2. The condemnation of this brutal assaults had forced the Israelis to stop the massive retaliation against alleged Hamas rocket attacks against Israel.
3. Many of the rich countries had pledged billions in aid for the rebuilding of Gaza.
5. But the reality is far different. The Egyptians limited the medicine and the building materials from entering Gaza from its territory. The sea is blockaded illegally by the Israelis. The people of Gaza have literally been made prisoners by these actions.
6. The Free Gaza Movement led by Huwaida Arraf was set up in order to send needed supplies to beleaguered Gaza. But after five small boats were successful in delivering much need supplies, the Israeli navy began to intercept them and forcing them to abort their humanitarian aid.
7. One small boat with a number of Palestinians, Arabs, European and American (a U.S. Congresswoman) was rammed by Israeli warships. The people in the boat, all civilians were thrown into the sea. Luckily they survived.
8. Recently another little boat, loaded with food, medicine, stationery for school use and toys, with 25 unarmed civilians including a Nobel Peace Laureate from Ireland and the American women candidate for presidency of the U.S. was fired at by Israeli commandos, who then boarded the boat, giving rough treatment to the people on board.
9. Repeated shouts on the loudhailer that there were only unarmed civilians and the boat carried no arm failed to stop the commandos. The boat was steered by the commandos to an Israeli port and the people on board were thrown into Israeli jails.
10. The people of the Free Gaza Movement have now been released. They are determined to carry on sailing from Cyprus to Gaza to bring relief.
11. Winter is coming and it will be bitterly cold in Gaza. A great number of the Gazans whose houses were destroyed by the Israelis have no shelter and would suffer terribly in the winter.
12. Modern civilization is supposedly very concerned about human rights. It is only right that we care for those heroes and heroines who are standing up to oppressive Governments.
13. But shouldn’t we also be concerned and caring for the 1½ million people of Gaza, who had lost 1,300 fellow inhabitants, whose houses, schools and hospitals have been destroyed, who do not have water or sanitary facilities, who will be without shelter from the coming winter.
14. It is sad that Governments who had pledged aid have so readily allowed the Israelis to blockade Gaza. It is disgusting that Israel can break international laws with impunity.
15. I went to Cyprus to meet these brave members of the Free Gaza Movement. I was shocked at how tiny was the only fishing boat that they still have for future trips to Gaza.
16. I had been sailing in a much bigger yacht and I know how rough was the sea. Yet 25 people dare to sail in this tiny boat, sleeping on the open deck, being seasick, being without proper food, and being made to face Israeli attacks. We really live in an uncivilized world where the fate of one or two people, useful for condemning certain Governments are constantly played up, yet the suffering, the freedom of 1½ million Gazans are ignored. I admire then Gazans whose main concern is for their right to be a free people, free that is from Israeli oppression, supported by the rich people who talk a lot about human rights and freedom.
17. I don’t think I would be able to endure the kind of discomfort and dangers faced by the activists of the Free Gaza Movement. All I can do is to give moral support to them.
18. Malaysians who wish to do so may volunteer to sail with these intrepid people. But if they cannot, then they can contribute towards their need to buy a bigger boat as no one would rent boats to them.
19. The PGPO (Perdana Global Peace Organisation) would like to appeal for donations in aid of the Free Gaza Movement members to purchase a small ship to carry cement and building materials apart from medicine and food etc.
20. All contributions by cheque can be issued to: KLFCW (Gaza Fund). KLFCW stands for the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War. The cheques can be addressed to the KLFCW c/o Perdana Global Peace Organisation, 5th Floor, 88, Jalan Perdana, Taman Tasik Perdana, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Cash contributions can be channeled to KLFCW Maybank Account: 5123 3430 6634.
dear Tun, or any other reader who aren’t ignorant or lazy. A website called ifamericansknew.org and a blog called alisonweir.org are few examples of American group which side on Palestine, not Israel. If you wish to dig up more fact not lies, instead of reading the prime papers which is written by Israel-controlled press like AP and Reuters, go to these websites. They have all the articles and documents! Including the unreported attack by the Israel on USS Liberty (U.S. military) in June 8, 1967. Save Palestine, and death to the cruel Israel military!
p/s: the minuscule report on Israel’s heavy involvement in organ trafficking in newspapers and t.v. is not shocking either. Tons of evidence and news on either ifamericansknew.org or alisonweir.org
The exists of all evil is the nation,mainly
Britain,America,Israel,China,Soviet, mainly Europe Country, the scientists that develops weapons,sell and consent the use against mankind in the name of honor ,and self defense and blame others for their wrong doings.What a F bullshit.WHY not use this rubbish to develops mankind and not sent aids in the name of humantarian to rebuild what has been destroy,not able to bring back lives of the dead but also lives of the living one.
This is where Terrorists are born and fear the world.
This nation mentioned is no difference from the smaller groups of terrorist like the AlQueda,Hamas,JI,IRA,Tamil Naidu,etc, etc.
World Peace are now in between the stronger terrorists like the US,
Israel and the weaker terrorists like ALQeada, JI ,etc.
They are the evils that threat the world peace.They blame each other
and we are the idiots in between.Both are using us.
Most nation sided the stronger terrorists .Why?
For upholding right or because they are superior,and what wrong doings of them,looks right even we know it is wrong,like invading Iraq.What good that they do now.Worst than Saddam Regime.
One bullet,can kill Saddam not one war.
The UN legal their friends to build Nuclear Weapon,
and condemn theirs foes to build. Are we not worried.
World war Two, US use atomic bombs on civilians land, Hiroshima and Nagasaki after being attacks by Japs on their Pearl Harbour, which are Military Base.What makes the World, deserves US,Israel etc to have Nuclear Capabilities.History have taught us enough.
Look back, which the nation that much involves in World War 1 and 2
Helping the weak and the stronger terrorists is no difference as Evil.
World must stops this two category of evils
Salam Hormat dan Salam Kasih
Life in occupied Gaza
by Anas Alahmed and David Stewart
August 23, 2009
(Photograph by Anas AlahmedBloomington High School graduate Evann Smith discussed her experiences in the Gaza Strip during an Aug. 13 presentation. Smith is a doctoral student at Harvard University and went to the war-torn Palestinian Territory under a UN program.)
About 50 Bloomington-area citizens learned about life in Occupied Palestine through a local woman’s presentation on her time in a UN-sponsored student delegation to the Gaza Strip in May 2009.
“Every single person in Gaza has a war story,” Evann Smith told the audience in a soft and sometimes quavering voice. “There is no single person in Gaza who has not had a direct experience with Operation Cast Lead. …
Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak
To: “David EStewart” Cc: “Anas Al-Ahmed” , “AK 47 Dtk Laksamana” , “Datuk” , “Linda Stewart”
Bloomington resident Shawkat Abdelhaq, who noted that “there was a huge difference in the way that CNN, BBC, and Al-Jazeera had reported the events of Operation Cast Lead,” summed up the event by saying, “It was very informative, a very reasoned and non-judgmental picture of what is happening in Gaza. It is obvious that the siege must be taken out. Israel must make a peaceful response to the offers of peace that have been made by Hamas and the Arab States in the region.”
oh brother dear
what is it that i hear
what it is it is not very unclear
did i hear me correctly
the understanding will come directly discreetly
sweetly please but i am no bystander am i,
rhetorically that is
for that is not my question
what were the peace offers? – burnt cows kosher?
would halallan-toiyibban be of new good certificate butcher
my dear ms linda we b glad mighty glad you d’dask daa question
allielujah again said the brother
but that was not the question would
we be asking to no one but us
oh tun and his dinar emas
and i with my dreams
let the children of Israel keep them
let the the posterity of benjamin have them
for isa ibnul maryam is the king of the jews
for the masjid is the house of allah, my lord
for who shall inherit the earth and who shall sell his soul
oh prophet did they love thee or the adventure
or was it for land and for the gold
was it political as the romans and the jews and the gentiles
oh prophet thy journey to madinah is a wondrous tale
but thy heart was with mecca and my heart is with thee
oh prophet
was the tilling by the tillers for the land, my lord
with anggur and khorma and oranges and olives
acres and acres of a organic life sweet and strong
that shall nourish the muslim’s body
the palestinians and their home land of the Promised land
moses never did made it and his brother resides atop aj-jabal harun
the view commanding and the air cool for the goats and the bedoin
I too would want to go there
land to call their own and die for
good land
blessed earth
and to repose in scared grounds
where sins lie unquestioned
and deeds are a mystery
good deeds and titles
they are as good as the kings
blessed be he on the day he was created
on the day he was born
on the day he dies
and on the day that he shall be raised again
biliqaa-ee rabbihim
as the soul and the body departs
oh tun and his dinar emas
and I with my dreams
for what does a jew could dream
that a muslim would want better
oh isa
oh muhammad
and oh adam
the king of the jew is up there in the sky
muhammad is in madinah
and saladin is dead
my symphaty and my emphaty
and all my good thoughts too
for if you want your gold dinars go see tun
but if you want your dreams – oh lord!
don’t look at me
for such is the question we would ask
and the answer is written in the stars
but life is not for the dead
and love, my lord
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih.
( Rubbing the lamp )
I invoke thee to appear
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
Terima kasih tuan kerana sumbangan yang bernas seperti biasa.Bagi mereka yang suka mempertikaikan kebenaran cuba perhatikan Ayat Al Quran ini dari Surah Al An’am 116.
“Jika kamu mengikuti kehendak kebanyakkan manusia nescaya mereka akan menyesatkan kamu dari jalan Allah.Mereka tidak lain hanya berdusta”.
Dan pesan Saidina Umar Al Khattab r.a
“Orang-orang mukmin itu bijaksana.Kebenaran tidak terlindung dari mereka”.
Terima kasih Tun.
Slamat Sjahtera Tun….
It is very clear that this Gaza isue is an endless war. No matter how hard the palestinians fight 4 their right, the jews seem to never give up. The worst part is not only they are treated like animals but they are chased out from their own land. The land where they have resided for thousands of years.
I’m amaze with the wonderful things that u are doing Tun in oder to help the Palestinians. 🙂 It is at least what we can do to help them lighte their burden…
Here is a link to an article on organ harvesting written by Israel Shamir a former soldier and now a writer. He puts it into a wider and more international context.
Dengan izin Tun,
Thanks for reading my comments and for keeping track of my and wajaperak’s conversations with Hanan and Tempered.
I apologise that the link to an article in my earlier comment on organ harvesting didn’t work. Here is the link to Kawther Salam’s article entitled The Body Snatchers of Israel
This is Gilad Atzmon’s take on the organ harvesting issue
The Forward is a pro-Israeli publication and it is not surprising that they’ve added a spin to the issue. The article doesn’t deny the charge of organ harvesting but put doubt on the veracity of the claim and of course doesn’t forget to remind readers of the usual ‘Jews as victims’ (of a Swedish conspiracy perhaps?) and ‘everybody hates us’ litany by mentioning the Holocaust which nobody here denies.
You said, //However, having given you my general stand on this, I am also intrigued by the presence of two particular personalities here (Hanan and Tempered) both are presumably Zionists//
It is known that there are Israeli Zionists who trawl the Internet to put a pro-Israeli slant on discussions. This started way back when Israel invaded Lebanon In fact, they have a veritable cyber army to shape public perceptions in the net.
Tun is an opinion-leader and this blog attracts plenty of hits.
I think it’s good that we read widely on the issue so that we have an idea of what’s happening in the Palestinian Occupied Territories, but we also need to be aware that the Palestinians’ story is seldom heard in mainstream media or popular websites.
Dengan izin Tun..Terima kasih..
[[The news about Israeli army using parts of Palestinian dead bodies as reported by prof_ridcully if indeed true must be further investigated. I find it a bit far fetch. Its purpose is only to demonise this community and to make hate. Is it necessary to succumb to a wild speculation such as this? We should not jump easily to a conclusion so as to demonize them. It is childish and stupid]]
Allow me..
How do we gets information?
1.Conventional Source.Conventional Wisdom.
2.Unvonventional Source.Unconventional Wisom.
How do we determines what is factual and what is not?
That is for our belief to make of it.
Now..the example of conventional source and conventional wisdom..
Statement: Anwar Ibrahim have been jailed.Fact.
1.Statement : He sodomised somebody.Some believes this.
2.Statement : He have been victimized.Othe’r believes this.
See those conflicting statement.Believes all you want.It is ok.You will not be prosecuted by this..
Unvonventional Source.Unconventional Wisom.
Allah berfirman melalui lidah Rasulnya Muhammad s.a.w :
“Berhati-hati dengan pandangan Orang Mukmin kerana mereka melihat dengan Nur Allah”..
I challenges you peacemalaysia to proves this otherwise because those atrocities did committed by IDF.Reason? We could see through what Imam Al Ghazali told us in Ihya Ulumiddin.
“Mereka yang tidak dapat melihat dengan mata hati adalah memegang iman seperti kulit”.
Lihat dengan mata hati kerana dari Quran Surah Al Haj
“Yang buta itu bukan mata tetapi hati yang di dalam dada”..
Dan anda lupakah pesanan WajaTimur tentang merayu kepada musuh?
Terima kasih Tun.
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
[[Assalamualaikum and Ramadan Mubarak dear prof_ridcully and friends]]
Ok..you are angry because I did not say salam..Now..
Waalaikum….and salam…Happy now?
[[Your Jews hatred is greater than the sympathy to your Palestinian brothers]]
Hanan..again..We don’t hate Jews..We abhor and detest atrocities of anybody..not confined to any specific race..Mukmin hate injustice..not Jews or anybody particular..We even prosecute Iran or Syrian or any muslim who violates hudud..happy now?
“Surah An-Nisa
Assalamualaikum Tun dan Para Blogger
Selamat berpuasa…
Allow me to response to the latest postings of
prof_ridcully on August 22, 2009 7:26 PM and Hanan on August 21, 2009 2:42 PM
I have been reading their arguments in this blog constantly. Of course as a Muslim I am supporting the Palestinians struggle to free themselves from the Israeli occupation for over 70 years. I am supporting Tun
Assalamualaikum and Ramadan Mubarak dear prof_ridcully and friends
Nothing will convince you but your own. Your Jews hatred is greater than the sympathy to your Palestinian brothers. I really don’t care much about your “Teheran” information since it is based on lies as same as your information about organ harvesting by the IDF. We are not as same as the MTF (Muslim Terror Forces) who slaughter journalists (among them Jewish journalists).
Even the Swedish newspaper editor confessed this morning that they don’t have any proof of the harvesting of organs.
Read this:
“Aftonbladet’s editor-in-chief, Jan Helin, says he green-lighted report accusing IDF soldiers of harvesting Palestinians’ organs because it ‘raises some questions. He confesses, however, that paper has no evidence of such practices”
It is simply a blood libel.
To chedet readers:
When we think donation, we always tend to think in terms of huge amounts. It really doesn’t take much to donate – just give what you can – even RM10 will do and if you can do it weekly, monthly, whenever, that would be awesome. And given the number of chedet readers alone, the amount would be pretty substantial. Those who have access to internet banking, it’s really just a click away. So please let’s do our bit for mankind…
Assalamualaikum Tun…
Serangan yang dilakukan oleh Israel terhadap Gaza memang melampau. Penjajahan secara terbuka ini malangnya direstui oleh Amerika. Pelik kenapa Obama tidak boleh mengulas mengenai kekejaman yang dilakukan rejim Zionis itu terhadap penduduk Palestin tetapi boleh pula mengulas mengenai kejadian keganasan di Mumbai.
Menurut salah satu saranan dan pendapat Tun Dr Mahathir, negara Islam secara jelasnya, memang tidak berupaya melakukan sesuatu, tetapi umat Islam masih boleh melakukan sesuatu untuk menyelamatkan Palestin. Gaza secara terang-terangan diceroboh dan penduduknya mati dibedil senjata-senjata dan teknologi yang dibekalkan oleh Amerika yang menjadi anak emas Israel.
Masyarakat dunia pasti merasa sedih melihat rakyat Palestin ditindas. Jujurnya samapai suatu ketika saya muak untuk membaca berita bahagian dunia yang terus memaparkan penderitaan penduduk Gaza. Sedih kerana tidak dapat membantu mereka melainkan berdoa.
Saya sokong dengan tindakan Tun untuk membeli kapal bagi menghantar barang keperluan kepada mereka. Masih ramai rakyat Malaysia yang dermawan yang akan sama2 turut memberi sumbangan. namun begitu, jutaan harapan saya agar pihak yang berkuasa seperti Persatuan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dapat memainkan peranan yang sangat penting untuk memastikan jaminan keatas masyarakat yang hendak menyalurakan bantuan kemanusiaan kepada Gaza.
salam Tun.
saya amat menyokong usaha murni Tun bagi membeli bot2 kecil untuk menghantar bantuan makanan. saya berharap usaha murni Tun ini tidak dipandang remeh oleh sesetengah pihak.. rakyat Malaysia haruslah sedar akan perkara ini. hal ini kerana rakyat Palestin sudah lama dibelenggu dengan kekejaman Israel. Oleh itu rakyat Malaysia perlulah peka terhadap isu ini, kerana ia bukanlah mudah seperti yang difikirkan. Akhir kata, buka mata, buka hati, dan bukalah minda. Semoga usaha murni Tun diberkati Allah. Amin
salam Ramadhan..
Slm tun dan para pembaca semua..
Mereka Saudara Kita>>>
Dan kini bumi Palestin telah digemparkan sekali lagi dengan peristiwa pembunuhan yang seolah-olah tidak akan sampai ke penghujungnya sehinggalah Yahudi melalui Israel Zionis menguasai setiap inci tanah Palestin. Namun yang perlu kita fikirkan adalah nasib saudara-saudara seIslam yang terkorban dan al-Aqsa di bawah penguasaan Israel Zionis.
Apa yang dapat kami bantu wahai saudaraku…
1. Sekiranya anda seorang guru, ustaz, penceramah, rakan-rakan yang sedar dan cintakan saudara seIslam serta al-Aqsa, sampaikanlah kepada mereka akan kepentingan Palestin, Masjidil Aqsa serta semaikan di jiwa mereka kisah pahlawan Islam dan penderitaan saudara kita di sana. Sesungguhnya kita ini disatukan dengan kalimah La ila ha illaAllah.
2. Sekiranya anda berkemampuan dari segi kewangan maka bolehlah menderma di sini.
3. Sampaikan berita-berita terkini mengenai Palestin dan umat Islam di negara lain melalui emel, YahooGroup, SMS, MMS, majalah dan sebagainya sebagai medium penyampaian untuk memberi kesedaran kepada umat Islam dan rakyat Malaysia tentang penderitaan rakyat Palestin.
4. Anda boleh berusaha untuk memboikot barangan atau pengeluar yang membantu Israel dalam membangunkan ekonomi dan membunuh umat Islam di Palestin.
sy juga hanyalah hamba Allah yg serba kekurangan namun masih cuba membantu selagi termampu.Justeru sy pohon kpd semua para pembaca renung2kanlah ape yg terjadi..tepuk dada tanya iman..sekian
Salam perpaduan dan salam perjuangan Tun,
Tahniah di ucapkan kepada Tun atas usaha yang diambil. Semoga Tun berjaya dalam usaha ini dengan kurnia tuhan.
