1. I am glad to hear that Malaysia will be spared from the fallout of the systemic collapse of the whole world’s financial system. This ability to isolate Malaysia and Malaysian banks from the effect of the bankruptcies of all the biggest banks in the world must be regarded as a miracle. Our ability to manage our financial system better than others must earn us the admiration of the world.

2. I hope we are right in forecasting the effect on us of the collapse of the world’s financial system. But I have a sneaking feeling that all is not well.

3. We are a trading nation which trades with all countries of the world. The United States and Europe are among the biggest of our trading partners. Roughly 40 per cent of our total trade is with them. I may be wrong but I believe that if our buyers cannot pay for what they import from us, we would not make the profit we had expected. In fact we would lose a lot of money as we will not recover the cost of the goods we sell even.

4. Now the common practise is for importers to open Letters of Credit (LCs) with banks to ensure that when they receive the goods the corresponding banks will release the money. However, if the importers’ banks go bankrupt they would not be able to transmit the payment.

5. They may be bailed out by the US Government. But they may not consider paying Malaysian exporters as a priority. In which case we will not be paid. Worse still we can no longer entertain orders coming from this market. Our trade must shrink.

6. We are not talking about one company. We are talking about hundreds of companies trading with America and Europe and other countries not getting paid for their exports. We are talking about tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of Ringgit worth of goods not being paid for.

7. These companies all borrow from banks to finance their operations. They hope to pay the banks from the proceeds of their export. When they cannot pay the banks, the banks in turn would have a lot of non-performing loans.

8. The banks would be wary of lending money to not only the exporting companies but to others as well. There will be a credit squeeze which would hurt other businesses. There will be margin calls. When the borrowers cannot meet this there may be foreclosures.

9. We see a lot of construction in Kuala Lumpur, all dependent on borrowed money. If these buildings are not sold or rented, payment by the developer to the banks would not be forthcoming. Again there will be a lot of non-performing loans.

10. When the Government withdrew the subsidy for oil the pump price increased by 40 per cent. The immediate result was to increase the prices of a wide range of food, goods and services commonly needed by the people. In other words the purchasing power of the people had been reduced.

11. Since then the price of oil had been reduced three times. But the prices of food, goods and services have stayed up.

12. Some cranks estimated that every citizen had lost purchasing power by RM300 a year. Since we have a population of 27million, the country’s loss of purchasing power amounts to RM8.1 billion. That is a lot money which is lost by food suppliers, cooked and uncooked, goods and service providers at various levels. A lot of small businesses would just fold up.

13. The Government has given back some money but not enough to reduce the losses sustained by the economy.

14. Now the corridors cannot be fully implemented. But this is fine because nothing had been implemented anyway. Unfortunately the anticipated earnings by contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, workers, teh tarik and nasi lemak sellers would not materialise.

15. Maybe we will not need several hundred billions to bail out our banks. But the banks will also face the problem of unpaid loans incurred by their credit card users. They have been rather lax in providing credit card facilities to their customers, many of whom have no accounts with them. It is believed that unpaid credit card loans is in excess of RM20 billion.

16. Will the Government guarantee depositors will not lose their deposits when the banks which had in the past made huge profits now go bankrupt because of their mismanagement?

17. This is what the peoples of America and Europe are asking. Their money is used to bail out the banks whose profits had enriched their Chief Executive Officers and their share holders so much in the past. The people did not get a share of the profit, but they must pay for the losses.

18. We are told that six billion Ringgit in Foreign Direct Investment would flow into the country. But what about the RM30 billion outflow as foreign investors pulled out of the stock market?

19. I pray that I am wrong. I pray that the Government is right in declaring that the whole world may collapse but we would be the only country which won’t. We will sail calmly through the seas of shattered economies.

20. What is happening in the world today is the total collapse of the international financial system. This has been brought about by greedy people abusing the system. Instead of doing business in goods and services they now do business in money, in fictitious money.

21. We had experienced the effects of the trade in our currency in 1997-98. For no very good reason, our Ringgit was devalued so that its purchasing power was halved. And we became poor.

22. Fortunately for us we succeeded in stopping the trade in Ringgit and restoring its value. But the system is still in place. And now it is the US Dollar which is devalued.

23. But trading in currencies is only one of the abuses. The banks are lending more money than they have. They actually go to the people to persuade them to borrow.

24. Their clients can borrow 100 per cent of the money to buy a house for example.

25. They need not worry about paying or servicing the loan. The price of the house would appreciate. You may even have a second mortgage. You may even sell at a profit.

26. In the meantime the bank would register the loan and add the projected earnings from interest maybe over 20 years. That done the bank can put all the loans together and sell it to the hedge funds at a discount after adding potential interest.

27. The more risky the loan the higher would be the interest and the higher would be the profit. The hedge funds which buy the loans can basically sell the mortgages to investors in the fund or to the huge Government financed Federal National Mortgage Association, nicknamed Fannie Mae, and the Federal Home Mortgage Corporation, nicknamed Freddie Mac.

28. Now the hedge funds and the banks would feel safe and enjoy the huge profits that they have made.

29. But when hundreds of thousands of house buyers find themselves unable to pay simply because they have no money, and could not sell the houses and could not borrow from banks, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae would not be able to pay the hedge funds. Then the hedge funds would collapse and drag down the banks with them.

30. This simply is what happened. The same applies to credit cards. People with little or no money would be given credit cards. They would spend more than they can afford and the banks would be faced with huge amounts of non-performing loans. The banks cannot pay the bills submitted by the sellers of goods or suppliers of services. The banks would collapse and there would be a run on the banks and on other banks which had lent the money to the affected banks. And so we see one after another of the giant banks of America and Europe going bankrupt.

31. The Government may try to bail them out. But the confidence does not last long. Soon the bailout would be seen to fail.

32. Actually I am giving a very simplified version of what is happening. All these shuffling of papers and figures cannot but encourage cheating. The bigger the amount of money involved the bigger would be the returns. The tendency is therefore to play with very large sums of money.

33. But where does the money come from? From nowhere. The Government and the banks, including the Federal Reserve Bank conjured up the money from nothing. If you ask yourself where do the US700 billion Dollars come from when you know the United States’ Government has to borrow US1.5 billion every day, you will find no answer. Is the US Government holding US700 billion Dollars in its treasury just in case it has to bail out the banks? Not likely when it cannot even make ends meet, when it has twin deficits.

34. So money can be conjured up out of thin air. And this must be the money the banks lent, the money the hedge funds and currency traders play with, the payments for expensive wars etc.

35. Basically the international financial system and the market economy has failed. Unless and until a new system is introduced and Governments regulate with the running and operation of national and international finance and the so-called free market we are going to see the financial turmoil and collapse repeated over and over again.


  1. Dear, Tun,
    You have my greatest respect and admiration. I never forget the cliche,”Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible!”
    I believe this cliche was concocted by someone in reference to you during your time as the PM, particularly during the financial crisis of 1997/98.
    What is troubling me is that, during this period of denial by our leaders, the country seems to continue to be in Auto-pilot mode. I ‘ve heard the term “Fundamentally strong” being used often, to describe the state of our economy. Whenever there is a bull run in the Stock Market, this phrase is used. Now, with the world economy in tatters, we are still using this term, to support our denial mentality.
    When banks started to peddle credit cards in shopping malls and supermarkets and encouraged home owners to transfer and/or re-morgage their homes(loans) with incentives like “No moving cost and lower interest rates,” I sensed that things were going wrong. But of course, I did not have the dept of econmoic knowledge to undetstand why it is bad.Simply put it means that people who should not be given credit card facilities are enticed to have them. Is it surprising that there are large numbers of defaulters. But of course banks don’t care. Higher risks means higher profits. Interests on overdue credit card owings can be as high as 20% pa.And the people who get whacked with this atrociously high interests are those who can least afford it! What a paradox?
    Tun, we are now feeling the void that you left. Whatever they say about you, after your 22 years, you have left us with the KLIA, the Twin Towers, the number world class highways, Penang Bridge, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, the world class F1 circuit, the partial Bakun Dam, the IJN plus other items that I can’t immediately recall.(Unfortunately he crooked bridge was abandoned by some moron!) All these are the rakyat’s money sunk in and they will be there for many years to come for the benefit of our future generations.I can’t think of any big thing being created since you left more than 5 year ago, other than the “pie-in-the-sky” corridors!

  2. Dear Tun,
    More Analysis Required: A Cool Hard Look At Malaysia’s Economic Figures
    Your data-based decision making in handling the previous economic crisis is commendable.I am sure if given the opportunity to contribute, you could have steered the present Economic Council to play a more effective role towards faster recovery.
    ISSUE:Given that government departments do not analyse figures (even collectors/producers of such data are contented to mechanically disseminate the ups and downs of selected indicators such as the GDP, CPI, IPP etc, packaged together with unfriendly technical notes), the responsibility falls squarely on the economic columnists/editors of our newspapers & researchers, including your blog.
    (A)The academia and non-government research agencies should be encouraged and adequately funded, to play this role, including providing more credible data.
    (B)For this purpose, more depth and numeracy are expected. For a start, the data issues raised in the highly acclaimed Financial Times article by Chris Giles (Lies, damn lies and befuddlement;Published: July 26 2007;,_i_email=y.html) are very relevant to Malaysia.
    (C) More frightening is the ‘legitimate’ practice of equating pay-rise/increments(including the recent salary revision for public servants) to growth in productivity of government servants,hoping for multiplier effects! Economists suspect a policy ploy to prop-up the overall GDP when the private sector is bleeding.

  3. Salam YAB Tun,
    Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan Madfa diatas tentang sistem kewangan berunsurkan riba'(interest) ciptaan barat. Yang saya hairan kenapa pakar-pakar ekonomi dan kewangan termasuk CEO bank-bank besar di Malaysia terutama yang beragama Islam membisu dan diam. Lepas itu cipta jenama lain dengan logo Islam maka yang haram dahulunya sekarang menjadi halal. Bila majoriti kata riba’ itu halal, bolehkah ia menjadi halal? Kena tanya drmaza Mufti Perlis.
    Disini petikan dari : I Want the Earth Plus 5%. The truth about money, credit and the deficit.
    None of our problems will disappear until we correct the creation, supply and circulation of money. Once the money problem is solved, everything else will fall into place.

  4. I think its impossible to prevent this from happening. The western main profit goes down to their application of riba'(interest) which is totally Haram. They were the one who introduced the concept of making money out of thin air back in the 1940s. We shouldn’t be a member of the IMF. It’s only a tool to control the world’s economic system. We should create our own economic system like what Tun intended to do with other Islamic countries. I think in the next 10 or 20 years, money will be totally invisible. Virtual money is next! Paypal anyone.

  5. Salam Tun and readers of
    I applaud you then and now for your bravery actions to save Malaysia from bankruptcy by not accepting the IMF money. The world then and now still admired you so much for your action. You are the only Premier who really have the guts to say NO! IMF…take a hike! 🙂
    Tun and chedet readers, i was called to share this information so that we all should be wary from now on that we should protect Malaysia at all cost. After reading the writings, interviews and videos of what is really going on, you would realize that current financial system is nothing more a farce. and will show you all the answers for the financial mess and the big plan by these criminals to control the world. It is not about greed or speculations! it is also not about taking high risks! The financial system that we all know and learned in schools, colleges and universities were created for a purpose!

  6. Tun,
    assalamualaikum, mungkin saya terlambat dlm komen artikel ini. Setelah go thru komen2 yg ada tuu…terdapat cerita pasal emas dinar yg menarik perhatian saya. Pengalaman saya sejak awal 90’an perkara ini bermula hingga kini….masih lagi tertanya2 arus dan arah dinar emas. Pernah terlibat dengan pelbagai pihak yg ingin menarajuinya tapi tak kesampaian mungkin tersangkut ditengah jalan.
    boleh Tun beri pandangan berhubung Dinar Emas ini. Bagaimana saya boleh menarajui konsep ini bermula dgn domestik dan berakhir dengan global…..Saya memang bercita utk konsep ini….wasalam TUN….insyallah


  8. Dear Tun
    As always, I am your lifetime supporter !!!
    Tun, maybe its about time your idea that all islamic countries adopt a common financial system. Can we(at least all Islamic countries) get together. We should had enuff from these people who wake up at 12PM, go to their lixurious office, speculate & sell papers & made tons of money. I think the world need basic economic system, waking up early in the morning, produce something people want to buy & sell at a decent profit !!!
    Why can’t we do without currency & share trading !!

  9. Salam Tun dan Bonda,
    Keruntuhan sistem kewangan dunia telahpun diberikan gambaran dengan cukup jelas oleh bekas setiausaha politik Tun iaitu Sdr Matthias Chang’s dalam bukunya yang bertajuk The Shadow Money Lenders And Global Financial Tsunami diterbitkan pada bulan March 2008 yang lalu.
    Persoalannya mengapa pegawai-pegawai dan ahli-ahli politik yang menduduki Kementerian Kewangan tidak mengambil sebarang iktibar atau pengajaran dalam merangka hala tuju ekonomi negara melalui kajian dan penemuan yang telah diutarakan oleh Sdr Matthias Changs.Apakah mereka-mereka ini malas ataupun tak pernah hendak membaca untuk mencari maklumat atau sekurang-kurangnya bertanya kepada orang yang lebih arif tentang ilmu ekonomi dan kewangan.Bercakap tentang ekonomi dan kewangan ikut sedar mulut saja tanpa ada fakta yang menjadi sandaran.
    Akhir kata,ramalan Sdr Matthias Chang’s mengenai index Dow Jone dan BSKL telah menjadi kenyataan,ingin tahu kena baca sendiri.
    Che Mee
    Kuala Kangsar

  10. Good Morning Tun,
    I am reluctant to believe our DPM, knows what he is talking about in relation to the effects of the current US economic turmoil and it’s effects to the world and what more Malaysia. Malaysia’s economy is comparatively just like a pinch of sugar as compared to the whole sack of the world economy, and how does he think, we will be able to withstand the effects? Considering how huge the economic cake of the US, as compared to Malaysia, a minor effect to the US economy will definitely give a major impact to Malaysia.

  11. YM Tun,
    Most people in the financial world or those that are well informed or well read knows that the current financial crisis is severe enough to threaten our economy and will impact our own financial capability. Its such an intricate situations that nobody can predict with certainty what will happen. Even you with your wealth of experience implied that in your analysis of the situation. However the present government chosed to make short sighted comments over this crisis in the media to an extend that make them looks like idiot.

  12. “Kita tak mahu penurunan harga yang tinggi hingga menjejaskan pengusaha stesen minyak di seluruh negara,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan pameran Minggu Kesedaran Kewangan di Pusat Konvensyen Antarabangsa Persada Johor di sini, semalam.
    He said again for the champion of the petrol kiosk not the rakyat. Turun RM1.00 ke turun RM0.15. Rugipun satu hari saja….not for a month…Masa you bagi naik dulu semua petrol kiosk dah untung banyak…itu tak terfikir ka…

  13. Salam Tun
    Setelah sekian lama saya mengikuti tulisan tun, ini baru lah pertama kali saya dapat berhubung terus dengan Tun. Terima kasih diatas pimpinan Tun dan buah fikiran yang allah berikan kepada Tun yang dapat menyelamatkan negara tercinta ini daripada sunami ekonomi yang lalu. Saya sendiri dapat menyaksikan penderitaan kehilangan rumah, kekayaan saham, pekerjaan hanya beberapa minggu sahaja terhadap kawan-kawan sekeliling saya.. moga Allah menjauhi kita daripada sunami ekonomi kali ini. Saya berdoa kepada Allah memberi kekuatan kepada Tun untuk menulis…. sebenarnya kami terlalu rindu kepada ilmu pengetahuan yang iklas dan berterus terang… wassallam

  14. I feel proud and save to have TDM as finance minister previously!!
    If ur not the PM and hold Finance portfolio for 22 years I believe we’ll have more multinational companies made in Malaysia + more malay tycoon and more middle class malays!!!
    I donno why most people failed to appreciate our wise and genius ex-PM who had done lots for the nation and globally in fact.
    InsyaAllah we’ll never forget throughout our lifetime for your well being now and thereafter.
    I’m honoured to have a chat with Tun last time
    nabil89us: Assalamualaikum dato seri.
    datoseridrmahathir: wa alaikumussalam
    datoseridrmahathir: apa hajat?
    nabil89us: Hajat saya ialah untuk mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada dato seri yang telah mengharumkan nama bangsa,agama dan negara.
    datoseridrmahathir: terima kasih
    datoseridrmahathir: nabil sekarang ini masih belajar ataupun sudah bekerja?
    nabil89us: Saya masih belajar di Penang Free School
    datoseridrmahathir: bagus
    datoseridrmahathir: sekolah bagus
    datoseridrmahathir: tahun ni ada exam?
    datoseridrmahathir: tengah ambil PMR?
    datoseridrmahathir: atau SPM?
    nabil89us: Saya masih dalam tingkatan 2
    datoseridrmahathir: belajar rajin-rajin
    nabil89us: Tahun depan saya akan menduduki peperiksaan PMR
    datoseridrmahathir: insha Allah, cuba dapat 8A
    nabil89us: Insyaallah
    datoseridrmahathir: cuba masuk asrama penuh
    nabil89us: Insyallah
    datoseridrmahathir: ini masanya kita nak buktikan anak melayu boleh berjaya
    datoseridrmahathir: jangan putus asa
    datoseridrmahathir: cuba dapat no 1
    datoseridrmahathir: kita org melayu jangan leka
    nabil89us: Semoga ucapan dato’ seri menjadi inspirasi kepada kami khususnya pelajar Melayu
    datoseridrmahathir: kena belajar sungguh-sungguh
    datoseridrmahathir: insha Allah
    datoseridrmahathir: sebab kita org melayu bukanlah bangsa yg lemah
    datoseridrmahathir: kita kena berusaha
    nabil89us: Memandangkan dunia kini khususnya negara kita yang pesat membangun
    datoseridrmahathir: oeg melayu tidak boleh ketinggalan
    datoseridrmahathir: orang melayu maksud saya
    nabil89us: Sudah tentu.
    datoseridrmahathir: nabil..
    nabil89us: ya dato seri
    datoseridrmahathir: atuk rasa nak keluar
    datoseridrmahathir: baik saya keluar dulu
    nabil89us: ya terima kasih kerana sudi berbual dengan saya
    datoseridrmahathir: saya harap nabil belajar sungguh-sungguh
    datoseridrmahathir: sama-sama
    nabil89us: terima kasih dato’ seri
    datoseridrmahathir: sama-sama
    nabil89us: Perjuangan orang Melayu belum selesai.
    datoseridrmahathir: hanya mereka yg cekal dan tabah sahaja yang akan berjaya
    datoseridrmahathir: bye.
    datoseridrmahathir: assalamualaikum

  15. By the way, Tun, I am collecting old banknotes, some dating back to 1890’s which seem to be able to withstand most turmoil. I used this collections as a hedging against inflation, deflation, depressions or whatever Tun called it. Am I doing the right thing? Please advise, Tun.
    John Ho

  16. Good evening, Tun and a very Happy Birthday!
    When I first read about Tun advising the Government to peg the RM to USD, suddenly, I realized that you really mean business. Maybe many Malaysian, including cabinet ministers forget what had happened many years ago when we experienced the Asian Crisis.
    As Tun could remembered that my son and daughter did have a photosnap with you in Sepang during the GP or Japan GT ( now I am getting more forgetful than Tun, I am dealing with sunglasses imported from Italy. At that time, I experienced a “financial” crisis when I paid for the goods in Euro, shooting up from 3.36 to 5.30. Since we have a credit facility with our Italian principal, I lost all my profit earned for the last 2 years, because of the Forex. However, when Tun pegged the USD, then I found that I can planned and charted my business plan because the rate was fixed then. Although now, with the Forex in my favour, I really feel bad for other who might not been as “lucky” like me now.
    Putting things into context, many of our importers that deal in USD, or exporters that deal in Euro, will now feel the same fear that I have. Without blowing my trumpet or singing more praises, I believed that the Malaysian Govt. will be heading for lots of troubles in the coming months, if not years. I am so sad that after all these years, Malaysians still have not understand your visions and stretegies in managing the economy.
    I have been a strong advocate of your ideas and your visions since the times during your premiership. I always told many friends of mine, and my children (they are just 12-17 now), that when you think and plan, think of the next 10 steps, just like Tun. I may be just another Malaysian but believe me, Tun, I will continue to tell people that “old ginger always tastes stronger”.

  17. Bumi Ownz U has pointed out very articulately and accurately the problem faced by Malays.
    samuraimelayu, you have to understand that in the world of business, no one will share anything with you unless you have something to share in return. Nothing comes free, and if you want the Hakkas, Hokkiens etc to open up their business to you, you must have something to offer back to them in return. Unlike as mentioned by Tengku Muzaffar, Chinese are an extremely practical bunch. They will basically do business with anyone, as long as there is money to make. That is how Chinese have managed to not only survive but also prosper in every corner of the world they go. Do you think they could have done so just by trading with their own race? The pool of money has to be much larger than just within Chinatown community in order to amass that kind of wealth. The same goes for Malaysian Chinese. They will trade with anyone, but you must have something to offer in return, something of value to them. That is a most fundamental economic principal, you must understand that.
    The solution here is to break out of the racial barrier and strive for REAL competition. Emphasis on the word “real”. Entitlements, rewards, business, contracts and gains based on race creates an artificial atmosphere and fake sense of comfort and security which ill-prepares the beneficiaries of such racially rooted policies to face the REAL world, the REAL business world, and in the our current international borderless world, this can only lead to one conclusion – being left behind, unable to compete. Healthy competition is an essential ingredient to a strong economy.
    I have no intention of undermining any particular race here, and it is my belief that if this comfort zone for the Malays were to be removed, and Malays were forced to compete on equal ground with everyone else, there is no reason Malays will lose out and be left behind. I have seen sufficient success stories of Malays who did not depend on the NEP to know this for a fact. Yes, it will take some time, as the NEP has disadvantaged the majority of Malays for all these years, but like everything else, if the correct policies are implemented properly, change and improvement is only a matter of time. But everyday that the NEP remains, it is a day wasted.

  18. As I said earlier to you ,today is Friday, any idea hatch today insyaallah ada keberkatan.Wasalam.

  19. Dear Tun,
    It has been 4 days since you posted this article and 3 days ago I did give my comments.I pray and hope that you are wrong 3 days ago but
    Looking at the rate the crisis developed thus far, I think we will be in deep shit unless something is done now.
    This can be seen from the continued bashing on the stock exchange in the last couple of weeks.
    I have to admit that this crisis is going to hit hard on us. It is not my prayer but economic pointers indicated that we have to view this seriously.
    This is not going to be healthy taking the Q from Najib that market crash is worst than plane crash.
    Worst, we have not heard of any serious and concerted action or credible stimulus plans by the Malaysian Authorities to combat the situation.
    There are a lot of question as to whether the Government are going in to do something about it
    or just watch and see
    OR there’re nobody in the Government brave enough to address the above problems and its impact on us
    Or worst if those in the Gov do not understand the problems.
    As I said the impact on us is already clear from the above and several of your articles in past has also pointed to that and
    The whole world is also talking about it.
    OR who is suppose to do what in time like this?
    Dear Tun please give some answers to the above.
    I see we need a comprehensive action plan here But
    I really cannot see anybody taking the lead.
    Dear Tun, I sincerely hope that you will use whatever influence or action within your mean to get thing going in the right direction.
    Meanwhile, let us pray hard for Allah assistance.

  20. Dear Tun,
    I am so glad to read your words as they give me hope that within my lifetime I shall be able to use real money, not the debt-papers that are universal at this time. Perhaps I shall even be able to witness the beginning of the rebirth of civilization, law, commerce and order, conditions which are not possible under the current “financial system” of Economic Man and fractional reserve banking.
    I pray that nations like Malaysia will be able to take evasive action immediately so that their treasuries’ reserves are not sucked into the fatal vortex of the dollar’s death spiral; I pray that their leaders can see through the mirage, and recognize the seriousness of the situation immediately before any more damage is done to their productive economies. For it is not the US which will bear the expensive cost of restarting industries which are being shut down because of artificially low prices; it will be the producer countries. This is so obviously not fair, but missed by most commentators today.
    I pray that you and other leaders are able to come to terms of agreement immediately on a system which allows a gold standard, at least in the beginning for international settlements but later for all citizens. I pray that this honest real money will quickly bring in a new era of trade and prosperity for those nations who choose to adopt it. It should be done quickly, so that less damage is done. The framework exists, it just needs decisive agreement urgently, before the decision has to be made from a threat of national survival as in Iceland.
    I am thankful that this illusion, this criminal venture of debt-based world domination through manipulation of societies’ life-blood is coming to an end. I am sorry for the hardship it will cause, but it is time. Thanks for your tireless work in the matter.

  21. Dearest Tun,
    Headline in China Press (Nanyang’s top circulaion newspaper):
    ANWAR buat pertama kali merasa amat pesimis, semenjak PRU 12 (308), untuk mengambil kuasa peralihan yang nampak kian semakin susah payah.
    Good day Tun.

  22. Salam Tun,
    Another ridiculous idea when I went through the comments especially about Malays being left out from the economic pie coz the other races doesn’t want to trade with Malays. What the heck? Malays are the dominant buyer, thus they hold the purchasing power. If Malays want to succeed, don’t feel disheartened if other races don’t want to trade with them. Just let them trade between themselves, but at the mean time, look at how Kelantanese manage their business. Just trade among Malays. A Malay producer sell to a Malay distributor, who then sell to a Malay shopkeeper, and later purchase by a Malay buyer. Is it difficult to do that? Don’t envy other races, let them do their trading as usual, but as for Malays, change your spending location. Will that improve Malays economic pie?
    p.s. mmmm… I am not a racist, but a simple solution sometime need to be racist!

  23. Salam Tun,
    When we can make something out of nothing, we are call magician. That’s the magic on how the US portray to the world on their ability to bailout their financial crisis.
    I think DSN is also another magician because he speaks volume about our economy when everyone on the street is feeling sick of not doing a good business. Need not a Phd in economics to figure that out.
    If business is doing bad, people are not spending. People didn’t spend coz they have no money or their spending power lessen due to higher prices. Shopkeepers reduce their stocks, and factories has to reduce their output, because less orders are received from the shokeepers. In the long run, the factories have to lay off their workers.
    These workers have to look for new jobs, but, where can they find it? (I remembered when I came back to Malaysia end of 1996 and couldn’t hold a job, even by using my SPM certificate!) It will be a spiralling effects. And yet, DSN says its ok! What a bullock.
    What’s needed is to increse domestic economy pie, since the world economy is collapsing. Create more cottage industry, let us trade between ourselve. Nowdays, even rice we have to import from China, beef from India, lamb from Australia. How hard is it to plant rice on our country? Rearing cattle and lamb? We would save billions on that three goods alone.
    I heard, present government is giving out cattle by the thousands, but where did it end up? In Ketuat Jari’s coffer(The well known 10% man coz of his brilliant Oxford brain? Heck, I would be brilliant if I am a s**-i*-l** of a PM.)
    p.s. my 10 cents.

  24. Fellow Malaysian,
    You are now argueing and fighting. Some Chinese say they will leave Malaysia because of Bumi status. ( I dont think the chinese are that much suffering , only sakit hati ). You control 70% of the wealth and own 70% of Tanah Melayu. You may leave if you wish.
    You may be equal in everything in your new country but let me tell you, you will never be happy. Unhappy people will always be unhappy until they die. Try it and let me know once you are there. Wish you the Best

  25. Uncle Det,
    1) The collapse of International Financial System created by the West will eventually erase The World Monetary System sooner or later.
    2) Malaysia in particular will be affected but not that serious….insyaAllah we will survive.
    3) Point 19….most probably true if your ideas are taken seriously by the Gorvernment.

  26. Yes, Bumi Ownz U, you nailed it – the seed for this disaster was planted earlier. Sub-prime was the main culprit. As the name implies, they are flogging mortgage loans to people who hitherto do not qualify for such loans as they do not have the cashflow to service the loan repayments. And yes, they come up with Adjusted Rate Mortgage with very low or zero payments in the first few years, and thereafter revert to market rate. This is fine as long as property prices keep going up. And a compounding factor is that the mortgage loans were done by agents who do not retain those loans, and pass on the risks to others. The agents make huge commissions without the attendant risks. This is an accident waiting to happen.

  27. T,
    I agree with you… If Cassell had any brains, he would realise that the problem was the Clinton administration.
    I do not hold Cassell in high regard because he is a biggot and affords no solutions or understanding.. he is limited to his own racial hatred… good for him, because these CEOs really don’t care what Cassell thinks… One of the many problems in Malaysia is that its people are not educated or sophisticated enough to understand anything… so here is something to help set things straight:
    The problem started during Clinton’s tenure, he wanted to get as many people in America into housing so he passed legislation to make it easier for people to get mortgage loans, called subprime loans. These loans were high risk with maximum interest gains… and often alot of the equity held by retail banks would be passed onto Investment banks with little or no regulation or due diligence on the part of the home buyer.
    – The intention of the clinton administration was good. It wanted to help people get into homes.. much like how the NEP was devised for the good of the nation. (though both have failed considerably)
    Unfortunately, the Sub Prime second tiered legalities caused home owners to default on their loan after the third year (on average) because the interest at that stage switches to a higher rate.
    The thing in America is defaulting on a loan is not a bad thing for home owners because all they have to do is hand in their keys to the bank and walk away.. so the banks had massive equity in homes and no repayments being made, leading to a home mortgage bubble, that has been off loaded by many investment banks… furthermore investment banks get higher fees for selling property under sub prime rated so there was a major push in the market to sell property with these types of loans.
    This caused many banks to run into huge debts because alot of their liquidity was running dry on dead assets that could not be sold off, hence causing the sub-prime and then now the global financial problem…

  28. samuraimelayu,
    Thank you for your comments…
    Firstly I would like to thank you for listening to me.
    Giving equal rights to all races does not mean Malays are relinqueshing their rights altogether.
    Giving equal rights means, giving all races equal opportunity, meaning even the poor may be able to gain entry into National Universities regardless of race.
    Many of you comment that you are not racist and the government is not racist.
    Very simply what is your definition of Racism?
    “Racism is discrimination based on race, colour or creed.”
    Malaysian law clearly discriminates agaist races so clearly Malaysia is living under a racist system.
    Touche’ with your comment regarding Hokkien Hakka businesses.
    IBM, Apple, CISCO systems… they are run by Anglo Americans… do you see any Black Americans complaining that the CEO’s of those companies do not share wealth?
    Wealth is something that you, yourself must strive to obtain. Your mentality is one of, “if those chinses have money they must give some to us!” If you are going to carry on relying on others to share the wealth, what have you achieved? Nothing… you are a liability.. this has been the major problem with Malaysia for far too long… Instead of being drivers for enterprise, many in Malaysia have sat back and complained too much about poor equity in wealth when really, they have shown no input at all in innovation and thinking about corporate strategy to increase profits etc!
    Money does not come for free and will not land your in lap. You have to work for it! Its about people in Malaysia learn this because you can not keep relying on the government to keep handing out more benefits because you are Malay, its uncompetative, unfair and down right racist.

  29. Interesting piece of writing.
    The liberalization of money that they claim to allegedly give more flexibility in money handling and trading had bitten them back and unfortunately, all of us. Exactly like what you said, money cannot come from thin air.
    Back then in 1997-98, when ASEAN countries were in recession and the similar bailout was attempted by governments of these countries, western put pressure on them saying, no, this would kill the liberalization of economy. They all followed what the westerners advised them and did not survived the crisis. Thank god, you were there TUN.

  30. Salam Tun,
    1. Thank you for educating us on the current world financial crises and highlighting the potential problems that our country may face. Before this, we are not aware of the root causes of this turmoil.
    2. We hope that those who are in authority, be they be in the government or private sector will take note of the potential problems and prepare contingencies to prevent them from happening or resolve them when it occurs.
    3. However, the incoming Prime Minister must pick the best people for the various jobs. Those who are experienced, knowledgeable and pragmatic. Not the people like Khairi Jamaludin ( Oxford graduate who majors in manipulation)or Sharil Samad (didn’t learn from happenings)
    Salam sejahtera kepada Tun sekeluarga.

  31. /// By cassel on October 22, 2008 1:50 PM
    Alan Greenspan- Chairman of the Federal Reserves-Jew
    Richard Fuld- CEO- Lehman Brothers-Jew
    Loyd Blankfein- CEO-Goldman Sachs-Jew
    Alan Schwartz- CEO-Bear Stearns-Jew
    I guess you was right all along who will bring us into a wordwide mess we are in now. ///
    cassel, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. What have the Jews done to you? Why do you let your bigotry, bias and hatred cloud your thinking? Are you saying that the Jews deliberately sabotaged and killed their own companies? That they are committing corporate suicides? Gee..
    Now, cassel, please stand in the corner of your room and suck your thumb…

  32. Salam Tun,
    Tuk menteri dan “tuan pensihat 15 percennnnnt” yang duduk kata okay tu, kalau tak tak tidur, mamai.

    By Bumi Ownz U on October 22, 2008 8:54 PM
    Hello Tengku Muzaffar,
    Thank you for your response, I very much appreciate it.
    Imagine if there were universities that did not allow Malays. There would be an uprising… this is case of double standards…


  34. Hello Tengku Muzaffar,
    Thank you for your response, I very much appreciate it.
    I understand that the majority must be looked after but to base it on ethnicity in my opinion is wrong… it is the lazy approach… yes sure the Malays that make up the majority has been economically suffering for so long, so the law has taken the easy option to group Malays as the impoverished and give them more rights than other races.
    I do not think the majority should be looked after… I think the impoverished regardless of race should be looked after… there is a difference.
    This is seen as an overly simplistic law… Furthermore, nowadays many Malays if not all feel that it is their Right to have more rights than their chinese or indian brother… If you were in the position of the Chinese or Indian, how would you feel??? Imagine if the Indians above all races had more rights? Would you want to do business with them? I do not think so.
    Time and time again I see comments by Malays complaining that the Chinese and Indians have more and that is unfair. I really do not understand where a comment like that comes from? Do people ask WHY these people have more, yet have less less Rights because of the colour of their skin?
    Maybe hard work and determination is the reason why they have more…. and maybe people who make baseless comments should Think.
    Can you imagine not one chinese person is allowed to enter UiTM. How do you think Chinese and Indian people feel? Because of their RACE they are not allowed to enter this University. This is racist. The law protects bumiputra… do you think the chinese have inclusive policies when there are racist policies like this??
    Imagine if there were universities that did not allow Malays. There would be an uprising… this is case of double standards…
    Unfortunately Malaysians are not yet mature enough to realise that Racist laws cause even greater income disparities because they are unfair, especially when a minority group controls the economy via commerce…. you get racial pockets of elitism, and alot of core competent people, especially the educated elite move due to their own feelings of lacking support by the government because of the colour of their skin..
    Show leadership and true equity in your laws, and you will see that these minority groups will open their arms to assist the needy regardless of race…
    The bumiputra population must put aside their own personal self interest, and show leadership in uniting all malaysians by voting for a Malaysia with no racial boundaries, that is laws that assist those who are poor based on merit and not based on race…. this has not happened because the level of education still is not up there….
    I respect your right to express your own opinion and enjoy engaging in intellectual discussions… Thank you Mr Tengku Muzaffar.

  35. I’m not sorry Tun Mahathir for my previos message.
    When it comes to talking about jews and their history, the Germans lost the war and now only 14 Million Jews are left, mostly in America which holds the most (more then 5 Millions)of the wealth and still both precidential running mades whether it is Obama or Mc Cain still support Israel, because of the money. It proves to me that both parties are so much in depts. to support Israel because they get a lot of money from the cooporate jewish business companies to support there own interrest. It is sad because it will never change anything regarding our Palistin brothers and no other Muslim country will stand up for them because of there own government greed and the jews know it.
    People say Hitler was a Satan and he wanted to kill every Jew, he build concentation camps with walls around it and when I grue up I still have to feel sorry about the Jews. Maybe you have a look and see Israel, they kill kids almost everyday and build walls around them and keep the Palistin people as prisinors in their own land.
    Who is the Satan now?
    People never learn but I know Malaysia has a solid foundation, done by you Tun Mahathir, thank you!!!!!

  36. Dear Bumi Ownz U,
    Appreciate your comments on what I wrote. At least somebody is listening. I would like to explain further if i may;
    Im not racist and i will never be. Im just pointing out on the demographic population of Malaysia which all of us cannot deny that the Malays & Bumiputras are dominance in numbers. The ruling groups are Malays. All i was asserting was that we should change the political system before we as Malaysians regardless race, colour and religion can live happily. This change of political system must start with the Malay politicians ruling this country and let me tell you sir, they are not so bright as we hope them to be. Next we should address the disastifactions of the major group , the mass malay population because whether u like it or not they are in majority and decide who should run this country. If the mass malay groups are not helped 1st, the burden will fall on other ethnic groups to feed these people. So do you want to be burden by these malay groups? I think not. U see other races have a perception that the Malays have been helped for the past 30 years or so. Well news flash they have not! Only a small number of greedy fat cats in a cultist party were consuming all the wealth. So if you think that the Chinese and Indians are not given their fair share, well go around malaysia and see for yourself. Compare the unfortunate Malay numbers to the unfortunate chinese and Indian numbers. It is thus necessary we rectify the current system for all malaysians to benefit later.
    It is easy to comment that malaysian politics should not be about race etc, however the reality is that many malays were not set in the right path and ready for development and progress. A nation in order to optimise its output must look at the major group and see how they will contribute to the nations’ wealth. Well the malays have not played this role for many years since the early 70’s and its about time they are being given a proper direction to prosper. This is crucial as in essence to safe guard the interest of other ethnic groups who have contributed in the nation’s building.
    I hope my explaination is sufficient. What im just trying to deliberate is finding solution to the root of the problem.
    If you have read my statement before, i did not try to instigate racial divide but to let the Malays know that, they should not blame other groups but only the current ‘leaders’ they picked. One can be frustrated all year round and complained that the Malays are getting favours etc. But in actual fact if you want fairness, the malay problem must be address 1st because as i beg to differ the malays did not get any favours in 51 years. True Malays are not a ‘Japanese’ like race but we can mitigate their strengths and use it to progress which will thus benefit other races too. Malays are not like the chinese who would only trade within themselves, we are simple and practical people.
    Hope my explanation is in the context of democracy.

  37. My dearest Tun
    Who is Tun Dr Mahathir?
    How soon can one forget!! I Can’t imagine how ungrateful a person can be after been appointed as the country’s top leader. Carry on on with your good thoughts Tun..the nation needs to progress through constructive ctiticisms and realistic knowledge and informations. Don’t mind the MT ones. Cheers and god Bless as always.

  38. SALAM TUN,

  39. SALAM TUN,

  40. Assalamualaikum Tun, Well, what Tun has said is equivalent to sherlock holmes used to say to his associate, Dr. Watson : Its more than possible. Its probable.
    But I dont think those capitalist in the West will sit idle. They will do something and come up with a new way of controlling the economy. They know that they have the money and the power to determine a nations policy or decision. Its just like coming up with that Bretton Wood policy. After all, not all economic sectors were affected, especially in agricultural and food manufacturing sector, which showed some inflationary trend.
    What I’m afraid is that we are not prepare with this ‘new’ monetary formula or system. We may be too satisfied with our present monetary strategies, especially with dinar system.
    Well, gold is not everything. The real economic structure lies in the barter trade and gold can be worthy of anything if traders accept it. We also know that the west have all the technologies and means to make sure that their global economic control be unpurturbed, especially in food technologies… and this is Malaysias’ weakest spot. In fact, the rest of the world.

  41. Salam Tun Mahathir.
    I still remember very well regarding Georg Soros, a jewish speculator and the negative response and outrage from the countries such USA about your remarks about jews and that you gladly have refused that Malaysia should not use the IMF for a bailout. It was a very wise decission from you back then and I admire you for that.
    Just let me highlight and for all to know who have caused this financial crises.
    Alan Greenspan- Chairman of the Federal Reserves-Jew
    Richard Fuld- CEO- Lehman Brothers-Jew
    Loyd Blankfein- CEO-Goldman Sachs-Jew
    Alan Schwartz- CEO-Bear Stearns-Jew
    I guess you was right all along who will bring us into a wordwide mess we are in now. The answer is clear for me and I have fact checked the names above and everybody can google it.
    People should remember what you said about the jews and about the IMF bailout, it safed Malaysia from that what is going on in America as well as in Europe now.
    Thanks to you Tun Mahathir.

  42. Saya rasa tak ada seorang pemimpin dari kerajaan maupun pembangkang realise what is happening to the world financial crisis seperti Tun. Seluruh dunia bagaikan di ambang kebankrapkan tetapi pemimpin dari kerajaan,PKR,DAP&PAS masing-masing lagi nak rampas kuasa dan ingin tunjuk kepada rakyat siapa yang lebih hebat. Rasa-rasa mereka semua dalam denial state ataupun bodoh. Tunggu mati sajalah kita rakyat Malaysia.

