1. We were poor before. In those days we talked of millions of Ringgit. Now we are much richer and we talk of billions of Ringgit. It is difficult to comprehend what billions of Ringgit mean. Even when a few millions are lost we hardly notice it.
2. I read in the paper someone suggesting that Government should have an external auditor so that there would be more credibility in the eyes of the public.
3. I think it is a good idea. But it should be extended to other Government agencies, including those which are not governed by Government General orders or Salary Scheme.
4. This need is urgent now because with Malaysia’s greater wealth large sums of money are being expended and managed by both the Government and the agencies. We see entities such as Felda, EPF, Tabung Haji spending billions in acquiring foreign properties while others such as MAHB and Petronas have bought shares in airports and Canadian ventures also involving huge sums of money.
5. Of course their accounts have been made public but there are many things that the public would like to know.
6. An outside audit by a good auditing firm appointed by an independent body not connected with the companies to be audited would help allay the suspicions and worries of the public. The audit firms should be beholden only to the independent body as well as be paid by them. Government and its agencies should have no say at all.
7. The public should be allowed to testify or at least to give information on anything they may know about the accounts being audited. While there should be transparency, in some cases the identities of the informants should not be revealed.
8. With a proper audit by reputable auditors the cleanliness of the management of public funds should be established. The Government’s name would be cleared.
For HBT456 from the Ministry of Information, Singapore. I am proud and feel good about MALAYSIA BOLEH ! MALAYS BOLEH ! MALAYSIANS BOLEH ! which was concocted by me a few years ago.
I feel good that this troublemaker HBT456 embedded here was hurt by truth. This is good, very good. Let me explain to this numbskull from the late Ruler’s (1959-2015). MALAYSIA BOLEH MEANS OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA IS REALLY BETTER THAN THE TINY ISLE OF SINGAPORE MANIFOLD. MALAYS BOLEH RECOGNISES THE FACT THAT THE MALAYS ARE HISTORICALLY AND CONVENTIONALLY THE ORIGINAL INHABITANTS OF THIS LAND. MALAYSIANS BOLEH MEANS THAT EVEN THE FAMILY DYNASTY LEADER OF DAP ADMITTED THAT HE WOULD BE HAPPY TO BE THE 3RD DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER OF OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA – It is alleged he is taking private lessons in preparation for the job like wearing tuxedos, Guccis, Hugo Boss suits, etc.
you are lucky tok det because malaysians are moderate and only show their displeasure in the ballot boxes. Bn became weak is because of you. The difference between mr lee and you, me lee would go for do it or die for singapore. Your motto is you die is better than I die even with your own country men. Personally, I think you have 2 kinds of attitude in dealing with malaysian political parties. With the non malay, you are mao zedong, with malay, you are nehru.
Yb ong tee keat, please do not rally for bn if mp rafizi is sent to jail to tell the world that we chinese can never accept such dirty politics.
If tok det sayang umno dan melayu sebagai umat muslim, lebih baik tok det pakai kwap untuk membina jambatan bengkok di johor. Jika tok det lebih sayang umno dan melayu, lebih baik dok det pakai wang kwap untuk speed train di bdr tun razak. dodoikan emosi kaum melayu is not the way to move forward if you want your son to be the next pm.
Whats the point of worrying as mca youth In peninsula? mca and gerakan lost all their core votes in last 2 general elections. since current mca president pledged full support to bn chairman, just follow and continue with the ketuanan melayu of mubarak chan, malay boleh, malaysia boleh, , malaysians boleh.
What does hadi means impose taxes on the rich? he is only a pas president. If he is rightous, he can never be lobbied by umno members as pas president. Similarly, pkr khalid ibrahim can never be lobied by umno as pkr president. Yang tak nak dilobi kini berada di dalam jel sg buloh. money cannot buy power forever. No man is an island.
I think it’s high time that our prime minister shouldn’t be holding the finance minister position as well. It can easily lead to abuse of power, as that post enables one to freely misuse it’s benefits. Pm position itself is a huge burden, poses a lot of its own responsibilities. Whereas managing our country well requires 100% from someone who is capable of doing it. It simply implies that you can manipilate the funds and treat it as your personal checkbook.
I hope the Malaysia government would take this issue seriously because this topic is becoming the masses opinion.
What can we do about this?
Ds mukhriz, I dont think it is the will of kelantanese to support hukum hudud. if you want to be extra ordinary, dont support hukum hudud secara terang2 because the federal constitution and bn concensus do not allow it. Gabungan of pas and umno to win more rural folk votes will only drive away not only urban votes of multi ethnic malaysians in peninsula, it will also drive away the votes of bumiputra from east coast. Jangan ikut cara orang lama, nak tapi segan nak kata aku nak. Come on, yes means yes, no means no. You cant be agreed to disagreed in politics.
It is better off for Khazanah to do what they need to do to save MAS without political intervention from UMNO/BN.
UMNO / BN has to bite the bullet now than later. Even if opposition parties win in next GE, they too will bite take the same measure.
How to save proton? Alfred, as european, he can help proton, and perodua too to provide affordable car to malaysian even if ap is abolish. even to get driving license, alfred can help.
Tuan ibrahim, tak perlu tanya lagi. pkr dan dap tidak boleh bergabung dengan ex presiden2 yang boleh dirasuahkan umno baru.
Unfortunately, non of the oku remember what tun dr mm as president and pm had said before “dont do as I said”. They copied, and scored 100 percent kerana takut hilang periuk nasi mereka saja. Saling tikam menikam, bad mouting, mei 13, kepala lembu, allah issues, power abuse, kangaroo court, corruption, dan macam2 lagi, cuma nak tanya, siapa nak invest kepada negara macam inI?
Dear YAB Tun, ……….Pls……..Pls…..Come back …Come back
First of all, i would like to pray to the might god to give you another chance to helm the Malaysian politic.
I am your die hard follower and strong believer in your vision and action. To be honest with you it is almost 11 years you had step down, but nothing good happen in Malaysia ever since that period.
Malaysia no longer a save place, we cant walk in the street with jewelries nowadays.
Education system had been change more then 3 times ever since u step down. Parents and children s are suffering.
Malaysian no longer enjoy comfortable life as what it used to be during your tenure. Essential item had gone up so much….Water, Electric, Oil, Cooking Oil, Sugar, Rice,Flour, Public Transport…
Every Housing area needed to have Security Guard, unlike your time everything is safe and sounds.
Now days parent spend so money on tuition fee, as the education system had gone to bad to worse. Day by Day Malaysian are getting poorer.
As a Malaysian citizen, i sincerely see you as one of the most loving Leader who not only develop the country so advance at the same time you had ensured the people is not penalize and burden by any means.
All i am asking you, pls came back and save the country and its citizen from the current misery and pain.
Pls….pls ….we Malaysian need you so badly.
Dearest YAB Tun,
I am currently in Europe. From my observation the situation here is very bad. I saw many ‘beggars’ and homeless people. Many people lost their job; finding another job is difficult and the pay is normally much less (but more work/tasks to do).
I believe those who still have their job must perform a ‘wealth audit’ on themselves (properties/money/liabilities) and see how long they can survive if they also lose their job.
Thanks Tun.
*** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***
My view of our beloved Malaysia that it is a beautiful country with beautiful people and a FREE MALAYSIAN STYLE DEMOCRACY WITH OPEN CAPITALISTIC CHARACTERISTICS, is now confirmed by ” IRAQI “. We have already got MALAYSIAN STYLE WESTERN DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM, HUMAN RIGHTS, ETC AND WILL BE MUCH MUCH BETTER WHEN WE RETURN TO NORMAL. We do our own thing, our Malaysian Way !
Well, I hope you Malay guys do not be misled…. the democracy arrived to middle east started with words like corruptions, freedom, Transparency, human rights and alike… it is all lies and fraud to fool people
later we discovered that, these words was a pretext for occupation…… you have the best government ever, great leaders and great country…
I myself, live here since 10 years and I would love to continue my whole life in this great country. proud on this great Muslim country, May Allah bless Malaysia….
Dear Tun,
Please allow me to quote Abu Alya and CERAKINAN as below
Abu Alya’s GravatarAbu AlyaFebruary 5, 2015 at 10:33 AM | Permalink
Salam Tun.
Nation’s Wealth & TPPA
cerakinan’s GravatarcerakinanFebruary 4, 2015 at 12:52 AM | Permalink
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Having read the various facts and arguments from MUBARAKCHAN and AMIN TAN whom both i respectfully acknowledged here.
To pause and ponder the facts of Singapore supremacy in trade and the very basic foundation that they had over its hinterland ,our beloved MALAYSIA are premised on their long and clear domination of the exclusivity of distribution of manufactured goods from all over the world decades ago and their consistent pursuit to entrenched this exclusivity for new products for trade.
Focused as a trading nation with the free entreport created for the very purpose of domination and now clearly entrenched as the hub for Asia Pacific Distribution what better reason to promote the TPPA other than for their own and better interest and therefore I agree with the view from Mubarakchan the potential demise of our beloved nation if the TPPA were signed…MALAYSIA and MALAYSIAN businesses succumbing further to bluffology of the empire.
Let us not have phobia of Singapore or Lee Kuan Yew. TPPA IS NOT SINGAPORE. It is about trading in an enlarge common market of 12 countries. It will be like The European Common Market which is a huge success. It will be beneficial to all the member nations. Some nation will gain more and some will gain less, but gain never the less. Please do not exaggerate and say it will bring about the demise of Malaysia as a nation. If we compare Malaysian Airlines (MAS) which has been losing money and Singapore Airlines(SIA) which has been making profit, it does not mean that Singapore has been cheating Malaysia. It just means that SIA is better managed than MAS.
The trepidation and enmity towards our southern neighbour is counter productive, regressive obsessive to the point of being paranoia and vindictive for no rhyme or reason.
amin tan
Salam Tun.
Nation’s Wealth & TPPA
It is better to learn from others mistake than to make the same one yourself. The TPPA is not about trade. It is about control. We can learn from Ecuador’s experience – how their wealth is being plundered and controlled by the US corporations like Bechtel (Petronas’s Canadian project contractor), Chevron, Occidental Petroleum etc and how they are now being bullied by these giant corporations to pay heavy fines through special ‘Courts’ that ‘decides’ on the ISDS ( Investor-State Dispute Settlement). The same legal mechanism will be applied to Malaysia when we agree to TPPA.
If we want to take a lesson from the past, it is so silly to forget how we have easily lost KTM land and Pulau Batu Putih to the “TPPA Champion”, who else if not Singapore. It is not far-fetched to suggest that Singapore will eventually be turned into a base for TPPA Investor/Corporations legal, or rather litigations centre.
I wholeheartedly agree with Tuan Mubarakchan on the TPPA issue, because his research and analysis are consistent with proofs – past and present. One need only to have a clear unbiased mind and follow the tracks leading to the advent of TPPA and a simple question that will bring in the answer, ‘cui bono?’
Are we legally prepared to place the nation’s wealth, sovereignty and even our lives in the controlling hands of the giant corporations and at the mercy of Singapore litigation expertise? Have we forgotten about CLOB, KTM land, Pulau Batu Putih, Scenic Bridge, Iskandar and so on … Is it not clear enough already that Singapore is the red dot, the ant that rides the donkey and how they are preparing themselves to become our future ‘Masters’ should our govt go ahead to agree with the TPPA?
Saya berasa sedih perkara ini berlaku di Malaysia kerana semakin hampir kita menjadi negara maju/berpendapatan tinggi (katanya…) semakin banyak perkara dicampuri/dibayangi sentimen perkauman dan ikut rasa hati.
Pengguna/rakyat memang semestinya mempunyai sentimen tidak puas hati apabila harga barang tidak turun apabila harga minyak sudah turun kerana selama ini kenaikan harga barang selalu dikaitkan dengan kenaikan harga minyak.
Persoalan pokok adalah untuk memahami struktur kos jualan produk (cost of good sold) dan mengenal pasti komponen kos yang manakah menyebabkan kenaikan harga dan adakah ia benar-benar dipengaruhi oleh harga minyak. Ini termasuk semua elemen kos jualan produk seperti bahan mentah, kos pengilangan, kos pembungkusan, kos penghantaran, cukai dan lain lain.
