Tak gitu? 😉

    ==== petikan dari arkib tulisan DrM ===

    by Dr Mahathir Mohamad

    1. Street demonstrations can bring down Governments. This we know from the Arab Spring. But we should also know that setting up a new Government to replace the old Government is not as easy.

    2. There will always be people who will not agree with the new Government, no matter if the Government is democratically elected or not. The losers in the bid for power will always accuse the winners of cheating and frauds of all kinds. They will demand for new elections, or a re-count or whatever.

    3. If their demand is not agreed to then they will take to the streets in continuous and even violent demonstrations, supplemented with strikes and sundry disorders. They know that if the demonstrations are big enough, the police cannot act against them. If the police try, they will resist and become violent. If the police react with violence than their foreign backers will accuse the police of brutality.

    4. In many instances the police had to withdraw or they may be directed to withdraw. They become disinclined to carry out their duties. Some people would take advantage of this by committing minor crimes. The people would feel insecure.

    5. If on the other hand new elections are held, and the former losers win, the new losers will accuse the winners of cheating, of fraud etc. They will hold street demonstrations and strikes and do everything possible to bring down the Government. And so it would go on.

    6. The net result would be continuous turmoil in the country. There would be no growth. Poverty will spread. The country may have to beg for aid or borrow. In the end it loses its independence.

    7. But of course this is a small price to pay for the right to bring down governments through democratic street demonstrations.

    8. Perhaps it would be better if governments are chosen through street demonstrations. It would probably be less fraudulent.

  100. Salam Tun,

    I have decided to come out in the open starting today Tun, through an FB account that I am setting up later today.

    I am a Sabahan Bumiputra and just to inform everyone here, there is almost NOTHING being said about this issue, literally business as usual. A smattering here and there, but none of our leaders here are saying anything whether the opposition block or the ruling government(except for Dtk Salleh Keruak, Datuk Rahman Dahlan and maybe Dtk Anifah). Maybe there is a gag order I am unaware of but more probably people here does not see it as a concern. I am no politician, merely a citizen like you Tun and I feel I need to create more awareness here. It seems my fellow Sabahan feel this is just a ‘sandiwara’ from the Peninsula, nothing to do with us. Now, do not get me wrong, they have their right to their own opinions but to not even have a discussion? Of course the recent kidnappings and ESSCOMs failures are the news nowadays, and they are important, but I still feel it is amazing we dismiss the 1MDB issue so easily here. It makes me feel doubt in my knowledge that maybe this is just a mirage. My around the clock foray in the net seems to be saying we are heading into danger but my physical perceptions of my environment contradicts this totally. In short I am myself starting to feel confused and more importantly, alone here.

    My own personal views are Sabah centric, and even as I admire you Tun, I do feel there are a few unfinished business you have left on the table here in Sabah. Having said that the present crisis is more important than any of your perceived impact on Sabah’s troubles nowadays.

    In any case I am willing to put that aside for my gut feeling is, that this is the truth. The US may have ulterior motives, and most times never good for us, but there is nothing we can do if our leadership continue to lead us Rakyat astray and we are divided.

    Thank you Tun, Allah bless you and your family. To my brothers and sisters here(Karl included), thank you as well for your insights. May Allah show us the right path and protect us all.

  101. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Izinkan kami sambung bicara dengan pakcik2, makcik2, abang2, kakak2 dan adik2 di kg halaman berhubung laporan setebal 136 ms Jabatan Kehakiman (DOJ) Amerika Syarikat semalam.

    Sebenarnya laporan tersebut sangat terperinci dengan siasatan kerjasama Biro Penyiasatan Persekutuan (FBI) dan Perkhidmatan Hasil Dalam Negeri (IRS) dalam menentukan terdapat penyelewangan dan pengubahan wang haram berBILLION yang DICURI dari 1MDB dengan beberapa individu telah dikenalpasti dan seorang yang diklasifikasikan sebagai “Pegawai Malaysia No. 1?”.

    Menurut Tun M bekas Setiausaha Negara AS iaitu Henry Kissinger pernah berkata bilamana mesin fotostat pertama jenama Xerox dicipta maka tamatlah istilah rahsia dalam kamus pentadbiran kerajaan.

    Sebab itu Tun M tegaskan rakyat Malaysia semua sudah lama tahu perihal salahlaku 1MDB kerana hari ini kita lebih terdedah dengan dunia tanpa sempadan iaitu internet dan telefon pintar tetapi tidak buat apa2 kerana semuanya telah sengaja dilindungi seorang yang paling berkuasa No.1 di Malaysia yang secara kebetulan 1MDB merupakan ‘baby’ dia dengan Jho Low yang dirahsiakan dari pengetahuan bekas timbalannya dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia.

    Raja parti sepanjang malam Jho Low dan anak tiri Najib iaitu Riza Aziz saudara Pegawai M’sia No.1 adalah antara individu yang disabitkan DOJ.

    Apa kata DSN mengenai laporan DOJ ini?
    Ini hanya tindakan sivil, Riza berhak membela diri dan hubungan dengan AS masih seperti biasa.

    Apa kata Peguam Negara?
    Akan ambil tindakan bila mendapat bukti.
    Apa kata Ketua Polis Negara?
    Kita akan mulakan siasatan fasa kedua dalam masa terdekat ini kerana yang pertama makan masa.
    Apa kata Ketua Penerangan UMNO?
    Kalau betul sekalipun perolehan akan dipulangkan pada 1MDB apa masalahnya.
    Apa kata Naib Presiden UMNO?
    Ada yang akan ambil kesempatan untuk protes jatuhkan kerajaan.

    Apa kata rakyat tentang jawapan DSN?
    Pertama DSN tidak menyangkal laporan DOJ tetapi menegaskan ianya hanya tindakan sivil.

    Kedua memang betul tindakan sivil diambil dengan merampas harta yang dimiliki secara haram di bumi AS.
    Ketiga tercatat dalam laporan DOJ bahawa Pegawai Malaysia No.1 boleh diambil tindakan jenayah bawah Penal Code (pecah amanah, salahguna kuasa dll) dan akta SPRM untuk rasuah dalam negara asal di mana kesalahan dilakukan iaitu Malaysia.
    Keempat dalam laporan DOJ Pengawai Malaysia No.1 menyerupai DSN kerana walaupun nama DSN tidak disebut dalam laporan tersebut tetapi bukankah rakyat Malaysia berhak tahu siapa Pegawai Malaysia No.1 yang turut dinyatakan dalam laporan tersebut telah menerima wang dalam akaun bank peribadi berjumlah USD681juta yang telah disahkan berasal dari 1MDB.

    Rakyat kepada Peguam Negara.
    Anggaplah laporan rakan sekerja anda dari AS sebagai jambatan untuk mendapat bukti. Jangan berlengah2 demi integriti Pej Peguam Negara Malaysia dan Malaysia sendiri berangkatlah ke AS dan bawa sekali dokumen setinggi anda yang mengatakan USD681juta adalah derma dari Tok Arab kerana jawatan anda dan dakwaan derma anda terang2 disebut dalam laporan DOJ. Malah AS mengesahkan rekod USD620juta telah dipulangkan ke syarikat dummy tersebut. Mereka ada bukti ini bukan wang derma!

    Rakyat kepada KPN.
    Fasa 1 kami setuju memang makan masa atau melantak masa. Untuk Fasa 2 dah senang saing je AG ke AS dan tuan pi jumpa FBI habis cerita sebab depa dah tolong siasat untuk hangpa. Kat sana dia orang makan cepat sebab fast food tak macam kita kat sini semua nak makan (melantak) mana tak lambat sampai masa pun nak dimakannya.

    Rakyat pada Ketua Penerangan UMNO.
    Bengap pakcik Nuar Musa ni bikin malu budak RMC kot kalau pulangkan balik pada 1MDB semua orang tahu sebab rakyat pun nak ringankan beban hutang rakyat tetapi tindakan mencuri itu salah berdosa Hj Nuar dan kalau aset ok juga tapi yang dapat cash dan hangpa dah makan dengan karldai sekali dan dah jadi taik dan darah daging macamana! Lebih haru lagi banyak billion belum didedahkan tau yakni negeri selain AS.

    Rakyat pada Naib Presiden UMNO.
    Si Hj Hisyam sepupu DSN ni pun kepala dah mamai banyak makan apa ekk? Siapa nak kenakan siapa? Tun M nak selamatkan kami lagi ada. Bab ni Tun M boleh sahkan sebab bapa dia bos lama Tun dan betulkan Tun bahawa bos Tun sangat teliti orangnya, lembut tapi tegas, lambat buat keputusan sebab beliau akan baca setiap perkataan dan garis mana yang penting dengan Pembaris zaman dulu takde highlighter ok.
    Nak Hisyam berubah balik taat setia pada Tun senang aje, Tun pinjam Pembaris arwah Tun Hussein Onn sekejap kat galeri dan KATUK yakni ketuk kepala Hisyam insyaAllah dia akan pulih (ampun Tun terguraulah pulak).

    Dalam nada serius kembali ini sahaja boleh kami kongsikan saudara dan sekutu di kampung. Ingatlah bahawa kami pun mula2 macam anda tak percaya tetapi apabila insan anugerah Allah kepada kita mula bersuara tahun lepas baharu kami mempercayainya dan hari ni kebenaran telah dikembalikan dan yang batil tu dilenyapkan.

    Ayuh sama2 kita berganding bahu bersama2 Tun Dr Mahathir mengembalikan hak rakyat pula iaitu kepimpinan yang bersih, cekap dan amanah untuk kesejahteraan bersama.

    Menjunjung kasih Tun.


  102. Mama goreng mee pakai minyak pakai api
    Kerajaan Najib goreng Malaysia
    Tak pakai minyak tak pakai api….Hebat , hebat sungguh Najib

    Yes they may say they engage PAC , its in the hand of AG and their many sources
    BUT this system of them was Hand Pick , Appointed by Najib himself
    Thus it corrupts the system of investigation
    Now wonder it leads to no where till today and
    Malaysia keeps bugging for the right answer

    Najib Govt must come Clean
    Opposition also must come Clean
    Hands Off the investigation and not appoint any on this matters
    Najib must be suspended . Not even allowed to travel outside Malaysia
    Probably Tag not allowed to go out of his home

    For Fresh Un Interrupted True Investigations
    Appointed by the Judiciary System of Malaysia , The Sultan Constituency
    Not Opposition not Govt
    If this 1MDB been made politics as Najib Govt confessed
    SO every has to come clean to see the beauty of it

    Opposition & Govt must Hands Off
    1 . Judiciary system of Malaysia
    2. The Raja Raja of Malaysia
    Decides their own panel of Investigations

    It solves the accusations of 1MDB being Politicize
    We don’t want to hear Grandmother Stories No More

    Najib must stay at Home
    No Minister nor Opposition Leader then after can interfere with the
    Fresh Investigations
    None must corrupt the Fresh Investigations


    And the Old investigations was corrupted by Najib when he hands on and pick his choice

    We Malaysia
    Are not buying The Mee Goreng Not Cook . Its Dirty
    Lots of Bacteria , Too many e.coli

    By The hungry Opposition
    also by The Strange Govt today

  103. loosing the battle jst like napoleon bonaparte. Without the consent of the people mandate, you go do something without approval, that is stealing. Without the permission of the owner, you tresspass, that is treason, atau terrorising in the modern dictionary.

  104. Karl, to err is human, to forgive is divine. If you as a general in charge of the troop in your territory, if you spread salt on you wounded soldiers, you will loose the battle just napoleon.

  105. It’s just a Civil in US Court not Criminal Suit, dont you agree sibotak? If you dont agree, it means the capital control in the name of syariah compliance policy implemented by umno and bn after they won 2/3 majority before 2008 via goodies is criminal act?

  106. Saya bukan kaum india, jadi apa2 dasar parti ahli2 politik kaum india hindu dan moslem nak buat untuk meraikan undi2 kaum merka, itu saya terpulang kepada mereka. Bak kata mat salleh, mind your own business.

  107. Of course, roc, china, the elected president can have the full atonomy in dealing with her domestic and foreign policies, but the elected president cannot claim they represent the one that represent prc.

  108. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Melihat tingkah laku semasa dan alam sekeliling saya terfikir dan berasa. Apabila saya berasa maka saya menulislah satu ketika dulu. Menulis dan menulis lagi. Dan benarlah Al Iqra’. Allah mengajar manusia melalui pena dan tulisan.

