All posts by Che Det


1. Ramasamy is a great thinker. He says and I quote “it takes a bigger, more intensive racist to call another racist”.

2. So when Ramasamy calls me a racist it must be because he is “a bigger, more intensive racist”.

3. Now, only now Ramasamy thinks that the DAP is a fake multiracial party. Yet he stayed with the DAP a long time. Only when he was not re-nominated as a candidate of the DAP and he quit the party, that he now considers the DAP as a “fake” multiracial party.

4. “Urimai” is short for “United for the Rights of Malaysians”. Could it be that the “i” at the end stands for “Indian” and the full name is “United for the Rights of Malaysian Indians”?

5. The US, Australia, Canada, and many more countries have multiracial population. Can Mr. Ramasamy name any multiracial country which has race based political parties. Has Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines got race based political parties. They all have people who are not indigenous living there.


1. Terdapat pendapat oleh pemimpin Negara bahawa apabila sebuah Kerajaan ditubuh, ia sepatutnya dibenar memerintah sehingga tamat edahnya. Dengan cara itu Kerajaan menjadi stabil.

2. Memanglah kestabilan baik untuk Negara.

3. Tetapi apa akan jadi kepada Negara apabila Kerajaan dipimpin oleh seorang penjenayah yang secara terbuka mencuri duit Kerajaan dan menyalahguna kuasa Kerajaan dengan memasuk dalam tahanan anggota parti lawan. Apa akan jadi jika harta milik rakyat dirampas?

4. Apa akan jadi apabila ekonomi rosak teruk sehingga rakyat mati kebuluran? Apa akan jadi jika polis dan tentera merompak? Apa akan jadi jika rasuah menjadi-jadi sehingga segala urusan dengan Kerajaan mengambil masa yang panjang dan bergantung kepada sogokan yang diberi.

5. Jika Kerajaan yang seburuk ini berkuasa lima tahun, kerosakan yang akan berlaku tidak boleh dipulih dan Negara akan hancur.

6. Mungkin dalam PRU Kerajaan jenis ini boleh dijatuhkan. Tetapi dengan kuasa dan alat yang ada pada Kerajaan, PRU boleh ditipu dan Kerajaan buruk ini mendapat kemenangan. Maka akan berterusanlah salah guna kuasa oleh Kerajaan.

7. Sebaliknya jika demokrasi berjalan dengan baik, parti Kerajaan sendiri boleh menjatuhkan pemimpin penjenayah dan penipu. Sebagai pengganti seorang pemimpin yang lurus dan berpegang kepada undang-undang akan dipilih untuk mengganti pemimpin yang bersifat perosak.

8. Jika parti tidak jatuhkan pemimpinnya yang perasuah dan penyamun, wakil-wakil rakyat boleh hentikan sokongan kepadanya. Dan dia akan jatuh. Mungkin parti juga akan jatuh. Dan PRU diadakan untuk memilih Kerajaan baru.


1. Ramasamy sering menuduh saya racist.

2. Tetapi apabila ia tinggalkan parti berbilang kaum ia menubuh parti orang keturunan India.

3. Dan apabila orang keturunan India tidak terdapat dalam kabinet Kerajaan ia menegur Kerajaan.

4. Jikalau ia tidak utamakan orang keturunan India, apa salahnya jika tidak ada menteri keturunan India dalam kabinet.

5. Menteri bukan keturunan India juga Menteri Malaysia. Sebagai orang Malaysia tidak ada sebab kenapa tidak adanya menteri keturunan India bukan masalah.

6. Jika kerana tidak adanya menteri keturunan India dalam kabinet ternampak tidak adil, sebabnya tentulah kerana Ramasamy masih setia kepada kaum keturunan India.

7. Ini bermakna Ramasamy racist yang berjuang bukan sahaja untuk Malaysia tetapi juga untuk bangsa keturunan India.


1. The social media carried a statement that I bribed the Yang di-Pertuan Agong with RM500 million to RM 1 billion.

2. Please prove that I did this. Making such a statement and hiding your identity is cowardly.

3. In bribery both the giver and the receiver would be guilty.

4. Is the writer suggesting that the Agong should be arrested for taking the bribe? Does he have evidence that the Agong took 1 billion Ringgit from me?

5. Please also prove that I had the money.

6. As everyone knows Anwar had said that I have billions of Ringgit. Asked to show proof that I had the money, until now he has not been able to prove I had the money.

7. Now the statement that I bribed he Agong with 1 billion means I have the money. If Anwar cannot prove it until now perhaps the originator of the statement should show Anwar that I had the money to bribe.

8. On another note Anwar’s political secretary has made a report that talking about removing the PM should be banned.

9. We cannot talk about 3R. We cannot politicise the budget. Now we cannot talk about the overthrow of the PM.

10. So nobody can talk about anything. And this is the Government led by a man who before talked about reform, about freedom etc.


1. When in the Security Council the US refused to approve the resolution that calls for a ceasefire, 200 Palestinians were killed in the war in Gaza. Had the US agreed to the ceasefire, the 200 Palestinians would be still alive. The US is therefore guilty of killing the 200 Palestinians.


1. Israel will not stop its war against Gaza until it has achieved its objective.

2. Its objective is to destroy Hamas completely.

3. Since the bombs and rockets cannot identify Hamas, all Palestinians must be killed because among them there would be Hamas.

4. When Palestinians in Gaza are killed then Hamas personnel hiding among them will be killed.

5. The Palestinian babies and children who would also be killed are just collaterals. Besides they are likely to become members of Hamas when they grow up. So killing them is a part of the war for the security of Israel.

