2. I wonder what would happen in Malaysia if Hindu temples are not allowed to have statues, for example. I think there would be an explosion. The whole world will condemn us as being undemocratic, not respecting human rights, not upholding religious freedom etc.
3. But when the Swiss bans minarets (there are only four minarets in the whole of Switzerland) and the French ban headscarves, these are very democratic. Always double standards and unfortunately the discrimination is always against Muslims.
5. In fact more soldiers have been sent by him to Afghanistan and Iraq. He is now preparing to attack Iran together with his ally, Israel.
6. There will be excuses of course. They will show evidence that Iran is making nuclear bombs and is about to launch nuclear war against the world.
7. But after the evidence that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion of that country, can we believe that the attack against Iran is due to the imminent nuclear attack by that country???
Dearest Tun,
Obama promises was to bring out their citizens before they attack, this will enable them to justify and sending new batches of military personnel is to strategies.
Being Muslim is always a great value in life in being proud of it. Just view how these people and government, individually or orchestrated, through writings, comments, actions etc day in and day out, year after year by the minute they defensively tried and tried and keep on trying and try to undermine anything in the name of Islam. So let them go bonkers trying.
The news about the Minarets sorta reminds me of this article.
YABhg Tun,
….and, suddenly..COMMUNISM…is no longer a threat!! How convenient..!!!
It is when you are weak and pretty,someone stronger will tends to take advantage.If you are ugly no one bothers.
In Singapore,They discourage Madrasah,making believes that Madrasah could not produce professions that suits the market.Of course they cannot just take away.When Madrasah was discourage and cannot function later,the land and buildings will obviously, gradually change hand.Like the Istana Kampung Glam it moves hand to the Malay Heritage,Malay Heritage is State Land.
Like our KTM Land they try to acquire,giving beautiful reasons that
It is used to smuggle drugs as an excuse.I don,t see any relevant of it.The activities of drug,cigarettes,etc smuggling still exists at their land,sea and air Checkpoint.Even in their tight security Airport till today still exists activities of smugglings.
Will they want to close this airport.So giving excuses of KTM land of drug smuggling activity is just a lame excuse.
It is about land that they want to acquire,like the Madrasah and
Mosque Land that many has been gone,
When one is beautiful and weak,Someone stronger will tends to take advantage
By AziziNET:
And there should be no reason for french to ban headscarves, but why they had?
There must be a reason.But before that,I want to note that there are also Muslim countries which ban the wearing of headscarf,Tunisia and Morocco.But where are the voice of all Muslims in the world condemning and attacking this restriction and ‘discrimination’?I see that whenever Muslims and Islam are being criticized,they’re always cried that they’re discriminated against.Then,they will start to label us infidels as Islamophobic and racist.But,what race of Islam is?We criticize to correct what is wrong.Imams and clerics in the west are calling for total annihilation of Jews,advocate killing of non-muslim who don’t agree with them and call for total domination of the world to establish caliphate system.Once again,why the so-called moderate Muslims are just sitting there and keep silent?if the non-muslim infidels don’t stop this aggression,so who will?Human right groups have called the moderate Muslims to voice out,but they nowhere to be found at the street and just do nothing.But whenever it comes regarding themselves,they will be marching around the street and demanding more right.
For example,Sheihk Yousef Al-Qaradawi,the Egyptian Muslim scholar and Islamic preacher who has received Malaysia Hijra Award.He is the one who strongly supports Palestinian attacks on Israeli targets and has a long record of inciting violence against Jews and Israel.He also supports Hamas,Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah and during a sermon that aired on the Arabic satellite channel Al-Jazeera TV on January 28, 2009, Qaradawi told his audience, “I will shoot Allah’s enemies, the Jews, and they will throw a bomb at me, and thus I will seal my life with martyrdom.”Is this what you called tolerance?
Back to headscarf issue in France,it’s not only headscarf is being banned.All the religious symbols such as cross used by Christians and Star of David by the Jews are also banned by the secularism of France.Majority of women, the headscarf is an expression of the domination of women by men (a view strongly expressed by many women refugees from Iran), it can also be the articulation of a free belief; a means of protection against the pressure of males; an expression of identity and freedom against secular parents; a statement of opposition to western and secular society.The decision to ban headscarf is only effective in public schools.if the headscarf had been banned (for example) on the basis of discrimination against women, it would have been necessary to do so not only in schools, but across the whole of society.It has become clear that in schools where some Muslim girls do wear the headscarf and others do not, there is strong pressure on the latter to
Assalamualaikum Tun,
in so many comment here, only interested on comment by adik-adik dated Jan 4.
i do realize abt the globalization scenario that we have facing now and the fairness to all races in our country.but i beleive at the end of the day, there is nothing much we can do abt it.
maybe we may think that oh that comment so biasa-biasa and no encouragement to think abt it again & again.but this is us,human. human with no power as we always nightmared by tech movie nowdays.
we need to go back to our own place. try to judge who ourselve really.
yup, i admit this comment so childish as i am still child that trying to voice out what my mind says abt comment from the adults.
Al-Quran – Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 6 hingga 7
6. Verily, those who disbelieve, It is all the same to them Whether you warn them Or do not warn them, They will not believe.
7. Allah has set a seal on their hearts And on their hearings, And on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be a great torment.
I think that not all people could understand your word ‘Discrimination’.. haha..
I still believe in you Tun.. The Minaret is needed for Azan, from where the Azan come, it should be high enough so that the muslim could hear, but the problem here must be because of disturbance for other people of not the same religion. But this could be solved I guess, muslims should live in a set place so that muslims’ activity wont disturb other people of not the same religion and minaret should be allowed after then.
The reason Tun involving Hindu is because there is no problem with church nowadays but temple and there should be no problem for Tun to care about other’s right.
And there should be no reason for french to ban headscarves, but why they had?
Truly, justice are for those who justify and justice is a variable. For the sake of good or evil.
And there is no use to quarrel here.. give opinion and never blame others. Justify yourself and never blame others. Because if we are among the right, people will believe in us. Never use bad word in giving comment or quarrel because if you are, you are a Munafiq, because for a munafiq–Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner.
One other thing that all of you who tend to agree with Tun must remember is that this was not even a government legislation (act of Swiss govt), it was a public referendum. Even then, the referendum to ban minarets was almost divided half-half. HALF-HALF. Think about that a bit. That means almost one in two swiss residents voted against the referendum. They did not want to discriminate against Muslims and their freedom to practice their religion.
Almost half of those people in Swiss society were supporting the Muslims without being Muslims themselves. What does that say about their sense of fair-mindedness? Can you even imagine that happening here? Half of Malays supporting Hindus when it comes to their religion? Even a proposed temple is protested against with cutting of a cow’s head and parading through the streets. Or imagine half the Saudi population voting for CHristians’ rights. It would never happen. EVERY SINGLE Muslim who reads this will know it is true. You can’t deny it. It’s because you want justice for yourself but yet cannot and do not want to provide the same justice and fairness to others.
Please think about this before claiming and shouting discrimination. Think about what Muslims do. Think about what you believe in. Think about your sense of victimhood versus your sense of righteousness. Where were all these voices of protest from the Malay community when the extremists marched with a cowhead?
And as another protestor said below, where are the voices of condemnation from moderate Muslims against extremism within Islam? Maybe if the extremists stop trying to blow up any moving thing (latest being the plane incident) and taking the lives of innocents, maybe there would not be such bad backlash. The truth is because Muslims do not condemn extremism, the religion scares the hell of most regular people because all we see is fatwas, beheadings, terrorism and what not which is affecting the world today. There is so much more beautiful in the religion, submission to God, devotion, spirit of inquiry etc, but it is the voice of the extremists which reach the people not the moderate Muslims. This is Islam’s greatest threat today. Not other religions, not non-Muslims. The danger within.
Dear Observer,
I do not write with anger nor hatred. I am not only talking about Malaysia but about Islamic countries in general. Compare all the Islamic countries and think about discrimination and freedom of religion and compare it to the Western countries. The difference is clear as day. The point that I make is very valid. If it is an Islamic country, every other religion and race is secondary and have to follow your rules but when Islam is a minority, Muslims scream about human rights and freedom of religion and discrimination, despite these foreign government spending millions of dollards in community outreach programs, funding, educational programmes for minorities etc.
About our country itself, how many temples have been broken down in Malaysia? How many churches have been NOT granted licenses and have to work out of shoplots? OH and remember the Cow Head protest? What did you say about the ISA? Do not make me laugh. The ISA is used only to stifle those who say anything against only one religion 0 ISLAM. The Home Minister himself spoke up for those people with them standing right behind him. Please do not yell discrimination in Western countries when it is going on right before your eyes. Do you think the Muslims and locals are treated differently in Sweden or Switzerland in the eyes of the law? Do you think there are reservations only for Christians in their universities or discounts given to only Christians for being houses? Please think and see with your own eyes what is going on instead of reacting emotively just because you happen to be a Muslim.
Say tomorrow if Switzerland passes a bill which says if a Muslim marries a Christian, he must become a Christian, would you say it is not discrimination? If a person who is always practiced Islam like the rest of his family, dies and the Church comes and takes away his body and his cremated in a Christian way, would you say it is not an atrocity? If preference were given to Christians alone in government service, scholarship etc, would you say it is not discrimination? All of these happen in Malaysia all the time. Open your eyes brother and smell the sweet sickening smell of intolerance and discrimination.
And for your information, I am not planning to leave this land because it belongs to all of us and our grandparents fought for its independence together, hand in hand. The governments through their policies of division, have sowed the seeds of hatred and discrimination and me and my Muslim and Christian and Hindu and Orang Asli brothers will fight till justice is served. If you say this country belong to Muslims, I beg to differ. This country was all Hindu just a few centuries back. If you want to use your logic, maybe then when you all converted to Islam and if you didnt agree with the Hindu soul of Southeast Asia, you should have packed up your stuff and left. This is your logic not mine.
dear Tun,
i belief in karma and darma. why u must choose indian as example? u could choose crist follower since it happen in swiss.?
u are creating more karma for yourself. u are old and wise. pls write something usefull for malaysia. religion is old. no one seen god…lah!!! even u!!
Thank you, Tun… I thought my post will be censored but you seem to be far more open-minded than I perceive you to be. In fact, this is not the first time you approved some of my more controversial posts, although one or two of my posts did get censored.
Just to leave a comment here for wajaperak. You did not address the issues that I raised and I am not about to begin a quarrel. I have stated my points and you have stated yours, so let us leave it at that.
3. But when the Swiss bans minarets (there are only four minarets in the whole of Switzerland) and the French ban headscarves, these are very democratic. Always double standards and unfortunately the discrimination is always against Muslims.
Sorry to say that minarets ban isn’t the discrimination against the Muslims.In the west,the Islamists and Jihadists have used the freedom to destroy the society and liberty from within.Some clerics and imams have used the mosques as a platform to preach hatred against the West and infidels.I don’t understand why you fail to mention this.In European countries,few mosques are government-funded and most of them are financed by Saudi government which practices the strict interpretation of Wahabbism.If you say that there is a discrimination against the Muslims,why in the France alone there are hundreds on mosques and Islamic centers being built?The Islamic terrorism is on the rise in the Europe and America.I know that not all the Muslims are terrorist,but why these radical muslims are terrorists and why most radical comes from the one who posses the high post in mosque and Islamic organization?In the West,the right-wing parties sees the minaret as a symbol of Islamic political force.Banning the minarets doesn’t mean denying the right of worship of Muslim people.The Muslim people are still allowed to worship as they want to.
In this article,you fail to mention the democracy and human right in Islamic countries.For example,Arab Saudi has the worst record of human right.It is true that Saudi has organised the interfaith dialogue but is it put into action?Church is not allowed there.Even the expats who held the private prayer and meeting in theirhttp://chedet.co.cc/chedetblog/2009/12/threatening-minarets.html#_login home are being deported.In Iran,the apostates are punishable by death according to Sharia Law.In Egypt,the Coptic Christians are being persecuted and oppressed.The young Egyptian girls are forced to convert to Islam.One thing I want to ask,where are you the so-called moderate muslim coming out to denounce this action?When the Islamic terrorism is perpetrated across the world,the moderate Muslims just keep silent.When is the last time moderate Muslims marching to protest the violence by Muslims?
Many of you state that the west are prejudiced against Muslims. Wrong- They are not prejudiced against Islam, a truly beautiful religion. But they are towards Muslims and not without reasons.
When one travels on airlines, you really feel upset at those extremist who employ all methods to blow up the airplane like explosive in shoe soles, liquid, blades for hijacking and you name it they had it.
As a result : we are subjected to body searches, cannot bring drinking water aboard, no thick soles and nail clippers. See how much those Muslim extremists had caused us?
assalamualaikum Tun,
minta kebenaran untuk jawab komen dari Malaysian
Dear Malaysian,
From your comment,I can tell that you wrote with anger and hatred. I am unsure whether you are truly a malaysian because you claimed that you are being discriminated.If you are a malaysian then,where do you learn to write?where do you learn to read?where you were born?Where do you studied for your primary,secondary and tertiary education?If you are a malaysian then,absolutely all those things happened in Malaysia.Are you being discriminated by having the opportunities to learn and live and even worship your GOD here? No,absolutely not.I don’t know your religion but I can say we have churches and temples for every religion in every states.Do the Malaysian government forbid you from improving your life?I am sure that you are working now or maybe studying or maybe you have your own family to take care of.Can you do that in Malaysia?Of course you can and in fact you are doing it right now.
When people says something on sensitive issues,of course our government will call for ISA but not death penalty.That also apply for all religion not only for Islam and we as moslems had never say anything bad regarding other religion in Malaysia as you did in your comment.
It seems that you do not respect our religion and try to understand our sensitive issues like we did to other religion here in Malaysia.If you think the westerners are more democratic and fair, please,change your nationality and migrate to those countries. You are not a true malaysian because you don’t respect your fellow malaysian.
Dear Tun,
You are very foolish with your apple to oranges comparison. Well in that case, what about all the Muslim countries like Saudi and more where churches and temples are banned? What about non-Muslim women forced to wear the purdah to go out in public?
Muslims when they have their own country discriminate against everyone else..but whereever they are a minority they cry out, oh look pity us, you are discriminating against us…blah blah. Humbug!
You go to UK and Australia and then you want shariah law there. And here everyone who says anything against what you people believe, you immediately call for ISA, sedition and death penalty? What makes you think you Muslims are so special? What is your problem? You need to take a good hard look at yourselves. The Westerners are more fair and more democratic than Muslims can ever dream to be because your religion is based on fear and intimidation.
Dear YBhg Tun and All,
Quite a number of comments had bashed you up like nobody’s business. I feel sorry for this and I do not think it was a wise move by all these writers! I wud like to share with U on my recent vacation trip with my family to Kota Kinabalu Sabah. I noticed that churches outnumbered the mosques throughout my rented car journey from KK to Beaufort! I wud say that a church is seen in every 8km, unlike the mosque, I hardly see it.
Bottomline is…whoever says that Malaysian govt is biased against non-muslim believer, please re-think and revisit your perception!
Assallammualaikum warah matullah hi wabarokatuh..
Semoga di izinkan Tun..Terima kasih..
Do Muslims in Malaysia read the al-Quran? Seems like they either don’t or they don’t know what they are reading in Arabic. al-Quran 49:13 says:
We do know what we do,says and practice..Do we say anything about your
And in his last pilgrimage, Nabi Muhammad reminded all Muslims:
[[Bertakwa kepada siapa? Kepada UMNO? No, I am not a Muslim,]]
Right on!!..Let’s muslim talks about muslims affair..Capisce??
[[“I like what I read about Islam,]]
We are the people of religion that practices
So..? Have you been reading Al Kahfi?
[[but I don’t like your Muslims who will not hesitate to kill, just because some silly Danish cartoonist draw something that deride your Nabi.” The punishment outweighs the “crime”. It looks like a bullying religion in real practice so if I ever decide to be a Muslim, I will never register myself as one but will just practise it quietly at home]]
You will find your answers in Al Kahfi..Learn..and learned to be sincere and honest towards our religion..
Terima kasih Tun..
Salam Tun,
This comment is specifically for MR.VIC
Dear Mr Vic, you are a very typical white european pharonoid man, just like the American.
I don’t think you know anything about the spread of Islam. Please count if your math is good, how many MOSLEM and NON MOSLEM have you and your brothers killed in this century and centuries before?
WHO Slaughtered the JEWS? MOSLEM or Christians? or Is it a HOAX?
Islam is NOT Mohamedan. The religion is not created by our beloved Prophet.
Well, any way no point arguing with either the JEWS or Christian or you specifically…Its gonna be a waste of time..
You people would never be able to accept Islam for as long as Allah never choose you.
It is not the job or responsiblity of a Moslem to convert you or any other Non_Moslem.
A Moslem is only obligated to spread the word of Islam.
You should be more afraid of HIV and AIDS in your continent rather than the minaret.
