1. Malaysia sells 250,000,000 gallons of raw water per day to Singapore at 3 cents per 1000 gallons.

2. Total payment received by Malaysia per day is RM7,500.

3. Malaysia (Johor) buys treated water at 50 cents per 1000 gallons.

4. Volume purchased is 12% of 250,000,000 gallons equals 30,000,000 gallons.

5. Malaysia pays Singapore RM15,000 per day for treated water.

6. Singapore sells 1000 litres of treated water at 3 Singapore Dollar.

7. 3785 litres = 1000 gallons.

8. Therefore Singapore earns Sing dollar – 11.36 per 1000 gallons.

9. Sing dollar 11.36 equals RM36.30

10. Earning by Singapore on 250, 000,000 gallons is RM9,075,000 per day.

11. Earning per year (365 days) is RM3,312,375,000 (Three billion three hundred and twelve million three hundred and seventy-five thousand) for one year.

12. Malaysia earns nothing as Singapore pays RM7,500 out of Singapore’s sale of treated water at RM15,000.

13. In fact Singapore makes a profit of RM7,500 from selling treated water to Malaysia.

14. Well done Malaysia for contributing to Singapore’s GDP.