1. I am sorry to have to revert to the social contract issue again because of some disturbing development.

2. Young Malays, including professionals are said to have espoused liberalism and meritocracy. They question the need for affirmative action and the New Economic Policy. They believe that the Malays should compete with the other races. If they fail then they do not deserve the dominant role in the politics of Malaysia. They should accept non-Malay leadership of the country.

3. This view of the young Malays sounds refreshing. Unfortunately these liberal Malays are in a minority. The majority of the Malay professionals and young Malays have hardened their stand on the position of their race since the disaster of 2008. They are incensed especially by the arrogance of the Bar Council. They now question the social contract and reject the need to adhere to it. This sounds almost like the Chinese stand. But the difference is startling and disturbing.

4. They disagree with the Tunku giving the one million citizenship without regard for the conditions for getting citizenship.

5. They say before this the Malays made up the majority of the citizens. They could rule the country by themselves. But the Tunku reduced this Malay majority until they have to depend on non-Malay support. To them the humiliation they are facing are entirely due to the Tunku.

6. This act by the Tunku is part of the social contract. They reject it and they demand that the Tunku’s action should be considered to be against the constitution and should be rejected. They demand that the citizenship given by the Tunku should be withdrawn or nullified.

7. They also question the other concessions given the non-Malay communities, especially the schools and the use of other languages.

8. In short they seem to reject the social contract altogether and to go back to the situation before the leaders of the communities made their bargain.

9. Questioned as to what would happen if the British refused to give independence, they suggested that the Malays resort to armed struggle and co-operation with a neighbouring country. They suggested that we should have formed Melayu Raya together with this neighbouring country.

10. I must admit the retrogression of their viewpoint but this is becoming more current as the debate on the social contract goes on. They are particularly incensed by the Bar Council which seems to them to be questioning Malay rights according to the agreement in the social contract.

11. So far we hear only the non-Malays rejecting the social contract. This is the first time I hear of Malays rejecting the social contract. I think the Government should handle this problem carefully. Otherwise it may become widespread and effect the fragile harmony between the different races.

12. I did not like putting this on my blog. But I have no access to the Government. In any case I doubt the Government would take this twist on the Social Contract seriously. Dato Seri Abdullah would deny that anything is happening.

13. Malaysia had remained stable for half a century because sensitive issues were not publicly discussed. The Government now appears to practice selective freedom of speech. As long as you don’t attack the Government especially Dato Seri Abdullah you may say what you like whether racist or seditious. But if you attack the Government or Dato Seri Abdullah every effort would be made to silence you or to keep you out of the news.

14. The selective freedom is stirring up racist feelings everywhere. Hence the remarks made by the State Assemblywoman from Perak and Dato Ahmad Ismail in Penang. And now we see the support given to Ahmad and his condemnation of MCA and Gerakan leaders by all the 13 UMNO divisions in Penang.

15. I believe racist sentiments among Malays and non-Malays are rising. If it flares up the stability of this country may be affected permanently. We may see political wrangling of the kind we see in several other countries. In the process the economy of this country would be destroyed.

16. This slide must be stopped. No one should disregard the obligation to uphold the social contract.

17. That understanding between the leaders of the three races had served us well. So has the ban on questioning certain provisions in the Constitution.

18. I had tried during my time to balance the treatment of the different races. I had been labeled a racist before. But towards the end of my tenure the Chinese in particular supported me. But throughout I never forgot my obligations to the Malays.

19. Dato Seri Abdullah has tried to placate everyone. He has given one billion Ringgit here, one billion Ringgit there; he has given unknown sums of money to Tun Salleh Abbas and the other judges who had been dismissed in order to placate the Bar Council, he has promised billions of Ringgit for numerous corridors, billions for transport, lower oil prices etc etc. But no one believes him because the promises and fund allocations have not materialised. The fact is that nobody believes him or trusts him. No one has been placated.

20. The racialist trend will continue. I frankly don’t think Dato Seri Abdullah can handle it.

21. What is the solution? Right thinking people must make their rejection of Dato Seri Abdullah’s leadership heard. If we don’t then whatever racial harmony that exist would be eroded and will destroy this beloved country.

857 thoughts on “THE SOCIAL CONTRACT 3”




  4. Kepada Tulen on
    Kita Menumpang di Bumi Allah? Kita hanya lalu!!!!
    Banyak Kawan saya dah pun balik ke bumi. Bulan raya dan puasa sahaja sudah 7 orang ada yang tak berapa tua sangat 48-49 tahun!!
    Argument Bumi Allah selalu di gunakan oleh orang yang merampas harta orang lain.
    Cuba bayang kan jika sedang bersawah datang saorang asing Bangla ka Nepal ka dia cakap ini bumi Allah (nampak macam betul) tapi jika dia nak ambil alih tanah itu sudah tak betul.
    Bumi memang hak Allah tapi undang undang manusia maupun undang Allah memperkui hak milekan tanah atau negeri kepada sesauatu orang atau satu bangsa.Itu convetion. Kalau nak tukar kita kena beli,rompak atau rampas secara keras atau halus.
    Itu yang berlaku sepanjang sejarah.
    Buat Masa ini Nepal,Vietnam,Bangla menumpang di Malaysia cari makan………..cuba equate balik pada pendatang zaman silam nampak ka tidak persamaan ini.

  5. Hai catwoman
    Kamu ini belum bangun dari mimpi
    ………..Siapa yang monopoli segala perniagaan?
    Na mencelah kaki pun tak boleh
    Ada satu company menang tender
    Compony yang lama milik mereka ugut componi yang baru menang tender kerana dia bumi……….kata nya mereka dah 30 tahun control apa fasal U dapat. Minta di Ali Babakan!!!!
    Fahamlah monopoli ini realiti
    Sebab itu FAMA pun mencolek gigi!!!

  6. UMNO as the leading political party in the BN shud be inviting people outside of component parties to give their views to a better malaysia. lets take MIC and samyvellu. he has been conning BN and the indian community as well as the nation with his lies. but yet the BN still consults him. we would like to contribute. would UMNO invite us openly?

  7. asalamualaikum tun
    1)rasa tiada masaalah utk maintain good racial harmony.
    2)kami dari kecil lagi bergelumang dgn bangsa2 cina india melayu…perkara biasa..
    3)kami beli barang2 runcit dikedai cina, beli roti dgn org india yg kayuh basikal dari rumah ke rumah.
    4)bangsa singh pun ada jual kain2 ela dikampung2 kami. mereka ni kayuh basikal jgak dan mereka bagi bayaran instalment lagi dgn org kampung. rasa kepercayaan antara satu sama lain sudah sedia ada.
    5)sekarang ni pun ok juga racial harmony tu, cuma ia jadi sensitive bila campur aduk dgn politik kot…mgkn ada org menaguk di air yg keruh..
    6)bagi org2 yg macam kami rakyat biasa life dgn kawan2, neighbours dan community yg berlainan bangsa berjalan saperti dulu2 jugak tiada ketegangan mungkin kami hidup dalam komuniti yg bercooperate dari segi kenduri kendara, gotong royong dan ada jawatankuasa penduduk pantau kebajikan semua.
    7)sentiasa bersyukur dpt hidup dlm kumuniti yg tak politikkan kaum.
    8)sekarang ni(di tempat saya lah) nak beli tilam pun ada lori cina round2 kawasan perumahan. nak kitar semulapun ada org india dtg tanya from house to house, nak beli kuih2 pun ada org melayu menjaja2.
    9)pendekkata semuanya convenient so far..tak ada pening2 kepala pun
    10) yg penting jangan salah anggap dan buruksangka. semua nya tolak ansur dan lebih kurang. jawatankuasa penduduk pun terdiri dari semua kaum…… far ok lah alhamdullillah..

  8. is it possible Tun will be Prime Minister once again? it is not the matter whether u want or not but i just want to know under Malaysian Parliment whether u can be PM again or not?
    sometimes….i wonder Tun be PM again and “kill” and “slash” all those people who are not perform.

  9. Dear sir,
    Forgive me for my overly simplistic view on the issues about “social contract”. I don’t really know what is the term & conditions of this so called “contract”. In fact, how can you call this a “contract” while it is not even a written document? The Constitution is the only contract that I can see & read about when it comes to the terms & condition which entails with the Malaysian citizenship. Nothing else.
    Anyway, today’s situation has changed. What happened in the past, remained as that: past. Lets remember that as a lesson and move on. Today, we just want to be treated with equality. Every person is equal before God. Why are we here trying to justify otherwise? Who do we think we are?

  10. please dun dwell on the past, wake up malaysians, is all about future. even china is forgiving japan, african american forgetting their slave past, aborigines in australia has accepted white apology, vietnamese is forgiving americans, and go on and on and on. Young educated Malaysian is living in harmony, only people with their own agenda bring out the past. Please once again, wake up, tun vision of 2020 is still achievable.

  11. Saya Setuju 100% dengan artikal yang dipaparkan oleh tulen yang ditulis oleh syed imran. SEDAR la pemimpin semua terutama Pak Lah agar jangan berdiam diri dengan Datuk ahmad Ismail itu.
    Tun sendiri pun dua kali lima. Berani buat tak berani mengaku. Kenapa komen saya tempoh hari tidak di siarkan? Ada kah Tun pun takut dengan bayang sendiri?
    Memang tidak dapat dinafikan Tun adalah Bapa Moden Malaysia tetapi pengaruh Tun telah menurun dengan mendadak apabila org UMNO sendiri menolak Tun dengan bulat bulat.
    bukan la semua tapi secara terang terang la tu. Saya percaya Tun adalah se orang yang pintar dan bijak dalam soal politik tapi dengan scenario sekarang Tun sepatutnya menolong reda kan keadaan dan bukan menaruh di air yang keruh. tepuk dada tanya selera.
    Dimasa Tun menjadi PM, Ramai yang Tun senyapkan dengan ISA dan tidak dinafikan pulak api kalau dipadamkan awal tidak akan merebak tapi Pak Lah nak tunjuk sikap cool dia pulak dengan bertindak slow dan tidak adil sebab penasihat dia sengaja nak jatuhkan dia.
    Walau apa pun saya harap Tun dapat lepaskan Coretan saya ini untuk paparan semua. Jangan kita keruhkan keadaan. Kita sepatutnya bersikap positif dalam menandatangi masalah besar yang dihadapi negara sekarang iaitu isu perkauman.
    TUN, You ada remedinya. TOLONG LAH HENTIKAN dan bukan BESARKAN.
    TQ Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad.

  12. Antara pendatang dan penumpang
    oleh Syed Imran
    (former press secretary to Minister in PM’s Department)
    Pada mulanya saya agak keberatan nak ulas kekecohan yang berpunca ekoran daripada kenyataan ketua UMNO bahagian Bukit Bendera, Pulau Pinang bernama Ahmad bin Ismail. Sama ada benar atau tidak apa yang didakwa dikatakan olehnya mengenai rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina bukan persoalannya kerana isu tersebut sudahpun merebak dan mengapi-apikan keadaan.
    Jika tidak ditangani dengan cermat, teliti dan bijak, isu itu boleh ditangguk dalam air yang keruh oleh anasir-anasir yang ingin melihat negara ini hancur serta mengundang campur tangan kuasa asing. Dalam zaman dunia tanpa sempadan dan liputan meluas dan segera oleh media elektronik antarabangsa, apa yang berlaku di sesebuah negara itu tidak dapat disembunyi atau dinafikan.
    Isu pokok yang dibangkitkan oleh Ahmad Ismail membabitkan persoalan “menumpang” iaitu rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina adalah penumpang di negara ini. Beliau menjelaskan bahawa ia merujuk kepada zaman pra-Merdeka. Bagaimanapun, sensitiviti rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina telah terguris.
    Saya tidak mengenali secara peribadi Ahmad Ismail, tetapi kenal agak rapat dengan Allahyarham abangnya, Abdul Rahim Ismail, pemilik Syarikat Pembinaan Rahim yang pada satu ketika dahulu agak terkenal sebagai sebuah firma pembinaan Bumiputera yang unggul di Pulau Pinang. Saya tidak tahu apa dah jadi dengan syarikat itu selepas Abdul Rahim meninggal dunia.
    Secara peribadi, saya tidak setuju dengan apa yang didakwa dikata oleh Ahmad Ismail atas beberapa sebab.
    Bagi saya, hampir 90 peratus rakyat Malaysia, khususnya di Semenanjung, adalah pendatang dan kita semua sebenarnya menumpang hidup di bumi Allah. Kita bukan pemilik kekal tetapi hanya menumpang.
    Sebagai contoh, saya sendiri adalah keturunan pendatang yang menumpang hidup di bumi bertuah ini. Datuk nenek di sebelah bapa saya berhijrah dari Makkah dan dari Brunei ke sini manakala di sebelah ibu pula dari Hadhramut, Yaman. Kami adalah pendatang dan penumpang sama seperti hampir semua penduduk negara ini khususnya di Pulau Pinang.
    Bagi Ahmad Ismail, dia juga datang dari keluarga pendatang dan menumpang hidup di negara ini. Ahmad Ismail tidak boleh menafikan hakikat bahawa datuk neneknya adalah pendatang dari India untuk menerokai penghidupan yang lebih baik dan selesa di bumi bertuah ini.
    Perdana Menteri Abdullah bin Ahmad juga tergolong dalam kategori yang sama. Datuknya di sebelah ibu adalah pendatang dari wilayah Guandong, China. Pendek kata, datuk Pak Lah iaitu bapa Allahyarhamah Kailan bernama Hassan Salleh atau Hah Su Chiang adalah seorang pendatang. Beliau berhijrah ke Tanah Melayu dari wilayah Guandong (Kwantung) pada pertengahan abad ke-19 dan menetap di Bayan Lepas sebagai pekebun getah, pesawah padi dan kemudian saudagar intan berlian.
    Najib Tun Razak, Timbalan PM juga berasal daripada keluarga pendatang iaitu dari Sulawesi, Indonesia atau lebih senang disebut orang Bugis manakala sepupunya Hishamudin Hussein tidak terlepas daripada darah keturunan Turki.
    Datuk nenek mantan PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad juga pendatang dari Kerala, India manakala ibu Almarhum Tunku Abul Rahman berasal dari negeri Siam (Thailand).
    Kesultanan Melayu Melaka pun dibuka oleh orang pendatang dari Sumatra bernama Parameswara, seorang anak raja atau bangsawan beragama Hindu.
    Dalam sejarah kesultanan Melayu, kita dapati ada yang ditubuh oleh pendatang dari Bugis dan ada pula dari Hadhramut selain dari Minangkabau.
    Hampir semua orang Melayu di sini berasal dari luar Tanah Melayu tetapi diiktiraf sebagai “bangsa Melayu” oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kita adalah “Melayu mengikut takrifan Perlembagaan” iaitu beragama Islam, mengamalkan adat resam Melayu dan bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu. Malangnya, bahasa Melayu nampaknya dimatikan oleh orang Melayu (UMNO) sendiri apabila dinamakan sebagai bahasa Malaysia.
    Oleh itu, orang Arab seperti Syed Hamid Albar dan saya, orang Aceh seperti Sanusi Junid, orang India seperti Kader Sheikh Fadzir dan Nor Mohamed Yakcop, orang Bugis seperti Najib, orang Minang seperti Rais Yatim, orang Jawa seperti Mohamad Rahmat dan yang lain seperti dari Madura, Pulau Boyan, Siam, Burma, Yunnan (China) dan selatan Filipina dengan mudah boleh diiktirf sebagai “Melayu”.
    Mereka diterima sebagai orang Melayu tidak kira sama ada mereka bertutur bahasa Melayu atau tidak di rumah umpamanya si Arab berbahasa Arab, si Jawa berbahasa Jawa dan si Minang berbahasa Minang atupun si Mamak berbahasa Tamil.
    Bahasa-bahasa yang disebut itu bukan bahasa Melayu dan jika dilihat dari sudut Perlembagaan Persekutuan, tidak boleh diterima atau diiktiraf sebagai bangsa Melayu. Walau bagaimanapun, atas kepentingan dan faktor politik, semuanya diterima sebagai Melayu dan Bumiputera.
    Oleh itu, adalah tidak adil untuk menuding jari kepada orang Cina yang juga kaum pendatang sama seperti orang Arab, India, Aceh, Minang, Batak, Mandailing, Jawa, Madura mahupun Bugis, sebagai menumpang di negeri ini. Kita tidak boleh menafikan bahawa sebilangan besar datuk nenek orang Cina telah berhijrah ke negeri ini semasa Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, bahkan kesultanan-kesultanan terdahulu di Kedah mahupun Terengganu dan Kelantan serta semasa Francis Light berjaya menipu Sultan Kedah untuk menduduki Pulau Pinang pada 1786.
    Kita adalah kaum pendatang yang menumpang hidup di negeri ini. Golongan yang boleh diiktiraf sebagai orang asal atau anak bumi tulen adalah mereka yang kita kenali sebagai Negrito, Jakun, Semang, Jahut, Orang Laut, Orang Darat, Senoi dan suku kaum masyarakat Asli lain yang masih menjadi penghuni belantara.
    Kita tidak harus lupa akan sumbangan dan pengorbanan semua kaum dan suku kaum untuk membangunkan Malaysia sama ada dari sudut ekonomi, kemasyarakatan, keselamatan dan yang paling penting kesepakatan dan perpaduan. Semua orang yang kena dan seharusnya membayar cukai, berbuat demikian tanpa mengira kaum atau asal keturunan, sama ada pendatang atau penumpang.
    Kita semua adalah rakyat Malaysia.

  13. I believe its time for a malaysian Malaysia. All children of all races must be made obligatory to attend sekolah kebangsaan berbahasa malaysia. Other schools must be made supplementary school. after sekolah kebangsaan session is over these children can then go to sekolah agama, sekolah cina or sekolah tamil or etc…
    This will allow children of all races to get to know each other at younger age at same time still maintained the aspiration of their parent in sending these children to respective school of their language or religion.
    This should be a start of a new social contract.
    Education level of all malaysia must be set at a minimum level of diploma. government should ensure free education for all races to this level. Education institution should be plentiful in order to realise these target. No quota is necessary.

  14. dear Tun.
    I think the ‘racist’ and ‘social contract’issues were just another political agenda done by those political people-especially the OLDER generation of Malaysian citizen.
    This will not benefits the Malaysian people since this political unstable will affect the confidence of foreign investor to invest in our country which will help the growth of Malaysia economies-which u’all know by now the world economic are down due to recent cases in US,oil prices,etc..
    Since there is a lots of ‘stupid’decision done by current govt-especially in recent cases of Maybank-which they using tax payer money to buy shares in Indonesia’s bank,which is owned by Singapore.This deal is not approved by Bank Negara,unfortunately,Maybank cannot get back the monies from shareholder(Singapore)and also those shares :(.I think the govt should hired someone who has the capabilities to restructuring the financial condition of Malaysia-perhaps someone younger,not related to KJ or other politician.. Who are benefiting from the situation?SINGAPORE!!!Who should be our common enemies?SINGAPORE!!
    I dont want to experience the 13may.NEVER.
    I’am still young,not marry yet and wants to experience life!
    I just hope that govt should take relevant action as soon as possible.
    Thats all!

  15. To kalajengking,
    Of course Australia is a better place to live considering the equal opportunities I get, though not born there. Better then the second class citizen treatment in Malaysia anytime. Over my dead body will I come back to Malaysia and beg for pittance from people like you. By the way, I have just been accorded my citizenship in Australia.
    To faa,
    Yes, Australia does allow schools of your own faith. The reason I say this is because the Muslims have their own Islamic schools with their own curriculum here in Sydney. Satisfied!
    Give and take what? We are all born in Malaysia. All of us should share the fruit of the nation we built together. We are not asking the Malays to give what is theirs. We are asking that we have what is rightfully ours.
    To afif,
    Shabas! you are a proof that meritocracy does work. I wish that all Malays think like you. All the best and continue to work hard. Malaysia will only become more powerful and par with all other nation if skills and talents are recognised regardless of race and religion.

  16. The crux of the problem now is the definition “ketuanan Melayu” and Malay privileges. It has never been defined before. As such, as time goes by, problems would definitely occur.
    Does Malay privileges mean that ALL government scholarships are given to the Malays? How about university places? When we talk about scholarships and university places, we must not forget about MARA scholarships, UiTM etc. They are funded by the government as well. When all the Malay-only scholarships and university places are taken into account, the Malay privileges in terms of education is well assured and protected.
    As the example above illustrates, the problem lies with the definition of Malay privileges. Is it 100% of everything? 90% of everything? 50% of everything?

  17. Greetings Tun. With regard to the social contract, is it part of this social contract to give discounts on private homes to bumiputras especially on middle n high end properties? It would also be good to share with everyone in point form what is the social contract? If it is to help poor Malays very few non bumiputras will object in my opinion.

  18. Salam Tun,
    Prinsip ini menekankan perlunya rakyat menerima mematuhi dan mempertahankan kuluhuran atau kemuliaan Perlembagaan Negara.Perlembagaan Negara adakah sumber perundangan yang tertinggi.
    Fungsinya untuk memberi perlindungan kepada setiap rakyat negara ini akan hak dan keistimewaan mereka sebagai warga negara.setiap warganegara Malaysia dikehendaki menghormati,menghargai,serta memahami maksud dan kandungan serta latar belakang sejarah pembentukan Perlembagaan Negara.
    Perlembagaan Negara telah dugubal berasaskan persepakatan semua kaum dan semua pihak di negara ini.Dengan demikian ini merupakan satu kontrak sosial rakyat yang tidak boleh dipersoalkan dan diganggu gugat oleh mana-mana pihak.
    Perlembagaan Malaysia menentukan pola politik dan kedudukan sosial ekonomi rakyat negara ini.Ia adalah suber rujukan bagi segala hal yang berkaitan dengan sistem pemerintahan,perundangan,kedudukan dan hak sosioekonomi rakyat.

  19. Salam Tun,
    Selamat Kembali ke UMNO,
    Diharap kembalinya Tun di dalam UMNO dapat membuat perubahan kearah yang lebih baik dari sekarang.
    Buatlah dengan keikhlasan kerana Allah untuk Agama,Bangsa dan Negara yang tercinta ini.
    Saya percaya Rakyat negara ini inginkan keamanan keharmonian dan kemajuan dari segi ekonomi,pembanggunan modal insan dan aper saja yang dapat mewujudkan rasa keselesaan dalam kehidupan seharian rakyat yang berbilang kaum.

  20. BN should call for a resolution to have racially balanced Senior Ministers in the govt to advice the Cabinet, and nominate Tun Mahathir and Ling Liong Sik for such positions. We should also have the Ombudsman institution of senior reputable citizen having more authority to criticise the govt in a more responsible manner.
    Pak Liberalisma is fine now that i can join with the ex-PM to make swipes at the present govt, but it can be disastrous if there is no balancing authority. We have seen chaos before. It is simply uncontrollable at its weakest point.
    Redhuan D. Oon
    PendAtang Dengan Izin

  21. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Please continue your writing, I have no faith in reading the newspapers and listening to the news anymore. I hate to hear and read about the lazy PM and his ‘kaki bodek’. Your writings on Social contract has enlightened me on the issue as well as the history which I believe should be part of the textbook taught in all schools in Malaysia.
    By the way Vani, have you applied for your citizenship in Australia? How do you apply for one? Can you just go there and be granted a citizenship automatically? Does Australia allow for any of the races to set up their own school in its own language? Please continue to leave this country. We certainly don’t need somebody like you around. Have you ever heard and learn the meaning of the words ” GIVE AND TAKE” and ” TOLERATION”? You cannot expect the Malays to give up everything including strap ourselves from our culture and language so that we could become a multi racial Malaysia. Each race has to learn to give up something- yours not the only ones.

  22. Tun Dr,
    Saya terharu apabila Tun mengiktiraf kewujudan kami sebagai generasi baru Melayu Liberal. Pak Lah tak sedar yang kami wujud, dan ramai ahli UMNO lain sebegitu juga. Walau Tun sudah bersara, saya kagumi keupayaan Tun untuk menganalisis perubahan dalam masyarakat Malaysia berketurunan Melayu
    Memang betul apa yang Tun katakan, kami tentang diskriminasi kaum, kami junjung meritokrasi, kami sedia korbankan ketuanan bangsa demi memberi hak sama rata kepada kaum Cina dan India, dan kami percaya tiada bangsa yang berhak sepenuhnya ke atas Semenanjung Tanah Melayu, Sabah dan Sarawak kecuali sebuah Bangsa Malaysia
    Apabila kami berkata mengenai meritokrasi dan kesaksamaan kaum, kawan kawan Melayu sebangsa dengan kami akan lantangnya tidak bersetuju dengan kami. Bagi mereka, orang Melayu perlu dibantu untuk maju dan memiliki hak istimewa dengan hujah nenek moyang Melayu sampai dahulu di Tanah Melayu
    Kami Melayu Liberal yang bukan sahaja mempersoalkan sosial kontrak yang menyebelahi kaum Melayu, kami juga persoalkan ketuanan Melayu itu sendiri. Adakah konsep ketuanan Bangsa itu halal di sisi ajaran Rasulluah S.A.W? Dan kami Melayu Liberal akan menjawab dengan memetik rangkap kelima khutbah terakhir Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. sebelum baginda wafat
    Jangan salah faham, kami sudah tentunya bukan nak lihat kaum Melayu itu sendiri jatuh. Tetapi kami percaya yang pendekatan ‘tongkat’ yang digunakan untuk membantu orang Melayu itu salah. 50 tahun orang Melayu diberi ‘tongkat’, kalau benarlah tongkat itu berkesan untuk membantu orang Melayu kenapa orang Melayu hari ini masih merengek rengek meminta bantuan kerajaan dalam segala aspek? Tak bolehkah usaha dengan sendiri tanpa perlu dibiayai dana cukai yang sebahagianya disumbang oleh Cina Malaysia
    Kami percaya bahawa meritokrasi lah jawapan mutlak bagi membangunkan orang Melayu. Berjayanya bangsa bangsa lain di muka bumi ini kerana mereka amat menjunjung meritokrasi, dan gagalnya orang Melayu kerana kita menolak meritokrasi
    Kami mahukan sebuah Bangsa Malaysia, bukanya negara Malaysia yang didiami bangsa Melayu, bangsa Cina, dan bangsa India
    Kami juga bukanlah bercakap kosong bila kami bercakap tentang meritokrasi, tetapi kami benar benar melakukanya
    Ini kisah hidup saya yang masih muda: Sejak bangku sekolah lagi saya percayakan meritokrasi, dan saya sukakan persaingan. Saya bergaul dengan semua orang tanpa mengira kaum dan agama mereka.
    Saya mendapat hasil yang baik dalam PMR dan SPM. Di peringkat SPM, saya menjadi satu satunya anak Melayu dalam senarai 10 terbaik di sekolah saya, dan saya percayakan meritokrasi dan saya tentang kontrak sosial lapuk
    Selepas SPM, menjadi normaliti anak Melayu akan berduyun duyun cuba masuk matrikulasi – institusi yang Tun bina untuk bantu orang Melayu.
    Tetapi saya dengan keputusan SPM saya yang lebih dari melayakkan diri saya ke matrikulasi, tak terdetik sikit pun nak mohon masuk matrikulasi. Borangnya pun saya tak pernah lihat dan tak pernah cari. Saya pilih Tingkatan 6
    Dengan keputusan SPM saya yang menjadikan saya wakil Melayu dalam senarai 10 terbaik di sekolah, semua orang persoalkan pilihan saya memilih tingkatan 6, mereka tanya kenapa tidak masuk matrikulasi? Mereka orang Melayu lihat seolah olah saya telah membuat keputusan yang sangat merugikan hidup saya. Ibu bapa, keluarga, para guru, rakan rakan saya terkejut dengan keputusan saya, mereka cukup tidak faham
    Tetapi bagi seorang pemimpin bijak seperti Tun, sudah tentu Tun tahu apa yang saya sebenarnya mahukan. Saya tahu matrikulasi dicipta untuk bantu orang Melayu, maka dari situ saya dapat lihat ia tiada unsur meritokrasi.
    dan alhamdullilah, kini saya sedang menyambung pelajaran di universiti

  23. Dearest Tun,
    I am a young professional Malay lawyer which I am embarrased to admit so considering what Bar Council had done and what the traitor Zaid Ibrahim had done (and did not do)recently). Ramai rakan rakan saya termasuk yang bukan Melayu berpendapat bahawa tiada gunanya kita mengungkit hal2 tentang isu kontrak sosial kerana fakta Malaysia terutama semasa di bawah Tun telah menunjukkan negara kita telah meniti pembangunan dengan baik sekali.Kami juga berpendapat ianya adalah antara sebab kita tidak menjadi seperti sesetengah negara (seperti Indonesia) di mana pengagihan hasil bumi yang tidak rata sehingga berlakunya rusuhan /pembunuhan beberapa tahun dahulu yang menyebabkan kaum minoriti tetapi kaya tinggal dalam ketakutan. Tetapi dalam pada itu, saya juga berpendapat sekiranya ada pihak ingin menimbulkan isu tersebut, semua isu kontrak sosial mesti dibangkitkan dan dikaji semula dan bukan hanya tentang isu keistimewaan orang Melayu sahaja.
    Saya masih menunggu kenyataan dari Tun samada Tun benar2 menyertai UMNO? Saya tak kisah kalau ini benar dan bertentangan dengan prinsip Tun sebelum ini ASALkan BN dapat bangun semula dan betulkan keadaan yang huru-hara sekarang. Saya betul-betul tak faham kenapa Pak Lah tu lembap sangat atau dia tu tinggal dalam dunia dia sendiri sebab macam tak tau LANGSUNG apa-apa yang berlaku atau dilakukan oleh kaum kerabat dia. Saya rasa dia mungkin setakat berjaya jadi YB kampung sahaja, bukan di peringkat nasional. Asyik pergi pembukaan / perasmian sahaja, banyak sangat ke masa lapang dia? Mungkin Tun, saya cadangkan di sini institusi raja diperkukuhkan memandangkan dah ada beberapa Sultan yang dah pandai sikit!Mungkin mereka dapat menolong mengembalikan kepercayaan rakyat terhadap BN.
    Sekian Tun, selamat berpuasa dan saya saya doakan semoga Tun dan isteri sentiasa sihat dan boleh memimpin kami semula.

  24. Assalamualaikum Tun dan keluarga..
    Teruskan bersuara demi untuk Malaysia dan rakyatnya. Kami perlukan suara yang bernas dan bervisi untuk kecemerlangan Malaysia.. Kami malu dengan suara-suara “bodoh” dari kebanyakan Dato’-Dato’ Menteri kita hari ini. Semuanya kelihatan mahu menjadi jaguh tetapi komen-komen dan pandangan mereka seperti karangan budak tingkatan 5.
    To Vani,
    If you think Australia is the best place then go ahead and don’t ever return and stay in Malaysia anymore. We don’t need people like you here !!

    By irony on September 14, 2008 11:55 PM
    Do you think blaming the succesor pointed by you will make the situation better?or make you yourself better?
    Everything is about other’s fault,not yours..
    Since you are so self-righteous,why don’t you come out with a constructive proposal instead of pointing finger at others?

  26. Do you think blaming the succesor pointed by you will make the situation better?or make you yourself better?
    Everything is about other’s fault,not yours..
    Since you are so self-righteous,why don’t you come out with a constructive proposal instead of pointing finger at others?

  27. Dear Tun,
    I’m a Malaysian who has left Malaysia to Australia simply because I could not accept the unfair privileges given to one particular race for more than 50 years. I can understand that the Malays may have needed some help initially to be par with the Chinese economically. If after 50 years, they still need hand-outs, there’s seriously something wrong with the Malays’ ability to compete in the current global climate.
    I’m a second generation Malaysian Indian born in Malaysia, a citizen yet I’m treated as second class citizen when it comes to education, business or employment in public sector.
    Now, I’m only a migrant in Australia but I get fair treatment here in terms of employment, education, business, freedom of speech etc.
    When I bought my property here, I was granted AUD7000 by the federal goverment just like the citizens of the counrty. This is simply because I’m a tax payer just like the citizens of Australia.
    I feel sad that the same is not true in Malaysia, where I was born. Malays whether rich or poor, get discount to purchase property but not the non-Malays, although all of us work as hard and pay the same tax.
    There is a lot that the Malaysian government and the Malays as a whole should learn from the developed countries. No point talking about 2020 when the Malay mentality is always seeking for hand-outs.
    I’m glad that I decided to leave a country that will always look at me and my next generation as pendatang, hiding behind some outdated social contract.
    What a joke!
    Don’t intimidate non-Malays with a threat of revoking their citizenship. There are many western countries in the world that will take the non-Malays as refugees. Malays will be the biggest losers econimically not the non-Malays. We non-Malays know how to compete with world population equally.

  28. Dear Tun,
    Totally agreed with you.
    These culprits deserved ISA.
    And for the minorities, do not ever try to threat the majorities and test their patience.
    We do not need 13-May Part II….
    What we need is continuous live in peace forever and ever….

  29. To all Malaysians,
    Despite of our difference in terms of races, color skin, language preference and what not, we’re all Malaysians. We’ve come this far, went through all the hardships and joys in building the country as it is today. Chinese without doubt, most of you are hardworking and business oriented people. Indian, most of you are warm and friendly. Malays, upholding our adat and values.
    What’s the point of us to fight against each other? Most of us are well-educated and yet it seems like the knowledge that we possess seems to make us more self-centered. Where’s our humanity value?
    Why is it so easy for us to stir up racial tension and hurt each other? Why is it so difficult for us to try understand each other? Why all of you think that this piece of land belong to you alone? I don’t think it belongs to anybody. This is the country that we share, the country that we’ve built as it is today.
    Try to understand first before seek to be understood.

  30. YBhg. Tun
    Salam sejahtera dan didoakan agar Tun sekeluarga dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera.
    Setiap rakyat Malaysia yang merupakan warganegara Malaysia seharusnya menerima kontrak sosial yang telah dipupuk dan diamalkan sejak merdeka agar isu-isu perkauman yang amat sensitif tidak dipolitikkan. Sebarang pendapat dan komen yang dikeluarkan harus difikirkan terlebih dahulu sebelum diucap agar tidak menimbulkan salah tafsir dan dijadikan isu yang boleh menjejaskan hubungan baik diantara kaum serta ketenteram awam.
    Berkempen atau berpolitiklah dengan mengutarakan isu-isu lain yang boleh memberi kesedaran kepada pembangunan pemikiran dan negara secara amnya.
    Isu PERKAUMAN adalah isu yang cepat mendapat reaksi masyarakat dan boleh menagih simpati tetapi jika tersalah cara penyampaian dan diputar belitkan, maka ianya akan memakan diri.
    Bagi pemerintah dan pentadbir berilah pertimbangan secara adil tanpa mengutamakan kaum. Siapa layak berilah mengikut kelayakannya.
    Apa yang berlaku kebelakangan ini seharusnya menjadi teledan dan sempadan.
    Utamakan keharmonian dan kesejahteraan rakyat untuk mencapai Wawasan 2020.

  31. I agree with
    umari999 on September 12, 2008 9:42 PM
    The NEP or social contract is needed to minimise the difference between the Malay majority and the rich and economically powerful Chinese. The spirit of the NEP is still valid. It is to avoid what happened in Nazi Germany, Uganda, Indonesia and many other nations, where the indigenous people resorted to bloodshed to ‘equalise’.
    As you said only minority of Malays do not support the social contract. These have their own personal interests. Most Chinese do not question the status quo they know that they are doing well, controlling Malaysian economy private sector and many govt departments: human resources, science and technology, smedec, FFM, hospitals,universities,infrastructure and others.
    The Chinese are still getting most of the big projects through many Malay proxies. More fool some of the Malay proxies who are satisfied with easy money and those Malays in government know about proxies but who collude by closing one eye for a backhander knowing about proxies. “Win-win” is a Chinese concept introduced to con their so called ‘partners’.
    Don’t misjudge the feeling of the silent majority.
    Anuar, RKP and the like are demagogues. They do not have the interest of the rakyats: Malays, Chinese, Indians and others. They will ruin and spoil everything to fulfil their own egotistical desires.

  32. Dear Tun, my first time commenting on your blog. I’m simply no longer content with just reading comments from others but I do wonder if you actually go thru all postings here.
    I was back in M’sia recently and talked to my childhood buddies abt what’s been happening at home. It surprised me that quite a few feels strongly about doing away with NEP. The main reason cited is so that the Malays would start to excel when all the support is taken away – you know, capitalism in the classic American sense. My friends are even aware that such removal would result in a dip but is confident that the Malays would bounce back. And these came from well educated Malays, Ivy leaguers and Oxbridge grads some of them, but all of them were benefactors of government scholarships. I don’t think however it’s simply a case of “Melayu mudah lupa”. The Malays who wants NEP removed do have a point; a subsidy mindset would continue to lull Malays to be mediocre. But I think the problem is not the NEP, the problem is:
    1) With the Malay mindset itself, I find most Malays do not understand the concept of competition. That to me is the root of the problem, NEP kills competitiveness. But why can’t we have NEP that fosters competition? The better solution is remodel NEP so the program starts to produce smart, educated, competitive Malays as opposed to dishing out benefits simply because you are a Bumiputera. So that in future, the NEP does not produce Malays who takes for granted whatever form of support the government dishes out and cries when (and if) these support is taken away. One day there may not be a need for NEP, when Malays are better equipped and can compete on our own merit. That day perhaps will come when today’s minority of Malays who wants to rid of NEP becomes the significant majority – I think that is a sign that we are ready to leave NEP behind. But this – the removal of NEP in future, does not mean Malays should no longer be afforded special privileges. This is my next point.
    2) Malays who wants to do away with NEP tend to be overseas educated, middle class. That is not reflective of the majority of Malays. The majority feels removal of Malay rights as an emotional issue – despite not being able to articulate what exactly “Malay rights” mean in today’s context. To me, this is where the frustration against UMNO lies. Malays, whether the minority who wants to do away with NEP and those who wants to keep them – all of us, we no longer feel we are “special” and we no longer feel we are special because UMNO has failed to make Malays a better breed. What do I mean by “special”? Well this IS OUR country FFS. The whites in US, Australia and Europe despite not having NEP are nonetheless “Masters” of their domain. Similarly with Arabs in the GCC, Indians in India, Chinese in China, Japanese in Japan etc. Despite achieving (differing degrees of) assimilation with other races, there is no doubt as to who runs the country. Who can blame them? It’s their country after all. So why must we let go of this Malay pride? I’m Malay and I don’t want to feel like I am no longer respected as a Bumiputera. I don’t ever want to have non-Malay as a PM. Ever. Hence the failure of UMNO today. UMNO has failed to make Malays feel good in their own country and UMNO is now more of an organization for Malays that provides privilege to the select few whilst the rest are expected to follow – KJ is a fine example of this privilege. As are those in UMNO who flaunts their wealth mainly garnered thru contacts rather than competition.
    This does not mean I’m a racist or that I don’t appreciate the non-Malays. I appreciate the contribution of non-Malays to the country – Malaysia would not be what it is today if it wasn’t for the Malaysian Chinese and Indians. I love everything about being a multicultural society. I would never hurt another person because of the colour of their skin, I would not disrespect the non-Malays who have made Malaysia their home, I would not deny them their basic rights to live peacefully and make a living. But if somehow this translates into an idea of a country where Malays, Chinese and Indians will be treated as equals in every sense of the word – then that will never and should never happen. It’s harsh, but it is a fact of life. The Malays, the Bumiputera and their needs must always come first in Malaysia.

  33. Tun,
    Im totally agreed with your opinion, but sadly this opinion doesnt shared by our leaders. The weak leadership make the things eroded tremendously for the past few years. Due to his political agenda, he has undermined several constructive opinion came either by you or anybodyelse….. what the shame it is.
    Clearly, you have make a wrong decision to apoointed him be your successor. Yeah, who knows what will happen, is it? Only god know that.
    But, Im still beleived you have used all your wisdom in deciding him as your successor.

  34. Dear Tun,
    Cubit peha kanan peha kiri pun terasa juga itulah yang saya rasakan sekarang.Walaupun saya ni bukan anak Malaysia tetapi saya punya ramai saudara dan keluarga disana.Apa akan jadi jika orang Melayu menjadi seperti menumpang di negeri sendiri?Tidak kah cukup kita melihat anak bumi(Aborigine) di Austrlia merana dan melarat di negeri mereka?Apakah orang Melayu mau menjadi sebegitu?Tepuk dada tanyalah selera.Semuga anak2 bangsa akan sedar akan pentingnya peribahasa ini BERSATU KITA TEGUH BERCERAI KITA ROBOH.Bangkitlah dan pertahankan hak kamu semuga kamu mendapat kesedaran sebelum NASI MENJADI BUBUR.Sekian
    Yang Perihatin

  35. Hi Tun and all readers,
    I used to be a liberal citizen. I used to think that in order for the country to develop, all citizen deserves equal rights. So when the race begins, the country will benefit much of it. But not anymore.
    What other liberal malay refused to see is the obvious fact that, the chinese always fight for chinese rights since as far back as i can recall. The indians fights for indian rights. Do we see non-malay fight for malay rights? No….So if we the malay dont fight for the malays, who else will? Why do we need to champion the very race that calls us stupid, racists, corrupts, undeserving etc? Do u people actually believe that should the non-malays be in power, they wont be as corrupt or worst? For god sakes my fellow melayu wake up!! Wake up and love your skin, wake up and love our Tanah Melayu. be proud of being born a Melayu. Dont be a coward and bow down to the so called ethnicity equality. I love my people. I am sorry to say that I see Malay PKR as melayu betrayals. What are they fighting for? Equality for whom? For the non-malays who hates the malays? For the non-malays who wants to rid the malays from the face of this Tanah melayu? Wake up my melayu.
    Chinese companies gives priorities to chinese vendors and job opportunities, indian companies did the same.. yet these very people called us malays as racists if we do the very same they have been doing all along. Adil ke tu brader? To liberal melayus out there, u all pergi overseas on government scholarship dulu tu, siapa yg bayar wei..Have u ever thanked your skin colour? so now that u all came home, feeling slightly enlightened and educated than the rest of the malay populations, u think u know whats best for all the melayu in this country by giving away our anak cucu rights so easily just like that? hello… wake up la..

  36. Dear Tun,
    Your blog is in English but I wish to respond in BM to show that we try to learn and adapt to the majority and authority. This effort is not recognized by those who criticise us. Just try and learn another language and see.
    Saya nak beri pandangan macam Tun perkara demi perkara, tak keliru.
    Per 1:SORRY?
    Rasa saya Tun tak kesal pun bangkit hal ini! Sebaliknya Tun gembira..hingga tak sempat senyum. Bayang kera jumpa cincin! Datang peluang hentam tanpa kira kesan,padah pada ketenteraman. Peluang yang pengamal politik kaki lima tak kan biar terlepas.Seorang negarawan dan tokoh sepatutnya mententeramkan keadaan bukan menjadi si penghasut.
    Saya orang Cina terima dan akur pada kepimpinan Melayu,penguasaan mrk dlm pentadbiran dan politik. Saya hanya minta mrk insaf pada Tuhan mrk, jangan tamak sampai insan warna lain yang lahir dibumi ini atas kuasa Tuhan juga tidak di bela. Kaum lain mengharap ada pemimpin Melayu yang sanggup bersikap adil dan melawan sifat tamak anjuran ketuanan Melayu. Mereka hanya minta keadilan dan pembelaan dari yang berkuasa bukan nak tuntut kuasa atau menggugat kedudukan Melayu. Itu tuduhan Umno tiap kali kaum lain minta Melayu adil pada yang lemah,minority,malang,kurang daya walau kaum lain.Jangan terlalu sibuk memperkayakan Melayu yang dah berada dan mengada ngada itu.
    BETIS dan PEHA?
    Kami dan kaum lain tak nak kuasa cuma keadilan, keamanan, kesejahteraan negara. Hanya Umno menuduh begini kerana kepentingan mrk. Melayu PAS PKR dan golongan kecil Tun sebut sini sedar tuntutan kaum lain bukan kuasa.
    Permintaan saya dari pemimpin Melayu- demi ketuanan Melayu saya sanggup ada ketidakadilan tapi jangan jadi kejam dan dasyat. Contoh kalau anak tauke kaum lain tak dapat bantuan dan anak pegawai tinggi kerajaan dapat – TAK ADIL TAPI APO NAK DI KATO?.
    Anak miskin penjaja kaum lain tak dibantu tapi anak pegawai,peniaga Melayu rumah berkolam renang(contoh Ahmad Ismail) dapat bantuan hak bumiputra konon- kan kejam! Agama mana pun tak restui perbuatan ini.
    Tun negarawan muka tembok(dah lepas minta balik) bermuka dua dan muflis akal jika cuba menghasut orang Melayu cara ini untuk mendapat perhatian. Banyak hujah lain boleh Tun guna nak satukan Melayu bukan dengan membesar-besarkan ancaman kaum lain konon untuk menakutkan orang Melayu.Menyalahkan kaum lain cara wajib Umno nak tarik perhatian Melayu. Lainlah kalau ketua bahagian Umno cakap begini.Tokoh apa guna politik kotor ini!
    Nampak sangat Tun sanggup mengguna apa saja senjata untuk jatuhkan Pak Lah termasuk bangkit isu perkauman. Tun sekarang tergulung dengan ahli politik akal lemah terpaksa mainkan emosi untuk raih manafaat. Nama tokoh sejagat,global, berwibawa tak padan degan Tun- pencuri kesempatan, pembelit kenyataan lebih lekat.
    Minta maaf dah terlanjur panjang…saya sambung lain hari.

  37. salam tun dan pembaca ruangan ini,
    saya takut dan risau membaca keangkuhan sesetengah pembaca dalam menyuarakan pandangan mereka, terutamanya yang menyentuh hal hal perkauman. seolah-olah kaum kaum ini bukannya manusia yang bernyawa dan perlu saling menghormati.
    Dalam hidup ini, tak kiralah apa pun agama dan bangsa kita, saling menghormati harus menjadi keutamaan. saya tak sanggup malaysia menjadi seperti iraq, palestin, serbia etc…. all those war and senseless killing…..untuk apa?
    social contract or no social contract…we are here today, now, why talk in the past, it already happened. the future of our children should be our utmost priority. everyone, regardless of race, religion, party should just buckle up and think of how to improve and not to aggravate further all this ill-feeling, prejudice, bigotry, racist thing. it is leading us to no where other than widening the gap of misunderstanding among the rakyats.
    pls, readers and bloggers, think again before you write and present your views and ideas.
    selamat hari raya to all

  38. Paklah tertekan..
    pembangkang menekan…
    melayu same melayu bermusuhan..
    cina n india bertepuk tangan…
    nak takluk malaysia da lama dorang idamkan…
    hak bumiputera bukan lagi satu keistimewaan. ..
    cina ngan india dah jadik johan!
    pkr mengganas…
    anwar kuarkan idea ‘bernas’…
    orang umno hati panas…
    mca n mic pandai nak kipas…
    DAP tetap pilihan cina n india yang teratas…
    dorang sokong PKR tu ader ‘nas’…
    pernah satu tmpt dimana ahli parlimen cina berkata…
    saya luar saja BN..dalam hati DAP juga..
    kenapa melayu buta mata?
    gaduh je yang dorang suke..
    kenapa?…nak tunjuk yang korang berkuasa?
    padehal negara di hujung nyawa..
    bumiputera dinafikan hak sekeras-kerasnya. ..
    itu ke yang orang melayu suka?
    demonstrasi sini sana …
    bikin kacau bilau satu negara…
    cina india duduk rumah gelak2 tgk brita…
    betapa orang melayu pun dah tak sekuat mana..
    mane melayu di masa muka?
    anak cucu korang gak yang jadi mangsa..
    di perak satu hal…
    cina diberi tanah hak milik kekal…
    di mana undang2 tubuh negeri perak tak pnh melakukan perkara sebegitu yg
    tak masuk akal…
    skrg melayu yg rugi n tertinggal.. .
    MB pun satu…rujukla org2 atau undang2 yang dah dibekal…
    jangan buat keputusan yang tak masuk akal…
    smate2 nak tunaikan janji mase plihanraye yg dah terlafaz..
    cina india otak bijak..
    skarang dorang sokong la PAS n PKR, lepas krajaan da jatuh,dorang akan
    kalau anwar jadi perdana menteri..
    jika ditakdirkan tuhan keesokkannyer dier mati…
    sape yang akan mengganti?
    ahli tertinggi PKR,cina dan india sedia menanti…
    orang melayu yang bijak n pandai n yg kuat PKR kan semua dah kuar parti…
    last2 cina india jadi perdana menteri..
    hak melayu slama-lamanya dinafi..
    di malaysia melayu jadi kuli..
    cina india suke hati lagi..
    ha melayu…nak sengih lagi?
    ade hati nak demonstrasi lagi?
    mase tu sape pun tak pduli
    pade dorang…lbih baik mlayu mati..
    skarang cina india tgh menanti..
    paklah undur,najib jadi pengganti…
    tapi bila najib jadi perdana menteri..
    cina/india dah buat prangkap lagi…
    najib akan terjerat oleh skandal sendiri…
    tyme ni cina n india hentam najib sparuh mati…
    hentaman ini akan berlaku dikala krajaan blom tetapkan penerus generasi
    perdana menteri…
    krajaan pade mase itu takkan dihormati…
    peristiwa 13 mei akan berlaku lagi…
    ha melayu…gelak la lagi..
    bergaduh la sesame sendiri…
    tak mustahil org melayu malaysia akan jadi spt org melayu di singapura…
    disekat keistimewaan di mana2..
    terabai seperti bangkai bernyawa..

  39. Tun,
    Nak tambah sikit lagi…..
    I’m referring to Aan 13 sept 5.15am…dan di penang sebenaqnya ada macam2 yang pelik antaranya:
    1.Ada orang cina yang langsung xtau cakap melayu.spt di air itam,kg pulau,weld quay.
    2.Ada sesetengah kilang xbagi pekerja islam/muslim sembahyang jumaat.
    3.Sms sekarang ni dihantar sesama mereka utk memboikot utk melumpuhkan bisnes org2 melayu esp. umno.Perkara2 seperti ini dicakapkan secara terbuka dihadapan org melayu.
    4.setiap kawasan perumahan baru, bumi quota akan dikatakan habis,utk disimpan dan di buka kepada non bumi.bayangkan ada kws yg pecahan ethnik sampai 100% cina.
    5.Ada satu ketika azan xboleh dilaungkan di Batu Uban kerana menggangu kondominium mewah bersebelahan.
    6. Double standard bukan shj berlaku di kilang tetapi juga disyarikat besar lain spt(investment bank)quata 30% yg di tetapkan oleh bursa Malaysia disalahguna(hanya mengunakan nama.Gaji,kenaikan,bonus dan segala2nya adalah xsama antara melayu dan cina
    7.Di pejabat-surau atau tempat2 sembahyang hanya di stor atau dimana2 bilik kosong yang ada,kadang2 sukar utk mengadakan surau.
    8.Isu melayu & cina sekarang ini berani dibincangkan secara terbuka tanpa menghiraukan perasaan minoriti melayu.
    9. Babi boleh dijual di tepi2 jalan, ikut suka hati depa saja.
    10. Harga barangan dijual berbeza antara melayu dan cina.
    11.Dan banyak lagi,tambahan pula sekarang ini dibawah DAP,lagi menjadi2lah depa2ni
    Saya amat bersetuju dgn Aan, gerenti saya biarkan the chinese boy/girl lemas dan kalaulah chinese boy/girl itu teresa kok saya akan lemaskan beliau walaupun risikonya saya juga yang akan lemas.

  40. Assalamu’alaikum TDM & family
    For those who write on meritocracy, please read this repost
    by The Stig on August 6, 2008 4:20 PM
    I think you should right about how the non-bumis also enjoyed the benefit. You shoud start writing about robert kuok and his sugar ap (one of the reasons he made it big. And out of all the privatisation and concession how many has been given to non bumis. And still we bumi is not fair? I like to point the reader of this blog on the so called meitocracy practiced in singapore called charade of meritocracy by Michael Barr. Sorry tun if take too much space.
    The Charade Of Meritocracy
    FEER, October 2006
    By Michael D. Barr
    The legitimacy of the Singaporean government is predicated on the idea of a meritocratic technocracy. A tiny number of career civil servants play a leading role in setting policy within their ministries and other government-linked bureaucracies, leading both an elite corps of senior bureaucrats, and a much larger group of ordinary civil servants. Virtually all of the elite members of this hierarchy are “scholars,” which in Singapore parlance means they won competitive, bonded government scholarships—the established route into the country’s elite.
    Scholars not only lead the Administrative Service, but also the military’s officer corps, as well as the executive ranks of statutory boards and government-linked companies (GLCs). Movement between these four groups is fluid, with even the military officers routinely doing stints in the civilian civil service. Together with their political masters, most of whom are also scholars, they make up the software for the entity commonly known as “Singapore Inc.”—a labyrinth of GLCs, statutory boards and ministries that own or manage around 60% of Singapore’s economy.
    The basis of the scholars’ mandate to govern is not merely their performance on the job, but also the integrity of the process that selected them. The educational system is designed to cultivate competition, requiring top students to prove themselves every step of the way. Singapore’s schools first stream students into elite classes after Primary 3 and 4. They then compete for entry into special secondary schools and junior colleges, before vying for government and government-linked scholarships to attend the most prestigious universities around the world.
    These scholarships typically require several years of government service after graduation, and the scholars are drafted into the Administrative Service, the officer corps of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), or the career track of a statutory board or GLC. The government insists that all Singaporeans have equal opportunities to excel in the system, and that everyone who has made it to the top did so purely by academic talent and hard work. Other factors such as gender, socioeconomic background and race supposedly play no more than a marginal role, if they are acknowledged as factors at all.
    On the point of race, the Singapore government has long prided itself on having instituted a system of multiracialism that fosters cultural diversity under an umbrella of national unity. This is explicitly supposed to protect the 23% of the population who belong to minority races (mainly ethnic Malays and Indians) from discrimination by the Chinese majority.
    But this system conceals several unacknowledged agendas. In our forthcoming book, Constructing Singapore: Elitism, Ethnicity and the Nation-Building Project, Zlatko Skrbiš and I present evidence that the playing field is hardly level. In fact, Singapore’s system of promotion disguises and even facilitates tremendous biases against women, the poor and non-Chinese. Singapore’s administrative and its political elites—especially the younger ones who have come through school in the last 20 or so years—are not the cream of Singapore’s talent as they claim, but are merely a dominant social class, resting on systemic biases to perpetuate regime regeneration based on gender, class and race.
    At the peak of the system is the network of prestigious government scholarships. Since independence in 1965, the technique of using government scholarships to recruit cohorts of scholars into the administrative and ruling elite has moved from the periphery of Singaporean society to center stage. Even before independence, a makeshift system of government and Colombo Plan scholarships sent a few outstanding scholars overseas before putting them into government service, including most notably former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong. Yet as late as 1975 this system had contributed only two out of 14 members of Singapore’s cabinet. Even by 1985, only four out of 12 cabinet ministers were former government scholars.
    By 1994, however, the situation had changed beyond recognition, with eight out of 14 cabinet ministers being ex-scholars, including Prime Minister Goh. By 2005 there were 12 ex-scholars in a Cabinet of 19. Of these, five had been SAF scholars, including Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. A perusal of the upper echelons of the ruling elite taken more broadly tells a similar story. In 1994, 12 of the 17 permanent secretaries were scholars, as were 137 of the 210 in the administrative-officer class of the Administrative Service.
    The government scholarship system claims to act as a meritocratic sieve—the just reward for young adults with talent and academic dedication. If there is a racial or other bias in the outcomes, then this can only be the result of the uneven distribution of talent and academic application in the community. As Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong put it when he spoke on national television in May 2005, “We are a multiracial society. We must have tolerance, harmony. … And you must have meritocracy … so everybody feels it is fair….” His father, former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, was making the same point when, in 1989, he told Singapore’s Malay community that they “must learn to compete with everyone else” in the education system.
    Yet if Singapore’s meritocracy is truly a level playing field, as the Lees assert, then the Chinese must be much smarter and harder working than the minority Indians and Malays. Consider the distribution of the top jobs in various arms of the Singapore government service in the 1990s (based on research conducted by Ross Worthington in the early 2000s):
    • Of the top 30 GLCs only two (6.7%) were chaired by non-Chinese in 1991 (and neither of the non-Chinese was a Malay).
    • Of the 38 people who were represented on the most GLC boards in 1998, only two (5.3%) were non-Chinese (and neither of the non-Chinese was a Malay).
    • Of the 78 “core people” on statutory boards and GLCs in 1998, seven (9%) were non-Chinese (and one of the non-Chinese was a Malay).
    A similar outcome is revealed in the pattern of government scholarships awarded after matriculation from school. Of the 200 winners of Singapore’s most prestigious scholarship, the President’s Scholarship, from 1966-2005 only 14 (6.4%) were not Chinese. But this was not a consistent proportion throughout the period. If we take 1980 as the divider, we find that there were 10 non-Chinese President’s Scholars out of 114 from 1966-80, or 8%, but in the period from 1981-2005 this figure had dropped to four out of 106, or 3.8%. Since independence, the President’s Scholarship has been awarded to only one Malay, in 1968. There has been only one non-Chinese President’s Scholar in the 18 years from 1987 to 2005 (a boy called Mikail Kalimuddin) and he is actually half Chinese, studied in Chinese schools (Chinese High School and Hwa Chong Junior College), and took the Higher Chinese course as his mother tongue. If we broaden our focus to encompass broader constructions of ethnicity, we find that since independence, the President’s Scholarship has been won by only two Muslims (1968 and 2005).
    If we consider Singapore’s second-ranked scholarship—the Ministry of Defence’s Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Scholarship (SAFOS)—we find a comparable pattern. The Ministry of Defence did not respond to my request for a list of recipients of SAF scholarships, but using newspaper accounts and information provided by the Ministry of Defence Scholarship Centre and Public Service Commission Scholarship Centre Web sites, I was able to identify 140 (56%) of the 250 SAFOS winners up to 2005.
    Although only indicative, this table clearly suggests the Chinese dominance in SAFOS stakes: 98% of SAFOS winners in this sample were Chinese, and about 2% were non-Chinese (counting Mikail Kalimuddin in 2005 as non-Chinese). Furthermore I found not a single Malay recipient and only one Muslim winner (Mikail Kalimuddin). A similar picture emerges in the lower status Singapore Armed Forces Merit Scholarship winners: 71 (25.6%) of 277 (as of late 2005) scholars identified, with 69 (97%) Chinese winners to only two non-Chinese—though there was a Malay recipient in 2004, and one reliable scholar maintains that there have been others.
    The position of the non-Chinese in the educational stakes has clearly deteriorated since the beginning of the 1980s. According to the logic of meritocracy, that means the Chinese have been getting smarter, at least compared to the non-Chinese.
    Yet the selection of scholars does not depend purely on objective results like exam scores. In the internal processes of awarding scholarships after matriculation results are released, there are plenty of opportunities to exercise subtle forms of discrimination. Extracurricular activities (as recorded in one’s school record), “character” and performance in an interview are also considered. This makes the selection process much more subjective than one would expect in a system that claims to be a meritocracy, and it creates ample opportunity for racial and other prejudices to operate with relative freedom.
    Is there evidence that such biases operate at this level? Unsurprisingly, the answer to this question is “yes.” Take for instance a 2004 promotional supplement in the country’s main newspaper used to recruit applicants for scholarships. The advertorial articles accompanying the paid advertisements featured only one non-Chinese scholar (a Malay on a lowly “local” scholarship) amongst 28 Chinese on prestigious overseas scholarships. Even more disturbing for what they reveal about the prejudices of those offering the scholarships were the paid advertisements placed by government ministries, statutory boards and GLCs. Of the 30 scholars who were both prominent and can be racially identified by their photographs or their names without any doubt as to accuracy, every one of them was Chinese. This leaves not a shadow of a doubt that those people granting government and government-linked scholarships presume that the vast majority of high-level winners will be Chinese.
    The absence of Malays from the SAFOS scholarships and their near-absence from the SAF Merit Scholarships deserves special mention because this is an extension of discrimination against the admission of Malays into senior and sensitive positions in the SAF that is officially sanctioned. The discrimination against Malays has been discussed in parliament and the media, and is justified by the assertion that the loyalty of Malays cannot be assumed, both because they are Muslim and because they have a racial and ethnic affinity with the Malays in Malaysia and Indonesia. Current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has historically been a vocal defender of this policy.
    This discrimination hits Malay men hard, first because it deprives many of promising careers in the army, and second—and more pertinent for our study of the elite—it all but completely excludes potentially high-flying Malays of a chance of entering the scholar class through the SAF. A Chinese woman has a much better chance of winning an SAF scholarship than a Malay man.
    Yet even before the scholarship stage, the education system has stacked the deck in favor of Chinese, starting in preschool. Here is the heart of Singapore’s systemic discrimination against non-Chinese. Since the end of the 1970s, the principles of “meritocracy” and “multiracialism” have been subverted by a form of government-driven Chinese chauvinism that has marginalized the minorities. It was not known to the public at the time, but as early as 1978, then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew had begun referring to Singapore as a “Confucian society” in his dealings with foreign dignitaries. This proved to be the beginning of a shift from his record as a defender of a communally neutral form of multiracialism toward a policy of actively promoting a Chinese-dominated Singapore.
    The early outward signs of the Sinicization program were the privileging of Chinese education, Chinese language and selectively chosen “Chinese values” in an overt and successful effort to create a Mandarin- and English-speaking elite who would dominate public life. Two of the most important planks of this campaign were decided in 1979: the annual “Speak Mandarin Campaign” and the decision to preserve and foster a collection of elite Chinese-medium schools, known as Special Assistance Plan (SAP) schools.
    The SAP schools are explicitly designed to have a Chinese ambience, right down to Chinese gardens, windows shaped like plum blossoms, Chinese orchestra and drama, and exchange programs with mainland China and Taiwan. Over the years the children in SAP schools have been given multiple advantages over those in ordinary schools, including exclusive preschool programs and special consideration for preuniversity scholarships.
    For instance, in the early 1980s, when there was a serious shortage of graduate English teachers in schools, the Ministry of Education ensured there were enough allocated to SAP schools “to help improve standards of English among the Chinese-medium students, in the hope that they will be able to make it to university”—a target brought closer by the granting of two O-level bonus points exclusively to SAP school students when they applied to enter junior college. By contrast, neither Indians nor Malays received any special help, let alone schools of their own to address their special needs. They were not only left to fend for themselves, but were sometimes subjected to wanton neglect: inadequately trained teachers, substandard facilities and resources and the “knowledge” that they are not as good as the Chinese.
    This account of discrimination against non-Chinese might lead the reader to assume that the quarter of Singaporeans who are not Chinese must form a festering and perhaps even revolutionary mass of resentment. Such an assumption would, however, be a long way from the mark. Non-Chinese might be largely excluded from the highest levels of the administrative elite, but just below these rarefied heights there plenty of positions open to intelligent and hardworking non-Chinese—certainly enough to ensure that non-Chinese communities have much to gain by enthusiastically buying into the system, even after the glass ceilings and racial barriers are taken into account. There are many grievances and resentments in these levels of society but the grievances are muted and balanced by an appreciation of the relative comforts and prosperity they enjoy. For most, any tendency to complain is subdued also by knowledge that it could be worse, and the widespread assumption among members of minority communities that it will be if they seriously pursue their grievances. As long as the Singapore system continues to deal such people a satisfactory hand, if not a fair one, it should be able to cope with some quiet rumblings in the ranks.
    While this discrimination is not sparking a reaction that threatens the regime in the short term, the resulting injustices are certainly undermining the myth that the regime operates on meritocratic principles. This is worrying in the longer term because this myth, along with the capacity to deliver peace and prosperity, is one of the primary rationales by which Singaporeans reluctantly accept the many unpopular aspects of the regime, such as the lack of freedom and democracy, the intrusion of government into most aspects of private life, the pressure-cooker lifestyle and the high cost of living.
    The rhetoric of meritocracy has given Singaporeans the consolation of believing that their ruling elite are the best of the best and can therefore be trusted almost blindly on important matters, even if they are highhanded and lack the common touch. As this illusion gradually falls away—and today it is already heavily undermined—the trust that Singaporeans have for their government is becoming increasingly qualified. It remains to be seen how long the regime can avert the logical consequences of the contradictions between the myth and the reality.
    Mr. Barr is a lecturer at the University of Queensland and author of Lee Kuan Yew: The Beliefs Behind the Man (Routledge, 2000) and Cultural Politics and Asian Values: The Tepid War (Routledge, 2002).
    Thank you

  41. Salam Sejahtera Tun and Fellow Audience,
    As the Anak Melayu Jati, I am deeply hurt and concern with what is going on in Tanah Melayu today. The lack of clear direction by the Malays both the Leaders (government and opposition) as well as general Malay Rakyat.
    Personally, I never new there was a Social Contract coz I deep in my heart, that the Malays are still oppressed and subjugated though not by the British but by the British stooges. These stooges a few of them are my own close relations. They hijacked the effort of Panglima Bongkok, Datok Bahman, Mat Kilau, Ishak Haji Muhammad (Pak Sako) and many others who are the true Freedom Fighters of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. These warriors, their followers and families were the true liberators of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Their own weakness lets others hijacked their cause and effort. They were the trough Perjuang Tanah Melayu. The scars are still there. They were the unsung Heroes of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. They are not only forgotten but buried and hardly mentioned in nation history. These were designed by the British and so called fathers of independent and cohorts. But than, what’s the points of blaming others for our mistakes and failures. It should remain as lesson and never to repeat them again.
    These were all faults of us all – the Malays, the so call Malays and our Leaders – who are have no faith in themselves and Allah. They were so gullible and never cared about – what is going to be the long term implication to their future generations. Remember, Perang Dusun Nyior? Bintang 3? Perang Semantan? And many more…only if we only care of future…
    I never heard of my parent, grand parent, relations who were freedom liberators ever talk of “Social Contract”. They and myself never a party to such a contract.
    Nasi Sudah Jadi Bubur – personally I cannot accept it but forced to live with it. Failing which Tun knows what is the consequences. The consequences of living with this detrimental social contract are what happening in my Persekutuan Tanah Melayu Today. A few of my relation now reside outside this beloved motherland Tanah Melayu. So unfortunate. It sounds just like the Last Mughal King – Zafar.
    You are a doctor Tun, you used to say – the way to treat cancer is at source. How true we believed, prevention is always better than cure. Alas, still not too late to correct the situation but soberly. We need – never to let emotion to run negatively. So much I envision that Persekutuan Tanah Melayu should be order of the day but … there is no way that Persekutuan Tanah Melayu is going to be reborn again coz most Malays especially the young and Professional were ignorant of their root. Many believe they are Pendatang – coz they do not know history of Kepulauan Melayu that stretch from Formosa (Taiwan) in the north to Burmese border to Australia excluding Java. So any movement of the Malay stocks with the region is not considered as migration, like the migration of English, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, and Indian to region outside their motherland. Internal movement within motherland Tanah Kepulauan Melayu cannot be considered as migration similar to the international migration say from China to America.
    The worst is that the Malays – are fond of letting others move forward in front of themselves – to champion their cause. This result in others and seculars and westernized to lead and hijacked their cause. Subsequently, the Malay right and interest relegated to the back, side tracked if not oppressed.
    To bake a better cake or dish now – without having to remove or reduce the core ingredient the Malay Leaders and Rakyat need ber Muhasabah Diri, seek Allah’s guidance for the good of every one. Insyallah, a better and tastier cake will be produced. Just like a movie every one has an important role to play. However, we Malay must write a good script and direct it for future well being without having needed to be suckers to anyone or any group.
    Last let’s take matters to heart and seek light from Allah for a better future!

  42. Assalamu’alaikum TDM & keluarga
    Tumpang lalu. Komen By mjolnir on September 12, 2008 12:42 PM
    “For all this talk about the “suffering” malay people in Singapore, not a single one of them would give up their Singaporean Citizenship and come back to Malaysia,& the fact is there are many succesful malays in singapore in relation to their population, ie minority.”
    For your info, a lot of Singaporean malays are now Malaysian citizens. A lot more had requested for Malaysian citizenship but were rejected.
    Terima kasih & Wassalam

  43. salam buat Tun
    Rakyat Malaysia perlu ingat bahawa orang luar tunggu masa saja untuk masuk jd tak perlu la kita emosional sangat nak ikut semua orang marah kalau dikata bukan-bukan tapi klu dah jd huru hara jgn salahkan orang lain…yg sya nampak skrg ni kerajaan Bn skrg dibawah DSAAB perlu kepimpinan baru ….jd faham faham le. Tentang kontrak sosial ni orang muda byk yg masih tak faham dan orang lama pula ada yg buat tak faham ni masalanya kena ada penekanan dlm pekara ni pada golongan muda..klu kita tengok negara negara luar yg bermasalah punca utama adalah kekayaan negara dikawal oleh satu golongan saja yg lain tersisih jd kena betulkan pekara ni dulu…tp yg mustahak rakyat malaysia kena banyak sabar….
    C U Tun

  44. Hey Dr M,
    Racism is a bloody excuse used by every politician in the world to ignite flames of hatred to get the citizens out to vote AGAINST the other party.
    The fragile harmony between races can only be maintained if life is good. Once that is gone, blame is cast on the person who speaks differently, who behaves differently, who looks differently. He took our future! He took our money! He took our lands! He caused all of our bad happenings!
    This isn’t something unique to malaysia alone. This happens all the time to other countries.

  45. Dear Samuraimelayu,
    I do know the different between now and then.
    “I must admit the retrogression of their viewpoint but this is becoming more current as the debate on the social contract goes on.”
    The Tun suggested this view in his blog, I only suggest the consequence.
    As for PR, no need to be nasty. I believe PR does offer a viable alternative to BN. I believe in competence, accountability and transparency in a government or any form of leadership for that matter. Datuk Khalid, Datuk Nizar and LGE are doing a much better job than their BN predecessors.

    Saya tertarik dengan komen pembaca, “lepas Anwar jadi Perdana Menteri, Guan Eng jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri” Tan Sri Khalid boleh jaga KKDN (Keselamatan Khinzir Dalam Negara” – ini saya tambah sendiri). Tapi kalau Anwar Ibrahim padam (mati) kiata akan dapat YANG AMAT BERHORMAT PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA DATUK SERI LIM GUAN ENG .. bagus.. bagus .. Syabas penyokong PKR..
    Wassalam TUN

  47. to umari999
    Dont blame the chinese for working hard and earn money. The social contract has been 50 years until now and I don’t see it works or maybe only works for certain rich malays.
    If the malays are still ‘sleeping’ (sorry for that) and expect the government would help them then go ahead. But do not blame the others race.

  48. I am sorry to put my comments as such Tun. I am myself a non malay and in my personal view, we are not trying to seize power as perceived. I for one am not against policies that can help the bumiputras. The questions regarding the social contract is some malicious agenda of certain quarters or could even be from Malaysians standing up for equality for all that matter. We as matured Malaysians should be allowed to debate on issues that concern us all. In the end, a compromise can always be met. We can do so because we are after all brothers and sisters living in this blessed land. There is no point for us to challenge one another for in the end, it will not benefit anyone.
    However, what I am really against is the way the policies are executed. Helping my fellow Malays to alleviate them from poverty and provide them with opportunities to compete with the rest of the races is of no issue. That is in fact what equality is all about. Everyone should be given the tools to compete. But in reality, are they being given the help as promised? What we can see now are the policies only benefit certain quarters of the Malay population. These people who happen to be relatives or friends of people in power could be a coincidence. But sometimes too much coincidence can be harmful to the way we as laymen, in forming our perceptions.
    I am all for the NEP and the political dominance of the malays because they are in the end, my fellow Malaysians too. But changes should come in how the NEP is executed and this should be done in a transparent manner. I do believe that the non malays will have no problem if the money spent are for the deserving malays.
    The social contract must never be used to hide the actual issue here. Good day.

  49. Dear Sir,
    I am a little younger than you. My brother was your junior at medical school. Like you, I was born and received my education before the affirmative program. While I was at school my father concentrated on giving education to my brothers and did not have enough money to buy me books, or even sufficient changes of school uniforms. I missed days of school because the one uniform was being washed. I could not join in the extra curricula activities because of lack of money to buy uniform for the ‘Red Cross, and shoes, clothes, sports gear for sports activities.
    I was the best sprinter in my year. In classroom work I achieved first and second positions until form three when the lack of funds for books, extra curricula activities and missing school really took their toll. My classmates who were academically less able and could not out-run me in the sports field but who were well supported by their families did much better than me at Senior Cambridge. Their families could afford to buy them rackets and they excelled at badminton while I looked from the sidelines. (I once played with borrowed rackets but without shoes and wore off the bottom of my heels and soles, they were raw and bleeding).
    Most of the well-off, though not all, were Chinese. My Indian friends suffered worse fate than me. Many left school before Senior Cambridge. Some sold milk and tended cows before and after school. I had many Chinese friends, however. Some lent me their books; some bought me lunch when I was too hungry to be too proud to accept their charity. The majority of our teachers were Chinese. There was a strong feeling of nationalism in discussions between the Chinese teachers and my Chinese classmates. It was a time when Mao Tze Tung was on the rise. We Malays were not part of the social interactions. We took part in Christian prayers and cathecism. We had no choice. I left school with very low self-esteem.
    After school with a an average result it was impossible for me to find jobs. In Penang, many of the interviews I attended were conducted by Chinese interviewers. They found ease in conducting some of the interviews in Chinese. One by one my Chinese friends found jobs or went off to do further studies. One by one they drifted away from me.
    Circumstances took me to the UK where I studied as a mature student. I recovered my self-esteem because through grants, discretionary awards and affirmative action by the British Government I gained a good degree from a red brick university, received further awards for best student of faculty and scholarships for a Masters and research for a PhD.
    I believe in affirmative action. I believe there is a need to protect those who are disadvantaged, especially but not exclusively, there is a need to protect domestic players in Malaysia. We have to acknowledge that there is a strong international Chinese and international Indian network that are not accessible to Malays.
    I also believe that in Malaysia today we are looking at the wrong picture. We need to ask those with the majority of wealth and economic strength in Malaysia, be they Chinese, Indians or Malays to be partners in affirmative action. Chinese owned and Chinese dominated corporations should ensure that their employees reflect the population mix of Malaysia. Malay owned and Malay dominated corporations and private companies should do likewise.
    I was shocked when I returned to Malaysia a decade or so ago to find racist practices in Chinese operated corporations. I was shocked to find Malays willing to ‘sell’ their Bumi status for pittance, sometimes just for being given the chance to be employed in lowly jobs, so their employers could become eligible for contracts reserved for Bumiputra companies. I was shocked to hear stereotype racist remarks about Malays and Indians at Board meetings and interview panels. I was shocked to hear Chinese contractors talk about sharing contract funds but not skills. I was shocked to find rich Malays ‘rob’ small Bumiputra companies of contracts. Even more shocked to find rich and well connected Malays go into partnership with ‘Ali-Baba’ companies to out-wit the social contract.
    The present government is unequal to the challenges that face it. The can of worms is ready to explode.
    The social contract is sound. There is a need to outline how the social contract should be implemented in the spirit that it was formulated. Wise men and women should think about how privileges public and private should be shared. We need wise people in this time of tension. We should be looking for wise women and men to come forward to work together before everything collapses around us.
    It is so sad to hear racists and anti-racists using racist arguments in place of sensible reasoning. Pak Lah has to do something quickly, take a firm hand or walk away.

  50. Dear YAB Tun.Dr.M,
    I would like to thank Shaik Rizal Sulaiman for his excellent posting above which was re-posted again By babacurious…
    To run 100M in Olympics, he or she must run the 100M dash….To win 100M gold one must finish the race ahead of everyone…This need a lot of hardwork and dedication to prepare your self for the race.
    You will not win the gold by running 80M by claiming for special rights and previledge….
    This same goes to our lifes….There’s no short cuts in life. One could succeed only with hardwork and dedication….If there’s a way to succeed wothout hardwork and dedication that could be from the wrong way or the “Haram” way….
    Thank you.

  51. Salam Ramadhan Tun, maaf kalau tajam sikit ( belajar dari Tun juga).
    Saya nak pinjam tajuk lagu Tan Sri SM Salim,
    “Apa nak jadi”….
    La… kan Tanah Melayu dah merdeka jadi Malaysia,bukan Malaya lagi, dah 51 tahun… ikut Mat Salleh kata ni dah “Golden Age”. Tapi sedihnya revolusi pemikiran kita orang Malaysia (baik Melayu, Cina, India dll) masih terbalik, macam belia 15 tahun, masin “Green”. Tak sudah-sudah bercakar tentang HAK.
    Semua pun dah tahu kita kan rojak alias Gado-gado, Melayu rojak, Cina rojak, India rojak, yang lain lain pun rojak… kan sedap… kan “GRAND”, sapa kata rojak tak sedap ?? tak “GRAND” ??? tak percaya ? tengok saja yg Grand dah jadi PREMIER… Pak Lah ada Cina-nya, Tun ada India-nya, Tunku ada Siam-nya; saya lagi rojak,ada Indon-nya !! (Banjar + Minangkabau + Jawa + Bugis !!)
    Terimalah hakikat “Gado-gado” kita, jangan “Gaduh-Gaduh”. Masing masing ada hak,bukan hanya di dunia, sampai ke akhirat pun kita ada hak, pilih saja, nak hak Syurga atau hak neraka. Tepuk dada tanya selera. Pilihan di tangan kita.
    Masaalahnya, yg jadi kelakar bercakar macam antara kucing dgn anjing dgn beruk pasal apa ? dah tahu kita semua kan PENDATANG, hanya si Semang, si Senoi, si Jakun dan si Dayak yg masih terpinggir di tepi “Hutan Simpanan” tu yg benar-benar Anak Melayu.
    Jadi bersyukurlah kita menjadi Melaysia campuran dan kacukan, macam rojak lah… macam “Gado-gado” lah.. Malaysia makin cantik kalau gado-gado, lihat saja, Grago Grago di Malaysia! semuanya top-top models, singers, actors, musicians, dan juga… First Lady Malaysia kita! Reka-bentuk bangunan-bangunan di Putrajaya pun gado-gado (east + west).. AIR ASIA yg dah jadi World Brand Icon tu pun CEO-nya gado-gado !!.
    Banggalah jadi rakyat Malaysia, BANGSA MALAYSIA,Bangsa Majmuk. Hidup-lah kita dengan rukun, kan dah ada Rukun Negara, tak taulah sekarang Rukun Tentangga macamana… Nampaknya kenalah Kementerian Pelajaran mengkaji semula isi matapelajaran SEJARAH disekolah supaya isinya boleh membawa pemikiran sihat dan melihat fakta dari sudut ” the truth” tentang asal usul Melayu, “Tanah Melayu” dan Raykat Malaysia dan “Bangsa Malysia”.
    Mungkin dengan begini sahaja generasi “Malaysia Baru” dapat menerima hakikat Gado-gado di negara sendiri …(hah ?… MALAYSIA BARU ???). Dan mungkin begini saja pemikiran mereka tak “Green” lagi walau nanti dah “Golden Age”.
    Apa nak jadi,apa dah jadi,
    Sampai sekarang masih begini…..
    tak heran-lah lagi kalau begini,
    sekarang dah ada ” MALAYSIA KINI “…..
    Tun, Selamat berbuka puasa dgn “Teh tarik Mamak”,”kue-tiau kerang” dan “onde-onde” ( laaaa… yg mana dari Tanah Melayu ?? )

  52. Dear Tun
    Don’t ever think the non-malays feel intimidated by the threat to revoke their Malaysian citizenship.

  53. My dearest TDM
    In today’s news on the arrests with the use of ISA, our government is virtually turning the country into confusion. Is our government for real? The show cause letters send to the daily papers clearly shown that there will not be freedom in their reporting as long as it does not favour the government. Bear in mind, the politicians are the ones who politicise sensitive issues and what nots in the first place. How and where else can those reporters or journalists get their facts? Strangely and sadly, the poor journalist among others, got arrested under ISA. It demeans the word freedom of journalism and reporting. If sensible truth can’t be told and’s better to shut down all media and IT technology and industries in the country and return to stone age era, where we can all live in caves and trees happily..rather than be governed by hypocrites with a 3rd world mentality.
    “For our own past is covered by the currents of action, but the torment of others remains an experience, unqualified unworn by subsequent attrition. People change and smile but the agony abides.”

  54. salam,
    Tun futurist, I sokong you masuk kerajaan.
    Racist here and there. Everyone is racist in some form.
    It’s hard to remove them. It’s genetically embedded in them.
    Ppl start believing they’re the best from others.
    We live in a very fragile social fabric interleaving multi cultural and ethnic origin. We have found the way to achieve the best interleaving factor since 51 years back. This may enable us to work and live together. But now people (read Malaysian) start to question them subliminally without their implication towards our social bonding. Everyone will start shouting until frustration and anger slowly build inside them.
    I’m agree if we remove anything that may cause this. This may sound radical. But I believe this is the best way to achieve another 2nd best interleaving factor.
    1. Remove any languages, leaving only Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Inggeris. (ppl always asking his/her native language. denial is the answer for them)
    2. Other than this considered foreign language.
    3. Start revamping our education. Primary school will learn Bahasa Malaysia (20%) and Bahasa Inggeris (80%) extensively in every subject.
    4. The availability of foreign language may consider plus point for that school.
    5. No more private school. Private school must registered with the KDN. Their teachers and funders will subjected to their thumb print scanned and DNA recorded for national security purposes.
    6. Pirate CD’s sellers and imitation material shall be categorized in Terrorist Acts. Treat this people as funding terrorist movement. Create another Malaysian type Guantinamo Prison detention camp.
    Don’t ask why, but this is the catalyst for Malaysian Malaysia.
    you won’t live like another country in malaysia.

  55. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    1.Malays are famous with sopan santun,budi bahasa,timbangrasa which has been taken advantage by other races as merely weakness.We have also proverb like ‘beri betis nak paha’,a clear explanation of the recent frictions between races,relegion
    2.The term AMOK in the Dictionaries is unique to Malays,describing the tedencies to react totally out of mind when provoked.My advise to would be saboteurs to think twice
    3.’Belanda minta tanah’.Trickery is used to manipulate Malays sincerety in giving something like social contract,citizenship etc.Now they want Malay’s special right and policies to be abolished.Totally Jew’s thinking

  56. Salam buat TUN sekeluarga.
    TUN, kalau susah sangat UMNO nak timbang-timbang kemasukan TUN kembali kepada UMNO, TUN buat stau badan NGO sajlah dulu sementara Sultan Abdullah tu nak turun takhta. Saya yakin ramai nak support dan suara TUN mungkin akan lebih berkesan. Saya juga yakin ramai ahli ahli UMNO di peringkat bawahan menunggu kehadiran TUN tapi suara mereka tak dengar.
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    Mua’arif b. Ahmad Miftah
    Wassalam Tun

  57. Assalamualikm Tun,
    Disenaraikan beberapa SOALAN spt berikut:
    1.En.Ali telah membunyikan hon kenderaannya kepada Mr Wong yang menghalang kenderaannya dihadapan jalan utama.
    2.Puan Aminah telah menegur Miss Chin yang cuba memotong ‘Q’ di Pejabat Pos.
    3.Miss Elizabeth Chong ditegur oleh Inspektor Rashid kerana tidak memakai tali pinggang keledar.
    JAWAPAN.(mungkin dari versi DAP&GERAKAN)
    1.En Ali adalah racist.
    2.Puan Aminah Adalah Racist.
    3.Inspektor Rashid adalah Racist.
    Soalan seterusnya:
    1. teresa Kok berkata azan membinggitkan,olang nak tidoq pun x bole,babi xcukup dan perlu diternak besar2an di selangor.
    2.BC kata isu islam perlu dibincangkan terutama pertukaran ugama yang x adil
    3.DAP kata DEB perlu dimansuhkan,tiada keistimewaan lagi bagi org melayu
    JAWAPAN(mungkin dari versi DAP & GERAKAN)
    1.teresa kok tidak racist
    2.bc tidak racist
    3.DAP tidak racist.
    Dan mereka2 ini adalah tidak racist yang paling dashyat dalam dunia ni.Mereka2 ini menduduki ranking no 1 dalam carta tak racist satu dunia +segala macam kejadian planet2.Syabas.
    Tun….. Take Care..wasllam.

  58. I’m racist…so be it
    Like an analogy ……if they are two boys drowning, one is a Malay boy and the other is a Chinese and I only capable of saving one,……. I will surely go for the Malay boy. Not that I hate that Chinese boy, it is just that I love the Malay boy more.
    And TELL ME if the Chinese is not racist……….
    If you are someone working at any Penang factory,I can assure you that after few years, you are most likely to be left out. Most of your Chinese ‘friends’ would be promoted first. NOT that they are better than you…it just it.
    Some Chinese out there are not even academically qualified, yet they will get the job based on their useless experience and ‘Kulit-fication’
    Try to check out their basic pay, even if you are at the same level with them, they get better pay.
    They certainly get better bonus and remuneration.
    Happen that they want to resign; they will certainly be countered offer first. Try your luck if you are Malay.
    I hardly see any Malay vendor; not even for the one selling paper clips. 100% Chinese
    Can anyone guess, why the Human Resource is loaded with Malay but Finance and Purchasing are almost 100% Chinese ?
    and the lists go on……
    P/s- having said this…though I’m capable of helping both…..I think I should just let the Chinese boy drown ..shouldnt I?

  59. Tun pernah bercakap Melayu Mudah Lupa…
    Masihkah Melayu ingat dalam kompeni Cina berapa kerat je Melayu yang pegang jawatan tinggi…
    Masihkah Melayu ingat dalam iklan kerja, berbahasa Mandarin jadi kelebihan..
    Masihkah Melayu ingat berapa banyak Tanah Melayu dah jatuh kepada bukan Melayu..
    Masihkah Melayu ingat bahasa Melayu bukan lagi bahasa utama..
    Masihkah Melayu ingat pada lagu warisan..
    Tapi yang pasti, Melayu asyik ingat nak kaya cepat sampai ZAKAT pun dah tak ingat….
    Selamat berpuasa, zakat fitrah jangan lupa

  60. pak loh ni mcm nak mkn org.
    diao tu takut kat rakyat dan newspaper. mcm mana nak jadi pm yg kuat? takut org cakap lebih2 ke? dia najib tu pun samo. takut org, diao letok org tu dlm Isa.
    susah susah gua dgr cerito mcm ni. rakyat pun tak blh cakap apo2 ttg si pakloh dan najib tu.

  61. Muhyiddin ni mcm org confident je. mula2 muka confident tapi lepas sehari dia mcm nak pujuk si paklah.
    gua rasa Tun jgn lah kembali ke umno. tak kan lepas 3-4 bulan Tun nak masuk balik Umno yg telah reject nasihat dan wawasan Tun itu. dia org kat Umno mcm flipflop.
    si muhyiddin pun flipflop. dulu ada peluang nak lawan paklah. dia pun ada peluang nak tunjuk sokongan kpd TuN. tapi dia pun flipflop mcm ramai sahabat dia di Umno.
    Tun, gua betul2 respect Tun. tapi jgnlah Tun msk balik Umno tu.

  62. This is the first time I am reading TDM’s blog. Such diverse thinking compare to Malaysia Today. The reason, I am reading here is to be “educated” as I get to know both sides of the story. As judgement could be made and make me think further. Whatever happens today to the near future is all TDM legacy. It is a tough road ahead and winding too.

  63. Assalamualaikum TUN Dr.Mahathir,
    Saya rasa wajar social contract ini menjadi salah satu subjek sejarah, kalau tidak golongan muda seperti saya tidak tahu ape sebenar social contract,
    Salam Hari Raya kepada TUN

    By The Trooper on September 12, 2008 2:34 AM
    Shaykh Illahi Baksh by behaving justly in accordance with the teachings of Islam managed to win over a whole community, they all embraced Islam.
    Something to reflect:
    How often do we fall into the sin of injustice..
    Something to reflect too!
    How often do we fall into the sin of UNGRATEFUL citizens..

    By babacurious on September 12, 2008 3:26 PM
    My dear TDM
    In a matter of interests… without prejudice…
    Posted by Malaysian Unplug @ Link to This Post
    Subject: Malay Rights – Excellent article
    Our immediate enemy is crime and economic growth – a safe home for our children and sustainable economy for all after our oil has been depleted. Wake Up Malaysian!!!
    Malay rights
    By Shaik Rizal Sulaiman
    The Malays are ‘technically’ in power governing the country but it is also this same controlling group that demands the right to correct economic imbalances and disparities for its own race.
    What does this say about the ‘majority governing’ Malay race for the last 50 years?
    I dare say that most Malaysians (regardless of race) below the age of 40 would like
    to see all opportunities be spread amongst those who deserve it on meritocracy.

  66. TUN…
    Ayat 13 surah al-Hujurat yang bermaksud: “Sesungguhnya wahai manusia, Kami jadikan kamu daripada lelaki dan perempuan dan Kami jadikan kamu pelbagai bangsa dan puak supaya kamu berkenalan antara satu sama lain. Sesungguhnya semulia-mulia kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang bertaqwa.”
    List of ethnic groups in China
    1. Han (zh:汉族; Traditional: 漢族; Hàn Zú)
    2. Zhuang (zh:壮族; Traditional: 壯族; Zhuàng Zú)
    3. Manchu (zh:满族; Traditional: 滿族; Mǎn Zú)
    4. Hui (zh:回族; Huí Zú) (Also includes Utsuls of Hainan, descended from Cham refugees.)
    5. Miao (zh:苗族; Miáo Zú) (Hmong)
    6. Uyghurs (zh:维吾尔族; Traditional: 維吾爾族; Wéiwúěr Zú)
    7. Yi (zh:彝族; Yí Zú)
    8. Tujia (zh:土家族; Tǔjiā Zú)
    9. Mongols (zh:蒙古族; Měnggǔ Zú)
    10. Tibetan (zh:藏族; Zàng Zú) (including Amdowa and Khampa)
    11. Buyei (zh:布依族; Bùyī Zú)
    12. Dong (zh:侗族; Dòng Zú)
    13. Yao (zh:瑶族; Traditional: 瑤族; Yáo Zú)
    14. Korean (zh:朝鲜族; Traditional: 朝鮮族; Cháoxiǎn Zú)
    15. Bai (zh:白族; Bái Zú)
    16. Hani (zh:哈尼族; Hāní Zú)
    17. Li (zh:黎族; Lí Zú)
    18. Kazakh (zh:哈萨克族; 哈薩克族; Hāsàkè Zú)
    19. Dai (zh:傣族; Dǎi Zú, also called Dai Lue, one of the Tai ethnic groups)
    20. She (zh:畲族; Shē Zú)
    21. Lisu (zh:傈僳族; Lìsù Zú)
    22. Gelao (zh:仡佬族: Gēlǎo Zú)
    23. Lahu (zh:拉祜族; Lāhù Zú)
    24. Dongxiang (zh:东乡族; Traditional: 東鄉族; Dōngxiāng Zú)
    25. Va (zh:佤族: Wǎ Zú)
    26. Sui (zh:水族: Shuǐ Zú)
    27. Nakhi (zh:纳西族; Traditional: 納西族; Nàxī Zú) (Also included are the zh:摩梭; Mósuō))
    28. Qiang (zh:羌族: Qiāng Zú)
    29. Tu (zh:土族: Tǔ Zú)
    30. Xibe (zh:锡伯族; Traditional: 錫伯族; Xíbó Zú)
    31. Mulao (zh:仫佬族; Mùlǎo Zú)
    32. Kyrgyz (zh:柯尔克孜族; Traditional: 柯爾克孜族; Kēěrkèzī Zú)
    33. Daur (zh:达斡尔族; Traditional: 達斡爾族; Dáwòěr Zú)
    34. Jingpo (zh:景颇族; Traditional: 景頗族; Jǐngpō Zú) (Known as Kachin in Myanmar.)
    35. Salar (zh:撒拉族; Sǎlá Zú)
    36. Blang (zh:布朗族; Bùlǎng Zú)
    37. Maonan (zh:毛南族; Màonán Zú)
    38. Tajik (zh:塔吉克族; Tǎjíkè Zú)
    39. Pumi (zh:普米族; Pǔmǐ Zú)
    40. Achang (zh:阿昌族; Āchāng Zú)
    41. Nu (zh:怒族; Nù Zú)
    42. Ewenki (zh:鄂温克族; Èwēnkè Zú)
    43. Jing (zh:京族: Jīng Zú) (The same group as Vietnamese or Kinh in Sino-Viet and historically referred to as 越 Yuè, or Sino-Viet Việt. See Yue (peoples).)
    44. Jino (zh:基诺族; Traditional: 基諾族; Jīnuò Zú)
    45. De’ang (zh:德昂族; Déáng Zú)
    46. Uzbeks (zh:乌孜别克族; Traditional: 烏孜别克族; Wūzībiékè Zú)
    47. Russian (zh:俄罗斯族; Traditional: 俄羅斯族; Éluōsī Zú)
    48. Yugur (zh:裕固族; Yùgù Zú)
    49. Bonan (zh:保安族; Bǎoān Zú)
    50. Monba (zh:门巴族; Traditional: 門巴族; Ménbā Zú)
    51. Oroqen (zh:鄂伦春族; Traditional: 鄂倫春族; Èlúnchūn Zú)
    52. Derung (zh:独龙族; Traditional: 獨龍族; Dúlóng Zú)
    53. Tatars (zh:塔塔尔族; Traditional: 塔塔爾族; Tǎtǎěr Zú)
    54. Hezhen (zh:赫哲族; Hèzhé Zú) (the same group as Nanai on the Russian side of the border)
    55. Lhoba (zh:珞巴族: Luòbā Zú)
    56. Gaoshan (zh:高山族; Gāoshān Zú) (a collective name for all Taiwanese aborigine groups in Taiwan)
    List of ethnic groups in India
    Indo-Aryan peoples
    The extent of Indo-Aryan languages in the Indian subcontinent
    * Bengali people
    * Bhils
    * Bihari people
    o Maithil
    * Dom people
    * Gujarati people
    * Hindkowans
    * Jat people
    * Konkani people
    * Marathi people
    * Marwaris
    * Oriya people
    * Paharis
    o Dogra people
    o Garhwali people
    o Gurkha or Gorkha
    o Khas
    o Kumaoni people
    * Punjabi people
    * Seraikis
    * Sinhalese people
    * Sindhi people
    * Tharu people
    Dravidian peoples
    The extent of Dravidian languages in the Indian subcontinent
    * Badagas
    * Brahui people
    * Kurukh (Oraon)
    * Khonds
    * Gondi people
    * Kannadigas
    * Kodava
    * Malayalis
    o Cochin Jews
    o Syrian Malabar Nasrani
    * Malto people
    * Tamil people
    o Indian Tamils
    + Indian Tamils of Sri Lanka
    o Ceylon Tamils
    * Telugu people
    * Toda people
    * Tuluvas

  67. Dear Tun,
    Social contract is needed to minimise the difference between the poor(Malay majority) and the rich(majority Chinese). It was agreed upon all parties in order avoid the bloodshed of 13th May.I don’t really understand why there are people politising this issue. I fully with you agree only minority of Malays who do not agree with this. But to me, the non Malays especially the Chinese should not question this issue knowing the fact they are controlling Malaysian economy(private sector and govt).Pls understand even in Govt sector(hospitals,universities,infrastructure and others), the Chinese are still getting most of projects through many Malay proxies.So, why the fuss? We know the facts the proxies(alibabas) were only allocated olny 2-5% commissions as a token for their wilingness to let people abuse their license.I blame both sides, the Malays who sold their pride and priviledge and also the Chinese who made use of the Malay rights. I agree with a win-win partneship but not this win-lose.Please remember economic imbalance had caused lots of chaos, claimed lots of lives in many countries in the world. The nearest example was our neighbour Indonesia.Are we willing to see this in Malaysia? Malaysia is not at least as bad as Indonesia and Thailand whereby you dont see any Chinese schools , and YOU ARE NOT FORCED TO CHANGE YOUR NAME.
    Tun(if you are back in the Govt)…please do something on Alibabas(Malays) and their Masters(Chineses). They are destroying the NEP and stern actions should be taken.

    Datin Seri Setia Hajjah Kamaliah binti Muhammad Fadzlullah Suhaimi, balu kepada Mufti Kerajaan Brunei yang pertama Allahyarham Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Seri Utama Dr. Awang Haji Ismail bin Omar Abdul Aziz telah kembali kerahmatullah pada 11 Ramadhan 1429 / 12 August 2008 pada jam 8:00 pagi tadi.
    Allahyarhamah dilahirkan di Singapura pada tahun 1926 mengikut suami beliau berasal dari Negeri Johor pada tahun 1964 ke Brunei. Allahyarhamah berkhidmat di Sekolah Ugama (Arab) Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Damit dan Sekolah Menengah Arab (lelaki) Hassanal Bolkiah di Jalan Tutong pada tahun 1968 hinggalah allahyarham menamatkan perkhidmatannya pada tahun 2002.
    Allahyarhmah meninggalkan lapan orang anak perempuan dan tiga puluh dua orang cucu. Sebilang daripada anak perempuan allahyarhamah mempunyai Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dalam bermacam bidang dan memengang jawatan tinggi dalam perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan mereka di Brunei dan di Malaysia.
    Hadir di majlis pengbumian ialah keluarga allahyarhamah, cucu-cucu, pegawai-pegawai kanan kerajaan dan anak-anak murid allahyarhamah.
    Majlis pengembumian allahyarhamah diadakan di Makam Diraja di Jalan Kubah pada jam 5:00 petang.

    By chin on September 12, 2008 5:56 PM
    “they suggested that the Malays resort to armed struggle and co-operation with a neighbouring country. They suggested that we should have formed Melayu Raya together with this neighbouring country”
    This is reason enough for the East Malaysian states to support Pakatan Rakyat.

  70. Dear Tun and all readers,
    First, let me recommend pakpandir08’s comment to all readers. This is the kind of comment mature Malaysians should post — objective concise and to the point.
    Also let me highlight this comment from another reader:
    “DEB /NEP is a priviledge to bumiputras so why the hell would you want it to let it go in the 1st place.” — Shamsulfahmi Shamsudin (September 12, 2008 4:15 PM)
    This is typical of the Malay thinking, in my opinion, judging from the comments that have been plastered all over this blog. But if we care to probe just one question deeper, and ask, “Why not?” Would anyone be able to give me a definitive answer? Please, seriously, I want to know your answer.
    The one glaring question that leaps out of the NEP is, what exactly is the difference between Malay poverty, Chinese poverty and Indian poverty? Unless you could be so inhumane to suggest that Chinese or Indian poverty does not deserve sympathy and a viable solution because this land did not belong initially to their forefathers, I really don’t see how you could even attempt to justify it.
    The NEP has a very noble objective, we have been made to believe, and I want to believe it does. But we have seen that it has been abused by those who have most to gain from it but who do not need it. The reason this has happened is because the rationale behind the NEP is flawed to begin with. And knowing the nature of those who will continue to implement the NEP, we know that the flaws in the NEP must be removed to eliminate any possibility of it being abused again in the future. That means formulating a truly noble policy that the NEP purports but has failed to be, without the inherent flaws of the NEP that makes it so susceptible to abuse. That means change not just in the implementation of the policy but also the policy itself.
    I simply cannot understand, if one could have such unflattering opinions of our politicians, to the point of calling them stupid robbers and sodomites, how could one at the same time entrust them to implement with great integrity and honesty a policy so open to abuse such as the NEP?

  71. To all the Ultra-Malays, Chinese, Indians
    Does feeling of pent anger n hatred ever do any nations good.
    We r to be nation-builders n look after the weak, poor n marginalised.
    It is always good n right to look after these comminuties that cannot succeed by themself whether there r bumi, non-bumi or even aliens.
    I hope we average hardworking, quiet, moderate, kindhearted n loving Malaysian one day form the majority that see a great Malaysia bloom. I pray there will be a leader like this will come from the new young generation.
    This is our land, our forefathers came from Indonesia, India, China, UK, Portugal, Mynamars, Bangladesh etc…., we will live here, scarifice here n die in this proud land of our birth.

  72. Salam Ayahenda Tun yang saya hurmati,
    Izinkan saya turunkan disini ucapan Tun VT Sambanthan, salah seorang tokoh pemimpin dahulu untuk tatapan pengunjung2 muda di blog Tun ini.
    Maybe we can reflect on the gratefulness of a former respected leader whilst on the subject of “Social Contract”:
    “Now, in 1955 we won the elections with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two years time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now what did the Malays do – since we are speaking on racial lines – what did the Malay leadership do? They had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship?
    If we look around in Asia and East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon, is not welcomed in Burma. Look at my brother Chinnese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma, as we know, Indian have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here we found that the Malay leadership said, “We shall take them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens.” And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousand of Indians, Chinnese, Ceylonese and others became citizens…
    As I said, it has been my great good fortune to have been born in this country. Where else can you find a more charitable, a more polite, a more decent race than Malay race? Where else can you get such politically decent treatment for any immigrant race? Where else in the history of the world? I ask you. These are the facts. Who are you to safeguards us? I am 10 percent minority race here. But I am happy here.”
    Semoga Tun berada di dalam kandungan sihat wal’afiat.
    Wassalam ~ Guruh

  73. If the Tunku and the non-Malay leaders did not accept the proposed Federal Constitution, Melayu Raya would have either meant that we continue to be a British colony or be part of Indonesian (remember the Indonesian confrontation).
    Malaysia would not exist. So these people who condemn the Tunku are traitors to Malaysia.
    BTW, Malaysia would not have existed without the British. The Malay peninsular was controlled by a collection of warring sultans, the Dutch and Siam before the British came along.

  74. “Chinese are racist. Malay with engineering diploma RM1000 per month, Chinese with SPM RM1500 + OT. That is a common scenario in Chinese construction company.” – haha
    In the racist sense, we all are the same. Malay companies also discriminate against chinese. What more, the government (obviously a malay government) policies all discriminates against chinese. Actually the chinese would have no place to go if not private sectors. BUT, there’s a huge difference that makes chinese companies more successful than malay companies. That is, the chinese employees are generally better quality and more efficient than the malay employees, for some reasons, sometimes even an SPM holder is better than a degree holder if he can do the work better. So, when the chinese companies prefer chinese employees actually is for their quality. And, when the malays prefer malay employees is for their ketuanan sense, overlooking quality and efficiency as a key ingredient to a company’s success.
    HOWEVER, don’t look at the just the surface. In ten year’s time, the chinese with just an SPM would at most promoted to a site supervisor, while the malay with an engineering diploma, would probably promoted to a project manager, if he can perform. One of the major misperception of youngster nowadays is what the paper can do when they graduate. The paper is a jumping stone for the rest of your career life while experience is not. The paper is an assuarance to the employer that the employee had gone through years of thirtiery education and he would’ve gain enough analytical skills to handle more difficult tasks, when there’s promotion opportunity. You earn 1000 doesn’t mean you’re stuck there for the rest of your life. He got 1500 doesn’t mean he’ll be better in the future.
    If you only have an SPM, you cannot tell the boss, “now I have more experience, about the vacancy for the manager post….” With experience, you could bargain for a better pay during the interview, but after that it is all up to your work performance, and in every company, there are ranks and certain academic requirements must be fulfilled before promotion is proposed to the said candidate. So, jangan kecil hati if you see a person earn a little more now. Look at what yourself can do in ten years time.
    Unfortunately, the qualities of our public universities have been degraged by so many affirmative actions and therefore, the perception of qualities of the malays in the commercial market also affected. It’s a sad fact. Just look at the number of malays and chinese that are able to join Intel. Do you think Intel will just pick chinese just because they are chinese?

  75. What is wrong with “Special Rights” ? Haha asked.
    Why does the Arabs hate America?
    Why does the working American and Australians hate their government?
    Why are some Malays so rich and the majority so poor?
    No need to learn from Chinese, just look to your leaders, they are already so rich but they still want “Special Rights”

  76. “they suggested that the Malays resort to armed struggle and co-operation with a neighbouring country. They suggested that we should have formed Melayu Raya together with this neighbouring country”
    This is reason enough for the East Malaysian states to support Pakatan Rakyat.

  77. What is so wrong with special right,that the Malays feel shy to keep it. The poor or jobless American get free monies for food with their special security numbers. The Israelis get special privileges from the American to request and use any weapon they want to wipe out the Arabs. The Israelis are even asking more for the American aid even in cash. Many Israelis are rich and yet they are not shy to ask for more help. Whats wrong with the Malays? in their own land they are shy to ask for help. The Malays must learn from the Chinese and Indians, the more you have the more you ask and demand! orang kata bodoh you marah…????????

  78. Tun,
    I agree with your unfortunate prognosis.
    UMNO racist politics has created this situation.
    This “certain country”, lets just call it Indonesia provided much of the immigration to this country after independence and before.
    I am afraid their sense of nationalism is quite different, they have families still in Indonesia and may well support the other side.
    Well you reap what you sow.
    If there is a conflict between Indonesia and Malaysia, guess who you will have to depend on to fight this conflict, the Indians and Chinese.
    And the phenomenon is not new, you have just been ignoring it because it benefited you.

  79. Dear Tun
    In the twilight of yr years, u can do more right by:
    i)Speaking good n kindness to all races.
    ii)Cause to unite all races to be Malaysian.
    iii)Promote the moderate,liberal n open minded Malaysian leaders.
    iv)Speak out against all sort of racialism n extremism.
    Let make make our next generation believe there is a Malaysian Malaysia.
    Sure there are risks but then again, all eventual good things that happened in the history of mankind are made by leaders who believe the right principles.

  80. Dear Haha,
    Please do not make a generalised statement saying that there are non malays cannot speak decent bahasa kebangsaan? Have you forgoten the Non Malays resided in East Malaysia?? They speak better bahasa malaysia than most of the true malays in Penasular Malaysia or Tanah Melayu! Please do not emphasized too much of certain racial issue when Malaysian are striving for mutual unity. When we are in Malaysia we do as Malaysian. Nothing more than that.

  81. I sent an update y’day to this BLOG – looks like TDM did not publish it because it must have touched some nerve
    TDM (and supporters) I know there are hundreds of response and it’s hard to keep track, and that one probably fell through the cracks.
    I also understand it’s better to publish idiotic comments from some i.e apanama, JJJ, and one’s like “whoo hoo, I am the first”
    but not a structured argument especially from those who oppose your views.
    Well, I have one thing to say – I am not challenging Malay rights. Far from it, I am asking for mutual respect. I don’t want to take my Malay Bretheren riches or entitlements. First and foremost, remove any reference of BANGSA from our birth certificates, identity cards, and any legal identification implements. All those Malaysians who were given the rights of citizenship have only one BANGSA – it’s MALAYSIA.
    Don’t segregate with this categorisation first. Next, drop the concept of National type/vernacular schools. We have one schooling system – National schools. Give the same level of education. if you did those 2 things, you will start seeing more integration from the community because it’s the vision of the country to be seen as one BANGSA.
    Don’t keep segregating by classifying India, Cina, Lain Lain etc. If you want to promote the concept of Malaysianism – do it sincerely!
    JJJ – mate, do you have a point to make with your comment. Are you concerned that I make a more qualified argument than you. What kind of an idiot are you?

  82. Dear Tun,
    I must say that those who rejects DEB/NEP will not be rejecting the “THE POLICY” if the “THE PEOPLE AND PROCEDURES IN PLACE INDICATE GOOD GOVERNANCE AND PERCEIVED TO BE FAIR, EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE” while implementing DEB.
    To those Malays who rejects DEB/NEP,please make sure that you observed things from a macro perspective as well. Look beyond your “so-called successful social circles”. Look beyond today or tomorrow before you all even try to condemn it totally.
    DEB /NEP is a priviledge to bumiputras so why the hell would you want it to let it go in the 1st place. You all so well off so no need to think about other bumis who need this priviledge? So sick of this so-called rich and educated Malays who rejects DEB /NEP.

  83. Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada pembaca blog ini.
    Saya sering membaca artikel disini kerana mempunyai nilai ilmiah dari pandangan dari Tun Dr. Mahathir.
    1. Sedikit persoalan kepada Pak Lah…minta rakyat berhemat dalam berbelanja dan kerajaan pun telah menarik balik peruntukan kerajaan ketika harga minyak di paras tertinggi..
    2. Tak lama selepas harga minyak mengalami penurunan di pasaran antabangsa, (walaupun harga barang lain masih tak turun) kerajaan sekarang dah menunjukkan sikap borosnya dengan mengadakan lawatan ke Taiwan dimana 49 Menteri pergi untuk lawatan sambil belajar.
    3. Persoalan saya kenapa perlu pergi sehingga 49 orang ke Taiwan,…ini namanya perbelanjaan berkhemat ke? Cakap tak serupa bikinlah….erm….berapa agaknya kos lawatan tersebut….???

  84. Dear Tun,
    Racial sentiment still exist due to Malay leadershps, for they allow other schools to exist till today- the barrier for true Malaysian unity. With these schools around, after 51 years of independent there are still non-Malays who cannot speak decent bahasa kebangsaan. It looks as if all the PMs never allow their education ministers to visit, Thailand, Phillipines, Indonesia and others. Also there are Tamil and Mandarin news at our radios and TVs. All these misunderstandings/misinform are due tak faham bahasa kebangsaan. If we continue with the same trend, in another hundred years the same thing will happen. The Malays will loose their motherland, but the Chinese still have mainland China, and the Indian still have Indian continent.
    When you are in Rome do as the Roman did, why, this saying is not fit when it come to dealing with the Malays? Learn from our neighbours how to achieve unity. Non-Malays must be allowed to learn their languages privately.No compulsion in Religion. Up to each soul.

  85. My dear TDM
    In a matter of interests… without prejudice…
    Posted by Malaysian Unplug @ Link to This Post
    Subject: Malay Rights – Excellent article
    Our immediate enemy is crime and economic growth – a safe home for our children and sustainable economy for all after our oil has been depleted. Wake Up Malaysian!!!
    Malay rights
    By Shaik Rizal Sulaiman
    The Malays are ‘technically’ in power governing the country but it is also this same controlling group that demands the right to correct economic imbalances and disparities for its own race.
    What does this say about the ‘majority governing’ Malay race for the last 50 years?
    I dare say that most Malaysians (regardless of race) below the age of 40 would like
    to see all opportunities be spread amongst those who deserve it on meritocracy.
    We do not need the keris anymore to tell others to be careful of what they say and do because in the survival of the fittest, the keris is of very little relevance!
    If we continue to hide under the ‘bumiputera’ tempurung as most Malays have been in the last 50 years or more, the catch-up game will just get harder and the gap wider.
    If we continue to expect without earning it, we will never learn how to be a race that succeeds on merit. There is NO substitute for merit. The Malay politicians continue to shout about Malay rights and bumiputera rights because the very nature of our local politics is sadly racially biased.
    In this day and age, a great nation is built upon joint success stories, meritocracy and the combined hard work of its people WITHOUT any fear or favour of racial biased politics governing our daily policies. Sadly, the Malay politicians have ended up completely corrupt, racialists, twisted religious fanatics.
    I am below 40 and as much as I love the ‘idea’ that Malaysia is tanah tumpahnya darah orang Melayu, I can’t help but also feel that this country is for ALL Malaysians alike including the Chongs, the Kumars, the Xaviers, the Singhs & Kaurs etc who were born
    on the same day in the same hospital as me here in Malaysia.
    If we feel that WE (the Malays) deserve this country more than THEM , then WE (the Malays) should have shown them a long time ago that we deserve the ‘control all’ status.
    We have to earn it. The policies FAILED because the very concept of Malay rights or the NEP/DEB is like a double-edged sword. On one hand, it aims to eradicate wealth disparity but on the other, it has made the Malays oblivious of what reality is. Our (Malays) success is only reflected in the ‘perceived’ political power which today can collapse in a matter of minutes. I would also like to see my children succeed in their country, Malaysia, for reasons that true success should be based upon, which are merit and hard work and NOT because they are Malays or bumiputeras. For as long as the Malays don’t see this, there is very little point in fighting for Malay rights..
    It just makes us look more ridiculous. We have taken this notion of being privileged a bit too literally in that it now simply means we want this country and its fruits all for ourselves without accepting the responsibilities that come with it. I blame the MALAY politicians for this because we want to only fight the cause without strategising for the true substance and need of the cause.
    We have been given fish all the while without being taught how to fish.
    It’s funny how two different generations can be so diverse in their thinking and the recent elections proved just that. We are no longer concerned with racial problems but more so the never-ending Malay agenda issues. The rakyat has spoken and the landscape has drastically changed. Is this change welcomed? Is it good?
    The answer is ‘NO’.
    Because we, the Malays, have been caught with our pants down – we are not ready to compete on any level playing field (we can’t even compete on advantageous grounds!). Even with three or five more continuing policies for Malay rights or bumiputera privileges over the next 50 years, we will still be in exactly the same position as we are in today.
    The truth hurts and the truth will always prevail.
    And the truth of what’s to come will NOT go away.
    I am cynical perhaps because I feel that Malay rights is NOT relevant anymore.
    The right to be safe, to be treated fairly, to have a world-class healthcare and education,
    to enjoy equal prosperity, to have good governance, to live in a clean environment and
    to be war-free is what I want for my Malaysia.
    NOT for MY race to be artificially powerful.
    If we want the Malays to fail, then by all means continue the fight for Malay rights.
    Go and polish your keris.
    In recent months we have seen the Syariah Courts allowing quite a few Malays to
    exercise their rights to a third or fourth wife. Fair, the guy may be able to provide
    for the financial & conjugal needs of his wives. However, question here is when
    he has a dozen kids, will he be able to provide a decent education and life to his
    kids or will he demand for his ‘Rights’ for subsidy and aid and be a burden to the
    govt and society.