    Benarkah aku berada dijalanNya? Tunjukkanlah Ya Allah bagaimana benarnya. Apakah yang benar itu.

    Islam itu asing dan akan kembali menjadi asing. Terasing sungguh rasanya. Ramai pengikut bukan bererti kita alim dan soleh. Dikatakan syaitan juga ramai pengikutnya.

    Jika boleh terbang dan berjalan di atas air dikatakan hebat, dikatakan burung pun boleh terbang.

    Alangkah hinanya manusia kerana tiada perasaan tanggungjawab. Hinanya manusia kerana tiada amanah. Hinanya manusia kerana tidak bercakap benar. Hinanya manusia. Hinanya aku makhluk ciptaan Allah.

    Terima kasih Allah. Terima kasih Allah. Terima kasih Allah.

    Sementara Tun masih tidak boleh bercakap mengenai ‘parti baru’ saya kira saya berterima kasih pada Allah kerana pandangan saya diperbincangkan di kalangan tokoh politik seperti Tan Sri Muhyiddin, Datuk Seri Shafie Afdal dan Datuk Paduka Mukhriz.

    Walaupun sebelum ini Tun dan saya sendiri pun tidak ada terfikir untuk idea penubuhan ‘parti baru’ namun mengikut perbincangan dan keadaan semasa kita akan menuju ke arah itu.

    Ya Allah, kurniakanlah ‘kekuasaan’ untuk aku berterima kasih padaMu Ya Allah.

    Semoga kita semua dijauhkan dari azab api neraka.Amin.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  109. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    I think there is great fear from Najib if suddenly the US AG decided to expose who ‘Malaysian Official 1″ is. Why?

    Because all this while Najib’s argument was he never took 1MDB money, he recieved money as a donation from Saudi Royalty, he used the money not for personel use, but for election purposes. Even now, after the US AG exposure, he maintains his name was never mentioned and so he is not involved in any wrongdoing.

    I think we should continue to ask who is this ‘Malaysian Official 1″ is.

    If it is not Najib, then who could he be? If Najib denies he is ‘Malaysian Official 1’, then let the whole world put on record that Najib denies he is ‘Malaysian Official 1’.

    We as Malaysians, should have the right to know who ‘Malaysian Official 1’ is. Somehow, I believe if we should continue to ask who ‘Malaysian Offical 1’ is we will get an answer. (Even though we know the answer, let us play along this game)

    Once the US AG or someone decide to expose who ‘Malaysian Official 1’ is, as it is the right for all Malaysians to know, all his argument will come crashing back at him.

    We will see how long he can deny the undeniable.

  110. Najib confessed in News

    It’s just a Civil in US Court not Criminal Suit

    Well , it will also be just a Civil Suit in Singapore , Swiss and the several Nations as these Nation Justice able to ceased our Assets & Money
    Not much Harm done on them indeed it benefits them more

    But Jib
    In Malaysia its not Civil

    Its CRIMINAL and It is BIG

    1MDB creates Big Debt to Malaysia
    Yet again you sold our Land just to clear yr image , yr name
    Its very Irresponsible and Horrible reflects yrself , yr leadership

    Najib Step son , his good friend Jo Lho was listed
    Perhaps Najib will say again He knows nothing

    Najib name may not be listed
    Does not mean He is not part of it

  111. Hi
    Tak sebut pun nama ,terasa pedas nampak …haha

    What have 1MDB has to do with Jo.Loh & Anak Tiri Najib
    Has much involvement with 1MDB
    I thought it was a Official Government Investment of Malaysia
    They are not Govt employee
    Wow ….Najib must have known much
    Seems 1MDB is a Family Business

    Is this Favorism ?

    Though Najib name was not listed in any , He is playing Smart
    Does not mean Najib is innocent
    Abetting , Misuse of Authority is an Offense

    These should be concluded in Court of Justice
    A Body of its own NOT to be interfere by any

    Not even Government represented Body
    OSA lah , Mee Siam lah , Mee Rebus lah

  112. Even cnn weather forecast presenter praised the efficiency of the ruling government and rakyat in minimizing the losses of assets and lives when ribut taufan hit the republic recently.

  113. Assalammualaikum Tun, muslim bloggers and hi to others.

    All these wrongdoings and nonsenses took place, prolonged because someone…..maybe the malaysian official 1 protected them (the criminals) through his superpower.

  114. Salam!

    British and Penang government ni hipokrit. Bukannya diaorang tak tau dirty money masuk tapi diaorang tutup sebelah mata. Bila da kecoh barulah nak bertindak. Kalau tak kecoh diaorang senyap je

  115. Salam Tun,

    I admit I am not registered with any social media platform, so I wonder if this is true. Apparently there is a #bestrongPM movement:

    Tun, It got me thinking. What if while waiting for the referendum or rally(or any other actions), we(Malaysian People) start a viral movement ourselves? Perhaps one with the tagline #MalaysianOfficialOneisNajibRazak perhaps with a link to an excerpt of the DOJ’s document in various languages? Tony Pua I heard has already dispensed with the questions and already directly said it in public. This is maybe a good way to spread the news to all the people of Malaysia, and stick into all these government mouthpieces(TS Apandi, Arul, Dtk Salleh Keruak). We are planning to do a physical rally, why not start a Cyber rally as well? Let us be brave and say it straight out, in Twitter, Facebook etc.? Let the international community see we Malaysians are not just being silent in this. Everyone knows who Malaysian Official One,is so why not stick in their faces and dare them to do something. I will gladly open a Facebook account, with my face and name just to join this Cyber Rally.

    It can also an indirect referendum if you think about it also Tun, why wait for an official one? We just need to organize it properly, announce it then start the ball rolling.

    Thank you Tun, may Allah Bless you and your family.

  116. Salam Tun

    Karl bin dedaknajib (copy control by cruze)

    Karl, anda pasti kenal rapat dengan seorang ‘PELABUR” yang bernama Najib kan? 1MDB di cipta oleh Najib untuk melabur wang rakyat Malaysia.Tapi rupanya Najib idola anda tu merupakan seorang “PELEBUR” duit rakyat Malaysia.

    Sudahlah “lebur” duit rakyat Malaysia, tapi yang best lagi tu, bagi duit curi tu kat anak tiri Rosmah buat berjudi pulak. Janganlah si RIZA tu berniat berjudi bagi mendapat keuntungan bagi rakyat Malaysia semua. Cukuplah Si Riza tu berniat untuk Karl seorang sahaja kerana karl seorang kafir kan? Tak dosa makan duit haram macam kami orang Islam.

    Kesian si Rosmah tu kerana anaknya dituduh sebagai seorang Pencuri dan kaki Judi. Kalau disahkan nanti, aku dan cruze bercadang nak buat Pulut Kuning dan Doa Selamat sikit kat Masjid.


  117. Hari ni anak perempuan Rosmah dan adik Najis sendiri dah bersuar dan membidas jenayah keji yang dilakukan olih keluarga mereka. Jadi pada Kal (dai), kalau kau terus nak sokong PM musibat itu hak kau, tapi aku rasa elok kau berambu saja dari blog Tun macam Pakpandir dan Jefri O O Otak. Itu lebih baik dari terus membodohkan diri dihadapn orang lain dalam blog ni. Kita bolih berbeza pendapat tapi biar berdasarkan fakt a yang konkrit dan bernas. Kalau setakat nak mengulang lagu dan irama lapok yang
    selalu dinyanyikan olih barua2 Najis saperti salleh kroo kroo atau mat maslan terencat akal tak payah la. Buat menyemak blog ni je. Yang jelas kau ni buta warna dan tak tahu nak bezakan antara hitam dan putih, tak cukup dengan tu deria bau dan rasa kau juga dan rosak sampai tak tahu nak beza antara nasi dengan najis. Elok kau berambus dan puji banyak2 dalam blog Najis sebelum dia berpindah ke Sg Buloh atau Kajang.

  118. Salam!

    British and Singapore government ni hipokrit. Bukannya diaorang tak tau dirty money masuk tapi diaorang tutup sebelah mata. Bila da kecoh barulah nak bertindak. Kalau tak kecoh diaorang senyap je.

  119. Salam Tun

    mungkin sipolan yang kaki kutuk Tun kat sini adalah Salleh Keruak atau Nazri sebab kalau pasal komen hal kaitan dengan Tun depa la kedepan kat media massa 🙂

  120. DOJ is seizing every potential assets belonging to 1MDB fearing that these money can buy material will be disposed. So after filing CIVIL SUIT (commonly wife file CIVIL SUIT to claim compensation from husband after divorce), this act is similar with wife vs husband. Well, we all know the fact that DOJ vs IMDB, who likely to win the case? You know, I know. After every properties and assets have been confiscated, the DOJ will direct the FBI to investigate the source of the money and origin of the money. When they concluded the money’s origin and source, the DOJ will return those material (money) to the rightful owner of this country (taxpayer). The last phase, that is DOJ will instruct FBI to issue a charge sheet (CRIMINAL OFFENCE) and arrest warrant to SUBPOENA the Malaysian Official 1. Let’s us all be patient……

  121. It’s for people like sibotak who DrM picks as targets for his meme, his mind virus, to take effect on. Melayu Mudah Lupa, means sibotak has poor memory and is easily fooled. It also means that dumb people are functional if you know how to stir their emotions.

  122. Salam YAB dan Yang Amat DiKasihi Tun,

    1. Mengenai tindakan saman Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat (DOJ) untuk merampas aset (17 aset termasuk sebuah jet) yang dikaitkan dengan aktiviti ‘money laundering’ wang 1MDB, saya hairan mengapa nama ‘Malaysian Official 1’ tidak didedahkan dalam saman tersebut.

    2. ‘Sudah terang lagi bersuluh’, siapa gerangan ‘Malaysian Official 1’ tersebut berdasarkan keterangan transaksi ke akaun si polan.

    3. Adakah ini strategi untuk ‘mengugut’ (blackmail) ‘Malaysian Official 1’ dan Malaysia?

    4. Dari dulu lagi saya sudah sangsi dengan kebaikan dan tolak ansur melampau DSN bila berurusan dengan negara2 asing, terutamanya Singapura. Tanah KTM di Singapura di ‘sedekah’ kepada Singapura tanpa dapat apa2 manafiat yang nyata di pihak Malaysia. Jambatan bengkok di bahagian Malaysia juga tidak mahu dibina sebab DSN mendengar ‘denyut nadi’ pemimpin2 dan rakyat Singapura tanpa menghiraukan ‘denyut nadi’ rakyat Malaysia. Lain2 perkara dan rundingan juga memang asyik menyebelahi Singapura. Adakah DSN juga diugut oleh pihak2 tertentu di negara tersebut yang berkait-rapat dengan skandal2 1MDB (juga skandal2 peribadi DSN) yang ada ‘just units’ di BSI Singapore. Apa jadi dengan ‘just units’ bila BSI ditutup?

    5. Singapura pula ternampak cuma mengambil tindakan bila ada pihak lain yang telah ambil tindakan (tidak nampak kesungguhan). Konon, negara ini tersangat efisyen dan bersih.

    6. Memang malapetaka besar bagi Malaysia yang ada PM yang teramat lemah, pengecut, korup, suka membodek pemimpin2 asing, dan mudah diugut kerana banyak skandal.

    7. Apa pula agaknya aset berharga yang akan tergadai untuk memastikan yang ‘Malaysian Official 1’ tidak menghadapi apa2 pertuduhan di Amerika Syarikat. Mungkin ‘rundingan’ mengenai perkara ini akan dilakukan dalam masa terdekat (atau sedang berlangsung).

    8. Yang pelik lagi ajaib A-G TS Apandi yang sepatutnya arif dan bijaksana juga ‘buta’ mata tentang identiti ‘Malaysian Official 1’. Beliau boleh lagi beri kenyataan2 bod*h yang mempamerkan kebod*han beliau dan konco2 DSN yang lain.

    9. DSN pula dengan muka tidak tahu malu berlakon seolah-olah ‘Malaysian Official 1’ bukan beliau.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  123. Malaysian Official 1 = TDM, DSA, LGE????
    Riza Aziz = Unknown, Anonymous
    Whose name on the list…. Did I miss someone???

  124. Now is Sekarang . Sekarang is now ……Bodoh
    The Hot news today is 1MDB

    Janganlah nak putar belit zaman Mahathirlah
    Apa fasal tak de modal ke ?
    Dulu tak nak cakap , Mahathir dah bercucu baru nak cakap
    Nak tukar topic ke ?

