1. Saya sering ditanya berkenaan video lucah.

2. Video ini dibuat dan di viral jelas untuk tujuan politik. Khusus untuk menghalang kejayaan politik individu tertentu.

3. Tindakan yang diharap menyusul tayangan ini ialah penyingkiran individu yang disasar.

4. Tindakan ini boleh diambil oleh saya kerana saya berkuasa.

5. Apabila saya ambil tindakan ini maka berjayalah pihak yang merancang perbuatan jahat ini.

6. Agama saya melarang sengaja mengintip mencari keburukan orang. Apa yang dilakukan lebih buruk dari mengintip.

7. Saya tidak sanggup diperalatkan. Jauh sekali oleh perancang yang berniat jahat dan mengguna politik kotor.

8. Ini bukan soal moral. Ini adalah masalah politik. Ia akan ditangani sebagai isu politik.

32 thoughts on “VIDEO LUCAH”

  1. Let me help you out HBT
    Then Why live in this Racist Malaysia as you repeatedly mention
    You know you can’t survive in Hong Kong
    Its alike Singapore. Its meant for Respectable Slaves
    People who live to Work .NOT Work to Live
    Here living among the Muslim. It’s Sikit lebih Kurang Policy
    You duduk kat Hong Kong sama yr own Bangsa
    You will appreciate Malaysia

    How do you know i cant survive in hong kong, sibotak?

    If i can survive in kl, i can survive in hong kong and major cities in the world sibotak.

    I already said, i am just a voter, and whoever become the perdana menteri, i still need to live, work and play what.

    Hello Mr. HBT ……Iraq is Capable. kNOCK kNOCK
    Do you think Trump bothers about the 150 Iranian Lifes
    He doesn’t even bother about Palestinians Lives as He abets to Israel Crimes Israel Genocides towards Palestine

    Do you bother the lives and quality of your country men for your vision of wawasan 2020, sibotak?

    If you can answer me, then, you are on the right track.

    If you cannot answer me, then, you are on the wrong track.

    P/s: sukuk bond can still jual? i doubt so.

  2. Turkey respected you Tun
    But what feared Malaysia after you Tun
    Hopes your beneficiary will be as Good as Relevant as you, Tun
    Syed Sadiq is my Choice
    He may not be experienced but he is determined & smart
    What is the point of having experience but self-centered & corrupted

    Malaysia should benefit Turkey relations
    Turkey is willing to convey their knowledge and technology
    We must learn from them as much especially in Military
    We must work along with Turkey, Iran, Russia, China, North Korea and many more and must not submit to US ideology
    US Ideology is today Absolute. It is Harmful & Dangerous and has no Prospect
    We will offer our Durian delicacies to Turkey to the World
    We have the King of Fruit in the World

  3. TO Restore World Peace & Harmony
    US Sanctions Needs to be Lifted
    Israel Baby Tantrum needs to be Slap

    US sanction against Nation that US disagree does not benefit the World
    It does not benefit US also
    It is just for US satisfaction to hurt its opponents
    North Korea, Iran, Russia, China, Venezuela, and others
    Must work along together as a Team to go against & ignore US Sanction
    UN sanction is not World sanction
    UN is US instrument that needs No Respect
    It just benefits The Devil

    Again North Korea, China, Iran, Russia, Turkey, Venezuela and whoever concerns must work along as a Team against US nor UN
    As the two ara a Destruction to the World Today
    They are never True for the reasons today World is such
    Unsafe , Not prosperous

  4. HBT confession
    P/s: hong kong is not a place that i want to live in, too crowded with so many tall and concrete jungles, and the relationships between their law makers and property developers are just too close. no doubt, property prices are lower in here, but political uncertainty, safety and security wise are still inefficient that made the property value tidak berbaloi atau less attractive and, too expensive. to reform, transform, or re-invest, the choice is within the political parties of the divides to decide. it is up to the voters to decide who they prefer to represent them in next general election.

    Let me help you out HBT
    Then Why live in this Racist Malaysia as you repeatedly mention
    You know you can’t survive in Hong Kong
    Its alike Singapore. Its meant for Respectable Slaves
    People who live to Work .NOT Work to Live
    Here living among the Muslim. It’s Sikit lebih Kurang Policy
    You duduk kat Hong Kong sama yr own Bangsa
    You will appreciate Malaysia

    And you remarks on Trump

    “Everyone knows, Mr. Trump does not support military wars like the last option when negotiation failed, and he did that when he aborted in bombing Iran last minute for saving 150 lives of Iranian troops.”

    Hello Mr. HBT ……Iraq is Capable. kNOCK kNOCK
    Do you think Trump bothers about the 150 Iranian Lifes
    He doesn’t even bother about Palestinians Lives as He abets to Israel Crimes Israel Genocides towards Palestine

    He aborted the bombing Iran because He knows and was advised of the consequence if US or Israel lay a hand on Iran
    Iran is not Iraq
    It is because When IAEA inspects Iraq and found No Weapon of Mass Destructions
    Is the reason why US attack Iraq
    NOT because Iraq has WMD

    The same goes because North Korea has Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that capable to reach the US . Is the reason Trump back down and Chicken out and Befriended The Fat Boy Kim. North Korea has repeatedly shown the World they North Korea has WMD. He repeatedly tests its Missiles and shows to the World disobeying US warnings. YET till today US Chicken out Korea challenge

    And today to attack Iran
    US for Israel has No Guts to go 1 on 1 with Iran
    He needs to call the World, NATO, Fooling UAE & Saudi to be The Battlefield for Iran war. He shields Israel fooling UAE & Saudi to be the Battleground
    This attack on Iran was dreamt and fantasize by Israel from Day 1
    That the reason they bring down Iraq, Syria, Afgan as to develop a concrete plan to attack Iran

    HBT You need to grow up

  5. Just remember one thing, if you are not muslim by race, then, you can forget about making a fairer malaysia.

    Treat it as a blessing bah, dont give up your birth rights.

    Presiden comes and go too, takkanlah malaysia hilang di dunia.