  86. Dear Tun,
    Act now before its late. Perhaps the Kings or the military should do something tell this Pak Dollah to step down gracefully and they appoint a senior statesman. All should know who I mean Chedet lah. Let him repair all the damages done.It was he who made this mistake so he should be answerable for it. He should then hand over to somebody else, but remember he should still be in parliament as a goalkeeper.Look from behind what his players are doing so that he can guide them from behind.Yes correct, ini bukan chobaan ini betol-betol.Jangan sampai negri kena jual
    Mohd. Yunos

  87. kadang-kala, ternyata adanya perbezaan dari segi pemikiran orang melayu dengan bukan melayu …
    dari komen-komen yg dipaparkan disini, nampaknya orang melayu mudah dipengaruhi oleh hujah-hujah tokoh politik … minda mereka lebih tulen sekiranya dibandingkan dengan kaum lain … sekiranya terdapat pemimpin yg betul-betul iklas untuk membantu mereka, kejayaan pasti dapat dicapai … namun sekiranya terdapat pemimpin yg berniat jahat, habislah masa hadapan orang melayu …
    cuba renungkanlah apakah yg dikatakan perbezaan dari segi minda ini:
    (1) kebiasaannya dikatakan di malaysia ini, orang bukan melayu menguasai ekonomi negara ini. Dari jumlah 10 orang kaya di malaysia, 1 orang melayu dan 9 orang bukan melayu
    – tokoh politik melayu suka mengapi-apikan perkara ini dengan mengatakan orang bukan melayu merampas harta mereka. Macamlah mereka menggunakan senjata dan rompak
    – Kerana inilah perbagai maki-hamun, surat layang, jampi, sihir hitam, toyol … ada pula yg menggesa memboikotkan kedai-kedai orang bukan melayu … macam-macam pattern ada …
    – Kebiasaannya orang bukan melayu menilai orang kaya ini dari minda yg berlainan. Dengan rasa ghairah untuk mengetahui apakan petua mereka ini berjaya …
    – Sekiranya meneliti latar belakang orang yg berjaya ini, semuanya terdiri daripada pendatang yg berselipar semasa sampai di tanah melayu dahulu. Tiada seorang pun yg berasal dari keluarga kaya secara SEMULAJADI
    – Dan ternyata sekali, petua hanyalah satu perkataan -> USAHA
    (2) Kaum bukan melayu lebih condong kepada pemikiran sendiri, tanpa mengikuti ulasan ahli politik secara membuta. Malah orang melayu lebih condong dengan mengikut apa sahaja yg dihujah oleh tokoh-tokoh politik
    – Sekiranya orang melayu mempunyai pemimpin yg ikhlas, nasib baiklah dan dapat mengecapi kejayaan. Tapi kalau mempunyai pemimpin yg berniat jahat, habislah tiada masa hadapan, kerana terikut-ikut sangat dengan pemimpin mereka
    Bagi orang bukan melayu, mereka menyoal dengan kontrak sosial kerana hanya satu sebab -> perkara ini dimain-mainkan oleh ahli politik terutamanya pemimpin melayu, dan bukannya dengan niat untuk mencabar …
    Cuba renungkan apakah masalahnya …
    (1) Sekiranya dasar pro-bumi yg telah dilaksakan selama sekian lama (lebih 20 tahun), masih tidak membawa hasil, mestilah ada sebabnya (2) Semasa orang melayu tidak puas hati kerana mereka miskin, tanpa berfikirkan mengapa mereka miskin, tetapi lebih cenderung untuk mengecam orang lain kerana mereka lebih kaya … dah tabiat ini disebabkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yg cuba mengapi-apikan semangat melayu demi mendapat sokongan politik
    Yang ternyata apa berlaku di negara ini adalah seperti berikut (yg menjadi sebab mengapa kontrak sosial disoalkan):
    (1) Pemimpin melayu yg tidak bertanggungjawab mempermainkan bangsa sendiri demi mengaut kekayaan
    (2) Adanya dasar-dasar yg pro-bumi secara sistematik, memberikan laluan kepada golongan ini tanpa sebarang persoalan
    (3) Kontrak kerajaan diberikan kepada bumiputera, tapi hanya kepada golongan ini sahaja. Bukannya kepada bumiputera yg sanggup berusaha dengan tekun
    (4) Kerana golongan ini tiada kepakaraan, maka kontrak yg didapati ini akan diberikan kepada sub-kontraktor. Dan sub-kontraktor ini biasanya kawan mereka yg tiada juga kepakaraan, dengan ini wujudlah sub-sub kontraktor dan sub-sub-sub xxxx …
    (5) Semua kontraktor ini mengaut keuntungan dengan perhubungan kepada golongan pemimpin ini yg tidak bertanggungjawab, dengan meninggikan kos perbelanjaaan .. hakikatnya projek-projek yg bernilai 1 juta menjadi 3 juta …
    (6) Keranalah peningkatan kos project kerajaan ini (secara umumnya untuk keperluan awam), maka rakyat jelita yg perlu menampung perbelanjaan ini sendiri .. hakikatnya, tamparan kos perbelanjaan dirasai oleh golongan miskin terutamanya orang melayu …
    (7) Apa yg menjijikan pada pandangan orang bukan melayu, adalah sikap pemimpin ini yg tidak bertanggungjawab. Selepas mengaut keuntungan yg besar ini, mereka pula mengapi-apikan semnagat orang melayu yg miskin dengan ulasan kononnya kaum bukan melayu yg merampas harta mereka, yg menyebabkan mereka miskin … hairannya orang melayu mudah percaya kepada golongan pemimpin ini (macamlah dikenakan jampi) … dan tidak pula renung isu ini dan mermerhatikan golongan pemimpin ini semuanya kaya-raya .. dimanakah wang mereka diperolehi? Dan siapakah yg merompak orang melayu miskin sebenarnya?
    Orang bukan melayu sedih kerana perkara ini berleluasa di negara ini … dasar pro-bumi yg sebenarnya diperlukan untuk membantu orang melayu yg miskin … tidak dapat dinikmati oleh golongan miskin, tetapi dirompak oleh pemimpin-pemimpin mereka sendiri (yg dikatakan berjuang untuk bangsa, agama dan negara -> kononya) …
    Dah 50 tahun kamu ditipu, sampai bilakah kamu mahu ditipu lagi? Sekiranya dasar itu dilaksanakan dengan betul, 20 tahun sudah dapat hasilnya …

  88. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Wishing you well and with good health!
    First and foremost, I thank you for creating this channel (I’ve been long waiting for something like this from you, Tun….to allow “us” to be “near” you…. to listen, think and analyse your thoughts/opinions, etc as well as to confine in you… at least by someone like me….who believes in you).
    This social contract issues have really pressing me to utilise this medium to communicate to at least someone I know would care very much of bangsa MELAYU. I have to admit, before this (current issue) I have the attidude of “sikap tidak ambil peduli” when our rights, etc been questioned by other races and other issues relating to races. As time goes by, many incidents happenned on our beloved land that demonstrated we are giving in a little bit of everything (indirectly)….and sedikit-sedikit our Malay leaders have to apologise. That is at political front. At personal level too, I experience the same…also indirectly…(as “this people” is very smart, but they will try very hard…)…where possible to pin down Malays particularly when they are working in Malay majority company. All this becomes more obvious with what is happening now (then, I realise what fool I was as I cannot see all this before i.e. the way they make use of you and even capitalise on your capability/capacity, etc). What I worry most is what going to happen to our future generation??….sons, daughthers, grandchildren??? Will they be independent on our own land…tanah tumpah darahku?????? As the results of this concern, I can no longer live with my “sikap tidak ambil peduli” anymore. I need to fall back badly on my people and my leader!!!!
    Dear Tun, please tell us (me) what to do to ensure that one day we are not fugitive on our own land?? Sorry to express this way (hope Tun doesn’t feel offended)…that we are very much lucky to still have you around….and that is why we can see you make an unexpected come back (this way)..but, what happenned when you are no longer with us?? (I’ll pray Allah cucurkan rahmat and kesihatan yang baik ke atas Tun and wife). Who going to be radical enough about all this?? Other races afraid of you (at the same time respect you…for your wisdom….proven..that’s why people always want to listen to what you have to say :):)), but we need more leaders that can protect our bangsa’s interest! So what can we contribute, whilst at the political front the politicians try to manage and deal with the situations (and hopefully, no more compromy). We need to register back in “their” minds not to questioned some rights and previlage allocated to the Bumiputera particularly Malays (relevant to current issues), but how are we going about it?? What being emphasised lately via newspapers, to me was merely stressing out the fact, but this people actually know about the fact, indeed very well. So, how to ensure that this rights & previlage issues would be the last (ever) things they have in mind to challenge?? e.g Peristiwa 13 May (I know it was bloody and tragic), on the other hand, greatful to this incident as I think this it actually holds prima facie to some of their reservations to question to much at one time.

  89. Tun, is this only your own opinion? You are the one who rejects the social contract, not the MAJORITY of the liberal and educated young Malays. Please don’t try to speak on their behalf in trying to further your own agenda. Please don’t stir up racial sentiments by using the names of the young Malays. Why can’t you just write that you yourself think that the social contract should not be adhered to? Why drag the young Malays into this? What makes you think that you can speak on behalf of the MAJORITY young Malays? Is this really what they think? NO, this is only what you think they’re thinking and you could be wrong.

  90. Dear Tun,
    I didnt get it the 1st time when u had to leave UMNO,but thank god U’re back. Now is the time we,UMNO loyalist needed u the most. I m disturbed with the current events that has plague the country lately. The threat of a takeover,racial tension, are becoming a dangerous uncertainty of late. I m disturbed to see the malay power being reduced to pieces and the fact that the so called “Malay professionals” wanting to give up their rights so easily….Whre is their loyalty to their own kind?Is it wrong for us,the malays to take care of our own kind?these days,whenever any of the malay leaders spoke about the malays and their rights,we are being labbeled as racist,but what about the comments coming from other races,for instance MP for Batu Gajah,Mp for Ipoh Timur and HINDRAF?Their actions cannot be defined as racist is it?And there is DSAI….i fought against u in 1998,believing in DSAI at that time…how i was wrong to go against u my dear Tun…DSAI to me is a traitor to the malay race…he is what they say as”cakap tak serupa bikin”. I did remember the time when DSAI brought up the matter of cronism,then u hit back by posting all of DSAI’s cronies on the at PWTC…that tun,was a nice touch. DSAI is a man on a mission,to be PM at all cost…even when he has to give his soul to the jews….is that the kind of a man u would want to be u’re PM…hell no…
    Anyway Tun…Im really glad u’re back… they say”kick some butt” during the coming UMNO election,lets remove the ignorant PM once and for all..and lets restore the malay’s sovereignity in our own land.
    Selamat Hari Raya Tun, May ALLAH bless u and u’re family…

  91. Kontrak sosial ini dinikmati oleh semua. Tak kira apa latarbelakang, agama dan bangsa di Malaysia. Jangan tipu anda tak merasa.
    DEB memberi peluang SAMARATA kepada yang daif bersaing secara sihat. Peribumi baik Melayu, Orang Asli, Kadazan, Iban dan lain-lain dapat bersaing dengan semua bangsa lain secara adil. Tidak ketinggalan orang India di Malaysia juga diberi peluang untuk bersaing dengan adil dengan adanya kuota untuk mereka. Malangnya mereka ini senada dengan chauvinist Cina yang meminta dimansuhkan DEB tanpa mengetahui kesannya kepada mereka sendiri.
    Jika semua kaum di Malaysia ini faham akan peranan dan kebaikan DEB, sudah tentu mereka tidak cakap banyak lagi. Malangnya mereka ini tidak faham sejarah dan tidak hormat akan perlembagaan Malaysia. Apakah mereka ini sepatutnya digelar rakyat Malaysia ?

  92. Chinese are racist. Malay with engineering diploma RM1000 per month,
    Chinese with SPM RM1500 + OT. That is a common scenario in Chinese construction company. Melayu UMNO dont care becoz they are too busy making for themselves

  93. These so called minority young Malay professionals are mainly those coming from rich family following western lifestyles. They never knew what hardship is. That’s why they forgot that the NEP has helped them in a way. Even though they might not benefit directly from the NEP, their parents or their grandparents might have. They also forgot how NEP really started and the history of Tanah Melayu and Malaysia.
    BTW, to those who don’t even know what’s going on with our education system, there’s not such thing as “Malay School” or “Sekolah Melayu” in Malaysia. The original Malay School prior to Merdeka did exist but the Malays were extremely generous as to give up Malay School to share with the rest. Thus, the National School or Sekolah Kebangsaan. But, do the Chinese and Indians give up their schools to be true and real Malaysians ? You tell me!

  94. I have become addicted to Tun Mahathirs blog, I find the many replies and posts on this site to be very interesting.It enables me to see the thoughts and views of so many of my fellow malaysians, It makes me proud to be a Malaysian when i see evidence that we have the ability to see thru the smokescreens of politicians and that more of us are rejecting their lies for the truth…
    I am also of the opinion that not discussing ‘sensitive’ issues is not the right way to address these issues, where we are actually “sweeping our dirt under the rug” and pretending that these problems don’t exist.
    The mark of a mature society is one that is able to discuss anything and find acceptable solutions to all parties. & I think that after 50 yrs of independence we should be able to do so..
    with regards to the social contract,
    “There is no such thing as a racial “right” to be given special treatment. And that is not me being argumentative, it’s the Constitution. You won’t find “Malay rights” in the supreme law of our land, instead, you will find terms such as “special position” of Malays. The difference is more than semantics. A right implies something inalienable. A privilege on the other hand is a benefit, presumably given to those who need it.” – Social Contract (Malaysia).
    The privileges were originally meant as a helping hand for the malay people and meant to be eliminated when it’s target was achieved. However certain politicians saw fit to replace the term “privileges” with “rights”, & hence the term “ketuanan Melayu” was born. a notion not very different to the Nazi philosophy of a master race.
    Now it is obvious that the racial policies have failed but greedy politicians still harp on these issues to garner more support from their communities.
    An obsolete agreement which was meant to be reviewed after 15 years was redefined despite it’s obvious shortcomings.
    Has the “social contract” really benefited The Malay People?
    Instead it has only benefited a few select malays.
    For all this talk about the “suffering” malay people in Singapore, not a single one of them would give up their Singaporean Citizenship and come back to Malaysia,& the fact is there are many succesful malays in singapore in relation to their population, ie minority. If a similar meritocratic system were to be applied here, I am sure there would be many deserving succesful Malays here, simply because they are the majority.
    The non- malay people will not be able to displace the malay people…we want only to be treated fairly, we believe that our malay brothers and sisters have the ability to stand on their own strengths and compete without a helping hand…That help,assistance and oppurtunity should be given to all deserving Malaysians irrespective of race or religion.

    Anakanda tumpang lalu.
    To masceyus and others who said that Tun Dr.Mahatir was a big
    liar just because of the rumours that he’s joining UMNO again.
    I quote from what Al marhum Tunku Abdul Rahman said in his book “VIEWPOINTS” on chapter Eleven -topic-Political Partnerships.
    The burden that Tun has to shoulder is so great and so serious
    concerning a NATION AND IT’S PEOPLE and not just a small country
    and even the HARDCORE POLITICIANS could not bear to shoulder it
    what more of we the moderate people.
    We can only talk,critize and some even gone to the extent of INSULTING the GREAT STATESMAN.

  96. Salam Tun,
    Setiap kali kenyataan berbaur perkauman dikeluarkan akan disusuli dengan kontrak sosial. Tetapi adakah semua orang faham tentang kontrak sosial???
    Saya berpendapat sistem pendidikan negara haruslah dibaikpulih dengan segera. Satu sistem persekolahan haruslah diperkenalkan. Hanya sekolah kebangsaan perlu diwujudkan tetapi kelas bahasa ketiga turut ditawarkan. Melalui cara ini tiga bangsa yang berbeza dapat bercampur gaul dan bersahabat tanpa mengira batasan warna kulit, keturunan dan agama. Bahasa Cina dan Tamil atau Arab diperkenalkan sebagai bahasa ketiga. Satu bahasa iaitu bahasa kebangsaan digunakan sebagai bahasa penghantar. Bahasa Inggeris turut diperkasakan dari awal. Guru bahasa yang diambil kerajaan mesti betul-betul terlatih dan fasih dalam sesuatu bahasa. Hanya melalui pendidikan generasi akan datang boleh berinteraksi sesama rakyat Malaysia tanpa prasangka.

  97. Bila baca komen2 yg byk2 ni ,ada yg sebenarnya tak faham mengapa ada ‘social contract’ dan kenapa tak BOLEH ada ‘racial tension’
    .maka yg berkenaan patutlah study balik dan faham betul rukun negara MALAYSIA ni.
    Rukun Negara
    Rukun Negara adalah ideologi kebangsaan Malaysia. Ia telah dibentuk pada 31
    Ogos 1970 iaitu setahun selepas berlakunya tragedi 13 Mei 1969 yang
    menghancurkan perpaduan dan ketenteraman negara.
    Maka kami rakyat Malaysia berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan
    usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan atas prinsip-prinsip
    yang berikut
    Prinsip Rukun Negara
    • Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
    • Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara
    • Keluhuran Perlembagaan
    • Kedaulatan Undang-undang
    • Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan
    Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
    Bangsa dan Negara ini telah diwujudkan atas kepercayaan yang kukuh kepada
    Tuhan. Melalui kepercayaan beragama inilah akan menjadikan bangsa dan
    negara ini sebagai satu bangsa dan negara yang berdaulat.
    Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan bahawa Islam ialah agama rasmi
    Persekutuan, tetapi agama dan kepercayaan-kepercayaan lain boleh diamalkan
    dengan aman dan tenteram di mana-mana bahagian di dalam Persekutuan dan
    tindakan membeza-bezakan terhadap seseorang warganegara atas alasan
    agama adalah dilarang sama sekali.
    Jawatankuasa penggubal Rukun Negara menyedari akan pentingnya agama dan
    kepercayaan kepada Tuhan dalam kehidupan manusia. Ketiadaan agama boleh
    meruntuhkan keperibadian seseorang dan juga sesuatu bangsa dan negara.
    Menyedari betapa pentingnya keteguhan pegangan anggota masyarakat
    terhadap ajaran agama masing-masing, prinsip ini telah dipilih sebagai prinsip
    pertama dalam Rukun Negara.
    Kesetiaan Kepada Raja dan Negara
    Malaysia mengamalkan Sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen dan Raja
    Berpelembagaan dengan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong sebagai
    Ketua Negara. Selaras dengan kedudukan Yang di-Pertuan Agong sebagai Raja
    mengikut Perlembagaan, sistem beraja juga diamalkan di setiap negeri, dan
    Yang Di-Pertua Negeri bagi negeri-negeri yang tidak beraja. Seri Paduka
    Baginda, Raja-Raja dan Yang Di-Pertua Negeri adalah merupakan lambang
    perpaduan rakyat.
    Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara bermaksud, bahawa setiap warganegara
    hendaklah menumpukan sepenuh taat setia, jujur dan ikhlas kepada Seri Paduka
    Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Di peringkat negeri pula, rakyat dikehendaki
    menumpukan taat setia kepada raja yang memerintah negeri tempat mereka
    bermastautin tanpa mengurangkan taat setia kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
    Keluhuran Perlembagaan
    Prinsip ini menekan perlunya rakyat menerima, mematuhi dan
    mempertahankankeluhuran atau kemuliaan Perlembagaan Negara.
    Perlembagaan Negara adalah sumber perundangan yang tertinggi. Fungsinya
    untuk memberi perlindungan kepada setiap rakyat negara ini akan hak dan
    keistimewaan mereka sebagai warganegara. Setiap warga negara Malaysia
    dikehendaki menghormati, menghargai, serta memahami maksud dan
    kandungan serta latar belakang sejarah pembentukan Perlembagaan Negara.
    Perlembagaan Negara telah digubal berasaskan kesepakatan semua kaum dan
    semu pihak di negara ini. Dengan demikian ia merupakan satu kontrak sosial
    rakyat yang tidak boleh dipersoalkan dan diganggu gugat oleh mana-mana
    individu atau mana-mana pihak. Perlembagaan Malaysia menentukan pola politik
    dan kedudukan sosio-ekonomi rakyat di negara ini. Ia adalah sumber rujukan
    bagi segala hal yang berkaitan denga sistem pemerintahan, perundangan,
    kedudukan dan hak sosio-ekonomi rakyat.
    Kedaulatan Undang-Undang
    Keadilan diasaskan atas kedaulatan undang-undang di mana setiap rakyat sama
    tarafnya di sisi undang-undang negara. Kebebasan asasi terjamin bagi semua
    warganegara Malaysia. Undang-undang negara berasaskan kepada
    Perlembagaan. Oleh itu kedaulatannya perlu diterima dan dipertahankan. Tanpa
    undang-undang, hidup bermasyarakat dan bernegara tidak aman dan stabil.
    Oleh itu undang-undang negara dijamin pula oleh institusi kehakiman yang
    bebas dan berwibawa.
    Setiap negara memerlukan undang-undang untuk mengawal dan mewujudkan
    satu masyarakat yang aman, stabil dan makmur. Kewujudan undang-undang
    akan menjamin kehidupan anggota masyarakat dapa bergerak dengan licin dan
    teratur tanpa sebarang kekacauan, di mana semua anggota masyarakat akan
    merasas selamat. Hak-hak semua rakyat boleh diamalkan dengan bebas
    asalkan tidak melanggar undang-undang serta perkara-perkara sebagaimana
    yang dijamin oleh Perlembagaan Negara. Hak-hak dari kebebasan yang dijamin
    oleh Perlembagaan itu tidaklah termasuk hak menggulingkan kerajaan sama ada
    dengan kekerasan atau dengan cara-cara yang tidak menurut Perlembagaan.
    Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan
    Prinsip ke lima ini menekankan perkembangan personaliti dan tingkah laku
    seseorang rakyat. Tujuannya ialah untuk membentuk warga negara yang
    bersopan santun dan bersusila selaras dengan kempen Budi Bahasa dan Nilai
    Murni yang dijalankan sekarang. Sifat individu yang bersopan santun dan
    bersusila adalah paling bermakna dan amat penting dalam konteks perhubungan
    antara satu sama lain dalam masyarakat pelbagai kaum di negara ini.
    Sikap bersopan santun dan bersusila patut diamalkan bagi membentuk
    seseorang individu dan masyarakat yang berdisiplin serta bermoral tinggi yang
    akan membantu mewujudkan sebuah masyarakat yang harmoni. Tatasusila ini
    membenci dan mengutuk tingkah laku atau perbuatan yang angkuh atau
    menyinggung perasaan seseorang atau sesuatu golongan. Tingkah laku sopan
    juga mengandungi suatu darjah kesusilaan yang tinggi dalam kedua-dua
    kehidupan persendirian dan kehidupan bernegara. Prinsip ini menjadi panduan
    supaya perilaku masyarakat sentiasa terpelihara dan berkembang sesuai
    dengan keperibadian bangsa dan nilai-nilai murni.

  98. Dear Tun,
    Since you mentioned Tengku Abdul Rahman, I would like to inform you and others that I have heard many negatvie comments about him since the 1960’s amongst the Malay communities in Geylang Serai, Singapore. However many Singaporean Chinese praise him. Wonder Why?
    Thanks, Selamat Menyambut Idilfitri!

  99. Aslmkm YABhg. Tun,
    Begitu ramai sekali yang post comment kepada isu yang dibawa Tun kali ini. Semuanya menyokong, adalah seorang dua yang tidak berani bersetuju, mungkin kerana mereka kurang faham, ataupun memang menjalankan tugas untuk membantah dan menidakkan apa sahaja yang Tun suarakan melalui blog Tun.
    Di Negeri Sembilan, orang-orang Cina telah menolak parti Gerakan dan MCA kerana termakan hasutan Lim Kit Siang bahawa mengundi Gerakan atau MCA samalah seperti mengundi UMNO. Sebab itu, di Parlimen Seremban BN kalah peringkat Parlimen dan juga semua Dewan Undangan Negeri. Tidakkah ini bukti bahawa orang-orang Cina, walaupun tinggal di bandar adalah racist.
    Orang-orang India pula mengundi mengikut sentimen yang di bawa oleh HINDRAF. Tidakkah ini juga bukti bahawa orang-orang India juga racist.
    Jadi siapa yang hendak kepada perpaduan? Orang-orang Melayu sekarang sedar cara Pak Lah, iaitu meminta maaf dan mengalah tidak diambil “pot” (bak kata orang Negeri Sembilan) oleh bangsa-bangsa asing. Jadi tidakkah wajar Melayu juga menjadi racist.

  100. Salam untuk Tun Dr Mahathir yang saya segani.
    I guess it’s time to change and action to be taken.
    The leader that UMNO have right now seems to be so weak and that’s why all those jokers out there taking Ahmad Badawi’s kindness as his weakness.Kita orang melayu feels that bangsa dan ugama kita diperlekehkan oleh kaum2 yang asal nya mendatang.Namun setelah diberikan tempat tinggal untuk hidup aman dan damai, tak sekali pun mereka pertimbangkan kebaikan kita sebagai penduduk asli di tanah melayu.Cuba kita fikirkan,siapa yg besusah payah untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan dari orang putih.Adakah bangsa2 lain memperjuangkan tanah barakah ini selain dari orang2 yang dipanggil melayu?
    Waktu itu dimana Gopal,Ah Seng,Johnson dan sebagai nya.Yang ada Mohd ini,Abdul ini,Karim,Osman dan sebagai nya.Mengapa sekarang baru mereka nak menuntut hak sama rata……..apakah mereka dah lupa diri mereka sendiri dari mana datang datuk nenek mereka?Seharus nya mereka mencermin diri mereka sendiri sebelum menuntut hak dari orang yang memiliki tanah melayu ini.Tanah melayu adalah warisan dari keturunan datuk nenek kita dan wajib bagi kita mempertahankan nya maka betul lah nama tanah itu Malaysia.Here clearly mention Malay in Asia… I right?
    So there is no question of hak sama rata disini.
    The only generation that will be legally own Malaysia or Tanah Melayu are purely Malays and their descendants.
    Hidup Malaysia……..Hidup Melayu……Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir Mohd.
    Bersama2 kita mempertahankan tanah datuk nenek kita.

  101. “Dato Seri Abdullah has tried to placate everyone. He has given one billion Ringgit here, one billion Ringgit there; … But no one believes him because the promises and fund allocations have not materialised. The fact is that nobody believes him or trusts him.”
    I believe the word is everyone knows he cant do anything as he has no control on anything. In fact we doubt he really comprehends the criticalness of the situation.

  102. Selamat pagi Tun ,isteri dan semua yang membacanya.Benarkah Tun telah menyertai umno semula atau ini hanya gimik sahaja.Kalau benar ,alhamdullilah.Mudah2an niat Tun yang baik itu akan diberkati ALLAH.Bagaimanakah sambutan orang2 umno agaknya,terutama tali barut badawi tu.Semoga penyertaan Tun akan memudahkan dalam menangani masalah yang dihadapi oleh arena politik MALAYSIA sekarang ini.
    Apa2 pun Tun kena lebih berhati2 dengan orang sekeliling didalam umno,kebanyakkan macam TALAM DUA MUKA.Mungkin Tun sudah dapat mengenali orang2 ini.Serta anwar yang sentiasa menunggu masa dan akan membuat pelbagai helah untuk berkuasa.Jangan sampai pisang berbuah dua kali TUN’.Apa yang dilakukan oleh Tunku itu dah lama berlalu,apa yang kita dapat lakukan sekarang jangan perkara yang sama berulang kembali.Terutama zaman sekarang yang lebih bersifat materialistik dan gila dengan kuasa yang belum pasti dapat memikul tanggungjawap.Tetapi menjahanamkan negara saja.Apa yang akan Tun lakukan andai diberi kuasa ?Kalau diberi kuasa ,saya akan hantar semua penentang kenegara masing2 dan akan menghapuskan subsidi2 yang buat orang2 melayu malas dan mengada2..para pendatang tanpa izin juga di kenakan hukuman yang berat seperti sebatan dan penjara mengikut lamanya mereka berada disini.Jika ada melakukan jenayah/ ada kes ditambah hukumannya seperti rompak /bunuh dimana boleh dikenakan hukuman mati.Ini dpt mengurangkan jenayah,bagi rakyat tempatan pula hukuman tetap sama.Setiap pelajar dikenakan yuran dan wang itu boleh membaiki kekurangaan yang ada disetiap sekolah terutama di kampung2.Para pegawai kerajaan yang amalkan rasuah dihukum dengan adil tanpa mengira pangkat kalau boleh tendang saja,tak boleh simpan.Macam orang hisap dadah,mereka ini dah liat nak kikis amalan itu.Setiap pesalah dari mereka mesti disiarkan dimediamasa agar beri pengajaran pada yang lain.Tak perlu bagi subsudi pada pegawai 2 kerajaan amnya,tetapi memberi mereka/anak2 mereka peluang menlanjutkan pelajaran didalam atau luar.Bagi sistem pentadbiran mesti di selaraskan.Terutama sistem keselamatan negara spt polis,tentera dan sebagainya.Selalu disini banyak berlaku unsur2 rasuah atau p[unca penagih dadah/pendatang tanpa izin juga mat2 rempit in i.Kerana kebanyakkan dari mereka adalah dalangnya.Kita ambil orang luar yang benar2 layak bagi menangani kekurangan pekerja2 didalam semua sistem tanpa perlu beri kerakyatan tetapi permit kerja dengan tempat tinggal disediakan tak perlu banglo tetapi selesa serta pengangkutan ulangalik yang tersedia dengan pemantauan yang tegas.Serta pegawai2 kerajaan yang dihantar bagi memantau diberi gaji tinggi ,tempat tinggal serta kemudahan yang mereka tak nperlu menerima sogokan dari luar.Dunia hiburan mestilah mempun yai garisan tertentu serta ada pantauan dari sudut agama atau yang tidak menjejaskan moral pemuda/pemudi sekarang darisegi akhlak terutamanya,barulah lahir muda/mudi yang berjaya juga berakhlak baik.Kurangkan cuti2,kerana kita sudah terlambat dari matlamat asal.OHHHH……………… MASIH BANYAK LAGI.TUN TENTU LEBIH TAHU.semoga Tun tak jelak mermbacanya. sekian wassalam…………………………….

  103. Well said Salleh. You can have my blood anytime because you will not see the colour.
    I was having lunch yesterday with my Gen Y Chinese colleaques when I threw them the question, “If the Malays agree to end this Bumiputra prefential thing, will they agree to end the vernacular schooling system. The answer was a resounding “YES, so long as Mandarin is taught as a subject”
    Enough of looking back, lets move forward by setting datelines. No point regressing into the what’s in the social contract, constitution rights and good old P Ramlee days.
    We are we squabbling if not for our children. Do you know what these Gen Ys want in life. Google and learn. They breathe and live in the cyber world with mobile phines, facebook, internet, ICT and digital age. They don’t give a shit over what most of us are doing.
    So what sort of Structure, Systems and Culture are we promoting Malaysia among our children? Governance through “Institutionalised race disrimination”? Ask this question objectively and constructively?. You reap what you sow. What can you expect?. Do we provide a healthy and vibrant platform for them to development and thrive?. Look around and see the oxymorons. We want to be treated as Malaysians yet do the opposite. What can you expect?. More love for the nation or hatred.
    Instead of blaming and findings excuses, why can’t we work towards win-win solutions for a united and strong Malaysia, starting with correctly our fundamental idealogies and beliefs. Let me start the ball rolling here in proposing some strategic initiatives towards the creation of a United Malaysian Race. Others can join in to add on, but strictly no single race.
    1. Review the current “Bumiputra based” Affirmative Action and replace it with that which addresses economic deprivation and poverty.
    2. Review and replace vernacular schooling with national schooling through intergation.
    3. Free education up to university. strive for Zero illiteracy, making it legally mandatory for children to recieve education up to Form 5.
    It can be a start, it we are willing to try. Collaboration is far more better than compromise. The way to it is to first “SEE and FEEL” in our everyday minds and hearts, as Malaysians.
    I hope YAB Tun will take up this challenge of exploring worthwhile ideas that have not been given a chance. Throw them to the various races and see how they respond. Then you will know how many are true racist under the skin.
    One Malaysian is far greater than each race acting alone. Think over it.

  104. A’Kum Tun,
    Since 1998, I was one of your vocal critics and not until recently I realized that you are the right man to lead the Malaysian multi-racial society into peace, harmony and prosperity. So I hope you’ll be back to take over the UMNO top post and the PM of Malaysia as well to put the current chaotic situation in order. If not as a PM you can also contribute by becoming our country’s senior advisor. Tun,please act fast before it’s too late. The current Flip-Flop and the so called Hip-Hop must be stopped at once since they only create uncertainty and instability

  105. Assalamualikum Tun, warga UMNO dan warga Melayu/Bumiputra
    Cadangan bagi memperkukuhkan UMNO.
    1. Sesiapa yg memegang jawatan dlm UMNO pada peringkat Bahagian atau Cawangan tidak dijanjikan sebarang projek atau dana.
    i)Keadaan sekarang, ramai yg berebut pelbagai jawatan didalam UMNO kerana bukan bertujuan berkhidmat untuk bangsa tetapi lebih kepada kepentingan sendiri.
    ii)Bayangkan yang sudah BERADA masih tamak dan rakus untuk menambah kekayaan demi diri sendiri, keluarga atau sahabat handai.
    iii)Kerana mereka tahu jika berjawatan di dalam UMNO sudah tentu ada habuan.
    iv)Maka banyaklah dana atau projek disalurkan melalui ketua-ketua ini dan malangnya ketua-ketua ini akan sapu sebahagian besar untuk diri mereka yang betulbetul sampai ke rakyat sasar hanyalah hampas.
    i)Barulah sesiapa yang bertanding betul-betul pejuang rakyat yang TULIN.
    ii)Kalau tidak mereka ini akan menggunakan segala kaedah seperti POLITIK WANG untuk mendapatkan jawatan kerana habuan WANG juga menanti mereka.
    i)Mungkinkah kerana perkara tersebut di atas yang membuatkan mereka beriya-iya sangat merebut jawatan.
    ii)Padahal jawatan dalam UMNO tiada ganjaran atau upah seperti kita bekerja dengan kerajaan atau swasta.
    iii)Tapi mereka nak juga jawatan itu.
    2. Hapuskan Kuota pemilihan di semua peringkat.
    LATARBELAKANG: Untuk bertanding, calon mestilah mendapat percalonan yang mencukupi untuk jawatan tertentu.
    i)Calon akan cuba jalan singkat untuk mendapatkan kouta tersebut dengan pelbagai cara.
    ii)Jalan singkat yang menjadi amalan adalah POLITIK WANG.
    iii)Ahli-ahli akan ada banyak pilihan mereka.
    iv)Jika dikatakan calon yang ‘tidak berpengaruh’ atau ‘tiada nama’ yang tiba-tiba mencalonkan diri akan membuang masa pemilihan adalah tidak tepat.
    v)Orang yang menawar diri (yang disebut tadi) untuk bertanding bukanlah calang-calang orang seperti yang dicalonkan.
    vi)Mereka ini berani dalam erti kata memikul tanggungjawab nanti. viii)Jadi jangan memperlekehkan mereka.
    ix)Bukalah peluang begini.
    x)Jika tidak mereka yang ‘Popular’ sahaja yang akan mendapat kouta.
    i) Mengapa sistem kouta ini masih dilaksanakan pada masa kini.
    ii) Ianya mungkin sesuai pada masa lampau kerana suasana politik masa tersebut tetapi suasana politik semasa tidak memerlukan sistem ini lagi.
    3. Setiap calon yang bertanding perlulah mengemukakan MANIFESTO atau PERANCANGAN PEMBAHARUAN secara bertulis (supaya boleh dirujuk kembali jika mereka berjawatan kelak)mereka samada di peringkat Bahagian atau Cawangan bagi meningkatkan lagi sosio-ekonomi masyarakat setempat.
    i) Kebanyakkan calon yang bertanding jawatan hanya menyerang secara peribadi, kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh penyandang jawatan.
    i)Maka berlakunya ceramah-ceramah politik yang berunsur fitnah, caci-mencaci, maki-hamun, memburuk-buruk dan yang lebih mudarat lagi, pendengar atau penyokong bersama-sama mengiyakan apa yang dikatakan oleh penceramah.
    ii)Ini membawa kepada bersubahat.
    iii)Rakyat akan tahu apakah pembaharuan yang akan dibuat oleh calon tersebut.
    iv) Calon dari masyarakat setempat lebih maklum akan pembaharuan yang perlu bagi tempatnya berbanding orang dari tempat lain.
    i) Mengapa apabila penceramah ‘politik’ menceritakan keburukan orang lain, ramai yang suka, mengiyakan, bertepuk-tepuk tangan dan menyebut kalimah suci.
    ii) Mengapa masyarakat setempat menerima calon yang bukan dari masyarakat tempatan dan tidak bermukim di tempat mereka.
    4. Wujudkan Penilaian Prestasi Wakil Rakyat dan Jawatankuasa Bahagian dan Cawangan
    i) Pucuk pemimpin nyatakan ada sistem penilaian prestasi keatas wakil rakyat sahaja.
    ii) Entah apa yang dinilai, tidak diketahui umum(akar umbi)
    iii) Tidak dinyatakan tempoh penilaian tersebut dan tidak dinyatakan berapakah peratusan yang diperolehi oleh mereka yang dinilai tersebut di akhir suatu penilaian tersebut
    i)Perlu nayatakan apakah yang dinilai dan bagi tempoh tertentu
    ii) Yang dinilai perlu tahu apakah tahap prestasi mereka supaya mereka tidak rasa ‘syok sendiri’
    iii) Yang dinilai akan tahu arah tuju mereka bagi tempoh tertentu penilaian tersebut
    iv) Kemukakan Indek Prestasi supaya Yang Dinilai tahu tahap mereka dan berusaha meningkatkan prestasi mereka sebelum tamat tempoh penilaian
    i) Di dalam sektor kakitangan awam, ada Penilaian Prestasi Tahunan
    ii) Di dalam sektor swasta, ada target(kuantiti jualan/ perkhidmatan/ nilai jualan)
    iii) Di dalam sektor politik, siapa yang menilai siapa
    iv) Bukankah rakyat yang menilai, adakah penilaian tersebut semasa pilihanraya sahaja, tak adakah slot lain di antara tempoh sebelum pilihanraya
    5. Turun Padang selalu, berjadual dan bertempat yang sesuai
    i) Selalunya bila musim pilihanraya maka semua calon akan BERKERUMUN pergi ke tempat awam seperti pasar basah (yang busuk bau ikan, becak, kotor, percikan ayam yang dipotong dll), sebuah rumah orang tua, sebuah rumah orang paling daif, sekali naik kenderaan awam bersembang dengan seorang dua penumpang, dan tempat-tempat lain yang mereka selepas itu tak akan berkesempatan lagi selepas itu
    ii) Bergaya dengan kenderaan mewah, black suit, pengawal peribadi yang gagah dan tegas yang akan menyusahkan rakyat JELATA menghampiri meraka ini
    i) Rakyat JELATA boleh sampaikan MASALAH kepada wakil rakyat mereka yang mereka pilih dulu yang akan berkhidmat kepada masyarakat kerana jawatan pun WAKIL RAKYAT.
    ii) Saluran yang paling berkesan jika saluran melalui agensi kerajaan tidak berkesan
    iii) Letakkan papan kenyataan yang senang dilihat oleh masyarakat setempat akan waktu, tarikh dan tempat yang sesuai supaya rakyat boleh bersua dengan WAKIL mereka.
    iV) Jangan kerap hanya wakil politik, wakil peribadi kepada wakil rakyat kerana kekadang maklumat yang hendak disampaikan telah dahulu ditapis sebelum sampai, demi menjaga perasaan pihak tertentu
    v) Kalau maklumat A hendak disampaikan maka sampaikan A dan bukannya a kepada wakil rakyat.
    i) ‘Ada’ wakil-wakil rakyat yang tiada tempat rasmi(balai wakil rakyat) atau tidak rasmi(rumah sendiri agaknya) jadi macam namalah suara rakyat jelata ini hendak sampaikan permasalahan mereka, sebab itulah agaknya ada demonstrasi jalanan dan protes, sehingga tersiar dalam berita TV, sehingga dijemput pemberita popular untuk menyiarkan permasalahan mereka di TV
    ii) Adakah wakil rakyat ini tidak dimaklumkan, sengaja tidak dimaklumkan kerana susah hendak jumpa atau lambat bertindak dan bermacam-macam lagi atau.
    iii) Sibuk sangatkan yang dikatakan pemimpin rakyat ini, kalau tidak dijadualkan tugasan memang kita tidak akan ada masa untuk sesuatu perkara yang bukan keutamaan kita tetapi menjadi keutamaan kepada pihak lain.
    Sebenarnya sebagai rakyat biasa dan bukan pun akar umbi UMNO tetapi warga Melayu dan Rakyat Jelata ini memandang persekitaran semasa berdasarkan media-media yang ada, maka inilah hasil pengamatan dan pemerhatian yang saya perolehi. Saya tidak bergiat dalam arus politik negara. Jadi pengetahuan saya amatlah rendah terhadap aktiviti politik berbanding jika saya bergeluman dengan politik. Maka izinkan saya menggunakan saluran ini untuk meluahkan pandangan cetek saya ini disini.
    Demi Melayu
    Demi UMNO
    Demi Islam
    Demi Nusantara
    Nota: Mohon maaf jika tersinggung mana-mana pihak. Saya tidak menunding jari kepada mana-mana individu di dalam UMNO kerana saya tahu ada 4 lagi jari saya akan menunding ke arah saya. Jika perkara yang baik jadikan amalan, jika perkara mudarat jadikan iktibar.
    Selamat berjimat ketika berpuasa dan beraya.

  106. To bloggers,
    Some said that Tun, Ahmad Ismail, and many more Malays are pendatang to Tanah Melayu. And this people also said that Chinese, Indians (brought by British) etc. are also kaum pendatang. What is the difference? Well, the main difference between these “two pendatang”, is one has assimilate with local society but NOT THE OTHER. Pls think.

  107. For Dr Mahattir to work so hard on his thoughts about Malaysia he must be truly passionate about his beloved country. Salutes to the Tun.

  108. YAB Tun,
    Tun, I read your comments with anger and frustration to the point that I felt I have this heavy burden that cannot be removed from inside my chest!
    Dear Tun, most of us have known that Dato Seri Abdullah cannot handle a lot of things since he cancelled the bridge to Singapore. Every right thinking man knew that back then!! and yet he remained in office! in UMNO! ….
    The fact is, it is not due to the right thinking man who did not make their voices heard BUT UMNO leaders who knew BUT choose to not do anything about it…!!
    Any right thinking man in UMNO would have seen it coming if they are honest to themselves and sincerely think about the country’s future.
    Do they really worry about the country’s future my Dear Tun? Do they really worry about how my children will have to live if they let this person SCREW UP everything???
    Then what happen?…Just when you thought there is hope in reasonable voices…Dato Seri Abdullah still remained and came up with all ridiculous plans and excuses just to stay in power. It was clear he was only thinking for his own sake. AGAIN, DID ANY RIGHT THINKING MAN IN UMNO DID OR SAY ANYTHING? OF THE HUNDREDS OF THEM ONLY YOU AND MUKHRIZ SPOKE CLEARLY…THE REST??
    My Dear Tun, what is happening in the country now is a brewing from the DESPAIR the majority felt due to the above.
    Out intellectuals are the same – they dont focus on the issue. It is leadership….it is not about social contracts, NEP or Judiciary or what not. These so-called intellectuals or NGOs or whoever they call themselves are just people who can talk and seemed to know how to talk in an eloquent way. THE FACT IS, they are just like politicians abovementioned – they lack guts and not for a moment do they really care about what will happen for the country. They debate for the sake of debate simply because they cannot say the simple truth that MALAYSIA have a leadership crisis and we therefore need to replace DATO SER ABDULLAH AHMAD BADAWI A.S.A.P!!
    Leadership is a business of giving HOPE…and in this aspect DATO SERI ABDULLAH have failed and failed miserably. The fact that the right thinking leaders in UMNO CHOOSE NOT TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT have made his failures irreversible now…
    The people from all races love this country and now all this unnecessary bickering and debate is due to the DESPAIR that people feel. The people feel OUR LEADERS have failed US in recognizing the weakness in Dato Seri Abdullah. Dato Seri Abdullah can choose to be stubborn but IT IS THEY WHO ALLOWED HIM to be stubborn is at fault.
    I am not familiar with the workings of politics at all. I have never run for any positions…but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH MY DEAR TUN…
    You need to garner as many people who want change and MAKE IT HAPPEN!.
    Please Tun, I beg you again. I am just sick and frustrated in the spectacle shown by our leaders as if we cannot do anything to ask Dato Seri Abdullah.
    How can HE be MORE important than the nation!! How is this possible?????????????? How is it that this is allowed??
    As you mentioned we cannot allow this slide to continue further…but what can a person like me DO? other than hope and despair and vote. I will vote BN out if I have too IF that is the ONLY WAY TO RID THIS NATION OF A LEADER LIKE DS ABDULLAH.

  109. Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,

  110. Drama RTM
    Tajuk:Sirih pulang keGanggang.
    Mohideen: Tun joinlah balik UMNO.Kami perlukan buah pikiran TUN .
    KULI:Good idea!!saya sokong..kita buat team.
    TUN:saya akan pikirkan.Bagaimana penerimaan MT UMNO.
    Mohideen:dont!worry TUN..ini kehendak akar umbi.dulu tun keluar rela hati dan ada satu klouse tun bleh join pd bila bila masa.
    TUN:Bagaimana dgn Paklah.
    Mohideen: alah dulu budak Ezam yg kutuk UMNO tu bleh senang masuk tak kanlah dia nk tolak TUN.
    TUN:Ok tunggu dan lihat.
    satu hari lepas tu….
    Mohideen : Tun..ramai menteri,menteri besar&ketua mentri suka tun masuk UMNO tapi paklah TERKEJUT…..Najib membisu..

  111. Assalamualaikum Tun DR. M,
    Well ill just go straight to the point. Te notion of people spending a lot of time arguing with each other about these issues is due to state of mind that they are in now. In my opinion;
    1. we have a lot of free time not working hard enough to achieve the nation’s target to be a developed country (although some parties wont want it to happen) by the year 2020. Why is this a factor? Well there’s a lot of money dumped to individuals rather than corporations. Hance the government looses in taxes which leads to government projects being cut, and there’s no work. So now, no work means a lot of dissatisfaction, who to blame? The government, what issue to use? Racial related issues (the simplest! its natural talking about other people.. rite?). Its like “kedai Kopi” talk that has been blown out of proportion.
    2. DSAI- 1 person, says it all. why in the 1st place he was freed, i cannot say. But he thinks that he is innocent. What a joker. I would like to stress here that ” DSAI WAS NOT PROVEN INNOCENT BY ANY JUDGE OR COURT! INSTEAD HE WAS PARDONED “. In other words, we dont know weather the charges put to him was true or false. Ok enough of his convictions. Why is he a prominent factor in this particular discussion. Well i dont know weather we realize it or not, after he was freed, theres alot of racial related incidents, ie. HINDRAF, BAR council Public Forum about Islam, etc. Before that, theres no mention of these cases ever being brought to especially to the mass media. DSAI has a reputation of stirring up sentiments against people. When he was in the University he was stirring up unrest among students, the record shows clearlly who he is. I think thats why Tun braught DSAI into his cabinet, so that he can be controlled, can be atleast tamed, or atleast cannot stir up things/sentiments. “Keep your friends close, and your enemy closer”. I think that is the approach that Tun did to tame him. DSAI is not a tiger, or a mighty lion, he is just an annoying dog that barks alot, but hebarks not bcause he is brave, because he is scared! Poor little puppy.. (Mind my sentiments to DSAI, but i just get bloody annoyed by people like him)Talk about wanting to be the next PM too hard. I admire his ditermination, bt for Goe’s sake man! You dont have to rub it in! (Hadap!). If you ask me, ill put him in jail, and throw away the key. He is a snake, cloaked by a snake’s charmer’s skin.
    3. DSAAB- What else i can say about him other than the things that has been mentioned by Tun all this while. I will not go deeper. But im interested to point at the “i have no balls” policy, where by he cant even keep his Barisan together, let alone keep the diverse cultures together. That tells alot about the caracter of the person, plain and simple, he cant decide the best for the nation. Indecisive, we cant trust his decisions without thinking tomorrow he will change everything. His warnings are tame, feeble, people are not convinced at his warnings. If he were to put his foot down and decide, he would have been respected instead of being called feeble or weak. Is this indecisiveness that leads to people taking advantage at the most sensitive issues in Malaysia, racial issues.
    The main thing is the public (i use public not people cz for me, the term people/rakyat is for the Yang Dipertuan Agong to be used for Malaysians) shhould not be so caught up in these things. We have people that always raffels the fethers of the sensetive issues of racial nature. Its the job of the goverment exspecially our Mr. PM, to take stearn action againts these people. To hell what the US or Britain want to say about our human rights! They can say what ever they want. Its not that we never go againts them. Look where are we now! We gained soo much ground in terms of development, and its brought to a screeching halt. And all DSAAB can comment is, the infamous “i dunt know anything bout it??” or “we are developing!” yet the malaysians suffer.
    Im sorry Tun, my comments are not really spot on to the subject.
    The bottom line, it is these main factors that contributed not only for this subject, but many-many more problems.
    tq, for letting me speak out!
    Selamat Berpuasa Tun. I wish you all the best!

  112. i refer to tengku zedrin’s comment on :
    “assalamualaikum tun,
    saya adalah seorang pelajar form 5 from maktab sultan ismail@sultan ismail college(sic)…it seems like this racist issue now will threat our oppurtunities to further our studies later….my friends and i are afraid that the 13th may incident will be taking place again….if that happen,i am sure that malay students will be vanished from all education institutions…sorry to say that chinese and indians nowadays are brave enough to questioned malay rights,this thing is very obvious since you resigned from the post PM…..please tun,help malay students and please don’t let malay people be the ruffegees at their own soil….jagalah hak-hak kami sementara kami masih kecil tun…please..
    tengku zedrin petra”
    what are you so scared of? if you study well… then no one can stop you from going to university. first of all you should be layak to go university- bukan sekadar pass masuk universiti. cubalah layak kan diri dapat ijayah…you know why.. because if the quota helping you to go in uni- remember you going to have a lot of problems when you start working… cos there will be a lot of competition in the real world.. tak kisah ngan cina kah atau india- real world is real world. no point quota helping you tapi yang sebenarnya diri tak layak .

  113. The current government is not doing anything to reduce the building racial tension. I don’t understand why our PM takes too long of his time to create a resolution to alleviate this issue.

  114. Once in a discussion with DAP-majority supporter post-DAP-wins-in-Penang, where Lim Guan Eng preached for transperancy and meritocracy (in other words, NEP-less state), I suggested in the forum that in order for DAP to prove NEP-less economy will not oppress Malays, conduct an economic study to see economic condition(by race) and after a certain milestone, review it back….(review also involves grant of govt projects (somebody should see if ONLY CHINESE companies are granted projects)…Only this way can convince Malay as data tells truth (NOT JUST EMPTY TALK LIKE WHAT ANWAR ALWAYS DO). However they just dismissed the idea and putar belir saying DAP is not corrupt etc etc. I HAVE PROBLEM WITH THIS BECAUSE IT SEEMS TO ME LIKE THERE’S HIDDEN AGENDA AND JUST LIKE TO BELIEVE EMPTY TALK BY THEIR LEADERS OR MAYBE THEY AFRAID TO SEE THE RESULT WILL SEE MALAYS OPPRESSED…I NEVER KNOW


    most of Malay population understands that NEP is not here to stay….but it is the TIMING….and partly due to the suddenness of Chinese to be vocal about it (makes me wonder as well)….they only talk about equality without looking at situation surrounding them….it’s typical that most chinese will go great length of making their points without regaRds of others (it’s like they are suci, bersih, good morality and only they are right)…they have this superiority complex which resulted in them looking down at other people…BUT IF THEY WANT SOMETHING FROM YOU, THEY WILL BE THE NICEST PEOPLE ON EARTH


    Anyway for the benefits of both party, I think why not we talk about the timeframe of NEP Abolishment…Malays all should be made aware that NEP is NOT FOREVER. Give them SENSE OF URGENCY so they become less nice to the non Malays (no more give muka in terms of business etc), be as kiasu as they can to succeed as well as stick together (meaning Malay supporting Malay’s business)-ALL THESE MUST BE DONE BY GOVERNMENT…


    In the timeframe there should be several milestones (with quantitave target)..For example MILESTONE 1 : X% OF equity, X no of professionals etc etc….A VERY STRINGENT AUDIT + MONITORING ORGANISATION must look at the implementation closely so no more UMNOPUTRAS reaping benefits to themselves. IT’S ABOUT TIME THE BENEFITS ALL GO TO DESERVING MALAYS


    ZAKAT CAN ALSO PLAY A BIG ROLE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF UMMAH’S ECONOMY (for all muslim. not Malay only but naturaly Malays benefits more as majority muslims are Malays), PLEASE DON;T USE MILLIONS OF MONEY TO BUILD THE BIGGEST BUILDINGS, but maybe can use the money to tap into market which dominated by CHinese (like VEHICLE SPARE PART) and get the poor muslims (under the asnaf) to participate in the BUSINESS…



  115. selamat sejahtera Tun..
    Ada baiknya waktu ini tun menjawab persoalan,adakah Tun ingin memasuki semula UMNo krana saya percaya jawapan dari mulut Tun ditunggu oleh rakyat malaysia..
    moga UMNO akan berada dilandasanya semula.

  116. Dear Tun,
    I have so many non-malay friends. I think i’ve being in private sector for so to the point..there are 2 issues i would like to highlight here..yes people claim they are Malaysian but they CANNOT speak bahasa melayu fluently OR CANNOT SPEAK AT ALL!!Somemore i have to twist to the other languages in order to communicate with this MONKEYS. WHY AND HOW TO SOLVE?
    Second issue…I’m malay in the private sector not enjoying the govt benefit. Especially everytime after Belanjawan..So Belanjawan is nothing special to me.and remember i’m malay in the non-malay company..What do you think I will face?? If govt being fair to them so they will being fair to me but if not…
    Dear Tun…hopefully you can reply this…
    Malay dilemma…

  117. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Semoga Tun seisi keluarga sehat wal’afiat……ameen.
    Andai nya Tun kembali kepangkuan UMNO,ingin sekali saya melihat Tun kembali ke Parlimen.Dengan pengalaman yang begitu meluas sekali yang dapat kita semua lihat,ingin saya cadangkan Tun menjadi mentor kepada kerajaan Malaysia yang off course lah diterajui oleh UMNO.
    Bakat yang ada pada Tun tak semua orang memiliki nya.Pandangan2 Tun sangat jauh dan rancangan2 Tun selama ini amat berkesan sekali demi kemajuan rakyat khusus nya orang2 melayu.Kita semua merasa bangga punyai orang seperti Tun sebagai pemimpin dan penasehat orang2 melayu.Semoga Tun berjaya……..insya Allah kami semua doakan.

  118. Salam Ayahanda Tun. It does appear that the government has given Tun the green light to keep on blogging even with one or both foot in UMNO now. That seems a good sign. In an engine, occasionally we would have to dispense into the tank, various additives to remove hard to reach corrosions and dirt build-ups. I see that taking place now on a larger scale. Plenty additives must be poured in Tun. This engine has been running defectively since October 2003. Galvanizing the supports of the numerous Malay NGOs is perhaps a step in the right direction. Retracing our Merdeka steps, Datuk Seri Panglima Bukit Gantang had represented the Majlis Raja-Raja Melayu along with representatives from the Parti Perikatan in the various Merdeka Missions 1956-1957 the United Kingdom, taking cue from this eminent historical factor, perhaps it is now timely to get the Majlis Raja-Raja Melayu into an even more dynamic role within the political principles of Malays and UMNO in Malaysia. Tun, no doubt about it; you are the best man for the job. However, just for good measure – “At the onset of a fresh responsibility, enough with the back patting already – as it’s just only a few inches from a kick in the butt”. So let’s be onwards with the chores at hand, take it back on the “Merdeka Road” once more Tun. The younger generations must be given a chance to feel this breeze coming around again upon us. All the best and it is indeed our honor and privilege to be by your side on this mission, we are always with you Tun.

  119. Salam,
    Saya doakan kehadiran semula Tun dalam UMNO akan mengembalikan zaman kegemilangan UMNO.
    Parlimen harus menakrifkan dengan tepat apakah maksud perkauman. Setelah itu perlu diisytiharkan dalam akhbar, garis panduan istilah perkauman. Adakah seseorang yang mempertahankan hak istimewa bumiputer ditakrifkan perkauman? Adakah mengimbas kembali asal usul negara seseorang itu dikatakan perkauman? Adakah subjek sejarah di sekolah perlu dimasnuhkan sekiranya ia juga menmbincangkan isu perkauman?
    Adakah hanya ahli politik sahaja tak kira samada part memerintah atau parti pembangkang sahaja boleh membincangkan isu perkauman? Adakah isu perkauman hanya boleh dibincang di Parlimen bukan di lain2 tempat?
    Kepada semua ahli politik pemerintah dan pembangkang, sedarilah rakyat semakin bingung!
    Ahli politik yang tak layak sepatutnya bersara lah, berikan kepada orang yang betul2 ikhlas berjuang untuk negara. Jangan hidup menyusahkan orang.
    Kita hidup hanya sementara, tiada yang kekal kecuali Allah Ta’ala.

  120. TUN.
    Issue2 berkaitan kontrak sosial dan ketuanan Melayu sedang hangat di perkatakan oleh masyarakat ketika ini. Kenapa setelah 51 tahun merdeka baru lah hangat dipersoalkan.
    Apa kah yang tujuan sebenarnya golongan2 ini cuba ungkit2kan perkara yang sekian lama telah dipersetujui oleh pelopor2 kemerdekaan ketika itu.
    Saya melihat perkara ini jika tak dibendung awal memungkin rakyat Malaysia akan terjebak kekancah rusuhan kaum.
    Orang2 Melayu dah pasti tidak akan bertolak ansur apa jua alasan2 untuk mengahapuskan perjanjian tersebut.Walaupun 1000 tahun akan datang, negara ini tetap negara tanah Melayu.
    Dalang2 sebalik issue ini mesti dicari dan di hukum sewajarnya.
    Walau bagaimana pun saya berharap bila TUN dah diterima masuk kedalam UMNO semula,TUN bolih lah memperbetulkan semuula kaadaan.
    AAB dilihat tak berupaya untuk menangani issue ini.Wallahwaalam.
    Menarik nya AAB terkejuk beruk bila TSMY mengumumkan TUN nak kembali kedalam UMNO. Dan dia bergitu ralat kerana menteri kabinetnya telah engkar persetujuaan.
    Tapi nak tanya persetujuaan cam mana. Siapa yang punya cadanagan.
    Kalau AAB punya cadangan,itu tak bolih pakai. Mana bolih paksa2.
    Walau apa2 pun kita tunggu dan lihat.Semoga TUN berjaya dengan apa yang telah rancangkan.
    Dan saya nak TUN buktikan pada TOK GURU tu yang UMNO tidak akan berpecah sekenbalinya TUN. Malah lebih kukuh.
    sekian terima kasih.

  121. Salam Tun,
    Panglima General ATM…please STAY OUT of politic!!!
    Where were you when HINDRAF staged a street demo and WEE of negarakuku insulted Islam and the Malays? Why only now your voice was heard clear and LOUD when a Malay from Penang who was just expressing his feeling about chinese being so called “immigrant”???
    Don’t you have other matters to look after rather then to interfere with the nation political issues? Have you done enough on how to release our crews who were kidnapped in Somali??

  122. Kelakar sungguh melihat berita di zaman Pak Lah..
    PM “Gembira” ..
    PM “Kesal” …
    PM “Berpuas Hati” …
    PM “Terkejut” …
    Apa yg dia tahu..
    bila ada problem je dia kata itu personal view, tapi lepas jadi parah dia menggelabah tapi mesti keluar headline.. “PM akan jumpa ESOK”
    It’s the same everytime.
    Today KJ trying to be a HERO. No need to change the top position??
    BLAH LA takut duit2 lu sume hilang..
    Tun, please settle all this once and for all..
    We are tired with all this nonsence..Anwar sibuk nak jadi PM, Racist statement all over the blogs, Dolah yg tak sedar diri, MT UMNO yg pengecut belaka, KJ yg menyemak at the wrong place at all the wrong time..
    *sigh*.. tired la

  123. 1.Selamat kembali kepangkuan UMNO.
    2Ada segelintir entries disini mempersoalkan kenapa TUN ingin kembali pada UMNO ketika AAB masih meneraju UMNO dan kerajaan.
    3.Tapi pokok nya bila kah AAB ini tidak lagi memimpin UMNO dan PM Malaysia.Dan ingin terus mencetuskan keadaan tengang antara kaum,kelemahan pentadbiran,rasuah flip flop dan pelbagai2 lagi yang akan menjurus kepada kerosakan.
    4. TUN yang bertanggung jawab melantik AAB sebagai pengantinya ketika itu. Dan TUN telah gagal melihat keupayaan AAB sebenarnya sehingga kini telah banyak kerosakan berlaku disebabkan tidak cemerlang nya AAB.
    5.Olih yang demikian ada lah wajar TUN dipersalahkan. Dan TUN mesti bertanggung jawab untuk menyelesaikan kesilapan nya melantik AAB sebagai pengantinya yang telah banyak melakukan kesilapan demi kesilapan.
    6.Maka itu TUN mesti berada semula didalam UMNO,BN dan kerajaan(jika perlu) untuk menyelesaikan kemelut ini dan diberi kuasa untuk memperbaiki semula keaadaan dan merawat segala macam penyakit yang ada dalam kerajaan mahu pun UMNO dan BN.
    7.Penglibatan untuk perkara ini TUN tak bolih di lengahkan lagi.
    kerana keaadaan UMNO,BN,rakyat dan negara semakin NAZAK.
    8.Majoriti rakyat melihat hanya TUN yang mampu untuk melakukan pembersihan ini.
    9.Sebagai nasihat pada ahli2 UMNO supaya merenung perkara ini jauh,tidak hanya merenung pada kepentingan diri sendiri.TUN mesti disokong semula dan berkerjasama dengan TUN demi bangsa,agama dan negara.Semoga seluruh rakyat dapat menikmati semula keindahan sewaktu TUN meneraju negara.InshaALLAH.
    10.AAB,KJ and CO. mesti terima hakikat bahawa segala perangcangan putar belit,agenda tersembunyi dan permainan politik wang anda semua telah dilihat olih rakyat dengan jelas. Semua nya itu tidak membawa kebaikan untuk rakyat dan negara.Maka dengan itu dipersilakan lah untuk berundur segera.Terima kasih.
    11.Kerajaan tetap akan menganugerah darjah kebesaran TUN pada AAB selepas bersara……TUN ABDULLAH….FuhYOOOOO….

  124. che det, actually yang lupa itu bukan melayu
    tetapi bangsa cina & india yang menetap di sini dari dahulu lagi
    yang diberi kebebasan beragama, sehingga ada yang membunuh & menyembelih apabila ada saudara maranya memeluk islam,
    yang diberi kebebasan berniaga & cari kekayaan & tak kurang juga mencari kemiskinan kerana terlalu banyak berjudi & minuk arak,
    yang diberi kebebasan berpuak-puak, sehingga wujud golongan penghasut supaya anti kerajaan melayu,
    yang diberi kebebasan melakukan rasuah, sehingga banyak melayu corrupted hari ini, yang diberi kebebasan menindas pelajar melayu di universiti tempatan (ive been there, i know)
    yang diberi kebebasan beranak pinak mcm hamster, cuba balik negara masing-masing tengok apa jadi
    yang diberi kebebasan sehingga pada hari hendak memijak kepala tuan tanah iaitu orang melayu pula
    syabas kepada bangsa-bangsa ini, anda sebenarnya tidak reti berterima kasih!!

  125. agreed totally with my2sen argument posted on 9/11.
    when people started to talk about social contract, it makes me wonder whether both sides really to sacrifice certain something…
    yeah yeah…everybody must be treated equally and everybody is true blue Malaysian…
    but why the issues mentioned by my2sen still existed till today? i’ve been in the private sectors half of productive worker’s years and my position allowed me to see things that some ignorant young malays as well as the eagerly young rempits never see, a true selective discrimination targeted at races other than the mgmt…so what gives???? talk about equality…why don’t everybody adopt such term first…openly as well as behind closed doors of private sectors..
    selamat berpuasa

  126. Apa Khabar tun,
    Tun kritik dengan apacarapun sekalipun Abdullah tak akan letak jawatan,dia nak sampai tahun 2010 juga. Dengan masuk balik dalam umno ni,tun boleh tolong kempen dapatkan kouta 30% tu, dan bagi lah pada sapa tun rasa berkalayakan untuk betanding Dec nanti.Sapa tak kenal tun, abdullah pun kenal, bukan takat 30%, lebih dari itupun boleh dapat.Apa macam tun….

  127. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I do share with some of the visitors in your blog that the country is really in a state of kiosk. This is probably due to those with hidden agendas are trying to strike as much prior to the departure of the current PM in mid 2010. Only God knows if he still have the opportunity that long.
    It is so unfortunate that some politicians don’t care a damn about maintaining stability despite of knowing the rights of the Bumiputras both from the Peninsular and Sabah/Sarawak as stipulated in the country’s Constitution. It seems like the game now is about forcing the changes by playing on empty slogans so that even the Bumiputras too begin to join them.
    For example the “Ketuanan Rakyat”, is a slogan for equality among citizen. Do we really have equality in the economic fields? Every area is under the control of a single ethnic group. It goes from food, clothing, machinery and many others, you name it. Even if they were owned by the Bumiputras at one time, today the owner has changed though the name don’t.
    It is also very sad that they have translated the NEP for allowing fairness to the Bumiputras as “Ketuanan Melayu”. This is another empty slogan being mishandled by the today’s young politicians and this had caused racial instability the worst ever.
    Elected politicians have sworned before the Speakers to maintain and safeguard the country’s constitutions. Now what happened to all these, the rakyat are near to being burned down by their rejection to it.
    Before another May 1969 happens, it is best for the Government to conduct a National Referendum on whether the Rakyat is prepared for the abolition of the special rights to the Bumiputras both in the Peninsular and Sabah/Sarawak. This is the most appropriate manner of exercising “Ketuanan Rakyat”.
    If the result is affirmative, this shall then lead to the decision if whether racial base parties and any form of racial reference and priorities in their day to day life to be abolished too or not. If it does, then any form of discrimination shall then be made unlawful.
    So, shall the politician stops here or be made to face the real “Ketuanan Rakyat” with the referendum will have to be decided by the Government in power or else the whole country has nothing else to do but politics, politics and politics.

  128. Tun,
    Tun adalah pembohong besar dari dulu sampai sekarang…..cakap Tun tidak ada makna bila masuk semula Umno semasa Pak Lah jadi presidennya.
    Tun adalah pembohong besar juga semasa menyingkir DS Anwar dulu….
    jadi Tun tidak berubah juga dari segi membuat bohong.
    marilah Tun dan kita semua berhenti berbohong.
    Semoga kita selamat melalui Islam sebenar

  129. Dear Tun,
    I agreed with you, Pak Lah should STEP DOWN as Prime Minister and Najib is not the right candidate to become Prime Minister of Malaysia.
    If Najib become Prime Minister, Malaysia will become like Singapore.
    He will sell of Malaysia to Chinese. He’s like a stupid buffalow, just follow what ever Chinese said,tq for today.

  130. What we really need is education. Constant education. No matter who, where and when.
    Educate people how unique Malaysia is. Why we have such a structure. Malaysia or the land of the Malay initially situated in between of the great civilisations in India and China. The rules, the contract, the way we carried ourselves, the way we were governed was partly to ensure that we can survive among the great civilisations of the world. We are not living on our own, we are surrounded by all, near and far, the Chinese, the Indian, the British, the Japanese, the Indonesian. We gave leeway to everyone, almost everyone, we ask for something back, our share. Yes, some of us made mistake, embarrasing mistake. I say, change the people, change the way but don’t change the principles, don’t change our rights!
    We fought for our rights. We got it written in the constitution. People ask, why do you need that right? It’s for our nation building. We are building the people. At the same time, we don’t forget to help other people.
    Again, we will keep the rights, the rules, the contract. We will change the people who abused the rights, the rules and the contract.
    We need to re-educate people. Everyone must understand his/her responsibility, the Malays, the Chinese, the Indian. We will compete freely when we are at the same level. When? We are working on it. Don’t stop us now.

  131. dear tun,
    politicians come and politicians go. they are the cynical and opportunistic breed of promoters of their parties. it is very sickening to hear them ranting that we are Malays, Chinese and Indians all the time as if the Malays are the white people and the other races are the immigrants.
    I am a Chinese and I have the belief as a nation of Malaysians, we have prospered together. Every time when there is a power struggle the UMNO is quick to play the racist sentiment, and I can only trust and praised leaders who are pacifists and inspire us to unity without reference to the color of our skin.
    We are not your innocent herds of lambs to be played into slaughter whenever there is a crisis of political power. My dear Tun, you are advocating a theory of fear whatever game you are playing when you take the fight to oust the PM. Do not play the race card or make believe concerns about the PM’s ability to hold the unity of Malaysians. He is still is the democratically elected leader of the country and do not used a racial sentiment to put fear into people.
    As Ahmad Said debacle continues on, you can see the effect of a small ripple brewing into a storm. Sir, if you take the expedient way of invoking fear, I am sure you are not the better man. Find relevant issues, economic ones and lead us on a united vision of the country. Use confrontation in a non violent way, as espoused by Gandhi.
    Everyone is getting on the bandwagon now (the Army as well as the Royals, making public statements) and I am afraid that an eye will make us blind. Do not make a Malay hate another Malay. You have always said you support UMNO but not the Pemimpin. But your constant barrage and hatred of him, is splitting the people. We, Chinese always have believed that a true gentleman will always respect the dignity of his opponent and give ‘face’. If you take the fight to the end, then you make it hard to reunite the factions. Winner does not take it all. Your beloved UMNO will be much weaken.

  132. Salam buat TUN sekeluarga,
    TUN, Minta laluan lagi nak komen feedback pembaca ya.
    To Buyong on September 10, 2008 5:39 PM
    Yes Buyong, Pak Lah is the main cause to this racial tension.
    To Asus on September 10, 2008 5:45 PM
    Saya rasa hanya masyarakat yang jahil sahaja seperti penyokong Pak Lah dan Anwar akan suruh TUN duduk diam-diam. Ramai yang mahu TUN bercakap sebab dia umpama bapak kepada kami. Cuba suruh bapak you dok diam2 .. tentu makan penampar punya. Lu pikir la sendiri.. jadilah orang yang matang walaupun awak masih budak2.. dan belajar hormat orang yang berilmu tinggi seperti TUN dan ianya adalah tuntutan agama..
    To anjvnabeat on September 10, 2008 5:45 PM
    Saya rasa TUN patut kembali kerana keadaan semakin meruncing .. Pak lah lembik sangat dah .. 3L (LEMBAB LEMBUT LEMBIK)
    To roketbulan on September 10, 2008 5:47 PM
    Saya tertarik tentang analisis saudara.. ada kebenarannya sebilangan besar pengundi tak paham sejarah dan satu pendekatan serius wajar dilaksanakan .. setuju .. tapi pasal apa nickname saudara roketbulan ya .. terkeliru sikit saya .. roketbulan boleh ditafsirkan DAP+PAS.. jangan mara ya .. salam saudara
    To Mohamed Azmi bin Mohd Rasheed Khan on September 10, 2008 5:51 PM
    Dear sir, it is untrue that if any racial statement came out from the opposition, ISA will be round the corner but in Ahmad Ismail case the police didn’t take any action. How’s about Karpal’s previous statement against the YDP AGONG and Guan Eng’s against the constitution on NEP nothing happens. I’m against Ahmad as well and Ahmad is a very bad leader indeed since I personally know him, he’s an opportunist ..
    To xela on September 10, 2008 5:54 PM
    Don’t worry Xela the only rifle that Pak Lah has is the only one in his pants and with no bullet (or balls?) .. So he can’t shoot nor harm TUN with his rifle .. Pak Lah is 3L (LEMBAB LEMBUT LEMBIK)
    To Britishmalaya on September 10, 2008 5:55 PM
    I always see the so called Bar Council as the ungrateful one in my point of view. They are just like the HINDRAF, showing off and trying to be heroes to Indians. Just take alert on the majority of the council’s comity, and most of them support the Hindraf. I say the ultimate authority of the BAR should be put under the SPBYDP AGONG. If not, they will not be self conscious and act like monkeys on the wrong tree. Anwar will never resume power in the government, GOD will never allowed a CORRUPTED REPTILE (dua alam) to rule this ISLAMIC country. Wassalam.
    To Jordi Chua on September 10, 2008 5:58 PM
    Saya tak rasa majority rakyat mahukan 13 May lagi. Di sebalik kehilangan nyawa, Orang Cina akan kehilangan harta benda dan business yang paling besar, Orang Melayu juga tidak terlepas dari kerugian ini walaupun tak sebesar Orang CIna, dan Orang India mungkin akan jadi mangsa paling teruk kerana bilangan mereka yang paling kecil. Tapi saya setuju dengan tuan kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga (Ahmad Ismail).
    To normal citizen on September 10, 2008 5:59 PM
    In my opinion the Malays that voiced rejecting the “Social Contact” fall in these categories:
    i. They were born with ‘silver spoon’ where they neglected the Malay from Kampungs and their needs (they don’t even aware that Kampung’s Malay exist).
    ii. They are as much as liberal like the BAR (want to act as sophisticated as they can become)
    iii. They are the instrument for the EXTREME RACIST of the non malays.
    As for Pak Lah, what to say he’s a 3L(LEMBAB LEMBUT LEMBIK) with tremendous big appetite. Good day sir. Same as u bro, looking forward towards TUN’s next step.
    To apanama on September 10, 2008 6:06 PM
    Streets violence may happen sir if sensitive issues are not properly handled but I think it may not be as chaotic as 13 may since we already have the experience before.. well hopefully it wont.. many have children to raise.
    To zekjerung on September 10, 2008 6:08 PM
    Ya zek betul cakap tuan, Mahyudin adalah antara harapan kita sekarang. Tentang Kera Jantan (KJ – bukan saya yang bagi nama tu tapi jadi sebutan ramai.. sedap jugak panggilan tu) tu biar Dato’ Mukhriz yang uruskan .. harap2 gitulah.. Tapi Kera Jantan tu banyak duit jugak (bak kata Kit Siang, “The Most Riches Unemployed In The World”). Wassalam boss.
    To AnakMelayuPenang on September 10, 2008 6:09 PM
    Biasa la Pak Lah tu 3L (LEMBAB LEMBUT LEMBIK) .. Betulka ada yang berani suruh perlahankan azan .. kita tunggu berita lanjut dulu .. saya pun ada terdengar dalam berita tapi tak berapa paham .. yang saya tahu PAS ada buat Lapuran Polis terhadap Khir Toyo kerana buat lapuran palsu berkenaan isu itu dan mendakwanya satu pembohongan.. Tapi kalau betul, hantar masuk kandang ja. Salam Tuan.
    To rarunasalam on September 10, 2008 6:14 PM
    Hello there .. please prove the Social Contract has a validity and effective on Generation 1 migrants only ..a very danger instigator you are ..only irresponsible parents will not tell the truth to their children .. are your parents one of them? You are just an ungrateful Indian happen to be born in Malaysia and forget oneself. Imagine if you’re born in the US.. your arrogant will be under those foot of the Mat Salleh. Can you name one Indian in the American Senate.. I wont hate all Indians just because of you. Don’t breed hatred in this country. Sorry to say that you are part of the failure in system just like a virus in the computer and must be deleted. Don’t be to much arrogant please remind yourself to eat in the banana leaf once in a while. I love Indian food. Please be grateful because you’re born in Malaysia and not India. You know what I mean.
    This is what you have commented in your blog:
    ‘But I have one theory on those who support you and wish to stay anonymous – they have no minds of their own. These people have no integrity nor strength to present their ideas responsibly on what they think is wrong in Malaysia. These people have no ability to provide constructive criticisms, sincere suggestions on improvement, and they will hide behind a Pseudonym giving pointless comments like “Apanama” …in short, they are sheep!’
    Is your Bahasa Malaysia is as good as your English. Prove it in your next writing if you claim to be so called “sophisticated person” and a good citizen. You are just a cheap citizen trying to gain cheap support for your seditious blog that’s full of hatred within you. You have a conflict in within you sir. You are sick .. get help .. sincere help. Jangan belagak la .. saya punya punggung pun hitam jugak laa.. deyyy .. chitt .. don’t simply insult people for your own pleasure and just for the sake of showing off .. Good night.
    To Chua88 on September 10, 2008 6:27 PM
    My utmost respect to you sir. Sorry if you had to hear the Ahmad’s sickening statement recently.
    To jaybone on September 10, 2008 6:29 PM
    Betul ka si Kera Jantan (KJ) tu nak ambil alih Petronas ya .. jika benar inilah diantara sebab si 3L (LEMBAB LEMBUT LEMBIK) tu tak mahu turun2 lagi .. nak tunggu sampai 2010. Jaga2 .. banyak benda si 3L tu dok focus .. apa2 yang boleh bawak masuk poket keluarga dan pembodek2 dia dalam masa 2 tahun ni.. Salam bro.
    To interesting on September 10, 2008 6:41 PM
    I do agree with on certain facts and disagree on some. The BAR is should not challenge the Malays and Muslim .. such a foolish act from the community that claim they are the intellectuals .. Yes the current PM must step down, aren’t you aware of whats being going on .. You think majority of Malays doesn’t mind to what the BAR has done and their ignorance in their actions.. How about the Malay rights that are hardly infringed and threatened, your words are too subjective and leaning to in favorable to your kind only, not majority. You talk about blood and sweat of Malaysians in philosophy basis .. How about the blood and sweat of the Malay warriors of the past who fought in the battlefield on physically basis leaving their left behinds as widows and orphans. The openness of the current PM is a complete act of stupidity that’s trying to gain influence from people of your kind. What do they get in return? You said Malaysian are not racist generally, yes they are not unless provoked. TUN have tons of concrete plan then your tiny brain can imagine and it was proven.. don’t deny for the sake of winning talks .. very irrational of you saying that “TUN have very little concrete plans on what to do in this situation beside asking Pak Lah to step down”. Please don’t take this current situation for granted. Just live with the Social Contract and the Malays will open their heart and share the prosper with you.. We Malays are not giving up the KING and other should not too.
    To Dr Zhivago on September 10, 2008 6:53 PM
    Dear Dr. You’ve spoken with your intelligence sir. Thank you for your neutral comment. Your blog is very educative and rich of scientific information. Good day to you sir.
    To madrasah on September 10, 2008 7:03 PM
    What are you trying to say.. TUN’s trying to screw up the country? The only thing that going to be screwed up is your butt by ANWAR IBRAHIM if he happens to be the PM (which never going to happen).
    By lipoidica on September 10, 2008 7:06 PM
    and they are counting days, when slaughtering took place before your eyes, your mother, your farther and siblings helplessly crawl across the bloody killing field, and you with your poems by the window wondering for their safety, yet still with your poem with such pride and insult for the Malays, suddenly you hear your family calling, begging for help, begging for compassionate .. bla..bla .. bla..
    Do you really want that to happen? Neither do i. SO KEEP YOUR F*****G MOUTH SHUT AND STOP DOING YOUR INSULTS AGAINST EVEN ANYBODY BECAUSE WE ARE TRYING TO BUILD A STABLE NATION HERE. IF YOU HAVE PROBLEM TO DO THAT, TRY SWAPING YOUR MOUTH POSITION WITH YOUR AR*E. The hell with your f*****g poem or what ever it is. Have a good rest and come back to write something good if you have to do so.
    To be continue ..
    Wassalam TUN.

  133. Dearest ayahanda Tun,
    We Malays has always been democratic to other races that lives in TANAH MELAYU…we have given them the right to be a citizen of Malaya and later Malaysia, we waived the 1st Million of them to be citizen…compare to other countries…these races would not even come close to what they get from us…
    Maybe they need to be reminded of what really happened in 13th May 69…It happened in Jakarta in 1999..where thousands of chinese indonsia were killed by the peribumi’s…
    Honestly, there is a few of us are sick and tired of these minorities asking OUR RIGHTs…
    There will never be equality…it is always going to be NEP…
    As an ex serviceman in the military, We will fight and will die if need to protect the rights of bumiputera..i know a large amount of us in the military, which is majority malays, wouldn’t mind to do some clansing…if its needed to be..
    Salam YAB Tun sekeluarga…

    Alhamdulillah hari ini UMNO mengakui bahawa mereka perlukan pandangan TUN untuk kearah positif,ALANGKAH BERTUAHNYA RAKYAT MELAYSIA(MELAYU,INDIA,CINA,KADAZAN,IBAN, MURUT,SING DLL)sekiranya dari dahulu lagi PM kita mengambil TUN sebagai tulang belakang beliau dalam mentadbir negara.

  135. Hello Sir…
    This comment is regarding about JJJ’s very eye-catching comment as it was all in CAPITAL LETTERS.
    I, myself for one, find using full capital letters as very offensive and irrational – I hope you were practising what you preach there JJJ when you said about ‘controlling emotions.’
    Economic stability is very, very, VERY important in this era. The technology is advancing SO fast, we (Malaysia as a WHOLE) cannot afford to slip and fall behind – we are still a developing country.
    I’ve scanned through a few earlier comments, and I found it quite conventional. Sir, let me ask you a question. Why does McDonalds never seem to run out of business? It is because of BRAND LOYALTY and a sense of FAMILIARITY – its like a sense of security.
    This could be a reason why people are so determined for you to have leadership again. You lead Malaysia and by no denials, it was a great job and that is why people could possibly feel that if they revert back to you – Malaysia is safe.
    It is a very dangerous tactic, sir. It is being conventional.
    ‘Conventionality is the refugee for the stagnant mind.’
    People can’t seem to handle change and CHANGE is what is needed in this country. It seems to me that every race is over-confident. They go back to the history of Malaysia, fair enough. There is always two-sides to a story, history is just the outline.
    What Malaysia needs is a wake-up call. Take Malays out, Malaysia will fall. Take Chinese out, Malaysia will fall. Take Indians out, Malaysia will fall.
    Malaysia needs, not one, but the three races TOGETHER to survive. and COME ON dear readers, why are you guys saying: ‘this race is lazy, that race is dumb’ ???
    Take some examples:
    My cousin and I are of the same race, but I’m not as intelligent as her.
    I have 2 Indian friends, but one of them is lazier.
    I have many 2 close Malay friends, but one is much smarter and more intellectual than the other.
    What is my point? EVEN if any of you are of the SAME race – there are still different attributes and intellectual level. Do you not get it?? It is really ridiculous to say ‘this race, that race’ as if the WHOLE of that race is this way and the WHOLE of that race is another.
    Since LEE CHONG WEI has won silver in Olympics for Badminton, does that mean the WHOLE chinese society are SUPERB in badminton? Certainly not, because as far as I know, I am chinese but I can barely jump up and down, flicking the badminton racket.
    This whole racial issue is a political gimmick to stir up publicity and problems.
    What happens when three so-called ‘enemies’ are faced with one ultimate enemy? They JOIN together to fight that ONE MAIN ENEMY and this ONE MAIN ENEMY of Malaysia, is our rocky and destabilized economy. We won’t forever have rubber in our ‘tanah’… It WILL deplete and where are we going to compete in the international export/import market then?
    Also, I know many of you find Pak Lah weak, but he IS our current PM – and as far as I see it : give a minimal amount of respect to our Pak Lah. It is not easy being a PM and just because he may not be as quick-witted as our Dr. M, doesn’t give us the right to call him non-sensible names.
    Pak Lah, Dr. M, and our ex-PMs .. No matter what it is, they all contributed to Malaysia in different ways and that suffices as a reason to give our minimal amount of respect to them.
    Dr. M, we really should stop all this political bickering and get on with focusing on other major World Economical issues that affects us too right?
    Good morning to all, and take care to all.

  136. Salam Tun,
    Maaf minta laluan ye…
    minta laluan ye pembaca2 sekelian….
    By siti on September 11, 2008 12:04 PM
    Saya benci TUN …..
    bila TUN masuk balik PARTI PEROSAK RAKYAT niee
    Maka teruslah jahanamkan lah yang namanya Bangsa MELAYU
    “siti”… sebelum nak kata apa2,cermin2 lah diri tu dulu… tanya lah diri tu seikhlas2nya apakah yang “siti” sumbangkan untuk orang2 melayu… eh…. besar sgt tu… apakah sumbangan “siti” untuk masyarakat setempat atau sukurang2nya jiran tetangga “siti”.
    Pergi la bayar zakat dulu ke atau derma kat anak2 yatim dulu ke… ok 😉 jangan marah aaaaa……
    Terima kasih Tun 🙂

  137. salam Tun,
    saya menyambut baik yang tun akan masuk balik UMNO. lagi baik kalau tun bertanding jawatan dalam UMNO. bila saja dengar khabar tun masuk UMNO balik, tun lihat sendiri bagaimana sambutan rakyat? ok kan? tun tak percaya lagi ke? rakyat akan sokong tun. ,masih ada pemimpin berwibawa dalam kabinet sekarang yg sokong tun. memang perangai kita org melayu hormat ketua, dah tu pulak tak suka nak cari pasal dengan ketua. tapi bila dah perlu tegur ketua, kena tegur jugak. ini untuk kebaikan.ketua harus faham, teguran itu mesti ada makna tersendiri.
    macam ni tun, tun nak masuk UMNO kan, lepas tu Tun bertanding semula. kalau boleh biar jawatan yg penting. yg tertinggi pun tak ape. mesti rakyat sokong tun.pemimpiin mcm tun mmg diperlukan lebih2 lagi di kala ini.
    satu saya nak tegur, kenapa rakyat pendatang asing makin bermaharaja lela di negara kita ini. macam2 jenayah dah dia org buat.celaka dia orang tu. tak sedar diri. terutama yang indon. saya benci betul dengan dia orang tu. mana polis kita? kepada pemimpin negara tingkatkanlah inisiatif dan tindakan tertentu untuk halang mereka ini dari menganggu gugat orang kita. kebanyakan perompak yang suka ikat, ugut dgn senjata tulah indon. polis diminta lebih agressiflah.jgn tunggu rakyat yang ketakutan bertindak sendiri jadi polis untuk selamatkan diri masing2.
    saya hairan dgn anwar ibrahim. saya benci betul dgn anwar ibrahim. dia munafik. 4 ciri2 orang munafik sudah jelas nampak pada diri anwar. mcm mana dia nak tumbangkan kerajaan dengan mencuri ahli parlimen BN supaya masuk PKR. kalau ini berlaku maknanya demokrasi dah tak pakai dah. sebuah kerjaan yang dipili oleh rakyat tidak seharusnya ditukar dgn cara yg anwar mahukan. itu melanggar hak asasi rakyat yang menyokong kerajaan. bila hati rakyat terguris maka mereka yg tidak bertanggung jawab ini boleh dianggap mengganggu ketenteraman rakyat. mereka boleh didakwa. tapi kenapa dibiarkan? hairanlah. saya budak setahun jagung pun boleh pikir. rancangan anwar semacam ini boleh membahayakan masa depan politik negara. mana tidaknya anwar dah galakkan , tidak mustahil orang lain akan ikut cara yg sama. maka kalau jadi macam itu maknanya dah tak amanlah negara kita ini. anwar tak fikir ke perkara ini. ya tak ya jugak, mana anwar nak pikir, diakan orang munafik yang tak sayang dan hormat hati rakyat majority yang menyokong kerajaan.
    baiklah tun, setakat ini saja komen saya.
    salam hormat.

  138. Tun,
    I have some subtle feeling that you are still keen to see the outcome of Umno party election to be in line with what you expect the outcome to be! Since you have not in so far announced openly that what you expect the Umno election outcome to be (with the exception of your openly asking Pak Lah to resign from the Presidency of Umno and from the premiership), therefore there are still a lot of rooms for you to meditate on the question of whether to rejoin Umno or not to rejoin!
    First of all, please ask yourself: “Why do I need to rejoin Umno?”
    Perhaps you missed those glorious days of the past when you were surrounded by many fancy supporters during the periods when you were sitting in the power necleus. Once you had retreated from the power nucleus, people would try to be funny and dare enough to spray some peppers onto your face and then your eyes would be irritated with the pepper attack. However, does Tun still want to sacrifice all your pleasure time on many trivial matters in relation to politics again like what you had come across during your 22 years’ tenure in the PM’s office? Does Tun realize that Tun’s essay writings have indeed attracted a lot of blog readers from all around the world? Doesn’t this phenomenon seems to be another glory which will bring plentiful good sense of self-actualization for Tun in the retirement age?
    Many people had given the honour of “father of development” to the late Tun Abdul Razak. However, I was not able to understand Tun Abdul Razak in detail even though I was already in Form 3 when Tun Abdul Razak passed away in heart attack. I tried to find some readings of his personal writing but I could not find a lot of paper contributions which had been written personally by Tun Abdul Razak. I could only recall the remembrance about Tun Abdul Razak by the personal impression he had given me through the implementation of Rancangan Buku Hijau, the introduction of New Economic Policy, the establishment of MARA, and the handshake photo of the late Premier of People’s Republic of China, Mr Chow En Lai, and the late Tun Abdul Razak during the later’s visit to Beijing. Because Tun Abdul Razak did not leave behind him with a lot of essay writings, it was highly sceptical that the Malaysians who were born after the demise of Tun Abdul Razak would be able to know much about this great statesman who was called “the father of development of Malaysia”.
    I first came to know about Tun when Tun was having the first official visit to Seremban as the Minister of Education. However, I only started to realize that Tun was indeed a biased man who had provoked a lot of controversial argument when I first read in early 1980s the book written by Tun which was titled “The Malay Dilemma”. Even though the Non-Malays in Malaysia already gave Tun a strong endorsement in general election 1999, this strong support was given to Tun based on these reasons:
    1) Giving thanks to Tun for not taking the Non-Malays as the racist scapegoat for purpose of mobilising political support around yourself in the midst of financial turmoil as the aftermath of speculative currency attack in 1997-1998.
    2) Taking into consideration that peace and national unity were critical factors for restoration of the nation’s economic prosperity, therefore Tun was again being given the strong mandate to restore peace and national unity in order to bring forth another round of economic prosperity for the whole nation.
    However, the result of General Election 1999 was still inadequate to wash away the misconception or false perception of racist label on Tun due to the dirts and taints that had been negatively added to Tun’s image by the lopesided book of “The Malay Dilemma”.
    In view of Tun’s very excellent and vivid writing skill, I would suggest that Tun should give a serious thought about writing a book on decison making process for developmental economics. Hopefully, with the contributions of Tun in writing such a book, the future generations of Malaysia will be able to understand much better on how the success can be achieved by making always the right decision and failure be avoided from Tun’s administrative experiences and personal advices. I hope such a valuable book about developmental economics will also benefit some other less developed nations in the African Continent or the South American Continent since Tun would have a lot of pleasurable experiences to tell and translate them into model building for the political leaders of other continents to adopt and follow.
    I think writing a book that allows the humans to quest for excellence by following the examples which have been demonstrated by Tun with Tun’s 22 years’ practical experiences of implementation will surely provide much better self-actualization to Tun than another round of winning situation in the Umno party election by Tun’s nominees. After all, politics are a weary and tiredsome affair which involved with a lot of personal hostility and enmity. It is much better for Tun to leave it to those potential candidates like Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to find their own way out for a leading edge in the party election. Only the leaders who can win with their own political strength will be able to stay long in politics for ensuring a long-term political stability of the party.
    As for your good son Dato Mukhriz, it is much better that you leave him alone, lest people will accuse him for enjoying the uplift in politics by helicopter of nepotism as compared to other opponents’ resort to only climbing the ladder of grassroot support by self-serving empty-handedness. Like the Chinese old saying goes, “The sons or grandsons will have their own bountiful blessings in accordance with their personal destiny. Therefore there is no need for the old folk to foreever serve them diligently like a functional horse or functional bullock!”
    What for if Tun is to serve the younger generations too much too often when what the younger generations really need is a chance to grow by themselves in order to achieve personal independence? Even if the younger generations will eventually have to distance Tun due to Tun’s showing indifference and impartiality, there is nothing much to be worried about. No matter how and no matter what, the Almighty will always be with Tun!

  139. Assalammualaikum Ayahnda Tun.Semalam saya ada mengundang Ayahnda Tun untuk ke Majlis Pernikahan saya..Di sinin saya ingin sekali lagi dengan penuh rasa ikhlas di hati menjemput orang yang paling saya kagumi Ayanhnda Tun dan Isteri ke Majlis saya yang akan di adakan pada 11/10/2008 di Kelab Sultan Shah Alam jam 12:30 tengahari..Untu makluman ayahnda Tun, Nama saya Shafizan Bin Jaafar dan saya bekerja di Dubai bersama LCL Berhad sebagai Projek Manager di sana. Saya sangat-sangat berbangga sekiranya Ayahnda Tun dapat meluangkan masa untuk menghadiri Majlis yang sangat bermakna kepada saya. Semoga kehadiran Ayahnda Tun dapat lagi memeriahkan suasan Majlis saya.Hubungi saya di +97150 2733493 atau di [email protected] sekiranya Ayahnda Tun dapat meluangkan masa menghadiri Majlis saya.Sekian untuk makluman Ayahnda Tun dan Isteri. Saya dahului dengan ucapan terima kasih dan semoga Ayahnda Tun sihat sejahtera hendaknya. InsyaAllah..SHAFIZAN BIN JAAFAR

  140. Dear All
    Mufti Illahi Baksh.
    As Salaam Alaykum.
    In the village of Kandhala in India a dispute arose between the muslims and the Hindus over some land; the hindus claimed that the land belonged to them and wanted to build a temple on it, the muslims claimed the land belonged to them and wanted to build a mosque on it.
    The case went to court, both sides were asked to produce evidence as to whom the land belonged to. The Hindus said there is a pious elder in our village called Illahi Baksh (ra) what ever testimony he gives we will accept it. The Muslims were delighted, after all one of their own would be able to testify on their behalf, so they also stated that Shaykh Illahi Baksh’s(ra) verdict would be acceptable to them.
    Shaykh Illahi Baksh(ra) was summoned to court and asked who the Land belonged to he said: ” I don’t know who the land belongs to, but one thing I do Know is that it does not belong to the Muslims.”
    So the Hindus Won the court case the deeds of the land were handed over to them. In the courtroom their was chaos, the Muslims were incensed, as the Shaykh was leaving the court people were jostling him, shouting insults calling him a Hindu agent etc.
    As he managed to extract him self from the mob of Muslim’s. the Hindus were waiting on the other side, the Hindus came over and said:”Maulana Sahib here are the deeds of the land , we want you to build a mosque, and we shall also worship in it, Maulana sahib we want to be Muslim just like you, for today you have proven the beauty and justice of Islam.”
    Shaykh Illahi Baksh by behaving justly in accordance with the teachings of Islam managed to win over a whole community, they all embraced Islam.
    Something to reflect:
    How often do we fall into the sin of injustice, we support our relatives in disputes with others even though we know they are wrong, similarly with those who belong to our ethnic group, tribe, clan, and those who are fellow muslim’s we seek to make excuses for them in their transgressions towards others.
    May Allah give us the Tawfiq and strength to stand for what is just, ameen.

  141. Dear fellow malaysians,
    Don’t play into the hands of dirty politicians. All they are interested is to stay in power, and power means money. They create hatred among races to divide and rule, to gain support and to strike fear in your hearts. All this talks about ahmad, the social contract and etc is to provoke you to take sides. While you busy killing one another, they are consolidating their power and counting their money. This is a rotten tactic played 40 years ago until today.

  142. bangsa ku..
    orang melayu dahulu tidak tahu apa yang berlaku kepada perjanjian dengan penjajah untuk mencapai kemerdekaan,tahap pemikiran mereka lemah akibat dijajah.. untuk memahami sesuatu perkara terlalu lambat.. mungkin tiada blog, atau sms.. kalau sampai berita pada mereka hanyalah perkataan MERDEKA.. maka bersoraklah bagai gempita melaungkan perkataan keramat itu.. bersorak sakan.. mengangis seolah selama ini mereka terseksa yang amat sangat.. mereka terlupa yang kampung mereka sudah tergadai.. nasi dah jadi bubur.. orang bertandang yang untung.. sedar lah melayu semua.. ini lah akibatnya kalau alpa,leka.. kita banyak bercakap.. konon tak kan melayu hilang didunia.. sedarlah perkatan tersebut hanya terdapat di MUZIUM negara sahaja.. kenapa??? tak percaya??
    orang melayu.. bangsa ku.. buatlah seperti mana yang mereka buat.. lihat lah.. tiada seorang pun bangsa mereka yang membeli beras,gula,garam di permis orang melayu.. sebaliknya orang melayu berduyun duyun mengkayakan mereka.. pelik tapi benar.. buat pengamatan secara mendalam.. dengan kayanya mereka dapatlah mereka melobi menteri.. sehinggakan anda seolah berada di Taiwan atau Hong Kong bila melihat tv.. tak percaya lagi?? terpulang.. apapun mulai hari ini.. saat ini.. kalau nak beli gula,garam.. hatta kapal sekalipun.. cari lah bangsa kamu.. kalau tiada.. ada kan.. itu saja yang dapat menolong bangsa.. bukan di PWTC.. terpekik terlolong.. tong kosong rupanya..

  143. assalamualaikum Tun,
    saya cadangkan Tun bertanding balik presiden, saya tahu ramai yang sokong Tun didalam dan diluar UMNO. saya juga cadangkan Tun gerakan satu perhimpunan ahli-ahli UMNO satu malaysia untuk meminta pak lah resign secepat mungkin… kita semua sayangkan UMNO..

  144. And one more thing i learn abt national security. and this method of thinking have been applied within the most powerful military in the world.
    Theres only one meaning abt national security. The ppl who uphold and protect the national security and the ppl who against it. Theres no such thing abt thinking or debating abt it or atas pagar abt it.
    So since social contract ensures the security of all races within this country all this while so therefore to the ones who agreed with it, is the ones that uphold the national security and the ones who debate abt it, is the ones who against the national security. As simple as that.
    There are no substitute for a secure and safe society.

  145. Salam Tokdet…
    Nampaknya Abg Dol semakin kepanasan, namun masih bongkak dan takbur memandang sinis bila mendengar kepulangan Tun dari perantauan…
    Peluh jantan mula membasahi dahinya tok, senyuman di bibir tatkala selesai majlis akad nikahnya dengan Jean sudah tidak kelihatan, diganti dengan bibir tejuih menjawab soalan para wartawan tiap kali diajukan soalan…
    Harapan kami tok, Abg Dol segera disingkirkan dengan apa jua cara dan keadaan…
    Pengkhianat bangsa, agama dan negara ini harus dihumbang ke neraka tok, bersama para sidang wazirnya yang semakin keluh kesah, dan resah, mereka yang hanya pentingkan harta dan kedudukan juga jawatan…
    Perkemaskan langkahmu tok, bersedialah untuk perhitungan yang terakhir ini, perhitungan untuk bangsa, agama dan negara tok…
    Kecelakaan yang menimpa negara 7 tahun ini akan berakhir, dan rakyat jelata tidak sabar menanti detik kemenangan itu…
    Perasapkan kerismu tok, pastikan Abg Dol dan kuncu-kuncunya tidak lagi bernyawa selepas ini,
    pastikan… tiada lagi pengkhianat durjana yang hanya mementingkan kesenangan diri dia atas penderitaan rakyat jelata…
    Terima kasih insan yang bernama MAHATHIR MOHAMAD.
    Terima Kasih

  146. Salam TUN. Very much agree with u on this matter. This growing issue must be checked before it gets out of hand. Can your return to UMNO in any way make any changes as paklah is still at the helm. Anyway best of everything to you.

  147. A’kum Tun,
    Syukur Alhamdullilah kalau betul Tun nak masuk balik UMNO. Kita memang perlukan Tun dalam parti. “Orang-Orang” dalam parti skrang tengah duk lena di buai mimpi sama macam presiden depa.
    Saya sokong Tun 100% untuk masuk skrang,jgn tunggu sampai Pak Lah letak jawatan which saya rasa dia tak kan letak pun.
    Najib tu pun dah kena badi Pak Lah, lembik semacam skrang nie. Skrang nie saya dah tak ada confident yang Najib layak jadi PM. Dia sepatutnya dah bersedia untuk ambil alih jawatan tu skrang bukan nya tunggu sampai 2010. Awat dia ingat tahun 2010 dia boleh “cuci kaki masuk duk bersila” saja ke ? Dia tak sedar yg masa tu lagi banyak tahi Pak Lah yg dia nak kena cuci sebelum pilihanraya ke 13.

  148. Salam Tun,
    Honestly, I pity you and your attitude. Kalau keep on thinking like this, musti sakit jiwa punye….
    Whatever u wrote clearly show that you don’t understand what Tun is trying to convey and his stand on the issues. Your hatred towards Tun clouding yr judgement.
    By the way, mind yr language a bit. We can have disagreement but not to a level of being rude to others.
    God bless all of us.

  149. Assalamualaikum Tun dan semua,
    Saya tak mau komen mengenai tajuk niii. Cuma …………..selama ni, walaupun saya ada sikit kritik Tun dan bagi pandangan yang….tak tau nak kata lah,sampai Tun tak letak dalan dalam blog tp saya masih lagi sangat mengkagumi Tun dan amat menghormati Tun.
    Sekarang nii, kalau Tun masuk balik UMNO,tak taulah.Macam ludah lepas tu jilat balik…… saya cadangkan supaya Tun kekal dgn keputusan Tun,iaitu, masuk balik UMNO hanya selepas Pak Lah letak jawatan….

  150. dear tun
    from my personal opinion the only motivation factor for you to rejoin UMNO is …………

  151. Ok abt the social contract.
    1. It works all this while.
    2. If we dont have it, our country will become like a tinderbox just waiting for one schmuck to light it up just like in 1969.
    It is simple as that, dont need to go to University in America or as far as Pluto (if theres any) to figure it out.

  152. Dear Tun,
    The worrying development, sir, is the tendency of certain Malay communities to continue to view the privileges given to them as their birthrights. They take great pride in receiving these privileges, and take offence at any suggestion that these privileges should be rescinded.
    I respect the special privileges granted to the Bumiputeras as guatanteed in the Federal Constitution, and I hope the Bumiputeras will respect my rights as a non-Bumiputera in the same way. In addition, we also need to realise that many of the privileges currently being handed out are not part of the Federal Constitution but later add-ons.
    Those receiving the said privileges should realise that being granted privileges at the mercy of others is not something to be proud of. And they should therefore strive to get out of that situation as soon as possible to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the other members in the community. They should therefore not seek to perpetuate the policy that grants them the privileges they now enjoy.
    If I were to be blunt, it was just ironic that a superior race should need these privileges to survive. “Unggul but mundur” just does not make sense. You may be either but not both at the same time. Malay supremacy and special aid in the form of privileges make a very odd couple.
    Those who think they need the privileges badly because life is difficult should realise there are other people in the same sinking boat who not only undergo the same difficulty in life but at the same time are burdened with the task of keeping these “privileged” people afloat. I am talking about the poor people of other races who receive no privileges. The privileges some people (even the rich) enjoy come at the expense of the welfare of these poor, under-privileged people.
    It is on this basis that I question certain provisions in the social contract (I do not question all of it). The people of UMNO, MCA, MIC, KeAdiLan or DAP, who are rich enough to not feel the pain, do not even come into the picture.
    It’s all well said but change is difficult to achieve in real life. Very few at the receiving end of such privileges will willingly give up the goodies they so enjoy and have come to depend on.
    I am also of the opinion that the Malay Muslims in Malaysia have become increasing (over-)defensive in light of recent developments in the global arena, such as the Iraq war. They often identify themselves as Muslim brethrens under attack and are wary of “outsiders”. Unfortunately the other races, albeit Malaysian, come under this category. Before Islam became the target of the current USA administration, this was not a phenomenon, and Malaysians generally opened themselves up to one another and lived in harmony.
    Tun, the social contract has been in constant discussion amongst Malaysians even when you were in power. But we just didn’t question it so much during the good times because whatever goodies we were left with were quite satisfying. Also, we believed the social contract worked, and there was a need for it. In recent years, various politicians have dishonoured the social contract and so we the people have come to believe that it does not work anymore. We generally agree that whatever formula we used to stabilise our country for the last 50 years worked. The one thing we cannot agree on is whether the social contract was the formula in question. Even if it was, perhaps its time is up (after all, things have changed a great deal in 50 years) and it’s time to move on to something more befitting the current situation in Malaysia.
    I think it is only a natural development for Malaysia that the people should start to think about the country’s future for themselves. I only hope is that the people of Malaysia have the maturity to deal with it.

  153. Dear Tun,
    Please let me put this in a perspective, theres a guy commenting badly abt Tun come back and it says something that Tun afraid of DSAI. It resolves around this :
    1. Scenario 1 – Pak Lah ruling
    Economic Issues that threathen our local daily lives and of course the so call guy who used this situation for his campaign tactics (Anwar). And plus some racial tension.
    2. Scenario 2 – Mahathir ruling
    Economic Issues, actually he got hit 2 times, one in 1984 and second in 1997. Of course in 1997 the same culprit Anwar using it as part of his campaign. And of course there are some racial tensions too.Btw he got some headache handling Semangat 46 and Judiciary issue. Seriously compared 22 years of issues during Tun time and Pak Lah of 6 years running the show…….enough said
    But did u guys noticed something? The difference is Tun manage to score it all and bring prosperity to us but Pak Lah still didnt strike any yet. Thats the issue and thats a fact.
    Are u guys serious that hes afraid to some Malay dude that was born in Cherok Tok Kun? Cmon guys, in 1980’s this man (Tun) said “Buy British Last!” in the face of the most feared woman in the world Margaret Thatcher and not to forget he even engineered to score Sime Darby too. In 1990’s he called an Aussie PM a Deputy Sheriff to US and he even called the most powerful man in the world (George Bush) a liar!! in the face. Seriously guys, i dont think this guy is afraid of anything. And until this moment, I dont hear nothing from Pak Lah or Anwar critizing US on Iraq or whatever injustice happens around the world.
    PS, i’m not a Tun fan at first place but i acknowledge 2 things, he can score and he is bold. Ok so now Tun is coming back, do ur thing, solve the problems please. I’m getting fed up with both sides of the party now, the ruling having issues figuring out the cure for our country ills and the other side busy doing detectives job instead running the states that they have won.
    And this one for u Tun : FORTES FORTUNA JUVAT! – Fortune favors the bold. And I’m now officially ur fan.

  154. To our beloved Tun,
    This is my personal overview of everything that have happened. I’m not into politics or neither i know everything. Just a common citizen that are very concern with the country current situation.
    Saya dibesarkan di bawah kepimpinan Tun. Sepanjang kepimpinan itu, tak pernah pun our politik jadi sebegini dahsyat. Tun may not be perfect, but he surely had lead our country successfully. kita hidup dalam aman damai, negara makmur tanpa sebarang perbalahan.
    Org nak mempertikaikan kelemahan Tun sepanjang kepimpinannnya. begitu lama Tun memimpin, cuma bebrapa issue saja yg mampu dipertikaikan. Tapi, Pak Lah baru sekejap memerintah, macam2 issues keluar.
    The only mistake that Tun dah buat, is to think that Pak Lah can actually replace him and become a good leader. With the lately racist issue that is happening, mana Pak Lah? What has he done or even try to do to make things better? Hingga Anwar dapat mengambil kesempatan dan bangkit semula. Anwar ternyata menampakkan segala sikap buruknya. This is the true Anwar that everybody failed to see, but not Tun.
    One of the reader wrote that Pak Lah managed to overcome passport problem, dulu sebulan sekarang seminggu. Itu jer ker contribution Pak Lah as PM? Itu jer ker yg dia mampu. Sungguh memalukan. kalau nak dibandingkan dgn ape yg Tun dah lakukan, that is nothing!
    I believed, ape pun keputusan Tun adalah untuk kebaikan suma, bukan utk dirinya, anaknya @ menantunya. Keputusannya untuk kembali adalah atas dasar kasih sayng terhadap rakyat jelata dah negara yg diusahakannya selama ini.
    Biar ape pun tindakan Tun, ingatlah masih ramai yg sayang dan menyokong!

    By zuber on September 10, 2008 11:38 PM
    Macam biasa, sasarannya ialah Paklah. Dan saya tidak terkejut dengan kemasukan Tun ke dalam UMNO semula.It was just a market test. Tun tidak dapat respon yang baik bila berada diluar UMNO. Watak-watak penting yang diharapkan Tun untuk ikut jejak Tun hampir zero. Paklah membisu, membuatkan Tun semakin kacau. Pada hemat saya, Tun terpaksa berpatah balik kerana Tun sendiri yang terdesak:

  156. aswb Tun & fellow bloggers,
    As quoted by Tun ; So far we hear only the non-Malays rejecting the social contract. This is the first time I hear of Malays rejecting the social contract. I think the Government should handle this problem carefully. Otherwise it may become widespread and effect the fragile harmony between the different races.
    If the ruling government were to do referendum to the Rakyat today, whether they wanted to do away with NEP and bumis’ special right, most probably the non-Malays would vote for it, and then the remaining bumis majority would either support or reject it outright. Correct me, if am wrong as my guts feeling & observation tell me that the Non-Malays have already achieved the point they can’t tolerate to be regarded as 2nd and 3rd class citizens. after 50 years of MERDEKA, they wanted to be recognized as at par with their fellow Bumis .The so-called elite professionals and highly educated Malays seem to favour that the privilleges to be taken away from them as they believe they could survive in the real world competition. However, the mainstream Malay/bumis do not have the same level of confidence as their the elite counterpartand they would reject the referendum.
    Just view the statistics, the 30% bumis stake has not been achieved even under the full support of the NEP and the government’s assistance , grants, subsidies and etc.I just can’t imagine, if the NEP and the privilleges are to be rescinded/annuled, definitely the Malays/bumis’ equity in the economy going to doom for sure.
    This is the way that I look at the equity and income statistics. If the malays’/bumis’ equity were to increase, definitely the chinese communities’ wealth and equity would increase probably double fold as the chinese are the ones who control the economy. Juts look at the retailing industry being dominated by them. Can someone tell me any Malays/bumis who currently own a chain of supermarket, hypermarkets and etc ? Only MAIDEEN happened to be one of the few successful retailers.They rest are just self explanatory to everyone. Look at the propery industry and the supply chain network.
    The industry and the supply chain are still being dominated by them.
    even until now. the Malays/Bumis still cannot penetrate thier strangehold on this stratehic industry.
    Even If the 30% equity is fulfilled, I don’t think the mainstream Malays/Bumis would feel happy nor gratified. Why ? The Malays/bumis make up almost 60% of the total population , but yet the target set was only 30%. THE TARGET DOESN’T LOOK SENSIBLE HERE IF WERE TO LOOK AT THE RATIO OF THE POPULATION TO TARGET THE ECONOMIC EQUITY
    Futher quoted by Tun,’I believe racist sentiments among Malays and non-Malays are rising. If it flares up the stability of this country may be affected permanently. We may see political wrangling of the kind we see in several other countries. In the process the economy of this country would be destroyed’.
    Apparently the racist sentiment rise after Tun era is over and since AAB assume the role as the captain of the ship.He Propagates the Islam Hadhari , true democracy, freedom of speech that encourage the people to speak out. Now the people are even dare to speak on the sensitive issues that they did not dare during Tun’s era of governance.To make matter worse, the so-called DSAIB has unveil his mission statement to abolish the NEP and restore equality
    among the communities.They quickly begin to rally behind this so-called MESSIAH who are out to betray his own people.In fact by declaring Sept 16 as the Revolution day has destablize the country politically and economically. The foreign investors may comtemplating to move over their investment elsewhere and in the end the people and the government are the ones that will be victimized.
    it seems that the sancity and tranquility of the Ramadan has been disturbed and compromised.We are supposed to pray more, be patient and do good deeds rather than do the opposite,showing our bitterness, grudge and anger to one another.

  157. salam.
    isu kontrak sosial tidak akan padam. sebab utamanya ialah isu ini telah dipolitikkan. kaum cina dan india dalam kedudukan memilih pemimpin. jadi bila ada pemilihan pemimpin maka akan berlaku perpecahan kerana masing-masing nak cari penyokong. dalam kes ahmad ni, kira orang2 yang memberi kenyataan mestilah mahu menjadi hero dan mahu lebih ramai penyokong. ini bahananya bila isu2 sensitif di politikkan. tambahan pula isu ini telah digula2 dan dicili2kan. tambah panas dan hangat. media pun apa kurangnya dalam bertanggungjawab membesarkan lagi isu ni. hari3 memaparkan isu2 seperti ni. kadang2 ada media yang tidak bertanggugjawab menyiarkan berita yang boleh memanaskan lagi keadaan.

