1.I am told that Sarawak Report had somehow gotten hold of the top secret Auditor General’s report on 1MDB. And they say the A.G.’s report is damning. There were so many wrong things, even criminal things done by 1MDB people and the Chairman of the Board of Advisors, which warrant criminal charges being initiated against the Chairman and the staff of 1MDB.

2. But as we all know the other A.G. – the Attorney General declared that the Auditor General’s report did not show that Najib had done anything wrong or criminal. The A.G. dismissed the other A.G.’s report but he then invoked the Official Secrets Act to prevent members of the public from accessing the contents.

3.Obviously the two A.Gs, the staff of Auditor General’s and the Attorney General’s offices and the Public Accounts Committee know the contents of the A.G.’s report. But they are not talking. Their lips are sealed.

4.Then the Finance Minister II resigned from all his posts. He has not explained why he took that drastic action. He is going to Jordan to study religion. Seems that his lips are also sealed. He is dumb now.

5.Looking at the people involved in the setting up and the management of 1MDB, one must conclude that they were chosen because they were dumb. And there must be a lot of these dumb people around. Some quickly resigned, others took a longer time. Some must have been removed or transferred or retired. But the common disability they all suffer from is their inability to talk. They may also be deaf but they are certainly dumb.

6.There is I believe a law about covering up criminal acts. Even dumb people are not exempted from this law. They may be dumb but they are not so stupid that they cannot distinguish between right and wrong. They can read and they can understand.

7.A court of law may not take kindly to their plea of being dumb. They may claim they have been coerced into being dumb. One person may be. Even two or three. But a whole army of people cannot possibly be coerced into dumbness. Their pleas would be rejected by the courts.

8.Then there is a matter of conscience. But there are those who gleefully embellish what they know by telling lies. They cannot be so illiterate as to be unable to read. The press, the alternative media and the specialist investigators like the WSJ and Sarawak Report cannot possibly be fabricating all the massive cheatings the 1MDB is involved in. Until the original report is made public, claims by the stooges that they were all lies cannot be believed.

9.Today you may act dumb. But the time will come when the pretext is no longer excusable. Even if you turn religious, the cover-up will not hold.

10.A third group is made up of people who had been fed with dedak (bran). And the fourth is made up of the mindless supporters. This group believe that a President who is also a party leader is entitled to do anything he likes, including stealing Government money no matter how much. A million or a billion does not matter. It’s only about changing “m” to “b” and adding three more zeroes – i.e. adding nothing. For these people, “theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die”. “My President may he always be in the right, but my President right or wrong”. That is their mentality.

11.Between all these dumb people the country is going to the dogs. But who cares!!

12.The day of reckoning will surely come. It will come before the Muslims among them meet their Maker. Mouths will open and words will pour out. Religions will not absolve you. Performing the Hajj, especially with stolen money will not absolve your sins. You will get your just deserts.


1. Saya diberitahu bahawa Sarawak Report, entah bagaimananya, telah dapat memperolehi laporan Audit Negara mengenai 1MDB yang paling rahsia. Dan mereka berkata laporan Audit Negara itu adalah menjahanamkan. Terdapat begitu banyak perkara yang salah, malah perkara-perkara jenayah yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang 1MDB dan Pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat, yang mewajarkan tuduhan jenayah diambil terhadap Pengerusi dan kakitangan 1MDB.

2. Tetapi seperti yang kita semua tahu A.G. yang satu lagi itu (Attorney General) – iaitu Peguam Negara telah mengisytiharkan bahawa laporan Ketua Audit Negara tidak menunjukkan bahawa Najib telah melakukan sebarang kesalahan atau jenayah. A.G. ini menolak laporan A.G. yang satu lagi dan beliau kuatkuasakan Akta Rahsia Rasmi untuk menghalang orang ramai mengakses kandungan laporan.

3. Jelas sekali kedua-dua A.G., kakitangan pejabat Audit Negara dan pejabat Peguam Negara dan Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Awam (PAC) mengetahui kandungan laporan Audit Negara ini. Tetapi mereka tidak bercakap. Bibir mereka dimeteraikan.

4. Kemudian Menteri Kewangan II meletak jawatan daripada semua jawatan. Dia tidak menjelaskan mengapa beliau mengambil tindakan yang drastik itu. Dia akan ke Jordan untuk belajar agama. Nampaknya bibirnya juga dimeterai. Dia membisu sekarang.

5. Jika melihat kepada mereka yang terlibat dalam penubuhan dan pengurusan 1MDB, seseorang mesti membuat kesimpulan bahawa mereka itu telah dipilih kerana mereka bisu. Dan mesti ada banyak orang-orang bisu sebegini di persekitaran. Sesetengahnya meletak jawatan dengan cepat, yang lainnya mengambil masa yang lebih lama. Sesetengahnya mungkin telah dihentikan atau dipindahkan atau bersara. Tetapi kecacatan umum mereka semua adalah ketidakmampuan mereka untuk bercakap. Boleh jadi juga mereka pekak, tetapi sudah pasti mereka semuanya adalah bisu.

6. Saya percaya terdapat undang-undang mengenai menutup perbuatan jenayah. Bahkan orang-orang bisu pun tidak dikecualikan daripada undang-undang ini. Mereka mungkin bisu tetapi mereka tidak sebegitu bisu sehingga tidak dapat membezakan di antara betul dan salah. Mereka boleh membaca dan mereka boleh memahami.

7. Mahkamah undang-undang mungkin tidak dapat menerima dengan baik pengakuan bahawa mereka bisu. Mungkin mereka boleh mendakwa bahawa mereka telah dipaksa untuk bertindak bisu. Kemungkinan seorang. Mungkin juga dua atau tiga. Tetapi sekumpulan manusia yang besar tidak mungkin dapat dipaksa untuk bertindak bisu. Hujahan mereka akan ditolak oleh mahkamah.

8. Kemudian timbul persoalan perasaan yang ada dalam hati nurani. Tetapi terdapat mereka yang dengan penuh cerianya memperindahkan apa yang mereka tahu dengan membuat pembohongan. Tidak mungkin mereka begitu buta huruf sehingga tidak boleh membaca. Akhbar, media alternatif dan penyiasat pakar seperti WSJ dan Sarawak Report tidak mungkin dapat mereka-reka semua penipuan skala besar yang melibatkan 1MDB. Sehingga laporan asal diisytiharkan awam, tuntutan oleh konco-konco mereka bahawa semuanya adalah pembohongan tidak boleh dipercayai .

9. Hari ini anda boleh bertindak bisu. Tetapi akan tiba masanya apabila helah ini tidak dapat dimaafkan. Walaupun anda berselindungkan agama, pengelakan tidak akan bertahan.

10. Kumpulan ketiga terdiri daripada mereka yang telah diberi makan dedak (bran). Dan yang keempat terdiri daripada penyokong yang tidak boleh berfikir. Kumpulan ini percaya bahawa seseorang Presiden yang juga seorang pemimpin parti berhak untuk berbuat apa-apa saja yang beliau suka, termasuk mencuri wang Kerajaan tidak kira berapa banyaknya. Satu juta atau satu bilion tidak mengapa. Ianya hanya melibatkan perubahan “m” kepada “b” dan menambah tiga lagi sifar – iaitu menambah kosong. Bagi mereka, “bukan mereka untuk menyoal sebab mengapa, tetapi bagi mereka ialah membuat sampai mati”. “Presiden saya, semoga dia sentiasa berada di landasan yang betul, tetapi dia Presiden saya, betul atau salah”. Itulah mentaliti mereka.

11. Di antara semua orang-orang yang bisu ini, negara ini akan musnah. Tetapi siapa yang mempedulikan !!

12. Hari pembalasan pasti akan tiba. Ia akan tiba sebelum orang-orang Islam di kalangan mereka bertemu Pencipta mereka. Mulut akan terbuka dan kata-kata akan mencurahkan keluar. Agama tidak akan membebaskan anda. Menunaikan Haji, terutamanya dengan wang dicuri, tidak akan menebuskan dosa-dosamu. Anda akan mendapat balasan yang setimpal.

237 thoughts on “THE DUMB PEOPLE”

  1. Sudin,

    Tun bukan menulis untuk orang tertentu atau pilihan, tetapi lebih besar negara untuk membacanya. Itu demokarasi.

    Klu Tun atau admin Chedet padam kenyataan negatif dr pembaca, tdk ada beza Tun dengan AG mengeluarkan fakta daripada laporan 1MDB jdi semuanya baik-baik shj. pula hanyala seorang yang menumpang populariti Chedet dan meraih perhatian jutaan pembaca Chedet mngetahui siapa Karl-Iskandar. Masakan tidak ada satu link khas kepada bijak dalam hal itu, tetapi bodoh disebabkan mata ditutup dengan kain biru dan merah mngikut tanpa melihat arah. Agenda tulisannya seperti mencari kesalahan Tun dan Chedet untuk menunjukkan Tun lebih teruk dari “boss”nya.

    Mungkin dia rasa diri seorang yang sangat bijak dengan pengetahuan am, isu politik, terma-terma bahasa sastera @ psikologi dan berbahasa Inggeris yang sebenarnya tidak ada beza dengan pengkritik-pengkritik “boss” nya. pantang sentuh malah lebih teruk.

    Tahniah anda adalah sebahagian dari THE DUMB PEOPLE yang Tun maksudkan.

  2. Assalam Tun.

    Tun Dr Mahathir is dumb? Not in the sense of deaf as explained by Tun in this posting, but really dumb!

    Else how would one explain when Tun and/or his chedet administrators continually releasing comments by karl Iskandar aka karl-dai for writing negative, obtrusive and all slanderous articles about Tun here in chedet?

    Maybe, I’m just saying maybe, this karl-dai can’t or don’t know how to read between the lines, that Tun M is actually showing/telling visitors to chedet this karl-dai is actually the dumb one, real dumb. That Tun M actually wants all visitors to note “a real dumb one” as one of the typical, notorious and infamous dumb followers wholly owned by Najib and Rosmah incorporated, as exemplified by a kaldai with similar meaning and pronunciation to karl-dai.

  3. Assalam Tun.

    Looks like Hadi the “ustaz” has made up his mind and giving his undivided support to Najib and all of Najib’s corruptions practices!

    Hadi is still holding on to his “my hudud (not Islamic hudud) is all that matters”, and corruption is not categorised under hudud ruling. Thus 1Mdb Hadi is not interested. Even when money stolen from 1MDB funds are used to pay gambling debts.

    Gambling also is not under hudud, right Hadi, right karl aka karl-dai?

  4. Assalam Tun.

    Rosmah and Najib probably obtained funds from the numerous 1MDB related scams to stage the grand marriage of their daughter, with Salleh “trumpet” Keruak, gangster Nazri, karl aka karl-dai, and all those in cohorts with Rosmah & Najib giving their full support.

  5. 151.

    152. Tetapi, sini bukan turkey.

    153. Why we do not want to tender?

    154. We cannot afford, how to tender ler?

    155. Moreover, if we cannot pay back, who is going to bail us out?

    156. If dap sg as cm of penang gets the nod from yang dipertua negeri pulau pinang, pkr and amanah to call for snap election, then he should go for it.

    157. But he cannot stop members of mps from bn and pas to contest.

    158. This is the political risk he has to take.

  6. 147. Even riza is the stepson of pm of malaysia, he will be trialed fairly in us civil court, karl.

    148. I am not sure are you aware of the hot news of a sister who gained her popularity in internet was being killed by her brother in the name of family honor in pakistan.

    149. Adakah anda rasa adik perempuanya patuh dibunuh abangnya untuk mempertahankan maruah keluarga?

    150. You hanya boleh jawap dengan ya atau tidak.

  7. Salam YAB & Yang Amat DiKasihi Tun,

    Allow me Tun:

    ‘Karl’, to prove that you are smart and not a ‘dungu’, please answer the following stupid questions:-

    1. Who is ‘Malaysian Official 1’?

    2. Do you know him? Yes / No

    If you still cannot answer the above questions correctly (or did not answer the questions), then it’s confirmed that Albert Einstein was right that “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” .

    Thanks Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah SWT memberkati Tun sekeluarga ***

  8. 143. You forgot karl, chinese is the 2nd largest race in this country.

    144. Anything happened in prc and taiwan, we know.

    145. Maybe to your race, you perceive corruption as lobby.

    146. If the project got no untung one, even if it is fred, we will not want to tender one.

  9. Salam Tun,

    As far as I could remember, I did not mentioned any specific name with regards to my previously latest posting in this blog entry but somehow because of it’s TRUTHFUL content on the PAC report; our friend here summoned my name twice.

    Dear Karl,
    I know your type will not hold any dignity within yourself, no problem at that as ‘kubur masing-masing’. However for ‘duniawi’ sake, at least learn to be ashamed of yourself. You have been stripped naked once by responding to rhetorical type questions and now again, you lay your head on the chopping block.

    One thing is right though, I have a knack for airplanes, but sorry, Red Arrow is simply not my taste. Perhaps A380 with 4 Trent 900 Engines of which the resulrs of my engineering philosophical research managed to clear the plaguing door problem of this fleet would better matched my profile.

    Anyway Karl, Department of Justice of America had proven the money trail of roughly 681 million USD goes into the AmBank Account of Malaysia Official 1 which clearly indicated whom thru the report documents (exact wordings of article 117), so my guess is, your paymaster will soon ceased to support your activities here…. but in all honesty, all of us here would like to see you again and again just for the fun of it….

    Rgds Karl.

    Thanks Tun.

  10. Don’t know what con job Einstein trying to pull. Looks like an assertion multiply with a doubt, equals confusion, equals barking up the wrong tree, equals Mahathir’s minions.

    Pretending smart won’t do.


  11. 128. Why this blog is set in the begining?

    129. It was set up to blog to unblog by a willingly retired pm who lead us for the past 22 years.

    130. Why it became a blog to unseat the pm now?

    131. Its human stupidity or human greed?


    133. If you link this case on why world brand owners tarik balik all their defect products, you will understand the main factor that they do it is to protect the image and positioning of their brands so that they can maintain its competitiveness in the future market.

    134. Nothing is free of charge in this world.

    135. As politician, you must show your worthiness and stardard.

    136. If street fighter also can be our pm, it simply means we are ultra, tidak kukuh lar.

    137. If you want to let the people to be judged, then as head of the state, you have the absolute right to call for ge.

    138. Berani kerana benar, then call for the snap election lar.

    139. Berani kerana benar, then wait for pm to call ge lar.

    140. We are only a small population country.

    141. By forming asean and connect ourself to west, east, north and south, the population definitely be larger so that all of us can share and bear the responsility as malaysian.

    142. Simple common sense like this also cannot see and feel, how to improve yourself ler?

  12. 13. “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”
    ― Albert Einstein

    14. Thats why now they war with aliens in the universe so that they dont get sued by human stupidity.

  13. Salam Dearest YAB Tun,

    Allow me Tun:

    ‘Karl’, obviously, you are a ‘dungu’. You believe in ‘hikayat/dongeng’ and stupid excuses.

    You simply like to accuse people of making wild allegations even though there are proofs (transactions) of wrongdoings (by DSN & gang). You could not even argue intelligently.

    I bet you don’t even know the details of the PAC report…Alahai (tulis berdegar-degar, tapi hampeh).When queried further, you yourself are TOTALLY LOST in your own stupid argument and reasoning.

    If you cannot SHOW WHERE I can find the answers to my questions (which you claimed have been answered by the report) in the PAC report, then it’s confirmed that you are simply a ‘dungu’ who is so ‘bodoh-sombong’ (who simply follows instructions & standard set of answers – but knows nothing about the details). Sorry dude 🙁 … And most probably, you did not even understand my questions. Alahai…

    Something to ponder:

    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”
    ― Albert Einstein

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  14. Hajar.

    You are, not unlike like umranrc, barking up the wrong tree.

    For someone who makes a lot of assumptions and wild allegations, you seem very lost in your own maze of bad opinions.

    But, of course, if you have fi qulubihi marad, no amount of truth can break that rock in your heart.

  15. Salam YAB dan Yang Amat DiKasihi Tun,

    Allow me Tun:

    ‘Puan Karl’,

    Please show me WHERE in the PAC report (your comment – Jul 20, 2016 7:22 PM ) the following questions (my previous comment) have been answered.

    The RM 28 Billion (about USD 7 Billion) I mentioned below was the one reported missing (‘lesap’) in the Auditor-G’s report on 1MDB. Many people also asked why the report was classified under OSA.

    One of the PAC committee members already mentioned about this missing money in a TV program (TV1 – if I’m not mistaken ‘Wawancara Ekonomi Semasa’) not too long ago (before Ramadhan). So, I did not get this information from SR / WSJ.

    /// An excerpt from my previous comment (Jul 14,2016 12:29 AM):

    7. …, sila jelaskan kepada pembaca2 di sini di mana wang RM 28 Billion milik 1MDB yang ‘lesap / hilang’. Siapa yang songlap wang ini? Tolong jawab jika anda & DSN di pihak benar.


    Obviously, some of the missing RM 28 Billion (USD 7 BILLION) 1MDB’s money were used to buy several properties in US and UK, and of course we know that a few people used the stolen money for other purposes – produced a movie, had a lavish wedding, etc.

    Read the news here: Your ‘OTAI’ is trying very hard to ‘menegak benang yang basah’.

    I also highlighted many times about the RM2.6 Billion that used to be in DSN’s account and the RM42 Million SRCI’s money that was deposited into DSN’s personal account.

    I’m sorry to say that only dumb people and ‘dedak eaters’ would believe in such ‘hikayat’ (RM2.6 Billion ‘derma’) and lame excuses given by DSN on the money (suapan) he received from SRCI.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  16. 116. No matter how you play with dm, the end result is not anarchy like poor countries, karl.

    117. Dah lupa ke we have gone through political turbulence for many decades just like any civilized and matured countries ruled by common law.

    118. The only difference is these modern civilization communities can stand tall is they dont send their presidents and pm to jail via maipulation, I mean pilih kasih.

    119. Boat rocking within the organization itself is more appropriate, I would say, karl.

    120. The means of wealth channel from right pocket to left poket will only lead this country in recession.

    121. Tak faham takpa, jangan jangan angkuh dan bodoh sombong.

    122. Kesopanan dan kesusilaan is the best way out to give way more space for both coalitions to rally supports to transform the economy to the next level.

    123. Makcik hajar kata dia sayangkan ayahandanya.

    124. Bila perasaan dan emosinya nya tergugat, dia buat sebaran cyber fitnah di blog ini seolah olah dia buat tuanpunya blog ini santion dan halau saya keluar.

    125. I already said, if you dont like me, I will leave without questioning.

    126. But you cannot stop me by casting vote when ge is called.

    127. Kan undi tu rahsia, sri sense.

  17. Assalam Tun.

    Hoping for reporters to corner the Saudi foreign minister on the full truth about the purported $681 million donation to Najib.

  18. Assalam Tun.

    Now that the 1MDB corruption activities are undeniable and well known universally, which Najib has been trying very hard to keep secret by blatantly abusing his position, it is for the best interest of Malaysia to re-look into all the recent agreements which Najib has signed with other countries, especially during the last 20 months.

    Najib’s stubbornness not to relinquish the PM’s post to the extend of creating the mother of lies when he told the world about the RM2.6 billion in his bank account, may cause him to ask for some kind of favouritism in his negotiations and that may result in Malaysia giving in easily to demands from his counterpart.

    Malaysia after Najib should look into the possibility of abrogating such agreements!

  19. Assalam Tun.

    Latest from all round the world, BBC, New York Times, Fortune, Wall Street Journal…..

    July 20, 2016
    “The US Justice Department is looking to seize more than $1bn (£761m) in assets as part of its investigation into Malaysia’s state fund 1MDB.”

    “Federal prosecutors are poised to launch one of the largest asset seizures in U.S. history as they step up their investigation into billions of dollars siphoned away from a Malaysian government investment fund, according to people familiar with the matter.

    “Authorities are expected to file civil lawsuits as soon as Wednesday morning seeking to seize more than $1 billion worth of assets, which are expected to include properties and other assets purchased with money allegedly misappropriated from the Malaysian fund, according to people familiar with the matter.”

    Najib should engage the services of the special one called karl-dai to nego with the US authorities to resolve the matter.

    Should be no problem eh karl-dai?
    Just tell them the Malaysian attorney general called A…pandi…r has already cleared all issues on 1mdb, and Malaysia has not charged anyone for that matter.

    One more thing karl-dai, tell them also all the accusations are cooked up by the westerners to topple Najib.

    Kih kih kih!

  20. 112. Bak kata, cikgu kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari.

    113. Gentleman plays by rules and regulations.

    114. Its up to them to decide the image of their party, karl.

    115. Gentleman or street fighter, I will leave it to the local lawmakers to decide.

  21. 107. Boleh, takda masalah, sri sense.

    108. If we want to make comparison, automatically, we will compare sago with sago, omellete with omlette.

    109. This is how our brain system works.

    110. Compare langsat with apple, can kah?

    111. If snap election is called in penang, who will win, makcik hajar?

  22. Salam Tun,

    Mmm… nampaknya terpaksalah saya ulang balik filem ni berkali-kali kerana masih lagi ada orang tak faham isi kandungan PAC report on 1MDB.

    From 5.1.2 page 11,

    “Article 117 of the M&A has outlined a number of decisions that require a written permission from the Prime Minister which include the following:

    a. Any changes to the company’s M&A, whether in whole or in part;

    b. Any appointment and removal of any director (including the Managing Director and Alternate Director) and Top Management of the company; and

    c. Any financial commitment (including investments), restructuring or matters relating to guarantees issued by the Federal Government of Malaysia for the company’s interests, national interests, national security or any policy of the Federal Government of Malaysia. For this purpose, the determination of the meaning of ‘national interest’, ‘national security’ and ‘policy of the Federal Government of Malaysia’ shall be finalised by the Federal Government of Malaysia.”

    What is the above is talking about?

    From item 8 page 97,

    “Specifically, PAC believes that the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of 1MDB, Datuk Shahrol Azral needs to take responsibility for those weaknesses and blunders.

    Therefore, the law enforcement agencies are required to carry out further investigation on Datuk Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi and others involved from the management of 1MDB.”

    As per the above, have the enforcement agencies call up Datuk Shahrol? And the worst is, who are the ‘others’ involved in managing the 1MDB? Based on that presented article 117, who else???

    This is where Tun, people doesn’t actually read things. They simply take what their paymasters are telling them.

    Susah la Tun bila dah terlalu banyak makan dedak ni, bengap tak boleh diajar.

    Terima Kasih Tun.

  23. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun, cakap sikit pasal ‘TMJ and Pendrive’, boleh kan. Anyway, it’s splashed all over in the news, sports news to be precised. The focal point here is RASUAH.

    TMJ mempunyai maklumat salahlaku dan penyelewengan dalam pentadbiran dan pengurusan FAM (siapa whistle-blower? Can’t be SR or WSJ). Tiba2 mereka jadi gelabah dan buka mulut untuk bersuara (untuk kes ini tak bisu pula) minta TMJ serahkan pendrive tu kepada SPRM untuk buat siasatan. Jika sembunyi maklumat akan jadi satu kesalahan dari segi undang2. Mereka saran TMJ dedahkan dakwaan berlaku rasuah dalam FAM kerana ia membabitkan organisasi orang yang cintakan bolasepak. FAM nak bertemu TMJ secara peribadi dan tertutup untuk cari penyelesaian terbaik dan juga tujuannya untuk GESA individu tertentu BERUNDUR dan serahkan tanggungjawap kepada yang lebih layak dan dedikasi.

    Why could not they take the same action when the financial scandals surrounding 1MDB, the mismanagement of the country’s economy and the 2.6 billion dollar ‘donation’ into own account surfaced? Why ran away from Tun during the Nothing2Hide forum? Why dare not confront Tun face to face?

    Apabila rasuah membabitkan pemimpin besar negara, mereka mencari pelbagai helah untuk tutup dan kambus segala jejak2 rasuah yang dilakukan olehnya. Ada daripada mereka ini (orang2 DSN) bukan saja pegang kuasa dalam pentadbiran negara tetapi mereka juga pegang kuasa dalam GLCs, institusi2 kewangan dan pendidikan dan bermacam syarikat2 yang diwujud semata2 untuk kelangsungan hidup dan kuasa mereka. Pandai benar DSN ‘tanam’ orang2 dia dari awal2 lagi. Therefore, corruptions spread like wildfire when the same corrupted politicians in the government are also made to helm many other institutions and organizations.
    DSN and gang owe us a duty of truth. When will they be brave enough to face the masses and admit their mistakes in protecting the acts of corruptions?

    Tun, wise men’s sayings are to be studied and pondered upon universally and intellectually, and are not to suka2 hati putar dan belit. Please give utmost respect to this wise words from a great man (anyone knows?):
    “I have naturally formed the habit of restraining my thoughts. A thoughtless word hardly ever escaped my tongue or pen. Experience has taught me that silence is part of the spiritual discipline of a votary of truth. We find so many people impatient to talk. All this talking can hardly be said to be of any benefit to the world. It is so much waste of time. My shyness has been in reality my shield and buckler. It has allowed me to grow. It has helped me in my discernment of truth.”

    May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you Always Tun. May Allah grant you great wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take extra care in your safety and Thank you so much Tun.

  24. Puan Hajar.

    All the questions you have asked me pertaining 1MDB have been answered by the PAC report. We need to respect the system or live in anarchy, if we deny it’s authority and order.

    Don’t be like Anwar who erects huge billboards all over Selangor to claim that he is a victim of political persecution, even when the courts have found him guilty.

  25. Salam Tun

    Kalau ada halangan Tun tubuh new party dek hasad dengki, perasaan jeles mereka2 ini, tak mengapa tanding atas tiket bebas, lawan jangan tak lawan. 🙂

  26. Actually under ruling of present regime, this country has been exercising race based policy and religiously dividing every ethnic countrymen. That is why we still refer ourselves based on skin colour and ethnicity instead describing ourselves as Malaysian.

  27. The PM has set up his very own department hiring cyber troopers to filter every single negative remarks headed by the ingenious low life Ahmad Mazlan

  28. Salam YAB dan Yang Amat DiKasihi Tun,

    Mohon izin Tun,

    Alahai ‘Mak Cik Karl’, sudah kehabisan modal agaknya. @Batu lah pula (Jul 18,2016 12:38 AM). Pointless attempt! Betapa dungu (DUMB) dan jahilnya anda ye! Memang sesuai betul panggilan SiDung* diberi kepada anda.

    Sama pula taktik ‘Mak Cik Karl’ dengan seorang lagi pengkomen yang sudah lama senyap (insaf kot; syukurlah…) yang saya panggil ‘SiB*&*@’ sebab tidak tahu guna nama sebenar saya sejak sekian lama walaupun sudah ditegur banyak kali, tapi beri nasihat kepada pengkomen2 lain supaya ‘bersopan-santun dan beradab’ (macam sama saja karakter dua orang ni…cakap tidak serupa bikin). Dan dua orang ini cuma berani hina ‘wanita’. Mungkinkah…?

    Anda memang seorang PENGECUT kerana tidak pernah menjawab pertanyaan2 saya (dan juga pengkomen2 lain). Kononnya ingin beri PENCERAHAN, tapi hampeh.

    P/S: Memang padan sangat ‘Mak Cik Ah So HBT456’ (penyokong tegar DAP; saya cadangkan Ah So pergi komen di blog Kit Siang yang sunyi sepi; beribu-ribu nombor pun ok…) dengan ‘Mak Cik Karl’ (dari Parti Najib) kerana kedua-duanya memang pro-DSN, dan mahu DSN kekal sebagai PM. Seorang suka bercakap sendiri dan ulang2 ‘benda sama’ sejak dari dulu lagi (tanya soalan, sendiri jawab) dan suka hina orang Islam/ Melayu/Bumi – konon kaum dia ditindas. Seorang lagi pula terbukti ada ‘penyakit lupa’ dan tidak ingat nasihat2 sendiri. Agaknya dua2 ada masaalah ‘memori/ingatan’ yang kronik. Dah nyany*k agaknya.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  29. Please come up with something original. Don’t divert attention. Everybody is talking about embezzlement, misuse of people’s fund, 1MDB. This country is at risk. But I won’t be surprise if once in a while a PENCACAI drop by in this column and attempt to creat a diversion.

  30. Bila sembang dengan otai, kita akan diberi perspektif yang klasik.

    Dulu, katanya, Dr M ialah seorang salesman untuk UMNO. Dr M ni seorang yang rajin kerja dan dapat banyak komisen. Rajin kerja untuk kejar komisen.

    Kejar dan kerja, kejar dan kerja.

    Otai kalau bergebang dia suka ulang. Mungkin untuk fokus supaya tidak terlepas pandang.

  31. Salam Tun,

    Kalau Faridina bercerita pasal rumahtangga, saya pula nak bentangkan tentang filem….

    Filem ‘A Few Good Men’ ini sudah agak lama, tetapi baru ni HBO tayang semula filem ni. Mmm… jalan cerita dia mudah sahaja, tapi drama yang disampaikan cukup berkesan….

    Bagaimanakah kesudahan cerita ni? Inilah persamaannya keadaan sekarang ni. Walaupun ketua yang memberikan arahan, orang-orang yang dibawah sepatutnya berfikiran waras dan cuba sedaya-upaya untuk mempertahankan hak dan kebenaran. Tetapi yang berlaku adalah sebaliknya, maka, serupalah seperti didalam cerita ‘A Few Good Men’ ini, mahu tidak mahu, mereka-mereka yang gagal bertindak secara waras sekarang ini bakal menghadapi penghakiman dikemudian hari.

    Maaf Daniel Noor, terpaksa juga sebut UMNO disini…. Yang benar-benar diharap oleh Tun adalah, ahli-ahli UMNO yang berkedudukkan bertindaklah dengan bijak untuk menegakkan kebenaran, tetapi nampak sangat terlalu ramai yang lupa asas-asas perjuangan yang sebenarnya, ini mendorong Tun untuk menubuhkan parti baru untuk melawan kecurangan yang nyata ini.

    Terima Kasih Tun.