    Zaman Mahathir dah belalu lebih 1 Abad
    Ini soal sekarang soal 1MDB
    Janganlah macam Keling nak putar belit isu sekarang

    Serupalah Anjing dengan Tuan nya
    Soal fasal 1MDB tak bolih , Haram
    Benda tak betul nak putar belit

    Macamlah aku ni beranak semalam
    Nak Kelentong cerita Dogeng , Bedtime Story

    Tapi tak apa kehadiran beliau amat diperlu
    Sebab ia memberi semangat lagi untuk memanaskan Kesalahan 1MDB

    Disini Kehakiman Negara
    Jika didapati persalah yg bakal muncul
    Juga sesiapa pun juga yg sengaja melindungi yg bersalah
    Atau menyalah gunakan Kuasa melindungi si persalah
    Harus juga di Hukum dengan Setimpalnya

    Malaysia will Not Silence
    AG & Govt can see it as OSA
    We Don’t We see it as Criminal with Intentions
    Deterrent Sentence should pass on

  125. The PMO has issued a press statement in support of the USDoJ in bringing the culprits to face the music. The PMO’s cool confidence is simply amazing!

    Let’s be sporting enough to allow those being prosecuted to slog their guts out in the courts of DoJ to prove their innocence.

    The trial by media and public opinion is not how the rule of law is to attain the truth.

    Malaysians have nothing to worry, in fact have everything to celebrate with the PMOs declaration and confidence that justice, and not speculations, will bring this issue to a closure.

  126. Salam Tun.

    To the black sheep of the Rosmah family.

    Thanks Azrene Soraya Abdul Aziz for all the guts in voicing the truth even though it also will hurts you in some ways. I’m sorry for that.

    May Allah bless you in afterlife. Amin


  127. Salam Tun,

    A short update on Datuk Salleh Keruak and his statements.

    If I was given a chance to talk to him after this statement, I would say:

    ‘Salam Datuk. Since our AG has cleared 1MDB of all charges, then obviously we are at odds with the DoJ. They have accused 1MDB as a front for money laundering. They have submitted their report and evidence, we should in turn show them all of OUR report and evidence. Minus the Audit Report of course, that’s under OSA. They have obviously made a grave mistake in their investigations of 1MDB somewhere, since we know it is clean. Of course, if they persist in their slander then we’ll have to take this to international court so all the world can see how the DoJ and US are just trying to cause mischief. I’m just saying. Maybe we can send Tan Sri Apandi? Apparently he’s the only one who can explain 1MDB’s innocence for no one here ,for the life of them, can explain it.’

    On a more serious note, they still try to deflect it to you Tun. Saying you are the real enemy. Ridiculous. The government should concentrate first on fixing this mess, not making up conspiracy theories. It is a wonder how they flip flop between saying that you are inconsequential, no ‘taring’, then suddenly say you have enough clout to move the DoJ? Maybe they shouldve been more polite to you then. Anyway if they are serious, and not conveniently trying to confuse, then once this sordid episode in Malaysian history has concluded(one way or another), then they can go ahead and challenge you, Tun, with all their allegations.

    Everyone here, do not waver. The spin doctors have started to come out in force and we must be steadfast and not let them cause doubt or division.

    Thank you Tun, Allah Bless you and your family on this Juma’at.

    P/S: @faradina. Thank you for the Malay translations of events so far. I will use it send it to as many people I know to help them understand the situation better.

  128. Salam!

    Arul ni pun satu… dia tak curious nak tanye US DOJ bila US DOJ buat statement duit 1MDB kena songlap? Najib, AG dan IGP pun sama je. Semuanya tak ada curiosity… macam dah tau je duit 1MDB kena songlap. So Anifah ape citer lepas jumpa duta Amerika ?

    Di Amerika benda ni cuma civil complaint je tapi di Malaysia ni memang kes jenayah kolar putih.

  129. To Karl,

    I am sure Mahathir would be more than happy to take up your challenge and have all the AG’s Reports made during his time public. If Mahathir is corrupt – then Najib will have no problem is raking up the shit by now.

    Malaysia is in for tsunami –


  130. maaf Tun….Huueekk
    nak termuntah pula bila ternampak tulisan Karl nih. Hilang selero den nak pi minum pagi.

    poi main jauh jauh karl tak payah la kek sini buek den menyampah ajo….

  131. Assalamualaikum Tun dan pejuang pejuang yg cuba menegakkan kebenaran. saya orang kampung yang tidak mengerti apa apa mengenai putar belit I MDB ini. Ditambah pula dengan penafian oleh beberapa pengkhianat negara dan UMNO seperti nama nama yang telah dinyatakan olih CRUZE.

    Akan tetapi setelah mengikuti perkembangan didalam blog Tun ini saya sedikit sebanyak mula faham dan dengan berita terkini maka saya makin faham, ternyata dan akan terbukti bahawa NAJIB patut dikenakan tindakan undang undang.

    Saya sangat bersetuju dengan cadangan Tuan Daeng supaya majlis Raja Raja bersidang dan menitahkan sipengkhianat itu bercuti untuk siasatan bebas yang terperinci.

    UMNO juga perlu memecat pengkhianat lain dan memulihkan keadaan dan Tun kembalilah didalam UMNO untuk menyatukan PKR, PAS dan DAP didalam satu barisan yang lebih kukuh dan lebih besar daripada Barisan Nasional.

    Ya Allah ya Tuhan ku yang seru sekelian alam, engkau bukalah hati Raja Raja Melayu untuk membuat persidangan dengan segera untuk memecat PM Najib yang telah mengkhianati rakyat Malaysia.

    Ya Allah ya Tuhanku perkenankan doa kami rakyat jelata yang dianiaya ini.Berilah balasan yang setimpal kepada pengkhianat negara.

    Saya sangat menghargai usaha Tun untuk mencari kebenaran, semoga Tun dan keluarga didalam sehat dan sejahtera.

  132. There must be 22 or many more AG Reports during DrM premiership, but it will take only one damning report by AG Ahmad Nordin to expose DrM sleight of hands in BMF, among other deadly financial scandals, to incur his wrath.

    The poor AG got treated worst than a pariah by DrM and the media. All his findings were rubbished and he was made to appear like a subversive civil servant, bent on trying to sabotage DrM’s seemingly clean administration.

    After that, nobody dares to take the AG report too seriously, lest DrM will go after them like how he tags after Najib nowadays.

    Perhaps it will be of real benefit if all the AG reports during DrM administration are scrutinized to identify the money trail, the political cronyism and all the financial rock and rolls that missed the headlines …

  133. Salam!

    1MDB bukannya isu politic. 1MDB merupakan isu jenayah besar yang dibuat oleh Najib, UMNO, BN, AG dan IGP, dan ianya dilapurkan oleh media-media antarabangsa. Tetapi Utusan Malaysia, NST, Berita Harian dan TV3 tidak melapurkan berita US DOJ.

    Oleh kerana isu 1MDB bukan isu politic dan ianya isu jenayah besar oleh Najib, AG, IGP dan lain-lain, semestinya raja-raja Melayu mesti masuk campur. Duit billion-billion ringgit dicuri di siang hari!

  134. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,


    Izinkan kami berbicara dengan pakcik2, makcik2, abang2, kakak2 dan adik2 yang berada nun jauh di kampung2 halaman, di tanah2 rancangan Felda dan kawasan2 yang sewaktu dengannya.

    Mungkin berjuta rakyat Malaysia di kampung2 tertanya2 apa cerita 1MDB ni yang heboh di televisyen jam 8 malam tadi dan esok mungkin jadi tajuk utama akhbar2 tempatan.

    Oleh yang demikian biarlah kami perjelaskan semudah2nya.

    Semalam kami di ibunegara dikejutkan dengan berita bahawa Peguam Negara Amerika Syarikat bernama Loretta E. Lynch seorang wanita telah membuat sidang media yang dipancarkan ke seluruh dunia mengenai pendakwaan salahlaku dan penyelewengan beribu-ribu juta (billion) wang 1MDB yang telah dicuri oleh beberapa individu yang telah dikenalpasti dengan membeli hartanah, jet mewah, lukisan mewah dan buat filem Hollywood di Amerika Syarikat.

    Kerajaan Amerika Syarikat akan menfailkan tindakan sivil dan merampas semula kesemua harta2 tersebut untuk dipulangkan semula pada rakyat Malaysia.

    Berikut adalah sedutan kenyataan media Peguam Negara AS tersebut yang boleh ditonton di youtube yang telah diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Malaysia ;

    “Hari ini Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat telah menfailkan satu aduan sivil bagi membatalkan hak dan merampas semula aset2 bernilai lebih dari 1billion dollar AS (lebih dari 4,000 juta ringgit Malaysia) yang telah dikaitkan dengan konspirasi antarabangsa untuk mengubah wang haram yang telah DICURI dari dana 1 Malaysia Development Berhad atau1MDB sebuah syarikat milik penuh kerajaan Malaysia.
    Dan aset bernilai 1 billion dollar AS yang kita bincangkan hari ini adalah cuma sebahagian dari lebih 3 billion dollar AS (lebih dari 12 billion ringgit Malaysia) yang telah DICURI dari 1MDB dan telah diubah secara haram melalui institusi kewangan Amerika Syarikat yang mencabul undang2 Amerika Syarikat.
    1MDB telah ditubuhkan oleh kerajaan Malaysia bagi menggalakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Malaysia menerusi perkongsian global dan pelaburan langsung asing dengan tujuan utama bagi memperbaiki kesejahteraan rakyat Malaysia
    tetapi MALANGNYA, SEDIHNYA DAN TRAGIKNYA beberapa pegawai 1MDB yang korup telah menganggap dana amanah awam ini sebagai satu akaun bank milik mereka sendiri.
    Sekarang pengadu kami mendakwa bahawa dari 2009 hingga 2015, pegawai2 ini dan sekutu2nya telah berniat jahat untuk menyalahgunakan dan mengubahharamkan wang berbillion dollar AS dari 1MDB.
    Sebagaimana akan diterangkan oleh rakan setugas saya secara lebih terperinci, orang2 yang bersubahat dengan konspirator telah mengubah haram dana yang DICURI melalui satu siri transaksi yang kompleks lagi berserabut serta tidak telus dan sengaja mengujudkan syarikat2 palsu yang tidak aktif dengan akaun2 bank di serata dunia termasuklah di Switzerland, Singapura dan Amerika Syarikat.
    Dana tersebut kemudian digunakan untuk membeli pelbagai jenis aset untuk konspirator dan saudara mara dan sekutunya termasuklah membeli hartanah kelas atasan di New York dan Los Angeles, lukisan mewah karya seniman agung Vincent Van Gogh dan Claude Monet dan pembelian jet peribadi.
    Hari ini merupakan satu kes yang paling besar pernah dibawa Jabatan Kleptocrasi Initiatif Pengambilalih semula Aset yang diperkenalkan Peguam Negara terdahulu iaitu Eric Holder dalam tahun 2010 untuk membatalkan hak dan mengambilalih semua perolehan rasuah pegawai negara asing dan dikembalikan kepada rakyat.
    Dalam kes ini menunjukkan ketegasan kami dalam memerangi gejala rasuah diperingkat antarabangsa dan menghantar isyarat bahawa Jabatan Keadilan AS berazam untuk tidak membenarkan sistem kewangan negara ini digunakan sebagai saluran rasuah.
    Haruslah menjadi ingatan pada pegawai2 yang rasuah sekeliling dunia bahawa kami tidak akan berdiam diri bagi menghalang mereka mendapatkan perolehan JENAYAH mereka.”

    Nantikan kupasan ucapan di atas menurut kacamata rabun kami dalam posting kami seterusnya pakcik2, makcik2, abang2, kakak2 dan adik2.

    Wasalam Tun.

    p/s – Isayso, I still recall what you wrote many2 moons ago that is why I purposely called upon you to refresh us. What I can offer is only some lousy translation work for my kampung mate 🙂 .

  135. Salam!

    Kita semua curious nak tahu siapakah “Malaysian Official 1” tapi AG, IGP, Najib dan menteri2 UMNO/BN, MT UMNO tak nak pun tanya Amerika siapakah dia “Malaysian Official 1”. Kenapa mereka tak nak tanye? Sebab mereka dah tahu siapa so tak perlu tanya.

