1. I was in Tokyo recently to participate in the celebration of the 30th year of the Look East Policy. Some 15,000 young Malaysians were educated or trained in Japan during those years. Strangely I have not heard anyone of them complain about the policy or their participation. They all seem to be happy with their experience under the Look East Policy.

2. There must be at least a few who may not be happy. But I have not met them. .

3. They all seem to be employed and a few have started their own businesses in Malaysia or in Japan. Some are married to Japanese girls.

4. I would like to claim that the Look East Policy was good for Malaysia. Those trained under the programme seem to have imbibed some Japanese characters and values. Actually the Look East Policy was not so much about getting Japanese investments or technologies as it was about learning Japanese work ethics and the discipline of the work place. I believe strongly that the success or otherwise of a person, a race or a nation is dependent on their values, their work ethics and their discipline when doing whatever they have to do. .

5. In 1961 when I went to Japan for the first time I observed their diligence and dedication in the work of rebuilding their nation. It was already 16 years after the near-total destruction of their country but there was hardly any trace of it. Everywhere I saw people busily constructing new buildings, everywhere I saw cement-mixer trucks being driven to worksites and back to the mixing plants. .

6. I did not see any foreign cars but their cars did not look so good. What struck me most was their behaviour when there was a collision. The drivers came out, bowed to each other and then drove off. What happened after that I do not know. .

7. Hotel workers did not accept tips but their service cannot be faulted. Japanese hotel staff, including managers, line up to welcome me upon arrival and to wave goodbye when I leave even after I cease to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia. .

8. I was familiar with Japanese products before the Pacific War. They were shoddy and breakdown easily. When a Japanese exhibition ship came to Singapore during my student days, there were crude jokes about scratching the paint off their cars and finding the “Milo” label underneath. .

9. By the time I went to Japan, the quality of their cameras and motorcycles could not be questioned. They were superb. So were their watches. Japanese brands had become the mark of quality. .

10. Since 1961, I had visited Japan very many times and I was amazed at their progress and the speed with which they demolished their old reputation for low quality. And I wished we in Malaysia could be like them. .

11. Everyone knows about “hara-kiri” or “seppuku” the Japanese practice of ritual suicide when they failed in whatever they were tasked to do. When Japan lost the war thousands of Japanese soldiers committed suicide. .

12. I thought at first that this Japanese practice was quite inhuman and uncivilised. Then I realised that the Japanese have a strong sense of shame. When they fail they consider it so shameful that life was not worth living. .

13. They do not commit hara-kiri now but some of their Ministers would resign if something wrong happened in their ministry. They would accordingly try not to fail in their work. .

14. I noticed the quality and fineness of the handmade bamboo products. I believe that this is the result of their trying to avoid feeling ashamed of shoddy work. .

15. I think that is why the Japanese produce such high quality products we are familiar with today. Their cars are of the best quality. Really they are as good as the top German cars. In fact in many ways they are better. And I believe this derives from their desire not to be ashamed of their work. .

16. Japan is far more secure than most other countries in the East or the West. We don’t read reports of people being coshed in the parks or dark streets. Certainly burglary is not as common as it is in Malaysia. .

17. Cleanliness is almost a fetish in Japan. Young school children would not throw rubbish on the road. They would carry whatever they wanted to get rid off until they find a rubbish bin. Japanese employees with ties on can be seen watering and sweeping the pavements in front of their shops. No Malaysian would do this, certainly not with their ties on. .

18. Japanese factory workers often arrive early at the work place to discuss with fellow-workers their target for the day. They regard the next shift as their customers who must be served well. They would clean up their work-bench before going off, so that the next shift can start work immediately. They are constantly trying to improve their products. They call this “kaizen”. .

19. They have workers unions but they seldom go on strike. Certainly we do not hear of a general strike which really is a political act. They remain loyal to their company for life. .

20. In return the company looks after the workers. Until lately they do not sack their workers, preferring to reassign them if the company did not do well or the workers have become unproductive. .

21. In recent years they have abandoned this practice. The sacked workers feel so ashamed that they refuse to go home to their families. During the recession the unemployed workers would erect huts of blue plastic in open spaces or wide road dividers and live in them. They would go around collecting tin-cans to shape them into toys to sell for a living. This is something that you do not see anywhere else. The unemployed always expect to be on dole provided by Governments. I have not seen destitute tramps in rags in Japan as I have seen in many Western countries. .