  32. 96. Makan. Zaman atau Telan. Zaman, karl?

    97. Duduk atas pagar simply means you will just sit there waiting and waiting by doing nothing.

    98. Tak nak duduk atas pagar, you akan bising sini bising sana.

    99. Sago atau ommlette?

    100. Sago tetap sago.

    101. Ommelette tetap ommlette.

    102. Even if you are sago, when you peer yourself with ommlette, you will become ommlette.

    103. Bsimilarly, if you are ommelette, when you peer yourself with sagi, you will become sago.

    104. It does not matter kuching hitam atau kuching putih, janji ia boleh tangkap tikus ia dianugerahkan sebagai good cat.

    105. Dont you agree, karl?

  33. Terserlah sudah dan terbukti
    Najib di Benci Malaysia

    Bukan sahaja di blog Tun
    Malah di Facebook Najib sendiri, Beliau di Kutuk ,DiHina
    Dengan pelbagai nama , AlGib Gore , Najis ,Babi ,Anjing , Jeep dan pelbagai
    Agak ketara pembencian Malaysia terhadap Najib dah takda alas Tun lagi
    Bukan saja di media masa di media Kerajaan juga di paparkan

    Memang Najib Muka Kasut

  34. 95. Subjet sains rumahtangga dah ditranformasikan ke subjet ekonomi asas kerana there is a need and must do if you want to be part of the global community to enjoy common wealth.

  35. 93. Scarcity is why economy become a very important subject to address in real politics.

    94. Future beggars atau future payers, you go and figure out yourself.

  36. 94. There are 2 concents in the city.

    87. The concert of zakir is offered free admission.

    88. The concert of selena is paid admision.

    89. Sago pilih zakir.

    90. Ommellete pilih selena.

    91. Sebagai kepala, macam mana you ingin menabikan or decipher the meaning dengan bodoh dan bisu?

    92. Karl, even if suami isteri are cerai, they can still remain friends in modern countries especially in dealing with their children rights.

  37. adelheid Jul 19,2016 5:27 PM

    Agree with you comments. We have being using the wrong recipe (race and religion) for a long time. The better way is to be loyal to and proud of the country and not to race and religion.

  38. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Sementara menunggu pencerahan dari Tun, entahlah tiada angin tiada pokok tiba2 rasa macam nak bercerita tentang erti satu perkahwinan dan bagaimana kerukunan rumahtangga itu berkait rapat dengan peribadi dan tingkahlaku seseorang itu.

    Jika diceritakan perihal perkahwinan dan rumahtangga saya atau ibubapa saya sudah tentu tidak menjadi perhatian atau tumpuan masyarakat umum kerana kami bukan selebriti atau orang2 kenamaan.

    Namun sekiranya perkahwinan itu berlegar sekeliling pembesar2 negara tentulah ianya menjadi satu bahan rujukan dan tauladan yang elok dicontohi yang boleh dikaitkan dengan sikap dan tingkahlaku pemimpin itu dan kemungkinan besar akan dipantulkan kepada bagaimana mereka memimpin negara ini.

    Mari kita kupas perkahwinan dan rumahtangga PM pertama hingga PM ke 4 dan kaitannya dengan cara pemerintahan masing2 menurut kacamata seorang rakyat bawahan.

    PM pertama hingga PM ke 4 menjalani kehidupan berumahtangga dengan pasangan yang sama dari mula hingga ke akhir perkahwinan masing2 dan masing2 juga sungguh bahagia, sayang menyayangi dan romantis serta taat setia dan tidak pernah mengkhianati pasangan masing2.

    Kemudian ini terpancar dalam corak kepimpinan mereka terhadap rakyat dan negara ini. Begitu kasihnya mereka pada rakyat dan negara. Begitu setianya mereka pada rakyat dan negara. Dan tidak pernah sekalipun mereka mengkhianati rakyat dan negara ini.

    PM ke 4 dan pasangan masih kekal romantis sehingga ke hari ini walaupun berusia hampir seabad masing2. Lebih mengharukan bagaimana pasangannya itu sanggup bersama2nya turun padang dalam waktu2 yang sukar ini. Keredupan dan kesayuan wajah bonda Tun Hasmah mengingatkan kami wajah2 ibu2 kami yang boleh membuat kami menitiskan airmata.

    Pasangan legenda ini mengingatkan saya akan perkahwinan orang tua saya sendiri yang telah menyambut ulangtahun perkahwinan mereka yang ke 58 baru2 ini manakala Tun berdua pula bakal meraikan anivesari yang ke 60 pada 5 Ogos ini.

    Mungkin kerana panjangnya usia kedua ibubapa kami maka perasaan hormat kasih dan sayang pada orang2 tua pula diwarisi anak2 kami pula dan bagaimana kami atau anak2 akan bersuara dan mempertahankan orang yang lebih berumur sekiranya terlihat mereka dikasari secara lisan apatah lagi fizikal.

    Lihatlah bagaimana Tun Hussein Onn menjemput mantan PM iaitu Tunku dalam PAU walaupun bapanya sendiri Onn Jaafar dilupakan begitu sahaja malah semasa pengistiharan kemerdekaan di Stadium Merdeka Onn Jaafar tidak dijemput Tunku dan hanya mendengar melalui peti radio. Hussien Onn sangat menghormati pemimpin2 yang lebih tua darinya dan bukan jenis pendendam.

    Begitu juga dengan Tun M yang sungguh berprinsip dan sangat menghormati pemimpin2 sebelumnya Tunku dan Tun Hussein dan tidak pernah menyekat dan menarik keistimewaan mantan2 PM ini walaupun ada perbezaan pendapat.

    Sayang kami pada Tun Berdua adalah sebagaimana sayang kami kepada kedua2 ibubapa kami dan hargailah hormatilah kenangkanlah jasa mereka sementara mereka masih hidup.

    Wasalam Tun Berdua.

    p/s – Oops kisah perkahwinan PM ke 5 dan ke 6 no komen, pandai2lah anda membuat penilaian serta analogi masing2.

  39. Assalam Tun.

    I’ll not be surprised if Najib is to lose majority support within 1 month after Tun’s new party is approved by ROS!

  40. Assalam Tun.

    The coalition to be formed after Tun’s new party is set up must diligently negotiate to include Sarawak’s PBB and Sabah’s PBS.

    And of course, there are many UMNO politicians who are very sincere to join Tun’s new party, probably without hesitant and they are just waiting clearance for the official registration of the new party.

  41. Suara hati Dr Mahathir tidak lama dahulu …

    7. Campurtangan Amerika Syarikat dalam gerakan untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan negara-negara yang tidak sebulu dengannya amatlah jelas. Sudah tentu di Malaysia juga pembiayaan badan-badan NGO dilakukan untuk menjayakan “Regime Change” (Pertukaran Pemerintah).

    9. Malaysia merdeka. Tetapi apabila kuasa asing dapat menukar Kerajaan Malaysia dengan pelbagai cara yang haram, apakah Malaysia akan terus merdeka?

    10. Tetapi terpulanglah kepada rakyat Malaysia. Jika mereka suka Malaysia menjadi alat Amerika Syarikat (penyokong kuat Israel) sokonglah puak yang menerima bantuan dan sokongan Amerika Syarikat.

    11. Tetapi jika kita ingin betul-betul merdeka, tidak dikongkong oleh Amerika Syarikat dan sekutunya, tolaklah mereka yang sanggup diperalatkan oleh Amerika Syarikat untuk menukar Kerajaan.

    Sekarang, Dr Mahathir lebih cenderung bersama NGO, SR dan WSJ


  42. Salam Tun,

    Since your announcement of the new party, the news is ablaze with all kinds of analysis, speculations and opinions. They range from dismissive to the fiery, the methodical and the chaotic, the sublime to the idiotic (I happen to love the one from the blogger who apparently knew of your plans more than a year ago and how you have 5 billion in funds in your political warchest).

    This one thing is clear however Tun. No matter how they try to paint your actions as inconsequential, many agree your decision has the potential to change the political landscape. If the opposition manage to find the cohesiveness they once had, then victory is a very strong possibility even despite the setbacks. And it seems your next action is the crux.

    However Tun, I am worried about the cost you have to pay. Especially troublesome to me is many seems to feel that the only way for unity is for you to admit that you are the source of the predicament we are in. That DS Najib is only an extension of you.

    Even more disappointing is those who profess to be your friends before (the so called BN components) demonize you with impunity as the cause for their misfortunes, even as they make us wonder why they sing a different tune when you were our Prime Minister.

    DS Anwar Ibrahim for all his failings seems to sense this as well, and I am thankful he was ‘sopan’ enough to voice his support of your initiative without pressing this point.

    Tun, I write my posting here for I know of no other avenue to reach you. I am sure you have your next step in mind and you know it will be a heavy one, whichever way you choose. As a concerned son I wish to say that whatever you choose to do, I will support you. I hope everyone here who loves Tun will also give their support for him at this troubled time.

    Thank you Tun, my family and I send our prayers to you, and may Allah show all of us the way. Stay the course Tun and have faith the good people of Malaysia(all creeds and race) will be behind you.

  43. Aku rasa Kaldai dan Pakpandir adalah orang yang sama. Lepas guna nama samaran Kaldai aku cadangkan lepas ini kau guna nama BANGANG BIN/ BINTI BENGONG. Kalau hari ini Tun masih lagi jadi PM orang2 macam kau sanggup jilat tapak kaki Tun. Janji dapat habuan. Species macam kaulah yang merosakkan UMNO dan orang melayu. Ini analogi yang sesuai untuk kau. Kalau masa kanak2 kau pernah curi telor ayam atau rambutan jiran maka bila anak kau merompak bank maka kau akan cakap pada anak kau, tak apa sebab ayah dulu pun curi telor ayam jiram. Taktik bodoh inilah yang kau guna untuk menutup jenayah dan menhalalkan jenayah NAJIS iaitu dengan menegunkit segala keburukan Tun. Bagi aku Tun juga seorang manusia dan tak bolih lari dari melakukan kesalahan. Tapi itu tidak menhalalkan NAJIS untuk melakukan jenayah yang paling keji di dunia sekarang.

  44. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Pada pendapat saya, Tun bukan nak tubuh parti baru. Tun cuma nak gabungkan parti pembangkang di bawah satu payung secara sistematik supaya kuat dan mudah untuk pembahagian kawasan semasa pilihanraya.

    Lebih mudah jika satu lawan satu.

    Sebab Najib liat sangat nak turun takhta, maka adalah lebih baik kita mengalahkan kerajaan BN lebih lebih lagi selagi Najib berada di situ, bukan saja UMNO jadi bangkai, malah negara juga jadi lemah.

    Alasan global turut mengalami tempias tidak dapat diterima pakai. Selama ini global terjejas, tetapi Malaysia dengan cara tersendiri sentiasa pulih lebih cepat dari negara lain. Apakah ada tanda tanda keadaan ekonomi Malaysia akan pulih?

    Apakah cukup sekadar dengan usaha BNM dan Menteri Kewangan II ?

    Rakyat semakin terbeban tanpa ada tanda tanda akan pulih walau kutipan GST mencecah berbilion RM, walaupun BNM kata hutang 1MDB boleh selesai kerana Malaysia ada cukup duit.

    Apa jadi pada parti Mahathir selepas Najib turun?

    Dalam perjanjian ada ‘klausa keluar’. Akan jadi seperti Semangat 46 atau pembangkang tetap bersatu di bawah satu bumbung.

    Lagipun ada pembangkang yang kuat elok untuk kerajaan pemerintah jaga negara dengan lebih baik kalau nak sangat gila berkuasa.

    Misi selesai.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  45. Salam Tun

    Nak share news :

    Bersih 2.0: Penang snap polls for what?

    KUALA LUMPUR, July 19 — DAP must explain rumours that it is planning to hold an early election in Penang and justify what would be a costly exercise to public taxpayers, electoral watchdog Bersih 2.0 said today.

    Responding to the speculation that DAP planned to hold the snap polls to demonstrate public support for Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng who is facing two corruption charges, Bersih 2.0 said that a state election was not a move that should be considered so trivially.

    It said that while the country’s democratic system permitted DAP to conduct such an early election, there is no apparent purpose to show why the exercise was necessary.

    – See more at:

    *adelheid LOL 🙂 🙂 🙂

  46. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    UMNO tiada dalam sebarang ayat dallam Quran mahupun hadis nabi.
    Ia hanyalah sebuah parti “älat” politik yang dikemudi oleh seorang ketua.
    Serupalah sebuah kapal yang dikemudi oleh seorang kelasinya.
    Jika kelasinya “jahat” maka “jahat”lah semua yang ada dalam kapal tersebut kerana bersubahat.
    Samalah juga ketuanya sekarang memang jahat dan bahalol, ahli di dalamnya yang menghalalkan dan menyokongnya, maka jahatlah dan bahalollah ahli-ahlinya.

    Maka wajarlah sebuah kapal tersebut dihapuskan dengan apa cara sekali pun kerana orang luar melihat ianya NAJIS dan KOTOR UMPAMA NAJIS BABI DAN ANJING.


  47. Dear Tun,

    I have a question for makcik Karl-Iskandar. Dey makcik why are you still lurking here in going round in circles unable to find ease only to become a menace here. Your ideas are not of help to anyone least of all to Tun Mahathir. Never mind your critical words but your derogatory nature has become way above being disrespectful to everyone here. In Malay it’s called kurang ajar. You seem an unhappy person unhappy with your sexual life, married life or may be your parents divorced and you think you have become victim? Or like what you said about a woman married and chaste.. did your mother marry and was chaste still virgin? How in this world did you ever exist then? Could it be the ISIS teaching of being rewarded 72 virgins in the afterlife? We’re not interested Karl. Get lost and stop patronizing Tun Mahathir and everyone else here.

    Thank you Tun Mahathir. Take care Tun.

  48. Yang Remeh Temeh okeh Pak Pandir

    Ada mata pandang
    Ada telinga dengar
    Ada mulut diam
    Ada tangan garu
    Ada kaki goyang

    Ada otak pandai
    Ada akal pakai
    Ada bijak gadai
    Ada mata pejam
    Ada mulut kunyah

    Yang remeh dan yang temeh
    Berlegar di sekelilingmu
    Yang remeh dan yang temeh
    Berlegar di sekelilingmu
    Buatlah tak tahu
    Buatlah tak tahu

    Rela jadi tunggul
    Rela jadi patung
    Tunggu dilelong
    Suruh angguk-angguk
    Suruh geleng-geleng

    Oh puji lah aku
    Ampu lah aku
    Senang hidupmu
    Ada tangan tadah
    Ada maruah campak

    Yang remeh dan yang temeh
    Berlegar di sekelilingmu
    Yang remeh dan yang temeh
    Berlegar di sekelilingmu
    Biarkan berlaku
    Biarkan berlaku

    irgahayu Tun berdua. Semoga sihat tubuh badan dan terus cergas minda. Saya ingin tujukan senikata lagu nyanyian Pak Pandir ini kepada mereka mereka yang berkenaan yang makan cili….

  49. Dear Tun,

    I agree with tok jangut July 18, 6:46 pm ..”It’s about time, Malaysians stop thinking of being Malay, Chinese or Indians. Malaysians should just be Malaysian. One people.”

    Our political scenario in Malaysia has always been tainted with this one hindrance – our divisiveness according to race and religion. This is worse when sectarian divide within the Malay is not helping them to unite under the same religion. And something very serious if there is even a thought to label others as ‘halal to be slain’ 🙁

    Tun Mahathir, our people have come to a crossroad where our decision must take into account not merely the present but more importantly the future where our children, grandchildren, descendants will continue to outlive us. Even if the new political party that you are embarking upon will focus as the other alternative platform for the Malay it must not carry with it the same mistakes that have rendered UMNO to where it is today. It must have that spirit which sees beyond protecting just one species of people but all. Continuing the ketuanan or the ‘afraid to lose’ kiasu spirits will land us all in the same spot we are/have been.

    Don’t look back Tun, however sad or disappointed you feel about UMNO. UMNO is just a name. It’s people are unfortunately not united. The very people who steer the supposedly sacred platform of the Malay are the very people who have corrupted it. They have used the organization to manipulate and bully the Malay people, they have used UMNO to reap wealth for themselves while making sure the Malay still live under the same old mould of yesteryears.

    Your new political party should be a platform where you and the rest of us Malaysians as one can embark on a journey together with open hearts and open minds.

    Take good care Tun Mahathir. May Allah God bless you dear Tun.

  50. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Sebagai seorang yang tidak pernah menyertai sebarang parti politik tetapi merupakan penyokong setia BN dan mula mengundi sewaktu Tun menjadi PM sementelah kedua ibubapa dan nenek moyang merupakan ahli UMNO maka perasaan sentimental mulanya tidak boleh menerima parti baharu seperti yang diwar-warkan sebelum ini.

    Namun apabila dikhabarkan Tun merestui penubuhan parti baharu ini maka hati ini mula tercari2 jawapan bagaimana Tun yang satu ketika dahulu beberapa kali menolak cadangan penubuhannya serta bertegas dengan prinsip tersebut tiba2 berubah fikiran.

    Oleh yang demikian besar harapan kami agar ayahanda Tun dapat memperincikan dengan dalil2nya mengapa dan kenapa ianya perlu ditubuhkan dalam posting Tun yang terdekat ini supaya kami dapat menghayatinya dan bersama dalam kelangsungan perjuangan ayahanda Tun kelak.

    Perkara yang paling kami takuti ialah perebutan jawatan dan kuasa dalam pembentukkan parti baru ini dan ada ramai opportunis yang bakal ambil kesempatan dalam senario sebegini.

    Semoga mendapat pencerahan sejujur2nya dari ayahanda Tun.

    Wasalam Tun.

  51. Agreed Daniel

    Tak guna tegur ahli UMNO yg tidak ada Visi
    Yg tidak lihat akan akibatnya kelak
    Keputusan Pemimpin bukanlah macam nak jual nasi lemak
    Besok buka kedai lusa tutup kedai

    Sebagaimana Najib GAGAL mewaliki Malaysia dalam perundingan luar negara
    Terutama berurusan dengan Singapura
    Di perbudak budakan macam budak Biul
    Inilah massage saya sebenar selain dari 1MDB sebagainya

    Dan setuju juga
    Marilah kita bersama bertahlil dan AlFateeha
    Untuk Saudara kita si Carlos Ibni Karl
    Kita anggap beliau sudah tiada lagi
    Sebab Niat beliau sebenarnya bukan untuk meyelamatkan Malaysia
    Belaiu ada agenda yg terselit
    Beliau fikir kita ni budak budak ..Takpa biar dia gentel dan shiok sendiri
    Tak payah lah saudara & saudari melayan orang yg sudah tiada
    Lagi di layan lagi menjadi

    Setuju Kawan kawan ? Kita pulaukan dia

    Eh…Cina Maklap…….boilh sedekah Fateeha ke ?

  52. ‘Apa jadi parti Mahathir lepas Najib disingkirkan?’

    19 Jul 2016, petang 3:27 (Dikemaskini 19 Jul 2016, petang 3:51)

    Itu tajuk cerita……Tun dan kita semua jangan peduli dengan ayat psyco itu…..mereka (umno) buat tajuk itu untuk melemahkan semangat juang kita..

    Bagi saya apabila najib di singkir maka kita semua tolak dan kalau boleh kita dakwa menteri2 nya yang telah menyokong dan seolah menyembunyikan muslihat 1MDB spt zahid, hisamuddin, ahmad maslan, raan dahlan, salleh kruak, azalina, nancy, sahidan tua, shahril tua, mas ermiyati, setiausaha umno kelantan, ketua umno cheras, nurjazlan, nazri,anuar musa dan lain lain.

    Senang cakap kita kuburkan umno kerana anak anak buah najib semua bodoh kecuali yang di buang keahlian dan tarik diri dari menjadi ahli umno… juga khalid nordin

    Kita tolak umno….ayuh kita pangkah parti baru…

  53. Main Objective:
    1. Open investigation on: 1MDB, death of individuals concerned related to 1MDB/embezzlement of people’s pension fund/retiree’s fund of former goverment servant, misuse of public fund, money laundering and the list goes on.
    2. Find and capture the culprit who steal, rob, embezzle and put the country at highest debt level.
    3. Put the culprit to trial.
    4. Reserve a prison cell at Sungai Buloh for the culprit to serve his jail term
    5. Replace all enforcement high ranking officers who have had protected the culprit
    6. Rebuild government’s body reputation
    7. Abolish race based policies.
    8. Restructure economy.
    9. Reform existing goverment party/unite all political party.
    10. Save Malaysia

  54. Aslm.

    Dr M adalah ibarat seorang wanita yang telah bercerai dengan suami, maka seharusnya beliau tidak bercerita lagi bab UMNO, bekas suami berliau.

    Tapi, Dr M masih bercerita tentang UMNO, seperti seorang janda yang menyesal kerana telah meminta cerai.

    Bolehlah analogi ini digunapakai oleh penyokong Dr M?

  55. Salam Tun,

    We all should stop discussing about UMNO. No point giving suggestions and ideas to them. No point pointing the negatice issies and blaming those in UMNO. They will not change nor learn.

    We should instead focussing on the new party than Tun, TSMY,MM,DSSA and others are forming now.

    Maybe readers should provide ideas and inputs so that this new party can be accepted by the 30 milluon Msians. Thats what we should concentrate and focus.

    Let Karl, Kurl, Marl, etc on their own. Let them talk to themselves. We who koves Tun M and this country should now assistvand help the new party.

  56. The Key to UMNO Success
    Is to revamp UMNO mostly on the upper level
    Its within UMNO itself
    Najib is the Key problem

    How can the party ignore the wrong doings of any member even the President
    If its not wrong its the duty of UMNO member to put it Right
    Show Malaysia the Truth to gain respects from every angles
    Every wrong doings must be investigated & expel
    Separates the Black & White removes the dirt

    These is the duty of every UMNO today to sustain the reputations of UMNO
    Sympathy is never in Politics Dictionary
    Confession is not the right anwer
    Place Facts on the table you will be respected
    Not Cinderalla nor Snow White stories
    What wrong is wrong What Right is right

    As these is Cancerous Diseases and it will Harm
    It has indicates UMNO Today

  57. Yang nyata Najib Mesti Berundur
    Demi Kepentingan UMNO , Kepentingan Malaysia

    Saya tak fikir ramai anggota UMNO yg makan Dedak
    Ada pun Dedak , Dedak Special macam Bryani Dam
    Mereka bersatu demi kepentingan Ummah kepentingan UMNO , Ukhwah bersama

    Ada juga rasa senang mereka sudah langkah bendul dengan ketiadaan Muhideen , Mukhlis dan yg lain lain .Beberapa orang kepentingan UMNO dihentikan juga ramai yg tarik diri
    Sudah nyata banyak tak beres akan kepimpinan Najib UMNO sekarang
    Tak perlu kemuka keadilan sudah terserlah banyak perbuatan tak betul Najib

    Najib Najis Negara
    Perosak Bangsa , Perosak UMNO ,Perosak Negara

    Mengapakah anda Melindung orang yg sedemikian
    Melindung Najis Menghancurkan UMNO , Memiskinkan Malaysia , Mebodohkan Melayu

    Najib harus di singkir demi Kepentigan UMNO

  58. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I don’t know Tun, have we got lost in translation somewhere here? Did you do it on purpose? Your post on DUMB do make us ‘see’ but not all ‘see’ it with an open heart and mind. How do you expect us to interpret this DUMB word, Tun? What Tun really meant here DUMB meaning “BISU”, not talking, not speaking, lips are sealed. But most here interpret this DUMB word meaning “Bodoh”, stupid and the later surely boils some who is sensitive to this meaning. Thus creates over-excitement and leads to episodes of hot dramas title “The Dumbing of the so and so” by Superman of planet Krypton.

    DSN’s intelligence squad embedded here has launched a new wave of thinking that if not carefully filtered will trigger anger or hate or even feeling of doubts not towards DSN but towards Tun. That is their main genuine slimy intention. Tun must have a valid reason to why Tun open the door for them. Why is that Tun? To prepare us for the worst of the worst to come? Not to be single-minded? You know Tun, sometimes it’s hard to maintain our calmness when fictitious, insobriety, insensitive insinuations, statements and remarks that could crushed our sensibility and coolness. Alhamdulillah, Tun has taught us well and set an example through his calm tranquility in handling any situations opposed to him. We will not crouch or shrink ourselves in fear. We’ll try dealing with them without drumming the calling of ‘wars’. InsyaAllah.

    Tun, I think they’re afraid of another party busybody or preying on their every steps or moves. They have to be checked on from now onward before everything goes out of balance. When you’re pretty much in power you’ll insidiously trade in this for that with your next door neighbours or distant neighbours. For what and why? Protection? To understand better this is where sibotak comes into picture.

    Tun, I would like to state my mind about sibotak if I may. I hope sibotak don’t mind. If I have said something wrong here please forgive me.
    I think reading sibotak’s writings of his thoughts and understanding from the beginning on the issues facing Malaysia now will explain and give us a wide range of illustrations and occurrences that slipped from our minds, me especially. Sibotak’s writings may not be as eloquent like an Oxford scholar or some smart guys here but his presentations are not pretentious, they have substances. He is a skilled intelligent observer. He studied first before he put down in writings. He knows what he’s talking about and never derailed from his beliefs and principles of reasoning finding causes and truths. Good work and always remain your true self. Thank you sibotak.

    A lot of work has to done to put things right, right Tun. I mean who wants to live in an environment with the smelly stinking messy doings of the miserably current leadership. Things have to be put in their right places for our future generations to live in. They are the future leaders of this beloved country. And we, the older generation, do not want to leave them with a messy country, do we.

    I sincerely believe Tun is an exceptional leader, gifted with far-sighted and practical views. Anyone who can emulate Tun’s humane values, his way of thinking and working, are definitely the people who have genuine hearts and souls to be better and who sincerely love and respect Tun.
    Tun, may I give you my little thought, you may already know yourself but please allow me. I think for you to attain success in your new people’s party maybe it’s better for you to adopt an advisory role rather than a persuasive one, asked a lot of questions and to listen closely to the answers and pay attention to the energy they exude. Tun, it’s easy for you to do that if you’re in your head a lot. Thank you, Tun for listening.

    May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you Always Tun. May Allah grant you great wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take extra care in your safety and Thank you Tun.

    To the young thinkers, maybe you would like to ponder a little bit on a wise man saying: “I discovered early on that people don’t buy from me because they understand what I’m selling. They buy because they feel understood”.

    Thank you again Tun.

  59. 75. Mudah saja jika nak dapatkan undi kaum melayu dan bumiputra di kampong, tok jangut.

    84. Just convert dap into the official religion, no one dare to play hard on dap.

    85. Even if you failed, you still have plenty of rural malay and bumiputra votes to be exploited for many generations to come.

    86. Why waste time in uniting all races as one?

    87. Even tok karpal singh almost got himself jailed for being honest as a lawyer for defending the federal constitution.

    88. If states’ sultan also not worry, who are we to worry since they are the sovereign owners of the states’ ancestral land passed down for generations?

    89. Pas leaders too yearning to be the vvips like umno and pkr in dictating the federal budget at their pleasure when they win 2/3 majority and march into putrajaya.

    90. If you are not moslem, you do not have special previledge in this country.

    91. Their ambition is to make this country a moslem nation whereby only they have the pleasure in dictating the federal budget.

    92. You can choose to stay and convert yourself as moslem to enjoy the hak istemewa permantly.

    93. If you do not want to convert yourself as moslem, vote opposition party is the best option to enjoy the common wealth shared by all citizens.

  60. New party to be form by Tun with some others
    Is a Party of No Choice
    A Party form when plan A Failed
    It was never against UMNO
    It was against the wrong doers of UMNO
    Clearly committed by Najib with No embarrassment

    It is the duty of all UMNO members from top to bottom
    To place Right over Wrong
    Forgiving the leader wrong doings is not an excuse
    There are No Sentiments in Politics
    This is not a Love Affairs

    Nevertheless Najib was given right to defend but he chooses otherwise
    He beats behind the bush , fooling Malaysia above all fooling himself
    Thus complicates matters and make things ugly for himself
    More doubts will incurs perhaps more wrong doings will emerge

    It is every duty of UMNO members to Clear the Air to save Malaysia
    Then you have to proves Najib is innocent not just by confessing
    Confessing is not relevant here

    The Heat is ON
    Someone along the Line will get Hurt
    Blame Not Mahathir as he tried his best to rationalize by staging his moves
    He never take his Kris out so do others

    What I see and what I hate to see
    UMNO Today
    Kuman seberang Laut Nampak
    Gajah depan mata pura pura tak nampak

    There are wrong doers abetting and it affects UMNO images
    That pulled all UMNO members

  61. Salam Tun ,

    Selamat Hari Raya Aifilfitri diucapkan buat Tun, isteri tersayang dan keluarga tercinta.

    Terasa rindu setelah lama tidak meninggalkan komen di halaman keramat ini.

    Ingin saya mengucapkan Selamat Harijadi buat Ayahanda Tun yang disayangi.

    Tun adalah anugerah Allah buat kami.

    Terima kasih Allah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    Terima kasih bonda Tun Hasmah kerana meminjamkan Tun buat kami.

    Terima kasih buat anak cucu Tun yang sanggup berkorban berkongsi kasih kasih sayang Tun bersama kami.

    Semoga Allah sahaja yang dapat membalas segala pengorbanan Tun di dunia dan lebih-lebih lagi di akhirat kelak.

    Tun, sayang Tun dunia akhirat.

  62. Salam YAB dan Yang Amat DiKasihi Tun,

    1. Saya lebih menyokong senario di mana TS Muhyiddin, DS Mukhriz, dan DS Shafie kekal BEBAS (tidak berparti) dan pada PRU-14 bertanding sebagai CALON BEBAS (di DUN dan Parlimen – 2 seats).

    2. Kenal pasti juga calon2 lain yang berpotensi yang boleh bertanding sebagai calon bebas di tempat2 di mana penyokong didapati agak seimbang di antara BN dan Pembangkang (majoriti kemenangan kecil); ini boleh memungkinkan untuk calon bebas yang Tun sokong menang. Saya yakin ramai pengundi2 yang tidak mahu undi BN atau Pembangkang sebab kedua-duanya SAMA HAPRAK.

