1. There is a tendency these days to condemn the National Front as being effete and an obstacle to the modern concepts of a free democratic Government. The miserable performance of the Barisan Nasional in the March elections is attributed by foreign observers as evidence of a wind of change, as a rejection of race-based politics of the past.
2. They believe that the Malay, Chinese and Indian voters voted for a change to a more liberal regime.
3. I have explained in a previous article that the debacle suffered by the Barisan Nasional was due to the voters’ disgust with the leadership of Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
5. In 1999 Elections Malay support of the Barisan Nasional was eroded because of sympathy for Anwar Ibrahim. But the Chinese strongly backed the Barisan Nasional to give it its usual 2/3rd majority and opposition stalwarts like Karpal Singh and Lim Kit Siang, who had never been defeated before, lost their seats.
6. Had the trend been towards change and rejection of the Barisan Nasional the 2004 election would show this. But far from being rejected the Barisan Nasional swept through with its best ever result, getting 9/10th of the seats in Parliament, regaining Terengganu and almost capturing Kelantan.
7. All signs point to the total acceptance of the Barisan Nasional and the Governments it had formed. And why not? Had not the Barisan Nasional built this country until it has become the most developed of developing countries, conducted free elections, brought stability and unprecedented economic development and achieved a degree of racial harmony which is the model for many multiracial countries of the world.
8. It was not all smooth sailing of course. There were problems – political, economic, religious and social. But all these had not reduced support for the Barisan Nasional or affected the progress and stability of the country under BN Governments unduly.
9. Can anyone say that the Barisan Nasional had not provided good Governments in the country? Of course the opposition cannot be expected to say it. But foreign observers have all been astounded at the progress made by this tin and rubber country which had bloomed into a modern industrial country.
10. There were people who all along had criticised what they term as the lack of democracy in this country, the “controlled” press and electronic media, the ISA (Internal Security Act) and curbs on the open discussion of sensitive issues. But obviously these people were in the minority and had never been able to influence the voters into rejecting Barisan Nasional.
11. After the stunning victory of Barisan Nasional in 2004 why has it been clearly rejected in 2008? What happened between 2004 and 2008? Can it be that after almost 50 years of supporting race-based politics the voters have decided to reject it and opt for non-racial politics? Have the people in the kampong suddenly yearned for more liberalism? If so why did they give strong support to PAS, a race-religious party which is anything but liberal?
12. Maybe the ordinary Chinese are more sophisticated than the rural Malays. Maybe they have now rejected racial politics. But as far as can be made out the Chinese are upset over the economic situation. Even hawkers and small traders; the subcontractors, the retail shops owners are unhappy with the Government. They are however very cautious about criticising Dato Seri Abdullah but when pressed they admit that they wanted Abdullah out but dared not say it aloud for fear of being accused of rejecting Malay leadership. They also worry about their businesses being singled out for some unpleasant treatment like being investigated by the Inland Revenue Board.
13. So, unable to do anything else they cast their votes for the opposition. With that the Barisan Nasional, after getting the biggest number of Parliamentary seats in the history of the Alliance / Barisan Nasional went down and achieved the worst result in its history. Was this rejection of Barisan candidates due to the rejection of the Barisan Nasional coalition?
14. The votes that the opposition parties got were not due to a desire to replace the Barisan Nasional with the unstructured Pakatan Rakyat. They were protest votes. But is it protest against the Barisan Nasional party? Is it a rejection of race-based politics? I don’t think so.
15. It is a protest against the poor leadership of the BN, rather than the BN itself. The people saw a BN leader who was indecisive, unable to deal with the increasing cost of living, flip-flopping, unable to stimulate the economy and above all is known for putting his family’s interest above that of State. Everyone knows about the 4th Floor and the role of Khairy Jamaluddin’s cronies in determining policies and deciding on the business activities of the country. People consider these arrogant young people as contributing to the poor performance of the Prime Minister.
16. The Barisan Nasional coalition is still the best political party in Malaysia. It gave due consideration to the problems of all the Malaysian parties and the races they represent. And there can be no denying that the BN had built the Malaysia that we see today.
17. It would be a pity if, as the Malay saying goes, “we burn the mosquito net because of one mosquito”.
18. What needs to be done is to get rid of the mosquito but continue to use the net.
1. Terdapat kecenderungan sejak kebelakangan ini untuk menolak Barisan Nasional sebagai tidak lagi bermaya dan penghalang kepada konsep Kerajaan moden yang bebas dan demokratik. Prestasi BN yang lemah pada pilihanraya umum Mac lalu dikatakan pemerhati asing sebagai bukti perubahan sikap, iaitu penolakan politik berlandaskan kaum sebagaimana yang diamalkan sekian lama.
2. Mereka percaya pengundi Melayu, Cina dan India mengundi untuk menukar kepada rejim yang lebih liberal.
3. Saya telah huraikan dalam artikel sebelum ini yang kemerosotan yang dialami Barisan Nasional disebabkan kebencian pengundi terhadap kepimpinan Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
4. Mari kita analisa haluan politik Malaysia sehingga ke prestasi buruk pada tahun 2008 supaya kita lebih faham akan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. Selama setengah abad Kerajaan Perikatan / Barisan Nasional telah mendapat sokongan penuh rakyat berbilang kaum. Walaupun terdapat turun naik dalam sokongan tetapi Barisan Nasional tetap akan menang pilihanraya-pilihanraya umum dengan mendapat 2/3 kerusi Parlimen. Selain Kelantan, negeri-negeri biasanya memilih Kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Sabah pada satu ketika tidak bersama Barisan Nasional.
5. Pada pilihanraya umum tahun 1999 sokongan Melayu kepada Barisan Nasional menurun kerana simpati kepada Anwar Ibrahim. Tetapi kaum Cina menyokong kuat Barisan Nasional dan seperti biasa menentukan majoriti 2/3 tercapai. Demikian orang kuat pembangkang seperti Karpal Singh dan Lim Kit Siang, yang tidak pernah kalah sebelumnya, kehilangan kerusi mereka.
6. Jika terdapat angin perubahan dan penolakan terhadap Barisan Nasional, ianya sepatutnya ditunjuk dalam pilihanraya umum 2004. Tetapi sebaliknya Barisan Nasional mencapai keputusan terbaik dengan mendapat 9/10 kerusi Parlimen, merampas kembali Terengganu dan hampir menawan Kelantan.
7. Semua isyarat menunjuk kepada penerimaan secara bulat Barisan Nasional dan Kerajaan yang ianya telah tubuhkan. Dan kenapa tidak? Bukankah Barisan Nasional telah bina negara ini hingga ianya menjadi negara yang termaju dikalangan negara membangun, mengadakan pilihanraya bebas, membawa kestabilan dan kemajuan ekonomi yang tiada bandingannya dan mencapai tahap keharmonian kaum yang menjadi contoh kepada banyak negara berbilang kaum di dunia.
8. Bukanlah ianya sentiasa tenang. Terdapat juga masalah – politik, ekonomi, agama dan social. Tetapi semua ini tidakpun mengurangkan sokongan terhadap Barisan Nasional atau menganggu kemajuan dan kestabilan negara dibawah Kerajaan BN.
9. Bolehkah sesiapa berkata bahawa Barisan Nasional tidak menyediakan kerajaan yang baik untuk negara ini? Tentulah pihak pembangkang tidak akan berkata demikian. Tetapi pemerhati asing ramai yang kagum melihat kemajuan negara bijih timah dan getah ini bertukar menjadi negara industri yang moden.
10. Terdapat mereka yang sentiasa mengkritik dengan menuduh yang negara ini kurang demokratik, media cetak dan elektronik yang dikawal, ISA (Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri) dan halangan kepada perdebatan terbuka berkenaan isu-isu sensitif. Tetapi mereka ini tergolong dalam puak minoriti dan amat jelas tidak berjaya mempengaruhi pengundi untuk menolak Barisan Nasional.
11. Selepas kemenangan Barisan Nasional yang menakjubkan pada 2004 kenapakah ianya secara terang ditolak pada 2008? Apa yang terjadi di antara 2004 dan 2008? Mungkinkah selepas 50 tahun menyokong politik berlandaskan kaum pengundi memutuskan untuk menolaknya dan menyokong politik bukan perkauman? Adakah pengundi-pengundi di pedalaman dan di kampung tiba-tiba mengkehendakkan keadaan yang lebih liberal? Jika ya kenapa mereka begitu kuat menyokong PAS, parti yang berlandaskan kaum-agama yang jauh sekali liberal?
12. Mungkin orang Cina lebih berfikiran moden daripada Melayu kampung. Mungkin mereka ini sudah tolak politik perkauman. Tetapi sebanyak mana yang diketahui, orang Cina amat tidak puas hati dengan keadaan ekonomi. Penjaja dan peniaga kecil; sub-kontraktor, pemilik kedai runcit semuanya amat tidak puas hati dengan Kerajaan ini. Mereka amat berhati-hati dalam mengkritik Dato Seri Abdullah tetapi apabila ditekan mereka akui yang mereka mahu Abdullah diusir tetapi takut menyatakannya secara terbuka kerana tidak mahu dituduh menolak kepimpinan Melayu. Mereka juga risau jika perniagaan mereka diganggu seperti disiasat Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri.
13. Oleh kerana mereka tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa mereka mengundi pembangkang. Dengan itu Barisan Nasional, selepas mencapai jumlah tertinggi kerusi Parlimen dalam sejarah Perikatan / Barisan Nasional telah tersungkur dan mendapat keputusan yang paling buruk dalam sejarahnya. Adakah penolakan calon-calon Barisan Nasional ini kerana penolakan perikatan Barisan Nasional?
14. Undi yang didapati parti pembangkang bukanlah kerana kemahuan untuk mengganti Barisan Nasional dengan Pakatan Rakyat yang tidak teratur ini. Ianya adalah undi protes. Tetapi apakah protes ini terhadap parti Barisan Nasional? Apakah ianya penolakan politik berlandaskan kaum? Saya tak fikir begitu.
15. Ianya adalah protes terhadap kepimpinan lesu BN dan bukannya terhadap BN itu sendiri. Rakyat melihat pimpinan BN yang tidak berupaya membuat keputusan, tidak berupaya menangani masalah kenaikan kos sara hidup, berdolak-dalik, tidak berjaya merancakkan ekonomi dan yang terutamanya terkenal kerana meletakkan kepentingan keluarga lebih utama daripada negara. Semua orang tahu berkenaan dengan Tingkat 4 dan peranan kroni Khairy Jamaluddin di dalam menetapkan dasar-dasar dan memutuskan aktiviti-aktiviti perniagaan negara. Rakyat melihat golongan muda yang angkuh ini sebagai menyumbang kepada prestasi lemah Perdana Menteri.
16. Barisan Nasional masih lagi parti politik yang terbaik di Malaysia. Ianya memberi banyak ruang penyelesaian kepada masalah parti-parti di Malaysia dan kaum-kaum yang mereka wakili. Dan tidak dapat dinafikan yang BN telah membangunkan Malaysia sebagaimana yang kita lihat hari ini.
17. Amat sedih jika kita, seperti kata pepatah Melayu, “marahkan nyamuk, kelambu dibakar”.
18. Apa yang harus dibuat ialah menghalau nyamuk tetapi kelambu terus dipakai.
Saya sebagai salah seorang Islam saya masih lagi kecewa dengan cara pemerintahan Tun sebelum ini. Tun meminggirkan Islam dan menyingkirkan ulama…tak perlulah diperkatakan di sini. Saya yakin BN tidak akan bertahan lama. PR akan mengambil alih kuasa dan akan memartabatkan Islam bersama PAS. Selagi kita berpegang kepada dasar Islam Ingatlah kita akan berjaya.
Kepada Tun, kembalilah kepada Islam yang sebenarnya. Didiklah isteri dan anak-anak kepada Islam…..bukan ikut pemikiran sendiri, tapi ikutlah Al Quran dan Hadis.
hari2 bc paper msti kes politik…
org2 ternama n bpangkat ni x malu ke??
bkn org dewasa je yg bc paper..
student lg lah perlu bca…
nk dptkan information…
tambah2 utk tulis karangan…
rsa muak la…
tolong la sdar sket…
malu la sket pd anak2 yg bkal jdpemimpin ngra
pd ms depan…
Tun mengapa masih menyokong asobiah UMNO tu. Tun sudah tua Tun beberapa kali keluar masuk hospital. Sekarang Tun sudah sedikit sihat dikurniakan oleh Allah. Oleh itu saya fikir elok lah Tun bersama2 kami memperjuangkan ISLAM. Bertaubatlah Tun kerana kita semua terpaksa menuju kedepan. Tinggalkan politik asobiah UMNO dan BN tu. Biarlah dipenghujung usia Tun bersama ISLAM.
Saya kalau teringatkan kisah 1998 teramat sedih apabila Anuar ditumbuk sehingga lebam mata kanan. Mengapa diinaya sebigitu rupa? Apakah Tun masih tidak insaf? Minta maaflah pada Anuar dan junjunglah Anuar untuk menjadi PM daripada pemuka2 yang pernoh dengan seribu gelaja itu. Marilah Tun semoga Allah memberi hidayat kepada TUN.
Itu terpulanglah kepada budi bicara Tun untuk menyelesaikannya kerana pada pendapat saya, Pak Lah tidak akan turun dan hanya Tun sahajalah yang menjadi harapan terakhir kami sebelum Anwar Ibramin yang binggung tu naik.
Kenaikan harga minyak secara mendadak terus menghancurkan ekonomi, lepas tu baru terpikir pasal inflasi. Stock Market jatuh merudum, tak ada langsung usaha yang dapat disandarkan untuk melihat ekonomi Malaysia akan terus berkembang.
Nasib baik saya ada buat pendapatan sampingan menerusi internet, boleh jadi income part time online…
Since you left the government, you have hardly said anything good about the government, that u actually handpicked yourself!
Its sad that after 20 plus years inside,u never cared about how UMNO behaved but now u act like everyone in it is wrong.
Macamlah when u were PM there was never any corruption or nepotism and cronyism, cuma it was better hidden so the people dont know.
Sudahlah Tun, there is a saying ‘ he who has no sins can cast the first stone’ and I think Tun tak layak nak criticise the ways of the government that U YOURSELF CREATED AND NURTURED. Please, enjoy your retirement, spend some time with your grandchildren, go to the mosque and pray for forgiveness on all the duit rakyat that u took and forgiveness from people that you did bad against.
Salam Tun,
Sebagai rakyat Malaysia kini sy takut melihat senario politik sekarang, ternyata Pak Lah gagal mempamerkan kemampuan sebagai seorg pemimpin. Sedih melihat 22 tahun Tun bersusah-payah meletakkan negara hingga ke tahap ini tetapi dimusnahkan dengan cara begini..
untuk PRU13 akan datang, sy tak akan mengundi.. sebab tak tau siapa yg harus diundi? nk undi BN sakit hati, nk undi pembangkang lagi tak boleh pakai..
Mungkin tun boleh membantu menasihati Pak Lah secara peribadi, inilah bila kroni dicampur adukkan dengan pentadbiran..
susah nak cari pemimpin yang betul2 berkaliber sekarang ni…
pada pendapat saya Pak Lah takkan berhenti dari jadi PM selagi menantu kesayangan dia tak dapat tempat yang kukuh di dalam UMNO… nampak sangat dan begitu jelas dan terang perbuatannya tu
KJ pula saya rasakan dia adalah seorang pemimpin yang teruk… contoh yang paling baik tengoklah apa yang dah jadi dengan FAM kendalian dia… habis hancur, sedih bila tengok liga bola sepak negara kita cuma dalam kategori E… padahal liga jiran kita S League bola capai kategori B walaupun masih lagi boleh dikatakan baru… itu belum kira masalah dalam FAM yang entah apa-apa lagi… duit belanjawan untuk FAM dekat RM10 juta yang mertua dia bagi itu dia buat apa?
Anwar pula terang-terang bukan pemimpin yang baik… sanggup guna politik wang untuk tarik orang BN untuk masuk PKR… bagi dia wang adalah perkara paling penting dalam hidup
namun saya kurang faham kenapa Tun memilih Pak Lah untuk menggantikan Tun suatu masa dulu… adakah untuk meredakan kemarahan rakyat terhadap BN? yalah dulukan ramai yang tak suka Tun, jadi Tun jadikan Pak Lah yang berpersonaliti baik (?) sebagai pengganti? PRU11 dulu memang terang-terang BN menang besar kerana Pak Lah sebab nampak macam pemimpin yang tenang kan? tapi sekarang jelas dia tidak bersedia untuk memimpin negara apabila ada masalah dalam negara dan gagal menangani dengan baik
Tun mempunyai penilaian yang bagus terhadap seseorang kerana Tun juga adalah orang pertama yang dapat mengesan dan mengkritik kepimpinan Pak Lah secara terang-terangan
mungkin kekesalan Tun yang paling besar adalah membenarkan Pak Lah menjadi pemimpin negara…harap Tun dapat selesaikan masalah ini secepat mungkin…rakyat Malaysia kini semakin takut dengan keadaan politik Malaysia yang tak menentu
Salam Tok Det,
Nak tau kenapa semua ini terjadi dan sejak bila?
Bila dia takda dulu, kita semua bahagia sahaja.
Mana ada orang yang tunjuk besar kepala.
Bila dia dibebaskan sahaja, negara terus kucar kacir.
Dendamnya dia macam tak ingat Tuhan kat atas sana.
Macam Tuhan tu akan terlepas pandang semua tindak tanduk dia.
No 7: being the most developed in the “developing” category..sounds good. But if this is true, then it can be safely assumed that Singapore is already in the “developed” category.
No 11: well, maybe now the PAS is “more liberal” than BN? I’m not sure though….
No 16: Absolutely agree with you here. BN is currently the best political group in the nation, and had been for over 50 years. What Malaysia is today is the work of BN. And in fairness, the 50 years of progress is attributed to BN, and so the current economic recession must also be attributed to BN, am i right?
No 17: Yes, it would be a pity to lose a net for one mosquito. But if this net only blocks one type of mosquito but let other types fly in, then this net is not much of a net, isn’t it?
Dear Tun
Yes Yes Yes It is true!!! Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim dah berjaya memperolehi 42 kerusi tambahan to take over the government.
The kerusi are:
18 kerusi dari IKEA
14 kerusi dari Courts Mammoth
10 kerusi dari Fella design
Tetapi tak tentu lagi berapa meja.
In fact, DSAI only suka 1 kerusiâ¦the one di dalam PMâs office.
salam ramadhan dan Tun,insyaallah panjang umur Tun untuk betulkan apa yg kurang betul dlm Malaysia ni Tun ye..
Assalamualaikum Tun.. Semoga sentiasa sihat sekeluarga..Saya lahir pada tahun Tun di lantik menjadi Perdana Menteri yang ke-4. Selama hidup di bawah kepimpinan Tun, memang terasa keselesaan dan aman. Walaupun kadang tu ada juga yang mengungkit pasal perkauman dan perkara-perkara yang boleh mengganggugugat kestabilan negara tapi Tun dapat mengatasi masalah-masalah negara dengan penuh kebijaksanaan Tun dengan adil dan dipersetujui. Tetapi sekarang ini dengan situasi yang tidak menentu, saya berasa tidak selamat lagi di negara sendiri. Ramai yang mempersoalkan kepimpinan Pak Lah. Kebanyakan kaum dan ramai kawan-kawan saya yang terdiri dari berbilang kaum mengaku mereka bukan menyokong Datuk Seri Anwar tetapi mereka inginkan perubahan dari kerajaan dan alternatifnya ialah parti pembangkang. Terasa amat sedih sebab parti yang dulunya amat teguh kini semakin rapuh..Semoga ada perubahan dalam kerajaan sebab saya tidak mahu Malaysia di bawah kepimpinan Anwar.
Salam my dear Tun
Someone wrote somewhere in your blog recently saying that our Tun was a dictator during his time. No doubt he appeared to be one or even one, but it was only because he saw no one was fit or could match his capability and knowledge to lead the country then. Those who came closed to Tunâs calibre at that time and for their bad timing, they came and went. However, it is sad that Tun has finally succumbed to retirement, and in the haste of situations, he chose and appointed AAB to be his successor. Unfortunately, this was one of his mistakes, if not, his biggest mistake among others that Tun is trying hard to correct. We should all give him the support and not condemning the man who has the will and a big heart to do something for our country even in his retirement. Give Tun the platform, be it political or not..hear him out personally and then judge. Donât be too quick to pass judgement and placed our Tun in the category of Hitler and the likes. It is unthinkable. Do think carefully before one cruxify a person. It only leaves a very bad taste in everybodyâs mouth.
As for Tunâs sons, what was so wrong for them to be involve in business then? Wouldnât any smart children do the same when opportunites are there? Funny how, the critic was oppotunistic enough to do so and yet criticised. Nonetheless, what would one expect Tunâs sons to do then? Sit and be spoilt to the tilt? A good father would not allowed his children to do that. In business, no matter what and who, there will always be competition. Anyone can compete if they feel they have the leverage. Needless to say, at least his sons did not connivingly interfere in their fatherâs premeirship, unlike some who tends to run before they can even crawl and that, it causes the nation a big political mess today. Seriously, look around us today and honestly say if it is the same as it was during Tunâs era. My point exactly. So in all decency, please do not feel bitter or blame somebodyâs son or sons if they are given the opportunities to make good their livelihood and having a noble man as their father. Therefore, using a synonym name like âjusticeâ does not live up to its merits. Nothing intentional or being biased here..just looking from the outside of the box. In all respect, for someone to redicule someone elseâs children, especially when their children have done nothing wrong to the nation or to anyone, is somehow seems undignified and uncalled for. Peace. Syabas.
“16. The Barisan Nasional coalition is still the best political party in Malaysia. It gave due consideration to the problems of all the Malaysian parties and the races they represent. And there can be no denying that the BN had built the Malaysia that we see today.”
asalamualaikum tun
1)saya agree with the above..
2)parti2 dlm BN tu mcm2 daging lah kan..mungkin ada daging2 yg sikit2 busuk/buruk..
3)tapi tun mesti ada dengar ungapan ni..”daging busuk/buruk di cuci cuci boleh di mamah jugak…”
4)tapi kalu ‘hati busuk’ payah sikit……
5)hati busuk dlm tulang kerangka di kendung kesana kemari..dilaknati Tuhan…
6)’hati busuk’ ni tak mengeluarkan bau..sebab tu susah nak trace
7)moralnya… jgnlah mudah terpedaya dgn Pakatan2 lain yg kita tak tahu hala tuju sebenarnya….
8)hidup BN, malaysia Boleh..
9)ooppss beware of ‘lanun IT’ or ‘peeping tom’….mereka berilmu tapi sentiasa menghalalkan cara…mereka mmg tak faham akan dosa pahala..
eee..seram dgr psl pirate dari gulf of eden tu….harap anak2 kapal selamat…
10)tun sihat ek?..sayang tun…
11)masa balik kampung baru2 ni emak saya bagi komen ada nampak tun buka puasa dgn agung dan paklah dalam tv3..dia kata dah lama tak nampak tun dlm tv…he..he..
By Fadzil ‘s idol “DrM” on September 14, 2008 1:19 AM
Sdr. ‘Fadzil’s idol “DrM”,
We @ chedet.com had recognised his ‘damning’ contributions since the day “ABI” signed in.
In recognition of his ‘ never failed to amazed’ contributions, we had no choice but to name a Ward at Tampoi after him ‘ THE ‘ABI'(AGGRAVATED BRAIN INJURY) WARD. VISITATION DENIED.
Dearest Sifu Tun
In my opinion, the current PM should have at least have the courtesy to call upon the former, Tun, who chose and appointed him and have prim discussions over tea or coffee intead. Was it the prophet who goes to the mountain or the mountain goes to the prophet? Point given. Syabas.
Dearest Old Sifu,
It is surprising indeed to get a comment of such negative magnitude from you regarding AAB. Perhaps it may be because of your age that you forget that AAB was your most loyal and trusted employee and you were his most respected mentor. He was personally handpicked from a list of numerous other outstanding candidates to lead this beloved country and you did not deliberate much in coming to that decision because of your high regards for him. I am quite sure your mum and dad would have religiously taught you not to embarrass anybody in public like that. If you have any bones to pick with AAB you can always do what your mum and dad would have instructed you. Call him over and have a proper and prim discussion.
My dearest TDM
I couldnât help laughing when I read and heard in the news PM having a âpow-wowâ with his No.2. Seriously, itâs more like âBow Wowâlike the master restraining his lap dog. I donât understand why the lap dog would not stand up to his master, unless of course he is afraid of the possibility of being castrated. Funny how a person can worry so much about that when he has got no balls to start with. (pun intended). Seriously, itâs about time to stop playing cupid and stop acting as if it is gentlemanly. In due respect, why is there a need for the grassrootsâs decision on the transition plan? This decision is strictly for and solely for the No.2 and it is personal between the No.1 and the No.2. Is it the lost of memory that the upholding principles and duty of being NO.2 in the party heirachy and BN coalitions are forgotten? Agreed that it is correct and honourable to stand by your master in time of needs but at this point of time, the nationâs needs are even greater. Has it been so complacently forgotten? If memory serves me correctly, some kid once said openly he wants to become the youngest PM in Malaysian history at the age of 40. Wow that is definitely a hard-driven ambition for a kid. This makes one wonder how old our YAB Sly Fox is going to be in 2010? Donât look at meâ¦I am speechless.
On a brighter side, Muhyddin and Zaid Ibrahim and perhaps a few more notable politicians like them are still in existence after all. I must admit it is very noble of the two to stand up and be counted. This separates a politician from a âpoliticianâ. Kudos to them. However, why is it so relevant in rejecting the resignation? A person resigns simply because he or she have stopped believing in the management or having faith in their credibility anymore. If this awakening does not wake up the PM…then really, I donât know what will. Syabas.
Salam Ayah Tun,
Bagi saya air pili bomba, biar saya spray kat diorang ni..
sebenarnya, saya tak nampak langsung apa yang pak lah sumbang kepada negara kita ni..asyik nasihat je hari-hari dalam TV..boring..we need a good leader like you Ayah Tun..
For my opinion, Pak Lah should quit and step down. Rakyat dah banyak menderita di bawah pemerintahan Pak Lah.. Bosan, jelek dan jemu dengan situasi politik sekarang.. UMNO akan hidup kembali dengan terhapusnya parasit dan hipokrit di dalam kerajaan dan parti-parti. hapuskan rasuah dan eksploitasi.
Reply by Sarawakian_06 to mcguyver99,
By mcguyver99 on September 15, 2008 9:58 PM
To Sarawakian_06 on September 15, 2008 6:33 PM
Quote[What I have observed nowadays Tun, If mostly Chinese in majority state i.e. Sarawak, and etc, I do observe they seldom watch Malaysian Tv programs, they preference to watch Astro programs or independent-parabola TVs from Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. This very upset us YBhg Tun, It look like our effors to enhance malaysian unity goes into drain. Because unity start from home.Even they are not fluent to speak BM compared to Indonesian Chinese who they are fluent and proud to speak bahasa indonesia.How should we blame Tun?? Adakah salah ibu mengandung??]
[Watching TV programs are very subjective to individual interest lah~~~~ Do you believe that me with my NON-MALAY friends and some MALAY friends went to cinema watch CICAKMAN, SEPET, SEPI, JGN PANDANG BELAKANG, PUTERI GUNUNG LEDANG and etc???? Malaysian TV programs are very boring compare to creative HKG, China and Taiwan programmes… even my Malay frens admitted!!! You said Malaysian Chinese not fluent in BM, show me PROOF! Do you want me to show u my SPM Bahasa Malaysia result to you?? I think even some Malays cant get A1 result in their SPM… so please stop B*llSh*ting here…]
Hello mcguyver99,
You may not agree at what I said above. But bear in mind, what I said true and fact. Even I agree with you but you are not represented the whole of your community especially your peers from other states like sarawak.
I guess you are malaysian chinese from peninsula. Peninsula chinese generally integration within malaysian are good but Sarawakian chinese are difference in term of their characters towards indegenius people. It might be due to their economically better, they are rich, majority in urbans – and 2nd majority population in the state. Please you go to urban town like Sibu, you ‘ll find what I said is true. Gangsterism also well-known.
Look at some at sarawakian chinese MPs, spoke BM badly after 45 years independent in Malaysia. It is ashamed us.
Regards – Sarawakian_06 is not a racist.
Salam Tun,
Seperti yang Tun katakan kroni Khairy begitu rakus untuk menguasa dan mengepalai bahagian² UMNO seluruh negara. Gerakan mereka ini adalah untuk memastikan mereka boleh terus berkuasa sekiranya salah seorang dari kroni mereka ini jatuh atau rebah dalam permainan politik ini.
Sebagai contoh yang boleh saya berikan disini mengenai pemilihan diperingkat bahagian dan cawangan yang sedang berjalan kini. Kebanyakan adalah orang luar yang mana mereka ini masuk ke kawasan yang dulunya milik orang tempatan atau anak jati tetapi mereka mengambil alih dengan cara paling kotor dalam politik iaitu dengan menggunakan wang. Ada terdapat dimana ketua-ketua cawangan ditawarlam dengan habuan RM1500.00 seorang sekiranya mencalonkan dirinya untuk menjadi ketua Bahagian. Bayangkan orang luar yang masuk ke bahagian ini kemudian mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan yang mana selama ini diterajui oleh anak jati. Bagaimana perasaan orang lama/veteran yang sebelum ini berjuang demi agama bangsa dan negara..?? mereka seolah-olah tidak wujud dengan kemunculan orang luar yang lebih berharta.
Kononnya politik wang tidak dibenarkan dan akan dibasmi…tetapi bagai mana yang terjadi di bahagian saya.? Untuk pengetahuan Tun, saya dari Bahagian Baling, Kedah. Agak terkilan kiranya orang yang menerajui UMNO Bahagian Baling adalah orang yang Kalah pada pilihanraya 2008 dia pArlimen BaliNg…
Saya amat berharap sekiranya Tun dapat memberi komen dalam rencana akan datang dalan blog Tun ini.
Sekian, terima kasih.
(Versi Bahasa Malaysia di akhir komen ini)
Salam and happy fasting to Tun n all viewers.
1.Talking about Putrajaya, I agree with you Tun, Putrajaya looks dull at night except around Masjd Putra. I think it is because of the lights, food outlets and Putrajaya cruise. The view is mavellous especially at night. Alamanda also has a good attraction. An invalueable mesterpiece from you. Thank you very much Tun.
2.Currently, our Government is building a new mosque called Masjid Besi(Steel Mosque). Made of 70% steel, I agree this mosque is very unique and it can be Putrajaya’s new monument. However, I have few doubts regarding this matter.
3.For me, Masjid Besi’s location is not strategic at all. Behind Jabatan Pendaftaran and not far from Masjid Putra. We can even hear azan from Masjid Putra. Is it a strategic place? I think Putrajaya is large enough and i don’t understand why we have to build another big mosque there.
4.I know we will get big reward from Allah if we build new mosque.But with Masjid Besi’s RM180m price tag, does it look like we are wasting a big chunk of money? And most important thing is, the existing Masjid Putra is not 100% full even during solat Jumaat.
5.Right now, Masjid Besi is almost 60% built. We can’t reverse back or collapse the mosque. We have go on with development. Hopefully after this, our government will think deeply before starting any new project.Thank you.
Salam dan selamat berpuasa kepada Tun dan semua.
1.Bercakap tentang Putrajaya, saya bersetuju dengan Tun, Putrajaya nampak membosankan pada waktu malam kecuali Masjid Putra. Mungkin kerana limpahan lampu, kedai makan dan bot Putrajaya. Pemandangannya memang cantik. Alamanda pun ada tarikan yang tersendiri.Sentuhan yang tidak ternilai daripada Tun.Terima kasih Tun.
2.Sekarang, kerajaan sedang membina sebuah masjid baru yang dipanggil, Masji Besi.Dibina daripada 70% besi, saya bersetuju bahawasanya masjid ini amat unik dan ia boleh menjadi monument baru di Putrajaya.Walaubagaimanapun, saya ada beberapa kemusykilan berhubung perkara ini.
3.Pada saya, lokasi Masjid Besi langsung tidak strategik.Dibelakang Jabatan Pendaftaran dan tidak jauh daripada Masjid Putra. Malah, kita boleh mendengar azan daripada Masjid Putra. Adakah ianya tempat yang strategik? Saya rasa Putrajaya itu memang cukup luas dan saya tidak faham mengapa kita harus membina sebuah lagi masjid besar di kawasan itu.
4.Saya tahu, kita akan beroleh pahala yang besar kalao kita bina masjid baru. Tetapi, dengan harga RM180j, tidakkah ianya seperti satu pembaziran? Dan yang paling penting, Masjid Putra yang sedia ada pun tidak 100% dilimpahi dengan jemaah walaupun semasa solat Jumaat.
5.Sekarang, Masjid Besi sudah hampir 60% siap. Kita tidak boleh berpatah balik apatah lagi meruntuhkan masjid itu. Kita perlu teruskan juga. Harap selepas ini, kerajaan kita akan memikirkan sedalam-dalamnya sebelum memulakan sesuatu projek baru.Terima kasih.
Saya hairan yer Tun mengapa mereka tak pernah terfikir selama ini mereka menuntut di sekolah2 yang dikendalikan kerajaan BN.
Sudah 50 tahun BN memerintah Malaysia,banyak anak2 yang berpelajaran sekarang ini sama ada mereka dari keturunan Melayu,India,China ataupun sebagai nya,semua nya belajar di sekolah kerajaan tapi bila dah pandai……..dah dapat diploma…….mereka menentang nya.Dimana kepala otak mereka yer Tun?
BN yang diterajui Parti UMNO sudah banyak berjasa pada rakyat…apakah rakyat lupa?Perlu kah kerajaan sekarang digugurkan.
Orang2 yang punya niat nak menolak kerajaan BN adalah orang2 yang sangat bodoh sekali.Bodoh dulu belum hilang….bodoh baru dah mendatang.BN mahupun UMNO tak akan jatuh selagi orang2 Melayu khusus nya dan orang yang beragama Islam am-nya tak kira sama ada ianya melayu,india mahupun china berdiri tegak dibelakang pemimpin nya, tapi……tapi….pemimpin yang sekarang harus berundur dan beri laluan kepada pemimpin yang baru dan lebih berkaliber.
Hidup BN…Hidup UMNO…Hidup Melayu di bumi barakah Malaysia.
Selamat sejahtera Tun Sekeluarga,
Seharusnya diberi pujian di atas komen dan kritikan yang Tun ajukan. Saya yakin rakyat lebih bijak dari pemimpin menentukan hala tuju kerajaan yang telah terbina lama.
Saya yakin, Tun kembali kedalam UMNO untuk mantapkan BN, 90% rakyat akan kembali kelandasanya semula.
“Hidup Tun Hidup UMNO” Tun selamatkan maruah UMNO & BN..kami ingin nasib rakyat terbela, negara maju kami hidup senang.
Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin..
Good morning Tun,
Yesterday, I sat with a friend and we talk about the leadership of UMNO and suddenly he told me that Pak Lah is only suitable to be the MUFTI or perhaps Menteri Agama Malaysia.
Fikir2kan betul jugak memandangkan background ugama nya berasas.
I don’t think he is a suitable to be PM and infact from the beginning I already guess that you make the wrong choice Tun but I don’t blame you…sorry lah.Tapi saya harap benar selepas Perhimpunan Agung UMNO hujung tahun ini,akan ada perubahan besar lah dalam UMNO.UMNO akan rasa lebih tertekan jika perhimpunan ini nanti hanya omong2 kosong dan tak ada pembaharuan.Pak Lah should step down untuk kembalikan kegemilangan Malaysia dimata dunia.
UMNO as the leader of the ruling party harus lebih tegas lagi lebih2 lagi towards Hindraf.If I’m not wrong Hindraf is not a legal political party in Malaysia and berdasarkan keagamaan sama seperti Jemaah Islamiah.If we can label Jemaah Islamiah as a terrorist then we should consider Hindraf the same.Hindraf is not representing the Indians but representing the Hindus same2 like JI.The govt should consider the unity of the people of every races and not only particular people that they need to please.The future of Malaysia is basically depends on the racial harmony which the govt should find a way to stimulate it and with the govt that Malaysia have right now,I don’t think they will be able to be achieve.A new govt is not required but what Malaysia needed most is a new leadership which I mean of course the PM and some of their Ministers.Some of the Ministers selected by the PM are very lousy to me.
Sorry but this is real..think about it.
DOLLAH.. Ingat mentadbir Negara, bukannya sama seperti berniaga!!!! klu perniagannya GAGAL, Pemilik Syarikat tersebut boleh membangunkan lagi Empayar perniagaannya!!!!!!!!!!!! TETAPI PEMIMPIN@KETUA yg telah hilang keredebilitinya dimata RAKYAT… TIDAK SESEKALI PEMIMPIN ITU BERJAYA untuk membeli kepercayaan rakyat……. oleh itu DOLLAH lebih baik letak Jawatan dengan kadar segera…… RAKYAAT tidak akan tertipu lg…..
letak lah Jawatan beramai-ramai bersama-sama DOLLAH…
mungkin DOLLAH malu buat sorang2…. Jangan tunggu @ buat alasan banyak kerja yg nak buat…… MATI HIDUP SEMULA kerjas xkn HABIS… DOLLAH kena tau tu……..
saya sedih kerana saya ingatkan Pak Lah mempunyai kepimpinan seperti Tun Dr Mahathir MOhamad. saya tidak berhak untuk mengkritik sesiapa malah saya hanya seorang pelajar sekolah. namun, Pak Lah tidak terlalu tegas, dan tidak banyak mengambil berat dalam soal politik,menyebabkan isu-isu remeh timbul dalam politik. banyak kes-kes politik di uarkan-uarkan di dada akhbar. Barisan Nasional, tidak kiralah siapa pemimpinnya, perlulah bersatu demi kekuatan parti. apa-apa pun terjadi, hanya pemimpin yang kuat, tegas, berkaliber seperti Tun dan perdana menteri terdahulu dapat mentadbir negara. pemimpin tegas, negara aman dan makmur. pemimpin lemah, negara huru-hara. bergantunglah kepada pemikiran seseorang dalam memilih pemimpin mereka. salah pilih, binasalah negara. tepat pilih, aman makmur negara kite kecapi.
**sedih kerana tahun 2008, banyak isu politik dibangkitkan dalam zaman pemerintahan Pak Lah. Bersatu adalah satu contoh terbaik, tidak kira kaum, India, Cina, Melayu, kaum etnik Sabah dan Sarawak, perlulah bersatu padu agar negara menjadi aman dan makmur. Pemimpin yang sebenar, tegas, berkaliber, mantap dapat menjamin keselamatan, kemakmuran negara. bukan berfikir untuk kepentingan diri dimana membenci dan ingin membalas dendam dengan mengundi parti lain. barisan nasional tetap no.1 dihati rakyat malaysia. walaupun terdapat segelintir memilih dan mengundi parti lain kerana perasaan marah dalam kelemahan pucuk kepimpinan barisan nasional. barisan nasional tidak salah, tapi kepimpinannya dipersoalkan. Malah, Barisan Nasional banyak memberikan sumbangan besar kepada negara. banyak kemudahan dapat dinikmati rakyat. saya menyusun ampun dan maaf jika terdapat salah dan silap dalam apa yang saya ungkapkan. selamat menjalani ibadah puasa kepada Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sekeluarga. wassalam.
siapa yg pilih abdullah – TUN
Sebenar nya Pak Lah ambil alih parti yg dah reput. Sebelum Pak Lah siapa yang pimpin parti yg reput ini.
Masa Pak Lah banyak juga orang yg kena tangkap rasuah sebelum Pak Lah berapa orang yg kena tangkap. Sikit sangat.
Sudahlah UMNO ni dah tenat bacakan Yasin saja.
Dearest Tun
âTo see the fruit, the plant needs to be nurtured properly right from the beginning.â
Sad to say, our Malaysianâs politics and its nature does not pave the way for such believes. We have left behind a legacy but none to fulfill or uphold the legacy for decades to come. Our politicans are basically inclined to âcari makanâ sendiri bukan âTak Ingin Aku Sendiriâ. Similarly the same with sports in this country. Where are the great âMokthar Dahariâs today? This is where our nation lacks behind. To have a better breed of populations, we need to inculcate and really teach the youngs from young. We are only good in delivery but poor in maintenance. But today, sadly we appeared to have NONE. Syabas.
Hullo my dear Tun
The Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albarâs explanation that Sin Chew Jit Poh reporter, Tan Hoon Cheng was arrested under Section 73(1) of the Act because her safety was under threat..is laughable. He is indeed the Biggest Joke of the Year. This goes to show that this learned politician, like many of those in the present government have been in the executive administration for far too long. Hence, their brains do not think wisely let alone, functionally. There are too many âYes Menâ in the government. It is now a good time to bring in fresh young blood and new untested ideas into the government, lead by an intelligent and caring and experienced politician and not by a young kid with fiery intentions. Do we have such a person at this point in time in our present executive line up besides Tun? Coming close to the fact, again I illiterate that Tengku Razaleigh and Muhyddin will be the nationâs next best choice comparing to what we have with the current in waiting. Tengku Razaleigh for his business and financial intellect and political outlook. Muhyddin for his true grit and experience and sincerity. Rais will be good but a soft hearted and soft spoken politician will only get thumb in by his fellow politicians eventually. So UMNO, the ball is at your feet..Cepat bangun and get back on your feet before your party and the nation erode further. Do something meaningful for the nation and for your party. Just do it laaa. ï)))
Dear Tun,
Ada setengah pihak menuduh Tun sebagai pendendam terhadap Pak Lah. Saya berfikir pandangan tersebut tidak masuk akal. Cetek pemikiran!
Sebenarnya Pak Lah tidak ada mental kapasiti untuk menerajui pimpinan negara sebagai Perdana Menteri. He is just pure useless. He doesn’t have the charisma and intelligence to hold such high position. He has been tested for the last 5 years but acheived nothing. Nothing to be proud of. The majority of the rakyat is aware that he is too weak to manage a multi-racial country. NO idea, no nothing but simply talk with no substance!!
It is best for him to resign rather than being ridiculed everyday about his poor performance.
Salam Tun,
Saya rasa masih belum terlambat untuk UMNO memperbaiki kedudukan nya diperingkat Nasional asalkan semua ahli nya bermuaafakat untuk be more realistic.The leader has to step down and beri laluan pada keinginan ramai ahli2 nya.UMNO wujud kerana keinginan orang2 melayu keseluruhan nya dan bukan hanya sebahagian nya maka keputusam MT bukan lah keputusan ramai maka keputusan yang telah dibuat harus digugurkan.Masih ada ramai lagi yang saya rasa berkelayakan untuk memimpin UMNO lebih2 lagi dari golongan muda yang punyai banyak idea.Tun boleh lah jadi mentor bagi golongan muda ini semua.Melayu perlukan darah baru or we call new blood to stimulate back the actual strentgh of UMNO.Orang2 lama selain dari Tun can just be the back bencher.Put all the old guards to be the Deputy and the new young ones and more educated to be the Minister.I believe those young bloods got hell of good ideas which will bring UMNO forward and enter the new era of leadership.The old guards may step backward and just give a guide to the new ones.UMNO yang ada sekarang sudah tak relevant lagi dimata rakyat so they need a change.PM should step down without delay if he does not want to see a major disaster in UMNO.When LKY becomes the PM of Singapore,his age if I’m not wrong is only about 31,why can’t Malaysia have a PM as young as him or slightly older.Don’t tell me Malaysia does not have one with high calibre like him.I believe with the populations of a few million people,sure there is more than one…..believe me.
assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun yg sangat2 saya kasihi…saya doakan semuga Ayahanda ,Bonda sekeluarga sentiasa sehat walafiat dan dipanjang kan umor……..aminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn……….
Semuga perpaduan yg telah dididik kepada kami oleh pemimpin2 terdahulu terutama oleh Ayahanda Tun akan terus berkembang dan mekar bak sekuntum bunga ros yg indah nan semerbak mewangi.
Olih itu wahai bangsa Malaysia sekelian jangan lah merosak kan keindahan dan kewangian ros tersebut.
Dear Tun,
Just in addition to my previous reply. If you can’t really accept the critic from people, don’t make this blog. Maybe I’m wrong but I hope you don’t selectively accepted the information and create a phenomenon as “The Malaysian are supporting me”.
Dear Tun,
It’s hard to believe that within just 4 years time the people has rejected race-based politics. But believe me, from 8th March 2008 onward, we start to believe this could happen and it has happened. Through the landslide victory in PRU 12, the people has seen the light of non race-based politic.
In PRU 12, it was an astonishing scene for me to see the so much Indian rose the DAP flag everywhere within their housing area.
It was also surprisingly to see the Chinese in Kelantan was supporting the PAS, the only party that fear so much. I remembered in 1999 the Chinese shown their full support to you because they were too scare of PAS. What come into my thought was: Hey, We should be able to live like brother & sister since long, without boundary. What keeping us so long! The answer for this is Malaysia are dominated by race-based party that using the divide-&-rule tactic to control the people.
In front of Chinese, MCA demonized PAS while in front of Malays, UMNO demonized DAP. The people can never discuss the sensitive issues publicly under ruling of BN and hence, each races hardly know each other well. Whenever any sensitive issue was raised by the opposition party, UMNO/MCA will stir up the issue and later on act as the protector to their own races. Malaysian were forever mingled into the race politic played by these parties & neglected the actual problems of the country & the corruption goes on until now…
Again Tun, if in PRU 12, people vote PR instead of BN due to incapability of Abdullah Ahmad Betawi, then in 1999 the Chinese voted you because of fear of Islamic state rose by PAS. The Chinese were never fully supported you & instead had felt into the game played by MCA by demonizing PAS.
P/S: My post were not posted for twice in your blog and I hope you let this post to be seen by the others!
The Star Online > Nation
Monday September 15, 2008 MYT 2:08:03 PM
Muhyiddin: I ainât quitting
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said he will not resign from his Cabinet post as demanded by his Cabinet colleagues after he had asked the Prime Minister to reconsider the 2010 power transition plan.
He said that what he had said last week was not wrong because he was only voicing out the sentiments of Umno members.
âI was giving my own opinion and the viewpoint of the grassroots party members.
âI didnât issue a statement asking the Prime Minister to resign, but I only asked him to reconsider the transition plan because the time frame is too long,â he told reporters after launching the National Women Entrepreneur Awards 2008 here on Monday.
Umno supreme council member Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim was quoted as saying that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should take action against Muhyiddin, while Minister in the Prime Ministerâs Department Datuk Zaid Ibrahim said Muhyiddin should resign from the Cabinet if he is not happy with Abdullah.
Abdullah had expressed his surprise over Muhyiddinâs statement because the transition plan was agreed to by the Cabinet and the Umno supreme council.
Dear Dr. M,
Muhyiddin should just continue advocating the change of leadership to prove his sincerity in what he says.
He should stop beating around the bush and get to the point. I am sure he would be able to garner more support from Umno members along with those in the other BN component parties.
At this point of time, people are tired of waiting for him to make the stand. I am bored of watching him stalling the inevitable contest of power.
And why does PakLah have to be so concerned about with whatever Muhyiddin has said. Umno is a democratic party and it should allow the democratic process to work its magic. Yes I am confident that somewhere and somehow PakLah would lose the support and be defeated by his own backward legacy. It is inescapable but PakLah would not be able to hold on to power for long.
As for the other cabinet ministers, they should just accept the reality that their boss will have to relinquish his power. They would have to accept the fact that they would lose their positions and their political prestige. But there should not be any disappointment on their side, as the ending of this administration would end this sad era. Umnoâs legacy has been wiped out by one person, and that person would merely fade out from our history books.
Giving a chance to Muhyiddin, I am sure he would want the power ultimately to run and manage our country (they all do). But I believe he is in a better position and political dignity to try to move the country back to Vision 2020. The longer he delays, the more impossible it gets for Malaysia to rebound, economically and socially.
I am favorable to seeing a change to Umno and its allies. We need a strong leader with an intelligent mind, wise and fair. We need to have hope again and we need to rebuild our economical might, despite the US recession. We have done it before and in the future, God willing, we will be able to do it again and again.
The prerequisite of a successful economy is naturally national unity and racial harmony.
Assalamualaikum wbt
Tun yang diingati
Bagi saya bukan sebab orang marah atau tak percaya dengan kepimpinan Pak Lah lagi tetapi orang dah meluat dan muak dengan BN yang telah semakin uzur dan makin nyanyok terutamanya dalam UMNO sendiri. Semua pemimpin yang ada ibarat semakin hari semakin kalut dan kacau fikiran.Yang tuanya kelihatan terketar-ketar dan yang muda pula kelihatan tiada maruah diri.
Sebelum negara ini terus sakit dengan tenat bersama BN/UMNO, lebih baik la rakyat cari alternatif lain. Saya nak peringatkan Tun dan peminat semua, jangan jadi taksub dan dikhuatiri menjadi syirik apabila mengatakan HANYA BN SAHAJA YANG MAMPU BAWA MALAYSIA MENJADI NEGARA MAJU.Ingat sampai sampai terlanjur.
Salam tun,
U have my full support…..
Simple FACTS – Why the words ‘wind of change appears’now?
Why these words have not appeared during your (TUN) time?
UMNO is now like a plate of ‘lose sand’ because the ‘snake has lost its head’….how could it moves again?
The leaders are not helping us…the do their jobs just for the sake of doing it, with no quality added.
We don’t care who will be the head of the snake, all we needs is someone who can lead us to peace & prosperity. Honestly speaking, ‘the wind of change’ might be a good start, rather than patronizing someone that jeopardizes our future!!!
I’ am totally agreed with you, sir….
I’ am also pleased to hear that you just rejoin UMNO.
dear Tun,
Its alright I suppose to kill the mosquito and keep the net, but we need to think beyond that, its no use to kill the mosquito to be replaced by another mosquito.. and there is another mosquito desperately trying to get into the net… we need a permanent mosquito killer in the net..
Salam Tun,
I’m quite impressed with the name Barisan Nasional or National Front.It sounds to be a very good ruler of the country and a perfect govt to rule the country.Tapi sayang nya didalam barisan ini ada perpecahan yang paling ketara sekali perpecahan orang2 melayu didalam UMNO yang tak seharus nya terjadi.Agree with you,some changes is required to tune back the party but what the Malays should consider and they have to do is a very serious post mortem,is the leader field the right person as a candidate and place them at the right position during the recent election.All these loses is due to the poor judgenment of the UMNO leader and also the MT who failed to advise the present leadership of UMNO.
Race based political party is good because it represents individual community and that’s the reason National Front is formed but I think it should not have two political parties representing the same races for example MCA and Gerakan or whatsoever.Every races should only be represent by only one party if they want to be in the National Front.National Front supposed to be standing for racial rights being a Malaysian and they must be represented by somekind of their race in the government.Perhaps UMNO should revise all the syarat2/condition to join the Barisan National and limit to only one political party to represent one race so that tak jadi macam rojak sekarang ini.Sorry Tun,this is just my personal point of view.Assalamualaikum.
Assalammalaikum Tun,
Saya pernah bertegur dgn Tun di SOGO,dah lama dah.Saya rasa Tun spt seorang ayah.
Saya dilahirkan pada tahun bermulanya Tun mentadbir kerajaan negara.Saya menyokong penuh Tun kerana saya mengikuti perkembangan negara semasa pentadbiran Tun.
Barisan Nasional adalah sebuah parti yang paling ideal untuk mentadbir Malaysia.Namun, semenjak akhir2 ini amat membimbangkan bukan kerana BN yang lemah tetapi pemimpinnya yang amat lemah.
Ada yang mengatakan Tun yang harus dipersalah kerana memilih pemimpin yang lemah.Namun, bagi saya Tun tidak akan memilih sebarangan, bukan? Saya juga melihat DSAAB dahulunya adalah seorang yang low profile bukan yang lemah dan tegas dlm m’buat keputusan semasa menjadi TPM.Mungkin baru sekarang menunjuk belangnya beliau sudah m’punyai kuasa dan ditambah pula dgn menantu kesayangan di tkt 4.Kepada DSAAB, saya harap dapat letak jawatan akhir tahun ini demi rakyat dan negara.Jika tidak, saya dpt lihat bahawa negara kita akan tak tentu hala dan pihak luar akan mengambil kesempatan kpd negara kita.
Saya sgt bersetuju dgn kenyataan M.Y mengenai peralihan kuasa.
What ever it is, I will support you all the way.Welcome back to UMNO.
Selamat Berpuasa.Salam.
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Mungkin saya terlewat dalam memberikan komen dalam blog ini. Maafkan saya, tugas harian membataskan masa yang ada.
Tun, terus terang katakan, saya semakin benci dan meluat dengan kepimpinan Melayu BN hari ini. Sikap berdolak-dalih, rasuah, mengampu yang semakin menebal dalam jiwa mereka. Amik jawatan dalam UMNO untuk kembongkan poket kaum kerabat.
Tun, saya yakin, hanya dengan adanya Tun dan pemimpin seperti Tan Sri Muhyiddin saje yang dapat kembalikan maruah orang Melayu di Malaysia. Melayu dah semakin xde nilainya bile pemimpin semakin lupa siapa dia.
Sekadar melepaskan rase x puas hati, Tun.
So Tun, who did you vote then? Never mind, i did not vote at all during PRU12. It is useless when the one party namely BN has complete control of the public media and institutions which are all paid by the rakyat who worked daily to move the economy collectively. At least allow these institutions to breathe collectively and not singlesidedly.
If there was a free and fair election campaigning process, BN would have tipped over and fall. To survive it must reinvent itself. It must promote more viable young blood into its leadership. Those who are sincere and not wishing to wallop another 10 billion from our coffers.
Redhuan D. Oon
PendAtang Dengan Izin
In response to pohsoon, yes, I agree and sympathise with the detention of the Sin Chew reporter. I dont read the chinese newspaper, and so am unable to comment on what she wrote exactly that warranted the detention, but the early release seems to justify my belief that there was no case to answer.
Bravo for the facts highlighted.AAB, KJ & Cronies still think they can mend the wound which has been infected countrywide. Tun, welcome back into UMNO and stirred the culprits out for good, or tHE Rakyat will no longer have faith in BN. Tun every resources and effort have been put and tried for AAB to leave but nothing happen.All MT UMNO must be with Tun for the good of UMNO, BN & Malaysia.Hidup Tun, Hidup UMNO. Hidup BN, Hidup Malaysia.Undurlah Pak Lah.
In response to the article forwarded by pits, no, it is not fair to say so. Malaysia a failed nation? Wow, that is quite a statement, probably by a very angry person.
Re the engineer’s pay, I cant say much cos I’m not an engineer by profession. I can say that only 10 years ago my company’s starting pay was RM1900, but now it is RM3000 – that is quite a lot. My point is, the starting pay varies by company – those with RM2000 starting pay are now really in the minority.
Re the bearish trend in the stock market, ha ha… bearish over 35 years? Surely not, otherwise the 2008 level must be lower than 1973 level.
And how can you compare Mcdonalds and Gloria Jeans? One is a fastfood joint, the other is an upmarket cafe whose outlet you cannot find next to a petrol station.
It is very convenient to compare us with those smaller countries like Singapore , Hong Kong , Taiwan and South Korea. I would imagine if FT KL were a country on its own, it would have been a 1st world country just as fast.
Passing of the buck to the man in the street… ha ha… this happens in a massive scale in the US right now… rescue of the big banks using taxpayer’s money… Please dont think that the US is the perfect example to follow…
Four decades of NEP ensured that there are more opportunities for the rural folks. They are your true man on the street, I thought your point before was to make sure they dont get sidelined?
The best and brightest of our youth emigrate to escape racial inequality? Come on, get real – they went for more money, that’s all…
BNM having a policy of weak ringgit? I thought the ringgit now has a free float – they dont control the level anymore since the peg was removed. Think carefully abt the recent action by Zeti not to raise interest rate when all the pundits were predicting a rate hike. Isnt that to help the most rakyat cope with their lives? Come on, think before you comment. Even when our ringgit was pegged at a low level, i thought it should be ok since the majority of our companies are exporters. These exporters employ malaysians, right? Following your line of argument, we should kill our exporters and help importers. How stupid…
Maksudnya nyamuk tuh Pak LAH and family … kelambunya BN la ya .. 🙂
Assalamualaikum Tun dan Keluarga.
Selamat Menjalani ibadah puasa buat Tun serta keluarga.
Kami rakyat Malaysia yang berada di luar negara memang TAK BANGGA dengan Perdana Menteri yang ada sekarang malah kami cukup MELUAT dengan beliau. Jangan cakap banyak kerja lagi nak buat sebab memang dia tak tahu buat kerja.
Pak Dollah dan KJ, dengan hormatnya, HENTIKANLAH sendiwara kamu berdua. MALAYSIA memang TAK PERLU pemimpin macam kamu. Kamu BUKAN pemimpin tapi PEROSAK negara yang kami cintai. BERAMBUS kau dan menantu kau sekali. Kami memang cukup MENYAMPAH dengan kamu.
Tun, kembalilah ke pangkuan UMNO dan selamatkanlah UMNO dari dua EKOR pengkianat DURJANA itu.
Semoga Tun dipanjangkan umur dan ditambahkan tenaga untuk MENGHAPUSKAN dua EKOR itu.
Wsalam dari kami raykat Malaysia di luar negara.
Yup, agreed with you tun, well said.
The Chinese didn’t do anything to us, we (the Malays) are the ones who killed ourselves.
hal negaro ni dah sudah jadi gilo.
rakyat pun semuo dah fedup. dulo kito semuo hidup samo2. tapi sekarang siapo yg kito nak percayo? si paklah? si najib? siapo di dlm umno yg blh percayo? tak do la.
diaorg janji2 tapi ekonomi mcm kandang lembu. keselamtan kito pun mcm tak ado.
hal isu pulau pun sudah kalah. org johor pun tak happy. singapore tu dah action dgn kito. diaorg pandang rendah negaro kito. gua raso singapore pun gelak kat si paklah. lemah gilo dio tu.
org kampung mcm guo ni pun tak puas dgn si najib. dio tu tak kan la tadok otak ke? dio dulu sepatot nyo sokong tun tapi dio fikir hal dio sendiri. sekarang dio nak tun punyo sokongan. baru sekarang dio tahu bahawo bos dia lemah.
dulu gua tanam kelapo di kampong. dulu bisnes ok. now not ok. susah tapi gua apo lagi nak buat. ado kadang2 gua msk shahalam dan rindu maso dulu.
dulu tun punyo wawasan elok utk negaro. gua pun belajar kompute dari anak2. sekarong apo jadi wawasan tun. semuo dah hilang kerano paklah suko buat pandai2, ekonomi pun tak tentu.
guo bkn sokong tun kerano apo2. gua sokong tun kerano gua tahu hasil kerjo tun ada manafaat. org cina, india and semua saudaro kito di sabah & sarawak semuo dpt hasil. sekarang mesti mkn batu jo.
tun, tlg la tun. gua hilang harapan dgn umno. gua dah tak percayo lagi dgn umno.
Matbinggung said,
Assalamualaikum Yang Berbahagia Tun berdua,
Bulan lalu, saya pernah komen bahawa kesilapan Tun adalah keluar dari UMNO dan sebab itu saya amat alu-alukan langkah Tun masuk balik. Hanya saya kesihan kat Tun kerana untuk membetulkan UMNO dan kerajaan sekarang terlalu amat payah.
Keadaan terlalu parah dari luar dan dalam. Saya bimbang dalam usia Tun dan masa singkat sekiranya Tun dipilih jadi Presiden atau Penasihat, banyak pula halangan sehingga Tun pula jadi sasaran kritikan. Apa yang berlaku sekarang sudah merebak menjadi penyakit BARAH. Sebenarnya, saya tak sanggup bila ada pihak dok hentam Tun selepas ini. Sakitnya tak terkira. Terima kasih Tun.
Salam untuk semua.
Harini MUBARAK dah keluar kenyataan yang terperinci. Wahai orang2 UMNO, tunggu apa lagi. Nyamok ini bukan nyamuk sebarangan, tapi jenis Aedes yang pastinya membawa virus Denggi yang cukup2 merbahaya. Teliti betul2 ulasan panjang lebar oleh Presiden MUBARAK. Untuk mengelakkan wabak denggi dari merebak lebeh teruk lagi, hapuskan nyamuk Aedes.
I have said before and I am saying again, the current leadership of BN and UMNO rots and stinks. If the situation prevails should any by-elections is held before June 2010, definitely the BN would lose all. I am not the prophet of doom, but if an independent poll is conducted among the people in the street, 99.9 % would vote against ‘him’ because he is the most unpopular man now!
Salam Dr M,
Ketika Tun menanti letak jawatan , saya ade dgr2 bahawa Tun Rahah , Ibu kepada Dato Najib ade dtg jumpa/telefon tun merayu supaya Dato Najib tidak dijadikan PM pada mase itu kerana faktor Rosmah ? Betulkah? Tapi kenape tidak pilih TS Muhyiddin? Adakah benar Tun ade merisik2 akaun TS Muhyiddin di luar negara? Adakah sebab ini Muhyiddin tidak dipilih?
I am quoting what Tun had written, and again I am compelled to comment:
From Che Det: Had not the Barisan Nasional built this country until it has become the most developed of developing countries…
From the bottom of my heart: No one ever in this world (including my almost a decade living abroad) can doubt that this is true. Malaysia moved forward, against all odds… only to be halted all of a sudden after a change of leadership? In a mere 5 years or so? The struggle today is not against BN. BN is just a political party, but because who is at helm or who would be at helm cause the unrest and rakyat to go nuts! I just wish the rest of the leaders in BN would wake up from this dream and act, or… are they not able to do so because Malaysia is NOT a democratic country after all? Do people who merely suggest for a change disappear, not able to come forward or just kept quiet from making a stance?
From Che Det: Barisan Nasional, after getting the biggest number of Parliamentary seats in the history of the Alliance / Barisan Nasional went down and achieved the worst result in its history. Was this rejection of Barisan candidates due to the rejection of the Barisan Nasional coalition?
From the bottom of my heart: I have been a minority all my life, so had my ancestors and so will my next generation and so forth, but do we have sour feelings about it? NOT AT ALL. I was content with my life, with what the country had given me, so much that I even considered myself to be patriotic and defended my country when some irresponsible and arrogant foreigners tried to insult us. I have never felt like I was being stampede on or ruled unfairly by Malays. I am not going into the historical bullshit about the origins of who are considered Bumiputras. I don’t care. If I am a minority, so be it, I can accept it if the majority ruling “race” (since they put it this way now) does a fair, respectful and honorable job. I bear no hard feelings about it. Which is why I don’t understand why there are some today who fear their rights will be taken away, etc… They won’t! I don’t forese that will ever happen. Malays will always have their rights as bumis, so be it. But what I am not content with is, the current situation where all the losers making it personal, thus getting racially sensitive issues as part of the agenda to anger the people, creating cracks in our society? Let’s not make this fight a racial or personal one. Malaysia deserves to be treated much much better than this. Start by getting back on track with the right people leading it. Move forward, not backwards.
apo nak buat supaya negaro kito maju balik?
apo yg budak2 didlm umno itu buat? kito semuo derito krn diaorg. rayo ni susah nak beli brg2 rumah. duit rayo pun tak blh bagi lagi. org mano nak buat openhouse. keadaan yg tak tentu.
gua rindu maso Tun jadi pm. raykat ramai yg happy, rezeki cukup, duit byr kereto pun ado. now susah kerano elitist umno control semua sampai org tak blh cakap apo2 pun.
najib pon tak tahu apo nak buat. gua raso dia pun lemah semangat nak fikir ttg bos dio tu.
My dear Tun
We donât see the PM stepping down any time ever..not now not 2010. The so-called agreed transition plan is merely pulling wool over our eyes..more so on the NO.2âs eyes. Only he would believe this is going to happen. To solve all this question markâ¦.
Why not
1. Have another general election now. Should the PMâs and his regime win hands down again, it will therefore clearly show that the rakyat still needs him to lead the country and all the âbickeringâ shall cease there and then after accepting the clean results.
2. Let the coming UMNO General Assembly this year be an open challenge to the No.1 and No.2 top post in the party heirachy. Again, should he and his deputy win, it shall be written that they are still needed to lead the party. Henceforth, all will accept his leadership without questions or doubts.
PM should strongly take it up as a challenge to prove the nation wrong once and for all. What is there for the PM to fear if his leadership is still needed by the rakyat and his party? No Fear at all. Thereâs no worries too for the country to incur extra expenditures on another general election. This expenditure, the rakyat will happily approved and agreed on. So, why not throw in the hammer and be the very first PM to dare the nation or your party, UMNO on the strength of your leadership. This will definitely make world historyâ¦the nation will be proud of.
Alhamdulillah TUN akan serah borang untuk masuk semula UMNO pada 17 Sept 2008.
selamat mnjalani ibadah terawih ayahanda&bonda tersayang…
Salam tun.
Harap tun sekeluarga sihat sentiasa..
Sebenarnya saya adalah pemerhati sahaja dalam politik. Bila tun kuar dengan rencana ini, saya ada sikit nak komen pasal senario politik.
KJ tak perlu start dari atas dengan menggunakan kepentingan yang dia ada. Start dari bawah dan slow2 naik. Macam sekarang kalu start dari atas kalu jatuh sakit ooo.
Lain-lain menteri, please take care tentang kebajikan rakyat, itu sahaja yang rakyat mahu. Jangan bila jadi menteri belanja untuk beli baju dan barang kemas sama dengan belanja rakyat biasa lima nam kali ganda.
Itu saja tun. Moralnya rakyat nak ada orang atas yang ambil tahu pasal mereka dan mereka akan support orang atas tu walaupun orang atas tak dapat puaskan hati semua orang.
Salam utk tun. Semoga sihat selalu dan selamat hari raya.
Taat Setia
“we burn the mosquito net because of one mosquito”? No…Never.
If Barisan Nasional is the “net” with a mosquito inside. Then who is the mosquito? In fact it is not one, there are many-many mosquitoes inside laa…
It is true 2004 is okay. Remember, Non-Malays start to reject BN after 2005 UMNO general assembly (some broadcasted live on tv), when “budak-budak” UMNO talk about “Ketuanan Melayu”, even playing with the kris.