TQ Have fun
Salam Tun M. Banning minarets in Switzerland is just another way of them to say that they don’t want to see Islam develop in that country. For my moslem brothers and sisters in Switzerland I pray that may Allah bless you all with courage to keep on performing your duty to Allah as His humble servants. As for Barrack Obama and his promises, he is just a man being used to implement the New America policy to set up colonies to feed its greed to power its development. We all know no matter who the president of the United States is, as long as the American economy is being controlled by Jewish tycoons and political advisors who are sympathetic to Jewish surrounding the white house, nothing much will change. To me Barrack Obama is just a man who knows how to play with words. “Change We Need’ was the famous phrase used in his campaign but what kind of change was it? Actually they are changes that they need to make to cover up their previous mistakes and strategise new plans to conquer as many rich middle east countries so that they can build up their pipeline to transport the ‘black gold’ to generate energy source to them. The Americans must change this but how can they do that when they have been manipulated by the very people they trusted. If things don’t change I’m afraid USA will no longer be known as the United States of America but as the United States of Assasins. I dream of seeing a better and fairer USA which will lead the world towards peace and harmony. May the dream come true.
Do Muslims in Malaysia read the al-Quran? Seems like they either don’t or they don’t know what they are reading in Arabic. al-Quran 49:13 says:
“Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari lelaki dan perempuan, dan Kami telah menjadikan kamu berbagai bangsa dan bersuku puak, supaya kamu berkenal-kenalan. Sesungguhnya semulia-mulia kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang lebih takwanya di antara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya.”
And in his last pilgrimage, Nabi Muhammad reminded all Muslims:
“Wahai manusia, ketahuilah bahawa Tuhan kamu adalah satu, dan bapa kamu juga adalah satu. Ketahuilah tidak ada keutamaan orang Arab atas orang ajam (bukan Arab) dan tidaklah pula orang ajam atas orang Arab, tidak juga orang yang berkulit hitam atas yang berkulit merah dan orang yang berkulit merah atas orang yang berkulit hitam melainkan mereka yang bertakwa.”
Bertakwa kepada siapa? Kepada UMNO? No, I am not a Muslim, but with the Ketuanan Melayu thing and the controversy on the use of the name Allah going on, it does not seem like Malaysia is practising Islam at all.
As what Mahatma Gandhi once said, “I like your Jesus Christ, but I don’t like your Christians,” so also do I say, “I like what I read about Islam, but I don’t like your Muslims who will not hesitate to kill, just because some silly Danish cartoonist draw something that deride your Nabi.” The punishment outweighs the “crime”. It looks like a bullying religion in real practice so if I ever decide to be a Muslim, I will never register myself as one but will just practise it quietly at home.
The mohamedan religion is by its nature bigoted against other religions and uses violent force to enforce its beliefs down other’s throats. That is the fear which has prompted switzerland to ban minarets. Besides, minarets are not necessary for a mosque, nor prescribed by the quoran, but instead are merely a way to force alien arabic architecture into the native swiss landscape.
Assallammualaikum warah matullah hi wabarokatuh..
Semoga di izinkan Tun..Terima kasih..
Threatening minarets and the ban on the use of the word “Allah” by Catholics. Which is more serious?
Severity in what sense?..Please be more specific..
[[I read your comments in the Sunday Star yesterday and wonder if Allah is the same god as the god of Abraham, the god of the Jews, and the god of the Catholics. If it is the same god, it doesn’t seem like it at all!]]
Meaning?..You insinuate that your god is superior than our’s?
Last time I check you are a chinese..
Correct yourself if I am wrong..
Terima kasih Tun..
Iran is a beautiful country with very friendly and polite people, not to mention beautiful ladies and handsome men. The shopkeepers ply their trades on the basis of fair-trading. Frankly speaking, it is much safer than Malaysia.
Just recently 120 Iranian policemen were killed fighting against the drug lords at the Iran-Afghan border. yesterday it was reported another 11 were killed. The drug lords have private armies, with even helicopters.
If ever the world or US wants to fight the drug menace, it should be at Iran-Afghan border……….but there was no help at all from the so-called champions of the people of the world!
The nuclear plants were first built in the era of the Shah, when there was obviously no need at that time as Iranian oil was plentiful. Now there is a deadline to the supply, all the more reason for Iran to have nuclear plants and know-how. Relying totally on enriched uranium fuel from abroad, would mean that one day Iran would be at the mercy of the suppliers.
Iran welcomes inspectors to its nuclear plants……..but is still deemed a rouge nation by Israel & its strong ally the US.
Israel has nuclear bombs, enough to demolish the whole of Middle-east. It does not welcome inspectors. At one stage it even exported nuclear know-how, to South Africa, intending nuclear bombs to be built by the then apartheid government. Fortunately the work was terminated before the bombs could be built……..but isn’t that enough to show Israel’s intention to export the technology?
Iran is predominatly Shia. Al-Qaeda and Taliban are Sunnis. How do you link Iran with Al-Qaeda?
The world chose to be blind to all these.
BTW…….there are about 4 million illegal Afghans in Iran, which the Iranians are having much difficulties in trying to get rid of.
Any help from the US?
YABhg Tun,
…there are no bans on depositing money in the Swiss Bank..though. And, I believe they have many rich muslims clients too…..
Jika bolih
Saya akan jadikan Malaysia yg beridentiti sendiri.
Malaysia punya air,rezki,tanah yg luas.
Kita focus apa yg ada pada kita,tak perlu bergantung sangat Dunia Luar.
Tak per ikut ikutan,seperti Globalization,meniru kejayaan Barat,
tak perlu berlumba lumba,tak ada siapa yg kerjar kita.
Dunia berlumba begitu pesat,adakah ia itu kemajuan atau kemusnahan. Dengan mempelawa Dunia Luar, ibarat mengundang Tanah Air di Jelajah.
Malaysia bolih self sufficient,kita ada segalanya,Air sumber manusia
utama,kita dikurniakan melempah lempah.
Dunia bergantung sesama hanya menguntungkan Dunia yg bertecnology
Tinggi.Tecnology merupakan kebendaan dan amat meyusahkan kehidupan manusia bukan meyenangkan.
Apa yg ada pada kita,Kita usahakan sebaiknya.
Seperti crisis wang dulu yg megugat Malaysia,Kita berjaya dengan
mengawal peralirinan wang kita,begitu jua apa yg ada pada kita,
kita menufaatkan sebaiknya sesama,dalam negeri kita.
Bukan madsud megenepikan Dunia Luar tapi lebih pada
urursan dalaman dan menikamati apa yg ada.
Jangan diukur kerjayaan Barat satu kerjayaan hidup.
Jangan orang ke bulan,kita pun nak ke bulan.
Mengukur kejaayaan adalah ukuran masing masing.
Ada yg nak beli bintang dan bulan satu kejayaan.
Pada Saya mempunyai teduh yg sempurna,rezki yg ada,udara yg nyaman,
masa pada keluarga,pada masyarakat,pada agama,adalah kejayaan yg amat bernilai bukan pada pembangunan yg pesat mecakar langit,
bertuhankan wang,menhambakan diri pada masa,berkerjar megejar
berkebendaan hanyalah khayalan hidup bukan kenyataan hidup.
Seperti filem P.Ramlee mempunyai identiti sendiri,tidak ikut cara Barat,atau Bollywood,dan ternyata dengan budget yg sederhana
ia menhiburkan kita hingga sekarang,pada golongan kecil hingga golongan tua.Rambo yg bermodalkan berjuta juta dolar,kita hanya bolih tonton sekali atau dua saja.
Kita perlu tahu apa yg kita kehendaki bukan apa yg mereka kehendaki,ikut ikutan saja
Threatening minarets and the ban on the use of the word “Allah” by Catholics. Which is more serious?
I read your comments in the Sunday Star yesterday and wonder if Allah is the same god as the god of Abraham, the god of the Jews, and the god of the Catholics. If it is the same god, it doesn’t seem like it at all!
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Kiriman pendek dgn izin. Kiriman panjang untuk seri tajuk ini melalui sekatan……..?
Jawapan ‘Zul Abdul Rahman’ on January 1, 2010 7:54 PM banyak membaca Quran. Jawapan ‘tunnusantara’ on January 3, 2010 1:30 AM banyak membaca Malay Dilemma atau Chedet? Kenapa jauh beza dua Melayu ini?
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera sekeluarga. Kiriman saya untuk seri tajuk ini dgn izin….
An issue can be addressed by confrontation or consultation. Which do you think the following people prefer. A noble or a maverick, a recalcitrant, a heretic, a loose cannon, an ultra. Pak Lah is also against the Swiss decision but he will not get the news. Grabbing headlines require stronger language not skill.
Obama and Bush are both against extremists, which you prefer? One is confrontational.
The Swiss decision is a case of a minority facing a majority. For reflection, consider the following words used by some of the majority here when faced with similar minority requests. Pendatang naik tocang, panjat kepala, bagi betis minta paha, tak sedar diri, Negara ini milik siapa dll. Tak bersyukur dah bagi tempat sembahyang, nak bina menara tinggi tinggi dan mcm mcm.
Maybe the Swiss fear Muslim minarets will overwhelm church spires and the Swiss neighbourhood skyline. Understandable but unfounded. I am sure Muslims here don
Salam Tun and followers of Tun’s blog,
Sorry to interrupt, but while we are busy with the Swiss question, another far more important development is taking place in Al-Quds.
The NAM News Network reports that the Israeli occupiers of Jerusalem have caused a landslide very near to Al-Aqsa Mosque due to their excavation work.
It’s about time the OIC, which was formed in the aftermath of the criminal arson of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem by zionist militants, do something tangible about the intolerable situation in Jerusalem where illegal Israeli activities are threatening the very foundations of Al-Aqsa Mosque, right under the noses but out of view of the world.
Full NNN report:
GAZA, Jan 3 (NNN-KUNA): The ongoing Israeli excavations have led to a landslide in a main street in Salwan district, downtown Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Waqf and Heritage Foundation announced Saturday evening.
“The landslide, which is two meters long, one meter wide and one and a half meters deep, took place some 700 meters to the south of Al-Aqsa Mosque – the Muslims’ third holiest site,” said a statement issued by the foundation.
In an earlier statement the foundation cautioned that the network of tunnels, being dug by the Israeli authorities around and under Al-Aqsa Mosque under the pretext of archeological excavations, could topple the Mosque and the nearby homes.
“These activities have rendered most of the buildings in Salwan area unsafe and liable to collapse at any moment.
“They are part of the designs of the Israeli occupation authorities to force the local Palestinians to leave their homes for Jewish settlers as a prelude to judaizing the holy city,” according to the statement.
The foundation appealed to the Arab and Muslim nations to step in immediately to save the endangered Mosque.
Thank you.
Che Det,
It is amazing for a country with a high “Neutrality” believe would express it’s opinion on a structural design existed for such a long time and being used over various religions in it’s structural designs. So, what does this means – We BAN all structural design with minarets – period?..especially in Switzerland..
As what’s reported in the NY Times -“The Swiss government said it would respect the vote…ban was
YBhg Tun
Question: Who is actually running the U.S.? Who killed Obama and where is his body? 🙂
Keep it coming Tun. You are the best. I look forward to reading your blog every weekend.
I would also like to mohon maaf and ampun as I have made many dosa towards you as I had maki hamun you when I was younger without really undertanding what you were doing.
Dear Tun,
Hati.Malaysia wrote
Dear, Tun, I can list 1000 of issues, but I rather not to talk to Muslim follows who “THINK” they are following Islam teaching. Islam does not allow corruption, but in Malaysia corruption is number 1. Today morning, one police man took Rm10 from me for not packing in correct place. Rm10 is the value of Islam teaching this guy had.
Ramai pekerja penguatkuasa di Malaysia adalah orang2 Islam..
Polis / Kastam / Imigresen / PBT / JPJ dan sebagainya. Seandainya mereka bukan kaki rasuah, tak mungkin akan ada – judi haram / rokok haram / pendatang haram / rumah haram / lumba haram dan sebagainya.
Kenapa masih berleluasa?
Rasuah! Rasuah! Rasuah!
Orang Islam Malaysia, Melayu umumnya (99%) memang suka rasuah. Kalau tak amik pun mereka tak tegur / tak larang / Tak kisah dan tumpang sekaki. Tok Guru pun amik rasuah, tukaq nama je.. Hadiah..
Kalau tok guru amik, anak buah pun apa lagi.. kan…??
Orang Islam terutama Melayu kat Malaysia (99%) ni tak tau malu. Dah la keja pemalas, yang ada keja gomen pula dok amik rasuah.
apa Melayu Islam ni hebat?
Rasuah, Rempit, dadah, buat anak haram, nyanyi cam katak dan ribuan menda seronok yang lain2… Melayu Islam (99%) tak la bodo… kurang cerdik je…
YB Tun,
Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Tahun Baru kepada Tun serta keluarga dan saya doakan semoga Allah panjangkan umur dan memberi kesihatan dan rezeki yang terbaik untuk Tun dan keluarga.
Mengenai keputusan mahkamah mengenai penggunaan kalimah ALLAh baru-baru ini, kita patut buat rayuan atas dasar keputusan mahkamah tidah sah kerana melanggar Rukun Negara kita…..
(1) Pengunaaan perkataan ALLAH oleh orang yang kurang berpengetahuan dalam MENGHORMATI KEISTIMEWAAN kalimah ALLAH mungkin mengelirukan orang Islam (jika majalah “TERberi” kepada orang Islam) dan ini akan membuat orang Islam melanggar Rukun Negara PERTAMA –> ‘Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan’ (iaitu beliau akan hilang kepercayaan kepada _ _ _ _ _ …AUZUBILLAH!)……
(2) Salah penggunaannya akan dipandang untuk mengejek, mengelirukan dan ‘sebagainya’ orang Islam dan ini akan merosakkan keharmonian rakyat dan seterusnya melanggar Rukun Negara KETIGA –> ‘Keluhuran Perlembagaan’. ‘Memberi perlindungan kapada setiap rakyat negara ini, tidak kira bangsa, keturunan, fahaman, agama, dan kebudayaan’ adalah dasar asas Perlembagaan. Merosakkan keharmonian ini tidak memberi ‘perlindungan ini’ dan peristiwa ini menjadikan keputusan mahkamah berkuasa membatalkan dasar asas Perlembagaan…..
(3) Meminta mahkamah melanggar Rukun Negara KELIMA –>’Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan’, menunjukkan keputusan mahkamah tidak menghormati orang lain dan tidak ‘menghindarkan diri daripada membangkitkan persoalan-persoalan yang sensitif kepada sesuatu kaum seperti hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan ketaatan seseorang rakyat atas dasar asal keturunan kaumnya, bahasa, kebudayan serta agama dan kepercayaan’.
Saya rasa keputusan mahkamah tidak sah oleh kerana ia bertentangan dengan Rukun Negara KELIMA ini….
Thank you Tun for putting it in perspective with your example of those WILD hindraf’s religion here, ie. IF it were to happen in Malaysia.
With their STUPID lies of ‘ethnic cleansing’ which is supported by STUPID opportunists Pakatan Rakus — because those ‘PR’ will just support ANYTHING that goes against UMNO or BN no matter How STUPID the reasons were!!!
(* am emphasizing on “stupid” because they are LITERALLY so Desperate, as such…)
I am very disappointed with PAS who said that they uphold Islam, but, they’re actions Simply Show that they are THE ones who are the LOWEST in ‘PR’ as, EVEN ON ISSUES pertaining to ISLAM, like the word “ALLAH”, the “Mega-babi” project, MURTAD issues, ETC. that touched ISLAM, the Official Religion of THIS Country; they just kept Quiet — TOTALLY NOT Upholding Islam — they’re Clear MUNAFIKS, wAllahu’alam.
Thank you, Tun. WASSALAM.
Salam Tun…
To krish BANGANG!
1. Tun’s father’s family’s NOT hindu – they’re Muslims. So, why would they celebrate deepavali?? BANGANG!!!
2. Tun’s father’s HALF Indian. So Tun is just 1-quarter Indian. He is three-quarter Malay – which is MORE Malay than your Hypocrite-Anwar whom I was told, HALF indian!!
3. But the point of the matter is, you krish, are Clearly SO Bloody RACIST!!!
… Wassalam, Tun.
saudara/saudari ni cakap macam budak2. Memang kat Arab Saudi gereja tu diharamkan tapi semua orang mengecap kerajaan Arab Saudi sebagai tak menghargai hak asasi manusia tak demokratik. Itulah yang cuba Tun sampaikan. Kenapa bila negara Islam buat tak boleh diorang buat boleh?
Untuk pengetahuan saudara/saudari krish ayah Tun keturunan India muslim dan ibu Tun keturunan Melayu, jadi tun bukanlah sepenuhnya india. lagipun kalau Tun sepenuhnya india pun apa salahnya. banyak dia berjasa pada bangsa melayu, pada negara.
tolonglah hargai jangan asyik nak kondem orang je… cermin diri tu pikir apa yang saudara/saudari krish dah buat untuk negara. jadi lah manusia yang bersyukur. jangan bongkak bila berjalan di bumi Allah ni.