22. The Japanese really work hard. This one single character contributes the most to the success of individuals, society or nation. They are not laid back. Akio Morita, the founder of Sony Corporation, tells in his book about how the Japanese worker was willing to be paid with a ball of rice with soya sauce in the early years after the war. That willingness must have contributed much to the recovery of Japan and high pay that Japanese workers enjoy now. .

23. Working hard may not mean working smart, but certainly it is much more productive than not working or being laid back. .

24. Watching the Japanese and their progress over the years convinced me that adopting their work ethics and the discipline of their work place would do the same for Malaysians and Malaysia. .

25. And so hardly a year after becoming Prime Minister, with the authority vested in me I proposed the Look East Policy. Many in my cabinet the administration and the public questioned the wisdom of this policy. Many said why copy the copier; why not go to the source of modern industrial civilisation. But enough accepted the novel policy and so the Look East Policy was adopted and implemented. .

26. I believe it is a success. At the Tokyo forum organised by Nomura Securities, Nikkei and Khazanah, the talk was about the future strategies and form that the Look East Policy would take. But whatever, the one single most important aspect of the Look East Policy is the development of a value system, a work culture and ethics that is compatible with success. And among them should be the cultivation of a strong sense of shame when delivering results which do not give pride to the person, the people or the country. This feeling of shame will make us work hard to deliver the best in everything that we do. That is the essence of the Look East Policy. May it continue for the next 30 years at least. .

36 thoughts on “THE LOOK EAST POLICY”

  1. If his dad wants to bring in Indian National car into Malaysia market, why not since other national cars also can get AP too?

    I am sure there is a general market for Indian nationals and Malaysian Hindu and Muslim Indians who may want to support India national car too.

  2. Who dig the grave that brought down the value of MYR?

    I do not pay zakat.

    Why BN wants to build RM50 million mosque in Kelantan?

    Can Kelantanese mampu to bayar zakat to this mosque?

    If BN says there want to make Istana Kelantan looks better via tax payer monies, I will fully support BN.


    Because Sultan Kelantan is the Head of the State.

    This shows the Gentleman way of respecting Sultan Kelantan as the Head of the State and his appointed MB to work with the Federal Government.

  3. Oh by the way, the Foreign Affairs of Beijing Central Government has issued a RARE Open Statement to PRC Nationals living in foreign countries holding PRC passports and citizenship to behave and not to be sombong biadap that would bring shame to PRC after the unfortunate road involving Porsche and taxi driver that took away 3 lives, 1 PRC national, 1 Singaporean and 1 Japanese in Singapore recently.

    If 20 years from now, each PRC national behave and pay, says RMB100 as personal income taxes to Beijing Central Government to run the economy and government, what is the amount here, Mr Mubarak Chan?

    If I am 20 years younger, I will join MACC.

    I rest my case here.

  4. Tenku gave citizenship to Chinese & Indian who came to Malaya to work under colonial rule with consensus from ruler and ruling parties. Here they are not an illegal immigrants. Yr action is to provide citizenship to “illegal Immigrant” i.e. people who entered into Malaysia without permission after the independent of Malaya & formation of Malaysia on your own consensus. Worst of all citizenship to vote i.e. selling citizenship to buy vote.

    No jail punishment in this case but those commit such treason has to be removed their own “CITIZENSHIP” Just imagine dying in a county where you live for very long but without “CITIZENSHIP”.

    It is dishonest for you to compare with Tenku’s action.

  5. Salam Tun,

    Saya seorang web designer, boleh kah saya designkan blog Tun ini agar lebih elegent, kemas, responsive untuk pelbagai device, lbih friiendly untuk berdedikasi dll bersesuaian dengan content web ini, secara percuma. Sekurang-kurangnya saya ada jasa sedikit kat Tun peribadinya wlpn sket hehe

    Kalau boleh contact my email please.


  6. Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun,

    Saya amat kagum dengan kepimpinan, perancangan dan penyusun aturan strategi perlaksanaan YBhg Tun terutama dalam merealisasikan visi YBhg Tun iaitu untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara Maju pada tahun 2020. Meskipun YBhg Tun telah bersara sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia, kesinambungan sasaran Negara Maju 2020 terus dipergiat memacu ‘benchmark’ kemajuan negara. Ia adalah satu legasi kejayaan dan sumbangan terbesar YBhg Tun untuk Negara dan kecermelangan generasi Malaysia yang tercinta.

