1. Before there was Malaya and Malaysia the peninsular was known as Tanah Melayu, or Malay Land.
2. Saying this alone would result in accusations of being racist.
3. But I need to go back in history if I am going to be able to explain about Malaysia’s social contract.
5. Initially the peoples living in the States were divided into indigenous Malays and aborigines who were subjects of the Malay rulers and foreign guests who were not subjects of the rulers. There were no citizenship or documents about citizenship status as in most countries.
6. The foreign guests prospered in the British ruled Malay States and in the British colonies of Penang, Malacca and Singapore. The Malay subjects of the Rulers and the Rulers themselves did not feel threatened by the numbers of these non-Malays and the disparities between the general wealth and progress of the foreign guests and the subjects of the Rulers. They did not think that the foreigners who had settled in the country would ever demand citizenship rights.
7. When Japan conquered the Malay States and the colonies of the Straits Settlements, the Chinese felt insecure as the Japanese were their historical enemies.
8. Many Chinese formed and joined guerilla forces and disappeared into the jungle. When Japan surrendered the Chinese guerillas came out and seized many police stations in the interior and declared that they were the rulers of the country. They seized many people, Chinese and Malays and executed a number of them.
9. Malay villagers retaliated by killing the Chinese in the rural areas. Tension rose and a Sino-Malay war was only averted because of the arrival of British forces. But the ill feeling and animosity between the two races remained high.
10. It was in this tensed situation that the British proposed the Malayan Union which would give the “guests” the right of citizenship as indistinguishable from that of the Malays.
11. The Malays rejected the Malayan Union and its citizenship proposal. They forced the British to return to the status quo ante in a new Federation of Malaya.
12. Only Chinese who were British subjects in the colonies of the Straits Settlements were eligible to become citizens in this new Federation. Naturally the Malay citizens far outnumbered the Chinese Malayan citizens.
13. Chinese leaders appealed to the British, who then persuaded the UMNO President, Dato Onn Jaafar to propose to open UMNO to all races. This proposal was rejected by the other UMNO leaders and Dato Onn had to resign.
14. The British kept up the pressure for the Malays to be more liberal with citizenship for non-Malays.
15. Tunku Abdul Rahman, the President of UMNO decided on a coalition with MCA (Malaysian Chinese Association) and the MIC (Malaysian Indian Congress). In the 1955 elections to the Federal Legislative Assembly, since there were very few constituencies with Chinese or Indian majorities, the MCA and MIC partners had to put up candidates in Malay majority constituencies after UMNO undertook not to contest in these constituencies but to support MCA Chinese and MIC Indian candidates instead.
16. Such was the support of the Malays for the MCA and MIC alliance candidates that they won even against Malay candidates from PAS. The MCA and MIC candidates all won. Only UMNO lost one constituency against PAS.
17. The Tunku as Chief Minister of a self-governing Federation of Malaya then decided to go for independence. The British continued to inisist on citizenship rights for the Chinese and Indians as a condition for giving independence.
18. To overcome British resistance to independence and to gain the support of the Chinese and Indians, the Tunku decided to give one million citizenship to the two communities based purely on residence. One notable new citizen was (Tun) Leong Yew Koh, a former general in the Chinese National Army who was later appointed Governor of Malacca.
19. It was at this stage that the leaders of the three communal parties who had formed the Government of self-governing British Federation of Malaya, discussed and reached agreement on the relationship between the three communities in an independent Federation of Malaya.
20. It was to be a quid pro quo arrangement. In exchange for the one million citizenships the non-Malays must recognise the special position of the Malays as the indigenous people. Certain laws such as the pre-eminence of Islam as the state religion, the preservation of Malay reserve land, the position of the Malay Rulers and Malay customs and the distribution of Government jobs were included in the understanding.
21. On the question of national language it was agreed that Malay would be the national language. English should be the second language. The Chinese and Indians could continue to use their own languages but not in official communication.
22. Chinese and Tamil primary schools can use their languages as teaching media. They can also be used in secondary schools but these have to be private schools.
23. For their part the Chinese and Indian leaders representing their parties and communities demanded that their citizenship should be a right which could not be annulled, that they should retain their language, religion and culture, that as citizens they should have political rights as accorded to all citizens.
24. Much of these agreements and understandings are reflected in the Federal Constitution of Independent Malaya. For everything that is accorded the Malays, there is always a provision for non-Malays. Few ever mention this fact. The only thing that attracts everyone’s attention and made a subject of dispute is what is accorded the Malays and other indigenous people.
25. Thus although Malay is to be the National Language, Chinese and Tamil can be used freely and in the Chinese and Tamil schools. In no other country has there been a similar provision. Even the most liberal countries do not have this constitutional guarantee.
26. The national language is to be learnt by everyone so that Malayan citizens can communicate with each other everywhere.
27. It was understood also that the Chinese language referred in the understanding were the Chinese dialects spoken in Malaysia, not the national language of China. Similarly for Malayan Indians the language was Tamil, not Hindi or Urdu or whatever became the national language of India. However, the Chinese educationists later insisted that the Chinese language must be the national language of China i.e. Mandarin.
28. The official religion is Islam but other religions may be practised by their adherents without any restriction. As the official religion, Islam would receive Government support. Nothing was said about support for the other religions. The non-Malays did not press this point and the Federal Constitution does not mention Government support for the other religions. Nevertheless such support have been given.
29. A quota was fixed for the Malayan Civil Service wherein the Malays would get four posts for every one given to Chinese or Indians. However it was recognised that the professional post would be open to all races as it was never thought possible there would be enough Malays to take up these posts.
30. The result was that in the early years of independence there were more non-Malays in Division 1 than Malays.
31. The Agong or the Rulers of the States should determine quotas of scholarships and licences for Malays. But no one should be deprived of whatever permits or licences in order to give to Bumiputras.
32. The position of the Malay Rulers was entrenched and could not be challenged. There would be a Paramount Ruler chosen from among the nine Rulers who would serve for five years.
33. The rulers were to be constitutional rulers. Executive power was to be exercised by elected Menteris Besar, Ketua Menteri (Chief Minister) and Prime Minister, assisted by members of councils and cabinets. The British practice was to be the model.
34. The most important understanding was the adoption of Parliamentary Democracy with a Constitutional Monarch, again after the United Kingdom model. It should be remembered that the British imposed an authoritarian colonial Government on the Malay State, the power resting with the Colonial Office in London.
35. Before these the Malay States were feudal with the Malay Rulers enjoying near absolute power. Only the elites played a role in State politics. The Malay subjects had no political rights at all. Certainly the guests had no say in politics. Even the Chinese and Indian British citizens had no say though they may be appointed as Municipal or Legislative Councillors.
36. The decision to adopt a democratic system of Government was a radical step in the governance of the Federation of Malaya and of the Malay States. This was agreed to by the leaders of the three major communities as represented by their political parties i.e. UMNO, MCA and MIC. There can be no doubt that these parties represented the vast majority of the three communities in Malaya. The Communists and the other leftists did not signify their agreement to the understanding.
37. The Reid Commission was briefed on all these agreements and understanding so that they will be reflected in the Constitution to be drawn up. All the three parties approved this Constitution after several amendments were made. In effect the Constitution became a contract binding on all the three communities in the Federation of Malaya upon attaining independence in 1957.
38. When Sabah and Sarawak joined the Peninsular States to form Malaysia the social contract was extended to the two Borneo States. The natives of Sabah and Sarawak were given the same status as the Malays. At this time the word Bumiputra was introduced to distinguish the indigenous Malays and Sabah, Sarawak natives from those descendants of foreign immigrants. Because Malay was widely used in the Borneo States there was no difficulty in the acceptance of Malay as the national language. The fact that the natives of the two states are not all Muslims necessitated no change in the Constitution once the word Bumiputra was accepted. But the official definition of a Malay remained.
39. The embodiment of the social contract is therefore the Constitution of first, the Federation of Malaya and then Malaysia.
40. To say it does not exist is to deny the contents of the Constitution which was based upon the acceptance by the leaders of the three communities of the original social contract.
41. All subsequent actions by the Government were the results of this social contract. The fact that the initiators of this social contract and their successors were endorsed by the people in every election reflects the undertaking of the people to honour this social contract.
42. Saying that the social contract does not exist is like saying that Malaysia exists in a vacuum, without a Constitution and laws based on this Constitution.
43. Implementing the social contract requires understanding of its spirit as much as the letter. The social contract is aimed at creating a multi-racial nation that is stable and harmonious. Any factor which would cause instability and result in confrontation between the races must be regarded as incompatible with the spirit of the social contract.
44. For 50 years no one seriously questioned the social contract. Even today the majority of Chinese and Indians and the indigenous Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak accept the social contract. But because Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi basically lost the 2008 election and now heads a weak Government the extremists and erstwhile detractors have questioned the social contract. The Bar Council has now become a political party believing that its expertise in law will exempt it from being questioned as to its credentials and its political objectives.
45. Abdullah’s UMNO is incapable of countering any attack on the social contract. If anything untoward happens Abdullah and UMNO must bear responsibility.
1. Sebelum adanya Malaya dan Malaysia, semenanjung ini dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu.
2. Hanya berkata ini akan sebabkan kita dituduh bersifat perkauman.
3. Untuk terangkan berkenaan asal-usul kontrak sosial Malaysia saya terpaksa imbas semula sejarah.
4. Melalui perjanjian-perjanjian yang ditandatangani Raja-Raja Melayu Semenanjung, British telah mendapat hak untuk menakluk Negeri-negeri Melayu. Perjanjian-perjanjian ini mengakui dan mengesahkan Negeri-negeri ini sebagai Negeri-negeri Melayu. Tidak ada sesiapa pun yang membantah. Orang Asli juga menerima keadaan ini dengan penerimaan oleh mereka pemerintahan Raja-Raja Melayu.
5. Pada mulanya penduduk yang tinggal di Negeri-negeri ini dibahagi kepada orang Melayu dan Orang Asli yang merupakan rakyat Raja-raja Melayu dan tetamu asing yang tidak dianggap sebagai rakyat kepada Raja-raja Melayu. Tidak ada kewarganegaraan mahupun dokumen berkenaan taraf kerakyatan sepertimana di kebanyakan negara-negara lain.