Minarets no Minarets The GPS for US fighter Jet stills locates the
Mosques.When Muslims World are not United as a Whole.
One by one,will go, the other will just be able say sorry,and watches
in their very own eye,waiting for their next to come.
We are under many threats!
What can we do
What will we do
Just Bloggings!
Salam Tun,
this is for Hanan, jewish from israel…
well thanks for your comment along your evidences..
you let me learn more about jews.. what are their advantages and hows they line a word..
i spent a lot of time learn about your culture, religion, history etc..
i quite adore your courage to commited suicide in Masada-70A.D..
from that, i be able to summarize jews for most of cases.. but i don’t have any prove that related with my ‘own kind’..
but now, u gave me much than neeaded of prove to actually link jews with my speculation…
just remember me as ‘asifadio’.. just a boy 21 years old.. and most importantly iam MUSLIM.. i just walking on my only way instead of 4 ways of the rest..
lets wait for our 7 and last destination…
I was just wondering… does any other country in the world other than Malaysia insist that they must adopt the culture of the majority race before they can become full-fledged citizens? Does communist China insist that Muslim citizens must also eat pork and practise the Chinese folk religion before they can be accepted as equal citizens?
As far is i know of, the Swiss dont go around and destroying mosque. The destruction of Indian Temple is a common story in Malaysia and banning the use of the word “Allah”/ Whats up with that?? Democratic??
Sometimes the true reflection of a religion is by the way its followers behave. Only in Malaysia can Islam be amalgamated with politics therefore in my book..Malaysian Government = FAIL
Dear Tun,
Salam Tahun Bahru untok Tun Sekeluarga.
Moga sentiasa di beri kesehatan dan mendapat Rahmat Allah.
Dear Tun
It’s very simple.
So long as Muslims remain divided and weak [even in some, if not all, aspects], countries such as Malaysia will continue to be “demonized” by the media.
Take care Tun
Best wishes
Cellphone # 60-13-381 1991
WP Putrajaya.
You did the same in other ways when you were in power. UMNO still behave the same today in Malaysia – big bully the small. The more powerful country are just doing likewise, human nature. The Muslims terrorist reaction doesn’t help either, neither is your screaming.
If you can encourage your followers & Muslims to do unto others what you want them to do to you, it may help build a more loving world.
Salam Tun;
Minarets issue is not important, the most important issue is the quality thinking of muslim it self to improve them self as quality ummah in that country(as Jews did).End
The Swiss are are no different to the Germans when it comes to the dignity of man. Muslim Hindu or otherwise. Their treatment of the Jews in World War 2 was carefully covered up till Eli Weisenthal opened up a can of worms or several of them and the Swiss were forced to pay up in the hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation to Jews.
Europe a former Islamic continent has a phobia with minarets and mosques. Spain and Portugal have mosques that are now famous Cathedrals complete with remnants of the Moorish architecture that found the base on which they were built.
I am not making an excuse for the Swiss policy but they quite clearly are paying the price of European colonization of the middle east and African states whose immigrants to their countries today are largely Muslim.
They like many other westerners and dare I say even Malaysians cannot differentiate between Arab nationalism and Islam or Hinduism and the Indian hatred of the Moghul.
The scarf ban on the other hand is an irony. It is manifestation of European ignorance. Muslim women wear the scarf as a sign of modesty and self denial in the same way a Catholic nun is reuqired to cover her head and an Indian women in the company of strangers cover it with her sari train.
It comes from the culture of the people of Abraham a prophet common to Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Again it is the fear of Arab nationalism in its extreme forms that scare these people.
Salam Sejahtera TUN,
Kalau masok kandang Rhimau…kena menghaum. Dok dalam kandang kambing kena lah menghimbek-bek !!
Kalau pi duduk kat Pulau Ceylon…ikut lah resam Sinhalese’s….dan jadi lah orang Sri Lanka, jangan dok memandai!!
Kalau pi duduk kat Pulau Fiji…hormati lah hak pri-Bumi orang Fiji, jangan lah dok memandai !!
Oops!! Cuma yg disini ada rasa bangga tersangat…pasai Posting diatas bernombor :5..!!Pasai depa nak lanyak Iran tuu!!
Yang No:5 telah mendapat perhatian..malah telah Quote/petik ,di antara nya “Press TV”, dan pelbagai lagi lah !!
Tun Mahathir …walaupun di kenali “Former PM of M’sia.” . Tetapi luah-kata nya masih berbisa dan tidak di pandang enteng..!!
Lain kata.!! Tun Mahathir juga seorang Pemimpin Muslim yang sejati…kira boleh di harap lah. Masih ada yang dok “Geruun” lagi..!! Period.
Syabas Tok`Det…from D`Don.B Jeles…RA-bt2 1/2 CroosRd.Tpg.
to, mckhair dan yg lain2
personally, its not important for the catholics to call their god as Allah even though in Yemen, UAE, middle east even the christian arabs call god as allah……..
i think this is a conspiracy…………Umno mahu rakyat melayu dan Islam membenci orang bukan melayu seolah2 non malays dah jadi powerful…..
dalam kes rayuan akan datang, keputusan mahkamah tinggi akan ditolak….. tetapi yang menang nanti adalah umno kerana umno memang mahu setback dulu dalam penhakiman awal untuk menang pilihanraya………..
hanya orang2 bodoh sahaja seperti kebanyakan tukang komen kat sini yang terus mengundi buta UMNO untuk 100 tahun akan datang………
Malaysia is like Zimbabwe….
Sampai salam pada Robert Mugabe….
Human insecurity and appetite for more then what they need is what makes us worst then animals. A lion would not kill when it have feasted.
Human will take more then it needs and worst they become territorial like the Chimpanzee.
The all mighty god is in ourself not to harm fellow human beings and gracious to fellow human beings. We are not in a show bitz to outdo each other. The original simplicity of the human race does not produce this competing disparity.. We do not compare the car we drive against our friend, We do not compare the house we live against our neighbours. We do not hoard what other need just to create a shortage. In the name of society and teritorial rights,, we demonstrate our weakness, worst then the safari animals who inevitably are fast diminishing because of human being shortcoming.
Well it will be one big bang then we will eventually wake up and see the daylight of things. That bang can be the day we kick the bucket or when mighty god get mad at us.
In the early 60s, All Australian will sit down and drink till the sun set and everyone drives the same car as the Primier . When the newcomers.. especially the Asian came flooding in, they tear the simple cottage house and built monster real estate sticking out like sore thumb, They will trying to outdo among themselve just to make a loud statment that I am better then you or i am smarter then you. Now it is like I am more religious then you. so I am more honourable.. It is all crab. It is the inner self that determines how honourable is oneself, not the human beings who is none so blind then those who can see.
Salam sejahtera untuk Ayahnda Tun n Bonda..those comments by bloggers who busted away the norms of a supposedly scheduled human beings..are the shadow of the mentors who brought them up…they are the uptights and the ingrates…Tun doesnt has to strain ur eyes sharpshooting back the respons to them..those ingrates are kicking their butts gritting their awewsome teeths while flipping their head left to rite ..pity them tun…they are the products of wild seeds..Semoga Tun dan Famili di beri keselesaan olihNYA..saya dan keluarga tidak pernah lupa mendoakan kesejahteraan untuk TUN dan famili ..
Dear Tun, salam tahun baru 2010. Moga tahun baru sihat sejahtera dan bahagia berpanjangan. Kiriman saya untuk sari tajuk ini dgn izin….
An issue can be addressed by confrontation or consultation. Which do you think the following people prefer. A noble or a maverick, a recalcitrant, a heretic, a loose cannon, an ultra. Pak Lah is also against the Swiss decision but he will not get the news. Grabbing headlines require stronger language not skill.
Obama and Bush are both against extremists, which you prefer? One is confrontational.
The Swiss decision is a case of a minority facing a majority. For reflection, consider the following words used by some of the majority here when faced with similar minority requests. “Pendatang naik tocang, panjat kepala, bagi betis minta paha, tak sedar diri, Negara ini milik siapa dll.” “Tak bersyukur dah bagi tempat sembahyang, nak bina menara tinggi tinggi dan mcm mcm.”
Maybe the Swiss fear Muslim minarets will overwhelm church spires and the Swiss neighbourhood skyline. Understandable but unfounded. I am sure Muslims here don
Salam Tun.
Di Malaysia lain pulak jadinya. Agama Islam yang dianuti majoriti rakyat diasak pula dengan agenda pihak kristian. Sampaikan nama ALLAH pun nak direbutnya. Keputusan mahkamah tinggi bukanlah satu kejutanpun memandangkan hakimnya bukan orang islam. Sudah pasti keputusan yang dibuat sudah dapat dijangka sejak dari awal lagi. Alasan penghakiman tentang peruntukan perlembagaan malaysia adalah alasan semata-mata. Apakah soal ketenteraman awam benar-benar tidak diberikan perhatian dan pertimbangan? Apakah dengan berlakunya rusuhan dan kacau-bilau barulah soal ini hendak diberikan perhatian? Persoalannya salah siapa?
Keputusan sudahpun dibuat dan sekarang maruah islam terpaksa bergantung pula kepada mahkamah yang lebih tinggi.
P/S: Kalau ya pun nak guna nama ALLAH ….sebutan tu bagi betul-betul la….
1) Mengenai tulisan Tun yang no.4 tu, Obama sememangnya tidak layak dianugerahkan Nobel keamanan, dan penganugerahan itu merupakan satu penghinaan kepada badan2 NGO mahupun masyarakat antarabangsa yang mmemperjuangkan keamanan.Ini adalah kerana sepanjang menjawat jawatan presiden tidak ada satu pun tindakannya yang menjurus ke arah keamanan.Janji2 semasa kempen pemilihan presiden untuk menamatkan perang dinegara2 teluk memang “jauh panggang dari api” dengan tindakannya menghantar tentera tambahan seramai 30ribu orang ke Afghanistan serta mengekalkan tenteranya di Iraq menunjukkan bahawa Amerika memang x pernah mahu berundur dari negara2 berkenaan.
2) Tidak keterlaluan jika dikatakan bahawa Amerika adalah sebuah negara pembuli dan pemimpin2nya sentiasa dahagakan darah.Sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa selepas perang dunia kedua Amerika sering mengancam keamanan dunia dengan menyerang Vitnam,Iraq,Afghanistan dan terbaru mengancam untuk menyerang Iran.Menganggap diri sebagai pejuang demokrasi dan juga mengangap diri sebagai polis dunia,tetapi merekalah yang sebenarnya yang mencabul sistem demokrasi dengan mencampuri urusan hal ehwal negara lain.
3) Pendirian yang berat sebelah memang sinonim dengan Amerika tidak kira BUSH mahupun OBAMA.Apabila Israil sekutu kuatnya itu mencabul hak asasi dan melakukan jenayah perang keatas penduduk Plastine,Amerika seolah2 pekakkan telinga malah merestui tindakan sekutunya itu menceroboh serta membina penempatan haram di tanah milik rakyat plastine.Sokongan membuta tuli Amerika keatas sekutunya ini menunjukkan bahawa negara Uncle Sam itu tidak pernah serius memainkan peranan didalam rundingan damai antara israil dan plastine.Amerika seboleh2nya akan mempertahan dan melindungi sekutu kuatnya itu dari negara yang dipercayai boleh mengugat penguasahannya dinegara teluk berkenan.
4) Iraq telah dimusnahkan dengan alasan Iraq mempunyai senjata berbahaya dan menngancam dunia walaupun banyak kali Iraq menafikannya. Kerjasama juga telah diberikan ketika pemeriksaan senjata dibuat oleh badan yang bertanggungjawab dan diiktiraf oleh PBB tetapi itu tidak mencukupi bagi Amerika, kerana niat sebenarnya ialah cuma mengetahui sejauh mana kekuatan senjata pertahanan yang Saddam Hussin ada dan setelah itu barulah mereka menyerang Iraq menggunakan senjata yang 10x lebih canggih dari apa yang Iraq ada.Walaupun mendapat kecaman masyarakat antarabangsa serta PBB, dgn kuasa veto yang ada Amerika tetap meneruskan niat jahatnya kononnya atas nama keamanan.
5) Ternyata peperangan keamaanan ciptaan Amerika itu tidak pernah berkesudahan,setelah 7thn berlalu setiap hari Iraq digegarkan dengan letupan bom dan dalam tempoh itu juga entah berapa ratus ribu nyawa rakyat Iraq terkorban sedangkan senjata pemusanah itu tidak pernah ditemui.Belum redah lagi di Iraq, Afghanistan turut menjadi sasaran kerakusan Amerika dan sekarang dibawah pentadbiran Obama serta didalangi Israil,Iran pula berdepan ancaman serangan dgn alasan yang sama seperti Iraq. Apakah selepas ini Lubnan,Syriah dan Jordan pula yang akan jadi sasaran seterusnya? kerana bagi Amerika mana2 negara yang menjadi ancaman bagi Israil ia perlulah dimusnahkan.Terpulanglah bagi negara islam sama ada bersatu atau sebaliknya ini adalah kerana lambat laun mereka pun akan menerima nasib yg sama.
P/S: Apa2 pun terima kasih kepada najib atas hadiah sempena tahun baru dengan menaikkan harga gula sebanyak Rm0.20.Kami juga menunggu untuk bulan mei ni apa lagi hadiah istemewanya untuk rakyat?
assalamaualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
salam hormat dan salam sayang kepada Tun Mahathir & Tun Siti yang diingati lagi dihormati, salam penuh kasih sayang juga kepada semuanya disini,
ingin sekali dengan rasa rendah diri dan rendah hati saya merujuk kepada ‘Hati Malaysia’ seperti rujukannya:
‘By hati.malaysia on December 31, 2009 11:17 AM
‘Dear, Tun, I can list 1000 of issues, but I rather not to
saudaraku ‘HatiMalaysia’ yang sangat kami kasehi, dengan nada yang amat sedih, ingin sekali dengan sesungguh-sungguhnya perkataan menyatakan bahwa, apa yang telah berlaku kepada dirimu dengan memberikan wang sogokan sepuluh ringgit itu bukanlah ajaran murni Islam seperti yang diperbahaskan,
sesungguhnya setiap perilaku individu itu sebenarnya adalah hasilan daripada pilihan dirinya sendiri. Agama suci Islam yang telah disampaikan melalui Kitab Al-Quran dan kupasan Al-Hadis yang dibawa oleh Nabi Terakhir iani Nabi Muhammad Rasulullahi S.A.W telah mengajarkan bahwa:
1) Islam memang sering didiskriminasikan di negara2 lain terutamanya eropah dan mereka sering dipandang serong serta dilabelkan penganas.Apa saja tanda yang berkaitan dengan islam pasti mengundang rasa kurang senang mereka kalau dulu pasal tudung sekarang pula ialah menara masjid.Seolah2 segala yang berkaitan dengan islam itu akan melahirkan pengganas.Di malaysia walaupun islam merupakan agama rasmi tetapi agama lain masih boleh mengamalkan anutan masing2.SIAPA KATA gereja dan kuil tidak dibenarkan dibina dinegara ini, ditempat saya gereja,masjid negeri dan kuil dibina berhampiran kurang 1km antara satu dengan yang lain.Setiap pagi hari Ahad loceng gereja katolik yang mercunya salib besar berwarna putih itu akan berbunyi.Tokong2 cina dengan patung budhanya bediri megah disetiap pekan dan bandar.Setiap daerah yang mempunyai penduduk beragama kristian mempunyai gereja masing2 dan biasanya dibina di atas bukit manakala bagi yang beragama islam mereka pun mempunyai sebuah masjid cuma jaraknya agak jauh dari gereja rakan2 yang beragama kristian.
2) Kenapa sejak akhir2 ini pemimpin pembangkang seolah2 begitu teruja menyentuh isu2 yang tidak sepatutnya disentuh.Mengapa perlu mahu mewujudkan persaan sangsi dan kurang senang antara satu sama yang lain sehingga menimbulkan suasana tegang antara kaum.Kalau pun masjid dibina lebih banyak dari tempat ibadat yang lain ini adalah kerana majoriti besar penduduk negara ini adalah muslim tidak kira di bandar mahupun desa,sudah pastilah keperluan untuk membina masjid itu amat penting dalam jumlah yang dapat menampung keperluan umat islam itu sendiri bersesuaian dengan agama islam yg merupakan agama resmi negara ini.Walaupun begitu kerajaan masih memperuntukan dana untuk pembinaan rumah ibadat penganut agama lain tetapi di eropah masjid dibina adalah hasil sumbangan @ derma dari umat islam sendiri walaupun mereka merupakan sebahagian dari warganegara dan turut menyumbang kepada ekonomi negara itu.
