2. These money make money schemes are huge and the earnings of those who manage and invest in these schemes are equally huge.
3. They are not business because they produce nothing and they supply no services. They also create hardly any employment, nor spin off other productive business.
4. Yet the money they generate is real because they can be used to buy goods and services from the real business world.
5. The earners of this money i.e. the fund managers, the bankers and the investors are truly rich and they live the life of the wealthy.
6. Quite naturally the players, i.e. the fund managers, the investors and the banks and bankers make large sums of money. And their earnings must contribute to the national wealth.
7. Since we have developed indices for the wealth of countries, the Per Capita Income and GDP of the countries where these money make money games are played must be high.
8. But if we deduct the wealth from these schemes from the computation of the Per Capita and GDP, obviously the figures would not be as big as claimed.
9. The bubble has now burst and the true Per Capita and GDP can now be seen. And they must be much lower.
10. So the real Per Capita Income and GDP of the rich countries are really not so high compared to the poor countries whose Per Capita and GDP are based on real business.
11. The people in the rich countries who are furiously trying to regain their statistical wealth should not be in denial. You will never be able to recover to your pre-crisis self no matter how many trillions you spend on bailouts.
12. If you accept this fact than you may be able to end the slide to national bankruptcy.
Salam Buat YBhg. Tun,
“Published: Saturday May 16, 2009 MYT 11:43:00 AM
Soros fund adds retail stocks to portfolio
NEW YORK: Soros Fund Management LLC, the investment arm of billionaire George Soros, reported holdings of US$4.51 billion at the end of the first quarter as the fund increased its stake in many retailers, while cutting its exposure to financial firms.
The value of Soros’ fund slipped 2 percent between Dec. 31 and March 31, but easily outperformed the broader market, which was hammered by the credit crisis and ongoing recession.
The Standard & Poor’s 500 index fell 11.7 percent during that period.
During the quarter, the fund added to its positions in well-known retailers such as Home Depot Inc., Lowe’s Cos., Macy’s Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Walgreen Co. according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The fund cut its positions in some major financial firms such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Merrill Lynch & Co., which was acquired by Bank of America Corp.
Retail stocks have been affected by slowing sales and weak consumer confidence amid the recession.
Financial firms were among the hardest hit during the downturn and especially during the market’s slide in January and February before rebounding somewhat in March.
The fund more than tripled its stake in home improvement retailer Home Depot and held 3.9 million shares at the end of March.
It more than quadrupled its stake in Home Depot’s competitor Lowe’s, holding 5.4 million shares at the end of the first quarter.
Each position was valued at a little less than $100 million at the end of the quarter.
Investments in department store retailer Macy’s sharply increased during the quarter.
At the end of March, the fund held about 9.8 million shares of stock valued at around $87.6 million, compared with 571,000 shares worth $5.9 million at the end of December.
A stake in Wal-Mart was nearly quadrupled to 1.8 million shares valued at $94.7 million, while the fund purchased 1.9 million shares of Walgreen, a stock it did not own at the end of the first quarter.
One of the few retailers that Soros’ fund sold stock in during the quarter was electronics giant Best Buy Inc.
The fund cut its holdings to about 1.9 million shares from 9.5 million at the end of the fourth quarter.
The fund also actively sold off positions in major financial firms.
It completely cut its modest holdings in Goldman Sachs, which were valued at about $1.5 million at the end of December.
As of Dec. 31, the fund held 23.2 million shares of Merrill Lynch stock valued at about $269.8 million.
On Jan. 1 Merrill completed its all-stock sale to Bank of America.
Soros’ fund did not hold any shares of Bank of America as of March 31. – AP”
I think a new measure in risk management should be introduced that is to include the “SOROS FACTOR”. Funds managers and analyst should be weary of the movement of the SOROS funds. Do not be over zealeous of the high returns. A cap should be introduced in terms of how much, and how long and position can be hold. To totally eliminate it will be impossible as they are every where but we should try to mitigate the impact should he tries to pull the same trick. IT MUST BE INSTITUTIONALIZED, otherwise overtime people may forget.
I believe that they will try to camouflage their activities with name and maybe identity sooner or later when they realize that they can no longer fool certain segment of the market.
For those who are interested to read about how big is the network can refer to the following link.
A friend told me the other day that I am paranoid and my replied was “of course I am”.
KInd regards
Selamat pagi Ayahanda
By Overseas expat on May 13, 2009 7:37 PM
My dear HBT,
Thank you for reading my comments. I read a lot and used to “turun padang” to get facts right.
I have voted BN with all my heart during YAB Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s leadership, but because BN (especially UMNO) had lost their national interest direction under Pak Lah, I voted opposition party to show my right as the citizen to tell off Pak Lah and his goons that Malaysia is a democratic country, not a family organization which serves only their monopoly interest behind the BN curtain and this was the “main reason” why BN lost 2/3 majority in PRU 12. To be frank, I did not vote for the opposition party to topple Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and BN.
Corruption and transparency are difficult to be identified in reality because of DEMOCRACY, especially without “Rukun Negara” in Malaysia, and they are subjective to the individual, multi corporations or even hawkers. Moreover, we do not know what happened in GROUND ZERO. Because of chedet, I have learned to evaluate who are those good ministers whom we should support and who are those corrupted and non-transparent ministers whom we should kick out. We know who are the BN ministers who are corrupted and non-transparent, but, the PR ministers are new, we do not know who they are, and I have learned an important lesson from Pak Lah that “culture shock” could lead to chaos in the country if they cannot control their urge and greed upon gaining wealth and power without hard work, just by “kong gali kong”, they will be marked and recognized in the Hall of Fame and Wealth.
Now, I know that BN is willing to accept the lost and came out with the new spirit of 1Malaysia. The “1” (unity under multi-racial society) is a number, and we can use BM, BI, Mandarin, Tamil, Japanese or any languages in the world to read it) and the country name must be pronounced as Malaysia no matter where we or who we are, this shows that Malaysians are creative with unity in mind. Now DS Najib and his cabinet are working very hard to show the rakyat the raw and true meaning of the slogan of PEOPLE FIRST PERFORMANCE NOW .= LESS TALK MORE WORK .
Malaysia now is approaching political stability, thanks to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s moderate attitude in leading the multi-racial Malaysia and his most famous blog Chedet that drove domestic and international
Dear Tun, salam sejahtera harap sihat bahagia. Minta izin menjawab seorang pengulas. Sudah dipecah dan sunting untuk urusan ‘moderation’ ….
Sdr Hajar on May 11, 2009 8:41 PM. Terima kasih krn beri pandangan. Jawapan saya dgn izin…(bahagian dua)
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Kiriman mengulas pandangan seorang pengunjung…
Orang utan lagak ikut orang utan lain. Lain kalau dia jumpa manusia. Hai, dulu minta Sultan pecat MB, skrg suruh baginda buang dia dari negeri. Tak habis habis nak heret Sultan dlm sengketa politik.
Gunalah perlembagaan, undang undang dan kuasa rakyat jgn libatkan Sultan. Ini cara terbaik menghormati dan menjunjung Sultan dari tercemar dgn kemelut politik. Sultan diperlukan bila semua jalan lain gagal.
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Kiriman menjawab seorang pengulas. Sudah sunting dan bahagikan untuk mudah lalu..
Sdr Hajar on May 11, 2009 8:41 PM. Terima kasih krn beri pandangan. Jawapan saya dgn izin (terlewat krn melalui kurungan)…
……………WHY UMNO?
Umno is the dominant party in govt and its policies, actions affect all rakyat whichever side of the grass you stand. I will have no issues with them the day they fall out of power and I will then pick issues with the new govt. The actions of those in power bear down on us, we have every reason to be critical. What more 50 yrs!
Some people choose to see this as being negative towards Umno and Malays. Only Umno people equate anti Umno as anti Malay. I am more than happy to see a Malay (or any Malay party) lead this country except the current crop from Umno (many have not changed or unwilling)
…………….ANTI NEP?
I am careful not to be seen anti NEP per se in condemning its negative effects. The objectives of NEP are noble but the actions of the implementers and beneficiaries is another, just like the abuse of the banking and financial systems.
Umno is to blame and the culprit for this happening. It cannot wash its hands, just like the rich nations cannot wash their hands over the financial fiasco. Following the remedy Tun propose for global financial crisis, you take the bull by the horn! Is Umno prepared to face reality, like Tun ask the rich nations?
NEP is the cornerstone of Umno support and the foundation of M
Tun. How to curb these traders? Knowing that we have many constraints ourselves in this country, region & the world.
YABhg Tun,
…look at history and you’ll see the pattern. Those rich j*** Capitalist behind the scene. Even the powerful US Government are on it’s knees…
Salam Tun,
Masih ramai lagi yang tertipu…
My dear HBT,
It is indeed very interesting to read your comments. If I own a publication company, I shall get cream like you to be one of the editors. I virtually just mentioned about you in my last comment; and we get a long response. Good stuff.
By the way, I LOVE Malaysia. And in stead of taking money out of the country, I brought in money. How do you know that I did not vote in the first place? And please get your facts right. If 80% Malaysians pro-gov, BN would have won with 2/3 majority.
I was giving my comments in order for the gov to improve and win the heart of the ppl. I was not being anti-gov.
Just want to wish your blog a happy first anniversary, it brings useful knowledge to people who brows this blog and also open their eyes on things that happen in this world which we taught were just fiction….especially the articles on the recent financial crisis that attacked the western world and the slight affect to our economy.
Tun, I dont really know much about economy nor the banking systems, whether its Malaysian or American System….the truth is I am blind in this issue, so embarrassingly I have to admit that I read your articles few times inorder to grasp the information that you want to tell us.
So basically what you meant was , American people live in lies all their lives because they taught that since their GDP was among the highest in the world so they were considered to be the lucky and the wealthy ones, when the contribution that make the high GDP was mostly from money business.
Meaning that basically America doesnt have that much of a business which really brings in real money such as production,etc. that can help them to overcome this crisis, basically it means that America imported product more than they exported products…. that is they buy more than they sell….output is bigger than input……so money going out is more than money going in this country!!!!!
Thats why they cant sustain themselves nor can they recover fully from this economy crisis unless that their export products are more than their import products…..
Salam TUN….HOPE YOU READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How China opened her door in the late 1970s and embraced capitalism.
The story went like this as it was popularly told among the Beijing populace that it all started back in the 1971, when US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger was visiting China to re-establish diplomatic relations with China.
It was one of those late-evening, while Secretary Kissinger was resting that he suddenly received a secret summon from his host to a secret meeting.
He was taken immediately from his guest residence house and quickly, ushered into a private chamber.
Inside the private chamber, Secretary Kissinger was quite taken aback to see the great helmsman himself, Chairman Mao and Comrade Deng Xiaoping were there, seated with their translators.