  43. As always Tun, you put all the “hard-to-explain” things in simpler terms and analogies. Sepatutnya Tun diletakkan sebagai advisor kpd kerajaan Malaysia. Tidak dipinggirkan hanya sebab Tun bagus!
    Harap2 Najib buka mata dan pelawa Tun utk nasihat dan tips dlm mengurus negara. Tak slah tanya pada yg ada ilmu. Jgn jadi org buta leading a pack of blind people nanti….

  44. asalamualaikum tun dan isteri. semuga sihat selalu. saya suka membaca artikel tun. cara tun berfikir, memberi pendapat dan mengkritik buat saya kagum juga. muga saya mendapat kebaikan dari apa yang tun tulis dan mungkin juga untuk memperbaiki diri dan dalam masa yang sama boleh membantu yang lain jika bersesuaian. terima kasih tun. jumpa lagi.

  45. salam Tun..
    Saya amat bebesar hati sekiranya Dato’ seri Najib ambil perhatian dengan pendapat dan cadangan Tun berkenaan ekonomi negara,kerana apa yang dikatakan Oleh Tun banyak benarnya sebab Tun mempunyai banyak pengalaman tentang hal ekonomi.
    Tak salah Dato’ seri Najib ikut perkara yang baik demi kepentingan negara, malah rakyat semakin berkeyakinan kepadanya selaku Menteri Keewangan yang sanggup mendengar pandangan orang lain.

  46. Alamak – mana ada chance?
    At least with Badawi, you gave him months, if not years to show results before attacking him for his failure as a PM.
    Now, Najib hasn’t even plonk his backside on the PM seat and you are already attacking him. Sure die one…

  47. Hello Tun,
    I personally don’t see the current or next PM, having such foresight, knowledge and wisdom on the current and future happenings. It’s sad knowing we are all in for a rough ride for years to come.
    Warm Regards

  48. Sir,
    You have provided a remarkable analysis in simple language of the current financial chaos. Now I can easily explain to my wife why our investments in unit trusts have shrunk.

  49. Salam, Tun.
    Si DSN skg tgh scoring points sebab Mac thn depan dia jd PM tu pasai dia ckp ekonomi Malaysia xda apa2. That’s a kindergarden’s tricks.
    Tun, sy suka cara Tun jawab soalan semasa berforum di bilik Senat UKM.
    Harap Tun trus dpt pulling the strings behind the scene tuk slmt ngra slgi hayat di kangdung badan.
    Apa2 hal pun, moga Tun dan keluarga selalu dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik. Amin

  50. Dear Tun,
    I don’t think it is right to say the Federal Reserve can conjure US 700 billion dollar from thin air. The advantage of fiat money is its ability to expand or contract the amount of money in circulation depending on circumstances. And the current US tactics is to spend on its future tax revenue out of today’s financial turmoil.
    US has two printing press. When Fed wrote the electronic cheque of US 700 billion dollar, the US Tresury is liable to deliver on its promise to repay its debt on US 700 billion dollar government bond sold all around the world. Historically speaking, US has one of the very the best reputation in the world to repay its debt and hence the credit rating of AAA.
    However, should the US start to default on its payment, the whole world will be brought to its knee. There are only two ways out of the huge debts: a) to float the inflation high so that the amount repaid back would worth less than the amount loaned; b) to start pay down the debt amount.
    Back to the statement you wrote, I don’t think it is fair to say any government can irresponsibly print their own money to repay its own debt. This is simply not the case, or otherwise the government would not need to impose tax on its poor tax payers, since they can print their own.
    I totally agreed with you, the current Malaysian Government is either too busy or very ill equipped to face the financial turmoil.
    Anyway, God bless you. We all pray for a prosperous Malaysia at the end of the day

  51. Salam Tun,
    Memang Tun dikurniakan kebijaksaan yang tiada pada kebanyakan orang lain.
    Kalau Pak Lah baca ni, terus dia telan Panadol 10biji, berpinar2 kepala dia nak memahamkan apa sebenarnya yang Tun tulis,
    or dia terus tertidur sahaja sebab tak tahan kepala otak nak digest… ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
    Kerana itu, we always need your wisdom Tun… Thank you for everything…

  52. Salam Tun,
    That was a very brialliant information from you. I just would like to ask you on how can we survive in this economics disaster.
    As a person what you will advise us as consumers to face this chalengging environment.

  53. Akum Tun….
    Thank you for answering this question that i post in my comment a few days ago.You have cleared up some things that i have been thinking about.
    This could be a wakeup call to everyone in the world to only spend what you need and dont go spending on imaginary money in terms of credit cards.Dont contribute more to this crisis that we are having.
    Thanks again Tun for clearing this up

  54. salam Tun,
    May Allah give you good health and wisdom that will
    melt the blind hearts and rocky heads. I had attended
    your Raya open house, greeted and kissed your hand and
    your wife after walking about 1 km to your residence
    with my husband and two sons.


  56. Dont be too panic. Our financial system wont go as bad as European countries and the States. This is because the learnings that we have gained from the previous financial turmoil, thanks to Tun and the team. The “Krugman-Mahathir strategy” of recovery via capital controls had really saved us from the last Asian Financial Turmoil.
    Controls should be imposed to prevent panic rather than conspiracy. So what will be the best ‘control method’ that we should implement this time around? Is the injection of RM10B to our KLSE will do any good? One of the good sign is our banks were one of the first bank in the world, after Ireland’s, announced the deposit on savings are safe and insured. So this somehow reduce some worries.
    Anyhow, I hope our current government will come up with something as good as the capital control method from Tun and the team. Maybe Tun can continue giving them some ideas to save us get through this problem.

  57. Dont be too panic. Our financial system wont go as bad as European countries and the States. This is because the learnings that we have gained from the previous financial turmoil, thanks to Tun and the team. The “Krugman-Mahathir strategy” of recovery via capital controls had really saved us from the last Asian Financial Turmoil.
    Controls should be imposed to prevent panic rather than conspiracy. So what will be the best ‘control method’ that we should implement this time around? Is the injection of RM10B to our KLSE will do any good? One of the good sign is our banks were one of the first bank in the world, after Ireland’s, announced the deposit on savings are safe and insured. So this somehow reduce some worries.
    Anyhow, I hope our current government will come up with something as good as the capital control method from Tun and the team. Maybe Tun can continue giving them some ideas to save us get through this problem.

  58. akum tun.
    moga pemimpin kita sedar dari khayalan….maklumler masing2 tengah mengidam jawatan besar…..kalau tak sedar gak mintak imam2 baca yasin sapu kat muka depa…

  59. Salam Tun,
    Just to counter comments By : –
    By barusedar on October 20, 2008 11:23 PM
    Dear Tun,
    “Come on Tun, you know our present government will do their best to sustain the current meltdown. It is more complicated than 1+1=2..Why not give some ideas rather than trying to prove our government is hopeless and full of idiots! It is nice to listen and read your blogs but are they constructive? If everybody is useless why not you become the PM again? Sometimes I think what is DSAB say is correct about you..You wanted to become the de facto PM in Malaysia”
    Tun is only highlighting the consequences that might happen. It is only a point of view. Up to the present Govt to act.Present Govt is not hopeless. Pak Lah is hopeless.
    Tun. you will always be my mentor.

  60. Dear Tun,
    I glad that you have simply wrote down the most easier way for everyone understand what the whole global financial all about.
    I absolutely no doubt fixing the exchange rate for RM at this period of time until whatever arrangement specially in America & europe improved.
    I would very much like to thanks for your advise & fact in this section.
    All the best & good health to you & family.

  61. Salam Tun,
    Tun, I love you very much. I really miss your leadership. Everyday I read your blog and every now and then I am looking forward to read your comment about anything from politic, social and economy. I am inspired with your writing.

  62. Salam Tun,
    Cara Tun berfikir sentiasa saya kagumi. Harap Tun dapat terus menulis di blog ini dan membantu untuk memulihkan situasi teruk malaysia sekarang. Semoga Tun dan isteri sihat walafiat selalu., amin.

  63. Tun yang saya kagumi,
    A’kum wbt..
    “Hujan saja tulun… barang mana ala tulun” itu saja jawapan yang saya terima daripada tauke kedai barang. Tidak pernah saya merasai kegawatan sebegini semasa pemerintahan Tun.
    Rumah hampir dgn tempat kerja tapi belanja makan sehari pun RM 10.00, tak dapat bayangkan pekerja yang tempat kerja jauh dari rumah. Tekanan hidup semestinya dirasai dan rasuah @ wang haram tidak dapat ditolak dan dihindari oleh orang yang tidak teguh imannya.
    Apa pun yang kaya tetap berduit dan yang miskin bertambah miskin dan terhimpit.
    “Mau hilup pun susah, mau mati pun susah”

  64. salam TUN,
    We are facing so many problem because:
    1.wrong infomation-economy is so bad ,index in whole world crash badly,and inflasion is on the way
    2.wrong person is in charge
    A.zaid ibrahim a stupid lawyer became law minister
    B.anwar ibrahim a gay became the opposition leader
    C.MB perak the most weak leader for malay.due to his level of stupidity if DAP of perak say that ‘he is stupid’ he will definately agree.
    D.MB selangor too open minded,i’m worry one day he will say that ‘babi’ is halal.nauzubillah.
    E.ketua wanita gerakan a minister that doesn’t know the country’s history.
    3 wrong decision
    A.teresa kok an antimalay the most racist personal in the world has been released from ISA.
    I’m with U TUN

  65. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I’m a bit late in responding to this write up of yours. Everytime you write something about the economy, I make it a point to put my two cents worth of opinion.
    Beginning 1960’s onward, the US economy saw a gradual decrease in real economic activities namely the trading of goods and services. This is due to the depletion of raw materials within US and the US had to depend more on foreign raw materials to propel it’s economy. Therefore, in order to maintain it’s superiority, US moved into building it’s economy based on trading fictatious papers namely, bonds, mortgages, derivatives etc, that is fiat in nature.
    Ever since than, the whole wide world had embraced this fraudulent economic practices and today we are facing the consequences of our actions of blindly following the West. I was really amused when I read a news piece last week about Paul Krugman admitting that he ‘missed’ seeing the coming of the current economic turmoil. And they gave him a Noble prize!
    The current economic turmoil did not happen like the tsunami. There were ample warning of it’s forthcoming and many ‘economists and financiers’ even within Malaysia chose to scoff it of.
    Even now, these people still believe that the economy would recover soon. In reality, this would not be the likely scenario. What baffles me most is that why do these people still adamantly hold on to this fraudulent nature of economy when they themselves know that their doomed?
    I still cannot understand.

  66. Dear Tun
    I notice Tun is cautiously pessimistic about Malaysia economy. I also notice Tun has simplified in lay the current financial turmoil. I believe Tun is telling Datuk Najib something.
    Thank you for quality control on future premier league.
    Thank you.
    Equally Cautiously Pessimistic

  67. Salam Tun,
    Biar betul apa yang di katakan.
    Mustahil Malaysia tak terjejas dengan keadaan ekonomi sekarang.
    Sedangkan Singapore yang ekonomi kukuh pun PM Lee mengaku terjejas.
    Apa saja yang Malaysia tak terjejas?
    Apa sajalah.

  68. asalamualaikum Tun,
    hmmm…takpa la Tun, komen saya memanjang je tiap kali sampai tak disiarkan, tp itu saya faham. walau apa pun saya tak sia2kn masa saya utk buat analisis tiap kali bg komen dan saya siarkn juga komentar saya itu dlm blog saya sdiri. kdg2 Tun pun bg komen pedas dan bernas dan kadang2 tu pun pdpt kita sukar utk diterima hakikat oleh org lain.

  69. Assalam Tun,
    Seriously, are’t we affected by this financial turmoil?
    The story is so scary and even I’m scared.
    How the 5b or 10b helps to sustain the economic condition?

  70. How do we protect Malaysia’s economy?
    1. Make sure banks have adequate liquidity reserves.
    2. Bolster regulation credentials when approving homeloans to prevent defaults on loans.
    3. Ban short selling on the KLCI to prevent traders from gaining on falling share prices.
    4. Approve legislation to guarantee bank deposits.
    5. Increase efficiency in fuel pricing that best reflects global market rates.
    Very simple solutions. Will this Government listen?

  71. Assalamualaikum Yang Dikasihi Tun,
    Its my 1st time posting or get involve in this “thing”. I’ve been ur fan but d silent one. Mula2 mmg takut nak give comment but ntah lah….myb dah “terpanggil” ke or myb God open my heart.
    FYI, I’m d kind tat just dont care or other words buat bodo with wat eva happened in our “beloved” country. I dont vote coz its jus waste of time but my mom disagree n gave me a long lecture. 4 me as long I ada keje, gaji bulan2 dapat, pay tax n not forgetting dont eva langgar d law n do hormat who eva wat eva… n for that – I’ve done my job as a typical malaysian.
    I’ve experienced working with few companies (some of it are GLCs) that involve “in-directly” n “directly” with the government n know how it “works” and have been at “Tingkat 4”- but only d time when u as our PM. After do that ..done that.. seen that..n know that, what I can say I DONT LIKE IT AT ALL. But wat am I susposed to do.. I ni juz a normal worker, gaji pun cukup2 jer … cari duit nak bagi mak bapak n a bit 4 my own needs n utang bank….nanti if too much berani comment especially when u have tat “experienced” 4 sure nak berlagak tau ni tau tu but i ingat my mom pesan me when I want to stay by my own… “mulut tu jaga..jgn sbb mulut – berani x tentu pasal x ambik peduli ape jadi ikut sedap nak kata org nanti ko yang kena hentam balik”…salah2 kena ISA (yg ni I yg ckp). Myb I dont dare.. penakut or wat eva…
    Disebabkan dah “terpanggil” ni or myb I miss the time when ur around I got that “harmony malaysia” feel n I want that back in my I think d best I can do is just NASIHAT to u “people” up there. Tu pun if this “people” nak ikut… i pun bukan baik mcm malaikat. 4 me as a human being n muslim that care 4 others n know wat the mean of “karma”. I know if I’m in ur position mmg lah… wat eva “oppurtunity” comes whether u get it cara halal n especially yg haram tu lebih sodop… sape nak tolak kan… yes kita ni manusia biase not perfect but not until d extend effect or memudarat kan people out here till susah coz u nak gain tat “happy”.
    So here it goes……..
    tats all from me to u out there……
    p/s Salam Aidilfitri to Tun n Family… i hope its not too late.

  72. Salam Tun,
    Bank di Amerika, Europe & sebahagian dari Asia sperti Korea dah tersungkur sebab tak de duit,mereka ni berniaga kertas kosong yang dibubuh dengan nilai yang terlalu tinggi.
    Bagaimanapun masih banyak syarikat bukan dari sektor perbankan di Amerika, Eropah dan lain2 pelosok dunia yang masih ada banyak duit,
    kita boleh lihat Pak Arab masih boleh mengeluarkan minyak untuk dijual, dan banyak lagi syarikat pengilangan, perhidmatan dan sektor pertanian terus beroperasi menjual dan membeli.
    Memang perniagaan mereka akan terjejas kerana pengguna dan peniaga yang terlibat dengan skandal produk Perbankan sudah tak de duit.
    Kalau nak kata Malaysia tak akan terjejas, memang tak logik, saya percaya Malaysia akan terkena tempias krisis kewangan Amerika & Eropah. Cuma ianya tak terlalu drastik seperti Amerika dan Eropah.
    Kita akan mendapat tempias apabila produktiviti pengeluaran kilang, perhidmatan dan sektor lain termasuk kewangan dalam negara terpaksa dikurangkan dan mungkin ada syarikat yang terpaksa ditutup memandangkan permintaan telah menurun.
    Apa yang dapat saya lihat, Malaysia memang mempunyai banyak simpanan tunai di mana kita ada KWSP yang mempunyai simpanan tunai yang tinggi, bank di negara kita tidak menjual terlalu banyak produk berisiko tinggi, malah banyak pengilang/syarikat yang memperbagaikan sasaran pasaran mereka selain dari menjual kepada Amerika & Eropah dan dapat menyerap kesan langung krisis kewangan ini.
    Jadi untuk mengimbangi penurunan permintaan ekonomi dari luar negara, kerajaan patut memikirkan mekanisma yang terancang dan membelanjakan kecairan tunai tersebut untuk meningkatkan transaksi ekonomi dalam negeri dan juga transaksi dengan negara yang mempunyai banyak simpanan tunai seperti tanah Arab.
    Langkah ini perlu berterusan untuk beberapa tahun akan datang memandangkan krisis kewangan Amerika & Eropah akan memakan masa yang panjang berdasarkan banyak syarikat yang besar dengan nilai yang besar terlibat
    Jadi siapa kata kita perlu menderita apabila Amerika (yang suka membuli dan cakap tak serupa bikin) beserta sekutu mereka berhadapan dengan masalah ekonomi?.

  73. Good afternoon Tun,
    Tun you have presented the facts in a nutshell.Basically people should not be too greedy.How much is enough?We should all purchase based on needs & not wants.How much do all of us really need to be happy.Actually the simple people with simple needs are the people with the least worries.Remember we all come with nothing & will one day go with nothing.Buying something for its utility value should form the basis for all our purchases.It’s of course easy to say but indeed it’s hard to practise.It’s all in the mind Tun.
    I also have a gut feeling how can the M’sian financial system be 100% safe or turmoil proof when the GIANTS have collapsed around the world.If it’s safe it must be due to the hands of almighty God!In this respect I share the same mind as you.
    Keep us posted Tun ‘cos I enjoy reading good informative stuff from you.God bless & help those who help themselves & also do charity.

  74. Salam buat Tun dan isteri
    “Siapa Tun??”
    Ha-ha-ha walaupun macam biasa bila TV siarkan wajah PM SEKARANG ni kami cepat-cepat tukar station, terlepas kali ni tapi … pity him, that man has now idea what he is talking about… as usual. Kesian.

  75. salam tun..
    huhu sungguh dasyat keadaan nih…
    hmmm boleh jerr amerika cetak duit dier sendiri mcam perang dunia kedua kan kaan?huhe sapa yg pantau?camane ehh

  76. Salam Tun
    Yes i hope what you are saying is not true but unfortunately
    you are always right.
    All the best to all of us so-called ordinary people.
    Mohd Zamaney
    KSAH Old Boys 85′

  77. Tun yang dikasihi,
    Saya yakin kerja-kerja ‘filtering’ blog ini bukan dilakukan oleh Tun, tapi mungkin oleh orang-orang yang dipercayai oleh Tun bagi memastikan hanya komen-komen yang boleh merealisasikan agenda yang direncanakan oleh Tun mencapai matlamatnya.
    Saya merasa sedikit terkilan kerana pandangan saya nampaknya tidak
    mendapat tempat biarpun nawaitu saya hanya satu..untuk mengembalikan kepercayaan umum bahawa hanya UMNO sahaja satu-satunya parti yang dapat memastikan ‘survivor’ bangsa melayu dapat terus bertahan di tanah tumpah darah tercinta ini.
    Yang menakutkan saya, kritikan Tun serta tohmahan keterlaluan oleh para responist blog Tun ini akan menyebabkan lebih ramai lagi anak bangsa kita lari meninggalkan parti yang selama ini telah memberi begitu banyak manfaat kepada kita.
    Saya tidak mendapat serta mengharapkan apa-apa imbuhan daripada penulisan saya ini. Yang saya harapkan hanya satu, bangsa saya ini kembali bersatu di bawah payung UMNO. Parti yang satu masa dulu pernah didokong oleh nenek saya, dan diwarisi pula tanggungjawab tersebut kepada mak saya (mereka ini cuma AJK cawangan sahaja manakala saya pula cuma seorang ahli biasa sahaja) . Sebagaimana keadaannya sekitar tahun 1998/99 dulu, senario kelam kabut sejak PRU12 lalu menyebabkan timbul rasa tanggungjawab untuk saya kembali menulis dengan harapan UMNO kembali stabil dan perancangan untuk merealisasikan agenda bangsa dapat disambung kembali.
    Kepada Tun & Bonda Siti Hasmah..mohon Allah Taala panjangkan umur dan sentiasa disihatkan jiwa & raga.
    Din Anak Mat Desa

  78. Tengku Muzaffar,
    I find your comments extremely racist as your concerns are with Malays only.. have you forgotten about the poor indians and poor chinese?
    This type of mentality of helping only one race will leave Malaysia with the unskilled whilst the skilled move offshore.
    If you help the Malay race through law, do you really expect the chinese or indians to open their arms to assist you as well? Knowing full well that the playing field makes things easier for your race? Of course not.. that is precisely the problem that has occurred over the past 51 years. That has been the reason why over reliance on the government has caused uncompetativeness and lacking innovation… remember Malays are not like innovative Japanese and do not share the same level of work ethic.
    Racist laws create racial barriers and unatural circumstances of poor economic performance and ethnic seggregation…
    I’m very disappointed in your views, but we live in a democracy so i respect your right to say as you please.

  79. Tengku Muzaffar,
    I find your comments extremely racist as your concerns are with Malays only.. have you forgotten about the poor indians and poor chinese?
    This type of mentality of helping only one race will leave Malaysia with the unskilled whilst the skilled move offshore.
    If you help the Malay race through law, do you really expect the chinese or indians to open their arms to assist you as well? Knowing full well that the playing field makes things easier for your race? Of course not.. that is precisely the problem that has occurred over the past 51 years. That has been the reason why over reliance on the government has caused uncompetativeness and lacking innovation… remember Malays are not like innovative Japanese and do not share the same level of work ethic.
    Racist laws create racial barriers and unatural circumstances of poor economic performance and ethnic seggregation…
    I’m very disappointed in your views, but we live in a democracy so i respect your right to say as you please.

  80. It’s a good move to try to explain the credit crisis to the general public. However, what is more important is HOW are we going to tackle the issue or minimise the impact of the crisis on the general public. Having been a PM more 20++ years, what we expect from you Tun is not merely WHAT is happening,or going to happen. That has been done by so many journalists and economists alike. I think it would be better if you could proposed how to insulated our economy from the crisis.


  82. Hi Tun,
    Your commentary is easily accessible via the Wallstreet Journal, Bloomberg and Reuters and already your supporters believe you should get a doctorate or Masters in Finance.. I have no idea what they’re standards are in achievement or pre-requisites in gaining qualifications, but I believe a level headed approach at managing the economy must be taken.
    I find some of the comments a little lacking in substance. But then again I do not expect much.
    It concerns me that the majority of your supporters listen to you and believe what you say and praise you, but lack the economic fundamentals in determining the reasons as to why the global economic crisis is happening and what the real impacts will be on the Malaysian economy.
    Unfortunately no body knows what will happen due to the nature of financial systems. It is not centralised to one particlar country as trade occurs everywhere. Further more banks are intertwined when it comes to lending so “upstream” lending could in fact be impartial to immediate view, until a collapse of a company has resulted, causing a domino effect.
    Sure what you say has merit. I agree with you on some of the effects that could result. The Government should do more to gurantee the safety of loan deposits and bolster bank lending credentials to make sure mortgage holders have the ability to at least make minimal repayments. This is the reason why the sub-prime came into play… lacking in government regulation.
    Not too sure about the state of short selling stocks in KL but there has been a ban across the world because it has resulted in equity markets to become more volatile and uncertain.
    The problems that we face today are based on fear and uncertainty, causing investors to sell at a loss – ie capitulation.
    The correct thing that the government should be doing is telling the truth with regard to economic circumstances because over promising and under delivering will create no confidence or trust…
    Commentary by the government that increasing the price of petrol IS NOT inflationary is cleary irresponsible and complete rubbish.
    It is becoming very evident that this government has incompetence as its key skill set when dealing with social and economic issues.

  83. Dear Tun,
    Salam, your views on the Malaysian economy are exactly whatmost Malaysians think but do not have the platform to speak out. I would like to add that Malaysia does not have strong business fundamentals within the SME’s especially within the biggest population group, the Bumiputra. The typical life span of a Bumiputra business is only 5 years. Most Bumi companies rely on the government for business, hence their clients are GLC’s and Government agencies. This is not right as the Bumi economy will depend on irresponsible politicians who do not care about the 18 million Malays but only themselves. I am concern because we will soon be Auto- colonized. You have always spoken Tun that we should not be colonized anymore, well we are facing this right now. Most malays in the cities do not see this as their jobs are secured with government agencies etc but look at the rural areas where the mass of the malays live. They cant even initiate planting or expand their plantation business, why? Because there are no paths for our produces to be marketed outside. Other experienced ethnic groups have already stabilized this side of the economy and for many years have generate wealth. Well we Bumis should not be angry with them as like any human race they have the perogative to survive. Now lets look at ourselves and say, do we want to survive for another 200 or 500 years? Do we want to protect our civilization?
    The funny part is that our politicians as what you have stressed Tun, are not really qualified to manage the country. Its because they belong to a neo cultist party which the culture is destructuive. We Malaysians should demand that we should be served not led.
    We are facing economic turmoil and to sum it all up the group thats going to suffer the worse is the Bumiputra. So Tun, some how as you are still capable please do something to change the political system and the mindset of the ‘greedy’ malays.

  84. Dear Tun and fellow bloggers
    Lorenz printed a paper about this subject called, “Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?” and the title of the Butterfly Effect has remained. Today, sensitive dependence on initial conditions is referred to as “The Butterfly Effect” and it has spawned research over the last several decades know variously as chaos theory, complexity theory, stochastic processes, and other names.
    In chaos theory, “The Butterfly Effect” refers to the discovery that in a chaotic system such as the global weather, tiny perturbations in the system may sometimes lead to major changes in the overall system. It is theoretically possible that a slight rise in temperature in the ocean off the cost of Peru will create tiny changes in the air flow that would eventually lead to different weather in North America and Europe. In most cases the slight change would make no difference whatsoever, but when the system is unpredictable at a certain stage, the future may unfold quite differently, depending upon what little difference occurred.
    Most of our problems are complex because there are so many factors involved, often because the system is structured in a certain way due to things that happened in the past. If we see things in terms of simple cause and effect, we cannot recognize the real causes nor can we fix the problem. Using systems thinking we can identify real problems and potential soltuions.
    As brilliantly explained by Tun, the fallout of the systemic collapse of the whole world’s financial system may result in the so-called “Butterfly Effect”. Question is, How will Malaysia survive in this Financial Storm?
    All eyes will be on Datuk Seri Najib even though he is not even the PM yet. Thus, I plead that Tun will guide him well should he needs your assistance in providing the “potential solutions to” the Nation in weathering the storm.
    My sincerest thanks and warmest regards.

  85. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Setelah membaca komen-komen dari blog Tun, saya dapati ramai individu2 yang mahukan Tun support Datuk Najib sebagai advisor.
    Masalahnya sekarang, adakah pihak UMNO sendiri rela Tun menjadi Advisor mereka? Bercakap memanglah senang..cubalah memakai “kasut” Tun..baru tau..Akhbar tempatan banyak melaporkan negatif respon dari ahli M.T.kecuali Datuk Rais yang banyak mempertahankan Tun.
    Diharap selepas ni, biarlah Tun aje yang buat keputusan..saya pasti Tun tak lokek ilmu ..Tun dah berjaya membuat Pak Lah berundur..SYABAS TUN..
    Sesungguhnya Allah SWT memanjangkan usia dan memberi tahap kesihatan maksimum kepada Tun kerana TUJUAN Tun itu mulia.
    Noor Hashimah Hashim
    Shah Alam

  86. Salam Sejahtera kepada Tun dan keluarga.
    WOW Tun what an simplified explanation.
    You are simply amazing.
    Keep it up.
    Tun di harap sentiasa sihat selalau InshaALLAH.

  87. SALAM TUN,

  88. Lets me honest here, the current leaders are just bullshiting. TUN is an experienced man who i belief have the answer or atleast solutions to the eoconmic crisis, he did it before he can do it again if given the opportunity. I openly admit that you are the person i will like to see rule malaysia forever and ever, i dont care if you are indian malay, original malay or whatever all i see is a human being that knows how to look ahead, analyse issues concerning the nation and execute whatever plans required good for the nation.
    Besides how many of the current leaders are able to dissect a topic like Tun does. I guess the medical study did help in the administration of the nation.
    I FOR ONE WILL NOT ABANDON MALAYSIA for whatever the reason maybe. I belief in loyalty to the end. (Eventhough i do have other options available, i am not a PIG, but a PROUD MALAYSIA BECOZ OF TUN WAS MY PM).

  89. Salam Tun…
    Nak bagi komen tentang artikel Tun ni (naik juling biji mata saya utk pahmkan nya) memang saya x berpe nak paham pasal financial ni walaupun saya uruskan kewangan sekolah itu pun duit nye seciput je ini kan lg satu negara, mengigil kepala lutut..
    Apa2 pun saya respek Tun, mcm mana Tun menyelesaikan masalah masa kemelesetan ekonomi dulu mmg hebat. Sepatut nya pemerintahan sekarang perlu mendengar & meneliti cadangan tun… jgn asik nak tunjuk pandai je.
    Isu Pak lah kritik Tun tu (lambat bagi komen)
    Dia tu masih x sedar lagi sape lah dia kalau bukan Tun yg melantik dia. Saya suka bila DS Rais Yatim membela Tun, walaupun soalan kpada Pak lah telah di putar belitkan oleh wartawan… ( Harap2 DS Rais Yatim akan melepasi had kelayakan untuk bertanding Naib Presiden DAN AKAN MENANG NANTI )
    Nampaknya Laman Blog Tun ni akan lebih mnjadi tumpuan ramai… waw… bangga plak rasa coz saya dah jadi warga ni
    Kepada TS Muhyiddin..
    Saya suka sikap TS yang cool itu…
    X sabar rasenya nak tunggu Mac 2009, mcm mane la jadi nya…!

  90. hi dear TDM and TDSH,
    salute u tun for a great insight of what is happening.
    I have always been an admirer of your wittyness like many more million people out there.
    Well, we are all like coca cola bottle tun. Coca cola bottles are billions in this world and you cant tell one and another..hehehe
    But you are not Tun, you are a rare gem any third world country would like to possess but has been blessed to malaysia but the malays dont know how to appreciate you dear Tun.
    Coming back to economy, all the guys PM,DPM,ministers all these cabinet bottles are still in denial. They say the economy is good, great and gonna be better. Actually, they are telling the truth dear TUN,they are not in denial.
    I hope all the other people who commented here and those reading Tun’s blog also reads my comment cause i have this to say :
    thats why its good. So now u know huh? They are not talking abt the country’s economy….hahahaha
    who cares abt the country?they are all bilionaires…
    Does Bill Gates care if any of his employees have no food on the table?
    thats how these cabinet bottles are….hehehehe

  91. kamu nie apa yang tun ckp kamu yer yer kan jer apa yg dia ckp semua betullll semua support inilah rakyat Malaysia bolehhhhhhhhhhhhh

  92. Correction, Tun.You said that some banks lend 100% for house purchase. It’s more than 100% in the UK. So it was a disaster waiting to happen.
    Secondly you talked about people only trading with paper, with no real assets. It reminds me of our own country. AP’s are given by the govt for free to a very privileged few and are sold to the public for exhorbitant sums. The perpetuation of this system is said to help the bumiputra businessmen. Sad to say, many do not even have showrooms. I doubt that the officers of MITI have eyes or ears. If they do, then they would have seen all these happening under their very noses.
    There are other ‘paper wealth’ ie licences that can be traded for hefty profits. When Time DotCom was in trouble, it sold it’s licence (obtained for free) to Digi and got more than 100million.
    Are these the kind of Bumiputra entrepreneurs that the govt wish to develop? There are also those just specialising in the ‘trading’ of state land. All they do is obtain a piece state land and sell it even without paying the premium,and make millions. The money is spent on lavish lifestyles. And when the money runs out, apply for another piece. It goes on and on, so much so they even have people in every land office to provide information on land available to apply for.
    What’s your take on this?

  93. I havent finished reading all the other posting yet but I would first like to vouch for what Tun has mentioned on point 3, 4,5, 6 and now I’d probably have to go for point 12 (small biz fold up).
    How can our government say we are not affected? Have we been sleeping or do we only want to react when it is too late? We already have a sleepy PM and now going to have another sleepy DPM?

  94. Y.A.Bhg Tun
    It is time to revive the gold dinar system you proposed to the OIC when your were PM. Of course it was shelved by AAB as soon as he became PM. (It seemed he reversed everything good that you did Tun). And Tun, dont bother with BNM either. It seemed that they too were eager to lend AAB a helping hand in turning back what Tun proposed.
    The best place is the IBD. There are some very senior (and very good and highly qualified) Malaysians among the senior most executives of the IDB. I am confident the IDB and the OIC would be very keen this time around to implement Tun’s Gold Dinar proposal.
    May Allah always protect Tun and family for the benefits and protection of the ummah

  95. Dear Tun
    In simple terms, a free market is an array of exchanges that take place in society and wide participated in M’sia and each exchange is a voluntary agreement between two parties who trade in the form of goods and services. In reality, this is the extent to which a free market exists since there will always be government intervention in the form of taxes, price controls and restrictions that prevent new competitors from entering a market. Just like supply-side economics, free market is also described as a political or ideological viewpoint on policy and is not a field within economics. Taking this into consideration while the international financial system and the market economy has failed, what would a suitable system that can be introduced in order to avoid or minimised the failure in free market. Thanks

  96. A mat salleh I worked with once remarked that the management is treating us like mushrooms – “feeding us bullshit and keeping us in the dark”! This is exactly what the current politicans are doing to Malaysians ….
    It is insulting that they think Malaysians incapable of analysis and will swallow what they say hook, line and sinker. It is amazing that we have a Finance Minister AND a Prime Minister who tells us that we are ok while the US and most of Europe are facing a major crisis with their banking and monetary systems!!
    While the rest of the world are worried about what needs to be done to shore up their economy, our politicians are busy fighting for their political careers and not one MP, be it from the BN or opposition has come up with anything worth listening to about what we need to do to fortify ourselves for what lies ahead.
    They berate you on the mainstream media for telling it like it is but they themselves are unable to come up with anything meaningful or helpful to us citizens … there are repeated faux pas made by both BN and Opposition MPs alike and watching the parliamentary debates on TV makes one wonder how they can claim to be “leaders” of this country … I guess predominantly in Malaysia, shit floats to the top!

  97. Salam Sejahtera buat Tun beserta keluarga,
    Selama beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini rakyat dihidangkan dengan maklumat-maklumat yang menyimpang dari kenyataan sebenar yang melibatkan kebajikan rakyat sendiri. Yang menanggung akibat langsung adalah rakyat. Pemimpin yang membuat perlaksanaan terburu-buru (tanpa buat apa-apa “study long/mid term effect” keatas ekonomi, besar kemungkinannya!!)langsung tak ambil kira akibatnya. Antaranya seperti naik harga minyak ikut suka berikutan itu akibat dominonya- harga barangan , pengangkutan dan lain-lain naik. Kadar Inflasi naik, kuasa membeli turun, pendapatan rakyat dan isi rumah tak berubah. Ada naik sikit itupun untuk warga kakitangan kerajaan. Saya rasa terharu campur confused apabila PM sekarang ni buat statement mengenai Tun berkaitan dengan isu pemilihan UMNO. MAKA ADANYA ada ketikanya kita sebagai manusia biasa yang sememangnya lemah di sisi ALLAH , ada sebahagian kita tidak dijadikan untuk menjadi pemimpin apalagi menjadi pemimpin sesebuah negara di era serba kalut ni. Ada ketikanya lagi banyak kita bercakap dan bersuara maka makin akan menonjolkan lagi sifat kejahilan dan kedunguan kita.
    Puji-pujian bagi Allah Tuhan semesta Alam. Amin.

  98. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I am one of your millions admirer..i juz read an article tranungkite abt your relationship with the jews (yahudi). Do you deny it, Tun? Or you do have your own explaination regading those accusations?…anyway, i do think that our economy will some how affected by the current situation in usa and europe…have a gud day Tun..salam..

  99. Salam Tun & All,
    “Terima Kasih saya ucapkan buat Tun”
    Addicted to ur blog now days, i think there are million like me.
    Saya nak lepaskan critic kat non-malay la tun, izinkan ye…
    Saja nak gtau kat org cam diorng yg critic Malaysia ini dan pasal nak tinggalkan negara ini la apa la (if the reader of this blog scan the comment they leave in this article notice ar), sy personally dah dididik dari kecik dh,dh prepare dh, Ada satu perspective pasal non-malay yg diorng ini akan tinggalkan juga negara kalo negara ini susah, i think most of us malay known these fact even tough nobody talks about it out loud, perkara ini ada kat hujung hati kami malay. No need la to threat2 kan. Annoyed la, seriously.
    Kita sesama la share comment nak prepared pasal Financial turmoil ini ke, politik ke dan apa jer current isu yg Tun sentuh. Baru elok.
    Tanah kat Malaysia kaya beb, kaya!
    Air Sungai kat Malaysia ini banyak lg yg bersih2.
    May Allah s.w.t bless & help us Malaysian. Amin
    May Allah s.w.t bless Tun & Family. Amin

    Prepare to lose jobs in Singapore
    SINGAPORE: The 300,000 Malay­sians employed in the island republic have been advised to gear up for retrenchment if the country continues to slide into a recession.
    Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam said that although the technical recession experienced by Singapore has not yet translated into unemployment, it was better for Malaysians to be prepared.
    “If there is unemployment due to a recession, our workers will be hit,” he told The Star here yesterday.
    “They need to work on retraining and acquiring new skills to ensure they have jobs during such times.”
    He said that Malaysians accounted for about 30% of the foreign workforce in Singapore.
    Dr Subramaniam said that many of the Malaysian workers in Singapore were unskilled and employed in the manufacturing sector.
    Asked about whether the ministry had a contingency plan for such a situation in Malaysia, he said that Malaysia would have excess job vacancies as work presently being done by foreigners could be offered to locals instead.
    According to economic data released by Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry, the island republic will be the first Asian economy to fall into a technical recession.
    A technical recession is generally defined as two consecutive quarters of contraction in economic output.
    Dr Subramaniam, after an hour-long meeting with his Singapore counterpart Gan Kim Yong, said they had discussed various issues.
    On instances of Malaysian workers being cheated in Singapore, he said that the Malaysian High Commission had received 1,250 com­plaints within the first nine months of this year.
    Dr Subramaniam added that there was something wrong with the re­cruitment mechanism and the ministry would have to check on the matter.

  101. Salam Tun,
    Very well said about the dangers of globalisation, open borders and free markets and the risks we face from the world financial crisis.
    What’s needed is a separate trading bloc, especially among developing countries which will provide a market which provides some insulation from the global market and in which the economies of countries involved can survive and sufficiently thrive, even in during hard times in the world beyond.
    However, especially after the GATT conference in 1994 and especially after MSC Malaysia was established, as an ICT writer, I’ve suffered no end of having to hear proclamations about “glories” of globalisation, open borders, free trade, the “leveling nature of globalisation,” the “liberating nature of globalisation” and so on, and that was even during the time you were Prime Minister, though indeed yes, you did express your doubts.
    You dreamed of a knowledge-economy in which information technology and multimedia content would be the engine of growth but according to recent figures, Malaysia’s exports in merchandise trade was worth about RM555 billion, while exports by MSC Malaysia status companies was RM5.57 billlion or just over 1% of merchandise trade.
    While that is a small but significant achievement for MSC Malaysia, my question is whether ICT can and will ever become the “engine of growth” or the main export of countries, as is much touted by cheap paperback writers and quack futurologists who rose in prominence and stardom amongst business and government decision makers, including within the Malaysian government.
    Such liars and charalatans of the dis-information technology industry disparage manufacturing and agriculture as “sunset industries” — mainly because much of manufacturing and later services, technology development, research and development activities have been shipped out o fthe United States.
    So yes! Such industries certainly are “sunset” industries for the United States in particular, which is what these cheap paperback writers and quack futurologists were writing about.
    However, the unfortunate thing is that our stupid management consultants, top corporate executives, management consultants, government decision makers, economists, journalists without brains and so on swallowed the lies and disinformation spread by the cheap paperback writers and quack futurologists.
    People cite the 7% contribution by South Korea’s creative multimedia industry to that country’s gross domestic product.
    However, that is half the truth. What they don’t tell you is where the remaining 93% of south Korea’s GDP comes from.
    Thus telling half the truth is in fact worse than telling a lie.
    Anyway, now we can see what the end result fo striving to discard one’s legacy wealth-producing industries in the collapse of the banking and financial system in the US and in turn the collapse of its economy.
    Thus Malaysia needs to re-think its national development policy so as to avoid inevitably going over the waterfall at the end of the river.