    Pengisian 2020 sewajarnya berasaskan Idea terkehadapan yang mampu menerajui pemikiran cerdik pandai dunia; dan disempurnakan dengan taktik pengisian innovatif yang bijak lagi berkesan. Teori-teori gemilang permodenan dunia yang telah dan sedang dipraktikkan oleh masyarakat dunia, hampir kesemuanya berasal dari Negara-Negara di Timur dan Barat, bukan dari Malaysia. Kita hanyalah ditahap pengikut iaitu pembaca, penyalin dan pengamal. Contohnya Quality Control Circle (QCC), Kaizen, 5S adalah idea hasil penyelidikan Negara Jepun; manakala 4P, Management by Objective (MBO), Total Quality Management (TQM) adalah dari Amerika. Negara kita ada ramai Profesor, para penyelidik (researchers) dan ahli perniagaan ternama yang membaca dan mempraktikkan idea-idea ini secara harian. Saya yakin dan pasti mereka ada menjumpai titik-titik kelemahan pada idea tersebut yang boleh diterjemahkan dalam bentuk idea baru untuk pembangunan Malaysia secara yang lebih pantas dan berkesan. Untuk mencapai negara maju, Malaysia tidak boleh terus berada kekal sebagai pihak pembaca dan penerima idea, tetapi Negara mesti terkehadapan dari segi idea dan perlaksanaan sepertimana contohnya yang telah dilakukan oleh Negara Jepun. Setiap Negara Maju ialah Negara yang memperolehi pendapatan utama secara eksport. Produk utama meraka adalah Idea yang dikomersialkan.

    Wawasan 2020 yang telah dilancarkan oleh YBhg Tun, telah mengalami gelombang definasi pelbagai huraian dan istilah tetapi majoritinya memokas kepada motif pembentukan sebuah negara pendapatan tinggi. Persoalan definasi: pendapatan tinggi yang seiring dengan peningkatan inflasi (harga barang dan perkhidmatan) atau ia didefinasi sebagai berpendapatan tinggi yang hidup dalam kemewahan. Selagi kita sebagai negara pengimport ilmu selagi itulah fikiran kita dijajah; kita tidak akan mampu untuk capai taraf Negara Maju. Idea telah merealisasikan impian Negara Jepun. Jika Jepun mampu maju dari saki baki bom atom, sewajarnya kita boleh buat lebih baik daripada Jepun. Sikap, budaya dan pemikiran kita perlu diubah.

    Orang yang paling saya hormati di Malaysia kerana idea dan kebernasan berfikir adalah YBhg Tun. Masih belum ada individu yang mampu menandingi anugerah yang dikurniakan oleh Allah SWT kepada YBhg Tun. Saya telah menubuhkan sebuah syarikat yang dinamakan “Thesis References Centre” berpusat di Putrajaya. Saya ingin menjadikan ia pusat pengumpulan dan rujukan thesis oleh seluruh rakyat Malaysia samada yang belajar di dalam dan luar Negara. Mereka boleh memanfaatkanya. Tesis ialah satu kajian ilmiah yang melibatkan pelaburan kewangan dan minda yang tinggi oleh para ilmuan di Malaysia. Hasil penemuan kajian sewajarnya dimanfaatkan untuk rujukan pelajar, para ekonomi, ahli korporat dan jabatan kerajaan kerana ia adalah aset idea bernilai yang boleh dimanfaatkan untuk memacu pembangunan negara. Ia tidak sewajarnya terbiar dirak keusangan sebelum musnah dimakan zaman. Kajian penyelidikan dalam Negara boleh dimanfaatkan untuk pembangunan Negara di peringkat pembangunan operasi, perlaksanaan dan, penambahbaikan produk dan perkhidmatan. Manakala kajian penyelidikan pelajar Malaysia diluar Negara boleh digunakan untuk penembusan pasaran. Objektif paling utama penubuhan organisasi adalah untuk mengesan dan mencari ‘individu pencetus idea’ kebanggaan Negara yang boleh meletakkan Malaysia sebagai sebuah Negara maju secara cepat dan pantas. Pada setiap bulan December bermula pada tahun 2013, kami ‘Thesis References Centre’ akan menganjurkan satu Konferen Pembentangan Khas oleh penyelidik berbagai disiplin yang terpilih berasaskan signifikan hasil kajian ilmiah mereka untuk manfaat dalam Negara dan penembusan pasaran Negara luar. Fokas utama adalah terhadap idea yang mampu menguasai sosial dan ekonomi dunia. Untuk merealisasikan idea saya ini secara cepat dan pantas saya perlukan sokongan moral dari seorang pencetus idea lagenda terhebat hingga kini iaitu diri YBhg Tun Sendiri. Saya Mohon YBhg Tun akan sudi sebagai tetamu kehormat untuk mendengar pembentangan tajuk-tajuk tesis/idea terbaik yang terpilih berdasarkan signifikannya untuk memacu visi 2020 yang diasaskan oleh YBhg Tun. Turut menjemput YBhg Tun untuk merasmikan majlis konferen tesis edisi tahunan ini. Sewajarnya idea-idea yang terbaik hanya untuk pencetus visi yang terbaik.

