Snippets – Reducing the burden

Recently the Star reported “Budget to help reduce burden”.

The burden is of course the high cost (40 per cent increase) of oil which has triggered off an inflationary process with increases in the cost of everything.

Since the withdrawal of Government subsidy for oil and the resultant “burden” on the people the Government has been announcing numerous measures to lighten the burden. Mostly they take the form of rebates, reduced taxes and cutbacks.

Continue reading Snippets – Reducing the burden


(versi Bahasa Malaysia di akhir artikel ini)

1. I must admit I have only a minute knowledge of company accounting. But I do know that creative accounting can make losses appear in the books as profit.

2. Whether the cost is sunk or not it still involves a cost in terms of real money (not figures in accounting books).

3. When the previous management of Proton bought 57 per cent of M.V.Agusta, they were fully aware of the financial problems of the company. Who would sell a company making tons of profit? If they would, the price would be beyond our reach.



(versi Bahasa Malaysia di akhir artikel ini)

1. I must congratulate the Government of Dato’ Seri Abdullah Badawi for allowing the debate between the Opposition and the Government, specifically between Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Dato Shabery Cheek.

2. It was not an even match. Shabery is far too inexperienced in a field that Anwar excels i.e. talking. The subject naturally puts the Government on the defensive.

3. Shabery’s reference to what Anwar said about me in the past undermined Anwar’s credibility somewhat. But it was obvious that Shabery was nervous.

Continue reading THE ANWAR DEBATE


It is shocking to still hear that Proton made a profit by selling M.V. Agusta which it bought for 70 million Euro and sold for one Euro.

The buyer, Gevi Spa did take over the debt of M.V. Agusta but Proton’s share of the debt is 57 per cent i.e. 57 per cent of the total debt of 107 million Euro or 61 million Euro.

But M.V. Agusta also had assets in the form of;

1) factories/land/building (80 million Euro – not revalued)

2) stocks/finished products (40 million Euro)

Total is 120 million Euro.


Snippets – Kalau Kurang Percaya

From The Times

July 12, 2008

Harley-Davidson drives to snap up MV Augusta 


It’s 99 sen now!

I have been told the promotion for the 9 sen bus fare between Kuala Lumpur and the KLIA Low Cost Carrier Terminal had ended on July 8 with 26,000 seats sold. However, the same bus company is now offering 99 sen per passenger up to July 22nd and bookings can be made through a certain low cost carrier website.

The management of the company claims that at 9 sen per person they were still making a profit. Air Asia and Malaysia Airlines actually offers free seats to passengers and obviously they are not losing money doing so.

Snippets – Birthday, Road Transport, Blocks & M.V. Agusta


1. I would like to thank everyone for the Birthday Greetings on my 83rd Birthday. It is very heartwarming that so many know about my real birthday and remember to send greetings.

2. My official birthday is 20th December 1925. My father registered that date for all his sons so that there would be no hassles when registering for entry into schools. He was a teacher and knew all about the difficulties.

3. So please do forget my official birthday i.e. December 20. My real birthday make me five months older.

Continue reading Snippets – Birthday, Road Transport, Blocks & M.V. Agusta


Saya percaya ramai daripada ahli UMNO dan orang ramai juga berasa lega apabila Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengisytiharkan yang dianya akan letak jawatan sebagai Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri pada Jun 2010. Pengisytiharannya di hadapan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO dari seluruh Negara disambut dengan tepukan gemuruh. 

Dia juga memilih Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai penggantinya.

Saya tidak hendak pertikai samada ini menurut tradisi UMNO atau tidak. Tetapi saya ingin tarik perhatian kepada keadaan dalam parti UMNO, parti Barisan Nasional dan Negara menjelang pilihanraya ke-13 hanya empat setengah tahun lagi.



Berkali-kali saya ditanya “saya orang biasa, saya hanya ahli biasa UMNO, saya hanya pemimpin kerdil UMNO dan sebagainya. Apa yang boleh saya buat?”

Selain daripada membuat komen dalam blog, kita boleh beritahu kepada ahli-ahli UMNO dan pemimpin cawangan dan bahagian UMNO, “Kami tak akan undi UMNO atau Barisan Nasional selagi ada Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dalam UMNO. BN akan kalah kerana undi kami undi penentu. Kekalahan UMNO akan lebih teruk kerana UMNO dan BN tidak lagi mewakili pandangan rakyat.”

“Seperti yang berlaku kepada Menteri Besar Kedah, Perak dan Selangor, dan lain-lain pemimpin UMNO di Negeri-negeri ini, jawatan yang diharap Dato Seri Abdullah akan beri kepada kamu, tidak dapat diberi kerana UMNO dan BN kalah dan menjadi parti pembangkang.”

Continue reading PERALIHAN KUASA

Snippets – Peralihan Kuasa

Seperti biasa dalam UMNO dibawah pemerintahan Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi apabila arahan diberi melarang parti daripada sesuatu tindakan, Presiden anggap dirinya tidak tertakluk kepada arahan ini.

Berkempen untuk pemilihan dalam mesyuarat agong tidak dibenarkan, tetapi Presiden membawa semua pemimpin daripada Bahagian untuk diarah supaya tidak mencabar sesiapa selain daripada dirinya sebagai Presiden.

Gula-gula diberikan kepada Dato Seri Najib bahawa dianya juga dikehendaki bebas daripada cabaran untuk Timbalan Presiden. Ini dituju kepada Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yang ingin bertanding Timbalan Presiden. Jika Muhyiddin bertanding juga maka ini bermakna dia tidak setia kepada parti, pengkhianat, kerana tidak hormat arahan demokratik oleh Presiden.

Continue reading Snippets – Peralihan Kuasa