1. Ramasamy is annoyed that I still distinguish the descendants of migrants from China and India as “orang asing” or people of foreign origins.
2. It is not me but they themselves who wish to identify themselves as of foreign origin. It is they who identify themselves as Malaysian Chinese or Malaysian Indians. Malays identify themselves with this country Malaysian.
3. Yes, my ancestors came from India. But I don’t call myself a Malaysian Indian.
4. I am a Malay in the sense that my home language is Malay and my culture is Malay.
5. The constitution says that a Malay is a person who habitually speaks Malay and practices the Malay adat and is a Muslim.
6. I comply with all these qualifications. And so do hundreds of thousands of people from the Middle East, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkiye and Afghanistan who are accepted as Malays by everyone in this country. They do not call themselves Malaysian Arabs, or Malaysian Pakistanis etc.
7. But the Chinese and Indians in Malaysia insist on speaking in Chinese and Indian languages. They use to speak in the dialects of their provinces in their countries of origin. But when China decided on making Mandarin their national language, the Chinese in Malaysia also switch to Mandarin. Even the names are changed to follow those of the China Chinese.
8. The Indians in India refuse to have a national language. They speak the languages of their provinces. And the Indians in Malaysia also retain the languages of their provinces in India.
9. But the Chinese and Indians insist on their own schools, using Mandarin and Indian languages as media of instruction. They refuse to go to national schools where the medium is Malay, the official language of Malaysia.
10. Even the idea of having all the three schools on one campus is rejected.
11. The cultures of the Chinese and Indians are those of China and India.
12. The celebration of New Year are also those of China and India.
13. We don’t insist on changing religions. But surely language and culture must be those of Malaysia i.e. Malay.
14. In Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand the Chinese became Indonesian, Philippinos and Thais. Their home languages are the languages of these countries.
15. They don’t have schools teaching in the languages of their countries of origin.
16. There are a lot of people of foreign origins in the United States of America. But they all call themselves Americans, speak American English and fight for America.
17. Eisenhower is of German origin. But he fought against Germany as an American. He of course did not habitually speak German. He spoke American English.
18. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations of migrants in America cannot speak the languages of their countries of origin. They all speak American English. They all attend American schools and universities.
19. It is the same with migrants who settle in the countries of South America. They only speak Spanish or Portuguese. There are no ethnic schools.
20. But in Malaysia Chinese Malaysians habitually speak Mandarin and Indians speak in the Indian provincial dialects. Only Chinese live in the urban area. The Malays cannot – too expensive.
21. When Malays speak about Malays they are not being racist. They are the nationals of this country. Anywhere in the world when nationals speak about themselves, they are not being racist. The British people talk about their problems and are not accused of being racist.
22. Rishi Sunak is of Indian origin but in speaking and behavior he is totally British. Thaksin Shinawatra is of Chinese origin but he habitually speak Thai and behaves like a Thai. So is Corazon Aquino of the Philippines. In all other ASEAN countries there are no Government aided Chinese schools. In fact I have not seen any Chinese schools in these countries.
23. But in Malaysia there are Chinese primary schools, secondary schools and universities.
24. The business sector of Malaysia is dominated by the Chinese. Non-Chinese cannot find good jobs there. If the Government do not take Malays they will be jobless.
25. I would admit that much of the wealth of Malaysia is due to the Chinese. Most of the taxes are probably from Chinese businesses. But they are amply compensated in Malaysia. The top billionaires are Chinese.
26. I do not like to talk about the Malaysian Chinese and the Malaysian Indian and their split personalities. But Ramasamy keeps on accusing me of being racist. As I said I am not racist. I am a national of the country called Malaysia. I have a right to a fair share of the wealth of this my country.
27. Multiracialism in Malaysia mean everything goes to the most capable, the most financially strong, the most wide business network, the best trained and experience.
28. Only non-Malays qualify.
29. Malays get nothing from multiracialism.
30. The real racist is Ramasamy. He is against Malays and does not want them to even have a small share of this country.
31. In the name of multiracialism he wants everything for the other races.

1. Dear Me. Sorry if I accuse Europeans of liking war.
2. I studied European history.
3. It is all about European wars.
4. You have the Seven Years War, the hundred years war, the War of the Roses etc. etc. etc.
5. The two World Wars started in Europe.
6. When the Chinese invented explosives they use it to frighten imaginary dragons.
7. When the Europeans got the technology, you use it to kill more distant people with cannon balls, bullets, shells, and rockets.
