2. The startled party and party officials suddenly found Zaid appointed as Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department responsible for law. They were puzzled by Abdullah’s choice. But then it is not so unexpected after all because he appointed another campaigner for PAS as Deputy Minister, and a man with dubious past as Senator and Minister.
3. The moment Zaid was appointed he went to town. Apparently without bothering to consult the Cabinet or the Prime Minister he publicly proposed so-called legal and judicial reforms. He proposed that judges should be appointed by a panel on which sit several members of the Bar Council. He did not think it odd that members of the bar would in the course of their work be facing the judges they appointed. I suppose he thinks that it will be alright because gratefulness is not a Malaysian value.
5. In the past if the candidate was rejected by the Agong only the Prime Minister would know about it. But with Zaid’s proposal rejection by the Agong can result in a public scandal.
6. The Bar Council would want to know why. If the explanation is not forthcoming then the Bar will organise a forum to debate whether their candidate can be rejected by whomever. The findings of such a debate would show that no one, absolutely no one can reject the Bar with impunity.
7. Zaid also resurrected the case of Tun Salleh Abbas. The Government then decided to award ex-gratia payments to the “unfortunate” judges although all the judges were being paid two pensions and one at least was being paid three pensions. They were obviously not starving.
8. True to the Government record of being open and transparent the amount paid is not revealed. I wonder whether the money came from Zaid’s pocket or from the taxes paid by the rakyat.
9. Now of course Zaid has resigned and is aligned with the opposition over the detention under the ISA of Teresa Kok.
10. People accuse me of making wrong choices but in the case of Zaid it looks like the current PM has inherited my weakness.
11. One can afford to have principles when one is rich and does not have to depend on the small allowance of a Minister.
12. My deep respect for this one Minister who seem unconcerned about his allowances.
13. Incidentally former Minister, Tan Sri Kadir Sheikh Fadzir also resigned but he did not have a very big and profitable law practice.
i just do not like him…
already stated in my previous2 comment.
thank u tun.
boleh tak tun commentkan pasal chua soi lek dan chua jui meng.
ong kah teat tu mcm emotonal je….
Dear Tun and Family,
We hope you will stay healthy and strong.
we love you.
Asslamualaikum TUN.
Dari mula lagi saya amat hairan bila DSAA melantik ZI menjadi menteri kabinet melalui pintu belakang. Dekat mana yang berkenan tu tak tahu lah. Dahlah tu pemimpin-pemimpin Sabah dan Serawak yang menang pilihanraya diketepikan. kemudian kelam kabut dibuatnya.
DSAA membuat keputusan atau ada orang lain disekeliling beliau yang membuat keputusan. Insan yang kerdil macam saya pun bolih merasakan bahawa pelantikkan tersebut adalah merupakan satu kesalahan besar DSAA.
Alhamdulillah dia dah resign tapi muka tak malu dan tebal masih nak pegang jawatan senator. Kalaulah betul-betul berprinsip letaklah kedua-dua jawatan. Cakap tak serupa bikin.
ZI bukannya ada semangat perjuangan UMNO. Beliau hanya ada semangat untuk membesarkan tembolok sendiri. Sampai nak kerja dalam syarikat beliau pun tak perlu fasih berbahasa Melayu tapi perlu fasih berbahasa manderin. MELAYU SELALUNYA LUPA!!!!!!!!!!
Bercakap berdesing-desing pasal ketelusan, tapi bila suruh kemukakan jumlah wang yang diberikan kepada para hakim yang kononnya teraniaya tak boleh pulak.
Memang menjadi lumrah manusia. Bila orang lain buat salah. Bila kena batang hidung tak salah pulak. HIPOKRIT!!!!!!!!!
Salam Tun,
Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun mengenai ZI. Semasa pilihanraya ZI tidak berada di Malaysia dan ini bermakna sebagai warganegara Malaysia, ZI tidak menunaikan tanggungjawab sebagai pengundi. ZI juga membantu PAS semasa kempen pilihanraya – semua orang tahu. Ini bermakna pengkhianat dibawa masuk ke dalam kabinet. Kemudian mempersoalkan perkara yang diperjuangkan kerajaan tanpa mendapat pandangan PM dan kabinet. AAB tak kan tak nampak perkara ini atau dia sedang tidor dan melantik ZI semasa sedang mengigau?
Saya bukan ahli politik atau lawyer yang pandai berkata-kata tetapi saya hanyalah seorang rakyat biasa yang sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan senario politik tanahair. Walau bagaimanapun, keadaan sekarang menjadi macam tidak ada kawalan dan semua boleh bercakap apa sahaja.
Saya amat berharap Tun teruskan blog ini dan sentiasa memberi pandangan dan pendapat untuk meneruskan ketuanan Melayu tidak akan terhapus dari Tanah Melayu yang berada dalam Gagasan Kepulauan Melayu. Banyak perkara yang mengaitkan hal Bangsa Melayu dipersoalkan sekarang.
Doa saya semoga Tun sentiasa berada dalam keadaan sihat dan meneruskan usha yang murni ini.
Assalamulaikum Tun.
Semoga sihat wal-afiat.
Saya rasa Zaid Ibrahim merajuk sebab tak dinaikkan menjadi menteri penuh oleh Pak Lah. Dia letak jawatan dengan harapan supaya perlantikannya dipercepatkan tetapi ternyata dia silap.
Dia sudah hampir dengan cita-citanya tetapi disebabkan sikap tamak, takde siapa yang akan lantiknya menjadi menteri selepas ini.
Salam Tun,
assalamualaikum ayahanda..
didoakan kesihatan Tun brsama kluarga dlm keadaan yg menyenangkan.
dan moga2,Tun dpt menerajui balik negara kita yg dicintai ini.
assalamualaikum ayahanda..
didoakan agar ayahanda dlm keaadaan yg baik brsama family.
moga Tun dpt menerajui balik negara yg kita cintai ini.
assalamualaikum ayahanda..
didoakan agar ayahanda dlm keaadaan yg baik brsama family.
moga Tun dpt menerajui balik negara yg kita cintai ini.
betenang semua, betenang..
pasal zaid ni ko jangan risau.
korang semua jangan risau risau ah..
“aku ada kenal satu orang bomoh!”
kah kah kah kah..
Kepada Al Mulk dan sespeisis dengannya ,
Jangan terlalu taksub dengan hamba hingga terlupa akan ke agongannya TUAN kepada hamba tersebut. Jika anda adalah Muslim , cepat cepatlah beraftifar , mohon ampun dari ALLAH , jangan kerana hati , kita menghampiri ke murtadtan atau terus menjadi murtad , nauzubillah.
Is he as corrupted as all the other Ministers?
Dear Tun..
I think you should write more about zaid ibrahim and the Bar Council..
Poor Corollos Tun,
He will write as if he’s the noblest of all persons. He will write as if he is the master of the language even the Queen herself can’t take on. Like good lawyers he’ll hide behind all the words he put together. But at the end of all his writings you were left with nothing really! Benar-benar Tong Kosong!!!! Nyaring bunyinya!
Take care Tun.
Hello Tun and other fellow commentors
To moderato
“Late is the hour this conjurer(moderato) decides to appear,my Tun, ill news is ill will, my Tun….”
So we are playing good cop and bad cop and see if millions of commentors here can be fooled or not, are we not….???
Tun is probably smirking at our little “sandiwara”, is he not..???
Dear Tun,
The only thing I have little respect on this Zaid fella was when he resigned. But then I’m sure it’s not so much for the resignation itself but more of his PR image. I think he’s a smart Malay but things can get out of hand when and if you think you are too smart.
When he did his walk with the journos and bloggers, he lashed back by saying what has the press done to fight their own war. Easy for him to say as he was the defacto law minister. Question was, what can he do to help? It’s just to show they are all one and the same!!!!
He thought by resigning and pretending to be the people’s champion he might even sleep with Anwar Ibrahim the PM wannabe. But again, they both were too ambitious with nothing much to offer. A good lawyer on one hand, and a good orator on the other. What’s the difference?!
I really hope Tan Sri Dato’ Muhyiddin Yassin should be given the chance to continue from where you left off. For the benefit of this beloved country.
Najib has no style. He has little vision, nor strategies except for the ringing cash registers. He thinks he’s Tun Razak.
His old style has no place in modern and progressive Malaysia that you have helped laid down Tun.
Take Care Sire!
I respect the strength of Zaid, who like many leaders in history have fought unselfishly for a cause, with little care for himself, but for the values enshrined within his own morality.
Zaid in Malaysia is somewhat of a freak as he definately does not constitute the status quo.
His move to resign was the right thing to do and a protest to the public that there are leaders out there that will be the white poppy amongst the weeds.
Bravo Zaid – Malaysia needs more leaders as noble as you are.
11. One can afford to have principles when one is rich and does not have to depend on the small allowance of a Minister.
12. My deep respect for this one Minister who seem unconcerned about his allowances.
First I think the ministers are paid as well as most upper middle class managers, besides a share of the 2 billion ringgit entertainment/Travel budget that was an issue not too long ago.
Second, why are ministers in our government an unprincipled lot? Is this wise ?
Do you now suggest that it is ok for government officials to abuse their position for their own gains ??? Because they cannot afford to have principles ???
Good afternoon Tun
To corollos,
Talking about capitalism, do you know what is capitalism? Capitalism only makes the rich richer, the poor poorer by manipulating their wealth especially in the west. Western countries are facing market saturation (old and outdated) and that’s why they are trying their very best to control emerging countries like us. They make those people who are humble and kind as the SLAVES to satisfy them. We are an Islamic country, we have our democracy way of contolling the country in the name of ALLAH. If you are not happy, please join a party that can suit your agenda. But I can assure you that you won’t find it in this country, if you do, please let all the bloggers know!!!!!Thank you.
Good day Tun.
My dear Tun, Firstly melantik Si Zaid ni dlm Kabinet serupa meletakkan Musang dlm reban ayam. Dia tak laku di Bahagianya and yet gave hm the cabinet minister post in the silver plate. Lihatlah,selepas letak jawatan dari kabinet,Legal Firm dia diterima di one of the gulf states. Tapi tahu kah kita Anwar AlJuburi mempunyai business co in that country.Si aljubri ni juga merupakan baluchi kerajaan Turki untuk investment mereka di middle east. So AlJubris hand must be behind kejayaan Legal firm musang Zaid ni. It is not a coincidence. Long live my warrior Tun
Salam Tun
some people just simply “tak mngenang budi”..your 22 years in office speaks by itself. although i dont agree on your doing to DSAI at one time, but now i realised that its for the nation. And now, Zaid? who is he..Being a statesmen like Tun, i thing you must just ignore this confuse guy..Maaf Dzahir Batin moga Allah beri keberkatan kapada Tun sekeluarga
Hello Tun
There you go again, hitting out at a lawyer, one of the world’s most noblest profession.
You are a doctor. A doctor belongs to the minority-producers-slaves-workers-hirelings-employees-consultants group, that is all in a world economics driven by capitalism.
Doctors have no political power whatsoever.
Bankers-economists, Businessmen, Lawyers and Media executives own the world, Tun, we control the world, we will definitely inherit the world now or in the distant future for the sake of all humanity.
The majority-consumers are the legal representative of all humanity,Tun.
Lawyers in capitalism democracy system eat doctors for living like a leopard leaping upon and mauling down a gizelle in Africa safari.
Do you understand this point, Tun?
You, Tun, belongs to the bottom half of human food-chain.
The minority-producers-workers-slaves class.
All the world’s businessmen,lawyers and media executives have bankers-economists, the demi-god of fortune to thank for and be supported by them.
Who do you have,you,Tun as a doctor?
Who supports you,Tun?
Nobody, rite, then be quiet and accept your fate as a person who earn money from us, yes, for money is the worldwide majority-consumers’ creation.
Money always control production, Tun.
Capitalists worldwide unite!! unite!!unite!!!
Let the workers worldwide tremble at our victory march!!
Dearest Tun,
By reading your article THE SO-CALLED EMINENT PERSONS PANEL of Sept 2, 2008 3:55 PM. Now I understand why he got an exclusive interview by the Star newspaper (got lots of money ma…. but ‘duit tidak akan dihalalkan kerana itu duit rakyat), and told the nation that he was disliked by the UMNO members. He was trying to clear his image and get sympathy from chinese, thus by protecting the Sin Chew reporter and Teresa Kok, the chinese community will think that he is a another “Mr Nice”. By doing this he knows the consequences of racial tension between Malay and Chinese, but maybe because of huge debt(people like him is a pemboros),dia sanggup buat saje untuk melepaskan diri from hutang, and he knew that UMNO will not support him when AAB stepped down. Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, please wake up because this guy can screw your party….
Dearest Tun,
I cannot hold my feeling on this comment. I apologize if I have use some “kasar” words.
To Malaysian,
Your rude comment:
“I feel sad for most of your supporter which is blindly support your every document, eventhough there no understand about the content. In your premiership of 22 Years, it’s this kind of M’sian you have moulded out to further develop our country? Those fanatic fan is brainless without critical thinking to face globalisation.”
My commet:
Please stop create racial tension among and divide Malaysian. This blog is only for those who respect and believe in Tun and the country. Not you! You think we Malaysian cannot face the globalization, I tell you we can and we are able to go through this financial meltdown. The people who cannot face the globalization is YOU, a desperate person who thinks your english is fantastic, tatabahasa salah la!!!!!! You as a Malay who doesn’t love and appreciate the country, is the person who know nothing about globalization.
Sorry to have disturbed Tun. Good night.
Assalamu’alaikum Tun
To dheepan on October 8, 2008 11:04 PM
Kindly refer to TDM’s article THE SO-CALLED EMINENT PERSONS PANEL of Sept 2, 2008 3:55 PM.
The UMNO General Assembly should be maintained in Dec08 and not be delayed by 3 months.Thus, siBadwi’s stature as PM should end by the end of the year as he would not be competing for the Presidency’s post, instead of Mac09
I firmly believe that Zaid was looking for a reason to vacate the post as he had no answer to item 4 of your article THE SO-CALLED EMINENT PERSONS PANEL” of Sept 2, 2008 3:55 PM
It was the Agong who complained against Tun Salleh for writing two letters, one to complain about the noise made in repairing the Agong’s residence and one alleging that the then Prime Minister was undermining the independence of the judiciary. Both letters were extended to all the Rulers which the Agong regarded as putting pressure on him. He found the letters offensive and against the Malay custom in which the customary thing to do was to have an audience with his Majesty and to make verbal complaints. The letters could follow but should be to him alone. He then requested me as PM to remove Tun Salleh as Lord President.
I TOTALLY AGREE with lzm on October 8, 2008 10:01 PM
For this, I wish the coming new Cabinet MUST seriously look into this matter , to punish him for contempt of our Agong. He MUST be punished.
Salam Tun,
Zaid Ibrahim memang pengkhianat bangsa Melayu, malah beliau tidak layak menjadi Melayu…Saya tak faham kenapa Zaid Ibrahim di lantik menjadi Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, dia bukan pakar bidang kehakiman,perlembangaan dsb… dia mungkin layak menjadi peguam sivil sahaja macam saman pelajar yang tidak bayar PTPTN, dsb….
p/s : saya memang benci dengan Penagih Arak Tegar ni, sebab dia lah yang menghantar surat ugutan PEMBAYARAN BALIK PTPTN…atas nama ZICO…..
Dear Sir,
I don’t always see eye to eye with you, Despite so I do feel a high amount of respect towards you, your views and past actions. I view myself as one of your “children” from the look east policy. In your insistance to generate better Malaysians for a better Malaysia.
Like most of my friends, I am now working as a middle class person. And I have to admit, I am one of those responsible voters that voted out BN government out of Penang. Going to the extreme! And yes you are right! I did not vote BN out because i love DAP so much. but for the fact that it just disgust me to read what is happening within the ranks of BN Leaders.
Whether they are the truth or not, Noone will ever really know, because end to end.. It is “that persons word against another persons word” However I do believe it is important to have leaders with the right mindset towards good governance. I cannot accept leaders with hidden agenda or with under dealings to profit only their own pocket.
Bottomline is, As much i believe Pak Lah needs to go, i still do not see the credibility of Najib to run the show. Unfortunately BN is reduced to a group of opportunist. There are too few good people left who really cares. The brain drain symptoms are not only visible in the profesional level but also in the leadership level.
What happened to all the young leaders in this country?
I know my views are not the likes of many of my malay friends. And don’t expect them to like my views. But I believe in voting for the person rather then the party, regardless of race, religion or skin color. I believe just that! Strongly! That i will only vote for the best candidate on that seat regardless of what party he or she is from. I voted for DAP because BN is still void of young blood, or fresh ideas on how to spearhead this nation towards excellence!
All and all, BN needs to do more. A performing government is what the people want. We do not just look for competence. If we continue in this path, Malaysian Politics will be reduced to mere entertainment.
Tun, Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf Zahir & Batin. I wish your family well! And thank you for your positive contributions towards this nation! Looking forward to see how Mukhris will do.
Abdul Mukmin Bin Burhan Tajuddin Beh
Dear Tun,
This Zaid moron and the whole jing bang like Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang, the Cumuraswamy fella, the High Court judge in Sarawak who thought could take you on and a whole litany of others (Shahrir Samad who had to beg to come back into Umno), Musa Hitam ( who did not have the b–ls to challenge you unlike Tengku Razaleigh) are just plain sore that all of them put together cannot match your brainpower.
I am sure MM LKY down south will grudgingly agree to this.
Pay little attention to him (Zaid), He is of no consequence.
Best Regards
Dear poster Zainnan,
I think you are beladi stupid.
Read and observe A LOT first before you open your mouth! Zaid is all for himself, nothing “holy” about Zaid except his quest for personal glory. It seems PKR followers like you are the one being sold every second by such pirate.. lock, stock and barrel.
Dear Tun,
generasi saya banyak terhutang budi dengan Tun, apabila ekonomic downturn 1999 jika tanpa tindakan cekap tun menyelamatkan negara sudah tentu suami dibuang kerja tapi generasi sekarang tidak belajar dari sejarah dan tidak tahu berterima kasih, emosi tidak ditempat yang betul,tun lah sebenarnya pejuang bangsa, semoga tun dan isteri panjang umur dan dapat terus menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara, bangsa dan agama.
A’kum Tun,
From the beginning I suspect Zaid’s appointment is just to smear your good name. Even though minister’s apppointment is PM’s prerogative, to appoint “loose cannon” like Zaid to Law Minister is suicidal. Whose agenda is Zaid’s promoting?? Again, our PM demonstrates his paradox critical thingking ability. I am glad that he is finally stepping down.
salam Tun,
to zainnan,
there’s no need to say you love Zaid 25 times over.Are you gay?
Zaid joined the Govt, intending to make changes in which he believed to be good for the country.
The funny thing is that he faced increasing challenges and resistance within Umno, a party which he joined to reap the opportunities.
Even a political activist like him, cannot make a ripple within Umno. I think he should lick his wounds, retire and concentrate on his own legal practise, rather than play politics.
Dear Tun,
Zaid and the opposition are pushing for so called judicial reform.
But in DSAI’s sodomy case, we can see how the judicial system can be abused as it is taking such a long time to transfer a criminal case from the magistrate court to the high court.
It would appear the judge and the lawyers are extra careful in handling DSAI case as they might be “eternally” grateful to DSAI for pushing for so called judicial reform.
It amazes me that the magistrate court judge actually granted the defence’s request to argue if the attorney general had a right to sign the form to transfer the case to a high court.
This is a joke. Where in the world the defence argue the validity of an AG’s signature.
To those who kutuk, condemn and insult Malays, Islam, Bahasa Malaysia, NEP etc. I invite you to visit http://deminegara.blogspot.com/ If you think you are so clever, click on this blog and rebut the writerâs arguments la. I doubt you can. Iâm sure you people canât counter his arguments with an equally compelling analysis. In fact, I am certain, you people â and you know who you are, Neil et al â would just resort to name calling.
But if you are open minded and intelligent, you will see clearly that he makes a lot of sense.
Dear Tun, I respectfully disagree with you and the number of posters opinions here on Zaid Ibrahim. Yes he’s wealthy, but so what? Besides which Minister (or former Ministers) aren’t wealthy?
As for the issues he stood for – reformation of the judiciary. Why is this a bad thing? I would rather have judges who are vetted by their peers rather than judges who are appointed by just 2 men – a panel appointment has more transparency and would avoid people in power such as the PM from abusing his powers. The Tun Abas case is a case in point – no matter what the real story is, the impression or perception it left is that judges who disagree with the executive branch gets booted out. This needs to be remedied.
As for the ISA – seems to me that those who oppose ISA is in the opposition camp. I think that’s ridiculous. I voted BN but I also think the ISA needs to be revamped. The ISA is a dangerous weapon in the hands of a fool – as the recent arrest of the reporter, Teressa and Raja Petra proved. We talk about reform but when reform is taking place we ostracize the person for daring to go with it. I think Zaid took up the right issues and kudos to him for resigning – that’s what Ministerial responsibility should be. If you fail to do what you promised to do then you should resign from public office.
Or were you perhaps upset with Zaid because he reportedly was going to haul you to court over some of your alleged wrongdoings as PM? As far as I know that never materialized and I certainly feel it’s wrong to try a man such as yourself Tun who has contributed so much to the country. You have your flaws as all humans do, but you are loved by the people for all that you’ve done for Malaysia and I think Malaysians would not want you to be treated in a disrescpectful manner by having you dragged to court for example.
Assalamualaikum, Tun
Can you write in Bahasa Melayu? Many my friends tell me that they cannot read your blog because they are all English. Your kindness is very much thank you.
Terima Kasih dan Selamat Hari Raya.
Mohamed Khatib
Hi Tun,
I feel sad for most of your supporter which is blindly support your every document, eventhough there no understand about the content. In your premiership of 22 Years, it’s this kind of M’sian you have moulded out to further develop our country? Those fanatic fan is brainless without critical thinking to face globalisation.
In this issue I totally respect and believe Zaid than you…please keep your big mounth shut.
To commentors Raven, Kilmer, DwithM, tengkolok, terrence
First, let me say that your opinions given are short sighted, without substance and are just big mouths and louder too !
Tun did not have an easy time when he was PM. Crisis after crises he has managed to pull Malaysia out of the troubles so that the rakyat can enjoy to live peacefully and comfortably (including all of you unless you are not Malaysians). Tun had had a share of problems, Some are handled with good decisions and implemented with success. (Financial crisis ?) He had his set of failures too as he cannot please every body. He had tolerated and compromised some sensitive issues ( 2 parties representing one race in BN ?) and a whole lot more of other failures. But the thing is, Tun succeeded in bringing Malaysia to what we are today and the lives of our rakyat too. So, do not harp on his failures as he is not perfect. Anyone else for that matter is not perfect but the way all of you are putting it, it seems that Tun is full of failures. Shame on you. The mere fact that you are addressing your comments through this blog is also the success of Tun too.
Rumusan istimewa untuk Eggster/DinDesa anak Raman, Bagan Tiang, Parit Buntar.
Saya amat tertarik dengan komen anda menggunakan cerita Nujum Pak Belalang untuk menyamaikan keadaan politik diMalaysia. Saya baca komen anda BANYAK KALI !!!!. Harap anda teruskan cara komen anda sebab saya peminat cerita P. Ramlee nombor satu !!!
Kepada Tun dan Bonda, saya dan keluarga saya amat sayang Tun dan Bonda dan berharap Tun dan Bonda sentiasa sihat.
Using this blog, one is at liberty to say anything he likes about Zaid.
But one thing I admire and treasure about Zaid is that he could simply throw away the UMNO/DOLAH ministerial post through the window like a piece of RUBBISH.
Though Zaid had a very brief stay in the Barisan/UMNO goverment, but his presence was like a hundred years, in which he has managed to shake and shatter the very foundation of that goverment.
Zaid Ibrahim… Who is he? From no where suddenly he become so famous after DSAAB appoint him as a senator. Not even e year he already made a big mistake which he should have been consulted at least with the one who appointed him.
His name was already on the tombstone but resurrected by DSAAB. The truth is Zaid should be in the grave yards forever. Due the intelligence of the current PM, made him stronger and become a threat to the country.
Dear Tun,
In response to your comments about Zaid, Malaysian Insider reports Zaid as saying the following (I quote)
“After the Societies Act was amended the president of Umno could do anything. “You have destroyed the fabric of our lives as a democracy. Have you not done enough?'”
To be factual, UMNO lost many Parliamentary and State seats throughout your tenure as PM. Kelantan was lost to PAS. So was Terengganu and Sabah was lost to the PBS (in Opposition at that time). PAS also began to make serious inroads in Kedah during your tenure.
After you left there was no attempt made to amend the UMNO Constitution. This means that the system that you left behind was left intact. Of course in March 08 UMNO and the BN lost much more, four more states and also the two thirds majority in Parliament.
Whether UMNO decides to amend its constitution or not, I think democracy is quite alive and well in Malaysia. And I think it is conventional wisdom that unless serious effort is made to change, UMNO and the BN will be voted out in the next General Elections.
Syed Akbar Ali.
Salam Sejahtera buat Tun dan keluarga..
Apa yang paling jenaka dan lucu berkenaan Zaid bagi saya adalah semasa Muhyidin Yasin mencadangkan agar di awalkan tarikh peralihan kuasa. Ramai pemimimpin-pemimpin MT yang marah dengan kenyataan yang di daberikan oleh Muhyidin. Ada yang menyarankan agar Muhyidin Yasin meletakkan jawtan.. Dan pemimpin-pemimpin yang lantang bersuara tersebut termasuklah Zaid Ibrahim.. Tetapi apabila Pak Lah umumkan tarikh peralihan kuasa yang telah di awalkan si Zaid ni juga antara pemimpin-pemimpin yang berpusu-pusu nak mencalonkan diri mereka.
The situation is more like one has to do everything and anything according to traditions and protocols. Then in this case, Malaysians should not be educated professionals. They should just do anything and everything according to what their ancestors had done and so they will not run into any troubles. Anything to do with the law should be handled by professional people of the law. But what we see is powerful people without any law qualification can decide what will happen next. The other day when the lawyers took to the streets, they are saying they want to be treated like genuine educated professional lawyers and not lawyers in name only. Look good but not allowed to do what one is educated to do. What a waste of time, money and energy studying law only to find that their professional development is so very limited.
Najib’s Greatest Challenge Is National Unity, Says PM
National unity will be Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s greatest challenge when leading the country next, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
He said his successor would have to give priority to this issue as the state of inter-racial and inter-religious relations at the moment was not good.
All this is because of Pak Lah weak leadership. Now he is passing the buck to Najib. At least he is now admitting his failure and as such his resignation to resign is very timely.
Dear Tun
Will Five Months Be Enough For PM To Initiate Reforms? The answer is, he is a dreamer. Too little too late to acheive anything. Cakap tak serupa bikin. He does not have the energy and mental capacity to do anything. Best for him to just go for holidays to enjoy the perks that he has been enjoying as Prime Minister. Nanti tekilan pulak apabila dah berhenti!
Some people can only make noises outside the system as that would be the easiest way to be noticed and gain supports. When they are in the system and have the opportunities to make and implement changes, they became ineffective and useless. They can’t even sell and convince their ideas to their colleagues. This ex-defacto Law Minister is in this group.
Today, we read him critising that as long as Tun is around, there would be no reforms. Well, coming from someone who was guilty of political corruption, I wonder what’s next coming from his mouth.
Lu terror le……have a nice day and good luck.
Salam Tun,
Today Zaid kata “no judicial reform as long as Dr. M is around…….its Mahathirism factor”……………let me it straight to you KB boy, as long as lawyer like you is around, man from the street like me cant get any justice in any court of law, reason being unlike DSAI and those kaki bangkang we cant afford a platoon of lawyers to defend us. So lawyers like Zaid need the reform to ensure the relevant of legal business, nothing to do with justice.
You are one of the most contradictory person I’ve ever read.
Nobody can do anything unless if it’s your sons or your cronies or yourself.
Jeez. Remember that you were the one who told people to vote against BN to teach Abdullah Badawi a lesson?
You should know this – BN won big in ’04 because you’re gone. There’s a sense of optimism then. Unfortunately we’re stuck with this flip-flopper.
Your excuse giving us AAB instead of Najib is ridiculous. You could’ve chosen Najib and no one would’ve said “no”.
If you were faced with a formidable opponent and a fair fight, you would’ve lost ages ago. Come to think of it, you nearly lost against a corrupted person back in ’87.
Peace out, dawg.
Asalamualaikum..pelantikan zaid ibrahim sebagai menteri berkemungkinan besar untuk menyerang Tun dari aspek perundangan…dan zaid telah menyunakan Isu pemecatan Tun Salleh sebagai senjata memburukan nama Tun tetapi beliau lupa bahawa org yang ingin di tentang dan d jatuhkan adalah Tun Dr Mahathir Muhammad Bekas Perdana menteri Malaysia selama 22 tahun….dan kini beliau menyedari bahawa beliau tidak mampu dan berupaya untuk menjalankan tugas beliau untuk menjatuhkan kredibiliti Tun Dr Mahathir Muhammad.Semoga Allah Sentiasa Bersama ORG2 yang Benar…..
Dear Terrence,
If a person is not grateful to those who have helped him, you think he can be trusted? In business, he can’t be trusted, in school I am sure classmates won’t like him (orang berdua muka), in religion you are taught to be grateful to those who have helped you. Terence, please read again Tun’s article on Zaid. There are many hidden meanings that need to be study carefully. Good luck. I have seen Lingam’s video and I heard him said few times on “you wanna help the country or not…” over the phone, what was that meant in your opinion???
YABhg. Tun,
Salam hormat.
Izinkan saya membuat komen kepada Hussein Ismail.
Sdr Hussein,
Tentu anda berbangga dengan keterbukaan dan ketelusan PM sekarang. Selain dari berjaya membawa BN mencapai kegagalan dalam pilihanraya umum yang lalu, PM juga berjaya membuat rakyat menderita dengan menaikkan harga runcit petrol dan seterusnya menaikkan harga barang perlu/makanan. Selama 22 tahun, dalam ingatan saya YABhg Tun tidak pernah mengumumkan sendiri kenaikan/turun harga runcit petrol. Ini adalah kerja Menteri.
Sdr. Hussein ini keputusan yang amat berkesan kepada rakyat yang telah dipertanggongjawabkan oleh PM sekarang. Anda amat berbangga dengan Pemimpin sekarang.
Salam Tun..
Jika dahulu bangsa melayu memperjuangkan kemerdekaan dan kemajuan negara, kini persoalannya, apakah yang diperjuangkan oleh tokoh2 politik negara?
saya tidak nampak apakah sebenarnya yang diperjuangkan hingga politik negara kini pada saya hanyalah lawak jenaka yang sebenarnya mentertawakan kelemahan sendiri..
Bukankah sejarah mengajar kita kerana perebutan kuasa lah kita dijajah oleh bangsa asing dan diambil kesempatan atas kekayaan negara..
Apakah kita telah lupa segalanya?
Dear Tun,
I am confuse with malaysia politics today.I guess they are all bunch of penipu and terus tipu rakyat.So I suggest that Tun come back and take charge maaa…
By Adzhar Aziz on October 11, 2008 4:48 AM
Datukship: Anugerah Murahan ?
….Semoga akan tiba saat di mana orang menolak anugerah gelaran Datuk atas alasan ” DAH BANYAK SANGAT LAH! Takde istimewa dah! ”
I am beggining to wonder why i ever respected a man like you. If not for you, people like zaid would not have to go through so much trouble. You, big sir are the main culprit for our judiciary being in such a corrupt and disgraceful state. If it weren’t for the countless amendments you have made, our judiciary might still be independant and impartial to a certain extent. Man like Zaid realise what you have done and are TRYING to fix things. But, i guess the damage you have done is unrepairable. Even zaid, a man of such caliber cannot undo the years of corruption and cronyism that u have implaced. Kindly stop ranting about great man like Zaid and live your life quietly. Me, and many Malaysians would just like to forget a man like you. YOU sicken me.
Saya setuju degan komen By kamal ahmad on October 11, 2008 8:18 AM
Najib perlu membuat pembersehan dalam pertadabiran Pak Lah yang lalu. Najib mesti melihat mereka2 ini telah merosakan negara.
Najib perlu berani dan tegas membuat pembaharuan. Tidak ada lagi bayang2 Pak Lah mengekuri nya.
Kali apa ke KJ ke Farid ke geng mamak ker mesti dikeluarkan segera dari pentadabiran negara.
Najib dan dibantu oleh TPM baru mesti kembalikan perjuanangan asal UMNO.Untuk Rakyat, kerana Rakyat untuk bangsa dan negara. Bukan untuk keroni dan sanak saudaran sahaja.
Kabinet baru mesti ditubuhkan, hanya mereka yang pakar2 sahaja mengisi jawatan menteri2.
Kekuatan Ketua atau pemimpin apabila mendapat sokongan kuat majoriti rakyat bukan sekadar segolongan kecil pembodek2 dan pengampu2.
Jangan cari penyokong yang membawa rebah.
Selamat berjaya DSNTR dan TSMY.
Komen dari Nazri bahawa Kali Mullah telah memburukkan Tun M dalam Berita Harian.
Apabila Pak Lah menetapkan tarikh pengunduran ,tentunya J…K…K…K…. nya dan pengampu-pengampunya secara automatik tahu tarikh akhirnya mereka juga. Kalimullah sekadar cuba menggunakan talian hayat yang ada sehingga Mac ini. Manalah tahu untung nasib, ada yang tak jadi. Jangan heran kalau dalam tempoh itu, calon-calon tertentu akan diganggu oleh Spin Doctor ini. Beliau terpaksa berbuat demikian supaya orang-orang tertentu terus kekal dalam kekuasaan UMNO. Maka Presiden baru akan jadi lembu ditarik hidung saja. Bukan saja oleh mereka ini tetapi juga rakan negara kita tempat KaliMullah bertapak.
Jangan juga heran kalau selepas Mac, nada Spin Doctor tiba-tiba berubah arah pula. Bukan dia saja, tapi lain-lain yang begitu hebat merayu supaya Pak Lah jangan turun. Harapan saya adalah Presiden baru hanya mengambil alih jawatan Presiden dan PM saja. Jangan ambil stock and barrel dari mantan Presiden seperti berlaku di Kementerian Kewangan.Kalau ambil stock and barrel juga maka Presiden baru juga akan mempunyai tarikh luput tempoh. Bravo Najib-Muhyidin-Isa Samad-Syed Hamid-Rais Yatim-Rafidah-Mukhriz
Komen dari Nazri bahawa Kali Mullah telah memburukkan Tun M dalam Berita Harian.
Apabila Pak Lah menetapkan tarikh pengunduran ,tentunya J…K…K…K…. nya dan pengampu-pengampunya secara automatik tahu tarikh akhirnya mereka juga. Kalimullah sekadar cuba menggunakan talian hayat yang ada sehingga Mac ini. Manalah tahu untung nasib, ada yang tak jadi. Jangan heran kalau dalam tempoh itu, calon-calon tertentu akan diganggu oleh Spin Doctor ini. Beliau terpaksa berbuat demikian supaya orang-orang tertentu terus kekal dalam kekuasaan UMNO. Maka Presiden baru akan jadi lembu ditarik hidung saja. Bukan saja oleh mereka ini tetapi juga rakan negara kita tempat KaliMullah bertapak.
Jangan juga heran kalau selepas Mac, nada Spin Doctor tiba-tiba berubah arah pula. Bukan dia saja, tapi lain-lain yang begitu hebat merayu supaya Pak Lah jangan turun. Harapan saya adalah Presiden baru hanya mengambil alih jawatan Presiden dan PM saja. Jangan ambil stock and barrel dari mantan Presiden seperti berlaku di Kementerian Kewangan.Kalau ambil stock and barrel juga maka Presiden baru juga akan mempunyai tarikh luput tempoh. Bravo Najib-Muhyidin-Isa Samad-Syed Hamid-Rais Yatim-Rafidah-Mukhriz
Dalam blog Anwar, dia menghentam Akhbar sinar harian kerana menyiarkan berita yang tidak menyokongnya dan Sinar Harian telah dicop sbagai Pro UMNO. Walhal, sebelum ini Sinar Harian tidak jemu2 memuji beliau dlm laporan hariannya. Saya rasa Anwar ni sakit mental sbb dia memperjuangkan freedoom of press tapi freedom itu hanya dibenarkan utk memuji dan menyokong dia. Di Malaysia, byk akhbar speperti Harakah, Suara Keadilan , Aliran dan byk lagi yang terang terangan pro pembangkang. Saya rasa freedoam of press di Malaysia cukup bebas berbanding Singapura yang tidak sekali kali membenarkan sesiapa menkritik Perdana Menteri mereka teriutamanya Lee Kuan Yew. Bekas Ketua Pembangkang, Jeyaratnam yg baru baru ini meninggal dunia merupakan pembangkang yg byk memberi ancaman pada KUan Yew tapi telah disitiharkan bankrupt utk dihalang dlm pilitik dan byk lagi pemimpin pembangkang yg lain telah ditahan atau diiytihar banrupt jika melawan Kuan Yew. Zaid lupa bahawa Malaysia adalah lebih bebas dari Singapore so…tak payah la nak mambawa agenda pembangkang. Agak agaknya die ada share kot dlm duit ex gratia itu pasal x nak dedahkan berapa banyak walhal itu adalah duit rakyat.
Salam Ayahanda Tun, The way I see it Najib must make public his team preferences. He has to name names. This is a more transparent way for people to measure his honesty and strength. He must inform delegates, candidates about his preferences. It makes more sense in optimal result deliverance exercise for the boss to hand pick his team mates and team strength. This is much better than the banal present practice of leaving everything to âparty democratic processâ. To be effective, a boss needs the best team support he can get or buy. Itâs all about familiarity, ease and comfort of team efforts and synergy. Najib must make this public and move on from there. Khairy should not be talking about closing ranks if elected as KP UMNO. Announcing that at this early stage into the challenge shows incredible desperations on his part. Najib must flush out Khairy and his cronies from the Malaysian political hierarchy and government machinery. People like Wan Farid, Shahziman Abu Seman, The Mamak Gang, should be purge away from doing anymore damage to this countryâs politic. They have no business being where they are today. This is Najib first test to “walk the talk”. Democracy has no sympathy, only respect and if you ask Chairman Mao, he would no doubt add fear to the equation. And he may just be right. Najib must make public his endorsement. Set a clear vision for people to measure and understand. Najib must also change to be a stern displinarian. UMNO has waned tremendously under the Pak Lah trial and error years. Najib can be a good leader if he breaks away from so many sinking norms of the old UMNO. Hishamuddin was my senior at tertiary school. He is a principled, intelligent and approachable person. But one term under the 5th Administration has changed him for the worst. But I believe that he is still the same guy somewhere in there. Maybe under Najib he can find his best again and move on. That goes to UMNO as well. It comes down to this; Najib must show his mettle now. First step is to publicly state his team. Stop being âI follow my Ketua, saya taat setia pada ketuaâ stooge. Itâs not about pleasing one out-going boss here; the nation is on the brink of disaster! Get your priority straight Najib, show us your force! Itâs to confirm delegates/public where his strength is and at the same time minimize brainless politickings in UMNO rank & files prior to the machinery election day. Najib must know clearly; that from now, all blame would go directly to his face on a one way express mail service â if not by fast going bricks.
Dear Tun,
Even with the probable change in leadership of UMNO(to Najib), it is highly unlikely that there will be much positive changes for the country!
It is simply too far fetched!
By the way K.J has once again showed that even if u come from Oxford doesnt mean u are brilliant. Getting admitted to such a uni isnt as important as what u learnt there. I’m sure if u ask his mates from Oxford they would find him mediocre. Definately would be very suprising to them that he is on route to running a country! He is more of a tribal leader! Not Malaysia! come on, get real UMNO members.
According to The Star he said that BN losses has nothing to do with leadership but rather the failure to fulfil promises! That statement is totally cotradictory.A true embarasment to Oxford and already one for Malaysia!
Thursday, 9th October 10.54
Gracious salutations to YAB Tun and Bonda.
First of all, I wish to say that I hate lawyers !
Lawyers allow you to ask questions for free.
Then they charge you for answering !
If you sign any legal documents in front of their legal clerk, they charge you less.
If you sign the legal documents in front of the lawyer, they charge you more.
Since you have to use a recommended type of pen and ink, they charge you additional fees.
When lawyers argue in court, they spin and twist the facts to win. The guilty will get off scot free and the victim continues to suffer.
Now this Zaid lawyer. He is outspoken, he speaks well. Has charisma and is able to attract attention. When he cannot do the job, he blames somebody else. He resigns and leaves his assignment unattended and for someone else to finish it. Some people have the opinion that Zaid takes on the responsibility for failing his job by resigning. I am of the opinion that he is being irresponsible by resigning for fear of being blamed for his own failure. He should have known by his professional asssessment that he cannot do the job and therefore should not have accepted the appointment in the first place. What we need is someone who is really a person who can manage and address problems with the judicial system AND THAT PERSON NEED NOT BE A LAWYER ! Just like you Tun, a doctor being a Prime Minister for more than 20 years ! Have you heard that a world cup refereree in football was also a gynaecologist (hope the spelling is correct) ?
You are right that only rich people can have principles but rich people also creates principles to make them richer. When rich people laugh, only then the poor will laugh together even though it is NOT a joke. When poor people laughs, the rich people will only grin and smile even though it is good joke !. There is nothing wrong being rich and everything wrong for being poor. But when people like Zaid makes a very good start and then leaves the job because he cannot do it, I think he is still poor â in his sacrifices, honesty to help the country especially the Malays. His achievement in so far is making the judges richer. Talk about money politics.
You cannot blame DSAAB for choosing him as he also lacks the skill in identifying the right person. Even Tun had little choice to choose your successor and had no knowledge that DSAAB would be like what he is today. âWork with me. Donât work for meâ he said. An excellent statement but merely a statement. He doesnât know how to do his work and consequently, all those who worked with him cannot do their work also.
Enough have been said. We will see what will happen when DSAAB abdicates his post. Let us all pray that the next PM will lead Malaysia to glory and prosperity. My family loves you Tun and Bonda very much.
Ramlee Mohamed
Tolong kembalikan maruah kami,hanya Tun sahaja yg dapat menyelesaikan,pelapis semua nya banyak duri,lepas ni apa lagi isu yg akan timbul,sama sama kita tunggu,saya rasa masallah takkan selesai malah akan bertambah kritikal unless u be the advisor,only u the qualified advisor,i am very sure u the only one can solve the problem for Malaysia…..please
Follow up: paktam [msg] [block!]
10 Oct 2008, 20:38
petikan dari sebuah blog :
Jumaat, 2008 Oktober 10
Datukship: Anugerah Murahan ?
Utusan Online, 10/10/2008 5:17pm
Melaka anugerah Datuk kepada Shah Rukh Khan
MELAKA 10 Okt. – Pelakon terkenal Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan merupakan antara penerima Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka (DMSM) sempena hari jadi Yang Dipertua Negeri Melaka, Tun Mohd. Khalil Yaakob ke-70, esok. Dengan penganugerahan darjah DMSM itu, Shah Rukh Khan akan bergelar Datuk.- Utusan.
Datuk Shah Rukh Khan. Kelakar lah. Nak ketawa pun ada. Nak menangis pun ada. Apa dah jadi dengan darjah kebesaran yang satu ini? Tan Sri Khalil Yaakob minat Shah Rukh Khan ke? Atau terikut desakan isterinya yang menggilai Shah Rukh Khan? Atau ada pihak di pejabat Yang Dipertua Negeri Melaka yang menjadi ‘kipas-susah-mati’ kepada Shah Rukh Khan?
Apa jasa Shah Rukh Khan kepada negeri Melaka? Apa jasa dia kepada Malaysia? Apa sumbangannya kepada industri filem tanah air? Apakah beliau membaikpulih moraliti remaja negara ini? Apakah kebaikan yang dibawakan oleh seorang Muslim yang telah mengaku murtad ini? Apakah beliau telah menasihati anak-anak gadis Melayu supaya berhenti menggilai artis Bollywood bagai nak rak?
Di mana kediaman Shah Rukh Khan di Malaysia? Batu Berendam? The Mines Resort City? Sejauh mana manfaat yang diberi kepada sosio ekonomi dan budaya negara ini? Apakah harum wangi yang disemai oleh Shah Rukh Khan ini?
Jika Siti Nurhaliza, boleh lah diterima walaupun pelik. Nicole David pun sepertinya juga. Lee Chong Wei? Silver medallist? Eww. Itu pun boleh? Lantak mereka. Mereka ada benda yang membuatkan rakyat Malaysia merasakan sebagai seorang rakyat biasa, aristokrat akan menghargai pencapaian yang dibawa.
Michelle Yeoh? Oh. Gadis itu kelahiran sini. Bersekolah di Ipoh. Sekarang dia dah besar, pergilah jauh-jauh mana kau nak pergi. Dan merata dunia, dia berbangga, dia dilahirkan di Malaysia.
Jimmy Choo mendapat gelaran Sir! Jangan dibandinglah siapa dia. Mencipta nama di UK, terkenal hingga Hollywood. Anugerah diterima di UK, layaklah sebab memang UK lah tempat dia mencipta nama. Yunus Rais dapat Sir? Yelah, dia kan pakar bahasa Inggeris di UK. Dan menetap di UK.
Tidak lupa juga, Datuk Jaafar, seorang datuk yang bekerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan di Taman Perpaduan. Dianugerah gelaran Sir kerana demi menyelamatkan pegawai British suatu masa dulu, bersepai bontotnya ditembak komunis.
DATUK SHAH RUKH KHAN? Alasan, memperkenalkan Malaysia dalam industri filem Bollywood dan membuatkan bilangan pelancong India meningkat. Bukti please…!!!
Hari ini, gelaran Datuk tak bermakna lagi. Saiful Bukhari Azlan, siap sedia untuk menerima gelaran Datuk. Begitu juga ‘padayyappa-padayyappa’ yang menentang Hindraf.
Semoga akan tiba saat di mana orang menolak anugerah gelaran Datuk atas alasan ” DAH BANYAK SANGAT LAH! Takde istimewa dah! ”
This was petikan from the person’s i.d: not mine
I posted here for you to read that our datukship is getting cheaper by the day!
Dear Tun,
Few stupid elite Malaysians feel that ISA is a draconian Act. They think by abolishing ISA the country will become more democratic. They are talking rubbish.
These arrogant few hard core elite Malaysians are mostly the non-Malays and are always in the opposition camp whose intention is actually to weaken the Malay supremacy. Their minds are full of bad feelings. That is a fact. They still feel that by keeping pressure on the government they can finally secure what they want.