After proper introduction and greetings, Secretary Kissinger took his guest of honor seat and the
conversation started.
Chairman Mao (through his translator) pointed at a Chinese poem painting that was hung on the wall and said
“By ES on May 12, 2009 11:26 AM
Dear Dr. Mahathir,
Thank you for this platform you have provided. I have read with interest those who support and those who oppose you and am impressed with your tendency to permit criticisms on your site along with commendations. May I use your platform to reach the Malaysian bloggers?
I would like to send out a message to all who read this that the financial system is not under the control of specific governments but rather under the control of specific families (Rothchilds, Cheneys, Bushes, Soros)that have established themselves within powerful positions.
There is a growing new awareness, with today’s fast communication technologies that is bringing to light the vast manipulation and deep conspiracies behind our past and current economic turmoil. Two videos worth checking out (try Youtube) are “Ring of Power” and “The Obama Conspiracy”. I hope either of these documentaries will bring awareness to the global public for awareness is much needed now.
It is in my opinion, shared by others and supported by an incredibly large amount of evidence that today’s current economic situation has been deliberately created. Please, no need to take my word: do your own research and inform yourselves before you become a debt slave.”
Dear ES,
Thank you for the very informative info. FYI, Dr. M already mentioned about this issue during the 1997-98 crisis in particular SOROS. But back then most didn’t believe him just like what he said about the current crisis in which banks in Malaysia are spared from the turmoil this time around. Sometime last year IMF (not that I m fond of them) also raised the issue of country(ies) which has/have the same tendency of manupalating the economy of other country, just because they have deeper pocket. As a former analyst I can’t help but to look into each statement made and based on my observation, in one particular country the action has resulted in non-ending civil unrest between two factions.
Kind regards
Asalamualaikum, Salam, Shalom Eleikhem, Selamat Sejahtera to YABhg Tun and everyone here,
In the light of current updates on Perak Political Turmoil which yesterday seems favor to Pakatan Rakyat, I am smiling and rest-assured to see how matured the Barisan Nasional supporters are be it UMNO or MCA or MIC or PPP, calmly accept the reinstatement of DS Nizar to the office of MB Perak with immediate effect. Contrary to what if it happens to PR, I’m sure there will be another stupid demonstrations and ugly-manner showdown the streets for our future generations to witness and judge what is called “Yang Mana Intan Yang Mana Kaca” and “siapa yg mudah melatah” for them to vote for their representative.
Thank you
Fairuz Kamarulzaman
Dear Dr. Mahathir,
Thank you for this platform you have provided. I have read with interest those who support and those who oppose you and am impressed with your tendency to permit criticisms on your site along with commendations. May I use your platform to reach the Malaysian bloggers?
I would like to send out a message to all who read this that the financial system is not under the control of specific governments but rather under the control of specific families (Rothchilds, Cheneys, Bushes, Soros)that have established themselves within powerful positions.
There is a growing new awareness, with today’s fast communication technologies that is bringing to light the vast manipulation and deep conspiracies behind our past and current economic turmoil. Two videos worth checking out (try Youtube) are “Ring of Power” and “The Obama Conspiracy”. I hope either of these documentaries will bring awareness to the global public for awareness is much needed now.
It is in my opinion, shared by others and supported by an incredibly large amount of evidence that today’s current economic situation has been deliberately created. Please, no need to take my word: do your own research and inform yourselves before you become a debt slave.
Salam Buat Yg. Bhg. Tun,
I was watching news on TV today and heard the speech from DSN, the PM, about the 3 biggest bank in Malaysia now have bigger assets than that of the biggest banks in the US. He further reiterated that the US is presently mimic Malaysia’s MO in 1997-98 crisis in dealing with their current crisis. I was an analyst during the 1997-98 crisis and still vividly remember the day Malaysia imposed the capital control. The bank’s treasury lines almost wiped out by those American banks as well as european banks for lack of confident in Malaysia’s action. The clients were having difficulties in their export/import transactions. I remember some banks even arrongantly declined request for treasury limits and some didn’t bother to pick up the call (which was understood given the circumstances). To make things worst the action of the “TOKOH KEPARAT” had resulted in few of my meetings with the foreign bankers cancelled as he decided to take it to the street for his baseless “REFORMASI” movement. I remember the name of the banks and bankers vividly in my mind who refused to help as well as a one particular small German bank who was more than happy to assist. I also have a friend from the US bank who was based in Kuala Lumpur, (not BANK of AMERICA), who have confident in your decision and due to long established relationship convinced the Head Quarter in the US to extend the treasury and other credit lines. It took me three long months before everything was back to normal.
I guess what I am trying to say is THANK YOU for being who you are and help us to stand proud as MALAYSIAN. As I remembered it, it was a sleepless 3 long months but hearing DSN’s speech today make it worh while. I know that you are not looking for praise and what so not, but I am just waiting for the first in the west to acknowledge your significant contribution in this area.
Kind regards
Dearest YAB dan Di Kasihi Tun,
1. Thanks Tun, for the crash course on
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
By Overseas expat on May 10, 2009 8:07 PM
Dear Oversea expat,
You are right! I am pro Government, and people like me is about 80% of the population. Thank god, people like you is less than 10%, the self-centered person who talks about transparency and democracy who will jump ship when he/she cannot solve the problems. I have chosen to stay in Malaysia eventhough I have a chance to migrate. I am not like you, when country got problem, you guys just bring the money out from the country and kept yourself away from trouble.
To gamble or not, that is your right. However, a gambling that can cause choas and war to a country is ABSOLUTELY very wrong!!!!! World share market is like a casino because there are too many people like you who are interested in working smart with no heart.
By the way, I have voted the opposition party in 308 to show my displeasure on BN, did you vote in last PRU??? If you did not, just keep your lip tight and see how Malaysians do it in our way. Good luck to you and thank you for reading my comments.
Good night Ayahanda Tun.
Dear Ezani,
It was Tun Mahathir who first ask the world for the currency system be based on real gold, during the ’97 financial crisis, not PAS.
Islam permit trading in credit with proper documentation and ‘akad’, not only cash transaction.
PAS do not have any idea on Islamic financing, otherwise Islamic trades must have been mushrooming in Kelantan.
bravo and congratulations on the 5 installments. you should educate your readers more. keep it up. what a refreshing thought and idea. you are the bapa kewangan. vely good. 5 thumbs up.
Salam alaik Tun and Mr kamal ahmad…
Response to By kamal ahmad on May 8, 2009 4:28 PM:
“New players would emerge and old players would move on. I
suspect China and India (slower pace) would fill in that
gap soon. What do you think of the Mid-East powers Tun?
Heard that Ras Al Khaimah is all quiet too now. If Citi Bank
takes a fresh hit, so would a few camels there too many
Yea kamal ahmad… I have read one of the research by one
megazine titled The Economist… It states:
“India’s economic backwardness has little to do with democracy
as such, but has a lot to do with corruption, fiscal
mismanagement, a lack of international ambition and a history
of over-protection at home.”
The Malaysia has to change too but in an appropriate ways
and considering the environment, the social stability and the
global condition… Here in Malaysia the environment is hell
competitives because there are mixed components of races and
religions… If not, I guaranteed we will just end-up like
Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam… Its really
important this competitiveness thing even we have the DEB…
Back to our Cabinet line-up, to be a minister is not only to
have the votes during election. For example during this economic
downturn, the ministers must understand the things like social
system of production, exchange, distribution, and consumption
of goods and services of a country or other area. BOT NOT ONLY
THAT!!! There are also other things which is much more complex
such as private rights, property relations and the rule of law.
To be a minister without a knowledge is like a dumb *ss in the
cockpit of F-16 Fighting Falcon with a Global Positioning
System (GPS) air-controlled missile but DUNNO (pronounced as
stupid) on how to use it. Am I right? Am I? Tell me if I was
wrong. Tell me.
1st p/s: Hye ah_heng, hye Rimba Emas, hye Hanan, hye pakbelalang,
hye HBT, hye Onlooker, hye Chris, hye samaritan and hye to you
all. Huhu!!!
2nd p/s: Hye again Hanan. Below I quote two of the sentences
in our Holy-Quran.
“O Children of Israel! Remember My Favour which I bestowed upon
you, and fulfill (your obligations to) My Covenant (with you)
so that I fulfill (my Obligations to) your covenant (with Me),
and fear none but Me. And believe in what I have sent down
(this Quran), confirming that which is with you [ the Taurat
(Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel, Bible) ], and be not the first
to disbelieve and buy not with my Verses (the Torah, Bible and
Gospel) a small price (getting a small gain by selling My
Verses), and fear Me and Me alone.” — Surah Al-Baqarah, (2:40-41)
Allah mentioned about you in our Holy Quran… Not ours. But it
is your Quran also actually…
3rd p/s: Salam to all of you bloggers. Uppss!!! Its not salam for
the Jewish. The Jewish always make it as “Shalom”. Now its much
more appropriate so Hanan will feel being welcomed.
-University of Malaya, Electrical Engineering Department-
Jangan cari jalan mudah mendapatkan duit,cth dgn menerima rasuah dan membuat kerja2 haram di sisi agama ,Berfikir dengan waras berusaha dengan bersungguh2 mencari harta kerana allah.Allah telah menabur rezeki dengan banyaknya di bumi Allah ini,cuma kita perlu adanya ilmu untuk mendapatkan segala rezeki itu,jadi jangan buang masa mendaftar bersama kami di sini sekarang….www.hotmember2u.com
Siapa yang perlu mendaftar
# Mereka yang berhutang dan tak tahu cara nak bayar hutang
# Mereka yang CCRIS, CTOS atau Blacklist
# Mereka yang mahukan kebebasan kewangan (bebas dari hutang)
# Mereka yang nak hidup senang (tanpa perlu berniaga, jual produk,
beli produk atau cari downline), ini bukan Jual Insurance.
# Mereka yang mempunyai impian dan wawasan hidup
# Mereka yang mempunyai kemuskilan tentang pengurusan dan perancangan kewangan yang betul.
Produk yang dilindungi dan Anda juga dilindungi
Jangan buang masa lagi sertai kami dan dapatkan produk dan jaminan
Tun, pemimpin UMNO mesti ingat bahawa UMNO mesti buat sesuatu yang betul untuk agama, bangsa, dan negara. sekarang ni saya nampak UMNO cuba buat sesuatu yang popular, ini kerja kurang bijak.