Saya rasa amat bertuah kerana lahir di bumi yang aman dan damai. Sebagai seorang india saya dapat juga bersama-sama dengan agama lain tetapi apakah masalah sebenar Israel????
Kelakuan yang begitu kejam sekali terhadap kanak-kanak & penduduk Palestin amat menyakitkan hati. Tak kan ada satu jiwa pun yang rasa berperimanusiaan di Israel?? Mungkin mereka tidak tahu maksud sebenar atau tidak berpendidikan islam.
Tun, selain memberi bantuan kewangan kepada rakyat palestin sokongan moral amat diperlukan kepada mangsa serangan Israel. Saya amat bersetuju dengan langkah yang diambil oleh Tun.
Saya juga turut berdoa supaya mewujudkan dunia yang baru kepada orang yang tidak berdosa dan sejahtera iaitu rakyat Palestin.
Israel apa yang anda akan perolehi melalui serang Palestin?????
Kepada rakyat Malaysia…bantulah selagi anda mampu dan berdoalah kepada saudara-saudara kita yang dalam kesusahan….
Salam perpaduan dan salam perjuangan Tun,
Tahniah di ucapkan kepada Tun atas usaha yang diambil. Semoga Tun berjaya dalam usaha ini dengan kurnia tuhan.
Saya rasa amat bertuah kerana lahir di bumi yang aman dan damai. Sebagai seorang india saya dapat juga bersama-sama dengan agama lain tetapi apakah masalah sebenar Israel????
Kelakuan yang begitu kejam sekali terhadap kanak-kanak & penduduk Palestin amat menyakitkan hati. Tak kan ada satu jiwa pun yang rasa berperimanusiaan di Israel?? Mungkin mereka tidak tahu maksud sebenar atau tidak berpendidikan islam.
Tun, selain memberi bantuan kewangan kepada rakyat palestin sokongan moral amat diperlukan kepada mangsa serangan Israel. Saya amat bersetuju dengan langkah yang diambil oleh Tun.
Saya juga turut berdoa supaya mewujudkan dunia yang baru kepada orang yang tidak berdosa dan sejahtera iaitu rakyat Palestin.
Israel apa yang anda akan perolehi melalui serang Palestin?????
Kepada rakyat Malaysia…bantulah selagi anda mampu dan berdoalah kepada saudara-saudara kita yang dalam kesusahan….
assalamualaikum Tun..
sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang tinggal di sebuah negara yang aman saya secara peribadi sejujrnya berasa sangat sedih dengan kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh israel ke atas penduduk di Palestin. mereka melakukan kekejaman tersebut tanpa sebarang belas kasihan dan juga perikemanusian. ramai yang menjadi mangsa kekejaman tersebut termasuk kanak-kanak wanita dan sebagainya. mereka sanggup menggadai nyawa semata-mata untuk menyelamatan negara mereka dari terus dikuasai oleh pihak yang tiada hak langsung di tanah air mereka. sehingga ini kekejaman terhadap mereka masih berterusan. usaha Tun untu mebantu merea amatlah saya kagumi dan menyokong hasrat murni Tun itu. saya juga sangat berharap dengan bantuan yang ingin disalurkan oleh pihak Tun dapat membantu mereka. ini kerana ada bantuan yang disekat dari diberikan epada mereka. semoga pihak yang bertanggunjawab lain juga turut bersama Tun untu menyaluran dana dan bantuan kepada penduduk palestin yang tertindas itu..
semoga uasaha Tun berjaya…
Slm Tun dan para pembaca sekalian..
Sudah cukup kata-kata, sudah mual kita memutuskan resolusi-resolusi yang tidak dipraktikkan, sudah jemu kita dengan slogan-slogan yang tidak membawa kepada apa-apa tindakan. Sudah sampai masanya kita melakukan sesuatu demi menyelamatkan Palestin khususnya Gaza.
Persoalannya, apakah mungkin kita menggerakkan umat Islam untuk menyelamatkan Palestin jika kita masih naïf tentang apa yang sebenarnya berlaku kepada Palestin? Apakah cukup dengan hanya menggelengkan kepala, menanti isu ini pudar daripada siaran media selepas seminggu dua, dan kemudian menggelengkan kepala lagi untuk pusingan yang seterusnya?
Justeru,wahai teman2 ku sekalian..renung2kan la..tepuk dada tnya iman..inikah yg kita mahu??
Asslamualaikum tun
saya merupakan student yang mengambil jurusan berkaitan DASAR KERAJAAN,saya tertarik dengan isu yang ditengahkan oleh tun,pada pendapat saya yang masih bertatih,kekuatan sesebuah negara haruslah mempunyai kekuatan sokongan majoriti rakyat, keadaan fizikal yg baik, pelan perancangan masa depan yang teratur dan baik dan pemimpin yang mengikut pemerintahan seperti Rasullullah S.A.W.,,sekadar selingan untuk mengejutkan kambing tidur,,berkenaan dengan isu masyarakat gaza, saya berasa geram dan sedey kerana masyarakat gaza diperlukan seperti kuli batak,,mereka berhak untuk memilik apa yang sepatutnyan mereka perluakan ,,namun demikkian israel yang bodoh ,mereka menolak hak masyarakat gaza,,pemerintah Israel TAMAK macam kambing Hitam di mALAYSIA,mungkin salah satu agenda berkaitan dengan agama,,xpi kemana keadilan yang kononnya megah diperjuangkan oleh PBB,,xpi menjadi bodoh apabila berhadapan kuasa veto Amerika Syarikat…”Ya Allah . selamatkan sahabatku di Gaza,,Kau kuatkan hati mereka,hanya Kau Ya Allah sumber kekuatan mereka,,aminnn”
salam dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua….
isu israel ini tidak pernah berakhir…sampai bila rakyat palestin perlu menderita.
saya akan menyokong niat baik tun untuk membantu rakyat palestin yang dalam kesusahan dan amat memerlukan bantuan walaupun terdapat segelintir manusia yang mengkritik niat baik tun. mereka hanya tahu mengkritik tetapi tidak berusaha untuk membantu.
letakkan diri diri kita di tempat mereka, baru lah kita akan berasa perit dan susahnya hidup dalam belenggu peperangan. kita mampu lagi tersenyum kerana negara kita masih dalam keadaan aman. tetapi sampai bila keadaan ini akan berlaku aman..terletak pada hati setiap rakyat negara ini…
fikir-fikirkanla dan buka minda seluas-luasnya…perjalanan hidup masih panjang…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Gaza masih lagi merintih dan merayu di bawah himpitan kepungan.. segala rumah dan penempatan telah dimusnahkan, anak-anak dan wanita menjadi pelarian..tenaga eletrik diputuskan
Salam sejahtera Tun,
Secara hakikatnya, tiada sebarang perkataan mahupun bahasa dalam dunia ini yang boleh dikatakan memadai untuk digunakan oleh kita dalam menggambarkan keperitan mahupun kesengsaraan yang telah dilalui oleh mangsa-mangsa peperangan Gaza. Kami mencaci dan menhina pihak Israel yang bertindak sama sempama binatang liar sehingga sanggup bertindak sebegitu kejam sesama manusia. Perasaan simpati dan pilu menyelubungi hati serta jiwa ketika melihat “haiwan-haiwan” ini membunuh menggikut kesukaan mereka tanpa mempertimbangkan sama ada mangsa mereka itu merupakan mangsa yang langsung tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk menentang tanpa simpati.
Tangisan-tangisan kematian di bumi palestin tidak pernah pun berkurangan biarpun untuk seketika malahan rayuan agar peperangan ini diberhentikan serta merta juga tidak pernah diendah oleh pihak Israel. Sekiranya ikutkan naluri hati, “aktiviti peperangan” ini sepatutnya sudah lama disimpan di muzium sahaja. Apa ertinya kita mencapai kemajuan dan kepesatan sekiranya kita sebagai makhluk sejenis masih bergaduh sesama diri sendiri? Apakah beza kita dengan haiwan yang tidak berakal sekiranya kita yang awal-awalnya sudah mengetahui bahawa peperangan ini hanya membawa kemusnahan dan masih kita pratikkannya? Sekiranya fahaman semudah ini dapat difikirkan oleh remaja semuda saya… apakah waras pihak Israel sehingga sanggup melancarkan bedilan bom secara bertubi-tubi terhadap golongan manusia yang mempunyai hak yang sama seperti mereka untuk hidup di bumi ini?
Saya bersyukur kerana saya dilahirkan di negara Malaysia yang walaupun kita turut mempunyai banyak masalah-masalah perkauman namum kita masih dapat mengekalkan keharmonian dan memupuk kedamaian sesama rakyat. Semoga usaha Tun ini diberkati dan dapat memberi sedikit sebanyak bantuan terhadap mangsa-mangsa di Gaza…
( at least to let them know they we (the world) care about them and they will never be alone!!! )
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Gaza masih lagi merintih dan merayu di bawah himpitan kepungan.. segala rumah dan penempatan telah dimusnahkan, anak-anak dan wanita menjadi pelarian..tenaga eletrik diputuskan
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Gaza masih lagi merintih dan merayu di bawah himpitan kepungan.. segala rumah dan penempatan telah dimusnahkan, anak-anak dan wanita menjadi pelarian..tenaga eletrik diputuskan
salam dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua
isu isreal ini xpernah habis…dari dulu sehingga sekarang..entah sampai bile agaknyer penderitaan rakyat palestin nie akan berakhir..
saya amat menyokong dengan niat tun untuk membantu rakyat palestin, walaupun ada segelintir manusia yang memandang serong niat tun itu…mereka menganggap usaha tun sia-sia tapi sekurang-kurangnya tun mencuba bukan hanya melihat penderitaan rakyat pelestin tanpa perasaan untuk membantu.
cuba kita selami perasaan rakyat palestin yang terpaksa hidup sengasara di negara sendiri. kita sepatutnya bersyukur duduk di negara yang tidak berperang.
walaupun saya tidak kaya duit tetapi saya akan cuba sedaya upaya membantu meringankan beban mereka hatta walaupun dengan mendoakan keselamatan rakyat pelestin dari diseksa oleh isreal.
kepada sesiapa yang hanya tahu mengkritik tetapi langsung tiada bantuan yang dihulurkan…cuba letakkan diri di tempat mereka dan bayangkan tiada sesiapa yang cuba menghulurkn bantuan.apa perasaan anda ketika itu…
cuba la fikir-fikirkan… buka minda seluas-seluasnya…perjalanan hidup masih panjang..kita tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadik pada diri kita, keluarga dan negara pada masa hadapan.
Assalamualaikum Tun..
Salam Tun and Selamat Berpuasa
Wow, I’m touched by Hanan’s post on the kindness of the Israeli Occupation Forces (he disingenuously calls it Israeli Defence Force) towards Palestinians in view of Ramadhan.
Perhaps the IOF are trying to make up for the atrocities they have been inflicting on the Palestinians? Atrocities such as organ harvesting?
Here’s an excerpt:
“In 2002 the Tehran Times reported:
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Gaza masih lagi merintih dan merayu di bawah himpitan kepungan.. segala rumah dan penempatan telah dimusnahkan, anak-anak dan wanita menjadi pelarian..tenaga eletrik diputuskan
salam Tun yang dihormati dan disayangi seterusnya kepada penggemar blog ini..
saya begitu sensitif dan sedih sekali apabila terkenangkan nasib saudara-saudara kita di bumi palestin yang belum tahu kesudahannya,sentiasa dilanda penderitaan,tiada keamanan hidup,kesengsaraan dan kekacauan oleh manusia-manusia tidak berhati perut iaitu israel.keganasan israel terhadap palestin amat terkutuk sekali walaupun ada yang berpendapat bahawa apa yang terjadi kepada palestin selama berpuluh tahun ini tiada kena mengena dengan masyarakat kita namun sebagai masyarakat dunia yang berperikemanusiaan dan prihatin kita patut merasai sekali kesengsaraan spertimana yang dialami oleh warga paletin ini.mungkin bukan dengan wang ringgt bg yang kurang mampu namun sekurangnya berilah sokongan moral dan sama-sama memberi bantuan yang sedaya mungkin sperti memboikot barangan atau produk2 yang menyumbang kepada ekonomi israel kejam itu..kita juga perlu ingat bahawa warga palestin sentiasa memerlukan sokongan dari seluruh umat islam di dunia ini bagi membantu mereka dalam mengembalikan keamanan dan hak mereka di bumi palestin tersebut..oleh itu,marilah kita sma2 mendoakan untuk keamanan umat islam di bumi palestin kerana Allah itu maha kuasa dan mampu memberi balsan kepada mereka yang berlaku kejam kepada umatNya..amin…sekian dulu bingkisan dan pandangan dari saya.wasalam..
Salam Tun dan teman2,
Israel memang kejam dan tidak berperikemanusiaan,
Janji Allah adalah janji yang benar, Setiap perbuatan pasti akan mendapat balasannya. Cuma masa yang menentukan segala-galanya..
Mungkin kita tidak mampu untuk menolong mereka secara fizikal tapi banyak lagi cara yang kita boleh tolong mereka. Saya bersetuju dengan Tun untuk mengumpul dana bagi meringankan beban mereka. Kenapa perlu dipertikaikan cadangan dan semangat yang mulia untuk membantu mereka yang dalam kesusahan. Kalau tak bersetuju dengan idea Tun, diam je la, jangan nak memperlekehkan hasrat murni seseorang. Bayangkan jika kita dalam kesusahan dan xde org yang nk tlg, apa prasaan kita???
Apa yang penting, kita juga perlulah sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan umat Islam yang berada di bumi Allah ini dan ingatlah bahawa kita hanya penumpang yang menumpang untuk seketika waktu cuma.
Assalamualaikaum Tun dan salam sejahtera….
Gaza..Gaza..Gaza..bila terdengar atau terlihat berita mengenai Gaza pasti semua akan diselubungi kesedihan.Tidak dapat digambarkan betapa sakit hati dan marah kepada puak Yahudi yang melakukan kekejaman terhadap penduduk Gaza.Tuhan sahaja yang dapat membalas kekejaman mereka.Sesungguhnya saya amat bersyukur kerana hidup dalam keadaan aman di negara Malaysia berbanding dengan penduduk Gaza yang terpaksa menjadi mangsa kekejaman Israel..
Saya menghormati usaha Tun untuk membantu rakyat Palestin dan saya sangat bersetuju..saya sendiri sebagai seoarang yang beragama Islam sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan serta keamanan bagi penduduk Palestin..mereka tidak bersalah tapi kenapa mereka menjadi mangsa???kanak-kanak,golongan tua dan kaum wanita yang tidak berdosa menjadi mangsa…sungguh pilu hati saya..sungguh kejam Israel!!
Wahai rakyat Malaysia..marilah kita semua bersatu membantu rakyat Palestin..hulurkanlah apa saja yang kita mampu walaupun dengan berdoa kepada Allah s.w.t…dengan secebis doa itu mungkin mampu menghilangkan segala keperitan yang mereka alami…
Kepada Tun..semoga Allah s.w.t membalas jasa baik Tun untuk membantu penduduk Gaza..Saya sentiasa menyokong niat baik Tun..
Peace No War….
salam Tun….
sebagai seorang manusia biasa,membuak-buak kesedihan dalam diri saya apabila melihat mangsa-mangsa kekejaman Israel…..peluru-peluru dan bom Israel tidak mengira sesiapa.Ia menyerang kanak-kanak,orang tua dan sesiapa sahaja yang berada di hadapannya….
Israel sangat kejam….Israel sangat kejam….
mereka adalah golongan yang tiada nilai kemanusiaan langsung….
bunuh-membunuh sudah menjadi seperti permainan…
saya sangat menyokong usaha yang ingin Tun lakukan…
tiada siapa lagi yang bersungguh-sungguh untuk cuba membantu mangsa-mangsa kekejaman Israel…
wahai rakyat Malaysia…..
marilah bersama-sama kita bangun untuk menyokong usaha yang murni ini…
Insyaallah ia akan berjaya…
a very good afternoon to yang amat berhormat tun dr.mahathir n fellow blog readers of chedet.com.!
freedom has become as one of the most common basic needs in today’s human society.but sadly it has been used wrongly in the name of democracy by some irresponsible persons..it will be more significant if we can name some of modern world’s so called superpowers such as isael etc.
what is isrrael doin at the moment at palestein is absolutely undeniable n unacceptable.they are killing innocent persons;childens old man n womans in the name of destroying terriorist organizations in gaza..
so, as fellow human beings n strong believers in democacy n humanity we all should go against this human killing activity…try to find the true acts n facts of this world wide issue n solve it as soon as possible to make this world be in peace n harmony…
an as a human being i strongly disagree with israel’s activity in gaza n i undeniably supports any activity to stop this ridiculous n abnormality in gaza….let us all together try our very best to stop this….may the power of almighty be with us in this pure workout…
thank you for listening to me!!!!!may god bless palestinians always
Assalamualaikum to my favourite leader of all times
Assalamualaikum dear Dr. Mahathir and dear friends.
That news are for sure not reported in your media. Why should it be reported? It is not phosphorous carpet bombing. Why to report about the good habbits of the IDF? It is much more effective to blame the IDF with brutality and monstrous actions. The problem of the Muslims is their total ignorance of good things of their enemy and are just focused on their agenda to find only the bad things. Read this report below: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3765078,00.html
Soldiers won’t eat in front of Palestinians
Efrat Weiss Published: 08.21.09, 00:39 / Israel News
Defense establishment to ease restrictions on West Bank population during month of Ramadan, which begins Saturday. Troops instructed to refrain from eating, drinking and smoking in public
Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi have decided to ease a series of restrictions on the Palestinian population during the month of Muslim month Ramadan, which begins Saturday.
The soldiers were instructed to act respectfully towards the residents and refrain as much as possible from eating, drinking and smoking in public in front of the Palestinian population, particularly at crossings, during the fasting hours.
According to the IDF, the ease of restrictions is part of a policy aimed at improving the fabric of life of West Bank’s population. During the month of Ramadan, the activity hours of crossings leading to the cities of Jenin and Ramallah will be extended until midnight every day. The rest of the checkpoints will operate as usual, for 24 hours a day.
In addition, Israeli Arabs will be allowed to enter Jenin through the Salem crossing, between 9-11 am, and leave on buses between 4-10 pm, every day of the week excluding Friday.
Israeli Arabs will also be allowed to enter Bethlehem through the Rachel crossing in order to visit their families. Palestinian families with relatives in Israel would be able to receive visit permits for a week.
Kids may carry gun-shaped toys
Men over the age of 50 and women over 45 will be allowed to enter the Temple Mount for Friday prayers. The Allenby Bridger terminal on the Israel-Jordan border will continue to operate between 8 am and midnight for the transfer of citizens and goods.
Civil Administration officials met with representatives of the Palestinian Waqf and were updated on the scheduled times of prayers and religious events. All forces operating in the area have been briefed by the Civil Administration on the holiday’s customs, and introductory leaflets have been issued.