    Saya ingin melihat suatu hari nanti akan ada individu Malaysia yang mampu mencetus idea lebih baik dari Microsoft dan Facebook. Saya ingin lihat Malaysia menguasai ekonomi Amerika dan Dunia secara amnya. Malaysia mampu kerana kita merujuk panduan al-Quran. Saya harap YBhg Tun akan sudi bersama saya untuk merealisasikan visi dan impian saya untuk Malaysia. Saya guna saluran komunikasi blog milik YBhg Tun ini kerana ia adalah blog kecintaan YBhg Tun kepada Negara. Saya adalah pembaca tetap blog YBhg Tun. Harapan saya, YBhg Tun akan sudi menyokong usaha saya untuk Negara. Moga usaha saya ini memberi pengisian bermanfaat untuk memenuhi keperluan visi 2020. Terima Kasih.

    Hormat dari saya
    Mohamad Mokhtar

  7. This posting is necessarily a response to Lim Kit Siang’s tirade against the Barisan, the country he calls home and the author of this blog Tun Mahathir Mohamed.
    Kit Siang as he has for some time now demonstrated every reason why a DAP led opposition should never be elected however desperate Malaysia becomes. This is because above all, the right to debate openly and legitimately on any reasonable subject is fundamental to a functioning democracy. Kit Siang and his son do not believe in being challenged or a different opinion. Their response to a differing opinion is to silence critics by censoring them and excising their opinions from the DAP and Kit Siang blog.
    On selling off of state assets he argues thus:
    “This is an ideology that is biased in favour of corporations and capitalists.
    It is the opposite of socialism, which aspires to put people first. The neoliberal ideology was aggressively promoted around the world in the early 1980s by influential global networks of business interests and their supporters. Their mantra? Sell off public assets. Remove regulations, so big businesses can run free. Control workers’ wage demands. Cut public expenditure. Dr Mahathir joined the bandwagon. This is well-documented in books and papers.”

    What Kit Siang avoids explaining here is this. There are state corporations, private and public corporations in countries worldwide along the capitalist model. State corporations also fail or succeed. In most instances take China, India the US (half the world already) state corporations sold down to the private sector to a large part have succeeded. There have been failures. Malaysia has not slavishly followed every element of a western model which is why it is not going around begging bowl in hand like Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain (PIIGS).

    The second mistake Kit Siang makes is to make a broad sweeping statement that socialism puts people first.

    To some extent it is true. Socialism puts people first in the front line of war, in the fields to plough and anywhere else a mass movement of people is required for “the good of the state”.

    The people don’t decide that. China’s move away from socialism and the implosion of the Soviet union is testament to Kit Siang’s distortions of truth. Kit Siang and the DAP have always been apologists for the Malayan Communist Party and Chin Peng although they lack the courage to come out and say so openly. Instead they hides behind the rhetoric the communists put out in the sixties which is unsustainable and always has been the case.

    Regulation as acquired from Britain has always been an obstacle to progress. India retained it and the result there needs no further explanation. Singapore moved it out painfully and sharply but the pain only lasted a few years. The benefits far outweighed the short term inconvenience. In Malaysia workers have more rights than they do in most of Europe where migrant workers are largely treated as slaves. So too in many Asian countries. Kit Siang’s criticism is oblique and distorted at the same time. That’s because he has no real substance to his argument.