    3. Dalam keadaan sekarang, persepsi pengundi2 terhadap calon2 dan parti amat penting. Jika ada 3 orang calon bertanding, dan 2 calon dari 2 parti haprak (BN, Pembangkang), besar kemungkinan calon bebas yang bersih akan menjadi pilihan.

    4. Saya agak keputusan PRU-14 nanti akan hampir 50/50 (BN/Pembangkang) dan di sinilah CALON-CALON BEBAS amat berharga. Saya yakin TSMY, DSMM dan DS Shafie yang bertanding di DUN dan Parlimen di kawasan masing-masing akan menang.

    5. Andai kata BN memang perlukan beberapa kerusi untuk kekal berkuasa, mahu tidak mahu mereka mesti ‘memohon’ simpati dari bekas2 pemimpin UMNO yang menang. Saya juga harap mana2 pemimpin UMNO yang tidak mahu terus bersubahat dengan DSN, untuk keluar UMNO/BN selepas menang (jadi bebas) PRU-14. Sekurang-kurangnya mereka boleh menebus kesalahan dan dosa lampau mereka.

    6. Tun juga mesti lihat/ kaji keputusan PRK Kuala Kangsar dan Sungai Besar. Pada hemat saya, agak ramai pengundi2 yang tidak TERIMA HAKIKAT (menolak) yang Tun berada (walaupun Tun bukan ahli parti Pembangkang) bersama Pembangkang dalam kedua-dua PRK tersebut. Soal suapan memang memainkan peranan tetapi faktor2 lain juga menyumbang kepada kekalahan PH. Tidak semua orang ‘redha’ dengan suapan.

    7. Kita mahu kurangkan (mustahil untuk dihapuskan) RASUAH yang berleluasa yang dipraktikkan oleh DSN melalui kepercayaan ‘Cash is King’. Namun, bukankah Anwar Ibrahim & gang juga telah lama merasuah orang melalui pemberian pelbagai ganjaran & wang (politik wang). Di Selangor juga ada ‘wang sedekah’ (‘beli’ sokongan?).

    8. Anwar ialah pemimpin yang menggunakan wang secara berleluasa untuk menang dalam pemilihan parti semasa dalam UMNO. Bukankah beliau juga didakwa dapat ‘elaun’ yang mencecah berjuta-juta ringgit sebagai Penasihat Ekonomi Selangor satu ketika dahulu? Langkah Kajang /Permatang Pauh satu pembaziran wang (boros?). Anwar juga bersikap ‘diktator’ (PKR parti keluarga). Parti2 Pembangkang yang lain2 pun sama. Cakap saja berdegar-degar – hipokrit.

    9. Dari dulu lagi saya sudah katakan yang DSN belajar (meniru) dari Anwar Ibrahim & Pembangkang – politik wang, liberal, tunduk kepada kuasa asing, etc. Ini jelas kelihatan sebaik DSN jadi PM. Banyak keputusan2 DSN memihak kepada Pembangkang.

    10. Saya berdoa agar apa saja keputusan yang Tun buat tidak akan lebih memburukkan keadaan. Takut nanti “keluar mulut harimau, masuk ke mulut naga pula.” Lebih memudharatkan.

    11. Yang pasti PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor yang KORUP (2.6 Billion-ringgit PM) sudah tidak layak jadi PM Malaysia, dan wajib berundur sebelum ‘nasi menjadi bubur’. DSN cuma layak meminpin mereka yang ‘bodoh/bisu’ dan yang sanggup makan dedak.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  63. I had wished Mahathir had joined DAP, which I believed would have embrace him.

    Creating a new party would just be another competitor of many.

    DAP had tried to be a multi-racial party. Unfortunately, it had too many Chinese. If Mahathir had joined DAP, there will be big influx of Malays and more importantly, rural Malays. DAP can then be truly multi-racial.

    Malaysia is a beautiful country Its people are beautiful. It has been independent for (i think) 59 years. Its about time, Malaysians stop thinking of being Malays, Chinese or Indians. Malaysians should just be Malaysian. One people.

    In Thailand, the citizens think of themselves as Thais and not the individual races. In Australia, when you fill up forms, there is no question on your race.

  64. The new party is a party of No Choice
    It was never against UMNO
    It is of no choice as Malaysia Judiciary System Failed to its Foundations
    Just because the Head AG Apandi feel comforts by being pad by the PM
    The Hatred towards PM Najib will grew

    The new party laid by Tun Mahathir
    May or may not win the Election
    UMNO if not defeated will also be Damage
    Lots of UMNO damages are already seen today
    Its a point of no return once starteD

  65. Assalam Tun.

    To karl again,
    What is really your intention when you submitted all those negative comments in chedet?

    If they are to influence other visitors to sympathise with Najib, or to go against Tun M, or to believe in your never substantiated accusations/slanderous garbage, you definitely know the answer -total failure.
    So far, none of us has the slightest of believe towards you.

    Create enmity -yes.
    Belittle yourself -yes.

    You are the incapable one!
    You are also “telling” us you are the corrupt one.

    Finally, what have you achieve in chedet?

  66. Assalam Dearest Tun,

    For someone of karldai’s intellect which have been contaminated by dedak he will not accept the fact that whoever eat chillies will feel the heat.

    To retaliate he will naturally tell us all these recycled slanderous stories about our well-known elderly statesman but that will not change the fact that the rakyats want Pee M Najib down even he creates nice beautiful stories of his Pee M.

    To address his dedak denial syndrome, I would suggest that he reduces his dedak level intake and take some serious advice from our good friend here Mr Average Joe.

    I for once is taking Average Joe advise not to show anger, discourtesy, malice and arrogance in giving comments here.

    I also humbly beg forgiveness from everyone here one more time after all it is still the month of Syawal if indeed I offended anybody here.

    Long live Tun and wasalam.

  67. Assalam Tun.

    To karl,
    For someone that I presume having a good education and exposure, you are most disappointing.

    To put it more bluntly, if you are to make similar comments in Najib’s blog, I won’t be surprised if some of Najib’s supporters are to turn their backs against Najib after reading your blatant and irresponsible accusations.

    My sincere advice to you, go to Malay kampungs and you may find some success among some of the villagers, purely due to their ignorance, even if only temporary.

  68. Assalam Tun.

    Teori tong sampah dari seseorang yang teramat tersepit saperti karl, yang sekali2 tak memperdulikan dan terfikir untuk menangani rungutan perihal penyelewengan terkini, tetapi mencari dan/atau mengada2kan kesalahkan orang lain agar konon2 ianya boleh menepis buruklaku berleluasa terang2an yang dilakukan olehnya dan oleh kumpulan/pihak yang dia sokong!

    Baling batu sembunyi tangan, perbuatan yang terlalu kerap dilakukan oleh si karl di chedet, serta ditambah pula hipokrasi yang terlalu terbuka untuk disangkal.

    Sehingga kini tak seorang pun yang mampu dipengaruhinya, menunjukkan ketidakupayaan dan ketidakcerdikan karl sebagai seorang yang tidak sedikit pun punyai pengaruh!
    Hampas aka dedak. Hanya itu sifatnya yang sebenar.

    Terlalu banyak dan juga bermacam2 jenis soalan yang ditujukan kepadanya tapi tidak satu pun telah dijawap oleh karl, malah dia terus menerus membuat fitnah dan juga mereka2 teori2 tong sampah.

    Tipikal macai setia Najib. Hanya nak cari/ada2kan kesalahan oleh musuh politik, tetapi 1MDB sikit pun tak berani jawap. Memalukan bangsa, menghabiskan beras aje!

  69. Peace to you/Salam to you Karl,

    Please correct me if I’m wrong, from what I understand, you are stating that our current predicament stems from Tun Mahathir himself. Ergo, you seem to imply (again correct me if I’m wrong) that Tun is not sincere in his efforts, and it will be a total waste of time to follow his new party as it will just be an extension of the current UMNO, propagating the same mistakes.

    However stating this fact alone is not enough, I am unclear on your proposed call to action. I am willing, for the sake of further discussion, to hypothetically concede you are correct, that the above conclusions are true.

    I would be very much be interested to hear, as someone in my position (UMNO member of no consequence and on the fence), what would you suggest I do?

    Without a call to action, your message will seem to be just very cynical and pessimistic, and I am not willing to concede you are merely a complainer. I am sure you already have a proposed solution in mind. Perhaps in your blog you have done so, if you post a link to it I will be very much happy to read it.

    PS: I have read the Rashomon story at your blog. It is a very interesting story on the role of perspective and interest on how we justify our actions. Sad to hear about the old wig maker.

    Thank you.

  70. Agreed with Tok Jangut

    Malaysia as a whole is Dumb
    UMNO Ruling since Abdul Razak is also Dumb

    We have basic resources Water since very Donkey years
    Even donkeys today are more upgraded
    Our water are cleaned by Spore till today
    Till today Johor nor Malaysia have not have the technology to filter its own water
    Its own Needs Its own basic Needs

    Instead of building up Kuala Lumpur , Have many Mega projects which Failed
    Now 1MDB , A Complete Disaster , A complete Failure
    We should be building our own Water Filtration , our own Basic Needs
    With having our own resources , enough land but very Dumb system

    This is Dumb . This is embarrassment

    Than spending money unnecessarily on niece office , niece Private Jets and many more
    These Finances should be invested to Good use
    These is absolute Rubbish of Malaysia Govt ,The Minister

    UMNO baru not named yet is just the plan B
    The foundations is for the Malay for the Bumi
    Also caring for the non Bumi
    We acknowledge its existence drawing a line our origins and identity

    This system works everywhere even in S,pore
    Only words differs in practice they also cannot lie
    The word Meritocracy is just a Political term

  71. The Dumb and The Genuine

    For someone of Dr M’s intellect, what drives him to use vile words like “Dumb”, “Pemakan Dedak” and “Makan Rasuah” repeatedly on the rakyat, on his own people, must have been a rigorous and calculated move.

    There is a history to this.

    Before he resigns after 22 years of tremendous success in developing his CRONIES into billionaires, abusing the DEB whilst failing the Malays economically, Dr M left the people with a simple meme – “Melayu Mudah Lupa”, that triggers and keeps them at a lower self-esteem with a higher level of anger towards the rich. Immediately, the focus of failure shifts towards the Malays, and it’s no longer Dr M’s fault..

    The poorer Malays are pitted against both the Chinese, and the affluent Malays who benefit from Dr M’s capitalistic policies. Even in Dr M’s time, Cash (capital) Is King. However, keeping that aspect of his administration a secret is, of course, Dr M’s expertise and to his credit, his sleight of mouth is unmatched by any living politician, except the Prince of Sg Buloh.

    It is therefore not a miracle when the poorer PAS is ever so genuinely envious of their richer brothers-in-Islam in UMNO. They are infected with a mind virus, a meme, that they ‘Forget Easily’, mudah lupa, attention deficient, poor memory a.k.a. Dumb. All these factors contribute to their current stance against everything ‘Kafir’ and ‘Money’.

    I noticed that in one comment thread, the word ‘genuine‘ was mentioned by HBT for a total of six times. Genuine interest, as in the Rashomon story, can be just an illusion embedded in each character’s self-interest and personal ambitions, which can take many forms and permutations, giving rise to several different versions.

    A newer version of UMNO, the party, is in the making. Will this be a Dumbing Down Dedak version, a 3-D that will make the box-office or not, is not hard to guess.

  72. Assalam Dearest Tun,

    To karldai The Dedakian Kiddo,

    You still are a karl-dai even if you have wanted to act cunning like a jac-karl to intimidate us here.

    You still are a typical dedakian who will always wanted to enter frame into other people’s affair which will affect your corrupt master not so good political future.

    I can understand why you are so scared about this new party affair because it will affect you livelihood
    your supply of bran. You are worried because you knew that a large number of people will instantly join the new party, and it’s membership could be as high as the Citizens’ Declaration.

    Thank you for your concern kiddo but as for now I’m enjoying every single day partying with a fool like you. I’m always happy to make some adjustment or correction towards your childish comments here but the last time I do agree with you what not.

    As for your dismay on character assasination and name calling, I’m sorry if it hurts because I thought it’s normal for a young fella like you to have a nickname so much so when there are so many karl around. This is also known as character building name not otherwise. Don’t worry your character remains and not been assasinated.

    Then again I’m very happy 🙂 🙂 🙂 to say that your prediction will be right as there will be a lot of smart people around in this new party as compared to your Najis party where it is proven that there were a lot of this dumb people from top to bottom with the exception of its outstanding President who is exceedingly clever plus cunning in getting billions of ringgits of donation for himself.

    Always ever happy not angry karldai kid to answer you even though you haven’t answer or reply to me directly as you always did to sibotaklah, hbt, umranrc and others, now I feel like been discriminated and sad 🙁 .

    Thank you and sorry Tun for wasting your space for karldai kid.

    Wasalam Tun.

  73. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    There are many die hard umno supporters who become very defensive you first mooted the idea of forming a new party. Some became became angry while some see it as a complete betrayal. All that gung ho about 1MDB scandal where billions are missing, the paralysis of the the investgation team, PAC, parliament, supreme council, the WSJ report on houses purchased in the millions, all dissapear the moment Tun Mahathir wanted to form a new party.

    For these people, if you do not what Tun to form a new party, provide the solution. Is there anything else Tun has not done?

    Talk face to face, done, scold in public, done, waited for AG report, done, waited for PAC report, done, ask UMNO member to pass resolutions for Najb resignation, done, sue Najib, done, ask parliament to force Najib to resign,done. Everything under the sun have been done. Bear in mind, if Najib continue to be PM it is the rakyat that will suffer. I agree the opposition too is full of defects, but the other alternative is to allow Najib to continue as PM.

    Perumpaan yang mudah, adalah seorang yang ada sakit kencing manis. Kakinya telah dijangkiti kuman (pemimpin yang mengamalkan budaya rasuah atau cash is king atau you help me or I help you). Kerana sayangkan kaki tu (UMNO) terpaksalah biarlah kaki melarat sampai kuman jangkiti seluruh badan ( menjadi failed state atau negara gagal) atau potong kaki tersebut sebelum ia melarat (tapi dah x dpt jalan tapi hidupla).

    Keputusan yang diambil untuk tubuhkan party baru bukanlah mudah tetapi its eather that or kita kena terima rasuah sebagai cara hidup Malaysia. Mungkin kena buat hari rasuah sebagai public holiday selepas ini.

  74. Dumb people – how appropriate a title.

    Malaysians were laughing at Singapore when she first introduced “new water”. Malaysians say Singaporeans are drinking their own urine. Now Singapore is selling new water to Malaysia. Malaysians are now drinking Singaporeans’ urine.

    How Dumb!!!!

  75. Salam Tun,

    For our friend Average Joe.

    What you wrote is expensive and the only word that comes thru my mind is Alhamdulillah.

    Hope that many more will begin to see the light.

    Rgds Average Joe.

    Terima Kasih Tun.

  76. A’salam Tun,

    A’salam as well to the people who frequent your blog Tun. This particular post, I wish to address to my brothers and sisters here.

    As someone, who just recently been on the other side of the political divide and ideology, I feel it behooves me to share my perspective to the people here. There’s is a substantial amount of people who, because of lack of information from the media, also frequent this blog to see what Tun has to say due to current events. And as they finish reading Tun’s articles they, of course, will read the comments to see the type of people that supports Tun.

    Leaders attract like minded people. The comments section, they will conclude, be a reflection of TUN’s inner minds. So I urge my brothers and sisters to be always humble and courteous when giving their opinions.

    I am one of the ‘dumb’ people Tun mentioned here (for unless I am brave enough to support him openly, I am not arrogant to think of myself as any other). ‘Dedaks’ I have received, and I am ashamed. As I have mentioned earlier, fear is the only excuse I can give, and I would be the first to admit, it is a flimsy one.

    Why do I share this? See, whenever I hear people accusing me of thus, I become defensive. ‘You don’t know how horrible it is to feel trapped, don’t be so holier-than-thou’ is what springs to my mind first. The more I am accused the more I become defensive, and subsequently angry. And as my rage grew, of course I would attack in kind(for an attack is what I perceive it, not an admonition).

    I make no justification, I freely admit what I did, and my perception, was wrong. The point what I am trying to make is, I was not swayed by TUN’s scathing words(although true), in fact I felt more entrenched. What moved me was TUN’s integrity(for he was persistent and consistent), strength (for without him, we would all just keep the status quo) and most of all love(for I can see no other reason for him risking everything at the sunset of his life). And he was humble. Being with the opposition, and a weaker position at that, is something he felt is something that has to be done for the Rakyat.

    So I urge everyone here, my brothers and sisters, the Rakyat and the world are watching. Let them see our integrity, strength and love, mote importantly humbleness, as we write the words. Let us not show anger, discourtesy and malice, and more importantly arrogance. For isn’t the sons and daughters the reflection of their father?(for a father is what Tun is to us).

    I humbly beg forgiveness if what I write offends, it is not my intention. I hope my message comes across to my brothers and sisters here, for I am eager to join my Father in his fight soon.

    W’salam Tun, everyone. Thank you again for being there for us.

  77. It is important to acknowledge to Malaysia
    The formation of a new party is plan B not A
    With intentions to remove the Big Tumor
    That could kill Malaysia

    Najib was given the chance to walk away with respects despite many rascal wrong doings
    He was given the chance to proves himself
    But he choose otherwise

    He is behaving like the US & The Jews
    They Criminalize everywhere openly yet they say they are innocent
    As they thought they are super power , they have the weapons & influence
    They can do anything
    Same here Najib he thought he has the power

    Sadly Sultan did not do their duty as part of the Constituency
    Probably , They are used to sit & wait since decades
    or perhaps they don,t know what to do
    Here we need no siding from any Sultan
    We needs the constituency as a whole to be rational
    Something is simply not Right
    In Malaysia , Today

    It’s alike Zakir Naik , Arwah Ahmed Deedat and most of the Islamic Preacher
    They are True Seekers
    They studied the Quran , The Hadiths above they even go depth to other religious beliefs books, Bible ,Torah ,the Hindu , the Buddist scriptures etc
    Just to know the Truth and They gives their alms the Truth for Mankind
    They gain no commissions from it

    Yet they are accused of bad mouthing other religion
    They are accused of insulting other religion
    Well Did they ?
    To clarify truth they need to open up everything on the table
    Every evidence on the table , Islam, Christians , Hindus , Buddists etc
    Lets see each other scriptures and make humanly sense from it
    The logic of science , mathematics to narrow us with facts
    Not human thinking , not some comics nor Disneyland fantacies
    Zakir Naik even confessed if there are proves in the bible
    That Jesus says He is God , He Zakir Naik , will converts to Christianity

    Same here if Najib is True
    He will not play hide and seek behind his appointed AG
    Let the Truth prevails
    If He is innocent He has the right to sue every of us here for Defamation
    And his follower can legally gets some commission
    Its Big money here . Thousands will be Sued , domestic and international , WSJ etc

    I personally will embrace Najib and do belief the whole Malaysia will loves our PM

    ***** Important Notes *****

    The formation of a new a Party ,is the plan B not A
    Its mere a moves to place Justice on the Table
    As Justice represented by the appointed AG has collapse

    And We don,t want to collapse UMNO nor want to hurt any
    Someone will get hurt here
    Simply , some very things are not right , it has to be open

    So why makes things so difficult ?

  78. The question remains. Do you support or do not support a dictator to rule our beloved country. This column titled DUMB PEOPLE 2. Are we all dumb or just plain ignorance? Do you ever bother to read SR? Do we know that the PM has become a billionaire just overnight? What I see here is solely non-sensical arguments and comments. Why not we focus on current issues like 1MDB, and related country’s affair rather than hurling at each other. Let us unite against those who whitewash their sin in the name of the God and those who attempt to hide their misdeed by seizing the freedom of speech and cyberbullying.

  79. 71. If menu gunting salad also can be served, it simply means mak cik2 ini adalah the dumb chefs who cant even serve their honorable guests properly.

    72. Yeah, the words ‘extremely careless’ is a hit too in the world of politics that can put us in a very difficult and dangerous situation domestically and internationally.

    73. DAPigs hew can be labelled as sexy to you karl but to the voters of his race he is only a dumb politician who cant even read properly.

    74. To karl, mak cik2 ini might be karl’s assets, but to karl’s genuine supporters, mak cik2 ini might be a liability.

    76. To mak cik hajar, she thinks its dedak, but to her genuine supporters, they think is cake.

    77. By the end of the day, is it dedak or cake, it is very much depend on the role of the parties’ members and machineries in presenting their cases to the voters.

    78. Of course lge can choose to sue here and there as cm penang cum dap sg too.

    79. By the end of the day, its still up to the voters to decide.

    80. Angry politicians will attract angry voters.

    81. Angry here, angry there, you need a moderator to cool off their heads, dont you think so?

    82. If you cant cool off their heads, I afraid sir karl, they might repeat the same mistakes that shall make you loose more genuine supports.

  80. Salam Tun

    I buka tengok ada lagi sessi jawab menjawab, tertanya pulak dia ini punya blog ka I masuk. 🙂

    Ooo I juga tak pergi link yang dia kasi. I pernah jengah a few earlier, twitter accounts belonging to young men. Nothing special just a normal twitter account with a few hundred followers.

    My son sendiri pun tidak begitu keen dengan politik, dia lebih sibuk bekerja, pergi gym dan keluar dengan kawan2 bila free. Takat komen2 biasa tentang hal semasa apa yang dia fikir betul, nothing over over macam sipolan.

    Gang dia banyak yang sokong PKR, then again ramai anak muda yang I kenal begitu, yang liberal PKR dan yang religious PAS, dan lazimnya hanya yang dibayar saja akan cakap pasal bende yang sama ulang2 untuk jatuhkan nama baik Tun.

    After all apalah nak dikisah tentang seorang lelaki yang berumur 92 tahun nak buka parti baru. He just an old man, apa harm yang dia boleh buat to a young man like him. 🙂

    Goodnight my dearest Tun Mahathir, sleep tight!

  81. Aslm.

    The Dumb Majority

    I suspect a large number of dumb people will join Dr M’s new party, and they must not be turned away nor discriminated from getting their membership instantly approved. Numbers are crucial but do not jack them up ridiculously high like the Deklarasi thing.

    Apart from dumb people, another quality of people that the new party must welcome and source out for is the angry type, the ones like Makcik Hajar @Batu and Makcik Faridina. This type of members are very important in any political organization. Remember Hew the DAPigs Superman? Angry is the new sexy. Think about it, no kidding.

    With the right mixture of dumb and angry people in the bottom half of the cesspool to ensure the smarter ones are kept safe and comfy at the top, the party is ready to Batu & Berguling …

  82. Fellow Malaysian Muslim/Muslimah, I hope the future generation will not be intimidated by the wrath of God if you stand up for your country. Knowing the fact that our (P)ee (M)alaysian is a Muslim, that you must condone his misdeed or close one eye eventhough we know our PM steals, robs and embezzle or you can refer it as PECAH AMANAH. Whatever it is, I see no point if the Malay community is afraid to make a change.

  83. Deklarasi Mahathir – Lim Kit Siang la

    Bahtera Mahathir – Lim Kit Siang la

    Macam macam la korang ni 🙃

  84. Salam Dearest YAB Tun,

    Allow me Tun:

    ‘Mak Cik Karl’ @ SiDung* wrote:

    “In reality, there is no mess, but there’s only work to be done.
    Allah will hold us responsible by what we can do, NOT by what we cannot do.” (Jul 17,2016 12:24 PM )

    Alahai Mak Cik, one thing for sure you CAN (without any feeling of shame/guilt) throw slanders towards Tun M in his own blog (one main characteristic of a paid blogger – ‘dedak eater’…similar to the RBA), and of course you CANNOT leave your bad habit of ‘eating dedak’.

    Are you saying Allah SWT “will NOT hold you responsible by what you cannot do” (CANNOT leave your corrupt habit – ‘makan dedak/suap’)? Haiya…Are you okay Mak Cik Karl? Aren’t you tired doing all this so-called WORK of ‘kissing the bu**’ of your master for ‘sesuap dedak’.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  85. Karl
    I glance the the clips but I feel dumb
    As its like a Comic book

    I thought you are showing me facts of 1MDB
    Sorry Karl I,m not Dumb and can be Fooled easily
    Like Najib is Fooling Malaysia even his men around him today

    I want Facts
    Not interested in Comics nor Fairy Tales

    The Fairy tales Najib should say
    While he was walking along Cho Kit with Rosmah in a very quiet evening
    Suddenly 2.6 Billions of money fell from the sky
    Instead of Fooling us all it came form Sauds
    And this Sauds is Dead and no evidence of 2.6 billion accountability , memo etc

    Well Karl
    DON,T be Najib
    Najib Stinks and many wrong doings known
    The day he submit KTM Tanjung Pagar already sense me
    Something is Fishy

  86. Salam Tun,

    Anyway where is Najis and Rosmah since the 2nd day of Hari Raya. Seems they just dissappear in thin air. Are they paying homage to their besan or busy preparing for their getaway ?

  87. Salam Dearest YAB Tun,

    Allow me Tun:

    Thanks ‘Average Joe’ (Jul 16,2016 11:50 PM ). Democracy works well if the voters know ‘what is right and what is wrong’ (not merely blind /dumb followers), and of course cannot be easily bought with all kinds of ‘dedak’ and ‘sedekah’.

    But we must not forget that the main reason/objective for changing a government is to get a better group of leaders to lead this country. We are in a situation where both sides (current Government and Opposition) are equally bad. It’s now choosing between “the devil we know and the so-called ‘angel (hypocrites?)’ we don’t know” –> “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t”.

    I hope we are not pressuring Tun too much to ‘save us’ from all the MESS created by DSN’s regime. We must remember Tun is already 91 years old.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  88. For all I know, the so called PM is now a well known public figure as a thicked face clown. But too bad. Nobody dares to oppose him. A thieve can become a leader.

  89. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Pa-dumb-nya Sebuah Demokrasi Oleh Najis Razak.

    Sudah lama Ajib Al Jolo pen-dumb jadi Diktator untuk lepaskan den-dumb pada rakyat jelata dengan cengkaman kuku besinya supaya tiada siapa boleh menghalangnya memperkosa perbendaharaan negara tercinta ini.

    Dalam blog ini pula ada tentera sibernya tapi pangkat prebet je sebab jeneral2 sudah ramai terkorban, siapa lagi kalau bukan kha-dumb Ajib Al Jolo iaitu si karldai.

    Kedangkalan karldai berhujah sinonim dengan nama glamournya. Yang sudah dibakulsampahkan adalah Demokrasi Rakyat untuk menutup penipuan Ajib Al Jolo yang telah lama terbongkar namun orang spesis ini memang tidak kenal erti malu atau sememangnya tiada kemaluan? Termasuklah budak karldai si kha-dumb Ajib tu (seronok tak rasanya kena tunggang Ajib?).

    Usaha menurunkan Ajib dari takhta akan lebih berkesan dengan penubuhan parti baru termasuklah dengan cara yang sah bukan luarbiasa seperti undi tidak percaya atau deklarasi rakyat.

    Peranan Tun Dr Mahathir dalam menyatukan pihak pembangkang dalam satu pakatan dan perikatan pembangkang akan memungkinkan perkara2 yang disebut luarbiasa tadi termasuklah bakal memenangi PRK yang terdekat ini manalah tahu budak karldai boleh cadangkan pada bosnya suruh test power sekali lagi, minta Lebai Ahmad Husni letak jawatan ahli parlimen Tambun sebab dia pun dah nak sambung mengaji di Jordan, ada berani?

    Makanya seperti yang telah dicakap oleh Pee M anda, proses penubuhan kerajaan baharu akan dilaksanakan melalui PRU14 belum boleh diterima sehingga tiba masa PRU 14 nanti ya. Simpan dulu ‘I told you so’ tapi jadilah kha-dumb terbaik dengan terima arahan dari ‘I told you to do so’ 🙂 .

    Betullah telahan Tun pihak Ajib iaitu Raja Tunai memberi dedak barulah boleh bergerak jika ada habuannya maka tidak hairanlah sang karldai mengandaikan belanja yang besar di pihak Tun kerana sambutan hangat rakyat tanpa dibayar.

    Patutlah payah sangat atau lama sangat nak keluarkan TSMY dan DSMM dari parti Najis menurut analogi karldai – bola pancit tapi tak lunyai lagi mana boleh rembat karldai ooi, hang tendang kuat mana pun dia takkan pi jauh, baiklah takpa hang kaki keldai apa tu no.

    Hang mesti kenai siapa jadi referee tu dia tiup wisel pun tergagap2 dan beri hangpa kemenangan percuma dengan papan skor mencatitkan berapa kawan2?

    Ya betul tu 2.6 billion – 0.

    Harap2 pakcik pandi berhenti jadi referee upahan bukan apa takut2 tertelan wisel nanti.

    Dulu team bola rakyat belum benar2 sepakat dan bersatu apatah lagi rejim Najib bermain secara suapan referee dan linesman berbayar, pihak yang menjaga keselamatan pemain dan penonton hanya bertuankan rejim Najib sahaja dan sorakan penonton turut berbayar untuk meraikan kemenangan penuh penipuan.

    Sekarang pihak sebelah sana mula menggigil apabila bekas pemain legenda negara yang merupakan bekas pemain Piala Dunia yang disegani masyarakat antarabangsa mula menyatukan kesemua pemain2 berkaliber negara yang bermain atas semangat kebangsaan dan sayangkan negara ini bukan seperti sebelah sana yang bermain kerana wang ringgit berjuta2 tiap seorang.

    Tambahan pula di kalangan penyerang2 berbisa rakyat ada 3 orang bekas pemain sebelah sana yang sanggup menolak pelbagai tawaran jawatan dan wang ringgit demi cinta mereka pada negara dan memastikan kemenangan rakyat.

