Touching one million hits among bloggers seem to be something to be
celebrated. I was told that most bloggers will congratulate each other
when one of them hits the million mark, and call the one millionaire.

bloggers have described my achieving the million mark within a month of
my first posting as something phenomenal; one even suggested that it
may be a world record of sorts.

I do not know whether it is.

To me, what is more important is that I have managed to generate enough interest to get that kind of traffic in my blog.

It is quite an experience to be a blogger even though I am only a month-old.
as I saw the importance of cyberspace during my tenure as Prime
Minister and hence my commitment to the setting up of Cyberjaya and
pursuing the Multi-media Super Corridor (MSC), I did not envisage that
I would one day be a blogger.

I note that now the government has
recognised the importance of the blogs. It is proposing to have its own
blog. But more importantly the mainstream media are now quoting from
the blog and even dare to write on formerly forbidden subjects.

This is to be expected as many people no longer read the mainstream
papers or watch television. The NST circulation has been reduced to an
average of 135,000 daily including free and discounted copies for
hotels, schools and airlines.

Unless there is instruction to spin news from certain quarters, the mainstream media might become irrelevant.

10 thoughts on “THE MILLIONAIRE CLUB”

  1. salam sayang ayahanda TUN &bonda tercinta…
    anakandamu mnyokong perjuanganmu…
    kata2mu dek pmbakar semangat tuk anak MALAYSIA…
    terutama anakandamu yg msih mentah ini..
    WAWASAN 2020 perjuangan yg msti diteruskan…

  2. Asalamualaikum wbt,
    Tun.. Saya ada soalan,
    1) Apakah maksud sebenar CHEDET?
    Apakah ia bermaksud nama timangan masa kecil?
    Walaupun soalan ini remeh tetapi bagi saya ia sesuatu yang bermakna
    Terima kasih.

  3. Salaam Tun;
    Today Malaysians (most of them) read your postings.
    Tomorrow, next year, foreigners overseas read them. When this present internal (domestic) storm blows over, let us read, nay let the world reads, at least the developing countries read, your words.
    Let them collect tips (whatever tip) and pointers from you the way you give now for us blind Malaysians (being led by the blind).
    Let them hear you speak as when you did at the UN building spoke about muslim ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.
    Let us hear your words on American underhandedness in addressing world problems.
    Better still let us know, no let the world know, how to stop the slaughter of muslims the world over.
    Nobody can speak the way you do of the and on behalf of the down-trodden and the down-under the world over.
    Leaders of the world cannot but listen to you when you speak of injustice and blatant rape of humanism by the powerful and the wealthy who practices “might is right”.
    And once in a while touch on the irritating subject of our youth, especially Malay teenagers steep and lost in entertainments.
    Now that you are not shackled by official posts, you can speak out your mind.
    Take your stage of and in the world that is yours, not as a citizen of Malaysia (only), but as a citizen of the world. Nobody can deny you that. Ghandi did that.
    The minute you step out of UMNO, you have no choice but to step into UWFO (United World Freedom Org.) This possibly will lend you another platform for your Criminalize War initiatives.
    See? How us small fries dream?
    You Sir is no dream. You are as real as day.

  4. Assalam`alaikum Tun
    apa yang Tun buat selama 22 tahun sudah lebih daripada memadai untuk malaysia, sepatutnya rakyat malaysia bangkit untuk membetulkan keadaan.
    rakyat malaysia lebih rela melihat PMnya berkebun dibelakang, merasmikan kraftangan, makan bersuap-suapan dengan isteri, bila ditanya perniagaan anak-anak `saya tak tahu-menahu` bapa apakah ini.kalau dah keluarga sendiri pun tak tahu bagaimana untuk mentadbir keluarga malaysia
    malang bagi rakyat malaysia
    saya fikir, harta Tun yang paling berharga ialah idea dan wawasan Tun dalam memimpin negara, ketengahkan ini untuk anak bangsa kalau munkin umat bolih bertahan untuk masa hadapan. abaikan saja orang yang tak sihat
    salam buat Tun sekeluarga, Tun dah dua kali by-pass, jaga diri baik-baik

    SAYA ingat TUN pernah cakap ini satu ketika dulu:
    In a press conference on 7 June 2006 at the Perdana Leadership Foundation, which he heads, Mahathir said that Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was not his first choice as successor but it was the current Deputy Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak, instead. He said that he felt hurt by allegations that he
    “finished all the government’s money, and that the government was bankrupt” because of the mega-projects initiated by him during his tenure as prime minister.[55]
    Mahathir added that he has “…a habit of choosing the wrong
    source : Wikipedia
    Tapi TUN, dari masalah yang timbul tu, TUN kena fikir untuk mencalonkan semula pemimpin yang dapat bekerja untuk rakyat dan Malaysia untuk hari ini dan masa depan.
    Saya tak kisah mengenai siapa pemimpinnya dan berapa ramai yang kita ada tapi yang pasti kita ada beberapa pemimpin yang mampu menggantikan tempat PAK LAH..
    TUN tidak boleh jadi penghibur yang hanya pergi berucap di tempat2 yang dijemput tanpa ada hasil.
    Tiap-tiap kali TUN berucap memang menarik perhatian orang tapi tiada perubahan berlaku, jadi sebaliknya……………….
    ‘TUN kena bekerja untuk calon pilihan TUN dan mendapatkan sokongan mereka ini di UMNO EGM akan datang’.
    “Satu lagi boleh tak bincang pasal calon2 yang ada dan UMNO EGM.”

  6. Asalamualaikum wbt,
    Tun.. dah makan ka..Sihat ??
    Saya nak juga ucap TAHNIAH…(10 juta kali)Ramai yang heran dan tertanya.. kenapa dan kenapa.. tetapi saya tak heran pun.
    Sebuah buku tak boleh dinilai dari luaran..kata orang putih “you can’t judge book by it’s cover” terambil dari orang putih walaupun tak suka kat depa ni..tapi saya tetap suka benda yang baik dan akan ambil benda yang baik sahaja.
    Terima kasih.

  7. salam Tun,selain dari blog,apa kata Tun joint,Tun boleh add sebanyak mungkin penggemar,penyokong Tun,pendek kata,semacam fans club lah,banyak dah rakyat malaysia joint ni,kebanyakannya generasi muda.Tun juga boleh up load foto2 terbaru Tun.Jom kumpulkan fans Tun nanti macam2 aktiviti boleh kita anjurkan/buat.Jangan lupa email saya nak jadi member Tun yg terawal.Kalau friendster ni lebih pure bilangannya,blog memanglah banyak tapi mungkin orang yg sama kunjung berkali2.tapi friendster lebih kepada bilangan penyokong yg u Tun,smoga bahagia n sehat.

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