During the month of Ramadan Muslims mark the revelation of the Koran to Prophet Muhammad. Throughout the month, they fast from sunrise to sunset, and take part in traditional prayers.
The security forces have been updated that ahead of the end of Ramadan, and as part of preparations for the Eid al-Fitr festivities, Palestinian children may be carrying weapon-shaped toys and firecrackers.
Hanan, Jewish,
YABhg Tun,
Salam ayahanda Tun dan semua pembaca blog chedet..
setiap kali saya baca pasal isu palestin ni mesti saya rasa sedih dan tersentuh..
saya bersyukur sgt2 sebab dapat hidup dalam keadaan yang aman damai kat Malaysia ni(walaupun skang ni macam dah x berapa aman dengan situasi politik skang)
but still thank to God because we don’t faced what Palestinians have to face there..
it’s been years since world war 2, Palestinians still fighting to go back to their homeland and take back what Israel has taken from them..
Those Israelis don’t have hearts!! they’re so cruel from what they’ve done to Palestinians..tak sedar ke yang Israel tu menceroboh..u r invader ok!! maybe you want to take revenge on what your forefathers have been facing because your race were chased out from Russia..
u think u r the most superb race in this world??
what makes u think like that??
u r not!! u r the most inhumane race in this world..
with all the genocide..that’s so unacceptable..and never ever be..please stop it..
Walaupun kita tak mampu nak membantu saudara kita kat sana tapi kita masih boleh mendoakan mereka..semoga Israel mendapat balasan dari Allah..
One day God will give u what u deserve 2 get!..
Hope God always bless Palestine..please save them..
Tun, i’will support u..Take care..
Ili Hanani
Salam sejahtera, Tun Dr. Mahathir …
Terlebih dahulu, saya amat tidak bersetuju dengan segala tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Israel terhadap Pelestin. Puak Yahuni atau Israel memang tidak berperikemanusiaan sejak dulu-dulu lagi. Apakah tujuan dan matlamat sebenar Israel yang amat suka menindas dan melakukan keganasan terhadap Palestin? Mengapakah Isreal sangat suka menjadi pengganas? Segala perbuatan kekejaman Israel terhadap Palestin seperti pembunuh atau pengganas gila yang tidak pernah berpuas hati dengan pembunuhan secara beramai-ramai. Mereka ini langsung tidak mempunyai kesedaran dan belas kasihan.
Mengapakah PBB tidak mengambil peranan untuk bercampur tangan ke atas krisis Palestin?
Saya berasa Islam perlu bersatu dan kukuh supaya US dan Israel tidak mengambil kesempatan untuk mengancam kedaulatan Pelastin dan semenanjung Tanah Arab. Negara-negara lain di Semenanjung Tanah Arab perlu saling membantu dan tidak berkepentingan diri untuk membantu Palestin menghadapi ancaman Israel. Begitu juga rakyat Malaysia, tidak kira umat Islam atau bukan Islam, harus dan patut mempunyai niat baik menderma wang untuk Palestin membina dan membangun semula.
Selamat sejahtera kepada Tun dan sahabat- sahabat,
Apabila saya membaca berita tentang perkara GAZA, saya berasa susah hati dan simpati terhadap mangsa-mangsa GAZA dan juga rakyat palestin. Kenapa manusia dalam dunia ini tidak boleh berhidup bersama-sama secara aman dan harmoni?? Kita semua manusia yang berakal, walaupun ada perbezaan dari segi budaya, agama, warna kulit, bahasa dan sebagainya tetapi kita masih hidup dalam bumi yang sama. Sayangilah bumi kita, sayangilah negara kita, hormatilah negara orang lain, hormatilah nyawa sendiri dan nyawa orang lain.
Apa khabar , Semoga Tok det sentiasa sihat selalu
Saya ingin memberi sedikit gambaran mengenai Gaza .
Selama ini saya terlupa utk memberi sesuatu mengenai bumi di gaza itu . Tak silap saya org – org yahudi beranggapan bumi palestin itu adalah hak milik mereka kerana apa yg ditulis didalam kitab bible , termasuklah golongan kristian mereka juga beranggapan begitu . Sebagai seorang islam kita semua tahu bahawa kitab bible itu telah diubah perkataan didalamnya kerana golongan ahli kitab dahulu ingin mencari keuntungan , sehingga mereka beranggapan nabi ibrahim( Abraham ) berasal dari keturunan mereka . Jadi Tok Det pun mesti faham kenapa Amerika tidak bertindak begitu keras menentang masalah di Gaza , sebab mereka semua dari agama yg sama .
Apapun sebagai seorang beragama islam kita mesti ada sifat tolong menolong , Semoga bantuan dari rakyat malaysia , sedikit sebanyak memberi kebaikan utk rakyat malaysia sendiri .
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada Tun dan sahabat2…
Kekejaman israel ni semakin lama semakin menjadi2.. Saya sangat tidak setuju atas rampasan tanah palestin apatah lagi dengan cara yang tidak berperikemanusiaan seperti ini.. Sepatutnya,dengan kebijakkan sedia ada, mereka tidak melakukan perkara2 seperti ini..
lebih teruk dari binatang..Berkaitan dengan usaha yang Tun laksanakan bagi membantu rakyat palestin, saya sangat2 setuju dan berharap agar rakyat Malaysia juga bersetuju dengan cara ini.. Ini bukanlah isu keagamaan, tetapi isu hak asasi manusia, jd tidak kira samada kaum melayu, india, atau cina, sama2 kita menyokong usaha Tun ini.. askar2 Israel sentiasa akan menyekat akan segala bantuan yang diberi oleh dunia agar rakyat palestin sentiasa dalam keadaan terseksa.. bodoh israel.. kutipan dana bagi membeli bot untuk menghantar segala bantuan yang berbentuk makanan asas, ubat-ubatan, mainan, pakaian dan sebagainya ke Gaza amat diperlukan kerana segala bantuan yang telah didermakan masih tidak sampai di Tanah Gaza. Jadi, sebangai insan yang mempunyai nilai kemanusiaan, marilah kita sama2 menderma bagi membeli bot untuk menghantar bantuan tersebut kepada golongan yang sangat memerlukan itu..
Biarpun tak banyak sumbangan kita, yang penting ia lahir dari hati yang tulus ikhlas untuk membantu saudara kita yang menjadi mangsa kekejaman israel jahanam..Pihak kerajaan, NGO dan kita semua perlu bersama2 memnbantu mereka, mungkin hari ini hari mereka, mana tahu hari lain hari kita pula perlukan bantuan..bukan mengharapkan balasan, tetapi sekurang-kurangnya kita turut membantu…
jika tidak mampu untuk menghulurkan helaian kertas merah, biru, atau hijau, memadailah dengan BERDOA agar saudara kita dilindungi oleh Allah serta masih bersemangat untuk meneruskan hidup..
Assalamualaikum…….sy akan sentiasa dibelakang Tun..
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada Tun dan sahabat2…
Kekejaman israel ni semakin lama semakin menjadi2.. Saya sangat tidak setuju atas rampasan tanah palestin apatah lagi dengan cara yang tidak berperikemanusiaan seperti ini.. Sepatutnya,dengan kebijakkan sedia ada, mereka tidak melakukan perkara2 seperti ini..
lebih teruk dari binatang..Berkaitan dengan usaha yang Tun laksanakan bagi membantu rakyat palestin, saya sangat2 setuju dan berharap agar rakyat Malaysia juga bersetuju dengan cara ini.. Ini bukanlah isu keagamaan, tetapi isu hak asasi manusia, jd tidak kira samada kaum melayu, india, atau cina, sama2 kita menyokong usaha Tun ini.. askar2 Israel sentiasa akan menyekat akan segala bantuan yang diberi oleh dunia agar rakyat palestin sentiasa dalam keadaan terseksa.. bodoh israel.. kutipan dana bagi membeli bot untuk menghantar segala bantuan yang berbentuk makanan asas, ubat-ubatan, mainan, pakaian dan sebagainya ke Gaza amat diperlukan kerana segala bantuan yang telah didermakan masih tidak sampai di Tanah Gaza. Jadi, sebangai insan yang mempunyai nilai kemanusiaan, marilah kita sama2 menderma bagi membeli bot untuk menghantar bantuan tersebut kepada golongan yang sangat memerlukan itu..
Biarpun tak banyak sumbangan kita, yang penting ia lahir dari hati yang tulus ikhlas untuk membantu saudara kita yang menjadi mangsa kekejaman israel jahanam..Pihak kerajaan, NGO dan kita semua perlu bersama2 memnbantu mereka, mungkin hari ini hari mereka, mana tahu hari lain hari kita pula perlukan bantuan..bukan mengharapkan balasan, tetapi sekurang-kurangnya kita turut membantu…
jika tidak mampu untuk menghulurkan helaian kertas merah, biru, atau hijau, memadailah dengan BERDOA agar saudara kita dilindungi oleh Allah serta masih bersemangat untuk meneruskan hidup..
Assalamualaikum…….sy akan sentiasa dibelakang Tun..
The Star Online reported….
Published: Thursday August 20, 2009 MYT 7:58:00 AM
Billionaire Buffet urges “US” to stop ‘printing’ money and halt debt rise
WASHINGTON: Now that the worst of the economic crisis is past and recovery is slowly under way, Congress must halt the mounting increase in U.S. debt to avoid damage to long-term growth and destruction of the dollar, Warren Buffett is urging.
The plainspoken billionaire weighed in with his view in an Op-Ed piece published in The New York Times Wednesday, saying that once recovery is solidified, lawmakers need to exercise “extraordinary political will” and slow the printing of money to finance the spike in debt.
That huge spending for financial bailout and economic stimulus was sorely needed to rescue the economy in its greatest peril since the 1930s, Buffett said, but now “unchecked emissions” of dollars “will certainly cause the purchasing power of currency to melt” the way runaway carbon emissions will likely melt icebergs.
With government spending now nearly double what it is taking in, “truly major changes in both taxes and outlays will be required,” Buffett wrote.
“A revived economy can’t come close to bridging that sort of gap.”
Buffett, one of the world’s wealthiest men, enjoys opining on issues of the day.
And as the “Oracle of Omaha” and head of a successful investment firm, his views carry weight in the public arena.
He has gained a sharper political profile in recent years and has spoken out, for example, on the obligation of the privileged to help the poor.
Buffett was a top economic adviser to Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first campaign for California governor and advised Democrat John Kerry’s presidential campaign in 2004.
Last September at the height of the financial turmoil, Buffett’s firm, Berkshire Hathway Inc., rushed in with a $5 billion in investment in Wall Street powerhouse Goldman Sachs Group Inc., a move viewed as a vote of confidence for a survivor of a crisis that felled two of its investment banking peers.
The economy “is now out of the emergency room and appears to be on a slow path to recovery,” Buffett wrote in the Op-Ed.
“But enormous dosages of monetary medicine continue to be administered and, before long, we will need to deal with their side effects. For now, most of those effects are invisible and could indeed remain latent for a long time. Still, their threat may be as ominous as that posed by the financial crisis itself.”
Because of the deficit, the amount of U.S. debt that is publicly held likely will rise to around 56 percent of Gross Domestic Product this fiscal year ending Oct. 1, from 41 percent last year, Buffett noted.
The three ways of financing the rising debt – borrowing from other countries, borrowing from Americans or printing money – all carry problems, he said.
“The United States is spewing a potentially damaging substance into our economy – //greenback emissions//,” Buffett wrote. – AP
The Star Online is trying to use Press Muzzle to force BNM and SC to pave ways for Investment banks. No, no, these investments must be regulated. Anyway, people do not trust investment banks especially those favour Buffet in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
John Kerry’s wife is the daughter of HEINZ founder. Jenama sos ABC in Indonesia is belong to Heinz, most of Malaysians tak tahu.
Selamat semua…:-)
Secara peribadinye sya amat prihatin terhadap penderitaan rakyat Palestin…I’m totally 2 disappointed..TAK SOKONG LANGSUNG TINDAKAN ISRAEL YG MERAMPAS TANAH AIR PALESTIN!!!
Wlpun tdak merasai ape yg diaorg rase tpi sbgai mnusia yg dianugerahi akal fikiran msti faham & sedih dgn keadaan mereka.
Stlah berabad lamenye isu Palestin dgn Israel nmpeknye xde jlan kluar..Mayb byak rundingan2 yg dilakuakn nmun 2 just ‘atas kertas shje ‘..Lu pike lar sndiri.
Bak kata pepatah Melayu da m’gatakan ‘hangat-hangat tahi ayam’ bunyinye dah m’gambarkan bnde 2 buruk kan…Tp ironinye itulah yg benar..Wat 2 do, our society now more 2 pretended @ sometimes they did not serious wit their saying.Kte tak tahu ble b’akhirnye isu Palestin cuma kite sebagai manusia yg cintakan keamananan same2 la, menyokong dlm mmbtu rkyat Palestin wlpun xpat pegi ke ngara mreka atleast menderma seikhlas hati ..Dgn doa kte, mayb pintu kedamaian itu ada…Dunia nie kte kongsi same2, xde ruginye kte b’kongsi..
Tu je luahan hati, jika de trsalah kata 2 sori2 jer erkk..Biasalah sape tak wat salah kan?? So as malaysian people we need 2 think deeply wat is already happen…Maby de same thing can happen 2 us , so de freedom is mostly important.PEACE MALAYSIA AND PEACE 2 PALESTIN.
Salam Tun
Sebagai salah seorng rakyat malaysia khususnya yg beragama islam, sy merasakan amat tersentuh dan bersedih terhadap apa yg menimpa kepada rakyat Palestin. Walaubagaimanapun saya amat kesal dengan sikap sesetengah pemipin dunia arab sendiri yang masih mementingkan diri, enggan bersatu dan ego yang keterlaluan. Pergolakan antara Hamas dan Fatah juga menjadi satu isu yang dilihat sebagai tiada penghujungnya kerana masing-masing tidak mahu bekerjasama dan mempunyai haluan tersendiri sehingga yang menjadi mangsa adalah rakyat. Dimanakah konsep islam yang mengajar erti bersaudara itu diletakkan pada diri pemimpin2 asia barat tersebut?
Kepada Tun, usaha yang dilakukan oleh Tun pada saya lebih membantu rakyat palestin daripada sikap yang ditonjolkn oleh pemimpin2 dunia arab.Moga Allah s.w.t memberkati usaha Tun dan memberikan kedamaian kepada penduduk Palestin khususnya.
Save Palestine..salam
salam perpaduan Tun…
Terlebih dahulu saya ingin ucapkan tahniah kerana usaha murni Tun.saya agak terkilan dengan tingkah laku kejam orang yahudi. kenapa mereka begitu bersifat tidak berperikemanusiaan? orang gaza pun manusia juga seperti mereka. kenapa mereka sampai hati hendak menyakitkan insan lain seperti ini. sekiranya ahli keluarga mereka adakah perbuatan yang sama akan dibuat?????
namun begitu, saya sangat menghormati inisiatif Tun dalam membantu warga Gaza. ia adalah satu tindakan yang harus diberi dorongan dan sokongan moral dan juga kewangan oleh setiap warganegara… so as a responsible citizen of Malaysia i would like to support Tun’s suggestion n will try to give my part for it….Hopefully other’s will give a hand for the thing…..
“hulurkan tangan ringankan beban”
im realy proud of u Tun…..
thank you Tun……
Assalamualaikum tun..
Here I have some comment about this issue…firstly I want to say thank you for the comment from others. I feel so proud with the civilians who are dare to come in front and willing to help the victims of Israel. As a Malaysians, I am sure that I will not have the braveness as much as these people but what I can do is by giving moral support as a symbol of protest.
The idea to buy the boat is quiet interesting for me. Is it can bring successful of this mission? Another thing is what about the guaranty that the humanitarian aid will not block by the Israeil army. Erm,this can become one issue if these volunter want to give their assist. I really hope that United Nation can play their roll. Thanks you….peace no war…
salam Tun.. saya sangat bersetuju dengan apa yang di kemukakan dalam artikel ini. kekejaman rejim israel merupakan sesuatu yang tidak berperikemanusiaan. anak-anak kecil, kaum wanita, golongan tua yang tidak berdosa terkorban .adakah mereka melihat serangan yang tidak pernah berputus asa itu akan membuatkan mereka berjaya menakluki palestin..
semua itu hanya angan- angan yang tiada kesudahannya.. kerana sudah termaktub bahawa palestin akan menjadi milik orang islam… bersabar la wahai rakyat palestin..kemenangan di dunia ini akan menjadi milikmu dan moga kemenangan itu akan terus berkekalan dan membawa sampai ke syurga..
wahai rakyat malaysia .. jangan hanya tahu untuk berpuak-puak dan mementingkan diri sendiri.. bersyukur lah dengan apa yang kita miliki sekarang ini… bersatulah.. bersatu untuk mempertahankan negara kita ,bangsa kita agar ianya tetap utuh walaupun sebarang ancaman yang datang melanda di masa akan datang..
saudaraku…umat islam semua..bersatu la dan terus berdoa moga kita sentiasa di lindungi dan dipermudahkan Allah untuk memberi sebarang bantuan walaupun dengan secebis doa untuk rakyat palestin..
moga keamanan akan menjadi milik kita selamanya…..
assalamualaikum w.b.t…
buat pemimpin terbilang, memang tidak di nafikan israil sampai bila-bila pun tetap akan bersikap rakus dan ganas hingga sampai hari kiamat kelak..
Kita sering mendengar perkataan Zionis samada dalam akhbar, berita, majalah dan sebagainya. tetapi adakah kita faham apakah yang dimaksudnkan dengan Zionis?Adakah Zionis itu pertubuhan atau gerakan atau fahaman?Untuk kita menyingkap rahsia ini, marilah kita sama-sama mengkaji dahulu apakah Zionis .
Pengertiannya :Istilah Zionis terdiri daripada dua perkataan iaitu ‘ZION’ dan ‘ISME’.Perkataan ‘Zion’ diambil daripada perkataan Ibrani (bahasa Yahudi) yang bermaksud ‘batu’.batu yang dimaksudkan disini ialah ikatan batu bangunan istana atau ‘Haikal’ yang didirikan oleh Nabi Sulaiman dikota Al Quds.Manakala ‘Isme’ pula (bahasa Inggeris) yang bermaksud ‘fahaman’ atau ‘ ajaran’.Oleh sebab itu, gabungan daripada ‘Zion’ dan ‘isme’ membentuk satu ideologi yang dianuti oleh bangsa Yahudi di seluruh dunia. fahaman ini menyatakan bahawa bangsa Yahudi akan mendirikan sebuah kerajaan ‘Israel Kubra’ (Israel Raya) serta menjadikan kota Al Quds ini sebgai ibu kotanya.
Dalam Al Qur
Dalam Al Qur
Dear Tun,
This naturally our compassion toward our fellowman but then this is just a temporary relieve. The commission for permanent solution are the United Nation Function is fully adhered to and this only can be materialising when it
Assalamualaikum Tun & Family,
Terima Kasih kerana menjelaskan keadaan sebenar.
