1. Malaysia tidak pernah iktiraf Israel.

2. Israel memang negara haram.

3. Tetapi jikalau Israel iktiraf Palestin, Palestin akan iktiraf Israel.

4. Arafat bersetuju. Kita juga setuju.

5. Tetapi hingga sekarang, Israel tidak iktiraf Palestin.

6. Hanya iktiraf Palestine Authority (Penguasa Palestin).

7. Sepanjang masa kita iktiraf negara Palestin.

8. Kita terima Duta Palestin.

9. Jangan samakan persetujuan menerima cadangan dua negara dengan pengiktirafan Israel.

10. Israel sebenarnya tidak wujud kerana ditubuh secara haram tanpa plebiscite (pungutan suara) dikalangan penduduk Palestin seperti yang Malaysia adakan di Sarawak, Sabah dan Singapura.

11. Tidak pernah saya “Ia kan” adanya Israel atau haknya untuk kawal keselamatannya.


1. Weekends I drive around Kuala Lumpur.

2. Sometime I drop in the shopping complexes.

3. KL’s shopping complexes are great.

4. The new ones are fantastic.

5. They are bigger and better than the shopping complexes in London or Tokyo.

6. The other day I dropped in one of the new ones.

7. Wow. It is great.

8. But suddenly I felt I was in China.

9. Then I realised why.

10. All the signboards are in Chinese with English translations.

11. Nothing in Malay. Not at all.

12. So is this Malaysia.

13. Or have we become a part of China.

14. English I can understand why.

15. Even in Japan signboards have English translations.

16. But big Chinese characters.

17. I was told that some Chinese TV refer to Malaysia as Little China.

18. Why?

19. Because among the Southeast Asian countries Malaysia displays the Chinese characters all over; large and prominent.

20. Must be because we have so many Chinese visitors.

21. But translation in small characters yes.

22. But our national language is Malay.


1. I am glad the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) has warned the police looking after the VVIP that they are not above the law. If they do something wrong something illegal, they would face punitive action.

2. I suppose this means that if they are instructed by the VVIP to do something wrong, they should refuse. But can they? Have they been told that they can do this?

3. Can the IGP clarify this matter?

4. I believe that the general tendency is for the police bodyguard to do what they are told.

5. It would not be fair if they are not instructed to disobey orders which are obviously against the law.

6. What if the VVIP assured that he would protect the police bodyguard. What if the VVIP orders that the police bodyguard must not reveal who ordered him.

7. It would be unjust if the police bodyguard is punished for carrying out orders which he is assured that he would be protected.

8. The police (escort) should have the right to whistle blow just like everyone else.

9. It is not so easy.

10. The IGP must make proper rules, as part of the SOP that police security personnel have a right to refuse to obey directives to do wrong (illegal) things.


1. Daim meninggal dunia pagi ini.

2. Saya kehilangan sahabat yang bersama saya berjuang untuk bangsa, negara dan agama.

3. Saya sedih tidak terhingga.

4. Sepatutnya dia disanjung kerana sumbangannya kepada perjuangan.

5. Tetapi di akhir hayatnya dia diherdik tanpa sebab.

6. Tanpa sebab! Kerana dendam.

7. Inikah balasan yang menimpa kerana dendam.

8. Ya Allah. Adililah Daim berasas keadilan.

9. Berilah tempat kepadanya di akhirat sebagai pejuang bangsa.

10. Saya hanya mampu berdoa. Akan kita bersama kembali di masa tertentu. Amin, Ya Rabbal Alamin.

13 NOVEMBER 2024


1. Malaysia is a great country.

2. It is a democracy.

3. It has a written Constitution.

4. The Constitution is the supreme law of the country.

5. Nothing, no law, that breaches the Constitution can be accepted as legal.

6. But from the word go the Constitution was breached by Malay adat.

7. No one questions this aberration.

8. Since then many of the provisions of the Constitution have been ignored.

9. Its okay.

10. Why okay?

11. Well it is Malay adat-tradition.

12. But some are not even adat.

13. Some are blatant disregard for the law, even the Constitution.

14. But we, well, we should know what is good for us.

15. Better let it be.

16. That is safer.

17. And so this great country with its great constitution consciously close both eyes and see nothing, both ears and hear nothing and a more that smells nothing.