    Even with the merger of umno-pas in the name of unity, they still need non-muslim to do the jobs for them, hence create jobs for the taxpayers, right?

    Without support from other races, there is no way umno-pas can stand alone.

    To repend, or rebut, it is up to them to decide.

    Move on bah, and dont get angry or whatsoever because they themselves know their standard more than us.

    P/s: to bribe them is easy, to change their tongkat mindset is very very very tough. by the end of the day, the political struggling will narrow down within the malay bumiputra political parties. if you cant change their mindset, praying is a good idea too, if not, let go is not a bad idea too.

  6. Tun is picking sides for Tun own hidden agenda or someone political expediency. This politicking at the expense of truth and fair play is the worst form of politicking.

    Hajar called me moron for not being able to differentiate dada and dadah.

    Perhaps she can tell me how to pronouce hisab and hisap, and i will teach her how pronouce those words in cantonese, mandarin and putonghua.

    The positions of the ‘son in law’ though from different states and political parties too are critical in order to know who will be the king maker, contohnya, to collect musang king and kampong durians.

    Do you know who are these sil?

    Racism, cronism and nepotism happens everywhere.

    If you are weak, and need tongkat and bantuan, then, obviously, you must be followers, dugaan hidup kan.

    If you are strong, and dont need tongkat or bantuan, obviously you can be the leaders.

    Life was never fair and equal, and it depends on how these human values meant to you as party members, or ordinary man on street.

    P/s: hong kong is not a place that i want to live in, too crowded with so many tall and concrete jungles, and the relationships between their law makers and property developers are just too close. no doubt, property prices are lower in here, but political uncertainty, safety and security wise are still inefficient that made the property value tidak berbaloi atau less attractive and, too expensive. to reform, transform, or re-invest, the choice is within the political parties of the divides to decide. it is up to the voters to decide who they prefer to represent them in next general election.

  7. Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    Time fly and it had been some time since the euphoria of PH unexpected GE14 victory and the excitement, thrill, suspension and the agony of been kept waiting for Tun to be sworn in as our 7th PM. What a relief finally seeing Tun sworn in as our 7th PM at Istana Negara after much delay.

    More than a year had passed since that faithful day and I had not made comment in Tun’s blog This is because I had nothing good to say about Tun and PH’s government hence I keep my silent following a wise saying “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”. Instead I had been praying silently that somehow or somewhat my Malaysian dream will be fulfilled.

    Tun Mahathir, as head of a genuinely multiracial coalition and Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun could have call for Malaysian unity and building a better “Malaysia Baru”– one that is free from racist and corrupt politicians, more democratic, more united, genuine institutional reform, check and balance, more prosperous, more at peace and at ease with each others, a nation where no one would be feel alienated or be left behind, but instead Tun chose to keep the nation locked in a futile and ultimately self-defeating racial struggle in order to strengthen PPBM (Appeal to the Ketuanan Melayu instincts of Umno and Pas MPs to join PPBM for Malay unity) at the expense of Tun’s multi-racial coalition partners.
    In actual fact Tun had handed a golden gift to UMNO and PAS bigots to propagate their politic of hatred, race and religion and to present them as true guidance of the Malay-Muslim unity.

    Tun had been given a second chance to make right the many wrongs with Malaysia under corrupted MO1 & BN’s decadent, kleptocratic government and set our beloved Malaysia on a course towards unity, justice and prosperity. Sadly Instead of focusing on the many serious challenges that confront our nation, the country’s Malay leadership is once again involved in another internecine power struggle. The controversial sex video has laid bare the egos and ambitions of rival Malay politicians within Pakatan Harapan (PH). The mother of all political battles is looming, a fight to the finish that could end up bringing the whole PH house down on itself and derail what’s left of Malaysia Baru.

    No helping is Tun’s take on the controversial sex video published on Tun’s blog
    1. Saya sering ditanya berkenaan video lucah.
    2. Video ini dibuat dan di viral jelas untuk tujuan politik. Khusus untuk menghalang kejayaan politik individu tertentu.
    3. Tindakan yang diharap menyusul tayangan ini ialah penyingkiran individu yang disasar.
    4. Tindakan ini boleh diambil oleh saya kerana saya berkuasa.
    5. Apabila saya ambil tindakan ini maka berjayalah pihak yang merancang perbuatan jahat ini.
    6. Agama saya melarang sengaja mengintip mencari keburukan orang. Apa yang dilakukan lebih buruk dari mengintip.
    7. Saya tidak sanggup diperalatkan. Jauh sekali oleh perancang yang berniat jahat dan mengguna politik kotor.
    8. Ini bukan soal moral. Ini adalah masalah politik. Ia akan ditangani sebagai isu politik.

    Tun is picking sides for Tun own hidden agenda or someone political expediency. This politicking at the expense of truth and fair play is the worst form of politicking. I will just stop here and shall pray harder that somehow and somewhat there will be a peaceful and orderly handing over of Prime Minister Post from Tun to Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar had gone through many tribulations, tested to the limit of his patience, will and determination where a lesser man will quit long ago but he keep fighting on. I do not know how he will perform as PM but from a “fairness” point of view please do not denial him, his destiny as 8th PM of Malaysia.

    Thank you

  8. Common sense tells me that american international business affiliations would rather pay tariff to cater the american market.

    Paying tariff is much more cheaper, cost effective, less risky and more flexible than setting up factories in usa via short, middle and long term strategy.


    No one can predict the voting behavior or pattern of the american voters, the land of immigrants.

    Mr trump even re-elecated , he has 4 more years to go, and he must step down, and pass the baton to either republican or democrat depending the result of vote counts.

    Mr president trump who fully support capitalism can make his american dream great again via tariff ala bureaucracy to run the welfare of his usa government and businesses as republican, but he cannot force the american international business affilliation to serve him and american market only based on his request since their politicians could be lobbied or rigged to favor themselves first, it is so common in american politics, or american trap.

    For those americans who have been in the international business community, i still think profit and loss matter to them, and they need to report to the share or stock holders, by the end of the day.