  102. Assalamualaikum Yang Dikasihi Tun,
    Mengenai Tsunami Ekonomi, Nauzubillah, walaupun harapan mengelak tipis, mudah-mudahan Allah membantu dan memudahkan urusan kita. Minta dilapangkan segala kesempitan.
    Sampai maklumat pada saya, PM kita serah jawatan Menteri Kewangan ke TPM ada sebab-sebab jahat dan tersembunyi, antaranya :-
    1- Nak cari salah laku dan salah guna kuasa semasa TPM jadi Menteri Pertahanan, dan menggunakan maklumat tersebut untuk jatuhkan dan malukan TPM (KJ and geng jadi spy dan sebarkan maklumat pada pembangkang);
    2- Nak cari kelemahan TPM mengurus Kementerian Kewangan, jadi boleh dibuang kelak;
    3- Apabila TPM sabit kesalahan, PM tak akan teruskan peralihan kuasa dan kekal jadi PM (part ni yang paling ditakuti).
    Senario yang amat membimbangkan. Jika benar TPM menghadapi masalah dalaman, skandal dll, yang semuanya mengikat beliau dan menjerat beliau, kenapa tidak kita mencalonkan sahaja DS Muhyiddin atau T. Razaleigh sebagai PM dan DS Rais Yatim sebagai TPM.
    Perlu difikirkan sebelum TPM Najib jadi PM dan dimalukan, masalah bertambah2 teruk, UMNO dan orang Melayu semakin malu dan tertekan dan pembangkang semakin bersorak dan bergendang.
    Pening semalam bertambah2 hari ini……
    Semoga Tun sekeluarga tetap sihat walafiat dan berbahagia sentiasa.
    P/S : Seronok jumpa dan berborak-borak dengan Tun dan Mukhriz hari Sabtu 18/10/2008 hari tu. TERIMA KASIH TUN.

  103. Salam Tun!
    Well said & easy to understand. Soalan saya untuk Tun:
    1) How do we face this crisis?
    2) What are the steps should be taken to ensure that we as the common wage earners are not drag along this crisis and able to stay afloat?
    Terima kasih Tun. Harap mendapat jawapan dari Tun.

  104. Salam to you and your family in this beautiful month of Syawal…
    There are and will always be those kind of individuals out there who cannot get enough of you. Please don’t be disheartened Tun. Keep on writing and share your thoughts and your visions with us.
    As for the attention seeker Mr Patrickz218 who’s leaving Malaysia, I wonder how he will plead allegiance to his future country next.To apply for a Permanent Resident is complicated enough, but to change one’s citizenship will not be so easy my friend.What are you really running away from my fiend,.. sorry friend….
    Stay calm and be happy always Tun. Cheeriosss!

  105. Anyway we are in the AKHIR ZAMAN. So everything are in the Quran. Read it and Muhasabah so that you will be rest in peace May Allah bless US in Dunia and Akhirat.

  106. Salam Tun & all members,
    What will happen if all depositors withdraw the money from all banks hehehe…so scared reading your article,Tun.
    And need your brilliant opinion pertaining to rivalry some local banks (should every m’sian knows) buying stakes in overseas banks cos it involves depositors money in which mismanagement can cause economic crisis as well.
    Thanks for xpalantion…keep on writing. Wassalam…

  107. Dear Tun,
    This is my 3rd post on the issue since i feel strongly about it.
    You have given you insight. Now, could you recommend and present what should our government do to wheather this expected difficult time.
    many thanks & kind regards

  108. Salam Tun
    Masa Tun dulu dah bagi nasihat. Masa Pak Lah sekejap aje, level 4 lebih teror.. jadi nasihat pun tak diendahkan; agaknya kami ni kurang pengalaman? credential? finesse?. La ni, masih sempat lagi, tapi nak dekat jadi bubur. Masa abg(anak) aji dah habis… tinggal kami berdua. Kalau nak tunggu, tuhan boleh tunggu, tapi kita tak boleh.
    Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir dan batin. Dah malas nak mengutuk, komen… saya tengok ajela…. agaknye jadi observer aje.

  109. I am constantly amazed by your insight into the Malaysian economy. Back in 1997 you put in place capital control not many believes in what you did. But your quick action has help preserved our Ringgit. This time around, we have a government who is still believing that Malaysia has no problems amidst the global financial crisis. By the time they wake up and realise that we are not immune , it will be too late.

  110. we need someone capable to lead the country, rather idiot that bark for ground supports. MYR5b is not a small amount of money. We, the citizen, don’t want our money to be wasted unreported!

  111. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for the wonderful bird’s eye view of the recent world economy scenario.
    This is what I have been wondering so far: what good Malaysia has to advoid this economy tsunami?
    Commodities are falling, this is not a good sign for our nation as a large part of our national income came from commodities like petroleum and palm oil. I believe there wont be a problem for Petronas but it will be challenging for large plantations.
    Sigh, when commodities are on the rise, nobody happy too anyway because this directly impacted by a 40% fuel hike, 100% rice hike, etc.
    “Now the corridors cannot be fully implemented. But this is fine because nothing had been implemented anyway. ”
    Good saying! Me and my friends here has been wondering, what happened to the several billions ringgit approved to improve self sustainability on food like rice?
    The only related follow up I have here is report about massive harvest comming soon in Thailand and Myamar, rice price expect to fall further…
    But what about our rice self-sustainability plan?
    Or is it just like another palm oil biofuel plan?
    Best Rgds
    Best view under early morning light condition with a full good night dreamless sleep 🙂

  112. Yang berbahagia Tun,
    Kerajaan tak risau (ataupun buat2 tak risau) sebab yang menghadapi masalah sekarang adalah US dan UK dan bukan Malaysia! Tapi orang kampung pun tahu, Apa sahaja keadaan ekonomi di US khususnya, akan memberi kesan kepada Malaysia.
    Semalam, saya telefon keluarga dikampung,orang kampung dah mengeluh, harga getah telah jatuh lebih 70% daripada harga sebelum ini. Harga terbaru dpd pemborong adalah rm1.50 daripada rm7.00 sebelum ini. Kalau orang kampung pun tahu erti kemelesetan ekonomi, takkan orang yang khusus dalam bidang tu pun cakap Malaysia kukuh ekonominya? Berapa banyak rizab kita ada kalau ekonomi dunia berterusan meleset dalam masa setahun lagi?
    Kepada sesiapa yang berkenaan didalam kerajaan sekarang, hentikanlah politik tu sekejap, tumpukan perhatian kepada masalah rakyat, buat apa yang patut, jemput Tun kedalam mesyuarat kerajaan, minta nasihat/pandangan – rugi apa? Kalau US sendiripun sudah mengikut cara Tun menangani masalah ekonomi mereka, kenapa kerajaan Malaysia yang ‘memiliki’ Tun masih ‘jual mahal’ mendapatkan nasihat daripada Tun? Tidak kurangpun maruah tuan2 kalaupun meminta nasihat Tun. Nanti orang kata tuan2 ni bodoh sombong, lagi tuan2 tak terima!
    melenting! kata siapa diatu! siapa dia ni! kalau dah cakap macamtu di media dan ditonton pula berjuta2 rakyat, saya berani kata, tuan2 tak layak jadi pemimpin – cepat melatah!
    Nak kongsi sikit dengan Tun..
    Tiga hari yang lepas, di sebuah limbungan kapal di Guangzhou, sedang saya dan dua orang rakan berbual2, tiba2 kami disapa oleh orang tempatan – pekerja limbungan. Dia tanya, Malaysia? kamipun kata ya, Malaysia. Dia tanya lagi Colompo? (Kuala Lumpurlah tu agaknya), kami kata ya Colompo. Dia terus tanya Mahathir? sambil tu dia terus bagi signal – thumb-up dan terus tabik askar sambil sebut Mahathir. Masa tu saya bukan main terharu.. walaupun lima tahun berlalu, nama Tun masih diingati oleh orang asing tetapi masih dibenci oleh rakyat senegaranya sendiri.. (sedih saya).
    Kami suruh dia ulang lagi (harapan nak rekod video dan upload ke you tube, tapi dia tak faham)..
    Kami cubalah sebut dengan beliau yang Mahathir dah berhenti dan kami sebut AAB, Dia tak ambik pusingpun. Mungkin kalau sebut Bapa Demokrasi, dia paham kot?
    Salam Iban Guangzhou.

  113. Dear Tun,
    This my second post on this topic. When i heard over the news that Najib is telling Malaysia we are pretty much isolated from the credit crisis and that our fundamental remain strong ya da ya da.. i smell problem.
    Even before he made the announcement, most Malaysian are asking themselves whether they will have their jobs tommorow; whether the company they works for could survive the crisis, etc
    Injecting more money into Bursa wont do much for most of working Malaysian!! It will only save those who are in Bursa!! Maybe along the way enriching non-Malaysian as well. And of course, the goverment would be using our/taxpayer money.
    Boosting goverment spending and encouraging domestic spending is the way forward.

  114. Tun,
    On financial issues, you are the best. Your opinion on the matter is clear and direct but will Najib and gang do the same will be the big question for all Malaysian to ask. I think he will take your advice as he cannot think by himself and his gang cant help too as he and his gang are busy thinking of some other more important subject like solving Mongolian beautiful girls problem.
    I don’t understand why you support him as he has not done anything special or significant in all his time in the Govt. All news about him got to do with buying unnecessary submarine, helicopter or beautiful girls. I think we should give Ku Li a chance although he is untested but he has less scandals and bad rumors. What do you say?
    You should be appointed CEO of Malaysia but without political power so that you concentrate on Malaysian business, financial and marketing subject only. You should not waste time on administration as you can let Najib and gang do the job. You are best at creating business and image for Malaysia and as long as the input business and income is big enough we don’t have to worry so much how Najib spend or waste the money. We cannot depend on them to bring in business for Malaysia.
    Stay heathly and sharp

  115. A’kum TUN.
    You are absolutely right.
    My prediction of the WORLD Financial System turmoil,
    2008 just started, 2009 worsen, 2010 COLLAPSE.
    What shall Malaysian people do now ??
    TUN please advise. Thanks.

  116. Assalamualaiukum Tok Det…
    HANDS UP!! pun tak tau apa yg sy baca,tp apa yg sy tau artikel Tok Det tu 1000% b’infomasi..T’paksa baca pelan2 coz sy nie bknnya paham sgt pasal ekonomi…tp bila sy fikir balik,kalau Pak Lah baca,mesti dia pun akan baca pelan2 mcm sy jgk, so bru la sedap skit hati sy nie…(sorry Pak Lah yer.. terkutuk plak..jgn komen dlm tv tau!) :)) ~”siapa lydiarusli tu nak ckp sy tak reti baca ekonomi??” -mana laa tau kot2 dia marah camtu plak ker, mcm dia marah Tok Det hari tu.. hihi~
    Minta izin Tok Det:
    By Kroni Mu on October 20, 2008 9:52 PM
    1. Kroni Mu,kalau pengaruh Tun nie longgar, blog nie takkan cecah 8juta org laa,sengal..! Ayat kamu yg no.2:
    2. Mahathir menyedari masalah dalaman Umno amat kronik dan memerlukan ‘revolusi’ yang besar bagi memulihkannya dan tidak ada tokoh yang mampu menyelesaikannya selain beliau. Justeru satu hari nanti Umno akan datang melutut menagih bantuan beliau. Maka di saat inilah beliau akan ‘dihidupkan’ kembali bersama pengaruh dan kuasa.
    Aduh,sebusuk2 hati dan sesempit2 fikiran manusia,si Kroni Mu ni..Bwk2 laa mengucap Kroni Mu.. Sbb apa yg kamu kecapi hari nie adalah hasil usaha Tun pd masa lepas.. insaflah dan renung diri kamu dlu, biar cerah mata telinga, luas akal fikiran.. Tgk la blog Tun diatas. Bukan utk sapa2,utk kamu, anak kamu dan Malaysia jgk. Sy tahu,org2 mcm kita berdua mmg susah nak faham rencana tu. Tp p’cayalah,artikel tu m’bawa kebaikan pd kita smua. Bwk2 rehat dan mengucap.Wsalam..
    Maaf Tok Det, t’emosi.. Tok Det jaga kesihatan,mkn dan minum.. Blogger mcm “kroni mu” nie cuma parasit jer kat page nie.. Smoga Allah merahmati Tok Det dan memanjangkan usia Tok Det sekeluarga.. Aminn..
    UiTM Alumni
    no more pseudonym!

  117. Salam Tun,
    What you had predicted during the Asian Financial Crisis is coming true. I remembered we were the pariah of the economic community and Tun, as well as Tan Sri Nor Yackop were looked as villans by the world for trying to destroy centuries of economic structure.
    Be that as it may, I was wondering, whatever happen to Tun’s idea of using the Islamic Dinar based on Gold and Silver for trade. Did it finally materialise? Are we using it now? If we are then we should be safe as the gold had appreciated so much.

  118. Tun,
    Your analysis is astute but is limited to the symptom, not the cause.
    Globalisation is shifting jobs away from developed countries to developing countries because of the lower cost and because of the free trade agreements. While corporate America gained, America lost. America has been borrowing big from the rest of the world to pay for its imported goods and services.
    The slide was initiated by the collapsing sub-prime mortgage scheme, because the Americans just could not pay their loans. The services industry in America dominates the economy, and it is collapsing. Unemployment will spike in America, causing a recession. Logic would dictate that America will need to devalue it currency to boost domestic production and export.
    What this means is it’s import will slow and countries like Malaysia and China which depended on exports will need to looks elsewhere to sustain its economy. Since the cause is a fundamental imbalance in trade between US and its partners, the recovery will be long. America has in the past maintain the currency balancing act by selling its debts and now it is defaulting on its debts. Nations will shift away from USD further weaken the dollar and weaken US buying power.
    The world is so looped sided that it needs to find a new equilibrium. And that is what will happen in the next few years. And if the corrupt members of our government could just stop counting the money in their wallet long enough to address the fundamental flaw in our economy, we will ride through the worse of it.

  119. Dear TUN,
    I think u have underestimated BADAWI, he is a highly complex individual.
    If our Badawi and gang are consistant and correct in their opinions, Malaysians should be rejoicing that oil prices have come down! I wonder how much extra money our govt. is making now. They must be feeling realy smart now!
    Now that the country is making more money by the decrease of oil prices they are distributing the extra profits among the rakyat.
    I suggest that Badawi reach out to the rakyat and urge them to hold collective prayers that will help the price of oil to drop further!
    What a brilliant pioneering concept the lower the oil prices drop, the less the biggest contributor (petronas) makes ,the more the rakyat benefits!
    Forget about UMNO nominations, we are talking NOBEL prize nominations here! Its already in the bag! they can already use to benefit the BN campaign, Olympic gold is nothing compared to NOBEL prize.
    WELL DONE BADAWI, petronas will soon be the no.2 contributor to national income, after you start charging other govts. for financial advise. But please reject high offers because the rakyat cannot afford it yet until oil price falls futher.
    Its a whole new concept! THE RACE TO THE LEAST AMOUNT OF MONEY!

  120. Dear Tun ,
    Kali ini topic yang Tun tulis memang menjadi buah mulut semua orang.Alhamdulillah rakyat Malaysia sekarang cukup bijak dan cerdik.Oleh itu tak payahlah kerajaan atau orang – orang tertentu membuat kenyataan dongeng kononnya Malaysia tidak akan dilanda krisis ekonomi.Cukuplah state of denial.Rakyat dah bangkit,dah pandai buat analisa.
    Bukan itu saja , sekarang ini pun rakyat dah rasa betapa peritnya beban kenaikan harga.Kalau dulu bawa RM100 banyak barang yang boleh di beli.Sekarang dengan RM100 ciput saja barang yang dibawa pulang.
    Kalau dulu kita makan roti boleh cerewet , kerak roti yang ditepi2 kepingan roti boleh dibuang .Sikit hari lagi bukan saja kena makan kerak yang terdapat ditepi2 roti kalau boleh habuk roti pun nak kena telan sekali.Begitulah nampaknya hidup sekarang.Takut sikit hari lagi roti bukan makanan orang biasa pula.
    Tun ,
    Rakyat tahu apa yang akan mereka lalui . Kemelesetan ekonomi akan di alami oleh Malaysia.Bezanya rakyat dah terasa dengan keadaan ini ,etapi takut golongan pemimpin yang mempunyai wang berjuta belum terasa apa apa lagi.Maklomlah wang masih menggunung .Agaknya wang yang dimiliki sesetengah pemimpin telah mengaburi hati dan perasaan mereka.Mungkinkah kesan kegawatan akan lambat mengcengkam hidup pemimpin kita, atau kenyataan mereka tentang kegawatan yang tidak akan melanda kita is applicable untuk diri mereka sahaja.
    Sekarang ini rakyat nak tahu apakah langkah kerajaan untuk membantu rakyat mengharungi keseksaan ini.Apakah bank bank di Malaysia akan disuruh beri kelonggaran kepada peminjam bagi bayaran pinjaman perumahan umpamanya demi membantu rakyat kita mengekalkan harta mereka yang ciput itu.Atau pemimpim tidak peka langsung dengan nasib rakyatnya.Biarkan rumah dan asset rakyat tergadai.Dimanakah pemimpin yang memahami nasib rakyat .Atau mereka sibok dengan berebut jawatan untuk mengekalkan kedudukan.sibok dok minta undi dari akar umbi lagi tanpa menghirau bencara yang bakal melanda.
    Sekarang rakyat dah nampak dan bosan dengan cerita angan angan pemimpin kita sebab dibawah sini rakyat sedang berpijak dibumi nyata mengharungi hidup yang mungkin menuju derita.Hanya Allah sajalah tempat mengadu dan memohon bantuan.

  121. Asalamualaikum wbt,
    Apa khabar Tun…?? sihat ka.. Maaf lama tak bagi komen bukan apa nak letakkan sesuatu hal ditempatnya.
    19. I pray that I am wrong. I pray that the Government is right in declaring that the whole world may collapse but we would be the only country which won’t. We will sail calmly through the seas of shattered economies
    1) Saya yakin ada jalan keluar..
    2) Kalau Tun suruh pecahkan BUYUNG untuk dapatkan SAGU saya buat sahaja.
    3) Jepun dahulu ada menggunakan mata wang emas & perak.
    4) Harap Tun kembali bila keadaan sesuai
    Orang2 susah mengharap..
    Anak2 yatim mengharap..
    Salam Hormat.

  122. Salam Tun and all,
    1. Your entries whether on politics, economics, race relations, developments and even your small talks always get huge responses.
    2. This shows that you are well loved by your admirers; and those who do not love you so much- still they leave a comment or two to show their hatred; which goes to show that you are always being closely watched!
    3. My comment this time round is just to say, prescriptions under Islamic laws can never be wrong because they are handed down to us by our Creator, The One who is All-Knowing, All Wise. We must be steadfast in that truth. The only wrongs that can come out of it is when WE do not know how to interpret it, and when in implementing it, we do it half-heartedly .
    4. Which is why the growth of Islamic banking and Islamic finance worldwide must be given priority by all concerned in this sector. Malaysia MUST take the lead. Tun had started it back then, NAJIB must be rigorous in continuing it.
    May our children one day read all these postings in Tun’s blog and say, “Our forefathers had really been concerned”.
    Take care Tun and all, Jaga Diri, Jaga Solat. Kalau Tun simpan janggut pun elok juga Tun sebab semua nabi-nabi ada janggut, itu SUNNAH. Tun jangan tolak sunnah, ya. Kalau dah tak mau tumbuh juga, tak pa lahhhhh…..nak buat camna kan?? 🙂

  123. Salam’kum TDM and all;
    Diharap mereka yg bertanggung jawab di PNB, TH tu terus berusaha keras dan beramanah menguruskan apa yang rakyat amanahkan di sana. hanya itu lah sahaja, apa yang kita ada. InsyaAllah.

  124. thanks Tun for your explanation in layman’s term. i did request for your comment on this previously. at least now we basically know what to do. until now, our government or even the opposition have not given anything like this.

  125. Salam Tun,
    Memang betul apa yang Tun katakan. Saya betul2 sedih dengan pemimpin sekarang yang ntah apa2.
    Kat Singapore 5 bulan lepas dah sibuk dengan berita kemelesetan ekonomi. Kat Malaysia takder pun.
    Kesian saya tengok Malaysia sekarang Tun.

  126. 1. Tun, the economy of the country should be run as a corporation i.e. the management team’s (the government’s) objective is to maximise shareholders’ wealth (the citizens’ wealth).
    2. On the contrary, the management team’s (the ministers and the PM) objective is maximising their own values (wealth) at the expense of the shareholders (again, the citizens).
    3. Whoever said that Malaysian economy is not going to be affected by the current world’s financial turmoil has to be found guilty of misrepresentation.
    4. We know what they really meant was that their accumulated wealth is not affected. (How can they be when the initial investment monies were not theirs to start with?).
    5. Those who have misrepresented to the rakyat, should receive similar treatment as those CEOs of large American corporations i.e. ML, AIG etc. They should be questioned by a special committee (independent of course) on national television and make them justify their own statements.
    6. We have worked hard to build Malaysia for more than half a decade and after all that hard work, we get these clowns to make all of us look like fools to the world when they issue silly statements like ” we will not be badly affected”.
    7. I don’t need an ex PM’s son to issue such statement. Even monkeys in the zoo could have given a better statement. (I really don’t blame him as we all know his wife must be the one whom told him to tell that to the public).
    8. To the people of Malaysia, let’s work hard to struggle our way through the financial crisis. Let’s not depend too much on those clowns in the administration. They have failed us too many times. We are on our own, and despite them destroying our beloved country, we will make it happen.

  127. Tun,
    Terima kasih atas penerangan mengenai situasi ekonomi dunia sekarang. Rakyat perlukan penerangan tersebut untuk memahami keadaan semasa.
    Mengenai Bajet 2009, apa komen Tun? Mungkin kenyataan Ketua Pembangkang mengenai Bajet 2009 yang perlu dibuat semula ada sedikit kebenaran, disebabkan pendapatan negara berkurang, pasti banyak perkara yang perlu di kaji semula. Harap Tun boleh komen..
    Mengenai kad kredit, pasti ramai yang tahu kesan penggunaan kad kresit. Maka CTOS diwujudkan untuk membantu terutama orang2 muda Melayu, yang baru pegang duit gaji dah kumpul macam-macam hutang. So apa komen Tun?
    Yang terakhir, adakah dengan penggunaan sistem kewangan Islam akan dapat mengelak dari terjadinya kejatuhan ekonomi kapitalis yang tamak. Harap Tun dapat komen.
    A. Nazrul

  128. salam Tun,
    “1. I am glad to hear that Malaysia will be spared from the fallout of the systemic collapse of the whole world’s financial system. This ability to isolate Malaysia and Malaysian banks from the effect of the bankruptcies of all the biggest banks in the world must be regarded as a miracle. Our ability to manage our financial system better than others must earn us the admiration of the world.”
    Tun can sometimes be funnier than a pro comedian with his satirical humour.
    Actually it takes a genius to understand the insanely complicated world of international finance and then lay it all down in front of us in simple layman terms.
    I am going to plant ubi kayu behind my house after this comment…
    To patrickz218,
    Yahoo!Hip hip hooray!I am so glad you are emigrating to a better country which will satisfy all your needs and greed.
    Where?Singapore maybe?
    You will be better off somewhere else,my friend!
    Good riddance!

  129. Saya suka mengikuti ruangan ini dan rasanya sudah bosan dengan tuntutan kenaikan gaji dan elaun yang sering dibangkitkan, oleh itu saya ingin bertindak sebaliknya dengan memohon pihak Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) mengkaji semula kadar Elaun Perumahan Wilayah (EPW) di Sabah yang dianggap keterlaluan dan berlebih-lebihan dan wajar dikurangkan nilainya. Rasanya pemberian EPW sebanyak itu di Sabah banyak digunakan bukan untuk tujuan perumahan sebaliknya ada yang memanfaatkannya dengan membiayai kos pembelian yang tidak perlu seperti kereta luar negara penjawat awam di sana. Rasanya tidak logik EPW di Sabah diberikan sekitar RM800-RM1100 sedangkan tiada kos sewa rumah yang menjangkaui angka itu di sana kecuali rumah mewah seperti banglo. Rasanya ada lagi yang lebih memerlukan angka itu terutama yang menetap di kawasan yang berkos hidup tinggi dan mereka yang ingin memiliki rumah sendiri. Saranan ini juga sebagai langkah membantu kerajaan untuk berjimat cermat dalam perbelanjaan pentadbiran. Permintaan ini bukan disebabkan faktor cemburu tetapi mungkin sudah jenuh mendengar tuntutan kenaikan elaun yang rasanya lebih membebankan kerajaan, jadi ada baiknya saranan diberi untuk membantu kerajaan mengurangkan perbelanjaan dan mengutamakan yang lebih memerlukan. Selain itu sebagai peringatan supaya kita bersyukur kerana ada lagi lebih bermasalah dari segi gaji dan elaun ini terutama rakan-rakan kita di sektor swasta…. penjawat memahami

  130. Salam Tun,
    Orang orang yg cerdik pandai mempunyai satu persamaan, iaitu- Mampu memudah fahamkan sesuatu isu yg rumit dengan ayat2 dan ulasan2 yg ringkas tapi padat. Tun adalah termasuk dlm golongan ini.
    Lainlah org2 tertentu yg hanya pandai menjawab ‘Tak pa lah’ atau ‘Nanti lah’, ini adalah golongan yg tidak tahu hujung pangkal sesuatu isu apatah lagi cuba menerangkan dan memberi jalan keluar!
    salam perjuangan
    aziz ghazali
    21 Syawal 1429H

  131. Assalamualaikum..Ayahanda Tun,
    Wishing you and yr loved one always in good health.
    Mother earth will provide a man’s need but not his greed!
    Its time for all of us to reflect on our conscience that has been veiled by greediness.
    Money corrupts relationship between humans.

  132. Assalamualaikum YAD Tun, Tun Siti & Semua Rakan Seperjuangan
    It’s really frightening to see what will happen in the near future -nauzubillah himinaszalik. At the same time it’s really confuse to see that the goverment is still in the state of denial. This is what the Malay says BODOH SOMBONG / JAHIL MURAKAB.
    To Najib do not be ashamed to ask for advice from YAD Tun. Actually Najib it is one way you can redeem yourself from all the negative images/points the public have on you.
    As for Paklah STOP from making stupid and shallow statements.
    Semoga YAD Tun, Tun Siti Sekeluarga sentiasa di dalam pemeliharaan Allah swt.

  133. I am sure the PM and DPM “understands” that Malaysia is integrated into the world economy. When fuel price sky rocketed Petronas made money, when commodities hit the roof; Sime, IOI,Felda semua pun buat duit…while we the middle class gigit jari paying for our fuel.
    Now that the purchasing power of the world is in tehthers ; we are immune!!!! Come on lay it out, what’s your plan to safeguard our economy or else take a leaf from Tun’s play book, else my next vote going anyone else but BN.

  134. Thanks for the heads up Tun,with your statement i will be more careful to spend and keep more cash and less borrowing for future economy obstacles.

  135. Assalamualaikum Dear Tun
    It is often the case when people do not know much, and the only thing they do is politics and to please everybody is their jobs, they often make very stupid statements. Both Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib are mere politician ,with Najib probably a bit better than Abdullah. Dear Tun, I think they do not know how to handle the current economic turmoil, but they think they know and they do not even want to ask you. Leaders can listen to their advisers but they should have brain to decide the correct thing to do. Abdullah completely listen to his advisers. The help of Allah is on the leader that fear Allah and not on the adviser.

  136. Salam Tun,
    Dah lama dah. Pasaran saham jatuh semenjak tahun 1987, ada yang jadi gila ada yang cakap seorangan , ada yang terjun flat, ada yang jual rumah, ada yang hutang bank dan ada yang masih pegang paper share dulu ada paper tapi sekarang scripless.
    Pelapor fund manager yang mana nak masuk pasaran kita NO TRANSPARENCY, company company semua penipu director semua penipu apa kita ingat orang putih bodoh kah.Saya relak tengok youtube.

  137. Dear Tun,
    Thank you for this wonderful explaination. I always wondered how we can ever think we are ok when the turmoil effects all. I take my hats off to Singapore for admiting that the economy is down and fore-warning their citizens way in advance. Unlike here, It seems like we are ok but in actual fact we are not. Thank God the rakyat is smart enough to know this.
    TO BLOGGER : patrickz218 – You are a rude and ungrateful citizen of this country. Very selfish remark you made. It is racist like you that should be thrown out of this country. I am a non-malay and I rather have the Malays rule.
    Take care tun and god bless
    Wishing all Malaysians A HAPPY DEEPAVALI and please…please…please drive safe

  138. Akum TUN dan semua
    Ada banyak yang irihati dengan TUN terutama orang melayu yang berfikiran Yahudi. Macam2 tohmahan dilemparkan pada TUN kononnya TUN nak jadi “Defacto PM: Saya berpendapat apa salahnya kalau ianya betul, kerana kebolehan TUN dah teruji selama 22 tahun dan rakyat tidak sengsara sseperti zaman sekarang ini. Apa salahnya pemimpin yang ada menggunakan idea TUN untuk kebaikan negara???
    Adakah malu untuk mengakui kebolehan TUN?. Dulu yang kuat hentam TUN adalah zionis yang menggunakan US dan Britain kerana mereka tahu kalau TUN terus memerintah Malaysia maka umat islam seluruh dunia terjaga dan susah untuk mereka memperkotak katikkan kerana TUN lantang mengkritik.
    Buat Pak lah saya harap lebih baik diam dari banyak bercakap dan terutama mengkritik TUN, rakyat tidak bodoh dan kita tahu apa yang betul dan apa yang salah. Pada saya tiada apa yang boleh saya banggakan tentang Pak lah. Jadi tak payah la tunjuk kuasa suruh TUN diam dan membisu. Tengok lah pada diri anda Pak Lah.
    Saya berpendapat ekonomi di malaysia ini tidak diruskan dengan bijaksana terutama dalam soal menangani inflasi semenjak kenaikan minyak yang mendadak. Kerana secara relatifnya kesan kenaikan inflasi barangan dgn kenaikan minyak adalah lebih tinggi berbanding dgn penurunan harga barangan dengan penurunan harga minyak yang sedikit sedikit (ini cuma pandang dan kajian harus dilakukan). Sebagai contoh dgn kenaikan minyak 70 sen, kesan kenaikan barangan adalah jauh lebih tinggi, Tapi jika minyak turun sedikit2, harga barangan tetap sama. JUsteru itu kajian harga minyak berperingkat peringkat tidak membantu untuk membendung inflasi.(secara ringkas, harap pembaca faham).

  139. Isn’t it sad you can’t implement another Krugman-Mahathir strategy? Surely you would have sought Paul Krugman’s advice to this crsis were you still in power, afterall your Jewish friend has just won a Nobel prize..

  140. Salam Tun,
    Suddenly after reading this title, I fell like I’m the Finance Minister.. 🙂
    Very well elaborated and easy to understand.

  141. Dear Tun,
    Our Finance Minister DS Najib during his keynote address at the Khazanah Megatrends Forum yesterday said that “The country is not in a financial crisis and we certainly should not talk ourselves into one,”
    Do you think he is right or what you said is correct? He will pump RM10 billion to boost KLSE & nation’s economy via Valuecap Sdn Bhd, Who owns this company???
    Anyway, we have the same perception and I believed we cannot escape from the affection of the crisis and therefore drastic measures must be taken to encouter the problems right now.

  142. Dearest Tun,
    Terima kasih kerana penerangan. Simple and clear, enough to proceed to learn more.
    Tertarik dengan tulisan svijeyan “ I do not agree with all your writings, but I do read most of your writings”.. macam pernah dengar, “sounds like me, looks like me but not me”..
    And to patrickz218, Bye, bye..
    Macam-macam ada, kan Tun.. Salam.

  143. YAB Tun,
    Assalamualaikum and Selamat sejahtera.
    To say that your article this time around to be ‘good’ or ‘very good’ is an understatement. It is brilliant!
    For a layman like me and I am sure the majority of Malaysian, Tun managed to explain and simplify the current financial turmoil that affect the world and Malaysia in 35 paragraphs and we could understand.
    What I failed to understand is that why our administrators have been giving untrue statements by saying that we have been spared from all this. May be we are not feeling the brunt of it yet, but what about next year and the subsequent years?
    I am wondering how and why people like Akkhan, Oct 20, 2008, 9.45pm, couldn’t understand a word what Tun said and questioning your credibility on what you wrote. Please Tun, ignore what this goon has written. I think this person has no brain to think.
    To Barusedar, Oct 20, 2008, 11.23pm, true to your acronym, either you have been sleeping all this time or you have just sober up from your drunkeness. Wake up lah and face the reality!
    The present Finance Minister has a lot of challenges in his hand to steer our country from this impending crisis. No thanks to the former who relinquished the portfolio at the ‘right time’.
    I am sure people like the 2nd Finance Minister could use his experience and knowledge from the last 1997/98 crisis to chart something for the country to minimise the impact of this global financial turmoil.
    To those people in the government, please don’t be too arrogant by ignoring what has been written by YAB Tun. I am sure YAB Tun is ever willing to assist and give his advise and opinion on how to tackle this current crisis. What Tun need is may be, someone to ask you!
    Thank you once again Tun for sharing this brilliant article. My wife and I are addicted to your blog and can’t wait for your next article.
    May ALLAH SWT panjangkan usia Tun dan Bonda Tun Siti Hasmah serta dikurniakan kesihatan yang berpanjangan.

  144. And to hear our deary Scandalous DPM say… WE ARE DOING OK.. WE WILL BE ABLE TO WEATHER THIS US ECONOMY TURMOIL.. WE WILL NOT AFFECTED is… CRAP!!!! AND for the love of God, he is going to be the next PM!! Aiyoooo… We are so screwed!!
    Yes Tun, you are right about everything and for the life of me, I cannot understand why our government cannot be truthful with this episode. What’s with all the lying and hokey dory picture? Does our PM and DPM and the whole circus thinks we, the tax payers are stupids and therefore can be easily bluffed? Sigh… didnt the March 8 drama teach them anything or is it that they are not capable of learning anything. Sigh..
    I dread to think what is going to happen in months to come especially for those who are not the least prepared. Sigh… que sera sera….

  145. SALAM TUN,

  146. Greetings Tun,
    Great explanation on economics and the current turmoil affecting most of the world. If only the current PM can give the same explanation, but i doubt it, he cannot even give a proper public speech!
    Tun, i went through two recessions of 1982 and 1997 and survived. So i know how bad it could be, reduced spending, salary cuts and daily headaches managing my finances. The current government MPs are not in touch wit realities and some of them in denial mode because they are not affected by all the pains associated with the recession. Their riches can last five recessions i guess.
    The first road to recovery in any crisis is the acceptance that we are facing one. Then we can start seriously looking at steps to take to fix it. The longer the denial mode the serious the problem gets.
    The problem with some leaders in the government is that they are there by popular votes by the people based on perception that if a person appears nice,and can talk well they can do the job. But a lot of them have no inkling of how the economy works and are relying on advisors from various sectors. If he gets rubbish advice he will announce rubbish statements to the media that baffle everybody! Meanwhile they hope they will not screw up and survive long enough in the office to be selected again for other portfolios in the government. The learning curve is very steep so they will face the same problems again in fulfilling certain expectations the rakyat has.
    What we need are smart and daring politicians in your mold, not exactly but close. Then again, it is a very rare occurance to have somebody like you pops up now and then in this country! Abdullah and Anwar pale in comparison,they only know how to talk but no results!
    Keep it up Tun, Malaysia needs you more than ever!

  147. Assalamualaikum Tun yang dihormati..
    1-Good explanation Tun! I’m not an economic based person but your explanation makes me understand what and how economy/money flows through the world. How it is connected through banks and traders and what is actually happens nowadays.
    2-I’ve once read an article about economic crisis happens to us and asian countries ten years ago (97/98), and at that time you make a brave move, controlling our currency. Who advise you at that time sir? I believe you also have someone/somebody who teach, and maybe gives you some advise what to do?How about we ask his opinions again?
    3-I could not agree more, phrase ’14-…nothing have been implemented anyway(corridors project).’ Only opening ceremony have been done, and a lot of money have been wasted by DSAB government. The cancellation of Johore-Singapore bridge, also a big waste! Imagine how much money do we need if we wish to built it now? The cost have risen 200%!
    Ok Tun, have to go..
    Take care of yourself, because we still need your ideas!

  148. dear tun,
    very clear & easy to digest analysis.
    would your believe that if our neighbour, singapore is declared technically recession, while malaysia government has inform we are ok ??
    we sincerely hope malaysia will pass by the world financial turmoil safely without any shaking in our financial instituion, and do hope that our petrol is back to prevously at Rm 1.92 and our purchaing power is back before the petrol increase.
    but in reality,
    like tun mentioned,
    if the exporter can’t collect the payment from oversea due to the bancruptcy, the borrower will has no money to pay for his bank’s loan, and company may shut down and unemployment will happened….
    like the old people say, saving is the best to fight for uncertain future (as BNM is given gurantee to depositor, the deposit is cover)..

  149. hi sir Dr.M,
    what i like about your writings is that,every layman can grab what he/she need to know.
    it is indeed very strange that some of the 4TH FLOOR INTELLIGENT boys do not.
    this is a BEAUTIFUL AND A CLASSIC current financial writings in modern times that will be remembered by all readers here.
    i do wish the best for malaysia while the WORLD in turmoil.
    Please take the advisory roll in the new goverment & guide the country to where it was in your GOLDEN times and even better…
    Allahs blessings!

  150. Salam sejahtera Yang Berbahagia Tun.
    10. Sepatutnya kerajaan mansuhkan subsidi petrol dan disel secara berperingkat(5 hingga 10 tahun), bukannyan secara serta merta dengan kenaikan sebanyak 40 per cent. Jika secara berperingkat, ia dapat MENGELAKKAN kenaikan KOS BAHAN MENTAH dan juga KOS PERKHIDMATAN melebihi 30 per cent dalam tempoh 5 hingga 10 tahun.
    11. Kenaikan dan penurunan harga bahan api setiap bulan tidak memberi manfaat kepada rakyat dan negara. Setiap kali harga bahan api naik, kos bahan mentah juga naik. Tetapi jika harga bahan api turun, kos bahan mentah tidak turun seperti yang diharapkan. Kecuali barangan dibawah kawalan kerajaan sahaja..(tidak sampai 10 per cent)
    Sepatutunya DSAAB meninggalkan jawatan PM sejak awal lagi.. bukan hari ini atau pun Mac 2009

  151. Assalamualaikum wbt Tun
    Merujuk tajuk Akhbar Utusan Malaysia tentang Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
    ”Dalam politik macam itulah, saya harap tak ada petir dan tidak ada ribut taufan yang melanda pokok yang tinggi-tinggi dan pokok tinggi kena ada akar kuat yang dibajai supaya tidak akan tumbang dan patah dahan,” katanya.
    Ahmad Zahid berkata, beliau lebih senang mengambil pendekatan untuk tidak bercakap banyak demi menjaga hati banyak pihak.
    To Zahid,
    Hai Datuk gila pangkat nampak!!! TERPAKSA JAGA HATI BANYAK PIHAK…nampak sangat tak IKHLAS yer.. terus terang la cakap dengan akar umbi yang datuk nak KUASA dan PANGKAT… x perlu la nk jaga hati org lain.. TUN sendiri pun datuk hentam.. nk jaga hati apa!! yelahh Tun tu bukan org UMNO dan saya tahu Datuk bukan suka sangat dengan TUN sejak dia jadi PM lagi kan??
    Emmm TUN tak salah kan kalau saya kata Zahid Hamidi DALAM DILEMMA…. MALAY DILEMA

  152. Dearest Tun,
    This is too deep for the government people to digest, I assume.
    It is so naive for the PM & DPM to say we are not affected by all the global downturn. If they have eyes to look around them and the brains to try to understand the implications, they will see that the rakyat is suffering.
    All the eateries I’ve been to, from fast food outlets, to fancy restaurants, to hawker stalls, they mentioned their business have dropped significantly.
    The recent stock market crashes must have contributed to some extent.
    To sum it all, Malaysia is still not OK.

  153. Aslmkm YABhg Tun,
    Terima kasih tidak terhingga. Tun telah mempermudahkan satu subjek dalam bidang ekonomi iaitu krisis kewangan dunia.
    Sebelum membaca posting Tun yang terbaru ini saya dapati sukar untuk memahami apa sebenarnya krisis kewangan dunia, puncanya dan setakat mana pula kesannya terhadap negara kita.
    Pemahaman Tun yang mendalam mengenai perkara ini dan keupayaan Tun untuk menerangkannya dengan bahasa dan cara yang begitu mudah akan memberi manfaat kepada sesiapa sahaja yang membacanya.
    Dari penulisan-penulisan Tun yang saya baca jelaslah bahawa kasih Tun kepada negara ini dan rakyatnya sentiasa Tun utamakan. Terima kasih tidak terhingga sekali lagi.
    Kata adat orang Negeri Sembilan;
    Tuah rumah bertunggu,
    Tuah kampung berjaga,
    Tuah kebun bermusim,
    Tuah hidup berjasa.
    Memanglah hidup Tun selama ini sangat berjasa kepada nusa dan bangsa. Semoga Allah melanjutkan usia Tun dalam keadaan sihat.