Worst thing that lure non-Malay to reject BN is when PAS, after thier 2004 failure, promised and willing to give anything, really anything that non-Malay wish by not supporting BN.
Dear Tun
From the whole article that you wrote was basically rationalise the reason of why poeple was rejecting BN.
From one angle, you might be right and from the other end, you might be wrong.
Perhaps, what I’m trying to say that you was trying to study the mindset of the public or rakyat but this time I believed that the rakyat was totally depress with the way how BN especially UMNO was doing.
Is not only one person (Pak Lah) but is the whole UMNO. All the UMNO member are without any objective and mission I believed. The support their president blindly even he is wrong. Is this kind of people you are still trying to rationalise?
I think the whole UMNO MT shall be changed and also the whole UMNO/BN spirit and mission shall be revamped totally.
Best regards
KC Kua
Apo yg de facto law minister Datuk Zaid cakop ttg Isa itu betol. Dio tu dah bengang dgn bos dia tak? Gua rasa Zaid dah malu tengok dia punya bos yg lemah & tak ado tulang belakang.
Siapo tak malu dgn paklah. si PM itu sibuk buat hal dio sendiri tak tahu hal2 negaro & rakyat.
Salam sejahtera Tun yang disayangi.
Semua dah tahu negara kita mengalami krisis politik yang amat buruk dalam sejarahnya. Saya nak bertanya apakah Tun memadai hanya menulis di blog tanpa membuat apa-apa tindakan? Saya tau Tun mempunyai kebolehan bagi untuk memulihkan UMNO dan BN. So… apa tunggu lagi, orang Tanjung Malim dah pelawa Tun masuk ahli UMNO di Proton City.
Tun, jangan dok layan “hamba on” sebab dia mai dari negeri mana tak tau!
Kembalikan imej negara,kami semua rakyat MALAYSIA akan memberi sokongan penuh kepada TUN.Hidup UMNO………
Sarawakian_reply to `By 121212.
Wrote By 121212 on September 13, 2008 10:29 AM
Dear Tun
We might agreed to race based politic before , but trend change when that did not bring progress to our nations to the level like Singapore,Taiwan and etc.What is the point of defending NEP when it will bring our country closer to – ZIMBAWEE – Every one will suffer.
BN definitely should review some of the policies ,most importantly change the mind set of Malaysian to become not race based.
As i said , chinese never aginst NEP but wants the programme to benefit “dserves” bumitera ,because that will translate to more wealthy Malaysian.
Imagine , manay races came to Malaya to look for better life,
what happen after 50years, we are gradually behind those country (china and may be soon India).
Dont you agree ?
Sarawakian_reply to `By 121212.
We are not agree at your opinion. NEP needs to be retain. Malaysia is recognized as economic tiger during the premiership 22 years of Tun Dr M which NEP is on stream. You’re ashame to compare this country to Zimbabwe – we are not demorallised due to what you said. Neither NEP nor BN causing we lose competitiveness. The reason you and your groups of people are not sincere and always play game and intentionally blockage to NEP. You and your groups â I blamed for intentionally for sabotages NEP and results look like NEP failures. But how genuine your group to share economic power, we amazed???? We had been tolerance to share political power to your group genuinely. But we got backfire in return. The failures due to yours.
NEP is our tools for competitiveness in economic prosperity. i.e . our Petronas one of the most competitiveness company globally. You are saying at your own pace and your own groups favor. For us NEP still relevance.
You play the game, we also play the game.
Angry businessman.
Dear Tun,
The stubborn AAB should pass the baton to his successor NOW if BN want to regain back the full support from the rakyat. Otherwise we will see more states will fall to the opposition. Now even the old folks with no internet access have lost confident and trust in UMNO. UMNO is digging its own graveyard…
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Ingat nak jugak bakar kelambu.Tapi mahal harganya sekarang.
Macam iklan tv,saya ada kawan yang boleh halau nyamuk…iklan Ridsect.
Terima kasih Tun.
Sarawakian_reply to mikewang.
Wrote By mikewang on September 12, 2008 4:29 PM
Dear Tun,
“we burn the mosquito net because of one mosquito.
What needs to be done is to get rid of the mosquito but continue to use the net.”
I beg to disagree.
Look at our corrupted institutions and BN politicians.
It is not about one mosquito.
It’s about the net being totally rotten and allowing many mosquitoes in to harm us.
We need to replace the mosquito net.
No to replace the mosquito net. No PR, Yes BN.
BN will reform and rebound back under re-emergence of our hero Tun Dr M.
To replace the whole mosquito net â we are not agree at all.
New net we knows full of lies of good promotions and empty promised, we reject.
We still 100% uphold our right under BN – ” Malay Supremacy”. No way others to disturb that right.
Thatâs all.
Akum Tun
Telahan dan ulasan Tuan adalah tepat dan kenapa PM bebal ni tak faham2. Sebagai tambahan, Ong Kha Ting tak mahu jadi menteri kabinet pun saya rasa sebagai sindiran jugak pada si Dollah. Tapi dia tak faham2 jugak.
pokoknya hasil perjumpaan rambang saya dgn semua bangsa.. rata2 tidak suka si dollah dan meperlekehkan kewibawaan beliau. Sebagai orang melayu saya rasa amat malu mempunyai melayu bodoh macam ni jadi PM malaysia.
Dear Tun,
No doubt you are good!
But the system you inspire and you had developed in the past is the biggest problem!! not your successor
your system will be perfect and the best if the leader is capable of doing good of the country.
it is also allowing the worse for the country if the leader not fit and not capable and come with self-interest.
Therefore, we need a better system! it is not about bringing down anyone as everything will be the same if the system is not changed. We can’t be hoping for a leader like you will always exist. it consider lucky enough to have one like you in thousand of years
we need check and balance in the system. It is time to develop this. BN will never develop this on their own.
We appreciate you so much on what you have brought to us in the past but we need the system to guarantee for good.
Salam YBhg Tun sekeluarga,
Syabas,teruskan menulis,biaq padan muka depa-depa yang tak reti bahasa!
Selamat Berbuka Puasa.
salam Tun,
to Earthling,
Why don’t you recommend Lim Kit Siang to sit with Tun and learn how to govern a multi – cultural nation?He and even you might learn a thing or two about good governance as Tun is a proven leader with 22 years of track record.I won’t be surprised if Tun could even guide you to be a better person in whatever religion you profess.
Dear Tun,
I would like to express my utmost disgust with the Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albarâs explanation that Sin Chew Jit Poh reporter, Tan Hoon Cheng was arrested under Section 73(1) of the Act because her safety was under threat.
If it was true that the police have the intelligent that her safety was threaten, isn’t it that the police should use the relevant act to detain those who might threaten her life to help in investigation? Even if the police have no concrete evidence, isn’t it that they can give special protection for her under the current law and act?
If indeed that Tan was arrested due to her “safety” being threaten. What make her being safe now and released without further action to protect her? (When in the first place ISA need to be used to “PROTECT” her?)
In short, almost all that i spoke to express their utmost disgust on using of ISA to detain Tan and then using a SUPER LAME execuse to hide the true.
Assalamualaikum YDH Tun.
Honestly to say, back in 1997 due to DSAI case I was really mad of you on that time. I felt you are such a cruel leader on the earth. Somehow or rather, when you’re step down in 2003-2004 and I was in London watching the news of your stepping down, I felt a big lost in my heart plus worried so much the capability of your so call anchor man (DSAAB) . Honestly I don’t see him as a right person to continue your mission for Malaysia. No doubt, now we see it how ‘Apek Lah’ corrupt most of your job system. Each day I’m prying to Allah, Malaysia will still be a Malaysia and will not become as another country such as Thailand and Indonesia when riot here and there. Last but not least, I’m bagging you no matter how old are you , please come back to the track to save Malaysian and the Malaysia. HIDUP TUN! HIDUP TUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Percaturan politik BN sekrang tak jauh beza dengan Pakatan Pembangkang. Seingat saya zaman Tun dulu, BN yang selalu menjadi peneroka kepada perkara-perkara baru. Bina corak politik yang memajukan negara. Habis pilihanraya, hanya bercakap membangunkan negara.. tapi nampaknya selepas 8 mac hingga sekarang masih tak habis-habis dengan kekacauan politik. BN pergi Taiwan, Pembangkang ikut. BN lari balik… ini semua macam main aci ligan zaman budak2. Inikah kepimpinan yang nak ditunjuk kepada rakyat semua? Apa kata Tun.
SEHINGGALAH INDIVIDU-INDIVIDU TERTENTU cthnya DSAI (dan kebykn pemimpin keadilan), ZAID IBRAHIM, RAJA PETRA, M. KAYVEAS dll (byk lagi sekadar menyebut beberapa nama) LANTANG MENYUARAKAN ISU MASING-MASING, mereka ini adalah perosak-perosak keamanan dan keharmonian dalam kategori masing-masing.
SAYA JUGA TERTANYA-TANYA, RASIONAL PERLANTIKAN (1) ZAID IBRAHIM DAN (2) AMIRSHAM ABD AZIZ SEBAGAI MENTERI DI JABATAN PM. Yang Jelas(1) BUDAK PINTAR BODOH UNTUK NAK NAIKKAN IMEJ PAK LAH DAN NAK MALAPKAN SINARAN DR. M. (2) Sebab dia pernah reject cadangan BINAFIKIR utk ambil-alih Maybank, mungkin tak betul.. tapi semua yg DSAB buat senang dibaca kecuali kenaikan minyak.. kecuali mungkin dia mau KERAJAAN BN runtuh utk diserahkan kpd DSAI supaya teori ttg perdana menteri itu tetap berlaku mengikut abjad RAHMAN tukar sedikit jadi RAHMAAN.. N kat belakang tu mungkin bukan Najib, ia tak semestinya seorang Melayu, NG / NALA pun boleh (he!he! sekadar nak hilangkan kebosanan dgn DSAB).
Hidup Tun!!!
Salam TDM,
Pak Lah weakest to conduct & manage this country now.Same as Najib.
Myself still doesn’t believe that u already left us about 5 years.
This gov now full with bribe matters from the top gov leaders till the office boy’s. Hope u can comment about this.
Salam Tun,
Sedih saya apabali baca berita, knp lah ada pemimpin UMNO ada yang masih tidak sedar-sedar lagi. Muhyiddin dah mulakan gerakan, ada pula yg suruh pecat.
Dah jelas dan terang lagi bersuluh. Sokongan rakyat terhadap Pak Lah sudah tiada lagi. Pak Lah hanya bergantung pada sokongan MT dan menteri-menteri di atas itu sahaja untuk terus menjadi PM. Sedangkan ketua-ketua bahagian kat Penang pun dah tak nak ikut ckp dia. KJ tu pun salah satu faktor yang memyebabkan orang muda tak mahu masuk Pemuda UMNO lagi Sudah2 lah tu kumpul harta.
Sudah lah kita hilang undi dan sokongan orang veteran kerana Pak Lah, kita hilang juga sokongan orang muda kerana KJ. Apa lagi yang tinggal?? Sapa nak undi dan teruskan perjuangan UMNO dan BN?
Kami mahukan perubahan dalam UMNO dan BN. Kami tak nak UMNO dan BN berkubur di zaman kami, kerana anak cucu kami kelak akan merana di kemudian hari.
Tiada yg kekal melainkan Allah Maha Kekal. Tiada yg sempurna melainkan Allah Maha Sempurna. Yang dikatakan manusia memang banyak cacat celanya. Jadi kalau nak harapkan BN/UMNO sampai bila2 terajui Malaysia yg tercinta maka itu adalah hairan bin ajaib. Mustahil. Cita2 manusia memang besar kadang2 tak tercapai oleh akal yg sihat.
Macamana Mahathir boleh kata prestasi BN/UMNO tiada tandingan malah terbaik? Kuasa sultan telah berjaya dikurangkan. Itu zaman Mahathir. Ada tak usaha nak kurangkan kuasa perdana menteri?ataupun kurangkan kuasa presiden UMNO zaman Mahathir? Tak dak pun. Yang Mahathir dok kalut ialah asyik dok tengok kuasa sultan yang tinggi. Mahathir punya kuasa dia tak nampak sikit telah melampaui batas!
Dok tunggu Islam diletakkan dipuncak tertinggi pentadbiran negara Malaysia. Sampai la ni dok tak nampak2 situlah. Boleh BN/UMNO bandingkan ketamadunan Turki di bawah Mustafa Kamal Attaturk dengan Malaysia zaman Mahathir. Kalau dok buat research nescaya zaman Mahathir tak boleh challenge sikit pun. Ada Mustafa Kamal Attaturk letak islam ditempat sepatutnya? Tak dak. Malah islam diperleceh dan dihina.
Siapa yg tak tau zaman Mahathir berlaku banyak perkara yg menghina islam?Isu janggut. Isu hudud. Mahathir bertindak seolah2 dia seorang pakar dalam undang2 islam. Kalau mahathir pakar sila tunjuk kelayakan. Kalau tak pakar jangan dok memandai2 cakap soal hukum islam. Klu cakap ndang2 islam bawa kebaikan takpa la tapi klu dok kata undang2 islam tak sesuai zaman ni, tak sesuai di malaysia, susah cari 4 orang saksi adil,undang2 hudud zalim,asyik dok potong tangan, boleh makan sup tulang di kelantan, ugut/halang kerajaan kelantan laksana undang2 hudud….maka kenyataan macam ni yg bahaya!
Dalam al-quran ada diterangkan allah ni tak meminta rezki dari kita.Allah juga tak minta sebarang perlindungan dari kita, Allah pun tak pernah buat zalim dekat kita. Cuma kita yg minta rexki,pelindungan dari Allah. KIta yg menzalimi diri sendiri.
Amat malang jadi seorang islam yg tak nampak kehebatan islam.Tak sedar kehebatan islam. Tak faham bahawa islam itu utk semua.Tak boleh nampak keadilan islam itu utk semua. Malang dan rugi sekali!
Tun memang bijak berkata-kata..
Di sini kita dapat lihat Tun ini bijak memutar belit fakta dan asyik menganggap rakyat Malaysia bodoh.Rakyat Malaysia berpaling tadah pada pilihanraya 2008 bukanlah kerana kepimpinan ‘lesu’ Abdullah tetapi kerana pembangkang telah bersatu padu menentang kezaliman,penindasan hak rakyat dan penyelewengan sejak zaman Tun lagi.Rakyat Malaysia sudah mulai sedar.Tetapi,tidak dinafikan bahawa Tun memang bijak mengatur strategi untuk menumbangkan lawan dan KAWAN.Memang KAWAN bisa jadi LAWAN jika salah satu pihak daripada keduanya tidak puas hati.memang tun bijak dalam membangunkan negara..ia terbukti.tetapi di negeri kami segelintir rakyat tahu bahawa sikap kronisme oleh kepimpinan pemimpin tertinggi BN selalu terjadi dari zaman Tun lagi.Jika Tun ditakdirkan menjadi Perdana Menteri semula,saya harap agar Tun lebih bertimbang rasa.Fikirkanlah penderitaan keluarga orang lain.. mereka juga punya hati dan perasaan.Anwar Ibrahim yang tidak bersalah difitnah sehingga dipenjara dan dihentam..Bagaimanakah perasaan Tun jika Tun diperlakukan sedemikian rupa?Keluarga Tun akan berasa sedih juga bukan?.Saya memuji sikap Azizah dan anak-anak yang tabah menghadapi dugaan dan sanggup mempertahankan keadilan walaupun tidak dapat dibuktikan kerana kenyataan mereka diputar belit.ISA ialah satu lambang kezaliman kerajaan.Kebanyakan yang masuk didalamnya ialah pembangkang..Seolah-olah hanya pembangkang sahaja yang bikin huru-hara,pengkhianat,perasuah dan sebagainya..jentera-jentera kerajaan semuanya baik-baik belaka.Jika Tun berjiwa rakyat,berfikirlah apa yang rakyat fikirkan dan bukan menipu rakyat.
Salam Tun.
1. Marahkan nyamuk, kelambu dibakar.
2. Menghalau nyamuk, kelambu terus dipakai.
3. Kena bukak kelambu bagi menghalau nyamuk.
4. Takut2 nyamuk keluar, lalat yang masuk.
5. At least lalat tak menggigit, cuma bising je.
6. Kena pastikan betul2 bile kelambu terbuka, tiada lalat atau nyamuk yang masuk.
Dear Tun,
Minta izin nak jawab pasal penahanan Teresa Kok and Syed Petra
To Onlookers. arctanc and anak malaysia,
“Horey !!!these two were finally detained.Selamat Malaysia.”
Pak Lah memang perlu letak jawatan.Tetapi sesiapa yang mengambil alih tempat Pak Lah perlu memastikan wawasan 2020 menjadi kenyataan dan semua perancangan Tun sebelum melepaskan jawatan berjalan dengan baik. You are a great leader, no one can replace you. Sorry to say, I trust nobody after you.
Take care Tun yang disayangi. I’ll support you all the way.
A’kum Tun,
I also have the same feeling that people are not rejecting UMNO, only the leardership. “Melayu mudah lupa” is the best way of seeing it. They forgot that they are there with good faith from the people. The Vision and Mission is now no longer for the people but for themselves. If they would realised this and turn a new leaf, things can be resolved. Those opportunist are merely taking advantage on the situation to achieve their dreams. We do not know whether or not these people are sincere about bringing justice to the people. This is what have been said before, but the result is far from truth. As a good citizen, we should do the thinking process before we act. Whatever way that we choose, have an implication. Only thing now is choosing the way with very minimal damage and start moving forward again. Outsiders are now laughing on us. Malaysia is now seen as a joke to other countries. We have put Malaysia on the map, why should we delete it over things that we know we can handle without interference from outside. BN it’s now or never before it’s too late.
Getting Pak Lah to step down doesn’t necessarily save UMNO and Barisan Nasional. It’ll buy time, definitely. Time for UMNO to regroup and rethink its strategies.
But I believe UMNO’s days are numbered. As much as I try, I just can’t identify one person in UMNO who would be able to bring UMNO out from its present predicament. The whole party is just rotting from the grass root level (Ahmad Ismail and gang)to the highest level (syed hamid albar et al).
What UMNO needs is to seriously purge itself of these. But this is a herculean task. UMNO needs to demonstrate that its KETUANAN MELAYU agenda does not mean protecting the interests of a select group of malays and also that it is not alienating the non-Malays.
Unfortunately the latest ISA arrests only serve to show that UMNO is not going to change. And it demonstrated that, when pushed into a corner, UMNO will use whatever means necessary to survive. Even if it means martial law.
Salam buat Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda
izinkan anakanda bersuara sedikit.. mengikut pandangan anakanda;
JENG3 wrote :
Pah Lah, I do really think that your journey as PM should end here. You have done your part and tried your best (most of it wasn’t the best as from my view.. it’s more to silly) but now it seems that everything is falling apart…
Nevertheless, we all might be thanking you for taking care of our nation these few years. But this might be happening if you sit back and think closely and deeply for what had happened, what is in the present and can’t you just imagine what will happen next IF you don’t step down now?…
Many would surely agree with me that.. If you step down now, we rakyat of yours would see your act as; to save the nation, UMNO and us as well. Yes.. letting go usually is hard and sad… but it HAS TO BE DONE when the time has come. Somemore, may be I can consider you as a HERO then..This is the right time for u to do so…
But IF you choose to wait another 4 years to do the same thing, I feel really afraid that something big.. (might be bigger that i can call it the worst disaster) would happen in between. Sit back again and close your eyes… Can’t you see what has happened recently? Thing are getting out of your hands Pak Lah !.. Whether you like it or not…. I do really afraid that most of our minister one day will turn their back on u… IN FRONT OF YOU.. Either they’re using their good, upclose manner…OR by force… Then you will be no difference from that Semak of our neighbouring country.. By that time I’m sure that it’s all too late.. Malaysia would have been destroyed in economics, politics and we rakyat are the SUFFERED most. Stepping down at that time would make u as a ‘PENGKHIANAT BANGSA’ coz you don’t do things that you are supposed to do, thus we among the other races fight against each other..Don’t let any chances of 13th May happens in future.. Coz’ if it does… it’s going to be the end of our ‘BANGSA MALAYSIA’.. and you Pak Lah is the one RESPONSIBLE !
Now it’s your move.. your decesion…
IT’S NOW OR…. you choose for us!
Be a HERO.. or be a LOSER! (Frankly speaking – you better be a hero)
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Pertamanya sekali, selamat menjalani ibadah berpuasa untuk Tun sekeluarga.
Sesekali mungkin saya terfikir, adakah saya ini adalah anak zaman kelahiran pemerintahan Tun sehinggakan saya rasa begitu istimewa dan selesa?, Nyata ianya tidak. Nyata dan sememangnya dizaman pemerintahan Tun, Malaysia banyak mengorak langkah ke dalam banyak Areana dalam negeri mahupun Luar negara hampir dalam kesemua bidang.. amatlah berbesza jika dibandingkan dengan era zaman pemerintahan sebelumnya.Syabas Tun.. dan itulah KARISMA BARISAN NASIONAL.
Saya selalu bertanya, Adakah Malaysia akan berada atas landasanya kembali? sebagaimana Tun melepaskannya diwaktu Malaysia dalam keaadan yang memuncak? Jawapannya YA!! tatapi amatlah sukar!!
Ini kerana Dasar pemerintahan sekarang yang pincang dalam segala aspek dan juga dasar-dasarnya!!
Untuk meletakkan Malaysia keatas landasannya kembali, banyak perubahan yang besar dan “BERANI” harus dilakukan, terutamanya suara dalam pemerintahan Parti UMNO sendiri untuk mengalihkan pucuk pimpinan.Tetapi jika Peralihan itu dapat berjalan, saya masih lagi tertanya-tanya.. siapakah yang paling layak dapat manikkan sauh yang tersangkut ini untuk belayar kembali? Nyata disini amatlah sukar untuk mencari dan mencorakkan semula politik tanahair Malaysia terutamanya UMNO dan Barisan Nasional.
Walaubagaimana pun, Kerosakan itu dapat diperbaiki jika “Kerosakan Utama” dalam kapal ini dapat diperbaiki walaupun ianya mengambil masa yang lama, Kerana ianya memerlukan “MORAL” yang amat tinggi. Kerana Crew-crew kapal ini sudah tidak bermaya dilambung Ombak, dan saya percaya malaysia akan kembali bertenaga sepertimana zaman era pemerintahan Tun.
Walaubagaimanapun… Syabas dan Tahniah Untuk Tun.. kerana dapat membawa Malaysia Ke satu zaman yang dikagumi Ramai!!
Hidup Tun!!
[email protected]
Minta laluan TUN,
Earthling on September 13, 2008 10:40 PM
Otherwise of asking TUN to visit Kit Siang’s blog and to learn how to be a good Muslim, KS should rather visit here.. u too should stay .. I say TUN can teach better for both of you of how to be a good Buddhist or why not MUSLIM.. This is a MUSLIM COUNTRY afterall..
Wassalam TUN.
” By ABI on September 13, 2008 12:34 PM
I beg to disagree with your view that the dismal performance of Barisan Nasional (BN) in the March 2008 elections is due to the people’s disgust with the leadership of Pak Lah. Yours is a myopic and one-sided view and a biased analysis of the situation.
As a one who has been deeply involved in research on voters’ behaviour for a long time, I feel that your analysis of the outcome of both the 2008 general and by-election (Permatang Pauh) is rather based on convoluted logic.Your anger and your opposition to Pak Lah seem to be misplaced.
Generally, the outcome of the elections is based on the following: the personality and personal traits of the candidates; the performance of both the government and the opposition; the state of the economy; crucial national issues; religion; class; party affiliation and loyalty; family patterns; and race and language considerations.
The general view regarding the lack-lustre performance of BN is mainly the state of the economy; the arrogance of some party leaders who adopted a care-the- less attitude towards the minorities; the misuse of the draconian ISA; the racist remarks made by certain groups (allied with BN); rampant corruption and abuse of authority. You can’t blame the electoral fiasco solely on Pak Lah. You accusation of Pak Lah is motivated by personal vendetta, anger and malice. You should adopt a positive attitude towards people, especially in your twilight years “.
By jamesloh on September 12, 2008 10:20 AM
22 yrs under yr rule, people were spin around by fear, ignorance and yr bn leaders were greasing yr balls.when u retired..u knew the honest truth.hardly anyone stood and have tea with you.be self honest, do u really have friends without terms and expectations?
To this ‘jamesloh’ who thinks ‘SOH HAI’ of his egoistic remarks which we concluded as ‘DUMB'(Deranged, Useless(and) Mental Blocked) and only befits that of a patient of the ‘DUMB’ ward.
Dear Tun,
May Allah grant you peace and happiness in this world and the hereafter.
For the sake of Malaysia and all Malaysians UMNO & BN must remain as the Goverment. A UMNO & BN which must come out of this debacle a reformed and updated force. A team who understands the aspiration of the present generation of voters. The Gen X and Gen Y voters.
Do not underestimate the clout of these voters. Do not take their needs and aspirations lightly. Have leaders who are like them who understands them best.
We must give credit where it is due and kudos to Muhyidin and Najib for coming out with statments that bring hope and a positive signals, that the people in UNMO must decide – come this December.
We must replace leaders who unashamely denounce Najib and Muhyidin. As if their livelyhood depends on Pak Lah. Perhaps they forgot they are where they are due to the peoples support.
Najib & Muhyidin has spoken. And now we await the voices of the UNMO groundswell of support for them.
Long Live UMNO and BN.
Changes must come and a new reformed UMNO & BN is in the works.
Assalamualaikum Ayah Tun,
“kemerosotan yang dialami Barisan Nasional disebabkan kebencian pengundi terhadap kepimpinan Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi”.
Memang betul pun.
Asyik tidur jer.
Dah bosan dengar nasihat dia dalam TV.
Kami amat memerlukan pemimpin yang berkaliber tinggi dan mempunyai wawasan 2020 seperti Ayah Tun.
We all love u Ayah Tun!
Change is constant, accept it.
916 is just a trick of “cognitive dissonance” used by anwar.
The daily tv news is more interesting then my astro show.
Malaysia will still stable no matter how worse BN goes…
~Thereâs no fool like an old fool~
Q: How do you get rid of the mosquito when its followers are right behind supporting him?
A: We get rid of his followers too.
The flipflop actions of the Govt of PakLah seems to be rampant nowadays.
The highhanded usage of the ISA against people, whom I do not even think are threats to the country, seems like another sad story of this flipflop mentality.
Why bother taking someone into ISA only to release her the next day? Is this not the indicator of poor planning and ill-foresight on Syed Hamid’s part?
Does he or the Govt think they can use the ISA at their whims?
At the onset of PakLah’s rule, he seemed to reflect the views of a person who did not like using the ISA for any situation. Well now we all know that somebody in the Govt seems to be trigger-happy at the usage. They seem to like putting people behind bars without a shred of evidence or even not allowing a forum for honest discussion.
I grow tired of this PM. As a rakyat, I shall exercise my right to think and communicate freely within the proper channels on my thoughts of the Govt’s failures and weaknesses.
This is the 21st century, and you can still talk about the positive
achievements of racial politics? You should be ashammed of yourself Tun, for lying about the chinese preference for raciallist policies.
Which people would chose a govt that discriminates against them?
Nobody Tun, maybe you are already too senile to come to your senses.
Your old world has passed away,the BN is morally bankrupt it is at
the threshold of death.
regardless of our previous achievements, i still believe we can prosper n progress further just by looking by our neighbouring countries like Japan n singapore.
Singapore for 1 does not have racial issues & i really admire this very achievement. Besides, it has done the country a lot of good. How is it done? simple.. EQUAL FREEDOM, EQUAL PREVILEDGE.. anyone who is capable & eligible, should reap the benefits..
as such, why do ALWAYS we need to draw the lines when it comes to previledges? this only leads to racial sentitive issues..
Salam Tun Dr.Mahthir,
Pendapat saya sebagai permehati politik Malaysia kini dulu dan sekarang.
Saya telah banyak tahu mengenai rasuah di kalangan “orang-orang yang mengipas pak lah”
Pak Lah kononnya terlalu baik telah menyebabkan BN menang 2004 . Tapi setelah berada dalam pemerintahan ” BAIK” beliau, BN telah kalah teruk pada 2008 . Kerana ? mereka telah dapat rasa “kebaikan” dari beliau.
Saya mencadangkan satu perkara sahaja dan ini mungkin satu jalan yang paling baik,
1.Tun perlu menjadi Perdana Menteri semula.
2.Walaupun untuk beberapa tahun . sekurangnya untuk mengembalikan Malaysia
3. Hanya TUN yang dapat berbuat demikian.
4. Sepanjang Tun menjadi perdana menteri , Tun ubah kembali Malaysia kepada yang asal . tun lebih berpengalaman.
5. DS Najib? saya kurang percaya dengannya .
kalau Tun menolak cadangan saya, apa pendapat Tun sendiri?
Yg Berbahagia Tun,
I enjoyed reading your article really. There is a note that i would like to share with your highness Tun. As a chinese myself, I think, business and economy for us is not really what we are looking for. Myself, is hoping for peace and stability. It hurts me badly when i read news everyday. Really it does. I really love to call myself a malaysian, rather than chinese. Isn’t that what your highness Tun is fighting for years back? Bangsa Malaysia? Why can’t all of us be called bangsa Malaysia? Perhaps by this way, it will give certain people no chance to stirs up racial issue? Yg berhormat, i listen to you, enlighten us with your words of wisdom, how can we achieve a state where all of us are called Bangsa Malaysia?
Salam hormat & selamat berpuasa Yg Berbahagia Tun.
Good day Tun,
I am of the opinion that we voted is not because we are against the leadership of Datuk Ahmad Badawi alone only. We voted as we did because we are against the way UMNO runs BN as a whole. The most important issue that affects the rakyat is bread and butter. We can’t fathom how the government controlled by BN can squander money as it did without any concern of the rakyat. True, before March 8 “these” are only allegations brought forward by the opposition. IT might have clouded our judgment at that time. But today, the misappropriation of funds and land scams are indeed true in the states governed by Pakatan Rakyat. How will the rakyat feel right now may I ask?
If an election should be called tomorrow and Datuk Ahmad Badawi is removed from office, how the rakyat will vote then? Will they vote for BN? I for one will vote for Pakatan Rakyat because I would like to know if there are missappropriation of funds and land scams in the other BN-controlled states as well! I do believe that is what the rakyat is thinking about right now.
A weak leader can bring down a party. But if he is replaced by another weak one, it will be back to square one. I don’t believe UMNO has a credible leader on the moment unless the potential leader is willing to be scrutinised completely by the ACA and independent panels to prove he is indeed a “clean” leader.
Salam Tun sekeluarga,semuga Tun sentiasa sihat sejahtera.Saya bersetuju benar Tun menulis di blogger ini dimana BN tidak salah tetapi orangnya sahaja yang buat salah. Pada pendapat saya negara kita kini dilanda satu fenomena krisis politik semakin serius walaupun pemimpinnya kata tak apa-apa.
Saya suka suatu ketika dulu apabila Tun berucap di media elektronik terutamanya semasa ucapan Tun di Perhimpunan Agung UMNO saya sudah pastinya tidak akan berganjak dari depan tv. Saya tahu pada waktu itu ucapan Tun begitu bermakna bagi saya dan seluruh rakyat berbilang kaum.Ucapan Tun lantang berkisar mengenai semangat setiakawan antara kaum,tunjuk ajar yang membina dan yang paling menarik sekali ialah ucapan Tun sentiasa menaikkan semangat orang Melayu. Satu perkara lagi yang paling menarik ialah hujah Tun sentiasa bernas dan idea baru untuk dipersembahkan kepada seluruh rakyat.Biarpun sesetengah pihak mengatakan Tun seorang pemerintahan kuku besi,zalim dsb,tetapi niat Tun demi untuk memartabatkan maruah bangsa dan negara. Tapi itu dulu. Pada hari ini saya melihat keadaan sudah berubah. Kononnya nak tunjuk lembut,telus dan profesional,tetapi tak tahu dimana hala tuju mereka. Saya amat sedih.
Oleh itu saya harap tidak memadai Tun hanya menulis di blogger ini tanpa membuat sesuatu yang boleh mengembalikan saat kegemilangan negara kita di masa Tun dahulu,cepat-cepatlah sertai UMNO di bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini,demi agama,bangsa dan negara kita, tolonglah, lakukanlah sesuatu supaya keyakinan rakyat berbilang kaum ini dapat dikembali kepada kerajaan BN.Pepatah melayu ada mengatakan: ‘Hendak diluah mati emak,hendak ditelan mati bapak’. Saya sayang negara ini, semua kaum sayangkan negara ini.
Oh I forgot to mention, go to Lim Kit Siang’s blog. I think he is a very strong man who has stood injustice. I would recommend Dr M to sit with him and learn good governance. I won’t be surprised even if he could guide you on how to be a good Muslim.
to hizbul…
kalau marah paklah, paklah jelah yang dihukum. anda nak ubah segalanya untuk puaskan hati yang marah? kaji balik siapa pendokong pembangkang, konsep & dasar pembangkang. orang seperti anda harus bertanggungjawab pada masa depan kalau Malaysia jadi republik dengan terus menyokong pembangkang !
assalamualaikum wbt kpd TDM & family
i could agree more with you, TDM. now im really looking fwd to see more of Muhyiddin and your son, Mukhriz. Kita nak pemimpin yg berani bersuara. Bukannya mcm kerbau kena cucuk tanduk. Mana lagi pemimpin2 lain? Diam saja??
AAB terkejut?? hahah.. he got no insight!! Poor thing..
Selamat berpuasa TDM & family..
Dear Tun,I hope you and family are in the best of health. At your age and your medical history, you should not be overboard to campaign for Abdullah’s resignation. Otherwise it becomes so stressful and it is bad for you. We do not want anything untoward happening to you since your service is still very much required by the nation.
After Muyiddin Yassin statement the other day about the change of leadership,I think many more will join the bandwagon in the near future. Today’s papers (13 sept 2008) have written several statements from UMNO top leadership that the change of leadership is not for the Supreme Council to decide but the grass roots and they are leaving it to the ordinary members to make a decision whether it is going to be sooner or later.Therefore UMNO’s members at the branch and divisional levels should have gut enough to make the change, the clearance has been given and come october make your choice.
I understand why Abdullah has refused to step down because the power he holds as a prime minister is so massive that he can do whatever that pleases him. The perks that go along with it is so tremendous that it is very difficult to let go. Tun, you had been there for a long time and you know how nice and wonderful it was that everyone listened to what you have to say. In that kind of of atmosphere and environment, it is extremely difficult to let go the power that one’s possess. So do not expect Abdullah to voluntarily resign from the post, he must be booted out by the process of the party’s election.
Glad to hear that you have applied to rejoin the party and I hope the Supreme Council do not delay your application. Hope you are in the best of health so that the change in UMNO can be done soon.
dah lebih 50 tahun dah usia kelambu tu. elok lagi ke? macam mana nyamuk boleh ada kat dalam? mesti ada yang dah berlubang tu…
hi tun,
to tell u the truth, i never liked that mosquito from the very beginning anyway. not even a month in power, i heard many disgruntled voices around me. Why la u go and let that mosquito bit us all? now we all suffer but does he care? No.. he still wanna suck more of our blood. Masih tak nak acknowledge rakyat dah jemu dengan weaknesses depa tu.. tak tau la berapa inci mekap muka dia sampai tak rasa apa2 dah. By the way, I also dont like mosquito’s timbalan. If he takes over, it will be the same result I bet u. the phrase says ‘same shit different day. in this case its same shit different people’. coz i dont like him. I have no confidence in both of them.
All that u have said are true and nothing but the truth. However true the facts are they will remain to be untrue if Dollah cannot see the truth of the facts.
He has always used the words ‘rakyat’ to support his excuses of staying in power, but the truth is his own state did not vote for him except his family members in his constituency.
The truth is RAKYAT do not need him or his family, for being flip-flop, lying to rakyat on many…many….many occasions.
I hate him for being ‘flip’ not having an affair….’flop’ announcing his marriage, with a wide smile…..”I HAVE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN”. Disgusting.
I rejected him for ‘flip” I have scrutinized that SCOMI has not been given any government project……’flop’ u can list all the mega projects, directly or indirectly, yet he denied.
I hate him for not clearing the Appeals Court decision on the early release of Anwar,thus causing confusion that anuar was not guilty.
I despised him for his arrogant menantu Khairy Jamaluddin,young turks konon.
I scorned him for not been thankful and lying that there was no gentleman agreement made between you TUN and HIM Dollah. His words against yours……why should I trust him.
His speeches are devoid of substance, dry and unprepared.He slurred, fumble and short of credibility. Zero intellectual content!
With a humble ending, wish you and the whole family, selamat berpuasa and lookout for my Raya card to U.
Pak Lah memang pemimpin yang tidak boleh pakai.
mmaf kalau terkasar.
tetapi ituklah hakikat.
Pak Lah yang bertanggungjawab merosakkan segalanya.
Berundurlah wahai Pak Lah yang tidak sedar diri…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
100% agreed with you, but pak lah is still saying a different thing all together because he doesn’t blame himself or his son in law but he looks at the situation in a different view. I think the rakyat are becoming more impatient with the transitional of power dateline.
For the foreign press what do they know, they will report according to what are being told by their superiors and that is the western agendas. Whether is the people rejecting pak lah but they see what they want to see and reporting their personal agendas that is wind of change, democracy and freedom of voicing out opinion which I personally think that they should take their hidden agendas and stick it up theirs. We the Malaysian have reject the western kind of democracy and not to subscribe to their views because they do nothing to help us except bring misery to us in 1997 financial and economics crisis.
So after all that have been said once again I would like to wish you and your family and also the the bloggers in chedet.com a happy happy ramadhan and a wonderful hari raya aidilfitri to all. Wasalam, Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir aminnnnn….
The time has changed. Dark clouds overshadowed the nation. It doesn’t matter if your chinese, indian, malay, etc. You felt it. Even those in rest are affected. What chances do BN have against these roarings? If it persists, soon, BN will only be available in historical books. The people are no longer naive.
Assalamualaikum Tun dan all blogger,
Gembiranya saya bila dengar Tun masuk UMNO kembali, dulu masa Tun Keluar saya pun ikut Tun juga keluar dari UMNO. Sekarang ni apalagi Tun kita mulakan strategi untuk memaksa Pak Lah berundur dan kita gunakan kuasa yang ada pada Naib Presiden UMNO untuk mempengaruhi semua ketua Cawangan dan semua ketua Bahagian supaya mencalonkan samada Najib atau Muhyiddin sebagai Presiden dan N.Presiden UMNO dalam Perhimpunan Agung UMNO Disember ini. Tak sabar rasanya nak tengok macamana Pak Lah melepaskan jawatannya selepas tak sedar diri dan banyak memungkiri janji2 yang telah dibuat ke atas Tun.
Sekarang ni bila timbul isu Tun masuk UMNO kembali Anuar Ibrahim dan konco-konconya kecut perut dan jadi BISU sehingga tak berani nak komen apa2 dulu Pak Lah bolehlah anuar berahim permainkan sekarang bertemu buku dengan ruas anuar pun tak berani buat statement. Padan muka Anuar ibrahim dan penyokong2nya yang tak sedar diri – ada hati nak jadi PM konon, sekarang ni hantar balaci ke Taiwan nak rasuah MP Barisan Nasional, belum jadi PM dah rasuah, kalu dah jadi PM Malaysia ni akan jadi macam negara India atau Indon iaitu Rasuah No1.
Assalamualaikum Tun dan all blogger,
Gembiranya saya bila dengar Tun masuk UMNO kembali, dulu masa Tun Keluar saya pun ikut Tun juga keluar dari UMNO. Sekarang ni apalagi Tun kita mulakan strategi untuk memaksa Pak Lah berundur dan kita gunakan kuasa yang ada pada Naib Presiden UMNO untuk mempengaruhi semua ketua Cawangan dan semua ketua Bahagian supaya mencalonkan samada Najib atau Muhyiddin sebagai Presiden dan N.Presiden UMNO dalam Perhimpunan Agung UMNO Disember ini. Tak sabar rasanya nak tengok macamana Pak Lah melepaskan jawatannya selepas tak sedar diri dan banyak memungkiri janji2 yang telah dibuat ke atas Tun.
Sekarang ni bila timbul isu Tun masuk UMNO kembali Anuar Ibrahim dan konco-konconya kecut perut dan jadi BISU sehingga tak berani nak komen apa2 dulu Pak Lah bolehlah anuar berahim permainkan sekarang bertemu buku dengan ruas anuar pun tak berani buat statement. Padan muka Anuar ibrahim dan penyokong2nya yang tak sedar diri – ada hati nak jadi PM konon, sekarang ni hantar balaci ke Taiwan nak rasuah MP Barisan Nasional, belum jadi PM dah rasuah, kalu dah jadi PM Malaysia ni akan jadi macam negara India atau Indon iaitu Rasuah No1.
Salam Tun,
Saya tak percaya DSAAB akan benarkan Tun masuk kembali kepada UMNO
Saya tak percaya DSAAB akan benarkan Tun berucap di perwakilan
Saya tak percaya DSAAB terkejut dengan Muhyiddin
Saya tak percaya DSAAB akan letak jawatan selepas 2010
Saya tak percaya DSAAB boleh selesaikan masalah yang diperkatakan sebelum 2010
Saya tak percaya DSAAB boleh kata nak selesaikan apa dijanji sebelum peralihan kuasa
Saya tak percaya DSAAB boleh merubah kearah Malaysia yang aman kembali
Saya tak percaya DSAAB bijak dengan benarkan menantunya buat keputusan negara (Saya dengar bagaimana syarikat GLC terpaksa akur dengan keputusan KJ atas arahan DSAAB)
Saya tak percaya DSAAB boleh teruskan wawasan 2020
Saya tak percaya DSAAB lebih utamakan negara dari keluarga
Tun, the mosquito net is to old and torn to be of any use. The whole house and it’s surroundings needs through cleaning and then the windows of the whole house fix with mosquito netting.After this the inhabitants will live in peace.
Tun, I notice that currently the component parties of BN are undergoing metamorphosis after the last disastrous election. Instead of changing for the better, they are now retrograding much worse than before the election. Some of the component parties are blaming their losses on the illusory and unsubstantiated ground that their leader have been too soft and quiet in their dealings with UMNO and that whatever they gained from UMNO had been obtained by too much begging and “kow-towing” to UMNO. they argue that after all politics is about razzle-dazzle and razzmatazz and no politician should be seen to be like a beggar and no matter how much he or she may be able to secure from the Government for the ethnic group, such good deed will not be appreciated if the same has to be secured quietly in a close door discussion.
While I agree to this view to a certain extent, I must mention that such uncurtailed perception and demenour adopted by the leaders of the component parties in reneging absolutely on the traditional approach of settling inter party issues through established BN machinery and engaging, instead, in public mud slinging against comrades from the same BN in order to push up supporty from the people they represent are fraught with danger as this rancourous and hostile approach towards component parties seems to have given a blank cheque to the leaders of the cmponent parties to find faults with each other for the most frivolous matters and to wash each other’s dirty linen publicly. If this notion is to be carried much further, gone will be the well exalted approach to settle inter party squabbles in close door gentleman’s agreement which is peaceful and more effective.
The leaders should know that they ought to win back the support in elbow grease and not through unnecessary and unhealthy political wrangling. In as much as they ought to portray themselves as hardliners in dealing with other component parties, such hardline engagement with other component parties should not be allowed to the extent of precipitating into rancour that may throw a spanner into the works of BN’s established machinery which has long proven to be effective in settling issues between component parties.
Saya cuba memberi komen mengikut “point” yang tun senaraikan,
1. Saya bersetuju
2. Saya bersetuju
3. Saya ingin menambah sedikit hujah sokongan, kami rakyat sebenarnya dari dulu benci/tidak suka kepada corak kepimpinan BN yang begitu korup. Ia sememangnya telah berlaku semenjak Tun memerintah lagi, tetapi ketika itu kami mengambil jalan tutup sebelah mata disebabkan pembangunan yang telah dibawa. Tun hari ingai bagai duri dalam daging kepimpinan itu tidak akan kekal lama, malah sekarang ia telah pun diuji asasnya.
4. Saya bersetuju
5. Kesilapan sekarang yang berlaku buat BN sekranag dan malah bertambah parah ialah ” satu ketika dahulu Tun telah menjatuhkan seorang insan didalam BN seperti haiwan” bayangkan jika tun tidak menjatuhkan dia begitu teruk sekali. Malah bayangkan dia masih lagi didalam BN. Memilih paklah bagi saya bukan satu kesalahan itu dipilih oleh BN sendiri. Tetapi, “bukan binatang” yang tun angkat telah mengangkat binatang-binatang yang pernah ditangkap oleh BPR kerana kes kes rasuah, binatang-binatang yang hanya tahu menghabiskan duit-duit rakyat secara terbuka.
6. Terengganu ketika itu menang disebabkan oleh pengundi hantu. Bukan menuduh tetapi ini rakyat yang berbicara. Tentera dikerah begitu ramai keterengganu. Kalau itu kemenangan yang tun banggakan, biar undi itu dikira semuala di Padang masyar. Tak lama dah tun kita nie umat akhir zaman.
Kelantan pula saya kira merupakan pengundi yang begitu matang dimalaysia. Sebenarnya kemenangan sesebuah parti sepatutnya kita menjadikan kelantan sebagai satu standard dalam menganalisis post-election. Sogoklah sehebatmana sekali pun, yang mereka pilih ialah pemimpin yang telus adil amanah dan bertanggungjawab dalam memerintah. Malah pakai la ketayap atau serban beratuslilit sekiranya ustaz atau haji dari pas kalau tak pandai memerintah pasti kalah dalam pilihraya. Di sana tidak ada kepastian untuk sesuatu parti untuk kekal. Mungkin suatu hari nanti BN akan memerintah semula di kelantan dan mungkin boleh la semula menambah hutang negeri.
7. Setuju disitu, cuma ingin menambah, Parti-parti pembangkan dan bebas sentiasa menganggap sistem pilihanraya itu sesuatu yang demokrasi yang ditentang hanya operatornya. keputusan diterima ketika itu. Tetapi bagi BN Demokrasi bermaksud untuk menang dengan apa cara sekali pun. Malah ketika diugut oleh rakyat supaya parti BN yang sedang memerintah untuk turun, pelbagai cara digunakan untuk menghalang demokrasi itu berlangsung. Lebih parah banyak kenyataan yang menceritakan semua pembangunan yang telah dibawa sebelum itu( maafkan saya Tun).
8. Setuju
9. Pembnagunan yang kita kecapi yang tun war-warkan itu sememangnya satu tanggungjawab parti pemerintah, jadi tidak perlulah diingatkan. Malah sekiranya kita pernah bertukar parti di malaysia, itu juga akan menjadi tanggungjawab parti tersebut. Tetapi disini ingin saya kongsi bersama dengan Tun, satu lagi kesilapan Tun ketika Tun memerintah; pembangunan negara yang terbina sekarang sebenarnya tidak selari dengan pembangunan rohani. Nilai-nilaikan. Mungkin Paklah mencacatkan pembangunan fizikal, tetapi Tun mencacatkan pembangunan rohani rakyat, yang mana ia mengambil masa untuk menunjukkan kesannya. Dan secara kebetulan ianya bertembung setelah tabir yang memisahkannya dibuang.
10. Saya lebih bersetuju dengan pengkritik
11. Semuayang berlaku kerana kueburukan UMNO/BN yang semakin terbuka.
12. Setuju
13. BN sekarang-pecah dan perintah.
14 & 15. Sangat bersetuju.
16. Seperti saya katakan diatas pembangunan sesebuah negara adalah tanggungjawab parti memerintah. Penolakkan BN telah lama wujud, tetapi selamaini kita mengambil jalan mudah dengan hanya menutup sebelah mata, kita lihat pembangunan fizikal yang telah dibangunkan. Tetapi dalam membuat penilaian rakyat malaysia tidak hanya bergantung kepada pembangunan yang terlah dibawa kerana kekorupan lama yang juga telah dibawa harus diingatkan sekali jika untuk bertindak adil. Sekiranya dinilai dari pengundi semenanjung, BN telah lama kecundang. Gelombang rakyat menolak BN semakin jelas sekiranya Tun masih lagi mengambil sikap “denial” dengan mengungkit kembali pembangunan yang telah dicipta oleh BN, amat malang, jika didunia Tun mengungkit kembali pembangunan yang tun bawa, apatahlagi tuhan pasti akan mengungkit tanggungjawab/kepimpinan yang tun bawa. Tetapi sekiranya ini antara komen-komn terakhir sebelum Tun sibuk kembali ke pentas BN, perbaiki apa yang tun rosakkan ketika dahulu. Asas pembinaan masyarakat. Saya pernah dengan nasihat mak saya ketika dahulu sebelum saya masuk ke Universiti ” Mak tak kesah ko berjaya tahap mana, yang paling penting nak, kau tahu baik dan buruk dan jangan tinggal solat, mak sentiasa doakan engkau.” Kalau saya takda mak, dengan keadaan negara yang begitu mengambil remeh hal rohani ketika itu, pasti saya dah lama jadi mat rempit, perogol, bohjan, bapak ayam, “polis”, perompak, penjual CD cetak rompak, tokey kareoke & pusat jack pot, pembeli nombor, minum arak malah yang paling teruk jadi pemimpin BN.
Hanya Pendapat.
benarkah kaum cina & ahli perniagaan melayu marahkan pak lah kerana keadaan ekonomi yang merosot & lemah serta tidak menunjukkan prestasi yang memberansangkan? atau adakah kerana mereka terhimpit dengan badan pencegah rasuah serta lembaga hasil dalam negeri yang sejak kebelakangan ini banyak membongkar kegiatan salah laku ahli perniagaan dalam negara yang banyak lari dari cukai individu & syarikat di mana hasil ini juga akan digunakan untuk kepentingan negara?
Assalamualaikum Semua, pada pandangan saya semua orang kelas bekerja (working class) marah sebab yang paling terasa di bawah kerajaan AAB adalah kepayahan kewangan. NAK HIDUP TU SUSAH; NAK BAYAR RUMAH SEWA, NAK MAKAN,NAK PERGI KERJA, SERBA SERBI SUSAH. Baik orang Melayu, India atau Cina.
Sehingga kini orang semakin tersepit dan disebabkan itu kejadian jenayah meningkat. Mereka kata tidak ada wang dalam market. Mereka kata ramai orang tidak ada duit. Orang Cina percaya kepada Yin dan Yang. Duit pun begitu juga, ada duit putih dan juga hitam. AAB telah menutup terlampau banyak lubang duit hitam orang Cina, pada hal itu kegemaran atau tidak menjadi kesalahan pada agama mereka. Ia menjadi kesalahan kepada orang Islam sahaja.
Kumpulan Adidas KJ telah memonopoli lubang duit hitam dan orang2 yg bekerja sebagai pub atau disco atau kelab malam dan lain2 perniagaan yg bersangkutan, tidak ada kerja. Kalau dah 20 tahun reti kerja tu sahaja, kerja apa yg dia reti buat.
Kadar duit putih dan hitam tidak berputar dengan baik dalam ekonomi Malaysia.
AAB dan KJ nak buat jahat dan sembunyi dalam masjid ke? Orang tak buta, orang Cina marah, orang Melayu marah, orang India pun marah.
Perut manusia (rakyat) itu akan menentukan hidup mati UMNO. Jika jadi Islam Ada Hari, tapi menyusahkan orang nak makan. Kesannya sudah kelihatan…… teruskan saja AAB dan bukan sebab mulut badan binasa tetapi SEBAB PERUT UMNO BINASA.
By darktblisi on September 12, 2008 5:21 PM
Salam Tun,
Semoga Tun rajin2 lah Solat. Tun selalu jalan sana sini, tanggungjawab pada tuhan jgn abaikan.
Salam Tun.
Tok guru ‘darktiblis’ ini pada hemat kami adalah seorang yang tua yang hampir sekurun umurnya, itu pasai dia ‘bertauliah’ menasihat Ayahanda Tun pasai solat dengan bagi salam kat Ayahanda gaya itu.
Depa ini ‘gerenti’ tak tinggai solat2 wajib dan sunat hingga timbui 2 tanda hitam kat kening( dengarnya hanya orang ‘alim2’ saja dikurniakan tanda tersebut) dan baca dengan hafal segala macam doa2 yang ada dalam kitab2 dipasaran… wallahu.
tapi jika ‘darkiblis’ ini bukan tok guru yang kami sangkakan maka,
kami katakan,
Kepada Ayahanda Tun, kami meminta ilmu dan pengetahuan dan mohon
agar kami anakanda2 rakyat yang lemah didoakan Ayahanda Tun ketabahan dan kententeraman jiwa dan raga meharungi masa getir kini.
Dearest Tun,
I agree with Tun 100%. The grassroot can’t help but compare AAB leadership with Tun. AAB think he is too popular that he inisist on not vacating his seat. He think everyone loves him. Why does he think so? Because there are many scums around him who just loves to polish his shoe, and one that is obviously polishing day and night is Zaid Ibrahim, the most useless scum.
Carry on writing Tun. Loves this blog.
Long Live Tun!!!
Salam Yang Berbahagia Tun,
Saya sekali lagi. Tapi kali ini pendek aje. Apa kata Tun kalau ada Bahagian UMNO yang mencadangkan Tun bertanding jawatan Presiden UMNO Disember ini? Apakah Tun akan menerimanya? Kalaupun tak nak berkhidmat lama, sepenggalpun cukuplah Tun. Hanya untuk memulihkan UMNO, BN dan Malaysia.Saya berharap Tun dapat mempertimbangkannya.
Kepada pembaca Blog ini yang sedang bermesyuarat bahagian, inilah sahaja cara kita untuk pulihkan maruah bangsa kita. Hidup Tun Mahathir.
La…ni…tak payah
pakai kelambu lagi…
pasang jaring pada
tingkap bilik dan sembur
bilik dengan racun nyamuk…
nyamuk pasti terhapus…
pembaharuan dan perubahan
itu perlu….itu yang
kami mahukan.
Salam Tun M,
Berita hari ini (13/09/2008) memang mengecewakan…
Harap Tun tunjuk jalan bagi mengawal keadaan.
Harap Malaysia kembali dihormati dan disegani seperti dulu.
Selamat Berpuasa.
Salam Yg Berbahagia Tun,
Ramai yang faham maksud tersurat dan tersirat apa yang Tun hendak sampaikan, namun apa cara atau daya mereka untuk mengubah keadaan? Kalau nak ubah Presiden UMNO kena melalui undi sedangkan nak jadi perwakilan sekalipun kita tak lepas. Penyakit politik wang sudah menjadi barah hingga ke akar umbi UMNO dan pintu tertutup rapat bagi seseorang yang sedar atau waras untuk membuat sebarang perubahan. Kita akan dicantas mentah-mentah seawal mesyuarat cawangan. Impian untuk memulakan perubahan akan menjadi mimpi yang amat mengerikan. Saya rasa Tun pun faham…
Jadi apa alternatif yang ada? Balas dendam dengan pangkah parti lawan atau undi rosak atau tak payah keluar mengundi.
Saya rasa amat tepat Tun masuk UMNO semula. Saya harap Tun tawarkan diri bertanding jawatan Presiden. Masih ramai yang dahagakan kepimpinan Tun dan insyaAllah masih ramai yang akan menyokong. Betulkan semula UMNO,kembalikan semula kepercayaan orang Melayu terhadap UMNO dan tautkan kembali kiambang-kiambang yang terpisah selepas biduk besar lalu dan memporak perandakan kita.
Sepatah kata YB Ahmad Maslan dari Pontian, orang Melayu terlalu banyak bertolak ansur, sampai kini semakin tertolak beransur-ansur.Pernah Tun kata kita pun perlu belajar untuk kurang ajar agar orang tahu kita tak suka diperkotak-katikkan.
Pimpinlah UMNO semula, pimpinlah BN semula dan terajuilah Malaysia semula. Saya tahu Tun penat selepas 22 tahun berkorban, tapi negara tercinta ini masih perlukan Tun.Lepas pulih Tun berehatlah. Pilihlah pengganti yang benar-benar berwibawa, berkebolehan dan berwawasan. Mungkin dulu Tun tak banyak pilihan,lepas ini berhati-hatilah memilih kerana ia melibatkan masa depan negara dan maruah bangsa Melayu. Kita tak mahu dijajah lagi,kita tak mahu kecewa lagi, kami tak mahu menjadi penumpang di negara sendiri. sepatah kata ND Lala dalam lagunya “Tidak Melayu hilang di dunia, yakinnya sungguh Dato’ Hang Tuah, kalau Melayu tidak berusaha, Melayu tak hilang yang hilang maruah”.
Assalamualaikum wbt kpd Tun dan rakan2 chedet.com..
Sy sokong 200% Tun join semula UMNO..moga kehadiran Tun akan mengembalikan semula kegemilangan UMNO dan BN khususnya…aminn…
Dear Tun Mahathir,
I’m wandering on what was your stand with the lastest development of on detention of the follwoing under ISA:
1. Raja Petra Kamaruddin
2. Sin Chew Jit Poh Reporter
3. Teresa Kok
Poh Soon
Assalamuaikum Tun…
Kata-kata Tun ada kebenarannya. Saya sendiri pun tak faham dengan apa yang dah jadi dengan Malaysia. Baru-baru nie, Muhyiddin Yassin mempersoalkan tentang peralihan kuasa Abdullah pada Jun 2010. Bagi, saya tindakan itu memang wajar kerana Muhyiddin melihat sesuatu yang berfaedah untuk negara,bukan untuk kepentingannnya. Apa salahnya jika Muhyiddin menyelar tarikh peralihan kuasa. Beliau juga mempunyai hak untuk bersuara. Adakah tidak boleh mengkritik Pak Lah jika berada dibawah kepimpinannya.
I beg to disagree with your view that the dismal performance of Barisan Nasional (BN) in the March 2008 elections is due to the people’s disgust with the leadership of Pak Lah. Yours is a myopic and one-sided view and a biased analysis of the situation.
As a one who has been deeply involved in research on voters’ behaviour for a long time, I feel that your analysis of the outcome of both the 2008 general and by-election (Permatang Pauh) is rather based on convoluted logic.Your anger and your opposition to Pak Lah seem to be misplaced.
Generally, the outcome of the elections is based on the following: the personality and personal traits of the candidates; the performance of both the government and the opposition; the state of the economy; crucial national issues; religion; class; party affiliation and loyalty; family patterns; and race and language considerations.
The general view regarding the lack-lustre performance of BN is mainly the state of the economy; the arrogance of some party leaders who adopted a care-the- less attitude towards the minorities; the misuse of the draconian ISA; the racist remarks made by certain groups (allied with BN); rampant corruption and abuse of authority. You can’t blame the electoral fiasco solely on Pak Lah. You accusation of Pak Lah is motivated by personal vendetta, anger and malice. You should adopt a positive attitude towards people, especially in your twilight years.
I agree with u Tun. But I still wonder, kedegilan DSAAB untuk letak jawatan adakah dia sengaja untuk musnahkan BN dan beri laluan kepada DSAI? Adakah apa yang berlaku adalah wayang semata-mata? Tindakan Tun hendak menyertai UMNO balik memang menunjukan Tun sangat sayang kepada negara dan rakyat. But I’m scared kerana DSAI yang teramat power crazeeee ada kat luar sana dan reputasi BN telah teruk dicemar, bolehkah BN bangkit semula seperti dulu?
Semua Bloggers,
Konsep BN adalah praktikal kepada Malaysia. Pakatan Rakyat (PR) pun meniru dan mengamalkan konsep BN. Mengapa sebahagian rakyat yang menyokong sebelumnya menolak BN pada pilihanraya yang lepas?. Bagi kaum Cina, bisnes yang rugi menjadi isu utama. Pengundi Melayu terutama generasi baru resah dengan peluang pekerjaan dan pendapatan yang semakin susut. Orang kampung dan keseluruhan kaum resah soal harga barang yang meningkat tak henti-henti. Pembangkang cekap mengambil kesempatan dengan mengapi-apikan semangat perkauman dan kelemahan kepimpinan UMNO. MCA dan Gerakan tidak langsung mengambil peranan dengan mendekati rakyat dan menjadi ahli politik semata-mata untuk bisnes,semuanya mengharapkan UMNO. MIC garang tak bertempat dan terlambat. Bila kalah, panik dan hilang akal dan lahirlah sikap dan niat sebenar mereka.
Sekiranya kefahaman tentang “kontrak sosial” dan lahirnya BN ditanam didalam minda setiap rakyat, sesiapa sahaja tidak dapat menggugat rakyat Malaysia. Sekiranya PR memerintah semuanya akan hancur kerana
belum apa-apa lagi, DAP sudah tidak sabar hendak menghancurkan Melayu dan identiti melayu. Tengok sendirilah…PAS yang diharapkan menjaga Melayu diam seribu bahasa atas nama politik dan boleh dijinakkan oleh DAP,sepatutnya bangun mempertahankan Melayu=Islam ini. PKR langsung tak boleh diharap …
Kebanyakkan Melayu hanya mengharapkan 100% kebijaksanaan pemimpin Melayu. Carilah pemimpin yang mempunyai IQ, semangat Melayu jati dan kepimpinan jitu yang boleh memimpin kaum lain juga. Bantulah juga walaupun orang PAS atau PKR sekalipun dan buktikan dengan fakta sekiranya dinafikan. Rasuah dan kronisme hanya melemahkan individu pemimpin untuk lantang bersuara seperti pejuang kemerdekaan. Orang Melayu kini bukannya “bodoh” macam dahulu lagi. Generasi baru sudah pandai mencari sumber maklumat sendiri. Inilah yang sebenarnya menjadi punca kekalahan BN. Kembalilah kepangkal jalan dan BN diganti dengan pemimpin generasi baru yang lebih berkelayakan dan bersih.
Hidup Malaysia!!!!
Assalam mualaikum tun,
Selamat kembali semula ke UMNO. Kami tahu tun akan kembali.
1)Memang benar apa yang tun katakan wujudnya golongan muda yang angkuh dan sombong yang menjadi penyumbang kepada kehancuran UMNO hari ini.
2)Malangnya kumpulan yang angkuh dan sombong inilah yang menjadi penasihat kepada PM.
3)Seperti beruk yang dapat bunga, keangkuhan dan kesombongannya telah menutup pintu hatinya dan menjadikan mereka sekumpulan manusia yang tak mampu lagi berfikir dengan bijaksana.
4)Lihatlah saja apa komen Zaid Ibrahim berkenaan kenyataan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, apakah terlalu sukar untuk memahami kenyataan TSMY kelmarin yang menggesa PM supaya memikirkan semula tarikh peralihan kuasa yang dijadualkan pada 2010 kerana tempoh tersebut terlalu lama.
5)Siapa Zaid Ibrahim ?
6)Di bulan yang mulia ini kami doakan agar tun sekeluarga dipanjangkan umur dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik dan dapat terus menjadi tunjang perjuangan orang Melayu yang sejati.
Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun,
1. Saya setuju dgn komen-komen Tun. Kerajaan Perikatan/BN sahajalah yang dapat menjamin kelangsungan hudup rakyat berbilang kaum dan agama di negara ini; TETAPI dgn syarat teraju kepimpinan perlu berundur segera dgn hormat. Saya heran kenapa le bebal sgt DSAAB ini hingga tak memahami perasaan ramai; baik di dalam maupun dari luar parti? Dah orang tak suka kenapa mesti disua-sua pipi tu untuk dicium?
2. Nak diharapkan Pakatan Rakyat memerintah negara ini? Saya tak nak gambarkan apa yang akan berlaku di negara ini? Permulaannya mungkin nampak baik tapi lambat laun akan timbul bencana. Ini disebabkan ideologi ketiga-tiga parti di dalam PR sangat berbeda. DAP dengan “Malaysian Malaysia”nya: PAS dengan “Negara Islam Radikal”nya sementara PKR hanya memenuhi impian Anwar Ibrahim untuk menjadi PM. PAS kalau dulu melabelkan orang-orang UMNO tu kafir kerana bersekongkol dgn orang-orang kafir MCA, MIC, Gerakan dsb, kini mereka itu apa pula; bila bersekongkol dgn orang-orang DAP dan yg bukan Islam dlm PKR? MEMANG BETUL MELAYU MUDAH LUPA seperti yang Tun pernah katakan dulu.
3. Syabas saya ucapkan kepada Panglima Angkatan Tentera (PAT) di atas keyataannya menggesa Kerajaan mengambil tindakan tegas ke atas mereka yang memainkan isu-isu sensitif. Kini barulah ada tindakan diambil. Kepada Ketua Pemuda PAS, jangan cuba menegur kenyataan PAT tu. Tanggungjawab AT dan juga PDRM adalah menjamin keselamatan dan keamanan negara agar rakyatnya hidup aman dan ekonomi negara berkembang dan terjamin. Kalau orang-orang politik sepertinya dan Anwar Ibrahim asyik menghangatkan dan menimbulkan ketidaktentuan kestabilan negara, maka wajarlah orang-orang politik ini diberikan peringatan.
4. Saya doakan Tun sekeluarga sihat sentiasa. Wassalam.
Dear Tun,
BIG Arrogant mosquito From 4rd Floors MUST ‘GET OUT’…..Pak Lah too,coz followed/agreed command from that guy….Who’s KJ???????????…if Pak Lah not there…….
Salam Tun,
You always be our leader… i love you opinion, you said it well… Pak Lah punca kekalahan teruk BN tetapi dia tak ingin dengar ini semua malah menyalahkan pemimpin lain di peringkat kecil sebagai punca….
Dulu orang cina dan india penyelamat BN tapi kita rata rata kaum dalam negara ni mula menolak akibat meluat dengan pemimpin tertinggi negara pada masa kini…
Semoga negara ni dapat diselamatkan sebelum semuanya terlambat…
Adry Sabry @ http://www.adrysabry.com
YAB Tun,
Tun’s writing this time around is bold and brave. I hope and pray to ALLAH SWT that Tun will not suffer the same fate as the 3 personalities whose faces appeared on the major newspapers today.
I personally believe that no country or government in this world could eradicate corruption. It will be an achievement if it could be kept at a very minimum level.
Transparency International Corruption Perception Index (CPI Index 2007) has listed Malaysia at no 43 out of 180 countries with a CPI score of 5.1 out of the possible 10. ( 10 being the best and 0 being the worst score). Our southern neighbour, Singapore is placed at no 4 with a CPI score of 9.4 (the best placed country in Asia).