    Pendek kata, mr president can do what he sees fit, but he cannot force businessess to kow tow to him just because he is the president.

    Benefit of doubts is always there.

    Able or not, we will know as we move along.

    P/s: presidents of usa come and go too, pendek kata, takkan lah negara amerika syarikat hilang di dunia.

  9. By the way, sibotak, a corporate decision or takeover exercise is totally an opposite of politics of race and religion supremacy or conflicts.

    Do you know who is the lead delegation of trade advisor apoointed by mr trump for the trade negotiation between us-china?

    You can do fact check on his background via search engines in this country, if you like.

    Everyone knows, mr trump does not support military wars as the last option when negotiation failed, and he did that when he aborted in bombing iran last minute for saving 150 lives of iranian troops.

    As the president of usa, he must make his stand as president in front of the media press that have the national and international obligation to cover him as per their jounalist act, and it is wajib for him to reply any questions throw at him by their journalists.

    At the same time, he got the absoulute power of patriot act, and he is the boss now who wants to get re-elected for the 2nd term to earn back what were spent by the previous usa presidents, and their administration, base on rule of the law of the american patriot acts.

    Whoever become the usa president, he needs to earn back or hedge against future inflation via corporate taxes to run the welfare programmes of usa, and this is not something that is unfamiliar to us.

    Usa president has the highest power authorithy to decide whether to sanction or to support any countries that favor him and his delegation to make america great again this time.

    He promised to build the wall at border of mexico with or without the support of mexican president of the ruling political party.

    Is the wall a national debts or national safety and security costs to safeguard the taxpayers of american across the united states of america?

    Are american corporate taxpayers willing to fund this wall?

    It depends who you asked.

    Political campaigns of usa presidency will kickstart next year, and it is up to the american voters to decide who they prefer to be their next president.

    P/s: i am grateful for their political campaigns and speeches to be shared across the world so that i can learn too eventhough i am not american. good luck mr president trump, god bless america.

  10. HBT question
    Why Sodomy ?
    Perhaps yr luv to befriend LGBT will have the answer
    LGBT seems to be Halal around the Kafir World
    It’s accepted in Hong Kong, in Singapore and proud by the Westerners
    And its practice by their great politician’s generations and themselves

    You laugh when Islam consents Muslim Man to have 4 wives
    Most Despise it. But you accepted and proud LGBT
    Its gives you a sense of Human Right? Honestly, I am Dead Confuse
    Islam protects their women with marriages never as Mistress nor Prostitutes
    Marriage gives them Rights of Food, Clothing, Shelter, Offsprings, Homes, etc
    Islam doesn’t play Hide & Seek
    You feel Ok if Man keeps Mistress But you get angry and upset if these Mistereses is yr Mother, Sister or Daughter

    God only create Adam & Eve
    God never create Adam & Steve
    God creations in pair, Male Female. Full Stop
    In the Bible, In the Quran Eve are created from Adam Ribs
    I don’t know where from Man did these LGBT taken from?


    Its up to the champion or lobbyist of lgbt to legalize such marriages in their states, but can putrajaya afford to allow this to happen that could cause loss of malay bumiputra votes including sabah and sarawak?

    This is political and morality costs that both of the divides need to make, not me, sibotak.

    Did i laugh at malay men to have 4 wives?

    The mindshift now is are those educated and financially malay women willing to share their husbands with other women?

    If you ask me as chinese woman, the answer is no.

    You can label or laugh at me, i dont really care since i am just a voter, sibotak.

    Laughing is still the best medicine to minimize stress.

    Whatever the political rational and decision made behind behind all these issues, i am not against the decision of yours, sibotak.

    But, when general election is called, with or without another gerrymandering, i still cast vote just like eveyone in this country.

    The fundamental question is, are the chosen ones be able to do the jobs?

    If they insist to get the jobs done via takeover, or by force, by all means, go a head as long as they are within the legal framework of the government backed-projects, or government back- sovereing wealth.

    I already said, winner takes all, looser takes all.

    If they are good, they will survive and make it better.

    If they are no good, even, even when you give them tongkat or bantuan, they will only become weaker and weaker.

    Jika mahu buat, buat dengan cara yang betul.

    Politics was never a career that can make you rich overnight.

    Politics was never a career that can never bankrupt you overnight.

    Whichever coalition wins out, i wish them all the best.

    Are you ready?

  11. Tun

    Bab Sultan Kelantan. Dari apa yang keluar dalam media online, jelas ex-wife ini jahil dari segi undang2 Islam dan isu Raja2 Melayu.

    My komen tentang isu PKR are also based on media online.

    I tak minat dengan politik, time election saja I pilih wakil. Chances are I pilih dari BN atau PAS.

  12. Good morning!

    Lets see;

    Khabarnya Azmin jumpa Gerakan sebelum video lucah keluar. Dominic cakap. I tanya hubby; Kenapa Azmin pilih Gerakan tapi bukan Bersatu? Hubby jawab sebab PKR ada berbagai kaum.

    Dalam excitement dalam internet I teringat Datuk Seri Mah Siew Keong. Pertama kerna dia satu hometown dengan I. Kedua keluarganya popular dibandar tersebut. Keluarga Cina yang kaya raya dan tidak kedekut bina library untuk masyarkat setempat.

    Selain itu Datuk Seri Mah jadi wakil rakyat. Zaman DAP my hometown begitu zaman Gerakan my hometown juga begitu. Tukar politician pun tetap sama. Bandar ini tetap sama macam dulu banyak penagih dadah. Mungkin kerana terletak di Hilir Perak, maka ia seringlah dihilirkan dalam pembangunan.

    Ok berbalik pada video lucah. Sebelum KPN keluar statement, I dah dapat cerita
    yang mereka dapat bayaran 300K. Full payment khabarnya puluhan million. Janji la. Biasanya kalau politician berjanji duit besar baik jangan buat kerja dulu. Namun gitu bila dapat 300K grup itu terus proceed buat video lucah. Adalah blogger bercakap dalam internet so bila KPN cakap I tidak terkejut lagi.