I think you are really biased against the west. Do you look yourself in the mirror?
When Christian wanted to use Allah in their worship, did you speak up for them in the name of freedom of expression? What more if the Christians want to build a church in Shah Alam. Why didn’t you intervene and allow thc Church to be built? Yes, the whole world know how much discriminated people of othe faith in Malaysia?
Now you have the cheek to condemn others. There are many churches in Malaysia which are not allowed to display crosses and yet you kept your big mouth shut!!!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
It seems the double standard is starting to happen in Malaysia, sir.
First of all I would to share with you with my deepest fear on the result of allowing the term of “Allah” by court recently, for a Christian newspaper. As a Muslim , I felt extremely uncomfortable with the decision and I’m dead sure if this issue is not handled correctly it may able to cause religious riot.
From my understanding on Islam, Allah only exists by Himself, doesn’t has wife, nor children and only to be worshiped as one and only. With the use of “Allah” in Christianity, I don’t think it is right, as Christians believe in Trinity concept. The term is not appropriate to be used in Christianity.
If we refer to any dictionaries, the word “Allah” is related to Islam.
I just don’t understand why the term of “Allah” is the only sole target, but not “Yahweh”, which also carry the same meaning.
As Muslims tried to defend the term “Allah” from be misused and misinterpreted, they were regarded as against religious freedom- or is it the freedom to make fun of Islam?
I believe the term “God” is already good enough to explain Christianity.
Dear Tun
May the God bless you. You always have my highest respect … and can we stop making any racial remark and spike the fire between the Malaysians. I would like to live peacefully without any racial tension.
Day by day I see more political parties /individual using racial issues to gain supports / popularity.
When One is in Power,
One will look right regardless of the wrong doings done.
Like in Singapore,They tends to discourage Madrasah,
stressing Madarasah will not produce professional to meet up with current requirement.A very sweet reasons to put up with.
The Logic can also be if Madrasah do not functions,WHO will succeeds
to the right ownership of the land and buildings.
If it stays non function it will gradually be like of what happen to the Sultan Istana at Beach Rd.It Change hands.
As In
Initially there are less responds of Muslims participating
in the donations of organs upon death,under(HOTA).
BUT since the authority implement a reverse technique,
Those who do not want to donate,is a must to opt-out and submit,
Automatically the responds for Muslims Donating to HOTA is overwhelming.
Likewise I would suggest in a General Election we can implement
an opt-out technique against the ruling party.
As In
Pedra Branca,Singapore won against Malaysia as Singapore has develop much efforts of that Island against Malaysia.
It can also be since Malaysia has done much for KTM in Singapore,
and owns the land throughout from Tanjung Pagar to Woodland,
Malaysia reserves the right of its own land to do what they want and build what they want.Not just for rail service.
Salam Tun,
Saya tidak faham kenapa bila bercerita berkaitan dengan rasuah di Malaysia mereka akan merujuk kepada orang MELAYU yang beragama ISLAM (Minta maaf kerana berterus terang). Cubalah fikirlah sedikit, adakah bangsa lain tidak RASUAH? Rasuah ini tidak akan BERLAKU jika tidak ada dua pihak iaitu SIPEMBERI dan SIPENERIMA. Cubalah fikirlah sedikit, penyakit KELAMIN (Contohnya, siplis) tidak akan WUJUD di dunia ini jika tidak ada DUA PIHAK yang terlibat.
Oleh itu, kalau kita diminta RASUAH, JANGAN beri. Ini boleh pula mengaku yang dianya terpaksa bagi RASUAH sebab tersalah letak kereta. Sudahlah tersalah letak kereta (satu kesalahan dan patut disaman) kemudian boleh bagi RASUAH dan mengaku pula bagi RASUAH. Hai…. Jijiknya manausia seperti ini.
Dear Tun,
A very happy new year to you. Your article highlights the evils of hipocracy in any society. But regrettably this is what people are made of. I want to share a recent experience.
My niece is a lawyer. She and her husband recently had their first child. They are lawyers. On the day she was being sent into hospital due to complications her husband had a case in court. He was afraid to seek postponement because of the Judge
Referring to Pandora’s comment on Joel C
No one says that the novel/movie The Da Vinci Code has any relations to Islam – hence, I am not bias (you are). I am merely quoting an example that matches Tun’s in his article. Anyone without bias can easily understand what I am trying to say i.e. if ever a novel/movie was to be made about prophet Muhammad ala The Da Vinci Code, I am sure the world would be thrown into chaos (remind yourself of what happened after that comic strip on prophet Muhammad). But did that happen when The Da Vinci Code was released? Surely the Vatican protested but it ended there. The fury spread very little across the world. Very few even bothered to respond. As in the words of Tun himself, ‘Always double standards and unfortunately the discrimination is always against Muslims.’
The bottom line is, Tun’s example is a fallacy and incomprehensible. If Pandora thinks that my analogies are ‘delusional fallacies’, then my friend you are the no different in comprehending Tun’s article.
Assalamualaikum Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir.
I think that this time you wakened the boomerang effect.
I don’t agree with the Swiss populus referendum results by not allowing to build the mosques minarets. On the other hand I can understand their decision. The freedom of worship and its symbols must be out of any political affair nor any other religious affair. Everyone has the right to worship whatever he/she wants.
As a son of the Jewish people I know well from the past and present how Judaism was and is still discriminated. Synagogues were burned in flames in European countries as well in Muslim countries by the very simple and straight forward reason of Jews hatred and Judaism hatred.
As for Muslims in Europe, they “earned” well this behavior of the hosting communities. For example if I take an European country like Belgium, they are hosting a large society of Muslims. Those Muslims are not the natives of Belgium. Those Muslims are simply law breakers and not behave as expected within the Belgian society. Even more, they harm the society and break its tranquility. The translated article (by Google Translate) http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.standaard.be%2FArtikel%2FDetail.aspx%3FartikelId%3D5D2FRJ8M&sl=nl&tl=en&history_state0 and the genuine article http://www.standaard.be/Artikel/Detail.aspx?artikelId=5D2FRJ8M is speaking for itself.
Many other examples can be found to prove the “fear” of the Europeans from the invading Muslims that are not obeying the native society way of life. Why should you shamble to such far continents and countries? Just watch into the mirror within your place. Aren’t Malaysians discriminating officially other religions?
What about the 15,000 detained Bibles http://www.heraldmalaysia.com/news/storydetails.php/Fifteen-thousand-Bibles-detained/2974-2-1 ? Isn’t the Bible a symbol or even more for Christians?
What about the demolishing a church in 2007 http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKLR19714220070709 ? You’ll probably excuse that by the claim that the church was built illegally. Switzerland wants to avoid the demolishing of minarets, thus they decided to not let them be approved.
What about the “Not for Muslim” Bibles marking within your own country? Aren’t you controlling religion of others by tagging their books? Are you afraid that Muslims will read that Bibles and convert to Christianity? If yes, then are they fragile Muslims and skeptic about their own religion? Do you believe that Muslims are skeptic about the truth of Islam?
And finally, just to refresh the memory. Do you know how the church of Shah Alam looks like? Do you remember for how long did they wait for the authorities to approve the church building? Does that church have a bell tower? One picture is worthy 1000 words http://img193.imageshack.us/i/shahalamchurch.jpg/. Isn’t it reminding you another functionality of that building? If I would pass by as a tourist, I would think it is a factory and not a church.
Dear Tun, discrimination of a religion by other religions is not the business of a single group and unfortunately happened many times during the history of humans. It is related to all religions including Muslims discriminating others. Recently a mosque was burned in a Palestinian village
http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1260447421277 . It is suspected that Jews did it. But it could also be that it was a Muslims provocation so Jews can be blamed. I’m not saying that it was done or not done by Jews since I don
Salam TUN, please let these people knows that in the holy QURAN clearly stated that, ALLAH only acknowledge ISLAM and not other religion. These people(non- muslim)simply refuse to accept the fact how lucky there are to be in this country but they still have the balls to question or interfere in our affairs.
We (muslim community)will support you all the way Tun
Dear Tun,
Askm wbrt dan terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan selamat tahun baru 2010 buat Tun dan keluarga.Semoga Allah swt melimpahkan kerahmatan dan kesihatan buat Tun yang amat disanjungi.
Tun,cebisan rasa hati saya kali ini ialah tentang bagaimana bloggers-bloggers yang melawat blog Tun berperangai saperti orang yang tak bertamaddun langsung.Sedih di baca apabila orang-orang muda generasi pangkat ‘cucu-cucu’ Tun dan tatkalanya yang tua pun berperangai serupa………..dengan tidak segan silu,tanpa adab ketimuran dan tanpa rasa bersalah mengungkap kata-kata kesat,kurang-ajar dan seolah-olah tidak pernah diajar oleh ibubapa mereka untuk sekurang-kurangnya menghormati orang tua ketika berbicara.
Tak tahu saya kenapa mereka ini berperangai sedemikian rupa,tak ke mereka sedar bahwa macamana cacian yang dilemparkan mereka,kata-kata nista yang menusuk jiwa yang sengaja dihamburkan terhadap Tun jika ditujukan kepada ibubapa mereka sendiri akan membuat mereka sakit jiwa dan kalau boleh ingin membunuh sipenulis yang mencerca ibubapa insan kesayangannya itu.Inilah kaum-kaum yang tak sedar diri yang dapat hidup selesa sehingga kini dengan belas-ikhsan pemerintah yang mereka gelar zalim dan pelbagai caci nista yang tak dapat akal saya terima,yang memerintah mereka selama 22-23 tahun tu.Umat-umat sedemikian harus ditakbir dan dijaga oleh pemimpin-pemimpin korea Selatan,pemimpin Somalia,Serbia dan yang setara dengan pemimpin2 sedemikian,baru mereka tau langit itu tinggi atau rendah.
Segala pelusuk dunia saya telah menjelajah dan tinggal buat seketika,sekurang-kurangnya setahun adanya.Di USA,Eropah,Australia,N.Zealand dan UK,mereka tak adakan bantuan perubatan percuma.Di Malaysia,dengan pendaftaran RM5/ anda dapat rawatan sepenuhnya hingga kerawatan Pakar.Apa lagi yang Mahathir kejam.Belajar dinegara-negara maju atau tak maju,carilah mana ada negara siapkan anak-anak kita dengan buku bacaan,latihan dan kadang kala alat keperluan saperti baju-baju,bag,stokin dengan cara percuma.Pergi di China atau di India………..study sikit polisi-polisi negara-negara ini,anak-anak tempatan mereka dapat ke kemudahan-kemudahan saperti anak-anak kita dapat??????jadi janganlah kita tak sedarkan diri dan sombong seolah-olah kita ini kaya dan mewah atas daya usaha kita sendiri dan bukan denga polisi-polisi yang diamalkan oleh tampuk pemerintahan yang lalu yang mereka labelkan kejam!!!Jadi sedarlah wahai bloggers yang masih tak sedarkan ‘root’ kamu tu; apa yang kamu caci itu adalah lebih kejam dari apa yang si’Kejam’ telah lakukan keatas kamu,anak-anak kamu dan generasi terdahulu kamu!!!!!!
Se lagi,setahu saya Tun membuka topik untuk kita memberi buah fikiran kita yang bernas tetapi kenapa anda(khas untuk sipelupa diri) instead of memberi pandangan peribadi sebaliknya menghentam personaliti Tun.Apa salah dia dengan kamu?Apa yang buat kamu tak puas hati dengan beliau?Adakah Tun telah mencacat-celakan generasi dan keturunan kamu???Kalau benci pun kamu pada dia,kenapa mesti melepaskan geram didalam ruangan ini dan nampak dengan sengaja mau menjatuhkan maruah Tun walhal apa dosa Tun sehingga kamu sanggup merendahkan mertaba kemaknusiaan kamu sehingga sehina mertabat iblis.”Fikir-fikirkanlah dan renung-renungkanlah’cedukan dari kata -kata Dr.Fadillah Kamsan.Salam.
By miharrin on December 31, 2009 3:30 PM
dear Stewie,
stop asking the same phatetic Q
do we have mosque in vatican city, stewie?
i dont think so.
MY ANSWER : Maybe not in Vatican city but there are mosques in Italy . I am not asking for churces in Mecca, but at least one in Saudi arabia will be a good start.
By the way, the Pope has come against the banning of minarets in Switzerland. Not sure which Iman will has encouraged Saudi Arabia and the other muslim countries to be play and pray fair!
Good morning and Happy New Year Ayahanda Tun
Due to 1 Bapa Pemodenan 4 Clause 4 MSC……..May I…..complement this Gentleman’s..comment to replace the continuation of Malaysia history of 1 Bapa Pepaduan Tun Hussein Onn, history is boring lah…..Ayahanda Tun….because we prefer to move forward, we do not want to go “Back to Square 1 in our 9th Generation………
//By AVATAR on December 31, 2009 11:48 AM//
After reading your comment on slaughtering Bush and family (huh..family members dihukum jugak, lu ingat lu ini berada di Dinasti Ching (the Manchurian Empire 2009 ke??) and the leaders, I guess you are not ready or maybe you do not understand why this movie was made (jealousy due to inferiority complex, insecurity or a terrorist of its kind/Pengacau2 Back to Square One…in chedet blog????), and this movie may be the Top Box Office Movie in the Year of 2010…because John F. Kennedy once told the people of US America, common sense automatically tells you that in Malaysia is US Malaysia lah/Lah, as quoted by our….blogger..”sideks” – //In the words of JFK, “Think not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country”//, and if you understand and learn this phrase, I am sure you will like today one (1) Jake Sully……in 1 Malaysian Way or 1 My Way………eg:- I got one lah…..our Malaysian ROJAK English of Multi-Faceted society…..due to Copy Dog. Now the CD (Copy Dog of Dr Chua??) may be mutated to more toxic virus H5N1..maybe the Mission Impossible of 270 billions…..of the 2X5 due to the ignorant (tidak apa attitude lah) of Malaysians.
John F. Kennedy, including his brother, were assasinated because his opponents or terrorists 🙁 perceived this phrase 🙂 as the threat to their Minaret Market(s)/Mini Market..and the size of these minarets may be the size of 1 ikan billis………if we compare “these minarets” with the size of 1 shark in KLCC Aquarium or in Singapore Island, Indonesia, Thailand, China, India, Nepal or even TIBET etc………due to mother nature………in the name of 1 World……..because of One (1) Earth/Geography, One (1) IT and One (1) Climate and One (1)Economics (includes 1 Defense, 1 PDRM/KDN 1 and 1 Health Issues etc……..) that will improve our living standard so that our next generation have 1 Cleaner Climate and 1 Earth:) and in Malaysia Way = 2 Kesetiaan Kepada Raja dan Negara……… and we are abide to memorise and practice this 1 and only 1 Rukun Negara in our 1 Malaysia Clause “SISTEM Sekolah” 4 all Mother Tongue Languages which our MOE’s No 1 & 2 tarak faham till the end of the world, see:)??
Today, in US, anyone who threaten US (Kita lah/Lah) will be named (labelled) as terrorist regardless of their skin, religion or nationality, contohnya… your comment written in chedet blog may be viewed as a threat to the minaret2/proxy2/wakil2 rakyat/wakil2 negeri berbangsa Malaysia.
Fortunately, SIR Samy Vellu berkaum India, ber”Mother Tongue Language Tamil, berbahasa Malaysia dan berbangsa Malaysia till dunia khiamat may “intercept” your comment as a Malaysian Terrorist threatening Malaysians (2×5 kind lah/Lah atau Morons = means stupiest of the stupid…….:) by pointing your 1 finger directly to Samy Vellu……bukan 1 finger up the sky (north)……… Kalu macam ini you are the Copy Dog (terrorist) of Copy Cat (terrorist) because of laziness in updating your 1 IT knowledge in our Clause 4 = Clause “Ketuanan Melayu” 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as a 1 Malaysian………salah siapa? Tuhan? Diri sendiri? Ketuanan Melayu? Ketuanan Cina? Ketuanan India atau Ketuanan Orang Asli/Bumiputra?
Samy Vellu membangunkan MIC, if your are better than him, prove to him that you can take over his (1) place in a Gentleman Way, not a Terrorist Way due to ego of traitors yelling others as traitors………in Malaysia, 1 Malaysia, 2 Malaysia, 3 Malaysia, 4 Malaysia, 5 Malaysia until 9 Malaysia lah/Lah like these MiG29………wearing mask of 1 Malaysia (isinya sama lah 2×5), Ha..ha..ha.. OR Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin OR Manusia Mudah Lupa……..
Enjoy yourself Ayahanda Tun, and for Modern History of Bapa Pemodenan, tak payah cakap 1 Malaysians pun faham, yang tak paham adalah Pakcik Anwar yang mungkin berangan2 untuk menjadi 1 RM di Selangor atau 1 R-aja M-alaysia in Selangor to replace our Agong?? Only God knows…and 4 God sake, jangan Lah suka sue2 orang2 kita
tanpa solid and justify factors lah, 1 Malaysian, 2 Malaysians, 3 Malaysians etc..bukan..bodoh, and if you choose “Back to square one” lah/Lah, go ahead and no 1 is stopping you, and only GOD can stop you lah/Lah!
