
Bank Account

Several blogs have given space to a scurrilous statement that I, my
wife and my children, have USD 199.45 million and S $ 42,000,000 in
fixed deposit in the Israeli National Bank in Singapore.

2. The scum who alleges this does not have the guts to give his name.

UMNO can make a statement about the money I gave to Dato Abdullah when
I stepped down. Better still Dato Abdullah can explain how much of the
1.4 billion Ringgit in cash, shares and property that my staff and one
of his Ministers handed over to him is still with him.

I give full permission for the Israeli National Bank to make public
these accounts so that I can claim the money said to belong to me and
my family.

6. As for the anonymous scum, give your true name, I/C and address so that I can sue you.

Oil Price and Bus Fares

1. Every time the Government increase oil price, the bus companies would be told not to increase fares.

I do not like to see passengers having to pay more. But how do bus
companies make profit or even survive if increases in cost are not
compensated by increases in fare.

3. I can understand if the
Government requests the bus companies not to increase fares too much.
But there must be some increase.

4. Perhaps the Minister does
not understand that businesses are not charitable organisations. If the
Government cannot be charitable by absorbing the cost, why should
businesses be asked to absorb the cost in order to make the Government
look good.

Government to cut down cost

1. As one of the measures to reduce the effect of the increase the price of oil Government will reduce spending.

2. Since salaries and operation cost cannot be reduced, development cost would have to be curtailed.

When Government projects are stopped a whole lot of people will lose
their income. This include the contractors, the sub-contractors, the
suppliers, the transport companies and of course the workers. But even
the nasi lemak sellers would lose their income and the workers would
have no money to eat at the stalls.

4. Actually this was what
happened when the Government decided not to go ahead with the so-called
mega projects. With this idea about reducing Government spending the
people who had suffered would suffer even more.

15 thoughts on “Snippets”

  1. Asalamualaikum wbt,
    Semoga Tun DM terhindar dari fitnah akhir zaman & fitnah duniawi.
    Sesiapa yang buat fitnah kepada Tun tu harap hentikanlah.
    Saya kurang faham kenapa bila harga minyak dalam pasaran dunia turun, harga minyak kat station pump masih lagi tak turun?????
    ada sesiapa yang sudi boleh bagi info..
    terima kasih.

    A mainstream English daily (Star Two T10, 22 July 2008, lower right hand corner) carries an advertisement put up by a Malaysian-registered travel agency for pilgrimage to a destination forbidden for Malaysian passport holders.
    Interestingly the ad carries the logo of Emirates, the national airline of an Arab oil-rich emirates, UAE.

  3. Dear Tun. I really wish you could speak up at the international level so that the world could share your thought on how the increase in oil price could be curtailed. I believe you could do it again, the way you did on the currency trading issues 10 years ago. Honestly, I think oil price will keep increasing at least for the next 50 years. With China’s and India’s demand for oil will continue to grow drastically in years to come, I think greedy oil speculators will continue to manipulate the so called ‘demand and supply theory’ to their advantage.
    Please do something Tun.
    My salam to you Toh Puan.

  4. Dear Tun,
    I’m representing the voice of majority of Chinese voters in Sarawak that we are sick and tired of the inconsistency that the current government governing our country which were full of corruptions and empty promises. People in Sarawak are badly affected by the recent fuel hike and prices of essential goods. How are the poor going to feed their families when the purchasing power becomes weaker and weaker? Even those who rides motorbike to work needs to fork out more compared to few years ago. Does the government want us to consider bicycle next? In Sarawak, the public transport is lacking and the mode of travelling is own transport. We don’t have the luxury of LRT or train or air-conditioned bus. Some might think us Sarawakian are very well off because most of us owns a car or bike but what can we do when there is no improvement on public transport? After the fuel hike, every household adjusted their lifestyle when there is already no more room for luxuries. We don’t make as much as our counterpart in West Malaysia. The average income for a household is RM1800. In KL, RM3000 is not even enough to feed a family let alone RM1800!!! The rebate of RM625 is like giving a candy to a boy to keep him quiet. It is not what we wanted. We would rather the petrol price remain intact. The decision to increase fuel and food price was done by those smartly dressed people, sitting comfortably in their air-conditioned office, travelling in chauffeur driven limousine and living in mansions. Do they have any idea that the rakyat who pay for their salaries, entertainments, allowance, expenses etc are suffering everyday??? Please Abdullah, we beg your for mercy! Think for us before we all go against YOU!!!
    Tun, you are our hope to keep pressuring the Abdullah regime to make our daily lifes better. We still remember what you had done for us and we will forever be grateful for your contributions that used to bring betterment for the rakyat.
    Thank you, Tun Dr. Mahathir!!!