I will do my part.
asalamualaikum.. kepada pemimpin yang saya kagumi.. moga sentiasa di rahmati.. insyaAllah
Salam Tun n Semua…
Bagi saya org yahudi ni mmg licik.Dorng dh pun bjaye mengatasi kuasa barat. Kita mmg boleh hulurkan bantuan dr segi kewangan dan bantuan fizikal tp untuk mencapai keamanan, orang-orang palestin sendiri perlu bersatu demi negara mereka.Krismas tahun lepas, kite digemprkan dengan tindkn israel keatas Palestin yg membangkitkan kemarahan orng islam di serata dunie..Yahudi2 ni semakin melampau..kita pula orang malaysia perlu ambil iktibar dari ape yg berlaku. kita semua beruntung dilahirkan dalam negara yang aman damai dan membangun. hargailah negara kita. jangan asyik timbulkan isu yang boleh memecahkan perpaduan.. klu tidak kite bakal trime nasib yang sama macam org2 Palestin…
salam perjuangan…
Sesungguhnya apa yang berlaku di Gaza adalah kemenangan sepertimana yang disebutkan dalam Quran.Jadi jalan pertama untuk kemenangan ialah keimanan, serta kemenangan untuk orang-orang beriman dan dengan bantuan orang-orang yang beriman. Meskipun musuh memiliki pertahanan dan persenjataan yang hebat.
Sesiapa yang tidak mengakui kemenangan ini,mereka adalah orang yang buta. Kerana usaha-usaha Israil untuk menceroboh Gaza sama sekali tidak dapat direalisasikan di dalam peperangan ini. Dan peperangan ini masih tidak dapat menghancurkan Hamas,dan Gaza tidak hancur. semuanya kerana, kerjasaman, perpaduan dan kegigihan warga Palestin khususnya Gaza dalam perjuangan.
Dengan kegigihan dan kehebatan iman dalam jiwa rakyat palestin saharusnyalah kita jadikan sebagai sumber rujukan yang paling tepat dalam hidup apa itu perjuangan yang sebenarnya????
Hidup Palestin!!!! Sedarkan Rakyat Malaysia!!! bahawa perjuangan mu penuh dengan keikhlasan!!!!
Bukannya perjuangan yang tak pasti matlamatnya!!!!
salam Tun…….
sy sgt bangga dengan usaha yang dilakukan oleh Tun…
walaupun sy tidak dapat membantu terutama dari segi kewangan,tp sy ttp akan menyokong segala usaha yang ingin dilakukan…
demi untuk melihat rakyat Palestin mendapat kehidupan yang lebih baik dan aman…
Isu kekejaman Israel terhadap Palestin ini sudah menjadi isu yang luas di perkatakan di kalangan masyarakat kita sendiri.Namun, ia bukan sekadar melibatkan suara masyarakat Islam di negara kita malah saya sebagai masyarakat Malaysia yang bukan beragama islam juga mendapat tempiasnya apabila Israel bertindak seperti binatang dengan melakukan kekejaman terhadap penduduk Palestin.Walaupun Israel merupakan negara yang kaya namun tidak bermakna mereka berkuasa dan boleh merampas hak orang lain dengan pelbagai cara sehingga melibatkan golongan yang tidak bersalah.Sukar dibayangkan jika negara kita berlaku perolakan seperti di Palestin sekarang.Namun kita perlu bersyukur kerana Malaysia mampu mengekalkan keamanan ini dan kita tidak seharusnya bertindak berpeluk tubuh sahaja terhadap Palestin.Sememangnya bantuan yang di hulurkan dapat sedikit sebanyak membantu penduduk Palestin yang berada dalam kesusahan walaupun bantuan tersebut tidaklah seberapa, namun ia lebih baik daripada kita tidak melakukan apa-apa.Sebagai rakyat Malaysia,saya prihatin terhadap isu ini dan sedia memberi bantuan kepada mereka yang teraniaya seperti penduduk Palestin..
Salam Tun
Israel is a rich country. Its exports arms and military advisors. It is a nuclear power many times over. It is still receiving billions of US Dollars in grants from the US Government.
Israel is the oppressor and the US Government its mother.
Salam Tun,
artofmin and fellow posters,
FYI Muhammad Asad’s book, ‘The Road to Mecca’ is easily available from a local bookstore chain and other good bookshops. A bahasa Melayu translation is also available.
He wrote the book primarily for a Western audience as he was often asked, when he was attached to the UN, why he reverted to Islam. The result was a deeply thoughtful, well-written and very readable book. It is a powerful book that ought to be read by all who have an interest in the problems of the Middle East.
Apologies for the blurb.
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini….
Two races brought together by an occupying power.
One party believes in its majority might and historical claims.
It adamantly refuses recognition for the other.
Tried to reverse history, but found its own history in flames.
Once blood is spilled, the pen is for recording death tabulation
Outside parties enter the fray, proxy battles escalate the conflict.
Initial arrogance backfired into its homeland’s near annhilation
In war winner takes all. Victor conquers every mountain and pit.
Invincibility of victor breeds arrogance, heartlessnes and ruthlessnes.
The victim is now the criminal.The persecuted is now the prosecutor.
If we let Utusan and Umnoputeras pursue their shallowness
Cry my beloved country risks falling into this same spectre.
I wish freedom and peace for the Palestinian people. Israel must realise it cannot hold down a ‘nation’ forever.
Salam Hormat da Salam Kasih,
(go beyond your perspective stories for dr mahathir)
A poem, YABHG Tun:
Pity the Nation
Pity the nation that is full of beliefs and empty of religion.
Pity the nation that wears a cloth it does not weave, eats a bread it does not harvest, and drinks a wine that flows not from its own wine-press.
Pity the nation that acclaims the bull as hero, and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful.
Pity the nation that despises a passion in its dream, yet submits in its awakening.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice when it walks in a funeral, boasts not except among its ruins, and will rebel not save when its neck is laid between the sword and the block.
Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox, whose philosopher is a juggler, and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking.
Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpetings and farewells him with hootings, only to welcome another with trumpetings again.
Pity the nation whose sages are dumb with years and whose strong men are yet in the cradle.
Pity the nation divided into fragments, each fragment deeming itself a nation.
Khalil Gibran
The garden of the Prophet (1934)
The short stories and easy reading:
1. The world sees Muslims differently: Mahesh Bhatt
TNN 15 August 2009, 12:05pm IST
In the wake of Shah Rukh Khan being detained at a US airport for two hours because of his surname, filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt says he is Mahesh Bhatt concerned with the paranoia and Islamophobia that has crept in post 9/11.
The world is seeing Muslims differently, he says.
He asks, however, While the US has been very, very severe in scrutinizing people who land into its country, before we shout that this is not done, let us turn the light inwards this Independence Day and ask ourselves how we treat our own minorities. Whether it is Emraan Hashmi’s flat issue or Shabana Azmi, have we been fair to our own minority community?
He states, The world is looking at Muslims differently and yes, we need to dismantle this mindset.
Actor Shah Rkh Khan was detained for over two hours at the Newark airport, New Jersey. He was questioned and released after Indian embassy officials vouched for him. He was in the US to attend Independence Day celebrations. The star, who is currently filming for My Name is Khan, underwent “humiliating” questioning even as he told authorities he was an Indian celebrity. His bodyguards were also grilled.
Several Bollywood celebs are in the US for I-Day celebrations, including Katrina Kaif, Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan.
2. The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East
The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East is a book published in 2005 by the award-winning English journalist Robert Fisk. The book is a compilation of many of the articles Fisk wrote when he was serving as a correspondent in the Middle East for The Times and The Independent. The book revolves around several key themes regarding the history of the modern Middle East: the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf War as well as the 2003 Iraq War as well as other regional conflicts such as the Armenian Genocide and the Algerian Civil War. The Great War for Civilisation is the second book Fisk has written about the Middle East with the first one, Pity the Nation, (Nation Books, 2002) being about the Lebanon Civil War.
Fisk’s book details his travels to many of the hotspots of the Middle East, such as Iraq and Iran during the Iran
Salam sekali lagi Tun,
BTW Hanan, as for inviting your proposed blog, thanks but no thanks. There’s already a lot of people like you about. That’s real subtle Hanan, visit your site and risk damaging our computers
If you don’t mind I’d rather stick to Gush Shalom and Uri Davis
Assalammualaikum Tun…saya terbaca komen-komen dalam hal bantuan kepada Palestin. Kalau nak dikatakan kita ini negara yang kuat boleh menentang Yahudi, memang jauh sekali tapi kesedaran kita bahawa kita boleh membantu meringankan derita mereka adalah lebih baik dari berpeluk tubuh tidak berbuat apa-apa dan hanya memikirkan segala tindakan kita untuk menghantar bantuan melalui pembelian kapal tersebut hanya sia-sia…dan mereka yang berpendapat seperti ini memang salah…hidup kita begitu singkat untuk terus berpeluk tubuh dan berkeluh kesah melihat penderitaan Palestin, masa berjalan dengan pantas dan kita boleh mengisinya dengan pahala membantu orang dalam kesusahan, sikap putus asa tidak membantu dalam isu Palestin ini. Sedarlah, bukalah mata dan hati anda semua…kita membantu Palestin dan sanggup menghantar bantuan melalui pembelian kapal ini bukan kerana mereka seagama dengan kita, bukan juga kerana kita ini kaya tetapi kerana sifat belas kasihan yang ada dalam diri kita…tidak ada paksaan dalam menderma, tidak ada orang yang datang ke rumah anda minta anda hulurkan sumbangan…bila kamu tidak bersetuju dengan idea pembelian kapal ini, kamu cuba utarakan idea bernas kamu pula… jangan hanya berkata perbuatan ini sia-sia, tengok umat islam depan mata lah…buang duit rakyatlah kerana meminta derma bantuan.. ini adalah sifat yang perlu dibuang. Fikirkan pula bila negara kita dilanda masalah seperti Palestin, tidak mustahil kan…bagaimana pula bila negara luar memandang kita dan berfikir sama seperti orang-orang ini, bila kita berada dalam situasi Palestin..kita akan berasa sangat bersyukur kerana ada negara yang sudi membantu. saya sebagai ibu punya rasa belas pada anak-anak kecil yang tidak tahu apa-apa tetapi sudah berdepan dengan kezaliman yang tidak pasti ada penghujungnya. Perlu diingat, bukan hanya negara kita yang membantu Palestin tetapi negara-negara kafir pun sama…kita ini miskin berbanding negara barat tetapi dengan derma itulah kita ada cara membantu mereka, biarpun ada yang tidak bersetuju dengan idea kapal ini dan memikirkan pembaziran dan usaha yang sia-sia tapi pandanglah diri anda betapa sedihnya melihat anda yang hanya tahu mengata pembaziran, usaha yang sia-sia tetapi anda disana berpeluk tubuh dan memandang dari jauh sambil mengeleng-geleng kepala, berborak sana sini mengenai ketaksetujuan anda tapi sedarkah anda, masa yang terbuang itulah merupakan satu pembaziran bagi kita sebagai umat manusia yang hidupnya tidak tentu esok atau lusa maut datang menjemput…kita tidak seharusnya menunggu dan terus menunggu tetapi berbuat sesuatu dengan ikhlas dan tidak berputus asa. Anda hanya melihat duit yang dikeluarkan untuk menderma tetapi tidak memikirkan pahala yang diberikan Allah kepada kita… Andainya misi kapal tersebut tidak berjaya tetapi Allah tetap memberikan pahala kepada kita kerana berebut untuk mengerjakan kebaikan…Segala ketentuan sama ada kapal itu sampai atau tidak ke Palestin adalah ketentuan Allah dan kita hanya mampu berusaha sebaik mungkin…tidak ada perkara kebaikan yang kita buat di pandang sia-sia oleh Allah tetapi perbuatan asyik menunggu dan melengahkan bantuan yang boleh diberi adalah satu pembaziran masa… sebagai rakyat tidak ada salahnya kita menderma mengikut kemampuan kita dan tidak asyik merungut ambil duit rakyatlah, beban rakyatlah…kalau tidak ada kerajaan dan malaysia hari ini, anda tidak akan berada dalam keadaan relax seperti ini, cukai yang kamu bayar itulah yang menjamin kestabilan negara dan siapa yang menjalankannya dengan teratur…kerajaan kan…kalau nak harapkan individu seperti kamu mentadbir negara, dari cara kamu berfikir, alamatnya tergadailah negara kita ni…ambil duit rakyat??…saya nak tanya, banyak sangat ke duit kamu diambil sebagai individu? saya sebagai individu yang miskin ni pun tidak berasa kerajaan membebankan rakyat, kaya atau miskin cukainya adalah mengikut kemampuan…tidak seharusnya kita membebankan kerajaan dengan permintaan yang berbagai-bagai tetapi bila kerajaan perlukan bantuan untuk tambahkan itu ini, rakyat mula bersungut kerajaan ambil duit rakyatlah…padahal yang naik cuma RM0.03 sen atau RM0.30 sen pun merungut tapi nakkan kemudahan itu ini, ingat duit kerajaan ni banyak sangat ke? bila ada permintaan macam-macam dari rakyat, perlu ada keseimbangannya ada keluar ada masuk…bukan hanya tau meminta dan merungut…dalam hal derma ni pun bukannya ada yang paksa, sapa nak derma alhamdullilah…sapa yang kata ia tidak berbaloi…duduk depan TV dan berusahalah dengan duduk dan tido sampai masa yang sesuai untuk anda membantu tiba dan…sapa yang kata derma ni ambil duit rakyat, apa kata kalau kamu pindah je ke negara yang tak ambil duit rakyat…ada ker???kalau ada beruntung sangatlah anda…kepada rakyat malaysia, bantulah selagi anda mampu, berusahalah selagi ada harapan dan pastinya ingatlah…tidak akan ada suatu hal walau sekecil mana pun akan terlepas dari pandangan Allah S.W.T…saya membantu untuk diri saya kerana hidup ini begitu singkat untuk berpeluk tubuh… Sokong Tun dengan sepenuh jiwa dan seikhlas hati…amin.
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
To Hanan & others please read this article:
Some outline of the article:
Born in 1900 to a Jewish family in Lvov, Leopold Weiss died years ago as Muhammad Assad, a pious Muslim who helped create the country of Pakistan. While meeting the founding fathers of Zionism in Palestine in the 1920s, he dared to voice criticism of the movement’s dismissal of the Arab presence in the land – a phenomenon that still haunts the region today. The riveting story of a Jew who changed his name, his faith, his wives, his nationality – and the face of the Islamic world.
Meeting with Dr. Chaim Weizmann
salam Tun.
Dear Hanan you are a very proud person mark my word one day the Jews nations that you are so proud of will come down on its feet and beg for mercy.Maybe you can occupied the palestine then what
jordan,syria,Saudi Arabia and all the neibouring muslims countries? Do you think America will remain siding Israel, the world is changing my friend, The American are slowly getting out of their gulliblity, All the while the israel is getting the Americans into so much trouble with the muslims countries around the world because of the lies and fear fed by the israel. Look at Apartheid south africa! If i were you its time to be friend with the muslim world. Israel is such a small country and remember, You are not America!
You are just like a Battery, no matter how much power you think the Battery have it will slowly run out sooner or later, my friend no matter how many nuclear missile you have it will explode itself on you. The word is retributions from God.
How long can you live with such bitterness,such guilt of killing inocent lives, destroying of homes and genocide, what kind of people are you, i have pity and empathy when reading of germans killing jews like what the jews are doing to the palestine now, who actually was living in peace before the British took their land and give it to you. is it wrong then for us muslims to say that, may be the german should wipe you out totally, not only german but russian too. When did the muslim ever treat you like animals my friend lots of jews been staying in muslim countries they are well protected and free to worship and do business.
Hanan maybe you should by the Boat and help the Palestines Babies, no need to bomb Israel they will be no end to it. You start with a little kindness and see what happen!
By rarunasalamAuthor Profile Page on August 13, 2009 10:12 PM
yes, I will donate for a noble cause.
Samurai Melayu – the CAPS LOCK is above the Shift Button and below the Tab key in case you don’t know where it is…LOL
Dear Hanan,
Dr M did said that “You always thinking you are right even if the whole world says you are wrong”. This is Hanan nature, an egoistic Jews who let himself being deaf to surrounding world even to his Judaism teaching. These are the Jews that Zionist wanted, a deaf Jews.
Maybe you should free your mind when read this blog http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/ or it may help you to know more about your own religion teaching.
As’kum Ayahanda Tun,
Apa yang saya kecewakan adalah kenapa sehingga sekarang rakyat Palestin sendiri terutamanya di dalam Hamas & Fatah tidak mahu berbaik – baik ataupun bersedia berdamai demi rakyat mereka sendiri. Saya merasa tertipu terhadap Perjanjian Kaabah yang mereka sendiri lakukan di Mekah beberapa tahun sebelum ini. Ianya seperti menghina kesucian Baitullah itu sendiri. Kalaulah Tun dapat bertemu dengan Duta Palestin ke Malaysia, cakapkan mengenai perkara ini. Kami diluar ini kasihan melihat kesusahan & keperitan rakyat Palestin tetapi apakah mereka sendiri tidak nampak akan perkara itu? Rasanya macam sia-sia sahaja sumbangan yang diberikan untuk membantu mereka. Sedangkan mereka nampaknya tidak berusaha kearah itu.
Ayahanda Tun, semoga jangan dihentikan usaha murni ini….
Salam Tun,
Sorry for barging in rarunasalam,
but I don’t understand your logic or the logic of those who like you: will contribute to the ‘noble cause’ (as you put it) and at the same time disparage the organisers. Do you really, really understand why we’re supporting this movement? You don’t have to support this ‘noble cause’ if you don’t understand the reason why.
Now, how can I put in a very simple way so that even you can understand the issue?
OK…let’s try this. Imagine yourself as one of the folk in Kpg Buah Pala. You get evicted from land you’ve been staying for generations and bulldozers come to demolish your house. Do you keep quiet or do you fight back? The folk in Kpg Buah Pala fought back. Things got a bit ugly between the villagers and the developers but at least they’re able to sit down, talk compensation and gain extra time to pack and sort their affairs out. It has inconvenienced everyone but nobody really got hurt. Everyone gains and loses something in the process but it all pans out.
In Palestine, they had and have no such thing. They get eviction orders and their houses get demolished on the spot. Bulldozers just come in and tear their houses down, sometimes with the occupants still in them. In Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Israeli illegal settlers take over Palestinian homes and the rightful owners are literally left to fend for themselves on the streets. And let’s not talk about the apartheid system in Israel and the violence and daily humiliations Palestinians in the occupied territories are subject to.
You’re very quick to label others racists and anti-semites although you don’t seem to be really clued up on the topic. Advocating peace hasn’t worked, so now maybe it’s time to criminalise war. That way those who start wars can be punished just like what they’re doing for those who commit genocide. The OIC wasn’t directly involved in the peace process. The last ‘accord’ was the ‘Road Map’ for peace in the Middle East that was drawn up by the United States, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations (refered to as the ‘Quartet’).