  136. Setuju dengan Daeng
    Raja Raja ,Sultan Sultan perlu Bersidang
    Mereka di antara Constituency Democarcy dan Budaya Malaysia

    Bersidang untuk Keadilan Pemerintah Najib terhadap Malaysia
    Bersidang untuk pastikan masalah Pentakbiran Negara Democratic
    Bukan suka suka hati Pemimpin
    Bersidang umtuk tarik siapa yg bersalah ke Mahkamah Keadilan
    Bersidang untuk memastikan yg Bersalah di Hukum
    Keadilan tidak kenal siapa , sekali Sultan pun

    Lepas Bersidang bolih lah Raja Raja ber Santap
    Lepas tu lepak lepak kat Mall
    Sekali sekali take 5

  137. Salam Tun

    Kalau “Malaysian Official 1” bukan Najib, sape? Agong ka? Rosmah ka? Kalau Rosmah masuk jel, Najib kawin lain ka?

    My renungan pagi ini LOL

  138. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Antara komen The Hidden Sewcret:

    Antara implikasi 1MBD saga :

    1. Rakyat hilang keyakinan terhadap sistem undang-undang Malaysia.

    2. Rakyat hilang keyakinan terhadap Parlimen.

    3. Rakyat hilang keyakinan terhadap PDRM.

    4. Rakyat hilang keyakinan terhadap SPRM.

    5. Rakyat hilang keyakinan terhadap raja-raja Melayu.

    6. Rakyat hilang keyakinan terhadap UMNO dan BN.

    Saya ingin mengulas perkara 5 di atas, andai kata pungutan suara di kalangan raja-raja Melayu diadakan tentang salah-laku Naji$, saya ramalkan:

    A. Raja-raja yang mengatakan Naji$ tidak bersalah:

    1. Pahang

    B. Raja-raja yang mengatakan Naji$ bersalah:

    1. Johor
    2. Perak
    3. Selangor
    4. Perlis
    5. Negeri Sembilan
    6. Terengganu
    7. Kelantan

    C. Raja-raja yang tidak tahu buat keputusan:

    1. Kedah.

    Kepada semua raja-raja dan sultan-sultan Melayu, tuanku-tuanku utamakan Naji$ Razak atau rakyat?

    Pandangan saya majlis raja-raja perlu bersidang dan buat keputusan apa pendirian mereka agar rakyat sendiri boleh menilai dan terus menghormati raja-raja Melayu yang ada.

    Ini bukan meminta raja-raja campur tangan dalam hal politik negara tetapi meminta raja-raja berfikir utamakan kesejahteraan rakyat.



    Pandangan patik Raja Johor boleh mengetuai majlis raja-raja Melayu.

    Yang lain khususnya Kedah dan Pahang, saya agak bias.

    Wassalam Tun.

  139. There is only two side face in these Govt today govern by Najib

    A. Too many Wrong Criminal Doings on Najib that includes my doubts of Alantunya
    Jet engine lost when he was The Defense Minister and the many many more


    B. Simply Najib is an Idiot , A Hopeless Guy governing Malaysia
    A govern of Lembu kena Tarik Hidung by some external influence
    As proven a young stranger out of no where , his step son friends
    Jo.Lhow can easily Snap Najib & the Whole Family overnight and that includes
    Fooling us all Malaysia .
    Nots : Initially I like Najib now Najib have my answer

    I also belief there are strong foreign Govt influence affecting Putra Jaya since Pak Lah . A Nation whom able to get what they want from us
    Who has benefits much and they have been taking a ride on us

    SIMPLY : This Najib Govt never cares the Importance of Malaysia
    More abiding to Foreign request , Foreign Interest , Foreign Advantage
    Looking to the interest , The Right of every Malaysian
    NOT looking to the Security of Anak Cucu Kita
    Instead of acquring more Land , more Assets for Malaysia as a whole
    Najib is giving away more & more Land to Foreigners
    More lost money
    He pleases his images as being generous at the expense of us Malaysian
    This are Very Bad Images

    Get the list from Kementerian Tanah
    Lets really know how much land had been Pawned , besides KTM Tanjung Pagar
    Besides The Land lelong to China upon Najib 1MDB Sial

    Tahu tak anda dari zaman Datuk Moyang
    Kerana Tanah mereka angkat Parang bertumpah Darah
    Agama Islam juga suruh kita menjaga Hak Hak kita
    Ini kasi & jual Tanah buat macam Bapakkkk dia punya

    Lihat saja KTM Tanjung Pagar di Singapura
    Tun jaga punya jaga , si Beruk ni serahkan macam Budak Bahlul
    Kegagalan 1MDB sampai tak bolih bayar hutang dia gadai pula Tanah kita seluasnya lagi .Juga macam Bapakkkk dia punya
    Ini yg kita tahu bagaimana yg kita tidak tahu ?

    Dan Najib terbukti Tidak Tanggung Jawap
    Sewenang wenangnya Gadai Tanah untuk bayar hutang 1MDB untuk menutup
    Kegagalan beliau sendiri
    Begitu senang dan begitu Tidak Tanggung Jawap langsung
    Kononya dengan jual Tanah Dia Si Bahlul sudah berjaya selesai masalah 1MDB

    Ini Sifat Tidak Bertanggung Jawap
    Kenapa beliau tidak jual saja harta keluarga beliau atau juga keluarga beliau

    Tidak perlu Ke Hakiman
    Ke Hakiman Malaysia pun macam layang layang tidak bertali
    Kita bolih melihat dan memikir sendiri

    Najib dan Kerajaan Najib Tidak Bantah pun Kerajaan lain merompak dan merampas assets kita ?
    Tidak ada Keletik pun say dengar
    Bukan saja persoalan 1MDB , Kehilangan Malaysia Airline kita terutama MH 17
    Kerajaan Malaysia tidak bertindak hingga sekarang siapa yg bertanggung jawap menjatuhkan MH17

    Ini Kerajaan Dayus
    Cakap dalam UMNO Champion macam Bagus
    Ucapan Luar Negara semua buah kecut
    Nak Hulur Kris lah , macam Hero Keling
    Cakap Champion tapi Sayang tak masuk Final

    Seharusnya kita mesti Tegas dengan urusan luar Negara
    Demi Kepentingan 1 Malaysia Demi Anak Cucu kita

    Anak Babi Hutan Jo.Low di susu , di gemuk gemukan
    Anak sendiri mati kena bayar Hutang

    Tenyata Najib GAGAL….. F9

  140. For Faridina:

    However I’m glad to hear that Jho Low and Riza Aziz were under investigation by the US Justice Department (just like isayso used to say that Najib will only be charged by a foreign country – isayso pls comment).

    The DOJ civil suit is a ray of hope for Malaysians who want to see justice being done. It is the Justice Department of Najib’s golf buddy that is using clear and unequivocal terms like stealing and corruption.

    Seven months ago I made this comment:

    I think the only hope lies in the supposed investigations by the Swiss, Singaporean, British, Hong Kong and the US authorities. They can sit down and trace the movement of funds, to the date and time. They can show whether 1MDB grandfathered the RM2.60 billion via the Petro-Saudi deal or the other hilarious deals that went on.

    If you read the complaint filed by the DOJ, they have done just that. They have outlined how money was stolen in three phases and what happened to the money. They have also clearly stated in the complaint that what happened could not have happened without the collusion of 1MDB Officials 1, 2 and 3. It is a masterpiece of report writing allowing a judge or jury to clearly follow the trail. It also contains excerpts of phone conversations which showed how uncomfortable the bank officials had felt sometimes. A friend asked me how they obtained the conversation so I went high pitch with this: “Please be reminded that this conversation is recorded for training purposes”.

    Najib’s defenders are over the moon with the fact that Najib is not named by the DOJ. A primary school student could possibly figure out who is who in the DOJ complaint but not these intelligent Ministers. It will be a short lived dance.

    The DOJ is clearly concerned about the dissipation of the ill gotten gains. And this action by the DOJ is the way to prevent further dissipation of the funds. There is, in effect, a caveat on the assets listed in the complaint. The good news for Malaysians is there is a billion dollars that could be given back to the people. Unless there is a sea change in Malaysia, the money will probably go back to the people who stole it in the first place. So be careful what we wish for.

    AG Loretta Lynch cannot stand before the world to outline a suit to seize assets that were obtained criminally (the seizure complaint is based entirely on criminal activities by people identified in the report) and then let the perpetrators go free. The whole world will laugh at the DOJ. In my opinion, criminal proceedings will begin soon because by now they know everything.

    I think Jho Low, Tan Kim Loong and 1MDB Officials (especially 2 and 3) will be indicted. Najib can possibly get off if all the aforementioned swear he had nothing to do with the looting. If US-Malaysia relationship and politics do not intervene in the process, I believe Najib is on thin ice. He has to explain the money that went into his account. He could say that he woke up one morning and the money was just there like his claim that he taught the RM42m from SRC was part of the donation from the Saudi Royal. The HUGE problem here is that DOJ has proven beyond any doubt that there was no Saudi Royal and the Tanore bank account was controlled by Tan Kim Loong and 1MDB Ofiical No. 3 was a co-signatory of the account. And the funds into that account came from the bonds raised by 1MDB. Very susah kes, this one.

    I am looking forward to the outcome of the arbitration process between IPIC and 1MDB. These arbitrators must be poring over the DOJ complaint. I have said in this blog that IPIC has a problem in that their own men at that time were behind the diversion of funds into the bogus Aabar-BVI company and that IPIC must try to prove that certain Malaysians were beneficiaries of the loot. It seems DOJ has now handed IPIC a great gift.

  141. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun, we do know that there is misappropriation of the country’s funds. Some people or someone has been borrowing and borrowing from these funds to cater for their needs in lavish spending, resulting in accumulation of huge debts shouldered by the rakyat. Our debts are our debts, their debts are our debts, so they say. This is really so very unfair.

    Tun, don’t we all get a little carried away sometimes. Yes, except that some of us do more than others. Do you think that DSN just got carried away a little too far? These are the sort of people who crave for rewards and desire for more.

    How on earth could they do that, I mean borrowed billions to spent at their whims and fancies? It was supposed to be that this borrowed money was to enhance the country’s economy but I don’t ‘see’ it, I don’t ‘feel’ it. All I ‘see’ and ‘feel’ is the huge burden I have to carry on my shoulders. Everything shoots up! Everyone knows that the economy now is unstable, locally and globally. Please don’t bluff us anymore. With new medias cropping up our minds have widen. Thank you for friends here who send in reliable links as new sources of information. I still read BH but without Kunta Kinte it has become boring.

    Tun, he employed foreign advisers, didn’t they sound the alarm that he had entered into business deals risky enough to threaten its (1MDB) survival? Long before the US DOJ open its mouth, the people of Malaysia has been questioning and asking the ‘thieves’ on their scheming ventures and to bring back the money they ‘stole’ and stashed somewhere in paradise to cover up the ‘holes’ they left behind. I guess now their heads are rolling and grilling to off-set these reckless business blunders and finding ways to set the economy back on its right course.

    Tun, it would have been fine if he had stopped to listen to good advises and ideas, had been more thoughtful and a drive for making corrections. But it’s of no use now. To describe DSN management style, the answer is a single word: Eccentric, this character can identify either the negative and positive abilities of both business and political leaders. Where does he fit in? He did say he was not aware what he signed. He was not aware money siphoned out of his ‘baby’ 1MDB . He was not aware he was conned by his CEO. He was not aware billions of dollar landed in his private account. Poor Mr Prime Minister, he’s not aware of so many things.

    Mr Prime Minister, are you aware that money in Malaysia can crawl out from the banks unnoticed, managed to escape off Malaysian waters, swam across the seas and oceans and somehow landed itself in our neighbour’s backyard and in some foreign lands. None of the Malaysian leaders were aware of this. Amazing! Astonishing!

    Doesn’t he feel guilty of his transgressions, Tun? We, the people of Malaysia entrusted him to administer the country with great integrity, but along the way he broke the rules and laws of Malaysia, someone quickly “fixed” and reassurances that he has done nothing wrong…anywhere on this earth!
    This is the Najibolehland!

    Tun, you’re better at making a plan so stay with that plan. We need something solid that we can trust and hold on to. As you once said Tun, to be a great leader one needs to have good strategies, be knowledgeable and able to predict the future. Only Allah Knows best.

    May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you Always Tun. May Allah grant you great wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take extra care in your safety and Thank you Tun.