    Tun, I sekarang tak minat dengan PKR, dulu I neutral sekarang I menyampah. Banyak sangat drama, sampai jerit semburit, bior benor2 sikit Mamat ini, buat malu orang Perak saja.

    Just sharing apa I tahu dan rasa.

  13. HBT question
    Why Sodomy ?
    Perhaps yr luv to befriend LGBT will have the answer
    LGBT seems to be Halal around the Kafir World
    It’s accepted in Hong Kong, in Singapore and proud by the Westerners
    And its practice by their great politician’s generations and themselves

    You laugh when Islam consents Muslim Man to have 4 wives
    Most Despise it. But you accepted and proud LGBT
    Its gives you a sense of Human Right? Honestly, I am Dead Confuse
    Islam protects their women with marriages never as Mistress nor Prostitutes
    Marriage gives them Rights of Food, Clothing, Shelter, Offsprings, Homes, etc
    Islam doesn’t play Hide & Seek
    You feel Ok if Man keeps Mistress But you get angry and upset if these Mistereses is yr Mother, Sister or Daughter

    God only create Adam & Eve
    God never create Adam & Steve
    God creations in pair, Male Female. Full Stop
    In the Bible, In the Quran Eve are created from Adam Ribs
    I don’t know where from Man did these LGBT taken from?

  14. Lies sold by US to the World sells like ‘ Goreng Pisang Panas ‘
    Because these Lies benefits the buyer
    Prime Buyers of US Lies to Led Wars is The West and those Abetting to US- Crimes
    These Lies designed by Israel, produced by US, Marketed by The West
    Unlawfully approves by UN Kills

    Kills Millions of Lives
    Destroy Beautiful Nation, Hopes & Civilization

    These are Professional and International Lies
    Lies that led to Confusion
    Lies that led to Wars
    Lies that Fooled Mankind
    These Lies are Made in Israel

    The Malay Political Lies is of that typical Sodomise, Affairs, Corruptions, etc
    More of personal agendas than National agendas
    Lies Never Solves nor Gain Nobody
    It gets around but it’s not the solutions

  15. Tun, Sambutan Termulia di Turkey
    Teruskan usaha mempersatukan Ummah
    Teruskan Bersuara dengan Turkey , Pakistan dan seterusnya Dunia Islam
    Mulakan usaha menyatu padukan sesama dengan ziarah menziarahi
    Dengan mengumpulkan Pemimpin Dunia Islam Sedunia
    Satukan Iran dan Saudi
    Satukan Yemen dan Saudi
    Satukan Iran & Iraq
    Satukan Sunni & Shia
    Sebenarnya ini semua bukan punca masalah Dunia Islam di ini hari
    Pertikaian , Selisih Faham wujud di antara
    Tapi yg membinasakan adalah Hasutan , Penipuan Amerika untuk Israel

    Maka setiap Umat wajib berusaha mempereratkan SiratulRahim kita sesama
    Buktikan bahwa apa yg berlaku kini ada Khianat Israel menipu Dunia

  16. Salam Tun dan semua,

    Memanglah semuanya bermotifkan politik Tun. Bukankah kesemua yang terlibat adalah ahli politik?

    Ok lah. Barangkali semasa pemecatan DS Anwar dahulu memang Tun ada kebimbangan tentang soal moral. Memang agak jijik jika sorang Perdana Menteri terlibat dengan kegiatan luar tabii ini. Tetapi yang hairannya, mengapa pula persoalan moral saudara Azmin Ali tidak penting? Adakah kerana politik lebih utama dari moral. Atau adakah pemecatan DS Anwar dahulu pun bermotifkan politik juga?

    Ataupun kali ini ianya lebih bersifat politik berbanding moral kerana Tun sudah nampak perpecahan yang akan berlaku jika Tun bertindak sama seperti dulu?

    Politik sifatnya memang selektif, berat sebelah dan selalu berubah-ubah. Kes yang dilemparkan kepada DS Najib Tun Razak dan ahli sekutu BN juga bermotifkan politik. Beliau telah lama dihukum bersalah sebelum keputusan mahkamah dijatuhkan. Walhal kes terowong, rogol dan semburit, ahli politik akan mengatakan mereka adalah tidak bersalah selagi belum didapati bersalah. Kena tumbangkan PH dulu baru boleh nampak kes-kes mereka akan pergi ke mahkamah.

    Saya tak mengatakan politik yang diamalkan BN itu lebih baik. Tetapi PH yang mendabik dada mengatakan mereka lebih baik dari BN. Hakikatnya mereka juga ahli politik yang megggunakan helah politik yang sama. Setidak-tidaknya BN lebih bijak mentadbir negara dan memberi keselesaan hidup kepada rakyatnya.

    Bahkan dari satu sudut, PH telah mula menampakkan bahwa mereka juga mengamalkan politik kotor. Cuba kita lihat memang telah timbul beberapa bukti bahawa wang GST tidak ‘dirompak’, wujudnya konspirasi memasukkan wang kedalam akaun DS Najib tanpa pengetahuannya, cukai yang dikenakan keatas wang derma RM2.6b untuk menjadikan DS Njib Razak muflis, menggugurkan kes terowong dan banglo yang masih dalam siasatan secara serta merta, mungkir janji manifesto atau dalam kata lain menipu rakyat, dan macam2 lagi.

    Saya memang takjub dengan ahli2 politik zaman sekarang. Mereka2 ini seolah2 tidak ada kehidupan selepas mati.

  17. Saya rasa daripada sesiapa yg buat filem lucah untuk mengaibkan sesaorang kerana Kepentingan Politik
    Kan lebih baik membuat Documentari mencari Kebenaran akan segala Sial yg menimpa Umat Islam di ini hari

    Dulu under era gemilang, cemerlang dan terbilang pun ada buat secara besar-besaran dengan aksi korban lembu under pak lah, also from northern state, maka terhilang majoriti kerusi 3/4 pada 8 mac, 2008.

    Indian sudah lupa, nambikei tak boleh diharap, sibotak?

    There is no if and but, only boleh atau tidak boleh, are you ready?