6. Tetamu asing ini hidup mewah di Negeri-negeri Melayu di bawah pentadbiran British dan di jajahan British di Pulau Pinang, Melaka dan Singapura. Orang Melayu yang menjadi rakyat kepada Raja-raja Melayu dan Raja-raja Melayu sendiri tidak sikitpun merasa tergugat dengan bilangan besar orang bukan Melayu dan perbezaan jurang kekayaan dan kemajuan di antara tetamu asing ini dan rakyat Raja-Raja Melayu. Mereka tidak terfikir yang orang asing yang menetap di negara ini akan menuntut hak kewarganegaraan.
7. Apabila Jepun menakluk Negeri-negeri Melayu dan Negeri-negeri Selat, orang Cina merasa tidak selamat kerana Jepun merupakan musuh tradisi mereka.
8. Ramai orang Cina telah menubuhkan dan menganggotai angkatan gerila dan lari ke dalam hutan. Apabila Jepun serah diri, gerila-gerila Cina ini keluar dan merampas balai-balai polis di kawasan pedalaman dan isytihar yang mereka adalah pemerintah negara ini. Mereka menangkap ramai orang, Cina dan Melayu dan beberapa daripada mereka ini dibunuh.
9. Orang Melayu di kampung-kampung membalas dengan membunuh orang Cina di kawasan luar bandar. Ketegangan timbul dan pertempuran antara Cina dan Melayu dielak hanya dengan kedatangan angkatan tentera British. Tetapi perasaan marah dan benci antara kedua-dua kaum ini tetap tinggi.
10. Di dalam keadaan tegang ini British mencadang penubuhan Malayan Union yang akan memberi “tetamu-tetamu” ini hak kerakyatan yang tidak membezakan mereka daripada orang Melayu.
11. Orang Melayu menolak Malayan Union dan cadangan hak kerakyatan ini. Mereka paksa British untuk kembali keapda keadaan asal atau status quo ante di dalam Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Federation of Malaya) yang baru.
12. Hanya orang Cina yang menjadi rakyat Negeri-negeri Selat layak untuk mendapat kerakyatan di dalam Persekutuan yang baru ini. Sudah tentu warganegara keturunan Melayu jauh lebih ramai daripada rakyat Malaya yang berketurunan Cina.
13. Pemimpin-pemimpin Cina merayu kepada British, yang kemudiannya menekan Presiden UMNO, Dato Onn Jaafar supaya mencadangkan agar UMNO dibuka kepada semua kaum. Cadangan ini ditolak lain-lain pemimpin UMNO dan Dato Onn terpaksa melepaskan jawatan.
14. British terus beri tekanan kepada orang Melayu untuk bersikap lebih terbuka berkenaan soal kerakyatan bagi orang bukan Melayu.
15. Presiden UMNO Tunku Abdul Rahman memutuskan untuk menubuhkan pakatan dengan MCA (Malaysian Chinese Association) dan MIC (Malaysian Indian Congress). Dalam pilihanraya Majlis Perundangan Persekutuan (Federal Legislative Assembly) 1955, oleh kerana kurangnya kawasan majoriti penduduk Cina dan India, MCA dan MIC terpaksa letak calon mereka di kawasan yang mempunyai majoriti Melayu selepas UMNO bersetuju untuk tidak bertanding di kawasan-kawasan ini dan sebaliknya menyokong calon Cina MCA dan calon India MIC.
16. Begitu sokongan orang Melayu terhadap calon Perikatan MCA dan MIC hinggakan mereka menang walaupun menentang calon Melayu daripada PAS. Calon MCA dan MIC kesemuanya menang. Hanya UMNO kalah satu kerusi kepada PAS.
17. Tunku sebagai Ketua Menteri Persekutuan Tanah Melayu kemudian memutus untuk menuntut kemerdekaan. British terus berkeras menuntut hak kerakyatan bagi orang Cina dan India sebagai syarat memberi kemerdekaan.
18. Untuk mengatasi halangan British terhadap kemerdekaan dan untuk memenangi sokongan orang Cina dan India Tunku memutuskan untuk beri satu juta kerakyatan kepada kedua-dua komuniti ini berdasarkan hanya kepada permastautin. Salah seorang rakyat baru yang menonjol ialah (Tun) Leong Yew Koh, bekas general di dalam angkatan tentera nasional China yang kemudiannya dilantik Gabenor Melaka.
19. Di peringkat ini pemimpin-pemimpin ketiga-tiga parti yang berdasarkan kepada kaum yang telah mendirikan Kerajaan pemerintahan sendiri di dalam Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Federation of Malaya) British telah berbincang dan mencapai persetujuan berkenaan syarat perhubungan antara ketiga-tiga kaum di dalam Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang merdeka.
20. Ianya merupakan agihan yang sama rata. Sebagai balasan untuk satu juta kerakyatan bukan Melayu, orang bukan Melayu mesti mengakui kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu sebagai Bumiputera. Beberapa peruntukan undang-undang seperti kedudukan Islam sebagai agama rasmi, pengekalan tanah rizab Melayu, kedudukan Raja-raja Melayu dan adat istiadat Melayu dan pengagihan jawatan dalam Kerajaan juga termasuk di dalam persefahaman ini.
21. Dalam soal Bahasa Kebangsaan, Bahasa Melayu telah dipersetujui sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan. Bahasa Inggeris pula sebagai bahasa ke-dua. Kaum Cina dan India boleh terus gunakan bahasa mereka tetapi bukanlah sebagai bahasa rasmi untuk berkomunikasi.
22. Sekolah rendah Cina dan Tamil juga boleh menggunakan bahasa masing-masing sebagai bahasa pengajar. Bahasa-bahasa ini juga boleh digunakan di sekolah menengah, tetapi hanya di sekolah menengah swasta.
23. Di pihak mereka pemimpin-pemimpin Cina dan India yang mewakili parti mereka menuntut agar kerakyatan dijadikan hak mereka yang tidak boleh ditarik balik, mereka dibenar kekalkan bahasa, agama dan budaya mereka dan sebagai rakyat mereka diberikan hak politik sepertimana yang diberikan kepada semua rakyat.
24. Kebanyakan persetujuan dan persefahaman ini terkandung di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu merdeka. Bagi setiap yang diperuntukkan kepada orang Melayu, akan sentiasa terdapat peruntukan bagi yang bukan Melayu. Tidak ramai yang sebut akan hakikat ini. Yang menarik perhatian ramai dan yang menjadi tajuk perbalahan ialah apa yang diperuntukkan kepada orang Melayu dan lain-lain kaum Bumiputera sahaja.
25. Demikian walaupun Bahasa Melayu dijadikan Bahasa Kebangsaan, bahasa Cina dan Tamil tetap bebas digunakan di sekolah Cina dan Tamil. Peruntukan ini tidak terdapat di mana-mana negara lain. Bahkan di negara-negara yang liberal sekalipun tidak terdapat jaminan seperti ini yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan.
26. Bahasa Kebangsaan ini haruslah dipelajari semua orang agar setiap warganegara Malaya dapat berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain di mana-mana sahaja.
27. Difahamkan bahasa Cina yang di maksudkan di dalam persefahaman tersebut adalah dialek-dialek Cina yang ditutur di Malaysia dan bukannya bahasa kebangsaan negeri China. Demikian bagi kaum India Malaya bahasa Tamil digunakan dan bukannya Hindi atau Urdu atau apa-apa bahasa pun yang menjadi bahasa Kebangsaan di India. Tetapi para pendidik aliran Cina kemudiannya mengguna Bahasa Cina yang menjadi bahasa Kebangsaan negara China iaitu Mandarin.
28. Islam adalah agama rasmi tetapi agama-agama lain boleh dipraktik penganut masing-masing tanpa apa-apa halangan. Sebagai agama rasmi Islam mendapat bantuan Kerajaan. Tiada tersebut tentang bantuan bagi mana-mana agama lain. Bukan Melayu tidak menekankan tentang ini dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan tidak pun sebut tentang bantuan Kerajaan terhadap agama lain. Namun sokongan dan bantuan tetap diberikan.
29. Kuota ditetapkan bagi kakitangan Kerajaan (Malayan Civil Service) dimana orang Melayu akan mendapat empat tempat bagi setiap satu yang diberikan kepada orang Cina dan India. Walaubagaimanapun, jawatan profesional diiktiraf terbuka bagi semua kaum kerana dianggap tidak mungkin terdapat cukup bilangan orang Melayu untuk mengisi jawatan-jawatan tersebut.
30. Hasilnya pada awal kemerdekaan terdapat lebih ramai kaum bukan Melayu daripada Melayu yang mengisi jawatan dalam Divisyen Satu.
31. Yang Di-Pertuan Agong atau Raja-raja Melayu akan menentukan kuota biasiswa dan lesen bagi orang Melayu. Tetapi tiada sesiapa yang akan dirampas mana-mana permit atau lesen hanya untuk diberikan kepada kaum Bumiputera.
32. Kedudukan Raja-raja Melayu termaktub dan tidak boleh dipersoalkan. Seorang Yang Di-Pertuan Agong akan dipilih daripada sembilan Raja-raja Melayu dan akan berkhidmat selama lima tahun.
33. Raja-raja akan menjadi Raja berperlembagaan. Kuasa eksekutif akan dilaksanakan oleh Menteri Besar, Ketua Menteri dan Perdana Menteri yang dipilih dan dibantu ahli majlis atau Kabinet. Amalan British dijadikan contoh.
34. Persetujuan yang paling penting ialah pelaksanaan Demokrasi Berparlimen digabungkan dengan Raja Berperlembagaan, sekali lagi seperti yang diamalkan di United Kingdom. Harus diingat pihak British telah mengenakan Kerajaan Kolonial kuku besi ke atas Negeri-negeri Melayu dengan kuasa diletak pada Pejabat Kolonial di London.