It is a give and take situation. What Switzerland can allow, Malaysia can allow too. Or France for that matter. Or even all the countries in the world. At the end of the day, it is what is in the inner man that matters. God opens Himself to interpretation probably because He wants us to know Him in a personal way. He is not rigid and does not boom down from the sky every second reminding us what we must do and what we must not do. Most of the time, we look up and we do not see God with our physical eyes, we do not hear God with our physical ears and we do not know God with our three other senses. We know Him in our hearts, in our souls, in our spirits, in the part of ourselves that is not physical and that is not seen. Or some people say it is a she. There can be as many religious symbols as there are many temples in Bali. But many people who go to Bali are just passing by tourists and most of them will still retain their personal religious beliefs. Or Thailand for that matter. Just like what is in the hearts, minds, souls and spirits of the people who go around and think that they are acting on behalf of a higher calling for example the situation crisis that happen in America on this just past Christmas Day. A young 23 year Nigerian already bent on doing something big. Just 23 year old.
salam Tun..
isk isk Tun nie pun tak berani kerana kebenaran..kalau boleh papar la message saya….
Salam Tun….
walau apa pun cara Tun nak act like rasict…still Tun nie darah keturunan India…tak boleh nak tukar..daripada Hari raya hingga ke Chrismast Tun ade buka tajuk untuk mengucap hari national celebration..Tapi Tun mungkin lupa kot hari Deepavali..kot kot takut nanti orang cop tak lupa dari mana Tun datang ….kat arab saudi pun church tak boleh di bina…boleh Tun buka tajuk tu untuk next topic…..Kat malaysia aje ade banyak topic hangat..macam rasuah…100billion ..270billion…pkfz..MAS 800millin…fuyoo banyak lagi….
Dear Tun,
Islam semakin terancam even dalam negara Islam sendiri seperti Malaysia. Seawal tahun baru, dah terpampang di paper mengatakan perkataan Allah bukan exclusive utk org Islam sahaja. Mengapa mereka mahu menggunakan perkataan Allah sedangkan mereka tidak beriman kepada Allah?. Orang kafir menggunakan kelemahan sistem perundangan untuk meruntuhkan Islam dan yang jadi hakim untuk kes ini pon bukan Islam!!…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
“Malaysia court rules Catholic paper has right to use ‘Allah’
Malaysia’s high court ruled Thursday that a Catholic paper had the right to use the word “Allah” after a long-running dispute between the government and the weekly in the Muslim-majority nation.”…taken from MSN
In the spirit of what goverment so called One Malaysia…this could be considered the first big step…one God name…bravo.
To so called Ulama and muslim leaders outhere please give a comment and advise to all the muslim citizens in this country…
Sekian, wassalam
Seremban 010110 7:54am
I can’t stand hypocrisy and double standards too, Tun.
I wonder whether it is true, that in Malaysia, if there is a mosque existing nearby, a new or renovated Hindu temple or Christian church must not have structures higher than the highest point of the mosque?
How about prohibiting the use of word “Allah” by Christians in Malaysia? Malaysia government is not much better than Switzerland.
i think Tun always “accidently, unintentionally”cover up half and make it unclear to mislead others … especially to the hardcore blind supporters … hehe
no doubt banning of Minaret is not right … however, Tun’s statement only highlighted that Switzerland is an anti Islam country … BUT, never mention what is happening …
during a referendum (Nov 2009) in Switzerland, a constitutional amendment banning the construction of new minarets was approved by 57.5% of the participating voters …. only 4 of 26 Swiss cantons (mostly french speaking) opposed the initiative …
there are large amount of people that did not agree with the initiatives … there are intention to appeal to the European Court on Human Rights on the matter due to the freedom of religion …
as u see, it is transparent and it is open … it makes a difference and cannot compare with other country … they do not simply jump up and shout … ini tidak boleh dipersoalkan, ini termaktub dalam perlembagaan … and threaten others with weapon … that’s the difference …
Islam is definitely a great religion, else it wont have so many followers around the globe …. unfortunately, when controversy arise, some individual always take this opportunity to create hates among religions and races, instead of displaying the good value of his religion so that others can understand and appreciate …
may be all these with intention to emerge as a speaker who can protect the rights of his own kind … so that he feels proud when praised and can curi curi smile when sleep at night (so called syok sendiri)
i guess many blind hardcore supporters will started to hate Swiss from now on … but for unknown reason, they still eating swiss chocolate and taking Nestle products …. hehehe …
Good people can become bad, bad people can become good. Good government can become bad, bad government can become good. Good religion can become bad, bad religion can become good. It evolve depending on how human define good & evil together with the understanding of it. A lie if mistaken as Truth in the mind can lead to Evil result. If Truth can overcome all the lies in the mind it will definitely lead to Goodness.
selamat menyambut tahun 2010 semuga Allah sentiasa memberkati merahmati semua rakyat m’sia…tahun baru disambut dgn harga gula smpi 20sen….hadiah tahun baru dari pm m’sia….setiap bulan sepanjang 10thn kebelakangan ni manjang duk dengar pm n d gang duk membebel pasai subsidi….mcm kami yg gaji cukup mkn nih yg duk perabih subsidi tu…siapa yg lebih mendapat manfaat dari subsidi kaler tidak pm n d gang…dulu masa bapak idak lah telinga kami2 di dendangkan lagu subsidi sepanjang tahun…bukan saja obama yg cuma memberi janji manis….najib n gang pun samer gak….rakyat di dulukan…ye lah kaler tak tekan rakyat nak tekan saper lagi ye dak…dollah tido..najib maleh fikir selidik…..SeDih…….
Happy New Year to you & family !
assalamu’alaikum Tun,
kita sememang nya dalam suasana perang cuma sayang nya kita begitu takut untuk mengakui nya.perang antara Islam dan kafir ini sudah berlangsung terlalu lama.sejak nusantara di jajah kuasa Eropah hinnga ke hari ini,kita telah kalah teruk tapi kita enggan mengakui nya malah kita berselindung dari kekalahan itu dgn menjadi taat kpd British yg menjajah kita.merdeka pun kita mintak secara baik,tanpa perang,tanpa pertumpahan darah yg bererti.bekas Presiden Amerika pernah mengatakan;
teach them politics and war so their sons may study medicine and mathematics. John Adams.
orang Melayu telah terbiasa hidup dgn aman dan selesa,biarpun di jajah beerkali-kali kita masih tidak serik dan tidak faham.kita tetap terus hanyut dgn sedikit kegembiraan yg kita ada.yg makan dadah tetap terus happy dgn makan dadah,yg makan rasuah tetap terus happy makan rasuah.dari golongan yg paling atas,elite Melayu sampai lah kpd penagih dadah yg paling bawah,kita belum ada kesedaran untuk bertanggungjawap sebagai pemilik bumi bertuah ini.apa nak buat,itu lah kita,bangsa Melayu.merdeka pun dgn meminta…lalu jadi lah kita bangsa berjiwa lemah yg tidak menghargai atau menjiwai hak-hak kita dgn berkesan.hanya suara-suara retorik saja tanpa tindakkan yg berkesan.
Dear Tun and All,
I am compelled to respond to hati.malaysia
Dear Tun,
Discrimination happens everywhere. Just like in Malaysia. Some Christian churches are only allow in shop lots, factory areas or very outskirts. Some churches are not allow to have their Crosses display outside or they have to display it discreetly.
This is the same to some Hindu temples. Thank God, now the Government are taking actions against the problem makers.
The minorities in everywhere are always marginalize.
AsSalamualaikum wbt.Tun,
Allah reminder to all : Don’t Hate ! Educate .
Wisemen Don’t smoke
Wahai anak-anak Adam! Janganlah kamu diperdayakan oleh Syaitan sebagaimana ia telah mengeluarkan kedua ibu bapa kamu dari Syurga, sambil dia menyebabkan terlucutnya pakaian mereka berdua untuk memperlihatkan kepada mereka: Aurat mereka (yang sebelum itu tertutup). Sesungguhnya Syaitan dan kaumnya melihat kamu dengan keadaan yang kamu tidak dapat melihat mereka. Sesungguhnya Kami telah menjadikan Syaitan-syaitan itu teman rapat bagi orang-orang yang tidak beriman. (7:27)
O ye Children of Adam! let not satan seduce you in the same manner as he got your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their raiment, to expose their shame: for he and his tribe watch you from a position where ye cannot see them: We made the Evil ones friends (only) to those without Faith. (7:27)
Salam Tun,
Does God ask us to erect minarets as part of our submission to Him? I don’t think so.
When Tun ONLY say ‘if Hindu temple..’ it was meant as an example. If you starts bashing Tun based on ‘if’, I wonder how fiery it will be if it was real.
I think you need to recalculate how many temples you have for your less than 10% population. If we talk about justice, of course 50% population should have more but we’re not the one who starts complaining.
Furthermore, Muslim do have to visit the mosque at least once a week. We also have to pray at least 5 times a day which make the mosques being used more. (Use often=more maintenance=more bla bla bla?)
Justice is not when a minority with less frequent events to demand more than the majority that use it often. It is quite subjective but you know what I mean. The ratio is there but I wonder why people keep shutting their eyes about it.
Back to the topic, I see no support from non-muslim when discrimination happen to Muslim. In fact, it’s also a Muslim fault to highlight it?
I wonder what are you guys actually?
Dear Tun,
The muslims are responsible for showing the beauty of islam to the rest of the world. It is a job bestowed by virtue of the recitation of kalimah. Let us sit back and look around to see what the muslims are actually showing or rather not showing? Take one simple indicator – 5 times prayer in the mosque. Prayer is a basic pillar and praying 5 times with congregation is the teaching of islam. The percentage of muslims praying in congregation hardly reach 5% of total muslim population in one locality. We are all responsible for this pathetic state of affair because we are not doing anything about this situation. We failed to understand the significance of this simple practice. Again I must emphasize that 5 times prayer is a very basic tenet. It is natural in life that when the basic elements are established the consequent positive outcomes will crop up automatically. If I may put it figuratively, why are we bothered by a leaking roof in a mosque when nobody comes to pray in it?
On another note, Tun, please take extra care with your blog postings. People can agree and disagree over issues but they should never be rude. There should be a limit so that there is quality in the contributions.
Dear Tun,
Wish you a happy new year!
I’m impressed at your logic in justifying the Swiss minarets to status in Hindu temples. What a brilliant arguement indeed!!
“I wonder what would happen in Malaysia if Hindu temples are not allowed to have statues, for example. I think there would be an explosion. The whole world will condemn us as being undemocratic, not respecting human rights, not upholding religious freedom etc.”
Where where you during the infamous cow head protest in Shah Alam? What was your comment then? Please stop being hypocrite towards our own Malaysias. This is what will happen when you are trying to be more Malay than the Malays and more Arab than the Arabs.
Ybhg Tun,
Selamat berjumpa lagi dan syabas di ucapkan kepada Tun kerana sentiasa mengambil perhatian kepada kepentingan Islam dan sedikit sebanyak membuka mata dan pemikiran orang islam dan khususnya pemimpin islam sama ada yang berada di pihak pemerintah atau pihak pembangkang.
Sejarah menunjukan apabila orang islam adalah penduduk minoriti di sesebuah negara mereka akan di tindas dan di tekan dan teraniyayah. Di Selatan Thailand, di Philiphine, di USA,Britian,Germany dan Swithzerland dan lain-lain negera yang di kuasa oleh bukan islam kita semua tahu bagai mana keadaan orang islam di sana.
Allah telah memberikan peringatan kepada orang islam,syaitan dan iblis adalah musuh kita yang nyata.Jadi apa yang berlaku di Swithzerland,Germany dan double standard pemimpin barat termasuk Obama sesuatu yang tidak menghairankan. Syaitan dan Iblis akan mudah memasuki minda dan pemikiran manusia yang tidak berpegang teguh kepada ajaran al-quran. Oleh itu masyarakat islam yang menjadi minoriti di sesebuah negara kena bergerak secara bijaksana. Ertinya kalau musuh kita bagi kita pensil kita bagi dia pensil,kalau dia bagi pedang kita bagi dia pedang dan kalau dia double standard kita bagi dia double standard.
Ybhg Tun, menyedari hakikat bahawa bila kita jadi minoriti dan tidak memegang kuasa kita pasti di tekan dan di tindas. Mengambil hakikat ini,kenapa dan mengapa para pemimpin kita sama ada UMNO,PAS,KeAdilan dan parti2 lain yang di kuasai oleh orang Islam masih bercakaran dan bermusuhan dalam politik.Apakah mereka mahu melihat Malaysia tidak di kuasai oleh orang islam,apakah mereka mahu melihat orang islam yang selama ini hidup aman dan damai akan hancur berkecai akibat perbalahan sesama sendiri.
Ybhg Tun, saya rakyat Malaysia yang belum lagi di angkat Oleh Allah untuk jadi pemimpin masyarakat tentu amat kecewa melihat para pemimpin kita baik dalam parti pemerintah atau parti pembangkang terus bercakaran dan berbala,dimana akibat perbalahan ini telah menyebabkan kuasa menawar pihak lain meningkat,dan dalam masa yang sama hak-hak yang kita sepatutnya pertahankan semakin hari semakin tergugat.Kenapa ini berlaku, jawapannya mudah ia itu kekuasaan Islam di bumi ini sudah semangkin lemah akibat kesilapan oleh orang Islam sendiri.
Ybhg Tun,saya bukan orang politik dan juga bukan pemimpin masyarakat,saya cuma rakyat biasa yang makan gaji sudah tentu agak gusar juga melihat keadaan politik orang islam di Malaysia hari ini.Sebilangan besar rakyat Malaysia saya berpendapat,terutamanya orang Islam mahu melihat Ybhg Tun untuk terus berusaha untuk menyatukan para pemimpin islam kita untuk bersatu semula dan jadikan kuasa islam kuat semula seperti sebelum ini.Yang kita kautirkan apabila orang islam hilang kuasa di bumi ini, apa yang berlaku di germen dan switzerland akan berlaku di bumi ini.
Akhirkata saya ucapkan kepada Ybgh Tun selamat tahun baru 2010.Semoga dalam tahun 2010 akan membawa kebaikan untuk semua.
Interesting remark by Joel C
“But then again, what if the Da Vinci Code is a movie/novel with the same plots but this time focusing on Prophet Muhammad? What do you think will happen – not only in Malaysia but around the world?
So isn’t this also double standard on a global scale?
Tun, it’s best to think (more than twice) when commenting on things like this and crying foul.”
For sure all the Muslims in the world will rise and protest against the movie/novel and why?. All Muslims recognized Adam, Jesus (Isa), Abraham, Moses and others as Prophets but never in the Muslims world making stories or even imitate faces of these prophets. We WORSHIPS Allah s.w.t. and we LOVE Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and we know that other Prophets in Al-Quran including Jesus are Messenger of God (Allah s.w.t. Al-Quran is the Book that overwrite all other books by Prophets before Prophet Muhammad and it is not for Arab or Jews but for all mankind.
What Tun commenting was the freedom of religions, the practice.
Comment by Stewie
“Hi Tun
What are your thoughts on the many islamic countries ( e.g. Saudi Arabia etc) that totally bans having churches etc?”
How many Islamic countries bans having churches?. Iraq?. Iran?. Palestine?. Malaysia?. Indonesia? Hey man, just don’t pluck from the air before making proper research including Arab Saudi.
Al Salamu Alykum Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
I have ordered all my accounts closed in Switzerland and cancelled all business transactions i intended on conducting there because of this unjust, unfair discriminatory and unprovoked act.
Our prophet described these turbulent times, where holding on to one’s religion is as hard as holding on to smoldering stones. It is sad and it is unfortunate, but we brought it upon ourselves.
I have been to Switzerland Numerous times and have visited over the years almost every Swiss city, never have i encountered an incident where a Muslim has caused harm or injury to anyone or anything there. So this is just shockingly obvious as a deliberate act of hate and intolerance.
I blame myself and every Muslim should blame themselves for being lambs and a lamb should never ever blame the wolf for being a wolf.
As an Arab Muslim living in Europe, i envy Malaysia and all the Malays for having Tun Mahathir, and i wish we had his peer in the pathetic Arab world, we would not be in such a pitiful condition.
I pray that my Children one day would meet Tun and see that a Great Muslim leader is not a myth, but actually exist.
God Bless Tun Mahathir
God Bless Malaysia
Assalamualaikum Tun M.
Selamat menyambut tahun baru 2010.
I shall be an advent follower of your blog from 2010 onwards.
New price of sugar had been announced & no subsidy for bread. Unheard off during your helm in government after earlier media announcements that it won’t happen.