    Dr. Mahathir’s criticism of neo liberal ideology is no different to Soro’s own criticism of the American way of life or their government’s decision to underwrite medicare for the poor. It is not a sell out but the work of flexible minds willing to change according to needs and situations. Again Kit Siang’s argument appears to have that unmistakable communist ideology of casting everything in stone.

    Kit Siang must learn to be open and accept that there will always be different points of view on any subject. He does not agree and censors anyone who will not agree with him. On that’s core alone I would rather be a second class citizen in a Malay Barisan dominated country than a so called first class citizen in Chinese dominated totalitarian government. No matter how much the economic benefits, people will move away from the Singapore model in the end. 38 % of Singapore consists of foreigners. What does that say? An equal number have migrated from that “paradise”. No thanks.

  8. Vote wisely.

    Don’t vote for political parties that do not have results yet for us to see.

    BN looses 2/3 majority in 12th GE is a good lesson for BN to work as TEAM to complement each others so that they shall not make such mistakes in the future general elections to come.

    Why BN agreed to built by Putrajaya?

    BN agreed to built Putrajaya to show our official respect and acceptance that Malay must be off Muslim since our states’ Sultan and Yang Dipertuan Agong are Malay and Muslim by birth that no Malaysians can change.

    This is the traditions and cultures that we must maintained.

    Sun rises east that even the Peking men could not answered 150 thousand years ago.

    Religion is not Science.

    Please do not use religions as “senjata to jatuhkan semangat pelajar2 Sains dan Matematik negara kita”.

    I am signing out for this topic too.

  9. mgpunya December 31, 2012 at 12:38 PM

    Why worry about PAS or UMNO since acuan sudah ada dan boleh nampak dengan mata2 kita sendiri?

    Semua ahli2 politiki di Malaysia kita ni fasih dengan BM, agama2, berita Malaysia dan dunia.

    They know what should be done or should not be done since they are in this line.

    They should know the risks of bankruptcy if they failed.

    Each ones of us make mistakes and their heads are to produce leaders, not yes men/followers.

    Don’t maki PAS and PKR just because you are great supporters of UMNO.

    If UMNO cannot make it, you are part of it because no one in the world can tolerate ego tak sedar diri.

  10. Kepada HBT456,
    Saya tak tahu statement mana yang HBT456 anggap menyakitkan hati bangsa Malaysia?
    Mesej utama saya dalam komen asal saya (yang terputus menjadi 2 komen) adalah: Di kalangan rakyat Malaysia (terutamanya yang sudah mendapat benefit daripada Look East Policy ini), mungkin kita boleh tambah program-program untuk menjadikan mereka lebih berani memulakan perniagaan sendiri berdasarkan pengalaman dan budaya kerja positif yang mereka ada.

    Saya bangga melihat rakyat Malaysia membangunkan perniagaan sendiri (terutamanya small and medium-sized enterprises, atau SME). Kadang-kadang, setakat mengharapkan pelaburan asing semata-mata tak semestinya menguntungkan rakyat kita untuk jangka panjang, kerana tidak semua syarikat asing itu akan setia dengan Malaysia. Mereka lebih berminat untuk dapatkan keuntungan (profit) untuk diri mereka sahaja, tak semestinya pedulikan kesejahteraan rakyat Malaysia. Lebih baik kita tumpukan pada SME tempatan, di mana orang Malaysia sendiri akan menjadi Tuan.

    Saya tidak nafikan bahawa sememangnya sudah ada yang berani memiliki perniagaan sendiri. Saya tau, mesti sudah ada.. tapi saya merujuk kepada golongan yang belum berbuat demikian walaupun mereka mampu dari segi ilmu dan budaya kerja mereka.

  11. Kalau betul2 sayang kita, jangan buat kenyataan yang menyakitkan hati bangsa Malaysia kita ini.

    It’s general election time, we can’t stop anyone from voicing our frustrations.

    To be good Malaysians, we must obey rules and regulations.

    It’s up to you how you want others to perceive and respect you.

    Malaysia is a small population market.

    The markets of FDIs are not for Malaysian market.

