1. The recession is not yet over in the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe or in the United States. The British pound has devalued much against the Malaysian Ringgit and the Euro has come under strong attacks by the currency traders.

2. Not only are the businesses and banks being bailed out but whole countries (Greece and probably Spain) are being bailed out by the European Union. There seems to be no end to bailing out. They have completely forgotten what they told us in 1997-98.

3. The workers unions are still going on strike and the executives of failed banks and businesses are still demanding to be paid big bonuses. The public screams but there is nothing they can do about it as their money is used to bail out failed companies and banks.

Continue reading EUROPE IN RECESSION


1. Saya lega membaca penafian Dato’ Sri Najib, Perdana Menteri bahawa laporan Malaysia sudah hentikan bekalan “gasoline” kepada Iran kerana projek nuklearnya.

2. Iran bukan musuh Malaysia dan Iran tidak pernah soal dasar dan kegiatan dalaman kita. Justeru itu tidak ada sebab kenapa kita harus soal dasar dalaman Iran.

3. Benar atau tidak Iran sedang mencipta senjata nuklear seperti yang dituduh oleh Amerika Syarikat bukan masalah kita. Ia adalah masalah Amerika Syarikat, sebuah kuasa militari yang terbesar di dunia, yang mempunyai lebih daripada 10,000 senjata nuklear, yang kononnya begitu takut kalau Iran memiliki dua biji bom nuklear di masa hadapan tetapi rela Israel memiliki sekarang lebih daripada 200 senjata nuklear.

Continue reading IRAN DAN MALAYSIA


1. I wonder who is hijacking “social contract”.

2. In this brave new world people write about things with authority but without knowing anything or doing proper research.

3. True the constitution does not mention “Malay rights” but obviously the mention of the special position of the Malays implies recognition of certain positions and privileges that they hold. The leaders of the time, the Tunku, Tun Razak, Tun Sambanthan and Tun Tan Siew Sin understood the “special position” of the Malays as the indigenous people of Tanah Melayu, the “Malay Land”.



1. I am disgusted to learn that Tony Blair is being paid one million dollars to come to Malaysia to give a talk to businessmen.

2. Currently the press in Britain is reporting on the unusual wealth of this less than three terms Prime Minister. He has a staff of 130, lives in a grand mansion and is a millionaire.

3. When we read of how British Members of Parliament spent millions of pounds of Government money to refurbish and decorate their city apartments and their own residences we can understand how a Prime Minister like Tony Blair can get so rich after serving less than three terms.

Continue reading BLAIR THE LIAR 2


1. Saya sekarang berada di Albania, sebuah negara Islam yang dahulu menjadi sebahagian daripada Empayar Othmaniah. Setelah merdeka ia diserang dan dijajah oleh Itali. Pada penghujung perang dunia ke-2, Albania sekali lagi bebas tapi dikuasai oleh pemerintahan kuku besi puak kiri.

2. Pemerintah ini diketuai oleh seorang diktator, Enver Hoxha, yang menolak agama Islam sehingga sanggup mengharamkan Allah, Nauzubillah.

3. Rakyat tidak dibenar menganuti Islam atau apa-apa agama.

Continue reading ALBANIA


1. I think it was the President of the Bar Council who pointed out that the law provides for a judge to accuse a person with contempt of his court and to punish him.

2. I am not disputing this legal provision. But we know of the cynical reference to some laws being an ass. In fact many lawyers would claim that the ISA which provides for detention without trial as bad law, and many have urged that the law be removed from the statute books. The reason cited is that without a hearing in a court of law, the executive has assumed the role of prosecutor, judge and executioner. In todays society this is a denial of justice.

3. But the same people, who strongly object to the Internal Security Act, support the law providing for contempt of court in which the aggrieved judge becomes the prosecutor, the judge and the executioner.

Continue reading THE LAW AND THE COURTS


1. One of the principles in law which is believed to ensure that justice is done is that disputes must be settled by a third party.

2. No one should be the prosecutor, the judge and the executioner. In fact the aggrieved party should never be the prosecutor and the judge. Obviously the aggrieved party would be biased in favour of himself.

3. Matthias Chang is now in jail. His crime, if we can call it a crime, is that of allegedly showing contempt of court i.e. not showing the right respect of the judge. Because the judge feels he or she has not been shown respect, then the judge has punished him by sentencing him to a fine or jail. Matthias has refused to pay the fine because it would amount to admission of guilt.

Continue reading CONTEMPT

Dear Kamaliuk1973…

Thanks for your comments (HAS TERRORISM SUCCEEDED – March 29, 2010 7:11 PM).

I have looked at the pictures. They show nothing.

But most interesting they are from the Holocaust Museum, United States. They are obviously Israeli propaganda.

The “Holocaust” happened 60 years ago. The Jews were killed by Nazi Germans. Why don’t the Jews punish the Germans instead of the Palestinians and Muslims?

Tribal wars take place in Sudan and most countries in that area since ancient time. Darfur was highlighted at a time when incarceration and torture of prisoners in Abu Ghraib was exposed. Obviously the intention was to deflect attention from Abu Ghraib.

Continue reading Dear Kamaliuk1973…


1. I read in a magazine that an American airline lost one billion dollars since 9-11. Joseph Stiglitz wrote in a book that the Iraq war has cost the United States three trillion dollars. It must have cost the British and the others more billions.

2. Checking passengers at airports is now very stringent. Apart from inconveniencing travellers, the personnel and equipments cost billions. But every now and again a determined “terrorist” would break through. Besides examining shoes, now underwear has to be checked also.

3. But despite all these the fear of “terror attacks” has not abated. Nor has the war in Iraq and Afghanistan shown any sign of ending.



1. Saya terkejut melihat sejenis ikan yu yang besar yang telah ditangkap oleh nelayan kita baru-baru ini.

2. Ikan Yu jenis ini dikenali sebagai “Whale Shark” atau Yu Paus. Ia tiak ganas dan pernah membiar orang menaiki belakangnya. Ia termasuk dalam jenis haiwan yang dilindungi (protected).

3. Setakat yang saya tahu isinya tidak menjadi makanan manusia. Mungkin siripnya boleh dikeringkan untuk sup sirip Ikan Yu. Tetapi apakah harus kita korban haiwan yang terbesar antara Ikan Yu kerana keuntungan daripada jualan siripnya.

4. Saya harap Kerajaan akan nasihatkan nelayan kita supaya tidak menangkap Ikan Yu Paus ini.