I am a frustrated RAKYAT & becoming an unbeliever of UMNO.
You should have stayed on even the polls of unpopularity showed otherwise.
I truly feel that you should CREATE/FORM a new party & trust me, the younger generation of 7 million & maybe a fraction of oldies like me (I’m 50) will be there to support you all through as the RAKYAT have always TRUSTED you with the well being of ALL MALAYSIAN.
On this note, I thank you again for all that you had unreservedly given to us.
All my love to you TUN/DR M.
Dearest Tun,
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 to Tun and Tun Siti Hasmah & other bloggers!
Thanks Tun for highlighting this issue. I also wonder what would happen if the same thing is done here in Malaysia (to the minority)
Interesting developments in the European world indeed, and I am particularly suprised that this move by a country like Switzerland.
The full story however is this looks to be the outcome of a referendum (people’s choice) rather than a Govt legislation.
That is something we dont have in Malaysia, isn’t it Tun.
There isn’t such a thing as a referendum. Typically the Govt in Malaysia …so I guess, as long as our Govt remain to be open minded, and progressive, we will not have to fear of what the world thinks of us…
What do you think Tun – is Malaysia mature enough to allow it’s citizens to shape certain legislation. Lets not get overly complicated – say we allow referendums only for matters such as Education to start with – what do you think?
2/ On your point no 4/, I am impressed that you like to highlight Mr. Obama’s “Nobel” accreditation…why not, it’s important to stress that the President of US, who has yet to reach mid term of his 1st term in Presidency is not keeping to his word.
What he hasn’t accomplished is indeed atrocious…thank goodness the Presidency in US doesn’t go beyond two terms …thank goodness for term limits… thank goodness he cannot be President for 22 years…
I now understand why you strongly feel that Tun Abdullah “hasn’t achieved” anything in his 5 years … it’s unacceptable even though he had moles and Judas’ in his cabinet instigated by external forces undermining his ability to lead and administer the Govt. That’s expected …I mean you managed to stifle any direct opposition to your ideas and plans efficiently with your strong armed tactics…so why can’t Tun Abdullah yeah? Well I guess, politics is dirty and one has to be cunning and vicious to stay on top and ahead…pity Tun Abdullah had all the wrong strategies wanting to be open, transparent and collaborative…what was he thinking. He should have just listened to your every word Tun, and followed your every direction…if only he had, he would still be PM yeah? Well, that’s the way the cookie crumbles…
I hope 2010 brings Peace to you Tun, both mentally and spiritually
Dear Tun,
You should also acknowledge the fact that many level-headed human beings (many of whom are non-Muslims) condemn the banning of minarets in Switzerland, and detention without trial in Guantanamo Bay. That would have been balanced reporting. Your readers need not be misguided into thinking that because the USA have their Guantanamo, we can keep our ISA. Or because the Swiss banned minarets, Muslims should feel “threatened” by non-Muslims (remember there are those who condemn the ban).
Actually, reading your post, I am confused. Do you support the practice of detention without trial (like Guantanamo and ISA), or discrimination against any person, Muslim or not?
I am saddened that even in your twilight years, you continue to sow seeds of hatred amongst gullible Malaysians. I long for the day when you will stop doing this. You may argue that you are upholding the rights of certain people, and some people may actually believe you. But I have seen the damage you have done to this country (although the physical developments are more visible, I must admit), and it must not continue.
Please, change your ways, or stop.
Salam Tun,
That will be more or less the scenarios if the malay muslims keep on having their differences. You have done you part.Guide us.
Assalamualaikum Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir.
I think that this time you wakened the boomerang effect.
I don’t agree with the Swiss populus referendum results by not allowing to build the mosques minarets. On the other hand I can understand their decision. The freedom of worship and its symbols must be out of any political affair nor any other religious affair. Everyone has the right to worship whatever he/she wants.
As a son of the Jewish people I know well from the past and present how Judaism was and is still discriminated. Synagogues were burned in flames in European countries as well in Muslim countries by the very simple and straight forward reason of Jews hatred and Judaism hatred.
As for Muslims in Europe, they “earned” well this behavior of the hosting communities. For example if I take an European country like Belgium, they are hosting a large society of Muslims. Those Muslims are not the natives of Belgium. Those Muslims are simply law breakers and not behave as expected within the Belgian society. Even more, they harm the society and break its tranquility. The translated article (by Google Translate) http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.standaard.be%2FArtikel%2FDetail.aspx%3FartikelId%3D5D2FRJ8M&sl=nl&tl=en&history_state0 and the genuine article http://www.standaard.be/Artikel/Detail.aspx?artikelId=5D2FRJ8M is speaking for itself.
Many other examples can be found to prove the “fear” of the Europeans from the invading Muslims that are not obeying the native society way of life. Why should you shamble to such far continents and countries? Just watch into the mirror within your place. Aren’t Malaysians discriminating officially other religions?
What about the 15,000 detained Bibles http://www.heraldmalaysia.com/news/storydetails.php/Fifteen-thousand-Bibles-detained/2974-2-1 ? Isn’t the Bible a symbol or even more for Christians?
What about the demolishing a church in 2007 http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKLR19714220070709 ? You’ll probably excuse that by the claim that the church was built illegally. Switzerland wants to avoid the demolishing of minarets, thus they decided to not let them be approved.
What about the “Not for Muslim” Bibles marking within your own country? Aren’t you controlling religion of others by tagging their books? Are you afraid that Muslims will read that Bibles and convert to Christianity? If yes, then are they fragile Muslims and skeptic about their own religion? Do you believe that Muslims are skeptic about the truth of Islam?
And finally, just to refresh the memory. Do you know how the church of Shah Alam looks like? Do you remember for how long did they wait for the authorities to approve the church building? Does that church have a bell tower? One picture is worthy 1000 words http://img193.imageshack.us/i/shahalamchurch.jpg/. Isn’t it reminding you another functionality of that building? If I would pass by as a tourist, I would think it is a factory and not a church.
Dear Tun, discrimination of a religion by other religions is not the business of a single group and unfortunately happened many times during the history of humans. It is related to all religions including Muslims discriminating others. Recently a mosque was burned in a Palestinian village
http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1260447421277 . It is suspected that Jews did it. But it could also be that it was a Muslims provocation so Jews can be blamed. I’m not saying that it was done or not done by Jews since I don
Dear hati.malaysia,
I’m a Muslim, and loved what you’ve written. All religions require its devotees to be good. More so Islam. Just unfortunate that whatever belief one holds, there’ll always be some who merely believe but not adhere and practice. Not only Islam is compromised for RM10, others too. I was asked the same amount for using my mobile while driving. The one who asked – he’s non-Muslim. Guess what is his belief?
I don’t know. We can debate till the cows come home, it won’t change. Not in Malaysia, not in India, not anywhere. Perhaps that’s what religions are for, somewhere or something to come back to when we have deviated and strayed a long, long way.
Best regards hati.malaysia and assalamu’alaikum Tun.
Di Malaysia sendiri buat pertama kali dalam sejarah, Mahkamah hari ini berani membenarkan penggunaan Allah untuk orang Keristian. tentulah orang PAS bergembira kerana kata depa Allah di negeri Arab pun digunakan oleh orang keristian. Maka ini pula satu kejayaan perjuangan bagi PAS kot. Nak dengar apa kata para ulama PAS!
Dengar cerita kononnya ada sebuah buku injil lama di malaysia sekarang ada kat Hong Kong ,kononnya menggunakan Allah untuk Tuhan bagi orang Keristian zaman dahulu di Tanah melayu. tetapi kalau betul ada, Orang melayu zaman dulu tentu tak bagi peluang kalau tahu baca atau terdengar perkataan sedemikian, mungkin depa serupa Taliban sudah putus kepala orang yang menyalahguna perkataan Allah.
Kalau nak harap TokGuru2 PAS membantah, depa kata negara Arab pun boleh guna Allah untuk Kristian. Lagi pun pemimpin2 PAS depa duk bawah ketiak DAP mana boleh pi ke depan, tersepit, tak boleh bergerak kerana bersama2 dalam Pakatan Rakyat . Bau masam macam mana pun depa redha kot.
Cuma YANG AMAT MENGECEWAKAN SAYA sebagai orang Melayu dan ahli biasa UMNO kenapa pemimpin UMNO sekarang lemah sungguh! Sepatutnya kes ini lansung tak dibenarkan bawa ke mahkamah, mencabar hak2 orang melayu.
Kami peringkat bawah apa sangat boleh buat. tak kan nak pi berarak2 macam PAS, tiduq tengah2 jalan ala “PAS for All”.
Pemimpin UMNO sepatutnya berada di barisan hadapan mempertahankan maruah orang Melayu yang menjadi tunjang perjuangan Islam di Tanah melayu. UMNO ditubuhkan untuk memartabatkan agama dan bangsa. Jangan seinci pun kita bertolak ansur perkara2 pokok. nanti lain lagi permintaan yang pelik2 akan timbul.
Jangan kerana 1Malaysia, buat2 tak apa sebab PAS pun kata tak pa.
Saya sungguh kecewa.Teramat kecewa.
Kalau UMNO tak boleh buat sesuatu, saya berharap Majlis Raja2 yang mempunyai keistimewaan hal2 adat istidat Islam melakukan sesuatu.
Y.Bhg Tun,
Bangsa Malaysia terutama Cina,India dll teramat susah unruk bersyukur diatas nikmat yang diberikan oleh bangsa Melayu. Mereka ini macam Belanda. Pembangkang menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk meraih pengundi tanpa memikirkan masa hadapan bangsa sendiri dan agama yang mereka anuti. Mereka hanya mahukan kuasa dengan mengadaikan bangsa sendiri iaitu Melayu.
Yg. DiKasihi Tun,
Nampaknya kita tidak henti-henti di lambung gelora fitnah akhir zaman. Lihat sajalah kekeliruan yang membawa kepada kesesatan dan seruan-seruan kepada perpecahan umat yang dilaungkan setiap hari. Sang Ya
The threatening facts about Islam now being humiliated by US
back by Western World is the fact We did not have the capabilities to uphold ourselves besides the ability to help our brothers who are brutally bullied.
Is is not about Law made by Men,It is not about Obama,
He is just a President who do not decides,who has to safeguard his position,He is not bothered of injustice,even though He preaches Justice.It is not about right or wrong.
It is about how strong you are.
Seems US doings is threatening the World not just the Muslim World.
There is a a Big Call For Islamic Unity.
They will attack Iran with no reasons,or with reasons made up by their own doings,like what happens to Iraq,after 10 years of sanctions.
The Big Question is not what they are going to do,
We know that,It is what we are going to do.
Just pray and watch history repeats itself in our very own eyes.
These bulling will breed terrorist all over the World not just middle east.
It is a call for Doomsday.
Hi Tun.
1. Allah swt says in the Holy Quraan something to the effect that the non-believers are supporters and protectors of one another. And if you muslims fail to assist one another [as commanded by Allah] then there will be tumult, oppression and great mischief in the world…this is from Anfal:73. Tun, what do U reckoned is happening to the muslims today? Muslims are being oppressed all over the world … and it is because of our failure to come together, to help one another … to unite as commanded by Allah Tun who has also prohibited us from fighting amongst ourselves…for good and obvious reasons…
2. The Holy Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. once said to the effect that there will come a time for the muslims when the infidels…the unbelievers…the enemies of Islam will encroach, will close in on the muslims…The Sahabah asked,”Is it because the muslims are few in numbers? The holy Prophet p.b.u.h. replied,”No…on the contrary, the muslims will be large in numbers. But, it is because of the love for the pleasures of the material world and the fear of death…In other words, it is because muslims care not about other muslims but themselves and their deepest affection for worldly pleasures and their deepest fear of the unknown – death…[aside: these are some of the serious ills plaguing UMNO Tun]
3. No offence at all Tun but the issues of the Swiss and the ban on minarets, the French and the ban on head scarves are puny compared to the larger more serious issues affecting muslims today. Allah swt has said in the holy Quraan that Muslim haters…the enemies of Islam … whoever they are wherever they are… will never rest easy until they succeed in getting muslims themselves to abandon the ways of Islam and embrace the way of life of the non-believers… Tun, many have succumb to the ways of the non-believers…a case to prove the point – A muslim NGO went to the aid of a group of Palestinians numbering 1,500 stranded somewhere on the boarders of Jordan or Syria. What they saw was simply heartbreaking to say the least…Muslim countries refuse to take them in. Finally, the Swiss agreed on condition they renounce the religion. Some 500 of them, could bear no more with the abject inhospitable condition accepted the offer .. now some of them are running naked by the beach, said a father to one of the Palestinians in Switzerland … in Malaysia, u know all to well that many now are merely muslims by name..The list of murtads in the country, for example, grows by the day. Surprisingly, many are professionals…this to me is far more worrying.
4. Tun, U know that muslims will always be oppressed for as long as they remain disunited as acknowledged by a number of the visitors to your blogsite. It is because that muslims are not united, either by choice or circumstances, that they are weak allowing others to capitalize on the weaknesses; our love for the material world is so strong that we deliberately choose to disregard the wellfare, the wellbeing of others to the detriment of the ummah as a whole
5. The atrocities committed against the muslims all over the world will continue to grow as you have aptly described in your keynote address some weeks back during the OIC conference. It is not so much because the enemies of Islam is strong but more so because we are simply NOT united. Say if Iran is attacked, will muslim countries help defend the country? Absolutely NOT!!…right..Iran will be overrunned and theres nothing the muslims can or will do about it..absolutely NOTHING! As for Obama, surely he would want to immortalize his name on the walls of destruction, of muslim killers and murderers…what best way than to completely decimate and annihilate Iran…for starters. Picture this …the muslim countries are like buffaloes and riding on these beast of burden are the Americans, the Europeans and of course Israel. Surely, the buffaloes will go or do as told..
6. On the issue of Hindu temples or more like HIndu complexes these days…please please I see Hindu temples all over the place …. big small u name it..out in the open under the trees etc even in locations where 99% of the local population are muslims…so what the heck are they complaining about..the Hindus make up 5-10% of the population but the number of temples in Selangor for example, far exceeds the number of mosques and churches combined! to quote a source
7. Finally Tun, I am proud that I am a Muslim, hope and pray that I die as one. I am grateful and feel truly honored that I belong to the one true religion, a religion of the past, present and well into the future…a religion of the universe, one which encompasses all aspects of life…that Allah swt is the one true God, my only God. Muhammad was sent for mankind and not for a particular group of people. I believe in the rise of what is commonly known as the Islamic Renaissance and the prophesy of the Holy Prophet that muslims will emerge victorious in the end. It will not be your time or mine or my children or grandchildren…but it will come. The Christians know this, the Jews are terrified by it …it WILL come. The more the world oppresses the muslims, the closer we get to the ultimate victory that Allah swt has promised the muslims who believe and are true at heart. I believe, that the way to true long lasting unity amongst muslims is nothing more nothing less that the full embrace, the return to the true teachings of the Holy Quraan and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. This, to me Tun, is the ONLY WAY FORWARD for the Muslims and the world at large.
To blame Swiss for the Banning of these towers and the French for the head scarves would be like blaming Muslims for the Bali Booming, blaming Muslims for 911. Blaming Muslims for the massacre in Timur Timur, blaming Muslims for the numerous boomings in Southern Thailand. Blaming Muslims for the cow head incidents in Shah Alam.
We can all debate what Muslims, Jews, Christians, Chinese, Japanese and all the world but have a heart Tun. Its new year eve. Why create such envy and hatred. Why instigate it. Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR Tun.
Yes Tun, there’s always double standards and hypocrisy when it comes to the actions of countries that don’t toe the Western line politically.
Iran is being set up just like Iraq was before Bush’s illegal invasion. It is ironic that the US is having nuclear cooperation with India, a nuclear power but a non-signatory of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. The US of course works closely with Pakistan, another nuclear power and a non-signatory of the NPT. Iran, on the other hand, is a signatory of the NPT and as far as the IAEA reports go, it is compliant of the NPT.
As regards minarets and headscarves, according to the World Values Survey France and Switzerland have some of the lowest figures for church attendance (21% and 16% respectively) the highest being Nigeria (89%) and Ireland (84%).
Looking at the figures, perhaps the French and Swiss just dislike religion of any sort, not just Islam, although ironically the Catholic Pope’s guard is made up of Swiss soldiers.
I was told by my friends that the world governments are actually controlled by a group of people which is called The Illuminati or Freemason. Their agenda is to divide and rule the people of the world. There is nothing to do about the religious, but religious itself in this world has been infiltrated by this group.
I got friends in Israel stating that Judaism has nothing to do with the Zionism……Zionism is all about freemason or illuminati. What do you think Tun….