I think they should look at the ISA on the positive side rather than always on the negative side. To them I would advise they better change their perception for the good of the country. ISA will be here to stay. Make no mistake about it even if Pakatan Rakyat were to govern. If a change of government to happen a few stupid Malay elites will emerge and become more vocal to to cause trouble by instigating the Malays to fight their rights like HINDRAF or maybe worst like the TALIBAN !!
Dear Tun,
I think it is time for UMNO to get rid of Kalimullah from the NST group and start investigating his involvement in ECM-Libra.
Dearest Tun,
Zaid Ibrahim….His assignment and resignation was well expected.
He was tasked to carry out the “PM flip flop” agenda with certain promise of economic gain and to further his political mileage should he succeed to do so. He was not interested in the small Minister allowance!!
Do you think he resigned because of ISA? That’s just a “BS” notion. He is actually the smartest one being the first one to jump the sinking ship!!! The rest would follow suit, very soon.
To both Tuns: Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir batin. May Allah bless you with rahmat and health.
Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga, assalamualaikumâ¦â¦â¦â¦â¦
Rakyat ternanti â nanti dan persoalan telah pun terjawab. Ada yang bersedih dan ada yang gembira dengan keputusan Pak Lah. Seperti yang diketahui ramai yang telah menawarkan diri untuk jawatan – jawatan tertentu dengan 1001 alasan yang menggambarkan kelebihan diri masing â masing. Dengan kata lain kalau tiada keyakinan diri lebih baik jangan bertanding.
Semasa pemilihan 2004 baik di peringkat MT mahu pun bahagian calon â calon yang bertanding masing â masing menyatakan tujuan mereka bekerja adalah untuk kekuatan parti dan perwakilan pun memberi mandat mengikut pilihan hati, walaupun ada cakap â cakap yang mengatakan sebenarnya bukan pilihan hati tetapi pilihan nafsu (politik wang). Akibat daripada barah yang menjadi tradisi dalam parti menyebabkan Umno berpecah dan kesan buruk ini berlaku pada 8 Mac 2008.
Berbeza dengan pemilihan kali ini, mereka yang menawarkan diri menjaja isu inginkan perubahan dalam parti untuk meraih sokongan. Mungkin isu ini dapat memikat hati perwakilan dan calon â calon berkenaan akan berjaya menyandang jawatan yang diidamkan selama ini. Bagaimana dengan PRU 13 nanti.
Walaupun jawatan nombor satu akan bertukar tangan tetapi watak â watak lain majoritinya tetap dilakonkan oleh orang yang sama seperti PRU 12, cuma jawatannya sahaja yang berbeza. Dengan mengambil kira kontroversi â kontroversi yang dimiliki oleh tuan empunya diri adakah rakyat dapat menerima calon Umno/BN menjelang PRU 13 nanti.
Saya mengambil contoh Kelantan. Semenjak Umno kalah pada tahun 1990 apakah perubahan yang telah dilakukan oleh Umno Kelantan. Jika ada perubahan pun kesannya tidak seberapa. Tidak keterlaluan jika dikatakan Umno Kelantan memang bijak menyakinkan pemimpinnya di pusat tetapi gagal menyakinkan rakyat Kelantan untuk meraih undi. Buktinya Umno tidak mampu menawan kembali.
Saya bersahabat dengan seorang Adun Pas di Kelantan yang memegang jawatan exco kerajaan negeri. Beliau mengatakan sebenarnya Pas Kelantan bukanlah kuat sebagaimana yang dijangka. Pas nak kalah tetapi Umno tak nak menang. Antara faktornya ialah perbuatan cah keting akibat perpecahan semasa pemilihan bahagian. Walaupun ianya dinafikan oleh pemimpin Umno tetapi Pas Kelantan bijak mencuri peluang ini. Paling terkejut bila beliau mengatakan Pas mempunyai informal dikalangan mereka yang mempunyai akses diperingkat bahagian. Pas boleh mengatur strategi berdasarkan information yang diterima. Disamping itu informal tersebut juga ditugaskan untuk melaga â lagakan ahli Umno. Antara kaedah yang digunakan ialah perang saraf iaitu menanam perasaan membenci terhadap kepimpinan Umno baik diperingkat cawangan, bahagian, perhubungan dan pusat. Ganjaran dan kemudahan yang sewajarnya diberikan kepada informal ini.
Adakah kepimpinan Umno sedar akan kejadian seperti ini. Jika ada kesedaran apa yang telah dan perlu dilakukan untuk menanganinya. Saya tidak mengharapkan lampu aladin dapat membaikpulih Umno menjelang PRU 13 nanti tetapi sekadar mengharapkan kebijaksanaan perwakilan dalam memilih pemimpin parti yang berkualiti dalam erti kata yang sebenarnya menjelang perhimpunan nanti.
Pohon ulasan Ayahanda Tun dalam hal ini. Kepada Kekanda Mukhriz perjuangan yang ikhlas perlu diteruskan. Insyaallah â¦â¦â¦â¦â¦..
Dear Tun,
Bahagian Kimanis telah mencalonkan pemimpin UMNO yang berwibawa. Syabas!Syabas! Syabas!
Saya sungguh gembira dengan ahli-ahli Bahagian Kimanis yang telah membuat keputusan pemilihan calon yang paling bijak dan tepat sekali. Inilah yang kita mahu dari ahli-ahli UMNO berfikiran matang dan bijak.Mereka dapat berfikir dengan rational untuk menentukan siapa yang boleh menerajui UMNO dengan baik dan seterusnya akan membawa negara kita ke era baru. Era yang boleh menyatu-padukan rakyat jelata dan seterusnya memajukan negara dengan cemerlang lagi.
Cukuplah dengan era haprak dan HP6 yang dipimpin oleh Pak Lah yang tidak berwawasan dan flip, flop, flup !!
To KC Kua,
Your comment:
“I think Zaid had speak out what is fair. He earned the respect by many as he is liberal and rational. This is all totally against the UMNO racist members. This is the casue that why so many UMNO people doesn’t like him.Tun, the same thing happen to you when you are in power. Becasue of position and power, you have to admit that something what you have done against the common law just to secure your position.If everybody want this country to progress, I strongly believed that we need more Malay to be like Zaid.”
My comment:
You believed Zaid, right? After reading this article, I believed what Tun said is correct. Zaid is indeed a man with no principle and ungratefull to those who’ve helped him. Tun is not a dictator, he is a leader with vision who loves his country and leads Malaysia in the Malaysian way. I think you are quite young and you read english newspaper. Mr KC, what written in the newspaper may not be as accurate as what is written by Tun. Tun is writing down his thought while he still able to so that he can educate us to fight and choose the best leader of our own race for the country. Please read more of Tun’s articles so that you will be able to look in the bigger picture, and I am sure by the end you will realize how much Tun has done for the country. I am definitely is one of them who salute and rspect Tun.
Pak Lah akan turun dalam masa 5 bulan.
Dan saya percaya suara dan doa Tun telah termakbul!!!
Sekurang-kurangnya untuk satu langkah.
Tahniah buat Tun dan kita semua.
Zaid bukan pandai sangat.Firma dia maju kerana UMNO.UMNO bantu dia banyak. Dia turun sebagai Menteri kerana dia tahu dia tidak akan lama bila sahaja PM turun.Ramai ahli-ahli politik lain tidak suka dia.Semua kejadian berlaku adalah baik untuk semua termasuk Zaid.Moga-moga kita lebih dewasa selepas ini dibawah Najib dan Mahyudin.
Dear Tun,
Minta lalu sekejap,
1.Amboi sedapnya bahasa, kamu tu bercakap dengan siapa ? Kamu tu
bagus sangatkah?
2.Nakkan perhatian daripada Tunke?
Maafkan saya Tun , saya memang tidak suka orang yang kurang ajar
pada orang tua,saya bukan membodek ,hanya rakyat biasa yang merasa
masa susah dan senang di negara tercinta ini.Yang pasti daripada dulu lagi saya tidak berkenan dengan Datuk Zaid.
minta maaf Tun saya lari topik sikit. Tapi ia masih berkaitan dengan kelemahan pimpinan kabinet pak lah juga.
Universiti awam malaysia tak berada dalam senarai 200 universiti di dunia mengikut THES 2008. Universiti yang dapat APEX lebih rendah dari UM.
Sebagai ahli akademik saya rasa sampai bilapun Universiti di Malaysia tak akan berada dalam senarai terbaik dunia. Kementerian Pengajian setelah 5 tahun telah ada 3 menteri bertukar-tukar. 2 ahli ekonomi iaitu Dato Shafie Salleh dan Mustapa dan 1 lulusan undang-undang iaitu Khaled. KPT jadi bahan ujikaji melatih Menteri agaknya. Yang berkuasa adalah KSU nya. Naib-naib Canselor lebih cenderung mengekor YB Menteri dan KSU suoaya terus disambung perkhidmatannya. Semaklah apa yang naib canselor buat di IPTA selain dari mesyuarat dan lawatan ke luar negeri. Tugas sebenar universiti iaitu mengajar, menyelidik dan khidmat masyarakat dibebankan kepada TNC dan Dekan. Kononnya ilmu mereka terlampau tinggi tetapi kenapa idak mengajar. NC di zaman Kementerian Pelajaran lebih berwibawa untuk meningkatkan mutu akademik negara hinggakan ramai bijak pandai menolak jawatan pentadbiran kerana cintakan kerja mengajar. Kerja melobi untuk minta jawatan NC dan sambung jawatan NC menjadi agenda penting golongan ini. Mangsanya adalah sistem akademik dan pelajar IPT. Setiap sudut di IPT lebih banyak becakap tentang siapa NC dan TNC mereka? Atau NC akan sambung atau tidak. Setiap kali bertuakr menteri ia menjadi rezeki kepada NC yang bakal tamat, kerana dapat dipujuk untuk sambung kerana ada agenda belum selesai kononnya. Salah seorang Menteri pernah berkata orang IPT ini memang kuat dan pandai merancang cuma lemah bila nak melaksanakan rancangannya itu. Sebenarnaya bukannya IPT lemah, tapi gangguan KPT terutama dari KSU yang overule atau memperlahankan keputusan YB Menteri sehingga Menteri bertukar. Harap-harap kita kembalikan era Tun Mahathir yang meletakan ahli akademik seperti menerajui KPT seperti pernah berlaku kepada Tan Sri Musa Mohamad. Barulah pengajian tinggi berada atas landasan yang betul dan dihormati dunia.
shame on you tun. I used to respect you BUT what i think deep inside you you always believe there is a ketanan melayu, mind you , that us dosa , Zaid is a true malaysian, we want all to stand equal Shame on you, i use to respect you !
Pak lah ni reputlaa…
Kita bayar gaji dia bukan nak settle kes undang-undang saja, kita nak dia settle masalah ekonomi dan kebajikan rakyat, kes undang undang tu bagila kementerian kehakiman pegi settle habih tu kita bayar gaji depa untuk nganga ka!!!!
Kalau tak leh buat kerja dlm masa lima bulan, tok sahlah buat apa-apa, kemasla bilik tu dan pack ur things and go home.
Salam Tun,
Nampaknya si Neil begitu marah dengan Tun. Beria2 dia mengangkat Zaid.
Saya teringat suatu masa dulu ada seorang yg menasihatkan Tun supay bersikap seperti seorang pesara. bila dah bersarabuatlah cara bersara.
Tapi bagi saya, jika seorang Jeneral bersara, adakah dia akan berdiam diri jika negaranya sedang dalam bahaya, negaranya diambang kemusnahan. “Ahh, biarkanlah, kan aku sudah bersara”??? adakah dia akan berkata begitu, apa nak jadi, jadilah….
Tapi jika benar dia seorang yg bertanggungjawab, dia pasti akan membuat sedaya yang terdaya bagi menyelamatkan negaranya walaupun hanya dengan menggunakan lastik yg diperbuat dari batang kayu.
Mungkin si Neil adalah dari spesis musuh yg sedang menyerang, jadi tentulah dia merasa sakit hati bila Tun bangun mempertahankan negara.
selamat hari raya tun & family…,
sy rasa lega sangattt bila zaid ibrahim resigned…tak rugi apa2 pun pd kerajaan. nak jadi hero asalnya ,sy rasa dia diantara yg plg menentang dasar2 tun semasa tun berkuasa…yet, he failed to prove anything!
zaid ibrahim should be ashamed of himself,dia bukan pejuang melayu asli, he is an opportunist macam anuar ibrahim.
SiamangBukit ~ His post regarding a certain “Singh” lawyer is soo true.
We need urgent attention to our economy in these uncertain times, we need leaders who will serve the Rakyat’s interests and not their own agenda and ambitions.
Can we seriously say that NTR will be any different?
I personally would like to have seen TMY challenge NTR for the top post. We need someone without the political fat and baggage.
As for ambitious Oxford boy KJ, my support goes to DMM to head the youth wing. KJ also has too much baggage, links and allegations to corruption and nepotism.
The lesser of all evils!
Greetings dearly beloved Tun,
What Najib should do:
1)While the boss is asleep, fast forward his digital PDA calendar. By 3 months would be most preferable. Bad hair receding case already. Tension, not good.
2)Najib should take one deep breath, and proclaim all Malaysians Bumiputra. Its way past overdue on that one already.
3)Rename KLIA as Mahathir Mohamad International Airport.
4)Reshuffle cabinet with 80% new faces. They do not have to be elected MPs, but they must have brains and be competent professionals in their fields. Let elected MP serve their people instead of leaping from one airport lounge to another with AP stickers sticking out of their behinds.
5)Get rid of Oxfart boy (this should be number 2 actually). Itâs clear for all to see that the Oxfart chap has to much lard on his hair all this while.
6)Put Mukhriz on the board seat. He is okay. Why Najib wants to make friends with someone who has no track record other than defeating the ancient Egyptians at their masonry skills- by making money fall out of the sky? His bucks is about to run out anyway. And besides, unlike Oxfart up there, Mukhriz doesnât even use Brylcreem.
7)And donât worry about Mat Tyson, its sheep shedding season soon in NZ, and he has plenty sheepâs there. He has no intention to stay; heâs not playing for keeps. The guy is a good sport.
And Tun, may I correct your spelling error at the heading of your post: Its Zaid The De Fected Law Minister, and not De Facto.
Till next time Tun. Good night.
salam Tun,
what you say is true.
You can afford to have your own principles if you are rich!.
Who cares.
Using this blog, anybody is at liberty to say anything about Zaid.
But one thing I admire and treasure about Zaid is that he can simply throw away the UMNO Ministerial post through the window like a piece of RUBISH.
Although his stay in the Barisan/Umno goverment was a brief one, but his presence was like a hundred years, in which he managed to shake and shatter the very foundation of that goverment.
Using this blog, anybody is at liberty to say anything about Zaid.
But one thing I admire and treasure about Zaid is that he can simply throw away the UMNO Ministerial post through the window like a piece of RUBISH.
Although his stay in the Barisan/Umno goverment was a brief one, but his presence was like a hundred years, in which he managed to shake and shatter the very foundation of that goverment.
Yg saya kagumi Tun,
Zaid takut kena ISA macam sorang tu…..teresa terasa bisa isa
ISA masih releven. I, S and A are part of M,A,L,A,Y,S,I and A
Teruskan menulis Tun
Salam hormat dan selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin untuk Ybg Tun seisi keluarga.
YAB Perdana Menteri melakukan kesilapan lagi dalam memilih anggota kabinet beliau. Saya amat bersetuju dengan pendapat Ybg Tun. Dari awal perlantikan Zaid Ibrahim sebagai Menteri di Jabatan Perdana menteri yang diberi tanggungjawab menjaga perihal undang-undang saya sudah menduga ada sesuatu yang tidak kena. Ini berasaskan perilaku beliau semasa mengetuai UMNO Bahagin Kota Baru Kelantan, ada rekod-rekod tertentu yang dilihat tidak sealiran dengan aspirasi UMNO.
Setelah diberi kuasa cuba mengungkit kembali insiden-insiden yang telah lalu khususnya berkaitan dengan kehakiman/perundangan yang memperlihatkan beberapa tindakan kepimpinan yang terdahulu (kepimpinan Ybg Tun)disanggah dan dikatakan tidak betul. Maka beberapa tindakan telah diambil untuk membuktikan tindakan kepimpinan yang terdahulu didapati tidak benar. Mengikut pemerhatian saya ramai dikalangan rakyat umumnya amat tidak menyukai tindakan seperti ini oleh kerana ada perkara-perkara atau maklumat-maklumat tertentu yang disembunyikan daripada pengetahuan umum. Ini amat bercanggah dengan sikap keterbukaan yang selalu dilaungkan oleh kepimpinan terkini.
Dengan pengumuman oleh YAB Perdana Menteri/Presiden UMNO yang tidak akan mempertahankan jawatan sebagai Presiden UMNO pada pemilihan bulan Mac tahun 2009, memberi peluang yang luas kepada YAB Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai Timbalan Presiden waktu ini menawarkan diri menjadi calon Presiden UMNO. Dengan gaya kepimpinan yang mantap dan berkesan oleh YAB Dato’ Seri Najib yang ditunjukkan selama memegang jawatan dalam parti dan kerajaan selama ini, saya menaruh harapan yang tinggi dan berkeyakian YAB Dato’ Seri Najib akan lebih berkeupayaan memacu teraju kepimpinan negara kearah yang lebih realistik dan menepati aspirasi rakyat pada keseluruhannya. Rakyat mahu hidup aman damai, selesa dan tidak mahu diganggu gugat dengan kepimpinan negara yang tidak tentu hala tujunya. Apapun kemelut negara kepimpinan kerajaan mestilah ada kekuatan dan keupayaan tersendiri dan secara bijaksana menangani masalah dan sebaik mengkin dielakkan rakyat ditimpa kesusahan yang boleh membebankan kehidupan seharian mereka. Saya masih ingat lagi semasa Ybg Tun menerajui kerajaan segala kemelut dan masalah negara yang melanda dapat diatasi dengan begitu bijaksana dan berkesan sehingga tidak begitu membebankan kehidupan rakyat.
Ybg Tun akan masuk semula menjadi ahli UMNO pada bila-bila masa yang sesuai. Alhamdulillah saya percaya majoriti rakyat dan ahli UMNO amat gembira dengan perkembangan ini. Saya berharap Kepimpinan UMNO tidak ada halangan untuk menerima kembali Ybg Tun kedalam UMNO dan bersedia memperuntukkan posisi yang sesuai untuk Ybg Tun. Ketokohan, gaya kepimpinan dan pengalaman Ybg Tun amat sukar ditandingi oleh kawan dan lawan dalam parti, kerajaan dan peringkat antarabangsa boleh membantu memulihkan semula UMNO dan Barisan Nasional.
Sekian serba sedikit pandangan saya yang mungkin boleh dikongsi bersama dengan Ybg Tun dan saudara pembaca semua.
1. Kurang daya pemahaman….nampak tang setahun dua…
2. Ketuanan Melayu di buang jee…campakan…
3. Tak tahu ke…orang Melayu dijajah lebih 400 tahun….suka sangat?
4. Bagi laa semua….tinggal nama jee Melayu nie..itu pun dalam bentuk softcopy…
5. Tekan “Delete”….apa itu Bangsa Melayu
6. Benci orang Melayu yang tak sedar diri…hanya nak sedap dia ajee..
7. Benci!
Untuk Zaid Ibrahim, terima kasih kerana:
1. Menjadi satu sampel Menteri, yang boleh menjadi satu contoh di masa hadapan. A new benchmark.
2. Menjadi ahli arkeologi (suka menggali benda yang lama).
3. Mempunyai isteri yang memahami tugas suaminya. Teringat saya semasa mendapat biasiswa dari firma tempat isterinya pernah bertugas dulu.
4. Menjadi “the walking constitution”. Kalau “unconstitutional”, disamannya (termasuk kerajaan PAS Kelantan). Cuma, meminum minuman keras itu dianggap constitutional.
Sesuatu, sama ada baik, atau buruk, tetap menjadi contoh yang baik (untuk diikut atau dijauhi).
Assalamualaikum Yang Berbahagia Tun,
Keep on writing your views for people to read. Perhaps it is best if you will, with full sincerity, pump out your ideas on how Malaysia should be managed in the aspects of ECONOMY, SOCIAL, POLITICS ETC, ETC. I know many people read your blog, including all the Malaysian politicians, ministers and even the opposition parties’ leaders. I am of the view that VALUABLE,PRACTICAL, IMPLEMENTABLE AND MANAGABLE VIEWS AND PROPOSALS WILL REMAIN GOOD AND VALUABLE ….. and perhaps some Malaysian leaders may agree with you and want to implement them. If this happens, It doesn’t really matter if they implement your ideas with some modifications or even claiming that they are their own ….. WHAT IS IMPORTANT AND PRIMARY IS FOR MALAYSIA TO GET BACK ON ITS FEET AND PROSPER!!!!!
For Mr. NEIL who posted a comment on October 8th. ….. You mentioned that “WE” are tired of Tun Dr. Mahathir. Who are the rest besides you. I see that most people still think Tun Dr. Mahathir is RELEVANT amd has a lot to share with us.
Assalamualaikum, Tun.
Quite funny about how this Zaid fellow wishes to clean up the judiciary by allowing bar Council members to choose the candidates for the judge post.
Two arguments against this unnecessary reform:
1) Why is it necessary for Malaysia to have this so-called reform? In the USA, the choosing and sacking of the judges and is solely in the hands of the President of the USA. If Amrica can do it, why can’t we?
2) I understand that Malaysia is a democracy. What is democracy? It is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. The government is divided into three branches (judiciary, executive and legislative, or in Malaysia’s case, includes the monarchy). Question. Where does the Bar Council stand in this? They are not elected by the people, and therefore cannot claim to represent their interests. They do not, as an organisation, hold any posts in the legislative houses. So what gave them the right to appoint the judges? The way I see it, the bar Council is not following the so-called rule of law and democracy as they have religiously advocatecd. Shame on them!
By pakbelalang on October 10, 2008 12:48 AM
Dear Tun,
Those Pakatan Rakyat symphatizers are really disappointed with Pak Lah’s decision to step down. These symphatizers are actually dreamers. They thought they can corner UMNO. They never realise that they will continue to bite their fingers until doomsday.UMNO will stay governing this country until doomsday. Make no mistake about it. Without UMNO this country will be chaotic for sure. Don’t rule out the strength of the Malays when they are pushed to the wall.It will be counter-productive to the whole country. Believe me. Be rational and think very, very hard what will be the implication.Give a try if they can topple the Federal government under the leadership of UMNO.You will see what will be the repurcussion. This country will experience a tsunami which will be beyond our imagination.Don’t try to poke “sarang tebuan”. It will hurt everybody very badly. Think, think and keep thinking rationally !! Either you are with us or you are doomed to hell !! I am not creating fear but only sensible people will understand this situation!
Mr.Pak Belalang, True to your name ,your brain is like a belalang.What century are u living in having a thoughts like that.Any party be it UMNO or others ,the people will support or not support are based on the capabilities of its leaders.Only people like you will support the party blindly even if its governed by corrupted leaders just becos of some bumiputra privileges that the party championed.You must be one of those who did not repay the study loan I guess.
Dear Tun,
You have been supporting for Najib to take over form the beginning….What makes you so sure that Najib is the right candidate? If Najib is the PM, who do you think he should work with as DPM?…
Do you think that Kuli will get enough support to challenge for UMNO president?
What is your prediction?
Do you think BN will loose more majority on next general election?
Please comment.
Thanks/Harimau 1900
Tun yang dikasihi,
Mungkin teka-teki Nujum Pak Belalang di bawah dapat serba sedikit menggerakkan minda kita…
Soalan 1
Tukang Soal : ‘Didalam baju hamba, ada sebatang kayu yang telah dipilih, bagaimanakah kia mahu tahu yang mana PAS dan yang mana DAP..??’
Ahli Nujum Negara : ‘Mintak pada hamba..!! Apabila sebatang kayu diletakkan di dalam air, yang condong ke bawah itulah PAS dan yang menegak ke atas itulah DAP..’
Tukang Soal : ‘Sebabnya…!!??’
Ahli Nujum Negara : ‘Sebabnya… Kita pun telah tahu sekarang ini parti PAS hampir tenggelam dalam PKR manakala DAP makin tinggi kedudukannya…’
Soalan 2
Tukang Soal : ‘Dua ekor anak itik yang baru menetas, yang manakah PAS dan yang
manakah DAP..??’
Ahli Nujum Negara : ‘Ini senang saja, kita letakkan kedua anak itik
ke dalam bekas berisi air, yang mengejar itulah DAP dan yang lari menyorok
itulah PAS..’
Tukang Soal : ‘Sebabnya…!!??’
Ahli Nujum Negara : ‘Sebab di dalam negara kita sekarang ini, bila isu Azan & Babi dipanaskan oleh DAP, PAS diam jer..katakanlah GERAKAN atau UMNO yang membangkitkan isu itu dah tentu dikejarnya oleh PAS.
Soalan 3
Tukang Soal : ‘ Ada sebuah masealah,
Satu… baaaanyak-banyak!!… Dua… sedikit-sediiiiikit….!!!
Tiga… jarang-jarang!!!… Empat… kad-dang, kad-dang,
Apa itu..???’
Ahli Nujum Negara : ‘PKR!!!’
Tukang Soal : ‘Buktikan..!!’
Ahli Nujum Negara : ‘Satu… Baaanyak-banyak… Ertinya, pemimpin PKR dan ahlinya memang banyak bercakap tentang kelemahan pentadbiran negara pada masa ini…
Dua… Sedikit-sediiikit… Ertinya, sedikit sahaja daripada cerita itu yang betul..lain2nya ditambah-tambah agar sedap didengar belaka supaya rakyat bencikan UMNO & BN…
Tiga… Jarang-jarang… Ertinya, jarang-jarang yang kita dengar ahli PKR yang mengaku bahawa mereka ditipu hidup-hidup oleh Anwar (katanya confirm 16 september dah nak bentuk kerajaan baru..16 september tahun bila entahlah kot kan)…
Empat… Kad-dang, kad-dang… Ertinya kad-dang, kad-dang barulah kita dengar dan
lihat ada penyokong PKR yang mengaku UMNO & BN telah mentadbir negara ini dengan cemerlang sejak 51 tahun yang lalu…’
Soalan 4
Tukang Soal : ‘Dimanakah terletaknya kekuatan Pahlawan PKR..?? Di Roketnya kah? Di bulannya kah atau di mata lebamnya kah..???’
Ahli Nujum Negara : ‘Kekuatan PKR bukan terletak pada
Roket, bulan dan mata lebam…’
Tukang Soal : ‘Dimana terletak kekuatannya..???’
Ahli Nujum Negara : ‘Kekuatan PKR hanya terletak pada Bontot!!’
Tukang Soal : ‘Buktikan!!’
Ahli Nujum Negara : PKR begitu bergantung kepada Bontot untuk menonjolkan kekuatannya… disebabkan bontot Saiful lah PKR menang besar di Permatang Pauh tempohari’
Soalan Extra
Tukang Soal : ‘Kalau Ahli Nujum telus mata dan betul bijaksana…!!! Apakah yang ada
di genggaman beta…????’
Ahli Nujum Negara : ‘……….. KUASAAA !!!..’
‘Kerana kuasalah PAS sanggup berkompromi dengan DAP yang terang-terangan tidak akan menerima Islam sebagai dasar pentadbiran & perundangan negara…dan kerana kuasalah DAP sanggup berkata PAS bagussss ‘siap dengan dalil lagi’ agar mudah nak menipu orang melayu . Kerana kuasa jugalah Anwar sanggup buat apa sahaja biarpun bangsanya sendiri menjadi mangsa’
DinDesa anak Raman.
Bagan Tiang, Parit Buntar,
Dalam suratkhabar Berita Harian hari ini, Kalimullah secara terang-terangan cuba memburukkan nama Tun dalam artikel yang ditulis tentang persaraan Pak Lah.
Tun patut membaca artikel 2 muka surat tersebut.
Dear Tun,
Singapore is imitating your ideas.
1. Singapore F1
2. Integrated resort
3. IN2015 (Intelligent Nation 2015)
We have done all these 10 years ago. Poor Singapore.
salam Tun,
Ain’t it great that we the ordinary folks can give our 2 cents worth here in Tun’s blog?
Even stupid people like Kilmer and racist like Neil (he is the one who said Iraqis deserved to be invaded by US) can satisfy their voyeuristic pleasures by having their garbage thoughts published here!
Don’t let these people (and some others like-minded) bother us too much.Treat them like psychiatric patients and offer them sympathy for the way they were raised and taught.
I am beginning to see a change in DSNTR as he is beginning to assert himself on important matters…and I liked it!
Berani untuk mencuba?Kami memerhatikan setiap langkah anda yang boleh menentukan masadepan anda 4 tahun dari sekarang.
Harap-harap Malaysia puleh semula selepas ini.Zaid dah tidak ada-bagus, Pak lah tidak bertanding-bagus,Zahidi tarik diri- bagus. Mat taib dan Toyo mahu bertanding – tidak bagus. Najib gading dengan Mahyudin – bagus. Khairy ketua Pemuda tak bagus. Mukhriz sebagai Ketua pemuda – bolehlah cuba dan uji!
Assalamualaikum tun,
Sy rasa si zaid ni sebenarnya memang dah lama nak letak jawatan. Dia hanya tunggu suatu “sebab” je untuk dia letak jawatan. Mana taknya, kepala otak dia ni lain sikit. Sume yang dia pikir tak sama dengan orang lain. Ni la yang orang tua-tua dulu cakap, bodoh sombong. Dia ni sentiasa anggap diri dia betul, apa orang lain cakap sume salah. Bukan nk suruh dia sokong sume benda walaupun salah, tapi kalau asyik nak membangkang je, baik jadi pembangkang. Baru la sesuai. Orang lain nak dapat jawatan menteri, bukan main susah lagi nak menang pilihanraya sampai ber’golok gadai’ , dia ni pulak senang senang je dapat. Entah apa yang si dolah tu nampak pada dia ni, tak tau la. Nak kata sebab dia ni peguam, banyak lagi peguam yang lebih pandai kat malaysia daripada dia. Mungkin sebab dia ni pandai sangat bodek si dolah ni kot.
Ok, la tun. Cukup buat masa ni. Sy doakan tun sekeluarga sentiasa di rahmati oleh Allah s.w.t.
~ La Motion C’Est La Vie~
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin. May Allah continue to shower both of you with great health & wisdom. Please continue to guide us with your advices & directions.
I wish to emphasize on one particular matter that amused me.
Never in Malaysian political history, Karpal DeSing pleaded PM to stay as UMNO President and PM, but Karpal had voiced out that AAB should stay as UMNO President and PM. Karpal supported AAB as the PM and Karpal don’t want anybody else to become PM!
He even suggested that the transfer of power between PM and his deputy should be as planned and not earlier as suggested by certain quarters. He already interfere in UMNO’s affair but nobody in UMNO bother to reply to him.
For Karpal and the gangs, with AAB as the ship captain and the half-cooked crew, Karpal will have an easy way to realise their dream to topple UMNO and BN, which they quietly admitted it. Never in the history they have a wonderful time in the Parliament and outside Parliament, which they currently enjoying it.
We knew that Zaid is already a history and BarCouncil had lost their inside supporter. We should thanks ALLAH for that.
New PM will be sworn in by March 2009 and our hope is that the new PM and a new cabinet line-up at Federal and State level shall work hard to achieve :-
1. The revival of the economy, for the people.
2. Create more jobs and business opportunity
3. Restore international confidence
4. Attract FDI
5. Restore public confidence to the government
6. Improve the efficiency of the civil servant to be at par with the world. Create a first class civil servant.
7. Ending political squabble.
8. Govern with integrity and firmness. Uphold the law and order. Be stern to those who cross the line. Do not bother with some human right activist or NGO. Some of them are pest and nominees of the west. Some of them are “funded” to destroy us.
9. Don’t be a flip flop.
Any more comments, Sir.
Tengok BERNAMA TV semalam. Dilaporkan, Tun berkata bahawa Muhiyudin Yasin (MY merupakan calon TPM. Yang Menawar Diri selain dari MY adalah pelawak.
Mengapa Pelawak?
1. Muhammad Muhammad Taib (MMT) : Dia ni, Ahli Parlimen mana? Mana ada dalam sejarah Malaysia, TPM seorang senator. Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, saya tak rela seorang TPM terdiri dari orang yang tidak diangkat secara diundi (dilantik oleh Pak Lah).
2. Mohd Ali Rostam (MAR) : 2 X 5 macam MMT. Setakat jadi ADUN, nak jadi TPM, baik tak payah. Pasal apa dulu, tak plan betul-betul. Kalau dah tau yang hujung tahun 2008 ni (yang ditunda ke Mac 2009), nak ada pemilihan parti, nominate la nama jadi MP (bukan ADUN), masa penamaan calon-calon BN Melaka dalam PRU dulu. Sebagai pengerusi BN Melaka, MAR telah melepaskan peluang keemasan ini. Sudah menunjukkan ketidak-layakannya, kerana tidak pandai merancang (Jika nak jadi pemimpin politik peringkat nasional). Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, saya tak rela seorang TPM terdiri dari orang yang tak pandai merancang. Tengok Koh Tsu Khoon, nominate diri jadi calon MP, sebab nak jadi pemain politik peringkat nasional (walaupun kalah di Batu Kawan).
3. Nur Jazlan Mohamed (JAZ) : Bekas senior saya kat MRSM Kulim dulu. Sebagai seorang junior, saya sokong keberaniannya. Tidak akan rugi apa-apa kalau bertanding. Cuma, secara relatifnya, masih agak muda, dan sehingga kini, masih tidak membuktikan apa-apa. Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, saya tak rela seorang TPM terdiri dari “experimental TPM”, sebagaimana Pak Lah (experimental PM).
Mengapa MY laYak (bukan laWak)?
1. Seorang yang secara constant, gigih menolak Pak Lah keluar dari jawatannya (begitu juga JAZ). MMT dan MAR, dari dulu dok asyik mempertahankan Pak Lah. Bila Pak Lah isytihar tak nak lagi jadi PM, dengan muka tak malunya, kedua-dua Pak Lawak ini isytihar nak jadi TPM.
2. Sikap penolakan, berserta istiqomahnya dalam perjuangan, menunjukkan MY mempunyai ciri-ciri seorang penggerak. Seorang TPM hendaklah seorang penggerak, bukan seorang yang digerak (lebih buruk kalau seorang yang digerak dari tidur, di dalam mesyuarat penting).
3. Seorang TPM mestilah seorang yang PRO-AKTIF (macam Tun), bukan RE-AKTIF (lebih teruk kalau POST-AKTIF macam Pah Lah. Ibarat kata seorang mufti, yang didengar dari Pak Lah terkini adalah sesuatu yang telah diketahui 12 tahun lepas). MY ada sedikit ciri-ciri ini (Kena banyakkan lagi lepas ini).
Selamat Memilih Timbalan Presiden (insya-allah TPM).
Tun Yg d kasehi,
What ever u pple yg tak agree ngan Tun ni..u all sendiri tengok dan rasa apa yang tak cukup, tak lengkap, tak canggih…tak ape ape lg lah yang rasa hidup anda anda yg anti Tun ni tak puas puas lg..everybody has their own weaknesses…tp dalam kelemahan seseorang tu ada kebaikan dan jasa jasa nye yg perlu kita kenang, kita hargai…bersyukur lah dengan ape yg telah dinikmati selama ini…kalau pergi ke negeri org lain…mampus tak ka dapet macam negaro malaysia ni do hai…poie lah melancong lancong sikit…tengok lah caro kehidupan mereka tu…nothing like malaysia..malaysia is still the best..immence of thanks to our ex-leaders especially TUN !!
walau apa pun BN gov bakal tumbang..orang india and chinese mahu kelainan,,MIC kat tempat saya semua tukar arah ke PKR..manakala GERAKAN and MCA terang terangan mahu perubahan yakni dalam agihan DEB dan undang undang terutamanya ISA…..2 isu ni dah cukup untuk tukar gov baru sebelum atau pada PRU13..kena fikir samalah TUN..Tc
walau apa pun BN gov bakal tumbang..orang india and chinese mahu kelainan,,MIC kat tempat saya semua tukar arah ke PKR..manakala GERAKAN and MCA terang terangan mahu perubahan yakni dalam agihan DEB dan undang undang terutamanya ISA…..2 isu ni dah cukup untuk tukar gov baru sebelum atau pada PRU13..kena fikir samalah TUN..Tc
Greetings Tun⦠Too many idiots and corruptions to be righted; now I am Zorro!
My calling card Tun:
Yes tun, we all always need advice from our brilliant tun.Please don’t stop doing what you’re doing now.
P/S Note for Neil,hey just go away.Don’t you come back here.You don’t belong here.
Dear Tun,
Selamat Berhari Raya sekeluarga. Izinkan..
Lahar Bisa
Your venom is like the unending flow of lava, maybe the only inexhaustable resource in Mâsia right now. Ever since you stepped down it was exclusively to poison Pak Lah. Now that he is confirmed out of the way, instantly 2 people become targets in quick succession.
Your hate articles against Khairy is expected ( but so fast? Forgot your son!) Against Zaid a out of favour ex minister? I believe the only objective is to whip up contempt against this man. Letâs take a look at your gallant effort:-
You recap his plotting record in Kota Baru. His action is âsemutâ compared with your Guinness Mâsia record âachievementâ
You were politically active during the fall of every prime minister since independence, from Tunku, Tun Hussein to Pak Lah(only Tun Razak was saved by some Grace, May his Allah bless him) Add to that all potential PM (your deputy!) who somehow got eliminated from office Musa, Ghaffar, Anwar, Pak Lah. No other Asian leader has your service record! No other country in the world has our record. Shows you have zero tolerance for dissent at the peak. Pak Lah berat telinga jadi banyak lupa. Tapi Tun ringan telinga tak sepatutnya mudah lupa.
Starving Judges
It is contemptly demeaning, foul to cynically paint the ex gratia to saving the lordships from starvation. It is not the money but the moral significance. I believe they would gladly donate the money to your sonâs campaign if you pretend empathy with their situation?
Why so obsessed about the peanuts amount to them when you never bothered with howlings of transparency on billions of lucrative direct privatisation, govt buyback of failed privatisation, arbitrary purchase of companies, lop sided concessions, mega projects (Perwaja etc)
Prinsip Jati Diri
Did you shoot yourself in the foot here. The flip side means your saying the current ministers( half are left overs from your era) are shamelessly willing to sacrifice principles for their minister ‘allowance.’ They are not there to serve the rakyat but clinging dearly for the pay? You are insulting your own zombies.
Salam buat Tun dan semua.Alhamdulillah,akhirnya Pak lah nak turun juga.Semoga dia tak mungkir janji.Lepas ni dia boleh tido dan rehat puas2.Apa2 pun terima kasih kerana memmimpin MALAYSIA.Tun perjalanan untuk bangkit mingkin agak berliku2,insyaallah semuanya akan berjalan dgn lancar dan mengembirakan semua.Good luck,may ALLAH BLESS YOU.
Dear Tun,
Singapore has declared they are in recession. But, our upcoming PM and 2nd finance miniter have been speaking loudly that Malaysia will not fall into recession. What’s your view on this?
Recession in Malaysia is inevitable.
Hello TDM. Hope you will always be in a good health.
I am a Singaporean. I would like to tell you that many Singaporean Malays adore and respect you. You had done a lot for Malaysia. Many years ago, when you announced that you would be quitting, some people in Singapore cried. You should be a Minister Mentor like LKY, to guide the people that took over from you, they could learn so much from you, instead of condemning you. Even though you are 80 plus years old, I respect you, sir.
You have wisdom and you have a great heart. Your enemies know that they cannot get anything from you (‘cos you are smarter than them). They are in a frustrated mode now. They are so unhappy that Pak Lah is stepping down because with him, they can go into their bullying mode anytime. They BLAME you and that is why some of the comments here are very insulting and condescending.
One comment by DwithM states clearly that he hates you. In my opinion he is threatening you – read the last line. So, please be careful, Dr. M. From now onwards, make sure anybody who wants to meet up with you must go for a security check just like at the airport (to check for bombs or anything). I can still remember what happened to Rajiv Gandhi. Also, do not touch any envelopes with bare hands. When people are desperate and ‘busuk hati’, they can do anything. I pray to Allah SWT that it will not be like that in Malaysia. Also, as someone has written earlier, do note on whatever dealings / meetings etc you are going to have so as not to be condemned or being ‘used’ later on (for accountability).
Btw, Malaysia needs someone like LKY – very firm and paternal – to run the country and that someone like LKY (sorry to say) is you. Pak Lah is too gentle, too nice, so easy to bully.
Lastly, I would like to say that you are a SINCERE person, you want the best for Malaysia. I don’t believe that you are racist or egoist. You simply can’t satisfy everybody.
Dear Tun,
Allow me to respond to KC Kua’s,
I let you know that it’s an insult to suggest that more Malays should be like Zaid???
He sounded more liberal and rational to you as he may speak with the right language to you, things that you want to hear, really.
Let’s not judge him by what he has said, but by what he has done to contribute to the well being of all Malaysian. Can you think of any?
I surely can’t think of any.
Dear Tun,
The real problem in UMNO & other polictical parties today are that there are too few noble men and women left. Many choose to be politician for selfish reasons.
Thank you, wassalam.
Dear Tun,
I was happy when UMNO people nominated Najib and Muhyiddin….but i was shocked when one of the bahagian voted for KJ…..oh my god…what is this…..
Berita mengatakan TUN ke Melbourne Austaralia. Esuk ada seminar anjuran Malaysian Youth. Nampak nya tak ada posting baru lah sehingga TUN balik ke tanah air. Boring la….kalu tak baca posting baru TUN dua tiga hari ni.
Ni, pasai Mat Tyson nak rebut jawatan TPM pulak. Tak payah lah Pak Mat, berilah laluan pada yang lebih muda sikit.
TUN tolong beri nasihat sikit pada dia. Dia mewakili kawasan mana pada PRU12 dulu eh. Rasa2 nya tak dicalun pun. Jadi minister pun ikut pintu belakang.
Nanti TUN balik tulis2 lah apa2 yang TUN lihat kat Australia tu nanti.
Y.A.Bhg Tun yang dikasihi,
Semasa Zaid menerajui Kementerian Undang2…The bar council betul2 besar kepala…semua nak tunjuk belang…(a) ISA nak dibubarkan…(b)mempersoalkan hakim2 yang kononnya telah dianiayai dalam masa yang sama menerima pencen yang lumayan dll….
Mangkok2 ni ingat depa ni siapa?….mereka buat negara menjadi haru biru…..keadaan tak dapat dibendung lagi…and what happen to the racial unity we had for decades…dengan HINDRAF menunjuk2 keangkuhan mereka…and its about time DS Najib put his foot down on HINDRAF issues….DSAAB masih nak mempertahankan kedudukannya sampai March 2009…Protraying the Mr. Nice Guy image…only the opposition wants him to stay longer…I guess the reasons is to obvoius…how sad is that?..hmmmm…atleast now his days are numbered….but the problem is not over just yet…like what TUN’s says might well come true…DSAAB might just hold back all decisions to DS Najib on running the country…again we will wait & see…
But what puzzled me is…dan saya susah nak faham…ada Menteri yang banyak cerita dia terpapar didalam surat khabar kena tahan dgn membawa wang yang berjuta2 keluar negara ini ada hajat nak jadi DPM?…apa dah jadi?…somebody has to advise him to quit dreaming….the whole world is laughing at him…not discounting Malaysians….But you know TUN…adakah mereka ni salah faham maksud slogan “MALAYSIA BOLEH”…atau mengambil kesempatan kepada rakyat semata2…we will wait & see patiently…
And Datuk Zahid Hamidi ni apa hal pulak ni!…main2 ke apa!…he has paint a different picture about himself lately…anyway…the rakyat know him too well…remember!!! Today, Malaysian are well educated to know their own politicians…we know who’s the crooks & bandits and who really works for the rakyat…Tan Sri Isa Samad is another…(stuffy with current situation) (Tired of this game)….
I am with the rest of other Malaysians, hope Datuk Mukhriz will win the Ketua Pemuda post too….this Khairy punk is another joker who has a huge appettide & has plant seeds ($) to be at that positions for a long time…you know too well TUN…. this money politics will never end…it has become a culture in UMNO…the people are too tired of this game…but then again the rakyat will wait & see…
Anyway, Ayahanda Tun….I sincerely hope and pray for you & Tun Siti the best in health and may Allah swt bless your home and family…I will write again soon…thank you for being a good listener to this new politician in the making…hehehe…wassalam.
Assalamualaikum Tun…
Nie adalah pertama kali saya melibatkan diri kat blog Tun…
Saya sememangnya kagum dengan kepimpinan Tun semasa menjadi PM negara kita…
Dan sehingga kini masih terus mengaguminya..
Senario politik negara kita kini sangat2 menyedihkan…
Kalau dulu BN adalah sebuah parti yang amat dihormati..
Tapi kini generasi muda seperti saya mula meragui kebolehan BN untuk menerajui negara…
Buat masa kini, dlm arena politik negara kita ini saya tak nampak pemimpin yg sehebat TUN….
Bolehkah negara kita kembali ke zaman kegemilangan semasa dibawah pemrintahan Tun????
Selamat hari raya Tun…
Maaf zAhir Batin.. =)
TUN & Commentators,
I strongly believe and support the usage of Internal Security Act for our own good. I strongly oppose the banning of ISA. Why? Because ISA indeed proven and has helped our country to sustain peace and stability. I cant really understand why Pakatan is so anxious about banning ISA? Is it just because most of their leaders being cast under ISA means that ISA should be abolish? Singapore also has the same kind of technique. Anyone who appose LKY’s party or the government party will be jailed without any hesitation and consideration. Does that shows that the so called “CLEAN SINGAPORE” does not practise one sided (berat sebelah)?
Do you all think that once Pakatan in power, they will not use ISA?
If there is a threat towards their party, what do you all think that Pakatan will do in order to shield itself? Most probably they’ll create some “alice in wonderland” kinda story-and put those people who oppose them to jail for good. And you know why I say that? Because I see each of the opposition is full of hatred and vengeance. The words that they use sounds polite and may look polite sometime sounds “professional” as they claimed but the meaning is very unpleasent. As if they acted like they are PERFECT but in reality they are just same as another ordinary greddy person.
Because of Pak Lah’s politeness, people take advantage of him specially Dato Seri Anwar and Abdul Hadi Awang. For god sake all of you are muslim brothers. But why on earth you all keep on poking on each other’s back? Its sick and disgusting to act and practise such way. Pas has always use the religion as their covert operation to manipulate the bumis, keadilan is championing on one man’s cause- to make Anwar, his family, and cronies in power again, while Democratic Action Party is totally for the Chinese to gain more and more money into their poket so that they can play stock market again- as for Hindraf, this one i dont know what to say- perhaps they want to turn malaysian politics into some Hindustan movie! Also to create catastrophe- Hindraf only wants the Indian to control Malaysia. To me just give those Hindraf the letter of discharging their citizenship, after all they hate other malaysian..simple as that!!
