1. It is generally believed that on 7th of October 2023 Hamas launched rocket attack against Israel. As a result we are told 1400 Israelis were killed. Some captives were taken by Hamas.

2. Since then there seem to be no more kills by Hamas. On the other hand Israeli retaliation killed more than 2000 Palestinians on the 7th October. And everyday more than 100 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli bombs and rockets. To date the total number of Palestinians killed is 15,000.

3. Aljazeera shows the Palestinians carrying dead and wounded people to hospitals. Ambulances scuttled between hospitals and streets littered with collapsed buildings. Rescue workers worked continuously day and night. And off and on we see flames mushrooming as bombs and rockets exploded and burning buildings collapsing.

4. Now the Israeli armies have invaded Gaza city. Heavily armed Israeli soldiers are everywhere. They entered damaged houses, supposedly searching for Hamas. They have entered Al Shifa Hospital searching for the command center of Hamas or the hostages.

5. There was no fighting. There were no armed Palestinians. But Israel reports that 25 Israeli soldiers have been killed by the Palestinians.

6. The press were there, Al Jazeera as well as foreign reporters. Whereas the TV showed many Palestinians killed. There were dozens of dead people in shrouds lying on the ground. There were Palestinians praying over the dead before burial. There were big mass graves with the shrouded bodies thrown in.

7. Obviously the Palestinian are being killed and wounded. They are lying as patients on the floor in the corridors of the hospitals. Many were lying on the floor. Many were boys and girls. And dozens of new born babies lying in big cots or beds, crying, kicking their legs and waving their arms.

8. Outside people are being pulled out from under the collapsed buildings some alive, many dead.

9. But we get to see nothing of the 1400 Israelis killed on the first day. We do not see on TV or still pictures of the 1400 dead Israelis. We do not get to see the buildings which had been rocketed by Hamas. And we see none of the twenty-five Israeli soldiers who have been killed.

10. 1400 dead bodies is a big number. Surely we should be able to see the dead bodies after the rocket explosion. Surely the Israeli press would show the damage to building etc.

11. Maybe there were. Maybe the Israelis do not want to show what Hamas had done.

12. But Israel is claiming that their murderous punishment of the Hamas is because the Palestinians had dared to kill Israelis. Surely pictures of the killing and destruction caused by Hamas would show why Israel is punishing the Gazas.

13. But nothing is shown of the sufferings of the Israelis.

14. Is it really true that on the first day Hamas killed 1400 Israelis? Is it true that the reaction of Israel is due to provocation by Hamas.

15. Maybe Hamas fired the rockets. But is it true that the rockets, pierced the iron dome protecting Israel?

16. Okay. You cannot show that the dome failed. But it must have if 1400 Israelis were killed. Before 1400 Israelis could get killed, many buildings would have been destroyed. But Israel has not shown the destroyed buildings.

17. We remember that the attack against Iraq was because it had weapons of mass destruction. Now it is admitted that Iraq had no such weapon.

18. Can it be that 1400 Israelis were not killed. That it was a hoax; that Israel manufactured this lie to justify killing thousands of Palestinians, to justify invading Gaza and imposing Israeli rule over it.

19. Think.


1. The world is watching the mass murder of Palestinians by the Israelis.

2. It is not a war. We don’t see Palestinian soldiers fighting the Israeli invaders.

3. All we see are Israeli soldiers, fully armed, killing and wounding unarmed Palestinians. We see children being killed. We see babies being deprived of oxygen and dying. We see hospitals being forced to evacuate. And Gaza city is razed to the ground clearly burying Palestinians.

4. The picture is one of mass killing by armed Israeli soldiers, day in and day out. There is no resistance of any kind by the Palestinians.

5. It is not war. It is mass murder. It is ethnic cleansing. It is genocide.

6. But the world can do nothing as the American and European Governments clearly approve of what Israel is doing.

7. The Europeans and the Americans are as culpable for the genocide that is going on because they obviously approve.

8. So this is the new world order. This is the world order according to the American and European Governments.

9. I would like to say God help us.

10. But these Governments do not believe in God. They cannot. They have abandoned their own religions.


1. Dulu apabila berlaku rusuhan yang mendedah orang ramai kepada bahaya pembunuhan dan keseksaan, Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) akan hantar pasukan pengaman.

