1. The people in Malaysia are living in a climate of fear.
2. They fear the Government.
3. Why do they fear the Government?
4. They may say or do something that may be interpreted by the Government as expression of hate or racist or religious extremism which expose them to punitive action by the Government. In fact these people have been told they have no place in this country.
5. Even attendance at meetings may result in their business being affected, their earnings being reduced, their applications rejected or delayed.
6. Officers of Government who displease the Government may not be promoted, or may be transferred or put in cold storage. Police may call them for questioning or detention. So civil servants have to obey the Government even if what they are asked to do are against the law, or oppresses the people.
7. Investigations are made based on politically biased reports by anyone.
8. Members or supporters of the opposition or those who take action against PMX are often the targets of police investigations. Even if they have done no wrong they may be hauled in and charged. The reason for police action is questionable.
9. People who have complied with Government requirements and had already paid their taxes have now to explain with documents how and where they got their money for decades. There is no statute of limitation.
10. Documentary proofs must be provided to explain their incomes and expenditures over the last 40 years or since 1981. Normally the documents would have been lost. Even banks do not preserve cheques for that length of time. Threats are made of imprisonment or fines if the demand is not complied with.
11. People are remanded for as long as 2 years without charges being made. Normally the remand is only for two weeks.
12. People have been splashed with acid and beaten but the authorities have not done much to identify and act against the assailants. The victims have to suffer and expect no redress. The victims are not protected by the laws of the country.
13. Interpretations or abuses of the laws and baseless allegations by the Government can result in individuals being charged in court. The victims will have to endure long costly trials if they take action to defend themselves.
14. If you don’t support the Government you would be classified as being opposed to the Government and denied the treatment and privileges your are normally entitled to.
15. Yes. The people are living in fear. Even people who have done no wrong cannot be certain of being free from Government punitive actions.