Saya pernah mempertahankan Tun M (walaupun saya tidaklah sentiasa setuju dgn pendapat Tun 🙂 bahawa “Mahathir is not against Semite/Jews, he is against Zionists.” bagaimana pun, blogger Infidel Bloggers Alliance tersebut memberi fakta bahawa Tun memang anti-Jews (dalam ucapan Tun di http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/10/17/1066364483615.html …
Dear Tun,
There will always be prejudices against Muslims all over the world until Kiamat. We ourselves must gather and build our own strength step by step no matter how long it takes. It’s good to be vocal and fight for the injustices, but we must always expect them not to change. It’s in the Quran, and we have to revisit the gist of surah Al-Kafirun time and time again.
To Stewie on saying Tun hints on banning gods at temple – you should get real and stop writing nonsense.
The AlQaeda Bush-lookalike are some lies to justify the potential attack to Iran. Afghanistan – well, OIC and the Muslim countries should ‘take over’ the administration of the most strategic East-West corridor of this world, rather than submitting to power-greedy US.
Dear Tun,
This is what has been termed ISLAMOPHOBIA !!
Islamophobia refers to prejudice or discrimination against Islam or Muslims.
Islamophobia connotes a social anxiety about Islam and Muslims.
Below is an artcle which I picked up from the internet which is relevent to your topic:-
14 ways you can fight Islamophobia
Islamophobia is real. You may have personally experienced it or know a family member, friend or acquaintance who has. This new racism must be made known and fought against. Here are a couple of ways to combat this phenomenon:
1. Remember the Prophet. The Prophet was subject to horrible insults and hate crimes in his lifetime. He remained steadfast, patient and tolerant in the face of this Islamophobia. We must model this same behavior.
Good and Evil deeds are not alike. Requite evil with good, and he who is your enemy will become your dearest friend. But none will attain this save those who endure with fortitude and are greatly favored by God. (Quran 41: 34-35)
Pray that God guides these people who mock the Deen and one of God
Dear Tun,
Referring to Stewie,
1) What Tun is implying is that a religion must function as a WHOLE and not have loopholes between it! By removing minarets/headscarves which is ESSENTIAL to the Muslims as part of the their religion as a whole, its like a body functioning without a head!
When an integral part of a structure is removed, especially when that very part forms the root of the faith, then you have not only insulted the religion and the faith of the people as a whole but you have shown disrespect and ignorance which reflects very badly on yourself. There are mosques, temples and churches within one road in this country. Although there are instances where there is religious intolerance, it has never been to such degree where the faith itself is allowed but with conditions that its structures are altered to fit the religion of the masses. Each religion boasts of tolerance and patience to thy neighbor.
To allow people to worship the faith they have, freely, they should be allowed to
dear Stewie,
stop asking the same phatetic Q
do we have mosque in vatican city, stewie?
i dont think so.
HATI.MALAYSIA wrote a good comment. Very interesting in a way he/she put his/her words, nice and easy.
By the way, I believe Tun didn’t realize the mistake by taking other religion as comparison to the topic he wished to establish.
What the heck man, he’s an old man but this old man is the greatest leader I’ve ever known in my lifetime. He was a leader to all, not only to Malay or Muslim.
No one ever forget the days when he fought for our right against the Malay Rulers sometimes ago. The person who was involved in the incident with the Sultan of Johore was an Indian.
Thank you and best regards.
Salam Tun,
Seperti Tun, saya rasa tidak senang hati juga dengan tindakan-tindakan ahli politik Switzerland. Mentaliti mereka seperti ahli politik Swaziland! Wujudlah muslimin dan musliman diserata dunia, sekarang dunia Islam di opres tak henti-henti… Kenapa ini berlaku? Sebab masyarakat Islam ni minoriti di sana? Apa salah dengan Minarets? Bising? Gereja-gereja di Eropah tu pun banyak loceng-loceng gergasi, kenapa tak bangkit pula isu bising?
Bandingan isu dalam negeri.
Ada tak diantara kami Melayu, Islam yang bermajoriti di Malaysia ni dipandang seperti mereka di Switzerland oleh warganegara kita sendiri. Warganegara yang disebut-sebut itu, bangsa Cina dan India yang minoriti dan beragama lain. Kalau orang-orang Cina bakar dupa dan lilin sembahyang, boleh tak kami tahan dengan bau dupa bakar tu? Bau bakar kemenyan dan sembahyang lain kaum Hindu? Kami bertoleransi namanya, benar ke? Kami bertolarensi tapi jangan keterlaluan… bangkit nanti 13 Mei 69?! Bukankah ini dilaung-laungkan oleh kumpulan-kumpulan tertentu?
Di sini, ramai diantara kami tepuk dada, kata kami bertoleransi… Kalau seseorang tu betul-betul bertoleransi, tak mungkin dia kata sendiri toleransi kerana isu itu langsung tidak ganggu dia. Seseorang yang tidak rasis tidak akan kata dia ada ramai kawan Cina, Melayu ke India, sebab warna kulit tidak penting dan tidak menjadi isu, tidak akan bangkit langsung. Kejadian di Shah Alam dengan kepala lembu itu dengan isu kuil Hindu macam mana? Sama jugak kumpulan tu dengan mentaliti Eropah yang menolak Minarets Islam? Sokong pulak ketua kita, Dato’ seri Hishammudin! Apa bezanya kami dengan dia orang tu? Yalah tu, sudah ada banyak kuil Hindu, kami sangat bertolarensi… Saya yakin ahli politik Swiss pun kata yang sama, sudah ada cukup Minarets Islam di Switzerland. Biadab bukan?
Tun yang disanjung tinggi, dengan tulisan ni
” I wonder what would happen in Malaysia if Hindu temples are not allowed to have statues, for example. I think there would be an explosion. The whole world will condemn us as being undemocratic, not respecting human rights, not upholding religious freedom etc.”
Kalau Tun yang disanjung tinggi berfikiran dan cakap begitu, inikah kerana Tun bertoleransi, wujud juga kuil hindu dengan arca… Pasti Ahli Swiss tu cakap sama seperti Tun, ada juga masjid-masjid di seluruh Switzerland dan Minarets!
Minta ribuan maaf kepada Tun kerana sikap biadab saya dengan hujahan saya di atas, tapi terpaksa saya cakap jugak, kalau kita sendiri bersikap begitu dan tidak berkeupayaan keluar dari kotak anti agama lain dan rasis ini, mungkin ke kita harap orang lain boleh?! Yalah, kita sangat bertoleransi! Sampai kepala lembu dibawa ke bangunan Shah Alam! Orang lain buat salah kita kondem kuat-kuat sampai nak bangkit 13 Mei, pabila kita sendiri buat, ada pula sokongan menteri dalam negeri!
Sekian terima kasih dan selamat tahun baru kepada Tun dan sekeluarga.
Salam hormat,
Hang Je-Bat
A’kum ybhg tun
Dont bother what the swiss did. Here in bolehland,there are kickback in awarding contract for the construction of mouque
Tun, saya mengucapkan selamat menyambut tahun baru 2010. Moga panjang umur, murah rezeki. Terima kasih saya ucapkan atas segala yang Tun lakukan untuk Malaysia. Saya adalah anak Melayu hasil daripada zaman pemerintahan Tun. Saya bangga kerana saya kini mampu berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah dengan bangsa lain. Terima kasih Tun…
Usah bersedih Tun, marilah kita bersama kuatkan semangat dan iltizam untuk mempertahan ISLAM.
Itulah yang terjadi dahulu, masakini dan akan datang hingga tiba waktunya mereka akan dikalahkan hanya dengan pedang dan tombak.
Janganlah hendaknya kita berlaku zalim seperti mereka, wajib mempertahankan diri andainya diserang dan syahid jika gugur.
Berhati-hatilah dengan musuh dalam selimut (munafik) yang ada bersama-sama kita di NEGARA ini. Marilah semua umat ISLAM yang masih ada jati diri dan cinta kepada ISLAM menentang mereka ini. Ada yang berlakon sebagai ulama, pejuang keadilan, penegak undang-undang dan berbagai-bagai watak lagi namum kemunafikan mereka teserlah. Bukalah mata hati untuk melihatnya.
Salam Tun yang di hormati,
1. Bagus bila Tun menceritakan kisah. Ramai yang dah tahu.
2. Lebih bagus jika diteruskan dengan pemulauan barang-barang dari negara-negara ini.
3. Mungkin tidak berjaya, tapi nak tunjukkan kita tidak senang dengan tindakan mereka.
4. Seperti yang telah di kempenkan sebelum ini.
I urge the Malaysian Government to be vocal towards Obama’s for not fulfiling his promises.(refer to para 4 of above article.)
If we claim that we are moderate muslims country, we should walk the talk!
Bersabit dengan minarets di Swizerland iru saya ucapkan tahniah kepada OIC yang bermesyuarat selalu. Macam-macam komite diwujudkan. Mesir menghalang penghantaran makan dan perubatan .
Hi Tun
What are your thoughts on the many islamic countries ( e.g. Saudi Arabia etc) that totally bans having churches etc?
You agree or disagree? If disagree, why are you silent on it? If agree ,then why the fuss of what switzerland is doing?
By the way, by even remotely hinting at banning Hindu gods in malaysia, you are being very irresponsible. Think about it!
Hi Tun,
….and yet some ungrateful citizens yapping bout Malaysia is not fair and blah blah blah! They are just waiting to migrate when given a slight chance. Do you think these people will defend this country when it really matters?
Assalamualaikum Tun…
Semoga sihat selalu,dan dirahmati Allah SWT.
Begitulah yang akan terjadi sekiranya negara kita dikuasai orang-orang seperti itu,itu baru sahaja mengenai menara masjid di Swiss,dan pemakaian tudung kepala di Perancis,mungkin banyak lagi yang kita tidak ketahui secara terang-terangan di negara-negara lain,atau ada yang lebih teruk lagi dari itu….
Dinegara kita pun sudah ada yang mula memprotes laungan azan yang dilaungkan ketika masuk waktu sembahyang di masjid-masjid mahupun surau-surau,ini adalah permulaan MEREKA,mungkin sekiranya MEREKA yang berkuasa,muazzin (tukang azan)akan didakwa ke mahkamah kerana melaungkan azan atau mungkin laungan azan tidak akan kedengaran langsung (guna pembesar suara.
Besar maksud yang ingin Tun sampaikan ini,Melayu,Islam,dinegara kita bernasib baik kerana kita majoriti,tetapi majoriti ini telah dipecah-pecahkan oleh musuh-musuh agama,bangsa dan negara yang terlalu gilakan kuasa,mustahil mereka (pakatan pembangkang) untuk bersatu dan mengambil pendekatan bersama,kerana sudah terbukti “MEREKA tidur sebantal tapi mimpi lain-lain”,tak sampai 2 tahun MEREKA ‘KaHwiN’ dah macam-macam angan-angan antara MEREKA siapa yang nak jadi PM sekiranya menang PRU yang akan datang..
Terima Kasih Tun,harap-harap mereka yang membaca ini faham akan maksud yang ingin Tun sampaikan,saya tetap menyokong Tun.wassalam.
Dr Mahathir
I agree with you banning minarets in Switzerland is discriminatory
and alienates Muslims. We don’t do that in Canada. Infact, Muslims
have bought old churches and renovated them into Mosques. My neighbour across the street did that. It’s OK to wear ‘tudong’
if women want.
Warmest Regards
Dear Tun,
What an interesting comparison – what if Hindu temples in Malaysia are banned from having statues. Well, I guess the millions of Hindus in Malaysia (led by some political parties) would stage a nationwide demonstration while the world continues to progress.
But then again, what if the Da Vinci Code is a movie/novel with the same plots but this time focussing on Prophet Muhammad? What do you think will happen – not only in Malaysia but around the world?
So isn’t this also double standard on a global scale?
Tun, it’s best to think (more than twice) when commenting on things like this and crying foul.
Dear Tun, sala’am.
Umat-ku, ingatlah bahawa segala jenis kuasa adalah ditangan kita sendiri. Dari segi Pemerintahan hinggalah penguatkuasaan, kita boleh buat keputusan yang adil. Cuma jangan terjebak dalam rasuah. Tunaikan tanggungjawab dan undang-undang dengan penuh dedikasi.
Laksanakan tugas dengan nama “ALLAH” dan lihatlah hasilnya. Orang kita akan maju dengan sendirinya. Segala jenis perbuatan dan perniagaan haram akan dapat dibendung. Sebab rasuah, maruah dan kemajuan kita yang digadaikan.
Ingat, Kaya atau miskin di tangan kita sendiri. Tangan yang mengambil akan memajukan orang lain dan membantut kaum kita.
Fikir fikirkanlah…
Yes Tun,
Now what you are going to do? Call a banned on Swiss and also French? maybe Tun to have a press conf and call all banned on all products except make Muslims.
These European as history shown are hypocrites of the highest order.They dont allow others to own a single nuclear weapon to defend itself but they themself own stock piles of nuclears capable of destructing few earths.They dont allow others to chop trees but they have practically clear all their forest.When others attack them they called them terrorist,when they colonised others they called themself champion for man kind and democracy.ETC ETC
While I dont agree with the Talibans method of suicide bombing which kills the innocents but on the other hand,they dont have much other options to teach these European bastards some lessons.When a person is willing to die to fight the cause,we can imagine the level of hatred is sowned over the years or decades or even centuries by these bullies.Personally I really hope the Talibans will be able to assasinate the Bush families one day.At least it will restore some moral justice for what they have done to IRAQ.I will be the first one to pop the champagne.These Bush are really EVILS to mankind.
On local politics, I wish to point out that the people support for Barisan drops drastically not because Barisan is not democratic enough but it is the corrupt practice by the leaders in UMNO,MCA and MIC.It is getting bad to worse.As recent events in MCA unfold,I am very sure they will be the next Gerakan in coming election.I will be surprised if they can even capture 2 parliment seats.Same goes to MIC especially if their self proclaimed hero and the ‘undispensable’ SAMY VELLU is still around.When they achieve ZERO seats in the coming election then I believe HE will then announce FINALLY that his deputy is FINALLY ready to take over.Frankly when he retires, instead of given Tunship we should award him MALAYSIA CLOWN OF THE CENTURY !!! for the way he handles MIC,MAIKA,JKR,Highway agreements ETC ETC.Really dont know how much he have squander yet he is INDISPENSABLE !!! Really cant think of any others who deserve the AWARD other than HIM.
As for UMNO,public in general will always links the performance of Goverment departments to UMNO.As long as the Goverment Dept do not buck up the way they perform and continue practice favourism and corruptions,even UMNO have super Top Leader ,only GOD can help them .
Dear TUn,
Do not worry about the power of Islam that god have instill in this great religion the energy to grow and breed in any conditions. Islam is a very contagious believe that will infect anyone who comes in it’s way. Those minarets should not be a problem, it’s nothing compare to those Muslims who go to temples and worship their stone god or we call it “menurun” so that they can posses the POTLUCK to get the winning TOTO or Magnum Numbers.
So you see, sir, it’s those temples that infect our fellow Muslims not the either way around.
Dear Tun,
Looking at the current scenario, Malaysia is becoming more and more align towards the Jewish state of US and Israel. Our foreign policy are ‘bowing’ towards the needs and wants of the US. Who are we to go against the US or the Jews? Do Malaysia have an advance technology? Do we make jets, weapons, computers, etc…we don’t.
There will always be double standard anywhere in the world. It is a natural behavior in human genome to discriminate the ones who are not similar to them.
In Malaysia, race issues are very complex. They can be no equality between the Malays, Chinese and the Indians. The race base started since the Independence of Malaya, and we expect to be equal after 50 years? The first black president of the US is only after 200 years of US independence, may be after Malaysia’s 200 years of independence can we consider non-bumis to be Prime Ministers.
Just look at Singapore, they say they are very democratic but look at the public service personnel, more Chinese than the Malays. This shows that the Singapore goverment is more or less like the Malaysian government, excluding the corruption which the Malaysian goverment is in dire need for a total overhaul.
My 1 ringgit worth for today.
YABhg Tun’
May Allah Bless Us More in 2010.
Cleopatrz wrote –
Btw, I’m a ‘product’ of your reign (born in 1982), and proudly said tht I’m currently working in one of the top international oil and gas companies, and I’m a Malay women with scarf on my head and Islam in my heart. Your visions and strength of leadership will always be a pillar in my life, as I will always carry your sights and visions towards a better Malaysian generation in future. And stating that, in future, my kids will know of you as the best leader Malaysia had ever had 🙂
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By HBT on December 31, 2009 11:25 AM
Ayahanda Tun,
THREATENING MINARETS = Threatening Minority
Remarks: These comment of mine may not be right because I am not a Historian…and now I do not need to be historian to know facts because we can google Wikipedia………as and when we like, and this is the LIBERTY & JUSTICE magic power that will bring World as One………till dunia khiamat…….. However, due to different development stages, conflicts, trial & error, mistakes, etc………tend to be made……… and our latest case is International Climate issue which must be solved until dunia khiamat (if the old case is not forgiven, forget and learned, then there will be no new things learn, right?? No maggie mee, there is no cintan mee or mamee mee, right?? Or no darlie, there will be no colgate, fresh white….!;; isnit it?
