1. The Israelis have bombed and rocketed Lebanon and killed 558 people including 50 children in one day.
2. The whole world is horrified. And all are appealing to Israel to de-escalate.
3. What is the meaning of de-escalate. It means what you were doing before, namely genocide in Gaza was okay. Don’t go beyond that.
4. The world is not begging Israel to cease fire. Only don’t spread the war to Lebanon. That is all.
5. But will Israel listen to the pleas of the great powers. You know and I know they will not. What can the world do, what can the great powers do? Nothing.
6. There will be meetings of course. The Security Council will meet. But the US will veto any resolution. Already it says it will stand by its Allies.
7. And who are its Allies. Basically it is Israel. So Israel can reduce the killings in Lebanon by 10% maybe – if Netanyahu is in a good mood.
8. I suggest the world leaders go to Israel to beg Netanyahu on bended knees to de-escalate.
9. Israel is a greater world power than all the world powers put together. That is the world of today.
1. The people in Malaysia are living in a climate of fear.
2. They fear the Government.
3. Why do they fear the Government?
4. They may say or do something that may be interpreted by the Government as expression of hate or racist or religious extremism which expose them to punitive action by the Government. In fact these people have been told they have no place in this country.
5. Even attendance at meetings may result in their business being affected, their earnings being reduced, their applications rejected or delayed.
6. Officers of Government who displease the Government may not be promoted, or may be transferred or put in cold storage. Police may call them for questioning or detention. So civil servants have to obey the Government even if what they are asked to do are against the law, or oppresses the people.
7. Investigations are made based on politically biased reports by anyone.
8. Members or supporters of the opposition or those who take action against PMX are often the targets of police investigations. Even if they have done no wrong they may be hauled in and charged. The reason for police action is questionable.
9. People who have complied with Government requirements and had already paid their taxes have now to explain with documents how and where they got their money for decades. There is no statute of limitation.
10. Documentary proofs must be provided to explain their incomes and expenditures over the last 40 years or since 1981. Normally the documents would have been lost. Even banks do not preserve cheques for that length of time. Threats are made of imprisonment or fines if the demand is not complied with.
11. People are remanded for as long as 2 years without charges being made. Normally the remand is only for two weeks.
12. People have been splashed with acid and beaten but the authorities have not done much to identify and act against the assailants. The victims have to suffer and expect no redress. The victims are not protected by the laws of the country.
13. Interpretations or abuses of the laws and baseless allegations by the Government can result in individuals being charged in court. The victims will have to endure long costly trials if they take action to defend themselves.
14. If you don’t support the Government you would be classified as being opposed to the Government and denied the treatment and privileges your are normally entitled to.
15. Yes. The people are living in fear. Even people who have done no wrong cannot be certain of being free from Government punitive actions.
1. Dahulu UMNO besar dengan wakil rakyat yang terbanyak ialah wakil rakyat UMNO.
2. UMNO mendominasi Barisan Nasional.
3. Sekarang UMNO menjadi parti kerdil dalam Pakatan Harapan yang terpaksa tunduk dan sokong DAP dan Keadilan.
4. Tiga suku dari ahli UMNO dan penyokong sudah tolak UMNO.
5. Yang tinggal hanya wakil rakyat dan penyokong yang mengikut arahan Zahid supaya undi DAP.
6. UMNO yang kononnya tidak akan terima Anwar dan DAP sekarang menjadi alat Anwar dan DAP.
7. Matlamat UMNO bukan lagi memperjuang bangsa, Negara dan agama.
8. Matlamat UMNO hanyalah untuk selamatkan Zahid Hamidi dari dihukum kerana rasuah, seleweng wang.
9. Itu sahajalah perjuangan UMNO sekarang.
10. Parti yang mengagal Malayan Union British, memerdekakan negara dan membangunnya sehingga dikenali sebagai Harimau Asia, sudah jadi pengikut buntut PKR/DAP dan alat Zahid Hamidi.
1. I must congratulate the officers administrating Putrajaya, the administrative capital of Malaysia.
2. The growth has been phenomenal. From its launching in 1995 the town has matured. But what Malaysians can feel proud of is the beauty of the town. It is truly a garden city.
3. The streets are lined with flowers and beautifully trimmed hedges. Shady trees lined the roads. Parks and gardens are well kept and landscaped. The administrators clearly have good taste and appreciate beauty.
4. The buildings lining the central boulevard are imposing. Even the food courts are well designed and maintained.
5. I have seen many capitals and cities in many countries. But none can compare with Putrajaya in terms of beauty and orderliness.
6. May I say congratulations to the administrator of Putrajaya.
1. Merdeka bermakna bebas – bebas dari dikuasai oleh orang, bebas dari tekanan, bebas dari kezaliman Kerajaan.
2. Malaysia dahulu dijajah oleh British. Mereka berkuasa ke atas orang Malaysia. Mereka tidak membenar kita berpolitik, tidak menubuh parti politik.
3. Oleh itu kita berjuang untuk kemerdekaan, berjuang untuk kebebasan.
4. Dan kita berjaya. Kita memerintah Negara kita sendiri. Kita bebas.
5. Tetapi hari ini rakyat sudah tidak bebas bersuara, tidak boleh bercakap berkenaan 3R. Surat khabar tidak boleh lapor ucapan pembangkang. Pemberita yang tidak puji Kerajaan di arah disiasat.