  154. Salam Tun
    Again, you have demonstrated your capabillities to understand nearly all of the workings of the US Economy and its impact in Malaysia as a whole. I was not joking when I said in one of my earlier comments from another article that you would make ‘a fine Finance Minister’.
    Yes, what you desribed is basically what is happening in the US right now and your predictions on what will happen here soon is also correct IMO.
    Two points then : if you are this good in Finance, why did not you not also take the role and portfolio of Finance Minister when you were PM ? Did you think Daim was better in these financial details?
    My second point is : I am worried (and not confident) that Najib knows economics and the capitalist infrastructure as well as you and the fact that he seems to think our country is fine and there will be no downturn whereas the whole US and European economy and large Asian economies such as Japan and Hong Kong are suffering, appears to point to pure ignorance or stupidity.
    In fact I am very worried if Najib becomes the next PM which you seem to support so strongly. I believe Muhyiddin is the better choice.
    Finally this further reinforces Islam as the best religion in the world and thr truth as the Prophet PBUH has always warned against riba’ and stressed trading using barter and an exchange system where the exchange is done in full at the place and point in time where trade takes place. Islam has also stressed the paying in full in cash. Buy only what you can affort and not on credit although there are also instances of borrowings in Islam.

  155. Assalamualaikum Wbt
    Kepada PAK LAH dan Kabinet-Kabinetnya……..Apa lagi komen la pasal statement di atas ni. Pasal pemilihan UMNO tahu pulak melatah tang Ekonomi?? Yang si Pak Lah nak baca statement ni jgn harap lah dia tidur je memanjang tak pun masuk telinga kiri keluar telinga kanan.
    Kepada Akhbar Utusan Malaysia … apa lagi tulis lah kata financial kita berada di tahap TERBAIK DI DUNIA hahaha.
    Menteri Kabinet Pro Pak Lah … sia sia je ull belajar kat UNIVERSITI…..pangkat nak!! kritik pandai !! Keje u all pun orang lain buat!! Tk usah berlagak jadi pemimpin kalau akal letak kat lutut!!! U all keje tu bergaji dibayar oleh saya sendiri oleh rakyat/kerajaan untuk berkhidmat untuk rakyat!! bukan korang kerja untuk PAk LAH!! pasal PAK LAH dah sound bekerja dgn saya!! sbb tu u all jadi HAMBA.
    Buka la fikiran tu skit mana asal usul u all semua… 22 thn Tun Mahathir mengelapai UMNO .. u all buat Tun macam sampah kan!! Now saya pulak buat u all macam SAMPAH SARAP!!
    Dear UMNO members .. Pls vote Rais Yatim and Mukhriz
    UMNO Serdang

  156. Assalamulaikum wbt ayahanda tun,
    Pertama kali mencoretkan kata buat ayahanda tun.
    1. Sokong pendapat ayahanda.
    2. Rasa kesal dengan kerajaan yang mengatakan Malaysia tidak terancam dengan ekonomi global. Dan sama seperti ayahanda, saya berharap saya juga bermimpi dan tersalah. Negera sebesar dan penduduk ramai seperti China pun mengatakan sudah ada terkesan dengan ekonomi global. Saya berharap penilaian kerajaan adalah tepat. Bukan sekadar untuk menghilangkan resah rakyat.
    3. Saya ingin bertanya pendapat ayahanda, berkenaan dengan Budget 2009 seperti yang sekarang ini dibincangkan didalam Dewan, adakah ianya masih lagi realistik dan relevan ? Saya berharap Tun sudi memberikan buah fikiran.
    4. Terima kasih atas pengorbanan ayahanda untuk masa depan anak-anakanda Malaysian tercinta.

  157. Salam Ayahanda Tun.
    I fear Datuk Seri Najib is not getting the real feedback from the pavement below him. He is relying too much on wobbly and faulty steering mechanism for inputs. What he should do is:
    1) Make time to go for regular makan at regular restaurant or mamak stalls and listen first hand to the public grouses.
    2) Make the effort to set up a web team (that works) like what Tun have here and open up a multi channel communications with the public. You can ask Tun for blogging and web advices. No shame there.
    3) Learn to listen to the rakyat as well instead of just your chain of advisors.
    4) Be a regular guy to the rakyat.
    Those were the things that Pak Lah had been advised once. He never did and now he is packing way ahead of his time. The rakyat want to have a closer interaction with their leader. They have put their faith in you; and you must now put yours in them. So be wise at that, go down to the rakyat playing fields. Listen and open up to the rakyat. Najib must not be like his very-very soon to be former boss Abdullah, who is akin to the dewa-dewa purba yang kehidupnya cuma diatas langit, bagaikan kilat bersama dentuman guruh zooommm terbang sana whoosssh terbang sini…cuma besekongkong dengan suku kerabat dan para khadam…dan tidak perlu menyentuh tanah untuk hidup. Wrong! See he already bungkus now.
    Datuk Seri Najib, you could even learn to make friends with the rakyat directly and one to one. Don’t just wait for another 4 years before going door to door peddling your manifestos again and kissing babies for votes. We may not give it to you this time if you are no where near us now when we have to tighten our belly. Listen to them first hand, listen to their grouses. No one expects you to fix all, but they expect you to be there to listen as their leader. Think Datuk Seri Najib – you got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  158. Agreed with you… i think najib is just no good enough to be the minister of finance.. when i read the paper… everything is deny. deny ….. deny …. deny….. sometimes i really think this government is good for nothing except deny and live in his own wonderland.
    i dont see the need for government to inject 1 billion RM into the stock market right now… the current government seem like wait for the problem to come then think of way to solve, rather than pro-actively engage to prepare our country to minimise the impact..
    All i see and hear… just one thing… “deny……… deny………. deny…….deny…” what malysia future will be with this “deny” governmet continue to lead the country.. i am worry indeed…….

  159. tunggu apa lagi jgn membazir duit rakyat utk membayar gaji 2, 3 jawatan pula tu. semua kerja najib tgh pulun sorang. dlm tempoh 5 bulan ni nak tambah pendapatan ka, kesian la sama ekonomi tgh down tapi yg sorang ni tak mau down2. jgn ingat polis saja makan rasuah makan duit haram ni kalau tak dak hati nak kerja tapi bulan2 terima gaji ni dah dikira lebih pada haram……tak berkat oiii……

  160. Salam Tun,
    I’m sure NAjib have his financial people behind to do all these analysis. But just by him saying that Malaysia is OK, economy is doing well and etc is not enough. He have to be more detail. That’s why i think your article here is so good. Its simple to understand for every walks of community.
    People needs to know whats really going on, so everyone can make a wise choice of investments in the coming years.
    The government have to inform the people, and hopefully not sugarcoat these issues.
    Thanks for this article

  161. Salam Sejahtera Tun!!!!..
    -Maaf keluar tajuk, hari ini dada akhbar di Sabah terpampang muka Pairin menyebut Tun “membuli” Sabah sewaktu Tun menjadi PM…
    -Dulu Pairin “gila kuasa” ini buat “muka 10 sen” utk minta PBS diterima balik masuk BN…(sekarang ini ‘tikam dari belakang’ lagi pula…)
    -Tolonglah Komen Tun!!!!…TQ

  162. Salam Tun,
    1)To those who says that Malaysia is not affected by the current FINANCIAL TURMOIL must think that we Malaysians are fools.
    2)You see, when you were the PM we enjoy the stability and excellent economic growth despite minor hiccups here and there.
    3)Even though some painted Malaysia as being ruled by an autocratic PM before but the fact that the people have been able to get the best from that government proves that we are not stupid or subservient.
    4)Some claim we are more democratic now and so on and yet we get nothing from the current government except lies. It is the politicians in the government or opposition who is really enjoying all the so call reforms. Not the RAKYAT!!!!!
    5)Pak Lah won handsomely in 2004, and he thought he could fool the law abiding peaceful Malaysians. WRONG!!! He was given the chance to proof himself. He fails. The swing is immediate and proof you can’t fool Malaysians.
    6) To Najib, please take Tun’s advice and start cracking your head instead of trying to please Pak Lah.

  163. Dear Tun,
    11. Since then the price of oil had been reduced three times. But the prices of food, goods and services have stayed up.
    I totally agreed with you. Although the price of fuel drop to RM1.92, the price of essential foods and goods still remain high and their excuse are supplier or distuributor selling to them at high price.
    Hidup Dr.M…..

  164. salam ayahanda TUn.
    geli ada,meluat ada melihat kpd pemimpin UMNO skrg.depa buat Msia mcm kedai mamak,sembang merapu smbil pkena teh tarik pastu org lain tolong bayarkan.drpda piem sampai kpd yb2 sama aja merapu.kalo depa semua baca apa yg Tun tulis mesti pakat garu kepala xpaham!piem reti pasai tanam sayoq,tipiem reti ngorat,yb2 reti kipas ja,mana depa tau pasai ekonomi.rakyat susah peduli apa,bukan sedara mara aku,anak menantu aku xsusahpun,aku suruh tanam sayoq hampa xmau,aku suruh makan ubi hampa kata xkenyang,aku suruh naik bas hampa kata penat menunggu,la sapa yg susah,hampa jugakk.pastu hampa kata aku xreti memerintah,kuat tidoq konon.tgk budak hitam dr okfort tu,rajin, cerdik,otak brilliant boleh buat batu cincin,xdak keja pun hidup senang apa pasai dia dengaq cakap aku!

  165. Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun.
    Tahniah dan terima kasih diatas penghuraian krisis kewangan dunia didalam bahasa yang amat mudah difahami.
    Kita tidak boleh menafikan bahawa sumbangan YABhg Tun selama 22 tahun telah meletakkan sistem kewangan, punca pendapatan, sistem pentadbiran, sistem kawalan dan penguatkuasaan di Malaysia menjadi teguh.
    Penyatuan sistem perbankan telah mengukuhkan modal perbankan walaupun diprotes oleh pekerja bank dan menjadi isu basi pembangkang ketika itu. Dasar pandang ketimur telah memperbanyakkan negara yang menjadi rakan dagangan dan tidak hanya bergantung kepada rakan dagangan tradisi. PAS kata pandanga ke timur sembahyang tak sah. Kiblat di barat.
    Keujudan, perluasan dagangan kenegara luar oleh PETRONAS dan pelaburan semula pendapatannya telah menghasilkan pendapatan lumayan kepada kerajaan.
    Kekukuhan ekonomi Malaysia sekarang adalah hasil dari kecekapan YABhg Tun mengurustadbir kerajaan selama 22 tahun. Bukan boleh dicapai dalam 1 penggal.
    Saya bersetuju dengan analisa YABhg Tun mengenai penggunaan kad kredit yang berleluasa dikalangan rakyat. Sekarang ramai pengguna telah disenarai hitam kerana tidak mampu bayar hutang. Sungguhpun demikian ada orang tengah yang menawarkan hutang walaupun telah di senarai hitam. Ada pula yang tawarkan bisnes kononnya kad kredit boleh menjana pendapatan.
    Jadi bertambahlah hutang mereka tanpa disedari bahawa “orang yang mati dalam keadaan berhutang tertangguh dari masuk syurga walaupun dia mati syahid.”
    Sepertimana didalam catatan YABhg Tun bertajuk turmoil, saya berpendapat bahawa krisis kewagan sekarang bolehlah dinamakan “DOMINOS THEORY ON WORLD FINANCIAL CRISIS”.
    Kerajaan perlu mengambil langkah segera dalam menangani krisis kewangan global. Sekiranya tidak cekap, kita mungkin akan terjerumus kedalam keadaan stagflasi dimana kadar pengangguran dan harga barangan berada diparas yang tinggi.
    Langkah kerajaan mengkaji harga minyak setiap dua minggu dilihat tidak berkesan dalam menangani harga barangan keperluan yang berada diparas yang tinggi. Peniaga akan naikkan harga bila harga minyak naik tetapi mereka tidak turunkan harga bila harga minyak turun. Macam harga skim, susah nak turun tapi senang naik.
    Semoga YABhg Tun sekeluarga dirahmati Allah.

  166. I have said it many times and I want to say it again and again and again: YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir PLEASE come back into UMNO and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE come back into cabinet and lead Malaysia. With all humility, you are the only one most qualified to lead Malaysia NOW TODAY.
    Granted you made many mistakes during your last administration, some of which you yourself have admitted. Your opponents will always attack you but let’s take that as normal political life in a democracy. I am dead sure that after Tun has stepped down Tun must have reviewed your political history and would wish to do things in better ways.
    Kita semua menyembah Allah and memohon perlindungan dan petunjuk dariNya. Diantara petunjuk Allah kepada kita sekarang ini ialah tidak ada siapa lagi buat masa ini yang lebeh berkebolehan dari Tun untuk memimpin Malaysia. PLEASE!!!!

  167. Dearest Tun,
    Well Tun, yesterday the government has announced that she will inject RM 5 Billion into the share market to push up underpriced shares of the so called “important companies”.
    I’m just wondering whether one of them is SCOMI. Well atleast the share of the company rose by 15 sen from 30 sen to 45 sen – 50% increase. Hmmm…
    My reaction to this is…is it bloody necessary to do that? Our index is not that low yet.
    Is this part of the deal forced on DS Najib when the exchange of the portfolios were made?
    Is this related to ongoing UMNO election where funds are not enough to buy the votes?
    I’m getting really sick in my stomach thinking about these possibilities which I think is really happening. This is people’s money we are talking about here for godsake! Dear DS Najib pls ignore whatever AAB has requested from you. Just answer “tak tau, saya tak tau…tak ada perjanjian”. You have enough support already by now. Just ignore AAB!! There is no honor to uphold when people’s money is at stake here.
    If AAB government promotes transparency, the companies that are being rescued must be listed for the public to see, maybe not now to be prevent unhealthy speculation of the price but later, say 1 month from now.
    Tun, maybe you might want to comment on this. TQ in advance.
    Warmest regards to you and your family and good luck to Mukhriz.
    P/s Have friends who are UMNO grass roots. Good report on Mukhriz. He seems to be quite popular. Thus, keep up the good work. Although there seems to be money being spread around by “others”, Allah is still with Mukhriz and god willing Allah will still be with him during the election day.

  168. salam buat tun dan seluruh rakyat malaysia. sakit hati yg tak terucap dgn kata2, bila mdengar paklah melatah dan melalut. kalau silap mengaku sajalah tak payah nak menunding jari tunjuk orang lain, ingat bila tun lantik dulu kita cuma cuci kaki masuk kealam yg dah tersergam indah. percantikkan saja dgn ilmu dan keimanan dan kewajipan yg diamanahkan itu saja, kalau nak memusnahkan org yg tak bertauliah pun boleh buat. sayang agama, bangsa dan negara ini tidak terang lagi bersuluh bila ong ka ting memperlekehkan bangsa melayu dgn mengatakan ekonomi dijana oleh cina india dan bangsa lain tiba2 melayu diberi kuata 30 peratus semcm tidak puas hati langsung. hentam betul2 lepas tu dipuji pula paklah ngan najib melambung. itu yg kita dengar secara langsung, yg tersirat dibelakang kita tentulah lebih hebat. kalau dah berani sehingga tahap itu masih boleh lagi ka kita tersenyum lebar. pandangan personal bila mengutuk umno memijak2 bangsa lain, personal apa kalau berjuta rakyat yg mendengar??????tersangat kecewa dgn apa yg sedang dan akan berlaku.

  169. Dear Tun,
    Tun is absolutely right, we are still far from safe heaven as mentioned in the paper. I was told by a fund manager from Shanghai, whose company was previously owned (major share holder) by AIG, that the US government bail out effort will be a big wrong one. The bail out will be more to buy over the mortgages and credits from the banks, and a lot predicted once those banks received the bail out money, they will most slightly hold back with the cash at this moment of time entails in reducing liquidity in the market and further tumble the US economy. They also mentioned AIG is shattered into pieces now, pity to those who used to proudly own its shares, and overnight become poor.
    Tun, referring to the sleeping PM’s comment in STAR recently about Tun’s remark on the prolonged UMNO campaign. He said this will create disunity , etc blah blah blah…..I just couldn’t believe what he said and whether this guy know what is the word “SHAME” or not. The more he talk, the more he will be de-graded. Tun, continue commenting about this PM, he will burst soon.
    Take care and eat moderately (I myself heed to one of your best advise, “makan sedap sedap, BERHENTI” Bye Tun

  170. Salam Tun,
    It is amazing that we Malaysians continue to live in denial. We always think that our administration, political and economic climate is untouchable. We think that our country is above all the rest…Dream on…

  171. Salam Tun,
    “But where does the money come from? From nowhere. The Government and the banks, including the Federal Reserve Bank conjured up the money from nothing.”
    That’s the same question which I have been curious about for quite some time now as the money being bandied about for the “bail out” (the Western economies would dress this up as another 🙂 thing altogether) is a huge sum.
    There is a credit crunch on-going so where is this coming from? Some articles seems to point to the Eastern countries including Korea, Japan, but this seems implausible with both countries also being in the dumps of late.
    Is America printing more greenbacks?
    As for Malaysia: if we are to safely sail through this financial mess, it would be from domestic spending which would hopefully not run out before the global ecomony gets back on track.
    And yes, with CPO and fuel price dampening (to use an favoured economic term), the country’s in for some tigthening of the belt.
    Wasalam, Tun.
    PS: Sad to see Abdullah saying “Siapa Tun?”. A truly a humble, pious man’s reaction to criticsm; NOT.

  172. Hahahhaa…Malaysia tidak akan berhadapan dengan krisis kewangan. Satu je, kisah ini macam dalam filem ‘Fun With Dick And Jane.’ Hahahahahaa. Renung..Renungkanlah.

  173. Assalamualaikum,
    Sidang akhbar Pak Lah di Kota Kinabalu..
    ..nampaknya Tun ni tak cepat melatah lah..
    ..apa yang saya jangkakan Tun akan terus menjawab kritikan Pak Lah itu serta merta dalam blog ini..walaupun Tun dihentam dengan teruk sekali oleh PM dan beberapa orang menteri kabinet..
    Pendapat saya sesiapapun berhak untuk mengutarakan pandangan tentang UMNO. Sebagai bekas PM, atau ahli UMNO atau bukan ahli UMNO sama sekalipun..kalau dikira hak bercakap, Malaysia mempunyai kebebasan untuk bersuara oleh sesiapa sahaja. Pembangkang yang bukan hli UMNO pun berhak bercakap tentang UMNO, blog yang bukan menyokong UMNO pun berhak bersuara tentang UMNO..bebas..
    Tun juga mempunyai hak bersuara sesiapa sahaja pemimpin UMNO yang dia suka. Sokongan ini tidak bermakna Tun bertindak sebagai PENGARAH dalam UMNO..mungkin ada sikit-sikit la Tun maukan barisan pimpinan yang dikehendaki, tak dapat dinafikan..tapi memandangkan kelemahan Pak Lah mentadbir memang wajarpun..
    Muhyiddin pun dihentam teruk..nampaknya Pak Lah masih tidak berpijak dibumi nyata. Rakyat sudah sepenuhnya menolak kepimpinan Pak Lah anak beranak. Apa yang disuarakan oleh Muhyiddin adalah suara akar umbi, suara rakyat biasa yang tidak mempunyai kuasa dan mahukan peralihan kuasa dipercepatkan. Kalau dia asyik mendengar keputusan barisan kabinetnya yang kebanyakannya sudah dicucuk hidung, maka suara akar umbi tak akan sampai ke atas..
    ..sebenarnya saya agak terkejut dan ‘pelik’ mendengar setiap perkataan, setiapa ayat dan ‘cara’ Pak Lah meluahkan dan menjawab soalan dalam sidang akhbar di KK tersebut..
    ..sebagai PM..”MACAM TAK KENA CARANYA LAH”…tak tau lah pendapat orang lain..?? Kalau Tun dulu seingat saya, macam tak ada pula luahkan perasaan begitu..

  174. 1. This is a classic Dr.M, the well proven ability to dissect complex issues and present it in an easy-to-understand yet accurate manner. As qualified as I am in this field, I’m often find it difficult to explain to people when asked to explain this financial crisis – so next time, I’ll just give this post’s URL for them to see 🙂
    2. About Malaysia – I’ve said before and I’ll say it again that we have among us qualified and talented people that can help us to steer us through the troubled sea. The challenge is in putting ego aside and give the right person the appropriate authority and pool these people together to come up with the appropriate policies.
    3. I think we have abundant of solid bankers among us and since this is a banking issues, I would expect a good analysis from them. One of them is already in charge of EPU. However, bankers (as we all know) is not always good in looking after social welfare – the aspect of life that does not include dollars and sen.
    4. We also need someone who has good economic understanding but also cares about the social welfare of the Ali, Samy and Ah Kau (this is our long established equivalent of America’s whitophobic Joe Plumber).
    5. The new Selangor MB today lambasted the previous administration for not maximising profit in their previous ventures. I got goosebumps up my neck: if governments start to emphasise profit over social obligations, we’ll be in deep trouble in the future. Profit-greed-corruption is definitely eviler (sic) than Social-slow-corruption.
    6. I digress, but really… there’s only one Dr M and we should not try to find another. But I’m sure we can find 5 people that are one-third Dr M and combined well, they will be as good if not better than one Superman.

  175. Good morning Tun,
    I know Tun stayed up late last night reading comments from the bloggers. Tun, no matter what happen, don’t stress yourself.
    This morning, I would like to share with Tun on how Economic Cycle is compiled. The best model we have right now it’s the Evening Standard of London’s study over a period of 150 years. It shows how different assets fall and rise as the economy moves through booms and busts. No matter who is our current government, this cycle is repeated. I can’t draw the cycle here. Perhaps Tun can get it from your friends.
    The obstacle that BN is facing now is to gain back the confidence from rakyat especially the akar umbi in next PRU 13th election. Time is the main factor, thus PAU needs to be set in December as this will allow more time for BN to concentrate on economic and confident obstacles.
    Now Pakatan Rakyat has started their strategies to down grade the ruling government with PKR “korek-ing” the fault done by previous government in Selangor, DAP on ISA issues, PKR (indian) on Hindraf’s ban issue, PAS on agama issues, lastly DSAI’s main focus is to bring Tun down.
    I am writing this because I want Tun to know that we as rakyat know the game of politics. Politic is dirty if you see it as dirty, politic can also be seen as opportunity to make you famous and weathly overnight. No matter what happened, I will still prefer to have BN because BN has the track record of 62 years now. We can’t vote PR, because they are new and perhaps are the opportunist which does not have the capability to rule our country in this US financial turmoil.
    Perhaps the shortest and easiest way for PR to handle our economic crisis is by using short-term measure that is by allowing borrowings from IMF and Soros (this campaign has already started last week), thus our economy will be opened to the world. By allowing this, we will end up like Manchurian goverment in China in the early 20th century, now Iraq, Pakistan, Phillipines, Palestine, Indonesia and Thailand by having huge international debts to pay at a very high high interest. I strongly believe that Tun does not want our economy to be controlled by foreigners as stated in Tun’s book on The Malaysian Currency Crisis published in year August 2000 and does not want Malaysia to be the slave to them just like these countries. The muslim countries are not weak, they are not allowed to create money in thin air, this is indeed a “dosa” or “penipuan”.
    To make it simple, the world has moved from cold war (after world war II until the 80’s to money/economy war from 90’s until today.
    DSAI has started the “topple” campaign by accusing our bekas Menteri Kewangan (obviously was Tun during 1998 – 2003, but he did not mention that 1996 & 1997, it was him who was the bekas Menteri Kewangan). Thus, I believe that BN has known these attacks, but they have to use the soft and kinder approach to win back the votes that were lost in PRU 12, mainly due to petrol hike. Wondering why this happened? I was informed from a friend that DSAI and Khairy did meet up after the March election, obviouly I do not know whether is true or not.
    To all bloggers, a friend from HK told me that their government is blamed and be liable for US financial turmoil and the money they put into pension funds will be paid according to the market rate which is very low after Lehman Brothers filed for bankcruptcy, and Hong Kong is known to have the most sophisticated share market IT system, but failed just like Singapore. This shows that the credit system used by the west has collapsed and now the Hongkongers and Singaporeans need to pay for the price. Is it fair? I should say it’s fair because they are the rakyat who voted for open policy to US financial system, and these countries do not have sumber asli like Malaysia.
    To chinese bloggers (English and oversea educated) who favour the glamour of the western countries, I guess you may not known that China has very strict rules in investment for foreigners. Why? Because the Chinese goverment knows very well that their people cannot be ruled under open system, which indeed may create “peperangan saudara, rusuhan etc, as what happened now in the Asian regions. I remember in one article, Datuk Michelle Yeoh told the reporters that she does not like the culture of the Americans because they are too open and materialistic. This shows that Malaysian cannot adapt the lifestyle of the US. So people think twice before you vote, you want your next generation to suffer or you to suffer now!!!
    Tun, please rest today and i am sure the BN components will know what to do.
    I am always on your side.

  176. Dear Tun..,
    Lebih baik Tun tak cakap langsung pada hari ini.
    Hehehe itu PLah cakap.
    Sepatutnya ayat mcm ni.
    Lebih baik lagi jika DS Abdullah letak jawatan pada hari ini.

  177. dear tun,
    i m not your biggest fan(after what happened to dsai)but admired the way you handled our 1997 financial crisis.your explanation above
    reflects your clear understanding of the current financial problem and therefore how to solve it.regulatory board upgrade if i may?
    do you know anything about ‘ashkenazi’ sir?therefore the rothchilds,lazards,kuhn and loeb and so forth?you think the jews are
    behind the bank of england and fed reserve and hence imf and world bank?
    pls write on this sir.

  178. Assalamualaikum
    Yg Amat berbahagia Tun dan isteri
    What a nice posting…..hope our current PM, his advisors, all cabinet members……. should read this……

  179. salam Ayahanda Tun,
    setuju dgn komen Tun.bukan senang nk jadi piem tok jib ooi!kena tau pasai ekonomi bukan kat Msia ja,dunia pun kena tau.Yg tok jib tau dok kata ekonomi Msia kukuh,mampan,berdaya saing dan mcm2 lagi.Yg pemimpim len(UMNO ler sapa lagi)reti angguk2,geleng2 cam lagu tu,janji kenyang perut sendiri!dok sibuk ngn jawatan,projek miliun2.piem dok tidoq memanjang anak buah pakat dok pijak kepala.SISEPET ngn SIHITAM dah pandai mintak mcm2,UMNO plak dok telanjangkan sesama sdri.ini la MELAYU HAPRAK YG TAK KENANG BUDI yg dok pelingkup bangsa sdri.
    Ya ALLAH,
    selamatkan Malaysia,
    selamatkan Melayu,
    menangkn Islam,
    panjangkan umur Tun.

  180. Actually it depend on whos doing the criticism on Pak Lah.
    He can blame Datuk Seri Anwar for ecomic losses as Datuk totally out from his government.
    But he warned Tun the ex-prime minister who chose him to be Malaysian Prime minister.
    It cant be acceptable.
    Pak Lah,u have to remember that u brake all the contract that U have made between u and him during the transition time.

  181. Dear Tun,
    Thank you for presenting the present global financial turmoil in as simple a way as possible for us layman to understand.
    What is basically happening is the collapse of the Capitalist Economic and Financial System. Because we are in a globalised world where our economies are intertwined – NO one will be spared.
    We are not talking about Malaysia BUT the whole wide world mind you!!!
    I beg to defer Tun on the terms used – “Market economy” being equated to Capitalist economy. Capitalism is about Greed and everyone allowed to do anything to make profit – even making paper or fictitious money to make profit, cheating and hoodwink people to make profits, give out unsecured loans to make profits, etc…
    A market economy is not that. It is the market which trades in goods and services and will act according to the laws of Supply and Demand. Prices and production will react to the market signals from the very dynamic movements due to the forces of supply and demand.
    Trading is Halal But Riba us HARAM!
    What is happening to the world financial economy can be put down to this maxim – that RIBA is Haram yet it is flaunted and freely used. Now we see the effects right infront of our eyes.
    The world needs a new financial and economic system. Tun you are in the BEST position now to pursue this INTERNATIONAL AGENDA.
    Malaysia must take the lead thru TUN to call all world leader to a round table to formulate a new world economic system. And I suggest to go back to the Quran for guidance.
    i.e NO riba (positive interest) to be used but an economy based on zakat(negative interest). International trading using a trading currency shared by everyone – not of any nation’s currency. NO banks but true investments (of good and services) institutions and finance institutions that help facilitate trading and money exchanges (no interest charges but fees charges for services rendered), etc…
    But for now how to ride the tsunami?
    Drastic action is needed to isolate the problem(s) and attack them piece meal. The overiding goal MUST be to ensure the wellbeing of the citizens of the nation. If we need to do batter trading so be it. What can we do to ensure all malaysians are protected, until the world economy and financial system get itself into order?
    This may be for the very long haul.
    I will share my article on a new Islamic Economic and financial system with anyone interested.
    [email protected]

  182. salam Tun,
    i hope that current or future leader know how to cope if anything bad happens in world economic. as u know that in 97/98 economic crisis. where the mister pandai berpidato whom on that time menteri kewangan want increase the interest on that time and want to get advice from IMF. so i hope every leaders should read alot and gathers as much info as like u TUN. Not just thinking to self benefits and increase the pocket money and also advice from “level 4”.

  183. Wow! what a scary thought. Tun, I hope what you think is wrong, at least with regards to our country. But what you mentioned here are all logical and make sense. I hope our government knows what they are doing and saying.
    So Tun, we all knows that you have very brilliant ideas. You did very well in running our country. All Malaysians, unless those who are arrogant, accept that.
    Please provide us some advices what the government or at least we the citizen should do.

  184. Salam Tun
    Saya terhibur dengan penjelasan Tun semasa Tun menyampaikan syarahan perdana Tun di UTP baru2 ni. Seperti biasa saya dapat faham dengan lebih jelas sebab penerangan Tun begitu simple walaupun isu2 yang diterangkan menyentuh isu-isu sensitif. Begitu juga semasa sesi soal jawab. Kami kakitangan tidak berpeluang memberi soalan kerana begitu ramai pelajar yang inginkan penjelasan Tun tambahan pula masa begitu ‘cemburu’ tiap kali syarahan Tun sampaikan.
    Cuma saya terkilan sebab tidak dapat berjabat tangan dengan Tun. Bukan sedikit orang yang ingin bersalam dengan Tun. Saya cadangkan dan saya harap Tun pertimbangkan, agar Tun menghabiskan masa sehari, hanya SEHARI di UTP supaya dapat beramah mesra dan mendengar pula khabaran dari kami semua, khususnya staf UTP. Lagipun, Tun kan Chanselor kami;)
    Saya faham jadual masa Tun terlalu sibuk. Tambah pula dalam keadaan politik tanah air sekarang, menambahkan lagi beban pikir Tun. Mujurlah, zaman berubah dan banyak kelebihan dan jasa yang kita dapat melalui perubahan zaman ini. Mujurlah di zaman Tun juga, Tun begitu mengambil berat tentang pembangunan koridor multimedia sehingga walaupun tak dapat berinteraksi dengan Tun secara physical, dapat juga kita berinteraksi secara maya. Maksud saya jika Tun habiskan masa Tun sehari di UTP, Tun masih boleh membuat sebahagian kerja-kerja rutin Tun.
    Tun tolong consider ya…
    and take care

  185. Good Day Tun,
    As usual with your outspokenness and speaking with “No Hold Bar”…I am with you that all that’s over is not over yet…It’s just the begining… Sometimes, it pays to be selfish, go below your self esteemed and listen to the elders than hiding the truth.
    I, for one believe that our economy is not as sound as it should be. Why can’t we just protect ourself…like insulating our ringgit!!
    Anyway, I hope the current Govt..or rather the current Finance Minister knows wht he is doing…
    Let’s see what’s next…

  186. Salam Tun, Apa dengki n benci sgt pada Tun yang banyak berjasa..bukan macam dia tu..buat kerja2 sosial jer….
    Pada Anuar langsung tak marah…bersekongkollah tu….bebaskan Anuar yg jadi mastermind HINDRAF….Laa ni..langsong bila Abdullah di kaca TV terus tukar saloran lain…. DAH LAH APA LAGI 3 BULAN NI… ADA PROJEK DGN ZAID IBRAHIM LAGI…???? kempen 3 bulan ni lama benar….money politik berpeluang sungguh…. Betul dan bernas sungguh penerangan Tun tentang merudum ekonomi dunia… ORANG YANG TAK MAMPU HIDUP MEWAH PAKAI KAD KREDIT..DAN MENYUSAHKAN ORANG RAMAI PULA…. YAHUDI LAH YANG CIPTA KEWANGAN CARA NI….HARAP2 DAPAT DI ADAKAN SISTEM KEWANGAN DUNIA N MALAYSIA BARU.. TUN… BILA NA…..???

  187. Dear Sir,
    Thank you for the simplistic explanation on the financial turbulence happening to the economies. Instead of just describing the situation (which does not help because we can’t undo the damage already triggered), why not you list down the proactive steps that ordinary people can take to help ourselves and help the local economy to “minimise damage” ? That would be something more useful.

  188. Dear Tun,
    Thank you for giving us a comprehensive and yet simplified review of the financial situation globally. I guess the economic crisis that the world is experiencing now is God’s wrath to mankind for making usury a lawful trade. Will the economic crisis subdue by using Islamic principles and fundamentals in trade?? Allah has reminded humanity about the danger of usury in the translation of the following verse of the Quran:
    “Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one whom the Evil One by his touch hath driven to madness. That is because they say: “Trade is like usury,” but Allah hath permitted trade and forbidden usury. Those who after receiving direction from their Lord, desist, shall be pardoned for the past; their case is for Allah (to judge); but those who repeat (the offence) are Companions of the Fire; they will abide therein (forever).“ (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 275).

  189. Tun,
    As ever Tun is the greatest, enlightened us on the present economy faced by the whole world. Price of our daily groceries, wet market are very high unless one can effort it, and does not come down despite the recent decrease in our oil price. My guess is that AAB very fast moves in surrendering the finance to DSN is because of the reason Tun has indicated.AAB does not have to wait til Mar 2009 to step down but must step down now.UMNO MT must not follow the plan laid by AAB because matters will be changed and expected to be very worst, especially for those contesting for relevant post.No body with the right frame of mind knowing of Tun capabilities could talk bad about Tun, and have no respect on Tun. As for us UMNO ordinary members we support Tun and always know and believe that Tun is still our UMNO life Honoured member.AAB can say what he want but his time is out.Tun take care,we all love and have millions of confidence in Tun. May Allah blessed Tun and Family always.

  190. Dear Tun and fellow readers,
    In my opinion, the biggest mistake Pak Lah made was to increase the nation fuel price. He is not at all far sighted. He failed to understand or make any attempt to understand the world’s energy market before any decision was made. He refuse to acknowledge the consequences of his decision and worst of all, he couldn’t make the prices go down when the world’s oil prices are down. He would just be mumbling in the media about it ya da ya da and nobody listen!!
    I dont know about Najib. He’s “tainted” too much with contraversies. In politics, truth doesn’t count. Politics is about people’s perception, not the truth. Najib won’t last long. I would bet on Ku Li instead.

  191. 1. Sekali lagi – kes sikap tamak
    2. Inilah jadinya
    3. Kita tak bole harapkan si sikap tamak ini bantu kita – kene perangi atau setidak-tidaknya tidak menyiakan caranya
    4. Kosmetik memang cantik
    5. Tapi itu sementara
    6. Bila hilang kosmetik tuu…timbul laa – yang tak cantiknya..
    7. Bila tak cantik – miskin balik laa kita…
    8. Letih kalau tak bertindak, lebih letih kalau kita biarkan..
    9. Najib perlu bertindak sekarang – macam harimau malaya
    10 Bukan harimau yang ikut telunjuk si dia…
    11. Ini soal negara bukan bole buat senyum senyum sahaja..
    12. Senyum-senyum tak beri makna kalau poket dulu penuh tapi sekarang papa…bukan sebab kita belanja tapi orang lain menbinasa kita
    13. Pertahankan apa yang kita ada…yang tinggal hanya nama – nama Melayu yang mana ada harganya jika kita terus menyia pada si tamak haloba!

  192. Salam Tun,
    I might be one of the last to comment on this topic. But that’s OK. I was away from my notebook the whole day attending a forum organised by MICPA. I am a member of the institute and had the privilege to attend a luncheon talk you gave sometime back in 2005 (if I remember correctly). I have to be at these conferences and seminars to keep myself updated (Continuous Professional Developement!). Are you still doing it for your MD? I hope so…
    Anyway, I think you should have been at this forum. Some of the things that were discussed were very much related to what’s going on in the global financial market today i.e the turmoil caused by the hedge funds you mentioned above, how the greedy traders make money outr of thin air and get the US government to print money without any basis to ‘bail’ them out etc, etc. And it would have gone a long way to explain what has happened and how we should react to this. Opportunities (I am a positive thinking man!) in these conditions were also thoroughly discussed and deliberated. How I wish you were still at the helm to consider all these and make wise decisions that will benefit all Malaysians.
    To cut everything short as I know you haven’t got all day to read my comments, I jsut want to say that your assessment of the whole thing as mentioned above is ‘SPOT ON’. And I cannot agree more with you that the global financial market needs is in HUGE need of a reform. Hopefully, the silver lining from this CRISIS is that it will initiate this reform.
    That’s all and I am also very pleased to see Mukhriz getting enough nominations to contest. I am junior of his at MRSM KB. An institution of which I am so proud of. Like you are proud of your SAHOCA roots.
    Salam again and take care.
    P.S I have this cartoon explaining what transpired in the whole subprime mortgage fiasco that you may want to have a look at!

  193. In Malaysia we have “Along and Ceti” to hunt us down if we borrow and don’t pay back. So maybe all these while we have the Along & Ceti to thank for !.

  194. Salam Tun dan Toh Puan.
    Semoga Tun dan Toh Puan sihat dan dilindungi Allah s.w.t.
    Keadaan ekonomi masih lembab. Walaupun kerajaan telah turunkan harga minyak sedikit demi sedkit…harga barang tidak turun. Memang sudah menjadi kebiasaan dalam periagaan, kalau sudah dapat untung susah nak rugi balik.
    Ekonomi negara bertambah teruk kerana sumber dalam negeri tidak dapat diurus dengan baik. Kekalahan BN di tangan pembangkang di 4 buah negeri yang boleh membawa pembangunan, lagi merosakkan ekonomi negara.
    Kerajaan Pusat tahu kehilangan Selangor, Perak, Kedah dan Pulau Pinang amat memalukan dan amat di kesali. Segala sumber ekonomi dan segala duit pelabuhan telah di labur tetapi tidak dapat dilaksanakan dan di kutip hasil nye.
    Di tambah teruk dengan kerajaan Kelantan yang hanya tahu meminta duit dari kerajaan pusat…tetapi tidak bayar balik.
    Duit di dalam tangan kerajaan negeri pun berkurangan , ini kerana kerajaan PKR lebih kepada KEBAJIKAN tanpa memikirkan macam mana nak menambah isu tabungan untuk meneruskan KEBAJIKAN itu sendiri.
    Lagi teruk apa bila PBT , Kerajaan Negeri dan Pihak berkuasa cuba mengetatkan lagi syarat2 pemilikan lesen dan mencadangakan penutupan premis perniagaan tanpa sebab dan dengan sebab. Saya berpendapat tindakan ini tidak wajar buat masa sekarang dimana kegawatan ekonomi berlaku.
    Pihak Bank tidak boleh di persalahkan dalam hal ini. Bank cuba membantu dan setiap bantuan mesti dikenakan bunga…sudah menjadi kebiasaan mana-mana Bank di dunia. Jangan pinjam dari ALONG lagi teruk!
    Pada pendapat saya ada kakitangan kerajaan yang tidak mampu beli rumah, ini kerana pendapatan isi rumah yang kecil, dan berjawatan kontrak lebih daripada 10 tahun. Kalau mereka ini di naikkan gaji minimun RM 1000.00 dan berjawatan Tetap , saya yakin mereka akan pinjam Pinjaman Perumahan Kerajaan – dimana ianya tidak membebankan mereka. Tidak perlu pinjam duit kat Bank.
    Saya terbaca NST, satu kolum dimana menerangkan macam mana isi rumah berbelanja duit dan berapa baki duit di poket. Untuk pengetahuan Tun, jumlah baki dalam likungan RM 500.00. Ini tidak termasuk perbelanjaan bayar duit kereta, duit rumah dan belanje-belanje anak sekolah.
    Saya tak tahu Pak Lah dan TPM perasan masalah rakyat atau pekak kan telinga, butakan mata, atau masih sibuk hendak kerja kerusi jawatan tertingi UMNO. Rakyat merana Tun.
    Perancangan projek korido utara, selatan dan timur tidak bergerak. Rakyat tak tahu tanah mana dah di ratakan, di bangunkan, di bina jalan , pokok apa yang telah di tanam untuk di tuai hasil nye. RTM yang merupakan saluran kerajaan sampai sekarang tidak menayangkan tempat projek yang di sebut-sebut….
    Tanah tanaman padi yang terbesar daripada kedah jugak tidak nampak-nampak…tak bergerak-gerak. Tak tahu mana silapnye mereka ini. Mereka membentangkan di dewan parlimen berbilion-bilion ringgit kerajaan akan membantu, tetapi sampai sekarang tak tahu kemana duit tersebut.
    Kerajaan negeri yang sibuk nak duduk kerusi parlimen, kerajaan pusat yang sibuk dengan isu perpaduan dalam kompenen BN sendiri, tidak menampakkan kesemua kerajaan ini berkelayakan memimpin negara.
    Amat malang bagi rakyat di tipu dengan janji-janji manifesto kedua-dua belah pihak.
    Tun kami perlukan AURA TUN/ PERGERAKAN TUN/ PANDANGAN TUN / TINDAKAN TUN dalam mengatasi masala yang kita semua hadapi.
    Kami rindukan sentuhan Tun dan Toh Puan.
    Tun jadilah PM Malaysia semula.