  158. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Selamat berpuasa,semoga sihat walafiat bersama keluarga tercinta.
    Pertama, semenjak kepinpinan negara diambil alih oleh DSAAB sebg perdana menteri, contract social ini telah menjadi satu perjuangan bukan melayu untuk menikmati ape yg telah diberikan kpd melayu.
    Kita tidak blh menyalahkan bukan melayu dlm memperjuangkan hak mereka kerana ini disebabkan kelalaian peminpin melayu sendiri.
    Lihat sahaja apa yang berlaku, pemimpin kita meminta maaf kpd org bukan melayu disbbkan keceluparan pemimpin bahagian tersebut sehingga digantung keahlian UMNO dan dilucutkan jawatan semata2 mahu mengambil hati org bukan melayu.
    Jadi, apa yang saya ingin katakan disini, melalui penulisan tun yg mengatakan tiada pemimpin melayu yg berani dan rakyat yg berani ttp sebenarnya tun. ADA RAKYAT YG BERANI tetapi tiada siapa yg boleh menjadi tunjuk ajar dalam mencari jalan keluar.
    tolong tun, tunjuk jalan keluar, rakyat makin derita, peniaga makin muflis, tiada projek besar. kalau ada pun utk kroni2 nya sahaja. Bukan sekadar menulis ttpi perlu dilakukan ibarat membina rumah ditepi pantai.
    sekian, rakyat yg sentiasa menyokong tun.

  159. ASSALAMUALAIKUM…AYAHANDA TUN, Kepada para bloger yang masih menanyakan ayahanda TUN tentang kembalinya semula ayahanda TUN ke dalam parti UMNO(seandainya benar-benar terjadi),Rasa-rasanya usahlah kita bertanya soalan ini kepada ayahanda TUN..,SEBALIKNYA kita bertanya kepada kepimpinan yang ada pada hari ini mengapa ayananda TUN menegur sebilangan dari mereka..,apa yang paling menyedihkan ialah apabila ayahanda TUN bersuara,para pemimpin kita akan melenting,dan munyuruh ayahanda TUN berdiam saja..,BAGAIMANA AYAHANDA TUN BOLEH BERDIAM SAHAJA SEKIRANYA BELIAU TELAH DAPAT MELIHAT SATU KEPIMPINAN YANG MENUJU KE ARAH KEHANCURAN.., kepada PAKLAH sedarlah dari kesilapan yang telah PAKLAH lakukan,Kini kami rakyat sudah bijak berfikir,dapat melihat apa yang berlaku kepada kehidupan kita pada hari ini..,(jika sesama kita telah dapat melihat hal ini,MAKA AYAHANDA TUN PUN APA TIDAKNYA)..,Kepada mereka yang sentiasa melihat ayahanda TUN dari sudut yang negatif maka negatiflah pemikiranya(lumrah hidup,ada yang suka dan ada yang benci).Dalam pada itu fikir-fikirlah adakah ANDA mampu menjadi seperti ayahanda TUN yang telah membuktikan kejayaanya,dengan memberi keharmonian,kesejahteraan,kemakmuran dan kegemilangan kepada MALAYSIA….,,,,Jelasnya kini punca kepada beberapa masalah yang berlaku kebelakangan ini adalah kerana tiadanya ketegasan dalam kepimpinan,melakukan perubahan terlalu drastik dalam satu-satu organisasi dan adanya sikap tidak menerima pendapat orang,….,,,..KEPADA DSAI hentikanlah permainan politik yang boleh menyebabkan kehancuran kepada orang melayu dan islam, dan janganlah terlalu berani dan terlalu yakin bahawa 16/09/08 anda akan berjaya mengambil alih kepimpinan kerajaan MALAYSIA,(janganlah anda mendahalui “ALLAH”)….,,,SEDARLAH PARA WAKIL RAKYAT,ANDA DIPILIH OLEH RAKYAT,DAN BUKAN ANDA MEMILIH RAKYAT,……,,, KEPADA TAN SRI MUHYIDIN SAYA MEMUJI SIKAP “GENTLEMAN” ANDA..,PAKLAH TETAP DENGAN ALASAN YANG SAMA “BELUM SEDIA BERUNDUR KERANA BANYAK LAGI PERKARA ATAU MASALAH BELUM SELESAI”…,,,MASALAH AKAN MENJADI LEBIH PARAH SEKIRANYA MENGAMBIL MASA TERLALU LAMA UNTUK MENGALAH..,,..fikir-fikirlah,jika kita mengambil masa yang lama untuk menyelesaikan masalah,bermakna kita sendiri yang bermasalah……………hairan-hairan………APA-APAPUN SAYA TETAP MENYOKONG AYAHANDA TUN….,,,…..

  160. Dear Tun,
    For all the guys out there, we are commenting in a blog owned by a guy that the world have acknowledged him as one of the finest and smartest guy in 20th Century. For sure he got his gameplan and he knows what hes doing, i can guarantee when he comes back to UMNO, he will come prepared. And its not abt the flip flop or watever crap u guys comment on him.
    Guys, please recall, this man and his crew pulled a stunt in restoring our economy in 1997 crisis by pegging the ringgit and plus some sub stunts that restores order in our country and make the majority so happy. Anwar Ibrahim and his buddy George Soros not so “chirpy” when he succeed on the economy part.
    Strangely ppl are so distracted abt 16 Sept, but we forgot abt 20th Disember. I got a hunch something amazing will happen. So Anwar and his crew got to step up the plan or u going to end up silenced in Permatang Pauh for a long time. And Anwar gotta wait for another world economic crisis to take advantage on for the opposition campaign. And maybe if that time come again, Anwar might be 90 and riding in a wheel chair hahaha.


  162. Assalamu’alaikum Tun yang dikasihi,
    I’m sure you saw over the Berita Perdana RTM to-night Si Bedul Badawi gave his remark on Mohidin’s statement to reconsider the handing over premiership to his Deputy soon before it’s too late in 2010. Did you the expression on his face and his body language? I could see how much he loathed Mohidin. If only he has the freedom, there and then he would get rid of Mohidin. How dare Mohidin said that when everyone of his stooges had agreed. Did you see the faces around him? All chicken. “Nobody dares” look on everyone’s face. And soon after Mohidin’s own state man, the stupid looking Minister of Higher Learning became the Champion to condemn Mohidin, in support of Si Bedul. Doesn’t Si Bedul feel how much the majority of us can’t just wait much longer for him to get lost from the premiership?

  163. Ayahanda Tun….betul seperti mana ayahanda Tun kata baru-baru ini…Mengapa kaum lain boleh menghina kita tapi kita tak boleh kata apa-apa pun pada mereka..?..Ayahanda Tun…Terima kasih kerana masuk balik UMNO,sebagai ahli UMNO saya cukup gembira tentang berita itu…kita jadi seperti mana dulu …KITA KUAT DAN TAK BOLEH DIHINA..Selamat berpuasa dan kita berjumpa di Alok Stak bila Raya nanti…

  164. Good evening Tun,
    your always My undisputed MAHA of all MAHAGURUs,
    ” Tun Dr.M ”
    how are u ?
    hows your health going on ?
    hope ur doing superfine..
    im always enlighten,amazed and salute you becoz of your each and every intelligent steps ,successful plans and also efficient movements that fruitful.. You are the right person who make the right thing,at the right time, at the right place 🙂
    ..absolutely it makes everyone blink widely while scratching their heads !! hahaha…
    Dearest Tun,
    obviously..not many can understand why,what and how…of your strategies.. however they will know who,when n the end 🙂
    ..(the moral of the story, we shall understand the purpose of Guru,then we will understand the purpose of his teachings )
    i believe that Tun is a great chess player..
    and i would like to congrats and appreciate all the best things u have done.. as a Doctor,u did your job very best 🙂
    God bless Tun always and cheers 🙂

  165. Ayahanda Tun….betul seperti mana ayahanda Tun kata baru-baru ini…Mengapa kaum lain boleh menghina kita tapi kita tak boleh kata apa-apa pun pada mereka..?..Ayahanda Tun…Terima kasih kerana masuk balik UMNO,sebagai ahli UMNO saya cukup gembira tentang berita itu…kita jadi seperti mana dulu …KITA KUAT DAN TAK BOLEH DIHINA..Selamat berpuasa dan kita berjumpa di Alok Stak bila Raya nanti…


  167. Malay Dilema Again?
    If Malays are kept fighting in their own pool, it’s like palying Golf in A, B C Medal. They cannot play in open tournaments. The Malays pros today are like the others and want to have challenges of their own.
    There must be a new game today. I suggest those companies irrespective of Bumi or not that promote harmony, train more Bumis seriously be given more opportunities to for further growth.
    This way we can be proud of being Malaysians.

  168. Tun,
    Now we, the Malays, are facing a situation where the minority wants to impose their will on the majority. They want to be dominant in politics, economy, culture and the list goes on.
    Its a pity that Dato’ Ahmad Ismail is being punished for stating the facts. It seems that under Pak Lah stewardship, if the non-malays want to challenge the status quo, its freedom of speech but if a Malay merely want to state the country’s history, its racist.
    Tun Yang Dikasihi,
    Kaum chauvinist dlm Gerakan & MCA lupa bahawa orang Melayulah yang mengundi mereka dalam semua pilihanra sebelum ni yang membawa mereka berkuasa. Pernah satu ketika di Penang ahli YB Melayu UMNO lebih ramai dari Gerakan, tapi jawatan Ketua Menteri tetap diberi pada mereka. Ini adalah toleransi orang Melayu. Tapi nampaknya apabila parti Melayu lemah, mereka begitu bersikap menekan terhadap Melayu. Adakah ini melambangkan sikap sebenar kaum Cina hanya merekalah yang boleh menjawabnya. Tapi yang saya tahu, saya tidak akan mengundi calon Cina dalam pilihanraya-pilihanraya akan datang tidak kira parti mana dia datang.

  169. Dear Tun,
    Pak Lah kata peralihan kuasa jangan di persoalkan lagi.
    If this is the case, if really we want to see Pak Lah resign immediately, you have no choice but to give full support to Tengku Razaleigh for the Presidency post and Mahyuddin for the Deputy President post.
    Have a road show with Ku Li and Mahyuddin and convince the UMNO Divisions all over the country to nominate Ku Li and Mahyuddin.
    If you are not willing to be partner with Ku Li and Mahyuddin then you are fighting a losing battle.
    If both of them lose the battle then you have done your part to save UMNO. Lantak orang UMNOlah menentukan nasib mereka jika mereka masih nak berpaut dengan Pak Lah yang dah tempang tu!!

  170. Just as I accepted that Malaysian was born (08/03/2008)somebody is trying to disown this infant. Those are the day where politician make used of ethnic to gain their support but today pure Malaysian politician shall have more support. The oldies who still cling to the ethnic politic shall be ignore sooner or later

  171. In The Name Of Allah Most Beneficient Most Merciful
    Assalamua’laikum YAM Tun,
    Ahlan Waaahlan Marhaban Bikum …Selamat kembali keUMNO
    Bukhari :: Book 1 :: Volume 3 :: Hadith 56
    Narrated Abu Huraira:
    While the Prophet was saying something in a gathering, a Bedouin came and asked him, “When would the Hour (Doomsday) take place?” Allah’s Apostle continued his talk, so some people said that Allah’s Apostle had heard the question, but did not like what that Bedouin had asked. Some of them said that Alllah’s Apostle had not heard it. When the Prophet finished his speech, he said, “Where is the questioner, who enquired about the Hour (Doomsday)?” The Bedouin said, “I am here, O Allah’s Apostle .” Then the Prophet said, “When honesty is lost, then wait for the Hour (Doomsday).” The Bedouin said, “How will that be lost?” The Prophet said, “When the power or authority comes in the hands of unfit persons, then wait for the Hour
    Salamun Salama

  172. Salam Tun,
    Pemikiran Tun selalu melangkaui sempadan dan adakalanya saya mengambil masa untuk memahami setiap kata-kata Tun. Kini saya faham kenapa Tun sejak akhir-akhir ini, asyik membicarakan tentang Kontrak Sosial.
    Sekarang ni, rata-rata masyarakat bukan melayu sudah mula mendengus! Kenapa Tun? Apakah orang Melayu zalim sangat dengan mereka? Bagi saya, senang je, Tun….kalau tak puas hati, kalian semua boleh berambus! Tanah Melayu ini boleh maju tanpa engkorang! Jangan asyik nak melenting, tak puas hati tu, tak puas hati ni..itu tak betul, ini tak betul….apa yang engkorang nak? Apa, ada orang melayu rampas kekayaan korang? Rata-rata kaum lain yang merampas kekayaan yang ada pada bumi Malaysia….dan masih mempersoalkan sedikit keistimewaan yang ada pada kaum bumi! Cubo korang bukak mata dan lihat sekeliling…..sebanyak mana penguasaan ekonomi kaum yang selama ni beri muka kat korang!Mana zalimnya kami terhadap korang? What’s so great about u guys, when u first came here? The wealth u guys have is not brought from elsewhere, but from this country….and yet…no patriotism at all!
    Tun, semua ini berlaku sebab orang melayu tak kiasu macam depa!
    Harap Tun’s return will put back everything back in it’s place.
    Doa saya agar Tun sihat sejahtera….

    By Tauke Kedai on September 11, 2008 9:05 PM
    My Fellow Malaysians,
    .. One more for you to think before you go to bed tonight: “Sudah bagi betis, dia nak peha pula”

  174. Hi Tun,
    I support some of what you have said here and not to provoke the situation but the social contract is what makes Malaysia a melting pot of variant opportunities,
    Our cultural diversity creates business diversity which makes it eye catching to the foreign investors, thus creates a better economic drive for all Malaysian’s no matte what race or creed.
    I m an Indian Malaysian but Catholic by religion, i have many Malay, Indian and Chinese friends,Living in this Malaysian envronment has made me realize that the social contract providesfor equality amongst racebut more importantly, it reminds us tha we are all just simpy human and are on the same playing field.
    What is very sad is that the Hard work of Tunku is now being made a chip to bargain in Politics, that just simply disgust me, no matter who does alike, the social contract is as important to Malaysia s the Declaration of Independance is to the American people,
    All i have seen in the last 3 years is a gross decay of understanding between the various races due to the various political parties using race based politics to devide the rakyat. this really has to stop.
    t is clearly understood by all Malaysian’s that the Maays race is the countries founding race and because of thier initiative to suffer for us to be free of british rule, the malays race is accorded certain benefits, which i feel is more then justified as because the rest of us were nor really part of that struggle.
    For me personally, i applaud the governments efforts from before to recognize the contribution of this single race and provide them a helping hand, as for the chinese and idians and rest, we were merey around when all this happened and by and act of a briliant man (Tunku) we were given the privillege of citizenship..
    But somehow in the past years, we as a people have forgotten our place in Malaysia’s social structure and we have become animals eating our own for political or financial advancement..
    I believe that not even you can save this country from the future is is set to reach if there is no change in MENTALITY IN GOVERNMENT and POLITICIANS. No man is an island thus no single race is a country by its self, the world is multi cultural,multi racial and with the change of times must come the change of mentality.
    So POLITICIANS – and all MALAYSIA’S should stop race based agenda’s for personal gain and think as a nation, we are all Malaysians and our race,religion or social standing does not dictate who we are as a person and who we can be as part of a nation..
    I wish you a blessed fastig month and the same of all mulim’s i Malaysia with due respect

    By Tauke Kedai on September 11, 2008 9:05 PM
    My Fellow Malaysians,
    .. One more for you to think before you go to bed tonight: “Sudah bagi betis, dia nak peha pula”

  176. Dear jeff hamaz
    Sesungguhnya Saudara adalah seorang rakyat Malaysia yang Jati.
    Tidak ada seorang pun ahli politik yang berfikiran matang seperti saudara ini…and I respect you as a truly Malay of Malaysian.
    Sememangnya tidak ada gunanya ahli politik ataupun sesiapa berbicara tentang “NEP” ataupun “Kontrak Sosial”. Sebabnya segala itu hanyalah “teori” semata-mata dan sebenarnya perlaksanaan tidak serupa macam dengan yang tertulis secara teori…
    …Sebagai seorang rakyat yg berbangsa Cina, saya setuju dengan NEP tetapi malangnya saya tidak berapa setuju dengan orang yang melaksanakannya selama ini (oops sorry, I’m getting myself too closed to politicking). Why cronies?, Why many still poor? We can’t blame the rich, they too are human and they need to survive and they work hard for their own good but the Authorities (Government) must help the poor. Please help them follow the real NEP. Go ahead even though another 50 years or more with NEP but please help really the weak or the poor ones.
    Yang penting secara pratikalnya keharmonian rakyat adalah penting dari segala-galanya. Jika negara aman dan damai setiap rakyat tidak kira kaum akan dapat menikmati kemakmuran bersama.
    Apa gunanya saling tuduh menuduh? Kita bukannya ahli politik.
    Ancaman ekonomi negara terbesar sekarang bukannya datang dari Dalaman tetapi secara Luaran. Kalau ekonomi negara lemah, sesiapa saja boleh menakluki negara kita walaupun seorang individu seperti George Soros mampu menguasai Malaysia dari luar.
    Setiap Rakyat adalah Aset kepada sesebuah Negara. Kalaulah rakyat itu bernilai, maka aset negara itu tetap berharga jua.
    Why don’t we appreciate our own values – Malaysia Boleh??
    I think God will love Malaysia if we love ourselves and He will give another one good leader for us!
    …Kunci – Perpaduan = Pembangunan

    1. Cadangan Tun untuk kembali keUMNO dan cadangan saya tempuhari kepada Tun amatlah dihargai sebagai Legend Tun harus kembali dan perbetulkan UMNO demi bangsa kita dan parti yang tengah kearah kejatuhan akibat salah urus oleh PM sekarang dan juak2nya terutama KJ dan Tingkat 4. Kehadiran Tun untuk kali ini amatlah diperlu, bukan kehendak Tun, tapi kehendak semua rakyat Malaysia amnya.
    2. Penganti Tan Sri Hassan Merican bukannya KJ tapi orang KJ tak silap Zulkifli atau pun Jamaluddin itu tak pasti, tapi bagi K.J (Kera Jantan Dari Rembau) tu dia akan memegang jawatan MD . Kalaulah jadi apa yang dia impikan ibarat Malaysia akan hancur akibat perbuatanya, mungkin sekarang tidak nampak kesannya tapi untuk generasi yang akan datang akan menanggumg akibatnya. SAYA MENYERU KEPADA KAUM BUMIPUTRA DAN BUKAN BUMIPUTRA DALAM BARISAN NASIONAL AGAR KELUARKANNYA DARI TINGKAT 4 DAN PARTI..KJ perasan yang dia adalah Best of The Best (orang perasan dan hidung tinggi) kekayaan dari GLC company sudah banyak dirampas, begitu juga syarikat barunya dalam HaB Halal, ECM Libra, Chque clearing,project AP dengan Ketua Bahagian dan Bendahari UMNO Kota Bharu atas nama Premier Hybrid , dan juga bersama Proxynya Azeez Keling Putra dan banyak lagi yang saya tidak dapat tuliskan.
    3.Peralihan Kuasa Jun 2010, itulah set date yang telah Pak Le….lah katakan, ini buka apa cuma bagi lebih masa untuk Pak Le…lah menambahkan, mengikis harta Negara Malaysia untuk dibahagikan kepada kroninya. Yang saya terkejut ialah Orang yang ada dibelakang PAVILION SHOPPING COMPLEX ialah Anak Tiri Pak Le….lah , tulong BPR tengok2.
    4. Statement Tan Sri Muhyuddin Yasin diSingapore agar peralihan Kuasa dipendekan amatlah wajar dan ahli MKT UMNO dan Barisan Nasional patut dipandang serius dan act, sejarah Tan Sri Muhyuddin, dia dinaikkan oleh Tun dan juga walaupun banyak kes diJohor semasa meperentahan dulu kita boleh tutupkan, dia juga banyak berjasa kepada Tan Sri Syed Mohtar dari seorang taukeh lembu kepada taukeh air, pelabuhan,bank,hartanah,hotel dan lain walaupun dulu Tan Sri Syed Mohtar mempunyai rekod burok diTailand dan Kedah, begitu juga Tan Sri Abu Juling (Maju Holding) dari seorang pencuci kereta alahyarham Tan Sri Ninam Shah kepada taukeh lori,besi,hartanah dan Club Latin itulah jasa Tan Sri Muhyuddin kepada mereka berdua. Oarang Johr amat marah kepadanya……pasal habis tanah diberi kepada Abu Juling, dan Syed Mohtar. fikir2lah…..
    5. Untuk merampas kembali Kelantan dari Pas, senang saja lantikkan Tg. Razaleigh Hamzah sebagai PM dan Tan Sri Muhyuddin sebagi TPM, insaallah Kelantan dapat dirampas kembali percayalah, jasa Tg. Tan Sri Rezaleigh banyak semasa beliau memenggang jawatan Menteri Kewangan,Pengerusi Petronas, Pengerusi BBMB, jasanya banyak kepada orang Melayu terutama AP King.
    6. Sekiranya kehadiran Tun kali ini dalam UMNO, insaallah suasana akan bertukar begitu juga Share Market akan naik, kembalilah Tun, isilah borang cepat2 tak payah malu.
    7. Maruah Tun amatlah tinggi, saya sedih apabila melihat gambar Tun duduk semeja dengan KDYMM Agung, Pak Le…lah, Najib ,kedukkan tak kena sepatutnya Tun duduk sebelah Agung, Najib disebelah Pak Le….lah itu baru betul dan saya nampak Pak Le…lah semacam kurang ajar muka masam dan tak ada kecerian mungkin akibat DS June ada diChina kok…..sabar Tun.
    Wahai penulis blog Tun, buatlah sesuatu yang lebih keras agar Pak Le….lah berundur.
    Salam Tun.

  178. Tun,
    Izinkan saya memberi pandangan di sini:
    1. Perlembaggan negara tidak boleh dibincang dan dipersoalkan. Siapa nak memandai, tangkap!!
    2. Tun jangan le masuk Umno balik selagi Dolah meroyan masih jadi presiden. Malu!!! sebab dulu dah bagi syarat hehe.
    3. Saya sokong Tun untuk buat roadshow kempen untuk Kuli sebagai Presiden Umno…Yang ni , kita buat besar-besaran. Tun tak yah masuk umno pun boleh jadi penyokong utama……apa salahnya? Kita punya suka lah!!!
    3. Bila Kuli dah jadi presiden, barulah Tun masuk Umno.
    Baru le cantik sikit jalan ceritanya.

  179. Dear Tun,
    Ramai orang keliru dengan konsep ” pendatang” dan kontrak sosial. Sungguh sensitif sampaikan Gerakan dan seangkatannya pun tak mau faham dan dengar sekalipun perkataan tersebut. Akhirnya buat tuntutan yang bukan2. Malangnya generasi baru hasil dari penekanan ilmu sejarah yang lemah turut buta dalam isu tersebut. Rasanya isu Ahmad Ismail bukanlah sensitif sangat kalau dibandingkan dengan tuntutan dan perbincangan berkaitan Islam, hak melayu, sultan dsbnya.
    Hairan sungguh dengan sikap puak PAS dan PKR yang diam seribu bahasa!!! Adakah anda boleh diharapkan untuk membela nasib Melayu dan Islam…sampai sekarang anda GAGAL…
    Fikirlah sendiri orang2 Melayu..

  180. Tun,
    You have given the people a new hope by rejoining UMNO.Thank you for an honest decision.We are looking forward to the new chapter.

  181. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Hearing this new development is very worrying. The statement made does show educated people made these statements. I say this because that is what we learn in basic 101 contract law back in university days.
    When a contract is declared void, through mutual agreement by both the affected parties, then any benefits obtained by both parties through that contract must be given back.
    For example, A sells a house to B for RM100,000 on the condition that A be given a room inside the house. Over the years, both A and B does not agree to the conditions of the contract, and both agreed that this contact be declared void.
    So in this example, since the contract is declared void by mutual agreement, B has to return the house back to A and A has to return the RM100,000 back to B.
    Ah, the nostalgia of university days…
    I do agree with Tun the social contract needs to be maintained.
    There are so many ways for the rakyat’s voice to be heard. The last general election, the permatang pauh by-election, talking to the man on the street, etc, etc.
    Everyone heard it, but no many wants to listen.
    If we look at our neighboring countries, the people their prefer to do demonstrations to let their voice be heard. For example, in the Philipines, President Estrada was ousted through demonstrations or “People Power” as they called it there.
    However, no sooner then Presiden Arroyo was installed as President, she too was subject by the same treatment of mass protest demonstrations.
    Thus lies the real problem, “those who kill by the sword, shall die by the sword”.
    She has set a precedence when President Estrada was ousted by the demonstrations.
    The same could be said of Thailand and Indonesia.
    The majority of the rakyat in Malaysia still prefer to let their voices heard through the ballot box. It does have its advantages and disadvantages.
    Tun, I heard you are joining back UMNO?
    I would just like to inform you that it has not been easy for me to join as an UMNO member.
    I have tried twice to join UMNO, and even paid the RM2 to be a member.
    Until today I am not a member. I lost RM4.
    If you are in UMNO, one of the things I suggest is to make the UMNO membership more accessible. It may not need the approval of the cawangan or division head. Maybe an online membership?
    Entry to become members is hard as they need approval from the cawangan/bahagian head. I may not be a yesman. I do not have connections to UMNO leaders in my area. Its difficult for me to be a member.
    So, when UMNO have a shortage of capable leaders, I think UMNO leaders have only to look at themselves to improve the situation.
    Maybe it needs new blood or a blood transfusion to rejuvenate it. Anyway, more members means money politics will be much harder as more money will be needed.
    Once membership is more accessable, you can post it in your blog that one way for the rakyat’s voice to be heard is to join UMNO. Invite the commentors and the bloggers.
    Those who believe in the true struggle of UMNO and Tun should be responsible enough to join.

  182. Salam Tun
    I wish not to make any comment on this article about social conract.
    But it seem the issue was getting hot to the public , and everybody seem interested to release their view openly. I dont want to touch on Ahmad Ismail case, Let it be due to racial aspect , although its heart me in person action taken by Umno Supreme council recently But I m admired to Tan Sri Muhyiddin when he making a statement in Singapore asking Pak Lah to speed up his retirement before 2010. So unbelievale as one of the senior leader like him come out so bravely . Meaning to say , All this while Muhyidden was also in your side. Wanted Pak Lah to step down immediately. And Nasional news paper today also quote certain Umno leaders welcome back Tun in Umno . So what else next,the message is clear for Pak Lah itself . Harap Pak Lah turunlah secara terhormat …Tak guna duduk atas sebagai Perdana Menteri Kalu kiri kanan orang kuat Pak lah dah tunjukkan mesej mau Pak Lah turun.
    wallahualam ….

  183. Dear Tun,
    Nampaknya Pak Lah berpaut dan bergantung sangat dengan janji ahli-ahli Majlis Tertinggi supaya beliau kekal menjadi Presiden sampai tahun 2010 tanpa pertandingan.
    Katanya dia masih banyak lagi perkara yang hendak diselesaikan sebelum berundur.
    Sudahlah Pak Lah, penyelesaian yang terbaik untuk Pak Lah ialah letak jawatan. Pak Lah tidak mampu membuat sesuatu pun yang boleh mengembalikan kepercayaan rakyat terhadap pimpinannya yang begitu lemah, haprak dan HP6.
    Pak Lah masih tidak sedar lagi.

  184. PM Terkejut Kenyataan Muhyiddin
    PUTRAJAYA 11 Sept. – Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi hari ini terkejut dengan tindakan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin mempersoalkan tarikh peralihan kuasa pucuk pimpinan tertinggi negara yang telah dipersetujui akan diadakan pada 2010.
    “Saya terkejut kerana dia adalah sebahagian daripada ahli Kabinet saya,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Majlis Pelaksana Koridor Raya Multimedia (MSC) Malaysia di sini hari ini.
    Semalam, Muhyiddin dilaporkan menggesa Abdullah supaya memikirkan semula tarikh peralihan kuasa yang dijadualkan pada 2010 kerana tempoh tersebut terlalu lama.
    Muhyiddin mendakwa, pelan peralihan yang telah diumumkan dua bulan lalu itu kini telah `tenggelam’ dan rakyat tidak lagi memikirkan mengenainya. – Utusan
    apa yang lebih mengejutkan kita ialah beliau tak peka perkembangan semasa, bahawa rakyat telah menolaknya secara total, bahawa rakyat telah semakin hilang kepercayaan kepada Barisan Nasional, dan yang paling teruk sekali adalah asas kepada segala permasalahan yang berlaku sekarang ini adalah kerana DIRINYA SENDIRI

  185. i’m bored Dr M
    just make the call….every veterean UMNO,professional in the country would be on your back
    nothing we could do when it involve higher hirarchy
    above our pay grade to touch on that matter
    all this while,we are watching and listening to their voices.we gave them oppotunity to do what they want.because we are malay….we tolerate….we are some stupid polite bunch.again and again you test our patience.and right now,we have to uphold our malay rights in the country,let see…….
    what national pride?you dont understand them
    make the call Dr M…never ever let them intimidate us

  186. one thing for sure…. most of us in this blog really have good english (especially in written form)….
    you guys do improve my english in terms of vocabs and writing style.

  187. Tun,
    Time to move on. We are now in a different era. Although history is important, we do longer live in the past. History is a lesson learnt, not the era that we should hold on to.
    Law should not be interpreted as how you wish it to be. Otherwise, there’s no values in having a Constitution.
    The importance of race is something in the past when communal living is the key to survive.
    In modern era when knowledge and ability to compete is the power, why do you want to pull everyone back into the past era?
    To be able to change, will increase our chance to survive. Without this ability, we Malay will perish as we can’t keep up with the changes in the world.
    We must stop ‘living in an unreal illusion’ created by our own interpretation disguised in our so-called policies.
    Stop playing the racial card.

  188. Dear Tun,
    This afternoon, me and my malay kampong friends, were in our usual “agruments” whenever we discuss politics. Agruments seems to bring out the true feeling of oneself and I like it – especially being simple kampong people.
    They seems to think that Ahmad Ismail’s “acting” is part of DSAI’s “GAME PLAN”. Getting the Chinese mad with UMNO’s leaders(especially in Penang State) thence favouring PKR even more!
    And that Ahmad Ismail is now PKR in UMNO’s clothing! They are sure he must have a bigger carrot offered by DSAI.
    What more now out of UNMO now and PKR in 3 years.
    Interesting isn’t it?

  189. Come on, the immigrants from China & India more than 51 years ago are not the problem we are facing now, but it is the current Chinese in China & Indians in India. We are very much engrossed in looking back that we forgotten to look ahead. Many people have predicted the economy superpower of the 21st century belongs to China & India. Here we are, still fighting on the history while the leadership of our neighbour country is looking ahead, cracking their minds how to steer the country to remain competitive.

  190. quote lextcs
    “But i think we the non malays have ourselves to blame not because someone calls us ‘pendatang’ but we have failed to shake off the immigrant spirit in our hearts. Look at the way we send our children overseas for further studies thereafter encouraging them never to come back, look at the way we repartriate finances abroad, look at the way we produce our offsprings, look at the way we take participation in social forums (such as ibu bapa associations) and the list goes on and on. We have failed to take up patriotism to the fullest”
    Im relieved with a positive remarks by a malaysian chinese like u but sadly you are only a minority opinion.

  191. My Dear TDM
    We are happy that Tun has decided to re-join UMNO after 3 months of absence. Now we can expect a fresher air circulating in the party and BN coalitions and particularly the nation. Changes are imminent and evitable. I have every confidence that you will advise and guide your party and the coalitions wisely and make changes in the country. Correct the wrong from the past to the present. Our apology for having to drag you back but in dire needs, the rakyat have no choice. We thank and love you for your very concern for our nation and we pray for your good health and hope you will still activate your blog and leave it open for the rakyat to voice their thoughts without fear.
    God bless you always.
    “Unite and Lead is better than Divide and Rule”

  192. Hello All,
    I just couldn’t understand what’s the big deal of giving citizenship to the Chinese or Indian or whoever. Why other country like US or UK can give citizenship to Muslim and other races and at the same time treat them equally as citizen while Malaysia political party always like to raise this racial issue all the time to achieve political milestone?
    US even nominate a black as their presidential candidate. Any problem with that? As long as he/she can bring development to the country why not? No wonder the elite Malay can’t even stand the way government handle the issues and migrate elsewhere to UK etc.
    In fact, we are seeing to many professional migrating elsewhere contributing to the development of other country and yet we do nothing about it. We labeled them “not patriotic” etc.
    We need to be open minded and stop raising the social contract or racial issue. Be bold and be strong then only we can grow. The result of the NEP is a solid prove that it does not work. You only make the other races not benefited from the NEP tougher and stronger. At the same time those rely on the NEP are getting weaker, this is human nature. Why work so hard if I can get what I want easily? This has weaken instead of strengthen the Malay.

  193. Salam Tun,
    Your statements in this article are more explosive than your book Malay Dilemma written in 1970.

  194. Assalamualaikum ayahanda Tun yang dikasihi.
    Sekadar pandangan yg lahir dari hati saya sendiri, inilah juga yang saya pernah sampaikan kepada kalangan pekerja yg dibawah kendalian saya walaupun semasa saya di sabah atau di semenanjung.Perkara ini adalah berkaitan rumpun melayu, tanah melayu, nusantara melayu, kepulauan melayu dll.
    Rumpun melayu yang saya fahami berada dipersekitaran filipina, indonesia, indocina, selatan thailand, malaysia dan singapura. Kaum yg hidup dalam lingkungan ini adalah kaum melayu. Didalamnya terdapat pelbagai suku. Suku Jawa, bugis, minang, bajau, banjar, pattani, moro, bajau, dan beberapa suku2 di sabah, serawak, brunei dan indonesia dan melayu sendiri. Selain itu percampuran suku-suku ini yang telah hilang identiti sukunya diringkaskan adalah melayu berdasarkan persamaan bahasa, warna kulit, fizikal dll. Jika kita melihat melayu ini dalam skop yang luas, bandingkan dgn bangsa2 lain di dunia. Bangsa melayu ini begitu kerdil sekali. Jumlah kita adalah sedikit sebenarnya, geografi kita juga tak seluas mana. Bila wujudnya semangat kesukuan akan bertambahlah kerdilnya suku itu dalam kewujudan pelbagai bangsa didunia ini. Itu suku, jika dlm kontek malaysia pula ada orang kelantan, trengganu, melaka dan lain-lain, Jika kita terikat dgn semangat kenegerian ini juga taklah besar mana negeri kita ini dibanding negeri2 lain didunia. Sekarang ini pula telah ujud melayu umno, pas, keadilan, dap (pun ada)dll. Juga ada melayu paklah, najib, muhyidin, anwar, nik aziz dll. Akhir sekali ada melayu kroni, anak, menantu dll.
    Kesimpulannya jika tidak meletakkan individu yg betul pada tempatnya terlalu taksub dgn semua yg saya nyatakan diatas tadi maka hilanglah kekuatan kita. Jika kita kuat tidak juga kita merampas hak orang-rang lain. Tapi jika kita lemah boleh jadi hak kita akan hilang. Sekali lagi marilah kita bersatu, bila kita bersatu, kita juga perlu hidup harmoni seperti dahulu tanpa adanya tindakan yang membangkitkan mana2 isu. Maaf jika saya melalut… mungkin pandangan saya ini tidak tepat.

  195. Salam Tun,
    Saya rujuk komen Pak Ali (September 11, 2008 10:11 AM).
    Pada pendapat saya, Pak Ali dengan sengaja membangkitkan isu “diskriminasi” dalam sektor swasta tanpa menyentuh isu yang sama dalam sektor kerajaan. Sebenarnya, diskriminasi dalam sektor kerajaan terhadap orang bukan Melayu berleluasa. Inilah sebabnya orang bukan Melayu secara amnya jarang-jarang menyertai sektor kerajaan, kerana mereka menganggap bahawa peluang kerjaya mereka terhad. Sebaliknya, semua syarikat swasta baik milik Melayu, Cina mahupun India mengutamakan keuntungan, manakala sektor kerajaan tidak. Maka sektor swasta mengutamakan produktiviti. Tidak masuk akal sekiranya dalam sektor swasta, yang berkebolehan dipinggirkan manakala yang tidak berkeupayaan dinaikkan pangkat sedangkan syarikat tersebut menanggung kerugian. Rasanya ada sebabnya Pak Ali terasa ada “diskriminasi” dalam sektor swasta. Semoga Pak Ali mempertimbangkan kebolehan diri sebelum melontar tuduhan terhadap orang lain.
    Yang saya nak tanya kepada Pak Ali, adakah semua orang Cina di Malaysia kaya-raya belaka tanpa usaha? Rasanya Pak Ali tidak bergaul dengan kaum-kaum yang lain untuk memahami situasi yang sebenar. Saya berketurunan Cina. Keluarga saya sendiri bukannya kaya. Saya berasal dari perkampungan yang tidak dibekali air dan elektrik sehingga tahun 1993. Ibu saya menggunakan air hujan dan air sungai sahaja untuk memasak dan memandikan anak. Dulu saya belajar pada waktu malam dengan menggunakan kuasa elektrik yang dijana dengan generator yang menggunakan disel sebagai bahan api. Kuasa elektrik yang dijana hanya mencukupi untuk menampung penggunaan selama 3 jam sehari. Jalan di perkampungan saya sekarang pun (tahun 2008) jalan pasir sahaja yang berlubang di sana sini. Tetapi hari ini saya sudah berpendidikan sampai ke tahap siswazah. Ini semuanya kerana titik peluh ibu bapa saya untuk memajukan anak-anak mereka. Saya sendiri pun belajar bersungguh-sungguh juga. Namum, Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) telah banyak menyusahkan ibu bapa saya dalam usaha mereka untuk menyara hidup sementara turut memberikan pendidikan yang terbaik kepada anak mereka. Pada zaman kini juga, terdapat banyak lagi keluarga yang mengalami kesusahan yang pernah dialami oleh ibu bapa saya dalam usaha mereka untuk membesarkan anak, baik Melayu, Cina mahupun India. Kesengsaraan mereka sama sahaja, tetapi kenapa sikap kerajaan terhadap mereka berbeza bergantung kepada kaum? Kenapa pula orang Melayu yang kaya-raya turut menikmati bantuan kerajaan yang tidak diperlukan oleh mereka sama sekali? Apabila anak-anak orang Cina dihantar oleh ibu bapa mereka untuk belajar di pusat pengajian tinggi swasta atau di luar negara, ibu bapa mereka dikatakan kaya-raya. Hakikatnya, pusat mengajian tinggi am di negara ini tidak sanggup menerima anak mereka kerana “kuota kaum sudah penuh”. Ibu bapa mereka terpaksa menjual rumah, kedai ataupun tanah untuk membiayai kos pelajaran anak. Adakah Pak Ali memahami situasi ini?
    Kepada Pak Ali dan sesiapa yang bersependapat,
    Cubalah saudara membaca komen-komen yang terpapar di ruangan ini. Kebanyakan orang Melayu berkecoh hendakkan DEB dilaksanakan selama-lamanya, kerana ini dianggap “hak orang Melayu di tanah milik orang Melayu”. Ini hujah mereka (hujah saudara juga). Memang orang Cina di Malaysia menguasai ekonomi negara ini. Jika dijangkau di Singapura, Hong Kong, Taiwan ataupun China sejak kebelakangan ini, orang Cina memang handal berniaga. Tetapi, persoalannya, adakah orang Melayu yang dikatakan “ditindas” pernah membangkitkan perlunya mereka mempelajari kemahiran orang Cina dari segi ekonomi untuk membolehkan mereka bersaing? Hakikatnya, kalau tidak bersaing dengan kaum Cina pun, mereka perlu bersaing dengan bangsa lain juga. Ini hakikat yang tidak boleh dielak. Tetapi adakah mereka bersedia untuk bersaing ataupun terus disuap sahaja? Tidak ada satu komen pun yang ada di blog ini yang menunjukkan wujudnya kesedaran ini di kalangan orang Melayu. Sebaliknya, mereka menuntut agar bantuan kerajaan diberikan selama-lamanya. Dari manakah agaknya kerajaan hendak mendapatkan sumber kewangan untuk disumbangkan kalau pembangunan ekonomi negara tersekat dengan perlaksanaan polisi ekonomi yang tidak seimbang seperti DEB? Bukan itu sahaja, bantuan itu disalahanggap sebagai “hak istimewa orang Melayu yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan”. Kaum-kaum lain dianggap tidak berhak menuntutnya kerana mereka sudahpun maju.
    Saya tidak menafikan bahawa bantuan perlu diberikan kepada mereka yang memerlukannya, tetapi saya berpendapat bahawa polisi berkenaan tidak harus dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsip perkauman. Saya berpendapat bahawa semua rakyat Malaysia harus diberikan layanan yang sama tanpa mengira warna kulit. Saya kini belajar di luar negara. Kos pengajian saya dibiayai oleh sumbangan biasiswa yang diberikan oleh pihak universiti di luar negara. Saya ingin memaklumkan saudara Pak Ali bahawa orang ramai di negara ini tidak melayan saya dengan teruk, sehingga biasiswa pun sanggup ditawarkan oleh mereka dengan percuma. Isu “ketuanan” ataupun “pendatang” tidak dibangkitkan. Sebaliknya, walaupun saya dilahirkan di Malaysia seperti nenek moyang saya juga, ada juga pemimpin masyarakat yang memanggil saya “pendatang”. Diskriminasi berasaskan kaum tidak diamalkan oleh pentadbir negara ini, malah adalah salah di sisi undang-undang. Bantuan yang diberikan kepada mereka yang perlu kebanyakannya berbentuk “outreach projects”. Bantuan tersebut diberikan berdasarkan keperluan, bukannya warna kulit. Ini lebih masuk akal bagi saya.
    Yang saya harapkan untuk negara saya ialah pembangunan bukan sahaja dari segi infrastruktur tetapi mentaliti rakyatnya, kerana bagi saya, mentaliti sesetengah rakyat Malaysia yang tertutup sebenarnya menjadikan keadaan begitu kompleks sekali. Selagi kita tidak sanggup membutakan mata terhadap warna kulit masing-masing, maka tidak mampulah kita maju. Selagi polisi yang ada menyekat kemajuan golongan yang sanggup memajukan masyarakat maka tersekatlah kemajuan kita. Jangan berkali-kali membandingkan negara kita dengan Vietnam, Zimbabwe ataupun Korea Utara. Jika setakat itu sahaja aspirasi kita maka janganlah kita berhujahkan kemajuan.

  196. By Pak Ali on September 11, 2008 10:11 AM
    Salam Tun,
    Sebenarnya kaum-kaum Cina dan India harus berterima kasih kerana diberi peluang untuk tinggal di bumi Malaysia dan menjadi rakyat melalui Social Contract. Cuba fikirkan, adakah mereka akan dilayan dan diberi peluang sehingga menjadi MP dalam parlimen dalam jumlah yang banyak jika mereka tinggal di United States, Britain dan Australia? Lupakan lah, negara-negara ini akan melayan mereka dengan lebih teruk, tetapi mereka masih tidak berterimakasih dan meminta hak yang lebih-lebih. Tak cukup lagikah dengan monopoli mereka dalam ekonomi, mempunyai kereta-kereta mewah, bungalow dan kondo mewah berbanding kaum Melayu yang baru hendak belajar untuk maju? Tidak cukup dengan itu semua, mereka juga mengambil peluang untuk membeli tanah dan kondo yang dikhaskan untuk Bumiputra dengan mengunakan nama orang Melayu. Lesen-lesen teksi yang berdaftarkan nama Melayu banyak dimiliki oleh orang Cina sebenarnya, all these is public knowledge! Pekerja-pekerja Melayu yang berkerja di Syarikat swasta yang dimiliki orang Cina banyak jadi mangsa diskriminasi dari segi peluang naik pangkat, kadar kenaikan gaji dan bonus. Semua ini memang berleluasa, tapi tidak apa sebab itu hak mereka sebagai pemilik syarikat.
    Tetapi, bila mereka menekan untuk menghapus hak kaum Melayu, itu sudah melampau! Tidak cukup lagi kah Guan Eng memerintah Pulau Pinang, masih nak impikan menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Perak sekarang walaupun di terajui oleh wakil PAS tapi di control oleh DAP, bahasa dan lenggok percakapan pun macam DAP sekarang. PAS should be ashamed of themselves!
    These people remind me of a prasite plant that leaves on a big tree, they will eventually outgrown and kill their host if not controlled properly.

    Sila bertanya secara serius, adakah kesemua rakyat bukan Melayu tidak bersyukur dan tidak menghayati apa yang dikongsikan di tanah air kita selama 51 tahun merdeka ini?
    TIDAK!Saya sebagai seorang rakyat berbangsa Cina yang dilahir dan dididik di bawah bumbung yang sama ini MENAFIKAN sepenuh-penuhnya fikiran dan pandangan tersebut.
    Kejayaan seseorang rakyat Bukan berbangsa Cina banyak bergantung kepada usaha yang gigih dan sifat kekentalan yang tertanam dalam hati kita. Maklumlah bahawa kami dipandang hina oleh sebahagian rakyat Melayu (mujur, dan bersyukur bukannya semua) sebagai rakyat kelas dua di tanah air ini, oleh itulah kami terpaksa bertungkus-lumus untuk mempertahankan maruah kami di bumi Malaysia ini.
    Sekiranya masyarakat Melayu masih berfikiran cetek dan enggan bangun dari segi intelektual dan sifat kerajinan yang perlu ada dengan hanya bergantung kpd segala keistimewaan yang disumbang oleh
    Kerajaan, maka tumbanglah suatu hari Masyarakat Melayu di mata dunia.SILA HENTIKAN DIRI ANDA DARIPADA MENYALAHI MASYARAKAT BANGSA LAIN ATAS KEKALAHAN DIRI SENDIRI. BERTAUBATLAH BETUL-BETUL; Adakah Tuhan itu mewujudkan manusia berbagai kulit dan bangsa untuk berkelahi sesama sendiri di atas tanahair sendiri??????

  197. Co-Blog respondents
    lets put a few things on the table and in perspective.
    1/ When I was born, I was issued a Malaysian Birth Certificate.
    this was my first official document and it tagged me Malaysian.
    However there was a column titled Bangsa – India (now in reflection, that was an incorrect label and if then, my parents had the wisdom they have now, they would have refused to state anything other than Malaysian.
    2/ I then attended school, issued examination cards and other identification devices all requiring me to identify my Bangsa – again and again I was ‘forced’ to fill this as India, not Malaysian.
    This included my IC- Kad Pengenalan at 12, then 18 years, and the insistince I had to fill the Bangsa column as India, not any other value else I could not proceed with getting these legal instruments.
    But I wish, I had stood my ground and stated – I am a Malaysian, true and true. By indicating India, this is both incorrect and legally, I have been forced to provide false information. How can I say I am Indian? I was not born in India, not issued Indian Citizenship, not granted Indian citizen rights, so what makes me Indian. My facial features? My color? Then what about all my Malay friends who have one parent who is of this feature – are they to be tagged ‘India’ instead of ‘Melayu’ because of this ethnic feature?
    3/ I lived in my birth land accepting that I will not receive the same rights and treatment as my Malay bretheren, and felt honored to be part of our great land. Note, even then I call it our. The feeling of ownership in my hearts of hearts is I am Malaysian, true and true. But our forefathers who segregated us on basis of ethnic majority did not calculate that one day, Malaysians at large will end up arguing about rights and priveleges on basis of ethnicity, forgetting they have only one nationality – MALAYSIAN!
    4/ I’ve resigned to the fact I will not receive the same rights till the day I die, but I hope that during my children’s time or their children’s time, the question of nationality will be on the basis of citizenship NOT ethnicity. Once this basic element is in place, I believe the current discrimination of ethnicity will cease to exist as every Malaysian will be counted for, not further sub-categorised.
    5/ To my Malay bretheren – don’t think I want your riches, property, stake to your claims etc etc. Far from it, I want respect and equality and to be counted truly as a Malaysian. I want for you to expect every Malaysian to be treated fair and without prejudice. I want for equality only on the grounds it means no one person has to wear sacrifice for the benefit of the other.
    And I am happy to wait for the day where the majority of Malaysians want that very same desire to treat one another with respect and dignity, without fear or favour, using one measure.
    6/ Final comment outside this topic: To all Malaysians – please abide by the PM’s instructions. He is asking for your cooperation, so give him due respect – dont’ cause unnecessary and unwanted rifts. We are all one bretheren. Peace and harmony is the basis of our Malaysian life. Dont’ get greedy. Don’t get angry. If you have to state your points of view, do it responsibly. Freedom of speech while is a right in our constitution, requires us to use it with respect. Don’t get upset with the Government if they restrict this right on the basis it continues to be used irresponsibly as some individuals have shown recently including TDM.
    The Government has an even more important tenet to ensure safety and national security is intact!

  198. My Fellow Malaysians,
    Do not blame others for your weaknesses. Instead, strive and improve yourselves to get back on track. This country has gain so much success because we live and work together as Malaysians. The disparities amongst us are not caused entirely by the Goverment policies.
    The richest Malaysian is not even a Malay. If the Malays are really racists to the core, even this can be made a subject of a conflict.
    There is a saying in Malay that goes: ” Buat baik berpada pada. Buat jahat jangan sekali.” Try to understand the meaning of this saying. One more for you to think before you go to bed tonight: “Sudah bagi betis, dia nak peha pula”

  199. Dear Tun
    I read this in RPK’s Malaysia Today dated 11 Sep 2008:
    // We must never allow our country to be turned into a racial battlefield again. Let politics be issues concerning policies, civil rights, good governance and justice. Let us not allow anyone to bring race and religion into our politics lest we suffer the fate of many countries around us where mass murders of entire families are made in the name of ‘bangsa’ and ‘agama’. //
    Well, I’m glad that RPK is sending out a timely strong reminder. Many people talk and write emotionally and without caring a damn about other people’s feelings. When things flare up, they blame others. But, they are too damn dumb or arrogant to admit that they are at fault too. I hope people will wake up to the fact that
    • When people are enraged, they can lose their self-control which makes them capable of inflicting violence.
    • We share this world with extremists – extremists in race, religion and whatnot. If we inflame them, they can cut us down or blow us up. Innocent bystanders can become their victims who may be our very own families.
    For people who don’t believe this, they should test it on a case of road rage. Try to enrage or inflame a mad driver and see the violent side of humankind.

  200. Salam Tun,
    Saya telah lama menjadi peminat Tun, saya sungguh tak paham mengapa ada orang yang betul-betul bodoh hingga boleh bencikan Tun. Mengapakah orang-orang ni tak boleh berfikir.
    Kepada sesiapa yang baca comment saya ni tolonglah beritahu kat Pak Lah (Bapak Mertua Khairy) tu supaya blah lah.
    Malaysia jadi macam ni sebab Pak Lah (Bapak Pecah Belah). Sekarang blahla bagi orang lain pulak tak faham-faham lagi ke orang suma benci kau Pak Lah.
    Semoga dengan kemasukan Tun ke dalam UMNO akan menyelamatkan Melayu.

  201. kadang kala tergaruk-garuk kepala fikirkan apakah yg terjadi di malaysia ini …
    nampaknya tokoh politik suka mencetuskan persoalan tentang kaum bukan melayu mencabar kontrak sosial … terfikir-fikir ku apa yg dikatakan tentang aksi-aksi yg cuba mencabar … tapi tak faham-faham juga …
    (1) tengok IC, tunjukan aku warganegara malaysia, income tax bayar tepat masa, tak langgar undang-undang, tidak membuang sampah merata-rata juga -> mungkin ini kelakuan yg dikatakan mencabar kontrak sosial
    (2) sejak kecil belajar to SRJKC, yg hanya mendapat 50% subsidi dari kerajaan. Dah biasa dengan bilik darjah yg sempit, masalah anai-anai, kekurangan meja kerusi dan hutang bil elektrik oleh pihak sekolah kerana tiada bantuan. Dalam keadaan ini lah, cikgu mengajari murid-murid kepentingan untuk menjimat cermat -> mungkin ini kelakuan yg dikatakan mencabar kontrak sosial
    (3) setiap tahun baru persekolahan, SRJKC tidak mendapat bantuan sepenuh untuk buku teks. Keluarga yg miskin perlu memohon pinjaman buku teks. Sudah jadi kebiasaan murid-murid miskin membawa borang merata-rata untuk pengesahan dari ketua kampung dan pemimpin tempatan -> mungkin ini kelakuan yg dikatakan mencabar kontrak sosial
    (4) setiap tahun bagi murid yg mendapat bantuan buku teks, gembira sangat dan membeli kertas bungkus untuk membungkuskan buku teks yg didapati. Gam juga diperlukan kerana memperbaiki helaian yg koyak. Dah jadi kebiasaan dimana buku teks dilakar dengan kartun-kartun atau helaian yg hilang, kerana bantuan buku teks ini digilir-gilirkan dari kelas yg habis peringkat setiap tahun -> mungkin ini kelakuan yg dikatakan mencabar kontrak sosial
    (5) untuk menampung perbelanjaaan sekolah kerana tidak mendapat bantuan sepenuh kerajaan, setiap tahun murid-murid dipaksa membawa kad derma untuk meronda di kampung-kampung untuk mendapatkan derma. Budaya ini secara langsung melatih murid untuk megetahui kepentingan sifat jimat cermat -> mungkin ini kelakuan yg dikatakan mencabar kontrak sosial
    (6) Ibu-bapa dah semakin uzur dan bekerja keras untuk menampung perbelanaan sekolah. Sakit hati nampak mereka dan ku bertekad untuk belajar bersungguh-sungguh untuk memberikan kehidupan yg lebih sempurna kelak. Dah jadi kebiasaan di kalangan murid untuk belajar hingga larut malam untuk mendapat skor yg tinggi dalam permirksaan. Air mata menitis di larut malam memandangkan anak-anak jiran telah tidur manis -> mungkin ini kelakuan yg dikatakan mencabar kontrak sosial
    (7) Usaha selama ini membuahkan hasil, dan mendapat skor yg memuaskan dalam peperikasaan. Gembira dan lompat-lompat untuk memohon kemasukan ke universiti tempatan. Tak pernah ku bermain bola di padang kerana kebiasaannya SRJKC tiada ruang untuk pembinaan padang. Namun, kerana warna kulitku, ditolak untuk memasukki universiti tempatan. Mungkin benar seperti yg dikatakan ramai, warna kulitku yg menjadi unsur mengapa saya dapat skor dalam pemeriksaan .. -> mungkin ini kelakuan yg dikatakan mencabar kontrak sosial
    (8) Kolej swasta perlukan perbelanjaan yg agak tinggi, dan ibu bapa tiada wang yg lebih untuk menampungnya. Nasib baik semasa menunggu result peperiksaan. Aku mendapat kerja sampingan … mungin engan kerja sampingan ini, yg dikatakan mencabar kontrak sosial
    (9) Selepas tamat persekolahan di kolej swasta tempatan, ingin mendapat kerja yg boleh membantu mengecapi cita-cita saya. Agensi kerajaan sudah secara umumnya diketahui tiada masa hadapan aku yang mempunyai warna kulit ini. Terpaksalah ku menceburi diri dalam sektor swasta. Manalah tahu penceburan diri ku di sektor swasta, seperti lain-lain yg mempuyai warna kulit yg sama, yg secara paksanya bekerja di swasta, dikecam memonopoli sektor swasta -> mungkin ini kelakuan yg dikatakan mencabar kontrak sosial
    (10) Dengan budaya yg dialami semasa sekolah, aku terlatih dengan amalan menjimat cermat. Dengan ini, aku berjaya menumpulkan sebilangan wang untuk menceburkan diri dalam bidang perniagaan. Perniagaan ini susah nak dilaksanakan. Kontrak atau projek kerajaan tiada peluang langsung. Dengan itu lah terpaksa mengutamakan negara luar untuk perniagaan kecil saya … online bidding dan lain-lain … setiap hari kena kerja macam anjing … usaha ini mendapatkan hasil selepas beberapa tahun … namun usaha ini dikecam juga, dan nampaknya dikatakan kaum yg kulitnya berwarna semacam dengan saya, automatik akan jadi taukeh besar dalam perniagaan, dan automatik akan deberi modal untuk perniagaan dari tuhan … hmm .. fikir-fikir pun tak faham … -> mungkin ini kelakuan yg dikatakan mencabar kontrak sosial
    (11) Dengan usaha yg dilakukan sekian lama ini, dapat membawa kehidupan yg lebih sempurna untuk ibu-bapa yg uzur … tiada kemewahan tetapi sekurang-kurangnya tiada masalah kosong perut … tiba-tiba kawan ku datang memintakan diriku memberikan hasil usahaku sebanyak 30% kepadanya … ku enggan dan lebih rela sekiranya saya mengajarnya petua kejayaan saya dalam bekerja bersama-sama … malangnya dia mengamuk dan katakan ku dah dapat paha nak pulak betis … ku fikir-fikir pun tak faham apa salahnya … -> mungkin ini kelakuan yg dikatakan mencabar kontrak sosial
    wahai tun yg disayangi, amat berterima kasih kerana selama ini memberikan peluang untuk adinda mempelajari cara kehidupan dan petua kejayaan … kini barulah ku faham niat Tun yg ingin melihatkan ku menghadapi kesukaran kehidupan … barulah aku sedar bahawa sekiranya seseorang mahukan kejayaan, usaha itu diperlukan … dan sekira adanya suasana yg sukar, manuasia itu akan hidup lebih tabah …
    terima kasih Tun yg dikasihi … tetapi, berpusing-pusing kepala ku, mengapakah ku dikecam merompak hasil orang lain atau pun mencabar kontrak sosial … harap Tun yg dikasihi dapat memberi tunjuk ajar …
    terima kasih

  202. apologise does mean alot for some reason…good job.
    why cant malaysian respect each other?..
    why cant everyone put away the racist thing!?..
    why cant malaysian live in harmony without racist remarks on each other.? we live in one small country. malaysian just dont respect each other,somehow makes people who are not racist wanted to migrate.
    so much for the merdeka,not.

    By Captain on September 11, 2008 12:59 PM
    Isu Ahmad Ismail: MT UMNO Berpecah
    Contributed by Anonymous on Thursday, September 11 @ 04:06:47 MYT
    Topic: editor
    “Terlerai sudah sokongan Melayu tradisional terhadap UMNO” demikian komen Datuk Seri Rais Yatim dalam Mesyuarat MT UMNO semalam ketika diputuskan pergantungan ke atas Datuk Ahmad Ismail..
    Layakkah Pak Lah terus menjadi Presiden UMNO?

  204. Salam Tun,
    Apa pun yang Tun buat untuk pulihkan umno yang dirosakkan dengan teruknya oleh paklah, khairy dan kalimullah….serta kroni perosak umno…..
    saya lega bila kebanyakan ahli mt umno menyambut baik kepulangan Tun…dengan lapang dada…
    pantang melayu derhaka kepada guru…
    paklah telah derhaka kepada guru dan mahaguru umno…iaitu Tun…
    elok bebenar paklah direject segera agar budaya kurang ajar kepada mahaguru….yang diamalkan paklah…bungkus terus….
    dan umno serta bn akan berwajah baru yang lebih mantap…kehadiran Tun sebagai mahaguru umno….
    paklah tak sampai makam mahaguru daa….maaf paklah….bukan benci…takut kuasa melayu hilang angkara tindak tanduk merapu hang tu…

  205. My Dear Tun
    After 51 years of Merdeka and the tremendous progress in this wonders why is that the racial and social contract issues are now being brought to light? Frankly, none of these issues have surfaced in such bad taste previously and if at all, it’s only a tingle here and there. We have all learned to accept the Constitution and live peacefully in harmony. All that matters and concern to us are the progress of our country and that we and our generations to come, are all able to cari decent makan and live comfortably till our dying day. In this light of moment, is there a possibility that all these happenings and commotions are by political design to deviate and divert the rakyat’s attention to the real problem..our government and their governing. Is there someone behind the curtains tangling the puppet string? Whatever their plot is..I hope the rakyat will not fall prey and let Common Sense to prevail here. Syabas.

  206. assalamualaikum tun,
    saya adalah seorang pelajar form 5 from maktab sultan ismail@sultan ismail college(sic)…it seems like this racist issue now will threat our oppurtunities to further our studies later….my friends and i are afraid that the 13th may incident will be taking place again….if that happen,i am sure that malay students will be vanished from all education institutions…sorry to say that chinese and indians nowadays are brave enough to questioned malay rights,this thing is very obvious since you resigned from the post PM…..please tun,help malay students and please don’t let malay people be the ruffegees at their own soil….jagalah hak-hak kami sementara kami masih kecil tun…please..
    tengku zedrin petra

  207. see how arragont the chinese leaders have become….
    KUALA LUMPUR: Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail’s three-year suspension is a lesson to all, that every Malaysian community’s right to citizenship cannot be questioned or challenged, MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting said yesterday.
    Ong said while Umno had proven its commitment to the Barisan Nasional supreme council by initiating serious discipline action against Ahmad, the MCA hoped that such racist actions will never again see the light of day.
    “The MCA would again like to remind all that every racial community’s right to Malaysian citizenship is sacred. We will not tolerate or forgive anyone who question this issue,” he said adding that the same rule applies for racially charged sentiments.
    “Umno crossed the line on this issue lately and we have taken them to task. Let this be a reminder to every political party that there is no double standard when it comes to this topic and the MCA will continue to safeguard this right within the Barisan Nasional.”
    Ong thanked all component parties, Chinese community leaders and the media for standing in solidarity on the issue, which resulted in quick action taken.
    On Penang MCA’s relationship with Umno Bukit Bendera division, Ong said that the boycott would only be removed if the division shows sincere repentance.

  208. I feel really ashamed of the Malays. First they create this thing called social contract in order to justify the continuation of Malay rights. They found it necessary to justify it because there is a time limit to it unlike the case of citizenship. Then suddenly they want to say there is no social contract — this time to deny the non-Malays of their right to citizenship.Both ways they want to be winners ?

  209. Dearest yang YBH TUN
    Thank you for this information. Tunku gave one million citizenships without any condition to the immigrants? It sound very simplistic to me. But then i alway think he was a simple man with very little vision for our country. And I still remember when these citizens gave him problems later on, he gave them an island to form a country of their own. What a dayus. I remember some one from this blog said Badawi is as good as or can be, as good as this Tunku. Good for what?
    I wonder what will happen if we give one million pendatang tanpa izin from neighbouring countries their citizenships. Some of them were born here. Do you think we should? For me, I think we should. after all most of our achievements so far are partly contributed through their blood sweat and tears. May be our progress towards vision 2020 can be more realistic.
    As always, May Allah bless you and your family

  210. Dear Tun,
    1.Despite writing in point form and simple English, many of your readers still do not get your point.
    2.They assume that the alternative opinion rejecting the Social Contract by an emerging group of Malays are your own extreme views.
    3.They fail to see that you are only reporting a dangerous trend and warning of the risk to our fragile race relations as we allow this uncontrolled discussion on ‘sensitive’ issues to go on in the name of democracy and civil liberty.
    4. Those who read your article and surmised that it was your own opinion have come to such a conclusion because their own negative emotion and opinion of you have clouded their ability to understand your article.

  211. Tun,
    Apa pendapat Tun kalau kita bubarkan UMNO tp kita tubuhkan UMNO. Maksudnya kita tukarkan perkataan Malay dengan perkataan Muslim. Selepas tu buka keahlian kepada semua mualaf untuk menyertai UMNO. Lagipun skrg ni rupa paras org UMNO pun pelbagai, ada rupa arab, rupa china, rupa mamak dan rupa mat saleh. Isu rasis pun dah tak timbul kerana sudah jadi pertubuhan pelbagai bangsa tp masih mendukung agama Islam.

  212. TDM,
    Perkauman ini memang telah wujud sejak zaman Nabi lagi,tidak akan ada kesudahannya sehinggalah KIAMAT tiba.Ada di mana mana dan setiap masa dalam hidup manusia.
    Dalam kes Ahmad Ismail, yang rugi hanyalah parti UMNO terutama di Pulau Pinang dan orang melayu akan berdendam sesama sendiri. Walaupun ada yang menafikannya hakikatnya tidak sebegitu,hanya dendam tersimpan di hati.
    Fikirkan lah.

  213. Selamat kembali ke UMNO. Kali ini, Tun kena cari pelapis sebijak macam Tun. Tun mempunyai nama besar dan pendirian yang kukuh. Satu dunia mengenali Tun. Kita mahu melihat Malaysia itu berkembang maju.
    Saya mengharapkan Tun terus menulis. Tun itu adalah aset negara. Samada melayu, cina dan india atau apa sahaja, kita berkongsi satu rasa. Iaitu menjadi Malaysian.

  214. Good day to you Tun,
    I am impressed that you are still so energetic and wish to re join UMNO. Certainly I welcome you back and hope to kick this AAB out. However, your efford alone to solve Malaysia current situation isn’t enough. The root cause is the mindset of the leaders in UMNO, Gerakan, MIC, MCA and other parties. The way they run the country are totally horrible. They don’t even know what they doing. All they care is they themselves. When I think about it, it is not their fault to behave such way. It is we, all Malaysian. We are no better than others.
    So what if you can uphold Malay rights, so what if Ahmad can publicly apologize and so what if chinese and indian can successfully seek equality. Still we will be doom when come to globalization. Are we ready for this? Obviously not because we still fighting the same old issue over and over again for the pass 51 years. Can we progress like this. When all these political and racist issue solved, we will back to square one. By that time, I think Thailand would be like Singapore and we will still where we are today or worst.
    Peace of mind

  215. Salam buat TUN sekeluarga,
    Minta laluan sikit TUN,
    By siti on September 11, 2008 12:04 PM
    Saya benci TUN …..
    bila TUN masuk balik PARTI PEROSAK RAKYAT niee
    Maka teruslah jahanamkan lah yang namanya Bangsa MELAYU
    To siti,
    Saya rasa siti ni suka kat DSAI kot. Siti, tinggalkanlah amalan songsang ni.. sedap tak sedap tu tau lah, tapi amalan ni di laknat tuhan.. bertaubatlah siti.
    Wassalam TUN.

  216. Askm Tun,
    Saya rasa social contract ini perlu diteruskan dan dipertahankan demi kesejahteraan orang-orang Islam dan Melayu. Tetapi malangnya pada hari ini, pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu tidak lagi pandai berhujah dan mempertahankan hak-hak mereka. Mereka menjadi lembik, lesu dan tidak bermaya. Dibuli oleh pihak lain. Yang saya nampak mereka lebih takut kehilangan kuasa, jawatan, pangkat daripada menyatakan dan mempertahankan sesuatu yang benar. Memang sudah maklum, kuasa datang dengan kemewahan dan kekayaan. Mungkin inilah sebabnya mereka menjadi dayus dalam mempertahankan hak orang Islam dan Melayu. Tiada lagi keiikhlasan dalam perjuangan melainkan untuk memenuhi nafsu menambah harta dan kedudukan. Semoga kita diganti dengan pemimpin yang ikhlas dan lebih baik dari mereka. Yang memperjuangkan kepentingan umat bukan isi perut masing-masing.

  217. Dear Tun,
    A good relationship should not be base on a social contract, rather it should be on voluntary basis, same go to your Friend, Family, Neighbour, Workplace & etc.
    The racial issue tension seem to be a drama play by various political party for personal gain, rather than play by the socialty as a whole, Do i have any problem with my friend, neighbour & college of different races ?
    My answer = No !
    I believe same go to majority Malaysian.
    Question : Is this the right time for Malaysian to become a true Malaysian regardless of race?
    Answer : It is the time for all of us to take that very first step.
    Salam Muhibah to Tun & Family

  218. Assalamualaikum TUN,
    Semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat Walafiat dan diRahmati Allah. Teruskan usaha Tun untuk menyedarkan kpd sebahagian besar rakyat yang tidak menghargai erti budi dan mengenang jasa.Tulisan dan kata-kata Tun byk memberi menafaat dan perangsang kpd diri saya selama ini. Ahli UMNO atau bukan, itu bukan menjadi persoalan. Buat apa jadi ahli parti sekiranya suara, ulasan membina dan kritikan tidak didengar.
    Sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa Kita telah mencapai kemerdekaan. Tetapi malangnya sebahagian rakyat cuba mengeruhkan air yang jernih dan mengalih pandangan negatif sejak Tsunami politik 2008 ini. Kenapa? Jawapannya ada di dalam diri sendiri sebagai rakyat yang bertamaddun dan merdeka.
    Bak kata pepatah “Pemimpim itu sendiri patut menilai dirinya sendiri. Bukan orang lain. Sekiranya ada kritikan, terima sahaja dan buat pembaharuan atau letak sahaja jawatan seperti mana Perdana Menteri Jepun”. Adakah berani DSAAB berbuat begitu?? Kita telah memberi cukup masa kpd DSAAB untuk membuktikan keadaan tetapi masih gagal. Perdana Menteri patut dipersalahkan dan dipertanggungjawabkan.
    Tun juga pernak dikritik semasa memerintah dahulu, dan byk pembaharuan telah dicapai hasil kata sepakat pemimpim politik. Jika tulisan dan kritikan Tun tidak lagi dibahaskan….siapalah saya yang kerdil dan lemah ini akan mendengar dan mencari penyelesaian oleh DSAAB lagi??
    Saya mendoakan agar tulisan-tulisan Tun seterusnya akan menjernihkan fikiran rakyat Malaysia yang telah “keruh” sekarang ini.

  219. Dear Dr Siddiq,
    Try baca blog Lim Kit Siang dan Pete. And Eye’s opener. Read with open mind ya. Enjoy!

  220. 1. Masih rasa kecewa dengan nasib bumiputra – pegangan ekonomi
    masih dok situ gak
    2. Kepimpinan masih nak buat perkara yang sama
    3. Keputusannya saya pasti sama
    4. Nie…lagi nak bagi…bagi dan terus bagi atas nama keadilan
    (Kalau macam tu…ikut saja parti adil tuu)
    5. Akhirnya merempat di tanah sendiri…
    6. Saya tidak akan izinkan…walau digantung 3 tahun
    7. Tidak izin

  221. Salam Tun
    Tahniah kerana berhasrat mahu sertai semula UMNO. Boleh dikatakan hampir 50% rakyat tak percaya kewibawaan kerajaan sekarang yang ditunjang Pak Lah. Setelah 5 tahun pemerintahan tidak banyak pencapaian yang boleh dibanggakan. Malah selama 5 tahun memerintah banyak kacau bilau yang berlaku. Inilah yang dinamakan demokrasi yang tiada sempadan, seperti yang di’agong’kan negara barat. Akibatnya bangsa melayu sendiri lemah kaku di negara tercinta. Apabila melayu sendiri hilang kawalan (pemerintahan) terhadap negara sendiri pastinya suatu hari nanti bangsa Melayu akan pupus dari bumi Malaysia seperti yang terjadi pada Singapura yang kebanyakkannya merempat ke negara orang. Saya mewakili Melayu generasi ke 4 Merdeka berharap akan berlaku perubahan pemerintahan negara secepat mungkin. Tak sanggup melihat anak cucu saya merempat di negara sendiri kelak.
    Terima kasaih.

  222. YABhg Tun
    What was initially a political situation is increasingly turning out to be a socio-economic-national security-political situation. Without a firm hand at the helm, the intervention of the security forces cannot be discounted.
    The question is – how best does one remove the Prime Minister? I posit that an en masse resignation of Cabinet members as the most efficient route to force the resignation of the incumbent PM.
    However, I am wondering if whether do our Cabinet Ministers are just so enamoured by their ministerial posts/perks/prestige that they are willing to silently witness the Nation’s continued deterioration, say, within the next six months?
    Any Cabinet minister who resigns will be hailed as a hero, a man of principles and a man of integrity. If Pak Lah survives, the resignee would be an outcast. That, unfortunately, I think, is the price that no incumbent Cabinet Minister, especially UMNO’s, would be willing to pay.

  223. TUN,

  224. DEAR TUN,

  225. Salam Tun,
    Terima Kasih join UMNO balik…bila nak berjuang dan buat roadshow seluruh negara ni….sesekali attacking perlu utk sedarkan melayu hari nie dari tidur.. . Tak sabar, golongan muda macam kami nak support Tun…pasal dah tak sanggup tengok golongan muda jadi macam robot-robot..tunggu dah lihat…khairy? tak boleh pakai..bukan melayu sejati..even not nasionalis.. Tun kena gerakan kami balik …macam semangat dulu2 Malaysia Boleh!
    Tun tak payah risau kaum-kaum lain….priority melayu kita lah kalau melayu kuat…insyaAllah kita boleh duduk sama tinggi dengan kaum2 yang lain…kalau tidak kacau bilau….Tun kena mulakan CHANGE mind melayu kita nie dulu.Kena mula kasi ceramah brainwash melayu dari kampung hinggalah ke bandar…dari utara hingga ke selatan..kita support Tun…dr blog hingga ke mana2 …pak2 menteri yg ada2 pun kena support ..usah dok tunggu nak jadi katak..dari 16/9 ke 20/9 lepas tu nak jadi apa..tinggal si anwar proxy ..both penang leader not perform for malays ….reality is there….so tinggalkan ..mereka. .pasal ni agenda melayu malaysia.
    Usah peduli dollah & anwar proxy pasal mereka not stand for malays pasal dah gila kuasa.Mereka tak sedar kaum kita nie masih lemah di bumi sendiri dan pemikiran orang2 melayu utk samarata kan politik dan ekonomi ni tak boleh di pakai langsung…bukan berjiwa nasionalis, not islamic dan anti sejarah..mereka kena kaji macam mana org dulu-dulu berjuang utk bangsa & tanahair..baca kisah kesultanan melayu melaka, perjuangan tun perak, mat kilau dan tok janggut ..semua nya utk bangsa dan agama.
    maafkan saya Tun…keras sikit pasal tak sanggup tengok bangsa melayu nie bergaduh sesama sendiri..kaum lain ketawakan kita..tak boleh ke melayu ni bersatu? tak kisah lah UMNO ke PAS ke…..PKR porrahhh..melayu rojak

  226. I said this in my ealier post, which yet to come out!
    Anyway, I say this again:
    The people of Malaysia are Peace Loving citizens. They will NOT resort to violenace and clash with other race, PERIOD !!
    One of the bloggers has a good point; we will only see the racial issue when we watch news/TV or read media.
    Do not use RACE/RACIAL/RACISM/RACIST to achieve your personal agenda. You will fail miserably. You are now living in a era where you deal with knowlegable generation. The generation that are able to think forward!! I suggest you start focusing on building the nation in achieving the Developed Nation status !!

  227. Tun, love reading your blog. I think all Malaysians miss your leadership. Pak lah’s administration..the so called “open government” but in fact caused racial disharmony. I am woriied about Sept 16 – do you think its going to happen…I think someone need to advise pak lah to retire and 100% focus on his new wife. I agree that Malaysian nowadays would focus in anything other than BN.Pls give us some hints on Sept 16

  228. Salam Tun,
    As long as Pak Lah is in power we will be hearing more and more news on racial/religious issues in the main mediastream until he steps down…2010?? (its too long period) He is the culprit for all these to ignite. Like what you have said before when the leader is weak, people start to step on your head and start begging for this and that. I am getting fed up with all these dirty fiascos orchestrated by the corrupted and racist politicians in UMNO/MCA/MIC and DAP for their own political milage. Everday you will be hearing the same old stories in the front page of the newspaper. Where on earth we could hear all these issues during the 70’s and 80’s? We lived in harmony back then but not anymore now. The situation is very sad now.

  229. Satu amaran/peringatan yg amat baik dari Tun…………….
    The selective freedom of speech is stirring up racist feelings.
    No one should disregard the obligation to uphold the social contract!!
    UMNO (majoriti ahli) sedang menunggu Tun dgn hati yg terbuka. Kehadiran Tun akan menjadikan ‘the minoriti’ disappears!!
    Selamat berbuka pada Tun berdua. Wassalam
    Sep1108 @1731

  230. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Please help us & do something to save our country & nation. All this while DSAAB has done absolutely nothing..
    Allah bless you Tun

  231. By mohd hisham saihari on September 10, 2008 5:49 PM
    salam yang berbahagia tun
    1. if anything happens to our country, i doubt other races will struggle to uphold the country..(as we can see, involvement of non-bumis in the public services (army and police) are rather not, why should they mess up with social contract or ‘hak ketuanan melayu’ if you don’t love your country…
    Yes that’s a brilliant idea and ask yourself this, if anything happen to a chinese or indian will you show the compassion at all? Tell me if you could define the real meaning of hak ketuanan melayu, does that mean you can look down on all other races in Malaysia as a mere slave to you? Don’t tell me nonsense such as there are rich Chinese or indian did that to you, ethnicity doesn’t define an individual’s behaviour, try understanding this if you care.

  232. Asalamualaikum Tun yang disayangi…..diharapkan Tun dapat membaca dan memahami rintihan dan harapan rakyat jelata yang terasa sengsara dan menderita dibawah pemerintahan sedia ada yg gagal menjalankan tanggunjawap yang diamanahkan oleh ALLAH SWT dan harapan yang diberikan oleh Tun.Gesaan rakyat agar Tun menubuhkan satu Parti baru haruslah dipandang serius dan di beri pertimbangan yang sewajarnya oleh Tun kerana rakyat malaysia memerlukan pilihan dan kepimpinan yang boleh dipercayai….Bn semakain Huru Hara Dbawah kepimpinan Paklah,Pakatan Rakyat pula memperjuangkan dasar liberialisme dan kesaksamaan…Rakyat masih percaya dengan kemampuan Tun untuk kembali Mentadbir Negara walaupun cuma sementara….Kembalilah Tun Mencorak dan memacu negara ke landasan yang sebenar.Dato mukhriz mungkin mampu meneruskan kecermerlangan Tun dalam kepimpinan yang baru begitu juga Tan Sri Muhiddin…..Fikirkanlah Tun

  233. Salam Tun,
    Senang cite Melayu mudah lupa. Melayu di bandar yang dah dapat nikmat DEB bertukar menjadi Melayu Liberal yang mempertahankan hak kaum lain. Mereka tidak fikir Melayu luar bandar yang miskin dan menagih kemanisan DEB. Jangan salahkan Tun atau Tunku atau mana-mana pejuang kemerdekaan. Salahkan diri sendiri kerana tidak faham Sejarah Negara Bangsa. Fahamkan dulu konsep ‘Orang Melayu adalah hamba kepada Raja-raja Melayu’ sebelum nak bercerita tentang kewarganegaraan, apatah lagi DEB. Salam ramadhan Tun.

  234. Salam Tun,
    Senang cite Melayu mudah lupa. Melayu di bandar yang dah dapat nikmat DEB bertukar menjadi Melayu Liberal yang mempertahankan hak kaum lain. Mereka tidak fikir Melayu luar bandar yang miskin dan menagih kemanisan DEB. Jangan salahkan Tun atau Tunku atau mana-mana pejuang kemerdekaan. Salahkan diri sendiri kerana tidak faham Sejarah Negara Bangsa. Fahamkan dulu konsep ‘Orang Melayu adalah hamba kepada Raja-raja Melayu’ sebelum nak bercerita tentang kewarganegaraan, apatah lagi DEB. Salam ramadhan Tun.

  235. En. Mohd Hisham Saihari,
    About your comment below on September 10, 2008 5:49 PM , all citizen in Malaysia no matter bumi or non-bumi, are loving our country.
    About your statement low non-bumi in public statement, it’s not non-bumi fault, it’s because of SPA/SPP quota system.
    My experiences:
    1) I’m Malaysian citizen but non-bumi lah. In 2004, I passed PTD examination and went to INTAN WILAYAH TENGAH for 3-days test. At Taklimat, we was told that only 30% Chinese and 10% of Indian will selected for interview. En. Mohd Hisham, now you should know why less non-bumi in public service, is that non-bumi fault or they don’t love this country.
    2) in 2004, my wife applied for KPLI (she also non-bumi lah), almost all non-bumi who applied SK school option did not get, but whoever non-bumi applied for SJK school mostly got.. En. Mohd Hisham, now you should know why less non-bumi teacher in SK school, is that non-bumi fault or they don’t love this country.
    Bumi and non-bumi is a powerful device of bad politician to get what they want…
    We as an ordinary citizen (no matter bumi or non-bumi) always love our country.
    By mohd hisham saihari on September 10, 2008 5:49 PM
    salam yang berbahagia tun
    1. if anything happens to our country, i doubt other races will struggle to uphold the country..(as we can see, involvement of non-bumis in the public services (army and police) are rather not, why should they mess up with social contract or ‘hak ketuanan melayu’ if you don’t love your country…

  236. Asalamualaikum Tun,tindakan Tun menyertai semula UMNO ketika Paklah masih di tampuk pemerintahan mencetuskan tanda tanya di kalangan penyokong Tun terutama menggenai kenyataan Tun yang hanya akan menyertai UMNO setelah Pak Lah meletak jawatan.Bagi saya yang merupakan salah seorang yang mengagumi dan menyasihi Tun merasa amat tersentuh mengenai kritikan dan tohmahan yang dilemparkan terhadap Tun diatas tindakan terbaru Tun itu…..Adalah diharapkan agar tun dapat membuat satu penjelasan yang khusus dan teperinci menyenai tindakan tun tersebut.Adalah diharapkan tindakan Tun untuk kembali ke dalam UMNO mempunyai misi dan tujuan yang tersendiri…siapalah saya untuk menyungkai dan mengagak apa yang tun fikirkan….

  237. Assalamualaikum YBhg Tun dan Bonda Dr.Siti Asmah
    Semoga Tun berdua dalam sihat sejahtera di bulan Ramadhan ni.YBhg Tun……memang amat membimbangkan dgn keadaan negara kita skrg ni.Mereka-mereka yang dh cacing naik ke mata berani secara terbuka bercakap isu-isu sensitif.Saya gembira bila YBhg Tun menulis tentang kontrak sosial ni.Biar yang takde Otak tu boleh buka mata hati memahami perkara ini.
    Pemimpin tertinggi negara harus buka minda mereka untuk menilai keadaan semasa dan beri perhatian serious tentang percakapan perkauman ini.Bilamana seorang pegawai tertinggi tentera juga telah menyuarakan ada yang tak kena dengan situasi skrg, masih tiada inisiatif dipihak kepimpinan. Tak taulah apa nk jadi dgn pemimpin=pemimpin kita ni. Janganlah dah terantuk baru nak betulkan alang.
    Sy tak taulah nk rasa gembira ke sedih ke bila dapat tahu YBhg Tun nak kembali ke UMNO.Sy harap dgn Kembalinya YBhg Tun kedalam UMNO Tun dilayan dgn baik dan diberi peluang menyatupadukan ahli-ahli UMNO serta memantapkannya.Sy akan rasa sedih jika Tun dihina lagi terutamanya oleh menteri biadap bermulut celupar.
    Sy tetap sentiasa menyokong YBhg Tun bak kata orang Tua-tua ‘We’ll be for each other thru’ thick or thin.For that more sacrifices required’
    Selamat berjuang YBhg Tun.Harap satu masa nanti dapat berjumpa Tun in person dan minum latte bersama.Wassalam.

  238. Tun yang disayangi,,Selamat kembali ke UMNO dan selamatkanlah negara tercinta ini…Tun orang yang paling layak …..

  239. Assalammualaikum para bloggers semua.Syukur alhamdulillah ayahanda TUN telah sudi kembali kepangkuan UMNO untuk mengukuhkan semuala barisan UMNO. Tetapi adakah dgn kemasukan semula TUN sahaja dpt mengembalikan kekuatan UMNO semua? .Sesungguhnya UMNO sudah terlalu jauh dari rakyat.UMNO sekarang bukan lagi UMNO dizaman TUN dahulu.Keangkuhan dan kesombongan para pemimpin pemimpin UMNO sekarang mmebuatkan rakyat tidak lagi akan mengundi umno.Kelemahan dan kebodohan paklah yg membiarkan org disekelilinginya memperkudakannya membuatkan ahli UMNO sendiri sudah membenci kepada UMNO.Saya cadangkan ayahanda tun berserta pemimpin yg benar benar mementingkan rakyat dan negara utk menubuhkan sebuah parti yg baru dimana ahli ahlinya nanti tidak seperti ahli umno yg berpolitik semata mata utk mendapatkan kontrak utk tembolok mereka sendiri.fikir dan renungkanlah..Selamat berbuka kepada ayahanda tun serta bonda siti hasmah

  240. Good day to you Honorable Tun,
    May God blessed Tun & family with good Health & Happiness.
    I wish to share a few thoughts of mine. Eversince, our beloved country Malaysia gained independent from the British. Multi races such as Melayu, Cina, India, Iban, Kadazan had worked their way to build Malaysia & continue multi races work to make Malaysia becomes what is Malaysia today. Stand high in the map, get recognition from the world community.
    I just cannot understand why, certain irresponsible people playing racial card. Now is not about playing racial card, what matter nows is to improve the wealth of the country. Let’s work hard for better tomorrow. I vote for anyone who can lead the country, I don’t really care if he is cina or not. Lead the country lead the “Rakyat” is the leader I will vote for.I wish to share the following;
    Bagi Ahmad Ismail, dia juga datang dari keluarga pendatang dan menumpang hidup di negara ini. Ahmad Ismail tidak boleh menafikan hakikat bahawa datuk neneknya adalah pendatang dari India untuk menerokai penghidupan yang lebih baik dan selesa di bumi bertuah ini.
    Perdana Menteri Abdullah bin Ahmad juga tergolong dalam kategori yang sama. Datuknya di sebelah ibu adalah pendatang dari wilayah Guandong, China. Pendek kata, datuk Pak Lah iaitu bapa Allahyarhamah Kailan bernama Hassan Salleh atau Hah Su Chiang adalah seorang pendatang. Beliau berhijrah ke Tanah Melayu dari
    wilayah Guandong (Kwantung) pada pertengahan abad ke-19 dan menetap di Bayan Lepas sebagai pekebun getah, pesawah padi dan kemudian saudagar intan
    Najib Tun Razak, Timbalan PM juga berasal daripada keluarga pendatang iaitu dari Sulawesi, Indonesia atau lebih
    senang disebut orang Bugis manakala sepupunya Hishamudin Hussein tidak terlepas daripada darah keturunan Turki.
    Datuk nenek mantan PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad juga pendatang dari Kerala,India manakala ibu Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman berasal dari negeri Siam (Thailand).
    Kesultanan Melayu Melaka pun dibuka oleh orang pendatang dari Sumatra bernama Parameswara, seorang anak raja atau bangsawan beragama Hindu.
    Dalam sejarah kesultanan Melayu, kita dapati ada yang ditubuh oleh pendatang dari Bugis dan ada pula dari Hadhramut selain dari Minangkabau.
    Kawan kawan sekalian, selepas menbaca apa yang di tulis atas, apakah pendapat saudara saudari? Apakah yang ia ini menberitahu kita semua.Kita semua berbilang kaum mendirikan satu kaum iaitu “Kaum Malaysia”. Perpaduan amatlah penting untuk semua.
    Saya cina, saya cintai aman damai, saya tidak mahu perkara dasyhat berlaku. Sebagai “Rakyat” bertanggung jawab, saya menunaikan tanggung jawab masing masing demi Malaysia. Saya tetap percaya Perpaduan amalan Rakyat Malaysia.
    Biar kita berfikir, apakah yang kita mahu, aman damai, atau pun miskin..yang mana kah kita pilih, saya mesti pilih aman damai, denganadanya aman damai, saya boleh cari rezeki….Dengan ada wujudnya Perpaduan baru ada “Social contract”.
    Sekian terima Kasih,

  241. Salam Tun,
    Welcome back to UMNO.
    As my pevious mail that only YOU and RAJA2 can stabilise the country.
    Now, the Tngku Mahkota Pahang raise the concerns about the Malay’s Right and hopefully with the Royal support and your tireless commitmment will rescue the Malay and eventually the Country.
    Agreed with your analysis, this is the first time the malay reject the sosial contract. And this is getting bad to worse and if we don’t act and repair the sosial contract it will turn this country to “civil war” and eventually we will fall behind our neighbouring contries.
    The sosial contract must be MADE to be understand and preserve it at with firmness and fairness and NOT sway to the loudest noices.
    Lastly, pray that you will act fast and pull back the glory.
    Take care!

  242. YAB Tun,
    The latest news that stole the limelight was the announcement made by YB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin that YAB Tun may rejoin UMNO. It is indeed unexpected but not really surprising. I am still waiting for the official announcement to be made by Tun himself. Otherwise, it is just an unofficial news…
    Eventhough YAB Tun left UMNO in May 2008, Tun did not really abandoned UMNO. UMNO has and always will be in your heart. This could be seen at the way how critical Tun commented on how UMNO is being run and your call for a leadership change.
    Witnessing the sorry state of UMNO deteriorating from being a supreme party when you handed over the leadership in 2003, to the present state, must have been very painful to Tun. This could have prompted you to swallow your pride by overturning your earlier decision of coming back only when the present leadership stand down.
    As a great leader, I think Tun is making the right decision to come back for the sake of Agama, Bangsa and Negara. The day Tun make an official announcement to rejoin UMNO, I will tender my membership form to join UMNO as well. Right now I am a partyless person.
    Coming back to the topic of Social Contract. Obviously judging by the responses and comments to this topic, there are lots of people out there who seems not to understand or pretended not to understand why it was created in the first place. I think Tun sensed this and thats why this Social Contract 3 comes about.
    Social Contract have been in existance for a long time and has served us well until recently. The way I look at it is that, the word has been misused and abused for the wrong reason i.e. to garner popularity support by certain quarters. Again, I think Tun sensed this and hoping that those who doesn’t understand the real Social Contract per se, will understand after reading Social Contract 3.
    By the way, the person from Bukit Bendera is as defiant as ever and downright arrogant. Even after being slapped with a 3 year suspension, he is blaming the top 2 leadership for handing him the suspension, supposedly under pressure from other BN component party leaders. That was a slap on the faces of the top 2 leaders.
    ‘Bahasa Menunjukkan Bangsa’.
    ‘Terlajak Perahu Bolih DiUndur, Terlajak Kata Buruk Padahnya’
    Renung renungkan peribahasa di atas…
    P.S. I am eagerly awaiting for the official announcement by YAB Tun rejoining UMNO because that will be the moment I will join UMNO!
    Semoga Yang Amat Berhormat Tun dan Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Siti Hasmah sentiasa dilindungi ALLAH SAW hendaknya.

  243. i respect your decision…. after your comeback- then what will happen? what will you do with anwar? how will you explain to Hindraf group?. and lets not forget the latest chinese issue?…. you cant cover anyone’s eyes…everything is transparent now… lets face this while you were ruling, people were living in lie…. everybody wants to impress everyone by hiding the truth elements- everyone was acting… nobody dares to talk anything . and now when everyone starts to wake up from deep sleep- you decided to come back and put them back to that your mission? DO YOU WANT TO COVER PEOPLE’S EYES? if it is- then im so sorry to say this- we will be living far behind from any other developed country.. cus 1st comes is changing the mentality of people- then comes development….. you cant achieve much without changing people’s mentality …. how to change people mentality- is to demolish bumiputera rights!… im a malay and im telling you this. bumiputera makes malay lazy!! when the half of the majority are lazy- then the country — is always in developing country status!…there is still time to change malays.chinese and indians are much more smarter than us- in any field… do you realise this- shame to say this but i was very much surprised a malay doctor cant speak english fluently!! those degrees that most of them got it are all are by bumiputera quato system-i dunt say all of it – but most of them- malay accountants doesnt even know how to do basic calculations.. i have many malay & different race frens – that willing to pay and see chinese and indians as doctors / lawyers/ accountants/etc… but not malay .. y ? its not because they hate malays.. but its because of lack of confidence…. but again im telling you– its not every malay are like that but majority…. its just like saying- ( weakness is right in front of the eyes- and yet the eyes refuses to accept it- this is call EGO.)

  244. Kita serumpun MELAYU, air yang dicincang tak akan berbelah.
    Welcome back Tun, my grandparents, parents and all in my family struggled so hard for UMNO, for the love of BANGSA, AGAMA dan NEGARA.
    Dengan perasaan penuh keSYUKURAN dengan kepulangan TUN.

  245. Salam Tun,
    Perpaduan kaum very important, saya setuju dgn saudara KUNCI , dulu lain sekarang memang lain. jarang kita dapat lihat budak sekarang ada rakan pelbagai kaum……tak macam dulu-dulu…really GREAT.

    Tun Masuk UMNO semula…
    Tau Tun cuma merajuk-rajuk sayang jer…
    dalam hati duk risau lagi kat UMNO tu…
    Masakan menjadi Presiden selama 22 Tahun langsung x sayang kat UMNO..
    Saya pun jadi Pengerusi Koop Sekolah walaupun 2 tahun dah sayang giler kat koop tu. Macam2 duk fikir untuk majukan koop. Inikan lagi Tun. Saya faham perasaan Tun apabila ada orang yang lagi lembap,x reti buat keje. Hancur ar. Kalu saya jadi Tun pun saya pun naik minyak jugak.
    Tapi Tun kena lah ingat, Sayang UMNO kena bertunjangkan kepada kecintaan Pada Allah. Barulah perjuangan UMNO tu sentiasa diberkati. Hukum Allah kenalah Tegakkan. Mungkin Tun silap dulu. Tapi sekarang masa untuk kita berubah. Saya nie budak2 lagi, x leh mengundi lagi. Kalu boleh mengundi pun, saya undi AKIM jer.
    Nak cakap pasal kontrak sosial nie memang ar terlalu formal. Tapi apa yang islam ajar kena ar ikut. Hormati Hak seseorang. Selesai lah. Orang melayu pun kena ingat lah, jangan duk lupa jer. Bila dah ada kuasa tu, gunakan nya sebaik mungkin untuk mengikat tali perpaduan antara kaum dengan baik. Sebaik-baik cara melalui aliran pendidikan. Saya sokong sangat jika SJK ditukar menjadi SMK or SK. Budak-budak perlu bercampur supaya diorang mempunyai ramai kawan berlainan bangsa. Barulah tolenrasi kaum boleh berlaku. Guru-guru pun kena jadi superman lah, kena pandai kawal pelajar supaya tak ada rusuhan kaum…Hehehehe…
    Ingat sebelum kena, terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak masa mati jawabnya.
    Ir Zul

  247. I have to agree with lextcs:-
    “But i think we the non malays have ourselves to blame not because someone calls us ‘pendatang’ but we have failed to shake off the immigrant spirit in our hearts. Look at the way we send our children overseas for further studies thereafter encouraging them never to come back, look at the way we repartriate finances abroad, look at the way we produce our offsprings, look at the way we take participation in social forums (such as ibu bapa associations) and the list goes on and on. We have failed to take up patriotism to the fullest”
    1. It all started by wanting separate education from kindergarten to primary – Chinese school / Tamil school. As they enter secondary school, the polarisation has been set in. This is the time when they are colour blind.
    2. Won’t join the army, police or government institution because of meagre salary…
    They have failed to take up patriotism to the fullest
    Only my 2 sen worth

  248. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Terpanggil untuk bercerita sedikit… rasa rindu pada Tun memang tak dapat dielakkan oleh kebanyakan rakyat di Malaysia ni termasuklah Pak Lah, rasanya Pak Lah pun terfikir alangkah bagusnya kalau dia masih Timbalan Tun, apa-apa yang terjadi kita ada Ayahanda yang dapat menyelesaikan atau memberi pandangan.
    Kerisauan Tun kepada UMNO dan Malaysia amat jelas kelihatan, kami masih memerlukan Tun untuk memastikan Bahtera Merdeka ini terus tahan membelah lautan. Walaupun ketika Tun bersara Bahtera sudah pun tenang di tengah lautan, tapi disebabkan nakhoda yang baru tidak tahu ilmu pelayaran maka isi bahtera menjadi kecoh, sedangkan ombak dan badai tidaklah sehebat semasa mula-mula bahtera mencecah air ketika dahulu.
    Salam Ramadhan buat Tun sekeluarga.

  249. Salam Ayahenda Tun,
    The issue here is corruption especially amongst the UMNO leaders. They hide behind the social contract & made bundles for themselves, taking advantage of ‘keistimewaan Bumiputra’. In the kampongs, its not the businessmen that were dubed ‘tycoons’ but ‘Mentri UMNO’! (Just wondered what happened to the report made twice by Mazlan Harun? on Pak Lah? on corruption? No case?) But then again, this is bumi ‘tanah Melayu’! The educated non Malays know their history & the role all played for the success of this nation. If only we can be like the Thais or Filipinos where everybody has Thai or Filipino names, then we can truly be Malaysians. No more issue of Chinese Malaysian or Indian Malaysian. We can have one Malaysian culture as well! Religon, we can have freedom of religion, no problem here because all religion teach good! The NEP is good, but the management of it by those in power is the problem. Instead of using it to meet its objectives, they just use the NEP to enrich themselves.
    Selamat berpuasa.
    Wassalam ~ Guruh

  250. Selamat Sejahtera Tun & Keluarga,
    Saya telah lama mengikut komen Tun didalam blog ini.Tahniah,akhirnya Tun sedar juga bahawa UMNO memang memerlukan pemimpin seperti Tun.Jadi dengan kembalinya Tun ke UMNO,semoga Pak Lah sedar kedudukan beliau yang semakin hari semakin goyang.Tampuk pimpinan UMNO mesti di serahkan kepada pemimpin baru yang lebih tahu nak mentadbir negara & rakyat dan bukan menari mengikut rentak dan cepat melatah. Tun lihatlah sendiri, bagaimana PM & TPM menari mengikut gendang dan rentak Dato Seri Anuar.
    Tetapi PM masih hidup dalam mimpi dan tidak mau mengaku apa yang berlaku disekeling beliau. Rata-rata pemimpin UMNO yang ada semua YES MAN seperti Najib, Nazri Aziz,Tengku Adenan,Ali Rustam.Mereka tu semua mengampu Pak Lah semata-mata.
    Tun kena betulkan semua ini supaya negara kita tidak porak peranda di kerjakan pemimpin pengampu ini.
    Tetap bersama TUN..

  251. Dari Blog SS Dr Asri:
    “..Sesiapa yang berperang di bawah rayah ‘immiyyah (bendera kebutaan) dan menyeru kepada ‘asabiyyah atau marah kerana ‘asabiyyah maka kematiannya adalah jahiliyyah”. (Riwayat Muslim, al-Nasai dan Ibn Majah).

  252. Anyone remembers the TV advertisement of a little Chinese boy who answered his girlfriend is a Malay girl, cos he thinks she’s the most beautiful one? I too love my Malay friends, I respect my Malay boss and I think many of the Malays are genuinely honest people.
    OMK’s statement is very true. We are brought up racist because the system divides us this way. Just look at any form you have to fill up, for bank, for school, passport, IC….. we have to identify our race and even religion. Our leaders have vision, but hang on to the wrong approach.
    Malays should not worry about their rights as we Chinese never question that. In fact, most Chinese dont bother about politics. What concern us most is money in our pocket.
    Ahmad Ismail says he will continue his perjuangan and this racism will never stop with his mouth still open.

  253. My only comment is that the Chinese and other minorities HAVE to assimilate to be Malaysian or go back to China or Singapore ( YES I’M A RACIST ). How sad it is when Malaysia is thought to be another Chinese Diaspora country. In western world Malay does not exist because to them Asia is Chinese. So my last say MALAY IS THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF MALAYSIA AND THAT’S THE FACT!

  254. 1. Kenapa laa…kita jadi orang asing kat bumi sendiri…
    2. Cuba ingat lagu “anak kecil main api” – rasanya..huraianya pun
    dah cukup jadikan kita insaf..
    3. Apakata Pak Lah mengaku tak berdaya nak jadi pemimpim orang
    Melayu dan Malaysia
    4. Sebab..hanya Umno jee..yang nak perjuangkan nasib orang Melayu..
    5. Tapi kalau tak dapat perjuangkan…
    6. Nie laa jadinya..

  255. Assalamulaikum TDM dan Isteri,
    Saya gembira habis dengan berita Tun akan kembali kepangkuan UMNO. Sekali lagi saya harapkan TDM dapat memainkan peranan untuk kebaikan semua rakyat dan negara serta agama.. lepas itu didik semula Anwar Ibrahim dengan ekor pari.

  256. Alhamdullilah Tun!
    You answered our call.I wrote earlier on ‘will someone out there come to our rescue’.Now they say they need advise from people like you.You did give your advise but they threw them out remember?
    Tun,I’m glad that you are are willing to take the bull by the horns.
    As always we wish you the best of health and will be behind you always.

  257. Tun,
    Kepada budak budak yg suka mengampu dekat blog awak, sila remove them, tak tahan lihat perangai mereka yg tidak constructive kepada blog awak and hanya buang masa saja

  258. dear all,
    some of u commented that non-malays are not contributing towards the nation ie not in the public sector, i am a classic example being a non-malay with proper education qualification been trying to apply to public sector but the only reply i receive not for now, who is rejecting who you think for urself. Be in our shoes than you know how its feel.
    Think b4 you ppl throw your words at the end of the day if anything happen to Malaysia all of us be at the front line to protect it. Tun I seriously think you are provoking more racist feeling in us now and may god bless you for all your doings.

  259. dearest tun,
    its getting critical now, not only political and economic conditions – its getting very racist now.
    who can help? nobody except you.
    we cannot advise you what to do….
    you know best !
    the other abdullah

  260. Assalamualaikum Tun…
    Sebaik sahaja mendengar berita mengenai Tun akan kembali ke persada UMNO saya menjadi begitu gembira….
    Semoga satu perubahan besar akan berlaku dengan kembalinya Tun nanti..

  261. Hello Tun and bloggers,
    It is so frustrating and painful to see/read all this expression, passion and energy that are wasted. Wasted because it is un guided and for the wrong cause/priority. (The starting point is not true).
    Why are we doing all this? what is it for? For the better of the country? for the better of the people? majority, minority or all? will all this ‘bickering’ make the country stronger? no…then stop it.
    Democracy is only for those who are in the level playing field. And we all know that it is not easy for any country/group to ensure that all their citizen are playing in a level playing field. Get real. Otherwise we will not need any social contract.
    That being said nothing prevent us (if we believe we are mature and ready) to review or update the content of the contract. Not tearing it up but rather have a constructive discussion around it.
    The focus is how can we use the social contact to advance the country as whole? it is not about concession, compromise or …but rather the sum of the equation should be larger (1+1=3)!
    Hence, their is no point having any contract if we do not know where we want to get to (whole as a country). We first need to get the big picture right. Don’t jump the sequences otherwise it is just a waste of time and energy for you and all the rakyat..
    Wake up.
    Yours respectfully,

  262. Assalamualaikum & salam sejahter pembaca semua…
    pada pendapat saya, tindakan Tun keluar dari UMNO bukanlah kerana ‘kalah’ tetapi adalah untuk menegaskan pendiriannya bahawa AAB perlu lepaskan jawatan. Dalam masa yang sama, Tun akan dapat menyusun strateginya untuk menyelamatkan UMNO sekiranya ‘Plan A’ gagal. Fikirkan, jika kita sentiasa berada di dalam rumah, adakah kita dapat mengetahui apa yg berlaku pada dinding luar dan di atas atap jika kita tidak memeriksa?
    Tindakan keluar juga membolehkan Tun memprotes habis habisan pimpinan AAB. Jika bersuara di dalam UMNO, orang kata biadap pula bila menegur PM…
    Kini dalam situasi yang tidak menentu, Tun kembali dengan harapan dapat memperbaiki dan menyelamatkan keadaan. Teruskan perjuanganmu Tun. Saya sentiasa menyokongmu!

  263. Nasionalism = Kebangsaan = Asabiyyah
    Islam adalah jawapannya, Tun. Kalau Islam memerintah, bukan sahaja Melayu, bahkan Cina, India, Dayak, Kadazan serta seluruh dunia dan alam akan terbela.
    Sesungguhnya Islam itu diturunkan untuk manfaat seluruh alam, tidak terhad kepada orang-orang Islam sahaja. Orang-orang Bukan Islam yang berada di bawah pemerintahan Islam mendapat manfaat jauh melebihi daripada berada di bawah pemerintahan Bukan Islam sendiri.

  264. Dear Tun,
    I noticed 2 of my comments, one in Pohon Maaf and another in Social Contract 3 was not accepted.
    Is it to politically incorrect? I wish to know. Please state reasons why the two postings were rejected.
    You may email me at [email protected]
    Will await your kind explanation.
    Many thanks and regards.

  265. Salam untuk Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga ….
    Alhamdulillah, selamat kembali ke pangkuan Umno. Insyaallah, kebenaran akan berpihak kepada mereka yang ikhlas. MT bukan setakat perlu menerima kembali Ayahanda Tun tetapi perlu melantik Ayahanda sebagai penasihat Umno/BN demi survival bangsa, agama dan negara. Kepada mereka yang pernah mencium tangannya semasa Ayahanda berada di puncak tetapi meludah setelah Ayahanda berundur jangan bimbang, kerana saya yakin Ayahanda bukan seorang pendendam. Buang yang keruh. Inilah masanya untuk melayu bangkit. Ayuh bangsa ku !!! Ayuh bangsa ku !!! Ayuh bangsa ku !!!

  266. Salam sejahtera Tun.
    Saya amat tertarik dengan tindakan Tun kembali semula ke parti UMNO sedangkan sebelum ini Tun pernah menyuarakan sebab-sebab mengapa Tun keluar dari parti dan kemungkinan untuk kembali semula adalah bergantung kepada kedudukan Pak Lah didalam parti dan kerajaan.
    Walau apapun tindakan serta keputusan yang di buat, saya berharap agar ianya biarlah untuk kepentingan agama, bangsa dan negara. Bangsa Melayu sudah lama terpinggir dari pencapaian ekonomi. Dan tidak ramai pencapaian anak anak melayu yang boleh di bangga kan sehingga kini.
    Kita masih bertuah kerana bangsa melayu masih memegang kuasa tetapi kuasa yang di salahgunakan tidak memberi apa-apa makna kepada kedudukan bangsa melayu.
    Pergolakan politik yang belaku sekarang menampak kan kebodohan pemimpin pemimpin melayu. Dan sekiranya kepentingan peribadi tidak di beri keutamaan, saya yakin parti UMNO serta pemimpin pemimpin melayu akan menjadi kuat. Parti yang kuat sudah pasti juga menjadi sandaran oleh parti-parti komponen yang lain bagi memupuk kestabilan politik dan ekonomi.
    Oleh itu, kembalinya Tun kedalam UMNO diharap dapat memberi perubahan dan pembahruan dari segi pemikiran pemimpin pemimpin serta ahli ahli UMNO.
    Perlu di ingat Tun, rakyat sudah semakin bosan dengan pergolakan politik yang berlaku sekarang. Bertindak lah sebelum terlambat.
    Sekian, wassalam.

  267. Akum TUN
    Saya setuju 100%. Tapi macamana caranya nak suruh si AAB ni turun??? kita bukan ada kuasa atau perwakilan UMNO. Nak tunggu pilihanaraya lambat lagi. Tun pulak dan join UMNO balik. Pening, pening

  268. Salam….Tun,
    Saya masih percaya masa yg bole menentukan kontrak sosial ini masih perlu atau tidak di praktikkan. Cuba kita tengok negara Amerika atau Autralia..mereka mengambil masa beratus tahun dari kemerdekaan mereka untuk bersikap keterbukaan antara kaum di negara mereka.
    Inikan kita yg baru 50 tahun merdeka…belum..belum masanya lagi kita hendak menghuraikan kontrak sosial ini. Masanya akan tiba jua tapi bukan sekarang. Selama ini orang melayu cukup lama bersabar dan bertoleransi pada kaum lain..dan kita berharap kaum lain juga bersabar dan bertoleransi terhadap kontrak sosial ini. Mungkin pada masa akan datang kita boleh melonggarkan sedikit ikatan kontrak tersebut mengikut keadaan dan masa waktu itu kerana ianya bukan bertujuan untuk diikat selama-lamanya.
    Saya pada awal-awal lagi memang kurang senang dengan sifat keterbukaan Pak Lah dalam pemerintahannya. Bagi saya terlalu awal untuk bersikap terbuka kerana bila diamalkan..inilah jadinya, kita secara terbuka membangkitkan isu-isu sensitif dan hasilnya kita bertengkar sesama kita. Itulah sebabnya waktu Tun memerintah dahulu, ada beberapa perkara terpaksa dikawal atau terpaksa bersifat diktator…kenapa? Sebabnya inilah..api perkauman. Jangan disangka api ini jinak, jika api ini tak dapat dikawal ianya akan menjadi besar dan liar dan akhirnya..kita akan bergaduh sesama kita dan malah lebih teruk daripada 13 Mei…nescayalah kalau kita ambil sikap lewa terhadap perkara ini..peristiwa yang lebih besar daripada 13 Mei atau peperangan antara kaum di Yugoslavia akan berlaku di negara ini….
    Sekian, wassalam.

  269. Dr.M,
    I find your article very disturbing sometimes, what is your real intention for such article?…Is it really for the good of this country as you claim or you have other agenda…
    I love this country and I want peace and harmony to continue… as a former PM i hope you will also try to bring peace and harmony to this country.
    Some of the comment I read here are one sided. I hope people don’t be so narrow minded and listen to only to one party and start making baseless accusation and lot of unnecessary comment. Please read more and be more open minded. When u keep your mind wide and open you can think better and make good decisions.
    Yes I am also fed up of the current scenario of Malaysian Politic… and the change should happen fast before things get worse.. but not in a negative way…

  270. Salam Tun.
    Memandangkan Tun akan kembali semula kepada UMNO. Saya harap ahli-ahli UMNO mendapat sedikit kekuatan dan semangat untuk membuat perubahan demi memastikan UMNO tidak terkubur.
    Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang korup, sombong dan tidak menunjukkan contoh kepimpinan yang baik perlu disingkirkan segera kerana akar umbi sudah muak dan mual dengan perilaku mereka.
    Mereka yang berada dalam UMNO semata-mata kepentingan diri dan kroni harus sedar bahawa mereka membawa bersama mapetaka dan hanyalah penyebab kepada keruntuhan kepimpinan UMNO. Ibarat sokong membawa rebah.
    Seharusnya mereka ini sedar diri dan berundur kerana UMNO memerlukan kepimpinan yang lebih berdaya maju dan berdaya juang yang tinggi agar boleh dijadikan tempat akar umbi bergantung.
    Tahniah kepada TS Muhiyudin Yasin kerana membuktikan “You got balls!”

  271. It only takes a racial slur to destroy the entire kingdom. We cannot deny the fact that all these “perpaduan talks” are merely lipservices painted by the atrocious politicians for their benefits.
    These people are the cause for all the racial tensions.
    What is the Social Contract all about? Are the non-Malays, apart from the first generation immigrants, forever to be indebted to the Malays for granting our Great Grandfathers citizenship of this country?
    There is no benefit for anyone to hold on to the so called Social Contract to develop the country. We should all work towards the progress of the country and for the well being of the citizens as a whole.
    We should discard the aparthied mentality and forge unity and dignity of our nation.
    God is fair to everyone who reckons the abundance of wealth he has bestowed upon us. We have to work hard and reap the bebefits bestowed by him upon mankind.
    It has been 51 years of independence and it is disheartening to notice that this country is so seriously racially divided. As I mentioned earlier, the politicians should stop stoking racial sentiments into the people.
    The Government should consider place more emphasis on developing the human capital and sincerely initiate avenues for racial intergeration. Throw out racial segregations and reward the deserving citizens of their undertakings. Help all deserving citizens and treat everyone as equal. Naturally there will be a strong bond of friendship among the races and ultimately there would only be one race that is Bangsa Malaysia.

  272. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    I’m very much on yr side and agree with you.
    No matter what people want to ‘condemn’ or ‘taruh’ you. Jangan putus asa. You know that there’s many many people behind you and I’m one of those.
    I hope you’ll quickly get back into UMNO and do something to help stabilize or better to improve the situation esp demi kepentingan dan maruah bangsa dan agama tercinta.
    At this time and situation, it has come to the point where if our leaders ‘silap langkah’ … maruah bangsa dan negara akan tergadai dan jadi lah kita dan anak cucu kita hidup umpama ‘ merempat ‘ di tanah sendiri … Nauzubillah …
    ‘We’ were ‘strong & disegani’ when you were the PM and by right we should be ‘stronger’ after you left … UNFORTUNATELY, we became weak and weaker as time goes by … ‘WE’ must be strong like when u are the PM and become stronger each day so that others dont simply condemn and simply say what they like and wish up to the extend of ‘ memijak, mencemar dan menjatuhkan ‘ maruah bangsa.
    Semuga Ayahanda Tun Dapat Mempengaruhi Agar Perubahan Dapat DiLaksanakan ‘IMMEDIATELY’ !
    Semuga Ayahanda Di Beri Kekuatan, Kesihatan Yang Baik Selalu & Kemenangan Dalam Apa Yang DiPerjuangKan…InshaALLAH…Ameen.