Tindakan yang popular ni (cth, liberalisasi sektor perkhidmatan) orang ramai akan ingat sekejap je, tetapi jika UMNO buat tindakan yang betul spt membela nasib bumiputra yg mengemis di negara sendiri barulah UMNO akan dikenang sepanjang zaman. Contohnya Tun Razak dikenang sepanjang zaman kerana buat Felda utk menaik taraf ekonomi orang kampung.
jgn hilang arah, buat sesuatu yang betul walaupun tidak popular dlm jangka masa pendik! tindakan yang betul lebih penting dari tindakan yang popular..
salam ayahanda dan rakan bloger
saya perhatikan,ada rakan2 yang komen artikel ayahanda tidak menarik sejak akhir2 ini.ini kerana mungkin ayahanda lebih menekankan topik2 seperti ekonomi dan konsepnya.yang mana tidak ramai yang betul2 mempunyai kefahaman jitu mengenai hal ekonomi yang dikeutarakan.
Mungkin bagi mereka lebih suka ayahanda komen mengenai hal2 semasa yang mana lebih ramai memahami.jika dilihat,ramai yang out of topic ketika membicarakan hal eknomi.
namun bagi saya,semua topik adalah sangat informative dan memberi kefahaman kepada saya,walaupon agak pening juga untuk saya memahami hal2 ekonomi ini(saya grad dalam bidang library science.)
blog ayahanda sangat unik dan popular kerana ayahanda bukan saja menumpukan kepada politik semata,namun kepelbagaian topik itulah yang membuatkan saya terus setia pada chedet.cc.
mungkin ayahanda dapat memberi komen tentang gejala sosial seperti mat rempit,ragut dan jenayah yang semakin membimbangkan pada masa kini.
terima kasih.
Assalamualaikum Jamal and Tun,
HUMAN is not stupid, when we are able to use our brain to innovate and adapt to all circumstances to accept the Al-Mighty RAHMAT on all HIS creation, appreciate each nature “FITRAH” that translate the existance of THE AL-MIGHTY, nurturing the “FITRAH” with the rule guided by the Al-Quran and gratefull to all necessities given by HIM.
HUMAN greed is our stupidity when it is goven by our spountanous desire(NAFSU). We have mixed up the issue of moral, relationships, liberation, fairness, right, law etc that detered our TAUHID and appreation towards the existance of GOD.
Clearly, Tun have clearify the virtual economy is developed from money that created money through several type of economic instruments. The buying power is created from humand greed not the actual buying power. The money created by the modern world is worst than robbery and murder. This breach of trust created the situation whereby Bribery, robbery, murder and suicide are soughted solution in the world of survival.
Look around us and our stupidity, Food, water, family, children, health are the necessities that become too expensive to acquire. Whereas, the technology that we have to pay dearly in 70’s, i.e. TV, Video, Hifi, Cars etc which are unnecessary necessities have revealed its true value. ( Indonesia sekarang; Barang Elektrik mahal, makanan ada murah ada mahal; Macam Malaysia tahun 80an).
The economic system have allowed the creation of money, that is the only system offered by the world. Even, after Tun have make us realise how is the economic domain functioning, we have no other choice, all mankind have to live with it!! There is nothing we can do about it. The Muslim world too failed to recognised these as RIBA, ” Di akhir zaman, adalah sukar untuk mengenal RIBA, ia seperti, semut hitam di atas batu hitam di malam yang Gelap”.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
I have mentioned and written about this concern several times already and now Dr. Zambry is saying it here. Ever since the near defeat of BN at the PRU12, The then 5th PM Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi side kick Khairy, had quickly gotten his 4th Floor circus freaks to move in and sealed of any weaknesses, any potential flaw and re-branded them as
Dear Tun,
Leveraged products have been with us for a long time. The most basic form of levaraging our money is obtaining mortgage for our house. Suppose a house cost RM 100,000. We pay a down payment of RM 10,000. The houseprice went up by 10% the next year, i.e RM 110,000. From my example, with our small investment of RM 10,000, we stand to have dobuled our money.
Like it or not, leveraged product has been with us for a long time and will continue to be with us, our children, and our grandchildren. So perhaps, I won’t really care whether leveraged gain count towards GDP or not.
What more importantly concerning our fellow Malaysian is perhaps not the economic crisis that hit America, Europe, or Japan. I am sure over the short 5 to 10 years, we will be looking back and asked ourselves, what crisis?
However, I sense, perhaps you should concentrate on resolving our problems, problems that hit all Malaysian. Perhaps less emphasis on mangling with some other country’s economic problem. We have a list of problems of our own at hand.
Political situation in Perak?
Rising cases of Rape, Theft, Robbery, Crime problem hitting every states?
Police incompetency?
Corruption problem at all level?
Efficiency of government sector?
Lets just forget about someone else’s problem for the time being, and perhaps solve some of the problems that affect the fellow Malaysian?
Dear Tun,
Most of the commments are negative in nature towards banks and banking institutions. Without banks our society would degenerate into a barter trade and primitive society. Look at the contribution of banks towards material wealth creation in our society. without banks we may not have MAS, air asia, penang bridge,north south highway, proton factory. Tony Fernandez alone wont be able to buy so many aeroplanes for air asia without considerable bank loans. Banks play important role in our wealthy affluent lifestyle. Banks are sources of capital for investment which create capital goods and consumer goods.
Let us not blame every thing on banks and jews just because we are ignorant and jahil.
….amin tan
salam tun
i always like the way you simplify complicated matters. you always find your way to explain difficult issues in simple words. thats what i like about you.
with your help, i manage to better understand globalization, terrorism, crime war, human rights, etc. one thing i will keep in mind: never take anything from the west as it is. find our own interpretation. we always need to adjust to suit our own culture, to protect our own interests/needs.
just to let u know that i am printing your posts on the financial crisis, for my future reference.
ps: i wish our politicians and leaders are as intelligent as you are.
By your leave, dear Ayahnda Tun,
I’d like to extend my warm wishes for…
a wonderful Mother’s Day to our beloved Bonda Tun Dr Siti Hasmah, someone I will always think of as a mother to us all.
And a great Mother’s Day also to all Mothers who are your readers.
Dear Tun Dr M,
The negative elements of currency trading could be overcome (I feel) if we have only one currency for the whole world. We could create a new currency for it or we can take an existing currency i.e.US Dollar or EURO
Yang Berbahagia Tun
Saya sendiri kurang pasti kenapa tiba tiba Tun bertukar angin cuba untuk melarikan isu politik tanahair.
Mungkin isu keuwangan ini Tun patut borak dengan Najib saja.
Adakah Tun sendiri cuba buat aksi tunggu dan lihat sahaja apa yang akan berlaku di Perak.
Seperti yang pernah saya tuliskan dulu, negara kita ini memang unik.
Banyak undang undang yang boleh di ubah ubah mengikut kepentingan sesiapa yang memerintah.
Sekejabkita boleh tarik kuasa raja raja. Sekejab kita kata Raja yang paling berkuasa/
Sebagai seorang yang tidak memihak pada mana mana parti, terasa lucu juga dengan perangai seorang dua penulis tetap dilaman web Tun ini yang masih berjiwa UMNO yang sombong.
Pohon maaf pada yang terasa.
Dear Tun
I need help. Can you highlight my writing in your blog and tell others in your network to do same with regards to my latest writing “Bukit Antarabangsa:It does not hurt if you don
Dearest Tun,
Never mind whether the Per capita of the rich country is really what the actual figure. I am doubtful after all and agree with you.
Now, let us look back at our country’s statistic as a whole. Crime rate, wealth distribution, inflation rate, unemployment rate ….etc. Are they REALLY transparent? 8 out of 10 Malaysians will think that the answer is NO. The gov MUST take all steps to built up the confidence of the Rakyat. Not to mention that there are many scandals out there that are left unattended or slipped under the carpet.
Anyway, we always have 20% of Malaysians like “HBT” that pro Government whatever it is, regardless of anything.
Dear Tun, salam mesra dan bahagia. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini dgn izin..
The article shows disdain for the five non-business income in the GDP, per capita of rich countries. We have a similar situation reflected in the non-business wealth created by bumi privileges. Jobs gained by decree not degree, fortunes which are tailor made, wealth wrapped and sealed by law.
Money make maney schemes is their specialty (How, I have echoed Tun’s earlier articles). The earners of this money are the cronies (fund managers), politicians (bankers), supporters (investors) who are truly wealthy.
What happens when the bubble burst? Are bumiputeras prepared to face reality like Tun asks the rich nations?
The falsehood of indices is the cornerstone of NEP. Your govt wanted accelerated bumiputera participation at all cost to boost indices. High ranking govt posts, lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects, accountants, contractors, corporate leaders had to be churned out fast, damn the quality bless the numbers.
Legislation, restrictions, quotas, lowering entry and passing marks, moderating no of graduates are the tools to boost indices.
The positive effects are felt immediately just like pyramid scheme, but disaster awaits. You will see the effect (20 yrs later) when our professionals, scientists, management and technocrats lag behind Thailand, Vietnam, Phillippines, Indon at international level. They are behind S’pore already is beyond doubt (arguable to blind patriotics)
I am not doubting bumi abilities but the method of raising them. Raise a child wrongly and see what happens? Sometimes we can stretch a good too far. Example a leader who wants to boost indices in his tenure.
Salam Sejahtera Tbhg Tun,
lanjutan kepada komen sdr kamal ahmad May 10, 9.43am;
Uthayakumar tak perlu ucap terima kasih kepada Kerajaan dan saya pasti Kerajaan pun tak ingin ucapan terima kasih uthayakumar tu memandangkan huru hara yang telah dilakukan..
Semua rakyat Melayu, Cina, Hindu dll bebas untuk berhijrah kemana2 negara didunia ini yang mereka katakan kerajaan disana lebih open, adil, bijaksana dan lebih maju. Saya pasti Kerajaan Malaysia pun tidak menghalang akan hasrat individu2 dan penyokong2 mereka sekiranya ingin berhijrah kenegara lain.
Wassallam Ybhg Tun.
Assalaamualaikum Tun dan Keluarga.
Tun Mas Selamat telah di tangkap, boleh Tun komen sikit tetang berita tersebut.
Terima kasih Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Untuk mengelakkan dari negara menjadi bankrap,jadi elok benar kalau kita semua menerima kenyataan yang tersebut di atas.
Saya sekarang berada di kampung.Menerima berita yang amat positif.Lama betul tak jumpa tok dan toki.Betullah selama ni.Kambing,kerbau dan lembu masih hidup aman di kampung.
Tidak sukar untuk kita menerima kenyataan asalkan betul-betul faham apa perlu dilakukan.Kalau peneraju Malaysia jujur dan ikhlas,InsyaAllah Malaysia akan sentiasa diberkati.Terimalah kenyataan.
Terima kasih Tun.
Jika bukan Tun yang tulis, maka takkan ada yang percaya dengan true banking & manipulated money organized systems.
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
A Reform person? No more threats to the nation? A government that cares? Really?