On the other hand, it’s possible that you’ve been drinking something when you wrote your comment. That could explain the muddled logic on your part.
I’d advise you to go easy on whatever stuff you’ve been drinking…LOL!
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
Why is your blog entitled expmblogspot?
But only Tun were criticized?
What Armchair Specialist are you?
On Top Right Side Of This Blog there is visitors..22 over million
Your blogs visitor…numbering…?…:)
I don’t smoke but I am burning allright.See..Ghostrider?Don’t make me come to you..Look into your eyes..Burn them with Penitence Stares..
Will you be laughing then like Dr Curt Hennig?
Terima kasih Tun..
KUALA LUMPUR 13 Ogos – “Apa bezanya DAP dengan Salman Rushdie dan pelukis karikatur Nabi Muhammad S.A.W sehingga ahli parti tersebut dibenarkan menghina agama Islam?”
Demikian soal bekas Naib Presiden UMNO, Tan Sri Mohd. Isa Abdul Samad yang berang dengan sikap ‘semua boleh’ Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat termasuk dalam aspek menghina kesucian Islam oleh penganut agama lain.
Katanya,, kenyataan Menteri Besar Kelantan itu yang tidak mahu membantah tindak-tanduk pemimpin DAP dengan alasan parti tersebut bukan Islam dan kefahaman mereka terhadap agama suci itu tidak mendalam adalah alasan yang terlalu rapuh.
”Apa istimewanya DAP di mata Pas dan Nik Abdul Aziz sedangkan Salman diburu dan nyawanya difatwakan halal dibunuh kerana menghina al-Quran.
”Karikatur Nabi Muhammad pula menyebabkan seluruh umat Islam bangkit menentang termasuk ahli Pas. Mereka juga bukan Islam dan tidak mempunyai pemahaman yang mendalam tentang Islam,” tegasnya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Ketua Pergerakan Wanita UMNO Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil pula kecewa dengan kenyataan Nik Abdul Aziz yang membiarkan segelintir pemimpin DAP menghina Islam dan menyifatkan kenyataan itu sebagai meragukan.
“Saya terkejut membaca kenyataan Nik Abdul Aziz bahawa orang bukan Islam boleh menghina Islam apatah lagi kenyataan itu dibuat oleh seorang pemimpin parti yang berlabelkan Islam dan mendakwa memperjuangkan Islam.
“Setahu saya orang Islam tidak boleh menghina orang bukan Islam dan orang bukan Islam tidak boleh menghina Islam,” katanya dalam kenyataan di sini hari ini.
Shahrizat, yang juga Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat berkata, setidak-tidaknya Nik Abdul Aziz perlu menegur pemimpin DAP jika beliau benar-benar mahu menjaga kesucian Islam.
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom menegaskan, semua pihak harus sedar bahawa perbuatan seperti itu bukan setakat menghina individu tertentu, tetapi ia sebenarnya menghina Allah.
”Dalam konteks hubungan antara agama, kita tidak dibenarkan membuat penghinaan. Oleh itu, jika berlaku penghinaan terhadap Islam, kita wajib mempertahankannya kerana yang dihina itu bukan setakat individu tertentu, tetapi adalah Allah,”
Sementara itu di Melaka, Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, Datuk Noh Omar berkata, Pas sebagai parti yang memperjuangkan syiar Islam di negara ini sepatutnya lebih ke hadapan dalam memerangi pihak yang menghina Islam.
”Kenyataan Nik Abdul Aziz itu seolah-olah menunjukkan beliau mahu menggadai agama Islam demi kepentingan mereka termasuk mengatakan orang bukan Islam boleh menghina Islam,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas majlis penyerahan jentera membajak dan menuai kepada pesawah di Kampung Parit Penghulu Benteng di sini hari ini.
Selain itu, katanya lagi, Mursyidul Am Pas tersebut sepatutnya memahami perbuatan DAP yang jelas menghina agama Islam sekali gus bertentangan dengan hak kebebasan beragama di negara ini.
”Dalam hak kebebasan beragama, kita dilarang untuk mengatakan perkara yang tidak baik dan tidak sesuai tentang agama lain.
”Saya hairan bagaimana Nik Abdul Aziz boleh membuat kenyataan itu, malah beliau juga pernah menyatakan sejak Pas dan DAP berkawan, DAP boleh membawa al-Quran dan untuk itu, mereka sudah memahami Islam,” katanya.
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
[[Let me greet you with Assalamualaikum (you may not greet me back, as usual]]
I want to..but a Decree is a Decree..So..Waalaikum.
[[As you are dog fighter pilot as you claimed in one of your previous comments some time ago and you warned me that you were trained to fly and bomb Tel Aviv, you should be the first pilot to volunteer. Maybe you
Salam Tun
Click these links below to see for yourself Dajjal zionist khazars atrocities and the “Goyim” resistance against them:
Saya berdoa agar Allah panjangkan umur Tun dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik untuk Tun sekeluarga dan umat Islam keseluruhannya…
Tun…melihatkan senario dunia hari ini…melalui petunjuk dari Al-quran dan hadis…dapat kita simpulkan bahawa dunia dikuasai oleh kejahatan…dan kejahatan ini dikawal oleh tangan-tangan ghaib (Dajjal & Co.)…http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=1229…http://www.newamericancentury.org/
yang mengawal manusia untuk memperhambakan diri kepada mereka…pada pandangan saya yang tidak seberapa, masalah ini perlu ditangani di puncanya… pembelian kapal adalah penyelesaian jangka pendek…kalau kapal tersebut dibom atau dirampas, bagaimana?
KESEDARAN ADALAH KUNCINYA…apa yang Tun lakukan ini adalah tepat…penubuhan Foudation to Criminalize War mungkin jawapannya buat sementara waktu…kita perlu lawan mereka dengan hujjah sebagai langkah pertama…menyedarkan UMAT MANUSIA mengenai bahaya golongan seperti mereka dan kerosakan yang mereka lakukan…oleh itu Tun perlukan rakan-rakan untuk membantu…apa kata Tun hubungi orang-orang yang mungkin boleh membantu…contohnya:
-Pertubuhan2 Islam disetiap negara
-Jaringan gerakan Tabligh
gerakan tabligh ada jaringan yang luas hampir disetiap negara…walaupun saya bukan orang tabligh tapi bercampur gaul dengan mereka…mereka juga ada menceritakan masalah2 yang dihadapi oleh muslim dinegara lain yang perlukan pertolongan
-NGO di Malaysia
-Kumpulan anti perang
google “anti war groups”
kumpulan Cindy Sheehan
-Kumpulan kajian konspirasi
tang ada yang tipu dan ada yang betul…kena pandai pilh
Mungkin mereka boleh tolong menyampaikan hasrat Tun…saya sendiri akan cuba tolong semampu saya…Wasalam Tun
Dear Hanan, yes i couldnt agree more on your Israeli forces super elite expertise, especially with the technique of hiding behind a child, sniping a baby from far away, and of course the famous bombing of very dangerous war factories like those in Shabra and Shatilla. Which military power would have even think as far as that kind of techniques?Brilliant Israelis. I truly admire you guys. You are my man!
But, I think you must have been worried too much of what wajaperak said, didnt you? Don’t worry…IAF is so good that no one can attack Israel, not a single rocket can pass your airspace. Why should you worry so much then? There wont be any harm done by wajaperak just stating the possible suicidal mission like that.It cant be done.Just dont worry. Israel is very powerful and strong!
Hmm…I think you should go around places now in your beloved country rather than stuck in front of your computer replying to comments that is not up to your standard. Your military power is so strong, what are you doing now reading this boring comments? Go around Israel without worry then. Go cross Gaza and Lebanon. No worries. Israel people cant be touched. Israel is so strong and elite.
Or does it make you shit in your pants just thinking bout doing so?hehe. Go go go Israel!hahaha
Hanan is telling us that Dr. Mahathir is telling half the truth and we are supposed to believe an Israeli Jew is telling the whole truth!!!
Toddlers and underaged children in Israeli prison cannot be further from the truth.
Remember the (in)famous picture of a father and his little son cornered by Israeli soldiers, neither father nor the little boy were armed, father begged for the soldiers to spare his son’s life but Israeli soldiers shot the little boy and the father.
1. ade komen yang diberi seperti marah tak tentu pasal dan ape yang ketara yang beri komen tersebut adalah berbangsa india (kalau ikut nama) jadi saya rasa diorang ni agak nye penyokong LTTE…
2. Mungkin Tun dapat ceritakan ape sebenarnya berlaku di Sri Langka di ruangan akan datang…
Assalamualikum Ayahanda Tun & Keluarga, semoga sihat sejahtera hendaknya. Amin
>>> Dear Hanan (or is it nanaH?),
I’d like to share this article with you that was written by your fellow Christian Jew in order for you to understand better about your own species, Zionist Jews. No matter how hard you tried to convince us about your doings to Palestinian was ‘legitimate, and ‘proper’ I opt to think otherwise. In my pesonal opinion only Jews of Torah followers able to fight with Zionist Jews of Talmud followers (and you included). Please read the follwing article and you may call this Jew ‘the enemy within!’.
How The Jews Think
HAVING GROWN UP AS A JEW and having gone to an upper middle class synagogue throughout my childhood up through my young adult years, I am uniquely qualified to do an expose on the inner workings of the Jewish mind. Now that I am an Orthodox Christian, having converted in 1971 to Christianity, I can see very clearly how the Jew thinks:
1. The Jew is a perpetual outsider. The Jew is a ceaseless
To help the palestine?
1st and foremost the palestine themself must have unity, the christian, and the Muslims in palestine themself, then the muslims throughout the world. Now this is next to imposible because the muslim have been like any other religions have been devided amoungst themself since the introductions of the so many gospels n litreatures introduced by the so call ulamaks who want to be popular and holy like the prophet, in which they have been sucessful. This is the main cause of the disunity amoungst the Muslim world. idividually we bvelive in the holy koran but by countries,leaders n Kings we are not because to conquer we must devide, to stay rich we must devide, to have power we must devide, to be the best we must devide, we devide so much in the end you stand alone like a pop singer. If one can see what i meant here, the palistine n the muslims world can be strong again if they read and under stand the Koran and practice it, you dont have to be a terrorist to be strong. Why read and understand the koran? because if one does understand one would not say, your god is your god your religion is your religion when one talk to God! And God would not say in the Koran only a handful of you will go to Heaven!
Can you imagine if the whole muslim world, king and slaves of all nations unite under the teaching of the Holy book no shiaah no suni no wahabi and what ever, Back to the time when europe was under muslims rule, i dont ask for another occupations of countries, for every where you see muslims, that is already an ocupations through knowledge and practices that they bring with them.
Am sorry if iam wrong here but it just a dream !
kpd dr redzuan che mat,org palestin tu saudara seagama kta… xkan kita skadar mlihat pndritaan mrka…mngkin apa yg kita buat,tak sebesar mana.. tapi yg pnting adalah kesungguhan kita membela maruah agama kita.. mngkin usaha kita ini akan mmbuka mata org lain utk sama bngun brjuang demi Islam..
birkan Israel dgn keangkuhan dn kbodohan dorg… kita kena bktikan yg masih ada org Islam yg sngup brkrban harta gan jiwa demi bersama2 mpertahankn Masjid Al-Aqsa dn BaitulMuqdis… kta jgn lupa khebatan Salahudin al ayyubi…ORG ISLAM PRNAH MNGUASAI DUNIA SATU MASA DULU…
saya tak puas hati lgsung bila dr ckp biarkn org Palestin yg mmpertahankan ngara mrk… habis,apa gunannya dr lahir sbg org Islam kalo tak sngup mmpertahankan ksucian agama sndiri….
jgn jadi pengecut…ingat, di akhirat kelak, org Palestin akan mempersoalkan kita dihdpan Allah apa yg kita buat semasa mrka khlngan org trsyang,tmpt tngal, tnah air dn hmpir smuanya dirampas drpd kita….adakah kita sekadar mngalirkan ari mata dan mngeleng-gelengkan kepala? renung2 kan…
mmang la kta bnyk masalah….tapi jgn jdikan suma tu alasan utk buat tak taw ja kpd saudara seagama kta….
kpd Tun, usia sy msih belasan thun tapi sy akan buat apa saja yg trmampu demi saudara sy di Palestin….
saya sangat mnyanjungi Tun… semoga Che Det skeluarga dibrkati Allah dn smoga Tun trus mperjuangkn nasib phlawan sejati di Palestin sana…
salam Tun,
” Israel’s repeated firing of white phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza during its recent military campaign was indiscriminate and is evidence of war crimes, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.”
Gee thanks again Hanan.You guys must be proud of yourselves!
Heil Setan Yahoo!
salam Tun,
I would like to suggest to utilise donations through SMS similar to Tabung Bersamamu YAKEB.
This is a very effective method and makes it much easier for us to donate.
Sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit!
From the international news, Mrs Clinton indeed was upset with Bill’s crossing to N. Korea behind her back! Can someone tell US who is Mrs Clinton? I heard that she is the Dark Rose of Israel force. Ravi can help US since u are so comfortable living in the dark, macha “Gelap Manis”, how r u 2day!!!!
Good day Ayahanda.
Yesterday paper’s pix shown that Annuar is no longer sitting in the middle, he prefered to sit on the right track!!!!!! Hm…. what is he up too???? I think he has got the Smoke out, but will he be the next PM?????????
By the way, is Indonesia copying US’s “smoke them out” strategy to pave way for Malaysia – “Anti-Terrorism” act to replaced ISA????
The KJ and his UMNO flyboys had landed in Jakarta yesterday to re-confirm the DNA of “MAT Top”, aiya….. Y so slow, KJ!!!!
Good day Ayahanda.
Dear freind wajaperak, let me greet you with Assalamualaikum (you may not greet me back, as usual).
Let me comment a friendly comment just on that:
“1.Fly in and drop the supplies.In the whole wide world there is enough daredevil pilots.Some are trained as Foreign Legionnaire.Some are mecenaries.Some are reluctant.Some needs persuasion to accomplish this tasks.It is all feasible.Find those pilots..Find those proper planes..Find the proper planner and executioner..This have been done many times all over the world which penetrates Israel like defences..It can be done again..It will be done provided if we are true and sincere enough to make this a success.Boats cannot get through Israel defences..Planes have more chances to succeed.Proper coordinate,height,landing zone,winds velocity,drag,traction,pilots expertise,sheer dertemination and wish upon prayer..How could we fail???”
As you are dog fighter pilot as you claimed in one of your previous comments some time ago and you warned me that you were trained to fly and bomb Tel Aviv, you should be the first pilot to volunteer. Maybe you
a;kum Tun,
I would like to say something regarding Hanan’s comment on your post this time.
Hello Hannan,
Im sure you know all the stories about what;s going on there in Israel and Palestine state.
But one thing I dont like about the way you comment about the post is that everything is said by Mahathir was not right. As if the Zionist can do whatever they like and they are always right. In this world you are bound to certain rules and if you think your country has the best rules, I doubt it because they just do whatever they like the way they like. that is not rules. that is more like pressing on poor people.
you ask anyone in this world, they will tell you whatever you Zionist are doing are wrong. And whatever the Hamas are doing also wrong. But for you to go and block the innocent and volunteer people from giving help is totally wrong and is unacceptable. if you think with your normal brain, also you will get the message straight away. but so sad because your heart is covered with God knows what…thats why u cant see the importance of the help needed to support the poor palestinians.
I have got nothing against the Israelis but I have everything against the Zionist army. they are the one responsible for killings of the innocent Muslims in Palestine. Also I got nothing against the Arabs living in the Palestine but i have everything against the Hamas leader who think that by attacking the Israel soil will solve the problem.
I cant deny that you Zionist have the best equipment for war but that does not give you the right of killing anyone and everyone u like. we are living in 20th century now and don’t you want this world be a better place than just war, war and war. Come on man….after all you are just human and im sure you have some soft spot in your heart thinking about the poor palestinians suffering from the bombing and everything else.
i hope you stop denying the fact that the Israelis army are the one responsible to most of the killings. and i blame the muslim and the arab leaders as well. they are trying to work things out…they are just talking and talking and talking but not action taken.
maybe you should think for a min or so about what you have written and try to understand the point that Mahathir is trying to tell the world. the Jews are good people just like the Muslims, Christians or any other religions but minority of them are bad. the zionist are bad…they are the who will suffer in the day of judgement and God will punish them greatly the same way God will punish those people who kill other innocent people.
thank you!
Salam Bahagia Tun. You have all my support for the Muslim brothers in Gaza.
To Mr Hanan, thanks for the elaborate reply. But we all learned history here. Do your bit and make this world a better place. Muslims were protecting Jews during the Holocaust, please elaborate on that and relate it to the Gaza’s story now. You are very intelligent, and I hope you can put it to the right place.
God Bless.
You wrote:-
4. After that, things became quiet. There was hardly any report in the press on what was happening. I suppose most people assume that the reconstruction of Gaza was proceeding apace.
My suggestion:-
Why don’t we ask TV3, Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, NST, Astro etc to make coverage and report what is happening in Gaza? and from there campaign for donation with follow up reports that the supplies reached the Palestinians.
Hanan? Who heck are you? A zionist? Mossad Agent maybe?
Watch the film Munich from Steven Spielberg or Bodies of Lies from Sir Ridley Scott.
Even Recep Tayyip Erdogan from Turkey lambasted Simon Peres on this issue… hmm…
Dearest Tun,
You have been fighting hard for the Palestinian Cause. I hope more Muslim irrespective of their political beliefs will support the call for donation.
Our dearest Hannan seemed to be very disturbed by some of the facts that you presented. I hope he understands why the Palestinian is treating the Israelis with contempt.
Hannan must be a complete ignorant in that no man will allow his land be taken away against their will when he is the rightful owner to the land. The worst part is, the robbery was done on a broad day light with full endorsement by the West and fools of Arabs.
I hope Hannan realises that his people has done much damages to the Palestinian people than what the Palestinian had inflicted on them.
Fairness is not the name of the game in the land of Palestine. Bullying and brutality is. So, Mr. Hannan, please stop talking about fairness!
yes, I will donate for a noble cause.
On the topic itself, I have asked you a few times and let me rephrase it –
a/ why do you champion against criminalising war, when it’s probably sincere and realistic to be championing for peace?
b/ why is it you show anti-semitism by your comments of the Jewish community – what is it that you believe that is one sided in this whole conflict?
c/ why didn’t you as Chair of the International Islamic council during your PM-ship agree to champion the negotiations with Israel. Is it because you put that in the “too hard” basket, and by denouncing Israel, you can show how concerned you are about this whole conflict?
Your blind devotees say that Tun is fair and just and sing all the glory, but I, am too a fan of yours have my reservations about your true intentions.
WajaPerak – pls let me know what is it you smoke when you write your blog comments…recommend you to inhale less. LOL
Samurai Melayu – the CAPS LOCK is above the Shift Button and below the Tab key in case you don’t know where it is…LOL
JJJ – Racist! LOL!