Ia memerlukan kajian menyeluruh bukan sahaja pada jenis barang tetapi juga pada sektor sokongan lain di dalam rantaian pembekalan dan pengagihan (supply chain dan distribution channel).
Dari situ kita dapat mengenal pasti isu yang betul dan juga boleh melihat samada pembekal, pemborong, sektor pengangkutan barang atau peniaga mengamalkan keuntungan (margin) yang berlebihan. Atau mungkin juga kepincangan struktur pencukaian oleh kerajaan.
Kerajaan atau menteri mesti membuat kenyataan dan dasar berdasarkan kajian perniagaan di atas.
Kita sudahpun mempunyai LAWS OF MALAYSIA Act 723 PRICE CONTROL AND ANTI-PROFITEERING ACT 2011, dan bagaimana keberkesanan akta ini?
Usah kita mencinakan, mengindiakan atau memelayukan isu-isu ekonomi,,,,zaman tu dah lama lepas. Hakikatnya kebanyakkan perniagaan kaum Cina mempunyai sokongan dari kaum Melayu seperti chairman, pengarah serta pengurusan tinggi Melayu dan ada banyak juga perniagaan kaum Melayu yang sebenarnya dibelakangnya adalah kaum Cina….
Sebagai pengguna kita (semua kaum) harus gunakan kuasa pembeli pengguna untuk boikot barangan semua peniaga (semua kaum) yang mengaut keuntungan yang tak munasabah.
Dan sebagai kerajaan, mereka MESTILAH bertindak berdasarkan fakta dari kajian kajian perniagaan, pemasaran dan pengagihan. Kuatkuasakan akta yang sedia ada dan baikpulih serta kemaskinikan akta tersebut mengikut keadaan semasa.
Barulah masyarakat kita boleh jadi maju…ni nak ikutkan rasa hati tanpa knowing the facts!! Semasa kita semua kecoh ikut rasa hati, saya pasti sudah ada golongan peniaga yg bijak mengkaji perniagaan mereka untuk memperolehi keuntungan yg maksima, samada secara bermoral atau tidak, secara sah dari undang-undang atau tidak….
Persoalannya adakah kerajaan memperolehi kajian dan fakta yang cukup? Dan siapa yang membuat kajian sebegitu di negara kita. Sekiranya kajian seperti itu memang ada dan cukup, saya tak nampak golongan ilmiah dari universiti tempatan yg terbabit dalam jurusan ini bersuara pada persatuan pengguna, kerajaan dan lain-lain.
Kita perlukan lebih ramai golongan ilmiah dari pengkaji, universiti, konsultan untuk lebih aktif menyumbang kebaikan dalam industri dan perniagaan. Ini boleh membantu golongan politik berfikir dan mengambil tindakan yang lebih tepat…..
Mungkin pelajar tahun akhir jurusan perniagaan di universiti di negara Jepun hanya tersengeh apabila mereka lihat keadaan ini. Dan mungkin pegawai dagang asing (expatriate) dari hypermarket asing seperti Tesco hanya tergelak melihat cara kita……
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Having read the various facts and arguments from MUBARAKCHAN and AMIN TAN whom both i respectfully acknowledged here.
To pause and ponder the facts of Singapore supremacy in trade and the very basic foundation that they had over its hinterland ,our beloved MALAYSIA are premised on their long and clear domination of the exclusivity of distribution of manufactured goods from all over the world decades ago and their consistent pursuit to entrenched this exclusivity for new products for trade.
Focused as a trading nation with the free entreport created for the very purpose of domination and now clearly entrenched as the hub for Asia Pacific Distribution what better reason to promote the TPPA other than for their own and better interest and therefore I agree with the view from Mubarakchan the potential demise of our beloved nation if the TPPA were signed…MALAYSIA and MALAYSIAN businesses succumbing further to bluffology of the empire.
Terima kasih Tun, semoga Tun dan keluarga sentiasa dalam perlindungan Allah..aamiin.
Please allow me to persuade Mr Mubarakchan that Malaysia is not about to be swallowed up by the one street island nation of Singapore. It would be like a python trying to swallow a bison. Let us get our facts straight. Singapore is the biggest trading partner nation of Malaysia. In fact, Singapore and Malaysia were one nation not too long ago. I am sure Malaysia and Singapore will continue to be be the biggest trading partners eternally, simply because culturally, historically, linguistically we were the same. Tun Dr Mahathir and beloved wife were Singapore medical graduates. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s wife was born in Singapore. Mr Mubarakchan is related To Lee Kuan Yew through marriage. I can go on and on. Let us not create unnecessary phobia about Singapore. Every morning Singaporeans all over are consuming half boiled eggs imported from Malaysia, vegetables, chickens and so on. We are symbiosis to one another. It is a win win situation for Malaysia and Singapore. Let us stop fear mongering about TPPA. Our government sign the TPPA with full sincerity, honesty and enthusiasm to herald new era of booming international trade of the increasingly borderless and very porous border world. Let us not presume the worst and imagine we would be cheated. If Singaporeans become the richest nation in the world, let us settle for 5th place is good enough. With satellite communication, borderless world of globalisation , there is no way we can promote isolationism, protectionism and hostility towards the outside world, like Burma and Cambodia.
Dear Tun,
Please allow me to quote Mr Mubarakchan again,
“”mubarakchan’s GravatarmubarakchanFebruary 3, 2015 at 4:23 PM | Permalink
For Saudara Amin Tan
Sir, your unfailing support for the Ruler 1959 – 2015 of the tiny Republic of Singapore echoes what many others having been saying all these decades until after August 2011. This belief about the Ruler 1959 – 2015 that he is a benign and genteel uncle who will never think of doing us, the Malaysians and our beloved Malaysia any harm. The date today is 3rd February 2015.””
For Saudara Mubarakchan,
You said ‘your unfailing support for the Ruler 1959 – 1915’ ………Now you are saying something about me which is not true and very generalised.
Please show me anywhere I have unfailing support for Lee Kuan Yew. My loyalty is for Malaysia and the government of the day and Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore do not obsess or bother me. As long as Malaysian government has a friendly international relation with Singapore, there is no reason for me to be hostile to Singapore. Please do not insinuate that I have property or investment in Singapore and at the same time don’t make me laugh. I support TPPA because that is our government policy, out of absolute sincerity and honesty with no ulterior motive or personal agenda.
Mr Mubarakchan, Sir, I am very sorry and I deeply apologise if my writing has in any way inadvertently hurt you. Please consider me a friend.
amin tan
For Saudara Amin Tan
Sir, your unfailing support for the Ruler 1959 – 2015 of the tiny Republic of Singapore echoes what many others having been saying all these decades until after August 2011. This belief about the Ruler 1959 – 2015 that he is a benign and genteel uncle who will never think of doing us, the Malaysians and our beloved Malaysia any harm. The date today is 3rd February 2015.
Today is also the auspicious day in which an excellent book is published by a distinguished and courteous Malay gentleman who served the Federal Government for a life-time. There are many Malay gentlemen and gentlewomen like him. These Malays have my greatest respect and admiration. They have not let us down.
The book ‘MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE. FIFTY YEARS OF CONTENTIONS 1965 – 2015 by Tan Sri Kadir Mohamad is now available at Kino. This invaluable and independent study and record traces the tenuous relationship between 2 otherwise friendly countries. To quote, ‘ Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew, who accordng to the author, dictated the form and substance of relations with Malaysia over the last 50 years.’ Vide. The Star, Page 18. 3rd February 2015.
I have not lied to gain kudos or an advantage. My presentation has always been factual and to the point, nothing personal against the Ruler 1959 – 2015 or anyone else, Saudara Amin Tan. Through the years, all the wonderful stories about the Ruler 1959 – 2015 were too good to be true. And as a trained scientist, I needed to establish the facts. And my comments were what I have found on the surface so far.
Saudara Amin Tan, Sir, your supportive comments for the Ruler 1959 – 2015 are not only as old as the hills but way off at a tangent on 2nd February 2015.
The Ruler 1959 – 2015 weakness is his VANITY -This is his downfall. Hans Christian Anderson’s “Tale of the Emperor without the clothes.”
THIS FIRST AND ONLY BOOK ON THE RULER 1959 – 2015 written independently by a distinguished and highly learned author completely exonerates my comments on the Policy failures of Lee Kuan Yew which I studied for a lifetime.
a-Salam Tun.
Di zaman sekarang teknologi komputer dengan segala macam perisian dan peranti, kerja audit boleh dilakukan dengan tepat dan saintifik. Tak perlu bayar firma gergasi audit, dengan bayaran saiz gergasi, yang hanya akan melibatkan belanja yang besar. Belum tentu, syarikat audit tersebut akan beri makluman yang benar atau tepat. Lihat apa jadi dalam kes ENRON, HSBC dan AlRajhi – semua auditor bersekongkol dengan pelanggan untuk memberi gambaran yang elok-elok belaka.
Saya cadangkan, kerajaan Malaysia dengan bantuan pakar komputer tempatan, mengubahsuaikan perisian komputer (software) audit dan menempatkannya secara online, di mana setiap individu yang berminat boleh melihat sendiri secara real-time kedudukan akaun syarikat GLC, PBT, Kerajaan Negeri dan Kementerian. Ada berani?
Satu lagi, setiap GLC dan badan seperti Khazanah dan 1MBD, hendaklah memaparkan Business Plan mereka secara terbuka supaya boleh diakses oleh semua yang berminat. Setiap perincian seperti emolumen dan bayaran kepada ahli Lembaga Pengarah, bahkan setiap perbelanjaan korporat hiburan dan peribadi, hendaklah dipamerkan secara benar.
Transperansi tidak boleh dimulakan bila ada niat untuk sorok, bak amalan pihak militari dan polis, “on need to know basis”, yang selalunya lebih ke arah, “on need to lie basis”
Saya setuju dengan transperansi yg disarankan oleh blogger Mubarakchan dan Abu Alya. Apakah sebenar yang kita tidak mahu tahu tentang komplot kerajaan Singapore (TPPA) dan individu seperti kepala korporat dan media Cina yang cuba menjudikan matawang Ringgit menjelang keputusan mahkamah pada 10 Feb ini?
Terima kasih Tun. You’re still the best !
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Skrip perbualan sosial yang direka seperti dalam malaysianexpose.wordpress.com saya anggap ada kebenarannya.
“Kooi Ong nafi manipulasi Tun Dr Mahathir”
Berani meh!
Thank You Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Sememangnya saya bermotivasi bila mana Pn Hajar sedikit sebanyak mengisahkan sebahagian dari kehidupan beliau.
Walaupun dulu poor tapi sekarang dah pulang dari France…cayalah.
Saya tak pernah bercita cita tinggi sebenarnya. Sekarang pun. Dapat balik dari sekolah ke rumah sudah Alhamdulillah. Balik rumah jumpa mak jumpa ayah.
Lagipun, dikisahkan bahawa guru kepada Syeikh Abdul Qadir al Jailani adalah hanya seorang tukang buat sirap.
Saya tahu kehidupan saya dirisik pihak berkuasa. Lebih lebih lagi selepas selesai MH17. Kerana MH17 diselesaikan melalui taktikal ketenteraan pada pemahaman saya.
Saya sentiasa bergerak gerak tidak setempat dalam satu jangka masa yang lama. So, lebih baik saya update kat sini. Boleh bersembang sembang.
Lagipun terdapat satu perbezaan cara pemerintahan Tun dengan Dato’ Najib berkenaan dengan poor @ rich.
Terima kasih Tun.
Govt has to stay Wealthy & Healthy
To enforce is to manage and to make it happen
Lots of Rules are being Bent
The Law must be behind Govt to ensure Rules & Regulations are carried out promptly
Incompetence of Enforcement image the Govt as Weak
A Weak Govt is Govt that has No Money
Lets Talk Nature
Nature is Wealth
The Land , The Sea ,The Air ,The River ,The Drain ,The Roads, The Buildings & many more are Wealth to me
But it is not kept well
Much of the Sea , River are contaminated
Authority Must Takes into Action
Not by now and then cleaning it and someone dirty it later
Any Offense is to be Paid Compound or Charge in Court
Salam TUN
Saya nak ceritakan sedikit tentang 1MDB yg dikatakan amat kaya dan raya.. harta ada berpukuh billion dan hutang pun berpuluh billion. Dan kononnya masih positif net worth…bagus la kalau gitu..tapi yg herannya beli power station lebih mahal drpd harga pasaran dan macamana nak jual harga elektrik murah. Itu pernah ditulis Tun.