Assalammualaikum Tok Det,
Untuk Renungan Semua Warga Malaysia,
1. Yang Teramat Dikasihi BAPA KEMERDEKAAN : Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj
2. Yang Teramat Dikasihi BAPA PEMBANGUNAN: Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak
3. Yang Teramat Dikasihi BAPA PERPADUAN: Allahyarham Tun Hussein Onn
4. Yang Teramat Dikasihi BAPA PERMODENAN: Tun Dr Mahathir.
5. Mereka ini semua BAPA-BAPA Malaysia. BAPA kita semua rakyat Malaysia
6. Jangan disanggah teguran BAPA
7. Jangan melawan teguran BAPA
8. Jangan dihina BAPA
9. Semua negara bertamadun di dunia mengangkat BAPA mereka ditempat yang tinggi.
10. Tak payah pergi jauh. Lihat bagaimana Singapura menghormati BAPA mereka LKY. Kalau nak lebih jauh lihat macamana USA mengangkat BAPA mereka.
11. Walau apa teguran BAPA kita MESTI terima. Jangan bantah! Jangan ulas sekalipun!
12. Walau tak setuju dengan BAPA jangan ditunjukkan, jangan dihebahkan.
13. Kalau perlu jelaskan kepada BAPA secara sopan berhemah seperti seorang anak kepada BAPA. Kalau BAPA tak terima kita kena bersabar. Mungkin ada hikmahnya.
14. Menghormati dan sentiasa menjaga hati BAPA dituntut oleh semua agama, budaya dan tamadun di dunia.
15. Mempertahankan kehormatan dan maruah BAPA adalah JIHAD seorang anak mempertahankan BAPAnya. Mati kita mati SYAHID. (kalau ada yang tinggi ilmu agama di sini sila ulas)
16. Jangan kita menderhakan kepada BAPA. Takut azab TUHAN menanti.
17. Hormati dan sayangi BAPA semasa beliau masih hidup. Sentiasa menjaga hati dan persaannya. Jangan sampai terguris hati BAPA.
18. Panjatkan doa kepada BAPA-BAPA yang telah pergi. Ziarahi makam mereka di hari mulia ini.
19. Mari kita pertahankan kehormatan dan maruah BAPA kita supaya jangan dengan mudah diperkecilkan.
20. Marilah kita menjadi anak-anak Malaysia yang sentiasa menghormati dan menyayangi BAPA-BAPA kita.
Anakmu memohon maaf dari hujung rambut ke hujung kaki.
Ikhlas daripada seorang daripada berjuta anak-anakmu
Salam YDK Tun & Keluarga dan warga blog Tun the Great M.
Zaid dibawa masuk oleh Pak Lah untuk memalukan Tun M dan tentu pak lah buat semua tu pasal parasit KJ yang arahkan mungkin Pak Lah janji nak jadikan zaid full minister walaupun tak bermerit. Tapi kesian pak lah gunakan kitten lawan LION.. soo the result is very obvious. Biarlah si zaid tu YDK Tun, he is of no significant in any form not even in Kelantan, ada hati nak jadi full minister.
Hope DSNR will continue with Vision 2020 and he shall prepare himself to face the onslaught from Anwar Brahim and Co. hope he will appoint you as Senior Advisor of the Govt and go for the damage control before its too late.
Take care of your good health YDK Tun & Tun.
We shall alwayz remain
yours faithfully,
Dear Tun,
The Star reported that Umno Youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin has denied that he is to blame for the early exit of his father-in-law Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as Prime Minister.
He said since the beginning of Abdullahâs premiership, the party leadership had been a âvictim of constant and concerted demonisation.â This demonisation took on a very personal tone. It was directed at a few individuals.
âA lot of it was negative perception building. I think it was a deliberate strategy to undermine the leadership,â he said yesterday when met by reporters at the launch of the Institute for Advance Islamic Studies.
He added that a change in Umno and the countryâs leadership would not reclaim lost support if there was no commitment to the reforms the Prime Minister had started.
âThe reason we did not do well in the last election was not because of the leadership but because we did not fulfil the promises of 2004,â he said.
This budak hitam is still in a state of denial. The fact still remains he is mainly the cause of his father-in-law’s downfall.
But at the same time he admitted that his father-in-law did not fulfil the promoses of 2004. What does this reflect. It simply reflects that his father-in-law is a weak and hopeless Prime Minister.He is not being victimised by anybody.
Dear Tun,
Kapada orang UMNO yang bijaksana.
Kalau mahukan UMNO balik semula ke pangkal jalan dalam masa terdekat pilihlah pemimpin yang berwibawa dan janganlah terima sogokkan wang rasuah dari pemimpin yang bertanding. Sayangkanlah bangsa kita supaya pemimpin yang menerajui UMNO betul-betul yang bermaruah dan tidak mempergunakan kita untuk mendapat habuan untuk diri mereka sahaja.Ingatlah wahai pemuda-pemuda UMNO, kamu akan menempuh hidup yang mencabar dimasa akan datang dan jika kamu pilih salah pemimpin akan musnahlah harapan anak-anak kamu untuk berpaut kapada pemimpin kamu. Anak-anak kamu akan sumpah kamu kerana “kebodohan” kamu memilih pemimpin yang haprak dan HP6. Yang tidak ada maruah diri dan hanya memikirkan kepentingan diri mereka sahaja.Saya bimbang dengan pemuda-pemuda UMNO yang akan bertanding untuk merebut jawatan. Saya tidak nampak mereka betul-betul memperjuangkan bangsa tapi hanya untuk meraih keuntungan untuk diri mereka sahaja. JANGAN JADI PEMUDA MELAYU UMNO YANG AKAN MEROSAKAN BANGSANYA SENDIRI.
Dear Tun,
The Star reported ; “Anwar added that he would meet with âfriendsâ to plan Pakatan Rakyatâs next move of action but declined to elaborate.”
This is what Anwar the Autaman being saying again and again.A real AUTAMAN of the first order. I just write off this conman. He is worse than Pak Lah with ground zero credibility. Cakap macam TIN MILO kosong. No substance, just rhetoric !!! His facial expression reflects that he is a person cannot be trusted at all.
YABhg Tun,
That de facto law minister was a scruffy lawyer, probably having difficulty making ends meet, until UMNO during your time made him rich.
But just look at him now, and how he has turned his back on all who have been kind to him, Pak Lah including. And how smug he looks strutting about his wealth. There’s a very apt Malay proverb for one such as he i.e Seperti melepaskan anjing tersepit.
We have RAHMAN Theory almost done…
R = T.A.Rahman (Tunku).
A = Abdul Razak Hussein.
H = Hussein Onn.
M = Mahathir.
A = Abdulah.
N = Najib
With great respect and honour, I wish to see
MAHATHIR Theory next, to kick-stat with “Muhyiddin Yassin” as PM after Najib.
M = Muhyiddin Yassin
A =
H =
A =
T =
H =
I =
R =
Best Regards,
Salam Tun Dr M..
Hey Kilmer…,
People like you have no brain to think wisely. That is why you couldn’t see & feel the truth. You must be using your knee-cap rather than your neck-top. I suspect you are one of those that came from the opposition side trying to sneak-in here to show your anger by using harsh words. Tun’s son is not the issue here. Why you simply presumed he’s gonna fail. I bet that he’s gonna be even better than Tun. With that comment of yours, I knew it already that you are a superficial thinker hence reveal your stupidity. What a desperate human you are……Kilmer……Kilmer..get lost or else
get lost…
Adios Tun Dr M.
Saallam Tun,
As far as I’m concern, zahid’s is as good as karpal, lim, ambiga….he’s a lawyer by profession, religon , race and creed. Typical kelantanese, oopss.. sorry…. I mean, more british than malaysian I guess. Dah lupa daratan.. Sama lah dengan Si Azmi Sharom and Malik Imtiaz tu, semua nya pengkhinat bangsa dan ugama. That all I can say.. Saallam.
Salam kasih buat Tun dan Family,
Tampak nyata bila Tun published cerita dan komen Tun tentang Zahid ni,banyak juga komen yang menentang dan mencerca Tun kerana mereka mereka ni amat sayang pada Zahid dan kalau dikaji majoriti yang mencerca Tun ni datangnya dari puak pembangkang dan bukan Melayu.Yang mencerca Tun ni semuanya golongan yang “berakhlak mulia dan beriman teguh”(tak kira lah dari agama dan fahaman apa) dan sudah pasti kesyurga,kerana ada yang dah tahu yang Tun akan keneraka…hebatnya mereka mereka ini kerana begitu beriman dan hampir dengan Tuhan…
Bagi yang menyokong Tun anda pun akan keneraka juga dan yang menyokong pembangkang termasuklah si Zahid(alat pembangkang), DSAI(ulama PKR),Theresa Kok(mubaligh DAP),RPK(entah agama apa yang dia anuti) dan ramai lagi,anda dijamin
Bagi bakal ahli ahli Neraka yang menyokong Tun (termasuk saya sendiri)
berharap Tun akan terus menulis dan mendedahkan apa apa saya yang perlu dan pedulikan dan pekakkan telinga dari komen komen bakal
ahlul syurga tu semua dan biarkan mereka terus dibuai mimpi indah didalam “syurga” ciptaan mereka sendiri….
Salam Tun,
Now that Pak Lah has resigned, my vote in the next election will go back to BN instead of PKR, Insyallah. However, if Khairy won the UMNO Ketua Pemuda post, I will vote PKR again, Insyallah.
Make sure that your son win the UMNO Ketua Pemuda post!!!
Although I am not an UMNO member BUT never underestimate the POWER of Pengundi Atas Pagar!!!
Salam Tun,
I’m a new fan of your blog. Individually, i salute you for your ideas and your vision. but it sad to see Malaysian accusing each other when there are something wrong going on. as a human being, we must admit that we’ve done many wrongdoing along the way. honestly, i see the situation in Malaysia today as a result of your wrong decision at the first place. what actually did you saw in AAB to make you choose him to be your successor? i’m sorry for my honest opinion but i’m not the one who vote for him…and i’m not the one who would say yes to everything anybody say even if he/she is the PM/ex-PM…
Anyway, selamat hari raya.
Assalamualaikum buat Tun sekeluarga,
Belom terlambat rasanye saya nak ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN KHAS BUAT TUN SEKELUARGA serta di iringi doa semoga Tun sekeluarga dalam keadaan sehat walafiah hendaknya.
Tun, saya baru pulang dari kedah kerana meraikan pernikahan anak penakan didaerah Binjal atau Bukit Berangan. Saya sempat bermalam dirumah anak penakan yang tinggal didaerah rumah yang telah diilhamkan olih Tun iaitu di Jln Laksamana kalau tk silap. Sungguh beruntung mereka yang telah membeli rumah disitu terutama sekali dengan kawasan yang sangat luas dan rumah bolih diperbesarkan mengikut cita rasa sendiri. Tun benar-benar telah menaikkan taraf masyarakat Melayu disana. Syabas …..
Kalau 20 tahun yang lalu saya kesana, masyarakat disana tidaklah begitu mewah tapi laa ni…amboi tiap rumah adek beradek semua ada kereta sorang sibiji…ish…ish..ish…
Tun saya rasa kalau la Tun masih menjawat jawatan PM , mungkin orang-orang Melayu disana akan lebih baik kehidupan mereka.
Selamat Panjang Umur untuk Tun dan saya berdoa suatu hari akan ada orang yang memiliki pemikiran seperti Tun.
Tun jaga diri leklok no…..wasallam
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Nak tergelak pulak baca point no 10. Lucu.Tun ni dalam mengaku kesilapan melantik Pak Lah sebagai pengganti Tun, sempat lagi Tun buat lawak.
Anyhow, I still see the different between u appointing Pak lah and Pak Lah appointing Zaid.
Pak Lah kan ‘Mr Clean’, pusing kiri ke pusing kanan , sapa sapa pun akan nampak dia mungkin calon yang layak menjadi PM, sebab tu dia menang besar dalam election 2004, atas sokongan Tun .But in the case of Zaid…..dah terang lagi bersuluh semua nampak siapa Zaid sebenarnya ,pun Pak Lah lantik juga. That is not to be called ‘ weaknesses’ but more to be called ‘ stupidity’. That was why, Pak lah’s actions was always questionable.
Tun pilih ‘Mr Clean’ tak salah. Kalau selepas tu dia nak jadi ‘not so clean’ how are you going to know, kan ?
BUT to choose somebody who was known as penyokong pembangkang and from among the lawyers IS SURELY A BIG MISTAKE.
Dear TUN,
i think mukriz is still too “green” la to be seen as malaysian future leader, i cant read anywhere his track record?? (maybe others bloggers can share with me).. i think its not good for him to be chosen just because he is your son, right??? i never heard his speech (ooops, i think i heard it once, at your perdana global peace forum, his speech not impressed me like you laa… well leadership quality cannot be “diwarisi” right.. you have to gain it… what is his leading style? how much he have been involved to tackle any world & local issues?? do he have any worthy ideas to bring our nation forward…??? im sure there lots of pemuda-pemudi melayu (&& non-racist indian chinese too) out there which have charisma & potencial that should be recognised and nurtured and be given oppurtunites same like your son deserved. Let our voice to be heard too so we can bring the best for OUR nation.Im not jealous with mukriz because he is your son, but im not comfortable with current trend that just because you son of x-pm or pm itself u were seen or expected to have the same leadership qualities as your father. YUP, i think we do need CHANGE!!
** im sorry if you not happy with my comment… but i just wanna share my thought.
** who is jebat must die(JMD)?? you a youth or eldery citizen?? you seem to have the quality that much much the malays leadership needed.. =p
Dear Beloved Tun
I don’t know much about politics but one thing that I’m sure
U are the best thing that a country could had..
Before, now and always support u..
From kodiang…
Salam Tun,
I really admired u and do take care of your health. Kalau ada apa-apa yang terjadi pada u rasanya Malaysia akan suram. Pemimpin datang dan pergi tetapi lagenda hanya satu. TDM.
Luv u
Salam Tun yg d kasehi,
Well..well..I caya lu Pak Belalang…Mat Tyson tu???..habih kan bogheh yo..ramai lg calun2 yg berwibawa dan cerdih pandai..not like him..dah senje dah pak mat oii..x yah do masuk tanding…bagi org yg ada pelajaran…
YABhg Tun,
Salam hormat. The ex de facto Justice Minister refused to reveal the amount paid to the sacked judges. What about the new de facto Law/Justice Minister who is also in charge of Parliament. Parliament session begins on Monday. There should be question on the amount of ex gratia paid the sacked judges. There should be transperancy. Kenapa NGOs dan individu individu yang menyokong transperansi Kerajaan tidak bersuara. Adakah mereka sekongkol dengan Zaid Ibrahim.
Harap YABhg Tun dapat desak Menteri yang jaga Undang undang, Hakim dan Peguam yang ada sekarang maklumkan kepada rakyat, yang terseksa kerana kenaikan harga petrol pada 5 Jun yang lalu, berapa jumlah sebenarnya yang telah dibayar kepada hakim hakim yang telah dipecat.
Calun calun yang bertanding jawatan dalam UMNO khasnya jawatan Ketua Pemuda jadikan ini sebagai isu berkempen. Saya percaya rakan rakan blogger chedet.com bersependapat dengan saya. Kita semua sokong YABhg Tun dalam isu ini.
Salam buat Tun dan rakan bloggers,
To tongkolok,neil and otheers yang sama waktu dengannya.
Kalau bapak atau atok atau famili tuan tuan semua duduk jadi pemimpin kemudian buat keputusan, adakah tuan tuan peduli? Kalau tak puas hati adakah tuan tuan maki hamun bapak bapak kelian?
Otak macam sampah. Pasti tuan tuan mengajar anak anak menggunakan ayat ayat sampah. Tahniah sebab keturunan tuan tuan mewarisi sampah sampah dengan tidak tahu adap sopan.
Maaf Tun.
Mat Taib nama tanding No 2 ? Biar betul bang. Macam mana PM nak hantar dia jadi wakil berucap kat PBB. Kena bawa penterjemah la. Bahasa Inggeris pun tak pandai sampai kena cekup di Australia. Mata rabun sampai tak bleh baca sign board kat airport australia. Nanti kat PBB kena cekup pulak. Masa jadi MB bawa lari anak raja. Jadi TPM nanti anak sapa pulak dia bawa lari. Kat PBB nanti juruacara akan perkenalkan seperti ini ” Your Excelllency delegates, we are proud to present you from the left corner , Mr. Mat Tyson of Malaysia. weighing 2oo pound
Ali Ketam pun nak jadi tanding No 2 juga. Lepas ini ramai la yang dapat Dato Melaka macam Dato Mindanao tu.Tak pernah berjasa kepada Melaka pun dapat anugerah. Kriteria nya kena makan buah melaka kot. Dalam mesyuarat UMNO nanti, kalau baling batu je tentu kena kepala Dato melaka sebab ramai sangat.
Salam Ybhg Tun,
Zaid Ibrahim ni merupakan seorang pengkhianat bangsa melayu, ape yang menjadi agenda beliau ialah bagaimana memperkayakan kelurga dia sahaja..terlalu pelik kenapa Pak Lah yang terkenal sebagai Imam Islam Hadhari kononya melantik seorang menteri seperti Zaid yang tidak mempunyai pedoman kehidupan langsung.. seorang peminum arak, seorang kaki judi terbesar dikalangan orang melayu. beliau mempunyai kuda di singapura yang diberi nama Kelantan, untuk tujuan perjudian. kalau tak percaya periksa laman web singapore horse racing, cari kuda nama kelantan, Nama Kelantan telah dikudakan oleh zaid semata-mata untuk medapatkan keuntungan..adakah orang seperti ini mendapat tempat di hati Pak Lah,… dalam komen yang saya baca kononya zaid adalah pejuang…terlalu BODOH LAH orang tak tahu SIAPA SEBENARNYA Zaid…dia bukan pejuang bangsa…dia pengkhianat bangsa….penggunaan keadah politik kononya dia memperjuangkan kebebasan adalah retorik semata-mata…waspadalah RAKYAT MALAYSIA…
orang seperti ini kite jadi kan sebagai sejarah PENGKHIANAT BANGSA…
Salam TUN.
Kepada Neil. Awak kencing dalam tempurong dan lihat lah muka anda sendiri. Ada cantik ka ada handsome ka.
Dan kepada yang sekumpulan dengan Neil seperti Kilmer, Hussein, Newgen dll. Tak usah lah nak tunjuk pandai disini,tidak ada pun yang sokong pendapat kamu semua. Kamu2 semua pergi lah ceritakan permasaalah kamu kat ZAID ker, Pak Lah ker or BC.
Kamu2 ni ada baca ker semua entries disini. Dan kira berapa ramai yang sokong TUN. Majoriti always winner. Majoriti alaways right. So keep you people mouths SHUT. And go back to where you belong if you are not truly Malaysia. We dont need you peoples in this Blog. It just potong stim la….
Saya Tak faham la TUN macam mana pulak Mat TYson tu berangan nak jawatan TPM. Hari tu dia beria2 sokong Pak Lah sampai 2010. Tapi baru saja Pak Lah umum berundur pada March dah kempen jawatan TPM.
Tak tahu malu ker?
Dah lah Mat Tyson oi!! Awak tu dah X’pired. Berilah pada orang yang lebeh muda. Berilah tumpuan dan bantu lah orang2 kampong yang susah2 tu dulu.
UMNO Selangor tak kan nak sapu bersih,KP dan TPM. Yakin ker boleh menang semua?
Syabas Datuk Mukhriz telah dapat satu pencalonan dari Kimanis.
p.s. Lepas Pak Lah pencen kena lah hormat dia dan panggil TUN Lah. Tak baik la panggil Pak Lah lagi.
It sounds to me that all the ministers have no principles at all as they are depending on their allowances to support their family. I pity all Malaysian to have ministers who love money more than having principles. What a pity…
Dear Tun,
Before Pak Lah wants to “reform” the judiciary “within this 5 months (kah,kah,kah), first thing first, he must declare to the public how much ex-gratia payments from taxpayers pocket he approved to give to the ex-judges who had been found guilty by the special Tribunal appointed by His Majesty the Agong.Then only you can go off gracefully rather than the new Prime Minister got to carry the responsibility to announce it. It will be disgraceful if the figures mentioned will be beyond our imagination!!
Dear Tun,
Kapada orang UMNO yang bijaksana.
Kalau mahukan UMNO balik semula ke pangkal jalan dalam masa terdekat pilihlah pemimpin yang berwibawa dan janganlah terima sogokkan wang rasuah dari pemimpin yang bertanding. Sayangkanlah bangsa kita supaya pemimpin yang menerajui UMNO betul-betul yang bermaruah dan tidak mempergunakan kita untuk mendapat habuan untuk diri mereka sahaja.
Ingatlah wahai pemuda-pemuda UMNO, kamu akan menempuh hidup yang mencabar dimasa akan datang dan jika kamu pilih salah pemimpin akan musnahlah harapan anak-anak kamu untuk berpaut kapada pemimpin kamu. Anak-anak kamu akan sumpah kamu kerana “kebodohan” kamu memilih pemimpin yang haprak dan HP6. Yang tidak ada maruah diri dan hanya memikirkan kepentingan diri mereka sahaja.
Saya bimbang dengan pemuda-pemuda UMNO yang akan bertanding untuk merebut jawatan. Saya tidak nampak mereka betul-betul memperjuangkan bangsa tapi hanya untuk meraih keuntungan untuk diri mereka sahaja. JANGAN JADI PEMUDA MELAYU UMNO YANG AKAN MEROSAKAN BANGSANYA SENDIRI.
Kita tahu KJ memang nyata telah memporak perandakan UMNO dan mengapa masih ada Bahagian yang meyokong KJ. Adakah ahli-ahli Bahagian UMNO tersebut dah “buta, pekak dan bisu” ! Saya sungguh hairan sekali pemikiran pemuda-pemuda Bahagian tersebut.
Salam to Tun & all commenterz…’
Zaid? hekz!! my Middle name…
All I can say here is..
Zaid dh takde..GONE 4 gud…odo gone but then he`s still wealth with corrupted wealth..
If all ministers in Malaysia were like him..i assume..takde yg nk tanam padi or pegi rasmikn upacara pecah tanah..Y? smuanya nk senang..
If being a minister u wanna get rich & glams..better b a singer ekot Akademi Fantasia..hekz!!..
To be a minister is to hear the peoples voice & overcome a solution which usefull to all.. our politics is way down under.. Next March Pak LAh quit..DS Najib senyum kambing..hekz!!..Wat will happen next? adakah kita makin stabil? adakah Org Melayu akan unite as d zaman Tun dahulu?..
Kalo politik kita makin keruh..sure jd mcm d Thailand..declare state of emergency..
Syukur d Sarawak dbwh kpimpinan Pehin Sri Taib..tak jd huru hara..Srwk berbilang kaum..lagi dpt unite as 1..
To all Malaysian out there plz..smua tahu do`s n don`t..our line is shaking badly..After the election…smua buruk2 tue nampak…sedih saya ehs..Juz hope dat..all parties unite as 1..raih balik kgemilangan kita dahulu bukan sorang tuduh ini & itu..dunn back stabbed..
U want people to vote we vote but dun take advantage 4 ur own guds n needs…
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
1.It takes a thief to catch a thief!
2.It takes ZAID IBRAHIM,once suspended by UMNO for corrupt practices,to be in charge of law.
3.How bizarre.
4.But at least he got the balls to quit when he didn’t perform.
5.Accountability & transparency.
6.Show me a Minister who did the same and i’ll show you another hundred who say ‘people vote me,I won’t quit’ attitude and ask you to migrate if you don’t like his policy,while in Japan they will perform HARAKIRI out of shame.
7.Shame?Foreign word for them.
8.Talking bulls…
saya kurang pasti kenapa orang yang banyak duit seperti zaid ni teringin sangat nak terlibat dengan politik. Kuasa? Mungkin ini puncanya kan…gila kuasa jauh lebih bahaya daripada gila duit. Kenapa mesti jawatan kosong dalam kerajaan diisi oleh orang macam ni?
Dear Ayahanda Tun,
announcement perletakan jawatan abdullah mmg sesuatu yang ditunggu2 semua. namun itu belum selesai lagi,khairi mesti dihapuskan pula kali ini.dengan tempoh intervene yang panjang ke mac 2009,kj akan melakukan apa sj termsuk dgn membeli perwakilan jika pencalonan awalnya masih kurang.kalo dia menang cara kotor pun takpa,najib bila dah jd presiden nanti ada kuasa xklusif badan disiplin.tun pulak,kenalah tolong promote mukhriz..inilah masanya utk menghapuskan sgl lahanat yang telah memporak perandakan UMNO selama ini melakar tapak di politik tanah air.marilah kita sama2 berdoa kepada Allah SWT. lagi satu,siapa pilihan tun utk bergandingan dgn najib utk menjadi tpm.?..adakah ali rustam akan mengatasi muhyidin berdasarkan rekod lepas walaupun beliau hanya ADUN dan menyandang MB melaka,bolehkah beliau jd TPM? muhyidin sbnarnya lebih popular kerana muhyidinlah pejuang yang mempercepatkan peralihan kuasa…lastly tun, dalam sistem UMNO ni, kita perlukan perisikan yang kuat dan mendalam terhadap latarbelakang calon2 yg bertanding jawatan tertinggi.Semua aktiviti dan kegiatan luar dalam parti mesti dirisik sebelum dibenarkan bertanding.kita tak nak calon yang meragukan mempeoleh tempat dlm politik.kita tak nak kejadian yang sama seperti abdullah dan menantunya yang kita tak sedari mempunyai kaitan dengan ajen asing.Dalam kebanyakan negara seperti russia,iran,jepun dan turki,perisikan memainkan peranan penting dalam menjaga sitem politik tanahair mereka kerana mereka sangat berhati-hati.harap najib yg incumbent dalam mindef dapat enhancekan lagi intelligence ni negara kita…kita mesti selalu berhati2 selepas ni. take care tun….
Dear Tun,
1. I am so glad that your prediction gone wrong this time. AAB finally resigned on march 2009. It is such a pleasant news. Now,one down. Lets focus on Khairy.The other monkey in UMNO. Let’s send him packing as well. Both of them such a disgrace to the malays, to the nation infact.
2. While I am so glad that AAB finally step down, a question arise in my mind. What’s Next? Can we rely on Najib to pick up the pieces? I’m sorry to say this Tun, but to me your greatest failure is failed to have a reliable successor to inherit UMNO after your times.
3. Each and everyone in the current ‘MT’ doesnt have the strong charismatic personality to continue UMNO legacy. Najib, Razaleigh, Muhyiddin, Zahid, Muhammad Taib, Isa Samad; None of them are reliable. Najib fulls with scandals. Razaleigh, he way out of the league now. Muhyiddin, we know the unpleasant stories about him when u have to pull him out from Johor to the cabinet. Zahid never have a firm stand on his own. Muhammad Taib, like Najib also fulls with scandal. Isa Samad, no one will trust him now, especially the rakyat. Then it left us with Rais Yatim, who looks clean and potential. But we wouldn’t know. Perhaps it will turn out as wrong choice again. Just like AAB.
4. So, what do we do now Tun? We cannot keep on rely on you forever. I can’t trust Pakatan Rakyat as well. They can bullshit the world about their liberalism and Malaysian Malaysia, but not me. I never come accross a political party more racist than DAP. However, we all racist afterall. How can’t we? We are so different with each other. The most we can do in this multi racial country is compromise and compliment each other. You know better about this Tun. I don’t need to clarify further. RPK and Malaysia Today follower just can’t face the facts. They are still sleeping and dreaming. One thing they forgot is, the way to makes dreams comes true, you have to wake up first. I guess just let them continue sleeping.
5. I guess I just have to hope and pray for things to get better soon. Tun, how do we get back on tracks. To stamp the honour of Malaysia names back to the world. Hope you won’t get tired to shows us the way.
Hope the our local economy will recover soon. I’m so tired of working abroad for so long. 🙂
You take care of your health Tun. A song from ‘Man Bai – Kau ihlamku’ which quite popular during my school days is attributed to you by me and friends then. Till Now u are still ‘Kau Ilhamku’
It’s a great honour to have you as our leader, Sir.
Salam from Mirpur, Azad Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan.
Dear Tun,
Selepas selesai semua mesyuarat Bahagian UMNO, Majlis Tertinggi UMNO patut bersidang semula dan membuat keputusan yang bermaruah dan bijaksana supaya Persidangan Agong UMNO di majukan kehadapan iaitu pada bulan December.
Inilah keputusan yang harus dilakukan supaya kempen merebut jawatan tidak terlalu lama sangat dan akan memudharatkan UMNO. Kalau kempen Pilihan Raya Umum hanya sekadar beberapa minggu sahaja mengapa pula kempen pemilihan jawatan UMNO dibuat hingga berbulan-bulan. Mana lojiknya.
Kalau pemimpin Majlis Tertinggi UMNO bijak orangnya mereka patut berfikir sewaras-warasnya akan kewajaran Perhimpunan disegerakan.
UMNO tidak boleh berlengah-lengah lagi untuk terus mencari formula terbaik memperkukuhkan organisasinya.
Pak Lah sudah hanyut dan telah menjadi itek tempang maka tidak usahlah pemimpin-pemimpin Majlis Tertinggi bersentimental sangat dengan Pak Lah. Yang penting ialah UMNO dan bukannya hendak jaga hati Presiden. Yang dah nak pergi biarlah pergi dan yang tinggal mestilah membuat sesuatu yang terbaik untuk UMNO.
kilmer- manusia yg tiada jati diri. sifat kenegaraan yang sangat lemah..he needs help tun!..lelaki seperti dia ni,tak layak jadi warganegara Malaysia..berambuslah kau dari tanah berdarah ni! sedarlah sikit yang Tun telah menyelamatkan kita dari sudut yang paling gelap di hati kita..pengorbanan dan jasa tun adalah tidak ternilai bg semua rakyat Malaysia..Tun adalah bapa segala bapa Malaysia..
asalamualaikum bapak….
hmmmmmmmmm….si dol…………lah tak pertahankan jawatan…..
naper lak dia nak tunggu march…..buat jer lah ujung taun nih…turun la ni lagik baik…..
tak cayer lah dia tuh….pagi cakap lain tengah hari cakap lain…cayer cakap dia kiter lak jd benggong…..
Dear Tun,
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said he would not be taking leave before stepping down in March because he has work to do.
Yes. He has got a lot of work to do but surely not related to administering the government but more to campaign for his “budak hitam”. That is probably his hidden agenda to ensure that his presence will help his “budak hitam” win the Ketua Pemuda post.
After all what can he do within 5 months period to clear up all the the “unfinished” work. In fact there is nothing outstanding work at all. For the past 5 years he has nothing to show that he has done anything. All his work is haprak and HP6!! That’s my view of Pak Lah’s performance. Nothing exciting. Nothing is progressing! All GROUND ZERO !!
Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun
Saya bukanlah orang politik atau pun terpelajar tetapi yang suka belajar.YABhg Tun, Bak kata pepatah,terlajak perahu boleh diundur jika terlajak kata buruk padahnya dan begitu jugalah orang yang angkuh selalunya kerugian dan itulah sikap Menteri Undang-Undang yang sanggup mempertikaikan ISA secara terbuka tanpa merujuk kepada No 1, sedangkan sepatutnya beliau mempertahankannya sungguh amat menyedihkan dan memalukan rakyat Malaysia “membuka pekong didada”. Pada pandangan saya PM terlalu percaya dan terlalu baik kepada anggota kabinetnya hingga beliau sediri medapat tekanan bukan dari luar tetapi dari anggota kabinetnya sendiri itulah hakikatnya. Walau apa pun kita rakyat Malaysia kini ternanti nanti perkembangan terbaru…..Peralihan Kuasa! dari PM kepada TPM atau bermulanya era perebutan kuasa pada March 2009 ini nanti? atau akan berulang perkara yang sama? siapa yang akan ditabalkan…..
Salam Tun Dr mahathir Mohamad 😀
semoga Tun dan isteri sihat walafiat dalam lindungan Allah Maha Bijaksana .. terutama sekali Ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin kepada Tun sekeluarga ..
Tun , saya amat kecewa dengan keadaan politik negara kita ini, anasir2 luar telah berjaya menundukkan pemikiran bangsa melayu islam dengan nafsu kemegahan harta Karun dan wang ringgit.. munafik semakin menjadi2 amat ketara sekali .. semoga Allah ampuni dosa kita semua
zaid ibrahim amat mengecewakan .. sebagai peguam berbangsa melayu harusnya mempertahankan ketuanan melayu .. apa nak jadi dengan minda melayu bijak pandai kita belajar tinggi tinggi mendabik dada akhirnya keangkuhan terbuka juga.. disangkakan celik minda tetapi rupanya celik nafsu dan pangkat harta, Alhamdulillah ada juga hikmahnya dia mengundurkan diri .. ISA perlu dipertahankan agar semua kaum tenang dan ceria ..
siapa, kenapa, mengapa, zaid ibrahim ? adakah mentaliti mindanya terdorong dengan hasutan anasir luar agen-agen virus ? .. apakah zaid tidak boleh berfikir rasional walhal ia adalah orang yang terpelajar berpelajaran tinggi .. Peguam lah dikatakan …
setiap satu perkara ada balasan .. sungguh Allah itu Maha Adil..
moga zaid ibrahim bersujudlah mencari kebenaran kerana ilmu yang dipelajari itu amat berguna membantu rakyat malaysia khususnya bangsa melayu.. kerana kebenaran itu ada pada kalimah rabb…. ku berdoa moga jiwa zaid ibrahim diberikan nur hidayah dan ketenangan iman .. dan semoga politik negara akan tenang kembali.. bersyukur kerana Allah telah berikan kekuatan, kesabaran, keberanian dan ketajaman minda buat Tun semasa era Tun mentadbir Negara …
semoga bakal Perdana Menteri dikurniakan kesabaran dan ketajaman minda serta teratur dan berani serta berpegang pada janji dalam mentadbir negara islam ini..
Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun
Saya bukanlah orang politik atau pun terpelajar tetapi yang suka belajar.YABhg Tun, Bak kata pepatah,terlajak perahu boleh diundur jika terlajak kata buruk padahnya dan begitu jugalah orang yang angkuh selalunya kerugian dan itulah sikap Menteri Undang-Undang yang sanggup mempertikaikan ISA secara terbuka tanpa merujuk kepada No 1, sedangkan sepatutnya beliau mempertahankannya sungguh amat menyedihkan dan memalukan rakyat Malaysia “membuka pekong didada”. Pada pandangan saya PM terlalu percaya dan terlalu baik kepada anggota kabinetnya hingga beliau sediri medapat tekanan bukan dari luar tetapi dari anggota kabinetnya sendiri itulah hakikatnya. Walau apa pun kita rakyat Malaysia kini ternanti nanti perkembangan terbaru…..Peralihan Kuasa! dari PM kepada TPM atau bermulanya era perebutan kuasa pada March 2009 ini nanti? atau akan berulang perkara yang sama? siapa yang akan ditabalkan…..
Dear Tun,
Those Pakatan Rakyat symphatizers are really disappointed with Pak Lah’s decision to step down. These symphatizers are actually dreamers. They thought they can corner UMNO. They never realise that they will continue to bite their fingers until doomsday.UMNO will stay governing this country until doomsday. Make no mistake about it. Without UMNO this country will be chaotic for sure. Don’t rule out the strength of the Malays when they are pushed to the wall.It will be counter-productive to the whole country. Believe me. Be rational and think very, very hard what will be the implication.Give a try if they can topple the Federal government under the leadership of UMNO.You will see what will be the repurcussion. This country will experience a tsunami which will be beyond our imagination.Don’t try to poke “sarang tebuan”. It will hurt everybody very badly. Think, think and keep thinking rationally !! Either you are with us or you are doomed to hell !! I am not creating fear but only sensible people will understand this situation!
Seriously hes a yesterday news, he said he want to bring justice, I can say he achieved nothing for us Malaysians. So i dont even bother to say good bye.
1. why during his time too many organized crimes roaming around and so boldly operating in front of the normal citizens?
2. why ah longs can operate freely and didnt get any harsh punishments? Or is it justice when people got beaten up cause can not pay super high interest rates? What type of rights do they have to charge super high interest.
3. why too many criminals?
4. why too many mat rempits disturbing the peace and then got away by joining the new UMNO wing (which i cant remember what is called)?
5. why too many racial tensions?
6. why rich guys only can get good lawyers and poor guys get crappy lawyers? I dont want stuff happens like in US where the rich CEOS who created the financial institution fallout and gets away with it plus the loot. Why they got away? simple, they can afford good lawyers to defend them.
7. why during his time as law minister, alot of ppl got cheated from businesses deals and take so long to acquire justice? and some of them use hitmen to resolve issues out of court.
8. why cant he gets us the people of malaysia justice when we lost batu putih to singapore, that is our freaking land for god sakes!!!
9. Why he is so focus to get even with Tun? do we have a Ministry that called “Ministry of Getting EVEN with Tun Mahathir”?
Hes so busy trying to solve old issues and 1 crooked lawyer (Lingam) issues. He even used all the government asets just to give justice to one rich guy (Tun Salleh Abas) who got sacked 2 decades ago. How about the current people who lost their jobs cause of bad economic management, how about the people who got sacked or not paid equally cause of their race?
10. Why the BAR council keep focusing on one specific issues but not focusing on bigger picture like JUSTICE FOR ALL!!! (encompasses on item 6)
Seriously I was hoping for him to become the Great White Knight in Legal System to clean up the mess but hes just another GREAT WHITE HYPE who done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR US the normal guys, and we the citizen of Malaysia have wasted our tax payer money paying his salary and allowance!!!! He better join the opposition, so the opposition can waste their precious money on him.
People don’t like is the system you set to control frogs, but you good in twist, pinpoint to the PM, sad of you. you know you are telling lies.lies..like others.
lets it change, lets malaysia change, it is people wish.in this new era of new world
think it positively, you shouldn’t afraid.
we wish you go to SYURGA sn as you have done a lot of “good things and good comments” that you want to twist the situation FOLLOW YOU WISH, ya really, with the wishes, things change,so, with the “power of wishes” of us, it will happen. we love you before, we cuirse you now. everyday.
Tun please think and be fair. to everyone. don’t be racism, you know people’s mind, you are poising them. cruel.
Methinks Tun’s humour is lost on ‘God’s creation’. Hopefully that didn’t sound too biblical. Oh how shallow art thee. Go read a book, get a life, travel the world, speak to more people. Nay converse, hold meaningful discourse and thou shalt be enlightened.
These are the same people who didn’t laugh at Rais Yatim’s ‘Gentleman enters the front door, not the back’ comment. He had a field day, he had. Sly fox that he is. And he smiled while the point missed all in Parliament. Which makes me worry a little bit about the quality of people in the House.
No ‘God’s creation’, you may have lost touch, are blind or become unaware that our community, whichever you may belong to, hold wealth as a measure of one’s stature in society. We have forsaken the values of ‘budi pekerti’, and dignity for the sake of material things. A Minister pay is pittance compared to a law firm Partner/Associate. Therefore, herein implies that the ex-minister finds his government pay as disposable income i.e.; ‘Duit Rokok’. So too it seems; values associated with the post which he was sworn in to.
Dear Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya sekeluarga. Izinkan..
Lahar Bisa
Your venom is like the unending flow of lava, maybe the only inexhaustable resource in Mâsia right now. Ever since you stepped down it was exclusively to poison Pak Lah. Now that he is confirmed out of the way, instantly 2 people become targets in quick succession.
Your hate articles against Khairy is expected ( but so fast? Forgot your son involved!) Against Zaid a out of favour ex minister? I believe the only objective is to whip up contempt against this man. Letâs take a look at your gallant effort:-
You recap his plotting record in Kota Baru. His action is âsemutâ compared with your Guinness Mâsia record âachievementâ
You had a hand, leg or finger in the fall of every prime minister since independence, from Tunku, Tun Hussein to Pak Lah( only Tun Razak was saved by some Grace, May his Allah bless him) Add to that all potential PM (your deputy!) you somehow eliminated from office Musa, Ghafar, Anwar, Pak Lah. No other Asian leader has your record! No other country in the world has our record. Shows you have zero tolerance for dissent at the peak. Pak Lah berat telinga Tun ringan telinga. Orang ringan telinga tak mudah lupa!
Starving Judges
It is contemptly demeaning, foul laced to cynically paint the ex gratia to saving the lordships from starvation. It is not the money but the moral significance.I believe they would gladly donate the money to your sonâs campaign if you pretend empathy with their situation.
Why so obsessed about the peanuts amount to them. You never bothered with howlings of transparency on billions of lucrative direct(actually private) privatisation, govt buyback of failed privatisation(MAS), arbitrary purchase(Lotus etc), lop sided concessions, mega projects(Perwaja etc)
Prinsip Jati Diri
Did you shoot yourself in the foot here. Are you saying the current ministers( half are left overs from your era) are shamelessly willing to sacrifice principles for the âpittanceâ minister allowance. They are not there to serve the rakyat but clinging dearly for the pay? You are insulting your own zombies.
Congratulations to Pak Lah for a statesmanly quit announcement.
(Flashback to drama of another quitting…)
Salam Ayahanda Tun
Sekadar beringat-ingat sesama kita….jgn marah Tun, saya ambik karya Tun
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Dulu bangsanya dipijak
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Dulu bangsanya retak
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Dulu bangsanya teriak
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Dulu bangsanya haprak
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Dulu bangsanya kelas dua
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Dulu bangsanya hina
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Dulu bangsanya sengketa
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Dulu bangsanya derita
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Dulu bangsanya kerdil
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Dulu bangsanya terpencil
Tiada daulat,tiada maruah,tiada bebas
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Sejarah bangsanya yang lena
Tanah lahirnya yg merekah berdarah
Wahai bangasku
Jgn mudah lupa lagi
Kerana perjuanganmu belum selesai
*nukilan Dato’ Sri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Shazrim Sharif
UiTM Kedah
Dear YAbhg TDM,
First of all, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri & Maaf Zahir & Batin.
I’m not a political analyst, I’m just a mere ordinary UMNO member. I just want to take this opportunity to convey my utmost support for your son Dato Mukhriz. I hope one day he will follow your footsteps in becoming a great leader. I believe he has all the necessary ingredients to be one.
Hes so boring
Zaid claims that he is a man of principle. He resigned his ministerial post because of principle. The fact is he is clueless about principle. He was 100% supportive of the action taken against Salleh Abbas and the sacking of judges. Yet now he is a crusader for Malaysian Bar Council to overturn the earlier decision that he previously supported. When his agenda to “reform” the legal system failed to get the support of the Cabinet, particularly the UMNO Ministers he took the easy way out by quiting. He doesn’t want to be the laughing stock of the legal community. No issue of principle here.
Well, Pak Ya, this site is for those who dare to speak up and give constructive criticism, not just Selamat Tun, Happy Tun and so on…When Tun post an article he wants to know our view and what we truly feel, not just apple polishing. U can support or disagree. Be objective, not just yes, yes, yes or aye aye sir… great leaders are spoilt by people like u…
Aduih..tensen nye tak dapat aku tengok berita kol 8 sampai habis disebabkan tv aku rosak. Tak dapat aku tengok Chedet, tak dapat tengok PakLah dan tak dapat tengok macam macam lagi.
apa apa pun tahniah kepada Chedet dan Pak Lah yang mana kedua dua pemimpin ini asalnya dari Utara tanah air, harap lepas ni ada lagi individu yg bakal menjadi pemimpin tertinggi negara yang datangnya dari UTARA, jangan DSA udah le boleh jahanam Malaysia dibuatnya.
sama sama kita doakan agar pengundi pengundi nanti tak salah pilih calon pada PU ke 13 akan datang.
To all commenters jgn emosi sangat bagi komen,buat tambah dosa je, baru lepas puasa kita ni.
last time
UMNO- United Malays National Organization
UMNO- Utilize Money Not Operations
Why do we need lowyar in the 1st place. i think it’s a career created by those ppl that are only clever on how to twist & turn words. the sad thing is i got so many lawyar buruk in my clan too. ps: i more sakit hati when i have to pay for the so called “standard” agreement for the two houses i bought. why la!!! BTW. Tun, ur still a good leader. can’t please everybody right. some will like u some will not.tough but who says life is fair.
Si pengkhianat bangsa ni, kalau dia betul-betul berperinsip dan percaya kepada ketelusan, sila beritahu berapa jumlah wang rakyat yang telah dibayar sebagai ex gratia. Kalau tidak, jangan cakap lagi pasal perinsip dan ketelusan. Orang dah tak percaya…
May I Tun;
To DwithM on October 9, 2008 4:36 PM who said
“Dr M: Zaid has more essence of a man in the tip of his toe than you will ever have given 10 life times. You are ……. you are a sad broken man, and in your twilight years, you are still not able to realise the sins you have committed during your disastrous 22 year rule, which has produced,………..”
Waw waw woh … this is the ranting of an aging bald millionaire …
caught shoplifting a plastic comb ….
was sentenced 50 years social work OR one and a half CENTS fine.
Where are you from sir? Lucky you. Dr M prints your poisonous breath and foul mouth.
ini macam punya orang pun ada ka?
To Hussein Ismail on October 9, 2008 12:39 PM
Wah marah nampak. Orang marah tak boleh bagi nasihat. Itu nafsu.
By HuruHara on October 9, 2008 12:18 PM
When asked what should DSAAB do till March 2009, Tun said, “Diam” … bukan Tun yg kena diam.
To RajaChulan on October 9, 2008 11:24 AM
Tell us any political party here that is not race based? Some master cons must have conned you. Org cerdik pun kena tipu.
ISA tajam. Mengancam. Kalau nak pinda pun … ketatkan lagi.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
To those Malaysian who have negetive perceptions on Malaysia judiciary system!!! Pls name the country(ies) has a perfect judiciary system?
Take care Tun.
paklah kata takmau contest…karpal sure frust menonggeng..
Dear Tun,
I think UMNO could not survive for long. There are a lot of dishonest Division Heads and committee members who are corrupted and only thinking of their own vested interest rather than anything else. They will never change their attitude if their objective is to make use of UMNO to enrich themselves. UMNO will be doomed to fail by the doing of their own members.
I am of the opinion that the whole of UMNO members are naive and gullible. What a pity for the Malays having these people around.
It looks like I have no choice but to symphatize with PAS. I just cannot accept those UMNO members who are still blind, deaf and dumb !!There is no future for UMNO come next general election. PAS stand a better chance to survive and become stronger. Make no mistake about it.