    FDIs are coming back, therefore, don’t let them down again just to gain votes from people like you that made us lost so much US dollar in GDP.

  12. Kepada HBT456,
    Apa benda la kau ni. Aku pun orang Malaysia. Kau ingat aku orang putih ke? Aku tulis komen sebab aku sayang orang kita. Kau tu yang kena paham dulu komen-komen aku sebelum kau merepek macam tu. Itu masalahnya dengan orang macam kau.. Hanya tau nak tembak orang lain je tapi bukannya paham apa yang orang tu tulis. Yang paling tak senonoh ialah, aku sebenarnya tulis komen kepada Tun, bukannya kepada ko. Sedarlah diri sikit. Kau bukannya Tun.

  13. The Japanese no longer commit hara kiri after being played out by people like you.

    As for Malaysians, we love Malaysia, but we do not love sikap tak sedar Melayu like you to block bumi from moving naturally and gracefully.

    Just joking lah…no hard feelings.

  14. Dear HBT 456,
    I was not writing to you, but since you responded to me, let me just entertain you because I have the time to do so right now.

    1. When I wrote “paid slaves” – OF COURSE lah I was NOT referring to “slavery” in its strict and literal definition. You have to understand the concept of metaphores in a language. That, and also capitalism in its worst form.

    2. What are you talking about? Taking away people’s culture and food? That has got NOTHING to do with what I wrote. Do you think the Japanese and Koreans only have food companies? You’re being very funny here..

    3. I am not Chinese. You simply assume. How shameful. If you were Japanese, you would commit the Hara-kiri by now.. haha.. just joking. Relax lah wei..

  15. The greatest enemy of a younger man like “Just An Ordinary Guy” as Chinese is that he is blind copycat risk takers.

    If I want to eat Sushi and Korean food not made by Japanese, I will buy packed (tapau) sushi and kimchi ala fast food in any hypermarkets and supermarkets to dine at home.

    Each one of us has a value for pride, culture and tradition brought down by ancestors.

    If our pride, culture and tradition are taken away by copycats like “Just An Ordinary Guy”, how would the Japanese and Koreans look at the Chinese?

    Do we need a strong government today after 55 years of Independence?


    Today, we need a discipline government that strictly follows rules and policies to maintain blue print development and investments.

  16. The Western and Eastern Imperialists’ scope of national obligation in the international platform is to make sure they are not being slaved by any just “An Ordinary Guy” as Malaysian nationalists who yelled as nationalists just to show the world that he is stupid of slavery acts.

    Did Malaysian, Chinese nationals, Indians nationals, Russians, Western, Eastern Imperialists forced us to work as slaves?

    In slavery, slaves do not get salary and court and law protection from the country and the world.

  17. (Continued)

    ..Of course, the next thing that crosses my mind would be how these friends of mine should leave those Japanese companies and start their own business enterprises.. The problem is, people are still afraid to leave their salaried jobs to focus on new businesses, especially if they have to fully depend on their own savings before their business makes enough profit. I think we should do something more about that. Not just to make Malaysians better workers, but better risk-takers and entrepreneurs as well.. I would definitely like to help.


    If I am the Judge for the Appeal appointed by Agong, if all parties and lawyers are not willing to accept and respect the common rule of law in High Court, I will ask them to pay for the losses incurred by them in wasting tax payers’ monies and judges’ salary in High Court and Appeal Court.

    It’s disappointing that these senior politicians who are willing to take the highest political risks of losing their jobs to campaign for votes to serve the public supposed to set good role models for the people and Agong to fish votes legally via rule of court.

    But now they only know how eat fish via power abuse in Courts process where no one is willing to take the opportunity and challenge to educate them how to fish votes legally in the name of 5 Principles as stipulated under “Rukun Negara”.

  19. Dear Tun,
    I appreciate your justifications for the Look East Policy (even though I don’t agree with one or two of those justifications). Malaysians have been looking up to the West for far too long before that policy (well, Malaysians still do so today, so not much has changed in that sense). Although I did not get any opportunity to study or train in Japan under that policy, some of my friends did. They came back to Malaysia mainly to become workers in Japanese companies. However, after all these years, they still tell me that almost all the top positions in those companies would be reserved for Japanese people. This just makes me feel: “Damn.. We shouldn’t even be looking up to the Japanese. Eastern capitalists are not so different from Western imperialists. In the long run, we’re just going to be used as paid slaves. Even their robots get better attention.”