Apa yg menyedihkan saya adalah ada berita terbaru pihak pengurusan 1MDB yg baru membeli Jimah power Station di Lukut terpaksa meminggirkan pekerja pekerja tempatan sekitar 100 orang utk kerja kerja buruh “non skill workers” utk digantikan dgn perkerja pekerja non skill drpd pakistan dan bangladesh dgn alasan kononnya utk menjimatkan kos operasi kononnya “cost optimization”… ha ha ha..cerita duit berbillion tp naya orang buruh melayu dan malaysia yg lain terpaksa dikorbankan utk diganti dgn pekerja asing.
Apa yg pasti sikap pengurusan baru 1MDB cuma mungkin jimat beberapa ribu ringgit aja sebulan kerana tak payah mencarum epf dan socso. Tp yg menjadi mangsa orang kampung dan rakyat sendiri.
Saya harap PM malaysia boleh panggil kabinet meeting dan bincang isu ini ha ha ha dan tak payah nak cerita billion billion la kalau benda puluhan ribu pun nak bising.
org putih kata ” pound follish penny wise”
In response to.., ‘amin tan’.., as commented on February 1, 2015 at 8:19 p.m.
Be advised that there are a lot of unusual and not so ordinary things going about within the Banking System for donkey years.., that so, so many people are not at all aware of.
What you learn in the Form-Six class or in the Commerce class in the upper-secondary schools does NOT really paint the real and true picture about Banking.
For the moment, let us put aside your overtones about video producer as being a gold merchant in trying to promote and selling his merchandise of gold by using bombastic and extravagant language. However, be advised that in times of war and civil-strife, even your house within a rather good location may be rendered worthless or of little value as compared to precious metal such as gold or silver. What say you.., huh..?
Anyway, going back to the issue of Banking and Money-creation, let us remind ourselves that not all of us would attend Commerce class or would prefer to enter the Form-Six class and enroll into the Economics stream and learn something about Banking and Money.
Let us now uncover the most basic issues about Banking that even a Standard-Six pupil in Primary schooling can be able to understand, as per this video URL below shall illustrate:-
(The Goldsmiths Tale)
Also, let us not confuse ourselves any further but try to understand as to how ‘money’ was really ‘created’ (out of thin air), as illustrated in this video animation URL below:-
(Money as Debt)
As such, if you now have in your possession (say) RM 50,000/= worth of cash in hand or as savings in banks, it simply means that you have a ‘legal tender’ worth of money that Bank Negara Malaysia have would have to ‘honour’ you, if you wish to ‘redeem’ for such an amount of Ringgit Malaysia for something else of value…, because such ‘legal tender note’ is a form of promise that the BNM would have to honour you. Can you comprehend that..!?
However, such BNM’s ‘legal tender’ money of yours at RM 50,000/= in hand (or in bank savings) is totally WORTHLESS.., if you attempt to redeem for such an amount of worth, directly from any OTHER nations’ Central Banks. Because the Ringgit Malaysia notes is not ‘legal tender’ in any other nations. Can you comprehend that as well..?
However.., just go and take your gold or silver into ANY nation on the face of this earth (even in times of war).., then be rest assured that you WILL be able to trade, exchange or ‘redeem’ of such precious metals for whatever else worth of value that you may desire. Do you dare to disagree with that..?
P.S.> Please be advised that ‘money’ is the creation of man. Money cannot be considered as true wealth in the eyes of God Almighty. Money can be considered in economy as a ‘store of value’ and as a ‘unit-measure’ of wealth.
Thus, if a Muslim wishes to pay Zakat in monetary terms.., then please be advised that such payment of Zakat in Ringgit Malaysia is considered as the ‘Transfer of Promise’ of the issuer of the legal tender (in the case of Malaysia – i.e. BNM) from the Payer to the Payee of the Zakat.
As an example, the most common form of commodity or material for payment of Zakat Fitrah (in Malaysia) is rice or ‘beras’ (which is God Almighty’s created material). Thus.., our payment of Zakat Fitrah in Ringgit Malaysia is actually to substitute (menggantikan) of such worth of rice or ‘beras’.
Additional P.S.> Gold, Silver and other precious metals are God Almighty’s created material on this earth.., which are actually real wealth…!! OK..!?
For Saudara Amin Tan. I accept your argument on behalf of the promoters of the poisoned chalice TPPA which is Singapore.
1. Do you know Singapore’s Apparatchiks made a grievous error in their assumptions of ensuring the sustainability and viablity of the tiny island State ? They forgot about SOVEREIGNTY, NATIONAL INTEREST, SELF-ESTEEM when they dealt with the smooth talking types from Wall Street or the City because they did not live for many years amongst their flatterers. You may now see how for decades the Ruler 1959 – 2015 told the World that the Singaporeans were very clever. IT IS ON THIS VERY POINT WHICH THE FLATTERERS EXPLOITED AND FLATTERED THE APPARATCHIKS AND TOOK THEM FOR A RIDE WITH THE LOSS OF BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF USDRS which are well documented.
2. This grievous mistake dragged them into the unending whirlpool of financial turmoil which is without end. THE APPARATCHIKS FORGOT TO INVEST HEAVILY INTO GOLD WHEN ITS PRICE WAS ONLY US$ 300 per oz. because Singapore has no natural resources but only BLUFFOLOGY. Singapore with its huge mountain of gold could have joined up with the United States, China or India and dominate Malaysia. She would have created a new industry and business based on gold eg. gold banks, bonds, refineries, industries, trade, exchanges etc. BUT THIS OPPORTUNITY IS NOW LOST FOREVER.
3. The mistakes of the APPARATCHIKS are now legend. They have no commonsense which our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, a Malay, has plenty. HOW COULD THEY INVEST BELOW THEIR SINGAPORE INC. LEVEL INTO INFERIOR ENTITIES LIKE UBS, CITIBANK, BANK OF AMERICA ETC. For this error, billions and billions of USDrs were lost. If a small rich Nation has no natural resources, then they must buy GOLD. Now they have invested into Chinese banks !
4. Apart from the 31 Policy failures of the Ruler 1959 – 2015, Singapore is now in dire straits concerning its industries which face competition with India, China, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. The World has changed in the 21st Century. Revenue from smuggling of cigarettes, liquor etc into Indonesia, Malaysai etc is not profitable anymore or not enough to have a Swiss standard of living.
5. The arms trade got Singapore listed as the 3rd biggest trader in arms not many years ago. But now other bigger traders like China have elbowed into this trade. Military software like tents, helmets, webbing etc were exported. My friend’s company’s Libyan agent could retirre to Monte Carlo after 5 years. But the good times have changed with more arms traders in the business.
6. It is now extremely difficult to maintain a GDP of 7 to give the economy a fizz. Now, it is more like a GDP of 3.
In desperation, 2 controversial casino licences were granted. But these moved the GDP only slightly for 2 years. These now operate at half-capacity.
A strong currency and a World in recession affected better tourists arrivals.
7. Hence, due to the immense pressure from all quarters, Singapore inspired, created and promoted the poisoned chalice TPPA in their interest of LIEBENSRAUM due to the tiny size. WHAT IS BETTER THAN TO COOK UP A POISONED CHALICE WRAPPED UNDER 100 TOMES OF THE TPPA TO DECEIVE THE NAIVE, HOSPITABLE AND FRIENDLY MALAYSIANS who all behave like rich men’s sons ? This was how the poisoned chalice TPPA was born to save the Ruler’s 1959 – 2015 legacy and Singapore’s sustainability and viability. To confirm this, Saudara Amin Tan’s strong support for the poisoned chalice TPPA is furtheer evidence on THE DIRE STRAITS WHICH SINGAPORE IS PLACED NOW AND THE FUTURE. Please don’t blame anyone for not investing in GOLD and now pay and pay for this simple mistake.
8. There is absolutely nothing wrong but creditable that an UN economics expert who happens to be an Indian and employed by UNCTAD in Geneva wrote an independent study on the TPPA. I do not know the gentleman.
9. I believe I am the only person who tried to present the hidden intentions of the poisoned chalice TPPA. The PK opposed but gave no factual information. What the Opposition says is not my concern.
10. Those who are for the poisoned chalice TPPA like your goodself, Saudara Amin Tan, gave no factual information either. But generalised and populist comments lke, ” In future, we have a big market in the U.S.’ or other ” Pie in the Sky ” statements by supposedly learned academicians. Sure die. What is so good about the poisoned chalice TPPA ?
11. Your comment, ‘ Trading with 12 countries. ‘ With this comment, Saudara Amin Tan, I am certain you are not a trader. 12 countries thousands of miles away except Singapore ? And our beloved Malaysia only sells petroleum and palm oil in huge amounts in open world markets ? What is the trade off NOW not the future, like tomorrow ?
12. Your comment, ” LET US STOP PLAYING OPPOSITION POLITICS. ” Why should I after all the Opposition has constantly failed to do proper politics ? If only you will put all the facts into one whole picture instead of only mesmerised by the tiny dots here or there, Saudara Amin Tan, THE WHOLE PICTURE FOR SINGAPORE IS VERY VERY BLEAK ! Why ?
Because within 25 years WITHOUT THE POISONED CHALICE TPPA, Singapore will be forced to :
1. BECOME THE 53RD STATE OF THE UNION. Your assets will be American assets. The Straits of Johor will be just a monsoon drain delineated by a chain-link fence. We will be able to say ‘ Selamat pagi, Amerika.’ across to our American neighbours every morning.
2. BECOME A BRITISH COLONY AGAIN like Bermuda, Caymans, etc. But even the Scots want out !
3. RE-MERGE WITH MALAYSIA. But there is a saying, ‘ A good horse does not return to old pastures.’
4. RETAIN ITS STATUS QUO. How ? With the huge full-fledged military of 300,000 active reservists, aging Gurkha Brigades, F-35s, drones, Apaches, Hercules, humongous balloons, AWACS, 9 submarines, corvettes, secret caverns, rusting tanks, long range artillery, a strategic water reserve of S$ 2 billions, bomb-proofed buildings, spies, etc. etc.
12. The only country which has always tried to RULE AND DIVIDE US IS SINGAPORE. It is the only country WITH THE MOTIVE.
Dear Tun,
Please allow me to quote Mr Mubarakchan as below,
“”mubarakchan’s GravatarmubarakchanFebruary 2, 2015 at 1:02 AM | Permalink
For Saudara Amin Tan. After all these years, Sir, you have become a strong supporter of the poisoned chalice TPPA as promoted by Singapore. Please read this Study on the huge loss our beloved Malaysia will suffer in monetary terms apart from the human suffering which will arise from its effects as well.
WORKING PAPER. October 2014 ‘ Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA): Implications for Malaysia’s Domestic Value-Added Trade.’
AUTHOR. RASHMI BANGA – Unit of Economic Co-operation and Integration among Developing Countries.
I sincerely hope you do not treat this as a personal affront but that I present this factually in the NATIONAL INTEREST. Absolutely nothing personal.””
With the highest respect for Mr Mubarakchan, with humility I hold you in high esteem and appreciate your knowledge and contribution. However, I have taken a very different and opposite stand from you in this TPPA because of the following compelling reasons
1. I strongly felt that it is the PKR and DAP agenda to split our beloved Prime Minister and beloved ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir by planting this idea of TPPA is harmful to the interest of Malaysia. Many of Tun supporters even held street demonstrations in front of American embassy to protest against TPPA. Some of them were my close friends. When I asked them to give me one solid good reason why are you guys so dead set against TPPA, they say in the agreement Najib’s government have to give bumiputra status to American company and Singaporean Chinese. What utter nonsense.