Dear Tun,
My advice to Neil, “Get Lost. You are in the wrong place. Go to Zaid’s supporters site stupid !!!”
Maaf Tun, ada orang sesat masuk bagi komen kurang ajar.
Hi Tun,
I am quite taken up about your statement of how it is easy for a rich man to have principles which I totally disagree.
A man of principles has to do with ones character and not evaluated according to ones wealth.
When do we ever evaluate a person’s principles or integrity based upon one’s wealth?
Good day.
Hope u r not Malaysian n not those having house, car or wealth n staying in our luvly country ni.
Orang mcm hang ni kacang lupakan kulit…actually tons of ppl yg mcm hang kerbau ooi. If u r malaysian then here is my message to u idiot!!
Without orang mcm ‘old man’ ni aku rasa till now hang x kan kenal apa tu keyboard or computer. Ntah2 till now dok angkut ‘barang’ susun dlm lori pintu 13 or dok jaga lembu.
Ramai org mcm hang ni tp xguna cakap coz hampa ni dgn cow dang sepupu.
If x berkenan ok ja..aku x suh hang suka coz tu hak hang tp profesional la skit. Nak komen negatively boleh tp guna bahasa yg ok..ni apa cakap +- ja? kayu sungguh!!..hormat skit.
Hangin satu badan ni…Penang mari.
Dearest Tun…
Tun, do you want to know why Pak Lah FINALLY quit? He.. 🙂
Because he read your blog…
Selama ni Pak Lah selalu syok sendiri. Dia selalu ingat semua orang sayang kat dia.. Dia selalu disorongkan dengan cerita cerita dongeng yang semua orang sayang dia, support dia, kebanyakan source dari KJ pun… KJ yang menkhayalkan Pak Lah selama ini… KJ cuma menunjukkan 10% yang orang suka Pak Lah, dia tak pernah tunjuk/cerita yang lagi 90% majority semua sebenarnya tak suka Pak Lah…
Satu hari tu, Pak Lah tergerak hati buka & mengambil masa membaca blog Tun, chedet.com ni. Pengsan dia….!!!! Baru dia baca & lihat dengan mata kepala dia sendiri yang begitu ramainya comments, begitu ramainya orang yang tak suka dia sebonarnya…
He realised, these are all REAL PEOPLE (yang comment), baru dia tahu segala gala kelemahan dia selama ini. Baru dia tahu banyak perkara. Baru dia tahu realitinya.
Entahlah Tun… saja saja terfikir begitu… I actually really wish he really reads your blog, every words by words, every archives by archieves and every comments from all the commentors. But it sounds too impossible pulak kan, coz he prefer to sleep and doesn’t care about what is happening to the country or to the rakyat…. 🙁
It was just my wish…
Salam sayang teramat amat sayang sangat sangat buat Tun.
Dear Tun,
I hope this coming UMNO election UMNO members are intelligent enough to choose the right candidates. Hopefully they don’t choose haprak and HP6 candidates who have no credibility as leaders, not only to strengthen UMNO but to ensure that they are competent to administer the country and move forward to a higher level of economic development. They must have good brains, of course not the KJ type of brain.They must be really having technocrat materials or else these leaders won’t get the respect from the non-Malays. The non-Malays would expect UMNO to lead the country with good and qualified leaders.
People like Mat Tyson has no gobal vision. He is the “kampong type of leader” whose ideas are just like “katak bawah tempurung”. Likewise Ahmad Zahidi.Poor IQ and no charisma. Jadi Mat Rembit naik motor sana sini bolehlah !!
UMNO cannot afford to have unqualified leaders to lead the country. They must have good academic technical backgroud. Not graduates of religious and Malay Studies. We want economists, accountants, engineers, lawyers, doctors and other professional qualifications just like Singapore leaders are having to lead UMNO. We have to accept this reality. We do want Pak Lah type of leadership who has no ideas and has to depend too much on his advisors but he could not digest even the basics to move the country forward. .
assalamualaikum tun mahathir yang sangat di hormati.
i am a student of Uitm, Shah Alam.
i am doing my master in media and communication studies.
i have chosen to do semiotic study on your collection of letters to the world leaders.
to be honest, the study has made me notice on your characteristics and capabilities as one of the most prolific world leaders.
this study too has made me realize that your visions and perceptions cannot be justified at the present time solely.
this study has made me appreciate you to a new level.
i would be honored if you could write a cover letter to be included
in my dissertation.
khairul alia bt mohd kharuddin,
B2-10-1, phase 5,pantai hillpark,
59200, pantai dalam,
kuala lumpur.
matric number: 2006137805
code of course: MC770
segala kerjasama dari Tun akan amat saya hargai.
terima kasih.
Zaid Ibrahim
Know something about Zaid Ibrahim appoinment as Minister.
It was obviously a big mistake. All ministers know him, UMNO members know him and Malaysians know about him.
He is not famous because of his vast experience.
He is famous because of problems.
In short because of all problems that he’s created.
The other one who followed him very close is Shahrir Samad.
Very close…………
However who appointed all this Ministers in the cabinet.
Very simple question with simple answer.
The one who’s lack capabilities of strength and honesty.
No need to talk about the other criteria.
Only two main criterias. Only two………
Two criterias of good leader that we need today and future.
Strength and Honesty.
to joshua..
yes,you’re right..people do make mistake but for sure mahathir buat silap n try his best utk tebus kesilapan dengan meninggalkan tampuk pimpinannya dengan keaadaan negara yang paling baik pernah kita semua alami…at least dia tinggalkan negara with honour…
negara kita takkan pernah rasa keadaan yang lebih baik daripada zaman pemerintahan che det..
x caya tanya org ramailah….
Hello Tun,
I’d really like to say how glad I am to have found this site and knowing that there may be a small chance of you reading it. I was never politically savvy but of late I have gained much interests and curiosity on all the people that have been gracing the headlines of every newspaper I can get hold of.
You have been a big inspiration for me all those years you were PM. The compliments (and support..) said by other commentors on this blog proves how much respect you have undoubtlessly earned over the years.
However I just MUST really say something about the people who choose to use this site to be plain RUDE. I think speaking rudely and speaking with proof of fact or with any evidence makes a lot of differences.
Arguments are like a debate. It should be like a debate. Using offensive words is just abusive and rude. Maybe you are used to it by now Tun but I just MUST say something about this.
Malaysians are getting rather rude, on the road, on the phone, in Parliament, to reporters and everywhere else.
Please I hope some of you may be reading. I’m not saying you are not entitled to your opinions, you are, BUT please use facts and evidences. Don’t just hurl offensive words it is just plain RUDE!! I am pretty sure everyone here are grown adults. See how many responses you have been getting out of being rude. Arousing anger is such a similar tactic used by some people to create chaos. Look around you. Is it really worthwhile to be bitter?
It is just not concrete and need I say, a waste of internet space. I just believe that if you are able to come and make an effort to read this blog you must have a certain amount of education and mental state that still allows you to explore other avenues for information and perspective. I won’t even start to explain what rude is in Malay and what it directly translate to. Don’t use this space as a venting ground. And don’t insult your own intelligence by being abusive.
Tun, I am a frequent reader of a week now. I am officially a fan. Thank you for giving your time and sharing your thoughts with us. Fellow commentors thank you for your inputs and perspective. It has been rather ‘educational’. I just needed to share my thoughts on rudeness because there seems to be a lack of it these days among us Malaysians.
Wish everyone would just remember where they all came from and just be proud of where we are today. We are ‘somewhere’ you know people of Malaysia! Stop denying our successes. Chin up and hold your head up high for the things we have already achieve.
As the saying goes Yesterday is HISTORY….Tomorrow is a MYSTERY and Today is a GIFT. Is this how people react to receiving a gift?
Anyhow it is only my OPINION…have a great day everyone. Tun have a pleasant evening ahead.
Hanya untuk megnulas komen berikut:-
By zainudinmajid on October 9, 2008 5:01 PM
Dear Ayahanda Tun again.
Just to ask the commenter name kilmer. What would you feel if you build a very beautiful and renowned worldwide country from scratch for 22 years and pass on to the one that you trust and that person keep knocking down the country bit by bit to the way it is now?
Saudara Zainudin cubalah buka sedikit mata dan pemikiran dengan lebih objektif lagi tentang pencapaian 22 tahun tersebut. Lihat sendiri apa yang kita capai hanya bangunan dan struktur batu-batu dan kaca -kaca yang molek di Putrajaya dan juga dan buih-buih sabun yang dengan mudah dimakan hari dan cair dipanah matahari.
Apa yang boleh kita banggakan, sebagai contoh kecil ialah harta Melayu yang ditinggalkan sejak pemerintahan Allahyarham Tun Hussein daripada 22% dikurangkan kepada 18.5%, Apa yang hendak dibanggakan angka begini…nampak saja mewah dan berderet jutawan segera Melayu diwujudkan. tetapi sekarang cuba saudara bilang dan cari di mana mereka ini selain daripada Tuan Syed Mokhtar Bohkhari dan keluarga Tan Sri Azman Hashim.
Terimalah kenyataan ini…..dengan seikhlas-ikhlas.
UMNO and BN have their weaknesses but in 51 years so far,Malaysians irrespective of race and religion have been happy,safe,proud of being Malaysian especially when Malaysia face opponents in games or Malaysian travel overseas.All in all,there have been much plusses for UMNO and BN.We shall not let the Oppositions to try and gain from these let alone at the expense of destroying Malaysian economy.They have tried to “overkill” the weakened UMNO and BN and enough is enough.Let us unite now and repair the ship,overhaul the engines if we need to,as we are getting new Captain soon.Salam.
Kemungkinan kerana masalah ingatan, maka ZI dilantik tanpa ada justifikasi, sedangkan AAB janji lepas PRU12 kepada umum tak lantik orang yang kalah dlln. Rakyat tidak mungkin menghalalkan wang cukai dibayar kepada bekas-bekas hakim. ZI kena tanggung sumpah seranah ini. Patut sangat ZI letak jawatan senator. Perbuatan, percakapan dan visinya tidak melihatkan dia seorang melayu Malaysia. Kalau dia Melayu Afrika pun kemungkinan boleh sesuaikan diri dengan hasrat dan memahami majority melayu Malaysia.Dia pun dah buat kenyataan kemungkinan menyertai PKR. Ini bukti ZI juga ada masalah ingatan, dia lupa segala kekayaan dan peluang perniagaan yang diperolehi dari UMNO dan BN.
AAB semalam umum akan lakasana 4, 5 perkara sebelum bersara. Satu nya apa yang ZI mahu. Orang lain umum bersara, ambil cuti. Orang ni tak. Konon banyak janji belum tunai? Bila janji? Siapa mintak?
Najib dan UMNO patut ambil alih perkara-perkara ni semua. Buat kajian semula. Mesyuarat perwakilan UMNO Bahagian ada alasan kukuh untuk buat resolusi mesyuarat agong UMNO dikembalikan ketarikh asal dalam bulan Disember 2008 dan peralihan kuasa dilakukan ditarikh tersebut. Kalau boleh bagi duit percuma kepada bekas hakim, UMNO boleh cadangkan bayar gaji AAB enam bulan dengan guna “reserve luar negara”. 5 bulan macam-macam boleh berlaku. Satu tempoh yang boleh mufliskan orang melayu dan tanah melayu.
By ikhwan on October 9, 2008 4:18 PM
Salam Tun,
I’ve commented before but would like to comment again on what was written by Hussein Ismail.
By Hussein Ismail on October 9, 2008 12:39 PM
Tun Mahathir,
Kenapalah Tun masih tidak boleh terima yang kesemua ini adalah hasil daripada tangan-tangan buatan Tun sendiri. Kononnya sekarang hendak tunjukkan yang Zaid sendiri telah menjadi senang lenang atas kerja-kerja khidmat guaman yang ramai mengetahui diperolehi semasa zaman Tun lagi.
Janganlah hendak mencetuskan satu perpektif lain pula….eloklah ketika ini Tun gam mulut Tun sendiri dan duduk diam sebagaimana yang Tun nasihatkan Pak Lah. RElok sangat nasihat Tun itu bagi terus membuat dosa-dosa….lagi
My Comment Dear Husin, I’ve seen that you are a frequent commenter in this Blog. Perhaps it is better if you could go to Kelab MAYA Umno ( a stounch supporter of Pak Lah and Khairi) or Anwaribrahim blog. I am sure they welcome you there. I have tried to give a negative comment on Anwar and nothing came out. See, Tun has been very gracious to publish your comment.
Go and Fly Kite ok.
Thanks Ikhwan at least u have taken ur own initiatives to give comments 4 Tun, cos’ Tun got no time to see and read all our comments.
I presume tt u may be 1 of those generated from d leadership structure of d feudal system promoted by Tun during his 22 years in power.
Selama ini Tun hanya suka melihat dan mendengar berita-berita dan perkara-perkara yang molek-molek sahaja. Kalau tak percaya tanyalah orang-orang disekelilingnya yang amat memahami perangai dan citarasa Tun kita ini.
I think Zaid had speak out what is fair. He earned the respect by many as he is liberal and rational. This is all totally against the UMNO racist members. This is the casue that why so many UMNO people doesn’t like him.
Tun, the same thing happen to you when you are in power. Becasue of position and power, you have to admit that something what you have done against the common law just to secure your position.
If everybody want this country to progress, I strongly believed that we need more Malay to be like Zaid.
KC Kua
Tulisan pertama aku dalam BLOG ni.
Walau apa pun ucapan terima kasih pada Pak Lah yang sanggup turun takhta demi untuk kepentingan parti dan negara. Bukan senang nak mentadbir negara, kita cakap memang senang, orang itu salah, orang ini tak pandai, tapi pada hakikatnya apa kita kutuk tu, itu lah bangsa kita sendiri. Yang penting macam Tun cakap sebelum ni PERJUANGAN BELUM SELESAI dan MELAYU JANGAN MUDAH LUPA.
Dear Tun,
Mat Tyson is contesting for Number 2. What a joke of the year!!
He is a real UMNO joker!!
Tak sedar diri. Pimimpin yang dah luput tarikh guna masih ada cita-cita tinggi nak jadi Timbalan Presiden. Cerminlah muka!! Pemimpin yang tak ada credibility dan yang dah patut di humban jauh-jauh kelongkang. Pimimpin yang dah berbau “busuk” dari segi moral!!
Dear Ayahanda Tun again.
Just to ask the commenter name kilmer. What would you feel if you build a very beautiful and renowned worldwide country from scratch for 22 years and pass on to the one that you trust and that person keep knocking down the country bit by bit to the way it is now?
Assalamalaikum Tun,
ada juga member yang tak berapa cerdik seperti ‘tengkolok’ yang kononya mempersoalkan bab aniaya orang. ada juga orang yang bodoh tak tahu yang dirinya bodoh. ni yang bemasaalah dengan orang kita.
Siapa Zaid ni?
Pada suatu ketika, dia telah diambil tindakan oleh UMNO kerana kelakuannya.
Itu pun, ada jugak orang yang masih memanjakan dia dengan cara membawa dia semula kedalam UMNO.
Dimana Zaid ni?
Ketika ada pihak dengan secara aktif mengadakan forum membahaskan hak orang melayu, dia hilang entah kemana. Kenapa senyap?
Zaid timbul ke?
Ketika ada pihak dengan lantang membangkang isu ISA, dia muncul entah dari mana. Berlagak macam Zorro.
Zaid ni Melayu ke? Rakyat Malaysia yang bertanggung-jawab ke?
Ibarat nak ke langit pun tak boleh, nak ke bumi pun tak boleh. Jadi hantu je la. Terapung-apung. Takde pendirian.
Cermin lah diri tu.
Salam Tun,
One of the BEST signal & feedback that we can obtain will be the OPPOSITION’s reaction after announcements by our sleepy PM ..
when he announced the cabinet line up – opposition has no adverse comment
when Tun advised him to step down, Karpal Singh make noise
yesterday, when he announced not contesting presidency post, Lim Guan Eng and Karpal Singh accused he is being forced to step down…
take care Tun
Zaid and Bar Council should start from small not immediately climbing to the top . If they started from the top the chances are their hands are full and that they have no intention to really look into matters that concern the ordinary rakyat.
For instance, help the police to make a case stick [if police made a blunder, at least one lawyer wins, if so often that lawyer wins because of that blunder ..that lawyer became popular and business grow and later join politics and impressed rakyat with his good command of english and capabilities to twist the law to his favor and maybe a friend or two , nah..why not? ].
Tolong lah guide the young lawyers , especially the one yang ada english language issue to win a valid case .
And how about – to compile and show us the rakyat statistic..before do any open discussion. Don’t overblown minority and jeopardize the country harmony . Some things can be solved through communication and understanding and respect.
I am often baffled as surely questions like – for example how many converts, what is the percentages of convert that is having that problem -how many muslims are there in Malaysia, how about comparing that number against these complainant s ,what is the percentage like?
Answer and think.
Is that number sufficient, is it justify to put into chaos the respect that we have for each other for so long?
I questioned – what drives them to discuss it openly?
I questioned – why , like trigger happy picks on certain individuals and blow it up day and day in print and electronic?
From what was read and saw and heard in the news,yes I think Zaid is arrogant, it seems that he picks and choose things that will quickly glorify and benefits him and worst he encourages the Bar Council too – institusi yang ‘represent the truth’â¦or ‘represent choosen and popular truth’ only.
to neil : neraka dan syurga bukan kerja manusia. please watch ur word..
Semoga Tun sentiasa diberkati Allah S.W.T dalam apa yg diperjuangkan Tun untuk sekian rakyat.
Assalamualaikum Tok Det.
Kelu lidah tidak terkata,
Mendengar berita pembawa cerita,
Tiada guna bertimbun harta,
Tanpa punya Rasul Allah kita.
Salam sejahtera ke atas Junjungan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W 3x.
Tiada Tuhan disembah selain Allah dan Muhammad adalah pesuruh Allah.
Dr M: Zaid has more essence of a man in the tip of his toe than you will ever have given 10 life times. You are criticising him for trying to push for transparency and accountability (vocab which doesn’t exist under your pathetic concept of ketuanan melayu) and do away with draconian laws like ISA? what is wrong with him condemning the wrongful use of the ISA against Theresa, the reporter and RPK? because it goes against umno directive? maybe, just maybe, after ALL these years, you could learn to take a stand based on merits as opposed to alignment to certain parties, especially when it’s a corrupt defunct obsolete condemned party like umno? you are a sad broken man, and in your twilight years, you are still not able to realise the sins you have committed during your disastrous 22 year rule, which has produced, inter alia, ppl like SITI FAI’ZAH BINTI HAJI MA’IN who can’t even understand english even when your article is so simply (and badly) written. we need a new govt, not a new umno, and it is exactly ppl like Zaid whom we need in our new govt. umno’s days are over, and i hope your days are numbered too, VERY numbered.
Salam Tun,
Nak minta Tun komen kenyataan ini
IPOH: The Perak government has announced an 80% discount on land premium for those keen to convert their leasehold titles to freehold titles in all planned and new villages in the state.
Saya tak faham kenapa diskaun diberi sampai 80% dan ini hanya tepakai kepada tanah pajakan di kampung terancang dan kampung baharu.
Apa istimewanya penduduk di kawasan tersebut ?, nampak macam pemberian keistemewaan terpilih oleh kerajaan PR. Selama ini PR dok asyik melaungkan keadilan untuk semua. Bukankah kalau PR kutip pada jumlah yang sepatutnya , duit itu boleh digunakan untuk pembangunan dan akan di nikmati oleh lebih ramai rakyat ?
Manusia seperti Zaid Ibrahim ini sekali hilang akan terus dilupakan.
Orang kampung sendiri pun tak nak terima, apa lagi orang lain…
Walaupun akan berlaku lagi 5 bulan, tetapi pada pandangan saya suara dan kritikan Tun telah berjaya mempercepatkan proses peralihan tersebut. Saya sebagai rakyat biasa berharap dengan berlakunya proses peralihan kepimpinan ini akan memperkukuhkan lagi UMNO, BN dan negara khususnya…
Salam Tun,
I’ve commented before but would like to comment again on what was written by Hussein Ismail.
By Hussein Ismail on October 9, 2008 12:39 PM
Tun Mahathir,
Kenapalah Tun masih tidak boleh terima yang kesemua ini adalah hasil daripada tangan-tangan buatan Tun sendiri. Kononnya sekarang hendak tunjukkan yang Zaid sendiri telah menjadi senang lenang atas kerja-kerja khidmat guaman yang ramai mengetahui diperolehi semasa zaman Tun lagi.
Janganlah hendak mencetuskan satu perpektif lain pula….eloklah ketika ini Tun gam mulut Tun sendiri dan duduk diam sebagaimana yang Tun nasihatkan Pak Lah. RElok sangat nasihat Tun itu bagi terus membuat dosa-dosa….lagi
My Comment Dear Husin, I’ve seen that you are a frequent commenter in this Blog. Perhaps it is better if you could go to Kelab MAYA Umno ( a stounch supporter of Pak Lah and Khairi) or Anwaribrahim blog. I am sure they welcome you there. I have tried to give a negative comment on Anwar and nothing came out. See, Tun has been very gracious to publish your comment.
Go and Fly Kite ok.
Salam Tun,
Eventho paklah kata takmau contest, kita tak boleh horee sangat. sat lagi dia flipflop nak betanding pulak, baru tunggang tebalik… Nun dia ada 5 bulan lagi, macam-macam boleh jadi bukan ka ?
Sad thing to hear Mufti Perlis resign. I wonder sapa pressure dia no? Allah Maha Mengetahui. Perhaps, ada hikmah yg tersirat.
Do take care Tun.
Back to your nonsense again. It is good if your son doesnt win the Youth post, we wouldnt want another dictator like you. Read your article in the paper today, atlast you will sleep peacefully knowing that the parasite you appointed is leaving office. Do you know why you hate him so much, simple he is making money and getting richer and you cant. It annoys doesnt it knowing someone else is making all that money, will now you know how the rest of the population is feeling. You are the cause of all that is negative and bad today in malaysia and thats the truth, old man.
Salam Tun,
Hopefully you and your beloved wife Tun Siti are fine. Not much to say on Zaid except that the reason that I think Pak Lah appointed him on the Ministrial Post was to ambarrass you . They wanted to tarnish your image. That’s the main reason. But you want to know something Tun, they didn’t find any and thus used Linggam tape as it was the only thing that they could find. For me personally, that is nothing compared to 22 years of reign. My hats off for you sir.
On another note, I hope that by the time the present PM resign, Tun will be at least an UMNO member and will advise the next PM on his/her next course of action. Tun, we now see the weaknesses of the current system. If the PM is smart, pricipled, strong and have tons of leadership qualities like you, the nation will be be safe. If not, it will be as what we are witnessing now with Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Please change the system so that all UMNO members will have the chance to vote instead of only a handful of them.
Tun, that’s me being un aligned to any party but will become an UMNO member once Pak Lah and Co is out of the picture.
Thank you
Salam Ayahanda Tun n All.
salam che det
cepat dia naik, cepat dia turun
salams Tun,
rasa lega DSAAB akan turut tp amat bimbang DSNR naik.
Dear TDM,
Although Zaid is not popular amongst the power that be or has been, amazingly, he has shown his consistency of principle in rejecting the abuse and misuse of the extremely barbaric law, which I think you would never dare to do due to utter corwadice and total arrogance as if you’re all-time infallible despite knowing the truth.
Salam Tun
11. One can afford to have principles when one is rich and does not have to depend on the small allowance of a Minister.
12. My deep respect for this one Minister who seem unconcerned about his allowances
I’m very interested in your 2 points above, Tun (11. and 12.) Are you saying a Minister should compromise his principles because he is not earning enough and because he is afraid to lose his rice bowl? For me, I believe a Minister should be fair, courageous and stick to his or principles, whatever the circumstances.
Assalamualaikum YAB Tun dan isteri,
Tun adalah insan yang saya amat kagumi dan hormati. Saya teringat masa Tun di bedah ‘bypass surgery’ sekitar 1980an dahulu, saya amat takut jika apa2 berlaku pada diri TUN, apa yang akan jadi pada Malaysia. Saya masih kanak-kanak pada masa itu.. saya menangis, Tun.
Malaysia kini amat berbeza tanpa sentuhan Tun. Biar ramai yang kata dulu, Tun amat tegas.. Tun ini .. Tun itu… tapi bagi saya rakyat biasa.. Tun lah Pemimpin sejati.
Sistem pendidikan negara telah mendidik generasi baru Malaysia hilang arah. Mohon Tun cadangkan sesuatu terutamanya tentang ura -ura pemansuhan pendidikan moral dan digantikan dengan pendidikan Sivik. bagi saya, pendidikan sivik perlu untuk semua terutama bangsa melayu dan Umat Islam kerana pelajar Melayu / Islamlah yang paling bermasalah. ‘Melayu mudah lupa’.
Semoga Allah Merahmati dan melindungi Tun serta keluarga dan Malaysia umumnya.
why dont u resign with immediate effect DS Dollah?????….DS Najib is too eager to be the Tempo PM….until March where his actual fate will be known…if he failed to be the President than kempunan lak Ds Najib nanti…
Salam Sejhatera Buat Tun serta keluarga,
Zaid Ibrahim di lantik oleh AAB Hadhari, kununnya untok membuat reformasi perhakiman di negara ini seperti di kehendak rakyat.
Juga Kunun nya tuntutan kehadhiran wakil Badan Peguam juga atas kehendak rakyat.
Namun Zaid Ibrahim sendiri pun bukan pilihan rakyat ..
juga perlu diingat pada bulan MEI 2008 Laman Web Bar Council ini sendiri pernah membuat polling terbuka akan SIAPA yang tidak wajar berada didalam JAC…. And THE BAR COUNCIL sendiri telah mendahului carta tersebut.
Zaid Ibrahim and the Bar Council adalah BADUT semata mata!!
Dear TUN,
Take good care of your health,
Your are needed STILL.
Assalamualaikum TUN.
Betul orang tua-tua kata. Kalau nampak ular dengan lawyer. Katuk lawyer duluan, lebih-lebih lagi kalau lawyer buruk yang sorang ni..
Lima bulan ni lagi TUN. macam-macam boleh jadi…..
Always love u TUN.
Salam Tun yg d kasehi,
Bravo Pak Belalang !! eden cayo lu lah…
Salam tun…
yap…Malaysia semakin ketara dengan penghakisan sistem perundangan yang menyonsang menentang arus kemajuan yang Tun telah “set up” sebelumnya..amat malang bagi PM yang ada kerana masih gagal dalam menembusi misteri badan perundangan negara…benar zaid seorang menteri yang berani bertanggung jawab dalam setiap tindakan nya…namun tindakan PM yang amat di pengaruhi oleh anak menantu ketara menjerumus negara ke alam porak peranda…najib??? something going to be wrong if we put our trust in this man…
Salam Tun!
Benda2 politik ni memang saya tak arif. Yg saya heran tu, ekonomi dunia dah nak menuju kemelesetan tapi orang2 politik kita dok sibuk pasai nak naik takhta, gaduh sana sini, tuduh org macam2 dan banyak lagi la. Bukan ka sepatutnya at this time, depa kena do something to make sure Malaysia tak diheret masuk longkang bila ‘kemelesatan’ tu mai mengintai kita? Saya dah tak kisah lagi sapa nak jadi PM. Pak Lah ka, Najib ka, Anwar ka….yg saya tau bila pi pasar semua barang naik harga. Ada ka patut ikan kembung depa juai sampai RM13 sekilo?
Yang tertekan,
hi dr m,
apart from seeing u talking bad/complained about other people, i am interested to know about what are the “good” things you have done during the time when you were the PM of malaysia.
i know u have done a lot of development and good things for malaysia and malaysians, yet i still believe that you also did some “great/good” jobs from time to time. so far, i only heard “one” story about you that is quite first-hand from someone.
why don’t you tell us about your “stories”! tapi mana ada orang yang berlagak nak citer pasal “kehebatan” diri kan?
You and me are wrong, Pak lahhhh is not contesting UMNO (United Muslim National Organisation) presidency.
Question to you
Why when Muslim Indians or darker skinned people that convert to Muslim can join UMNO and not other races or lighter skinned people who convert to Muslim. The best part is that they can even use the word âBinâ while others must use the âAbdullahâ and they can be classified as Bumiputra too. Very confusing and need your explanation????
Salam ayahnda Tun dan Kawan2 Che Det.com
1.Very interesting link to explore dlm maharajablogger.blogspot.com
2.Akhirnya DSAAB membuat keputusan sendiri untuk meletakkan jawatan
Presiden UMNO tanpa nasihat orang-orang Tkt 4.
3. Syabas DSAAB..Jasamu dikenang demi kepentingan UMNO..
Salam tun..
Penjelasan yang dinantikan oleh semua.Teruskan komen-komen yang bernas dan tepat..Zaid memang tak layak..
Dan untuk ‘mr Neil” i think u the one who should see a doctor
Salam TUN and readers,
Wah dah 3 komen saya tak approved sebelum ni…tak mesra-rakyat kot…takpelah… taktau la kali ni lepas ke idak…
Suka nya hati Pak Lah nak resign… Patut pagi tadi rasa berdebar-debar…
Hopefully Najib will be a better PM… give him a chance ok …
Its not an easy job to tackle country issues lagi lagi setelah Pak Lah dah ruin most of it…
Tapi ada macam – macam khabar angin dah bertiup nak jatuhkan Najib pulak… tak paham tul…..
Doa je la everything is going to be fine
BTW harga minyak dah USD87 setong… BILA harga minyak nak turun lagi ni Pak Lah?
Tun, I fully agreed with Tun on the presence of Zaid Ibrahim in the political scene of Malaysia. I wonder why such a successful lawyer and a well to do man wanted to join the cabinet. Probably he has entered to the politics with some personal undisclosed ambitious reason.
His appointment was just another Pak Lah’s blunder in his career. Why does he need such a loser in his party/cabinet? Zaid Ibrahim didn’t mentioned anything about ISA when Hindraf was creating the chaotic scenes in Malaysia. Was he related to some of the judges invloved or Teressa Kok, etc. Does a noble man will quit so easily within 6 months of appointment? Why did the government paid the “compensation token” to the judges? I believe it may have cost a bomb to pay them.
Meanwhile, it has been a great honor to share your thoughts with us as I doubt we could have this opportunities during the period when Tun was the PM due to your heavy workloads. Your input have really push me to do more facts finding and give me a greater understanding about the subject discussed on this blog.
I hope the new administration after Pak Lah, will appoint Tun as the Mentor to the government as to steer us to be a better country and citizen. I think the approach of Minister Mentor and Senior Minister role for Singapore’s have shown that such system can co-exist in some countries.
I also like to highlight a comment from “Neil” that criticized your blog. Probably he may be related to one of people that being critisized by Tun in this blog.
Thank you and my best wishes to you and your family.
Salam buat Tun Dr. M & Tun Dr. S H..
Di harap Tun berdua berada di dalam sihat & sejahtera.
Aku tak mau komen banyak2 sangat. Cukuplah sekadar berkata hanya jauhari mengenal manikam. La ni masalahnya jauhari teruk.. manikam lagi la teruk. Kami rakyat jelata ni pun turut terkejut masa pak lah kita ni pilih si manikam ni utk joint kabinet prihatin nya. Dan aku dah agak dah.. mcm2 hal akan berlaku. Hal yang tak menguntungkan sapa2 malah menjadikan rakyat semakin tidak yakin dgn kerajaan. Tun… aku akan senantiasa menyokong perjuanganmu. Biaq lah apa org nak kata,aku tetap di belakangmu. Teruskanlah memberi pendapat kepada kami,yang baik akan kami jadikan tauladan dan begitulah sebaliknya.
Biar jasa jadi kenangan,
Sungai Petani Kedah.
Kehadapan yang berbahagia Tun,
Persoalan pokok adalah, siapakah yang pilih mamat ni? Tu baru kes Zaid. Yang lain? Tengok yang jaga hal ehwal pengguna – petrol sekejap turun sekejap naik, harga barang terus naik, salahkan masalah global. Siapa yang terus merasa kesannya? AAB tidak buat homework bila dia lantik ahli kabinet dia. Jangan2 dia pilih portfolio menteri pakai buah dadu tak!
Tapi apapun, lega sikit rasanya bila Mr. Clean umumkan yang beliau tak mempertahankan jawatan. Tengok dlm TV3 tak ada pulak orang nangis2 bila beliau buat pengumuman. Tak tahulah pulak TV lain..Beza sungguh dengan masa Tun dulu. Yang ada cuma laungan dari jauh semasa dilobi, tak jelas apa depa kata – Hidup Pak Lah ataupun hidupkan Pak Lah. Sempat pulak beliau sindir Tun- kata org umur 80thn siapa yang nak? Kalau yang kualiti macam dia tu, sekarang pun org dah tak nak apalagi bila sampai umur 80thn? tidur memanjang..Tapi Kenapa nak tunggu Mac pulak? Pemimpin parti komponen BN pun,tengok muka depa, macam depa nak sorak je! tengok betul2 kalau ada tayangan lagi.Tapi takkan nak bersorak pulak betultak? kecik pulak hati kawan tu nanti. Pujilah sikit – katalah beliau buat keputusan yang berani dan ya! memang betul! kalau betul lah beliau turun Mac nanti, itulah keputusan yang paling tepat/berani beliau lakukan semenjak jadi PM. Syabas Pak Lah! Kuncu2nya yang lain apamacam? kalau berani, buatlah pengumuman macam Pak Lah. Jangan umum nak bertanding jawatan dlm UMNO pulak. Jangan Syok nak jadi menteri kalau ingat diri tu belum boleh. Orang boleh pilih kita tapi kita sendiri yang harus kena ingat: BOLEHKAH AKU MEMIKUL TANGGUNGJAWAB INI DEMI NEGARA? Jadi menteri memang seronok (agaknyalah) dapat keluar paper/TV hari2. Tapi sampai tak boleh nak jaga kepentingan rakyat.. Malulah. Elok2 jadi menteri dah jadi badut. tak sedih jadinya?
Walau apapun – Fokus sekarang harus kepada kesejahteraan Malaysia dari segala aspek – ekonomi, keamanan dan keharmonian diantara kaum.
‘kesaktian’ Tun amatlah diperlukan. Buktikan kepada Pak Lah yang umur yang lanjut bukanlah faktor merosotnya kebijaksanaan seorang insan kerana kebijaksanaan itu sendiri adalah kurniaan dan hasil dpd penat lelah insan itu sendiri. Benih yang baik, campak kemanapun akan jadi buah yang baik..Ni tidak, orang sibuk2 bercakap dalam mesyuarat, member sempat ‘cari ilham’. Mesyuarat habis, keputusan tak ada. Mana nak dapat, bukannya cari ilham tapi ‘black-out’.
Melalut saya hari ini – suka dan gumbira walaupun jauh di perantauan.
Salam – Guanghzou PRC
Kehadapan yang berbahagia Tun,
Persoalan pokok adalah, siapakah yang pilih mamat ni? Tu baru kes Zaid. Yang lain? Tengok yang jaga hal ehwal pengguna – petrol sekejap turun sekejap naik, harga barang terus naik, salahkan masalah global. Siapa yang terus merasa kesannya? AAB tidak buat homework bila dia lantik ahli kabinet dia. Jangan2 dia pilih portfolio menteri pakai buah dadu tak!
Tapi apapun, lega sikit rasanya bila Mr. Clean umumkan yang beliau tak mempertahankan jawatan. Tengok dlm TV3 tak ada pulak orang nangis2 bila beliau buat pengumuman. Tak tahulah pulak TV lain..Beza sungguh dengan masa Tun dulu. Yang ada cuma laungan dari jauh semasa dilobi, tak jelas apa depa kata – Hidup Pak Lah ataupun hidupkan Pak Lah. Sempat pulak beliau sindir Tun- kata org umur 80thn siapa yang nak? Kalau yang kualiti macam dia tu, sekarang pun org dah tak nak apalagi bila sampai umur 80thn? tidur memanjang..Tapi Kenapa nak tunggu Mac pulak? Pemimpin parti komponen BN pun,tengok muka depa, macam depa nak sorak je! tengok betul2 kalau ada tayangan lagi.Tapi takkan nak bersorak pulak betultak? kecik pulak hati kawan tu nanti. Pujilah sikit – katalah beliau buat keputusan yang berani dan ya! memang betul! kalau betul lah beliau turun Mac nanti, itulah keputusan yang paling tepat/berani beliau lakukan semenjak jadi PM. Syabas Pak Lah! Kuncu2nya yang lain apamacam? kalau berani, buatlah pengumuman macam Pak Lah. Jangan umum nak bertanding jawatan dlm UMNO pulak. Jangan Syok nak jadi menteri kalau ingat diri tu belum boleh. Orang boleh pilih kita tapi kita sendiri yang harus kena ingat: BOLEHKAH AKU MEMIKUL TANGGUNGJAWAB INI DEMI NEGARA? Jadi menteri memang seronok (agaknyalah) dapat keluar paper/TV hari2. Tapi sampai tak boleh nak jaga kepentingan rakyat.. Malulah. Elok2 jadi menteri dah jadi badut. tak sedih jadinya?
Walau apapun – Fokus sekarang harus kepada kesejahteraan Malaysia dari segala aspek – ekonomi, keamanan dan keharmonian diantara kaum.
‘kesaktian’ Tun amatlah diperlukan. Buktikan kepada Pak Lah yang umur yang lanjut bukanlah faktor merosotnya kebijaksanaan seorang insan kerana kebijaksanaan itu sendiri adalah kurniaan dan hasil dpd penat lelah insan itu sendiri. Benih yang baik, campak kemanapun akan jadi buah yang baik..Ni tidak, orang sibuk2 bercakap dalam mesyuarat, member sempat ‘cari ilham’. Mesyuarat habis, keputusan tak ada. Mana nak dapat, bukannya cari ilham tapi ‘black-out’.
Melalut saya hari ini – suka dan gumbira walaupun jauh di perantauan.
Salam – Guanghzou PRC
By Neil on October 8, 2008 4:25 PM
wow … venom … venom .. cobra or viper?
By Sir Taek Boon on October 8, 2008 4:34 PM
pirate eh? that’s a good one.
By Vengkatesh on October 8, 2008 4:40 PM
Zaid who?
By muja on October 8, 2008 4:46 PM
Ohhhh … that Zaid. 1/2 past 6.
By zaini on October 8, 2008 4:54 PM
maksud Tun org ni kaya lagi tak da prinsip … selalunya kerana kemiskinan prinsip hidup buang tepi …. jadi org yg Tun cakap ni lebih busuk dari yang paling busuk.
By vivasg on October 8, 2008 6:54 PM
… the present resentments and tensions caused by loose arms … or tongues? Civilians armed with racist and seditious tongues are very much more dangerous for they hurt and kill even non combatants.
By jc on October 8, 2008 7:23 PM
mau sinis juga ka?
By jebatmustdie on October 8, 2008 7:35 PM
all hail yee hidden sage … all hail.
I really hormat tun b cos tun really brave 2 speak out, u r far far more compare 2 lim kit siang,not all people carry the weight 2 speak except tun, people may said tun is old but tun is always not 2 old 2 speak, i hope more malaysian irespective of young n old can speak out like tun,of course not like 100% tun, 50 % is good enough already. i really proud 2 b maha klinik pelanggang.
saya lihat umno di kg2 sekitar kedah tun saya asa sangt berbangga kerana boleh dikatakan yang mereka menitik beratkan pembelajaran agama dgn menjemput ustaz2 dan mengadakan kelas mengaji. saya asa sudah tiba masanya kita sama2 mengubah umno menjadi satu parti yang bukan hanya hebat dari segi kepimpinan kecuali pak lah malah ilmu agama tidak ketinggalan. inila yang anjurkan oleh islam tun. :). saya sangt menyayangi umno, tun patut lihat betapa hebat semangt veteran umno di kg saya. arwah datuk saya pernah berkata kepada peraih undi pas yang nila parti aku sampai ajal menjemput aku. :).
Dearest Tun,
Good ridden. He caused more havoc than establishing law and order. He is better off with the Hindraf and its associates..
salam tun, saya nak tanya pendapt tun mengenai penubuhan majlis ulama umno seperti yang dicadangkan oleh bekas mufti perlis dr. mohd asri. saya berpendapat majlis ni sangt berguna dan tepat pada masanya untuk ditubuhkan supaya dapat mengukuhkan lagi perjuangan umno dalam membela umat melayu dan islam. Tun berpendapat bagaimana?
Entah lah akhir akhir nak kiamat kah. Sekarang ini orang yang tak berilmu pengetahuan yang jahil hendak memimpin dunia yang penuh dengan pancaroba. Hentamlah suka hati manusia hendak gila kuasa, pangkat dan harta. Kalau Saya tak pilih lah Jahit tu sebab auro dah melihatkan pada saya dia nih..tunggu aje lah ko orang di Malaysia tu apa dia akan buat cerita di pentas bumi Malaysia. Bongkak kah cakap tinggi kah dia jatuh melepok kebawah terdengar bunyi yang amat parah.
info yang menarik perhatian. semoga dijadikan ikhtibar
Ketika Tun M menjadi PM, anak Kelantan yang berjaya cemerlang terus diberi peluang membantu negara. Anak Kelantan tidak pun didiskriminasi walaupun kelantan di perintah oleh PAS. Itulah mulianya Tun M. Beliau melihat mengikut merit seseorang. Tokoh seperti Tengku Mahaleel, Dato Hassan Said di KPT , Dato Hashim Yaakob di UM antaranya merupakan bintang yang dikagumi dunia atas kepakaran mereka.
Tapi di zaman Pak Lah, mereka dan ramai lagi disingkir sedangkan mereka masih boleh memberi sumbangan kepada negara. Dalam ramai-ramai anak Kelantan, tiba-tiba muncul bekas ketua bahagian yang digantung muncul menjadi pilihan Pak Lah. Menjaga persatuan bolasepak kelantan pun dia gagal. Ini kan pula jawatan kabinet. Didapati pemlihan Pak Lah keatas orang Kelantan adalah dari kalangan yang tak dikehendaki di kelantan dan juga negara seperti orang ini dan juga pengerusi umno negeri sekarang. Mereka gagal memimpin dan unwanted oleh orang kelantan tapi masih diberi tempat. Tempat Tan Sri Hussin Ahmad di KADA pun diambil alih sedangkan Hsuin Serama ini masih berpengaruh. Tak hormat orang tua langsung. Ia hanya membuatkan ahli UMNO kelantan makin menjauhkan diri dari BN dan UMNO. Berlainan dengan tengku Mahaleel yang membawa keuntungan kepada Proton tapi digugurkan. Dato Hassan Said membantu tubuh 8 IPTA tapi gugur dan terpaksa letak jawatan dari kerajaan. Hashim Yaakob pakar pergigian yang pandai bersilat dan bersajak gugur dan tak pun menjadi ahli silat, ahli sajak negara. Terpaksa join sektor swasta buka sekolah jururawat. Kalau nak kata orang pencen/berhenti tak boleh masuk balik tak betul pulak. Baru-baru ini timbalan ketua pengarah kastam yang dah pencen pun boleh masuk balik jadi ketua pengarah lagi. Apa lah sangat kepakarannya.
Kami harap pimpinan baru Mac ini dapat berfikir secara rasional tentang unsur diskriminasi yang berlaku di zaman pak lah terhadap anak kelantan. Jangan lah mentang-mentang Kelantan hanya ada dua ahli parlimen BN maka ia tidak penting bagi pak lah. Tidak seperti Sabah. Pulau Pinang pun ada dua ahli MP BN. Seorang PM dan seorang Menteri Kewangan II. dah 100% dalam kabinet. Harap ada anak kelantan yang genius diambil mengganti Zaid yang meletak jawatan.
Dear Tun!
I can understand your comments on Zaid! But did it not strike you as to the reason why he resigned in the first place? I must say that it takes a lot of guts to relinquish an important, powerful and “comfortable” post to show your displeasure at the blatant abuse of the ISA on common citizens by those in power! For this, my hats off to Zaid!
Why was the ISA implemented in the first place? Given the present scenario, why was the ISA used, or should I use the word abused? I believe you know better Tun being a former PM! Any justification, enlightment from your end?
The only avenue the Rakyat has is to ensure that there is a change in government and a glimmer of hope that the next occupants of Putrajaya will carry out the promises they have made! That’s a risk they have and must take rather that depend on the likes of Najib, Razaleigh and whatever names that crop up as potential successors under UMNO for CHANGE!!!
Tun! Frankly speaking, I have given up hope in UMNO, even if you re-enter the scene! One man cannot change an entire system which has been badly infiltrated/tained with corruption! Let’s face it, your days are numbered! During your tensure as PM, these very people have used and abused you! Look at how they are treating you now! Your only source of communication with the Rakyat is your blog not the NST, Utusan, Sin Chew, Tamil Murasu….the list is endless because they are controlled by “the powers that be”!!!
Rest assured, Malaysia will never “go to the dogs!!!” but the wrongdoers will certainly face punishment come judgement day from the hands of the Almighty!!! Let’s leave it at this…shall we?!!!
As a human being, Tun, I have utmost respect for you!
/// By Ahmad SirajudinAuthor Profile Page on October 8, 2008 9:22 PM
Dear Tun,
In Singapore, they honour LKY by offering him the post of Senior Minister but in Malaysia it’s the other way around. ///
Ahmad, you must have been sleeping when this subject was broached to Tun. He declined to be appointed to any similar position. In fact, given Tun’s well-known hatred of all things Singapore and LKY, the last thing Tun wants to be is to follow the footstep of LKY.
BTW, LKY is now the Minister Mentor. And Tun had been the unofficial Minister Tormentor.
Salam Tun yang dikasihi,
1: Zaid Ibrahim – DISMISSED.
2: DSAAB – will be dismissed Mac 09.
3: KJ – pls set target date.
4: Nazri – pls set target date.
5: Semua peringkat ahli pengampu bodek & penerima politik wang.
(maruah anda boleh dijual beli)
1. TS Muhyidin Yasin.
2. DS Dr Rais Yatim.
3. DS Najib.
4. Dato Mukhriz
5. Rafidah
YAB Tun Dr.Mahathir.
Tuan2 Penasihat (20%) – pls resign.
rosea – ahli biasa.
Saya sokong Pilihan dari ‘PEMBELA’ tu…..