The government should know this: the best way to prevent a slide is from letting it even starts in the first place. Once you slide, you could only halt and regain composure at whatever level you end up at. And you must creep slowly upwards again to square one (if you even could anymore). Ask Tun Abdullah Badawi the new Executive Advisor. Once you slide, you just keep on sliding my good man. So don
“This is simply ruining the detainee’s life and stability of his family! I am now strongly convinced that the BN Govt has really abused the ISA this time!”-this is comment from one of your blog’s followers.
I myself wondering than to read a firm accusation such like this.I still remember when these 5 ex-detaines organizing rally in Kuala Lumpur,at that time i was working at Pandan Indah where it’s just couple of 5 miles from the site of rally.It was the time when the Indians(particularly in my office) who has became friend of mine for every time,start to keep themselves away from a bunch of group of what they call ‘tyrant-malay’.Ironically,the ‘tyrant-malay’ was referes to me and others malay in that office.
If this is what they call the aweakening of new era in Malaysia history,then i found the accusation of gov abusing the ISA is baseless.If the detaining of them has derive of simply ruining of their life and family’s stability,then i found that simplicity is best to be refered back to them,when at the time they have simply ruining the the life of ‘rakyat’ and stability of ‘rakyat’.
Wallahuallam bis Sawab…
Salam Tun, if I may kindly be allowed space by your good self; I would like to wish
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Minta di-izinkan sedikit ruang. T. Kasih Tun.
Salam owlz. Many thanks for the mention brother. I am just like anyone here, trying to express my self in and along this golden platform made by Tun for all of us. I think this kind of platform – and one
Re “10. So the real Per Capita Income and GDP of the rich countries are really not so high compared to the poor countries whose Per Capita and GDP are based on real business.”, yes I couldnt agree with you more, esp when it comes to the UK. In terms of size, it is not that big compared to our country. It doesnt have a lot of natural resources like us. Their only resource is their people ie human capital, and among them they have people whom they call City bankers, those bankers who work in the City of London. You see, they are all accounting and finance graduates… these subjects are not even a proper science in the first place, simply social science. And the fact that they get to earn the biggest bucks in the country, sits in the nicest offices, is beyond me. If you go the hospitals here, the conditions are not that different from Malaysian hospitals ie it is quite a stressful environment with limited space and lots of patients. You see, the doctors have a harder life than these finance buggers… this is really beyond me…
My 2 sen.
Dear Tun,
How do you rein in human greed?
Do you do it by putting in place a system where greed can have a free hand and do as it like.
Do you put in place a system that has checks and balances that can detect and rein in greed?
Do you blame it on Human greed and then put your hand up in abandonment and say there is nothing we can do about it. It’s just there and we have to live with it???
Humans are not that STUPID…except those proponents of Unbridled Free “everything” …
We have been given Brains and an inate ability to innovate and adept.
Why MUST we take it as given; that greed must happen even if it will cause suffering to people, country and the world???
If we can make robbery a crime, cheating a crime, breach of trust a crime..then why not greed!!!
Dontplaypunk with people’s lives, livelyhood and happiness…for your personal greed.
Dear Tun. Salam dan minta maaf terpaksa mencelah dan off topic sikit
Dear ezani
Regarding your post May 8, 2009 10:09 AM
” So far I know it is only PAS that wants to follow the Islamic cash-only system and a system based on physical gold.”
I think u have to re-check your fact first on this one. TDM during his premiership was one of the great advocate of Islamic Dinar and Islamic gold economy.
Dear Max
I am from Perak and i too followed with great interest of our Sidang Adun.
And regarding your post May 8, 2009 1:54 PM
“I write this in total disgust of what i read, i saw my own eyes and even heard from the ADUN in Perak State Assembly yesterday. I am sorry if I ever sound harsh, but the way BN handle and run things is nothing less than an uncivlised 3rd world and pariah of nature, imcomparable to anything else that has ever happen before. Beyond any comparison, anyway u used to say our democracy is unique, so i guess this is it our own uniqueness.”
What i can say here is that I guess you really need help from Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat under their Orang Kurang Upaya Scheme or program or whatever because i think you are either an illiterate , a blind or a deaf person or even all three. and im sorry if ever sound harsh here too.
Really MAx i guess you only read, see and hear what you want to read see and hear.
observation yang menarik..tapi ramai yang buat2 tak nampak.
Dear Tun Dr. M,
I definitely interested if one of our top economist could calculate come out with the real value of MYR against the real value of USD after deductions all of their debts to the world. The we should peg it for good until a real global currency such as gold Dinar become reality.
With the above solution, our citizens knows what is our hard work values to date and could progress to lay the foundation for our nation future. Because, if we wait the world leaders to put a stop on the cause of the current crisis, it will be almost impossible.
You could surely go on and on blaming others for all thats happening in the world, after it has happened. The western world transacts these somewhat fraudulent practices and no one forces anyone to partake in any of it. Why Malaysia’s central bank got involved in currency trading and lost billions is still a big question mark.
Lets just hit it all closer to home. For starters, it was during your time that Malaysia chose to print its own money, at will without the backing of gold reserves. As a result, Malaysia could print as much money as it wanted thus causing it to slide in the currency market. Speaking of printing money, I wonder who got the printing contracts? Where are the gold reserves that Malaysia once had backing its currency?
As for the pyramid scheme, the government issues licenses for connected individuals to carry out the business legally under the guise of MLM companies. These companies fold up after 2 or 3 years and then re-establishes itself under a different name but with the same owners who are mainly Chinese but mysteriously backed by an unknown Malay at most times. The pioneers (upliners) are usually the Chinese and the occasional Malay and by the time the majority of Malays (downliners) come in, the Chinese make their money leaving the Malays stranded with nothing to look forward to. The irony of it all, these companies are given accolades and awards by the government. What say you?
Ayahanda Tun,
//By max on May 8, 2009 1:54 PM//
I can understand his (an indian) anger and fury for what happened to Sivakumar, really “memalukan” as an Indian fella. I, as a human being and chinese, feel sorry for Siva because he is crashing himself in the wall of no return, why???? Today he cannot be the Speaker, that does not mean that he cannot be the Speaker tomorrow. Tun Dr Mahathir was “singkir” from UMNO too and he is our PM for 22 years.
If Siva is sincere, professional, control his emotion and stop listening to hearsay, he would not have got himself being carried out by our policemen in order to make ways for Raja Nazrin to make the opening speech in which Tuanku has waited patiently for more than 5 hours. Siva will not be elected as the Speaker in future eventhough PR has won the seat. The Sultan and rakyat will not want a leader who cannot control his emotion to lead the state. Well, like an indian commented in Star paper, that 2 milion indian in Malaysia are lead by a “6 headed indian Cobra” with no teeth. Who marginalizes Indians, Malaysians or indians themselves???? It is the indians who got themselves into this scenario, don’t blame the government and citizen!!!!
Their statistical wealth would be a lot more negative (and therefore technically bankrupt) if we discount all the loot from the native Americas that the Europeans used to finance the rape and plunder of the East, and the rape of the environment.
Maybe ‘Western civilisation’ never was. Maybe it was a Chinese, Indian or Muslim civilisation that was ascendant or dominant all the while, and still is. What ‘scienctific advancement’ is this that kills man and the environment, and makes us poorer, or even bankrupt?
Dear Tun,
It is rather difficult to pin down want poverty really means. But for the purpose of this study we will define it as;
The absences of an individual
Dear Tun,
Theres too many vested interests. Theres too much at stake. Nothing less than a revolution will change the present corrupted and corrupting system.
How to bring that about? Who’s to ignite the fire?
Even the current crisis is not enough to cause people the world over to make a stand and agitate for change. Perhaps another world war? But that would be downright criminal to say the least….! Ironic, isn’t it?
As i joined this blog, which is my dear friend Tun Dr Mahatier’s blog, i wish to express my excitment and joy to be a reader to his valuable thoughts…I wish we have more ( Mahatiers )in our Islamic world to progress again and move forward as a strong, just and more peaceful nation that leads the world as it did during the golden ERA of AL KHULAFA ALRASHIDEEN.
YABhg Tun,
I was just wondering why they never invited you to give lecture at, say… Harvard, Cambridge or Oxford..? or did they…
Dear Tun,
Perak banyak sejarah silamnya.
Yang membanggakan kini rakyat Perak mempunyai raja Melayu yang paling intellectual sekali.
Rakyat Perak patut bersyukur kerana mempunyai Raja yang “cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang”.
Tapi kini institusi Raja di Perak telah tercemar oleh kerana kelakuan separuh dari golongan wakil rakyat yang tidak langsong memberikan penghormatan terhadap raja mereka.
Apa yang telah berlaku di Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak jelas memperlihatkan bagaimana jijiknya perangai wakil rakyat Pakatan Rakyat yang telah bersikap kurang ajar dan biadap terhadap raja Melayu mereka.
Mereka sebagai ahli yang berhormat telah jelas mempapirkan sifat yang sungguh rendah moral mereka tanpa segan silu tidak memberikan penghormatan yang setinggi-tingginya terhadap raja mereka.
Tidak keterlaluan kita boleh mentakrifkan tindak tanduk mereka sebagai orang yang durhaka dan pengkhianat kepada raja mereka.
Sungguh menjijikkan melihat perangai mereka yang tidak bertamadun kerana berkelakuan seperti “setan dan iblis” tanpa sifat malu terhadap raja mereka.
Adakah ini rupa bentuk “Yang Berhormat” yang diharapkan oleh rakyat negeri Perak? Wakil Rakyat yang tidak tahu erti sopan santu terhadap raja mereka.
Mereka bolehlah diumpamakan sebagai wakil rakyat berperangai seperti “LANUN DAN PENYANGAK”.
Amat malang sekali kejadian ini berlaku. Patutkah rakyat menerima mereka sebagai wakil rakyat yang telah menjatuhkan maruah Raja.
Fikir-fikirkanlah dengan hati yang ikhlas apakah rakyat negeri Perak tidak ambil peduli dan akan terus memberikan sokongan kepada wakil rakyat mereka yang telah jelas cuba mempermainkan institusi raja Melayu?
Kalau rakyat negeri Perak betul-betul menjungjungi institusi raja mereka maka adalah amat wajar supaya semua rakyat negeri Perak bangkit beramai-ramai mempertahankan raja mereka dengan mengadakan demonstrasi aman di depan Dewan Negeri Perak untuk melahirkan rasa kesalnya atas kelakuan biadap wakil rakyat mereka terhadap raja mereka.
Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku !
Ayahanda Tun,
Now WHO (World Health Organization) said if the A-H1n1 flu is not controlled today, then there will be 2 billions people will infected by this flu next year. My teenage boy said, “don’t trust the WHO because they are trying to create a new set of medicine to replace the old method by frightening us.