  20. “If you Give a Fish you eat for a day but if teach to fish you will eat for the rest of the life.”

    I believe this where the implementation was not up to expectation.



  22. Salam Tun,
    Saya adalah salah seorang penyokong dan peminat setia Tun. Saya bersyukur kepada Allah SWT kerana bertuah lahir di bumi Malaysia ini dan berada di bawah tampuk pemerintahan Tun ketika menyandang jawatan PM dahulu. Walaupun, Tun sudah bersara saya sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan semasa Tun menerusi blog ini mahupun media massa.

    Di sini, saya cuma ingin bertanya kepada Tun mengenai Projek “Jambatan Bengkok” di Johor yang tergendala dan dibatalkan ketika pemerintahan Tun Abdullah Badawi dahulu. Saya rasa pembatalannya amat merugikan negara kita. Signifikannya, ia amat penting dan mempunyai nilai tersirat jika saya berfikir dengan teliti. Jika saya lihat Jambatan tersedia yang menghubungkan antara Johor Bahru dan Singapura, air laut tidak dapat mengalir dengan baik malah ia punca kepada bau busuk. Dari sudut ekonomi pula ia amat penting kepada negara kita, di mana kapal-kapal bersaiz sederhana dapat melalui Jambatan tersebut seterusnya memilih Perlabuhan Tanjung Pelepas sebagai pilihan hub transit mereka. Justeru itu, Negara kita dapat menguasai perdagangan laut sememangnya meningkatkan ekonomi Negara kita. Apabila saya melihat cerucuk yang di tanam di sekitar persisiran pantai Johor (lokasi Jambatan Bengkok), saya berasa amat kesal di atas pembatalan projek mega berkenaan. Saya berharap idea bernas Tun ini dapat direalisasikan oleh Perdana Menteri kita sekarang YAB Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak.

    Walaupun ia mendapat tentangan daripada negara jiran mengenai Jambatan Bengkok ini, apa yang saya dan rakyat Malaysia fahami, Jambatan Bengkok tersebut tidak menceroboh negara jiran malah ia di bina dalam kawasan perairan Malaysia.

    Terima kasih.

    Izral Farha, 27 years old
    Shah Alam, Selangor.


    I know that Punjabi hates Pakistani from robbing their land and named it as Pakistan from my colleague, Ram.

    Sir Karpal Singh, what others think of you does not matter.

    I respect and accept you as the best down to earth person to me as Singh.

    Those Singh who are hired by so and so to blah…talked about macro and micro economics activities who worn the Sigh turbo can never represent our hearts as Malaysians.

    Sultan Selangor has made a clear statement that His Royal Highness does not want Muslim to be out of job, that’s why His Royal Highness can tolerate for the Muslim.

  24. Salam Tun,

    Saya menyokong Dasar Pandang ke Timur (DPkT). Tp saya stuju dasar ini dikatakan ‘berjaya’, hanya jika sebahagian besar masyarakat Malaysia dpat mencontohi sikap-sikap yg Tun sebutkan itu.

    Malangnya majoriti kita, khususnya Melayu masih gagal memahami falsafah DPkT. Cuma sebilangan saja yg berjaya menyahut cabaran. Dan hanya segelintir mampu pergi lebih jauh dengan menyumbang bakti kepada negara. Lihat saja budaya kerja masyarakat Malaysia hari ini, pun blh tau DPkT ini gagal. Tu belum lihat sikap masyarakat yg suka buang sampah merata-rata, dsb. Semua bangsa lebih kurang saja.

    Tp saya tak letakkan ‘kegagalan’ ini pd Tun. Masalahnya ialah masyarakat, bukan Tun. Tun dah buat apa yg patut. Cuma budaya yg ada liat nak hilang kerana sudah men’darah daging’ dlm jiwa. Tapi sekurang-kurangnya, ada kalangan kita yg mampu melaksanakannya dan mendapat manfaat daripada DPkT. Itu lebih baik daripada tak ada langsung. Saya dlm kategori generasi baru, pun byk belajar dan mengubah diri setelah mengetahui usaha-usaha dlm DPkT.