    Malaysia has the money (unlike Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines) but we don’t have the political will to do the right thing.

    Mr twinpeaks meant continue to let them makan angin dan shopping sini sana kerana you are malay bumiputra muslim?

    Even pak kommunis china pun rasa segan when outside world sees them as makan haram, i mean, makan percuma, dengan sikap boros ini, during the 90s.

    What is going on in hong kong?

    Pro-extradiction bill vs Anti-extradiction bill?

    Perhaps some lawmakers in hong kong are trying hardest to provoke darurat, oops, i mean interference of PLA in signalling close door policy of mainland china kut so that victor re-write history kut.

    President xi would not want to be dragged into this political trap, i guess he rather focus in libralizing and open up mainland china further, and he had shown that with long march of hard, tough and difficult roads a head to test the horses of his chosen team kut.

    Once bitten, twice shy, and when bitten many times, president xi too just like president trump and other leaders in the world in experiencing and learning the know how in handling political and economical issues in their own countries and outside their countries challenged by the opponents.

    Oh by the way, kim junior’s mother is born in osaka, japan, whereby the father is korean, mother is japanese, obviously, her nationality must follow the father, not the mother what.

    Video lucah signals another cycle of power struggling to rob paul to pay peter this time via quantitative easing in increasing mp seats in sabah and decreasing voting age to 18 just to increase fiscal atau federal government expenditure just to win votes, this time to increase quota nep with 35%?

    Jika boleh, then, we wont see the repeat of sodomy scandal.

    Why did they do that, sibotak?

    P/s: when 8 arab words cannot be used by non muslim in this country, takpa, then we can speak other languages what, boleh kan?

  18. Tun nak tanya ?

    Kenapa Dunia , PBB menamakan juga yg Pilu Dunia Islam sendiri ,
    Perjuang Islam yg mempertahankan Maruah & Tanah Air mereka dinamakan Terrorists . Sedangkan mereka tidak menyerang atau menakluk sesiapa . Senjata yg mereka gunakan pun Senjata Kentut. Mereka hanya membela atas Kematian Anak Bini , Ibu bapa , Saudara mereka yg di Bom dengan dengupan senjata yg Dashat di atas Bumbung rumah mereka. Mereka tidak memfitnah sesiapa dan yg amat sedih mereka tidak ada kemampuan menipu atau memfitnah sesiapa . Mereka nak berhijrah ke tempat lain pun tak mampu nak beli tiket kapal terbang.
    Mereka hanya bersenjatakan Bazooka yg mcam Kentut , AK 47 .Tidak mempunyai Pesawat Perjuang , Berpakain macam nak pergi Pasar dengan hanya Berselipar


    PBB , Dunia dan amat terguris Dunia Islam sendiri menamakan Askar Amerika , yg membunuh Anak Kecil , Bayi , Ibu mengandung , Orang Tua yg tidak Bersalah .Di Bom menghancurkan masa depan , rumah dan maruah mereka .Kaum Hawa DiRogol bergilir gilir di depan Ibu Ayah , Suami mereka di namakan sebagai Militants

    Saya rasa daripada sesiapa yg buat filem lucah untuk mengaibkan sesaorang kerana Kepentingan Politik
    Kan lebih baik membuat Documentari mencari Kebenaran akan segala Sial yg menimpa Umat Islam di ini hari

  19. Tun, World will never be at Peace
    When UN, World Leaders did not solve the right solution to the very problem

    The very problem of the World today
    Is The Greed of Politicians
    The Greed of the US , West War Mongerers who created, instilled Lies, Hatred
    towards Islamicphobia, etc to veil their wrongdoings and Ill intentions

    World Leader knows this
    United Nation knows this
    All of us knows this
    It’s not a religion, Its never Shia nor Sunnis, Shia & Sunni today have Mixed Bless Marriages which produces Japanese Sushi Offsprings
    There are frictions in between BUT it was never them

    It is US, West Wat Mongers Lies, interference, instill Hatred & Confusion that develops to the World Human-Made Disaster
    US , Israel is playing The innocent Victims, playing Hero
    YET They are the very reasons for all the Disaster made by Man today
    The Ugly Sad part , UN, World Leaders knows this YET everyone is HYPOCRITES
    Pretends Nothing happens, Sees No Evil, YET The Evil is in them to serve their benefits & interest. What a Lousy Era of time we live here today seeing these in our own eyes. Injustice towards the innocents, Babies, Women, and Children

    As we can see today Not just Middle East
    China & Hong Kong if not Rightfully Solves it will be Disaster
    Adds up by US Un True, Insincere Interferences, Hong Kong will be Chaos
    Hong Kong Chinese will fight with the Chinese
    US will fumes it with more Confusions

    US is never True of its Doings
    US Wealth is Never gain by Sweats & Honesty
    Its gained by Threats at the expense of Human Lives
    We are living in a very Disgusting World

    Iran Today
    Israel is very keen to finish off Iran
    Fooling UN, Fooling US, Fooling The World
    They want to Hit Iran Badly fooling US, Fooling UAE & Saudi land to be the Battle Fied instead of Israel Land itself
    Israel should be The Battlefield as it is Israel that is keen to go to war with Iran.US is just their Apps
    Fooling Saudi, UAE and The World

    Arabs are a Disgrace to our Prophet Muhammad p.u.h today
    They have No Brains. They are Mules consenting US for Israel to fool them and their Generations to come . They are just Idiots

    Israel played the Clean player
    US, UAE, Saudi perhaps British & NATO will hit Iran
    With Israel not risking their Land nor their People any Harm
    They are building it today in The Persian Gulf

    All Wars will divert to Saudi & UAE
    US for Israel will make The Arabs killing The Arabs
    The US, Israel, NATO will come later as a Hero
    As The Savior to the World
    NATO, US, Israel will take The Free Ride
    It is Wise Iran should prepare itself with all means of Weapons
    Including The Devil of all Weapons
    Hit the Right Target. That is made Israel The BattleField, The Battle Ground
    Not The Land of UAE nor Saudi
    Not against Muslims & Muslims as Israel wants it to be

    Can’t The UAE, Saudi Arabs sees this
    Like Versa, if the US feeds Hong Kong with instigations and more Weapons
    Hong Kong will be Chaos

    Tun, I plead you to speak this Truth in The UN Assembly
    Thank you Tun

  20. Brexit sets to be on the table for negotiation by October, 31, 2019, no if and no but, deal or no deal with johnson boris as the next prime minister in laying his strategy campaign to unite people of united kingdom regardless of race or religion faiths based on law approved by their members of parliament.