It will not be a surprise if Malaysia’s position will slide next year.
Corruption is just like a common cold. It is very contageous and could spread easily if precaution is not taken.
‘Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely’. Please do not allow this to happen in our beloved country.
We have had a peaceful and harmonious living environment for the past 39 years (after May 13th 1969) with resounding development and robust economy during Tun’s tenure as PM. Please do not destroy all this for the sake of individual agendas.
For the sake of our future generation, I sincerely hope that YAB Tun will come back into our mainstream political circle and help steer our sinking ship out of the present storm before it is to late to be saved.
May ALLAH SAW gives strength to YAB Tun to continue lead us during this trying times.
Secara amnya sy b’kongsi p’dapat yg sama ttg isu p’kauman masih sgt b’kesan di Malaysia. AAB mesti digulingkan secara drastik agar cara Draconian ini dpt m’beri p’gajaran kpd ahli UMNO yg lain. Sebaik shj AAB d’jatuhkan BN m’merlukan SOKONGAN pemimpin lama bg m’beri petunjuk d’kalangan ahli BN yang sedang d’dlm delima. Majoriti tdk semestinya betul tapi jika ade yang sanggup menerajui kepimpinan, sudah pasti ada yg akan mengikuti. Idea paling karut ttp benar ialah apbl AAB jatuh d’beri cuti umum bg m’yambut kegembiraan. Idea yg karut tp semua org suka & takan tolak. Apa yang penting dikala waktu s’demikian adalah…..m’gikuti aliran umum & ikuti kehendak umum…sy p’caya ia boleh m’mulihkan p’rasaan marah semua kaum. Sedang rakyat kebingungan d’dlm tempoh cuti umum susurkan p’bahruan. Apa shj yg d’cadangakan akan lebih mudah d’canang oleh masyarakat. UMNO tdk perlu tukar kerana apa yg penting adalah p’ubahan dlman & p’gajaran yg drastik t’utama pada kepimpinan t’tinggi. Masyarakat Malaysia masih blum total m’jadi komplek ttp s’kadar inginkan ruang utk b’nafas & m’luahkan k’resahan
Asâsalamuâalaikum Tun.
Semoga Tun dan isteri berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera sentiasa.
Very well said indeed Tun, as you always do without fail.
My humble opinion on the situation is that, all the people want is a stable government that provides conducive business environment and employment opportunities, on top of that, a peaceful and harmony country to live in. As long as they can have a good decent life, nobody will complain. That was the scenario all the while …until one “mosquito” got into the kelambu.
The issue about racial discrepancy is not something new. It is not like it just came about after you stepped down. It was there all the while since we got our independence. But still we had one hell of a good time then, working and striving together side-by-side developing the economy. Was it our skin colours were the same back then ? Was it we had the same belief in religion ? Was it we speak the same mother’s tongue ? Hell No ! We were all very different ! Yet still we co-existed in harmony, we were very PROUD to have our national flag, the Jalur Gemilang, flying on top of our car roofs or bonnets. Some even stick one too many to express their love for the country. And not to forget the âProud To Be Malaysianâ stickers too. But today ⦠you donât get to see many of that. Obviously the people are not too proud anymore.
I, myself am a Malay, living in the heart of Kuala Lumpur (a name that even the mat sallehs now have learnt to pronounce properly after you took office). And being a city boy, I do go out for âguys-nite-outâ once in a while. And guess who are my nite-out buddies ? They are : Richard (Indian) and Jason (Chinese). Despite of being different races, we share a lot of fun, jokes and good times together. I also have a Malay friend who swapped his BMW with his Chinese friendâs Mercedes for 1 week without any paper signed, just to find out what it is like to drive a Mercedes. That described the level of trust we, the multi-racial societyâ, have amongst us. Even though we are working in different sectors, but we can still share a lot of things out of our lives after work. Why ? Because we share one common thing. That is, we are Malaysians. This happened during your tenure as the Prime Minister, Tun.
The scenario didnât change even during the Asian Financial Crisis period 1998-2000. Even though life was hard with VSS became the common coffee-table talk, we stick and worked harder to withstand the storm brought onto us by the pirate speculators. We are of different colors, but we are Malaysians, therefore we are one. Because we all knew we had a good captain steering the ship through the high waves of the financial crisis storm. And we trust our lives on his decisions and judgement. And for all the efforts, sweat and trust we put in together, we eventually survived the storm in one piece, and the experience has made us stronger to face greater challenges as a result of the policies that were put in place. At the same time we became the envy of many developing countries. None of this would be possible if not because of the Captain who is capable of uniting the ship crews to work together as one, despite the many differences they have between them.
So, what Iâm trying to say here is, I think all this racial issue has been drummed up only by the Oppositions for the purpose of gaining political support. And this group is only a minority who is trying to be important (or trying to be a PM). But we, the general educated public, are wise civilized people. Racial differences is a thing of the past. For eg. thereâs one big Chinese-owned company with the sign âProud To Be Malaysianâ propped up in front of its building showing how prosperous his business has been under the BN (a race-based coalition) government during the leadership of the previous premier. Itâs not about racial differences or about race-based politics. I believe the general public is more concerned about the money they have in their pockets, about the food they put on the table, the education for their kids and the friends they have around them. And we already had all those before, so why you want to shake the tree ?
Below are some posts I came across in a non-related forum :
âThat’s why i don’t like politics. it makes malay/chinese/indian gaduh. we are not up there fighting for the positions and money, so why not we all think wisely and be friends with all races. you vote for anybody pun you are still where you are, not a ringgit richer. don’t get emotional with politics. we just go on with our lives as managers, hawker seller, salesman, garbage picker, grass cutter…whatever. let those politician fight among themselves … it does not involve us and it must not affect our harmony in a multiracial country…
whatever happen, all of us regardless of our race have been happy with your family, your work, and life. i never bother.
Be a Malaysian. Melayu ka, Cina ka, India ka … from baby until great grandfather still just like that… Petrol naik ka, turun ka… we still drive our car. Rokok now RM9 also we still buy. Don’t be a stupid person, everything also want to gaduh, and racial… I have Malay, Chinese and Indian friends since kindergarten until now… tak ada problem pun…
We don’t want our grandchildren to hate each other. Make Love Not War.â
âI agree bro. Whatever your race you still a Malaysian. we play and love all.â
âgood say !
regardless what is your race, we share the same topic and playground,
why so stupid go for perang ?â
So Tun, I think the problem here is not the people, the problem here is those people up there who are obsessed with their personal goals :
1. One guy wants to be the âCaptain of the shipâ at all cost.
2. Another guy wants to remain as the âCaptain of the shipâ at all cost, even if the ship sinks with all the crews on board.
3. And one Bollywood hero pulak, wants to be the youngest âCaptain of the shipâ at all cost (a.k.a âthe guy on the 4th floor).
But as far as Iâm concerned Tun, I can only trust the future of my kids and my bangsa (that also means all my fellow Malay, Indian, Chinese, Punjadi, Kadazan friends etc.) in the hands of one âsi polanâ to captain our ship, heâs the guy with a 22-years experience piloting the country trough storm and high waters, and made it back to the port stronger than before.
Please read this as our âS.O.Sâ message to you Tun. Time is running out and the ship is sinking by the day.
Selamat berpuasa Tun sekeluarga.
Salam Tun,
Saya membesar dalam perjuangan UMNO. Arwah ayah adalah pengikut Tun yang setia. Pada pilihanraya 2008 kami adik beradik masih memilih BN khususnya UMNO walaupon kami sudah tidak sanggup lagi berada dibawah pimpinan Pak Lah. Saya saya pada UMNO tidak berbelah bagi tapi perjuangan UMNO sudah tidak seperti dulu.. Benar kata Tun “UMNO sekarang bukan UMNO yang dulu”. Perjuangan UMNO telah tersasar. Kami perlukan tun untuk kembalikan UMNO di landasan yang betul.. Semoga Allah merahmati Arwah ayah dan kurniakan kesihatan yang baik kepada tun dan isteri.
drama rtm
tajuk: aku dah bosan
paklah:rakyat dh bosan dgn politiking.apasal di bangkitkan lagi plan 2010.
mohideen : sebenarnya rakyat dah bosan dgn kepemimpinan paklah.saya suarakan kehendak rakyat.
paklah: kan semua ahli kabinet dan mt umno dh setuju plan tu.
mohideen:paklah! saya perlu jujur ini suara rakyat.kita boleh buat apa apa plan.contoh plan rumah-kalau kita buat plan rumah yg begitu cantik tapi kalau tuanpunya rumah tak suka tak guna juga.
paklah : @#$%^&*()?/
mohideen : saya sanggup tanggung risiko.
Dear Tun
We might agreed to race based politic before , but trend change when that did not bring progress to our nations to the level like Singapore,Taiwan and etc.What is the point of defending NEP when it will bring our country closer to – ZIMBAWEE – Every one will suffer.
BN definitely should review some of the policies ,most importantly change the mind set of Malaysian to become not race based.
As i said , chinese never aginst NEP but wants the programme to benefit “dserves” bumitera ,because that will translate to more wealthy Malaysian.
Imagine , manay races came to Malaya to look for better life,
what happen after 50years, we are gradually behind those country (china and may be soon India).
Dont you agree ?
we support Teressa!Raja Petra and Reprorter Tan, what has Teressa said or did for being arrested under ISA? and Reporter Tan, she is preforming her duty, govt shd arrest Ahmad ISmail, pencetus isu perkauman, Ahmas Ismail is the one who had said those stupid words and many other reporters and DPM Najib was there as well. What kind of world here in Malaysia? upside down!
Salam Tun Dato Seri Mahatir
I agree the performance of BN government led by Dato Seri Abdullah
Badawi is one of the factors that contribute to the poor
performance.I myselve involve in the campaign ,I noticed that some
of the BN component party member were arrogant ,proud ,very rude
to those who were providing support and services to BN candidate voluntarily.This kind of problem need to be rectified. For any organisation to be sucess we must ensure persons with ability and good character be chosen.
We also have to look at things objectively. We must not ignore the
fact that people of any country in the world today are very different from people of yesteryear , they are not uniform in
their thinking as a result of globalisation and media exposure.
The strategy adopted by BN is also not uptodate and effective.
The adoption of strategy is not a last minute job , but
should done long before the election commenced.
Salam Tun,
Saya harapkan Tun sihat di samping keluarga. Pada mulanya, saya agak keliru pada dengan ura-ura Tun untuk menjadi ahli UMNO semula. Namun, saya pasti Tun mempunyai rasioanl yang kukuh untuk memperbetulkan keadaan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional secara keseluruhannya yang mengalami krisis kepimpinan yang kronik (jika berita ini benar). Tindakan Tun amat tepat (menjadi ahli semula)di kala Pakatan Rakyat menekan kepimpinan atasan, terutama mempersoalkan Kontrak Sosial yang menjadi tunjang kestabilan dan keamanan selama ini.
Semoga Tun dapat membina semula Barisan Nasional supaya ia kembali kuat seperti pada zaman pemerintahan Tun. Saya akan menyokong Tun 100%.
Selamat berpuasa & salam lebaran buat Tun & keluarga
Salam YAB Tun,
No one can deny what BN, especially under your visionary leadership had contributed in making Malaysia what it is today. But are we just talking ONLY those good things like Twin Towers, National Car, Malaysia Boleh feats, Economic Growth, etc.
You have raised some valid points but I beleive it is not reflective of the reality that is happening. Even if they are shunning BN for the wrong reasons, there is a reason and basis. Say what you want, the winds of change is happening.
Some components parties of BN have realised their mistake or foolishness and decided to do something constructive – to control or salvage the damage. Some have resorted to rebranding, others trying to win the support by making their stand against racism based developments.
It will indeed be inetresting to see what impact of constructive contribution and change, YAB Tun would bring by rejoining UMNO. I pray it spells good news for the Rakyat and Malaysia and not just ONE race.
Yes, no race can say BN did not hand out to look after their welfare because they were all represented through their race based parties and also multi race parties. But, the truth of the matter was those who benefitted were neglible compared to what was neglected in masses – as raised by Hindraf. You yourself accused Samy Velu of having neglected the Indians. Why?.
You said, “the Chinese are upset over the economic situation?. So, the Malays, Indians are are not and are fooled by the opposition’s liberalisation. I do not agree this is the case.
YAB Tun, why can’t you see it. You ask why BN won in 1999 and 2004. Well, as I see it, PKR was singing a different tune – as narrow as BN. Now, its meritocracy and affirmative actions based not on race, but rather economic dispairity across race.
May be, it’s best YAB Tun can convince BN to sponsor an private survey agency to find out what the rakyat, both layman, businessman and students are saying.
Selamat Buka Puasa and have a peaceful weekend.
even in the US racial issues are not aired in a big way…it is suppressed and most discussions held behind closed doors….i suppose with our 3rd world mentality could we expect maturity if these issues is discussed in open public forums? Bosnia a waiting…we beg not.
1.Untuk yang menyuruh Tun melebihkan ibadat atas tikar sembahyang sebab Tun dah tua….NI NAK HABAQ, tua-tua Tun pun, kita yang muda ni pun TAK MAMPU nak berfikir macam dia, TAK MAMPU nak kerja keras macam dia, apa lagi nak tubuhkan sebuah kerajaan yang MAJU DAN BERJAYA macam dia…soal AMAL IBADAT Tun, itu urusan antara dia dengan Tuhan..pasai apa kita dok sibuk-sibuk..kalau niat hangpa ikhlas tak pa la, kalau niat nak dok pelecehkan Tun..tak payah laa.. hangpa bagi nasihat kat diri sendiri dulu, then keluarga, then masyarakaat, then negara…ni kalau diri dan keluarga pun tak betui, tak payah laa dok nasihat orang lain..
Ni nak tanya..Allah ada bagi peluang kat hangpa dapat masuk dalam Kaabah ka? macam yang Allah bagi kat Tun? Tu baru satu petunjuk daripada Allah tu..
2.To those who gave us some statistics regarding Malaysian economic/social achievement, I do thank you..BUT..
– please tell us more of the Malays achievement before and after NEP
– please tell us more (the numbers) of Malays in Singapore who really did well and achieved something there..
– please show us one nation in this world..that has “masyarakat majmuk” NOT “berbilang kaum” that can live in peace and harmony like us.
– please show us the figures between Malays and non-Malays who join the army/police…(I admit some are corrupted BUT like it or not..these are the people who WHO WILL DIE FIRST IF our nation is under attack..)
– please name us any nation that is NOT CORRUPTED
– please ask YOURSELVES..are you willing to change your name from Cheng to Rudy Hartono, Mariappan to Susanto.. and forget your root by changing your education system (no more to Chinese or Indian schools..NO WORRY, Laporan Razak will provide your children with BC and BT subjects ..upon your request.. ONLY IF your are willing to accept one school system for all), your keturunan, your lingo?
Are we (the Malays) willing to accept those Chinese and Indians as Hartono or Susanto as part of US?
Ahhh..this I think..I should ask from some of my Indonesian friends..
Tun… in 1986..”they” did a research among Malaysian oversea graduates to find out..IF those graduates had your qualities..”they” gave 10 questions (all about your thinking skills)..but SADLY, only few scored 4 and below..and NONE scored more than 4… that bad huh Tun..
to Pak Lah… act as a true Khalifah..may Allah bless you..
to Tun.. I don’t know what else to say… just that..DO HELP and TEACH US MORE..
Assalammu’alaikum Yang Amat Dihormati Tun,
1. DSAAB terkejut dikejutkan oleh TSMY tentang pelan peralihan kuasa pucuk pimpinan tertinggi negara yang telah dipersetujui Kabinet dan Majlis Tertinggi (MT) UMNO pada Jun 2010.Beliau menegaskan, tumpuan utama sekarang adalah untuk memastikan kestabilan politik dipertahankan supaya kerajaan dapat memberi perhatian kepada usaha menyelesaikan segala masalah rakyat. Beliau yang sebenarnya mencipta precedent ini sebagai contoh kepada pembatalan Jambatan Bengkok dan Projek Landasan Keretapi Berkembar serta penangguhan projek Jambatan PP Kedua dan penyenaraian FELDA di BSKL.
2. Menteri pintu belakang desak TSMY dipecat.TSMY adalah MP yang dipilih secara proses demokrasi dan tidak dipilih secara proses pintu belakang. Sebahagian besar rakyat pun amat sakit hati mengenai pembayaran ex gratia melibatkan dana pembayar cukai. Rakyat beragama Islam pun sakit hati dan marah kerana menghalalkan program Memeluk Islam oleh BC.
3. Kepada DSAAB dan ZI kumur mulut dulu sebelum buat kenyataan.
Selamat pagi pada Tun dan semua.
Apa yang Tun katakan itu ada yang betul ada juga yang susah nak faham.Apapun Pak.lah mesti turun jika dia pemimpin yang berjiwa rakyat serta memahami apa yang berlaku sekaarang,masalahnya Pak lah takut semua ceritanya dan kuncu2 terbongkar apabila dia meletak jawataan kelak.Sikap tamak itu menghantu hati dan dirinya tanpa peduli oranglain suka atau tak.Ahli umno yang ada sekarang pun tak ada pendirian,yang penting wang masuk,kontrak dapat .Dah jelak tengok mereka main drama.Semoga Tun sentiasa diberi kekuatan,kesihatan,pertunjuk dan perlindungqn dari ALLAH.
Dear Tun,
The latest ISA arrest will definitely make things worse if Ahmad is not subjected to the same punishment. BN is already losing it’s grip. All citizens want justice to be done. We want to feel safe in our country. Ahmad said that he was penalised not because his statement was wrong but because he refused to apologise, and he said it with the UMNO’s secretary general sitting next to him. What kind of message are we sending to our fellow malaysians? I am so ashamed of UMNO and so ashamed of the way BN is handling situations these days.
salam tun…
maaf tun..bg kami…BN sudah x releven…apa yg paklah lakukan telah mengubah hati kami…BN di zaman tun adlh lain…kina segala2 dah berubah…semua sudah terlambat…kami menanti pembangkang utk ambil alih kerajaan w/pun kami x yakin ia adlh sebaik seperti zaman tun…betul tun …marahkan nyamuk kelambu terbakar…
How very clever Tun trying to put all the blame on Badawi and Badawi alone, so that voters will still stick to BN? People please wake up, replacing Badawi alone makes no difference. BN is still corrupted to the core. To weed out the problem, in order that BN can become stronger, BN HAS to fall first before we can see any improvement. In your words, the mosquitos (plural, pay attention), HAS to be eliminated. This includes narrow-minded leaders like Ahmad that only want to champion the rights for one race rather than for the benefit of everyone.
And BTW, I’m very surprised that you haven’t anything to say about the detention of Raja Petra, the Sin Chew Jit Poh journalist and the DAP EXCO. Are they not of your concern also?
Salam Tun,
There’s a different between getting rid of the mosquito and killing them with ridsect. Susah sebenarnya nak ‘chase them out of the net when they are not willing to do so” sebab nyamuk ni memang pandai terbang dan helah dia memang panjang. Adalah lebih mudah jika nyamuk tu sedar diri yang ianya akan mati bersama kelambu kalau dibakar. Lebih mudah jika dia sendiri mencari jalan untuk keluar.Dia tak mati dan kelambu masih ‘steady’.
Jika benar Tun nak join balik UMNO, SELAMAT BERJUANG DARI DALAM UMNO’
Harap anak Tun yang kat luar UMNO, Mokhzani dapat buat sesuatu untuk mempertemukan pengunjung blog dan peminat Tun dalam satu majlis bersama Tun.
Salam Tun
“It would be a pity if, as the Malay saying goes, “we burn the mosquito net because of one mosquito”.
1.But now there’s more then one mosquito around in BN, infact the whole bunch of mosquitoes in the net are all bad, very bad.
2.During your time of leadership, lots of people hate your guts but atleast you stand for it and people are happy ‘cos all was fine.
3.Families are still able to go out for occasional dinner, take long vacation and travel afar visiting relatives, but now with the increase in price, people had to think twice or more and that’s just for a simple dinner outside.
4.Worse it, people have no trust in all the leaders in UMNO/BN, and that’s for sure.
5.People know your are also corrupted but still people can tolerate but now people say ‘enough is enough’.
6.Permatang Pauh by-election prove it all, although 16th September looks like it’s not going to achieve, but people still hope one day, maybe one day it will go thru.
Assalamualaaikum Tun
Good explaination.
Have to be reminded as well, that the Pakatan rakyat was only formed after the general elections. So, suffice to say that voters went for opposition instead of BN instead of electing a new government (as there’s no formal opposition alliance capable of building a goverment prior to the election).
congratulations tun!!
i wish you the best health where ever you are and happy ramadhan. i am a young generation who would hit the jobmarket soon. the situation now is worrying us students as a lot of racial slurs being shoved here and there. i am a law student myself and rather freshly versed with the social contract.
it is clear tun, someone should do something before its too late. the captain of the ship has not even realized that the ship is sinking together with him. professionally he should ve ousted himself after the pilihanraya, and ask for the ship crew to put the blame on him and thus saving the ship.
as a younger generation i am feeling a lot disappointed with our current leadership. i am deeply ashamed to say that the leaders now are selfish, ignorant, money mongering, income oriented and short sighted.
the three arrest made late yesterday was the first of any affirmative action that our ‘beloved’ pak lah has made in his term. i even doubted that it was him who initiated the matter as i dont think he has the guts for it. when people are given opportunity to speak, they will and regardless of anyone else feelings they will speak. preventive action has so far serve our country’s security very well. people seems to mistaken this law as a form of government control over media, and the opposition. they are actually wrong.. more and more country has stopped criticizing this and in fact the USA has even implement such preventive law itself in its current campaign against terrorism.
the supporters of anwar ibrahim should realize that the court has already agree on the facts that there is homosexual activity upon him made on the 1998 charge against him. my criminal trial and advocacy lecturer has repeatedly asked me to frame a charge as perfect as possible and i believed that this training has made me sufficient in analyzing whether the charge would stand or not. looking back at the charge, i know it would not have stand and would be subjected to further appeal. as a law student, i read the judgment thoroughly and was even surprised to this. i stopped being his supporter after reading the judgment myself back in 2005. i cannot agree with anyone agreeing on him becoming the prime minister, unless you want your country to be lead on by immoral person who can later be tooled by anybody who hold physical evidence of his endeavors
its very funny tun. i am just 23 years old and even i know not to support immoral persons who has been labeled as a homosexual by the court. i might be a rigid follower of the court (being a future practitioner) but i know the rule of evidence in which fabrication might happen but the chances are slim. no court or no judge would simply put out any decision if it was not based on best, primary, and relevant evidence. it is their duty not to. the rule of evidence was created before anwar even was born.
the common bar exam purported by our new ex-litigant cum the minister of law (de facto) is ridiculous. our universities (with law faculty) will be suffering from this, and our graduates who are learning the Malaysian Legal System, The Malaysian Land Law, The Malaysian Constitutional Law, The Malaysian Civil Procedure, The Malaysian Criminal Procedure, The Malaysian Company Law, The Malaysian Family/Islamic Law, and as a whole the Laws of Malaysia will therefore be subjected to the same exam (in fact a one year course) as the students learning all of the above with the specific laws of England, Australia and any other commonwealth country. this defeats the purpose of having our own Common Law System as purported by Tun Suffian, in which our values, customs and morality may be implemented. if we keep on depending on the English Common Law, and Equity we will still be haunted by the Laws of other nations. the common bar exam will kill the local law graduates just because the bar council is not happy with the CLP. the fight against CLP is now winning, and a lot of us local graduates are grinning. we dont want this exam to implemented.
your youngsters are crying for help.. please stop all this nonsense and let somebody else take the helm. do not leave us a torn apart country and a rich leader brimming on all the benefits.. because we will revolt to ensure that the future is there for us.
what i thought is that chinese and indians voters are so critical to the survival of the BN government since 2008 becoz majority malays voters had been split into 4 groups: AAB Group, TM Group, PKR Group, and PAS Group. 2008 election proof it right.
Tun M.
Saya setuju apa yg dikatakan oleh tun.
kesal apa yang telah berlaku sekarang …
mana perginya semangat yang dulu…
Tun pernah berkata
“melayu mudah lupa”
ternayata perkara itu berlaku sekarang…kenapa nak bakar kelambu…
kan nyamuk perlu kita tangani .
Satu lagi petikan yang saya ingat dan saya simpan sampai sekarang,
ungkapan yang penuh keramat….
Kenapa Mereka lupa perkara ini…
saya betul2 hairan la…
apa yang nampak adalah peluang hanya sekali…
Tun M
Kami perlukan Tun .
betul kata, Tun perjuanag belum selesai.
selamat berpuasa & salam lebaran buat Tun & keluarga.
anak kecil khirul.
Dear Tun,
I totally agreed that a firm decisive (not a dictator) leader are needed badly for a country like Malaysia where lots of ethnic groups making up the population. I’m not a politician…nor I want to become one, but I’m aware when our belove country at this point are heading toward the opposite of Vision 2020.
Tun, the National front had been doing a great job all this while. UMNO,MCA,MIC,GERAKAN and all component parties from Sabah and Sarawak
had been working as team to promote Unity among ethnic, the economy were growing fast drastically, we had stability,…everyone seem to be enjoying life…but that was then!
Now, It is totally a different picture! Everyone seem to be getting restless! Everyone seem to be getting on everybody’s nerve! Everyday we hear of disatisfaction, sensitive issues being brought up openly which we normally don’t! The country seem to be in chaotic mode with nobody controling! If left uncheck…,we might loose sight of the Malaysia we once use to know.
God bless us all!
salam Tun…
Perubahan di peringkat UMNO Malaysia haruslah diubah oleh Peringkat UMNO Bahagian seterusnya UMNO Cawangan juga harus mengubah Pemimpin di Peringkat Bahagian akhir sekali ahli UMNO di peringkat Cawangan mestilah mengubah pemimpin mereka di Cawangan.
perubahan berperingkat ini haruslah mengambil masa yang lama bagi meletakkan semula UMNO dilandasan sebenar.
Sewaktu zaman Tun memerintah UMNO hanya menjadi kudis dan senang dirawat tetapi sekarang kudis telah menjadi nanah dan untuk merawat perlukan pembedahan dan mengambil masa yg lama untuk pulih.
Rawatilah penyakit ini wahai Pemimpin UMNO sekelian sebelum ianya terlambat dan terkubur dimasa hadapan…
I’m totally speachless when reading solo’s comparison between Malaysia and Singapore.
He mentioned that BN decided to aid couple with kids a sum of RM2400 while his friend mentioned that Singapore government give S$6000. However, he argued that Singapore government able to give more because they have less population. But wait, with less population and no natural resources, doesn’t it mean that the source of income also lesser?
Malaysia with such a huge population, and fortunate with lot of resources can’t do better than Singapore? Furthermore, if not mistaken, when Singapore being kicked out from Malaysia, RM having a bigger value compare to SGD. However, today, 1SGD = 2.2x RM.
So, what’s went wrong?
Dear Tun
(1,2,3) We voted for change not because of Abdullah alone but at the disgust of indecency of governance by yr previous leader ship + increased in petrol + corruption + arrogance of UMNOputras + Lingam tapes + KJ + yr siblings + Zakarias deros + Umno youth + fearfull cowed MCA/MIC/Gerakan + treatment of poor/marginalised + selective privilege rich/powerful Umnoputras, MCAprincelings of Lings, Veluans + many, many
(4,5,6)Tun, at yr time, we dont have UTUBE, BLOGs, n alternatives media, there4 we live in ignorant n deaf. Now our eyes r open n we dont want to see anymore of the aboved.
(7,8,9,10), The rise in petrol prices, cost of living, diminishing incomes/business hurt badly on average Malaysian while BN politicians + members increases in wealth n indecency.
(11)Rural Malay + chinese + indians + Orang asli + sarawakian/sabahans remain status quos (as long without alternatives media). Only the urbans population with most exposure to alternatives media want PM + BNs to re-invent thier ways n take care of all Malaysian.
(14) I agreed with u, Tun we r not rejecting race-related policies but it is priorities race-related parties the caused of it.
(15, 16, 17)Abdullah is not weak or strong. A leader is at it best when the winds or current is strongest, he ride on it ,crest n trough altogether.
Can i suggest BN change to BN Baru with nomore race related parties. All components parties dissovle n merge as BN Baru. In this way, BN Baru is a step ahead of PKR.
We, Malaysian have a choice to choose only 2 parties n nomore Race items.
Salam Tun N keluarga..
Rakyat dah bosan dengan permainan pok Lah dan kaki² ampun nya.
cakap tak serupa bikin. Hari ini buat peraturan baru esok dah tukar lain.Macam tak ada pegangan. Cepat² la Tun tolong Backup TSMY.Kita tukar kepimpinan baru.
I agree with you. So far, I never see any strong and convincing leadership in any of UMNO members. Except recently, for these two guys – Muhyidin and Mukriz. If this persist, UMNO will become a part of history….
kepala otak diao org nak control kito.
sekarang takot nak cakop apo2.
takot Isa.
Keputusan Analisis Pilihanraya ’08 setelah di +, di -, di /, di x berkali2:
= Rakyat menolak YAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
= Rakyat menolak pemimpin lembab bodoh yang terkebil-kebil.
= Rakyat menolak pemimpin ber’wajah’ agama.
= Rakyat nak merasa kesan tak mengundi Pemerintah.
Dear Tun,
We have largely always voted for the BN in previous general elections. In 2004, the so called landslide victory the BN got was mainly due to the goodwill you created and left behind. We trusted your wisdom in choosing the person you thought best able to lead after you.
The irony of Malaysian politics is though we vote during the elections, which are largely free and fair, we have no say at all in who becomes PM. This matter is decided squarely by one thousand odd Umno delegates during the Umno general assembly. For who is elected president is almost certain to become PM. Can you imagine one thousand odd citizens actually decide who will be PM of the country. How not to have money politics and corruption.
Dengan izin Tun, I think your decision to quit Umno was an emotional one. Not entirely well thought out. After all, you have made similar startling announcements on relinquishing your posts before; amid emotioal stress.
Your decision to re join Umno is a shot in the arm for Malaysia. Please crack the whip like you used to Tun. Restore order in the house. And this time, please retain an advisory, mentor like position so you can check things that go wrong. Before all is lost in chaos and confusion, save Malaysia Tun.
You are in my opinion, the only man in Malaysia capable of bringing calm back. There is much work ahead, lots to build and rebuild. (And I’m not talking about the crooked bridge!)
Save Malaysia Tun Mahathir.
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Saya cukup bersetuju dengan coretan Tun,
Pak lah mmg patut cepat berhenti…
Pemerintahan negara kita telah menjadi kucar kacir skrg
UMNO dahulu mmg lain dgn UMNO skrg…
sekiranya betul Tun masuk semula UMNO,
kami sepakat akan masuk semula UMNO.
Hidup Tun, Hidup Tun, Hidup Tun.
Salam TUN,
-BN dan UMNO sebenarnya kehilangan pemimpin yang amat2 berwibawa, peminpin yang lantang menyuarakan pembaharuan dalam pemikiran politik, berani dalam membangunkan ekonomi rakyat dan negara, berpandangan serta berfikiran jauh, berupaya merancang serta menjelmakan idea2 baru untuk kemajuan pembangunan negara dan lain2 penunjuk positif pemimpin dan ketua ……JELAS INI TIADA DALAM KEMPIMPINAN PAKLAH…
-BN tiada pemimpin yang berani untuk menyuarakan bantahan sekiranya tidak bersetuju hanya berani bersembang di kedai2 kari kepala ikan(port sentul)..di situlah pimimpin2 melayu terutama UMNO berani menghentam PAKLAH..disitulah yang disaksikan oleh kerusi serta meja bahawa pemimpin2 hanya tau berkata di belakang..akan tetapi cukup takut untuk berdepan..kenapa???..kerana kedudukan akan terguagt dalam parti…apabila saya meminta salah seorang dari pendebat2 hebat itu menulis apa yang rakannya hujahkan tadi..lantas senyum sinis diberikan kepada saya…disitulah tamatnya luahan hati seorang pemimpin selepas perhimpunan agung…mengapa ianya berlaku??..kerana kedudukan akan tergugat..itulah kelemahan pemimpin2 melayu..inikan ketuanya..
-BN hilang taringnya apabila..TUN dipinggirkan, dihentam apabila memberi komen2 pedas, di pulaukan oleh UMNO itu sendiri dan apabila TUN tidak lagi dihormati…
syukur saya kehadrat ALLAH SWT apabila terbuka pintu hati TUN untuk menyertai UMNO semula…harapan saya serta generasi saya agar moleklah sekiranya TUN perelokan serta landaskan semula hala tuju BN serta UMNO untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan serta keharmonian neagara kita yang kita cintai ini..
terima kasih TUN..jasa dan pengorbanan TUN untuk melayu saya ucapakan terima kasih walaupun saya bukan ahli UMNO atau pun mana2 parti politik..saya berterima kasih kerana jasa TUN, dapat saya menerima pendidikan yang sewajarnya..sekiranya yang menetang serta memperlekehkan TUN itu sebenarnya..MEREKA MUDAH LUPA..
Terima kasih TUN…
To add on to my previous posting, its obvious on why Barisan National fall by looking at the different treatment between the Ahmad Ismail who are being irresponsible by giving a offensive statement and the poor Sin Chew Jit Poh reporter.
UMNO politician are obviously above the law when he is not being deal with and only being slap with a mere 3 years “BAN” by UMNO (no action from authority), yet the reporter who just doing her task and do a faithful news reporting had been detained with ISA.
ikut the star report: The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) is concerned over the Home Ministryâs show-cause letters to The Sun, Sin Chew Daily and Suara Keadilan for alleged manipulation and highlighting of sensitive issues.
gua pun pening kepala. dulu dia orang cakap ada democracy di negara ini, tapi mcm susah nak hidup je. gua pun tak percaya la.
mcm mana Bn nak menang hati rakyat dgn kelakuan mcm ini? Tak kan nak letak semua org dlm IsA. rakyat ada hak nak cakap, tapi newspapers dah confirm control oleh Bn/keraJaan.
taK kan dia org di Bn tak sedar diri!
Kami rakyat rasa gembira kerana TUN sudah bersetuju masuk balik UMNO. Majlis tertinggi sudah tentu akan menolak kerana sudah tentu DSAB tidak bersetuju. TS Mahyuddin akan dipanggang hidup-hidup kerana menjadi pencadang.
Saya mencabar supaya salah seorang perwakilan menjadi HANG JEBAT dan membuat usul kemasukan TUN pada Perhimpunan Agong pada bulan Desember kelak. Seterusnya semua ahli bangun dan tepuk tangan menandakan sokongan.Tetapi HANG JEBAT ini rela mengambil risiko yang tinggi kerana beliau sendiri akan dipijak-pijak jika tidak dapat sokongan.
Dear Mahathir,
It seems that its indeed true that the BN (you included) still don’t know what’s went wrong. I would agree that majority of Malaysian voted in favour of opposition back on March 8, 2008 because they want to teach BN a lesson, partly due to the “flip flop” Abdullah. However, the following factor also play a big part of it, at least to me and many that i know:
1. The increasingly perceived corruption practice among the BN politician. I personally had witness many incident of “obvious” corruption from BN politician espeicially UMNO politician, but get scot free. Just to name a few, the AP permit incident, the illegal importing of LOG incident, the Palace Zakaria incident. Government saying that they want to fight corruptioin but only ikan bilis being bring to the front of justice. Non of the big shot being punished. Basically, i can’t see any political will to really tackle those corrupted politician. One just need to go to coffee shop at kampung to know what’s the generally corruption perception of BN politician.
2. The increasingly arrogant of BN politician espeicially those from UMNO, where some even openly say that they don’t need the support of Non-Malay to be in power.
3. The increased number of case involving religion issue, especially the case of corpse fighting from religious department, where after suffer from lost of kin, those suffering still can’t have a peace of mind and have to suffer so much torment.
In fact, quite a lot of my friend share the sentiment that Dr Koh from Gerakan lost due to the arrogant of UMNO politician, not because they didn’t do a good job in Penang. However, Dr Koh was indeed very much gentleman when he concede defeat and handover the power to DAP in a peaceful way.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Semoga dgn kembalinya Tun kepangkuan UMNO akan mempercepatkan proses perubahan dlm Kerajaan Malaysia yang tercinta ini dan menghentikan terus drama peralihan kuasa yang semakin hari semakin memualkan akar umbi UMNO.
Selamat Hari Raya Tun.
Hello Tun & Family,
Selama ini I hanya menjadi pembaca setia tapi hari ini tangan I terpanggil untuk menaip sesuatu.
Tun, I bukanlah seorang yang sukakan politik malah tidak pernah nak bercerita tentang politik. Tetapi sejak akhir2 ni I terpaksa mengikut perkembangan politik krn kemana jua I pergi semakin ramai customer I yg memberi komen tentang kerajaan. Bukan setakat customer sehinggakan semua principle I daripada Japan, Finland & Singapore pun kutuk kerajaan Malaysia sekarang. I sangat malu. Lebih malu lagi priciple I yang Japan tu datang Malaysia Isnin lepas tanya kat I siapa PM kita ? I kata AAB dia kata tak kenal, yg dia kenal Mahathir dan dia tanya lagi bila Mahathir turun ?
I menjadi semakin risau, ekonomi semakin teruk, harga barang semakin mahal tetapi hari2 kat akhbar tulis ekonomi semakin kukuh. Kalau budak umur 2 thn tu bolehlah ditipu. Sebagai marketing exec tentulah kita tahu bagaimana keadaan ekonomi kita.
Polis trafik pula satu halnya. Musim2 perayaan rakyat tgh nak guna duit suruh rakyat byr saman klu tak byr kena tangkap. Fikirlah sikit klu rakyat ada duit dah lama bayar tau. Buatlah hari lain dan pegilah tangkap orang kaya2.
Apa sebenarnya telah terjadi….dan bagaimana nak kembalikan kegemilangan kerajaan BN??? Itu terpulanglah kepada budi bicara Tun untuk menyelesaikannya kerana pada pendapat saya AAB takkan turun dan hanya Tun sahajalah yang menjadi harapan terakhir kami sebelum Anwar binggung tu naik.
“Kami tidak mahu PKR menjadi kerajaan kami”
Selamat Berpuasa & Ceria Selalu.
Salam Tun,
Tak perlu bakar kelambu, tak perlu halau nyamuk. Kita kurung je semua nyamuk tu dalam kelambu. Kita sama-sama duduk luar kelambu BN tu. Biar le nyamuk2 tu nak hisap darah sesama sendiri dalam kelambu tu. Rakyat boleh bebas di luar kelambu dimana ianya lebih bebas dan selesa.
Sebenarnya punca wujudnya pakatan rakyat adalah kerana rakyat dah bosan dengan BN yang tidak bersungguh dalam berkhidmat untuk rakyat. Kepimpinan BN lebih tertunpu pada mengaut keuntungan dengan memanipulasi kerajaan untuk kepentingan peribadi.
Greeting Tun,
Your statements very good, in final point is we need to replace him, right? The next PM must comes from UMNO, no other party can do it, not now but until we really agree to have a Single Party.
Lets be understand a bit here:
i. if a Chinese become PM, Malay will say NO! Others say nothing and just wait and see.
ii. if an Indian become PM, Malay will also say NO! Others will say nothing, too.
iii. if a Malay become PM, whole nation will agree. WHY?
Isn’t everyone love to be PM? Because what we want is PEACE.
But why always bring the bad issue up? Only speacial people need special treatments, we are the same! WE ARE MALAYSIAN, stay in this Malaysia more than 51 years! We all love this country, so lets be nice. Forgive & Forget. I will forgive him, and will forget what he had done to us.
Lets get a better leader and carry on to work out a better future.
WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME. The longer we wait, the situation will get worst.
To all, good health.
Salam Tun.
You are the ‘man’ i regard so highly that anywhere i go i defend every part of when ppl critisize bout u.
I can’t but 100percent behind what u said.2004 was time when ppl gave a full mandate to BN with a change for the better and to give Mr Clean a nice start or an injection to booster his leadership.Its every leader dream to be given 100pc vote to rule a country.
2008 was a lesson was a result of disapointment not to the BN but the handling of it which in turn put Malaysian in dilemma,we felf the pain we felt the difficulties and yet the leaders are getting big headed ang bragging bout their succeses.
They are so confident of a repeated 2004 magnificient victory,we voters gave them the biggest slap on their face.And yet they pretend that they havent wake up.Till today,ask Pak Lah,he will still say No problem we r still ok.
Come on we r not idiots,we r not fool.we know what went wrong.Why dont u be a GENTLEMAN POLITICIAN n step down,at least u still leave a gud name in the history of malaysia politics.DONT BE THE FIRST PM TO LOSE TO AN OPPOSITION,which we think u r on course to doing that.
Please STEP DOWN cos u cant do anything
ctrl alt delete> Pak Lah
Salam Tun & Isteri ..
Memang tidak disangkal lagi .. BN adalah satu-satunya parti yang telah bertapak lama di Malaysia ini. Semenjak saya lahir telah wujudnya BN dan sepanjang itu banyak juga cubaan telah berjaya dipatahkan oleh BN disbbkan kepintaran pemimpin itu sendiri.
1. Sejak 2,3,4 tahun kebelakangan ini, saya telah merasakan bahawa BN tidak seteguh seperti dahulu. Banyak masalah yang timbul dan penyelesaian tidak dapat dipastikan (pending).
2. Saya bersetuju dengan Tun, BN bukanlah masalahnya. Pokok pangkalnya adalah pemimpin itu sendiri. Pemimpin yang mencorakkan segalanya kerana beliau adalah ketua.
3. Saya mengharapkan negara dapat kembali ke keadaan asal dan bertambah baik. Saya juga mengharapkan Tun dapat bersuara bagi pihak kami dan kami akan menyokong TUn dengan sepenuh jiwa raga demi untuk negara yang tercinta.
Sekian, Selamat Hari raya Tun & Isteri 🙂
Salam Tun,
MOSQUITO! Only ONE kind of pest but enough to give us sleepless nights. Imagine when several of other kinds decide to rule our lives BY FORCE this 916.
led by PKRats (traitors of bangsa,negara and democracy),
supported by DAPigs (stinking secret weapons of a nborin’country),
followed by liPAS (manipulators of agama for political gains),and
backed-up by Am-bigot and her BARruah COUNCIL.
Hang Tuah kata “Melayu tak akan hilang di dunia.”
Salam Tun,
err… only 1 mosquito? I thought there is also the in-law cum master-mind mosquito too?
Salam Sejahtera Tun,
Harap Tun dapat terus menulis.
Zaman sekarang, nak tengok berita TV dan Akhbar pun dah tak terdaya. Semua keputusan yang dibuat oleh kerajaan tak masuk akal. Lepas beberapa hari implement terpaksa tarik balik sebab waktu buat keputusan belum sempat nak fikir. Implement dulu, lepas baru tengok logiknya. Kenaikan harga minyak secara mendadak terus menghancurkan ekonomi, lepas tu baru terpikir pasal inflasi. Stock Market jatuh merudum, tak ada langsung usaha yang dapat disandarkan untuk melihat ekonomi Malaysia akan terus berkembang.
Alhamdulillah, Kalau sekarang Tan Sri Muhyiddin dah mula faham akan isu sebenar. Rasanya terpaksalah korbankan Najib sekali untuk Paklah sebab dia masih buat-buat tak faham.
Salam Sejahtera Buat Tun Sekeluarga,
ON THE DOT! Saya yg berniaga kerepek/keropok nie pun terasa kehangatan DSAB. Langsung takde pikir pasal kita yg berniaga nie. Perniagaan sekecil mana sekali pun, bila dikira, berJUTA bilangan nya. Yang di alu-alukan, pinjaman itu dan ini, kalau dah pengguna takde power nak beli barang, macam manalah kita (peminjam loan) nak bayar loan itu ini. Hilang akal ke apa org tua tu (not u tun)!
Yg tetap kaya, kroni kroni dia gak. After this, im sure dia akan bagi statement macam rep org bulan hijau i.e “zaman nabi, yang naik pun kroni kroni nabi gak”. My prepared comment to my geng is this “Nabi is A+++, kroni dia ranked A++” and DSAB ranked “D-” and kroni dia ranked “E+ dan below”. Mahu tak jahanam.
But Tun, my view is this, he may be relunctant to step down b’coz he have a job to do…(HAHHHHHEHEHEHAHRHARHAHRA) wat a joke or maybe his relative in the biz world has not properly secure a good deal yet for his AUSSIE retirement.
Anyway, Tun, rakyat dah mula memikirkan dan yang paling bahaya “meneka” plan Tun yg sebenarnya dan bagaimana. Kalau saya sekaya SCOMI i’ll even pay PWTC janitor to vote for me, that is our worry. 100% support from JOHOR is a must.
Terima Kasih Tun,
Muhammad Abdullah
[email protected]
Selagi ada tanggapan bahawa menjadi pemimpin (politik) di peringkat mana sekalipun, sebagi tempat untuk masuk ke “lubuk duit” dan menjadi kaya raya, selagi itulah perebutan kuasa akan berlaku. Semua nak jadi pempmpin dan “berkuasa”. Power is money.!
Untuk “merebut kuasa” macam-macam-macam tektik, macam-macam strategi akan digunakan. Tak kisah kalau dikira “main kotor” sekalipun.
“Matlamat menghalalkan cara”.
Berapa ramai yang betul-betul bersemangat dan jujur membela nasib rakyat ??????
“As the Malays saying goes,” We burn the mosquito net because of one mosquito…..what needs to be done is to get rid of the mosquito..but continue to use the net”
In fact ,the net in use is not to “keep” the mosquito,its true purpose is to “keep away” the mosquito from continue to use the net to “sulk the blood” of the innocent…whether consciously or unconsciously”
“A Great Leader produces A Great Nation”. It’s not about the net, it’s about the leadership how & when to make use of the Net..!
Whether the Net exists or non-exists, the mosquitoes will continue to “sulk the blood” of the innocent..when & where there is an opportunity…!
Do you believe there is a “Good Mosquito” which claims not to sulk the innocent blood to continue survive…?
Do we need “A Good Leader or A Good Man”..?
Insyallah,may God bless our beloved nation…Malaysia!
Speech by MIC President, Tun V.T. Sambanthan in the Parliament on 1 June 1965:
“Now, in 1955 we won the elections with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two years time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now what did the Malays do – since we are speaking on racial lines – what did the Malay leadership do? They had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship.
If we look around in Asia and East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the Indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon, is not welcomed in Burma. Look at my brother Chinese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma, as we know, Indian have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here we found that the Malay leadership said, “We shall take them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens.” And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousand of Indians, Chinese, Ceylonese and others became citizens.
As I said, it has been my great good fortune to have born in this country. Where else can you find a more charitable, a more polite, a more decent race than Malay race? Where else can you get such politically decent treatment for any immigrant race? Where else in the history of the world? I ask you. These are the facts. Who are you to safeguards us? I am 10 percent minority race here. But I am happy here.”
(Note that his speech was delivered to chastise the PAP leaders for the chaos)
MCA President, Tun Tan Siew Sin, in an article in a local paper entitled – “Tun Tan Answers Critics on Special Privileges” on 30 April 1969, said:
“The Malays, through UMNO, were generous enough to relax the citizenship laws of this country to such extent that within 12 months of independence, 90 percent who were still non-citizens after nearly 100 years of colonial rule in the Malay States, obtained their citizenship. In return for this major concession, the MCA and the MIC agreed to continue the policy of preserving the special position of the Malays while at the same time upholding the legitimate interest of other communities.”
(note that his speech was delivered prior to the 1969 general elections which was tainted with racial extremism that questioned the Article 153 of the Constitution perpetuated by the party that originated from the PAP component in Malaysia)
Agreed with your analysis and wise opinion. Very simple, Anwar and the gangs are merely strong because Pak Lah is weak. To me, Anwar was almost irrelevant after the election in 1999 and 2004(worse defeat) but suddenly during Pak Lah, Anwar is like getting new life. Today, Muhyiddin has made the calling for him to resign but Pak Lah is still dreaming day and night. Sometimes, I wonder why? The problem with Pak Lah is only one, HE DOESNT WANT TO LISTEN AND ACT ACCORDINGLY. Semua orang tahu, ramai orang yang vote pembangkang bukan sincerely vote tapi mau kenakan Pak Lah. Sorry Tun, I was also one of them but never expect BN jadi teruk mcm nie.
majoriti rakyat malaysia tahu hakikat sebenar politik malaysia dan ramai yang setuju dgn pendapat Tun.hanya sebilangan kecil golongan-golongan ‘tin kosong’ ni saja yang kuat melaungkan kata-kata konon rakyat malaysia menolak politik kaum.biasala ‘press’ luar negara buat cerita.memang boleh dijangka perkara ini akan berlaku.konon anwar ibrahim ‘hero’ malaysia.hero pungkoq ada la.anwar tu badut saja.buat persembahan untuk hiburan penonton untung keuntungan sendiri.patut boleh dianugerahkan pelakon terbaik sepanjang zaman.
Perjuangan belum selesai Tun.Kami sokong Tun.
Hazman Abu Bakar
I am a chinese voter this is what I’ve got to say:
1. I am 43. I have always voted for BN during all the past election until 308.
2. The reason why I have always voted for BN(previously) is because I feel that only BN has got talent pool needed to run a country and continue to bring progress to this country; whereas the opposition leaders do not demonstrate much leadership qualities. However, that does not mean I support all the BN policies and also their poor execution. This especially with regard to nep. I believe in affirmative action but I think the way it is done is incorrect.
3. However the word ‘progress’ is relative and hence require comparison. Yes I think we have progress rather well compare to a lot of the british and western colonies that had gain independence after world war 2. But I also think we could have done better if not because of the nep. Look at Singapore. Still there is two side of the coin, nep also has made us a more stable and tolerant country and it has help a lot of the Malays brothren and because of that I fully support the nep and affirmative, yes even at the expense of slower development(compare to Malaysia own potential).
4. Why have I voted for the opposition during last election(308)? I did that because I think the present leaders is not capable and because I think Annuar Ibrahim is a visionary and capable leader. Without him there could not be an effective opposition coalition.
5. I think a lot of voters may tolerate even if the administration is a little corrupt, for as long as there are development. If you spend $10,000 to build a school and the ‘inefficiency’ of the execution only deliver $9000 worth of result I think a lot of voters may still accept it. But it appears that the ‘inefficiency’ of the present administration is way overboard hence the migration of voters.
6. I think in general most malays, chinese and Indian live and work side by side each other everyday without much problem. Racism if any is within tolerance. In fact, I feel there are less racism in Malaysia than in US. You know, during my student days, there is a saying: ‘In Malayisia there is discrimination but no racism whilst in the US there is no discrimination but there is racism.
7. Still I think if there is any racism it because of bn race base party. Most umno members play the racial card as a means to rise within the party hierarchy. The racial game is played to an extent that it made a demon out of chinese. It is also a way to bring about unity within the pary to face a common enemy ‘the elusive chinese chauvinists’. Now compare this to what PKR project itsself, non race base party that champion ketuanan rakyat, because there is more poor malays hence more malays will receive affirmative action. Naturally, non bumi would be very attractted to this idealogy.
8. But what really supprise me is the trend of the malay voters. The younger malay voters especially. This group, I think is the minority but nevertheless it is growing. I believe that this group are more internet savy, more forward thinking, more confident; what they like to see is for a two party system take root in Malaysia.
9. In general, the more learned group of voters, malay, chinese and Indian would find more appeal in logic and sound policy rather than racial rhetoric. Whether it is BN or PR politician they are all the same, as power corrupts. To counter absolute power, the west invented a system of check and balances. Besides, independent judicial, parliment and executive power, there is a need for two equally strong alternative polical party.
10. At this point in time, most of rational voters feel that there is a lack of check and balances in this country. By allowing a two party system to take root it will hopefully bring about proper check and balances.
11. The majority of the chinese voters together with the malay pas supporters, the majority of the indian voters and the influential young and rational thinking professionals(malay, chinese and indian) make it possible for the opposition to wrest 5 states from the barisan. The majority of malay is still for umno. The number of rational voters is growing and that may put the race base bn parties may be at a disadvantage. BN need to reinvent itself. Let also see what will happen at the by election in sarawak.
11. If ever the opposition manage to form the federal government one day. I do not think that the malay agenda will be forgotten as the opposition is not that stupid. Given the majority of the voters are malay, they could swiftly vote them out of office, if ever the malay is marginallized.
12 Neither do I like to see BN dissapear from the Malaysia political landscape. Both BN and PR must be formidable arch rival checking on each other, keeping each other on their toes, and in doing so, check and balances would have been served.
13 I personnally think that to help a person there are 3 stages.
Stage 1, when he is hungry give him a fish. Then stage 2, you give him a fishing rod so that he can fish and feed himself. And then stage 3, open him to some competition, in the process compel him to excel. This final frontier would make a man whereby you need not give him anything yet he could still manage to feed himself and most probably also others around him.
14. When stage 3 is achieved then umno race base policy will no longer be relevant. Umno must maintain its relevance not by race base policy. I always hear umno’s politician casting fear of malay at a disadvantage and will be sideline if the opposition is in control. On the contrary, I think today a lot of malay could outperform many chinese in many sectors of the economy.
15 I hope the existence of both BN and PR will compel each other to serve the rakyat better and make Malaysia one of the most successful country in world.
Salam Tun.
p/s as for the malay ultra and chinese chauvinist, I think we should not confront them, but rather engage them and appeal to their senses so as to bring about a malaysian society that is more tolerant.
It’s so fitting that KJ and partners called their male boutique at Pavillion TENC(the Emperor New Clothes) as if to mock his own father in-law. Seriously, he’s made to believe he’s wearing the best adornment of clothes by those ass-kissers, when he’s actually as naked as a new-born baby.
Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun (YAB Tun)….
Sir.. Your blog is getting more interesting now.. You produced facts, as a result, most comments by bloggers are more serious. Of course some are not with you. Bloggers are now starting to dig facts n figs too. My knowledge is getting broader on Malaysian political affairs.
DSAAB must step down now!!!!!
Everytime I read your short articles, I feel like reading a 300 page book. I wonder why.
DSAAB must step down now!!!!!
Sir…I have a proposal for you. Why don’t you start giving lecture to those who are taking Phd level. This is what the President of Iran did in his home country. I am sure you have a lot to talk on global politics and economics.
DSAAB must step down immidiately.
Via TV3 news tonight.. the PM seem very frustrated now. DPM is also seem to be rowing against the current. Sitting next to him is YB Tan Sri Muhyidin. More UMNO branch level were also against the present transitions plan. I wonder what’s next?
Wassalam.. PESARA.
Tun yang dihormati,
Perasaan benci dan hilang keyakinan telah mula bertapak dengan hebatnya dihati rakyat.Segala kebaikan kerajaan masa lalu dan juga sekarang tidak dapat melembutkan perasaan itu.Bila ini berlaku rakyat mula termakan hasutan dengan janji2 manis pihak pembangkang.Kerajaan sekarang dengan jentera mass media yang lengkap gagal untuk menjana suaranya kehati rakyat saperti apa yang dilakukan pembangkang.Parti kerajaan kelihatan hilang keyakinan dan dalam kepurapuraan tidak saperti pihak pembangkang yang begitu meyakinkan.Walau pun pihak pembangkang pada hakikatnya tiada bezanya dengan pihak kerajaan tetapi perasaan ‘benci’ telah menguasai perasaan rakayat sehingga rakyat tidak peduli apa sahaja risiko yang akan terjadi.Kalau lambat bertindak UMNO akan hancur dan bangsa melayu yang rugi.
Salam Tun,
Saya menyokong pandangan Tun. Amat releven. Semoga Tun M terus membawa perubahan positif terhadap UMNO dan BN dan pilihlah penganti yang betul-betul mampu memikul tanggungjawab yang besar ini. Kami tidak mahu nasib kami hancur apabila ketiadaan Tun nanti.
Saya akan sentiasa mendoakan kesihatan Tun dalam memperjuangkan perjuangan yang sebenar. Saya akan sentiasa bersama Tun.
welcome back to BN. Let raise the curtain.
tun..pada pendapat sy baik tun bertanding balik merebut jawatan presiden..dari terus rosak baik tun yg selamatkan
Salam Yg DiKasihi Tun,
â18. What needs to be done is to get rid of the mosquito but continue to use the net.â
1. Please help us to get rid of the STUBBORN mosquito. I canât understand why is it so hard for the PM to accept the fact that he has FAILED, and the best thing to do is to RESIGN GRACEFULLY.
2. BN has shown excellent results in the past â PROVEN TRACK RECORD. BN is still the best choice. Tun, please help to restore BN that has been damaged by DSAAB.
May Allah SWT bless Tun and family.
very well said tun.your trenchancy is truly a work of art,im working my way to be as brilliant as you if not more.
and with all due respect,pak lah please read my invi lips,step down soon!
to my greatest memory,i havent seen anything u done or said that impressed me and nation particularly at all other than denying everything.
aida ariff
Tun Mahathir,
Salam Dengan Penuh Hormat.
Saya hanya berharap agar UMNO di setiap peringkat menerima cadangan untuk Tun diterima semula sebagai ahli Party.
Penerimaan ini hendak lah secara ikhlas, jujur dan dengan kerelaan.
Sepanjang penguduran Tun banyak perkara yang telah berlalu dan tiada satu yang bolih di banggakan. Sebaliknya AAB dan sekutunya saolah olah ingin meleburkan legacy Tun sebagai Pertana Menteri Malaysia yang paling berjaya mengangkat maruah Bangsa dan Negara.
Saya khuatir bahawa Pengkhianat Bangsa dan suruhan Capitalist yang sentiasa merebut kedudukan tidak akan berdiam diri untuk membantutkan segala usaha untuk menempatkan Negara di atas landasan kearah kemajuan.
Tun telah mengenali seteru dan musuh samaada di dalam atau di luar negeri dan berwaspada selalu.
Jika UMNO telah betukar corak dan tidak lagi memperjuangkan kepentingan Bangsa Melayu, di harap Tun bolih memberi pertunjuk apakah langkah baru yang perlu di ambil untuk menyelamatkan maruah Bangsa dan kedaulatan Raja Raja Melayu.
I wish I can draft out this article, you have clearly brief in a simple and constructive points here. It shows you are a good analysis and understand what the rakyat think.
I’m Chinese and it is true, I’ve voted BN from 1992 till 2004 for BN, only 2008 I vote PKR,DAP not because of BN but because of the Leader.
If Pak Lah, announce the Fuel price to RM 2.70 right before the March 2008 election, I can imagine BN will lost even worst. May be not just 5 states.
This article, I don’t know whether it is late to publish or should it be publish before the 2008 March election.
I don’t mind who lead the country as long as he serve the Malaysian, create racial harmony and develop the nation well.
Tun Mahathir,
Salam Dengan Penuh Hormat.
Saya hanya berharap agar UMNO di setiap peringkat menerima cadangan untuk Tun diterima semula sebagai ahli Party.
Penerimaan ini hendak lah secara ikhlas, jujur dan dengan kerelaan.
Sepanjang penguduran Tun banyak perkara yang telah berlalu dan tiada satu yang bolih di banggakan. Sebaliknya AAB dan sekutunya saolah olah ingin meleburkan legacy Tun sebagai Pertana Menteri Malaysia yang paling berjaya mengangkat maruah Bangsa dan Negara.
Saya khuatir bahawa Pengkhianat Bangsa dan suruhan Capitalist yang sentiasa merebut kedudukan tidak akan berdiam diri untuk membantutkan segala usaha untuk menempatkan Negara di atas landasan kearah kemajuan.
Tun telah mengenali seteru dan musuh samaada di dalam atau di luar negeri dan berwaspada selalu.
Jika UMNO telah betukar corak dan tidak lagi memperjuangkan kepentingan Bangsa Melayu, di harap Tun bolih memberi pertunjuk apakah langkah baru yang perlu di ambil untuk menyelamatkan maruah Bangsa dan kedaulatan Raja Raja Melayu.
It looks like you cannot take the defeat of UMNO/BN.Abdullah is a capable leader.When you started condemning him and belittling his leadership,he started to falter.It was because he did not keep his promise to you you started acting like a small boy.I think you need sweets to cajole you.If you still go on with your lashing you will end up losing.Even your Umno supporters will dessert you.The statement made by one of your supporters in Singapore will have serious repercussions because he just cannot be patient.He feels he will be the next DPM!Najib will change and you will be gone forever.You have not published my emails because you are afraid there exist people who can think better than you.The above article should have beeen written before 2004.Now it is irrelevant.
YAM Tun’
I love reading your anology as described in lines 17 and 18 pf the mosquito net and the mosquito. One can always use the fly swatter or hands to kill the mosquito. But remember, the net must also be reparied to prevent other mostuitoes from coming in. Apparently, the net is badly damaged as there is more than one mosquito in the net. In fact there are lots of them. Some may already have developed resistance to mosquito sprays. What we need is a strong, resilient and capable swatter. I humbly suggest that Tun take up the job eventhough the pay may not be so atractive. With your clout, a lot of Malaysians will enjoy a good night sleep when there are no mosquitoes in the net. Salam. We all love you Tun and Bonda too.
assalamualaikum tun,
salamualaikum tun,
nampaknya semakin banyak melayu sekarang lebih liberal dalam pemikiran masing-masing tambahan pula banyak yang saya lihat cuma tin kosong je.Saya mengidolakan tun dari kecil lagi bukan kerana dorongan keluarga atau pengaruh sesiapa pun. Bagi saya biarlah orang nak kutuk apa pun pada tun tapi pada saya tun adalah yang terbaik. tak semua dapat memahami pemikiran seorang pemimpin. Segelintir melayu yang ‘liberal’ ini ingat mereka dah pandai sangat. Saya ni muda nampaknya semakin banyak melayu sekarang lebih liberal dalam pemikiran masing-masing tambahan pula banyak yang saya lihat cuma tin kosong je.Saya mengidolakan tun dari kecil lagi bukan kerana dorongan keluarga atau pengaruh sesiapa pun. Bagi saya biarlah orang nak kutuk apa pun pada tun tapi pada saya tun adalah yang terbaik. tak semua dapat memahami pemikiran seorang pemimpin. Segelintir melayu yang ‘liberal’ ini ingat mereka dah pandai sangat. Saya ni muda lagi. Baru 25. Sejak kecil saya xde pula minta bantuan sana sini untuk saya hidup tapi pada saya usaha adalah penting.Saya ni pun asal orang kampung. Saya bertuah kerana di malaysia ni asal kan kita berusaha semua nya jadi. Saya xpernah dapat biasiswa pun dari kerajaan malah saya belajar pun kat kolej swasta je tapi saya xpernah komplen pun. Saya bekerja dari gaji serendah rm750 setahun lepas hingga lah ke melebihi rm4000 hari ini hanya dengan berusaha dan kebolehan yang saya ada. Sya pernah ditawarkan PTD april lalu tapi saya tolak..(X pakai kroni pun dapat la..Skali try je)Yang penting kita xlepaskan peluang yang ada. Saya xracist malah saya selesa berkawan dengan kaum lain. Kadang2 saya meluat dengan kaum melayu yang bodoh sombong tapi walau apa pun saya pun orang melayu dan saya sedar pentingnya hak melayu dipertahankan kerana jika ia hilang maknanye tergadailah melayu dinegara sendiri. Ini kerana xsemua melayu dapat melawan helah dari orang2 yang licik. x seperti melayu ‘liberal’ yang lupa diri. X semua melayu setaraf golongan ini. Tolong lah kepada melayu yang xingat sejarah dan yang xsedar betapa pentingnya tun. Semakin saya kaji cara tun bertindak, semakin saya kagumi tun. Kepada orang melayu yang liberal ni.. jangan lah soalkan hak melayu hanya kerana kamu berfikir yang kamu tidak perlukannya. Kepada melayu yang Xtahu nak gunakan hak melayu 2 belajar2 lah gunakannya sebelum terlambat. Moga2 taraf hidup melayu akan lebih meningkat dan dari asyik bertelagah nak kn kuasa. Sedarlah sikit..Yang banyak ke pajak gadai pegi gadai barang pun orang melayu..gadai ke tokeh cina.Sapa yang untung.Bila korang dah xde apa lagi baru padan muka.Sebelum nak liberalkan pemikiran tu tengok dulu bangsa 2..mampu ke?
TO RakyatMalaysia,
Well said.
UMNO was brought to its demise the day it was declared Illegal by the High Court of Malaya (Justice Harun).
Congratulations to all UMNO putras, carry on.
Salam Tun,
Tak kisah lah sapa pun nak jadi pemerintah negara.
Jangan dok buat huru hara, buat rakyat tersiksa sudah lah.
Kami takmau jadi macam Thailand.
boringlah dengan politik Malaysia nih.
Sorang dok gila kuasa. Sorang lagi tak reti bahasa.
Dah tau orang tak suka, turun saja lah.
Syed Fadzil
Aslkm Tun!
Most of the other sins of politics are derivative of this larger sin – the need to win, but also the need not to lose.
Certainly that’s what the money chase is all about.
Salam TUN,
Kami sokong apa yang TUN perkatakan itu. Usha murni TUN untuk kembali dalam UMNO hanya TUN yang tahu, Kalau Tun nak harapkan DSAAB letak jawatan PM kami rasa tidak?, kerana DSAAB mempunyai agenda yang tersembunyi, tiada siapa yang dapat meramalkankanya. Lebeh lagi Budak budak Tingkat 4 dan peranan Khairy & kroninya bijak membuat seratigi untuk kepentingan mereka sahaja “bujur lalu melintang patah”.
kami harap TUN berhati hati dengan mereka ini,kami sungguh kecewa menjalani hidup seharian di bawah Perentahan DSAAB.Hari2 duduk fikir apa akan jadi pada hari Esoknya….
Kami puji keberanian TS Muyiddin yassin bersuara…
Salam utk semua..
Pak Lah arah semua org jgn bangkit lagi pasal transition of power.
Mana boleh Pak Nyamuk..Kalau Najib sendiri dah berani sebut balik, faham-faham sajalah.Itulah tandanya anda dah betul-betul tidak dikehendaki lagi.Eloklah berundur dgn baik..nanti bertanding bulan Disember susah pulak.
Agenda-agenda yang belum selesai tu biarlah orang lain yang laksanakan. Anda dah memang tak mampu nak buat apa-apa sahaja sekarang. Nanti lebih parah dan terbantut pula pembangunan negara.