Well, this is another Dubious Shadowy Businesses to create another economic cycle (indices that are worst than the present crisis)to make the rich richer, the poor poorer in the name of Democracy with Brain only.
I do have investments in local unit trusts, I did not pull out because I believe these investments (under EPF scheme) will strenghten our real economy to protect the country from these DUBIOUS SHADOWY BUSINESS (created from our own backyard) to minimize the impact of human greed due to FREE MARKET.
So, Pakatan Rakyat, just go ahead and create choas before next PRU 13 to hope for toppling BN. I would say, I will not allow you PR to win because you are in the Dubious Shadowy Businesses that only create, hedge, groom and baloon your individual images from your Tom, Dick and Harry attidutes so that you can worth millions of dollar by playing with the rakyat sentiment. I am not going to let you win because you do it for yourself and I do it for the country.
I am wondering did DAP’s Darling Guan Eng wear a black shirt on May 7, 2009 to challenge our PDRM (police force)? I don’t think he dares, he is just a another “kong gali kong” NATO politicians who cannot hide its “ekor musang” and Talked Big on DEMOCRACY, a DEAD DEMOCRACY under the pants of Mr AI, ha….ha…..
1Malysia sounds better and more simple and straight to the point than apa nama, Malaysian Malaysia. By the way, those members who supported PR tend to favor skim cepat kaya or kejutan budaya, a LAH budaya will remain in my heart because of human being greed without morality just like our Ms Eli Wong who said recently that she felt like being raped every day since the day her nude picture is made available in internet. Well, Ms Eli Wong, please look at your face before you made such statement, to me, you are a “chicky” girl who is not fit to be the exco members of our country. If you behave decent, no one would be able to bring you down with the nude shots. You should leave the post, but you did not and PR will loose by the end of the day because you people favor a DEAD DEMOCRACY without Morality which is unacceptable in our multi-racial country. Sini bukan Taiwan!!!!
Good day Ayahanda Tun.
Salam Tun,
Saya rasa amat kagum Tun dapat mengupas keadaan krisis kewangan semasa dengan begitu terperinci.
Saya berpendapat, sebilangan orang orang yang teramat kaya diluar sana dengan mudah menjahanamkan ekonomi sesebuah negara dengan hanya spetulasi nilai matawang sesebuah negara tersebut.
Ini akan mengakibatkan nilai barang yang diimport atau diekspot bukan mengikut nilai sebenar barangan tersebut.
Atau, nilai saham di Bursa tidak mencerminkan kedudukan sebenar nilai sesebuah syarikat tersebut.
Teruskan usaha Tun membongkar salah laku golongan elit tersebut, Saya menyokong penuh usaha Tun.
i have lost alot in things like this…till i even lost my job..
anyway.. i started a new way making a living..
please help to support!
take care tun n all!
YABhg Tun,
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
The indices of these countries are hedged, created, balooned and groomed to make them look rich and exclusive in the name of democracy. Democracy in these countries is the “double standard” of “They can do it in the name of FREEDOM & RELIGION, others can’t…..”, and Apanama, ah… similar to the action demonstrated in our local Perak politic crisis stirred by En Anwar Inbrahim (the adviser of Pakatan Rakyat Party formed only after winning the votes of the rakyat and he can’t wait for PRU 13) PLUS the sleeping FIL KALI rempiting SIL, “mereka buat boleh, semua buat tak boleh termasuk Raja2 Melayu kita”. So, what is democracy????? Democracy without borders mean we can do whatever we want? The answer is NO because human beings must be CONTROLLED.
Before 911, I respect USA and the rich countries, and believed that there are justice and freedom in the world. After knowing this incident was created and balooned to protect only certain group of people holding USA nation’s wealth, in the name of freedom (democracy for protecting the wealthy group VS war by invasion in Afghanistan and Iraq, and now Palestine), manipulating the economy of the world, insurance acts, banking acts, investment acts, human rights, freedom of speech, national interest, blah blah…. I lost faith. Thanks to Michael Moore’s courage in documenting the 9/11 movie and making the world to see the other side of the story.
How much longer can USA and these rich countries hold? Are they going to use war strategy to fight for their national interest in the name of RELIGION & FREEDOM again to conquer the world?????
To me, whatever they want to do is their rights, and we cannot stop it, and that is why I trained my children to have NATIONALISM FIRST BEFORE DEMOCRACY after 9/11 incident because I know globalization (democracy) must be controlled by nationalism (country’s centralized authority/power)if we want to survive in this era peacefully.
Just an advice to the opposition party, “DEMOCRACY IS DEAD and was KILLED by USA and the rich countries due to human greed after 9/11 incident. If you want to be the ruling government, control your emotion and don’t get too “huh ha” (excited) with this DEAD DEMOCRACY in the eyes of our Yang DiPertuan Agong, Raja2 Melayu, Tun Dr Mahathir and rakyat because we are NOT DUMB and STUPID to allow you to continue your DEAD DEMOCRACY consert in toppling BN in our country.
Good day Ayahanda Tun.
P/S: To Mr CSL, have you watch the hollywood movie “TRANSFORMER”?
If you did, I am sure you will agree with me that majority of USA citizens are poor and they can only afford to buy used cars (very old, clumpsy and ugly like a piece of trash steel) as shown in the movie. That is the reality of USA in which the RICH GET RICHER. If you can be as crooked and dirty like them, do join them, and get yourelf a FERARI or something, but remember, whenever there is a rise, they will be a fall, this is the universal theory (our conscience) that no man can escape!!!!
Salam Tun berdua dan pembaca chedet semua,
1. Orang-orang yang cipta konsep indeks ‘kekayan’ sesebuah negara ini adalah orang-orang yang sama yang tahu tentang ‘loopholes’ nya.
2. Maka mereka memanipulasi ‘loopholes’ yang ada dengan menjalankan ‘perniagaan’ yang mereka cipta ‘out of thin air’. Tidak perlu modal, hanya ‘kepandaian’ mempengaruhi orang lain supaya percaya kepada mereka dan percaya kepada keupayaan mereka.
3. Tapi mereka tidak tahu bahawa apa yang mereka buat itu adalah satu pekerjaan yang paling jijik dalam Islam- pure usury through and through.
4. Mungkin mereka hendak tunjukkan kehebatan mereka menentang apa yang sudah diharamkan oleh ALLAH SWT dalam al-Qur’an. Bahawa mereka lebih bijak daripada apa yang dikatakan sebagai forbidden dalam Islam.
5. Maka, sekarang mereka mendapat balasannya. Apa lagi yang boleh mereka katakan? melainkan mengakui bahawa: apabila ALLAH SWT mengharamkan sesuatu itu, pasti dan pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya. They are learning the truth the hard way.
6. When ALLAH The All Knowing All Wise forbids usury, it is because there is no good at all in this practice and verily ALLAH Knows what is best for His servants. But for those who simply refuse to accept that simple fact of acknowledging His Wisdom and Guidance, they have no one else but their stupid and arrogant selves to blame.
7. To this end Tun, your #11 and #12 is a reminder again to them. But will they take heed?
8. Marilah kita rakyat MAlaysia berdiri bersatu dan yakin dengan diri sendiri bahwa kita mampu maju dalam acuan sendiri. Buanglah amalan-amalan riba dari urusan harian kita semoga kita sentiasa mendapat rahmat Allah SWT.
9. Tapi saya tak yakin bahawa kita dapat menuju ke arah itu jika PAKATAN RAKYAT yang memerintah. Kerana PAKATAN RAKYAT ditunjangi oleh Orang yang mengagung-agungkan puak-puak yang disebut oleh Tun dalam para 11 dan 12 di atas. Ulamak dalam PAS kena fikir hati-hati kalau nak terus bersama PAKATAN RAKYAT ni….Jangan terpedaya dengan mainan politik mereka jika benar memperjuangkan ISLAM.
10. Fikir-fikirkanlah teman ku …..
Jaga diri, Jaga solat kita ya, Tun berdua dan rakan-rakan semua. Kerana janji Allah SWT di dalam al-Qur’an: (Mafhum ayat) Sesungguhnya solat itu dapat mencegah daripada perbuatan yang keji dan mungkar.
And ALLAH The Almighty Always Keeps His Promises.
-si kenit-
how do u answer now the recession is recovering..
all because of the brainstorming of developed countries..
are u finished with your unfounded criticism of the west?
remove the plank in your own eyes before pointing out the speck in their eyes
Dear Tun,
We miss your articles on CORRUPTED LEADERS in the government. I believe they are still there and recently re-appointed. I am more keen to read such articles than on global issues.
How about the damamging issues in Perak? Appreciate if you can do us a favor to give us your valuable opinion on the entire fracas.
Thank toy
Excellent deduction Tun. You surely have a flair to simplify seemingly esoteric matters into one that is comprehensible for a layman like myself.
As the idiom goes ‘ A wise man learns from his mistakes, a wiser man learns from other people’s mistakes’, what can we as Malaysians learn from these arrogant blunders from the west?
Salam hormat.
Abu Dhabi
Dear Tun,
I would say that you did a great job in simplying a rather complicated piece of information/mechanism. There are so many entities and professions involved in the whole process, but none of them ever come out with a proper explanation like this one.
Latest move by Obama, to hunt the finance elitist and scrutinise their off-shore account, pretty much in-line with what you suggested earlier in this series.
I will definitely list this post in http://www.malaysiatop1000.com, Thanks very much Dear Tun.
Best regards.
Dear Tun,
“Beta tak mahu masuk campur.”
“Beta tak mahu masuk campur. [I don’t want to get involved in this]. I just want to give my speech, so respect my speech, when I am giving it. You understand that? If you want tto work with me in future, you have to respect my speech. Understand? “So go and tell that (to the Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen who had stood together in front of the royal dais) to take their seats.” – Raja Dr Nazrin Shah
Belajar je tinggi-tinggi tapi tak tahu bahasa. Perangai macam “PARIAH”. Memalukan. Memang bangsat. Tak menghormati Raja Melayu langsong.Menjatuhkan maruah orang Melayu, Raja kita di pandang macam tak berdaulat.
Mereka semua patut di buang daerah.
Asslamualaikum Tun,
Tun telah simpulkan bahawa, sistem ekonomi sekarang telah dibina dari sistem kewangan yang dijana dari wang jana wang. Kewangan terjana bukan dari sumber produk dan perkhidmatan. Akhir sekali Tun nak pembaca terima bahawa kita boleh mengelakkan Dunia Bankrupt sekiranya Fakta ini boleh diselesaikan dalam kerangka sistem ekonomi yang sama.
Cuba kita bayangkan kita dalam kerangka ekonomi yang tidak menerima wang boleh menjana wang. Sistem kewangan dilihat sebagai medium pertukaran untuk melakukan urusniaga, dalam masa yang sama medium pertukaran itu sendiri mempunyai intrinsic value ‘Berguna’ kepada manusia.