6. So when will Israel stop the war?

7. It will only stop the war when Hamas is no more.

8. Since this can only happen when all the people in Gaza are killed, are no more, genocide has to be carried out.

9. Only when there are no Palestinians in the world will Israel be secure.

10. So, America must uphold the right of Israel to continue the war and to kill all Palestinians.


1. Beberapa hari kebelakangan ini agak heboh mengenai Langkah Dubai dan ada yang babitkan saya dalam usaha yang dikatakan untuk tubuh Kerajaan pintu belakang.

2. Pertamanya saya sudah lama tidak ke Dubai.

3. Keduanya, sepanjang ingatan saya usaha politik langkah-melangkah, kerajaan pintu belakang atau backdoor Government adalah kepakaran Perdana Menteri.

4. Saya pasti ramai yang masih ingat langkah 16 September tahun 2008 untuk menubuh backdoor Government. Selain itu, ada juga Langkah Kajang untuk naikkan isteri jadi MB Selangor.

5. Ada juga langkah yang bersandar kepada “I have the numbers” dan juga langkah “strong, formidable and convincing majority.”

6. Semuanya adalah langkah-langkah untuk mengambil-alih Kerajaan secara backdoor.

7. Semasa langkah-langkah ini sedang diusahakan ia tidaklah dianggap derhaka, satu pengkhianatan atau akan menyebab Kerajaan tidak stabil, merosak ekonomi atau melanggar prinsip demokrasi.

8. Kerajaan pintu belakangnya halal dan suci asalkan dapat jadi PM.


1. The Nazis planned to rid the world of the Jews. They almost succeeded.

2. But now the Jews who had been saved are planning to rid the world of the Palestinians. It is not just Hamas. That is why they are killing the Palestinians in the West Bank and Lebanon.

3. It is inhuman. But for the Israelis the Nazi idea of genocide is the way to rid them of any future threats by the Palestinians.

4. The world will be witnessing the first genocide broadcast on TV.

5. After the rockets and the bombs Israel had invaded Gaza and the number of killings per day has increased. Refugee camps and “safe” zones are now being bombarded.

6. 1.6 million Gazans need to be killed. This is a big job but it is not beyond Israel. If the Nazis could kill six million Jews, surely Israel can do better.

7. The victims of the Nazis would achieve their own final solution a world without Palestinians.

8. The Nazis failed because the Western Alliance and Russia defeated Germany.

9. Now the Western Alliance support Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinians.

10. They created the monster. Now the monster must be supported by them.

11. Its logical and morally correct.


1. Words fail me when I try to describe the horrors caused by the Israelis on the city of Gaza. A whole city of more than a million people has been razed to the ground.

2. 21,000 Gazans have been killed by the bombs, rockets and ground attacks by the Israelis. Homes, schools, hospitals, Government offices have been reduced to rubble, killing the occupants or burying them alive in the rubble. They cannot hope to be rescued as the survivors tear at the fallen concrete walls and beams with their bare hands.

3. The hospitals have been destroyed so that the wounded cannot be treated. Mothers wail as they recognised the dead babies and children as theirs. And the surviving children seem bewildered as they could find neither their mothers nor fathers. They seem to be pitiably lost. It is not about a few children. There are hundreds of children who have lost their families, who have lost their homes. And children are so vulnerable.

4. How can people do this to fellow human beings. What kind of people are these Israelis. Are they human or animals. Even animals kill for food. But Israelis kill because they want to kill. They believe that their security could only be won thorough killing Palestinians.

5. And the world stands still. The world has set up the UN to end wars. But what is happening is worse than wars. It is a genocide – a crime against humanity.

6. The genocide goes on because the US has cast the veto. The US wants the mass murders to go on because cynically it believes it would end wars. Would it? No. Two world wars were fought to end wars. But wars have not ended.

7. Even if all Hamas members are killed, others will take their place. Why? Because other Palestinians will remember the bestiality of the Israelis. The enmity will persist for generations and generations. There will be wars. There will be no peace. There will be revenge killings, suicide bombings, assassinations.

8. The only thing the Israelis have achieved is to create eternal enemies. And the world will remember the Israelis as cruel and immoral people who do not care for human rights and mercifulness.

9. Because America supports the genocide, that country cannot take the moral high ground anymore.

10. America is as culpable as Israel for the mass murder of the Palestinians.


1. The white Anglo-Saxons believe they own America.

2. But they are wrong. They don’t know it, but they are wrong.

3. The Blacks don’t own anything. Not even their lives. Their lives do not matter. They can be deprived of their lives anytime.

4. So, who owns America?

5. The real owners are the Zionist Jews.

6. They own everything.

7. Above all they own the brains of the Americans. They own the minds of the Americans because they own the instruments for shaping the minds.

8. What are the instruments?

9. They are the media – the print media, the radio and TV, the cinema, Netflix etc.

10. The print media include, the newspapers, the magazines, the articles, the books (the novels, fiction, non-fiction) the publishing houses, the social media and their army of influencers.

11. And now the various platforms on the internet. There is the blog, Facebook, X, Instagram etc.

12. These have changed the lifestyle and the cultures of the peoples of the world. Certainly, the culture of America is completely shaped by those who control the instrument for spreading ideas and information.

13. Americans are inward looking. For them America is the world. What the rest of the world is doing or thinking is not relevant as far as the Americans are concerns.

14. Ideas, ideologies and cultural values of the American are easily manipulated by those who control the media in America.

15. So who owns America? Obviously, the Zionist Jews because they control the different media and they own most of the big American corporations. In fact, without the Jews, America would not be as developed as it is today.

16. Through their control of the media and the financial institutions they determine the election of the Presidents and through him the Government.

17. And so, the American people may demonstrate against the genocide conducted by Israel, but the Government will always side with the Israelis.