35. Sebelum ini Negeri-negeri Melayu diperintah secara feudal di mana Raja-raja Melayu mempunyai kuasa mutlak. Hanya golongan bangsawan yang memain peranan dalam politik negeri. Rakyat Melayu tidak langsung ada apa-apa hak politik. Sudah tentu tetamu juga tidak mempunyai suara dalam hal-hal berkenaan politik. Warganegara British keturunan Cina dan India juga tidak mempunyai apa-apa suara walaupun mereka boleh dilantik sebagai Ahli Kehormat Majlis Kerajaan Tempatan atau Perundangan.
36. Keputusan untuk melaksana sistem Kerajaan berlandaskan demokrasi merupakan satu langkah radikal di dalam pentadbiran Kerajaan di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan Negeri-negeri Melayu. Ini dipersetujui pemimpin ketiga-tiga kaum terbesar yang diwakili parti-parti politik UMNO, MCA dan MIC. Tidak syak lagi yang parti-parti ini mewakili sebahagian besar daripada ketiga-tiga masyarakat di Malaya. Pihak Komunis dan yang berhaluan kiri lain tidak menyatakan persetujuan mereka terhadap persefahaman ini.
37. Suruhanjaya Reid diberi penerangan tentang perjanjian dan persefahaman ini agar ianya akan dimasukkan kedalam Perlembagaan yang akan digubal. Ketiga-tiga parti meluluskan Perlembagaan yang digubal setelah beberapa pindaan dilakukan. Kesannya Perlembagaan ini menjadi kontrak yang mengikat ketiga-tiga kaum di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu menjelang merdeka pada tahun 1957.
38. Apabila Sabah dan Sarawak menyertai Negeri-negeri Semenanjung untuk membentuk Malaysia kontrak sosial ini di panjangkan kepada kedua-dua negeri ini. Orang Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak di beri taraf yang sama dengan orang Melayu. Pada masa ini juga perkataan Bumiputera diperkenalkan untuk membezakan orang Melayu dan orang Bumiputera Sabah, Sarawak daripada yang berketurunan pendatang. Kerana Bahasa Melayu dugunakan secara meluas di negeri-negeri Borneo tidak ada kesulitan bagi penerimaan Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan. Walaupun kaum Bumiputera di kedua-dua negeri ini bukan semuanya orang Islam ini tidak memerlukan pindaan kepada Perlembagaan apabila perkataan Bumiputera diterima. Tetapi definisi rasmi bagi orang Melayu tetap tidak berubah.
39. Oleh itu pembentukan kontrak sosial dimaktubkan dalam pertama, Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan seterusnya Malaysia. Untuk mengatakan yang ianya tidak wujud samalah dengan menidakkan kandungan Perlembagaan yang diasaskan kepada penerimaan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin ketiga-tiga kaum terhadap kontrak sosial yang asal.
40. Kesemua tindakan susulan oleh Kerajaan adalah hasil daripada kontrak sosial ini. Hakikatnya pencetus kontrak sosial ini dan pewaris-pewaris mereka yang diiktiraf rakyat di setiap Pilihanraya Umum menunjukkan kesediaan rakyat untuk menghormati kontrak sosial ini.
41. Menidakkan kewujudan kontrak sosial ini ialah seperti berkata yang Malaysia ini wujud di dalam suasana kekosongan, tidak ada Perlembagaan dan undang-undang yang berlandaskan kontrak ini.
42. Pelaksanaan kontrak sosial ini memerlukan pemahaman semangatnya yang mendalam. Kontrak sosial ini bertujuan mewujudkan satu negara berbilang kaum yang stabil dan harmoni. Apa jua faktor yang akan akibatkan ketidakstabilan dan menghasilkan ketegangan di antara kaum haruslah dianggap tidak sesuai dengan semangat kontrak sosial ini.
43. Selama 50 tahun tidak ada sesiapa yang menyoal kontrak sosial ini. Malahan hari ini pun majoriti kaum Cina dan India dan Bumiputera Melayu dan kaum Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak menerima kontrak sosial ini. Tetapi kerana Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi pada asasnya kalah dalam pilihanraya 2008 dan sekarang mengetuai Kerajaan yang lemah, pihak ekstrimis dan penyanggah sekarang ini mempersoalkan kontrak sosial ini. Majlis Peguam kini telah menjadi sebuah parti politik yang percaya bahawa kepakarannya dalam undang-undang akan mengecualikan ianya daripada dipersoal tentang kelayakannya dan objektif politiknya.
44. UMNO Abdullah tidak berdaya menangkis apa-apa serangan terhadap kontrak sosial ini. Jika apa-apa terjadi Abdullah dan UMNO harus dipertanggungjawabkan.
Terima kasih kerana memberi penjelasan ini.
Mereka ini buat lupa dan buat bodoh tetang contract social
Over long long period strategy…..
…..Is not Jew took
2000 years (AD) to colonised Palestin for second time
First time after Moses 2000 years BC.
Look at what whitefox28 says
1. “Social Contract” was Outdated!This system was Outdated!
{ It was said in 1969 hardly 12 years from date of contract , It is repeated in 1987 and in 2008!!! that is every 20 years………with new momentem it shall be repeated every 5 years election !!!!}
Those telented non-bumi’s are working and running business in others countries{ that is their culture when odf seeking wealth it started when they came to mine tins in Malaya so it time to mine somewhere else where the pasture is greener and their cityzen unsuspecting!!!},and those non-bumi’s business man switched their main financial based in other countries
1997/98 economic crisis non-bumi big business mans in overseas to transfer thier fund back to our country.{ It is opportunistic consideration not a patriotic one} !!!!
Thanks to Anwar, who declare 9 16. It is non-senses and evil that he set this kind of dateline.
To benrauf
“Biarlah generasi muda yang belum dipengaruhi oleh idea busuk kaum tua ini yang memimpin Bangsa.”
Bunyi Macam Young Turks yang Memusnahkan Kerajaan Islam Terakhir Otmhaniah yang bermula tahun 1800 dan menghancurkan nya menjadi jajahan Barat pada 1920.Ketua terakhir menyiap projek kehancuran tersebut ialah : Kamal Attaturk.
Learn History and Wisdom of the Old ….You can devise your own objective and strategies
Ada kah kamu tidak terpengaruh ? Ada kah kamu lahir dari Vaccum . Tidak kah kamu tahu beribu ribu lagi pribumi di Sabah,Serawak,Kedah,kelantan yang Miskin dan Miskin tegar yang perlu di atasi??? Apa kah sumbangan anda : Tenaga,Fikiran ,Masa dan Wang untuk memajukan mereka?
Tidakan kamu tahu Semua Tun banyak jasa Mula
Tun Perak- mempertahan Nusantara
Tun Razak – Kemajuan Bangsa
Tun Det – Memperkasa Bangsa
Hai anak kecil jangan bermain api
Akan terbakar hati yang sepi……….
To Nazri
“there were no solid efforts to drive the ideology of non-Malays to shift to become a Malay.”
They want top remain themselves out of : superiority complex,economic monopoly,indoctrination by priest and monks,
They can achieve their objective without having to
Can anybody tell me what is a Malay?…
There are Malays that look like 100% Chinese and 100% Indians pysically but they are still Malays… So what makes an individual a Malay? It’s the ideology and faith… to think in the interest of the Malay, to be humble like the Malay, to speak in Malay, to adopt the faith of the Malay (Islam).
Correct me if I’m wrong Tun, but is it true that there are provisions in the constitution of Malaysia that a person of a different origin or background, if they were to convert sincerely and honestly to Islam, speak fluent Malay language, reside and minggle around Malay communities can be absorbed to be a Bumiputera?
If this is true… than Malay is not a race or an ethnic. It’s an ideology or more of a cultured civilization. The problem, is that there were no solid efforts to drive the ideology of non-Malays to shift to become a Malay.
I’m grateful for our past leader’s outlook.
1. Without the social contract, the Malays in Malaysia would be like the Indigenous Australians in Australia. Up till now, they’re still very poor, have lower life expectancy, and experiencing a lot of social problems. A lot of indigenous dialects have disappeared because of their dwindling population. A lot of them had just died out because they just can’t survive in the australian community, and it’s also hard for them to be treated the same way as white australians are treated.
2. Without the social contract, maybe the chinese and indians (in the past) would have been shipped off back to india and china. Look at india, the gap between the rich and the poor is so huge. Although a lot of indians are skilled workers, they thrive more in other countries than in India itself. And just look at China. Although it’s now the world’s industry capital (sort of) we in Malaysia enjoy a better standard of living. China has a lot of problems such as human rights issues, overpopulation, not to mention a lot of things such as the one child policy, the strict visa regulations etc…etc.
Think about it.
Saya selaku pemuda Melayu merasa muak dengan terbebannya generasi kami dengan definisi bersatu oleh orang-orang tua. Bersatu atas nama Melayu, Cina, India, Bumiputera dan lain-lain adalah kesatuan yang rapuh dan palsu. Saya muak sentiasa hidup dengan rasa sangsi terhadap kesetiaan mereka kepada Bangsa. Bagaimana mereka hendak setia jika Negara ini melayan mereka sebagai kelas kedua. Terus-terang saya berpendapat orang-orang tua yang memimpin politik negara lah yang telah menjahanamkan perpaduan Bangsa. Saya tidak berasa saya hidup merdeka jika kesangsian ini kekal wujud. Demikian, saya berharap semua pemimpin lama termasuklah Pak Lah, Karpal, Kit Siang, Haji Hadi dan Anwar agar segera berundur selepas Barisan Nasional tumpas. Biarlah generasi muda yang belum dipengaruhi oleh idea busuk kaum tua ini yang memimpin Bangsa.
Sekian, terima kasih dan minta maaf atas keterlanjuran kata.
Salam sejahtera Tun..
Saya rasa bersyukur kerana rakyat Malaysia dapat hidup dengan aman damai dan harmoni atas kebijaksanaan kepimpinan terdahulu. Tun telah berjaya mengangkat martabat Malaysia menjadi negara yang disegani dunia.
Malaysia disegani kerana Tun Mahathir. Tahniah Tun!! Namun sekarang keadaan telah menjadi agak rapuh. Pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan sendiri telah menjadikan Malaysia lemah dan tidak lagi disegani oleh masyarakat antarabangsa.