  195. Dear Tuan,
    In this matter, for me, you are the most trusted person in Malaysia. I’ve heard how would you, Tun Daim would hold a meeting until 2 am daily to tackle recession back in 97. And i strongly belief that the current regime are not looking into this matter fairly, or at least something fishy is going on.. Hopefully DS Najib will learn a lot from you.

  196. Tun
    You always enlighten us with brilliant political and financial analysis. Rarely we see such a leader like you not only in Malaysia but the whole world. I am always proud to tell my oversea friends that you are our ex-PM of Malaysia.

  197. Salam Tun,
    Sangat ilmiah artikel ini… nampaknya Tun begitu bersemangat apabila bercakap tentang financial turmoil. Saya harap DS Najib dapat memebacanya dan dijadikan panduan…jangan jadi seperti Pak Bedul yang senang-senang jer menjadikan aku miskin…kira-kira RM300 sebulan kerana kehilangan purchasing power akibat kenaikan harga minyak secara mendadak. Walaupun dah 3 kali turun…kesannya masih tak berubah…..walaupun 10 kali turun.kesannya tetap sama..masih aku terasa…
    masalahnya bukan minyak aje yang aku kena beli, minyak x lah byk, satu tangki je sebulan…ada laa dlm RM40 kenaikan yg terpaksa ditanggung…tetapi barangan lain pun ikut naik…kita makan bukan barangan kawalan saja..tapi lebih banyak melibatkan barangan bukan kawalan…
    apa yang aku boleh buat dgn pencen aku sebanyak RM499 sebulan….jawabnya kena korek segala saving yang ada laa….nasib baik ada saving kalau tak jadi perompak laa…..

  198. Our Dearest Tun,
    Thank you for writing the article which is easy to understand for layman like us.
    Even though, Pak Lala would quickly say in a really angry tone, “Siapakah Tun yang mahu bercakap tentang krisis ekonomi? Dia tidak punya hak.”
    Who the heck is this guy?
    The truth is, the whole of Malaysia is on a brink of nauseating everytime he speaks, or even seeing his face. Loser. My wife keep changing tv channels just to avoid seeing his sick face.
    Sorry Tun. That’s our heartfelt.
    To DSN, come on Sir. You are the son of Tun Razak. Great leader can only be distinguished when he could bring his people to victory out of a crisis. Not making a drama out of it.
    -Malaysian Malay-

  199. Dear Tun,
    When I was a kid, I used to ask money from my mother to buy things. Being poor, she would always reply that money does not come fall from trees or the sky. I only knew the meaning when I started working and earning money; you need to work for the money. Even after planting a trees, you still have to pluck the fruits or collect the fruits from the ground if you are lazy to climb and pluck them.
    Now it is different. It only needs two enteries in the books to transact the amount of USD700.00 billion! A Credit and a Debit that is all it takes.
    We cannot escape from the turmoil. It will definitely affect us. As you said, export will decline and factories would be forced to scale down or shut down. Unemployment would go up. People would have less to spend and this will affect small businesses. Those busineses that has cash would be able to pull through. Those that has a lot of borrowings will go under or be bought over by the big players with cash. In this world today we are not isolated or insulated.
    The Americans are the cause of all this today. I wonder why do the rest of the world allow it to happen?
    Good day Tun.

  200. Pemimpin UMNO yang sedia ada sekarang ini lebih mementingkan diri sendiri dari negara… apa layak mereka untuk di gelar sebagai pemimpin hanya kerana mereka ahlul UMNO yang sembap… Najib Al Mongolia bakal PM Malaysia masih terpalit dengan berbagai skandal yang jijik… ingat dengan bersumpah dalam masjid rakyat akan terima bulat2 pengakuan dia tidak terlibat dengan tomahan tersebut..
    Pandai sangat ka najib al mongolia untuk menghadapi krisis ekonomi… hari2 bercakap negara selamat dari bencana ekonomi… nak sejukkan hati rakyat dengan cara penipuan… boleh percaya ka orang macam ni sungguhpun sanggup bersumpah dengan nama Allah..
    Ini lah padahnya kalau menyangka diri atau parti terlalu kuat atau hanya UMNO sahaja yang boleh menyelamatkan negara… lingkup habis…

  201. Assalamualaikum Tun;
    1)This is one of your many great articles. Thanks for introducing Islamic Banks whereby it is now very popular and the concept extended to other Islamic Country. Even the traditionally non Islamic Banks in Malaysia see the advantage and at least have Islamic Bank division. Thanks Tun.. hope the new Malaysian leaders will not be as arrogant as current leaders and will ask for your advice .
    2) Why not suggest that the Swiss Banks or similar kinds and all offshore bank to be abolished. That is the place where all the dirty monies from drug dealers, corrupted politicians , etc being hidden from the authorities of public. Without all those swiss/offshore banks they have no way to hide the money unless they keep cash at their home or put the money in conventional banks. This will clearly put more money in the conventional bank and at the same time expose all those people illegally or unjustifiable having too much money in swiss/offshore banks. This will hugely reduce the corruption around the world as everybody has to use conventional banks. It will helps the conventional banks.
    3) Hope you can also comment the role of Swiss/Offshore banks and is there a way to stabilize the currencies ???

  202. Salam Ayahanda Tun. I reinstate my urging to the YB Home Minister to get a fix on this issue.
    1) Now foreign workers are working – they still have jobs and that’s good.
    2) Soon high odds say they won’t be having that job anymore.
    3) They would go to crimes to support their living here.
    4) To the HR Minister, wake up and do your job! Take these employments back from the foreigners and give it back to locals! Go to factories and see if the work they do fits in with their allowable type of employment category. Curb crime rates even before they have any chance to see daylight.
    5) Be pro-active at living. Go make positive changes, or changes will come and make you!

  203. Salam Ayahanda Tun. I am of a mind to take very seriously the words of my grouping advisor’s that The 5th Administration would not get pass 31 Dec 2008. Facts and figures do not lie, do not hides.

  204. Dearest Tun,
    I share the same view of your point no. 17. These capitalists are so greedy. Never enough.
    I have dealt with US companies who filed Chapter 11 before. Yes, in line with your point no. 5, we may not in their debtors priority list. It depends on the “PLAN” they submitted to the court, and the process take years. You will be lucky to get some (not 100%).
    Now someone said the conventional system has collapsed and we should be grateful to apply the Islamic Banking. But I was told the Islamic Banking is on the surface only. At the back, all monies go to the same conventional system handled by these greedy capitalists (or jewish?). Is it right Tun?

  205. the doctor has spoken again ! 🙂
    thank you Tun, hope you will do more blogs such as this one.
    We learn alot from it. I agree with drbaldev !

  206. Dear Tun,
    Pak Lah memang haprak HP6 !! Tidak bijak. Pemimpin yang berkalibar cara mereka marah ada “STYLO MILO” tapi Pak Lah tak ada klas. Dia marah macam guru besar sekolah menengah memarahi murid-murid dalam perhimpunan pagi.
    Sorrylah Pak Lah. Kawan rasa you memang tidak boleh diiktiraf sebagai negarawan.Kena kritik dah tak tahu macam mana nak balas kritikan semula. Dah melalut. Dah jadi too personal !! Podaaaah ! The earlier you go the better for the country. You just cannot run the country well with limited intelligence and IQ.

  207. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    1.I have a few Malay proverb to best describe what the jokers up there in Putrajaya seem to be behaving lately i.Ibarat kera mendapat bunga ii.Ibarat tikus membaiki labu iii.Ibarat kacang lupakan kulit.Watching how they destroy something beautiful you have done in decades,in less tahn 5 years is amazing.And now by telling people that we’ll be spared by the recession,only further proved that the jokers are finally up-grade themselves into full time CLOWN!
    2.I have suggested in my previuous posting that the govt should consider barter trading as an alternative.A pool of currencies such as pound sterling,yen,riyal should be put in a basket as an exchange rate.In a layman’s term it is to determine,for example how many kilo of rice to be exchange with wheat flour
    3.I was in Bandar Jengka lately mingling with Felda people.Its quiet ovious that they feel the impact of recession when the price drop from rm800 per ton to around rm300,while the price of rubber from rm4 to rm1.90.That is more than 50% inflation!This is what happened when these prices were controlled in air-cond room of commodity traders in KL,London,New York.We should find ways to eliminate/by pass these middlemen,blood suckers
    4.Eliminate interest rate,replace it with a flexible profit sharing/service charges.It was quoted in Al-Quran many time as a type of oppression.I believe Islamic banking system could play a major role
    5.For kampung people/working lower class their only concern is day to day survival (read buying food,paying bills,petrol etc) not who’s who in UMNO election or how much Najib are making from helicopter deal or how many of our country’s assets has been sold by KJ.Their real spending power has been reduced.Prices of basic needs has been spiralling,while salary/wages are not.Factories are not getting orders for their goods,so retrenchment unavoidable.How about this scenario: Parent feeding condensed milk to their baby,since powder milk is out of reach!
    6.Peg the Ringgit before its too late.You Tun were condemed by IMF and World Bank for taking the stance.Today its proven,while our neighbouring countries suffered the losses,due to devaluation of currencies against greenback (USD) we managed to cushioned the impact
    7.Lets see if the clown and the cohorts could digest the situation or not….

  208. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    1.I have a few Malay proverb to best describe what the jokers up there in Putrajaya seem to be behaving lately i.Ibarat kera mendapat bunga ii.Ibarat tikus membaiki labu iii.Ibarat kacang lupakan kulit.Watching how they destroy something beautiful you have done in decades,in less tahn 5 years is amazing.And now by telling people that we’ll be spared by the recession,only further proved that the jokers are finally up-grade themselves into full time CLOWN!
    2.I have suggested in my previuous posting that the govt should consider barter trading as an alternative.A pool of currencies such as pound sterling,yen,riyal should be put in a basket as an exchange rate.In a layman’s term it is to determine,for example how many kilo of rice to be exchange with wheat flour
    3.I was in Bandar Jengka lately mingling with Felda people.Its quiet ovious that they feel the impact of recession when the price drop from rm800 per ton to around rm300,while the price of rubber from rm4 to rm1.90.That is more than 50% inflation!This is what happened when these prices were controlled in air-cond room of commodity traders in KL,London,New York.We should find ways to eliminate/by pass these middlemen,blood suckers
    4.Eliminate interest rate,replace it with a flexible profit sharing/service charges.It was quoted in Al-Quran many time as a type of oppression.I believe Islamic banking system could play a major role
    5.For kampung people/working lower class their only concern is day to day survival (read buying food,paying bills,petrol etc) not who’s who in UMNO election or how much Najib are making from helicopter deal or how many of our country’s assets has been sold by KJ.Their real spending power has been reduced.Prices of basic needs has been spiralling,while salary/wages are not.Factories are not getting orders for their goods,so retrenchment unavoidable.How about this scenario: Parent feeding condensed milk to their baby,since powder milk is out of reach!
    6.Peg the Ringgit before its too late.You Tun were condemed by IMF and World Bank for taking the stance.Today its proven,while our neighbouring countries suffered the losses,due to devaluation of currencies against greenback (USD) we managed to cushioned the impact
    7.Lets see if the clown and the cohorts could digest the situation or not….

  209. Dear Tun,
    It is very very scary and I agree and also hope and pray that you are wrong in your analysis . However, after I read I admit that I cannot point to any one of the above that is wrong. Maybe I’ll re-read again to see if there are any.
    I also hope that there will be some brilliant ideas to remedy the crisis in days to come.
    I sincerely hope that your 20 over years of experience may help,insyaallah.I believe that if you are able to identify problems then you would have some ideas to overcome the above.I hope that is not too much of asking as in facts you had alrealdy given the above warning for the relevant authority to scrutinized.
    To the Malaysian Gov this is going to be one of the most challenging crisis that we are going to face and I really hope that there will be some smart ideas up there for some pre-emtive measures to be taken before things get worst. Najib did say yesterday without details some “domestically” orientated stimulus plans.For a 2-3 weeks FM I have to to say that he had some insights into those problems and let hear more from him.
    Anyway, I also hope that the above is going to be a lesson for the Malaysian and the future generation, especially those administrators and policy makers.
    Looking at the above massive and messy problems , I cant help thinking that measures to isolate our economy or at least to reduced our exposure and impact to the external crisis is so so paramount though balances must be weigh carefully and to have a correct equation at all time.
    Let us all see and think how that can be done.We have to be united to face the above.
    If I remember correctly, in the past you had always pointed to a common treat ie those that are “greedy” that is causing all these mess everytime it occur-maybe we have to look at this so called “culprit” though it will be easier say than done to weed them off the system.
    Tun, this is another example of the “keberkatan” that I say to you in my earlier comments if you do remember.
    Anyway Thank you Tun for the above write-up and hope Najib/Pak Lah and also those in PR will heed those warning you higlighted and start cracking on solution.
    Last, let us all pray to Allah the most merciful for help.

  210. Dilema Melayu,
    Mengapakah Melayu tidak dapat menghantar semula orang cina dan india yg telah melanggar kontrak sosial.Mahkamah Malaysia seharusnya mengambil tindakan undang undang yg keras terhadap bangsa cina dan india yg telah melanggar kontrak sosial.
    Ironinya perkara yg berlaku adalah sebaliknya.Orang Melayu begitu takut mengambik tindakan undang undang keatas bangsa cina dan india selama 55 tahun kemerdekaan Malaysia.
    Mengapakah masyarakat Melayu masih tidak faham akan hak hak mereka.Mereka berhak menghantar pulang masyarakat Cina ke cina dan masyarakat india pulang ke negeri asal India berdasar kontrak jika mereka melanggar kontrak sosial.
    Orang Melayu perlu mengenakan tindakan undang undang.Ini adalah soal undang undang yg mereka langgar dari kontrak yg dipersetujui Kerajaan British,Sultan Melayu,Buruh cina dan india.
    Jangan nanti 55 tahun lagi ada bangsa baru yg mengaku meraka berhak keatas Malaysia seperti bangsa Indonesia,Bangladesh,India,China,Pakistan,Negara arab,
    sampai bilakah orang Melayu lupa menggunakan tindakan undang undang.
    Ini bukan soal perpaduan,tapi lebih soal isu perlanggaran kontrak yg harus diambil tindakan segera oleh sultan dan raja raja melayu.
    Melayu mudah lupa yg Bumi malaysia yg bertuah ini adalah milik peniggalan nenek moyang mereka.
    Melayu mudah lupa jasa nenek moyang mereka,
    Melayu mudah lupa dirinya
    MMU Cyberjaya.

  211. Dear Tun,
    Umno Discussion On Rejuvenation
    KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 21 (Bernama) — Plans for Umno’s rejuvenation were discussed at length during a three-hour Umno Supreme Council brainstorming Monday, said party vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
    1.There is no point of having a lenghty meeting to discuss how to rejuvenate the party at this moment when the outgoing President and a few of the Supreme Council “deadwood” members who are about to lose their positions soon after the UMNO elections. It is a waste of time.
    2. These deadwood members including the President are just not going to contribute any meaningful ideas.
    3. What can they do? I wonder whether these Supreme Council members are in the right frame of mind to discuss anything concrete when everybody is so engrossed with the UMNO elections fighting for their survival.
    4. What they should do now is to quickly have the elections date soonest possible and start with a new strategy when the new Supreme Council members are on board with full of enthusiasm and with fresh ideas to revitalise the party.
    5. So I am of the opinion this meeting does not carry any fruitful results but just pure political gimmick. I don’t think at heart Pak Lah is so interested. He is already a lame luck President who does not carry anymore weight.

  212. Salam Tun Dr M,

  213. Dear TUN,
    1) This is my second time commenting in your blog. I am smiling while writing bcos i’ve told my family, my friends and my suppliers etc. about the things you have said to them like 4 years ago. They said it wouldn’t happen (the screwed world financial system and banks going bankrupt etc). Except that you’ve made it clear and understandable.
    2) I stressed to them on the importance for us to keep and own 3 things in life. a) FULLY PAID HOUSE b) GOLD c) LAND .
    3) GOLD = In iraq, the richest man would be left with worthless paper money after the war. Only those with gold would be able to trade for a currency he desires around the world. That goes the same for a country.
    4) HOUSE = event though the country is bankrupt or us not having a job, we will still have a place to stay.
    5) LAND = we can work our own land, afterall we eat to live.
    **Email = [email protected]
    ** My mum says that Tun came to our house when my father passed away in 1983. He was working in wisma putra. Ghazali Che Wan. thx for being my idol.

  214. By patrickz218 on October 20, 2008 11:49 PM
    Dearest Tun
    Wake up my dear tun,we are not spared yet.Futher collapse will arrives malaysia.hopefully more money can be use for ur race to studyoverseas.Face reality the danger have not yet end!Why so hard!When the business is bad ,malaysia will go bangkrupt,then u malays or mamak or mix malay can work hard to built this country alone,sorry the chinese wanna said sayonara to malaysia.Bye
    Well, this is what really ‘in’ their heart, its slowly and clearly emerge from within. If you give them something big they want bigger!. Who is the richest man in Malaysia?..Who owns most of the building, shophouses, companies and luxury houses in Malaysia?..Who are those ungrateful lots whose anchestors were saved by malays during japanese and communist occupations?..
    Bangsa cina Malaysia ni kalau cakap bab duit dengan keuntungan hanya merekalah yang sengsara dan miskin dan teraniaya. Dunia dan tuhan serta kesetiaan mereka hanya duit dan kompas mereka di dunia juga duit dan kekayaan. Tiada kesetiaan dalam kamus. Merata dan melata di seluruh dunia untuk duit. Melayu yang dapat “sipi” di Tanah Tok Nenek sendiri pun nak dicemburui?.Benarkah semua melayu pergi oversea pakai duit government?. Benarkah semua melayu ada tanah?. Jangan terperanjat, memang mereka (generasi muda) fikir, semua melayu ada tanah dan senang-senang dapat tanah (from my experience).Benarkah rakyat biasa bangsa melayu sudah terjamin kedudukan di negara sendiri?..ramai jadi pegawai, tapi lebih ramai lagi jadi kerani dan messenger..(jurujual dah bagi pada indon, pelayan restoran dah bagi pada bangla dan indian india)..
    Melayu macam saya ni (graduate) paling ramai tak dapat kerja. Kalau dapat kerjapun gaji lain dengan orang cina (itu off rekod-kita sendiri tahu tu- by experience dan secret info dari some HRs). Nak berniaga dan jadi melayu baru, experience tak banyak, bangsa cina tak nak beli dengan melayu – experience sendiri tu), so melayu kena harapkan orang melayu juga..dengan orang india, merekapun tak de duit, tak boleh nak harapkan mereka juga, mereka suka minta 50% less. Melayu pun lebih ramai yang suka beli dengan cina,sebab lebih kualiti dan murah kata mereka.
    So..melayulah yang tinggal di Malaysia ni akhirnya, susah ke senangke..negara bankrup ke..kita lah orang melayu..masa tu baru kita tahu siapakah yang sayang kan tanah bertuah ni.Siapa yang berhempas pulas, bergolok bergadai untuk Malaysia. Biar negara miskin atau terjajah secara politik dan ekonomi, melayulah yang setia menanti kerana ini tanah tok nenek kita. Orang Cina balik Australia, Amerika, Singapura atau China. Orang India masih boleh diterima di India. Itu orang kaya, orang cina yang miskin dan tak de sedara mara kenalah berbaik dengan orang melayu, kerana orang melayu yang ihsan dan baik budi sentiasa menerima mereka dan sentiasa menghulur senyuman walaupun hatinya pedih.
    Tun..buku dilema melayu saya terima sebagai hadiah terbaik untuk bahasa melayu ketika berusia 11 tahun dari pihak sekolah. Ketika itu Tun baru jadi perdana menteri dan saya baca buku itu walaupun tidak memahami. Sekarang setelah berusia 39 tahun, saya rasa betapa berharganya buku itu. Saya tetap mengiktiraf Tun sebagai PM yang terbaik, terbijak dan terkehadapan. Tun tahu struggle bangsa melayu. Sekiranya Tun tiada di dunia lagi dan berlaku another financial crisis, tentu kami tertanya-tanya apakah yang akan dilakukan Tun sekiranya Tun masih ada. Sekurang-kurangnya sekarang kami masih dapat menikmati pena tun yang setajam buah fikiran tun itu..harap masih ramai menghargai.
    Salam sayang buat Tun dan Toh Puan

  215. Salam Tun Dr M,
    Tun sentiasa merendah diri. Tapi cerita panjang lebar ttg ekonomi ni menunjukkan Tun amat alert dan amat mengerti ttg kesannya dan apa yang telah berlaku. Saya terlopong membacanya kerana tak berapa faham sebahagiannya. Saya rasa Pak Lah, Najib and co juga terlopong kerana saya tak fikir mereka pun faham.
    Saya rasa tak rugi sgt kalau tak tahu pasal pemilihan UMNO punya cerita, tapi posting kali ini saya harus membacanya lagi berulang kali untuk fahamkan…
    Banker2 di luar sana yang berlagak pandai tu apa lagi …baca dan fahamkan!!
    P/S : Kesal kerana dikalangan pemimpin kita seolah memperbodohkan rakyatnya dengan fakta-fakta ekonomi yang salah… Orang bodoh macam saya pun tahu kalau rate pertumbuhan ekonomi dibawah 6% tu dah tak bagus..
    Adios Tun Dr M

  216. Salaam Tun.
    So … our government is not telling us everything eh? They tell us something that which they want to tell … not what we want to hear. On second thought … we do not know what we want to know … so we do not know that they are lying.
    Anyway, it is said that what we do not know would not hurt us right? So it’s ok to lie.

  217. Salam hormat Tun yg dikasihi,
    Sebagai seorang yang tahu sedikit sebanyak tentang ekonomi dan juga bekerja di sektor pembankan, apa yg Tun katakan tentang krisis ekonomi ini amatla tepat sekali. Pandangan Tun memang jauh ke depan dan tidak ramai makhluk Allah dianugerah akan kelebihan ini.
    Saya juga pelik kenapa kerajaan Pak Lah mempunyai pandangan yg berbeza tentang masadepan ekonomi negara kita sedangkan ekonomi kita masih banyak pautannya dengan ekonomi negara2 luar terutamanya negara seperti US, China dan Singapura. Tambahan pula, pakar2 ekonomi dunia sudah terang2 menjangka negara2 tersebut akan mengalami kemelesetan ekonomi. Mungkin Pak Lah tidak mahu rakyat panik and want to maintain public confidence tetapi confidence sahaja tidak cukup untuk membendung arus kemelesetan yg melanda.
    Saya amat kecewa dengan statement Pak Lah terhadap Tun baru2 ini dan saya harap Tun dapat bersabar menghadapinya. Yang benar tetap benar.
    Akhir kata, saya berdoa agar Tun sekeluarga dipanjangkan umur serta diberkati Allah dengan kesihatan yang baik. Semoga Allah melindungi Tun sekeluarga. Amin.

  218. Tun yang bijaksana. It is big bluff that we are not effected by the global financial turmoil. If US and Europe are suffering surely we have the share. Our economy largely has direct dealing with them.If they suffer we suffer too.The best thing our govt should have long ago putting more effort on agriculture so that our people can enjoy food to eat. Ini harga beras pun tak turun walaupun harga minyak sudah turun sedikit. Orang susah makan bubur sahajalah berlaukkan garam.

  219. Well said, Datuk Rais. Right to the point. Tun M has the prerogative to say whatever he likes. Yes, by all means you can criticize him but he also has the right to criticize others. But when you criticize him make sure your criticism is logical and with substance. To criticize “membabi buta” tidak ada ertinya pada Tun M. Not his level of intelligence to even response at all when your criticism is haprak and HP6 just like what Pak Lah did.
    It reflects how shallow his mentality is.
    We have to acknowledge that his influence and ideas are still valid and we have to accept the fact that all his statements carry weight, without the slightest shadow of doubt.
    So to Pak Lah I would like to sincerely advise him to just SHUT UP if you don’t have anything concrete to put forward. To criticise out of spite is very childis indeed. A reflection of having inferiority complex of the first order. What a shame!!!

  220. Salam Tun,
    You did say, our memory is short but not too long ago I did ask you, what is your comment about Gus Dur snooze in his chair. At that time my point is I want you to tell the audience that we cannot run our country while we dreaming.
    Now reading your posting I’m really scared, feel unsecured. But there must be a solution to this turmoil. Pls Tun, for this belove country, Malaysia give some ideas, your views…


  222. Mahathir I guess it is time to show yourself up this time as to oppose those corrupted UMNO’s ministers / useless crap ministers who are not even up to the standard to represent the people…What a disgrace to the entire nation for having such twisted yet corrupted miniesters who talk cock and bullshit stories all the time without having the right facts, right info and right mind.
    They are corrupted and forever will be living in thier own lies and vanity. All these are so inherent in them and thier personal characteristics cannot be corrected or changed for the sake of upholding righteousness, peace and justice for the people in Malaysia.
    Yet they like to dwell in thier corrupted ways and they do not care for the incoming generations who will be the future leaders of Malaysia one day. All they care is for themselves by squandering monies for thier own greed, and slamming the people who uphold justice & righteousness by forcing them into ISA and outdated yet unciviliased rules and regulations. The ‘ I-want-it-now-attitude ‘ can never be stopped if this habit just keeps on continue from one generation to the next.
    Tun mahathir, it is time to rise and cleanse the whole UMNO party……
    By the way Tun Mahathir….You have time to clean up your mess that you have left behind….NOt too late yet to send these corrupted ministers out of UMNO.
    God be with you always. Be strong ….

  223. My dearest Tun
    Unfortunately, we are living in a global economy whereby the biggest economy of the world actually powers the world, and that economy is US. One will notice all the world trades would and have eventually ended up on US soil. Until another country can grow economically as big as USA; till then if the US gets sick, we shall all fall sick and eventually some may die during the course. In other words, US goes into recession, the world will eventually goes into recession. There will definitely be less spending in the world in terms of US importing less. An exporting country like ours, we may not be able to sell our products to US, who is our biggest trading house, stops or slows down their buying. Thus, that will have a knock on effect on our economy badly. Undoubtedly, we have learnt something from the last Asian 97-98 Crisis, as we now have some substantial reserves in our kitty. But the point is..will it last? Fundamentals of sorts look strong but hopefully the people whom we entrust to manage our economy and wealth will be prudent in their governing and not to “untuk masuk poket sendiri” but for the interests of the nation. Only then our country should be able to weather the storm..insyallah. Otherwise, as shown by the greed of the capitalist bankers and financiers in the world & their corrupt governance, all will be lost in a very short time indeed. Therefore, Prudence in governing the day should replace Capitalism & Greed as practised in any corrupt government.
    The Economy Charts do not augur well in the future for the world economy. It shows too many “mountains with very steep slopes” and hence, it will make a very tough climb for the year 2009 and if unlucky, beyond that. This gives us the feeling of being less optimistic, when the government is overly confident that our country’s fundamentals can withstand the current global economic & financial crisis; and so assuring that we will not go into recession but sees a lower growth in the country. If common sense tells us anything, isn’t it, a slower growth induces recession? We can only hope and pray that our country is not wrong with their calculations and in their tarrot reading. We may have academic knowledge and expertise on how to face this economic crisis but do we really have the ability and capability in this government to counter it?
    The people of this beloved country is very fortunate to have Tun’s experiences and realistic outlook into the world economy today. It will be foolish if no one consults or the least, listen to him. So, lets put down the gauntlet and whatever differences aside, and humble oneself to seek Tun’s advice. Afterall, lest we forget, when Tun was PM, he handled the last financial crisis in his own way and was roundly criticised by all experts in the world then, even by his very own country. But months later, historically Tun was proven to be right. The experts at the IMF World Bank etc were proven wrong. And this time the whole US Capitalist system is wrong. This goes to show, Economics is not an exact science. 2+2 does not necessarily equal 4. There are many situations and models in economics one alone may or may not have reached the maturity to understand well enough to have the capability to handle the situation aptly, when the ‘tsunami’ hits our shore. Every crisis has its own ugly tails. They are different in size but their ingredients are all the same. Therefore, even though one may think they are smarter and equipped with better financial and economic knowledge, there’s no harm in consulting your elders for advice. As the saying goes, 2 heads is always better than 1 knuckle head.
    Even the comic President Bush had said “in the long run, that this economy will come back.” and for anyone lacking acknowledgement will be a fool for ears. Unfortunately, whether we acknowledge the fact or not, the “kowtow” to the big brother will remain, even though it is the fact that the US is in the decline today. Should any countries in the world not accept the fact that the world economy being US centric can just turn their heads around and observe the economy once again. I wish my beloved country well. God speed.
    Thank you Tun for your insight knowledge of the world financial and economic crisis today. How very truly written & spoken. Kudos.

  224. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for the enlightenment. I thank god to be blessed with everything I have and to be here in this country and to be able to give my opinion on this issue.
    Well in my opinion, I think this global financial crisis looming over us is exactly what we need to rebuild this divided country and work as one. We Malaysian are always at best under stress. We bounce back and we always manage to come up unpredictable. We need the sense of purpose and what better way to achieve it if not against foreign threats.
    Actually I see and hear a lot of us blame the government for our predicament. Well, it is our fault that we are in the state we are in. we need to start working together to improve our position. One way to do it is by stop complaining and start working on proposals or give fresh idea on how to go about it. Don’t blame our leaders if you yourself are not prepared to lead. I see a lot of us asking you to come and lead the government back. Not that I do not like you but what we really need is to comprehend and learn your skills in problem solving and thirst for knowledge. I see our biggest problem is to understand concept. A lot of us just take it at face value without really taking the pain to understand. I believe if you can understand concept you can explain it in a simpler manner.
    In this beloved country, I see we have people with all sorts of qualifications but I think we lack people who can grasp, articulate and synthesis ideas. Or maybe I’m already in my final stage of facing the inevitable i.e. acceptance and already passed the denial; anger; bargaining; depression stage.
    Having read your piece on the global financial turmoil I would like to give some proposals. I would hope this would help us as Malaysian to improve ourselves from bickering and self loathing to a nation that gives ideas (whether they are right or wrong). Well here goes:
    1. I like to see all trade associations giving recommendations to government and the government takes pains to read every recommendation like what you are doing right now.
    2. I like to see our government to concentrate on the 60% of our trading partners and analyse the possibility to guarantee each others’ trade. Well the pareto principles still applies here.
    3. as you have said earlier, I like to see our government starts ditching USD and impose on RM when dealing with our trading partners.
    4. I like to see initiatives for us to go back to barter trade rather than using financial instruments for trade
    5. I don’t really know the figure but I like to see our government to start looking at our imports and analyse one by one and find out which are the ones that we can produce cheaper here. Well, if it is cheaper here why do we import them in the first place?
    6. I like to see our government to start working on the worst case scenario and start preparing to source out for the critical/essential items such as food, medicine and fuel and prepare physical buffer stock for it.
    7. I like to see government monitoring foreign workers and ensure they have suitable jobs to improve the nation. Let’s face it we Malaysian don’t like the job nor the salary that the foreigners are paid to do it for. We have to work on the win-win position.
    8. I want to give recommendation for all our local mat rempit, to at least exploit and export their talents so that the nation can make money out of them but well, I’m sorry but I still can’t.

  225. There’s too many people in here wanna hear your comment on AAB statement on you trying to interfere with UMNO election, I dont think you have to comment or say anything about that. Just continue on contributing your intelectual idea on something more important than that.

  226. assalamualaikum TUN….
    sy tak nak komen isu ini kerana sy bukan pakar ekonomi tp tempias dah mula rasa…utk next issue harap TUN komen berkenaan 2 seat for TIMBALAN PRESIDAN UMNO yg juga memerangkap TIMBALAN PERDANA MENTERI sebagaimn yg diminta oleh MCA,mohon kupasan yg mendalam drpd TUN……mudah2an Allah sentiasa memberi kesihatan yg baik buat TUN sekeluarga,insyaAllah
    sekian wassalam

  227. Salam to Tun and All,
    1. I wonder if our hard earn money in epf, amanah & unit trust “immune” from the crisis? Anybody good in finance care to give some insight? If the answer is no, what would be the best way to deal with while ensuring overall impact to country economy will be minimise.
    2. Those trusted with power, pls pls pls bear in mind that government money is basically rakyat’s hard earn money. Manage it responsibly. Funny deals will not be tolerated anymore. This is the AMANAH given to you guys. If we look around, many projects come with very inflated price tags which from my point of view and work experience is not justified at all. Is it becoz of incompetencies or shaddy dealings? Make yr own conclusion.
    3. DSNTR & MY, – I am pretty sure you are reading this blog, understand what rakyat are going thru’. The hardships and sacrifices – make sure you do yr best to take care of them. God willing, you should be able to put thing back on track for agama, bangsa dan negara.
    God bless all of us.

  228. If Iceland can almost become bangkrupt due to the subprime mortgage crisis in USA, who are we to say that Malaysia can weather the global financial crisis with minimal impact.

  229. If Iceland can almost become bangkrupt due to the subprime mortgage crisis in USA, who are we to say that Malaysia can weather the global financial crisis with minimal impact.

  230. Dear Tun. Salam selamat sejahtera.
    Correct, Correct, Correct!
    Kali ini saya menyerah tak ada pandangan menentang yg dapat saya suarakan. Sindir betul dan tepat, cadangan membina, analisa mengena, teguran sifat tokoh.
    (Agaknya berhemah krn tuju pada Najib kot. Kalau Pak Lah akan liat sikit bahasanya…Mahathirism??)
    Auto pilot Economy
    Ekonomi negara dibiar terapung on auto pilot oleh Pak Lah. Ketika terbang naik tak ada risiko tapi bahaya ketika tengah menurun. Teguran Tun tepat untuk kejutkan kabinet Pak Lah yg sibuk dgn pemilihan. Tak ada think tank, task force, special committee, pelan tindak …tanda tanda tak ada fikiran, tak mau buat kerja! Mungkin tak berani, takut ambil tindakan salah.
    Turmoil and timid must not meet.
    Minyak-Tindakan terkejut
    Naik harga minyak dgn jumlah mengejut lalai, lemah fikiran (tak perlu fikiran) tak bertanggung jawab. Parah pada ekonomi tak mudah pulih jika kenaikkan itu sementara. Betul kecaman Tun. Tak apa… dah buat silap betulkan. Ini tidak, dia suruh pengguna guna kuasa sendiri. Inilah Pak Lah malas bekerja.
    Pak Lah is master wealth destroyer…purchasing power(minyak), income(inflation), car mkt value(NAP), shares(ISA)
    This subject Tun hentam Pak Lah(and his sleepy cabinet) kuat kuat!
    I will turn a blind eye.

  231. Dearest Tun
    I am a Singaporean. I must admit that the Govt of Singapore has been very straightforward and realistic about the looming hardship and negative impact this financial crisis will cause to the economy and by implication, to the lives of ordinary citizens. We were constantly reminded by our leaders to brace for the bad times ahead and be prepared to face the difficulties that are looming in the horizon. After reading your thought-provoking and illuminating yet simple and lucid illustrations of the global financial situation, it confirms my suspicion that the no nation is insulated from the negative fallouts of this crisis. I truly admire you, regardless of whether you are in the govt or outside, whether or not you are in umno.

  232. Very well said Tun,
    I’ve read about the economic crisis in Time magazine, in the mainstream papers and others, but none of the explanations given are as simple as this. Articles like this should be published in economic magazines or other local papers.
    I just hope that we could overcome this crisis like how you (Tun) did 10 years ago.
    I’m printing out this blog post to share it with my colleagues. dengan izin.. 🙂

  233. Dearest Tun,
    1. Simply “AMAZING”. Superb analysis!
    2. But, I believe DSAAB, DSNTR & Co are NOT able to comprehend Tun’s analysis. Both our top 2 leaders are still DREAMING. Or may be they think they can fool the “rakyat.” Ditambah dengan sikap BODOH SOMBONG – enggan belajar dari pakar.
    May Allah SWT bless Tun & family.

  234. Salam Tun dan Famili..
    InsyaAllah Tun, negara kita akan terselamat dari financial crisis kali ini itu pun jika krisis di Amerika, Europe dan sesetengah negara asia di dunia tidak segera pulih.
    Kita berdoa dan berharap bail out plan mereka berjaya. Dalam banyak-banyak negara kecuali Amerika yang tidak mempunyai reserved yang cukup untuk mengemudi bail out plan ini.
    Kalau kita masih ingat dalam krisi ekonomi tahun 1997/98, Singapura adalah antara negara di Asia yang tidak betul-betul terkena domino effect nya.
    Tapi kali ini mereka adalah antara negara asia yang awal terkena kesan domino kerana pasaran keewangan mereka menyamai negara- negara Amerika dan Eurpore tersebut.
    Singapura (selain Hongkong) merupakan financial hub bagi kawasan Asia.
    Kalau kita tengok bail out yang akan di lakukan di Korea Selatan dalam sekitar $100 billion itu akan di gunakan untuk menyelamatkan foreign bank atau pelaburan yang di lakukan keatas foreign countires yang terlibat.
    Di dalam mALAYSIA, kita tidak heavily melabur dalam foreign countries dan juga tidak melabur heavily dalam foreign papers.
    Foreign bank dalam Malaysia is not really 100% owned by foreigners (is this still kekal after the financial liberization)and mereka tertakluk kepada peraturan yang ketat dengan domestic rules and regulations.
    Thanks to your exchange control yang masih kekal di lakukan sehingga kini dan sekali lagi untuk meminjam kata-kata you Tun suatu masa dulu kita are adequetly self financing whereby our internal savings/borrowings are enough to finance our development.
    Tun, seperti yang saya katakan tadi hanya se nya negara-negara yang
    sekarang terlibat dengan financial crisis ini tidak dapat pulih dengan cepat, the domino effect akan juga berlaku kepada negara kita.
    Sebab itu Dato Seri Najib kata (penasihat-penasihat dia juga bagi tahu) tahun depan ekonomi kita akan slow down sedikit (kesan tak langsung)di sebabkan faktor di atas dan dengan harapan pemulihan SEGERA oleh negara-negara yang di landa krisis ini.
    Sayugia di ingatkan negara kita juga ada 2nd Mortgage Trading seperti Cagamas dan Ala Sub-Prima (hanya allocation by government sekitar RM50 million yang masih tak habis guna) tapi yang BAGUS nya kita tak over do it….
    Salam TUN…

  235. Global money markets and Western capitalist system is near it’s death; countries will be falling over each other to devise a new world economic order and finance systems. But this century will see the revival of finance and trade based upon Islamic principles.
    The booming Islamic banking industry has largely escaped the fallout of the global financial crunch and thus far, remains positive, despite the current challenging global financial environment.
    Islam forbids Muslims from usury, receiving or paying interest on loans. Transactions by Islamic banks must be backed by real assets – not shady repackaged sub-prime mortgages. Last week’s businessweek had a good article touching on this subject
    Financial turmoil puts Islamic products in strong position and investors are increasingly betting on Islamic finance – also has some great articles on it’s sustainability.