Pilihan saya:-
1. Presiden: Ku Li
2. Timbalan: Muhyidin
3. Naib Presiden
Rafidah (UMNO kena berubah bagi jawatan tinggi pada wanita macam Mc Cain dok bagi Palin di US sekarang)
4. Ketua Pemuda: Mukhriz (KJ confirm tergolek bila sugar daddy-in-law dah pi)
5. Ketua Wanita & Puteri. Ini oghang pompuan punya hal. Biaq pi la depa nak pilih sapa pun noooo.
:By svijeyan on October 8, 2008 7:53 PM
Dear Sir,
{You said he was in opposition, during election he was in oversea. Many were not happy with his appointment as minister. He brought some changes to which many including yourself not happy with and your usual song of the present PM made mistakes. He dares to quit the cabinet post to which many will do anything to in just because he is rich
What is wrong with all the above. Your article does not meet the quality of writings of a prime minister}
Dear svijeyan, read again the article with clear conscience and clear mind you will get to know what Dear Tun have written, you seem not able to think and see things clearly. You dont have to prove you are a fool by saying “Your article does not meet the quality of writings of a prime minister”. The world knows and recognises the ability of a great leader in Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed.
Let Zaid Ibrahim go for Allah have disgraced him by not making him a full Minister. I believe that the main reason he resign was due to the delay in appointing him as a full Minister and no other reason and of course probably Pak lah have used him to attack your credibility on the judiciary issue which was long resolved. Pak lah used a kitten to attack a LION, and the result is positively obvious.
Dear Tun, we are looking into a confirmed transition of power now but what we are not sure is whether DSNR will be the No.1. to many negative issues have been propagated against DSNR. Will he be able to have a damage control on the country or will he be a another liability to the country. let us have your view Tun on this issue and/or your opinion on who shall be the No.1.
Take care YDK Tun & Tun & Family
Tun Mahathir,
Kenapalah Tun masih tidak boleh terima yang kesemua ini adalah hasil daripada tangan-tangan buatan Tun sendiri. Kononnya sekarang hendak tunjukkan yang Zaid sendiri telah menjadi senang lenang atas kerja-kerja khidmat guaman yang ramai mengetahui diperolehi semasa zaman Tun lagi.
Janganlah hendak mencetuskan satu perpektif lain pula….eloklah ketika ini Tun gam mulut Tun sendiri dan duduk diam sebagaimana yang Tun nasihatkan Pak Lah. RElok sangat nasihat Tun itu bagi terus membuat dosa-dosa….lagi
You should remove your ‘Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri’ annoucement as it has already outdated.
The immediate thing you must do is to ensure that the smart alec -your observation ,from the Oxford never see the light of the day in the coming election. Otherwise,Mukris(wrong spelling done purposedly)will lose with pants down.
Malaysia cannot afford to have a pirate-like look person in our political scene let alone those wearing so many big rings and slipped into 350 Mercs.
Pak Lah pun dah nak resign Mac ni. So apa2 yg dia buat pun dah kira “dimaafkan”. Sekarang ialah masa utk UMNO dan BN tawan kembali hati rakyat. Pulihkan ekonomi Malaysia. Kembalikan keyakinan rakyat terhadap anda!
Pesanan pada Najib, awasi isteri anda! Kadang2 persepsi lebih berbisa dari yg betul. Cakap2 pasal “queen control”, terlebih membeli belah diluar negara, semua ini akan meruntuhkan keperibadian Najib selaku suami dan potensi org no wahid di negara ini. Satu lagi, gunakan pengalaman, pemikiran, dan nasihat Tun Mahathir utk memacu negara ke hadapan.
Hon. Tun,
What Pak Lah did was trying to expose those marginal errors in Tun’s governance, Pak Lah did not manage the county as a LEADER should. Instead of leading he kept on digging up Tun’s errors to humilate, causing the government to cough out more money to win political support. Tun had to do what was right at that time. LEADERSHIP QUALITIES.
Dear Tun,
Zaid Ibrahim meletak jawatan atas alasan kerajaan menyalahguna ISA.
Pada pendapat saya ianya hanya sekadar gimik politik sahaja. Jadi, beliau tidak seharusnya menjadikan ISA sebagai kambing hitam sehingga memalukan Paklah.
Beliau seharusnya mendedahkan ketidakpuasan hatinya terhadap perjalanan politik UMNO. Beliau sepatutnya memberitahu sahaja kepada pihak media bahawa setiap langkah yang diambilnya tidak mendapat sokongan ahli UMNO sendiri.
Jangan sesekali kaitkan ISA untuk alasan meletak jawatan. Langkah ini selalu diambil oleh orang yang pengecut. Beliau sebagai menteri patut bertanggungjawab memelihara sensiviti ISA. Beliau tidak harus mengelirukan rakyat dengan kenyataan yang memudaratkan sehingga berpihak kepada parti pembangkang.
Hal ini kerana ISA perlu diteruskan bukan sahaja menentang pengganas dan komunis malah ia juga perlu digunakan bagi menahan individu yang berpotensi mencetuskan ketegangan kaum.
Kini kita lihat penggunaan akta ISA ditentang kuat oleh parti pembangkang bukan kerana mereka hendak menyelamatkan negara tetapi mereka hendak meningkatkan populariti sehingga kerajaan sedia ada tumbang selama-lamanya.
Masing-masing mencari peluang memusnahkan karier Paklah hanya untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. Cara ini salah walhal kita tahu pemerintahan Paklah sekarang adalah goyah dan lemah.
Ini adalah satu gejala yang amat bahaya kerana kebanyakan pemimpin politik yang berpengaruh menggunakan isu kaum untuk meraih undi. Saya nasihatkan kepada para pemimpin politik Malaysia supaya jangan sesekali menggunakan isu kaum kerana semua pihak akan rugi.
Sebenarnya banyak lagi isu yang boleh dipolitikan di Malaysia seperti ekonomi, pendidikan, kesihatan, kemudahan prasarana, pembangunan, dan banyak lagi. Tetapi jangan sesekali berpolitik tentang agama dan kaum kerana ianya isu sensitif sehingga boleh menyebabkan rusuhan.
Sedarlah diri!
Salam Tun
I read in the BERNAMA news wire today that you will “shut-up” from now until March 2009, is that true ? I hope you are misquoted (which is usually the case with the local media) because even if you decide not to comment on the local political situation from now until March 2009, but we are still interested to read your views and thoughts and share ours too with you on other current topics such as the global economic situation, the political/economic turmoil of third world countries, the political uncertainties and troubles in Thailand, etc. Please do continue writing as we have much to learn from your insights and opinions.
I sincerely hope you will re-consider your decision Tun.
Sincere regards and best wishes again to you and family.
saya tak taulah orang lain…tapi please…never let Anwar lead our country…I donn’t know…but I cannot see him as a good leader.. kurang ajar pulak tu…!!!..camana nak jadi leader…rasanya dia memang bersekongkol dgn hindraf…!
My most respected Tun,
I really appreciate you Tun, despite of your age you can still remember the past events. I am slightly younger than you but I could not do so. Anyway Tun, sudah jadi lumrah manusia, apabila sudah banyak wang sesaorang itu mula gilakan kuasa, termasuklah manusia yang pakai serban besar. Apabila sudah mempunyai kuasa mula pula hendak menunjuk belang.Kalau tak dapat kuasa menjadi gila, saperti hamba Allah dalam PKR.Ini hanya berlaku kepada orang yang kurang Iman.
Kita ingin tahu beberapa ex-gratia dibayar kepada Hakim-Hakim yang kena buang! Saya rasa duit saya sedikit ada dalam pembayaran itu.Bukankah mereka dibuang selepas mendapat kelulusan Agong?
ISA tidaklah undang-undang yang kejam. ISA hanya digunakan kepada mereka yang “layak” sahaja demi keselamatan Negara. ISA misti dikekalkan untuk diguna pada bila-bila masa yang diperlukan sahaja.Mungkin Kerajaan perlu menerangkan peroses tindakan ISA diambil dan hak-hak yang ada pada mereka yang ditahan di bawah ISA.Review ISA juga kerap dilakukan (3 bulan sekali sekarang ini). Dalam banyak hal ISA adalah lebih ringan dengan Undang-Undang biasa.Contoh bagi penjenayah yang membuat wang palsu boleh disabitkan kalau dibukti bersalah boleh sampai dipenjara selama 20 tahun.Tetapi jika ditahan dibawah ISA biasanya tidak lebih 2 tahun. Di Kemunting itu tidaklah azab macam Penjara biasa. Kerajaan tidak pernah menahan orang Politik begitu lama saperti Kerajan Singapura pernah menahan orang Politik sampai 32 tahun. Mana-mana Negri saperti USA, England dan lain-lain ada “ISA” mereka sendiri. Kita harus berterima kasih kepada Undang-Undang ISA kerana menyelamat kita semua dan juga penyelamat Bangsa.nookvillage.
Selamat Hari Raya saya ucapkan terhadap TUN DR MAHATHIR serta ahli keluarga.
Dalam topic ini, saya berpendapat Zaid Ibrahim atau lebih dikenali sebagai ZICO merupakan seorang lagi oportunist. Apa yang Zaid Ibrahim cuba buktikan merupakan suatu cara yang paling tidak sesuai serta menyerlahkan kelemahan ketara terhadap pihak penghakiman negara. Cuma satu sahaja yang saya lihat elok- sekarang badan perhakiman diangkat martabatnya ke KELAS A..
Tetapi tindakan ZICO untuk memihak kepada atau terhadap Teresa Kok merupakan satu tindakan yang sungguh tidak boleh diterima. Ini adalah kerana ia menunjukkan beliau lemah juga memperlekehkan jawatan yang beliau pegang. Adalah lebih baik sahaja jawatan itu tidak diwujudkan langsung dan terus diberikan kepada BAR COUNCIL sahaja.
Tapi mesti ingat, BAR COUNCIL adalah majlis peguam. Apakah Peguam boleh atau berhak untuk memilih siapa patut menjadi HAKIM dalam perbicaraan mereka?? Parti putar belit Keadilan, komunis DAP, dan CONFUSE PAS merupakan perosak negara..haram kan sahaja parti parti tersebut
About DSAAB stepping down,I think you are playing a mind game.You deliberately say the opposite thing and let him fell into your trap.You got the catch!Then come out and say “I am glad that I was wrong”.
In fact it is a very confusing situation.What is being handed over?None!He just announced that he is not contesting.He is still the PM.
DSN still need to be nominated and may be challenged by many.
This long winded way is no good to the country’s economy.We have only 12 months in a year.5 months almost occupies 50 % of a year!The crisis of premiership must be ended abruptly.The new team must get to work immediately.We are facing a global financial crisis of a tsunami magnitude in modern times.We all will be in a self denial state if the crisis which has hit Europe,Asia and USA will not affect us negatively.
Come on “Neil”…..you are not fit to give any comments here…..for you Tun is Dictator, Corruptur and etc…etc….so, why bother to give any comments about him here…..go somewhere else where your opinion is widely accepeted…..or maybe Malaysia Today…..for your “Christ sake”……
berdentum2 ayat tun kali ni……
YABhg Tun,
We are all aware now the Cabinet formed under Pak Lah’s administration since 2004 are actually formed in Pak Lah’s kitchen, by the badawi kitchen Cabinet.
So why should we be surprised at the quality and the senseless support Pak Lah get them. Peluncaian politik tanahair!
oit neil…
sesuka mak bapak ngko jer yer kutuk Tun M….
ngko tu yg patut cermin diri….duduk kat malaysia punya la aman masa zaman Tun…jgn hang duk berlagak…
neil…hang kalu nak komen pun..guna la bahasa yg elok2…mak bapak hang x ajaq ka?
Dear Tun,
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim is not a politician, he doesn’t know how to phrase his views politically correct. With a good leader, I think he can be a great executer.
Leading a country is important, but so does the execution part. In fact, many of us can agree with policies set up by government, but come to execution …?? The current government machinery is simply too lacking of sincere professionals and people who are just wanting to serve the country and the rakyat.
Thursday, 9th October 10.54
Gracious salutations to YAB Tun and Bonda.
First of all, I wish to say that I hate lawyers !
Lawyers allow you to ask questions for free.
Then they charge you for answering !
If you sign any legal documents in front of their legal clerk, they charge you less.
If you sign the legal documents in front of the lawyer, they charge you more.
Since you have to use a recommended type of pen and ink, they charge you additional fees.
When lawyers argue in court, they spin and twist the facts to win. The guilty will get off scot free and the victim continues to suffer.
Now this Zaid lawyer. He is outspoken, he speaks well. Has charisma and is able to attract attention. When he cannot do the job, he blames somebody else. He resigns and leaves his assignment unattended and for someone else to finish it. Some people have the opinion that Zaid takes on the responsibility for failing his job by resigning. I am of the opinion that he is being irresponsible by resigning for fear of being blamed for his own failure. He should have known by his professional asssessment that he cannot do the job and therefore should not have accepted the appointment in the first place. What we need is someone who is really a person who can manage and address problems with the judicial system AND THAT PERSON NEED NOT BE A LAWYER ! Just like you Tun, a doctor being a Prime Minister for more than 20 years ! Have you heard that a world cup refereree in football was also a gynaecologist (hope the spelling is correct) ?
You are right that only rich people can have principles but rich people also creates principles to make them richer. When rich people laugh, only then the poor will laugh together even though it is NOT a joke. When poor people laughs, the rich people will only grin and smile even though it is good joke !. There is nothing wrong being rich and everything wrong for being poor. But when people like Zaid makes a very good start and then leaves the job because he cannot do it, I think he is still poor â in his sacrifices, honesty to help the country especially the Malays. His achievement in so far is making the judges richer. Talk about money politics.
You cannot blame DSAAB for choosing him as he also lacks the skill in identifying the right person. Even Tun had little choice to choose your successor and had no knowledge that DSAAB would be like what he is today. âWork with me. Donât work for meâ he said. An excellent statement but merely a statement. He doesnât know how to do his work and consequently, all those who worked with him cannot do their work also.
Enough have been said. We will see what will happen when DSAAB abdicates his post. Let us all pray that the next PM will lead Malaysia to glory and prosperity. My family loves you Tun and Bonda very much.
Ramlee Mohamed
Dear YABhg. Tun,
I cannot agree with you on this Tun.
Zaid has been pretty consistent on his views.
I also can understand why you and other UMNO-warlords cannot agree with him. Lately,UMNO’s “business plan” and its survival is race based and race exploitative.
If you have many Zaids around then UMNO and its warlords obviously cannot “cari makan”. This is the fact that many Malaysians have come to realize and this is one of the main reason why UMNO and its warlord are being rejected by the rakyat.
UMNO is a good party if it holds on to its original objectives and expels its present selfish, greedy and corrupt warlords. These warlords are aplenty in UMNO nowadays.
These warlords are like cancer on UMNO. If they are not expelled quickly (surgically removed and radiotherapy applied!!), then UMNO may die. As a Medical Doctor you would know this well.
Salam Hari Raya
Raja Choolan.
Dear Tun,
Almost all of your comments are very sarcastic in nature,though in my own opinion some are quite true.
But at times I do find it unbearable!
By judging the support to you (count me out),if other readers do learn this sarcastic nature of yours, how and where can we have a harmony Malaysia? This sarcastic comments will no doubt instigate the bad feeling of others, and you know very well what will happen next!
I sincerely beg you, for the sake of our motherland Malaysia, use your respected status among we Malaysians, to write something that will foster greater harmony and hence unity, rather than those bad feelings.
Bad habit dies hard; but you are a very determine elder, you can.
Salam buat Tun
dulu pak lah pilih zaid nak bersihkan badan kehakiman kononnya Tun dah buat kacau tapi malang buat pak lah dia kena dengan kacau dan bagi malu kat zaid .dan sekarang pak lak lah dah jadi lebai malang harap Tun masok copat dalam UMNO
ASW Tun,
1. Sampai sekarang saya bengang dengan Tun!!! Kenapalah Tun angkat Pak Lah jadi PM???? With your VAST experience in politics, you hand picked someone like Pak Lah to lead Malaysia. Saya bukan orang politik dan bukan ahli UMNO tapi saat Tun pilih Pak Lah jadi PM…saya tepuk dahi memanjang….. “Terlangkuplah Malaysia kalau Pak Lah jadi PM..”. Itulah keluhan sepanjang 2003. Haaaahhhh betul pun! Terlangkup sungguh !!! Yang nampaknya tumpang SEDAP sampai tak ingat dunia ialah KHAIRY mengalahkan anak lelaki Pak Lah tu sendiri.
2. In my opinion, Malaysia needs a Dictator that is well accepted by the majority. That’s all. We don’t need True Democracy or Total Transparency or Judicial Reformation or Islam Hadhari etc (Btw, isteri tukang canang Islam Hadhari sampai kesudah tak pakai tudung. That shows the level of commitment!). Those are just ideas from wannabe leaders. Mediocre ideas from mediocre leaders who just want to establish their legacies. But their legacies soon will be forgotten.
3. Some of your critics bashed Tun as a modern days Dictator BUT who cares, screw them. I like you Dictatorship. Zaman Tun tak ramai makhluk mangkuk hayun yang naik kepala ..baik Anwar Ibrahim, baik Zaid , baik Teresa Kok, baik Khairy, Lim Kit Siang, Karpal etc..semua duduk diam-diam . During your reign, we, Malaysians can taste greatness. I am proud of what did to the country back then. I couldn’t even bother about politics in those days. It was a Good Era. I know that the country was in a good hand.
4. However, a Great Man like you hand picked a Bureaucrat like Pak Lah to become a Prime Minister. There goes you Greatness down the drain!!! That summarized it all.
YABhg Tun,
Good ridden for both of them the defactor minister as well as come March next year the DSAAB himself. The new line up of UMNO leaders must be addressed by the Umno deligates in the next Perhimpunan UMNO meeting soon. UMNO have to stay relevent to ensure all Malay
interests are well protected. The new top leaders of UMNO must give due respect to the past leaders especially TUN and to make TUN as a party advisor. Keep on writting Tun your critical thinking and ideas are good for the loving nation. We all still love and need you around. Thank you.
Salam Tun
Kita orang kampong mana lah tahu semua ini kalau Tun tak beri tahu.
Rupanya kabinet dijadikan kelab peribadinya. Diajak semua kawan dan lawan masuk. Tak jadi ahli pun tak apa. Ada agenda tersembunyi pun lagi baik. Dulu mat mat yang memusuhi kita pun apa salahnya.
Lagi jempol jika pak kadok itu pandai hijack kuasa agong dan raja-raja. Lagi jagoan jika sambil itu kepentingan musuh dan pembangkang terbela. Kerana dia loyar, hal undang-undang dijadikan mainan free-for-all. Itu bukan telunjuk menjolok mata; bahkan itu liberalisme peringkat pilihan – paling pilihan. Apa kisah. Kalau jadi huru-hara lagi menguntungkan firma guaman aku. Musang pengecut .., pakai bulu ayam.
Patutlah kita orang kampong pun rasa macam tak kena aja zaman PM sekarang ni. Palimen macam zoo .. tv tunjuk. Majlis aidil fitri (perayaan kemenangan sebulan berpuasa) jadi tempat bangsa makan sirih berludah. Benci membenci di kalangan rakyat meluas. Orang besar berebutan kuasa … orang kecil menanggong beban harga harga.
Apa daya … sabar aja lah sambil tak gemar kepada pagar yang makan padi ni.
Dear Tun,
Don’t understand why the law minister was given to somebody who pratices law and with the biggest law firm in the country, employing hundreds of lawyers. Wouldn’t it be bias because whatever law that will be passed will also be taking into consideration all the cases that the firm is handling and will be handling????
Dear Tun,
I am just a humble, mixed-up, confused housewife who does not know the political system as well as some of the more politically-savvy commentators here.
That said, I notice that the comments have all been a little bit one-sided. Either they are for you or against you, and most of them have mercilessly flogged our current PM, Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi.
I think we are all forgetting something. First, the nation gave Abdullah a landslide victory when he took over the reigns from you. Why is that?
Because we loved him. Well, maybe I speak for myself, but he was like a father figure, a soft-spoken and gentle person. I was proud to have him as our PM.
Has that changed? No, he remains the same, and perhaps that is where the problem lies.
You see, Tun, there are leaders and there are followers. With all due respect to you, Tun, you have picked a follower to be the PM of this country. Abdullah would have done an excellent job as a deputy PM, you know the sidekick that supports the superhero.
He does not have leadership qualities. That is not something to be ashamed of, because most people, including yours truly, are followers.
You, on the other hand, Tun, are a leader. Your leadership qualities are incomparable. You are charismatic, a dynamite. And I really did admire you and was proud of you as my PM.
The thing I admired you most for was that you put Malaysia on the map. I remember when I was studying in London in the late 1980s, none of my course-mates had ever heard of Malaysia. I had to tell them it’s somewhere near Australia. And they believed me when I said we live on trees, but with escalators! They thought if they’ve never heard of Malaysia before, it must be that backward.
That said, I am not blind to your faults either. Your strength, perhaps, is also your weakness.
My point is, a person has both strengths and weaknesses. So, let us be fair in our criticisms.
All in all, I am proud to be a Malaysian. Long live Malaysia!!
Permisi Tun,
Apabila BN menang pada PRU12 hari tu tak de orang Umno yang boleh di pilih oleh DSAAB untuk dijadikan Menteri Perundang yang lantang selain Zaid,beliau adalah saorang yg berani bersuara dan mempunyai prinsip hidup yang jelas, itulah sebab beliau berjaya dalam profession nya dan beliau telah menunjukkan character yang sebenar.
Berikut ada lah pendapat saya tentang kenapa Pak dolah masih hendak memegang kuasa PM sampai bulan March. Budget 2009 telah dibentangkan dekat 200 billion, duit ni semua akan ada dlm kantong perbendaharaan sebelum bulan March, Apa lagi semua deal boleh le di menterai , kau tim ma, sempat le last kopek dengan jerung2 tu, mudah mudahan ada lagi baki untuk Najib wat keje?
On Zaid, he is a person who believe that all others are wrong except if you agree with him. Good leaders normally think this way. Being a possible candidate for ISA detainee, it’s not surprising that he opposes it totally. Put Zaid aside, ISA nowadays is almost like a joke. People got detain even though they are not a threat to the internal security. To be honest, the goverment really looks stupid on this. Bloggers a threat??? oh come on!!A nuisance might be.
Whatever you said about Zaid, I do respect him as Kelantanese, as professional, as a fighter to repeal ISA, as a guy with integrity and principles to fight for rights and many more.
Perhaps some people doesnt like him especially those with personal interest in UMNO. But then if I were the person in power, he surely one of my elected ministers in the cabinet.
Salam untuk Tun sekeluarga…
Selepas Tun mengambil keputusan tidak mahu menjadi presiden UMNO dan PM, saya terfikir Tun pasti akan menjadi penasihat kepada kerajaan Malaysia. Malangnya selepas Dolah menjadi PM, Dolah buat Tun seperti musuhnya. Sifat sebenar musang berbulu ayamnya mula terjelma.
Saya berharap agar Tun menjadi penasihat kepada kerajaan Malaysia apabila Najib menjadi PM. Kebijaksanaan dan pengalaman luas Tun pasti akan mempercepatkan kejayaan Wawasan 2020. Saya berdoa juga supaya Najib boleh menjadi pemimpin yang dihormati dan disegani seperti Tun.
Biarlah apa yang Dolah telah lakukan kepada Tun, sejarah pasti menghukumnya. Generasi akan datang pasti akan mengingatinya sebagai Bapa Pelingkup UMNO, Bapa Susah Rakyat, Bapa Hadhari Sesat…
Dear Tun..I think you are very sick already.. everybody in the goverment all the same mentality.u talking about zaid how about Hishamuddin giving talk less than 8 minutes and spend a million of tax payer money in Paris..Shopping only Allah know..go to the ground dont simply talk.. at least Zaid know what he do.. Why we have all this education for lawyer if they cant act without politic influence.
We are going to die dont know when so its time to fix all the thing we screwed up esp u in your 22 years of service.. you are not 100% perfect..neither to Zaid .we are malaysian..if people like you continue influence the judgement innocent people also found quilty..if this ever happen in the past or future may allah will not forgive them let them suffer with all the cruel things they do in their so callpowerful life.. May God less You
Dear Dr Mahathir
Finally Abdullah Badawi is resigning after 5 years of dissapointing leadership. God bless Malaysia!
However we still need your wisdom to guide Malaysia.Keep up the good work.
God Health to you.
Dear Tun Dr M
Zaid Ibrahim is a bad example of undiscipline lawyer cum businessman cum politician and a confused person.
How can he be equivalent to AG or Load President or a learned Judge to proposed so-called legal and judicial reforms. He ain’t a specialist.
Please look back at his career cum personality in politic circle.
Dear, TUN
Our judicial system is in bad situation now. Somebody have to do something.. The matter to consult with the cabinet is not a important thing, what is important is the judge must be free to give their judgment. I think the de fecto law minister done a good job and you should respect him… Please let our judicial system reform to our country sake.
YABhg Tun,
Salam hormat. The ex de facto Minister of Justice/Lawyers Ministers dalam masa yang singkat berjaya memperjuangkan nasib bekas Hakim hakim yang telab dipecat. Tugas utama beliau ialah untuk menyerah sendiri di rumah bekas hakim hakim cek bayaran ex gratia sebagai menebus kesengsaraan yang dialami mereka. Yang kedua, beliau berjaya menjalankan tugasnya sebagai Menteri dengan menjadi Majlis Peguam lebih kurang ajar dan menaikkan taraf mereka ‘as above the law’.
Membela nasib rakyat untuk mendapat perlindungan undang undang bukan tugas bekas Menteri berkenaan. Rakyat biasa yang yang memerlukan pembelaan undang-undang dan khidmat peguam peguam sebaliknya banyak yang menjadi ‘mangsa’ peguam peguam yang mengaut keuntungan daripada kesengsaraan orang lain. Reformasi sepatutnya dilakukan dengan memperkuatkan lagi Biro Bantuan Guaman yang dapat membela nasib rakyat yang menghadapi masalah undang undang dan guaman. Adakah Zaid & Co akan memberi khidmat guaman percuma kepada rakyat yang tidak mampu.
Sayonara kepada ex de facto Minister of Just..
teruskan isa supaya bn terus karam
Salam Tun,
1) Confirm Pak Lah is leaving, but he wants to fulfill all the promise made in the election menifesto. He said that’s what the people want him to do and many supported him. What???!!!
2) Hello Pak Lah, we want you to leave and nothing else. Pronto!!!.
3) Please go on leave, Pak Lah. Who would carry out your decision if the decision would proof to be wrong after March 2009. Idiot!!!.
4) As far as ZI is concern he can join the opposition.
PS: Please be reminded to record all events, dates and time from now onwards. It can be fatal and can or will be used against you.
Semalam sejarah telah berlaku,PM yg paling gagal memrintah Malaysia akan melepaskn jwtannya pada Mac nanti. Tapi, ucapan dia semalam mcm dia dah bagi sumbangan yg besar kpd negara,padahal, hampeh pun x ade…!
Pendapat Tun tentang DS Najib? Pagi tadi tgk berita TV3, ade temuramah Tun.Tun kate sokong Ku li jadi presiden, kenapa yek?
Kalau tu terjadi….
1.Rahman = R
2.Abd. Razak = A
3.Hussein = H
4.Mahathir = M
5.Abdullah = A
6.Tengku Li = T
….harap2 ianya mendatangkan RAHMAT untuk negara kita.
Assalamualaikum Yang Berbahagia Tun dan para bloggers chedet sekelian.
Saya memang menunggu topik ini dibincangkan, selepas, Zaid melepas jawatan menterinya kerana isu ISA.
Seperti yang Tun katakan tentang Said, ini betul selepas saja DSAAB melantiknya sebagai Menteri Kehakiman, beliau dengan lantang berkata yang akan membuat reformasi dengan unadang (Bar Council) khususnya. Tun memang betul tentang bayaran ex-graxia (Tun Salleh Abbas)dan kuncu-kuncunya (SENYUM SAMPAI KETELINGA)’ALLAH MAHA MENGETAHUI’ – Kenapa nilai tidak didedahkan? (Pak Lah kata ianya TELUSSSSSSS).
Kenapa Anwar boleh bersuara dengan lantang menyokong Zaid, dan berkata memang ada habuan untuk Zaid.
Nampaknya lepas ini Zaid jadi balaci dia pulak. Mula mengutuk kerajaan macam dia juga.
Kami semua menyokong perjuangan Tun.
Assalamualaikum !!!!
Salam Tun,
Can we believe Pak Lah is actual resigning in coming March?
Knowing him, I will not till proven.
Nik Aziz said it is too late for Pak Lah to resign then, he should now.
Bele-bele ngarut pon, kade-kade buleh paka jugok palo otok ore tuo tu.
Slm sejahtera Tun.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Tun.
Tun, your comments comes from someone who is very sore over what was done the the betterment of the judiciary system in this country. You have single handedly destroyed this institution (and many others) and therefore are very afraid that the reformation Zaid wanted to do would open the way for your dirty linen to be washed in public. Allah is Almighty and Insya’Allah, the payment is by CASH. You will live to see the day that your dirty linen is being wash in public. Bila kita menganiaya orang, doa mereka yang teraniaya akan dimakbulkan. Tun telah banyak menipu sehinggakan saya percaya sekarang ini Tun sendiri percaya kepada penipuan Tun sendiri.
Dear Tun,
We cannot deny that there are always the RICH who are powerful, influential,determine and aggressive. They are just great and at the top of all! Only the pitty POOR will be always left over in the group.
Salam TUN,
Bestnya baca blog Tun hari ni………
I received these jokes yesterday.. Enjoy!!
> ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
> WITNESS: No, I just lie there.
> ____________________________________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
> WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
> ________________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your
> memory at all?
> ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
> WITNESS: I forget.
> ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of
> something you forgot?
> ________________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said
> to you that morning?
> WITNESS: He said, ‘Where am I, Cathy?’
> ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?
> WITNESS: My name is Susan!
> ___________ __________________________________
> ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn’t it true that when a person
> dies in his sleep, he doesn’t know about it until the
> next morning?
> WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
> ________________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the twenty-one-year-old,
> how old is he?
> WITNESS: Uh, he’s twenty-one.
> ________________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was
> taken?
> WITNESS: Is this a trick question?
> _______________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
> ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
> WITNESS: Uh…. I was getting laid!
> ________________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
> ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
> WITNESS: None.
> ATTORNEY: Were there any girls! ?
> WITNESS: Are you sh****n’ me? Your Honor, I think I
> need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?
> ________________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
> WITNESS: By death.
> ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
> WITNESS: Now whose death do you suppose terminated it?
> ________________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
> WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.
> ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
> WITNESS: Guess.
> ________________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a
> deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
> WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
> ________________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you
> performed on dead people?
> WITNESS: All my autopsies are performed on dead
> people. Would you like to rephrase that?
> ________________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK?
> What school did you go to?
> WITNESS: Oral.
> ________________________________________________
> ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
> WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
> ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
> WITNESS: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why
> I was doing an autopsy on him!
> ________________________________________________
> — And the best for last: —
> ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy,
> did you check for a pulse?
> ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
> ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
> ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was
> alive when you began the autopsy?
> ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, ! Doctor?
> WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
> ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been
> alive, nevertheless?
> WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been
> alive and practicing law
Good Day
Finally Pak Lah days is numbered.What a relief !
Zaid did what he, the Bar,Pakatan & Hindraf want done.Luckily ISA is still in place or else this country will be another chaos.
Tun should be proactive by assisting Najib in gathering people support so that stability can prevail again.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Pertama sekali, Zaid Ibrahim dah letak jawatan. Tak payah lah kita nak ambil tahu hal dia lagi. Menyusahkan je.
Tahu tak dia ni Malaysia adalah negara berbilang kaum dimana sentimen perkauman masih menebal dikalangan rakyat. Bagi saya ISA masih relevan bagi membenteras anasir-anasir yang boleh menggugat keharmonian rakyat negara ini. Kenapa beliau meminta untuk menghapuskannya??? Apakah agenda beliau???
Amerika yang mengaku sebagai kepala segala demokrasi pun mengambil langkah yang mirip kepada ISA iaitu pusat tahanan di Teluk Guantanamo. Singapura pun masih menguatkuasakan akta ISA.
Semalam Pak Lah dah mengumumkan bahawa beliau tidak akan mempertahankan jawatan Presiden UMNO pada pemilihan Mac 2009. Memang kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia gembira dengan pengumuman beliau. Tapi kita perlu ingat dia masih ada lebih kurang 5 bulan lagu memegang tampuk pemerintahan. Macam-macam boleh berlaku. Kita kena ingat dengan ke flip flop an beliau.
Kalau betul peralihan berlaku pada Mac 2009. Lepas ni kita akan dapat pemimpin baru iaitu Najib. Maka lembaran baru akan dibuka dalam arena politik tanahair. Satu persoalan, adakah Najib lebih baik dari Pak Lah. Dengan isu komisen membeli persenjataan hinggalah kepada isu wanita mongol semuanya masih menjadi misteri…macam X Files la pulak.
Sekian Wassalam.
satu ketika dulu si zaid ibrahim ni pernah kata bahawa fatwa yg dikeluarkan oleh mana-mana ulama atau mufti tidak boleh dipakai kerana ia bukan merupakan undang-undang yg sah dan digubal di parliman.-org macam ni kelihatan terlalu sekular w/pun bijak tetapi tidak diperlukan oleh komuniti Islam sbg pemimpin
salam dan Tahniah Y. Bhg. Tun ,
sekurang kurangnya sehagian dari usaha dan inisiatif Tun menjolok
untuk mempercepatkan bakal bekas PM yang tak payah di buat memorial ini telah berjaya turun dari kuasa kurang dari 6 bulan lagi , tapi dasar flip flop dia akan berterusan dan menjadikan ia jadi atau tak jadi ,
tapi kita jangan lupa ada lagi tunas beliau kat rembau itu yang patut di jadikan agenda utama sekarang untuk dilenyapkan terus dari arena politik malaysia dan melayu.
Salam Tun yg d kasehi,
Svijeyan…hei dai yuppa!!!
u apa tau hah…u ada kenai ka itu org by d name of zaid ibrahim..
pohhh dahhh…chiitt…
Dear Tun and other bloggers,
About Mr Zaid , My personnal opinion is that he is just a puppet of our AAB for his so called judicial reform publicity stunt to disgrace TUN .This is what AAB is good about , good at creating publicity that he want to do this and that but when it come to action and implementation , he started to flip flop and have no idea on how to do it.
On the announcement that he is not going to contest for the presidential post, I am already expecting it . This is the only way to close his corruption case in lobbying for his transition agreement with Najib.I am sure the case will be dropped as everyone are allowed to contest now as opposed to previously where he give “gula gula ” for the divisional heads to support him.
Salam TUN.
Sesungguh nya ALLAH SWT maha besar lagi maha mengetahui.Amin.
Apa yang dapat lihat dan rasai kebesaran ALLAH apabila melihat TUN diberi perlindungan oleh YANG MAHA ESA.
Setiap kali ada orang yang berniat jahat,yang ingin menghina dan memalukan TUN denagan pelbagai2 cara semua nya kecundanag sorang demi sorang. TUN tetap berdiri teguh dan terus disanjung rakyat.
Giliran Pak Lah pula terpaksa menyembam kebumi oleh perbuatan nya sendiri.
Oleh itu saya nak nasihatkan muka2 baru yang akan menaraju UMNO supaya menghormati TUN jika mahu selamat dan diberkati ALLAH SWT.
Hanya yang ikhlas dan benar dalam perjuangan nya sahaja yang akan kekal lama. Kerana diberkati dan direstui ALLAH SWT.
Satu lagi nak tanya bakal2 calon TPM. Kenapa berebut2 nak jawatan tu? Bagi lah laluan pada orang yang benar2 ada kemampuan. Kita tak mahu lihat lagi ada nya pemimpin2 yang suka dibodek2 dan diampu2.
Atau ada yang syok sendiri.
Harap TUN dapat nasihatkan budak2 ni. Saya setuju dengan komen MB N9
mengatakan UMNO bukan parti ditubuh di tepi jalan.
salam Tun,
I was intently watching the news yesterday regarding DSAAB’s intentions not to defend his presidency post,and I believe he took a swipe at you when he said something to this effect;
‘I won’t be around in 2020,even if I am still around I would be about 80 years old.Who wants an 80 year old to lead the country?There are many young people capable of doing the job’
I suspect he is refering to you.The first thought that came to my mind is,
Salam Tun,
1) Confirm Pak Lah is leaving, but he wants to fulfill all the promise made in the election menifesto. He said that’s what the people want him to do and many supported him. What???!!!
2) Hello Pak Lah, we want you to leave and nothing else. Pronto!!!.
3) Please go on leave, Pak Lah. Who would carry out your decision if the decision would proof to be wrong after March 2009. Idiot!!!.
4) As far as ZI is concern he can join the opposition.
PS: Please be reminded to record all events, dates and time from now onwards. It can be fatal and can or will be used against you.
Zaid is one minister that spoke sense.
He has my respect for what he did.
I would vote for him if he runs in the next election.
Malaysia needs leaders like him.
Sadly I do not see more leaders like him in UMNO, BN or even the opposition.
I am very worried for my beloved country.
1. Despite its drawback I strongly feel that ISA is still needed for M’sia being a multiracial & religion society. The issue is abuse of ISA eg. reporter detain for only 24hrs! USA has condemned us abt this but they themselves detain people longer at Guantanamo Bay and with shackles! Keep ISA but use it dilligently/wisely especially during this IT period when rumours fly faster.
2. I’m thrilled with joy that finally Pak Lah has decided to step down! Yesterday, TV3 on nightline showed a small gp of people shouting to show support for him which is sad as the gp. supporting Teresa Kok/Hindraf is much much bigger.
3. UMNO members/delegates must use this chance wisely to elect the new rep/leaders during this trying times eg financial turmoil, credit crunch, opposition attacks etc. to rebuild people confidence as BN is still the best option to go forward!
4. My choice
President : Ku Li
Vice president : Muhyiddin Yassin
Youth : Mukhriz
This line-up would give UMNO a breath of fresh air and free from Pak Lah shadow.
5. Najib seems to be unable to project his image as firm and strong willed by easily apologising to others eg. Bkt Bendara rep’s action. Moreover issues like Altantuya & Rosmah’s poor public image will continue to drag him down.
UMNO deledates vote wisely and don’t sell your soul & country for money & position!
Assalamualaikum YABgh Tun,
Pada pandangan saya perlantikan Dato Zaid tidak mendapat keberkatan oleh itu beliau merasakan sendiri tidak sesuai dengan jawatan tersebut dan meletakan jawatan. TQ
Dear Pendatang,
Your statement that the YB Tun to stay out of the political scenario is very UNCALLED FOR. By right Yb Tun should now be enjoying his retirement and have a peaceful life. But lately a lot of unthinkable and ridiculous things have happened and are still happening. YB Tun has build and elevated Malaysia as a developing south-east asian state that no Prime minister has ever done before.
It is like a succesful father who has developed his business empire to be continueD by his children. A responsible father would not have the heart to see his children destroying the business that defined his success and legacy. When he sees something is not right with the way a leader has been managing the country economically and politically then it’s ethically right for him as an elderly statesman to put some senses to his former party and the government to wake up from the slumberland.
Why Yb Tun and the rest have been pressuring DSAAB to step down ? to
revive Umno and strengthen the weak government and to pull up our economy from the doldrum.
Assalammualaikum…ayahanda Tun, kali ni saya nak komen tentang Zaid Ibrahim, pada pendapat saya dia ni lah menteri paling kurang ajar dalam sejarah pemerintah kerajaan, macam mana pak lah boleh lantik orang macam ni menjadi menteri. Dia mempunyai sejarah yang buruk kerana telibat dengan politik wang tiba tiba nak ajar orang agar orang mengikut cakapnya, cerminlah dulu muka awak tu layak ke tidak.
Saya memang tak setuju apabila dia memberi ex-gacia kepada hakim2 yang dipecat tempoh hari.Hakim2 tu mereka dah kaya kenapa nak beri pada mereka, lebih baik beri pada orang miskin, kalau tak pun kalau zaid Ibrahim simpati sangat dengan hakim2 tu..dia keluarkan lah duit dia sendiri, dia kan jutawan..baru lah hakim2 tu ingat jasa dia sampai mati, ini tidak, guna pula duit rakyat.Memang orang macam ni tak boleh pakai.
terlebih dahulu…salam lebaran buat Tun dan keluarga.Maaf kerana tak sempat hantar bingkisan walaupun telah membuatnya berhari-hari sebelum raya…
Memang benar kata Tun…sejak Zaid ni naik, Bar Council makin menjadi nak tunjuk taring..
Elok jugak dia resign..selamat sikit negara..
Assalamualaihum Tun,
Pada pandangan saya perlantikan Dato Zaid tidak mendapat keberkatan Allah swt sebab itu ia sesuai dan tidak berkekalan.TQ.
Using TDMM’s blog, anyone is at liberty to say anything he likes about Zaid.
But one thing I will always treasure and admire about Zaid is that he can simply throw away the UMNO Ministerial post through the window like a piece of rubish.
Many, and I bet to say most UMNO members would pray, beg, cry and bribe for even a divisional post, let alone a powerful ministerial post. The ministerial post in Malaysia is the passport for power, power and power…..
salam sejahtera Tun..
Semasa saya di Kota Bharu pada pilihan raya lepas saya mendengar ceramah Dato’ Nik Aziz.. dengan bangganya beliau mengatakan bahawa ada seorang Ahli Perniagaan telah membantu kerajan Pas di Kelantan.. Ahli perniagaan tersebut telah menyalurkan wang berjuta-juta ringgit kepada kerajaan Pas untuk diberikan pada orang-orang susah disana.. ini dilakukan agar orang-orang kelantan merasakan bahawa Pas lah yang banyak membantu mereka bukan kerajaan pusat.. Pada pengamatan saya.. sudah tentu orang-orang ini adalah dari kalangan orang politik yang mendapat kontrak yang besar dari kerajaan dan dan dikalangan orang-orang UMNO sendiri.. saya sentiasa tertanya tanya siapakah orang dalam UMNO yang membantu Pas dalam pilihan raya yang lepas.. ada duri dalam daging.. Bila saya terbaca Komen Tun tentang Zaid..
rasanya saya dah faham sekarang..
Good morning Tun,
My comment is on your para 11 which reads “One can afford to have priciples when one is rich and does not have to depend on the small allowance of a minister”.
Are you saying that when a minister is not well-off he can ignore his principles if he or she wants to?
Now that Pak Lah has decided not to stand for the post of the president of UMNO you must be the happiest man in the country.
Good Day
Salam Ayahanda Tun. Please permit my slight drift off topic. Tun, some folks here blames you for appointing Pak Lah as your successor. To a point where it had even bothered you enough, that you attempted an explanation at least once. Tun, by the end of 2002, you had your strongest doubts of Pak Lah when the Iraq fiasco surfaced at the UN and made its way to your desk in Putra Jaya. I must say that your strongest survival instinct is your gut feeling, your hunch. But also, you self defeated that many times by your ever willingness to listen, to accommodate lame explanations and your forever unyielding kindness to forgive and embrace. You have always struggled to find the best side of everyone. And when you finally have to accept that you may have been wrong, it would even eat you up inside to tears. By 2003, your choice of successor was limited upon you. Thatâs how the political machine works. Players without hearts. That is, in the exception of you Tun. Your heart has always guided you to be your best in life. And many, including myself too, find refuge under its immensity at times in our journey when we realized that we have take in more than we could chew. The Pak Lah that I know is a totally different person from one today. I just could not for the life of me put that into words here Tun. I just could not sync my heart, emotions and fingers to create those lines here. I solely blame Khairy Jamalludin Abu Bakar. Tun, you are exceptional in the sense that you never traded any part of you to get ahead; you kept strong and stood tall. You are perpetually consistent. The true father of this nation is you. For as long as we are blessed by Allah to have you lecture us, balance us, kick our behinds and grab us by the collar and push us into the right direction, thatâs the true blessings of a nation. You are the balanced equilibrium of this melting pot we have made home. Now the immediate step would be to push for Datuk Mukhriz win as KP UMNO. He has the quality, the vision and the talent. That is you voice and your blessings. Itâs essential and necessary for the delegates to see the real actual miles down these roads we are facing now. As for me, my family and my colleagues, in our hour of gloom we believe more than ever that Khairy Jamalludin must recede with the flood he brought along. Setiap air pasang akan pasti ada surutnya. That is life my dear Oxford boy. Maybe now we can have the Pak Lah we know and cherish back. We look forward to this.
Thank you Ayahanda Tun. We are forever yours. With lots of love and respect,- Kamal and family.
Salam TUN.
Terjawap lah sudah teka teki. Pak Lah telah pun melafaskan perletakan jawatan nya pada March tahun depan dan menobatkan DSN sebagai pengantinya.
Diharapkan pula TUN membuat pengumuman bila nak kembali ke dalam UMNO.
Semoga UMNO dan BN akan kembali stabil dan kukuh di bawah DSN.
Saya tertarik akan ulasan TUN di para 11 diatas. Semoga akan menjadi pengajaran pada mana2 pehak supaya lebeh berprinsip.
Jika tak puas hati, berhenti atau mengundurkan diri. Bergitu lah juga jika ada yang maseh menyokong dan tidak mahu Pak Lah melepaskan jawatan, maka sila lah letak jawatan.
Tumpuan akan diberikan pula pada calun2 TP.Ramai yang bersuara berminat. Tapi pada awal nya tak ramai kedengaran suara mendesak peralihan kuasa disegerakan. Yang kedengaran lantang suara TSMY dan DMM shaja.(TUN dan rakyat mendesak dan protes dalam BLOG secara aman) Sekurang2 nya dikira berbaktilah juga pada rakyat dan negara.
Semoga Pak Lah selamat bersara dan Tahniah lah pada DSN.
Dan yang mengidam lain2 jawatan dalam parti semoga berjaya.
Maju nya UMNO majulah bangsa dan negara
Salam Tun,
DSAAB undur diri. Mungkin langkah itu akan kembalikan keyakinan rakyat kepada UMNO, mungkin tidak. Pada hemat saya, semua itu bergantung kepada siapakah yang akan mengganti beliau dan kewibawaan barisan kabinet yang akan datang. Diharap akar umbi UMNO dapat membuat pilihan yang bijak bagi tujuan ini. Pilihlah kerana integriti dan kemampuan ‘mengubat’ UMNO, bukan kerana dia ‘baik’ dengan anda.
terima kasih pak lah sebab sudi melepaskan jawatan PM tu, walaupun berat hati, tapi akur pada desakan akar umbi parti……
Apa yang boleh di banggakan olrh pak lah sepanjang jadi PM ialah dapt JIN… tu la satu-satunya piala atau medal atau trend mark semasa jadi PM…….
kepada KJ sepandai2 tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh gak….
kepada rakyat msia… sijil akademik bukan penentu kepada kejayaan hidup… pandai dan bijak 2 perkataan yang berbeza dari segi makna dan sebutan….