18. Congratulations Malaysia.

19. You are doing fine.


1. Al kisah maka terdapatlah sebuah Negara yang ganjil.

2. Negara ini ganjil kerana amalannya terbalik.

3. Dianya terbalik kerana yang baik dikatakan buruk dan yang benar menjadi bohong, yang bohong menjadi benar.

4. Yang kanan dikatakan kiri.

5. Yang kiri jadi kanan. Undang-undang juga demikian.

6. Perlaksanaan undang-undang istimewa kerana yang salah dibebaskan dan yang bersih didakwa, disiasat untuk dihukum.

7. Maka bergelutlah rakyat melaku kesalahan untuk menyelamat diri mereka.

8. Mereka mencuri, menerima sogokan dan menipu.

9. Jumlah mereka begitu ramai dan tidak ada penjara untuk kurung mereka.

10. Tetapi tidak mengapa. Kerana yang salah tidak perlu dipenjara.

11. Yang bersih sahaja yang akan dimasuk ke dalam penjara. Mereka tidak ramai.

12. Maka bergelutlah Jabatan siasatan menyiasat orang yang tidak salah.

13. Masa dan dana dihabiskan.

14. Istimewa sungguhlah Negara bertuah ini dan pemimpinnya pun terpuji dan dipuji tiap hari dalam akhbar dan semua media termasuk media sosial.

15. Syabas Negara terbalik.


1. I watch Al Jazeera TV on the genocide by the Israelis on the Palestinian people of Gaza. It is horrible.

2. Thousands of Palestinians have been killed. Many thousands more wounded. Thousands have lost their legs and arms.

3. The cities and towns in Gaza have been razed to the ground. Even refugee camps of flimsy tents have been rocketed and bombed. The refugees were killed. The survivors flee. But there is no safe place for them.

4. I have never seen such atrocities as being inflicted in our so-called civilised world. It is mind boggling. It lacks any sign of human feelings.

5. What is outrageous is that the other TV channels show almost nothing of the genocide of the Gaza Palestinians. It is as if it is not happening.

6. Since Al Jazeera TV Channel is not watched by white Europeans and Americans, they must believe that nothing is happening to the people of Gaza.

7. They actually believe that the Israeli attacks are meant to achieve security for the state of Israel. And they support the Israeli war against the Palestinians.

8. Basically they are supporting Israeli genocidal war against the Palestinians.

9. I used to think of the Europeans as the pioneers of human rights. Now I know they are hypocrites. I have lost any respect I had for them.


1. Lately I have been mystified.

2. There is a report that organised crime is found in Malaysia.

3. What I cannot understand is the report that they paid income tax
and also fines.

4. Do criminals pay taxes.

5. How do they declare the source of their income.

6. Can they say they stole the money.

7. If they pay tax on their stolen income, do they get to keep the
balance after taxes.

8. Do the income tax people report to MACC about the stolen income.

9. Do they report to the police.

10. I understand all the businesses of these organised criminals have
been closed.

11. What happens to the workers?

12. Have they lost their jobs and their pay.

13. Or is the Government looking after them.

14. I fully support police action against these organised criminals. It
seems that they operate in twenty other countries.

15. The report says the police have asked these countries to act against
these organised criminals.

16. What is the cooperation shown by foreign police?

17. Have they sent back the criminals to Malaysia?

18. Or have they arrested these criminal organisers.

19. I am mystified.

20. Can somebody enlighten me.


1. I read in the papers that some people are being accused of being involved in organised crime.

2. I have read about the mafia, the Italian version of the organised crime.

3. Still I thought I would consult AI (Artificial Intelligence) for more information on organised crime.

4. I am no expert on AI but I can get information more quickly by asking AI.

5. So I wrote “What is Organised Crime” in the question column in my phone.

6. The following is the reply I got.

7. “Organised crime refers to criminal activities that are structured and coordinated, typically involving groups or individuals that engage in illegal enterprises for profit. These criminal organisations often operate in a hierarchical manner and may engage in a variety of illicit activities, such a drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms smuggling, money laundering, extortion, fraud and racketeering”.

8. I am sure the police have evidence of all these crimes being committed by the organised crime people.

9. They must be making a lot of money. Have they paid tax to the income Tax Department?

10. Can they ask for forgiveness and be detained in their houses.


1. Israel has invaded Lebanon. After Lebanon what?

2. Hamas and Hezbollah still exist.

3. They may move somewhere.

4. To exterminate these two Palestinian groups Israel will have to
follow them.

5. Could it be that Israel’s next invasion would be the country that
harbours the Palestinians.

6. Armed and funded by the US and the Europeans, Israel will continue
its genocide.

7. The world can do nothing. The world is afraid of the US and the
Europeans. Act against US cronies and the Third World War begins. No one wants that. So let Israel slaughter Gazans and Lebanese. After that which country?

8. Be prepared to be slaughtered by Israelis and Americans.

9. Losing a few million Arab Muslims is no great loss. Continue
persuading the Israelis to cease fire.

10. They will not cease. They are enjoying themselves.