2. Mr Mubarakchan, you have quoted above a study conducted in India that Malaysia would lose should malaysia sign TPPA. It sounds ridiculous and preposterous to me why should some body in India conduct a long distance survey on TPPA similar to the PERCEPTION of corruption index in Malaysia and email to you and Tun so that there will be discord and instability of the political leadership in the country. Divide and rule.
3. It is PKR and DAP. PAS has no clue on TPPA. PAS domain is only hudud. You have been duped by the opposition to go against Datuk Seri Najib in order to divide the PM and Tun. From what I see they have succeeded. The split has come out in the open and PKR are laughing that you guys have taken the bait, hook, line and sinker. BN people are not so clever after all and some are down right gullible.
4. PKR even claim Datuk Seri Najib brought in 40,000 banglas phantom voters and issued ic to these foreigners. they cannot fool all the people all the time. NOt logical.
5. Mr Mubarakchan even said with TPPA, cheap goods would flood into Malaysia from Singapore. It does not make sense. Singapore is a 20 square mile island, half is taken up by casino and HDB flats and the other half is taken up by roads and MRT. They don’t have land to build factory or chicken farm to export anything to us. They are just a trading middleman.
6. TPPA include 12 countries. It is a common market. Malaysia would benefit in terms of bigger market for our proton cars, perodua, pineapple and many thousands of product.
7. Let us stop play opposition for a while and be patriotic and support the government. If we are serious, please investigate the source of the opposition against TPPA. It would lead to the door steps of the very rich PKR. Remember the perception of corruption index. 40000 Bangla phantom voters and many more. No wonder they manage to capture 5 states because we are gullible.
amin tan
amin tan February 1, 2015 at 3:30 PM | Permalink
Good opinion and interesting views. Fear can make Malaysia into “4th” world country and economy. Dont have to disagree or agree with you just a refreshing views. I think nobody can stop globalisation now with Google and internet.
For Saudara Amin Tan.
Sir, instead of a WEALTH AUDIT on Singapore and its Ruler 1959 – 2015, I did a POLICY AUDIT on the Ruler 1959 – 2015 being a self-proclaimed World leader in the tiny Republic of Singapore. Here is the list :-
1.The use of money to buy out Thaksin in anticipation of the construction of the Kra Canal which the Ruler objects to. Inadvertently, this resulted in the deaths and injuries to innocent men, women and children. 2 coup d’etats landed on the face of the Ruler. Malaysia has no such blood on her hands.
2. The 2 Child Family Policy of the 1970s and 1980s with its abortions and sterilizations applied on a population of 1.6 millions of productive age. This is the real killer for Singapore today.
3. The loss of US$ 108 billions of the CPF trust money in October 2008 on Wall Street by the Apparatchiks disguised as dysfunctional meritocrats with the smartest fellow on top.. Channelnewsasia Lee Kuan Yew November 2008. Financial Times London. Gillian Tett. April 2010.
4. Humanity and Multiculturalism not practised. Vide. Channelnewsasia. 2011-2012. The Curry Smell Tribunal. The 188 bus drivers strike. The toilet fights. The early 1970s demolition of places of worship until someone told the Boss to stop.
5. A perfunctory Judiciary well-known the World over. Vide. Dr Chee. Tan Koon Swan. The German, Malaysian and Aussie drug mules. Dr Woffles Wu. Shaw. If the Police stopped at 1, he would not have been in trouble. But they stopped at 51. Poor girl !
6. 5,000 pigs imported daily. The flower nurseries. King of the Road. The sale of Kim Eng Securities to Maybank. etc. etc.
7. A World Class transportation system not establilshed. Vide Manobani. Diplomat and academician.
8. The failure of the management of foreign workers. Vide. Channenewsasia. The Little Indian Riots. The Rex cinemas sit-in. etc.
9. The spy net-works established in friendly countries. Vide. Wikileaks.
10. The establishment of a full-fledged military of 300,000 active reservists, Gurkha brigades, F-35s, drones, Heercules, Apaches, 9 submarines, corvettes, spies, secret caverns, S$ 2 billions strategic water reserve, rusting tanks, long range artillery, humongous balloons, bomb-proofed buildings against friendly neighbours.
11. The Policy to dominate Malaysia by the use of proxies, cohorts and digits.
12. The founding of the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP in 1966 as the PAP was retreating after its ignonimous defeat by the Tunku.
13. The Policy to ride on the back of the United States in its pursuit of the TPPA which if Malaysia signs, it will be its death knell but Singapore’s survival as a State.
14. The frequent breakdowns of the MRT. Hong Kong has 99% efficiency.
15. The Policy to import 1.2 millions foreign workers to boost the GDP.
16. The Meritocratic System which kept the elites in power, was dismantled in 2013 by way of 2 Ministerial announcements. It was declared that in future for promotions and jobs, not only academic qualifications will be considered but the applicants hidden talents as well.
17. The highest paid Cabinet Ministers in the World. Vide. Warren Buffet.
18. The emigration of 300,000 members of the middle income group. The PAP Government’s own supporters.
19. The command system to collect information on everyone since 1972. The threat is not domestic or even Regional but further afield.
20 The legal use of the CPF trust money without due consideration of the moral or immoral aspect vis-a-vis the beneficiaries.
21. The Policy to risk the CPF money in risky investments. Such funds are called Sovereign Funds.
22. The purchase of foreign sportsmen and women to win gold medals.
23. The Ruler 1959 – 2015 has been in power since 1959.
24. The failure of most of the Policies introduced by the Government since 1965
25. On the one hand, Dr Alfred Winsemius, the UN economics expert and adviser to the Singapore Government could recommend a viable plan for the Infra-structural Development of Singapore. On the other, the Human Resources Development which was left to the Ruler 1959 – 2015 failed when it resulted in the screwing down of the indigenous population from 100% in 1959 to 62% in 2010. Vide. Singapore Government’s White Paper on Population. 2011.
26. The Money Grab Policy failed because the citizens rejected it. In the early 1980s, a young tycoon was sent round the schools to lecture to the young that it is good to be greedy. Vide. Singapore Business Times.
27. The Profiteering Policy which involved the CPF, HDB, Temasek Holdings and the GIC.
28. The CLOB failed on the KLSE/SE after decades of operation. The CLOB was dismantled after the Malaysian Exchange Controls came into operation in 2000. For decades, the CLOB was used like a yo-yo to suck out money by way of at least 12 crashes. But since 2000, there has been no crash on the KLSE.
29 The Festschrift published in 2014, ‘ Big Ideas of Lee Kuan Yew ‘ confirmed once and for all that separation of powers of between the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary is impossible in a tiny place. In this tome, the ex-President and the ex-Chief Justice and the Apparatchiks, both political and civil service wrote glowingly about their Boss.
30. The Nantah and the Chinese vernacular school system were abolished by the 1970s.
31. The Ultra Communistic Political and Social System was imposed on the citizens without their knowledge to this day by the Ruler 1959 – 2015 through his Apparatchiks.
Saudara Amin Tan, Sir, you may check on the above-mentioned list. I did not fabricate a single FAILED POLICY OF THE RULER 1959 – 2015. All public figures should have their records checked. No bluffology for us Malaysians.
For Saudara Amin Tan. After all these years, Sir, you have become a strong supporter of the poisoned chalice TPPA as promoted by Singapore. Please read this Study on the huge loss our beloved Malaysia will suffer in monetary terms apart from the human suffering which will arise from its effects as well.
WORKING PAPER. October 2014 ‘ Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA): Implications for Malaysia’s Domestic Value-Added Trade.’
AUTHOR. RASHMI BANGA – Unit of Economic Co-operation and Integration among Developing Countries.
I sincerely hope you do not treat this as a personal affront but that I present this factually in the NATIONAL INTEREST. Absolutely nothing personal.
Dearest YAB Tun,
Tun said: “We were poor before.”
1. Yes, Malaysia was poor before and quite a number of us were poor before. I was poor before, and when I was a kid I used to work (‘kerja kampong’) to get some pocket money. So, I learned a lot about the ‘value of money’.
I make sure I ‘spend within my means’. I always save part of my earnings and make my money/savings work for me, and now I no longer need to work for money. My money and investments become my ‘servants’ (not the other way around). Those who keep spending beyond their means, sooner or later will face all kinds of problems like those who were declared bankrupt in 2014 (yesterday’s news; highest ever).
2. Merriam-Webster defines ‘wealth’ as “the total of one’s money and property.” If one borrows money, and than buys properties using that money, then do we consider him/her as ‘wealthy’ even though the total value of that person’s properties is in the millions/billions (RM)? What if this person is unable to repay his/her debts? Is this person still ‘wealthy’? That is why we need to know our ‘Net Worth’. We need to perform ‘Wealth Audits’ on ourselves from time to time.
3. I agree with the suggestion that government agencies and GLCs be audited by independents external auditors and the results must be revealed. We can start with 1MDB, MAS, Felda, etc.
4. I would like to ask, “1MDB apa khabar?” I just wonder, where’s the money from Cayman Islands. Did 1MDB buy a lot of US dollar (selling ringgit in large volumes – billions) and had caused ringgit (RM) to depreciate against USD?
Thanks Tun.
*** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***
For Saudara Amin Tan. Sir, before I could sing ‘ Majullah Singapura ‘,
President Obama said in an interview with Fareed Zakaria tonight on CNN, ‘ WE HAVE AUTHORITARIAN ALLIES WHO DO NOT MEET OUR TEST OF DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS.’ This is self-explanatory.
During the reign of the Ruler 1959 – 2015, our beloved Malaysia practising its FREE MALAYSIAN STYLE DEMOCRACY WITH ITS OPEN CAPITALISTIC CHARACTERISTICS, democratically elected SIX PRIME MINISTERS1859 – 2013, of which 5 retired of their own accord. The 6th was recently elected.
For Saudara Amin Tan. Well said about Malaysia’s relationships in trade and familial ties with Singapore. I agree. This is where the Ruler 1959 – 2015 had cleverly fudged the issues by continuous brainwashing. If the Ruler has no motive why do it ?
Saudara Amin Tan, Sir, you must separate the wheat from the chaff. The facts from the emotions, please.
Singapore would have gained much more than now if the Ruler 1959 – 2015 maintained a NORMAL stance towards our beloved Malaysia from day one. But from 1959 – 2015, his record is clear and engraved eternally in stone in history. He chose to ride the high horse. This looks funny at the end of the day !
But Saudara Amin Tan, politics are different from normal trade and familial relationships.
Politics are about public affairs of countries and peoples which amount to the protection of national interests by those who are suppose to protect the Rakyat. The huge majority of the Rakyat is not aware and is too busy to care what happens above their heads. This is why we have Governments to look after us. Our Sovereignty, National Interest, Self Esteem.
The Republic of Singapore is a sovereign nation. It is not our beloved Malaysia. This we must recognise as a fact.
I am sorry that some of the facts on Singapore and its citizens are unpalatable to some and touched a raw nerve. But this is the reality.
I have no hatred or emotions about Singaporeans, or every other type of people in the World. But when I see what is not right and what has been dished out by the Ruler 1959 – 2015 since October 1951, I am forced to present the true facts. You see, Saudara Tan , I am not trained as a lawyer like our beloved Tun.
In fact, I like the Singaporeans and Singapore, the normal ones I mean.
In 1949, I was most impressed by a young Singaporean student dressed in a white school uniform with epaulettes who stood up in a crowded bus to give his seat to my aged auntie along the South Bridge Road. He has my respect and admiration to this very day.
Yes ! I am related to the ruling family of Singapore. I met the Ruler 1959 – 2015, only once, at a University dinner to welcome him who was in the Singapore Whitehall delegation with Lim Yew Hock and David Marshall in 1956. He was holding a tall cool glass of beer at the end of a long bar in his tuxedo and I was in my crumpled Burton suit. He asked me, ‘ Are you George’s brother ?’ with a smile. And I said, ‘ Yes.’ That was the end of the conversation. There were 3 other occasions in which he was present (which were all in Singapore). As I am not ‘a hail fellow well met type.’ I did not attend a single one.
Saudara Amin Tan, I am sorry you made personal comments on my factual comments in the general interest. I hope you do not mind that it seems to me you have a strong physical presence in Singapore. I have absolutely no objection to this. Everyone is free to invest or go anywhere in the World. We are Malaysians. Also, if you do not believe my facts you may check it out yourself. The truth is difficult to accept sometimes.