    Muslim Malaysia, Malaysian Malaysia, United Malay Organization with Pas, no if and no but, deal or no deal before anwar ibrahim from northern state to take over the baton from tun dr mahathir mohammad, also from northern state.

    State control universities and stadiums by exploiting the current private petrol subsidies players, zakat contributors income contributers regardless of races and religion faiths, the choice is with both of the political divides.

    Muslim market, i am out since it is 1 way street whereby i go in, i cannot come out.

    Non muslim market, i am in at least i am not force to learn jawi and malay language by these so called perjuang bangsa dan agama.

    P/s: malay bumiputra/bumiputera biased policy, it will become very kampung. islam biased policy, it will become very islamic with mosques and surau here and there, it is up to both of the divides to decide. video lucah shows the political power struggling within the muslim community is very real, it is not something that you will not be fearful off its consequences. good luck to the divides since nothing is concrete when race and religion issues are being played again and again.

  21. “They are Universiti Malaya rank 70, Universiti Putra Malaysia 159, UKM 160, USM 165, UTM 217 and Universiti Utara (591-600).”

    I am not sure where the writer got this information from (the ranking must be by a Chinese University and only for Asia region), but according to the globally regarded Times World University Ranking 2019, Universiti Malaya is 301-350, UTAR 501-600, and UKM, USM, UTM and UTPetronas all in the 601-800. No mention of the rest. However, Malaysia is still miles ahead of Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines (they each only have 1 university in the 601-800 ranking).
    But of course we don’t compare ourselves with them. We must be like Singapore, Japan and South Korea, who are all OECD members (i.e. OFFICIALLY recongnised developed economies). They each have TWO universities in the top 100 ranking. Hong Kong has three! (more than mainland China).
    It is not just government funding that is critical in Malaysia’s case, it is (yes I agree on this point) also the quality of academics. NUS (Singapore) is ranked No. 1 again simply because its has top academics whose non-teaching research output are cited globally by other academics more than our academics. Why? Because they were recruited by NUS for their already world-famous reputation in their respective fields. It is not a secret. If our government is willing to revamp the intakes of academics in all our universities, overnight we will beat Singapore and the rest of Asia. All it takes is the political will and leadership. But if the will is not there, I can assure you the nation will be stuck as it is and possibly even regress when those countries behind it progress. Malaysia has the money (unlike Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines) but we don’t have the political will to do the right thing.
    Top quality academics and English-speaking teachers is the key to unlock the potential of all students in Malaysia, even those from the rural areas. Singapore students are no more cleverer than Malaysian students but they benefit from the high-quality schools and universities provided by the Singapore government. Like it or not, Malaysia needs to learn from its successful little neighbour.
    I have to say we are running out of time fast (sorry Tun).

  22. I nak fwd/ share yg ni utk makluman semua ya:

    Malaysian is producing too many low-grade graduates

    ByKoon Yew Yin

    Posted on July 24, 2019

    Based on the global higher education ranking system, we have only 6 of our 20 public universities graded and the other 14 have failed to get recognition.

    They are Universiti Malaya rank 70, Universiti Putra Malaysia 159, UKM 160, USM 165, UTM 217 and Universiti Utara (591-600).

    The question in many minds is what is the ranking and standard of the remaining 14 public universities that have failed to get recognition in the global higher education ranking system.

    The unranked universities include International Islamic University,
    UM Kelantan,
    UM Pahang,
    UM Perlis,
    UM Sabah,
    UM Sarawak,
    UM Trengganu,
    Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris,
    Universiti Pertahanan,
    Islamic Science Universiti,
    Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin,
    Universiti Teknikal Melaka,
    Universiti Tun Hussein Onn and
    Universiti Teknologi MARA.

    Besides these 20 public universities, there are many private universities and colleges. In fact, there are a lot more university places than students.

    They have to compete for students. In order to get more students to make money, they have to lower the entry standards.

    As a result, both public and private universities are producing a lot of low-grade graduates.

    According to the Ministry of Education’s publication, Quick Facts 2018, we have a tertiary student enrolment of 538,555 as of Dec 31, 2017.

    The top six ranked universities account for about 180,000 students meaning that over 350,000 students are enrolled and will be graduating from the 14 public universities.

    Besides these future graduates from public uninersities, there will be another few hundred thousands from private universities.

    Not well known is that there are 165,000 students alone in the exclusively Malay/Bumiputra Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM).

    Data on public universities shows that the majority were set up after 1990.

    If we assume a total of 100,000 graduates produced annually since the NEP’s end, this could mean that our higher education system has produced more than 3 million graduates with possibly 2.5 million from the Malay community; and perhaps one million from UiTM.

    This output of higher degree certificated manpower during such a short time is not only a staggering achievement. It may be one that is possibly unprecedented in the world.

    It could well be that simply on the basis of paper qualifications, Malaysia may have the most degree holders per capita in Asia if not the world.

    Why Malaysia is still not a developed Nation?

    As you know, managing the whole country is like managing thousands of commercial businesses, companies and conglomerates.

    Almost all the Malaysian civil servants are Malays. What can we expect when Malaysia is managed by thousands of low-grade graduates?

    Why Malaysia is still not a developed Nation?

    In 1970 when the new economic policy (NEP) was introduced, our GDP per capita was about the same as Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea.

    Currently Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea are 4, 3 and 2.5 times our GDP per capita respectively.

    They are already classified as fully developed Nations. They do not even have timber to build their houses.

    While we were once the biggest producer of tin, rubber and palm oil in the world. Moreover, we have petroleum as bonus.