Salam Tun,
3 saja nyamuk yang perlu dihapuskan terus dari dunia politik kita…. KJ, AAB dan Anwar Ibrahim.
salamt mnjalani ibadah puasa..
lipatgandakan amalan sunat dbln mulia..
keluarga UTEM,Melaka mnantikan khdrn ayahanda TUN
selamat datang ayahanda TUN ke dlm parti UMNO.
smua rkyt mnantikan khdiran ayahanda..
pdlikan Pak Lah dgn sndiwaranya…
bangkit ayahanda…
lakukan ssesutu tuk sbuah MALAYSIA..
kmbalikan keyakinan rakyat dgn BN.
ayahanda MAHATHIR the good leader..
kmi smua mnyokong prjuangan ini..
as salaamu alaikum Ynag Dikasihi Tun dan rakan2 sekelian,
As for RakyatMalaysia7, I really have no idea what is the point that Tunku or Hussein Onn didn’t join UMNO Baru.
I remember they tried to set up a new party in 1987 called UMNO Malaysia but it was denied registration by the Registrar of Societies at the time. I think they were Pro Team B, i.e. Tengku Razaleigh side. Obviously, when UMNO Baru was formed, they would not join the new party. Miffed, I suppose.
Even TDM was invited to join but he refused. Obviously.
But what is the point of RakyatMalaysia7 comments then? Cakap berlapik sangat. 🙂
As for the nyamuk which TDM was referring to, we can’t really blame this nyamuk for not willing to go away.
We mustn’t forget… this nyamuk jenis kuat tidur. Orang dok halau pun tak sedar.
selamat berbuka puasa..
tun..saya berasa sangat gembira mendengar berita tun akan kembali
dalam umno,ape2 pun..tun mesti selamatkan umno,malaysia,bangsa melayu dan agama.
semoga ALLAH S.W.T panjangkan umur tun untuk berjuang demi bangsa dan agama.
salam Tun,
thanks to Arrow for your insightful comments.You must be an expatriate (western,arabic maybe? to look at things from your own perspective.No Chinese or Indians would look at our situation in this country and give us the details that you gave.
to rakyatmalaysia7,
also very interesting read,but many of us have known all along!I think your facts are not all that relevant.Con job you say?..
BTW are you a lawyer?hehehe…
Dear Tun,
Government should release Raja Petra. The ISA is suppose to use against terrorists. A lot of us citizens don’t think Raja Petra is a terrorist, he just spoke his mind in his blog. Though crossed the line sometimes, he should be allowed to trial in court. ISA is scarry. But, if the government misuse the ISA all the time, we actually prefer it being abolished. And one of the method is through our vote to PKR.
salam TUN…
sebenarnya dah letih melihat kerenah pak LAH n Anak Menantunya….
masih kah mereka tidak mengerti…?
masih kah mereka tidak sadari…?
Namun demikian…agak malang lagi kiranya kroni Najib pula menjadi pemengang amanah..?
terfikir N berfikir pula kerenah pemimpin N bakal pemimpin masa kini…boleh kah mereka mengembalikan keanggungan melayu yg AMNYA di bawah UMNO…tanpa ada terselindung…
bolehkah mereke2 ini menjaga anak bangsa melayu masa hadapan tanpa ada terselindung….
bolehkah mereka berwawasan agar membina bangsa melayu lebih terbilang gemilang kearah wawasan 2020…?
akhirnya adakah UMNO gagah mempertahankan anak bangsa melayu…ingat kita umat melayu bukan penumpang N bukan pelarian..kita pusakai tanah air ini…
bak kata pepeatah melayu takan hilang didunia dan pujanga baru …dulu kini dan selamanya..UMNO terus maju untuk BN bukan untuk BARUA NEGARA.
Salam sejahtera Tun,
Memang betul kekalah Barisan Nasional bukan sebab Pembangkang kuat, tetapi sebab protes dan marahkan PAKLAH & KHAIRY.
Ada banyak lagi bukti wujudnya protes kepada paklah, antaranya:-
1) AJK Umno Bahagian menyokong Pembangkang, tetapi waktu pemilihan Umno sekarang tetap bertanding AJK lagi.
2) Pekerja di bilik gerakan Barisan Nasional, tetapi tolong pembangkang di hari pilihanraya.
3) Di rumah penyokong Barisan Nasional, digantung bendera BN tetapi undi pembangkang.
Memang betul Tun “Marahkan Nyamuk, kelambu dibakar”, tetapi mungkin rakyat tak sanggup melihat “Nyamuk yang membakar kelambu”.
*p/s : Elok juga kalau paklah jadi nyamuk!!
Salam Ayahanda Tun & Rakan Blogger semua;
Saya rasa amat terharu dgn kenyataan MB N9 tentang kesediaanya mengosongkan kerusi di bahagiannya untuk Ayahnada Tun jika Ayahanda Tun bersedia untuk kembali ke UMNO dan juga penerimaan pemimpin2 lain tetapi seperti yang dijangkakan…PM kita seakan keberatan untuk menerima Ayahanda Tun…lihatlah wajahnya dan kata2nya… semoga Allah memberinya petunjuk… yang hairannya…Si Ezam tu diterima dgn penuh ceria..tanpa melalui MT…
Terbaca news hari ni…TPM mengatakan..biarlah ahli yang menentukan tempoh peralihan kuasa itu…satu pernyataan yang seakan senada dgn DMY…semoga angin perubahan ini akan terus menyedarkan pemimpin2 UMNO yang tidak punya keberanian untuk menyahut seruan Ayahanda Tun untuk mendesak PM demi kepentingan Agama, Bangsa dan negara tercinta kita…
Tindakan Ayahanda Tun ternyata mengundang ketidak tentuan pada PM…
Walaupun saya tidak setuju Ayahanada Tun kembali ke UMNO tetapi saya yakin Ayahanda Tun mempunyai sebab2 tertentu dan saya sentiasa menyokong Ayahanda Tun..
Semoga Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga dirahmati Allah swt…
Kamaruzzaman Ibrahim
Indera Mahkota, Pahang DM
Assalamualaikum semua,
Inilah kali pertama saya menulis setelah sekian lama membaca pancdangan YBhg Tun dan komen-komen yang bersangkutan. Akan tetapi yang membuatkan saya ingin sampaikan kali ini adalah perkara yang orang lain komen juga tetapi mungkin dalam bentuk yang agak berbeda. Seperti yang Tun sebutkan, rakyat mula rasa bosan dengan kepimpinan tertinggi Barisan Nasional, dan saya juga berpendapat begitu juga (walaupun begitu saya tetap pangkah BN dalam pilihanraya yang lalu, kwasan saya kalah juga)
Saya amat bersetuju dengan ‘SIKENIT’ bahawa Pak Lah terlalu lemah bukan saja dari segi menterjemahkan permasalahan negara yang begitu serious kepada rakyat, beliau juga seakan GAGAL menganalisis dan mengulas masalah semasa dengan tepat dan padat.
Rakan- rakan saya ada juga mengatakan, bilamana Pak Lah cuba hendak mengulas isu semasa di Buletin Utama jam 8.00, belum sempat dia nak ulas terus saja dia tukar channel di sebabkan Pak Lah ni mengambil masa nak ulas!
Yang seorang lagi dalam jenaka khabarnya, bila tersepak batu di tepi jalan pun akan menyumpah Pak Lah, kerana apa-apa yang tak elok terjadi dalam negara ini angkara Pak Lah!
Begitulah betapa rakyat sudah BOSAN dengan kepeimpinan tertinggi ini.Kalau para pembaca ada mendengar ceramah DSAI, lebih teruk lagi DSAI mempersendakan keputusan yang Pak Lah dan anggota kabinet putuskan yang mana tidak konsisten langsung.
Semalam, satu lagi keputusan di buat untuk tidak menyekat Blog! (bagaimana keputusan itu dibuat semula setelah diarahkan mahkamah sekatan dibuat beberapa hari sebelumnya)Menteri berkenaan yang dilantik pun tak berfikir langsung bila buat cadangan sekatan tersebut!
Dalam pada semua kesibukan pilihanraya Permatang Pauh yang lalu semua ahli dan ketua UMNO dan parti komponen BN berhempas pulas di P. Pauh, Pak Lah sibuk menemani Jeanne rasmikan Buku Hjau di Melaka.
Tak cukup sehari, keesokkan harinya datang lagi ke Melaka untuk rasmikan Jambori Pengakap. Itulah yang dia katakan dia sedang banyak kerja untuk kepentingan rakyat. ( Seolah-olah dia sudah gerenti kalah di Permatang Pauh, sebab itulah tak payah nak kempen)
Pernah ada seorang menteri menyindir bahawa menteri kewangan yang ada sekarang ni adalah Banker, dia bukan economist. Jadi, keputusan banker ni senang saja, ‘I give you RM1, I expect you to save the RM1′ berlainan pula sekiranya dia seorang economist, I give you RM1, I expect you to spent RM2’
Itulah kualiti menteri yang ada sekarang semuanya pakat setuju saja apa pandangan Pak Lah.!
Sebodoh- bodoh saya pun, kenyataan TS Muhyidin semalam langsung tak memberi apa-apa kejutan pada saya kerana semua orang tahu OPEN SECRET ini, bahawa TS Muhyidin is a man with principle.
Berlainan hal pula dengan Pak Lah, melahirkan rasa TERKEJUT nya yang tak terhingga.
Lain halnya pula dengan TS Muhd Taib, membuat kenyataan bahawa ‘Bila sesuatu keputusan sudah dibuat dan semua setuju, kita sebagai Pemimpin harus ikut’. Soal hati saya pula, mengapa keputusan yang Tun telah buat untuk jambatan bengkok Pak Lah tak ikut?
Pada pendapat saya UMNO sememangnya sedanag Goyah, bukan kerana ‘grassroot’ tetapi lebih kepada kebosanan kepada kepimpinan yang sedia ada.
Salam Tun dan selamat berbuka puasa.Tahniah Tun untuk artikel yang panjang.Memang betul orang orang marah disebabkan ekonomi kita,harga semua naik, nak cari makan pun susah.Living cost tinggi sekarang.DSAB apa tahu pasal kesusahan rakyat?Ada ke dia pergi ke pasar untuk beli ikan dan beli barang runcit untuk umah dia.Mana dia tahu harga kat luar tu.Menteri menteri dan anak,anak menantunya DSAB yang bertambah kaya.Mengaut semua projek kerajaan dengan pertolongan kroni kroninya.
Saya rasa peralihan kuasa oleh DSAI mungkin juga drama dari DSAB ,DSAI dan K.J. Saya perhatikan perjalanan isu isu politik sekarang.DSAI dan DSAB ada tali persaudaraan.Di depan aje berlakun macam musuh.K.J tulah yang hantar passport DSAI ke rumahnya bila DSAI keluar dari sg buloh.Ramai yang tak tahu cite ini.
Last last DSAI jadi PM.Najib keluar dari gelanggang nak rebut kerusi PM.Ha ha ha .Mohidin pula buat kerja dengan jenteranya.Dia pun ada niat nak jadi PM tu.Politik boleh mengubah pendirian masing masing.Semua mengejar kuasa dan pangkat di Dunia.Hancur, hancur ,hancur.
Tkasih Bye
salam sejahtera Tun.
Ulasan Tun sangat baik. Sini saya ada cadangan, walaupun tidak kena mengena dengan ulasan Tun ini namun ia jalan terbaik untuk malaysia. Apa kata kita lantik PM dari golongan minoriti(cth orang asli). setuju tak…
Assalamualaikum and greetings..
Funny thing,I’ve known about ‘this’ current political situation in Malaysia had happened once before,but where and when??
Do all of you know what I’m talking about??Some do,some don’t..For those who don’t know,let me fill u guys in..Do you know what happened in Malaysia 1987?
Legally and politically, today’s Umno Baru is not the Umno founded in 1946 by the late Onn Jaafar. That original and genuine Umno was already destroyed in 1988 in the power struggle between Mahathir and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. It was declared illegal by the courts.
Today’s Umno Baru was only founded in 1988 by Mahathir. TUNKU ABDUL RAHAMAN AND TUN HUSSEIN ONN had never been known to have joined Mahathir’s Umno Baru. In other words, to display their portraits and pictures in today’s Umno Baru functions is a con job.
Indeed, both the Tunku and Hussein Onn applied to form another Umno in 1988 but they failed because Mahathir was then the home minister who also controlled the Registrar of Societies.
At last, they backed the formation of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s Semangat 46 party to oppose Mahathir’s fake Umno.
Even when seen in the historical context of the original Umno, its first traitor was none other than Hishammuddin Hussein Onn’s grandfather Onn Jaafar, who founded the party in 1946 but left it in 1951 to form the Independence of Malaya Party (IMP) and then the National Party in 1954.
Both parties aligned with PAS to oppose Umno. Despite the failure of his two parties, Onn Jaafar had never rejoined the original Umno which he founded in 1946. Again, displaying Onn Jaafar’s portraits and pictures in Umno Baru functions is a con job.
Mahathir was also once a traitor to the original Umno because he was sacked by the Tunku in 1969. In his political wilderness, Mahathir attacked Umno and the Tunku on PAS’ platform.
Of course, in the context of the 1987-1988 power struggle and from Mahathir’s vantage-point, the Tunku, Hussein Onn, Ku Li and Rais Yatim were all traitors because they formed a new party to oppose Mahathir’s Umno after the original Umno was declared illegal by the courts.
Although Ku Li and Rais Yatim have since joined (not rejoined) Mahathir’s Umno Baru, that they led Semangat 46 for eight years to oppose Mahathir’s New Umno is a historical fact.
Another historical fact is that the Tunku and Hussein Onn had never joined Mahathir’s New Umno until their death.
In this sense, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is only the second president of Mahathir’s Umno Baru founded in 1988. The Tunku, Tun Abdul Razak and Tun Hussein Onn belonged to another Umno that was formed in 1946 but declared illegal in 1988.
That is why not even Najib can claim any historical continuity from his father because, historically, his father belonged to a different party which must not be confused with the one his son belongs to.
You guys can use this chedet.com as your ‘sanctuary’ to voice your ‘open-minded’ thinking..Although I admit,even in anwar’s blog also seems to be one-sided to him like this chedet.com,but I always want to search for ‘alien’ comments in his anwar’s blog and also in this blog(for example,me myself in this blog)..the difference of ‘quality’ of those “aliens'” comments is very noticable easily compared..why don’t u guys try,just surf and read.
Your points 11 to 13 are so true I smile as I read along, because I’m a Malaysian, Chinese race.
Do you realize all those people who wrote here are actually caring for each other? Irrespective of races?
Good day Tun,
First I wanted to make a stand. You are not representing Chinese to speak, even if you represent Chinese, it will be merely those that are racist. I’m very much Malaysian now and i believe most of us are Malaysian now. We don’t speak racist anymore. Please take note.
Second, BN and UMNO have been rotten to the core. I agree with Tun joining back UMNO, it will unseat the stability of Pak Lah from its place but mind you, UMNO and BN remain same, ROTTEN TO THE CORE! We Malaysian are more awake day by day and we know how to judge between right or wrong.
Third, can BN/UMNO undo all its wrongdoings for the past 51 years? Can BN/UMNO become a truly Malaysian based party? Can BN/UMNO fulfill what Pakatan Rakyat have pledged to the Malaysian? The answer is NO, NO and NO. So even Tun managed to derail Pak Lah, permanant damage have been done. Try to think from your heart and you can see clearly.
Forth, I would rather wish Tun to speak heart to heart with DSAI instead. Forget about the past issue between you and him. I believe DSAI have forget that as well. He actually should thank you for giving him a great lesson and thus he’s more mature now and much stronger, ever. I don’t see any other ‘apprentice’ you have that can match DSAI. Join him to ‘DESTROY’ BN/UMNO and rebuild this country again.
Most Malaysian will back you if you have the guts to team up with DSAI. You will be the most legendary leader for Malaysia, forever.
Thanks and best regards.
Assalamualaikum Tok Det..
Terima kasih sbb approved-kan blog sy dlm ‘Social Contract'(my first time blogging!).. hehe
Disebabkan terlalu happy (pasal blog tu) sy share dgn kawan baik sy nie. (Kami bkerja di lain2 syarikat,jd kami contact melalui email @ chatting)
Kawan saya kirim salam pada Tok Det.. Kami mmg dh lama mnyokong Tok Det, smenjak belaja di UiTM lg.. Tok Det jugak yg menaiktarafkan UiTM sbg ‘universiti’. Dan sbg alumni UiTM,sy rasa itulah jasa Tok Det yg paling sy kenang.
Pernah skali, Tok Det dtg ke UiTM Shah Alam utk bg ucapan sempena Merdeka sekitar thn 2001 atau 2002. Kami sama2 b’kumpul dan b’arak ke Stadium Padang Kawad UiTM pada mlm t’sebut dan malangnya pd mlm itu hujan renyai2 sedikit.
Tapi Tok Det memilih utk sama2 berhujan dgn kami sedangkan Tok Det boleh dapat tmpat yg teduh utk berucap.. Kami smua t’haru sgt dgn PM kami pada waktu itu..
Tok Det,
Pd pandangan sy yg amat cetek ttg pengetahuan politik ni,sy rasa BN skarang dah tak sama lg dgn BN dulu..
Sy lahir dlm era kegemilangan Malaysia iaitu sewaktu Tok Det memerintah malaysia.. Apabila kuasa beralih tgn, sy mmg nampak dan rasa kelainan terhadap perkembangan Malaysia…
Lebih tepat lg, BN zaman Pak Lah skarang nie tak sama dgn BN pada zaman Tok Det..
BN dulu, MCA+MIC+UMNO bersatu… Sedangkan lidah lg t’gigit,tp smuanya under control.. Sy dpt rasakan BN pd zmn itu sgt kukuh. Tp skarang org dlm BN bercakaran..
Ditambah pulak,skarang nie PKR makin m’jadi2 dok umpan org2 non-bumi dgn strategi2 bodoh dan khianat diorang tu.. Pernah sy t’dengar rakan sekerja sy (india & melayu) bersembang sesama mereka.. “Habit lama itu smua tolak blakang, janji rakyat dia jaga.” [Si india tu refer kpd DSAI laa tu!] Nampak sgt org2 non-bumi nie smakin b’minat dgn PKR. Mana tidaknya, mcm2 PKR dh lakukan utk mereka non-bumi. Byk hak keistimewaan kita Melayu seakan2 dirampas smata2 nak tarik pengundi non-bumi.. Sbg rakyat yg kerdil, sy betul2 berasa “jauh hati” dgn tindakan khianat org2 PKR..
Yg si Tan Sri Abd Aziz tu pulak satu pengkhianat BESAR.. Cipta sjarah ORG MELAYU msuk DAP! [Jd naib pengerusi pulak tu! ~ Maafkan sy kalau sy salah mention jwtn beliau dlm DAP.Tp yg saya tau dia org kedua dlm DAP. PTUIHH!!]
Sy tak tau apa akan jd pd Malaysia kita nti.. Non-bumi smakin taksub dgn PKR dgn konsep hak kesamarataan mereka.. Hak keistimewaan org Mlayu smakin terancam, diancam oleh org Melayu kita yg smuanya gila kuasa.. PM kita pula Layu… Pihak2 tertentu pula ada yg menyimbah myk ke atas api.. Di satu sudut yg lain, ada pula pihak yg bercakaran… Aduh.. Kalau diturutkan hati, sy nak lari bawak diri ke oversea.. Tp tak smpai hati, nak tinggalkan negara sendiri… Mcm manalah agaknya nasib anak cucu sy nanti…??
Tok Det,
Semoga Allah akan terus menerus memberi kesihatan yg terbaik dan kesejahteraan buat Tok Det dan keluarga.. Apa guna pemimpin yg muda, gagah ,perkasa kalau otak pun KOSONG?? Maruah bangsa tergadai?? Smoga Allah beri keizinan utk Tok Det mempejuangkan nasib bangsa Melayu kita,kekal dan terus b’juang spt Tok Guru Nik Aziz.. Selamat kembali dan teruskan langkah dlm UMNO. Perjuangan ini takkan pernah selesai.. Allahu akhbar!
UiTM alumni
no more pseudonym!
Dear all..
Nyamuk ni bleh bwa penyakit Aedes. Tiap2 mlm kluar brita nyamuk ni kt TV3. Ptutla Aedes ni tk kurang2 kes nya psl bapak Aedes ada kt Putrajaya. Ntah2 kes Aedes ni sindiran utk PLah kot. Agaknya la mana taukan media ni nk cover jg klau nk sindir tu.
Salam Tun;
Saya masih percaya BN kini bagai gajah didalam lumpur! harapan tipis parti konponen ini berubah nasibnya lagi…..
Kita harus faham bahawa masalah BN terutama UMNO bukan pasai Paklah saja…ini tidak lagi pasai individu…
Saya rasa Tun juga bersifat “marahkan nyamuk, kelambu dibakar”.Tun lebih tidak puas dgn Paklah,tetapi jangan lupa peranan Tun hari dalam keadaan kini lebih menjejas nasib UMNO (kepala gajah)lagi.
Pepatah melayu “menang solak kampung tergadai” lebih bagus & tepat digunakan untuk ahli ahli politik berfungsi pejuangan untuk kaumnya sendiri terutamanya UMNO hari ini….
Hi Tun,
3. The voters’ disgust was really aimed at UMNO and AAB should not shoulder all the blame. AAB is merely a scapegoat for the rejection of UMNO. There are lots of other factor contributing to this. We are in denial if we cannot accept this fact.
4. More voters nowadays are able to make a more informed decision mainly due to the information available through the alternative media like the internet hence most of these informed voters voted for the opposition. Back during Tun’s reign, the internet did not play an influential role as compared to today.
5. The Chinese voted for BN in 1999 GE because they wanted a stable government and economy. DAP lost terribly in 1999 because of their alliance with PAS. They were afraid of PAS as the mainstream media gave a very negative perception of PAS. The fact is PAS today gets more support from the Chinese and they would rather vote for PAS than UMNO. This is also proof that the Chinese votes play a crucial role in determining the government of the day.
6. There was a landslide victory for BN in 2004 GE mainly because the rakyat was quite satisfied with what AAB had promised them and the then new PM was indeed a breath of fresh air away from the former PM, your goodself. When AAB “inherited” the government from you, there were a lot of issues not resolved and they are still not resolved until today. Did AAB inherit a can of worms?
7. BN should not take the credit for all the development. This country was built with the rakyat’s blood, sweat and tears. The rakyat are the ones who pay their taxes and this land very much belongs to the rakyat. We are lucky to have all these natural resources to keep our economy afloat and quench our thirst for infrastructure development but then we have lagged in so many other areas. Hence, we often hear comments like “1st world infrastructure, 3rd world mentality”. I don’t think we make a good model for other multi-racial countries, seriously.
8. The rakyat were not happy back then (neither were they depressed) but they still kept the faith and voted for BN hoping that things will change eventually. The dacing was not so senget last time. The opposition didnt get much coverage then and the rakyat didnt want to risk the country’s economic and social stability by voting the opposition. But now the dacing symbol is meaningless and the rakyat is fed up of BN.
9. Why don’t we compare ourselves with HK, Taiwan, Korea and Singapore. They don’t have much natural resources and yet they are multiple times better off than us economically. I believe back then they were on an equal footing with us.
10. Greater awareness by the rakyat of the true democratic principles and the essence of good governance resulted in BN’s loss. The awareness is spreading to the folks in the rural areas and East Malaysia. This awareness cannot be suppressed.
11. The rakyat have made up their minds that they would be better off under PAS because PAS is more fair in certain aspects and open to change as opposed to UMNO. Further, PAS does not propagate race-based politics like how UMNO does. As race-based politics loses its appeal so will UMNO.
12. I agree with your view but there is no UMNO politician who is capable of bringing this country to the next level. Unless, we look beyond UMNO to find a suitable leader.
13. Yes, you are spot on, generally. However, people’s perception is if you are with UMNO, whether you a good or bad person, you are still one of them and condone their acts. Meaning that people have this negative perception of UMNO. This perception is irreversible as it would be againt UMNO original struggle to do away with this perception.
14. It is a clear rejection of race-based politics and UMNO.
15. Agreeable but thats not all. Some cronies/potential cronies who feel that they are not getting their share of the pie will also hope for AAB’s removal to be hasten. If this is going to be a case of “out of frying pan and into the fire” then we need to look beyond UMNO for someone with integrity as well as competency.
16. I disagree. This is mere rhetoric to shore up support from the rakyat. The rakyat does not feel the same way as you do. It also depends on what the rakyat wants. A robust economy or status quo. If status quo then the rakyat will be glad to vote for UMNO not realising that this country is regressing socially and economically.
18. If the old net has a lot of holes and there are better nets available then get rid of the old net.
saya suka kalau TS Muyiddin yassin sebagai PM malaysia… dia lebih layak.. BN kuat tapi sbb paklah semua pangkah pebangkang.. kecewa sungguh..
Salam Tun,
Can i ask Tun,
1. Do you think who is the best person who can rid of the mosquito? As i believe, i am ‘rakyat jelata’ who has no power to voice out and only can perform thru Election.
2. Do you think, who is capable to maintain the net from mosquito and make all people get into the net back as we know all people now avoiding the net with mosquito?
3. Do you think how long to get back those people who runaway due to mosquito into the net?
4. Do you think all people who ran will 100% get back to the net. Now they are thinking, they found the new net that can help them from bloodsuckers.
5. Do you think leader of new net will do the same as what he promises?
6. And last, Old net need new leader. Do you think who is the most capable to take care the net. Current No. 2 is too much now.
Semoga Tun rajin2 lah Solat. Tun selalu jalan sana sini, tanggungjawab pada tuhan jgn abaikan.
Salam Tun.
Asalam mu alai kum Tun,
Well said and the mosquito need to be spray with “Baygone’ direct into the eyes.
Tun , Ku li, Tan Sri Muhiddin and Dato Rais Yatim can help you to do the sprying job as well.
Tun carry on sprying this stubborn mosquito, until he escape from the mosquito net (UMNO). No need to burn the net, the net belong to our future generation given to us by our fore father.
Your are the guardian once and you are responsible to take it back and together mending it back into a good net and protect the citizen of this country.
Salam and selamt berpuasa.
salam sejahtera. untuk pengetahuan umum, bg pendapat saya, Dr.M setuju re joint umno dgn syarat paklah letak jawatan. itu sudah di katakan oleh Dr.M sebelum ini jadi itulah jawapannya. Yg kata ialah Muhyiddin, itupun katanya tak tau bila tun akan rejoint walaupun sebenarnya dia tau masanya ialah apabila paklah letak jawatan nanti. harap maklum. terima kaseh.
YA.Bhg Tun,
” An army of lions commanded by a deer will never be an army of lions ” – Napolean Bonaparte
Sir,….you’ve handed the UMNO & BN Leadership to a deer……
and that is what it’s all about…
Wake up old man, you are still dreaming.
Badawi may be incompetent but the economy is not suffering because of him, at least not yet.
The economy is suffering because of the corruption in the government, soften by our good fortune of being a oil producer.
The non-Malays rejected BN because of UMNO’s arrogance and racist politics. BN non-Malay parties are no longer seen as partners in BN but accomplices in corruption.
UMNO did not lose much Malay votes so it was the non-Malays that accounted for the shift in voting for the opposition.
Salam Tun,
Pecat Khairy & semua kroni Pak Lah, termasuk Pak Lah sendiri.
Pecat orang MIC juga. MCA juga. Semua yang corrupted. Nak clear virus, kita letak anti virus, dan anti virus membuang semua virus.
Kalau ini semua Tun tak buat, elok sama seperti Tun pergi bercuti di London atau pun elok berhijrah ke Mekah. Insyalllah.
To JamesLoh 10.20am
Dear James,
22 years spinned around by fear……indeed…but then what had we gained??…..Respect and Honour and feared by the British and Americans. But now…..with all the so-called ‘freedom’ from fear, what do we get instead?….HUMILIATION!!!!!!!!!
So James…….think further and ahead not otherwise
MT please do something to sack Pak Lah. Muhyiddin shows his ball what about others? It is a shame God give you 2 balls but you dont have the guts. Better cut it out and give it back to your mama. Pak Lah says he had something to do till 2010. The only thing he knows is only sleep and he want all Malaysian sleeping on his side too and dreaming all the way. Come on Young Malaysian, wake up and be aggressive. There is a war out there. A war of economic and we must prepare so that our contry always be in prosperous condition. Pak Lah dont know how to segregate the money to us. He only know how to spend out(especially to his family) but dont know how to make it flow to the pocket back. What we need here is a great leader such as Tun Dr Mahathir. BTW, You should listened to him. Salute to you Tun.
salam Tun,
kepada semua pemimpin2 atasan ,MP,ADUN UMNO yang di kasihi,
saya sebagai rakyat biasa ingin menyeru agar anda semua supaya cuba mengubah persepsi rakyat terhadap anda yang semakin terhakis.
Rata2 ramai yang menganggap UMNO hidung tinggi,berlagak kelas atasan,kroni dll yang negatif.
Ramai juga yang tidak mahu mengundi UMNO dan BN kerana faktor2 ini.
Saya juga seru supaya ‘practice what you preach’.Ramai rakyat biasa yang terkilan anak menteri tidak bersekolah biasa,sebaliknya masuk International School,Garden School whatever.
Macamana nak gubal dasar jika anda sendiri tidak mempraktikkannya?
Persepsi negatif ini mesti diperbetulkan segera,jika tidak nescaya bala menimpa 4 tahun dari sekarang.
“NAWAITU” mesti diperbetulkan.Jangan pentingkan mengumpul harta dunia sahaja.
Jatidiri adalah lebih penting.
Negara memerlukan seorang pemimpin yang mampu memimpin,dan Paklah tidak mempunyai ciri2 tersebut….Tun telah pun meninggalkan negara didalam keadaan yang sempurna dan stabil,tetapi kini segalanya kian musnah.Dari gaya penulisan dan kupasan dari Tun saya merasakan Tun masih lagi mempunyai Keupayaan untuk memimpin sebuah negara cuma mungkin dari segi kudrat agak terbatas namun ianya bukan satu halangan yang besar Tun….Kembalilah ke tampuk pemerintahan dan bentuk lah kembali MALAYSIA seperti yang sepatutnya…..
Same as the others chedet bloggers who wonder is it true you will joining back UMNO. If it is true, im sure you have a very good reason to swallow back your spit.
Honestly, Im trully believed you have used all your wisdom to make that decision eventhought it against you principle.
It is clearly shows that you thinking party more than yourself.What a honorable you are.
Im solute you my dear beloved menthor.
Salam kpd semua pengujung laman ini,
Apa yg saya pelik sangat ialah adakah pihak mereka-mereka ini tak pernah membaca atau ambil tahu tentang komen Tun dan juga pengunjung-pengunjung blog ini?
Adakah ini memang sikap kerajaan dari dahulu atau kebelakangan ini atau Pak Lah memang macam ni?
Pada pendapat saya, kalau saya hendak memperbetulkan diri saya tentulah maklumbalas dari kawan dan lawan akan saya ambil,analisa,ambil tindakan dan pantau.
1. Kami menunggu juga sebab-sebab Tun rujuk dengan UMNO semula.
2. Juga tak lupa akan maklumbalas Tun tentang kenyataan Muhyiddin Yasin, lepas tu yg “bestnya” Pak Lah terkejut lah pulak.
you are wrong!!!
we are tired with race based political party,
even tired with anything to do with race based,
seem like race has been uphold high then religion.
aku dah bosan lah.kita rakyat malaysia asyik duduk cerita pasal politik saje.macam lah tade hal yang lebih penting lagi.macam kita kat tahun 60 an la.duduk kat kedai kopi dan komen orang lain je….cuba ubah sikit la.semalam saintis menguji mesin big bang yang kelajuannya menyamai kelajuan cahaya.tak ade komen pun. apa cite kawan??????
pasal politik lupakan dulu.there is nothing permenent in polotic.dulu mahathir dan kuli bermusuhan tapi sekarang boleh adakan mesyuarat sulit.mana tau muhyidin pun akan adakan mesyuarat sulit dengan pah lah pada masa akan datang kot>>>>>>
nasihat kepada mahatir walaupun saya tidak layak.
jangan asyik gunakan chedet untuk hal politik sahaja.asyik hentam orang saje.asyik beritahu orang kejayaan sendiri sahaja.asyik bermain isu perkauman sahaja.
cuba gunakan cara anda a step a head. walaupun negara bergolak tetap ada cendiakawan yang wujud.jadi beri tumpuan pada mereka.tuliskanlah pengalaman anda semasa di negara lain dan beri kita pengajaran cara berfikiran seperti anda.jangan nak asyik menghasut rakyat untuk menggulingkan orang.kuatkan iman anda.dah tua dah.
sekian terima kasih.
seorang penoreh getah.
Tun ni sememangnya very good “salesman” la.Tun walau pun dah pencen tapi tetap setia dengan “company” yang Tun pernah kerja dulu.Mengenangkan apa yang “company” yang Tun kerja dulu dah sumbangkan untuk keluarga dan masyarakat setempat Tun,tidak sekali2 Tun lupakan dan malah jauh sekali untuk menjatuhkannya.
Tun telah menunjukkan kesetiaan dan sayangnya Tun kepada “company” yang pernah Tun kerja dulu.Walaupun dah pencen tapi Tun terus promote produknya.
Semestinya Tun nampak apa kebaikan dan produk yang terbaik buat semua yang telah dikeluarkan oleh “company” itu maka Tun terus menjual produk2nya walau pun dari luar.Kalau produknya tidak baik,dah tentu Tun tak jual dan jauh sekali nak promote nya.
Syabas Tun,Tun tetap percaya dan yakin apa yang Tun buat dan semangat ini lah yang harus ada pada seseorang pemimpin yang memperjuangkan nasib orangramai.
Sejahtera lah Tun dan isteri hendaknya,Ameeen…..
whatever it is… i’m beginning to like Muhyiddin.
Dear Tun and readers/bloggers,
Interesting analysis, but I agree only 50% (surely you don’t expect otherwise or neither care, maybe). Because, the fact that you are already taking side to start with (not saying that BN had not done any good, in contrary).
Firstly, because I believe the assumptions that you are using might be out-dated. Again as I quoted A. Einstein âProblems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.â
Secondly, this is based on one sided ‘perspective’ where the ruling majority have being in power for too long and there we no counter balance (in the parliament or substantial political party). I would like to propose a ‘flip side of the same coin’.
We talked plentiful about the social contract that eventually led to the affirmative action. We asked whether it is fair or not, who gain what. However, we do not talk enough about who sacrifice/ contribute to what? and why are they doing it? (because they do not have a choice or because they believe it is for a greater cause?)
Regardless, I believe the right question is why are we doing this (having a social contract and the affirmative action? I like to believe that the answer is to move the nation/country forward. Hence all the sacrifices from the different races and individual from all walk of life is for the better of the nation.
There are some who contributed more (or less). Who is keeping track? and are we grateful to those who contributed to the progress? how do we treat them? (this begins to sound like a couple’s discussion…man from mars and woman from venus….)
OK. Today ‘s question can be reframed to ” Does the existing social contract reflects the reality of today?
– Can the current social contract provide us the boost we needed to get the nation beyond today?
– How can we use the social contract to achieve the dream of the nation as whole?
– Why should we sacrifice? for what? to get where?
All this are important questions that the rakyat need to be clear up front and be transparent.
At the end of the day it is the rakyat who need to live with it/support this. This is beyond any political party or government, it is the obligation and responsibility of each individual/rakyat.
I believe that a legit/nationwide/transparent referendum should be organized. We cannot sweep this issues/discussion under the carpet. We need to deal with it openly.
However, before we set up such referendum, it is paramount that the common goal of the nation is being made clear – so the rakyat know why they need the social contract (revised or not), and how it helps to achieve this great dream/goal of the country.To know what they are sacrificing, representing or fighting for.
Your comments, feelings or remarks are much welcome.
Yours respectfully,
[email protected]
Dear Tun,
“we burn the mosquito net because of one mosquito.
What needs to be done is to get rid of the mosquito but continue to use the net.”
I beg to disagree.
Look at our corrupted institutions and BN politicians.
It is not about one mosquito.
It’s about the net being totally rotten and allowing many mosquitoes in to harm us.
We need to replace the mosquito net.
Dear Tun…
Is that mean you made a mistake when you choose Pak Lah as your successor??Are you sure that what happened to BN today if the party is still under your ruling or under other leader else than Pak Lah??
Salam Tun.
Peralihan kuasa akan tetap berlaku..
BN telah gagal dalam melaksanakan banyak tugas…
terlalu banyak rasuah…
terlalu banyak ketamakan terutama dari pemimpin-pemimpin Umno itu sendiri termasuk Si Pak Lah yang kerap tido tu…
Kepimpinan BN semakin terserlah kelemahannya, menyaksikan parti tersebut semakin berpecah dan semakin hilang arah.
Saya percaya kerajaan Barisan Nasional akan diganti dalam masa terdekat oleh Pakatan Rakyat.Insyallah…
Selamat Berpuasa..
PArtially Disagree with Tun’s remarks:-
– Voting the Opposition was probably caused by people getting sick of dollah and BN’s nose up the sky attitude. But not entirely. A Lot of people were still afraid of voting for Opposition, why? well because they never did. People were filled with trepidation of Opposition not being to tell their elbows from their ass.
– What gave them the confidence to move towards Opposition. I would say because of Anwar Ibrahim, RPK, Tian Chua, Lim Kit Siang and all the Opposition leaders that worked hard to pull these voters in. They gave better and more meaningful ceramahs with well, SOLID agendas at the time.
So i would say, 30% because of shitty Dollah and BN, 70% Opposition is cool. And i repeat “shitty Dollah and BN”. Not just because of Dollah.
Salam Tun,
We need a change in leadership fast and the power transition to Najib should be hastened up or else the country is going to face dire consequnces.
I also agree with you Tun on para 14 mentioning ‘Unstrucured Pakatan Rakyat’. I cannot imagine how the 3 parties with absolutely different ideologies will govern the country. Sigh!
Semoga sihat, Tun!
salam Tun,
Saya ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada kerajaan BN yang di terajui UMNO atas sumbangan dan jasa2 yang terlalu banyak dalam membangunkan negara hingga ke tahap yang di banggakan dan di cemburui oleh negara2 lain.
Itu adalah hakikat.Jangan ada sesiapa yang cuba memutarbelitkan perkara ini.
Adun2 dan MP UMNO telah banyak berjasa kepada masyarakat selama ini sehinggakan kita ‘take them for granted’.
Walaubagaimanapun ada juga wakil rakyat yang tidur dalam tugas dan tidak menunjukkan prestasi baik semasa menjalankan tugas.
Mereka ini biasanya bertahan hanya sepenggal sahaja dan di gantikan oleh calon lain.
Seharusnya pemimpin di peringkat lebih atas juga harus di turunkan jika prestasi kepimpinan tidak baik.
Sepenggal cukuplah.Jangan tunggu lama-lama.YOU HAVE OVERSTAYED YOUR WELCOME!
Kalau tak mahu turun2 juga lama-kelamaan akan merosakkan kepercayaan rakyat terhadap parti pimpinan mereka.
Oleh itu saya gesa kepada DSAAB,KJ,ZI dan sesiapa yang rasa pedas termakan cili agar segera meletakkan jawatan.
Tolong jangan beri alasan tugas2 yang belum selesai.Ini hanya akan membuat rakyat menyangka yang anda ingin mengaut harta untuk keluarga anda sahaja dalam jangkamasa ini.
Bila ramai orang dah tak suka,macam2 mereka akan kata dan pelbagai tohmahan akan di lemparkan.
Kesudahannya anda akan menghabiskan masa cuba menangkis tohmahan2 tersebut yang akan datang bertubi2 macam hujan tropika.
Akhirnya siapa yang akan rugi?
Yang paling rugi besar adalah ahli2 UMNO biasa yang setia kepada parti selama ini!
As’kum Tun,
Telah terlalu banyak perbincangan yang telah dilakukan. Saya pasti dikalangan pemimpin UMNO juga telah banyak perbincangan dilakukan. Apapun masa akan tetap berlalu tanpa menunggu kita melakukan sesuatu yang mampu memberi hasil yang diinginkan. Seluruh pelusuk UMNO telah berbuih berpidato sama ada secara formal atau pun di kedai kopi.
Pada saya, apapun yang kita lakukan, samada analisis, perbahasan, perbalahan, kenyataan atau apapun haruslah diakhiri dengan tindakan yang berkesan. MUHIDIN YASSIN harus bertindak sekarang. Setiap percaturan haruslah bermula dari beliau. Kerana Penyanggah harus bersedia berhadap dengan setiap karenah/permainan yang akan berlaku.Muhiydin Yassin harus berani berdepan bukan hanya dengan kenyataan akhbar yang hanya membuatkan Abdullah berdolak dalih pada sandaran yang telah pun dirancang. Malah tidak keterlaluan setiap mereka yang menyanggah Abdullah harus berani kedepan. Apa yang saya dapat perhatikan mereka yang berani didalam UMNO ini adalah jagoan kampung yang hanya berani berkokok di depan masyarakat kampung yang telah di”MOMOK”kan oleh mereka dengan pelbagai propaganda yang membuatkan mereka hanya mengiyakan setiap perkara yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin mereka. Saya melihat pemimpin seperti ini langsung tidak berfaedah kepada UMNO.
Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,
1. I do agree that BN is still relevant and the fact that BN didn’t do well in the election was due mostly to Dollah’s weak goverment, not becos people suddenly decided BN is a racial-based entity and no more in fashion.
2. Anwar and his supporters in the medias managed to drum into our ears that people rejected race-based politics and that’s why they won. He’s good at taking the opportunity (an opportunist as usual)to claim PKR’s victory was due to the switch whereas he knows pretty well the peoples of all races hated the leadership!
3. But, the leaders of the other parties (especially chinese) are opportunists too, just like anwar. Since Dollah is struggling to stay afloat, why not make demands, right? before you throw in the ropes to save him…
4. As if they didn’t know how most malays will react to this asking for apology thing. They are aware of our pride but why insisted and even threatened Dollah? This is worst than ‘menghasut’ done by Ahmad. They are actually instigating the chinese at large to ‘attack’ UMNO by demanding apology thru their chinese medias, in public, whereas they can do it discreetly…bukan menghasut ke?
5. They know it was Ahmad, then attack him and him alone, why attacked ‘your father?’ (when your sibling was the culprit?). And why ‘the father’ punished this son?(Ahmad) whereas you can advise ‘the other brother'(chinese parties leaders) to control, to forgive and forget…right?
6. Definitely this BN’s ‘father’ (Dollah the great)is not fair, the ‘siblings’ (party leaders from chinese parties)are not fair too for taking advantage and not really interested in making up as family members…just find faults all the way.
7. For BN to become stronger again, the ‘father’ must be changed cos he knows nut bout taking care of the BN family. He’s biased to certain ‘children’becos these children know they have father’s secrets…his stupidity and weaknesses. The ‘younger son’ (Ahmad, cos he’s not a top party official)can be punished, but use other options. Don’t punish his hereditary.
8. The ‘father’ just reinforced opportunistic behavior of his ‘full of tricks sons’and one fine day they’ll use the tricks on the father. Damn,…
Thanks Tun for your belief in BN. It just needs new captain and some repair job.
9. Can anyone say that the Barisan Nasional had not provided good Governments in the country? Of course the opposition cannot be expected to say it. But foreign observers have all been astounded at the progress made by this tin and rubber country which had bloomed into a modern industrial country.
Yes, but people are also fed up with some abuse of power cases like PERWAJA CASE, LINGAM CASE, TUN SALLEH ABAS CASE, ETC to list a few ; and other Not-So- People -Friendly Style of leaderships like PETROL PRICE HIKE, TOL PRICE HIKE, MATH & SC IN ENGLISH, ETC to list a few..
Progress of the country have been very good.. but we want more fair and justice the way government deal with people. Think about that…
Tidak ada sesiapa yang membangkitkan dan menghangat hal kontrak sosial ini melain orang Melayu sendiri. Orang cina dan India ikut je la….Melayu Mudah Lupa
Dearest Tun,
I always see u as someone who can see beyond all the distractions.
You observe closely and realistically and you can always find the real problem.
Most political analysts don’t actually think the way you do.
They make conclusions which are usually interesting to hear.
“Change wanted by the young.” “Malaysians are now mature.” “People are more educated” etc etc…
They interpret statistics with their own conclusions.
We can always see this in Awani, among others.
It’s like gossiping.
But what they say is all ‘kemungkinan’…mere conjectures.
Kemungkinan yg menjadi khabar angin lalu dianggap benar apabila munculnya bukti2 yg disalah tafsir ….yg kemudiannya yg menyebabkan kerisauan orang ramai.
Meskipun tafsiran2 yg merisaukan ini kadangkala mempunyai bukti dan asas, tetapi selalunya ia salah.
It is true what you said…
How can there be such a dramatic change towards our long-standing social system in just 4 years?
There were no racial riots.
No significant event which could lead to racial tension.
Malaysian of all races still work together as a strong team all over the country.
And they have fun doing it too.
Just ask my fellow friends at Bank Negara and Bristol.
What really went bad was the economy.
People simply behave like people usually do.
They want more money in their pockets.
Which is the same behavior their political leaders have. Which led to ‘under-table’ money.
But since they are leaders which deals with the people’s hard-earned tax, it is wrong.
Why are people so mad at these ‘perasuah’?
Some people are against it because of principle.
But rasuah is not a new thing anywhere in the world, including Malaysia.
But why such rage now?
I think it is because the money is in other people’s pocket, not theirs.
When Malaysia’s economy blooms in your time, everybody had their share of a growing cake of wealth.
Despite some rasuah going on at some level of bureaucracy, most of the average individual had enough money in their pockets.
So they are happy.
Eventhough we suffered great economic loss in 97/98, Malaysia still managed to host one the best Commonwealth Games as of then.
Still we managed to get F1 running.
Still we managed to built KLIA.
A lot of success lifted the name of Malaysia on the map.
These successes made it clearer to the people that Vision 2020 is a possibility.
Plus, out of their admiration and pride toward you, Tun…
the people strongly supports BN in ’99.
Despite,like you said, a few lost of votes due to the case of Anwar.
Malaysians, including me who was born almost 8 years after you took office, have been so used to a great leadership and a prosperous, booming Malaysia.
We never went downhill.
Even in bad times, we usually just stopped climbing but never went down the hill.
But now, we are going downhill.
‘Successful’ economic data doesn’t matter.
Even if the data is true, most average people have no idea what it means.
They want to see what they can see with their normal eyes.
Physical development.
And above all, more money in their pockets.
Now when we are going down, people cannot stand having less to spend.
Malaysians have high expectation of their leaders, or at least the Prime Minister.
Just look at our past premiers.
Dato’ Onn defeated the war-winning British and united the Malays of Tanah Melayu for the first time in history.
Tunku achieved independence after 446 years of colonizations.
Tun Razak opened lands and brought prosperity to rural people through FELDA.
Tun Dr Ismail saved Malaysia from a serious racial conflict.
and then there’s you..
Tun Dr Mahathir who almost single-handedly built modern Malaysia.
A Malaysia most people never thought possible.
You gave Malaysians a dream.
A possible and achievable dream.
Hey, who thought we could built the tallest building in the world huh?
Most country have one.
We even have two!
Most successors of Malaysian premiers managed to fill in the shoes.
Most usually made the shoes even larger.
Unfortunately for Abdullah, he had the biggest shoes to fill…your shoes.
The expectations were high.
Malaysia is well respected all over the world.
The track towards 2020 was clearer than ever.
Now, all those dreams are shrouded with mist.
We rarely talk about Vision 2020 anymore.
We lost the respect and admiration of fellow country members in international organizations.
We lost the edge in economy.
Our premier is nothing close to his predecessor.
Never inspiring, never exceptionally intelligent.
Like you said, the developed-country standard is growing much faster now.
So, to get in line with them we have to grow even faster.
That’s what not happening.
Malaysians expect more of Malaysia.
And the leader failed to perform as expected.
His ‘Mr Nice Guy’ n ‘Mr Clean’ image was well-liked in the early years.
However, in tough times, he needs to be fearless.
Those nice images is simply not appropriate.
In turns out, however, he is not so nice after all.
He was controversial, like you were since ‘The Malay Dilemma’.
But in a wrong..wrong way.
Do we hate our premier because he is not the nice,loving grandfather?
You always criticize the Malays, your own people, the people who gave you most votes.
You never showered us with ‘puji-pujian’.
We still remember “Melayu Mudah Lupa” and the urge to let go of the “Tongkat”.
Despite that, we still tune in to Perhimpunan Agung UMNO and PM’s festive speeches each year without fail.
Because when it comes to facing the envious world, you stood up for us.
You defended us. You say the facts out loud to the face of the imperialists.
When people ask who is our leader, we always proudly say, Dr Mahathir.
Even now.
Ask the reading millions.
You were accepted as the leader of all Malaysians.
However, you always remember that you are the leader of the Malays too.
Abdullah tried to be a leader for all..at least that’s what the headlines say.
But in the process, he forgot about his position as the leader of his own people.
Sibuk menyusukan kera, anak ditinggal lapar dahaga.
After 22 years of building the foundation, you are still needed.
You know the ins and outs of modern Malaysia.
Abdullah’s arrogance of never asking you for advice caused a lot of his stupid mistakes and wrong decisions.
Bodoh sombong.
Of course he has the right as PM to have it his own way.
Of course he has no obligation to listen to his predecessor.
But the fact is, he is just not good enough.
Everyone sees this…except him.
Syok sendiri.
Malaysia need to get back on track.
We don’t see anyone near to the top who can get the job done.
You are still with us, Tun.
You always will.
Malaysia still needs the genius of Dr Mahathir.
Malaysia needs to again find its glory.
If the government continue to ignore this, they will suffer like never before.
All of Malaysia will.
Pak Lah was shocked what Muhyiddin said. I think now all eyes will attack Muhyiddin. Hope that UMNO ppl realised what best for the ppl in malaysia especcially malays.
Dearest Tun,
I always see u as someone who can see beyond all the distractions.
You observe closely and realistically and you can always find the real problem.
Most political analysts don’t actually think the way you do.
They make conclusions which are usually interesting to hear.
“Change wanted by the young.” “Malaysians are now mature.” “People are more educated” etc etc…
They interpret statistics with their own conclusions.
We can always see this in Awani, among others.
It’s like gossiping.
But what they say is all ‘kemungkinan’…mere conjectures.
Kemungkinan yg menjadi khabar angin lalu dianggap benar apabila munculnya bukti2 yg disalah tafsir ….yg kemudiannya yg menyebabkan kerisauan orang ramai.
Meskipun tafsiran2 yg merisaukan ini kadangkala mempunyai bukti dan asas, tetapi selalunya ia salah.
It is true what you said…
How can there be such a dramatic change towards our long-standing social system in just 4 years?
There were no racial riots.
No significant event which could lead to racial tension.
Malaysian of all races still work together as a strong team all over the country.
And they have fun doing it too.
Just ask my fellow friends at Bank Negara and Bristol.
What really went bad was the economy.
People simply behave like people usually do.
They want more money in their pockets.
Which is the same behavior their political leaders have. Which led to ‘under-table’ money.
But since they are leaders which deals with the people’s hard-earned tax, it is wrong.
Why are people so mad at these ‘perasuah’?
Some people are against it because of principle.
But rasuah is not a new thing anywhere in the world, including Malaysia.
But why such rage now?
I think it is because the money is in other people’s pocket, not theirs.
When Malaysia’s economy blooms in your time, everybody had their share of a growing cake of wealth.
Despite some rasuah going on at some level of bureaucracy, most of the average individual had enough money in their pockets.
So they are happy.
Eventhough we suffered great economic loss in 97/98, Malaysia still managed to host one the best Commonwealth Games as of then.
Still we managed to get F1 running.
Still we managed to built KLIA.
A lot of success lifted the name of Malaysia on the map.
These successes made it clearer to the people that Vision 2020 is a possibility.
Plus, out of their admiration and pride toward you, Tun…
the people strongly supports BN in ’99.
Despite,like you said, a few lost of votes due to the case of Anwar.
Malaysians, including me who was born almost 8 years after you took office, have been so used to a great leadership and a prosperous, booming Malaysia.
We never went downhill.
Even in bad times, we usually just stopped climbing but never went down the hill.
But now, we are going downhill.
‘Successful’ economic data doesn’t matter.
Even if the data is true, most average people have no idea what it means.
They want to see what they can see with their normal eyes.
Physical development.
And above all, more money in their pockets.
Now when we are going down, people cannot stand having less to spend.
Malaysians have high expectation of their leaders, or at least the Prime Minister.
Just look at our past premiers.
Dato’ Onn defeated the war-winning British and united the Malays of Tanah Melayu for the first time in history.
Tunku achieved independence after 446 years of colonizations.
Tun Razak opened lands and brought prosperity to rural people through FELDA.
Tun Dr Ismail saved Malaysia from a serious racial conflict.
and then there’s you..
Tun Dr Mahathir who almost single-handedly built modern Malaysia.
A Malaysia most people never thought possible.
You gave Malaysians a dream.
A possible and achievable dream.
Hey, who thought we could built the tallest building in the world huh?
Most country have one.
We even have two!
Most successors of Malaysian premiers managed to fill in the shoes.
Most usually made the shoes even larger.
Unfortunately for Abdullah, he had the biggest shoes to fill…your shoes.
The expectations were high.
Malaysia is well respected all over the world.
The track towards 2020 was clearer than ever.
Now, all those dreams are shrouded with mist.
We rarely talk about Vision 2020 anymore.
We lost the respect and admiration of fellow country members in international organizations.
We lost the edge in economy.
Our premier is nothing close to his predecessor.
Never inspiring, never exceptionally intelligent.
Like you said, the developed-country standard is growing much faster now.
So, to get in line with them we have to grow even faster.
That’s what not happening.
Malaysians expect more of Malaysia.
And the leader failed to perform as expected.
His ‘Mr Nice Guy’ n ‘Mr Clean’ image was well-liked in the early years.
However, in tough times, he needs to be fearless.
Those nice images is simply not appropriate.
In turns out, however, he is not so nice after all.
He was controversial, like you were since ‘The Malay Dilemma’.
But in a wrong..wrong way.
Do we hate our premier because he is not the nice,loving grandfather?
You always criticize the Malays, your own people, the people who gave you most votes.
You never showered us with ‘puji-pujian’.
We still remember “Melayu Mudah Lupa” and the urge to let go of the “Tongkat”.
Despite that, we still tune in to Perhimpunan Agung UMNO and PM’s festive speeches each year without fail.
Because when it comes to facing the envious world, you stood up for us.
You defended us. You say the facts out loud to the face of the imperialists.
When people ask who is our leader, we always proudly say, Dr Mahathir.
Even now.
Ask the reading millions.
You were accepted as the leader of all Malaysians.
However, you always remember that you are the leader of the Malays too.
Abdullah tried to be a leader for all..at least that’s what the headlines say.
But in the process, he forgot about his position as the leader of his own people.
Sibuk menyusukan kera, anak ditinggal lapar dahaga.
After 22 years of building the foundation, you are still needed.
You know the ins and outs of modern Malaysia.
Abdullah’s arrogance of never asking you for advice caused a lot of his stupid mistakes and wrong decisions.
Bodoh sombong.
Of course he has the right as PM to have it his own way.
Of course he has no obligation to listen to his predecessor.
But the fact is, he is just not good enough.
Everyone sees this…except him.
Syok sendiri.
Malaysia need to get back on track.
We don’t see anyone near to the top who can get the job done.
You are still with us, Tun.
You always will.
Malaysia still needs the genius of Dr Mahathir.
Malaysia needs to again find its glory.
If the government continue to ignore this, they will suffer like never before.
All of Malaysia will.
Salam Tun,
Your immediate return to BN is required ASAP..we want back the good times of 80’s & 90’s ..
Dr. Tun,
I think, Pak Lah memang mosquito. Mosquito yang sedang membela jentik2 kat tingkat empat.
Kalau nak bunuh mosquito, bunuhlah jentik2 nya… mosquito dah tua.. jangka hayatnya pendek..
Elakkan/hapuskan pembiakan jentik2 yang ada di sekeliling mosquito tuh…
Salam Ayahanda Tun. Just a brief note on the fly; I echo the sentiment of nookvillage. This time your tenure in UMNO would be for the final leg of this political journey- to the final marker. Many can already feel the exciting momentum of marching forward again. It is you who started this party and it is only befitting that you must rudder it for as long as Allah permits. On another note, I feel that Datuk Mukhriz should make a go at the Vice Presidency this time around. He has plenty to offer and his political lineage may well be his strongest suit.
Dear YBhg Tun,
Welcome back to UMNO Tun, with you around I hope and pray that you can do something to make things right.
Wish you and Tun Dr Hasmah the best of health. May ALLAH be with you at all times.
Salam Tun,
T Kasih..satu penjelasan yg memberi gambaran kecemerlangan BN dapat dikembalikan tapi hanya ahli-ahli UMNO yg dapat mengubahnya..
1. TS Muhyidin dah minta Pak Lah lepas kuasa sebelum perhimpunan.
2. DS Najib dah buat kenyataan peralihan kuasa (2010) ditentukan oleh bahagian lepas HRP.
Apa lagi nak takut wahai ahli-ahli UMNO!! Lepas raya ni tentukan yang Pak Lah akan ucap SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN dan SELAAAMAT TINGGGGGGGGAL..
Salam Tun,
T Kasih..satu penjelasan yg memberi gambaran kecemerlangan BN dapat dikembalikan tapi hanya ahli-ahli UMNO yg dapat mengubahnya..
1. TS Muhyidin dah minta Pak Lah lepas kuasa sebelum perhimpunan.
2. DS Najib dah buat kenyataan peralihan kuasa (2010) ditentukan oleh bahagian lepas HRP.
Apa lagi nak takut wahai ahli-ahli UMNO!! Lepas raya ni tentukan yang Pak Lah akan ucap SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN dan SELAAAMAT TINGGGGGGGGAL..
Salam Tun,
1. Saya sokong Tun kembali kepada UMNO, kami semua akan berada di belakang Tun.
2. Biasa la apa saja yang Tun usulkan, lakukan atau katakan mesti ada pihak yang rasa cemas, cemburu dan takut.
3. Terutama sekali komen Nik Aziz semalam.
4. Mula-mula ada perasaan bongkak lama kelamaan perasaan takut beliau timbul kerana UMNO musuh dia.
5. Apabila Tun kembali kepada UMNO maka bermula semula la karut marut dari beliau.
6. Apakah beliau lupa sebagai pemimpin parti ISLAM dan berdarah melayu sanggup mengeluarkan komen sebegitu kepada Tun?
100% agree that DSAAB = Mosquito! Owh, we really2 need a high dose of mosquito spray….could u formulate a good one Tun?
salam tun,
sya setuju dgn ape yg tun komen..rakyat bkn mahu angin perubahan pd parti yg lebih liberal tp yg sebenar2nye rakyat nk pak lah turun..tp dia tk sedar2 diri sbb dia ingat dgn menang besar pd pilihanraya lalu rakyat perlu dia..satu penggal dh nmpak belang dia jelas dn nyata dollah bedawi ni kena turun nnti malu jd satu2nya pm yg dibenci bkn oleh pembangkang tp oleh org sndiri..dollah bedawi ni degil nk mampus dh dpt jane dia pun nk jd tarzan..gayut sane lompat sini..dia ingat dgn title mr clean tu org blh follow ape je kata dia..tidak lagi org dh nmpak tembelang dh pecah..cuba tnye kt gabenor bank negara kenape dia letak jawatan dr kazanah..tk lain tk bukan sbb tk tahan tngok anak beranak dollah bedawi ni bedal semua mr clean la katakan..awal2 naik dh pnggil bpr siasat tu siasat ni..bkn ape nk bg yg lain takut so senang dia sapu bersih ape yg blh buat anak beranak dia berkuasa so dia blh bertahan lama sebagai pm..jgn harap la dia nk bg kt najib walaupun smua org tau najib tk layak tu pun satu lg org bodoh..dngar ckp monster kt rmh dia tu..pak turut mcmtu nk jd pm lg mampus kita rakyat..dua2 mmg tk blh jd pm..kita kena bertindak pd disember ni..wahai semua org umno yg akan bersidang di pwtc turunkn pak lah jgn tnggu 2010..ape yg muhyuddin ckp tu btul..rakyat bkn nk parti yg lebih liberal tp nk pak lah bertanggung jawap n turun..baru sepenggal dh jahanam malaysia di buatnye nk biarkan lagi ke org yg mcmni…fikir-fikirkan la wahai org2 umno yg di atas tu yg dh tntu kaya jgn bg kami org umno yg dibawah ni yg kais pagi makan pagi tambah derita nnti buruk padahnye..pkr memerintah mampos korg semua masuk penjara.confirm korg kena…jd ape yg tun bg tau ni ikut je la..yg nk takut dgn dollah bedawi ni wat pe patut dia yg takut dgn korag..bebal la korang ni…
Assalamuailaikum Ayahnda Tun
1. Dari tahun 2004 hingga 2008 , banyak ahli perniagaan mengeluh kerana tiada perumbuhan ekonomi yang boleh membantu mereka berniaga. Banyak syarikat telah gulung tikar dan berhenti operasi.
2. Terlalu banyak cerita mengenai pertumbuhan ekonomi, berbilion sana berbilion sini, koridor sana koridor sini, diistihar oleh kerajaan DSAAB tapi apa pun tak ada. cakap tak serupa bikin.
3. Rakyat sudah hilang kepercayaan dan terus mengkritik kerajaan DSAAB yang flip flop ini dengan mengurangkan majoriti dalam parlimen .
4. Banyak kelemahan terserlah dari masa kesemasa oleh DSAAB maka rakyat sudah jelek dgn kepimpinan beliau.
5. Akhirnya rakyat hukum BN dalam pilihanraya ke 12 dan nanti berakhirnya era BN dan UMNO dalam era pilihanraya ke 13.
6. Tidak hairan nanti Ayanhda Tun pun akan senasib juga seperti RPK. Biar rakyat yang hukum DSAAB and Kronies.
Dear Tun,
I can’t seem to see anyone as a PM except you…You are forever the best and no one can replace you.
i love your 11 paragraph…irony ya…
1. Selamat berpuasa yang dimuliakan Tun Dr. Mahathir dan Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah.
2. Kali pertama saya mengundi semasa Tun berhadapan dengan pakatan diketuai S46. Ketika itu saya masih di U. Dengan perasaan cemas saya pulang ke kampung utk mengundi kerana takut BN tumbang. dan dlm pilihan raya seterusnya saya terus memberi undi kepada BN yg dipimpin oleh Tun.
3. Saya terlepas peluang utk mengundi dalam PRU11 akibat keangkuhan SPR memindah nama pengundi sesuka hati. Tetapi akhirnya saya bersyukur kerana sekurang-kurangnya saya tidak memberi untuk kepada pak lah.
4. Pada PRU12, saya hampir membuat undi rosak sebagai protes kpd pak lah dan co. tetapi disaat akhir telah menukar fikiran dan memberi undi kepada BN kerana khuatir akan nasib kerana berita DAP telahpun berpesta kemenangan di P. Pinang pada malam terakhir kempen dan kuatnya desakan kawan-kawan di pejabat supaya memberi undi kpd pembangkang bagi menafikan mojoriti 2/3 BN. Bukannya nak jatuhkan BN tp nak ajar saja.
5. Tun kini kembali kedalam UMNO. Saya masih lagi Pengundi diatas pagar walaupun setia memberikan undi kepada BN, tetapi jika pemimpin BN masih tak ingin memikirkan petunjuk diberi oleh rakyat, saya tak pasti lagi. Mungkin saya terpaksa terus mengundi BN demi masa depan anak2 saya.
6. Tun, apa kata jika Tun bertanding utk Jawatan Presiden UMNO. Mungkin ramai yang akan cuba menghalang, tapi jika Tun cepat umumkan pendirian, suara senyap dalam UMNO pasti akan dapat digabung bagi menyingkirkan pak lah dan co.
7. Saya pasti ramai yang akan ikut serta. Anakanda Tun, Parlimen Jerlun (maaf – tak ingat ejaan nama) pasti boleh membantu.
Bersama kita singkirkan Pak Lah.
Selamat Sejahtera Tun. Semoga diberkati Allah selalu. Sampaikan salam kepada Bonda Tun Siti Hasmah.
“we burn the mosquito net because of one mosquito”.
“What needs to be done is to get rid of the mosquito but continue to use the net.”
NOP. I don’t think so. That’s the whole problem. Some people just cannot think out of the box (in this case, the net).
Why must we still use mosquito net? Use repellent instead!
I would think the net is the lop-sided system that is crippling the progress of the country. The insects are the corruption that sucks the blood of the occupants.
When the net is old and infested, we should just burn the net together with the mosquito and use repellent instead! This will free us from staying inside the net and risk being sucked by a worse kind of insect…..in view of the impending return of the LEECH!
salam Tun,
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.But I think there’s a typo..March 13?I would like to relate my own experiences as I share the same memories too.
I lived in a predominantly Chinese area in Batu 3 1/2,Gombak in KL.We were one of only two Malay families there,the rest were all chinese.
On 13 May 1969,our chinese neighbours protected us and life went on peacefully in our neighbourhood as a tall fence was erected all around to keep out trouble makers.
I will never forget their kindness as long as I live.
In a multi racial society,we must always adopt a tolerant attitude.So it hurts me deeply whenever a commentator calls Malays ‘stupid’ and ‘lazy’ with regards to the Social Contract.
We must never let racism rears its ugly head.
Do not open the Pandora’s Box.
Our nation is unique in the world.
Never forget this fact.
The more I read ,the more that I am convinced that Dr.M ‘s is out of touch with reality.Which is not suprising ,if we remember his infamous selective memory,selective prosecution….
The message in 2008 is clear -UMNO’s old style politics of divide, rule and scare tactics no longer works.
Salam Ayahanda Tun yang dihormati…
Semoga sihat selalu… dan Bonda Siti juga.
Sekarang saya mmg betul2 frust dengan BN lebih-lebih lg dgn Pak Lah.. Terlalu menyerlah kelemahan yng ditonjolkan. Walaupun saya ni muda lagi (baru 1st time mengundi pada PR yg lalu)betul2 amat kecewa…..