2. Malaysia telah hantar pasukan pengaman ke Congo, Namibia, Cambodia, Somalia, Bosnia Herzegovina dan kini, ke Lubnan.

3. Tetapi apabila Israel melakukan pembunuhan rakyat Palestin dengan kejam untuk hapus bangsa Palestin, kenapa PBB tidak hantar pasukan keselamatan sama sekali.

4. Saya percaya Amerika Syarikat (AS) dengan kuasa vetonya memain peranan.

5. Malaysia tidak perlu hadkan pendirian kepada merayu supaya Israel hentikan serangan.

6. Kita perlu bertubi-tubi desak supaya AS henti sokongan terhadap Israel.

7. Saya yakin hanya AS sahaja yang boleh hentikan pembunuhan beramai-ramai oleh Israel.


1. I cannot help but feel very disappointed that the Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit a few days ago failed to propose any concrete or strategic measures to pressure Israel and its Western allies to stop the massacre of Palestinian civilians.

2. Let’s not kid ourselves – all the strongly worded communiqué, statements, demands and condemnations directed towards Israel and its Western allies, in particular the United States will fall on deaf ears.

3. As it is, the reaction from war criminal Netanyahu is very telling, condescending and derogatory when he arrogantly said: “I say to the Arab leaders, if you want to preserve your interests, you must do one thing…Remain silent.”

4. The reality is that despite efforts by Israel over seven decades to strip Palestinians of their dignity, the Palestinians still hold their heads high.

5. In the past month, the Palestinians, including school going youths again proved their courage and defiance in the face of Israel’s barbarity and atrocities.

6. In the face of such adversity, we witnessed civilian Palestinians especially doctors and nurses, refusing to leave their hospitals for safer places, insisting on staying and treating the wounded at the risk of their own lives.

7. Many died but they will live on as martyrs and heroes.

8. Instead, it is Muslim and Arab leaders who are being stripped of their dignity as Israel, the US and their Western allies continue to “humour” them but never taking them seriously.

9. Despite sitting on areas of abundant wealth that could be used as leverage to demand Western nations apply sanction against Israel for its atrocities on Palestinians, Arab and Muslim leaders merely appeal for Israel to stop the genocide. They don’t even demand that the UN send peace keepers.

10. I am aware that some of these leaders are nauseated and want the Arab and Islamic Summit to take more drastic and concrete measures against Israel.

11. However, the others preferred to play it safe so that consensus could not be reached – other than the meaningless diplomatic appeal.

12. With that, the Palestinians are left at the mercy of Israel, the US and its Western allies. And they are as culpable as Israel over the genocide.

Note: This article is part of a speech on 16th November 2023 in a webinar titled: Addressing Inaction and Bias: A Critical Discussion on the International Community’s Approach to Gaza’s Genocide organised by the Arab Organisation for Human Rights in the UK (AOHR UK)


1. I am extremely perturbed to learn of the destruction, due to Israeli bombing, of the Dr SitiHasmah and Enaya Physiotherapy Centre in Gaza on Nov 7, 2023.

2. Tragically, five Gazan families seeking shelter at the centre after their homes were bombed, lost four members of their families in the Israel attack.

3. I have mourned the bombings and destructions of other hospitals and shelters in Gaza previously.

4. But I have a personal affinity for this hospital. The Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF), of which I am a member, was directly involved in its construction from the very start.

5. PGPF, alongside Humanitarian Care Malaysia, Muslim Care Malaysia, Media Prima Humanitarian Fund and the Charitable Association for Palestinian Relief helped built it and it had been in operation since 2019.

6. The location of the centre in Khan Younis, in the South of Gaza, was of no consequence to the Zionist Israeli regime. Despite having said earlier that they would not target the south, it proved to be lip service.