    I hope all the leaders of political parties including Tun Dr Mahathir who declared VISION 2020 when he was first elected Prime Minister in 1981, read this article and act accordingly to make Malaysia a developed Nation.

    My book: In fact, in 2012 I wrote and published my namely “Malaysia: Road Map to achieving Vision 2020 and I have given YB Nga Kor Ming 100 copies for distribution.

    Fastest way to Vision 2020 is to practice meritocracy.

    I wish to take this opportunity to suggest that the Pakatan Government practices meritocracy in the selection of students to enter public universities so that we can produce higher grade graduates.

    I also like to suggest that the Government practices meritocracy in the selection of employees for pro

  23. Good afternoon!

    Tun melihatnya dari segi masaalah politik. I melihatnya dari segi moral. Position Tun dan saya tak sama. Tun PM, saya hanya pengundi biasa.

    Semestinya pengundi biasa like me takan pangkah logo PKR. PH pinjam logo PKR masa election yang lalu, dah lintang pukang jadinya. Macam2 hal.

    Kejab gini kejab gitu. Not to mention DAP and also Amanah punya hal. Kita sebagai penggundi ini jelak dengan sikap pemimpin PH yang tiada moral dan syok sendiri.

    I rasa elok sangatlah polis jalan tanggung jawab, kalau dah tau siapa, tangkap. Janganlah pilih2 dia ini tak boleh dia tu boleh. Kalau dah jahat tangkap aje lah. Azmin pun kalau dah tau siapa, cakap. Kita banyak hal nak fikir, bukan nak fikir hal mereka saja.

  24. Was it wrong to expose Azmin Ali’s gay sexcapade?

    Note: Somebody sent below to me via WhatsApp!

    Mendedahkan sesuatu perkara yang betul-betul ada pada seseorang yang tidak disenangi penghebahannya oleh orang tersebut sama ada perkara tersebut adalah perbuatan atau sifat kejadian samalah hukumnya dengan mengumpat. Hukum asal kepada mengumpat adalah haram kerana dengan mengumpat, aib seseorang Muslim itu akan didedahkan kepada orang ramai sedangkan Islam mewajibkan para muslim untuk menyembunyikan aib seseorang. Namun di dalam beberapa keadaan mengumpat dibenarkan oleh Islam.

    Imam al-Ghazali dan Imam al-Nawawi mendedahkan kepada kita enam keadaan perbuatan mengumpat itu dibolehkan oleh syarak. Kesimpulannya adalah seperti berikut :-

    Orang yang dizalimi membuat aduan kepada pihak pemerintah seperti Khalifah dan hakim ataupun kepada orang yang mempunyai kemampuan berkaitan dengan individu yang menzaliminya agar kezaliman itu akan dibanteras.

    Perbuatan mengumpat (mendedahkan) itu adalah bertujuan untuk membasmi kemungkaran seperti apabila seseorang berkata kepada orang yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengubah kemungkaran, “Si Fulan melakukan kemungkaran maka cegahlah ia daripada kemungkaran tersebut”. Namun hendaklah niat mengumpat atau pendedahan tadi semata-mata kerana ingin mencegah kemungkaran.

    Meminta fatwa daripada seorang mufti yang mana orang yang bertanya terpaksa menggunakan umpatan bagi menjelaskan masalahnya kepada sang mufti. Contohnya si penanya bertanya, “Ayah saya menzalimi saya kerana sebab begini dan begini. Bagaimanakah cara untuk saya mendapatkan hak saya?”

    Memberikan peringatan kepada para Muslim terhadap kejahatan seseorang agar setiap orang dapat menghindari kejahatannya.

    Apabila seseorang itu menzahirkan kemungkaran yang dilakukannya. Maka ketika itu tidak mengapa seandainya kita menghebahkan kepada masyarakat kejahatan yang dilakukannya kerana dia sendiri telahpun menzahirkan kejahatannya secara terang-terang. Walaubagaimanapun kejahatan yang dibenarkan untuk didedahkan hanyalah perbuatan mungkar yang dilakukannya secara terang-terangan. Adapun kejahatan lain yang dilakukannya secara bersembunyi maka haram hukumnya untuk didedahkan kepada masyarakat umum.

    Mengumpat dengan tujuan mengenali seseorang. Apabila seseorang individu dikenali dengan sesuatu aib yang ada pada dirinya maka kita boleh menggunakan gelarannya yang merupakan aib tersebut atas tujuan untuk mengenali orang tersebut. Namun kebenaran ini dibolehkan dengan syarat si pemilik aib tersebut tidak merasa marah dengan gelaran aib yang disandarkan kepadanya selepas gelaran tersebut dikenali oleh orang ramai.


    Hasil daripada enam keadaan yang dibolehkan mengumpat ini, kita dapati bahawa mendedahkan kezaliman dan kemungkaran yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah adalah dibenarkan oleh syara’ atas sebab-sebab berikut :-

    Kemungkaran yang dilaksanakan oleh pemimpin seandainya tidak didedahkan kepada masyarakat, maka masyarakat akan tertipu dengan zahir kebaikan mereka lantas mereka membuat pemilihan yang salah apalagi sebagai parti memerintah.

    Namun apabila penyelewengan mereka didedahkan kepada masyarakat, maka ia akan mendorong mereka untuk menggantikan pemimpin-pemimpin lain yang amanah terhadap Islam dan rakyat. Ini bermakna tindakan mendedahkan kesalahan adalah kerana ingin mengelakkan masyarakat daripada ditimpa oleh kejahatan mereka yang tidak mahu meletakkan Islam sebagai pemutus kepada setiap keputusan negara.

    Kemungkaran yang dibuat oleh pemimpin hari ini kebanyakannya dibuat secara terang-terangan atau membahayakan umat sejagat. Maka ketika itu Islam tidak melarang mana-mana individu untuk mendedahkan kejahatan yang dilakukan secara zahir tersebut kepada rakyat dan orang awam.

    Daripada konsep kenegaraan pada hari ini, menyelamatkan masyarakat daripada kezaliman pemerintah adalah dengan cara tidak memberikan undian kepada mereka pada musim pilihanraya.