  5. Dear Tun,
    I’m representing the voice of majority of Chinese voters in Sarawak that we are sick and tired of the inconsistency that the current government governing our country which were full of corruptions and empty promises. People in Sarawak are badly affected by the recent fuel hike and prices of essential goods. How are the poor going to feed their families when the purchasing power becomes weaker and weaker? Even those who rides motorbike to work needs to fork out more compared to few years ago. Does the government want us to consider bicycle next? In Sarawak, the public transport is lacking and the mode of travelling is own transport. We don’t have the luxury of LRT or train or air-conditioned bus. Some might think us Sarawakian are very well off because most of us owns a car or bike but what can we do when there is no improvement on public transport? After the fuel hike, every household adjusted their lifestyle when there is already no more room for luxuries. We don’t make as much as our counterpart in West Malaysia. The average income for a household is RM1800. In KL, RM3000 is not even enough to feed a family let alone RM1800!!! The rebate of RM625 is like giving a candy to a boy to keep him quiet. It is not what we wanted. We would rather the petrol price remain intact. The decision to increase fuel and food price was done by those smartly dressed people, sitting comfortably in their air-conditioned office, travelling in chauffeur driven limousine and living in mansions. Do they have any idea that the rakyat who pay for their salaries, entertainments, allowance, expenses etc are suffering everyday??? Please Abdullah, we beg your for mercy! Think for us before we all go against YOU!!!
    Tun, you are our hope to keep pressuring the Abdullah regime to make our daily lifes better. We still remember what you had done for us and we will forever be grateful for your contributions that used to bring betterment for the rakyat.
    Thank you, Tun Dr. Mahathir!!!

  6. Dear Tun, i’m fully agreed with your then abondoned project of double railway track and other. In the railway track issue, sharing can reduced the burden, that is the same concept of car pool.
    As far as i can see, the present government tried to be more or better government than during your time. However, they failed to realise that you were the one people elected.It is not people did not want to elect you, but you yourself refused that,having in mind that there would be a continuation of what you planned.
    The truth is, they should continue with what you planned, because that is what the people want, and this fact exhibited from the recent election. I think, that message the present government failed to realise.
    I sincerely hope that the present government do not have to try to be a better one than during your time, by stopping with what you had planned because by doing that it will lose the people confidence. Be certain, could clear the people doubt, than you gain the trust.

  7. Dear Tun
    Please don’t let those who talk bad about you bother you You have given us the best years of you life You have stood up to the Americans the British you have made Malaysins proud.
    Look what’s going on once you left Wish you could take over again Wish you could Live forever LONG LIVE MAHATHIR

  8. DEAR TUN,

  9. Dear Tun
    I dont give a dam on your reason you are clean MAN. In your 22 year as our PM – you can keep the word to yourself and cont to lier to Rakyat and i know only the stupid rakyat will trust what you said.
    Even if you have taken out Rakyat money – use it wisely for your retirement plan and for your next life.
    I have nothing against you on your coruption practise as it was practise by all politician in the world.

  10. Tun,
    Basded on what you just stated ,I am unclear whether you and family have these FDs held at the said bank.

  11. Y Bhg Tun..
    You are absolutely right on spurring the economy by introducing projects…whereby every rakyat got some “muruku and vadai” to spend…
    What I don’t understand is that the current PM son-in-law, son etc….Some of them are not working and still can maintain the lavish lifestyle..where the muruku and vadai come from….

  12. Ini merupakan satu lagi cubaan yang mengaitkan Tun dengan penyelewengan kuasa, saya percaya Tun di pihak yang benar angka-angka tersebut hanya cubaan menjatuhkan reputasi Tun.

  13. Selamat pagi Tun,
    Saya telah mengikuti perkembangan politik negara sejak Tun
    menjadi PM. Yang saya tak faham kerajaan sekarang tidak
    konsisten dengan keputusan yang di buat oleh mereka.Misalnya
    soal subsidi minyak,kenderaan asing sekejap kata hanya boleh
    isi selepas 30-50km.Kemudian dibatalkan.Selepas itu diumumkan
    pula kenaikan harga minyak yang mendadak.Kemudian rebet pula.
    Apa yang nak direbetkan kepada mereka yang tiada kenderaan dan
    harus menanggung kenaikan harga barangan harian hasil impat
    daripada kenaikan harga minyak.Golongan pendapatan rendah
    bagai di tikam dengan pisau oleh kerajaan.Adakah hanya golongan
    etnik di gelar MALAYSIAN?

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