Sumber asli kita tidak akan terdedah kepada spekulasi wang kertas, upah kerja juga tidak merasai kenaikan dari tahun ke tahun, dunia akan lihat Malaysia tertinggal dalam kesemua petunjuk ekonomi, KDNK, nisbah doktor penduduk, bandaraya, bekalan air bersih dsb.
Malaysia lepas Merdeka tidak membangun, penuh dengan pokok kelapa, sawah, tiada lebuh raya, kehidupan sebagai petani lebih kepada kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang. Kita hanya dapat menjaga keperluan asas dimana ekonomi hanya terbina berasaskan komoditi yang ujud dan nyata. Timah, besi, getah, padi, sagun, tikar mengkuang, atap nipah, kayu jati, chengal dsb.
Kita tidak dibangunkan dengan dunia komputer, tiada kereta nasional, tidak mampu beli TV warna, Hifi, Astro, DVD kereta continental yang berhawa dingin kerana KDNK per kapita kita terlampau rendah apabila transaksi domestic secara Barter tidak diambil kira dalam perkiraan perbelanjaan KDNK.
Selepas tahn 1971, dengan pembangunan yang lembab dan kolot ini, tanpa sebarang peningkatan ilmu dikalangan masyarakat, Malaysia terpelihara dengan 4 petunjuk teknologi berikut.
1)Bekalan air bersih dari sumber air yang tidak tercemar. Mineral water diseluruh kawasan tadahan air seluruh negara.
2) Tiada masalah plastik, sisa toksik apabila industri yang melibatkan bahan kimia tidak dapat dibiayai ; tiada pencemaran alam sekitar.
3) Syurga Hasil Pertanian Organik dari keseluruhan hasil tani Malaysia.
4) Penghasilan Alloy-alloy logam secara sendiri untuk buat alat pertanian, jentera pertanian yang dibangunkan oleh industri tempatan kerana kuasa membeli barangan import dibantutkan dengan menidakkan penghasilan wang kertas.
Kesemua nilai-nilai teknologi diatas, sekiranya terpelihara, Malaysia tanpa pembangunan pada tahun 2009 ini adalah 50tahun lebih maju daripada negara-negara Amerika, Jepun, German dan kesemua negara maju. Gergasi baru seperti India dan China juga akan mengalami kesukaran untuk bersaing dalam ke empat-empat petunjuk diatas.
Secara idealnya, sistem kewangan juga tidak membebankan, response petunjuk inflasi akan hanya terdedah kepada kehendak Allah. Hanya padaNya kita berserah. Lengkok inflasi tidak akan jadi satu keluk eksponense, ia akan turun dan naik dengan purata pada sifar.
Hazrin Salim Marjan
019 2856285
[email protected]
I shall never forget Oct/Dec’2009 where it burnt in my momory after keeping/buying shares in the preceding months.
I was not experienced enough to have spotted the slide, or when i should had sold my shares !.
What i had learnt the hard way was either i have to get my timing right, or i need the ability to wait for many many years to recover after a sharp crash !……hard lesson indeed !!!!!!
Assalamualaikum Tun. To ensure the growth of economic, factor such as demand anda supply should be apply.
If this thing is done well, everything will be ok. These will ensure no defisit in the market place.
Salam alaik Tun…
Hope you dont mind I want to “bertegur-sapa” with Mr / Dato / Tan Sri / YB
kamal ahmad.
Dear Mr / Dato / Tan Sri / YB kamal ahmad and salam alaik,
I have read your post about “bawah pokok” engineering technologies…
Hahahahaaa!!! Its fun but really knowledgeable and full of information… I
guaranteed you are kind of a genius in your own field… You can think like
that, yea its funny but to deliver it in the impressive way, woowh… Not
everbody can do that… Hahahaa!!! Well kamal ahmad, I hope I can know
what’s your age… Then I’ll know whether I can regard you as an abang or uncle…
Im still young. 22 years old. Owh yea, I just read from TheStar, the
European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) has created the
biggest machine ever — a particle collider under the French-Swiss border
outside Geneva which aims to recreate the conditions of the “Big Bang”,
the origin of the universe… Peerrgghh!!! Now that’s what we call a
development… Well, as Malaysia is one of the muslim country which is
advance in biothechnology, why dont we suppress until the last drop of
sweat our thousands of biotechnology graduates who are specialist in
genetic engineering techniques to research a highly developed crop
variety genes to impart a new character that would increase its yield… It
can produce a massive amount of food… Hey, now food is a power Tun!!!
Its same like the oil… We have our own Lembah Biotech at Dengkil,
Sepang… Even modern biotechnology can be used to slow down the
process of spoilage so that fruit can ripen longer on the plant and then
be transported to the consumer with a still reasonable shelf life… This
improves the taste, texture and appearance of the fruit… More
importantly, it could expand the market for farmers in developing countries
due to the reduction in spoilage…
1st p/s: Hye ah_heng, hye Rimba Emas, hye Hanan, hye pakbelalang,
hye HBT, hye Onlooker and hye to you all. Huhu!!! Lets make the world as
the better place to live… Its fun…
Salam from the University of Malaya, supporters of Tun.
– Electrical Engineering Department –
2nd p/s: Hey Hanan, I just read your post in previous topic… Huhu…
Hurm, owh yea Hanan. Dont you know that in our Holy Quran, it
mentions more than 70 times about Jewish? I got jealous actually…
You all are really famous even in our Holy Quran. I swear you can see
it if you read our Holy Quran… A loootttt of things about Jewish, Jewish
and Jewish. Read it. Trust me. You can know something else even its
not kind of secret encryption methodology using Quranic textual style
in hacking technology… Its not… There’s something else… Read it.
Salam YAB Tun,
Manusia dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah, bersih dan suci. Kemudian diberi tunjuk ajar dan diberi ilmu melalui alam persekolahan hingga ke menara gading bagi yang bernasib baik.
Setelah tamat belajar, masing-masing mula bersaing untuk hidup dan mencari kekayaan dan kemewahan tanpa berfikir panjang. Ramai yang mudah terpengaruh dengan keadaan disekeliling. Sesetengah bekerja dan sesetengah mula berniaga sendiri dan ada juga yang menggangur.
Masalah pertama bagi setiap manusia ini adalah apabila masing-masing mula meminjam untuk hidup. Setiap benda perlu ada dan perlu diadakan segera seperti apa yang orang lain ada. Kereta, rumah, isteri dsn…
Meminjam tidaklah menjadi kesalahan tetapi kita harus berhati-hati dengan sipemberi pinjaman yang meletakkan berbagai syarat melalui cara sistem pinjaman mereka yang kelihatan canggih dan sofisticated.
Memberi pinjaman kepada yang memerlukan pinjaman adalah amalan yang mulia tetapi mengenakan pelbagai syarat yang tidak adil dan berat sebelah malah mengharapkan keuntungan berlipat-ganda dan menamakan cara bantuan pinjaman ini sebagai satu bentuk perniagaan adalah memalukan dan harus dikutuk.
Semua pinjaman yang mengharapkan keuntungan dan diikuti dengan berbagai-bagai syarat yang tidak adil kepada sipeminjam bukanlah pinjaman yang berhasrat untuk menolong sebenarnya tetapi lebih kepada menipu dan mengambil kesempatan atas kejahilan orang ramai.
Malah wang yang hendak dipinjamkan juga atas simpanan orang ramai lain yang telah berjaya ditipu lebih awal dahulu. Amalan mereka lebih kurang sama juga seperti skim pyramid atau ponzi Bernard Madoff dan Pak Man Telo. Cuma berbeza sedikit mereka ini penipu profesional yang diberi lesen untuk menipu dan riba yang mereka kenakan diakui halal oleh para ulamak dunia.
Satu sunnah Nabi yang paling susah untuk diikuti oleh kebanyakan orang termasuk para alim dan ulamak sekarang ialah hidup secara serdahana tanpa meninggalkan banyak wang-ringgit, harta-benda dan hutang.
Salam Tun,
Tahniah saya ucapkan. Bangga dan teruja dengan kesimpulan yang Tun nyatakan.
Kenyataan Tun penuh dengan keyakinan, kadangkala membuat saya tertanya apakah faktor yang ‘drive’ Tun sebegini yakin dan pasti – lebih2 lagi bila ianya melibatkan dua negara maju i.e. US & UK?
Pernah saya berbual dengan rakan2 berasal dari UK, US & France… mereka sebenarnya gentar dengan competition dari China (Asia). Ini kerana China is capable to produce goods & services at much cheaper cost at the same quality or even better. Mungkin China memerlukan masa untuk membangunkan human resource yang competence e.g. dari segi penguasaan bahasa Inggeris, sebelum mereka dapat LEBIH menguasai ekonomi dunia.
Selama ini, dengan petunjuk ekonomi bogus bagi negara2 maju, mereka dapat bertahan kerana ada kuasa membeli (purchasing power). Soalannya, apa akan terjadi selepas ini…apa pula helah UK & US untuk pertahan kan petunjuk ekonomi yang tidak memihak pada mereka lagi? Mungkin mereka akan mencipta satu lagi petunjuk bogus yang konon nya lebih tepat??? tidak mustahil kan…hmmm
Apakah nasihat Tun kepada orang2 kita? Saya tahu tiada satu jawapan yang sesuai. Tetapi mungkin Tun boleh berikan beberapa cadangan yang boleh kami pertimbangkan dalam keadaan ekonomi sekarang?
So, Public Dinar is the right choice to invest: real commodity, real value, no riba unless pay zakat yearly.
then please do not liberalize the manufacturing/automotive/related industry…
Whenever there is a financial crisis at the nation-wide level, the group of people who will incur unnecessary losses as a result of the government’s financial rescue plan will be those tax-payers who work diligently in their genuine businesses in order to assist the government to weather through the financial storm.
When some people complained that too many bankruptcy cases would lead to a long chain of delinquent loans, high retrenchment and high unemployment, the government would most likely try to intervene by pumping in much more money into the financial systems in order to prime fire the economy and remove the sluggish deadlock in the money market and the capital market. An expansionary fiscal budget would usually be used as the means to spur the economic activities. In other words, the government would try to spend more than what it has on hand by way of resorting to debt financing. The end-result of the expansionary budget will not be easy to predict in an economy where there are many happenings of money flow leakages such as repatriation of the corruption money, drug trafficking money, divestment money, and foreign remittance by the foreign workers. However, it is almost sure that the expansionary fiscal budget will tend to push up the general price level of the goods and services and hence create some inflationary pressure to the market.
The ultimate beneficiaries of an inflationary economy will always be those groups of people who owed debts to others and the fixed asset owners and land owners. The victims of an inflationary economy will always be the poor and the have-nots, for they are forced to pay a much higher price than before for their daily necessities while their wage rate will remain unchanged for a long period of time!