7. The attacks is now turning into an operation of mass murdering Palestinian civilians and non-combatants. It is not a war between militaries, but a genocide by the Israeli military to rid Gaza of its Palestinian population.

8. The bombings of hospitals and residences, and now a physiotherapy centre, proved that Israel is targeting these centres intentionally and wilfully.

9. All we can do is protest and pray for the Palestinians to be spared Israel’s brutality.

10. And Israeli allies, notably the US and UK continue to justify and support Israel’s barbarity.


1. Saya perhatikan, setiap kali parti PKR atau Datuk Seri Anwar terkait atau dituduh ada hubungan intim dengan Israel atau sekutunya, usaha untuk mengheret saya bersama akan berlaku. Konon bukan sahaja Anwar, saya juga ada hubungan dengan Israel.

2. Dahulu, di awal tahun 2012, apabila Anwar dipersoal kenapa dalam Wall Street Journal dia berkata dia “menyokong segala usaha untuk mempertahan keselamatan Negara Israel – I support all efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel” yang mendatangkan kemarahan orang Melayu di Malaysia, jawabnya saya juga ada hubungan dengan pemimpin Israel.

3. Surat-surat saya kepada tiga Perdana Menteri Israel didedah. Bahawa ketiga-tiga surat itu memberi kata dua kepada pemimpin Israel bahawa mereka hendaklah menunaikan janji untuk mengiktiraf Palestin dan henti peperangan terhadap orang Palestin pimpinan Arafat tidak disebut.

4. Kali ini, Anwar dan PKR terdedah ada hubungan dengan Liberal International (LI), sebuah organisasi yang kuat menyokong Israel, sekali lagi surat-surat saya kepada Perdana Menteri Israel didedah.

5. Saya tidak nafi saya tulis surat kepada Perdana Menteri Israel, tetapi surat itu bukan untuk sokong Israel. Surat itu, seperti disebut di atas mendesak Israel supaya tunai janji kepada Arafat.

6. Siapa sahaja boleh baca surat-surat saya.

7. Terdesak kerana didapati berbohong, Anwar dan pemimpin PKR di dalam Kerajaan mengugut akan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap sesiapa yang terus mengaitkan mereka dengan Israel.

8. Sekali lagi penyokong Anwar dan PKR mendedah surat saya.

9. Selain menerbit semula surat-surat lampau yang saya utus kepada pemimpin-pemimpin Israel, mereka juga keluar surat yang saya kononnya menggelar Hamas sebagai pengganas.

10. Berkait isu saya menggelar Hamas sebagai pengganas saya sudah jawab dan jelaskan beberapa tahun lalu. Ia boleh baca di sini.

11. Saya tiada halangan sesiapa pun membaca tiga surat yang telah saya tulis kepada:
i) Yitzhak Rabin pada 21 December 1993;
ii) Benjamin Netanyahu pada 14 March 1997 dan
iii) Ehud Barak pada 8 Jun 1999.
Disertakan surat-surat pada pautan ini.

12. Kerana disebar semula, saya rasa perlu dijelaskan kenapa saya menulis surat-surat tersebut dan keadaan ketika ianya ditulis.

13. Pertamanya, dua dari surat tersebut adalah jawapan kepada surat dari Rabin dan Netanyahu. Cuma surat kepada Ehud Barak saya tulis atas inisiatif sendiri.

14. Kesemua surat-surat tersebut saya tulis ketika Yasser Arafat, pengerusi PLO sedang berusaha menjayakan proses damai yang dia persetujui dengan pemimpin-pemimpin Israel tersebut.

15. Saya anggap Arafat, seorang nasionalis dan pejuang kemerdekaan Palestin, seorang sahabat yang akrab dan amat saya hormati. Apabila dia menandatangani beberapa persetujuan damai dengan Israel, dan juga di atas permintaan Arafat, menjadi tanggungjawab saya untuk membantu.

16. Oslo Accord I, Oslo Accord II dan memorandum Sharm al Sheikh adalah di antara perjanjian yang di tandatangani oleh Arafat dengan ketiga pemimpin Israel tersebut di antara tahun 1993 hingga 1999.