  236. Dear Sir,
    I read a journal by La Rouche, and he sure had a lot to say about George Soros, Barack Obama and Anwar Ibrahim. I’m pleased to say that he has a lot of respect for the way you handled the ’97 Asian economic crisis.
    He seems to believe that Soros has everything to do with the current financial meltdown and he also played a vital in role in the early 90s near collapse of Italian lira in Europe(as well as a few other countries) which eventually introduced the Euro currency.
    La Rouche went as far as to say that Soros represents an institution(not to be mentioned here but from what I read, it’s not an American institution as most suspected) which fully backs Obama as well as Anwar.
    What are your thoughts on this? Of course, assuming you have read this journal. Title of the Journal is Your Enemy George Soros.
    I would appreciate it if you can shed some light on La Rouche’s comments.

  237. dear tun,
    politics is actualy who acts the best in their role considering all the resources they is an usual matter that the mind will always believe what the eyes see.thats why most of the time whenever we cant see and we keep talking someone will just walkup to us and say”seing is believing”.from this we can understand that when the eyes see the mind believe.this very concept starts when we are born.we believe in what we see and then learn from that as whatever we will go through in life is all the bacsics that we have recorder in to the memory bank operating through our sub consacious mind.
    so the best politician is a person who will use all the resources around him to fulfill the needs and ultimate intention through “seing is believing”.
    this concept is also used to cheat people with many items by syndicates who operate to sell good and items.
    what hindraf diod also the same.they make a lot of fuss and march so they will alert others creating doubt that something is wrong and people are seriously against it.
    if we study the operation of the sub conscious mind i am sure we will know that most of the time it just follows anything that is recorded without does not need prove to operate and it does not know the consequenses of its simply does it.this all the understanding of the mind operation.
    so when an influential person says something wether it is true or not the statement is accepted as correct even without prove.what always do a post mortem on what is saida nd done is the common divides and studies each part in a happening of the actual core meaning.thats why the common sense is very important.
    whatr is happening now clearly shows that the society can be manipulated by anyone with statements and actions to destroy the very society itself.the society is still weak.every step towards the building of the country will only becomebalance if the culture,the intelectuality and the development of the country is balanced.the country did develop,on the other side none expected that the very society that was enjoying the fruits of that development can be manipulated and twisted towards negative actions.
    sekarang masyarakat kita buktikan memnag adanya penyakit yang terpendam yang tak nampak.the spread of an ifectious disease that we find the community is not immune of.the antibodi was never was just waiting to as it is spreading there arise a need to healing.prevention was never taken.prevention measures wer not installed in the community as an immune system.there is always time when tehre comes test like this and it is up to the whole community wether they will fight the disease together or become dispersed ,collapse and fall.i hope we will gain strenght as united team together .
    many things around the world will will is happening and it will one can stop this.when time comes whatever happen will happen.the question here is who wil survive through the chaos that has taken over the world.all of us must stand together and pray that we are spared.again the nature will always penetrate and see why it should not do the same as the others and what is our speaciality.all of us are responsible to answer this question not as an individual but as a community committed.
    once the country was shaken by the trend is slowly returning.the dept responsible must look into slowly weakening them.i agree that to totaly eliminate this issue is not possible.there is only possible to weaken them,paralyse and slowly teach the new generation not to involve in these activities.gangsterism is a concept of being united together to stand agains any threat and attacks from any others apart from those wholive in certain is still carried gangterism there is always unity and thats their strenght.they stay together and they fight togeher.the principle is good but in many cases they slowly indulge in crime.nowadays almost everyone involved in gangsterism are involved in some ways in crime.
    today we have many organisations like the rukun tetangga,persatuan belia etc.still many still involve in gangsterism due to the thrill and what we see is those who are moving behind keadilan are mostly involve or connected to gangster.this cannot be denied.
    they have some personal profit and also side profits.if ever the other party takes over they are still the widespread
    of the activity has created penetration of their ideas and plans to cause chaos and increase support to whom they like.this group involve in these activities is becoming brave as whom they are supporting is gaining and they consistent.even if the opponent win he will stand to see what he has created in his actions to gain power.what is there to be proud of.
    for him when he was released what he desired long before and had taken efforts towards achieving it in the hand of others.there is jealousy of cause but more than that there are efforts to take back what he alomost achieved and at the same time he wants to take these actions a person becomes blind of his own consequenses and the damages he is doing.such person are not personalities with responsibility and patriotic spirit.thay are blinded by the desire and greediness in their heart.such people are not suitable to be leader of themselves what more to say about leading a nation towards glory.many fail to realise their own self.they look at everything out side and fail to look inside them.
    leading a nation is a very great is not like running a sundry shop.27 million citizens submit and surrender their lives to that there is always justification and jurisdiction in everything the person moves along with.
    a leader is a person who burns himself in order to produce light for here the question is wether everybody is able and would sacrifice their life for the others to depend on them.can a person bear this heavy burden on his shoulder.the weight of 27 million citizens and their problems.although anyhing implemented is in general and the developments bring about progress and opportunity for the public yet in their heart there is always intention to bring about the nation to the road of succes and glory.
    understanding this some dont qualify yet they charge and march to cause as many problem as they can in order for the one who has gain to loose hope and give up.the evi motive and the jealousy.others are made use for this purpose.are they responsible people? i dont think so.
    there are 2 instances that there were penetration to meet.first : he asked wether i am a muslim.second was today.he came followed by his wife and later sat and explained about a march.showing a chair which is being prepared and awaiting to be will be carried by people and he will sit on the chair.i am amuse of the way they take effort to penetrate.they cant do when i am awake or thinking but do it during just i am about to awake.they are trying to get help.previously i was close to his group so they also felt i am away and talk less about this issue.they have asked me many times if he can win or take over ,i said no.he will be where he is and move no where.
    from the penetration i am sure that he is aware that he needs the strenght to buldoze forward.i will always be against him.his moves are wrong and his intentions are not good.he is not a very good person and doesnt fit to become a leader.what i admire is the way he moves himself around and put up a good show that he is able to pull support with many lies and set upstories.he doesnt care much of the consequences but he is satisfied with the chaos that long as that happens he feels safe and move on with hope.a hope that he is on track.

  238. setiap artikel yang dipostkan oleh Tun di sini saya salin dan simpan utk simpanan peribadi saya. server dan site tidak bersifat kekal. saya berterima kasih kepada Tun yang kerap menulis. artikel2 Tun bagi saya merupakan intepretasi pemikiran seorang pemimpin besar yang unggul. banyak yang kita dapat belajar, atau sekurang2nya dapat kita sama2 melihat bagaimana Tun melihat dan menilai dunia ini. terima kasih Tun.
    harap2 kawan lain pun menyimpan khazanah2 pemikiran sebegini didlm simpanan mereka. di mana lagi dapat kita cari tulisan2 sebegini?

  239. tun yang dihormati,
    saya mencadangkan malaysia perlu mengiatkan lagi usaha untuk membayar jumlah perdagangan yang dilakukan menggunakan matawang masing-masing (bilateral), dan juga memperkenalkan matawang asean.
    malaysia juga perlu meneroka test bed pasaran di amerika tengah dan afrika bagi mengurangkan kebergantungan dengan pasaran amerika dan eropah.
    terima kasih di atas maklumat yang dikongsi ini.

  240. Salam kepada semua,
    Pada pendapat saya, kebanyakan komentar2 yang diberikan di sini seperti baru mengetahui apa yang sedang berlaku di dalam dunia kewangan antarabangsa ketika ini. Seolah-olah kalau Tun tak terangkan dalam bahasa “mudah” anda semua tidak faham apa yang sedang berlaku. Apakah anda tidak mampu & tidak boleh berusaha mencari jawapan sendiri? Sedangkan banyak sekali artikel2 yang sangat mudah untuk difahami terdapat di internet. Sampai bila mahu disuapkan Tun dan berlebih2 ampu Tun ni? Kalau Tun dah mati masih lagi harap Tun ke? Bila Tun kupas, semua puji melambung Tun. Ya, memang betul, memang banyak jasa Tun. Kredit kepada Tun. Tun memang dikurniakan fikiran yang hebat. Tapi kena ingat Tun pun banyak buat silap dan zalim terhadap rakyat, ISA orang tanpa bicara. Kita rakyat Malaysia harus bebas dari belenggu ISA ni. Kita bertanggung jawab atas negara kita. Jangan kerana “Oh, kerana Tun yang cakap, Wah…hebat,idea bernas, takda siapa cakap lagi bagus dari Tun. Tun punya silap sorok bawah karpet. ISA jangan sebut,buat tak tahu, semua ok”. Wahai rakyat Malaysia sekalian, sampai bila nak macam ni? Tun sokong Najib jadi PM, ramai orang sokong. Orang UMNO semua bagi sokongan. Padahal Najib punyalah banyak skandal tak selesai lagi. Ku Li yang lebih bersih offer nak jadi Presiden habuk pun takda siapa nak calon. Ini bukan masalah tak suka, anti, dengki dengan Najib atau pro Ku Li ke.Ini masalah kepimpinan negara, saya tak faham betul, Tun tak tahu ke latar belakang orang yang dia sokong? Atau senang ceritanya, lagi teruk rekod orang tu, lagi senang Tun nak control dia dari belakang.Semua rahsia dalam poket. Nanti bila Najib blunder macam Pak Lah, Tun boleh cakap balik kat muka tuan2 semua, orang UMNO yang pilih Najib jadi presiden.Saya cadang aje.Masa tu semua garu kepala lagi. Berapa tahun lagi nak kena tunggu untuk pilih PM baru. Kalau PM semua orang boleh pilih macam di Presiden US tu takpa lah. Ini berapa kerat geng2 UMNO sahaja yang boleh undi. Orang UMNO punya bahalol, rakyat yang lain pun terkena lagi. Bagi saya BN ni kena duduk diam2 kat tepi beri PR yang ambil alih kerajaan. Betulkan balik sistem kehakiman, kerajaan dan keselamatan supaya tak boleh dimanipulasi oleh mana2 pihak. Kalau takda orang lain yang fikir macam saya, saya boleh kira takjub & ajaib. Tapi saya percaya ramai yang sependapat dengan saya, cuma mereka malas nak tulis agaknya.

  241. Salam untuk Tun,
    You are MAHAGURU MALAYSIA,dianugerah Allah dalam banyak bidang.Tulisan Tun banyak memberi ilmu kepada saya,terima kasih Tun.Saya pernah terbaca satu artikal tulisan Datuk Zainudin Maidin, spesis macam Tun dianugerah Allah kepada Malaysia setiap 500 tahun sekali.Kali pertama adalah Bendahara Melaka, Tun Perak, kali kedua salepas 500 tahun adalah TUN MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMED.
    Tapi Tun manusia biasa tidak diberi Allah segalanya. Tun tidak dapat membaca hati manusia.Tun sangka kawan, rupanya lawan. Lihatlah apa jadi pada TMH,DSAI,DSAB.
    Tun sudah pun diiktiraf sebagai pemimpin dunia, oleh penduduk dunia yang berakal.

  242. Assalamualaikkum Dr.Mahathir and Dr.Siti Hasmah,
    Wish you both Cheers Always!
    I’m Jeffry Suresh Bin Abdullah.
    Dr.Mahathir has earned another credit from God for sharing your expertise among the millinos of people around the world.
    The ‘Do and Donts’ here will really enable many of us to ‘detect the underneath icebergs and avoid our ships sink’.
    Your great job ever on sharing of knowlegde, that Islam credits much.
    Jeffry Suresh Bin Abdullah and wife,Hafizah Binti Yaani.

  243. Dear Tun,
    The government announced today it will pump RM5 billion for ValueCap to invest in undervalue companies. Since ValueCap is a private limited company, I doubt its transparency since it required no public announcement to inform the public where has all the money gone ? It can be used as SPV to bail out their rich friends but ailing company. For example those who feel the pinch because of the global crisis but dare not openly ask for money.
    Let see what do they mean by undervalue.

  244. Salam Tun, thanks for the info that you’ve given us. A lot of thinking must be done by the Najib.
    I would also like to say sayonara to Patrick below. Hope that he will easily get citizenship of the country that he wishes to migrate as easily as the Malays given his ancester the citizenship of Tanah Melayu .
    By patrickz218 on October 20, 2008 11:48 PM
    Dearest Tun
    Wake up my dear tun,we are not spared yet.Futher collapse will arrives malaysia.hopefully more money can be use for ur race to studyoverseas.Face reality the danger have not yet end!Why so hard!When the business is bad ,malaysia will go bangkrupt,then u malays or mamak or mix malay can work hard to built this country alone,sorry the chinese wanna said sayonara to malaysia.Bye

  245. YAB Tun,
    I dont agree Malaysia will not be affected by this financial turmoil. In fact I believe we have opened ourselves to a catastrophe when the current PM wishes to stay until March 2009.
    We all know he and SIL still runs things very much or shall we say they are still running the operations while ‘tidying’ up before leaving the vault to DS Najib in March 2009 and knowing the current PM, he will turn a panic into a disaster in a blink of an eye.
    Since you are praying , I will join your prayers Tun – but I will add a point in my prayer that somehow this PM will go out by December 2008.
    A ship heading into stormy waters do not need an ignorant, flip-flop and sleepy Captain lest the ship will capsize without even a fight through the storm.
    I dont hate him at all, but I’d hate to be drowning or be at the mercy of a tsunami. The people have already felt the pinch when they increased the oil price.
    This Government is a Government that JUMPS when it needs to sit calmly ;and SLEEP when it needs to be waking up and stand guard till the dawn arrives.

  246. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun, you’re not just a doctor but also an economist, simply said you’re an all-rounder. Everything is at the tip of your fingernails. That is the criteria needed in a Prime Minister. So those unwelcome aliens who so endlessly kept invading Tun’s blog with sarcastic remarks keep note of how well bred Tun is.
    As a mother to 6 children with no credit card (not eligible for one) everything bought, edible and non edible, is paid in cash. Got money can buy no money so gigit jari le. Solid retain wall must be built now to save the country from the economic onslaught. I have full confidence we’ll be save with Tun’s help, that if they are not ego to ask for Tun’s expertise. I just wish the prices of everything was as they were before. I only want to be able to feed my children as long as I’m still alive and they can go on living decent lives when I’m gone. So I’ll pray very hard that nothing will hit us as the not yet to be PM said.
    So Tun thank you for caring in protecting the country and her people. May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  247. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    Terima kasih diatas pandangan bernas.
    1.Lihat muka Pak Lah dalam TV3 amat memalukan dengan muka marahnya memberi komen tentang Tun dan DSMY.Terfikir juga kenapa Pak Lah melenting begitu sekali dek kerana komen Tun dlm Blog.
    2.Kepada TV3 dan NSTP tak payahlah nak bodek Pak Lah lebih2 sangat takut bisnes kamu lingkup bersama Pak Lah nanti.
    3.Pak Lah kata “Siapa Tun, nak komen dia dan UMNO?”
    4.Bagi kami siapa Pak Lah nak komen Tun?
    5.Apa jasa Pak Lah kepada Umno dan Negara? Berbanding dengan jasa Tun.
    6.Apa jasa Pak Lah pada Tun berbanding jasa Tun pada Pak Lah.Siapa yang melantik Pak Lah ke jawatan PM kalau bukan Tun.Inilah yang dikatakan KACANG YANG MELUPAKAN KULIT.
    Kami besamamu Tun. Teruskan perjuanganmu.

  248. Tun,
    We may have forgotten one important factor in our analysis. 50% of government revenue came from oil and gas. With oil price and other commodities fallen by more than 50%, it means govt will have less 50% money to pay for its staff, pensioners as well as fo development fund. Inflation is at all time high. The only solution left is to create money out of thin air, which is by devaluing our currency…so there we go again..really worried about Ringgit now.

  249. Ya Rabbi, dengan tak malunya barusedar 11.23pm tulis mempersendakan pasal ‘kebijaksanaan’ Tun dalam ekonomi. Hah, barusedar baru sampai ke bumi dari planet mana ni? Tanpa segan silu barusedar tulis, “Your mathematic is briliant. You have made economy look easy. It is all about common sense. If it is how we look at economy, I think everyone can become the finance minister.” Hello barusedar, this is Mahathir Mohamad, pemimpin yang bawa Malaysia keluar dari kemelesetan ekonomi 97/98 dulu. Kalau tak kerana Tun yang jadi Menteri Kewangan masa tu, entah-entah la ni hang dok makan tanah saja tau. Pemimpin mana kat dunia ni yang tak kagum dengan cara Tun tangani krisis kewangan yang disebabkan oleh Soros? Hang sapa nak cakap tentang Tun sebegitu? Nampak sangat hang produk modal insan malas membaca. Hang dengan paklah sama saja, cakap tak pakai otak.

  250. salam Tun,
    Kenyataan yg logik diterima pakai dan sukar disangkal daripada seorang pemimpin yang pernah menerajui Malasia lebih 20 tahun.
    Pengalaman luas Tun tidak sepatutnya di belakangkan…
    Pernah berada lama dlm kerajaan tidak menjamin blh menguruskan negara dgn baik dn kita sendiri telah lihat hasilnya.Apa yg penting ialah niat dan maksud kita sekira kita dipilih menjadi pemimpin dan pendirian yg amat tegas dn teguh mnjadi asas. Tun, terlalu kaya dengan pengalaman mengangkat beban yg amat berat selama lebih 20 tahun. Amatlah rugi sekiranya pengalamannya itu tidak terus diwarisi dan dicontohi.

  251. Ya Rabbi, dengan tak malunya barusedar 11.23pm tulis mempersendakan pasal ‘kebijaksanaan’ Tun dalam ekonomi. Hah, barusedar baru sampai ke bumi dari planet mana ni? Tanpa segan silu barusedar tulis, “Your mathematic is briliant. You have made economy look easy. It is all about common sense. If it is how we look at economy, I think everyone can become the finance minister.” Hello barusedar, this is Mahathir Mohamad, pemimpin yang bawa Malaysia keluar dari kemelesetan ekonomi 97/98 dulu. Kalau tak kerana Tun yang jadi Menteri Kewangan masa tu, entah-entah la ni hang dok makan tanah saja tau. Pemimpin mana kat dunia ni yang tak kagum dengan cara Tun tangani krisis kewangan yang disebabkan oleh Soros? Hang sapa nak cakap tentang Tun sebegitu? Nampak sangat hang produk modal insan malas membaca. Hang dengan paklah sama saja, cakap tak pakai otak.

  252. Dearest Tun,
    I have got into AIC blog just now, with only one advertisement, Citibank. Can this blog survive with only one advertisement? By looking in the Youtube on DSAI in the parliament, he kept on telling the parliment members that he is being fitnah so on… and pinjaman from IMF, Soros when he was prisoned in 1999, wondering where he got these information or is it just another information “palsu” yang Tun difitnah regarding Israel???? And when Pak Lah was interviewed by foreign reporter regarding DSAI, Pak Lah declared that he tell lies, lies, and lies. I guess paklah knows the consequences now.
    Tun I know that you are indeed worry about the economy and country.
    Tun, the worst hit is going to be the property sector in 2009 – 2010, just like 20 years back in 1987. Yes, Bank’s NPL will be huge, and we do not know how much. At this moment, it’s difficult for BNM to predict, however BNM has forecasted lower GDP for 2009 at 3.4%. With sophisticated IT system, BNM will be able to get feedback from local and international banks in shorter time, thus will enable it to come with short-term measures to cushion the impact temporarily. The most worrying part is that when bank’s NPL is too huge and needs government to bailout, DSAI will create hatred in rakyat (the akar umbi) and will put the blame to the current BN and TUN, and will use it as the reason to topple the government. This is the biggest BN’s obstacle and challenge a head.
    Good night.

  253. Tun,
    The world is in this fluctuated virtual economy since Clinton era. It has been about 15 years now, future road map has been drawn base on this out-of-nothing money.
    I say what happened to us in 1997 will happen to the whole world and we again need to go through those hard time.
    Fluctuated world currencies will go through correction in value that will trigger world wide inflation.
    Natural resources will be our strength. So don’t you think we should strengthen our commodity sectors and shield our economy by reducing import.
    Though I still don’t know how to deal with excess work force when business come to a halt in service and import/export sectors.
    At this very time, I envy people in public sector as they will be the last group to suffer over private sector dead bodies.

  254. Dearest Tun
    Wake up my dear tun,we are not spared yet.Futher collapse will arrives malaysia.hopefully more money can be use for ur race to studyoverseas.Face reality the danger have not yet end!Why so hard!When the business is bad ,malaysia will go bangkrupt,then u malays or mamak or mix malay can work hard to built this country alone,sorry the chinese wanna said sayonara to malaysia.Bye

  255. Dearest Tun
    Wake up my dear tun,we are not spared yet.Futher collapse will arrives malaysia.hopefully more money can be use for ur race to studyoverseas.Face reality the danger have not yet end!Why so hard!When the business is bad ,malaysia will go bangkrupt,then u malays or mamak or mix malay can work hard to built this country alone,sorry the chinese wanna said sayonara to malaysia.Bye

  256. Tun, harap kita punya Petronas akan dapat bail-out the whole economy of malaysia.
    Kita memang kaya, ada minyak reserve banyak.
    Macam dulu, Asean economy crisis 1997, Tun masih dapat jalankan projek besar-besar, dengar orang kata Tun ada support daripada Petronas, harap kali ini Petronas dapat selamatkan economy malaysia juga.

  257. Tun,
    Saya harap Paklah dan budak tingkat 4 dapat fikir ini semua bermula hari pertama di pejabat. Tapi yg difikir. Personal financial turmoil. Macam mana nak atasinya. Habis kita.
    Saya harap, DS Najib dapat lihat perkara ini lebih baik. Begitu juga TS Muhyiddin dapat bantu DS Najib sebaiknya.
    Selamat Malam Tun dan keluarga…

  258. Salam buat Tun..
    Tun..kalau Amerika bercakap di PBB akan berkata ” MASYARAKAT ANTARABANGSA ……” Kalau Pak Lah berucap di Malaysia pula akan berkata.”RAKYAT …….telah memberi mandat kepada beliau….rakyat telah muak…rakyat menyokong….. Pada hal rakyat cukup meluat dan benci dengan percakapan dan idea beliau. Lagi lama lagi lingkup negara ini. Bila nak naik harga minyak macam roket pecut ke angkasa, bila nak turun harga minyak macam semut turun dari pokok. Bila nak naik harga minyak x fikir barang bila naik x akan turun lagi. Bongok betoi org tua ni,macam mana Tun boleh pilih dia jadi PM. Projek koridor dia tu saya anggap macam projek hikayat 1001 malam..sekadar projek angan – angan je. Gah je lebih.. x de pe pe pun. Rakyat dok hidup susah macam dulu juga.

  259. SALAM TUN,

  260. Assalam alaikum
    YABhg Tun,
    America now want to repeat 1930’s economic performances, in 2008 its become real. Government under Abdullah Ahmad Badawi not so care and alert about economic situation now. Pity on him, but I more pity on Malaysia at all than on him.
    I read Joseph Stiglitz about your success to overcome Asian Financial Crisis 1997/98 impacts in Malaysia economy and bank sectors, which Joseph Stiglitz praise your “Pegging RM action.”
    I read marks from newspaper about your oppinion to repegging RM as alert to economic and financial uncertainties. But the Central Bank gavorner, Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, said that no need to repegging RM due to “Malaysia economic performance is good and can absorb the impacts.” PM Abdullah also say “yes” on it.
    What I know, after Abdullah Ahmad Badawi hold PM office, Malaysian economic become weak. Real estate in Johore gone to outsiders hand, Proton facing crucial time which at last lost MV Agusta and etc.
    After 12th General election, stock markets in Malaysia on the way to collapse. But PM Abdullah just don’t care about it.
    By perception, why Abdullah Ahmad Badawi handover his portfolio to Dato’ Seri Najib?, because PM Abddullah has no guts and accument, and skill and will to handle economic matters. If Malaysia going bankrup PM Abdullah just only said he has try untill “Gemilang, Cemerlang, dan Terbilang.”
    Once upon a time in my financial management class, my lecturer said that PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi want to put Malaysia in “Buku Hijau” or agrarian state which not benefit Malaysia in the future. What my financial management said is true base on my oppinion.
    Also Tun, I fully agree with your 35 points above. But Abdullah Ahmad Badawi if he read your blog, he just ignore and said you worth nothing. After Abdullah Ahmad Badawi stepping down, he did not create any legacy.
    Also, I agree with your oppinion about “conspiracy of Pakatan Rakyat to destroy Umno/BN through Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his crony.” I read it from NST, and still keep the articel in my politics file. I will be the witness about whether is it true or not. But if it true, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should be blame totally and he must burden the liability.

  261. Salam Tun,
    The world had seen the collapse of the Soviet Union (Communist System), the collapse of the United States is eminent (Capitalist System) can a system based on social order and justice emerge from this?
    To AAB and Gang, stop dreaming!
    Thank you,
    Wassalam, May Allah Bless you Tun!

  262. Tun,
    I support your reasoning on this global meltdown of the economy and the financial institutions. How is America going to save themselves? It is not an easy task to correct the mistakes made and the whole system was designed by them. So what will happen to Malaysia ? We are not alone in this planet. How are we to soften the blow on us when the meltdown hits us, which is very soon. Many of our 3Q2008 and 4Q2008 corporate interim results will reflect the negative effects weighing on us as a trading nation. What about 2009 when the whole meltdown will be fully disgested? I will not be surprised when our local depositors will lose their life savings notwithstanding the maximum insured sum of RM60,000- per depositor. What about the insurance companies that provides this undertaking ? Will they be financially sound to meet all the depositors ? I am very surprised by the statement made today by the Finance Minister that the Government shall inject another RM5.0 billion into ValueCap to shore up the stock market. Is this enough when the KLCI nosedive to 600 points in the near term ? We have a long stretch to overcome this crisis which may prolong for several years.
    Tun, what will be your advice which is not so simple to resolve this imminent crisis that will hit us.

  263. Salam TUN,
    1. The market economy system is invented by Jews to make large sums of money by nothing through manipulation. From the fall out of banks in West, there is lesson to be learn.
    2. The Quran says that interest is haram both to the provider of capital and the user of capital. Now, what currently the world is witnessing is the harm that has been done thorough dealing using interest both to the banks which charged interest and also those who pays interest.
    3. Clearly, this is the result of market economy commonly propounded by West as self-adjusting or correcting. But we can see the harm outweighs the benefits of using those kind of system as it is subject to abuses which is difficult to control. I wonder what kind of new system that will be invented after this by Jews if that won’t allow them to make money out of thin air?
    3. Basically, it is a must for the rest of the world to follow Islamic way of finance by prohibiting dealing in interest as this encouraged greed on both sides be it the bank to keep maximising profits or on the part of borrowers to maximize their current well-being, be it for future expense.
    4. Therefore, financial system needs a complete revamped whereby no dealing in interest is not allowed. Of course, nobody would enter this business if there is no profits to be made, hence, this must be operated by government.
    5. I came across an Islamic institution in India where it lends money free of interest out of service to Muslim society. Since there is no money to be made, the institution requires stringent requirement to safeguard its money contributed by its members by requiring a borrower to place 2 collaterals whose cheques on the borrowed amounts are held together with the borrower house or car grant or gold. In the event borrower fails to pay, his house/ car/ gold will be sold to recover the amount lend. If that is not sufficient, collaterals cheques will be deposited to recover the rest of the money.
    6. Surely, this method is effective in disallowing people to gamble with money as nobody would become collateral to this kind of people and the person who borrowed will be careful in repaying the amount lend to him as he do not want the risk of losing his belongings in the event he fails to pay.
    7. Clearly, this is the way how financial system needs to operate to discourage either party from being drawn into the sin of greed be it lender or borrower that is thorough encouragement of a sense of friendship and brotherhood, that is by helping those who really needs the money for sound purchase or investment but never for speculation.

  264. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Rupanya ramalan saya pada 5 tahun lepas bahawa Pak Lah menjadi PM hanya untuk 5 tahun sahaja dan kemudian akan dijatuhkan benar-benar menjadi kenyataan. Terbaru saya juga menjangka Najib atau Muhyidin akan bertanding jawatan tertinggi parti juga menjai kenyataan. alhamdulillah..tepat ramalan saya.
    Saya bersyukur P Lah nak letak jawatan sebelum habis duit negara dia sedekah dekat anak dan mehantu dia. P Lah boleh didakwa kerana menyalah gunakan kuasanya dengan memberi projek besar kepada anak menantu dia.
    Harap Tun dipilih sebagai penasihat ekonomi kerajaan selepas ini.

  265. salam bapak….
    tu yg penin tu….
    kiter2 yg kat bawah dah raser peritnyer…depa kata stabil lagik….adoi2…adoi..doi2..doiiiiiiiiii……
    malangnyer depa tak minta nasihat n pandangan bapak…..

  266. Dear Tun,
    Your mathematic is briliant. You have made economy look easy. It is all about common sense. If it is how we look at economy, I think everyone can become the finance minister. Come on Tun, you know our present government will do their best to sustain the current meltdown. It is more complicated than 1+1=2..Why not give some ideas rather than trying to prove our government is hopeless and full of idiots! It is nice to listen and read your blogs but are they constructive? If everybody is useless why not you become the PM again? Sometimes I think what is DSAB say is correct about you..You wanted to become the de facto PM in Malaysia. It is nothing wrong with that if it is good. I would love to see Dato Mukhriz as our PM one day. God Willing!

  267. Dear Tun, You have explained very clearly. Thanks. now i wonder whether my life savings in our Bank is safe. they have used it to buy an Indonesian bank.
    I think better to withdraw them and keep at home.

  268. Dear Tun,
    1. Baca komen si kronimu, nampak macam orang sedang ‘meroyan’…haha!
    2. During your time theres MTEN, ably led first by Daim and later by Mustapha Mohamad, both competent in economics, business and finance, which met everyday to analyse all the latest ‘economics’ issues faced by the country, propose solutions, follow-up on the implementations of those solutions, and update the public – daily. I do not really know what paklah’s majlis ekonomi negara or something like that(I heard its a setup similar to MTEN) is doing, if its doing anything at all, or am I missing something here?
    3. I think with MTEN’s kind of proactiveness, Malaysia may indeed isolate herself to a certain extent from the collapsing economics dominoes all around it. However, the people should be ready to face some incoveniences and discomforts associated with trying times, due mostly to shrinking export earnings, which leads to shrinking purchasing power of the people and thus to a shrinking of the economy as a whole – but not a total collapse of it.
    4. We have gone through the 1997-1998 crisis. Can anything be any worse – well, of course it depends on how its being handled by the powers that be. If paklah remains, we can only be sure that any efforts will be bungled up and opportunities for recovery squandered. Alhamdulillah, he is going but March could be a tad too late….hopefully not, or hopefully he changes his mind (or got his mind changed)and decide to leave RIGHT NOW!!!
    BTW, thank you Tun for what you’ve done. History will indeed judge you, and judge you well….well, more than well – gloriously……yes, GLORIOUSLY – and thats in my humble estimation.

  269. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Yes you’re right Sir. Some of our export customers have already requested for their LC to be extended further. Few international banks are no longer willing to give confirmation on LC issued by local banks from Bangladesh, Nepal. Sales dropped significantly…
    Management has started to plan for cost control / reduction. And yet our Finance Minister was saying that Malaysia will not be affected by the global financial turmoil….

  270. Tun,
    This is basic economy. Most of us know this theory. For a Minister of Finance, this is “kacang”. However, if they are in denial mode, they will say differently when responding to crisis. If they do that, they do not know basic economy. And we will be in trouble if a person/government that we trust and put in-charge don’t know anything about basic economy.

  271. Dear Tun,
    I have no doubt if BN declare safe from global financail turmoil. The reasons are simple,
    1)Non of the BN leaders understand the effect of the systemic collapse of financial system. The chain reaction ussually get to the worst at the end of the cycle. Malaysia is just at the end of the cycle.
    2)For the past five years, BN did nothing but dreaming. No extensive and aggresive financial or development plan materialise so far. That is why there is no direct impact on Malaysia financial system unlike our poor neighbour,Singapore. It turns out that our sleeping PM saved Malaysia from global financial system collapse by sleeping. Who say our 5th PM is worthless? Hehe…
    Again, I would like to stress that the western countries will not accepting any new proposal for better financial system because they just love their own system which can be MANIPULATE for their own greed.
    How I get richer if you don’t get poorer.

  272. aswt Tun,
    TQ for the masterpiece
    We may be can’t change where we started, but can change the direction we wanna be. When going get tough, we tough get going. It’s all b’cos u r the inspiration. I m ur penyambung WARISAN.

  273. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun dan Toh Puan… sekali lg saya bangga menjadi anak Malaysia yang dibesarkan di Zaman Tun, bila orang menyebut nama Tun ” Mahathir Good” selepas saya menyatakan saya dari Malaysia tadi masa kat Night Market. emmmm… mesti TUN dah buat sesuatu yang baik bila ada saja insan yang kenal Tun kat China nie..
    Untuk pengatahuan semua saya sekarang di Dalian China… pengumuman yang dibuat oleh DSNTR macam kelakar jer… negara China yang KDNK tahunan purata 10% dalam beberapa tahun nie pun turut terjejas.. dijangkakan industri automobil disini akan turun dalam 35% kalau tak silap berita pagi tadi, semua sektor mula menunjukkan penurunan sejak 2 bulan kebelakangan ini.. jadi negara yang saya bandingkan dengan negara kita yang tak seberapa ni pun terjejas, termasuk korea dan yang pasti kat jepun yang stabil pun ada perlahan sikit jadi macam ada yang tak kena… saya doakan tiada yang lebih teruk dari tahun 80an dan 90an semasa adanya TUN negara masih mampu berdiri. tapi hari ni hanya kepada ALLAH SWT saya berserah… mungkin jika sesuatu berlaku mungkin adalah sebab tangan-tangan kita juga… firman ALLAH SWT “aku tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu melainkan ia mengubah akan nasib mereka sendiri”. Saya doakan agar ada pemimpim-pemimpen negara membaca artikel TUN.
    ps kepada semua ahli UMNO:- selamatkanlah negara dahulu… jangan letakkan politik dihadapan tetapi rakyat dahulu… semua memerhatikan kita hari nie…. takde satu pun kerajaan yang runtuh kat dunia setakat ini mampu bangun kembali selepas kejatuhannya…

  274. Dear Tun,
    You make everything so simple and easy to understand. Thanks for the explanation. What then, Tun, can the world do to get us out of this financial turmoil??? I think you must have some great ideas.

  275. Salam Tun, I think the government should prepare the country and the rakyat for the coming financial and economic tsunami which will reach our shores by the first quarter of next year instead of living in denial till everyone is swept away….lets hope the finance minister wakes up and look around him or HEED TUN’S ADVICE AND LOOK FOR WAYS TO CUSHION THE IMPACT….YA ALLAH….SAVE US ALL, Love you TUN…keep on writing….(WHO WOULDN’T WANT A 80 SOMETHING BRILIANT WISE MAN AROUND)

  276. Dear Tun,
    Since our export to the effected countries is substantial. It is only logical that we will be drag into the global recession.
    We need competence leaders in order to ride out the storm.
    Already, there are news of money politics in UMNO.
    We have already witnessed the last one.
    Don’t you think this is dangerous to our nation?
    Perhaps you should recommend how are we going to resolve this matter.
    After 50 years, we are still facing this issue.

  277. Dear Tun,
    My friend borrowed my money RM800 last year, till today he hasn’t pay me yet. If RM 800 cannot pay, how bout RM20 billion from credit cards?
    I went to Carefour wangsa maju last week and there’s like 4-5 ppl pastering me to sign up to their cr cards. It’s like free money..
    I see ppl signing up and walla… he get RM 2000 from cr. cards. Apalagi swipe jelah. This is typical now Tun.
    I think the banks are commiting suicide because they know the Government have money and will give a golden hand to them. When I say Government’s money means tax payers money that should be used for development. It’s a scam to rob ppls money. This will go on and on forever.
    Tun, pls stop the banks from robbing us if they plan to do this. I pay tax every year never miss and I pray this money will not go to this suit up loan sharks in high rise building.
    Let them go bankcrupt for their evil greed plan! Teach them a lesson!

  278. My beloved Tun,
    In para 35, you mentioned that the International Financial system and market economy has failed.May I add that it has collapsed.
    You suggest a new system….more regulated by Governments. Whatever you have implemented during our financial meltdown worked then and now with both the financial and economic meltdown of the the developed world at our doorstep, I sincerely hope that you can share your wisdom with the government.
    I noticed something that may not exist even if there is A SOLUTION.
    During your tenure,you and your team keep a close watch on the implementation on almost a daily basis.You have people to talk to Corporate Malaysia and hear them out to help them through.
    I pray with you that there exist in the coming government people with the gumption to seek solutions and implement with enforcement.
    Kalau tidak………..Tipah tertipu lagi.

  279. Salam Tun,
    Idea dan pemikiran Tun yang bernas yang dicurahkan didalam menjadikan blog tun paling popular baik pada kawan atau lawan. Banyak ilmu pengetahuan yang dapat kami kutip daripada tulisan-tulisan tun. Terimakasih dan semoga sihat selalu.
    Sambil melayari blog apa kata rasai keenakan murukuherba. Layari

  280. Salam Tun…
    Saya percaya, tentu ada di kalangan menteri kabinet kita yang baca statement Tun ini. Macam dok kata la. Depa boleh pafam, tapi terpaksa buat bodoh..jumpa AAB…yes sir you are right. Semua right. tak betui pun right. Cemerlang, Gemilang & terbilang. Menteri makan isi..rakyat makan tulang.
    Rakyat la ni bukan bodoh sangat. Menteri tak payah dok ayat..kita boleh tau. Pasai ekonomi pun kita baca juga The Edge dan lain2.
    Trend Menteri kita ni seolah olah depa buat statement kat orang kampong yang tak mengaji. Lucu betul. Semua nak bagi sedap dengar. Cuba tengok G. Bush recently announce the real picture that might hit US. Dia tak rasa takut pun. Menteri kita ni…semua nya HERO – HERO belaka. semuanya Terror. semua nya OK… Gemilang lagi…Malaysia….OK lagi…pui
    Maaf yae Tun…emotional sikit…
    Be happy always Tun… All our family LOVE you.
    Your are my best MENTOR.

  281. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    This article was clearly written demanding us to think…think…think…What should we do? Tun wants us to wake up from our dream and safeguard our livelihood before the global crisis storms hit us.Which in turn demanding us to choose A STRONG LEADERSHIP AND A STRONG GOVERNMENT.All that he wants is just that.Do some thinking and stop hallucinating.Kita bukan kebal.
    Take care Tun.

  282. Bacaan bodoh saya:-
    1. bank2 memperniagakan anggaran keuntungan masa depan? Macam mana ni?
    2. They share the projected profit?
    3. The projected profit actually turns to negative (due to non performing loan), so no profit…and only loses?
    Macam ni pun boleh ke?

  283. Tun,
    1)All the more,TSNMY must leave at once.Instead of working ,he is now trying to claim credit that USA and Europe is doing what we had done in the past.He is in the self denial position.
    2)We have yet seen the default of the credit cards loans throughtout the world.
    3)In Malaysia,the NPL may not surface until second quarter of next year,people in charge of our economy still say we are immuned from this global fallout.
    4)You have just explained sufficient enough for us to understand what is yet to come.I cannot believe we can do that well that it is not going to afffect us and we have yet to experience the contagious effect of the global economic fallout as of now.
    5)The MIER has already made a lower forecast for next year which may be on the high side.
    6)The richest economies are facing the current financial debacle is not a laughing matter for us all.
    7)In Malaysia if there are too many people have no jobs and money,see what will happen to one’s assets and family members.
    8)It has to do with this-Man.He started the oil prices went up and interest rates go up and down like roller coaster and the rest just follows.
    9)People blessed with oil are not helpful either as they are greedy too.

  284. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    There are a lot of truths in what Tun mentioned about the effect of international trade to our economy. I believe we can escape serious currency turmoil because our banking system is in better shape now, but we are still exposed to the US and European markets which are now entering recession. Even our export to China and Singapore are affected since large part of this is reexported to US market.
    I have done an intensive research and data analysis on the other aspect of the financial market, namely the effect of ‘Wall Street meltdown on the Malaysian Stock Market’.
    I would like to invite YA Bhg. Tun and all readers to my Blog.

  285. Tun yang dihormati,
    tulisan tun lebih mudah difahami daripada tulisan seorang professor ekonomi. ‘Semoga pemimpin baca dan fikirkan. Jangan kira siapa yang beri pandangan’.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  286. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for your simplified version.
    The DPM kept saying Malaysia is safe from the financial crisis probably because his people keep feeding him with complicated data.
    With your simple and easy to understand analogy, we hope the DPM will finally understand what shit we may be facing!
    The government still think we are living in the olden days where the rakyat would accept every single word they said. Time has changed, with the might of internet – we are more educated and well-informed nowadays.
    I hope they really do their homework before they try to bullshit us.
    Cheers and long live Tun.
    I check your website almost every 4-6hrs hoping there is a new write-up. You are great!