Saya tidak nampak pemimpin yang mempunyai karisma seperti Tun pada masa sekarang. Sikap keterbukaan kepimpinan sekarang telah menjadikan Malaysia lemah dan PM seolah-seolah tidak dapat mengawal keadaan sebaik-baiknya.
Kehadapan YM Tun yang dikasihi, dihormati dan yang sentiasa diingati.
Di sini saya ingin meyampaikan ucapan jutaan terima kasih atas suapan pengetahuan yang bertajuk Kontrak Sosial Malaysia, dan ianya bukanlah sogokan ilmu yang pertama. Dengan itu saya meminta maaf kerana orang melayu seperti saya telah membuatkan Tun berhempas-pulas menulis walaupun orang yang disayangi sepatut sedang menikmati tempoh persaraannya disamping isteri yang disajungi serta anak-cucu pengarang jantung. Perkiraan saya, Tun telah menulis lebih dari pada 60 tahun. Dan setiap tulisan Tun dikatakan dan diiktiraf sebagai ciptaan-unggul terutama buku Dilema Melayu. Sekali lagi ribuan ampun dan maaf. Kalau Tun kata haprak, haprak lah saya, jika mudah lupa, saya memang selalunya terlupa.
YM Tun,
Tulisan ini telah memberikan saya suatu kefahaman yang mendalam mengenai yang tersurat dan tersirat. Ia harus dijadikan panduan awal untuk semua bumiputera untuk mengorak langkah untuk mempertahankan haknya sambil mengiyakan hak-hak kaum lain. Dengan tulisan ini juga, saya bersyukur kerana akan dapat memberikan hujah-hujah yang lebih berilmiah tanpa emosional, tak seperti sebelum ini.
YM Tun,
Dari apa yang saya alami dan perhatikan, antara masaalah orang melayu ialah tidak mempunyai fikiran mendalam. Bak kata orang kampung, nampak atau faham selapis sahaja. Dan tidak seperti Tun, mereka ini, secara amnya, beremosi songsang dan rendah ilmu. Kalau ada ilmu pun rendah pengetahuan, berkebolihan pun tanpa kecekapan keakhir tugasan atau tujuan, terutama dalam bab pengkajian untuk selesaian jangkamasa panjang. Suatu selesaiaan yang canggih adalah berselenggaraan mudah untuk jangkapanjang dan tanpa kos. Seperti lapuran MMA hari ini, lebig 50% pasaran kereta di Malaysia tahun ini adalah kereta buatan tempatan. Yang saya perhatikan ia melibatkan semua golongan yakni yang tua, muda, baik lelaki, wanita, dari timur, barat, utara, selatan, yang berpelajaran atau tidak, berpangkat atau sebaliknya serta yang kaya maupun miskin. Tak kira juga apa pekerjaan atau aktiviti mereka. Walaupun ia secara amnya, tetapi bila di kaji setiap individu tu, terdapat banyak kekurangan jika di perhatikan betul-betul. Termasuk saya kot….. 🙂
YM Tun,
Sebagai contoh, baru-baru ni saya menghadiri suatu mesyuarat agung cawangan UMNO. Inilah mesyuarat yang pertama saya hadiri dari sejak menjadi ahli berdaftar pada tahun 1995, kalau tak silap. Itupun disebabkan liga bolasepak yang UMNO anjurkan mensyaratkan hanya ahli yang bolih terlibat. Walaupun saya tidak bermain bolasepak lagi pada masa tu, tapi dek kerana saya memang AJK persatuan bolasepak kampung, mungkin itulah masa dan takdirnya, saya mengisi borang yakni menjadi ahli secara formal. Berbalik kepada mesyuarat agung cawangan tadi, hanya diperhatikan, ianya menampakkan banyak kelemahan yang masih ujud. Dari segi politik satu bab yang saya rasa belum layak nak dikomen, tapi dari segi perlaksanaan mesyuarat yang asas. Pertamanya ketepatan masa dan kedatangan. Pada hari itu, di jadualkan mesyuarat cawangan wanita pada pukul 2.00 petang dan dan mesyuarat cawangan pada 2.30 petang. Dengar-dengar mesyuarat puteri cawangan serentak pada pukul 2.00 petang di lokasi yang berdekatan. Mesyuarat pemuda cawangan dah selesai dua hari sebelumnya yang disifatkan ada masaalah dan rungutan kerana tertangguh 2 kali dan apa yang terjadi ialah notis mesyuarat dalamasa 4 jam. Dikatakan ada pertandingan, akhirnya ketua pemuda yang baru, menang tanpa bertanding. Bak kata orang kampung, biasalah tu…. tapi mana bolih! 🙁
Saya telah pergi ke mesyuarat cawangan yang tersebut pada tepat pukul 2.30 petang tetapi ahli cawangan wanita masih ramai yang belum datang. Saya pun mengambil peluang untuk pergi mengisi minyak kereta dahulu. Pada pukul 3.05 petang saya telah berada semula di lokasi mesyuarat dan seperti saya jangka, mesyuarat cawangan wanita pun belum bermula. Saya pun duduk di tempat yang kosong sambil bersembang-sembang dengan kawan-kawan yang telah sampai. Bila mesyarat wanita cawangan bermula, saya telah berpeluang menjadi pemerhati. Ketua wanita yang lama tidak mempertahankan jawatan setelah 13 tahun menyandangnya. Ketua baru di lantik tanpa pertandingan. Kalau tak silap, wang masuk adalah RM 779.00 dan tiada perbelanjaan keluar…. hmmmm Dalam hati kata, tak apa nak di buat ke? Tak apa lah….
Mesyuarat cawangan pula bermula, tak ingat pukul berapa. Ketua cawangan yang lama dikatakan tidak akan pertahankan jawatan, bakal ketua yakni pemegang jawatan timbalan dijangka akan dilantik tanpa pertandingan. Tetapi pada saat akhir, bekas ketua pemuda telah dicadangkan juga untuk merebut jawatan tersebut juga. Bekas ketua pemuda kalah dengan perolihan undi yang banyak juga. Kalau dia umum untuk bertanding lebih awal mungkin pertandingan menjadi lebih sengit. Hmmmmm… Tentang lapuran kewangan pula, wang masuk RM 445.00 dan wang keluar RM 445.00 juga. Alasan wang keluar pun atas alasan lapuran je kot. Tak apalah ….. Lapuran tahunan sangat ringkas dan termasuk dengan ejaan-ejaan yang salah.
Yang keduanya, dikatakan semua ahli cawangan tak di jemput, jadi terdengarlah rungutan selepas beberapa hari.
Dari apa yang saya telah fahami dan dari pengalaman-pengalaman pada mesyuarat-mesyuarat yang lain samada ditempat kerja atau di persatuan, ini tidaklah memeranjatkan tetapi ia tidak dapat dibanggakan. Saya takkan kata yang saya tak pergi mesyuarat itu, tapi apa yang istimewanya untuk diceritakan terutama strategi menarik ahli-ahli atau bakal ahli yang berada di penjuru yang bertentangan. Oh ya, pada mesyuarat cawangan itu saya telah dicadangkan dan dilantik menjadi AJK. Mula-mula nak jadi pemerhati aje, tak sangka layak mengundi dan dilantik pula jadi AJK. Macam dapat bonus pulak. Tak rugi balik dari jauh.
YM Tun,
Bila Tun keluar UMNO, salah seorang kawan saya bertanya “kenapa? aku betul-betul tak faham!” Saya pun menjawab, “kalau UMNO dikatakan akan musnah, kenapa tunggu bila ia akan musnah! Kalau nak musnah, musnahkan lah sekarang, dah orang melayu tak sayang UMNO, musnahkan UMNO sekarang juga. Tapi kalau kamu nak ikut Mahathir keluar UMNO, keluarlah!” Jawab kawan saya pula, “Takkan aku keluar UMNO”. Katanya lagi, “Sekarang aku faham.” Saya pun menambah “Anwar kata 30 MP UMNO akan keluar dan menyertainya, lepas Mahathir keluar UMNO, kita tengok siapa yang keluar UMNO, biar padan muka orang melayu, tak faham-faham” sambil kawan saya mengiyakan sahaja. Saya tambah lagi, “Kamu tau apa Anwar buat sekarang?” “Apa?” sahut kawan saya dan saya pun menambah, “Dia tengah gigit jari, sambil berkata “Cilaka orang tua ni, kacau daun saja”, kamu ingat anak-anak Mahathir akan keluar UMNO? Kalau berani keluarlah! Kalau nak kena rotan dengan bapak depa, keluarlah! “Hampa ni, aku keluaq sebab nak suroh hampa semua jangan keluaq!”? Kawan saya mencelah, “betul ke ni?” Saya lantas menjawab “Kita tunggu dan lihat” Kami pun bercerita tajuk lain pulak.
YM Tun,
Saya harap kita akan terus dapat berblog. Saya sekeluarga mendoakan Tun sekeluarga berada dalam keadaan sihat walafiat. Amin
Dear Tun,
I remember reading your book “Malay Dilemma”. You wrote about the Independence where the Malays had accepted Indians and Chinese as Citizens, and they accepted the Malays and the Rulers special rights. Below is an excerpt from our beloved late Tun Sambathan’s speech at the Parliment in 1965 for all to ponder.
Below is the speech made by MIC President, V.T Sambathan in 1965
“Now, in 1955 we won the elections with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two years time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now what did the Malays do – since we are speaking on racial lines – what did the Malay leadership do? The had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship?
If we look around in Asia and East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon , is not welcomed in Burma . Look at my brother Chinnese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand , in Vietnam , in Cambodia , in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma , as we know, Indian have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here we found that the Malay leadership said, “We shall tkae them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens.” And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousand of Indians, Chinnese, Ceylonese and others became citizens…
As I said, it has been my great good fortune to have born in this country. Where else can you find a more charitable, a more polite, a more decent race than Malay race? Where else can you get such politically decent treatment for any immigrant race? Where else in the history of the world? I ask you. These are the facts. Who are you to safeguards us? I am 10 percent minority race here. But I am happy here.”
1) The Malays must start to be independent at all cost!
2) Must learn to make DREAM come true by work hard to achieve it.