Memang BN masih relevan, kalau betul caranya.. Saya rasa klau PAS tu tak masuk pakatan rakyat saya dah pangkah PAS. PKR & DAP mmg terang2 x boleh dipercayai. Saya ingatkan lepas PR Pak Lah letak jawatan pasal kputusan yg teruk.Tapi masih x perasan lg kelemahan dia.. Harap2 cepat2 la ada perubahan sebelum Melayu & Islam jadi x tentu arah…sedih btul…,Anwar mmg hebat dgn kata2nya tapi perangai..Na’uzubillah.
[email protected]
Assalammualaikum Tun,
“14. The votes that the opposition parties got were not due to a desire to replace the Barisan Nasional with the unstructured Pakatan Rakyat. They were protest votes. But is it protest against the Barisan Nasional party? Is it a rejection of race-based politics? I don’t think so.”
1. Me too.
2. People say BN very week.
3. I agreed, because no leader is like you.
4. DAP are representing chinese, PAS are malays and PKR are indian party.
5. But these parties are unstructured, anytime will collapse.
Tolong buatlah apa yg Tun termampu utk bantu umat Islam di Malaysia, Orang Melayu dan UMNO. Kami akan sokong Tun dari belakang.
Satu lagi. Boleh tak kalau saya sokong TS Muhyiddin utk jadi Timbalan Presiden? (Kalau betul Ku Li jadi Presiden UMNO). Saya rasa, dalam banyak-banyak orang tinggi UMNO sekarang ni, cuma TS Muhyiddin je yang nampak berani. Yang lain. Play save diri sendiri. Lagipun saya yakin, TS Muhyiddin boleh buat kerja. Bukan omong kosong
Bangga juga saya kalau dia jadi TPM. Orang kampung tu!
I am willing to take the risk: Muhyiddin —- http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/9/12/nation/20080912133624&sec=nation
Salam Tun,
“Marahkan Seekor Nyamuk, Kelambu Dibakar”
Rasanya bukan kelambu je kena bakar, segala ridsect, shieldtox, fumakila, dan mcm2 jenis penyembur cap ayam lagi lah dah pun digunakapai. Yang jenis berlingkaq pun dah berdozen guna tapi nyamuk yang satu ni susah betul nak ‘padam’. orang kedah kata ‘baloq liat’.
la ni bukan setakat parti UMNO/BN saja, malah FAM pun dah jadi haru-biru. Semua gara-gara Pak Lah and Family. Saya yang dulu sentiasa ambil berat pasal liga malaysia dan skuad negara pun dah mula rasa bosan dengan isu-isu terkini. samalah yang terjadi pada parti UMNO/BN. Menteri-menteri nampaknya masih lagi takut pada bayang-bayang Pak Lah. Muhyiddin Yasin je nampak berani sikit (Mungkin Tun yg buat dia berani sikit tu). Mereka ni seolah-olah terikat dengan pepatah Pak Lah tu durian, depa tu timun. Dah tau Pak Lah tu durian… cari parang kupas ja, buat la tempoyak. lepas tu timun lenyek la tempoyak tu.
Bajet 09 yg dibentangkan dah jelas tidak nampak kemana hala tuju Pak Lah. stakat bil api Rm20 kira percuma, nampak mcm gula-gula politik (pendekatannya lebih kurang mcm stail PKR). Dia ingat cara tu buleh buat rakyat suka kat dia.
Pak Lah ni tak tau la mcm mana nk cerita la kan… orang dah bagi ‘hint’ dia tak reti-reti lagi, dah cakap terang pun tak faham-faham lagi. tak kan nak tunggu sampai peluru hinggap kat kepala baru nak sedar. Orang dah tak mahukan dia lagi, dia dok pikiaq pasal agenda dia yang tak sudah-sudah tu. mungkin share tak dapat habih lagi kot.
hantar surat direct kat dia confirm ke tong sampah jugak… entah la. mungkin kita kena tunggu jun 2010 jugak.
apa-apa pun, Selamat Berpuasa Tun. Saya dan yg lain-lain ni sentiasa disisi Tun. Bukan menyokong membabi buta tapi yakin kepada pemimpin yang berkaliber.
Salam Tun.
Saya setuju dengan keterangan Tun, sudah jelas, terang lagi bersuloh. Bahalulwi sudah buta mata, buta hati, pekak badak dan tak sedar diri. Masih lagi bermimpi yang dia di alam HONEYMOON, baru jadi pengantin baru kot.
Sedarlah Bahalulwi, awak lah punca kemunduran dan hura hara dalam negeri. Sikap awak yang lemah longlai, pengecut, bachul,takde idea, tak berwawasan dan tidak berfikiran jauh, kebodohan yang terang dan jelas, flip flop berulang kali, membuktikan yang beliau tidak layak menjadi pemimpin. Hanya layak menjadi CEO untuk Tabung Haji kot.
Bagaimana hendak menjadi pemimpin kalau dia sendiri tidak ada langsung ciri2 seorang Pemimpin. Apakah contoh yang boleh diambil dari beliau untuk dijadikan contoh, buat anak2 dan generasi akan datang? Kalau beliau dengan terang2, telah berdendam dengan Tun, memulaukan Tun dari mendapat tempat di dalam masyarakat dan Parti. Dengan menyingkir Tun dari aliran masyarakat dan Parti, beliau terbukti mempunyai hati yang busok!!! Tidak bersifat berterima kasih dan mengenang budi, terhadap orang yang mengambil beliau kembali berkhidmat dalam parti dan kerajaan, walaupun beliau pernah tentang Tun, sunggoh busok hatinya macam bangkai.
Pandangan dan pengalaman Tun yang mendalam, yang tentu dapat berguna dan berbakti kepada parti dan negara, telah diabaikan kerana sikap bodoh sombong, pendendam dan hati yang busok terhadap orang yang telah berjasa kepada beliau, negara dan bangsa. Inikah pemimpin Hadhari yang nak memimpin Umat Melayu? Hanya biri2 jelah.
Tapi ni lah sebenar Bahalulwi, beliau punya agenda sendiri, biar anak2, kuncu2, penjilat2 dan pembodek2 hidup, pewot kembong mereka membuntal, rumah besau, kereta besau, bini besau, kepala besau, itu yang penting. Rakyat jelata, bangsa Melayu dan UMNO, belakang kira.
Bahalulwi harus sedar diri, pi tengok cermin, muhasabah, buka mata, buka hati, buka telinga, rata2 semua rakyat dah hilang keyakinan dengan keupayaan dia mentabirkan negera dan parti. Rata2 rakyat dan bangsa Melayu sudah benci dengan beliau. Tak payahlah susahkan diri awak untuk nak membuat pekerjaan yang belum habis, pekerjaan yang awak yang nak buat semuanya tak akan habis.
Your Time is UP!!! GET LOST, letak jawatan secara terhormat, sebelum tersungkor dan hilang kehormatan dan akan memalukan. Cukuplah kehancuran dan kerosakan yang telah awak lakukan.
Wahai bangsa ku, kita harus berani mempertahankan maruah bangsa dan negara. Jangan biarkan Bahalulwi dan kuncu2nya menglingkupkan negara dan bangsa. Marilah kita bersatu, buang dan reject jauh2, pengkianat2, perakus2, pengecut2, bachul2, peliwat2, goondus2, untuk mempertahankan maruah bangsa dan negara.
Assalamulaikum Tun dan Keluarga
Selamat Berpuasa di Ramadhan ini. Semoga Tun dan Keluarga mendapat Rahmat, Keampunan dan bebas dari Neraka di bulan Ramadhan ini.
Jasa Tun adalah terlalu banyak. Semoga usaha Tun akan berjaya kali ini.
Saya betul-betul berharap MY TanSri (Muhydin Yasin) akan dapat menentang DSAAB pada tahun ini.
Saya kecewa dengan DSNTR yang tak berani melawan langsung. Sedangkang kekuatan UMNO dalam BN sekarang berada di selatan Tanahair(Pahang, Johor, Melaka, Terengganu, N9).
Ahli UMNO di Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor dan Kelantan perlu bersatu untuk menjatuhkan Pak Lah. Kelima negeri ini mesti tahu yang kekalahan mereka adalah kerana Pak Lah. Jika mereka segera bertindak, mereka akan dapat kembali memerintah negeri mereka sendiri.
Harapan saya agar Ketua Bahagian akan bertindak secepat mungkin di negeri-negeri utara dan Tengah ini. Mereka adalah kunci kejayaan kerana mereka yang sedang ditindas!!!!
Today the Internal Security Act (ISA) has been invoked to arrest Raja Petra Kamaruddin by the Minister of Home Affairs, Dato Seri Syed Hamid.
Can Tun and many other bloggers be spared from the ISA arrest? Let’s wait and see!
Here is the except of Malaysiakini.com:
Raja Petra ‘arrested under ISA’
Andrew Ong | Sep 12, 08 1:27pm
Controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin has been detained under the Internal Security Act, said his wife Marina Lee Abdullah.
Wife: He was arrested at 1.10pm
10 police personnel at his house
Salam Tun,
Heran sikit artikel Tun ni seperti ‘ tekan brek, stop.., kita dah agak menyimpang ni, balik semula ke laluan utama kita…’
Kalau bincang hal perkauman, social contract, rakyat akan berbelah pendapat. Perpaduan akan terhakis..Jadi bila kita balik semula ke agenda utama kita – OUT PAK LAH ! suara rakyat bersatu kembali ! 🙂
Itu yang sebenarnya matlamat kita. Banyak masalah dan polemik yang timbul akhir2 ini semuanya di sebabkan oleh Pak Lah. Ada yang secara terang dan ada secara indirect. To pak lah advantage kalau rakyat bercelaru, bertelagah dengan isu2 perkauman, meritokrasi dan lain2 kerana rakyat hilang tumpuan. Tidak akan kemana..
Apa yang saya perasan dari catatan bloggers di sini, masing2 punya pendirian yang sudah sebati dengan diri, tidak akan berubah dengan apapun artikel Tun. bacaje komen2 diatas..tumpukan pada mereka yang ‘anti Mahathir’ dan yang sering hantar komen mereka. Dari mula2 hingga yang terbaru, sikap dan penentangan mereka sama. Konsisten. Mereka mencari2 salah dalam penulisan Tun dan akan hemtam habis2san. Kalau dah memang niat cari salah, memang akan jumpa kerana setiap ayat akan diberikan pengertian mengikut pendirian masing2 yang sudah sebati.
Contoh isu Ahmad…mana ada Tun kata yang dia sokong ahmad? Tapi kenapa ada beberapa bloggers yang tuduh begitu ? Mereka hanya baca sekali, dengan niat nak cari salah, terus hentam Tun. Sama juga dalam artikel2 Tun yang lain…Takkan ubah nya fikiran mereka.
Baguslah kita kembali semula kepada agenda utama kita. Ketepikan dulu our differences dalam hal2 yang sebelum ini memecahbelahkan kita. Bincang banyak mana pun tak kemana. Tumpukan semula pada OUT PAKLAH !
Kepada mereka yang dok bertanya ‘kenapa Tun masuk semula UMNO selepas keluar dulu’ ..cubalah fikir sendiri, Pak Lah sendiri pembaca utama chedet.com , takkanlah Tun nak ceritakan perancangan Tun di sini ! Yang penting, pendirian Tun tetap sama sepertimana artikel ini sahkan.
Yang penting apa ? OUT PAK LAH! OUT PAK LAH ! OUT PAK LAH !
Assalamualaikum, Tun.
I come from a BN-supporting family. Always has been, always will be. And i do agree that the people voted against BN on March 8 is not because they rejected the party’s formula and accepted the fragile coalition, it’s because of them rejecting the BN leadership.
To me, the representation of race-based parties within one coalition in not being racial in nature, but guarantees that the voices of all communities is heard (like UMNO, MCA, MIC and Borneo parties). Compare this to DAP, who claims to be multi-racial, but has only 5% Malay membership nation-wide, and PAS who only allows Muslim members.
PKR calls itself multi-racial, but logically, if a single party (as opposed to a coalition) is to represent all Malaysians, then I dare say the Indians and other minority races will lose out. Look at the demographics: Malays 62% Chinese around 29% Indians 8% Indonesian descent 11%. If a multiracial party is to reflect the demographics, then obviously the minority voices cannot be heard.
And I read today’s the Sun. Really disappointed with Nik Aziz’s comment. He is a respectable person even among the UMNO members, and for him to make a comment about you ruining UMNO from within is unbecoming. Curses, and to think that we were going to overlook his comment about cronyism being allowed in Islam.
I am dissapointed with your statement, “But is it protest against the Barisan Nasional party? Is it a rejection of race-based politics? I don’t think so. ”
Dear Tun,
1.PM was surprised over the remarks made by Tan Sri Muhyiddin last few days..but he is NOT surprises over the downfall of UMNO that we all MALAYS loved and the failure of BN to capture Permatang Pauh. I think he is completely blind and I was told that the moment anak menantu dia pee ceramah d Permatang Pauh..thousands of UMNO votes swings to PKR,yet PM is not surprise!!!
2.PM says that he has a lot of works to do but I donot think that he knows how to do it!Tengok aja minyak,dulu sekali naik banyak lepas tu turun tapi harga barang tak jugak turun!kalau naik sikit sikit kan cantik!..nii pun tak tahu,macam mana nak takbir negara majmuk macam M’sia nii..apa lagi ada gurka dari USA and Britain..I mean DSA..salam Tun selamat berbuka.
1. Pak Lah perlu berundur secepat mungkin.
2. Gandingan Najib-Muhyiddin masih ok.
3. BN zaman Pak Lah terlalu mengharapkan undi Cina dan sering terlupa undi MAJORITI yang diperolehinya diberi oleh Melayu/Bumiputera.
4. BN zaman Pak Lah sering mengabaikan MAJORITI Bumiputera dan lebih mementingkan undi Cina sehinggakan segala-gala yang diminta oleh MINORITI Cina sentiasa dipenuhi. Akibatnya apa yang terjadi pada Samy Vellu, Koh Tsu Koon dan 4 negeri.
5. Mulai dari sekarang BN kena seimbangkan “kasih” pada semua. Majoriti perlu diberi perhatian UTAMA jika mahu kemenangan.
tok det,
kami semua orang-orang muda professional mmg tak suka sikap dan tabiat buruk encik khairy jamaluddin itu. kami akan berdiri dibelakang tok det.. nyatakan siapa yang harus kami sokong?? adakah ku li ataupun muhyiddin??? kami akan sokong kepada pemimpin yang memperjuangkan hak rakyat seperti kami.. dan bukan kepada yang nak jaga periuk nasi sendiri!
Minta izin dan tumpang lalu..
To Onlooker
By Onlooker on September 12, 2008 10:29 AM
Why don’t we just give the alternative parties a chance to rule the country for one term and see how well they can perform for 4 or 5 years? That will not burn off the mosquitoe net nor cause an extinction to Barisan Nasional!
You know what my dear friend……NOooo WAY!!!!!!!
I supposed you must be the member of PKR or at least the supporter of AI.
Thank you.
Salam Tun and bloggers,
Terasa bersemangat apabila bersantai diruangan Tun…
1.Namun apa yang pasti, saya salute Tan Sri Muhyidin and Mukhriz. The only UMNO yang vocal memperjuangkan UMNO yg sebenar.
2. Kenyataan Tan Sri amat dinanti-nantikan. W/pun sy bukan org Johor tp sy yakin UMNO Johor akan menyokong tindakan Tan Sri. Apa yg saya nampak anak jati Johor yang ini bukan calang-calang orgnya. AWAS pembodek2 Nyamuk.
3.Tun, sy berharap pergerakan BERANI BERUBAH YB Mukhriz dan Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah bertindak segera bersama Tan Sri Muhyidin untuk mengubah agenda politik NYAMUK.
4. Dan saya juga yakin “TEAM” baru ini dengan bantuan Tun dapat merubah UMNO khas dan BN amnya.
Dear Tun,
I realised there are some who are pure lazy who use race
to said not other race can bela their nasib .This type of attitude will kill malaysia economic.There are lazy and lack of believe.If there are really poor we can help them but there want to be rich by not working hard.They said they champion their own race but they become rich without any effort!
Selamat ptg Tun,
Apa khabar ! I totally agree, AAB must leave now inorder to save
not only Umno but BN. Please rejoin Umno and save it from being
destroyed by AAB and the gangs.
YB Tun,
It is always refreshing to read your blog. I have wondered whether our Malaysian society have matured and move forward or have it turned backwards. The racist incident is really sad.
I hav been wondering if the present government is biased. The newspaper reports RPK is now put under ISA after writing his blog. I am wondering Ahmad Ismail, a so-called ‘government-man’ is going to be the same too or escape with just on UMNO’s 3 years suspension.
Anyway, welcome back to the ‘wild world of politics’ to UMNO. Hope to have a better political scene with your return.
The problems in UMNO are now cancerous. Thanks to Muhyideen to be able to recognise this. The more time you wait on the lest chances UMNO survived. The only way out is to operate soon and cut off the cancerous cells. UMNO may have survived after some period of rejuvenation, InsyaAllah. Nookvillage prays hard for UMNO to cure.
Salam YABg Tun,
Pada pandangan saya konsep Barisan Nasional masih relevent lg pada masa kini.Kemorosotan sokongan adalah di sebabkan kelemahan kepimpinan BN sekarang.Umno sebagai tunjang BN dimana kekuatan kepimpinan nya yang kelihatan lemah dan perlu di lakukan perubahan segera.Kejayaan BN pada PRU 2004 adalah kerana raayat memberikan kepercayaan dan mengharapkan kepimpinan yag baik.Namun apa yang di harapkan tidak menepati kehendak raayat.Raayat menyampaikan isi hati mereka melalui peti undi PRU 2008.BN perlu bangun!!.Umno perlu bangun!!.Sekian Terima Kasih.
Kenapa Tun suka guna Bahasa Inggeris?
Tun nak memalukan Dolah diperingkat dunia ya?
Dear Tun,
Bakar nyamuk? Eemm sounds good but nyamuk ni tak reti bahasa. Kalau bakar rentung pun dia nak dok kat situ gak. Apa-apa pun bedebar juga nak tunggu 16hb. ni. Jadi ke tak jadi orang tu naik tahta?
Tunggggu……jgan tak tungggggu
Happy Hari Raya Tun. You always the best. Forever.
Dear Tun,
As far as I am concerned, I see BN equals to arrogant, selfish, insensitive (to rakyat), corrupt, autocrats.
Abdullah Badawi is not THE reason for BN kalah.
When Chinese vote BN in 2004, they actually vote for Abdullah Badawi! Because he represent a new hope for Malaysia. But he failed the people’s mandate.
Come 2008, more people vote for Pakatan Rakyat, for the same reason, Harapan Baru Malaysia!
Where there is Hope, there is Vote!
Too many mosquitos,beyond the net……
Malaysians are hugely compassionate.RPK is under ISA not because he can cause disharmony in the country, because he is anti-Govt.Now he is the mosquito from the Govt’s point of view.
And suddenly Gerakan and MCA are happy because Ahmad has been punished. I feel sad for that man.He has real courage, which is admirable but whose love is not yet Universal. If he can love Malaysians as much as he loves UMNO, he can become he next PM. Such courage is rare. What he has quoted is right but the reason of doing it is wrong. I do not believe any man requires punishment but of course the UMNO President would have calmed him that he must be lucky not to be under ISA……..
I can only hope that the next 3 years will be a good time for Mr Ahmad to gather himself and come to his ultimate flowering.More and more vengeance is just poison. Three years is enough for a beautiful evolution in the man’s self.
Yesterday our ambassador to Singapore was stopped at the Second Link bus lane and asked to join the crowd. Bus lane has been the diplomatic lane for faster access between both countries. Singapore has recently revoked the privileges for Malaysian diplomats and only the Johor Sultan and Ministers allowed.Even the Tengku of Johor Royal family was asked to make a U turn.They cite security as the issue.
I have sent several mails to our honourable Minister to implement the 50km ruling.He said it was ON but after a few days our DPM cancelled it.And this same Minister warned our local companies not to give fuel as winning prize as the taxpayers are subsiding it.How stupid! We are giving subsidised fuel to the Singaporeans and Thais.Well done Mr Minister.
The fact is that the people are tired of both the BN and Pak Lah.Even if Najib takes over it makes no difference.
Assalamualaikum Ybhg Tun & famili selamat menjalani ibadah puasa.
1. Tahniah, Ybhg Tun dah kembali ke pangkuan UMNO, so dah bersedia nak buat âcheckmateâ ke? Harapan saya semoga berjaya. Kalau berjaya harap-harap agar kestabilan pemulihan parti & negara biarlah kekal or lama sikit dan rakyat akan tenang kembali.
2. Ada juga yg berpendapat pergerakan Ybhg Tun adalah kerana untuk menyekat kemaraan DSAI. Kalau disebabkan kepimpinan UMNO yg lemah – protes paling keras oleh Ybhg Tun ialah cuma keluar UMNO.
3. Pergerakan sebesar ini dalam usaha untuk menukar pucuk pimpinan yg sedia ada cuma akan berjaya dilaksanakan dari dalam UMNO sendiri dan oleh seseorang yang mempunyai pengaruh yg amat kuat. Penyokong-penyokong beliau mesti berani melepaskan apa yg sedang dinikmati sekarang dan bersedia untuk kehilangan apa yg telah dimiliki kemudian sekiranya usaha Ybhg Tun gagal atau tak kesampaian. Kerana kalau kapal karam, maka semua anak kapal pun turut akan lemas juga.
4. Beranikah mereka?
5. Tapi saya berpendapat Ybhg Tun akan berjaya – Insyaallah.
Besides Badawi’s corruption and poor leadership, I believe many votes for opposition because there are too many corruptions in BN!
UMNO, MCA, MIC and etc.
Do you think replacement of Badawi is made, then everything will be fine? I don’t think so?
So far, no one is fit to be Malaysia PM at the moment and that is why most of the people would like to give the opposition a chance to rule the country.
Though you have one point right that people of Malaysia don’t like Badawi and his son in law.
We too are opposing the party BN itself.
Why there is drastic change between 2004 election and 2008 election??
Because rakyats now are no longer blinded by the mainstream media and a lot of unknown truth about BN/Government are being known to Malaysian.
That’s the reason why!!!
You yourself also blame that our mainstream media sucks.
Only protecting Badawi himself…..
I guess BN hasn’t change since your rulling and Badawi’s rulling.
Still corrupted but at least during your times, things are being done……there is still development in Malaysia compare with our Pak Lah now, corrupted but nothing is being done?
Can’t see any changes in Malaysia since his leadership.
Really disappointed!
Malaysia is like a circus now to the world.
Basically BN leaders talk something and do something else.
Tired of all these and we need a change.
If PKR cannot rule well, then next five years, we will vote for BN.
Why are you guys so afraid of these changes and blame on racial issues??
I see some light at the end of the dark tunnel. The light is coming soon you joining UMNO. This time picked the wisdom part of it to improve and advanced UMNO. Try to wash out some politicians that could not serve the people. Get structured and connected at all levels with the people. We move forward with clear and visualised destiny. We all be with you. This time your tenure with UMNO until your last day. Allah will be with us and save us Malaysian. We are moving forward again with no mistakes.Thank you.
Salam Tun,
Enjoyed reading your blog. Semoga sihat selalu. tak sempat nak bergambar masa 100 years baru2 ni.
The Malays of Malaysia can either stand up, be counted and err on the side of caution this one time in their history or be sidelined forever in the event of an Anwar victory delivered by default of an indolent Abdullah Badawi. Nows not the time to reason why, nows the time to do or die.
A similar fate befell the former Soviet Union when a vain politically bankrupt Mikhail Gorbachev succumbed to the âchallengesâ issued by Margaret Thatcher and Regan to âfree up his economy to free market forces and to introduce market reforms and âdemocracy to his countryâ.
The events that followed that challenge are not too dissimilar in analogy to the challenge the crow (with a piece of cheese in its mouth) took up from a hungry fox sitting below.
âFree market forcesâ was for at least a decade there, Roman Abramovich, Boris Berezovski and the other handful of oligarchs aided and abetted amply by their allies in the west in whatâs perhaps the biggest rape of a nation in world history.
The rape of Irak by the âAllied forcesâ in 2003 pales into relative insignificance when compared to what the oligarchs did to the former Soviet Union. Oh yes they were so called minorities and citizens of the former Soviet states as well. Thank god Putins at the helm to recover some of their lost dignity and to reassert their position as a nation. Malaysia does not need that sort of example to learn from. It will be too painful. If Russia with all its natural wealth and technology is still struggling, how will Malays cope in a similar situation? perhaps a look at SIngapore iwll give you a hint of what might be.
Abdullah Badawi and Anwar Ibrahim are in many respects birds of a feather. Neither cares much for the Malays as they have unequivocally stated and continue to demonstrate their contempt for them. They care much more about their own personal achievements where the real spectators in their spectator sport is the west and a coeterie of Chinese businessmen locally in the wings.
Abdullah Badawi was the reason the BN failed to achieve a 2/3 majority at the last general elections in Malaysia. There is another way of looking at that result as well. The vote was split by a well placed and now more politically savvy Indian community who held the balance of power where it counted. And like all lessons never learned by them in their history in that region, they continue to go for novelty and back a party (Keadilaan) that is run by a leader who has historically kicked them in the teeth, threatened to make sure not a single temple bell will toll and reneged on his promises to his Indian constituents when he smelled power for the first time.
Abdullah Badawi is not the Barisan National. He is not UMNO either. BN and UMNO are in his stewardship and the Titanic is perhaps what it will become if Malays at UMNO and the Barisan do not now convincingly and unequivocally reject the man and his policies.
Malaysia is what it is today courtesy of the Mahahtir years. Dr. Mahahtir himself is regarded widely as being a prickly and overbearing person. But so too is Lee Kuan Yew, so too was Margaret Thatcher, so too was Deng Xiao Peng and all other reformers and visionaries. No one went to the extent of villifying them and cursing their people to a life of subjugation? life goes on.
The business of running a country is not about popularity but of purpose. It is not about being objective but of achieving common objectives. It is not about being nice but more about making things nicer. And the old government did all of what it set out to do. More importantly it gave Malays unprecedented opportunities not previously available to them under Bapak China (Tengku and his 1 million citizenship papers)(“Let a million citizens bloom”).
The fact that someone has decided that Mahahtir had embarked on a series of capital intensive projects and enrich his son and some Chinese businessmen may be relevant if there is proof. Not coffee shop gossip widely circulated by those who should know better. The legal fraternity, teachers and yes members of parliament in opposition.
Abdullah Badawi mishandled the Hindraf situation and made martyrs, heroes and international icons of peaceful resistance of the Hindraf 5 in the process. He also served to demonise the police, the Malays in general (as criticism of Malaysia and its government abroad always inextricably links Islam with the Malays and a corrupt government).
Its not a difficult thing to do when one has the free services of Anwar Ibrahim and Raja Petra Kamaruddin to reinforce such ill conceived perceptions in the minds of those who are standing in the wings ready for a grab of the countryâs assets at the expense of the Malays. Both Anwar and Raja Petra Kamaruddin and I add Badawi appear to by their actions suffer from an inferiority complex about being Malay.
The Malays will lose and that loss will eventually be translated into a level of frustration that will only spill out into the streets in forms of violence.
If the Malays have any self respect left in them they should now decide whether or not they have the capacity as a majority to keep UMNO intact as their only weapon against becoming second class citizens in their own homeland or to chance it like the Fijians in Fiji (a minority in their own cause), the Africans in Uganda prior to Amin, the Malays in Singapore and the Tibetians under Chinese rule.
The same trick was played on an equally foolish and vain Habibie in Indonesia who was convinced by the west to refrain from any action of resistance when the Australians invaded East Timor. Their excuse was they had to free it from Indonesian rule to establish a half caste country far away from Europe where indigenous Timorese are separated from their kith and kin by a half caste mentality of foreign backed and educated minions of the west and an imaginary line.
Habibie is history but East Timor a tragedy. The exercise has as much legitimacy as the Serani calling on the west to help them declare Malacca the new east Timor.
After all Lee Hsien Loong has been discussing leases of Malaysian land to cater for their booming industries in their land poor island state. The last time such an offer was made it also involved Malaysia and Singapore with the British playing âhonest brokerâ. The poor sultan of Johore ended up giving away the most valuable piece of real estate anywhere in the world for a song which he and all Malays continue to sing like an endless requiem.
There is another saying I would like to leave you all with. âYou can take a horse to water but you canât force it to drinkâ.
Fight all you want amongst yourselves. But make sure it is your fight and it is conducted with dignity reserved for the Malays. Singapore too has its reservations. “A Malay cannot be trusted to man a machine gun nest if he is fighting a country where his relatives may live”. (heard that one before?). An Indian will never be Prime Minister of Singapore (another classic).
Fight all you want. You have the right to do so. But remember India too has reservations. The US and Australia have whats termed positive discrimination which favours minorities like women and aboriginies (almost always white of the variety). Donât be ashamed of the reservation system of the NEP. It favours the majority. You.
The Chinese developer who is underwritten by your NEP where most of his houses are pre sold to NEP candidates does not complain of the benefit of a ready made bank of Malays to buy his risk does he?. It is only when he is unable to rip the pennies of your eyes that it becomes âunfairâ. Thats avarice. Greed!!
The board of a private institution do not complain when they reap the financial benefits of Malay scholarships paying to maintain the financial viability of their institutions courtesy of the NEP policy do they?.
They only complain because they are not the majority which they would like to be like in Singapore in order to vent their disgust and total contempt for you by subjugating you to the role of lap poodle in well kept high rise flats insulted for the rest of your life.
UMNO and BN should think. If it is so morally painful for Anwar and Badawi to carry the NEP, then they should not. Lets then see who would underwrite the burden of the majority the Malays in the absence of the NEP.
If the Malays wish to discard their god given right to be masters of their own land then let them do so. It is not us the non Malays who will suffer it is you and your children who will. But the consequences will be borne by us all.
Look at the power hungry state governments of the opposition who sought to move so fast to discard the NEP. They failed to even realize that states do not have that power to exercise whats clearly a federal government power. But they moved out of an unbriddled concealed contempt for the Malays which you as Malays should be mindful of. If that does not reinforce what I am saying then hang yourselves.
As I write on the run in between my working schedules, I ask you forgive me for grammatic errors, spelling errors, failure to punctuate my sentences and to edit my work. It is not out of disrespect to you the reader and the master of this blog.
Yang dihormati Tun Dr. Mahathir
Just read the news in Malaysiakini that Raja Petra has been arrested under ISA this afternoon at 1.10 pm.
I personally think that this bald headed big mouth banana blogger deserved it.
Get back to you later concerning our flip flop goverment. They did it again on the blog.
Tg. Bunga
assalamualaikum..Tun M.sejujurnya saya amat bersetuju dengan semua pendapat yang Tun ujarkan. saya sebagai seorang puteri muda amat kecewa dengan situasi negara yang berlaku ketika ini. keamanan dan kedamaian yang pernah Tun berikan dan wariskan kepada kami dahulu semakin hilang dan tercabar. hanya kerana seekor nyamuk, akhirnya negara kini menjadi huru-hara. sepatutnya nyamuk tersebut wajar berundur demi rakyat m’sia.demi ms depan anak bangsa. bukan menunggu sehingga segala projek nya berjaya barulah dia nak berundur. sya tidak dapat bygkn keadaan sehingga 2010, pd sy keadaan sekarang sendiri amt menyakitkan.insan di sekeliling saaya sendiri sdh tidk percayakan c nyamuk.malah sejak sebelum PRU 12 lagi. sememngnya kata mereka c nyamuk tdk setanding dengan Tun. kepimpinan Tun amat berbeza.saya adlh ahli umno.semangat saya membuak-buak semasa mendftr sebagai ahli dulu.tetapi kinii saya kecewa melihat c nyamuk telah memcahbelahkan parti yang saya cintai. sy bersyukur bila dapat tau Tun akn kembali ke dalam UMNO. itulah doa saya setiap hari. mudah-mudahan Allah membantu kita untuk bersama-sama mengembalikan semangat dan perpaduan bangsa. ketahuilah Tun..sy akan berjuang bersama-sama Tun demiuntuk mengembalikan maruah agama, bangsa dan negara tercinta ini. welcome back, my TUN..
Assalamualaikum TDM…
Jika Pak La meletak jawatan, dijangka semua orang akan tarik nafas dan merasa legah.
UMNO dan BN boleh mengorak langkah stratejik baru…….orang ramai akan menyokong balik UMNO dan melupakan semua apa yang telah berlaku, termasuk isu-isu perkauman.
Semua kaum akan bertenang, menunggu dan mendengar pandangan, plan dan tindakan kerajaan dan BN seterusnya…..
Disitulah peluang UMNO dan BN untuk merai sokongan semula……
Kalau tidak, semua orang akan berterusan memainkan isu Pak La, perkauman dan Anuar…….
Salam untuk TDM, teruskan perjuangan mengembalikan kestabilan Malaysia. Semoga berjaya.
SEMOGA TUHAN PANJANGKAN UMUR TUN UNTUK MENYELESAIKAN MASALAH DALAM UMNO.Dengan adanya Tun di dalam Umno, banyak idea Tun boleh digunakan bagi membersihkan Umno. Umno perlu menjadi kuat bagi menjamin hak orang melayu dan bukan melayu sepertimana zaman pemerintahan Tun dahulu.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Assalamualaikum TDM…
Jika Pak La meletak jawatan, dijangka semua orang akan tarik nafas dan merasa legah.
UMNO dan BN boleh mengorak langkah stratejik baru…….orang ramai akan menyokong balik UMNO dan melupakan semua apa yang telah berlaku, termasuk isu-isu perkauman.
Semua kaum akan bertenang, menunggu dan mendengar pandangan, plan dan tindakan kerajaan dan BN seterusnya…..
Disitulah peluang UMNO dan BN untuk merai sokongan semula……
Kalau tidak, semua orang akan berterusan memainkan isu Pak La, perkauman dan Anuar…….
Salam untuk TDM, teruskan perjuangan mengembalikan kestabilan Malaysia. Semoga berjaya.
Dear all,,
Way to go TS Muhyiden. Your the man & i believe your supporter will increase. Countermeasure is simple = PLah resign and the day PLah step down it will announce as Public Holiday
Salam Tun,
Bak kata bidalan ‘Marahkan Pak Lah, Khairy n Co. UMNO dibakar’.
Tp dia still tak faham2.
Assalamualaikum wbt,
Tun, saya bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun.
Dan jangalah terkejut jika anggota kabinet beliau sendiri mengatakan bahawa “proses peralihan kuasa 2010 tenggelam kerana ianya mengambil masa yang terlalu lama” dan rakyat semacam telah lupa berkenaan proses tersebut…
Jelas itu adalah isyarat dalaman yang mahukan Paklah mempercepatkan lagi proses peralihan tersebut supaya negara boleh dipulihkan segera…
Salam Tun,
For the election 2008 I choose to support the opposition but not BN because of the problem in BN. I prefer the ideology from PKR. I used to support BN previously, but for this time, i think i should be more rational. Think what’s the better choice for a better malaysia. I don’t mind giving the opposition a chance to rule the country and prove, if they can rule better than BN, why don’t we give them a chance? if they cannot do well, the rakyat can change it anytime. just promised a better malaysia, i don’t mind who will be the gov.
“Just change to a new mosquito net if the old mosquito net is “spoilt””
I would prefer this..
Dear Tun,
I agree we need a strong leader as a PM but i don’t agree with your opinion on just because of our current PM we vote the opposition.
BN is not only one leader, but many leader that have disappointed us from time to time. I think we all can know without need to point out who and who.. But many leaders in BN fail us. Example … majority nation don’t want ISA, want media freedom but what BN gave us? most recent even demand newspaper to explained cause of recents publishing with warning to terminate their permit. Disappointment actions…
So we decide to give a chance to opposition. They might not be a good choice, but I think they will work hard to be a better option.
Because by end of the day if they end up same as BN, we still can decide to choose who we want to lead the country.
So personally I don’t think is minority that choose the opposition.
You are a great leader, but current BN is not make up of one leader. unless all the BN leader change. But this is impossible.
So why not give opposition a chance to prove and no more race based parties, all for one.. treat everyone equally and fair.
Love and loyal to party is good, but loyal to the country and putting the whole nation in priority is more important.
Dear Tun and everyone
I agree with you that most voters vote against BN simply because that is the only way they can voice out their dissatisfaction and rejection against AAB leadership. In 2004, rakyat voted for BN simply because they were very happy with your retirement and believe that BN will lead this country much better without Tun. Unfortunately, Tun… you won again. This country need your leadership after all. So, if BN want to gain back rakyat confidence and win PRU13 they must first remove AAB and his cronies.
BUT, who should be the next PM? Many people say UMNO got no more good leader. No worry guys. We don’t need perfect leader. As long as he (or she) is not corrupt, sellfish and indecisive, that will be fine. Rakyat can run this country by themself.
By the way Tun, I always wondering why the poor AAB could climb so high in UMNO ladder and attracted your attention for PM’s chair since he is so bloody damn poor leader? AAB do has some skills and tricks right? That is something I should learn from him. : )
Assalamualaikum kepad TDM and Chedet fan….
Sepanjang pemerintahan TDM, tidak pernah berlaku dalam kerajaan keadaan seperti sekarang. Setelah Pak La jadi PM, macam-macam sudah berlaku dan yang akan berlaku lagi….
Disini kita dapat membezakan antara dua zaman pemerintahan kedua pemimpin, TDM dan Pak La……Jelaskan?
TDM membuat kenyataan-kenyataan panas bukan untuk memecahkan UMNO dari luar atau dalam sepertimana yang di dakwa oleh Nik Azis, tetapi mahu mendesak Pak La meletak jawatan secepat mungkin demi menyelamatkan UMNO, BN, orang melayu dan negara, kerana dialah punca semua apa yang berlaku sekarang ini.
Rata-rata pengundi kecewa dengan Pak La dan kebinetnya. Ini jelas sekali dengan keputusan mengejut PRU12……tetapi sayang sekali, Pak La berhati batu dan tak sedar diri…….
Sangat mengecewakan dengan keputusan MT UMNO berhubung dengan kenyataan Datk Muhidin Yassin. Nampaknya MT telah dipengaruhi 100% oleh Pak La, maka MT tidak berfungsi untuk ahli UMNO dan pengundi lagi.
Keputusan MT UMNO mengenai perkara tersebut bukanlah keputusan rakyat atau pengundi, mala keputusan itu mencerminkan MT tidak peka kepada pengundi dan amat bertentangan dengan kehendak pengundi.
Tindakan ini juga amat jauh lari daripada stratejik memulikan UMNO dan BN untuk merai sokongan……malahan menjauhkan sokongan.
Rata-rata berpendapat tindakan MT UMNO untuk mempertahankan Pak La semakin menimbulkan kemarahan pengundi dan orang melayu.
UMNO dan BN semakin jauh dari hati rakyat kerana Pak La…….Pak La harus sedar……..
Walaupun kita baik dan ada kebolehan kalau orang tak suka…..malu juga.
Untuk memulihkan UMNO dan BN, Pak La mestilah meletak jawatan dulu, kerana itulah puncanya dan itulah kemahuan rakyat…….jika tidak, maka itu adalah petanda buruk kepada UMNO dan BN.
Salam sihat untuk TDM dan keluarga, selamat berpuasa.
As’kum Ayahanda Tun
Bila negara diterajui oleh seorang technocrat seperti AAB, begitulah jadinya. Ciri-ciri kepimpinannya yang kerap mendiamkan diri apabila cabaran demi cabaran dilemparkan kepadanya membuat ramai yang geram. Medan politik bukan kekuatannya. Kalau terusan begini, akan hancur negara.
(Kekuatan AAB yang ketara, saya tengok mungkin sebagai pendidik, Mungkin dalam mata pelajaran sivik)
Buat Tun,
Assalamualaikum WBT.
Walaupun saya lahir pada zaman selepas merdeka.. Buka mata je, negara dah bawah pimpinan Tun. Alhamdulillah, semuanya stabil dari segi ekonomi, politik, pendidikan dan agama. Bagi rakyat Malaysia, tak kira bangsa dan agama, dapat menikmati kejayaan negara begitu juga saya.
Pada dasarnya, mmg nampak kerajaan melebihkan orang Melayu. Tapi pada masa yang sama, kebajikan kaum lain tidak diabaikan. Kalau Melayu ni tak ditolong, manakan sekarang ada anak Melayu boleh berada di tahap yang tinggi, baik dari segi pelajaran mahupun ekonomi. Saya sedar zaman Tun, Melayu ditolong untuk bersaing secara positif dgn bangsa lain yg majoritinya mmg lebih kehadapan dlm semua bidang tapi tak tau kenapa orang sekarang menafikan tindakan Tun.
Saya terharu bila membaca sajak Tun, Melayu Mudah Lupa dan Pejuangan Yang Belum Selesai. Itu mmg satu hasil yg cukup bernas. Syabas Tun!! Bagi yg pendek akal ni mmg cakap Tun hina Melayu, tapi positifnya, itu seharusnya dapat menaikkan semangat orang Melayu untuk bangun dr tidur yang asik mengharapkan bantuan. Bila tongkat Melayu satu-satu akan ditarik, baru Melayu sedar siapa yang mereka pilih untuk memberikan keadilan dalam pilihanraya yg lepas. Kalau pembangkang menang, konfem bangsa2 lain boleh jadi TPM. Selepas itu ape jadi? PM boleh gi rehat bercuti, biar saya TPM handle negara. Selepas itu, anda fikirlah sendiri.. mampukan Melayu melaungkan âTakkan Melayu hilang diduniaâ??
Tgk je sekarang ni, orang semakin berani mempolitikkan agama dan bangsa. Mana silapnya? Tak ingatkah rakyat Malaysia semua? Kita merdeka atas asas ape? Bukan ke perpaduan kaum? Sekarang ni, perpaduan diwar2kan.. tapi, hakikat perpaduan ini akan berpecah belah jika kerenah pembangkang ini berterusan. Melayu mintak hak Melayu diberikan pada orang lain. Mahukah kemerdekaan kita ditarik balik??
Orang yg terang2 salah, tak perlu mintak maaf, orang yg mempertahankan pulak yg kene mintak maaf.
Walau ada yg kata Tun semasa pemerintahannya, seorang diktator dan kuku besi (maaf Tun), bagi saya, sebagai seorang pemimpin, mesti ada sikap tu.. Yang disegani baik di Malaysia mahupun dunia. Kalau takde sikap tegas, orang tak respek Tun seorang pemimpin. Alkisahnya, jadi laa macam sekarang ni. PM macam dah takde kuasa nak cakap ape2. Pemimpin skang nih, cakap tak serupa bikin. Cakap dulu, lepas tu baru fikir ke?? Cakap pun orang dah buat tak dengar.
Saya bangga menjadi rakyat Malaysia di bawah pimpinan Tun. Semoga Tun sihat selalu dan jasamu tetap saya kenang. Saya doakan agar jasa Tun akan dikenang oleh seluruh warga Malaysia satu hari nanti dan seharusnya berbangga Tun adalah anak Melayu Malaysia yg disegani seluruh dunia. Aminnâ¦
I believe you are blaming AAB unfairly. In 2004, BN had a landslide win as promises of reform were made. However, it appeared that members of UMNO were ready to support the reforms for elections but not to implement it. Zealot government officers exacerbated the already tense racial situation. Anger and disappointment among the non-Malays set in, resulting in BN’s poor showing during PRU12. On top of this harsh political climate, the subprime crisis and soaring oil prices reared thier ugly heads. Leaders around the world like Brown, Singh, Arroyo, etc.. saw their ratings plummet.
In the big picture, AAB appears to me like a reformer who have stumbled stymied both by machiavellian politics and perfect economic storm. Tun asserts that AAB is to be blamed – I am not so sure as if another non-reform minded leader have taken his place initially, the political tsunami may have started even earlier back in 2004. It is the lack of reforms which have caused this dislocation not AAB. The blame cannot be put on AAB – at least he tried.
salam tun,
selamaat menyambut bulan ramadhan.tun,ingin benar saya dengar penjelasan dari Tun tentang tun masuk semula parti.sebab saya percaya tentu ada muslihat disebalik tindakan tun..tun kan bijak..mesti ada plan dlm fikiran tun..
Salam Tun,
Saya tau mungkin komen saya tak akan dipaparkan, tapi Tun mungkin akan baca juga.
Saya sebenarnya antara anak kelahiran Sabah yang sangat2 memerlukan sokongan untuk menempatkan diri dalam syarikat Petronas. Bukan kerana terdesak, namun sebagai warga Sabah, saya fikir adalah perlu sekiranya Petronas pusat dapat menempatkan sebilangan kakitangan daripada Sabah untuk berkhidmat di Petronas. Ini kerana Sabah adalah antara penyumbang besar kepada sumber asli seperti minyak kepada negara. Kami sebagai Sabahan rasa cukup kecewa apabila negeri kami menjadi negeri termiskin sedangkan sumber daripada negeri kami mampu menampung keperluan rakyat Malaysia…
Perkara ini amat sukar untuk kami terima kerana perbandingan kekayaan sumber asli Sabah jauh lebih baik berbanding negeri2 lain. Dan mengapa Sabah menjadi negeri termiskin. Pemuda-pemudi kami mampu bersaing di peringkat global jika diberi peluang. Sepatutnya, kerajaan melihat ini daripada awal lagi…namun, apa yang berlaku di Sabah ialah graduan2 yang mempunyai Master dan Degree pun terpaksa menjadi kerani, guru tadika dan kebanyakkan menganggur kerana peluang untuk professional di pusat tidak diberikan….Kami Sabahan sanggup untuk mengeluarkan perbelanjaan yang besar untuk pendidikan kami namun, peluang pekerjaan bukan terlalu sedikit tetapi kami dinilai terlalu rendah. Boleh dilihat sekarang apabila pemimpin kami dikatakan boleh “dibeli”, sedangkan usaha dan pemikiran kami adalah tidak ternilai jika diberi peluang.
P/S: Kami sudah melalui pengalaman yang sukar sehingga hari ini, bantu kami (pemuda-pemudi Sabahan) untuk bantu negeri kami kerana kami (Sabahan) tidak pernah mengecewakan…
Dear Tun,
You are the most welcome to the UMNO. Ever since you gone, to many mistake has been made by that mosquito. He looks peace, kind and ‘alim’ outside, but he’s too and so stubborn inside. Izzit because he is too ashame to resign and left the party? He should be more ashame if he still in BN as all people (RAKYAT) cannot stand anymore with him.. It is the most honourable if he step down rather to let other people pushing him down…
The Mosquito has mutated!!! What you need now is genetic engineering.
Any specialist around to the rescue?
Lets all learn this very simple chant… All together now;
“Badawi, Badawi, Badawi,
Its as simple as that. Time to get rid of this lame duck. Good to see that TMY is the only one challenging his tenure to stick around till 2010.
At the rate they are going with nonsensical visits to “Leisure Farms”, et-cetera, DSAI will be given what he wants on a silver platter, just you wait and see.
The 2009 budget by Khairy Jamaluddin serves only to benefit himself and the cronies. There is really nothing to stimulate our economy or the infrastructure of our country. No double tracking, nothing… Do you know you can fly to London or Johannesburg in the time it takes to go from KL Sentral to Singapore?
KTM is a prime example of the performance of Badawi and many similarities can be drawn, in a nutshell, “Antiquated, Inefficient and Underperforming”.
Instead of Wawasan 2020, Badawi and Khairy have made it “Gostan 2020”
All together now;
“Badawi, Badawi, Badawi,
ASSALAMUALAIKUM…AYAHANDA TUN, Agaknya berjuta dah yang berkehendakan PAKLAH meletak jawatan sebagai PM Malaysia..,tapi malangnya PAKLAH masih berdiri di hadapan sebuah cermin besar yang hanya dapat melihat dirinya sendiri..,Bertambah parah apabila PAKLAH gagal melihat apa yang berlaku di sebalik cermin itu., Apa yang menghairankan saya kenapa dikalangan pemimpin melayu yang memerintah pada hari ini takut untuk bersuara untuk menegak kebenaran,MUJUR ada hamba “ALLAH” yang berani untuk bersuara seperti AYAHANDA TUN,TAN SRI MUHYIDIN DAN DATO’MUKHRIZ.,malangnya mana lagi pemimpin MELAYU yang lain KENAPA ANDA MENJADI “PENGECUT”…,Terus terang saya katakan jika SESEORANG PEMIMPIN ITU TAKUT UNTUK MENYUARAKAN KEBENARAN MAKA ITULAH SIFAT SEBENAR MEREKA, MENGIA KELEMAHAN ATAU KESALAHAN dan MENIDAK KEBENARAN ATAU KEBAIKAN., Kepada para pemimpin melayu yang berada dalam barisan depan, cuba tanya diri anda “adakah aku pak anggok atau pak turut”.., Jika anda mengiakan bermakna anda seorang pemimpin yang “GAGAL”.., Mana kala jika anda menidakan bermakna anda seorang pemimpin “BERANI” dan fikirlah dimanakah “KEBERANIAN” anda,adakah anda berani kerana kepentingan peribadi ATAU keberanian anda bertujuan untuk membela nasib RAKYAT dan NEGARA..,kepada PAKLAH,janganlah cuba untuk menghapuskan bukti kemampuan kerajaan BN memerintah dengan meletak keangkuhan anda didepan..,Apabila keangkuhan kita diletakkan di depan,maka semakin ramailah yang akan dapat melihat kekurangan kita..,fikir-fikirlah janganlah menunggu 2010..,akuilah kelemahan dan WASIATkanlah kebimbangan atau hajat yang belum tercapai kepada orang yang seterusnya..,INSYAKALLAH Boleh di ubah..,dari saya yang BERANI BERUBAH.., A.AZUANDI
Salam Tun.
Sejak UMNO dan BN kalah pada March lalu, perkara ini yang pertama main di kepala. Saya kesal tapi tak dapat nak salahkan orang ramai kerana mereka dah begitu kecewa dengan pimpinan Pak Lah, jadi tak hairan ramai yang tidak pangkah untuk BN.
Walaupun dalam kejatuhan, saya sedar kita perlu meletakkan kembali apa yang dah tersasar. Sebelum melencong lebih jauh, saya daftar dan aktif dalam UMNO dengan harapan dapat melakukan sesuatu untuk ‘mengubati’ apa yang sakit dari peringkat bawah.
Dari situ saya sedar betapa pentingnya saya untuk pertahankan UMNO dan BN, bagaimana harus mengingatkan orang ramai hakikat betapa parti ini telah membawa kemakmuran pada semua orang selama ini, betapa ia telah menjadikan Malaysia negara paling maju antara negara berkembang yang lain, betapa ia sebenarnya mempunyai target utama yang mencapai kemajuan dan kemakmuran sebenar.
Orang sekarang mungkin berkata mereka tak suka kerana dia dah terjatuh dari landasan atas kepimpinan yang lemah, sebab itu bagi saya kita harus bersama-sama berusaha meletakkan UMNO dan BN kembali diatas landasan yang betul, buang penyakit yang mencetus semua ini dan terus bergerak ke hadapan dengan cemerlang. Kalau fikir Pak Lah yang menjadi penyebab dari kemenangan terbesar dalam sejarah kepada kejatuhan terbesar, pangkas apa yang patut.
Tak habis-habis air liur saya terangkan pada semua tentang hal ini, betapa jgn kita biarkan satu individu untuk meranapkan benda yang dah membawa kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran pada negara. Betapa kita kena berusaha membaikinya, bukan membuang secara total. (UMNO Bukan Seorang di http://rizalabdrahman.blogspot.com)
Selain itu, apa yang lebih penting lagi sekarang supaya golongan yang mengikut rentak dan popularism tanahair iaitu kini politik membangkang (yang kini peluang emas ini tak disiakan oleh pembankang) supaya mereka sedar bahawa politik yang dibawa pembangkang adalah politik kosong, cuma suatu yang popular, cuba ambil kesempatan, merisiko keamanan dan kemakmuran kaum yang dah dikecapi tanpa fikir kepentingan semua, cuma nak naik diri sendiri dengan peluang emas hasil kelemahan kepimpinan BN sekarang. Ini juga harus dielakkan.
Semoga disember ini semua pemimpin melayu UMNO sedar apa sebenarnya yang patut dibuat untuk mengembalikan kegemilangan negara, kejayaan dan misi UMNO, yang telahpun tercalar teruk dalam jangka masa yang sangat singkat (satu penggal). Semoga semua pemimpin ini bangkit membawa hasrat sebenar rakyat, tanpa rasa takut pada sesiapa, demi memartabatkan perjuangan UMNO dan tidak mensia-siakan apa yang dah 50 tahun kita kecapi di negara ini. Ini saja peluang kita untuk kembali stabil sebelum punah lebih hancur kelak jika kepimpinan yang dah sgt terbukti kelemahannya diteruskan. Apa yang lebih penting adalah kehendak rakyat dan orang melayu keseluruhannya, dan apa yang terbaik untuk perkembangan negara.
Rizal Abd Rahman
Ketua Kelab UMNO Jakarta.
Pak Lah is almost perfect, he actually is only making one mistake. His mistake is moving away from the policy set by Tun Mahathir.
He is a good manager who is very much into maintaining a clean and noble image, but he is not a visionary leader. This is in a nut shell means that Pak Lah has no vision or to the very least his vision is not good enough for a country likes Malaysia.
1. He is too weak against Singapore. To deal with Singapore effectively, one must be very smart, full of early preparation and be professional in all aspect.
2. He abandon Wawasan 2020. Wawasan 2020 should be reformulate into Wawasan 2030. This is much more realistic.
3. He fails to see the end of race based politics and the rise of class based politics. In fact, we will see the rise of gender politics (the importance of woman votes, the womwn will be much more independent minded) in the near future.
4. He failed to propel MSC, Bio-valley and other high technology field. He continue the dependence of foreign labours and now this number is 3 millions.
5. He fails to build integration among all Malaysians. For the start, let trys:
Metal : Shahada : Vision
Fire : Salar : Consistency
Wood : Zakat : Hard Working
Earth : Siyam : Core Competency
Water : Haji : Strategic Alliance
6. He fails to build an effective cabinet team. He enlarges the cabinet to keep everybody happy. The government sector has 1.2 millions workers. It has a corruption problem, but the workers do not have enough income to support their families then problems will happen. He should have cut the work force and use the saving to increase government officials’ salary. At the same time, crack down hard on corruption. He should also encourage government servants to do business or take up private sector’s jobs.
7. He fails to realize the impotance of RAHMAN legend, which clearly stated that UMNO’s run of prime minister position will end at six (6). When Dato Najib takes office, he will lose the next election. To solve this problem, it must use the Yin-Yang factor. When MCA has been a good partner, its loyalty, usefullness and strength has eroded considearbly. It is time to replace MCA with DAP.
8. When our oil reserve is empty, what kind of a country will Malaysia becomes?
Malaysia needs a new type of leader, the question is “are Malaysians ready to accept this type of leader”?
Tun M yang dihormati, it is difficult to accept the truth, esp when the truth hurts. I supposed this is the denial phase for Mr Terkejut Sakan . It is difficult to accept the knowledge that “we” are not doing our best in the seat “we” are in. That, “we” do not have the right outlook of our own ability and denying the fact that “we” are not able or capable of undertaking certain mandate given to us…but at the same time enjoying the “praise” given by our yes men around us, that we ignore the reality that we are not good at all doing our job..yes, we have a lot of things to do, but our things to do can be given to someone else more capable. Instead of asyik terkejut memanjang about all the new development around us, how come we are not doing much to work on helping the nation by quitting our post? if that is the best and most respectable thing to do, I hope that the man will quit respectably without us, the rakyat, telling him to.
After frantically searching for a couple of my comments on your blog, on as many of your recent postings, I sadly realized you did not publish them. Since I had no copy of what I wrote, I could not for certain be sure of just what I said that was deemed not desirable for publication. Still, I remember the gist of my comments and I believe they could have seemed presumptuous or even rude. I wish to tender my sincere apologies if this is the case. I really did not mean to offend you. I also offer my apologies to fellow Chedet.com bloggers. You see, sir, this is the first time ever I have the ability to communicate with the top leaders through blogs. I may have gone overboard on occasions because of the euphoria of seeing one’s own comments online. One can feel the empowerment of it. What more when my say appears in your blog? The truth is, I am always so proud to see my comments published in your blog. It’s like, wow!, Doc M actually read my comments! Cool! So, once again, forgive me for the error of my ways. But I won’t stop visiting your blog and will continue to comment.
That settled, my take on Barisan Nasional is exactly as you put it. The morning of election day 2008, as I strode past a BN post on my way to the polling station, I brushed off an offer of assistance by some BN election workers and supporters, which I had never done before in all my four elections I voted in. In fact, I always volunteered to help BN component parties wherever I could. This was a show of my frustration at the BN government. You can imagine where my vote went to that day. That very night, the mighty state of Selangor fell to opposition hands. That very night, I celebrated. Since then, I’ve been suffering from the hangover until I heard you were re-joining UMNO. Go for it, sir.
Salam Sejahtera Tun
Sememang nya kemajuan yang dikecapi sekarang adalah hasil dari kestabilan politik, perpaduan kaum dan kemajuan ekonomi yang di terajui oleh UMNO melalui Parti Perikatan dan Barisan Nasional.
Kepercayaan yang di beri kepada BN melalui proses pilihanraya sejak sekian lama adalah atas dasar ini. Tetapi perlu di ingat bahawa rakyat pada masa ini tidak lagi memilih wakil rakyat berdasarkan parti yang di wakili nya, tetapi berdasarkan pemikiran calon tersebut serta perjuangan yang di bawa oleh nya sendiri.
Keputusan PRU yang lalu sekira nya di teliti serta di perhalusi seharusnya boleh di jadi kan pengajaran yang amat berguna kepada BN terutama sekali UMNO.
Rata rata wakil rakyat PKR majoritinya adalah muka baru dan kurang pengalaman sekira nya di buat perbandingan dengan calon BN.
Persoalan nya bagaimana mereka ini boleh menarik jumlah pengundi yang agak besar?
Yang pasti, rakyat secara umum nya telah bosan dengan UMNO, bosan dengan pemimpin pemimpin UMNO yang lebih mengutamakan kepentingan diri, mempergunakan parti untuk agenda peribadi mereka.
Perubahan drastik perlu di lakukan di dalam UMNO itu sendiri sebelum terlambat. Pilihanraya kecil Permatang Pauh telah membukti kan UMNO serta BN tidak lagi popular. Rakyat bersedia menempuh arus perubahan walaupun getir, perjuangan UMNO tidak lagi mendapat tempat malah sekira nya undi di beri kepada UMNO serta parti komponen nya, ia tidak juga menjamin perubahan yang di perlukan.
Rakyat yang miskin bertambah miskin,dan tidak ada gunanya kita mendabik dada dengan pencapaian bursa saham, pertumbuhan ekonomi mampan sekiranya kuasa membeli rakyat sudah tiada.
Renung renung kan lah wahai pemimpin UMNO, kita sudah tiada harga diri, hanya kuasa yang sekemulit ini yang akan menentu kan hala tuju bangsa melayu.
Memang benar bak kata Hang Tuah yang Melayu tidak akan hilang di dunia tetapi bangsa melayu mungkin merempat di negeri sendiri.
Dear Daddy Tun,
Assalamualaikum..I grew up during your time as Prime Minister and to be honest, i’m so proud to have u as our PM. Our country was so strong as compared to now. So many accomplishments. dan when i went to Turkey recently.. the locals asking and shouting… Malaysia.. Malaysia.. Petronas… KLCC.. makes me proud.. By the way.. Petronas is your baby.. so as KLCC. No one remember anything during Pak Lah time except for Bapa mertua KJ.
Tapi… looking at our politics and our country now.. sungguh sedih. None of our current pemimpin… a true pemimpin. Y not Tun tubuhkan satu parti baru.. I’ll happily register as member. But then nanti dikatakan memecahkan melayu pulak… what a dilemma… but then.. melayu dah berpecah pun… dah tak sekuat dulu…
Dear Tun,,,
The people of Malaysia see no way out of a situation that is now forcing them to change their life style to meet the needs of a government thathas no respect for the people..
A good example is how from 2004 to 2008 there has been a tremendous increase in living cost which has forced some sections of civil society to change their life style just to afford being able to eat daily.
for what ever developement brought for the rakyat, is the price of a developed nation, the people becomes poor?.. there is no more middle class now in Malaysia, we have no balance, the average became poor and the rich all become tycoons.
i strongly believe that the recent loss for UMNO was due to a very simple factor, which is : we the people elected you in 2004 and in 2008 we the people choose a different party or person simply because of you the government, we are unable to feed our families comfortably.
you see, Malaysian’s are habitual,, we love oyr teh tarik and roti canai, and when we cant even affor that, then i guess omethin has to give, why should the people pay for the sins of a few who get rich from the people’s blood , sweat and tears..
UMNO over the years has brought much beneficial developement to the country, and yes, has been an effective and relevant factor in building the luxuries we enjoy today,, unfortunatel from 2004-2008 the leadership from top to bottom have forgotten that they are not alone in this country and that the rakyat do have a voice, hence the rakyat shouted on march 8th and the UMNO, MCA, MIC,and all the Barisan front still just don’t get it untill today…
WE DONT WANT TO PAY MORE FOR WHAT WE WORK HARD TO ENJOY, Malaysia has lost its civil liberty and at times i wonder if UMNO is fast becoming a communist party,As i see so many Malays suffering, i see contracts eing pulled back, but certain ket government related companies seem to be reporting high profits… how is this possible when ican only fford one roti now and not two like in 2000.
Greed, Power Hungry,Sef Centered Arrogant Politicians is how UNMO and its partners lost,
Please remeber, times have changed, the generation in your time TUN (RESPECTFULLY) are no longer the people in power, nor is the generation in your childrens time, those born from 1974 on wards are what has changed the political landscape or UMNO simply because the current administration forgot that these few are actually educated andextreemly knowledgeble…
I hope that with you rejoining UNO and having o swallow some of your words,, but for a good reason, will bring about a positive note for the furture…
I have respect for every one as i stress we are all equal in humaniy,,, but some people have severely abused this lifetime and should be removed from positions of power at once…
Let us hope that you will make this run with UMNO count for something and brin about positive change to end race based politics, money poitics, and the awarding of contracts to family members…
May Allah Bless you and keep you safe..
Macamana nak buang nyamuk seekor tu? Kalau dlm pemilihan UMNO disember nnt semua bahagian masih menyokong dia???
Ayah saya seorg AJK bahagian, bila saya tnya bahagian menyokong PakLah sepenuhnya ke? dia hanya mengangguk & jwb “biasalah tu”. Saya jadi sakit hati..Menyesal saya pegi mesyuarat UMNO cawangan..Mmg betul2 menyesal…
UMNO hancur hanya kerana ABDULLAH BADAWI & CO…….
Greetings Dr M,
All good things must one day come to an end.
What has BN got to offer us Mlaaysians today in 2008?
Who has the leadership, the ability, the charisma, the vision, the wisdom, the brains, the intergrity ………..to lead this nation?… to be the next PM??
Can you name just one person in BN today who fits into your ‘shoes’?
Can you name one person in BN who can turn our economy around?
Sorry to say, the BN of TODAY has no such person.
Yes, BN has and had contributed towards the country in the past. Yes, BN had once brought prosperity to the country
No one is denying this, but do you expect the nation to continue to suffer so as to show our gratitude to the past achievements of BN.
Many of our brothers and sisters have left this country becos they no longer see any future here. So many have migrated even during your time. Do you expect us to wait for our children to do the same one day becos we failed to make the right choice of government all on the pretext of loyalty towards BN??? Loyalty towards historical achievements of BN.
We owe it to our children to provide them a brighter future. We owe it to ourselves no to see another family member migrate. We owe it to our parents no to see their grandchildren leaving the country they worked so hard to build.
Face it Tun, BN’s days are numbered, it’s nearing the end of the road.
Bye bye BN……. it’s time to retired and let the young ones takes the lead.
Asalamualaikum bapak…dgr name dia pun terus bayangkan diri duk dlm air biar rasa sejukkkkkkkkk segarrrrrrr nyamannnnnn…maleh lah nak ckp pasai dia yg tak lebih dari tongkoi…nih pd sape2 yg duk suruh bapak wat amal ibadat…aih semayang pose jer ke amal ibadat..luasssss amal ibadat tuuuuu…bukan sekangkang kera jer maknanyer n amalannyer……penin2..penin….
apa2 pun bapak selamat berpuasa….takder duit raya eh…hahahahahaaaa….luv uuuuu….cayo2….
Jika Pakatan Rakyat benar2 berjaya menjadi Kerajaan baru, saya berharap rakyat malaysia janganlah membuat hura-hara. KEAMANAN negara & rakyat haruslah dijadikan KEUTAMAAN.
Sementara Kerajaan Sekarang yang begitu lemah, Apa salah jika diberi peluang kpd Kerajaan Baru mengurus dan mentakbir negara ini. Itu pun hanya lebih kurang 4 tahun…
Jika pentakbiran Kerajaan Baru ini lemah juga atau tidak membawa apa-apa kemajuan kpd negara dalam masa tempohnya, kita sebagai rakyat atau TUAN kpd mereka bolehlah tentukan nasib mereka pada PilihanRaya akan datang. Itulah dikatakan DEMOKRASI.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I strongly agreed with Tun and furture more AAB should listen to what people (rakyat) say sadly most of the time he don’t. No body dare to stand firm against him except your brave pemuda umno guy some where from kedah.. I think and I’ll bet you know who. but what can 1 person do. take japan for example if the person cannot perform and dislike by the citizen they at their own willing will step down. Jadi sebelum perkara yang lebih buruk dan menyusahkan rakyat berlaku PLEASE ASK THE NYAMUK OI PIII lah TEMPAT LAIN KA APA KA ATAU DUK DIAM DIAM BAGI ORG LAIN BUAT KERJA, BUKAN JADI KUDA …….anyway I hope all those apple polishing minister will do something about it before its to late. other wise next election BN will be the opposition parties and all the vision 2020 cannot be complete. every body will rugiiiiiii.
Salam Tun,
I agree with you, Tun…Who is the MOSQUITO? Ya, Khairy is the BIG MOSQUITO…..