Tun Yang Dikasihi,
Israeli government said that attack on Gaza was justified because the Gazans (Hamas) fired them with rockets day in and day out. This is also ‘political’ statement by the Zionists….with the military might that they have, Israel can defend themselves quite easily by their anti-missile rockets. They knew very well that these home-made Qassam rockets would not cause to them as much harm as their high-tech weaponries.
Recalling my recent trip to Kuwait, I talked to some locals and expatriate friends about the 1991 Gulf War. I realized that Iraq was attacking the US-led Coalition Force bases in North East Saudi Arabia and Israel.
One thing I found most intriguing was that, by eyewitnesses accounts…they said that the US military were already deployed to these locations and roaming the Persian Gulf even sometime before the invasion of Kuwait (not after the invasion as stated in modern history books). This could only mean that they already knew that a war was going to happen.
Could supposedly…the first Gulf War was ‘indirectly’ planned by the states of Israel and US? It was well known that Saddam’s government was supporting Palestinian resistance movements and the White House had clearly expressed their thoughts on this. And why would George Bush Jr. go all out to finish off Iraq in the 2nd Gulf War, searching fruitlessly for Weapons of Mass Destruction?…and why thes military invaders never completely pulled out from the country until today? Are they doing Israel a favour by ensuring Iraq is always in an unstable and peace-less condition so that these Zionists can continuously rape the Palestinian state?
‘Political Intentions’…will always be the excuse by oppressors to justify their evil.
Jeddah, KSA
1. Biarlah saya jelaskan kelemahan ketara Yahudi Zionist.
2. Kelemahan paling ketara hanya satu. Mereka akan menjadi lemah sekiranya umat Islam bersatu.
3. Penyatuan yang dimaksudkan disini sebagai contoh, jaringan dan ikatan yang kukuh dari segi ekonomi.
4. Umat Islam tiada asas kukuh, hanya kesedaran semata-mata.
5. Kesedaran tanpa asas kukuh akan menjadi kesedaran hangat-hangat tahi ayam.
6. Bagaimana mahu mengukuhkan asas? Perlulah dibentuk sejak dari kecil.
7. Masa depan umat Islam bergantung kepada rancangan kita pada saat ini.
8. Jika pada saat ini, rancangan kita hanyalah mahu membantu rakyat Palestin, anak-anak kecil didepan mata kita tidak akan dapat dibentuk dengan asas yang kukuh untuk menempuhi dunia dimasa depan.
9. Maka, apa yang ada pada umat akhir zaman, ialah umat Islam yang tiada asas keislaman yang kukuh, yang dengan mudah dapat dihanyutkan. Yahudi Zionist memang mahukan perkara ini berlaku.
Salam Hormat dan Salam Kasih
Yes it is delightful to read this piece of news:
Mahathir also announced that the prime minister’s wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, who is the patron of the Palestinian Humanitarian Fund, donated RM1.5 million to the Gaza Fund.
Gaza Fund Launched To Help Palestinians In Gaza.
It is as mentioned in your posting. Alhamdulillah.
Now, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we can come up with a great way that will make the Palestinians and their land a more viable economic entity, Tun.
And this is made wonderful reading in a API 23 condition at USM, too:
August 12, 2009 16:28 PM
Opportunities Abound In Saudi Agriculture Sector
By Muin Abdul Majid
DUBAI, Aug 12 (Bernama) — Local and international firms have been urged to boost their presence and investments in Saudi Arabia’s agricultural sector.
According to Khalid Daou, a project manager of an upcoming Saudi agriculture show in Riyadh, the Saudi government has been investing heavily in irrigation projects to develop its arable land, with the aim of addressing both a rapidly growing population and burgeoning demand for food and food-related products.
“There is an urgent need for advanced irrigation equipment, water management technologies and services and related products such as high-yield seeds to satisfy the country’s increasing agricultural requirements,” he said in a statement issued here.
Daou said the kingdom relied on growth areas such as agriculture to advance its economic diversification strategy.
The statement said Saudi Arabia remained the Middle East’s largest market for agricultural products and technologies, posting a steady eight per cent average annual growth.
It imported more than 25.5 billion riyals (RM23.8 billion) worth of agricultural products in 2008, an increase of 42 per cent over the previous year.
This year agricultural projects are expected to account for 23 per cent of the country’s expected SAR181 billion private sector investments, enhancing Saudi’s status as a major player in the regional agribusiness.
Organised by Riyadh Exhibitions Company, Saudi Agriculture 2009 will run from Nov 1 to 4 at the Riyadh International Exhibition Centre.
I would love to be invited to that function at the Sime Darby Conventio Center on the 20th August – the one that YABhg Tun is planning to attend – perhaps just to see whatever the healthy probability of getting a remainder payment from a giant corporate long overdue can be realised and expeditiously – and with the blessings of the owner of the invoice, of course – among others; and also to congratulate you the advisor to Petronas and Petronas herself to having marvelous courage and imagination to launch the Emas US Dollar Sukuk.
Alhamdulillah. In my eyes you are the Father of The Dinar Emas, Bapak Tun Mahathir.
Anyhow, it would be just fantastic when you could tell me your thoughts to the enquiry wouldn’t it be wonderful if we can come up with a great way that will make the Palestinians and their land a more viable economic entity, Tun.
Terima Kasih.
(just not wanting the chance to participate in such lovely amalan solehan, Tun)
Hello Hanan,
I was wondering when you’ll appear. Good to see you here.
I’m glad you’re fighting for the truth and nothing but the truth.
Well, let’s get to the truth.
The ‘Spirit of Humanity’ was seized by Israeli Occupation Forces in international waters. The boat was threatened with violence and compelled to follow the Israeli gunboats ashore where the crew were locked up. In other parts of the world, this act would be called piracy and the US would send a warship to punish the perpetrators, what more with a former US congresswoman onboard the seized ship. But this is Gaza, alas. Here is a video of this piracy
You keep harping about the size of the ships used. Of course they’re small ships and can’t deliver much goods. I agree much more need to be done and I wish the world will organise an airlift like the Berlin airlift to break the siege. That would be a nightmare for you wouldn’t it? But when you’re like the Palestinians in Gaza and short of everything, every bit helps. And how exactly do kids’ crayons and powdered milk be used for creating ‘terrorist’ infrastructure?
You worry about the plight of the homeless Palestinians being exposed to the cold in the coming months. If you’re sincere about it why don’t you lobby your government to lift the siege and tell us about it in your brand new ‘Peace’ website?
I’m glad you’re indignant about custodial deaths in Malaysia. So am I, but would you like to examine the number of Palestinian deaths at Israeli checkpoints, including mothers who died giving birth and their new-born babies at roadblocks because they were delayed by the IOF?
Since they were first used in 2001, Qassam rockets have killed about 15 Israelis and has had practically no impact on infrastructure. No Israeli university, hospital, clinic, electric plants, waterworks, schools, factories, homes, bridges, farms, olive groves, synagogues or roads were destroyed. Compare this with the death toll of the recent Gaza offensive where 1,434 Palestinians died including including 288 children and 121 women. In addition 5,303 Palestinians were injured in the assault, including 1,606 children and 828 women. Every one knows the utter damage caused to the Gaza strip.
In fact in this war the Qassam rockets prove more a nuisance (and an important propaganda tool) than a real threat. Even Shimon Peres said so. Here, let me help you with this quote:
‘ “Vice Premier Shimon Peres, however, doesn’t understand what the fuss is about. “This hysteria over the Qassams must end,” he told journalists at the Knesset. “We’re just adding to the hysteria. What happened?” ‘
Poor prisoner Gilad Shalit. If I’m not mistaken he’s a soldier and if I’m not wrong, sometimes soldiers get captured by their enemies especially if they venture into enemy territory. Shalit is the only Israeli in Palestinian captivity. On the other hand, the Israelis are imprisoning about 10 750 Palestinians including 290 children.
What say we hang a banner on the plight of the Palestinian child prisoners on your site?
Please don’t insult our intelligence by trying to pose your propaganda as truths.
1. Hulurkan bantuan kewangan untuk beli bot dan kapal? Tun, jangan buat kelakar.
2. Semua orang tahu, walaupon tak pernah pergi Palestin, Yahudi Zionist takkan sesekali membenarkan orang lain membantu rakyat Palestin.
3. Hulurkan bantuan kewangan, perubatan, pakaian, dan segala benda bantuan terhadap Palestin hanya sia-sia, kerana segala bentuk saluran bantuan telah pon dihidu dan disekat oleh puak Zionist.
4. Mengapa seluruh warga Arab sekeliling Palestin berdiam diri?
5. Bukan mereka tidak mahu bantu, tetapi mereka sedar, bantuan yang diberikan akan menjadi sia-sia. Mereka lebih sanggup bersekongkol dengan Yahudi Zionist, dari bersekongkol dengan Palestin.
6.Tiada cara lain, melainkan kesedaran orang-orang Islam seluruh dunia, bersatu menentang Yahudi Zionist dan pengikut-pengikutnya.
7. Jika Tun betul-betul ikhlas untuk membantu Palestin, bantulah orang-orang Islam didepan mata dulu. BUKAN KAUM MELAYU, TETAPI UMAT ISLAM.
8. Bantu mereka sedarkan diri dari lamunan mereka. Umat Islam zaman sekarang semuanya dah leka dengan kemewahan harta benda. Mereka telah dilalaikan oleh rancangan Yahudi Zionist.
9. Janganlah menjadi bodoh dengan membantu rakyat Palestin dengan membuta tuli. Benar, mereka perlukan bantuan. Tetapi, adakah rakyat Palestin mewakili umat Islam keseluruhannya?
10. Seperti kata pepatah, yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran.
11. Saya cabar Tun, untuk bantu umat Islam dulu, sebelum bantu rakyat Palestin.
12. Biarlah rakyat Palestin berjuang untuk negara mereka.
13. Kita berjuang untuk agama kita la. Bukan Palestin.
14. Apa yang saya cuba sampaikan disini ialah, janganlah terpedaya dengan rancangan Yahudi Zionist. Mereka dah kaji dan kenalpasti kelemahan umat Islam. Dengan menghancurkan Palestin, umat Islam yang terlalu emosi akan bertindak diluar waras akal. Maka syaitan akan membisik ke telinga mereka untuk bertindak mengikut emosi. Secara tak lansung, segala tindakan kita hanya sia-sia.
15. Sebagai umat Islam, kita wajib membantu saudara Islam kita. Bantuan kewangan untuk membeli bot dan kapal untuk menembusi kawalan ketat Yahudi Zionist bukanlah cara yang berkesan.
16. Untuk menyerang Yahudi Zionist, kita perlu kenalpasti kelemahan mereka terlebih dahulu. Jika tidak, segala tindakan akan menjadi sia-sia.
Hulurkan bantuan kewangan untuk beli bot dan kapal?
Tun, jangan buat kelakar.
Semua orang tahu, walaupon tak pernah pergi Palestin, Yahudi Zionist takkan sesekali membenarkan orang lain membantu rakyat Palestin.
Hulurkan bantuan kewangan, perubatan, pakaian, dan segala benda bantuan terhadap Palestin hanya sia-sia, kerana segala bentuk saluran bantuan telah pon dihidu dan disekat oleh puak Zionist.
Mengapa seluruh warga Arab sekeliling Palestin berdiam diri?
Bukan mereka tidak mahu bantu, tetapi mereka sedar, bantuan yang diberikan akan menjadi sia-sia. Mereka lebih sanggup bersekongkol dengan Yahudi, dari bersekongkol dengan Palestin.
Tiada cara lain, melainkan kesedaran orang-orang Islam seluruh dunia, bersatu menentang Yahudi dan pengikut-pengikutnya.
Jika Tun betul-betul ikhlas untuk membantu Palestin, bantulah orang-orang Islam didepan mata dulu. BUKAN KAUM MELAYU, TETAPI UMAT ISLAM.
Bantu mereka sedarkan diri dari lamunan mereka. Umat Islam zaman sekarang semuanya dah leka dengan kemewahan harta benda. Mereka telah dilalaikan oleh rancangan Yahudi.
Janganlah menjadi bodoh dengan membantu rakyat Palestin dengan membuta tuli. Benar, mereka perlukan bantuan. Tetapi, adakah rakyat Palestin mewakili umat Islam keseluruhannya?
Seperti kata pepatah, yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran.
Saya cabar Tun, untuk bantu umat Islam dulu, sebelum bantu rakyat Palestin.
Biarlah rakyat Palestin berjuang untuk negara mereka.
Kita berjuang untuk agama kita la. Bukan Palestin.
Apa yang saya cuba sampaikan disini ialah, janganlah terpedaya dengan rancangan Yahudi. Mereka dah kaji dan kenalpasti kelemahan umat Islam. Dengan menghancurkan Palestin, umat Islam yang terlalu emosi akan bertindak diluar waras akal. Maka syaitan akan membisik ke telinga mereka untuk bertindak mengikut emosi. Secara tak lansung, segala tindakan kita hanya sia-sia.
Sebagai umat Islam, kita wajib membantu saudara Islam kita. Bantuan kewangan untuk membeli bot dan kapal untuk menembusi kawalan ketat Yahudi bukanlah caranya.
Untuk menyerang Yahudi, kita perlu kenalpasti kelemahan mereka terlebih dahulu. Jika tidak, segala tindakan akan menjadi sia-sia.
Dengan izin Tun..Terima kasih..
[[But you tend to forget or ignore easily what those Gazans did prior the massive attack on them. You forgot the massive of what you call
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
Abg kamal ahmad
[[With regards to the H1N1 info you
Israelis are ignorant. That is the proper word to describe it
Salam Tun,
Memang benar kata Tun yang Gaza sedang dicekik oleh Israel dan kita sudah mula lupakan kesulitan yang ditanggung orang Gaza. Terima kasih kerana mengambil langkah untuk membawa isu Gaza ke hadapan semula.
Tun lebih jauh maklum dari saya mengenai isu Palestin-Israel ini tapi saya fikir Israel tidak akan berhenti memerangi orang Gaza sama ada melalui serangan terbuka ataupun sekatan (siege) sehinggalah orang Palestin mengambil keputusan untuk mengosongkan wilayah tersebut. Kedua-dua tindakan ini merupakan peperangan, cuma sekatan tidak melibatkan senjata api dan berlaku dalam senyap. Tindakan yang sama juga sedang di ambil di Tebing Barat dan Baitulmaqdis Timur. Bekalan air pada sebuah kampung di Tebing Barat telah disekat dan penduduk diusir dari rumah mereka di Baitulmaqdis Timur. Ini bersesuaian dengan matlamat zionis untuk mengwujudkan negara Yahudi tulen yang dimaksudkan dengan ungkapan ‘Jewish State.’ Tidak ada nama negeri yang lebih rasis dari itu.
Ramai yang memberi pendapat yang usaha menghantar bot kecil ini sia-sia tetapi bagi saya usaha ini tidak sia-sia. Selain menghantar bahan binaan dan kelengkapan kemanusiaan yang memang diperlukan secara praktikal, usaha sebegini juga boleh membawa tekanan kepada rejim haram di Tel Aviv yang ada orang yang masih mengambil peduli akan tindak-tanduk mereka terhadap penduduk Gaza. Lebih penting ia mengantar mesej kepada orang Gaza yang mereka tidak berseorangan berhadapan dengan kezaliman.
Penyokong orang Gaza tidak mampu menganjurkan tindakan pemecahan sekatan besar-besaran seperti yang dilakukan di Archangel (North atlantic convoy) ataupun di Berlin (Berlin Airlift). Namun seperti orang Gaza yang semangatnya sangat kental dan tidak mudah dipatahkan, penyokong mereka yang terlibat dengan FGM ini, yang terdiri dari banyak negara, juga nampaknya besemangat kental.
Dear Manchibut,
You said:
WOULD you allow your God harmed, crucified or killed by anybody?
AND would you openly throw your every support to the people who were clearly responsible for the demise of your God?
and quoted from the bible…..makes for good reading huh.
You missed out on this though Luke 23:34 where Jesus said : ” Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”.
Also, I dont think my GOD needs my defending HIM. Thank you
Saya ingin menghulurkan tenaga dan kewangan menolong mereka dari sini bukan semasa perang sahaja tetapi berkekallan sehingga keakhir hayat,adakah caranya?
mybiz at http://milysa.webs.com
Salam Tun Dr. M and Che Det readers,
I would like to add some of my opinions:
1. It is normal for the Israel to do illegal actions as the regime itself is illegal.
2. Human rights? For the jews, only Jews have the rights, even the right to be legally gay marriages. Hehe… For them other people including us Muslims are not human, so for sure we do not human rights.
3. As you said “The jews are ruling the world by proxies”, they are ruling the strongest nation on earth currently which is USA and this USA leading NATO to control the world.
4. USA is creating a war on terror and make an equation Muslim=Terrorist. They attack us from every angles. Everywhere and everyday they are killing muslims not only in Palestine but also Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. So sad to see Islamic countries joining this Zionist to have a war on terror targetting bearded men. Indonesia for example just copy USA steps to create a character Bin Laden by creating a character named Nordin Top.
5. I wonder why Iran proudly stand against USA and no Muslim countries willing to help. We know already that US will attack all Muslim countries one after another. It is a matter sooner or later they will attack with a created excuse. I respect Venezuela to openly support Iran eventhough they has no relationship with Iran. It is a shame we muslim countries no one step up to join Iran. Are we so afraid of death? If so that means Jews succeeded.
6. I am sad to see in this situation muslims are still concerned about the differences between Sunni and Syiah. I know the jews also playing their part actively now to fuel the fire between Sunni and Syiah.
7. As a powerful and well respected leader in the world, I suggest you to help lobbying for a cooperation within OIC on same Dinar usage and cooperation in defence.
dearest tun,
it’s a great move on your free Gaza movement and we as the caring Malaysian will able to render the help needed.
To all Malaysians please feel how lucky we are living in this country where over there in Gaza still in chaos & unsafe.
Lastly, I hope the conflict between israel/palestin come to an end although in our islam context these will last till kiamat. May Allah bless the Gazans and all Palestinians with patience and strong will to live in years ahead and to the israelis (Yahudi) who kill and slaughter these people all these years, your day of suffering will come like what happened in the past.
salam ayah det.. not overlooking the stress on the global financial stress..
Whom Did We Bail Out?
Look, now: Here we are! Go back to 2007, where I made this proposal, for reform. I said, we propose a reform, on the basis of the authority of the Constitution of the United States. That would have worked. Anybody who’s intelligent, who understands the system, would have known, that what I proposed then, would have worked. We would not be in this mess today!
But, who the hell came up with this other idea? Of getting the United States into debt, for obligations it didn’t owe?! In order to bail out London, to bail out the international monetary system! At the expense of the United States! To loot the United States and its Treasury, for the benefit of an international monetary cartel! What about “bail out”! Whom, did we bail out? Did we bail out our industries? Did we save the auto industry, or put it into equivalent form, something else besides autos? Did we save the American farmer? Did we save the infrastructure, of the cities of the United States and the states? Whom did we bail out?
We bailed out the London bankers and their New York extension. We don’t owe them anything. We just happen to have a government that says that.