3) Make your DREAM become achievable
4) Dont hope too much on the Government- try our level best eventho it cause’s our life in order to achieve our desired DREAM
5) Dont focus on short term basis interm of making profit- always think the LONG RUN!!
6) Jangan hidup asyik nak bergaya sahaja tapi usaha tak mau
7) Jangan asyik nak jadi artis jer untuk merealisasikan impian anda
8) Jangan berpesta sex- sayangkan diri anda dan keluarga
9) DISPLIN amat penting- hidup kena berprinsipal mcm tokei tokei cina
10) Always think positive (DUIT SENTIASA BOLEH DICARI)
11) Always take challenge..take failure as something to be learn!!
12) YUP Agama amat penting- nanti hilang akidah susah pulak
13) Cuba tiru gaya bangsa asing berniaga..
14) Kalau nak buat- biarlah buat betul betul dengan penuh emosi dan minat yang mendalam- kerana hasilnya akan menjadi kualiti
15) Produce something worth the VALUE!!! Jangan buat asal boleh jerrkk
By god’s willing- Melayu tidak perlu lagi bergantung..then we achive true INDEPENDENT!!!
Overseas expat
Tetapi cuba Tun fikir; Dunia menjadi semakin kecil disebabkan “globalization.” Jika dikaji, negara yang mengamalkan dasar satu kaum atau memihak kaum sendiri tidak berjaya sama sekali, sebaliknya, negara yang terbuka menjadi semakin maju dan kaya. Cuba bandingkan negara Zimbabwe dan Indonesia dengan negara Australia. Mana satu yang lebih berjaya?
Apa yang kamu di finasi sebagai berjaya?
Bangunan Tinggi
Rumah Rumah Besar
…….Milek bukan Peri Bumi?
Kalau macam itu senang nak berjaya. Jual Lelong semua
Kita masuk hutan tinggal sama berok.
Tiada Arti Kejayaan Jika Islam Agama Allah terpinggir
Malayu bangsa terbuka lagi Islam di kotak katekkan
Akan sia sia lah usaha Tun Memilek Negarakan Gutrie dlln yang sekarang jadi bergabung menjadi Sime Darby ,Berkembang ka Indonesia-> memiliki Tesco
Memperluasakan Empire Petronas ke 34 Negara
Perjuangan belum Selesai
Satu Bangsa boleh Berjaya malah ia satu satu kekuatan
Lihat : Jepun,Korea,Germany dan kebanyakan Negara Europah EU hanya gagasan kerjasama bangsa tetapi bangsa. Bagaimana rumah kamu rumah kamu bukan rumah ku.
: Sekarang China dan India akan jadi kuasa dunia dalam masa 50 tahun.Oil crisis melambatkan tetap Tenaga Nuclear,Hydro adalah tenaga akan datang.
Itu sebab kita kena hentam bila Tun nak buat Bakun Dam.Mereka main kotor ,sekarang tolak naik harga minyak.Kerja siapa kalau tidak kerana mastermind satu bangsa sama dengan George Soros.
Globalization ,Democracy,Freedom,Human Right adalah senjata untuk memabntukkan bangsa yang sedang membangun.
Kita perlu a smart leader to survive Globalization on slought. Leader who mobilse all resoruces to benifit particularly the Bumi. Hindraf boleh mengadu kepada Tamil Nadu ……Bumi nak mengadu dengan siapa? Kalau tidak pemipin dan Sultan2.Ini Tanah Nenek Moyang yang di rampas orang!!!
Kita perlu orang yang bijak seperti Tun kalau tidak ada yang lebih baik lagi. Insyallah.
If you can only learn from sifu.
Memang benar sejarah yang cuba diungkitkan oleh Tun. Tetapi, apakah objektif beliau? Untuk terus memberitahu masyarakat dunia yang kita masih mempraktikkan “double standard”, “discrimination” ataupun ” racistism”?
Memang diakui bahawa Melayu merupakan antara bangsa pertama ( selain orang asli ) yang mendiami semenanjung Malaysia. Hakikat ini tidak akan dipertikaikan buat selama-lamanya.
Tetapi cuba Tun fikir; Dunia menjadi semakin kecil disebabkan “globalization.” Jika dikaji, negara yang mengamalkan dasar satu kaum atau memihak kaum sendiri tidak berjaya sama sekali, sebaliknya, negara yang terbuka menjadi semakin maju dan kaya. Cuba bandingkan negara Zimbabwe dan Indonesia dengan negara Australia. Mana satu yang lebih berjaya?
Cuba renung-renungkan.
People now, especially those younger generation, dun understand the true meaning of Soc-Cont is in my opinion:
1. Poor education system whereby the teachers of the future teachers gonna be too has no common sense on this issue. I shared with you guys my wife incident happened a year back…. she was in her last sem on becoming a teacher under KPLI. So they went for some sort of a ‘camp’ & out of my surprise she wrote to me & complained that the instructor of the camp from our dearest ministry of education insulted the non-malays trainee teaches by raising the issue of Soc-Cont. How the trainee teachers (M + C + I) would be able to work hand in hand if there are such racist instructor in the ministry? What is gonna happen when these teachers are being deploy to schools?
That’s why education system and the educationist who created the system and teaches the system to trainee teacher should be accuse.
2. Poor family education and perceptions towards Soc-Cont.
Poor education system that implant racist among the students by some the teachers & politicians causes our future generation’s mind corrupt. It thus becoming a system that ‘menjadi satu warisan dalam keluarga’ for any Malay, Chinese or Indian to condemn each others…
3. Many ‘writers’ that I came across and have their blogs or articles in newspaper or magazines being read, has been, by far, irresponsible. WHY? It is simply because when they write, they have never though of other races feeling or thought. Put it this way – Insensitive of other readers needs and feeling. Indirectly this ‘writers’ roused the racist sentiment and unhappiness towards others. Read what ‘Offshore Representative’ and ‘samurai’ wrote in their comments in this TUN’s blog. They are simply emotional and childish, regardless of who they are or background, these are the people should be blame to stir up racist sentiment among the young by blaming on to others.
Kena wujudkan tajuk KONTRAK SOSIAL MALAYSIA seperti yg Tun sebut di atas ni dalam matapelajaran sekolah di peringkat sekolah rendah, menengah, pra-U dan universiti sekalipun…. masih ramai yg tidak faham, tidak tahu, buat2 tak faham atau buat2 tak tahu mengenai isu ini.
Dear Tun, Can you tell me who was or were on the land before the Malay came ?
To boy on
That typical of you kind with such arguement
Contract was sign in 1957 100000 Chinese foreign workers given citizen ship. No country in the World even Britain give such generous present.
You Must no that Samsiah Fakih and Hubby Parti Komunis Malaya stayed in China for 37 Years never given citizenship of China
Has to come back to the Motherland Tanah Melayu.
Look at Singapore stolen land , claim Batu Putih so close to Johor Coast just because augement like you the got Batu Puteh.Some one who cheroboh some else land are rewarded? That International law always against Muslim , Freedom fighters ,Gurilla Irrigular tactic are branded as Terrorist ( British Baker Street Irrigular,Force 136 use same tactic )
Now Singapore are claiming territorial water.
Inch by inch You are taking over each piece of the Planet
……….That infilteration type Colonialism.
Aslmkm Tun and thank you for educating us on the subject. You have put it all very nicely and simply. But I really think after 50 years of independance we should start gradually to do away with chinese and tamil type national schools. No fool will believe that such schools can help enhance national unity. In fact this is the place where chauvanistic racial sentiments are usually sown.
Dear Tun and bloggers,
Assalamualaikum wbkt. It is still relevant and interesting issue of this Social Contract. It is a backbone of the stability and progressiveness of this beloved country. I am PhD student studying in Japan. Just last week I was assigned by my supervisor to replace him teaches undergraduate class on Multinational firms. Surprisingly the topic is on cross cultural management. Among the contents of the lecture that I delivered to them was Malaysian Social Contract. It really surprised the Japanese students that diverse country like Malaysia has such contract made up to maintain its stability. However few feels curious in it, especially foreign students from South Korea and China. I received the feed backs in written comments from all of them through attendance sheet.
In future this Social Contract issue will not only debated there in Malaysia, but also here in my university since I am studying the The Diversity Management and mainly will focus on how Japanese MNCs in Malaysia managing and exploiting the diverse staff at workplace. Actually I had another topic but my supervisor and their team suggested me to explore this topic because there still limited numbers of research concentrated in this issues of diversity management. Undoubtedly that our model of Social Contract provides a healthy and conducive political, social, economic and business climate for investors. I am thinking of conducting some debate pertaining to this issue within the scope of classroom someday!
InshaAllah I hope that all the bloggers would lend me hands.
Dear Tun,
Islam and Malay are the 2 dominance factors in Malaysia. Nobody can deny it factually and legally as stated clearly in our institution. Muslim Malay need to be very strong and united in order to maintain country stability and in the same time allowing other races to stay together in this country peacefully. I can’t imagine that Malaysia to be led by a person from other religion than Islam. I have no issue to accept other races as the leader as long they are Muslim and have the highest integrity and fair to all. But NO WAY that we can accept non-muslim to become our leader as we have no TRUST on them to take care the ISLAM and the Malay. We can see it happening in Singapore. Malay is totally gone and just sidelined. In addition to that in our country, we can see the discrimination toward Malay in almost all field in the private sectors from holding highest position in a company or organization and in business. Once non-Malay hold the position, sorry for Malay to take back. If there are cases that it can happen is bcoz of the they are having some interest on it. To them everything is about making business without have any sense of sincerety in helping others to success together. It is a very obvious which is happening now in the business-networking, almost all of them are dominated and conquered by Chinese. Malay are just unable or alloed to panetrate it or even to get share on it. If we allow our country to be led by a people from DAP, it will be finish and a DISASTER to Malay and ISLAM for long run. On the PKR, what I see is they are making use of Anwar to gain support from Malay and finally they will regain the power. PKR is just a tool for those to conquer our country. Anwar may become a PM, but after that just finish. This is being supported by outsiders with the main objective to ruin Muslim Malay dominance. The only success of our country is to have all races to be united under ISLAM and also allow other races from other religion to stay together but under the Muslim governance. Malay need to change their attitude, intelligent, hardworking, creative, brave, smart, having highest integrity and equipped with all those knowledge in order to survive. It can only be achieve it Malay back fully to ISLAM value and faith. It has been proven in history. It is really a matter if SURVIVAL for the Malay to make a change themselve before others invade them. UMNO and other Malay leaders must change to have the highest integrity, honesty, sincerity, clean from corruption in order to gain respect. UMNO and PAS get united. I’m always worry on what will happen to the Ummah for the next generation and the direction to go. a Big questionmark base on current situation.