6. Masa British kita bebas bersurat khabar. Boleh bincang masalah kita dalam forum; Kita boleh kecam Kerajaan British dan Malayan Union mereka. Kita boleh ada rapat umum dan demo jalanan tanpa kelulusan oleh Kerajaan, Badan sukarelawan, iaitu NGO, boleh diadakan.
7. Kita boleh cakap berkenaan 3R dan tidak dipanggil oleh polis untuk disoal ataupun ditahan di zaman sebelum merdeka.
8. Tapi sekarang pelbagai sekatan dikena. Sentuh 3R polis akan panggil dan dakwaan dibuat. Walhal 3R tidak melalui proses membuat undang-undang. Pernyataan oleh PM adalah undang-undang. Lulusan Dewan Rakyat tidak perlu.
9. Rakyat disimbah asid, ditumbuk tidak menarik tindakan polis.
10. Media sosial juga akan disekat. Tidak akan ada kebebasan yang dijanji.
11. Jadi siapa yang menikmati merdeka atau kebebasan?
12. Yang menikmati merdeka ialah Kerajaan.
13. Kalau dahulu membuat undang-undang perlu mengikut proses, sekarang tidak perlu. “My word is law” , sikap PM. Dan polis dan SPRM pun bertindak.
14. Tuduhan yang tidak berasas boleh dibuat oleh Kerajaan dan siasatan dilakukan. Rakyat yang tidak salah pun boleh dipaksa melapor pendapatan dan perbelanjaan selama berpuluh tahun. Tidak patuh akan didenda atau dipenjara.
15. Siasatan boleh ambil masa yang panjang sehingga perbicaraan bertahun-tahun lamanya. Justice delayed is justice denied.
16. Tekanan boleh dibuat oleh Kerajaan tanpa sebab supaya punca kekayaan dijelas. Harta boleh ditahan sehingga menjadi tekanan ke atas pemilik. Tahanan harta tidak terhad masa. Passport boleh dirampas.
17. Sebaliknya Kerajaan boleh henti perbicaraan penjenayah yang dituduh. Kesalahan yang kecil dipenjara tetapi kesalahan yang besar dikurang hukum dan mungkin dibebas.
18. Banyaklah lagi sekatan yang dibuat oleh Kerajaan yang menunjuk kebebasan Kerajaan dan menidakkan kebebasan (Merdeka) rakyat.
19. Kerajaan sudah menjadi “Abang Besar” yang akan tentu apa kita boleh buat dan tak boleh buat. Apa yang kita boleh kata, dan apa yang tak boleh dicakap. Sudah tentu tidak boleh sentuh apa-apa yang Kerajaan tidak suka.
20. Jadi apakah yang rakyat rayakan pada hari Merdeka? Apakah rakyat rayakan Kerajaan yang merdeka dan rakyat yang tidak merdeka.
1. Tiap negara mempunyai kawasan yang sensitif iaitu tidak terbuka kepada lawatan kerana kegunaan pasukan keselamatan negara. Sudah tentu kawasan-kawasan ini tidak terbuka kepada orang asing atau syarikat negara lain.
2. Lapangan terbang di Malaysia diguna bukan sahaja oleh penerbangan sivil tetapi juga oleh tentera. Ada yang khusus untuk tentera.
3. Demi pertahanan negara pengurusan lapangan terbang tidak boleh diserah kepada warga negara asing. Jauh sekali oleh syarikat asing yang membantu tentera Israel yang melakukan genocide terhadap orang Palestin di Gaza.
4. Tetapi Kerajaan kita sanggup menjual pengurusan lapangan terbang di Malaysia kepada syarikat yang menyokong Israel bahkan membekal alatan untuk genocide oleh Israel.
5. Syarikat Blackrock adalah syarikat yang kuat membantu tentera Israel dalam kegiatan genocide terhadap orang Palestin di Gaza. Sokongan kepada Blackrock sama dengan sokongan kepada Israel dan jenayah yang dilakukan olehnya. Sokongan ini bermakna sanggup mendedah rahsia pertahanan Malaysia kepada bukan sahaja syarikat tetapi juga Israel.
6. Kita sudah kesan aktiviti warga Israel di Malaysia membunuh orang Palestin. Dengan rahsia negara terdedah kepada Israel, orang Palestin di Malaysia sudah tidak selamat lagi.
7. Apakah benar Malaysia memihak kepada Palestin atau cuma setakat suara sahaja?
1. Now more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed. Effectively they have been killed by the United States of America.
2. Trump wants America to be great again.
3. Forget it.
4. The United States of America will never be great. In fact, even in the past it was never great. The claim to greatness, to being the champion of human rights, to justice and the rule of law: those claims were hypocritical. For the United States was founded through genocide, the genocide of the native “Red” Indians. We should not therefore be surprised that today the US supports the genocide perpetrated by Israel on the Palestinians. It is the US way.
5. The tally is not final. There are 10,000 more dead, buried in the rubbles.
6. And the diseases that now affect the surviving Palestinians will take the life of hundreds more.
7. And the US rejoices. Its ceasefire proposal is a sham. It has done nothing to implement the proposal. Instead, it is sending more arms to the Israelis.
8. When Israel assassinates Ismail Haniyeh in Iran, the US demands that Iran should not retaliate. It does not tell the Israelis to stop the genocide in Gaza.
9. God damn America. You are the biggest hypocrite in the history of the world.
10. How dare you try to get other countries to join you in your provocations so that wars be fought to settle conflicts.
11. You think more of selling arms to kill people than the rule of law and the maintenance of peace.
12. Your wealth accrues from killing people and the destruction of countries.