Dear Tun
Yes i agreed with you that the leader play an very important role in getting vote for their party, i belive one of the main reason PR getting more than 1/3 vote GE12 was due to DSAI wonderful speeach, “a promist for better tommorrow”.
When our house is badly leak, we may need to look at many area to rectify it.
There is a chinese saying “Changing of Soup without Changing the Herbal” we end up with same result.
Salam Muhibah to Tun & Family.
Saya dan isteri yang selama ni mengundi BN pun telah tidak keluar mengundi pada 2008 sebab saya rasa macam pergi bagi hadiah kat Pak lah yang sungguh saya menyampah. Mat Perasan!!
Tun nak balik ke UMNO kah?
Agar Tun jaga diri sendiri, kerana Bodowi still got strong support in UMNO.
Bodowi still kukuh seperti dahulu walaupun Tun sudah berusaha selama ini.
Harap Tun dapat berjaya kali ini.
There is a news from Indonesia told that there is some commercial conflict between Astro and Anak Tun….
Boleh Tun jelaskan sebelum masuk balik UMNO….
Salam Tun,
Bak kata bidalan ‘Marahkan Pak Lah, Khairy n Co. UMNO dibakar’.
Tp dia still tak faham2.
kita perlu masuk kedalam kotak itu untuk membetulkan kotak itu, kerana orang yang mempunyai buah fikiran yang bernas kerap berada di luar kotak sedang orang yang berada di dalam kotak tidak mampu berfikir di dalam kotak apatah lagi untuk berfikir keluar kotak seperti saranan Tun ‘Think outside the Box’.
Jadi adakah betul khabar angin yang Tun ingin masuk ke dalam kotak itu?
Apa nasihat Tun kepada kami yang memang berada di luar kotak pula, adakah kami perlu masuk juga kedalam kotak dan cuba sesuatu dari dalam kotak itu atau terus kekal di dalam kotak dan menunggu pada 2010 untuk menyatakan suara kami yang mungkin sudah terlalu lambat.??
Azroy yang berbual dengan Tun Jumaat lepas (5/Sept/2008) di Jalan Perdana.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t,
Dear Tun,
We have to remind our people again and again on 1997/98 economic crisis and what DSAI have done to the country. Please don’t let it happen again. DSAAB can’t handle it.
Asalamualaikum wbt,
Apa khabar Tun..?? Sihat ka..??
17. It would be a pity if, as the Malay saying goes, “we burn the mosquito net because of one mosquito”.
18. What needs to be done is to get rid of the mosquito but continue to use the net.
“Memang susah hendak letakkan sesuatu perkara di tempatnya”
“marah biar bertempat”
“kasih untuk semua”
Tengok.. tu.. penjelasan yang bernas..(tapi ada orang yang buta mata dan buta hati)
Terima kasih.
Salam Tun,
Couldn’t agree with you more. U’ve said it so clearly.
We Malaysian need a strong leader. We know there will be no Dr Mahathir Mohamad the 2nd but at least half of TDM now is good enough for Malaysia.
Sir, I am very thankful to every single thing u’ve done to the country. If not because of u, this country will not be as it is today.
As for Abdullah, we are fed up of his statement after statement made. We rather see him quitely sit down rather than open his mouth and hurt our feelings.
Selamat kembali ke UMNO Tun…
askum tun ..
Saya la nie x brapa nak paham ngan politik negara sendiri .. Apa yg depa rebut kan jawatan tertinggi tu? Kami yg kat bawah nie x da sapa pun nak tengok . Kalau ada pun tunggu je musibah dari tuhan macam malapetaka alam . Masa tu mencurah bantuan datang , wakil rakyat redah lumpur la bla bla bla .. Yg penting saya rasa x kira sapa naik depa semua dok pikir poket depa sendiri dulu .. X pecaya cuba ajalah .. Bagi saya baik tingkat kan ekonomi sendiri , nak harapkan bantuan gomen .. Argh buang masa je rasanya .. Penuh ngan pegawai sampah depa . Kalau rasa depa nak politik ke berdebat ke apa ke , buatlah apa2 yg patut . Saya malas nak masuk campur lagi lah .. PENATTTT SGTTT…
a lot of people who opined against you in 1999
Today are totally with you!
Assalamualaikum Tun, maaf sekiranya lari tajuk,
UMNO, MCA dan MIC parti mewakili tiga kaum berlainan. Malangnya dilabelkan oleh pelbagai pihak terutamanya pembangkang sebagai parti perkauman.
Orang yang kurang faham akan percaya dan menyokong dakwaan pembangkang ini secara membabi buta.
Yang nyata Melayu tetap Melayu, China tetap China dan India tetap India. Mereka mengaku dan declare dan tubuhkan ketiga2 parti ini lalu bergabung dalam satu pakatan BN.
Ketiga2 parti ini boleh berfungsi dengan berkesan dalam memenuhi keperluan tiap2 kaum diwakili dan bertoleransi.
Berbeza dengan pembangkang, mereka mengaku parti mereka bukan parti perkauman, parti untuk semua. Tetapi adakah kita tahu dalam hati mereka bahawa mereka ini tidak bersikap perkauman? Sebabnya Melayu tetap Melayu, China tetap China dan India tetap India.
(Sebagai contoh, Ali dan Ah Kow bertelingkah kerana kemalangan jalanraya. Pemandu yang lalu di situ bernama Ah Chong datang. Adakah Ah Chong akan bermati-matian mempertahankan Ali walaupun dia tahu Ah kow yang salah? ….Kalau Ali yang salah pulak? tau-tau la kan…..)
Sebenarnya tiap2 dari kita ada sikap ini sedikit ataupun tebal.
Jadi kalau mereka pembangkang mengaku tidak perkauman, adakah mereka benar2 tidak perkauman?
Mengambil contoh negeri di kejiranan kita, parti pemerintah mereka tidak menulis nama kaum dalam perti mereka, tapi kita terdengar juga cakap2 sesetengah kaum minoriti di sana hidup terpinggir.
Perkauman yang sebenarnya adalah amalan perkauman itu sendiri bukan nama kaum yang tertulis pada parti dsb. Kalau macam tu, Sekolah Jenis tu sekolah perkauman la…..
Assalamualaikum Tun yang dikasihi dan dihormati..please come back to UMNO ….Please …..dok tengok org melayu dah jadi celaru semacam ni ..hampa semua dok bertojai gila kuasa depa yang lain dok sorak..hampa semua tau dak???
Dear Tun,
I want to answer;
But is it protest against the Barisan Nasional party? Is it a rejection of race-based politics?
Yes, we protest. Barisan Nasional allowed a rotten head to lead the country. BN allowed Khairy to treat this country as though this is his father’s properties. MCA, Gerakan and MIC dare not scold Dollah and tell him on his face that he is not doing anything good for the country.
We also reject the super power of UMNO in BN. BN is the Master while MIC, MCA and others are just toothless dogs of UMNO. Why must we support toothless dogs when the people are suffering.
If Deng Zio Peng is alive he would say this “If you know the black cat is useless, than you chose any other cat that could kill mice.
Salam hormat Tun.
Dear Tun,
Snap the stupid PM down,we are very ready to support you to the fullest.Too many of the grassroots are wanting you to make a comeback.
Many are suffering and we really want a dramatic change in the leadership.
Take care.
Salam Tun dan keluarga. Semuga sentiasa dirahmati Allah jua.
1. Apalah yang boleh kita lakukan sekarang Tun. Orang no 1 dalam negera tak mahu jugak turun dari takhta.
2. Orang no 2, asyik mengikut saja apa yang disuruh oleh orang no 1. Tak ada kewibawaan sendiri lansung.
3. Kalau trend rakyat membuat undi protes dgn mengundi pembangkang, walaupun bukan sebenarnya mereka menyokong, yang rugi tetap rakyat juga.
4. Kalau undi BN, pemimpin sekarang dan kroni mereka akan terus berkuasa. Tak ada apa yang mereka lakukan untuk rakyat.
5. Kalau undi pembangkang pula, lagilah mereka tidak akan melakukan apa-apa kecuali membuat harta sebanyak2nya dalamasa kesempatan yang ada. Sebelum mereka pula dijatuhkan semula.
6. Jadi kedua2 keadaan pun yang rugi rakyat juga.
7. Perlu ada satu jalan lain yang boleh diambil untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Memang sukar tetapi pasti boleh dilakukan.
8. Tentu Tun ada caranya. Kami mengharap kepada Tun. Lakukanlah sesuatu Tun. Saya tak nampak orang lain ada kemampuan untuk memulakannya.
9. Bila Tun mulakan tentu ramai yang menyokong. InsyaAllah, perjuangan yang ikhlas untuk mempertahankan negara tentu akan berjaya.
Teruskan Berjuang, Tun.
You are wrong Tun !
The people voted against BN not bcoz they don’t like Pak lah but the racialistic feelings of UMNO.
YBhg Ayahanda Tun
YB Tan Sri Muhyidin dan cakap kepada Public supaya PM percepatkan peralihan kuasa. PM Terkejut! macam baru terjaga dari tidurnya… PM balas saya dah terang kepada MT dan Ketua UMNO kenapa perlu lagi 2 tahun dan mereka faham dan terima. Kenapa ungkit lagi..
Komen saya: Itu masa berapa bulan lepas. tapi lagi lama PM tak lepas jawatan makin terhakis sokongan rakyat malah ahli-ahli UMNO pun naik meluat. Buktinya Permatang Pauh majoriti undi Parti Komunis Rakyat meningkat (ramai protes). Tapi PM masih lagi tak reti-reti nak letak jawatan. Terbaru makin ramai MT UMNO dah mula protes terang-terang.
YB Khairy nak bela Pak Mentua buat pulak kenyataan bahawa kalau Ubah Pucuk Pimpinan Atasan, masalah tak selesai juga. Kita harus cari kaedah hendak memenangi hati dan sokongan rakyat.
Komen saya: Masalah utama hilang sokongan rakyat adalah Pucuk Atasan tak reti bahasa untuk letak jawatan. Percayalah rakyat mahu PM lepas jawatan maka sokongan akan kembali semula kepada BN.
YB Khairy sepatut lakukan kalau mahu memenagi hati rakyat dan ahli BN adalah dengan mengisytiharkan Perletakan Jawatan sebagai Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia dan tak perlu bertanding apa-apa jawatan dalam parti pada PAU Disember. YB Khairy masih muda, banyak masa lagi. Redakan kecelaruan politik rakyat.
1. All things considered, BN is still the best choice for Malaysia any time.
2. If change is what is needed, still BN should bring this change; none other qualifies. We are comfortable with BN. Half a century of moderate track records cannot be snuffed out like so much a candle flame. Its achievements are akin to one lighted candle per day for half a century, arranged one foot apart along the NS highway. One can see the line from the moon … so the saying goes.
3. The PR is Ford T compared Perdana V6 that is BN.
4. Now we have this Tun M & Friends to oversee the driving of this Perdana V6 as compared to a foreign stranger from Sodom & Gomorah to advise PR.
5. I’d jump into the BN wagon any time; its safer. I wouldn’t touch PR for fear of HIV.
6. God bless us all.
Dear Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
I agree with you.
I add, surely there is an urgent need to get rid of the mosquito. The dumbo one.
But, now there are more than one. Remember the folly mosquito. Others too.
As for the net, quite a lot of lubangs. Need urgent repair.
Salam Tun,
Saya baru saja baca buku ‘Dilema Melayu’. Pasti ramai masih ingat buku karangan Tun yang menyebabkan Tun dipecat. Masa tu, saya tiada lagi. Malah, saya lahir ketika Tun mula memerintah. Ketika itu Proton Saga baru dilancarkan. Namun tulisan Tun sehingga kini masih relevan. Saya masih belum habis membacanya, namun dipirkan balik, banyak perkara menyebabkan kita bangsa melayu ketinggalan berbanding bangsa cina. Cuma yang amat dirisaukan, masalah yang diutarakan Tun ketika zaman pemerintahan Tunku Abd Rahman seperti berulang kembali kini. Pemimpin merasakan dia mendapat sokongan ramai. Malah tidak bertindak dengan baik menangani masalah kaum..Saya berdoa, jangan lah peristiwa 13 Mei berulang lagi..bibit-bibit persengketaan kembali menyala..
Salam Ramadhan Tun….
Baru review paper arini… Terkejut ngan “Muhyiddin mengejutkan”…
Apa yg Pak Lah terkujut sangat sy pun x tau… Atau dia buat2 terkujut…
2010 tu terlalu lama kan Tun????kalau bisul dah bole jadi barah… apa la yang dia cuba utk buat…nak tampal sini…sana bocor…tampal sana plak…sini berlubang…
Huru hara betul kerajaan skrg ni…
“If we don’t try out the aerosol spray like Bygon or Sheltox, how are we going to know that whether insecticide can be much more efficate than the mosquitoe net in killing the mosquitoes?
Why don’t we just give the alternative parties a chance to rule the country for one term and see how well they can perform for 4 or 5 years? That will not burn off the mosquitoe net nor cause an extinction to Barisan Nasional!” Onlooker
– are u stupid Onlooker? if anything happen to our country u are the 1 to take the responsibility. As an example,perjanjian air singapura-malaysia. So if someone stupid & really eager to follow US orders run the country, dont know what else will he do with his own country.
Dear Tun Mahathir,
1. I always agree with your precisive views and actions.
2. As you mentioned, the deteriorating problems of our beloved country is due to poor leadership of BN. I believe this problem will soon be overcome with the influence and contribution from you.
3. Please allow me to speak my mind here. If this problem occurred again in future and you are not around, do you think BN has the capability to solve this type of problem? Do you think racist politician will have affect in BN?
Dear Tun,
You are absolutely correct. Chinese hate hate hate cronies, especially to see the leaders are do these. Your comment is totally read and touches the heart of all Malaysian.
Seeing all the leaders with attitude during 2004 to 2008 made us so sick, we all decided to reject them. Not because we like the other party, but we hate to see them talk in front of TV, making speeches, commenting about suggestion of changes in foreign investment….etc etc. Projects were destroyed, finished projects require more $ to rebuild, maintenance, and later require foreign consultant. They con you, they insulted you, and they made tans of money from you.
This show in the results of some of the senior leaders being voted out of their even sure win area, eg sungai….. no doubt if this is not going to alarm the current government, very soon, BN is no longer the driving force of the country. So sorry, because of 1 tree, we have to burn the forest.
salam Tun, i do not agree with you
Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada Tun M dan pembaca, serta ahli Umno, Barisan Nasional…
terima kasih kepada Tun yg telah sudi mendengar rintihan dan cabaran pembaca..dan cabaran yg telah sy kirim kan kepada Tun pada 4 sept yg berkisar tun sudah melakukan untuk bertindak…
Berdasarkan kronology senario politik Umno sekarang..sy yakin kemasukan Tun kembali ke dalam Umno cukup memberi ‘kepanasan’ kepada pengikut2 setia Pak Lah..namun Nik Aziz mengatakan jika Tun masuk Umno..UMNO akan lebih berpecah:
untuk itu..tidak dinafikan kemasukan Tun akan ditentang sesetengah pihak….:
1)ada pon demikian ada di antara ahli UMNO yang akan membuat statement yg pelbagai..dengan itu..Mujur Tan sri Muhyiddin telah memberi ‘panas’ telinga kepada paklah..PAKLAH SEMAKIN TERTEKAN..GELABAH, KECEWA DAN X TIDUR MALAM…
2)melihat pemilihan Umno di bahagian di seluruh Malaysia…secara tidak langsung telah membuat PAK LAH terasa lagi tertekan APABILA RAMAI AHLI UMNO HULUR DUIT SEBAB NK MENANG DI PERINGKAT TIMBALAN DAN KETUA BAHAGIAN..PAK LAH SEMAKIN TERTEKAN..UMNO TERUS DIPANDANG PARTI BUKAK TENDER!!
Assalamua’laikum YAB TUN dan keluarga,didoakan sentisa sihat dan diberi taufik dan hidayah dihari hari yang mendatang serta kesihatan yang baik,Amin.
Reading your long narration on BN,what I am able to derive are only two points.
1.AAB must go and relinquish all positions held may it be in BN, UMNO, and thr government.
2. BN bad performance during GE12 was not a rejection due to racial based politic but more of a protest on the credibility of a weak leadership.
3.The questions:
3a. How accurate is your arguments ?
3b. Apart from blog writing what are the next line of actions needed in order to materialise points (1) and (2)?
4. The probable answers:
4a. Reference to point no:1 and Q3a,AAB looking at his track record of performance (though I am not an analytical expert) as afor rakyat my desire for AAB to go is 100%.
My reasons; for good leader he/she should be well verse in the field he/she chose to be for eg., a good lawyer he must be hands on on all statutes of the country and law journals for reference and must be beyond convincing points to the clients and not only or merely mastering the the law language.It all the same to doctors, accountants,engineers and etc,etc.
One recent episode,I contended AAB not to the mark was the demised of Tan Sri Samad (Allah bless his soul) he was next to speechless to accord compliments for his contributions to the country and to the journalism sphere and on the contrary to Lee Kuan Yew.Actually I am ashamed,he is so weak especially during impromptu interviews.
AAB is also a reactive leader and not the combination of proactive and reactive.As a leader he must acquire and possess the knowledge of what policy he wanted to implement and able to forecast the end result and he should not continuing rest on his advisors. It is suicide to do so and probably this is one of the cause for his downfall.
To list there are numerous weaknesses and blunders taking into consideration his tenure as PM. Everybody make mistakes and nobody is perfect but he has too many and he should be able to realise this witl the rakyat request for him to step down.He must truly and sincerely examine WHY they want me to GOOOOOOOOOOO!
On these two points I submit that AAB must goooooooooooooo!
4b. Reference on point 2 and Q3a, Maybe to a certain extend after 2004 GE11 rakyat placed a high hope under Mr.Clean,who was noted for his piousness,forgiving,decorous they gave him an overwhelming victory. But as time passes by the camouflage revealed and this is turning point.But AAB still in his daydream and over-confidently that called for GE12 and the result as what we can see now.
My opinion to a certain extend yes! the rakyat displayed their protest through ballot boxes but some extend of credit must be given to the oppositions for cleverly usher the voters to their side.This does not include those anti establishment supporters and
the rising so call young liberated voters.
On this point AAB still have to go but the changing to the landscape
of Malaysian politics not solely of the protest but the contribution by BN supporters to show their protest do happened.
The last question ref. to Q3b, I have no answer to it. But I have a
question to that question.
i)Are we going to emulate like our neighbours? I don’t think that is your taste Tun.
ii)Are you confident enough to lick your saliva after spitting it to rejoin UMNO? Are you sure they will still listen to with the latest scenario? I would like to remind you,you did contest to be one of Kubang Pasu Reps during UMNO general assembly but what did those Kubang Pasu jokers did? Tun pardon me,hope is not rude to remind you a malay proverd,”PELANDUK SELALU LUPA JERAT TETAPI JERAK TIDAK LUPA PADA PELANDUK”. Please don’t back your words I fear they will humiliate you.Just set a strategy for Mukhriz and guide him for AAB to and than you have my blessing to join UMNO.
Recalled last night TV3 news, the body language and facial expression of AAB when asked questions on your return to UMNO,he is not happy at all and despise being shadowed by you. Yes! this is one of the many characters AAB have that lead to his downfall. He wanted to overshadow your achievements but short of capabilities to do so.
Salam and Selamat Hari Raya and maaf zahir dan bathin jika there no
other post before Raya.
Khairul Zaman
Assalamualaikum Dear Tun
You said it just right, kill the one mosquitoes and keep using the net. Don’t burn the net because of one mosquitoes. Very good example indeed.The example is so perfect and it doesn’t need further explanation. Brilliantly explained. I like it very much. These writing of yours should be circulated among the Barisan National members. I wonder if Dato’ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ever like to read your writing. Today he said ,he was surprised,why Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin have a different opinion regarding the change of power, whereas it has been fully agreed by Supreme Council of Umno that the change of power will happen in 2010.He is so stupid and all the Supreme Council Members who sit in the meeting is either stupid or coward. During the meeting Tan Sri Muhyiddin was abroad. Abdullah Badawi is trying to used the Supreme Council meeting which he has called without the present of many important Umno personalities, to backup his desire to remain in power. He said he has a lot of work to do and that by 2010 the work will be completed. His reason to remain in power is not according to syariah. When you are not wanted
by the righteous and good people whom you lead, you should resign and what more when the one who want Abdullah to resign is the most honoured Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad , former Prime minister of Malaysia, world renowned for his integrity and sincerity in leading the Muslim Ummah.Dato’ Sri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should resign and to remain in power, will bring Allah wrath upon him, and it will only make the problem worse. We make doa to Allah that Our Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi be given the taufik to understand this.Salam to Tun and selamat berpuasa
Salam Tun,
When the opposition held their victory celebrations after the 1969 elections they paraded around KL with banners calling one particular ethnic group to Balek Kampong and brought along giant brooms as well. As a 10 year boy then, I asked why? Why must they target the other group if they want to be treated as Malaysians? I was confused until today. Before 1969, there was no NEP, no Quotas, no Special allocations, no Affirmative Action and etc. But still the attack was towards one ethnic group. Why? Isn’ that racist?
After the March 2008 election so called stunning victory, the opposition including some NGOs behaved in the same manner. In the name of democracy, attacks towards the same ethnic group began. Every thing that was agreed and practiced by the majority all these years was questioned despite living happily together before. And yet now, some accused others of being racist!
If you look at what happen in 1969 and then in year 2008, do you think it is about the government so called unfair policies? Some NGO and politician think so. And to gain support, they are taking advantage of this situation. The PM have no answer to this, sleeping.
At the end of the day it is all about “Cari Makan”, if the cake is big enough, we can all have our share. And that person who is responsible for creating this cake is no other than the PM.
If he can’t do that, then he should go. NOW!
I dare not imaging what will happen to the PM and his goons such Zahid, Nazri, KJ etc when he decides to leave. It is this ugly scenario that will prevent him from resigning soon.
In order to get rid of this “NYAMOK” we have to use insecticide and from inside the net. That’s why you Tun, will rejoin UMNO. Merely asking Pak Lah to leave does not work anymore.
Salam Tun,
Read with much dismay that you wish to return to Umno. Sad but if you think that’s the way, so be it.
On the last General Election: some Umno personalities had become to big for their shoes and acting like they are the Kings of the Land.
Even at the grass root level. Like some “tak sedar diri” fellas Tun.
Escorted entourage, triple parking during public ceremonies, not being on time, braggings of being able to get this and that done easily because of political connection, etc.
Even Malays would get fed up with such constant shows of being a different class of Malays.
MIC had Hindraf, while MCA and Gerakan were seen as too accomodative to Umno.
These sentiments became enough to topple the BN in the states now controlled by the trio of PKR, PAS and DAP.
As for Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the best one can say is that he is lacking when it comes to leadership.
God Bless. Let’s hope good sense will prevail no matter who is governing the nation.
YBhg Tun,
You don’t need to burn down the net, actually we just need a lizard to hunt this mosquito……..Thank you Tun for being back in Umno. I do hope Umno will starts listening to your advice more…and have some respect to your words…
Salam Aidil Fitri pada Tun sekeluarga.
Assalamualaikum dan salam hormat pada semua,
Tun, nak tergelak pon ada bila saya baca paper menyatakan PM kesal anggota Kabinet buat kenyataan bertentangan dengan apa yang dipersetujui… Ini berkaitan isu Muhyidin minta PM turun lebih awal.
Sebab, dulu pon dia buat lagu tu.. dia dah janji nak teruskan projek jambatan bengkok.. tup tup lepas 2 minggu jadi PM dia terus batalkan. Itu hukum karma. Setiap apa yang kita buat, baik atau buruk akan dibalas jua. Dan selama dia memimpin ni pon, penuh dengan janji janji kosong… Kalau diri sendiri tak mampu berpegang pada janji, janganlah berjanji!
TUN yang dikasehi.
Saya sokong TUN kalau nak buat operasi hapuskan nyamuk2 penghisap darah dan pembawak penyakit tu.
Zaman sekarang tak payah bakar kelambu,memadai tembak dengan penyembur jer.Tergolik lah depa….
Memang degiak (degil)sungguh nyamuk anak beranak ni.Dok halau kibeh2(kibas) tu depa tak nak keluak pun.
15. It is a protest against the poor leadership of the BN, rather than the BN itself. The people saw a BN leader who was indecisive, unable to deal with the increasing cost of living, flip-flopping, unable to stimulate the economy and above all is known for putting his family’s interest above that of State. Everyone knows about the 4th Floor and the role of Khairy Jamaluddin’s cronies in determining policies and deciding on the business activities of the country. People consider these arrogant young people as contributing to the poor performance of the Prime Minister.
That was one of the many topics WHY most rakyat did not give their votes to BN. I agreed with TUN.
TUN bila nak serah borang UMNO tu. Kalau bolih kami nak berlarak siap pukui kompang lagi iring TUN.
Kalau MT tak terima kali ni kami bakar terus kelambu tu. Biak sapa pun tak dapat tidok dalam kelambu. Biak semua kena gigit nyamuk.
Kami semua pakat pakai jubah dan turban supaya nyamuk tak gigit.
Dan maka itu kami rakyat kat luar ni memohon lah jasa baik PAK LAH supaya berundur dengan secara hormat.
Pak Lah tak rugi apa2 pun. Malah rakyat dan negara akan selamat. INSHAALLAH.
Pemimpin2 UMNO tu fikirlahdan renungkan lah.Pangkat,wang ringgit berjuta2 dan harta bertan2 tu bukan pun bolih di bawak kekubur.
Ingatkan lah anak cucu yang nak hidup pulak selepas ini.
Buat lah keputusan yang terbaik untuk rakyat,agama dan negara.
“Harimau mati tinggalkan belang. Manusia mati tinggalkan nama”
Tak sebut pun tinggalkan harta bayak mana……
Salam Hormat Tun,
……..”we burn the mosquito net because of one mosquito”.
Tendang Pak Lah Disember ini. Dan mulakan perjuangan yg belum habis utk kemajuan negara…..Wawasan 2020.
Salam Tun,
Will someone write these letters in the sky
Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun yang saya hormati. Ini kali pertama saya hantar komen. Sebenarnya saya lum ada apa-apa nak tulis cuma saya nak bagi tau YBhg Tun bahawa tarikh lahir saya sama dengan tarikh perkahwinan YBhg Tun. Tahun ni genaplah umur saya 52 tahun dan begitu juga umur perkahwinan YBhg Tun.
Assamualaikum YAD Tun, Tun Siti & Semua Rakan Seperjuangan
Kesihannnnnn saya dengan NYAMUK yang SEORANG tu. Izinkan saya memberi sedikit nasihat kepada NYAMUK yg SEORANG tu.
Walaupun Saudara NYAMUK yg SEORANG tu, Saudara juga semestinya mempunyai MARUAH dan HARGA DIRI. “Gajah mati meninggalkan tulang MANUSIA mati meninggalkan NAMA”.
Tentu Saudara ingat lagi Ucapan Saudara di OXFORD CENTRE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES pada 1 Oct 2004 Quote “I am the son of a religious teacher, himself the son of an ALIM” Unquote.
Betapa bangganya Saudara akan Ayahanda dan Datuk Saudara! SUDAH SEMESTINYA. Bukan sahaja Saudara bahkan SEMUA ORANG patut berbangga akan ayahnya, datuknya, nenek moyangnya bahkan keturunannya.
Begitu jugalah anak,cucu-cicit Saudara. Of cause Your son, son inlaw and the whole of your family are useless scumbs. However,they too will realised one day that this MARUAH & HARGA DIRI are very important things in lives.
Dengan begitu ramainya orang berpandangan Saudara NYAMUK yg SEORANG tu patut dan mesti BERUNDUR SEKARANG, Sangat-sangat eloklah Saudara
NYAMUK yg SEORANG tu BERUNDUR SEGERA. Kembalilah kejalan Allah swt
sementara umur masih ada. Cukup-cukuplah tu. Renungilah nasihat ini.
Janganlah kita menjadi JAHIL MURAKAB. Jangan lagi berdolak dalih dengan diri sendiri. akuilah kesilapan dan kelemahan diri kita ini
agar kita tidak lagi menjadi NYAMUK yg SEORANG tu.
Semoga kita semua diberkati dan diredhoi oleh Allah swt. Amin
Assalamualaikum Tun…
so happy that u rejoin UMNO… teruskan perjuangan.
Dear Sir ,I totally agree the statement that u make.Please brings back peace,harmony and prosperous to the people of malaysia. People are totally fed-up with the current leadership that run the country.The live of people are more suffer, tension and so on and so for. We people of malaysia are use to be united regardless of race, religion, culture n languages.
With Regards
May Allah Bless you n family
YABhg. Tun,
Terima kasih Tun. Tepat sekali analisis Tun. Jika dibuat perbandingan tiada siapa boleh menandingi analisis yang Tun buat.
Tidak mungkin Pakatan Rakyat yang tidak pun didaftarkan boleh menggantikan parti Barisan Nasional. Orang yang percaya bahawa parti Keadilan mampu memimpin parti DAP atau parti PAS memanglah dangkal pemikirannya.
Anuar bukanlah pemimpin orang-orang Melayu. Dia adalah pemimpin sesiapa sahaja yang menyokongnya.
PAS telah menyatakan bahawa mereka tidak boleh menerima Anuar sebagai Perdana Menteri dan bahawa pemimpin mereka lebih layak. Sesiapa yang percaya Anuar masih lagi seorang tokoh pemimpin Islam dangkal jugalah pemikirannya.
Hanya UMNO boleh menyatupadukan orang Melayu. Jadi janganlah terpedaya dengan helah dan tipu muslihat Anuar. Lihat sahajalah orang-orang kanannya dahulu seperti Saudara Ezam dan Dato’ Nalla dan lain-lain, semuanya telah meninggalkannya. Mengapa? Kerana mereka telah mengetahui siapa sebenarnya Anuar ini, iaitu orang yang hanya mementingkan diri sendiri, egoistic, yang memperalatkan sesiapa sahaja di kiri dan kanannya untuk mencapai cita-cita peribadinya.
info terbaru di
salam Tun,
You are aware of Khairy Jamaluddin’s extent of involvement in the country’s affairs which is totally unacceptable to ordinary UMNO members and the rakyat.
I beg Tun ,please ensure something is done fast to stop all this as it is clearly destroying people’s trust in UMNO.
Salam Tun,
Totally and 100% agreed with you.
The 2008 General Election is a PROTEST votes to BN.
What can Nurul, Low and other young turks/inexperience MP carry out thier duty????
All these are protest or anger votes to BN and everyone knew that these so-called MP is NOT capable as a Wakil Rakyat.
4 years of yawning ( NO development, No economic expansion, No proper goverance, No movement of monetary and YES to price increase, YES to indecisive, YES to nothing )and are yet we are about to fall asleep soon or WAKE-UP NOW before we dozed off.
Take care!
Salam Tun
Saya amat gembira dgn berita Tun akan kembali pd UMNO.Berita yg amat baik utk kebaikan parti UMNO, satu2 nya parti yg mmperjuangkan bangsa melayu sendiri.
Maafkan saya terlebih dahulu kerana komen saya akan lari drp tajuk ini.
Saya terkejut dan merasa terkilan apabila terbaca berita semlm di dlm mstar.com.my tentang kenyataan Nik Aziz mursyidul am PAS menyatakan ‘PAS untung Dr Mahathir masuk semula umno.Dia berkata akan merasa seronok Tun akan buat ‘kacau bilau’ didalam umno.Saya hairan bagaimana seorang pemimpin dan seorg yg dikenali sebagai seorg yg warak dan tinggi ilmu agamanya boleh mengatakan demikian.Bagaimana beliau menginginkan dan mengharapkan sesuatu yg buruk terjadi kepada sesebuah pihak.Adakah itu di tuntut dalam ISLAM?adakah islam menggalakkan umatnya musuh memusuhi. Masih ingat lagi semasa pilihanraya kecil permatang pauh, pemimpin2 pas dan pkr membuat solat ‘munajat’ berniat dn mendoakan musnahkan ketua polis negara,TPM,peguam negara dan saiful.Adakah mereka benar2 yakin dan pasti mereka di pihak yg benar dn semuanya adalah betul??
Mungkin ada kesalahan dan kesilapan2 di dlm umno tetapi kenapa sanggup Datuk Nik Aziz berkata demikian dan bagaimanakah Datuk Nik Aziz hendak menjadi seorang pemimpin yg di hormati sekiranya dia boleh mengeluarjan kata-kata sedemikian. Datuk Nik Aziz telah lari dan keluar dari landasan pejuangan partinya yg menjuangkan agama ISLAM.Disebabkan alam politik ini dia telah merubah asas perjuangan parti yg berlandaskan hukum2 dan nilai2 ISLAM.Pada saya serban beliau tidak perlu dipakai lagi, itu adalah lakonan dan utk menyilaukan mata sahaja.
Beliau juga ada menyatakan di mstar itu bahawa “MP dan wakil2 rakyat yg akan melompat parti dr BN ke PKR adalah tidak bermaruah kerana mengkhianati kepercayaan yg telah diberikan oleh pengundi dan rakyat.Tetapi dalam soal ini maruah harus diketepikan untuk menjatuhkan BN dan UMNO yg mengamalkan rasuah”.
Daripada kenyataan tersebut jelas Datuk Nik Aziz adalah seorang yg tidak berprinsip dan berpegang teguh dalam soal maruah, jelas maksud beliau ini adalah seperti maruah itu boleh dijual beli, dicampak lepas itu ditarik balik.Beliau menyatakan bahawa BN mengamalkan rasuah, tidak dinafikan dalam BN ada gejala rasuah.Tetapi bagaimanakah Dato Seri Anwar ingin menarik hati dan memujuk ahli2 parlimen BN melompat parti, adakah dengan air liur semata-mata dan janji2 yg belum tentu dpt ditunaikan.Sudah pasti salah satu cara nya adalah ‘Membeli’ mereka. Itu semua org tahu dn sudah semestinya. Mereka menyelar dan mengutuk kesalahan2 dan salah tingkah laku yg dilakukan oleh BN tetapi sekiranya mereka melakukan amalan2 yg tidak sihat dan baik mereka ‘boleh melakukan’ sehinggakan maruah pun boleh digadai.Semua yang pembangkang lakukan sekarang adalah betul semuanya tidak salah di mata mereka tanpa menilai semula.Hingga majlis peguam membincangkan dan menimbulkan isu mengenai ‘masuk islam’ pun mereka hanya berdiam diri, malah PKR akan mengambil tindakan kepada ahli parlimen atau DUN PKR(tidak pasti) Kulim-Bandar Baru kerana menyertai perhimpunan membantah perbincangan terbuka majlis peguam. Parti yg memperjuangkan islam sendiri pun boleh diam membatu, adakah wajar dan adakah mereka betul2 memperjuangkan agama????Bangsa seagama sendiri pun tidak mempertahankan bangsa dan agama sendiri, bagaimana mereka mahu mentadbir negara dan membela nasib bangsa sendiri????
Fikir-fikir dan nilai la sewajarnya.
I too agree with what you said, Tun. However there is still one point that nags at me. Its simply the question, “why did you choose him to replace you?”
I have met you before and spoken to you long ago when I was a member of the organising committee of a conference and you were our guest of honour. It was a brief meeting but I learnt that you are not someone who makes any decision without thinking through it thoroughly, especially one of this magnitude but in this case, I am puzzled as how you could not have seen this coming.
Dear Tun,
I agreed with your comments.
Dear Tun,
I think we have already burnt the net. Which is better 16 september happening or not? if it happens we possibly will have a disorganized/unexperience/we dont know whats gonna happen goverment or else flip flop continues and rakyat continues to suffer..
so which should the rakyat choose? i understand you have rejoined Umno to “strengthen/pulihkan” the party but what can it do about flip flop and gang?….the transition is obviously only going to happen in 2010 theres time for another two “916” to happen by then.
Help us Tun!
Dear Tun,
I agree with you that Barisan Nasional have done a lot for the country. There is just too much power rested on the PM, how the country will turn out to be will very much depends on the performance or no performance of the PM. If we have a good PM, then we will see development, racial harmony and etc. But if we don’t have good PM then the country will be going down. This is a problem, it just like feudalism, you might not have a good son that makes a good sultan every generation.
As such, the BN need to have a good system, high moral ant ethic in the leader themselves. Like the Japanese. Their leader are fast to admit mistake, take responsibility and resign and never power hunger. If they are not good, then they get someone in their opinion will be better to replace them.
But unfortunately, we don’t have such culture in Malaysia. In your 22 years as premier, you also have not set the system right. You should have limit the premiership to only 2 terms. So that if we have a poor leader, at least we will only have to bear with it for 2 terms.
Therefore, since there is just too much power in BN and they are the monopoly all the while, it will not be good for the people. You should know, monopoly is bad in whatever field. As such the only other option is an alternative powerful party.
Whatever it is, its a good thing that we now see a strong alternative party that can challenge them. This is a real check and balance. Its a good thing for the country.
So, we shouldn’t be worry at all. The country is going to the right direction. And soon the country will be in good hands.
Tun shouldn’t worry too much about Malaysia politics, you should rest more and spend quality time with your family and friends, instead of politics. Write some books if you can.
Salam Tun,
Semoga Tun mampu menyumbang lagi membaikpulih imej kerajaan dan parti yang semakin buruk dimata rakyat Malaysia dan masyarakat antarabangsa.
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.
Assalamualaikum Ayahnda.
Cek dapat lihat bahawa 3 faktor utama kekalahan Barisan Nasional pada PRU 12 adalah-
a)DS Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
DS Abdullah telah melaksanakan tugas yang baik ketika menjadi menteri luar ketika dulu. Namun beliau ternyata gagal menerajui warisan kepimpinan yang ditinggalkan oleh Ayahnda Tun disebabkan faktor KJ serta kroni2 kaki ampu beliau.
b)DS Anwar Ibrahim
Pembebasan awal DS Anwar Ibrahim dari akta ISA ternyata seperti “ibarat melepaskan anjing yang tersepit”. DS Abdullah lupa bahawa DSAI adalah seorang yang amat licik berpolitik serta sanggup melakukan apa sahaja demi untuk kepentingan beliau termasuk menggadaikan maruah bangsa dan negara.
c)Sentimen perkauman
Api perkauman yang jelas dimainkan oleh pihak2 tertentu nyata mengubah pandirian kaum cina dan india dari menyokong Barisan Nasional. Ini terbukti dengan tumbangnya BN di Selangor, Perak dan Pulau Pinang.
Sabda Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam:
“apabila sesuatu urusannya diserahkan kepada orang yang bukan ahlinya, maka tunggulah kerosakan dan kebinasaan”.
(Riwayat Al-Imam Al-Bukhari)
Semoga Ayahnda diberikan kekuatan oleh Allah untuk membetulkan kesilapan yang telah berlaku.
Salam kasih serta hormat dari Pmtg Pauh.
Azwan Ali
-join chedet fc at:
salam buat Tun sekeluarga….
harap sentiasa mendapat rahmat dariNya,…
Ini kali pertama saya posting comment kat sini….
Tun adalah idola saya kerana idea2 Tun yang bernas dan sentiasa 2,3 langkah ke hadapan…
Saya masih belajar di sebuah universiti di utara tanah air…
kami, golongan muda @ pelajar universiti telah melihat terlalu banyak kekurangan dalam pentadbiran kerajaan ketika ini…
tiada yang benar2 boleh dibanggakan sepanjang tempoh pemerintahan Pak Lah Badawi.
Saya seorang ahli UMNO,dan saya kecewa dengan presiden UMNO sekarang ini.Semasa Tun mengeluarkan kenyataan yang Tun keluar parti, saya agak sudah putus harapan dengan kepimpinan UMNO.
Tapi saya tidak sanggup untuk menyertai parti2 pembangkang yang hanya tahu membuat onar sahaja. Saya setia dengan UMNO kerana saya melihat UMNO sahaja yang serius dan yang boleh diharap untuk membela nasib orang melayu.
Saya tidak suka melihat gelagat Anwar Ibrahim yang hanya tahu menangguk di air keruh. Dan saya risau sekiranya anwar berkuasa, dengan sokongan barat terhadap anwar, saya pasti barat akan turut menguasai malaysia sekiranya anwar berkuasa. Kerana anwar seperti sudah menjadi sekutu mereka.
Tun, saya berharap dengan kemasukan semula Tun ke dalam UMNO, Tun akan mengubah kepimpinan UMNO, mengembalikan kepercayaan rakyat khususnya golongan pelajar dan bangsa melayu serta semua rakyat terhadap perjuangan UMNO.
Tun, tolonglah cari jalan supaya Pak Lah, Khairy serta konco2 mereka turun dari tampuk pemerintahan UMNO serta negara ini. Tolonglah kembali memberi peringatan kepada bangsa Melayu yang semakin mudah lupa ini….Perjuangan Tun belum selesai….perjuangan kita sebagai bangsa Melayu belum selesai….
salam ramadhan buat Tun sekeluarga….
One Word to describe UMNO nowadays, DISGUSTING! Not because of Abdullah, He is a kind leader but his party’s members are just too defiant and “lack-of-A-Jar”. That is why we MUST reject it as a whole.
For instance: Ahmadâs defiance and total lack of remorse is not just individual bravado but clearly had powerful UMNO backing as indicated by the fact that he held his immediate press conference at the Umno headquarters at PWTC, Kuala Lumpur which was attended by the Umno Secretary-General Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor.
Why don’t you, UMNO member cooperate with your leader and pay them (Abdullah and Najib) some due respect?
Well said Tun. Wonder why the mosquito is still hanging on the shredded net. People are clearly rejected him, even within his own party.
Dear Tun:
Regarding the topic above, I have some own views which I would like to express here.
There is no doubt that BN was once playing a good role and able to mantain the stability of the country development and its security. Policies and plans make by BN adminstrations have shown good result during your ruling era but not now. After your retirement, the situation was totally changed.
On the early stage of Pak Lah’s ruling time which was months time after you gave him the full power on the government admin management, things and projects been planned earlier during your time seem did on their smooth flow.
Everything has it 360 degree rosed-change begin on the late 2004, complains and criticsm started to shoot onto Pak Lah’s leadership career. Alots of plans and projects been cancelled. Crimes increase, our currency start to float on it emergent border eventhough our country earn good wealth and able to refrain the economy.
Those fortunate bonus have never shared and been apply on normal people but only those people with ‘granted-title’. More corruptions and gov’t internal problem such as services started to show out their declining signs.
Severe attack on BN has brought it down during 3rd March 2008. The outcome could considered as the most fatal one over the 50s year BN’s leadership on Malaysia.
More and more Malaysians as well as critism from foreigner have sprung out toward Pak Lah’s legitimacy. The opposition parties have now gaining alots of support from malay, chinese, indians and some minor ethnic groups.
The situation of the govt admin have become worst in addition by Pak Lah’s decision on rising up the fuel’s price.Sound like he was adding kerosene on the hot burning fire of Malaysians.
Corrections never been make but just ignorance by Pak Lah and his fellows. Case of corruptions, murder, sodomy and a sign of protest were been activated and pointed out.
Pulau Puteh has lost and given to our neighbouring country, Singapore. Pak Lah remain his silent until Malaysians voice out their voice on that matter.
His weak leadership and managements have giving chances for opposition parties to attack the govt. Anwar Ibrahim start to roar and challenge him on 916.
Frankly speaking, he doesnt have the ability to defeat Anwar Ibrahim. Racialism problem rised, but the solution make by him and his duty = HELP to derive apology. But what has happened in the end?
That UMNO leader refused to say sorry on his act….
Hui Ling
Dear Tun,
HAHAHAHAHA! You took the words right out of my mouth!! Article 12. I am one of those ordinary Chinese. It’s give me no choice. My vote goes to the opposition not because I wanted to vote the opposition. I just want to get ‘even’ with the present leadership. I voted the BN in 2004.I even drove my family to vote for BN in 2004. But when comes 2008, I brouht my family, aunties,uncles, maid, girlfriend(s) to vote for the opposition!!. BN will never get my vote until the present leader is out!! By the way, Pak Lah…. if you are reading this…Have you called Tun on his personal hp to get his advice on how to manage the country than rather (still degil) listening to your son-in law (you know who..lah.. the Geeks. Thanks Tun for bringing the words out from my heart…Now I can rest in peace.
Chinese Hawker
Seeling Wanton Noodle
Ah Seng Kor.
Salam Tun..
Sebenarnya, get rid off the menantu 1st, than the pak mentua…
Dah terlalu selesa dgn kemenangan..
So, its time for them to think…If can still manage to do so la..
Drama RTM.
Tajuk:kisah Tiga Beranak
KJ: Pak!! montori bapak minta pak berundur copek.macam mano nie.?
Paklah: opocot!!..tokojut den!montori mano??hei..nak tidur pun tak sonang.menyusahkan den yo..lah
KJ :yg namo mohideen tu..Dio ingat tukar pemimpin buleh solosai masalah ko?
Paklah :apo mohideen!!budak nie tak habih menyusahkan den yo.nanti den gantung jadi ahli umno padan muko.
KJ :nak buek apo pak sekarang nie pak?.kito buang yo lah dio.Habih cerito
Paklah :jom kito gi meeting kt tingkat 4,panggil abangkau sekali.
jeng je jeng…bersambung..
15. …Everyone knows about the 4th Floor and the role of Khairy Jamaluddin’s cronies in determining policies and deciding on the business activities of the country…
Setuju @ tak pada pendapat Tun supaya Pak Lah bermubahalah (Sumpah Laknat) bahawa dia tidak campurtangan dalam perlantikan Khairy & pembabitan SCOMI dalam projek-projek kerajaan?
Assalamualaikum Tun…
by: Tun Mahathir
I have explained in a previous article that
the debacle suffered by the Barisan Nasional was due to the voters’
disgust with the leadership of Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
HAHHAHA!!! That’s right Tun. We are REALLY DISGUST with a leadership
of Pak Lah. This is a very important question, if anything should
happen to the President, then the Vice President has to step in and
take over so we need to look carefully at both of the candidates,
not just the candidate for President, to decide if both are capable
enough leaders to run our government. We want the energetic, kind
hearted, hard working and brilliant leaders who meet the expectation
of the people. Not the corrupted one!!! We want a a man of high
moral values who gives high consideration to the needs of the
p/s: We always talk about Pak Lah. What about Najib? HAAA…??
Tun, you suppose to give your comment about Najib now. Its Najib
turn. Is there any of your opinion?
Salam from the University of Malaya supporters of TUN…. HHHEE…
Puasa baik-baik taauu….
[3 Minutes Management Lesson]
Lesson One:
An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing . A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, “Can I also sit like you and do nothing?”
The eagle answered: “Sure, why not . ”
So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested . All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it .
Management Lesson One:
To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up .
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Lesson Two:
A turkey was chatting with a bull .
“I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree,” sighed the turkey, “but I haven’t got the energy . ”
” Well, why don’t you nibble on some of my droppings?” replied the bull .
” They’re packed with nutrients . ”
The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree . The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch . Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree .
He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree .
Management Lesson Two:
Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won’t keep you there .
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______
Lesson Three:
A little bird was flying south for the winter . It was so cold, the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field . While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him . As the frozen bird lay there in the pil e of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was .
The dung was actually thawing him out! He laid there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy . A passing cat heard the bird Singing and came to investigate . Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung . He promptly dug him out and ate him .
Management Lesson Three:
(a) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy .
(b) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend .
(c) And when you’re in deep shit, it’s best to keep your mouth shut!
This ends the Three Minute Management Course
Saya sokong TUN…Pak Lah nie bila lah nak belahhhhhhhhhhhh…. TS muhyiddin mcm keseorangan….yg lain2 tu kaki bodek ke? dorg ni buta mata, pekak telinga atau buta mata hati….apa pun mudah2 Malaysia semakin aman, makmur dan maju…kami rakyat marhain ckp pun tkde sape dengar n ambil peduli…mohon yg berkuasa ambil tindakan bagi pulihkan Malaysia…ameennnn…salam ramadhan.
Jika dulu-dulu rakyat segan hendak bersuara kerana hromatkan Tun.
Kini Tun bukan dalam kabinet lagi. Pak Lah and the gang kat sana.
Rakyat telah suarakan hasrat untuk perubahan, tapi that gang masih berdegil. Terimalah akibatnya menolak hak majoriti rakyat Malaysia.
Anwar bijak kerana menggunakan peluang kelemahan Pak Lah untuk kedepan dengan Pakatan Rakyat
salam TUN N Semua Warga Blog
marahkan nyamuk habis kelambu dibakar
itulah rata2 perasaan rakyat malaysia hari ni
saya setuju dengan pandangan Tun bahawa, rakyat bukan menolak BN
tapi telah meluat dengan kepimpinan DSAAB & ahli Think Tank Karat Tingkat 4
apa yang direncanakan dalam bajet tempoh hari, memang tak berguna kepada rakyat baik sederhana… kalau dah kaya sudah tentu tak menjadi masalah cume pendapat mereka saja yang bekurangan namun masih terlebih cukup untuk keluarga mereka..
BN dibahwah pemerintahan DSAAB akan di ingati dalam lipatan sejarah adalah kerajaan yang paling gagal dalam serba serbi
dengan kelemahan BN sekarang, ia boleh menjadi senjata yang amat berguna oleh DSAI dalam peperangan saraf serta meraih undi simpati dengan pelbagai janji serta madah berhelah
akhir posting
semoga Kebawah DYMM YDPA melalui Persekutuan Malaysia dapat mengambil Tindakan TEGAS terhadap kepimpinan Kerajaan Persekutuan dibawah pentadbiran DSAAB
Yang Benar
Fazli Mohamad
Dearest YBH TUN
From 2004-2008, BN under the present watch, went from HERO to almost ZERO. But I always believe the present watch is always almost zero anyway. I remember someone wrote in the newspaper at the begining of this watch that BN has nothing to worry as long as it can keep the economy going as good as it was. But then an almost zero watch cannot maintain the pace of developement. Instead it choosed another directions with a zzzzzzzz pace. At the moment there are thousands of functions of this goverment. None of these functions have clear visions to be explained clearly to the rakyat.Any wonder why we are scared and confused?
I believe the astounding success of 2004 election was due to the clean image generated by the press on Badawi. People expected him to smooth out the ripples due to perceived corruptions and favouritisms which haunted BN under your watch. Admit that there were a few billionaires being generated at that time. (Where are they now? Are they helping us at this moment? or residing in other countries enjoying their spoils. I remember indonesian billionairs jumped ship at the last possible moment. I heard the money they took with them was guranteed by Indonsian goverment.The goverment took pain to pay their debt and still, I believe, doing it).
Our country is not rich enough to have so many billionairs unless many of our citizen have to go with much less.I believe we should only concentrate in creating millionairs or thousandairs. Thats all.
In the four years between 2004-2008, instead of MR Clean that rakyat expected to run this country, a totally complex and undescrible monster appear. it is not clean at all. In fact it is a plunderer of the extreme. Rakyat were so disappointed and felt cheated big time. The result is what we have now. You are right TUN, it has nothing to do with us being different races, as we have stick togather through thick and thin over the years. It has to do with inconsequent government.What we need is a good goverment for the rakyat. UMNO if it still wants to lead must clean it house quickly. If not TUN will have to form a new party. I heard TUN application was not discussed during last meeting. May there was not enough time. But i have little hope of TUN being accepted if the fourth floor has a say in it.
I felt humbled for the support of our chinese brothers in 1999 for you.those were critical years for us. The chinese by themselves were not afraid of IMF. Perhaps it could be advatages to them. Perhaps they were protecting Malaysia, their homeland. Some of the Malays will never have the pragmatism of a good chinese.Many Malays cannot understand what you were trying to do.And they are still. The opposition took advantage of them . PAS used this oppertunity to take over my home state Trengganu at that time. But their leaders did nothing other than talk, excuse, talk, excuse. talk in the four years as a Trengganu Goverment.Is there any wonnder why they were kicked out in 2004 and 2008.
May be Tunku saw that these million hardworking Chinese were what the newly indepent Tanah Melayu needed to progress and to survive.The malys by themselves would not have achieved so much. The arrongant and trouble making chinese were later being pushed out. An island is a small sacrifice. Our Chinese brothers are dynamic and progressive people. We cannot shackle them for ever in the name of gratitudes.If we shackle them too long they may become like some of us. It is not good for the country. We must adopt their pragmatic attitudes to survive. For those of you who think we dont need to learn to survive in our own country think again. look at Iraq or any other example you choose.
Thank You TUN. after this comment I feel at peace with TUNKU. Truth prevails. Alfatihah.
As always may Allah blesses you and your family always
Saya sokong Tun,
salam Tun,
To pulau-sibu,mikey,pits,semabok etc.
I don’t subscribe to your point of views,as many of us think differently.Many of your points are half-cooked as if looking through a microscope.At first glance they might sound realistic but holes and glaring gaps appear upon closer scrutiny.
As long as commentators here do not openly abuse Tun,we will regard your views as another dissenting input.
Tun himself has already thanked all those who gave dissenting views.
It’s just that I will not sit back and tolerate vulgar abuses directed at Tun without retaliating.Thankfully they seem to be on the wane..(or maybe the webmaster decided not to publish?..)
Saya peduli apa jika orang lain kata saya ‘stooping down to their level’…
Dearest TUN,
I remember back in the 70s when I was in primary school in KL, Malaysians, regardless of race or religion were friendly. We could walk into any of our friends houses and feel welcomed. Neighbours were warm and helpfull. Any family has a problem, the whole neighbourhood is there to help. I can still remember one particular incident during the March 13 riots. (it was similar to the one shown on TV sometime back) Our neighbour, a Malay family brought us into their home. When a group of Malay men came for us, he stood at the gate and refuse to let them in(endangering himself and his family too). It always brings tears to my eyes remembering him, (God bless his soul) for his selfless act for a neighbour, eventhough we are of different race and religion(we are Malaysian chinese).
Why all these indifferences? Why can’t we be as ONE? Why can’t we, as Malaysains, work TOGETHER as a team towards a GREATER MALAYSIA and be PROUD of it. Call me naive if you want to, but I strongly belive it WILL happen as it did before.
Salaam Tun,
Kami bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun dalam hal ini,Disini kami ada cerita yang ingin kami kongsi bersama.
Apabila keputusan PRU lepas di ketahui,ramai dari sahabat kami dari parti pembangkang yang menjadi calon telah mendapat kemenangan.Mereka2 ini sungguh terkejut dengan kemenangan dan kurang pecaya akan hal ini,padahal mereka ini hanya Pak sanggup,dan tidak diketahui umum latar belakang politik mereka,duit deposit calon pun kami kutip dari rakan2.
Jumlah undi yang di perolehi pun mengejutkan mereka…..”siapa mereka yang mengundi saya” ini lah yang selalu mereka persoalkan.Apabila pujuk pimpinan melantik mereka memegang jawatan penting mereka rasa gementar dan cuba mengelak darinya dengan berbagai alasan.
Jawatan di terima kerana terpaksa dan pujuk rayu dari rakan2 yang lain.Ini lah apa yang berlaku kepada sahabat2 kami dalam parti pembangkang.Benar lah kata Tun ini semua undi protas dari pengundi2 yang marahkan abdullah dan minions nya
Assalamualaikum Dearest Tun,
I would really loved to have you back in UMNO so that we can fight alongside but I don’t want you to be labelled as a ‘FLIP-FLOP’ too.
Please decide wisely…….May God shower you will WISDOM AND HIDAYAH to overcome this “MOSQUITO”……Amin.
Dalam bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarrak ini bukan nya saya mahu mencari dosa. Tetapi hati kecil ini tidak mahu ditutup untuk mempraktiskan kemunafikan berugama Islam. Saya ambil jalan diri ini sesama manusia. Manusia boleh saya kaburkan mata mereka dengan sifat kemunafikan pada saya. Tetapi, Allah S.W.T tahu apa siapa saya sebenarnya. Saya ingat dengan Pak Lah semasa datang ke negara jiran. Saya mengucapkan Assalamualaikum; tetapi salam saya selamba sahaja dijawap olehnya. Lalu masuk pintu dengan meninggalkan sepatunya didepan pintu.
Apabila Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohammad bersama saya di tempat letak kereta (gerej) kerana waktu itu hujan; saya dapati sebilangan daripada ahli-ahli yang ikut bersama Tun Dr. Mahathir adalah bongkak dan hidung tinggi. Tetapi, Tun masih lagi low profile orangnya. Berkomunikasi dengan sopan. Bukannya mereka yang jadi ekor Tun Dr. Mahathir pada masa itu yang hanya melihatkan sifat dan sikap lebih ajar. Ini saya tegur dengan ikhlas. Jangan pandang rakyat jelata seperti tikus mengheret ekor mereka. Tetapi, lihatlah rakyat itu juga manusia lebih cekap dan lebih berani daripada peluru, bom dan mana-mana jenis senjata api apabila mereka sudah bergabung teguh.
Terdengar saya pemimpin politik tidak menghiraukan orang misikin yang mahu berjumpa dengan mereka di negeri Pahang atau Terengganu. Wanita miskin itu adalah datang untuk berjumpan untuk diberikan pertolongan. Tetapi, pemimpin politik memberikan andaian dan alasan melalui pengawal keselamatan laknatullah.
Ingat! siapa lagi akan diberikan ijazah oleh Allah s.w.t dengan ijazah “comma” sebelum mati untuk dimainkan semula tape recorder mereka. Sekarang bekas perdana menteri israel masih lagi “comma” yang mengatakan mereka adalah anak Tuhan. Lihat dan dengar bekas Presiden Filipina – Ferdinand Marcos yang menyusahkan orang Islam dan memberikan nama Kristian barulah orang Islam boleh belajar dibangku Sekolah. Apakah bumi menerima bangkai Ferdinand Marcos?. Fikir-fikirkan lah. Kerana orang politik fikir mereka boleh beri rasuah kepada Allah s.w.t untuk beli syorga. Mana perjuangan orang Islam dimana?. Semuanya perjuangan menegak kehidupan syaitan. Cubalah Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohammad layari http://www.plan-international.org Apakah yang mereka lakukan untuk orang miskin di dunia ini. Apakah tujuan mereka mengkristiankan orang Islam untuk meninggalkan Islam dan masuk Kristian atau mereka menolong membantu orang-orang miskin tidak perlu ugama tetapi kemanusiaan. Jadi pemimpin pemimpin politik menjadi lanun mengaut keuntungan rakyat misikin untuk jadi kaya supaya di hari akhirat nanti boleh beli syorga dari Allah Azza Wajjalla, begitukah?.
Moga-moga Pak Lah jangan gunakan Islam demi kepentingan diri untuk mengaburkan mata umat Islam yang lain. Moga Pak Lah bertaubat sebelum terlambat. Jangan mudah makan puji sesekali kita terima juga penghinaan orang Islam tetapi jangan dimaafkan. Buat lah tindakan yang terbaik demi kebahagian dan kesejetheraan orang lain. Kalau tak boleh memimpin jangan berlagak boleh jadi pemimpin. Jika binatang dengar cakap kita boleh tahan lah sudah. Tetapi, tak berjaya aghâ¦â¦.pi Lahâ¦â¦â¦â¦â¦â¦
Good afternoon Che Det,
I hope that you are in good health.Very well said I must say…why the sudden turn of tables of voters from 2004 to 2008 is due to the fact that the present leadership doesn’t have the catalyst to drive the nation to achieving greater height unlike what you did when you were at the helm.The present leader doesn’t have the foresight on what needs to be done and relies on inexperienced advisers to advice him on major policies that will have a major impact not only on the present but also the future direction of the nation.We have not seen any progress on the Mega Economic Corridors that were launch.The public are wondering what is going on?
The public are at this very moment in time GRAVELY concerned about their economic well being,rise in crime and facing the current uncertainty in the global economic turmoil.We are not interested in stirring up racial sentiments.We just want to carry on with our daily life’s with PEACE& HARMONY among MALAYSIANS.This country belongs to every rightful eligible Malaysian irrespective of their ETHNIC background. We don’t need go to back into the STONE AGE and be like CAVEMAN behaving in a TERRITORIAL manner.Let us all progress as we MOVE FORWARD WITH THE TIMES.
Take care Che Det…
dear Tun,
After all the recent problems and a retrospective of the problems of the BN led government over the last decade (ten years), I can say that your party has eroded and withdrawn whatever credibility and trust of the Rakyat.
The UMNO and BN have swept under the carpet a lot of the dirt which are now exposed by the Opposition and through scandals which have caught the attention and as I remembered, the BMF-Carrian scandal, which seem like the first iceberg.
Fair enough, to state that the BN have accolades of achievements and brought about the Malaysia Inc. responsible for the new wealth of the country. But my dear sir, through your impatience in making the country an epitome of Bolehland, many short cuts were taken and we piggy-back on creative accounting, lies and cover-ups to hide all that were ugly from the Rakyat.
I can forgive the BN for the general good that it has done but it is time to take stock of BN’s line up of leaders, its perceived level of integrity and support of the people nation wide.
In the last few years, Cabinet Ministers have been embroiled in all kinds of accusation of scandals and kickbacks;
Rafidah for APs,
Samy Vellu for shoddy workmanship of our highway projects,
Azalina for wasted funds in sports,
the DPM linked to a murder,
nepotism by the PM,
a sex video expose of the Health Minister,
blunders by the Syed Albar as the Law Minister,
improper land deals in Penang by its former Chief Minister’s watch,
the lost of territory and dilomatic goofs by Rais Yatim, the censure of Internet and disclaimer by the Ministery of Information
a corrupted Immigration
a corrupted Puspakom
and a long long list.
I would have stated the Government would have been evicted by force much less elected again. The BN is lucky as Malaysians are moderate in views and not that savvy in choosing their leaders. Again they have always been lied and manipulated by their leaders.
All this appears during the low tide of BN downhill descent as now the Rakyat have been made aware of what has happened.
We need leaders of good moral character and a new vision,
We need properly qualified politicians who have passed out in honours in engineering, economics, medicine, law and possesing youthful energy. All this is not in BN manifest of human talent and sadly lacking. We need people who debate properly without resorting to name calling and foul language in the Parliament.
We need long term policies of fiscal management of our resources and not waste money. The BN has never been frugal in managing its wealth in its history. I have heard a MOF officer commented that we have wasted billions of ringgit through careless and excessive spending in your time and now it has become a normality.
I am sorry sir, I vote for a change of government as it is vitally so as the entire Cabinet and BN machinery is in a decadent state, impotent and ruinous. I do not support your efforts in returning to UMNO as your good intentions will be made used of by unscrupulous factions to remain in veil and continue enriching themselves. Your return is now been hailed even by your enemies as they would be able to get a new deal. Sweeping past mistakes under the carpet is what PM supporters will look for a consolidation of power deal in UMNO.
Salam Yg Berbahagia Tun dan pembaca sekelian,
1. `Saya ada banyak perkara yang nak buat` komen Pak Lah. Benar YB Pak Lah,tetapi aura dan karisma seseorang itu akan terserlah dari awal lagi. Kini dah masuk penggal ke dua tapi `aura` yang dinanti tak nampak yang nampak hanya `auta` sahaja.
2. YB Pak Lah tak perlu risau bakal penganti sebab dah 50 tahun negara ini PM dari UMNO jadi apa yang TAKUT sangat? Ini hakikat yang nyata dan semua orang tahu . Kami rakyat tak nampak apa usaha Pak Lah untuk mengejar wawasan 2020 mahu pun usaha usaha lain. Yang kami nampak ialah :
a. modal insan…nak kemana insan ini?
b. islam hadhari….macam ugama baru sahaja dan nak kemana islam ini???
c. Jambatan ke dua PP…ada emas ke kat PP yang rakyat boleh teroka? Habis rakyat negeri lain nak buat apa? Siapa penasihat Pak Lah yang cadangkan ini? Negeri lain nak tengok sahajakah atau ada projek yang maseh dirahsiakan?
3. Banyak lagi yang Pak Lah nak buat. Kami percaya. Pak Lah nak korek kesalahan Tun masa jadi PM. Sepatutnya Pak Lah menuju kedepan bukan nak cari salah orang. Pak Lah nak basmi kemiskinan ! Satu projek untuk terus kekal jadi PM sampai mati….
4. Kesimpulannya orang macam ini Tuhan dah tutup pintu hati serta fikirannya. Saya yakin Pak Lah jadi PM sampai mati. Siapa nak bertaruh?
5 Terima kasih Tun kerana masih sayangkan negara ini. Yang lain nampaknya tukang tenguk sahaja.
setiap kesalahan itu akan berbalas..kejayaan itu hanya dalam agama tun…rasa nya tun tak perlu berpolitik lagi..tun tumpukam dalam amal ibadat agama..kalau saya kaya macam tun..pasti saya dah pergi haji sekarang ni…bulan puasa ni tun kita jangan fitnah dan mengumpat…fitnah adalah tuduhan melulu tanpa usul periksa manakala mengumpat adalah perkara benar mengenai seseorang yang kita perkata tapi tidak disukai oleh pelakunya…politik ini kotor tun..tinggalkan politik buat lah amal ibadat utk hapus kan dosa dosa lama dan carilah keredhaan Allah… Tun…Insya’Allah Tun di buka hati oleh agar pilih jalan yg benar di usia yg tua ini..amiiin..
Salam Tun,
Tepat sekali kata-kata Tun itu, saya sokong 100%.
Buktinya, saya dan keluarga saya sendiri telah undi protes dalam PRU ke 12 tersebut.
Saya percaya dan yakin semua rakyat berbuat demikian. Ini dapat dibuktikan daripada percakapan/perbualan orang ramai tidak kira bangsa semasa PRU ke 12 tersebut.
Tun, teruskan usaha buang perosak negara.
Salam Tun,
I feel that Tun has commented too much on Abdullah. In my opinion, Malaysian not only reject Pak Lah, for his useless and “indecisive, unable to deal with the increasing cost of living, flip-flopping, unable to stimulate the economy and above all is known for putting his family’s interest above that of State” as u said, but majority of Malaysian reject because of the race-based policy that BN running for 51 years. Dear Tun, this cannot be denied. As you said, rural Malay might not be able to accept liberal regime, but those educated Malay will wish to develop country to become democratic.