I wish Tun and Family are always in good and Di Rahmati Allah. Amin.
Dear Tun,
I know Ive already posted my comments for this article but ive something to share with all of you. I just visited LKSiang’s blog; “University Of Malaya Medical Student”. LKSiang commented saying that the current system that Ministry of Education adopting is very unsufficent and unreliable.According to his account, the favour still goes to the MALAY, and not to others inclusive of those bumis in Sabah and Sarawak. According to LKSiang, the intake for MEDICAL study at UM is race-based practice. He also believes that there is “UNSEEN POLITICAL PARTY INVOLVEMENT”, which we all know what he meant by that. He commented that this unseen political party has some how played and manipulated the intake system- to which certain race is ensured to get sits in the medical course offered by University Malaya.
Based upon his statistical analysis, the Malay dominate 60% of the medical course, while Chinese only 30%, Indian 10% or less, and the balance goes to Sabah n Sarawak. What his trying to say is that the quality of local medical graduate student is BELOW par. Meaning, the reason for this is because its dominated by the Malays which is at 60%. That also mean in another way round, he is trying to say that the 60% Malays- which include the whole malay population who is taking medical studies are the cause of the quality downward. Basically the MALAYS are not eligible at all cause to take medical studies and become a doctors or physicians.
In his statement has driven certain group of non bumis to express their disrepectful ideas- as saying the majority of Malay who is taking medical studies are PLAIN STUPID. In other words, Medical COURSES should be given only to the Non Bumi as they are more eligible and has the BRAINS. If you wanna know, Chinese lecturers sometime uses mandarin in explaining scientific words towards the chinese students right infront of other students for their better understanding. And there is also a case, where the chinese lecturers conduct extra classes using chinese languages- in order to help their students. They dont offered this kind of extra carriuclars towards other students as because they are not important. In terms of marking papers, these people only favors to only their people instead of others.
All these alligations is known by the Ministry of Education. But because of the MALAY stupidity of being so tolerate- the case is to be kept quietly. And because of being so tolerate and idiot, others gain very excessive advantage. Here are some of those commentators view from LKSiang blogs:
1) NewDAP Says:
July 17th, 2008 (6 days ago) at 10: 56.13
yog7948 Says:
Today at 10: 35.04 (12 minutes ago)
The government think that malays have no brain, need to be spoon fed and must always depend on government for survival. â¦.
malays have brain. They know that it is a tough battle to compete with the intelligent, bright and hard working chinese. Therefore they must get gomen support and help to face the sharp and efficient chinese.
2) NewDAP Says:
July 17th, 2008 (6 days ago) at 11: 45.09
I did not say all chinese or malays.
may be I should put it this way in order not to confuse you.
the malays hv to equip themselves with gomen supports and helps in order to compete with malaysian CHINESE AS MOST of them are intelligent, bright and hard working. (hehehe is that so??)
3) melurian Says:
July 17th, 2008 (6 days ago) at 18: 42.10
âPlease dont belittle any race here i.e. whether Malay, Chinese, Indian or any other races, all of them have brains, gifts and talents. â
not really, statistic has shown that the indigenous always perform below par (something must be very wrong with the gene), so without this so called âquotaâ and ânepâ, no way indigenous could fulfill 60% seats in the univ by means of merit. even lky describe this as X-factorâ¦â¦.
4) private_undergrad Says:
July 17th, 2008 (6 days ago) at 19: 05.13
MARA is just a hanky-panky by UMNO to mislead the rakyat since its inception decades ago to suck the people of all races up dry to benefit its cronies. And this is also a leading example of blatant RACIAL DISCRIMINATION right in front of us. Should be a UN case long long time ago equivalent to Zimbabwean one in the UN Security Council to warrant a sanction.
Tell me if Iâm wrong.
5) Godfather Says:
July 18th, 2008 (5 days ago) at 09: 38.09
UMNO and the Malays donât really want the best of the best. They donât want competition, hence they lower the bar time and time again. They are satisfied with the mediocrity, and they are willing to live with it. Beg, steal or borrow if you must, but make sure that your kids have a better future by studying overseas. Leave the local universities to âthemâ. If you donât believe the mentality of these people, just read Mahathirâs blog.
6) alaneth Says:
July 20th, 2008 (3 days ago) at 13: 18.26
I rather go to a doctor trained in India, Ukraine, Russia or Indonesia than a locally trained Doctor from any Malaysian Institutionâ¦
So all can see eh what those commentators wrote? Here are my conclusion to fellow MALAYANS:
a) They dont want the Malays to have equivalent education
b) They want the Malays to sit in village/kampung forever
c) They envy with the Malays advancement in terms of professionalism
d) They just simply hate the malays working in big firms.
e) They want MARA to be abolish once and for all, so that the poor malay cannot send their children to higher education levels.
f) All these government support should be given to them 100% instead to the Malays
g) Yup its sounds only few, but who knows how many traitors are there out to make the Malays suffer again
h) Singapore is their brother, they always have good chances overthere- look at the Singaporean Malay? Where are they?? How many of them represent the cabinet??
i) Malay should NOT manage the government..NOT even for another decade
j) They always put in their mind that the MALAYS are stupid and lazy, and they want it that way for the Malays
So am i being racist here?? I just put up my conclusion..
selamat pagi TUN,
Disini saya cuma ingin memberi sedikit komen.
Seluruh rakyat malaysia adalah sedia tahu bahawa kaum melayu adalah kaum pribumi,dan itu ialah kenyataan,tetapi saya ingin tahulah mengapa di dalam sektor kerajaan,kalau ada 1000 jawatan kosong dalam sektor kerajaan,dan saya boleh katakan mungkin hanya puluhan orang sahaja kaum bukan bumiputera spt india dan cina di pilih masuk kerja di sektor kerajaan,seolah-olah di pandang ke tepi ja…?saya masih ingat ada satu isu yang pernah dikatakan ,mengapa orang-orang cina kurang berkhidmat dalam pasukan PDRM,??saya rasa bukan masyarakat cina kurang minat utk menyertai PDRM,tetapi kurang diberi peluang,sebab apa saya katakan begitu,kerana apabila orang2 cina pergi untuk di temuduga seolah-olah dipandang ke tepi ja ,,oleh sesetengah pegawai penemuduga.kecewa la…..
jangan lah kita memilih kasih dan berlawan diantara satu sama lain,kerana MELAYU/CINA,INDIA&BUMIPUTERA adalah dikenali dengan satu perkataan iaitu RAKYAT MALAYSIA .
saya minta maaf dahulu di sini ,jika komen saya ada tersilap kata
skian terimah kasih..
Salamun Alaikum Tun and greetings to all,
I for one believe that there was and still is a social contract amongst the people of this country. At least it is the Malays who is still seen upholding it. We are still living in respectful harmony albeit all the unnecessary fuss about racist talks which are mainly promoted by some desperate politicians that sensationalised the issue to garner attention. It is part of their salesmanship more than statesmanship. Harping on unfair treatment and racial bias. The issue of racism is sensitive more so because of the differing way of life each community is destined without much choice. Each race has their own culture to abide and cherish doing it. Malaysia is like a mini world with all sorts of colours and creed thrown in a pot. Only the open-minded will enjoy and see the light. Probably this is the only part of the world that we do not have to travel far and wide to learn and be taught how to mix with diverse cultures and know where we stand. To realise how great or how weak we are. We are indeed blessed.
I for one believe that the Malays should have and continue to be privileged not becaused we are Malay, but because being the majority populace, we are responsibled for the caring and protecting of this country from all dangers, internally and externally. The sacrifices of the Malays in combating negative elements since pre and post colonial years are still being upheld today through the sacrifices of many Malays who chose to be in the arm forces and police, risking their lives while others could do their business peacefully and prosper. Privilege comes with responsibility and we are thankful that Malays are also good in politics and administration. Nowhere in the world are there so many heads of states (Sultans and governors) but yet power sharing amongst them are handled with greatest care. Minor skirmishes may occur but are quick to heal, thus avoiding chaos for the country. The government is lead by UMNO and they are Malays who has brought peace and harmony for more than 50 years. The Malays are amongst the richest, the average and the poorest. Many Malays are literate, intelligent but also humble. They have the numbers. Many foreigners find Malays as being very friendly and tolerant. With all these characteristics acquired heretically or imposed upon it is only fair that in a democratic country the majority should rule. The ruler should be privileged. It should be received as a compliment or incentive. The understanding and qualifications are very clear.
I for one believe that UMNO is still the only institution for the Malays to rally and rely upon to keep this country intact. UMNO must be fair to all the other races and not misunderstood the status of privileged to undermine other races to submit, and hoard most of the wealth to a few ‘mis-privileged’ individuals and parasites within the inner circles of politicians and cronies. Power corrupts and Pakatan Rakyat is fast spiralling into it now. But UMNO has the experience and numbers to check.
There are also many Malays who worked hard to earn an honest living and never had the opportunity to receive the so-called privileges. Many look upon this privilege as just a perception. But many never really got it. What it is that the privilege that the Malays got that other races did not get? Power sharing in running the country? Businesses? Contracts? Job opportunities? High level positions in government agencies? Universities? Scholarships? Datukships? Land ownerships? Homes? In the last election, MCA and MIC are seen actively pursuing the interest of their community. Demanding more chinese schools, more tamil schools, more scholarship for the chinese, more scholarship for the indians, etc, etc. Unfortunately, they did not demand for more national schools and definitely not for positions in the army or police force.