  273. 1.Selamat kembali kepangkuan UMNO.
    2Ada segelintir entries disini mempersoalkan kenapa TUN ingin kembali pada UMNO ketika AAB masih meneraju UMNO dan kerajaan.
    3.Tapi pokok nya bila kah AAB ini tidak lagi memimpin UMNO dan PM Malaysia.Dan ingin terus mencetuskan keadaan tengang antara kaum,kelemahan pentadbiran,rasuah flip flop dan pelbagai2 lagi yang akan menjurus kepada kerosakan.
    4. TUN yang bertanggung jawab melantik AAB sebagai pengantinya ketika itu. Dan TUN telah gagal melihat keupayaan AAB sebenarnya sehingga kini telah banyak kerosakan berlaku disebabkan tidak cemerlang nya AAB.
    5.Olih yang demikian ada lah wajar TUN dipersalahkan. Dan TUN mesti bertanggung jawab untuk menyelesaikan kesilapan nya melantik AAB sebagai pengantinya yang telah banyak melakukan kesilapan demi kesilapan.
    6.Maka itu TUN mesti berada semula didalam UMNO,BN dan kerajaan(jika perlu) untuk menyelesaikan kemelut ini dan diberi kuasa untuk memperbaiki semula keaadaan dan merawat segala macam penyakit yang ada dalam kerajaan mahu pun UMNO dan BN.
    7.Penglibatan untuk perkara ini TUN tak bolih di lengahkan lagi.
    kerana keaadaan UMNO,BN,rakyat dan negara semakin NAZAK.
    8.Majoriti rakyat melihat hanya TUN yang mampu untuk melakukan pembersihan ini.
    9.Sebagai nasihat pada ahli2 UMNO supaya merenung perkara ini jauh,tidak hanya merenung pada kepentingan diri sendiri.TUN mesti disokong semula dan berkerjasama dengan TUN demi bangsa,agama dan negara.Semoga seluruh rakyat dapat menikmati semula keindahan sewaktu TUN meneraju negara.InshaALLAH.
    10.AAB,KJ and CO. mesti terima hakikat bahawa segala perangcangan putar belit,agenda tersembunyi dan permainan politik wang anda semua telah dilihat olih rakyat dengan jelas. Semua nya itu tidak membawa kebaikan untuk rakyat dan negara.Maka dengan itu dipersilakan lah untuk berundur segera.Terima kasih.
    11.Kerajaan tetap akan menganugerah darjah kebesaran TUN pada AAB selepas bersara……TUN ABDULLAH….FuhYOOOOO….

  274. Akum Ayahanda Tun M…
    sedikit kata2 yg tidak seberapa demi pesanan untuk bangsa Melayu tercinta tetapi yg lebih tinggi adalah ISLAM sentiasa..allahhuakbar..
    Renung-renungkan lah…..
    > paklah yang bodo tertekan.
    > pembangkang menekan…
    > melayu same melayu bermusuhan..
    > cina n india bertepuk tangan…
    > nak takluk malaysia da lama dorang idamkan…
    > hak bumiputera bukan lagi satu keistimewaan. ..
    > cina ngan india dah jadik johan!
    > pkr mengganas…
    > anwar kuarkan idea ‘bernas’…
    > orang umno hati panas…
    > mca n mic pandai nak kipas…
    > DAP tetap pilihan cina n india yang teratas…
    > dorang sokong PKR tu ader ‘nas’…
    > pernah satu tmpt dimana ahli parlimen cina berkata…
    > saya luar saja BN..dalam hati DAP juga..
    > kenapa melayu buta mata?
    > gaduh je yang dorang suke..
    > kenapa?…nak tunjuk yang korang berkuasa?
    > padehal negara di hujung nyawa..
    > bumiputera dinafikan hak sekeras-kerasnya. .
    > itu ke yang orang melayu suka?
    > demonstrasi sini sana …
    > bikin kacau bilau satu negara…
    > cina india duduk rumah gelak2 tgk brita…
    > betapa orang melayu pun dah tak sekuat mana..
    > mane melayu di masa muka?
    > anak cucu korang gak yang jadi mangsa..
    > di perak satu hal..
    > cina diberi tanah hak milik kekal…
    > di mana undang2 tubuh negeri perak tak pnh melakukan
    > perkara sebegitu yg tak masuk akal…
    > skrg melayu yg rugi n tertinggal.. .
    > MB pun satu…rujukla org2 atau undang2 yang dah dibekal…
    > jangan buat keputusan yang tak masuk akal…
    > smate2 nak tunaikan janji mase plihanraye yg dah terlafaz..
    > cina india otak bijak..
    > skarang dorang sokong la PAS n PKR, lepas krajaan da
    > jatuh,dorang akan pijak!
    > kalau anwar jadi perdana menteri..
    > jika ditakdirkan tuhan keesokkannyer dier mati…
    > sape yang akan mengganti?
    > ahli tertinggi PKR,cina dan india sedia menanti…
    > orang melayu yang bijak n pandai n yg kuat PKR kan semua
    > dah kuar parti…
    > last2 cina india jadi perdana menteri..
    > hak melayu slama-lamanya dinafi..
    > di malaysia melayu jadi kuli..
    > cina india suke hati lagi..
    > ha melayu…nak sengih lagi?
    > ade hati nak demonstrasi lagi?
    > mase tu sape pun tak pduli
    > pade dorang…lbih baik mlayu mati..
    > skarang cina india tgh menanti..
    > paklah undur,najib jadi pengganti…
    > tapi bila najib jadi perdana menteri..
    > cina/india dah buat prangkap lagi…
    > najib akan terjerat oleh skandal sendiri…
    > time ni cina n india hentam najib sparuh mati..
    > hentaman ini akan berlaku dikala krajaan blom tetapkan
    > penerus generasi perdana menteri…
    > krajaan pade mase itu takkan dihormati…
    > peristiwa 13 mei akan berlaku lagi…
    > ha melayu…gelak la lagi..
    > bergaduh la sesame sendiri…
    > tak mustahil org melayu malaysia akan jadi spt org melayu
    > di singapura…
    > disekat keistimewaan di mana2..
    > terabai seperti bangkai bernyawa..
    > SAPE????????
    > MELAYU..
    > SEDARLA…

  275. I’m Malaysian chinese and I really don’t care who becomes the PM as long as he is capable. It’s not like I insist that we MUST have a non malay ruling the country… I really don’t care if the Ahmad guy calls the chinese pendatang!.. Why is Ahmad’s comment worth getting angry over? I know I live in Malaysia all my life and obviously I do not come from anywhere else.
    But I do care that one day I will have a family and I want my children to earn what they work for. I want them to have a sense of belonging in this country and not just feel like they have to work twice as hard to earn something. Do you get me? I don’t care about power and I don’t care about politics. I grew up in a national school and had plenty of Malay and Indian friends. I am not rich. My dad works for the government all his life.

  276. Ada ramai yang sangka bahawa non-bumi tidak menyumbang kepeada sektor goverment adalah tindakan tidak mencintai negara.
    kawanku, kita perlu menghadapi fakta-fakta di kalangan masyarakat.
    non-bumi tiada chance untuk cermelang di sektor kerajaan. Ketua-ketua ini adalah majoriti melayu, walaupun bagaimana kami berusaha adalah susah kami diterima sebagai ketua officer.
    Kebanyakan kami cuba memohon jawatan kerajaan tetapi ditolakan.
    adalah faktanya pelajar non bumi yang mencapai keputusan SPM yang cermerlang ditolak pemomhonan ke university tempatan. Manakala mereka diterima daripada University Jiran kami Singapore (National Singapore University) dengan biawasiswa.
    adalah faktanya- pelajar-pelajar dari sekolah cina mempunyai keputusan yang lebih cermelang. Biarkan sekolah cina atau kerajaan.
    Pada akhirnya sesiapa yang gagal bahasa national dalam SPM maknanya gagal dalam semua subjek.
    Malaysia tiada masalah perkauman. Kami hanya menghadapi dua masalah-
    golongan miskin semakin bertambah. Orang kaya pula semakin kaya
    Golongan professional semakin banyak meninggalkan negara ini.
    Kalau polisi bumi-putera begitu berkesan kenapa golongan miskin semakin banyak ? Kebanyakan golongan miskin adalah bumi putera. Menakjubkan ada kebanyakan orang india dan non-bumi dari borneo dikategori dalam golongan yang paling miskin.
    Bukankah polisi negara sepatut membantu golongan miskin biarkan melayu, cina atau india ?
    Tibalah masa untunk kami menentukan masa depan negara. Adakah kami mahu seperti negara-negara arab, indonesia atau philipine yang sentiasa dalam huru-hara. Atau kami ingin mencapai impian kita WAWASAN 2020.

  277. salam Tun,
    saya rasa saya harus tabik pada Tun…Sekarang baru saya sedar yang Tun adalah ‘the true leader’…saya rase Tun nak join kembali dalam UMNO sebab Tun sayang bangsa Melayu..Tun mesti sedih sebab segala usahanya selama ini jadi seperti sekarang..Seorang yang betul2 pemimpin yang baik sahaja akan berkorban jiwa dan raganya untuk bangsa dan negara sendiri…
    Sampai bila2 pun saya akan hormati perjuangan TUn..
    take care Tun..Selamat berpuasa..

  278. Tun,
    Strongly supporting every effort to ensure AAB resign immediatly. On the Social Contract issues, matters are happening as Tun have mentioned, and is getting out of control with AAB as PM.Tun you are right to bring up this issues again for those umfamiliar and confused on why social contract was implemented by the late Tunku.UMNO need Tun to ensure UMNO is on track again and BN could be safe. No present leaders at this moment of time could handle issues such as this, and probable delay could trigger another racialist sentiments being raised.The last thing we Malaysian need is to have violents and choas among the various races. Tun as an Adviser, for who ever is the PM would resolve issues and guide the Goverment. Strong support can be assured because this wise moves would helped to rebuild Malaysia. Tun has done this before, and Tun with strong majority support can do it again.Salam.

  279. Salam Tun,
    We have been waiting for you all these while. Welcome back please do something for the sake of the Malays in our country. Im sure you can lead again.
    Please stop all these nonsense that going on in our country lately. I believe you and your team can do wonders again.
    Pak Lah should resign long time ago as what takes place lately are due to his poor leadership people has no respect of him as compared to you. During your time none of this happened.
    Welcome back again take care and Im sure you can do wonders.

  280. Salam Tun,
    in order to prove you’re right as many here seems to doubt, why don’t an independent body do a survey on the Malays/Bumiputera. The survey must cover 60% of the entire bumiputera population.
    The survey must ask questions like whether the bumiputeras still wants the special status or are happy and eager to do away with it as it is outdated.
    after the survey is done, then we’ll know for sure whether the majority of the bumiputeras in this country agrees to the abolishment of the NEP or not.
    and something interesting that i’ve always observed is that when someone from east Malaysia complaints bout the unfairness of the NEP, how bumiputera rights should be abolish and how the country should be fair to all its citizens, that someone always turns out to be a chinese. Where’s the muruts, kadazans, ibans, bidayuhs, etc… has someone asked them if they want their bumiputera status
    to be revoked?

  281. Dearest Tun and all readers,
    1) Perpaduan antara kaum2 di malaysia adalah SUKAR dicapai jika wujudnya Parti-parti yang berasakan kaum. Ini terbukti setelah malaysia melalui 51 tahun kemerdekaan (Hendak menghabiskan 50 tahun lagi untuk mencuba??).
    2) Oleh itu, Kerajaan sekarang yang terdiri daripada UMNO,MCA,MIC, etc haruslah diuraikan dan digantikan dengan “BARISAN NATIONAL”. (Sebab: semua menginap di dalam sebuah bangolow adalah berbeza daripada menginap di dalam sebuah condo yang berbagai units).
    3) Begitu juga bagi pihak Pembangkang kita yang sepatutnya digelar “PAKATAN RAKYAT” dan bukannya pakatan antara PKR-PAS-DAP (Sebab: kemungkinan boleh menjadi Kerajaan).
    4) Maka, PERCAYALAH Malaysia yang kita cintai ini mesti menjadi sebuah negara yang KUAT & BERPADU, MAJU & DISANJUNGI…
    Best Regards


  283. Assalamualaikum
    terima kasih kepada Tun kerana memberikan informasi yang berguna disaat genting dengan pergolakkan yang berlaku dinegara kita sekarang. Maklumat Tun saat berguna buat generasi muda sekarang.
    Disini saya jugak hendak mengkritik saudara Asus, saya berpendapat bahawa saudara asus ni tidak pernah menjadi seorang pemimpin dimana beliau tidak memahami hati seorang pemimpin, mungkin beliau tidak melihat rekod pemimpin2 seluruh dunia dimana Tun merupakan seorang pemimpin yang benar2 mengubah kedudukan Malaysia dimata dunia. Diharap saudara Asus tidak bekecil hati dengan komen saya ni.
    Wasalam dari generasi warisan Tun…
    Terima Kasih Tun

  284. Tun Mahathir,
    Salam Dengan Penuh Hormat.
    Saya mendoakan agar UMNO waras untuk menerima baik cadangan untuk Tun balik menjadi ahli.
    Saya mendoakan agar UMNO dapat memberi satu kedudukan dalam Party untuk Tun memainkan peranan berkesan membentuk semula UMNO dan BN ketahap yang lebih tinggi.
    Tun telah melihat segala perkembangan dan penguncupan didalam tepuh Tun melepaskan jawatan kepada AAB.
    Semoga Allah melindungi Tun dan memberi kesihatan dan kekuatan untuk Tun menyumbang semula dalam usaha pembangunan Negara.
    1.Saya akan mengujudkan satu ROYAL COMMISSION untuk mengkaji semula
    Plan Induk Tun Abdul Razak selepas May 13 1969 yang telah diterima
    pakai demi perpaduan kaum. Kajian ini hendaklah berpegang kepada
    Perjanjian Asal untuk mencapai Kemerdekaan.
    Sebab: Inilah issue yang telah di timbulkan yang menyebabkan
    sengketa kaum sekarang.
    2.Mengujudkan satu Majlis membuat AUDIT secara menyeluruh dan
    terperinci untuk melaporkan tahap kedudukan sebenar pencapaian
    Perancangan asal NEP.
    Sebab : Membantu Royal Commission membuat laporan berasaskan
    kepada facta terkini.
    3.Menubuhkan Badan Bertindak untuk melaksanakan perancangan semula
    cadangan Royal Commission yang telah di rumuskan dan di luluskan
    olih Parliment dan dipersetujui olih Majlis Raja Raja dan DYMM
    Yang di Pertuan Agong.
    4.Memperkukuhkan Pertahanan Negara dan mengenal pasti musuh sebenar
    yang ingin nmenyekat kemajuan Negara samada kuasa luar atau anasir
    Menggariskan sempadan untuk menolak musuh kuasa luar dan
    mencungkil anasir dalaman ” musuh dalam selimut”.
    Merombak undang undang sebagai pertahanan dari Global
    Manipulation dan memastikan Sumber dan Asset Negara tidak terlepas
    atau dijajah olih musuh Negara.
    5.Mencagangkan, satu Bangsa, satu Bahasa, satu Budaya, satu Ugama(?)
    untuk mengujudkan semangat Nationalist untuk semua Rakyat.
    Megapa perlu mencadangkan perkara yang tidak masuk akal ?
    Untuk menyedarkan semua Rakyat bahawa kita semua adalah RACIST
    by nature. Jika tidak mahu menilaikan keperluan Perpaduan kaum
    dan menghormati kesejahteraan dan aman damai, mungkin kita
    perlu menimbangkan cadangan ini supaya ujud ” one for all, all
    for one”.
    Saya mendoakan supaya Tun di terima olih UMNO secara ikhlas dan
    rela hati demi untuk membantu meleraikan sebelum simpul terikat

  285. Y. Amat Berbhg Tun,
    Saya amat menyanjung jasa-jasa Tun selama ini termasuk menyingkirkan DSAI dari kerajaan. Beliau sememangnya seorang yang gila jawatan dan nak jadi PM. Sebagai ketua pembangkang, DSAI dah jadik PM dan tak perlu tunggu 16hb sebab beliau PM kabinet bayangan. Saya harap Tun dapat menerangkan kepada rakyat, apa tugas ketua pembangkang dan apa dia kabinet bayangan. DSAI tak berani nak umum kabinet bayangan PR sebab kalau beliau umum, rakyat takkan sokong PR lagi. Harap Tun boleh bagi penerangan tentang kabinet bayangan. Terima kasih.

  286. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Tun I for one know that you are the most brilliant leader among the previous and of cause the current premier. I just wanna wish you a warm welcome back to UMNO. Please Tun we have to fight within UMNO at all cause to bring back the glory days of the Malay dignity. I just hope that the Malays will reunite and take charge of BN with full pride and honour.
    Well, Tun maybe ramadhan will bring us the Malays and moslems together. In the month of ramadhan only can miracle happens. Aminnn
    PS: forget about anuwar and his dreams of becoming the prime minister.
    Come 16 sept It won’t happen because we the rakyat are not convince.
    Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir and may Allah bless us all. Aminnnn.

  287. Akum Ayahanda Tun
    Selamat Kembali ke UMNO dan teruskan Perjuangan untuk Agama Bangsa dan Negara. Selamatkanlah negara dan bangsa mu yang dah LELAH akibat pemimpin LEMAH.
    Jika Umno kuat seperti dulu, maka tiada perkara yang berlaku sekarang akan berlaku
    Pada pandangan saya, Kebanyakan Pemimpin sekarang hanya pentingkan kekayaan sendiri sehingga meraka mencari kekayaan itu dan mengharapkan segala perjalanan urusan harian rakyat dapat dijalankan dengan sendirinya atau dengan “remote”.
    Takut pada Kuasa Besar satu kelemahan ketara pemimpin sekarang, Menjaga imej sendiri atau Keperluan menjatuhkan Imej orang yang mereka tidak suka adalah satu trend dalam UMNO terutama bagi merka yang berkuasa keatas sumber kewangan
    Mengenai tindakan keatas Datuk Ahmad Ismail, Mengapa tiada tindakan kepada Majlis Peguam yang terang2 mempersoalkan Hak orang melayu dan Islam malah Menteri dan erdana menteri tak halang pun forum tersebut

  288. to Asus:
    sangupkah u tengok umat melayu layu…dan terpaku….kalo sanggup… u bukan nya negarawan. tp penakut..
    tapi tun dia berani dan tak nak umat melayu layu dan diperbodohkan oleh org melayu sendiri dan org2 CnI.. itu lah pengorbanan namanya.
    Wahai…TUn.. teruskan perjuangan mu….janji umat melayu MAJU n DITAKUTI serta diGERUNI….

  289. Selamat sejahtera Tun,
    Kalau benar Tun akan masuk UMNO, kalau pun sebelum ini Tun beri syarat akan masuk setelah AAB keluar, still saya akan beri sokongan, kerana selama ini semasa Tun memerintah saya amat yakin bahwa segala tindak-tanduk Tun PASTI ada sebab-musabab yang tertentu yang hanya Tun sendiri yang tahu. Selalunya ia akan mengejutkan ramai orang… Saya pasti ia akan berulang lagi… Am willing to wait & see…
    Nanti semua orang akan kata…Ye tak ya ….kenapa kita tak terfikir ek ?
    p/s : Memang masih ramai org melayu kita yang suka di “spoon-feed”..buat apa nak melenting? Berubahlah ! Kita boleh , bukan tak boleh. Biar, dalam pada mereka anggap kita gentar bersaing, kita berusaha dan terus tinggalkan mereka dengan tanggapan mereka.Jangan di layan mereka ini, sahut cabaran mereka!!!!
    p/s 2 : Siapa-siapa yang kutuk Tun Mahathir punya jasa dan tindak-tanduk terkini beliau, memang org yang tak berapa cerdik berfikir dan tak tahu menilai antara CERDIK, PANDAI, BIJAK & BISTARI.
    p/s 3 : Orang yang pandai selalunya menghormati orang lain dari segi bahasa yang di gunakan….ADA SESIAPA PERNAH NAMPAK TUN CAKAP KASAR ATAU MAKI ORANG SEMASA JADI PM DULU ?

  290. Asaalamualaikum Dear Tun yang dimuliakan,
    When you decide to leave Umno recently, it appears as if you want to encourage others to do the same among Umno members, especially the MP, so that some pressure be placed upon Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to resigned.Your plan does not seem to work as Malays generally does not like to go against their leaders. Malays like to follow and they do very well when they have a very good leader.When they have weak leader like Dato Seri Abdullah, the Malays simply follow and willingly submit. They dare not to talk openly against their leader. To solve the problem ,you should come back to Umno as you did now, and temporarily you take over the presidency of Umno . In this Dec you should challenge Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as the President of Umno. After that you should find someone a Malay man, younger,dynamic,brave, long experience in leading a movement,intelligent,taqwa and he love and respect you ,to become the Prime Minister and you as the Adviser to the Prime Minister.When you do this Allah will give all the rewards to you and forgive all you sins and you will die in peace. You have saved the nation and the Muslim. It is your choice.If you die now while Dato Abdullah Badawi is still the PM, you will have the share of the sins done by Dato Abdullah Badawi as you also play a significant role in choosing him as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Allah love you and He give you the chance to repent and do good deeds before you die. In making the choice you should also consult pious religious person. Thank You,Wassallam

  291. Saw a pic of you berbuka puasa with the PM, DPM and Agong in the NST yesterday or the day before. Everyone looked ackward in the pic. It’d be interesting if you could tell us what transpired then. Did everyone at the table talk to each other or there was just a deafening silence…..

  292. Salam Tun dikasihi,
    Happy to hear you were joining UMNO.
    Hope you & co will bring positive changes to those negative.

  293. Dear Tun,
    I’ve been checking this blog at least twice daily since its inception. I’ve read all the write-up and also laughed, felt disgusted, and admired most of the comments. I do this for your insights, one of Malaysia’s chosen sons, and also to understand the mood and thinking of my fellow citizens. I had never once inclined to actively participate in this blog. However, once this little mental joy of mine is being threathened, I have to act. Forgive me Tun,
    1. To ASUS, please… There are a lot of good movies now playing at the cinema. Just pick one. Or, just watch all the shows on TV. Guess “Akukah Tanggang” plays on TV9 suits you well. And LEAVE Tun and all of US alone. Legacy? How much does it worth? This superego attitude really got to go. How much have Malaysians achieved? Very little isn’t it? Vision 2020? 30% Equity of NEP program? So, selagi jasad dikandung badan, selagi tu la kena berjuang. We have to continue to struggle. Nabi pun suruh buat amal seperti nak mati esok dan berusaha seolah-olah nak hidup selamanya. Nak kata ASUS pilih adat, macam tak betul je. Pilih laluan agama pun macam jauh. Agaknya yang macam kena ikat bulan puasa ni kot…cepat bangga diri. Lebih elok kita usaha je. Buat yang elok-elok. Pendapat orang kalau ada fakta, ada nas eloklah juga diambil kira. Tapi kalau cakap ikut sedap mulut, kosong, satu billion umat tak suka pun takpe. Asalkan Allah suka, terlalu indah dah tu. Am I right, ASUS?
    2. Berkenaan ramai yang hantar message jenis-jenis ‘I yang pertama ke, hehehe’, ‘saya sokong Tun’ (penuh dengan puji-pujian tanpa ada satu bait ayat bagitau kenapa sokong), dan yang seangkatan dengannya, kalau boleh joinlah ASUS tengok cerita Tanggang tu. Banyak pengajaran. Lebih mulia daripada mengembek dalam kandang harimaukan? Masa tengah serius, janganlah potong dengan buat lawak. Naik bulu tengkukla…
    3. Berkenaan dengan yang asyik tanya Tun ‘why don’t you do something?’ rasanya dah banyak kali dijawab. So tak perlulah tanya lagi. Terbayang yang Tun depressed bila terpaksa baca banyak kali. I’m feeling the same way. Sekarang dunia dan Malaysia dalam keadaan yang tidak selesa. Semua orang perlu menyumbang. Kalau tak mampu pikul, ditopang-topangkan orang yang memikul tu pun mulia juga. Berilah pendapat, cara, teknik, laluan, sokongan (yang bermakna) atau apa sahaja. Bukankah kesejahteraan Malaysia yang kita sayang ni tanggungjawab kita semua? So kalau boleh, jadilah hero dalam keupayaan terbaik kita sebagai seorang individu. Bila semua individu berciri hero, secara kolektifnya nanti Negara tercinta ini juga cemerlang juga. As for Tun, everybody with functioning heart can hear your agony and scream for help. Just continue herding, and INSYAALLAH we will follow.
    4. Berkenaan sokongan atau tentangan yang melulu dan membabi buta. Saya selalu kagum dengan individu-individu tertentu yang boleh ada pegangan diri yang sebegitu menakjubkan walaupun ada hanya sekelumit fakta. Sanggup bermusuhan dengan sahabat-handai, bermasam muka dengan jiran-tetangga, tidur dengan tangan menggepal penumbuk dan sebagainya yang tidak elok. Contoh-contoh perbalahan:
    a. Kes Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim dengan pertuduhan liwat.
    b. Kes pembunuhan Altantuya dan komisen beratus juta.
    c. Kes salahguna kuasa dalam perlantikan hakim.
    d. Anggapan kelemahan Paklah dalam pengurusan negara dan menangani karenah dan tingkah laku anak menantunya.
    e. Segala macam yang lain. Banyak sangat, tak larat no…
    Teringin sangat nak tau, dari mana datang pemahamannya? Cerita bawaan penyangak mana? Bagaimana boleh percaya seakan setara kepastiannya dengan rukun Iman? Kalau sumber setakat cerita yang didengar dari mulut kawan atau bapak saudara, ketua kampung atau wakil rakyat juga ahli Parlimen, rasanya belum layak dianggap sebagai fakta. Kalau kata ustaz, tok bomoh, kawan yang nampaknya macam warak yang bagitau, perangai personaliti ni bagaimana pula? Boleh ke percaya bulat-bulat? Pastinya tak maksumkan? Takkan dah sanggup nak berjihad? MASYAALLAH… Ingatlah ye ada seorang Imam Besar satu mazhab yang kata, ikutlah ajarannya jika betul, yang tak betul janganla ikut. Dia pun takut salah buat penafsiran, salah buat penilaian. Ini takat, baca tabloid, tu pun sempat kilas tajuknya sebab dah mahal nak beli, dah berani buat kesimpulan agung. Malu weh.
    Tapi sebagai orang yang memang memantau perkara tersebut seperti Tun dahulu ketika menjadi Perdana Menteri, Paklah Perdana Menteri sekarang, empunya diri Dato’ Seri Najib, empunya diri Dato’ Seri Anwar, hakim-hakim yang terlibat, pegawai polis, BPR etc yang terlibat, wajar juga mempunyai pendapat yang sanggup diperjuangkan sebegitu sekali. Sebabnya mereka ini yang melaluinya sendiri. Nampak dengan mata kepala sendiri, dengar dengan telinga sendiri, siasatan yang dilakukan sendiri.
    Namun begitu, apabila untuk satu kes yang sama, tetapi terdapat dua versi yang amat bertentangan, maka para penyokong juga masyarakat malaysia, tidak seharusnya membuta-tuli untuk percaya. Kerana pastinya salah satu pihak telah berbohong, dan pembohongan itu MUNGKIN dilakukan oleh pihak yang kita sokong. Dalam keadaan yang mana masyarakat Malaysia sedang meragui ketelusan polis, keadilan hakim-hakim, ketulusan BPR dan Suruhanjaya-Suruhanjaya yang sentiasa ditubuhkan, maka beradalah kita dalam dilema. Kerana segala hasil siasatan menimbulkan kecurigaan, segala keputusan mahkamah dirisaukan sudah ditetapkan, maka yang tinggal hanyalah tunggu ketika di Padang Masyar nanti untuk mendapat penjelasan sewajarnya. Cuma pada masa tu, kita pula dah tak larat nak ambil tahu lagi sebab tengah sibuk disiksa kerana dosa-dosa yang berlambak kita lakukan. Sayugia, penyelesaiannya adalah dengan menjadi orang baik: jangan mengumpat, jangan memfitnah, jangan mengambil yang bukan hak, jangan salahgunakan kuasa, jangan serba-serbi yang tak elok. Masa di padang Masyar nanti barulah boleh fokus tengok repeats dan reruns. (Sebenarnya, dengan tidak membuat perkara-perkara ynag negatif disebutkan tadi, adalah diharapkan keyakinan terhadap sistem keadilan di negara tercinta ini kembali pulih, dan Malaysia boleh menjadi negara keadilan contoh lebih daripada Switzerland dll tu).
    6. Berkenaan dengan sifat toleransi dan kemuafatan masyarakat berbilang bangsa, banyak perkara yang kita pandang remeh tapi sebenarnya membawa kesan prasangka yang menebal. Contohnya:
    a. Azan menggunakan speaker dengan sepuas hati (Juga bunyi loceng yang terlalu kuat dan lama (biasanya sehingga azan berhenti, plus 2 minit) dan juga bau setanggi yang melemaskan penduduk satu tangga condo). Yang menariknya di dalam surau ada satu speaker yang merdu je bunyinya, tapi dibumbung ada 3 speaker yang boleh guna untuk amaran serangan bom daripada kapal terbang Jepun. Ada sesiapa berani menegur minta diperlahankan kerana anak kecil umur 2 minggu tersentak menangis?
    Tak berani… kerana:
    1.Takut dikatakan sesat dan tak Islamic,
    2.Dituduh tidak menyokong usaha pentarbiahan agama
    3.Dicop sebagai dayus kerana tidak berani menegakkan hak.
    Perlu diingat bahawa dakwah Islam oleh pejuang-pejuang Islam terdahulu berjaya menjadikan 1/5 penduduk dunia memeluk kesucian Islam tanpa penggunaan pembesar suara. Dakwah dilakukan secara hikmah. Memberi contoh yang baik, dan menjaga tingkah laku. Bukan dengan melaungkan azan sekuat hati sebagai tanda hak, keberanian, dan dengan secara automatiknya menimbulkan detik di hati ‘inconsideratenye penganut agama ni!’ Alangkah indahnya jika setiap penganut agama yang berbeza-beza ni jika dapat berusaha menjadi lebih ulamak dalam agama mereka masing-masing. Pastinya setiap ugama menggalakkan penganutnya berkelakuan baik. Bila dah ‘baik'(although subjective) akhlaknya, senanglah nak berbincang dengan penuh martabat. Bila boleh berbincang, bolehlah dicarikan penyelesaiannya. Bukan menggambarkan dengan cara bila mampu buat kelakuan yang tak mengendahkan orang lain, kita adalah kuat, dan kuat itu membuktikan kebenaran, maka anutilah agamaku barulah boleh sama-sama benar. Sigh…
    b. Nampak simple tapi kita kena belajar untuk lebih peka dalam menjaga sensitiviti antara kaum. Contohnya taklah salah sekiranya yang muda memanggil yang telah berumur daripada bangsa lain dengan panggilan manis penuh hormat ‘pakcik.’ Tak perlulah nak buktikan kemampuan berbahasa dengan memanggil ‘ane’ atau ‘apek’ kerana pangilan tersebut, secara tradisi singkat masyarakat majmuk Malaysia, telah dikaitkan secara negatif dengan mereka. Juga bila berbual mesra bersama rakan-rakan di mana-mana restoran atau kedai mamak, janganlah suka mengata-ngata bangsa lain. Secara tabiinye, bunyi perkataan dapat merentasi jarak 2 kaki menyingah ke telinga pelanggan lain yang sebangsa dengan yang diperkatakan itu. Juga, sekiranya nak dirahsiakan dengan perkataan dalam bahasa ibunda, tidak pastinya akan berjaya. Antara jasa Kementerian Penerangan dan RTM adalah penayangan cerita Hindi, Tamil, Kantonis dan Mandarin sejak mencapai kemerdekaan. Penerapan selama 51 tahun, sedikit-sebanyak telah melekat di hati, terutamanya perkataan-perkataan yang ‘murni’ itu.
    (Akan disambung kemudian nanti sekiranya membawa faedah. Panjang sangat, dah penat dan sentiasa menginsafi ini blog Tun. Ampun)

  294. Assalamualaikum w.b.t,
    What I could see, all these racial issues was purposely triggered by DSAI to against DSAAB leadership and at the same time to break up BN into pieces as the cabinet is clearly weakening. Very clear statement in the past, he himself wants to abolish the DEB which the DAP is always dreamt off. DSAAB just don’t realize that he has been fooling around by DSAI in order to pull him down and the rest of the cabinets. More worst when he always prefer to remain speechless. He should be pro active rather then always becoming a fireman. Yes I agree with you TUN, DSAAB is no match to DSAI.
    Selamat Berbuka Puasa to all your family.

  295. Madrasah and rascal-rarunasalam are business-partners in Lorong Haji Taib. Hope you guys understand their frustration. 🙂

  296. Why everything are because of current PM? Why most of ~22 million Malaysia population blame the cuurent PM only? Sit and everyday blame the PM and wait and wish Tun Mahathir may help.. and hope the problem will solve it by itself if not by someone else but not they themselves. Really SAD to see such culture in a very high potential land – Malaysia!
    Please look and think probably.. COMPARING the ~22 million Malaysia population who might not working hard and right VS the current PM whom everybody are accusing him for not working hard and right.. obviously! you can see the logic of it..
    SO, NOW, in terms of number or manpower, who has greater effect on the problems of country? Who is more likely to make those problems we see nowaday? and, who should be responsible more to solve the problem indeed? last, who can settle the problem? It is the Malaysians, the citizen! ..who are (will be) willing to work hard and right.
    Mentality and attitude have to be right! Anyway, I doubt if anybody knows what is right?

  297. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Selamat Berpuasa saya ucapkan buat Tun. Saya berharap kehadiran Tun dalam UMNO dapat memulihkan semula segala masalah yang timbul sejak Pak Lah jadi PM. Keadaan politik di malaysia kini makin kalut dan membimbangkan rakyat malaysia. Memang, mungkin ada yang akan mengkritik keputusan yang Tun buat, tetapi saya tidak kisah kerana saya tahu dan yakin dengan kebolehan Tun untuk mengembalikan kepercayaan rakyat malaysia terhadap BN. Sekian, wassalam.


  299. Dear Tun & fellow readers,
    During March 08, i considered myself as liberal malays so i vote for a change as i believed everybody regardless of race should get equal rights as citizen of malaysia. i vote for a change to put a balance opposition voice in parliament to have a balance and check up on existing ruling government. These opposition voice suppose to ensure government really doing their work governing the rakyat, eliminate corruption and prosper the country. With the opposition and government being given their actual role after March 8, it should lead our country to much greater heights and properity. And i belived majority of malaysian who voted for change during the election are having the same feeling as me.
    Its been 6 months after the so called change that rakyat expected but instead of doing their responsibility as govt and opposition the only things that i can see now its the struggle to remain in power and to get power. Are these the kind of leaders that malaysians need. And now all this politicians are dragging us to involve in race sentiments.
    After 6 months seeing our country political development, i’m changing from malay liberal to become one of those malay & young professionals that tun is saying after what have happen so far. So are most of my Malay friends. We don’t mind if you say you want equal rights and opportunity in this great country but when you start questioning our rights as Islam (like the so called intelligent people in Bar Council,the YB who go to the Mosque before subuh prayer in Selangor asking the imam not to use speaker for the Azan in Shah Alam where majority people leaving there are Muslims(read utusan 10/9/08)), I said you all playing with fire. And know everybody talking about racist remarks, even Tun, our great leader has been accused as racist after one of his posting.
    So, why other race can talk and critize malay and islam on every aspect but when we bring up certain issues regarding non malay we are labelled as racist.
    I do agree with some of the opinion here that something really wrong with our education system. We should abolished vernacular school and only remain sekolah kebangsaan. This should implement the spirit of nasionalisme and socialisme among different race. And every citizen who wants to live in malaysia and be granted citizenship should learn and respect each other differences and sensitivities.
    Tun, cannot wait for u to come back to UMNO and make the necessary change and i’m hoping for a nearer general election so that i can make a better change for the benefit of my race & religion.

  300. hi Tun;
    Good day. I am actualy working in steel mills industry. In Malaysia as on today we have about 5 big steel mills which are currently struggling to survive due to uncertainty in Malaysia economic and more or less all this caused by the power struggling between UMNO and PKR.
    To me all this nonsense should be stopped or else we also will die soon.
    Best Regards;
    Steel Player.

  301. Dear Tun,
    The problem is non-Malays totally rejected the social contract.
    They reject this through a political party and lawyers organisation.
    They not only want citizenship but they want all. No want can guarantee that non-Malays wont repeat this equality to everbody demand. First they came to cari makan, now they want to rule. See Singapore and Penang what had happened?. The only thing that can preserve our unity and harmony is…….to question SOCIAL CONTRACT is a crime with severe punishment. Dear Tun, only you can do this, while there is still time. I dont think others have the gut. By doing this we can hope the Malays and Non-Malays continue to build a happy Malaysia.

  302. Assalamu’alaikum Tok Det..
    Smoga diberi kesihatan yg t’baik drpd Allah S.W.T.. Amin..
    Tok Det, first of all, izinkan sy nak menulis dgn pjg lebar skit..
    Sy betul2 tak paham laa dgn org2 yg m’persoalkan kenapa Tok Det join UMNO balik… Just remember this..
    Bg sy tak ada masalah dgn ‘badang mkn muntah sndiri’ ke.. ‘dah ludah jilat balik’ ke… ‘flip flop’ ke.. apa ke… Masalah yg kita hadapi skrg adalah MASALAH NEGARA. Dan pd pendapat sy, ToK Det sbg org yg paling b’pengalaman m’tadbir negara dgn SUKSES, sy tak nampak pun apa masalah yg timbul kalau Tok Det mengeksperimen sendiri cara yg paling t’baik utk nak redakan masalah2 yg kita hadapi skrg.. Suka hati laa nak keluar party ke, masuk party ke, yg nak pi dok pikiaq pasai badang makan muntah tu pasai apa.. la nie bkn pasai badang, pasai NEGARA!
    dan sy jugak tak paham sgt dgn ORANG2 [sy tak ingat nickname diorg kat bwh nie] yg suruh Tok Det berehat laa, jgn masuk campur laa, biarkan Pak Lah m’tadbir dgn cara dia sndiri laa… sy tak paham dgn mereka! Senang pikir camnie laa..
    Sepjg 22thn pemerintahan TDM, yg sy tahu :
    1) TDM dh keluarkan Malaysia drpd senarai 3rd world country
    2) TDM bapa kemodenan Malaysia
    3) TDM byk tarik investor dr luar negara utk mlabur n bikin bisness kat Malaysia nie, skali gus m’jana eco. negara
    4) TDM dgn slumbernya pi sound kat George Soros masa eco. crisis thn 1997-1998 [masa tu sy form 3,sy ingat lg!] dlu, padahal pemimpin2 negara jiran kita dlu pun bengang gak kat si Soros tu, tp smua dok diammm jer mcm tikuih mondok..piirahh! coward!!
    5) TDM brani b’suara di peringkat antarabangsa, mengutuk barat dgn tindakan kejam,ganas,bodoh,bodoh sombong,melulu,tak adil,discimination,etc.,etc., diorg tu.. [tabik spring kat Tok Det sy!! sy ANTI-US wpun keja dgn co. US.. hihi.. tak boleh nak buat apa laa Tok b’kerja demi eco. negara]
    6) Bush bodo tu pun takut dgn TDM! Bkn mcm DSAI,tali barut Amerika!! Ptuihh!!
    7) Swaktu TDM jd PM,keadaan negara kita dlu aman harmoni.. Tak ada pun bising2 pasal kaum..smua kaum hormat pd kaum lain..tak ada org yg brani wat p’bincangan terbuka pasal isu2 sensitif ke, nak m’permain2kan kedaulatan negara ke.. TAK ADA!!
    8) TDM = DASAR PANDANG KE TIMUR [Lg skali tabik spring kat Tok Det sy..!!]
    7) Dan lain2 perkara sama ada yg sy tahu tp lupa nak nyatakan [sbb t’lalu byk yg TDM sumbangkan kat Malaysia] ataupun yg sy tak tau tp bloggers smua tahu..
    Jadi….. Kepada bloggers2 yg suruh TDM jgn msuk campur/berehat/etc. tuuu.. Baca balik smua listing yg sy buat kat atas tu, then PIKIR-PIKIR kan laa… COME TO THINK OF IT.. SANGGUP KE TUN DR. MAHATHIR MELIHAT MALAYSIA KITA SKRG INI HANCUR???
    Tok Det,
    Jaga diri baik2… Jaga kesihatan baik2… Raya nanti jaga makan dan minum… Smoga Tok Det dan keluarga dilimpahi dgn rahmat Allah S.W.T dan teruskan perjuangan yg belum selesai.. Allahu akhbar!!
    UiTM Alumni
    no more pseudonym!!

  303. to Asus…
    hello!!! if Tun just kept quiet and let AAB do whatever he wanted to, then who else is going to correct those mistakes AAB made? if everyone acts just the way you said for their own names, prides, sakes & whatever it is, then there’s nobody left to fight for our rights..tun is doing the best thing, by letting his thoughts to be heard by all, whether you want to take it in a positive way or otherwise, let your brain level decides it…
    go tun! ignore Asus…!

    Melihat keputusan hukuman yang diambil PAK LAH terhadap Ahmad Ismail kelmarin umpama satu penampar buat ORANG MELAYU.
    Jujurnya saya tidak menyokong apa yang diperkatakan Ahmad Ismail, tetapi ingin saya nyatakan di sini kes Ahmad Ismail yang dikatakan berbaur perkauman tidak diadili seadil-adilnya sebagaimana kes-kes perkauman yang berlaku sebelum ini seperti kes Ronnie Liu, Wee Meng Chee, Hindraf dan sebagainya.
    Tindakan diambil ke atas seorang pemimpin MELAYU yang dikatakan ‘racist’ sedang kes-kes sebelum ini yang berlaku di kalangan pemimpin BUKAN MELAYU tidak diperbesarkan atau tidak pernah pun soal ‘racist’ diungkapkan.
    Adakah ini kerana ORANG MELAYU adalah kaum pribumi atau bumiputra TANAH MELAYU sebelumnya atau MALAYSIA amnya?
    Persoalan saya mengapa kes Ahmad Ismail tidak diselidik dari segi kebenaran ucapan, teks, video dan sebagainya sebagaimana yang dikatakannya apabila beliau mempertahankan diri dengan mengatakan ucpannya adalah berkenaan soal pra-kemerdekaan?
    Mengapa tidak ada sebarang kajian mengenai kebenaran ucapan Ahmad Ismail dan wartawan Sin Chew Daily, Tan Hoon Cheng, orang pertama melaporkan berita tersebut tidak disoal siasat terlebih dahulu?
    Mengapa pula pemimpin-pemimpin dari kaum Cina terutamanya dari parti Gerakan seolah-olah melompat kerana terus mendesak menuntut permohonan maaf tanpa sebarang usul selidik?
    Dan mengapa PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA iaitu PAK LAH turut melompat atas desakan,gesaan dan tuntutan dari kaum bukan Melayu?
    Hakikatnya, PAK LAH yang memberi ruang lebih luas kebebasan bersuara. Kini beliau telah terperangkap di atas polisi yang beliau laksanakan. PAK LAH tidak dapat mengekang atau mengawal bentuk pemerintahannya malah mengambil tindakan atas desakan pihak ketiga. Samalah kesnya dengan kes Tun Salleh Abbas yang mendapat bayaran ex-gratia atas desakan Majlis Peguam.
    Maka akan bertambah banyak lagi kes yang bakal dilihat diputuskan PAK LAH bagi memuaskan hati pihak ketiga dan menyelesaikan masalah yang berpunca dari PAK LAH sendiri.
    Hukuman ke atas Ahmad Ismail adalah bukti kelemahan sistem pentadbiran yang digunapakai PAK LAH.
    Bagi saya sekarang ‘BERTINDAK ATAS DESAKAN’ dan ‘MERAWAT BUKANNYA MENCEGAH’ adalah trademark sistem pemerintahan PAK LAH.
    Satu soalan, apakah PAK LAH masih relevan sebagai PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA?
    PETITION ONLINE MENDESAK PM MALAYSIA PAK LAH UNTUK MELETAK JAWATAN dianjurkan dari laman web, petition online tersebut percuma di:

    Yang di sayangi lagi di hormati Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Siti Hasmah
    Anakanda tumpang lalu
    Telah benarlah atas apa yang ayahanda katakan.”SOCIAL CONTRACT MUST BE UPHOLD”.Ini adalah sangat perlu demi untuk KEHARMONIAN DAN KEDAMAIAN DALAM NEGARA MALAYSIA YANG RAKYAT NYA BERBILANG KAUM.
    Dalam banyak2 bangsa di dunia ini,hanya bangsa melayu lah yang mempunyai KEMULIAN HATI DAN KEBERSIHAN JIWA yang sebenar2 nya.Ini adalah kerana KEMULIAN HATI DAN KEBERSIHAN JIWA adalah sesuatu yang kita tidak dapat belajar bagaimana untuk mendapatkan nya TETAPI IA NYA ADALAH ANUGERAH DARI ALLAH SWT KEPADA BANGSA MELAYU WALAU PUN TIDAK KESELURUHAN NYA DAPAT MENGAMALKAN NYA.
    KEMULIAAN JIWA DAN KEBERSIHAN HATI ADALAH BERSANGKUTAN DENGAN AGAMA ISLAM.HANYA DI DALAM ISLAM SAHAJA YANG MEMPUNYAI BERBAGAI2 PERATURAN2 KETAT YANG WAJIB DI PATUHI DEMI KELANGSUNGAN HIDUP YANG BAIK,MURNI DAN MENGHORMATI KAUM2 LAIN BERBANDING DENGAN AGAMA2 LAIN DI DUNIA INI.Dan majotriti yang berbangsa melayu adalah berugama islam.Walaubagaimana pun ada individu2 dari kamu lain yang mempunyai KEBESARAN JIWA INI kerena pemberian olih ALLAH SWT bukan lah kepada melayu,cina atau india tetapi adalah kepada MAKHLUK2 NYA dan apa2 juga bangsa di dunia ini adalah MAHKLUK ALLAH SWT.
    Kita boleh lihat pada 3 contoh:
    a) 3 orang ahli politik – Melayu,Cina dan India- duduk semeja ber
    bincang hal2 politik – Apa yang mereka bincangkan?,apa pula
    kemahuan dan perasaan masing2 waktu itu?
    b) 3 orang ahli perniagaan-Mmelayu,Cina dan India- duduk semeja
    berbincang hal2 perniagaan -Apa yang mereka bincangkan?,apa
    pula kemahuan dan perasaan masing2 waktu itu?
    c) 3 orang biasa yang berugama islam -Melayu,Cina dan India-
    duduk di dalam mesjid -sama ada bersolat,makan berbuka puasa
    atau makan biasa atau bermuzakarah.- Apa yang mereka bincang
    kan waktu itu?.apa kemahuan dan perasaan mereka waktu itu?
    Dari 3 insiden itu ,dapat kah kita agakkan kumpulan manakah yang lebih harmoni? Perbincangan kumpulan manakah yang akan lebih di kuasai NAFSU ,SYAITAN,EGO DAN BERSIFAT PERKAUMAN?. Kalau bagi saya adalah kumpulan yang ketigalah yang lebih HARMONI.
    Seperti yang telah di ketahui umum,di dalam dunia yang serba luas ini hanya di Malaysia lah sahaja yang terdapat nya rakyat yang berbilang kaum yang dapat hidup dengan harmoni nya.Ini adalah di keranakan dengan ada nya KONTRAK SOSIAL yang terdapat di Malaysia dan telah di persetujui olih pemimpin2 kita yang terdahulu sebelum merdeka lagi.Kenapa kah kita belajar mengenai sejarah?.Kerana kita hendak mengetahui akan perkara dahulu dan belajar menghargai nya atas apa2 yang baik dan mengambil pelajaran dan nasihat di atas apa2 yang tidak baik.
    Saya petik sedikit dari kata al marhum Tunku Abdul Rahman dalam buku nya VIEWPOINTS di bawah topik “OBSTACLES TO PROGRESS’
    “When we were on the threshold of Independence the Malayan people of ALL RACES WERE SUSPICIOUS OF ONE ANOTHER,because we lived in an age when they were under the paternal wing of the british,and that was how life had been for well nigh a cenrury or more”
    Bagi saya hanya ada 3 OPSYEN saja cara untuk HIDUP HARMONI sekira
    nya mahu menolak KONTRAK SOSIAL INI:
    1) Masuk ke dalam AGAMA ISLAM bagi The Non Malays dan yang bukan
    beragama Islam kerana hanya di dalam Islam sahaja KEHARMONIAN
    DAPAT TERJAMIN.Memang benar,di dalam Islam dan negara Islam
    pun ada persengketaan dan sebagaimana yang saya katakan di
    2) Opsyen kedua ini kita kenalah mengikut saranan Ayahanda Tun
    Mahathir seperti yang di nyatakan nya dalam buku nya “DILEMA
    “Persamaan di sisi undang2 tidak memberi apa-apa makna
    jika pemulauan di dalam bidang sosial dan ekonomi olih sesuatu
    kaum di buat dengan cara yang tidak tertakluk kepada undang2.
    “Kesemua individu sepatutnya di satu padukan kedalam
    masyarakat Malaysia dari segi ekonomi.sosial dan politik”
    “Persamaan bererti sesuatu kaum itu di terima olih setiap
    lapisan masyarakat dari segi sosial,ekonomi dan politik se
    hingga ia mencerminkan nisbah kaum nya di dalam jumlah
    penduduk yang terdiri dari berbagai kaum”
    “Tujuan di sebalik layanan ISTIMEWA bagi orang2 melayu
    bukanlah untuk meletakkan orang orang melayu ke suatu
    kedudukan yang SUPERIOR ,tetapi adalah untuk menyamakan
    kedudukan mereka dengan orang2 bukan melayu”.
    “Orang-orang melayu tidak merasa MEGAH dengan keistimewaan
    yang di lindungi undang undang,seperti perlindungan yang di
    beri kepada orang-orang cacat.Jika boleh mereka (orang melayu)
    ingin menyinkirkan keistimewaan ini,tetapi mereka terpaksa
    mengenepikan perasaan bangga di sebabkan kenyataan hidup yang
    tidak dapat di elakkan”
    3) Opsyen ketiga ini agak kasar sikit.
    Lagi satu saya TIDAK SETUJU dengan pemansuhan sekolah cina atau
    Maaf Ayahanda Tun di atas coretan yang panjang ini dan semoga Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda selalu berada di dalam Limpahan Rahmat ALLAH SWT.
    Alif Lam Mim

  306. Dear Tun.
    You mentioned in your book in “the Malay Dilemma”:
    “The Malay claim to being discriminated against in Malaysia is based not on laws but on the character and behaviour of the major racial groups in Malaysia. The Malays are spiritually inclined, tolerant and easy-going. The non-Malays and especially the Chinese are materialistic, aggressive and have an appetite for work. For equality to come about it is necessary that these strikingly contrasting races adjust to each other. Laws cannot do this. Only understanding, goodwill and time can. and understanding and goodwill can only come about in time if the meaning of racial equality is understood by all concerned.” Dr Mahathir b. Mohamad in The Malay Dilemma (1970:pg97).
    I am curious with what you mentioned in the book. It does break my heart that Malays have evoled? Is it because of the NEP? Corruption? You said that they are spiritually inclined, tolerant and easy-going. I dont think this is true anymore. “Spare the rod, and Spoil the child”. pretty much the malaysian discriminatory policy.
    Though, it is also true that there exist “Middle Child Syndrome”, where a neglected child will act strangely to attract attention. Interestingly enough, given all the attention that the Malays get, they still want more attention. What about the Chinese and Indians?
    I personally feel that you are to blame for some aspects of this, introducing discriminatory policies, that are based on races. You know this is not precise, inaccurate, and you know from the beginning that this will eventually happen. You know that this would hurt the other races. Still, I am not sure whether you regret this at all! Overall, the economy has more equality now, but policies targetted at races, rather than income levels is only a temporary solution. You are a smart man. You know this!
    However, you are still proven to be the best leader! My support is with you. But sometimes my heart hurts when I see responses like what you have posted up.

  307. Salam tun,
    Ntah lah..pak lah saya rasa tak nak turun…even rakyat dh reject ataupun berlaku byk masalah dlm negara…
    Matlamat utama pak lah menjadi perdana menteri mungkin disebabkan faktor kemewahan hidup dan kekuasaan. Sebab itu lah segala kemelut dalam negara ini tidak diendahkan nya. Malah dia cuba menipu rakyat dengan cara menutup perkara-perkara yang tidak elok jika didengar rakyat berkenaan kerajaan skrg.
    Selagi pak lah berkuasa, najib akan menjadi yes bos… So boleh buat kesimpulan maybe najib juga akan menjadi seorang pemimpin yang tidak baik kelak…

  308. SALAM,
    Melihat keputusan hukuman yang diambil PAK LAH terhadap Ahmad Ismail kelmarin umpama satu penampar buat ORANG MELAYU.
    Jujurnya saya tidak menyokong apa yang diperkatakan Ahmad Ismail, tetapi ingin saya nyatakan di sini kes Ahmad Ismail yang dikatakan berbaur perkauman tidak diadili seadil-adilnya sebagaimana kes-kes perkauman yang berlaku sebelum iniseperti kes Wee Meng Chee, Hindraf dan sebagainya.
    Tindakan diambil ke atas seorang pemimpin MELAYU yang dikatakan ‘racist’ sedang kes-kes sebelum ini yang berlaku di kalangan pemimpin BUKAN MELAYU tidak diendahkan atau tidak pernah pun soal ‘racist’ diungkapkan.
    Adakah ini kerana ORANG MELAYU adalah kaum pribumi atau bumiputra TANAH MELAYU sebelumnya atau MALAYSIA amnya?
    Persoalan saya mengapa kes Ahmad Ismail tidak diselidik dari segi kebenaran ucapan, teks, video dan sebagainya sebagaimana yang dikatakannya apabila beliau mempertahankan diri dengan mengatakan ucpannya adalah berkenaan soal pra-kemerdekaan?
    Mengapa tidak ada sebarang kajian mengenai kebenaran ucapan Ahmad Ismail dan wartawan Sin Chew Daily, Tan Hoon Cheng, orang pertama melaporkan berita tersebut tidak disoal siasat terlebih dahulu?
    Mengapa pula pemimpin-pemimpin dari kaum Cina terutamanya dari parti Gerakan seolah-olah melompat kerana terus mendesak menuntut permohonan maaf tanpa sebarang usul selidik?
    Dan mengapa PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA iaitu PAK LAH turut melompat atas desakan,gesaan dan tuntutan dari kaum bukan Melayu?
    Hakikatnya, PAK LAH yang memberi ruang lebih luas kebebasan bersuara. Kini beliau telah terperangkap di atas polisi yang beliau laksanakan.
    PAK LAH tidak dapat mengekang atau mengawal bentuk pemerintahannya malah mengambil tindakan atas desakan pihak ketiga. Samalah kesnya dengan kes Tun Salleh Abbas yang mendapat bayaran ex-gratia atas desakan Majlis Peguam.
    Maka akan bertambah banyak lagi kes yang bakal dilihat diputuskan PAK LAH bagi memuaskan hati pihak ketiga dan menyelesaikan maslah yang berpunca dari PAK LAH sendiri.
    Hukuman ke atas Ahmad Ismail adalah bukti kelemahan sistem pentadbiran yang digunapakai PAK LAH.
    Jelas kelihatan adalah TINDAKAN PAK LAH yang berniat ‘Lepas Tangan, ‘Bertindak atas Desakan’ dan ‘Merawat bukannya Mencegah’

  309. A Malaysian Time Clock Slowly Clicking towards 16 September!
    Tick, Tock! Tick, Tock! Tick Tock!
    Inbetween, spare parts and batteries still insufficient in case it stop.
    Some try to move it faster by 15 minutes, some by 30 minutes.
    Nobody thought of moving it backwards. I wonder Why?
    continue at
    Jam Malaysia berdetik Perlahan-lahan ke 16 September!
    Tick, Tock! Tick, Tock! Tick Tock!
    Sementara tu alatganti tambahan dan batteri masih belum mencukupi, jika berhenti.
    Ada yang cuba percepatkan masanya 15 minit, ada yang nak 30 minit.
    Tak ada sesiapa pun yang mengerakan ia ke belakang. Hairannya aku?
    bersambung di

  310. Tun yang dikasihi,
    Selamat kembali kepada UMNO.Inilah masa yang sesuai untuk Tun membetulkan keadaan.Isu panas seperti Dato Ahmad, DSAI dengan cita-cita 16 Septembernya dan yang terbaru dari Panglima ATM sendiri yang mahu semua pihak berhenti dari membangkitkan isu perkauman sememangnya perlu diambil serius.
    Jika kerajaan yang ada sekarang tidak terlalu telus atau pun LURUS BENDUL, maka tidak ada pihak yang berani CROSSING THE BORDER LINE.
    Tolong lah Tun.Buatlah sesuatu sebelum keadaan mnjai idak terkawal.

  311. I truly believe that our country stability is depend on malays unity and malay leadership due to various reasons, non-malay should not questioning neither touch about our right or social contract. What happen if malay questioning non-malay rights? I wish racial tension will not happen in our country anymore. To non-malays, pls understand and accept the historical facts. Maybe we should promote the malaysia constitution at all levels (including at primary scholl), so that everybody is understood.

  312. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    1. Your intention to come back to UMNO is the much needed catalyst to further strengthen Malay, UMNO, BN and Nation unity as a whole.
    2. I am glad that there are current leaders who are more than willing to show and pay so much respect, humility and appreciation to the previous leaders like you. Hopefully they will start to listen something good from the elders and not to let it fall again to deaf ears.
    3. Harap melayu yang mudah lupa, mudah pula ingat kembali.
    Good day sir!

  313. Hidup Melayu!! Janganlah Melayu berpecah lagi..sejarah tetap sejarah..hari ini dan besok akan jadi sejarah..
    sokong Tun…

  314. Salam Tun,
    1. Many people are wondering why Tun re-joined UMNO. My perceptions are:
    a) To have a direct and maybe final fight with the stupid people in the current government. Indirect fight through blogs seems inefficient and ineffective. The stupid people in the current government are too dumb to be acknowledged and learned about the needs of rakyat. It is about time that Tun has to imply different strategy.
    b) This direct strategy will be executed as follows: Tun will form a team. The team will be leaded by Tun and mainly supported by TS Muhyiddin, DS Rais Yatim and maybe Tengku Razaleigh. The second level supporters will be DS Mukhriz, DS Khir, and other state representatives especially from Perak, Penang and Kedah.
    c) The team members will elect Tun as the candidate for UMNO President in the UMNO General Election this December. Tun will have a direct contest with the current stupid UMNO leader.
    d) If Tun win this competition, Tun will not awarded himself as a president, but will select TS Muhyiddin instead. TS Muhyiddin will then be a Prime Minister. He then forms a new cabinet for the Malaysian government.
    e) It is less than 3 months before the GE will take place. Therefore, now it is time to act.
    2. If my perception is true, I wish all the best and good luck to Tun and the other team members. I am not sure about others but I am pretty sure that I am with you.

  315. Salam Tun,
    Saya bersetuju dengan komen/cadangan yang diberikan oleh ‘kunci’ itu. Saya juga dengan kembalinya Tun ke dalam UMNO dapat memulihkan & menguatkan kembali perpaduan diantara kaum.
    Tak sabar nak tunggu Tun bertanding, tak salah kan kalau Tun jadi Perdana Menteri kami semula? 😀

  316. Tun yang di sayangi,
    1.Saya berasa kecewa dengan keadaan negara sekarang nii.
    2.Kaum lain senang saja membangkitkan pasal kontrak sosial,mereka tidak akan di labelkan racist. Tapi kalau orang melayu cakap sikit pasal tindak tanduk bangsa lain,mereka kan di kenakan tindakan tatatertib,nasib melayu di TANAH MELAYU.I agree with you that MELAYU mudah lupa sejarah.
    3.Today dalam The Sun, Jui Meng nak hapuskan ketuanan MELAYU..dia nii ada belajar sejarah ke Tun?.
    4.Apa kata suruh bangsa lain mohon jadi PM kedua, TPM kedua, Sultan kedua bagi tiap tiap negeri..
    I like to read your writting..jangan jemu menulis TUN. Salam

  317. Hi Tun,
    I was suprised that you decided to return to UMNO all the sudden. In my personal opinion, its best if you honor your word. If you stilll joining now, it will not do you any good especially to your reputation. Please reconsider.

  318. Tahniah TUN…
    Saya mewakili Ketua Cawangan UMNO Taman Indah (bapa saya), Titi Gajah mempelawa TUN dan isteri untuk menjadi ahli UMNO Taman Indah dan menjadi Ketua Cawangan Taman Indah demi meneruskan perjuangan memperkasa bangsa dan memperbetulkan keadaan UMNO sendiri yang telah rosak teruk hasil kelemahan DSAAB dan konco2 serta keluarga.
    Ini adalah pelawaan ikhlas daripada Ketua UMNO Cawangan Taman Indah, Titi Gajah…

  319. Ayahanda…
    Sesungguhnya anakanda berterimakasih dengan ayahanda kerana mengajar dan berkongsi dengan anakanda tentang sejarah Malaysia dan Tanah Melayu..
    Masa sekolah dulu tak de diajar…ataupun anakanda tertidur waktu itu…tapi sekali lagi terimakasih banyak yang anakanda belajar dari usaha blog ayahanda ini…
    Untuk harapkan ankanda baca buku sejarah Tanah Melayu…mingkin lambat lagi kut…dan tak pasti kesahihan ceritanya…jadi anakanda ingin menyarankan agar segala artikel yang ayahanda telah coretkan di blog ini untuk dibukukan. anakanda adalah antara orang pertama yang membeli…. kenapa? pastilah untuk tatapan cucu-cucu dan cicit-cicit ayahanda nanti…
    Baiklah ayahanda, anakanda sekeluarga doakan kesihatan yang terbaik untuk Ayahanda dan Bonda sekeluarga…AMIN

  320. Salam Tun,
    Ramai sudah ahli UMNO menyahut seruan Tun untuk keluar dari UMNO sebelum ini. Adakah ura-ura yang mengatakan Tun akan menyertai UMNO semula benar?

  321. Salam ramadan wat Tun n keluarga
    1. Ini kali pertama saya menulis utk blog Tun setelah lama saya membaca komen2 blogers2 yg lain.
    2. Saya amat sedih n geram keadaan senario sekeliling kita, politik kita n ekonomi kita. Dalam keadaan skarang krajaan kita di serang dr berbagai sudut. Saya akui pemimpin kita skrang lemah n kelam kabut akibat jati diri yg lemah.
    3. Tun, masa saya melawat jepun dulu, kawan jepun saya cakap kalau Tun jadi PM mereka dah tentu AS pun takut. Dia kata, klau wartawan mereka tau yg Tun nk datang jepun, hampir smua akhbar di jepun akan hantar wartawan mereka untuk temuramah Tun. Sebab katanya, Tun boleh jawab secara sepontan soalan mereka. Mereka kata otak n pemikiran Tun ada 10 20 tahun kedepan. Alangkah bagus kalau Tun jadi PM jepun kata kawan saya tu.
    4. Tapi saya sedih kerana rakyat kita sendiri tidak boleh n takut bila Tun buka mulut. kenapa????? sebab mereka takut kedudukan n pangkat mereka akan tergugat.
    5. Saya lah orang yg paling gembira bila terbaca Tun nak join balik UMNO. Saya tau pe sebab Tun nak join balik. Hanya mereka2 yg makan gaji n elaun buta saja yg takut.
    6. Tun, saya ingin melihat Tun Perbetulkan balik parti yg kita sayangi yg dh menyimpang jauh. Tun bayangkan lah baru mesyuarat cawangan dh ada unsur rasuah, blum lagi pringkat bahagian. Jadi macamana lah kita nak rampas balik negeri2 yg dh jatuh ke tangan pembangkang. Apatah lagi DSAI dh jadi ketua pembangkang.
    7. Tun, akibat kelemahan pucuk pimpinan, berbagai-bagai lah orang tu tuntut macam2 waima cuepecs pn sama gak. Saya sangat geram dgn hindraf n parti DAP yg sorang adun dia macam nak hapuskan hak2 orang melayu. Geram sungguh. E2 pn orang2 melayu masih tak nampak n masih cetek akal pemikiran. Masih dok puja DSAI yg bolih bagi harga minyak turun. Kesian Datuk Ahmad Ismail, jadi kambing hitam nampaknya.
    8. Tun, klau boleh saya nak Tun masuk UMNO sampai pringkat yg tertinggi, klau boleh saya nk DSAAB letak jawatan bulan 12 nanti. makin lama dia d situ makin kucar kacir orang melayu kita.
    9. Tun, Saya nak Tun hapuskan menteri2 yg talam 2 muka tu. Diaorang ni hanya tau dok kat krusi empuk yg malas nak turun padang tengok kawasan n malas nk amik tau anak2 buah d kementrian masing2 wat keje.
    10. Tun, saya akan menyokong dan brani tampil kedepan jika ada yg cuba menghalang Tun kembali Ke dalam UMNO. Para bolgers2 yg prihatin, marilah kita bersatu, berdiri teguh dan berpendirian tetap bersama2 Tun yg kita sayangi. Jangan lah kita wat benda2 yg boleh merosakan dan melemahkan orang2 melayu kita dan anak2 kita yg sedang membesar.
    Wat Tun dan kluarga, berhati2 dan berjaga2 dengan orang2 yg dengki dan irihati dengan Tun. Moga Tun d beri kesihatan tg baik. Salam

    Isu Ahmad Ismail: MT UMNO Berpecah
    Contributed by Anonymous on Thursday, September 11 @ 04:06:47 MYT
    Topic: editor
    “Terlerai sudah sokongan Melayu tradisional terhadap UMNO” demikian komen Datuk Seri Rais Yatim dalam Mesyuarat MT UMNO semalam ketika diputuskan pergantungan ke atas Datuk Ahmad Ismail.
    Menurut sumber mesyuarat MT kali ini luar biasa apabila Presiden terus mencadangkan agar Ahmad Ismail dikenakan tindakan pergantungan sebelum perbincangan di kalangan MT. Difahamkan Ahli MT yang pertama sekali membantah cadangan ini ialah Dato’ Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo yang menganggap UMNO perlu berbincang lebih lanjut termasuk merujuk kepada jawatankuasa disiplin terlebih dahulu.
    Turut membantah cadangan Presiden ialah Rais Yatim, dan Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob. Beberapa ahli MT lain yang kurang senang ialah Datuk Seri Ali Rustam dan Datuk Seri Hishammudin Tun Hussien.
    Datuk Seri Utama Rais Yatim turut mengingatkan mesyuarat bahawa bukan satu kewajaran untuk Presiden mengutarakan hukuman atau keputusan sebelum membuka perbincangan terlebih dahulu.
    Namun pandangan Pak Lah disokong kuat oleh Datuk Seri Khalid Nordin dan Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz. Mereka tidak mahu menunggu keputusan Jawatankuasa disiplin mahupun siasatan polis.
    Difahamkan komponen BN lain mengugut untuk keluar BN jika tiada tindakan segera diambil ke atas Ahmad Ismail.
    Beberapa ahli MT turut mempersoalkan mengapa hanya Ahmad Ismail sahaja dikenakan tindakan. Mengapa akhbar cina yang turut memainkan isu perkauman ini tidak
    dikenakan sebarang tindakan. Bagaimanapun Pak Lah enggan berbuat apa-apa.
    Sungguhpun majoriti bersetuju menggantung Ahmad Ismail, namun ia bukanlah keputusan sebulat suara. UMNO sanggup mengenepikan prosedur hanya untuk memuaskan hati pemimpin MCA dan Gerakan.
    Menurut seorang ahli MKT yang dilantik, tiada sebarang pengundian dijalankan. Selepas perbincangan, Pak Lah membuat sidang akhbar mengumumkannya.
    Layakkah Pak Lah terus menjadi Presiden UMNO?

  323. Salam buat Tun n Che Det readers..
    Selamat kembali ke UMNO Tun. Saya amat gembira dengan keputusan Tun untuk kembali ke UMNO. Semoga dengan kembalinya Tun, negara kita tidak lagi kucar kacir seperti sekarang ini.
    kepada readers semua,janganlah dipersoalkan akan keputusan Tun utk kembali ke UMNO. memandangkan sebelum ini ramai mengharapkan Tun utk melakukan sesuatu utk menyelamatkan keadaan negara selain dari hanya mencetuskan idea dan ilham beliau di dlm blog. Maka saya percaya, langkah Tun utk kembali mungkin satu cara untuk membantu negara. Saya yakin Tun mempunyai sebab yang kukuh dan agenda nya tersendiri.
    Saya sgt menyokong Tun atas apa jua tindakan Tun kerana saya percaya akan kewibawaan Tun. Selamat berjaya Tun!!semoga Malaysia kembali aman dan bersinar seperti dahulu….Terima kasih Tun atas jasamu kepada Malaysia. Salam Ramadhan.
    Best Regards.

  324. assalamualaikum Tun…….
    ini pertama kali saya tergerak hati meninggalkan komen di blog Tun setelah hanya membaca..
    ape yg ingin saya katakan di sini ialah :
    saya akan mendaftar dengan SPR pada pilihan raya akan datang bg melayakkan saya mengundi.. saya tidak begitu arif dengan dunia politik tetapi saya selalu mengikuti perkembangannya…
    saya selalu terfikir parti politik yang manakah yang paling baik dalam menjaga kebajikan rakyatnya dan membawa malaysia kita pada kemajuan… tapi apa yang saya dapat hanyalah kekeliruan semata…
    Maaf saya katakan disini… saya dan kawan-kawan sudah hilang kepercayaan kepada pimpinan kerajaan yang ada sekarang ini… namun kami juga berpendapat bahawa dengan memilih parti pembangkang yang belum sahih lagi kata-katanya dan dilihat hanya akan membahayakan negara…
    pada pendapat saya,tidak mengundi pula hanya akan menjadikan saya seorang yang tidak berpendirian dan hanya tahu menyalahkan orang lain sahaja dan tidak berani bersuara… tapi jika memilih kerajaan sekarang.. bermakna saya menyokong segala tindakan meraka yang terang-terang hanya mahu memenuhkan poket sendiri sahaja dan tidak jujur dalam amanah yang diberikan… jadi saya berpendapat lebih baik memberi peluang kepada pembangkang untuk membuktikan kesungguhan mereka dan kebenaran pada kata-kata mereka…
    jadi pada pendapat Tun, apa pilihan dan kedudukan yang kami ada sebagai pewaris negara???
    maaf lah jika terdapat kekeliuran dalam kata-kata saya… saya hanya menyuarakan pendapat saya…
    sekian …


  326. Dear Tun,
    As much as I admired the works done by you and the others to integrate the various races somewhat, I am perturbed by the fact that after 50 years the chinese have failed to assimilate. Seriously, some are not even able to utter a word in BM. So I don’t think that Datuk Ahmad has gone overboard, and I totally support hes sayings.

  327. Salam Tun,
    Your item no.2
    2. Young Malays,…. They believe that the Malays should compete with the other races…
    Ini cerita dah terjadi di Singapore..
    Article 152 Singapore Constitution, perjanjian British?.,dulu orang Melayu masuk Polytechnic atau Universiti automatic free of charge tak perlu bayar yuran tapi sekarang dah diubah. Sekarang masuk U kena bayar! Kerana orang Cina bilang tak FAIR.
    Orang Melayu di Singapore yg pegang jawatan tinggi dalam pemerintah hanyalah sebagai Menteri Jaga Air dan Sekitaran walaupun dia pegang title “Professor”. You think this competition Fair?.

  328. DR M
    Dengar kata dah masuk balik ke UMNO ke? kalau betul baru I pun join balik.
    Apa yg di kata kan DR M mmg betul mmg kerana TUNKU lah Malaysia jd mcm ni sekarang, but as they say NO USE TO CRY OVER SPILL MILK jd kenalah buat apa yg terbaik dgn apa yg kita ada sekarang. Tapi rasanay bukannya kita ada yg multi racial S’pore pun sama jugak but they have manage to control the malays there so kita tak boleh buat mcm tu kat Malaysia ke?

  329. Masalah kerenggangan kaum di Malaysia adalah disebabakan oleh niat jahat ahli-ahli politik yang gila kuasa. Contohnya di Sabah tidak terdapat polarisasi kaum sebelum 90an. Tidak terdapat halangan persahabatan antara kaum-kaum dan kahwin campur antara kaum-kaum yang berlainan adalah perkara biasa di Sabah. Adalah perkara biasa dimana sekolah rendah cina di pinggir bandar yang menpunyai peratusan pelajar bumiputra (Muslim dan bukan Muslim)melebihi pelajar cina sendiri.
    Tetapi malangnya, terdapat ahli-ahli politik terutama dari UMNO yang bertapak di Sabah pada 1994 telah merosakkan kehormonian yang sekian lama. Guru-guru dari semenanjung malaysia yang membawa pengaruh yang tidak baik juga memainkan peranan penting masalah polarisasi pelajar-pelajar di Sabah pada 20 puluh tahun yang kebelakangan ini. Walau bagaimanapun, saya rasa polarisasi kaum di Sabah masih tidak serius seperti di semenanjung malaysia. Saya berharap masalah ini tidak akan merebak ke Sabah jika ahli-ahli politik tidak memainkan isu-isu perkauman.

  330. Salam Tun,
    Saya dah mula risau selepas membaca comment Tun.Yes racial tension is on the rise.People start to call each other racist.If there is any flareup Pak Lah would not be able to handle.He is so lembik.Najib is also as timid as a mouse.The other Umno leaders only think of their position and the perks that come with it.Other than Muhyiddin they have little love for the party and the country.
    The umno displinary board is toothless and most of the rank and file can be bought for a few hundred ringgit and a kain pulicat or batik sarong.The party is rotten to the core.Would the supreme council take you back? Iwish you good luck.
    The only spark left of umno leaders is Muhyddin.His latest statement is like a breath of fresh air.I salute this brave man.He is the Hang Jebat of the new millenium.

  331. Maybe we can reflect:
    – Presiden MCA, Tun Tan Siew Sin, dilaporkan dalam akhbar tempatan bertajuk “Tun Tan Answers Critics on special Previleges” dalam pada 30 april 1969, berkata:
    “The Malays, through UMNO, were generous enough to relax the citizenship laws of this country to such extent that within 12 months of independence, 90 percent were still non-citizens after nearly 100 years of colonial rule in the Malay States. In return for this major concession. the MCA and the MIC agreed to continue the policy of preserving the special position of the Malays while at the same time upholding the legitimate interest of other communities.”
    “Now, in 1955 we won the elections with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two years time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now what did the Malays do – since we are speaking on racial lines – what did the Malay leadership do? They had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship?
    If we look around in Asia and East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon, is not welcomed in Burma. Look at my brother Chinnese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma, as we know, Indian have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here we found that the Malay leadership said, “We shall take them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens.” And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousand of Indians, Chinnese, Ceylonese and others became citizens…
    As I said, it has been my great good fortune to have born in this country. Where else can you find a more charitable, a more polite, a more decent race than Malay race? Where else can you get such politically decent treatment for any immigrant race? Where else in the history of the world? I ask you. These are the facts. Who are you to safeguards us? I am 10 percent minority race here. But I am happy here.”

  332. salam semua…terutama tokdir dan nek hasmah…
    lama tak tinggalkan catatan dalam blog ni…coz sibuk dgn sambutan bulan ramadhan…SELAMAT BERPUASA DAN SELAMAT MENYAMBUT LEBARAN AID FITRI.
    atas rasa tanggungjawab dan kebimbangan dengan situasi politik sekarang….saya rasa diamanahkan untuk selitkan peringatan di bawah sebagaimana yang dikirimkan kepada saya…semoga tokdir dan semua baca…kalau boleh wat lah tindakan…
    Renung-renungkan lahג€¦..
    paklah tertekan.
    pembangkang menekan…
    melayu same melayu bermusuhan..
    cina n india bertepuk tangan…
    nak takluk malaysia da lama dorang idamkan…
    hak bumiputera bukan lagi satu keistimewaan. ..
    cina ngan india dah jadik johan!
    pkr mengganas…
    anwar kuarkan idea ‘bernas’…
    orang umno hati panas…
    mca n mic pandai nak kipas…
    DAP tetap pilihan cina n india yan g teratas…
    dorang sokong PKR tu ader ‘nas’…
    pernah satu tmpt dimana ahli parlimen cina berkata…
    saya luar saja BN..dalam hati DAP juga..
    kenapa melayu buta mata?
    gaduh je yan g dorang suke..
    kenapa?…nak tunjuk yang korang berkuasa?
    padehal negara di hujung nyawa..
    bumiputera dinafikan hak sekeras-kerasnya. .
    itu ke yang orang melayu suka?
    demonstrasi sini sana …
    bikin kacau bilau satu negara…
    cina india duduk rumah gelak2 tgk brita…
    betapa orang melayu pun dah tak sekuat mana..
    mane melayu di masa muka?
    anak cucu korang gak yang jadi mangsa..
    di perak satu hal..
    cina diberi tanah hak milik kekal…
    di mana undang2 tubuh negeri perak tak pnh melakukan perkara sebegitu yg tak masuk akal…
    skrg melayu yg rugi n tertinggal.. .
    MB pun satu…rujukla org2 atau undang2 yang dah dibekal…
    jangan buat keputusan yang tak masuk akal…
    smate2 nak tunaikan janji mase plihanraye yg dah terlafaz..
    cina india otak bijak..
    skarang dorang sokong la PAS n PKR, lepas krajaan da jatuh,dorang akan pijak!
    kalau anwar jadi perdana menteri..
    jika ditakdirkan tuhan keesokkannyer dier mati…
    sape yang akan mengganti?
    ahli tertinggi PKR,cina dan india sedia menanti…
    orang melayu yang bijak n pandai n yg kuat PKR kan semua dah kuar parti…
    last2 cina india jadi perdana menteri..
    hak melayu slama-lamanya dinafi..
    di malaysia melayu jadi kuli..
    cina india suke hati lagi..
    ha melayu…nak sengih lagi?
    ade hati nak demonstrasi lagi?
    mase tu sape pun tak pduli
    pade dorang…lbih baik mlayu mati..
    skarang cina india tgh menanti..
    paklah undur,najib jadi pengganti…
    tapi bila najib jadi perdana menteri..
    cina /india dah buat prangkap lagi…
    najib akan terjerat oleh skandal sendiri…
    time ni cina n india hentam najib sparuh mati..
    hentaman ini akan berlaku dikala krajaan blom tetapkan penerus generasi perdana menteri…
    krajaan pade mase itu takkan dihormati…
    peristiwa 13 mei akan berlaku lagi…
    ha melayu…gelak la lagi..
    bergaduh la sesame sendiri…
    tak mustahil org melayu malaysia akan jadi spt org melayu di singapura…
    disekat keistimewaan di mana2..
    terabai seperti bangkai bernyawa..
    fikirkan kebenaran sebalik sindiran…

  333. Dear Tun,
    1) Few points here in my opinion, it looks like Tun is on the stand to maintain the current social contract. Not even a small change that you were looking into
    2) If i can re-call, non malay is the one who collect the money, selling all their belonging to earn some money for Tunku to go to England to fight for our independence. Can we see that team work again? I was really amaze by this fact. do you think the country can progree so well with only malays helping out only. It is not. Majority are chinese but still at the end it comes out to as a harmony works of all 3 etchnic. The indian community working as a rubber planter, and yes plantation was our economic focus during our early years. But do they received the same benefits during that time. Do they get well paid??? The answer is not. Look at Felda, last time paid was not good but now it is getting better. But for rubber tapper it is still maintain the same.Is that because it is their fault for borning as non malays. Why Tunku is so eager to give some advantage to Chinese. Bacause he believes Chinese likes harmony and not selfish.
    in Human right, we are rank top 5 worst in the world.
    3) How many things that we see last long will benefits everyone. In the case, why not we ruled back by Sultan sama seperti zaman dulu.
    4) Also, in the business terms, if we see some action that we done did not show the progree, aren’t businessman are suppose to study the SWAT analysis and to make amendment?
    5) Kalau dah disuapkan nasi, tapi masih x membangun, why not use other method. I believe with that case, this will help on our development
    6. I am not PKR supporter at all. But sometimes even bad people will come out somehting that can help others. Not all the bad guys do all the bad thing. Sometimes they do good too. The NEP that i look will be something good but not to the extend until it is total fairness. It will be majority on the malays advantage.
    7. Most of my Malays friends, when i approach them asking why they did not wish to work in a malay company. The reaosn they are kedekut. I was shock at first because everyone in Malaysia has label Chinese as kedekut but at the end it was the malays employers are more stingy. Thats is according to their opinion. I might be wrong here,
    8. I believe if the NEP is not the correct /insuitable, do you think the malays ehtnic will not fight for scrapping the NEP? They will.
    9. Maybe next time we should abolish the Sama rata etika in our moral study.

  334. Salam Tun yang di cintai..Pak lah harus disingkirkan didalam mesyuarat agung Umno tahun ini…harus…percayalah Pak Lah banyak membuat keputusan yang tidak memihak kepada orang melayu khususnya…jika Pak Lah terus di tampuk pemerintahan percayalah selepas belaiu bersara orang melayu akan mengecam beliau di atas kesilapannya..kini Pak Lah di dalam kepanasan di atas kes Datuk Ahmah yang mana ia telah melemahkan Pak Lah secara halus..kita tengok Umno Pulai Pinang menyokong tindakan Dato Ahmad sekaligus menunjukkan kepada kita Pak Lah telah di tolak di Pulau Pinang..begitu juga di negeri sembilan…hanya sumber dalaman yg mengetahui betapa mereka menolak Pak Lah…

  335. Salam TUN,
    Saya rasa kebanyakan Rakyat Malaysia menghormati Perlembagaan Negara, NEP dan Sosial Kontrak yang telah ditetapkan. Rakyat jelata tidak akan dan tidak mungkin menyentuk isu-isu sensitif ini sekiranya ahli-ahli politik tidak membuat “hasutan”. Malang sekali, ahli-ahli politik sekarang suka menggunakan isu-isu ini untuk mendapatkan sokongan…keadaan ini perlu diperbetulkan.
    Sebagai seorang Rakyat Malaysia, sesungguhnya saya amat mengharapkan Perlembagaan Negara, NEP dan Sosial Kontrak dapat memberi kesan positif kepada semua Rakyat Malaysia, seperti kestabilan ekonomi, keamanan and keharmonian rakyat. Saya rasa ramai yang marah sekarang, terutamanya kaum-kaum bukan Bumiputera(termasuk saya), bukan sebab Perlembagaan Negara/NEP/Sosial Kontrak itu sendiri, tetapi cara perlaksanaannya. Ekoran daripada cara perlaksanaan yang tidak betul, wujudnya masalah menyalahgunakan NEP, ketidakadilan, pembasmian kemiskinan tidak cekap dan kurang adil, rasuah, ekonomi merosot, keamanan Rakyat terancam (kes-kes jenayah meningkat), tahap pelajaran negara semakin rendah dan tidak diakuii dunia, sistem kehakimam yang lemah, kecekapan sistem pentadbiran yang tidak memuaskan dan sebagainya. Sekiranya semua masalah ini dapat diselesaikan, maka saya rasa tidak ada sesiapa akan mempersoalkan Perlembagaan Negara/NEP/Sosial Kontrak ini…Kerajaan sekarang harus fokus…Kita lahir di Malaysia, macam mana kita tidak sayangkan Malaysia.

  336. Kepekakkan dan ketulian AAB tidak boleh dibiarkan menghancurkan UMNO. Bukankah dah tiba masanya ahli-ahli UMNO membuat perarakan umum menuntut agar AAB melekatkan jawatan? Mana pergi “pakar-pakar organiser” perarakan didalam UMNO? Tolong le organise kan!

  337. Salam,
    Tun dan Isteri, Salam Ramadhan Sue ucapkan
    Semoga memperolehi kesejahteraan dan keberkatan dariNya…
    Sue sentiasa menyokong segala pendapat, idea dan
    sumbangan yang Tun berikan untuk kesejahteraan agama, bangsa
    dan negara…Welcome back Tun, please safe us!
    ***** Peminat Tun Dulu, Kini & Selamanya

  338. Salam muhibah kepada orang yg sangat saya sanjungi.
    Mudah2an dengan kembali nya Tun ke pangkuan UMNO,semua orang Melayu akan merasa bangga dan berikan sokongan sepenuh nya…Ameen

  339. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya rasa amat terharu dan berterima kasih kerana Tun sudi kembali kepada UMNO. Sememangnya UMNO tidak mampu kehilangan Tun. Sesuatu masyarakat, parti, syarikat atau sesiapa sahaja yang menyingkirkan seseorang yg bijak dan banyak berjasa dari komuniti mereka adalah merupakan suatu langkah yg tidak bijak.
    Saya harap Tun dapat melangkah dengan lebih pantas kali ini kerana keadaan semakin tidak keruan. Hati kaum Cina telah membengkak, harapnya belum bernanah.
    Saya amat berharap Tun mempunyai formula yg baik bagi mengelakkan ianya bernanah.
    Pemilihan UMNO lah jawapan yg tepat bagi kemelut ini. Sokong lah Kuli bagi Presiden UMNO kerana saya rasa beliau dapat menyatukan Melayu, menarik gulongan muda utk meminati UMNO, lawan yang setanding bagi DSAI dan boleh bekerjasama dengan Tun disamping beliau juga disenangi oleh kaum Cina.
    Tan Sri Muhyiddin sepatutnya memberi sokongan kepada Kuli bukan turut sama bertanding merebut jawatan Presiden.
    Amat malang bagi Dato Seri Najib kerana dari pandangan saya, imej beliau telah teruk tercalar dan buktinya adalah pada pilihanraya Permatang Pauh baru-baru ini.
    Diharap beliau berbuat sesuatu bagi menyelamatkan reputasi beliau, jika tidak…..UMNO semakin kehilangan bintangnya, sementara bintang muda semakin kurang.

  340. Salam kepada Tun yang disanjungi (bagi yang mereka yang x menghargai, pedulikan mereka sebab tidak tahu menghargai sumbangan pemimpin terdahulu @ buta hati tidak tahu sejarah).
    Pertama sekali ucapan tahniah kerna wujudnya medium bersuara (bentuk teks) sebegini.
    Tanpa sejarah manusia tidak punyai cita2 mahupun harapan.
    Oleh itu mereka2 yang buta sejarah mahupun jahil belajarlah tentang sejarah Malaysia mahupun Tanah Melayu (ASALNYA).
    13 Mei 1969 ? Apakah sebenarnya yang berlaku ? Yang tahu hanyalah generasi yang hidup pada zaman itu. Anak muda generasi seperti saya hanya mengetahui dari cerita mulut ke mulut generasi yang terdahulu, buku yang ditulis oleh PM terdahulu YMT ABDUL RAHMAN PUTERA ALHAJ, serta artikel2 yang telah ditapis isi kandungannya. Wikipedia, bahan2 yang boleh diakses dari mana2 medium serta beberapa buku 13 Mei yang dikarang oleh penulis berketurunan Cina.
    Sedih sekali kerana kebenaran yang benar tidak diketahui atau
    digambarkan. Tidak ada satupun yang asli, sebahagian pula ditambah2, sebahagian pula berat sebelah dan ada pula tidak menggambarkan secara terperinci. Sangat sedih sebab tidak dapat mengetahui yang asli.
    Saya sayang agama saya, asal keturunan, bangsa dan negara saya.
    Adakah saya rasis ? Fasis ? Nasionalis ? serta pelbagai terminologi yang dicipta untuk melabel saya dalam satu kumpulan @ golongan kumpulan dan bermacam – macam lagi. PEDULI apa saya dengan terminologi yang ada.
    Hmmm, sejarah di Indonesia dahulu Belanda (penjajah) menyerang Indonesia, ramai yang bangkit menentang Belanda (penjajah) mahupun pengkhianat (sebangsa, seagama dan senegara). Moyang2 saya salah seorang yang bangkit menentang penjajah dan pengkhianat di Keraton (tidak perlu dinyata disini), Indonesia.
    Masa berlalu tetapi darah itu tetap mengalir di tubuh keturunan beliau.
    Oleh yang demikian mereka yang berketurunan atau yang bersemangat seperti beliau, bangkitlah menentang !
    YBhg Tun dan mereka2(ahli politik & pihak berkuasa) yang masih sayangkan agama, keturunan dan negara bantulah rakyat yang hanya mampu buang undi, tunjuk perasaan dan perkara2 yang langsung tidak bermanfaat buat terdekat sebelum edisi KE 2 13hb Mei berlaku. Kalau ianya berlaku lupakan sahaja wawasan 2020 . Kotakanlah janji .
    Semoga semua usaha yang jujur dilimpahi berkat ALLAH swt walaupun mengharungi kesukaran.
    Terima kasih kerana membawa kemajuan kepada negara dan rakyat.
    Tun Kamarul Raden Abdullah.

  341. salam Tun,

  342. salam semua…terutama tokdir dan nek hasmah…
    saya dah lama tak tinggalkan catatan dalam blog ni…maklumlah sibuk dgn sambutan bulan ramadhan…SELAMAT BERPUASA DAN SELAMAT MENYAMBUT LEBARAN AID FITRI.
    atas rasa tanggungjawab dan kebimbangan dengan situasi politik sekarang….saya rasa diamanahkan untuk selitkan peringatan di bawah sebagaimana yang dikirimkan kepada saya…semoga tokdir dan semua baca…kalau boleh wat lah tindakan…
    Renung-renungkan lah….
    paklah tertekan.
    pembangkang menekan…
    melayu same melayu bermusuhan..
    cina n india bertepuk tangan…
    nak takluk malaysia da lama dorang idamkan…
    hak bumiputera bukan lagi satu keistimewaan. ..
    cina ngan india dah jadik johan!
    pkr mengganas…
    anwar kuarkan idea ‘bernas’…
    orang umno hati panas…
    mca n mic pandai nak kipas…
    DAP tetap pilihan cina n india yan g teratas…
    dorang sokong PKR tu ader ‘nas’…
    pernah satu tmpt dimana ahli parlimen cina berkata…
    saya luar saja BN..dalam hati DAP juga..
    kenapa melayu buta mata?
    gaduh je yan g dorang suke..
    kenapa?…nak tunjuk yang korang berkuasa?
    padehal negara di hujung nyawa..
    bumiputera dinafikan hak sekeras-kerasnya. .
    itu ke yang orang melayu suka?
    demonstrasi sini sana …
    bikin kacau bilau satu negara…
    cina india duduk rumah gelak2 tgk brita…
    betapa orang melayu pun dah tak sekuat mana..
    mane melayu di masa muka?
    anak cucu korang gak yang jadi mangsa..
    di perak satu hal..
    cina diberi tanah hak milik kekal…
    di mana undang2 tubuh negeri perak tak pnh melakukan perkara sebegitu yg tak masuk akal…
    skrg melayu yg rugi n tertinggal.. .
    MB pun satu…rujukla org2 atau undang2 yang dah dibekal…
    jangan buat keputusan yang tak masuk akal…
    smate2 nak tunaikan janji mase plihanraye yg dah terlafaz..
    cina india otak bijak..
    skarang dorang sokong la PAS n PKR, lepas krajaan da jatuh,dorang akan pijak!
    kalau anwar jadi perdana menteri..
    jika ditakdirkan tuhan keesokkannyer dier mati…
    sape yang akan mengganti?
    ahli tertinggi PKR,cina dan india sedia menanti…
    orang melayu yang bijak n pandai n yg kuat PKR kan semua dah kuar parti…
    last2 cina india jadi perdana menteri..
    hak melayu slama-lamanya dinafi..
    di malaysia melayu jadi kuli..
    cina india suke hati lagi..
    ha melayu…nak sengih lagi?
    ade hati nak demonstrasi lagi?
    mase tu sape pun tak pduli
    pade dorang…lbih baik mlayu mati..
    skarang cina india tgh menanti..
    paklah undur,najib jadi pengganti…
    tapi bila najib jadi perdana menteri..
    cina /india dah buat prangkap lagi…
    najib akan terjerat oleh skandal sendiri…
    time ni cina n india hentam najib sparuh mati..
    hentaman ini akan berlaku dikala krajaan blom tetapkan penerus generasi perdana menteri…
    krajaan pade mase itu takkan dihormati…
    peristiwa 13 mei akan berlaku lagi…
    ha melayu…gelak la lagi..
    bergaduh la sesame sendiri…
    tak mustahil org melayu malaysia akan jadi spt org melayu di singapura…
    disekat keistimewaan di mana2..
    terabai seperti bangkai bernyawa..
    fikirkan kebenaran sebalik sindiran…

  343. Salam Ayahanda Tun dan keluarga
    Terima kasih dengan penjelasan yang cukup bernas. Kami sebagai rakyat tertunggu jawapan daripada Pak Lah untuk persoalan mengenai kontrak sosial. Adalah tidak mustahil jika Pak Lah tidak memahaminya kerana paham2 saje lah …..zzzzzzzz….

  344. Tun…ini satu cadangan.,
    Kalau betul Tun kembali ke UMNO, ramai-ramai cadangkan TS Muhyiddin Yassin naik sebagai peneraju UMNO. Beliau ada ciri-ciri seperti Tun juga..
    DS Najib sekarang dah banyak berubah.
    Diharap berhati-hati dengan Khairi J. Saya terus terang tak sokong dia. Baru je dalam UMNO (Itu pun sebab Bapak mertua) dah besar kepala.Setahu saya KJ tu banyak xtau tentang sejarah UMNO-mane tak nye, dulu sekolah kat singapore.Pastu p UK Plak, Alih2nak jadi Ketua Pemuda Plak UMNO plak. Makin rosak nanti UMNO dibuatnya.!
    Harap anak TUN- D.Mukhriz Menang nanti….

  345. Akhbar utusan dan Berita Harian tak siarkan pun kenyataan Tan Sri Muhyidin Yasin yang mahukan Pak Lah berundur lebih awal dari 2010.

  346. Assalamualaikum Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
    Walaupun saya orang Singapura namun saya amat kagum dgn kepimpinan Tun.Saya amat gembira kalau betul lah Tun akan kembali memimpin UMNO.Saya berdoa semoga Tun berjaya…….Insya Allah.

  347. To Jan,
    As you written on ur msg,
    “I agree that social contract must continue because it is an agreement or “bargain” between previous leaders for 1 million non-malays citizenships. Otherwise, we should ship them back to where they originally come from.”
    I think you also needed to be shipped back. Go check with your ancestor, from which pulau r they from, izzit pulau jawa or elsewhere?
    We all r pendatang to “Malaysia” except those Iban, khadazan and….

  348. Assalam TOK Det,
    Luar tajuk sikit, Haritu kat Berita jam 8 – Tun masuk balik UMNO for improvemenkan…tulis le sikit, berita bagi ciput je, dah tu paklah patutnya yang announce, macam lari2 je, macamana nak duduk semeja

  349. Salam Tun.
    PR mendakwa mereka berjuang demi liberalisasi dan demokrasi sedangkan demokrasi yang mereka perjuangkan bukannya sesuai mengikut acuan kita. Apatah lagi PAS dengan manifesto kerajaan Islam dan Negara kebajikan amat tidak konsisten apabila berdepan dengan PR.
    Kontrak sosial yang dipertikaikan kini jelas merupakan agenda utama PR sedangkan ianya adalah asas kepada perlembagaan negara yang menjamin keseimbangan dan kestabilan negara.
    Oleh itu awas, jika 16 Sept menjadi realiti (mustahil berlaku), MP yang terlihat mesti dihadapkan ke muka pengadilan sebab:
    MP lompat parti = mencuri duit ahli parti demi kepentingan diri.
    MP lompat parti = menipu para pengundi.
    MP lompat parti = makan rasuah demi kepentingan jawatan.
    MP lompat parti = pecah amanah para pengundi.
    * boleh diaplikasikan kepada BN dan PR.
    p/s: Tak lama lagi suara azan hanya layak dibisikkan ke telinga sahaja di Selangor (laporan media 10/9/08) dan guru matapelajaran sejarah bakal dihadapkan ke mahkamah kerana menghasut pelajar di dalam kelas.

  350. Saya benci TUN …..
    bila TUN masuk balik PARTI PEROSAK RAKYAT niee
    Maka teruslah jahanamkan lah yang namanya Bangsa MELAYU

  351. Dear Tun,
    I agreed 100 percent.Hope u will come back and treat every race fairly.By sharing wealth our gap between rich and poor will reduce,but only the hardcore poor communities .I am chinese ,i admire u so much!

  352. It is reported in the media that you have agreed to rejoin UMNO. This is clearly- without an iota of doubt- indicative of your inconsistency and fickle-mindedness, Tun! Our Malay leaders have known to be firm in whatever stance they had to take. We cannot say this of you, unfortunately. You should always think before you leap! It’s like eating your own words! Apalah ini, Tun? Clear sign of senility?
    You were not privy to the social contract that was agreed to prior to independence. So, it’s best that you don’t expatiate ona concept that you don’t know much about. What research have you done to show categorically that the the majority of the Bumiputeras are against the social contract? You are treading where the angels even would fear to tread! You also seem to assume- and rather erroneously so- that you are the authority on the subject!

  353. Hi Tun,
    I agree these racist mudfight is really catching on. Couldn’t be good for anyone.
    But the thing is, can you stop these remarks now? Blogs and e-news are everywhere, punches are going to be throwned regardless. Unless you kick all bloggers into detention with ISA. Which means you’ll also be put into detention.
    I think you’re just trying to blame anything on Dollah. The fact is things have changed and you can’t stop it even if you wanted to. I bet if there’s an earthquuake tomorrow in Malaysia, you’ll blame it on Dollah.

  354. Salam Tun,
    Your article has reflected on whats happening after previous disastrous election result by the ruling party. However worried we are nothing will happen unless the present leadership being removed frm their position.
    we have to admit it everybodies regardless Malay, Chinease and Indian are scared and curious about our shakey racial relationship but we got to be honest that we do not want such fragile relationship destroyed. Therefore all races need to combine effort to safeguard the inter-racial relationship. And there is no other ways in doing apart from our joint effort to remove the present government leadership.
    Hope Tun can cast a way in doing this.
    Selamat Berpuasa

  355. For Sarawakians, it was the biggest mistake to be dragged into the federation. It would be best to go back to 1963 and let us out of this mess. Whether our boss is the British or UMNO, it does not make a big difference. Sarawakians have to be its own boss. Let us decide it by ourselves.

  356. It looks like you are going to start the racial problem of this country again.Are you afraid of Annuar? It is very clear that your agenda is not to unite but to destroy the non Malays.Just because they had become vocal it does not make the Malays non vocal.All the social agenda and past political rhetoric can be kept in the archives.Because of your statement the government will not be cowed.You can see the result of callimg the Chinese “Pendatang”.Abdullah did well and soon his popularity will soar.As I had told you before in my comments that it is those born before 1950s who bring out Malay supremacy.Time has come for the Malays to fight it out.It will not result in anything.The Chinese know that they have to live with the Malays.As you said about calling the neighbouring countries you can just forget about that idea.Indonesia will swallow the Malays and the Malays will become slaves.At least the Chinese and the Indians have proved capable in dealing with a situation where they have been deprived.As a PM before can you imagine the number of Malay projects that had failed.It was corrected by Chines proxy.The Malays benefitted both the times; in failure and success.When the contract failed the Umno Malays enjoyed.When in success they got their cut from the Chinese.All these were done under your nose because of the natural wealth.The time is coming for the Malays to generate wealth and if they do not get the nonmalays, the whole country will be gone.People will not fight but will be just growing food to eat and nothing else.You even commented about the developed country status.Can we achieve by the Malays alone?It can never.You even changed your stand of wanting to join Umno which speaks poorly of you.You should have kept quiet and today both the opposition and the government would have prostrated at you feet for advice.But see the situation now when you did the rounabout.I am really depressed by your thinking.

  357. Welcome back..Tun.
    It will definately be a plus piont for Tun’s leadership to be back in Umno during this period of uncertainty. Although there’s always human nature to critise whether you are doing good or bad in our daily job. I’m looking forward for your guidance to Umno.

  358. on social contract,they should remain & respected as before.
    Era Pak Lah ini banyak group yg tunjuk belang,mungkin nampak Pak Lah lemah lembut. Hindraf ,Bar council…masihkah ingat perwakilan drp ahli parlimen cina termasuk menteri2 berbangsa cina hantar memorandum kat Pak Lah awal2 Pak Lah naik takhta …? ini satu kenyataan yg menunjukkan mereka berani & menghina PM negara malaysia(bos mereka!).
    Pada masa Tun dulu( note, 22 years in reign),mana ada yg naik tocang begitu..?hanya pada 1998, havoc kes liwat DSAI dan politik ‘reformasi’ dia .
    finally, saya nak katakan, TUN, kembalilah kepada UMNO. To set up a new party IS not a solution. UMNO lah tunjang kekuatan Negara dan bangsa Melayu. UMNO lah akar umbi kepada BN dlm kekuatan ikatan dengan (parti)kaum2 lain di negara ini.Kekuatan UMNO adalah kekuatan BN dlm membentuk bangsa & negara malaysia yg stabil dan maju.
    Tun, kembalilah untuk membina kembali keteguhan bangsa dan negara ini, tanah tumpah darah dan lubuk rezeki kesayangan & kecintaan bangsa kita ini.

  359. Dear Tun,
    Now you are talking like the man I used to know.
    My question still remains the same, Malays are my brothers and sisters just like the Chinese.
    I have been in Malaysia for as long as I know, in fact I am the second generation in Malaysia. This is my home.
    So what it takes for me to be treated as the first class Malaysian? I don’t want to be a second-class citizen in my home.
    You know how it feels? It feels exactly like a orphan child being adopted by a family but treating him/her with bias perspective. I feel left out. Why this bias treatment?
    But if you insist, I will always be the second-class citizen, then please advice how much should I love Malaysia? As much as Malays? Or may be 50% lesser?
    I’m loosing my identity and its sliding faster than our economy.

  360. Sebenarnya saya pun dah letih nak komen2 pasal hak Bumiputera dan bangsa2 lain. Kitapun da kata lebih baik kita bincang adik beradik macam dulu kala. Tak payah gaduh2. Tapi ada pulak pihak tertentu nak tolak pasai Social Kontrak pulak lepas mabuk tsunami. Kita orang Melayu Melaka pun ada hak. Kalau di tolak konsep penjajahan Portugis/Belanda/Inggeris maka Tanah Melayu ini adalah juga hak kaum atau suku dari Sumatera kerana proksimitinye. Orang Melayu dari Dumai boleh ke Teluk Gong Kuala Sungai Baru dalam masa hanya kurang dari 20 minit sahaja. Kepulauan dan Semanjung Melayu ini hanya di pisahkan atas sebab2 penjajahan. Kesanggupan orang Melayu menerima mereka yang dalam kumpulan yang terasing ini telah diperkecilkan. Sedih. Sedih dan Sedih

  361. Y. Bhg Tun,
    For many of us born at about the time of our country’s independence, we have now come of age. At 50, I am blessed to be a Malaysian living in a country that has prospered over the years. Sure, we have had our fair share of problems – those that were created by others and those that we created ourselves. However in the past, we could always turn to our leaders and elders for their wisdom and foresight in arresting each problem as it presents itself. We had tremendous confidence in their leadership, steadfastness and ability in finding a way out of any situation that does little or no harm to the country and its citizens.
    I believe it is obvious to many like minded Malaysians that the harmonious Malaysia we live in is being disturbed and is fast eroding. The actions of a few, as they continue to play their game to serve their own ends, have put everyone in this country on the line. And this leadership that we have today does nothing to address this; how can they when they themselves are so fragile and tainted? It is indeed disheartening and sad to see that after all these years we haven’t really gone anywhere. The directions set by our leaders of the past have been left by the wayside as the current leadership is bent on pursuing so called ‘bigger and better’ things for the nation. In the course of so doing, we have spread ourselves so thin that instead of going forward, we have actually gone backwards.
    Of late, I wake up each day to these possibilities: that my place in this country will no longer continue to be secure and safe; or that the wonderful chinese lady from whom we buy our daily groceries will see us in a different light; or that my pot bellied indian barber will no longer wish to share his worldly views with mine. This will not be the Malaysia that I would like my children to grow up and embrace as citizens. Whether we are Malays, Chinese, Indian or others we are all Malaysians. We have a duty to live harmoniously and to respect each other; at this point in time, we seem to be failing in our duty. This, we cannot afford.

  362. Slm Tun…
    agaknyer Tun dah terlupa kot kata2 Tun masa kuar dari UMNO (x kan msk UMNO blk selagi Pak Lah masih PM)..betullah kata2 masa Tun as a PM dulu..melayu mudah lupa…..hidup pak lah yg x mudah lupa cuma mudah tertido jerk!!!

  363. Dear Tun,
    We always seem to talk about the past issues but are we serious to put things right. We are so proud to be known as Malaysians overseas but in Malaysia we are identified by RACE.
    Patriorism starts from a sense of belonging and not when you practice segreggation.We make this right and questions about the Social Contract wont arise.
    After all the Constitution is self explanatory

  364. The way I see the curent problem:
    1. There is no racial tension as claimed at the People Level. The Malay, Chinese and Indian are living in harmony, working together and migling along well.
    2. The claimed racial tension is found to be only at Political Level. This can be clearly seen as leaders of political party exchaning ‘laseric’ words; be it MCA or UMNO or MIC or GERAKAN or whatever.
    3. These political party leaders are NOT the leaders of the community/society, they are just leader of the party in which they represent the party and the members only. Whatever they say or claims did NOT represent the community, simple.
    4. Logically, I can bet that any race would want welcome a racial unrest in Malaysia and destroy this country. The Malay, Chinese, Indian and other races that live in Malaysia are different generation and able to think foward and smart!!
    5. Those political party leaders that claim or predict racial unrest are just darn downright stupid and still in the old generation thinking. They should be arrested under the ISA immediately for poisoning the people.
    6. Politicians are politicians, they are oppurtunist. They will take advantage of any situationn; be it good or bad for their personal gain. Never trust what a politician say, think for yourself, do your homework and judge based on that.
    Lastly, we should totally REJECT the leaders who use RACE as a tool to achieve thier personal agenda!! Malaysians are PEACE LOVING citizens, WE WILL NOT ENGAGE IN ANY RACIAL UNREST AND BE LOOSER AT THE END !!!
    Again, those racial unrest or tensions that has been claimed by leaders of political party are just plain WHITE LIES !!!!! Ask this leaders to go out to the street and see for themselve our these 3 main ethnics are working together!! THIS IS THE FACT, PERIOD.

  365. Salam Ayahanda Tun, reading your observation on the social contract has indeed been enlightening. Initially I was one of those guys who brushed off the Bar Council’s attempts at discussing this issue as a stupid and lame excuse for them to get their weekly dosage of 15 minutes of fame. However, I now sense that there appears to be a systematic and concerted approach to undermine what our forefathers have bequeathed upon us i.e the Federal Constitution. This attempt must be stopped immediately. Why you may ask? the reason for this is simple. Such an attempt runs smack into hypocrisy of the Rukun Negara on ‘Keluhuran Perlembagaan’. It is indeed very difficult to cast away the fog of racism since race and creed symbolise the very basic of human profiling which is apparent to the naked eye. In this regard, I would recommend that the government run documentaries on what the actual history of Malaysia is all about. To cast asunder this rising pall of animosity among Malaysians, we need to identify the parameters for us to debate on this issue. We cannot allow irresponsible people whether they be in the form of politicians or ngos step forward and delude us with their narrow view of what they think is correct, after all they have their own interest to protect. What we should do as Malaysians is to look deep into our history, understand what Malaysia is all about, define the parameters of our debate, and look for a solution to this problem which threatens to erupt and engulf our children in flames of social unrest and irresponsible leadership.
    Oh by the way Ayahanda, welcome back to UMNO. So what if there are those who say that you have become ‘Melayu mudah lupa’ and that you have reneged on your own promise. Ayahanda, you have always been a practical man. It is indeed a strong and honorable person to admit that he has made a mistake and then try to correct that mistake, as compared to a man who continues to stumble blindly, acknowledging a mistake but not acknowledging that HE is THE mistake.

  366. Assalamualaikum…Tun
    Betul ke Tun nak masuk UMNO balik? Kalau betul harap Tun dapat sama-sama jernihkan keadaan yang runcing ini.
    Apa pendapat Tun tentang Anwar & 16 September?
    Tentang Wakil BN Sabah & Sarawak ke luar negara?
    Tentang Pergantungan 3 thn wakil Bukit Bendera?
    Tentang DS Najib dulu dan sekarang?
    buka cerita di atas……

  367. By AnakSabah on September 11, 2008 1:31 AM
    “Certainly when my children, your children, Gundohing’ children, Mr.TAN’children,Mr. Raju’s children are able to compete on a ‘level starting block’ ,then maybe,just maybe we could do away with the social contracts and create the BANGSA MALAYSIA envisioned by TUN in Vision 2020.”
    Consider these…….
    1) What is the time frame for those previlege group to reach that level starting ground ? Some of them take it as their rights and thus not putting efforts to buck up. So, I doubt the Day will ever come.
    2) OK assume the Day comes and the Contract is done away with, but what if after awhile :
    a) the group slacks again, are we going to put back the Contract?
    b) the other groups slack? are we going to grant them that same previleges too?
    So, it’s messy, messy, messy. Why don’t we just ignore the race criteria and work on needs basis. Give previleges and aids to every deserving citizen who meets the conditions, e.g. per capita income below RM600/month. Then we can ensure that the aids really go to the needy.
    Example : the bumi discounts given to buyers of luxury properties are actually benefiting the rich. It should be channeled to build more affordable housing for the poor in general. Make sense ?
    Give it a thought!

  368. Assalamua’laikum YAB TUN dan Keluarga semoga dapat menjalankan ibadah puasa dengan sempurna dan sentiasa dirahmati Allah s.w.t. dalam setiap detik kehidupan Tun, Amin.
    Yes, Social Contract.Most are aware of the existence and may be the
    younger generation are still in the dark about it and this subject should always be inculcated to all Malaysian by the authority.
    2. Why? Unless the so called “Social Contract” rescinded, otherwise it should be made known to all Malaysian.With the knowledge hopefully all Malaysian will have a better understanding on how Malaysia was established and also respects will be accorded accordingly.
    3. I have said in my blog (if you care to all started with a weak, incompetent and less sensitive leader(s).
    4. Is never easy to be leaders. My definitions of a good leader, not only garnering the majority support,not only a good orator but must be knowledgeable,provident,tolerance,decorous and the primary interest of the citizen comes first, based on affirmative action policy.
    5. The leaders must need to benchmark these qualities and must be bold and sincere to concede if they did not reach the mark, especially to those appointed leaders.
    6. Whatever reasons given to justify the happenings, I hold the leader responsible.If the leader is so incompetent withdraw and admit and pass the batton to a more eligible person,rather hang on to it and allow the destruction of the nation.
    7. If the incompetent leader still wish to hold the position and allow the destruction of the nation that leader has committed a sin
    for the victimisation due to his conceitedness.
    Ponder what kind of a leader(s) we are having now?

  369. salam Tun,
    It was great seeing you on TV breaking fast with the Agong Tuanku Sultan Mizan seated at the same table with AAB and DSNR.(?)
    I wonder what you and AAB talked about?
    The weather lately?hehehe…
    Anyway it’s time for you to act! UMNO must be saved at all costs!TS Muhyiddin must take the lead!AAB must step down immediately!