Dear Tun,
Zahid think what he did was alright about ISA? I fully support ISA. Without ISA I believe this country will be rotten to the root as the Malays, Indians and Chinese will not be able to live together. The hatred among the racers will be very large.
Tun, please give us your comment about DSAAB stepping down. I pray for your health….
Pak Lah telah merencatkan pencapain wawasan 2020.
Dear Tun,
I’m sure u knew him quite well as a fellow party member..
Most of the people also knw him as a big mouth person in general..
And we knw him as a minister that r full of SH**t..
One thing that i’ve realized since he’s in the cabinet line up is that;
he does really knw how to talk a lot, rhetoric speeches, saying this & that, finding peoples fault etc., but the fact is, if you look at his background & history..
You will knw that he’s not a good person at all…
I’m a law graduate, n i knw that most Lawyers r not keen on him before this, but i wonder y suddenly the BAr sees him as the savior/messiah of the Judicial Formation. Wierd.
Dear Tun,
I must categorically say that there is nothing wrong at all with our judiciary system. It is totally intact. Only the Bar Council who think that the judiciary is being manipulated by the Executive. In fact the Bar Council is the one who manipulate the minds of the rakyat as if the judiciary is not transparent and being dictated by the Executive. They are the culprit and they are certainly hypocrite people trying to discredit the government of the day with the intention to topple the Barisan Nasional government led by UMNO. That’s their hidden agenda. We know who they are. I think it is timely to reform the Bar Council instead of reforming the judiciary system. The govt. must be brave enough to challenge the Bar Council and make them like a “pussycat” and tackle head-on without fear and favour to safeguard the credibility of Barisan Nasional government.
Dear Tun,
I think Zaid could be better off if the government gives him a chance to be a permanent representative to the United Nations.Give him international exposure. Maybe he can contribute better to project the image of our country.But he must toe the line on our government policy. Jangan dok syok sendiri saja!
Dear Tun,
It is good for Zaid to resign. He thinks that ISA should be abolished. I think he is a stupid lawyer. ISA is good for the country. The government must not compromise with this ISA. Those who tried to be “funny” don’t hesitate to reprimand them and sumbat dalam Kamunting Camp for maximum detention. We can’t afford to be distracted by these nuisance people. They are “makhluk perosak” to society. Prevention is better than cure!
Dear Tun,
Who ever becomes the new Prime Minister, his priority is to look at the economic conditions of our country which is very critical now. He must resolve this problem or else this country is doomed to face major crisis.It is frightening, indeed!
Secondly, he must take charge of the Education Ministry. Hisham has failed in handling our education system. It is becoming from bad to worse. Our children are becoming more polarised and there are no future for them in terms of employment and personal development. Our education system is KAPUT. First class facility with third class quality of education. What a shame after 50 years of independence we are still back to square one. Masih macam cerita P Ramli belajar di Sekolah Buta Huruf dalam filem cerita Pendekar Bujang Lapuk. It looks like we are struggling to put the system right.No improvement at all. I think we have lost 2 generations not being able to get the right education system. It is really a SIN indeed for letting our children being deprived from getting good education.
Our national schools must have balance multi-racial students. For the Malay teachers especially the headmasters, please don’t treat our national schools as religious schools.We should not build suraus in national schools. We should have separate session for learning Islamic Studies. Just like in Johore, religious studies should be conducted in the afternoon and supervised by Jabatan Agama Negeri.I had gone through this system in Johore and it had proven to be more progressive and practical.
maka seluruh negara merasakan tenang dan lega dgn keputusan DSAAB. teringat juga tulisan MAZA satu ketika dahulu. Jangan Perompak Ganti Pencuri…Bersihkah Najib utk diamanahkan jadi PM? Bagaimana Najib dan keluarganya?
Cuba tengok muka-muka yg nak bertanding PEMUDA UMNO pulak. Bagaimana pandangan mereka terhadap ISLAM?
Nak baik pulih UMNO/BN. Nak teruskan perjuangan membela agama,bangsa dan negara. OK mari kita tunggu dan lihat….
dear Tun,
as we all know,Pak Lah is going to resign soon.since the country’s economy is in such a bad shape now,perhaps Tun can give advice and suggestion on steps to repair our economy especially for SME like me.
thanks you very much!
with upmost respect = )
assamualaikum. dear tun, what is the remedy for our nation’s political instability? this instability resulting to the economics instability, plus the current global economy crisis. the people are suffering because of this, especially everyday people like and let’s not talk about the less fortunate people because they are the one’s who suffer the most. what is then means to end the suffering?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya pernah dulu… apa nama…silap kutuk Tun kononnya…
Tun dulu sengaja lantik Pak Lah yang tak bijak ganti Tun pasal Tun nak tunjuk kepada rakyat dan biar rakyat sedar yang Tun ni bijak bila rakyat nampak yang Pak Lah tu tak bijak macam Tun, tak gitu rakyat tak perasan.
Pak Lah pula… apa nama… betullah tak bijak bila nak tunjuk kepada rakyat yang Tun teruk dengan cara perlekeh Tun habis-habisan.
Alih-alih… apa nama ni… Zaid dan Bar Council yang naik toncang.
Minta maaf Tun. Entah bila pula boleh … apa nama… salam dengan Tun.
Dear Tun,
A lot are said about alot of people. However most of it is merely hearsay!
Have u seen the TV series NUMB3RS, we have to calculate the probabilities!
If one calculates the probabilities of wether Anwar is a sodomiser or wether a certain spouse of a powerful politician is involved in murder, we have to consider history. As i remember this is not the first time a dead body has been within close proximity. I vaguely remember that a dead body was discovered in a certain MB’s house. Investigations concluded that it was suicide. Hmmmmmmmmmm! ( i am not disputing the police findings, because in Malaysia u cant! unless u want to have RM 5 worth of food in prison!)
Based on probabilities, given an objective choice i am inclined to believe that Anwar is more likely to be innocent!
YABhg Tun…
I’m stil puzzled… It could be my stupidity to fail to understand the meaning of power transitions (to handover). PM said he will handover PM to DS Najib in Mar 09, how sure is DS Najib going to be the Pres of UMNO by then? Is PM trying to say that there will be no contest for the Presidentcy? I’ve got the feeling that DS Najib would fail in his bid to be pres of UMNO, if contested.
If PM really wanted to handover the power, he could do it right now. This would mean that the handover process really take place. Then DS Najib could really become PM for the next 5 months. Then in Mar 09 , we will see someone else, not neccessirily DS Najib to be the next PM. Unless by luck, DS Najib elected as the Pres of UMNO.
What PM should have said is, “I’ll not contest in the next UMNO GA and UMNO is to elect someone as new Pres, as well as as new PM of Malaysia.” Then the present PM can forget about saying to handover power to DS Najib. I don’t know…
Salam Tun, I have no further comment but obviously most people are confused on the what’s going on nowadays. Almost everyday, there are issues on politics.
asalamualaikum bapak….
terasa semalang malang org2 kat hishhh..apanama…luper lak…alaaa org2 yg kebuluran tu….apanama ek…hishhhhhh….blurrr3…
malang lagi kami ong m’sia terasa mengemis di negara sendiri….wawawaaaaaaaa…….haaaaaaa ingat dah…uthopia….
Dear Tun
Was reading bout your response to wether Najib is a suitable replacement. Your answer was basicaly ,he doesn’t have an independant stancet.
Maybe the reason is that u have underestimated the current P.M. It seems very likely that Najib has been put in a very vulnerable position, maybe not as a result of his own actions but nevertheless could be held responsible ( Spouses can be quite dominating in some unions )
Even if Najib does become P.M., the puppeteer could still be Badawi, and indirectly K.J. Mmmmmm! very dangerous!
If anyone can solve this should be u, its ok to take a few steps backwards for long term success, maybe even allowing Anwar to lead the nation for a while. Forget the personal feuds, whats important is the country’s future!
yours respectfully
Tun yang terhormat,
Orang-orang yang serupa Zaid ini yang selalu merasakan mereka adalah terlalu pandai melebihi daripada orang lain. Golongan bodoh sombong inilah yang membuat rakyat bertambah benci dan meluat. Pada Zaid…pooorah!
salam tun…
moga tun dan isteri terus sihat..
selamat hari raya
Salam Aidil Fitri 1429H, Maaf zahir batin to TDM, wife and all.
Teringat kata2 Tun Dr Siti Hasmah, when commenting about her beloved husband during one of the interview sessions aired on national TV dulu2. Tun seorang yg amat gigih, tak mengenal penat lelah dalam memperjuangkan agama, bangsa and negara. InsyaAllah semoga Allah senentiasa bersama orang2 yang ikhlas. Terima kasih Tun. For me you are my world reformation leader, untuk umat sejagat di era millenium nie. InsyaAllah and Amin
Wassalam dari KSA.
YABhg Tun…
Assalamualaikum. Semoga YABhg Tun dan keluarga sentiasa sihat dan selamat. Insya Allah…
I have to aggree with U about this, especially on para #3,4,5,& 6. What I am concern most are #5 & 6. I don’t think ministers have this in mind. Perhaps someone has to caution about legal and judicial refoms to ministers before parliment passed the bill on the formation of a panel (commission)on appointment of judges. I could imagine now, the feels by BAR council if judgement is not infavour to them. BAR C, the peoples and ruling govt are going to have war of words, media statements and legal challenges.
All UMNO members must also know that their leaders must not fall under category #11 and 12. Leaders under these cat are useless.
I would also proposed that this posting is to be taken as ‘Working Paper’ by the UMNO next rank holders.
Salam Tun,
Mmg amat mengejutkan bila Abdullah pilih Zaid dan beberapa menteri, ahli palimen yg sgt xdisenangi, tapi itulah pak lah kelemahannya skg dah berbayar..zaid ibrahim yg diharap2 dah tikam dia bukan dari belakang sahaja, depan kiri kanan atas dan bawah, malah mungkin juga dalam mimpi2 pak lah
yg teruknya ahli UMNO biasa macam saya ni la TUN, berdepan dengan ahli2 pembangkang, dengan golongan atas pagar utk jelaskan kenapa UMNO yg mesti dipilih, isu rasuah, kronisme dan lain2.
Sapa yg jadi presiden UMNO lepas ni tlg la cukupla pak lah sorang ja buat kacau, kita perlukan pemimpin sejati bukan pemimpin anak bini shj.
UMNO perlu buang budaya cantas-mencantas ni, kalau kita tak blajar tingi tiada pengalaman cukup la buat kerja bawah2 ni, jgn la cantas golongan professional melayu lain bantu la diaorg, tgk apa jadi nak cari pelapis pun susah skg ni, itu la bila dicantas bukan hanya dahan tapi sampai ke akar2 dibuang.
apapun,moga TUN dirahmati Allah s.w.t, saya akan sentiasa menyokong Perjuangan TUN yg murni
Tuah Derhaka – UiTM ttp dihatiku
I really think He is the person who can make a change in UMNO –
The others are so much “classic” or what we might say “conventional UMNO”
This guys atleast has a balance .
Salam Tun,
Mmg amat mengejutkan bila Abdullah pilih Zaid dan beberapa menteri, ahli palimen yg sgt xdisenangi, tapi itulah pak lah kelemahannya skg dah berbayar..zaid ibrahim yg diharap2 dah tikam dia bukan dari belakang sahaja, depan kiri kanan atas dan bawah, malah mungkin juga dalam mimpi2 pak lah
yg teruknya ahli UMNO biasa macam saya ni la TUN, berdepan dengan ahli2 pembangkang, dengan golongan atas pagar utk jelaskan kenapa UMNO yg mesti dipilih, isu rasuah, kronisme dan lain2.
Sapa yg jadi presiden UMNO lepas ni tlg la cukupla pak lah sorang ja buat kacau, kita perlukan pemimpin sejati bukan pemimpin anak bini shj.
UMNO perlu buang budaya cantas-mencantas ni, kalau kita tak blajar tingi tiada pengalaman cukup la buat kerja bawah2 ni, jgn la cantas golongan professional melayu lain bantu la diaorg, tgk apa jadi nak cari pelapis pun susah skg ni, itu la bila dicantas bukan hanya dahan tapi sampai ke akar2 dibuang.
apapun,moga TUN dirahmati Allah s.w.t, saya akan sentiasa menyokong Perjuangan TUN yg murni
Tuah Derhaka – UiTM ttp dihatiku
Luckly Zaid Ibrahim decided to remain firmed resigned from post defactor law minister in prime minister department. I can’t imagine if he still be defactor law minister, what else the havoc he would create. Already since became defactor law minister in prime minister department there is plenty of havoc has done which I do not have to eloberate here.
He said to do judicial reform, instead too many havoc happen. Bar counsil very arrogance until ignoring public rejection for the sake of their bloody thruthfulness. Apparently, Zaid is actually bar counsil partners in crime. The way I look at it, JUDICIAL REFORM IS JUST A POLITICS GAME BY DSAAB TO PLEASED PUPILS WHO REJECTED HIM DURING LAST GENERAL ELECTION.
Im sure not only cabinet ministers, there’s a lot of people who also do not satisfy with Zaid.
Zaid decision to resign from his post is absolutely a correct decision.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun, Tadi Pak Lah umum tak bertanding Presiden UMNO. Memang patut sebab dulu lagi patut dia buat. Boleh dikatakan semua pemimpin senyum, tak kira dalam BN atau dalam UMNO Orang ramai dah naik angin baru nak umum. Tapi kira oklah. Nak tengok apa nak jadi pada anak menantu pulak… Apa komen ayahanda tentang isu ini?
Tentang si Zaid ini pulak, semua orang dah agak dah yang dia tu memang tak puas hati dengan UMNO sendiri. Hati dah pembangkang, memang lah pembangkang. Tak kira dimana dia ada, semua orang tak betul. Dia saja yang betul.
Esok bermula persidangan UMNO peringkat bahagian. Ramai yang akan jadi kaya buat sekelip mata kerana pada peringkat cawangan pun ramai dah kaya. Apa tah lagi di peringkat bahagian. Pemilihan peringkat pusat akan jadi medan percaturan dan tempat wakil perhimpunan pula merasa habuan. Inilah trend yang kita nampak akan berlaku. Semua akan tertunggu-tunggu komen Ayahanda Tun tentang isu ini. Akhir kata salam untuk ayahanda tun dan keluarga.
Salam Takzim Tun,
You made wrong choices , YES. But your appointees betrayed you or committed wrong doings after their their appointment. You could judge their character, etc to a certain limit. You did not have a crystal ball to be 100% sure of their suitability.
But Pak Lah appointed Ministers who are publicly known as traitor or with dubious record.
The rakyat can forgive you for being poor judge of character but not Pak Lah who committed mistakes that would not have been made by man of sound mind .
Hang Kasturi
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Saya kagum dan bersyukur dengan jasa-jasa Tun di bawah pimpinan Tun
Dearest Tun
You can sit back,relax and smell a bit of fresh air after March next year.One obvious reason is that the present PM will not be contesting his seat.One bad smell goes away.
My only hope is that you will continue writing.Given time,that fresh air may become stale after roses of congratulations withered away.
Assammualaikum Tok Det
Minta laluan anakanda minta izin nak melompat bersorak!!!
Pilihan saya:-
1. Presiden: Ku Li
2. Timbalan: Muhyidin
3. Naib Presiden
Rafidah (UMNO kena berubah bagi jawatan tinggi pada wanita macam Mc Cain dok bagi Palin di US sekarang)
4. Ketua Pemuda: Mukhriz (KJ confirm tergolek bila sugar daddy-in-law dah pi)
5. Ketua Wanita & Puteri. Ini oghang pompuan punya hal. Biaq pi la depa nak pilih sapa pun noooo.
Bila nak masuk balik UMNO Tok Det. Dah lama dah ni…tak larat dah dok tunggu aihhh…. Macam pernah dengar pulak dialog ni. Jangan marah Tok Det. Lawak sikit. Bukan apa…seronok sangat nih…YAHUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!
Your all time die hard supporter.
A’kum Tun
It’s me again, jst gone thru the internet wz Bernama News – Pak Lah not contesting the Pressidency Post – GOOD NEWS 4 MALAYSIAN, SYUKUR ALHAMDULILAH (anyway kat c ni dah kol 6.00pagi, baru balik kerja)
Tun, Y don u 1 2 b our Prime Minister again then Muhyiddin b come ur Deputy.
Apa kata penyokong2 Tun Dr.Mahathir n bloggers?
Salam Tun dan Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin.
Tun, dari mula lagi saya lihat ada yang tak kena dgn perwatakan bekas Law Minister tu. Dia lebih mementingkan reform mengikut Bar Council agenda,saya rasa betul lah syak wasangka yang sekarang dalam UMNO banyak Trojan Horse yang boleh merosakan parti dari dalam. Apa komen Tun?
Salam Tun,
Agree with the points you raised.
Money is not everything IF you have it.
In general, people would normally have 2 sets of values. One is personal and the other when they are at work. Anything goes when decisions are made at work – they will follow the norm – right or wrong. They are toggled between 9 to 5 and 5 to 9, sort of.
Values and principles may change depending on what suit them. Time will tell and the true colors will be known in a matter of time.
Salam Tun,
Hope this this is not typical Kelantanese characteristic?
Pak Lah ni kann…Lain kerja tarak, pikir nah pelekeh Tun jerr..
Another terrible blunder.. great “legacy” from Pak Lah…historian to record as great “heritage” for future generations.
Saya tak halal duit income tax saya buat bayaq Tun Saleh.
Akum Tun,
I believed my comments could not be related to your posting.
MALAYSIANS, don’t be stupid to believe this flip-flop guy. He is just buying time. Within the next 5 months, he will drag Najib on the floor and he will retain the leadership.
Abstracted from theStar online he quoted:
“In all my years of service, I have always been guided by my conscience. I have always placed the interests of the nation above all else. It is with this in mind that I announce I will not stand for the presidency of Umno,” HEHHE ,,,,VERY â VERY FUNNYâ¦.
What!! He quits?!! He always say that he’s so busy and have many things to do for the rakyat! What happened to his Islam Hadhari? Vision 2057? His rhetoric “work with me not for me” Bullshit!!! He took us for a ride and con every Malaysian along the way. Now he’s leaving this our beloved Malaysia to the hand of Najib ..
.. just read the press statement of Badawi. He intends to do in 5 months what he couldn’t do in 5 years ! Does he think that all of us were born yesterday ?
Let the lazy PM go la…no need to talk about him or his achievement no matter how significant it is. He slept throughout his tenure as PM. Now he can travel to his Australian home in his luxury yacht and meantime we ordinary rakyat need not only worry about grim economic future but also have to face that Najib could be related to the mongolian! NAJIB WHY NOT FIND A WAY TO CLEAR YOU AND ROSMAH NAME,,,CHALLENGE RPK WITH HIS ALL SORT OF ACQUISITIONS. RELEASED HIM FROM ISA..CLEAR YOUR FAMILY NAMES
Donât make Malaysian feel like escape from lion’s mouth and straight into croc’s mouth!
salam Tun,
After all this guy already resign and wash his hand…….and
Todays News our great paklah will not defence his umno president post ….. So what is your opinion Tun … Who is the right candidate for the post in this coming UMNO election on march 2009 …. And how was the Hari Raya open house last 5/10/08 …. I miss it due to busy working outstation trip ..anyway Selamat Hari Raya aidilfitri maaf zahir batin to both of you and family. open
Asaalamualaikum Tun dan Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahur dan Batin untuk Tun Sekeluarga.
Saya tertarik dengan komen Tun. Bagaimana sebuah kerajaan yang beria-ia benar nak ketelusan dan keterbukaan tak berani nak beri tahu kepada rakyat tentang x-gratia tersebut. Adakah rakyat akan marah kalau ketelusan dipraktikkan? Kalau beritahu munkin rakyat kata sikit ka banyak ka. Kalau sikit munkin rakyat kata tambah lah sikit lagi. Kalau banyak rakyat tak kata apa sebab dah bagi dah. Halalkan saja lah. Bekas menteri Zaid pulak nampak seperti malu-malu kucing saja nak beri tahu tentang kejayaan pertama beliau dalam kabinet tu. Nampak macam tak telus je.
Terima kasih.
Dear Tun,
Bernama reported “Anwar said the real issue was the Internal Security Act (ISA) which he regarded as draconian and must be rectified.”
Biarlah Anwar melalak. The simple answer is that ISA must continue to stay until doomsday. It is NOT a draconian Act but simply to protect democracy, period. ISA does not violate Human Rights. In fact it protects human rights for the majority of the rakyat who love peace and harmony. Only the arrogant elite few Malaysians feel that the ISA should be abolished so that they can continue harping racial and religious sentiments for their own selfish agenda.
Anwar is the greatest hypocrite of the first order. He is an AUTAMAN !!
Salam Tun..Strategi Tun utk menurunkan paklah mmg berkesan.walaupun lambat tp tetap berhasil.Tetapi ancaman dari DSAI lebih berbahaya skrg.Apa2 pun Tun lebih mengenali beliau dan skil politiknya hasil dari tangan Tun..Sy nampak dari dulu lg hanya Tun dan DSAI berdua sahaja yg betul2 mempunyai skill politik yg tiada tandingan..Dan sy yakin Tun dpt baca selok belok yg akan d lakukan oleh DSAI.Tun negarawan yg sy sanjungi,Tun mmg tiada gantinya lg..
Dearest Tun Mahathir,Tun S.Hasmah & Family
Wassalam dari
This Government will not last. Too many harebrain..
Assalamu’alaikum YA Bhg Tun, macam azalina cakap, Zaid tidak ada semangat perjuangan bangsa dan agama. Walaubagaimanapun perjuangan Tun yang belum selesai untuk minta YAB Pak Lah berundur berhasil juga. Semoga Tun cepat-cepat masuk Umno semula dan bantu kempen untuk Mukhriz. Jika perlu telepon Ketua Pemuda atau Ketua Bahagain seluruh negara, Tun lakukanlah. Ini bukan untuk Tun tapi untuk negara dan bangsa serta agama. Terima Kasih.
Dear most beloved YABhg Tun,
With the announcement of Pak Lah’s resignation, I am indeed the happiest man on earth today. With your much sought guidance and wisdom,I believe this nation will prosper again… Thanks a lot Tun. Allah Bless you
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Dearest Tun,
I suppose not only “his” Cabinet was suprise about his decision.Lots of us as Malaysian are suprised about all “his” decision!!!
Well at least all of us as Malaysian are VERY VERY happy about the DECISION “he” made today!!!!
March 2009…..
Johor Bahru…
Salam Yg DiSanjungi Tun,
Tun said:
10. People accuse me of making wrong choices but in the case of Zaid it looks like the current PM has inherited my weakness.
1. DSAAB patut rasa bangga dengan âstatementâ Tun ni. Sekurang-kurangnya, adalah sikit persamaan dgn Tun, walaupun cuma sama tentang kelemahan saja. Tentang âstrengthsâ bagai langit dengan bumi. Lebih elok DSAAB BERUNDUR DENGAN SEGERA. LAGI CEPAT LAGI BAGUS.
2. Saya tak faham langsung dengan komen yang mengatakan DSAAB membuat pengorbanan yang besar & berjiwa besar..ketawa BESAR saya dibuatnya sebab kalau ye pun nak memuji, biar betul, bukan setakat nak ambil hati. Kalau berjiwa besar, tentu tak perlu ditekan, baru setuju untuk letak jawatan.
Semoga Tun & keluarga sihat sejahtera.
YAB Tun,
It’s about time that someone said something with facts about Zaid Ibrahim. I had always thought that ZI has a dodgy character. The fact that he is a lawyer by profession does not mean he qualifies as a Law Minister. All his actions in his short spell as a Minister are to the benefit of some parties only. The actions were also intended to undermine some of the earlier decisions by the Government. Maybe, he is a proxy of the Opposition party…..
Dear Tun,
Bernama quoted “On the possible candidate for Najib’s deputy, Dr Mahathir said it should be Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, adding that the other current contenders for the Umno deputy president post were “jokers” only.”
Yes, Tun , I totally agree with you. The current contenders for the UMNO deputy president are just “jokers” of the first order. No class! No charisma ! NO aura ! And above all no intelligence with low IQ !! They should really look at the mirror whether they have the material to be the Deputy President of UMNO. Jangan nak jadi angan-angan Mat Jenin !! Malulah sikit! Jagalah maruah !!
Dearest Tun,
The so-called legal and judicial reform should start with revamping the Bar Council itself. The Bar Council has been for so long poking their nose trying to act as a fourth wheel in separation of powers in Malaysia. They would like to be recognised along-side the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. Imagine the book to study political science in Malaysia has to be re-written where there would be 4 branches of power:
The Executive
The Legislative
The Judiciary
The Bar Council
This is really a joke where the Bar Council would have the upper hand in the appointment of the the Lord President. I hope Pak Lah would not be so hasty in overhauling the legal and judicial system before he steps down. We had inherited a good legal system from the British. Just don’t let the people with their own agenda like Zaid Ibrahim and the Bar Council to mess it up.
I believe the so-called legal and judicial reform would require some amendments in the constitution. This probably the part that Zaid Ibrahim could not do, which contributed to his departure.
Dear Tun,
Lim Eng Guan commented: “Ironically, he said, the public respected Abdullah more than his party, Umno, because he was seen as a “well-intentioned man who is probably one of the few clean leaders left in UMNO”.”
Come on, Eng Guan ! Don’t ridicule our intelligence. Please admit the fact that Pak Lah is a weak leader where you can take advantage of him. It is not that the public respect Pak Lah, it is the opposition “respect” Pak Lah because the opposition simply love a lame duck leader where thay can manipulate and bully Pak Lah. No way man. Pak Lah has to go, period. And now UMNO will be stronger as ever dulu, kini dan selamanya. Either you are with us or Penang will rot with you.
Assalamualaikum Tun..
Komen dan pendapat yang mengubah dunia!!.Akhirnya Pak Lah resign jugak akan tetapi perjuangan Tun belum selesai..Teruskan usaha murni Tun dalam menjaga negara dengan memberi komen yang bernas. Saya sungguh bangga pernah mempunyai PM seperti Tun. Terima kasih Tun. Sesungguhnya semakin hari semakin ramai orang menyedari bahawa apa yang pernah Tun fikir dan buat untuk negara adalah relevan dan bermanfaat dan bukannya untuk bermegah-megah, tetapi ianya untuk rakyat. Contonya F1, KLCC, Putrajaya, Tidak pinjam IMF dan banyak lagi. Singapura baru pertama kali menganjurkan F1 padahal kita sudah lebih 10 tahun menganjurkannya. Dubai semakin ‘meniru’ untuk membuat bangunan yang tertinggi seperti KLCC padahal negara kita sudah mempunyai KLCC yang menjadi trademark untuk malaysia. Putrajaya adalah salah satu projek yang relevan untuk negara dan bayangkan kosnya jika ianya dilaksanakan pada masa sekarang. Pada Tahun 1997, kegawatan ekonomi melanda seluruh dunia dan langkah yang diambil untuk oleh Tun untuk tidak meminjam dengan IMF adalah tindakan yang paling genius dan bijak. Ketika itu saya di UKM dan agak kecewa kerana tidak berpeluang untuk belajar ke luar negara kerana dasar untuk berjimat yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan pada masa itu. Akan tetapi setelah difikirkan, mungkin ia adalah pengorbanan insan kerdil seperti saya untuk negara dalam sama-sama berganding bahu bersama kerajaan dalam menangani krisis ekonomi pada masa itu.
Teruskan usaha Tun dalam memberi komen dan pendapat..
I’m 100% not agree with your statements.
Salam Tun,
Pak Lah akan lepaskan jawatan pada March 2009.
Mungkin ramai yg ternanti nanti saat itu.
Pak Lah sebenarnya orang baik , alim dan beliau telah kotakan janji.
Kita pandang selepas March ini – cerah atau gelap.
Dibawah pimpinan Najib belum pasti macamana pemerintahannya.
Hendak diramal pun susah melihat keadaan sekarang.
TS Najib kalau betul jadi PM beliau kena ikut contoh Bapanya seorang Negarawan.
TS Najib perlu fikirkan bagaimana hendak Teguhkan UMNO & BN.
Macamana hendak usir hantu puaka yg semakin ghairah merasuk orang.
Buang sifat EGO , SOMBONG,KRONISME dan JAGA Jangan bagi Anak,Isteri,Saudara mara control dalam buat keputusan untuk NEGARA.
Pengundi pengundi tidak pernah lantik anak,isteri,saudaramara untuk
untuk wakilkan mereka. Macam DKJ kata mereka ini selalu lebih lebih.
Salam Tun & Selamat Hari Raya. From the very beginning this de facto fellow has irked many ppl. Good riddance to him. However I wonder why he is x reported for sabotage and expelled like some Sabah UMNO members recently. He was investigated for money politics and yet he gets rewarded!
Do you notice Tun that almost any Tom Dick and Harry can conduct press conference ! Another trend is ‘laporan polis’.
Salam Tun,
Your are definitely right in this case but i am glad he is no more there.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
It is obvious only in pak lah’s time things became murphy’s law in which everything that can go wrong when wrong because of his flip flop decision making and always pointing to others for the mistakes that he made.
As for zaid ibrahim, I don’t think he got the brains because if everything doesn’t go the way he wanted it to go, he will then take things into his own hand and make matter worst like the Malay saying “seperti kadok naik junjung”. The government is better off without him and I don’t think that he will be missed at all. Sometimes it makes me wonder who is this guy zaid working for? The Malaysian government or the bar council?
Keeping on writing Tun because we the rakyat really need to be enlightened by what’s going on around us. Having said that I prayed that Allah bless us with a better future like the time of your premiership. Malaysia need to move forward toward vision 2020, the sooner pak lah stepped down the better for all of us. Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir and may Allah bless us all. aminnnn
Ayahanda Tun
Do not be surprised by this. Dah jadi amalan Flip Flop PM untuk bermain “baling batu, sembunyi tangan” dan menjadi “puppet master” pulling the string from above.
Buktinya, tengok betapa garang Dato’ Nazri dulu menyanggah Tun demi membela Bos nyer. Nak ‘isytihar perang’ konon ke atas Tun demi menegakkan kebenaran. Yeah, right! Mana ler dia berani buka mulut kalau tak dapat restu Bos nyer tu, am I right?
Dalam kes Zaid pun sama. Dibawa masuk kabinet untuk jadi pahlawan yang menentang kemungkaran, so called. Nak jadi champion dan tunjukkan bagaimana Bos nyer begitu ikhlas dan tegas membuat reformasi kehakiman. Semua tak lain dan tak bukan to make you look bad, Tun. Sekali lagi, mana ler Zaid ni berani kalau takde restu Bos nyer, tak gitu?
Tapi, saya kesian sebenarnya kat diaorang ni :). Pengganti Tun tu tak dapat nak highlight pencapaian dia lebih hebat dari Tun, so, terpaksalah dia korek garbage untuk tunjukkan Tun is as low as diaorg. Really pathetic I might say!
Ni ler sikap sesetengah orang Melayu… dengki dengan pencapaian orang lain. Bukan nak bersaing supaya jadi lebih baik dari competitor tapi instead cuba rejam competitor jatuh sama rendah dengan diaorang.
This is how I see it, macam mana banyak cubaan nak tarnish reputasi Tun. Don’t worry ayahanda, rakyat Malaysia bukan bodoh. Kebenaran akan mengatasi kebatilan. Jasamu ayahanda tetap di hati saya dan setiap rakyat Malaysia!
All at all, today is a day to celebrate because our “family man” Pak Dolah is not defending the UMNO presidency. Now, let focus to get rid of another of his “family member”, Khairy “the-son-in-law” Jamaluddin.
Good luck to Mukriz.
Hope you will become PM in the future.
salam Tun,
i hope people will see the true colour
Salam Tun & Bloggers
Glad the waiting is over…. Syukor.
Good luck AAB…
With due respect, that’s utterly rubbish! Zaid is a hero!
Assalammualaikum Tun.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to Tun & Family.
Thank you for allowing me to join your talk site. I feel nervous right now. Namun begitu, saya masih berimpian BESAR utk bersama2 Tun.
Secara peribadi,ingin saya katakan bahawa ZI sebenarnya telah menghancurkan Kedaulatan Undang2 Negara Kita. Semasa perletakan jawatan, beliau diibaratkan BONGKAK dhadapan journarlist. Kata2 ZI mirip PEMBANGKANG. Secara langsung telah mengucar-kacirkan KERAJAAN skrg yg semamangnya telah nazak.
Tun, Semoga drahmati Allah hendaknya.
Saya mohon pandangan Tun tentang kemungkinan usaha diambil untuk mengkaji semula ISA. Kalau ada keperluan, dari aspek manakah agaknya. Saya melihat dari sejarah Tun sebagai Perdana Menteri yang pernah bertindak membebaskan tahanan tahanan ISA dahulu termasuk Tan Sri Samad Imail.
dearest tun,
be it in an organisation or in a society, ‘muzakarah’ (discussion and seek opinion) is one thing you must not avoid. this one of the things zaid might overlooked.
we can see light at the end of the tunnel now as pak lah would not defend his presidency post. not offending pak lah but, during this tiring time, we need a leader accepted and respected by all.
hope that tun will rejoin umno and elected as advisory to the party.
– the other abdullah –
I disagree with this posting Tun. What Mr.Zaid had intended to do was to reform a very tainted judiciary, most of it which many blame on you.
When i was studying Sejarah in school, i was taught about the separation of power between judiciary, executive and parliament. However under you rule especially after the infamous 1988 sackings, you managed to change the laws to make sure judiciary will be beholden and answerable to executive. One such aspect is the power to appoint judges of which you as the head of executive came to have.
Why attack someone who was trying to correct your wrongdoings?
Perhaps you don’t realize Tun that the public opinion in this matter is strongly in support of Zaid.
Dear Tun,
Pak Lah outlined several initiatives he wanted to see implemented before he leaves. These will be tabled in Parliament by the end of the year, he said.
They involve his on-going commitment to reforming the judiciary; an anti-corruption Bill to give more clout to combat corruption; and the special complaints commission to revamp the police force.
Again his priority is wrong. He doesn’t see that the world economic crisis is at our doorstep and need 200% focus rathar than anything else. Stupid !!
I totally agree with you Tun. Faces like zaid and khairy make people hate UMNO and BN. This is what Pak Le Lah has done as a PM of Malaysia.
hmm… i wonder how much is your pay then. (or was)
Dear Tun,
It is reported that Pak Lah would discuss handing over the prime minister’s post to Najib after the Umno elections.
What a stupid statement? Is he too sure that Najib will win the President post?
Assalamualaikum TUN,
(Make this the 1st comment)
I totally agree with you. I would write longer but I can’t since I want this to be the 1st.
One point, ISA should stay and be used appropriately. The Guiding Principle in using it should be firmed up. Say, “the Act can be exercised onto someone proven a threat to the Economy, and Harmony ”
or something along that line.
Zaid Ibrahim ni tunjuk pandai je…kononnye idea dia lain dpd yg lain sampaikan paklah boleh terpengaruh. Takde maknenyer…yg pasti dia ni auta lebih….
Bar Council is becoming more and more arrogant.This is a normal attitude of whitewashed liberals who assumed they know how to run a country and that,they represent truth.
Some of these lawyers hide behind human rights to attack the current ruling government when they are in reality,stalwarts of the oppositions.The hide behind their black robes to bash and attack those who they disagreed with.
Tyrants in the black robe is the most apt label we can award them with.
by the way Dr. M, have you checked this latest blog:
finally the rabid anti-Malay bigots have their hard-talking nemesis.
Salam Aidilfitri buat YAB Tun dan keluarga.
1. ZI adalah diantara salah seorang ‘Makhluk Perosak’ didalam UMNO dan BN. Namun seperti yang telah dijangkakan ZI bukannya meletakkan sistem perundangan dilandasan yang betul tetapi lebih kepada memporak-perandakannya.
2. Perlantikan dan tugas utama ZI dilihat lebih untuk memalukan YAB Tun dengan mengungkit kes-kes lama yang samasekali tidak ‘relevant’ dengan situasi semasa.
3. Akhirnya ZI ‘melawan taukenya DSAB’ terutamanya dalam isu ISA.
Akhir kalam pesan saya pada Perwakilan Bahagian yang bakal bersidang
‘Pilihlah Kepimpinan Yang Prihatin Kepada Rakyat, Yang Mepunyai Misi & Perancangan Masa Depan Yang Jelas, Jika Tidak UMNO dan BN akan berkubur pada PRU 13 nanti. Jangan hanya Menang Sorak tetapi Parti Tergadai’. Rakyat sedang memerhatikan.
Tun Mahathir,
Salam Dengan Penuh Hormat.
Thank You Tun, but I dont think that we need to be reminded of that bloody scamper.
His misdeed will be well remembered and enshrined in our history.
Dear Tun,
Zaid is indeed dubious person….a lot of rumors flying around
Did not know why he was allowed into the government if other cabinet member did not like him?
Now he is the anti-ISA champion with the opposition. He want to show that he cares about the ISA detainees….
It won’t be long until he is officially join the opposition…
i have a theory about him….maybe he is still in UMNO so he can ‘pecah-belahkan’ UMNO members… he is ‘musuh dlm selimut’ or spy from opposition….
Also, why UMNO MT does not take action on him? He is still UMNO member but look like now more like a opposition than a member….
His portfolio of de facto minister of justice is not suitable for him…… it should be Defect ‘O Minister of Jumble ….
Selamat Hari Raya Tun….may Allah bless you and your family
totally agreed with u, tun!!!
Salam Tun.
Sorry that I have to digress from the this topic but can you sir elaborate on the issue of Eurocopter Cougar. The PM authorized this purchase immediately after he took over the Ministry of Defence.
This is copy n paste from a reader of Lim Kit Siang’s blog:
“puchongmali Says:
October 4th, 2008 (4 days ago) at 18: 04.49
try to figure this,(what a coincidence, India is spending US600 million too but, read this âThe Eurocopter Group, a subsidiary of the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co (EADS), almost had the US$600 million 197-helicopter deal in the bag. Technical trials had been completed and price negotiations were in progress with Indian defense ministry officials. The European company was to supply 60 helicopters made in France and Germany over the next three years, with the balance of 137 helicopters to be manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) at its Bangalore facility under a transfer of technology agreement.â )
197 units for the amount. Refer: Malaysia 2day-Why Eurocopterâs Cougar has been selected to replace Nuri .04-10-08
Salam Sejahtera Yang Mulia Tun,
Saya mulai dengan ucapan terimakasih kerana berpeluang memberi pandangan dalam Laman Tun ini. Keterbukaan Tun dalam ruangan ini amat menyenangkan banyak pihak.
Saya bukanlah lulusan undang-undang ataupun mahir dengan undang-undang. Saya banyak menganalisa dengan fikiran saya sendiri. Sebenarnya langkah DS Abdullah membawa masuk Datuk Zaid adalah satu kesilapan. Apa yang cuba dibawa oleh beliau ternyata memberi kesan yang lebih menggugat sistem perundangan.
Saya berpendapat perlantikan Hakim mestilah dibuat oleh individu tertinggi dalam negara, Dan di negara kita, yang tertinggi adalah DYMM Seri Paduka Yang Dipertuan Agong. Saya beranggapan, jika apa-apa keputusan dibuat oleh Hakim tersebut dalam apa-apa kes, itu adalah keputusan Agong.
Panel Pemilihan Hakim yang Datuk Zaid cadangkan supaya dianggotai oleh beberapa orang ahli dari ‘Bar Council’ saya rasa tidak sesuai kerana mereka sendiri akan berdepan dengan Hakim yang mereka lantik itu juga. Di sini akan tmbul masalah seperti ada unsur pengaruh mempengaruhi. Selepas itu apa-apa keputusan pun yang dibuat, walaupun betul akan dilihat sebagai tidak betul.
Tetapi DS Abdullah terasa lunak kerana sarana Datuk Zaid ini di sokong oleh pihak pembangkang dan Majlis Peguam. DS Abdullah nampak sesuatu yang positif apabila pembangkang turut menyokong. Ternyata harapan DS Abdullah meleset, pembangkang semakin naik tocang.
Dan berapa banyak wang kerajaan dihabiskan untuk melayan misi Datuk Zaid ini dengan membayar “ex-gratia’ kepada hakim-hakim yang dipecat dahulu semasa era Tun padahal pemecatan itu tiada cacat celanya. Tapi bagi Zaid itulah punca tercalarnya sistem perundangan kita.
Bagaimanapun Zaid akhirnya sedar bahawa misi ini tak akan berjaya sebab ia hanya menuntungkan pihak pembangkang dan ‘members of Bar Council’ sahaja. Apa nak buat lagi, nak tarik balik, mujka nak letak kat mana? Nasib baik timbul kes ISA terhadap dua tokoh pembangkang dan seorang watrtawan. Kes itulah dijadikan alasan untuk meletak jawatan. kalau difikirkan mana ada kaitan antara ISA dengan misi perundangan yang dicanangkan itu.
Tapi DS Abdullah memang suka membawa tokoh-tokoh yang pernah tersisih ke dalam kabinet beliau. Malah ke dalam badan-badan kerajaan yang lain. Ramai lagi yang tidak menjadi MP diberi jawatan-jawatan dalam kerajaan. Tak payah saya namakan di sini.
Rasanya macam itulah kot!
Assalamualaikum Tun.
1.TQ Pak Lah kerana mendengar rayuan kami dan akan melepaskan jawatan pada Mac 09.
2.Kepada Zaid, kamu telah salah gunakan duit kami utk membayar ex-gratia kpd Tun Salleh Abbas.Jangan lupa kamu akan dipersoalkan di akhirat kelak.
3.Kepada Pak Lah, tak adakah AP yang lain utk dilantik jadi Menteri. Dok cari orang yang muflis dan jauh sekali dari layak untuk diberi jawatan Menteri. Maka jadilah “seperti si kudung mendapat cincin”.
4.Inilah yang orang kampung panggil “LAWYER BUROK”.
Moga Tun sihat selalu.
Alhamdulillah. Pak Lah has confirmed will step down in March 2009! Alhamdulillah, once again. May the new President of UMNO brings back the glory of UMNO. Hopefully, they will some one to question if HINDRAF says UMNO has done sins for Indians communities again as they said at PM Open House recently. The “sins” by UMNO, as far as I understand is to let over thousands of temples to be build in this Islamic country! Now, we understood, HINDRAF never grateful for this! We love PEACE!
Dear Tun, Some people try to please other people just to cover his weaknesses. May Allah bless you always.
Dearest Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to you and your family members.
Very sorry for not being able to join you and your family during your Raya Open house.
I totally agreed with you on this Zaid. He was and is too arrogant after being appointed Minister .
Zaid thought nobody know his history, his can do what he wants with his boss full backing. He thought , he was above the Law , like our Sultan, as junior Law Minister. He can just throw out the 20 years old case that was sealed by Royal Tribunal, without even setting another Royal Tribunal to over-turn the judgement, if convincingly felt something wrong.
For this, I wish the coming new Cabinet MUST seriously look into this matter , to punish him for contempt of our Agong. He MUST be punished.
When he sensed something wrong with his boss, he betrayed his boss and lari kuat kuat first.
Tun, this kind of man , don’t waste your precious time writing twice on him. Once is enough.
Best Regards
Keep writing. Spread your wisdom sir. Selamat Hari Raya.
I love items no. 8 and no. 10. It hit the point well. Well I have travelled so many places (around world) without the need of Visa and I think it was purely because of your great leadership and friendship you have showed to all third world countries.
I had a chance to shake hands with you when I was in UPM way back in Feb 1997 where I was one of among the big mass students who really wanted to see you in person. Eleven years gone and I am now (by the grace of God) have completed my doctorate and now serving as a senior lecturer in a local varsity where you serve as a chancellor. In my days as a postgraduate student in UK, I saw many African, Arab and Latin American students adore you as a maverick and visionary leader.
The term ‘No Man is a Prophet in His Own Village’ may also apply well for politician too I guess. For some lawyers in Malaysia the term transparency, accountability and prudent economic policies are values of the western democratic countries. During the very year of 1997 the term bailout means for those countries which are not practicing those three values. Now as I writing this text, the term bailout can considered norm for countries which preach and advocate (not educate) open market values.
Your true admirers and silent supporters are the very grass-hoot and whom live a day to day life not only malaysia but streets of Sao Paulo, Lagos or even Doha as I have witnessed.
Have a good day Tun and greetings to Tun Dr Siti Hasmah
Who actually appoint the minister. Is the PM alone or by advise or suggession.
All’s well that ends well. Btw, do you have a thing for ZICO? I vehemently disagree that one has to be rich to have principles. It helps but it isn’t a precondition.
Dear Tun
Thank God, Paklah will be stepping down this March 09. How I wish, he’ll be stepping down wef tomorrow. Regards.
Selamat Sejahtera Yang Mulia Tun,
Sekali lagi saya amat berterima kasih kerana berpeluang mengambil bahagian dalam Laman Tun ini. Saya bukanlah seorang yang tahu sangat dengan undang-undang malah bukan seorang lulusan undang-undang pun. Tapi bagi saya perlantikan Hakim patut dibuat oleh individu yang paling tinggi. Dan di negara kita, individu yang paling tinggi adalah DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agong kerana saya beranggapan apabila seseorang Hakim hendak dipertikaikan tentang keputusannya, seolah-olah mempertikaikan orang yang melantiknya.
Takkan hendak mempertikaikan DYMM Agong pula!
Saya amat tidak bersetuju dengan pendapat Datuk Zaid agar perlantikan itu patut dibuat oleh satu panel termasuk beberapa orang dari Bar Council. Seperti kata Tun nanti mereka juga akan menghadapi keputusan yang dibuat oleh Hakim yang mereka lantik itu. Ketika inilah timbul masalah. Di sini akan timbul soal pengaruh mempengaruhi dan akan tidak ‘valid’ lagi keputusan yang dibuat. Walaupun betul orang akan nampak salah juga.
Tetapi harus kita ingat, Datuk Zaid dibawa oleh DS Abdullah masuk ke kabinetnya sebagai hadiah kepada Datuk Zaid sesudah disisihkan selama beberapa tahun. Ramai lagi yang DS Abdullah bawa masuk ke dalam kabinet beliau yang serupa kesnya.Tak payahlah disebutkan nama mereka di sini. Semua orang sudah tahu.
Dan Datuk Zaid membalas budi dengan menyenangkan hati DS Abdullah dengan misi kononnya hendak mebetulkan sistem perundangan yang kononnyaa tercalar dan tergugat sejak pemecatan hakim-hakim semasa era Tun.
Nah! Berapa banyak wang negara telah dihabiskan untuk memberi ‘ex-gratia’ kepada hakim-hakim ini. ini semua dilunakkan dengan misi yang nampak cukup ikhlas dan berjaya menawan hati banyak pihak terutama ‘members’ dari Bar Council yang masing-masing berharap Datuk Zaid akan letakkan mereka dalam senarai panel pemilihan Hakim.