While the majority of the malays do not wish to touch upon the racial divide, there are voices from the other community namely the chinese who are successful in acquiring wealth are openly denying the fortunes that they received are partly by the grace of the malays through power sharing and culture tolerance. Had the malays insisted upon majority rules, we would all be speaking malay and malay culture would be the only way of life here. But since God Almighty has blessed us with this situation that we are in, we should all live to the best and enjoy each others company and do not insult the whole community by believing that the malays are oppressing the chinese or indians in this country. As a matter of fact, many malays are thankful for the presence of chinese and indians in this country. Each community compliments the others in many aspects of living.
As an ordinary malay, it hurts to be lumped into and accused of taking or having something unethically without effort when actually it never really happened. Malays and bumiputras are also sweating out very hard to survive if not more, than other communities in this country. Insults and ungratefulness are not healthy, I fear for backlashes if the level of tolerance is breached. Dont wait for the majority malays to start complaining about their actual welfare before the chinese and indians stop demanding. An as long as there are diverse communities practising the whole range of different cultures, this country can never be a DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia. Practicality is better than idealism. As long as this country practices democracy, the Malays should lead. It is not good to see in a group of ten people, four persons should decide for the other six. Lets accept our destiny and challenges with all its imperfections and potentials. More than 50 years has this country been through the present system and survived respectfully. We do not need to overhaul but just make adjustments and improvements. At this moment in time tolerance is our strength and we should respect it.
Can Tun further explain what you meant by saying ‘if anything untoward happens…’? Was Tun trying to say that if this debate on the social contract drags on, something untoward (like the May 13 riot) might happen again? Was Tun trying to imply that some kind of racial riots would eventually happen if this academic debate is allowed to be continued? Is Tun just like other racist politicians who like to use the May 13 incident to blackmail people from discussing racial issues? I can say that 90% of non-malays in this Bolehland never question the privileges of Bumiputeras and Malay Rulers as enshrined in the constitution. We respect that indeed, especially the Rulers. Sultan Azlan Shah and Crown Prince Nazrin of Perak are few of those that I truly admire. But is NEP provided for in the constitution? Is NEP all about Malays only? Does NEP has a specific and quantifiable objectives and targets? Does NEP has a specific time frame to achieve those objectives? I suggest the Gov to incorporate the NEP into the constitution, so that no one will dare to question the NEP. But the fact is that the Gov can’t do that simply because NEP will contradict the very spirits of the Constitution. Our Constitution provides for special rights and privileges to the Bumiputeras (remember: including the aborigines from Sabah and Sarawak) but it does not provide for racial discrimination. However, on the other hand, although NEP provides for special rights and privileges, they are only for UMNO cronies, and NEP in essence is a discriminative policy. See the contradictions between the two?
I don’t know where the word ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ originates from but I think that by following the simple concept of ‘majority rules’, by looking at the Malay population alone, it seems that Malays will still be the PM of this country for the next 100 or 200 years. So there is indeed no need to scream of ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ in the streets because we all know that Malays will rule this country, I have no complain about that. But does ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ mean that Malays (not only the majority Malay Gov but also including ordinary Malays) are superior to non-malays? If ‘Ketuanan’ means supremacy, can it be translated to mean that Malays are the Masters, and we non-malays are … slaves? (note: I use the capital ‘M’ in Malays, to show my respect) Does ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ mean that the Malays must be superior and supreme in all aspects, not only in politics and gov? Being superior and supreme means that you are better off than others. If the Malays want to appear to be more ‘supreme’ than the other races, it will outright defeat the whole purpose of NEP because NEP aims to create a fair society. NEP lets the Malays to be on par with other races in terms of economic powers but ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ proposes that, the Malays be the Masters in politics, gov, economy, education, etc, not on par with other races but BETTER than the other races and in the EXPENSE of other races. So, again the notion of ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ contradicts the very spirits of the NEP.
So what do the Malays really want? The Social Contract as ‘implied’ in the Constitution? The New Economic Policy (NEP)? Or ‘Ketuanan Melayu’? Remember that all three are interrelated but contradicting. If someone wants all three, then he or she would be really self-contradicting.
P.S. Please don’t ask me to go back to India or China and ask the Indians and Chinese there whether they believe in ‘Ketuanan India’ or ‘Ketuanan Cina’ or not because I am an Eurasian (British and Vietnamese parentage).
Salam Ayhda Tun..
Captain..your stories were so touching!..I wasn’t aware that my tear was dropped also..actually now..bumis and malay, chinese, India and other races can live together in peace…only there are extremist and communist who are an evil man who creates and manipulates some cases for their own benefits..they don’t care about us (all races) actually..believe me…they don’t care..!!
Peace to all and Salam buat semua…Malaysia ku Permai..
In Hong Kong, only 50 years the citizen can practice and live status-quo just like when the British colonised the territory. ONLY 50 years. That is the new Datum, Standard or Principle.!
So, why not we revert Malaysia back to Tanah Melayu instead? We can do that if we want. But we Malays are very nice people and what we want chinese, indians etc respect the RIGHT OF MALAY and never question what was agreed and even CLEARLY spelled out in the Constitution of Malaysia. Please respect that. ok?
Do you mind detailing how Malay rights are being eroded?
Please give a few examples.
For me this is the politics of fear. To make people fearful when the facts are not there to justify this fear.
It seems this is more about Umno rights and their believe they are the sole arbiter of Malay interest, not about Malays rights or the interest of Malays as a whole.
Where is the vision and the analysis to help Malaysians and Malays prospers in the 21st Century?
All we have is the continuation of bankrupt policies that have should have been structured better to help people become more competitive and confidence.
This lack of confidence is something I find that Umno feeds on to help perpetuate it’s claims as defenders of the race.
That is it’s Modus Operandi. If Malays become confident and successful they would be able to defend themselves, rather than depend on a so called champion.
This failure is creating a strong middle and upper-class Malays confident in themselves and successfully able to compete anywhere in the world is the greatest failure of the NEP. The goal of the NEP should be measured against various benchmarks rather than saying 30% of GDP. And how can that be accomplished if so much wealth is concentrated in so few malays hands.
And please also stop harping about inequlities between races. There are greater inequalities between rich and poor malays than malays and other races. Malay wealth is concentrated in a few rather than spread among the many. That too is a failure of govt. policy and bad for the economy of the country.
Enough of the politics of fear and division. Bring the politics of hope, confidence and a future we can all be a part of.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Semoga Tun sentiasa di-rahmati Allah dengan kesehatan dan bahagia selalu di-samping keluraga.
Tun, saya percaya Malaysia akan lebih berjaya, maju, stabil dan kuat dirantau Asia Selatan-Timur malah di-Dunia sekira-nya bangsa Malaysia itu diwujudkan. Iaitu, satu bangsa walau pun penduduk-nya berketurunan dari bermacam2 kaum puak (iatu: melayu, asli, cina, india dan lain2). Maksud saya, orang2 Malaysia cina, india dan lain2 mesti terima hakikat bahawa sekiranya mereka ingin mewujukakan bangsa Malaysia yang satu dan saksama bersama orang2 melayu, mereka kena lah terima memangsuhkan diri mereka keseluruhan-nya (jasad dan jiwa)sebagai bangsa Malaysia walau mereka di-lahirkan cina, india atau lain2. Mereka wajib mengunakan nama2 bangsa Malaysia(melayu) dan hanya menguasahi bahasa melayu dengan fasih seperti orang2 melayu, menukar hidup dan berbudayakan kapada aliran bangsa Malaysia itu sendiri. Ini boleh jadi ternyata sekira-nya perancangan ini di-persetujui oleh semua pehak dari ke-empat2 keturunan di-Malaysia dan di-praktiskan segera kapada anak2 yang baru di-lahirkan apabila semua pehak menandatangi satu perlembagaan memorandum âNegara Malaysia baruâ. Apabila Malaysia wujud dengan satu bangsa dan satu budaya , baru-lah banyak pilihan penganti Tun untuk menerajui Malaysia sebagai perdana menteri yang berwibawa, agresif, bijaksana membuat keputusan, berwawasan, mahir dalam social, ekonomi dan pembangun Negara Malaysia keseluruhan-nya. Namum begitu, perdana menteri pertama mesti lah di-terajui oleh orang Islam sahaja tidak kira dari kaum puak melayu, cina, india, asli atau yang lain. Ini penting kerana Malaysia adalah Negara Islam. Perdana menteri kedua dan ketiga boleh dari keturunan agama yang lain2.
Perterenakan hinzir jika perlu wajib di-khas jauh di-pulau2 yang tidak ada penghuni-nya. Ini penting kerana hinzir adalah jenis binatang yang sangat kotor yang banyak mencemarkan bumi, ayer2 sungai dan udara yang kita hidu juga. Namum begitu, demi perpaduan,terpaksa diadakan perterenakan hinzir di-pulau jauh demi untuk keperluan orang2 Malaysia yang bukan Islam dan yang suka makan hinzir.
Kapada orang2 Malaysia yang beragama Islam, mereka mesti di-wajibkan fasih dalam bahasa Arab juga. Ini kerana bahasa Arab adalah bahasa Islam dan juga peluang2 ekonomi yang begitu meluas di-Timur Tengah di-waktu sekarang dan pengaruh dunia Islam yang cepat mengembang di-seluruh dunia yang tidak dapat di-nafikan. Jangan lupa, Tun pun pernah cakap bahawasa-nya kita sebenar-nya tidak perlukan kuasa orang2 barat dan yang lain2 kalau orang2 Islam itu bersatu. Lihat sahaja dari segi pengeluaran hasil bumi seperti minyak, ayer dan kesuburan bumi ada-lah terdiri dari negeri2 Islam itu sendiri atau di-mana ramai penduduk2-nya adalah orang2 Islam. Hanya kita perlukan pentabiran Negara yang berkualiti, berwibawa dan bijaksana. Perdana menteri, menteri2 dan rakyat yang berbudayakan fikih dalam bidang sain dan teknologi. Di-Malaysia, kerajaan mesti pentingkan kewujudan menuju kecermelangan melalui ilmu PELAJARAN ! wajib mencari guru2 yang baik cemerlang dan wajib berani membayar gaji yang tertinggi kalau di-bandingkan dengan lain2 jawatan. Jadikan sekolah2 rendah, menengah hingga ke-universiti menggunakan satu bahasa sahaja, melayu. Bahasa2 lain sebagai bahasa tambahan sahaja atau sebagai bahasa pengantaran. Kalau di-mulai sekarang dengan iklas dan tetap, 20 tahun akan datang Malaysia akan jadi Negara âsuperpower â di-rantau selatan Asia. Para2 doktor yang juga cemerlang dalam ilmu perubatan wajib di-bayar gaji tinggi, ilmu pertahanan dalam negeri seperti polis2, perwarid2 dan saintis2 mereka semua mesti di-gajikan tinggi. Jangan gunakan polisi seperti tambahan kakitangan polis, tetapi semua-nya tidak ada kelulusan tinggi dan tidak mempunyai akal fikiran bijak untuk menanganyi jenayah dalam negeri. Semua-nya bodoh2 belaka,penakut dan berasuah! Ambil yang berkaliber dan bayar mereka gaji tinggi mengikut pasaran. Dengan sendiri-nya rasuah2 di-Malaysia akan terhiris dengan sendiri. Apabila kewujudan bangsa Malaysia terlahir nanti, kesemua-nya berwibawa, mempunyai kelayakkan2 mereka tersendiri dan bijaksana, taat setia, kaya kerana pendapatan gaji yang tinggi, peniaga2 yang maju jaya dan kaya raya.