  287. Dear Tun Mahathir,
    You are a genius. No one has been able to, quite honestly, put such a description of the current economic turmoil forth in such a simple and lucid manner. It is such a pleasure to read your work and I look forward keenly to your posting every single day.
    There is hope for us now, and it is timely,just as the grey clouds of financial doom approach. Your expertise is needed Tun and I know that you will rise to the occasion once again as you always have had in our hour of need. You are a great son of the soil, if not the greatest, and Malaysia is blessed to have you.
    You will and must do the right thing, guide if not lead the next batch of ‘leaders’ through this storm. Goh Chok Thong and Lee Kuan Yew put together cannot make one Mahathir I tell you, this you probably already know.
    Long live Mahathir

  288. Mahathir yang terkenal dengan sikap pendendam itu bertindak keluar dari Umno di sebabkan beberapa faktor.
    1. Setelah lebih 4 tahun meninggalkan kerajaan, Mahathir merasakan pengaruhnya semakin longgar. Pandangannya tidak lagi di dengari. Namun sebagai usaha untuk menguji populariti beliau, tindakan keluar dari Umno sebagai menguji sejauh mana sokongan orang Umno terhadap beliau. Apa yang di dapatinya hanya seorang yang sanggup ’sehidup semati’ dengan beliau iaitu Sanusi Junid.
    2. Mahathir menyedari masalah dalaman Umno amat kronik dan memerlukan ‘revolusi’ yang besar bagi memulihkannya dan tidak ada tokoh yang mampu menyelesaikannya selain beliau. Justeru satu hari nanti Umno akan datang melutut menagih bantuan beliau. Maka di saat inilah beliau akan ‘dihidupkan’ kembali bersama pengaruh dan kuasa.
    3. Isu Video Linggam dan tindakan Abdullah cuba menguasai institusi kehakiman dengan memberi ‘ganjaran’ kepada bekas-bekas hakim yang pernah di aniaya Mahathir dulu dianggap beliau sebagai usaha Abdullah menguasai institusi kehakiman. Ini merbahaya bagi perkiraan Mahathir kerana sekiranya di biarkan akan membolehkan beliau di heret ke Mahkamah.

  289. Salam Tun….
    BTW…I have received a circulation email from friends about recession is coming…Guess what…it is stated CIMB Group…I wonder ??!!!

  290. Ybhg Tun,
    Sesungguhnya pandangan yang diberikan oleh Tun dalam blog ini amat bertepatan dan wajar diambil perhatian oleh pemerintah. Namun ada dikalangan pemerintah yang tidak memahami apa itu pandangan dan arahan.
    Saya sesungguhnya tidak memahami ramai dikalangan ahli-ahli politik UMNO yang tidak dapat menilai dan memahami apa yang dikatakan pandangan dan apa yang dikatakan arahan.
    Bagi saya kesemua cerita yang dikeutarakan dalam blog ini adalah merupakan pandangan dari Ybg Tun dan bukan merupakan arahan. Terpulanglah kepada sipembaca untuk mengambil iktibar dari apa yang diperkatakan. Mengapalah begitu emosionalnya Perdana Menteri Malaysia dengan artikel Tun yang lepas.
    Tahniah saya ucapkan kepada YB Tan Sri Mahyuddin kerana tidak membuat kenyataan balas keatas Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang emosional itu.
    Mungkin DSAB patut melayari blog ini dan melihat disebelah kanan dibawah kategori “preface” Tun telah menyatakan “This site is dedicated to publishing my writings as and when I am able to pen my thoughts and opinions.”. Apa simple sentence macam tu pun tak faham ke.
    Tun, please take care your health. Malaysian need you opinion and thoughts.
    “Ya Allah, Kau panjangkanlah usia Ybhg Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dan isterinya serta ahli keluarganya terutamanya YB Dato Mukhriz. Kau berikanlah ilmu kepada YB Dato’ Mukhriz sepertimana ilmu yang telah Kau berikan kepada ayahandanya YBhg Tun Dr. Mahathir. Sesungguhnya kami rakyat Malaysia memerlukan pemimpin yang dapat memimpin kami sepertimana kepimpinan yang telah diberikan oleh YBhg Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Amin”

  291. Salam Tun Dan Timbalan perdana Menteri Najib(Andai Dato Membaca blog tun Tolonglah faham)
    1.Tun,sudikah Tun mengambil masa dalam memerhatikan Dato Najib seandainya beliau dilantik sebagai Perdana Menteri?
    2.Sudikah Dato Najib menerima segala pandangan Tun yg pasti dapat memberi kebaikan kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia?(Saya amat berharap anda sudi belajar selama 6bulan bersama Tun yg mempunyai pengalaman yg luas sebagai perdana menteri Malaysia.)
    Saya percaya banyak perkara dapat dipelajari dari Tun dan ini pasti dapat meningkatkan reputasi Dao Najib sebagai perdana menteri malaysia kelak.
    saya percaya dengan bimbingan Tun kepada Dato Najib ,Malaysia akan terus maju untuk selamanya.

  292. Dear Tun,
    What u say is is absolutely true! The govt. should not misinform the public. By doing so they are allowing foreigners and themselves to bail out early, make as much money as possible at the expense of the rakyat!
    I have an expert businessman friend who has dominated his field of business( importing and exporting confectionaries and toys below RM 4) for more than 20 years, yesterday was the first time i have heard him complain and he doesnt see any chance of recovery in the near future.
    Even during 97 crisis, we were still able to grow because we specialised in low cost products. Demand actually grew!
    The drastic increase in price of fuel domestically has seriously effected the buying power. I belive that we have yet to see the worst of it yet.
    Whats happening is , retailers make a similar profit margin (%)regardless of the cost of product, so initially they dont feel it because the sales remain the same. The only difference is they sell less products but sales remain generaly the same. The manufacturers also increase prices to maintain profits. The only difference is they produce less, therefore dont need as many workers , this will directly contribute to unemployment, and inevitable lead to a very significant drop in sales for retailers. The govt. has started a vicious cycle.
    Wonder which idiot advised our P.M. to increase the price of fuel. What they said about petronas is crap as petronas made record profits and the govt.(i.e. the public) is a major shareholder. Nothing to do with oil reserves because bulk of petronas income come from overseas.
    Bunch of Fools(p.s. they can only be called so if the intentions were in the interest of M’sia, if it was self interest of cronies then they made us look like FOOLs), all that money saved by govt. is now available to be siphoned off.
    I’m sorry Tun, but realy feel as if we are being taken for a ride! Time has ripened for the opposition to take over! Dont have to worry much about Anwar because he would not have that much power because of the coalition. I wish u join another existing party and officially become members of the opposition. BN and UMNO are not beyond repair but its going to take too long! we dont have the luxury of time! Its more critical than u think!

  293. Salam Tun….
    Confident jer kata Msia tak akan hadapi krisis kewangan…Inflasi dah lebih dari angka 7….gila…is it bcoz he felt since someone from his family members jadi orang besar dalam bank makes him says that?…Selalunya orang takbur dan bongkak @ bodoh sombong ni akan terkena ” tulah” sbb lawan ckp org2 tua…well, jgn sampai jadi kes menang sorak kampung tergadai….masalahnya rakyat yg silap haribulan setiap hari ada kes bunuh diri beramai2 gara2 tak boleh survive dah…diaorg tak apalah…dah kaya raya…!! cakap senanglah…
    lagi satu…For Datuk Najib…please lahhh…!! Its enough for us seeing all the idiot, stupid and greedy politians now days…Everyday politik sana sini…maruah bangsa dan agama juga dipolitikkan….sekarang the only things we have in our hands which is our jaminan kewangan to ensure our survivals in this country pun nak politik jugak ker?
    ni duit punya hal…angka boleh dikelentong mcm apa yg berlaku kat US aka AIG…tipu sana cover sini…all the figures have been twisted until one ugly day dah tak boleh twist dah….we as rakyat tak mau dgr dan setakat tgk mcm tu…what is the safety net for us the rakyat? at least dulu ringgit di tambat dan semua org ikat perut masa tu…tapi tahu yg kita tidak jatuh teruk cuma tidak mampu bermewah2…semua org still ada cukup makan dan minum…cuma tidak boleh leisure…namun kerana idea Tun…kita dapat bangkit semula selepas beberapa tahun…apa yang Datuk Najib boleh jamin ? Kita negara kecil…sedang yang mengaku kebal pun kecundang…..
    Seriau saya mengenangkan tindak tanduk Datuk Najib ni…

  294. Malaysia is a very open economy. Exports+imports = 2 times of GDP. Definitely Malaysia would be affected by the global slowdown. No way we can escape.

  295. Assalamualaikum orang Melayu yg dikasihi,
    Hari ini tidak kira apa-apa pun yg berlaku dalam UMNO,kita sebagai orang Melayu perlu tetap menyokong UMNO.Ingat lagi sejarah bagaimana parti ini dibina.UMNO dibina atas dasar orang Melayu yg bersatu padu dan mencari akar umbi permasalahan dan dilema orang Melayu yg perlu deperbaiki.Janganlah kerana susu setitik kita buang susu sebelanga.
    Parti parti komponen yg ada di Malaysia hari ini walaupun ada yg dipegang pemimpin Melayu tapi parti parti itu bukan parti Melayu.Apa yg saya cuba nyatakan disini parti parti itu cuma bertopengkan raut wajah Melayu bagi mengaburi Mata orang Melayu.Berpijaklah di bumi yg nyata.Malaysia adalah milik dan Tanah orang Melayu.Dimanakah Melayu inigin berada andai Tanah Yg subur ini dirampas dan orang Melayu hilang punca dalam membela nasib mereka.Hanya UMNO sahaja medium terbaik bagi orang Melayu menyampaikan hasrat bagi membetulkan kepincangan yg berlaku.Melayu bukan lemah,tapi Melayu Mudah Lupa dari sejarahnya.Mari kita semua bersatu demi anak bangsa kita 55 tahun yg akan datang dan selamanya.Bersatu dan jangan berpecah belah orang Melayu walau apapun pendapat anda.
    Bersatulah Orang Orang Melayu tak kira apa fahaman anda samaada positif atau negatif.Percayalah ,Melayu mampu bersatu seperti semasa penubuhannya oleh Dato ONN.Semua kepincangan yg berlaku dalam UMNO dapat diperbetulkan andai semua orang Melayu kita bersatu padu dan mahukan.
    Hanya rakyat dapat mendukung pemimpin dan rakyat melayu jugalah yg boleh memberitahu apa yg orang melayu inginkan.Melayu jangan mudah lupa.mari kita bersatu seperti zaman dato ONN.Bangsa Melayu hak dan maruah kita perlu dipertahankan diatas tanah nenek moyang kita.
    Jangan sampai anak bangsa kita menyalahkan kita dan nenek moyang kita atas kealpaan dan kelupaan kita pada Orang Melayu dan Tanah Melayu
    Pencinta Melayu,
    MMU cyberjaya student.

  296. Tun,
    20. What is happening in the world today is the total collapse of the international financial system. This has been brought about by greedy people abusing the system. Instead of doing business in goods and services they now do business in money, in fictitious money.
    –>>You are correct. This is what happened when the so called FINANCIAL ARCHITECTURE was allowed in the name of financial progress and sophistication. The problem is it is being done without proper regulation and consideration for the investors at large.Only the rich gets richer through profiteering. Now I understand why in Islamic Muamalat we are prohibited from trading money especially when it involve fictitious money.
    14.Now the corridors cannot be fully implemented. But this is fine because nothing had been implemented anyway. Unfortunately the anticipated earnings by contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, workers, teh tarik and nasi lemak sellers would not materialise.
    –>> Well you are right ,now I’m in F&B business, I can feel the desperation of us in doing this business. My sales revenue per month have dropped by almost 40%-50% if compared to last year . As a business owner , I do not know how long I can ‘tahan’. To me it was a bad decision for govt to hike petrol to almost 40% in June because the multiplcation effect cant be controlled easily. Consumer spending shrinking substantially.I agree with you in your previous writing ,it should have been dealt by smaller percentage increment, bit by bit. And one thing I learnt in my Economic Class is that ” Price is Sticky” . Once has gone up , very difficult to come down. Now we see , eventhough govt had announced 3 times in petrol price reduction, other price of goods still not much change.
    More migraines to come!!!
    Penjual Mee Rebus Johor

  297. Salam Tun.
    I cannot but totally agree with you that the current financial turmoil will eventually affect Malaysia. Given our open economy which is highly dependent on international trade, our economy will certainly not be spared. May be the government said so to ‘manage sentiments’ on the ground, so that people won’t become panicked.
    The current financial system is not running on real money which was used to be backed by gold or some other commodities. No wonder the US especially can have so much amount of money, even though it is the top debtor in the world, simply because they can easily print out money out of thin air like you said. With the working of interest rate, money countries and people become ‘slave’ to this financial system. The vast development of the derivative market makes the situation even worse. I think this time this financial turmoil will be the worst ever.
    Our way of life, Islam has always emphasize interest-free economy based on real economic activities and use of real money. It is time we get more serious to adhere to our very own Islamic teachings.

  298. Salam Ayahanda & Bonda Tun,
    I’m totaly amazed with your statement. Till to date I’m confused and wondering how’s this US economic crisis hits and the effects to Malaysian economy.. well said line #30.
    I hope those people up there especially Najib himself would have time to visit your blog and get some wisdom from you.
    Doa Hamba:
    ” Ya Allah Tuhan Yang Masa Esa, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim… Hambamu ini menadah kedua tangannya kepadaMu.. Kupohon padamu supaya Engkau membuka hati Ayahnda Tun Mahathir Mohammad untuk kembali ke pangkuan UMNO dan ke pangkuan sebagai pemerintah.. Engkau jadikannya seorang Khalifah untuk membimbing kami ke jalan yang Engkau Redhai, ke jalan kebenaran dan berikanlah kepadanya kesihatan dan kekuatan untuk menyelamatkan rakyat Malaysia dari ambang kehancuran.. selamatkanlah kami wahai Allah dari segala bencana… Maha berkat Engkau ya Tuhan dan maha tinggi Engkau
    Wahai Tuhan yg mempunyai kebesaran dan kemuliaan.”

  299. Tun, as you know that like the construction industry in many other countries, Malaysia’s is also highly leveraged. The government needs to work hard to de-leverage it in order to reduce the fall-out of the global financial crisis. It is also beyond belief to see Najib painting a rosy picture. 5.4 percent annual growth for 2009 has already been cut and the stock market has shrunk by over 33% in the last year alone!
    Crude palm oil was at RM4,500 per metric ton in March 2008 and has plummeted to RM1,600 per metric ton, down by 65 percent. Clearly external factors are having a direct impact on Malaysi’a core activities! Which numb-nut would deny this?

  300. Asalamuaalaikum Dear Tun,
    I am intrigued that we are going to be able to avoid the economic recession faced by the rest of the world, already we are and have been bit by inflation.Yet our dear politicians are in constant state of denial as if the global phenomenon is going to breeze by Malaysia- negeri di bawah angin (trade wind).
    Fool hardy optimism is not what the rakyat is looking for, what we want is some one with the thinking cap and the porch light on to put in place mechanism and prepare us of the impending nightmare and ensure that the future generation will not inherit a huge debt by the forefathers. Currently we are being fed with sweet feel good factor every fortnightly ( to ensure preferred UMNO nomination? guessing)in the form of fuel dollar reduction, how long will this keep going before we fall on our face?
    Why do Maybank has to buy a bank in Indonesia at 4X valuvation, if it was me I’d write off my loses ( deposit paid) and buy Fortis shares instead- one day they’ll be back on their feet and we could end up owning a major European financial inst- well just like Augusta being the sport bike of Harley.
    Are my ASB, ASW, EPF and SSPN is guaranteed to be safe with this kinda fool hardy investment???? Sorry kids the government of my day screwed up our savings, so I’m not gonna be able to pay for your college!!!!
    Good nite Tun M.

  301. Assalamualaikum Tun, Semoga sihat dan masih tajam pemikiran.
    pada pendapat saya,mungkin D.najib cuba menenangkan keadaan negara kita yang selain tertekan dgn keadaan polotik serta tuntutan yang melampau dari MCA,beliau juga dilihat telah mengumumkan pakej bantuan kerajaan untuk memantau ekonomi negara.
    Cuma di sini,boleh tak tun spesifik kepada keadaan dan statistik peniaga melayu & bumiputera dalam menangani keadaan ini.Dulupun seperti ini juga,memang ramai peniaga malaysia problem tapi usahawan melayu ramai juga yang terduduk.
    so,pendapat saya,boleh tak tun memberi penerangan apa yang perlu usahawan bumiputera perlu lakukan untuk menyelamatkan dari terjerumus serta tertiarap.Umum mengetahui,usahawan melayu kebanyakkan bergantung pada tender kerajaan dan usahawan cina masih lagi boleh bergantung pada lingkaran permintaan perniagaan cina.maka jika kerajaan menyemak balik projek2 mega kerajaan ,maka takut kesannye banyak kepada usahawan melayu.
    sekian terima kasih.

  302. Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,
    1. Thanx Tun for highlighting all those issues. In you we trust.
    2. If there’s one thing I hated most was when Dollah and Najib tried to ridicule us….about Malaysia not affected…my foot!
    3. Maybe, just maybe they didnt want us to panic…but are they doing anything about it?
    4. Najib pretended he knew a lot and tried to show poker face to us…like ‘hey, its under control…leave it to us!’I hope you know what you’re doing Najib. Dollah (saw his smiling in the news tonite? when he was joking about switching the portfolio? he smiled becos Najib now ‘dukung biawak hidup…before this it was a small biawak, but when the biawak grew bigger, Dollah hastily passed to Najib..haha’
    5. Najib, whatever it is, show some respect to Tun…he can help but just becos you wanna prove to Dollah you’re his loyal poodle, you brushed aside Tun’s recommendations. Just admit it that you’re not in control my man.,..put your bloody ego aside, for our sake!
    6. Tun can always highlite these issues just like a professor, but Tun put it in a simple way..hopefully you can understand Najib. Diollah sampai mati takkan paham. But be careful, Dollah maybe has lotsa infos about you Najib and he will use them when you try to be funny with him and his suku-sakat when you’re the PM…I pity you Najib.
    Tun, rupa2nya Dollah baca juga blog Tun, tu yang naik angin seluruh badan bila Tun buat komen tentang orang2 dia…hehhe. Padan muka dia…dulu dia buat macam cool saja, tapi sekarang nampak perangai anak alim ulamak yang sebenar…hilang sabaq rupanya…tu boleh kawan ngan setan tu.

  303. Its make me fear!
    I still remember you had said this a long ago, and now it is come to reality.
    You make me proud Tun.

  304. Salam Ayahanda Tun. All the while I thought that if I want to hear impressive diction and the latest news about photography as a hobby, I could refer to Datuk Seri Rais Yatim. But I am being proven to be very wrong here when I read somewhere that he made a public mention that you have locus standi to condemn anybody you want in UMNO. Very correct and very worthy of a man with principles. Ini soal maruah dan perjuangan bangsa Melayu. Bukan hal nak cium bontot mana-mana pihak. Perlu lebih ramai lagi mencontohi beliau. And kudos also to Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar for standing firmly on the ISA issue. That’s the last bastion to peace and order that must be protected at all cost – at all cost.

  305. Dear Tun,
    As far as I’m concerned, the math is simple. You spend only what you have, and save some for the rainy days. Most people, though, spend what they don’t have. These include companies, huge corporations, and governments, including the one you led. Expansionary policy is fine, but not to the extent of being overdone…and overcooked. Overheating and the eventual meltdown would be the impending outcome. We have seen this on many occassions over a lifetime. Remember Alan Greenspan with his remarks on “market exuberance”?
    By the way, what is a cumulative loss of RM 8.1 billion to the Rakyat if the government leaders from UMNO, MCA, and MIC can ride the storm with their fat paychecks and allowances? Some even have the added insurance of huge kickbacks from projects they “helped” materialize over the years.

  306. Tun,
    Capitalism will no more giving us hope and finally will crush us to ground.
    Luckily our government have their brilliant plans.
    Plan A-Increase Fuel Prices, Decrease Fuel Prices, Cut Off Subsidy, Giving Out Rebate. Don’t Worry, The Economy was doing just fine.
    Plan B-Send somebody to Taiwan, Study their skill on something, But eventually came back for nothing.
    Plan C-CorriDOR here, corriDOR there…but not even a single DOOR is sighted so far to be opened for people like us to share?. The only Door heard was the “TiDOOR”.
    Tun, our lives were at stake here. Our leaders were making jokes here. They doesn’t seem to be caring much to makes things better. Instead they are making it worst. Help..We are dying here!
    Do something so that we can change to “Islamic Common Market” or “Islamic Free Trade Area”.Go for Gold Dinar as what you have been saying before.
    The Muslim Nation must unite. Please save us.

  307. Tun said,”We see a lot of construction in Kuala Lumpur……..ect.”
    Yes there is a construction in Kuala Lumpur but the contractor need to begging when claiming money from the developer.When they couldn’t collect their claim, then the supplier who give credit terms (some are 30 days,60 or 90 days)will suffer while waiting for their payment after supply the material.Before the contractor get their claim, the person who released the payment will demand for something which is very popular by the named “under table”.They will demand for free trips to overseas,free golf set,free PDA and many more.The authority such as Telekom,TNB,DBKL and others who approved the project and the material used also will demand the same things.To cover all of this demand the contractor will mark-up the price very high or will shift to the cheapest material as long they will get more “untung”.Then you can see there is a lot of building crack here and there very fast with a very low and cheap material been used.When they cover each other, the will said this,”Win Win Business”.Forever Malaysian attitude will never changed.

  308. Asalamuaalaikum Dear Tun,
    I am intrigued how that we are going to be able to avoid the economic recession faced by the rest of the world, already we are and have been bit by inflation yet our dear politicians are in constant state of denial as if the global phenomenon is going to breeze by Malaysia- negeri di bawah angin (trade wind).
    Fool hardy optimism is not what the rakyat is looking for, what we want is some one with the thinking cap and the porch light on to put in place mechanism and prepare us of the impending nightmare and ensure that the future generation will not inherit a huge debt by the forefathers. Currently we are being fed with sweet feel good factor every fortnightly ( to ensure preferred UMNO nomination? guessing)in the form of fuel dollar reduction, how long will this keep going before we fall on our face?
    Why do maybank has to buy Indonesian Bank, if it was me Id write off my loses ( deposit paid) and buy Fortis shares instead- one day they’ll be back on their feet and we could end up owning a major European financial inst.
    Are my ASB, ASW, EPF and SSPN is guaranteed to be safe by this kinda fool hardy investment???? Sorry kids the government of my day screwed up our savings, hence I’m not gonna be able to pay for your college!!!!
    Good nite Tun M.

  309. Dear Tun,
    Happy to see that you are still concern about Malaysia economy even you are not in the government anymore. Sad to hear that somebody had criticized you for the comments you’ve made in your website..seems that they can’t accept any critics from others especially from someone very experienced like you..
    I’m not sure the current minister knew what is coming to happen for our financial institution…but looking at US & European economics, I don’t think that we can be excluded in this financial crisis anymore.
    Tun, hope you can give us some advice on how we can face this crisis as what you have done in 97-98 crisis. Hopefully all Malaysian can start looking at their debts and do something before it’s too late..
    Take care Tun and keep posting in your blog..Who knows.. in 20 years time your blog can be a reference to our future Prime Minister.. 🙂

  310. Dear Tun,
    I am in agreement with your analysis.
    It is more appropriate that the government acknowledges the massive financial catastrophe that the world is experiencing and prepare the people for the hardships ahead.
    By announcing and proudly proclaiming that Malaysia is sheltered from the inevitable global recession is simply daft and ethically wrong.
    We must be have financial and economic geniuses among our mist, that we are able to avoid the global downturn that seems to affect the other 99% of the world.
    At the moment, the government had announce piecemeal steps to cushion the economy from the slowdown. A review of government economic corridors, Increasing Valuecaps fund to RM 10 billion to support undervalued stocks. A staggered approach towards readjustment of the gasoline prices.
    This rather fragmented, uncoordinated and reactive approach towards managing the economy will only dent foreign investors confidence in Malaysia.
    We need bold and effective actions towards managing the the countries finances.
    The leadership needs to sit down and study the current situation carefully.
    Firstly they must diagnose the problem Malaysia is facing.
    An examination/assessment of the situation is warranted to confirm or refute the diagnosis.
    Once a the problem is diagnosed, possible interventions is proposed and the best ones are adopted.
    The interventions needs to be evidenced based but there is a small chance that a decision is made based not on purely economic wisdom but for the welfare of the people at heart.
    Once the intervention is implemented, an audit or follow-up assessment is needed to ascertain the effective of the said intervention. If further improvement is needed, then the appropriate steps adopted.
    This approach to problem-solving should be inherent in all our leaders.
    Doctors save lives on a daily basis. But before they achieve such a feat, they had to undergo rigorous academic training and clinical attachments. One important aspect of their training is pathology. Understanding the origins and mechanism of diseases, helps doctors and scientists fashion newer and better medicines to treat diseases.
    This should apply to our leaders as well. A rigorous intellectual understanding towards the problem at hand will allow the said leader to approach a problem more systemically and effectively without an overt over reliance and their advisors.
    We have seen how such a leader had wreaked damage to a nation despite claiming to have a consensus approach towards governing.
    I sincerely believe that at this stage, the last thing we need is more icing on a cake thats going bad. Sometimes honesty is the best policy.

  311. Assalamualaikum w.b.t YBhg.Tun sekeluarga,
    Tersenyum seorang apabila mendengar komen PakLah mengenai ‘tidak menepati janji’ – I’m sure he said something like that… coming from him… it’s like hearing a joke! Siapalah dia nak pertikaikan hal ini apabila dia sendiri yang mungkiri janji? Anyway, knowing him – it’s not really a big surprise. I just hope DSMNTAR could bring back stability, confidence and harmony to the heart of all Malaysian.
    Semoga YABhg.Tun sejahtera seisi keluarga sentiasa…

  312. Salam Tun dan keluarga..nothing to komen la Tun..nak komen pun xpandai tp tak macam sesetengah orang…bodoh tp buat komen juga…DSAB..DSAI..zaid hindraff..just want to say we miss you sir

  313. Assalaamu’alaikum TDM,
    You have given a clear chronology of financial fiascos facing the world today. As with Malaysia it remains to be seen how we weather the aproaching financial storms. Whatever the situation it is important that we take precautions so that we will not be caught unaware.
    You have served the nation well and we still need you. Please keep us informed with the developments worldwide.
    May Allah Bless you and members of your family.

  314. Tun,now I know why you are branded genius by world financial specialist when comes to economic subject and the financial issues.
    Your doctorship should come with the $ sign in front.
    I’ve heard you speak before and each time I hear you, you tend to stir and make more sense than ever compared to those so called financial experts.
    There has been nothing but merely camouflage in their statements and bullshiting trying to comfort those people around them.
    I revert to your blog nowadays rather than reading the local papers as these papers today have no substance in their stories. They are only good in covering up the “dirt” for the privildeged few and become “shoe shine” boys instead.
    Reading your blog these days made me more wiser and I dread to think those who have been missing their time to even spare a moment to read one the many articles you wrote.
    I wonder how these country would be like without you.
    These new generation of losers will not be able to match up with you.
    So let’s watch the circus show…..!

  315. Dear Tun,
    The current government has to consult you to survive this economic turmoil as you have lots of experience in dealing with this situation in the past.

  316. Salam Ayahanda Tun, indeed it’s all too quiet in the western front. What’s surely the case is – plenty of uncertainties. That’s all the certainties any one could be getting these days in regards to the world or local economy. In reference to Tun’s touching on the subject of all the corridors not materializing; very soon we would again have floods of foreign workforce who’s out of works and in need of fast cash to survive. I would say that a very small amount of them would adjust like any other good human being and go by on a tighter belly and just do all sorts of honest halal jobs to put food on the table. And I would also speculate that the larger percentage of them would just simply turn to crime for a living. So I say to the Home Minister, get rid of them phase by phase from today! Actively monitor their employment status – synchronize with the HR Ministry. At the same time these sorts of jobs must be made available to the locals again. Go to factories, see whose doing all the working there, see what sort of pass they are allowed in for; see what kind of jobs they are allowed to do. Are they really sticking by these guidelines? We the common rakyat knows the answer to that already. But do you YB Home Minister? These steps if taken seriously would help to lessen the burden of the impending unemployment problems and surely the awaiting crime rates just as well. This particular issue if left to rot as per the standard Badawi Admin norms and practice could very well be a lethal blow to the BN government come PRU13. Promises are not enough anymore. The rakyat has told them that at PRU12, now they must put their words into gear and act to deliver results, and not just for the media publicity. Maybe that way, we may trust them again. So YB Home Minister, get a few birds with one stone…best deal on the table for you now. And I say don’t blink twice and just take it.

  317. I do not really know about economy issues,but whatever it is i would love to express my appreciation to Tun for what you had done to Malaysia’s progression.
    May God Bless you=)

  318. Hi Tun! Selamat Hari Raya! Am glad to see the crowd was going to your open house. Reckon it was the sign of the times.
    I remember when i was a kid, i used to watch some of the school boys playing chess and every time the bigger size boy was about to loose, he just messed up the chess pieces and the smaller size boy just looked pitifully helpless. Well one could almost see the smirk on the face of the bigger size lad.
    Bretton Woods Part 2 anyone??!!!

  319. Yang di kasihi Tun
    We have all been had. Banks make money by lending our money, without our consent and create money out of thin air in the process, reducing the purchasing power of the money that we make through growing and making real things. The real culprit is fractional reserve banking which is practiced worldwide. All solutions bandied by world leaders towards solving the crisis is merely compounding the problem. What do we do?

  320. I love this article. But, it rather be nice if you would want to discuss our situation back home – what likely going to happen and will Malaysia survive? You must have some great idea about this.
    When you are comparing Credit Card (CC) to Mortgage problem in USA – I am certain that you are seeing our “poorly” managed economy (I’d say so) can collapsed, seeing that CC debt will caused NPL for banks due to the fact that our people shall be chasing tails of each month, but to no success. I am sure too, when the chasing fails everytime, not only NPL will be caused by CC, but the burden of paying auto loan – what worth paying the auto loan, when you dont ride it as the burden on the fuel tight your butt to motorcycle as an alternative.
    I am not good at predicting this whole situation, but looking back and learn from the history – most likely it going to take more time of our lives and no one can predict what is going to happen next.
    To quote of a friend: beware of the tiger year. It shams it claws on 1974, 1986, 1998 and who knows next would be 2010.
    Miracle may not happen overnight – but I do hope that Malaysia will recover and investment I made during this time shall give me good returns (I am opportunist myself – err… I hope this is not wrong)
    I am also hoping that government can reduce the fuel price and perhaps relief other burdens as well (personal tax, road-tax, force bank to reduce BLR, control the escalating food prices).
    PS: Will Malaysia go bankrupt if the banks reduce their BLR?
    Tun, hope to read more about your thought regarding Malaysia’s economic situation, what to do, counter-measure if required, etc.

  321. Ybhg Tun dan semua,
    Terima kasih atas ilmu yang dicurahkan. Padat dan cukup untuk memberi kefahaman yang jelas.
    Orang yang berakal dan berotak tentunya tidak akan melepaskan peluang untuk membaca penerangan Ybhg Tun. Bukan saja untuk ini tetapi juga untuk tulisan- tulisan yang lain.
    Rugilah kita jika pemimpin kita tidak berani menegakkan mana yang benar. (Bukan mereka rugi tetapi rakyat biasa rugi).
    Kita berharap agar ‘mereka’ semua akan belajar.

  322. last time GDP figure was helped by Government expenses and higher export in commodities. But now? perhaps a few need to sell asses at the highway. 😛

  323. Dear Tun,
    I think the reason why we have so many financial disasters is not because of the free market, but the lack of it. Sadly, governments would not allow for a free market because: 1) A gold standard will prevent them from financial their schemes, 2)they can’t help the lobbyists. Austrian economics ( is really an eye opener to all the mainstream Keynesian economics we are thrown at.
    However, I agree on regulations not because the free market failed, but because we need to protect ourselves from powerful manipulators who trade under the guise of ‘free market’. The fact is they have a lot of clout within governments and are able to subvert the market.
    You touched on the power of the printing presses and creation of money ‘out of thin air’. This is very true. Freshly printed money lands into the hands of a select few (bankers, and people close to politicians). The money is then multiplied through fractional reserve banking.
    The extra money they earn are used to fund big bonuses and hedge funds that acquire real assets from what is essentially money they didn’t work to earn. They even lobby for special legislation and bail outs that take away all the risks from their investments.
    I wonder if Malaysia can become a role model in economic freedom. Why not create a competing currency (maybe called a Malaysian Dinar or something) 100% backed by gold alongside the Ringgit? Furthermore, practice true Islamic banking by having full reserve banking. This would definitely be a boon for Malaysia’s reputation because I read that Islam forbids ‘creating money out of nothing’.
    Or are there powers that be who forbid any country from issuing such a scheme that seriously undermines their own fiat currency?

  324. HAHAHA

  325. saya juga berdoa agar negara kita tidak mengalami economic recession. Tetapi secara logiknya, negara kita juga akan terkena tempias financial/economic crisis di amerika. Sekiranya kerajaan yg ada sekarang tidak bijak bertindak, pasti ekonomi negara akan lebih teruk lagi…….mana nak cari duit!

  326. Tun.
    Adakah kerajaan sekarang benar-benar percaya yang ekonomi negara sangat mampan. Sokongan terhadap Menteri Kewangan tidak putus2, mengapa tidak beliau sekurang-kurangnya menyatakan yang benar serta cuba untuk menyelamatkan Malaysia. Bukankah kepimpinan seseorang ketua itu diukur melalui cabaran yang beliau perlu lalui? Adakah TPM benar2 layak?

  327. salam Tun yg dihormati..walaupun Tun dikecam hebat oleh paklah dan balaci2nya yg mengatakan Tun tak layak memberi kenyatan tentang pemilihan UMNO,Tun memang hebat kerana tidak mengulas tentang perkara itu,yg tahu lembapnya pemikiran paklah dan balaci2nya yg tak tahu membezakan antara arahan dan nasihat utk kebaikan UMNO keseluruhannya.Walaupun UMNO mempunyai 3.2 juta ahli,saya yakin tak sampai 1,000 ahli yg menyokong kecaman paklah pada TUN.Itulah manusia yg tahu pendirian ahli akar umbi kerana sibuk dgn kontrak utk kenyakan perut sendiri dan anak bini.Tun saya minta maaf kerana lari tajuk,teruskan perjuangmu utk anak cucu bangsa malaysia.

  328. Salam Tun,
    Saya sangat hairan bagaimana kerajaan boleh mengatakan bahawa Malaysia tidak akan mengalami kemelesetan ekonomi dimana negara lain terutam jiran terdekat Singapore sudah mengatakan negara itu sudah mengalami kemerosotan ekonomi.
    Justeru itu saya sangat mengharapkan agar Tun dapat memberi nasihat bernas lagi padat di blog ini agar pihak kerajaan diharap agar mengambil iktibar dari nasi-nasihat Tun.
    Di harap pihak kerajaan tidak malu atau sengaja tidak mahu menggunapakai nasihat Tun sekiranya boleh berhasil.Ketepikanlah sikap jumud dan taksub serta kembalilah kepada sikap zuhud dan merendah diri untuk kepentingan rakyat.
    Semoga Tun dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik. Insyaallah.

  329. Salam Pak Tun, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Maaf Zahir Batin dari sy & keluarga terlebih dahulu. Sy setuju dgn pendpt Pak Tun bahawa ada org yg tamak adalah punca krisis ekonomi ini. Ia seperti satu trend setiap 10 tahun ekonomi akan terganggu. Selepas inflasi 1988, diikuti penurunan nilai matawang dunia 1998 & kini kadar hutang tak berbayar yg tinggi pula. Adakah sesuatu yg tidak kena? Rasa musykil sering menular dibenak fikiran bahawa ada org2 tertentu yg memanipulasi ekonomi dunia bagi tujuan penjajah secara ekonomi pula? Namun tidak ada bukti yg kukuh adanya org2 atau pertubuhan yg tertentu utk tujuan lain. Mgkn ya, mgkn tidak.
    Sy masih ingat Pak Tun pernah menyarankan semua negara Islam didlm OIC berdagang dgn menggunkan Dinar sebagai matawang dagang antara negara Islam. Malangnya kerusi Pengerusi OIC yg Malaysia perolehi tak mampu berbuat apa2. Kita dapat kerusi Pengerusi tetapi digunakan oleh kita untuk tidur dan menjadi tidak produktif. Kita sepatutnya berusaha utk meneruskan usaha menguatkan persaudaraan seIslam dgn berdagang menggunakan matawang Dinar, baru ekonomi umat Islam menjadi kukuh dan tak mudah digugat.
    Sy mendoakan kesejahteraan Pak Tun sekeluarga dan moga Pak Tun sihat selalu bagi membimbing kami dgn pendapat Pak Tun.
    Terima kasih Pak Tun…

  330. Dear Ybhg Tun
    I really agree with you, as we live in the era of globalization no one country can isolate themselves from what is happening on the other side of the globe. But as a politician, paklah must make the our belove country look good otherwise there will be panics and bring down negative sentiment which can drastically effect our country. Anyway I really admire your simplistic views that reach even to a layman. By the way how would you respond to Paklah statement which accused you as party election director.
    keep in touch with you soon

  331. Salam,
    i personally agree with Tun’s article. how could the global economy collpasing but our’s is OK? i also agree with how complex and interconnected our financial and economy is with other countries.
    talking about local consumer spending, as i am running a small business which deals directly to consumer. i definitely feel the downwards spending by the consumers. moreover the suppliers still remained the price high, therefore how could the business provides lower price?
    on the other hand, consumer now are so worried of spending more money on basic necessities. they are cautious spending for food and clothings..apa ada pun boleh..the retail is feeling it greatly and of course no one going to bail us.
    i personally feel that there is a dire need to promote more savings (is it protected??)and also ways on how confidence can be assured in the economy. however, the top priority now is to let everyone awares of the up n coming impact to our economy. also rigorous monitoring on the prices of goods.
    if you walk at the mall nowadays, there are less people..but i also dont know where they are..
    to conclude, there is a strong need for the government to anticpate the spiral effect on the current global turmoil.

  332. Salam, Ayah Tun.
    (izinkan saya panggil Tun sebagai ‘ayah Tun’ sebab ayah saya amat2 sayangkan Tun.. tapi ayah yg amat saya hormati dan sayangi dijemput Illahi pada 9 Ramadan tahun 2003.. izinkan kiranya saya anggap dan panggil Tun sebagai ‘ayah Tun’ kerana setiap kali saya pandang Tun, saya seperti memandang semula arwah ayah saya… terima kasih terlebih dahulu, ayah Tun)
    Saya menunggu dari semalam (19/10/08) kalau2 ayah Tun akan membuat komen susulan ‘bidasan’ yg dibuat dalam akhbar & berita tv. Saya sokong ayah Tun sebab tak fikir guna hati tapi seperti selalunya ayah Tun fikir guna akal. Itulah peranan seorang pemimpin yg sebenarnya.
    Bukan kelam kabut nak balas balik bila dicuit.Bukan setiap kali cakap, berucap je nak orang tepuk, sorak al-kononnya cakap2 dia tu semua orang sokong lah..padahal di belakang sayup2 orang mengata. orang tepuk dan sorak tu ada makna..sedarlah wahai PM.
    Ayah Tun, saya tahu dan yakin sedikit sebanyak jauh di sudut hati ayah Tun terbit walau sekecil kuman rasa sedih dan kecewa dgn kata2 PM tu.. kerana itulah tempiasnya pada hati saya.. sedih dan tak sangka dgn otak cetek seorang pemimpin tertinggi negara. tapi buanglah ia jauh2 ayah Tun sebab ia hanyalah satu lagi taktik kotor dia dan kaum keluarga serta kerabat2 pengekornya yg masih lupa kerana sesungguhnya mereka itulah Melayu (malu nak panggil mereka ni Melayu) yg masih lupa!
    Maaf ayah Tun, saya dah tak tahu nak komen apa lagi tentang kemelut kewangan negara kita ni.. saya doakan kita semua dilindungi Allah Subhanahuwataala..
    Jaga diri dan kesihatan, ayah Tun.
    Salam juga buat bonda Tun Dr CT Hasmah.