    Akhir sekali buat pengetahuan si kha-dumb merangkap keldai tunggangan Ajib Al Jolo mana ada pengurus bolasepak dunia yang dipimpin orang muda yang berjaya dan ternama? Semakin tua seseorang pengurus pasukan itu maka semakin liciklah beliau mengatur strategi permainan untuk menjamin kemenangan apatah lagi pengalaman beliau tiada tolok bandingnya.

    Makin tua makin berisi bukan macam orang tu makin tua makin berkarat – bukan karat besi up sikit karat emas dan intan pertama – makin kaya raya daa…

    Tang yang last saya bersetuju dengan karl iskandar, siapa kata saya jenis tidak boleh terima pendapat orang yang betul tetap betul dan yang benar tetap benar, ya pada usia sebegini lanjut hampir satu abad dan adakah kita yang muda ni boleh sampai usia bonus tersebut YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir dan isteri selayaknya menghabiskan masa bersama anak cucu dan sebagainya TETAPI kerana beruk seekor ni yang sedang mengganaskan membahayakan rakyat dan negara tercinta maka Tun terpaksa korbankan semua di atas.

    Tun M sahaja yang buleh jinakkan beruk bibir pink ini 🙂 .

    Wasalam Ayahanda dan Bonda Tun.



    Appropriately caption for The Deranged Useless Mental Block People

    Semoga Ayahanda dan Bonda Tun sentiasa dilindungi dan dilimpahi dgn Sinaran Zat Sempurna dan Kasih Sayang Allah Swt..

    Ps.. Kami mohon ampun dan maaf kpd semua keluarga
    Selamat merayakan Aidul Fitri dlm bulan Syawal ini..

  91. Aslm.

    HBT, menjawab pertanyaan anda #42. In reality, there is no mess, but there’s only work to be done.

    “by what we can do, Allah will hold us responsible.” I can only do and give my best, the result is according to His plan. To put it simply, “Allah will hold us responsible by what we can do, NOT by what we cannot do.”

    Since you’re a non-moslem, you cannot be blamed if you don’t get the message. Although, you can decipher the meaning.

  92. 61. ‘No but’ in modern malaysia on kafir harbi after september 16 declared as malaysia day.

    62. Once this hukum hudud’s referendum is tabled in federal parliament in october 2016 and approved by mps, this PRIVATE bill will be tabled in dewan undangan negeri masing-masing to get the final approval.

    63. Once dun approved, they will send the private bill to the states’ istana to get final approval, and it will makan masa one.

    64. Once it is approved by the states’istana as private bill, it will become a fatwa, subject to the pleasure of the istana in exercising their ancestral rights on sea, I mean state land.

    65. The buck is on the table of current pas president hold by terengganu tok hadi awang.

    66. But, will other malay states’ pas mps follow his step to protect their hard earned comfort zone before they table federal parliament in october 2016?

    67. Pas president too can be lobbied since all decision making positions are hold by umno baru, I mean macc.

    68. If pas president can declare hukum hudud as private bill, then penang, melaka, sabah and sarawak governments can decide the land conversion to earn tax revenue to run their states’ government.

    69. The end must justify the means.

    70. Can or not, we will see.

  93. 59. Look at your shadow, it will follow you no matter where you go.

    60. We cant change the past, but we definitely can improve the future.

  94. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Berkenaan dengan isu sama ada parti baru harus muncul sebagai parti Melayu atau berbilang kaum, baik Tun membuat percaturan dan perancangan yang rapi.

    Kalaulah parti baru ini parti Melayu, apakah model perjuangan pakatan baru serupa dengan BN? Kalaulah parti Melayu, apakah ia boleh memainkan peranan yang lebih kuat daripada UMNO? Apakah parti baru harus menunjukkan ia lebih “Melayu” daripada UMNO?

  95. 52. When you win, the winner will dictate the public fund.

    53. After 2018 ge, the winner will be tested in 2023 ge again and again.

    54. The only miscalculation that bn formulated was they never thought of mobility of the people.

    55. I already said, if you close your gate, there are plenty of opportunity out there.

    56. Bangsa atau bangsat, itu terpulang kepada mu sebagai perjuang agama dan bangsa.

    57. Anti-communist, I mean anti-kongsi, I will leave it for you to pounder.

    58. Anti-chinese or not, it wont matter anymore.

  96. 36. In politics, the end justifies the means meaning if you kalah undi, you must leave.

    37. Its not a matter of who is right, or who is wrong.

    38. Its a matter boleh atau tak boleh very much depend on the political parties.

    39. When ge is declared, mps contestants selected by the supreme leaders will declare their promises in the public to get votes.

    40. Voters will go to the polling stations and vote accordingly to exercise their obligation as voters.

    41. Singapore still use paper in ge since independence until today eventhough this tiny country is listed as wealthiest country to make singaporeans, the voters, to see and feel the government shall not waste public fund in ge just to be trendy, i mean just to get lobbied behind closed door via political parties.

    42. What if you are wrong from the begining that landed yourself in such mess, karl?

    43. Even if they earned huge of money, they still need to park their money to make money, legally, not by hook or by crook.

    44. Will penang call for state snap election?

    45. If penang call for snap election now, the state ruling party will win.

    46. They win because they are angry with mana myr 2.6 billions, itu saja.

    47. If penang ruling party does not go for snap election, and wait it out until next ge is declared, they will still have a chance to maintain their root cause and expand this cause to other states.

    48. If you want to play brexit, it should be the sahah bumiputra call the shot, not us in penang, the chinese first.

    49. If you want to play hukum hudud, it should be pas moslem to make the shot, not the malay first.

    50. Sabah bumupitra mps rise because of look east policy and nep, a vision of wawasan 2020 that would be tested as we move along.

    51. Pas malay mps fall because of look east policy and nep, a vision of wawasan 2020 that would be tested as we move along.

  97. Aslm.

    sibotak. Anda kelihatan ikhlas membuat pertanyaan, tetapi agak cuai dalam pemerhatian dan ucapan. Kebenaran tidak berdiri di atas niat semata-mata, kecuali ada thinking skill yang boleh memandu anda ke arahnya. Tapi, jangan pula anda salah anggap dan jadi marah, kerana saya bukan menuduh anda tidak mahir berfikir.

    You claim that, as a non-politician, you want an answer. All this time, you could not see the answer coming because you’re full of prejudice and hatred toward someone. Even the questions you have asked me, are under a thin veneer of deception. Baca semula tulisan anda, dan soal semula kejujuran anda dalam hal ini.

    Do you really, and with all sincerity want to know the real nature of truth, not only in 1MDB, but with everything else under the sun?

    Since you have mentioned ‘a murder investigation’ as an analogy, I suggest you read a short story, RASHOMON by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, to have a balanced understanding of this 1MDB issue, and all other political and non-political complexities that may come your way.

    I will upload the story soon at

    Thank you.

  98. Assalam
    Saya amat yakin dan percaya yg Pimpinan Tun kpd Gabungan Baru itu akan dapat menawan Putrajaya.

    Sejarah Rasulullah menawan Mekah adalah Sejarah yg terbaik utk dicontohi oleh Gabungan Baru itu.

    Dan saya akan menjadi salah seorg “tentera tentera” itu dan saya yakin dan percaya ramai lagi yg akan turut serta.

    Terimakasih Tun kerana masih lgi Mahu meMimpin Kami.

  99. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun, since the topic is still on Dumb so I got the green light to use it, ya Tun. Don’t anyone gets so sensitive over it. I won’t have used this word if Tun had not used it himself. Dumb meaning (1) Bisu, Dumb meaning (2) Bodoh.

    Tun, your brave initiative has infuriated, embittered and devastated the worlds of DSN and his DD followers. It has erupted their everyday lives into chaos. Tun, to satisfy their Big Boss the DD followers say all sorts of nasty things. They have an instinct for conflicts rather than harmony.
    In that chaotic moment, I imagine they would say something like this: “Why can’t Tun just let us be? Why can’t Tun leave us alone in peace, so happy as we are now with our ‘dedak’ lives. We don’t mind being DD as long as our barns get refilled regularly. Go away, Tun please go away.”

    And I imagine Tun would reply something like this: “No, I cannot do that. You DD people have eaten enough. You did many wrongs for so long. You robbed your own people aplenty. You leave them with huge debts while you enjoy their hard-earned money. The people are tired of settling your debts. The people say your debts are your debts, why burden them. So the people declared you must go. It is my duty to put things back in their right places. Now, go play Hide-and-Seek if you can. We’ll catch you later.”

    Never take for granted the people’s hospitality in letting the DD stay for too long in power. When they over-stayed and paid their rents with corrupted money then that’s the time for them to pack their bags. Some can afford to go to the VI or any getaways in the Caribbean, where billions are secretly stashed there for them to enjoy, live and makan2. Maybe that chubby whizz-kid, who loves extravagance lifestyle, is willing to take them stay in his multi-million dollar yacht or mansions, somewhere in NY or elsewhere around the world. (Where on earth is that chubby kid anyway?)

    Tun, when they leave, they leave us with piles and piles of rubble and scars so deep that it’s difficult to forgive and forget. But Malaysia must go on. We can pick up the pieces and be happy again not for ourselves but for OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS. Everything that is done, every sacrifices made, every humiliations hurled at, every sweat and tears dropped, are all for our children and their children’s children. It’s for people like YOU…you the generasi sopan-santun, berbudaya tinggi, berbudi bahasa, berfikiran kreatif etc etc. It has always been about YOU and for YOU. Tun is not selfish. This is not about Tun’s political agendas. If it is Tun would have stayed on while he was still popular.

    Tun, what is this ekonomi gelap? Who engaged in this ekonomi gelap? How and when and why did it happen? Are there many loopholes in our commercial laws that these ‘smart’ opportunists can do businesses (ekonomi gelap?) right under their very noses? What has been done to catch them, the ekonomi gelap culprits? Ooo…by implementing the cut-throat, their saviour,…GST! This is said by the T.Kewangan II. Well then, so robbing from the poor, the helpless, the unfortunates, the kampong folks, the youngsters, the almost poket-kosong people is the only way and the right thing to do? This what they say, to catch a thief is to be a thief.

    Tun, the current government has failed in maintaining the smooth running of the country’s economy system. They have mishandled and failed to check-on the implementations but instead let loose all the slick opportunistic scavengers to manipulate the loosed financial system and easily made billions from it. The financial system failed under their management and the rakyat are forced to pay the price. This so true too of the 1MDB financial scandals that left behind huge debts that is a great burden for Malaysia to handle. 1MDB was kept alive from borrowed money, borrowed from the country’s funds, funds of the people, for the people. 1MDB is a government entity, the people as guarantors have to pay its debts. For this to collect as much money as possible the government became creative. That’s when and why GST comes into existence, the removals of subsidies, increase in tolls and transportation, increase in essentials items etc etc…

    See Tun, how they spin this gst like it is dropped from heaven. Can we see corruption coming into picture? No? If not why then this ekonomi gelap happened? Why 1MDB failed and accumulated so much debts? Shouldn’t the smart guys in MoF rectify this matter without burdening the rakyat? We have the rules of laws to protect the country from thieving, kan Tun. I’m no economist but this is my understanding.

    Tun, why not take from the very very rich and the very very famous who stashed away their million and billions of money of-shores to help the country cover-up the debts? These people did so just to evict from paying taxes, kan Tun. This is so unfair. This is so not right, morally and ethically. Can’t they make it unlawful, Tun? Then again I’m no lawyer.

    May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you Always Tun. May Allah grant you great wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. take extra care in your safety and Thank you Tun. Good luck in your new undertaking Tun.

    A little note:
    It is difficult to be motivated when a man (young man?) feels he is not needed. To become motivated again he needs to feel appreciated, trusted and needed. Not to be needed is a slow death for a man (young man?).
    Yes faridina, we don’t want anything to happen to any man or young man. So stay, shall they. Thank you.

    Thank you Tun.

  100. Salam Tun.

    1. Bila Tun ucap bodoh kepada golongan tertentu pasti akan mengurangkan sokongan atau kawan untuk di pengaruhi.

    2. Ada manusia yang kurang senang bila di gelar bodoh. Walau pun tiada tindakan balasan pada pandangan Tun . Sebabnya perasaan itu boleh tersimpan di dalam hati.

    3. Walau pun apa yang di katakan Tun itu betul, manusia ini di jadikan Allah s.w.t mempunyai nafsu yang berkehendak atau tidak apa yang ada pada malaikat dan iblis.

    3. Jadi manusia mudah terjerumus kepada perbuatan baik atau buruk.

    4. Malah perbuatan baik atau buruk salah satu yang menjadi penilaian terhadap amalan manusia di dunia dan hari akhirat.

    5. Jadi berhati-hati pendekatan yang di ambil kerana ada sesetengahnya tidak baik di dunia walau pun perbuatan itu baik di akhirat.

    6. Sebab itulah contoh-contoh dari Nabi Muhammad s.a.w semuanya terpuji kerana didikan dari Allah s.w.t. untuk membimbing manusia ke jalan yang benar.

    7. Seorang manusia yang sebaik Nabi Muhammad s.a.w tampa ucapan bodoh pun ada yang memusuhinya inikan pula di gelar bodoh akan dapat di buat kawan atau pengikut.

    8. Adakah manusia ini benar bodoh ? sehinggakan yang menciptakan manusia itu sendiri berkata celakalah manusia yang melakukan perbuatan salah di dunia tampa memikirkan balasan hari akhirat.

    9. Tun Parti baru akan lebih bermakna kalau soal seperti GST, mengurangkan beban cukai rakyat dengan mekanisma dari sumber lain seperti dari hasil bumi iaitu yang bukan dari kewangan rakyat berpendapatan rendah.

    10. Perkara di atas wajib di ubah jika rakyat memilih Parti Baru ini dan menjadi perjuangan utama Parti ini. Jika tidak rakyat akan anggap Parti ini hanya serpihan oleh pemimpin yang gila kuasa menjawat jawatan mengaut keuntungan kewangan setelah di sisih Parti lama.

    11. Kalau ini menjadi keutamaan Parti maka dengan ini Rimba Emas mengistihar diri menjadi ahli dan menyokong Parti yang di asas Tun ini.

    12. Moga Parti ini di berkati dan mendapat bimbingan Allah s.w.t. AMIN…


  101. Salam again Tun,

    Just a short response @Hajar:

    I totally agree with your prediction, that if the new coalition wins in the coming election, then the one to reap most of the benefits will be the more established opposition parties. Perhaps even Anwar Ibrahim will be the next PM(I admit this thought is disconcerting, if not abhorrent to me).

    Alas this is something that we from the previous UMNO will have to accept. There is a price to pay, and we have to pay it. I am sure Tun himself see this. But I am of the opinion that Tun is struggling to protect the integrity of our democratic country, its laws and principles, instead of accolades or position.

    Even if the leaders from the opposition, once they have won, prove to be inept then as long as our democracy holds, it is a matter of voting them out of office, and having all the check and balances still solid in place if our democratic principles and constitution holds.

    If we accept the current situation in Malaysia, where the judiciary, executive, Rulers etc are subject to the whims of a single person, then we expose ourselves to dictatorship and the crumbling of our democratic institution.

    So the current fight is bigger than merely who becomes the next PM, or what policies should be used. It is the fight for Malaysia’s integrity, values and democracy.

    Thanks again Tun, w’salam.

  102. Salam Tun,

    I’m quite sure that on your next posting, you’ll put up the reasons on why you took the initiative to form a new political party. It is your prerogative and yours alone and definitely NOT our place/level to tell you on what your next action is.

    However, for all those who are against the current wrong doings, can we discuss healthily on this subject?

    Should Tun form a new coalition?
    If your are in agreement with the new formation, state reasons.
    If your answer is otherwise, state reasons also.

    By providing these healthy outputs, perhaps many of us can learn further.

    Thanks All.

    Thanks Tun.

  103. Agreed with Karl

    But then again, not unlike poetry, politics is the art of the possible, and Dr M knows very well that it’s not about being right or wanting what is right. It is not even who is right, but who must go. And Dr M is promiscuously not keeping dumb about it.

    Right or wrong is not what Dr M really cares about, like the criminal case of fake Deklarasi signatories, so long it can be sensationalised for political mileage it’s good to go. The problem, there’s simply so many many miles ahead, but with so little time left. Now, this truly is an M-Dilemma.

    Perhaps Tun Mahathir is a Politician
    Agreed with yr point

    Well I,m not a politicians
    And I need an answer

    Did Najib did Right ?
    If so there’s no need to hide behind his appointed AG
    and at the relevant time
    Najib should not suddenly nor his Govt decides to take 1MDB as OSA
    If it is to be classified earlier as OSA
    Today Malaysia nor the World would’nt know what the hell is 1MDB
    If he is a True gentleman or a good leader
    Just let it flow and lets the Law deal with it
    He will be Defended by the Govt for Free and the Best above all
    And we Malaysia will be behind him
    It’s then we see the Truth and Najib will credit it well

    In a Murder Investigations , The professional investigator were equip
    with proper attire as not to corrupt the investigations
    Najib walk in freely , turn the table around
    Then he says everything is Good

    Tun is a Politicians, you may have yr reasons
    Well I,m Not nor I am any member of any party ,not UMNO nor Opposition
    Do I have a Voice here ?

  104. Aslm.

    “Dumb-lema Dr Mahathir”

    Dalam diam-diam, objektif Deklarasi sudah dibakulsampahkan kerana unsur penipuan dari sejak awal lagi, di mana tak sampai 100k tandatangan diputar menjadi 1.2juta, jika terus dibongkar akan terburai kemaluan pihak penaja.

    Dengan penubuhan parti baru Dr Mahathir, maka berakhirlah percubaan untuk jatuhkan kerajaan UMNO melalui kaedah luarbiasa. Kalah referendum PRK, kalah teruk di Sarawak telah menjadi iktibar bagi penubuhan parti baharu ini.

    Kini, seperti yang telah dicakap oleh PM, proses penubuhan kerajaan baharu akan dilaksanakan melalui PU14. I told you so.

    Permainan politik lebih 20 bulan oleh Dr M dengan kempen yang sudah pastinya menelan belanja amat besar dari poket kroni, akhirnya kecundang dengan Mudin dan Mukriz dirembat keluar padang, seperti bolasepak pancit yang lunyai dan tidak berguna lagi.

    Wisel penamat ditiup referee dengan nyaring dengan papan skor mencatitkan 20 – 0.

    Dumb-lema Dr M kini ialah mengatur barisan pemain team baharu untuk menentang pasukan Juara bertahan.

    Kelihatan satu team yang carca marba akan dibentur oleh pengurus pasukan yang pada usianya lebih relevan jika dilihat bermain dengan cucu cicit di taman atau mengerjakan amal ibadah untuk persiapan akhirat.


  105. Salam Tun,

    It occurred to me that now that you have formally decided to be involved back into party politics, I would be very much be interested in your opinions (perhaps in a future article) on how you would win the hearts of the people of Sabah and Sarawak. I feel these two states(partner?) Will be crucial in your attempt to topple the BN coalition. I am sure some of our brothers and sisters from there are reading your blog and it will be and opportunity lost if we do not reach out to them.

    I see no way for the new coalition to win if it is not able to make any kind of headway in those two states (partner).

    Thank you, and all the best Tun.

    P/S: Personally I feel the 1MDB issue is a dead end. Perhaps it is time to talk about how the coalition will repair Malaysia once it receives the mandate of the people.

  106. Dear Tun,

    I was one of your Web Shapers on your e-Government task force and later I ran a Smart Schools consortium project but all of this was many years ago and unfortunately I left Malaysia about nine years after we first started on your visionary plan. I have been watching Malaysia from afar and I am saddened to see how it has lost its way since your stewardship ended. As a foreigner I must respect your country, society and politics and not comment, but I think that I can say that the country needs to get back on track again.

    In my humble and outsider’s opinion, it is time to take back the country and once again bring in solid and predictable good Governance as was in place when you led the way. The country needs someone who they can respect, look up to with confidence that all of society will be Governed equally and fairly and in my humble option, that is you.

    I wish you my sincerest best wishes and I look forward to the day that you can once again lead the country out of the situation it finds itself in today and to a point where it is looking to the future once again with pride and confidence.

    Thank you and my sIncerest best wishes for the future.

  107. Salam Tun,

    Congratulations on the initiative to form a new Party.

    Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah nasib kita, melainkan kita sendiri berusaha mengubahnya.

    Walaupun rintangannya pasti hebat….

    You have the wisdom, you are our legend, you are our special one.

    As we may acknowledged, The General election may came sooner than we expected, as they taught they have gaining the supports and before more exposures of their wrongdoings being known to public.

    The supports they get is merely on the money they throwing & the fear is from their own shadows.

    The rakyat money which is being stolen and spend by them were also would not be as much as before, as they already spend a lot to bribe & ‘bran’ the dumb & dumber.

    May Allah grant your efforts to release Malaysia from this Modern Tyranny & from being the ‘puppet’ of The New World Order.

    Hopefully Malaysia would not go bankrupt.

    The GST collections is no more going to help this crooked goverment, as they don’t even have the money to refund the tax payer.

    Ya Allah….makbulkanlah doa kami. Selamatkanlah kami dari kesengsaraan, penipuan & penyiksaan orang2 yang lebih mengutamakan dunia daripada agamamu…Aaminnn.

    Why ‘they & their’? Because the whole administrations are being corrupted.

    So sad & so shame
    Auzubillahi Min Zalik.

  108. Assalam Dearest Tun,

    Well karldai boy is now into poetry pulak but he is not counting that’s for sure.

    You only highlighted about the so-called ‘criminal case’ of fake Deklarasi signatories which cause hardship to millions of citizens, sending the stock market and ringgit down and most importantly robbed the rakyats billions of ringgit, not to say it tarnished the image of this country all over the world and became news headlines worldwide.

    I’m crying for Malaysia 🙂 .

    No wonder the ‘gagap’ AG placed the PAC report under OSA solely because there are too too too many obvious wrongdoings that could easily indicate the Advisor, FM and Pee M into some ‘criminal charges’.

    Thank you ‘daun keladi’ Sarawak Report, it took me 2 days to read and digest the report. Everyone of us can read pak cik and mak cik at the kampung also can read it because it is written in Bahasa Melayu.

    Therefore special thanks to karldai boy for raising the SR issue and many thanks to SR which became our first source of information beginning early last year and as at today any news from SR will straight away goes to our smart phones.

    What I love most about SR is that it comes together with solid evidence to support its news.

    This PAC report can be read and can be easily understand by any secondary school boys to see the magnitude of wrong doings that were very very alarming but not to karldai boy.

    By the way karldai boy, Tun have no crown now.. Today the crown is in the hand of your master Ajib Al Jolo and your closing statements should be written ;

    “Most of the time, very dumb people will play smart but dirty, so as to hide the crown inside his wife’s 1.2K hair and have already standby and pack their bags to run away just in case the rakyat were to able to snatch the crown from him.”

    Wasalam Tun.

  109. Salam YAB dan Yang Amat DiKasihi Tun,

    1. Tun, mohon Tun jelaskan apakah OBJEKTIF UTAMA penubuhan PARTI BARU yang Tun telah secara rasmi khabarkan kepada umum.

    2. Adakah sekarang objektif utama ialah untuk tumbangkan BN / UMNO?

    3. Bukankah objektif utama ‘Deklarasi Rakyat’ ialah untuk menurunkan PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor dari jawatan PM, dan bukannya untuk tumbangkan BN / UMNO.

    4. Apapun Tun mesti fikir sehabis-habisnya sebelum penubuhan parti baru dilakukan.

    5. Sentimen dan perasaan sesetengah pihak yang pernah menyokong Tun semasa Tun PM mesti hormati/dijaga dan diambil-kira.

    6. Jika Tun (dll.) masih berpendapat bahawa penubuhan parti baru perlu, lebih wajar Tun beri orang lain yang tubuh parti baru tersebut (mungkin TS Muhyiddin jadi salah seorang pengasas kerana dipecat dari UMNO), dan Tun cuma beri sokongan moral.

    7. Saya tidak mahu lihat situasi di mana Tun berjaya MEMBANTU Pembangkang menumbangkan BN (saya yakin Tun boleh), tetapi selepas itu Tun dipinggirkan (Tun cuma dipergunakan untuk mencapai matlamat politik sesetengah pihak); dan lebih pilu lagi jika Tun pula dicanangkan (dikambing-hitamkan) sebagai pengkhianat yang menumbangkan BN / UMNO. Segala kemungkinan ini boleh berlaku. Parti yang akan Tun tubuhkan ialah parti yang paling BARU dan tidak mungkin parti baru akan diberi keutamaan. Jangan haraplah TSMY atau DSMM akan dilantik ke jawatan PM / TPM jika Pembangkang menang (dengan usahasama parti baru yang Tun tolong asaskan). Di mana mahu diletak pemimpin2 Pembangkang sedia-ada? Ramai yang sedang ‘kelaparan’ dan menunggu ‘peluang keemasan’.

    8. Saya mohon Tun fikir semasak-masaknya apa yang wajar Tun lakukan.. Lagipun, pada pengamatan saya, Pembangkang yang ada sekarang sama HAPRAK dengan rejim Najib (mungkin lebih teruk setelah berkuasa). Saya tinggal di Selangor dan saya tidak boleh terima bila lihat perkara2 seperti arak/ maksiat/ LGBT/etc. semakin berleluasa di Selangor; bukan bertambah baik seperti dijanjikan Pembangkang. Saya tidak hairan/hadap dengan ‘sedekah’ air yang tidak seberapa – ini lebih teruk dari ‘BR1M’sebab saya & ramai lagi yang wajib bayar pelbagai jenis zakat pun dapat sedekah ini. Pesta arak pun sudah pernah berlaku di Selangor. Bimbang nanti di seluruh Malaysia dibolehkan pula minum arak di khalayak ramai jika mereka berkuasa. Jangan nanti LGBT pun boleh ada pesta sendiri seperti yang saya pernah lihat di Amsterdam.

    9. Rejim Najib yang dipenuhi dengan ‘orang-orang bodoh dan bisu’ memang patut gerun dengan perkembangan terkini jika benar Tun dan Pembangkang akan bergabung untuk tumbangkan BN/UMNO. PM Najib wajar meletak jawatan untuk selamatkan BN / UMNO.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  110. Ini UMNO pimpinan Najib sekarang

    Digerharu Cendana Pura
    Dah tahu bertanya pula

    Kuman seberang laut nampak
    Gajah depan Mata pura pura tak nampak

    Jo Loh ,Kera di hutan dah di gemuk gemukan
    Anak di rumah mati berhutang

  111. Dear Tun,

    As much as you have loved UMNO and BN, as much as your heart has been shattered by this break-up, don’t ever look back Tun Mahathir. We all talk about the paradigm shift all the time, but we never could really do it ourselves. Now is the time we change our paradigms Tun. Change the way we look at things.

    The same advice goes to uncle Lim Kit Siang and the Chinese, the Indians, and the rest of Malaysians of the various ethnicities. Don’t succumb to these killers that kill your own sanctity – your ‘holier than thou’ attitude and vengeance. I know uncle LKS has a big heart. However PKR Dr. Wan Azizah and family have yet to learn how to forgive to discover just how much things can change if only you change the way you look at things.

    My family and I we stand by you dear Tun Mahathir and all the Pakatan Harapan leaders and others who genuinely want to lift Malaysia and her people from spiralling down the slope.

    Take good care Tun.

  112. Aslm.

    Dumbing Down the …

    Dr Mahathir. How do I dumb thee?
    Let me count the ways.

    Nope. I don’t think it is possible to silent Dr M with any amount of poetry.

    But then again, not unlike poetry, politics is the art of the possible, and Dr M knows very well that it’s not about being right or wanting what is right. It is not even who is right, but who must go. And Dr M is promiscuously not keeping dumb about it.

    Right or wrong is not what Dr M really cares about, like the criminal case of fake Deklarasi signatories, so long it can be sensationalised for political mileage it’s good to go. The problem, there’s simply so many many miles ahead, but with so little time left. Now, this truly is an M-Dilemma.

    Therefore, even as the PAC Report has established facts and figures from many authentic sources including JAN, SPRM and BNM – they will never satisfy the greed and hunger of SR for sensationalist journalism that feeds on fabricated stories, twisted news, outright lies and dirty moves – just like how Xavier Justo lost his million dollar booty to them. ‘Thievery’ should be SR’s middle name. Where there is no honor amongst thieves, Justo got himself the dump and dumb alright.

    Sometimes, very smart people prefer to play dumb, and allow the fools to snatch and run away with their own crowns.

  113. Salam Tun

    Kami ahli UMNO yang tak pernah membayar yuran dari poket sendiri walau sekali pun. Kerana tak pernah bayar so kami tak menggangap kami ahli UMNO.

    Bagaimana nak jadi ahli Parti Tun? Yuran ahli berapa? I dan keluarga berminat nak jadi ahli.

    Pretty sure ramai juga yang dalam situasi begini tertanya2. 🙂

  114. Salam Tun,

    Just a small talk with our friend here…

    You see Karl, you stripped yourself naked by walking straight into the trap. Those questions posted to you are rhetorical in nature, as such that the answers are very obvious. In this scenario, the best you could do is to stay quiet and move on, but knowing that you aren’t smart enough, you’ll jump in and therefore inadvertently exposed yourself. The whole point to the exercise here is to show to everyone who you really are, and now, all of the literate Malaysians can laugh their heart out as the joke is on you…. Hahahaha….

    Anyway, kindly pray to the Almighty that Dato’ Sri Najib continuously sponsor your activities here after this failed attempt to discredit Tun and The Rest. Perhaps change the username and start new? Hehehehe…. I simply can’t stop laughing at this…. I’m sorry…. Hehehehe…

    Thanks Tun.

    p/s this is why, do not type things when you’re laughing…. you may end up spelling things wrong such as the previous post, ‘You’ becomes ‘Ypu’, hehehehe…..

  115. Salam Tun,

    Just a small talk with our friend here…

    Ypu see Karl, you stripped yourself naked by walking straight into the trap. Those questions posted to you are rhetorical in nature, as such that the answers are very obvious. In this scenario, the best you could do is to stay quiet and move on, but knowing that you aren’t smart enough, you’ll jump in and therefore inadvertently exposed yourself. The whole point to the exercise here is to show to everyone who you really are, and now, all of the literate Malaysians can laugh their heart out as the joke is on you…. Hahahaha….