8. Yes. Europeans do not like wars.
9. But how did they conquer the world??
10. Who invented atom bombs, who dropped them and where did they drop the bombs?
11. I apologise for saying Europeans love wars.
12. I admit I am wrong. Silly.
1. I hesitate to write this article. I may be accused of apologising for the Russians. I am not. I think the present war between Ukraine and Russia is caused by the Europeans’ love of War, of hegemony, of dominance.
2. Russia was the partner of the Western Europeans (including U.S. and Canada) in the war against Germany. The moment Germany was defeated, the west declared that Russia, their partner was their new enemy.
3. So they must prepare for war against Russia. And NATO was set up to form a military alliance against Russia. Russia then set up the Warsaw Pact. And a Cold war ensued. And the world had to choose between the west and the east.
4. After the Russians disbanded the Warsaw Pact and allowed the countries of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to leave the bloc, NATO did not disband. Instead the countries freed from Russian hegemony were urged to join NATO as enemies of Russia. The pressure against the weakened Russia was heightened.
5. As the former socialist republics join NATO and the threat against Russia heightened, Russia rebuilt its military capabilities and confronted the powerful western alliance. Tension increased as NATO forces carried out exercises close to Russia.
6. Provoked, Russia pre-empted with the invasion of Ukraine. That invasion can be interpreted as the start of the Third World War. There is talk of using nuclear weapons. Already the world has to endure shortages of supplies due to sanctions against Russia and Russian retaliation.
7. There is also provocation in the Far East. A visit by a high U.S. official to Taiwan caused an increase of tension between China and Taiwan. Both are arming and the U.S. has sold a lot of weapons to Taiwan, while China became more belligerent.
8. Even Malaysia is experiencing shortages and inflation. It is important that the country prepares contingency plans to deal with what may be the beginning of a Third World War.
1. Saya dapati sejak selepas pilihanraya, setiap kali saya menegur atau menyatakan kerisauan berkait perkembangan semasa, saya disuruh berehat dan diam kerana kalah di dalam pilihanraya dan hilang deposit.
2. Saya agak hairan kenapa begitu beria-ia mahu saya tidak bersuara. Dulu dikata saya nyanyuk. Sekarang disuruh diam kerana hilang deposit .
3. Bagi saya setiap kebenaran itu perlu dinyata walaupun yang mendengarnya hanya seorang. Jika tidak ada seorang pun yang mendengar, kebenaran tetap perlu dinyatakan.
4. Kebenaran bukan monopoli majoriti atau minoriti atau yang tidak hilang deposit. Kalau itulah ukurannya, saya rasa kumpulan minoriti perlu diam dan menerima apa sahaja keputusan majoriti walaupun salah.
5. Bagi saya, selagi ada nyawa, apa yang tidak betul akan terus saya suarakan walau pahit untuk didengar oleh kumpulan yang tidak hilang deposit.
1. I am mystified by the decision of Minister Azalina Othman to make a secret of the settlement of Apandi Ali’s demand for compensation for his dismissal.
2. Apandi, the former AG of the Government of Najib Tun Razak, made his demand publicly. He even named the amount at RM2,233,599.36. (read here)
3. Yet the compensation made by the Government is a secret.
4. Why?
5. I have reason to find out why because I do not think he deserves to be compensated at all.
1. Pilihanraya ke-15 ialah pilihanraya yang paling korup di Malaysia. Setiap seorang calon menang kerana pengundi di rasuah.
2. Rasuah diberi secara terang. Ramai terima rasuah sebelum mengundi. Ramai yang lihat wang diedar. Hampir tidak ada langsung cubaan untuk sorok wang yang diberi serta arahan yang diterima akan symbol manakah yang harus di pangkah pada kertas undi.
3. Penguatkuasa anti-rasuah dan polis mesti lihat amalan ini sebagai rasuah. Namun hingga kini tidak ada seorang pun ditahan dan didakwa. Merasuah pengundi sudah jadi perkara biasa. Pengundi mengharap, orang parti anggap ini adalah tugas mereka dan sesiapa sahaja yang lihat rasuah merasa ini sebagai sebahagian daripada proses pilihanraya.
4. Tetapi terdapat bukti merasuah lain ketika pilihanraya yang dibuat secara terbuka. Jelas sekali jumlah besar wang diagih untuk perkenal calon dan parti. Sudah jadi kebiasaan di Malaysia untuk bandar, kampung dan pedalaman diselubungi bendera, sepanduk, poster dan papan tanda. Jutaan bendera parti meliputi pembahagi jalan, tepian jalan, tiang lampu, pokok dan semak samun.