  333. Dear Tun,
    Your writing/opinion always far ahead from others,if only we still have this kind of perspective from our current leaders…pity Malaysia…

  334. YABhg TUN,
    Perkara pertama yang perlu dibuat kepimpinan baru ialah ‘MEMBATAL CORIDOR-CORIDOR yang berselerak di Malaysia. Ambil yang UTAMA dan ada Prospek sahaja seperti Projek Pertanian di Kelantan dan Halal Hub di Perlis. Sector yang memerlukan penyertaan Asing perlu di semak semula.
    Adalah lebih baik kita memberikan INPUT ASAS untuk menggerakkan perniagaan ( termasuk pertanian ) yang berdaya maju.
    Input asas ini termasuklah:
    Jentera Atau Mesin
    Jaringan jalanraya
    Latihan & khidmat nasihat.
    P/S: Minta Jasa baik DS Rosmah…jangan campurtangan kepimpinan DS Najib. Wanita pertama adalah sumber ilham PM dan Rakyat. Jangan hilangkan Kepercayaan Rakyat. Please.

  335. Salam Tun,
    Noting to worry about,Everything is under control by BN(UMNO) goverment.We,Malaysian have to paid the price for past deeds of mismanagement and corruptions pratices by so call leaders.
    Paying RM 36.00 for a pc of screw driver is not bad thing in Malaysia.Oops it’s only Govt Tender price!

  336. Tun,
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the current global financial crisis. Admired you with your easy to understand information.
    I didnt know that the crisis is much more critical than stated in the press. I have been following this crisis from international and national news. I know it was quite serious but I cannot see much the impact to Malaysia until reading your post.

  337. Greetings Tun,
    Very good explaination of the issue at hand.
    Thank you for sharing with us your constant viewpoints and updates on a regular basis. Enjoy reading it very much, it makes me ponder.
    Take Care.
    Cheers, Gerald.

  338. Tun..Translit dlm bm pls..Dulu sy slalu ponteng sekolah..Tgok,kan dah susah nak faham..tq Tun

  339. Dearest Tun,
    A simple and very clear analysis on the latest financial turmoil we have seen to-date.I hope that our new Finance Minister and the Governor of Bank Negara are also reading this piece from Tun.
    Just like Tun, I also have a sneaking feeling that we could not be that smooth sailing when the rest of the world’s financial systems are collapsing.
    We have heard larger economies in Asia like China and Japan saying they are affected,but not one leader from our government has come out and tell us what our real situation is.
    Isn’t this the time that our new Finance Minister should get some TV time and spell out to us what is really happening ,what we are anticipating and how we will ride out this dificult time.If financially Malaysia is doing well,it will be reassuring for the rakyat to know.If we are not, than tell us what we should be doing as a country to save ourselves.
    If after the last general election,our leaders still do not learn that they need to been seen to be dynamic and doing their jobs professionaly, when will they learn? after the next general election?
    We are truly blessed that one weak leader is leaving in 5 months,let’s hope that the replacement is not equally weak or worst!
    Watch them Tun, it is your unquestionable right to do so.
    As usual,our support is with you.

  340. salam..
    saya baru habis buat xsgnmnt tentang tun…
    saya cuba mencari kelainan yang tun buat based on ASEAN..(sbb xnak sama ngan coursemate lain yg bercerita perkra sama ttg perkara umum ASEAN,OIC,NAM..)
    then.. jumpalah idea penyatuan ekonomi tun..
    EAEG yg kmudian di tukar kepada EAEC..
    idea tun yg mantap tu digeruni AS~~
    xsilap saya DSAAB pon der umumkn ala2 penyatuan ekonomi mcm tun..
    tapi lebih berhati2 dalam mengumumkannya.. sbb takut kena kecaman dr AS kot~~ huhu
    tapi sekarang… idea tun sumernyer hilang!
    betapa ruginyer pentadbiran hari ni yang xreti nk gunakan kesinambungan kebijaksanaan tun tu…

  341. Dearest Tun,
    A simple and very clear analysis on the latest financial turmoil we have seen to-date.I hope that our new Finance Minister and the Governor of Bank Negara are also reading this piece from Tun.
    Just like Tun, I also have a sneaking feeling that we could not be that smooth sailing when the rest of the world’s financial systems are collapsing.
    We have heard larger economies in Asia like China and Japan saying they are affected,but not one leader from our government has come out and tell us what our real situation is.
    Isn’t this the time that our new Finance Minister should get some TV time and spell out to us what is really happening ,what we are anticipating and how we will ride out this dificult time.If financially Malaysia is doing well,it will be reassuring for the rakyat to know.If we are not, than tell us what we should be doing as a country to save ourselves.
    If after the last general election,our leaders still do not learn that they need to been seen to be dynamic and doing their jobs professionaly, when will they learn? after the next general election?
    We are truly blessed that one weak leader is leaving in 5 months,let’s hope that the replacement is not equally weak or worst!
    Watch them Tun, it is your unquestionable right to do so.
    As usual,our support is with you.

  342. Tun,
    With regards to point no. 9 in your posting; I heard that Selangor Dredging Berhad cash-financed their project(s). How would they be affected by the financial debacles?

  343. Salams Tun…
    I dah lama tak log in.. Biasala.. kemelesetan ekonomi.. Tapi skarang dah ok skit,, mampu la nak maintain balik.. sebab minyak dah turun skit jer…
    Ok.. Hope you tak masuk balik UMNO.. now.. selagi PM skarang do ada.. sbb then you pun cakap tak serupa bikin.. Kita nak kembalikan imej org Melayu ni kenalah cakap biar Benar…
    Harap tu Pak Bendolah cepat turun.. Mak ngot betui..
    Apa2 pun.. TUN.. I masih biggest supporter of your perjuangan..
    Ampun Maaf dipinta..
    Alif Ba Ta

  344. another amazing explaination from the best…
    no thank to dsab who hit about your blogging..
    for me, your memo came out from a brain..but our pm now has no brain. Whatever from drain will go back to the drain.

  345. Salam Tun,
    Your explanation is very scarry indeed. Why is our Government so relax about the upcoming financial turmoil?
    Datuk Seri Najib, please be more proactive in dealing with nation economy.
    Tun, please lend your expertise to overcome the situation. I beg you, please.

  346. Malaysia will be spared from the fallout of the systemic collapse of the whole world’s financial system
    thn dah nak abis blajar … harap dpt keje cepat :))

  347. Dear Tun. The announcement by Dato’ Seri Najib that our country is not affected by the widespread global recessions seemed theatrical. It is ironic that the next page after the announcement would be that our KLCI has lost ground about 600 points, and major companies continued to take their shares private rather than leaving the shares afloat.
    I am certain that the global economic downturn will (or have) affected our economies significantly. Moreover, the unwise decision by our government to totally withdraw oil subsidy did not only spur concerns on the oil price, but also the indirect effect, as you put forth, on other goods and services. The effects are strenuous to the people, especially as the fiscal policy that you have lamented, is not making waves. Our purchasing power have shrunk tremendously. The reported inflation rate of 8.5% is laughable by any tom, dick and harry walking the streets.
    Oil price was then revised on a periodic basis. But it does not help the aftermath of the price for other goods and services. Consequently, this oil price issue became a political toy during the election campaign, and there goes a couple of states.
    Dear Tun, so many local economic observations can be documented and laughed at since your departure. So many. Now, should we even question our politicians’ competencies? I wish I never had this sinful thought. P2X, the corridors, PFI, Pahang-Selangor water project, all are laughable. RM5 billion going to Valuecap? Wait and see.

  348. Tun, I hope the gov’t is lying becos to be honest I would very much like this country goes bankrupt.There is no plan in place for transparency.Every leaders is raping this country.Until we find a new generations of leaders who subscribe to the principles of country first,otherwise we will always be what we are,partying for one day and suffering for a year.The leaders of this country are setting very bad examples by having cronies,racism,unfair treatment of the minorities,corruptions etc.How can we move forward when corruption are been openly endorsed like the purchase of 3 submarine from france earning the 500 plus million commission,the maybank 430 million,the pos malaysia 100 million fuel rebate commission etc.The list is never ending.This country is going to the corrupted so to bankrupt this country is not heartbreaking,in fact it’s welcoming.

  349. This is deep. I bet you have a time machine to see all this in advance.
    Respect you YAB Tun! Nothing compares.

  350. Dear Tun,
    You amazed me with your deep and strong understanding of the economy, and what is happening around the world. But what can we
    do when we have a government that sleeping and does not understand
    the danger thats await us. All of us normal citizen is going to be massacre because of our incompetence goverment. The ignorance of Badawi is putting all of us in great danger, and i doubt he will be able to save Malaysia if our economy collapse. Many of us will lose our jobs and not be able to pay back our loans. This itself would cause many us to go bankrupt. I hope Tun can help Malaysia if this happen.
    May God have mercy on us.

  351. Asalamualaikum and Hello,
    Dear Tun,
    Thanks for the insight on the world economics. You’ve simplified the global economics turmoil scenario for better understanding in which we are facing and its very worrying that nothing much could be done except to cushion the effect. But I’m also troubled whether our economy is resilient enough to handle it. I hope Malaysia and the rest of the world will ‘sail’ it through with minimal losses. Thank god I still have a job (but I don’t know how long it will be around). Let’s just hope our politicians from both sides will slow down with their ‘politicking’ and start to cooperate on how to resolve this common enemy of ours. Take care of your health Tun, see ya in the next blog.

  352. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I hope the goverment prepare of what to comes with the our economy.
    I just want to ask you one question.It seems that 10 years after our asia ecomony meltdown in 1998 that this situation reapears again.
    What is your thought on the 1998 crisis compare to the current crisis.Is there any connection with both of the situation?
    Thank you Tun for sharing your wisdom to us.

  353. Good evening Tun.
    Thats why we can’t encourage credit payment by our importers.
    I am not as clever as Tun. I can’t think such a new system.
    Why not used the old system, ‘sistem barter’.
    Long long time ago, we use that system to generate economics.
    Now our importers dnt have enough money to paid us, why not ask them to exchange with other goods?
    Sounds funny right?
    Exchange with their technology(s) perhaps?
    Why not. Our RMs are now more valueable compare to their money.

  354. Thank you Tun for the explanation, simple yet very informative.I guest no one in the cabinet including Amirsham can give that very detail on what accually happend.
    The statement made by our next PM to be was unacceptable as we know Malaysia eventually will be hit by this crisis,it just a metter of time.I personally predicted that Malaysia will face this situation within 6 months from now.
    The big question is how Malaysia going to tackle it if our goverment believe we are safe.

  355. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Though I don’t remember you making the statement, during the ’97 Asian financial crisis, your Finance Minister (Daim and Anwar)did make similar statement about our strong fundamentals even when importers were already forking out atrocious rates for the USD.
    Isn’t it the duty of the government to assure its citizens with such statement to prevent panic?
    Let me assure you that I’m no lover of the current government (the whole cabinet for that matter)but to be fair to them, this is what governments everywhere do. Alas, unlike you, they do not have a Plan B or any plan for that matter hence my nightmares.
    Let’s hope that the fallout would not be that massive for us as I feel it would happen merely a question of when but the bump would be cushioned by the mostly unaffected Islamic banking system (I hope).

  356. Mistake by goverment to increase 40% oil price and in return all prices gone up. (Rakyat menderita sehingga kini)
    Now oil price goes down but our minister said we can’t reduce suddenly the oil price by RM0.50 becuase if we reduce all petrol kiosk have gone bankrupt.
    They worries more on the fate of the petrol kiosk rather than rakyat. I wonder how they think when proposing the sudden increase of the price by 40%.
    In the mean time, when goverment wanted to reduced back, they worries the petrol kiosk whereby the petrol kiosk have gained so much during the crowd buyout. Everyone knows horrible jammed at petrol kiosk and we knows how much the petrol kiosk have gained that night and some closed their kiosk in order ripped more money by selling in the following day.

  357. “Since then the price of oil had been reduced three times. But the prices of food, goods and services have stayed up.”
    Kerajaan yg ada sekarang pada masa tu tak dapat fikir dengan masak-masak. Pak Lah guna Shahrir sebagai penasihat utama. Siapalah Shahrir …. ??

  358. Salam Tun,
    Komen saya tidak berkaitan dengan subjek terbaru blog Tun.
    Sekadar ingin bertanya adakah logik peristiwa di Fiji boleh berlaku di Malaysia kiranya berlaku perubahan kerajaan..
    Saya pasti Tun tentunya faham soalan ini..
    Semoga Allah SWT melanjutkan usia Tun utuk terus menyumbang…
    Terima Kasih

  359. Salam Tun,
    Yes, Malaysia is indeed an economic miracle.
    We are actually situated on a planet in a separate galaxy, so yes, Najib’s words ring true…we are safe. (Oh, wait…that was just a nice dream I had Tun…ok…I am awake now!)
    Oh, the reality is such a nightmare….Bank deposits have recently been given a full guarantee by BNM (talk is cheaper than actual bailouts), but yes, all that you said rings so true. The NPLs, the credit cards, the homeowners and their mortagages and and refinancings for lavish renovations the average Malaysian is famed for.
    The ringgit now only goes so far as the end of my nose, and having a quite sharp nose, that is indeed a miracle in itself, how much I manage to stretch it these days.
    The ruling elite are so well-endowed and detached from reality, so they have no idea of the sufferings of the average Malaysian earner.
    Najib, according to an earlier report, said that inflation was on the decline…go figure. (I don’t think he has bought beras in the last decade….)

  360. It is interesting to note paragraph 33. Quote “Where does the money come from? From nowhere” unquote.
    The US being the most powerful country will have the might and whims and fancy to print the dollar notes anytime. Who knows and who cares about it? Probably Asian leaders need to initiate an investigation on how the US got the money from?
    If we recalled in malaysia recently about a case of some african who scammed some malaysian into believing that a magic@wonder machine is capable in making genuine dollar notes from fake notes. I can’t imagine how this trick was bought by our malaysian@victim only to know that their hard earned multiple thousands of ringgit had gone with the wind after they discovered that they were conned! Poor fella…

  361. Salam Ayahanda Tun
    I’m wondering why the government keep saying that we are not facing the financial crisis? Even the blind can feel this bad moment. Why and why? How about our future?
    Shazrim Sharif
    UiTM Kedah

  362. Salam Y Bhg Tun
    Thank you for another simplified lesson in economy. It is indeed quite amazing that all in Malaysian Government is singing the ‘we are not affected’ tune. I cannot imagine how we can be so insulated when our biggest trading parther, Singapore, is already in a recession…
    I hope the government will come up with detailed explanation on how the Country is going to deflect the Tsunami of economic turmoil that is rushing to every shore. Give Malaysians facts and figures to believe the assessment, or give the Country a step by step plan on how we are going to ride this rough seas.

  363. Tun,
    Saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia memahami tersurat dan tersirat artikal ini. Harap sesuatu yang sangat buruk tidak berlaku pada negara tersayang ini tapi mampukah kita lari dari masalah ini. Sudah tentu tidak….
    Harap orang atasan mampu lakukan sesuatu agar ekonomi Malaysia tidak merudum serudum rudumnya…. InsyaAllah…
    Take care Tun!!!

  364. asalamualaikum tun,
    the difference between a true leader and an ordinary goverment servant acting the role of the prime minister,would love to see paklah dish out something as simplified as tun just did on this page.most of us had to read this page more than once to understand it.
    can we weather this financial turmoil?the goverment should at least inform the Malaysian Rakyat the true scenario.a well informed society could actually scrap through this tough time.give us false hope and we might just perish overnight.
    tun,we pray that ALLAH S.W.T grants tun the strenght and stamina to carry on.thanks for everything tun.

  365. Dear Tun,
    Kalau Pak Lah bijak orangnya dia patut letak jawatan sekarang. Apa tunggu lagi. Dia dah tak relevant dan sudah jadi redundant. Sudah tidak ada apa-apa lagi yang kita boleh harapkan kapada Pak Lah, hanya dengar dia buat statement sana sini,tapi dah tak ada ertinya kapada rakyat. Apa gunanya. Dia sekarang hanya cuba nak kritik saja. Dia tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa tentang perlaksanaan dasar-dasar yang telah di buatnya tapi semuanya hanya tinggal dasr sahaja selama 5 tahun berlalu.
    Kempen pemilihan jawatan mesti disingkatkan. Terlalu lama dan tidak mendatangkan faedah dan membazir. Najib dan Mahyuddin perlu dapat mandat segera dalam keadaan politik dan ekonomi yang dah tak menentu akibat kelemahan Pak Lah menjalankan dasar-dasrnya yang haprak dan HP6.
    Pak Lah harus terima hakikat bahawa beliau dah jadi ITEK TEMPANG !!!

  366. Tun,
    Saya kena baca banyak kali teori atau penerangan Tun ni banyak kali…
    Sekai baca tak berapa faham…..
    Anyway thanks.

  367. Lagi satu, tugas yg berat utk Najib…PakLah dh pelepaih awai2 lagi dh problem nih…botak laa kepala Najib kena pikiaq.

  368. Tun yg dikasihi,
    Saya tidak tahu bagaimana saya dapat berterimakasih (dgn setimpalnya) kepada Tun kerana bagi saya Tun telah menyelamatkan negara sewaktu krisis ekonomi 1997-98 dulu. PM Malaysia, begitu cekal bangun bersuara, against the world (termasuklah juga against beberapa kumpulan & individu di Malaysia) untuk menyelamatkan negara. Hari ini saya baca opinion dlm The Star, Double Standard of the West semasa mereka mengutuk langkah2 yg Tun ambil dulu demi menyelamatkan negara. Hari ini mereka jilat ludah mereka sendiri, termasuklah IMF.
    Saya ada juga menyimpan satu laporan mengenai Soros. Saya tak tahu bagaimana nak uploadnya di sini. Walaubagaimanapun, sebahagian drp laporan tersebut dimuatkan dlm ruangan Blog Jebat Must Die. (The Case of Malaysia). Saya sarankan saudara2 membaca laporan ini.
    Saya juga menyimpan satu fail temuramah wartawan dgn Menteri Kewangan Kedua (YB Md Nor Yakcop) yg menceritakan dgn detail bagaimana Tun mula mengambil langkah utk menyelamatkan negara setelah diserang penyangak matawang dlm krisis ekonomi 1997-98 dulu. Temuramah ini diterbitkan dlm newspaper tempatan. Basically, bukan saja Tun menyelamatkan Malaysia, negara-negara jiran juga turut terselamat dari menjadi lebih teruk lagi dan sekali gus membantutkan serangan penyangak matawang. Kalau ada sesiapa yg ada link utk temuramah ini, minta dipamirkan disini. Saya ada fail tapi tak tahu nak ipload.
    Pengalaman saya sendiri, pd tahun 1997-98 dulu, amat perit bila Menteri Kewangan waktu itu mengambil langkah berjimat cermat. Saya membeli kereta waktu tu, paling murah kadar faedah loan yg saya dapat adalah 7.85% setahun. Saya ada satu kredit kad (utk kegunaan emergency cash sekiranya perlu) dan satu charge kad (yg saya gunakan utk berbelanja. Saya guna charge card kerana saya membayar semua perbelanjaan sekali gus setiap bulan – rancang perbelanjaan – bukan bayar ansur spt kredit kad). Kedua-dua kad ini saya dikenakan yuran RM50 setahun. Tak belanja pun kerajaan suruh saya bayar. Geram betul. Basically, interest rate tinggi dan rakyat nampaknya disuruh berjimat/simpan duit dgn tidak berbelanja pada waktu itu. Saya bukan banyak duit utk menyimpan dan earn interest bank. Hanya org kaya saja untung sebab mereka simpan banyak duit dlm bank dan dapat interest tinggi. Duit yg saya ada pun rasa terhad utk belanja waktu itu kerana terasa segala2nya mahal waktu itu. Sehinggalah, PM selepas tu, mengubah polisi berjimat ini kepada menggalak rakyat berbelanja, supaya ada money circulation. Yuran RM50 setiap kad ditarik, dan interest diturunkan. Barulah rakyat mcm saya ni berasa lega sikit.
    Saya sedih kalau kita lupa kepada jasa-jasa besar pemimpin negara. Bukannya semua org betul sentiasa, tapi timbanglah betapa pengorbanan dan jasa yg telah dicurahkan kepada negara, walau sesiapapun org itu.
    Terimakasih Tun, how shall I say it?

  369. nice!
    im waiting for this kind of writing for long, nobody in umno now can forecast this as tun.

  370. Totally agreed with Tok Det!
    Kita kena elakkan subprime individu yg kita buat sekarang..cepat2 laa cut off credit card. Klu x abis personal financial kita collapse seperti yg berlaku di AS tu.
    Tok Det,
    U’ve a brilliant brain..Genius…like the another Einstein.
    Keep up ur work Tok Det!!

  371. Salam Tun,
    The way u explain sound like economic expert! I think u should get prof. title for your comment on this crisis….

  372. Dear Tun,
    Why can’t the present Government explain to all Malaysians the way you do? Details and naked facts. Maybe we can forgive them for all the wrongdoings, mistakes, flip-flips, slip-shods and corruption, if they tell us the truth and how they are going to solve the problem:
    1) We are probably the only country which is “not in financial crisis” besides Iraq, whose major produce is oil and not participative of the western financial system.
    2) Our previous finance minister conveniently handed over the portfolio to the current finance minister without facing the problem face on.
    3) Our economy is projected to touch 5% this year when Singapore and UK are technically in recession, and Iceland is staring at bankcruptcy.
    4) Where do our present administration get their figures from, and how do they churn out such “positive” data? For people who want to know, how do we access government information or question them without landing in prison?
    5) You are right, Tun, credit cards are freely available outside the hypermarkets.
    6) I hope our current politicians go to ground or at least get reliable information from good sources.
    7) It has been decades of my life I have been treated like a dumb fool, accepting what our government say through all the media they control, although most make no sense to me in my daily and business life.
    8) The present administration can continue to pull wool over people’s eyes, thinking they can get away with it like they used to. The harsh economic situation can bite hard all the way to our villages and kampungs. Maybe those folks can teach our government a thing or two about the cold, hard reality of an economy downturn.
    9) Maybe the voters should change the whole administration, lock, stock and barrel, even voting for the opposition, who are the lesser of the 2 evils.
    10) Unless we have some intelligent and capable leaders at the helm, Malaysia will keep excelling when all other countries are falling apart.

  373. so Tun in ur opinion our country still gonna be afected as there is no money in U.S bank to pay back our Malaysian exporters goods?And for long term condition there will be defisit in Malaysian bank as there is no money to pay people that use method of borrowing to trade good.
    How long do u think it takes started to efecting our Malaysian economic
    MMU Cyberjaya student

  374. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for the insights. They should have learned from the previous crises. Tun yourself called on the international financial system to be regulated after what had happened in Asian economic crisis in 97/98. Once the problems are lying at their door steps, and only now they are exactly doing what they used to stop us from doing before.

  375. Salam Tun Dr Mahathir Moahamad… 😀
    Disini lahirnya sebuah cinta
    Yang murni abadi sejati
    Disini tersemai cita cita
    Bercambah menjadi warisan
    ( korus )
    Andai ku terbuang tak diterima
    Andai aku disingkirkan
    Kemana harusku bawakan
    Kemana harusku semaikan cinta ini
    Dibumi ini ku melangkah
    Keutara selatan timur dan barat
    Ku jejaki
    Bukanlah seorang perwira
    Gagah menjunjung senjata
    Namun hati rela berjuang
    Walau dengan cara sendiri
    Demi cinta ini
    ( ulang korus )
    Ku ingin kotakan seribu janji
    Sepanjang kedewasaan ini
    Ku ingin sampaikan pesanan
    Aku lah penyambung warisan

  376. Dearest Dr M
    Fund management has become fund manipulation.
    As long as those in the know, gets to benefit, no one is telling.
    Some fund managers earn up to about RM100,000 a month and they boasts that they know the market very well.
    One tend to suspect that this so-called knowledge of the market may just be a conspiracy.

  377. Salam Tun,
    Tak tau nak cakap macam mana.. bertapa rugi nya rasa bila tun berhenti dari jawatan Perdana Menteri dulu. Belum ada calon yg benar2 berkaliber seperti tun yg dapat mengisi jawatan tertinggi negara, pak lah jauh sekali!..
    Harapan nya agar ada org2 dari kerajaan yang mengikuti semua artikal2 yg tun ini dan menggunakan untuk kepentigan negara. Jangan jadi macam paklah, nak marah tak tentu pasal hanya kerana 2 baris ayat dari tun. biar la paklah tu.. tak lama lagi jadi sejarah la dia.. suh dia mintak keje kat kedai makan Pak Lah Boyan kat sungai sarawak.

  378. Dear Tun,
    You may try to explain in a simplified manner, but your reasoning is very much understandable and seem showing the real growing problem our country may be facing. Unless we have big population like China whereby the internal consumption can absorb the reduction in export. But with only 27 millions of population and recent reduction in our purchasing power, i am doubt business in the country will not be affected by the current economic turmoil.

  379. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    I feel that Malaysia Government is hiding something.
    I wonder why Pak Lah just hand over in the quickest way to Najib the Finance Ministry. I think he knew something bad is going to happen and he got no reasonable answer to it.
    Why dont you make a visit to Najib at Ministry of Finance and see for yourself what is the actual problem over there? Will Najib cooperate with you? or Nor Mohd Yaakob?
    If the economy of this Country collapsed, BN will surely lost in the coming General Election.
    With vote BN in order to return favour of various subsidies given to rakyat, jobs opportunities, controlled prices of household goods, easy payment on Housing and Car loan plus low fuel price. It seems now the things we used to enjoy has expired.
    People with less money will turn mad and i am worried if so many mad fellows, the country will go chaos

  380. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for explaining the situation much more clearer, it’s really scary for the ordinary wage earner to brace oneself for what is to come, can you provide some advice to how ordinary citizens can help themselves from this financial tsunami.
    Best wishes.

  381. hopefully the rest of our ministers have your intelligence and insights. I hope Najib will perform better than Pak Lah. It is not that difficult anyway considering how Pak Lah has fared all this years.

  382. Tajuk Artikel: Industri pengurup wang jana 10 peratus KDNK
    Sumber / Tarikh: Berita Harian Online 20 April 2007 – Jumaat
    DATUK Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata, industri pengurup wang di negara ini merekodkan transaksi purata tahunan RM28 bilion dan menyumbang kira-kira 10 peratus kepada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) tahun lalu.
    Perdana Menteri berkata, ada 798 syarikat penggurup wang berlesen menguasai lebih 85 peratus jumlah pasaran pengurup wang, manakala bakinya oleh `bureau de changes’ dimiliki institusi kewangan tempatan.
    “Industri pengurupan wang memainkan peranan penting dalam membantu pertumbuhan sektor pelancongan negara,” katanya dalam jawapan bertulis kepada soalan Loh Seng Kok (BN-Kelana Jaya).
    Loh meminta Perdana Menteri yang juga Menteri Kewangan menyatakan bilangan lesen pengurup wang yang dikeluarkan mengikut Akta Penggurupan Wang 1998 serta bilangan yang dibatalkan serta kawalan terhadap pengaliran wang haram.
    Perdana Menteri berkata, industri penggurup wang mempunyai prospek menggalakkan selaras pertumbuhan sektor pelancongan yang menyumbang kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi, pelaburan dan guna tenaga serta mengukuhkan akaun perkhidmatan dalam imbangan pembayaran pada Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK-9).
    From the article above, I believe Tun are aware that even our economy are controlled by the money changer, 10% from our GDP are contributed by them, so it won’t be a surprise to see that even the global economy are controlled by the currency trader.
    I hope you would continue to write and never succumb to pressure that want to stop you from publishing your view.

  383. My dearest Tun,
    Totally agree with your statement on point 10 and point 11, i.e.
    10. When the Government withdrew the subsidy for oil the pump price increased by 40 per cent. The immediate result was to increase the prices of a wide range of food, goods and services commonly needed by the people. In other words the purchasing power of the people had been reduced.
    11. Since then the price of oil had been reduced three times. But the prices of food, goods and services have stayed up.
    As for me, who is about to get married this upcoming November 08, our purchasing power has totally gone down. Feel that my RM is not worth anymore, cause the price of ths food, goods and other has totally gone up like a NASA rocket.
    For example, before the goods crisis, with RM200, it is enough, whereby, I can bought households for both of my parents and brothers. However, after the price of crude oils incresed, and our so called Goverment increase the Petrol price to RM2.70 per liter, the price of this goods has totally increased between 30% up to 150%.
    With the same RM200, merely, it is not enough for me to buy the same goods for my family. The said PM once said, Change your life style or in Bahasa, “Ubah Cara Hidup”. Already done that, and the outcome is still negative.
    What are ashame, to see our own people, suffers in our own country.
    Bytheway Tun, did you received my Wedding Invitation Card. Hope both of you and Dr. Siti Asmah will come on 9th November 2008.
    Thank you Tun.

  384. Dear Tun,
    Very simple analysis. Easy to understand for the layman but I wonder whether Pak Lah can understand at all.

  385. Tun,
    When the US started using the term ‘Collateral Damage’ to identify the thousands, if not the millions that were killed in the wars that she created in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc, etc, I knew then that we, the Human Race, were merely ‘numbers’ to the US and her allies! Relatively, she calls herself ‘The Police of the World!’ I dread to think what would happen next…perhaps, they would start wars again soon to rehabilitate her domestic economy, and the oil rich Muslim countries like Iran, Libya, and Nigeria, would be her main targets! This is a very dangerous probability but yet so many within our midst look towards her as though she is Godsend! Walahhualam…

  386. Salam Tun,
    I’m living in UK. It’s funny to see what the current Malaysian government has done in order to install the confident of its people of Malaysian economy.
    Malaysian government still reckons that they are dealing generally with uneducated publics. Most of educated Malaysian knows what happening around the world and even Singapore has declared that they are now into recession and may be depression soon.
    Malaysian government however, may be with helps from BOMOH KEBAL, has declared the world’s economic crisis will not afftected them. They are KEBAL…only fools and horses will believe them obviously.
    Wake up Malaysian government!! I don’t believe intelligent man like Nazir (Najib’s brother) of CIMB also said that Malaysia is KEBAL.
    Not KEBAL but most likely BEBAL.

  387. Salam Tun and all bloggers,
    1. A simplified version Tun said, but I think it is concise enough to tell us what happened.
    2. Of course, we do not expect this sort of analysis and explanation to come from the current PM, but never mind. The ex-PM could fill in (gleefully…???? wink wink!)
    3. I read in one MSN article today that banks which practice Islamic banking are at least for now, spared the losses because the Islamic laws disallow trading in ‘non-existent’ goods, unlike that which is practiced by conventional banks. Islamic banking laws is acknowledged as the saviour against such financial crisis clearly created by the greedy west.
    4. Tun, the reasons why you are special is because you really cared. Someone mentioned that within 4 years of your tenure as PM, we had Proton Saga rolling out of our factories. But there is someone here who has been in tenure for 5 years yet not even a tyre had rolled out from his ideas. With Proton, we the ordinary Malaysians were able to own cars. Our people were able to be involved in businesses that supplied various parts for the cars. Your idea created literally thousand and thousand of jobs for Malaysians. You didn’t get rich doing nothing, you DID something BIG TIME, sir!
    5. There was also the Penang Bridge. I don’t want to touch others, these two examples will do. Thousands and thousands of people had since used that bridge which if my memory serves me well,was HUGELY criticised when you first mooted the idea. But now, look how many PEnangites and non-penangites alike who use the bridge every day of the year, even those who I am sure criticised you then must have at least ONCE used the bridge.
    6. Oh, oh, I must mention this one. BANK ISLAM! When it was first introduced, I was overseas. Of course you were hit real hard when you inrtoduced BANK ISLAM. They said, “Bank saja Islam, tapi yang lain-lain tak ISlam, buat apa????” Of course, now even they use the bank, and this bank which since then had grown, and the Islamic banking concept which grew with it had NOW SHOWN THE WORLD THAT IT IS VERY VERY USEFUL INDEED. I wonder if those who decry you then, now know how to say Thank You to you, TUN.
    7. Well, don’t hold your breath for it may not be forthcoming. But, on my part, I would like to say, my hat’s off to you TUN. May Allah shower you and your good wife with His blessings, guidance and strength. You were and still are, one special person and I am grateful to ALlah that He gives you to us.
    Tun and all, Jaga diri, Jaga solat. Solatlah di awal waktu. Yang lelaki di mana azan diazankan Itu adalah Sunnah Baginda SAW yang besar.

  388. Dear Sir,
    You well explained the present global economic situation.
    You have explained the sub-prime mortgage in a very subtle way even an ordinary person can understand.
    Definitely, many could not write as you, especially at this time when most party elections are going on. I am very sure most of the party election candidates do not know what is going on globally now
    Sir, you should not forget that PNB is the only unit trust fund management in the world which grantees ten per centum dividend annually, and it is indeed paying it for decades. With PNB, Malaysia has set a world record which is forgotten by many.
    Dear Sir, I do not agree with all your writings, but I do read most of your writings.

  389. akum tun…semoga tun sekeluarga sentiasa sihat…tulisan tun sentiasa saya ikuti dengan penuh minat kerana ianya menjana ilmu dan perbincangan saya dengan rakan2. semoga tun dapat menyumbang idea…walaupun kadangkala sukar bagi kerajaan sekarang menerimanya…hidup melayu!!

  390. Tun, this is why i always think that you are the best in getting malaysia out of the financial crisis in 1997. I am still in doubt of najib ability to bring malaysian across the current financial turmoil. Tun, please help najib by just simply giving advice in this blog. u are only the true leader!! and i believe that your action will be appreciated by the whole malaysian!

  391. I think that the mess that are happening now are due to arrogant and greed. This two character must not be practice by us being a servant of God. As a Muslim there are ready guidelines in business for us all to follow. InsyaALLAH selamat

  392. Dear Tun,
    Under the “cemerlang, gemilang and terbilang” regime Malaysia was guided by the finest brains on the planet.
    One member of team, the finance minister 11, Nor Yakcop, obviously a clown, before the GE proudly proclaimed Malaysians were so happy as could be seen in the number of patrons at Indian Muslim restaurants.
    But except for the regime’s team, Malaysians were hardpressed to maintain their lifestyles.
    And as they say, results speak for themselves, sure enough the regime got a magnificient “cemerlang, terbilang and gemilang” mandate in the last GE – they lost only six territoriries and two thirds majority.
    Now with people shouting hoarse for change the cry-baby again blames you for everything.
    The baby is crying for obvious reasons — his people (read son-in-law) and toadies are not making much headway in the run up to the Umno polls.
    For those who have nothing better to do than bad-mouth you (because they know they don’t even qualify to kiss your feet), I say just go back and read the approbation the great Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher had for u.
    A person of her stature can say such good things (which you very much deserve), here we have nincompoops trying to take a dig at U.
    Shame on you Malaysians.
    Best Regards Tun, Kak Hasmah

  393. assalaamu’alaikum
    Dear Tun,
    What an opening statement!
    ” i’m glad to hear that malaysia will be spared from the fallout … ” :-p

  394. This is Good Tun, you have made is simple for the layman to understand the complexity of the current economic problems. No one does it better than you do.
    Leader with this clear understand can made something that are to complex to be understood and solve the problem the best way it can be done just what you have did it in 1997. Bravo TUN.
    Leader like you can made the media, analyst and other professional ashamed of themselves.
    But the current media has distorted the problems until no one could figure out the real issues behind the turmoil. They keeping insisting the bail out plan would had cushion the impact. How can anyone trust any thing now.
    Thank you TUN.

  395. Salam Tun,
    How come our Finance Minister says that Malaysia is not in a financial turmoil, and our neighbor like Singapore as a close friend to America is now in deeply sad. Do we as Malaysia will never been close to America and will never been so much worry on the crisis.
    True that realty companies and real estate are contributing to NPL to banks, and that FDI are going slow, what will happened to people in the street?

  396. Salam Tun,
    Gee, I think I am the first.
    Agreed with you on this one, we should really think on other alternatives in order to shield permanently from the greed of so called globalization, instead of just push the matter under the carpet and act like nothing happen.
    It is not too late to wish you and family, Selamat Hari Raya dan Maaf Zahir Batin.

  397. Dear Tun,
    Well, you have done something during the crisis 10 years ago. This time, what is your suggestions to DS Najib?
    We can’t spare the effects due to globalization,but definitely we can minimize if we take corrective actions EARLY!

  398. Tun,
    You are now back on the financial track.Advise the Government more on this 3rd crisis. I am confidence together we build sound Malaysia again.Nookvillage is happy.

  399. Hi Tun,
    i always agreed with you…setiap apa yang diperkatakan oleh Tun sentiasa untuk kepentingan Malaysia dan rakyatnya…Miss u so much…
    Tun, tolong la pulihkan Malaysia dan UMNO…jadilah penasihat kepada bakal PM Malaysia nanti…khidmat dan pandangan Tun sentiasa diperlukan selagi Tun sihat dan mampu berkhidmat…Saya sentiasa berdoa ke atas Tun untuk kesihatan yang baik dan umur yang panjang..
    Thanks for everything…………..

  400. salam Tun,
    Saya ingin bertanya beberapa soalan berkaitan dengan topik ini:
    1. Bilakah kesan terus krisis ekonomi dunia terhadap Malaysia akan betul-betul dirasai?
    2. Apakah komen Tun mengenai dinar emas dan bagaimana kesannya terhadap ekonomi di negara kita ini? Terutama terhadap syarikat2 yang berniaga dengan negara luar?
    3. Betulkah Negeri Kelantan telah mendahului negeri2 lain dalam menggunakan sistem dinar emas dalam urusniaga perniagaan mereka?
    4. Apakah pandangan dan pendapat Tun tentang langkah2 awal yang boleh diambil syarikat2 SME di Malaysia untuk mengelak dari kesan krisis ekonomi dunia?
    Sekian Terima kasih,
    Semoga Tun & Famili sihat2 selalu.

  401. AHLI Majlis Tertinggi UMNO merangkap Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Mohamed Nazri Aziz semalam berkata Muhyiddin Mohd. Yassin adalah calon terbaik bagi jawatan Timbalan Presiden UMNO.
    Mohamed Nazri membandingkan Muydiddin dengan dua calon lain yang menawarkan diri iaitu Muhammad Muhd. Taib dan Mohd. Ali Rustam.
    Faktor utama yang menjadikan Muhyiddin calon terbaik, pada pandangan Mohamed Nazri, adalah kerana dia Ahli Parlimen.
    Dapatkan keperluan kewangaan anda di

  402. Asalsalamualaikum Tun.
    Terima kasih diata pandangan bernas.
    Say harap tun nak komen pasal pasal semalam, hmmm… tak pa besok saya check lagi.

  403. Asslamu Alaikum Tun,
    Your views about the economy and fanancial crisis that the whole world is now facing for me is an aye opening. At least you give me, one of your blog readers an alternative opinion about the world and the country’s economic situation and risk that the whole world is expected to face in the near future. I hope our government forcast that the country will not badly affected by the situation is correct.
    Whatever, I think the goverment should very careful and monitor closely the know the real situation. If the fail to read the real economc situation, they may resort to make wrong decision. This of course will create more problems in all aspects. My advise is ask advise from the rigt person adn expertise.

  404. good day Tun…
    how are u??? i just wanna know what is the procedure to lobby the ministers??? i got something to do and need their favour. i think u should know because u were the PM for 22 years…

  405. Dear Tun Dr M,
    You’re the best that statesman that Allah give you a wise foresight and foreseen what may happen in near future.
    I wish you well in all your undertaking.

  406. Tun,
    You are brilliant. Your intentions are good but what you say is absolutely true. Sooner or later Malaysia will be affected by the economic meltdown.
    It is better to exercise caution now than to regret later.

  407. Asalam Tun,
    Semoga pakar-pakar kewangan dan juga pemegang-pemegang kuasa membaca tulisan Tun ini. Sama-sama lah kita berdoa semoga Allah
    merahmati Tun dan Negara kita.

  408. Salam sejahtera Yang Berbahagia Tun.
    Teringin nak dengar komen Yang berbahagia Tun mengenai Sidang Akhbar DSAB DI KK pada malam minggu lepas.
    Betapa sakitnya hati melihat seorang yang tak mengenang jasa. Org yang selalu salahkan orang lain sedangkan PUNCA SEBENAR KEBENCIAN ORANG MELAYU KEPADA UMNO ADALAH KERANA SEEKOR BUDAK HINGUSAN.
    Biasanya kalau keluar muka DSAB di muka TV saya akan menutup tapi hari tu tertengok juga walaupun hati ini menyampah sesangat.
    Muga Yang Berbahagia Tun sihat sejahtera.

  409. Salam Tun,
    Saya harap DSNajib dapat menjawab segala persoalan dan fakta2 yang Tun utarakan dalam posting kali ni sebab sekarang ni saya tgk DSNajib yang banyak bercakap tentang ekonomi Malaysia yang masih stabil dan takda masalah langsung (Walaupun ramai orang tau kadar inflasi dah jejak 8.+.. paling teruk dalam sejarah ekonomi negara) To DSNajib : Tolong jawab secara berfakta.
    Terima kasih Tun.
    Luv Tun

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