  370. Salam Sejahtera Tun dan isteri
    Dulu orang Melayu Singapura dipadamkan sejarah ketuanan dan dari mengetahui asal usul dan terus sanggup hilang hak. Cara terang dan tanpa apa-apa kenyataan mereka terus merampas dan menutup peluang untuk orang Melayu hidup berjaya. Seterusnya mereka meyakinkan yang Melayu Singapura jauh lebih bertuah… Walaupun hanya segelintir saja yang berjaya. Kita harap ini tidak dibiarkan terjadi di Malaysia.
    Kita Bangsa Melayu Malaysia patut sedar dan menjaga hak kita. Kita perlukan Ketua yang dapat memperjuangankan dan mempertahankan “benefits” kita sebagai Bangsa Melayu dan Bangsa Bumiputra Malaysia….sebagai anak sendiri bukan anak tiri.
    Walaupun segelintir dari kita telah liberal, sedar-lah sedikit yang ramai lagi anak bangsa kita perlukan pertolongan untuk peningkatan taraf. Perjuangkan hak kita untuk mencapai Meritocracy sebelum berdepan dengan-nya. Kalau Cina & India ada banyak tempat lain, bantuan dan peluang boleh diraih, bangsa Melayu dan Bumiputera kita hanya ada Malaysia …tanah tumpah darah nenek moyang kita.
    Pada keseluruhannya kita masih ketinggalan jauh. Dalam keadaan sekarang dibawah pimpinan Pak Lah terasa hak kita mengalami kesusutan dan terus mengalir seperti mengenggam minyak.
    Dan seterusnya seperti sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga:
    – ditambah dengan DSAI yang tipu daya
    – menjual hak Bangsa memukau sedaya upaya
    – kalau dulu ramai terus terpedaya
    – Sekarang terhakis kepercayaan saya
    Benar kita perlu menghormati kaum lain, tetapi:
    – Kenapa kita perlu memberi peha sesudah kehilangan betis?
    – Kenapa mereka meminta hak pemimpin kita tak dapat menangkis?
    – Bila mereka mengata itu menuju keseimbangan
    – Bila kita menangkis dikata perkauman dan mengacau keharmonian
    Kami muak dengan gelagat pemimpin kerajaan Pak Lah dan juga pemimpin pembangkang DSAI yang tidak serius dan tidak tegas menangani isu kami sebagai rakyat dan menenggelamkan Melayu….masing-masing mementingkan diri serta famili hingga keadaan negara semua-nya tak menjadi.
    Ramai (termasuk saya yang terpedaya) dan terasa:
    – Kalau dulu Tun harus berhenti
    – Sekarang masanya Tun perlu kembali
    Tanpa Tun, kemana saja kami pergi terasa kehilangan kegemilangan Malaysia walaupun baru sekarang timbul motto Cemerlang Terbilang Gemilang.
    Tun, Semuga dipanjangkan umur dan teruskan perjuangan!
    Isi hati pertama kali-nya,
    Che Mah

  371. salam Tun,
    Some commentators have very interesting experiences and articles to share.I thank bplus and AMAR from a previous topic.
    excerpts from bplus;
    Interestingly, I had learned that the American marines were taught about the individual races NATURAL CHARACTER as part of their security intelligence. One of the marines had told me that he was taught the natural behaviour of the Malays, Chinese and Indians natural instinct. He said, if you do not pay what you owed to the Malays, as long as you do not make them angry, you are safe. In fact if, you were lucky just like most of the Chinese and Indians in Malaysia, the Malays when they are happy with you even their land and citizenship would be made available for you. Just look how simple the Malays had given Singapore away just like that! No blood spill. Almost all Chinese and Indians born in Malaysia were given citizenship. Please, this did not happened in Indonesia during Pak Soekarno time yah!
    As for the Chinese, even if you owed them five cents and you refused to pay back, be prepared that they would go after you till they get back what you owed them. You may say and do what you like trying to make them angry nothing would happen.
    As for the Indians, be careful when dealing with them, they would twist and turn their words. Like an old Malay’s proverb which said if you see an Indian and a snake which one you would kill first? Do you all know?
    So, to the majority of the Chinese and Indians please think wisely before you say anything bad, seriously could hurt, unreasonable demands from the hospitality and kindness of the Malays. Don’t be like an old Malay proverb which said, di-beri betis hendak peha, di-beri peha kepala pula!
    my comments;
    excerpts from AMAR;
    Anwar Ibrahim — British Empire Tool To Recolonize Malaysia
    by Mike Billington September 5, 2008
    In most countries around the world, among the many which are now
    being subjected to political destabilization by the British and
    their asset George Soros, the guiding hand and the financing of
    the British Foreign Office is hidden behind the facade of
    “democratic” opposition forces demanding regime change over
    local issues, diverting attention from the global financial
    collapse and the danger of world war sweeping across the globe.
    Not so in Malaysia, the former British colony, where a
    self-confessed agent of the economic and strategic policies of
    the new Brutish Empire, and its leading agents in the U.S.
    neoconservative and green-fascist movements, is openly declaring
    himself to be the new savior of Malaysia.
    This satanic savior, well-financed after several years of
    lucrative positions in Washington and London neocon think tanks,
    universities, and cushy World Bank positions, has declared his
    intention to buy off (“persuade”) enough Members of Parliament
    to join his opposition coalition and take over the majority,
    making himself Prime Minister. He even won a by-election last
    month in Penang, making himself the official leader of the
    opposition in the Parliament.
    Meet Anwar Ibrahim, known to readers of {EIR} as a spokesman
    1. George Soros: When Soros led the speculative assault
    on Malaysia and its neighbors in 1997, then-Prime Minister Dr.
    Mahathir Mohamad, alone in Asia, stood up to the hedge funds, and
    the IMF and World Bank, by imposing currency controls against the
    speculators, thus, saving his population from the devastation
    which crushed his neighbors in Asia. Anwar, who served as Deputy
    Prime Minister and Finance Minister to Dr. Mahathir at the time,
    had demanded that the speculators be given free rein, and imposed
    “IMF conditions without the IMF,” until Mahathir fired him and
    imposed currency controls. Anwar defended the speculators,
    admitting that he had circulated Soros’s papers to policymakers
    in Malaysia, and defended Soros when Mahathir called Soros a
    thief and a moron. Soros went on a tirade against Mahathir,
    threatening that “the country will be destroyed,” and insisting
    that Mahathir “needs to be removed from office.” Anwar led
    anarchist demonstrations against Mahathir, calling him corrupt
    and undemocratic.
    2. Paul Wolfowitz: The arch-neocon, and a leading
    architect of the illegal and insane war on Iraq on behalf of
    Britain’s Tony Blair and Dick Cheney, has been an outspoken
    defender of his friend Anwar, providing numerous employment
    opportunities for him in the United States, when he was released
    from prison in 2004, after serving six years on corruption and
    sodomy charges. In 2005, when Wolfowitz was appointed to head the
    World Bank by George W. Bush, Anwar praised him as a man who
    “passionately believes in freedom, and understands the issues of
    poverty, environment degradation, living conditions and health
    issues which are very much a World Bank agenda.” At the World
    Bank, Wolfowitz set about cutting off funding for nations which
    refused to accept Anglo-American dictates, perhaps killing even
    more people than he had through his job at the U.S. Defense
    3. Al Gore: Even before his genocidal campaign to shut
    down Third World development under the war-cry of the fraudulent
    “global warming” hoax, Gore travelled to Malaysia in November
    1998, two months after Dr. Mahathir took his stand against the
    IMF and the speculators, to speak at an APEC (Asia-Pacific
    Economic Cooperation) meeting. Anwar was leading violent mobs on
    the streets of Kuala Lumpur, while Gore, speaking before Prime
    Minister Mahathir and leaders from across Asia and the Pacific,
    praised the anarchists on the streets as “the brave people of
    Malaysia” demanding “reform”–which to Gore and Anwar meant
    following IMF conditionalities, and allowing unrestrained foreign
    control of the economy. Malaysian Trade Minister Rafidah Aziz
    called it “the most disgusting speech I’ve heard in my life,”
    while Mahathir said, “We should fry him.”
    – Anwar’s Money –
    Now, let’s look at some of Anwar’s employment in the years
    after his release from prison, on his first sodomy charge in
    {{1. Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies
    (SAIS),}} where his pal Wolfowitz had previously been the dean.
    {{2. Georgetown University}} in Washington, D.C.
    {{3. St. Anthony’s College, Oxford,}} where he met often
    with Al Gore, who was running a hedge fund in London, profitting
    from the fraudulent “carbon swaps” created by the global
    warming hoax.
    {{4.}} Consultant to the World Bank,}} hired by Bank
    Director Paul Wolfowitz.
    {{5.}} {{AccountAbility} }, London, Honorary President.
    {{6. International Crisis Group}}, a leading Soros-financed
    NGO (Non-Government Organization) .
    {{7. Foundation for the Future,}} set up by Dick Cheney and
    his daughter Liz, to promote regime change in Southwest Asia.
    Anwar allowed Wolfowitz to put his girlfriend on the Foundation’s
    payroll, a bit of corruption which ultimately cost Wolfowitz his
    job at the World Bank.
    As one Malaysian offical told this writer upon hearing of
    Anwar’s numerous positions in Washington and London: “Ah, so
    this is how they plan to finance Anwar’s subversion of
    – Anwar’s Policies –
    Anwar makes no effort to hide his intention to stop
    industrial and infrastructural development in Malaysia, and
    throughout the developing sector generally. Immediately after
    being ousted in 1998, Anwar told the {Asian Wall Street Journal}
    that developing countries should stop “pointing a finger at
    speculators and put their houses in order first,” by ending
    their “ambitious plans for outlandish projects.”
    In response to a public question from this writer in 2005,
    Anwar defended his effort to impose IMF austerity and free-trade
    dictates on Malaysia, despite the fact that such policies
    subsequently destroyed the economies of Malaysia’s neighbors. The
    IMF policies were “beneficial,” he said, in trying to stop the
    major infrastructure projects of the Mahathir government,
    especially the Bakun Dam in Sarawak, which were only meant to
    enrich Mahathir’s “cronies.” “Yes, the growth was robust,” he
    said, “the people escaped poverty–but that was all on the
    surface. Underneath, there was corruption, no transparency,
    authoritarian leaders, and no free media.” He also told {The
    Age} of Australia that the 1997-98 IMF/hedge fund looting and
    destruction of the Southeast Asian economies was “a gale of
    creative destruction that shook the complacency of Asian
    societies and governments.”
    So why is this British imperial agent still tolerated in
    Malaysia? The world financial system is collapsing, with
    speculation- driven hyperinflation driving up oil, raw materials,
    and food prices, beyond the control of any local government. The
    current government in Malaysia, lead by Mahathir’s former deputy
    Abdullah Badawi, was at first unwilling to acknowledge that
    Malaysia would be crushed without taking emergency measures to
    protect against the impending crash. When fuel and food prices
    skyrocketed, popular discontent was aimed at the government,
    which allowed Anwar’s fascist diatribes to appeal to an angry
    In the last few months, however, the Abdullah government has
    acknowledged the impact of the global crisis on his country, and
    adopted emergency measures to double food production, encouraged
    the first moves toward a serious nuclear power program, and
    coordinated with the other Southeast Asian countries on working
    with China and India on regional development projects and joint
    financial defense. These measures are necessary, but not
    adequate, to meet the crisis, but it is all too obvious what
    would happen if the British were to get their boy Anwar into
    {For an analysis of Anwar’s philosophical dedication to the
    ideology of the British Empire, see “Anwar Ibrahim Defends
    Asia’s Colonial Master” by this writer, at
    _http://www.larouche public/2005/ 2005_10-19/ 2005_10-19/ 2005-17/pdf/
    62-66_17_int. pdf_
    (http://www.larouche public/2005/ 2005_10-19/ 2005_10-19/ 2005-17/pdf/ 62-66_17_ int.pdf)
    my comments;

  372. TUN dan para commentators,
    Kini ramai dikalangan kalangan rakyat Malaysia mempersoalkan tentang kontrak sosial yang melibatkan hak keistimewaan orang melayu dan bumiputra. Ramai juga telah mencadangkan tentang BANGSA MALAYSIA. Apa kah itu bangsa malaysia yang sebenarnya? Pada mereka ialah kesamarataan. Apakah kesamarataan ini boleh menyesuaikan atau memuaskan “HATI” masing masing?
    BANGSA MALAYSIA hanya boleh dicapai apabila struktur ekonomi kaum bumiputra menjadi kukuh serta kuat, dan juga apabila kaum bumiputra ini boleh berdiri sendiri tanpa bantuan kerajaan- termasuk juga kesemua kaum bumiputra iaitu Melayu,Kadazan,Iban,Dayak,Orang Asli,Penan, dan sebagainya bersatu dibawah satu bumbung organisasi (politik,kerajaan,swasta,berkumpulan,etc)
    Selagi ada kemiskinan atau jurang ekonomi- selagi itu lah BANGSA MALAYSIA ini tidak akan dapat diwujudkan. Salah satu sebab mengapa TUN DR MAHATHIR ingin sangat memodenkan Malaysia ialah supaya masyarakat bumiputra ini dapat bertukar fikiran- untuk memajukan diri dan mengamalkan pesaingan. Tetapi ini semua dicantas baik oleh pihak pembangkang dengan menggunakan isu isu agama yang boleh menghalang majoriti masyarakat bumiputra untuk berfikiran luas dan akhirnya menyindirkan diri lalu bertukar menjadi benci dalam untuk memajukan diri dengan bangsa lain.
    Konsep serta falsafah sikap “keserdehanaan” yang dipromosikan oleh kebanyakkan pihak pembangkang telah berjaya mengekangkan kemajuan akal fikiran majoriti kaum bumiputra terutamanya melayu. Ia telah berjaya mematahkan “SEMANGAT” orang melayu untuk melangkah lebih jauh dalam memajukan diri mengikut peredaran zaman. Mereka juga telah menggunakan isu “PERGAULAN BEBAS” sebagai salah satu senjata untuk memesongkan pemikiran bumiputra terutama orang melayu supaya jangan bercampur dengan masyarakat lain dan ini telah menyebabkan pemikiran sempit menjadi penyakit yang mudah merebak terhadap orang orang melayu.
    BANGSA MALAYSIA akan hanya boleh dicapai apabila peratusan kaum bumiputra untuk mengawal kuasa ekonomi lebih besar daripada kaum lain. BANGSA MALAYSIA akan hanya boleh berlaku apabila kaum bumiputra berani untuk memajukan diri dari segi ekonomi. Kaum bumiputra harus bersedia menjadi pesaing hebat terutamanya disektor swasta. Tujuan kerajaan memberi peluang “lebih” terhadap bumiputra ialah supaya mereka dapat mengeksplotasikan perniagaan ekonomi sektor swasta. Jadi selagi bumiputra hidup dengan berprinsipkan kemiskinan akal pemikirannya, dan selagi jurang ekonomi masih ada- maka BANGSA MALAYSIA tidak akan dapat dicapai.

  373. Permisi Tun,
    Social contract yang dimenterai dalam perlembagaan negara itu ia lah untuk memastikan semua orang dalam negara ini dapat berpeluang untuk menikmati kehidupan yang selesa. Tidak ada kaum yang tertinggal kebelakang ,tertindas dari segi ekonomi terutama sekali.
    Dimalaysia pembangunan infrastuktur telah dibangunkan dengan jaya nya semasa era Tun.
    Era Pak lah berpaksi kepada rohaniah tapi hasil nya menikam diri Paklah . Ai nya gagal , manusia sekarang tidak berminat dan tidak ambil peduli konsep itu. Bab ugama ini semua kaum dalam malaysia ini tidak ada masalah , tidak ada perbalahan tentang antara ugama per se.
    Sekarang rakyat tertekan oleh inflasi, lemah kuasa membeli,lemah nilai matawang,harga barang yang melambung tinggi, suasana pasaran saham yang malapdsbnya.
    Ini semua yang memeningkan kepala keluarga, kesan nya apa yang selalu bermain difikiran rakyat- kenapa kerajaan yang ada ini tidak
    membuat sesuatu yang boleh melegakan tekan hidup ini.

  374. Hai Asus on
    U ingat Tun buat semua yang dia buat untuk di kenang?
    He a thinker (itjihad) ,strategist,out spoken too
    That is Tun whether U like or not……That what Tun is Tun M
    He analyse thing ,device a solution,design strategy and execute…..
    That what Malaysia Great after 22 years.
    Looking Mlaysia is sliding down the slope you expect him to be queit just because to maintan good recorded memory?
    History will remember him for along time to come
    Not only him Tunku,Tun Razak,Tun M even Dato Onn and for those people who read history Tun Perak and Tun Tuah…….
    Welcome back into the fold of UMNO Tun
    Not that you need UMNO but UMNO NEED YOU
    HISTORY will prove this in time to come
    You said you alway choose wrong people
    I. I think the opportunist will always get close to centre of power to get their reward over time THAT IS NATURAL LAW…….DSAI is a typical example
    II. They did see clearly as you see…..nor futuristic thinking
    III. Few people can fullfill you expectation as there are not good enough……..though they THINK THEY ARE PERFECT!!!

  375. Salam Tun,
    Your article has reflected on whats happening after previous disastrous election result by the ruling party. However worried we are nothing will happen unless the present leadership being removed frm their position.
    we have to admit it everybodies regardless Malay, Chinease and Indian are scared and curious about our shakey racial relationship but we got to be honest that we do not want such fragile relationship destroyed. Therefore all races need to combine effort to safeguard the inter-racial relationship. And there is no other ways in doing apart from our joint effort to remove the present government leadership.
    Hope Tun can cast a way in doing this.
    Selamat Berpuasa

  376. Salam Tun,
    Yes… very much! The current PM must, must, must step down !
    3yrs suspension..? Not enough & it’ll pass by quickly. He can still order his goons to light a bigger matchstick for him…
    PM cannot control his ‘gang’ anymore. The BN & UMNO goons no longer respect his position.
    All we hear are the politicians problems & whinings….!
    No word about any investors to invest in our country.
    Just all these drama minggu kini……!!
    And the barbarian actor..
    Tun, you sure you joining UMNO again..?
    I thought u won’t as long as Badawi is still PM…?
    What’s the change..???

  377. Assalamualaikom Tun, selamat kembali kepada umno. Syukur alhamdulillah, Allah makbulkan doa2 penyokong Tun yang ikhlas yang inginkan keamanan dan kemakmoran negara yang tercinta. Tidak kira lah bangsa apa pon, janji nawaitu kita dengan ikhlas dan bersyukur untok mengembalikan kesejahteraan negara yang berbilang kaum ini. Banyak hikmah untok orang2 Islam yang berada dinegara Malaysia yang unik. InsyaAllah, dengan izinNya, dan dengan banyak solat hajat dan solat syukur semoga Allah penohi permintaan kita. Sememangnya, Dia Maha Mengasihi kepada umatNya. All the best. Amin.

  378. Dear Tun,
    I strongly believe, the root of the problem lies in the fact that the rakyat are suffering from a depressed economy, rising cost of living, high inflation, etc. As a result, they find it increasingly difficult to feed their family and to maintain their lifestyles (just maintaining; we are not even talking of improving it!). All races, be it the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Ibans, etc are feeling the effects and pinch.
    What most of us forgot, even though it happened recently, is that during the bullish years of 1990-1997, very few ever question the “social contract” or the rights of others. And even if they did, nobody would have bothered.
    WHY? Because everyone is busy enjoying themselves in the bouyant economy. Everybody, from the Malays, the Chinese, the Indians, the Ibans, the Kadazans, etc, is too busy eating the cake, to even worry about the crumbs. That’s when you have a big cake to share; more than enough to go around to satisfy the hungry stomachs.
    However, when you have a small cake, then everyone will insist on their rights to eat the cake. People will be looking at reasons to exclude others from eating the cake and at the same time justifying why they should have a piece of it. All because the cake is not big enough to share. Worse, people will even fight for the crumbs as well.
    And for me, that is the crux of the whole matter; people trying to stake their claim on the ever shrinking piece of cake.

  379. Clarification
    1. Your decision to go back to UMNO was quite surprising but understandable after reading your recent article.
    2. What remains a mystery is that, would your entry to UMNO allow you unlimited access to its members and the Malay communities? Will you have the freedom to speak and express yourself?
    3. Since there is no change of leadership in UMNO, would your presence back in UMNO be only a symbol of UMNO trying to unify itself. I would think this would be a futile attempt as in actual fact any attempt that you make to improve or solidify UMNO through the inside would only be thwart by the current leadership’s minions, as they would assume any changes you make and suggest would in actual fact undermine the current leadership of UMNO.
    4. I feel that the question of the current social contract by various races recently have always been present in all races ever since Merdeka. If they are not present, wouldn’t we group ourselves as Malay, Chinese and Indian when the talk among ourselves and only Malaysian when we present ourselves to foreigners?
    5. The identification of an individual based on race has always been present among all Malaysians. What has always been kept in check is the self respect we have for each other. The emergence of anti-social behavior based on race and the disregard of self respect for each race very likely stem from frustration of individuals of the current situation.
    6. Malaysia’s current situation are quite different from when you were the PM. Corruption seemed to have increased significantly, economy seemed to be slowing down, cost of living seemed to be increasing at an alarming rate, politicians/ current leaders seemed to be constantly bickering with each other rather than getting in touch with grassroots and governments planning or ruling seemed to change from time to time. All this contribute to the frustration.
    7. Based on the above it is felt that a change of leadership and the selection of a suitable leader would be the best and efficient way to solve the current problem. You entry into UMNO would on be a delay in the evitable.
    8. But, then again I can always be wrong!

  380. If you read the comments from the readers carefully, most of the malaysians know the real history of Malaysia. The history curriculum in the school is to brain-wash the book-worms and dummies (part of it), and of course for passing the exam only. hehehe.

  381. Good day, Yang Berbahgia Tun,
    Firstly i tend to agree on majority of people asking in silence for Pak Lah to step down…He is demorilizing the UMNO firstly and BN in general.
    Honestly from my personal obsevation, the talk on racial discomfort is definetly there….more talk than ever. When i talked with my non-malays friends it seems kind of “kekok” uttering the only need conversation -emollient- as not to hurts or create a tense situations.That mean no politic please.
    Lastly I am glad for you to resurface into the limelight of UMNO. I pray for the good of all malays and Malaysia. We have strive for the last 20 odd years. I am hoping Tun be able to constructively remidied the current situation so we be able to concentrate on others rather than talking about politics (for the last 5 months).
    Mistakes – done. So with your vast experiences I hope we be able to endevour to our ZAMAN GEMILANG.

  382. Tun,
    It make sense now for PM to reconsider, with respect, his time departure. The best time is always before the December 2008 ends.Salam untuk Tun sekeluarga dan Selamat BerHari Raya AidilFitri, Maaf Zahir Batin dari nookvillage.

  383. This country is on self destruction mode at the moment. Inaction rules the day.
    The opposition is having a field day taking full advantage of the situation.
    Perhaps they are in cohorts with the opposition?
    The social contract issue does not mean anything to the youngsters of today. They only believe what Anwar says. Tut tut!

  384. salam Tun,
    It’s good to hear TS Muhyiddin’s statement about you joining back UMNO.I trust you,sir.I’m sure there are things going on behind closed doors that many people are not privy to.
    To rarunasalam,
    Wow,what a spin on the Social Contract.Are you a Tamil movie fan?Are you a LAWYER?

  385. After knowing the background of Ahmad, I started to understand the rationale of DR. M’s statement in “Pohon Maaf 1”. Tun, Are you far relative with Ahmad some time in grandparent’s generation? I wonder.
    One more thing to clarify here, Stern action was taken on defiant Ahmad merely because he has never been in remorse on his slip-of-tongue statement. BN punished him for his arrogance, not merely on his racist statement.
    Peace to be with Malaysia.

  386. Assalamualaikum Tun sekeluarga,
    Semoga sihat dan diberkati Allah selalu.
    Orang Melayu yang mahukan “Total Meritocracy” dan menolak “Special Righrs of The Malays”(walaupun ia termaktub dalam perlembagaan) adalah golongan yang merasa …..

  387. I think Tun doesn’t understand how the people think today. People are not robot which obey certain rules without questioning it. We will change according to enviornment. A minority of Malays think that in order to compete in todays world, they should compete not just inside the country but also in global terms. Therefore, if they stuck to the social contract forever which is definitely good for them, then they will not achieve what is truly victory in todays economy.
    No doubt, social contact has its own benefits if it is followed correctly. But unfortunately, the Malays have been using it as excuses, shield, or short cuts in order to gain benefits for themselves. So, there are certain Malays out there that think all this must stop or set a limit in order not to sway too off from the original purpose of the social contract. If this is not done, Malaysia would be ruin.
    I personaly do not believe in right or wrong, thruth or lies. I believe in balances. Thats is what have been driving this planet for millions of years. Not that I don’t believe in justice but what I see in the world today, justice has become a very vouge word.
    Tun cannot control how the people think, nor can anyone else. If the Malays still use the sosical contrat to protect themselve, then sooner or later this country will be off balance. When that happens, one word “Chaos”.
    Thats all I have to say, thank you.

  388. TUN,
    Mungkin hari ini ramai yang tidak pedulikan lagi soal jasa, perjuangan serta pengorbanan datuk nenek kita. Darah yang jadi taruhan sudah tidak bernilai kepada generasi Melayu hari ini.
    Kerana itu kepada mereka semuanya sama dan tidak ada yang istimewa.
    Saya teringatkan suatu pertelingkahan yang berlaku diantara dua ahli kongress Amerika kepada satu topik, seorang Taiwanese American berkata, “I’m the citizen of America”, dan jawapan ahli kongress Mat saleh pula, “yes you are the citizen of America but you are not AMERICAN”.
    Bagi sebuah negara yang terkenal dengan FREEDOM FOR ALL, ni pun tak terlepas dari soal ketuanan, inikan pula MALAYSIA.
    Tun adalah sejarah yang masih hidup oleh itu marilah kita sama-sama belajar dan hormati serta hargai apa yang kita ada.
    salam hormat TUN.

  389. hahahahaha!!!
    obvious nya! begitu banyak suara2 gusar dengan berita Tun kembali kepada UMNO. tak kurang yg memperlekeh…
    agak nye kenapa ye??? takut??? bimbang??? terancam??? terasa cita2 dah jadi payah nak dilaksana???
    lu pikir la sendiri…

  390. Dear Tun and fellow bloggers,
    Many factors may have contributed tendencies towards racial disharmonies. Among others:
    Ø The age old economic imbalance between the Malays and Non Malays. I.e. Open Tender? Malays does not control the raw materials supply. What happen if open tender is practiced? Who can offer better price?
    Ø The existence and continuity of Chinese School and Tamil School when your aim is bangsa Malaysia. I.e. The stupid thing is Malays may not know what transpired in DAP’s “Ceramah in Chinese” to lodge any complaint if applicable,
    Ø The desertion of our National Language, Bahasa Melayu. I.e. The Japanese and French are using their own language – see where they are.
    Ø The topology of the social landscape, i.e. Existence of Malay Area such as Kampung Baru, KL / Indian Area like in Klang perhaps / Chineses Area like Bukit Bintang
    Ø Lack of policies and enforcements in ensuring recruitment of qualified Bumiputras in the Private Sectors. By the way 95% Head of HR Departments of All Public Listed Companies in Malaysia are Non Malays – so go figure. Do they care if you are UiTM students or not? Don’t talk about corporate ladder if majority of the 30% Bumi quotas fulfilled is at he bottom.
    The Social Contract, which is meant to “Keep It Together”, is difficult to uphold if the dominant party that is UMNO is deemed corruptive, mismanaged and weak.
    Of course it is undemocratic to ask all Malays to unite under one party – UMNO, i.e. no PKR or PAS. But that’s the intelligent way to assure that the political power and dominance are with the Malays. Should the Malays let go of its majority power? Could there be a blood shed if the Malay majority loses its dominance and sidelined?
    The power give to the Malay comes with great responsibilities to assure that racial disharmonies are reduced if not diminished. THEN WE TALK ABOUT PROGRESS AND PROPER GOVERNANCE.
    To err is human. We can forgive but can we really forget. There is no point building riches when all of it could be burned down in just one day.
    Lastly, to all Malays reading this let us sing “Warisan” before we go to sleep today. Following are the lyrics to the song.
    Anak Kecil Main Api
    Terbakar Hatinya Yang Sepi
    Airmata Darah Bercampur Keringat
    Bumi Dipijak Milik Orang
    Nenek Moyang Kaya Raya
    Tergadai Seluruh Harta Benda
    Akibat Sengketa Sesamalah Kita
    Cinta Lenyap Di Arus Zaman
    Indahnya Bumi Kita Ini
    Warisan Berkurun Lamanya
    Hasil Mengalir Ke Tangan Yang Lain
    Pribumi Merintih Sendiri
    Masa Depan Sungguh Kelam
    Kan Lenyap Peristiwa Semalam
    Tertutuplah Hati Terkunci Mati
    Maruah Peribadi Dah Hilang
    Kini Kita Cuma Tinggal Kuasa
    Yang Akan Menentukan Bangsa
    Bersatulah Hati Bersama Berbakti
    Pulih Kembali Harga Diri
    Kita Sudah Tiada Masa Majulah Dengan Gagah Perkasa
    Jangan Lalai Teruskan Usaha
    Melayu Kan Gagah Di Nusantara (3x)

  391. Salam buat Tun,
    Saya sangatlah sedih dengan apa yang berlaku di dalam negara kita sekarang ini dan yang amat menyedihkan lagi apabila Pak Lah tidak bertindak dengan bijaksana untuk menghadapi serta memastikan perkara ini tidak akan menjadi ‘Gunung Berapi’. Manakah pendirian serta image sebagai Ketua/leader? Saya harap Pak Lah menyelesaikan perkara ini atau pun letak jawatan dan berikan jawatannya kepada seseorang yang lebih berkaliber dan saya juga harap rakyat Malaysia (Melayu, Cina dan India) tidak akan memilih Dato’ Anwar sebab beliaulah, Malaysia sekarang ini menjadi kucar-kacir. Dato’ Anwar hanya pentingkan diri demi tamakkan kerusi Perdana Menteri, sanggup pecahbelah rakyat untuk kepentingan beliau! Semasa beliau menjadi TPM, beliau hampir menjual negara kita dan fikirkanlah apa akan berlaku jikalau beliau menjadi PM? Fikirkanlah tentang keamanan serta ekonomi negara kita, janganlah kita berpecah dan menjadi seperti negara yang lemah dari semua aspek lebih-lebih lagi ekonomi. Apabila ini berlaku percayalah rakyat Malaysia akan menghadapi pengangguran yang teruk, ekonomi merosot, inflasi yang tinggi dan paling menyedihkan apabila negara maju tidak mahu memberikan visa perjalanan kepada kita kerana apa yang berlaku dalam negara! ingatlah kita semua rakyat Malaysia dan harus bersatu-padu demi BANGSA DAN NEGARA!

  392. semasa pilihanraya yang lalu, Tun masih bersama UMNO tetapi kalah juga 5 negeri.Walaupun Tun kembali ke UMNO bukannya Tun boleh bersuara.Badawi masih juga berkuasa.Jadi kenapa Tun tidak tubuhkan satu parti berbilang kaum untuk menyelamat Malaysia.Itu baru semua nanti-nantikan.

  393. Salam Tun…
    Selamat kembali ke dalam UMNO…
    P/S: sentiasa menyokong usaha ke arah perpaduan Melayu dan kesejahteraan Islam.

  394. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Tukarkan Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
    Dia masih tidak respon pada suasana yang amat sensitif ini.Masih ada ahli politik peringkat atasan sebegini daif tentang dunia?Teman seperjuangan dengan Tun sejak muda lagi.Macamana dia boleh tersasar dari matlamat dan asas perjuangan UMNO?
    Apa jadi pada ahli-ahli UMNO?Masih tidak berani bersuara?
    Ok jugak Tun balik pada UMNO.Saya pun baru balik ke rumah.
    Saya juga racist.Tapi cuba untuk tidak menjadi seperti darah panas Tun satu masa dulu.Ultra Malays.
    Bila bercakap dengan kaum lain saya tidak memberikan idea-idea yang bagus,cuma tidak mahu orang tahu strategi perniagaan saya.Oleh itu saya hanya memberikan alasan-alasan yang asas.Macam isteri saya mengandung jadi saya tidak boleh buka kedai dari jam 10 pagi sampai 10 malam.Rasanya tiada orang berniaga macam saya setakat ini.
    Nampak malas dan tidak berkualiti.Tapi setelah 3 tahun dia orang akan cakap,itu kedai you punya,you tahulah…ikut suka you.
    Saya tertarik pada pandangan Pengerusi Johor Corporation.Datuk Mohamed Ali.Beliau bercerita tentang cara penyelesaian korporat semasa kegawatan 1997.
    Apa yang beliau praktikkan adalah tentang ekonomi Islam pintar.Zakat,sedekah,etc sedangkan masa itu dalam kegawatan ekonomi.
    Yang terbaru MARA juga memperkenalkan ‘Jihad Bisnes’ (idea Johor Corporation) hingga ke peringkat kebangsaan.Tapi hanya praktikal pada permainan SAHIBA pada masa itu.
    Mungkin idea-idea ini perlu diolah kepada peringkat ekonomi Malaysia dan saya tertanya-tanya kenapa agak-agaknya Datuk Mohamed Ali tidak terlibat dalam perancangan Ekonomi Negara.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  395. Hello Tun
    Thank you for your blog. First of all, there is a very, very important thing I want to know. All this while you have been rejecting Pak Lah and you have left UMNO because of your stance. Recently I heard in the news (The Star) that you have decided to re-join UMNO barely 3 months after you left. Are you making a U-turn? Or have you reached an agreement that Muhyiddin speak out to ask Pak Lah to resign early (as he did in a speech yesterday) as a condition for your rejoining. Do you still want to rejoin a party which the people have rejected? You may say it is because of Pak Lah but there is already a negative tainted image of BN especially the so many horrible things that have happened recently in the past. Why not form a new party with young dynamic leadership based on Islam? Kindly answer me privately if you wish in my e-mail : [email protected]
    Secondly, why have you not come up with a blog on the Datuk Mansor and recent Gerakan issue on Penang? It is a serious matter and I would like to know your thoughts on this.
    Lastly, I have extracted what I think are the most important points from the contents of your blog for some comments :-
    4.. They disagree with the Tunku giving the one million citizenship without regard for the conditions for getting citizenship
    12. I did not like putting this on my blog. But I have no access to the Government.
    13. Malaysia had remained stable for half a century because sensitive issues were not publicly discussed.
    For no 4., this is the first time I have heard about Tunku’s 1-million free citizinship of malaysia. Pardon my history. I don’t know who took it up but it may give the Chinese an additional 1 million people advantage over the Malays.
    If the Govt had administered using the principles of Islam, racism would not be a problem. History has spoken for itself and see how large an empire Islam had expanded into, up till Spain and all races and nations considered themselves Muslims submitting to the will of God rather than Chinese and Malays. Unfortunately, under BN and UMNO, since 1957, nothing has been done in this manner which is why you still have the Chinese being Chinese and not knowing about Allah SWT and the Malays being Malays who know Allah SWT and Islam.
    For no 12, I am a bit disturbed and worried by this, frankly. Are you saying that once you go back into UMNO and BN gives you a powerful post once again, you will neglect this blog and ignore the input of bloggers who make up the Malaysian population? It is times like this when you are not busy with the duties of a Prime Minister, that you should listen to us and how we reflect on your leadership and what you have done in the past and also current political events. However, I distrust a Govt who, when handed the reigns of power, suddenly forget by whom the power was handed to and within a very short time forgot about your past acheivements. I blame Pak Lah for not being grateful you selected him and I blame you for selecting Pak Lah. We must be responsible for our actions especially when picking an important successor such as the Prime Minister of a country,
    For no 13, I think this is a very true and wise statement. I have to step back and applaud our past leaders and you who took this course of action of cooperation and avoidance of open discussion of sensitive issues and collaboration among the races. it is what makes Malaysia so successful today without any racial tensions since 1969. I applaud our leaders and you on this. But always there is this possibility of things breaking down such as what is happening now. The best way is disintegration of the races through Islam where everyone call themselves Moslems. The concept of everyone calling them Malaysians as you must know is a waste of time and does not help anybody dunia and akhirat. I am amazed how BN and UMNO have ruled Malaysia since 1957 without even thinking of putting Islam at the forefront of nationwide governance.

  396. Malaysia today has your article as well.
    All commented here, hopefully without racist-minded during your post of comment, should read comment expressed in malaysia today.

  397. Dear All,
    Got this story from a friend, wish to share it:
    Story told by a man which is most frightening yet thought-provoking experiences of his life.
    He had been on a long flight. The first warning of the approaching problems came when the sign on the airplane flashed on: ‘Fasten your seat belts.’
    Then, after a while, a calm voice said, ‘We shall not be serving the beverages at this time as we are expecting a little turbulence. Please be sure your seat belt is fastened.’
    As he looked around the aircraft, it became obvious that many of the passengers were becoming apprehensive. Later, the voice of the announcer said, ‘We are so sorry that we are unable to serve the meal at this time. The turbulence is still ahead of us.’
    And then the storm broke. The ominous cracks of thunder could be heard even above the roar of the engines. Lightening lit up the darkening skies and within moments that great plane was like a cork tossed around on a celestial ocean. One moment the airplane was lifted on terrific currents of air; the next, it dropped as if it were about to crash.
    The man confessed that he shared the discomfort and fear of those around him. He said, ‘As I looked around the plane, I could see that nearly all the passengers were upset and alarmed. Some were praying.
    The future seemed ominous and many were wondering if they would make it through the storm. And then, I suddenly saw a girl to whom the storm meant nothing. She had tucked her feet beneath her as she sat on her seat and was reading a book.
    Everything within her small world was calm and orderly. Sometimes she closed her eyes, then she would read again; then she would straighten her legs, but worry and fear were not in her world. When the plane was being buffeted by the terrible storm, when it lurched this way and that, as it rose and fell with frightening severity, when all the adults were scared half to death, that marvelous child was completely composed and unafraid.’
    The man could hardly believe his eyes. It was not surprising therefore, that when the plane finally reached its destination and all the passengers were hurrying to disembark, he lingered to speak to the girl whom he had watched for such a long time.
    Having commented about the storm and behavior of the plane, he asked why she had not been afraid.
    The sweet child replied,
    ‘Sir, my Dad is the pilot and he is taking me home.’
    when you are sure of your self, your confident level is steady and you are never shaky you do the things calmly and successfully.

  398. Saya tak nampak kenapa Tun patut masuk UMNO kembali. Selagi Pak Lah dalam UMNO, saya tak rasa akan ada apa-apa perubahan. Pak Lah dan Geng Tingkat 4 akan terus pelekehkan TUN. Harap Tun fikirkan balik keputusan TUN. TQ

  399. Assalamualaikum TUN.
    Mencelah sekali lagi.
    Nampak kat TV hari tu TUN berbuka puasa dengan Agong. TUN duduk semeja bertentangan dengan Paklah. Pakai lak baju melayu sama warna coklat. macam berjanji je.
    He he he…
    Selamat Hari Raya TUN.
    Love u always TUN.

  400. Salam hormat ayahanda Tun,
    I completely concur with your views and hope your re entry into umno WOULD HELP TO IMPROVE THE AILING SITUATION. Ayahanda, it is sad that our leaders fail to enfoce HISTORY lesson in schools today. I am perturbed at the way our menteri pelajaran is behaving. the main question here is he himself does not have the full grasps of malaysian history?.
    History is equally important subject as are science and mathematics. sweeping historical facts uder the carpet are mainly creating a breathing grounds for instability. Facts are facts. the Americans who are more advanced accept historical facts as part of their daily life so goes the called for the would be President Barrack as African American indicating that his root was from Africa or even be publicly addressed as BLACK, and for the chinese they would be called Chinese American and for the indians they would be known as indians American or also termed as black. These are historical facts and cannot be erased. Let us face facts in Malaysia and not emotions.

  401. Aslmkm YBhg Tun , semoga Bhg Tun sekeluarga berada di dalam rahmat Allah selalu. Saya nak minta buah fikiran YBHg Tun ada perkara berikut:
    1. Bagaimana cara terbaik mengatasi masalah jenayah yg timbul akibat kebanjiran pekerja asing/pendatang sehingga menimbulkan rasa panik dan rasa terancam dinegara sendiri. Isu ini adalah kesan lanjutan dasar kerajaan semasa YBhg Tun memimpin negara. Ianya kelihatan amat tak terkawal dan byk membawa keburukan dari kebaikan jangkapanjang.
    2. Bagaimana cara terbaik menanngani budaya korpsi/salahguna kedudukan di dalam masyarakat Malaysia khususnya orang melayu. Masalah ini dilihat telah mengagalkan wawasan dan gagasan YBhg Tun untuk memartabatkan bangsa melayu di Malaysia.
    3. Bagaimana cara untuk mengembalikan perjuangan asal bangsa melayu kepada landasan yang betul iaitu landasan perjuangan untuk bangsa dan negara bukan untuk “perut” dan “poket sendiri” sepertimana yang byk dibuat oleh pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO masakini. Budaya ini telah menjadi busung dan sekarang membusuk. Hingga hilang kepercayaan rakyat kepada mereka.Mereka telah lalai dan terlena dgn kekayaan dan kemewahan. Mohon pandangan dan buah fikiran YBhg Tun di atas semua perkara tersebut. Wslm

  402. Beloved Tun,
    In my book on “Malaysian Election Laws” (at pages 345-346) I had made reference to what I perceive as constituting our social contract as follows:
    “When the country obtained independence from Britain in 1957, the Alliance, a coalition of three racially-based parties of Malays, Chinese and Indians, was already in power. Its 51 members (out of a total membership of 52 elected seats) had been elected to the legislature two years earlier during the country’s first general elections. The three parties, namely the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), the Malayan Chinese Association (MCA) and the Malayan Indian Congress (MIC) were led respectively by Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, Tan Cheng Lock and Sambanthan. These were benign personages of our own Camelot era. During that period, the Malays were recognised by the other races as the natives of the country. The country was, after all, known as “Tanah Melayu”, literally, “Land of the Malays”. The Chinese and the Indians equally had no problem accepting the fact that they were immigrants in origin and in a spirit of give and take that was so prevalent during those halcyon days, government and administration of the country were placed under the charge of the Malays while the Chinese and the Indians had their hands full in the field of commerce and industry. The Tunku was often asked, in those early years of independence, how he managed to keep the many races in this country with different customs, religions and ways of life so peaceful and united. His answer was simple:
    ‘My reply was always that the answer lay in the nature of the people themselves, as all our component races are tolerant and friendly.’”
    There are those who attribute the occurrence of the May 13 incident as proof of the failure of my uncle’s simplistic faith in the nature of his people. For my part, I share his confidence that all peoples are generally tolerant and friendly.
    Diverse reasons have been attributed to the riots of May 13 but one factor which undeniably contributed to its occurrence was the raising of racist sentiments, such as excerpted below, by both sides of the political divide, including by those in authority, prior to the riots:
    •“Firstly, we want equality in this country. Secondly, we are for assurance of our way of life, our language, and our schools. Thirdly, we express the hope that we shall find economic advancement and economic equality.” (LIM CHONG EU, upon becoming President of MCA after defeating incumbent Tan Cheng Lock.)
    •“The MCA should be given 40 seats in the Federal Elections because in at least 39 constituencies the Chinese voters outnumbered the Malays…The Alliance Manifesto must clearly express its intention to review in general the implementation of its educational policy so that the medium of examinations in Chinese Schools could be the medium of instruction.” (Excerpt from a statement issued by the MCA CENTRAL WORKING COMMITTEE.)
    •“We have our last strength to rely upon. We are weak in all fields. We are economically weak. We are weak in the educational sphere. But we still have one last weapon of strength… This weapon is none other than our unity. This is the last force that is left in our hands, the hands of the Malays and the Muslims…With this unity we will save our people, we will better our lot…If this unity persists, by the will of God, I tell you, no power …on earth… can trample on us, no power can look down upon us and belittle us” (TAN SRI SYED JAAFAR ALBAR, UMNO Secretary-General.)
    •“Malai si! … Apa polis boleh buat – kita raja!…Buang semua Polis Melayu! … Mati Melayu – sakai pergi masok hutan! …Kuala Lumpur sekarang China punya! …Melayu keluar – apa lagi dudok sini! … Kita hentam lu; sekarang kita besar!…Ini negeri bukan Melayu punya! … Kita mahu halau Melayu!” (Excerpt from “THE MAY 13 TRAGEDY” published by the National Operations Council.)
    You may recall,Tun, that one of the measures taken by the authorities at the suggestion of NOC member Tun Dr. Ismail, was to amend the Sedition Act, 1948 to make it an offence for any one to raise issues on subjects of citizenship, national language, Malay rights and the sovereignty of Rulers. In an aide memoire entitled “The End of an Era” dated 30 August 1970, Tun Dr. Ismail summed up his views on the reason for this amendment:
    “We are grateful for May 13th incident because on reflecting on it for the last one year or more all Malaysians realise that a repetition of it will destroy the country and this is the reason why the people are ready to accept my proposal to isolate the sensitive issues and entrenched them fully in the Constitution. We are also grateful to May 13th because those of us who are willing to learn a lesson from it knows that we cannot return to the good old days of the Tunku era, when Government played by the ear. In future, there must be a pragmatic approach and there must be no fear to pursue unpopular measures to solve racial problems.”
    Thus, as you so well observe Tun, Malaysia had remained stable for half a century, because sensitive issues were not publicly discussed. There are, I daresay, Tun, millions around the country who, like me, share your concern about the rising of racist sentiments among Malays and non-Malays, some of which are reminiscent of (and at times even worse than) those quoted above.
    It has taken four Prime Ministers fifty years to build our nation to a status enviable and respected by the international community and it is rather sad to note that it may take less than a year for an inept Premier to bring our beloved country down to its knees.
    With much affection to you Tun, Tun Dr. Siti and the rest of your wonderful family.
    Tunku Sofiah Jewa

  403. you are rite chedet!!
    demi bangsa Malaysia, orang melayu, orang cina, orang india, orang iban, orang kadazan dan suku kaum yang lain..demi Malaysia negara kita yang tercinta ini, tanah tumpah darah kita semua..WE MUST STOP PAK DOLLAH NOW!!” REMOVE HIM!! SAVE OUR COUNTRY!!

  404. Dear Tun,
    Your 2 & 11 of this article refers.
    First of all we need to know if this Social Contract is perpetually unchangeable? This Social Contract might be good and practically applicable at that time only. But throughout generations it has proven that it has always brought us the same racism problems, so do you think we should change and modify this Social Contract gradually until peaceful and harmony of the people in the country has restored?
    It is just like manufacturing cars. It needs to change & modify in its capacity and model severally & accordingly throughout this time before it is considered as practically excellence to be acceptable in the market.Always remember when TIME CHANGE, PEOPLE CHANGE AND THEIR NEED ALSO CHANGE!
    Tun, if your 2 & 11 in your article is true then it is the right time to take up precise steps to further improve the conditions of the Social contract for the benefit of our people regardless of their races. Our people will no more accept the name of Bumi or Non Bumi in near future, they are all Malaysian. This Social Contract is only used by certain politicians who always like to misuse this card for their political supports and achievements.
    Thank you and have a nice day.

  405. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    Syukur pd Allah(s.w.t) kerana telah menggerakkan hati Tun agar kembali kepada UMNO. Tun lah pejuang sejati, tetap berjuang walaupun dihina, dikeji & dicaci. Tun telah menyedarkan ramai melayu & bukan melayu yg suatu masa dulu memandang rendah & memperlekehkan usaha Tun membangunkan negara. Teruskan perjuangan Tun, kami semua akan sentiasa bersama Tun tak kira apa juga cabaran demi mempertahankan maruah & kedaulatan negara tercinta.
    Tentang AAB pendek je komen saya… 1. dia pekak kerana tak mendengar suara rakyat yang mahu dia berundur. 2. dia bisu kerana tak pandai nak bersuara demi mempertahankan maruah melayu dan negara. 3. dia buta bukan saje mata tapi hatinya sekali, kerana tak dapat melihat penderitaan rakyat. Secara logik bagaimana pemimpin sebegini nak memimpin negara ??? hidung tak mancung pipi yang tersorong-sorong.
    Selamat Berpuasa Tun,
    Jaga kesihatan Tun baik-baik…

  406. salam Tun..
    kenapalah Tun masih lagi berminat menolong orang-orang UMNO…pada umur Tun sekarang, elok Tun persiapkan diri untuk berada di alam barzakh pulak..biarlah kapal UMNO karam bersama-sama dengan pemimpin yang penipu lagi harprak..perjuangan UMNO sudah tidak relevan lagi..rakyat sudah bosan dengan janji palsu UMNO…bagilah ruang kepada pilihan rakyat semasa pilihan demokrasi baru nie..biarlah rakyat bersatu dan berpadu pada pilihan baru mereka..PAKATAN RAKYAT

  407. Yang disanjungi dan disayangi, Ayahanda Tun, semoga dilimpahi Allah segala kebaikan dan keberkatan….
    Salam sejahtera untuk semua
    1. Saya nerujuk kepada komen oleh yun pada Sep 10, 7:43pm;
    Saya amat menyanjungi dan mengormati komen anda itu dan saya percaya ramai di kalangan kaum bukan bumiputra yang sependapat dengan anda. Namun kepincangan pentadbiran kerajaan sekarang ini telah melahirkan beberapa pemimpin yang racist, yang mengambil kesempatan di atas kelemahan kerajaan untuk menjadi hero kaum masing-masing. Ketidakpekaan dan ketidaktegasan kerajaan adalah penyumbang kepada membiaknya sentimen-sentimen perkauman ini.
    2. Pentadbiran yang tiada lagi nilai-nilai murni di dalam Islam seperti adil, bersih, cekap, jujur, amanah dan berhemah ini telah membangkitkan kemarahan oleh semua rakyat tanpa mengira kaum.
    3. Pada pandangan saya, jika benar-benar memahami contract social ini, tidak timbul langsung masalah diskriminasi ke atas mana-mana kaum pun. Sedangkan sebelum ini pun, semua kaum dapat hidup aman dan harmoni. Jika nak dibandingkan kemiskinan, saya kira majoritinya kaum bumiputralah lebih terpinggir dari lain-lain kaum. Buktinya kita boleh lihat di kebanyakan kawasan-kawasan pedalaman. Ini adalah berpunca dari ketidakadilan pengurusan ekonomi oleh pemimpin-pemimpin hari ini.
    4. Berkaitan dengan asal usul bangsa, saya kira tak perlulah diungkit bagi menimbulkan isu-isu sensitive kaum lain, kerana sesudahnya jika kita halusi, senua kaum yang terdapat di Malaysia hari ini adalah punya sejarah yang berkait antara satu sama lain, silalah rujuk pembongkaran sejarah silam di;
    Dari itu, bersama-samalah kita kembalikan kegemilangan Malaysia, bumi tercinta ini. Dan saya percaya, hanya Islam yang benar jua dapat memberi kehidupan yang baik untuk kita….

  408. Tun,
    Harap Tun dapat membantu membetulkan keadaan yg kacau bilau ini. Saya merasakan mungkin kita akan melihat 13 Mei yg kedua dalam masa tahun tahun yg mendatang jika keadaan ini tidak di perbetulkan. Jika org Melayu sentiasa dipersoalakan, dan terus ditindas oleh kerajaan dan juga didalam ekonomi bebas saya merasakan 13 mei itu lebih baik dari hidup dalam kehinaan. Sesunguhnya mati itu pasti untuk semua orang. Saya merasakan masalah ini semakin memuncak kerana ekonomi org melayu semakin menguncup secara keseluruhan(kebanyakan melayu). masalah rasuah yg berleluasa di dalam kerajaan dan juga swasta semakin parah dan meningkatkan jurang perbezaan ekonomi antara yg kaya dan miskin.saya merasakan bahawa didalam org melayu itu sendiri perlukan process penyaringan dan pembersihan dan hukuman hudud bagi orang Islam adalah salah satu cara utk mencapai matlamat ini. saya berharap supaya process penindasan dan tekanan keatas org melayu di perhebatkan supaya kita dapat melihat kebangkitan melayu secara total. mati iti pasti dan kehilangan hanya utk mereka yg memiliki bukannya org melayu yg secara keseluruhannya tidak mempunyai apa apa pada ekonomi negara ini.
    carpe manana.

  409. Salam Tun,
    Sebenarnya kaum-kaum Cina dan India harus berterima kasih kerana diberi peluang untuk tinggal di bumi Malaysia dan menjadi rakyat melalui Social Contract. Cuba fikirkan, adakah mereka akan dilayan dan diberi peluang sehingga menjadi MP dalam parlimen dalam jumlah yang banyak jika mereka tinggal di United States, Britain dan Australia? Lupakan lah, negara-negara ini akan melayan mereka dengan lebih teruk, tetapi mereka masih tidak berterimakasih dan meminta hak yang lebih-lebih. Tak cukup lagikah dengan monopoli mereka dalam ekonomi, mempunyai kereta-kereta mewah, bungalow dan kondo mewah berbanding kaum Melayu yang baru hendak belajar untuk maju? Tidak cukup dengan itu semua, mereka juga mengambil peluang untuk membeli tanah dan kondo yang dikhaskan untuk Bumiputra dengan mengunakan nama orang Melayu. Lesen-lesen teksi yang berdaftarkan nama Melayu banyak dimiliki oleh orang Cina sebenarnya, all these is public knowledge! Pekerja-pekerja Melayu yang berkerja di Syarikat swasta yang dimiliki orang Cina banyak jadi mangsa diskriminasi dari segi peluang naik pangkat, kadar kenaikan gaji dan bonus. Semua ini memang berleluasa, tapi tidak apa sebab itu hak mereka sebagai pemilik syarikat.
    Tetapi, bila mereka menekan untuk menghapus hak kaum Melayu, itu sudah melampau! Tidak cukup lagi kah Guan Eng memerintah Pulau Pinang, masih nak impikan menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Perak sekarang walaupun di terajui oleh wakil PAS tapi di control oleh DAP, bahasa dan lenggok percakapan pun macam DAP sekarang. PAS should be ashamed of themselves!
    These people remind me of a prasite plant that leaves on a big tree, they will eventually outgrown and kill their host if not controlled properly.
    wassalam Tun

  410. -KUNCI- saya amat terharu membaca komen anda. hampir menitis air mata kegembiraan tatkala cuba berimaginasi perasaan anda. Saya sungguh bangga dengan sikap rendah diri dan semangat perpaduan anda.
    Kalaulah majoriti rakyat malaysia mempunyai sikap dan perasaan yang sama seperti anda saya yakin negara ini akan terus menikmati kegemilangannya berterusan sampai bila-bila…
    Saya juga seperti anda, mengharapkan seorang pemimpin yang bertanggungjawab seperti TUN DR MAHATHIR akan tampil memimpin negara tercinta ini..
    Kepada TUN selamat kembali ke UMNO saya bersyukur dengan keputusan TUN.. Moga-moga UMNO kembali menyinar…

  411. Dear Tun,
    I just read part of the comment made on this subject; I have to agree with OKM, who commented the following;
    ” I am a Malay and I am racist because that was how I was raised in Malaysia. We are racist lot – beyond repair.”
    I am non-Malay, and I have to say that I am a bit racist too, because I was ‘develop’ in this think. From the schooling to university to business world.
    I have the following story, which I hope all can read;
    1. Abu, had a big house, family and un-developed land
    2. One day, Mat-Salleh took over Abu house and land, they controlled and force Abu family to work on the land to profit the Mat Salleh
    3. Since the land was very resource full and Abu family is not enough to maximized the output, Mat Salleh brought Raju and family to work in the land.
    4. Now, Ah Chong see this opportunity and came to Mat Salleh and offer to work and trade. Mat Salleh accepted.
    5. After some time, Abu + Ah Chong + Raju demanded to Mat Salleh for independence.
    6. Mat Salleh agreed, but was worried with the status of Raju and Ah Chong, because this two immigrant been so long in this land and have created new family which is not accepted by their original land owner.
    7. After long negations with Abu, Ah Chong, Raju and Mat Salleh. Abu with big heart agree to accept Raju and Ah Chong and their family member.
    8. Mat Salleh being the ‘chairman’ draft one agreement called ‘social contract’ which Abu, Ah Chong and Raju agreed.
    9. This contract basically declares that Abu is the owner and Raju and Ah Chong can enjoy 95% of what Abu is enjoying.
    10 . Raju and Ah Chong, can not question the 5% ‘special-right’ enjoyed by Abu, to which Raju and Ah Chong agreed, their family also agreed.
    11. All live happily for 50 years.
    12. Now, Abu’s, Raju’s and Ah Chong’s grand children are questioning the 5%.
    13. Raju and Ah Chong also thinking and claiming that Abu is no more respecting Raju and Ah Chong’s 95%.
    14. They also claim slowly (but surely) the 95% is being reduced, and it’s now less then 50%.
    15. Abu is saying that 5% (special right) is not enough. Raju and Ah Chong is not entitled for any percentage, if they do like, go back to their own country.
    16. Raju and Ah Chong is claiming this land is their own country.
    17. Abu saying this land is not your country, you are still immigrant.
    My conclusion;
    1. Raju and Ah Chong and Abu grand children will NEVER understand what their grand father agreed. Because school never though this.
    2. Raju and Ah Chong should not question Abu’s special-right of 5%
    3. Abu must make sure Raju and Ah Chong does not feel their 95% is been reduced.
    ‘Sorry for the long story”

  412. Let’s not make a mountain out of a molehole. What Racial tension?. All this is political talk! All we now see is erotion of confidence between component parties within the ruling government.
    As an ex-serviceman, I feel the caution by the Chief of Armed Forces is his personal opinion. Internal security is the jurisdiction of the Police. The Armed Forces chief should focus on issues of external threats and joint operations to support the Police. He should tell us how the Armed Forces can play a proactive role in combating illegal immigration, piracy in our waters, cyber war, and even how to conduct psychological operations in nation building. We have the best success story in overcoming insurgency. Why can’t we use the idealogy (separate the fish from the water) to serve “nation building and racial intergration”.
    We send our troops for overseas “peace keeping” mission. Why not do something frutful at home, in a less intimidating fashion called “JIWA MURNI”. How about roping them into PEMUDAH to gather feedback on execution of government programs, especially in the rural areas.
    How about sending our political elders for boot camp training on “Character Building”, just like we do for our NS trainees. No need to go to Taiwan.
    Just some of the ideas that the Armed Forces can play, instead of airing unnecessary hot air !

  413. Salam TUN yang d kasehi,
    SYABAS !! Tun akan kembali menyertai UMNO, maka hilang lah kerinduan kami terhada TUN selama tiada di dalam UMNO tempoh hari.
    Saya setuju dengan ‘nadim’ yang menyarankan pihak media menyiarkan ruang khas tulisan2 TUN dalam akhbar2 mereka. At least orang yg tiada dapat access dari internet at least mereka boleh baca melalui akhbar dan penjualan akhbar2 mereka pasti laris. Ya lah benda2 mcm cerita yg tak ade faedah boleh disiarkan seperti kes rogol, zina, cerita2 artis bercerai berai yang mengaibkan apa perlu diheboh2 kan. Jadi terimalah saranan ini agar pihak media lebih maju dan peka kpd keadaan sekeling yg lebih mencabar lagi.
    Selamat kembali TUN, we always love U….

  414. Assalamualaikum YDH Tun,
    Adakah betul YDH Tun mahu kembali ke dalam UMNO?Kalau betul mohon beritahu apakah sebab utamanya? Kepada yang membantah tindakan YDH Tun hendak masuk semula dalam UMNO, ingatlah bahawa YDH Tun lebih berpengalaman daripada kita. Mesti YDH Tun sudah mempunyai rancangan tertentu untuk dilaksanakan bagi menstabilkan semula keadaan..
    p/s : YDH Tun, mohon terbitkan buku mengenai cara hidup sihat yang Tun amalkan supaya saya boleh didik anak-anak saya menjadi sebijak dan sesihat Tun.

  415. Assalamualaikum YDH Tun,
    Adakah betul YDH Tun mahu kembali ke dalam UMNO?Kalau betul mohon beritahu apakah sebab utamanya? Kepada yang membantah tindakan YDH Tun hendak masuk semula dalam UMNO, ingatlah bahawa YDH Tun lebih berpengalaman daripada kita. Mesti YDH Tun sudah mempunyai rancangan tertentu untuk dilaksanakan bagi menstabilkan semula keadaan..
    p/s : YDH Tun, mohon terbitkan buku mengenai cara hidup sihat yang Tun amalkan supaya saya boleh didik anak-anak saya menjadi sebijak dan sesihat Tun.

  416. The social contract is a strong underpinning of Malaysian society and essential for the stability of the country. Of course as we can see from the cases of Thailand and Indonesia, even with clear racial majorities and social integration practiced, this does not necessarily mean that stability is ensured. Malaysia actually faces even stronger challenges than other countries due to the racial composition of the social framework and it is easy to imagine that a single spark can destroy overnight what took 50 years to build.
    Any yet it is truly sad that something which took 50 years to build is still so fragile. There has to be something fundamentally flawed which needs to be corrected if the social contract still needs so much effort to be balanced.
    There are countries in which racial minorities are not discontented and where there are significant mixes of races without such extreme balancing needed. In all of those cases the primary determinant of stability is the economy. If the people are well off and the country is strong, stability is a given. I will not debate on whether the non chinese in Singapore are oppressed, but i think a true test is that will they move to Malaysia if offered? I seriously doubt so as the singaporean non chinese i know are quite happy where they are. Of course there are the usual grouses against the government, but even the chinese have their complaints there. But when their currency is strong and economy is stable, employment is available, crime rates are low, why should they even think of moving to another country? It is argues that Singapore is small and easily governed and yet economically there is always emphasis on economies of scale. Whatever they do or implement a larger country should be able to do on a cheaper per unit basis.
    Unfortunately when we begin to compare our selves to others, our MPs will just comment, if you don’t like Malaysia then leave. Well if that is the thinking improvement will never arrive and the great Vision 2020 is becoming more and more like a pipe dream.
    Anyway, Tun it is great to hear that you are rejoining UMNO, it wuld be great to see you work from within to restore UMNO and hence BN. I’m sure the people still love BN and would support it if there was good leadership in place once again.
    Good luck in your struggle but don’t give up blogging.

  417. Dear Tun,
    Malaysians of various ethnic backgrounds have learned to tolerate the rights of every citizen through information and civilized discussion from the government you lead. Sensitive issues raised that could be detrimental to the harmony of the various races in Malaysia were counteract with intellect. It is sad to know that such actions that could tone down racial intolerance do not prevail anymore.
    Having said that, history cannot be re-written and we cannot override our thoughts and emotions with “what should have been done” over “what have been done”. The core issue is that the social contract that previous leaders of the three major ethnic group has agreed upon should be upheld and respected by present and future generations. I am sure the previous leaders who had establish the social contract had insight and foresight that such social contract was a good move towards racial tolerance and harmony in our beloved country. This has to be clearly stated by the present government so that we can end sensitive issues which revolves around the social contract from being aroused. In this blessed month of Ramadhan, may we seek refuge in ALLAH against all evil doings as stated in the following verse of the Quran: “And if (at any time) an incitement to discord is made to thee by the Evil One, seek refuge in Allah. He is the One Who hears and knows all things”.(Surah Fussilat, verse 36).

  418. cek kesian kat Dato Ahmad… awat boleh jadi lagu ni TUN?
    cek suka perjuangan depa!

  419. The selfishness & stupidity of human always leads to disaster. I’ve read toady that Ahmad Ismail has been suspended for 3 years, but he still thinks that he is doing the right building houses along the coast of ‘Tsunami May Struck Area’. Only the one who wanted to be call ‘Hero’ would do such childish things. He totally forgot he is againts ‘Mother Nature’. The leader that lesds his commarades & put them at risk is not a ‘Hero..but a ‘Killer’. He should build his so call ‘houses’ far from the danger zone, so he & his commarades would have time to prepare for a coming ‘Tsunami’. His speech & in-appropriate behaviour has challenge our GOV the quality of our leader. We do not need someone that could transform younger generation to have ‘Segregation & Discrimination’ NESTED in their brains. We need a ‘Hero’ that leads to HARMONY, not putting ourlives at risk.

  420. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Welcome back to UMNO for second time eventhough I still doubt your main reason as it already contradicted with your previous pledge 4 months ago that you would only return if Pak Lah resigned.
    Anyway, the social contract issue is being debated now as malay many professionals or ‘minority’ as you said is willing to share power as long as the leaders are capable by neglecting the race, and religion.
    I believe this is the consequences that Our Vision 2020 is all about. We need capable leaders to lead our country without corruption, to be a good example to the people.
    While BN still believe in racial concept, divide and rule strategy to achieve the vision, many young professionals have different way of approach. Its not that they dont really like the BN style, its just too much corruption and selective management being practised by the goverment have make them unsatisfied.
    I believe Malaysia need this well educated professionals eventhough they are minority. After all we dont need corruptors, less educated, short sighted, races chauvinists, etc to be our leaders. Just look at our neighbor Singapore, how fast their country progress politically to be one of the best place to stay in the world. They used to be part of Malaysia, can we learn something, for goodsake of everyone?

  421. 1. Kempemimpinan UMNO buat keputusan untuk gantung keahlian Ahmad Ismail kerana kes “kenyataan bersifat hasutan” berkait “hubungan bangsa”. Itu hak UMNO.
    2. Ahmad Ismail bercakap dihadapan 200 orang sewaktu kempen pilihanraya, di satu tempat, dalam kawasan Permatang Pauh. Bermacam faktor terlibat dalam keadaan sedemikian.
    3. Sebuah akbar berbahasa Cina, Sin Chew Jit Poh, telah melapor isi ceramah Ahmad tersebut, dan pembacanya jauh lebih besar daripada 200 orang. Antara Ahmad Ismail dan akhbar Sin Chew Jit Poh, siapa yang lebih berpengaruh untuk mampu mewujudkan kekacauan? Ahmad Ismail cuma pemimpin bahagian yang tidak pun dikenali pada peringkat nasional. Koh Tsu Koon adalah pemimpin nasional parti terkenal Gerakan, dan bekas Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, terkenal bukan sahaja di Malaysia. Antara Ahmad dan Koh Tsu Koon, siapa yang lebih berpotensi untuk melancarkan kekacauan?
    4. Kenapa pengarang Sin Chew Jit Poh meneruskan penerbitan isi kandungan berita yang berpotensi menjadi sensasi itu? Kenapa pengarang tersebut tidak terus melapurkan kepada polis, atau mengarahkan pemberitanya supaya terus melapurkan kepada polis jika mereka berpendapat ada kes “hasutan”? Antara Ahmad Ismail dan pengarang Sin Chew Jit Poh, siapa yang lebih “berniat jahat”, jika itulah sebab Ahmad Ismail digantung? Antara Ahmad dan Sin Chew Jit Poh, siapa yang lebih banyak dapat untung, sama ada dari segi kewangan, populariti atau pengaruh, jika keluarkan atau sebarkan kenyataan sedemikian?
    5. Bila semua perkara seperti ini berlaku, siapa yang rugi? Siapa yang untung?
    6. Saya amat benci kepada percakapan dan tindakan yang bersifat perkauman. Tetapi keadilan adalah hak sejagat. Keadilan tidak akan tertegak bila ‘kemenangan’ berpihak kepada ‘kita’. Kemenangan bukan bererti keadilan. Keadilan adalah keadilan.
    Abezi – cuma mengutarakan persoalan-persoalan yang tidak mampu dijawab sendiri.


  423. Salam Tun….
    Apa kata, kiranya ada hitam putih tentang social conract ni…Sebarkan untuk tatapan umum?…Bagi semua rakyat Malaysia faham…jadi, tak perlu timbul lagi isu ni….Saya selaku generasi lepas merdeka sendiri tak faham pasal isu social contract ni…. Mana dia? Lagi satu Tun, aduhai, kenapa sekarang Tun join semula (malu nak sebut nama parti sebab pak lah masih lagi ada)? Ke, lagi sekali kenyataan Tun di putar belit atau disalah erti atau ditokok tambah? Biasala paper malaysia ni……

  424. Semoga Sihat Sejahtera Ayahanda Tun,
    -Saya sokong kalau Tun masuk balik UMNO, tapi minta Badawi dan KJ turun, mana mungkin Tun dapat bekerja ngan diorang nie…
    -Hidup Tun!!!!…

  425. YB Tun, semoga mendapat keberkatan di bulan posa ini.
    1. Benar seperti yang Tun tulis perasaan perkauman semakin meningkat dan terus meningkat di negara kita sekarang. Saya rakyat biasa di bahagian paling bawah sangat merasainya.
    2. Puncanya mungkin :
    i. Kelemahan kepimpinan tertinggi yang sedia ada. Mereka takut bertindak di peringkat awal dulu kerana takut tidak popular. Akibatnya sekarang mereka menjadi semakin tidak popular.
    ii. Bapa Kehancuran Melayu iaitu DS Anuar Ibrahim yang masih petah berkata-kata dan pandai berpura-pura.
    iii. Golongan professional tertentu yang suka keadaan ini berlaku supaya mereka dapat menangguk di air keruh agar agenda mereka dapat dilaksanakan
    iv. Hasutan dari luar negara yang memang mahu kita rakyat Malaysia sentiasa curiga-mencurigai dan bergaduh agar Malaysia tidak dapat menjadi negara maju, sentiasa bermasalah, lemah dari segi politik, ekonomi dan ketentaraan
    3. Jadi… kepimpinpinan yang ada mesti bertindak agresif, drastik dan efisien untuk membenteras keadaan yang semakin parah ini. Lebih baik memotong buluh-buluh yang dah keras itu daripada buluh-buluh tersebut menghempap rumah kita, sebelum terlambat…
    Sejahtera Malaysia.

  426. Salam Ayahnda Tun,
    saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan selamat menyambut bulan ramathan yang mulia buat Ayahnda sekeluarga,
    saya ingin sekali bertemu dengan Ayahnda dan ingin mendapat pandangan dan pendapat serta idea bernas dari Ayahnda Tun tentang proposal perniagaan yang akan saya ceburi dan bagaimana tuk saya laksanakan supaya berjaya di masa hadapan, jika berkesempatan bila dan bagaimana boleh saya bertemu dengan Ayahnda Tun nama saya Nizam Bin Darus email saya [email protected] saya berharap sangat supaya Ayahnda Tun boleh luangkan masa Ayahnda tuk bertemu dengan saya yang dahagakan tunjuk ajar dari Ayahnda Tun.
    Nizam Darus

  427. Good morning Tun,
    I genuinely sense that you’re concerned. So am I. I read somewhere that great problem solvers work on dilemmas rather than problems. That’s where you’re coming from. A dialectical tension exist between liberialism/meritocracy and focus on the status quo. What you are postulating – striking a balance is the answer. It does not necessarily have to be about invoking new policies. It could be about reframing our thoughts, paradigms – like in this case going back to what our founding fathers created in creating balance.
    How I wished you could be ushered in into active politics to make a difference.
    God bless you and your loved ones.

  428. Over the years, through experience and exposure have made Malaysians, irrespective of racial origins and religious beliefs very much matured.
    The oppurtunists can continue on instigating, and no amount of instigations will make Malaysians fight racially.
    Malaysians have already realised their vital voting right and we have sat our mind undividedly on the kind of goverment in power that we want.

  429. Tun,This racial issue has been going on for far too long.For 22 long years you have been fanning the fire of Racism and till now it haven’t stop.What do you want really?Do you want to see all the races fighting against one another so you can laugh until you drop dead?Please its time you put a stop to all this nonsense and let us get on with what we want to do with our life.You are old already and whatever you say now will not see light at the end of the day.You will leave nothing behind but only hatred.We the younger generation will chart a new course for a new malaysia.You have play your part and it’s time now for us to play our part.Is that FAIR.Like what you say ‘even if the malays are stupid, they must be given a chance’.’Even if they failed a number of times, they must be helped and given hangouts’.’Even if they are slow other races have to wait’.All this EVENS is what makes the malays been called Ketuanan Melayu.Is that so? I don’t see any!This so call Ketuanan Melayu is just a phrase use to please the malays into thinking that the gov’t do really play a part in helping some malays to be rich and successful.But infact if not millions,thousands have failed.So leave us alone.You rest while we work.

  430. Hi Tun.M,
    U adalah ex-PM M’sia yang kita semua hormati, pandai, x racast, x mamak, kuat….
    Harap cepat cepat tubangkan regim PakLah yang bodoh, lemah….
    Sudi hati murni mu, syukur saudara Anwar dapat jadi PM yang baru.
    (Harapan Baru Untuk Malaysia)

  431. Dear TDM
    I think Pak Lah would have done better had you not put so much pressure on him. I wonder how the removal of Pak Lah is going to ease the so called problems in Malaysia. What kind of changes can DPM Najib can bring about? If it was possible, Najib would have made the changes, in the first. Why wait for Pak Lah to go?
    Racial sentiment is not new to Malaysians. It has been there all the time. It was just that non-Malays dare not raise their voice under your autocratic rule. Yet Malays were quite free to voice. Now, I think all races are free to voice. I think nobody can suppress that artificially. That is the trend. People would attain maturity, sooner or later, to discuss sensitive topics, and that should be encouraged.

  432. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    Ada sesetengah budak Melayu tak sedar dek untung, mereka ini telah mendapat habuan dari DEB dan hak hak istimewa orang Melayu. Budak2 Melayu lulusan tinggi ini memandu kereta mewah dan berumah besar di Kuala Lumpur. Ada pula yang telah berkahwin dengan bangsa Cina, India dan orang Inggeris. Bagi mereka kejayaan dan kekayaan yang di perolehi adalah drpd usaha mereka sendiri. Mereka telah melupakan DEB Kerajaan BN dan bangsa Melayu. Mereka lupa melihat warna kulit mereka yang sawa matang dan hidung yang kembang. Suruhlah mereka berbogel di depan cermin dan lihat apa warna bontot mereka!
    Budak2 Melayu ini lah yang menaja gerakan hak samarata dengan bangsa2 lain. Mereka telah dipengaruhi dengan cara hidup,dipengaruhi oleh pasangan hidup serta dipengaruhi oleh anak2 mereka.
    Pada pandangan saya memang tepat masanya Tun menulis pasal ini. Jumlah mereka ini mesti dibendung atau dikecilkan dengan mengenal pasti dan mendekati mereka. Mereka ini kalau tidak kena gaya dalam memberi teguran akan mengkritik, mengherdik dan menghalau orang yang memberikan teguran tersebut.
    Kaedah istimewa perlu di cari dalam menyedarkan golongan Melayu elit ini. Mereka ini sudah terlalu kaya dan terlalu pandai. Dibawah mereka pula mereka menggaji ramai kakitangan profesional lain yang telah berkongsi idea dengan mereka.
    Mmg tersangat susah menangani golongan ini. Tahniah Tun kerana nampak masalah yang telah menjadi barah kepada orang orang Melayu.
    Kalau diharapkan pemimpin Melayu yang seorang lagi untuk memikirkan masalah ini rasa2nya tak ada harapan la.

  433. YAB Ayahanda Tun,
    You said, “I did not like putting this on my blog. But I have no access to the Government.”. You kept mentioning “They”. Who is this “They”. As I see it, all this is UMNO’s views. The last election results told a different story.
    Well, I heard you are joining UMNO, hence you cannot say this anymore. Yes, if only you had not left UMNO.
    It is very disturbing and disappointing to see you being labled a “Racist” resulting from your views on matters such as Social Contract, Affirmative Action and even the “recalcitrant” Ahmad Ismail’s racist remarks.
    What’s become of you, YAB Tun?. Why do you indulge in this line of thinking. Do you realise how you are contributing and incensing racism through your postings and outburst.
    I was sad to read Mohon Maaf and after Mohon Maaf2, I could not help see through that you are doing this because of your disgust with UMNO leadership, specifically Abdullah Badawi for not listening or doing the way you wanted.
    I am not sure what difference you are going to make to the current political upheaval gripping the country. Buut please go ahead and do whatever is necessary but don’t drag down whatever reformations and transformations that is working towards breaking down all forms of discrimination of “racisim”. But, lets move forward and not hide behind old curtains by frightening people how fragile our democracy and political maturity is.
    I welcome the minority Malays who believe in their own self esteem, pride and merits of not having to live on the crutches. Yes, the larger majority won’t agree because you and UMNO continue to support and hide under the Social Contract thing.
    Now that you are joining, are you going in to create more chaos or help them come to the fold!. Why don’t Tun write something constructive on measures and actions that can stabilise and promote the long term development racial harmony and realising the Malaysian Malaysia. To do so, you have to refrain from making remarks that smacks of racism and favouritism.
    In your Affirmative Action article, you said, eventually (at some point in time) it has to go. Well, that’s what the Non Malays have been asking since the end of NEP. But when ?? Do we need a cristal ball?. How about 2015, leaving 5 years to recover in time vision 2020.
    Best wishes and prayers.

  434. Assalamualaikum TUN.
    Selamat kembali ke UMNO.
    Semoga dengan kedatang TUN kembali ke UMNO akan menyembuhkan semua luka-luka dan bisul-bisul lama malah yang baru juga. TUN kali ni bubuh ubat dan penawar banyak2. Biar cepat kebah dan sembuh.
    Selamay Hari Raya TUN.
    Ada duit raya ka TUN untuk saya.
    Love u always TUN.

  435. I question if some of the readers who comment on this blog actually understand or even read what’s written!
    It appears some just add a mundane “we support you, Tun!” and go on to bash the government and ask for PakLahs head regardless of whats in the article/entry!
    On the other side, some take the oppurtunity to bash Tun and call him racist, out of date, etc without caring whats written at all! Please people, if you dont understand the language or meaning, refrain from commenting on this particular article. Sheesh!
    From my understanding, Tun finds the minority of young Malay professionals “refreshing” so this means he is not against a level playing feild for all races! He is concerned about the opposite where the majority of young Malays want to abolish the social contract by making Malaysia fully “Malay” via arms or international interference.
    Those of you who are so against the Social Contract need to vent your frustation at the right issue… faulty implementation, corrupt and oppurtunistic bumis, etc. The Social Contract itself is not a vessel of evil/racism if properly implemented for the correct individuals. There are still farmers and fishermen out there who make 700RM a month to support 5 kids, who need this contract to send their kids to Universities.
    Eventually the day will come when this Social Contract will not be necessary and I pray it comes quick. The patience of the non-bumis is not infinite and like it or not, we need to learn to play on a level playing field, the way it should be.

  436. Abdullah had done a wonderful job regardless of what people said abt him. He could not undo much of the damage created the last 22 years.

  437. /// 8. In short they seem to reject the social contract altogether and to go back to the situation before the leaders of the communities made their bargain. ///
    Dear Tun, bottomline is – you cannot have the cake and eat it too. Or more pertinently, after having eaten the cake, you still want another cake.
    If we were to go back to pre-Independence day, then Malaya should be governed by the British. Given its track record of superior administration, and seeing how Hong Kong had prospered under the British when all HK had were some barren islands, I am sure Malaya would by now be more prosperous than Hong Kong if it remained a British colony.
    As to the social contract, someone had already pointed out – it should apply only to the first generation of Malaysians who were party to that contract. The minute the contract was struck, the Chinese and Indians had become Malaysian citizens. Ergo, their children and offspring born in Malaysia will automatically be Malaysian citizens.
    As an analogy, the social contract was a property sale, and not a property lease. There is consideration when I sell you the property, and you pay me cash. I cannot expect you to pay me the sale price every year, every ten year, or every election year. It is not rentals that have to be paid every month.
    Foreigners working in Malaysia, (or if you want to stretch it, include Permanent Residents), are here temporary and are renting the place. But Citizens, by definition, are here for perpetuity – they bought the freehold property. They have already paid the huge property price upfront.

  438. (1) You are wrong TUN
    (2) Many of my malays collegues are not support/agree the NEP and
    the so called social contract at all.
    (3) They are actually the products of the politicians, especially
    the malays politicians to gain benefits from the projects,
    (4) Mostly they believe that all malaysians should be treated
    equally, compete with their own abilites. Why the Malays been
    labelled as weak and need to be helped while in fact they are
    protected and never been explored of their talents?
    (5) Stop the politicians’ political languages. They are the people
    who created the tensions and problems.

  439. Tun,
    Saya amat bersetuju dgn pendapat chua88 diatas. Semua Racial Tension ini telah di gembar gembur kan oleh ahli politik itu sendiri, baik dari parti kerjaan ataupun pembangkang.Pastinya mereka ini menpunyai agenda mereka tersendiri. Kami majoriti rakyat jelata masih seperti dahulu. Bekerja, tinggal & bergaul bersama sama tanpa merasakan apa apa syak wasangka.
    Kami hanya ketawa apabila berbicara dan melihat gelagat ahli ahli politik yang kurang matang seperti anak nak kami di tadika samada di dewan rakyat ataupun di dada akhbar.Mereka cuba menjadi hero kaum mereka dengan slogan untuk memperjuangkan nasib kaum masing masing. Kami hanya tersenyum sinis melihat badut badut ini dan bertambah meluat apabila membuat perbandingan diantara slogan mereka dengan harta harta mereka yang mereka ada.
    Ahli ahli politik ini jugalah yang menbuatkan kami rakyat jelata tidak senang duduk. Ada pula yang gila kuasa dan bercita cita mahu menubuhkan kerajaan baru tanpa memikirkan bahawa mereka itu telah dipilih oleh rakyat setempat untuk membantu mereka. Tanggungjawab asas mereka masih lagi tidak di tunaikan seperti tetapi sibuk pula untuk memerintah negara.
    Pada hemat saya dan rakan rakan yang bukan melayu, ahli ahli politik yang seperti in patut ditembak dan dihantarkan ke neraka sahaja….
    Tolonglah, kami hanya ingin hidup aman damai bersama rakyat malaysia yang lain di negara kami yang tercinta ini.

  440. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    Welcome back to UMNO. We (desperately) need you right now.
    I will rejoin UMNO as soon as your application is approved by the HQ.

  441. Good day to you Tun and selamat berpuasa:
    People………people, or the citizen of Malaysia. there are major power struggle among political parties (within UMNO, MCA MIC and Gerakan) there is also the BN vs PR.
    Please, all these happenings after 8th Maech are all games played by the politician. Whoever wins, we common people still have to work to earn a living. Not that you choose a side and you no need to work after they won and you live happily ever after. Stop being so naive and join in the unhealthy political game blindly.
    When dust settle. lives go on…………………..
    Selamat berpusa and good day to all.

  442. Maybe our country would be better off if we are still under British. No social contract issue, the Malays remain as tuan of the land, and the practice of good governance. Less to fight about because everybody cukup makan. Tunku has made mistake about giving the citizenship, anyway, al-Fatihah for him in this blessed Ramadan

  443. tuan,kamu merupakan seorang tu yang berjaya dan cerdik..betulni..
    sejak tuan tidak menjadi perdana menteri malaysia, adakan tuan mendapati sosial malaysia telah menjadi buruk?? rasa sedih juga apabila memngetahui sesetengah orang tidak menghormati tuan..tuan,saya akan menyokong tuan selama lamanya..
    saya percaya cuma ada tuan yang dapat menyelamatkan kami semua ni sekarang…jangan biar non malay dibenci oleh lah yang hurt kami semua ni..
    kalau non-malay adalah pendatang,bagaimana dengan orang asli di malaysia ??adakan mereka juga pendatang??
    kerajaan telah menjalankan progran latihan khidmat negara,mengapakan kami semua ni tidak dapat bersatu padu?? sejarah nak berulang balik ke?? harap tidak…tuan,sila selamatkan malaysia..

  444. Salam Bahagia Tun,
    I really hope that recent “racist remarks” will come to an end, we need to move forward, we need to “cari makan”, for ourselves and our families.
    My simple wish here is good health for Tun, and let’s hope that Malaysia will be in peace for what it used to be.

  445. 1. Before we complaint to our PM now,please think twist why all these problems happened now? Is that all happen because of just 5 years time mangement under PM Abdullah??
    2. The problems were happen since many years ago, but the condition of economy still good at last time not like now, so our people start reliase that the proper management system and policy of government is a must to maintence the good future of our country.
    3. If the thinking of Malaysian still not change, Malaysia will not achieve the Vision 2020. Because we still use too much time on racist issues, not concentrate in the country economy.
    4. We want the help to really poor people no matter they are Malay, Chinese, India, Kadazan, Iban or other races. Not the politician friends, relatives, partner and so on…
    5. Too much of money wasted in the gaint project because not open tender to all contractor…the contract awarded to the selective people that so call partnership..
    6. Privatisation is a good practice in develop country to reduce cost and provide good services and management in Develop Country. But in Malaysia, the privatisation will increase the cost but no better services and managment provided. When a privatisation company loss money… Government just know how to help them…the cost will all go to the RAKYAT…

  446. Assalamualaikum Tun & bloggers
    Bila berbicara tentang soal kontrak sosial & perpaduan kaum, saya selalu teringat kata-kata aruah ayah saya semasa kecil dahulu. Katanya dan dia selalu mengulangi kata-kata itu, di Malaysia ini hanya ada 2 bangsa sahaja, iaitu bangsa kaya & bangsa tidak kaya. Bangsa kaya yg menganggotai UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC dll saling tolong menolong sesama mereka. Bagi orang-orang politik, kata aruah ayah, adalah perkara biasa ‘aku tolong kau dapat kontrak, kau hulur duit kpd aku’. Atau ‘aku rekomen anugerah bintang kepada kau, kau beri angpau kepada aku’. Atau ‘aku tolong ini, kau bantu itu’, dan seterusnya lagi dan lagi saling tolong menolong demi wang dan kuasa. Bagi orang-orang kampung seperti kami, ketika itu kami juga tolong menolong walaupun nama kami ialah Ali, Ah Chong atau Muniandy. Saya tinggal di kampung Melayu di Seberang Perai yg berjiran dengan perkampungan Cina dan sedikit kelompok komuniti India. Setiap hari apabila ke sekolah saya & rakan-rakan melalui perkampungan Cina yg ada ladang ternakan babi. Kadang-kadang jiran Cina kami meminta izin dari ayah untuk mengambil tanaman untuk makanan babi ternakan mereka dan bapa selalu berkata kepada jiran Cina kami dia tidak perlu minta izin, ambil sahajalah tanaman itu kerana ia adalah anugerah Tuhan. Jiran Cina kami pula selalu memberi lebihan hasil sayuran yang dijualnya pada hari itu seperti timun, kacang dan keledek kepad kami dengan percuma sahaja diiringi senyuman ikhlas. Jika ada majlis perkahwinan, kami tidak lupa menjemput jiran Cina kami dan pekedai-pekedai Cina pula sekali sekala mengadakan kenduri dengan menjemput pelanggan-pelanggan Melayu yg dimasak sendiri oleh tukang masak Melayu. Apabila Hari Raya Puasa kami tidak lupa memberi kueh raya kepada jiran Cina kami dan mereka juga berbuat demikian pada setiap Tahun Baru Cina. Hubungan kami sungguh baik, hingga apabila berlaku tragedi 13 Mei 1969 yg dicetuskan oleh pelampau-pelampau politik termasuk dari UMNO, MCA dan Gerakan keharmonian hidup kami tidak sedikitpun terjejas.
    Kami di kampung ketika itu tidak pernah ambil tahu apa itu kontrak sosisal di antara orang Melayu dan bukan-Melayu. Tanpa faham erti kontrak sosial pun kami boleh hidup aman damai.
    Kini hubungan baik seperti suasana di kampung dahulu itu hanya tinggal sebagai nostalgia semasa kecil. Saya menyaksikan kini anak-anak saya tidak lagi mempunyai hubungan baik dengan anak-anak bukan Melayu ketika di sekolah. Saya melihat pelajar-pelajar lebih suka berkumpul dan berkawan dalam kelompok kaumnya sahaja. Di taman perumahan kami walaupun ada jiran di belakang rumah terdiri dari kaum Cina dan India, tetapi tiada hubungan erat seperti di kampung dahulu. Masing-masing buat hal sendiri-sendiri sahaja.
    Saya percaya apa yg digelar kontrak sosial hanya secebis ilusi orang-orang politik UMNO yang mempermainkannya di kala mereka dalam kesempitan dan kesusahan. Bila menang besar dalam pilihanraya, yang dibincangkan hanya soal kontrak berbilion ringgit. Soal survival orang Melayu sama ada masih nak hidup atau nak mati tidak penting kerana ia di luar dari jangkauan dollar & cents. Tapi apabila parti tokoh-tokoh politik ini tewas dalam pilihanraya, isu kontrak sosial dipermainkan untuk menarik balik sokongan kaum Melayu yg hanya mereka ingat kewujudannya di dunia ini di kala parti mereka susah sahaja.
    Kepada pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC dll parti politik perkauman, hentikanlah sandiwara murahan anda. Jangan bersandiwara lagi atas nama perkauman sempit yang meloyakan tekak kami rakyat marhaen. Terimalah kenyataan bahawa semua kita adalah tetamu Allah di dunia ini. Terimalah juga kenyataan bahawa mengikut sejarah semua kaum Melayu, Cina dan India adalah pendatang di negara ini, cuma ada yang datang lebih 1,000 tahun, manakala yang lain ada pula yang baru datang antara 100 hingga 500 tahun yang lalu. Yang bukan pendatang hanyalah Orang Asli sahaja, malangnya kita gagal memberi layanan terbaik kepada mereka sebagai pribumi negara ini. Sejarah tetap sejarah, fakta tetap fakta. Jangan mempermainkan fakta sejarah kerana kepentingan politik perkauman sempit. Pandanglah ke hadapan bagi membina sebuah Malaysia baru yang bebas dari omongan politik perkauman sempit yang sangat busuk dan meloyakan itu. Marilah kita sama-sama selamatkan Malaysia dari api perkauman sempit yang boleh menghancurkan negara. Mereka orang-orang kaya boleh lari dan terbang ke Taiwan atau ke mana sahaja selepas mereka mencetuskan huru hara di negara ini, tapi kami rakyat marhaen yang tiada berwang hanya dapat menyaksikan segala malapetaka hasil perbuatan tokoh-tokoh politik yang busuk dan meloyakan itu.
    Salam Ramadhan kepada Tun & keluarga. SELAMATKAN MALAYSIA!!!

  447. Salam YM Tun,
    1. first time commenting here;
    2. appreciate your crash course on the social contract; especially to us, the younger generation;
    3. hope you can comment on the best course of action; apart from leaving the country, if Pak Lah still insist on clinging on to power : ))


  449. Assalamualaikum Tun, Tulisan saya yang disiarkan dalam Tematajdid dot com, adalah menyentuh soal yang Tun perkatakan. Dan sememangnya saya juga timbulkan persoalan : apakah perlu diadakan kontrak sosial yang baru.
    Cuma maksud saya lain sikit dari Tun. Saya bukan nak menegakkan apa jua yang telah dikontrakkan, tetapi menekankan setelah 50 tahun, sememangnya perlu dinilai semula (review). Malangnya, hal ini tidak di pick up oleh mana-mana pihak.
    Satu perkara lagi, apa yang saya bimbangkan bukanlah masalah konflik ras, tetapi wujudknya golongan Melayu yang memberontak pemerintahan yang diketuai oleh Melayu. Ini hanya mengundang golongan militan, khususnya, puak Islam. Ini pun telah saya nyatakan, dan apa yang berlaku oleh D.Ahmad Ismail adalah difahami, dan mungkin juga menjuruskan apa yang saya bimbangkan.
    Untuk menyelesaikan soal ini, apa yang saya cadangkan pula bukanlah pertukaran pemimpin, termasuk Pak Lah, seperti yang Tun sarankan. Apa yang perlu dlakukan ialah mengenalpasti isi kandungan kontrak sosial yang baru itu, dan sewajarnya setiap kaum itu mengemukakan cadanganya untuk dibahaskan secara tertutup dan bertanggungjawab.
    Saya orang Melayu, dan saya tetap bela orang Melayu. Tetapi, terpenting ialah merujuk kepada ajaran Islam dalam menyelesaikan sebarang pertelingkahan. Ini kerana Islam telah pun menyatakan apa yang akan berlaku sekiranya ajaran Islam diganggugugat, baik oleh umatnya, atau pun bukan umatnya.
    Maksud saya di sini tentang ajaran Islam itu ialah sunnahtullah, serta qada dan qadarnya. Ini kerana sunnahtullah ini meliputi semua manusia dan bangsa, termasuk agama. Sejarah menunjukkan bagaimana manusia, bangsa dan agama jatuh dan bangun. Cuma, yang ditafsir ialah dari sudut sejarah, bukan dari sudut amaran dan ajaran Islam, yakni dari Allah swt. yang menjadikan manusia dan bumi dan alam seluruhnya.
    Sehubungan dengan itu juga, nasib kaum Melayu, sama dengan nasib kaum-kaum lain… dan mereka mampu mengubahnya jika mereka mengubah diri mereka sendiri. Maksudnya, ikhlas dan jujur dalam menghormati kaum dan bangsa lain. Jangan bimbangkan tentang negara, ekonomi, krisis dan sebagainya, kerana titik mula dan asas ialah kita sendiri.
    Saya percaya, sesiapa yang membaca komen ini masih samar kerana terlalu terkongkong dengan situasi yang ada. Jangan panik kerana Islam boleh menyelamatkan bangsa Melayu, wilayahnya, ekonominya dan sebagainya.

  450. Dr M.
    Malaysians are fighting among themselves for a tiny piece of leftover crumb. The country must utilize it’s best and brightest to fight for the bigger piece of the world pie. We are all not looking at the bigger picture and will always stay behind as a third world country.
    If we continue along this racial policies, bumis will always have this “tongkat” mentality like you said before and never learn to compete. If bumis are not exposed to stiff competition at home, they will be slaughtered in the world’s business arena. We need to be able to compete with the rest of the world to continue to achieve a better standard of living. Why not let the bumis compete at par with the non bumis and achieve a stronger competitive edge over a generation.
    Singapore is a good example of utilizing it’s best and brightest. Eventhough Singapore is not perfect, at least it has overtaken Malaysia in leaps and bounds since independence in terms of competetive edge. The Singapore Malays (Melayu Republic) are very different in their mental approach to competition compared to Malays in Malaysia and eventhough their fathers may have started off lagging behind the Chinese or Indians, the new generation of Malays in Singapore are now extremely competitive.
    We all have to sacrifice a bit to get better and it seems that Malaysia thinks that it can live in isolation and keep it’s outdated social contract and still expect to live in a land of plenty. The whole world is getting more competitive as the world’s population grows. Former Communist satellite countries are now hungry for more luxury materials and willing to work hard and less for it. Global economy has everything turned upside down with less competitive countries like Malaysia losing out to former uninvested countries like Vietnam, India and China.
    Malaysia’s population has more than doubled since 1975 and has many more mouths to feed. Instead of asking for quantity, Malaysia should focus on quality of it’s people, education and competitiveness.
    Alas, all is in vain if there are still people like Ahmad Ismail who thinks along racial lines. I’m not a strong supporter of all of SM Lee Kuan Yew’s policies but his call for a meritocracy Malaysian Malaysia in 1965 is one that really make sense. Welcome all ye best and brightest as I’ll make haste to utilize all your talents to make my country better.

  451. Kalay kita tidak berhatihati Malaysia akan jadi seperti Lebanon. Kita akan ada green lines all over the country to limit movements of the various ethnic groups to safeguard us from each other. The differnt races will live separately. Food supply will be controlled.All services [hospitals, schools,shops and transports] will be adversely affected all over the country.
    The parliament and constitution will be suspended. There could still be some semblance of civil government but the military will mount up their control.
    Investors will immediately run out of the country. The ringgit will drop in value and become almost useless papers.
    We will of course continue to survive if we have not yet killed each other! But with misery and great difficulty. Our children will face gloomy and bleak future.
    And why all these have befallen our beloved nation???? WHY??? Just because of some stupid,arrogant, greedy, irresponsible politicians who have been for years peddling racial hatred among Malaysians. All UMNO, DAP, MCA,MIC, PAS, PBB, SUPP and all race based and religious based parties share the horrendous sin.
    Because of your actions and irresponsibility Malaysia, Allah forbid, can become a pariah country in the world one day.
    Let us be aware of the above scenario. Malays, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan,Melanaus,Bidayuh,Penan and all of us Malaysians…..let us take a step back….withdraw from this brink of disater. Push aside the politicians for a while…not everything in our life is political…..let us think for ourself, our children and their future…take a deep breath and taje another day to deal with those irresponsible politicians and throw them into oblivion. Our country and our nation does not just belong to politicians!!!!We do not have to listen to them all the time. Ignore them but during election do not elect them if they are stupid and irresponsible.
    All MALAYSIANS let us unite and protect our country and nation.

  452. A’kum wbt…
    Tun yang saya kagumi,
    Perjuangan yang belum selesai. Kami masih memerlukan Tun utk memberi semangat kepada perjuangan. DSAAB masih meraba-raba mencari penyelesaian yang tidak akan ditemui penghujungnya. Hasrat utk melepaskan jawatan kepada DSNTR pada pertengahan penggal pilihanraya tidak akan kesampaian. Rakyat dan Bangsa Melayu sudah tidak sanggup lagi menerima DSAAB sebagai pemimpin.
    Tun, kembalilah kepada UMNO dan teruskan perjuangan memelihara bangsa. Allah swt masih mahukan Tun memberi sumbangan kepada Bangsa.
    Sekian wasalam.

  453. Salam TUN,
    saya ni 1st time baca blog TUN, Saya ni pekerja bawahan industri perkilangan. Baru belajar pasal IT ni.Situasi skrg ni amat susah lepas TUN bersara. Industri perkilangan makin terancam disebabkan dasar kerajaan yang berubah kepada pertanian. Bukan masa zaman TUN dulu,sektor perkilangan amat berdaya saing.Kebanjiran pekerja luar tanpa kawalan membuatkan kami rasa amat membenci kerajaan skrg.Kekalahan BN dalam GE 2008 adalah berpunca rasa tidak puas hati kami para pekerja2 semua. Ini menjadikan PAKATAN RAKYAT satu alternatif kami untuk terus HIDUP.
    walaubagaimana pun, kami amat bimbang tentang perkara ini. Samaada betul atau tidak pilihan kami.TUN bantulah kami tangani perkara ini. Sementara TUN masih mampu berjuang untuk bangsa sendiri, kami amat berharap.Bangsa lain dah mula menunjukkan “TARING”.
    Apa kesudahannya kami pun tidak dapat menjangka.Mampukah DSAI menjadi PM.DSAI is avery smart politician. We are very scared….
    akhir kata hidup perlu di teruskan di bumi merdeka ini dan selamat berjuang…

  454. Kunci has a point.
    Racist sentiments between Malays and non-Malays only seem to be rising because our leaders make it so. For us at the lower hierarchy of the society get along fine. If we look closely at pre-March 8 events the party that lost the most seem to have used very controversial phrases in the war of words between them. Instigation was, is and will still be the key, Tun. And the things that happened after that are only the by-products of these actions.
    Gone are the days of the ‘leader knows best’ mentality where stern action was the only way to curb racist comments made by anyone in the open.
    We’ve placed ourselves in this mess. It is up to us to get ourself out of it. As of now we’re neglecting the true progress that our country needs to pay attention on. We must concentrate on the important issues so that we don’t get left behind.
    I end my rant with the famous words of Martin Luther King Jr., “Can’t We All Just Get Along?”

  455. Salam Tun, it would be very noble and brave for Pak Lah if he decides to quit, now. After, registered with red report card, plus the hotshot issue, the change of leadership must commence, now.
    I guess, issues can be so many things but the most important topic is not about the RACE but LEADERSHIP.
    Tun, your move to re-join UMNO is immpeccable when the party in dire straits for a change. Not forgetting the whole BN. I guess you do not have intention to be PM, again, do you? but I would rather peace this time around if the selection/evaluation process for the next PM would be done effectively 🙂
    It is hoped that you would play a pivotal role in rejuvenate/relandscape/reengineer/remerging & reacquisition…and so many RE..RE..
    May God bless us all.


    Prior to these talk about SOCIAL CONTRACT etc, I’ve only seen chinese as sort of motivational factor for me to do better in my studies etc…BUT post-8MAC, chinese suddenly became so vocal about SOCIAL CONTRACT, to the extent of calling Malays names such as lazy, stupid (openly or impliedly as they were questioning how after so many years Malays still not successful) etc etc

    So I spend my time to frequent Chinese dominated forums and chinese blogs just to listen to their story and ONE THING I’M SURE IS MOST CHINESE ARE OPPORTUNISTIC LOT THAT DEFINE EVERYTHING ACCORDING TO THEIR CONVENIENCE AND BENEFITS WHO WILL DO ANYTHING (even putar belit facts and sejarah) AND WILL NOT STOP UNTIL THEY GET WHAT THEY WANT
    i) They talk about abolishing NEP in the name of race equality, but when confonted about discrimination towards malay in private sectors, they don’t even touch on that or give assurance that they are willing to give and take in the matter
    ii) They also do not bother to study history as to why nep was created and whether this is the right time or all race are at same playing field…they just want to talk about meritocracy/equality as they realised they will benefit the most if these are materialised (I will write on how NEP abolishment + meritocracy will be beneficial to middle class + rich chinese and leave Malays/Indians merempat)
    iii) They are the defender of malaysian malaysia concept…saying they’re as much a malaysian as malay next door…but when confronted with the possibility of closing down chinese schools…i see how they are giving sooo many excuses….when asked why they can’t speak good malay…can’t answer….it is here that i see chinese are not sincere in malaysian malaysia but more towards malaysia-must-make-chinese-richer-and-powerful..How can we have Malaysian Malaysia if our kids are segregated from the beginning?
    iv)Sometimes I asked myself, where does their loyalty lies (this is also an issues in Canada/Australia/US regarding Chinese Immigrants who became their citizens OR even an issue in Singapore where Malay are not allowed to have a high position in military)..Should anything unfortunate happen to Malaysia (touchwood), are they going to be the ones who will fight alongside Malays to protect or will they be busy transferring their assets and money offshores?…
    And I also hate the way they putar belit sejarah to get what they want….300K chinese killed for Tanah Melayu is the laugh of the day….to the extent of trying to prove Malays are from Yunnan and a pendatang as well (even if we are, we are here before you and if you open a company first, would you in your right mind give same rights to partner who comes after the company was discovered to have assets such as tin,gold etc – chinese are mostly businessman so I hope they can answer this truthfully in their heart) and conveniently missing the facts of Kesultanan Melayu…What I see is
    they don’t bother to tell the truth but pick and choose as they like..HOW CAN THERE BE TRUST IN THIS CASE?
    Please do not forget the history of Singapore-Malaysia…Lee Kwan Yew using Malaysian Malaysia concept which means equality for all races but when he have his own country, HE USE EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO DISCRIMINATE MALAYS TO THE EXTENT OF TAK BOLEH PAKAI TUDUNG KE SEKOLAH (I’ve posted a lot of proof in my other comments), so SHOULD MALAYS JUST DISREGARD THIS AS WELL? If we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it
    For me it’s simple, a contract is valid when there is consideration between 2 parties. In this case, Malays gave citizenship in return to Hak Istimewa….If one of the cosideration is rebuked, it is natural tu assume that the contract is invalid/annulled, hence both of consideration will be invalid as well….BTW contract is NOT VALID if consideration is only from ONE SIDE only
    BTW, as much as Ahmad deserves whatever he gets, I can’t help but wonder how come Uncle Lim + Karpal + Namawee + Bar Council gets away with it?…And they call themselves a Second Class citizen?…tak paham aku

  457. Salam Tun,
    My thoughts are exactly as per the majority of the young Malays. If one wants to review the social contract, then it should be reviewed wholesale, not just those involving Malay rights. It would put pay to that often-quoted-and-abused slogan, “Justice for all.”

  458. Dear Sir,
    If because of all these probelms UMNO is facing, you decide to re-join UMNO while AB is still at the helm, then you are just as good as Mr Flip Flop II!

  459. Tun,
    Saya sebagai seorang Melayu tidak ada seorang pun kawan dari kaum bukan Melayu selama saya menetap di Malaysia. Saya pergi ke sekolah kebangsaan, yang hanya ada dua pelajar India dalam kelas saya. Kemudian saya belajar di sekolah asrama penuh, dalam satu sekolah hanya ada seorang pelajar Punjabi dan seorang pelajar Cina. Hanya apabila saya menyambung pelajaran ke luar negeri saya mempunyai kawan orang Malaysia yang bukan Melayu.
    Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan bahawa kita perlu ada hanya satu sistem persekolahan yang sekular. Pelajaran agama boleh ditumpukan di sekolah agama. Untuk kaum Cina dan India yang mahu anak-anak mereka tahu membaca dan menulis dalam dialek masing-masing, bolehlah diadakan sekolah khas. Jika orang Melayu boleh menghantar anak ke masjid atau sekolah agama di untuk belajar Al-Quran, apa salahnya kaum lain mengadakan pendidikan khas diluar sistem sekolah, jika masih mahu mengekalkan budaya mereka.
    Namun perlaksanaan reformasi pendidikan seperti ini bukan mudah. Perlu dibuat secara berperingkat. Sudah pasti akan mendapat tentangan dari NGO yang begitu lantang mempertahankan sistem pendidikan mengikut kaum. Pelik, ada antara mereka yang bukan Melayu, mahukan ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ tetapi pada masa yang sama ada di antara mereka yang begitu lantang memperjuangkan sekolah jenis kebangsaan. Jikalau pun mendapat persetujuan semua kaum pun, banyak faktor lain yang perlu difikirkan diantaranya seperti latihan semula guru-guru dan penilaian semula silibus. Bagaimana pula dengan kemasukan pelajar ke universiti? Apa yang akan jadi dengan UiTM? Jikalau tidak ada sekolah jenis kebangsaan, tentu ada pihak yang akan mempersoalkan polisi UiTM? Banyak perkara yang perlu difikirkan.
    Tun, perbezaan ekonomi di antara kaum semakin berkurangan, namun perbezaan budaya dan cara pemikiran antara kaum semakin lama semakin teruk. Perlukah kita teruskan sistem pendidikan yang ada sekarang atau perlukah kita mengubahnya? Atau adakah pada pendapat Tun sistem persekolahan bukanlah satu isu yang mempecah-belahkan perpaduan? Harap Tun boleh komen.
    Sebagai seorang anak Melayu, rakyat Malaysia, saya juga faham bahawa bagi kawan-kawan saya kaum India dan Cina juga menganggap Malaysia sebagai tempat lahir tumpah darah mereka. Bagi mereka, “rumah” mereka tetap Malaysia, sama seperti saya.

  460. Salam Tun,
    Saya rasa amat kecewa sekali dengan sikap orang kita terutamanya orang -orang UMNO yang mementingkan poket dan kedudukan mereka sahaja.
    Kami rakyat yang akan menjadi mangsa perbuatan mereka yang tidak memperdulikan negara dan bangsa.
    penduduk yang minoriti 7% diberi banyak kelonggaran sampikan boleh mebuat itu dan ini sesuka hati. Apa penduduk yang majoriti tak ada hak ke untuk mempertahankan apa yang sudah kami pertahankan selama ini?
    Saya amat bangga sekali dengan Tan Sri Muhyioddin Yassin yang sanggup bersuara demi kepentingan negara dan rakyat sekalian. Negara ini hak rakyat bukan hak UMNO, PAS atau PKR /DAP.
    Saya memang setuju pemerintahan sekarang tidak bersesuaina dengan kehendak semasa dan juga future. No strategic planning untuk memertabatkan bangsa dan negara apalagi agama kita, Islam.
    Percampuran politik dengan agama amat memalukan dan mengelirukan sekali. Suratkhabar semakin tidak dipercayai oleh rakyat. Orang asing sentiasa mentertawakan kita.
    Saya amat bangga dengan keputusan Tun keluar UMNO kerana Tun sayangkan UMNO dan sekarang TUN sertai semula UMNO kerana Tun sayangkan negara.
    Saya sentiasa berdoa yang Tun akan kembali memimpin kami, negara Malaysia. Tun sahaja yang inshaallah boleh megembalikan keadaan ‘race’ issue ini seperti semasa pemerintahan Tun.Pemimpin kita tiada lyas pengetahuan seperti Tun yang arif dalam ekonomi dsb.

  461. Askum Tun.
    sesuatu perlu dilakukan. Lakukan segera TUN sebelum nasi menjadi bubur. Boleh Tun cadangkan sesuatu?

  462. Tun,
    Abdullah must step down! Now or UMNO will sink…
    Im afraid Malaysia too will sink because of racist issue…

  463. Salam Tun,
    Just to my concern, seems like all of us are not satisfied with the current situation now, apatah lagi dgn PAK LAH yang sengal why no one realy taking an action? takke kalau semua tak setakat ckp je…apa kata semua bersatu something sehinggakan PAK LAH terpaksa tunduk.

  464. Assalamualaikum…
    Pertamanya, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat kembali YABhg Tun..
    Sesungguhnya, dengan kembalinya Tun ke pangkuan parti UMNO dpt mengukuhkan semula kredibiliti dan kepercayaan rakyat dan ahli kepada parti
    perjuangan orang Melayu perlulah melalui UMNO sendiri, pandangan saya tiadalah parti Melayu lain yang saya lihat berkemampuan untuk memimpin dan memperjuangkan orang Melayu dan Agama Islam itu sendiri khasnya dan negara amnya.
    tetapi malangnya, pemimpin di dalam parti itu sendiri yang bakal menghancurkan sesebuah parti. bukanlah saya tidak mempercayai mana-mana kepimpinan, malah setiap pemimpin yang dilantik melalui prinsip demokrasi adalah diberi sepenuh kepercayaan dan mandat, namun kadangkala, pemimpin yang dilantik hanya prihatin kepada akar umbi apabila tiba masa pilihanraya sahaja dam mempunyai terlalu banyak kepentingan peribadi.
    mengikuut pemerhatian saya, pemimpin di dalam UMNO terlalu selesa dengan keputusan Pilihanraya selepas pengunduran Tun dari kerajaan. ini membuatkan semua pemimpin UMNO baik di Bahagian mahupun Cawangan tidak bertindak untuk memenangi hati rakyat, mereka lebih suka mengambil tindakan tunggu dan lihat dan duduk di kerusi empuk mereka mengharapkan orang bawahan mengambil tindakan.
    Semasa pilihanraya Mac 2008, “style” ataupun strategi UMNO @ BN tidak berkesan sama sekali. Pandangan akar umbi tidak pernah diambil peduli, pemimpin tidak turun padang, kroni semakin berleluasa dan yang paling ketara adalah perletakan seseorang calon itu bukanlah dengan kehendak rakyat ataupun ahli parti itu sendiri tetapi atas arahan seseorang yang dianggap berpengaruh di dalam parti dan kerajaan.
    itulah yang membuatkan rakyat dan ahli parti sendiri hilang kepercayaan terhadap kepimpinan UMNO, bukanlah disebabkan oleh isu kenaikan minyak dan sebagainya.isu tersebut boleh menjadi penyumbang kepada kekalahan tetapi itu bukanlah alasan kerana telah terbukti kerajaan boleh mengendalikan masalah ekonomi dengan baik seperti krisis ekonomi pada tahun 1997.
    Pemimpin UMNO sensdiri semakin bongkak dan tidak tahu mengambil hati para belia. Perlu diketahiu bahawa belia pada tahun ini mendominasi populasi rakyat Malaysia amnya, dan golongan ini mempunyai pemikiran yang berubah-ubah tetapi mereka juga mempunyai semangt perjuangan yang kuat dan kental. mereka akan menyokong mana-mana parti apabila mereka mempercayainya. dilihat Pemuda UMNO itu sendiri gagal untuk mendampingi golongan belia, malahan belia di luar bandar lebih gemar berdamping dengan pemimpin belia dari pihak pembangkang kerana mereka lebih mudah menyuaraka pendapat mereka kepada golongan ini.
    dilihat gejala rasuah dan kroni juga begitu berleluasa sekarang ini. betulah ungkapan yang lebih kurang berbunyi “senangkanlah dahulu saudara-maramu”(mungin ungkapan yg diberi oleh saya tidak tepat, tetapi berbunyi lebih kurang ini)tetapi perlu diingat saudara mara itu mengikut interpretasi Islam adalah saudara seagama (pada pendapat saya) dan tidak dinafikan membantu saudara terdekat adalah wajib tetapi perlulah tidak mengabaikan rakyat dan bukan melalui amalan rasuah mahupun kroni.
    segenap bahagian dan cawangan UMNO dilihat mengamalkan rasuah yang tidak jelas(bukan dengan wang). Calon pemilihan perinkat cawangan dilihat seperti sudah ditetapkan dan telah dibeli oleh seseorang yang mempunyai banyak wang. biarpun akar umbi mengatakan tidak, tetapi mereka tetap berdegil.
    bagi mereka yang tidak tahan melihat fenomena ini, mungkit mengambil tindakan keluar parti, kerana tindakan di dalam parti itu sendiri telah disekat dan dihalang. tiada gunanya berjuang di dalam parti itu lagi. belia tidak lagi berminat untuk menyertai parti yang sebegini, dan ini melemahkan sesebuah parti itu.
    saya mengamati, penduduk dlm kawasan bandar khasnya golongan belia, malu untuk mengaku yang mereka adalah ahli UMNO, kerana situasi yang terjadi. Rata-rata mereka menikus dan kurang bersemangat berjuang untuk parti UMNO. mereka lebih gemar bergerak sendiri ataupun berganding dengan pihak pembangkang kerana hilang keyakina terhadap pemimpin di dalam UMNO mahupun dari peringkat cawangan ataupun pusat.oleh yang demikian Pemuda UMNO perlu mengambil tindakan dari sekarang dan berbuat sesuatu bagi mengembalikan keyakinan golongan belia untu kembali ke UMNO.
    akhir sekali YABhg Tun, dengan sekembalinya Tun di dalam UMNO semula, semoga dapat memperbaiki apa yang perlu (saya fikir banyak) dan dapat mengukuhkan parti. sesungguhnya pendirian parti UMNO sekarang ini bukanlah pendirian sebenar dari akar umbi.
    dan saya mohon maaf jika terdapat fakta yang kurang tepat, dan ini adalah bedasarkan pendapat saya sebagai golongan belia.
    UMNO tetap dihati…
    terima kasih

  465. Tun
    Two month ago keluar UMNO
    Won’t join back selagi Pak Lah is Presiden and PM
    now Muhyiddin said that Tun nak join semula
    because of BN and UMNO recent development
    I think it is because of Anwar might came to power
    if he can get the KATAK leee
    are you terrified of this?

  466. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Your returning to UMNO is much anticipated. Thouh some quarters may have cold feet, your decision is viewed as opening clearing the path that has been overgrown by shrubs and bushes. Hoping that Tun could provide advices to those who needs them most. I need not elaborate because it might spark controversy and seen as a racist comment.
    Much is needed to make right what is wrong and. to put the train on its right track. Your vast past experience is an asset to assist in building the nation and to return the peoples trust in the ruling party. Aint that a sosial contract?
    Selamat menjalankan ibadat puasa.

  467. Salam Tun,
    Selamat kembali ke UMNO..
    Sampaikan salam Ponco kat Tan Sri M yang pujuk Tun..
    Harapan Ponco agar Tan Sri M dan Tun dah atur sesuatu untuk Malaysia.
    p/s : Nak tengok muka-muka lama politician kita aktif balik.. kut – kut boleh bawa perubahan.

  468. Dear Tun,
    Is it possible to revoke the Social Contract and retract the citizenship given to the Non-Bumis? And we replace their citizenship with PR status. I foresee without a solution of such, this will be a continuing problems for the country and Malays. The dominance of Malay is crucial to ensure Islam as the only official religion of the country. As such, it is also very critical for the Royal Institution be protected as they are the guardian of Islam.

