1. The world’s population is now 8 (eight) billion.
2. That is a lot. Imagine the waste produced by this huge number of people. Mountains of rubbish will appear everywhere.
3. Especially as the world has become smaller.
4. Not physically, but in ease of communication. Now the time taken for the journey from China to Malaya has been reduced to 3 hours. Before it took 3 months.
5. And when communication is easy, countries cannot be isolated. All countries are neighbours of every country.
6. What one country does affect other countries. This may lead to conflicts and the spread of diseases.
7. But in the past humanity living in communities develop common values.
8. A sense of belonging and brotherhood develops.
9. This leads to the founding of nations, to loyalty to the states.
10. As population grows, the administration of nations become more complex and difficult.
11. Laws and rules were made to deal with challenges to governance.
12. Abiding by the rules and laws stabilises and sustain the state.
13. But now there arise conflicts between nations as the community of nations become closer to each other.
14. Wars were fought.
15. Men were killed, wounded.
16. Towns destroyed. Countries razed to the ground.
17. Just as people and communities develop common values and set up nations, there arise a need for nations to develop common values which unite them.
18. Concepts of freedom and equality were invented.
19. But over the years these concepts were interpreted to mean the right to challenge all restrictions posed by old values.
20. With this nations become ungovernable again
21. To regain power the governments resorted to new ideologies and technologies.
22. The people counter with their technologies.
23. Nations became more and more ungovernable.
24. Centuries ago monarchies were replaced by democracies.
25. The people should rule themselves.
26. But how?
27. Systems were developed.
28. Leaders were elected by people.
29. The belief was that the people would choose the best people to lead.
30. The leaders had to be given power to rule.
31. But often the people do not choose the best people.
32. They choose people from their tribe, from their parties.
33. They chose the people who bribed them.
34. And so corrupt people win and form the Governments.
35. And corrupt Governments destroy democracy.
36. In the meantime the population of the nations keep on growing.
37. Numbers give them power.
38. The Government is again challenged.
39. Then the world itself would be attacked.
40. Not by creatures from other planets.
41. But by creatures in the planet.
42. They were small.
43. They take the form of virus.
44. And they attack the whole world.
45. But despite the League of Nations and the United Nations the world remains divided.
46. And each nation cannot tackle the problem by itself.
47. Just as principalities and states merge to become nation states, now nation states must merge, partially at least to deal with common problems.
48. If they fail then there would be more common problems which cannot be dealt with effectively.