For the sake of all, we still have to live in the evil of inflationary pressure since the expansionary fiscal budget seems to be the easiest and most direct way for spuring the economic activities during recession. Please always bear in mind that all economic activities revolve around confidence. If you hold a pessimistic view about the future economic outlook, then you will tend to consume or invest now without much hesitation. Then your spending money will help others to get job and get income. Confidence is the basic requirement for the proper functioning of the nation’s economics! That is the reason why we want to have an expansionary fiscal budget during the recession period!
If we want to improve the capital efficiency of the economic systems, then perhaps the government should focus more on the ways and means to stop leakage of the money flow and to prevent unproductive money outflow from our monetary systems. Perhaps a new law to tighten up the control on the repatriation of money for making payment to a fititious international trade transaction will help to improve the capital efficiency of the economy. Have you not learn a lesson from Perwaja case yet? Why should we continue to allow the payment for fititious transactions which involved with the capital outflow to a foreign country from our cashflow shortage economy? Our economy deserves a much better improvement in capital efficiency if we try to stop all unproductive money flow leakages through a stricter custom declaration and tighter procedural control in foreign remittance!
The figures of Per Capita Income and GDP are not the final determinants of economic growth. The financial market liquidity is the ultimate crucial factor which enables us to weather through the financial storm in a much safer and comfortable way!
Salam buat Tun berdua moga dirahmati Allah s.w.t.
1.Sanggupkah anda hendak menjadi kaya atau menjadi nomber 1 sebaliknya kekayaan anda atas wang riba serta kepandaian ilmu jual beli tampa konsep iman?
2.Bagi saya biarlah kita kebawah sekali pun tapi kita tahu arah tuju kita bahwa untung kita bukan untuk setakat di dunia sahaja tapi juga untuk hari selepas mati kita.
3.Atau pun kita boleh menjadi pelopor dalam kalangan negara Islam dengan indek GDP serta perkapita atas nilaian berasaskan keteguhan melaksana hukum-hukum Allah s.w.t.Biarlah kita terasing serta akan di boikot oleh mereka ini.Agar nilaian kita selamat di sisi pemberi rezeki yang sebenarnya.
4.Asal konsep kita seperti pandang ke Timur dan barat hanya untuk mengambil ilmu yang baik dan mereka yang kuat imannya berjaya melakukannya.Tetapi peluang-peluang itu telah dirosakkan oleh mereka yang tidak beriman kerana terpengaroh atau mudah dipengaruhi
sehingga menular kepada budaya serta melupai hukum agamanya.
5.Kini percampur-adukkan konsep telah menjadi pegangan masing-masing sehingga membesar seterusnya akan gagal dikawal oleh undang-undang ala barat yang lebih memberi kebebasan mengubah hukum ciptaan manusia.
6.Waima untuk membanyakkan peluang pekerjaan serta keuntungan serta pengekalan yang lama kadang-kadang terlepas juga ‘jalan-jalan riba’ atas nama-nama arab (bukan Islam takut dipermainkan nauzubillah..).
7.Lebih baik terkenal kita..juaranya kita oleh Allah s.w.t daripada menyesal kita kemudian hari dan sudah terlambat kalau yang sebenar tertulis dalam Al Quran mahu dilaksanakan selepas akhirnya zaman dunia ini….
I do not deny the fact that most of the developed country were capitalizing in the optimism of its ppl and such a scheme for it’s nation survivability and development. But then try to imagine if such a system do not exist then we ourselves might not be able to fend for ourselves and our daily life. The studying loans, our car procurement, house buying, and daily life were very much depends on the same systems that you mentioned.
I admit, there might be a lot of discrepancy in the system, but then such problems must be dealt with rationality and not evil branding. I’m not surprised the ponzi systems were make illegal by the U.S. gov in the 1920s and not to mention that madoff were incarcerated after his debacle due to his financial products.
My point is that Capitalism and it’s nature is evolving to perfection. If the money were not invested into such optimism then we would not having great techies such as handphone, nano technology, safety products that are making our life better. I admit along the way we lost the stake to imperfection and over exhuberance. But that doesn’t mean we have to hate the whole things.
In stark reality, we still need paper money to replace the heavy weight schillings. As you yourself mentioned that this paper money were useless in value but depended heavily on its usage in trades. And this type of currency also can be transfixed through computers. It obviously depicts that we need to move forward and surmount the challenges that lay ahead such as the bad pyramid systems.
Mankind will always find ways to make great things looks evil in their own will due to the temptations of worldly thing. But then it depends on how much you see things in the right perspective.
Dear Tun
My brother who graduated as an architect from England once said that he lived like a pauper when he was studying there on a MARA scholarship back in the 70s as he had to really count his pennies. When he went back to the UK last year for a holiday, he STILL felt like a pauper with the sterling being so high relative to the ringgit and was still counting his pennies! I guess your series of articles explains it all!!
This, I fully agree with you. The past 15-25 years, the world had seen unproductive expansion of wealth through credit creation which are a sham.
There is no real way out of the current mess in the financial market. Printing more money and create more credit through bond issues,etc merely put more money into the system and create undeserve consumption to create employement and wealth.
Like a river flowing from upstream to downstream, all these wealth and money will very quickly end up in the bank account of the rich and wealthy and ultimately in the hands fund managers to play their game again.
The divide between rich and poor is too wide and too much money is in thye hands of people who cannot use it. This will go round and round and the next round of problem will be even mo0re serious.
The banks must be allowed to go. Go after the debtors or sell the debts and and pay the small depositors first, say those who have USD 25k or less will be give priority. Thise who have more can wait if extra money can be had. Otherwise, just say sorry to them.
This way,there will be some semblance of equilibrium for the long term health of the financial market.
Creating more funds for the money managers is to invite bigger trouble for the future.
Many will not agree with me but tehre is no way out foe this ess in the longbterm. It will come back to haunt us.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
I totally agree with your view here Tun. Bank of America just burned through USD 10 billion plus over nothing and they are still asking for more. The Obama Admin recently conducted
salam, Tun
1. Didoakan semoga Tun sekeluarga berada dalam kaedaan yang sihat.
2. saya mengikuti siri penulisan Tun tentang masalah ekonomi dunia. Sangat panjang lebar dan agar sukar difahami jika tidak faham tentang ekonomi.
3. Saya harap dapat juga memberikan pandangan Tun tentang pentadbiran najib yang berkaitan dengan kajian tol. Senjak diumumkan untuk dikaji , rakyat bergitu amat mengharap kerana telah menderita dengan tol kerana terpaksa ataupun lain-lain alasan. Tapi saya juga kesal kalau dikaji/dihapuskan, apa akan terjadi kepada dengan perkeja tol, mereka akan menggangur dalam kaedaan dunia yang sedang meleset. Sekali lagi wang rakyat akan digunakan untuk membayar pampasan kepada syarikat tol kerana ambil alih tersebut. apa pula akan terjadi kepada dasar penswastaan yang diilhamkan oleh Tun satu masa dulu. kalau dihapuskan apa akan jadi kepada senggaran lebuhraya , adakah akan menjadi lebih efisien. Dulu Pak lah hapuskan jambatan bengkok, sekarang nak hapuskan tol pula yang mana kedua-duanya adalah ilham TUN.
3. Harap bagi pandangan tun, saya rasa perjuangan tun belum lagi selesai, walaupun paklah telah berhenti.
Dear Sir,
Your perceptions of money may be right and correct.
I salute your alertness at this age.
I pray for you to be able to spend your very precious time to have fun with your grand children, and also your children whom you neglected or sacrificed for your premiership of 22 years, though you had made records in the History of Malaysia, but I believe you do have this record of a father who was too busy for your children or grand children, just similar to Lim Kit Siang, your nemesis.
Money is the root of all evil if you cannot manage it.
Money will make you a slave and become your master if you are not wise enough.
Your greed will destroy this world and your greed is hard to be satisfied.
The world could provide the needs of more than 10 billions people, but just could not satisfy your single GREED as a strong leader!!
I appeal to you to confess your own sins while you can speak soundly, and really spend your remaining precious time left for your grandchildren, your children and your dearest wife to enjoy a snae man whom they lost to the mad politics in Malaysia for the last 50 years of yoyur life!!
I pray for you to repent, and I pray for you to be forgiven.
God bless you!
Simple concept of business where there is always a risk. If there is confirmation return means it is not a business. Such promised return by operator able to be paid due to the huge amount of money gained by a huge amount of people where the operators do not require a proper invest of money in real business which need time and involve productivity in producing goods or services where in fact should counted as GDP.
Even there is a research done on a consistent trend return gained in a specific business, the fair and true business system should only promises a percentage from profit of business or what called as return of investment.
How about the conventional insurance being operated. We will see a lot of people actually being oppressed.
Our true heart we’ll see the basic concept of the real world, created by God with his rules and nature.
We have back to the true islam practice, this is jihad that we can do.
Tun please urged something till finally there will be action of implementation or we will finally ….. economically and politically. Please urge and urge just like how you keep urged the fifth PM to step down and finally it really happen he stepped down.
True heart will win with the bless of Allah.
It is undeniable that the volume of money has grown to more than 20 times of value of world trade. This makes it to be a commodity and now money is tradable especially the US Dollar.
The world has created this fallacy that US Dollar is a safe alternative to gold, oil etc. So if the value of gold goes down people quickly shift to US Dollar or other commodities. Similarly if the economic numbers of a country go down for example Malaysia, then foreign and local investors will liquidate its position into US Dollar.
Unfortunately all these commodities are traded in major cities in the developed countries like New York, Chicago and London even though the major source of the products are not located at these places. So all this wealth are located in a few locations in the developed countries and are controlled by a few group of individuals who are not bothered about the state of the developing countries.
The existing systems and infrastructure are no longer the best to manage all these wealth in a sustainable fashion. Since some of the wealth in the developed countries are derived or owned by the developing countries, it is due time the interest of the developing countries be looked more seriously. The world must not allow domination by wealth which could be more damaging than domination by arm or colonialism.
Best regards and wassalam.
Assalamualaikun Tun Dr Mahathir
You are brillant! is the best word.
Salam Tun
I would like to enquire and also state my extreme dissatisfaction at the use of the ISA between Najib and Pak Lah. First Pak Lah simply use ISA to put the Hindraf leaders in jail (admittedly, they did organise a strong Hindu protest rally) and then suddenly when Najib becomes PM, he orders the release of the ISA detainees (see The Star May 8 2009). Is it main-main that these 2 Prime Minister and ex-PM just simply put people in jail and then release them at whim and fancy? Surely there must be a more legal and convincing and justifiable basis in this country, to just simply putting people in jail and releasing them out of jail rather than being based on appointment of Prime Ministers!? This is simply ruining the detainee’s life and stability of his family! I am now strongly convinced that the BN Govt has really abused the ISA this time!