    Anyway, kindly pray to the Almighty that Dato’ Sri Najib continuously sponsor your activities here after this failed attempt to discredit Tun and The Rest. Perhaps change the username and start new? Hehehehe…. I simply can’t stop laughing at this…. I’m sorry…. Hehehehe…

    Thanks Tun.

  116. Salam pada semua, sama sama lah kita menyokong niat suci murni Tun M untuk menyelamatkan Malaysia. Beliau sanggup merendahkan diri beliau semata mata nak selamatkan Malaysia.ini lah negarawan yang sebenar. Beliau sangat Budiman. Menteri menteri dalam kabinet ayuh bantu selamatkan negara. Sultan, Raja raja Melayu sama sama lah kita menyelamatkan Malaysia. Ini negara kita .

  117. Assalam Dearest Tun,

    To karldai boy.

    On second thought your presence here is somewhat very much needed for a few of us here to release some steam.

    You are after all Najis’s dumb mascot here for us to poke some fun right little boy – no joke no fun no poke no karldai.

    Okay you may write boy but your following statement need correction “For as long as I’m allowed to write and to represent ‘dedakian’ of my generation and mindset, even when my ideas are running counter to the popular belief, it will be a feedback for Dr M to work on.”

    Oops by the way Tun don’t need feedback from ‘keldai kurap’ like you but yours is solely for your master najis so busuklah.

    Wasalam Tun.

    p/s – thank you housewife our true brave fighter.

  118. Salam Tun, Tun adalah seorang yang sangat baik dan sangat sayang kepada negara Malaysia. Saya pun sangat sayang dengan Tun. Nazri aziz saya nak bagi tahu kat hang Tun ni Orang UMNO pun Sayang dia dan orang pembangkang pun Sayang dia.

  119. Yg perlu nak Renovate
    Yg perlukan modal yg besar
    Belanjawan yg mahal gila

    Bukanlan Bangunan Putra Jaya berwajah Indah
    Bukanlah Jet PM yg berhiasan Mewah
    Bukanlah image luar

    Yg perlu kita Renovate sekarang adalah
    System Kerjaan yg tidak Betul
    Berlanjawan melibihi Pendapatan sampai Malaysia di kelilingi Hutang Piutang
    System Kerajaan yg Kuntang kantil sekarang
    Dalaman juga Luaran

    Semua Negar ada masaalah masing masing
    Semua manusia ada masalah masing masing
    Semua Keluarga pun ada masalah masing masing

    Masalah sebenarnya bukanlah masalah tersebut
    Masalaah sebenarnya adalah cara kita bersama
    Bijak menghuraikan masalah tersebut dengan
    Pemikiran yg Bijak , Perlaksanaan yg Matang

    Bukan sikit sikt nak keluar duit
    Sikt sikit nak tekan minyak
    Lihat saja mana Badan Kerajaan Malaysia , Pentakbiran Kerajaan Malaysia
    Perlabuhan Kerajaan Mlaysia yg benar benar bikin duit
    Banyak buang duit dari bikin duit
    Selamat dan Shukur kita ada sumber alam yg bernafaskan kita
    Bayangkan jika kita tidak ada , macamana ?

    Berjimatlah semasa berada
    Jangan sampai tak ada , baru nak Jimat

  120. Menubuhkan Parti untuk hapuskan yg merosakan negara
    Adalah secondary attempt apabila primary attempt mendapatkan Keadilan Gagal
    Macamana tak berjaya
    AG nampaknya di pegang , Magistrate tak bolih buat apa apa
    Maka tiada siapa yg boilh angkat ni perkara keatas meja Keadilan
    Sultan pun saya lihat dalam Constituency Kerajaan macam tak nak amik tahu
    Ini pun juga Tugas Sultan ,Tak perlulah sampai nak tunggu Tun pergi menghadap
    Tun nak pergi pun di sekat
    Kenapa pula Sultan tidak bolih hulur tangan pada Tun pada Malaysia
    Kami bersama bukan buat andaian , bangkai sudah busuk , sudah berulat
    Jangan sampai nanti mudaratkan kesehatan kita bersama termasuk Sultan juga
    Baru nak cari Ubat

    Sebenarnya Malaysia tidak akan Rumit
    Jika Paklah mendengar nasihat Tun
    Jika Najib mendengar nasihat Tun
    Ini punca segala masalah Malaysia sekarang

    Kenapa pula nak dangar cakap Tun ?
    Tun sudah terbukti selama 22 tahun menerajui Malaysia , UMNO
    Dengan tenang , maju dan jaya
    Seharusnya Paklah & Najib bersamping Tun untuk mendapat bimbingan

    Saya yakin ada anasir luar yg mempegaruhi Putarjaya selepas Tun bersara
    Anasir luar perlu hanya pegang satu atau dua kepala untuk mematungkan Malaysia
    Tak perlu satu Malaysia
    Lihat saja sekarang budak J.Low bolih amik kesempatan
    atas diri Najib dengan sekelip masa
    Sejurusnya keatas Malaysia dengan masa yg singkat dan kesempatan yg luas
    Apakan lagi Anasir luar yg kita tidak sedari ?

    Inilah akibatnya apabila Anak derhaka pada Ibu bapa
    Akibatnya rumah tangga porak peranda
    Adakah semasa Tun berkuasa kelihatan yg Tun amik Kesempatan sampai
    Najib & Paklah tidak mahu sama sekali ikut bimbingan Tun

    Putra jaya perlu di bedah siasat
    Jikan benar ada anasir luat yg memegang tali
    Maka akan selamanya Malaysia akan di gugat
    Kita sama kita akan berkelahian tidak sudah sudah
    Sudah terbukti nyata sekarang

    Putra Jaya sudah di Sihir
    Ketara sangat maka banyak soalan yg perlu di jawab
    Najib menguruskan wang macam air , banyak paip bocor
    Air dah melimpar keluar masih kah kita kata bocor sikit ?

    Di sini perlu kita berkerjasama untuk memperbaikikan paip yg bocor
    Dinding dinding yg usang , lantai yg dah reput , betulkan atap zinc yg banyak berlubang

    Saya tak bolih terbayang macam mana Najib
    Boilh dalam keaadaan sedih bercerita dengan orang bawahan beliau
    apabila pekung beliau pecah

    Mungkin scenerionya ialah
    Saya perlukan wang ni semua untuk UMNO untuk PRU yg lalu
    Keadaan wang UMNO kemarin tidak mantap jadi terpaksalah saya bertindak bergini
    Ok lah Jip , kita faham tujuan murni anda
    We close 2 eye not 1
    Tapi untuk UMNO berapa , baki nya yg lebih mana ?

  121. Assalam Tun.

    Reliable sources from the Swiss bank UBS have flagged Singapura’s controller MAS on suspicious transactions linked to 1Malaysia Development Bhd. However no one is talking openly, dumb is the word!

    The Singapura regulator refused to reply directly except to refer to its previous statements made on March 31 and May 24, which is of no help.

    Now things seem to have become political!

    Najib may have requested Singapura’s assistance for the latter to clear all 1MDB related transactions, which Singapura willingly agreed provided that…..

    Let us all Malaysians (other than those shameless macais that blindly support Najib & Rosmah come rain or shine) hope Najib’s arrangements with Singapura is not detrimental to Malaysia.

    Ha ha ha! hsien loong got trapped for playing games and trusting a well known pair of super crooks from Malaysia!!

  122. Assalam Tun.

    It’s most pitiful to note that the blogger “Karl @” is totally lost in the midst of this simplest of arguments, to the ladies of course!

    The way karl whatnot is going round in circles….

    I’m ever willing to provide free compass/es to help karl locate his bearing, if karl can just let us know how to deliver the compass/es.

  123. Soalan cepumas……


    Melayu tak suka di tunggang kerana mereka lebih suka menunggang dan menanggung….

    1. Diberi KERETA, MOTOR juga di tunggangnya
    2. Diberi ISTERI, GADIS BELASAN TAHUN jugak di tunggangnya
    3. Diberi SIRAP,ARAK jugak di tunggangnya……
    4. Diberi DUIT,HUTANG jugak ditanggungnya
    5. Diberi AMANAH,DOSA jugak ditanggungnya
    6. Diberi peluang, TUNGGANG LANGGANG hidup nya!

    Bangsaku Melayu,bangunlah dari lena yg panjang. Sesungguhnya lena itu amat menyakitkan tatkala timbul kesedaran ianya telah terlewat!

  124. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Setuju dengan idea “amd trmz” tentang penubuhan parti baru dengan formula B.

    Usah Tun berfikir ke belakang tetapi fokus ke hadapan.

    Mungkin ada berpendapat dan percaya pada sejarah, kononnya perkara yang sama akan berulang kembali iaitu kegagalan Dato Onn menubuhkan parti baru.

    Tun, yang berlalu adalah sejarah dan realiti masa silam. Jika kita percaya “kegagalan masa silam akan berulang” kononnya, ianya bagi saya satu pemikiran yang kurang bijak.

    Dengan penubuhan parti baru, disertakan dengan slogan “BERANI KERANA BENAR, TAKUT KERANA SALAH” sudah cukup menggerunkan parti UMNO dan komponan BN.

    Saya percaya juga untuk seketika dan peringkat awalnya, ianya wajar dibuka kepada semua kaum dari Perlis hinggalah ke Sabah. Motif utama adalah untuk menggulingkan kepimpinan Naji$ Razak.

    Ia wajar di bahagi kepada 5 kawasan seperti:

    1. Zon Utara ( diketuai oleh Mukhriz )
    2. Zon Timur ( diketuai oleh Ahmad Said )
    3. Zon Selatan ( diketuai oleh Muhyiden Yasin )
    4. Zon Tengah ( diketuai oleh Sanusi Junit )
    5. Zon Sabah dan Sarawak ( diketuai oleh Shafie Apdal )

    Tun adalah penasihat parti. Manakala Shafie Apdal adalah bakal PM dan Mukhriz adalah bakal Timbalan PM.

    Kita boleh wujudkan parti campuran yang terdiri dari parti pembangkang dan beri kabinet bayangan seperti:

    1. Menteri Kewangan adalah Rafizi dari PKR
    2. Menteri Kerja Raya adalah Tony Pua
    3. Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri ( berkait dengan agama Islam ) adalah dari PAS
    4. Menteri …. dari PAN
    5. ….
    6. Menteri-menteri besar/ketua menteri ….

    Saya yakin jika diberi jawatan dalam kabinet bayangan semasa PRU14 dengan adil dikalangan pemimpin-pemimpin yang ada karisma dalam parti-parti pembangkang, sudah pasti ianya mampu menggerunkan BN dan lebih hebat lagi dilihat sebagai penyelamat masa depan Malaysia dan disokong oleh majoriti rakyat.

    JANGAN LUPA …untuk di kampung-kampung dan luar bandar, kaedah menyedarkan rakyat dan tujuan gabungan parti pembangkang perlulah edaran risalah-risalah dari rumah ke rumah. Kebanyakan golongan tua khususnya tahu membaca tetapi tahap celik IT masih rendah. Oleh itu kaedah ini dirasakan lebih berkesan. Ini kerana kebanyakan gologan ini kurang membaca melalui sebaran internet tetapi lebih percaya dengan media TV/Radio yang nyata 99% adalah pro kerajaan.

    Disertakan dengan janji yang rasional demi kesejahteraan semua rakyat yang berbilang bangsa, saya yakin ianya pasti disokong majoriti rakyat.




    Wassalam Tun.

  125. Salam!

    Sukar untuk kita atau pihak berkuasa luar negara mendakwa Najib kerana Najib merupakan ketua negara.

    Tun kena membuat perancangan supaya mereka-mereka yang ada kaitan dengan jenayah atau penyelewengan yang melibatkan 1MDB didakwa di luar negara. Kita perlukan kes mahkamah yang melibatkan 1MDB dibicarakan di luar negara. Dari situ, nama Najib dapat dikaitkan secara lansung dengan penyelewengan 1MDB.

    Selamat berjaya Tun!

  126. Beria ia chegu bard pengasas sammkelntong, kaki kelentong dan zahid hamidi mengutuk tun di TV3 sebentar tadi…jelas aura BODOH terpampang di wajah chegu bard dan segerombolan penduduk ppinang yang beria ia desak LGE letak jawatan…

    Mengapa tak desak najb jawab kenyataan SR…jawablah “SR itu penipu, mereka mahu nmenjatuhkan malaysia dengan memadamkan kenyataan AMBRIN” jawablah najib kalau berani…kalau tak berani suruh Abang Azalina jawabkan.

    Semua mereka ini penipu…dan bodoh belaka…

  127. Jika kewangan 1MDB Najib bolih mengalir macam air sesuka hati beliau
    Sampai berbillion tanpa segan dan silu hingga kini jadi cakapan 1 Dunia

    Bagaimana pula urusan yg lain ?
    Urusan dalam negeri dah ketara apakan lagi urusan luar negara ?

    Ini kalau di bongkar semua laci laci , bawah tilam , bawah carpet
    Mesti banyak lipas , pijat , kutu babi silap silap babi hutan pun ada

    Tidakkah pengganut Najib rasa rimas , macam rasa macam berabuk , berhama
    Rasa macam Gatal gatal , mengeyam gitu
    Kami tidak menyatakan akan ada kesalahan Jenayah
    Kami 1Malaysia perlu perkara bergini di selidiki secara democracy
    Hak democracy Najib juga Hak democracy Rakyat

    Ini cara macam Gangster
    Macam gangster Club Malam yg kasi makan pegawai Kerajaan
    Tapi ini lebih dashyat
    Jeruk makan Jeruk , Dah tak Beradat lagi

    Wahai penganut yg takut
    Penganut yg pentingkan diri sendiri
    Penganut yg buta mata
    Ini soal serius , soal masa depan Malaysia
    Ini tidak bolih di jadikan Budaya
    Kalau si Tua bolih si Muda pun bolih
    Kalau semua bolih , kedepan , kebelakang lepas tu U-turn
    Berliwat lebih Mulia

    Kasihan bukan penyelesaiannya
    Ini bukan perosalan Tun Mahathir
    In persoalan Kepentingan Kemakmuran Malaysia
    Esok jika Tun tiada , Isu 1MDB akan timbul lagi
    ( Menitis saya untuk menaip esok jika Tun tiada )
    Akan timbul seribu Mahathir lagilah
    Oi ! mana ada orang tua yg berumur 91 tahun sanggup kedepan untuk ini semua
    Oi ! apa yg si Tua bolih dapat ?
    Kasi si tua ni duit pun dia tak nak lagi lah
    Berapa banyaklah si tua ni bolih makan ?
    Nak kasi bertina , fikirlah saudara

    Ini Wira Negara yg Tulin ,sampai terbatuk batuk beliau berhujah demi perjuangan beliau
    Tun Permata Malaysia

    Perkara sebergini tidak akan akhir begitu saja
    Pembangkang lain akan menyalak sebab perbuatan ini
    Amat memalukan , membenci kan Rakyat ,perbuatan Terkutuk
    Perkara bergini menghina Rakyat

    Untuk seekor , sanggupkah anda berdepan dengan beribu ?

  128. Ismail sabri yaakob bapak dafi yang makan telor penyu tak mengaku, pak lah, salleh kruak, hanafi mamat setiausaha umgok kelantan, ketua umno cheras habsi habsi dan lain lain semua sudah gigil bila tun mahu menubuhkan parti baru hingga sanggup mengutuk mengatakan “Tun sudah tua lah tiada penyoking, rumah kata pergi lah….dan lain lain..
    Mengaku sahaja wahai wahai balachi najib termasuk khalid nordin, azalina dan normala pasir gudang bahawa kamu semua sudah takut kan?..
    Kamu semua takut akan semua ahli umgok akan berpindah keahliannya….jangan terlalu sombong wahai menteri kepala penyu!!!**

    Kami semua menyokong tun, kami akan ikut mereka2 termasuk semua rakyat…

    Wahai semua rakyat malaysia kita bersama sama tolak menteri2 umno kerana mereka tidak memandang serius akan nasib anak bangsa seperti NORMALA PASIR GUDANG DAN KHALID NORDIN…di negeri johor pusat judi kuda bersepah sana sini mereka tidak perihatin akan nasib anak bangsa….mereka membiarkan pusat judi kuda di pasir gudang berleluasa….normala adalah panling tidak berguna di pilih…

    Ayuh kita sokong Tun dan Muhyiddin…buang normala, khalid nordin dan lain lain yang sekongkol dengan najib

  129. Aslm.

    Umranrc. You are barking up the wrong tree.

    It is the expert in the PAC, perhaps Tony Pua of DAPigs, who you should send your quiz to get the proper answer.

    Anyway, your assertions are too familiar in the Red Bean circle, and I suggest you hook them up to compare notes.

  130. Salam Tun,

    Mohon laluan…

    “even when my ideas are running counter to the popular belief”

    Well…. this is where you are 100% wrong Karl. It is not a ‘popular believe’ but it is a FACT.

    You want to challenge that? Answer those questions that was posted before this…. anyway since you’re not smart enough to search for it, I pasted again here:

    “1. Wang SRC RM 42 juta, sahih mengalir dalam akaun peribadi Dato’ Sri Najib. Apa sebabnya?

    2. Alasan yang bertukar-tukar dari masa kesemasa dari Dato’ Sri Najib mengenai derma 2.6B. Mula-mula langsung tidak mengaku, kemudian mengaku kerana PRK, kemudian kerana IS, kemudian dipulangkan…. yang sebetulnya apa?

    3. Kenapa Pengerusi PAC memadamkan perenggan mengenai pendedahan BNM mengenai Syarikat Good Star (yang menerima sebahagian dari duit) TIDAK ADA kene-mengena dengan 1MDB-PetroSaudi JV, tanpa mendapat persetujuan keseluruhan ahli-ahli PAC?

    4. Kenapa lapuran AUDIT oleh Jabatan Audit Negara terhadap 1MDB dirahsiakan? Sehingga menimbulkan syak wasangka yang tinggi oleh keseluruhan masyarakat antarabangsa kerana pendedahan Sarawak Report, adakah SR menipu? Jika SR menipu, dedahkan lapuran supaya kita semua boleh membetulkan keadaan.”

    If you do not know the answers, please shut up and go back to school where you belong. And I’ve talked to many of my Master’s Students, all of them rationally knows there are too many wrong things going on…. so do NOT say that you represent your generation.

    Thanks Tun.

  131. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun, please can I have a few moment with your loyal fierce fighter, Sdr Faridina.
    Please faridina, don’t blame yourself. It’s not that I became a victim because of you. All that happened was because women’s reputations have never been spared. Women have always been made a mockery, without their consent their lives invaded, abused, bullied and displayed as exemplary to show-off how more powerful, intelligent and worldly men are, this refers only to the heartless, merciless, no respect and love for their womenfolks. Thank you, faridina. May Allah Bless you. Thank you Tun for this moment.

    Tun, Malaysia will be reborn again! With the freshness brought by the new people’s party with non-corrupted leaders, Malaysia is set again to the right path. Malaysia under her current leadership, sadly to say has gone wild and rampant with corruptions. Corruption has become an epidemic. It has laid its foundation so strong it has become like normal in people’s everyday livings. It has infested all the institutions you can think of. Corrupted leaderships will breed corrupted followers. Corruption will lead to a failed nation. Thus came the light in the form of Tun’s people’s party to help save Malaysia.

    Save the nation, that’s the main purpose of this new formation. People have to know the real reason behind it. Tun, the kampong folks they need extra reasoning, more diplomacy and deep amount of patience. They cannot be rushed, Tun. But then time is short. Time to work is now. It all depends on your art of persuasion and your charismatic-self to influence them in bringing them to you, and don’t they expect any ‘gifts’, ya Tun. It all comes to the sincerity of their hearts.

    Tun, the Malays who support and join this new party must have a set of new mentality (the Malays here refer to the ex-Umno). They must sacrifice and leave behind their gah of ketuanan, as a little spark of it will lead to racism. They too must set themselves free of the snobbish attitude and air of high and mighty. The rich Malays and the more educated must share their wealth and knowledge, help the weak and the young to stand on their own and not depend too much on tongkats. All must work together. All must help each other. Set aside all differences and be united. Only then people, all Malaysians, can put their trusts in this new people’s party.

    Tun, these concerned issues need to be studied thoroughly and the significance. This new people’s party must not be like Umno, the Umno you left behind for good. It must have its own life, its own independence, functions and guidelines. You know very well, kan Tun, you’ve been there before. We don’t want “pisang berbuah dua kali”, as the wise Malay saying goes.

    Tun, I believe DSN and his Najibutics (Najib Fanatics) will not wait a little longer to accelerate at top speed to spin-off and manipulate the situation for their own political survivals. They will deploy their armies of spinners even before you set the momentum. They will blurt out that Tun is only doing for his political agendas. Tun, they are wriggling on hot seats! Tun, watch out too for any sneaky trojan horses. We have to watch our backs always.

    Tun, I laid out my thoughts here out of my sincere concerns to you and your new baby. But you Tun as wise as you are, you know better than I do. Well Tun, when everything is set in order, please tell me how do I get on board. Can’t wait to set sail with you and your loving loyal wife and company. May Allah gives His Barakah to this new people’s party.

    May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you Always Tun. May Allah grant you great wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take extra care in your safety and Thank you Tun.

  132. Assalamualikum Tun,
    Penubuhan parti baru memang tak lari dari ‘pros and cons’ . Kadang-kadang kita kena letakkan diri kita mengikut keadaan. Katakanlah saya ialah penyokong UMNO yang tak bersetuju dengan pemimpin yang sedia ada. Apakah pilihan saya? Adakah saya akan keluar dari UMNO dan menyertai parti pembangkang sedia ada. PKR yang diasaskan oleh DS Anwar Ibrahim yang dari dulunya menentang ideologi UMNO dan ketika ini pergolakan dalaman PKR yang mana Rafizi sendiri mendedahkan salah laku pemerintahan Azmin atau DAP yang kita tahu perjuangan kaumnya lebih diutamakan atau PAS yang pada asalnya adalah pilihan alternatif tetapi dengan perpecahan dalaman parti itu sendiri menyebabkan tertubuhnya AMANAH.

    Adakah TSMY dan DSSA akan menyertai parti pembangkang sedia ada yang mereka sendiri menentang semasa PRU13 lalu. Mereka nak sebuah parti yang menyokong ideologi asas UMNO iaitu menjaga kepentingan orang Melayu dan Bumiputera dan satu kerjasama yang dapat membetulkan salah laku yang berlaku pada kerajaan sekarang ini. Kita tahu untuk membetulkan UMNO secara dalaman tidak akan berlaku sebab semua ketua negeri, bahagian dan cawangan ‘TAKUT’ untuk melepaskan kedudukan mereka dan keistimewaan yang mereka ada sekarang ini.

    Ini adalah satu peluang atau platform bagi mereka yang mahukan perubahan tapi tidak akan menyertai parti pembangkang yang sedia ada. Mereka mahukan identiti mereka sendiri daripada menumpang parti lain.

    P/S: Ini adalah pendapat saya sendiri dan bukannya pendapat ramai.

  133. Assalam Tun.

    Nak komen sikit komen ‘mofaham58’, item 2,

    “2. Beliau seorang yang telah makan dedak terlalu banyak ….”

    Mereka2 yang dah disuapkan dedak oleh Najib sekarang hampir kesemua senyap seribu bahasa, termasuk tukang tiup trumpet Najib si Salleh Keruak. Najib tak lama lagi duduk kat situ, jadi pemakan2 dedak tu tengah dok fikir masa depan masing2 macam mana nak selamatkan diri, dah takde masa nak pertahan Najib.

    Si Hanafi Mamat tu, semacam juga si Annuar Musa, berkemungkinan besar belum lagi dapat dedak Najib, atau dedak yang dah diberi belum kenyang perut, atau tak kenyang2 (kelahap)! Jadi mereka tu mengharapkan sangat pemberian dedak kali terakhir (last bus) dari Najib!!

  134. Assalamualaikum,
    Terima kasih akhirnya Tun dengar rintihan kami rakyat marhain. Semoga perjuangan parti dan pakatan baru kali ini tidak sia2. Zaman sudah berubah, era BN juga akan berubah. Siapa sangka pembangkang akhirnya ada peluang jd pemerintah. Kasihan juga pada ulama2 politik kita sebelah pantai timur sana yg teringin sangat nak cuci kaki msk putrajaya tapi tak kesampaian. Setelah perletakan jawatan Tun yg tergesa2 dahulu, bermcm2 perkara tak pnh diduga terjadi. Harap kali ini utk kebaikan rakyat. Siapa pon yg memerintah tu biarlah adil dan waras. Semoga berjaya Tun dan rakan2.

  135. Aslm.

    It is the correct action for Dr M to start his own party.

    Ikhwan. Makan. Zaman.

    With the right people, a solid platform and at the right time – it will be a definitive turn for Dr M to usher in his supporters, including those in PAS and PH towards a new beginning and with one direction.

    Congrats Dr M, for having the courage and resolve to start over.

  136. Aslm.

    Our presence in this blog is totally at Dr M’s discretion.

    For as long as I’m allowed to write and to represent people of my generation and mindset, even when my ideas are running counter to the popular belief, it will be a feedback for Dr M to work on. I make no apologies for my views, so do not expect any.

    Having said that, I urge the rest to please not drag yourself down to the level of RBA cyber troopers in using ad hominem and employing tactics the likes of Makcik Faridina and Hajar. It will be a waste of good reading space, and an insult to Dr M himself.

    Thank you.

  137. PARTI BARU?

    Mengikut formula matematik


    Parti baru berbilang kaum pimpinan tun + Pakatan Rakyat + NGO anti nejib + orang berpengaruh = Jahanam.

    AMARAN: Ingat!! sejarah dato onn tubuh parti berbilang kaum Independence malayan party IMP + Tak dapat sokongan = Jahanam/Bubar


    Parti melayu baru pimpinan tun + Pakatan Harapan + NGO anti nejib (MELAYU,CINA,INDIA) + orang berpengaruh dalam politik (cth sanusi junid dll) + ahli amno tak sehaluan nejib masuk parti melayu baru = berjaya!!

    Penaung/Pengerusi/Penasihat= TUN DR M
    Presiden=Datuk Shafie Apdal (buat pemilihan presiden)

    Perlu diingat bahawa majoriti rakyat malaysia masih berpendapat bahawa parti mewakili kaum adalah lebih baik.


  138. Assalamualaikum W.Wb.
    Tun yg di kasihi,
    Saya terbaca laporan akhbar Sinar Harian On line hari ini melaporkan kata kata Dato’ Hanafi Mamat Setiausaha UMNO Kelantan tentang Tun. Saya amat kasihan kepada beliau kerana pandangan beliau terhadap Tun dalam laporan tersebut menggambarkan beliau seorang yang sama ada :-
    1. Beliau seorang yang tidak sekolah
    2. Beliau seorang yang telah makan dedak terlalu banyak sehingga kena kanser otak
    3. Beliau seorang OKU ENT @ DUMB BELL
    4. Beliau seorang yang tidak jujur kepada diri nya sendiri kerana di bibir berkata lain di lubuk hati berkata lain.
    5. Atau beliau mempunyai sakit mental yang tak dapat berfikir
    6. Atau apa apa yang sewaktu dengan nya.
    Akhir akhir ini banyak sangat komen komen macai macai NAJIB yang dah tak tentu arah dan menggambarkan mereka sedang dalam ibarat cacing kepanasan. Ku Li juga sudah tidak mahu bertanding dalam PRU 14 kerana sudah lanjut usia. Sejak bila pula sedar dah tua bangka ? Dah join dengan shahrir. Dah tua ke atau takut tak akan menang lagi ? Sendikri jawap lah dan simpan sendiri jawapan nya. Yang jelas bukan kerana dah tua tapi takut tak menang. The Fear Factor.
    Sesama lah kita lihat kedepan. Tahniah lah kalau Tun dah buat parti baru. Boleh lah emel kat saya borang nak jadi ahli. Kalau boleh saya nak bertanding dalam PRU 13 bawah parti Tun kerana saya nak minta jawatan PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA yANG KE 7. hARAP HARAP DAPAT JAWATAN TU KERANA saya dan Tu ada gelombang yang sama walaupun tidak bersua muka. Banyak hal yang berlaku seperti yang saya ingin lakukan jauh hari sebelum Tun melakukan. Jadi saya telah transfer gelombang itu pada Tun kerana Tun duduk di temppat nya sedangkan saya tidak di tempat nya. Jadi kali ini saya harap saya dapat bertanding di PRU 14 atas tiket parti Tun dan akan menang menjadi PERDANA MENTERI KE 7.
    Semoga Allah SWT memberikan kesihatan dan kekuatan kepada Tun supaya dapat meneruskan perjuangan yang belum selesai.

  139. Salam Tun,

    1. Nasihat secara professional yakni face to face within a closed compound – done but no effect.

    2. Sinical remarks – done, no effect.

    3. Resigned – done, no effect.

    4. Harsher remarks – done, no effect.

    5. Stand on opposite side – done, no effect.

    After 5 steps to correct the wrongs, I guessed the next best thing would be to fight fire with fire….

    As a strong supporter against the proven wrong doings of the current leader, I pledged my allegiance towards this new coalition set up by Tun.

    Thanks Tun.

  140. Salam Tun,

    I agree wholeheartedly with your attempt at a new party Tun. I have to clarify, I am not sure if this is the best thing to do, but I am in agreement that with the formation of this new party, it shows to people your commitment, belief and sincerity in your actions. It is inspiring. To be more specific it is inspiring to us UMNO members who are in limbo. Though I have disagreed with some of your policies in the past, I have never doubted your love for the country.

    I will admit to you Tun, and everyone here, that I am a coward. Even as I write these comments I do not dare to come out and profess my support of you directly(for support you I do). For that I am ashamed. My family and I am fully entrenched with the current government and fear has coursed in my blood into paralysis.I fear for myself, but moreso I fear for my little son. I am aware with what is happening in Malaysia at the moment he will eventually pay the price but my fear makes me see the future as oh so far away. The noose hanging around my neck is much more a reality.