  142. Kita andaikan PM tidak terlibat dengan penipuan wang rakyat Malaysia.
    Selepas pendedahan yang dibuat oleh JK AS, tidak ada pemimpin Kerajaan yang bersungguh2 untuk mendapatkan kembali wang yang dicuri. Mengapa Kerajaan hanya bersedia untuk berkerjasama sahaja dan tidak menerajui usaha mendapatkan semula wang yang dicuri?
    PM sepatutnya merasa gelisah kerana wang rakyat telah dicuri. Wang ini merupakan sumber pembiayaan pembangunan dan pengurusan Negara.
    Bayangkan bagaimana perasaan dan tindakan kita bila dimaklumkan bahawa wang di dalam akaun bank kita telah dikeluarkan oleh pihak yang tidak diberi kuasa.
    Apa yang kelihatan ialah perkara ini seperti tidak penting kepada PM dan penyokongnya. Mereka masih merasa tidak apa yang menjejaskan kemakmuran Negara. Bagaimana dan sampai bila kita dapat bergantung harap kepada pemimpin sebegini?
    Renungkanlah wang tersebut didapati dibelanja untuk perkara2 maksiat dan pembaziran. Kita sepatutnya tidak Akan dibebankan dengan yuran sekolah dan GST.

  143. Suddenly
    1MDB incurred Billions in Debts with Najib not noticing Debts is Huge as a Director responsible
    Najib became Billionaire Overnight
    1MDB classified as OSA
    Today Rosmah was very Timid and stops he Spreeing
    Najib donor died with no Memo
    Najib decides to appoint a new Head AG

    These suddenly seems to go with the perfect timing

    Its Facts
    1 million investment can creates Billions of Loses narrows to National Debts
    Something is certainly Not Right and how can Najib not realize this accumulations of Debts . Its too huge a difference
    Even with 1 Million investment if it makes Billions of profit overnight
    Sure its not very Right somewhere
    Even Ahlong illegal money laundering cannot earn that Fast Big money overnight

    These is a National Scam on High Level

  144. Salam Tun

    Even when the DOJ is in the process of indicting the 3 rogues MINUS the Malaysian Official No.1, something tells me this is just a show.

    I am sure there will be some sort of Barter or Counter trade as the US need a weak and corrupted leader in rhis region to be their ally. And Najis fits the qualification.

    The US is trying to muscle their influence in this region in order to stop or slow down the Chinese influence militarily and economy. The US need a base or a launching pad for their military and Malaysia is the best spot available.

    So I rathet wait and see what will the next action of the US as much as we the 30 millon Msians want Najis to step down yesterday

  145. Salam Tun.

    Di Amerika ada
    The Wolf of Wall Street where Leonardo DiCaprio, playing corrupt stock trader Jordan Belfort,

    Di Malaysia pun ada
    The Babi of Putrajaya where Jibb Zak is a real corrupted person as “Malaysian Official 1′


  146. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    The Malaysian AG have responded that Najib’s name was never mentioned in US AG report. With such a response, how he became the AG is beyond my understanding.

    Although the US AG never mention Najib by name, the report did mention ‘Public Official No. 1’. The report also mentioned the criteria for ‘Public Official No. 1’. The clues are there. He is the Malaysian AG after all, he should be an expert on clues.

    If normal rakyat like me and many many others can deduce who ‘Public Official No. 1’ is, why can’t he as the Malaysian AG can’t? He can’t be a dumb person, can he? If he still can’t understand who ‘Public official No. 1’ is, even after all the clues are given, maybe the US AG need to spell out to him just who is this mysterious ‘Public Official No. 1″.

    Clearly Public official No.1 has wronged the Malaysian public and he needs to be tried in a court of law. The US AG needs to disclose who this ‘Public official No. 1’ is, so that justice can be carried out.

  147. Salam Tun,

    Keadaan semakin panas. Semua badut2 pemakan dedak sudah keluar TV seorang demi seorang untuk menegakkan benang yang dah hangus.

    Masih menafikan kenyataan.

    Masih mempertahankan si Pemberi Makan (PM) Dedak.

    Perasaan marah bertukar jadi simpati melihat gelagat pemakan dedak yang sanggup menggadai maruah mereka demi sesuap dedak.


    Keep strong, Tun. We need to focus our energy for tomorrow onwards.

  148. Di Malaysia ni…. hanya Najib, UMNO dan BN sahaja yang sayang Malaysia. Yang lain-lain, terutamanya Tun semuanya tali baru Amerika.

  149. Assalamualikum Tun,

    Kalau dilihat dalam konteks yang lebih besar, kita boleh lihat dari pelbagai sudut kes IMDB ni. Maaflah saya ni bukannya orang terpelajar tapi pandangan dari segi logik. Bagi sesetengah orang bila kerajaan bersedia mengambil alih IMDB bermakna seluruh aset dan liabilitinya terpaksa ditanggung dan dari situlah semua kementerian terpaksa menutup salah laku yang berlaku di IMDB yang boleh kita lihat sekarang ni. Yang peliknya separuh dari ahli lembaga pengarah yang dulu adalah tokoh terkenal GLIC, takkanlah mereka tak dapat hidu salah laku, penyelewengan yang berlaku dan segala keputusan penting mestilah di persetujui oleh ahli lembaga pengarah terlebih dahulu. Rakyat memilih kerajaan untuk kesejahteraan rakyat tapi dalam soal ni hak rakyat untuk mengetahui hal sebenar yang berlaku dinafikan. Tak tahulah nak dikategorikan orang yang menafikan hak orang lain.

    Baru-baru ni kita dapat lihat penyiasatan oleh kerajaan Amerika Syarikat dan Singapura ke atas kes IMDB. Apa yang Tun mahu mencerahkan rakyat dalam perkara ini mula mendapat perhatian. Satu sudut rakyat dapat tahu yang sebenarnya ada perkara yang tak betul dalam kes IMDB ni dan tanpa bertangguh lagi kementerian yang terlibat akan cuba untuk mengalihkan pandangan rakyat. Rakyat akan mendesak kerajaan untuk mendedahkan perkara tersebut. Dari sudut lagi satu pula tekanan pihak luar kepada kerajaan menyebabkan ….!!! (ni spekulasi sahaja) Jangan terkejut jika perjanjian TPPA ditandatangani lebih awal, Amerika Syarikat akan membuka pejabat penyiasatan sementara di sini, kontrak pembekalan alatan tentera yang canggih untuk ESSCOM dan lain-lain lagi.
    (saya akan doakan semua ini tidak akan berlaku)

    Dalam pada itu integriti kerajaan, badan penyiasatan negara seperti PDRM, SPRM dan Jabatan Audit akan sedikit terjejas dan boleh dipersoalkan kerana tidak menangani masalah tersebut dengan baik.

  150. Salam Tun

    Dari BBC

    1MDB: Malaysian PM under pressure over $1bn US fraud case

    Malaysian PM Najib Razak is facing pressure internationally and at home amid US allegations of massive fraud at state investment fund 1MDB.

    The fund was set up by Mr Najib in 2009 with the stated aim of boosting the Malaysian economy.

    But US Attorney General Loretta Lynch said evidence showed it had defrauded Malaysians “on an enormous scale”.

    On Wednesday, US authorities moved to seize more than $1bn (£761m) in assets related to the fund.

    Mr Najib is not named in the papers and has consistently denied wrongdoing.

    But he is identifiable as “Malaysian Official 1”, whose account allegedly received millions in funds originating from 1MDB.

    The $1bn the US hopes to seize would make up only a proportion of the more than $3.5bn (£2.6bn) allegedly diverted.

    Read More

    Dari CNBC

    1MDB scandal: Singapore uncovers lapses at DBS, UBS, Standard Chartered

    DBS, UBS and Standard Chartered have become embroiled in the scandal surrounding 1MDB, with Singapore’s central bank saying it had found lapses and weaknesses related to the beleaguered Malaysian wealth fund.
    The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said on Thursday that it found “lapses and weaknesses” in anti-money-laundering controls at the banks’ Singapore operations and that it would be taking actions against them.

    The preliminary investigation found “extensive layers of transactions and subterfuge aimed at disguising the nature of certain activities and fund flows,” with shell companies in various jurisdictions used to conceal the funds’ true beneficiaries.

    Read More

    Dari AlJazeera

    Call for Malaysia PM to step down over 1MDB scandal

    A Malaysian opposition party leader has called on Prime Minister Najib Razak to step down following the lawsuit filed by the US Justice Department to seize $1bn in assets linked to the country’s scandal-plagued 1MDB state investment fund.

    The Justice Department said on Wednesday that the assets were “associated with an international conspiracy to launder funds misappropriated” from 1MDB, and included lavish real estate in Beverly Hills and New York, artwork by Monet and Van Gogh, and a business jet.

    “I believe the Malaysian people want Dato’ Sri Najib to go on leave as prime minister so as not to create the perception of abuse of power or process to halt or hinder a full and transparent investigation on this very serious issue,” Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, president of the People’s Justice Party (PKR), said in a statement on Thursday.

    Read More :

    *Cruze 🙂

  151. Assalam Tun.

    A little amendment to my last comment.

    “….Probably Salleh Keruak has given up on Najib!!!

    Another theory tong sampah from karl-dai.
    Hope karl-dai can give us another tong sampah theory, all politic and no humour will make life very dull, right karl?”

    to read as,
    “….Probably Salleh Keruak has given up on Najib!!!

    Another theory tong sampah from karl-dai, the conspirary theory.
    Hope karl-dai can give us another tong sampah theory, all politic and no humour will make life very dull, right karl?”

  152. Assalam Tun.

    Thank you to karl aka karl-dai for taking heed on my earlier advice to him that,
    “all accusations are cooked up by the westerners to topple Najib!
    Kih! kih! kih!”

    Maybe karl-dai should warn Najib to sack his favourite macai and also trumpet blower Salleh Keruak, for making premature statement today,

    “Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak dismissed today claims of an international conspiracy against Malaysia following news reports of the US court action related to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)…..”

    Probably Salleh Keruak has given up on Najib!!!

    Another theory tong sampah from karl-dai.
    Hope karl-dai can give us another tong sampah theory, all politic and no humour will make life very dull, right karl?

  153. Salam!

    Memang Amerika dan barat berniat jahat nak gulingkan kerajaan Najib. Regime change katanya. Amerika nak gulingkan Najib dan install Tun sebagai PM sebab Tun memang dari dulu terkenal sebagai pro Amerika dan barat.

  154. I find your sarcasm is a bit outrageous. Your remark seems to create an image of US is Pro-Jewish. But crime is crime, wrong will be wrong. Even if you attempt to create a diversion, your remarkable twist and turn statement is baseless. If you cannot come out with something original with fact, you can go back to where you belong (jungle).

  155. Wahai saudara-saudari berkaum Melayu, adakah kalian berbangga dengan pencapaian oleh DSN yang menuntut agama Islam serta segala perbuatanya yang mengkhianati bangsa, negara dan menjatuhkan maruah Malaysia di perantara dunia ini. Patutlah kita bersepadu dan menolak pemerintah kuku besi bermuka tembok DSN dan menyeru penyangak yang membelot, merompak, mencuri, memecah amanah, memecah-belah perpaduan di negara ini, dihadapkan ke muka pengadilan supaya hukuman yang setimpalnya boleh dijatuhkan kepada Si Toyol aka DSN dan kembalikan keadilan dan hak asasi rakyat.

  156. Salam Tun,

    This is to share with my brothers and sisters here, about a press release you recently made. Alas it is not from our local media but one from our neighbour.

    Sokong! A referendum at this point of time would be one solution that can quickly solve this problem if the UMNO members themselves are too scared/dense to see the writing on the wall. I am not really big on a rally, no matter how peaceful, because it is very easy for them to manipulate it into a “threat” to ‘sosio-political security’. If push comes to shove however and the referendum is rejected then it is something to be considered.

    Thank you Tun.

    P/S: I apologize for my frequent posts. I will try to limit it. Its just that there are so many news and I am literally glued to my mobile, checking constantly for new development on this issue. Unfortunately, in cyber space at least,I find that most of the people who talk about it are the international community instead of us Malaysian and our media.

  157. Salam Tun,

    Agreed RD. The US of A always have an ulterior motive behind whatever they do. They are masters when it comes to spinning stories and propaganda to justify their actions. Formenting chaos is their bread and butter. I am sure whatever their intentions are, I seriously doubt its because of merely for the good of our country.