5. Semua ini bukan murah. Harga bendera setidaknya RM3 setiap satu. Buluh dan kerja memacak bendera telan kos RM3. Setiap bendera yang digantung bernilai RM6. Berpuluh ribu di setiap kawasan yang dipertanding. Semestinya berjuta di seluruh negara.
6. Sejuta bendera menelan belanja RM6 juta. 10 juta akan telan kos RM60 juta. Ada 222 kawasan parlimen.
7. Ada ribuan pekerja dan “sukarela” parti yang dibayar.
8. Barangkali setiap parti belanja RM100 juta. Ramai kata lebih lagi. Satu calon dikatakan belanja sekurangnya 25 juta Ringgit.
9. Walaupun setiap parti belanja 100 juta Ringgit, persoalannya dari mana begitu banyak wang ini datang.
10. Mungkin dari derma. Tapi bagi parti Kerajaan, wang mestil datang dari Kerajaan.
11. Dalam siasatan rasuah, salah satu asas disyaki ialah kekayaan luarbiasa. Jika pekerja bergaji rendah menikmati kekayaan melampau, sudah tentu ada keraguan kekayaan dimiliki secara haram. Siasatan termasuklah menyiasat sumber pendapatan. Jika tidak ada penjelasan munasabah barulah siasatan diteruskan.
12. Di dalam pilihanraya, jika calon atau parti bermewah, siasatan hendaklah dijalankan ke atas sumber dana.
13. Di dalam PRU 15, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah perlu siasat parti-parti yang seolah punyai dana sebegitu besar yang dibelanja untuk merasuah pengundi dan perbelanjaan mewah ketika berkempen. Sumber dana perlu diperjelas. Kegagalan penjelasan harus membolehkan siasatan mendalam dijalankan.
14. Jika didapati wang datang dari sumber haram, calon atau parti itu perlu didakwa.
15. Penting untuk letak had perbelanjaan pilihanraya. Setiap calon sudah diwajibkan untuk hantar akaun perbelanjaan ketika pilihanraya. Jumlah wang yang dibenar belanja ialah RM200,000. Tetapi jika dilihat pada kempen, jelas sekali jumlahnya mengatasi RM200,000.
16. Walaupun kira-kira dihantar dan jumlah belanja masih dalam had, kemungkinan penting untuk siasat apakah kira-kira itu benar.
17. Hukuman kepada penipuan kira-kira mesti harus dalam bentuk denda atau hilang kerusi yang dimenangi.
18. Sehingga kini tiada had belanja ditetapkan kepada perbelanjaan sesuatu parti dalam pilihanraya. Ada keperluan untuk tetapkan had jumlah. Apa yang berlaku sekarang ialah rasuah dan wang diguna ketika kempen tanpa had.
19. Sudah terbukti pun seorang Perdana Menteri mencuri sejumlah besar wang untuk merasuah dan mengadakan perbelanjaan mewah semasa kempen. Begitu jumlah yang dibelanjakan hingga parti yang tidak mencuri wang atau yang menolak rasuah tidak ada keupayaan untuk menang sama sekali.
20. Dalam PRU15 boleh dikatakan hampir semua calon yang menang telah sogok sebegitu banyak dan partinya membelanja jutaan wang ketika berkempen.
21. Keputusannya ialah hanya calon-calon dan parti perasuah yang menang dalam pilihanraya.
22. Ini bermaksud Kerajaan Malaysia akan sentiasa korup.
23. Sebuah negara yang dipimpin Kerajaan yang korup akan jadi beban kepada rakyat. Sudah adapun rakyat Malaysia termasuk orang Melayu berhijrah keluar ke negara lain.
24. Negara ini akan jadi negara gagal. Ini amat malang kerana satu masa dahulu terlihat bahawa Malaysia boleh jadi negara Harimau Asia yang berjaya.
25. Ramai rakyat yang baik di Malaysia. Tetapi mereka tidak mengundi. Jika mereka undi sudah pasti negara ini akan berjaya semula.
26. Buat masa ini PAS sedang disiasat berkenaan rasuah. Tetapi PN, BN dan PH juga merasuah pengundi. Mereka perlu disiasat.