Salam TDM and All;
Thx for the brilliant set of info on this faulty economy. May Allah blesses us all and leads us doing the ringht thing.
7. Since we have developed indices for the wealth of countries, the Per Capita Income and GDP of the countries where these money make money games are played must be high.
I am your fan
Bu I just do not know where to write my opinion /comment othes aspects , other than of your own, so your can read hem
To all – please response KPI by PM PLKZ ‘ Tax payers want answer ( The Sun 8/5/09) KPI is INDICATEEDD – , audit report is ready, but government still .. 1. innocent untill proven guilty 2. to set task force ( Jawatan Kuasa Bertindak ) 3. Not enough evidens to prosecute 4. Millionaire taken from rakyat money ( tax payer ) 5. No criminal case in nature 6. Audit report cannot be release now 1Malaysia / transparency FaceBook 8/5
since the Money become so Hugh & powerful (Hungry for more profit)today. it can easily suck the Earth Resources, especially the delicious TREES to get more profit to enlarge itself to be more disasterous. the gap of the Rich vs Poor will go way deeper & darker.
the Blast of the ballon money is actually a blessing in disguise to the envirolment earth (a rest), but dont know how long it can last before it come back after it accumilate it energy/strength to hit again. the next time it hit, it is going to be harder. if economy is save by pumping more fake money to rescue it, the world will be doom very soon enough.
Dear Sir
At first when i read that u said that the Sultan can sack MB was an opinion to the side of PR, i was so happy. But on the 7/5 i realised what u meant was than Sultan of Perak cannot sack the new MB as well. I guess u have carefully planned ur statement and made us poor gullible Malaysians to support everything u ever utter. I really wish that as former PM and good friend of the current regime u will come to ppl’s defence… Hmm so much for all the praises we gave you.
Why talk about US or world economics when ur own country and its ppl in total turmoil. Like u dont know or realise or u simply dont care.
I can see the number of comments in ur blog have reduced, not sure what those 15 over milion visitors do anyway when they visit ur blog, probably they could have said something to ur offence or simply pissed u off. So better for most who know u well just leave without any comment for some fear they have over you; knowing u well when u were the PM.
I write this in total disgust of what i read, i saw my own eyes and even heard from the ADUN in Perak State Assembly yesterday. I am sorry if I ever sound harsh, but the way BN handle and run things is nothing less than an uncivlised 3rd world and pariah of nature, imcomparable to anything else that has ever happen before. Beyond any comparison, anyway u used to say our democracy is unique, so i guess this is it our own uniqueness.
Is this event Perak does not interest you at all still? Are u awaiting for something to beg and request for ur comment. I am sure you will come up with some rhetoric after this and after reading all the comments we send u, good after all whatever the damage has been done is reparable.
My apologies again, thanks for space!
Knowing the behavior of these rich countries, they will never accept the fact and the national bankruptcy will never cease to slide even more worse.
Hazman Abu Bakar
Dear Tun Dr M,
When currency was introduced, they have not provided for the loop hole in its transaction and manipulation whether intentionally or unintentionally.
Currency is fictitious and is represented by notes and coins. Its acceptance and issuance is primarily based on the countries Reserves of valuables and the countries resources. If there is any over issuance of the currency then its value would dip to the extent that a cup of coffee costs 340,000 _______(name of currency).
In Malaysia, during the late 90s crisis, you smartly pegged the Malaysian Ringgit with the US Dollar. Many said no, including economists,but you went ahead. The country survived as the peg price was lower than the market price of Malaysian Ringgit.
Your conclusion on the fate currency traders is frightening. The respective countries should save their countries economy(which cost lesser) than to try saving the currency traders (As you indicated that it would cost 100s of Trillion Dollars). It should not be traded as any other commodity.
I suggest that, the value of each currency to be deliberated by the United Nations and be reviewed on a yearly basis.
On a lighter note, I recall a single old lady passed away in the late 80s. When checked, she had 1000s of Japanese “Banana Tree” under her bed.
Dear Tun
“So the real Per Capita Income and GDP of the rich countries are really not so high compared to the poor countries whose Per Capita and GDP are based on real business.”
I do not wish to indulge in semantics, philosophy or spin in challenging your conclusions. But challenge I must, since many of your basic assumptions are WRONG and may mislead many Malaysians into thinking that in reality we are as rich as the West.
Ask yourself why we have REAL rubber, but most of the tyre-producing companies are in UK and USA even today!!
It’s also wrong of you to say that these speculative trades do not produce wealth and employment. I think Citibank and Goldman Sachs alone have a worldwide workforce exceeding 50,000.
In 1997 our GDP and reserves fell by (here I’m shooting a little from the hip) perhaps 50%. Our GDP before and after 1997 is computed on the same GDP model as the rest of the WORLD. Our current reserves are $350 billion (appx US$100 billion as compared to S’pore’s US$250 billion)
In fact we had as many Ponzi Schemes, false accounting, business frauds(Perwaja $12 billion/Bank Bumi bailouts $5 billion/MAS bailout $2 billion/Renong/UEM bailout $3 billion/ Perkapalan $1.7 billion etc, etc) and highly leveraged speculative forays into forex and futures trading as USA and the West.In 2008/09 we have the $8 billion PKZ scandal and accounting frauds at Transmile and a couple of more Plc’s.ith 1 very MAJOR exception.
Our Govt has come up with a rescue stimulus package of $60 billion. If ours is all that very real an economy as compared to the USA, then why are we suffering?
Our Bank Negara was the 1 central bank that went beyond its role of protecting the ringgit and speculated with gay abandon in the international currency market like it was going out of fashion. As a result BNM lost $6 billon (or $30 billion according to some sources). Your own attempt at cornering the Tin Market resulted in M’sia losing some $3 billion. In 2008 BNM lost another $5.5 billion defending the ringgit (against Sterling, I think)
So, if we take out all these finanacial services and schemes’ elements out of our GDP computation (as you say should the West) I guess our real GDP will be on par with that of Bangladesh & Zimbabwe. You cannot ask the West to re-state their GDP according to your definition while leaving M’sia’s GDP under the old system.
But I do agree with you that the current system has a tendency to produce huge speculative bubbles internationally, with each new one making the previous one seem puny by comparison!
The main cause of this is human GREED AND the endemic failure of Governments everywhere in exercising their watchdog role with utmost VIGILANCE!!
Masalah kegawatan ekonomi global yang melanda sekarang perlu kita atasi dengan bijak agar kadar inflasi tidak menjunam dengan teruk dan kadar peningkatan pengangguran dan orang tiada pekerjaan perlu diatasi agar tidak bertambah.
Kegawatan ini memang cukup terasa dengan kadar jenayah ragut semakin meningkat.Adakah kerana pihak berkuasa sudah tidak boleh menjalankan tugas mereka secara berkesan,disebabkan peningkatan kadar jenayah?
Bagi saya semua ini bukan sebab tersebut tapi kerana kadar inflasi semakin menjunam.Jadi ramai yg cari jalan mudah untuk dapatkan wang.
Oleh itu kita perlu cari jalan untuk diri sendiri tanpa bantuan kerajaan untuk tingkatkan kadar ekonomi kita.
Mungkin artikel ini memberi anda panduan.
Asalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
Terima kasih kerana berjaya memperjuangkan nasib Malaysia hingga ke tahap yg terbaik pada hari ni. Tapi Ayahanda Tun, sejak Ayahanda Tun masuk semula UMNO hari tu, artikel ayahanda kurang memberangsangkan, diharap ayahanda Tun dapat menerangkan krisis yang terjadi di Perak dan krisis UMNO di Terengganu dgn lebih terperinci, semoga anak2 muda Malaysia dapat memahami apa yang berlaku dan tidak mudah terkeliru, terima kasih ayahanda.
Your speech in Beijing provides a more easily understandable view of the current crisis based on layman terms.
Perhaps you should post your speech in this blog of yours.
Dr Mahathir,
Actually , economy must be a subject that is close to your heart.
Economy is a dry and complex subject , nonetheless it is the very
nerve of a country in order to survive and grow.
Correct me , if Im wrong, but is not PM Najib an econs graduate?
He is now opening up Malaysia’s economy to the foreigners.
He is allowing the foreign investors to dictate our country’s wealth,
hence the GDP and what nots.
After these free lessons on the series of the trends that lead to the financial
crisis , I and maybe other readers, have benefited much from them.
I do hope that the Economic Council that PM Najib is going to form will include
you in it.
Thank you very much Dr Mahathir.
Dear Tun,
So in the final analysis we can simply draw into conclusion that all the indices produced by western economic and social researchers and consultants have no credibility at all. They are cheaters of the first order. All the economic indicators produced by them are totally false ie. haprak and HP6!! And yet I believe these so-called analysts must have got huge some of fees preparing the indices for the governments of the world as if their figures are gospel truth.
Selamat Pagi Tun
It is a BALLOON filled with ‘gases’ and even ‘water’.
Only time will tell when it is going to “pop”.
Dear Tun,
I don’t have much financial knowledge.Thanks to you for series of writing on the trends that led to the present financial crisis.At first I thought it was only the Hedge Fund which caused the financial crisis. Now I know it was much more than that. Thanks again
Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun dan sekelian semua,
Real wealth is real wealth, for those virtual wealth is just a fake and temporary. This features will only cause havoc and push-pull factors in the market, by manipulating tangibility of the indices. In the end, the last person will suffer.
I agreed with you. Terimakasih Tun kerana memberi tunjuk ajar.
Fairuz Bin Kamarulzaman
Salam Tun
Thank you for this blog and the whole 5-series on financial non-money gainers. It has been very informative for me.
For me it is very simple. I ask the BN, why are you making Malaysia follow the Western financial system ? A very simple question. And another very simple question. Why are you also following their financial indices and letting their banks and financial institutions operate in our beloved country when you know they create money out of nothing ? Why are you showing proudly their indices and their stock exchange all over the world indices everyday 3 times a day in your Warta Perdana and TV3 if you know it is kaput?
Why are financial events of the West and events happening in their local banks here so proudly reported in our newspapers ? Of course, given this kind of coverage and without any ilmu on the real machinery going oon, the Malaysian public will be deceived.
I ask you to answer my questions first. So far I know it is only PAS that wants to follow the Islamic cash-only system and a system based on physical gold.
Dear Tun,
Good Morning and Assalamu Alaikum,
Unfortunately, KJ is still at the helm of Umno Youth despite being found involved in money politics (Corruption). This will affect BN and will definitely lose Penanti by-election for sure.
Best wishes for you and Dato’ Mukhriz.