    That is why I feel I should temper my elation when I first heard the news. This announcement is a double edged sword. Tun we need your guidance and sharp analysis regarding this announcement by the DoJ. On the surface it sounds like good news, but perhaps there are other implications that we fail to see.

    Thank you Tun, may Allah Bless you and your family.

  158. Dear Tun,

    Things are unravelling one by one. Soon the culprits and their master will have no place to hide. Very soon nothing that PM, AG Apandi, IGP or the OSAed Audit Report can do to hold their false fortress from crumbling. Already the bastardised three have been named by the US DOJ and the Arab donor unmasked. Serve them right.

    I hope others who have not been able to access SR and blocked blogs like OSTB will find ways to access them. There are many alternative ways to access these blocked sites. If you find difficulty with TOR browser, try Opera or Opera Mini! I haven’t tried Firefox or Chrome.

    Tun, I pray for your safety and health. I am confident that you have put much thought to the new political party. Even if it will be a platform for the Malay it will work hand in hand and heart to heart with the other members in this new coalition. We try our best to erase our differences for the sakes of our future descendants. We can do it.

    To PM Najib, I am very disappointed in you dear sir. You have let people nearest to you your spouse your stepson and his friends to ride on you. Shame on you. You have killed your own conscience and let greed and stupidity rule your life.

    We await you and your new coalition dear Tun Mahathir. Don’t look back nor rush. Good things don’t come easy but they will stay.

    Take care now Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. Always love you dear Tun!

  159. Yes Mr. Karl-iskandar.

    “Washington is still plotting”, as they did in Venezuela, Countries in the Middle-East and most recent, Ukraine where we’re somewhat involved when we lost MH370, then MH17.

    If we care to notice, anywhere China had disputes or engaged in hostility, over anything with its neigbours, it must be with staunch allies of the US, most of them with Naval or Military bases/attachments on their land.

    Malaysia have inhabited Layang-Layang (a tiny shoal in the Spratlys, 300km from Labuan), since 1982, ordered by Dr.M, 2 months after becoming PM. Today, we have light plane landing stripe and it had become an exclusive tourist attraction, manned by our boys.

    But ours boys manning Terumbu Layang-Layang have never been provoke in anyway, most probably because we are not aligned to any super-power. There were instances that PLA’s vessels turned their guns away from Terumbu Layang-Layang as a gesture of friendly passage, when they passed-by.
    But that would last long if Najib were to decide that Malaysia be a new American ally against China’s so-called aggression or expansion in South China Seas.

    And now, the US’ DOJ is pursuing 1MDB’s money-laundering. Obama or maybe Trump could hold some incriminating evidence to squeezes Najib’s balls to their whims and fancies. It would not be a surprise if Malaysia were to host another new US Naval Base, most probably in Sabah, if things gets rowdy in the Spratlys. Or they could just take-over Sepanggar Naval Base if there exist an urgency.

    Singapore is pursuing 1MDB’s money laundering too. Some Bank Accounts frozen. Remember that billion worth of money ‘turned into units’ by our former 2nd. Finance Minister?
    I just hope that Najib would not forfeit anything away just to evade conviction or the return of that ‘units’.
    Or maybe already, during the recent High Speed Rail MOU. What about the KTM land? Do we lose anything?
    I just hope Najib have not been ‘arm-twisted’ by anybody yet due to 1MDB.

    Note:’Cash is King’ needs lots of money if he were to hold GE14. He is an extremely desperate man now. Therefore, he would be tempted to do anything to remain in Power.

  160. Sibotak.

    Chaos is a good word to start with, because most people take peace for granted.

    I hope you’re not one of them, or worst still someone who likes to start trouble and lead the country into a chaotic existence.
    Like what happened in the Arab Springs, where simple, but somewhat gullible people were hoodwinked into a planned disaster.

    Planning a chaos is also what the CIA and US is famous for and are expert at. Nearby, we have Spore to assist and usher us into chaos. There’s plenty of chaos to chose from. But, you don’t have to choose any.

  161. Salam!

    Najib pemimpin korup yang paling tak bijak di dunia. Suharto, Marcos, Mobutu, Sini Abacha, Milosevic, Duvalier, Fujimori, Estrada etc tak pernah simpan duit billion-billion dalam personal account mereka di dalam negara mereka tapi Najib sebaliknya. Tak pernah dibuat orang!

    Memang bahaya kalau Najib jadi PM sebab dia tak boleh berfikir ikut logik atau ikut common sense. Tak tau dia ikut nasihat siapa… Rompak duit billion-billion kemudian bank in dalam personal account di Malaysia? Memang Najib ada masalah dalam membuat perancangan yang baik.

  162. Salam Tun.

    Tun, disarankan agar penubuhan parti baru di segerakan dan pada pendapat saya cadangan MEGATI DEWANI untuk penangguhan penubuhan parti baru adalah tidak ssuai dan agak kebelangkang bunyinya. Kita harus memberi semua tekanan terhadap Najib dengan berbagai cara yang kita ada kerana kita berdepan dengan manusia yang menyalahgunakan semua kuasa yang ada.

    Nak harapkan dan yakin dgn ahli majlis Tertinggi UMNO mula sedar dan membuka mata untuk menyingkirkan NAJIB dan KUNCU KUNCU nya?

    Usahlah berharap kepada mereka ini yang telah bertahun-tahun khayal dengan “dedak”. Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO ini bolehlah diibaratkan sebagai penagih dadah tegar yang sanggup membunuh darah daging sendiri demi untuk “dedak”. Kita sebenar telah terlambat dalam bertindak bagi menangi masaalah 1MDB ini. Penangguhan penubuhan parti baru akan memberi peluang dan ruang untuk Najib terus bermaharajalela dengan berselindung di sebalik Polis dan Peguam Negara. Nak harapkan Raja-raja kita, mana mungkin kerana mereka masih “beradu nenyak”.

    Ini boleh dianggap sebagai permasaalahan rakyat sahaja kerana Raja-Raja kita kelihatan tidak mahu terlibat.

    Kita hanya boleh yakin dengan diri sendiri sahaja dan jangan meletakan keyakinan kita kepada orang lain. Usaha kita pasti ada balasannya.

    “Hidup parti baru”


  163. Tahniah farz, amd trmz, daeng, faridina, Sri Sens, beraniberubah, sudin, endro, Mutely, freemind, Milshah, The hidden secret, Average joe, anak wawasan2020, MEGAWATI DEWANI….abaikan Karl bin dedaknajib

  164. Najib , UMNO members have been accusing Tun of many
    Tun and his Big Mouth
    And they are trying their possible means
    to Shut Tun with many irrelevant excuses & means

    But even without Tun and his Big Mouth
    1MDB matters will not be at Rest

    Outside World are also looking to this matters seriously
    UMNO Leaders Malaysia PM Najib
    Don’t even have the balls to utter a word to other relevant govt
    Foreign Minister is Speechless

  165. Benar juga kata anda tapi kami mahu nama nama ini di singkir dari umno dan putrajaya :
    Zahid, hishamuddin, salleh kruak, rahman dahlan, sahidan kasim, azalina, ahmad bashah, mas ermiyati, nazri, nancy, shahril samad, adenan pendek, khairy, sharizat, rosnah, nurjazlan, puad jarkas, hassan ariffin, gavenor bank yang baru menteri kewangan yg baru, menteri besar johor, ketua umno cheras, setiausaha umno kelantan, adun kuala kangsar, adun sungai besar dan mereka mereka yang telah bertungkus lumus melindungi najib, juga apandi ali dan igp sapa sapa lagi lah yang mengutuk Tun Mahathir kesayangan kami dan mereka yang telah memalukan bangsa melayu di negara kita…kami tak suka sikap agong menolak Tun mentah mentah…

  166. Malaysia will be Chaos if not handled intelligently
    We accuse Nobody But Reality has to be open on Facts

    Mr Policeman , Mr. Justice , Mr.Law ,Its UMNO within UMNO
    It’s your Damn Duty

    Outside Nations US ,Singapore , Swiss & several Nationshas been
    seizing our Assets & Funds

    Our Prime Minister remains Silence & Dumb ?
    It’s a Big Question here ?
    Najib knows Najib knows
    Najin cannot protects nobody
    Its his duty to protects Malaysia as a whole
    unless he knows he is also wrong

    Its a point of no return
    This proceeds must continue till it finishes while waiting for
    a new Party to be form for this purpose

    The Ball is in the Judiciary System Court

  167. Assalam Dearest Tun,

    To Najis Dedakian,

    I see that Cik Karldai manis is somehow karluting in Karlutland.

    Cik Karldai’s comments have all the features and characteristics typical of the DEDAKIAN-type, full of imagination and fun to poke, and always being original.

    Anyway I don’t mind being a copycat miaw miaw rather than a copydonkey (anyone here pls tell me how a donkey sounds? 🙂 ).

    Pardon me Tun and wasalam.

  168. Salam Tun,

    Datuk Salleh Keruak has issued a formal statement

    Is it just me or is this reaction SEVERELY muted in comparison with his statement in regards to the Sarawak Report exposé? I hear the words ‘treason’ and ‘ANC(Anti-Najib Coalition)’ bandied around then. Now we have a very uncharacteristic, unbombastic reaction towards one of the most HUMILIATING allegations against our country, and the best he could do is an ‘innocent until proven guilty’ and emphasizing on the ‘donation’ as a separate case(yeah good luck convincing people of that in light of the DOJ allegations).

    I am even more angry that our PM, DS Najib remains silent. He should be at the forefront to protect Malaysia’s tarnished global image (whether he is guilty or not) IMMEDIATELY. All we get are muted statements.

    OK I will take the statements so far as face value. Full cooperation is what they said. Then please:

    1) Release the OSA’d Auditor General Report on 1MDB. Table it properly in Parliament.

    2) Let us hear the IGP’s report on the 3 months investigation on 1MDB.

    3) Let us set up this independent tribunal as Tun had suggested. It is important for us to do this to gain back our reputation in the eyes of the global community.

    4) DS Najib, say or do SOMETHING to mitigate this fiasco. In respect to you as our leader, I urge you also to do the noble thing and step aside. Whether you are guilty or not this happened on your watch, please be brave enough to say this was on you.

    5) current UMNO leaders, ex-BNM Governer, our ex-Attorney General, this is time to think about your country and step forward if you have something to say to shed more light on this allegations.

    Tun I agree that perhaps there is still a chance UMNO might be saved. If you feel that way as well then please let us do our best to do so. UMNO can still be cleansed and reformed. UMNO might still lose in GE14 but then they will still have their integrity(battered but at least not obliterated).

    Thank you Tun, May Allah continue to Bless you and your Family. Bless the people of Malaysia and may we get through this tough times more united, humbler and wiser.

  169. Salam Tun,

    Dengan keizinan Allah jua, kebenaran muncul akhirnya.

    Kejahatan semakin terpancar.

    Apa lagi yang mereka akan lakukan untuk menutup bangkai gajah yang sudah berulat??

    Àpa lagi lawak jenaka yang akan dipentaskan selepas ini oleh jentera-jentera si pemakan dedak?

    Ingatlah kalian bahwa kalian boleh berbohong sesama manusia tetapi tidak dengan Allah.

    Terima kasih Tun kerana tidak pernah mengenal erti putus asa.

    Semoga Allah akan mengembalikan maruah bangsa rakyat Malaysia yang telah tergadai dek dikhianati oleh pemimpin yng kita sendiri tersalah pilih.

    Semoga kita tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama. Marilah rakyat Malaysia untuk kita sama-sama mengubah masa depan negara dan belajar dari kesilapan yang lalu.

  170. Ya Allah ya Tuhan ku,
    berilah petunjuk dan kesedaran kepada mereka mereka yang berkuasa dan yang ada hak untuk membawa orang orang yang telah mengkhianatkan wang rakyat kemuka pengadilan.

    Engkau jugalah yang dapat memberikan kesedaran dan membuang penghadang kepada mereka untuk mengerti erti kebenaran.

    terima lah doa kami dan makbulkan lah doa kami rakyat yang serba kekurangan ini.

    engkau Maha mengetahui.

  171. Government took a loan on behalf of the people of Malaysia including those who practice the religion of Islam. Loan is acquired with riba’ (usury) from Goldman Sachs. Funds were moved to offshore banks and private investors. Jho low, according to the filing, spent the funds originated from 1MDB at nightclub, $12 million to Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and $13.4 million to the owner of the Venetian Las Vegas casino.

    Our judicial system remains paralyzed in the wake of surmounting evidences.
    When truth is exposed, Malaysians will not forget those who are complicit with the criminals at all level and branches of the government.