17. Dalam tempoh itulah saya menulis surat-surat tersebut. Seperti yang saya nyata tadi, dua darinya jawapan kepada Rabin dan Netanyahu. Mungkin mereka menulis kepada saya kerana saya rakan Arafat atau mungkin kerana Malaysia ada sedikit pengaruh untuk membantu proses damai tersebut.

18. Sesiapa yang meneliti surat-surat tersebut dapat lihat pendirian saya menyokong usaha damai yang dipersetujui oleh PLO. Saya juga mengatakan sebarang hubungan antara Malaysia dan Israel hanya akan berlaku jika proses damai itu berjaya.

19. Saya ambil peluang mengingatkan pemimpin-pemimpin Israel supaya tidak merampas sesuatu yang menjadi kepunyaan orang lain, jika pun pada satu masa dahulu ianya kepunyaan mereka.

20. Saya mengkritik Israel meruntuh kediaman orang Arab untuk mendiri rumah orang Israel. Banyak lagi yang saya tulis. Semua ini boleh di baca di dalam surat-surat tersebut. Tidak ada perlu saya nafi atau cuba putar fakta.

21. Saya terus dengan usaha tersebut sehinggalah Arafat berhenti berusaha kerana Israel sememangnya tidak mahu kepada perdamaian.

22. Nota: Arafat, sebelum meninggal pada tahun 2004 dalam keadaan yang mencurigakan, telah terpenjara dalam pejabatnya di Ramallah. Rabin yang telah dibunuh pada tahun 1995 oleh ekstremis Israel yang menentang usaha Rabin berbaik dengan PLO.

23. Saya selalu ingatkan diri bahawa saya tidak penting – yang utama ialah keselamatan dan kesejahteraan orang Palestin.

24. Kerana itu ugutan, fitnah dan ancaman dari Israel mahupun Amerika tidak saya hirau kerana apa yang saya hadapi berbanding dengan penderitaan yang dihadapi oleh rakyat Palestin saban hari terlalu kecil untuk saya perkatakan.


1. It is almost impossible to find words to describe the horror and atrocities wantonly committed, daily, on Palestinians, especially children.

2. We, the world, witness these in the comforts of our homes but, we are powerless to do anything.

3. It is heart wrenching to see children in Gaza, running around looking for their parents, most probably dead.

4. For goodness sake, these are children, the same age as our children, our grandchildren, whom we would fuss over even after insect bite.

5. Have we lost our humanity? Have we no compassion, no pity, no tears for them?

6. Indeed, we see protests all over the world but it doesn’t seem to bother those with the power to put a stop to it.

7. While we can’t expect the bloodthirsty Israelis to stop their murdering spree, we should at least see leading civilised nations doing the needful. They can make a difference.

8. The civilised world have achieved great things and even send people to the moon. And yet, they can’t even put a stop to the massacre of the Palestinians including their children.

9. We fight for animal rights, only to allow people human beings like us being continuously humiliated in the worse possible way…abused, tortured and killed over more than 70 years!

10. We fret over poverty and homelessness yet, we see, Palestinian homes being bulldozed, villagers evicted and their houses flattened, with the people still in them. And now entire neighbourhoods, buildings, hospitals are bombed and razed to the ground.

11. The civilised world witness before their eyes daily, genocide being committed.

12. And there are those who remain silent, quietly, extend support to Israel – moral and material – arms, intelligence and funds.

13. What kind of people are these?

14. They talk about Israel’s security. On Oct 7, some 1,400 Israelis were said to have died. Since then almost no deaths. But 10,000 Palestinians have now been killed. How many more do the Israelis want to kill?

15. Whose security is actually the one that had been breached?

16. We see Israeli soldiers but no Palestinian soldiers, only civilians.

17. It seems that the US and its allies do not want the murders to stop.

18. Israel now talks of a 4-hour ceasefire daily, a humanitarian pause. Seemingly to allow civilians to move to “safe” areas.

19. Once this pause is over, the killings will continue and the non-combatants will die in droves, bombed and blasted into smithereens.