    Bukan mudah mengubah sikap masyarakat, Tun. Kalau semua bijak skalipun belum tentu semua usaha yg baik akan berjaya. Melainkan sebgian besarnya sedar utk mengubah sikap dan berusaha membina budaya tamadun yang lebih baik. Atau mungkin juga kena galakkan masyarakat mengamalkan budaya yg mirip budaya sekarang, tp lebih baik (yg tk perlu revolusi pemikiran/budaya yg drastik). Sbbnya tak ramai di Malaysia yg mcm Tun, yg mampu menerima kesan revolusi, yg benar-benar komited dan teguh semangatnya untuk berubah. orang Jepun, Korea, Taiwan blh berjaya sbb ada sifat-sifat tertentu yg dah wujud sbg budaya dlm jiwa mereka – misalnya bersifat objektif bila buat sesuatu.

    Berdasrkn budaya skrg, saya tak hairan 100 tahun akan dtg akan ada lg orang yg berpendirian mcm Tun masih mengeluh dgn sikap masyarakat, khususnya thdap Melayu 🙂

  25. Dear Tun,

    Look East Policy is still very relevant for Malaysians to be trained in Japan or South Korea. In the year 1984-1985 I had undergone training at NEC Corporation Japan under Look East Policy. This program is proven to be very beneficial for Malaysians (especially younger generation) to learn and practice the skills (management, technical & industry) and work ethic from the east (particularly Japan and South Korea). The idea of Look East Policy being created by Tun is extremely useful and highly appreciated.

    Thank you.

  26. Salam Tun.

    I wish to elaborate on the following statement by Tun:

    “I did not see any foreign cars but their cars did not look so good….”

    Patriotism is their greatest attribute to success. Even that shameful loss in WWII cannot diminish their Japanese pride. The fruits of success are then well spread to all walks of life in Japan.
    For instance, in order to reduce the import of rice Japanese farmers are given subsidy 10 times its market price that greatly encourage high yield/production farms while simultaneously helped increase Japan’s trade balance.

    Their success does not sacrifice the Asian/Japanese values. This scene is the opposite when comparing newborn bastards in Singapura, Hong Kong, and to some extend in Malaysia where the mothers are not ashamed to give birth to one.

    Now they are proposing Lizzy Wong, the porno queen of Malaysian politic, to be the Tourism Minister, to sell Islamic Malaysia to the world, and given full concurrence by Nik Aziz’s PAS!!!
    Even in the no-moral Western society, politicians are resigning in droves when exposed to scandals.

    And don’t forget that repeatedly-proven sex maniac called Anwar is their no. 1 candidate for the PM post!!!

  27. Askm Tun, Didoakan semuga kita semua masih terus diberi nekmat olih Allah SWT.

    “Look East Policy should be adopted by Malaysian for Malaysia” but as Tun has realised the difficulties in realising this objective which Tun has intended. The main problem is in overcoming the entrenched Malays mindset, PHD among others, so entrenched that even Islamic values cannot easily dislodge it. It can be said sometimes that the Malays need to be “converted” to Islam first then, it would be OK. Wallahu’alam.

    May Allah SWT bless us all being Malaysians.

  28. Tun

    The importance and vital function of your Blog have attracted the attention of those who want to do our beloved country Malaysia down in their final putsch. Desperadoes ! We, Malaysians, stand united to deny them and send them to kingdom come ! We will prevail !

  29. Dear Tun,

    The look East Policy posting is very interesting to read.
    1. What happened to your blog site that it could not be accessed for so many days? When it finally opens, it has been renovated with the new font and no history.
    2. Our country general election is within this 4 months, the dateline is 28 April. It may be the first time in history a government lives through to the full term of its tenure, absolutely, to the despair and frustration of the haunting opposition.
    3. Many Malaysians and I would be delighted, if you, Tun Dr Mahathir is nominated by Datuk Seri Najib to stand as a candidate for Member of Parliament and made a Senior Minister Mentor subsequently. UMNO should correct its mistake and put you back to where you belong umpama sireh pulang ke gagang atau ikan pulang ke lubuk.
    4. Your testimony on Tun Ling Leong Sik is most touching and honourable. It shows your immense courage and sense of fair play. Those who claim that you are anti Chinese and racist, can see that you are not racist at all. May God bless you. The prosecution should drop the charges against Tun Ling Leong Sik altogether.

    amin tan

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