If you notice also that there is a great fear of the authorities in Singapore by well-behaved and law-abiding citizens. Why should this be so in a Republic like Singapore ? There is nothing to fear than the fear of fear itself ?
Vide. Wikileaks. Spying by Singapore on Malaysia and the Malaysians. What for ? Why does not Malaysia spy on Singapore ?
Dear Tun,
Please allow me to comment on the posting by anti-jibaok’s as below
“”anti-jibaok’s Gravataranti-jibaokFebruary 1, 2015 at 3:52 PM | Permalink
How many of us are aware of The Greatest Scam of Earth which is.., Banking…!!
Kindly refer to this video URL, as below:-
(Banking – the Greatest Scam on Earth)””
There is nothing unusual and extraordinary about money creation by the banking system. This is basic theory of banking under the topic of credit creation by commercial banks, found in the Form Sixth Economic syllabus.
The video shown is nothing except the video producer is a gold merchant trying to promote selling his merchandise of gold by using bombastic and extravagant language. If we have money it is better to buy a good house with good location rather than to hoard gold, silver or aluminium. Wallahu alam.
amin tan
How many of us are aware of The Greatest Scam of Earth which is.., Banking…!!
Kindly refer to this video URL, as below:-
(Banking – the Greatest Scam on Earth)
Also, do we realise that.., All Wars are Bankers’ Wars. Kindly refer the video URL, as below:-
And that.., as of now there are only 3 Countries left in this world that is not associated with the Rothschild Central Bank system.., as explained below:-
Those countries are – Cuba, North Korea, Iran. We just wonder why those Western Nations had always labelled such countries as being the ‘Axis of Evil’.
Yes.., apparently the Central Banks of almost all nations shall have to abide and conform to the rules imposed by the B.I.S. in Basel, Switzerland.., including Bank Negara Malaysia. So who then really ‘owns’ BNM..? Well, let’s take a look here:-
Thus.., it’s more than high time that mankind rid itself from Banksters.., who create money (debt) for the masses out of thin air.., i.e. such as the Fractional Reserve Banking format.., as elaborated below:-
Remember what had been said i.e…, Banking was conceived out of wickedness and born in sin..!
And.., it also has to be said that – “….Never in the annals of human history where so many have fallen into huge debt, left impoverished and enslaved only to enrich those who are so few…”
Dear Tun,
Please allow me to quote Mr Mubarakchan as below,
“”What is so bad about the poisoned chalice TPPA ?
(i) The TPPA opens the protective TARIFF barrier for Malaysia’s own fledgling manufacturing industries. The FTZ is excepted because most of the goods from here are owned by foreign investors and exported as though these were never in Malaysia. The moment the TPPA is signed. The next moment the goods flow in from Singapore because THE REST OF THE SIGNATORIES OF THE TPPA ARE THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY.
(ii) With the inflow of cheaper goods, the Malaysian factories and businesses will close down creating angry owners and unemployed workers. These will BLAME THE INCUMBENT GOVERNMENT LEADING TO ITS DOWNFALL BY THE VERY PEOPLE WHO USED TO SUPPORT IT ! There will be a fall-out effect which cannot be measured easily.
(iii) The political fall-out effects will be IMMENSE AND UNCONTROLLABLE because the incumbent Government will have no goodies to offer anywhere as its coffers have run dry. Who controls our beloved Malaysia then ? THE GUY WITH THE MONEY !
(iv) Malaysia has nothing to offer by way of manufactured goods as a trade off for anything. She only sells CRUDE OIL AND PALM OIL IN OPEN WORLD MARKETS. PERIOD.
Hence, Tun, NO NEED FOR A WEALTH AUDIT, SIR ! We may need another type of independent speciallist !
In passing, if the closest aides to our Honourable Prime Minister could not manage a single simple entity like the 1MDB, are we sure that these very same folks, the closest aides, UNDERSTAND THE 100 VOLUMES OF THE POISONED CHALICE TPPA AGREEMENT with all the nitty-gritties specially crafted for us Malaysians by the RULER 1959 – 2015 HIMSELF WITH HIS STARRED DOUBLE FIRST IN LAW IN 1947 FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE ? Acheh !
Further, our beloved, polite and courteous Malaysia have lost territories willingly and without a single harsh word traded whilst other countries at least said they will fight to the death On top of losing, we were bashed on the head with a book by the Apparatchiks which included the ex-Chief Justice to show how clever they were !
Please allow me to persuade Mr Mubarakchan that Malaysia is not about to be swallowed up by the one street island nation of Singapore. It would be like a python trying to swallow a bison. Let us get our facts straight. Singapore is the biggest trading partner nation of Malaysia. In fact, Singapore and Malaysia were one nation not too long ago. I am sure Malaysia and Singapore will continue to be be the biggest trading partners eternally, simply because culturally, historically, linguistically we were the same. Tun Dr Mahathir and beloved wife were Singapore medical graduates. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s wife was born in Singapore. Mr Mubarakchan is related To Lee Kuan Yew through marriage. I can go on and on. Let us not create unnecessary phobia about Singapore. Every morning Singaporeans all over are consuming half boiled eggs imported from Malaysia, vegetables, chickens and so on. We are symbiosis to one another. It is a win win situation for Malaysia and Singapore. Let us stop fear mongering about TPPA. Our government sign the TPPA with full sincerity, honesty and enthusiasm to herald new era of booming international trade of the increasingly borderless and very porous border world. Let us not presume the worst and imagine we would be cheated. If Singaporeans become the richest nation in the world, let us settle for 5th place is good enough. With satellite communication, borderless world of globalisation , there is no way we can promote isolationism, protectionism and hostility towards the outside world, like Burma and Cambodia.
amin tan
If you are a Muslim you will believes in Khadak & Khadar
Its every been arrange by Allah
But it goes along with the Jihad , the Efforts , the Intelligence One works on it
For Malaysia to progress to wealth to be a Prosperous Steady Nation
The people the Govt the Opposition the Sultan
To go hand in hand NOT to Stab & Curse each other
It goes in the Family it has to be United
Difference of Opposition ,the People,the Govt ,the Sultan
Should be a platform to Develops Wealth NOT to Destroy each other
Together as ONE We must fight outside interference ,outside influence
With the intend to De Stabilize Malaysia for them to get to their Agendas
Our Graphics should not be on a Shooting Stars nor a Steeping Slopes
A Moderate constant graphics is Islam
A Moderate Steady Graphics is Healthy & Wise
Its like the Human Heartbeat If its Strong is not good
If its Weak is also not Good
If its Moderate the Doctors & the Nurse can have a good rest
I call for 1 Malaysia to fight these Foreign Influence Foreign Agendas
That will Breaks us Apart if We are Astray If we are not United
We will be Divided and They will Win
An addition to my Comment. ‘ An International Trade Arbitration Tribunal ‘ was established in Singapore in 2005 before the launch of the Singapore inspirerd TPPA. With prescient foresight, the Ruler 1959 – 2015 established the Tribunal in preparation for the huge number of Malaysian trade disputes with Singapore amongst others which would have been caught by the 100 volumes of legal nitty-gritties in the TPPA legal documents. Money for jam !
Strange to say, we do not need a WEALTH AUDIT if the Federal Government signs the TPPA, we will all be politically and economically dead so to speak. We do not need auditors anymore but another kind of specialist !
The non-Malays will suffer a fate worst than death because they had no power to sign this TPPA death warrant and the Malays become the Red Indians of North America. They signed. They died without a whimper. How did all this come about ?
First, as always, all manner of things were not suddenly born out of a rock. We have to go back to the end of the Cold War to really understand how we are now faced with the poisoned chalice the TPPA.
In 1989, the Soviet Union finallly gave up its will to dominate the World and imploded. The United States was the only super-power left. To further America’s hegemony, Uncle Sam produced a new dictum for Pax America, ‘ ‘GLOBALLIZATION, FREE TRADE, HUMAN RIGHTS.’ which strongly believed that America would win against all comers. Little did Uncle Sam realized that it was the BRIC which was geared to take advantage of this tag in real monetary terms eg. Braizil, Russia, China and India.
Where did Singapore fit into the new American hegemony of ‘ Globalization, Free Trade, Human Rights.’ ? She does not fit in at all. This sudden change of direction and momentum caught the ever-so-proud tiny Republic off guard. The Apparatchiks disguised as dysfunctional meritocrats with the smartest fellow on top were not only caught off-guard, THEY WERE SLEEPING AND COMPLACENT WITH THEIR SELF PROCLAIMED SUCCESSES OF THE 1970s AND 1980s. Why ?
If we may recall, when Singapore left Malaysia, she was still an entreport in 1965. By the early 1970s, she was making the first tiny wave with the Asian Dollar and the motto, ‘ The Rugged Society.’ The Vietnam War was already into the 2nd Decade with its wanton destruction of military and civilian assets. Singapore was in the middle of this fray providing and collecting whatever which could be turned into gold, so to speak eg. supplying military software and salvaging destroyed hardware for free and sold these for a price. This is the creme-a-la-creme revenue for Singapore. Her extra-territorial trade with the traditional cigarettes, liquor etc carried on regardless. She had always traded with Myanmar, sanctions or no sanctions. This prompted the good lady Aung San Suyji to comment, ‘ They have a lot to learn from us.’ as opposed to the 1992 Deng Xiao Peng’s comment, ‘ They administer well. But we will do better than them.’
In the meantime, the ULTRA COMMUNISTIC POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SYSTEM IMPOSED ON THE CITIZENS BY THE RULER 1959 – 2015 IMPLEMENTED BY APPARATCHIKS AND BOLSTERED by the CPF-HDB-Quit Rent & Assessment-Income Tax-GST-COE-Traffic Taxes-Water Conservation Tax-Free Water subsidised by Malaysia-Public Utilities-Civil Servants-Judiciary-Military manned by foreign mercenaries, was in place and in full operation of collecting money for the Government coffers.
Singapore does not need ‘ GLOBALIZATION.’ or ‘ FREE TRADE ‘. The latter crimps her advantage in her 19th century trade activities with the Malay Archipelago. And ‘ Human Rights ‘ ? The Ruler’s 1959 – 2015 record speaks for itself !
Throughout the 1990s, the avuncular balmy tiny Republic of Singapore was actually in limbo without the dysfuntional Apparatchiks DISGUISED as meritocrats with the smartest fellow on top realising that their future is bleak in the 21st Century with all its electronic gizmos which lay in wait for them. At one stroke, the WORLD CHANGED. The game changer was the World of the Net. By the turn of the 21st Century, and compounded by a DOT.COM crash, Singapore found that she had unemployed citizens for the very first time in her history and the GDP was difficult to boost except by the importation of poor and rich foreigners en masse. This will create issues in the years to come because this is the 21st Century not the 19th ! Concomitantly, those easy years of living and boasting disappeared in a jiffy. How ?
How to keep those election promises of having SWISS STANDARDS and FIRST WORLD COUNTRY ALIVE AND KICKING ? There is no way that this issue can be resolved WITHOUT A FULL NELSON ON THE HUMAN AND RESOURCE RICH MALAYSIA. The apparent easy meat is for the taking – LIEBENSRAUM from Hitler’s era.
It does not take long to say ‘ Majullah Singapura ‘ to come up with the Singapore inspired, created and promoted TPPA by 2006. THIS IS THE LAST THROW OF THE DICE TO FURTHER THE LEGACY OF THE RULER 1959 – 2015 AND THE VIABILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY OF SINGAPORE. The controversial establishment of 2 casinos was only able to improve the GDP for only 2 years and now they operate at half capacity.
In 2006, only Brunei, New Zealand and Chile signed up for the TPPA as promoted by Singapore. IT WAS AND IS A SINGAPORE ONLY SHOW ! IT WAS DESIGNED FOR SINGAPORE’S SOLE BENEFIT as stated ! The United States was too busy to be interested in such a small fish.
