1. I watch Al Jazeera TV on the genocide by the Israelis on the Palestinian people of Gaza. It is horrible.
2. Thousands of Palestinians have been killed. Many thousands more wounded. Thousands have lost their legs and arms.
3. The cities and towns in Gaza have been razed to the ground. Even refugee camps of flimsy tents have been rocketed and bombed. The refugees were killed. The survivors flee. But there is no safe place for them.
4. I have never seen such atrocities as being inflicted in our so-called civilised world. It is mind boggling. It lacks any sign of human feelings.
5. What is outrageous is that the other TV channels show almost nothing of the genocide of the Gaza Palestinians. It is as if it is not happening.
6. Since Al Jazeera TV Channel is not watched by white Europeans and Americans, they must believe that nothing is happening to the people of Gaza.
7. They actually believe that the Israeli attacks are meant to achieve security for the state of Israel. And they support the Israeli war against the Palestinians.
8. Basically they are supporting Israeli genocidal war against the Palestinians.
9. I used to think of the Europeans as the pioneers of human rights. Now I know they are hypocrites. I have lost any respect I had for them.