  172. Assalamualaikum Tun dan para penentang kes putar belit duit IMDB,

    seperti berita terbaru yang telah dipanjangkan oleh FARZ tadi saya berharap TUN menagguhkan sekejap penubuhan pakatan baru kerana saya yakin majlis Tertinggi UMNO telah mula sedar dan membuka mata untuk menyingkirkan NAJIB dan KUNCU KUNCU nya.

    Saya juga yakin bukan semua didalam Majlis Tertinggi UMNO itu bengap dan buta mata.

    saya berdoa kepada Allah kesihatan diri Tun sentiasa didalam sejahtera dan berhati hati lah setiap langkah kerana manusia rambut sama hitam hati lain lain.

  173. Tun,

    Assalamualaikum. The seizure of the assets link to 1MDB by US Justice department hopefully would start the ball rolling. Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah! It’s a really good news. Not because I’m happy for the misery of those involved but because I can now see there’s a hope in my children’s future. Thank you Tun. I know you played a very major role in the action and continue to do so to help us the rakyat and save this country.

    Semoga Allah SWT panjangkan umur Tun berdua dan sentiasa melindungi Tun.

  174. Salam Tun

    Kes sipon menyipon duit Malaysia, Riza Aziz kat sana NOBODY, Najib Razak kat sini SOMEBODY, and that somebody boleh dibuang tapi tak terbuang buang jugak 🙂

    Kawan kata sebab orang Melayu asyik confuse, tak tau apa yang dia orang nak 🙂

    Wallahu A’lam.

    Syukur Tun nak tubuh party baru, UMNO ini dah cukup memalukan, alahai parti kampung. 🙂

  175. Salam Tun,

    @Milsha, actually it can be both. Based from the US press conference, seems Jho Lo funneled the money he stole to an account for a Prince Turki(the alleged Saudi Prince) who then funneled the money to the Ambank account of a certain Malaysian Official One(minus his commission. It wasn’t a full amount transfer).

    They described this Malaysian Official One (I am paraphrasing) related to Riza Aziz, and holding a high position in 1MDB. This description seems to fit DS Najib but the US AG stopped short of naming him specifically. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

    The US AG made it clear that they seized the property to stop it from dissipating further and hindering further investigations. Basically they are preparing their case and don’t want the evidence to disappear. They also made it clear that they aim to return the seized property and funds back to Malaysia and once they have a credible enough case to specifically name everyone involved(although a few are named already). It will take years however for the civil suit to be tried.

    I think theMalaysia1MDB Arul Kanda has already announced that since the assets are not 1MDB’s the case has nothing to do with the company. And Riza Aziz’s lawyers announced there was nothing wrong with Red Granite. Again please correct me if I’m wrong.

    All in all it is a huge case, the US said it was the biggest case of its kind to date. Malaysia is now infamous globally.

    Hope my attempt at an explanation helps to clarify matters a bit.

    Thank you Tun, Allah Bless you and your family.

  176. Salam!

    Antara implikasi 1MBD saga :

    1. Rakyat hilang keyakinan terhadap sistem undang-undang Malaysia.

    2. Rakyat hilang keyakinan terhadap Parlimen.

    3. Rakyat hilang keyakinan terhadap PDRM.

    4. Rakyat hilang keyakinan terhadap SPRM.

    5. Rakyat hilang keyakinan terhadap raja-raja Melayu.

    5. Rakyat hilang keyakinan terhadap UMNO dan BN.

    Bukannya rakyat sahaja yang hilang keyakinan… pelabur asing dan kerajaan negara lain pun hilang keyakinan terhadap Malaysia, kecuali Singapore.

  177. Itulah tamak sangat… kalau rompak 1 juta hinggit pun dah boleh hidup senang dan orang lain pun tak notice. Ini gi rompak > 1 billion USD… memang saja cari susah.

  178. Mahathir’s Minions

    I see that Puan Faridina is fond of copying my sentences 😀

    Puan Faradina’s comments have all the features and characteristics typical of the RBA-type, lacking in imagination and boring to the core, and always a copycat.

  179. Rakyat mesti bangkit walau tiada nama najib di sebut dalam senarai kes riza aziz di US. Dari mana unsur wang oleh Riza sudah cukup untuk ketua polia, ketua sprm, gabenor bank negara, pac cari makan jalankan siasatan dalam negara.
    Agong sepatutnya sedar malah telah menolak permohonan tun membawa deklarasi rakyat, apa ni agong?

    Kita pastikan salleh kruak, rahman dahlan, nazri, zahid, hishamuddin, mas ermiyati, azalina, nancy, sahidan, puad jarkasi, setia usaha umno kelantan, tengku adenan, shahril samad, hadi awang, ketua umno cheras, anuar musa adenan satim, jamal ikan bakar, ali tinju dan lain2 yang berdegar2 menyokong perbuatan najib yang telah menyusahkan dan memalukan negara kita ini di tolak oleh rakyat, jika perlu masukkan mereka ke penjara.

    Semua raja raja juga sukar untuk kita terima kecuali Sultan Johor dan Tengku Mahkota Johor.
    Daulat Tuan ku Sultan Johor.

    Semuga usaha murni Tun di balas oleh allah.

    Kembalikan wang negara yang telah hilang wahai Najib dan pendedak2 sekalian….

  180. Salam!

    Apa yang berlaku di Amerika sekarang ni (pembekuan aset2 yang dikatakan dibeli guna duit 1MDB) merupakan konspirasi jahat Amerika dan barat untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan islamik Najib yang anti Amerika, anti Singapura dan anti Yahudi. Najib tak pernah main golf dengan Obama sebenarnya.

  181. Salam Tun.

    Seleps mendapat hasil siasatan US Justice Dept dan FBI


    1.Najib akan meletakkan mukanya di jubur Rosmah dan Rosmah akan meletakan muka nya di jubur Najib.

    2. Peguam Negara akan meneruskan aksi bercakapnya yang “tergagap-gagap” dalam menjawab soalan berkenaan 1MDB.

    3.Ketua Polis hanya layak menyiasat perihal pendatang haram (PATI)sahaja kerana persoalan 1MDB adalah di luar tahap IQ berliau. Senang kata beliau “BODOH” orangnya.


  182. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    The US Justice Department has begun seizing assets linked to the 1MDB scandal. What is more damning, is that the fund received by a top public official who controls 1MDB is from 1MDB. I thought it was donation by Royalty from Saudi Arabia as inform by AG Malaysia??? Which is which?

  183. Salam!

    Semua perompak dan mereka-mereka yang melindungi perompak mesti dibawa ke mahkamah. Dah la rompak billion-billion tapi muka selamba je tak ada rasa malu.

  184. Attentions Please !
    This is an announcement

    Today 21 / 7/ 2016
    Every Malaysian can take Law into their own Hands
    Malaysia Need No AG nor Judiciary system
    They have Shattered Malaysia Trust

    1 million investment creates Billions of Debts
    Clearly Proves and one needs no assumptions
    Criminal Intentions to misuse the billions is Proven
    Needs No Law to Judge
    Its common sense and we don,t need any Head of their Father Head
    Its a clear Common Sense

    Again if 1 Million Investment can suddenly creates Billions of Profits
    That again Common Sense tells us Something is Wrong
    Its a Stolen Money and we don’t need the Head of their Head to tell us our stands . Its simply Common Sense

    What a Disgusting Leadership and Judiciary System
    We Malaysian had today
    They are insulting us by suddenly
    Oh… its OSA
    Oh …I did not know what I sign for
    Oh ….It came from a Dead Donor

    Mr Judiciary Panel ,Sir
    You have a Serious Duty Sir

    IT already tells us a thousand story
    And Malaysia don,t even need the Law to seek for Justice for our
    Ruler Najib , UMNO and Attorney General wrong doings
    These are DayLight Robber

    These Bunch has Shattered Malaysia Trust
    It has been Hot news around the World ,Swiss , Singapore ,US and the several Nations is hotly investigating 1MDB involving high ends Authority
    Yet AG Apandi IRRESPONSIBLY comes with No wrong doings found ?

    Truly Fascinating Malaysia
    Truly are Dump Fools

  185. Assalam Tun,

    If you must bring down a donkey by the US standards, then this is a scrapbook case and the jungle is full of this, the latest being the US intervention in Karlutland. I wonder what our donkey have in common with theirs. Or is it the bran (dedak)?

    Yeah, Washington is still plotting. And I see dedakian karluting here in despair.


    Thanks to you Tun

  186. Assalam Tun.

    Hope Tun and family are in great health.

    My thoughts on this: OSA – Official Secrets Act (Akta Rahsia Rasmi)… but is it OSA – Official’s Secret Acts (Kegiatan Rahsia Pegawai Rasmi)?

    Thank you.

  187. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Kesalahan Naji$ ni dah terang lagi bersuluh Tun.

    Yang jelas dah tidak boleh disorok.

    Andai kata kerajaan BN tumbang pada pilihanraya akan datang, saya amat bersetuju Naji$, isterinya, serta menteri-menterinya dan tali barutnya seperti BAPUK KARL kita siasat.

    Teruskan perjuangan Tun. Agar Allah merahmati perjuangan dan keikhlasan Tun dalam menangani penyelewangan hak rakyat Malaysia oleh bapak Naji$ dan kuncu-kuncunya.

    Kami sentiasa di belakang perjuangan Tun. Tun tidak keseorangan dalam perjuangan ini.


  188. If you must bring down a sovereign government by the US standards, then this is a textbook case, and history is full of this, the latest being the US intervention in Venezuela. I wonder what our PM have in common with Chavez. Or is it the oil?

    Yeah, Washington is still plotting. And I see minions littering here in celebration.


  189. Salam sejahtera,

    Latest news, the US justice department seizes assets purchased by stolen funds from IMDB.

    There is light at the end of the tunnel. The truth will be out.

    The real question is, who would lead the country next once the saga is over and the criminals are exposed.

  190. Assalam Dearest Tun,

    Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin best describe 1MDB as a scheme to scam therefore it is no surprise that A.G’s Report is made a Government secret obviously to cover all the wrongdoings.

    The A.G’s office faces limitations course of the audit where some of the original documents and important later submitted or not submitted by 1MDB for verification of transactions and as audit evidence.

    To put it in simple term the audit was not made possible to be completed and it was task to be carried out to save Najib and to silence the critics and it’s just another cunning delay tactic.

    Why must we be alarmed when the report goes under OSA when 1MDB and its activities were kept a secret even to the knowledge of the second most powerful individual the ex-DPM TS Muhyiddin.

    Even Najib went hiding and missing for a Nothing2Hide forum on 1MDB.

    Najib then sent 2 clown ministers live on national television to jester with rakyat’s perception.

    At the end Jho Low the main character was not call upon by Hassan budak cari makan from the PAC.

    However I’m glad to hear that Jho Low and Riza Aziz were under investigation by the US Justice Department (just like isayso used to say that Najib will only be charged by a foreign country – isayso pls comment).

    Wasalam Tun

  191. From the US Department of Justicce suit:

    99. As set forth above, between September and October 2009, $700 million was
    fraudulently diverted from 1MDB to the Good Star Account. An additional $330 million
    was fraudulently diverted from 1MDB to the Good Star Account between May and
    October 2011. According to J.P. Morgan Chase banking records, between February and June of 2011, approximately $24,500,000 of these funds was transferred to an account at Riyad Bank maintained in the name of a Saudi prince who, together with thePETROSAUDI CEO, co-founded PetroSaudi (“PETROSAUDI CO-FOUNDER”).

    From those funds, $20,000,000 was then transferred, within days, to an account
    belonging to MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1.

    102. Plaintiff alleges on information and belief that MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1
    is the ultimate beneficiary of the AMPRIVATE BANKING-MR Account. The
    AMPRIVATE BANKING-MR Account is the same account that later received certain
    payments totaling approximately $681 million in March 2013. As set forth in Paragraph 263 below, the Attorney General of Malaysia has publicly stated that the account into which these $681 million payments were made belonged to MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1.


    In a stunning blow to Malaysia’s political establishment, the US Justice Department said Wednesday it was moving to seize more than $1 billion in assets allegedly tied to corruption at a state-owned investment fund.

    In court papers filed in California, federal prosecutors listed the Hollywood financial crime caper “The Wolf of Wall Street” and nearly twenty other assets to be seized, including lavish real estate from Beverly Hills to a penthouse in New York’s Time Warner Center to London’s high-end Belgravia neighborhood.