Maybe one thing Dear Tun doesn’t know, which is Chinese reject BN not only because of Pak Lah alone, but also because of MCA that represent Chinese doesn’t have any power to make good decision in parliament. After 51 years in the same line with UMNO, MCA and MIC can only be supportive character in BN, they can’t even make a suggestion in parliament. Even though they made some suggestion, UMNO will think that it is only beneficial to non-bumiputera and reduce the bumiputera’s right in Malaysia. Beside that, leader in MCA like Datuk Chew Mei Fun, as a parliament seat member, only know how to give empty promise to citizen. She promised us that our house in Sungai Way would not demolish, but end up after 5 years time, which is before 2004 election, she beg us to vote for her and she will fight for us and promise us so many things, so we voted her, but in the end we get nothing as return. So in 2008, when Tony Phua against Datuk Chew Mei Fun, she lose so badly in majority votes. This is only one case that happened in my life or my area, I believe there are more cases like this happened in other places. A Gerakan’s Chinese leader make a statement yesterday that Pak Lah shouldn’t so indecisive, in Chinese says “Trust” is the most important thing, without trust, nothing can be success. This “trust” is not only work in our business deal, yet it also works in politic. When a party that lost trust by citizen, what for it still beg for support? As you said, in 2004 Malaysian have given the biggest support to BN, maybe this can reflect that the more we hope, the more we feel disappointed. Everything is up in this 4 years time, cost of living, petrol, electric charges, water charges, houses and etc. In 4 years time, low cost houses price from the minimum RM35,000 increase to now become a medium cost house price in 2004 time which is around RM 70,000, yet Malaysian salary from year 2004 with average RM 1800 to now year 2008 with average RM 1850-1900? Is this situation a good one? And yet government keeps on demolish citizen’s houses without giving any compensation. Government says it is to develop our country and rumah papan should demolish. But now all the developers stop developing because of the cost of material increase madly. So in the end, houses demolish, citizen no compensation, no house to live, and yet no development.
One thing we may notice which is, Malaysian likes to have more election. Why? This is because before the election comes, BN member will only start giving sweets. But why through out 51 years, BN used the same method but they get a very positive feedback, yet in 2008 March, what they did is become so useless and meaningless? This is because Malaysian already adopted their style, Malaysian finally awake and they know that what they want is not sweets, but they want a well-developed country, a harmony community, a beautiful Malaysia, but not a corrupted country, not a high inflation rate country, not a country that their representative only know how to make empty promise.
I hope Tun will understand the poor citizen situation. I know Pak Lah is ignoring us, and keep on doing his own thing, I don’t know what is he busy with, as he said, being a PM is not an easy task, but in conclusion, can he cleverly step down and give this PM to a person that feel it is an easy task for him since he feels that being a PM is so tough.
Totally agree. A lot of people including me did vote out of protest as well..but credit must be given to the opposition for being able to unite.. unlike BN. Their unity caused the protest vote to unanimously be against BN and caused the major downfall.
ps – Although i don’t think Najib is also capable. What makes you think old Kuli can do the job. Would very much be interested to see your opinion on this
setiap kesalahan itu akan berbalas..kejayaan itu hanya dalam agama tun…rasa nya tun tak perlu berpolitik lagi..tun tumpukam dalam amal ibadat agama..kalau saya kaya macam tun..pasti saya dah pergi haji sekarang ni…bulan puasa ni tun kita jangan fitnah dan mengumpat…fitnah adalah tuduhan melulu tanpa usul periksa manakala mengumpat adalah perkara benar mengenai seseorang yang kita perkata tapi tidak disukai oleh pelakunya…politik ini kotor tun..tinggalkan politik buat lah amal ibadat utk hapus kan dosa dosa lama dan carilah keredhaan Allah… Tun…Insya’Allah Tun di buka hati oleh agar pilih jalan yg benar di usia yg tua ini..amiiin..
Hai Tun,
Saya tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan tun, election 1999 simpati pengundi kpd DSAI, Pengundi benci dengan cara kempimpinan Tun , kemerosotan ekonomi, bill out untuk syarikat-syarikat anak dan kroni, Tun cuba mengalihkan pandangan masyarakat dengan menghentam bukan seteru tun, Tun menggunakan sepenuhnya media yang dikuasai BN untuk mempromosi kempimpinan Tun dan melekehkan kempimpinan pemimpin lain. Akibatnya, bermulalah masyarakat mencari sumber-sumber berita selain dari berita yang dikeluarkan oleh media BN.
Implikasinya cukup besar, masyarakat mula sedar, mencari sumber-sumber berita dari setiap sudut.. mula membuat perbandingan antara media BN dan lain … ternyata berbeza, tepuk dada tanya selera..
Perubahan pemikiran masyarakat mula berbeza.. election 1999 bukti dan tanda masyarakat mula membenci kempimpinan BN pada masa itu.
> Renung-renungkan lah…..
> paklah tertekan..
> pembangkang menekan…
> melayu same melayu bermusuhan..
> cina n india bertepuk tangan…
> nak takluk malaysia da lama dorang idamkan…
> hak bumiputera bukan lagi satu keistimewaan…
> cina ngan india dah jadik johan!
> pkr mengganas…
> anwar kuarkan idea ‘bernas’…
> orang umno hati panas…
> mca n mic pandai nak kipas…
> DAP tetap pilihan cina n india yang teratas…
> dorang sokong PKR tu ader ‘nas’…
> pernah satu tmpt dimana ahli parlimen cina berkata…
> saya luar saja BN..dalam hati DAP juga..
> kenapa melayu buta mata?
> gaduh je yang dorang suke..
> kenapa?…nak tunjuk yang korang berkuasa?
> padehal negara di hujung nyawa..
> bumiputera dinafikan hak sekeras-kerasnya…
> itu ke yang orang melayu suka?
> demonstrasi sini sana …
> bikin kacau bilau satu negara…
> cina india duduk rumah gelak2 tgk brita…
> betapa orang melayu pun dah tak sekuat mana..
> mane melayu di masa muka?
> anak cucu korang gak yang jadi mangsa..
> di perak satu hal…
> cina diberi tanah hak milik kekal…
> di mana undang2 tubuh negeri perak tak pnh melakukan perkara sebegitu yg tak
> masuk akal…
> skrg melayu yg rugi n tertinggal…
> MB pun satu…rujukla org2 atau undang2 yang dah dibekal…
> jangan buat keputusan yang tak masuk akal…
> smate2 nak tunaikan janji mase plihanraye yg dah terlafaz..
> cina india otak bijak..
> skarang dorang sokong la PAS n PKR, lepas krajaan da jatuh,dorang akan
> pijak!
> kalau anwar jadi perdana menteri..
> jika ditakdirkan tuhan keesokkannyer dier mati…
> sape yang akan mengganti?
> ahli tertinggi PKR,cina dan india sedia menanti…
> orang melayu yang bijak n pandai n yg kuat PKR kan semua dah kuar parti…
> last2 cina india jadi perdana menteri..
> hak melayu slama-lamanya dinafi..
> di malaysia melayu jadi kuli..
> cina india suke hati lagi..
> ha melayu…nak sengih lagi?
> ade hati nak demonstrasi lagi?
> mase tu sape pun tak pduli
> pade dorang…lbih baik mlayu mati..
> skarang cina india tgh menanti..
> paklah undur,najib jadi pengganti…
> tapi bila najib jadi perdana menteri..
> cina/india dah buat prangkap lagi…
> najib akan terjerat oleh skandal sendiri…
> tyme ni cina n india hentam najib sparuh mati…
> hentaman ini akan berlaku dikala krajaan blom tetapkan penerus generasi
> perdana menteri…
> krajaan pade mase itu takkan dihormati…
> peristiwa 13 mei akan berlaku lagi…
> ha melayu…gelak la lagi..
> bergaduh la sesame sendiri…
> tak mustahil org melayu malaysia akan jadi spt org melayu di singapura…
> disekat keistimewaan di mana2..
> terabai seperti bangkai bernyawa..
> SAPE????????
Salam Tun
I cant resist myself about this comments By pits on September 12, 2008 9:19 AM
1)1 started work in 1985 wif rm750 salary and now it it rm4917.00 well mebbe only 6.67 times. Nowadays engineer started wif 4000.00 laaa.. got 2000.00 ka??errrmmm…
2)why is he/she comparing Malaysia with Australia?? why not compare us with Indonesia o Thailand o Filipines the African countries o at least Singapore?
3) He/she is only comparing the salary… what about education? Also free like us? how about the medical? Almost free like us ke?
How much is the cost of the taxi fare o the other public transport ?? How about the food? so much more..errrmm
4)Lets compare the way of living between Malaysia with the US instead… we dont have homeless like the US do.. well at least Malaysian have a place to live walaupun buruk dan kecil…
so maknanye Our Malaaysia are more richer and our BN are doing fine than US did…
Pengemis di jalanan kita tu lagi kaya dari sesetengah orang pon….ermmmm
5)During the budget BN decides to aid couple with kids a sum of RM2400 ..my fren at Singapore says that the got $6000.. i ask back are the population at Singapore reaches 23 mil like we do? NO!!!!
$6000 divides by 2.5 equals rm2400 also and yet BN still got to pay more sum because we have a much more population than they did… plis la tell him/her make a fair comparison laaaa
6)people are barking accusing the government are not doing well and yet what we people do to help..
What we do is quarelling amongst ourselves and hope govt do smtng
What we do is speeding at highways and hope govt do something
What we do is throw rubbish as we like and hope govt do smtng..
What we do is do this and do that and not doing this and not doing that and hope government do something….
and at the end the govt is to be blame..*sigh*
The mentality of the people represent the Nation.. The paradigm of us n people like him/her not the govt itself is to be changed!!!
7) How does he/she knows the Anwar best fit the govt? He was in the govt before and things becomes worst!!! Who knows Anwar will drag us from good to worst!!! *sigh*
8) And if he really is good la katakan… governing people who never satisfy will ends Malaysia to Doomsday also… so rasionally we maintain Our BN and let them improve with the our participation laaaa… Haiyyyya!!!!
last but not least Tun… Please really really come back…
Obviously i admit Paklah tak sesuai memerintah. He is weak at my eye..our govt can become bad from good with him up there. Let somebody else take over kerja banyak yang Pak Lah katakan tu..
Tak gitu Tun? ehehhh..
Just a food for thought..
Salam Tun,
What is needed now is for you to bring those who are corrupt in the current administration down and expose them for what they are – swindler’s of our national wealth. I am sure you have enough clout in the Police and BPR to make this happen. I am also sure that you can get the evidence required. Do not think too much about the consequences, the rakyat are prepared to face them. It is time that you as an influential leader do something solid and practical instead of just blogging about the weaknesses of the current UMNO. As I am sure you realise, exposing weaknesses through blogs is the bottom rung of defiance. We the rakyat need action and brave men to pursue these actions. If not you who will stand up to the 4th Floor? Who is brave enough? Whatever the cost, the corrupt in the administration must be brought down, and Tun, even if bringing them down means you run the risk of bringing yourself down too, I think you still have to make an attempt. After all, you were also instrumental in taking in these young tigers to help run Malayia Inc. I apologise if I am being too harsh here Tun, but I and many others simply cannot tolerate what these people are doing to the country. We are desperate for some changes to happen and happen fast. The rakyat and the Country cannot bear much more. I believe you are an honourable person Tun and will do what is necessary to purge the Government of all these leeches. May God bless your efforts. Wassalam
Tun my idol,
Saya berharap Tun Masuk dalam Parti UMno , Pimpin lah BN kemercu kejayaan, supaya kemakmuran di bumi malaysia ini tetap terpelihara.
Cuma saya pinta sesiapa saja nak jadi ketua atau pemimpin dalam umno mesti lah ada kelulusan akademik sekurang2 nya siswazah.kalau boleh biarlah saorang yang dah phd lagi bagus.
Thank you for bringing up the issue and I am very glad you decide to re-join UMNO and come back to clean-up some of the failure and mess created by you accidentally and unintentionally. You are 101% wrong that the citizen vote against Pak Lah, Malaysian voted against UMNO because UMNO is too arrogant and too bumi-centered. Malaysians want a true Malaysian party to lead the country.
If your come-back were to make you to become someone powerful again, please remember not to repeat the same mistake of using race and religion based politics, which has proven be to out-dated and ineffective. You should use substance and action based politics then Malaysians can finally enjoy genuine and hard-working leaders to look-after their affairs. Get-rid of all those money craze, lazy, talk nonsense, out-dated and want to enjoy the privilege only but donât want to work politicians.
why “we burn the mosquito net because of one mosquito”……?
Maybe its because : –
1) the net has too many leakages / holes in it that it has reached a point of no return to fix it. Therefore, it is no just the problem of one mosquito today, but many more tomorrow, and the day after that, and so on…….?
2) the net has become smelly and stained and no longer washable. The net has become obsolete?
3) there is a potentially a better mosquito net on the market (PR), why not try that out!? There is not much to lose anyway as the old net does not do the job anyway!
nothing to complaint
u truth tun
you are genius Tun.
Good Morning My honourable with full respect Tun,
I 100% agree what you have mention aboved.Please Please Come Back to umno and clear all the mess that has been created.Where No mat rempits/robberies/killings for surviving/economy crisis …..etc
I have faith on you Tun.
Proud to be malaysian
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
I am so happy to hear that you will be coming back to UMNO. Hopefuly the UMNO MT will make the decision quick. I am so worried whether Malaysia is ready to face another economic tsunami next year as many of the economist predicted. Knowing our current PM who is always sleeping and couldnt care less about it, makes me feel so worried. Japan will be hit by end of this year. I hope we are already set to face it by the time it reach us.
I rememberred reading the article from Nor Mohammed Yaakob on how serious you were on finding the ways to overcome the disaster during the last economic downturn. I have doubts that our current PM have the same passion and interest on this issue. With the higher cost of living and the political tensions happening now; i just hope that it is not too late for us to take preventive actions.
Selamat berbuka ayahanda Tun.
I agreed with your assestment.
I come from Kedah and the sentiment there was no matter what race we come from , we talk about the weak leadership of AAB and how arrogant the are their cabinet members .So dissapointed to the fact that a lot of non malays even voted for PAS candidate as a protest to the current goverment.The chinese are 99% against PAS as it is a religion based party but yet they just vote for them as they have no other choice to tell the goverment how frustrated and dissapointed they are.
I am not talking about certain group of people here. Be it professional , towkays , fisherman and petani all complained on the weak leadership of AAB as our daily living are getting harder and harder.
I find it ironic that AAB said that he is not staying on as PM for the pleasure of it and one of the reason is to eradicate hardcore poverty.
Still his action speak otherwise. By increasing the petrol price without any clear plan and strategy to counter inflation , he have in actual fact create more hardcore poverty people! I am really baffled to how does our PM think sometime. All his speeches are like reading story books . Worse of all , his reading are really bad with no emotion and appreciation to what he is reading!It’s really sad to have this kind of PM who know how to sleep and give his ” dungu smiling face “.The 2009 budget is a flop and can clearly seen as a polital budget rather than for the growth of our economy and social life.
Ok, we all know that DSAAB is extremely weak in running the Government. We know that we need to remove this “nyamuk” from the office. And how are we supposed to do that?
UMNO had a chance to oust him when there was a vote of no confidence being circulated a few months ago. But what happened to that? They did nothing. I can’t believe that UMNO people would still consider PakLah as the best the country has, yet they didn’t take the chance to oust him. For this, I think UMNO is either super-stupid, or they have no balls.
Lets see what happens when the Tun reenters UMNO and shouts the call for new management. Maybe then UMNO people within will grow back some balls.
1. PRU11 (2004): BN received its best results –
a) The handing over of the Premiership went well;
b) The âFEEL GOODâ feelings of most Malaysian were translated into their votes for the Government of the day;
c) Many of the rakyat thought that Pak Lah WAS A BETTER CHOICE COMPARED WITH NAJIB!
f) The economy was good; the country was peaceful; the crime rate was manageable; and everyone was looking forward to continue progressing towards Vision 2020!
2. PRU12 (2008): BN received its worst results –
a) The handing over of the Premiership was wrong!
b) The âFEEL GOODâ feelings of most Malaysian has turned to âFEEL BADâ and were translated into their votes against the Government of the day;
f) The economy was bad; the country was not peaceful; the crime rate had increased to beyond manageable level; and everyone was looking forward to âWHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO US TOMORROW!â
2. PRU13 (2012): BN received its DEATH CERTIFICATE –
a) The handing over of the Premiership TO NON-UMNO LEADER!
b) The âHAVE NO OTHER CHOICEâ feelings of most Malaysian would translate into votes against the BN Government;
f) Hopefully, the economy will be good; hopefully, the country will be peaceful; hopefully, the crime rate will be eradicated; and hopefully, there will be a better tomorrow!
Dear Tun
People have rejected Barisan due to UMNO’s leaders’ arrogance and our present Prime Minister’s slowness to act on these leaders. It shows the community that UMNO is unfair towards other races. If AAB had acted immediately on these people, none would come out with more racists remarks and every respect for UMNO as our leader would not be eroded. Like Nik Aziz said, the Government should have acted immediately on Ahmad. To win the people back, you must be fair. If you or UMNO keep ignoring this fact, then UMNO is really doomed coz only the die-hard UMNO members support UMNO. Haven’t you read comments by reasonable, non-racists UMNO members in the papers and online who expressed their disgust about the arrogance and racists UMNO remarks that they too voted for the opposition. They said it made them feel ashamed because they are not racists but some stupid racsts UMNO leaders make them look like one. Dear Tun, put yourself in the shoes of the minority, see how it feels like to be bullied. If you still have compasion and empathy, then you will feel for others.
Dear Tun,
Masaalahnya sekarang kelambu BN dah banyak berlobang tak bertukar-tukar dah 50 puloh tahun . Akhirnya dikoyak rabakkan oleh nyamuk tingkat 4. Tak ditampal lobangnya maka nyamuk sekor ni susah nak dibunuh pasal ada “nyamuk hitam” bermaharajalela memberi “moral support”.
i don’t want anwar to be the pm and pkr to replace the current government (BN), by whatever means.
abdullah badawi is a very weak leader. he is so much responsible for what’s going on right now..i’ve never felt so insecure like this be4.
jumping ship/lompat party? if it is true, where r your pride guys? i/voters/rakyat voted for u under the name of BN, and this is what u repay me/us?
to pemuda umno,pls make sure that dato mukhriz is our new ketua pemuda,not kj.
selamat berpuasa.
Melihat keputusan hukuman yang diambil PAK LAH terhadap Ahmad Ismail kelmarin umpama satu penampar buat ORANG MELAYU.
Jujurnya saya tidak menyokong apa yang diperkatakan Ahmad Ismail, tetapi ingin saya nyatakan di sini kes Ahmad Ismail yang dikatakan berbaur perkauman tidak diadili seadil-adilnya sebagaimana kes-kes perkauman yang berlaku sebelum ini seperti kes Ronnie Liu, Wee Meng Chee, Hindraf dan sebagainya.
Tindakan diambil ke atas seorang pemimpin MELAYU yang dikatakan ‘racist’ sedang kes-kes sebelum ini yang berlaku di kalangan pemimpin BUKAN MELAYU tidak diperbesarkan atau tidak pernah pun soal ‘racist’ diungkapkan.
Adakah ini kerana ORANG MELAYU adalah kaum pribumi atau bumiputra TANAH MELAYU sebelumnya atau MALAYSIA amnya?
Persoalan saya mengapa kes Ahmad Ismail tidak diselidik dari segi kebenaran ucapan, teks, video dan sebagainya sebagaimana yang dikatakannya apabila beliau mempertahankan diri dengan mengatakan ucpannya adalah berkenaan soal pra-kemerdekaan?
Mengapa tidak ada sebarang kajian mengenai kebenaran ucapan Ahmad Ismail dan wartawan Sin Chew Daily, Tan Hoon Cheng, orang pertama melaporkan berita tersebut tidak disoal siasat terlebih dahulu?
Mengapa pula pemimpin-pemimpin dari kaum Cina terutamanya dari parti Gerakan seolah-olah melompat kerana terus mendesak menuntut permohonan maaf tanpa sebarang usul selidik?
Dan mengapa PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA iaitu PAK LAH turut melompat atas desakan,gesaan dan tuntutan dari kaum bukan Melayu?
Hakikatnya, PAK LAH yang memberi ruang lebih luas kebebasan bersuara. Kini beliau telah terperangkap di atas polisi yang beliau laksanakan. PAK LAH tidak dapat mengekang atau mengawal bentuk pemerintahannya malah mengambil tindakan atas desakan pihak ketiga. Samalah kesnya dengan kes Tun Salleh Abbas yang mendapat bayaran ex-gratia atas desakan Majlis Peguam.
Maka akan bertambah banyak lagi kes yang bakal dilihat diputuskan PAK LAH bagi memuaskan hati pihak ketiga dan menyelesaikan masalah yang berpunca dari PAK LAH sendiri.
Hukuman ke atas Ahmad Ismail adalah bukti kelemahan sistem pentadbiran yang digunapakai PAK LAH.
Bagi saya sekarang ‘BERTINDAK ATAS DESAKAN’ dan ‘MERAWAT BUKANNYA MENCEGAH’ adalah trademark sistem pemerintahan PAK LAH.
Satu soalan, apakah PAK LAH masih relevan sebagai PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA?
PETITION ONLINE MENDESAK PM MALAYSIA PAK LAH UNTUK MELETAK JAWATAN dianjurkan dari laman web PetitionOnline.com, petition online tersebut percuma di:
Soalannya tun : SIAPAKAH NYAMUK ITU???
rasanya semua orang pun tahu siapakah nyamuk itu.. yang selalu terngiang-ngiang di telinga kita.. dan merimaskan kita.
Masalahnya.., nyamuk ini sangat taksub dgn kuasa dan pangkat yang ada padanya. Dia seperti hidup dalam dunianya sendiri.. dan tidak lagi mempedulikan kata-kata orang lain. Hanya penasihat2 yg di sukainya saja di dengar pendapatnya..
Ini sudah samalah macam – kisah Maharaja yg tidak memakai apa-apa itu! (The emperor who wears no cloth)
sangat klasik perangainya..
Harapannya – kalau benar tun kembali kepada umno.., keluarkan lah nyamuk-nyamuk ini! sebab dia nyamuk – maka tamparlah nyamuk ini.. biar dia tidak lagi mengganggu kita.
Kalau tidak di perbetulkan segera – maka negara kita akan terus di lupakan dari peta perdagangan dunia.. dan kita hanya akan melihat Vietman dan Laos meninggalkan kita.. dari segi ekonomi dan FDI.
harap di pertimbangkan pandangan saya ni Tun.
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Your statement #18 : What needs to be done is to get rid of the mosquito but continue to use the net.
You are absolutely right, I like !!! …we must get rid of the mosquito or rather mosquitosss IMMEDIATELY before they sting more and infection will be a disaster.
Have a great weekend to you and your family and kim salam pada Bonda TSH.
~ SNSO ~
Dear Tun,
Come think of it, Lets say when Tun come back and manage to restore UMNO to its former self. What is going to happen to the 4th floor? Are those guys going to get booted? If they do get booted is 4th floor going to be vacant? If its vacant, boleh ka saya sewa?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
After reading all those comments, why only now majority Malaysian realized how important to have Tun as our PM. I still remember when a group of people insisted Tun to step down just for the sake of Anwar. Just look at what is happening now. You may have led the country for 22 years and whats wrong with you leading it until now? I strongly believed Malaysian will be totally different by now if you are still our PM.
I dunno…..betul apa yang Tun pernah sebut…..DS Abdullah Badawi ( the present “some” Malaysian PM…..off course not my PM )…..ADA MATA TIDAK TAPI BUTA, ADA TELINGA TIDAK BOLEH MENDENGAR. Tapi yang lebih teruk AAB – “tidak ada harga diri”…..tu saja
Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya buat Tun dan Isteri yang akan saya sekeluarga menyayangi dan mengingati hingga akhir hayat kami.
Assalammualaikum Tun,
Inilah yang membezakan Tun dengan pemimpin UMNO yang lain, setiap hujan Tun tersusun dan penuh dengan fakta. Saya sokong 100% pendapat Tun. Saya mempunyai ramai kawan yang berbilang bangsa, kebanyakan mereka memangkah pembangkang pada PRU 12 kerana marahkan AAB, bukannya marahkan BARISAN NASIONAL mereka nak humban AAB jauh-jauh dari pentadbiran negara.
Manakala isu perkauman yang semakin panas sekarang, sebenarnya berpunca daripada perogol bersiri yang begitu popular dinegara kita sekarang ini. akibat kemaruk giler nak berkuasa dia sanggup lakukan ape saje… silap-silap jual anak dengan bini dia sekalipun dia sanggup, maklumlah isteri diakan isteri misalli, sanggup buat apa saja untuk sang suami termasuk jual bodynya sekali. Tangki najis nilah yang telah mencanangkan isu perkauman, ditambah pulak dengan senator tak sedar diri yang kononnya nak memperkasakan badan kehakiman, tak pasal-pasal berjuta-juta duit rakyat dia taburkan kepada hakim-hakim penyangak yang kena pecat, kononnya sebagai tanda nak minta maaf. Yang peliknya hakim-hakim ni dah tua rumah kata pergi kubur kata mari tapi masih lagi nak sebat duit rakyat tak puas-puas lagi ke makan rasuah masa diorang jadi hakim dulu.
Selain dari itu senator haprak nilah yang telah memberi lampu hijau kepada bar councial yang membolehkan mereka mengadakan perbincangan terbuka tentang hak-hak keistimewaan orang melayu, yang mana telah menambahkan lagi bahang api perkauman…dalam bar councial tukan ramai puak-puak tuuuu…Begitu juga di Selangor, situa ganyut yang kedut seribu tu, baru dapat tahkta kerajaan dah cerita pasal kandang babi dan baru-baru ni nak buka 10% kuota UITM pada non-bumi. Manakala di Perak pula musang berjanggut yang menjadi patung boneka parti pembangkang, tak berapa hari memerintah dah banyak tanah kat perak diaorang sedekah kat non-bumi.
Daripada pengamatan saya, pengkhianat-pengkhianat, bangsat-bangsat, perompak-perompak serta tak lupa perogol bersiri ini semua telah mencabar maruah dan kesabaran orang melayu yang hanya menunggu masa untuk meletup demi kepentingan diri dan suku-sakatnya. Agaknya datuk,nenek moyang diaorang ni semua ade yang berketurunan yahudi kot.. kerana hati-hati diorang ni semua macam hati kafir yahudi.
Sepanjang tempoh beberapa bulan pembangkang memerintah di 4 buah negeri yang mereka menangi ada tak mereka mengetengahkan isu untuk kebaikan orang melayu kandang babi & kuota 10% UITM diselangor, pemberian tanah & sitem raja berpelembagaan diperak, isu NEP & hak keistimewaan orang melayu di Kuala Lumpur, semuanya untuk kebaikan bangsa lain, melayu ada apa ? satu habok pun takda, padahal Malaysia ni bumi orang melayu.
Tapi melayu bodoh, pekak & buta kerana masih menyokong pembangkang yang nyata mahu menghakis hak-hak orang melayu. Jika di singapore orang cina menghakis kuasa orang melayu hingga cina berkuasa, tapi di Malaysia orang melayu sendiri yang menghakis hak-hak orang melayu hinggakan mungkin suatu hari nanti kuasa yang ada pada orang melayu akan jatuh kepada bangsa lain
Ybgh Tun.
Setuju dengan hasil kajian yang Tun buat tu. Memang pengundi amat meluat dengan DSAAB. Yang pasti kaum melayu meluat dengan beliau, kaum China dan India , mungkin saperti yang Tun katakan.
Apa yang malang nya, kebaculan MKT UMNO dan kedungguan mereka. Mereka buta dan tuli. Hanya Dr. Khir Toyo dan Tan Sri Muhyiddin yang berani menyuarakan disamping anak Tun sendiri Dato Mukriz. Yang lain macam lembu.
DSAAB yang perasan rakyat mengharap beliau membetulkan keadaan dan memikut tanggung jawab negara. Banyak kerja dan tanggungjawab yang perlu beliau bereskan, konon. Saya seorang dari rakyat malaysia ini, memaklumkan kepada DSAAB, letaklah jawatan, saya dah tak perlukan Dato , tak tekilan pun.
Senantiasa mendoakan kebahagian dan kesejahteraan Tun.
Dah boring dengan citer pasal me LAYU, sejak dari zaman MELAKA sampai bila bila meLAYU tetep LAYU. CUMA 5% shj melayu yang tak berfikiran meLAYU. Mcm UMNO BUKIT BENDERA PULAU PINANG.
“Kota ini pemikir-pemikir dan pencipta-pencipta seni bentuknya mempunyai hati yang damai. Kota ini adalah kota nostalgia yang mengimbau kisah kemakmuran masa lampau. Kota ini adalah kota kepada pemikir-pemikir yang berjaya dan budiman. Kota ini adalah kota yang ingin membuktikan kebenaran yang terbit dan lahir dari sudut hati yang paling dalam…”
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah Tun Dr.Mahathir bin Mohamad yang budiman. Saya mendoakan agar Tun senantiasa sihat, panjang umur dan dirahmati oleh Allah S.W.T selalu. Shalawat salam juga saya berikan kepada Nabi junjungan kita nabi Muhammad Sallallahi alaihi ali wassalam.
Salam hormat dan salam penuh kaseh sayang saya ucapkan kepada Tun.
Sudah lama sebenarnya saya mahu ketemu Tun Dr. Mahathir disini.
Akhirnya, bertemu jua saya dengan pujangga yang sedang berkata-kata, yang masih lagi teguh berdiri untuk berkata-kata, dan yang tidak berhenti untuk berkata-kata mahupun berhenti untuk berkata-kata demi menyampaikan maksud zahiriah dan lahiriah yang disusuli keupayaan minda kurniaan Yang Maha Esa melalui zath’ rahsiaNya yang tersembunyi.
Tun Dr.Mahathir yang saya hormati,
Saya telahpun mengabadikan cerita tentang Kota Putrajaya, kota yang dibina oleh Tun didalam buku cerita saya. Jikalau Tun ada kesempatan dan kelapangan, dengan mata hati, iman dan minda yang terbuka, Tun lawatlah laman blog saya yang tidak seberapa itu.
Saya menulis dengan Cinta, Kaseh Sayang dan Air mata.
Salam hormat, salam penuh kaseh sayang,
Dear Tun,
Gantikan kelambu untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik dan selamat boleh dizinkan , kecuali jangan gantikan kelambu “tempat orang dah confirm buat maksiat” !!! Menjijikan !!!
Tapi zaman sekarang ini kalau kita duduk di “kediaman condo mewah” tidak perlu guna kelambu lagi !! Bebas dari “nyamuk haprak dan HP6”.Itu sebab orang dah jarang pakai kelambu lagi. Mereka tidak takut dengan nyamuk tapi takut dengan CCTV !!
Dearest Tun,
1. saya tidak setuju kesemua pendapat TUN. BN kalah pada 2008 ada banyak sebabnya. Pak-lah cuma antara sebab yang utama. Isu-isu macam rasuah, Hulur Keris , kroni-kroni , kata kata sesetengah orang umno yang semakin racist, MCA dan gerakan yang tidak berani menyuarakan pandangan, ekonomi yang kian merosot. banyak sebab BN kalah.
2. Tun nak Pak Lah turun. Tapi kalau paklah turun, siapa yang layak naik jadi PM? Najib? banyak yang rasa dia tidak clean. orang lain? saya tidak nampak siapa yang layak di dalam umno sekarang. Siapa naik pun, keadaan tetap sama. Umno sekarang kekurangan pemimpin yang berupaya, yang boleh meyakinkan semua rakyat.
3. Oleh itu, Anwar menjadi pilihan sesetengah orang. Saya tidak suka anwar juga. Saya rasa dia mungkin mampu dan berpengalaman memimpin malaysia, tetapi saya risau kerana track record dia sebelum ini.
4.Apa yang rakyat mahu? sebuah kerajaan yang besih, pemimpin yang adil dan saksama, tidak racist, tidak ada rasuah , tidak ada isu-isu perkauman, adakah susah sangat ? banyak pemimpin yang pentingkan kekayaan dirinya saja. Dia orang mengaut keuntungan sebanyak yang mungkin sementara dia masih ada kuasa. ini membuat rakyat kecewa dengan politik.
5. Lihatlah jiran kita singapore. Dia orang kian maju, sudah pun capai developed country beberapa tahun yang lepas. Tetapi kita masih di tempat yang sama.
6. Mengapa singapore boleh maju? kerajaan dia tidak rasuah, efficient. Mengapa ini penting? contoh: malaysia membuat satu tender jambatan, macam macam kos kena ditambah masuk, duit untuk pegawai supaya project lulus , cuma syarikat melayu boleh dapat project( sebab dia ada bumiputera status license . Dia yang dapat project cuma sub project kepada contractor kecil,dia sendiri tak buat, kerjanya dapat project saja. kadang-kadang project di sub lagi. semua orang mahu untung besar. Habis, apabila project akhirnya sampai contractor kecil, untung sudah jadi tipis. Tetapi Dalam konteks malaysia, jangan risau, dia masih boleh untung lagi. Dia akan mengunakan barangan low grade untuk cover balik untung dia sendiri. Habis, pegawai akan lulus ke ? Jangan risau, semuanya boleh settle selagi ada duit. ini cerita di malaysia. Kerajaan akhirnya belanja besar , tetapi dapat barangan low qualiti, boleh maju ke?
7. cerita di singapore pula lain. Tender itu transperent, semua orang mempunyai status yang sama. semua orang boleh masuk tander. habis semua orang kena fight dari segi harga, kualiti barangan, pengalaman. dengan itu, kerajaan singapore dapat membeli barang yang berkualiti dengan harga yang berpatutan. ini sebab dia maju. Di malaysia, semuanya boleh rasuah, semua boleh settle. mana boleh maju?
8. Kita perlu sebuah kerajaan yang besih, itu saja. Tak kira dia dari BN atau PKR. Selagi rasuah tidak boleh banteras, selagi negara kita tidak akan maju.
9. Saya tidak begitu setuju dengan Dasar ekonomi baru. idea asal ia baik, tetapi di salah gunakan. Orang miskin tetap miskin, yang kaya raya cuma mereka yang pandai dapat project, yang pandai rasuah, yang banyak contact, yang banyak cable besar dalam kerajaan. Bukan mereka yang pandai buat kerja, mereka yang usaha betul betul, mereka yang rajin. Kalau budak budak dari kecil lagi sudah mempunyai konsep seperti ini, bolehkah negara kita maju?
10. Saya cintai malaysia, sebab saya orang malaysia. Tetapi saya sedih dengan malaysia.
i got this from a friends in my email..funny..
Rasuah sayang eh
Rasuah Sayang Sayang eh,
He lihat Pak Lah tidur
Rasa sayang sayang eh,
Budak mongolia di luar pagar,
Ambil C4 tolong bombkan,
Saya budak baru nak mengajar,
Kalau salah you duduk diam – diam.
Rasuah sayang eh
Rasuah sayang sayang eh
Eh lihat Zam bodoh rasa sayang sayang eh
Zainuddin kita nak marah al – jazeera,
tapi sendiri tak berpengetahuan,
Mungkinkah belajar dari Mara,
Kerana jawapannya macam ketam.
Rasuah sayang
Eh rasuah sayang sayang Eh
Eh lihat parliment rasa sayang sayang eh
Parliment kita macam zoo negara,
Penuh dengan banyak binatang,
Ada beruk, monyet dan kera,
Kalau pergi sana bawalah kacang,
Rasuah Sayang
Eh rasuah sayang sayang eh
Eh lihat rempit jauh rasa sayang sayang eh
Khari kata rempit sangat terer,
Mereka ialah mat cemerlang,
Otaknya sekarang entah mana,
Mungkin nak jadi rempit di longkang.
Rasuah sayang eh rasuah sayang sayang eh
Eh lihat bola kita jauh rasa sayang sayang eh
Dulu kita main bola peringkat antarabangsa,
Sekarang main macam ketam,
Kalah 5 – 1 kepada Cina,
Semalam pula kalah kepada Vietnam .
Rasuah Sayang Eh
Rasuah Sayang Sayang Eh
Eh lihat Indonesia jauh rasa sayang sayang eh
Rasa sayang milik Indonesia
Malaysia kata mereka punya
Otak engkau lagu ini milik kita
Kita punya Rasuah sayang sebenarnya
Rasuah sayang eh
rasuah sayang sayang eh
Eh lihat polis jauh rasa sayang sayang eh
Bila nak tiba hari raya
Polis kita merata rata
Muka mereka semacam saja
Bagi IC dan ringgit Malaysia
Rasuah sayang eh
rasuah sayang sayang eh
Eh lihat Pak Lah tidur rasa sayang sayang eh
Air di Johor melimpah limpah
Pak lah beli rumah di Australia
Bila Mahathir kita marah
Dia kata rumah itu orang lain pula.
Rasuah sayang
Eh rasuah sayang sayang eh
Eh Malaysia hancur rasa sayang sayang eh
salam ayahda Tun ,selamat berpuasa…. selamat kembali kepada UMNO kerana hanya Tun yang saya yakin boleh pulihkan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional…Tun lebih tahu masaalah UMNO daripada Pak Lah yang lemah dan degil.Saya hairan kenapa Pak Lah tak faham2 kehendak rakyat.Sampaikan menteri kabinetnya sendiri pun dah bosan dengan sikapnya.
Tolonglah Tun sebelum parti keramat melayu ini berkubur….begitu saja.Semoga Tun panjang umur agar dapat pulihkan maruah parti orang melayu ini.
Salam TUN.
18.What needs to be done is to get rid of the mosquito but continue to use the net.
What a beautiful phrase.
AAB tu memang sombong dan angkuh. Dah tu pulak lupa diri dan tamak pulak.
Dia masih bermimpi konon nya rakyat masih suka dan menyokong kepimpinan nya. SYOK sendiri…..
Dia tak pernah melihat cara mendalam kenapa BN kalah teruk PRU12.
Dalam statements nya semalam dia kata ada banyak kerja yang belum selesai yang nak diselesaikan sebelum dia menyerahkan bangku PM pada najib. Dan dia perlukan waktu selama itu untuk melihat kejayaan nya.Dan Najib bolih relax masa tu nanti setelah semua masaalah telah selesai. Semua projek nya telah berhasil.
Dia terlupa(Melayu mudah lupa) Waktu TUN nak serahkan baton pada dia,saya rasa TUN tak ada katapun nak tunggu sampai jambatan bengkok tu siap.Tak kata pun nak tunggu rail kereta api berkembar siap. Tak dengar pun TUN kata nak lihat semua projek yang telah TUN ilhamkan atau dalam perbinaan siap baru nak lepaskan jawatan.
TUN bagi tempuh pun hanya satu tahun untuk buat peralihan.
Semoga kepulangan TUN kepangkuan UMNO dapat memperbetulkan segala kerosakan yang telah si DOLLAH & SONS SDN.BHD. telah lakukan.
Semoga berjaya TUN dan TSMY serta KU LI.
Hello Tun,
1. I think the biggest “nyamuk” was you; and it’s outside the net now… can’t do anything much… LOL!!!!!!
2. Do you think Najib is better???? C’mon Tun, you should know him better than me…Let’s put it this way, are you willing to marry your daughter to him????? Answer this to yourself…
3. Tun, the problem here is not Pak Lah alone, it’s everybody in UMNO…. this problem can’t be resolved by burning the “mosquito net” alone; the whole house need to be burn… As I said, you should know better than me…
Dear Tun,
Please watch your steps if you are really planning to rejoin UMNO. I think there have being too many mosquitoes in the net already which may need you to burn the net for the good sake!
It is good if you could burn it and buy a “new mosquitoes net” but make sure it is a new product-“take this chance to reform certain policies-especially the NEP & Social Contract which always carry the most controversial amongst the races”.
Selamat berpuasa.
Salam Tun,
“Ini sahaja negara yang kita ada. Kita tidak agungkan negara lain selain negara ini. Mari lakukan sesuatu untuk negara ini bagi keharmonian seluruh warganya.”
“Mari bersatu dibawah satu budaya, bahasa dan pendidikan yang sama. Jika tidak persilalah ke mana-mana jua”.
“rid of the mosquito but continue to use the net.”
But we were used to have the leech, remember?
dicopy n paste drp emel yg diforwardkan kpd saya..
i’m very terrified if this thing happens..
Renung-renungkan lah..
paklah tertekan.
pembangkang menekan…
melayu same melayu bermusuhan..
cina n india bertepuk tangan…
nak takluk malaysia da lama dorang idamkan…
hak bumiputera bukan lagi satu keistimewaan. ..
cina ngan india dah jadik johan!
pkr mengganas…
anwar kuarkan idea ‘bernas’…
orang umno hati panas…
mca n mic pandai nak kipas…
DAP tetap pilihan cina n india yan g teratas…
dorang sokong PKR tu ader ‘nas’…
pernah satu tmpt dimana ahli parlimen cina berkata…
saya luar saja BN..dalam hati DAP juga..
kenapa melayu buta mata?
gaduh je yan g dorang suke..
kenapa?…nak tunjuk yang korang berkuasa?
padehal negara di hujung nyawa..
bumiputera dinafikan hak sekeras-kerasnya. .
itu ke yang orang melayu suka?
demonstrasi sini sana …
bikin kacau bilau satu negara…
cina india duduk rumah gelak2 tgk brita…
betapa orang melayu pun dah tak sekuat mana..
mane melayu di masa muka?
anak cucu korang gak yang jadi mangsa..
di perak satu hal..
cina diberi tanah hak milik kekal…
di mana undang2 tubuh negeri perak tak pnh melakukan perkara sebegitu yg tak masuk akal…
skrg melayu yg rugi n tertinggal.. .
MB pun satu…rujukla org2 atau undang2 yang dah dibekal…
jangan buat keputusan yang tak masuk akal…
smate2 nak tunaikan janji mase plihanraye yg dah terlafaz..
cina india otak bijak..
skarang dorang sokong la PAS n PKR, lepas krajaan da jatuh,dorang akan pijak!
kalau anwar jadi perdana menteri..
jika ditakdirkan tuhan keesokkannyer dier mati…
sape yang akan mengganti?
ahli tertinggi PKR,cina dan india sedia menanti…
orang melayu yang bijak n pandai n yg kuat PKR kan semua dah kuar parti…
last2 cina india jadi perdana menteri..
hak melayu slama-lamanya dinafi..
di malaysia melayu jadi kuli..
cina india suke hati lagi..
ha melayu…nak sengih lagi?
ade hati nak demonstrasi lagi?
mase tu sape pun tak pduli
pade dorang…lbih baik mlayu mati..
skarang cina india tgh menanti..
paklah undur,najib jadi pengganti…
tapi bila najib jadi perdana menteri..
cina /india dah buat prangkap lagi…
najib akan terjerat oleh skandal sendiri…
time ni cina n india hentam najib sparuh mati..
hentaman ini akan berlaku dikala krajaan blom tetapkan penerus generasi perdana menteri…
krajaan pade mase itu takkan dihormati…
peristiwa 13 mei akan berlaku lagi…
ha melayu…gelak la lagi..
bergaduh la sesame sendiri…
tak mustahil org melayu malaysia akan jadi spt org melayu di singapura…
disekat keistimewaan di mana2..
terabai seperti bangkai bernyawa..
fikirkan kebenaran sebalik sindiran…
UTUSAN – Abdullah terkejut
PUTRAJAYA 11 Sept. â Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi terkejut dengan tindakan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin mempersoalkan tarikh peralihan kuasa pucuk pimpinan tertinggi negara yang telah dipersetujui pada 2010….
BERITA HARIAN – ‘Muhyiddin mengejutkan’
PM kesal anggota Kabinet buat kenyataan bertentangan dengan apa yang dipersetujui
Abdullah menegaskan masih banyak tanggungjawab yang perlu dilaksanakan dan masalah yang harus diselesaikannya sebaik mungkin….
Dear Tun and fellow commentators:
Selamat berpuasa.
I think even if the mosquito is exterminated, the net could not be used unless it is wash with Dettol, dry in a hot drier and iron with a steam iron.
The mosquito net has been used for 51 years. Please clean up or it will be replaced. Period.
But stop all the racists remarks exchanges and hatred spreading. Everyone is equal. Rights already been constituted. There is no doubts about this.
Human have gone to the moon and preparing to go to Mars. Even the US is preparing for a black president. Here in “Bolehland” people are arguing who is the superior race. What about record inflation, high fuel prices and cost of living, unemployment, high crime rate. Those who has so much time and energy calling for press conference, tearing down photos should channel their energy to combat all these issues instead. What a shame.
Malaysia Boleh?
We can all see that the BN MPs no longer respect our PM anymore. They are saying and doing things that goes against the BN & UMNO constituiton…!
That’s why BN is having its own internal bleeding………!
Salam Tun
Apa kata sekarang kita beri sokongan penuh kepada Tan Sri Muhidin sepenuhnya.
Selamat Berpuasa
you are right tun,,
selamat berpuasa and may good bless you always…
if you don’t mind, can you give me your postal address?
I want to send the hari raya card to you as soon as possible..
thank you..
If we don’t try out the aerosol spray like Bygon or Sheltox, how are we going to know that whether insecticide can be much more efficate than the mosquitoe net in killing the mosquitoes?
Why don’t we just give the alternative parties a chance to rule the country for one term and see how well they can perform for 4 or 5 years? That will not burn off the mosquitoe net nor cause an extinction to Barisan Nasional!
Dear Tun,
The Chinese had been a great supporter for BN while you were still PM.
The reasons why Chinese/Indians voted opposition are due to a few reasons, as some of them you explained well in pt#15 :
(1) It is a protest against the poor leadership of the BN, rather than the BN itself….
There were many discrimination remarks against the Chinese by some Ministers. The current leader did not act on it. The MCA leader just kept quite. We think it is a disgrace and disrepect. We never question the rights of Malay but we do not want to be humiliated
(2) The people saw a BN leader who was indecisive.
Yes! flip-flopping policy shows how short-sighted they are. They cannot compare to Tun who can see far ahead.
(3) unable to stimulate the economy.putting his family’s interest above that of State
I think they are trying hard to expense taxpayer’s money for their own interest via his s-i-l business.
So, from 308 election, it shows the Malaysian are not stupid! Of course, we do not want 916, but the existing government continue to rot, so what else can we do?
And the question lies, can we save our nation? Or we shall see the same fate as in Zimbabwe, the inflations shoot astronomically; the Thais with their closed-down government; the Philipines with the relentless Moro fighting; or the old repulic of Jugo (People’s Rep of Federated Yugoslavia) with their racial issues.
The uncertainties fate of 27 millions Malaysian can only be answered by only few key persons, but will they make good decision?
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Liat sungguh “mosquito” tuh.. dodol dan lepat liat pon tak liat lagu dia..awatlah pak lah tak paham2 lagik mesej yg telah dan cuba disampaikan oleh Tun..oleh rakyat dan oleh kita semua dlm blog nih.
Apapun welcome back Tun. Kami tetap menyokong Tun. InsyaAllah.
K-peng Da Gretto
KSAH ’96
Salam TDM
Thank your for your article blog. I have to say generall I agree with you and your points are well-made. But having acheived this far and being a well-educated Western scholar, I feel we Malaysians have progressed far enough to make further liberalisation changes that will be good for us and more inherently fair. As the saying goes, we cannot have a company run like a school where the employees are afraid of their boss like students afraid of their teacher or headmaster. In order to be a truly innovative environment, we have to have a situation where a boss is seen as a leader rather than a boss to be obeyed and be a yes man. No one man can make things work. Even in a nation, everyone contributes to the visible progress not just the PM.
That said, how BN has run the Govt over the years I admit have acheived historic progress for Malaysia but we still have Malays living in kampung huts whereas now we have cement, modern amenities and TV, electricity. How can we still have kampung huts in 2008 in Malaysia? Also knowledge in the Arabic language for the average Muslim in Malaysia is almost zero and this has not helped him understand the Quran. Why has the Govt not introduce compulsory basic Arabic language in schools for our benefit? Is it that you have only thought of economic progress and not moral and sociological progress as well ? Last time the Chinese were more rajin than the Malays and dominated businesses like construction and trading. So it does not make sense for the Chinese to allow Malays to catch with them. This will cause them hardship. The Govt should not give special privleges to the Malays to reduce the imbalance. Instead they should motivate the Malays to work harder and run harder than the Chinese so that eventually they can catch up. There is no substitute to success but pure hard work. Giving special rights and privigeles will only make Malays lazier and exploit the opportunites given to them as have been proven now and again. Malays must learn to work harder than the Chinese with the backing of Islam to mold their character and motivate them.
I have also many complaints against the BN’s past practises – many you have mentioned in your post like the ISA, curbing of PAS ceramahs, domination by BN of the mass media, cronyism and overemphasis on economic suceess at the detriment of deterioration of Islamic akhlak, and race to secure material greed particularly among many in the BN who are involved in Govt contracts. Surely, it would be better to have a fresh party with fresh ideas to take Malaysia forward now after you have done an excellent job to Malaysia where it is now. I also do not understand your decision to return to UMNO at all. You accuse the Govt of U-turns but are you doing one yourself now?
Dear Tun
We, the rakyat have done our part. So, what shall you do now?
Another good piece of writing by you, Tun.
Sudah2 la tu Pak Lah. Turun la cepat2. Klu betul2 Pak Lah sayangkan negara, sayangkan bangsa, turun la cepat. Bagi la org lain pulak perintah negara. Cukup2 la jadi puppet utk org lain. Semua yg jadi kat Malaysia ni (atau yg tak jadi) semua disebabkan Pak Lah yg tak boleh buat keputusan yg sejajarnya dan tidak tegas dlm mentadbir negara. Tapi klu dah dari dulu datang dari jadi administrator je, mmg begini lah jadinya. Seorang leader kena ada vivid vision dan mampu merealisasikan vision itu. Bukan hanya cakap kat press, rasmi ini, rasmi itu, bagi budget allocation, lepas tu belah. Klu tengok dlm National Geographics pasal Petronas Twin Tower (siri Megastructures), reporter tu siap claim lagi yg PM masa tu (sapa lagi klu bukan Tun M) monitor the project by the day and get involved dari mula projek tu kick off (sebelum tu pun lagi, yakni masa design stage). Ini baru betul2 leader bermisi. Yg Pak Lah boleh dapat gelaran ialah leader ber-misteri……
Cepat2 la sikit Tun M masuk balik UMNO. Kasi up sikit kewibawaan parti ini supaya dapat membawa Malaysia ke tahap yg sepatutnya, mengikut wawasan 2020.
Assalamualaikum TUN.
I support u TUN.
Not only one mosquito but two mosquitos should be remove. First the old one and second the young ones.
The young mosquito look likes penyamun tarbus je.
Love u always TUN.
22 yrs under yr rule, people were spin around by fear, ignorance and yr bn leaders were greasing yr balls.when u retired..u knew the honest truth.hardly anyone stood and have tea with you.be self honest, do u really have friends without terms and expectations?
when the king pass by , the king fart..the prince breathe in silence.that is power.that was yr time. what you are doing, cant you look again, is this the only way to shoot that nymuk ? there is more then that, tun..? what happenning to the other tun diam?he is smart..juggling ard without using his face…his boys outright denied you, the preramba boys? franis yeoh? vincent tan?
where are yr friends?
dont assume you did well and yr best..what you did was for yr ego!
Dear Tun
Some of us, our mindset are confused, not liberal, misinterpret and oneself unable to seek for the truth after what they heard or read towards accepting the statement of someone as true.
This happening in the Barisan Nasional, the most important person in an organization have changed the proven manner of doing something, method, style or route that been laid by the existing premier the prime directive.
An immediate put back in a previous position for an excellent leadership is a wisely rectify, as I wonder.
Tun, you are 100% right. We need to get rid the single mosquito. But there are many other mosquitos protecting this single mosquito. So how aa..
Dear Tun,
The reason why the voters vote for opposition has nothing to do with free democratic government, race-based politics and etc. Where got so complicated ? This is all secondary.
What happened between 2004 and 2008 ? Malaysia is not moving forward but backward. Economy sliding, rampant corruption, fail & sloppy in executing project that put the people interest first except SCOMI, and giving “standard” answer during press conference (let the cabinet decide, let the relevant ministry decide, let the royal commission decide and let the arrogant youngster decide)
We can’t trust this PM anymore. Enough is enough.
Tun, it’s time to kick his ass. Ask Muhyiddin and Mukhriz to speak louder.
Dear Tun Dr. M.
1. Saya telah di beri kesempatan oleh Allah SWT untuk melihat beberapa negara di benua asia ini, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand, India, Pakistan dan Bangladesh cuma tiada rezeki untuk ke benua Eropah.
2. Namun hati saya masih tetap mengatakan Malaysia adalah yang terbaik…
3. Bukan kerana teh tarik… buka kerana taraf hidup-harga barangan/makanan yang lebih murah dari negara kita, bukan kerana pekerjaan – gaji saya mungkin akan lebih mahal jika saya mencari pekerjaan disana tetapi ini adalah kerana Keselamatan, Kestabilan, Keharmonian dan rasa kepunyaan bila berada di Malaysia, biarpun tiada kerja yang menjanjikan gaji 4 angka setiap bulan.
4. Merasa sungguh berbangga/majunya negara ini setiap kali menjejak kaki ke KLIA apabila sampai (bukan LCCT yer…)
5. Kini… tidak lagi… Keselamatan sudah mula pudar untuk dirasai…. Kestabilan ekonomi negara dan politik sudah mula goyang… Keharmonian mula berkocak…
6. Inikah yang kami dapat dengan mencintai negara yang telah medeka selama lebih 50 tahun ini?
7. Saya tidak menyukai politik… kerana politik memecah belahkan manusia… cuma saya menghormati pemerintah yang memerintah, kerana Allah memerintahkan kita untuk taat pemerintah selagi dia tidak zalim… tetapi apabila kepercayaan terhadap pemerintah seperti ‘Harap Pagar, Pagar Makan Padi, pagar roboh, padi dimakan kerbau… seharusnya pemerintah itu perlu turun, diganti dengan pemerintah yang mampu memerintah dengan adil dan saksama.
8. Namun ini adalah tanah orang Melayu, dari Langkasuka, Indrapura, Melaka sampai jadi Tanah Melayu dan Malaya, banyak darah orang Melayu (Islam) gugur mempertahankanya pasti hanya orang Melayu yang berhak memerintah tanah ini. Tiada alasan dari bangsa lain untuk mempersoalkanya.
9. Untuk itu kita orang Melayu(Islam) harus menunjukkan contoh yang baik kepada bangsa lain bak kata pepatah ‘Respect Must Be Earn’.
10. Ketuanan Inggeris telah lama berkubur ditanah Melayu ini, kini hanya Ketuanan Melayu sehingga bila-bila dan akan wujud menjadi satu bangsa yang disegani seperti suatu masa dahulu…
11. Marilah kita bersama menyelamatkan Negara yang kita cintai ini, Melayu, Bumiputera Sabah & Sarawak, Cina, India telah lama hidup dalam rahmat dan harmoni. Peluang ini hanya sekali buat selama-lamanya.
12. Berubah hari ini, maka akan berubahlah buat selama-lamaya…
13. Bertahan hari ini maka bartahanlah ia untuk generasi yang akan datang…
Marilah KIta Bersama…
assslamualaikum ayahanda tun
saya percaya kita sebagai rakyat malaysia pastinya dapat mentafsir apa yang diisyaratkan oleh rakyat selepas pilihanraya umum baru2 ini .. selepas rakyat memberikan keputusan pilihanraya terbaik yang pernah dicapai oleh BN dalam sejarahnya pada pru 2004 dan hanya 4 tahun selepas itu rakyat memberikan kekalahan terburuk pula pada BN dalam pru 2008 .. tidakkah itu sudah cukup menceritakan hasrat hati rakyat ? kita sudah masuk ke dalam satu fasa yang begitu buruk dalam sejarah politik tanahair kita apabila sudah begitu banyak kerosakan yang berlaku di dalam negara dan parti pemimpin-pemimpin yang kita beri amanah mewakili kita masih lagi tidak mahu mengakuinya ataupun sekurang-kurangnya bercakap mengenainya .. i agree with tun the BN is still the best political party in malaysia .. proud to say maybe best in the world .. no doubt about it !! only the leadership of the BN must change and it has to be done now .. kepada ayahanda tun .. U really make my day after knowing that u are going to be in UMNO again ! thanks sir .. kami akan sentiasa di belakang tun di dalam parti selepas ini .. HIDUP UMNO !! HIDUP MELAYU !! HIDUP TUN MAHATHIR !!
Salam hormat saya Tun Mahadhir
Memang benar pandangan Tun soalny berpaduan raayat masih kurang menyenangkan.Selagi isu ini belum dapat di tangani BN (catatan dgn peminpin baru) harus memimpin negara Malaysia kerana raayat belum siap menerima perubahan khusus orang2 kampong sebahagian besar kais pagi makan pagi.Menurut saya selagi sekolah2 cina dan tamil masih wujud perpadun raayat berbilang kaum susah tercapai.Kita lihat saja di Thailand,Singapura,Philipine dan lain2 sekolah cina dan india tidak wujud sama sekali.Rata2 raayat negara tersebut hidup damai dan aman.Di parlimen lihat saja sebahagian besar peminpin pembakang belum dapat menguasi bahasa malaysia kalau di banding dengan pemimpin BN bangsa cina bahasa mereka sangat mengakumkan.Apa kah peminpin2 pembakang tidak meyedari.Mungkin segenap peminpin kerajaan dan pembakang bersatu menghapuskan sekolah2 kebangsaan cina dan tamil baru lah mereka mengakui raayat malaysia sejati.
YAbhg Tun,
No doubt about BN great performance since before and after we achived Merdeka. Malaysian as a unique entity has shown the unity and tolerance altogether. We could see all good deeds that had been done till only 2003 it stop and stay idle till today !
The present government was not like the one’s we had before and it is not so difficult to interprete their mistakes in decision making. So the opposition ‘coons’ are taking advantage in gaining support for votes….and dream to be a PM!
I was there at the Ptg Pauh during the recent by-election and it was sad to see how much support the opposition gain from feeling of uncertainties and bored of the present government. It was most felt when you see BN campaigners move like a new political party. Displaced and restless are the best words I can say. One could feel the pitiness that day.
As Tun said is very very true indeed. People are merely fade-up rather than adoring PKR or opposition ! BN loss without a dignity at Ptg Pauh by-election which could only be revived with leaders of before 2003 !
Dear Tun,
The non-Malays rejected BN not just because of poor governance of Pak Lah and its kuncu-kuncu but also:
(1) Extremism within the UMNO leaders. They wanted to teach them a lesson. Eg Hisamuddin and his keris wielding, Khairy and his racist remarks, and etc
(2) The non-vocal attitude of other BN component parties. They saw MCA as “keeping quiet” and “mr yes man” in the coalition. Many issues brought up by the communities were not raised and it’s even worst that MCA could just agree with UMNO and all issues close to the Chinese community heart when it is threatening!
(3) UMNO is seen as arrogant. They didn’t see the old UMNO anymore. They found the present UMNO leaders had lost track of its direction. The rich or UMNOputeras got richer and the poor and needy were sidelined.
(4) The need for more opposition. Because they lost faith with BN and the component parties that represented them, they sought the opposition for help – and to do so – is to increase their seats in the State and Parliament.
(5) The non-Malays were fed up with NEP. For so many years, NEP had not benefitted them. In fact, many found it unfair when their children couldn’t enter university because of this racial preference of giving the admission more to the Bumis. They wanted the NEP to be abolished.
At the end of the day, those factors – be it economic and social – contributed to the BN loss among these conmmunities. So you can’t just say it is not racial-based politics. It is part of it…They want an equal and just Malaysia…not being treated as “squatters”….
Dear Tun,
On my second thought, it is better not to vote for BN, especially after reading your comment.
1. Don’t think it seems healthy for the same party to stay on helm for half a decade.
2. You may be good during your time as PM but other could be better.
3. During your 22 rulling years, everything seems fine and stable, it seems you are good at controlling ministers from making any kind of ill jokes.
4. Thanks to Pak Lah, they are out of control now.
5. Perhaps you could explain on what made up of UMNO. If you can see the quality in them, definitely it will not be humanity.
Dear Tun,
I’m glad to hear that you are coming back to Barisan Nasional, you are most welcome.
Please help to clean up rubbish at the 4th floor so that our country economy can move forward. Thanks.
Salam Tun,
Bila Tun masuk ke UMNO kembali, TOLONGGGG lah re-structure ahli umno tu.. yang mana ada kes rasuah tu, terus aje buang atau pecat depa tu. Nanti dah jadi BARAH susah nak rawatnya.
Dear Tun,
First time i write comment here, why because ini kali isi tun memang i sokong, ia memang apa yang dihati kebanyakan non-malay.
Apa yang dikatakan oleh politician, race-based la, democracy la, media control la, ISA la, NEP la, itu untuk kerja politician, apa itu Ahmad cakap cina penumpang la, semasa saya balik office atau jumpa kawan melayu, tiada saya marah mereka atau mahu pukul mereka, kes ini dimata saya cuma beberapa cina gaduh dengan seseorang melayu di akhbar, saya difahamkan itu adalah kerja politicians.
Yang betul-betul kebanyakan malaysian tidak puas hati ialah sekarang susah cari makan, harga barang semua naik, ini PM macam tak tahu economi pun tidak mahu undur, orang di BN nampaknya kebanyakan sokong dia pulak, jadi apa boleh kami buat kecuali undi pembangkang?
Salam Tun…
Harap Tun sihat & sejahtera & Selamat Berpuasa…
Betul kata Tun, pengundi bkn reject BN tp reject leader BN.
Tp Pak Lah-KJ & Co xpernah nak ngaku salah depa, akibatnya, rakyat la yg akan merana..
I missed your leadership in BN 🙁
Quickly come back & rejoin the team.
Salam Tun…
saya sokong aper yang Tun cakap…
It would be a pity if, as the Malay saying goes, “we burn the mosquito net because of one mosquito”.
What needs to be done is to get rid of the mosquito but continue to use the net.
So….mosquito nyer sekarang ialah DSAAB dan Khairy Jamaluddin…
apa lagi….kasik keluarkan la dorang…..
I think the weak result of BN in 2008 is because of the boom of information technology. Government can hardly cover their dirty doings nowadays. Therefore, the effect is compunding when there are weak leaders that keep taking care of their own pocket.
I’m in the ICT cum education industry, and simply ask around, all will know that one of the top man’s wife sweep almost all the contracts for supplying text books and ICT equipments to government schools. The amount is multi-billions. And you know what, this happen in every industry since Tun step down as PM!! All my friends including Malays, Chinese, and Indian can hardly secure any government tenders since then. What for getting review panel when the top five scorers being kicked out and the tenth is chosen, which usually is the cronies of some powerful? I know this because I also involved in review panel previously. Damn greedy the present UMNO leaders, totally fed up. Now it is too late to reverse anything, all of us just want to see BN crashed and be replaced. Not even Tun can rescue the dieing UMNO and BN. Ask around yourself, you will get the same answer 100%.
YAB Tun,
Thank you for reminding us of this Khairy Jamaluddin role in all these….
Assalam Tun,
1)You are right again, Tun. I strongly believe that the leadership issue is critical to all Malaysian, right after GE-12. How can it be deny when the fact of case is very clear and obvious.
2)I just donât understand why people cannot accept that they are having âcancerâ and it is time for âkimoâ and get a Doctor to treat you.
3)Yes âkimoâ might not cure them totally at least, the Doctor able to slow the process and perhaps able to help you in managing the bad perception. I am not a doctor but I believe the longer it takes to cure the cancer; it matters of time to spread to the whole organ.
4)Kind of remember the words from Charles â never break four things in your life â trust, promise relation & heart because when they break they donât make noise but pains a lotâ
5)Tun, whenever you are READY to move to save our beloved country MALAYSIA.
May Allah bless your kind intention. Amin.
salam tun,
UMNO ave no time to “rest”.
tun akan kembali kpada “UMNO”? Mgkin benar kata tun didlam komentar sblum ini bahawa tiada apa2 yang “mampu” dilakukan sekiranya berada diluar UMNO.
Semoga tun akan teruskan dgn apa yg dikatakn demi bangsa, agama & negara..
hello tun
pertama kali sangat happy sebab Tun ingin kembali ka dalam umno BN
Harap Tun dapat menguatkan parti n negara.. baiki keadaan dlm UMNO n BN.
Semalam tgk dari berita n pagi ni baca suratkhabar berita utama
“PM kesal anggota Kabinet buat kenyataan bertentangan dengan apa yang dipersetujui”
PUTRAJAYA: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi terkejut dengan tindakan Naib Presiden Umno, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin membuat kenyataan yang bertentangan dengan apa yang sudah dipersetujui berhubung pelan peralihan kuasa di antara beliau dan timbalannya, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
(“Saya terkejut anggota Kabinet saya membuat kenyataan yang bertentangan dengan apa yang sudah dipersetujui.)
di sebabkan terlalu nak jadi pm di kata
(“Saya sedang berusaha keras… banyak kerja yang perlu dilakukan. Ini adalah sesuatu yang saya jadikan sebagai tanggungjawab untuk saya laksanakan bagi membantu Najib mencapai matlamat program yang saya mulakan,” katanya.)
saya tak nampak pun pe program 2 tahun yg dikatakan..????????
sedangkan pembangunan koridor yg dia canangkan pun tak jalan2
kalu kata pembangunan infrastruktur?? tak de
dia cakap pasal majlis penguam n polis
mane ade.. makin teruk ade la
tgk la bagaimana para peguam jadi macam orang besar,sibuk bangkit isu perkauman/agama /diberikan duit saguhati sebab buat salah.entah pe dalam otak pak lah..
kalo kata dia dah buat sesuatu kat Polis pe dia??
kalo up gaji ade ler
kalo pasal lain entahler..
tgk la jenayah jadi cam cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan.
ketua polis suka ati jer org dakwa..
I am new to comment but have been reading your blog for ages now.
Normally, I just read. Today is not an ordinary day.
You said it well.
My literature professor once told me, most people use great words to deliver a simple message. Only few use simple words, almost effortlessly, to deliver a great one. I never think you are among the few. I think you are the only one.
Keep on blogging, Tun. I shall wait for more.
YES YES YES ! We totally agree with your hujuah-hujah.
The Rakyat voted PR bukan kerana kami benci pada BN, apa yang amat dibenci of kami ialah pimpinan yang tak menentu & pimpanan yang lemah oleh ABD, penasihat-penasihat peribadi yang angkuh & ego!