This is our nation. And the law of bankruptcy of our nation is our authority. If I were President, I would end this thing right now. And I’m sure, I could get the support of the great majority of American citizens, very quickly, simply by making clear what I intend to do: Put the whole thing in bankruptcy. You guys are going to live. We’re not going to kill you
Salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Dear Brother Waja Perak. Thank you very much for your astute observation and remarks on the neglected error on my part. I was at task, and apologetically, was too in a rush. None the less, I shall take every step to inform the concerned. With regards to the H1N1 info you
Semoga pekerjaan Tun dan rakan-rakan dirahmati ALLAH dan dilundungi dari segala bahaya. INSYAALLAH jika apa yang dikerjakan itu benar, kemenangan akan tiba jua.
Yakinlah setiap yang berlaku ada hikmah dan kebaikan yang bukan sedikit bagi kita semua. Marilah kita semua bersatu hati dan tenaga bergerak maju membina AGAMA, BANGSA dan NEGARA seperti yang diperintahkan ALLAH. KEMENANGAN MUTLAK MILIK KITA SEMUA UMAT ISLAM. ITU JANJI ALLAH. Sebelum menang tentulah kita akan diuji iman dan kesabaran.
Janganlah kita mempersoalkan orang lain yang tidak mengambil tanggungjawab ini sebagai alasan untuk sama tidak melakukannya. Itulah seburuk-buruk alasan. Jika tidak mampu eloklah berdiam diri sahaja. INSYAALLAH Tun akan berjaya membeli sebuah bot atau kapal yang boleh digunakan untuk menghantar bekalan kepada rakyat Palestin.
Asslamualaikum dear Dr. Mahthir and friends.
I would like to comment on that post. I may be interpreted a bit
Assalammualaikum Tun…
Kekejaman Israel tidak akan ternoktah hanya kerana kita menyuarakan sokongan kita agar mereka memberhentikan tindakan tidak berperi kemanusiaan terhadap warga Palestin, sudah lama isu perdamaian di ketengahkan tetapi sehingga akhirnya pun Yasser Arafat masih tidak mampu untuk menggoyahkan pendirian Israel…Walaupun rakyat palestin berusaha sedaya upaya sehingga terkorban, mereka masih tidak dapat menerbitkan secubit perasaan belas kasihan Israel terhadap mereka kerana…Israel ada sokongan dari kuasa-kuasa besar yang digeruni hampir semua negara di dunia ini tetapi Palestin cuma ada suara negara-negara islam yang berbisik-bisik di belakangnya. Kita dapat melihat betapa negara islam sekarang ini tidak bersatu padu dan ada pula yang menyokong tindakan orang-orang kafir untuk menakluk negara islam dan mereka hanya memandangnya dari jauh… betapa bertuahnya kita Malaysia namun kini ada unsur-unsur pengkhianat negara mula tunjuk belang, tindakan tidak bersyukur ini menganjurkan demonstrasi jalanan mengundang kepada perpecahan orang melayu yang juga beragama islam…kenapa kita memandang negara yang begitu jauh sedangkan depan mata kita sudah ada contoh kebinasaan orang islam yang tidak bersatu. Sekiranya Malaysia ini diberikan kepada warga Palestin, tentunya mereka begitu menghargai negara dan menyayangi sesama insan tetapi kita…yang telah berpeluang hidup aman dan damai, begitu bersahaja menghancurkan negara ini dengan meniru aksi-aksi demonstrasi yang menarik perhatian kuasa besar terhadap perpecahan yang berlaku dan sudah tentunya pelbagai alasan akan direka supaya mereka boleh masuk campur dalam urusan pentadbiran negara…kasihan pada Palestin yang mengharapkan kehidupan seperti kita dan tidak memperolehinya…seharusnya mana-mana pemimpin dan rakyat yang tidak mempunyai akal fikiran ini tinggal di palestin dan mereka boleh merasai betapa susahnya untuk mencapai keamanan walaupun mereka mengamalkan demonstrasi jalanan…
dalam hati mungkin adanya perasaan bertuah hidup di Malaysia tapi dalam Perbuatan sudah cukup menunjukkan mereka ini sebenarnya perosak keamanan dan pentingkan diri sendiri!dan yang paling jelas sekali, mereka langsung tidak bersyukur akan nikmat yang diberikan kepada mereka…jauh di sudut hati, menangis melihat Palestin sengsara…moga ada sinar harapan untuk mereka dan kita rakyat Malaysia, bantulah mereka yang tidak berdosa ini…amin.
How I wish (and millions others as well) that you have a clone or a truly equal successor.
I often wonder with anxiety how it will be when you’re no longer with us, to speak for the Muslim World or the ‘Third World’. We don’t have many caliber, brave and honest leaders like you.
Thanks Tun, for your many, many contributions. You make us inspired and feel counted.
Dear Tun,
Allow me to make this appeal to all readers of your BLOG.
Dear Fellow Reader of Tun’s excellent BLOG,
If you are able, know how to, have the connections and can do your little bit.
Please do your part to “uphold the dignity of humankind”.
Let no one on this earth not know about this plea by Tun on this BLOG.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Sehingga kini saya masih boikot barangan US kerana saya yakin kerajaan mereka tidak berubah. Sekiranya ada, tetapi tidak cukup untuk tidak terus tunduk kepada Israel. Saya akan buat setakat yang termampu. Dalam masa yang sama, saya cadangkan Tun tolong ‘sound’ sikit samada pihak tentera kita tak kiralah secara diam-diam atau terbuka, turut membantu mereka. Hantar sekumpulan kecil untuk membantu bot ini, boleh ke?Saya yakin ramai yang boleh menyokong jika duit rakyat digunakan untuk tujuan ini dan ramai tentera kita yang sanggup! Sehubungan itu,saya berpendapat Baitul Mal yang sedia ada boleh di perluaskan lagi. Baitul Mal tidak terhad kepada pemberian wang kepada fakir miskin. Ia boleh digunakan untuk menganjurkan kerja-kerja amal yang lain. Setakat untuk mengutip tabung baitul mal, potongan gaji (muslim) sebanyak RM1-RM50 boleh dilakukan setiap bulan. Bayangkan berapa jumlahnya setiap tahun untuk seluruh Malaysia. Saya juga yakin, ramai yang seperti saya terutama di kalangan profesional yang ingin menghulurkan bantuan tetapi tak yakin dengan NGO yang sedia ada mampu bergerak (melainkan di bawah Tun). Sekiranya, Baitul Mal sanggup menjadi peneraju, adalah lebih baik. Di bawah teraju Baitul Mal, mungkin dapat diadakan biro/bahagian untuk tujuan tertentu.. penubuhan pasukan sukarela untuk menghantar bantuan kemanusian di Palestin, penjagaan alam sekitar, hal-ehwal ibu tunggal, mangsa rogol, remaja bermasalah. dll. Sekadar cadangan….
Sometimes we may have to look at things from different angle. I think the most important point is what GAZANS want for their their future generations.
If Gazans really want to have freedom, work with Israel and build the city with them for their future generations, not for them. We have ONLY ONE CHANCE to live! What did Hamas do???? By creating suicide bombers to kill Israelis???? Make donations???? Will that help???? By having Media Press to claim that HAMAS is the Freedom Fighter or Israel trrops are cruel?
We do not live for past, life must go on…. GAZA is indeed the sacred place to re-unite Christianity /Islam in the middle east which was unsolved for many many years now.
Look at China, people from the past said that Qin 1st Emperor – Shi Huang-Ti was cruel. But today, the world said that without Shi Huang-Ti, there will no China.
It’s all depend how we look at the situation there. I do not know how to help. But I do hope that Israel and Hamas leaders do not use “bullet for food” or “Religion view” to solve this crisis. It is only Hamas and Israel can solve their differences or problems, not 3 rd party.
In Malaysia, many of us already knew the truth, Ayahanda. Are we going to wait for Budaya ANwar to end itself? If HE has broke his promise, HE has to resign! If HE does not, Malaysia will be the future Palestine, who’s fault then?
I wonder how pathetic were the Christians worldwide , especially those from the West, who ignorantly supporting the Jews in Jerusalem knowing that their so-called
Pak2 Arab kan kaya. Lg pun lokasi derang dekat je dgn Palestin ni. Bangsapn lebih kurang ja. Buat bangunan canggih bleh beri sumbangan ssah. Sume kita nak tlong, kta sendiri pn bnyk masalah. Sy dh stopkn sumbangan sy pd Palestin ni krna Pak Arab sendiri tk ambil pot psl isu ini. Lg 1 barang sapa yg plan nak boikot produk yahudi x payah la, kita xleh hidup tanpanya.
UZI does it!
Dear Tun,
Salute to you sir, you are the real fighter for Islam & the whole world.
I do sympathize with most of ” PAS ” members who have ” Fight For Palestine ” stickers on their car while their leaders cannot do anything for their members’ desire to fight injustice.
Yes Sir, after all the names they call you, now they are very silence. I sincerely think you should invite their leaders to joint your fight so that they could see a bigger picture rather then being small minded about Islam.
Yes, you make me to be so proud to be a Malaysian & Muslim. Hidup Melayu.
Dengan Izin Tun dan Moderator..Berbanyak banyak Terima Kasih..
[[18. Malaysians who wish to do so may volunteer to sail with these intrepid people. But if they cannot, then they can contribute towards their need to buy a bigger boat as no one would rent boats to them.]]
Ini kali pertama saya protes kenyataan dan pendapat Tun..Berbanyak ampun dan Maaf.But I have too..Here goes.
1.Penyataan Permasalahn.
Apa masalah sebenar? Ingin menghantar bekalan keperluan ke Gaza.
2.Cadangan.Melalui pembelian bot yang lebih besar.
3.Masalah.Tidak praktikal dan tidak mungkin berjaya.
Peratus kejayaan hanya 1%.
4.Mengenalpasti dan mempelbagaikan peluang kejayaan.
i)Kenal kebolehan sendiri.Tak akan mampu bot-bot ini melepasi
kawalan ‘Israel Gunboat’.Asks Palestinian fisherman.They will
vouch for this.
ii)Kenal kebolehan Tentera Laut Israel.When push comes to shove
Israel will take all kinds of measures to stop this boat.Have
this boat equipped with radar jammer? To jam Israel Patrol and
Gunboats? What about their submarines? And what about their
Sea and land mines??
All are vain and futile effort in nature..
Now..Listen and bear with me.
I am chess player and war student.So I qualifies myself in giving this scenarios of making supplies deliveries to GAZA.Scheming,planning and execution.( The plan,not anything else ).
There is 4 ways into GAZA.2 are military in nature and not to be discussed but another two.
1.Fly in and drop the supplies.In the whole wide world there is enough daredevil pilots.Some are trained as Foreign Legionnaire.Some are mecenaries.Some are reluctant.Some needs persuasion to accomplish this tasks.It is all feasible.Find those pilots..Find those proper planes..Find the proper planner and executioner..This have been done many times all over the world which penetrates Israel like defences..It can be done again..It will be done provided if we are true and sincere enough to make this a success.Boats cannot get through Israel defences..Planes have more chances to succeed.Proper coordinate,height,landing zone,winds velocity,drag,traction,pilots expertise,sheer dertemination and wish upon prayer..How could we fail???
2.Hassan Nassrallah and Hezbollah must comes into the pictures.We leaves it to the expert in situ.
3.Egypt population all over the world..SHAME ON YOU!!..SHAME ON YOU!! Another one.. SHAME ON YOU!!!
Why do you all Egypt people let Hosni kills the Palestinians indirectly and you let him get away with it?..Just..WHY??
Have you forgotten what Rasullulah s.a.w said to para Sahabat?
Egypt is the land of our forefather ( Nabi Ismail a.s. ) so it must be liberated.
How could you all people forsakes Rasullulah s.a.w ?? How could
Let knock senses into Hosni and let those supplies flows in..
Tun..please no boat and even ship..It just not done..It aint working..And we must wise up before the incidence and not after.
Please seriously consider my opinion..
Many many thanks Tun Dr Mahathir..
Salam Tun
I cannot resist to comment on the Buah Pala issue as I feel I have a few important points to make, namely :-
1. I feel it is just not right that one can live in a certain place or location for more than 300 years and suddenly someone can come in with bulldozers and excavators and force you out of your house because the local govt sold your land to some private contractor and did not inform the residents at all.
2. The residents of Kg Buah Pala had been negotiating with the BN/Gerakan govt but no forced eviction had taken place until Lim Guan Eng took over.
3. The director and CEO of the contractor are both Chinese. The affected residents are Indians.
4. The residents of Kg Buah Pala had been offered two-storey houses by the developer/state govt but since Kg Buah Pala was their ancestral home, they needed time to think the offer over – it was not an easy decision to make. However the contractor gave only a short timeframe and closed the offer once the deadline was up. So now the majority of Kg Buah Pala residents (except 4) have no choice except only to block the demolition of their homes.
5. It is very sad that this kind of things are happening in Malaysia due to irresponsible local government behaviour.
6. I do not trust government and politicians anymore. I can be evicted from my home, any time and at any place.
By NanthaAuthor Profile Page on August 12, 2009 6:48 PM
Why? I don’t see any sincerity in you to help peoples of the world in general.
Salam dearest Tun,
The awareness is still very low within our community. Semua tak suka Israel for what they are doing to the Palestinians semua kata nak boikot tetapi in reality kita dah terlalu terikat dgn baragan yg kita lazim guna. We are reluctant to change or are not sensitive enough.
I support to completely stop using ALL food and merchandise from organizations that support the evil regime!
Please note: Malaysian government or GLC leaders MUST be made aware and must scrutinize all purchases, so that we do not support all equipment, software and food that comes from Israel, US or Singapore (depa byk repackage food and good and then export to Malaysia) that contribute to the evil regime!
There is actually never a time a person don’t have enough money. The monies always there and what left is the thought to put aside some of it for a good reason. I’m hoping some of us would be happy to part from a small amount of luxury we are enjoying. These are times where God is testing us. A time where juxtaposition lies everywhere and apparent. Such as this where our brothers and sisters are suffering while we enjoying and laughing on a good tv show. Where the westerners trying to hate the Muslims while they themselves actually live like a Muslims and the Muslims actually not in the harmony code of a Muslim.
I will spare an effort for this cause in form of money.
Hazman Abu Bakar.
Dengan izin Tun..Terima Kasih..
Abg Kamal Ahmad..
Terlebih dahulu saya mohon ribuan ampun dan maaf terhadap abg..Maaf.
[[It has been stated in the holy al Quran that even if man kind were to know that Judgment Day would be tomorrow, and he has a seed to plant, he must go out and plant that seed for humanity ]]
Tiada di dalam Al Quran ayat sebegini tetapi ianya adalah sebuah Hadith..Maaf jika menyinggung abang..
Berkenaan H1N1..mungkin saya dapat bagi sedikit maklumbalas jika abang sudi bagi alamat e mel.I can only promised my level best..Maybe it is interesting…
Maaf sekali lagi..
Terima kasih Tun..
Assalamualaikum Tun
The plight of the Palestinians especially the women and the children has always moved me to tears so has the war on Afghanistan and on Iraq but I try not to think too much about it because it is just too painful.
It is heartening to know there are non Muslims out there who are willing to sacrifice their life to help the Palestinians. May Allah protect them and reward them for their good deeds.
Those Muslims who turned their back on the plight of the Palestinians will have to answer to ALLAH.
In the meantime let us all pray that Allah put a end to the Palestinians’ sufferings.
Salam Tun
1. I note that at 84 years old, you are still carrying out noble causes for the betterment of our beloved country and also for other oppressed citizens of the world such as the Palestinians in Gaza. May Allah SWT Bless, Forgive and Reward you!
2.I also note that you being a doctor have not yet written a blog about this very deadly and virulent H1N1 virus which has so far claimed 44 lives in our country with 208,000 reported cases in the world and the threat of it killing at least 2 billion people when it spreads to the Northern Hemisphere. Please can you write a blog about your thoughts on this H1N1 virus and give some advise to the current Govt to take more drastic measures?
3. I am aware of the current happenings in Gaza – about the blockade by Egypt from entering Gaza and also in Syria / Jordan and also by the Israeli navy from the sea and that aid cannot be received by the Palestinians. This is why I question why there are still donation drives to get money, food and clothings to the Palestinians. Is the money and clothes and food really going to the Palestinians or to somewhere else? This is why I stopped giving when I realised that the Palestinians really cannot receive the aid given from all of us.
What you must do is first ensure that the aid and donation given around the world and by Malaysian citizens CAN ACTUALLY be transmitted to the Palestinians. What is the point of us giving money, food and clothings if it cannot reach the Palestinians? Where are all the money, food and clothings now if it cannot reach the Palestinians?
The war of Israel on Palestinians have not only shown how brutal the Israelis are but also how cold-hearted and uncaring are the Arabs despite Islam originating from their land. The Egyptians have kow-towed to Israel to close its borders to aid workers. The Israeli navy are blocking access from the sea. So how can Palestinian charity work ? Your charity organisation, Tun, is still asking for money, food and clothings for money, food and clothings for the Palestinians but after receiving all this, you are blocked. So where is all the donated money, food and clothings sitting now?
You say you want a bigger boat but you know the Israeli navy are there watching you and they will not hesitate to shoot at anytime so it would be mere suicide to go into Gaza by ship!
What must FIRST be done is to attack Israel on a much bigger front, on a much bigger scale until they become AFRAID. Only then will they back down from bullying Palestinians although bullying is such a small word to use for what the Israelis have done including the heartless use of white and green phosphorus to melt the skins and bones of Palestinian women and children and to cause maximum pain…
In order to attack Israel on a much bigger front, you need to also take on the United States of America and its Jewish government and Europe. So now you tell me where do you want to go from here.
salam Tun,
The people who always criticise and condemn Tun as a racist will keep quiet over this issue as they know the truth but will never admit that TUN IS A GREAT HUMANITARIAN!
If these people do not care about the Gazan plight,they are racists just like the Jews of the Zionist Jewish Regime and their supporters!
But of course they will give filmsy excuses like ‘what has they got to do with us?’ or ‘let’s concentrate on local issues’ which reflects their shallow thinking and inherent deceitful nature.
These people are hypocrites and bullshitters of the highest order!You know who you are!
Ybgh. Tuan,
Usaha baik dan murni Tun amat disanjung, muga berjaya mencapai matlamatnya.
Beribu kali lebih baik dari kita di Malaysia yang menyalahkan sesama islam. Menghalalkan penghinaan terhadap islam olih bukan islam. Menghina sesama islam. Bersengkokol dalam politik untuk kepentingan sendiri.
Terus mendoakan segala usaha baik untuk kesejahteraan umat di dunia ini olih Tun, akan berjaya.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Assalam’alaikum Honourable Tun,
May this comment find
Hope for the betterment of the Gazans and for future ahead…
Salam Hormat Ayahanda Tun,
As a medical practitioner, from your own opinion, how do you see the Government addressing & tackling the issue of H1N1?