    I see you Tun, struggling so hard and I am moved to tears. You out of all us actually have the most to lose(and lost you have). I am amazed how someone 3 times my age could be fighting so hard. And your actions have lit a spark in my heart. As I see you struggle my fear starts to fade, replaced by love and courage. Soon I feel I will have enough to support you openly. Perhaps with this new party. The current UMNO has reached a point of no return. It has to either die to pay for its misdeeds(as a drugdealer has to be hanged), or rule as a dictatorship (as what happened in Burma before). In short, there is no point in trying to rehabilitate it as it will either lose all credibility(as USNO in Sabah did) or become a Fascist party.

    Be strong Tun, know that your actions are giving courage to us cowards. I am hopeful that I will soon be counted among the brave and will have the strength to join you before this country is irreparably damaged.

    Love and all the best to you and your family. Thank you for still looking after us.

  141. Asalamualaikum Yang Dikasihi Tun dan Keluarga

    Apakah Tun sudah muktamad dengan parti baru sebagai platform perjuangan?
    Saya waspada dengan tindakan itu atas alasan yang berikut:

    1. Siapakah nanti ahli dan penyokong parti baru itu? Parti Melayu atau Pelbagai Kaum?

    2. Bergabung dengan Pakatan Harapan?…memang itu yang wajar…tapi mampukah Pakatan Harapan bersatu? Parti parti dalam PH adalah serpihan UMNO (kecuali DAP) yang masing masing punya agenda tersendiri dan mereka satu masa dulu bermusuhan dengan Tun. (Masa kini pun ada lagi). PAS kini longlai dan pucuk pimpinannya condong kepada Najib. PKR masih ada gegaran gegaran dalaman yang membuat parti tersebut berkocak dari masa kesemasa. Amanah pula serpihan PAS dan belum nampak taring dan juga kurang ketokohan.

    3. Ketokohan dan pengalaman Tun memang satu kelebihan dan terbukti selama ini. Namun apakah rakyat atau penyokong parti baru ini nanti punya iltizam dan kesanggupan untuk berjuang bersama Tun? Adakah mereka benar ikhlas dan bertindak atas kesedaran menegakkan kebenaran?

    4. Kita tahu darah “berpolitik” dalam diri Tun memang tak dapat disangkal. Namun yang kita hargai dan sanjungi ialah darah “Perjuangan Membela Bangsa dan Tanahair” yang tak pernah lekang dari diri Tun hingga kehari ini…dan itu jugalah yang Tun lakukan sekarang. Pandangan dan kepimpinan Tun melangkau batasan parti politik yang agak sempit kerana parti punyai ajenda mereka tersendiri.

    5. Pandangan saya…sebagai mantan Perdana Menteri yang telah banyak berjasa kepada rakyat dan negara…sewajarnya Tun mengelak untuk kembali ke dunia politik parti.

    Tumpukan usaha untuk menyatu padukan rakyat tanpa mengira aliran politik dan terangkan kepada mereka apa yang sebenarnya berlaku sekarang. Memang Tun sedang melakukannya sekarang…tapi kita kena gembeling tenaga dan sumber dalam kumpulan yang lebih besar dan meluas.

    InsyaAllah Tun, Kedurjanaan dan Pengkhianatan Najib akan terungkai akhirnya. Kalau pihak berkuasa dalam negara kita gagal mejalankan tanggung jawabnya…kita bernasib baik kerana pihak berkuasa serta pengamal media luar negara sedang mengambil tindakan dan menyebarkan maklumat yang dirahsiakan oleh Kerajaan Najib. Tekanan dan Pendedahan yang berterusan dari mereka dan digandingkan dengan usaha gigih seperti yang Tun lakukan sekarang akan menghimpit Najib hingga beliau pastinya terkulai.

    Itulah jalan terbaik.


    Teruskan usaha Tun!

  142. Salam YAB dan Yang Amat DiKasihi Tun,

    Tun, atas sebab-sebab tertentu yang saya rasa tidak perlu dinyatakan di sini, saya TIDAK SETUJU dengan rancangan Tun (dll.) untuk menubuhkan parti baru.

    Mesti ‘orang-orang bodoh’ dalam rejim Najib ‘bergumbira’ sakan dengan keputusan Tun. Yelah, sekarang mereka bolehlah bermaharaja-lela dan meraikan kejayaan mereka ‘hijack’ sepenuhnya parti yang telah Tun bina semula dengan bersusah payah selepas diharamkan angkara perbuatan pengkhianat2 parti ketika itu.

    Ini cuma pandangan peribadi saya (maaf Tun), dan saya yakin ianya tidak akan mengubah keputusan / pendirian Tun.

    Dulupun saya tidak setuju bila ramai yang sarankan supaya Tun hadir pada demonstrasi Bersih 4.0 (dan Tun hadir).

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  143. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Saya bersetuju dengan cadangan penubuhan parti baru. Pada pendapat saya, parti ni harus mengekalkan perjuangan asal umno. Seperti yang kita tahu, umno sekarang bukanlah umno dulu. Umno sekarang ada parti untuk sekelompok elit yang hidup dan mati adalah untuk Najib. Parti baru ini adalah untuk mereka yang mahukan umno dulu tetapi tidak ada tempat untuk sokong umno sekarang kerana umno sekarang telah dikuasai Najib dan pada masa yang sama tidak dapat menyokong pembangkang kerana berlainan ideologi. Parti umno baru ini perlu berhati-hati untuk hadapi tohmahan terutama bersenkongkol dengan DAP. Saya tau DAP tidak seteruk disangka dibanding dengan skandal 1MDB tetapi itulah mainan politik yang bakal dimainkan. Orang-orang kampung dan yang bodoh taksub umno mungkin termakan dengan mainan ini. Parti baru ini bukanlah bertujuan mengambil penyokong parti pembangkan lain tetapi untuk menarik peyokong BN sedia ada untuk sokong parti baru ini terutama dari kalangan orang muda mudi. InsyaAllah, saya juga akan menyertai parti baru ini. Harus diingat, ini mungkin perjuangan yang penuh berliku, dan umno akan mengerahkan segala instrumen kuasa untuk mengagalkan parti baru ini. Tetapi sekurang-kurangnya ada obor kebenaran yang dinyalakan untuk mereka-mereka yang cintakan kebenaran dan keadilan. Saya juga setuju Tun menjadi founding member dan penaung kepada parti baru ini. Semoga usaha ini mendapat rahmat dan keberkatan dari Allah kerana menegakkan kebenaran dan menentang kemungkaran.

  144. #apakata
    HARIRAYA..Syawal, rumah terbuka….
    Makan yg halal, kalau tak puasa…!

    Tamu direnjis, sape yg datang….?
    Bangkai Naji$, sape yg hidang….?


    aji…! aji…!


    RAYA, RAYA jugak…
    hutang yahudi jgn lupa bayar…..!


  145. The Heat is On
    Its a Democratic Heat , Its Legal aboves all Its Halal

    The Beauty of these heat seen today
    Is every starts with Kallimah
    Every speech starts with
    Bismillahirrahmannirahim with Assalamualaikum

    These is Important
    These is what we live and die for
    Its Allahuakhbar

  146. Untuk Pakatan Harapan yang baru, apa kata ….

    kita adakan satu logo baru untuk mewakili semua parti gabungan

    bertanding nanti gunakan satu logo yg sama sahaja.

    jemput parti2 lain yang berani kerana benar termasuk dari sabah dan sarawak menyertai kita

    di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan….

  147. Tun
    My thinking You don,t need a Coalition Party
    This isn’t about going against UMNO
    This is about displacing The right over wrong
    The wrong is the leader , Najib
    And those with him who feared the Truth
    Who unable to be a True Man

    Yr new formations of a new party
    Is The filtration of good from bad from UMNO
    An invitations the good from Opposition ,PAS ,PKR ,DAP
    And the new Youth of Malaysia
    NOT a tool for the Opposition
    Foundation of yr new Party is the same purpose as UMNO
    But a new name for that purpose
    Since the Leader is wrong
    Geographical affects has to take place
    Again and again our efforts is never against UMNO
    Its against the Wrong Leadership even at the expense to close the name UMNO

    I felt humiliated very low very angry
    When my Leader cannot comes with a good reasons for his mistakes , wrong doings , offenses and perhaps criminal intentions
    He refused to clear the air which he himself pollute
    He burn the forest unable to explain the reasons why
    He thinks he is now in the upper hand
    He is capable to wrestle a one 91 yr old Mahathir
    Capable of contesting the few Opposition Party
    But he will face a thousand Mahathir after the true Mahathir

    Its the same They might be on the upper hand today
    Likewise if AG Apandi do not know his balance
    He may protect One Fat very fair guy with his bunch of Idiots
    But he will be against thousands , perhaps millions of Malaysian
    Its a matter of Principles here not of the amount even a single cents

    We are Truth Seekers not Blood Suckers

    When that happens
    We will open every drawers , every cupboards , unsleeves every sleeves
    All those responsible will be answered

  148. P ak
    A ji
    S ekarang

    PakAjiSimpan BangkaiNaji$
    ?? …. ¿¿

    #PakAjiCAKAPapa #TuanHajiKATAapa


  149. ASSALAMUALAIKUM Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad.
    Di sini ada sebuah sajak ilham dari saya sendiri untuk dikongsi bersama.


    Berdiri megah ditengah kotaraya
    Menjadi mercu tanda negara
    Ihlam bapa permodenan Negara
    Mempamerkan kemajuan bangsa
    Lahir seiring matlamatnya
    Memimpin dan membangunkan Negara
    Menogkah arus kemodenan dunia
    Mengapai cita cita dan wawasannya

    Memimpin Negara dua dekad lamanya
    Menjadikan Negara ini terkenal diseluruh benua
    Membuka mata Negara besar dunia
    Disegani kerana ketegasannya dan kepemimpinanya
    Membuka minda bangsa dalam banyak perkara
    Melayu mudah lupa nukilanya
    Fikirannya jauh menjangkaui masa
    Memikirkan anak bangsa serta arah tuju negara

    Lahirku di zaman pemerintahanya
    Membesar di bawah wawasannya
    Yang hanya berapa tahun lagi tibanya
    Disemai semangat Malaysia Bolehnya
    Linangan air mata mengiringi pengunduran
    Namun aku pasti ada juga ketawa gembira
    Merajukkah dia atau kerana faktor usia
    Hanya dirinya dan YANG MAHA ESA mengetahuinya

    Tahun berlalu pemimpin bertukar
    Pelbagai sejarah dan isu tercipta
    Politik sentiasa menjadi isu utama media
    Pembangunan dan rakyat sering menjadi alasannya
    Perjuangannya masih belum selesai
    Demi melihat bangsanya Berjaya
    Keluar dari kepompong kemiskinan minda
    Maju dan berwawasan seperti khalifah yang sepatutnya

    Dicemuh malah di caci maki oleh anak bangsanya sendiri
    Dek kerana kritikan dan persoalan serta teguranya
    Sedih..anak bangsanya sendiri!!
    Betullah katanya…MELAYU ITU MUDAH LUPA


    Teratak Orang Tua ku
    Johor bahru
    Dilindungi oleh ALLAH SWT

    Semoga Tun diberikan kesihatan yang baik dan sentiasa dilindungi oleh Allah SWT.amin

  150. Duit berbilion dibawa belayar…
    Enjoy berpeti diluar negeri…
    Hutang EmDiBi sape yg bayar…?
    Rakyat yg bayar pakai GST…!

    Cemdedak busuk di luar pagar..
    Amek PakAji tolong sorokkan….
    PakAji sekarang apa belajar…?
    Kalau dh busuk, jgn dimakan..!

    P ak
    A ji
    S impan

    B angkai
    N aji$

  151. Assalam Dearest Tun,

    Please allow me some space here to address the issue of one not so bright karlboy.

    I’m sorry if indeed I’m the one who insist that other commentators should come out and do some bashing to this poor boy who is all alone in this honourable blog of yours and as a result one good housewife became the victim of this boy anger towards me.

    I agree with most of you here that we should just ignore this karlboy and carry on with many other serious issues.

    However I guess this applies to most of you here but not to the few of us who will keep on baby sitting this little boy until he sleeps and keep quite.

    Most importantly this is a game of distraction so much so that he will not be focusing on Tun but to us instead.

    A normal human being will not be able to take this kind of treatment forever and eventually he will call it a day but instead if he overstayed then he might be truly a karldai not karlboy anymore.

    Agree with Sudin agreeing with pakpandir08 this time around. Pak Pandir’s gave one good piece of advice as a seasoned commentator here.

    Wasalam Tun.

  152. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    A moment please Tun.
    This simple mind of a housewife interprets it the way a normal woman would feel…victimised and discriminated. Never underestimate a woman’s intellectual. She maybe lemah kefahaman but she learns from experiences as time passes by. Look through the eyes of a woman and see what she sees and not what a man sees. They may see through the same window but standing at different angles thus their views are not the same. What I see is something so cruel, mean and not very nice.

    I will try to ignore and skip over as advised but if ever the other side goes overboard I will not hesitate to adorn in combative gear and defend my Tun from malicious made-up stories. The truth is I’m not brave and skilled enough in combating arguments and confrontations like most here, in fact all here whether with or opposing Tun. But not a coward.

    Therefore, I a simple housewife humbly thank each one of you for the kind words of comfort, support, encouragement and the colourful and beautiful pieces of advice. Tun must be proud to have beautiful people like you. Thank you again. May Allah forever Bless you all.

    Thank you Tun for this peaceful moment. May Allah Bless you Always Tun. May Allah Protect you Tun. May Allah grant you great wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take extra care in your safety. Good luck in your new undertaking. Everything good comes from Allah.

    I end with the wise saying by Tun: “People tend to respond more positively to the friendly approach than confrontations. Pushed into a corner even the weakest will fight.”

  153. Salam Tun

    Nak share quotes 🙂

    If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

    George Washington

    Democrats are dumb and Republicans are stupid, but the difference between dumb and stupid is dumb isn’t funny. Dumb is when you say something and the whole room goes, ‘What did he say?’

    Lewis Black


    Berita terkini

    New opposition coalition to include Dr M and new party

    PUTRAJAYA: A new opposition coalition, comprising a soon-to-be-formed party, PKR, DAP and Amanah, will be set up to fight Barisan Nasional in the next general election.

    Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (pic) will be among the founding leaders of the new party and coalition.

    Read More

    BN ready to face ‘anyone, anytime, anywhere’

    PETALING JAYA: Barisan Nasional is ready to face “anyone, anytime, anywhere” for the future of the country, even the new opposition coalition announced by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Barisan strategic communications director Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan said.

    He welcomed the formation of the new grouping, but described it as a “dangerous liaison”, adding that the announcement by the former prime minister is not surprising to many people after his attacks on the current Barisan leadership.

    Read More

    *umanrc 🙂

    Goodnight all!

  154. To Karl,

    Look back at your statement and see what’s wrong with it? Don’t try to hide as people now are not as stupid / dumb as you think.

    Your Statement:
    “If some dude creates a story that you and he have been sleeping together, would you even dignify it with a response?”

    The Facts:
    – Who are creating story?
    – What happened now is YOU GET CAUGHT of something fishy, and you just silent for that
    – If there were stories, it was mainly due to you keep quiet when get caught, or the explanations from you sound childish
    – If you wanted to avoid more stories in future, then you should just prove yourself with some convincing forensic evidences
    – But funny thing is you are not willing to do that to stop more new stories coming out. I guess a normal person don’t even need to think using his/her brain, just using the butt to think also can feel something are not right

  155. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Khabar Tun menubuh parti baru begitu merangsangkan. Rakyat nak harapan baru. Arena politik tanahair memerlukan nafas baru.

    Tibalah masa untuk terlahirnya sebuah parti untuk Rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum. Rakyat nak sebuah parti yang berlandaskan konsep “Parti Negara” Allahyarham Tun Jaafar Oon, di mana kepentingan Negara diutamakan.

  156. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya baca berita yang positif. Tun merangka gerakan bersama politik antara pembangkang secara rasmi.

    Hari raya yang lepas biras saya kata kat Kelantan pun orang dah berbelahbagi pasal PAS.

    Kemudian dia tanya apa pendapat saya?

    Saya kata kalau PAS campur PKR dan DAP macam dulu mereka akan menang.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  157. The 1MDB ball is in AG Apandi Court
    He is the main character here

    Not Najib nor Tun
    Not UMNO nor PAS nor others

    Apandi has the every Authority even to over rule PM nor Sultan nor none of the above
    He represent the Justice . He must know this

    One Don,t have to be a Lawyer , a Magistrate , an AG , a DPP
    To know what is Right What is Wrong
    But one needs a qualifications to be one
    One has to go to school , courses ,degree in Law etc

    Stray hungry dogs will also know what food is right & wrong
    It will make choices by sniffing first

    1MDB and whats hidden under the carpet tells us a Thousand story
    No one can shut our mouth even they classified it as Official Secrets

    Aiyoo….oooh !
    Alama…….k !
    Ann…..eeeeh !

    What so Secretive ?
    Its a Commercial National Investment Nothing affects National Security
    What ? Mas Selamat , Osama bin Laden or others Terrorists named
    by US Politicians and West Media are part of 1MDB ? Very scary leh….

    Money take out quiet , quiet never inform people
    People get to know suddenly its Official Secret

    Come on be more professional with yr reasons
    Can say some more Don’t what he sign for
    What kind of Minister is this ?
    At least creates a better reason , better scenerio of wrong doings
    Like maybe …..while I was signing the Cheque
    Suddenly Ros came to my office
    I was puzzle , excited & disturb having not seen Ros for weeks
    Suddenly the pen drop and my the other pen wrote the cheque

    Ok lah ! At least we also can close one eye
    We Malaysia very understanding one , Don’t worry

    Its Not Funny
    I,m not making a Joke here
    I,m making a Point here

    These are the Disturbance can could lead us Malaysia astray
    These are the reasons a 91 yr old man is amending his wrong decision
    These is why we are Blogging
    Mr Attorney General , Sir

  158. Di pengerang pula semakin banyak rumah urut selepas penduduk di sana mendapat pampasan dari pembinaan RAPID….semuanya tido

  159. Puad jarkasi sri gading reject pulak bersuara mengatakan Tan Sri Muhyidin tidak faham lapuran..

    Diamlah puad jarkasi….anda belum cukup cerdik hingga masyarakat sri gading nampak apakah perangai anda di sebalik tabir…contohilah Dato Noraini yang ikhlas itu jangan seperti puad dan normala yang makan tido hingga ramai remaja malaysia terjebak dengan judi mesin kuda….mereka sengaja membiarkan masa depan anak anak bangsa rosak…tolak mereka di pru akan datang

  160. Menyokong org bodoh jadi dua kali bodoh…

    tak mahu berhenti menyokong orang bodoh jadi tiga kali bodoh..

    tak mahu membetulkan kesalahan orang bodoh, bangang namanya…

  161. Memang menteri2 dan mp2 di zaman najib bodoh dan tidur macam pak lah, tahunya hanya mengutuk orang yang komen seperti khalid nordin menteri besar johor.
    Tahukah wahai khalid bahawa semasa zaman Tansri muhyidin sebagai menteri besar, negeri johor aman damai dan jauh dari gejala judi kuda dan rumah urut.
    Zaman ini di johor dan pasir gudang sampai ke muar….pusat judi kuda berleluasa…apa kah tanggung jawab kamu wahai Khalid dan Normala ?…..makan tidur makan tidur besarkan harta lama lama otak lembab…..

    Khalid dan Nirmala…..sia sia rakyat pangkah kamu apabila kamu membiarkan pusat judi kuda dan spa urutan berleluasa di negeri johor….

    Kita mesti tolak Khalid dan Normala, azalina, shahril samad, norjazlan dan mana mana pemimpin johor yang bodoh pada pru akan datang…..

    Normala dan khalid membiarkan gejala judi kuda…..sedangkan vape itu pula yang di haramkan…

  162. Salam Dearest YAB Tun,

    Allow me Tun:

    Alahai! The dumb person has spoken (, but as always his response was ‘hampeh / nothing’ – merely a stupid and ‘merapu-meraban’ response.

    Wahai ‘Mak Cik Karl’ @ SiDung*, where are the answers to my questions (

    Why do you like to call others ‘Mak Cik’? OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) I guess…Or may be that’s how you show your utmost respect towards others. I’m just imitating you.

    The missing ‘Dr. Jafri’ (@ Dr. Hampeh!) also left us with his OCD remarks (in his comment). Are the two of you related and are having the same ‘health issue’? Mental problem? Same ward?

    My advice to you: Please stop eating ‘dedak’. It’s not good for your health ‘Mak Cik Karl’. Sooner or later the ‘dedak’ @ ‘rasuah’ is going to affect your physical and (your family too).

    P/S: Mak Cik Faridina 🙂 , thanks. It’s easy to handle this dumb person…Let’s follow his style.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  163. Assalamualikum Tun,

    Pada pandangan saya mereka ni bukannya bodoh tetapi ‘pandai’ manipulasi keadaan dan masa. Mereka yang dilantik akan dimanipulasikan oleh individu atau kumpulan yang mempunyai agenda tertentu. Mereka ‘pandai’ mengubah undang-undang yang memihak kepada mereka dan boleh menutup kesalahan mereka.

    Pada masa sekarang inilah golongan penyokong sama ada kumpulan atau individu ‘pandai’ menampilkan diri sama ada dimedia sosial atau lainnya dengan harapan ‘orang atas’ kenal mereka dan akan datang mereka diberi kedudukan.

    IMHO sekarang ni yang memegang kedudukan takut untuk melepaskan kedudukan mereka kerana mereka tidak akan dapat kedudukan yang sama dimasa akan datang. Mereka ‘pandai’ berlakon bodoh.

    Saya gagal sebagai menteri atau timbalan menteri jika dalam jabatan saya kakitangan saya disiasat atas kes penyelewengan, rasuah dll. Saya akan melepaskan jawatan kerana sifat tanggungjawab tapi sebelum penyiasatan penuh dibuat. Tetapi sekarang kita lihat mereka akan ditukarkan portfolio ke kementerian yang lain dan yang dulu bekas menteri yang digugurkan kerana beberapa kes dilantik semula.

    Kita tahu seseorang itu membuat salah tetapi kitalah yang bersalah kerana menyatakan perbuatan tersebut betul. Setiap individu ada ‘jiminy cricket’ yang memberitahu setiap perkara yang kita lakukan itu sama ada betul atau salah.

    Saya lihat sekarang ni pemimpin yang memimpin telah hilang ‘conscience’ atau ‘jiminy cricket’nya telah dirantai atau dihalau.
    Apa yang boleh menyelamatkan mereka sekarang ialah jika setiap individu bahagian atau cawangan membenarkan ‘jiminy cricket’ nya membetulkan keadaan. Tapi dalam keadaan sekarang sukar bagi saya untuk melihat perubahan.

  164. Assalam Tun.

    Najib is not only a perpetual liar, but he represents the true meaning of hypocricy unabated.

    Najib and najis.
    All this while, promises and statements by Najib are merely to buy time, hoping his continual power abusing tactics together with dedak feeding ways will help cleanse his najis.

    Even self-proclaimed smart guys like karl-dai are bemused.

  165. Dear Tun,

    Just nak komen sikit pasal komen-komen negatif daripada mana-mana komentator yang sengaja menyerang peribadi Tun serta menyebabkan kekecohan dalam blog ini. You must have your own reasons for letting these negative comments to be published. Bravo Tun. There will be all kinds of people out there and they have their rights to say what they want but ultimately whatever they say will really reflect who they are or what they are. You are not the least affected Tun. Tak luak tak rugi satu apa pun. Yang nampak burok perangai dan biadab adalah mereka juga. Biarkan mereka terus menulis atau mencerca memaki (gembala babi dsbnya) sebab segalanya seperti cermin akan reflect pada mereka sendiri juga.

    Kepada Puan Housewife, just ignore this Karl Iskandar or whoever. There’ll be lots of his/her likes out there. Jangan baca la apa yang dia komen, skip them. Kalau u respon lagi dia suka. U won’t want to be in the same boat he rides. Nanti bila boat tu terbalik dan karam dia pun tinggal sejarah. Let’s benefit our time by contributing positive thoughts in Tun’s blog, let’s support Tun the best we can. Ignore the bullies.

    Dearest Tun Mahathir, we support your efforts in realising a new political platform for the Malays. UMNO hanya tinggal namanya sahaja yang gah sedang perjuangannya sudah berderai dimakan oleh penyakit rasuah dan gila kuasa rejim Najib.

    Take good care Tun. Jaga keselamatan di mana saja Tun berada. :-*

  166. Saya sokong Daniel Nor….kita abaikan pencacai najib tu….

    Di manakah Puad jarkas pelat, azalina, nazri, mas ermiyati, sahidan tua, shahril tua, rahman dahlan, bapaknya dafi yang menggalakkan keganasan, menteri makan telor penyu, anuar musa, shahrizat tudung lakonan, aziz hitam, menteri besar kedah yang busuk hati, ahmad maslan, nancy shukeri, jazlan muka bulat, menteri besar melaka, menteri besar johor, hishamuddin cium keris…jangan biarkan salleh keruak melalak sendiri…jika terbukti kes SR ini harap rakyat heret mereka ke penjara bersama badan badan khas yang telah di lihat menutup kes onar 1MDB ini…

    Kita semua tolak umno selagi pac cari makan tidak bersuara akan penipuan yang mereka sekongkol….

  167. Salam Tun,

    Sedikit nak berborak dengan Puan Sri Sense…

    Yup, betul la, biar la dia bercakap…. tetapi biarlah bercakap tentang fakta serta membuahkan pendapat secara berilmu dan bukannya main hentam tak kena tempat.

    Sebagai contoh, penulisan dari Tok Jangut dan PakPakdir08, sungguhpun adakalanya pedas, pendapat-pendapat yang dibawa oleh mereka perlu kepada kupasan fakta yang lebih meluas. Disini lahirnya perbincangan yang positif dan insya Allah membawa kepada kemajuan semua.

    Sebenarnya saya (dan mungkin ramai lagi) sedang menunggu pembentangan-pembentangan fakta secara terus dari budak tak cukup akal ini tentang soalan-soalan yang dilemparkan sebelum ini….

    1. Wang SRC RM 42 juta, sahih mengalir dalam akaun peribadi Dato’ Sri Najib. Apa sebabnya?

    2. Alasan yang bertukar-tukar dari masa kesemasa dari Dato’ Sri Najib mengenai derma 2.6B. Mula-mula langsung tidak mengaku, kemudian mengaku kerana PRK, kemudian kerana IS, kemudian dipulangkan…. yang sebetulnya apa?

    3. Kenapa Pengerusi PAC memadamkan perenggan mengenai pendedahan BNM mengenai Syarikat Good Star (yang menerima sebahagian dari duit) TIDAK ADA kene-mengena dengan 1MDB-PetroSaudi JV, tanpa mendapat persetujuan keseluruhan ahli-ahli PAC?

    4. Kenapa lapuran AUDIT oleh Jabatan Audit Negara terhadap 1MDB dirahsiakan? Sehingga menimbulkan syak wasangka yang tinggi oleh keseluruhan masyarakat antarabangsa kerana pendedahan Sarawak Report, adakah SR menipu? Jika SR menipu, dedahkan lapuran supaya kita semua boleh membetulkan keadaan.

    Banyak lagi soalan-soalan yang perlu dijawab akan tetapi, malang sekali, mereka-mereka yang diberi tugas untuk mematahkan perjuangan Deklarasi Rakyat ini memilih untuk tidak menjawab soalan sebaliknya cuba untuk membuat ‘character assassination’ terhadap Tun. Hahaha…. teramatlah bodohnya.

    Seperti yang selalu saya katakan, sekiranya ada diantara kita yang mempunyai perbezaan ideologi politik, elok juga kerana sekurang-kurangnya kita boleh luaskan minda untuk memahami lebih banyak perkara. Dan, perbezaan itu sepatutnya diterjemahkan dalam bentuk hujah-hujah yang bernas dan bukannya penulisan bodoh yang dipaparkan.

    Sekali lagi saya ulangi, Tun dengan Aruah Datok saya (Mohamad Isamdar Bin Salimmullah) ada sedikit pertalian dimana Aruah biasa membeli pisang dari Tun semasa di Kedah dahulu dan semasa hayat Aruah, apabila Aruah sempat bersolat Jumaat di Masjid Negara, sekiranya ternampak, Tun akan memanggil Aruah sebagai ‘Mamu’ untuk duduk bersama-sama Tun di saf yang pertama. Akan tetapi ini TIDAK bermakna saya sendiri sentiasa bersetuju akan kesemua polisi-polisi yang diperkenalkan oleh Tun (telah dibentangkan sebelum ini tentang beberapa polisi yang tidak dipersetujui). Bagaimanapun dalam hal menentang kecurangan wang Negara ini, persetujuan saya sememangnya tiada belah bagi lagi.

    Terima Kasih Tun.


    Sepatutnya NEJIB mengucapkan Tahniah kepada bekas perdana menteri David Cameroon yang melepaskan jawatan dimana rakyatnya mahu keluar dari EURO, bukan kepada Perdana Menteri baru Britain.


    TAK MALU ke Nejib sebut ‘Looking forward to working with you to further strengthen UK-Malaysia ties,” ESPECIALLY TRADE AND INVESTMENT ” dengan PM baru britain sedangkan beliau terbabit dengan SKANDAL BUSUK 1MDB.

    F.Y.I 1MDB pelaburan semua ke laut (rugi), Investment konon Nejib ha ha

    Sarawak report dah keluarkan maklumat bocor Laporan AUDIT kenapa tak jawab nejibbb!!

  169. Salam Tun

    My advice to all readers of Chedet..there is no need for you to argue nor counter whatever this Karl guy wrote.We all know he will never and ever agreed with what Tun wrote in this blog

    Karl relishes and look forward to you all to argue and counter him.He enjoys being in the limelight

    My advice to all readers – Jangan layan aja. Jgn balas, bahas atau beri opini pada dia.