Akhirnya beliau nampak misinya tidak mungkin akan berjaya kerana ternyata misi itu akan menguntungkan sebelah pihak pembangkang sahaja. Untuk menarik balik tentu tidak mungkin. Nak letak mana muka. Nasib baik ada peristiwa ISA ke atas 2 individu pembangkang dan seorang wartawan. Itulah alasan mudah untuk meletak jawatan. Kalau diikutkan, bukan ada kaitan pun ISA dengan misi kehakiman tadi.
Saya yang tak tahu sangat tentang undang-undang ni rasa begitulah kot!
Good sarcasm! but dont you agree , our judicial system need to improve? To provide a good platform for a fairly fair’ and fairly just’ society?
just a reminder for all of us
there still a few top guns in UMNO who is not loyal to party and MAL:AYS
whatever we do saty united be it right or wrong..thats the way to survive
eliminate those few and im sure you can figure out who
last baru salam kat TUN
Salam Tun,
All I can say is Abdullah has failed miserably!!
And with his resignation alone, we Malaysian cannot simply forgive and forget all his scandalous decision thoughout his tenure.
I urge all the divisions to stick to the earlier PAU that was sceduled in December.
There is no need to postpone the PAU till March 2009.
Dear Tun,
The top leader is in trouble. That is why anyone can become somebody in BN if you are willing to be the leader’s ‘dog’. But don’t worry, dogs doesn’t have long life.
Finally, AAB decided to step down. I solute him. Good news to majority of Malaysians. But what next…Hmmm…Looks like nothing change in BN. The bacon just passing to next puppet until it reaches KJ hands. DSAI won’t keep silent and motionless.
The war has just begun…..
Patut le nak resigned sebab duit poket dah penuh,orang macam nie bukan ada pemikiran untuk bekerja kepada rakyat.Lagi pun menyampah tengok muka Zaid Ibrahim.
salam tun,bravo on your comment to that good for nothing zaid ibrahim,transparency my foot.
Salam Tun,
Saya yang kurang pandai pun tak setuju dengan perlantikan Zaid Ibrahim……pentingkan diri-sendiri……
Dear Tun,
In Singapore, they honour LKY by offering him the post of Senior Minister but in Malaysia it’s the other way around.
I consider you a statesman of calibre who should play an advisory role in the government.
Please play that role. Thank you.
Apa nak jadi ni? Buat pening kepala untuk generasi yang akan datang. Politik asyik menunding jari antara antara satu sama lain. Mengapa setiap kali tukar pemimpin, tidak banyak kesinambungan yang di bawa? Terutama bagi mencapai cita-cita 2020.
Jikalau setiap pemimpin diberi amanah “berkuasa” melakukan hanya untuk kepentingan sendiri seperti membina empayar, saya percaya idea dan cadangan murni yang pernah dirancang tidak akan tercapai ataupun memerlukan masa yang lebih lama untuk direalisasikan. Itupun jikalau tiada faktor ke-tiga.
Saya berminat jikalau Tun dapat berkongsi sedikit hala tuju waktu ini berkenaan Keamanan Dunia pada waktu ini dari segi politik, ekonomi dan sosial. Serta tips persiapan jikalau ekonomi negara merundum.
Sekian terima kasih.
Rauf Ridzuan
Ex-Student MMU 🙂
aswb Tun,
When Zaid got appointed as the de-facto Law Minister, he seemed to be the man in hurry to call for legal reformation and even suggested the government should admitted responsibility for the removal of former Lord President Tun Saleh Abbas and other 5 Supreme Court Judges. As a result, the government used the hard-earned tax payers’ money to pay the ex-gratia to the ‘unfortunate judges’. You are right as they are not starving as they are stil drawing monthly pensions. What was Zaid’s motive ? Was it to correct the wrongful decision by the previous government or was it that he was trying to gratify the legal fraternity and the bar council to show that he was serious to reform the judiciary ? He didn’t consult the cabinet members on his proposed reformation on the judiciary much to his fellow cabinet minister chagrin.He did manage to bulldoze his way until the issue of Theresa Kok surfaced.
This time, he got agitated as the he was not consulted being the de-facto Law Minister on the Syed Hamid Albar’s decision to invoke the ISA to Theresa. he felt that he was sidelined and not respected as the Law Minister.Finally he step dowm and now decide to focus more on the ethinicity racial integration project. Well good luck to him.
Tun, honestly our gut feeling is trying to tell us that Zaid is supporting the Bar Council and the Bar Council is always with him all the way. after all he is also a member of the Bar Council.Now rumours has been spreading around that he has been courted by the so-called Johny Come lately.What is his next move ??? We’ll see.
Asssalamualaikum TUN n Famli,
Maaf zahir batin, moga sejahtera selalu.
Pelik Zaid ni, pelik sebab tak selari ngan kabinet dlm kes ISA, kenapa? Pada saya ISA sama seperti mengunci rumah apabila keluar rumah sebagai langkah keselamatan awal dalam mencegah kecurian. Zaid tidak setuju rumah berkunci sebagai mencegah kecurian. ISA adalah pada saya satu cara pencegahan awal. Apa pendapat TUN dalam soal ISA ni.
Dear Tun,
At last Pak is not contesting for the UMNO President’s post. What a relief! He said he wants to complete some of the reforms he initiated for the next 5 months.kah,kah,kah !!
What can he do within that short period. He has been given opportunity to reform for the last 5 years but what is the outcome? Nothing. ZERO!!
Comment on Zaid’s, at least we had one person in the cabinet that can speak his mind rather that echoing others for the sake of popularity and money. Now that he has resigned, what remains are a bunch of parrots waiting for one supreme command before doing anything.
now i can continue to do my assignment. First thing I will do is open yr blog..read..comment if i think i should then proceed with my routine or daily job.
I became edicted with your information, brilliant ideas/comments.
Well said for this topic Tun.
Dunno what will happen to all of us without u Tun:(
I doakan u n wife dpanjangkan umo n sihat sllu.
vintage tun, u never failed to amuse us. whatever, both paklah & zaid mmg bebal.
Salam Tun,
Four PM before and after you had made an attempt on changing the government,but it fell on you to bring a successful conclusion in your era.And your critical thinking make me respect you all the time.
Wanted to ask you a few question but I think my question is not appropriate with the topic discussed.
Really adore you as my Mentor….
and before I go,
I would really-really like to get your original autograph as my private collection,
I know you are quite busy person,but your aspiration towards the nation really increase my motivation spirit.Fidel Castro once request for a 10 dollar bill from US president.From that particular moment the spirit of becoming a leader burning inside him and in the end he become a revolutionary leader to his nation.I hope from the autograph,I would Study harder to archive better performance in my study and future.By he way,my ambition is to be a politician just like you.
This is my address,
358,Taman Wunmas,Lorong Bunga Merak,
93050 Jalan Matang,
Kuching Sarawak.
Hopefully you can send it,
May Allah SWT bless you and your family always.
Thank You.
Dear Tun,
You said “One can afford to have principles when one is rich and does not have to depend on the small allowance of a Minister.”
He should be thankful to NEP policy. If not because of NEP I don’t think he could be a rich succesful lawyer.I believe most of his clients come from government agencies like Petronas and other government agencies.
Mr Zaid is Master of putar belit and will do whatever lawyer should know everything of laws. Breaking or setting new laws.
One said, if u meet Zaid and snake, better beat Mr. Zaid first and then snake.
What i heard was, his appointment was set up by his son. Was it true?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Hope you are fine and doing well right now especially after raya. It’s still not too late for me to wish you and your wife SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI. Honestly, I’m getting tired and frustrated with the current political issue we’re facing today. Everybody seems like to put their personal interest as the important thing rather than to solve rakyat’s problems and fulfill their needs. Starting with political issue, then it spreads to judiciary, then races, religious… and at one point all the systems in this country have been jeopardized. The rakyat don’t need the problem MPs to solve their problems. The rakyat picked them at the first place for them to figure out how to solve problems, run the country and together contribute something for economical growth… And it came to the worse that the issues are all about the Malays!!
Come on Malays, Malaysians and especially the ones with the power given by the rakyat, think about it… Don’t let other people give us round of applause for us fighting and quarelling among ourselves…
May Allah be with us and you Tun…
Dear Tun,
I really want to know exactly how much the amount of ex-gratia being paid to the guilty ex-judges. Morally, they should not accept the payment at all. That will be the most graceful thing to do.
I hope Pak Lah will release the info to the public before he leaves. It is his responsibility to tell the rakyat.
Assalammualaikum w.b.t Ayahanda Tun dan Isteri,
Adalah lebih baik Zaid dibuang terus dari UMNO kerana menyokong PAS semasa pilihanraya yang lalu. Tak guna menyimpan api dalam sekam, nanti habis padi terbakar, sebab sekor kerbau bawa lumpur, semua UMNO terpalit
1. Tan Sri Muhiddin Yassin sila kemukakan percalonan sebagai Presiden UMNO
2. Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak sila kekalkan percalonan sebagai Timbalan Presiden UMNO
3. Dato Seri Rais Yatim, Ketua UMNO Bahagian Cheras dan Dato Seri Ali Rustam, sila kemukakan percalonan tuan-tuan sebagai Naib Presiden UMNO
4. Dato Mukhriz Tun Mahathir sila kemukakan percalonan Ketua Pemuda
5. Dato Puad (Bahagian batu Pahat) sila kemukakan percalonan Naib Ketua Pemuda.
Cadangan ikhlas dari UNCLE
The poor, often find themselves represented by “drunks, incompetents, crooks and clowns” cannot expect equal justice under the law until the influence of money is removed from the legislatures, which allocate money for public defenders.
Fair treatment in the judicial system comes only with fair representation, something the poor have yet to achieve.
Today’s opinion of the law is the product of a Court, which is the product of a law-profession culture, that has largely signed on to the so-called homosexual agenda. As recently as 1960, every state in the US had an anti-sodomy law, according to The Associated Press. In 37 states, the statutes have been repealed by lawmakers or blocked by state courts, the AP reported.
Of the 13 states with sodomy laws, four — Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri — prohibit oral and anal sex between same-sex couples. The other nine ban consensual sodomy for everyone: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah and Virginia.
The social engineering by a court as promoted by Zaid Ibrahim and Pak Lah will have very bad effects on the idea of our form of government. If a government cannot legislate on public health, safety and morals, what can it legislate about?
The new paradigm being promoted by homosexual activists/lawyers in the Court room is that if a person canât see homosexuals engaging in oral/anal sex, it isnât violating anyoneâs rights. What consenting adults do in private is their business, right? They are simply being arrested for things that donât amount to a crime at all.
The homosexual agenda is an attack on everything our Founding Fathers hoped to give us. But I am convinced that we can witness a tremendous victory against Anwar Ibrahim and the likes, and with Godâs help, we shall overcome.
salam tun.
maaf. at number 7, i am not familiar with the term ‘two pensions’. would you care explain it to me? or somebody with the knowledge.
thanks in advance.
Selamat Hari Raya Tun & keluarga,
Zaid Ibrahim is also sore that he is disliked by most ordinary UMNO members. He is now talking to Pakatan Rakyat as he knows he is not getting anywhere in UMNO- it goes to show that he is really a man without principle. We do not need such a man in UMNO. Good ridden to him.
Dear Tun,
By rite, pak lah shd use the cabinet line up 2 restrengthen umno & BN position, not his own position or KJ’s position. mcmmana la kita boleh lantik seorang yang bukan saja x berjuang semasa pilihanraya, tetapi mengkhianati BN semasa pilihanraya utk jd menteri penuh. Macam la tak de lawyer lain dlm umno utk jaga undang2. bukannya ada tekanan utk ambil bukan ahli parlimen atau glgn profesional utk jd menteri kabinet, tp nasihat yg salah diberi kpd pak lah or memang pak lah x mampu berfikir setajam fikiran tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Benar seperti yg Tun katakan, Pelantikan Zaid Ibrahim adalah sesuatu yg memalukn kpd Pak Lah. Dia sendiri tak memilih Zaid utk bertanding di KB, alih-alih lantik jadi Menteri. Bertambah malu bila Zaid langsung tak layak utk bertanding Jawatan Ketua Bahagian. Org KB sendiri tak mahu Zaid, cuma paklah je yg nak.
Lagi satu Tun, Akhirnya Pak Lah paham, dia dah tak diperlukan. Jadi tak bertanding jawatan Preseden UMNO. Tapi “masih ada kerja yang belum selesai” – nak pastikan KJ menang Ketua Pemuda kot?
Cepat2 lah Tun masuk UMNO, selamatkanlah apa-apa yg masih boleh diselamatkan.
Dearest Tun.,
Splendid article as usual. It is rather easy for ZI to preach about principles given the fact that he owns the largest legal practice in the country. His calls for reforms are not necessarily geniune in nature and maybe prompted by other considerations such as being ” looked up” by his peers in the legal profession on his concern about the state of the judiciary in the country. I wonder as to whether he would have resigned if had got his ministership on merit and through the normal political process. After all was he not the individual who was found guilty of money politics in Umno. I stand corrected but many believe that the finding of guilt by the D.B of Umno stands todate. Who in the correct frame of mind would believe that he is an individual who practises what he preaches. It is probably a cheap publicity stunt to win the hearts of many a fool who would now consider him a “hero” because of his sacrifice in relinquishing his post. Wonder whether he still drives around in his Proton Executive or has it now been transformed into a flashy Mercedez Benz. Regards and salam.
Salam Tun,
Malaysia is bolehland.Whoever past,present and future leaders will
manipulate the system for their advantage.Pot call kettle “BLACK”.
Malaysia Legal system indeed BLACK.Many Thanks for JewS.Oops This may also a part of JEWS or US or ????so call agent of agent!I don’t know may it’s be better to watch TV### news.
Salam Ayahnda Tun. Lebai ni adalah satu contoh manusia yang jenih tak heran kat sapa sapa pun. Jawatan yg PM bagi kat dia adalah amat tidak berharga dan koman serta tak ada nilai langsung! Manusia jenih ni patut mau humban dalam laut saja. Dok ataih muka bumi kalau mati buat busuk kampong saja. Kalau dia ni baguih sangat, anaknda percaya Ayahnda Tun dari lama dulu dah lantik dia jadik menteri. Anyway, biarkan Si Luncai dengan labu labu nya. Let’s proceed on with our life. Salam to Bonda Tun Siti Hasmah.
Salam Tun
I memang meluat tgk muka dia…tau laa lawyer…buat cam pandai sangat…perhh…
i agree with you totally. most politicians are already businessmen in their own rights before venturing into politics.
politics gave them an edge on policies matters. further boosting their own income thru political connections.
it’s just like a poor man giving away rm100 for charity compare to a rich man doing the same and for the same amount. the only difference is, the poor man gives it with his heart. the rich man gives it as a duty and obligation.
The difference between business and politics
In business, if you fail, you can always succeed elsewhere.
In politics, if you fail, you will be succeeded.
In business, if you loose money, you can always gain later.
In politics, if you loose money, your opponent will gain support.
In business, when scandalous headlines happen, your company prosper.
In politics, when scandalous headlines happen, your party will topple.
In business, if you made mistakes, you have to compensate to the max.
In politics, if you made mistakes, you proposed compassionate tax.
In business, the public accepts your justifications if it makes them money.
In politics, the public accepts your resignation to make them happy.
In business, people forgive and forget your past.
In politics, people give all to track down your past.
In business, nobody is above you when you made a decision.
In politics, everybody is over you when you made a statement.
In business, retirement plans means coming back as an advisor.
In politics, retirement plans means surrendering to your adversary.
Zaid ibarat duri dalam daging malahan kalau nak memperjuangkan ISLAM pun dia diam diri…
Saya sendiri masa zaman Tun dulu tertungu-tunggu barisan kabinet Tun yang penuh kejutan.
Mungkin Pak Lah pun sama nak buat kejutan…
Salam TUN,
Perlantikan ZAID IBRAHIM dalam barisan kabinet AAB hanyalah merupakan satu strategi untuk kepentingan parti BN. Walaupun demikian ZAID IBRAHIM mempunyai agendanya sendiri menerima perlantikan tersebut. Lihat sahaja kenyataan peribadinya sudah cukup menggambarkan beliau sebenarnya bukan di landasan sekutu BN. Beliau sebenarnya sanggup menggambil risiko atas kenyataan-kenyataan pedas yang menyinggung perasaan sesetengah pihak. Biarpun kini beliau telah meletak jawatan namun di sebalik semua yang berlaku sudah tentu bermula dengan percaturan AAB. Sebentar tadi AAB mengumumkan bahawa beliau tidak akan mempertahankan jawatan PRESIDEN UMNO (TV3) dan ini satu berita yang sungguh menggembirakan SEBAHAGIAN BESAR rakyat MALAYSIA. Akhirnya beliau kini sedar (tapi agak lambat) akan segala ketidakcekapannya dalam memimpin NEGARA. Beliau menjelaskan bahawa perpecahan di kalangan parti perlu dielakkan dan dengan itu mengambil keputusan untuk tidak mempertahankan jawatannya. Perlantikan ZAHID IBRAHIM hanyalah merupakan salah satu daripada banyak lagi ketidakcekapan AAB dalam memimpin negara khususnya sebagai PM.
Dalam jawatan yang dipertandingkan, saya mengharapkan MUKRIZ sebagai Ketua Pemuda yang baru. Hidup MUKRIZ…
Salam Tun,
I wonder why PM Abdullah appointed him as the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in the 1st place ?
Selamat Hari Raya kepada Tun sekeluarga.
salam Tun,
This zaid is the exact example of a person whom is a double edge sword, talam dua muka as well as a very ungrateful person. We couldnt blame him much cause whatever he is he has managed to disrupt the contry, wasted our tax money and really follow Pak Lah’s footsteps as a very ungrateful human being.
This is the type of person Anwar loves so much but trust me he will back stab them any moment he sees an opportunity.
theres a saying now….disebabkan pak lah punya kuasa, koling pun dah naik muka…
Aku memang geram dengan Zaid….entah apa2..keputusan yg dibuat…dia tak patut pun jadi Menteri di JPM…tak semestinya peguam mesti jadi menteri yg berkaitan dgn undang2.
Dear Tun,
Human beings especially involved in politics are fickle… I remember when you were our leader, it was all smiles… high times… the moment you mentioned resigning, people were tripping over backwards just to make a statement of how precious you were in government… some even broke the heels of their shoes!
loyalty unfortunately can be bought… i think zaid ibrahim might make a comeback sooner than you thing…. ‘political operatives recycling’ is not unique to Malaysia….
Salam Tun.
Datok Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dah mengalah, tak tahan dengan tekanan pelbagai pihak dari peringkat akar umbi dan atasan, akhirnya Pak Lah umumkan tidak pertahankan jawatan dlm PAU mac ini. sekarang puaslah hati Tun dgn perkembangan terbaru ini, dengan ini sepatutnya Tun akan mengumumkan untuk menyertai UMNO semula.
Mufti Perlis mengingatkan supaya mencari pengganti yang kurang memudaratkan agama dan negara, Jika di lihat, Najib yg akan menjadi PM, tapi dia ni penipu besar. Dia bersumpah tak mengenali perempuan mongolia tu. Sesiapa yang pernah melayari laman Youtube, boleh di lihat Najib dan Altantunya dan Razak Baginda duduk semeja sedang makan-makan, manakala altantunya dengan pakaian seksinya, Mahukah negara tercinta ini di pimpin oleh orang yang tak bermoral spt dia.
Saya harap Tan Sri Muhyidin akan membuat kejutan mengumumkan untuk bertanding merebut jawatan presiden.
Selamatkan Malaysia
Dear Tun
Terima Kasih kerana pendedahan ini. Cuma nak tau siapa Senator yg jadi minister with a dubious past. Dia dari Selangor ke?
Salam Tun,
Now you can plan your comeback as UMNO a member…
– Jinggo Rock –
Salam Tun!
Kelihatannya “kesilapan dia” semakin kelihatan,sejak akhir-akhir ini.
Jadi, nantikan kesilapan dan kelemahan DAAB pada hari-haru yang mendatang!
Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir!
Bagaimana dengan pandangan Tun tentang keputusan DAAB untuk tidak mempertahankan jawatan sebagai Presiden UMNO?
Nampaknya semua orang bawahan mula suka dan bersorak!
Dearest Tun.
Zaid think he is very smart. He fooled ABB into appointing him to be a minister despite betraying the party he pretended to defend. Everyone else in the cabinet knew this guy cannot be trusted and gave him the cold shoulder, but as usual, the UMNO president is clueless.
As for the ex-gratia payment, Zaid showed that he is the number one hiprocrite by being un-transparent on the ammount paid when all this while he had promised a more transparent government.
Zaid also claimed that he resigned from the minister post because he had principles, ie , he don’t agree with the use of ISA. I think the reason he resign is because he is getting no where with his reform and chicken out when an opportunity present itself. We don’t need this chicken minister in our cabinet.
On another matter, AAB will not contest for the President post this coming UMNO election. I hope this will bring a close to the uncertain era we had gone through under AAB. Hopefully the new President will seek and consult Tun on the path that UMNO will take to bring back confidence from the rakyat. As for KJ, I think he is a dead duck.
Love you Tun and may GOD bless Tun always.
This is my 1st time.
Setelah apa yang terjadi, saya hairan mengapa politikus2 di Malaysia khususnya masih memikirkan survival diri masing-masing. Teringat cerita ‘the golden goose’ yang sering diceritakan oleh ibu semasa saya masih kecil. Oleh kerana ketamakan, nak cepat senang, tak berfikir panjang dan tidak tahu bersyukur menyebabkan petani suami isteri kehilangan punca pendapatan yang meragut kesenangan kehidupan mereka. Tidak sangka orang dewasa seperti politikus2 kita sekarang tidak dapat menghayati moral yang cuba disampaikan oleh cerita yang umumnya untuk kanak2. Pity them….
Saya sekeluarga berdoa agar Tun dan isteri sentiasa dirahmati dan diberi kekuatan untuk meneruskan perjuagan yang belum selesai. Maafkan kami kerana masih memerlukan Tun di saat2 seperti ini walaupun kami maklum bukan sedikit sumbangan yang Tun telah curahkan semasa zaman Tun menjadi PM dulu. Sepatutnya Tun bersara. Tapi (pada pandangan saya) darah perjuangan bangsa yang mengalir dalam tubuh Tun sedikit sebanyak menyekat hasrat Tun untuk terus berdiam diri. This is your game and only you knows how it should be played. Love all your comments and Sir, may Allah bless you.
Selamat hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin.
another big mistake by pak lah to appoint zaid. but you cant expect much from pak lah. the way the media discuss the power transition gives the impression that it is a very difficult process.. actually pak lah can go now with no harm to the country. in fact, the sooner the better, he is such a weak PM……….thanks
Salam buat Tun,
Saya yang kurang pandai pun tak setuju dengan perlantikan Zaid Ibrahim…..
Tun yang dihormati,
Speechless….absolutely right!!
dear Tun..
that fat-ugly-liar-lawyer named zaid ibrahim is a clear blunder by Dolah Badawi..
Tun..please comment about Dolah Badawi rejection of UMNO nominees…
Dear Sir,
You said he was in opposition, during election he was in oversea. Many were not happy with his appointment as minister. He brought some changes to which many including yourself not happy with and your usual song of the present PM made mistakes. He dares to quit the cabinet post to which many will do anything to in just because he is rich.
What is wrong with all the above. Your article does not meet the quality of writings of a prime minister.
Salam Tun,
Memang saya pun agak pelik dengan perlantikan Zaid ni sebagai menteri. Saya memang berpendapat orang yang tak menang pilihanraya tak sepatutnya dilantik menjadi menteri.Tak dapat mandat rakyat tiba-tiba boleh pulak pegang jawatan.Tapi saya lagi pelik dengan tindak-tanduk dia yang terang-terang menyebelahi pembangkang dan berat kearah menyokong majlis peguam.Perubahan kehakiman?Prinsip? semua tu konon saja,yang sebenarnya cita-cita sendiri jugak yang diperjuangkan.
assalamualaikum Dr M,
pertamanya saya ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT AIDILFITRI kepada Dr M sekeluarga.tak kesampaian hajat nk berjumpa Dr M di rumah terbuka tempoh hari.harapnya ada peluang semasa AIDILADHA nanti.berbalik kepada topik kita,kebanyakan pemimpin yang ada sekarang seringkali membuat sesuatu di luar jangkauan rakyat.walaupun kami hanya rakyat biasa yang tidaklah berpengetahuan tinggi dalam politik tambahan pula pelajar seperti saya ini,tetapi kami masih dapat membezakan tindakan yang bijak dengan yang tidak.setiap keputusan yang dilakukan pemimpin semuanya akan memberi kesan kepada rakyat.pergolakan dalam arus politik kita sekarang sudah pun menjejaskan keharmonian kaum.lihat saja apa yang tejadi semasa rumah terbuka perdana menteri di PWTC tempoh hari.semasa di zaman pemerintahan Dr M tentunya perkara sebegini tidak akan terjadi.perdana menteri sekarang tidak akan sedar bahawa beliau itu tidak layak memimpin.selagi beliau ada masih berpeluang untuk mengaut segala kekayaan yang ada itulah yang akan beliau dan ahli keluarganya akan lakukan.akhirnya negara ini akan jatuh ke tangan pihak pembangkang yang sememangnya menunggu detik itu.kalau anwar ibrahim dapat mencapai cita-citanya menjadi perdana menteri maka MALAYSIA kita ini akan tergadai…….
-aishah abdul rahman-
-anak MELAYU-
Salam paling hormat buat TUN dan selamat hari raya…. buat family.
Boleh dikatakan saya tidk miss untuk ke chedet ni….., cuma satu sahaja … saya ni tak begitu fasih dlm B.I, Kalau boleh kerap kerap lah menulis dalm bahasa malaysia…., mungkin ramai lagi yang sependapat dengan saya. Yang mahir tu …mahirlah, tak salah pon kalau ia ada kat sini . Cuma sekolah atap ni ajer yang tak cekap spt sekolah batu.
Saya tak buat comen apa apa, cuma menyata kan apa yang sepatutnya berada dalam chedet. Mungkin TUN selesa dalam bahasa yang mungkin menjadi kegemaran TUN. Tapi kami ni ….maalom ajer;ah… bolehlah faham sikit sikit. Yang dalam dalam tu …..(bahasanya) ambo tak panda pon.
Oh ya seperkara lagi…..
DSAAB sebenarnya takut jatuh kepala dulu … tu sebab tak mahu langsung masuk bertanding. Ditangguhnya agar dapat melihat sejauh mana sokongan yang beliau dapat. Tapi kat umum yang kita dengar … memang tak layak langsung dia menduduki takhta pemerintahan lebih lama lagi. Semakin lama semakin tenat UMNO dan BN. Dia buat tak nampak jer…. cum berasa jer dia mendapat sokongan padu konon…..
bukan emosi!… cuma melihat dari mata kasar masyarakat setempat …
Oklah ..sampai setakat ini sahaja lah… jumpa lain kali
Salam Hormat Buat TUN sekeluarga.
Walaupon Zaid Ibrahim bersikap demikian akan tetapi dia tetap dianggap seorang yang berani untuk meletak jawatan dan tidak bersikap seperti menteri yang lain… yang ikut telunjuk Paklah… tak payah kita ambik orang lain… Nazri seorang sudah cukup… cara dia kutuk dan hina Tun dahulu… Bodoh punya Nazri…
11. One can afford to have principles when one is rich and does not have to depend on the small allowance of a Minister.
this is very true and applies to anybody else. if one can’t even feed yourself (or family), one simply cannot have that much of principle to stand for.
Malaysia Image Board
Salam Tun,
1.He is an example of a ‘stupid malay’.
2.I’m dissapointed with him on most of the issue, especially on bar council & ISA
3.He is just a lawyer and just another head of UMNO leader in Kelantan. He is nothing special.
4.He keeps on saying that rakyat want to have transparency in jurisdiction,which rakyat is he referring to? I can assure him 90% malays'(rakyat biasa)dont agree with him or his decision on ISA and BAR COUNCILL.or maybe he is referring to Teresa Kok’s family or Bar Council Commitee as ‘the Rakyat’?.
5. Maybe he is from ‘kampung’ or maybe due to he’s from Kelantan where the majority is Malay. He couldn’t understand what are the problems faced in places where Malay is minority. He also couldn’t understand how Malays have been strategically discriminated,
6. A lawyer or ketua bahagian umno,not necessarily a good minister. One should understand the ‘akar umbi’ feelings.
7.It is very sad that he doesn’t know how to respect u,as our great leader
8.So he doesn’t deserved my respect at all.
I can only think of `talam 2 muka’ to describe such person who demonstrably revealed his dubious and divided loyalty … even more baffling was PM’s granting of extension for this person to think over his resignation.
Tun, kindly share your thoughts on how Dato’ Seri Najib … assuming he does ultimately take over the helm … should proceed to mend the dented fortunes of UMNO and BN now that AAB has agreed … finally one hope … to call it a day come March ’09. Your previous postings on this appear to suggest that AAB is the `be-all & end-all solution’ to all UMNO’s and BN’s current problems. Would UMNO `turncoats’ during the last PRU now closed rank and rally behind the new leadership? Should there be a renegotiated Social Contract, two-party system and new power-sharing formula and such likes??
Dearest Tun,
On point no 10 – ahaks!x1000
My opinion is that, the AG should charge Zaid in court on a few issues such as money politics, ex-gratia etc…etc. Surely he would not mind as this is the very thing he is fighting for..?!?!…freedom of justice.
The truth is lawyer is a job that cannot be called an honest job because the job is to lie. When 2 sides are fighting in court, surely 1 of the lawyers is lying isn’t it? Twisting facts to uphold truth, katanya. Isk! A very dishonorable career.
Best regards to you and family. Wassalam..
When will all this end.
Salam Tun.
Zaid ni dah kaya 7 keturunan pun duit dia tak akan habis. Bila sedar diri tu dah jutawan maka ego bukan main tinggi seolah-olah dia seorang saja yang paling bijak dalam undang2.
Cuma yang salah dan tidak bijak membuat keputusan ialah PM ni seorang yang agaknya telah dinasihatkan oleh think tank tingkat 4. Hairan betul, kelulusan dari universiti termasyor Oxford la cambridge la namun jika nak diambil kira tindak tanduk PM ni terlalu banyak buat “blunder” maka terfikir juga betulkah c KJ and budak tingkat 4 ni brilliant.
Rasa saya lah kan mungkin si KJ ni dapat masuk Oxford bukan kerena dia cemerlang dalam akademik tapi dia guna cable dan tongkat kot. Ala macam dia guna sekarang ni la hingga dapat jadi menantu PM terus jadi Naib Ketua Pemuda tanpa tanding terus sekelip mata jadi billionaire.
Inilah kelebihan si KJ ni. Pintar gunakan dan tumpang tuah orang lain untuk naik ke puncak. Walau apa pun tahniahlah buat KJ kerena berjaya mereka suatu contoh dan teladan yang baik untuk jadi panduan kepada pemuda2 yang lain.
Dearest Tun,
Zaid and his mistaken agenda will be remembered in years to come as one of Pak Lah’s weaknesses…
Thank you.
Sorry dont wnat to talk about zaid maybe later but right now is the moment of syukur becoz AAB is not defending his position in the march UMNO election. Meaning that new PM will be elected due to the new President of UMNO. Muhyiddin was right and zahid hamidi was wrong… PM Malaysia is been choosen by UMNO members not by Rakyat.
Is Najib and Muhyidin going to be team up for PM and DPM later? Maybe so but I would like to suggest Muhyidin and Najib both of you try to contest for the President post. Muhyiddin got support from the grass root and so is Najib. But for me Muhyidin is the man that more likely to carried out and unite Malaysia for the years ahead. Like for once be an open election so that everyone will be satisfied. If your heart is sincere you can unite back later. UMNO need a contested President not a president that win true silver plate.
Yes AAB and hell to KJ…for you both GOODBYE!!!
Now must be a good time for you!
At last, Pak Lah has announced today that he will not be contesting. So I guess the next step for you is to “dismantle” all the misdeed of Pak Lah, and the first thing is surely to deal with Zaid Ibrahim who has humiliated you so much with his probe into your interference in the judiciary system.
What’s next? Going down the list would be to revitalise “The Bridge”, peg the ringgit again, and make sure Anwar is backed in jail “forever”! Then you will be happily retired and leave Malaysia back to the “good old day”. It does not matter if the UMNO is still corrupt, the country going down the drain……!
Well, your job will then done and legacy protected!
Happy retirement!
Y.A.Bhg Tun,
Well I guess everyone was not surprise of Zaid’s resignation… atleast I am not…I was puzzled when DSAAB appointed him as a full Minister of Justice…there was no justification over his apppointment…I guess he felt guilty of accepting the post…
Anything can happen with the current administration…some corrupted Minister was appointed in the cabinet…wrong people at the wrong place…
DSAAB makes his decision to step down march 2009 in today’s BN meeting…hope all this mess can be rectify when DSN takes over march in 2009…thank you to DSAAB…
Let gone be by gone…
the first battle is over…
the next shall be forth coming…..
sharp words and decisive blow…..
behind you always…….
“there is no greater heart than the heart of a volunteer”
signing off……………
Tun, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri… “Melayu Mudah Lupa…” Biasa la tu. You never tired to keep remind us. Thank you…
selamat ‘be-lated’ hari raya to u Tun n your family…may u and your whole family stays happy n healthy always…by the way Tun, i just would like to ask whether u agree or happy with the detaination of the reporter,(which is dont think ISA i to protect people)terresa kok and raja petra…really appreciate if Tun can answer…thanks…
Assalamua’alaikum YAM Tun,
Al ghafalah ! Bapa kepala kantornya Pak Lah ..”Mr.How Do I Look”
maka yang lainnya serupa …tiru macam saya ! ! !
Rakyaat sekarang risau ! ! !
Seems that the world had plunged into darkness.The light of civilisation had faded.
Salamun Salama
Tun, kami masih menunggu komen Tun bersempena keputusan Pak Lah untuk tidak mempertahan jawatan Presiden Umno..
tul 2 tun..zaid ni mmg kurg ajo..bajet blaja law,cerdik r,tp tak bleh pkai..dh r gune duit rakyat nk bodek hakim yg dh dipecat..igt seme duit bapak die ke..dl die duk sibuk sruh org ltak jwtn,sruh org amik tindakan kt mukhriz la..skang org tkan sruh die ltak jwtn senator lak..br pdn muke..Tuhan nk tnjuk kjap je..x tunggu mati pn..
assalammualaikum wmh..
i would like to take this opportunity to wish u and family “Selamat hari raya Eid’fitri”.
it’s always a question to me why DSAAB chosen this person to be one in his cabinet….
& i always wonder why he could do this to his own nation.he’s dstroying the country by his decisions..
may Allah give the bless to all of us & our country despite there’s a lot of damage has been done by us..
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Sekarang saya boleh berdiskusi dengan Tun sebab Zahid Ibrahim punya pasal la ni.
Berbaloi saya lepaskan small allowances.
Terima kasih Tun.
Dear Tun,
No matter what, Zaid shown the courage to resign and walk his talk for No to ISA. I too think it should not apply to unarmed civillians.
Many minister is unable to do what he did. Maybe what you said is true MANY still concern with their allowance and position.
He had my respect on this one.
I am very surprised why Pak Lah trust this person in the first place. Luckily he is no more in power as I consider him as “kacang lupakan kulit” person and a traitor to Malay and Muslim. Che Det…Selamat Hari Raya. If not because of USA and UK, definitely you would have been classified as one of World’s Great Leaders
Im First……Salam Tun..Hope Tun Sihat Sejahtera…Cannot wait untill March 2009…Ape nak jadi …
Yang di hormati lagi di sayangi Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Siti Hasmah
RIGHT ON THE SPOT. Ayahanda telah pulangkan paku buah keras kepada sesiapa yang telah mengutuk,menyindir atau mengata2 pada ayahanda mengenai pemilihan seseorang ke sesuatu jawatan dalam kerajaan.
Sebagai manusia kita hanya boleh buat pemilihan yang TERBAIK menurut pemikiran kita dan keadaan waktu itu akan tetapi tak dapat tidak mesti jauh dari kesempurnaan kerena KESEMPURNAAN SEJATI HANYA DATANG DARI ALLAH SWT KERENA DIA SAJA YANG MAHA SEMPURNA.
Lawyers are people who are TRAINED TO WIN CASES ON TECHNICALITIES ONLY AND SELDOM ON FACTS.Pembohong,penipu,putar belit,perayu adalah MAINAN BAGI LAWYERS dalam mahkamah.
Orang macam zaid ibrahim,anwar ibrahim,kj.pak lah semua nya jenis satu kapal.suka pekena dan perbodohkan orang lain demi kepentingan dan keuntungan diri sendiri .TAPI DEPA NAK PI MANA -KUBOX DAH DEKAT DAH PUN.
Semoga ayahanda Tun dan Bonda selalu berada di dalam limpahan Rahmat ALLAH SWT.
Alif Lam Mim
I hope I’m the first.
I agree with you about Zaid Ibrahim.
First of all he’s a quitter. If he really wants to so call uphold his principles…then he should stick in the cabinet and fight from within.Baru few months jadi minister dah give up.That’s not the kind of leader that we want.
Second, why must our beloved flip flop PM begged him to stay on after he announced his resignation…so what Zaid Ibrahim resigned! He doesnt have any previous performance records as a minister that the govt had to begged him to stay on as oppose to Tan Sri Kadir Sheikh Fadzir who have proven to be a good minister.
Tun, lets clon you Tun. Selamat Hari Raya Tun.
Tun special request, next year second hari raya buat lah open house kat Titi Gajah (Bapak saya orang Titi Gajah) , boleh saya bawak suami saya yg dr KL tu beraya kat rumah Tun kat Kedah. tak pun Tun pujuk anak Tun buat makan kat Jerlun. Teringin jugak nak pi sana…kalau saja-saja nak pi tak sampailah.
YAB Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is going to step down in March. Good for him n our nation Malaysia.
Yg Bhg Tun,
I just want to side-track a little bit. Not about Zaid Ibrahim but about the latest issue on whether or not Paklah will step down. Below are some excerpts from Tun’s piece of mind as well as my piece of mind.
Tun quoted on Oct-6th re:GIMME THREE MONTHS MORE :”para 5, It is said that on 9th October, the day before the divisions are to hold their meetings, he will announce that he will not stand for election as President of UMNO. The question is, will he announce it? I have this suspicion that he will not. If he does not it would not be surprising. He is not a man of his words.” unquote.
I quoted:”I am compelled to agree with you all this while with your predictions which most of them were quite accurate though a few may have missed the ramalan. On this subject – 3 months more, here are my 2 cents worth…
I am quite confident Paklah will announce that he will step down before the deadline. Why I say this? As we all had seen from the latest scenario, a few of the MT members and non-MT members had broadcasted their intention to vie for the Deputy President’s post. I am sure, DS Najib had already given his blessing (discreetly) to his cronies on the No. 2 position, subsequent to his close door talk with Paklah. Or else, no one would dare to officially announce their intention.
Once Paklah stepped down, then, Paklah will follow Tun’s footstep to create a blog and that is the time he will use his ammunitions to blast and bombard whoever he thinks had tarnished and attacked him during his tenure as a PM. That incudes you Tun, as his Numero Uno enemy.” unquote
Today’s news still hot from the press:”Abdullah tidak pertahan jawatan Presiden (08/10/2008 5:28pm)
KUALA LUMPUR 8 Okt. â Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi hari ini mengumumkan tidak akan mempertahankan jawatan Presiden UMNO pada pemilihan parti itu Mac tahun depan.
Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat khas Dewan Tertinggi Barisan Nasional (BN) di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) hari ini. â Utusan.
What is your comment Tun?
Dear Tun,
People like this makes one feel disgusted when looking at how they act and talk as if they are so righteous.
It is timely that they face the criticisms as you put it in your posting this time. He is not the only one though. There are a few of them roaming freely and enjoying the wealth that UMNO have enabled them to do so.
UMNo should rid itself of these culprits and idealist who are doing nothing but making a ‘mess’ in the name of principles and idealism.
Dear Tun
I was puzzled when this clown was made Senator then Minister responsible for Law. He was found guilty of money politics in UMNO, yet be chosen to be Minister – and worst – looking after Law !! What a joke, what was Pak Lah thinking? Or was he thinking ?
Now he wants to be hero by supporting opposition and demanding ISA to be abolished. Jadi hero filem hindustan boleh lah !! I am glad that he quit, he should have never accept the Minister post, this clown is rich, Minister’s salary is nothing to him. Although he is rich he still “sapu” the MATRADE Brand Promotion Grant for professional services. See: http://www.matrade.gov.my/cms/brand/professional.htm
I totally have no respect for this clown.
Tun yang dikasihi,
A person who intends to show people that he is smartest among the rest (I think zaid is in this type) is normally he is not.
Salam Ceria Tun!
Assalamualaikum ….
Saya amat gembira petang ini setelah mendapat tahu akan pengumuman rasmi AbDolah akan meninggalkan jawatannya MAC 2009! Dan perkara pertama yang terlintas di fikiran saya adalah : INI MERUPAKAN SATU KEJAYAAN LAGI BUAT KITA SEMUA (TERUTAMANYA TUN DR.M) YANG TIDAK PERNAH PUTUS ASA DAN SENTIASA KONSISTEN mendesak AbDolah meletakkan jawatannya!… Tahniah Tun.
Barulah senang untuk kita bergerak untuk membetulkan parti.
Kalau ibarat keretapi, yang sudah rosak kepalanya, maka hari ini diumumkan untuk di ganti baru – maka, pastinya lepas ini kepala pengganti (baru) itu InsyaAllah akan membawa semua gerabak-gerabaknya meluncur di atas landasan dengan cantik dan sempurna. InsyaAllah. (Semoga Allah akan membantu kita)
Cumanya, KENA BERWASPADA DENGAN ABDOLAH NI, JANGAN DIA FLIP FLOP LAGI. (Semoga kali ni, dia betul-betul cakap – tak tipu, dan betul-betul nak kotakan janjinya …)
Kalau ikutkan, lama jugak tempohnya tu, bermula tarikh hari ini (6 bulan!) MEMANG KENA BERWASPADA … Manalah tau si Pelupa A.K.A si Tidur itu berubah fikiran macam sebelum-sebelum ni …
Kalau dia dah tak ada nanti, Zaid dan lain-lain orang suruhannya yang berupaya merosakkan parti, mungkin akan turut lenyap kot?…
Semoga pemimpin yang bakal menggantikan AbDolah dapat alert dari seawal sekarang dengan orang-orang disekelilingnya … Jangan leka seperti AbDolah yang MENGANGKAT SEORANG “JURUCAKAP PEMBANGKANG” (Baca: Zaid Ibrahim) KE DALAM KABINET KERAJAANNYA! ….
Berani Berubah!
Hidup Tun!
Hidup UMNO!
Selamatkan parti & tanahair kita! …
Nowadays, in the name of justice, Zaid Ibrahim obviously wanted to show the Malaysian he is the ‘person play by ruled’. What about helping PAS member to defeat BN candidate when you yourself are UMNO member? So please don’t talk like a straightforward person when you are Bengkang-Bengkok!!!!
Good point Tun M.
P/S: Have a nice day Tun…I’ll be back to Malaysia soon.
Dearest Dr M
The only logical conclusion to this strange string of events must be on the premise of “I scratch your back and you scratch mine”.
I believe only then, will it make good sense.
As per Shakespeare “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”
Assalamulaikum Tun & fellow Malaysians….
With all do respect to Tun (my utmost respect), I’m sure during Tun’s time, there must be mistakes in your administrations too as we are all humans…and humans tend to make mistakes….but please stop at finding mistakes of others and in doing so we tend to forget our main duty that is to contribute to the nation’s building and bring Malaysia forward…If u keep on finding mistakes in another human being…chances are…u will find it…maybe in abundance….So where will it all ends….it will never ends….Others will find our fault and retaliate….Chances are… they won’t change for the better as we expected them to be….It only ends when both party are willing to let go their ego and takes view with open mind and heart…I urge all parties to make peace and try to be open mind with others…it’s not who u are….it’s whose view that are most brilliant….keep our self interest elsewhere and start to find common ground….hatred and more hatred in society will not bring Malaysia forward….I love this country sooo much (i’m sure u all too)….I am not AAB’s supporter nor Anwar’s or Nik Aziz’s….But i really hope one day…Tun…Anwar…Nik Aziz and AAB will unite and thus Malay can be the force to be reckoned with once again….Well like the late Martin Luther King’s greatest speech titled ‘I Have A Dream’…Well, I’m sure most malay out there have this big dream that one day all this mess will clear out…and be united and strong again…Nothing is possible…What do u say Tun?
P/s…I love U Tun!
Assalam Tun,
Could not agree with you more on #11 and 12.
As a businessman bottom line is main priority. Who knows after this ISA issue makes the private practice more profitable.
“Minyak dan air tak akan bercampur”
Anyway Tun,
http://www.mysinchew.com publised the statement from Pak Lah, today:
Pak Lah: Until Next March
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has decided not to seek re-election in the UMNO elections next March.
Abdullah made the announcement in front of leaders of component parties during the BN Supreme Council Meeting this afternoon, that he would not seek re-election as UMNO president in the party’s elections next March, meaning he would be the prime minister and UMNO’s president only until next March.
At last Abdullah also quiting in March 2009… i wish it could be earlier. Anyway will he retain the Defence post… ???
Salam hormat YABhg Tun.
Memang sy amat berharap Zaid Ibrahim tu letak jawatan. Alhamdulillah lega rasanya seorang ini dh pergi. Betul sekali beliau dah lebih dari mampu untuk menyara diri hingga 3-4 keturunan. Tabik pada dia yang letak jawatan dengan penuh maruah…….!!!!!!!!!! Apa pun alasan dia tak penting, yang penting berundur sebelum diundurkan.
YABhg Tun
Mohon Tun berikan pendapat tentang penawaran diri mereka-mereka yang nk jadi calon Timb. Presiden. Amat menarik suasana masa kini. Hari ini sy terbaca dalam akhbar utusan malaysia temubual KJ.Apakah perkara ini tidak di consider sebagai berkempen ke? Seperti yang telah sy katakan semalam……..perwakilan semua telah diberi AMANAH untuk menentukan Pemuda UMNO diletak kembali diatas landasan yang betul dan bermaruah. Sy berharap mereka ini memahami tanggungjawap mereka dihantar ke persidangan tu,jangan dok bual kosong dan bersantai di kelab-kelab dangdut je. Mabuk dan mahsyuk dilayan GRO. Sy nyatakan ini kerana sy pernah nampak mereka melepak. Sy juga pernah nampak macam mana seorang yang drive MBenz-Kompressor bagi wang pada balaci dia……………kebetulan depan mata sy sendiri. YABhg Tun…………amat menyedihkan sy lihat gelagat mereka ni.