    Also included were artworks by the painters Monet and Van Gogh as well as a Bombardier Global 5000 business jet.

    All were the tainted proceeds of the misappropriation of billions of dollars from the scandal-tarred 1Malaysia Development Berhad investment fund.

    The development was likely to prove particularly embarrassing for Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, who, in his concurrent position as finance minister, controlled the company until its dissolution in May.

    The Wall Street Journal reported last year that investigators had tied nearly $700 million to Najib’s personal bank accounts. Najib had previously denied wrongdoing.

    Subsequent reports said the money originated from 1MDB and may have exceeded $1 billion, which 1MDB denies.

    The government later acknowledged the payments, but called them a “personal donation” from the Saudi royal family.

    Using the pseudonym “Malaysian Official 1,” Wednesday’s complaint identifies a “high-ranking official” in the Malaysian government with control over the fund as being involved in the misappropriation of funds.

    US Attorney General Loretta Lynch will reveal details of the seizure effort later on Wednesday.

    The move to seize the funds, which is subject to what could be lengthy legal proceedings, emerges from a 2010 Justice Department anti-kleptocracy initiative intended to confiscate the ill-gotten gains of world leaders which pass through the US banking system.

    The scandal around the embezzlement of billions of dollars from the fund, much of them borrowed, has battered Najib’s government.

    Authorities from Singapore to Switzerland and the United States have joined in tracking down missing funds of 1MDB.

    Switzerland and Singapore have frozen millions of dollars worth of assets on suspicion of 1MDB-related embezzlement and money-laundering, but so far no major figures have been brought to justice.

    Sharing is caring

  193. Salam tun…
    Menteri pasola lg bagus dri menteri yg ade kt m’sia ni.memalukan je….bile ketua mcm hareee ank buah pon sama lah hareee dohnyee..tambah2 mcm nazri abd. Aziz tu..percakapannye mcm org xmnggunakan akal.. #kami suka karl M.

  194. Thanks Mutley
    A 2.6 Billion Thanks Mutley

    Feed us more
    We have been hearing Bedtime Stories from AG , Najib & Associates
    We need Facts

  195. Salam Tun,

    Thank you Mutley for sharing! Literally this story is heard around the world!

    Tun, your persistence is vindicated, Alhamdulillah.

    I am happy to be proven wrong, as usual Tun, your vision is correct in highlighting the 1MDB issue. I can see no way for DS Najib and UMNO to be silent on this matter. The fight is not over yet, however this is a huge step for truth and the fight to end tyranny.

    I will try my best to temper my elation, for I know we have not achieved victory yet. It is good for morale in any case.

    I eagerly await their reaction tomorrow, I am sure we will see theatrics to rival a Shakespeare play or Arwah P.Ramlee’s films.

    Take care Tun, may Allah bless you and your family.

  196. Salam Tun

    Nak share berita FMT

    ‘They can say I’m nyanyuk, that’s all right’

    Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad says those who demonise him for wanting to form a new party show they are worried.

    23 5 0 28
    ‘They can say I’m nyanyuk, that’s all right’
    Tarrence Tan | July 20, 2016
    Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad says those who demonise him for wanting to form a new party show they are worried.

    KUALA LUMPUR: Dr Mahathir Mohamad says those criticising his plan to form a new party can “say what they like” as he has refused to be disheartened by the brickbats.

    “They can say I’m nyanyuk (senile) and all that, that’s all right.

    “That’s normal for people who are worried and need to demonise their opponents, so it’s okay.”

    The former prime minister said this when speaking to reporters after attending the launch of a book titled “My Name is Hasmah”. The book is a biography about his wife, Dr Siti Hasmah Ali.

    Present were Mahathir’s children, Mokhzani, Mukhriz and Marina as well as former MCA President Ling Liong Sik.

    Those unhappy with his plan to form a new party, Mahathir added, would attempt to create the impression that what he was doing looked “stupid and silly.”

    He hinted the party could be launched in a couple of weeks.

    Mahathir was asked to comment on remarks by certain quarters that the party he intends to form, in a bid to oust Prime Minister Najib Razak, was made up of disgruntled individuals.

    Among those he claimed to have expressed interest to participate were former Umno leaders Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz Mahathir and Shafie Apdal.

    Mahathir, who has emerged as one of Najib’s fiercest critics, also said he was unsure if the new party would spilt the Opposition votes, adding that Malaysians would have to “wait and see.”

    The former Umno president, however, remained tight-lipped when asked for updates on the party, explaining that he was not supposed to talk about it until he had reached an agreement with the sponsors.

    “Only after I meet them, I am free to talk.”

    Mahathir also said the party’s line-up would be announced once it was formalised.

    He stressed that he had no intention to lead the party and dismissed claims he would be its de-facto leader.


    Goodnight. 🙂

  197. OSA ?
    Then make those responsible pay up use their father money their mother land
    Why burden Malaysian ?

    Does AG Head Apandi decides on his own or by the committee declaring No Wrong Doings on part of 1MDB ?
    Who are the panel ?

    The questions today is on the AG ?

    1MDB and the rest will follow later
    It seems the Judiciary System cannot be trusted

  198. Assalamualikum,


    Amat malang sekali bila orang yang mentadbir kerajaan berlaku tidak jujur, tidak amanah, makan gaji buta, selalu keluar pejabat urusan peribadi, tidak mencatat kedatangan waktu bekerja. tidak berdisiplin dan mematuhi peraturan undang2 yang mesti diikuti walaupun dia orang pihak atasan.

    hanya beri pendapat bukan nak keruh keadaan,

    Jika Perdana menteri DS Najib bertanggungjawab dalam kehilangan wang berbillion negara dan mampu menutup semua kesalahanya, maka dia boleh dikataakan perdana menteri yang paling banyak helah, Jika tidak bersalah, tidak bersalah.

    mendapat raih sokongan penuh dari ahli politik dan sokongan rakyat mampu menjatuhkan pemimpin yg rakus. soal nya sekarang apa rakyat sedar atau tahu keadaan hutang negara? jika keadaan seperti biasa, maka rakyat tidak percaya apa yang tun mahathir cakap.

    Mendapat KEPERCAYAAN RAKYAT sangat penting sebab yang membangunkan negara adalah orang muda yang akan menentukan masa depan negara. JIKA tiada tindakan sekarang, maka tiada lah hasil.

  199. Salam Tun,

    It is funny Tun, to hear people say you are over-spinning this 1mdb issue, too much, too personal.

    I apologize in advance if this sounds disrespectful, but I wish to point out to these people, if anyone knows what over-spinning and long-lasting controversies it would be Tun himself. I seem to recall certain quarters harping about things happening half a century ago regarding Tun.

    The 1MDB issue is only less than 2 years old. Compared to the decades some accusation still tried to be spun on Tun, this is nothing.

    Excessive on 1MDB? Please. Overly lacking is more like.

    I do somewhat agree however, I think it is high-time to go beyond just attacking certain personalities(as it does sound too much like a personal vendetta).

    Thank you Tun.

  200. Somewhere in the previous thread, Puan Housewife left an interesting caption about selling an idea.

    In order to buy, people need not understand what you’re selling, but they will buy if they feel understood.

    Dr M in pushing the 1MDB issue excessively, is himself becoming a suspect to a personal vendetta, only displaying desperate selling off. Too much spin detected.

    The rakyat as per PRK results, have given Dr M the cue for his next CTA. But will the good doctor listen? Nope, he calls them despicable and corrupt people.

    Not nice lah like that.

  201. Salam Tun

    Jual nasi lemak bungkus pun kena keep record, kalau tak mana tau untung rugi nyer – genuine business la 🙂

    Tun, kalau ini AG report, sah ini adalah aktiviti money laundering yang biasa dilakukan oleh kebanyakkan orang. 🙂

    Tapi nak buat macam mana kalau Bank Negara also diam, kalau orang kebanyakkan yang buat, lama dah kena cekup, elok sangat Tun buat new party, takan dah terang lagi bersuluh. 🙂

  202. Even I know the detail how much I need to produce my nasi lemak kukus. Why? My customer is my asset. And therefore I must give them an excellence taste of nasi lemak!. Honestly, they are not paying for the food but the taste…..That’s my responsibility.
    In this billion of ringgit business, do the stupid people will ignore any of the regulation just to be loyal? For what?
    Very simple,is it?

  203. Salam Tun,

    Yes, the exposé is incredible (If the report is true…..but let’s face it, it probably is). From the tone of your writing, I feel you are also convinced of the reports authenticity.

    What is more disconcerting is our silence (‘our’ being the government of Malaysia). There was some noise about it a few weeks ago, from an esteemed federal minister no less, and then silence.

    I spoke before that I feel the 1mdb issue, by itself, is a dead end for our cause. Unless someone else is the PM, I see no way DS Najib will allow what you proposed to happen.

    Tun, it occurred to me he still has a secret weapon. The All-Mighty National Security Act which he passed through parliament at the end of last year. My wonder if he will use it with the situation as it is.

    He has countless reasons to invoke it if we take a moment to think about it. The spate of violent crimes involving guns and murder, alleged IS attacks, kidnappings(Sabah) and gang related killings(Sarawak) are all easy excuses for him to do so, thanks to the wordings and definition used in the Act.

    Internationally, apparently steps to seize 1MDB assets is underway, and domestically increasing and daily pressure from you and others are pushing him more into a corner.

    My point being is, he is now trapped. He is in a precarious position for if any of his so-called allies fold then he is finished. I predict sooner or later he will be stabbed in the back as his own allies try to save themselves. I see it as a high probability (he has nothing to lose) that he will invoke this Act, and the thought chills me to my bone.

    Tun you are one of the most exposed people and an easy target if he does so. Please take the necessary steps to protect yourself as much as possible. I feel there is is certain urgency now, the quiet(of the present government) before the storm. I’m sorry if I seem to put extra pressure on you but I am just voicing my concern to you and my brothers/sisters here. I fervently hope I am proven wrong and my daily ‘DOA’ is for this not to happen.

    Thank you Tun, may Allah bless you and your family and the people of Malaysia.

  204. Setuju..Kita perlukan mereka mereka yg hatinya masih ada rasa takut pada Allah SWT..ramai lagi yg berhati demikian, namun masih ada juga yg buta mata hatinya.

  205. Salam Dearest YAB Tun,

    It’s funny when Tun mentioned about ‘Nasi lemak bungkus’ business, which I believe DSN and gang would also fail to manage properly. May be most of the ‘capital’ for the business (including the nasi lemak) will be ‘songlap-ed’ and eaten by them…and definitely, after a while the business also ‘bungkus’ like what happened to 1MDB.

    DSN and gang said many times that 1MDB has such an ‘ideal’ business model. Ideal is not the right word, ‘haprak or hampeh’ is more suitable because 1MDB did not achieve anything good. Instead it had caused us to lose very valuable assets dan lands to foreigners. And, we are still burdened with billions of ringgit of debt that 1MDB still has not settled.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  206. Assalam Tun.

    Tun must not delay to register the new party, and ready to start talks with PBB & PBS.

    I’m optimist the still clean and trustworthy UMNO MPs will team up with the new party.

  207. PARTI BARU?

    Jika parti tun untuk orang melayu..


    1.Parti amno dikuasai 100% oleh nejib.

    2.Kena kata ‘yes’ memanjang pada nejib, sesiapa kritik, nasihat dibuang parti,gantung keahlian.

    3.Tiada apa dalam parti amno, ketua bahagian kata ‘yes nejib’,ahli amno kata ‘i love pm’,ahli parlimen kata ‘mesti sokong nejib’ pada siapa rakyat nak mengadu kalau orang buat salah, songlap duit semuanya kata ‘YES NEJIB’.


    1.Amno selalu memainkan perkauman,kononnya DAP ambik kuasa orang melayu, apa lagi cina mau,menakut-nakutkan orang melayu negara orang lain memerintah bukan orang melayu, melayu terbangsat kata PM separuh akal.Tun pun pernah gunakan strategi begini kan he he..

    2.Perlu sokongan orang melayu dan bumiputera kerana mereka pengundi terbesar negara.

    3.Senang membentuk gabungan dengan parti politik dari kaum lain + pakatan lain.Mungkin ada parti dari sekutu BN nak bergabung dengan tun, mana tau??.MCA, MIC tak sebulu dengan nejib isu PAS AMNO.


    p/s:pelajari sejarah dato onn,imp party

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