Dear Tun,
Firstly,l feel very happy to leave my comment here. I agree with you in contributing some sort of donations to the “Free
Gaza Movement” so that they can help the people`s of Gaza smoothly.
Besides that, I think the Muslims especially in Malaysia
should conduct some sort of prayers for the Palestinian residents,
like once a week. This powerful combined force prayer can materialize miracle. Thank you.
From: S.Karunagaran
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://skaru.blogspot.com (For my special articles view here)
Dear Tun,
Even at the age of 84 you are still fighting and helping a noble cause. I can see many of the frustrations this unjustly Israel doing to the Palestinians which Tun still tirelessly help. Even boycotting products that finance the zionist regime has little effect on them.
However, we must not give up but instead find ways and means to stop them even little by little the effect is. Kalau susah nak boikot, kita tiru lah mereka(bukan idea baru). Make better BigMac and fish-o-fillet.
Government can play a role by providing incentives and R&D to capable bumis and non bumis, or challenge the GLCs to pave the way. Slowly but surely our effort will eat up their market share. If our products have surplus here(due to demand) still we can donate to Palestinians or other unfortunate countries that deserve our help. They are the ones who really need basic products and will not be as choosy as Malaysians. Its survival…even promised aid are not forthcoming from developed nations…know why?…(I will keep it to myself)
If I were to own a factory producing baby products locally, I do not mind sending or donating as many containers I can afford to Palestine. Maybe not money, because I do not have much…or maybe a locally made boats as a mean of transporting aid to Gaza. It is also a chance to introduce our locally made goods or products there. Hopefully, when conditions are better there, our products are their priority.(marketing through charity)
Why not give it a try again Tun?
Even if we fail, its worth it rather than monies spent going to scandalous politicians(no ill intentions on any political man).
Anyway, I still have faith in the generosity of Malaysians especially in you, Tun….May Allah SWT blessed you and your family always
Salam Tun,
Sad to hear the truth about Gaza. I can clearly understand what the Israelis are doing but what is shocking is the Egyptians. Any way its common and sad that we Muslims are not united.Its even happening in our own backyard dont have to travel thousands of miles to know this fact.
Anyway back to the Gaza. Admire your effort and hope your effort will reach the target you aim for. Personally I am not well to do but god willing will contribute what ever I can. I am sure many others who are well to do and will be contributing to this noble act that you have initiated.
Maybe there is another noble act that may catch your attention. The Malaysians who are suffering due to the bad economical climate as well as H1N1 which have brought a standstill to some companies especially travel agents. Maybe some sort of escape route can be initiated by the government with your help by initiating some brilliant ideas. Charity begins at home.
Ex-Lawmaker: We Were Arrested for Trying to Give Crayons to Children
At last, former six-term Congress member and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney arrived in the Gaza Strip carrying humanitarian aid July 15.
Ms. McKinney’s delegation is part of the group Viva Palestina, which conducted another aid mission from Europe earlier this year. This time the group entered Gaza through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.
Ironically, Ms. McKinney’s entry came just over a week after her deportation from Israel for trying to reach Gaza by sea. She was one of 21 activists kidnapped by the Israeli military in international waters as they tried to deliver humanitarian aid.
This is the third time Ms. McKinney has returned to the embattled area. Last July 7 she was
Bantulah Tabung Kemanusiaan Gaza.Selamatkan Palestin dan selamatkan Masjidil Aqsa.Bantulah HAMAS.Moga Allah memberi kekuatan kepada HAMAS untuk menegakkan Tauhid di bumi Palestin.
http://www.zoompanas2.com menyokong kebebasan Palestin dari cengkaman Yahudi Israel
Tun, I don’t have money but I am willing to help, how I do not know, I admire your willingness and contribution and I hope I can do the same.
Asalamulaikum….amat malang umat islam tidak bersatu…dgn perpecahan mudahlah kita di perkotak katikkan oleh org2 yg berniat jahat…semuga sumbangan yg dapat di kumpul akan dapat membeli kapal
kargo terbesar malah dapat menampung keperluan2 lain…
p/s saya setuju1 1100% dgn pendapat jam 6 aug 09 1.30am…
p/s mcm mana saya nak pertahankan institusi beraja kalu raja2
sendiri tak pertahankan kedudukkan mereka….siapa yg akan
memberikan teguran jika ada kerabat yg membuat onar…
apakah raja2 mempertahankan membela n memperjuangkan yg terbaik
utk rakyat..sbb saya tak rasa terbela oleh raja2….
Kalaulah saya bukan seorang pelajar sekarang ni Tun.. bukan setakat sokongan moral..
Salam buat Tun berdua moga diberkati Allah s.w.t.
1)Maafkan saya…..menghairankan kenapa tiada pemilik-pemilik atau tuan punya kapal yang simpati dengan keadaan sekarang.Syarikat-syarikat besar seperti MISC atau Syarikat Perkapalan yang terlalu mementingkan menghantar petrolium.
2) Lebih senang memujuk golongan ini kerana terus boleh dapat kapal daripada bersusah payah mengutip wang orang ramai.Adakah golongan ini hanya untuk kepentingan ekonomi negara.Kalau begitu kerajaan tidak guna memberi peluang Syarikat-syarikat ini atas kepentingan minyak anugerah Allah s.w.t.Bagilah kepada rakyat memiliki minyak ini.Lagi pun rakyat yang membantu Syrikat minyak ini dengan membeli hasil minyak.
3)Rakyat telah pun diminta berkorban atas banyak malapetaka-malapetaka dengan berbagai kutipan atas nama dana bantuan kemanusiaan.
4)Kini tibalah masanya Syrikat-syarikat yang mempunyai kapal ditagih untuk membantu kerana ia akan menjadi lebih cepat…kerajaan membantu Syarikat anda sehingga berjaya takkan pula rakyat kena tanggung sudahnya rakyat juga yang banyak membeli untuk menguntungkan ekonomi Syarikat anda.
5)Rakyat tahu banyak dana bantuan hasil kutipan dari rakyat diselewengkan…..rakyat pilih pemimpin untuk membantu rakyat sebaliknya pemimpin tanya balik rakyat apa rakyat boleh bagi pada kerajaan.
6)Wahai rakyat lebih baik kita jadi ketua sebab boleh arah pemimpin bekerja bawah kita.Sebab kita lebih membantu segala mala petaka seperti Gaza ini….
7)Jangan relakan diri sebagai pemimpin atas sesuatu isu kalau rakyat yang ditagihkan kembali keatas bantuan itu..ini menunjukkan kelemahan kepimpinan.
8)Allah s.w.t memgurniakan segala-galanya secara percuma,sebaliknya pemimpin sesuatu kerajaan gagal memberi secara percuma sebaliknya dikenakan bayaran keatas rakyatnya…
9)Marilah kita sembah Allah s.w.t sebaliknya sah pemimpin yang kita harapkan tidak lebih macam kita malah boleh digunakan untuk kepentigan pemimpin itu..
10)Nabi Muhammad s.a.w ialah pemimpin yang terakhir bagi umat Islam yang tiada tolak bandingnya.
ASWBT Tun Mahathir,
Apakah firasat arwah Datuk saya hampir empat puluh dekad yang lalu awal 70an) ada mungkin nya jadi kenyataan!
Di dalam sebuah pondok usang di sebuah kampong di N.Sembilan seorang tua umur 60an berkata pada cucu nya dalam samar2 lampu pelita kerana tiada letrik dirumah tersebut …..
“…..Satu hari bangsa Melayu lah yang akan membebaskan Al-Aqsa.”
Ketika itu usia saya agaknya 15tahun dan hanya saya dan dia yang mengalamun di dalam kepekatan malam disuasanai bunyi riuh-rengik cengkerik. Baru kini saya faham akan hikmah berjaga malam dan tiadanya kelalaian yg timbul melalui hiburan dan TV. Alangkah baik nya jika anak2 saya pun melalui pengalaman sedemikian ?
Teruskan perjuangan ayahanda Tun. Semoga firasat dan doa Datuk saya jadi kenyataan insyaAllah bagi hamba2Nya yang Jujur dan Sabar.
Wassalam – senyum al-hilal
It really bothers me when i read about the plight of the palestinians.
About the crude injustice that is being done to them. I dont think there is anywhere else in the world where such injustice is happening. These people are treated worst than animals…and on their own land!! The land where they have resided for thousands of years. And they are being cleansed from their own motherland. And what has the world done? Nothing!! The useless corrupted and greedy king of Jordan..and president of egypt and all the arab monachs have turn their backs on them…just to safe their own asses and their wealth.They have sided with the devil and his army. In malaysia…when you squat on someone else’s land for years and when the owners try to evict you…we shout injustice and demand for compensation.We accuse the goverment of being cruel to evict the squatters. But look at the Palestinians…. see how unfair this world is. And we malaysians keeps complaining that this and that race is being side line and how certain policy is being unfair to certain race. We are so damn lucky to be malaysian. Lets just hope that the opposition leader do not come to power in the next election in order to safe guard our national interest and our sovereignty.
Each time the Palestinians fight back with rockets they are labelled terrorists. I noticed that even our local newspapers have labelled Hamas as ‘Militants’. I have another word to label them…. Freedom Fighters.Which they really are!! Tell me….am i wrong to label them this way?? or will someone out there label me a terrorist sympathizer….. They may be labelled terrorist for their attacks on civilians depending on how you define terrorist. But they do not posses tanks..helicopter gunships…drones…or any of the elite weaponry from the U.S of A.
so they use humans as their guided missiles. Is it wrong or is it ok to do that? i dont know… but all i know is that they are a very desperate people. And desperate people will and can go the extreme.
To me.. I feel that the atrocities done to the palestinians should not be seen in the context of religion….or about islam. To me it is not. Its all about one particular race which feels that they are superior from the rest…and evicting another race which they feel is inferior. A jew once said that all the lives of the palestinians is not worth a drop of of jewish blood. They wanted the land of palestine because its the centre of europe, asia and america. Its a very strategic land to rule the world.
So TUN, please tell everyone here that this is not a muslim’s fight for justice….its a fight for all humans beings flesh and blood like you and me for Real justice, REAL human rights and freedom from oppression. I thank you for keeping our country free from foreign rule for the whole of your tenure as Prime minister.The western press hates you because they know that as long as you are our Prime Minister there is no way that they can EVER rule or colonize us. So they label you with all sorts of names…but to me…the ‘Mahathirism’ era was the golden years of our country and I hope that the current prime minister can bring back that era again.When you were Prime Minister and you spoke out about how unfair the world is and how useless and irrelevant the United Nations was and still is…I was so proud! So proud that my leader has the guts to stand there and tell the truth about what the U.N has become. I cant really think of any head of state that is brave enough to do that.You have my utmost respect. Your Blog is the only blog that I read. Because what you write here makes perfect sense! and it is all for the betterment of our country. and …you are definitively NOT a racist!!
Thank you once again.
A different subject from the above though, would like you to read this article, which I understand was written by your nephew, Ahmad Mustapha titled ‘Lee Kuan Yew: At 85, The Fire Still Burns’.
A frank discourse by a bumiputra of Malaysia.
*The writer is a nephew of Dr Mahathir.
Singapore’s Minister Mentor, Lee Kuan Yew, who was Singapore’s founding father, has always been very direct in his comments. This was the man who outsmarted the communists in Singapore (with the innocent help of Malaya then and the willing help of the British) and who later outwitted the British and outpaced Malaysia in all spheres.
Singapore practices corrupt-free meritocracy and Malaysia affirmative action. The former attracted all the best brains and the latter chased out all the brains. The Singapore cabinet consists of dedicated and intelligent technocrats whereas Malaysia has one of the most unwieldy cabinets. Not only that, brain wise it was below par not even good for the kampong.
With that kind of composition, one that is very brainy, naturally Singapore, with no natural resources could outstrip Malaysia in every aspect of development. Malaysia, on the other hand, was too much preoccupied with its Malayness and the illusory ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ and was also more interested in useless mega iconic development rather than real social and economic development.
Whenever Kuan Yew utters anything that deemed to be a slight on Malaysia, voices were raised admonishing him. Malaysia would never dare to face reality. That Singapore had shown that it could survive was a slap on those who believed that Singapore would fold up once it left Malaysia. Therefore it was natural that these doomsayers would try to rationalise their utterances to be in their favour to combat on whatever Kuan Yew commented. Its political jealousy.
Singapore achieved its development status without any fanfare. But here in Malaysia, a development that was deceptive was proclaimed as having achieved development status. It was trumpeted as an achievement that befits first world status. This was self delusion. Malaysians are led to believe into a make believe world, a dream world. The leaders who themselves tend to believe in their own fabricated world did not realise the people were not taken in by this kind of illusion.
Lee Kuan Yew believed in calling a spade a spade. I was there in Singapore when the People’s Action Party won the elections in 1959. He was forthright in his briefing to party members as to what was expected of them and what Singapore would face in the future. Ideologically, I did not agree with him. We in the University of Malaya Socialist Club had a different interpretation of socialist reconstruction. But he was a pragmatist and wanted to bring development and welfare to the Singaporeans. Well! He succeeded.
Malaysia was so much embroiled in racial politics and due to the fear of losing political power, all actions taken by the main party in power was never targeted towards bringing wealth to all. Wealth was distributed to the chosen few only. They were the cronies and the backers of the party leadership to perpetuate their own selfish ends.
Seeing the efficiency and the progress achieved by Singapore caused the Malaysian leadership to suffer from an inferiority complex. That Malaysia should suffer from this complex was of its own making.
In a recent interview, Kuan Yew said that Malaysia could have done better if only it treated its minority Chinese and Indian population fairly. Instead they were completely marginalized and many of the best brains left the country in drove. He added that Singapore was a standing indictment to what Malaysia could have done differently. He just hit the nail right there on the head.
Malaysia recently celebrated its 50th year of independence with a bagful of uncertainties. The racial divide has become more acute. The number of Malay graduates unemployed is on the increase. And this aspect can be very explosive. But sad to see that no positive actions have been taken to address these social ills.
Various excuses were given by Malaysian leaders why Singapore had far outstripped Malaysia in all aspects of social and economic advancement. Singapore was small, they rationalized and therefore easy to manage. Singapore was not a state but merely an island.
There was one other aspect that Malaysia ealized and that is to ealizeda all aspects of life. All government organs and machinery were
Assalamualaikum. Pertama kali saya memberi komen di sini.Apabila timbul isu memboikot Israel,yang pasti Amerika turut terlibat. Ingin saya berlongsi dengan semua yang bagi saya tidak ramai mengetahui.
Umum menyatakan kita perlu memboikot produk keluaran Amerika, namun sedar atau tidak, barangan buatan Malaysia juga berkait rapat dengan Israel. Pengalaman bekerja mengendali bahan mentah makanan di sebuah kilang coklat dan sebuah kilang memproses jus telah memberi saya peluang untuk mendedahkan bertapa liciknya Israel ini menguasai ekonomi dunia.
Israel melalui Orthodox Union memainkan peranan penting menguasai ekonomi. Kebanyakan barangan mempunyai logo OU, mirip seperti logo copyright cuma huruf C diganti dengan huruf U. Di antara bahan mentah yang pernah saya temui logo ini adalah seperti asid sitrik yang banyak digunakan di dalam penghasilan minuman. Selain itu bertih beras yang digunakan untuk penghasilan coklat juga adalah daripada syarikat yang berhubungkait dengan Orthodox Union ini.
Sebuah syarikat pembekal pewarna dan perasa di Kota Kemuning Shah Alam turut membekalkan produk syarikat yang mepunyai logo OU ini. Apa yang menyedihkan, syarikat ini mempunyai sijil halal yang diperakui Jakim. Status halal, akan tetapi berkait rapat dengan Israel. Sedih .
Apakah kita perlu memboikot barangan tempatan yang menggunakan produk OU ini? Jika ya, maka boikotlah jus atau kordial pasaraya besar di sekyen 13 Shah Alam berhampiran bulatan ke lubuhraya persekutuan. Jus syarikat lain seperti syarikat MLM yang mempunyai WAY dibelakang menggunakan bahan mentah OU. Begitu juga jus iklan beruang di TV3. Ataupun kita boikot barangan coklat keluaran sebuah syarikat di Persiaran Raja Muda.
Diharap di antara kita yang mempunyai pekerjaan yang berkait rapat dengan bahan mentah ini boleh meneliti adakah terdapat lambang OU ini. Semoga dapat didedahkan untuk semua.
P/s : Tun, cheq la ni tak keja dah situ. Takmau la bersubahat dengan Israel.
Tun, I do not have much money but I will surely do my part.
salamun ‘alaikum
1. one will have to go out in the path of Allah swt & meet people, perform dakwah, invite them to Masjid, strengthen amal.
2. meet different people, to different places in the world, as inner strength will have to be solid before thinking of saving others. dakwah was ment for ownself, but through telling others about iman.
3. when this is being done, make doa & let Allah swt decides what to do with Gaza. this was the method thought by Nabi saw & it will always be that way. As Allah swt always seeks soul with strong iman that shines in resulting of practising method thought by its beloved prophet, Rasulullah saw.
Thanks for all the effort that you put in to save people of the earth.
Will i support your Gaza work as a human being? I will.
But will I support you? No.
Why? I don’t see any sincerity in you to help peoples of the world in general.
You are only interested in Championing Muslims Interest and you don
it nearly bring me to tears when i try to ‘visulalise’ the situation on the boat and also the situation in Gaza..May Allah bless those who risks their life to help aour fellow brothers and sisters in Gaza…Only Allah will punish the Israelis for their irresponsible actions towards our Free Gaza Movement friends..
Masyaallah….thanks ALLAH for the good life I had in Malaysia..
Salam Tun and all,
1. The moment we cease to care is the moment we cease to exist.
2. Thank you Tun, for caring. May Allah bless you; and us all.
One of the luckiest and blessed nation in this world is Malaysia, and for those who still wish to challenge that, perhaps they should join the small boat to Gaza to see how UNLUCKY we really are.
Jaga diri, jaga solat Tun and all.
Alleged rocket attacks??? Maybe it was only fireworks that go with a loud bang!…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I am mostly touched by this revelation. How true that, as far as Palestine is concerned, we are living in a very ‘uncivilised’ world that is ruled by the superpowers. And how ironic that these people are the ones who are championing the so-called human rights!
I believe that the peace-loving Malaysians will donate to the KLFCW.
Thanks to you for always reminding others of the sufferings and struggles of people are the victims of wars.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
We meet again.
To all the fellow members, please bear in mind that our action to pull off israeli product and any alliances with them must be proceeded longer. Yes, this is a trigger to let them down at least. As long as they have no respect to the humanity and fairness, they deserve that.
Tun, thanks for your fabulous time spending with us.
Stay on course!!
salam tun
I will help to assist on this Free Gaza Movement. My zealousness to help Palestinians will never go down.I will attract more youth and young generation to become alert on this issue.
This entry make me more eager to discuss with you sir regarding the Global Peace Youth Organisation
Thank you Tun for the information. InsyaAllah, will donate to KLFCW soon.
Selamatkanlah Palestin.
God bless the Palestinian and Israelis whom are being affected by this war on personal greed and inhumanity.