Sy juga mohon komen Tun atas sokongan DSAI ke atas Hindraf. DSAI yang nyanyah tu dh ada patung dia pulak kat Bt Cave.
Serabut betul le sekarang ni.
YABhg Tun
Sy doakan Tun sekeluarga sihat sejahtera untuk melihat pemulihan UMNO kelak.
Hi Tun,
I’m quite disturbed by statement 11:
11. One can afford to have principles when one is rich and does not have to depend on the small allowance of a Minister.
Are you implying that the current Ministers and the past Ministers (incl. those in your administration) have stayed or chose to toe the line at ransom? Should they not, regardless of the pay, be upholding the nation’s interest and its livelihood?
The ministers are elected directly/indirectly by the people to run the country at the behest of the nation’s livelihood and not respective coffers.
Justice should be not for the BN ministers, solely. Justice should be upheld for all. ISA may/may not be good and I believe it’s the latter since we have the court of law.
Whatever the govt. chose, it should be fair. This should be applied on BN ministers as well and not just the opposition. The latter action have shown selective justice and I’m not talking of the current situation. Remember Samy’s quip on Quran and making roads?
Mari mengundi, siapakah calon TPM pilihan anda ?
hi tun,
disebabkan orang bn yang sombong dan bongkak dan tak mendengar pendapat rakyat akhirnya kalah 5 negeri. zaid tak salah. cuma mempertahankan apa yang difikirkannya betul.
macam manapun harap bn tak hapuskan isa. kalau tak susahla pembangkang nak jadi kerajaan.
Assalamualaikum, YB Tun.
YB Pak Lah baru sahaja announce yang beliau tidak akan bertanding pada Mac tahun depan. Please comment on that matter. Pengganti beliau seperti diketahui umum adalah YB Datuk Seri Najib. I as layman dan ahli bebas merasakan beliau juga akan mengalami nasib yang sama seperti Pak Lah kerana terlalu banyak perkara tentang beliau yang kurang enak didengari. Di samping itu, ekonomi dunia yang tidak menentu, sudah tentunya memerlukan seorang yang visionary …dalam membangunkan ekonomi negara. Pemimpin perlu tegas dalam melaksanakan dasar, strategi, program kepentingan rakyat walaupun pada mata kasar ianya tidak popular.
Masalah UMNO adalah pemimpin yang korup telah memburukkan nama UMNO. Perjuangan UMNO selama ini dilupakan kerana tindak tanduk pemimpin yang mementingkan diri dan keluarga.
Akhir sekali, YB Tun, Selamat Hari Raya. Semoga YB Tun sihat selalu.
Dear Tun,
Zaid Ibrahim meletak jawatan atas alasan kerajaan menyalahguna ISA.
Pada pendapat saya ianya hanya sekadar gimik politik sahaja. Jadi, beliau tidak seharusnya menjadikan ISA sebagai kambing hitam sehingga memalukan Paklah.
Beliau seharusnya mendedahkan ketidakpuasan hatinya terhadap perjalanan politik UMNO. Beliau sepatutnya memberitahu sahaja kepada pihak media bahawa setiap langkah yang diambilnya tidak mendapat sokongan ahli UMNO sendiri.
Jangan sesekali kaitkan ISA untuk alasan meletak jawatan. Langkah ini selalu diambil oleh orang yang pengecut. Beliau sebagai menteri patut bertanggungjawab memelihara sensiviti ISA. Beliau tidak harus mengelirukan rakyat dengan kenyataan yang memudaratkan sehingga berpihak kepada parti pembangkang.
Hal ini kerana ISA perlu diteruskan bukan sahaja menentang pengganas dan komunis malah ia juga perlu digunakan bagi menahan individu yang berpotensi mencetuskan ketegangan kaum.
Kini kita lihat penggunaan akta ISA ditentang kuat oleh parti pembangkang bukan kerana mereka hendak menyelamatkan negara tetapi mereka hendak meningkatkan populariti sehingga kerajaan sedia tumbang selama-lamanya.
Masing-masing mencari peluang memusnahkan karier Paklah hanya untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. Cara ini salah wahal kita tahu pemerintahan Paklah sekarang adalah goyah dan lemah.
Ini adalah satu gejala yang amat bahaya kerana kebanyakan pemimpin politik yang berpengaruh menggunakan isu kaum untuk meraih undi. Saya nasihatkan kepada para pemimpin politik Malaysia supaya jangan sesekali menggunakan isu kaum kerana semua pihak akan rugi.
Sebenarnya banyak lagi isu yang boleh dipolitikan di Malaysia seperti ekonomi, pendidikan, kesihatan, kemudahan prasarana, pembangunan, dan banyak lagi. Tetapi jangan sesekali berpolitik tentang agama dan kaum kerana ianya isu sensitif sehingga boleh menyebabkan rusuhan.
Sedarlah diri!
Salam tun.
Mungkin PM berpikiran jika melantik seorang Menteri dari kalangan Peguam yang agak Pro kepada Majlis Peguam maka ia dapat menutup atau lebih tepat, menjaga hati ahli-ahli majlis tersebut yang sebelum ini amat kritikal terhadap pentadbiran undang-undang dalam negara.
Apa yang terjadi adalah sebaliknya. Majlis Peguam nampaknya lebih garang dan lebih kuat bersuara semenjak Zaid menjadi de facto menteri undang-undang.
walaupun kita menghormati amalan demokrasi dan kebebasan bersuara, perlakuan Majlis Peguam amat tidak sensitif kepada KEPERLUAN NEGARA.
Negara kita memerlukan kestabilan hubungan kaum dan agama. Dalam konteks negara kita saya percaya hak majoriti adalah lebih utama berbanding hak individu.
Saya percaya dalam banyak perkara, apa-apa isu sensitif berkenaan agama dan kaum boleh diselesaikan secara perbincangan tertutup.
Tetapi gamaknya menteri berkenaan tidak MENZAHIRKAN usaha ke arah itu (walaupun sebenarnya usaha itu memang ada) maka persepsi umum mengatakan bahawa isu trsebut gagal ditangani oleh Kerajaan dan rakyat akan bercakap secara terbuka di mana-mana hatta di tepi jalan pun..
Oleh yang demikian, saya tidak berasa sedikit terkilan atau kecewa apabila Zaid meletak jawatan, malah agak lega apabila beliau berbuat demikian.
Begitulah agaknya apabila seseorang yang kononnya mempunyai PENDIRIAN dan wang yang banyak boleh berbuat sesuka hati tanpa merujuk kepada aturan dan saluran politik dan membelakangkan pula institusi DiRaja.
Sedih juga mengapa PM membuat pilihan yang begitu dangkal.
Salam Eid Mubarak Tun.
First of all, let me just share with you that I am fan of your blog and had read all of your postings. In fact, I look forward to read your new posting every day.
For that, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, the ordinary Malaysian.
Anyway, regarding Zaid, I agree with you. I believe the whole episode was just a show-off and looked like to undermine the previous administration, which was headed by yourself. In the name of transparency (Pak Lah proclaims this very much indeed), I hope the government shares the amount of ex-gratia payments paid to these ex-judges. After all, we are the TAX PAYERS!
If you read this, could you please comment on Pak Lah’s decision today of not contesting UMNO presidency post? Also, I heard rumors that even if he is not the President, there is a possibility he can remain as Prime Minister. Can this be the case?
Take care!
Thank you.
Tun yang dikasihi,
zaid think he is smart. but he is not smart enough. he has to learn a lot of thing.
Air dan Api: Program bual bicara isu-isu semasa
Tajuk: Melayu dicabar dan tercabar?
Panelis: Datuk Seri Mohamad Khir Toyo, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir dan Prof Datuk Dr Zainal Kling
Moderator: Datuk Rahman Sulaiman
Sinopsis: Politik mutakhir memperlihatkan suara-suara ke arah soal kesamarataan dan gagasan Malaysian Malaysia. Persoalannya kini: Apakah Melayu sudah bersedia atau berupaya menerima perubahan ini?
Lawat: http://www.malaysiaku.tv
what ur comment on pak lah decision today???
Yg. DiKasihi Tun,
Cubalah diselidiki bagaimana Si Zaid I ni mendapat yuran guaman yang begitu banyak sehingga menjadi sebuah firma guaman yang terbesar dan satu-satunya firma guaman di negara ini yang mempunyai cawangan di Singapura? Saya tak fikir ini boleh berlaku jika tidak dengan jaringannya bersama Kerajaan khususnya kedudukan beliau sebagai UMNOputra. Saya rasa Tun lebih maklum berkenaan ini kerana penswastaan badan-badan dan projek-projek Kerajaan telah banyak berlaku semasa Tun memerintah.
Baru-baru ini saya diberitahu ada ramai yang berlaku dingin terhadap Tun selepas Tun baru bersara dulu mula tersipu-sipu tak reti malu cuba menonjolkan diri mereka kembali kepada Tun semasa rumah-rumah terbuka Hari Raya yang dihadiri Tun, betul ke?
Saya lihat di TV tubuh dan raut wajah Tun susut sedikit selepas berpuasa tapi faculty and speech masih as sharp as ever. I pray you regain your full strength soon pasal the political and economic landscape Malaysia ni I see are going to be stormy indeed. Yes Tun, ramai antara kami yang masih mengharapkan dan berdoa kehadzrat Allah Taâala agar Tun memainkan peranan dalam pentadbiran Kerajaan walaupun selaku penasihat. Tapi biarlah macam penasihat orang putih. Berpengaruh dan didengar kata-katanya, barulah elok Malaysia ni.
Kami sentiasa berdoa agar kehendak kami semua dimakbulkan Allah. Hidup Tun!
justice to “unfortunate” judges although all the judges were being paid two pensions and one at least was being paid three pensions but what about justice to us the tax payer… bole buat report polis tak camni?
nice one tun.
may god bless u..
Assalamulaikum Tun,
Since my schooldays, I ‘ve always see you as great leader to our nation. It is so sad, certain individuals failed to see the rationale of your doings in making difficult times.
I see the appointment of judges by Yang Dipertuan Agong should be protected in a way that no one can argue if the rejection made the Supreme Ruler himself. Being a Sarawakian, I think if one ridiculed decision made by YDP Agong gave insult to the nation.
That is my opinion…Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. to you and your family. May Allah bless us. Thank you.
hi Tun,
Just wanna wish you Selamat Hari Raya.
Dear TDM,
I hail you as one of the best leaders that Malaysia has ever had. You are courages, self minded and willing to be different. Those were the qualities of a leader. Unfortunately, things that you have done for the rakyat in you late tenure as the PM are very contraversial? You cant groom a leader for 16 years just to boot him out? However, that is history and history is known to repeat itself because human being never learns. The crave for lust of materials and power. These factors are known to be the best ingredients that destroy them. DSAAB is history in the making, you seem to have chosen the wrong leader to replace you.
The system of choosing a leadership in UMNO is open to corruption and bargining.This system is also practise in Indonesia during Suhartos’ time but has been removed under SBY, where currently the rakyat chose the president. Top brass leaders in Indonesia are being prosecuted in the name of curruption. The president family members are ban from politics and businesses. Indonesia has surpassed Malaysia in terms of FDIs, transperency and achieving
superb economic growth.
You have the power at one time to make our country a better place to live in and to prosper since our population is very small and the countys’ wealth is enormous. LKU of Singapore has made his country
into a fully developed nation,at par with the western nation. Zero borrowings in fact are giving loans to other countries. The chance of a change will not come again for no PM of Malaysia will ever hold a reign of more then 20 years like you. No chance.
At least, Zahid has the courage to make the change, no matter what! he is an examplary to the nation, and so does Datuk Dr. Affifuddin Omar who has the courage to speak against you in the MT meeting. You booted him out for voicing out an oponion? He was just giving an idea and that was cruel. Leaders are not made, they are born with distinct qualities and they are different. They are always the taget of crticism and conspiration.
You are one of the greats and Malaysia will never forget, but you could have done more but you didn’t. Only you have the sincere answer to this question and I hope may you not live to regret it, for you have been given that oportunity.
Malaysia is currently facing a bleak future and nobody knows what lies ahead. The countrys’ budget is half propelled by Petronas fund, FDIs are cureenly leaving the country, 500 points are already wiped out from the KLCI which translated into Billions of $ loss. The world is currently going into the era of ‘Black Monday’ The rakyat is burdened with high living cost, escalating food prices, homes, rent, morgages and cost of transportation. This is the begining and the worse is yet to come. Our leaders are not ready to offer any mitigation plan instead they are ‘fighthing’ for their mere survival. Has the rakyat to pay for the crime they did not commit? Or it is a crime not to elect BN in PRU12? As YM. TRH put it ‘the current BN leaders are corrupted at their heighest levels’.
Asalamualaikum Tun,
This is my 1st time be so honoured to be joining your blog,reading all your comments,great to be part of it!
Tun as a veteran of malaysia’s politics,your comment or advice are vital and should be greeted as an valuable and referable advice to the Malaysian’s politician. I don’t find any reason why Tun will,as some people said you will worsen the Umno situation,Tun love UMNO,love all Malays,and all the people of Malaysia,right?
Anyway Tun,my little advice to Tun,take care of your health and slow down your temperament,sometimes Tun do “HOT” something,be patient,SABAR ITU SALAH SATU KEIMANAN…
I am more worry your health rather than what happen to the Malaysian politics,they are not baby,i think they know what are they doing and talking everyday…
About Zaid Ibrahim,some people,especially who doesn’t like UMNO, say he is good because he got GUTS!!!
Its all a matter of heaven and hell.God knows he is right or wrong..
Dear Tun,
Mr Zaid ibrahim is good man !integrity,responsible and honest!
Dear Tun,
Please do not have unnecessary anger in you. It is very bad for your health. You should spend more time praying and doing good for all the poor people irrespective of race, creed and culture. Please do not be agitated by such silly things, which is part of the present Government culture.
What cannot be rectified has to be endured. Prayers are all we have to put things right at the time when some silly, childish and non-god fearing people are given a free hand to decide on certain courses of action.
Relax and you will definitely be a much happier person. All the best to Tun and family.
Dear Tun,
We are not accusing you made the wrong choice to hand over the country to this person’s hand but the fact is you can see what he has done to the country ! You always have my full respect and I am always grateful to you towards what you have done and contributed to our country. But beyond the point i think you should responsible to the wrong choice that you had made and come back to fix the problems. Safe our country please! That man has no pride and he will not step down.
who was he again? 🙂
it seems to me that he loves his job, to wipe the bar council (what ever they have).
when he announced to resign from cabinet, he tried to do as if he is SO important.
who was he again? sorry, i got amnesia (and felt sick over what he had had done)
Salam Tun,
Nothing is changed to person named by Zaid Ibrahim. Nama mungkin orang boleh lupa…belang takkan hilang kot.
Terima kasih Tun kerana masih ingin mengambil berat kepada kami yang belum tergapai, merangkak dan cuba nak faham itu dan ini dalam masa yang terlalu genting dan singkat.
Alhamdulillah, kami diizinkan juga untuk belajar memahami dan belajar dari orang yang punyai ilmu dan pengetahuan seperti Tun.
Terima kasih banyak-banyak.
slm YBhg. Tun,
xde pe nk komen, cuma saya sebagai timbalan pemuda cawangan di negeri selangor menyokong sepenuhnya YB mukhriz bertanding jawatan ketua pemuda malaysia. lawan itu KJ! jgn gentar!!!!!
Yg keruh kita jernihkn, yg buruk kita cantikkan….!
btul 2 tuN..We’ll always be your supporter…dont worry tun..dedahkn semua fakta2 yg berselindung tun…kebanyakan rakyat hari ni disajikan dengan berita putar belit media sahaja,kami seolah tertipu dgn agenda tertentu…kami hanya bergantung pada tun utk mgubah kembali persepsi kami pada kpimpinan sekarang..Mengapa tun tidak begitu disukai oleh kpimpinan sekarang…?apa2 pn respek kt tun cz masyarat di dubai or di tempat yg lain di dunia ni…kbanyakannya klu tanya pasal malaysia..mereka trus mjwb oohh mahathir mohamad..sebagai rakyat kami tumpang berbangga tun…
truskn perjuanganmu yg blm selesai tun…kami sebagai rakyat akan terus berada dibelakang ayahanda tun….
Salam TUN,
The latest news informed that Paklah is stepping down as prime minister in March 2009.
This is contributed from your hard work to see the premiership changes due to weakness and ineffective.
Thank a lot for your effort TUN. Welcome back to UMNO.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
All the time, I either agree or disagree with what you say. No in-between. I also respect you for being outspoken. However, regarding Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, I beg to disagree with you. Being principled is to be lauded, not ridiculed. You should know, Tun, as you are a man of principles. For example, you never change your stance regarding DSAI (Anwar). I also respect you for that, even though we are again at odds in that aspect. But that it another story, another day. Let us agree to disagree.
Tun and family,
I would like to take this opportunity to wish Selamat Hari Raya to Tun and Family serta Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Semoga Tun dan keluarga akan sentiasa dirahmati Allah SWT dan sihat sentiasa.
Me, my relatives and friends are your loyal supporters, and from the beginning we anticipated that Pak Lah is not capable, and if he is not capable then the appointments of some of the Ministers including Zahid is purely irrelevant.
We are very sad over this, their biggest mistake is not to appoint you as an Adviser to the Government, then we dont have to face this sort of human blunder and weaknesses!
Salam kepada Tun dan keluarga.
salam buat Tun yng dikasihi dan dihormati,
i think lawyers can be good orators or speakers but they cannot be a good politician…maybe Zaid Ibrahim ingat enteng aje tapi now baru dia sedar sudah silap….too ambitious from the way i see it…gopoh nak tukar itu ini…heheheh..macam DSAI dulu2 juga..gopoh sangat…sampai tak nampak benda2 yang dilanggar kiri kanan…
btw, i am first today…
take care Tun…
Good morning,Dr.Mahathir.Your comments about Zaid Ibrahim was just anticipated from you.Anyway do you think from your bottom of your heart that some sort of a judicial reformation is essential to heal the political turmoil that’s facing the nation now.Don’t you think Zaid tendered his resignation out of frustration.
Dearest Tun,
Are you talking about Zaid Ibrahim ?
Zaid Ibrahim who ?
aaah never exist and berjasa during his malaysian political stint except to find ways to make his face appear in the STAR and Buletin Utama. To promote him self as a 2nd commander to Anwar Ibrahim..konon…
It look like our current gov just simply spent our money to benefit small group of people who you called “unfortunate” ya Tun??
It shows that how “well” public money are gone… Well Done Paklah!!!
Can you comment on our “beloved” Paklah not to defend his post in UMNO? Is this for real?? Alhamdulillah…..=)
Salam Tun,
1) After Zahid, Pak Lah wants to do the same. Just a few days ago he reminded everyone that he will continue with the judicial reforms as promised.
2) And he is leaving in few months or few days time. Who cares what happens next. He is so irresponsible.
3) Kelabu asap, what is he trying to do. I hope he can remember the day and time when all this is hapenning. It can be fatal(sounds familiar?).
4) There you are the owner of the largest law firm. It is this kind of human being that don’t care about the small people by creating all sorts of issues and when they can’t handle it, just resign. Afterall they are rich and don’t need pensions unlike most of us.
It look like our current gov just simply spent our money to benefit small group of people who you called “unfortunate” ya Tun??
It shows that how “well” public money are gone… Well Done Paklah!!!
Can you comment on our “beloved” Paklah not to defend his post in UMNO? Is this for real?? Alhamdulillah…..=)
It look like our current gov just simply spent our money to benefit small group of people who you called “unfortunate” ya Tun??
It shows that how “well” public money are gone… Well Done Paklah!!!
Can you comment on our “beloved” Paklah not to defend his post in UMNO? Is this for real?? Alhamdulillah…..=)
Salam Hormat Tun,
Saya rasa Zaid tau dia tak akan lama menjadi Menteri sebab selepas Pak Lah turun (dia dah turun dah ..he.he Alhamdullilah), mesti dia kena terminate. Dia nak cari sebab saja nak turn dengan cara terhormat tapi bodoh juga…lepas resign join opposition..nampak sangat tembelang tu. Salam/Baftim
Assalamualaikum wbt Tun,
Ustaz bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun,
Tapi Tun, adakah Tun rasa Pak Lah mempunyai penasihat yg mencadangkan perlantikan Zaid ?
Selamat Berpuasa Enam dan semoga Tun mempertingkatkan amal ibadah di akhir usia ini …
Dear Tun,
Entah la… makin lama makin pening dibuatnya…..
Sabor je la
Salam Tun dan Toh Puan,
Kalau benar lah ape yang di tulis oleh Tun, bahawa tingkah laku Zaid samasa pilihanraya dan semasa dia dilantik menjadi Menteri…dan berperangai macam tu…memang selayak nye dia meletak jawatan …lagi cepat lagi bagus…lagi pun dia bukan wakil wakyat…BN kalah teruk di Kelantan…berkemungkinan kerana dia.
Zaid telah membuat rakyat marah…dia telah membuatkan rakyat geram kerana duit rakyat digunakan tanpa memberitahu rakyat berapa jumlah wang yang dibayar sebagai ex-garte… sedih saya lihat hakim yang dapat 2-3 duit pencen…masih tak cukup…mereka diam…kenapa zaid nak bising2!…kesemua hakim itu tahu bahawa tindakan meraka melawan kerajaan dan melanggar arahan memberi contoh yang buruk kepada pengamal undang-undang. Tindakan mereka tidak mencerminkan seorang pengamal undang-undang.
Zaid cakap tentang perubahan yang hendak dilakukan…ikut suka hati dia sahaja…dia cuba nak menunjukkan hero di dalam undang-undang Malaysia… dia kena faham undang-undang kerajaan juga mengambil pandangan pengamal undang-undang dan masyarakat dan istitusi raja-raja. Bukan suka hati nak buat undang-undang.
Zaid nak letak jawatan…sila letak jawatan dengan hormat sebelum DITENDANG oleh masyarakat!
Rakyat sekarang lebih berkuasa daripada PM dan TPM!
Rakyat dah bosan dengan hanya bercakap-cakap tanpa perubahan fizikal dan rohani.
Rakyat lagi bertambah jemu dengan sistem undang-undang yang tak boleh pakai!
Tun saya minta Tun buat satu forum dan keluarkan buku….
Buka tembelang muka-muka penyanganK bangsa, agama dan negara!
Tun kami perlukan Tun….
Kami perlukan sentuhan Tun …mereka lembab Tun!…mereka macam tak tahu buat kerja….apa mereka buat?
Rakyat bosan Tun…kita tidak menjadi bangsa , negara yang berjaya…berjaya bercakap tak habis2.
Tun jadilah PM semula…
Kami perlukan Tun!
Zaid has sold his soul to the devil. Now he will burn in hell for it.
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Zaid Ibrahim…
Hi Father I`m your daughter!!!
I want to meet you as soon as possible.
Hope thet you are healthy.
Lots of Love
from your Daughter
salam Tun,
I don’t like to be in the company of lawyers..they make me feel uneasy.
I really can’t explain the reason.I think it’s a phobia of mine.
Or maybe I had read too many lawyer jokes…
Salam Ayahnda Tun..
DSAAB had make a wrong choice to put Zaid in his cabinets. DSAAB always make flip flop decision..Now Zaid make him flip flop..Still waiting DSAAB announcement…Bet you..
Salam Tun,
A very interesting article with a pinch of salt (read as sarcasm or cynical).. indeed.. it was a very ‘weird’ decision by the PM to appoint a Minister who not only failed to become the Division Head but was subjected to disciplinary action!! Memang Melayu Mudah Lupa… 🙂
salam tun
selamat hari raya..maaf zahir dan batin
This time, I’m going to be the 1st.
Boleh Tun berikan komen mengenai kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di 5 negeri buat masa ini. Kelantan, Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak & Selangor. Apa komen Tun.
Assalammualaikum Tun.Kerajaan perlu memaklumkan kepada rakyat jumlah wang yang diberikan kepada Tun Salleh Abas dan hakim hakim yang terlibat kerana melibatkan wang rakyat.
Yg Bhg Tun,
Sungguh, Zaid hanya mampu ‘test power’ tapi tak berapa berjaya. Terlalu banyak tekanan, kiri kanan depan belakang, bertambah pula dengan ‘entah apa intention’ yang ada didalam kalbunya, jadi sudah tentu jika kehendak dan keinginan yang ingin dilakukannya tidak tercapai, mestilah ada unsur merajuk. Cuma, kita boleh lihat kesan negatif yang wujud, yang paling jelas Bar Council dpt dapat taring lebih panjang..
Salam Tun and readers,
OOooo … baru saya tauu…
Apa yang saya faham :-
– Perlantikan Zaid memang tidak disenangi dari mula lagi oleh Kabinet ( ishhh abis tu apa Agenda Pak Lah lantik dia ni? Geng KJ ker?)
– Zaid kerja ikut kepala dia bukan memikul amanah dengan tanggungjawab ( buang karan tul! )
– Zaid talam 3 muka – BN – PAS – PKR ( peh suke ati dia ajer )
– Zaid sepupu dengan Bar Council ( Aik peguam lawan tokeh dengan majistret ?)
– Aik majistret dapat pencen 2 – 3 ganda ? Bahagi 2 dengan Zaid ker? ( Patut Zaid tak kesah pasal elaun menteri )
Last sekali tak patut tuduh Tun salah pilih Pak Lah, coz bukan Tun yg suruh Pak Lah wat benda2 bodo tuh,
Semua yang TUn nasihat dia REJECT
tu yg kena KETULAHAN… semua menda dia pilih lagi HAMPEH…
REMINDER : Reason Tun pilih Pak Lah kan sebab dia Mr.CLEAN tapi mana TUN tahu PAK LAH akan KELABU MATA bila jadi PM
So, masuk lagi satu kriteria utk
Salam Tun:
Zaid Ibrahim dah letak jawatan dan ada ura2 nak jadi ahli pembankang. Jadi lah apa dia nak jadi, tak ada2 yang merugikan negara dan bangsa. Semoga beliau dilaknat dunia dan akhirat atas apa saja yang dia lakukan. Orang macam dia, tak layak jadi pemimpin, takde ciri2 pemimpin langsung. Pengkianat dan durjana kepada bangsa dan UMNO adalah.
Saya harap beliau bertaubat sebelum terlambat!!! Pabila ajal dah datang baru beliau dan Pak Lahap dan konco2nya akan tau untung nasib diri. Semoga dizab dunia dan akhirat!!
Pilihanraya dah habis bulan March tapi sampai la ni tak habis-habis orang cakap pasal hal politik sini sana. Sudahlah….rakyat pun dah buat pilihan dan mandate supaya BN dapat memerintah kerajaan.
Apa lagi dok cakap pasal anwar,pak lah , MT Umno ….bila dia orang nie nak memerintah? policy,economy,dasar, banyak lagi bole diperkatakan? mana haluan depa nie? sampai la nie tak habis habis?
dah lah….Rakyat pun dah banyak sabar…. tak larat la asyik buka newspaper ajer…cerita sama….letih,letih tau.
terima kasih
salam tun,
saya dengar cerita zaid ibarahim ni boleh jadi kaya raya sebab tun banyak sokong law firm dia dulu untuk sign agreement kontrak plus,renong,uem dan syarikat umno.agak-agak kalau tun tak tolong zaman tu boleh tak law firm dia bersaing dengan law firm orang lain?agak-agak zaman tu berani tak dia cerita pasal isa,justice,merit,keadilan undang-undang dan juga komplen pasal umno racist?biasalah melayu mudah lupa.tun ingat kalau dia tak banyak duit berani tak dia meletak jawatan?orang melayu mudah lupa jasa-jasa orang yang banyak membantu mereka.masa tun berkuasa bila susah sanggup kilat kasut tun dan cium tangan tun.bila senang dia gigit balik tangan kita.kalau tak percaya tengoklah nazri aziz,rafidah aziz,azalina,ali rustam,dan juga yang seorang lagi tu yang sibuk buat lawak bila nak pencen.
He want govt. being open and transparent but the amount paid to ex-judge is not revealed ???
Transparent kah dia ???
You think people stupid kah ???
Dont sleeping la bro………
Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun.
Ada beberapa pendapat bahawa sesiapa yang melawan YABhg Tun akan mendapat ketulahan. Mungkin secara kebetulan. Kalau betul maka kita tunggu siapa pula yang kena…
Setelah meletak jawatan, sikap buruk beliau dengan menyokong pembangkang semakin jelas. Maka keputusan beliau digantung dari UMNO jelas kerasionalannya.
Semoga YABhg Tun sekeluarga dirahmati Allah.
Dear Tun,
By this article of yours, it reminds me of the need for leaders to look at the big picture. More often that not, we can’t have an ideal solution to a problem so, weighing all factors and make the right decision is imperative. The problem is people tend to perceive in their own narrow perspective. Who should judge?
Dear Tun.
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan batin.
Very sad and sick of what happen nowaday. We are facing tons and tons of problem, Externally,
1. the world is experiencing economy slowdown, possible recession. I was told that this recession may be as bad as the one during 1920 to 1930.
2. Market “crocodile” has push up the oil price from USD10 30 years ago to USD90 in October 2008.
Internally we are facing
1. Political very unstable.
2. High cost of living.
3. increase crime rate.
And yet, our leaders still fighting for their own gain, especially our “bapa kejatuhan”
It is sad to learn that most of our leader have an IQ of less than 70. Some of our leaders have a brain as big as a peanut.
Some of them even sold their soul to devil. If not so, why most of our leaders behave like that.
I must say, tun, some leader hand pick by you also like that, their skin is thicker than elephane buttock , thay dont even know the word “Malu”
So, please, Tun, please show us a way to survive, show us a way to overcome what we are facing, external problem might be difficult, but you should have ways to overcome our internal problem.
At least, please help show us how to get rid of thick skin leaders, IQ 70 leaders and the greatest young and sombong leader graduate from a great university of great country name “UK”
Thanks and take good care.
masa tulis komen ni, sy mendapat berita paling gembira, Pak Lah letak Jawatan, syabas dan tahniah tun kerana berjaya jugak mempengaruhi Pak Lah letak jawatan
Prinsip yang perlu dipegang dalam hidup ini adalah dengan membuat pilihan yang paling adil. (adil satu perkara yang subjektif)
Kita pilih untuk jadi manusia yang berguna kepada masyarakat atau kita pilih untuk jadi insan yang tidak berguna langsung.
Dan pada saya, saya pilih BN adalah kerana saya yakin pada parti ini.
Begitu juga rakyat kelantan pilih PAS kerana dengan keyakinan mereka sendiri.
Pilihan raya lalu rakyat pilih beberapa kerusi parlimen dan DUN atas calon Pakatan Rakyat sebab mereka yakin dan diyakini dengan menifesto PR.
Pun begitu, Rakyat masih pilih BN atas apa yang diyakini oleh mereka.
Jadi Tun kena adil dengan setiap pilihan rakyat.
Hari ini kita nampak terdapat ramai pihak meminta agar Pak Lah letak Jawatan. tapi pak Lah pilih untuk kekalkan jawatan PM dan Presiden UMNO atas keyakinan beliau sendiri (sama ada baik atau sebaliknya) tuhan saja yang tahu.
Begitu juga Tun, letak jawatan pada 2003 atas pilihan tun dan lantik Pak Lah atas keyakinan pak lah.
Oleh itu, kita patut hargai setiap pilihan manusia terutamanya pilihan rakyat.
Mana ada seorang pemimpin yang maksum
Semua kita ini ada buat dosa sama ada kecil mahupun besar
Tun pun jangan nafi banyak buat kesilapan semasa memerintah Malaysia
Begitu juga Pak Lah tidak lari daripada buat kesilapan.
Dear Tun,
Yes Tun,you are right in saying that the PM must have inherited your weakness. And having to bring in gays like Dato Muhammad Muhammad Taib back as a minister, and without having to contest the election,is something I could not understand. Wasn’t he the one who got caught at an Australian airport and lied that he could understand English? I don’t think you would want to take in gays like this…would you Tun?
Saya telah mengikuti blog ini sejak awal lagi, tapi cerita Zaid ini menarik minat saya untuk komen. Tak banyak orang tau Zaid Ibrahim & Co (ZICO) has made his money as LA for most of the privatisation project that was promoted during your time, off course macam Tun selalu kata orang Melayu macam Zaid ini mudah lupa where he made his fortune.
I also do recall masa dok kecoh kecoh degan hakim ni, he is supporting you as Presiden Persatuan Peguam Muslim Malaysia. Ada org kata Persatuan ini Zaid punya alternatif platform pasai masa tu he cant penetrate Bar Council.
Heran pasai apa dia tak lawan ISA habis habisan masa tu when you PM and DSAI is TPM.
Selamat Hari Raya to you and Tun Siti Hasmah…..sorry cant attend your Rumah terbuka for SAHOCA at Yayasan Perdana…..ada hal sikit.
salam tun.
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Hopefully I’m the first..Ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin kepada Tun sekeluarga..
Salam Tun.
Sesuatu yang menarik al kisah nya ZAID the de facto minister.
Para 11 mencuit hati saya.
Begitu lah gaya penulisan TUN yang seronok dan tidak menjemukan untuk terus membaca.
Pak Lah dah tersalah pilih lah. Al maklum lah Pak Lah mungkin tak tahu al kisah sebenar nya si Zaid ni telah menyokong PAS kerana sakit hati.
Atau Pak Lah mungkin nak pujuk kot…boleh bantu tolong selesaikan masaalah perundangan negara. Tapi sebalik menikam dari belakang.
Mujur lah dia berprinsip,kalau tidak lagi bertambah huru hara negara dibuat nya.
Harap esuk boleh lah TUN tulis pula tentang apa2 keputusan yang mungkin telah pun Pak Lah umumkan pendirian nya dalam kedudukan jawatan nya.
Rakyat dah tak sabar nak dengar pengumuman penting nya.
“One can afford to have principles when one is rich and does not have to depend on the small allowance of a Minister.”
agaknye,india² (ops.x racist) bar nih nk mesia jd zaman batu balik.negare mude cm kite ni die nk prektik pelik2 cm barat sane (plus.kite kn kerajaan raje berpelembagaan).
jgn liberal sgtlah.tutop sket xpe.janji smeorang oke.n kerajaan pon mampu buat keadaan yg kondusif tuk rakyat smer hidup.xhuru hare cam skang.paklah lembik!bia mcm² org buat huru hare kt mesia.
Salam Tun,
Apa pun keputusan Paklah hari ni atau esok…harap tiada lagi teka teki atau sorong papan tarik papan…
Tu ja… enough is enough…
Tun!!!…pls masuk balik UMNO
Salam Tun.
Satu dunia dengar Pak Lah berkata “Saya tidak akan melantik mereka yang tewas atau yang tidak bertanding dalam kabinet yang bakal dibentuk”. Kenyataan yang dikeluarkan beberapa hari selepas kemenangan tipis BN dalam PRU-12.
Tup-tup ..lantik jugak dan salah seorang daripada mereka … Zaid Ibrahim, jutawan loyar….
Every leader has their way of doing things. Some are by themselves smart enough, while others depended on other people. So the current PM has his advisors, and what malaysia is today, is partly due to that leadership.
With the situation of the day, all of us wants the best, and our best defer from the rest. Thats why, we need, a good and steady TWO PARTY SYSTEM, then we the rakyat has the CHOICE, and whoever governs well gets to continue.
Give this system a chance, the best leader will come forward.
11. One can afford to have principles when one is rich and does not have to depend on the small allowance of a Minister.
I totally agree with your statement above TUN….”bull’s eye”
Zaid Ibrahim had hidden agendas the moment he stepped into office. I believe some people do things in order to ensure their well-being be it financially or socially. In Zaid’s case everybody knows the reason why.
2. Zaid has been a failure as a politician from the word go. He is into his own world and made everybody confused. He couldn’t even get support from Kota Baru and yet he had the cheek to tell us how to run things.
3. The ‘best’ thing about Zaid is that he was on the same platform with the opposition leaders the day after he tendered his resignation. That shows his true colours. He told everybody that he was a man of principles and for that he resigned. On the contrary! Of all the politicians, be it in the government or opposition, Zaid is a man without any principles.
4. How could he had accepted the post of a minister if he didn’t agree with the government on so many things. He should have said “No. I have to turn down the offer for I have my own principles.” But this Kota Baru clown accepted it and decided to be a celebrity. His big boss enjoyed his antics initially, especially when he started to tarnish the image of certain respected (but retired) leaders but suddenly this guy turned berserk.
5. Zaid Ibrahim is another minus point for Pak Lah. There are quite a few more actually. Names like Ismail Sabri, Shaberi Chik, Nazri popped up instantly.
6. Politicians like Zaid make you sick.(KJ too)
Take care Tun
I CAN BE CONTACTED AT [email protected]
YABhg Tun,
I like to read all of your comments.
By the way Tun, one of your favourite book is “Jalan Ke Puncak” which I bought somewhere in 2000.
“Berani Berubah”
Setuju dengan pendapat Tun. Dulu pun, Zaid pernah digantung keahlian UMNO namun Pak Lah telah melantik semula Zaid sebagai Menteri.
Ramai yang tidak berapa sehaluan dan setuju dengan Pak Lah semasa perlantikan ini.
TDM…..i guess….wat Datuk Zaid has done shows that at least he has the guts among other cabinet members who surviving under shadow of Pak Lah. Nevertheless he cant fight alone for the judicial reformâ¦.But he have insist it. But then sad to say thet there is âmusuh dalam selimu’tâ¦who started questioning his move such in voicing out the arrest of Raja Petra,Terese Kok.
Well today is BN so called Supmere Council Meetingâ¦.Lets C What Pak Lah Prepared For The Nationâ¦â¦â¦.
siapa zahih tu..lawyer, majistred..ahli muzik ..advisor
i dont know him..i dont trus him
Salam Tun n Tun Hasmah..
Proud to be the first..
Keep writing… your words r full with inspirations..
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Saya bukanlah peguam, atau ahli politik. Saya mengikuti perkembangan politik hanya melalui media. Pemilihan zaid sebagai menteri yang menjaga undang-undang benar-benar mengejutkan berdasarkan kes-kes yang dipaparkan di media mengenai beliau. Tindakan beliau menyingkap kisah lama kehakiman dan membuat pengumuman-pengumuman melulu di media menggambarkan sikapnya yang angkuh.
Saya begitu hairan siapakah yang mencadangkan zaid sebagai menteri undang-undang kepada Pak Lah. Dah tak ada orang lain lagi ka di Malaysia ni. Lepas tu lantik begitu ramai penasihat bertaraf menteri! tapi apa sebenarnya yang dinasihatkan.
Saya rasa lebih baik lantik Tun sorang saja menjadi penasihat kepada Kerajaan Malaysia supaya tindakan-tindakan kerajaan tak lah merapu macam sekarang ni. Ucapan Ikhlas dari saya – terima kasih Tun kerana membangunkan Malaysia dengan makmur dan sejahtera sebelum di’ronyeh’ oleh pemimpin yang tak minat memimpin.
saya rasa negara kita masih belum stabil sepenuhnya.
pergolakan dalaman masih berlaku.
dan kini,
saya masih menunggu siapakah pemimpin yang dapat mengembalikan zaman kegemilangan kita seperti yang dibawa oleh tun dahulu.
saya masih menanti.
tapi buat masa sekarang saya tidak nampak ada sesiapa yang dapat menggantikan tun lagi.
tun, sampai bilakah akan jadi begini.?
pada pandangan tun, siapakah yang sebenarnya layak tanpa mengira apa jua fahaman politik.
siapakah yang tulus dan selayaknya untuk memimpin kita semua.?
I’m truly dead dumb when it is coming to politic, especially those with hidden agenda. But my plain thinking telling me that this fella is a great pirate. He jump from one ship to one ship to get his loots. Seeing that BN ship near sinking and with the leader as stubborn as a donkey, he jumped to another ship which he sees about to set sail so that he can pillage more island of wealth happen to surround our country.
Or maybe he just want to have his name craved on stone to be the one who started the winds of change in judicial scenario in Malaysia. But that one should not be worry, in the end all of us have our name craved on a stone. unless you be sleeping with the fishing in the end of you life.
Salam Tun Dr mahathir Mohamad 😀
Disini lahirnya sebuah cinta
Yang murni abadi sejati
Disini tersemai cita cita
Bercambah menjadi warisan
( korus )
Andai ku terbuang tak diterima
Andai aku disingkirkan
Kemana harusku bawakan
Kemana harusku semaikan cinta ini
Dibumi ini ku melangkah
Keutara selatan timur dan barat
Ku jejaki
Bukanlah seorang perwira
Gagah menjunjung senjata
Namun hati rela berjuang
Walau dengan cara sendiri
Demi cinta ini
( ulang korus )
Ku ingin kotakan seribu janji
Sepanjang kedewasaan ini
Ku ingin sampaikan pesanan
Aku lah penyambung warisan
Zaid’s possible cross over will sting Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi more than Umno because it was the latter who appointed the maverick politician a senator and made him a minister after the March 8 general election.
Zaid quit the Cabinet after the government used the Internal Security Act on a journalist, an opposition politician and a blogger. He also said that he was disillusioned because of resistance he faced in the Cabinet when pushing for reforms to the judiciary, especially the setting up of the Judicial Appointments Commission.
In many ways, if he leaves Umno, it will not be surprising. He has pushed for more transparency; a review of the ISA; equality for all races and a complete overhaul of the beleaguered judiciary â issues which do not have much traction in the ruling party.
Zaid Ibrahim
Know something about Zaid Ibrahim appoinment as Minister.
It was obviously a big mistake. All ministers know him, UMNO members know him and Malaysians know about him.
He is not famous because of his vast experience.
He is famous because of problems.
In short because of all problems that he’s created.
The other one who followed him very close is Shahrir Samad.
Very close…………
However who appointed all this Ministers in the cabinet.
Very simple question with simple answer.
The one who’s lack capabilities of strentgh and honesty.
No need to talk about the other criteria.
Only two main criterias. Only two………
Two criterias of good leader that we need today and future.
Zaid Ibrahim
Know something about Zaid Ibrahim appoinment as Minister.
It was obviously a big mistake. All ministers know him, UMNO members know him and Malaysians know about him.
He is not famous because of his vast experience.
He is famous because of problems.
In short because of all problems that he’s created.
The other one who followed him very close is Shahrir Samad.
Very close…………
However who appointed all this Ministers in the cabinet.
Very simple question with simple answer.
The one who’s lack capabilities of strentgh and honesty.
No need to talk about the other criteria.
Only two main criterias. Only two………
Two criterias of good leader that we need today and future.
Askm Tun. I just dont know where we Malaysians are heading. Always a wrong move by the Government. Wallahualam.
institusi kehakiman sepatutnya hendaklah bebas dari mana-mana pengaruh. ditakuti ada pihak yang punya kepentingan mengambil peluang jika punya ‘orang dalam’ di dalam institusi kehakiman tersebut.
mungkin si zahid ini jujur dalam memberikan pendapat atau mungkin beliau punya agenda yang tersembunyi.
yang paling ditakuti, permainan politik org atasan yang melibatkan institusi kehakiman demi kepentingan masing-masing membawa keburukan pada rakyat di bawah…
nampak gaya undang-undang ciptaan manusia terbukti banyak kelemahan & mudah dimanupulasi oleh orang-orang yang berpengaruh. tak begitu tun?
syam @ http://aeropama.com/
institusi kehakiman sepatutnya hendaklah bebas dari mana-mana pengaruh. ditakuti ada pihak yang punya kepentingan mengambil peluang jika punya ‘orang dalam’ di dalam institusi kehakiman tersebut.
mungkin si zahid ini jujur dalam memberikan pendapat atau mungkin beliau punya agenda yang tersembunyi.
yang paling ditakuti, permainan politik org atasan yang melibatkan institusi kehakiman demi kepentingan masing-masing membawa keburukan pada rakyat di bawah…
nampak gaya undang-undang ciptaan manusia terbukti banyak kelemahan & mudah dimanupulasi oleh orang-orang yang berpengaruh. tak begitu tun?
Of course he’s rich….you need to be somebody’s daughter or son to be considered to work in his firm……that small allowance is nothing to him compared to all the work given by the opposition to his law firm……..
This is the real “ULTRA” Malay for me……they feel really embarassed if people know they are Malay……
Thanks Tun for you deep thought…..
Tun, If you all can be half of Zaid Ibrahim,we the rakyat will be damn proud.Do what you preach.Zaid is not like you who speak racism when ever you open your mouth.Zaid is a man of words.When he say resign,he means it,not like you who say ‘I will leave quietly’but still trying to pull string from behind.Shame on you,a person who never takes words or promise seriously.May be like what you say ‘I keep on forgetting’.Tun, I’m now beginning to seriously think that you are indeed having Parkinson Disease.For Christ sake go and check yourself into a first class specialist center,since you are so rich after 22 years of milking the country.Those corrupt money ,if not spent ,can’t be taken to hell.In hell you don’t need this money anymore.So with your age catching up,Tun, it’s timely that you keep us out of your daily barking.We are indeed tired of you.
Am I the first?
As I say before, many lawyers think they are the smartest people on earth simply because the can still get rich despite not able to do Maths and Science.
Heard some specific Singh lawyers charged customers a hefty some of RM80K with the payment up front before the appear in court. Some customers had their cases thrown out simply because they failed to come up with the face money.
Zaid Ibrahim ?????? sudah jadi hikayat…beliau akan dikenang sebagai perosak ketuanan melayu.Beliau akan dikenang sebagai ‘balaci’ kepada BC.Tun, biarkan Zaid pergi dengan tenang.Jangan lagi sebut nama ‘sikeparat tu’.Biarkan dia dengan ‘keras kepalanya’.Sampai bila -bila ISA tetap relevan.Sampai bila-bila TDM tetap relevan.Biarkan….biarkan…. biarkan…biarkan Zaid hilang dalam dairi politik negara.
Tun, benar kata Tun, Dolah akan mempertahankan jawatan presiden etc..saya bernasib malang kerana tidak dijemput bersama untuk menunjukkan sokongan kepada Dolah, kalau dijemput tentu saya dapat duit raya yang lumayan untuk membantu persekolahan anak2 dan beli barang2 yang harganya tak turun2, terima kasih.
tolong bagi versi BAHASA MELAYU
p/s den baru nak belajar cakap omputeh
Salam Tun,
Dalam hidup,terkadang kita lebih banyak mendapatkan apa yang tidak
kita inginkan. Dan ketika kita mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan,
akhirnya kita tahu bahawa yang kita inginkan terkadang tidak dapat
membuat hidup kita menjadi lebih bahagia.
Tun you are tha best
The one and only