However, with the Crash of October 2008, this seemingly tiny fish, the TPPA, became a whale for the United States as the whole of the Western finanacial World was in turmoil, and the Singapore inspired TPPA makes a modicum of sense to support it – The Tale of the Little Red Ant riding the Donkey.
By June 2009, the Ruler 1959 – 2015, traipsed gaily into the hot amd humid Ulus of the Malay Peninsula with the INVALUABLE TPPA NOW SUPPORTED BY THE UNITED STATES IN HIS POCKET ! He shook hands with his cohorts and digits who little did they know WHAT WOULD BE IN STORE FOR THEM IN THE POISONED CHALICE TPPA ! They would have died willingly and unknowingly as per their fates in the poisoned chalice TPPA !
Until the revelation in the media, that the Federal Government took part in 19 very secret TPPA negotiations, probably inspired by Singapore for fear of discovery as to THEIR REAL INTENTIONS, no one knew what it is all about.
Vide. (i) The naive, friendly. hospitable UMNO owned NSTP Streets Central Supplement, Page 8, March 8, 2014 – Spies galore. (ii) Wikileaks – Spying by Singapore on the sexual peccadilloes of full blooded Malaysians using swallows, ducks, journalists, tycoons, academics etc. and passing the information to 3rd parties.
What is so bad about the poisoned chalice TPPA ?
(i) The TPPA opens the protective TARIFF barrier for Malaysia’s own fledgling manufacturing industries. The FTZ is excepted because most of the goods from here are owned by foreign investors and exported as though these were never in Malaysia. The moment the TPPA is signed. The next moment the goods flow in from Singapore because THE REST OF THE SIGNATORIES OF THE TPPA ARE THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY.
(ii) With the inflow of cheaper goods, the Malaysian factories and businesses will close down creating angry owners and unemployed workers. These will BLAME THE INCUMBENT GOVERNMENT LEADING TO ITS DOWNFALL BY THE VERY PEOPLE WHO USED TO SUPPORT IT ! There will be a fall-out effect which cannot be measured easily.
(iii) The political fall-out effects will be IMMENSE AND UNCONTROLLABLE because the incumbent Government will have no goodies to offer anywhere as its coffers have run dry. Who controls our beloved Malaysia then ? THE GUY WITH THE MONEY !
(iv) Malaysia has nothing to offer by way of manufactured goods as a trade off for anything. She only sells CRUDE OIL AND PALM OIL IN OPEN WORLD MARKETS. PERIOD.
Hence, Tun, NO NEED FOR A WEALTH AUDIT, SIR ! We may need another type of independent speciallist !
In passing, if the closest aides to our Honourable Prime Minister could not manage a single simple entity like the 1MDB, are we sure that these very same folks, the closest aides, UNDERSTAND THE 100 VOLUMES OF THE POISONED CHALICE TPPA AGREEMENT with all the nitty-gritties specially crafted for us Malaysians by the RULER 1959 – 2015 HIMSELF WITH HIS STARRED DOUBLE FIRST IN LAW IN 1947 FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE ? Acheh !
Further, our beloved, polite and courteous Malaysia have lost territories willingly and without a single harsh word traded whilst other countries at least said they will fight to the death On top of losing, we were bashed on the head with a book by the Apparatchiks which included the ex-Chief Justice to show how clever they were !
The Cohesion of the people & Govt is most important
Without this Malaysia will never Progress not just making Wealth
It is much seen now Opposition are on All Out War & efforts to Topple UMNO the Govt
To weaken the Govt as for them to sit being influence by Foreign Interest
Malaysian are Bothered with all these Nonsense that pulls our Progress to moves Forward
We seen a lot
They invoke Sabah , Sarawak to be Independent
The Students instead of learning in Class are Brainwashed by Oppositions to go against Govt
Foreign Media like the CNA ,Yahoo always on the Weak Point of UMNO and many many more
The Opposition of Malaysia PKR , PAS ,DAP has the Duty
Despite trying their Hard to Battle the Seats of Govt
They should stay along with Govt as 1to bring Malaysia to better Future
Instead of Back Stabbing each other hurting Malaysian and themselves
Giving Gaps for Foreigners to Benefits
These is the Duty of UMNO
To Cohesively bring Malaysia , Malaysians , Oppositions
Together as 1 Malaysia and to Combat Foreign Interest
That have been Biting us every each Day
A minor amendment to my comment.’ December 1996 ‘ should read, ‘ November 1976 ‘. Thank you.
YABhg. Tun Dr..,
The question is.., what is ‘wealth’ anyway.., may it be coming from the standpoint of an accountant or an economist..?
In the layman’s term wealth can be described as.., ‘the abundance of valuable possessions or money’…, or.., ‘the plentiful supply of a particular desirable things.’ It is so ironic that the ‘more than desirable’ but needful things such as those God-given natural resources such as water from rain or the air in the atmosphere that we breathe, has actually been regarded as being ‘uneconomic goods’ even by those economists.
Especially in our modern times ‘wealth’ is measured in terms of money.., i.e. the money (or currency) that is recognized by humans as a measure of such wealth (or even debt) of a civilised society or nation. However, in olden times the measure of wealth had real and intrinsic value in terms of possession of precious metals (such as gold & silver) or certain commodities such as food-grain, as example.
Nonetheless, when the Bretton-Woods system had collapsed.., it was instead the ‘fiat’ money (which has no intrinsic value whatsoever) system that had been unleashed into the world’s economy and where finance had gained weight over real production or industry. The shift of industrial power (i.e. real production) was thus taken over by financial or monetary maneuvering (such as banking) as the new power that is recognised as ‘wealth’.., and have thus ruled the world.
And those who are in full and total control of such financial and monetary power have taken over the world. The emergence of banks such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and other Financial and International Bankers institutions had pervaded the landscape of world economy from thereon till this very day.
The question arise again.., who then are those in total control of such international financial and banking institutions that had overwhelmed real production and industries globally…!? Why then is there a need for such dubious institutions that has no real wealth whatsoever and of no-intrinsic value.., but who has the so-called authority in the ‘private issuance’ of money.., and has ultimately dictated over the wealth (or indebtedness) and even the future sovereign nations.., as well as the livelihood of each and every man, woman and child on the face of the earth…? Why is that so..!?
And.., this very courageous man has said very well as per the video URL, below:-
(Ken O’Keefe – 2nd International Conference of Independent Thinkers – Tehran 2014)
Fast-forward to minutes 10:43 onwards of the said video, which the man had said that – “…If there is one single thing that we must do is…, is that we must take away the private control over the issuance of money. What we have is a tiny group of individuals who been given the power to print and issue an infinite supply of money..!”
Furthermore, the man goes on to say that Usury (Riba’) is unacceptable to Muslims and to the Christians alike. Such an inspiring speech was made at the 2nd International Conference of Independent Thinkers, in Tehran in the year 2014.
If Malaysia had the courage to host the International War Crimes Tribunal once before.., then what is there to stop us to host such ‘International Conference of Independent Thinkers’.., here in Malaysia to follow-through as what had been discussed in Tehran last year, to provide us with the sensibility and responsibility to meet with challenges of the dismal and depressing situation that mankind and the world is facing these days.
Thus, regardless of whatever external audit we may wish to impose upon our own government’s or our nations’ wealth, may it be to reflect a rosy or even an ugly picture of our situation at hand.., nonetheless even more alarming is undoubtedly the sordid situation of the ‘wealth’ of the world…, and in whose hands those wealth is really in, that has been and is continually to grow and expand over all political boundaries unchecked and unabated. And.., who is going to audit all that..!?
Many thanks for Musato. Facts are facts, Sir. And for Abu Alyu, I could not agree with you more, Saudara. To put more into the Malaysian business perspective and the sufferings of others, here are more of my observations and from my friend :-
In December 1941, when I was in Singapore and running away from the War in the North, I chanced upon my driver cooking a tapioca lunch. I still remember the pungent smell of his meal. This stuck in my mind since 1941. Not only that as I grew older, it dawned on me that there were very poor people living amongst us. This realisation and my reflection on later events made me quite humble.
Fast trek to 1972, the beginning of the NEP, my friend, a young Chinese, developed the concept of how to repatriate Sime Darby for the Malays. Through his observations, the Malays were impoverished and did not know how to begin a big business then. It was obvious to him, that if the Malays could not progress in big business in their own country, no non-Malays can. From then on, the NEP not only produced the 3 million Malay families middle income group (throgh our beloved Tun’s 22 year Administration) who uplifted the 3 million non-Malay families middle income group through the purchase of the latter’s goods and services but also the 7 1/2 ex-Singaporean billionaires who have since returned to boost Singapore’s GDP. The 1/2 is an off-spring of a Japanese soldier.
NO CHINESE EVER OFFERED TO HELP THE MALAYS POSITIVELY IN THIS MANNER BUT ONLY GAVE THEM MONEY EVER SINCE. My Chinese friend remains the first and only CHINESE WHO POSITIVELY HELPED THE MALAYS to this day, sincerely and truly. He saw through the attitudes of his own people. In this context, one Chinese is enough through one SINGLE IDEA IN THE CREATION OF MONEY WITHOUT MONEY.
At this juncture, the Malays only owned 2% of the Malaysian economy. In the early 1960s, he had Malay friends who had no money to buy a pair of cavalry twill trousers or a pair of brogues. The British owned 70% of the best town properties, plantations and tin mines. The Chinese owned 25% of the 3rd rate assets and were in the goods distribution business so created by the British to distribute their goods which came in tax free under the Empire Tariff. This situation was how our generally accepted NEP began in 1971.
By December 1996, Sime Darby was controlled by the Malays for only RM 23 millions. Unfortunately, our great Pirme Minister, Tun Abdul Razak passed away before this. And Sime Darby was left in a limbo until 1981 when our Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad became the Prime Minister. My Chinese friend was side-lined for 18 years and was paid a Director’s fee of only RM 30,000 before tax per annum. But he made one vital proposal for Sime Darby to establish oil palm bunkering facilities in all the major ports of China in 1982 when the rules and regulations were relaxed. Instead Sime Darby open a small one at Port Said, Egypt. By 1992, all the major bunkering facilities of China were taken over by the 3 major oil palm companies owned by the non-Malays.
In 1992, my Chinese friend, the guy who developed the concept for the Malays to capture Sime Darby at practically no cost of RM 23 millions ( nowadays commission fees run into billions of ringgits ) and did not run to the rich Chinese to takeover, was asked to resign forthwith without any acknowledgement of his contribution to the Malays total net worth and WEALTH.
How did this young Chinese guy did it for the Malays for only RM 23 millions in the days when no money was forthcoming for the Malays to do business ? He just garnered the support of the Singaporean banks, UOB and OCBC to assist. And together, Sime Darby was easily captured and later repatriated. He had a word with the famous lady lawyer as well. And now Sime Darby is the flagship of the PNB. UOB and OCBC were rewarded accordingly.
This is not the end of the tale. After my Chinese friend was asked to resign, Sime Darby bought bankrupt companies like the LAC, a refrigerator manufacturer of UK and transferred it to Manila. Little businesses were set up all over Australia in keeping with the fun and games schedules of the executives especially in the infamous Perth where it is alleged that Sime has a travel outfit in partnership with a former executive to provide all the needful or the Melbourne Cup.
A United States resort with a golf course in Florida was bought for US 72 millions before the crash of 1997. The reason it was bought was to train Malaysians how to do catering and manage a hotel with a golf course. 13,000 miles away !Mara was training Malaysians to do the same since 1966 at no cost. However, after the crash of 1997, Sandestin Resorts was sold at a LOSS IN US DOLLARS but when the selling price was translated into depreciated Malaysian ringgits there was no loss. BUT THE HUGE COMMISSION WAS REFLECTED IN THE DIFFERENCE IN THE BUYING AND SELLING PRICES IN US DOLLARS ! Acheh !
Amongst many other financial accidents incurred by Sime Darby, there was the sponsorship of OCEAN RACING IN NEW ZEALAND for over 9 years for the benefit of its retired indispensiblle executive. It is alleged a small chain of a motorcar business was bought to keep him occupied whilst in retirement.