  469. ASLKM TUN!

  470. YAbhg Tun,
    We believe in you before and we still do.
    Selamatkan Malaysia.We cant wait no more.

  471. Ybgh Tun.
    Gembira dan mengalu-alukan langkah Tun ke UMNO.Kebencian yang melampau terhadap DSAAB ,memberi implikasinya kepada UMNO.Harapan mengunong supaya Tun dapat memulihkan keadaan.Ramai rupanya yang berada di peringkat tertinggi UMNO tu yang bacul dan dunggu. Melayu bukan saya tewas dalam memacu hidup, waimah menentang pemimpin sorang tu pun gagal.
    Saya yakin ramai ahli UMNO sendiri tidak faham apa sabenarnya perjuangan atau matlamat nya. Yang ini harap Tun dapat perjelaskan. Siapa yang di bela ?
    Bila kuasa masih ditangan, namun saban masa keistimewaan (jika ada) melayu masih senantiasa dicabar, apa ertinya kuasa ? kalau ada kuasa namun masih takut, letak jawatan main jauh-jauh. Kalau beliau berani bertanding di Bukit Bintang atau Ipoh Timur, dan menang, DSAAB layaklah melayan permintaan kaum pendatang ni.
    Melayu yang menaikkan beliau, sebaliknya kaum pendatang pulak yang mendapat apa saja yang mereka tuntut ? Bukan bacul ke melayu macam tu ? Dari DSAAB hingga yang memilih beliau, dungu.
    Doakan muga Ybgh Tun dapat membetulkan dan menyedarkan melayu.
    Mendoakan supaya Allah senantiasa memberi kesejahteraan dan kemewahan kebahagian kepada Tun serta keluarga. Amin


  473. Salam hormat Tun…
    Semoga Tun sentisa dilimpahi kebaikan di dunia dan akhirat..
    Sedikit pun tiada keyakinan di kalangan rakyat Dolah dapat menenangkan isu perkauman yang sedang hangat melanda negara kini. Dalam diam orang Melayu merasa sangat marah diatas pendirian pemimpin-pemimpin Cina dan India.
    Kelemahan pemimpin menyebabkan bangsa lain semakin biadab kepada orang Melayu.
    Yang menjadi kemusykilan saya sebagai rakyat biasa, tiadakah peranan yang akan dilakukan oleh ‘mesyuarat pembesar-pembesar’?
    Apakah pendirian ‘mesyuarat pembesar-pembesar’ terhadap perkara ini?
    Islam sudah pun di’Hadhari’kan.
    Orang Melayu sangat-sangat mengharapkan ‘mesyuarat pembesar-pembesar’ lebih berperanan.
    Diharap seorang pemimpin Melayu yang hebat atau hampi hebat seperti Tun dapat menggantikan pucuk pimpinan UMNO yang lembik seberapa cepat yang boleh.

  474. Salam Tun,
    Selamat Berpuasa saya ucapkan kepada Tun sekeluarga.
    Saya rasa sudah sampai masanya Tun kembali ke UMNO bagi membetulkan kembali keadaan. Perpaduan kaum amat penting di Malaysia bagi menjamin keharmonian semua.
    Semasa saya kecil, jiran-jiran saya ada orang India dan Cina. Kami bermain sama-sama, beraya bersama dan melakukan aktiviti waktu petang bersama-sama.
    Sekarang ini untuk melihat keadaan tersebut amat jarang sekali berlaku. Cuba Tun lihat kawasan perumahan di Putrajaya. Adalah terdapat kehidupan masyarakat majmuk di sana. Bagaimanakah disusun masyarakat di sana?
    Harap Tun dapat memberikan cadangan dan tindakan yang patut diambil bagi membetulkan kembali keadaan.
    Pak Lah mesti diturunkan walau macamana sekalipun.Bila tengok muka Pak Lah kat TV, saya menjadi menyampah dan meluat tengok muka dia.
    Hidup mesti sepakat, baru berkat.

  475. Itu benar dan saya setuju dengan pendapat Tun, saya rasa sekarang sudah mula rasa semakin tegang keadaan harmoni ,semua orang agak marah apabila sesetengah orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab membangkitkan isu sensitif,saya sebagai bangsa melayu begitu kecewa apabila jasa orang melayu tidak dikenang iaitu semasa Tunku memberikan kerakyatan dan hak mengundi kepada bangsa lain.Akhirnya tindakan tersebut telah menyebabkan kesusahan kepada bangsa melayu sendiri.Sekolah yang tidak bercampur atau sekolah jenis kebangsaan juga sepatutnya tidak wujud dan hanya perlu satu sekolah sahaja kerana pastinya secara logik kita tidak akan bersatu dan hasrat untuk menjadikan bangsa malaysia yang bersatu padu pastinya akan gagal.Tunku juga pada masa tersebut boleh menyatukan kita dengan indonesia tetapi tidak dan jika kita bergabung dengan indonesia dan menjadi indonesia raya apakah bangsa lain akan dapat berkuasa dan menikmati keadaan seperti sekarang.Mungkin idea bergabung dengan indonesia adalah idea yg baik sekarang?

  476. Dear Tun,
    History always repeats itself and sometime the best way to let it go is by sitting somewhere quiet and watch it wash away, everything we ever build. It doesnt matter, we can take another time to build again.
    Doesnt matter any corner on earth you would have been, everyone in power will look or be made or showing their interest into wanting more. They seriously wanted to secure their hot-seats. In situation can be seen as in Thailand, Pakistan, USA and some other nation. Nothing much can be sum up, but the case always would be slower and problematic economy and those affect the street people so much. But no one care, as long as they are put into power. I dont care either!
    Calling for new card(s) into the Social Contract would be wise enough, in my opinion. We cant forever suppress our dissatisfied, unless everyone put it out and later we work on coherent to how we can build a better community. Doesnt matter how hard we suppress the feeling or how hard government try to stop people from discussing about it, they will always be some rings that utter in silence.
    Perhaps, Malaysia can go for Emergency State and we look into solving the problem and tension among races by drawing new Social Contract. Then we come back with new Malaysia Raya.
    Err…. I know, this sounds harsh, dont worry – I am only a small man who can never take these things to be true.
    Anyway, Malays, dont forget to smile, whatever the weather is!

  477. Dear Tun,
    I hope in the next 10-50 years discussions on this social contract should be relegated to the realm of academicians or historians. Youmg people should be concerned with the future, scientific issues, engineering issues, economic issues. Nowadays nobody in the mainstream media/politicians drives these very relevant and progressive issues forward. We keep looking back, retrogressing as you say. When the world community is seeking answers to the grand issue of creation (LHC experiment), none of our newspaper paid much attention to it. When the world is facing energy and economic crisis, the mainstream news in Malaysia just gloss over it as if we live in under a “tempurung”. I keep hoping that one day the front page of our Malaysian newspaper would frontpage a major scientific breakthrough spearheaded by Malaysian. Maybe I am alome in this.

  478. salam untuk Tun dan Keluarga….
    Selamat Berpuasa Dan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri….
    Cepat-cepat la Tun join semula Umno…teruskan Perjuangan Yang Belum Selesai…”kerana hanya yang cekal dan tabah dapat membina mercu tanda bangsanya yang berjaya…”

  479. Salam Tun !
    Contract is man made and should be revised to suit changing world.Malaysia should continue to evolve to compete globally.The situation in 1957/1963 is different from 2008.For Malaysia sake, we should not segregate ourselves economically & politically into various races.We didn’t choose to be Malay or Chinese or Indian.It’s fated.
    Pak Lah has tried his best to make his mark but in vain.He is a case of failed leadership.In turbulence time, we need strong leadership like Tun Razak & Tun Dr Mahathir.
    Therefore, please continue your effort to persuade Pak Lah to leave immediately.Pray “Solat Hajat” in this month of Ramadhan Al-Mubarak to make this happen.

  480. Hello Tun,
    I am not against the social contract, it seems that it’s the elite and well off are abusing it. People who know how to work the system abuse it. It sad that it was allowed to get this far, unrooting will be require tremendous effort and time (of which we have little).
    Thus it will never achieve it’s objective at it current state. Therefore it must be abandoned or revised.
    Just imagine the accelerated economic growth if meritocracy and liberalism was practiced….we Malaysians have so much potential on the world’s stage and that is why our closest neighbour fear us, if we only play to our full potential.

  481. Tun,
    Saya teramat gembira kembalinya Tun ke arena politik. Saya juga yakin bahawa masyarakat Cina dan India yang berfahaman sederhana juga bersetuju Tun aktif semula dalam politik. Gitu juga masyarakat bumiputra di sabah dan Sarawak. Pihak yang takut jika ia datang dari dalam UMNO ialah orang yang pentingkan periu nasi mereka. Pihak luar yang paling takut adalah parti pembangkang dan penyokong2 fanatik mereka.
    Berdasarkan senario politik sekarang ini rata-rata rakyat tidak yakin pada Dollah Badawi sebagai PM dan Presiden UMNO. Justeru itu saya juga menyokong Tun jika Tun kembali menjadi PM Malaysia untuk tempoh beberapa tahun ini bagi mengemudi UMNO ke landasan yang betul. Ia perlu demi kebaikan negara tercinta. Saya yakin Tun seorang pemikir yang bertaraf dunia mampu membuat sesuatu yg baik demi negara tercinta ini.
    Kepada Najib … kamu janganlah teringin sangat hendak jadi PM dlm tempoh terdekat ini kerana fikirkanlah masa depan UMNO dan negara amnya. Kamu sebagai no 2 pun dilihat kurang popular di kalangan orang Melayu sekarang ini. Sikap Tan sri Muhyiddin saya bangga, jelas perjuangannya adalah demi UMNO dan negara amnya. Beliau dilihat lebih berani melahirkan pendapat dg jujur.
    Semuga negara kita kembali bersinar.
    Saya yakin selepas Tun menerima input dalam blog “chedet” , banyak pengajaran dan teguran membina yg telah Tun terima. Selama 5 tahun di luar pentadbiran negara, saya yakin Tun ada ilham terbaru untuk dijadikan ramuan dalam mewarnai kembali Malaysia kemercu kegemilangan. Jika Tun sebagai PM semula, masalah awal ialah membersihkan “kudis” yang ditinggalkan Dollah terutama projek2 yg dibuatnya dlm negara.
    Saya harap Tun dapat formula mengatasinya dengan baik.
    Kepada Tun saya juga ingin berpesan, selain jaga Semenanjung jangan lupa Sabah dan Sarawak juga adalah Malaysia. Jika Tun sbg PM semula satu perkara saya minta, buatkanlah lebuh-raya dari KL ke Kelantan ikut jalan Gua Musang. Insyaallah rakyat Kelantan akan mendoakan kesejahteraan Tun.
    Saya doakan Tun sihat sentiasa. Insyaallah.

  482. Salam n morning to all
    MSN MALAYSIA website is taking a poll – Should Tun come back into UMNO in an active capacity? GO vote for our Tun…. I know, I know there is no validity (scientifically)… but what the heck! You got my vote Tun!
    Have a good day and Selamat Berpuasa

  483. Salam TUN and readers,
    Turunkan Pak Lah dengan:-
    1. Tunjuk perasaan secara aman?
    2. Tampal poster?
    3. Sign Petisyen?
    4. Telefon beliau?
    5. Hantar email?
    6. SMS?
    7. TUN MASUK UMNO dan bertanding jawatan Presiden
    (harap2 para perwakilan tak kan bodoh sombong dan akan pilih TUN!!)
    8. Dato Mukriz pulak utk jawatan PEMUDA UMNO

  484. assalamualaikum yang berhormat, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
    Jutaan terima kasih dan rasa syukur saya kerana Tun masuk semula ke UMNO. diri saya seperti ingin menangis setelah mendengar pelbagai isu-isu politik dalam media cetak mahupun elektronik lagi-lagi selepas Dato Anwar masuk menang di Permatang Pauh. rasa seperti darurat, Malaysia akan hancur di tangan Anwar. tapi, saya tak mampu untuk melakukan apa-apa kerana saya masih seorang pelajar sekolah. gerun, dan rasa, Malaysia akan dikebumikan peristiwa 16 September jikalau ia benar-benar berlaku. saya berharap sangat agar Tun membina jentera UMNO seperti dahulu. saya berdoa agar era pada zaman Tun datang lagi dimana UMNO kuat dan utuh. bukan berdasarkan mainan politik semata-mata untuk kepentingan diri sendiri seperti yang saya dapat lihat era politik pimpinan Dato Seri Ahmad Badawi. saya tidak berniat ingin mengutuk Dato seri Abdullah. tapi, pemimpin yang sebenar perlu dipilih, untuk memimpin negara. malaysia bukannya mainan. pemimpin sebenar, bukannya lemah, tidak tegas, seperti yang ramai orang katakan, semua anak-anak buah pak lah mula tunjuk perangai. macam-macam hal politik keluar. negara seperti terumbang-ambing seperti dilanda tsunami. saya takut. seperti dicabut nyawa.saya masih muda, dan saya anak melayu, saya sungguh sedih kerana mengapa terdapat belia yang menyokong dan mengundi Dato seri anwar. mereka tahu panghkah, tapi mereka tidak fikir tentang masa depan negara. saya lahir di tanah melayu, malaysia, negara seumur hidup saya. tiada hala tuju lain untuk dituju selain menetap di tanah air sendiri. namun, saya risau dan resah gelisah tentang situasi politik di malaysia. bagaimana nasib negara pada masa akan datang? hancur, atau mungkin musnah.semua kaum tidak lagi bersatu.saya adalah generasi muda yang akan datang, akan memberi khidmat untuk negara. bagaimana dengan pandangan pelabur asing di malaysia? saya begitu sedih kerana ahli politik seperti dato seri anwar ibrahim hanya mula bangkit dengan alasan untuk memajukan malaysia, tap bertujuan untuk membalas dendam. tidakkah dia fikir dengan nasib generasi muda akan datang. bayi-bayi yang baru lahir akan menjadi generasi yang akan meneraju negara. bagaimana anak-anak muda ingin mencontohi sikap orang yang lebih dewasa tetapi hanya untuk kepentingan diri. ini berlaku apabila dato sri anwar dibebaskan. saya hanya mampu berdoa kepada Allah agar nagara menjadi aman dan makmur. Saya tabik kepada Tun kerana Tun sanggup berkorban, berani mengkritik kerajaan demi menjamin kekuatan negara. saya sentiasa dibelakang Tun, dan menyokong apa segala tindak tanduk Tun dalam memperjuangkan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional. Bagi saya, UMNO tidak kuat, hancur, dan punah tanpa Tun. sementara Tun masih ada, tidak kira berapa lama tun memimpin negara malaysia, UMNO akan kuat jika Tun ada. Mana UMNO yang kuat dahulu. pernah ketika saya menangis di depan televisyen menyaksikan persidangan UMNO dahulu. saya menyusun sepuluh jari memohon ampun dan maaf sekiranya apa yang saya ungkapkan menyinggung mana-mana pihak termasuk Tun sendiri. ikhlas daripada saya.
    -Generasi muda, rakyat malaysia-

  485. Salam TUN,
    Recently I asked the opinion of the local contractors (Class F to B)and professional firms about the current physical deveopment (government job) in Malaysia. Almost all of them said ‘very slow’ but if the project were to be from other channel (like the son in law) the payment and other activities would be much faster.
    So I try to relate my personal observation (through conversation) with the current issues in Malaysia. My possible conclusion would be the economic growth is very slow in terms of the physical develoment. It could be the same on other aspects.
    Due to this people have so much of free time(not much work) to discuss the sensitive issues (racial relationship) in Malaysia. This phenomenon and the weak leadership of UMNO, they (other races)have openly questioned the right of the Malay. This is not a healthy development. It must be stopped and I think one of the ways is to ensure that the people are busy with their daily activities. The economic growth and activities must be seen happenning on the ground.
    Srazali Aripin
    Brisbane, Australia

  486. Salam Tun,
    I’m a Malay. I’m a professional. There are tens (maybe hundreds) of thousand like me. We have ‘pejuang’ blood flowing hot in our body, and the body of our family.
    The blood of Tuk Janggut, Mat Kilau, Datuk Bahaman, Rosli Dhobi, Captain Adnan, Rentap, and others. We are ready to fight till the end for our freedom. We will fight to nullify the jus soli, if that is required.
    Maybe Tunku has taken a different path, which we respect and honoured. However, if that path is cross swindled by anyone, just wait for your destruction.

  487. Salam Ramadhan
    Welcome back to Umno!!!
    Inilah PELUANG TERAKHIR untuk Tun hasilkan pemimpin pelapis sebelum Tun mengadap-NYA Tebus lah kembali kesilapan yang lalu moga Malaysia akan maju seperti yang telah direncanakan dahulu.
    Rakyat jelata yang terdiri dari pelbagai lapisan kaum yang berideologikan fahaman politik yg berbeza tetap memberi sokongan untuk Tun membetulakan keadaan yang semakin tenat.
    Jadilah Hang Tuah dizaman moden.
    salam kyoto…

  488. assalamualaikum yang berhormat, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
    Jutaan terima kasih dan rasa syukur saya kerana Tun masuk semula ke UMNO. diri saya seperti ingin menangis setelah mendengar pelbagai isu-isu politik dalam media cetak mahupun elektronik lagi-lagi selepas Dato Anwar masuk menang di Permatang Pauh. rasa seperti darurat, Malaysia akan hancur di tangan Anwar. tapi, saya tak mampu untuk melakukan apa-apa kerana saya masih seorang pelajar sekolah. gerun, dan rasa, Malaysia akan dikebumikan peristiwa 16 September jikalau ia benar-benar berlaku. saya berharap sangat agar Tun membina jentera UMNO seperti dahulu. saya berdoa agar era pada zaman Tun datang lagi dimana UMNO kuat dan utuh. bukan berdasarkan mainan politik semata-mata untuk kepentingan diri sendiri seperti yang saya dapat lihat era politik pimpinan Dato Seri Ahmad Badawi. saya tidak berniat ingin mengutuk Dato seri Abdullah. tapi, pemimpin yang sebenar perlu dipilih, untuk memimpin negara. malaysia bukannya mainan. pemimpin sebenar, bukannya lemah, tidak tegas, seperti yang ramai orang katakan, semua anak-anak buah pak lah mula tunjuk perangai. macam-macam hal politik keluar. negara seperti terumbang-ambing seperti dilanda tsunami. saya takut. seperti dicabut nyawa.saya masih muda, dan saya anak melayu, saya sungguh sedih kerana mengapa terdapat belia yang menyokong dan mengundi Dato seri anwar. mereka tahu panghkah, tapi mereka tidak fikir tentang masa depan negara. saya lahir di tanah melayu, malaysia, negara seumur hidup saya. tiada hala tuju lain untuk dituju selain menetap di tanah air sendiri. namun, saya risau dan resah gelisah tentang situasi politik di malaysia. bagaimana nasib negara pada masa akan datang? hancur, atau mungkin musnah.semua kaum tidak lagi bersatu.saya adalah generasi muda yang akan datang, akan memberi khidmat untuk negara. bagaimana dengan pandangan pelabur asing di malaysia? saya begitu sedih kerana ahli politik seperti dato seri anwar ibrahim hanya mula bangkit dengan alasan untuk memajukan malaysia, tap bertujuan untuk membalas dendam. tidakkah dia fikir dengan nasib generasi muda akan datang. bayi-bayi yang baru lahir akan menjadi generasi yang akan meneraju negara. bagaimana anak-anak muda ingin mencontohi sikap orang yang lebih dewasa tetapi hanya untuk kepentingan diri. ini berlaku apabila dato sri anwar dibebaskan. saya hanya mampu berdoa kepada Allah agar nagara menjadi aman dan makmur. Saya tabik kepada Tun kerana Tun sanggup berkorban, berani mengkritik kerajaan demi menjamin kekuatan negara. saya sentiasa dibelakang Tun, dan menyokong apa segala tindak tanduk Tun dalam memperjuangkan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional. Bagi saya, UMNO tidak kuat, hancur, dan punah tanpa Tun. sementara Tun masih ada, tidak kira berapa lama tun memimpin negara malaysia, UMNO akan kuat jika Tun ada. Mana UMNO yang kuat dahulu. pernah ketika saya menangis di depan televisyen menyaksikan persidangan UMNO dahulu. saya menyusun sepuluh jari memohon ampun dan maaf sekiranya apa yang saya ungkapkan menyinggung mana-mana pihak termasuk Tun sendiri. ikhlas daripada saya.
    -Generasi muda, rakyat malaysia-

  489. Dear Tun,
    Some said that your ancestors are from India, Ahmad great grandfather is from India, the rest of Malays are somewhere from this region. The fact is the Malay as a civilised race has been in this land 100 or if not 1000 of years before Chinese and Indian came here (brought by British). Unless you are “buta sejarah”. The problem is, this so called immigrants do not want to assimilate with the existing local society. For example:
    . they want a different school system
    . they do not want to speak Malay language and not proud of it
    . they do not want to defense this country. Proven very few Chinese
    in the army.
    . they are greedy and want to monopolize country wealth. (the government should impose anti-monopoly law as the West has done it. This is to ensure no price fixing which is a burden to the consumers)
    . they look down at the locals
    . they question every single rights of the local
    . they complain about Islam – azan, conversion, marriage
    . they discriminate Malays in private sector (if they own it)
    . etc.
    In conclusion, instead of assimilation, they are trying to control everthing, politically and economically of this nation. End up, the locals will be colonized by them.

  490. Dear Tun, what is your strategy to force Dollah to step down after you rejoin UMNNO?
    1)Memberi nasihat berjam-jam (kauseling) peribadi kepada Dollah dan Najib, seperti imam berikan kepada Raja Petra dalam lokap.
    2)Kalo tidak berjaya, menghasut ahli untuk memboikot perhimpunan Agung Umno pada Disember 2008.
    3)Kalo tidak berjaya lagi, meminjam keris daripda Hisham dan berpura-pura menangis dan mengugat ahli dengan nyawa sendiri di atas pentas semasa memberi ucapan.
    4)Kalo tidak berjaya lagi,_____________________________________.
    5)kalo tidak berjaya lagi, ___________________________________.
    6)Kalo tidak berjaya lagi,_____________________________________.
    7)kalo tidak berjaya lagi, ___________________________________.
    Selamat menjawab.

  491. Hai Tun,,,,,a very gud morning….tis s my first comment on the blog.
    apa yang Tun kata di sini memang benar tetapi seperti orang kata masa menentukan segala-galanya. Kita dah mencapai kemerdekaan 51 tahun tapi masih berpegang dengan pegangan yang lama bagi saya tak berapa releven Tun.(maaf jika saya tersalah kata) segala-galanya mesti ada perubahan…masalah perkauman dan penuntutan hak yang berlaku skrang menunjukkan ketidak relevenan kontrak sosial yang lama. mgkn kontrak sosial baru boleh dicipta ataupun yang lama diperbaharui mengikut masa skrang. (Apa pendapat Tun?) Tambahan lg pemimpin skrang dari BN and PR cuma memperbodohkan rakyat. Pemikiran mereka tidak terbuka seperti Tun. Anyway im a big fan of u and my life aim s 2 meet u asap….TC Tun………MIZZ UR TIME RULED TIS COUNTRY

  492. Salam Ayahanda Tun.
    Telah lama saya memegang pendapat seperti yang telah Tun perkatakan pada perenggan nombor 4 dan 5. Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa Tunku telah terlalu mudah bersetuju dengan cadangan-cadangan yang telah diterima beliau pada ketika itu. Seperti juga perjanjian pembekalan air kepada Temasik yang draf “proposal” asal telah di tulis oleh Toh Chin Chye secara “ad-hoc” sahaja diatas sebuah meja kecil tepi tangga utama di Rumah Temasik Kuala Lumpur petang sebelum LKY memberinya kepada Tunku, dan Tunku menerima draf berkenaan tanpa banyak cerita. “Kasi cin cai bikin saja”.
    Pada pendapat saya, golongan Melayu tidak secara penuh menolak Kontrak Sosial yang kita perkatakan ini. Rata-rata sebenarnya kita semua menjalani kehidupan harian berpuloh-puloh tahun lamanya tanpa pun mengambil serius sangat tentang apa kah Kontrak Sosial ini. Pendeknya, Kontrak Sosial adalah tiang keramat yang bersifat hampir halus atau telah hampir dighaibkan oleh kesinambungan dan kesejahteraan kita semua. Cuma ianya hanya mula timbul semula hari ini apabila keramatnya semakin dicabar.
    Ada juga terdapat sedikit golongan Melayu liberal sepertimana yang diperkatakan Tun. Tetapi jumlah mereka hanyalah segelintir sahaja. Secara umumnya apa yang boleh diperhatikan sedang berlaku hari ini adalah tindak balas orang Melayu terhadap “penyerlahannya” sikap sebenar bangsa-bangsa lain kepada Melayu di Malaysia ini. Secara positifnya, kemelut ini telah berjaya membuka mata orang Melayu dan juga bukan Melayu tentang betapa rapuhnya lantai buloh teratak kita ini dan mungkin juga apakah sebenarnya nilai perpaduan kita. Saya percaya, jika diadakan sekali lagi PRU, tentu sekali keputusan yang bakal diperolehi akan jauh berbeza dengan apa yang telah terhasil pada PRU12.
    Saya amat sekali bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun yang bahawasanya, Perdana Menteri kita yang ada pada hari ini sudah tidak lagi memegang mandat umum. Saya yakin bahawa graf tersebut telah merudum dengan kadar drastik daripada malam 8hb Mac lagi. Apa yang ada hari ini adalah cumalah rapuh dan cuma dapat di ibaratkan sebagai telur dihujung tanduk. Dalam kepincangan ini juga telah timbul pelbagai masalah yang sengaja dilontar masuk oleh musuh-musuh Melayu didalam dan juga daripada luar negara. Setelah lebih 50 tahun mereka menunggu, akhirnya rezeki mereka datang bergolek dalam bentuk pentadbiran lemah kerajaan pada hari ini. Jika kita lihat, pembangkang tidak mengkritik Perdana Menteri dengan keterlaluan sepertimana telah mereka lakukan kepada Tun dahulu. Ini adalah kerana mereka tahu dan sedar dengan sejelas-jelasnya bahawa kekuatan mereka sebenarnya berada pada pemerintahan kerajaan hari ini. Jika digantikan kerajaan yang ada pada hari ini, dan jika Melayu kembali bersatu maka akan hancur musnah segala agenda-agenda mereka dan mungkin juga mereka terpaksa tunggu lagi 50 tahun atau terus berhijrah keluar negara bagi yang taksubnya kepada ideology sempit mereka ini.
    Pada tafsiran saya, disinilah tersirat sebenarnya apa yang Tun sedang usahakan. Untuk menyatukan semula Melayu di Malaysia. Tak kira apa fahaman politik Melayu, tapi yang pentingnya pada saat ini, pada masa ini, takdir telah meletakkan komitmen ini diatas bahu kita semua. Kita boleh berbeza pendapat politik, tapi kita kena dan perlu sedar akan hakikat yang telah dilakarkan akibat daripada kepimpinan yang ada pada hari ini. Tun telah berkata bahawa Melayu mudah lupa dan bukannya UMNO mudah lupa. Skopnya pada hari ini adalah Melayu secara total.
    Setiap hari dalam kehidupan kita, mesti ada penunggang dan mestilah ada juga kudanya untuk memacu agenda harian tersendiri. Ini adalah hakikat kehidupan terutamanya pada masa kini. Pepatah Inggeris ada menyebut, Napoleon akhirnya menjadi Maharaja, tetapi kudanya tetap hanya seekor kuda. Tetapi sebaik-baiknya, janganlah ada yang menunggang kita dan ditunggangnya kita pula. Azan di Temasik tidak dibenarkan menggunakan “loud speaker”, berazan di masjid Vermont Street Los Angeles – dah kena penumbuk sampai berdarah hidung. Ini kah yang kita hendak? Sebenarnya, integrasi kaum mungkin juga banyak halangan pada tahap fahaman agama kita semua. Tak ada siapa nak sebut ini pun. Kenapa? Adakah saya tersalah tafsir? Tolong betulkan saya jika begitu, tetapi hati saya berat kepada hakikat yang saya masih teringat-ingat lagi pada sekitar tahun 1990’an dimana ketika saya berdiri dikaki lima Jalan Bukit Bintang KL dan melihat bagaimana se-ekor ular sawa disembelih hidup-hidup dan diambil darah dari jantungnya dan dicampurkan dengan arak brandy dan dijual pada harga segelas RM100 untuk diminum oleh sesetengah mereka. Terlalu pelik dan tidak dapat masuk akal untuk kita orang Melayu, dan saya merasakan ini mungkin juga adalah salah satu ranjau atau rintangan utama dalam pengintegrasian Bangsa Malaysia. Namun, kunci pada hakikat ini adalah toleransi. Toleransi akan membawa kepada penerimaan, penerimaan akan akhirnya membawa kepada penyatuan dan mungkin juga kasih sayang dan hormat menghormati sesama kita.
    Natijahnya, perjuangan yang Tun bawa hari ini adalah perjuangan yang hanya untuk menyatukan semula Melayu dan kemudiannya dengan penyatuan tersebut, kekuatan untuk menyatukan semula semua rakyat Malaysia tidak mengira apa agama atau bangsa semua. Model Bangsa Malaysia Tun adalah lebih realistik dan mampu capai. Walaupun kita Melayu berparlimen, tetapi lebih utama daripada itu, kita adalah Melayu terakhir didunia yang tetap utuh bernaung dibawah panji-panji Kedaulatan Raja-Raja Melayu. Kita perlu sedar dan menghargai akan ini dan memegang kepada pepatah moyang kita, “carik-carik bulu ayam akhirnya bersatu juga”. Hari ini, tahun ini, detik ini kita kena bersatu. Selepas selesai kemelut ini, selepas kita telah sekali lagi berjaya memelihara agama dan bangsa kita, jika masih lagi hendak, maka kita boleh tendang menendang semula sesama kita. Tapi saat ini, bangsa kita memerlukan persefahaman kita semua.
    Anasir sekeliling kita cuma menunggu saat kehancuran kelompok Melayu terakhir di Malaysia. Kenapa nak hancurkan Melayu? Sebab Melayu Islam. Kenapa nak hancurkan Islam? Ambil duit USD 1 (1 dollar US). Pusing disebelah belakangnya. Apa yang dapat dilihat adalah satu mata diatas sebuah piramid. Piramid adalah lambang Zionist (satu mata ini terbuka pada tafsir sendiri). Manakala di atas piramid dan mata ini ada tertulis perkataan “Anuit Coeptis” ditafsirkan ke Bahasa Melayu daripada bahasa Latin asalnya: “Keberkatan Nya keatas agenda yang telah dimulakan”. Ini sebenarnya adalah agenda mereka daripada tahun 1782 lagi untuk menguasai dan memulakan oder baru dunia. Oder yang memisahkan antara agama dan kerajaan “the separation of church and state”. Oder yang akan menjerumuskan pengikutnya kekancah atheisma (atheism), dimana mereka hidup tanpa mempercayai lagi kewujudan tuhan (sepertimana apa yang sedang berlaku pada umumnya di Amerika dan negara Barat lain pada hari ini). Ini adalah agenda penyatuan mereka. Dan hari ini, oder ini telah memasuki ke fasa “Globalisma”.
    Ini semua adalah merupakan cabaran kita untuk terus kekal memegang teguh kepada kedaulatan kita sebagai Melayu Beraja dan berparlimen dan umat Islam yang Merdeka dan yang bersatu di muka bumi Allah ini. Marilah kita ambil semula tempat sesama kita.
    Teruskan agenda penyatuan Tun, kami sentiasa disisi Tun.

  493. assalamualaikum
    kehadapan ayahanda Tun yang dikasihi. Negara Malaysia sebuah negara yang kecil. Namun begitu bukan bermakna kita boleh berjumpa dan bercakap dgn semua orang. Walaupun umor dah 43, tapi hanya pada tahun 1985 sahaja saya dapat bersalaman dgn Tun. Dgn adanya blog ini dapat saya berinteraksi dgn Tun dgn lebih dekat.
    Saya sokong setiap keputusan Tun. Saya harap pengalaman & pengetahuan Tun berkaitan sosial kontrak dapat dibukukan utk pembelajaran seluruh jenerasi Malaysia. Isu perkauman adalah sensetif, begitu juga mempertikaikan sosial kontrak ini. Sesiapa yg mempertikaikan sepatutnya lucutkan kerakyatannya. Wujudnya Malaysia disebabkan adanya sosial kontrak ini. Sesiapa yang melanggarnya bolehlah ditafsirkan melanggar kontrak dan tidak layak menjadi rakyat Malaysia. Seperti Tun kata, kerajaan perlu bertegas dalam hal ini. Isu Ahmad Ismail adalah berpunca dari kegagalan menanggani masalah sosial kontrak ini oleh kerajaan juga kegagalan kaum-kaum lain berpegang pada sosial kontrak. Wajar sesiapa yg memertikaikan sosial kontrak ini disingkirkan dari Malaysia. Wajar juga PM ditukar kerana gagal mengawal isu ini dengan tegas dan bijaksana Jika dibiarkan ianya akan menjadi lebih parah bagi seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Akan ramai lagi orang Melayu menjadi seperti Dtk Ahmad Ismail. Jadikanlah Malaysia ini kembali aman dan harmoni, seluruh kaum hidup dgn aman dan harmoni – HORMATI SOSIAL KONTRAK. Jadikanlah kepelbagaian kaum ini satu keunikan Malaysia bukan kehancuran.

  494. Salam Ayahnda Tun, memang betul apa yang ayahnda katakan dalam artikel ini. Kontrak sosial ini amat mustahak untuk dipatuhi bagi menjamin yang rusuhan kaum tidak berlaku. Selama ini dengan mematuhi kontrak ini, kaum kaum lain tidak pun di anaya. Mereka tidak pernah pun kekurangan apa apa. Kenapa sekarang menuntut yang bukan bukan? Lihatlah betapa bertolak ansur nya orang melayu terutama sekali di Pulau Pinang. Mereka ini bagi menjamin keharmonian kaum sanggup terasak ketepi tepi pantai dan tinggal dalam kampung kampung yang konon nya tradisional! Kenapa tak ada kaum kaum lain ditempatkan di kampung kampung tradisional jugak!! Anaknda kira adalah amat penting yang Ayahnda kembali secepat mungkin kedalam UMNO bagi menasihati para para Umarak yang ada dalam kerajaan sekarang cara cara untuk menandatangani kemelut ini. Salam kpd Bonda Tun Siti Hasmah.

  495. salam Tun…
    selamat kembali ke dalam UMNO…kami generasi muda memang amat memerlukan buah fikiran dan tunjuk ajar dari seorang negarawan seperti Tun…kami memerlukan seorang pemimpin yang telus dan mampu membimbing kami ke arah kesejahteraan….semoga Allah mengurniakan kesihatan yang baik kepada Tun dan keluarga…
    selamat menjalani ibadah puasa…

  496. di manakah bijak pandai yang telah mendapat manfaat dari social contract ini…yang ‘claim’ telah dapat berdiri di atas kaki sendiri..realitinya kemahiran atau skil peniaga melayu tentang pendapatan masuk dan keluar pun berterabur…macaman nak ‘survive’ dalam dunia perniagaan serba mencabar, apatah lagi globalisasi. perubahan yang radikal akan mengambil masa yang lebih panjang. selain dari generasi baru ( young & profesional ini), masyarakat bumiputra rata2 masih lagi ketinggalan, dan akan terus tertinggal jika yang telah mendapat manfaat hanya berdiam diri.

  497. TDM yang diksehi. Assalamualaikum dan semoga Tun dan bonda Tun Siti Asmah sentiasa berada didalam kandungan sehat walafiat dan diberkati allah s.w.t. hendaknya. Seperti biasa, sangat membuka minda dan rasa puas apabila membaca setiap tulisan Tun melalui blog ini. Sungguhpun Tun masih belum membuat keputusan secara rasmi mengenai kemasukan semula ke dalam UMNO, akan tetapi saya akan bersyukur sekiranya Tun mengambil keputusan untuk menyelamatkan bangsa melayu, UMNO dan juga BN dari terjerumus ke lembah yang paling dalam hingga tidak boleh diselamatkan lagi. Tak usahlah Tun nak hiraukan suara minoriti melalui blog ini yang musykil dan mengkritik kemasukan semula Tun dalam UMNO asalkan majoriti bloggers dan juga yang diluartu menyokongnya. Apapun langkah atau rancangan Tun untuk menyelamatkan keadaan yang tenat ini, ianya sudah tentu jauh lebih bermakna dari membiarkan DSAAB ataupun DSAI untuk meneruskan agenda masing masing. Seperti yang telah saya komen dimasa yang lepas, saya ingin melihat ‘cacing cacing’ yang pernah menghina dan mengutuk Tun sedikit masa dahulu untuk merasa kepanasannya selain sikap tidak menghormati dan berterima kasih mereka kepada Tun diatas segala sumbangan Tun selama 22 tahun sebagai PM. Kalaulah ianya akan menjadi realiti kelak, saya secara peribadi berharap agar mereka yang berkenaan ini supaya meletakkan jawatan mereka sebagai menteri secara terhormat bersama sama DSAAB. Lepastu, sumbatkan mereka mereka yang terlibat didalam isu perkauman sejak akhir akhir ini, kedalam kem tahanan menggunakan akta keselamatan dalam negeri (ISA). Kalau boleh masukkan sekali Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang dan lain lain pemimpin pembangkang yang bersikap perkauman supaya mereka ini boleh cukup korum untuk tubuhkan kerajaan mereka didalam pusat tahanan nanti. Jangan juga lupa untuk sumbatkan DSAI yang boleh digelar Yahudi Malaysia untuk menjadi PM kerajaan PR di Pusat Tahanan kelak. Saya harap benar perkara ini boleh dilakukan. Kepada bloggers, maaf ya, ini bukan soal membalas dendam ya, jauh sekali. Akan tetapi ianya adalah sebagai satu langkah untuk menyelamatkan keadaan. Saya kira Tun yang dikasehi dan dikagumi, akan tahu apa nak buatlah! Selamat berpuasa Tun sekeluarga.

  498. Dear Tun,
    You are making an assumption and spinning the facts again and again to say people are rejecting the Social contract and this and that the fact is people are disgusted with the autocratic way of the Gov being administered. This autocratic way started way before the current leadership. ( If you know what I mean!).
    Its you are the one who is creating and has created the flame of racism in our beloved country for longer then anyone ever know!
    The development of any country is not merely on how many tallest building and bigger projects the country has but its more important to project where does the Gov stand in terms of policy when it comes to achieve a better/developed country and civilisation status. Especially when this is what the Gov advocating to the worlds powers for other countries to be fair and etc.
    This clearly show what a hipocrite the current Gov is ( that goes to you too Tun) who aint got any stand on any civilised policy.

  499. Salam …TUN
    Parti yang berasaskan kaum tidak mungkin menjadi Malaysia sebuah negara yang dihormati pada masa akan datang.Saya berpendapat begitu, dengan kepelbagaian ini juga faktor mendorong masing-masing terlalu mengutamakan kaum sendiri sehingga ada yang lupa bahawa setiap kaum memang ada bangsa yang terpinggir. Persaingan antara kaum untuk meraih kek ekonomi mahupun pendidikan kadang-kadang ada pihak merasakan tidak adil.Persaingan hanya boleh dilakukan dikalangan yang sama tahap daya saingnya baik ekonomi mahupun pendidikan.Sebagai contoh dikalangan kaum telah memonopolikan ekonominya disuruh bersaing dengan kaum yang sedia lemah ekonominya tentulah persaingan bukan pada gelanggangnya,seperti orang kaya dengan orang miskin.Saya harap tun dapat memikirkan cara yang terbaik dan berkesan dalam hal ini untuk generasi yang datang.Kepada mana-mana kaum yang memiliki kuasa mahupun ekonomi sedarlah kerana kesilapan anda tidak akan menguntungkan kedua-duanya. Terima kasih. selamat berpuasa TUN& Keluarga.

  500. Dear Tun.. Kali pertama saya ingin komen.. Kebanyakan generasi sekarang tidak faham apa yang Tun perjuangkan.. Kebanyakan mereka hanya tahu meminta, dah senang sedikit lupa dunia.. Mereka tidak pernah faham apa erti perjuangan yang sebenarnya.. Mereka tidak pernah merasa bagaimana peritnya hidup dahulu.. mereka lahir apabila kita sudah merdeka..
    Saya merujuk kepada komen Asus pada 10 September.. Siapa dia Asus ini.. Apa hak dia nak komen tindakan Tun.. Tun telah memerintah Malaysia dengan jayanya.. Adakah dia tidak sedar apa yang terjadi sekarang ini.. Janganlah pendek akal.. Tidak perlu suruh Tun berfikir.. Fikiran Tun telah berhaya menaikkan Malaysia.. Asus fikirlah sendiri..
    Bagi saya, tindakan Tun amatlah wajar.. Saya sendiri banyak mengalami masalah diperingkat organisasi kecil,inikan pula sebuah negara.. Ramai pengipas yang hanya pentingkan diri sendiri.. Kebanyakan orang di dalam kerajaan sekarang (kebanyakannya UMNO) hanya berani cakap “YES” sahaja.. Tidak fikirkan kepentingan masyarakat, terutamanya melayu.. Tapi pernah terfikir tak kenapa rakan lain dalam UMNO berani say “NO” and berani meminta dan mempertikaikan kepentingan Melayu? Jawapannya mudah.. kerana salah tadbir negara.. Bila salah tadbir, bila dah buat silap dari peringkat awal, ianya memkan diri..
    Teruskan perjuangan Tun.. Jangan dihindar komen-komen seperti Asus yang tidak pernah tahu erti perjuangan bangsa.. Manusia seperti Asus adalah manusia yang pentingkan diri sendiri.. Allah sentiasa berada bersama orang yang benar..
    Sepanjang hidup saya, saya impikan sesuatu yang tidak berjaya saya capai.. Iaitu.. Saya ingin sgt berjumpa Tun semasa hari pertama tidak memerintah.. Semasa kali pertama Tun keluar dari pejabat Tun sebagai orang biasa.. Saya ingin bersalam dengan Tun pada masa itu dan mengucapkan.. “TAHNIAH DATO’ SERI DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, ANDA TELAH MENJALANKAN TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB ANDA KEPADA BANGSA, AGAMA DAN NEGARA..”. Semoga Allah akan sentiasa menunjukkan kebenaran kepada dunia.. Salam Tun..

  501. Salam Ayahnda Tun..
    Saya adalah peminat no.1 Ayahnda Tun, Kalau Ayahnda tak keberatan boleh la Ayahnda contact saya melalui email saya, saya berhasrat untuk menjemput Ayahnda Tun ke Majlis Pernikahan saya..saya benar2 berharap Ayahnda dapat meluangkan masa untuk datang ke Majlis saya.
    Terima kasih..

  502. Salam Tun.
    Jika Tun masuk UMNO semula untuk tujuan membantu Ku Li maka itu memang wajar. Tapi adakah Tun pasti Ku Li boleh melakukan atau memimpin dengan lebih baik dari yang ada sekarang ? Harap Tun tidak tersalah pilih lagi.
    Walau apapun saya yakin Ku Li jauh lebih professional dan tegas daripada AAB.

  503. Salam Tun,
    Abdullah Badawi tak sepandai Tun mentadbir negara.
    Anuar Ibrahim pula kena pecat dari Umno dia cari kawan Cina dan India untuk pecah belahkan orang Melayu untuk kepentingan dirinya.
    Saya heran kenapa masih ada orang Melayu sukakan Anuar.
    Jika Anuar jadi PM maka hancurlah orang Melayu.
    Najib pula ada scandal.
    Jadi siapa yang layak memikul beban mentadbir negara Malaysia yg tercinta?. Tambahan issue perkauman yg hangat..
    Mungkin Muhyiddin Yasin atau menteri menteri yang berseh cekap dan amanah.
    Saya kira Tun lah yg paling layak mentadbir Malaysia namun sayang usia Tun dah menjelang senja tapi saya yakin semangat Tun masih MUDA.

  504. Lanjutan kepada pandangan saya tadi.saya amat menghargai jika sekiranya YBhg Tun dapat meluangkan masa untuk memberi pandangan dan bolihlah hantar kepada [email protected] untuk saya membuat pertimbangan untuk membawa usul dalam Mesyuarat Agong Bahagian (Ketereh)nanti. Terima kasih.

  505. Selamat Bersahur Tun dan keluarga,

  506. By Asus on September 10, 2008 5:45 PM
    Hi TUN r u slap your own face? U said When Badawi step down you just re-join UMNO ??? R u same as Badawi flip flop ? U dah mempunyai rekod cemerlang dlm malaysia. Tun dah mencapai kemuncak tu, semua rakyat sanjung TUN ketika Tun umum undur dari jawatan PM ! Tapi Tun tak cukup gentlemen, Tun sendiri la yg bikin TUN tidak lagi disanjung kerana TUN keep on critic goverment ! Y TUN just rest and peace? Everybody will respect Tun and our children will always remember TUN make Malaysia’s name proudly ! But Tun spoil your own name by your own behavior. Next generation everybody will said aiya why Tun like that? Reputasi TUN dah tercemar sejak TUN kuat critic. Kalu ketika TUN umum undur dari jawatan PM dan tidak banyak cakap sudah tentu TUN mempunyai nama yg bagus untuk generasi akan datang…. TUN sendiri fikir lah…
    Hello Asus,
    TUN balik masuk UMNO semata-mata untuk membantu memperkuat dan memperkasakan UMNO. TUN sayangkan MALAYSIA, dan TUN percaya hanya melalui UMNO keharmonian Malaysia dapat dibela. Kerana, selama ini hanya UMNO yang sebagai tunjang BN telah memainkan peranan yang sungguh positif. TUN bukan seorang yang pentingkan diri sendiri … kalau TUN pentingkan diri, buat apa TUN sibuk-sibuk … lebih baik TUN duduk kat rumah aje makan gaji pencen.Sebabkan sayangkan Malaysia dan anak-anak Malaysia makanya TUN sanggup berjuang.
    Kamu ni Asus … Fikirlah Sendiri
    TUN, sya sokong TUN sepenuhnya. Selamat bersahur dan selamat berpuasa.

  507. assalamualaikum Tun, saya cuma harap tindakan tun tak diperlekehkan dek orang2 UMNO yang dah perlekehkan tun masa pemilihan kat kedah tempoh hari…yang mana dengan nilai suapan yang sikit,,,dia orang dah buang tun…saya masih ingat artikel yang Tun tulis selepas kejadian tersebut….saya harap kredibiliti Tun masih tinggi…sedar la orang UMNO oi

  508. Yang Amat Berbahagia TUN,
    1- Jika tidak salah saya Tun Tan Cheng Lock bukanlah pejuang kemerdekaan bagi negara kita. Beliau hanyalah diantara pemimpin pengasas MCA.
    2- Menurut sejarah, beliaulah yang menjadi duri dalam daging perjuangan kemerdekaan bilamana beliau membuat dua rundingan (sulit) dengan pihak British dan Quen bagi menyatakan sokongan kepada Malayan Union.
    3- Melayu menurut perlembagaan adalah sangat luas. melayu bebas untuk ke mana-mana atau hijrah dari kepulauan melayu itu sendiri kerana nusantara ini tanah air mereka. Nusantara ini luas jadi mereka berpindah atau berhijrah kerana berdagang, politik ataupun perkahwinan. Jika Disamakan kita hari ini, orang perak berhijrah ke kedah atau pahang waima ke sabah sekalipun, mereka masih rakyat
    4- Generasi muda perlu faham dan hayati serta syukur kerana titisan darah dan keringat pejuang MELAYU dahulu lah, kita generasi hari ini mampu hidup senang, aman dan makmur di Tanah Melayu ini. Sebutkan nama2 pahlawan tanah air dahulu…adakah nama2 asing dalam senarai tersebut. Nah…adakah itu tidak mampu menginsafkan kita tentang rahmat pada bumi bertuah ini.
    5- Isu pokok yang seharusnya menjadikan tumpuan kita pada masa ini adalah usaha2 pembentukan negara dan masyarakat yang lebih dinamik, maju, berdayatahan, peka dan dihormati, penyayang, bertolak ansur, berbudi dan bersasiah tinggi, beretika dan berakauntability. Perlu membuat penanda arasan pada hari ini untuk menentukan bahawa kita mampu mencapainya menjelang 2020. saya setuju dengan ulasan bro diatas tadi..bukan soal races sahaja yg hendak di gembar-gemburkan. Fakta adalah fakta, sejarah tidak dapat dipinda2. yang boleh dibuat adalah fakta yang di tonjolkan untuk complement sesuatu bangsa atau kelompok sahaja. Yang mustahak adalah pemimpin hari ini perlulah menunjukkan contoh tauladan yg baik kepada org yg di pimpin. UMNO harus cari jalan, walau perit sekalipun, tidak dapat tidak rasuah dan poltik wang harus diselesaikan. Jika tidak pemimpin yang sama akan memimpin negara dan penyakit ini akan terus menular.
    6- Saya tidak ingin menyebut tentang pemimpin DAP mahupun PAS dan Keadilan. Mereka sememangnya orang politik. Mereka tahu apa sahaja yg laku…boleh dijadikan modal politik. Kononnya demi negara bangsa dan agama..akan mereka jaja dan promosikan bagi memenuhi selera sesetengah masyarakat yang berselera ganjil. Yang ingin saya tekankan adalah golongan bottom line yg sanggup menderita, berhabis masa, wang ringgit dan resiko untuk sesuatu yg mereka tidak nampak gambaran dimana hujungnya, dimana kebenarannya. Kasehan…………

  509. Dearest Yg Bhg Tun,
    First and foremost, welcome back in giving a helping hand in mending the ‘sing-king’ ark. Nevertheless, this time, shall be with the welcoming of neither the ‘mandeliars’ nor the ‘ketols’.
    I’m rather awakened by some of the remarks and comments made by bloggers with regard to points raised by you. Perhaps some of the young guns were just so keen in participating rather then commenting onto their much less-understood issues. Reasons could have been due to all of the shortcomings attained all along their pretty short life cycle. Perhaps, their existance can be well addressed by the education community right from the lowest to the topmost level of such.. on how much damage those varying policies created by such comunity had caused to the current society. Now we have to pay the price!!
    The ‘Social Contract’ issue has been brought up over and over again by certain quarters namely those within ‘council of the bars’ and some differing political beliefs ‘cheaps-cats’. To majority of Malaysians, the two words, probably either never had they ever been utterred or heard throughout their entire life simply because such had never even been made known to them right from day one of their schoolhood.
    As for Pak Lah’s placating of many, obviously with billions of Ringgits..well ‘blame me’ (once very famous phrase in mind your language program) such word ‘billions’ has been the most common word even to the youngest of my generation. I still remember as and when Pak Lah appears in TV, my youngest son would post such a remark ‘ Daddy..look, berapa billions this time’ Not supprising to us Malaysians, whenever Pak Lah would table the budget or announcing any new ‘corri-door’, the common phrase would be ‘ many billions this time Pak Lah!’
    The real fact of the matter, and pretty well known to us all too, is that for Pak Lah to simply pull the guards up and head for the stepping down, leaving the ‘songkok’ to you, our dearest Yg Bhg Tun to take charge to lead and show us the right way forward!
    To this I feel that it is rather timely for all of us, Malaysians, to proceed with sensible ways and means, so that we can inject and insert some senses into Pak Lah’s head that his best contribution to the country as the Prime Minister is going to be on his willingness to step down!
    As for you Yg Bhg Tun, we really are counting on you!
    May all ALLAH blessings be with you and family. Insyaallah.

  510. si dollah lembik tu asyik tunduk aje kt cina.
    Tun ajar dia skit mcm mana nk meneraju krjaan.
    tak guna langsung! oi lembik letak jwtan skrg, bg Tun repair semua krosakan yg tlh awak lakukan.
    mls berfikir utklh si dollah & labunya.
    dgn org Melayu bukan main tegas! kes Mjlis pguam, hina Agong, hina Agama Islam & ketuanan Melayu/bumiputera hang diam aje.
    letak jawatan lh bodowi!
    maat bhs kwn. tak reti2 nk turn lagi.

  511. AAB is only a family leader and to be a nation leader?,he have shown his capabilities in handling nothing

  512. Salam Tun,
    catatan saya yang awal tak keluar pun.. 🙁 ganas sangat kot..
    Saya sendirilah, semalam, kemarin dan selebihnya, takde rasa pun racial tension bila mana keluar melakukan rutin harian. Seperti kata chua88 ( antara yang awal komen )what racial tension ?? I assumed chua is chinese.. nah ! saya nak tanya para bloggers yang lain – semalam seharian waktu siang, bertemu segala macam manusia, ada tak rasa ‘racial tension’ ?
    TAK ADA !! ‘Racial Tension’ ni hanya wujud bila kita baca paper, tengok tv DAN BILA DENGAR ORANG POLITIK BERCAKAP ! Serius ni, memanglah kalau difikir2kan ketidakpuasan hati memang ada dan kalau di layan jadilah tension. Tapi rata2 rakyat hidup aman, masing2 cari makan, tak kacau orang.
    Yang jadi culpritnya pemimpin2 politik ! yang mulakan tension pemimpin2 cina, yang melayunya mempertahankan diri. Dah adat perang mulut, macam laki bini gaduh, tak sah kalau tak keluar ayat2 yang menyakitkan hati. mana ada perang mulut yang beradab sopan 🙂 itu gurau senda namanya.
    Maksud saya diatas bukanlah perkara ini benda kecil. cuma peringatan, macam laki bini gaduh, jangan lupa priority kita. Keamanan !
    Satu lagi, mana ada didunia ini negara yang seperti Malaysia di mana politik dikuasai majoriti, bisnes dikuasai minoriti dan sistem pemerintahan berdasarkan kesamarataan ?? contoh di amerika atau australia ( maaf kalau saya silap ) , orang kulit putih memerintah tapi waktu sama, bisnes juga dikuasai mereka jadi bolehlah mereka bercakap tentang hak samarata. Saya percaya akan tiba masanya bila kedudukan ekonomi orang putih mula terancam, mereka juga akan mula memperkenalkan ‘social contract’ mengikut acuan mereka sendiri.
    kepada mereka yang dok kutuk Tun berulangkali disini( tak payah sebutlah nama ) , kesian saya dengan anda semua. Tak tension ke dok hentam orang hari2. macamanalah agaknya kehidupan anda semua.. mesti ‘musang sokmo’ ! Tak payahlah masuk, kurang sikit tension tu

  513. Salam Tun
    Ramai rakyat Malaysia mengambil berat dan risau tentang isu perkauman yang ditiupkan oleh ahli2 politik termasuklah BC. Baru2 ini semasa saya menaiki teksi ke KLIA, pemandu teksi muda yang berbangsa India menyuarakan keresahan beliau tentang perbalahan kaum yang kerap berlaku sekarang dan menyatakan bahawa pada zaman Tun perkara seperti ini tidak berlaku atau pun terkawal. Semua ini adalah kerana kegagalan AAB dalam mengawal keadaan.
    Semasa isu ini hangat ramai lah ahli2 politik dari BN dan Pembangkang menjadi hero untuk menangguk di air keruh. Rakyat berharap agar keadaan tidak menjadi tegang dan tidak terkawal sehingga tercetus perkara yang tidak diingini.
    Saya berdoa agar MT UMNO menerima Tun kembali.
    Take care Tun.
    Selamat Berpuasa dan Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya aidil Fitri.

  514. Dear Tun,
    I’m surprised by your recent posts with regard to Dato Ahmad Ismail’s comment on the non-Malay and according to Tun, NEP should be practiced until God-knows-when. If my memory serves me well, not long ago it was Tun who said that mega projects were always assigned to certain groups of people because they did well when you were in the office. On other hand, there were a bunch of hopeless people who you could only do so much to help. So, after 50 years, do you think that we (non-bumi or chinese to be exact) are asking too much just to be equally treated? Or was it a tactic by the ruling government for maintaining if not widening such a gap among races so that certain race will always get the biggest slice of anything and everything before wide range of exploitation and mishandling of funds/resources/power can take place?

  515. Salam hormat Tun,
    “This is the first time I hear of Malays rejecting the social contract”.
    Melayu dah kena ‘BRAINWASH’ inilah yg dikata Melayu Mudah Lupa. Melayu tidak ada JATI DIRI…..

  516. A’kum TUN,
    anakda mohon izin laluan,saya ingin menjawab persoalan ASUS.
    Saudara asus,apa yang tun lakukan memanglah tepat dan benar apabila memilih Paklah sebagai PM,
    kerana tak dapat dinafikan perpecahan melayu amat ketara di era TUN kerana pemikiran dan wawasan TUN amat JAUH SERIBU LANGKAH KEHADAPAN dan tidak dapat dikenali oleh TEMAN MAHUPIN LAWAN,
    maka bila hendak menyatukan perpaduan melayu kembali TUN telah berjanji akan mengantikan yang PEMIMPIN YANG BERSIH.
    Tidak dinafikan PAK LAH mempunyai REKOD yang bersih berbanding dengan yang lain.PERANCANGAN TUN MENJADI BUKTINYA..”KEMENANGAN GELOMBANG BIRU”
    MALANGNYA..”melayu mudah lupa”TUN berpengalaman 22 tahun dalam memerintah negara lebih kenal dan mengetahui selokbelok POLITIK M’SIA,MASAALAH PERPADUAN DAN EKONOMI DAN LAIN2,Mengapa kerajaan sekarang begitu angkuh dan sombong tidak boleh menerima pandangan TUN??????? Apakah rugi kita belajar dari orang yang berpengalaman,berpengetahuan dan mempunyai kemahiran dalam mentadbir sebuah negara,TETAPI malang Sekali apabila DATO SERI ABDULLAH telah mendapat KUASA PM makan LUPA SEGALA-GALANYA,TUN seorang yang berpandangan jauh tahu apa yang akan berlaku pada esok hari dengan setiap langkah yang diambil hari ini,MAKA PERLUKAH TUN HANYA DUDUK DIAM DAN MENJADI POPULAR SEPANJANG MASA DENGAN MELIHAT MASA DEPAN AGAMAA,BANGSA DAN NEGARA INI HANCUR????????

    What i like most about you is that u always talk facts. Unfortunately, some ppl cant take it.
    Non-malays must learn to accept facts coz we cant change history….. We shouldnt question the rights of the indigenous ppl in the first place. Pls refer to Social Contract posted on 12 July (if not mistaken)and read more about history. Then u know your stand.
    Some comments from chinese and indian sound self-centred. Imagine if the situation is vice versa. Would they allow other ppl to question their priviledges or rights? I dont think so.
    Singapore for example…… just look at the way they rule. VERY PROTECTIVE OF THEIR OWN RIGHTS. They dont treat other races equally even they r far much advanced in many ways. Very less opportunity for others accept the CHINESE.
    So, asking for equal rights is considering too much, so to speak. MALAY SAYS ‘BAGI BETIS NAK PEHA’ OR SIMPLY ‘TAK SEDAR DIRI’.

  518. Dear Tun,
    I wish to comment on the following statement:
    9. Questioned as to what would happen if the British refused to give independence, they suggested that the Malays resort to armed struggle and co-operation with a neighbouring country. They suggested that we should have formed Melayu Raya together with this neighbouring country.
    Dear Tun, Please don’t listen too much to some of the historians (one fanatic is from UKM I know) who tell you all kinds of things. Some of them are racist to the core. It is true that we will not have obtained independence peacefully without accommodation. Assuming the country did the impossible and became independent through violence, the fact is that if the Chinese were not included in the nation-building process, the Communists with help from China would have taken control of the country. This was the reality of the situation. The Communists would not have allowed Malaya to be an independent country, shutting out major communities.
    Some of these historians have no idea at all about the Communist movement in Malaya despite the fact that we are now in the 60th year of Emergency, a good remembrancer of what happened in the past.

  519. Assalamualaikum Tun yang dikasihi
    Sebuah berita yang amat menggembirakan ketika Tun membuat keputusan untuk kembali kepada UMNO. Syukur Alhamdulillah, inilah karomah Allah, doa dari sesetengah ahli yang Allah kasihi. Amin

  520. Pak Lah is the real problem. Under Paklah, the economy is stagnate. Thus the people have nowhere to go. When the stomach is empty, a noble man can turn to be a thief.

  521. assalamualaikum ayahanda Tun.
    Rasanya hanya pendekatan cara islam sahaja yang mampu mengatasi kemelut negara kita. Islam sudah cukup dengan segala kekuatan untuk diketengahkan secara khusus dan terang kepada semua untuk diterima sebagai penyelesainya. dan yang penting sekarang ialah seorang khalifah yang berani dan benar untuk mengislamkan rakyat secara menyeluruh. Walaupun Pas bermatlamat sama tetapi seolah olah tiada pemimpin, hanya penceramah dan guru guru sahaja. Wallahualam.

  522. Salam sejahtera Tun.
    Saya sebagai seorang rakyat biasa (Chinese Malaysian) saya pernah berasa bangga menjadi Malaysian dengan mempunyai seorang PM seperti Tun. Saya pernah sekali menyuarakan kepada Singaporean bhw kalau Singa ada Mr. LKY, maka Harimau ada Dr.M.
    Tetapi apabila saya merenung kembali kitaran hidup rakyat Malaysia yang bermasyarakat majmuk ini saya nampak kekurangan (weakness) yang wujud selama 50thn kita merdeka ialah masalah perpaduan kaum semakin diabaikan. Samada ia sengaja dipermainkan oleh sesetengah politician atau dengan secara tidak sengaja diabaikan oleh pemimpin kita semasa sibuk membentuk kemajuan ekonomi negara maka perpaduan sosial ditidakberatkan pada suatu masa.
    Sebagai contoh, saya lihat budak-budak sekarang tidaklah seperti dulu yang mana saya mempunyai ramai kawan-kawan saya dari pelbagai kaum, India, Melayu dan Cina,… we played, we laughed and we hugged each others like brothers…and I really missed that precious moment of my life…If you ask me to describe them now I would say my Indian friends were typically energetic and humour, Malays were so helpful and honest while Chinese were playful and fun…that makes Malaysian lives so lively and colourful…(saya masih berasa gembira bila mengenangkannya sekarang).
    I’m thirst for a leader to bring back True Malaysian Life…gembira jika Tun kembali dalam arena politik dengan harapan kini untuk membentuk perpaduan seiras dengan ekonomi negara.
    Berharap agar politician tidak memainkan agenda perkauman untuk mendapat sokongan kononnya ekonomi dan politik akan dirampas.
    1. Ekonomi = semakin ramai orang berkecimpung semakin banyak peluang untuk perniagaan baru dan peluang pekerjaan baru di bentuk untuk semua kaum.
    2. Politik = tidak mungkin dirampas oleh minoriti disebabkan majoriti selalunya menjadi ketuanan.
    Terima Kasih
    Kunci – Perpaduan

  523. Salam Tun dan warga Chedet,
    Yes, we have been following our social contract since Independence, who is not?? Everyone does.
    When UMNO is going down, some smart alex is using “Race” to stir up the situation. We are not tensed or scared by those stupid “Race” statement. Malay is not angry with non Malays and non Malay is not angry with Malay. We understand our right and we respect the Social Contract… who is not??
    Are you trying to “INSTIGATE” that the non-malay in general are trying to challenge the Social Contract or UMNO is the only party that can uphold the SOCIAL CONTRACT? Becareful what you say, don’t FLIP FLOP like Dollah.
    INSTIGATION will not work here.
    Rakyat Malaysia want to see ZERO CORRUPTION ! If MONEY POLITIC can happen in UMNO, how can they LEAD MALAYSIA and uphold the SOCIAL CONTRACT. If corruption continue, don’t talk about SOCIAL CONTRACT.
    CORRUPTION will make our SOCIAL CONTRACTING (Smaller and Backward)
    Rakyat Malaysia are suffering because of mismanagemet and misallocation of funds by BN. It got nothing to do with SOCIAL CONTRACT !
    Thank you for reminding us about the history. In order to move forward and progress we also need to use our Brain + HardWork + Unity and not just Race.
    Shouting SLOGAN and TEPUK TANGAN SEBELAH will lead us nowhere. All of us need to work extra hard to make sure we are always ahead of other nations.

  524. Salam Ramadhan kepada Tun serta isteri,
    Saya telah mengikuti komen-komen Tun sejak 3 bulan yang lepas dan amat tertarik dengan isu-isu yang diketengahkan. Berkenaan dengan isu MELAYU hendaklah BERSATU, saya berpendapat UMNO dan PAS mestilah bergabung. Walaupun sudah ada usaha kearah itu tapi ianya tak kemana kerana usaha ini tidak bolih dimainkan olih orang politik. Perasaan curiga serta ego masih menebal antara pemimpin UMNO dan PAS. Adalah lebih baik pihak NGO serta cendikiawan Melayu yang memainkan peranan supaya kedua-dua parti Melayu ini bersatu atau mungkin Tun sendiri bolih memainkan peranan untuk mengerakkan pihak-pihak NGO supaya meneruskan agenda ini.

  525. Selamat kembali Tun, Saya rasa sayalah orang yang paling gembira mendapat berita yang Tun akan kembali ke pangkuan UMNO. Saya terlalu sayangkan UMNO lebih dari segalanya dan saya yakin hanya Tun yang dapat mengembalikan kegemilangannya.

  526. I agree with LIM CHEE CHAN’s views.
    The BBC’s Taiwan trip to study its state-of-the-art agricultural programmes is truly ridiculous and wasteful. There are many ways of acquiring knowledge and learning the ropes on how to improve our agriculture, thus the objective of the trip is extremely suspicious in nature. It takes over 40 MPs to learn something which is almost irrelevant as I am sure many in the Ministry of Agriculture would be able to do it better. One keeps thinking of the joke where it takes 4 people to turn on a light bulb.
    PakLah, Najib, Tiong and Bung Mokhtar are responsible for the disgraceful and dreadful depletion of funds. The money used is naturally from the Govt, unless of course BBC has been secretly selling ikan kembung at the wet market to get the funds.
    All the MPs involved with the trip are consciously responsible for such careless consumption of the money and I do not think they are matured enough to be in the BBC. I am curious on how they intend to use their new-found agri-based knowledge to assist the social and economical uneasiness that is more of an important issue at the moment.
    However I am sure they would be having a pleasurable time there, dining, chatting and gossiping with each other. It makes a mockery of their original roles and responsibilities to the country.
    PakLah apparently has more money stashed in the Govt to be so generous with his spending for the BBC. He cares not for the suffering of the disadvantaged people who are trying on a daily basis to make ends meet.
    As for the billions that Dr. M talks about, PakLah and Najib are not transparent with the Govt’s expenditure. They talk constantly about transparency and good governance, but nowadays a standard 4 student would be able to save more money than the Govt (maybe this is simply extreme comparison but in this day and age, one cannot be blamed for being wild in thought).
    Not to mention, with the decades of agricultural experiences and proficiencies we have in the peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak, one would think we have already attained an exceptional methodology to plant rice, chili, durian, serai and others. Unless of course, BBC wants to reinvent the wheel, again.
    Our past accomplishments and milestones seems irrelevant to these politicians. They treat our country with little or no respect. They blunder our national progress with impractical ideas which are juvenile and harebrained in nature. Have they lost their sensible judgment?
    Rather than stay in the country to solve the problems, they run to Taiwan.
    Ultimately BN and its Umno master must take the blame for the wastages and their goof. They are accountable for the economical and social decay.
    At 35, I am ashamed of the state of affairs in our country. We are Malaysians, yes, but we seem to be living in a society which prides itself in being morally better than the rest (and each other). We live in a generation that breeds intolerance amongst each other and which eventually will yield a fruitless future.

  527. Dear Tun,
    It looks that the military people are voicing their concern over the current situation. It is rather disturbing to note that the military top brass has openly reminded the polticians that something is not right with what is happening now. Seldom a military personnel making such a very serious statement. What does that indicates? It seems to me that our fragile democratic system is being hijacked by irresponsible people like the Bar Council, some idiotic bloggers and NGOs harping on racial sentiments under the cover of championing human rights, freedom of speech etc etc.
    Is democracy going to be DEAD? Are we going to experience the introduction of MAGERAN again? If it is for the better of the rakyat I think that is a very good move indeed!!

  528. Syukur Alhadulillah Tun.
    Welcome back to UMNO. I dont see any other way to topple Abdullah and family. Harap harap kali ini usaha kita di berkati Allah.
    Im sick with RPK and all his supporters. way out of line dah..
    Thanks Tun…

  529. Dear Tun,
    UMNO must change NOW its leadership under a lame duck President Pak Lah.
    Cukuplah !! Sedarlah !! Pak Lah tidak terdaya memikul beban tanggong jawab untuk memertabatkan orang Melayu. Pak Lah bukannya seorang pemimpin tetapi hanya pengikut. Itulah masalah besar yanmg oenag UMNO hadapi sekarang. Kita masih lagi tidak nampak kelemahan Pak Lah yang “tercungap-cungap” tidak tahu kemana arah dia nak bawa bangsa Melayu dan seluruh rakyat. Kita sedang dihayun menuju ke arah tidak menentu dan ahkirnya nanti baru kita sedar bahawa Pak Lah rupanya bawa kita ke LONGKANG !! Apa gunanya. Nasi sudah jadi bubur!!
    Apakah kita masih buta?
    Apakah kta masih pekak?
    Apakah kita masih tuli?
    Apakah kita masih khayal?
    Apakah kita masih tidor?
    Bangunlah wahai ahli-ahli UMNO. Kita mesti BERUBAH SEKARANG tanpa lengah-lengah lagi. Masa sudah habis terbuang begitu sahaja tidak ada perubahan langsong. Hanya kosong selama 5 tahun Pak Lah menerajui UMNO. Ingatlah,jangan sampai kita DIUBAHKAN oleh orang lain!! Kita mesti BERHIJRAH ketempat yang lebih selamat demi untuk anak cucu kita yang akan datang.
    Janganlah hendaknya kita di “ludah” oleh generasi akan datang kerana kebodohan dan kejahilan kita.

  530. Dearest Tun,
    I don’t want you to come back into UMNO.. not to be just another member but I want you to lead this country again. These numbskulls can’t lead worth a damn! Ignorant fools .. I am not saying this to our current primier (that’s given) but to all UMNO leadership.
    + MCA, Gerakan and MIC .. don’t take advantage of our current weak leader. You might regret it!
    We must have a common goal, a better Malaysia. We have a unique mixture hence unique measures must be taken. Don’t force upon us American Idealism of democracy and etc. 200 years those fools are still struggling to get it right.
    Tun for PM!

  531. Salam Tun.Semoga Tun sihat disamping keluarga tercinta.
    Saya setuju dengan Tun bahawa DSAB tidak akan dapat selesaikan isu racist ini.Dia sendiri pun tak tahu kerja sebagai seorang PM untuk menjaga negara.Asyik mengelabah aje.Bila DSAI cakap pasal isu 16 september terus gelabah hantar ahli parlimen ke Taiwan.Lawatan sambil belajar pasal pertanian cangih konon.Pakai duit sendiri pulak untuk kos lawatan.Huh! rakyat akan percaya ke????? Benda simple pun DSAB tak pandai nak bagi rakyat convince.Lepas semua Ahli parlimen balik mereka akan bercucuk tanam belakang rumah mereka kot.Yelah… nak cuba sistem canggih. Tahniah sebab Tun nak masuk UMNO semula.Tapi harap Tun fikir masak masak sebelum membuat keputusan.Sebab ramai yang akan cuba nak kenakan Tun kat luar tu.Apa apa Email saya.Saya akan support Tun.Terima Kasih

  532. Salam Ayahanda Tun & Bonda Tun,
    Yelah Tun, sejak tun umum nak join UMNO balik, Handfon saya tit tot tit tot sms masuk(mcm la saya ni ahli poltik pulak)…ada yang kondem tun ada yang heran & mcm2 lagi speculation yang dibuat….
    Entah la Tun…saya sendiri pun dub dab dub dab bedebar dengan apa yang saya dengaq…ingatkan propaganda geng2 paklah sahaja, rupa2nya tun memang betui2 nak masuk umno balik…Tun tolong la jelaskan WHy…it really needs precise answer fr you because people like us, those who are supporting & giving explanation to grass root ( though nobody asks us to do so)need to explain to a lot of ppl also.
    What I have done – just gave them one standard answer…pls tell me this is the right one :
    tu la yang saya jawab Tun….
    Muga Tun diberi kekuatan oleh Allah SWT….permisi
    Suqizam Ibrahim – Putra Height.

  533. Salam Tun.Semoga Tun sihat disamping keluarga tercinta.
    Saya setuju dengan Tun bahawa DSAB tidak akan dapat selesaikan isu racist ini.Dia sendiri pun tak tahu kerja sebagai seorang PM untuk menjaga negara.Asyik mengelabah aje.Bila DSAI cakap pasal isu 16 september terus gelabah hantar ahli parlimen ke Taiwan.Lawatan sambil belajar pasal pertanian cangih konon.Pakai duit sendiri pulak untuk kos lawatan.Huh! rakyat akan percaya ke????? Benda simple pun DSAB tak pandai nak bagi rakyat convince.Lepas semua Ahli parlimen balik mereka akan bercucuk tanam belakang rumah mereka kot.Yelah… nak cuba sistem canggih. Tahniah sebab Tun nak masuk UMNO semula.Tapi harap Tun fikir masak masak sebelum membuat keputusan.Sebab ramai yang akan cuba nak kenakan Tun kat luar tu.Apa apa Email saya.Saya akan support Tun.Terima Kasih

  534. Salam hormat Tun.
    Given the mounting debunking of the Social Contract (SC) by selected Malays and non-Malays as you pointed out, I am envisaging a scenario where the political leaders representing the various ethnic groups will have to one day sit down to reaffirm/revamp/reformulate/recast/redefine (???) the Social Contract for the country. I can almost imagine the difficulties hampering this monumental task. First there is the PKR with its multi-racial platform proffering an alternative SC which include doing away with the ongoing affirmative actions for the Malays. Even though this may sound more like a vote-winning rhetoric and one direly lacking in specificity, the headway attained by the opposition in the last GE speaks well of its popular appeal to a growing number of Malaysians, regardless of their ethnic background. Then there is the BN which these days seems to be constantly quibbling and happy splitting hairs among themselves; I also think the split within the BN component parties will further worsen given the ongoing internal party elections. These, I surmise, are insurmountable pressures that will hem any effort aim at deliberating on—what more remodelling—the Malaysian SC. Maybe your thoughts on this Sir?

  535. A’kum TUN,
    anakda mohon izin laluan,saya ingin menjawab persoalan ASUS.
    Saudara asus,apa yang tun lakukan memanglah tepat dan benar apabila memilih Paklah sebagai PM,
    kerana tak dapat dinafikan perpecahan melayu amat ketara di era TUN kerana pemikiran dan wawasan TUN amat JAUH SERIBU LANGKAH KEHADAPAN dan tidak dapat dikenali oleh TEMAN MAHUPUN LAWAN,
    maka bila hendak menyatukan perpaduan melayu kembali TUN telah berjanji akan mengantikan yang PEMIMPIN YANG BERSIH.
    Tidak dinafikan PAK LAH mempunyai REKOD yang bersih berbanding dengan yang lain.PERANCANGAN TUN MENJADI BUKTINYA..”KEMENANGAN GELOMBANG BIRU”
    MALANGNYA..”melayu mudah lupa”TUN berpengalaman 22 tahun dalam memerintah negara lebih kenal dan mengetahui selokbelok POLITIK M’SIA,MASAALAH PERPADUAN DAN EKONOMI DAN LAIN2,Mengapa kerajaan sekarang begitu angkuh dan sombong tidak boleh menerima pandangan TUN??????? Apakah rugi kita belajar dari orang yang berpengalaman,berpengetahuan dan mempunyai kemahiran dalam mentadbir sebuah negara,TETAPI malang Sekali apabila DATO SERI ABDULLAH telah mendapat KUASA PM makan LUPA SEGALA-GALANYA,TUN seorang yang berpandangan jauh tahu apa yang akan berlaku pada esok hari dengan setiap langkah yang diambil hari ini,MAKA PERLUKAH TUN HANYA DUDUK DIAM DAN MENJADI POPULAR SEPANJANG MASA DENGAN MELIHAT MASA DEPAN AGAMAA,BANGSA DAN NEGARA INI HANCUR????????

  536. Dearest Ayahanda Tun,
    We would all want to know…how would u handle the case of the Ketua Bahagian Bukit Bendera ?
    I personnal think that Pak Lah has handle it poorly….he could have manouvered it better than what he has done…and make it to the “malay agenda’s” advantage..then doing what he has done that shows that we the Malays are practically shaken by the component parties in Barisan Nasional
    thank you ayahanda, please do share your thoughts…we are lost without your guidance…

  537. salam, Tun,
    betulka.. apa yg diterangkan disini.. saya baca aje..
    TranungKite Online v7.0 Forums-viewtopic-PENTING!!!.. Kena Baca … Fahamkan!…
    Ramai yang melupakan sejarah ekonomi negara kita ini. Fakta pertama – sesudah Perang Duni Ke Dua – Persekutuan Tanah Melayu adalah negara terkaya di Asia sesudah Jepun. Ini fakta sejarah ekonomi.
    Ramai juga warga yang melupakan fakta bahawa sesudah penjajah British mengundur dan Tanah Melayu berkerajaan sendiri, ekonomi kita telah menggunakan pendekatan ekonomi sosialis. Air, api, hospital, sekolah, lembaga pengajian tinggi, jalan raya, perumahan – semua lembaga-lembaga ini adalah hak milik kerajaan. Hanya perlombongan, perladangan dan banking yang masih dimiliki oleh British.
    Sehingga ke zaman pentabiran Hussein Onn lembaga ekonomi ini masih lagi kukuh. Hanya apabila Mahathir Muhamad menjadi kepala maka semua lembaga ekonomi hak milik negara ini diagih-agih kan kepada para kroninya.
    Bentuk ekonomi – sama ada kapitalis atau sosialis – bertanggung jawab melahirkan bentuk-bentuk budaya. Asas budaya manusia lahir dan wujud dari sistem ekonomi yang digunapakai. Budaya bangsa bukan lahir dari awang-awang. Bukan lahir dari mimpi-mimpi. Atau di harap-harapkan.
    Tamadun budaya bangsa lahir dari sistem ekonomi. Sistem ekonomi ialah pembuatan dimana manusia membuat sesuatu – tidak kira apa – untuk hidup dan merayakan kehidupan. Dalam proses merayakan kehidupan inilah lahir budaya – kepercayaan, kesenian, adat resam, sistem sosial – semuanya dibentuk oleh sistem ekonomi.
    Ekonomi kapitalis menjurus kepada pemilikan persendirian. Ianya muncul dari sistem feudal, dimana raja dan kaum kerabat istana membolot tanah-tanah pertanian yang luas. Tanah-tanah ini di usahakan oleh kaum tani. Kaum feudal ini telah memungut upah/sewa/upti dari tanah-tanah mereka. Ini mejadikan mereka kaya raya dan berupaya untuk mengaji ‘orang lain’ untuk menjaga harta benda mereka. ‘Orang Lain’ ini akhirnya akan menjadi soldadu, askar dan polis.
    Tahap budaya dan tamadun ilmu pengetahuan manusia berkembang. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan menimbulkan satu kelas baru – Kaum Pemodal. Kaum Pemodal muncul kurang lebih 200 tahun dahulu – di zaman Revolusi Industri. Benda-benda baru muncul – tenaga wap, tenaga bahan bakar arang batu, timah, logam besi – semua ini mengalihkan cara pembuatan dari pertanian ke industri. Ini perubahan bentuk ekonomi yang pasti membentuk satu budaya baru.
    Ini juga berlaku dalam negara kita. Tanah Malayu pada 100+ tahun dahulu adalah negeri petanian, kemudian dizaman kolonial muncul perlombongan dan perladangan. Asas ekonomi kaum tani Melayu tidak berubah dalam zaman peralihan – kemunculan buruh lombong dan buruh ladang – ini kerana British telah membawa masuk buruh dari India dan Tiongkok. Masyarakat Melayu terus dalam dunia feudal mereka.

  538. Salam Tun and to all,
    Maaflah, tapi saya rasa kurang senang dengan suara2 atau tulisan2 yang suruh Tun undur diri lah… bersara lah. Selagi hayat dikandung badan semua orang ada hak untuk berbuat sesuatu yang dirasakan penting. Kalau semua golongan tua dan berpengalaman diam diri atau disuruh diam… kita yang muda ni juga yang rugi.
    Orang2 yang tak mau dengar nasihat orang tua ni lah yg selalu timbulkan masalah. Tak mahu belajar. Memang tak semesti apa yg org lebih tua kata tu betul, tapi boleh buat bahan untuk difikir-fikirkan.
    Pasal “social contract” ni pula, yang muda2 ni(bukan semua lah) dok fikir apa kesannya sekarang… apa yg dia tak dapat, apa yg dia tak puas hati. Tapi lupa nak fikir dan cuba faham kenapa wujud “social contract” tu dan apa jadi kalau tak ada langsung perbincangan hingga wujudnya “social contract”.
    Tapi apa2 hal pun, rasanya kebanyakan rakyat yg tak ada pangkat dalam politik ni lebih rasional fikirannya. Hidup berbilang kaum dan keturunan masih aman. Cume pendatang asing tanpa izin pulak yg makin ganas… Masyarakat di Malaysia tak kira warga negara, berhati2 lah ye.
    Ape yang penting? KERJA…. SAMA (kata kanak2 zaman sekarang) 😀

  539. Dear Tun,
    1. We are living in “Bumi Bertuah” but until now, there are countries living within this country of ours. The social harmony are only superficial to look at. People are pretending to have the social tolerance but deep inside there non!!!
    2. Malay’s are labeled corrupted.
    3. Chinese are crocked.
    4. Indians are swindler.
    5. There are non of common shared values among the 3 major races in this country. Every one of them have their own world to live in.
    6. How do we move to 2020?
    7. In current scenario, our society are not matured enough to live in the complete balance of culture and accepting each other differences without having to label them. The languages, religions and cultural mixed and respect are still far from the expectation.
    8. In my company, there was a change of management from Malays to the Chinese management team. Despite the support that was given by the old middle management but there are still doubt and skeptism in the management and they had change the team to their people. The sad thing is that the new team has no experience and knowledge to run the business. And the old middle management are cast aside. But I do thing you are also being fooled by the dressing that they displayed to you. We are crying inside to see our great leaders where being fooled simply to feed on to their pockets. The same Malay entrepeneur that you give to opportunity to.
    9. It seems that the social harmony and balance had never been cultivated since the independent days for the last 50 years.
    10. Where do we fail here? Are we running towards the foolish dream of 2020? But at this current political scenario, this issues of racial/racist are exponentiated. This may lead to another 13 May and the reversed gear will dampen the future plan to achieve.
    12. May be I have the narrow perception of Malaysia but it is happening in many parts of our country.
    13. I wish you success in what ever you plan for the UMNO and I am truly support you in any way possible.
    ps. Still not the UMNO member and will not be. But always fight the truth.
    Thanks for all the years of your contributions in this country and would much welcome to have more of you in the lime light.
    Good night.

  540. Salam Tun,
    I used to be the ONLY Bumi student in a science stream class in early 70’s. Coming from a middle-class family, i did enjoyed the advantage of being exposed to tuition and going to highly regarded Christian missionary school in Sabah.Later, I was offered a govt scholarship to UK and came back as a chemical engineer.
    Now after 51 years (45 years as far as Sabah is concerned) of independence, our education system has progressed tremendously. However,there still exist in Sabah schools lacking the basic facilities such as electricity, clean running water etc . Children going to these under-equiped schools are from families earning meagre income below the hardcore poverty level. Now how could we expect these poor Bumi children to compete academically with urban Malays of Kuala Lumpur, not to say the filthy rich non-bumi children of Ipoh, Penang, JB and Klang Valley?
    I am proud to say that i was a product of UMNO’s affirmative actions and i sincerely believe that the policy should remain as long as there are definitive social imbalances between races in the country. Certainly when my children, your children, Gundohing’ children, Mr.TAN’children,Mr. Raju’s children are able to compete on a ‘level starting block’ ,then maybe,just maybe we could do away with the social contracts and create the BANGSA MALAYSIA envisioned by TUN in Vision 2020. That Moment is NOT NOW so all Bumi must stand united and protect our RIGHT from being eroded……

  541. A’kum TUN,
    anakda mohon izin laluan,saya ingin menjawab persoalan ASUS.
    Saudara asus,apa yang tun lakukan memanglah tepat dan benar apabila memilih Paklah sebagai PM,
    kerana tak dapat dinafikan perpecahan melayu amat ketara di era TUN kerana pemikiran dan wawasan TUN amat JAUH SERIBU LANGKAH KEHADAPAN dan tidak dapat dikenali oleh TEMAN MAHUPIN LAWAN,
    maka bila hendak menyatukan perpaduan melayu kembali TUN telah berjanji akan mengantikan yang PEMIMPIN YANG BERSIH.
    Tidak dinafikan PAK LAH mempunyai REKOD yang bersih berbanding dengan yang lain.PERANCANGAN TUN MENJADI BUKTINYA..”KEMENANGAN GELOMBANG BIRU”
    MALANGNYA..”melayu mudah lupa”TUN berpengalaman 22 tahun dalam memerintah negara lebih kenal dan mengetahui selokbelok POLITIK M’SIA,MASAALAH PERPADUAN DAN EKONOMI DAN LAIN2,Mengapa kerajaan sekarang begitu angkuh dan sombong tidak boleh menerima pandangan TUN??????? Apakah rugi kita belajar dari orang yang berpengalaman,berpengetahuan dan mempunyai kemahiran dalam mentadbir sebuah negara,TETAPI malang Sekali apabila DATO SERI ABDULLAH telah mendapat KUASA PM makan LUPA SEGALA-GALANYA,TUN seorang yang berpandangan jauh tahu apa yang akan berlaku pada esok hari dengan setiap langkah yang diambil hari ini,MAKA PERLUKAH TUN HANYA DUDUK DIAM DAN MENJADI POPULAR SEPANJANG MASA DENGAN MELIHAT MASA DEPAN AGAMAA,BANGSA DAN NEGARA INI HANCUR????????

  542. reading this blog really is quite interesting to get different opinions from different people. As mentioned earlier its the $ not enough that people start to get the impact on everyday matters.
    and i agree with earlier blogger with comment that education system plays a big part in cultivating non racist offsprings. and it would be good if each race were to take up at least 1 language spoken by their friend from other race as their third language.(of course english is a must). and i agree with one comment that the non malays just want a fair share of whats on the table. not very big but just fair. for non malay businessmen, surat pekeliling and contract pusat restrictions on the items/projects purchased and procured by government departments are both very annoying, selfish, biase procedures.the term ‘hanya syarikat yang bertaraf bumiputera sahaja’ does not show any sign that we are a multi racial country at all. when we pay tax, can we look forward for ‘hanya individu bumiputera sahaja yang perlu membuat bayaran’?

  543. Dear Ayahanda tun
    I heard that you are coming back to UMNO,if is it true.
    Further action should be taken to bring back Umno to the track.
    Welcome back Ayahanda Tun,we need you NOW.
    Hidup Ayahanda Tun
    Hidup Melayu
    Selamat berpuasa

  544. Agreed with “kota baharu”. Sekolah sekolah jenis kebangsaan mesti dihapuskan. This is a major source of racism between our younger generation. Combine them to be a single entity – sekolah kebangsaan. Ethnic language(s) as elective but Bahasa Malaysia is a must. For sekolah kebangsaan, we should tone down on the religious part of it. Leave that role to sekolah agama (in fact, I beleive sekolah agama has done pretty good job in educating our young religiously while making them understand the right of non Muslim).
    At same time, other races should be responsible too. Very disheartening to look for job when it is open for certain race only.

  545. Asalkan dapat kuasa, apa DAP nak PAS dan PKR akan bagi. Kalau merugikan Melayu sekalipun, Pemimpin PAS dan PKR apa peduli.
    Kenapa orang Melayu tidak peduli dan tetap menyokong PAS dan PKR yang bersubahat dengan DAP?
    1. Mungkin orang Melayu itu tak tahu asal-usul DAP dan dasar DAP yang bakal menjahanamkan mereka.
    2. Mungkin orang Melayu percaya bahawa pakatan ini hanya muslihat pemimpin mereka menipu DAP untuk menumbangkan kerajaan BN. Bila dah berkuasa tahulah mereka ‘pekenakan’ DAP tanpa mengetahui yang DAP tidak sebongok itu.
    3. Mungkin orang Melayu yang kaya merasakan mereka tak perlukan lagi bantuan melalui dasar kerajaan BN yang membela Bumiputra dan tiada masalah dengan meritokrasi bagi mereka.
    3. Mungkin orang Melayu yang miskin tidak pernah puas dengan bantuan melalui dasar kerajaan BN dan berharap kononnya akan dapat lebih habuan dari dari kerajaan baru DAP-PAS-PKR.
    4. Mungkin orang Melayu menyangka ia sekadar cuba menengok apa bezanya kerajaan baru dan boleh menukar balik kerajaan jika tidak puas hati tanpa menyedari ‘kerosakan’ yang bakal di hadapi dan banyak kebaikan yang ada kini tak akan kembali lagi.
    5. Mungkin orang Melayu tidak sedar keupayaan ekonomi kaum bukan Melayu yang mampu melenyapkan mereka dari tanahair sendiri.
    6. Mungkin orang Melayu tidak memikirkan nasib dan masa depan anak-cucu mereka, bangsa mereka dan agama mereka.
    Kita jangan jadi macam PM pertama kita dulu, bertindak tak fikir nasib rakyat, maklumlah keturunan bangsawan, hujung-hujung tinggal bala kepada oarng Melayu hari ini.

  546. My daily prayer…
    that all man regardless of race or religion, can & should learn to be selfless,to sincerely care & love one another without prejudice nor pride.
    To be above self…
    I start every morning with the man in the mirror.
    Something for all to reflect.

  547. Askom w.b.t.
    1)Tun, masih kurang extream lagi pada pelapis muda dengan kempen politik di negara sendiri seperti kemusnahan dan kerosakkan yang ditanggung pihak berkuasa tempatan?
    2)Sebagai PM takkan nak berjuang pasal kerakyatan seumur hidup?
    3)Persoalannya takkan terhenti jika tiada noktah tanpa factorrr

  548. Tun,
    1.NEP, social contract never been issue before this time power straggle of power .NEP is good plan & many want it to success, but the implementation is big problem.
    2.The harmony of race is been use as tool and in this time as sacrifice.
    3.Look at history of All empires became stronger if they care & serious about corruption & abuse power .At that period many anti corruption and reform HERO who are so strict, they even catch & kill their own friends & relatives for devolopement of the empire.
    4.Also ALL empires destroy , replace & conquer because of corruption , abuse power by the leaders. many time the conquer no need to fight bcos their citizen just give in because they want CHANGE.
    5.Now , we look at our history( seen melaka empire until now) , we never have a hero or leader who serious about anti corruption & abuse power who relly take action even on friends & relatives for wrong doing in corruption .
    6.Portugal conquer melaka easily for few hundred year & station in one small FORMOSA can conquer whole Tanah Melayu .Maybe few thousand of them can conquer few million people. HOW can ?? this is not even their home at that time.Most likely they bribe our leaders at that time and majority suffer but very few with power ,money & corruption .
    7.That is also what happen in china been conquer during a lot of corruption & power abuse for own benefit.
    8.After that the DUCTH defeated Portugal , they also conquer Tanah Melayu for few hundred year .I guest they also manage us like Portugal.
    9.then come the British , even easy, they get the whole Tanah Melayu not thru fight .We have more leaders selling our country that time .
    10.After Japan ,Then come our country hero ,Dato onn J, he give british some problem ,but I think he did not think about fighting corruption among the leaders.
    11.Then come Tunku , another country hero ,fight the british together with chinese & Indian for independent , but also forget to fight for corruption &power abuse .may be that time we are still poor & many love the country.
    12.After ,we start to develop , start projects, development , but no one balance the development with corruption . NO one champion in hero anti corruption & abuse power . On the other hand , many leader , Their friends & relatives become very rich & powerful.
    13.My view ,ALL the problems we have (Politic, race ,people suffer ) is all because of Corruption & power abuse for personal benefit.We do not have leader who champion anti corruption , leader who love the country , really smart , willing to go again friends & relative because of country.
    14.I do not known Tun agree with me , so far you are still not the hero , but i really hope you will be one to champion this. hope not too late .
    15.So far most of us still fight each other for power ,try to be Race hero ,make the country weak , internal fight so that corruption & power abuse can be continue.
    16.If we DO NOT take this corruption seriously OR FIND someHERO to fight this corruption & abuse power , Champion the anti corruption & power abuse , WE (malay , chinese , indian & other race in this country )will be conquer again.Maybe we will be conquer in economy , freedom & others.
    17.Malaysia is rich country & sure is enough for everyone , further more most malaysian are hard working & contributing to country .We can develop but WE HAVE to seriously look at corruption .
    18. HOPE that let all malaysia about this & ask them to change , how to select clean leader , how to save this country for our childrens

  549. @ Dr ZhivagoAuthor on September 10, 2008 6:53 PM
    I am another lain-lain here. We need to make sure our voices are not dampened down by the three mighty races in Malaysia.

  550. Itulah korang, elok-elok Doktor Mahathir jadi PM dulu serba tak kena. Nakkan orang lebai konon, seronok giler dapat ustaz jadi PM, dapatlah Pak Lah, sekarang siapa yang menyesal?
    Kalu korang nak tahu, memang dah perangai ustaz begitu, apa dia cakap semua betul, semua orang angguk, Nazri Tan Sri Aziz angguk, Zaid Ibrahim angguk, Najib angguk, Shabery Chek angguk, siapa berani bantah ustaz? Sebab tu dia jadi bodoh sombong.
    Tapi walaupun sama kuat tidur, Pak Lah ni baik sikit dari Gus Dur, senyumnya lebih menawan…Harr….Harr ..Hargh… ada siskit-sikit macam Nik Aziz… Harr….Harr ..Hargh…Haargghk.

  551. assalamualaikum Tun,
    satu penjelesan yang bagus dan jelas. Setiap rakyat Malaysia perlu memahami social contract ini. Ini memainkan peranan penting dalam kestabilan politik negara kita ini. Selama ini tiada masalah setahu saya. Hanya beberapa orang yang cuba persoalkannya, dan tidak putus asa lagi sehingga sekarang, iaitu lim kit siang. Satu saja jalan yang boleh mengubah segalanya sekarang, rombak semula kabinet, tukar perdana menteri dan timbalannya. Pilih yang lebih berwibawa, tegas, relevan dan bijak.
    selamat berpuasa!

  552. Bagi Ahmad Ismail, dia juga datang dari keluarga pendatang dan menumpang hidup di negara ini. Ahmad Ismail tidak boleh menafikan hakikat bahawa datuk neneknya adalah pendatang dari India untuk menerokai penghidupan yang lebih baik dan selesa di bumi bertuah ini.

  553. Kehadapan Tun Mahathir,
    Terbaca saya mengenai kembalinya Tun ke dalam UMNO, sebagaimana yang diumumkan oleh Naib Presiden UMNO, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
    Apakah benar mengenai berita ini? Jika ada benarnya, ingin saya bertanya bagaimana dengan prinsip Tun untuk tidak akan kembali ke parti selagi Pak Lah masih memegang jawatan terbesar negara?
    Menurut pendapat saya, jika pengumuman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin itu betul, dan memang Tun mempunyai keinginan untuk kembali ke dalam parti, maka prinsip yang Tun pegang selama ini tidak boleh dipakai lagi.
    Dan, tidak mustahil jika saya katakan, akan terdengar khabar-khabar mengatakan TUn hanya bercakap kosong. Umumnya manusia begitu, keburukan manusia terlihat jelas berbanding kebaikannya.
    Saya berharap Tun dapat membuat keputusan terbaik untuk diri Tun, prinsip dan pegangan Tun, masa depan parti, seterusnya untuk negara Malaysia.
    Terima kasih.

  554. This is indeed a disturbing news. The racial tension may be at the stage of no return in my humble opinion.
    Non malays are not unhappy about the “special rights” but the abuse of the system. If the non malays are unhappy they would have voted for the opposition long time ago, yet there a many chinese who support UMNO and it’s policy. (previously)
    The non malays AND the malays are especially unhappy when only a certain group of people receives the contract and almost all the country’s riches.
    People with connection become rich instantly and effortlessly while the rest of us suffer.
    There is no fairness in the system.
    Plus, it’s a huge mistake labeling “special rights” as “special rights”, why? because that’s not it and that’s not the purpose it serves as you yourself mentioned in your previous blog post.
    You mention that malay rights are just like handicap in golf so that everyone can compete on the same level.
    The naming of special rights implies that it is alright to receive aid. (in fact it is even a proud thing) Because of this special rights, the once proud and advanced malay race has become complacent and lazy. (after all, why work so hard if you can sell the contracts to presumably lower status citizen like indian and chinese? The grunt work looks fitting for them anyway right?)
    If it was to be named instead as an “aid” (which is truly what it really is) then i believe malay would be PROUD if he is not the receipant of this “aid” and those in it would fight to get off of it.
    Now we have the situation where the Malays are questioning the rights of the Non Malays. Politician in Malaysia are truly destroying the peace and harmony we enjoy for so many years.
    How did this happen? Lies, Lies and Lies. Special right is a lie.
    “pendatang” is a lie because like the blog post above by wargabebas, the malays is ALSO pendatang.

  555. Assalamualaikum Ayahnda..
    ” 19. Dato Seri Abdullah has tried to placate everyone. He has given one billion Ringgit here, one billion Ringgit there; he has given unknown sums of money to Tun Salleh Abbas and the other judges who had been dismissed in order to placate the Bar Council, he has promised billions of Ringgit for numerous corridors, billions for transport, lower oil prices etc etc. But no one believes him because the promises and fund allocations have not materialised. The fact is that nobody believes him or trusts him. No one has been placated. ”
    Well said Ayahnda ! You hit the spot there ! By the way, Welcome back to UMNO. If its true, this will be a most happy news to me ayahnda.
    HIDUP UMNO !!!
    -dear bloggers, join chedet fc at friendster..

  556. We are Malaysian. The man in the street, irrespective of race and religion, will question the Social Contract or the rights of Malays. It is the politicians from differing parties that are fanning such. If under the law such people can be placed until they come to their senses so be it for the good of the country. Therefore, I believe the ISA should remain in the interest of the nation.
    Malaysians wants a fair chance in educating their young (be it in quota form or whatever according to percentage of population) as they are the future of this beloved Country.
    Not everybody is filthy rich enough to send their young to International schools.
    We see on TV, children walking bare foot along unpaved paths carrying school bags and shoes crossing broken bridges trying to get to school.
    We read of deserving children not getting chances in furthering their education.
    We also see on TV, in Bersama Mu, the really poor who needs help. 51 years down the road, is this what we have got to show?
    We also read of Parliamentarians going off on so called Agricultural trips. Are the MP’s going to teach us on how to tanam jagung and their spouses teaches us how to wash kangkung, while the poor doesnt have the access to pipe water?
    If the BBC have their own funds, where do these funds originate from?
    If personnel from the Agricultural Department, were to go on such trips, nobody will question because knowledge can be passed on to the farming community.
    Change should always come from TOP. All we want is sincerity.

  557. Salam Tun,
    Cakap memang senanglah, nak remove Paklah. Tapi pemimpin yang bakal penggantinya, apakah tidak akan melakukan kesilapan yang serupa atau mungkin lagi teruk?
    Nanti mungkin Tun pun sendiri yang tak sebulu dengan bakal pengganti itu. Sejarah dah membuktikan bahawa Tun sendiri telah memecat sebanyak 3 orang bakal pengganti Tun, jadi memang sukarlah nak cari pengganti yang sebulu dengan Tun.

  558. Poor people (all races) including malay (majority) can be help by the government and therefore I don’t see the necessary of social contract. The problem is too much protection cause the malays cannot compete with others and therefore they cannot succeed in their life.
    Second thing is the education system of primary and secondary malay school. Some malay teachers gave the wrong answer to the students. They have no qualification and we can atcually read ourself instead of giving us the wrong information.
    There is one malay teacher who is Datin ask the students to read the Sejarah textbook one by one for 1 hours and the following teacher chit-chating with her friend by handphone. Even the students report to the school for several times but action did not taken because she is Datin. Well done.
    ohya I would like to tell you all that some parts of the information in the history textbooks are fake. Don’t ask the teacher why because they din’t do any research and follow the test book blindly.
    If you want know more about history use the internet and not the textbook.

  559. I really don’t care about the social contract. I just want everyone here in Malaysia to live in peace and harmony. This Ahmad guy have constantly bringing up racial issues again and again and again. It is making the chinese feels unmalaysian again and again and again. The punishment by the government is only 3 years suspension but he will still be an ordinary member in UMNO. WTF?! Is this call severe punishment? I can guarantee you this kind of punishment will not stop people from stirring up racial issues. Would we want Mei 13 to happen again? If it comes to this, Malaysia will never be the same again and our economy will be the same like Indonesia. Crime rate will go sky high. Safety of our family and friends will be the biggest fear. Unemployment rate will sky rocket. Basically we will be going back to the stone age. Is this what everyone want?

  560. salams
    To Asus
    I believe and we all believe tun got his own reason to join umno and you should wait and see what’s going to happen next. Passionate love towards the country defeated the purpose to leave umno permanently. As I also would do the same like tun did. at first i would feel disagree and quit umno, but when i quit i saw something very wrong is about to happen to umno,malay,and the country. I will rejoin and try to rectify it before it gets worst and destroy us(malay) and the rest of the country totally.
    Asus : you should slap yourself for being shallow and narrow minded. Inilah perjuangan yang masih belum selesai yang tun maksudkan.
    This blog however play a big role in tun campaign, again if i’m in tun shoe’s, once i quit the govt and was ill treated like a pariah by badawi govt. i got no where to turn to, and nobody to trust, i would need a medium to tell the world the truth about badawi corrupted govt and on the otherhand i would also love to know who else is going to support me in this fight. by just looking at stats counter 6,515,050 visitor, i believe i can still manage to get all the support to bring badawi down to his knee.
    you guys being mingling about the bn component “jumper”, dont be surprised if the real “jumper” is badawi himself.
    I want to believe.

  561. Assalamu aleikum, Tun Dr. Mahathir. For decades, Marshall Tito kept ethnic tensions in Yugoslavia from turning his country into a nightmare scenario of one ethnicity against another by suppressing ethnic bashing. When that suppression ended, years of warfare between the Serbs, Croats and Bosnians was the result. The present situation of allowing ethnic bashing in Malaysia is serious and if left unresolved, Malaysia may become another “former Yugoslavia”, i.e., Bosnia.

  562. Dearest Tun,
    I totally agree with Tun’s conclusion/solution. DSAAB MUST STEP DOWN IMMEDIATELY. He’s responsible for all this mess, but too bad he’s still in DENIAL STATE. Hopefully he realizes how serious the situation is before it’s too late…
    I think the decision to suspend Dato’ Ahmad is NOT a wise decision. I also DON’T think that he needs to apologize to anyone since he was merely stating a fact from our history. If any one here says that Malays are also immigrants (in fact quite a number of bloggers already said this in a very improper manner), I will not consider that as a racist statement – it’s a fact. But, the fact remains that MOST Malays immigrated from other “Kepulauan2 MELAYU” or “yg sewaktu dengannya”, and the fact remains that Malaysia used to be called TANAH MELAYU, NOT TANAH CINA OR TANAH INDIA. By the way, “orang asli” is also sometimes referred to as “Melayu etc.”, depending on their tribes. Am I going to be called a racist over this statement?
    Conclusion: Everyone must respect the MALAYSIAN SOCIAL CONTRACT.
    May Allah SWT bless Tun and family.

  563. Saya tidak paham politik.
    Saya tidak pasti kalau Pak Lah adalah seorang pm yg baik atau tidak.
    Semua orang cakap dia PM yg tak berguna.
    Masyarakat mula rasa ragu-ragu kepada kemampuan Pak Lah semenjak kritikan yg dimulai oleh Tun.
    Soalannya, adakah Pak Lah akan mempunyai result yg lebih baik jikalau kita percaya kepada kemampuan dia? Jikalau Tun tidak mengkritik PakLah dan memberi peluang kepada paklah untuk memerintah dengan style dia sendiri, adakah keadaan sekarang yg kucar-kacir tetap akan berlaku?
    Just my 2 cents opinion

  564. Maybe this young generation of non bumi never realized about this contract of social. Thats why they getting greedy nowdays. Hopefully Tun can do something about it.
    Salam Ramadhan.

  565. Assalamualaikum Tun sekeluarga,
    Heard from news that Tun might rejoin Umno? I have a mixed feeling with your decision if meterialised.
    Btw your articles on Pohon Maah(1) was widely seculated in the mainstreams English/Chinese news paper in a way trying to potray that Tun is a racist. I feel disgusted these kind of repoters/editors sow hatred to the puclic but the Pohon Maaf(2) was not published at all. Where is the tranparency which has been said aloud by the current goventment?
    I was born in 50s and had a bad/eerie experienced during May 13/69. As much as I hate racial conflic recur again in which dont bring any benefits to any races in this beloved country on the other hand if the situation is unavoidable/out of hands and do happen again I think it may do wonders to all young generations/politicians/BC and NGOs to appreciate the harmony which we have been enjoyed in this multi racial country.
    Though my friends(Chinese/Indian/other races) and I dont discusss or talk any sensitive issues pertaining religions/race and NEP but I personally feel the heat of the current issue which been a topic of the country.
    Selamat berbuka puasa and Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to Tun sekeluarga and to all Malaysian.

  566. Assalamualaikum!
    Yang Amat Dihormati Tun,
    Saya dah mula menjelajah kat blog Tun ni selepas mencapai hit 1 juta. Sejak itu saya sentiasa ke blog ini sebagai “guest” menggali mutiara di sebalik artikel-artikel yang Tun luahkan. Saya berusia 13 tahun ketika Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri yakni pada tahun 1982. Sejak itu saya melihat jasa yang ditaburkan Tun kepada negara sehinggalah Malaysia dikenali oleh seluruh dunia. Sebelum itu sering belaku apabila kita memperkenalkan diri sebagai seorang daripada Malaysia kepada rakyat negara asing, kita akan ditanya tentang di mana keberadaan Malaysia? Dalam ertikata lain…..mereka tak tahu pun di mana Malaysia!
    Sesungguhnya sejak Tun mengundurkan diri daripada tampuk pemerintahan rasanya ramai rakyat termasuk saya sendiri agak “blur” tentang apa yang akan berlaku seterusnya dan bagaimana masa depan negara yang tercinta ini. Kerana dengan berundurnya Tun ketika itu, negara ini dalam keadaan “vacuum” tanpa barisan pelapis yang benar-benar berkaliber untuk menggantikan peranan Tun apalagi untuk menyaingi kemampuan Tun. Apa pun kesilapan yang pernah Tun lakukan adalah kudrat sebagai manusia, tapi yang penting selama memegang tampuk pemerintahan…….Malaysia Aman dan Sentosa! Untuk menafikan bahawa negara dan rakyat masih memerlukan kepimpinan dan kebijaksanaan Tun adalah sesuatu yang sangat keliru! Krisis Mata Wang pada 1998 cukup lantang untuk membuktikan! Di saat trend waktu itu di mana semua negara jiran menerima bantuan IMF dan DSAI sendiri beria-ia mahu agar Malaysia menerima bantuan IMF, Tun dengan tegas dan berani menguatkuasakan “Kawalan Mata Wang”. Dan Alhamdulillah negara kita berjaya bangkit semula….kalau pun bukan sepenuhnya kerana faktor di luar kawalan. Kalau terima IMF dulu mungkin samalah keadaan ekonomi kita dengan Indonesia sekarang!
    Sejarah politik Sabah pula sememangnya agak sensasi di bawah 3 zaman ….. USNO…..Berjaya…..PBS, Barisan Nasional sangat sinonim dengan politik Sabah kerana tendang terajangnya dalam zaman Tun yang agak kontroversi. Namun begitu, Politik Sabah tidak terpengaruh dengan faktor luaran……..itu terbukti dengan kemenangan besar Barisan Nasional dalam PRU ke-12, walau pun banyak negeri di Semenanjung jatuh ke tangan Pakatan Rakyat.
    Dalam hal keharmonian pula…….Sabah jauh sekali berbeza dengan Semenanjung. Di sini Melayu…. Cina Sabah…. Kadazan…. Dusun…. Murut…. samada Islam atau bukan Islam dari semua golongan boleh duduk satu meja dan sembang. Fenomena sebegini payah nak ditemui di Semenanjung. Cuma kebelakangan ni bila ramai kaum Cina daripada Semenanjung datang bawa modal yang banyak dan berniaga di sini mulai berlaku berbagai insiden penindasan berkenaan tanah dan lain-lain. Masaalahnya, Cina Sabah banyak memikir impak daripada tindakan mereka. Untuk membangun di Sabah, mereka memerlukan kesabaran dan waktu yang panjang dengan mengambil kira sensitiviti kaum. Tapi Cina daripada Semenanjung pula termotivasi sepenuhnya untuk mengaut keuntungan dan menjadi kaya raya dengan segera.
    Kini……selepas Parlimen Permatang Pauh bergolak akan sampailah giliran Parlimen Pensiangan pula. Dengan sumber yang ada pada Pakatan Rakyat selepas berjaya menawan beberapa negeri, pertarungan di parlimen ini pasti akan lebih hebat lagi. Pensiangan akan menjadi tumpuan untuk menguji pengaruh masing-masing. Namun tetap juga, Politik Sabah dengan keunikannya tidak akan terpengaruh oleh faktor luaran. Yang uniknya, Parlimen Pensiangan ni dah jadi lumrah dengan politiking dalaman…….Barisan Nasional dengan masaalah domestiknya sendiri begitu juga dengan Pakatan Rakyat yang juga dihantui kem-kem di dalamnya yang saling bercakaran. Adalah dijangka kedua-dua calon samada daripada BN atau PR adalah daripada orang luar parlimen Pensiangan. Dan ini akan membuat rakyat semakin sangsi.
    Akhir kata ……… sekiranya Tun serius nak terjun semula ke dalam politik ……… mengapa tidak Parlimen Pensiangan dijadikan medan pertarungannya? Jadi calon bebas pun Tun pasti mampu menang di sini!
    Sekian…….Selamat Berpuasa kepada Tun dan keluarga.
    Rosly Bin Roslan Asing, Nabawan Pensiangan.

  567. Sangat sakit hati melihat apa yang terjadi di Malaysia sekarang. Negara2 lain dulu setaraf dengan Malaysia malah ada yang lebih rendah dari Malaysia, dah maju dan meninggalkan Malaysia. Tidak dapat dinafikan, secara keseluluhan Malaysia boleh dibilang agak developed! Tapi 1st class infrastructure but 3rd class mentality….Politician2 khususnya dari UMNO masih asyik berlagak seperti Big Boss dan berkelakuan seperti sangat berwawasan dan berpengetahuan. Berasa sangat malu bila ketemu teman dari luar negeri comment tentang situasi politic sekarang…Wake up! jangan bohong sendiri lagi……

  568. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tak pe Tun, Tun sedang menjalankan tugas dan kewajiban untuk menjaga negara ini dari mengalami kemusnahan. Cuma berhati-hati kerana DSAB dah mula bercakap mengenai ISA bagi mententeramkan keadaan.
    Saya sangsi apa yang DSAB buat untuk negara ini, saya amat sedih yang dia masih tak faham-faham bahawa keadaan yang tidak stabil sekarang ini adalah berpunca dari dia yang tak pandai mentadbir politik dan pemerintahan Negara.
    Jangan haraplah Tun.. tentang Wawasan 2020.. jangan mimpi ia akan tercapai, resepi kemakmuran negara iaitu keharmonian kaum, kestabilan politik telah tergugat, ekonomi tidak dapat diurus dengan baik, dia asyik fikir macam mana nak kekal duduk kerusi PM, kalau dia baik tak pe.. rakyat dah bagi dia peluang untuk perform tapi malang sekali dia MEMANG TAK BOLEH lah Tun..
    Saya ambil kesimpulan DSAB adalah orang yang pandai, dia sengaja buat begini untuk bagi laluan kepada DSAI. Dia sengaja nak musnahkan UMNO, cuma dia taklah nak serah bulat2 nanti kena laknat oleh majoriti ahli UMNO.
    Yang saya nampak jelas, macam kata Tun dlm point no.19 dan 20, yang dia buat sebenarnya membantu anasir luar tanam BOM JANGKA, ni dah meletup sana-sini, dia sedang bantu DSAI utk mencapai cita-citanya, apa yang berlaku sebenarnya bukan secara kebetulan, ia satu perancangan.

  569. Ayahanda,
    Alhamdullillah that you have come back to UMNO. I think that you would have been reluctant with pak lah still there and people will talk and say that you have gone back on your own words (already here in this blog there are idiots who are doing that) but you sir, think of the greater good, our country. I know that you are not doing this for yourself (in fact despite yourself) but when all else fails (pak lah and his minions – the blind, the deaf and the greedy) who else but you, the selfless man, can correct this terrible wrong thats ruining this country. We will follow you. Save us ayahanda!

  570. Tun,
    Shall I call for your attention to an article contributed by Madam Tan Siok Choo? Madam Tan is the sister of the late Tun Tan Siew Sin. Madam Tan’s father, Tun Tan Cheng Lock, was one of the memorable great founders of MCA:
    Let us make a comparison between two persons who are involved in the argument about the issue “Chinese are just penumpang (squatter) in Malaysia” as flared up by Ahmad Ismail.
    It is said that Ahmad Ismail’s grandfather was an Indian citizen who migrated to Malaysia and then got married to a Malay girl. Most people in Malaysia like to call the descendants of Indian-Malay cross-marriages by the name of “Mamak”.
    A newphew of Madam Tan Siok Choo is one of my personal acquiantances. As far as I know, most Madam Tan’s family members practice the “Baba” lifestyle and are only well versed in Malay and English and they can hardly communicate with other Chinese in the Chinese language. In view of the long history of loyalty and national attachment to the then Tanah Melayu and now Malaysia by Madam Tan’s family and their ancestors, what is it that really makes Ahmad Ismail justifiable to call Madam Tan a “penumpang” and to claim that he himself has much better rights and is better qualified than such a loyal Malaysian resident of Chinese blood as Madam Tan Siok Choo to deserve a citizenship of Malaysia?
    Since we all live in a dynamic society, a social contract that is perceived to be so good and so well-balanced amongst multiple races 51 years’ ago shall not be forever taken as a predestined testament which is never changeable. If a change is really needed, then I sincerely believe that it will be good if the change in the social contract is to be made possible in good faith by mutual agreement amongst the multiple races of Malaysia. Parliament seems to be the best place to discuss on such a change and the change should be brought about by casting a majority vote in the parliament and not by exchanging unseeming or sensitive words between two hostile parties on the street or on any roadside political forum. Of course, the change which some people demand now may also include the permission be given by the Speaker of Parliament for tabling a special motion which requires “a vote of no confidence against someone” in the Parliament and vote-casting in relation to this motion be permitted to carry out during the parliamentary session.
    Changes are just the common natural responses that are usually initiated by humans in order to make much better adaption to the living environment. Therefore, I believe that a social contract should be allowed a chance for revision when needs truly arise.