JIkalau dibaca comment-comment blog-blog sebelum PRU12, kita hendakkan perubahan pada pimpinan. Dengan % tambahan pengundian kepada PR yang mendadak sudah cukup sebagai bantahan secara terbuka oleh rakyat.
Yang sedihnya, pimpinan BN masih tetap menganggap diri-nya diberi mandat untuk memimpin seperti sediakala. Anggapan inilah yang akan menghancurkan BN.
R u having rumah terbuka this year?
Cheers Tun.
Salam Tun,
Agreed dgn Tun tapi Pak Lah masih di ulit-ulit oleh mimpi indah. Katanya semalam banyak kerja/ tugasan yang dia perlu selesaikan…
Kaf Yaa Ain Sod Qaa Haa
Mungkin situasi ini adalah salah satu tanda kelemahan representative democracy. Kalau kita ada direct ‘prime minister’ election, lain pula jadinya.
Dear Dr,
I couldn’t agree more with the mosquito and net theory. But in this instance, the mosquitoes are the racist leaders of your beloved Barisan Nasional. Truly speaking, we thank the good leaders of the past but desperately need to move on to a system of merit and true leadership, not your race based fruit punch anymore.
In this day and age, we don’t care what race you are, the only concern is can you move us forward. Unfortunately, your rotten politics of race can not do that anymore.
Let it go-lah, Tun. Your racism is no longer relevent. God who knows all things will be the judge of you.
If there is one thing that you must do, it’s to settle the score with the Almighty.
Yang Berbahagia Tun,
Finally, it has to be our beloved Tun to come out and write this piece to put the whole Barisan dilemma in such clear perspective.This is to me a great ceramah piece that Barisan leaders could borrow from Tun and share it with the rakyat and let them know that the leadership understands their frustration and why they voted so angrily on March 8,2008.It is also an opportunity to outline to the Rakyat now, what steps will be taken to address their frustrations.
Except both the PM and DPM and their other cronies are still in denial and thinking that the problem will go away by itself.But it will not.
I cannot agree more with Tun that Barisan having scored a record victory in 2004,why did it go to the pits in 2008? It cannot be just because Anwar is out of prison and all the opposition parties are now such great alternatives including the Chinese accepting PAS?
It boils down to the fact that we have the weakest leadership now since independence.
Welcome back Tun, this is the type of wisdom we are greatly lacking.
If the leadership will just open up their minds and resign ,there is still hope for Barisan in the next general election.
As always, you can count on our support. God Bless!
Dear Tun yg dihormati dan disayangi,
Despite your old age, and your very blessed good health.. how about you get back into the game.. Just be our PM one more time.. I would definitely go out and Vote you.. (i never voted before) Nothing wrong with that right..you being a PM again.. WHo cares wat other people think..if you are the only one who is suited for the job.. that it is your responsibilities..so embrace it.. Once you regain your power.. this time around.. you should tie all the loose ends.. so all this chaos.. shall never happend again.. and..When you think that someone else better comes along , you can have him succeed you.. hopefully this time around.. it shall not be a costly mistake anymore.. pointing the wrong guy.. You see.. i would only say.. that with great power.. comes great responsibilities.. and great temptations.. so some peple fumbles.. like DSAI and DSAAB.. coz they either confused or mixed up their priorities..
GOod luck !
SIncere from my heart..
Yang Berbahagia Tun,
Finally, it has to be our beloved Tun to come out and write this piece to put the whole Barisan dilemma in such clear perspective.This is to me a great ceramah piece that Barisan leaders could borrow from Tun and share it with the rakyat and let them know that the leadership understands their frustration and why they voted so angrily on March 8,2008.It is also an opportunity to outline to the Rakyat now, what steps will be taken to address their frustrations.
Except both the PM and DPM and their other cronies are still in denial and thinking that the problem will go away by itself.But it will not.
I cannot agree more with Tun that Barisan having scored a record victory in 2004,why did it go to the pits in 2008? It cannot be just because Anwar is out of prison and all the opposition parties are now such great alternatives including the Chinese accepting PAS?
It boils down to the fact that we have the weakest leadership now since independence.
Welcome back Tun, this is the type of wisdom we are greatly lacking.
If the leadership will just open up their minds and resign ,there is still hope for Barisan in the next general election.
As always, you can count on our support. God Bless!
Dear Tun
It seems “Si Buta Membimbing Si Buta”
Pak Long, Alor Star
Selamat pagi TUN,
Saya setuju dengan pendapat TUN bahawa disebabkan pemimpin BN yang lemah, tidak berupaya menangani masalah ekonomi sekarang, maka ramai yang tidak puas hati dengan BN, jadi mereka memilih parti pembangkang dalam RRU12 lepas, TETAPI terdapat sebab-sebab lain juga…
Pada pendapat saya, masa sudah berubah, 50 tahun sebelum ini, Malaysia masih “muda”, kebanyakan Rakyat Malaysia tidak mempunyai tahap pelajaran yang tinggi, tentulah mereka lebih mementingkan fakta ekonomi negara (sebab fakta ekonomi secara langsung akan menentukan tahap hidup rakyat jelata masing-masing). Jadi, sekiranya tahap ekonomi baik, maka kebanyakan Rakyat Malaysia akan berpuas hati dengan pimpinan BN.
Sekarang, kebanyakan Rakyat Malaysia (terutamanya genarasi muda) mempunyai pelajaran yang tinggi (tidak kira sama ada kaum bumiputra atau kaum bukan bumiputra), fikiran mereka lebih matang, rasional dan jitu, selain daripada fakta ekonomi negara, mereka juga mementingkan hak asasi, keadilan, menghapuskan masalah rasuah, kebebasan, sistem pelajaran yang baik, kecekapan, tidak “racist”, dan sebagainya. Tambahan pula, internet memainkan peranan yang sangat BESAR, bukan di Malaysia sahaja, di seluluh dunia (termasuk Amerika Syarikat) pun begitu, kerajaan yang lemah akan diketahui oleh seluruh dunia, dan menerima kritikan yang buruk menerusi internet.
Jadi, 50 tahun yang akan datang, pemimpin BN akan menghadapi cabaran yang lebih sukar berbanding dengan 50 tahun yang lepas. Permintaan Rakyat Malaysia telah bertambah, sekiranya BN ingin menang, perlu berubah, selain dari fakta ekonomi, kerajaan harus memberi fokus kepada fakta-fakta lain yang ingin dilihat oleh Rakyat Malaysia. Lihatlah sendiri, barisan pembangkang telah meliputi fakta-fakta lain dalam menifesto mereka semasa pilihan raya kecil Permatang Pauh. Ini merupakan fakta-fakta yang memberi kemenangan besar kepada DSAI, walaupun pengundi Permatang Pauh sendiri pun tidak pasti sama ada DSAI boleh menepati menifesto yang ditetapkan oleh DSAI…
Any great empire would eventually diminish in history because of long term ruling that eventually led to corruption and inefficiencies. The rulers placed self interest above the people’s interest. Your term as prime minister was excellent, but toward the end, many people wanted you out because of increased concerns over corruption of your administration. You have a whole list of corrupted ministers but you could not or did not remove or replace them. Your police and ACA could not function as expected, but function as directed.
Did you think people like Samy vellu really took care of the Indian population? Did you think that Taib really cared about the people of Sarawak and not his family interest? I cannot blame Abdullah alone for the current situation because some of these problems originated from your administration that was carried over to him. When you were still having the power, most people tried to please you in order to keep their interest in hands. Do you believe in Rafidah any more, who cried and asked you not to step down? These were simply acts of performance. Do you think that those of your ministers really liked you? No, they immediately switched to the next boss who can give them what they wanted and they attacked you. None of them liked you, but liked the power and money that they got because of you.
You used ISA as you pleased and this destroyed the democracy of our country. We forever have a bad name because of your exercising of the ISA. The issues with the judiciary system, the case with Anwar, etc. You may not be directly involved, but they happened during your administration, so you should be responsible for that.
At one time, you tried to please the Chinese by saying that Chinese can be the prime minister (as opposing to what you have been writing in your blog about the social contract and Malay rights). At certain points, the Chinese have been fooled by the racial politics and MCA/SUPP. Chinese did not support the opposition as strongly before because we thought they were just the watchdog and mosquitoes, making noise around. But now most Chinese woke up because suddenly we saw that the opposition can be the ruling government as it happened in several states now. We are certain that a change in the federal government is close. If there is another election now, we are certain that BN will be sinking to the bottom.
I think despite all that had happened, Anwar would still be grateful to you for bringing him into politics. The people are still grateful to you for bringing up Anwar such that we have a person, together with Lim Kit Siang and others, who can actually replace the corrupted government. If not this people, I afraid our country would have moved to the hell.
You still have many positive aspects. You allowed press freedom (although now the press are able to say more openly anything, not just about Abdullah). This sounded like an insult, but I am comparing it to China and Singapore. As I mentioned before, you would be grateful to yourself for not restricting press freedom such that you can voice out your opinion now.
I don’t see how UMNO and BN can be back to before. So please forget about reviving them. As a great leader, it would be best for you to promote democracy, the true democracy. What is needed now is a change in the government. The eroded and corrupted one should always be replaced. Only that, we have a healthy democracy system.
Dear All,
Kalau Paklah turun nak bagi sapa….
Pak Jib, sama jer tak betulnya ..
Muhyidin , boleh ker percaya ……
Nak bagi PKR, nak bagi PAS semuanya merepek jerrrrrr……
Jadi boleh TUN bgtau sapa yang boleh dipercayai sebenarnya…
Sapa yang betul-betul nak membela rakyat …..
Rasanya tak ada kan……
Sedih untuk Bangsa kita sendiri, digadai bangsa sendiri……
Salam Tun,
Once again, a very good piece. As you pointed out, 4 years is such a short period for the nation’s majority to suddenly have a change of heart and reject race based politics.
The rejection of this single mosquito has led to a window opening and the view thus far has been very enticing to the non-malays and maybe even to a few malays.
This has highlighted a more serious problem with UMNO and BN. It has highlighted that UMNO is now behind time and was not able to meet the new strategy in information dissimination that was delpoyed by the opposition. They failed to answer lingering questions brought up by the oppositions in a timely and convincing manner and this showed that they were incompetent.
If UMNO and BN wants to survive, it needs to undergo a rebranding exercise and put in some new faces that will represent the new leaders of Malaysia. Please do away with the weak spineless swines we have had the ill fortune to call “leaders” who only show that UMNO has no courage or resilience to last the fight.
Have a good weekend.
Salam Tun,
Saya menyokong Tun. Kami generasi baru sebenarnya amat sayang dengan UMNO. Kami semahunya tidak rela negara dipimpin oleh parti lain. Kembalilah segera dan perbetulkan mana yang perlu, sebelum keadaan bertambah teruk dan menyakitkan. We always support you sir.
Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki. Selamat berpuasa.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I love history coz history teach us many things. Not to repeat same mistake, to appreciate what we had in the past and to make improvement in the future.
But some people didn’t learn from mistake. They ignored the history even the history seems keep repeeated. 2008 Election and the latest Permatang Pauh. Why?
Maybe they still in the fantasy dreams? How we can help these guys to wake up? Or they waiting new history lesson in next General Election?
By the time, its too late…
p/s: maybe they skip history class during high school. Thats give
good reason why they didnt learn from history.
Salam Tun,
I’m totally agree with you……
Assalamualaikum Tun…
kami tetap akak menyokong penuh apapun yg Tun lakukan demi untuk kebaikan Malaysia…
Cuma Tun hati-hatilah sikit, pasal kroni Pak Lah dgn anak menantunya tu mungkin buleh lakukan sesuatu yg cerdik sehingga menggagalkan usaha murni Tun…
Salam Tun,
Betul kenyataan Tun. Memang degil nyamuk aedes ni. Memang patut org yang ada dalam kelambu keluar untuk menghalau nyamuk tersebut. Bukan setakat nyamuk, jentik2 pun kena dibuang dengan air takungan sekali. saya sudah bosan dengan nyamuk, tetapi mengharapkan kelip2 yang menghiasi malam dengan kelipan yg mempersona.
PRU2004, memang menonjolkan AAB sebagai pemimpin yg warak dan clean hinggakan mendapat kemenangan yang besar. Mungkin itulah ciri2 pemimpin yang ditunggu selama ini.
Tp PRU2009, rupanya indah khabar dari rupa. Kenaikan harga minyak yg mendadak, tumpuan pada pertanian berlebihan tanpa seimbang dgn sektor industri, tiada bonus utk gomen servant, gambar AAB dibuai mimpi dan mcm2 lagilah merupakan penyebab terbesar.
Yang paling ramai org bengang ialah kenyataan sebelum pembubaran parlimen, beria-ia mengatakan parlimen tidak dibubar ttp keesokan hari bubar. Di situ sudah terbukti sifat AAB sebenar.
Tun, perjuangan Tun belum selesai.
Salam buat Tun keluarga,
Saya setuju dengan apa yang Tun katakan pada kali ini.
Adakah selama ini kita semua rakyat Malaysia tidak ikhlas dalam berkongsi kuasa?
Salam YAB Tun,
YAB Tun tak pernah putus asa jelaskan pada kami rakyat jelata.
The best part is you already did the postmortem on the results for the 2008 GE.
Tapi, apa yang Pak Lah buat? Yang dia tau cuma menafikan apa yang rakyat mahu & hanya mengambil jalan mudah mengatakan pilihanraya tersebut disabotaj oleh pihak-2 tertentu.
Sebenarnya kami RAKYAT lah yang mensabotaj pilihanraya tersebut.
Malu untuk saya nyatakan disini,sepatutnya PU2008 adalah kali kedua bagi saya untuk mengundi.
Tapi oleh kerana fed-up dengan cara Pak Lah, saya langsung tidak turun padang.
Saya masih setia dengan UMNO dan BN, tapi tidak kepada ketuanya yang tidak menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik.Manakan tidak, kalau saya turun mengundi, apa yang saya takutkan, kerana terlampau marahkan Pak Lah, saya khuatir dikertas undi saya akan pangkah parti pembangkang.
Mungkin tindakan saya ini kelihatan kurang bijak.Tapi saya rasakan inilah saja cara terbaik bagi saya menunjukkan protes saya.
YAB Tun,teruskan lah perjuanganmu. Saya akan sentiasa menyokong segala usaha & niat murnimu.
Semoga Allah s.w.t. sentiasa melindungi YAB Tun sekeluarga, amin.
tahniah Tun. satu pendedahan yang berani.
Berani kerana benar.
Selamat kembali ke UMNO. Selamatkanlah parti ini Tun.
Saya adalah penyokong Tun yang amat setia dari DULU…. KINI… dan SELAMAYA…..
Saya amat kecewa bila tahu Muhyiddin hanya akan bertanding Naib Presiden tapi apa boleh buat, kami hanya ahli bawahan saja.. tapi bila dia keluarkan komen terbaru pada Pak Lah.. Wau.. semangat saya kembali… Harap-harap kuota dihapuskan dan dia boleh bertanding jawatan lebih tinggi …Presiden UMNO.
Saya dan rakan-rakan memang setuju sangat komen Muhyiddin…. Peralihan kuasa apa yang lama sangat ni ??? UMNO akan lebih parah kalau Najib take over nanti … Itupun kalau Najib sempat …
Tiap hari tengok Berita dengan harapan Pak Lah istihar letak jawatan sebagai PM….
Kepada Tun, jaga kesihatan dan kami yang amat ramai ini sentiasa menyokong dan sayang pada Tun…
Selamat pagi kepada YAB Tun,
Semoga Tun sihat sejathera selalu, keluarga Tun pun sihat sejathera.
Pada pandangan saya, semasa Tun yang mentadbir Negara Malaysia, tidak boleh menafikan kita semua Rakyat hidup aman damai, harga barang barang rendah, senang hidup, gembira hidup dll, satu kata semua Rakyat ada cukup guna. Ini boleh menbuktikan bahawa pentadbiran di bawah BN adalah syabas, tidak boleh di nafikan, BN berdasarkan parti parti komponen seperti Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP, SNAP, parti parti Sabah, yang Umno kepala kepada BN telah menbawa kemakmuran, kestabilan, keceriaan, perpaduan dan senang hidup. Syabas kepada BN.
Tapi kini bukan BN tidak bagus, alangkah, pucuk pimpinan Umno sekarang tidak begitu bagus menlaksanakan Pentadbiran negara sehingga dia perlu dengar nasihat KJ?? ataupun dia selalu menrujuk kepada KJ??? Pentadbiran kian ada, adalah lemah…TPM pun lemah…apakah yang betul? apakah yang salah? apakah yang kena di perbaiki? apakah yang harus di buat? Yang saya lihat ialah “Tidak apa Attitude” dari Umno.
Rakyat telah menunjuk perasaan tidak puas hati pada PRU ke 12 & pilihanraya kecil Permatang Pauh, adakah Rakyat kena tunggu sampai 2010 baru BN buat sesuatu untuk menperbaiki keadaan sekarang. Aiyo yo…lambat lor…yang saya tengok, BN cuma beri masa & ruang kepada Pakatan Rakyat untuk mendapat sokongan Rakyat untuk pergi ke Putrajaya. Still BN “Tidak apa attitude”.
Jadi jikalau berlakunya pentadbiran tukar, yang DSAI dan Pakatan Rakyat yang mentadbir negara, janganlah BN menyalahkan Rakyat, kerana everyday Rakyat bagi chance tapi sekali lagi “Tidak apa attitude”. Do something ..just do something ….
If Tun were to return to UMNO then fire DSAB & his cronies once & for all.
Sekian terima kasih,
Dearest Tun,
Bodowi is a good captain on the ship called BN.
One day when the ship starts sinking in an open ocean, Captain Bodowi did not raise any alarms.
Captain Bodowi reassure the passengers, all situations are under control. There is no need for fear or panic.
When the ship BN sank to the bottom, so did the good captain Bodowi, who remained seated dutifully in the captain’s seat.
The passengers on BN who was reassured of their safety were cheated of their lives by the good captain Bodowi. Some passengers who jumped ship were spare of their lives.
Y.A. BHG Tun,
Kenapa pengkhianat yang mengeji dan mengutuk UMNO iaitu Ezam disambut bagai wira apabila kembali kepada UMNO.Tidak tunggu mesyuarat MT pun untuk pergi sambut ezam. Tapi bila Tun kembali kepada Umno, paklah kata kena tunggu mesyuarat MT dulu, sengaja melambat-lambatkan kemasukan Tun.Padahal Tun adalah orang yang menghidupkan semula Parti yang memberi kududakan perdana menteri kepada Abdullah sekarang ini.
Paklah semakin dibenci.
Salam hormat Tun sekeluarga…
Pemimpin UMNO sekarang agaknya dah kena nasi kangkang. Nak bercakap perkara yang benar pun takut. Saya tahu ada di kalangan pemimpin UMNO yang membaca blog Tun tetapi masih tak buat apa-apa. Kepada pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO ini, percayalah kamu akan dikenang sebagai pemusnah UMNO. Satu hari nanti anak-beranak kamu juga akan melaknat kamu semua! Kepada pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang bacul, lebih baik potong kamu punya telur, kasi anjing makan!
Maaf banyak2 Tun sebab guna bahasa kasar…
Salam Tun,
Semoga Tun sejahtera dan gembira selalu.
Saya sokong sepenuhnnya Tun.
Saya sekolah melayu zaman 60an, dapat sikit-sikit baca bahasa inggeris. Tak berapa paham pun baca jugak, alahamdulillah…teruskan perjuangan Ayahanda Tun. Saya tetap menyokong demi kebaikan Islam, Melayu dan Negara. Jangan lupa balas kad raya saya….setiap tahun tak terkecuali…yang lepas-lepas saya simpan sehingga sekarang.
Askm Tun,
Saya merupakan penyokong kuat BN ketika era Tun, dan semua sahabat saya amat menyokong BN…. sehingga ada yang di gagalkan oleh sesetengah pensyarah yang menyokong parti pembangkang ketika di universiti….. tapi semua yang betul hardcore menyokong BN ni berubah apabila Pak Lah (Pengasas Islam Yang Ada Had Dan Hari)mentadbir. Biarpun kita letak wakil yang terbaik di sesuatu kawasan, tapi disebabkan paklah masih memerintah….. depa tak mau pangkah BN…. inilah hakikat yang terjadi sekarang…. pentadbiran yang berat sebelah yang ditunjukkan oleh Paklah (Takpa lah)membuatkan majoriti kaum melayu membencinya….. kebanyakan duit kerajaan di tabur tanpa di kaji oleh paklah…. apa saja yang diminta diberi…. menunjukkan sikap paklah yang takut berkata tidak boleh….. tapi apa yang melayu buat dan minta tidak di layan….. rasa2 orang seberang perai semuanya gila kuasa kot….. Letaklah jawatan Paklah…. kami rakyat merayu agar paklah letak jawatan….
Salam Tun,
dan kepada semua peminat Tun.
Ajarlah anak2 kita memahami sejarah dan menghormati orang tua. Tanamkan semangat nasional dari kecil.
Kita semua akan pergi. Di tangan merekalah nasib negara ini
Salam perjuangan TUN,
Saya masih dengan pendirian tetap menjemput TUN & Isteri serta anak2 menyertai UMNO dalam Cawangan Taman Indah, Titi Gajah..
Semakin hari mendengar komen dari AAB dan menantu membuat kami ahli UMNO serta rakyat Malaysia merasa meluat & jijik kepada Pucuk Pimpinan UMNO sekarang.
Kembalilah memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Malaysia yang telah dirosakkan oleh AAB dan menantu yang gila kuasa itu.
Salam Perjuangan dari
anak Muda TITI GAJAH
Please take a look of the following article, judge yourself whether it is fair or not to say so !!!!!!!!!!!
Malaysia – A Failed Nation?
Those who started work around 1973
a 1.3 Litre Japaness car was RM 7000
Today the equivalent let’s say it is RM 60000………..8.5 times
In 1973 a double storey house was about RM 45,000..or less
Today it is about RM 300,000…………6.6 times
In 1973 an Engineer’s pay was RM 1000
Today it is about RM 2000 +/-…………2 times….
From 1973 to 2008……..35 years……what is the Trend.?
Bearish !!!! In a stock market when the trend is bearish , what do we
do?..Exit !!!
When a country’s trend is bearish what do we do?
This Bearish trend is more difficult to turn around as compared to the
stock market.
I have used these 3 items House, Car & Salary as a measurement of the
country’s performance for the past 35 years….
There is a book I saw in MPH bookshop entitled :
Malaysia : The Failed Nation
some of you may be interested to read up.
I agreed with the writer…..
This morning I was having Coffee at McDonald ( now the coffee..100 %
Arabica beans..is quite good@ RM 2.90….free refill !!. I asked how
much per hour is their pay?
RM 3.00 ! x 8 hours = RM 24 per day… x 25 days = RM 600 per month
My daughter works part-time during her University days..she worked at
Gloria Jeans Coffee
..the pay Australian $ 14.00 ( @ 3.15 = RM 44 per hour…..x 8 = RM
352 per day !!! x 25 days = RM 8800
13.3 times more !!!!! ……Price of houses in Perth is about the same
in KL
Price of cars are about 23 % cheaper…in Perth.( Australia )
I think more and more people are becoming aware of this Bearish trend.
Developed country by 2020?…means High income country
Let’s look at some as of year 2005 ( Financial Times )
USA GNP per capita US$ 35400
UK GNP per capita US$ 25510
Australia GNP per capita US$ 19530
Singapore GNP per capita US $ 20690
These are developed countries by income measurement
Malaysia GNP per capita US$ 3540
Year 2020..developed country?
Really…a sad story.
Worrying Trends, isn’t it??
Ringgit sliding further and further under BN
Recently, I interviewed some fresh graduates applying for jobs with my
engineering company. I accepted two applicants on a starting salary of
RM1600. It struck me as odd that 15 years ago, I myself started work
as a fresh graduate engineer for the same pay.
Indeed, if you compare the salaries of graduates now and 15 or even 20
years ago, you’ll find little difference but that their purchasing
power is vastly different. It’s the same story when you compare
salaries of shop assistants, office staff, factory workers and others.
To compound the effect of inflation, the ringgit has depreciated
greatly against all major currencies. The real income of most
Malaysians has moved backwards.
This is why many Malaysians suffer under the petrol hike. The root of
the problem is that our real incomes have shrunk in the face of
inflation and depreciated currency.. Malaysians have not been spoiled
by subsidy but are unable to move out of the time lock of stagnated
and depreciated incomes.
If you compare the per capita incomes of Singapore , Hong Kong , Taiwan
and South Korea , they are a few multiples of ours although at
independence all these countries were the on the same economic level
as Malaysia .
What has gone wrong? We were the rising star of East Asia , a country
rich in natural resources with the most promising potential.
The reason is massive corruption, plundering of resources, wastage of
funds for huge non- economic projects, anti-public interest deals with
politically-linked companies and passing-of-the -buck to the man in
the street..
Four decades of NEP where education, economic and employment policies
are defined by race ensured that meritocracy took a back seat.
Our university standard has declined and the today best and brightest
of our youth emigrate to escape the racial inequality only to
contribute to the economies of foreign lands.
The reputation of our judiciary which was held in high esteem
worldwide has sunk so low that foreign investors now insist on
arbitration in Singapore in case of any dispute.
We also have a slew of oppressive laws such as the ISA, OSA, Uuca and
PPPA which stifle free speech and are designed to keep the ruling
parties in power.
We have become less attractive to foreign investors and now lag behind
our neighbours in Asean for foreign direct investment. Even some
corporations who have established themselves here are moving out.
All the economic and social malaise cannot help but affect the value
of our currency. The strength of a country’s currency is after all, a
reflection of its fundamentals.
Furthermore, Bank Negara has a policy of weak ringgit to help
exporters, never mind the burden on the common folk. The government is
pro-corporation, not pro-rakyat.
While the poor and middle-class are squeezed, an elite group gets
breathtakingly rich. We have the distinction of having the worse
income disparity in Asean. A re-distribution of wealth is under way
from the poor and middle-class to a select group of
politically-connected elite.
The end result of this re-distribution will be a small group of
super-rich while the majority are pushed into poverty and the
middle-class shrinks. This is what happens when the rich gets richer
and the poor get poorer.
There is much that is wrong with Malaysia . The responsibility for
pulling the country backwards can be laid squarely at the door of the
ruling regime. It is BN’s mis-governance, racial politics and culture
of patronage which has seen the country regress economically and
We seem to be sliding down a slippery slope, further down with each
passing year of BN’s rule. Another five years of BN rule and we’ll be
at Indonesia ‘s standard under Suharto. Another 10 years and we’ll be
touching the African standard. What a way to greet 2020.
Is there any hope for Malaysia ?
Faced with the reality that BN will never change, many Malaysians
desperate for change turn their lonely eyes to Anwar Ibrahim.
Pakatan Raykat has promised to treat all races fairly, to plug
wastage, fight corruption, reform the judiciary and make Malaysia more
But some have questioned whether we can trust Anwar and his loose
coalition of disparate parties..
The question is not whether we can trust Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat but
whether we can afford not to.
Can we afford another ten years of BN’s misrule?
To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards of people – Emily
Tepat sekali analisa Tun. Pak Lah kena lah letak jawatan. Sayang lah bangsa Melayu. Nak buat kerja apa lagi. Pak Lah tak tahu buat kerja pun.
Pak Lah, your biggest contribution to the country is to resign. Tolong lah. Resign lah cepat-cepat sikit.
dear tun mahathir…this is something that i think you should clarify…. cos this article is saying something which is dangerouse to be leaked out… i got this from malaysia today blog-
-from a concern citizen-
Raja Petra Kamarudin
This is Part One of an article I wrote almost nine years ago, which was published in Harakah, the official media organ of the Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS). History is not something that should remain buried. History is something that should be a lesson to all or us so that we do not repeat the mistakes made by those before us.
In 1968, Umno fanned racial sentiments in a bid to ‘unite’ the Malays under its banner. Umno realised that the Malays were abandoning it in droves and it needed an issue to reunite the Malays. Further to that, the Prime Minister was being blamed for what Umno perceived as a loss of Malay support and the Young Turks in Umno wanted to also use this issue to pressure the Prime Minister into resigning.
Twenty years later, in 1988, Umno again went into turmoil with the emergence of Team A and Team B, which eventually split into Umno Baru and Semangat 46. Again, just like twenty years before that, the Malays had become disillusioned with the Umno leadership and there was a danger that Umno would suffer the same fate it did in 1969 if the general election was called.
The Umno leadership very cleverly got the Umno Youth and MCA Youth leaders to raise racial issues and bring the country to the brink of another âMay 13â. This was when that infamous gathering at the TPCA padang in Kampong Baru was held and when Najib Tun Razak, the Umno Youth Leader, raised the keris and threatened to bathe it in Chinese blood.
Of course, this second âMay 13â never happened. What did happen instead was that Operasi Lalang was launched and more than 100 opposition leaders and activists were detained under the Internal Security Act. Najib and the MCA Youth Leader, Lee Kim Sai, however, were spared detention, although they were the two main players in the whole episode.
The ploy did not quite succeed though. In the 1990 general election, half the Malays swung to the opposition and Umno lost most of the Malay heartland to Semangat 46 and PAS.
Twenty years on and history is, again, being repeated. It appears like every twenty years Umno takes the country to the brink of a race riot in its effort to ‘unite’ the Malays and to ensure that it does not lose Malay support. And the 8 March 2008 general election, as well as the recent Permatang Pauh by-election, is proof that Umno has lost Malay support.
âThe current situation is a repeat of 1969,â said Umno in its brainstorming session held at the Umno headquarters to conduct a post-mortem of the election results. âTherefore, a 1969 âsolutionâ will also be required.â
This is very dangerous talk indeed. And Umno has been doing nothing but talking dangerously since March 2008, as evident in the recent episode in Penang. Maybe the culprit has since been punished. Yesterday, Umnoâs Supreme Council decided to suspend Ahmad Ismail for a period of three years. But the damage has already been done and the suspension canât turn back the clock. Racial sentiments have already been fanned and Malaysia, again, is being pushed to the brink of a race riot.
Malays, Chinese and Indians need to know how May 13 started. They must be made aware of what May 13 was really all about. They must be made to realise that the current sabre-rattling is nothing but the same ploy that Umno used back in 1968 and 1988 whenever it felt that it was losing Malay support. May 13 was not about race although it is being touted as so. May 13 was about âreunitingâ the Malays and about ousting the Prime Minister from office.
To forget history would be to repeat its mistakes. Let us not be taken in by Umnoâs shadow-play (wayang kulit). They know they are rapidly losing power and they want to retain power through foul means by raising the spectre of May 13. Malaysians need to be matured and clever enough to reject this ploy. Umno can try, but whether it can succeed will all depend on whether we get suckered into this very dangerous race game.
Let me take you down memory lane and recap what I wrote nine years ago so that we may learn from this dark history and not repeat what went wrong. As follows is what I wrote in Harakah on 24 September 1999.
The following statement is a factual account of the above-mentioned event given to me by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman (first Prime Minister of Malaysia) during an interview at his residence in Penang in 1972. I requested to discuss the above incident and was surprised when the appointment was given within three days.
His Secretary, a Chinese gentleman, allotted me one hour and advised me not to go into too much detail as this would tire the Tunku unnecessarily. In fact, the interview lasted three and a half hours. Because of the very surprising details provided to me, I think it would be best to report in a first-hand manner based on my notes written immediately after the interview.
âIt was clear to me as well as the police that in the highly charged political atmosphere after the police were forced to kill a Chinese political party worker on May 4th, 1969, something was bound to happen to threaten law and order because of the resentment towards the Government by the KL Chinese on the eve of the general election. This was confirmed at this manâs funeral on the 9th May when the government faced the most hostile crowd it had ever seen.
Therefore, when the opposition parties applied for a police permit for a procession to celebrate their success in the results of the general election, I was adamant against it because the police were convinced that this would lead to trouble. I informed Tun Razak about this and he seemed to agree.
Now, without my knowledge and actually âbehind my backâ, there were certain political leaders in high positions who were working to force me to step down as a PM. I donât want to go into details but if they had come to me and said so I would gladly have retired gracefully.
Unfortunately, they were apparently scheming and trying to decide on the best way to force me to resign. The occasion came when the question of the police permit was to be approved.
Tun Razak and Harun Idris, the MB of the state of Selangor, now felt that permission should be given, knowing fully well that there was a likelihood of trouble. I suppose they felt that when this happened they could then demand my resignation.
To this day I find it very hard to believe that Razak, whom I had known for so many years, would agree to work against me in this way. Actually he was in my house, as I was preparing to return to Kedah, and I overhead him speaking to Harun over the phone saying that he would be willing to approve the permit when I left. I really could not believe what I was hearing and preferred to think it was about some other permit. In any case, as the Deputy Prime Minister, in my absence from KL, he would be the Acting PM and would override my objection.
Accordingly, when I was in my home in Kedah, I heard over the radio that the permit had been approved.
It seems as though the expected trouble was anticipated and planned for by Harun and his UMNO Youth. After the humiliating insults hurled by the non-Malays, especially the Chinese, and after the seeming loss of Malay political power to them, they were clearly ready for some retaliatory action.
After meeting in large numbers at Harunâs official residence in Jalan Raja Muda near Kampong Bahru, and hearing inflammatory speeches by Harun and other leaders, they prepared themselves by tying ribbon strips on their foreheads and set out to kill Chinese. The first hapless victims were two of them in a van opposite Harunâs house who were innocently watching the large gathering. Little did they know that they would be killed on the spot.
The rest is history. I am sorry but I must end this discussion now because it really pains me as the Father of Merdeka to have to relive those terrible moments. I have often wondered why God made me live long enough to have witnessed my beloved Malays and Chinese citizens killing each other.â
This was a conspiracy at the highest level and nothing short of a power struggle, with the âYoung Turksâ then forming the pressure group. To achieve their ends, they very cleverly used race to make the Malays rise and push the Tengku aside.
Today, they are doing it again. This is dangerous politics. It may backfire and, instead, it may make the Malays rise against the non-Malays, like what happened in 1969 — a fire raging out of control with no fire extinguisher in sight.
We must never allow our country to be turned into a racial battlefield again. Let politics be issues concerning policies, civil rights, good governance and justice. Let us not allow anyone to bring race and religion into our politics lest we suffer the fate of many countries around us where mass murders of entire families are made in the name of âbangsaâ and âagamaâ.
BN lost due to coorruption and inefficiency in the civil service. The ROADBLOCKS were totally unnecessary and did not augur well for BN. Furthermore crime has increased tremendously. The fuel price increase was exorbitant by any standards.
Tun, you are a man of principles. Please do not be blinded by just one issue. Please look at the whole issue critically and then everyone will fully support you. Unemployment is very high and poverty amongst certain Malaysians too. Educational opportunities in Government Universities are not available to some Malaysians despite having all the necessary qualifications.Malaysians are not stupid anymore and expect better reasons from Tun for the bad showing by BN. Corrections need to be made by BN immediately for the benefit of all Malaysians.
Tun, please give constructive viewpoints, free from any bias. May the Almighty bless you and family with wisdom, prosperity and excellent health
Dear Tun and fellow bloggers,
Pray for your happiness and welness always.
Aren’t there any mechanism within UMNO constitution to remove Pak Lah? I.e. Vote of no confidence through an EGM to impeach its President.
I believe through UMNO he became PM so it is better through UMNO he is removed. Yes, the above practice is unortodhox / unconventional but at least the successor / replacement will be more cautious and responsible.
I also think that it is about time malaysia introduce maximum of 2 terms or 10 years for one to become PM. This to assure that nepotism, cronyism and money politics in UMNO could be further minimized. If you are able to perform the 1st 5 years, then people vote you to stay.
I believe the Masterplan, “Wawasan 2020” is already in place. Should there be any problem to follow it through. And we need a special think tank team /committee to develop the NEXT Wawasan and advise the PM.
My suggestion may not be something new but I think they are pracrical and realistic to implement.
Happy that you wish to rejoin UMNO.
Aknir kata, “Selamat Meningkatkan Ibadah di Bulan Ramadhan” dan semoga sihat dan ceria slalu, insyaAllah.
BN is perhaps one of the strongest coalition parties out there. The BR is merely an anti-BN party, rather than a viable party. It would crumble eventually.
MCA and MIC are moderate parties while DAP is a chauvinistic party that is having PAS as its bedfellow.
Yet, we were told by the whitewashed liberals that PAS and DAP are the wind of change Malaysians need!!
salam Tun,
saya berpendapat bahawa AAB merasa dirinya sangat popular dan masuk angin setelah memenangi PRU 11.
Lantas dalam keadaan begitu ditambah lagi dengan pakar2 penasihat yang ingat mereka sangat cerdik,maka projek2 Tun yang telah diluluskan Kabinet dulupun dibatalkan.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
You are still brilliant as ever. We still need your idea Tun.
Salam Tun,
An interesting article. I am of the opinion that to put the blame on the party is not at all fair. Its just like blaming the horse for not being able to win a race whereas the rider is not a qualified jockey. In assessing the poor showing of BN in the previous election, we have to take into account the peopple who are at the helm of the party. A good commander in a war battle ought to have a strategic move in order to win the battle. Ought we blame the army who have fought their hearts out to win the battle where as the commander is at fault for sending them into a trap. How careless of General Custer for not being able to foresee the trap being set by the Red Indians.
The same thing applies to BN. If you knew you can’t win, why be boastful? It wouldn’t help. It worsens the situation. Furthermore, the rakyat got tired of their arrogance, of their unmatured comments. Who wants an arrogant to rule the nation? Why not be down to earth humble BUT wise. A good tactician knows how to play his game. He wouldn’t bet on anything if he knew he can’t win.
In BN, the root of the problem is human factor. Party is not at fault.
Of late, BN (UMNO and its component party) is treading on thin tread by pursuing the racial issue. Who cares. The rakyat? I don’t think so. So far, harmony is observed. We see different races at the mamak stall having breakfast or lunch. No segregation. No fist fight over roti canai or nasi lemak or who should sit where. The problem is, its the leaders who are raising up the issue, blowing them out of proportion. The rakyat? Well, we are amused by their stupidity and ignorance. Sometimes it shames me to see how our elected reps behaved in Parliament. Preschool kids behave much better.
To some up, it time for the wake up call. Be wise.
Regards to Tun and family.
Assalamualaikum Tun 🙂
Have you read utusan today? there’s news about KJ commenting on talks of replacing BN current leadership >>http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2008&dt=0912&pub=Utusan_Malaysia&sec=Politik&pg=po_01.htm
He mentioned all talk with no evidence of plans to rejuvenate the party is just rethoric bla..bla..bla…
I suggest that you present your blueprint on how to overcome BN problems to keep his numb-skulled mouth shut!
sorry for the pun hehehe 😛
Welcome Home Tun, welcome home. Welcome back to UMNO and BN 🙂
This is the time that we need a leader. A leader to steer back the party, the people and the good ol Malaysia. We need a leader that has the respect of its people. We need you.
I don’t know what’s your game plan but my prayer and hope is for you to return as an ‘advisor’ and somehow work a deal with the current PM. We talk about Malays being together, what a good way to start by having you and Pak Lah on a same working team. We don;t expect a ‘loving’ relationship, but a working relationship would do.
This is the time where sacrifice need to be made. It’s the time where you and Pak Lah should unite and fight against the ‘evil power’ hijacking our country on 16th Sept/20th Sept.
I pray for UMNO to be united.
I pray for UMNO to be ‘repaired’
I pray for UMNO to be ‘cleansed’ from wrongdoings
I pray for UMNO to be strong
I pray for UMNO to be the pilot of BN and the country
I pray for UMNO to be the backbone of unity of Malaysia
I pray for UMNO to be UMNO as it used to be.
With tears in my eyes, i pray for Tun to bring the wave of change. Amin.
Asalamualaikum AYahanda Tun
Semoga Tun sihat walafiat menjalani ibadah.
Saya ingin cadang kan Tun mengambil semula Presiden UMNO
dan DS Muhyiddin calon Timbalan Presiden.
Selepas berjaya, Tun beri jawatan PM kepada DS Muhyiddin.
Dan, PM lantik Tun sebagai Senior Minister.
Saya DOAkan Allah panjang kan umur Tun, terus sihat dan terus berbakti kepada agama , bangsa dan Negara tercinta.
Amin Ya Rabbi Alamin
Asm Tun..
GE 2004 adalah yg terakhir whreby people voted for party without second thought..But that generation already gone.. the new generation will vote base on the candidate record..and i think mostly as new generation we don have hv any party..as we call our self ” rasional and not emotional”
Yep i agreed Kekalah BN bukan calon yg tidak bagus tetapi sebagai cara utk menghukum Pak Lah…but I think he just ignore the signal..
Ok lah tun..but most important is for the future..what are the nx action supaya anak cucu kita nanti tidak menjadi mangsa dan menyalahkan kita atas apa yg mereka perlu tempuhi ketika itu..kita tentu tdk mahu mereka jadi seperti Indon yg kaya dgn hasil bumi tetapi terpaksa mencari rezeki di negara asing ..
salam Tun…
satu perubahan perlu dilakukan segera.. keadaan sekarang makin membimbangkan… walaupn sy ada selepas merdeka tetapi sy xnk 13 mei berulang lg… sy nk hidup harmoni mcm zaman tun dlu… Tun, sy rs Tun wajar masuk semula ke arena politik untuk membetulkan keadaan… bangsa melayu skang semakin terancam… kalo kite tak bersatu hati, x mustahil org melayu negara ni akan jd mcm org melayu kt singapore… xnk… sy xnk jd camtu…
salam tun,
dasar bn masih releven untuk rakyat malaysia, kita masih memerlukan satu parti berbilang bangsa untuk memerintah malaysia. pakaatan rakyat hanya satu angan-angan, mungkin ya atau tidak. kita masih memerlukan seorang pemimpin berjiwa malaysia bukan malaysia malaysia.negara mengalami masalah inflasi kesan kenaikan harga minyak yang dibuat oleh dsaab. 78 sen satu rekod yang baik untuk beliau tetapi untuk rakyat satu rintangan. penurunan harga hanya sebanyak 15 sen , satu jumlah yang boleh diketawakan, harap ada penurunan lagi menjelang aidilfitri, kata dsaab. kadang-kadang kita rasa ianya jadi ssatu gurauan, tidak stabil macam chipsmore sekejap ya sekejap tidak.
parti dalam bn tidak akan keluar parti sekiranya ada pemimpin yang mampu mengawal suasana politik dalam parti. pilihanraya di sabah nanti dirasakan akan jadi milik pkr. percayalah ianya pasti akan menjadi kenyataan. dsaab saya rasa beliau boleh menjaga satu kementerian tetapi satu negara ialah satu kegagalan.kalau dilihat rekod politik negara luar jika berlaku masalah dalam negara pemimpin akan letak jawatan, malaysia mungkin tidak. saya mat berharap proses peralihan kuasa dipercepatkan lagikalau boleh disember ini. harap ahli umno akan mainkan peranan untuk menjaga kepentingan bangsa melayu, parti umno yang seterusnya tonggak kepada kerajaan malaysia
Salam Tun,
Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun. Pak Lah kena turun dan jikalau beliau turun sekarang, rakyat akan mengingati beliau sebagai seorang yang sanggup mengorbankan jawatan beliau untuk kepentingan 26 juta rakyat.
Tetapi jikalau beliau berkeras untuk terus bertahta sehingga 2010, BN mungkin akan menjadi sejarah. Besar harapan rakyat apabila Tun kembali kedalam UMNO, agar BN dapat dipulihkan sepenuhnya dan saya berharap pemimpin UMNO dan BN mengambil ikthibar dari semua ‘malapetaka’ tahun 2004 sehingga 2008.
Dear Tun,
Hopefully you could come up again to be our PM..
You are really the best!
Assalamualaikum Tun, Well I like to refer to para 14. I think its not a rejection to race-based politics or a rejection to BN. When the by-election of Ijok was realeased, I found out that the Malay votes goes to a Malay candidate (Khalid Ibrahim), while other races vote for BN and so BN won. By this, it begins to change everything. Other races had a big question mark, and of course they tend to think on racial lines that is : the Malays are choosing only Malay leaders. What are we doing then?.
In fact, all this while the question of race tend to get more popular and intense, especially with the concept of Bangsa Malaysia propounded by Tun yourself! This concept really worn out the Malays rights and dominance, but not the other races. So we can see how these races talking about ‘bangsa Malaysia’, questioning the origins of Malays, the rights that is being enjoyed by the Malays and what not. And so, the idea of equality to all races becoming more popular, and it so happen that PKR took the idea into political rostrum. However, it is very sad that UMNO could not answer all this questions promptly and impressively.
So, with the help from PAS, who always propounded the idea of universality and non-racial in Islamic teachings, the non-Malays voted for the opposition. In other words, what the Malay leaders are saying : we should not struggle on racial lines, and Islamic teaching also forbid it.
With this underline statement, there is no more basis or credibility for Malays to struggle for their once homeland and territory. Thus, its not just the question of a mosquito and the net!
What if inside the net is not one mosquito? but many mosquitoes?
Burning the net to kill all these useless poisonous mosquitoes is also a good idea for many more beings. Especially your grandchildren. Why not buy a new net and make sure this time no more mosquito?
Come on, move on. If you really need a new net, just accept it.
Salam sejahtera TDM,
There are 2 other alternate ways to kill a mosquito apart from using the net. It is either you spray it with bug spray or you slap it with your bare hand.
PKR thinks they can kill the mosquito by slapping with their hands. But chances are, the mosquito may fly off by the time you want to slap it. In particular, I think the Mr. G*y leader is simply being too ambitious.
BUT, UNMO/BN has the competitive edge. That is to kill the mosquito using bug spray. The mosquito wont be able to escape if you spray bug poison in the room. So let us roll up our sleeves and unite in order to get rid Mr. AAB.
Can you please comment on your decision to rejoin UMNO.
Salam Tun sekeluarga..
saya tk tahu nk cakap…
but saya suka dengan Tun..
“kerana nyamuk seekor habis kelambu dibakar”,kerana paklah seorang habis punah sebuah negara yg dahulunya gah dgn keharmonian masyarakat yang berbilang kaum,dan merupakan titik tolak perpecahan bangsa melayu..bangsa melayu hari ini akan kehilangan keistimewaan disebabkan oleh bangsa melayu sendiri..masa semakin suntuk..pemimpin hari ini lebih mementingkan diri sendiri dr membela nasib masyarakat…”MELAYU MUDAH LUPA”..melayu bercakaran sesama melayu..india dgn cina dok bertepuk tangan dan tunggu masa saja untuk ambil peluang..contoh yg terdekat nun diseberang tambak..wahai bangsa melayu..sedarlahhhhh..
tun, 1st of all selamat berpuasa. Currently we see no credible leaders from UMNO to take over the PM office…..everyone is tainted with some form of scandal at one point of time. It is a case of buat apa pun tak jadi, tak buat pun tak jadi. Who is the knight in shinning armour in BN camp now?….everyone thinks anwar is the only hope but why is he so bent of desiring to be the UNO one? Why cant he wait for another 4 yrs? But i believe his cat and mouse tactic will encounter some backlashes as the rakyat is thoroughly fed up with these wooing of MPs. Have anyone thought of implementing those election pledges?
Kini kerisauan semakin menjadi-jadi. Sememangnya kita tak perlu membakar kelambu hanya kerana seekor nyamuk. Tapi mampukah ahli kelambu menangkap nyamuk tersebut ? Ini kerana nyamuk tersebut semakin hari semakin degil dan tidak mahu keluar daripada kelambu walaupun telah dihalau berkali-kali. Hatta kini pemimpin kanan sekali pun cuba menghalaunya keluar, nyamuk tetap dengan kedegilannya, ini kerana ada pemimpin yang cuba menahannya daripadanya keluar, mungkin nak ampu or nak jaga periuk nasi.Kita berharap semua ahli kelambu bersatu padu manghalau nyamuk tersebut keluar dengan cara yang terhormat agar kita semua dapat tidur dengan nyenyak…terima kasih Tun M.
1. Tepat apa yang diperkatakan oleh chedet.
2. Undi Cina adalah kerana keadaan ekonomi yang tak bagus akibat dinasihartkan oleh KJ…nie laa jadinya bila tak paham sejarah, tersurat dan tersirat. University bagus pun kalau tak pandai baca tersurat dan tersirat pun tak guna…habis negara
3. Aplikasi KJ tak bole pakai dalam ekonomi Malaysia. Ianya macam Anwar punya gaya – ikut buku dan teori yang dah lapok dan ramai orang dah mahir dalam manupulasikannya.
4. Hilang Undi Melayu pulak sebab…kroni KJ gak. Makan ikut geng-geng dia, akhirnya Bumiputra tak pegi undi atau pilih sebelah.
5. Baguslaa…ada sorang dua pemimpin kita bersuara – satu kat Penang satu lagi kat Singapore, semalam.
6. Baru nak terkejut…
7. Tak paham kee..yang majoriti…angguk-angguk geleng-geleng jee…
8. Bila takde..kuasa rasanya rata-rata mereka-mereka nie bole ke angguk-angguk geleng-geleng…?
9. Sudah laa…Paklah..cuba fikirkan dan lepaskan kerusi tuu bagi kat kawan kita yang bersuara kat Singapore tuu…
10. Cakap dia pun berlapik…
11. Lakukan ini untuk negara kita. Hidup kita kat dunia nie pun sementara. Sumbangan Paklah masa penggal pertama pun kami hargai…
12. Cubalaa Paklah..lepaskan…
Salam TUn,
1. Jelas kebanyakan pengundi sebenarnya tidak melihat parti-parti politik yang tertentu bila mereka membuang undi untuk memilih kerajaan. Tetapi mereka melihat apa yang kerajaan yang sedia ada kemampuan untuk memberikan sesuatu atau membalas balik budi sebagai memilih mereka untuk menerajui kerajaan.
2. Seperti yang TDM tulis bahawa rakyat sebenarnya tidak menolak BN. Ini adalah kerana, secara peribadi, rakyat tidak nampak sebarang kemajuan atau perancangan dari segi ekonomi, pembangunan dsbnya seperti mana di zaman TDM. Apa yang kerajaan dan pemimpin masakini mengutarakan perancangan yang mensasarkan golongan-golongan tertentu yang jelas merupakan tindakan terbelakang yang tidak menguntungkan terutama kepada pengundi, kepada rakyat keseluruhannya dan kepada negara khasnya.
3. Saya yakin sekiranya kepimpinan kerajaan sekarang mengambil kira, menerima nasihat dan saranan serta menjadikan TDM sebagai menteri mentor untuk terus memperkasakan pentadbiran negara dari semua aspek, segala permasalahan, kemelut yang melanda kita semua ini tidak lah seburuk mana. Dan, sokongan terhadap BN akan terus mantap sehingga PRU13 kelak.
A’kum dan salam sejahtera,
Takkan nyamuk sekor tu je…
Anak nyamuk tu macam mane???
Terima kasih dan syukur saya kepada ALLAH swt.
Tun masih lg disini.
Membela nasib bangsa dan negara.
Assalamualaikum Tun..
Tan Sri Muhyidin ketika ini dilihat sebagai seorang pemimpin yang berani.
Di saat UMNO semakin parah, saya percaya kemasukkan Tun semula dalam UMNO membawa erti yang cukup besar.
Kebanyakkan golongan muda di negara kita masih tidak dapat menerima Pak Lah sebagai perdana menteri.
Pak Lah menambah duka kami dalam Bajet 2009.Saya dapati tiada kebaikan untuk rakyat.Kalau ada pun bil elektrik percuma.Zaman sekarang mana ada orang pakai elektrik bawah RM20.
Rakyat sedang menderita sekarang Tun, tolong kami.
Tolonglah tunjuk jalan bagi menjernihkan keadaan.
Saya dan keluarga adalah penyokong kuat UMNO sejak sekian lama. Malangnya semenjak DSAAB menerajui UMNO, terlalu banyak kelemahan beliau yang ditonjolkan setiap hari. Walaupun tidak suka dengan cara
kepimpinan DSAAB, kami sekeluarga tetap memangkah BN dalam pilihanraya yang lalu. Kenapa? Kerana bukan UMNO atau BN yang salah tetapi DSAAB yang bersalah. Amat malang bagi kita kerana memiliki pemimpin sebegini.
Sebelum Tun menjadi blogger, kami sekeluarga telah memperkatakan tentang DSAAB yang membatalkan jambatan bengkok, seolah-olah amat takutkan Singapura. Sanggup menghabiskan duit rakyat dengan membayar pampasan kerana membatalkan projek-projek yang telah dirancang sekian lama. Kenapa DSAAB bersikap sedemikian? Tak lain dan tak bukan kerana campurtangan menantunya yang semua orang tahu beliau mengahwini Nori kerana apa..
Mudah-mudahan Allah membuka pintu hati DSAAB untuk mempercepatkan tarikh penyerahan kuasa kepada timbalannya. Jangan sampai UMNO terkubur begitu saja. Apabila kita lemah, pelbagai cara orang lain gunakan untuk menekan kita walhal sejarah membuktikan Melayu adalah penduduk asal negara tercinta ini dan seharusnya hak-hak istimewa orang Melayu jangan diusik! Wallahu’alam.
Salam Tun,
This is my first time to leave a comment in your blog.
I personally think that the Malaysia nowdays getting unstable due to the political scenario and we as a citizen suffered coz of the inflation bla bla bla.
Nevertheless,really admire on your leadership Tun. Selamat Berpuasa.
I agree with your comments.
So Tun are you really going back UMNO?
What are your plans immediately joining UMNO?
Can you remove the 4th floor and the influence?
In this dire situation, would you consider Anwar to be the leader if he bears the Barisan Nasional flag? If not, who deserves it? Certainly not Najib and the gang.
Selamat Bulan Puasa Tun
May God Bless U always…raya tahun nie balik kedah x? Jom konvoi..opis keja saya kat cyber..nak balik kedah..jauhhhh
Salam Ayahanda Tun.
1) Galvanizing the supports of the numerous Malay NGOs is perhaps a step in the right direction.
2) Perhaps it is now timely to get the Majlis Raja-Raja Melayu into an even more dynamic role within the political principles and sphere of Malays and UMNO in Malaysia.
3) Breathe in a new semangat merdeka to the hearts of Melayu today, take this road show back on the âMerdeka Roadsâ 1955-1957.
– Salam Kamal Ahmad.
Salam Tun and all,
Walaupun Tun tulis artikel in English, I will comment in Malay so that most could understand.
1. Adat Melayu malu menegur seseorang secara berdepan.
Tapi,bila seseorang itu dah nampak lemahnya dan berbahayanya, maka amat perlu juga ditegur berdepan.
2. Masalah dengan kepimpinan sekarang, yang dapat saya lihat, dan saya hanyalah manusia kerdil; ialah beliau tidak dapat mengulas, menganalisis dan menyampaikan pandangan beliau tentang sesuau isu dengan baik.
3. Apabila berlaku sesuatu keadaan yang amat serius, contohnya bila Bar Council anjuran Forum Terbuka tentang memeluk Islam, pada sesetengah orang, it is okay to discuss openly.Pada yang lain pula tak boleh. Tapi: apa pandangan pemimpin No. 1 negar? HAMPIR TIADA!! Senyap sepi sesepi sepinya.
4. Dan begitulah dengan hal-hal yang lain. Sejak 2003, kesan ‘sepinya pandangan pemimpin’ itu menimbulkan keadaan “orang lain pula yang banyak bercakap”.
5. Rakyat yang berbilang bangsa ini sedang meningkat maju, jadi kita sentiasa perlu dieritahu misi dan visi dengan cara yang praktikal, dirorong semangat bersatu padu. Tapi, seperti yang dikatakan oleh sesetengah pembaca blog ini, situasi bersemangat da bersatu ini banyak wujud masa Tun tapi masa searang, dah kurang.
6. Saya rasa, para menteri kita ‘segan’ (Bahasa Utara) bermakna malu utuk beritahu pemimpin nombor 1 bahawa dia tu tak berapa sesuai dah untuk jadi pemimpin.
7. Jadi saya yang kenit ini menyeru supaya, pemimpin no 1 ambillah iktibar dari teguran-teguran berlapik, dan yang tak berlapik sesetangahnya (Mcam yang TUN tulis hari ni) untuk faham.
8. Jgnlah kata masih banyak kerja nak dibuat. Malaysia had evolved withour you before, and it will continue to evolve without you in the future.
9. Saya berdoa agar Malaysia terus Maju dan Makmur. And I love my Chinese and Indian friends, like I believ most of us feel towards each of our firends from the different races.
10. Saya saja lah nak tanya tuan-tuan dan puan-puan pembaca: Can you imagine Karpal Singh giving a full 30 minutes speech in Bahasa Malaysia to a hall-full of Malay petani, peladang and penternak? Manalah tau, silap2 hribulan dia jadi Menteri Pertanian ka? Kit Siang I can imagine jugak walaupun may be tak berapa lancar, but Karpal? I just cannot. Maybe we should consider that siapa nak jadi menteri di Malaysia should be able to speak at least 30 minutes in BM?!hehehehehehhhehe..
11. Hari ni saya rasa macam saya post comment awal juga, so tulis panjang sikit.
Salam semua, jaga diri masing masing, sembahyang jangan tinggal. Tun,please take care, Sembahyang sebagai senjata, al-Quran sebagai panduan. Semoga Sihat sekeluarga.
I agree tun. but…
Sadly, they can’t figure out this. Such a simple math also they can’t do, what else we could expect from them?
Are you really going to rejoin UMNO?
Mr & Mrs Imran
salam ayahda Tun,
Selamat berpuasa…
yang membezakan BN skrg ini dgn sblm ini ialah mentaliti…
asas Perjuangan Belum Selesai yg Tun terap tdk menyerap dlm jiwa pemimpin2 dugu kini…
bimbang akan menjadi budaya kpda rakyat yg tidak mengenal lg prinsip perjuangan… namun lebih mengerti asas ‘penyah-perjuangan’
salam tun, agreed!!
if it’s not broken, don’t change it, just fix it!!
salamat berbuka!!ramdhan kareem
Salam Tun, pls help us to kill this mosquito.
Dear Tun,
Malaysians should reject racist politics but everyone must abide by the constitution.
To a prosperous Malaysia!
Good morning Tun,
I agreed with your point no.17 below
17. It would be a pity if, as the Malay saying goes, “we burn the mosquito net because of one mosquito”.
But the unresolve and never ending issue now is “HOW TO ‘BURN’ THAT ONLY ONE MOSQUITO”
Few brand of pesticides was used by Tun, BN component leaders, UMNO leaders, even RAKYAT through recent PRU12. but the mosquito is still to stubburn.
And Agreed….
Parti Perikatan (Parti Kapal) a.k.a Barisan Nasional Akan karam di lautan reformasi !
betul kata Tun,smua org bercakap tentang kelemahan Pak Lah..kat mana2 pun,siapa2 pun,tak kira lah apa pun,org selalunya bercakap tentang kelemahan Pak Lah. Memang sukar dinafikan gelombang yang dibawa oleh D.S Anwar mempunyai kesan, tetapi orang lebih menyalahkan Pak Lah daripada bercakap tentang D.S.Anwar. Kawan2 yang seusia dengan saya yang masih menuntut di kebanyakkan IPTA dan ada yang sudah bekerja,semua nya bercakap tentang kelemahan PakLah. Banyak pengundi baru generasi saya bercakap tentang kelemahan Pak Lah !
I will stand beside u
Nothing much the rakyat can do except voting the opposition. god bless.
‘Change, embrace change’. ‘Where there is Chaos there is Order’.
Assalamualaikum Tun dan warga Chedet.com..
Totally agree with u..tp betul ke Tun dah masuk Umno balik ni? Saya tak percaya kat media kerajantan nih..
hidup Paklah! hahahahah..nak guna ridsect @ shieldtox @ baygon nih..? jentik-jentik belakang nyamuk tu pun kena hapuskan jugak. ubat 3K kut..
Selamat Hari Raya warga chedet.com..
maaf zahir dan batin
Salam Tun,
Tepat sekali apa yang Tun katakan, Hanya BN yang dapat membawa pembangunan kepada Malaysia. Telah terbukti selama ini. Masalahnya sekarang, ada kepincangan kepimpinan dalam BN sekarang. Namun, mereka yang berada dalam UMNO itu sendiri enggan menerima hakikat, maka rakyat tak punya pilihan selain terpaksa menggundi pembangkang. Bak kata pepatah, Marahkan Nyamuk Kelambu DiBakar …. nasib baik tak habis terbakar Tun.
Nah … Tun kena bantu menganyam bahagian kelambu yang terbakar .. welcome back tu UMNO. Minggu depan I join jadi ahli UMNO
“18. What needs to be done is to get rid of the mosquito but continue to use the net.”
Ahahaha… Thank you tun, u really made my day..love the cynical jokes
Salam Tun..saya bersetuju dgn pandangan Tun dan saya tau Tun benar2 ikhlas memberi komen dan pandangan walaupun kadang2 ada pihak yg terasa ibarat sapa makan cili dia akan rasa pedas. So, apa yg perlu dilakukan untuk membetulkan keadaan yg sedia ada sekarang..atau adakah perlu sikap tunggu dan lihat..
salam sejahtera kepada tun sekeluarga.
saya sama seperti rakyat malaysia yang lain dari golongan kebanyakan. saya berasa gembira dengan keputusan tun untuk menyertai semula UMNO. bawalah poerubahan yang kami semua nantikan. kami sentiasa berdoa. terima kasih kepada tun di atas jasa-jasa tun.
salam tun,
Harapan saya agar semua rakyat malaysia dapat mengambil iktibar kejadian2 di negara jiran kita. Agar malaysia kembali disegani seperti suatu waktu dulu. Selamat Berpuasa.
Yang di sayangi lagi di hormati Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Siti Hasmah
Begitu lah dengan cakap2 kecil yang kedengaran di bawah.It was not a TOTAL REJECTION OF THE PARTY BUT THE TOTAL REJECTION OF THE PARTY LEADERSHIP.Of all the Prime Minister,pak lah was the only ones who brought almost all of his family into politics or something that has to do with GLC’s.
The father were fully involved in politic whereas the family try to gain something out of the influence of the father.
pak lah has to go and so with the rest of the family.
Semoga Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda selalu berada di dalkam limpahan Rahm,at ALLAH SWT
Alif Lam Mim
Salam Tun,
It’s still few days to go until 916 or even 920. Despite this, Pak Lah and gangs are busy with sending MPs to a kindergarten in Taiwan and had work overtime for one Ahmad Ismail’s antic. However, as much as I hate the present BN leadership, I’m still not sure whether PR would have the bullets to take the country out of the woods and forward. I had chosen them & I’m crossing my fingers.
Salam Tun n chedet.com fan…
Rakyat meluat kepada Pak LahAP…
Itu sahaja…. No other reasons actually….
Pak LahAP turun, BN & UMNO naik kembali….
Semoga Tun dirahmati Allah hendaknya…
Salam ayahanda Tun,
Tak sabar tunggu komentar ayahanda atas perkara berikut:
1. PM ‘terkejut’ kenyataan Muhyiddin Yassin
2. Peristiwa ‘katak’ (lompat parti) & penubuhan kerajaan pimpinan DSAI jangkaan pada 16 Sep.
3. Kenyataan kerabat di Raja Johor
Kepada ayahanda Tun serta keluarga, saya ucapkan “selamat hari raya”, didoakan dirahmati selalu.
I am longing for the old prosperous malaysia. I really hope that BN will reform and we can get rid of those culprits who are destroying BN. So Pak Lah, KJ and Co., please please stop being selfish and leave BN alone!
Assalamualaikum Tun sekeluarga.
Keadaan sekarang amat merisaukan. Kelihatan kepimpinan negara semakin longlai dan semakin lemah untuk mengawal keadaan semasa. Terus menerus membuat keputusan penting berdasarkan tekanan-tekanan tanpa memikirkan buruk baiknya terlebih dahulu kepada Bangsa Melayu.
Tidak mahu mengaku kelemahan.
Selamat kembali ke UMNO. Selamat berjuang.
yes u rite sir..very rite..even DoL doesnt realize this..or too stup*d too ignored this!!!!
anyway may u explain the reason why u joinin Umno back?
Assalammulaikum Yg Berbahagia Tun,
Panjang lebar ucapan Tun kali ni dan macam biasa memang kukuh dan hebat hujahnya. yang peliknya ramai rakyat yang marhain ni faham dan setuju dengan pandangan Tun tapi kenapa masih ramai kaki bodek dan pemimpin yang masih tak faham-faham, atau memang saja tak mau paham walaupun setuju.
Kenapalah Pak Lah n cronies tak reti-reti nak terima hakikat yang rakyat dah meluat dengan drama murah tu…
Harap Tun teruskan memberi pandangan dan komen berguna. Tiada lagi maklumat sahih yang boleh diperolehi, semua media kena jaga periuk nasi, publish yang kerajaan tapis ja.
Semoga Tun sihat selalu.
yeah.. im the first..
tq Tun for everything,may God bless you and family…
selamat menjalani ibadah puasa Tun.
Asalamualaikum and Hi,
I quote:
“What needs to be done is to get rid of the mosquito but continue to use the net”.
You’re right Tun, we will need a lot of insecticide and ridsect to kill them all.
With Regards,
Ir. Syahrizan
salam Tun,
“In 1999 Elections Malay support of the Barisan Nasional was eroded because of sympathy for Anwar Ibrahim.”
this is true, rakyat tak pandang faktor lain dah time tu, semuanya kecewa dan patah hati dgn BN sebab kes DSAI.
“Had the trend been towards change and rejection of the Barisan Nasional the 2004 election would show this. But far from being rejected the Barisan Nasional swept through with its best ever result, getting 9/10th of the seats in Parliament, regaining Terengganu and almost capturing Kelantan.”
this is because, sedih sgt sebab Tun dah pence, so kami rakyat Malaysia bagi sokongan 100% kat BN sebab bagi menyambung perjuangan Tun, dengan lagak Pak Lah yang alim, maka bertambah dah undi., tapi sedih sgt sekarang, BN dah kucar kacir. baik undi parti lain, dari undi yang entah apa-apa.
Y.A.Bhg. Tun,
Well said and I couldn’t agree more.
The image of DSAAB is being tarnished by “these arrogant young people”.
Pak Teh