Tunku Abdul Rahman, our UMNO 1st President, the 1st Prime Minister of Malaysia, declared independence from England on 31.08.57 after seperated Singapore from Malaysia. The reason written in our history is DURI DALAM DAGING.. Today, I will google into Wikepedia to read this phrase from the shoes of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore and how he declared Singapore a Republic..
Because of Tunku A. Rahman, non-Malays became the Minority .race …..Anak2 Yatim Piatu tanpa negara asal, that is Malaysia because of ………this phrase………
Because of serious poverty in Majority race, the Malays rebelled and 13.5.1969 happened. In order to stop mass killings, our Tun Abdul Razak asked our 1st Agong to declare Darurat and this misfortune event was solved and he became our 2nd Prime Miniter, 2nd UMNO President, and “Ketuanan Melayu” was implemented as per the Social Contract signed as one the Clause upon independence.
At that time, I was 7 years old, and Darurat to me was tip2 hooray because I do not need to attend Kindergarten (it was under government), but those who are in age 20’s, I guess they are in age 60’s..
To be continued, Ayahanda Tun, due to time constraint, and will be ………back………
we always blame US, Israel and all other developed countries like canada, french, swiss for being so unfair towards Islam.
But unfortunately, we fail to look at the mistake that we ourselves, Islam@muslims do. What is the mistake?. it is that we are not united. Look at UAE, egypt, arab..and so many very rich-islamic countries. What they are doing? they do nothing. We as a muslim country do nothing towards championing the right of Islam.
Most of the rich islamic country seem to be so obsessed on creating high building here and there. why should not we as a muslim country sit together, we speak loud to the world that we are united?..why should not we stand together and spend money to the development of muslim nations?..why?..most of islamic leaders we have now, they are just talking and talking and do nothing. Very sad to see them wearing Jubah and Serban and shake hand with Jews and smile while there are soo many muslims are starving to death!….. See More
I don’t blame swiss if they discriminate islam. because it is not swiss to be blamed but we should blame ourself as a believer. Serve us right!..we have nothing to be proud of. we weak and disunited!..we fail to show to the world that we are strong.
Realize or not, most of Islamic thinkers and writers nowadays they are seemed to be bias on their writing. they always blame non-muslim for being unfair..they always talk and write about Islam is being treated in undemocratic way..most of their writing and talks more towards indirectly frightening all muslims about what’s happening on islam & muslim aound the world. That is so pathethis of them!..Come on,..stop being bias. Eventhough we islam, it does not mean we should always be bias to islam. we should be relevant&rasional. what is happening on muslims now is because the people themselves make what it be now. Not the US, not the Swiss not the jews..
Dear Tun,
1. For god sake, why you have to refer to Hindu statues. Are we Hindus that much of problem to you(or other Malaysians), for something Swiss did you need to refer to Hindu to prove your case.
2. Swiss stop minarets, so what is the big deal, here in Malaysia our Ex-Umno (or should I say the late Md.Zakaria) STOP (after MPK given written approval on the original plan) Klang-Hindus building their temple in Klang. You were the PM then. Only after we reduce the size to much smaller once the MPK allowed to build. Then they upgrade one of the masjid near this temple. (using public fund) to be taller and bigger then this temple. We did not cry and nothing exploded.
3. I like Islam teaching, because it’s shows how to be GOOD. But you see the Muslim in Malaysia is not following the teaching of Islam. In Quran already stated clearly, “DO NOT TALK BAD OF OTHER RELIGION”. You just search YuoTube, how many Muslim experts talk bad and make funny of Hindu. Still noting exploded.
4. In Malaysia, jet engine can get loss, screw driver can be purchase for Rm10K, new stadium can collapses in less then 1-year, gov-projects can have cost-run by billion. All this will be justified and STILL nothing exploded.
Dear, Tun, I can list 1000 of issues, but I rather not to talk to Muslim follows who “THINK” they are following Islam teaching. Islam does not allow corruption, but in Malaysia corruption is number 1. Today morning, one police man took Rm10 from me for not packing in correct place. Rm10 is the value of Islam teaching this guy had.
So, my Muslim friends, you are blessed within one of the well documentation teaching, please follow it. And slowly more and more will follow it.
You are letting other to take you for ride, when you stick to your path, other will sooner or latter follow you.
Happy New Year.
1. Amerika kejut aje Tun. Iran kuat sangat.
2. For the time being, as we know, they are using the same old tactic, to attack the nation from the inside, like what they were trying to do to our beloved nation, by using one like Anwar Ibrahim.
3. I think the Iranian leader is not a fool.
4. We are fortunate I believe that the world is now having 2 strong leaders like you, the Venezuelan and the Iranian. Last time it was only Tun alone.
5. I believe the second gulf war is not going to happen.
6. In my opinion, there would be another civil war coming up in the United Stated of America. Hopefully it would never be.
Rasanya Tun dah tahu semuanya haha…!
salam tun
It is no secret that the western democracy is a part of their hypocrisy. They condemn others as undemocratic but at the same time they are the one who violate the democracy.
We don’t need to follow their definition of democracy.
It’s going to be the time soon where the war is going to be unavoidable. Your idea in criminalize war is going to be useless. I hope this effort in criminalize war will continue efficiently and effectively as soon it’s time for the Kuala Lumpur Foundation in Criminalize War is going to take their responsibility in the front line of the peace activist.
Students is one of the major young and strong bone to the country. I hope this effort in criminalize war will be spreading into each universities and institutions.
Together, we can make this criminalize war effort a success
What are minarets compared to human rights and equality when Malaysia does not even practise the essence of Islam, what with daily news of corruption, abuse of power, selective prosecution, and what not? Let’s not point to other people when we have more shit in our own pants. Maybe you should give more focus on the “mysterious” loss of jet engines (a big joke, how can you expect them to go to war with their vigilance?) or focus more on Islamic values rather than the symbols (i.e. concentrate on the essence of Islam which is more important, rather than its forms).
Anyway, I do agree with you that minarets should be allowed since it reflects the culture of one of its minority groups. So they make one transgression but on the overall, I think they are way ahead of Malaysia in many other respects, e.g. why don’t you point at their corruption index and ask yourself frankly what shame Malaysia has bring to Islam and Allah? So do look at things holistically rather than point to one or two weaknesses.
By akupunyaAuthor Profile Page on December 31, 2009 9:09 AM
correct Tun M.
dah Allah kata, sampai kiamat yahudi akan tentang Islam…nk buat cam na..
kita buat DEB pun dah bising macam perang, haramkan sekolah vernakular pun dah kencing merata-rata, apatah lagi kita nk haramkan patung2 Hindu…
another fool in town……
henti bandingkan dengan agama lain, fokus pada diri sendiri….
kalau ‘akupunyaAuthor’hendak haramkan patung hindu, atau ada niat sebegitu,
orang lain pun boleh buat benda yang sama pada kamu…….stop commenting about other religion…………
Semuanya telah ditulis dan ditakdirkan oleh Allah S.W.T. Kita sebagai umat Islam hendaklah berserah kepadaNya. Kan Islam itu maksudnya berserah. Tetapi dengan syarat hendaklah berusaha terlebih dahulu.
Dear Tun,
Are you saying that Malaysia is more democratic than other countries including US. Yes, the answer is yes.Not surprising that in a near future Non Malay or non Muslim being appointed as PM.This is a changing world, like it or not, circumstances may make it possible.
Iran is considered a non-aligned country, a strong Islamic nation compared to others. On top of that, the fast spreading of Shiah influence is unstoppable, more so, Iran is situated at the strategic location.The military attack by US and it allies is very eminent, given any excuses.
Salam Tun,
Saya setuju dengan apa yang tuan nyatakan diatas, saya juga menyokong penuh apa yang tuan maksudkan. Demokrasi yang diamalkan mereka memang baguskan?????????????? hahahahahahaha……
Kalau nak dibandingkan di Malaysia memang amat jauh sekali demokrasi yang kita amalkan….kalau kita buat depa kata salah, tapi kalau depa buat semua betul., malah kita pula yang dikatakan salah…emmmmm entahlah…..apa yang nak jadi dengan masyarakat dunia nie….
Tapi tak katalah juga…..di malaysia, contohnya bila kerajaan cuba buat mengikut kaedah Islam yang sebenar sering dianggap sebagai cuba mendriskriminasi penganut agama lain….kenapa ek….
bagi saya jawapannya mudah…..sebab kita nie nak buat ikut lunas-lunas islam tapi yang kita duk pi tukar nama macam-macam buat apa, sebagai contoh saya nak bagi disini GST dan yang sewaktu dengannya….. ini semua mengarut terlalu banyak sangat huruf dalam pemerintahan DSN nie….. kalau ya pun nak mendidik rakyat bukan dengan cara ini. Kalau kita tanya orang kampunglah apa itu GST,GLC dan sebagainya, rasa-rasa mereka nie tau ka….
Inilah senjata balas pihak pembangkang untuk menghentam kerajaan, andaian saya mudah….mereka yakni pembangkang adalah yang paling dekat dengan orang kampung, so mereka akan mudah untuk putar belitkan fakta dari benar kepada yang separa benar… oleh yang demikian saya meminta kepada pihak kerajaan,terutama sekali Tuan PM supaya tidak lagi memeningkan kepala rakyat seperti kami ini dengan istilah-istilah yang tidak diketahui dari mana asal usulnya
Akhir sekali nasihat saya kepada kerajaan kalau nak nampak yang kerajaan ini lebih islami adalah selami dulu pengertian islam itu dan gunakan istilah-istilah islam sebagai kaedah berdakwah dan mendidik rakyat supaya lebih dekat dengan islam…..walau apa pun yang penting adalah yakin dan percaya bahawa islam itu adalah bersih dan tidak mendiskriminasi penganut agama lain…..
Kepada Tun saya akan sentiasa mendoakan agar Tun sekeluarga berada didalam keberkatan Allah SWT..
Salam mesra dari saya untuk semua pelayar laman blog chedet dan semoga kita akan lebih mendapat ilmu daripada sumber-sumber yang boleh dikatakan sahih dan logik dari Tun.
truth is what majority says so. majority is a relatively biggest group that have mutual/homogeneity on the related issue/aspect. apparently the western is the majority on what are liberal, democratic and terrorism. this is because they have common perception and believe on it. they unite on it. what about moslem country? some are proud to be with the western and ‘cooperate’ in all western agenda. some are think that it is better to be non-affiliated (berkecuali) on global main issue(sure global warming is minor compared to palestine-israel or starvation in african country as the latter remain because of arrogance, greed, interest-based). simply, moslem got nearly none in common, love to be on 1 man show, full of ego that drift them apart. hence one wouldn’t expect The Truth in this world being shape or even ‘balance-out’ by this tiny moslem. if western says so, so it is. no question asked or you are the harmful dirty evil entity that need to be wiped by acid. by the way this concept goes to history as well.
correct Tun M.
dah Allah kata, sampai kiamat yahudi akan tentang Islam…nk buat cam na..
kita buat DEB pun dah bising macam perang, haramkan sekolah vernakular pun dah kencing merata-rata, apatah lagi kita nk haramkan patung2 Hindu…
Islam itu suci, tetapi yahudi telah buat orang2 dunia benci akan Islam..
teruskan kata2 bernas chedet…Hail Tokdet!!!
1.They are hypocrite for telling us undemocratic, not respecting human rights, not upholding religious freedom etc.
2.The worst part when we have traitors like Anwar Ibrahim who give talk outside our country to tarnish our image.
3.It’s hard to understand why people support Anwar Ibrahim except for his oratory skill.
4.Malay should not support Anwar Ibrahim because :-
a) He’s the one who open the door for Malay Rights to be attacked
b) He say nothing when DAP belittle Malay Rights and questioning so many matters regarding Islam position.
c) Running away from trial
d) He condemn UMNO but where he was before?
e) Etc
5.Indians & Chinese should not support Anwar Ibrahim because :-
a) He’s entertaining Chinese & Indian while talk something else with Malays.
b) He’s not a genius in administration
c) He almost made our nation bankrupt during 1998 crisis
d) He divide and rule us ( Malay, Chinese, Indian)
e) Etc
6.Sadly now, only Tun Dr.Mahathir & Ibrahim Ali really really stand up and give explanation with facts.
7.Eventhough at one time, Ibrahim Ali jump here and there, but at least now he played a big role to the nation.
8.Actually whatever happened now is due to weakness of Pak Lah BN almost lost the election, then the reason of rejection of leadership is being manipulated to be “racism, Malay supremacy,BTN, corruption, scandal etc”.
9.If racism, Malay supremacy,BTN,corruption,scandal are the reason for rejection Then BN will not be in power for last 2 or 3 election because these issues being played during every election.
p/s: Dear Malaysian, let’s go back to the spirit of social contract, spirit of Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tan Cheng Lock and Tun VP Sambathan.
Salam Tun. Orang Barat selalunya tidak menepati janji dan asyik mengkritik orang lain semacam mereka ini adalah Polis Dunia. Apa yang mereka buat itu adalah betul dan yang dibuat orang lain ialah salah. Kuman diseberang nampak, gajah didepan mata tidak dinampak.
Salam Tun,
Malaysia is a beautiful country, the malays are being too tolerant and understanding. But today our kindness has been misunderstood, and they are asking more, and more, and more.
read my ‘luahan rasa kekecewaan oleh seorang melayu’
Dear Sir
If I can recall well sometime ago, the west press label us ‘cartoon’ with regard to how at that time you handle the judiciary on Anwar Ibrahim’s epic. The fat joke is, it continues until now.
It seems that their label backfires. The whole world realized that how ‘cartoon’ they turn to be. They can do whatever they want to do and always have excuses no matter how stupid and ridiculous it may be. Still the bigger fat joke is their state of denial and the thinking that we buy the whole bunch of their lies. Shame on them if ever they cared.
Sir, you take care.
Dear Tun
This the land of protestant,the land of Calvin Klein, the very sect of christianity that very much appreciate rational thinking. The ban on mineret shows that the swiss mentality is still been cocooned by the shield of uncompromising dogmatic crust which I could simply say worst than Catholic because you go against your own long held principles.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
2009 is leaving us like a MiG29 on full afterburners. Nonetheless, merely numbers moon and sun, that
yes Tun,
I feel very sad as well with the prejudices of the West world towards countries in Asia and Middle East. It seems like everything we do is wrong where as their act of defiance in religious and culture differences is so obvious and disgustingly unfair. And their medias! Sometimes I felt very dissapointed just to read the global news because its obviously a one-sided news…
Just stating my dissapointment, thts all.
Wish you all the best and healthy as usual, Tun. May Allah bless you always.
Btw, I’m a ‘product’ of your reign (born in 1982), and proudly said tht I’m currently working in one of the top international oil and gas companies, and I’m a Malay women with scarf on my head and Islam in my heart. Your visions and strength of leadership will always be a pillar in my life, as I will always carry your sights and visions towards a better Malaysian generation in future. And stating that, in future, my kids will know of you as the best leader Malaysia had ever had 🙂
Thank you for putting the world news right for the assuming masses. We have been reading it wrongly often without the analysis done right.
Salam and a Happy New Year!
Redhuan D. Oon
Open Source Empire
Dalam arena global, apa-apa keburukan atau tekanan yang dilakukan terhadap orang Islam akan dijustifikasikan sebagai demokratik dan berpatutan, ataupun untuk menghalang terrorisma. Jikan pihak orang Islam pula memberi teguran terhadap orang bukan Islam, terutamanya Yahudi, maka mereka akan digelar anti-Semetik, fundamentalis dan akan dikaitkan dengan terrorisma.
Di Malaysia, perkara yang sama sedang berlaku terhadap orang Melayu. Orang bukan Melayu semakin berani dan lantang mempersoalkan segalanya tentang orang Melayu, dan is dijustifikasikan sebagai kebebasan bersuara dll. Apabila ada pula orang yang mempertahankan kedudukan dan hak-hak orang Melayu, maka mereka dilabel sebagai rasis, tali barut kerajaan dll.
Salam Ayahanda Det!
As all the above mentioned are truly factual,however there is no one out there to stop,halt and defend our Islam…It’s an embarassment for us.
I still prefer during your tenure,prime minister, during year between 1997 to 1999,you,Ayahanda Det had defendend,fought,shielded and safeguard the name of Allah and the trueness religion,Islam.And at that point of time,when you counter-challenged “Soros” on “Economic Shift” and many more.If only for those want to give a deep thought…
That’s the best and “Thumb Ups”.You have done for the sake of Muslim, Islam, Asia and next generation.
Many Thanks & Regards
Dear Tun,
Ha ha ha……….. The whole world today being eclips with hypocrite and biased sindrom of western country. It is not about what you doing is wrong but who doing is wrong. Muslim will forever discriminate until we as muslim change it.