20. What is happening in Gaza is not war. There are only Israeli soldiers mass murdering Palestinian civilians, children included. It is a massacre by a State on a people.

21. It is a conflict that has breached everything that is humane, morals and values. It is a massacre devoid of all sense of humanity.

22. A conflict where the arrogance, despicable, brutal, uncivilised nature the Zionist Jews are displaying for all to see.

23. We no longer have a right to claim we are civilised.

24. We have become barbarians.


1. The world is now seeing massacre being perpetrated by the Israelis against the Palestinians on their high definition TV screens. Every detail is shown. New born babies dying as electricity is cut off and the oxygen flow to their cribs stopped.

2. Boys and girls wounded and dying being pulled out of collapsed building which had been bombed or rocketed by the Israelis. The wounded are being rushed on stretchers to ruined hospitals. The dead enshrouded with white cloth lying scattered on the ground.

3. The survivors crying and wailing as they hug the bodies of adults, children and women who had been killed.

4. This is not war. We see only Israeli soldiers. No Palestinian soldiers. Only civilians running about frantically as they search for family members who were missing. There may be fighting but it can only be between Israeli soldiers against Palestinian civilian. Yet the bombs and rockets have pulverised the whole city.

5. I cannot believe that this is happening. Long ago when the German Nazis were killing Jews in gas chambers, I felt a great pity for them.

6. I thought that Jews would understand what suffering means. I thought that they would never inflict such suffering on others.

7. But now I and the rest of the world are witnessing Jewish bestiality against the people who gave them asylum when the Europeans oppressed them.

8. Jews fled to Muslim countries when Ferdinand and Isabella reconquered Spain. They, the Jews and the Muslims were given three choices.

9. They could convert to Christianity, or emigrate or be put to death. Most chose to migrate. The Jews had no land of their own. So they migrated to Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Turkey. These were all Muslim countries. They also migrated to Palestine.

10. They survived and some even prospered. The Muslim fellow citizens did not commit pogroms against them.

11. They left these countries only after the state of Israel was created.

12. And since then there were violent wars as the expelled Palestinians tried to regain their land.

13. Do the Israeli remember the holocaust and the Nazis? Do they remember Ferdinand and Isabella giving them the three choices? Do they remember their asylum in the Muslim countries?

14. Apparently they don’t. Not at all if their genocidal war against the Palestinian, their brutality is any indication.


1. Malaysians seem to be divided over this war. Many believe this is a war caused by the differences between the Palestinians and the Jews. It may have started as a war.

2. But now it has become a deprivation of the human rights of the Gazans.

3. As much as every human being has a right, the Gazans also should enjoy human rights. But they are deprived of their rights by the Israelis.

4. We cannot forget in the late 1930s the Jews in Germany were being deprived of their rights. The holocaust resulted in six million Jews being killed. May more suffered from torture and oppression.

5. The world sympathised with the Jews of Germany. And part of the rejection of Nazis was the bestiality of the German Nazis.

6. Many millions died so as to end the sufferings of the Jews.

7. Now we are seeing the Jews of Israel indulging in the same deprivation of the rights of the Palestinians. It is a human tragedy. The power of the Israelis over the Palestinians is the same as those of the Nazis against the Jews. It is manifestly unfair and inhuman.

8. All Malaysians must reject the deprivation of the rights of the Palestinians by the Israelis.

9. It is wrong for Muslims only to demand for the end of the genocidal acts of the Israelis. Everyone in Malaysia should be concerned and should demand for the end of Israeli attacks against the Palestinians.


1. The Israelis have killed 8000 plus Palestinians.

2. But Netanyahu says they have not won the war.

3. When will Israel consider the war has been won?

4. When they have killed all 1.6 million Palestinians?

5. What does the world do to this Israeli intention?

6. 120 countries in the UN say stop the killings.

7. But America says keep on killing.

8. That is the measure of America’s humanitarian policy.

9. That also is the measure of the humanitarian policy of those countries which support the killings by Israel.

10. This is the world in which we live.

11. Murderers are supported. Their victims deserve to die.