    Once Karl do not receive any argument or response from you all, he will eventually make himself disappear from this blog.Bcos he knows he is not wanted anymore.

    Simple aja. Thats how I treat with people like this guy Karl.Since we cannot block or delete him from this blog, we might as well jangan layan aja. Just skip his comment ( period ). Dont waste time being emotional.

    Ikut cara Tun. He does not layan people like this if they cannot agree what is right dan maseh cuba menegakkan benang yg basah.

  170. Salam Tun

    Alahai biar la dia bercakap, dah penat nanti berhenti. Ada orang tu memang fesyen lagu tu, lagi layan lagi suka. I pulak bukan jenis suka melayan, kalau tak suka lagi I tak layan. You takan jumpa I kat wall Najib or Rosmah.

    I rasa pelik juga tengok dia masih disini. Sekali wajah chedet keluar I lagi terkejut.

    Terima Kasih Tun kerana perihatin pada kami2 yang tak seberapa ini.

  171. Assalam Dearest Tun,

    Please just skip this comment Tun and please don’t bother to read it and for the rest of you just scroll it over.

    Allow me a moment with one keldai boy with an open invitation for an intellectual discourse and analysis on the subject of shit.

    So here you are an expert on shit describing to perfection about the same shit with different smells?

    It seems that you have vast experience on this subject matter or could you been smelling someone’s a****** for too long a period of time to be able to differentiate smells of shit.

    I have got a Malay proverb saying ” Bagai Menegakkan Benang Basah” which goes something like this in English “An Attempt To Straighten A Crooked Shit”.

    This is what the dedakians are trying to do but the question can it be done without breaking it? Maybe karl can give his professional view on this.

    Wasalam Tun.

    p/s – Nice to hear from Isayso again 🙂 .

  172. Salamalikom dan Salam Sejahtera semua,
    Terima Kaseh Tun.
    Terima Kaseh kerana memberi kekuatan demi kekuatan
    Menghapuskan Barisan Nafsu rasuah demi anak bangsa

    Bagi yang bodoh, buat2 bodoh dan yang dibodohkan:
    Tak malukah kamu?
    Tak takutkah kamu?
    Tak cukupkah kamu?
    Apa yang kamu hendak? Sehingga mengadaikan bangsa

    To Karl, this article about dumb people fits you well
    The more you wrote, the more I seen:
    “..woff, wof, woof woof woof..” from you

    Thank You Tun

  173. Rightly said Tun.

    “Even if you turn religious, the cover-up will not hold”

    Also Najis fighting some personal lawsuits using govt. money…these things will go down in sin book…but doubt is he still considered muslim!!!

  174. Aslm.

    I have to state clearly here that my comments are focused and corresponding to issues taken on by Dr. Mahathir on his blog, and NOT to indulge in personal attacks as what Makcik Faridina, Hajar, Housewife have each developed into their personal OCD cum addiction towards my comments.

    What the Makciks reveal in their mental and emotional prolapse, says a lot about the process of Dumbing Down of the Tunatics (Tun Fanatics), who whenever feels threatened by reality, will mob-ify into a solid waste of ideas. It’s like the same shit, different smell being regurgitated in a loop under their programmed consciousness. It becomes a hardened habit, and devoid of intellectual curiosity, with their single-mindedness and mortal fear of being wrong.

    Enough said already, and please allow me to rephrase my meta-communication with Makcik Housewife so that it is now an open invitation to all for an intellectual discourse and analysis:

    To a woman. Married and chaste.

    If some dude creates a story that you and he have been sleeping together, would you even dignify it with a response?

    Now, let’s say he goes further to amplify this story so that more people have access to it, hence creating a scandal around your good self. To a point, you may need to speak up to defend your honor and reputation.

    Later on, some but not all people found out that he is your ex-husband, who in his old age suffered a selective memory condition …

    I’m sorry and equally surprised that Makcik Housewife took to an emotional spin off of that piece, without considering the psychological cognitive aspects of the transcription.

  175. Salam Tun,

    A quality notion by brother Botak here….

    “Najip appoint awak itu kuasa dia , dia berhak
    Tapi awak yg di amanahkan untuk Keadilan
    atas sumpah yg awak telah lakukan
    Keadilan Tidak kenal siapa , walau anak kesayangan awak sendiri”

    And yes, Isayso did raised a good point based on budak kurang akal posting,

    ” ‘To a point, you may need to speak up to defend your honor and reputation.’

    Well said Karl. Couldn’t agree more with you. This should also apply to the honorable and distinguished Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. All he needs to do is to declassify the Auditor General’s report to prove to the world that he is clean as a whistle.”

    And…. out of a sudden this mentally crippled boy provide an analogy which doesn’t seems to fit the context of the discussion…. go back to school, please.

    Bila hati dah naik bebal ni, payah dah nak dibetulkan.

    Terima Kasih Tun.

  176. Assalam Dearest Tun,

    Bravo Housewife that was indeed a good and touching reply, very very motherly. Many2 thumbs up here for sure. You wrapped it all and clarified on behalf of all ladies here.

    That dumb boy could not even think of a decent analogy that will support his arguments but what to do this is the trademark of the dedakians.

    He should not be talking about his honour and reputation in someone else blog when at the same time discrediting and show no respect for the blog owner.

    Karl can always move his fat ass out of here if he feels that he is being bullied and by the way Karl can get the very much more respect and honour in own blog or if he decides not, then as I have said before he will eventually lost a lot of respect from his very own followers and they will eventually unfollow him.

    By right Karl should have quote an analogy like this “how could I not retaliate back aggressively when they kept kicking on my fat ass and sometime came knocking on my head, I know I’m only a donkey but at least they can show me some respect, a nice obedient donkey serving loyally for my master”.

    Wasalam Tun.

    p/s – For Hajar, our own other makcik above have now replied as I could not do it before as you know why as you might be alone to fight for the ladies before. Hajar, Housewife and Umranc are among Tun’s many loyal extremely great fighters here and I salute them.

  177. Salam Tun,

    Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin kepada Tun dan Tun Dr Siti Hasmah. I wish you and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah, “Happy Belated Birthdays!” too. May Allah SWT continue to bless you and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah.

    1. I hope you would form a new party (as reported) soonest possibly. As with dealings with any bullies, you have to bring the fights to them lest they would continue to bully you! Whether you would win or lose in those fights, it does not matter. What matters is that you would not allow those bullies to continue bullying you! Fight we must; no retreat, no surrender! We must persevere in facing adversity. We must close ranks (within all opposition parties) and equip ourselves (with sufficient funds viz. ‘war chests’ and resources) to challenge those bullies. God willing, we shall overcome all obstacles thrown at us by those bullies!

    2. Let us go already, Tun! You have done it all before, and I have full confidence in you to do it all over again now! We are running out of time; two years is a very short time (albeit a threat by those bullies of invoking the NSC when they so please! As it were, we are already witnessing prelude to it, as we speak!) Believe me, they are many of us who are waiting for you to initiate this new party. As it were, 1.2+ million Malaysians are with you already (and counting, I believe!). Many, many, more silent Malaysians are waiting for you to form a new political party, as a platform, for us to chase those bullies out of Putrajaya! Trust me!

    3. We need PAS, PKR, DAP, and all other various opposing parties including PERKASA to join us in our pursuit of freedom from the shackles of those big bullies. This fight is about the future of our generations. It is bigger than mere race, religion, and racism. It is about dignity and integrity. We want to be as proud a Malaysian, as we once were! We have to give equal if not better opportunities, for our future generations to lead a better life; better than what we had enjoyed under your premiership, for 22 years. We want them to be proud Malaysians with dignity and integrity, forever!

    Sekian, Tun, terima kaseh. Wassalam.

    Dear Housewife,
    Do not despair! You have to learn to ignore those paid bloggers. They work in cohorts with one another. Those names are just pseudonyms; they are nameless, faceless, and heartless bunch of bullies. Their SOP is to “kill the Messengers, and not to read those messages!” They would attack you personally, to gain psychological advantages over you and all of us; same as what they have been doing and would continue to do to Tun and to all those who are against them. They are neither young or old, male or female, Malays, Chinese, Indians, Punjabis, Eurasians, etc. They are just mere robots under instructions and paid and or compensated highly, by their Paymasters! Just enjoy your time here in Tun’s Blog. If Tun (and the Admin) allowed them in (while knowing their identities), just let them be. Someday, they works shall end when their paymasters stop paying them! Nothing is personal. They are doing all those dirty works just because their paymasters are paying them to do so. Hence, let us focus on ridding those paymasters from paying them rather than entertaining and or rebutting them, and win our psychological war with them! Cheers!

  178. To Karl,

    You are just a coward based on your comments:
    – “If some dude creates a story that you and him have been sleeping together, would you even dignify it with a response?”

    If you wanted to express an example, you should express it correctly. It should sounds like this:
    – Your wife found a women belongings in your cupboard. You just silent when your wife wanted a clarification from you
    – After some time you admit its belonged to a neighbor. And it was a private gift from your neighbor to you
    – Questions arise why your neighbor gave you such gift, and within the neighborhood people are asking around. The incident create impacts to your family reputation
    – Your father then clarifies that he checked the CCTV and nothing wrong with it
    – However, people within the neighborhood still continue to gossip about this due to curiosity
    – Questions: since it was a truth, why don’t you just share the CCTV to clear up yourself so that the gossips can be stopped there?

  179. Syabas saya ucapkan pada Muhideen kerana
    Berani kerana Benar menuruh Audit 1MDB di bongkarkan
    Kenapa audit 1MDB di classified sebagai Secret Official Act

    1MDB is a common investment
    Bukanlah satu rahsia kerajaan yg perlu di sembuyikan
    Lainlah lah Military Secrecy , misalnya Najib nak takluk Singapura,Thailand ke , Secrecy against Terrorists atau menyentuh Racial Harmony

    Ini fasal hutang bertimbun 1MDB , 1Malaysia nak bayar
    Nak pakai duit siapa ? Duit Bapak siapa ? Duit Nenek siapa ?
    Kemana pergi itu semua duit sampai membeban kan Rakyat ?
    Apa kejadah bolih jadi Rahsia Kerajaan ?
    Bila belanja , bawa keluar duit 1MDB suka suka hati hingga 1MDB berhutang .Sekarang bila rakyat ingin tahu , jadi pula rahsia Kerajaan under Official Act .Eh ini apa punya penyagak dah !
    Nak tipu pun janganlah tipu si penipu

    1MDB perlu ada transparency
    Ini hak 1Malaysia
    Sebab Rakyat juga yg membayarnya
    Alamak …… ! si Raj pun asik tidur je
    Ialah dasar orang kenyang , tidurlah
    Tidurlah……tidurlah wahai Permaisuri
    Tidurlah …Jangan Bangun lagi bagus

    Dimana Semangat Perjuangan kita sebenar sebagai 1 Malaysia
    Ini baru persoalan wang ,persoalan dalaman kita sama kita
    Bagaimana pula jika kita Malaysia digugat seperti
    di Syria, Iraq , Libya olih suara asing

    Tolong jawab Tuan AG
    Anda adalah the Main Character here
    Anda mewakili Kehakiman

    Najip appoint awak itu kuasa dia , dia berhak
    Tapi awak yg di amanahkan untuk Keadilan
    atas sumpah yg awak telah lakukan
    Keadilan Tidak kenal siapa , walau anak kesayangan awak sendiri

    Ini Ujian berat bagi awak
    Hormatilah Tugas awak

    You are the main character here
    Not Najib not Mahathir
    Bukan Pas bukan UMNO

  180. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Yep. Si bodoh cuba mentadbir negara. Segala respon dijawab dengan penyelesaian bodoh. Dah la bodoh, sombong pulak tu. Bodoh sombong.

    Kita bukan takut pada orang bodoh. Kita cuma berhati hati dengan penyelesaian bodoh orang gila kuasa je. Nanti rakyat terbeban.

    Kawan saya kata, sebelum orang buat aku, baik aku buat orang dulu.

    Ada orang taksub pada misteri. Ada kata perlu jahat untuk berjaya. Ada kata perlu baik untuk berjaya.

    Ada kata berjaya bila kaya. Ada kata berjaya bila miskin. Ada kata berjaya bila dengar pendapat orang orang lama.

    Saya tak tahulah. Saya fikir saya berjaya dalam ‘bidang mentadbir Malaysia’ apabila idea ekonomi saya pada 2008 diterima setelah ditapis oleh Tun Mahathir kemudian melalui kuasa vip, kemudian berlaku pertukaran portfolio menteri, kemudian Pak Lah bersara, kemudian ekonomi Malaysia distabilkan dengan keadaan global.

    Malah keadaan politik semasa dapat distabilkan buat sementara waktu.

    Ia berkenaan perpaduan antara berbilang bangsa. Mengurangkan jarak antara kaya dan miskin. Keanjalan Malaysia menghadapi gangguan global.

    Kita telah melepasi krisis semasa itu dan telah terbukti penyelesaian tersebut berkesan.

    Kini kita menghadapi masalah terbaru. Seperti saya katakan, InsyaAllah pada masa mendatang segala masalah akan ditemui penyelesaiannya melalui jalan tasawuf.

    Malah MH17 juga ditunjukkan jalan penyelesaiannya oleh jalan tasawuf.

    Maka saya katakan di sini. Untuk berjaya seperti Tun Mahathir, jadilah hati yang baik.

    Hai jiwa yang tenang. Masuklah ke dalam jamaah hamba hamba-Ku.

    Al Fajr. InsyaAllah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  181. Tun
    You deserves a good retirement

    But it seems with yr spirit & of now what happen to Malaysia
    To UMNO , to the Anak Bumi
    It is a call for you to wake up from yr bed and put Right for Malaysia

    As what LKY mention in his speech before his Death
    He will wake up from his Grave if any happens in Singapore
    Now Lky is contesting to become God against God
    On earth He is God of No Mercy Kuan Yew
    On death he is contesting to be God of Mercy Quan Yin

    Just form a new face of UMNO Foundation with a better name
    Better images , better and qualified team of people
    With you laying down the new stone of UMNO
    The new UMNO will filter the good people from UMNO ,PAS ,PKR & DAP
    You do it now , you will have publicity without any news media
    It will be an impact to the rest of other party especially UMNO

    Najib can have the old UMNO ALL by himself
    Shared with the First Lady Gaga of Malaysia with their family and name
    UMNO lama
    Najib Rosemary Family & Anak Menantu Snd Bhd

    You just need to lay the Foundation
    And lets Muhideen , Mukhlis & many more good guys from UMNO ,PAS ,PKR & DAP
    Will together hold the flag of our new Party

  182. To a point, you may need to speak up to defend your honor and reputation.

    Well said Karl. Couldn’t agree more with you. This should also apply to the honorable and distinguished Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. All he needs to do is to declassify the Auditor General’s report to prove to the world that he is clean as a whistle.

  183. Salam tun…selamat hari raya kpd.atok det. Dan opah…dan semua pembaca..
    Tun tolong smpaikan salam sy kpd nojibuntal dan kak mahhhtilakau..
    #karl iskandar♡nojibuntal #selamatkan karl iskandar

  184. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun, I just arrived home from fetching my son, feeling tired and half asleep, my hands decided to reach out for the laptop and just wanted to have a quick look at chedet as I have to get up early at 4.30am to send my son to work, my routine job every weekdays. My eyes went wide open! I got an unloving, unmotherly reprisal from a young educated man ‘met’ here in Tun’s blog. I think he won’t care what I think but I would like give a piece anyway.

    Dear karl yang bersopan santun,
    Kamu kata pertama kamu sebagai Muslim, kamu bersama agenda Islam. Keduanya sebagai Melayu Nasionalis, mempertahankan hak Melayu.

    Kamu kata blog Tun satu wadah yang serius bagi pemikir politik menyantuni idea dan analisis dengan fikiran yang kreatif dan berkongsi manfaatnya bersama Tun.

    Kamu kata setiap peserta yang mengirim komen seharusnya menjaga adab penulisan dari segi ejaan, penggunaan bahasa, penyampaian idea yang melambangkan budaya berfikir yang tinggi, sopan-santun dan selaras dengan aspirasi Tun.

    Kamu kata umur biologika seseorang itu tidak menjamin kematangan berfikir melalui tulisan mereka.

    Adakah kamu ingat kata2 kamu ini, dear karl yang budiman, seorang Muslim, seorang Melayu Nasionalis? Sila rujuk penulisan kamu: Jun 26, 2016 12.52pm, tajuk: Hak Istimewa

    Dengan kata2 dan perumpamaan yang amat tidak manis ini tidak melambangkan kamu seorang Muslim jati, seorang Melayu Nasionalis jati.
    Kamu sudah lupakah kamu keluar dari perut siapa?
    Kamu sudah lupakah siapa menyusukan kamu?
    Kamu sudah lupakah siapa mendodoikan kamu?
    Kamu sudah lupakah siapa basuh najis kamu?
    Kamu sudah lupakah siapa suap kamu apabila lapar ?
    Kamu sudah lupakah siapa bersengkang mata tak tidor apabila kamu sakit?
    Kamu sudash lupakah siapa gosok basuh pakaian kamu?
    Kamu sudah lupakah, dear karl yang berfikiran dan berbudaya tinggi?

    Siapa lagi kalau bukan makhluk ciptaan Allah yang bernama Gadis, Perempuan, Wanita, Isteri, Makcik, Nenek, Housewife.
    MEREKA ini adalah saya dan saya adalah MEREKA (belum nenek lagi)
    Adakah ibu, kakak, isteri, makcik, nenek kamu juga MEREKA?

    Kamu saya anggap sudah matang, berpendidikan tinggi, diberi ilmu tinggi dunia dan akhirat sehingga boleh digelar SEORANG MUSLIM MELAYU NASIONALIS. Kamu fikirlah sendiri apa tindakan kamu selepas ini.

    Your response shows who you really are. Yes, you are very creative indeed, with ideas way beyond anyone’s imagination. I knew I took a risk when I decided to respond to your writings. Actually, I want to know and see what and how you would react, to anyone’s responses or comments for that matter, so that I could give you the due respect, if you deserved. Your friends here before you are much better and well-mannered and could conversed and exchanged thoughts, eventhough sometimes quite fiery, intelligently and comfortably, well almost.
    But you, my dear karl yang berbudi bahasa, you are a great disappointment to me. I just don’t know what to think of you now. But you don’t care what I think, do you?
    As a woman, a mother, a housewife I wish you all the very best in your life. May the women around you love and respect you as much as you do to them.

    Tun, this is all for tonight. Yes, of course Tun I admit I’m hurt, which woman doesn’t when you have been degraded so low by someone you don’t know or hate. But I braced myself for something like this to happen. I’m just human. I’m just a housewife. Thank you Tun.

    May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you Always Tun. May Allah grant you great wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take extra care Tun and Thank You Tun.

  185. Kami semua akan menyertai dan menyokong parti baru yang lebih cerdik dan menjurus kepada bersih cekap dan amanah bukan seperti hanya slogan bodoh #1 malaysia rakyat di dahulukan# oleh najib dan menteri2 bodohnya seperti salleh kruak, rahman dahlan, nazri, azalina, mas ermiyati, sahidan kassim, ahmad maslan, rosnah, shahril samad, hishamuddin, khairy menantu paklah, pak lah sekali, nurjazlan pengkhianat johor dan mereka2 yang selama ini bertopengkan pemimpin berhati rakyat konon..
    Kita tolak najib dan menteri2nya kita sokong parti baru….semua menteri bawah najib dan angota kerajaan yang membiarkan rasuah dalam jabatan kerajaan seperti polis, kastam, bomba dan semua pbt2 adun2, ahli2 parlimen yang menutup mata pada perniagaan pelacuran, judi mesin kuda yang semakin berleluasa…normala pasir gudang buta kah bahawa tempat2 judi kuda berselerakan hingga anak anak bangsa kamu hanyut dan rosak di sekitar masai dan pasir gudang?…
    Masyarakat pilih kamu bukan untuk kekayaan atau hanya merasmikan majlis pembukaan, majlis makan bersama anak anak yatim dan rumah orang tua, itu setakat taraf guru besar dan ketua kampung pun mampu….di mana kah kamu wahai normala dan juga azalina apabila spa spa urut semakin berleluasa di kawasan2 kamu…jangan jadi pemimpin jika tidak memantau seluruh aspek kawasan kamu…

  186. Salam YAB dan Yang Amat DiKasihi Tun,

    1. Sebenarnya bila baca tajuk artikel Tun, ‘Orang Bodoh’, saya rasa seolah-olah Tun mengiktiraf dengan ‘gelaran’ SiDung* yang saya beri kepada orang suruhan (pemakan dedak) rejim Najib bernama ‘Karl’. Macam sama pula pemikiran saya dengan Tun (perasanlah sikit… 🙂 ).

    2. Mereka dalam rejim Najib dan semua yang menyokong kemungkaran serta bersubahat melakukan suapan rasuah memang wajar digelar ‘dumb people / orang bodoh @ dungu’ sebab masih tidak faham2 (dosa & akibatnya) walaupun Tun telah cuba berkali-kali untuk ‘menegur’ mereka secara berhemah dan cakap berlapik.

    3. Ada juga beberapa kali saya tulis yang SiDung*@Karl sama dungu dengan bos/tuan dia, PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor. Orang dungu saja yang tidak faham bahasa, tidak tahu malu (muka tebal; sanggup hina/fitnah Tun di blog milik Tun), kurang ajar, serta terlalu perasan / syok sendiri.

    4. Saya juga sudah dapat agak yang SiDung* akan melatah dan panas bont*t bila baca penulisan Tun ini.

    5. Memang betulpun sebab dengan tidak semena-mena mereka yang pro-TUN dituduh ‘the real dedak eaters & dumb followers’ oleh SiDung* (Jul 13,2016 10:33 AM). Nampak benar pemikiran SiDung* tidak matang dan dangkal seperti yang dia selalu pamirkan. Sepatutnya dia MENYANGGAH atau berhujah berdasarkan fakta, dan buktikan yang dia dan mereka yang dalam rejim Najib tidak bodoh seperti yang digambarkan oleh Tun. Tunjukkan bukti (transaksi / dokumen), dan bukan sekadar mengungkit kisah2 lampau yang dijadikan ‘cereka – fitnah’ semata-mata untuk menjatuhkan kredibiliti dan imej Tun.

    6. Yang sedang di puncak kuasa ialah DSN & gang, dan yang sedang dihakimi oleh rakyat kerana rasuah & salah laku ialah rejim Najib, bukan Tun M. Cuma orang bodoh @ dungu (seperti SiDung*) saja yang asyik cuba mengalih perhatian rakyat kepada isu2 lapuk yang sepatutnya ditangani berpuluh tahun dahulu (jika betul bermasalah & ada bukti).

    7. Kepada SiDung*@Karl, sila jelaskan kepada pembaca2 di sini di mana wang RM 28 Billion milik 1MDB yang ‘lesap / hilang’. Siapa yang songlap wang ini? Tolong jawab jika anda & DSN di pihak benar. (Orang ini tidak pernah jawab soalan; pandai mencela/ memfitnah saja).

    – Saya rasa SiDung* sudah ‘tidak waras’ bila tuduh mereka yang pro-TUN sebagai ‘the real dedak eaters’ sebab Tun tidak punya ‘dedak’ untuk ditabur – kuasa pun tiada. Mungkin dia tidak dapat terima hakikat /kenyataan sebenar (in denial) yang dia salah seorang ‘dedak eaters’ yang ditaja oleh rejim DSN (berat tanggungan dosa ‘makan suap/dedak’). Dia ni ibarat ‘PENCURI SEBENAR’ yang tuduh atau menjerit kata orang lain ‘pencuri’ untuk dielak dari ditangkap.
    – Kita tengok nanti apa pula ‘penghinaan’ yang akan dihambur oleh SiDung* kepada kaum wanita. Orang ini sebenarnya ‘muflis hujah’.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  187. Aslm.

    Makcik Housewife and 1MDB.

    If some dude creates a story that you and him have been sleeping together, would you even dignify it with a response?

    Now, let’s say he goes further to amplify this story so that more people have access to it, hence creating a scandal around your good self. To a point, you may need to speak up to defend your honor and reputation.

    Later on, some but not all people found out that he is your ex-husband, who in his old age suffered a selective memory condition …

  188. Dear Tun,

    Happy belated birthday dearest Tun Dr. Mahathir and Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah :*
    I hope it isn’t too late to wish you both a very happy and blessed 91st and 90th birthday. I just got lost track of time somehow and aahh I forgot it’s 10th of July! and 12th of July!

    I wish you both dearest Tun Mahathir and Tun Siti Hasmah many happy returns of your birthday, semoga Tun berdua sihat sentiasa, dipanjangkan usiamu, dilindungi dan diberkati Allah, diterima Allah segala ibadahmu serta pengorbanan yang tidak pernah mengenal erti lelah dan jemu.

    Tun banyakkan bersabar dengan segala apa yang berlaku di hadapan mata kita hari ini. Saya sayang Tun, sayang Tun Siti Hasmah. Kami sayang Tun berdua. Kami faham apa yang sudah melanda negara. Bukan kami tak sayang bangsa dan agama, tetapi teraju negara harus ditukar kepada mereka yang benar-benar bertanggungjawab, beramanah, berkredibiliti dan berintegriti menjaga bumi Malaysia beserta rakyatnya yang berbilang bangsa keturunan dan agama. Kami sedih diperlakukan seperti anjing yang menyalak bukit. Kerajaan BN di bawah Dato Najib sangat menekan kami, kami rasa tertipu, dirompak simpanan kami demi kelangsungan tembolok hawa nafsu Dato Najib, isterinya, anak-anaknya, kaum kerabat dan handai taulannya.

    Rakyat memang sudah lama nampak dan sedar bahawa kerajaan Dato Najib dianggotai oleh manusia-manusia opportunist yang sanggup membodohkan diri mereka kerana sesuap nasi. Minta maaf cakap, orang Melayu yang menyokong UMNO Najib sekarang sudah tidak mempunyai nilai moral values lagi. Walaupun mereka begitu sensitif apabila disentuh isu agama Islam, tetapi saya berpendapat mereka sendiri tidak tahu hujung pangkal agama yang sebenarnya. Mereka tidak dapat menilai yang mana betul yang mana salah kini. Suapan atau bribery daripada kerajaan Dato Najib mereka anggap tidak salah. Termasuklah ibadah Haji yang diperolehi daripada sumber haram kerajaan Najib ini (1MDB) duit hasil pengubahan wang kotor. Sedihnya hati saya melihat bangsa Melayu Islam yang masih buta di bawah pengaruh toxic cash is king Najib. Punah segala nilai dan values bangsa Melayu Najib.

    Saya berhak bercakap sebab walaupun kami daripada keturunan bercampur darah Melayu – Cina, arwah bapa kami adalah berbangsa Melayu Islam. Orang berketurunan Melayu Islam sepatutnya adalah bangsawan orang yang punya nilai harga diri tinggi apa lagi bila Al-Quran dijadikan pegangan. Orang Cina juga bukanlah bangsa yang bangsat seperti yang sering digambar dan dilabel oleh orang Melayu. Allah telah cipta create bangsa Cina di bumi ini seperti juga Dia telah create bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia ini. Saya merasa sangat sedih apabila ada segelintir orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab seperti Karl Iskandar yang menggunakan perkataan ‘gembala babi’ dan ‘pigs/DAPigs’ untuk melabel bangsa Cina. Orang Cina tidak akan dapat mengambil alih negara ini dengan memerintah sendiri. Mereka tahu hal ini. Orang Melayu tak usah bersangka buruk. Orang Cina pun harus belajar supaya menghormati orang Melayu dan jangan sengaja menyakitkan hati saudara kamu. Apa yang sangat kurang di kalangan bangsa-bangsa rakyat Malaysia sekarang adalah rasa SALING MENGHORMATI antara mereka yang membibitkan rasa angkuh sombong ketuanan bangsa sendiri, lantas membuahkan rasa benci. Inilah juga kebodohan yang sebenarnya. Kalau dengan bangsa asing seperti orang putih, orang arab dan lain-lain, bukan main lagi kita orang melayu dan cina berbaik dengan mereka. Terutama bila kita dah di luarnegara jadi kelompok minoriti. Tak malu sungguh. Adik-beradik sendiri di bumi tanah tumpah darah ini kita tidak berbaik. Berubahlah wahai bangsa-bangsaku.

    Tun Mahathir yang dikasihi, kami rakyat sudah lama merasai derita di bawah pimpinan kerajaan UMNO-BN yang diteraju Dato Najib and clan. Sudahlah menteri-menteri Najib nampak sangat bodohnya, mereka juga nampak irrational dan rakus gelojoh. Begitu juga para penyokong UMNO jelata yang masih rabun buta menadah suapan bribery daripada kerajaan UMNO Najib.

    Sayang Tun kini dan selamanya. Happy birthday again Tun berdua. I love you both dulu, kini dan selama-lamanya :*

  189. Assalam Dearest Tun,

    Glad to hear that Naj donkey (karl@karldai) is responding very well to our comment here.

    For audience not from Malaysia, perhaps you should be aware that Karl is a very rare spesis of dedak eaters from the Y generation who could not stand on his own and have to depend on some corrupt master and this dumb boy inherited many of his master bankrupt idea to counter us.

    Typical style of an idiotic boy whom when you called him dumb then he will retaliate and call you dumb as well.

    Karl @ karldai glad to hear that you admitted that Najib is guilty because you said that fate is written in the stars that with followers like most of us here it will take the next karma for Dr Mahathir to accomplish his final episode of “mission impossible”.

    However I should not be reminding a young donkey like karl that this days “Nothing is Impossible” and as at early last year do you karl honestly think it is possible for a Prime Minister of Malaysia to have RM2,600,000,000.00 in his own private bank account?

    Well that’s it for now and readers and I are eagerly waiting for his donkeyish response 🙂 .

    Wasalam Tun.

  190. obviously, there’s no one strong enough to challenge. look at what happened. they got flicked out from the cabinet and party like flies.

    I’m sure, there will be a muted response – that’s all. because… nothing will happen!!! nothing can touch him!!!