27. Ada keperluan mendesak supaya dihadkan berapa banyak sebuah parti boleh belanja ketika pilihanraya.
1. Kejayaan Najib yang besar ialah meruntuh akhlak orang Melayu.
2. Sekarang orang Melayu tidak lagi berasa malu apabila melaku perbuatan yang terkutuk.
3. Najib mula dengan meyakinkan orang Melayu yang mereka tidak perlu rasa malu kerana Boss mereka curi duit.
4. Kata Najib “Nak malu apa, Bossku” apabila Najib curi duit Kerajaan.
5. Maka pengikut setianya pun tidak berasa malu apabila mereka curi duit atau mereka dapat duit yang dicuri oleh Najib.
6. Najib mengajar orang Melayu supaya minta duit percuma. Dalam PRU orang Melayu rela disogok duit kerana duit yang didapati bukan kerana khidmat bekerja. RM100/- percuma lebih baik dari gaji RM2000/- sebulan kerana untuk gaji kerja diperlukan. Sebaliknya RM100/- untuk undi tidak perlu kerja. Tak bagi duit tak undi. Ini jawapan pengundi PRU 15.
7. Sebab itu yang tak bagi duit kalah. Yang menang dalam PRU 15 ialah yang sogok duit. Yang mampu sogok ialah pencuri. Yang menang dan diri Kerajaan adalah pencuri. Apabila pencuri jadi Kerajaan, duit Kerajaan pun dicuri.
8. Dahulu, apabila dikesan mencuri, orang Melayu berasa malu. Tidak sekarang. Apa nak malu. Boss pun tak malu bila curi berbillion. Inikan pula sedikit sahaja. Nak malu apa.
9. Inilah Melayu Najib. Sampai bila-bila pun Kerajaan Malaysia akan terdiri dari pencuri. Yang tak ada duit dan tidak sogok akan kalah.
10. Benarlah Malaysia negara kleptokrasi – negara pencuri.
1. The 15th General Election was the most corrupt of all the elections held in independent Malaysia. Every single candidate who won, was because of bribes given to the voters.
2. The bribes were given openly. Many received the bribes just before going in to vote. There were lots of people who saw the money being handed over. There was little or no attempt to hide as the money was being given and the instruction regarding which symbol to cross in the voting slip.
3. The anti-corruption people and even the police must have seen the acts of bribing. But to date no one had been arrested or charged. Bribing the voters had become the norm. The voters expected it, the party officials regard it as their job and those who saw the bribing felt what was happening was a part of the process of election.
4. But there were other evidence of corruption during election which took place unhindered. It is obvious that huge amounts of money were expanded in promoting the candidate and the parties. It is normal in Malaysia to have the towns, the villages and the countryside blanketed with flags, buntings, posters and sign boards. Party flags by the millions would obliterate the road dividers, the roadsides, the lamposts, the trees and bushes.
5. They are not cheap. Flags cost at least RM3/- each. The bamboo sticks and the work sticking them in the ground or hanging them would cost another RM3/-. Every flag that was put up would cost RM6/-. And there were tens of thousands in each constituency. There must be millions in the whole country.
6. A million would cost RM6 million. 10 million would cost RM60 million. There are 222 constitutes.
7. There were thousands of workers and party “volunteers” who were paid.
8. Perhaps each party would spend RM100 million. Many said it was more. A single candidate is known to spend as much a 25 million Ringgits.
9. Even if each party spent 100 million Ringgit, the question that needs to be asked is where did so much money come from.
10. Same maybe from donations. But for Government parties the money must be from the Government.
11. In the investigation of corruption one of the grounds for suspicion is unusual wealth. If a low paid employee is enjoying great wealth, there should be suspicion that the wealth is not legally acquired. Investigation includes questioning the source of income. If there is no acceptable explanation then further investigation is warranted.
12. In elections, if a candidate or a party indulge in lavish spending investigation should be carried out as to the source of the funds.
13. In the 15th General Election the anti-corruption agency of the Government should investigate the parties which seems to have huge funds spent on bribing the voters and the massive expenditure on campaign. The source of funds must be explained. Failure to do so would warrant extensive investigations.
14. If it is discovered that the money had come from illegal sources, the candidate or the party should be charged.
15. It is important to fix the limit to the amount spent during election. Already each candidate is required to submit an account of the money he had spent during the election. The amount he is allowed to spend is RM200,000/-. But looking at the campaign it is obvious more than RM200,000/- was spent.
16. Even if an account is submitted and the amount spent is within limits, it may be necessary to investigate whether the account submitted is correct.
17. The penalty for wrongful submission should range from fines to loss of seat won.
18. At the moment there is no limit to the amount a party could spend in an election. There is a need to limit the amount. What is happening now is that the bribes and the money spent on campaigning is limitless.
19. It has been proven that a Prime Minister had stolen huge amount of money so as to give big bribes and conduct massive costly campaigns. Such are the amounts spent that parties which had no stolen money or are against bribery stand no chance of winning at all.
20. In the 15th General Election it can be truthfully said that almost every single candidate who won, did so because he had offered big bribes and his party had spent hundreds of millions on campaigning.