  571. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Salam Tun,
    Kalau berlaku pergeseran antara kaum di negara kita ini, ia akan menjadi “seperti kaca terhempas ke batu”!. Semuanya akan hancur berkecai. Negara yang telah membangun ini akan runtuh. Negara kita ini memang unik. Kita boleh hidup walaupun berbilang bangsa. Dibandingkan dengan sesetengah negara lain, negara kita memanglah aman.
    Tetapi sesuatu yang unik di negara kita ini, dalam keharmonian,isu perkauman memang sensitif. Jangan tersilap. Memang buruk padahnya.
    Jika timbul sesuatu isu sens1tif berkaitan perkauman, kebijaksanaan memang perlu untuk menyelesaikannya. Peranan pemimpin-pemimpin negara memang penting kerana pemimpin-pemimpin ini dipilih oleh rakyat. Merekalah menjadi wakilnya untuk menyelesaikan sebarang masalah yang timbul.
    Jika pemimpin tidak bijaksana, porak perandalah jadinya. Rakyat jelata, sesetengahnya tidak mempunyai pandangan yang jauh. “Ikut hati, mati; ikut rasa, binasa”.
    Setiap kaum mesti peka akan hal ini. Jangan cuba-cuba menimbukan kontoversi dan provokasi. Bara kemarahan memang mudah bersemarak.
    Peristiwa Mei 13,memang banyak memberi pengajaran. Dendam kesumat berpanjangan. Kita harus mengambil iktibar daripadanya. Dan kita tidak akan mampu menghadapi peristiwa seumpama itu lagi.
    Dalam negara kita yang unik ini, jangan ada sikap saling mencabar. Jangan ada sikap yang melihat orang lain sebagai musuh. Kita tidak boleh berpegang kepada prinsip “berpatah arang, berkerat rotan”.
    Memang kita perlu bijaksana mengatasi masalah perkauman ini. Yang berhasrat dan terpilih menjadi pemimpin di peringkat mana sekalipun, apa pegangan politik sekalipun, mesti mempunyai persediaan menyelesaikan masalah ini pada bila-bila masa sahaja. Ingatlah “menarik rambut di dalam tepung; rambut jangan putus, tepung jangan berselerak”. Jika tidak……..

  572. Dear Tun,
    1. “Young Malays, including professionals are said to have espoused liberalism and meritocracy. They question the need for affirmative action and the New Economic Policy. They believe that the Malays should compete with the other races.” Isn’t his something positive and in line wiht your Vision 2020? You had always complained fellow Malays do not work hard and progress well even with the help from the government;
    2. I think younger generations (including majority of Younger Malays. They are not a small number of minority) generally want to have a drastic change in our country. They are fed up with those hiding behind the name of upholding the dignity of a particular race yet they have own personal agenda;
    3. I think the rights of the Malays are still secured and intact; nobody questions the status of Agung and the leadership of a Malay PM; Many are questioning the irregularities and corruption in the implementation of the government policy;
    4. I have many Malay friends and colleageus, they are confident and rational. It is those “desperate” politicians who have been affected by the recent political “tsunami” that felt threaten and trying to fan the racial sentiments; it is the act of UMNO ultras that causing the uneasiness. They have to understand why the support for UMNO is deteriorating and not trying to find scapegoat;
    5. We hope a Great Statesman like you can contribute to foster unity in this country.
    Selamat Berpuasa.

  573. Dear Tun,
    I agree with you.
    I believe the rejection of PakLah’s so-called leadership and the dismissal of his yes-men should be our top priority.
    The social contract should gradually change to suit the social and economical environment of our country. If we maintain an organized discriminatory practice in order to elevate one community to a position in which is difficult to measure, then our aim for Vision2020 would not be achieved. Yes many Malays still feel that they deserve the special privileges, however Malaysians collectively must see how effective it is for us to develop the country as a whole.
    I believe the social contract was needed when it was first conceptualized and implemented. However could we honestly see any improvements now? At the rate we are going, and under PakLah’s leadership and the mystification of the BN partnership, we will never achieve the ideals and fundamentals of your Vision.
    BN cannot manage its own affairs and political calamities, and it is in a futile position to maintain the social contract. Thus, you would easily find people seeking liberal and flexible outlook of their lives.
    I think many are in the state of apprehension and uncertainty about their own future. Thanks to BN’s mob of racially prejudiced politicians and the sluggish response on taking action, we seem to be descending to living in a time where no social contract and understanding exists.

  574. Salam Tun & bonda,
    saya berumur 30 thn. Masa belajar sejarah di tingkatan 3 – 5, saya paling tak minat sebenarnya. Tetapi harini, saya sudah baca kembali sejarah tanah melayu, dlm masa sejam shj, kalau exam spm skrg ni saya bole dpt A, tapi dulu saya dpt D. Bodohnya saya.
    Seperti ayah saya katakan sebelum ini, sejarah itu penting utk tahu perjuangan melayu utk capai kemerdekaan dan sebelum itu menyatukan melayu memperjuangkan kemerdekaan tanah melayu. Ayah saya selalu kata melayu sudah lupa diri. Dia sebaya Tun kerana dia juga melalui zaman jepun, makan ubi kayu kerana beras dicatu. Dia juga melalui zaman 13 Mei yang mana sewaktu berjalan di tepi hospital berbau hanyir darah manusia. Di verandah hospital juga tersusun mayat manusia yang tak terkira ramainya, sementara tunggu di semadikan…
    Ayah saya tanya, itukah yang rakyat Malaysia mahukan… Ayah saya cukup risau, tetapi dia tidak berkuasa seperti Tun… Apa yang Ayah saya katakan benar belaka… saya amat gentar utk lalui itu semua… Saya & ayah saya tidak mahu itu semua berlaku lagi… terlalu menakutkan…
    bersatulah Melayu, bersatu semua bangsa utk Malaysia.. tidak guna bersengketa, kerana yang rugi adalah kita dan generasi yang akan dtg… anak2 kita yang masih bertatih hari ini akan menjadi mangsa kepada kesilapan dan kealpaan kita di masa hadapan… Berdoalah kepada Allah… Jauhilah Malaysia dari segala malapetaka… Amin…

  575. Good evening, Tun M.
    In times like these, where everything is pretty stirred up and murky, that is when rationality is needed and our nation needs it, simply put, every single citizen of our motherland needs to be rational. I don’t recall that I learned about the Social Contract during my History classes back in school bench. Did my textbooks state much about it or was the fact packed up together in just a few simple sentences? Either that or perhaps I was more attentive to my science subjects, which was implanted in my mind that it will be able to ‘secure a better future’, especially in Malaysia for me, when everyone stresses that going to science stream is a better choice (that I came to grow up knowing that this is not always true). Or just maybe my History teachers, the government servants, were not doing their job well enough? (I will read Part 1 and 2 to teach myself what the Social Contract is all about through your writings)
    I do agree with a commentator that Tun M should rewrite this article in Malay since all of us did learn and are still learning about the Malaysian history in Malay, in a form which we all find much more familiar and easier to understand. After all, it is our national language, Bumis or non-Bumis and Malaysian kids nowadays has access to read your blog, Tun M.
    Please do enlighten us, the young Malaysians, on how and what our ancestors had agreed and was it that all of us must keep abide to it even after half a century or in the long run as well? We know that Malay has the special rights. We see that in the different quotas we have in the many different systems. We know Chinese and Indians didn’t mind the conditions laid to them as long as they got their citizenship back then. We all lived freely without much problem and fuss up to now (except for what had happened during May 13, 1963). We didn’t mind that it had always been expressed in the fashion of “Malay, Chinese and Indian”, accordingly to the population pie, and not “Indian, Malay, Chinese” or the other 5 combinations that can be made with these 3 syllables. But, isn’t it time to consider that all of us who are being born in Malaysia, raised with the Malaysian culture, to be as one, in a single identity as a unified nation? Perhaps, what young Malays are telling is that the non-Malays are also Malaysia “Malaysians” and soon, we need to change the situation.
    But then again, before all that, you are right, Tun M. Are we ALL ready to switch everything to the “equal rights” that everyone (both the minority young Malays you’ve stated and non-Malays) is hailing about? Some of us are ready but when turned effective, how many will drown in it? I still remember how you commented on globalism, Tun M. Are you worried that the considered more able non-Malays will overtake everything that the Malay owns, if equality begins to be enforced? If the stage is unleveled, Malaysia might be at the risk of being not balanced although how it appears to be in balance. I understand and I never argued much about the quota when another Chinese (or other international friends) comes to me to complain about it. I always tell them, our ancestors said yes to special rights to the Bumiputras and we are living on this fate. We can do nothing unless a change happens. Till then, we still have to live on. That is what I tell those who approaches me with their sighs.
    On the other side, perhaps young Malays are tired of being undermined and regarded lowly. They perhaps are hating the idea being looked at in a way as if they have a cushion to fall onto anytime although they are working strong and hard to prove that they have grown to not need such insurances anymore.
    We need wisdom on this matter. We need great people to put the rails so that everything would go strong and steady for our nation. I believe that is the job of a politician which should be regarded the highest in rank when it comes to selflessness. Anyway, everything is happening for a reason. We are reminded again that a nation is a biological entity and that we evolve from time to time. Tun M, people are hearing rumors that you are coming back. I am just hoping that you are packed with powerful and effective solutions when you officially decide that you are going to have power in the government, once again.
    All these by Andrew Soh, the boy with a vibrant orange tie, who asked you what was your ideal vision for year 2020 at the Embassy of Malaysia, here in Japan when you came over for your honorable degree from the Meiji University in year 2001 and still recalls you, at the podium in front of a crowd of students, answering “little young children (you did stress all races) with smiles on their faces, playing peacefully in a developed nation in various aspect of areas.” I am the one who also said that you can sign on my 1000 yen note during dinner the night of the event and am still hoping hard in my heart that what you’ve envisioned for our country will happen. Thank you for your valuable signature and my parents are still keeping it proudly with my two shot picture with you, Sir, placed in a special album in our humble home in Kuala Lumpur.

  576. Sir,
    Whenever discussions or talks like these rear its ugly head, it is when I feel like walking away from my country, this land of my birth; and heading for the country of my ancestors, if they would receive me. After all, with all the excellent education I received from Malaysian teachers and, mind you, practically free education at that, together with the various opportunities of self-improvement and enrichment at my disposal here and which I have made use of to my benefit, I believe I will probably make good there, too. This particular country is well on its way to achieve tiger dragon(economic powerhouses)status and is scaring the hell out of developed and filthy rich Western nations. This country, located North-West from us and another one, to the North of us, equally if not more advanced than the former, have huge land masses blessed with bountiful natural resources. I mean India and China.
    But I cannot go to India for so many reasons, not least among them my loss of the ability to converse in the language of the motherland. I am, sir, a mixture of Tamil-Indian/Eurasian parentage. When they got married in the pre-Merdeka years, my dad could speak only a smattering of English while my mum spoke no Tamil. So, they got around with Malay in the beginning until, over the years, they taught and learned from each other, resulting in better communication. My mother tongue is English for the simple reason that my Tamil speaking father could not pass on the language to his children because he was too busy making ends meet. He simply had no time for that and left it to my mum. Imagine an Indian guy, me, speaking to another Tamil educated Indian in Malay! What humiliation I went through and, as a matter of fact, still face from time to time.
    My point is what am I supposed to do when Malays start discussing my fate as though I’m not here at all and of no significance whatsoever. Sir, I trust you will advise those who indulge in this unproductive and politically wrong action to put an end to such endeavors. Facts and realities of this country’s history will remain just that. Try to change it, by force or conspiracy or trickery or any other means, and you risk hostilities among the ethnic groupings.
    Your observation of the rise of dangerous racial sentiments is timely and, hopefully, will set the people thinking; for their own sake!

  577. Salam Perjuangan Tun Dr.M yang dikasihi!
    Salam dan Doa semoga Tun Berdua sihat walafiat sentiasa,
    Salam Tahniah dengan keputusan Tun kembali kepangkuan UMNO!
    Cakaplah Tun, ulanglah Tun, berulang kali dan acap kali sehingga semua orang sentiasa tahu , sentiasa ingat dan sentiasa faham … supaya orang tidak lupa mengenai persetujuan murni kontrak sosial yang telah di metrai pada suatu ketika dulu – dan mohon Tun sentiasalah ingatkan semua orang perkara tersebut – bahawa ianya satu formula luarbiasa yang dapat menjaga keharmonian kaum-kaum di Malaysia!
    Kontrak yang bukan untuk kepentingan hanya sesuatu kaum sahaja, tetapi telah terbukti – ianya persetujuan bersama demi perpaduan yang membawa kepada : SEMUA MENANG. Ini baru betul di katakan MENANG – MENANG … kalau nak KALAH pun, semua KALAH-KALAH … Tiada yang terlebih menang dalam persetujuan ini … Ini yang patut ditanam, diingatkan berulang kali secara sentiasa agar generasi yang mewarisi negara ini tidak alpha dan lalai serta terlupa akan persetujuan yang telah termetrai oleh pemimpin-pemimpin dulu (demi kesejahteraan generasi masakini dan akan datang) …
    AbDolah patut faham akan hal ini.
    Jika beliau berpegang teguh dengan kefahaman ini, maka kepimpinannya dapat menangani permasalahan kecil yang berlaku agar terus padam … bukannya dengan cara membiarkan masalah yang asalnya kecil, tetapi kian merebak menjadi agak besar dan membengkak! Sepatutnya ia mesti dicegah dari awal-awal lagi. Jangan terlalu lemah dalam menangani hal sebegini.
    Saya nampak dengan kembalinya Tun kedalam parti yang kita sayang ini, dapat memberikan kembali suntikan semangat kepada kami ahli akar umbi parti untuk bersama-sama Tun mengembalikan parti ke dalam landasan yang tepat, kerana kini nampaknya songsangan parti ini telah menyimpang dan agak jauh tersasar dari landasannya … kami rindukan parti kami seperti suatu waktu dulu, di waktu ianya dipimpin oleh seorang Doktor yang bukan sekadar mampu merawat pesakit, tetapi Doktor tersebut yang menjaga rakyat seluruh negara! ….
    Saya menyeru kepada sahabat-sahabat bloggers dan pengunjung laman chedet: “BANTU TUN UNTUK MEMBANTU KITA!” … “BERANI BERUBAH!” …

  578. salam tun
    melayu memang begitu klu tak terantuk takkan sedar. kalo yang sedar pun buat2 tak peduli yang penting lepas diri sendiri….macam mana nak maju… siapa bakal ganti PM skrg??? macam tak nampak calon2 yang berkaliber…….

  579. There should be official education on the social contract so that younger generations will never be ignorance of its existance. Just put it in a reading subject like Bahasa or English so that everybody will be educated on the matter.

  580. Salam Sejahtera untuk Tun dan Keluarga.
    Pak Lah undur lah Tun kembali lah.
    Tun tidak berdendam kalau Tun berdendam Pak Lah tak menjamah pun kerusi Perdana Menteri.Jangan Angkoh sehingga tak mau terima nasihat.
    Saya nak tanya Tun sikit lah.Siapa kah yang Tun maksud kan young liberal Professional.Macam budak tingkat empat aje.
    Tun GOD Bless you

  581. Let’s put it this way.
    Even the UEFA has realised the need to protect domestic players. They have now imposed a quota that each Champions League side have eight homegrown players in their team. That’s NEP style of implementation. Most people are okay with that (including Alex Ferguson) but some (like Rafael Benitez and Arsene Wenger) clearly disagree. But rule is rule and ought to be followed.

  582. Dear Tun,
    I am a beneficiary of the affirmative program…primarily due to the opportunity for a good tertiary education.Would I hv the same opportunity if its on a merit basis?>>yes I am sure I will be one of the recipients of scholarships for a university education.In my primary school I was the top student in a multi racial school. work experience was with a multinational..multi racial and in an technical/engineering discipline>>and I was a star performer and there was no distinction of being a Malay.
    Then..I went into didn’t get negotiated contracts.I didn’t get work cos I am a Malay..but I hv survived and build up a reasonable business over 25 years.Of cos,I am not worth triple digit millions..but I hv a decent life and my company hv a solid track record and reasonable financials.And I am extremely knowledgeable and know my business in great depth.
    My issue is whenever I meet any prospective non bumi partners(even the foreigners) the first question they ask is “are you an umno member?”followed by “who do u know?”And yet I see my non-bumi contemporaries adopted by their rich brethens purely for their skills and expanding.Do I get same support from bumi tycoons and GLCs?
    Whats the mind set then?Bumiputeras are good only for their contacts but lets leave the real “value creation” to the non bumiputeras.
    Problem is only one side of the coin is in the spotlight.

  583. Tun
    50 years ago we cant resolve it, do you still think we can solve it in next 50 years.
    I believe in God and i dont think man can solve it. Pray hard.
    As a citizen of the world, most of us has long forgotten the reason why we are here for. Tun, i wish you good luck in your attempt.

  584. asskm tun, semoga tun, isteri dan keluarga dalam keadaan baik-baik selalu. saya sentiasa menyokong UMNO dan tun, kerana saya adalah anak2 yang hidup didalam era sewaktu tun menjadi PM. jadi saya sangat berterima kasih kepada tun yang menjadikan negara kita maju dan selamat. tetapi kini semuanya sudah terbalik. kerana PM(pak lah) terlalu lembut dan tidak berfikiran panjang. saya tertanya2 barisan penasihat tun yang dahulu sudah pergi kemana, sebab penasihat pak lah yg kini sudah tidak memikirkan keadaan rakyat. pak lah pula just yes.. yes. susah la kalau begini. tun tolonglah lakukan sesuatu. diharap dengan kemasukan semula tu ke dlm UMNO dpt menghasilkan sesuatu…. hidup tun, hidup umno

  585. Assalammualaikum Tun..
    The newspaper is reporting that you are joining back UMNO. Is this true? I will believe this news if it comes from you yourself.. not from our government controlled newspaper.. What about your stand to not to join UMNO unless DSAAB step down? Is this another gimmic of the government or you really will re-join UMNO? What makes you change your mind?
    Selamat Berpuasa dan Beribadah Tun..

  586. Dear Tun
    It is regretable the cries for Malay rights are silenced by the mainstream media. The truth may be too late when chaos erupts. What do we do when the PM is weak and indecisive and the problems among the Malays are rising and the government has not able to do anything constructive. We hope all races live in peace like what we have enjoyed for the past 50 years. Pak Lah MUST resign and we pray the next new PM will work hard and be proactive to safeguard the sanctity of our beloved country.

  587. Yang Berbahagia Tun,
    1. Agak siapa ini yang berkata, “we should have formed Melayu Raya together with this neighbouring country”? Siapakah Melayu yang sebenarnya penduduk asal Tanah Melayu? Seperti yang ditanya oleh Dr. Syed Husin Ali, “Who are the Malays?” Ramai juga antara kaum Melayu hari ini adalah pendatang dari “neighbouring country” ini yang tiba di Tanah Melayu tidak lebih dari seratus tahun dahulu.
    2. Manakala, setengah kaum Cina pun telah duduk di Tanah Melayu lebih lama dari itu. Misalan, Yap Ah Loy yang membangun dan menjayakan Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 1800an. Sebelum itu, Kuala Lumpur tidak wujud. Samalah ceritanya dengan Putrajaya. Kalau bukan kerana usaha Tun, dimana Putrajaya?
    3. Kaum Cina Baba pula, lebih tua lagi. Tua sampai terlupa bahasa ibunda mereka dan mengambil bahasa Melayu pula. Pos Malaysia ada mengeluarkan setem kenangan 500 tahun perhubungan diplomatik antara negara Cina dan Malaysia. Sudah 500 tahun sejak Lasamana Cheng Ho, seorang pegawai tinggi Cina yang beragama Islam membawa Puteri Hang Li Po kepada Sultan Mansur Shah. Kalau Sultan Mansur Shah menerima kaum Cina itu sebagai rakyat Melaka mengapa tidak Yang DiPertuan Agong Malaysia kepada kaum Cina hari ini?
    4. Nampaknya, Datuk Ahmad Ismail dan rakan-rakannya dari “neighbouring country” itu juga pendatang kononnya.

  588. no doubt with special treatment for certain race you will be happy, that is if you are that race and receive that special treatment. But the way I look at it, looks like it is benefiting only the minority few from same race and in an unclear way. So on paper it sounds great, but in reality I not sure how it really help. Talking about history, history said racism never works anyway, there is no way racism will win the day as days go by. Wake up, dont buy what the leaders tell you, because they only worry about their own rice bowl which comes from special treatment. Foreign investors didnt understand why we still so racist in our approach after 51 years of independence and questioned us, and we asked them to shut up, dont interfere. Yet we always want them to invest, stay and come visit Malaysia. So what do you really want? You want the best of both world, wake up! If you worked like a dog, you get 500 per month pension, and someone just gave out contract and earned 5 million per day, will you be balance? This is what happening in Malaysia today…support it, you will destroy Malaysia!

  589. Dear Tun,
    As what I read through out the comment from all around this forum and blog. The only conclusion that I can form as follows:-
    1. Semua kaum di Malaysia saling tidak percaya sesama mereka.
    2. Orang Melayu mementingkan Hak Ketuanan Melayu dan Soal Hak Keistimewaan yang tercatat di dalam Perlembagaan.
    3. Orang Indiia dan Cina mendesak supaya mereka diberikan hak yang sama daripada Kerajaan dimana mereka merasai mereka ini sekarang adalah Rakyat Kelas Kedua.
    Itu adalah 3 kesimpulan yg saya dapat huraikan setakat ini secara amnya.
    Persoalan saya disini:-
    Apakah tindakan Kerajaan untuk menyelesaikan 3 isu diatas di mana ketiga-tiga masalah ini memang sudah lama tertanam di dalam pemikiran dan hati setiap kaum?
    Selama 23 tahun Tun memimpin Kerajaan, tetapi masalah ini masih ada dan tidah dapat dikikis sampai sekarang. Adakah ini sebagai satu cabaran untuk rakyat kita dan juga kepada pemimpin kita sekarang?
    Kepimpinan Tun terhadap masalah sedemikian selama ini sudah gagal. Tun hanya menyapukan segala masalah ini dengan cara menyelesainya dalam bentuk memperpolitikkannya dan juga dgn cara Perundangan ISA.
    Tetapi, secara khasnya, perubahan dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini secara bentuk Pemikiran(Mental)tidak dilakukan. Maka, masalah ini akan bangkit dan berbara dari masa ke semasa. Ini umpama seperti bila sakit baru kita berjumpa doctor tetapi tidak tahu macam mana nak menguatkan tubuh badan kita daripada dijangkiti penyakit.
    Daripada apa yg saya nak, tak guna kita mengaji balik sejarah. Sejarah itu adalah hanya satu pedoman dan garis panduan sebagai rujukan. Apa yg sudah tercatat di Perlembagaan harus dihormati. Jika kita mengikut secara tulus dlm Perlembagaan dan melaksanakan apa yg terhurai dlm Perlembagaan, saya rasa tidak ada apa-apa isu yg harus dipertikaikan.
    Semua yang dipertikaikan adalah kerana perlaksanaan sesetengah pihak yg cuba mengaut keuntungan di bilang Politik. Perlembagaan tidah harus dipolitikan. Jika org politik saya cuba mempermainan soal perlembagaan maka ini seumpamanya cuba mencabar Kedaulatan Undang-undang.
    Renungilah kepada 5 prinsip Rukun Negara:-
    Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan
    Kesetiaan Kepada Raja Dan Negara
    Keluruhan Perlembagaan
    Kedaulatan Undang-Undang
    Kesopanan Dan Kesusilaan
    Saya percaya, semua MP dan Ahli Adun, mereka ini kebanyakannya lebih separuh masih tidah dapat menghafalkan 5 prinsip ini.
    Inilah yang mengakibatkan mereka ini semua telah menyeleweng keluar daripada apa yg harus mereka lakukan sebagai seorang tokoh atau pemimpin yang dipilih oleh rakyat.
    Saya disini, dengan megahnya, sebagai rakyat Malaysia, memang dapat menghafalkan 5 prinsip ini sejak di sekolah dahulu.
    Maka, jikalau sesiapa nak berbahas dgn saya soal politik. Saya selalunya memanggil mereka menafaskan 5 prinsip Rukun Negara. Jika mereka tidak dapat berjawap dgn betul. Inilah yang saya kata kepada mereka:”Be A Malaysia Before You Talk As A Malaysian”

  590. 1. Speaking from the ground as an ordinary Malaysian citizen, I can truly say racism is growing in my beloved country.
    2. It is true Abdullah’s incompetence has led to this growing racism. It is his inability to tell his subordinates to refrain from expressing extremist views that has got us where we are today.
    3. Let us also observe that all racist remarks we have heard recently have all been made by politicians and echoed by their supporters.
    4. Ordinary citizens like myself do not make racist remarks against other races because we generally have more immediately important things such as livelihood to worry about.
    5. In other words, all racist acts we have seen recently have a political motive.
    6. I do not make racist remarks like the politicians, but the social contract is questioned by ordinary citizens like myself because it has a direct big impact on my immediate needs as a human being, such as livelihood. I’m speaking specifically of the NEP, which assesses everything on the basis of race, the irrelevance of which leaps out at any clear-thinking observer, let alone those directly affected by it like myself.
    7. The growing racism has nothing to do with the social contract. Unlike the racist antics of our politicians, we question the social contract because we feel it is fundamentally flawed. We do not have a political motive, at least not at a professional level.
    8. It is politicians like Ahmad Ismail who seek to capitalise on the current political situation to create a connection between the two. Knowing that race and the social contract are intertwined and that some people are easily swayed by the race card, they exploit the social contract to advance their political career.
    9. Often, matters unrelated to the social contract are intentionally played up by these politicians to be dishonouring it to stir up racial hatred, making them the champion of the “cause” in the process. Such was the case of the Bar Council forum. We have seen readers of this blog post comments to the effect of “long live Malay supremacy” in response to the related post Tun posted some time ago. If you think there is a connection, I urge you to think again.
    10. I also urge all Malaysians to think clearly about what is happening, and stop thinking the Malays, Chinese, Indians or Jews are coming to get us. If you can’t help being paranoid, then be aware that anyone can be out there to get us, and he/she doesn’t have to belong to a different ethnic group. Bury racism now because it has no place in today’s world. Do not be sideswiped by the selfish agendas of our politicians in our quest for a better Malaysia.
    11. Yes, I do believe that all Malaysians share the common goal of building a better Malaysia. We only entrust different people to do it on our behalf, and some of us are manipulated by these people we trust.
    12. If it takes turning this wonderful country into a wasteland to achieve Malay supremacy, then I don’t want it.

  591. My Dearest Brother,
    With due and Highest Respect to you Sir, Tun Dr.Mahathir.
    Assalamualaikum W.Wb.
    I hope your decision to rejoin UMNO will be welcome by all parties and in particular all UMNO members. Despite the fact you have set a condition to rejoin UMNO when you left UMNO recently just go ahead and do the necessary even if that means you have to go against your word. I am very confident that you are not the kind of person who goes against your word. But under this very very critical situation you will regret it if you don’t force yourself to go against your word. What is very important now is about our National interest.
    The national crisis that we undergoing now has reached a very critical level and if left uncheck it will go beyond repair. This is all due to the existing very incapable leaders that we have and who are more interested in their personal agenda then the national interest. As for my brother Tun, you are the true Malaysian hero!
    Your capabilities have been tested time and again and beyond compare and have always work right for Malaysia. You are the kind of leader that Malaysia needs! In this very very critical situation decision made and action taken cannot be base on trial and error! We will be doomed. It’s got to be precalculated correctly. Carelessnes will mean disaster! So the only incumbent that I can see who could do the job is none other than you, my brother Sir, Tun Dr. Mahathir. You have the best leadership traits, very very literate, very very experience, very very sharp acumen, very very very very most things that I may have lost the words to say. That is why you are not only the number one leader in Malaysia but in the world! Even that BUSHIT in America is nothing near you! If you have change the national time when you first become a Prime Minister before, I believe you are ready with another remedy in store to diffuse the national crisis! And I believe your remedy will again be against the tide!
    I believe most Malaysian are now waiting for your move. Don’t let us down brother, Sir….Go for it! InsyAllah, with right intention in you, the heavy mission ahead will be accomplished successfully.
    May be we should remember the Bapaks of Malaysia with due respect to them as follows:-
    Tunku…..Bapak Kemerdekaan
    Tun Razak……Bapak Pembangunan
    Tun Hussein…..Bapak….
    Tun Mahathir…Bapak Kemajuan
    DS Abdullah……Bapak Penjahannam Negara
    Tun Mahathir…….Bapak Penyelamat Negara
    To you my brother Sir,Tun Mahathir, defers no time as delays leads to dangerous end! DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO……..WE HAVE FAITH IN WHAT YOU DO…..TO SEE ALL THE TROUBLE THROUGH…..AND SUCCESS WILL COME TO US…………….
    May Allah always keep you and your family in good health and sound mind. I remain.
    Your brother,
    Johor Bahru.

  592. Tun, when I first read the news that you rejoined UMNO – I thought it was a spin by the mainstream newspaper. I’m still surprised that it is actually true! I’m sure you have your own reasons for doing so. But maybe by rejoining UMNO…. OMG! OMG! are you hinting that AAB is resigning soon?
    All these while I thought I was a liberal Malay, but with the ever increasing attacks on Malays nowadays… I noticed that I’m becoming more intolerant with the antics of the other races particularly Chinese since at workplace generally they are the most vocal (not necessarily the most smart – some macam tong kosong or buat kerja sikit riuh sekampung) & sometimes so obviously biased towards their own kind.
    I have many Chinese friends. I think we remained friends becoz none of us attack each other. They respect me and my rights & I respect them and their rights (i.e the rights to be biased to the advantage their own kind – fitrah manusia lo… & to suddenly speak in their own language in the middle of a conversation eventho they know we can’t understand). This is my social contract with them. Period.
    I’ve stopped reading all these blogs that promote racial hatred or jokes that made fun of any races or listen to any politicians that wants to stoke racial discord. I don’t want my judgement & values to be clouded by these negative people becoz I want to remain a liberal & fair Malay. But this does not mean that I will tolerate any direct or indirect attacks on Malays.
    Good night Tun & all rakyat Malaysia. Selamat Hari Raya. God bless.

  593. Somewhere, someone said that we all are passerbys. If we say we believe in God, then Earth is a temporary home to us. Our permanent home is either up there in heaven or down there in the fire. Meaning we all are visitors to the place call Earth. Or if we do not believe in God, then we must know that there is a point of origin for the existence of mankind. Like scientists who say that it is because of the Big Bang that brought about the universe and the creation of planets. How did the mankind evolve and how did the mankind migrate is still a mystery. How did the continents got separated by the forces of science and how mankind must move because of this separation of continents. So our minds cannot just be going back 2000 years ago. Our minds should go back beyond that time.
    Selfishness is a sin. Sharing is a blessing. We forget about this many times. I am sad that Malaysia has come to this stage. But I hope that Malaysians would still try to live in peace with each other. Fighting brings nothing but miseries. The one who wins will know that many died unnecessary to bring about this victory. There is nothing so great about a victory if there is blood everywhere. For the losers, they will have continual feeling of revenge. The vicious cycle will continue. Malaysia will be like one of the war ravaged African countries.
    Which is worse ? To do something bad to the Malaysian flag ? To tear the picture of one of the politicians ? The reporters should ask Datuk Ahmad Ismail about his intense enmity for Datuk Koh Tsu Koon. Datuk Ahmad Ismail has confirmed and revealed that there are UMNO members who refuse to accept the other component parties. May be this is the team A and team B thingy going on in UMNO itself. Supposing if Malaysia is all Malays. Do you think it will be a paradise ? I doubt so. UMNO will have to face PAS for sure, have to face the independents and some other Malay parties opposed to UMNO.
    News reported about policies that divide races in other countries. Ethnic cleansing. Apartheid. Racial discrimination. And whatever terms that people use to describe the superiority of a race over another. We are seeing that now in Malaysia. Our close mindedness can be due to because we do not mix with that group of people. So when we show hatred towards one group, it is not because we have a bad experience with them. It is because of all the news reported but we are not there at the place where it happened. It is because we hear things and we talk about things and we form our own impressions. Then we say that so and so group is bad. We feel such hatred, bitterness and these emotions take over. Then we work ourselves up and we do things on impulse.
    Even if Tunku gave away the citizenships, Malays should know that these Chineses started from scratch. Not every Chinese came to Malaysia bearing the status of Princess Hang Li Po. Today, some Chineses made it because they struggled hard.
    Once when you were the P.M., you advised Malay families to have at least 5 children each family. Do you think this will solve the problem of Tunku giving away the citizenships ?

  594. Salam Tun,
    Basicly I agreed in what you mean but the only thing that we the people have to take into consideration now is how to stop all this nonses from happening again and again. No daubt that there is a social contract and etc, but do AAB think before he talk… I dont think so. All the people never realize that the prosperity and peacefull Malaysia is now at hujung tanduk. I strongly agree again that AAB should step down, why… not just because cronism but because he cannot handle the truth and how to play along with all the issued that have been brought up by oposition and the component member of BN. Why such issued happend….? why BC did not respect the sensitivity of Islam, why there is more land that belong to Melayu been take over by gov and they been compensate very little. There is so many thing that need to be done, why there is a need to play an issued that would make every one in the country at lost. why there is a lot mega project has been stop. What is going on…. by all means I hope the news that Tun maybe joint umno is true.
    By all mean I dont care about cronism this is the preveledge for being a leader but as long as the people happy with the leader of the country, jangan sampai nak kacau semua orang punya periuk nasi dengan pasir buruk padahnya. So please Tun I realy pray that you come back in the political arena not just as a pemerhati but to come as a DR that can cure all the penyakit yang dah agak kronik ni. Pada AAB tu tolong lah selami suara rakyat, jangan nak syok sendiri dan ketegaq sangat dengaq apa orang lain cakap. bak kata orang orang lama menyesal dahulu pendapatan menyesal kemudian tiada berguna. terlajak motor boleh u-turn terlajak langgar lampu merah… kemalangan lah jawabnya. renung renung lah……
    Hidup TUN.

  595. Salam Tun!
    Semasa Tun keluar Parti seruan Tun terhadap ahli supaya undur parti bersama tidak dihirau lansung, adakah Tun masuk balik UMNO (jangan lupa UMNO 1946 sudah tidak ujud lagi) ini peranan Tun berfungsi lagi ???
    Bersaralah Tun! jangan -jangan budi anda dulu langsung tidak dikenang orang akan datang kerana tindakan hari ini …..

  596. Asalamualaikum bapak…
    yea2 yeaaaa2….bapak masuk umno balik…?????
    10000% setuju….tabik springgggggggg….toing2…toiiiiiing…
    kalo ada apa2 yg perlu n mampu saya tolong bapak ada phone no saya..
    si dollah ada faham ke idak apa yg bapak cakap ek….
    dia tak rasa kot suasana yg makin celaru dah mcm api dlm sekam dah nih….jgn fikir hal dia buang masa n tenaga…masa ni kiter kena pulihkan kesefahaman antara malaysia gitu…
    go2 bapak go…semuga Allah memberi pertolongan n mudahkan segala pergerakkan bapak utk memulihkan keadaan di malaysia yg kita sayangi…amin….

  597. assalamualaikum che det dan selamat berpuasa,
    saya rasa tun join umno balik ni pun ada agendakan…tapi walaucamnepun orang tua2 ada cakap pandai2 tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ketanah jugak…so ni semua hukum karma dan ape yang kita buat dulu2 tu akan ada gak consequences dia. Tuhan akan balas kat dunia gak sebelum mati

  598. A leader who promotes distrust among different races is not a good leader, after 51 years of independence, why do we still want to promote this anti-social behavior? Malay, Chinese, Indian, like it or not have become Malaysians, I love to see 3 races living together and I enjoy working with them together. do you all think we should pursue the path of destruction where one race should be obliterated only there will be happiness. I hope the leader will set a good example by being matured first and think out of your own box and agenda, dont keep on flaming the race to fight with each other. I am young person of early 20 and I cannot influence you all, but sometimes I find Malaysians so emotional and selfish. Worse still, leaders dont set good example. Current government is perceived weak in public eye because they dont practice draconian laws, but I think it is showing maturity, I will support it ahead of immoral barbaric corrupted government?

  599. Tun,
    Macam biasa, sasarannya ialah Paklah. Dan saya tidak terkejut dengan kemasukan Tun ke dalam UMNO semula.It was just a market test. Tun tidak dapat respon yang baik bila berada diluar UMNO. Watak-watak penting yang diharapkan Tun untuk ikut jejak Tun hampir zero. Paklah membisu, membuatkan Tun semakin kacau. Pada hemat saya, Tun terpaksa berpatah balik kerana Tun sendiri yang terdesak:
    Scenario 1:
    Tun sendiri yang mencetuskan politik gawat dalam UMNO.
    a. Pembatalan UMNO lama dan diganti dengan UMNO baru.
    b. Mewujudkan kuota pencalonan yang kemudiannya mencetuskan poltik wang dalam Umno (sekarang sudah tentulah makin parah).
    c. Mengambil pendekatan membunuh mereka yang terlalu dekat dengan kedudukan Tun dalam hierarki politik seperti, Tengku Razaleigh, Datuk Musa, Tun Ghafar, dan Datuk Seri Anwar.
    d. Mencabuli kuasa Raja-raja Melayu.
    e. Dan Sebagainya.
    Scenario 2:
    Tun beria-ia mahu Paklah letak jawatan kerana Tun kecewa atas sebab-sebab urusan ekonomi negara ?
    Bukankah dizaman Tun juga ada masalah ekonomi? Dan urusan ekonomi adalah fenomena biasa untuk berada pada paras-paras tertentu dalam sesuatu jangkamasa tertentu.
    Tun kecewa kerana penglibatan anak menantu Paklah ?
    Bukankah anak-anak Tun ada kesempatan semasa Tun berkuasa.
    Tun risau dengan kronisme Paklah ?
    Zaman Tun apalah kurangnya?
    Pada pandangan saya, Tun tak perlu risau berlebihan ke atas perkara-perkara yang di atas. Kerana Rakyat tahu menilai dan telah pun mula bertindak.
    Scenario 3.
    Saya meneka, Tun risau kerana Paklah tidak bertindak mengawal Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Kerana DSAI dibebaskan. Kerana DSAI diampun kurnia dari kesalahan. Kerana DSAI diberi ruang luas bergerak dan menggerakkan Rakyat. Kerana DSAI menghampiri Putrajaya. Kerana DSAI…kerana DSAI…Kerana DSAI.
    Scenario 4.
    Semasa sebelum Tun keluar UMNO Tun mahu Paklah letak jawatan.Tidak berkesan. Apabila Tun berada di luar UMNO Tun mendesak Paklah Letak jawatan. Tidak berkesan. Kini Tun mahu kembali ke Umno, untuk mendesak Paklah letak jawatan ? Kemungkinan berkesan. Tetapi seperti sejarah lalu Umno akan semakin parah. Atau Tun mahu sama-sama berada dalam bahtera yang akan tenggelam.
    Salam sejahtera Tun.

  600. Tun,>/b>
    You said
    “…But towards the end of my tenure the Chinese in particular supported me. But throughout I never forgot my obligations to the Malays.”
    Yes, this is exactly how we (chinese) felt and that’s why we supported you whenever you needed support (in particular, in 1999).
    Best Regards,

  601. Buat Tun,
    Welcome back to UMNO.
    Saya sentiasa percaya kebebasan bersuara ada had nya.DiMalaysia,hal2 perkauman haruslah dikekang untuk dibicarakan secara terbuka sepertimana Tun masih berkuasa dulu.Ini menjamin keharmonian bersama.
    Tun jangan bimbang dikutuk kerana buat comeback.Melayu akan lupa sepertimana mereka lupa sifat2 Anwar ketika masih TPM.
    Cuma harapan saya agar JIka ada kesilapan Tun dulu yang kami tidak tahu,jadikanlah iktibar.
    Salam hormat,

  602. Can anyone tell me what exactly the contents of Social Contract’ are?
    What’s in it for Malay?
    What’s in it for chinese?
    What’s in it for Indian? etc
    where can I get these info from?
    Logik Ka?
    [email protected]

  603. assalamu`alaikum Tun dan keluarga yang dihormati
    seingat saya secara terbuka Tun belum pernah menelan balik kata2 Tun, berita Tun akan kembali semula kepangkuan umno tentu mengundang berbagai spekulasi dari khalayak dan umno itu sendiri
    sebagai negarawan ulung tentunya Tun mempunyai alasan yang cukup kukuh untuk kembali, Tun telah membuktikan selama 22 tahun kecermelangan Tun memimpin negara, kalau ada yang meremehkannya, sila ajukan sesiapa saja yang yang masih hidup yang lebih berkarisma berbanding Tun. anwar? orang ni cakap tak serupa bikin, orang beriman tidak akan bercakap mendahului ketentuan Allah, kalau tak berlaku perubahan kerajaan 16 september ini, walaupun lewat sehari, orang ini ternyata pendusta besar, munafiq besar, matinya pun tidak perlu disembahyangkan.
    saya tidak kata Tun kembali meneraju negara(kalau ya lebih baik lagi)tapi sekurang2nya dapat menyumbang kepada kesejahteraan negara, malaysia tidak mampu untuk berhadapan dengan satu lagi 13 may, mereka yang mengocak ketenteraman negara sebenar sudah lupa ataupun tidak tahu menahu apa itu 13 may, tak kira cina, melayu ataupun india, mereka ni orang gasar. mereka tak tahu, nak beli beras pun susah. hanya syaitan sahaja yang sukakan huruhara

  604. Salam Dr Mahathir,
    Semasa Malaya memperolehi kemerdekaan saya baru berumur 3 tahun.
    Saya tidaklah arif untuk memberi pendapat mengenai “social contract”.
    Tetapi apa yang saya rasa secara peribadi ( ini adalah pendapat
    peribadi dan bukan ada unsur perkauman) punca perkauman ini bermula
    apabila Allahyarham Tunku memberi kerakytan kepada 1 juta rakyat bukan
    Saya tidak salahkan Tunku diatas tindakan ini tetapi apa yang patut
    dilakukan oleh beliau sebagai susulan ialah mempastikan mereka ini
    dan keterunan mereka masing-masing hanya memegang satu identiti sahaja
    iaitu bangsa Malaya (pada ketika itu).
    Saya amat setuju dengan para 7. Sepatutnya kita ikut contoh negara
    jiran dimana mereka hanya ada satu bangsa dan satu bahasa. Maka tidak
    timbullah panggilan bukan Melayu dan seumpamanya.
    Izinkan saya merujuk tajuk blog Dr pada 2 Mei 2008, iaitu , Kerajaan
    yang lemah adalah tidak elok bagi negara yang berbagai kaum. Kenyataan
    ini amatlah benar. Rakyat Malaysia ketika ini tidak bernasib baik kerana
    mempunyai kerajaan yang memangnya lemah. Maka timbulah isu-isu seperti
    “social contract”, bahasa dan ugama.
    Masalah perkauman ini memang ada dari zaman Tunku lagi. Sebab itulah
    tercetusnya Peristiwa 13 Mei. Pokoknya masalah perkauman ini sentiasa
    ada kerana kerajaan Tunku telah bermula dengan tiga bangsa utama, iaitu
    Melayu, Cina dan India.Tetapi adalah diatas kebijaksanaan pemimpin dan
    kerajaannya mengawal keadaan maka masalah perkauman ini dapat dibendung.
    Apa yang paling saya takut sekarang, sepertimana Dr catat dalam para 20
    dan 21 , jika masalah perkauman ini tidak dibendung akan mengakibatkan
    pertumpahan darah. Palis-palis kata orang Sabah.
    WAllah hualam.

  605. Dear Tun,
    Seem to me the argument on these ‘Social Contract’ arouse due to ‘a free for all to argue’,an open debate for all,the so call ‘Freedom of speech’at work with,name branding,racial attack,…which created tension all around. It must hurt you to see all these now,..for I must admit, it hurt me deep down !
    We have 42 ethnic in Sabah, all with their own language & tradition,…I think we manage to co-exist peacefully coz’ we respect each others tradition,culture and believe.Thank to God,
    we didn’t have ’13 May’ here.
    Tun,I hope and wish you all the best on everything you do,I do understand that you only want the best for Malaysia/Malaysian.Allah be with you.
    p/s; It wasn’t only the Chinese who were with you 1999,..We the Sabahan and the Sarawakian were there too!

  606. Dear Tun,
    1. Actually i do not think the chinese are asking or questioning the social contract.
    2. What we are arguing are merely the basic things to run a country efficiently namely;
    a. good governance
    b. good allocation of country’s resources for our future generations
    c. that malay rights truly benefits all the bumiputeras and not umnoputeras only
    d. corruption free government
    3. No chinese is questioning the malay rights
    4. Present NEP is a failure. Only a fraction of malays is benefiting from it.
    5. Sabah and sarawak is still very far behind peninsular. any BN politician care to make some effort to give some attention?
    6. Can we have an educational system based on merits? It is a shame if the bright students are denied of education and those not qualified are still being given place at public universities hence the drop in standard and ranking for local universities.
    7. we are blessed with all the natural resources minus any natural disaster. but why we are not doing as well as our neighbouring which is only a small republic? Is our ego too big that it is blanketing our sensible mind?

  607. Salam TUN,
    1) Andai TUN kembali ke UMNO Alhamdulillah.
    2) Saya masih dengan UMNO walaupun dicerca dihina saya percaya ini
    saja wadah perjalanan yg paling sesuai bg Melayu dan Islam
    3) Saya sgt percaya TUN sangat sayangkan UMNO mungkin itu sbb utama
    TUN Mahu kembali kepada UMNO.
    4) Saya xmau jadi seprti org lain hanya mengutuk UMNO tapi
    xmelakukan apa2 pun untuk parti,agama dan bangsa, kumpulan
    berlagak pandai dan bodoh sombong.
    5) Saya Tuah Derhaka, mengikut pada yg Benar dan menyanggah pada yg
    salah. Bukan Hang Tuah Mengikut membabi buta bukan Jebat amuk
    xkira siapa.

  608. Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun (YAB Tun)….
    Salam hormat dan semoga sihat dan selamat..
    Dear bloggers… I came from a malay medium school, but so fortunate manage to work with govtn dept which required to read and speak a lot in english. So I gradually improved my english and this time decided to write my comment in simple english.
    1. As I understand, what YAB Tun was trying to accomplish all this while is to change the current leadership (premiership) which is known to be weak. I totally aggree with that.
    2. To date, DSAAB is oviously failed to reduce motion on social contract, what more to kill the subject. In reality he failed everything.
    3. As I have said this before, the Chinese, Indian and others of current generations are more open minded, as majority of them have study oversea. Most of them majoring engr, IT, doctors, science and other subject to complete for the future technologies, therefore subject on history is no longer important to them. Therefore, I don’t really blame for their out cry for the ‘equal priviledges’ as given to our malay majority. This is what they see and ‘have been told’.
    4. As I see it, situation is becoming alarming now and our PM is actually failed in most aspect to reduce tension, especially amongst the malays. Because of his failure to openly explain on social contract to the non malays, the non malays are throwing more critial issues, and PM kept on keeping quite.
    YAB Tun, it’s about time to come back to UMNO. I don’t care anymore who is going to be PM. Oh yes.. about recent statement by Datuk Ahmad refering Chinese Malaysia as Jews, I think it was very unsound, I have to disaggree.
    Wassalam… PESARA.

  609. Hello Tun,
    Apa khabar Tun, saya nak tanya sikit pasal En. Ahmad Ismail kenapa dia hanya kena suspent 3 tahun dari UMNO sahaja? Ini terlampau ringanlah. Kenapa dia masih belum nak minta maaf kepada kaum lain? Dia telah menhina Kaum Cina,India & Melayu dan dia teleh membuat Malaysia dalam keaadaan huru-hala. harap Tun boleh timbamg rasa sikitlah. Ini macam mana kaum lain respect Kerajaan? tolong jawab soaaln saya?
    Dan akhir sekali Tun SELAMAT BERPUASA>

  610. Salam Tun and all the Bloggers,
    Semua orang bertanya acapkali apakah tindakan Tun untuk menyelamatkan UMNO dan orang melayu?… Nah… wpun saya tidak pandai berpolitik tp ini lah langkah Tun yg saya lihat, kembali semula ke UMNO. Tahniah Tun. Langkah ini yg paling tepat untuk menyelamatkan kami semua dr petualang Pak Lah. Saya berjanji akan menyokong Tun bagaimana cara sekalipun. Nak jadi ahli UMNO kawasan mana pun saya ikut.
    Hidup Melayu…

  611. Greeting Tun,
    Join back to UMNO, please be a mentor to the Young Leader. Current so call leader not perform as good as expected. Maybe younger ones would sleep easily:)
    Young generation need to join force as one nation, as MALAYSIAN, to build a stronger MALAYSIA. We are weak now, any small blow from anywhere will bring us down. We need to bring up our economy, gain a stronger currency rate, that will up lift our living. But first, we need to be harmony among ourself; investor will follow to give more opportunity to the people, more jobs, more project to work on(not just depend on Government Projects); visitor will come holiday here; and so on, is a chain reaction.
    If our nation break, you know what will happen next. No Vision 2020, another 100 years also won’t happen, we will fall into other country. That simple. Before that happen to us, please Tun guide us, be the new generation’s mentor.
    As for the current leader, please think for the people, not yourself nor your family only. The children is the hope, the children’s children is the future, don’t take that away!
    FYI, actually what we need is a Business Minded Leader, who can bring wealth into Malaysia. Not to spend Millions for nothing to gain.
    Good Health to you and all Malaysian.

  612. salams Tun
    1. have these malay people lost their marbles? have they gone mad? OR HAVE THEY BEEN DRINKING TOO MUCH?
    2. i think they have been drinking too much, as they “probably” are the same group of people plying the various liquors and beers in the pubs on jalan telawi, bukit bintang, etc.
    3. they want to reduce the enforcement of islamic law, so that they can drink (arak) freely, and eat openly during the day time of ramadhan.
    4. i also think these people never actually read history of the nation. they probably dont even know the difference between “Hari Kemerdekaan” and “Hari Kebangsaan”.
    5. finally, i firmly believe that these people don’t even know what they are talking about, thus not in the position to talk nor discuss that subject matter.
    thank you tun.
    p/s: im sick of morons and idiots.

  613. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Sokong & gembira sangat dengan keputusan Tun untuk menyertai UMNO semula. Bantu kembalikan maruah UMNO. Hapuskan pengkhianat bangsa yg makin maharajalela dalam pembangkang kat luar sana. Terlalu ramai rakyat yg terpengaruh, nak tumbangkan kerajaan, tanpa ambilkira bahaya kerajaan pembangkang dalam cengkaman DAP. Bukan 100% salah mereka, buruk sangat imej PM, UMNO dah nampak jadi parti keluarga. Moga Tun panjang umur & sihat sentiasa. Kami bersama-sama berjuang dengan Tun, tak sanggup la Malaysia jatuh pada pembangkang, silap gaya jadi Republik Malaysia….

  614. Tun, our sleepy PM surely cant handle potential racial problems in malaysia. bar council is the worst professional body in malaysia.. nobody trust bar council . pak lah should resign not now , but a few years ago…

  615. salam tun.. harap slalu.
    alas, sad but true..
    pak lah is too weak to handle all these racial issues..
    during ur time as pm, i dun rmmber anything like we are facing nowadays.. the opposition has never been so bold n brave to oppose, racial issues have never been so easily discussed in public, component parties are on the verge of quitting the coalition, even mmbers within umno are becoming too brave..
    becoz senang je nk pijak kapla leader..
    we need sum1 strong and wise to lead during these fragile times, pak lah’s admin is tearing apart malaysia..!
    pasai pa tun tibe2 nak masok blk umno? glad news as it is, one must ask the important Q: y the change of heart?
    slamat berposa kpd tun sekeluarga yep!

  616. Dear Tun
    Welcome back to UMNO very timely I am sure your services is greatly
    needed. I am going to sign up as a UMNO member.
    Ahmad Ismail is arrogant as long he is in UMNO the non malays will
    not take him too kindly he can be a spoiler to the Barisan Party people will remember faces. Getting the support In UMNO is not good enough you need the support of the Malaysian”s out there.after all
    UMNO rules the country can’t he be humble and apologize. not a smart
    politician I wonder how he got where he is in UMNO.
    We cannot afford to have racial tension it must be stopped at all
    cost without fear of favour.
    Tun I foresee the current leaders are not up to mark in resolving
    what is happening in the country right now.
    I am sure the malays and non malays are happy that you make a come back to put the house in order for the benefit of the people and country.
    Take care….

  617. Salam Mesra Tun,
    Semoga Tun di dalam rahmat Allah sentiasa.
    It is really strange that Pak Lah seems to be oblivious to the current situation. Or is he?
    I am sure the ISD people must be going around collection intelligence and reporting to him this dire situation. Or are the ISD people good for holding people in detention as instructed by the politicans only? And just sitting around waiting for more instructions to catch people.
    The Army Chief must have done his intelligence work to come up with such a stern warning.
    To all fellow readers and commentators of TUn’s blog,
    You can vent your anger, frustration, envy, jealousy, revenge and whatever in this pages. Yes let out all your pant-up feelings. This is a good place to do just that. Say what you like. Show your true colours.
    But once out of this must return to reality. The reality of this world and this country and its warts and all. Nothing and nobody is perfect. We all believe that. We also must surely believe we are all also made different, think differently, believe differently, behave differently, work differently and so many other differences.
    So do we want to harp on the differences and be divided due to the differences? Where will it get us. Has the very long history of mankind not thought lessons on this.
    Or do we want to use the difference to move us to a better nation. The diversity (of races) that we are; MUST unite. We must use our diversity to strengthen our nation. We must not use the diversity to destroy our nation.
    Unity and strength in diversity. NOT Self distruction due to diversity! Did God made us different so that we may fight amongst ourselves or so that we can work together and help each other. The strong helping the weak in one area. The when the strong is weak in another area the favour is returned.
    Each ethinc group have their strengths and weaknesses. We MUST use our separate strengths for the common national good; thus our weakness will be lessen by our collective strength.
    That ladies and gentleman is what the Social Contract is about!!!
    To unite us and strengthen us using our diverse strengths and reducing our weakness from it.
    Merdekakan Minda kita semua. Release you emotions here. But when you are back to reality, please use your rational and logical brain.
    Long live Good Sense!

    Saya 100% bersetuju dengan tun. Segelintir golongan muda melayu yang merasakan diri mereka dah ‘pandai’ mula bersuara mengikut nada bukan melayu…mempersoalkan kontrak sosial.
    Dengan berfikiran ‘terbuka’mengikut pandangan sempit mereka, mereka menyangka merekalah ‘jaguh’ dalam menyamaratakan hak2 kepelbagaian kaum dinegara kita..sebagaimana ‘lagu’ yang didendangkan oleh sdr. Anwar ibrahim….melodinya mungkin sedap didengar tapi lagunya tak ada ‘soul’ atau jiwa…
    Tun, tolonglah rakyat malaysia, bongkarkan lah segala kelemahan dalam pentadbiran paklah terutama yang melibatkan kepentingan anak-bangsa.
    Semoga Tun dan rakan-rakan seperjuangan mendapat Taufik dan Hidayah daripada ALLAH S.W.T dalam meneruskan misi perjuangan Agama, Bangsa dan Negara ini. Amin…sonsofadam.

  619. Salam sejahtera Tun,
    Gembira sekali dapat membaca blog Tun. Selamat kembali ke UMNO, Malaysia masih memerlukan Tun.
    Selamet berpuasa dan selamat menyambut Hari Raya untuk Tun dan keluarga.

  620. a’kum, saya dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang semangat tinggi di dalam perjuangan melayu & patriotik, tambahan pula diera pentadbiran tun. Yang jelas & nyata sifat-sifat tun sememangnya diwarisi oleh anak2 tun seperti Mohzani & Mukhriz, ini terbukti sepanjang PRU yg lepas mereka berdua agak kerap singgah/menjenguk ke dewan gerakan di Taman Bunga Raya, Sg. Petani walaupun masa agak lewat ketika lawatan-lawatan mereka. Apa yg dapat saya rumuskan disini, mereka berkunjung bukan kerana ingin meraih reputasi tetapi atas rasa tanggungjawab/prihatin padahal kawasan itu bukanlah kawasan yg beliau bertanding. Memandangkan agak ramai di dewan pada malam itu, saya terpaksa melupakan hasrat utk bersalaman bersama mereka. Saya hanya ingin mengatakan kpd mereka “SAYA DI SINI ADALAH KERANA TUN, BUKANNYA KERANA BN (PAK LAH)”. Nampaknya, di sini saya tak perlu nyatakan kepada mereka kerana saya dapat katakan terus kpd tun sendiri. Wassalam.

  621. Assalamualaikum Tun..
    Semoga sihat dan sentiasa memberi idea-idea yang bernas. Memang sejak Pak Lah jadi PM ni banyak benda yang tak berani dilakukan pada zaman Tun berlaku sebagai contoh bila pertubuhan Cina tuntut sampai 36 tuntutan,tambah pulak 9 anggota kabinet bertaraf menteri menyentuh isu hak keistimewaan orang Melayu..dan banyak lagi.
    Pak lah juga cuba nak katakan segala keputusan yang Tun buat dulu tak betul sehingga banyak benda ditukar jambatan bengkok,Islam Hadhari (lansung tah apa2 buang duit jer)..nama kementerian pun ditukar..kelakar..Kementerian Pelajaran kan lebih baik Kementerian Pendidikan tepatlah sikit dengan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan bukan Falsafah Pelajaran Kebangsaan..agaknya Pak Lah ni kurang think thanknya kurang bijak..sia-sia jadi PTD dan menjawat sampai TKP tapi tak bijak.
    Cuma satulah kerajaan kena bertegas tentang sosial kontrak ni terutama hak keistimewaan orang Melayu dan BM sebagai bahasa kebangsaan.Untuk pengetahuan Tun..ada murid sekolah walaupun enam tahun di SMK dari SRJK(C) tak tahu cakap Melayu bila belajar bungkus dan kacau kelas dan cikgu tension..sepatutnya rakyat malaysia yang tak lancar cakap Melayu jgn diberi warganegara baru depa bersungguh sikit..dan martabatkan balik BM dengan menggalakkan penyelidik-penyelidik buat laporan dan catatan mereka dalam BM dan bentang di luar negara pun dalam BM baru mereka nak belajar bahasa kita.
    Alamak saya dah buntu pulak nanti saya sambung..

  622. Assalamu’alaikum Tun sekeluarga.
    Apabila Tun masuk semula kedalam UMNO semasa AAB masih berada di tempat Presiden, pada saya hanya Tun yang tahu sebab musabab Tun melakukan perubahan ini. Lagi pun Tun pernah berkata tiada yang mustahil didalam politik. Kami sentiasa mendoakan Tun akan dapat mencapai matlamat Tun dalam mengambil tindakan ini demi bangsa, ugama dan negara.
    Semoga Tun berjaya.

  623. Salam Sejahtera Buat Tun,
    Terima Kasih kerana menulis. Saya yakin adalah sedikit sukar untuk berjuang untuk sesuatu yg kita sendiri tidak memahaminya. Ramai yang tidak paham concept ini dan domino effect yg menanti.
    Saya rasa mmg perlu, perjuangan ini dilakukan secara senyap dari dalam. Bila kita riuh nanti ramai yg berlagak pandai tapi langsung kurang cerdik memberi pendapat yg semmg nya tidak cerdik dan malangnya boleh mendapat sambutan org yg kurang cerdik.
    Young pro ini pulak tidak memikirkan the safety net for his 3rd or 4th generation to come and acted as if the millions made today worth the same tmr. Blajar,kerja “jauh2” last2 cari kubur kat Malaysia jugak.
    The clash must stop NOW! as it will/may lead to blood shed.
    Im with you TUN!
    Terima Kasih
    Muhammad Abdullah

  624. Dear Tun,
    I agree with your opinion and thought. Even this is not the dreaming but this is a fact and been stated clearly in our constituition.
    Abdullah Badawi doesnt understand or he dont want to think about it. He administration have been influenced by stupid politician and leader.
    Malay should be protected forever. I am not a racist but my understanding is, this country is belong to bumiputera and majority is Malay and understand Chinese and Indian is a part of Malaysian and very important. As for now, we are not discriminate to other racial. We can live, work, business or etc together. But I want to remind dont try to argue about the social contract especially on the Islam and Malay.
    We have sacrifice lot of thing to other racial even now Malay standard of living still poor and weakness compare to Chinese or Indian. Why they are must argue about Malay?
    I think this issue had raised because of weakness of goverment especially the Prime Minister. Also somebody at the back are try to destroyed the concrete bridge between Malay, Chinese and Indian.
    Abdullah, his family and half of minister in cabinet should not longer to hold the current position because they are totally not capable and not understand how to drive our beloved multiracial country Malaysian.
    Hidup Malaysian!!

  625. ASSALAMUALAIKUM…AYAHANDA TUN, Terlebih dahulu saya A.Azuandi mengucap setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada ayahanda TUN,seandainya benar ayahanda TUN menyertai semula UMNO.., Semalam selepas Tan Sri muhyidin menyatakan yang ayahanda TUN akan kembali ke pangkuan UMNO,saya amat gembira mendengar berita ini..,lantas akan ada pihak yang akan “CUAK” dengan kembalinya ayahanda TUN ke dalam UMNO..,Diharap ayahanda TUN akan di benar untuk bersuara pada kali ini demi untuk KESEJAHTERAAN,KEHARMONIAN,AGAMA,BANGSA,PARTI DAN NEGARA..,Akuilah kecemerlangan ayahanda TUN semasa mentadbir MALAYSIA dengan cemerlangnya..,JANGAN DI TANYA KENAPA AYAHANDA TUN KEMBALI KEPADA UMNO..,SESEORANG YANG BERJAYA MENTADBIR NEGARA AKAN MERASA SEDIH MELIHAT HASIL REKAANYA ROSAK,Maka tuntutlah ilmu dari ayahanda TUN,kerana ayahanda TUN telah lama MENGHAFAL sejarah kita,Dan janganlah kita menuntut ilmu dari orang yang baru nak buka buku sejarah untuk di hafal..,jadi FIKIR-FIKIRLAH….,Untuk TAN SRI MUHYIDDIN,TERIMA KASIH kerana sedar apa yang berlaku sekarang,semoga TAN SRI di pihak ayahanda TUN,Untuk DATO’ MUKHRIZ semoga berjaya memimpin dan menjadi ketua kepada pemuda UMNO MALAYSA..,tahniah kerana BERANI BERUBAH…,,, SEMOGA KITA SEMUA SELAMAT DALAM PERJUANGAN…….,,,……….,,,………

  626. Dear Tun,
    1. I cannot comprehend why there are still people who think you endorsed Ahmad Ismail behaviour. To them, please read Pohon Maaf 2 and move on.
    2. This is from your Social Contract:
    “15. What is clear is that a social contract is a general understanding on the part of a citizen to submit to and obey the laws and the institutions of the country. The social contract governs not just his relation with the country, its Government and its institutions but also his relationship with his fellow citizens”
    3. This is from your Malaysian Social Contract:
    “43. Implementing the social contract requires understanding of its spirit as much as the letter. The social contract is aimed at creating a multi-racial nation that is stable and harmonious. Any factor which would cause instability and result in confrontation between the races must be regarded as incompatible with the spirit of the social contract.
    4. I notice lots of people are hoping for regression of ethnic-based schools. I do not think ethnic-based schools will breed racist people but if we have racist teachers mending those schools or we do not standardise the curriculum, we will face problems. Our sekolah kebangsaan face the same problem. Why should non-malay send their kids to sekolah kebangsaan if the teachers are more concern about promoting malay life style or islamic life style. So, we go back to point 3 of my article which refers to your point 43 that is -implementation-.
    5. I do believe that meritocracy is the way to go if we want to achieve equal standard. When we compete at international level, nobody bothers if we are malay, chinese or indian or others. We are assessed according to our key performance index. When we are chosen to represent our country, we use merit too. The quota system must eventually go, perhaps in a gradual manner.

  627. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    1. Koh Tsu Koon memang berani gertak UMNO sebab cuba nak naikkan balik sokongan ahli gerakan kepada beliau setelah tewas PRU 12.
    2. Samy Vellu kaum india pun dah meluat sepenuhnya.
    3. PM sekarang masih tak tahu bahawa letusan pergaduhan kaum tak lama lagi akan bermula.
    4. Saya, rakyat jelata semakin takut dengan apa yang akan berlaku sekarang.
    5. Ayahanda Tun, mohon buatlah sesuatu untuk redakan ketegangan kaum ini. Pergaduhan kaum merupakan seburuk-buruk kejadian. Sya akan sokong Ayahanda Tun sepenuh hati. Saudara dan saudari di luar sana, minta sokongan penuh kepada Ayahanda Tun.

  628. Salam Tun,
    It is indeed a worrying trend – the public discussions of sensitive issues like race and religion, and the ignorant powers-that-be allowing the deterioration of harmony we were so used to during Tun’s time (and taken for granted). With the incompetent stewardship of Pak Lah and the lopsided and selective journalism by the mainstream newspaper (spreading the desease rather than cure), one wonders how long the ‘stability’ would last. Many of my friends, malay, chinese, indian alike, are resorting to the extreme – immigrate. Alternatively, particularly malay friends in the oil&gas and civil/architectural lines, left for the middle-east with their families on long term employment contracts. They left not just for the opportunities, but also fed-up with Pak Lah’s mediocre governance of the country. These are middle class, professionals… dare i say, the ‘k’ in the government’s ambition of a knowledge-society.
    I pray that in the end, the good works of all good citizens for the good of Malaysia will prevail and save the day.

  629. salam
    ayahda TUN yang disayangi lagi dihormati
    betulkan apa yang dilapor didalam akhbar-akhbar
    yang ayahda TUN telah memohon kembali untuk menjadi ahli UMNO?
    ataupun ini hanyalah sandiwara Pak Dollah atau Menantunya
    walau apa pun saya tetap akan bersama dengan TUN
    Jatuhkan PAK LAH sebelum LELAH
    Hidup TUN
    Hidup Dato’ Mukhriz

  630. Assalamualaikum TUN,..
    Why do you have to rejoin UMNO again? U know there’s nothing you can do if you rejoin UMNO. The MT won’t listen to you and some of the high rank member wont listen to you,..WHY? After what you’ve said before?
    Please explain TUN,..I know you got an explanation for this!
    Happy Ramadhan!~

  631. Salam Bapak Mahadhir,
    Melihat situasi di Malaysia sangat kurang menyenangkan, kerajaan jelas tidak dapat mengawal hal2 perkauman tersiar di surat kabar dan televisi.
    bangsa China makin lama makin lantang suaranya mendedahkan rasa kurang puas hati dengan kedudukan mereka.
    kalau kita lihat dan dibandingkan kedudukan bangsa china di Indonesia, Thailand dan Philipine, saya rasa bangsa China yang paling istimewa hidupnya adalah di Malaysia.
    karna di Malaysia masih banyak sekolah kebangsaan China dan sebagian besar anak2 bangsa China menuntut pelajaran China.
    padahal di negara Indonesia, Thailand dan philipine semua ini tidak ujud sama sekali.
    sebagian besar rakyat bangsa China masih kurang fasih menggunakan bahasa Malaysia dibandingan dengan bangsa China di Indonesia.
    kalau kita melihat di parlement pemimpin pembangkang saudara Lim Kit Siang bahasa Malaysianya sangat menyedihkan, kalau kita mendengar ujah2nya sangat susah di pahami. dan beliau ingin memimpin Malaysia?
    kalau seorang turis melewati kota2 besar di Malaysia, mereka hanya melihat bangunan dan toko2 besar yang dimiliki oleh bangsa China.
    saya benar2 tidak faham, apalagi yang mereka mahukan, apakah bilangan orang miskin China lebih banyak dari bumiputra? apakah banyak yang merempat dikaki jalan? atau mereka sudah kaya mahu bertambah kaya???/ ini dinamakan tamak!!!!!
    mereka menyoalkan NEP, kedudukan raja2 melayu dan menghina agama Islam oleh Bar Counsel.
    ini semua adalah pertanda musibah antara dua kaum akan bentrokan.
    di Indonesia bangsa China hidup dengan aman, dan juga menguasai ekonomi Indonesia, tidak pernah mempermasalahkan hak2 pribumi.
    pernah berlaku kerusuhan kaum di indonesia pada Mei 1998, akibatnya rakyat China kerugian besar dan banyak terkorban.
    kalau kita lihat negara kecil Singapura, pemerintahnya sangat bijak dan pintar, dengan menambahkan bangsa China dari 60% menjadi 90%, sehingga bangsa minoritas melayu tidak dapat bersuara lagi.
    padahal ketika dulu pulau Singapura dijajah oleh raja2 majapahit dari Indonesia keturunan melayu. akhir kata, saya ingin melihat bangsa Malaysia sukses dan maju, dan pada mereka, mohon jangan bertikai dan jangan menguji kesabaran orang melayu, sebelum mereka mengamuk, demi untuk Agama, Bangsa dan Negara

  632. Tun..
    betul ke dah masuk umno balik?
    dollah masih ada tak payahlah masuk balik,baik tun kempen untuk muhyiddin jawatan presiden,nampaknya naib presiden dah berani suruh dollah undur orang seperti inilah yang patut disokong…mesti berani melakukan perubahan.beliau memang dah lama nampak masaalah ini mungkin cuma menunggu masa yang sesuai untuk bersuara.
    kalau tun masuk sekarang tak dapatlah nak kempen satu malaysia,ahli partikan dilarang kempen nanti kalau menang pun dibatalkan atas alasan kempen.
    selagi dalam blog ini Tun tak umum masuk umno kembali saya anggap Tun masih bukan ahli umno,oleh itu saya juga dan mungkin ramai lagi tidak akan kembali anggotai umno yang pada saya ketika ini menyimpang dari landasan membela orang melayu.
    orang melayu dan ahli unmo kini tiada lagi pemimpin yang hebat cuma sibuk nak kuasa saja.
    paling tak bertanggungjawab,pemimpin melayu yang paling memalukan sekali,dah kalah pilihanraya akui sajalah tapi nak rampas kuasa pula.
    tindakan ini langsung tak bermoral dan demokratik tapi pelik disokong pula oleh polis dunia AS dan puak pejuang demokrasi terhebat dimalaysia iaitu bar council.inikah demokrasi tulen dan keadilan yang beliau perjuangkan.apa perasaan rakyat yang pilih bn bukan pakatan rakyat yang banyak mengarut barang naik,barang naik,barang naik(macamlah mereka yang tanam padi,gandum,gula dan barangan lain nak kawal harga konon).
    saya yang pangkah bn tak setuju dan rela rampasan kuasa ini malahan saya bangkang 100%.
    anwar sejak dari zaman pelajar lagi gemar amalkan perarakan dan demontrasi sebagai intipati perjuangannya untuk mendesak dan mendapatkan apa saja kemahuannya sehinggalah sekarang amatlah menyusahkan rakyat dan memalukan saja.
    saya percaya bantahan satu negara akan terjadi jika rampasan kuasa ini berlaku,dan apakah anwar jika menjadi pm akan membenarkan perarakan dan demontrasi ini atau beliau akan arah polis ambil tindakan?kita sama2 tunggu.
    tolonglah kempen untuk ahli parti yang berani sebagai satu jalan menyingkirkan dollah supaya negara ini pulih kembali.

  633. Salam Tun,
    Selamat kembali ke pangkuan UMNO. Nampaknya Tun tak boleh sambut raya tanpa berada di dalam UMNO. Tapi sangat mendukacitakan Pak Lah masih PM, boikot Tun cuma separuh jalan tak penuh. Pasti Tun ada penjelasan yang tersendiri. Setakat ni apa yang Tun perlihatkan dengan tindakkan Tun adalah sikap “Melayu mudah lupa”. Tun lupa yang Tun pernah cakap yang Tun hanya masuk UMNO semula lepas Pak Lah letak jawatan.
    Tapi biar macam mana pun saya tetap gembira. Tun telah buktikan bahawa Tun adalah melayu biarpun “mudah lupa”.
    Selamat berpuasa dan berhari raya sebagai ahli UMNO.

  634. Dearest Dr M
    If the social contract is abolished, would that render the non-Malays as “foreign workers” bound by a periodical employment contract. Once the term expires, they would have to return to their country of origin??
    The Babas and the Nyonya’s culture is losing appeal. Wonder why?
    Malaysian Malaysia concept is rearing its head. Why wonder?
    Being Malaysian means being able to speak the national language, so if you can’t, can you truly consider yourself Malaysian.
    Perhaps, with the abolishment of the social contract, all schools should have just ONE medium of instruction.
    All administration – educational, business, social, legal even religious discourse should be in bahasa Malaysia.
    Then you will get this common unifying factor within the country. English is useful for international requirements only.
    But for domestic purposes, Bahasa Malaysia should be the norm.

  635. Asus.
    You are very wrong. How can you say Tun is flip flop like Badawi. The reason Tun is considering rejoining UMNO is that he wanted to make the necessary changes to the leadership. He had tried by resigning from UMNO. It didn’t work. If by rejoining UMNO Tun can initiate the chages, than Tun will do it.
    You are saying that Tun should just keep quite after he had retired and remain popular, right? You know why Tun don’t keep quite? Because whether Tun retire or not, he is a “NEGARAWAN”.
    If the current govenment did wrong, as a citizen, Tun have the right to voice out and criticise. Tun might have retired, but Tun still want to see Malaysia grow and become a develop nation. You think Tun criticise for the fun of it? You think Tun care whether he is popular or not?
    Go buy a book on Tun and read more about Tun before you choose to criticise him. Most book might be hard for you to understand but there is one just released in the market which is in illustrated format titled “Mahathir Mohamad an illustrated boography” by E.Yu selling at RM15.90 in MPH and major bookstore. You might find this book easier to digest.

  636. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Benar seperti Tun katakan. Golongan profesional sekarang dah terlalu ego dan merasakan yang mereka boleh bersaing dengan bangsa lain. Mereka ini tak sedar yang ramai lagi orang yang kurang terplejar dan perlukan pembelaan. Ironiknya, yang di gelar terpelajar inilah selalu terpesong dengan dakyah murah seperti ajaran sesat, beli pangkat dekat pencuci kereta, di tipu oleh skim cepat kaya dan di manipulasi oleh Anwar Ibrahim.
    Saya datang dr tempat yang semua bangsa boleh bergaul mesra tanpa berkira tentang agama dan bangsa (Sabah). Pada mulanya apabila sampai di tanah semenanjung saya ada sikit culture shock sebab memang nampak ada kerenggangan. Oleh itu saya harap semua orang merenung kembali tentang tingkah laku kita. Janganlah kita memandang rendah orang lain yang berlainan agama dan bangsa.
    Mak bapak pula terapkanlah nilai2 murni pada anak2 dan elakkanlah dr menanam sikap racist pada anak2. Sementara kenyataan yg mengatakan bangsa lain selain melayu adalah penumpang amatlah menjijikkan. Adakah kita terfikir mungkin mereka lebih patriotik dari bangsa melayu sendiri. Adakah pula semua bangsa melayu itu baik2 belaka?
    Tepuk dada tanya hati…

  637. Salam Tun,
    I have ever consider a question: how to make peace and harmony in Malaysia which make up of different races.
    What i got is wealth of each races. Their property must be equal, not too much different. Why did 513 happen? Because of money. Malays dissatisfied with their property in Malaysia and they felt imbalanced between the distribution of wealthy among different races.
    So, our passed clever leader made a wise act, they introduce New Economic Policy to fight poverty and balance the income of each races.
    I think this is a good act to make harmony in our country. However, i don’t know why, this policy has no ending!!
    If now is 1980-an, i can accept it. But, today is already 21st century, but can’t we stopped this policy. Under this policy, we should able to increase our property by leaps and bounds. The fact is, we don’t.
    NEP actually is a good policy, but seriously abused! I don;t know which idiot handle this policy. Corruption has made the policy stray from its real aim. Today, not all Malays benefit from this policy. Only the one who has “connection” with the government can benefit from it.
    So, i don’t know when will this policy end. May be till the day no more foreign invest in our country, no more FDI, still this policy going on.

    UMNO adalah Parti yang paling ‘bermurah hati’ dengan bangsa ‘asing’ (British dan juak2nya) sewaktu TAR sebagai Presiden. Terbawak sampai ke hari ini.
    TAR memberi 1 Juta kerakyatan kepada warga Cina dan India atas restu British. Dan TAR mengeluarkan wilayah Selatan Siam (Thai) bagi mengimbangi pengaruh Islam dari merebak dan seterusnya menghalangnya dari berkuasa.
    Inilah kes Pengundi Hantu yang pertama dalam sejarah Malaya. British paling takut Islam memerintah berbanding Komunis. Kerana mereka ada agenda untuk menghapuskan kerajaan Islam dari muka bumi ini.
    (Sedar atau tidak kerajaan Saudi juga adalah proksi kepada British setelah menendang kerajaan Turki dan Bani Hashim dari sana)
    Maka jika tiada kerakyatan extra diberi, dan jika wilayah Islam Selatan Siam tidak dibuang, belum tentu PRU1 1951 dimenangi oleh calon Kapal Layar proksi British.
    Kerana bantuan British, TAR berjaya melenyapkan pengaruh politik berhaluan kanan (tetapi dikirikan oleh British) yang diterajui Dr Burhanudin, Pak Sako, Ahmad Boestamam.
    Dengan itu kepentingan British dijaga dengan begitu baik oleh TAR juga dengan bantuan datuknya ‘Sultan’ Thailand.
    Dan akibatnya…?
    ps: Tan Cheng Lok juga sebenarnya tidak bersetuju terhadap proses Malayanisation pada awalnya dan tetap berpegang pada Malaysian Chinese Congress dalam menegakkan jati diri Cinanya..siapa yang racist sebenarnya?

  639. People who like to ridicule the Tun without any hard facts should shut their mouths and be glad that the Tun even blogs so that you can leave comments.
    Its so annoying reading comments from people like ‘madrasah’ and ‘john s’. go study, or fly a kite instead.

  640. “The Gate to HELL already closed in August 08 but a DEVIL Guy was still left roaming around in Penang to cause more havoc on racist remarks. Can the Emperor of HELL takes him away forever and locked him up in HELL and stay out from Tanah Melayu Malaysia to keep our peaceful multi racial nation called Malaysia Boleh.” said a new Mummy from Heaven today.
    Ahmad Ismail heroic racist saga was over with a small pinch or slap on his wrist by his blur blur Master after few seconds sandiwara in PWTC. What is the next interesting stories to read now ?
    Oh yes! Malaysians mudah lupa about the 50 MPs Frogs left to Taipei for a honeymoon trip to nowhere and to learn how to catch more frogs in the agri lands. Taipei is more developed than Kuala Lumpur, what can these frogs learn from the farmers in Taiwan? Well, these Frogs can learn another big “BABI NEGARA” project with thumb up from Dato’ Bintulu to expand the “Khinzir” populations to replace the illegal immigrants chased out from Sabah soon ?
    Tun Dr M goes for Empire Strike Back in UMNO ? Sound interesting but Tun Muda Lupa to eat his own words that he will only return to UMNO if Pak Lah resign or quit his PM post. What happen now ? Another Untouchable Hero lik Ahmad Ismail racist action to save UMNO Baru since UMNO Lama was destroyed by Ku Li.
    Suprised to read TUN and KU Li macam “kuku dengan kuman” can sit around to plan to topple Pak Lah and Najib regim this coming big UMNO election. Malaysians are looking forward to listen and watch the Titanic UMNO movie coming soon.
    Malaysians have been listening, reading and seeing lots of free Sandiwara agendas from BN for past 6 months and created the best longest political stories in Malaysia history after the Political Tsunami washed BN away. Please someone blogger records them into the Guinness Book of World Record.

  641. Salam Bhg Tun,
    1. terima kasih kerana sudi mempertimbangkan utk myertai UMNO semula.
    2. Bangsa cina menjadi lebih berani mempersoalkn Contract social termasuk kedaulatan raja2 melayu apabila dilihat umno dan org melayu berpecah.
    3. Berhubung dgn kenyataan ahmad(bukit bendera) adalah tidak adil bg MT UMNO utk menghukum seseorg krn menyampaikn kebenaran.
    4. UMNO dibawah pimpinan AAB sgt lemah dan sanggup tunduk kpd desakn bangsa Cina dan mengorbankn seorg pemimpin melayu yg berani bersuara.
    5. Setiap permintaan bangsa lain dipenuhi dgn mengorban hak2 org melayu.
    6. Kenapa tindakan tidak dikenakn kpd Ong Ka Ting apabila mempersoalkn titah Putera Mahkota Kelantan?Tidakkah itu meyentuh sensitiviti org melayu?Apa tindakkan yg dikena kpd Karpal sigh apabila mempersoaln Titah DYMM Yg Dipertuan Agong?dan Nasihat Sultan Perak keatas Kerajaan Perak Perhubung pertukaran pegawai agama islam negeri?
    7. UMNO yg dl dianggap sbg tulang belakang BN telah mengambil tindakkn yg merugikn bangsa melayu sendiri.

  642. Salam Tun,
    Tahniah Tun kembali ke UMNO,Politik kita semakin kucar kacir & Ekonomi pula samakin slow down . Betulkan balik keadaan pincang sekarang.Orang yg diam seribu bahasa tak payah tunggu 2 tahun lagi.
    Ini patut disedari Olih Majlis Tertinggi.Prestasi kurang baik Pak Lah mentadbir negara kena diakui.
    Bagi orang yg lebih arif selesaikan.Tun elok jadi penasehat kepada UMNO & BN .Yg paling sesuai jadi PM Mahyuddin.
    Razali Hamzah bagus juga tapi dah tua ,Najib … Anuar bolih makan dia terbukti di Permatang Pauh.
    Subky Latif ini yg saya kenal dari tahun 1977 sehingga hari ini tak habis habis dengan jarum karat dan pena busuk hentam orang .Dia ni tak takut dosa kaa.Dia ingat bolih hidup 1000 tahun ka.Abang dia Baharuddin Latif pernah mengajar Agama pada saya 1978.
    Maasyallah untuk popular/kejar duniawi macam macam dia orang buat.

  643. Saya dengar dari seorang pegawai kerajaan, ada satu ceramah oleh kalau tak silap saya, pegawai dari pejabat setiausaha kerajaan, ex-gratia pada Tus Salleh Abas RM5 juta, dan hakim2 lain masing2 RM1 juta. adil ke?…

  644. Salam Tun,
    Social contract implies that the people give up some rights to a government and/or other authority in order to receive or jointly preserve social order.
    Some rights are defined in terms of the negative obligation they impose on others. For example, your basic property rights entail that everyone else refrain from taking what is yours. Rights can also involve positive obligations, such as the right to have stolen property returned to you, which obligates others to give you back what’s yours when they find it in the hands of others (or, in modern society, to send the police in to do it).
    Racial tensions can be caused by racial competition. Racialist trends may continue and prosper even during times of prosperity.
    Even so, as long as Malaysians realize that the most important in life is not winning the race for themselves, then our society is safe. The most important in life is to help others to win the race even if we have to slow down or changing our own race.

  645. Times have changed since the inception of Independent Malaya. I would liken the social contract conceived then as the embriyonic and has to evolve and come age too. Like the foolish contract on water supply to Singapore. We have guaranteed them decades of water supply at almost Free of Charge.But now we insist in change but the contract is clear therefore to abide by it.
    The current change in Malaysia in terms of racial tolerance is not only mooted by Non-malays. The Malays themselves have very big role. The educated Malays who have returned from abroad,well educated,polished wish to see their materialistically successfully country augur well as other developed Nations.Even if the other countries have their own racial prejudices, they believe they can have create a better and greater society in Malaysia.Such an experiment is expensive.It will come hard on certain Politicians who are singular minded.And given that Politician have the best clout on the Mind of the society,the express with razor sharp ability.
    But the tides have changed, like the world climate, its patterns distrupted by the Nuclear detonations worldwide,the depression on the fabric of society has been affected by the liberal education of the Malays.Many I have spoken too feel sad for the non-malays.They fervently believe that a greater society is possible through greater assimilation of people.Already the Malaysian society is a mixed society compared to what is it was 50 years ago.Wonderful amalgamation has taken place and more should be encouraged.Interacial marriages should be welcomed and incentives given to them.It can make very healthy changes in society.The Japanese have thrived and became a successful society by such assimilation.The non-malays particularly should be open in the change as the Malays are more receptive towards the change.The hurdle here is I presume is the religion.That too can be overcome.
    The History of assimilation is of thousands of years and sad that politicians have reduced it to just pre-independent era.We should remember the good history and do away with Gengis Khan,Hitler and the Jews but these are more tempting,it can be politically manipulated.
    The Universe changes,the stars change,everything in existence changes but man alone is adamant.

  646. Tun,
    UMNO need you as an anchorman the least or lead UMNO back to stable BN for sometime.I think DSN or DSMuhyidin will be supporting you to the fullest.Your decision to rejoin UMNO is well respected by nookvillage.

  647. salam Tun…..
    nampaknya Tun telah buat keputusan yang baik….
    UMNO mesti dibaiki,Umno mesti dibimbing semula….
    dan dengan kembalinya negarawan seperti Tun ke dalam UMNO,saya yakin UMNO akan kembali ke landasan sebenarnya…..
    hidup Tun!!

  648. salam Tun & isteri
    saya berharap Tun dapat memberi perubahan kepada politik Malaysia sekiranya memasuki UMNO smula ..
    Saya menyokong sepenuhnya niat Tun untuk memasuki UMNO.
    Saya nampak dengan kehadiran Tun dapat memberikan impak yang besar dalam perubahan kerana sebelum ini pun banyak kejayaan telah TUn hasilkan.
    Saya berbangga dengan TUn dengan pelbagai perubahan yang telah dibangunkan. Ini jelas kelihatan apabila saya ‘berchatting’ dengan PayPal saya di luar negara. Apabila disebutkan Malaysia..mereka sering membayangkan KLCC, Putrajaya, Litar sepang dan macam-macam lagi. Semua itu telah dibangunkan ketika TUn memerintah.
    Saya tahu bahawa Tun adalah seorang yang berwawasan tinggi. Saya sentiasa menanti agar realisasi impian negara untuk menjadi negara maju pada tahun 2020 termakbul.
    Tapi sebelum itu, harap TUn dapat membantu Negara dalam menyelesaikan krisis yang tengah melanda buat masa sekarang ini.
    Saya selaku rakyat malaysia sentiasa menanti ucapan TUn yang penuh bermakna dan bermanfaat untuk memperbaiki sahsiah diri saya ..
    Selamat berterawih Tun 🙂

  649. Salam Tun,
    Mungkin depa-depa yang dok ingat Pengaruh Tun Yang Mulia ini dah pudaq…pikiaq lah tiga empat kali!!
    Bagi depa-depa tu.. baik dimana tang-mana saja..Jangan dok pikiaq depa saja yg. kuat..orang lain tak kuat!!Ramai yang dok diam malas nak bercakap .. atau tak dak peluang nak baca..nak jawap apa yang tersiar di internet !!Tak dak peluang pula nak ketok keyboard komputer!!
    Tapi saya yakin dan nak peringat kat depa-depa tu..yang kami masih sayang kat Tun Mahathir..Dan kerana ramai di antara kami yang tak dak peluang nak tunjuk sokongan kami dalam blog-blog tertentu..!! Untok menyatakan rasa hati masing-masing…!
    Tun.. Kuasa kami hanya bila PRU tiba.. Itu pun satu undi sorang.. seperti PRU12.. yang baru lepas ini..!!
    Tu pun masih ada yang Tak sedaq lagi !!

  650. Yes, as Tun has mentioned before, we can’t satisfy everyone.
    But everyone should have worked towards a better life, better race level and better future. This fenomena increases tremendously because lots of Malays still thinks that they should be defended by their goverment without thinking wisely and globally, they’re left far behind. Therefore, we should all together work to develop our nation and race towards the vision, not only towards individual dreams that could not last long…
    Salam Hormat,

  651. Assalaamualaikum Tun,
    Cuba ingatkan peribahasa, ” menangguk di air keruh”. Saya rasa ada SESEORANG yang sengaja mengeruhkan air yang dah 50tahun jernih, supaya dia dapat banyak ikan. Tak lain dan Tak bukan, ANWAR IBRAHIM. Think about it.
    Tentang kritikan Tun pada Pak Lah, walaupun ada benarnya, tapi harapnya Tun dapat put things in perspectives. Maaflah, tapi membaca tulisan2 tun yang mengkritik Pak Lah, tak banyak sedikit saya rasa ada bercampur personal vendetta. Mungkin kalau Tun dapat melihat menembusi the proverbial ‘red mist’, mungkin jalan keluar dari kemelut ini akan lebih jelas.
    Salam hormat yang saya muliakan Tun

  652. Salam Tun,
    Saya tidak sabar menunggu Tun kembali kepada UMNO dan pimpin gerakan yang akan mengubah segala tanggapan negatif terhadap UMNO dan juga BN.
    Segala tomahan yang dilemparkan kepada UMNO serta BN tidak dapat di perbetulkan serta di perbaiki oleh kepimpinan kini. UMNO dan BN nampak semakin lemah serta hilang arah dan terlalu banyak persoalan yang membelenggu.
    Saya yakin majority rakyat Malaysia akan bersama-sama Tun dalam merubah situasi negara yang semakin kelam-kabut.
    Saya amat berharap pemimpin-pemimpin di dalam UMNO sedar dan gunakan peluang kali kedua yang diberikan oleh Tun kepada mereka untuk merubah kepimpinan UMNO serta BN dalam memperkasakan nya semula.
    Saya akan sentiasa mendoakan kesihatan Tun dalam memperjuangkan nasib kami rakyat Malaysia.
    Salam Perjuangan

  653. Dear Tun,
    In time of crisis, Pak Lah leadership has once again proven to be wanting!
    Why has it took so long for Pak Lah to take action against Ahmad Ismail? May be the BN Council Meeting finally forced Pak Lah hands into taking action.
    One of the hall mark of good leadership is decisiveness. To me this particular incident clearly demonstrated Pak Lah lack of decisiveness and hence allowed the matters to become worse. Only when the damage was done, Pak Lah seem to start do something albeit after BN Council meeting pressure.
    Just as Pak Lah is clueless on how to handle the issue when it first appeared, Pak Las is also cluecless on how to bring back the Malay supports to UMNO.
    Pak Lah image is so damaged that he is now public enemy no. 1 to Malaysian Citizens. The little trust people have in Pak Lah has vanished. Pak Lah very presence at the pinnacle of power in government UMNO/BN is being treated with great disdains.
    Also in the making is the rising of power of public enemy no. 2 who happen to be his son-in-law. If his son-in-law were elected to UMNO Youth Leader, UMNO will feel the whole wrath of especially young voters who detest the arrogance son-in-law’s presence in UMNO. UMNO would be obliterated in no time, in the next election.
    The best is for both Pak Lah & his son-in-law to leave the throne of power and let other leaders in UMNO reclaim back the supports and trusts of Malays so that UMNO can be rebuilt, reengineered or reenergized to former glory.
    Of course your return to UMNO’s fold would help speed up the process of rebranding UMNO and start working to ‘undo’ the damaged which Pak Lah & son-in-law have inflicted on to the party, InsyaAllah.

  654. Dear Tun and bloggers,
    To start with, I totally agreed with OMK comments on the school system here in Malaysia. Everything should start with the education system. By changing it to a one system, then only kids in school will learn about each other and understand history and accept each other differences with an open heart.
    Children should be exposed in their early years probably as young as 4 years old with language classes comprises of Malay as bahasa ibunda, english, kantonis and tamil. As you commented before one needs to understand the language in order to gain knowledge , that’s is why English in science and mathetics is important to be thought in school.
    If children to start learning Bahasa Melayu as the national language, English as secondary, Mandarin & Tamil should be include as well to be taught as compulsory subjects. Instead of going to kindergarten, the children from age 4 years old should be in elementary classes to study all these language. By 7 years old then they would able to speak the language as young children tend to pick up languages better than adult. For those who wants to pick up an advance classes in the language other than Malay & English shall be able to do so as elective subject.
    What I’m saying is lack of communication will make people feel inferior and paranoid against each other. As a result racism can’t be avoided.
    Historically, this land belongs to the Malays and the native people but due to circumstances, history changed and Malaysia became a multiracial country instead.
    Well, after 51years of independence, I guess we shouldn’t regard the non malays as tumpang to this country and accept the fact that they are part of the people and are the citizens of this beloved land.
    But what I want to stressed here is that, not only the Malays have to accept the fact of the non malays existence as part of being Malaysian but the non malays also have to accept that they came here due to the social contract due to the migrations of their ancestors to this land to find new opportunity and have an open mind being part of Malaysian instead of still being racial of their origin.
    They can surely show their loyalty through changes in the school system to one as these shall create harmony once people understand each other cultures and religion without tampering too much in this issue.
    Yes, freedom of speech was being demand by many people these days. Well, in my point of view, Ahmad Ismail was only exercising his freedom of speech of his feelings. Same as what Karpal Singh or Lim Kit Siang did when they talked about rejecting Malaysia as an Islamic Country or questioning the Malay rights and infect questioned about the islamic law openly because they believe in the freedom of speech and each one deserve to be heard.
    Well, the non-malays too need to be fair when they discuss on freedom of speech when Ahmad was commenting and not to jumped and report it as though he was trying to brain wash the malays to deserted them.
    So, Tun..with DSAB,with the most current situation, I don’t think the country is going forward and the vision 2020 is slowly diminishing from our mind soon.There are so many Malays in UMNO as well as in the opposition party have not looked at themselves seriously of the wrong doings instead only cater for their self interest and needs in politics instead of addressing important issues such as poverty, educations and how to increase our economy to suit the world changes as well as being truly a leader to the malaysian.
    As for the non-malays, please look at your own self as well and asked how do you perceive your self in this country as being a truly Malaysian and not Chinese or Indians that shows clearly from the behavior of Wee Meng Chee towards your own national anthem.
    Yes, there are some truth in the song he so creatively created but not tampering with sensitive issues such as the prayers especially using the national anthem to express his feelings and exercising his freedom of speech.He can always used his own creation music.This clearly show disrespect for this country , therefore, do not deserve to be Malaysian.Don’t you think?
    Think about it and be honest for once!
    As for Tun, much that I think you should not join UMNO again after how they treated you after your premiership, I do understand your feeling as you can’t just be idle and looking at the situation now instead you truly are a great leader who believes all your life to bring the people to the next level without being tired.
    For that, may God bless you and keep you and your family safe always.

    By right Tun should be relaxing and enjoying his retirement. But as an elder statesman, he could not stand watching the current turbulent political and economic scenario taking place in his beloved country. Tun has built and eleveated this country to much greater height ever since his ascended to power since 1981.he could not just let the government and party his steered being mocked and ridiculed by the opposition and the outsiders. This is about a country’s and the ruling party’s pride above all.
    Ever since AAB take the helm of the government, a lot of unthinkable things had happened and are still happening that something didn’t materialised during Tun’s era.Thanks a lot to AAB’S leadership style that propogated democracy and freedom of speech. His famous slogan, work with me, Islam Hadhari and so on and not to forget his famous statement broadcasted in the mass media few years ago, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CRITICIZE ME.
    No wonder his governent and party have been on the receiving ends of the oppositions’ flak, Bar Council’s bofor and sidewinder missiles left and right.
    To make it worse, the non-bumis and other ngos abetted by the foreign agents dare to challenge the New Economic Policy and the Bumis special privilleges as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.
    Tun needs to act now as the time is no longer on the ruling party side as the next GE will be in year 2011/2012. Drasctic measure has to be undertaken to revive UMNO and BN before the opposition parties launched a massive counter attack to conquer Putrajaya.
    Even know, DSAIB & his cohorts are threatening to destablize the government through massive buyover of the BN parliement reps .

  656. Ayahanda Tun,
    Tolonglah selamatkan tanah air kita. Beginilah kalau kita mempunyai pemimpin yang lemah. Kepada Melayu hendaklah kita bersatu tidak kira penerimaan parti masing2. Saya berpendapat tidak semua malaysia berbangsa china berperangai seperti setengah ahli di dalam DAP, Gerakan atau MCA. Kami semua cintakan kedamaian.

  657. Anak2 muda melayu yang tun sebutkan adalah dikalangan orang yang amat daif tentang perjuangan melayu. jika tidak ada perjuangan melayu dulu serta social contract, maybe dia orang ni jadi chief clerk aje kat kilang milik orang cina. kita generasi tua ini hendak lah menyedarkan anak2 kita ini.
    Yang saya tak faham ni asal kita nak gaduh2 ni. Formula perpaduan dan ekonomi yang telah kita guna pakai terbukti amat berkesan. Yang membuak-buakan isu perkauman ini adalah dari pemimpin yang menagih sokongan seperti parti2 gerakan dan mca yang telah hilang banyak kuasadi pilihanraya baru ini. Apakan daya pemimpin negara kita dari umno sekarang terlalu lemah. sepatutnya mereka2 yang memulakan isu-isu sensitif ini seperti majlis peguam, Raja Petra, pemimpin2 gerakan, mca dan dap di hantar untuk berehat di Taiping. Protecting the nation is upmost. We will regret if us malaysian facing another 13 Mei. Menyesal dahulu berpendapatan, sesal kemudian tiada guna nya.

  658. Dearest Tun.
    I can’t help but agree with Tun that the current leadership is doing a very lousy job in handling this sensitive issue. By being slow in responding to racial and racist remarks had but escalated this sensitive issue to a near boiling point.
    To be an effective leader in this multi-racial and multi-religious country, the leadership must be efficient and fast in handling this situation and not wait and see as is being done now. To take action only when the situation turns nasty is the mark of a weak leader. We in malaysia cannot affort to have a weak leader.
    The right thinking people who have the power to make the changes MUST do the necessary NOW to make sure that this beautiful multi-religious, multi-cultures and multi-races country will remain beautiful.
    Thanks for this very informative article Tun. May you be in great health always.
    ps. Miss you speeches in tv very much. Hope to be able to hear them again one day.

  659. Tun, Tun, Tun
    What is the purpose of all this? Racking up the past. Trying to bring the Tunku (may his soul rest in peace) into disrepute. Trying to question the Federal Constitution (FC). Wanting to re-write it. Retrospectively encouraging violence. What is the purpose of all this? It is forlorn. You have lost. Badawi has lost. Only Anwar and all the people of Malaysia have won.
    You have achieved so much in your life time, so you should not be remembered for your utter disconnect with reality and as a bitter old man. That you are racist (which was the norm of your generation) – by any objective standard – is undoubted and unquestioned. You do not have to reiterate that over and over again.
    Your hatred of Badawi is so supreme that it, for the moment, even overshadows your hatred for Anwar. Hate is not a good thing. It will eat into you. From what all can see it already has. Your contribution to BN and the nation now is only destructive; there is nothing you can say that would be positive. So please hold your peace. It comes to us all, but you are a man of the past. Please accept it graciously and fade away.
    You harp on race alone, yet you don’t like being called a racist. You speak only of “Malay rights”, but show me what is the source of these alleged “Rights”? Is it in the FC, if so, show me, where exactly? The truth is that it is not in the FC. Malays are not extra-equal citizens. They are the same as any Indian or Chinese citizen. The words Malay “Special Rights” are found nowhere in FC. It is a myth created by UMNO and you are falsely perpetuating it. Is the passing of falsehood allowed is Islam? I don’t think so. So please do not pass falsehood in future.
    After all the FC only says that for a while (after Merdeka in 1957) Malays et al should be protected (“safeguard”) because of their “special position” as children ought to be and given some “reasonable” assistance, until they reach adulthood. If I were Malay I would be insulted by this, but alas I am not Malay. However, I suspect that many well-educated, well-read, well-travelled and accomplished Malays (like, say, Tun Hanif Omar), increasingly feel insulted by the apparently never-ending gravy train that is the NEP, which suggests that the Malays will forever be children in need of continuous protection or if they have attained legal age, they are somehow permanently disabled or handicapped as are the blind, lame, deaf, dumb or the mentally challenged!
    Since you can’t justify the Malay rights concept by reference to the FC, you guys created the legend of the “social contract”. What social contract? Show me where, how, when? You cannot because it does not exist except in the UMNO mythology and dongeng department.
    As an elder Malay statesman teach this truth to the Malays that after 50 years, they should shrug off these handouts and berdikari. Instead of that you are encouraging them to become more like Ahmad Ismail. Your messages are so confusing that we don’t know what you stand for or want, save that you are a bitter old man and at all cost be rid of Badawi. I am very sorry to say this, for I still hold you in very high regard for the many good things you have done for the country and your many acts of personal kindness to people of all races.
    Let Anwar take over and if he disappoints and does not keep his promise of a multiracial and constitutional Malaysia, we can give him his exit pass as well, as was in reality true in your case as well.

  660. Tun Dr ! It’s high time you sh’ld rest and live with your family happily.Your age is such Dr!
    Let them rule the country.We don’t need advice from a 80 yr odd man.There are far sighted thinkers in UMNO,MCA and MIC.
    In my opinion the country was in a dilemma of misunderstandings within the ethnic groups when Pak Lah took over.And I should say the UMNOs’should not be so racialistic and ‘sensitive’.They tend to get emotional very fast like that of Ahmad Ismail and many teachers in schools who belittle other races.UMNO sh’ld not instigate the malays.They are nice people.
    Tun please don’t disturb the still water.It’s like the multi race of Malaysia living in peace and harmony.Pleaselah Tun !

  661. OMK , you are indeed right. In my comments I have always stress out that all racess must sacrified if they wish to move toward Malaysia Malaysian concept and one of the biggest sacrifices is to forego the Malay, Chinese and Tamil school and adapt to one education system which is Malaysian Education system, otherwise dont even dream of Malaysia Malaysian. Are they ready to do it?. With Perak goverment presenting 1000 acres of land to Chinese school , are they encouraging to a one education systems?. Wasnt Malaysia Malaysian concept was DAP strugle and yet DAP will never forego the mother of sacrifices that is forego Chinese School and adapt to one education systems, that goes for Hindarf too. Oh yeah dont forget Pas also.Hey why is that the orang asli still living in the jungle. They are Malaysian too you know and they are not just for exhibitions items. Bring them to the front,one day our PM might be from the Orang Asli, any why are we branding them as orang asli, can we have a more modern or decents term for them, maybe Bumiputra Asal or take out the orang asli word and treat them as other races like Semoi, Jakun etc in other word Malaysian.
    Who is capable of destroying the country, you, me? We are not capable, the politicans are. With their instigation, remarks, challenges etc etc we definately will go down history.

  662. Dear Tun,
    Salam sejahtera.
    I heard you are going back to UMNO. That is good news. But this time, make it big. I suggest you take drastic actions to kick AAB and his cronies ass out of UMNO ASAP.
    To me, all the racist issues arise because Malaysian are worried of their future. When things go wrong, it is human nature to do whatever it takes to survive even it means war or riot. So I believe every thing will be back to normal if you can bring back confidence in BN leadership.
    HOWEVER, please bear in mind, what happens today is not just because of AAB’s weakness alone. There are many factors contributing to the current scenario. One of the factor is the Social Contract agreed by our founders. The Social Contract is good if and only if it is implemented correctly, effectively and only to those who need it. Those who benefited from the Social Contract should not take it as their right but as a temporarily scheme to help them to compete with others. Unfortunately, the Social Contract was easily manipulated to benefit only certain group of people since 1957. People are losing patient!
    Tun mungkin dapat menyelamatkan keadaan yang huru hara sekarang, tetapi apa akan berlaku selepas 10 tahun atau 20 tahun akan datang. Situasi yang sama mungkin akan berlaku lagi. Adakah Tun dapat menyelamatkan keadaan. Saya rasa tidak. Sistem baru yang lebih praktikal dan telus diperlukan untuk mengimbangi hubungan di antara masyarakat majmuk di malaysia.
    Prevent is better than cure.

  663. Salam Tun,
    I have just look up for the definition of social contract on the net. In brief, this how it has comes about,
    1. Without society, we would live in a state of nature, where we have unlimited freedoms. The downside of this general autonomy is that is includes the right to all things and thus the freedom to harm all who threatens one’s own preservation. There are no posititive rights or wrongs on laws of nature. It is about survival of the fittest. In other words, any one in the state of nature can do anything he likes but this also means someone else could also do anything he likes to anyone else.
    2. To avoid this, free man by a social contract establish political community(civil society) in which each gain civil rights in return for subjecting to a political authority and laws, so as to maintain social order.
    3. The contract itself is the means towards an end. The end objectives is obviously the benefit of all. The contract is only legitimate to the extent it meets the general interest. Therefore when failings are found in the contract such as that leading to tyranny we renegotiate the the terms.
    4. In Malaysia our social contract is stated clearly in the constitution which maintain the civil rights of all is citizen and the special right of the bumiputra and no one dispute that, including, pkr, pas and dap.
    5. I do not think that many of the chinese question the contract nor do I think the many young and liberal malay question the our social contract.
    6. I support affirmative action, as I feel it is needed in to help the weak to compete in this world and if necessary forever. However I do feel that our social contract has been exploited by politician to help themselves rather than the weak. This is where a lot of the young liberal malays, chinese and other minorities start to question. This is one of the reason why BN lost 5 states.
    7. I also believe affirmative action should not be to the extent where competition is not allowed. Because it is in competition that people are willing to work harder and reap their reward accordingly. One of the reason why communism fail is because of the lack of competition. Help them to compete, but don’t stop the competition.
    8. One main reason our social contract has been exploited is due to our race base political parties. I think BN somehow need to reinvent itself so as not to be along racial lines in order to gain back votes from of the young malay, chinese and indian.
    9. If Tun is indeed joining Umno again, I do hope that Tun is able to reinvent BN and steer the nations to greater height.
    10. Lastly, looking at the events that has unfolded during the last few weeks has basically show that Malaysian has indeed becomes more matures. In 1997 when there is riot in Indonesia that sees a lot of the chinese establishment burns down did not happen to Malaysia. The racial fanning by politician like ahmad also did not gather much support from the public either. People like ahmad is still in the state of denial.

  664. setakat hal passport nak kecoh. x pyah la..cari mende len yg lebih bermakna sket.hal2 kecik camtu bley a pak lah tu..tapi bab merosakkan lagi hebat..

  665. tun
    glad to have u written again…Heard that u r back to UMNO.Well great the party needs u except him.PM is afraid he will be exposed of his weaknesses.After all his weaknesses is clearly demostrated in the recent Ahmad Ismail issue.He is not firm and not respected not only by Ahmad but component leaders as well.
    I m sure during your time,things will solved immediately before it blows out of proportion.Again U R FIRM N DECISIVE and HE IS NOT.In fact issue like that will not happen durng your time.
    How long do we have to tolerate this leadership after he clearly shows FAILURE AFTER FAILURE?Do the nation deserve to be dragged into a situation that is ALARMING like in thai that only then he is willing to step down.
    I agree with u evertime he talks of allocating billions to this n that does it really happen?Does it reach the intended group or purposes.He is so well known for corridors but do we really need this.Iskandar just look like another township ,well i think IJM or Gamuda can easily bulid it,no need for him to make a hu ha hu ha out of it.2nd bridge is silent.
    Why do we have a PM who cakap tak tahu buat,cakap tak serupa bikin?We dont deserve this.We didnt elect him for sure.If the whole nation has the chance to elect a PM,he is definitely out,dun mention aeven a Menteri Besar.
    Wake up UMNO,we need a strong UMNO

  666. pak lah ni cuma tnggu org potong kapara orang
    baru mau buat keje…
    apa lah lah ni… masih belum nak sedar dari lena..
    dia kata semua terkawal tapi hakikatnya umpama sekam dalam api..
    nak tunggu rakyat jatuh dlm api baru nak jaga kot
    …dia buat seperti rakyat bodo…skrg cmua org cakap pasal ini..
    dalm opis pun cakap ini benda…
    polis bagi amaran…tentera pun bagi amaran..
    tapi pada pak lah semuanya tak da apa apa
    ..apa ra

  667. sokong anak melayu 82,dok kecoh tok det nak masuk umno balik,kalu malaysia ni kembali stabil korang gak dok tersengih2 macam kerang busuk menikmati kesengan yg di sediakan,masa tu x rasa tebal muka ke,dok kutuk2, da senng sebok nak merase?!! malu la sket wei..appara, akai tarak!!

  668. Tun..saya amat menyokong Tun kembali kepada Barisan UMNO itu sendiri. Jagan di layan kata2 orang melayu yag berpemikiran melayu kolot. Bagaimana doktor dapat merawat pesakit tanpa menyentuh pesakitnya??bodoh..bukan melayu mudah lupa, tetapi melayu amat bodoh. Saya ingin tegaskan kepada mereka2 yang meninggalkan komen2 yang saya anggap bodoh seperti mengutuk Tun kembali kedalam UMNO, saya berusia 21 tahun, namun sebagai orang berpendidikan, saya tidak menyokong mahupun membangkang membabi buta. Saya tidak menyokong Tun secara radikal, saya katakan di usia 21 tahun ini namun saya melihat Tun sebagai seorang yang pernah melakukan kesilapan dalam membuat keputusan dan juga sebagai seorang tokoh yang begitu tajam akal pemikirannya.
    Perlukah kita mengkritik dan beromong kata2 yang bernas sedangkan orang yang sakit itu menutup telinga dan mengalih mukanya. Bodoh bukan. Itulah kata2 orang yang mengkritik keras Tun kembali kedalam UMNO.
    Apa yang saya lihat kembalinya Tun kedalam UMNO adalah untuk memulihkan kembali ketakutan dalam diri orang UMNO (dalam cakap Utara..Orang UMNO ketaQ kat ketua)..takut membangkang.itulah mereka. Saya mendoakan Tun dapat memulihkan persahabatan politik yang Tun jalinkan, bukan bertujuan menjatuhkan pemimpin UMNO pada masa sekarang. Tetapi mengajar orang UMNO itu untuk tegas dalam keputusan.
    Jagan semalam disokong TUN(menangis2 tidak mahu Tun letak jawatan), hari ini menyokong Pak Lah(biarpun jambatan kita gadaikan), malam ini di sokong Anuar Ibrahim(turun harga minyak punya pasai) dan besok disokong cina dan india menjadi ketua(biarpun dlu menghunus keris bak perwira).
    yang tidak berselindung
    Mohamad Khairulfitri bin Mustapha
    pelajar UiTM

  669. Salam Tun,
    Saya terkejut Tun akan balik ke pangkuan UMNO. Adakah Tun lupa bahawa Tun tak akan balik sekiranya Abdullah masih ‘ada’. Adakah Tun akan lebih bersuara dalam UMNO sekarang? Abdullah masih pegang kuasa.

  670. I totally agree with OMK:Separate school systems must be abolished.
    This is the only way out if we want to continue living in harmony and peace. For those who are 40 plus and above, most of us studied in schools where there was integration and children of various races studied together.
    Now certain races especially the Chinese worship their own vernacular schools as if all other schools are inferior. Parents who are MBA holders and English educated also prefer to send their children to Chinese schools.
    Even here in Kota Bharu, the 99.99% of the Chinese will do anything to send their children to the many Chinese schools here.
    From my interaction with products of Chinese schools, I would say they are no better, infact most of them speak very poor English and can only survive because the economy (especially in Malaysia) is controlled by them.
    As for the Kebangsaan school, leave the religious influence out of school policies. Schools must be based on education policy and morality(what is right and wrong). Let religion be handled by the parents with the religous schools/classes/teachers chosen by parents. Teachers of kebangsaan schools shouldnt all became “uztazah” all of a sudden. Sometimes these extreme focus on religion in the kebangsaan schools frighten the non-malays away!!
    So all the political leaders in Malaysia, please stop bickering and take the first step. Lets put our strength together and put aside our differences. This is for the sake of our children!!

  671. welcome back father!..pls teach that imbecile some lesson, so that he may open up his eyes and pass over the chair to someone better!!