    Pendedahan kejahatan para pemerintah pada hari kepada masyarakat adalah atas sebab kita ingin meminta bantuan masyarakat untuk mengubah kezaliman pemerintah dengan cara menjatuhkan mereka di dalam sistem demokrasi yang digariskan oleh perlembagaan Malaysia.

    Walaupun kita dibenarkan mendedahkan kepada rakyat kejahatan dan kezaliman para pemimpin yang zalim, namun keharusan ini hendaklah atas dasar ingin mencegah kemungkaran. Namun, seandainya kemungkaran yang dilakukan oleh para pemimpin adalah kemungkaran tertutup yang hanya berkait antara dia dan Allah yang tidak melibatkan sebarang kezaliman kepada rakyat, maka haram hukumnya kita mendedahkan kejahatan yang disembunyikan oleh pemimpin tersebut kerana dengan menyebarkan kepada masyarakat umum, ini akan mendedahkan aib seseorang itu.

    Selagi mana kemungkaran itu tidak dilakukan secara terang-terangan maka kita tidak boleh mendedahkannya kepada masyarakat.

  25. ada masyuukk kot…

    SPRM pun elok siasat sama kes ni…

    Apapun dilihat wajar perlembagaan digubal supaya mandat memilih perdana menteri diberikan pada rakyat untuk memilih calon terbaik berbanding sistem sedia ada…

  26. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Perlu diingatkan bahawa video lucah tersebut TULIN, dan bukannya dihasilkan menggunakan teknologi AI ‘deepfake’.

    2. Jika benar YB Azmin difitnah sila saman Haziq.

    3. Peliknya, takkanlah pelaku (sudah mengaku) tidak boleh dicam oleh ‘facial recognition software’ tersebut. Kalau mahukan 100% sama (‘matched’), memanglah mustahil! Jika memang bukan Haziq, dakwalah beliau kerana menipu / memfitnah.

    4. Amat memualkan sebab golongan yang terbabit dengan komplot politik kotor video lucah ialah kawan-kawan Tun dari Pakatan Harapan. Saya dah agak dah…

    5. Kesian saya melihat Tun dan PH sebab perangai buruk main politik kotor rupa-rupa berleluasa dalam PH (bekas Pembangkang). Dulu mereka yang dedahkan aib ‘kawan’ mereka yang dahulunya berada dalam UMNO. Inilah kepakaran mereka! Bila diberi peluang jadi Kerajaan, prestasi mereka memang hampeh.

    6. Apo nak dikato!

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  27. Azmin sememangya mempunyai ciri-ciri pemimpin yang hebat dan padat. jika azmin terlibat di dalam skandal itu haruslah dia bertaubat dan kita maju ke depan, jika tidak ianya satu fitnah untuk membunuh kerjaya politiknya dan menaikkan “seseorang”

    disebalik individu2 ini yang utamanya adalah negara dan penduduknya. semoga TUN berjaya didalam perancangan dalam membangunkan Malaysia

    Allah Peliharakan Tun Mahathir

  28. Assalammualaikum Tun

    “Saya tidak sanggup diperalatkan. Jauh sekali oleh perancang yang berniat jahat dan mengguna politik kotor.”

    Saya setuju Tun. PKR parti yang bermasalah. Tidak mempunyai halatuju yang jelas ketika ditubuhkan melainkan mempertahankan individu tertentu.

    Kerajaan hari ini “katanya” sedang bertungkus lumus untuk membetulkan kerosakkan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah terdahulu. Sedangkan parti dia masih bergolak sesama sendiri.

    Nak betulkan asas negara, asas parti sendiri bercelaru. Teringat pula dengan langkah kajang suatu ketika dulu. Nak jadi MB punya hal.

    Jemu melihat kerenah ‘orang’ ini.

  29. Good evening!

    Tun ini macam jawab posting I kat Mendaulatkan Islam.

    Untuk pengetahuan Tun, Deepfake app boleh dibeli online semurah $50. Yang buat kerja ini kenalah seorang pakar, serious dan teliti dalam menjalani tugas. Dengan app lancarlah kerjanya nak kenakan orang tertentu.

    Bukanlah macam zaman Najib, muka saja Najib tengok badan kita dah tau ini bukan badan Najib.

    Of course I tak tau samada video lucah ini deepfake ke tak. Azmin ka? Ya ka? Bukan ka? Sebagai rakyat biasa, I rasa jangkal video lucah luar tabii ini boleh keluar time orang nak raya.

  30. Dear Tun,

    I agree with you. This is Not a moral issue, whatever various quarters say one way or another. More worryingly though, this is a private matter that is shoved to become a most vital political matter. Most worryingly, the colour of one’s hair or what one likes to eat for his breakfast has become the criteria on who should be your successor as Prime Minster. For a nation that aspires to become a developed country, one’s ability to grow the economy and sustain it has taken a back seat in favour of some other matters that are considered ideological and dogmatic in other developed countries. How do you solve the nation’s mindset? I wish you good luck as you need plenty of it.

  31. Ni psl moral? abih masa awk singkir DSAI dlu psl apa pula? aduhaiiii tok.. nasihat ikhlas sy, sdh2 ler kenakan DSAI tu.. ingat2 ler kubur.. rakyat x bodoh sgt nk nilai ‘taktik politik kotor’ awk..
    insya Allah.. awk akan gagal..

  32. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Ketua Polis Negara telah pun mengatakan individu sasaran dalam video itu tidak dapat dikenalpasti. Bagi saya ini sudah memadai. Buat apa lagi kita nak cari keaiban orang sampai ke lubang cacing. Macamlah kita ni baik sangat. Kata orang putih,” People who live in glass houses, should not throw stones”. Ada banyak lagi perkara penting untuk difikirkan seperti masalah rakyat iaitu kos hidup, hutang negara, dsb. “Gutter politics” patut diban terus atau menjadi satu kesalahan jenayah. Mereka yang terlibat patut diambil tindakan. Lets move on.

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