21. The result is that only corrupt candidates and corrupt parties won in the elections.
22. Which of course mean that the Government of Malaysia will always be corrupt.
23. A country ruled by corrupt Governments will be a heavy burden on the people. Already Malaysian, including Malays are migrating to foreign countries.
24. The country will become a failed country. That would be a pity as it has been shown that Malaysia could become a successful Asian Tiger.
25. There are a lot of good people in Malaysia. But they are not voting. If they vote then we will be successful again.
1. UMNO adalah parti Melayu yang mengalahkan Malayan Union dan memerdekakan Malaya.
2. UMNO jugalah parti Melayu yang membangunkan negara sehingga digelar Harimau Asia.
3. UMNO menang pilihan raya dan dapat mendirikan Kerajaan dengan lebih dari dua pertiga kerusi di dewan rakyat.
4. UMNO biasa menang sehingga 109 kerusi dalam dewan.
5. Tetapi hari ini, dalam PRU 15 UMNO menang hanya 26 kerusi. Jumlah kerusi menurun dari 109 kepada 79, naik sedikit kepada 88, tetapi pada PRU 14 turun kepada 54.
6. Pada PRU 15 UMNO cuma dapat 26, kurang separuh berbanding PRU 14.
7. Kenapakah sepanjang masa prestasi UMNO menurun. Sebabnya ialah kerana Presiden UMNO tidak pegang kepada asas perjuangan UMNO iaitu berjuang untuk bangsa, negara dan agama.
8. Dato’ Seri Abdullah (sekarang Tun) menjadikan UMNO sebagai parti keluarga. Tingkat empat guna UMNO sebagai alat untuk kepentingan diri. Walaupun pada PRU 11 UMNO menang besar, tetapi apabila Abdullah utamakan keluarga, BN kalah 5 buah negeri. UMNO hanya menang 79 kerusi – 30 kurang dari 2004.
9. Pemimpin UMNO bertukar. Sebelum skandal 1MDB, UMNO pulih sedikit dengan kemenangan 88 kerusi dalam PRU 13.
10. Tetapi apabila Najib tubuh 1MDB dan seleweng duit serta salah guna kuasa, menjadi wang tunai sebagai raja pun tidak berjaya menarik sokongan orang Melayu. UMNO hanya dapat 54 kerusi.
11. Zahid Hamidi mengambil alih sebagai Presiden UMNO. Tetapi Zahid juga hadapi caj rasuah di mahkamah dan sedang dibicara.
12. Walaupun UMNO menang di Melaka dan Johor tetapi dalam PRU 15 UMNO cuma dapat 26 kerusi.
13. Perjuangan Zahid tertumpu kepada kemungkinan dia didapati bersalah. Walaupun sebelum PRU UMNO dakwa menolak Anwar dan DAP, tetapi untuk menyelamat dirinya, Zahid sanggup bekerjasama dengan Anwar dan DAP.
14. Anwar terima UMNO dan BN untuk mendapat 30 wakil rakyat BN. Zahid diberi jawatan Presiden dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
15. Kita akan lihat sama ada Anwar akan selamatkan Zahid dari dibicara atau tidak. Apakah reformasi Anwar termasuk “The Rule of Law”.
16. Zahid takut kalau dia tidak jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dia akan didapati bersalah. Sebab itu ia tidak benar pertandingan jawatan Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden dalam mesyuarat agong UMNO.
17. Dengan itu UMNO terus dikuasai oleh Presiden yang sedang dibicara kerana rasuah. Besar kemungkinan dalam PRU kerusi UMNO merosot lagi.
18. Penurunan prestasi UMNO disebabkan Presiden-Presiden yang menyeleweng. Perlembagaan UMNO memperuntukkan ahli menukar pemimpin. Tetapi ahli UMNO ternampak bersedia mengekalkan pemimpin yang sedang dicaj pun.
19. Sekarang Presiden UMNO sedang hadapi caj.
20. Apakah ahli UMNO akan terus sokong UMNO??
Benarkah kita TUAN.
Apabila kita miskin
Apabila kita bekerja dengan majikan
Kita tuankah?
Atau majikan kita tuan.
Kalau kita nak jadi tuan, kitalah yang jadi majikan
Tetapi hari ini kita bukan majikan
Mungkinkah kita jadi Tuan.
Ya. Memang mungkin
Tetapi banyak yang perlu lakukan.
Mampukah kita lakukan, memang mampu
Hanya yang diperlukan keberanian.
Beranikah kita, tepuk dada, tanya selera.