And then there were the 2 infamous huge bankruptcies of Sime Darby in 1996 and 2010. The obvious problems with Malaysian executives managing public companies are that they treat these as their own and not the public’s. They ARE ONLY TRUSTEES. It is remarkable how they, the executives could miss out this point being living with the business 24 hours a day, and 365 days in a year, for years and years. Nowadays, it seems an ordinary manager is paid at least RM 1 million a year as salary to RM 10 millions and perks. No one is going to do more than paper shuffling given the stupendous salaries.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Rasa rasanya dalam tulisan je Tun tulis panjang panjang. Kalau cakap, mungkin kata jangan amik duit orang dan berkelakuan jujur bila berurus niaga.
Betul kata Uncle Mubarakchan, tiada buku mengajar niaga, tiada buku mengajar memimpin.
Seingat saya semasa kerja kedai buku dulu, pernah datang seorang wanita bertanyakan ada ke buku tentang cara cara Tun Mahathir memimpin?
Kelu lidah untuk menjawab, hanya senyuman dapatku berikan.
Menjadi sebahagian dari rakyat biasa banyak cerita kehidupan dapat dikongsikan. Bila berurus niaga kita mengenali kaum cina. Bila bekerja kita juga dapat mengenali kaum india, bukan lagi india kerja di ladang sawit.
Bila beramai ramai kita dapat mengenali perangai Melayu. Indahnya Malaysia.
Cina pernah call me peribadi untuk bekerja, akhir akhir ini india juga call me peribadi untuk kerja.
Auditor perlu luas pandangannya. Ada orang kata 2+2=6. Betul ker?
Terima kasih Tun.
As Salam Tun,
May Allah bless you and give you guidance and strength to continue your contributions,
1. Moving forward for our beloved country Malaysia which have so much bless by Allah, I will concur with you that a reputable external auditor should in place by now to monitor entities such as Felda, EPF, Tabung Haji spending billions in acquiring foreign properties while others such as MAHB and Petronas have bought shares in airports and Canadian ventures which also involving huge sums of money.
2. Its mind boggling how these entities spends billions without proper informing the people on the grounds of their investments. It seems as they are investing their own private money.
3. Its good for Tun to highlight it here so this entities will know their limits and accountability.
Salam Tun.
It is indeed the WEALTH of this blessed land called the Tanah Melayu that continues to draw people in shiploads from China, India, and also the capitalists from various colonies and empires to try their luck at making a fast buck and an extremely (shall we label them Capitalists Extremists) good life here, the country that is now known as Malaysia.
Most of these people, their background were never checked nor AUDITED but due to the political intricacies of that moment, they were given free citizenship by the good and soft-hearted Tunku. The problems were postponed and pushed forward to be tackled at a later suitable date, until Tunku found that the ruthless communists in his midst, namely Lee Kuan Yew and gang were badmouthing him overseas in London and in the diplomatic circles, and their subversive plans against the Central government became a serious security threat.
Tunku, his little moustache no longer able to cover and protect him from the lingering stench evaporating from the commies ass, kicked Singapore out of Malaysia like you would an athlete’s-foot-infested pair of stinking sneakers. From there on, Lee Kuan Yew started his recalcitrant career as a world class bluffologist inspiring and instigating his diehard fans in Malaysia to do what he did that got him kicked out in the first place. One word comes to our minds – INSURGENCY.
So, together with the PAP commies and sympathisers a mixture of gangsters and communists too (they also like to call themselves socialists whatever) were bred quite freely and without much surveillance in the young nation of Malaysia. However their hatred and hostilities towards the local people never seems to wish to burn out. They used their UNAUDITED WEALTH to bring down the Malay government.
A so-called billionaire Sugar King who was handed down lucrative a business monopoly, ungrateful and in protest of a fair trading arrangement pulled out ‘his’ money (90% rightfully Malaysia’s) to invest in Australia, UK, Canada, Singapore. Many more billionaires from the same community followed suit, but yet they return to Malaysia asking and threatening the government for more business favours … the same Malay government that they accuse guilty of cronyism and racism !
So, dear Tun yang sangat kami kasihi, with WHOM first must the WEALTH AUDIT begin?
Salam Tun && bloggers,
Saya terbaca this article over internet..? soalan saya?
1. siapa Tong Kooi Ong ini?
2. Kenapa pihak kerajaan tidak ambil langkah menutup portal2 berita yang menyebar khabar palsu hingga buat market panic?
3. Apa yang kita belajar dari AFC 1997?
4. Kenapa tiada apa2 annoucement dari PM Najib? diam seribu bahasa?
5. Adakah elok PM Najib turut pegang portfolio Menteri kewangan kerana jawatan itu agak kritical?
Frankly, saya menyokong kerajaan pimpinan PM Najib Razak, cuma tiada yang sempurna di dunia ini, saya rasa PM Najib bekerja keras dan berusaha untuk kebaikan negara, contohnya sekarang ini di setiap bahu jalan di KL mesti nampak sign board pembinaan condo2 baru, memanglah mahal, tapi jika masih mampu sold out itu juga petanda economy yang bagus, untuk ekonomi berkembang kita perlukan rakyat yang kaya.
Ramai yang kata pengundi cina tidak sokong kerajaan, tapi pendapat saya rakyat bangsa cina yang paling untung bila kerajaan BN yang memerintah, kekayaan melimpah ruah, peluang pelajaran yang tinggi tanpa tuntutan apa2 dari pihak kerajaan, siapa yang dapat nafikan ini semua? sepatutnya kerajaan menuntut tycoon2 cina membantu bangsa mereka sendiri, jika tidak reti berkongsi kekayaan dengan bangsa sendiri saya rasa tak perlulah nak merengek suruh bangsa Melayu yang bantu? tak gitu?
Terima Kasih Tun,
How Tong Kooi Ong is attempting to break Bank Negara and crash the RM
JANUARY 28, 2015 ~ AHRILY90
TKO header
An owner of a prominent news media empire is casting undue influence on the financial and political state of Malaysia for his own personal monetary gain.
Sources within Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) revealed that Tong Kooi Ong, the owner of the Edge Group and The Malaysian Insider has taken a USD1.4 billion short position on the Ringgit through a proxy. The first transaction took place in August 2014 and subsequent short positions have been taken leading up to January 2015.
Tong Kooi Ong is no stranger to investments, notably during the last financial crisis, Tong took a similar short position with Rashid Hussein which resulted in a significant gain.
He is a former stockbroker, financial analyst and banker who founded and built Phileo Allied Berhad, one of the most successful and innovative financial banking groups in Malaysia in the 1990s. Phileo Allied Bank was subsequently taken over and merged with Maybank in 2000.
According to the source, Bank Negara Malaysia and the securities commission are monitoring Tong closely.
How shorting a currency works:
A short position on the ringgit is essentially a bet that the ringgit will fall. The Malaysian ringgit will be traded for USD and if the ringgit reduces in value, the investor will make money when they buy back the ringgit at its lower value to cover the short position.
When a currency is being devalued, the central bank will step in to release reserves to balance the value of their currency against the currency that it is being most actively traded against.
In the Malaysian scenario as the RM drops, BNM will step in to buy RM in exchange for their USD reserves.
Speculators who short the currency will exploit this by taking a loan in Malaysia or using their own funds in RM to trade for the USD. The goal of which is to trade the RM for USD until the central bank is out of reserves so effectively the currency will crash.
The investor will then go back to the Bank that they initially borrowed money from and will convert it into RM to pay back the loan. The profit would be made off the gain that the USD receives against the RM. As the loan was made in RM and the currency has crashed the investor would have to trade less USD to pay back that initial RM loan.
Media and Mass propagation
With access to his media empire that spans from radio to print and online, Tong Kooi Tong is able change public sentiment through the mass distribution of articles that create doubt amongst the general public about the state of the Malaysian ringgit.
Insider newsAfter reading headlines that spell doom and gloom above, what would you do if you were holding Malaysian ringgit?
Take into consideration that in order for the currency to crash, it is crucial that Bank Negara reserves are pushed to their limit. A media empire would be the perfect channel to damage the perception of the RM effectively facilitating the devaluation of the RM.
The unpatriotic acts of short selling coupled with media propagation will lead Malaysia into a recession causing untold suffering for the average man on the street whilst lining the pockets of a few individuals.
To give readers a better understanding of how investors make money by shorting a currency let’s look at 2 case studies followed by a comparison of how the same could happen in Malaysia.
Soros Breaks the Bank of England and earns $1 Billion in a day
This is certainly the most notorious forex market event which took place on September 16, 1992 which is called “Black Wednesday” and Soros got his nickname “the man who broke the bank of England” from transactions he performed together with other traders. They didn’t break it directly, but they devalued it so badly that Britain had to take it out from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM).
Fig.1. How Soros Broke the Bank of England in 1992.
Fig.1. How Soros Broke the Bank of England in 1992.
Britain was in a recession from 1990 but despite this the pound (also known as Sterling) joined the ERM thus fixing the pound’s rate to deutschmark in order to make the investments more predictable and stable among Britain and Europe. But as the political and financial situation in Germany changed during the unification of Germany many ERM currencies were under big pressure to keep their currencies within the agreed limits. Britain had the most problems – its inflation rate was very high and the USD rate (many British exporters were being paid in USD) was also falling. So more and more speculators began circling and making plans on how to profit from this situation as it became clear that the pound was not able to artificially stand against the natural market forces. Speculators waited until the financial situation got as bad as it could naturally get and then created extra pressure on the pound by selling it in huge amounts. The most aggressive of them was G. Soros who performed this transaction every 5 minutes profiting each time as the GBP fell by minutes.
The money that I made on this particular transaction would be estimated at about $1 Billion dollars. We very simply used the forward market – you borrow sterling and you sell the sterling that you’ve borrowed. And then you buy back the sterling when the loan expires.”
– G. Soros.
How Soros earns $790 Million, crashes the Thai Baht and triggers the Asian crisis.
The second most notorious trade of Soros came in 1997 as he saw a possibility that the Thai Baht could go down so he went short on the baht (by going long on USD/THB) using forward contracts. His actions are often considered to be a triggering factor which sparked the big Asian financial crisis, affecting not only Thailand but also South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Honk Kong and others.
Fig.2. How Soros gained $790 Million and destabilized Thailand’s and Asian economies in 1997 – 1998.
Fig.2. How Soros gained $790 Million and destabilized Thailand’s and Asian economies in 1997 – 1998.
Soros goes short on the baht.
Thailand spends almost $7 Billion to protect the Baht against speculations.
Soros sells all his baht resources and keeps telling everyone to do the same by publicly scaring people with the fall of the baht and crisis. It works.
On July 2, Thailand is forced to give up the fixed rate of the Baht and it starts to float freely. Thailand asks for help from the International Monetary fund (IMF).
Thailand takes on hard austerity measures to secure the loan from the IMF.
Baht has fallen from 1$ for 25 baht to 56 baht thus Soros had gained more than 790 million USD.
How Tong Kooi Ong would break Bank Negara Malaysia
Fig.3. How Soros gained $790 Million and destabilized Thailand’s and Asian economies in 1997 – 1998.
Fig.3. How Soros gained $790 Million and destabilized Thailand’s and Asian economies in 1997 – 1998.
Tong Kooi Ong goes short on the RM
. Malaysia spends reserves to protect the RM against speculators
Media empire is used to spread doubt to drive the RM down further
Tong Kooi Ong closes his trade after the RM has devalued enough for a significant profit
USD position of estimated USD1.4 billion is converted to devalued RM for huge profit. Bank is paid back initial loan of now devalued RM. The difference between the initial cost of the RM and the devalued cost of the RM is pure profit.
We urge members of the public to share this article with their friends and family Reports have been lodged with Bank Negara Malaysia and the securities commission but we urge the public to lend their support by lodging their own reports.
Revisiting the 1997 financial crisis.
During the 1997 financial crisis, the greed of a few unpatriotic speculators caused Malaysia to enter into a recession. Greed led speculators to make millions, if not billions, at the expense of the country.
Malaysian bankers then were hard at work unethically betting against the ringgit. Currency speculators borrowed ringgit from offshore forex markets and sold it. They proceeded to dump the money into the market – pushing the exchange rate down even further.