  672. Dear Tun.
    First of all, wishing the best of health to you and wife. You’re an all time hero cos i’m sure you’d love to retire well but would rather put your head on the chopping block to try to make things right where now as an outsider, you can see clearly what is going wrong. To Asus and Madrasah and those likewise, you shouldn’t question why Tun wants to return, you should be grateful he’s willing to be “bashed” for the good of the country and he’s not a pengecut. No other leaders are as daring as him.
    Tun…..God bless

  673. 1.Tun, nampaknya pejuangan Tun pun tidak tentu arah. Tun kata, hanya akan kembali ke UMNO setelah Badawi mengundur,tapi sekarang Tun kembali ke UMNO sedangkan banyak pengikut-pengikut Tun telah mengikut jejak Tun meninggalkan UMNO sebelum ini, nampaknya mereka ini pun kebinggungan. Kami rasa Tun pun flip flop juga.
    2.Tindakan Tun tergesa-gesa ini akan menrosakkan image dan sejarah Tun yang selama ini dianggap sebagai seorang tokoh agung yang tegas.
    3.Seorang peminpin yang disukai oleh semua kaum memang tidak senang diperolehi tetapi Tun sudah dapat.Tidak kira kaum melayu, cina, india dll.Kebanyakannya memang suka dan kagumi Tun. walaupun terdapat banyak kritikan-kritikan khasnya dari kaum cina diblog pohon maaf Tun yang tidak setuju dengan pendapat Tun tetapi mereka semua masih sanjungi Tun. Jadi Tun jangan melakukan sesuatu yang merosakkan image Tun.
    4.Kami rasa walaupun Tun kembali ke UMNO, kalau Badawi masih berkuasa, rakyat masih tak nak memilih UMNO.Dan Tun masih tidak dapat membuat apa-apa dalam UMNO seterusnya Tun hanya mendapat kritikan dan merosakkan image Tun saja. Itu memang tidak berboloi.kan Tun sudah retired? Kenapa Masih mahu merosakkan segaranya pada saat terakhir ini.
    5.Tun Jangan risau pasal 916, ia tak akan jadi.walaupun baru-baru ini nampaknya kaum cina macam tidak puas hati dengan perkara perkauman yang ditimbunkan, tetapi kaum cina masih tidak setuju dengan pertukaran kerajaan berlaku kerana ini akan menjejaskan perniagaan mereka.

  674. to Asus,
    tok det bukan flip flop,cuma seorang bekas pemimpin yg penuh dgan rasa tanggungjawab,pemimpin yg x sanggup segala kesenngan dan kemudahan yg telah dia sediakan untuk rakyat malaysia dimusnahkan dek Pakcik TIDOQ tu( x bangun lagi rsa nye ni)kalu x wat ape2 kang,ramai lak yg complaint,tok det dok tulis je,tindakan dia da start amik tindakan,kita sokong la sama2…tu pun kalu ade rsa sygkan negara kita ni la.lagi pun ramai jugak yg dok pujuk tok det masuk UMNO balik,tu je caranye bleh soh pak cik TIDOQ tu p tido kat umah,bukan d putrajaya..
    tO tok det,semoga Allah mmberkati usaha tok det yg ikhlas tu..
    aku rasa pun instead of set up parti baru,re join umno balik lagi bagus la.sebb ramai yg sokong tok det kat dlam umno ni cume dorang ni ,x berani bersuara or suara mereka x di least kalu tok det ade ni bley a dia jadi wakil untuk mereka2 ni..sekaligus cuci bersih virus yg teruk merebak dalam umno..tu pendapat aku len aku x tau..ape yg aku nampak,tok det mmg betul2 ikhlas,sebb dia sanggup buang ego dia,means walaupun dia da terlepas ckap selagi pak cik TIDOQ tu de dlam umno, dia x mau jadi ahli,tapi kali ni dia da ketepikan rasa ego dia n re join balik semata2 nak pertahan kan negara kita ni dari terus jadi mangsa keSENAGALANA perdana menteri yg CEMERLANG GEMILANG TERBILANG..even aku rase tok det pun tau pasti ramai yg akan bersikap sarcastic atas keputusan dia ni..
    to tok det,u will always get my support..

  675. Tun,
    How right you are! When I was in school in the 1970s and 1980s, racial unity was at its height and we had friends of all races. Parents then were also more tolerant and more flexible in allowing the children to mix around among the different races.
    The current situation has led to many embarrassing and even difficult situations.
    It has become difficult to explain what unity means to our children when the adults are exchanging racial slurs like makan goreng pisang.
    It is true that during you tenure as PM, Tun, you had worked your way around such dangerous situation and averted what could have been disastrous to the nation.
    The current fear now is whether there will be a repeat of May 13 if these people continue to pursue this dangerous thread.
    On a different note, I hope Tun’s agreement to return to UMNO will ensure changes are made to put Malaysia back on track.
    Insya Allah, with your guiding hand, Tun, we will see Malaysia on the right track to her destination.

  676. Tun … I am among the young Malay Professionals who recently converted to an Ultra-Malay. Leaders that I am seeking for, has to have a Malay spirit, like Datuk Ahmad Ismail. There is a reason why I have turned into a Malay-Ultra.
    I have witnessed Chinese and Indian spreading bad comments about Malays to my Lecturers overseas. They degrade the Malay reputation and this has angered me. Furthermore some of them would questioned me why I have opted to communicate in Bahasa Ibunda , Bahasa Melayu.
    They (the non-bumiputera) should respect the land and the indigenous people of this Land a.k.a Tanah Melayu which have sheltered them and accepted them into the community.
    Unfortunately they do not want to make an attempt to become a Malaysian. Instead they prefer to use and abuse my Land and my People. Non- Bumiputeras who speak Malays are in a minority. Why should there be Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan? Shouldn’t we start mixing from young so that the innocence of childhood against racial differences would continue naturally till adulthood.
    I am sad and tired of seeing Malays being too kind and too nice. As the Malay saying goes ” Anak beruk disusu-susu kan , Anak sendiri mati Kebuluran”.
    I am sorry , but it’s too late. It’s time for a Revolution in the Malay History. If it is not now , than I think it will be too late. Better safe than sorry.
    If the nOn-Bumiputera’s are not happy in Malaysia , GO AWAY ! Those of you Non-Bumiputeras who are happy to stay here in Malaysia and happy with the things as they are , then , I WELCOME U WITH ARMS WIDE OPEN .
    I am hoping to see more Bold and Tough Leaders like U TUN and Datuk Ahmad Ismail.
    Datuk Ahmad Ismail’s recent comment during press conference urging Malays to COME TOGETHER is heard and I hope it is loud enough to awake the SLEEPING MALAYS.

  677. Assalamualaikum Tun dan keluarga
    Semuga Tun dan keluarga dikurniakan dan dilimpahi rahmat Allah s.w.t.
    Syukur Tun dah kembali kedalam UMNO.
    Semuga kata-kata dan nukilan Tun yang amat bernas dapat diterima dan digunapakai oleh PM sekarang yang dah terlalu lembut dengan kaum-kaum lain sehingga menimbulkan sentimen untuk perpecahan kaum. Tun boleh bersuara untuk mengujudkan semula ISA untuk mengajar mereka-mereka yang dah terlalu melampaui batasan perpaduan kaum untuk kestabilan negara kita.
    Amat bersetuju dengan tindakan-tindakan Tun.
    Muga Tun dipanjangkan umur dan diberikan kesihatan yang baik untuk menjalankan lagi tanggungjawab Tun membetulkan keadaan negara yang dah tak terkawal.

  678. Salam Tun,
    Welcome back to UMNO Tun….kami amat memerlukan Tun utk melakukan perubahan terhadap UMNO.
    p/s : Pak Lah sekarang mesti tgh panas punggung dengan kembalinya Tun, KuLi & Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin pun dah start bersuara….
    Selamat Berpuasa…!!!

  679. Thank you. After reading Tun’s postings in your blog, I am now in a better position to judge for myself the differences between Ketuanan Melayu and Ketuanan Rakyat; their associated benefits and harms. It is obvious that of these 2 concepts, one is very much more powerful than the other and will definitely be good for the long term well being of this nation.

  680. Salam Tun,
    The Present Government must have a clear vision of how to rule this country,without a clear vision and plannig we simply can’t move forward.Please don’t blame others for our short falls.BAR COUNCIL
    did not question Malays rights but the short fall in the systems.We can always argue with them if we have our facts right.
    Do you want to see a united Malaysian Nation or UMNO nation. otherwise the choice is yours.Our Main problem is not a social contract but UMNO BARU SOCIAL CONTRACT.
    They want to implement a divide and rule policy and treating non bumiputera as their sub..sub..sub
    It’s too much for a child born in malaysia be proud and feel the sense of belonging.The ruling goverment must help malays to improve their economy and status but the same time don’t denied others their opportunity to improve life.After all a human life span in malaysia is around 70-80 years only.
    We want Malays help chinese and chinese help Indians,by turn Indians help others and finaly others will help Malaysia to grow =Pakatan Rakyat Malaysia,but at our present system Malays help UMMO,MCA help UMNO,MIC help UMNO,Sabah Help UMNO SARAWAK help UMNO,UMNO Help UMNO…finaly become NO No No NO ,don’t forget PAS JUGAK KENA HELP UMNO.Atlast Malaysia =O. The choice is yours TUN.

  681. Back in school in the 1960s (St Andrews Aided Muar) every first half-hour of the day, when the rest of the school had their Scripture Classes (Christian religious classes), all about 35 – 40 of us (total number of Muslims in the Secondary level), filled a classroom and the teacher / master in charge made us read aloud by turns books like “Hikayat Hang Tuah”, “Sejarah Melayu” by Tun Sri Lanang, and other classics.
    There was one saying which goes “Orang berani menjual, kita berani membeli”.
    Zaaba (al marhum) explained this beautifully.
    Through it we were taught to “Mengalah … tapi jangan kalah”
    In THE SOCIAL CONTRACT 3 you Sir Tun Mahathir, explained both sayings exquisitely.
    Perfect choice of words, clear and concise as to its reference to the present social and political situations, precise and accurately placed maksuds yang tersirat, whilst clearly addressing audiences on both sides of the playing fields.
    The prodigious son has come home.
    You are most welcome …. even some do not.

  682. Assalammualaikum Tun…saya doa kan Tun agar dilanjutkn usia dan disihatkan tubuh badan agar Tun dapat kembali mengorak langkah mengembalikan kedudukan bangsa Melayu kembali ke kedudukan yang tinggi di Malaysia.
    Pertama sekali saya ingin melahirkan rasa kesal saya terhadap kepimpinan Pak Lah yang saya lihat tidak memberi manafaat kepada rakyat Malaysia terutamanya MELAYU. Sebagai seorang pelajar di tahun akhir di institusi yang memartabatkan melayu iaitu UiTM, saya begitu bimbang untuk meluahkan pendapat, terutama mengenai situasi politik kita masa kini. Namun saya melihat sendiri dari aspek apa yang saya perjuangkan, kedudukan(adakah kita bangsa melayu di satu kedudukan yang boleh dibanggakan?), maruah(begitu banyak maruah bangsa kita tergadai, apa yang boleh dipertahankan bilamana pemimpin sendiri yang menggadaikannya), ilmu(senjata yang mahu dirobohkan oleh Khalid Ibrahim?persoalannya warga Barisan Sendiri pernah mencadangkannya, kenapa dipolimikkan kata2 org keparat keadilan itu?sedangkan kata putusnya ditentukan oleh pak lah sendiri..). Saya memikirkan perjuangan yang pernah ditegakkan oleh pemimpin lama yang saya amat kagumi; Dato’ Onn Jaafar. Kenapa perlu di takutkan berkata2?, kenapa perlu di takutkan kuasa?, kenapa perlu ditakutkan pemimpin? sedangkan dengan pena juga kita memilih mereka.
    Tun, saya luahkan kata2 ini kerana saya bukan lah sapa2 yang perlu di ambil kisah luah bicara. Namun tanpa bicara, beku pemikiran rosak minda. Saya berharapkan Tun dapat memandu kembali keyakinan melayu. Baik Tun berada di dalam mahupun di luar UMNO. Saya yakin sokongan saya ini bukan hanya kata2 yang harus saya selindungi. Kerana saya bukan lah seperti orang2 UMNO yang takotkan ketua mereka. Bagaikan balachi yang di tambat hidungnya. Saya bukan lah ahli mana2 parti. Bukan tidak mahu berjuang, namun saya muak dan jelik dengan UMNO itu sendiri. Saya berharap Tun dapat memberi alasan kenapa saya harus menyertai UMNO. Kenapa saya harus berjuang bersama2 UMNO. Kenapa saya harus mempercayai UMNO sedangkan pemimpin UMNO itu sendiri tidak pernah mempercayai bangsa melayu kita. Menagih harta bagai anjing peliharaan. Mati mereka Cina lah yang kafankan, India lah yang kebumikan.
    dari saya yang tidak berselindung
    Mohamad Khairulfitri bin Mustapha (fitri)
    pelajar tahun akhir UiTM

  683. for me,we have to highlight certain facts that Malaysia actually is malay land…but we accepted other races because they are ‘parts’ of Malaysia
    all races have to bare in mind their history in Malaysia starting before the independence day…before we were being raped by ‘penjajah’
    so,if all races know the true facts of the history, then we should know our positions in Malaysia…
    so,Tun M, you should or must tell everybody about all these facts..
    selamat berbuka

  684. Dear Tun,
    Heard the news that you are considering to return to UMNO. Wishing you all the best on this.

  685. i cant help thinking of raja petra’s justice my ass article currently being circulated nationwide if not worldwide. Here he is as if trying to pit or provoke the chinese into resentment towards the malays. Being taunted as a illegal immigrant or pendatang is indeed disturbing. I can understand if my grandfather is labeled as one but me? a 3rd generation chinese? I was slapped with such a rascist remark a couple of years back (the only one i could take it to heart) and it kind of awaken my sense of belonging and thinking. But i think we the non malays have ourselves to blame not because someone calls us ‘pendatang’ but we have failed to shake off the immigrant spirit in our hearts. Look at the way we send our children overseas for further studies thereafter encouraging them never to come back, look at the way we repartriate finances abroad, look at the way we produce our offsprings, look at the way we take participation in social forums (such as ibu bapa associations) and the list goes on and on. We have failed to take up patriotism to the fullest. Being old school, i strongly agree with Tun that the social contract must be religiously reverend.
    It is perhaps that those (raja P) who sees seemingly injustices that befalls oneself (in raja P’s article, the chinese) fails to notice goodness and graciousness that has been lavishly given without the need to make advertisement. One better option would be sowing good seeds of thankfullness amongst the malays (in this case) that it is indeed truly wonderful to have us the non malays living harmonously together. I think raja Pet need a big awakening.

  686. Dear MR JOHN S,
    What is meaning of JOHN Stxxxd?
    Please look at the mirrow Mr John S……can you share with us your proven track record that you contributed to this country??? Your statement really racist….just because Malay defend their right the been label racist….Whn non-Malay provoke and talk about Malay right…its Ok…becouse that call inteligent idea..So whn non Malay bash non-Malay its ok…Your the type of people who have big brain but can’t think…..
    even im not a supporter of UMNO but I respect TDM for what he has done…..who care about judge and lawyer….People want to have safe,secure and peace of life….good economy,educations and happy life….
    What for we have “excellent” lawyers or judgess but the people suffer,economy downs and no peaces….. majority interest must above minority even the “empty can” is always the minority…
    Mr John S….I believe you study and get education during TDM leadership and you earn money also during TDM if you think now your so smart and inteligent…that mean you should thank you
    TDM…..and if only now you think your so stupid than i agree you should angre with TDM….
    So MR JOHN S……..Do you think now ur smart or stupid coz of TDM leadership…..
    Dear TDM………Keep write your ideas and opinion….
    Best regards

  687. Salam Tun,
    You said “8. In short they seem to reject the social contract altogether and to go back to the situation before the leaders of the communities made their bargain.”
    Why don’t we do that? Lets go back to the situation before the leaders of the various communites made their bargain. We should revoke all the citizenships granted to the minorities at that time. And at the same time, we will agree to drop Article 121 from our constitution. But wait a minute… wouldn’t most of those who were given citizenship then have died or are close to their deathbeds? What do we do to those who were born here after 1957 and have contributed to nationbuilding?
    Never mind-lah. We do it the Boleh-way. Ask them to go back to China/India. But Tun, do you have to return to India also? Better create exceptions for youself, I am sure you will think of how best to do that.

  688. Dear TUN,
    Fully agree with you.Removing Pak Lah is the mother of solution.
    There seem to be a very strong support coming from the grassroots wanting you to make a come back and unite the Malays.
    I have a lot of chinese friends and they used to support you but lately they are singing a diffrent tone.
    I did told them that you chinese should be thankful to TUN because it was during TUN’s time you guys made the millions $$$$.
    As an ordinary member of UMNO I’m very ready to contribute my support for you in any means to outsted the PM.
    I criticise my branch leader for not speaking out to support you.Because of me supporting you,I was not acknowledge of the branch meeting by not giving me the meeting notice.
    Miss your brilliant ideas and factfull speaches that used to be aired during your time.
    Please come back for the sake of the nation.
    Waiting for your call Sir, as many of us are ready.
    Take care.

  689. Then the generation X should explain the social contract accordingly to the generation Y and make them understand it. But don’t expect the current top leader to do it. Hopeless. Btw, education system on SR(J)K is a mistake. No other countries in the world have it except in our beloved MALAYsia

  690. Dear All,
    Regardless whether professional or not professional, Lets not forget the rich history behind the foundation of this blessed nation.
    Understand! Understand and Understand

  691. Tun yang terhormat,
    Segelintir golongan profesional Melayu yang merasakan liberalisme dan meritokrasi adalah suatu perkara yang wajar adalah golongan yang terlalu mementingkan diri sendiri. Mereka sekarang boleh berpendirian begitu kerana mereka mempunyai keyakinan diri yang tinggi sekarang dan merasakan mereka boleh bersaing dengan bangsa-bangsa lain.
    Tetapi terpikirkah mereka apa yang terjadi dengan jutaan orang Melayu lain yang masih tidak mempunyai keupayaan bersaing? Lupakah mereka bahawa mereka juga telah mencapai kemajuan ketahap sekarang adalah hasil daripada ‘affirmative action plan’ yang diperjuangkan oleh generasi lama UMNO dulu? Jangan lah merasa terlalu angkuh dan jangan lupa rumput dibumi dikala memandang awan di langit.
    Saya merasa sedih melihat bagaimana orang-orang Melayu terpinggir dibandar-bandar besar kita. Tidak habis jari ditangan kalau mahu dikira kedai atau perniagaan orang Melayu di dalam satu-satu bandar utama kecuali bandar-bandar yang dibina khusus oleh kerajaan seperti Bandar Baru Bangi. Malah golongan profesional ini pun tidak mampu untuk menyumbang atau bersaing dengan peniaga bukan Melayu. Mereka hanya pandai menulis tesis atau blog sahaja!
    Kalau melihat kemajuan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur pun saya merasakan tidak ada apa yang boleh dibanggakan dari segi pencapaian orang Melayu.
    Orang-orang Melayu tidak akan menjadi lebih rugi dari bangsa-bangsa lain sekiranya keharmonian di dalam negara ini tergugat. Aset-aset orang-orang bukan Melayu lebih banyak berlipat ganda di bandar-bandar utama kita. Jadi mereka haruslah cuba menjaga sensitiviti bangsa Melayu supaya keharmonian ini terus terjalin. Secara tidak langsung aset-aset mereka juga akan selamat. Mungkin itu lah juga yang dipikir oleh pemimpin-pemimpin mereka dahulu ketika merundingkan tolak ansur diantara kaum.

  692. salam Tun
    Nampaknya Tun cuba jadi BADANG dengan menjilat kembali muntah yg Tun luah kan. kenapa Tun harus jadi begini. Tun selalu berkata MELAYU MUDAH LUPA…tetapi nampak nye TUN sendiri yg LUPA. ini kah cara Tun Tun betulkakn kembali kesilapan TUN. Tun selalu cakap PAK DOLLAH Flip Flop….rupa²nya Tun la CIKGU nya. that why pak Dollah jadi begini. FLIP FLOP.Tun dah cipta kegemilangan Tun …dan Tun juga yg hancurkannya. walau pun saya sanjung Tun bukan sahaja sebagai org yg bertanggungjawap memajukan negara…tetapi tetapi juga yg menghancurkan sistem negara..SYABAS TUN saya ucapkan… TUN fikir-fikirkan la sendiri…

  693. Salam Tun,
    Agree with Chua88 regarding this socalled ‘racial tension’ .. tanya diri sendiri, seharian tadi, ada ke kita rasa apa2 yang boleh di terjemahkan sebagai ‘racial tension’ ? Waktu berinteraksi dengan kaum lain siang tadi, ada rasa ‘tension’ ?? Tension itu hanya dirasai bila kita berdamping dengan orang politik ! Bila di api2kan oleh mereka yang inginkan populariti, yang takde rasa apa2 pun boleh jadi tension.
    Kes Ahmad..kalau tak di api2kan oleh orang politik cina, takkan ada yang tahu pun. Malah saya yakin 99.99% rakyat tak pernah dengar pun ucapan asal beliau yang kontroversi itu. Betul tak ?? Maksud saya dalam konteks asal penggunaan ayat ‘pendatang’ itu.
    Jadi yang menimbulkan masalah ini sebenarnya siapa? Ahmad – pada saya kalau tak di serang, orang pun tak kenal siapa dia. Ahli politik bangsa cina lah yang culpritnya ! Mereka tak rugi apa2. Pada mereka, things wont be any less than what they have now, but they have everything to gain if they can create the ‘tension’. Sama juga waktu PRU baru ni.. kalau undi BN, keadaan tak berubah, tapi kalau undi pembangkang mungkin dapat sesuatu, baik dari PR maupun dari BN. Dari PR mereka akan menuntut janji, dan dari BN yang pastinya nak tarik mereka semula akan memberi gula2. Either way, they win !
    Jalan terbaik – ISA je pemimpin2 cina tersebut.
    Kepada mereka yang tak puas hati dengan Hak Istimewa Melayu dan maukan kesamarataan..berikan contoh MANA2 negara di dunia ni yang sama kes nya dengan Malaysia. TAK ADA !! Mana ada negara yang di kuasai politiknya oleh kaum majoriti (kaum yang lebih awal) dan manakala bisnesnya dikuasai oleh kaum minoriti (kaum yang datang kemudian ) dan negara itu ditadbir secara prinsip kesamarataan. Mana ada ??!! Makanya Malaysia perlu sistem nya yang tersendiri yang telah diguna pakai selama ini. Ia perlu dipertahankan dan sesiapa yang berani mengganggu ‘kontrek sosial’ tersebut perlu di ISA kan seceoat mungkin. Biarlah mendapat kutukan dari AMNESTY atau negara2 luar kerana mereka tidak faham dengan keadaan kita. Sebab MALAYSIA ini UNIK, maka ia perlu sistem yang UNIK yang tidak terdapat di mana2 pun. Tak puas hati ? apakah melayu puas hati ? makanya …pendam je lah rasa tak puas hati itu, terimalah hakikat keadaan kita yang unik ini. Atau apakah sebab mau puaskan hati makanya kita rela ‘berpecah belah dan berperang’ ? hasilnya ??
    Kepada John S… kesian la kat u, astik kutuk2 je Tun, tak puas hati sokmo..Makan dalam tu.. macamanalah agaknya u dalam kehidupan harian…mesti tension giler. Ubatnya, tak payah lah baca lagi 🙂 Kurang sikit tension tu, ni tidak…setiap artikel Tun, pasti ada beberapa luahan tension u. jom pekena teh tarik sekali …kita minum minum minum minum dulu…
    Hal kemasukan semula Tun dalam UMNO, saya setuju ngan cikkiah kita..
    Tun bukannya bodoh, pasti ada rancangan tu…
    salam semua

  694. tahniah tun.
    akhirnya tun kembali kepangkuan umno parti keramat..
    tun berhak kembali ke dalam umno sbb umno baru adalah kelahiran tun sendiri..
    apapun keputusan tun, saya yakin ianya bersebab dan bermotifkan kepentingan rakyat dan negara..
    —sentiasa bersamamu tun—

  695. Apa yang diheboh-heboh di sini hanyalah sah di semenajung malaysia (Tanah Melayu sebelum mencapai merdeka pada 31 Ogos 1957) tetapi tidak kepada Malaysia (dibentuk pada 16 September 1963).

    Aiiya, Ayahanda Tun,
    You must have possessed telepathic mind,
    14. The selective freedom is stirring up racist feelings everywhere. Hence the remarks made by the State Assemblywoman from Perak and Dato Ahmad Ismail in Penang. And now we see the support given to Ahmad and his condemnation of MCA and Gerakan leaders by all the 13 UMNO divisions in Penang.

  697. salam buat tun…..
    selamat kembali ke UMNO….langkah yg plg tepat rasanya utk kembali ke UMNO…pada mulanya sy rasa mungkin Pak Lah boleh selamatkan negara..tapi tak lagi skrg ni….ttg kes Dato Ahmad….kena gantung la pulak…tak betul ker apa yg dia cakap?macam mana dgn Karpal SIngh yg hina Sultan Perak?takde tindakan?parti-parti lain yg hina bangsa Melayu pun tak kena apapun? kenapa time Dato Ahmad kena ada tindakan?Apa yg Pak Lah cuba buktikan?adil….kalau ye pun Pak Lah ni slow…takan pimpinan bawah dia pun slow….jangan smapai kita jadi macam SIngapura sudah….harap TUn dah kembalikan kekuatan UMNO demi keselamatan dan kemakmuran Malaysia….

  698. Salams Tun,
    Hope Tun will read this point of view written by Syed Imran in his blog Kuda Ranggi. It paints a clear picture that with the passage of time, it is only right to readjust and treat ALL of as Malaysians.
    Pada mulanya saya agak keberatan nak ulas kekecohan yang berpunca ekoran daripada kenyataan ketua UMNO bahagian Bukit Bendera, Pulau Pinang bernama Ahmad bin Ismail. Sama ada benar atau tidak apa yang didakwa dikatakan olehnya mengenai rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina bukan persoalannya kerana isu tersebut sudahpun merebak dan mengapi-apikan keadaan.
    Jika tidak ditangani dengan cermat, teliti dan bijak, isu itu boleh ditangguk dalam air yang keruh oleh anasir-anasir yang ingin melihat negara ini hancur serta mengundang campur tangan kuasa asing. Dalam zaman dunia tanpa sempadan dan liputan meluas dan segera oleh media elektronik antarabangsa, apa yang berlaku di sesebuah negara itu tidak dapat disembunyi atau dinafikan.
    Isu pokok yang dibangkitkan oleh Ahmad Ismail membabitkan persoalan “menumpang” iaitu rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina adalah penumpang di negara ini. Beliau menjelaskan bahawa ia merujuk kepada zaman pra-Merdeka. Bagaimanapun, sensitiviti rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina telah terguris.
    Saya tidak mengenali secara peribadi Ahmad Ismail, tetapi kenal agak rapat dengan Allahyarham abangnya, Abdul Rahim Ismail, pemilik Syarikat Pembinaan Rahim yang pada satu ketika dahulu agak terkenal sebagai sebuah firma pembinaan Bumiputera yang unggul di Pulau Pinang. Saya tidak tahu apa dah jadi dengan syarikat itu selepas Abdul Rahim meninggal dunia.
    Secara peribadi, saya tidak setuju dengan apa yang didakwa dikata oleh Ahmad Ismail atas beberapa sebab.
    Bagi saya, hampir 90 peratus rakyat Malaysia, khususnya di Semenanjung, adalah pendatang dan kita semua sebenarnya menumpang hidup di bumi Allah. Kita bukan pemilik kekal tetapi hanya menumpang.
    Sebagai contoh, saya sendiri adalah keturunan pendatang yang menumpang hidup di bumi bertuah ini. Datuk nenek di sebelah bapa saya berhijrah dari Makkah dan dari Brunei ke sini manakala di sebelah ibu pula dari Hadhramut, Yaman. Kami adalah pendatang dan penumpang sama seperti hampir semua penduduk negara ini khususnya di Pulau Pinang.
    Bagi Ahmad Ismail, dia juga datang dari keluarga pendatang dan menumpang hidup di negara ini. Ahmad Ismail tidak boleh menafikan hakikat bahawa datuk neneknya adalah pendatang dari India untuk menerokai penghidupan yang lebih baik dan selesa di bumi bertuah ini.
    Perdana Menteri Abdullah bin Ahmad juga tergolong dalam kategori yang sama. Datuknya di sebelah ibu adalah pendatang dari wilayah Guandong, China. Pendek kata, datuk Pak Lah iaitu bapa Allahyarhamah Kailan bernama Hassan Salleh atau Hah Su Chiang adalah seorang pendatang. Beliau berhijrah ke Tanah Melayu dari wilayah Guandong (Kwantung) pada pertengahan abad ke-19 dan menetap di Bayan Lepas sebagai pekebun getah, pesawah padi dan kemudian saudagar intan berlian.
    Najib Tun Razak, Timbalan PM juga berasal daripada keluarga pendatang iaitu dari Sulawesi, Indonesia atau lebih senang disebut orang Bugis manakala sepupunya Hishamudin Hussein tidak terlepas daripada darah keturunan Turki.
    Datuk nenek mantan PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad juga pendatang dari Kerala, India manakala ibu Almarhum Tunku Abul Rahman berasal dari negeri Siam (Thailand).
    Kesultanan Melayu Melaka pun dibuka oleh orang pendatang dari Sumatra bernama Parameswara, seorang anak raja atau bangsawan beragama Hindu.
    Dalam sejarah kesultanan Melayu, kita dapati ada yang ditubuh oleh pendatang dari Bugis dan ada pula dari Hadhramut selain dari Minangkabau.
    Hampir semua orang Melayu di sini berasal dari luar Tanah Melayu tetapi diiktiraf sebagai “bangsa Melayu” oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kita adalah “Melayu mengikut takrifan Perlembagaan” iaitu beragama Islam, mengamalkan adat resam Melayu dan bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu. Malangnya, bahasa Melayu nampaknya dimatikan oleh orang Melayu (UMNO) sendiri apabila dinamakan sebagai bahasa Malaysia.
    Oleh itu, orang Arab seperti Syed Hamid Albar dan saya, orang Aceh seperti Sanusi Junid, orang India seperti Kader Sheikh Fadzir dan Nor Mohamed Yakcop, orang Bugis seperti Najib, orang Minang seperti Rais Yatim, orang Jawa seperti Mohamad Rahmat dan yang lain seperti dari Madura, Pulau Boyan, Siam, Burma, Yunnan (China) dan selatan Filipina dengan mudah boleh diiktirf sebagai “Melayu”.
    Mereka diterima sebagai orang Melayu tidak kira sama ada mereka bertutur bahasa Melayu atau tidak di rumah umpamanya si Arab berbahasa Arab, si Jawa berbahasa Jawa dan si Minang berbahasa Minang atupun si Mamak berbahasa Tamil.
    Bahasa-bahasa yang disebut itu bukan bahasa Melayu dan jika dilihat dari sudut Perlembagaan Persekutuan, tidak boleh diterima atau diiktiraf sebagai bangsa Melayu. Walau bagaimanapun, atas kepentingan dan faktor politik, semuanya diterima sebagai Melayu dan Bumiputera.
    Oleh itu, adalah tidak adil untuk menuding jari kepada orang Cina yang juga kaum pendatang sama seperti orang Arab, India, Aceh, Minang, Batak, Mandailing, Jawa, Madura mahupun Bugis, sebagai menumpang di negeri ini. Kita tidak boleh menafikan bahawa sebilangan besar datuk nenek orang Cina telah berhijrah ke negeri ini semasa Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, bahkan kesultanan-kesultanan terdahulu di Kedah mahupun Terengganu dan Kelantan serta semasa Francis Light berjaya menipu Sultan Kedah untuk menduduki Pulau Pinang pada 1786.
    Kita adalah kaum pendatang yang menumpang hidup di negeri ini. Golongan yang boleh diiktiraf sebagai orang asal atau anak bumi tulen adalah mereka yang kita kenali sebagai Negrito, Jakun, Semang, Jahut, Orang Laut, Orang Darat, Senoi dan suku kaum masyarakat Asli lain yang masih menjadi penghuni belantara.
    Kita tidak harus lupa akan sumbangan dan pengorbanan semua kaum dan suku kaum untuk membangunkan Malaysia sama ada dari sudut ekonomi, kemasyarakatan, keselamatan dan yang paling penting kesepakatan dan perpaduan. Semua orang yang kena dan seharusnya membayar cukai, berbuat demikian tanpa mengira kaum atau asal keturunan, sama ada pendatang atau penumpang.
    Kita semua adalah rakyat Malaysia.

  699. slam tun n bloggers,
    1. i’m mostly agree with tun n i believe the history does not change
    no matter what we do now..
    2. so..let us keep going with new creation of our own history now
    for da future….
    3. we always talk about Malays, but we dont see the other races
    hidden agenda behind the social contract. All the leader are
    sleeping n now is time to wake up n see a true color. I know most
    of u understand what i’ trying to say.
    4. Language is very very important in a developing a good nation
    including Malaysia. We must start using our ‘Bahasa Malaysia’ in
    all field n English as a seconds language. All agree with that
    statements but still several people could not accept it. With
    that we can already see who are ‘real Malaysian’ in a first
    That all for time being, see ya…

  700. Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,
    1. I fully agree;
    – the relationship between malay leaders and non-malay leaders
    now is not so good (especially when ignited by Ahmad’s
    statements and chinese leaders reaction and their parties’
    – sooner or later the masses will get involve, i.e. the
    supporters of each party, people at large will get on the band
    wagon of hateful peoples…just like when 9/11 incidence that
    sparked the hate crime.
    – Dollah’s the source of the conflicts, like it or not, as PM he
    has all the power and capabilities to contain, to control
    damage and to handle any situation.
    2. So, since troubles already brewing, and we know Dollah’s the #1
    culprit, therefore its time for actions now – to get rid of him!
    How? To all Malaysians….
    – copycat Samak of Thailand’s experience; big demos didnt work,
    but Samak’s mistake of accepting money was against the
    constitution and thus Samak is guilty and will be out! Now,
    apa si Dollah dah langgar yang ada bukti? Banyak kan? Jom
    ramai2 buat repot polis
    – whenever you have the platform to express your feeling,
    thinking, well, use the opportunities to tell about our
    situations – but ensure that its not a seditious speech.
    – party people, voice out! either you’re leaders or followers,
    you think…in the end do you gain anything if you keep quiet?
    – all unions, send your reps to bother Dollah (tuan polis, bukan
    menghasut, bother ertinya bagi pendapat)
    – all NGOs, kacau Dollah (kacau ertinya bagi pendapat la…)
    – all heads of departments, all organisations, submit memos,
    letters, send in reps, etc
    – saudara-mara Dollah, anak2 menantu Dollah, kawan2 Dollah, do
    something. When things become worst, obviously you people will
    not be easily forgotten, trust me. Anak cucu ko orang akan
    dihina juga.
    – penasihat2 Dollah (personal friends or from agencies), do
    Dollah a favour, help him, help the people of this country,
    help Malaysia.
    – practically, everybody should do your part – make sure Dollah
    gets down for the sake of this country!

  701. quote John S
    “Abdullah tak buat kerja? sebelum 2003, untuk pemohonan sebuah passport, ia memakan masa sebulan. Sekarang siap dalam satu hari. Apa komen Tun?”
    Well, u can enjoy your new passport when the economy is going down and another 13 may ^%#^%*$$($($

  702. Tun,
    I heard you. You must understand that the world has changed. Your era has gone. You cannot stop the wind of change. If you persist with your ‘old story’, then your hardworks of more than 2 decades will be wasted. For someone of your seniority to harp on racial matters, I feel that you are leading us to no where either. In this respect, you are no different than Pak Lah, and I am sad to hear that you are going back to UMNO. You have decided to pull out for the sake of Malay and this country, but now your ‘return’ will only strengthen further Pak Lah’s position. I hope that your intellect will lead us out of this rumble, and not to throw us deeper into sea of devils.

  703. Salam Tun,
    this IS really disturbing.
    to madrasah (the user who criticized Tun), girlfriend, please walk off. you live here is not because anybody else. it’s Tun’s effort too.
    Tun, you should in the list of the greatest leader in Muslim world. or if possible, THE WORLD.

  704. Hi Tun! Read in the papers that you’ll be rejoining UMNO, i can only wish you all the best. Racism is a moral equivalent to cancer, the earlier it is nip in the bud the better.
    There is so much to look forward to as a nation, so let us all blend sweat with sweat, and work towards a harmonious and progressive nation.

  705. Dear Tun
    Greetings. This is my first response even though I was a day 1 reader of your blog. These difficult times compell me to do so.
    The veneer of racial unity that we have been under all these years is fading fast. Now this crucial element that has been the conerstone for growth and progress is unravelling fast.Its undeniably that under your “unorthodox” years of rule the spectre of racial disharmoney was under control. The Current Amazing lack of leadership and cluelessness in the BN is UNBELIEVABLE!
    You had your Faults and made your mistakes sir, but you were a good, no, a GREAT leader . Now what do we do as a nation?
    A few issues have to be tackled
    1.The History (factual)history our country be taught understood and subcribed to by all. Not this or that version ,.-So that ownership of this country felt is by everyone . QUESTIONS OF LOYALTY AND PATRIOTISM SHOULD NO LONGER BE A ISSUE.
    2. What does article 153, special rights etc mean- for malays and non malays. This country has,and will always be Malay/Muslim centic . ALL MUST Recognise and accept that.
    3. Exorcise the ghost of 13/5. -take this off the politicking map
    4.The question of the vernacular schools.- national type schools for all?? -multi linguistic skills can always be aquired as second and third languages
    5.A progressive education system (we have to start at the begining) and The Matter that really is at the heart of non malay dissatisfation – oportunities for higher education
    6. Whats the real story of the NEP and the bumi/non bumi economic slice of the economic pie- get it right and fair this time bcoz its original twin premise was and is nobel ,and the basis for long term stability.
    7. Rehabilitate the core component parties of BN – only they have history , the reach and the infrastructure to reach out to all levels of society. And may they have the will to work for the people this time… The new kids on the block are just creations of the political circumstance of the day.
    8. Astute management of The multi religious nature of our country
    We live in interesting times -unfortunately.
    Best of health and Selamat Berpuasa

  706. Salam Bahagia TUN…
    1- Saya ada baca tapi tak ingat katanya Tun Tan Cheng Lock mewakilkan bagi kaum Cina di Tanah Melayu itu stabed Melayu dari belakang. (betul-betul stab, bukan macam Anwar).
    2- Sewaktu malaysia mahu mencapai kemerdekaan dengan cara berunding (kalau tidak salah 2 kali) dengan British bagi memberi sokongan kepada penubuhan Malayan Union. So kemerdekaan negara solely orang Melayu affort. Bukan orang lain.
    3-Melayu termasuk bumiputra sabah sarawak fight sama British sampai ramai yang kematian kerana di bunuh British to protect this beloved land. lain bangsa adakah fight to protect this land.
    4-Pejuangan atau pendekar(fighters) tanah air ialah Tuk Jangggut, Mat Kilau, Datuk Bahaman, Datuk Sagor..sikit mau tambah list pahlawan (ada kah..?) Tan Sing Loh, Goh Kah Bee, P Balasubramaniam, K. Supiah, N. Maranmuthu bla..bla.. Komunis malaya bikin kacau, pembunuhan yang ganas adalah semua bangsa cina, sedikit adalah bangsa Melayu (sebab frust politic). bangsa india saya rasa tidak ada. Itu fact, siapa tidak boleh tanya (deny), sudah jadi history. There are proved that DAP ada simphaty dengan ini group (memorial park nilai ada memorial for ‘the fighters’).
    5- Tapi PAS bersahabat karib sertai DAP. PAS semua muslim, semua bangsa melayu..tapi support DAP yang back-up usaha bawa datang ‘bapa pengganas Malaya’ dari Peking. yang bunuh tentera askar Melayu sendiri.
    6- Saya rasa malu kepada kawan2 bila lain bangsa menuntut hak-haknya sama rata. Tapi politic kata this is the right and best time. golden oppurtunity jika mau dapat equal right. one off sahaja.
    7- TUN…malay, chinese, indian young generation tidak mahu cari fact. semua tidak ada history base yang kuat. Inter-racial unity will be eroded. Revolution to our educational system urgently needed. sekiranya tidak laksana juga. saperation akan lebih kuat dan jauh lagi within young generation. jadi susah masa depan bangsa malaysia mahu tercapai.
    8- Rujuk kepada Cuti-cuti topic..UK adalah developed country, tapi public holiday paling sedikit sahaja. Cristmas, boxing day and than saya ingat tidak sampai 10 (dalam 5-6 hari)sahaja cuti (bank holiday). sinipun multi-racial country. muslim pun ramai, bhudist pun ramai. tapi tak ada celebration besaran. malay should accept to cut holidays such as nuzul,, awal muharam etc. wesak no need. thaipusam or depvali either one (otherwise all year round celebration). no need labour day. Cristmas at selected state only..not a national holiday

  707. Dear Tun and all readers,
    Why? Why will the Malay young professionals fight against other races? What is so inferior of this race to that race and that race to another?? All races have a pair of hands, legs and eyes. Races want to be competitive? PROVE IT THROUGH your own occupation. Show not that your RACE is better, but your OWN intelligence and state of mind as an individual REGARDLESS of the RACE!
    It is so unnecessary to have MALAYSIANS fighting MALAYSIANS. Do not forget that it is not the INDIANS or CHINESE or MALAYS SOLELY that brought Malaysia to its up sized status.
    Why are you going to let one mediocre problem to chain Malaysia’s growth and virtue?? No offense here, but I am sure you, Tun, know that if you restrict Malaysia to have ‘no citizenship, no vernacular school, no languages other than Malay’, you know economically and internationally, Malaysia will go bust. Malaysia WON’T EVER reach the proclaimed ‘Wawasan 2020’. That is not looking into the best interests of Malaysia, but basically for ONE out of THREE MAJOR races in Malaysia.
    Freedom of speech is troubling but is effective. It is because of NO freedom of speech and NO TRUE KNOWLEDGE amongst the races that racism problems in this country is immense.
    I once read in Star Newspaper, and a reader was criticizing HUMAN RIGHTS! THIS is way beyond respecting Human Rights. In my opinion, having a court of Human Rights would be the best solution. It does not take into account Race, age and gender. It is about US, HUMANS.
    We other races never wanted to ‘overthrow’ the Malays or anything. In reality, racism will ALWAYS be there, but the the tactics used to combat this problem? – It would raise WORSE issues. We other races want EQUITY and JUSTICE. Simple. Same does the Malays. DO NOT influence our minds anymore. Without all the media and exaggeration upon this racism, it will not be as prominent.
    Follow this Social Contract? and push away all the SO-CALLED OTHER RACES so that it is solely ‘the race’ Malays? Watch what would happen to Malaysia’s Economy and the mark Malaysia currently has upon the World.
    Tun and Dear Readers, please take no offense in this comment. It is just that, we as Malaysians have more to worry about. Racism and War of the Religions are just so… unnecessary. This is why the World itself can’t seem to be at Peace. It is because one thinks they are superior and obviously the other gets insulted and for PRIDE they prove that they have power. What IS the meaning to all this?

  708. Dear Tun
    The racial tension and economic downturn is causing many of my friends in leaving this country. They are tired of waking up every morning to these political chaos.
    Everything is getting more and more expensive, and yet our salary remains the same.
    We pay tax and gain nothing back. How come in other countries, they get to have free medical care, good public transportation, world class education, and plentiful of public welfare? But here, after 51 years of independence, we have none of the above?
    What had happened? Where has all our monies gone to? We pay taxes, contribute to EPF, and we have so much of resources for our country to prosper. Look at us today? So worst of than Singapore, a tiny island which has no resources at all.
    This mean that we have to question how the leaders had run this country that result to us going backwards instead of forward. I am very dissapointed and so is everyone else

  709. Salam buat Tun serta Keluarga,
    Selamat kembali kepangkuan UMNO. Nampaknya Pemimpin UMNO ketika ini terlalu lemah dan penakut. Bukan sahaja takut dengan pembangkang, malah dengan parti komponen BN pun kecut.
    Hidup Tun!

  710. Assalamualalum Tun,
    Somebody must do something before it’s too late. But who will guide us through this hard time????
    MELAYU MUDAH LUPA!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya dipijak
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya retak
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya teriak
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya haprak
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya kelas dua
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya hina
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya sengketa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya derita
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya kerdil
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya terpencil
    Tiada daulat
    Tiada maruah
    Tiada bebas
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Sejarah bangsanya yang lena
    Tanah lahirnya yang merekah berdarah
    Wahai bangsaku
    Jangan mudah lupa lagi
    Kerana perjuanganmu belum selesai.

    By laksemana on September 10, 2008 6:20 PM

    Tapi Tun, badan telah pun berpenyakit tetapi siapa yang boleh mengubatinya?Siapa kah doktor pakarnya?
    Tun lebih arif menentukan atau menyatakan siapakah doktor itu dan kenapa doktor itu pada hemat Tun, dapat menyembuhkan penyakit tersebut


  712. I think the new generation of malaysian are a powerful breed of malaysian.When we talk about competing on a same platform and come out victorius, it would be the greatest feeling one person can have.But we always forgot are there really a fair and level platform. If their parents have not benefit from the prosperity of malaysia for the past 20 years would they have gotten the knowledge and education they have now.For those who havent,START NOW for your next generation future.Why are we always talking about races and dont talk about socio-economic?The main issue is who are the ones that really need the midas touch for them to reach their ultimate goal.Help EVERYONE.Why should we diffrenciate by quota?Help those who are qualified to be given the assistance.Every human being would like to win without ‘special assistance’.In that way it will spur them to excellence.I have read from a lot of success stories and its almost the same. “Its a roller coaster ride.” NO PAIN NO GAIN’For those non genuine contenders i cant say much.They would like to be fed for as long as possible.That is why we have so many greedy and uncompetitive people out there.
    Anyway i wish you well Tun, Hidup Malaysia!

  713. Dear Tun,
    Without the slightest shadow of doubt if ever there is an outbreak of racial unrest the people who are to blamed are the Prime Minister himself, the Bar Council, the irresponsible bloggers and the racist NGOs. These are the people who are the culprit.
    As for Pak Lah, he is too weak and unable to gauge the seriousness of the situation. Pak Lah is simply wanting to be feeling good by trying to satify and accommodate his opponents demand for so-called reforms at the expense of the security of the country.
    The Bar Council is indirectly the unofficial spokesman of the opposition parties particularly PKR and DAP. The are being used by this group to pressure the lame duck Prime Minister.
    Some bloggers and NGOs are also involved in harping of racial sentiments.
    So lets see what will be the repercussions if Pak Lah is still adamant wanting to continue holding tightly to his position.

  714. Abdullah tak buat kerja? sebelum 2003, untuk pemohonan sebuah passport, ia memakan masa sebulan. Sekarang siap dalam satu hari. Apa komen Tun?

  715. Kalau baca berita, baca dengan betul-betul, nampaknya ramai yg menonjolkan sifat perkauman dahulu tanpa berfikiran rasional …
    kaum bukan melayu boleh faham bahasa melayu, takkan lah orang melayu tak dapat memahaminya …
    si ahmad ini membuat kenyataan bahawa orang bukan melayu adalah PENUMPANG … dengar betul-betul … PENUMPANG yg dikatakan … bukan yg dikatakan oleh sekalian dengan ungkapan PENDATANG …
    buat apa ceritakan pasal sejarah malaysia dalam ceramah politik semasa pilihanray kecil … fikirlah dengan otak … najib juga berada disitu semasa ceramah tersebut dilangsungkan …. sekiranya si ahmad ni betul-betul cerita pasal sejarah malaysia, najib tak akan sebodoh sehingga meminta maaf bagi pihak si ahmad terlebih dahulu … beliau sudah pasti tahu keadaan sebenar dan sebab itu meminta maaf …
    kalau mahu putar belit, pakailah otak sikit … kalau si ahmad ni betul-betul tiada salah, walaupun saya bukan melayu, saya akan tetap sokong si ahmad ni … kalau berani, bawa isu ini ke balai polis dan tegas dengan pendirian … polis pasti ada rakaman video untuk semua ceramah politik … di situlah kebenarannya … buat apa nak bising bising …
    kalau si ahmad tidak bersalah … semua kaum juga akan menyokongnya dan mengecam Gerakan pulak … rasional lah sikit …
    Si ahmad yg tidak termasyur ini berani membelakangi arahan pihak atasan UMNO .. pastinya dia mendapat sokongan di belakang oleh seseorang yg mempunyai konspirasi yg tersembunyi …
    Semoga kalau Tun yg dihormati, benci sangat dengan abdullah, lawan secara gagah dengan beliau betul-betul … janganlah ungkitkan isu perkauman seperti ini BERTUJUAN untuk menonjolkan ketidakbolehan abdullah …
    kalau ada konflik dalam UMNO sendiri, selesaikan dalam UMNO sendiri dan bukannya mempergunakan kaum lain untuk mengungkit kemarahan orang melayu untuk menjatuhkan pemimpin UMNO sendiri …

  716. assalamualaikum
    kepada yang bongok sangat mempersoalkan kenapa TUN masuk balik
    UMNO tu apa hal…..bersyukur je lah….dah TUn nak balik cukup
    baik…..kalau tak banyak mulut yang bising
    bravo……Tan SEri Muhyiddin Yassin dah bersuara….
    saya SOKONG sepenuhnya…..

  717. During your tenure 22 years as Premier of Malaysia, you have educated Penang 13 divisions to be racist! Now you pass on this burden to Abdullah and condemn him here and there! shame on you. I started to like Abdullah’s leadership.

  718. Salams bloggers sekalian,
    Alahai ..sebelum Tun keluar UMNO dulu, ramai yg mengugut dan mencabar Tun utk keluar. Apabila Tun keluar UMNO, ramai pula yang terdiam. Mereka ini hanya pandai bercakap, tetapi penakut untuk bertindak. Semuanya ada kepentingan masing2. Tun masuk UMNO balik pon orang bising. Itu menandakan UMNO memang dah tak boleh diharap. Teruskan perjuangan Tun!

  719. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    – Selamat Berbuka Puasa
    – Is it true u’re going to join UMNO back?
    – Tun, please be our leader back…help

  720. Dear Tun,
    Our people are beginning to play a dangerous game this time around. Over the past 50 years,we managed to place solidarity as our priority. But now everyone is joining the racial bandwagon. This should not happen especially after the bitter May 13th lesson. If all parties fail to put this to a halt, it would only a matter of time before the situation goes out of control and when this happens…God have mercy on all Malaysians.

  721. Abdullah is good in handling racist problem. Well done Abdullah! Whoever disrespect the component party should be punished, if he/she refuse to be responsible and apologizes, for his/her slip-of-tongue statement.

  722. Salam Tun.
    You are right sir. This man is a failure not only to UMNO and the Malay race but to BN and multi culture
    Malaysia. I wonder why those on the top of UMNO keep quiet and do something to rock the boat. Why don’t these bunches of UMNO stalwart not listen to the signal of other component of BN like SAPP,Gerakan & MCA. Are they deaf & dumb as well ?
    Then we RAKYAT should put all these waste to retirement. Don’t ever vote them in anymore.
    As a Malay I am deeply worried about the political situation now. With these wrangling and the Arm forces already sounding uneasiness,something might happen and this man doesn’t even know what to do and what to decide. Shame on him and his descendants.
    I hope he would not emulate Tunku’s approach to secede Penang from Malaysia.
    Tun must step in fast.

  723. commented by Jan:”Salam Tun,
    No doubt that PM Abdullah must go. The longer he stays, the stronger the racist sentiment among races. He tries to please everbody, end up he please nobody.
    I agree that social contract must continue because it is an agreement or “bargain” between previous leaders for 1 million non-malays citizenships. Otherwise, we should ship them back to where they originally come from.
    It is sad that today, Ahmad who said the truth about social contract has been ban for 3 years. The Chinese has successfully make use of the weak PM for their own advantage. For me, if you want to penalize someone, it should be done to both parties. Chinese leaders are also to be blamed because they are the one who sensationalized the issue by highlighting and commenting the issue in the mass media. It starts from a Chinese newspaper! It takes to hands to clap not one hand. And why always Malay has to be blamed as racist? Poor Malay, being foreign in their own land!”
    nampaknya abang Jan masih belum sedar daripada buaian mimpi yang panjang tersebut.
    Tepuk dada, tanya selera.
    Apa yang Dato Ahmad itu fikir dan niatkan dalam kenyataan tersebut DISAKSIKAN secara saksama oleh Tuhan.

  724. Dear Dr M,
    U can see the voices of the majority of Malay professionals even in this blog of yours, responding to this article. Im relieved that you hear our voices. Our 50% objectives are achieved, 50% of it must be accomplished by a new and strong UMNO. But we cannot guarantee that the other malay wont continue these racial remarks as long as they feel they are threatened by Bar Council, racist DAP and pengkhianat Anwar.

  725. Salam Tun,
    Pak Lah ambil masa yang lama untuk menyelesaikan/membendung sesuatu yang sensitif. Seperti bom jangka yang sudah nak meletup, barulah nak di berhentikan. Kesannya… sudah tentu ada ketlanjuran kata-kata yang telah menyinggung bangsa-bangsa lain. Entahlah Tun… Pada pendapat saya, Pak Lah sangat lambat untuk membuat sesuatu tindakan.
    Tentang Tun nak masuk semula UMNO tu, belom masukkan?.. Kepemimipinan belum bertukar, jadi tentu keputusan belum lagi dibuat.

  726. Bukannya kesemua warganegara bukan berbangsa Melayu akan mempersoal
    kontrak sosial yang telah ditetapkan sebelum Merdeka.
    Padahal kami, sebagai warganegara berbangsa Cina, bersyukur di atas identiti kami sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia.
    Seperti apa yang PakPandir08 nyatakan dalam topik “Pohon Maaf2”,kami bukannya meminta apa-apa, hanya meminta keadilan dan keharmonian yang sebenar di dalam masyarakat kita.

  727. Peace in the family is worth more than a fortune. National leaders who fail to give the people a chance to create happy families cannot be called leaders. – Josei Toda

  728. YBhg Tun, your comments and opinion on the current developments and issues in my beloved Malaysia is always and always exciting. No one has been able to see things like you can. Though some opinions may seem tough to swallow, there is a saying that good medicine is always bitter. I love you Tun and Bonda. Four your information, If I ever talk bad things about you, my wife would not cook lunch and dinner and I would have to eat out !!! My wife and family loves you and bonda too. Salam

  729. Dear Tun
    Interesting article on this group of new Malay generation. Thou as you said it’s only a minority, but I see as a progress from the Malays.
    Question thou, are they really the new generation, or they only believes that they are the expected generation.
    Funny comment by one reader: I love to compete, if I got support from like DEB, it;s a sure win. Isn’t this reflects the ‘I believe I’m the new generation” NOT the I’m the new generation!
    Anyway.. I’m not interested in this new generation, it may be only a hype thing now because of 916.
    Anyhow, I find that thou we had been living in harmony & unity.. but the minute any racial remark being brought up… it causes uproar… Aren’t we matured enough to handle this. Or a SURE COFRECT ANSWER: ABD had fail to govern his own party. He is the President of UMNO or BN, yet he looses his creditibilty, he has no respect from members, especially En. Ahamad Ismail.. It’s so obvious, and obvious enough to every rakyat that ABD just can’t handle any situation correctly & promptly & deligently & effectively.
    If ABD had handle BN lost more acknowledgingly about the PRU12, this would have happen at all. He just letting the mess to grow bigger & by the time one took over… GOSH he got more mess than he can handle.
    I’m more interested in WHY YOU REJOIN (OR ABOUT TO) REJOIN UMNO.
    Selamat berbuka.

  730. salam Ayahnda Tun..
    Your statements below:
    19. Dato Seri Abdullah has tried to placate everyone. He has given one billion Ringgit here, one billion Ringgit there; he has given unknown sums of money to Tun Salleh Abbas and the other judges who had been dismissed in order to placate the Bar Council, he has promised billions of Ringgit for numerous corridors, billions for transport, lower oil prices etc etc. But no one believes him because the promises and fund allocations have not materialised. The fact is that nobody believes him or trusts him. No one has been placated.
    But i think “billions for public transport” will happened coz it will goes to them first..Rapid KL, Putra lRT…and so on..

  731. welcome back to UMNO. May our nation get back on the right track and move forward towards being a developed nation by 2020. Lets all races live happily together. Lets develop our nation together.

  732. salam Tun
    sejak kebelakangan ni kebanyakan kita semua menyalahkan pm kita badawi..BADAWI.. badawi……… tspi tau tak yang sebenarnya, kita telah menyalahkan orang lain. bukan badawi… badawi ialah bapanys yang x buat salah. YANG SALAH tu .anaknya….ABDULLAH.
    kesian bapanya 🙁
    I KNOW !

  733. great u ARE COMING Back ! super tun …am wondering what role u be playing ? or what role some want you to play? there ‘s been under current i suppose to save umno ? or get this country right track ?
    suppose last few years u have some taste of bitter medicine your kind of people once you brought up..we called it , ingratitude..if you are coming back be super tun of the nation..22 years, what was yr flaws? you didnt knew micro economic,,the devil is at the details,do a damn good job noy just a job ! there so much flaws ,,why malay reject umno? the answer is obvious.umnoputra vs the man in the street..
    i read many comments here more like greasing !
    1st step..lay down the ego..doing yr best is not enough doing it right this time.there is no mercy for corruptions, leakeage wastages.
    2 nite ago , i have to drive to pick up my sister at lcct..took me 50mins at 140kmp..mid nite,,,i was wondering,,,do it has to be so far,,,cost me that much tolls petrol n time..n mind you, it was dangerous drive?
    the people of these country are like yr children , one family and u were father for 22 yrs…?
    i suppose u awakened where were yr flaws n wiser n humbled now.
    should i welcome you ?

  734. Salam Tun,
    Saya kagum dgn Tun yg boleh melihat isu ini dari sudut yg demikian. Sebelum ini kita tidak sedar, dengan kita mempersoalkan kewarganegaraan bukan bumiputera, bermakna kita juga tidak bersetuju dgn sosial kontrak.
    Tun, I salute you!
    Mungkin versi Bahasa Melayu bagi artikel ini dpt disediakan supaya mudah untuk kita beritahu orang-orang di luar sana mengenai isu ini.
    Selamat berbuka Tun..
    Selamat kembali ke UMNO..

  735. Salam Tun and all readers,
    Now that is the way to go. Enough of defensive stance, now its time for offensive mode. let us reject the social contract altogether. no citizenship, no vernacular school, no languages other than malay, no roadside temples.

  736. Dr. M,
    Yr statement on social contract is rather appaling in this modern times. I believe only in Malaysia the govt has special benefits and previleges for majority race of Malays to grow and be on par with other races. It’s good to see that effort had been taken to uplift Malays as all races in Malaysia will have equal opportunity and time to develop them selves. But until when you want non-Malays to see that Malays are being feed and further more i see only selected Malays of UMNO connection getting all the opportunity and economic stake and not the poor Malays. Yr affirmative plan during yr reign indeed have failed the deserving Malays who is now felt that UMNO is not the answer. As i want to see all Malaysian to enrich themselves in every aspect of the livehood at the same time the govt must be seen doing equal to all races in this country.The future of Malaysia depends in the hands of Malaysian and not just Malay,Chineese, Indian, Sabahan or Sarawakian. Hope you contribute more on this direction and fostering unity rather flaming racial hatred like Ahmad Ismail…take care DR. M

  737. Asalammualikum Tun and welcome back to the fold of UMNO.
    Yes, very very scaring with the situation of racial condition now,it seem out of control and no body cares, Pak Lah let it run wild and lose and Dato Seri Najib just cannot be bother as well ,
    The warning or advice from The Chief Of Armed Forces Jeneral Tan Sri Aziz Zainal, I have the feeling the Jeneral foresee the seriousness of the threat to this country .
    If you dont condone this sitution is going to break into racial clash and nobody will benefit from this .
    Dear Pak Lah , if you cannot control it , please give it to other to do it. Step down with honour.

  738. Tun,
    I do not believe any right thinking non-Malay citizen rejects the social contract. Acceptance of Malay political power is never in question. All they are looking for is some fair treatment, that is all – nobody expects or want non-Malay political leadership in Malaysia.
    I am saddened by Tun’s characterization of the “view” espoused by the Malay intelligentsia – if true, it is truly shocking after 51 years of independence. Tun, you espoused the concept of Bangsa Malaysia, a vision I fully support. In your wisdom, you need explain to those who have this “distorted” view why it is wrong – as one of the great leaders in this country. If such views become prevalent, there is no doubt that the unthinkable may happen!

  739. Salam Tun dan selamat berbuka puasa,
    Sesiapa yang tidak percaya pada kontrak sosial adalah orang yang tak faham sejarah.
    Tapi kita tidak boleh terus hukum orang ini. Kita kena tanya kenapa mereka buat begitu. Root of cause…ingat tak Tun? Ini ayat Tun ni..
    Abdullah Ahmad gagal dalam tugasnya sebagai Menteri Dalam Negeri walaupun dah letak jawatan, Menteri Kewangan,Ketua Perhubungan UMNO Negeri Pulau Pinang dan Perdana Menteri.
    Kegagalan Abdullah bukan dia yang tanggung, tapi rakyat yang tak bersalah yang tanggung.

  740. Dear Tun,
    While you always emphasise on the Social Contract agreed by our founders, I do not think that the essence and the principals of waht was agreed then is what that has been put into practise for the last 30 years.
    Agreeing that there is a Social Contract to be fulfilled,
    1.It is not a highway to marginalise the others and only enhance one race.
    2.It is not meant to ensure that the others need to forever swim against the tide while the one race enjoy the fruits of the others.
    3. It is not meant for the others to cut off their tongues when the one race abose the powers given and pillage the wealth of the country to a small group of one race,
    4. It is not meant for the others to be in a state of coma when the one race makes absolute decision when:
    -it comes to higher education,
    -civil servant employment,
    -meritocracy is treated as rubbish,
    -30% of businesses to be given free,
    -government contracts is given to the inner circle of those in power,
    -no accountability is required for the actions of those in power,
    -person/s in power get away with their wrong doings,
    – and the lists goes on ….
    5.When the others are required to die slowly and quietly and time is NOT of the essence for the social contract to expire.
    If the Social Contract is implemented sincerely and with steadfast commitment, considering the needs of the others, only then we can see real harmony exists here. Question here is can the Ruling Party do this? Don’t abuse and misguide Malaysians with the use of the term “Social Contract”.
    Tun, while some of your articles have been enlightening, I hope that you will sow the seeds of nationalism correctly also.
    With utmost Respect

  741. malay youth nowadays are changing. they think not of the future, yet live by the day. they seek not any protection for themselves nor for their future sons, go with the flow they say, for them live once and once only. the continuum of a generation, the idea of leaving a legacy has never cross their heart. they claim fairness, yet unsure the meaning of fair. they have been pampered too long. they think not of their brothers from afar, those unpriviledged ones from kampung. they never had a kampung, nor ever need one. to them wut they have is theirs, what is yours is yours. a typical scene of the modernized mind, so fickel yet boastful.

  742. Assalamulaikum Tun,
    First time saya memberi komem dlm blog tun yg amat saya kagumi. Saya menyokong segala usaha Tun utk kebaikan agama , bangsa & negara yg tercinta. Jika kemasukan Tun semula ke dlm UMNO atas kerelaan Tun demi melihat negara yg tercinta di selamatkan dari dimusnahkan oleh DSAAB & anak menantunya saya amat berbangga dgn tun.
    *kepada pengkritik yg bernama “ASUS”, Tun bukan nya sorang pemimpin yg pentingkan diri sendiri sbb itu tun melihat perlunya kritikan terhadap kerajaan skrg. Tun boleh utk duduk diam cz tun dh ada segalanya, tp Tun seorang pemimpin yg berhati mulia yg sayangkan negara & rakyatnya. Hanya org yg buta hati perut mcm saudara saja tidak dapat melihat hasrat murni Tun ini.

  743. Hi Tun, just wondering, what are you up too. Screw up the country, never let the country grow with its uniqueness? You are just a guy who seem to live in the past and can’t accept the change that is happening. Just retire….

  744. isk… dr.m keluar umno!
    sumo…sokong kat blog nie…
    karang join balik utk kepentingan peribadi..
    keluar balik..
    sumo sokong…
    apa kah UMNO parti budak-budak???

  745. assalamualaikum tun.
    nampaknya social contract kita semakin lemah. pemimpin-pemimpin melayu semakin lemah. Terlalu tunduk kepada tekanan orang lain. apakah maruah dan jatidiri yang kita selalu laungkan terus terhakis walupun merdeka baru mencapai 51 tahun. Saya sokong, pemimpin lemah perlu turun.

  746. Terimakasih Tun kerana nak kembali ke UMNO, parti yg Tun sendiri tubuhkan. Lagi cepat Tun masuk balik, lagi selamat Malaysia ni. Dah lama dah Malaysia ni dok terumbang ambing semenjak siperosak Pak Lah tu take over the country. Apa yg dia buat? Asyik sapu hasil mahsul negara tanpa apa2 usaha utk mengembangkannya.
    Org2 UMNO yg masih dok pikirkan kuasa tu, pikirlah betul2. Klu asyik jadi yes man pada Pak Lah tu, takkan ke mana. Tengok sekarang ni, parti2 komponen BN sendiri dah mula question UMNO. Yg peliknya parti2 komponen ni tak banyak membantu dlm PRU12 hari tu, hilang kerusi banyak ada la. Tapi sebab Pak Lah lembek, tu yg semua ni bersuara. Last2 cari kambing hitam mcm Ahmad Bkt Bendera tu utk digantung keahlian. Semua org2 UMNO ni ok, cuma kepala dia saja yg tak ok. So buang saja kepala UMNO sekarang. Gantikan balik dgn Tun M. Baru kita akan dapat balik the respectable Malaysia.

  747. Dear Tun and Chetdet bloggers
    I am a Malay and I am racist because that was how I was raised in Malaysia. We are racist lot – beyond repair.
    We have to move away from race-based education system that separate Malay children from non-Malays. We should have a referendum on abolishing Malay, Chinese and Tamil school systems. Instead create one system for all Malaysia to promote racial harmony among the Malaysians. We should have one school system with Malay, English, Mandarin and Tamil immersion programs. Parents can choose which programs they want for their children. Stop wasting money on capital expenditures for different school system. No more arguments on inequalities on budget allocation for schools.
    We should not pass down our racism to the next generation or we will return to discussing social contract again and again and again. We shouldn’t be discussing racial issues after 51 years of independence. 3-month national service is not going to promote racial harmony. I bet those kids tend to group with their own kind after completing NS.
    Look at what kind of citizens that our school systems are producing. It is disturbing to read in the newspapers that a local Indian was detained at immigration detention centre for 11 months because she couldn’t speak Bahasa Malaysia to explain to the Malay immigration officers or policemen that she is a Malaysian. it is the school system that separate us. Our education systems create people who fail to speak the national language and to understand Malaysian history. Don’t just blame the Malays for branding non-Malays “Pendatang”. Non-Malays are so proud of their own heritage that they refuse to assimilate to the local way of life including mastering the Bahasa Malaysia.
    Separate school systems must be abolished.

  748. Salam Tun,
    Saya ada satu cadangan kepada orang-orang media cetak di Negara kita ni.
    Saya nak cadang supaya tulisan Tun didalam ini disiarkan didalam akhbar utama Malaysia. Kalaulah akhbar tersebut bersifat komersil, bermaklumat dan terbuka, tiada sebab surat khabar tersebut tidak mahu menyiarkannya. Lebih 6 juta hits brader…
    Kecualilah diatas arahan atau desakan politik maka mereka memilih untuk tidak menyiarkannya atau orang2 dalam akhbar tersebut tak gheti menilai nilai maklumat dan berita yang hendak disiarkan. Cerita artis yang kurang berfaedah pun boleh disiarkan. Buatlah kolumn khas… ramai lagi yang tak dapat maklumat daripada Tun kita ni.. dan ‘Sure’ laris jualan akhbar anda.
    Kata kita ni sekarang didalam era keterbukaan kan!??

  749. Dear TDM,
    I am not Chinese, Indian nor Malay.
    I am one of those Lain-Lain category
    that settled in Malaysia much later after its independence
    and got accepted by this country.
    I am very pleased to live in this country and be accepted.
    I am not bothered about politics and even racially sensitive bickerings, because as being associated with none of Chinese, Indian or Malay communities, I take nothing to heart.
    I can understand Malaysia’s complex racial divide.
    I believe this is because we have HUGE number of minority,
    and every one of them persists in having separate identity.
    With such a scenario – Question of who gets Government control comes? Thus the issue.
    If Minorities are diluted, or have many many minorities from different races/countries. Such a question of Race would never arise, Race would not be in anyone’s mind at all..
    I keep hearing people comparing Malaysia to Australia, and even Singapore in terms of racial issues.
    Australia – no One minority predominates and numbers of each are insignificant to have any effect on the government. The bureaucracy is still with White Australians.
    Similarly in Singapore, bureaucracy is firmly with the Chinese, infact even opposition from Chinese parties is not tolerated. You would know Singapore much better.

  750. Assalamualaikum YAB Tun,
    Kontrak sosial diwujudkan untuk menyeimbangkan jurang ekonomi antara kaum, setelah berlakunya peristiwa hitam 13 Mei. Kemungkinan besar, orang Melayu yg mahukan kontrak sosial ini dimansuhkan merupakan golongan berada, yang merasakan diri mereka sudah terlalu kaya dan angkuh hingga melupakan sejarah dan orang Melayu lain yang masih terkuntang-kanting dilambung ketidaktentuan ekonomi dunia…
    Pada pendapat saya, Tun mengambil tindakan yang amat tepat sekiranya kembali ke UMNO. Tindakan ini merupakan serampang 2 mata. Pertamanya untuk memperbaiki kepincangan dalaman UMNO dan mengukuhkannya. Dan yang keduanya, untuk menghalang PKR dari menerajui negara.

  751. Congratulations Tun Dr Mahathir, you really can make complicated things become easier to understand, and no matter how cynical and ‘flowery’ your writing may be, still its positive meaning (what you’re trying to convey)is very much understandable. You’re so capable to make long story short yet the important message still not left out. I love your writing skills and of course I’ve understood so many things from your blog which I knew very little before.
    Keep up the good work, we really need someone like you to put things in the right perspective. Young generation particularly should learn and get inspired by your writings.

  752. Salam pada Tun,
    The word meritocracy is not genuine. It is a weapon of developed race or country to proceed with their interest in order to ensure that they are always in the advance stage.
    Look at Malaysia’s closest neighbour, being hailed as a nation that promotes meritocracy. But it is a meritocracy with reservations; with same restriction on certain races in holding important and sensitive post.
    And now; with news of Anwar big dream of taking over the government, which will make him the Prime Minister Of Malaysia , and news of the future Deputy prime minister wil be a non Malay – that is real meritocracy compared to neighbour that practice meritocracy. But i feel it as ‘overboard meritocracy’ adaptation.
    I am not sure if Malays, particularly those supporting and shouting slogans of meritocracy really foresee what meritocracy actually is.
    With present and situation of the Malays , and the hunger for ‘strike back’ attitude of the non Malays. It is the most difficult task any leader would ever faced. But if the economy is generating very well just like during your era, I dont think non Malays will be complaining much.
    I love to compete with other races, in fact, i have been competing with other races. I would very much love to compete if I have the supports like DEB, coz its gonna make me more like a sure winner in the competition.

  753. Dear Dr M,
    Impressive analysis! Yes WE the majority of young professional Malay are merely responding to the racist remark by the non-malay ( not all ) who are rejecting the social contract. They seems to enjoy the artificial “real” democracy of 2008 election. When the gov cannot balance the imbalance racist remark by the non Malay, WE the majority of young professional Malay are merely putting balance to this event. We are forced to do it since the UMNO ( the fulcrum of balancing ) are loosing. Its not actually our real opinion, we love the other races BUT when the balance are disturbed we HAVE NO CHOICE to counter them. WE have to choose the evil way. Its the only way so that our voice are heard. It seems some part of our community did not learn from the pain of 13 May. When a democracy of 8 march are introduced WE the majority of professional Malays are not happy particularly when ppl question the Azan , the Jawi , the ultimate freedom and etc etc.
    WE believe this is the only way to do it, to wake up the not so educated Malay in Kampungs since some of them are blinded by this artificial “heaven” of Badawi`s UMNO. We need them. WE are invoking our version of repulsion to the social contract. Why ? Because we believe this current event is the reincarnation of Malay Union 2.
    Now you are in UMNO, i believe there are still some sincere ppl in UMNO. Call them to join you. Please cure UMNO or else this disturbing racist remarks will continue and new explosion of 13 May will reoccur. Heal us even with harsh punishment if u need so.

  754. Datuk nenek kami telah berjuang ratusan tahun untuk mempertahankan Tanah Melayu. Kini giliran kami untuk meneruskan perjuangan. kami tiada tanah air lain selain Tanah melayu. Biar putih tulang jangan putih mata. Selamat pulang ke pangkuan UMNO Tun. selamatkan UMNO daripada tangan-tangan durjana!

  755. Salam Tun
    Tun sepatut nya terus dilantik senator dan ambil alih tugas Perdana Menteri sekarang, bukan saja untuk menyelamatkan orang2 Melayu tetapi bangsa Malaysia keseluruhan nya. Jangan LUPA segala kemungkaran2 yang dilakukan oleh AAB dan KJ yang masih berterusan hingga kini hendaklan dihentikan serta merta oleh kerjaan (to face the music)
    Tun, bertindak lah segera, hanya pengorbanan Tun kali ini akan menyelamatkan Malaysia yang tercinta ini.
    Amal Makruf Nahi Mungkar

  756. Political, Economy, Social are stepping backward, not moving forward. I agree with Tun that sensitive issue should discuss internally as some are too sensitive to the public. Now I understand why Tun critic PM before the election, As Tun able to see the outcome of now long before. My regards to Tun and your family, you inspire me as you no longer in politic, but you continue to serve Malaysia. Many Thanks

  757. my comments:
    (3)I believe Malays becoming more liberal as they become more outgoing n educated (as promoted by yrself). Malays are not becoming Chinese, Indian or any races but opening up to Globalisation effect. Malays are eloquent n intelligent to observed this.
    (4-10)Only the minority n very privileged Malays are feeling the threat.
    What Tunku wants to do was to unite all races to live in peace, harmony n equality in prosperity. I think u r twisting history to yr side. Unless our History book had taught wrongly.
    10)With respect, Datuk Seri, u r not hearing right. Malays r not rejecting their rights. It is enshrined in the consituition. The non-Bumis are not rejecting the Rights n privilege of the Malays as enshrined in the Constituition. They live under it for past 51 years. Malaysian, even the Malays r crying out for fairness n equality for poor n marginalised irrespective of race, creed or tribes. Malaysian is crying out for corruption-free, transparency n proper accountability of monies n funding.
    These r blood n sweat of citizens of Malaysia. As for Bar Council hosting the forum was for inter-faith discussion for better understanding in a close enviroment. Is this wrong. I m ashamed of my fellow Malaysian who ‘shout n scream’ for thier Rights which is hardly infringed.
    13)In comparison to u, Our current PM is definitely much more open to crictism, different in opinions n acceptance. If PM so decide to step down, I m sure he will have the right time n peace to do so.
    I dread to think how u will response to such situation as now.
    (14-16)Infact, Malaysian generally r not racist by any international standard. Only the extremist, the arrogant n opportunist politicians are covenience to it.Period…
    I believe these people r the dying breed like the dinosaurs who would not give up thier dominancy untill struck down by natural disaster.
    (17-18) Any PM of the day have to balance all races, so is our current PM. It is the motion of going through this solution or phases that is highly trying.
    At one stage, I actually think u were 100% for only the Chinese businessman, not to the general chinese people because I can recount many incidents whereby MCA/DAP were severely put down by u.
    (19)You actually think our PM + whole cabinents + advisers gave the monies free for Tun Salleh n judges.
    Datuk Seri, pl forgive n move on. It will good for yr soul.
    (20)I dont believe disunity or racist atitudes will rise. Infact I believe it is begining of the end. You got it wrong this time.
    Those we play on these issues will be buried by the will of the people of Malaysia who have grown up n willing to face the future together.
    This is our country, our love, our people. We will not let Government or leaders to do wrong n injustice.We will not let our children generation suffer because the parents are afraid to stand for truth, justice n rule of the law.
    In finality,I conclude u have very little concrete plans/ideas what to do with present situation. List down full list of it. (Beside asking PM to step down). What else can u do.
    tq for the opportunity to share.

  758. Salam Tun,
    Saban hari saya dirundung dengan berita yang mendung tanpa penghujung. Keadaan semasa baik perniagaan saya atau persekitaran yang ada, malap tidak bermaya. Tetapi, berita TUN kembali ke UMNO menceriakan hidup saya. Sekurang-kurangnya ada cahaya dimalam gelita walau hanya sekadar berita.
    Tentang ‘social contract’, bagi saya itu sahaja jalan yang ada, iaitu pertikaikan sahaja apa yang termaktub bagi menyedarkan ramai rakyat yang tidak sedar bahawa ‘social contract’ ini yang memungkinkan keamanan dan kemakmuran negara selama ini.
    Tetapi, saya masih fikir “SATU BANGSA SATU SEKOLAH” itu tepat.
    Selamat Berjaya TUN.

  759. Salam Tun,
    Betul ke Tun join semula Umno? Saya rasa confuse bila pemimpin kata itu ini tapi tak pernah dikotakan apa yg dijanjikan. Saya kesal tun naik semula ke perahu yg hampir karam. Takut tak sempat nak baiki bocor, yang nak baiki pun sama sama karam. Begitukah orang politik??
    Terima kasih

  760. Sudara-sudari semua,
    Kiah yakin ramai antara pembaca dan peminat Che Det merasa tertanya-tanya dengan berita yang hangat diwar-warkan, “Tun Mahathir pertimbang kembali kepada UMNO”. Kalau ada yang ragu-ragu, Kiah adalah sebaliknya. Kalaulah Tun kembali kepada UMNO satu-satu tujuan Tun tidak lain tidaadalah demi Negara, demi Islam dan demi Melayu. Sewaktu Tun keluar dahulu juga Tun berbuat demikian atas sebab yang sama!
    Pada Kiah sewaktu Tun dicabar untuk meletak jawatan, Tun menjawab dengan berani untuk berundur kerana mahu membuktikan kepada umum, bahawa Tun ini “berani cakap, berani buat”. Dan seterusnya Tun berharap ini mungkin jadi salah satu cara pula untuk “memaksa” perubahan dalam UMNO. Sayangnya mentaliti majoriti Melayu “tidak berani” untuk berubah. Hanya segelintir kecil yang dalam UMNO nekad, sementara yang diluar langsung membatalkan hasrat untuk menyertai.
    Kiah percaya Tun melihat keadaan telah menjadi semakin buruk, oleh kerana orang Melayu takkan berani mengubah nasib mereka. Pendapat Kiah kalau Tun masuk balik ke dalam UMNO adalah kerana Tun melihat Tun perlu menggunakan strategi lain untuk mengubah keadaan setelah kaedah untuk “memaksa orang untuk berubah” tidak berjaya. Tun pada Kiah adalah pejuang yang tulen. Tun tidak peduli kalau orang mau mengatakan Tun dihina atau menjilat kembali ludah sendiri, yang penting “asalkan nasib ISLAM, MELAYU DAN MALAYSIA dapat dipulihkan”. Biarlah apa orang nak katapun.
    Dan untuk itu Kiah salute Tun. Doa Kiah akan tetap bersama Tun. Sampai bila-bila. Semoga Allah Ta’ala mempermudahkan perjuanganmu. Allahuakbar!

  761. Hello Tun and readers,
    I am some how disappointed to read that you have
    rejoined UMNO if what that is published is true.
    Web-link below:
    I am disappointed because naturally your future writing/approach
    will be clearly polarized with the interest of UMNO (not some thing new) BUT this just formalizing it. Good for UMNO (if it is not too late)
    But a great loss in my opinion for the rakyat. For the minority who
    are not interested in politic but rather sincerely to move the country forward (without making political compromises…). Maybe this is being too idealist.
    Where can this minority turn to? we need an independent institution that can counter the majority/ruling power. Where until now the opposition have failed to provide this counter balance…we are loss? (!).
    Again for those who want to make a different and believe they can make a different for the future of Malaysia (without adhering to a political party) please write to [email protected] with the idea to create a sort of think-tank (or interest group) where we can occupy space and be heard. Act now.
    Yours respectfully,

  762. Tun tolong cerita sikit naper masuk balik dlm UMNO..
    Tahniah diatas pengumuman hero kita dato mukhriz untuk bertanding secara gentlemnt untuk jawatan ketua pemuda UMNO malaysia..
    p/s saya ada hadir dlm pengumuman tue, walaupun jauh dan meletihkan..

  763. Dearest TUN,
    A very good day to you. To me, the present PM must go. He does not know how and what to do when situations arise, like the present AI situation. Is he waiting for it to erupt before he does anything.
    I can still recall during your tenure as PM a similar situation happened (LKS). You dealt with it as soon as you can and swiftly too. Just like that, everything quiet down and became peaceful.

  764. Yes Tun,
    Totally agree with wat u have posted…
    Ever since the take over of Pak Lah, everything turn out worse then before… not really a good and efficient leader at all!!
    but somehow, really hope to know who is more capable then pak Lah at this moment?
    Racist Bias and its unfair too.. how come Ahmad Ismail escape from ISA detention..?? hindraf are racist so end up ISA detention, but Ahmad Ismail is such a leader and he should have known or fully understand that with such comment will only ignite the fire between the races.. but he manage to escaped from the stern and justify action!!!
    I believe Ahmad is laughing at a corner now!! maybe he’s thinking how coward is the PM now!! From here we can really see that with our own eyes, Abdullah goverment really sucks… i cover ur ass and u cover my ass!! so is this wat we learn in school?
    Tun, its time to kick their ass, when u are back to UMNO!!!
    long live to u Tun….

  765. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    Sememangnya UMNO & BN amat memerlukan buah fikiran Tun pada masa yang genting ini untuk memulihkan & menstabilkan kembali negara tercinta ini setelah diporak perandakan oleh Pak Lah & the gang. Ternyata Pak Lah buta & pekak. Beliau tahu yang rakyat Malaysia sudah tidak memerlukan beliau tetapi beliau seperti angkuh & sombong. Dengan nada yang yakin kononnya beliau masih di beri mandat oleh rakyat.Saya akan tetap menyalahkan Pak Lah kalau terjadi perpecahan yang besar di antara kaum Melayu & ketegangan kaum berlaku.Kerajaan sekarang menuding jari ke DSAB atas ketegangan yang berlaku.Walaupun DSAB adalah pengkhiant bangsa & negara, saya tidak menyalahkan DSAB kerana he’s playing his game.Pak Lah terlalu lemah & tidak berdaya untuk bertindak dengan bijaksana. Semoga Allah mensejahterai kesihatn Tun.With you all the way Tun.

  766. Salam Tun,
    No doubt that PM Abdullah must go. The longer he stays, the stronger the racist sentiment among races. He tries to please everbody, end up he please nobody.
    I agree that social contract must continue because it is an agreement or “bargain” between previous leaders for 1 million non-malays citizenships. Otherwise, we should ship them back to where they originally come from.
    It is sad that today, Ahmad who said the truth about social contract has been ban for 3 years. The Chinese has successfully make use of the weak PM for their own advantage. For me, if you want to penalize someone, it should be done to both parties. Chinese leaders are also to be blamed because they are the one who sensationalized the issue by highlighting and commenting the issue in the mass media. It starts from a Chinese newspaper! It takes to hands to clap not one hand. And why always Malay has to be blamed as racist? Poor Malay, being foreign in their own land!

  767. Tun,
    This is indeed very disturbing. What can we, the young proffessionals of Malaysia who believes in Unity, do to stop this nonsense once and for all?

  768. Tun,
    Sorry this one is out of subject. Latest rumour about petronas and its future…hopefully this is not hapening.
    Saya dapat news dibawah di petik dari forum TKO, ada sesape yang keje petronas boleh clarify cite ni tak..
    Maklumat terkini bahawa perkhidmatan Mohd Hassan Marican (Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Petronas) kini sedang menghampiri tempoh akhirnya. Berdasarkan kepada maklumat yang diterima, kemungkinan besar Mohd Hassan Marican tidak akan disambung tempoh perkhidmatannya walaupun beliau berupaya melakukannya.
    Beberapa pihak telah menunjukkan hasrat mereka untuk mengambilalih kedudukan Mohd Hassan Marican ini dan kini sedang dalam proses melakukan lobi (berskala mega). Semua lobi-melobi ini tertumpu kepada Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Ada yang melobi dengan wang dan ada pula yang melobi dengan cara-cara yang lain.
    Tetapi ada dua orang calon telah bersaing diantara mereka dan dikhabarkan bahawa kedua-dua mereka mendapat restu daripada Abdullah Ahmad Badawi untuk mengambilalih kedudukan Mohd Hassan Marican sebagai Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Petronas. Salah satu dari dua calon ini dijangkakan akan dilantik menggantikan Mohd Hassan Marican manakala seorang lagi dijangkakan akan menduduki jawatan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Petronas.
    Calon yang begitu kuat melobi untuk menggantikan tempat Mohd Hassan Marican dikenalpasti adalah Khairy Jamaludin. Beliau khabarnya telah berjaya meyakinkan Abdullah Ahmad Badawi bahawa beliau mampu untuk menerajui Petronas dan memangkinkan pertumbuhan dan pemerolehan Petronas dalam jangka masa singkat. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi juga dikhabarkan telah bersetuju jika Khairy Jamaludin dilantik kejawatan tersebut dan sedia mengarahkan Petronas untuk membuat perlantikan tersebut sebaik tempoh akhir perkhidmatan Mohd Hassan Marican tamat.
    Dengan pengaruh wang dan lobi yang besar, Khairy Jamaludin percaya bahawa beliau dapat menerajui Petronas dalam masa terdekat. Ini dibantu dengan sokongan berterusan (wang dan kuasa) yang datangnya dari Singapura melalui Temasek Group.
    Berdasarkan kepada analisis semasa dan pasaran Asia Tenggara, Temasek Group amat berminat untuk menguasai Petronas demi untuk mengukuhkan aliran tunai dan kewangan mereka. Buat masa ini hanya cabang industri Minyak dan Gas sahaja yang masih belum dikuasai sepenuhnya oleh Temasek Group. Beberapa transaksi kewangan berskala besar telah dikesan dibiayai oleh Temasek Group kepada beberapa individu dalam industri Minyak dan Gas tempatan termasuklah kepada pihak yang membekalkan khidmat sokongan kepada industri yang sama.
    Dengan penguasaan dalam industri Pelabuhan (seperti masa telah dikenalpasti bahawa beberapa pelabuhan utama di Malaysia kini telah dipindahkan sahamnya kepada proksi Temasek Group) tempatan, maka dapat dijangkakan bahawa Temasek Group kini sedang berusaha membuat beberapa pemerolehan lagi demi memantapkan organisasi mereka.
    Proksi-Proksi Temasek Group di Malaysia kini nampaknya sedang ditimbunkan dengan wang ringgit dan jaminan keselamatan sehinggakan mereka sanggup menggadaikan aset negara. Berdasarkan kepada senario semasa, SCOMI Group juga dikenalpasti telah mendapat laba daripada usahasama haram dengan Temasek Group.
    Jika Khairy Jamaludin dibenarkan menjadi Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Petronas, maka jangan kita terkejut jika akhirnya Petronas dikuasai oleh Temasek Group (Singapura). Kita wajar menyekat perkara ini daripada menjadi kenyataan. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi memang mudah dikuasai oleh Khairy Jamaludin. Jangan pula kita biarkan Kamaludin Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menjadi Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Petronas kerana ini juga akan menguatkan pengaruh Temasek Group kedalam Petronas.
    Petronas adalah hak Malaysia dan bukannya Singapura. Jangan gadaikan aset negara.
    Ketua Perusuh
    Bekas Felo Kanan
    Institut Kajian Strategik dan Antarabangsa – ISIS

  769. Racial tension seems like a hot topic recently but as a “rakyat jelata”, we did’t feel it actually. Everyday we carry out our daily life as usual. We work, eat and chit-chat with our colleagues and friends from other races in a very harmony environment. We do neither talk about your right nor my right. Where is the racial tension being took place, I wonder?? Social contract?? I think majority of rakyat Malaysia even don’t know about this term!
    Perhaps the racial issues became hot as a result of BN (a coalition of several political parties that are racial oriented)defeat in 308. Then they have to play with this issue in order to please and gain support from their respective race. What a political driven move at the expense of rakyat’s future!!!
    I am a chinese but somehow, I want to ask the my own race, do peoples wrong when they accused us of being “tumpang” in this country? Please have an introspection to ourself before retaliate over other people’s remark. Please don’t get incited by those Chinese politician who manipulate this issue in order to add their political capital…

    15. I believe racist sentiments among Malays and non-Malays are rising. If it flares up the stability of this country may be affected permanently. We may see political wrangling of the kind we see in several other countries. In the process the economy of this country would be destroyed.
    16. This slide must be stopped. No one should disregard the obligation to uphold the social contract.
    17. That understanding between the leaders of the three races had served us well. So has the ban on questioning certain provisions in the Constitution.
    Alfatihah, AMin.

  771. salam buat ayahanda sekeluarga..
    tahniah keatas keberanian dato mukhriz dengan slogan kata BERANI BERUBAH yang di buat pada hari sabtu lepas…
    semoga segala perjuangan BELIAU diredhai yang maha ESA..
    p/s saya senantiasa menyokong tun sekeluarga walaupun tidak wang ringgit akan saya salurkan kudrat yg x seberapa ini untuk membantu.

  772. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1) Inilah yang terjadi bila bangsa lain dah pandai mengambil kesempatan di atas kelemahan Paklah.
    2) Semoga Tun dapat memperkuatkan semula UMNO dan saya yakin paklah dah tak lama dah tu……….

  773. Tun,
    Segala yang Tun huraikan,segala kemungkinan yang Tun perkatakan sememangnya ada kebenarannya.Sememangnya suara mendesak Pak Lah untuk melepaskan jawatan sememangnya perlu kerana umpama membuang punca penyakit yang sedang melanda sekarang ini.
    Tapi Tun, badan telah pun berpenyakit tetapi siapa yang boleh mengubatinya?Siapa kah doktor pakarnya?
    Semangat suara mendesak itu akan menjadi lebih kuat dan bersungguh2 apabila orang ramai tahu ada doktor yang boleh menyembuhkan penyakit itu dan kenapa doktor itu boleh kita percaya untuk menyembuhkan penyakit itu.
    Tun lebih arif menentukan atau menyatakan siapakah doktor itu dan kenapa doktor itu pada hemat Tun, dapat menyembuhkan penyakit tersebut.Mungkin doktor itu adalah Tun sendiri…. sememangnya amat saya sokong sekali, saya sentiasa doa dan harapkan.
    Akram Osman.


  775. Teruskan perjuanganmu!!!!!…
    Bangkit ayahanda….pedulikan kata2 ank katak diluar sna..
    SMua anak2 MALAYSIA mnnti kemunculan ayahanda…
    Buktikan tuah M pada nama ayahanda…Aminnn.
    WAWASAN 2020 msti diteruskan…

  776. Dear Tun,
    I am very sure majority of chinese don’t question the social contract,malay privileges and NEP.
    We are only against implementation that only benefit a small group poor malay and other races.
    There are too much corruption and mis use of public in the country now AND WE MUST STOP IT.
    I 100% agree with Azhar Md.Nor that Ahmad Ismail reserves severe punishment because he is a naughty boy.
    When i was naughty, my father would surely give me a through beating.
    We need to learn from our mistake.
    Best regards to Tun,

  777. TDM
    your argument on social contract has one limitation. The validity and large aspect of leagility can only be imposed on Generation 1 migrants. The question of continuing legal binding on the second and subsequent generations have a flaw into which the offspring have no input into the contract and cannot be subjected to the same laws.
    Rather than admit your inept handling of ensuring continuing success for all Malaysians regardless of race or gender, you want to continue stressing your argument is the correct one.
    You’ll continue this rant till …I’ll just keep hearing it until one day, the voice will be replaced by an even louder voice…

  778. salam,
    ya seperti kata2 mereka,
    selamat kembali ke UMNO.
    cuba habaq mai skit, pasai ap masuk balik?
    take care.

  779. Asm Tun,
    I like and enjoy reading your articles. One question Tun, if Pak Lah leave who is capable to replace him?

  780. dear tun,
    i feel that what has happened is already a done. the different races have lived here for centuries. local kampung, towns people seem to be living in harmony although occasional clashes might happen if the chicken is accidentally run down by the car in a kampung. most citizens now has regarded malaysia as their home although sometimes the non malay tend to feel a little left out due to some special priveledges given to malay.however, one thing need notifying is the cost of living of our current community is not really balancing with the average individual wages as compared to other countries such as singapore. in another words, living in malaysia is getting more expensive.those that has the opportunity had already move out of here. as for those that are stuck, finding their way out. as a matter of fact, not enough $ is directly propotional to anger/complaints.

  781. perjuangan belum selesai!!!!
    Selamat Dtg kembali ayahanda kedlm UMNO..
    smua rkyt mnntikan kepulangan seorg wira tuk mewarnai smula parti yg sudah lemah&suram dek kelemhn presidennya DSAAB..
    MALAYSIA mnntikan khdrn TUN MAHATHIR…
    sahut ayahanda…
    anak2 mu mnyokonng setia dblkg perjuanganmu..

  782. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    Pak lah mcm biasa laa.. senyap seribu bahasa.. Saya tertarik pada kolum utusan malaysia hari ini.. ‘ AZAN, JAWI, JAIS ,UiTM dan Baa-alif-baa–yaa “.. Betapa BERANINYAA seorang wakil rakyat meminta supaya jemaah masjid memperlahankan azan kononnya mengganggu ketenteraman awam.. pak lah mcm biasa la.. no comment.. yg sy dgr lantang bersuara hanya Datuk Seri D.Khir Toyo..
    Benar la apa yg Tun kata … selagi kita xkcau pak lah.. selagi tu pak lah xkcau kita..
    p/s dgar cita Tun masuk UMNO balik.. betul ke?? mintak Tun jelaskan dlm ruangan akan datang..

  783. asalamualaikum Tun,
    selamat kembali kepangkuan umno. syabas kepada dato muhyiddin yang sedar tentang matlamat perjuangan bangsa melayu. saya berasakan timbul konflik dalam malaysia kesan daripada pemikiran “menantu” yang merasakan beliau boleh control malaysia. walaubagaimanapun bagi saya pembebasan DSAI adalah punca kekalutan bagi BN. pemikiran beliau agak radikal dan hampir semua pmimpin parti pembangkang dan bn juga percaya kehebatan beliau. pada pendapat saya, DSAI tidak akan menjadi PM selagi beliau tidak menjadi ahli umno. oleh yang demikian DSAI harus masuk semuala dalamumno untuk membolehkan impian beliau tercapai.
    kesan keras kepala ahmad ismail bukan sahaja menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati banga asing tetapi wajar bagi saya kerana kita boleh lihat sendiri Pulau Pinang kini dah nak jadi macam singapura, bangsa melayu dipinggirkan. kita orang melayu harus sedar selagi kita berpegang pada pepatah dimana bumi dipijak disitu langit dijunjung….ingat anak cucu kita kemana hendak tinggal pada masa hadapan…jika kita tidak amabil penetapan pendirian sekarang bila lagi…tkasih

  784. salam TUN,
    saya rasa jika mereka berani mempersoal perjanjian sosial yang telah dipersetujui dan ingin dihapuskan maka kita hapuskan saja lah perjanjian itu dengan syarat mereka hendaklah bersetuju untuk melepaskan kerakyatan dan BALIK SEMULA KEPADA KEADAAN ASAL sebelum merdeka DAN KITA BERUNDING LAH BERSAMA SEMUA PARTI SPT MCA, GERAKAN, DAP, MIC, PPP, PKR DAN SEBAGAINYA…BINCANG SEMULA kedudukan mereka…samaada ingin kekal disini atau…. ada berani ka BAR COUNCIL, PKR?. Kepada professinol melayu yang senada dengan mereka pula…anda adalah pengkianat negara.

  785. teruk lah racism sekarang…sama teruk dengan politik sekarang. Malaysia dah goyah…tak macam zaman Tun mentadbir dulu. risaunya…
    Bar Council tu berlagak hebat sangat. Semua pemimpin dulu buat semuanya tak kena..bodoh susah, pandai sangat pun susah…berlagak macam dia pulak yang sama2 bersusah payah nak dapatkan kemerdekaan negara. Orang2 ni patut tembak je.
    Tun, tadi ternampak gambar Tun di surat khabar tempatan…rindunya nak tengok keadaan Tun yang terkini…Tun nampak uzur…dan susut badan…
    jaga kesihatan ye Tun…kami rakyat Malaysia masih perlukan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

  786. The exact problem/crisis facing our nation is very clearly defined and elaborated by Tun.
    Should we initiate ‘Civil Disobedience through the Hartal mechanism to send a strong signal to Abdullah Badawi?
    What/how could we do it Sir?
    p/s A lot of people I know/ spoken to are losing their patience with Abdullah Badawi and would not hesitate to take to the streets like what is happening in Bangkok now.
    Street protests this time could turn violent as people are not willing to WAIT any longer.
    What is your advice Sir?

  787. tun…
    apa kata tun bertanding balik kat parlimen di sabah tun… calon bebas…
    saya tahu tun masih sayangkan umno… tapi org umno masih tak nak berubah… pak lah u better step down la… najib lak asyik ikut ckp pak lah…
    tak dinafikan koh tsu koon tu pemimpin yang bagus… dek kerana pak lah… koh tsu koon pun tersungkuq… jgn sampai pakatan rakyat jadi pemerintah disebabkan PAK LAH yang bodoh sombong tu

  788. We have been independence for 51 years, many achievements have been successfully accomplished. Sadly we are still unable to realise a Malaysian Nation which was encapsulated in the 2020 Vision. If the social contract is so importance to maintain a united and safe, politically stable and economically resilient country, so nothing wrong we continue it, but we must gradually reduce the social disparities among the races. There is no way we can keep the status quo for another 100 years. We the Rakyat are very frustrated with the current political scenario.

  789. We have been independence for 51 years, many achievements have been successfully accomplished. Sadly we are still unable to realise a Malaysian Nation which was encapsulated in the 2020 Vision. If the social contract is so importance to maintain a united and safe, politically stable and economically resilient country, so nothing wrong we continue it, but we must gradually reduce the social disparities among the races. There is no way we can keep the status quo for another 100 years. We the Rakyat are very frustrated with the current political scenario.

  790. Dear Tun,
    It is interesting to hear Malay rejecting the social contract. If ever the racialist trend continues, the whole country would be in chaos and that’s very very dangerous.
    AAB could not handle it at all. He is so indecisive all the time. So what if you have suspended Ahmad Ismail for 3 years. Is it just to please its coalition MCA and Gerakan ? But why wait until now after all the damages done by this mad man.
    Being a leader, AAB could have act fast and prevent it.
    Tun, I support you and appreciate your contribution to the country. Look forward to your next step.

  791. Tun yang dikasihi,
    Kita dapat melihat kebelakangan ini negara kita mengalami kes-kes yang melibatkan isu perkauman. Isu perkauman merupakan isu yang paling “sensitive” tidak kira di mana jua walaupun negara-negara maju.
    Negara kita, Malaysia sentiasa dikenali ramai sebagai sebuah negara yang berharmoni di mana semua orang dapat hidup secara berharmoni tidak kira bangsa dan agama. Negara-negara maju yang lain sangat cemburu dengan kita kerana walaupun negara mereka sangat maju tetapi masalah perkauman itu sentiasa berlaku.
    Sepertimana yang diperkatakan oleh Tun, Pak Lah sememangnya tidak dapat menanganinya.
    Pada saya, “Kaum”, “Bangsa”, “Agama” seseorang itu tidaklah penting sangat. Yang Paling penting ialah kestabilan ekonomi negara kita. Jikalau isu-isu perkauman ini menjadi semakin serius. Tidak hairanlah kes seperti kes 13 May akan berlaku sekali lagi.
    Jikalau kita semua hanya mahu menentukan “orang” apakah yang akan menang dalam sesuatu isu dan pada akhirnya mengakibatkan kes seperti kes 13 May berlaku sekali lagi, ekonomi Malaysia akan jatuh dengan teruknya.
    Semasa Tun menjadi PM negara kita, ekonomi negara ini naik sedikit demi sedikit. Semua rakyat Malaysia dapat melihat yang kita semakin hampir dengan WAWASAN 2020 tetapi kesemua ini terus berhenti apabila Pak Lah menjadi PM kita. Beberapa tahun ini kita tidak “naik” sebaliknya “turun sedikit”. Jikalau pada masa ini juga, kita mengalami kemelosotan ekonomi ..negara kita tidak akan dapat bangun lagi.
    MALAYSIA tidak akan dikenali ramai lagi.
    WAWASAN 2020 akan hancur.
    Kerana NILA (Ahmad Ismail), rosak SUSU sebelanga.

  792. remove pak lah dari putrajaya…. baru jadi pm pun… anak buah dah tak hormat… ada ka patut panggil pak lah… dulu tun… org panggil datuk seri… pak lah masih dengan tak boleh buat keputusan. pasal ketua bahagian tu… kena tanya khairy…. pak lah mmg tak leh buat keputusan… mungkin tunggu najib buatkan keputusan…

  793. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun yang di kasihi,
    Terlebih dulu, saya ambil kesempatan ini utk memohon maaf kpd Tun atas segala buruk sangka terhadap Tun di masa lalu (Terutama dlm tahun 1998).Tapi kini, apabila Tun tiada..mcm mcm perkara timbul.
    Saya amat menghormati Tun..sebagai seorang Negarawan yg unggul.
    Saya juga berpendapat, bahawa Pak Lah tidak lagi wajar utk menerajui negara kerana tindakan dan keputusan beliau lemah.Untuk memantapkan UMNO, Pak Lah harus memberi laluan kpd pemimpin baru yg lebih tegas.
    Saya juga setuju dgn Tun yg Pak Lah akan gagal dlm menangani masalah kontrak sosial ini.
    Selamat berpuasa Tun yg di kasihi.

  794. From what that I could see nowadays Tun is that the non-Malays are increasingly vocals regarding this issue.They hide behind Bar Council and other NGOs to make them look like they are fighting for the equal cause. In fact,they are bigots who try to seize oppurtunity from political clout they enjoy right now. We cannot let this to happend Tun. We have draw the line. They won’t get more and won’t get less than what was written in the social contract.
    If Anwar did assume power this coming Tuesday,the Malays will lost what they enjoy right now. The Chinese suddenly become influential and dictate the way the new coalition run the country.The Malays will rendered speechless bystanders and helpless to do anything. They have lost political power. They have to compete with those ruthless and superior non-Malays in all fields.
    Malaysia will be like Singapore.
    Hang Tuah once said “takkan Melayu hilang di dunia.’ I hope he was right

  795. Hey, you sound you know everything! I must call you Mr Terminator or T-1000.
    While you sound Abdullah like Mr. Eraser, man you should watch out of his “electromagnetic pulse rifle”…

  796. Dear Former PM,
    the fact that Dato Ahmad didnt get any action from the police truly shows us something. Can anyone think what would happen if these kind of racial slurs were talked by the opposition? ISA would be just around the corner.
    As the main cause of racial tension among Malaysians nowadays are our PM, then i think he should be detained by ISA.
    What u think?

  797. Dear Tun,
    Please explain why there is a need for you to joint UMNO while Pak Lah still rules?
    Or maybe by joining again, you will take the lead again.
    100% support you..

  798. Tun,
    1. Sesuatu yang drastik perlu dilakukan untuk memulihkan keadaan.
    Orang-orang cina yang menolak sosial kotrak berkemungkinan gagal memahami sejarah penempatan mereka di bumi Malaya.
    Pemimpin Melayu yang menerajui negara sekarang ini yang sebatutnya dominant dari segi kuasa gagal mengawal keadaan dan mempraktikkan polisi yang terbaik untuk mengawal perbezaan sosial yang ujud. Bahkan ‘kebodohan’ memimpin telah menyebabkan timbulnya kemelut ini.
    2. Saya berpendapat, tiada hak bangsa lain patut dirampas untuk menyenangkan bangsa yang lain. Bangsa yang terkebelakang harus berusaha atau ‘diusahakan’ untuk meneroka bidang-bidang ekonomi yang baru dan membentuk struktur yang lebih stabil, yang mereka miliki sendiri. Selari dengan itu, kerjasama antara kaum harus dipupuk.
    3. Kalau Tun berhajat melakukan beberapa perubahan dengan lebih ‘enclosed’ melalui menerima kembali keahlian UMNO … ini satu-satu yang memang rakyat nantikan. Apa pun … Tun, sesuatu yang lebih drastik perlu dilakukan untuk menyadarkan DSAAB.
    4. Mengenai isu Dato Ahmad Ismail, saya berpendapat akan ada ‘collateral damage’. Kalau anak kita nakal, dan jiran kampung komplen, kita akan pukul anak kita depan mereka. Mereka akan puas hati dan anggap kita adalah ibubapa yang beranggungjawab. Bukan kita tak sayang anak, kita sayang dan kita memang tidak tergamak menyisihkan anak semata-mata mendengar kritikan dari jiran-jiran. Dato Ahmad Ismail akan menerima ‘hukuman’ tersebut, dan saya harap beliau faham akan keadaan.
    Terima Kasih.
    Harap Tun dapat baca komen saya …

  799. salam yang berbahagia tun
    1. if anything happens to our country, i doubt other races will struggle to uphold the country..(as we can see, involvement of non-bumis in the public services (army and police) are rather not, why should they mess up with social contract or ‘hak ketuanan melayu’ if you don’t love your country…

  800. 1. Tun pernah kata Melayu mudah lupa. Tapi saya lupa isu apa yang sebenarnya mencetuskan kenyataan Tun itu. Mungkin tepatlah kata Tun sebab saya pun Melayu dan terlupa.
    2. Kempen UMNO banyak berkisar pasal sejarah perjuangan UMNO. Seolah-olah meminta orang Melayu berterima kasih dan menyokong UMNO.
    3. Bila orang Melayu tak menyokong, pemimpin UMNO kata Melayu mudah lupa.
    4. Seseorang itu dikatakan lupa bila dia tak ingat apa yang dia pernah tahu. Tapi kalau dia tak tahu apa yang dia tak pernah tahu, kita katakan dia tak tahu, bukannya dia lupa.
    5. Perjuangan UMNO untuk kemerdekaan berlaku sebelum 51 tahun dahulu iaitu sebelum Malaysia merdeka pada 1957.
    6. Orang Melayu yang mungkin mampu menghayati kemerdekaan secara langsung adalah mereka yang telah berumur 10 tahun pada 1957. Mereka dah berumur sekurang-kurangnya 61 tahun sekarang. Tak banyak dari mereka yang masih hidup.
    7. Yang muda dari 61 tahun hanya boleh menghayatinya melalui pendidikan sejarah, samada secara formal atau tidak.
    8. Selepas merdeka pendidikan kita tertumpu kepada sains dan teknologi. Lalu sains dan matematik diutamakan sejak sekolah rendah.
    9. Pelajar yang pandai akan masuk aliran sains dan hanya diajar sejarah selama tiga tahun, iaitu dari tingkatan satu hingga tiga sahaja.
    10. Sukatan pelajaran sejarah menengah rendah masa itu banyak pasal tamaddun dunia dan tidak banyak pasal penjajahan dan kemerdekaan tanah Melayu. Mereka tak tahupun perjuangan UMNO. Apa lagi menghayatinya.
    11. Ia berlarutan sehingga baru beberapa tahun lalu sukatan pelajaran sejarah diubah dengan menekankan sejarah Tanah Melayu. Pengajaran sejarah juga diwajibkan sehingga tamat tingkatan lima. Bagus tapi sudah agak terlewat.
    12. Saya tak tahu bila perubahan itu berlaku secara tepat, Tun boleh sahkannya. Cuma saya boleh agak kumpulan awal yang melalui sukatan tersebut mengkin berumur sekitar 35 tahun sekarang.
    13. Ini bermakna kita mempunyai jurang RABUN SEJARAH TANAHAIR di kalangan orang Melayu seluas 25 tahun, iaitu dari yang berumur 36 tahun sehingga 60 tahun.
    14. Melayu dalam golongan inilah yang membentuk sebilangan besar pengundi (dan berpengaruh bila merapu) yang diharap untuk tidak lupa jasa dan menyokong UMNO.
    15. Bukan mereka lupa, sebenar mereka tak pernah tahu.
    16. Mereka tak tahu kerana kerajaan UMNO sendiri terlupa atau tak tahu perihal pentingnya sejarah selama itu.
    17. Apa boleh buat?
    18. Sukatan pelajaran dah kira okay. Penghayatan boleh di baiki.
    19. Kalau saya tak lupa, PLKN dibuat pun berkait dengan kesedaran ini setelah UMNO sakit pada pilihanraya 1999.
    20. Tapi PLKN untuk anak muda, bukan berumur yang antara 35 hingga 61 tahun. Mungkin UMNO terlupa golongan ini. Atau mungkin UMNO tak tahu perkara ini.
    21. Demi menyelamatkan UMNO, Celikkkan pengetahuan sejarah dikalangan Melayu (dan Bukan Melayu) berumur 35 hinnga 61 tahun ini.
    22. Pendekatan yang radikal mesti dilakukan.

  801. Salam tun and all,
    Untuk tahu sejarah dengan tepat, seseorang mestilah pergi kepada sumber yang paling rapat dengan kejadian bersejarah itu.
    Pada saya, Tun adalah antara orang yang masih hidup, yang masih segar dan ‘alert’ untuk memberitahu kepada rakyat tentang sejarah perjuangan kemerdekaan dan pembentukan negara ini
    justeru, saya menyeru semu yang membaca blog ini untuk memberi perhatian serius kepada apa yang Tun perkatakan kerana memang ramai yang boleh membicarakan tentang social contract, affirmative action, etc tetapi apabila maklumat datang daripada Tun, saya yakin maklumat itu lebih tepat.
    Mereka-mereka yang sangsi dengan kejujuran Tun, biarkanlah mereka. Pada saya, seorang pejuang seperti Tun has more to lose if you are ever found to be telling lies compared to those nobodies who cry out loud about Tun being a liar, racist, whatever.
    Salam TUN, teruskan perjuangan tuan. Jaga diri, jaga solat, bacalah qur’an dan bertadabburlah dengannya. Semoga Allah SWT memelihara Tun suami isteri selalu.

  802. Dearest Tun,
    Sir, in these trying times, it is imperative that as many people as possible are able to follow the discussion contain within your article.
    Thus,to that end, i must implore you that a version in the National Language be made available.

  803. Salam Tun,
    Kenapa sertai UMNO kembali sedangkan Pak Lah dan Najib bakal menerajui UMNO dan BN. Bukankah janji Tun yang mahukan Pak Lah dan Najib diturunkan sebelum Tun sertai UMNO?
    Salam berbuka,
    Fadly @ Jln Stadium, AS

  804. Hi TUN r u slap your own face? U said When Badawi step down you just re-join UMNO ??? R u same as Badawi flip flop ? U dah mempunyai rekod cemerlang dlm malaysia. Tun dah mencapai kemuncak tu, semua rakyat sanjung TUN ketika Tun umum undur dari jawatan PM ! Tapi Tun tak cukup gentlemen, Tun sendiri la yg bikin TUN tidak lagi disanjung kerana TUN keep on critic goverment ! Y TUN just rest and peace? Everybody will respect Tun and our children will always remember TUN make Malaysia’s name proudly ! But Tun spoil your own name by your own behavior. Next generation everybody will said aiya why Tun like that? Reputasi TUN dah tercemar sejak TUN kuat critic. Kalu ketika TUN umum undur dari jawatan PM dan tidak banyak cakap sudah tentu TUN mempunyai nama yg bagus untuk generasi akan datang…. TUN sendiri fikir lah…

  805. Alhamdulillah…welcome back Tun…UMNO needed you the most. Biar lah segelintir dari mereka yg masih rabun dan tuli dgn perkembangan yg menakutkan akhir akhir ini terus hanyut. Selamatkan UMNO…remove Pak Lah…

  806. we need your leadership in this period of uncertainty. Tun, we shall not allow these bunch of current racial driven issues to affect the long term sustainability of our harmonious environment.
    I have seen enough of both the current and opposition leaders, they are only keen on polarising our society and not looking into the bigger picture. These people only care about trying to be a populist government… getting votes is all they care about.
    We need leader who are ready to stand out to say and most importantly, to DO what is right.We seem to have many leaders who are empty vessels that makes lots of noise. These leaders are only a whole bunch of leader that are of third world mentality.
    As always, i love your article. Keep it coming.

  807. Salam Tun
    Dalam sebuah kapal nelayan, tekong yg lemah takkan dapat memimpin nelayan lain utk ‘menuai’ hasil laut dengan produktif. keaadaan akan lebih buruk jika nelayan-nelayan tersebut berpuak-puak dan terdiri daripada bangsa-bangsa yg berlainan. Generation gap pulak akan memburukkan lagi keadaan…Hakikatnya inilah yg terjadi apabila AAB diberikan peranan sebagai TEKONG… Dah ada nelayan yg cuba naik tocang..
    Anyway, selamat kembali demi survival agama dan bangsa tercinta.

  808. Chedet,
    You were around when they discussed the social contract. What kind of circumstances and understanding that happened?
    Do you believe that the social contract should be or will be continued perpetually?

  809. Yessssss!!!!
    Remove Dollah Bedawi!!
    He is the cause of this racial tension. He is not doing anything in order to prevent this..
    He allow people to provoke. Sure somebody will react. And this will go on and on without any control. He is not controlling anything…..

  810. Bravo to Ayahanda Tun…..
    Perfect statements at the perfect time.
    Pak Lah’s full bag of goodies are meant for ‘ You scratch my back and I’ll scratch your back.’
    It’s perfect time for Pak Lah’s exit and most treasure gift for the whole nation.
    Kam Nan
    Koh Lipe

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