  191. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I could sense a tinge of sarcasm in this piece of entry, Tun. This time you told them off at point blank. Off being polite and nice. These keras kepala people need a real hard knock on their heads. Remember you said this Tun: “I’m brash and abrasive but that’s because I’ve noticed when people are nice and polite they never get anywhere”.

    Tun, how could they allow themselves to be led by the dumb (bisu? bodoh? whatever), doltish tongue-twisted leaders. The 1MDB mess is ever-expending and it doesn’t seem to want to disappear as they would like it to be. The dumbshow needs good dumb actors to go on. Fee is jolly good.

    I’m really dumbfounded by this karl. I thought he’s a composed person ever ready to endure and withstand any sinister remarks and comments calmly and counter- attack intelligently with real documented facts. We have been waiting and waiting for the ‘pencerahan’ but it never came…what a disappointment. All we ever got, since the times of his gurus were here, are denials after denials, remarks and statements with the same lines of lies given exactly like DSN’s minion followers who are the real dedak-eaters.

    His reply sounded unsteady and emotional and showed disrespect to the other race. What’s his purpose? To show-off the ketuanan? Make peace not hatred. If this person wants to embrace politics as his hard-earned living, he must be able to withstand and face all sorts of people with different views, beliefs and understandings.

    This karl embedded himself here so what does he expect when he got entangled with us here. Hugs and kisses? No! Of course not…he expects a showdown and Tun has many loyal fierce fighters here like whom he always refer to as Makcik Faridina. Hope he doesn’t run away and stick around awhile, not like his gurus, all escaped to who knows where. May they be healthy and fine with all the juadah raya.

    Tun, can’t wait to hear your next move. It’s going to be a very exciting piece of news. May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you always Tun. May Allah grant you great wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take care of your safety and Thank you Tun.

  192. Dear Admin,

    You may want to add in the social media buttons at the end of every article Tun post in his blog. From Fb, Twitter, etc.

    Thus all the readers will start sharing Tun’s view and it will goes viral.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Thanks, Regards
    Kevin Dass

  193. Salam Tun,

    If Tun is to stand on stage and face the 3 million UMNO members and say ‘ all of u are dumb and stupid ‘, I am very sure they will all stand up and say ‘ YESSSS ‘.

    That is UMNO of today.

  194. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Selamat hari raya kepada Tun sekeluarga.

    The recent elections has just been concluded during the Ramadhan month. Both seats was won by BN. The other side was quick to say this is the endorsement of the rakyat towards Najib’s leadership. Many political anaylist are saying the same tune.

    But what they forgot to point out, even during Pak Lah time, by elections have always been won by BN. That didnt stop the rakyat to deny Pak Lah and Najib 2/3rd majority in GE 12 and GE13. In fact Najib lost the popular vote in GE 13.

    However, the by elections can serve as a guide on what wrong and what went right by both BN and Pakatan. The obvious weakness in Pakatan was there was no unity. The biggest mistake was to cut off PAS. Pas, although cannot hope to win in the next GE, has decided to play the role of spoiler, splitting the votes of the oppositions. I believe PAS is not doing this service for free. UMNO must pay and I think we will see this in the passing of the hudud bill in October.

    It is clear UMNO is very much beholden to PAS. PAS can ask for anything from UMNO. Why stop with hudud bill? Why not hand over the nothern states to PAS?

    PAS is like the young wife UMNO wants. But at the same time the first wife (MCA and geng) is helplessly watching on the side. If the first wife divorce, they risk losing the minister positions and all the other goodies.

    We will see how this plays out in October.

    I will talk about forming of new opposition party in next posting.

  195. Anyone keen to seek the truth about current topics especially 1MDB should read up alternative views and reports on the subjects other than that what is being written in the prime media. Read the exposes (leaks) of WSJ SR and other reputable international publications with an open mind. Then come to your own decisions and conclusions on the subjects. Try having amicable discussions and discourses with others based on your own perspective and understanding. Agree to disagree. Possibly never use an ad hominem argument to counter another argument based on feelings or prejudices, other than on facts, reason or logic. Avoid personal attacks on one’s character when attempting to address the issue at hand or in individual debates. It is always easier to attack one’s social, political or religious views than to address the topic being discussed when you nothing much in substance to say.

  196. Tun,

    Assalamualaikum. Selamat Hari Raya dan semoga Tun berdua diberi kesihatan dan kekuatan untuk terus beribadat kepadaNya.

    Tun, they are not merely dumb, they are also a coward and forgetful. They are so afraid of the human laws that they forgot Allah SWT is the greatest. They forgot that as long as we seek to please Allah SWT, Allah will always protect us and arrange everything for us in this world. I hope, they will come to their senses and find the best ways to absolve themselves. Tun, you have shown us that you are a true modern Islamic leader and never a coward. Thank you Tun. JazakAllahukhairan.

  197. Assalamualaikum,

    Sebenarnya sudah terang lagi bersuluh penipuan yang dilakukan oleh penjahat2 negara ini semua. Tetapi yang lucunya, orang2 bodoh terlalu ramai. Malahan usaha untuk memperbodohkan rakyat juga tidak perlu. Malahan munculnya pencacai yang paling bodoh keluar untuk mempertahankan penjahat2 ini semua. Dari sebuah negara yang progresif, maju, makmur dan berintelek kini Malaysia dikenali sebagai sebuah negara yang dipenuhi badut sarkis (diketawakan orang).

    Sebenarnya tidak ada keperluan untuk menggantikan BN dengan Pakatan. Sementelah, Pakatan yang terumbang ambing dengan perpecahan dan perbezaan ideologi yang sangat ketara, ianya bukanlah pilihan sebagai pengganti BN. Tetapi sistem dalaman BN dan pemerintahan negara haruslah berfungsi dengan baik untuk mengesan dan membasmi penipuan dan penyelewengan. Takkan sampai kesemua orang dalam BN dan pemerintahan negara ini kaku tak boleh berfikir dan bersuara. Bak kata Tun, keseluruhan armada memilih untuk ‘buat bodoh jer’ memang tak boleh dimaafkan.

    Jikalau kesemua orang dalam BN tak boleh nampak dengan jelas penyelewengan besar yang berlaku dalam 1MDB maka bukan sekadar bodoh lagi dah. Ini dah mendekati penyakit buta hati. Barangkali terlalu banyak termakan dedak ataupun mengambil rasuah.

    Selamat Hari Raya Semua, Maaf Zahir dan Batin

  198. Aslm.

    Dr Mahathir’s D-Team

    As the Malay saying goes, “pukul anak, sindir menantu”, Dr M blaming his detractors and calling them dumb in full view and presence of his own minion followers who no doubt, are the real dedak eaters, still unable to follow their commander’s cheesy, I mean easy, instructions every step of the way. Ironically, Dr M flogging dead evangelists (DAPigs) for resurrection has shown better results.

    Fate is written in the stars that with dumb people and followers like Makcik Faridina on his side, it will take the next karma for Dr Mahathir to accomplish his final episode of “mission impossible”.

  199. Salam Tun


    Oops rupanya birthday dua, isteri dan Tun Mahathir. I baru balik dari facebook baca.

    Happy Birthday Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah binti Haji Mohamad Ali. I love you. May Allah Bless You Always. Hugs. 🙂

  200. Asalamualaikum Yang Dikasihi Tun
    Pejuang Sejati

    Spot on…Bulls Eye Tun

    Summary of the Dumb as you said:
    1. The Chairman of the Board of Advisers and the people involved in creating 1MDB.
    2. The people around who conspire to cover the truth.
    3. People who had been fed with dedak (bran)
    4. And the fourth is made up of the mindless supporters.

    There is another group of people…The Ulamaks and those whom we call cerdik pandai Agama. These people also kept quiet…Ulamak cari makan.

    May Allah bless you Tun.
    You are my true Leader.

  201. Assalam Tun.

    Lapuran audit 1MDB oleh Sarawak Report baru saja bermula. Banyak lagi yang akan dibongkarkan.

    Lapuran dari Bank Negara dan MACC belum diambilkira.

    Macai2 Najib tiba2 senyap, sunyi sepi, kecuali trumpet Najib yang bergelar Salleh Keruak yang kedengaran.

    Apa dah jadi pada menteri samseng Nazri?
    Ajalina tiba2 hilang modal bercerita….
    Rahman Dahlan pun entah dimana bersembunyi.
    Shahril 1 juta dan Ahmad Maslan 2 juta dah lama kena gam.
    Zahid pula dah lama tak berani nak sebut 1MDB, tengah gelabah mencari helah siapa penderma RM2.3 bilion yang pernah dia akui bertemu!
    Budak KJ pun tengah gelabah camna nak rahsiakan RMbilion di Swiss bank yang dia kumpul tujuan nak beli jawatan PM….


  202. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Kata Tun “Agama tidak akan membebaskan anda. Menunaikan Haji, terutamanya dengan wang dicuri, tidak akan menebuskan dosa-dosamu.” ini baik, dan harus dihayati bersama.

    Pada zaman ini, masih ramai yang berpendapat bahawa mereka boleh makan suap, dan buat sewenang-sewenangnya dosa, dan kemudiannya menunaikan Haji untuk menghilangkan segala-gala dosa dan “membersihkan” diri. Ini bukannya nilai Islam, dan bercanggahan dengan ajaran. Isya-Allah golongan ini patut dihukum dalam hayatnya dan di akhirat nanti.

  203. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    The so-called “dumb people” are not dumb naturally, but made to be dumb, and they are willing to be “dumb”, for self-interests at the expense of the public’s and nation’s interests.

    These dumb people who were involved in scams should be punished severely, upon conviction. Rakyat are still curious to see further actions taken on the culprits, who have caused the nation debts because of their misuse and abuse of power and funds.

  204. Dear Tun

    It makes me feel so sad 🙁

    I don’t usually get emotionally effected by your article but this one hit me.

    I ada sebut earlier bila lihat perangai anak2 melayu dalam bulan ramadan dan bulan syawal, buat I tertanya2 mana hilang nilai dan adab bangsaku.

    Bertudung tapi tidak mendidik anak2 yang bertudung berpuasa dan menghormati bulan puasa, membiarkan anak2 perempuan bertudung dan anak2 lelaki mengganggu orang tak dikenali dipagi raya. Bersikap kurang ajar terhadap orang yang lebih tua. Jawab menjawab nak tunjuk pandai. Semua ini bukan budaya yang baik.

    Thank you Tun for sharing your thoughts!

    Nak share lagu lama sini, hayati senikata nya

    Ilham dari pujangga
    Berdiam diri bukan ertinya kau salah
    Biar cercaan sekali datang menimpa
    Sudahlah memang adat di dunia
    Bersuaralah kamu pada perkara berguna
    Itulah sifat orang bijaksana

    ( …ia anak muda tidak kerana tergelincir kakinya
    tetapi matinya anak muda itu kerana tergelincir lidahnya
    berdiam dirilah kamu kepada perkara yang bukan-bukan
    bersuaralah kamu kepada perkara yang memberi kebaikan…)

    Berikanlah tenaga
    Untuk nusa dan negara
    Ini zaman kemajuan
    Jangan kita ketinggalan

    Kasih sesama manusia
    Apa di atas sayangkan diri anda
    Pandang yang satu kepada yang ramai sayang
    Pandang yang ramai kepada yang satu

    (…usahlah ditanya apakah bakti negara untuk kamu
    tetapi tanyalah apakah bakti kamu untuk negara
    berjasalah kamu untuk keharmonian negara…

    …kau katakan pada aku sekarang jua
    apakah pendapat kau atas kewajiban muda-mudi…

    …pembela, harapan dan tiang negara, bangsa dan negara…

    …bagaimanakah cara yang patut aku tunjukkan kewajiban ini…

    …kau mempunyai akal bukan, tepuklah dada tanya selera…)

    Tunggukanlah hati mu
    Pertahankan ibu pertiwi
    Jauhkanlah diri mu
    Dari perkara yang berjudi(?)

    Maaf mudi dan muda
    Ku susun jari sepuluh
    Aku bukanlah seorang pujangga
    Hanya seorang penyanyi biasa

    Artist Ismail Haron

  205. #kipiDAP

    #seDAPdunia, nikmat sementara…!
    PASti ke syurga? bekalnya apa…?

    #babitakseDAP, haram dimakan..?
    Hilangkan Lembu, sape dh telan…?

    P ak
    A ji
    S elingkuh

    B ersama
    N aji$

    Halal&Haram semuanya kira…

    12. Hari pembalasan pasti akan tiba.
    Ia akan tiba sebelum orang-orang Islam di kalangan mereka bertemu Pencipta mereka. Mulut akan terbuka dan kata-kata akan mencurahkan keluar. Agama tidak akan membebaskan anda. Menunaikan Haji, terutamanya dengan wang dicuri, tidak akan menebuskan dosa-dosamu.
    Anda akan mendapat balasan yang setimpal.


  206. We Malaysia are Dumb people. A Dumb Nation indeed
    We see


    1MDM have huge debts to be accounted for
    For a newly low investment suddenly Debts is so HUGE locally and internationally
    As if there is no Auditing in 1MDB OR The audit is suddenly ask to shut up

    Our wise PM became Billionaire overnight
    Behaving more a King than a PM

    When need to investigates about the Donor
    The Donor suddenly Died

    Wow ! What a Tripple Coincides
    What a loving touching suddenly
    What lovely the word Suddenly can do to a person

  207. 29. No one know what will happen in the future.

    30. But everyone know when political parties’ leaders say whats in their mind.

    31. Can they win ge?

    32. We will see as we move on.

    33. Can or not, its depend on the political parties, not the voters.

    34. After winning, can the political parties deliver what they promise solely rely on their members, not the people.

    35. As voter, your obligation is to vote, itu saja.

  208. 27. As for north south korea disputes, china shall not interfere politically or economically.

    28. But, beijing central government for sure will not support to have bomb or gun will travel in her border between china and north korea.

  209. #seDAPdunia, nikmat sementara…!
    PASti syurga? bekalnya apa…?

    #babitakseDAP, haram dimakan..?
    Hidangkan Lembu, sape dh telan…?

    P ak
    A ji
    S elingkuh

    B ersama
    N aji$

    Halal&Haram semuanya kira…

    12. Hari pembalasan pasti akan tiba.
    Ia akan tiba sebelum orang-orang Islam di kalangan mereka bertemu Pencipta mereka. Mulut akan terbuka dan kata-kata akan mencurahkan keluar. Agama tidak akan membebaskan anda. Menunaikan Haji, terutamanya dengan wang dicuri, tidak akan menebuskan dosa-dosamu.
    Anda akan mendapat balasan yang setimpal.


  210. Seorang persalah akan sedaya upaya menutupkan keaibanya
    Yg menjadi jangkal sekarang seorang wakil tertinggi keadilan kelihatan tidak adil

    Maka lahirlah puaka puaka yg bermaharaja lela sekarang
    Sudah terserlah sekarang, puaka puaka ini sudah menunjukan tanduk mereka
    Sebab Keadilan kelihatan lemah
    Yg bakal tinggal adalah penyagak di kalangan anggota UMNO
    Maka lambatlaun UMNO akan Tumbang

    Pertanyaan pertama saya pada pengetua AG Apandi yg di lantik Najib
    Memang benar untuk menuduh dan menghukum sesaorang bukanlah senang
    Perlu Bukti perlu Saksi
    Sebab kasihan dan amat zalim menghukum seorang yg di fitnah dan yg tidak bersalah
    Dalam masa yg sama juga adalah tidak wajar dan tidak adil
    Jika tertuduh tidak di siasat debgan cara professional dan rapi
    Kehakiman tidak kenal siapa ?

    Kehakiman wakil kebenaran . Jika ia gagal melaksanakan tugasnya maka akan timbul gejala Sial di kalangan masyarakat kita

    Atas dasar apakah anda berkeputusan Najib tidak buat Kesalahan ?
    Sedangkan Bangkai 1MDB sudah terbau busuk seluruh Malaysia malah seluruh Dunia
    Mengalahkan asap jerebu akibat kebakaran hutan di Indonesia

    Menagapa ia di ketegorikan sebagai rahsia Kerajaan sedangkan ia bukan merupai satu jenayah Terrorist , Military atau Political Threat
    Bangkai 1MDB sudah membebankan 1 Malaysia
    Dan Dunia luar , AG luar negara masih menyiasat dan menuntut keadilan akan kesalahan 1MDB di negara yg berkiatan

    Begitu juga dengan Cek yg di sign Najib , Cek tidak tahu tapi sign
    dan pengakuan dapat duit kononya dari Saudi
    Tidak umumkan dari awal dah terserlah dah belanja kasar baru buat pengakuan
    Siapa yg bolih percaya Tuan AG ?

    PM berhak menukar system , AG atau rombak Kementeriannya untuk memperbaiki membangunkan Malaysia . Tapi apa alasan beliau menyuntik AG baru setelah terserlah bau busuk ?
    Yg jadi soalan adalah sekarang pendirian anda sebagai seorang tertinggi yg mewakili
    system Kehakiman . Sebab jika salah ia amat membimbangkan dan bakal menghancurkan system Democracy Malaysia

    Memang salah dan zalim jika kita menghukum orang yg tidak bersalah
    Juga akan tidak benar jika seorang yg terserlah kesalahanya tidak disiasat rapi secara rational bukan favorism

    Begitu juga tuduhan semasa era Tun Mahathir
    Yg menghina dan menuduh Tun adalah CheGu Rasuah hingga budaya beliau terbawa sekarang
    Kenapa tak timbulkan dari dulu ?
    Apa kenyataan nya yg terserlah ?
    Apa Proton , Twin Tower yg Tun banggunkan ada duit hilang ? Berapa Trillion ?
    Atau apa projek Tun yg kehilangan duit yg sampai Malaysia berhutang ?
    Kasilah Tahu dan sekarang pun bolih di siasat
    Buah siapa yg hilang ?

    Ini Perbezaanya
    Dan amat menakutkan jika wakil Kehakim gagal melaksankan tugas mereka
    dengan berani dan benar
    Sebab ia bakal menjadi tauladan yg busuk dan bahaya untuk negara

  211. 24. Beijing central government shall stick to historical facts.

    25. Eventhough they have the might to retaliate with wmd, they shall stick to the ruling of sharing the economy with all chinese in china, and outside china.

    26. Similarly, usa and her allies will continue to retaliate with wmd to show their might, they have no choice and will continue to retaliate with war to spur their military influencences with their allies to poor moslem countries.

  212. 19. China has 1.3 billion population to feed, therefore, beijing central government will not appeal on the hague tribulal’s verdict.

    20. They will stick to her ancestral, i mean historical facts, in handling south china sea disputes.

    21. Her central government will continue to spur economic growth to feed her population, but this time, they will be more careful in handling diplomatics ties in south china sea dispute.

    22. Beijing central government will move towards quality economy, not quantitative economy.

    23. They too no longer katak di bawah tempurung.

  213. Assalam Dearest Tun,

    I got it Tun especially point no. 10, this is a very much awaited topic and together with the rest we will get rid of the few dumb people here and when the going gets tough, the tough gets going I guess.

    The award for the dumbest people here goes to none other than karldai@karldumb@donkey the so called idoitic boy who is a dedakian and his task is to discredit Tun in what ever mean possible to him so as to earn a living.

    Don’t be a crying baby here little boy and start accusing us of character assasination and what not because you deserved it!

    People of your age with a sound mind will be a force to reckon and they are from the Y generation who dares to stand and speak out the truth.

    Bung Karno used to say “Give me 10 young men, I will undoubtedly shake the world”.

    Shame on you karldai or should I say pity you karldai because at your age you can’t even earn a decent living and have to survive on dedak but I can understand that being a young man with no proper qualification or a young man with no guts you might be easily manipulated.

    You don’t belong here karldai because people of your age are the ones who have been very vocal and their young mind will always go against the establishment and by any chance could you be the ‘sotong one’ with no balls?

    Come on little fella look at most of us here, we are not so young like you but we dare to speak out the truth because we care about your generation and the generation after you.

    I therefore urge my fellow commentators here to educate this poor idioctic little boy karldai because he has go much over board and thought that he can be accepted here among the rest of the dumb people here if any.

    Thank you Tun for releasing this wonderful topic and it is a relief to be able to release some of it to a young donkey named karldaiiiiiiii.

    Wasalam Tun.

  214. Maaf terlalu terlalu excited hingga huruf banyak yang salah….bangkitlah semua menolak pengkhianat pengkhianat negara seperti salleh kruak, rahman dahlan, nazri, azalina, mas ermiyati, sahidan kassim, ahmad maslan, rosnah, shahril samad, hishamuddin, khairy menantu paklah, pak lah sekali, nurjazlan pengkhianat johor dan mereka2 yang selama ini bertopengkan pemimpin berhati rakyat konon..

  215. 13. The saddest person on earth today is none other than president obama, keeyan.

    14. As the african american president of usa he tried his utmost best and capability to critize china on human rights, a sovereign country with 1.3 billion population in east asia.

    15. Unfortunately, he couldnt even prevent bloodshed of his young african american on the soil of his sovereign land in commiting suicide bombing, I mean, got killed by his government.

    16. Hague tribula ruled against china, then let it be since china has strong domestic growth.

    17. You are right karl, the rest is history.

    18. Henceforth, general election will be held to determine the next usa president.

  216. Escellent…alhamdulilah semuga zemua lapisan rakyat semakin cerah, hanya rakyat yang bodoh sahaja yang akan membangkitkan kisah memali, perwaja steel, anuar dan lain lain.
    Semua usaha Tun di rahmati allah di dunia dan akhirat…amin

  217. Salam Dearest YAB Tun,

    Related news:


    Bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu mendakwa, beberapa petikan yang dikatakan bersumber daripada laporan akhir Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang mengenai 1MDB seperti yang didedahkan oleh portal Sarawak Report beberapa hari lalu mengandungi maklumat-maklumat penting berkaitan penyelewengan syarikat berkenaan.

    “Ini termasuk kehilangan wang berjumlah USD7 billion (RM28 billion) yang dibayar kepada beberapa buah syarikat palsu yang tiada kaitan dengan urusniaga 1MDB.

    “Bagi yang mungkin terlupa akan janji Perdana Menteri ini, saya ingin memetik tulisan beliau dalam portal yang disiarkan pada bulan Mei 2015.

    Menerusi muat naik status di laman Facebook beliau, Muhyiddin turut memetik kata-kata Najib “adalah tidak adil bagi sesetengah ahli politik mensabitkan kerajaan dalam mahkamah pendapat awam sebelum fakta sebenar dikemukakan oleh pihak berkuasa yang sah iaitu Ketua Audit Negara dan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) yang bersifat dwipartisan…sementara itu, tolonglah, jangan buat spekulasi dan kesimpulan, tanpa menggunakan maklumat yang akan dibentangkan oleh Ketua Audit Negara, yang mengandungi laporan terperinci tentang kewangan 1MDB”.

    Kata Najib lagi, “jika kita bersikap ikhlas untuk mencari kebenaran di sebalik dakwaan itu, kita perlu mendapatkan maklumat daripada sumber yang sah (seperti Ketua Audit Negara) dan bukan daripada portal berita pihak ketiga atau blog dalam talian yang mungkin mempunyai agenda tersembunyi.”

    The main question: Where’s the RM 28 BILLION (USD 7 BILLION) that was untraceable (missing)?

    Actually Tun M already mentioned about this missing (‘lesap’) money much earlier in Tun’s past articles on 1MDB.

    So now who’s lying? Only ‘dumb people’ would still believe in DSN’s lies.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  218. Dear Tun,

    Many happy returns of the day to you and your wife. Happy anniversary also.

    Many people try to run you down. Yes you have made mistakes but who hasn’t?

    When people say things about you, i often wonder if your family or background reflects what nasty things they write about you. Surely if you were a dictator your family would be broken and there would be strife.

    Yet I cannot see it. In your family there is respect and love. In your family there is support and wisdom. People think before acting. Dr Siti Hasmah and yourself have brought up fine, independent thinking children who are not spoilt. Your marriage is solid and respectful of each other.

    If you were a poor leader it would reflect at home. You can seem good as a public figure but the reflection of character is really how the home is like.

    I know you have put your all into Malaysia, have not required anything in your name because you see it as service to the nation. Hence when they run you down and call you all sorts of names i think it is impossible that you are what they say you are.

    I know you have tried your best and are doing your best to save us. As I always say, it is the rest of us who fail you because we are not of your calibre. We have selfish interests, we are weak.

  219. Apabila anak saya menduduki peperiksaan tidak berapa lama dahulu, menjawab soalan soalan… ada soalan yang dijawab dengan betul dan ada yg salah.

    Jawapan yg salah itu bukan kerana saya mahukan ia salah tetapi saya fikir ianya betul, tetapi rupa rupanya salah..

    Maka dengan itu saya berha
    Soalan yg telah dijawab salah itu

  220. Bagi saya mereka ini tak bodoh tapi jenis binatang yang tak bermaruah dan tak punya harga diri. Ada yang ilmu aga,manya tinggi melangit tapi bertuhankan pangkat dan harta benda. Mereka sanggup bagi makan ibubapa dan anak bini dengan duit haram. Tapi orang2 saperti ini akan menerima balasan Allah di dunia lagi. Kalau setakat si musibat najis tu apa la sangat jika dibanding dengan Marcos, Shah Iran dan Saddam Hussain yang masing2 mempunyai lebih 300,000 orang polis rahsia untuk melindongi kuasa mereka. Tapi bila tiba masa lihatlah bagaimana hinanya cara kematian mereka. Kalau yang mahu melihat dan berfikir mereka akan memahaminya. Malah di Malaysia pun satu ketika dulu seorang manusia sanggup meninggalka jawatan yang paling mulia hanya. semata-mata nak jadi wakil rakyat. Bila tewas terserlah perangai burok dia yang sebenar. Bagi saya inilah perancangan Allah sebab Allah tak mahu hamba2nya buat selama-lamanya berimamkan manusia tak bermaruah saperti ini. Saya yakin lambat laun najis dan barua2nya akan menerima balasan yang setimpal dengan jenayah yang dilakukan mereka keatas rakyat dan negara ini.

  221. Bagi saya mereka ini bodoh tapi jenis binatang yang tak bermaruah dan tak punya harga diri. Ada yang ilmu agamanya tinggi melangit tapi bertuhankan pangkat dan harta benda. Mereka sanggup bagi makan ibubapa dan anak bini dengan duit haram. Tapi orang2 saperti ini akan menerima balasan Allah di dunia lagi. Kalau setakat si musibat najis tu apa la sangat jika dibanding dengan Marcos, Shah Iran dan Saddam Hussain yang masing2 mempunyai lebih 300,000 orang polis rahsia untuk melindongi kuasa mereka. Tapi bila tiba masa lihatlah bagaimana hinanya cara kematian mereka. Kalau yang mahu melihat dan berfikir mereka akan memahaminya. Malah di Malaysia pun satu ketika dulu seorang manusia sanggup meninggalka jawatan yang paling mulia hanya semata-mata nak jadi wakil rakyat. Bila tewas terserlah perangai burok dia yang sebenar. Bagi saya inilah perancangan Allah sebab Allah tak mahu hamba2nya buat selama-lamanya berimamkan manusia tak bermaruah saperti ini. Saya yakin lambat laun najis dan barua2nya akan menerima balasan yang setimpal dengan jenayah yang dilakukan mereka keatas rakyat dan negara ini.

  222. Salam Tun,

    To me there is only one way to defend this Country from being a laughing stock of the World as the publication of Sarawak Report being read all over. Please decommissioned the 1MDB Audit documents by Auditor General from the Secrecy Act. At the very least if Sarawak Report published an untrue Audit Reports, their credibility will be in shambles and we can still gained some dignity out of this.

    Thanks Tun.

  223. God’s punishment on these dumb sinners will be overwhelming because they sin with both eyes open, no excuses that they do not know what they are doing.

  224. Tun
    U written much
    U put efforts to put matters right for Malaysia
    I see it as effortless moves
    Sultan as part of the Constituency perhaps they are contented of their beings
    Foreign Intervention will not happens as Malaysia is not much of their interest
    Politically nor Malaysia poses a Threat to them
    Simply its more to Economic interest
    Hopefully foreign investigations on 1MDB will open up every drawers

    Najib is in the upper hand today
    That does not mean He is Right
    He is hiding at the Mercy of UMNO
    Voters vote for UMNO not Najib
    All may see him as wrong doers but not proven
    His not gentleman as innocents is seen obviously many wrong doings
    He appoints his new AG to be safe

    AG of his duty : How did AG Apandi comes to conclusions
    Najib did nothing wrong
    What is the foundations of his judgement ?
    Did AG follows the procedure of proper investigations ?
    Perhaps its based on Najib Confession .
    Base on confessions any idiots can do so

    Proven Najib wrotes cheque not knowing what he sign for
    Needs stern interrogations Right and Left
    Not asking a multiple choice questions with answer a , b or c
    This is not a SPM test paper . This is getting the Truth

    I see We need a Platform
    We need to Contest on the next PRU
    Tun you are the chosen one to form
    But of course we don,t want to burden you ,you should retire
    But you need to Jump start a new Party
    Party alike UMNO not Muhideed nor Mukhliz joining the opposition Party

    Malaysian are tired of Oppositions and much upset with UMNO today
    No doubts they still votes for UMNO
    Its like the malay saying

    Buang mati emak , telan mati bapa
    Tak bolih telan , tak bolih buang
    Akhirnya kami Komoh komoh saja di mulut
    Tapi hingga bila ?

    Yr new party is a Fresh of UMNO Foundations with different images
    I do belief you will have the support and finance

    Salam Sejahtera Tun , Slam Najib

  225. Well said. Dumbfounded by these dumbstruck people. It’s time to get rid of them..

  226. Assalammualaikum Tun and muslim bloggers and hi to the others,

    1. ‘Dumb’ describes these people well……or maybe dumber and dumbest
    2. They forget that the have next-of-kins, relatives, friends who disagree with what they are doing….and thus bring embarrassment to them.
    3. They (the dumbs) forget that they may have many more years living among these people (in para 2)
    4. What goes up will come down….
    5. Tidak ada perasaan malu dan bersalah.

  227. We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.

    – Martin Luther King, Jr.

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