Once the ringgit was devalued sufficiently from all the selling down, these ruthless traders bought back the currency at a much lower price, paid back their borrowings and made a handsome profit, whilst millions of people in the country suffered and continued to suffer as Malaysia entered a recession.
Dangerous rumours were circulated about the deterioration of the economy, as it would aid the profitability of their short selling.
In response to the currency crisis in 1997, Malaysia banned short selling. However, once the economy recovered sufficiently, the ban was lifted in March 2006.
Why should a weakened currency matter to you?
During the 1997 crisis retrenchments soared by 444%. 83,865 people lost their jobs in the first 3 months of the crisis. The per capita income dropped drastically by half from USD5,000 to USD2,500. The ringgit drooped from RM2.50 per USD to, at one point, RM4.80 per USD. The KLCI fell from approximately 1300 points to nearly as low as 400 points in a few short weeks.
When a currency is heavily devalued unemployment rises and household incomes drop. Households change their spending habits to only purchase needs, this affects the entire economy as less people eat out or go shopping. A downward spiral begins as people lose their jobs, businesses have less customers resulting in the need to cut costs further which results in the lost of more jobs.
During the 1997 crisis despite strict counter measures from BNM, the country’s GDP suffered a sharp contraction of 7.5% in 1998, and the country went into recession.
During a recession people go out of business resulting in loss of jobs, projects get abandoned and local banks get huge withdrawals from customers.
As jobs become scarce people put up with lower pay with higher workloads and harsh working conditions. The number of bankrupts in the country increases as loans are defaulted on. People lose their houses, as they are unable to service their mortgage.
In the aftermath of the assault on the ringgit in 1997, Dr Mahathir said in reference to currency traders “There is absolutely no consideration given to the sufferings and miseries on the suddenly impoverished people and their countries. Going beyond the economic field, the threat of losing confidence was extended into the social and political fields. In one instance, the currency of the country was devalued by 600%”
“Currency war can achieve political objectives just as well as a military war.”
-Tun Mahathir wrote on his blog 29 March 2012 in reference to the 1997 currency crisis.
Salam Tun,
I agree with your suggestions.
Those who wish read BM version of Tun’s writing, kindly click below http://www.translationfocus.blogspot.com
Thank you.
Is the Federal Government living in reality or Alice in Wonderland when its policy is to make money through business ?
It is the only country in the World which practices Western Democracy through our Free Malaysian Style Democracy with its Open Capitalistic Characteristics, but also does business to raise money for its coffers instead of relying wholly raising money through revenue from the general economy.
We must not get mixed up with the 3 authoritarian States, Russia, China and Singapore which have Command Ultra Communistic economies arising out of their political Systems which is Ultra Communistic political and social Systems imposed on the citizens, in the case of Singapore by a Ruler, 1959 – 2015 through a gang of Apparatchiks.
Singapore after its separation from Malaysia in 1965 was still an entreport. The Singapore Government’s Adviser Dr Alfred Winsemius 1961 – 1984, was in place since 1961.
The main reason why Singapore created the GLCs was that the traders of Singapore were not suitable to be industrialists or corporate captains to further the progress of the country. The many enterprises which were set up in the Jurong Industrail Park failed eg. Starlite Ceramics, Fair Lady Fashion, Eupoc, Regent Hair Wigs, etc. failed. I set up a biscuit factory with the latest Swiss machinery and found the locals loved brand names. I sold out to Nissin which became a great success from the very first day to this day.
Singapore then through its Government stepped in to fill a large industrialization gap in its general economy, to provide employment and revenue. She has no natural resources. And the finance sector was built up through the launching of the Asian Dollar.
Our beloved Malaysia has now adopted the Money Money Money policies of Singapore without understanding the raison d’etre for the existence of its GLCs. Furthermore, Singapore is a tightly controlled and supervised country which is micro-managed by one Ruler 1959 -2015. No monkey business by any monkey.
It is alleged that our Malaysian Government from 1957 to 2015 never had a Cabinet Minister who had business experience except for Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who did a spell during the Japaness Occupation and Tun Daim Zainuddin who is a self-made and successful entrepreneur. It is further alleged that some Ministers failed to succeed in the Private Sector and became politicians.
There is no book sold in Kino, Borders or MPH to teach us how to be a Prime Minister or President. But there are thousands of books on political philosophies. The same is also evident in business. There are thousands of books on business management but not a single one to teach us how to be rich. A MBA is only a licence to be a good manager.
All successful entrepreneurs became rich only on one single IDEA. The Creation of Money Without Money. This is the true entrepreneur. Money makes money is a fallacy which comes after a person has already made the money with his idea. Historical titans like Ford, Rockefeller, and more recent ones like Bill Gates, Jack Ma, Zuckenberg, etc are prime examples of how people become rich through their own single idea. No one becomes rich by being a copycat especially by aping the Ultra Communistic State of Singapore. We will only end in grief and tears.
The latest report on Apple Inc. shows that its total net worth is more than the foreign reserves of Bank Negara Malaysia. On this score, the Federal Government must be wasting time and money throwing big bucks in Malaysian ringgits at great risk in doing business fo make money for the Rakyat instead of ruling over us only.
No Federal Government ever did business until 2004 with the huge influence from Singapore’s PAP cadres looking for ‘low hanging fruits’. Imagine the present day scenario when the top leadership of the Federal Government is involved in buying and selling whatever around the World. Where have these honourable gentlemen got the time to rule over us ? And the queues outside their offices I have been told are jam-packed with traders of all sorts seeking an audience with them. And they used all sorts of tricks to jump the queue to see the great man.
Apart from the commercialization of the Federal Government, there is also the time need to study the world market trends of which there are 1001 types. It should be noted that no one MAKES MONEY FOR THE BOSS. The voluminous reports in the selected fields need to be studied. Business like politics is a life-long learning process. If its is practised as a fine art then, there is much pleasure in practising it. NO ONE IN THE WORLD HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL IN BOTH PROFESSIONS. It is simply there is not enough time for a person with a 100 year life span to do both at the same time.
It is easy to beginning a business. But it is extremely difficult to wind it up especially when billions of ringgits are involved.
We can see how Singapore which was managed quite will as a Singapore Inc. until suddenly it veered off at a tangent to do business and invested good money IN INFERIOR INSTITUTIONS LIKE UBS, CITIBANK, BANK OF AMERICA etc which are actually below the status of Singapore Inc. And lost big bucks like losing US$ 108 billions of the CPF trust money in October 2008. THEY LOST THEIR SELF-ESTEEM DUE TO FLATTERY BY PEOPLE WHOM THEY THOUGHT WERE FROM A HIGH PLANE. They found out to their cost that these flatterers were only out to take the money like those in Change Alley, Singapore. Humankind are all the same.
With the skimpy background on a life-tme subject of business, the Federal Government is now at risk doing a LOWER FORM OF HUMAN ENDEAVOUR LIKE MAKING MONEY THROUGH DOING BUSINESS instead of just ruling over us and formulating polices or revising old laws in keeping with the fast moving and modern World eg.
1. The Companies Act. 1965. Not revised since 1965. – 50 years.
2. The Bankruptcy Act. 1967. Not revised since 1967 – 48 years. 300,000 young Malaysian persons are incarcerated here in perpetuity UNLIKE progressive and modern Singapre and Hong Kong. In Singapore, bankrupts are automatically discharged in 4 years and Hong Kong 3 years. Malaysia’s young insolvents are stuck in PERPETUITY !
3. The Trustees Act 1949. Not revised since 1949 – 66 years ! An important Law which governs the trusteeship of money belonging to others every day in banking, trusts, etc.
Where are you AG ? Where are you lawyers ?
These 3 Laws are the keys to our survival and success through a capitalisitc system embedded in our general economy. Singapore’s laws are the most up-to-date. It is alleged that laws could be changed even in the Court room ! We may classify our key laws as antiquated, Victorian or vintage. eg. With the Federal Government busily doing business and the lawyers busily doing politics. Square pegs in round holes. Round pegs in square holes.
IF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAKES ON THE BILLION RINGGIT BUSINESS INDUSTRY OF THE COUNTRY AND ALSO TO RULE OVER US, something must give, something must suffer, something must flow out in huge amounts.
In business, I hate to say this. There is a lot of stealing, cheating, etc all the time. Even a audit may miss out the clever crooks at work especially when audits, standards, propriety, probity, ethics, normality, etc are not followed.
As in every endeavour, the buck must stop at the leader’s desk. My favourite American President Harry S. Truman, not because he dropped the 2 atomic bombs but because he was a normal and humble person has a glass paper weight engraved. ‘ THE BUCK STOPS HERE.’
In the mid-1980s, three of Malaysia’s best tycoons got together. They made one single mistake. They borrowed short in USDRs and invested in assets with no substantial income like US condos, banks, oil leases etc. There was a minor ( not large ) financial crisis. They became insolvent.
Instead of grappling with the many-headed serpent which is business, the Federal Government should only rule over us and let the Private Sector takes the risks as many of the Rakyat’s problems are still unsolved.
To quote,
‘ an outside audit by a good auditing firm’, ‘ reputable auditors’. Our local ones surely don’t qualify what with cronyism. U then are referring to the Big 4 reputable ones.
During your rule u scoff at the picture Of a stern commanding looking IMF Camdessus watching little Suharto sitting signing agreeing to IMF policies n called it another form of western imperialism.
The Big 4 or any local ‘ reputable’ audit firms are the enforcers of western financial principles, regulations, penalties based on Jew founded accounting concepts n led by Zionist linked individuals as many like to believe.
Now you want them to certify the cleanliness of a Muslim led govt??
To maintain your credibility you must clamor for a Vizier from any Arab country, using Islamic audit for certification.
Or just say many nice things about the Jews which anyway they really are.
Such matters are too high for me, but I would like to ask just one question- how wealthy is our righteousness?
another form filling or academic exercise?
Assalamualaikum, Tun.
Sememangnya audit kewangan harus dipraktiskan dalam sektor awam, apatah lagi sumber-sumber dan duit negara ada dalam penguasaan kerajaan dan sektor awam.
Buat masa kini, apa yang boleh dilihat ialah PAC telah berjaya mendedahkan pelbagai salah-laku dan penyelewengan, tetapi tindakan susulan/ hukuman tidak ketara. Biarpun audit kewangan yang dicadang boleh diamalkan, apakah ia betul-betul berkesan memerangi sebarang salah-guna duit?
Bukan prestasi badan-badan kerajaan sahaja yang patut dihalusi. Prestasi GLC juga harus diperhatikan/ disemak dari semasa ke semasa. Keruntuhan MAS sesuatu yang memberi pengajaran. Sekiranya pihak-pihak yang diamanah untuk mengurus tidak berupaya, dan mengakibatkan kerugian, maka haruslah pihak pengurusan diubah. Janganlah biar GLC terjerumus ke tahap membebani kerajaan.
Yang ikhlas,
Fariq Islam
fascinating…..remeber what happen to mv augusta????sell for 1 dollar and the new owner sell part of the company for hundreds of million…..
mv august always remind me to new reborn minister khairy jamaludin….kj like anwar applaud as the next prime minister but where is anwar in their heart now??
but what to do…melayu mudah lupa….
many said najib was only seven year in pm office but mahathir there 22 years so bots achiements cannot be compared…
but with new entry of urging external audit to gov and its agencies i think if mahathir time as pm ppl has access to internet fb twiteer so on and so fore…mahathir would be even greater………in his time people use filing, paper, postman, document, typewriter, phone….no hp, no email, no internet, no fb, no printer etc yet he bring malaysia to highest level…..
tq my idol tdm…
Salam Yg Bhg Tun,
Satu cadangan yang baik. Nanti tiada tuduhan2 panjang pembangkang didalam Dewan Parlimen. Semuanya terjawab didalam audit bebas. RBA dan lain2 media mereka akan tiada modal untuk propaganda mereka. Persoalan adalah bagaimanakah auditor bebas ini? Mereka akan sentiasa mencari jalan untuk mengatakan auditor bebas ini adalah sebenarnya tidak bebas dan pro-kerajaan. Badan yang berpihak kepada mereka sahaja yang dikatakan sebenarnya bebas seperti Bar Council misalnya.
Salam Tun