Parti2 politik perkauman akan lenyap dengan sendiri hanya parti2 politik untuk bangsa Malaysia sahaja yang akan wujud dan berjaya. Malaysia akan terhikis dari politik wang, rasuah, perkauman, pentingkan diri sendiri, mundur dan tidak berkualiti. Yang muncul adalah ahli2 parlimen yang mempunyai ilmu pengatahuan yang amat tinggi2, berkualiti dan bijaksana untuk membawa Malaysia ke-puncak jaya dan kecermelangan selepas wawasan Tun 2020.
kepada rakyat malaysia,
kita sekarang sudah disempitkan dengan pelbagai cerita yang offensive dan defensive statement dari kedua-dua belah pihak. segala yang kita pertahankan sudah mula goyah contohnya contract social yang telah dipertahankan selama beberapa tahun…
bila kita ingin cerita mengenai kontrak social, maka kita harus tahu apakah dia kontrak sosial dan bagaimanakah wujudnya kontrak sosial ini?
maka kita akan bermula dengan asalnya nama Malaysia ini iaitu TANAH MELAYU, dan bagaimana wujudnya kemerdekaan??? dengan kesepakatan perikatan yang terdiri dari UMNO, MIC dan MCA yang mempersetujui dan memperakui kontrak sosial ini..tetapi pada tahun ini 2008, kontrak sosial yang tidak pernah dipersoalkan mula dibangkitkan, Majlis Peguam dengan gahnya menyatakan kekebalan untuk mempersoalkan kontrak sosial yang tidak patut dibangkang sebaliknya difahami untuk kembali kepada keamanan dan keharmonian Malaysia semenjak 50 tahun merdeka.
Bercerita soal kontrak sosial ini, haruslah kita faham intipatinya dan isinya terlebih dahulu sebelum dapat mengkritis dan mengubah aturan kontrak sosial ini, kupaslah kembali sejarah penubuhan Malaysia dan janganlah persoal hak supaya kita dapat kembali menjadi warga Malaysia yang aman damai..berikutan dengan persoalan kontrak sosial ini marilah kita kembali kepada Rukun Negara iaitu
Kepercayaan kepada tuhan-mengakui agama islam agama rasmi dan kebebasan untuk raykat Malaysia mengamalkan kepercayaan dan budaya mereka sendiri dengan membenarkan rumah ibadat dibina mengikut prosedur bagi mengawal dan menjaga sensiviti kaum lain.
Kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara
kesetiaan yang tidak berbelah bagi kepada raja dan tidak melancarkan perang terhadap raja selaku ketua agama islam dan tidak mengkhianati negara dengan melakukan ancaman terhadap negara dan menjaga keamanan negara.
Keluhuran Perlembagaan
menghormati perlembagaan negara dengan memahami perlembagaan dan mentaati dengan apa yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan.
Kedaulatan undang-undang
menghormati undang2 dan menuruti setiap prosedur dan peraturan undang2 bagi menjaga keselamatan dan keharmonian negara
Kesopanan dan kesusilaan
setiap rakyat malaysia haruslah menjaga kesopanan dengan menghormati agama, budaya dan adat setiap kaum dimalaysia dan menjaga adab kesusilaan sebagai rakyat timur dengan tidak mengamalkan budaya barat seperti cronisme, vandalisme, rasuah, keraguaan sexual seperti gay dan lesbian dan budaya songsang yang lain.
Jika Pakatan Rakyat dapat mengembalikan nostalgik perpaduan Perikatan, maka tidak mustahil lah Barisan Nasional dapat dihancurkan sekelip mata.
tetapi, jika Pakatan Rakyat tidak sanggup untuk meneruskan kesefahaman kontrak sosial, maka tidak mustahil juga rakyat sendiri akan menghancurkan sehingga hilang Pakatan Rakyat itu…
Jangan sesekali mempersoalkan kontrak sosial antara kaum di Malaysia, kami tak mahu Malaysia kucar kacir dan membuka ruang untuk diganyang, siapa yang berani lagi mempersoalkan pasal hak dan kontrak sosial maka tiada lagi ruang untuknya di Malaysia ini.muktamad..
bangsa lain cuba mempertikai kontrak social yang dijanjikan oleh tokoh dulu. mereka beranggapan ianya tidak adil..
mereka boleh mempertikaikan kotrak sosial tersebut dan ianya dibatalkan…tetapi mereka juga perlu ingat bahawa mereka juga perlu melepaskan hak kewarganegaraan malaysia yang telah dipersetujui di dalam kontrak sosial tersebut….sanggupkah mereka melepaskan hak warganegara yang telah dikorbankan oleh orang melayu????
Rakyat Melayu Muslim di Malaysia harus sedar kemerdekaan Negara ini disebabkan Perjuangan UMNO sebagai parti komponen yang utama.
Kalau sekarang kita nak pilih parti komponen pembakang iaitu terdiri dari parti seperti DAP dan lain-lain, berfikirlah wahai rakyat Melayu Muslim.
Keistimewaan warga Melayu akan dibubarkan. Hak-hak Melayu tidak akan diadakan lagi sebagaimana contohnya seperti Singapura.
Siapa kata Orang Melayu tak boleh bersaing dengan Dunia secara Global?
Yang penting sekarang kita harus mencari Pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu yang berkaliber itu sahaja formula untuk sukses.
Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah istilah dan slogan para pemimpin dulu gunakan.
Insyallah Bangsa Melayu akan maju dan tidak secara langsung jua Negara Malaysia termasuk rakyat bangsa lain jua akan maju bersama.
TUN…hati saya mrintih menangis bila tiap kali saya teringat dan tatkala lagu ni terngiang2 dalam kepala saya….
(sama la juga kalu saya nampak tun kat KLCC, nak tegur tapi jauh, nak salam cium tangan tun tapi x kesampaian…
Lagu Warisan
Anak kecil main api
Terbakar hatinya yang sepi
Airmata darah bercampur keringat
Bumi dipijak milik orang
Nenek moyang kaya raya
Tergadai seluruh harta benda
Akibat sengketa sesama kita
Cita lenyap di arus zaman
Indahnya bumi kita ini
Warisan berkurun lamanya
Hasil mengalir ke tangan yang lain
Pribumi merintih sendiri
Masa depan sungguh kelam
Kan lenyap peristiwa semalam
Tertutup hati terkunci mati
Maruah peribadi dah hilang
Kini kita cuma tinggal kuasa
Yang akan menentukan bangsa
Bersatulah hati bersama berbakti
Pulih kembali harga diri
Kita sudah tiada masa
Majulah dengan gagah perkasa
Janganlah terlalai teruskan usaha
Melayu kan gagah di Nusantara
Tun, pertama terima kasih kerana menerima saya sebagai pengomentar.
Adakah perlembagaan Malaysia sebagai sebuah dokumen ‘social contract’? Kepada soalan ini saya boleh bersetuju.
Adakah social contract boleh berubah?
Lihat dalam Wikipedia “The social contract and the civil rights it gives us are neither “natural” nor permanently fixed. Rather, the contract itself is the means towards an end â the benefit of all â and (according to some philosophers such as Locke or Rousseau), is only legitimate to the extent that it meets the general interest. Therefore, when failings are found in the contract, we renegotiate to change the terms, using methods such as elections and legislature.”
Tun, perubahan mutakhir ini menunjukkan bahawa rakyat Malaysia sedang menuju kepada suatu bangsa. Bangsa Malaysia.
Mereka boleh boleh duduk dalam satu parti walaupun diidentitikan oleh dokumen social contract (perlembagaan) sebagai bukan satu bangsa yang ‘mulia’ (Melayu).
Ini kita boleh lihat kepada apa yang terjadi dalam Parti KeADILan.
Walaupun ada gerakan senyap untuk mengekalkan status quo social contract di awal kemerdekaan,seperti mentafsiran tentang Artikel 153 yang bukan boleh diubah, tetapi kita tidak harus menolak tentang perkembang mutakhir ini yang menjurus ke arah ‘renegotiate’ kepada terma-terma dokumen social contract tersebut (perlembagaan).
namanya ‘tanah melayu’…. imagine kalu ianya ‘tanah cina’…atau ‘tanah india’.. mcmmana pulak citenya ya? siapa PM pertama dan seterusnya ya..
dimana kah org melayu agaknya.. dpt kah org melayu belajar di ITM, dpt kah kita biasiswa belajar, dpt ke jawatan yg beso2..
org2 melayu ni baik sgt ke?, jahat sgt ke?, atau tak sedar2 diri ke?….
bila ramai melayu.. lain ajendanya.. bila melayu sikit lain pulak kisahnya…
nak tunjuk pandai pun ada……mat jenin pun ada..
walau apa2 pun kita semua nak hidup aman damai dan senang..yg penting jaga masa hari mengundi tu.. kalu tak jaga, jd mcm ni lah kalutnya. mcm2 hal… pandang ke depan.. yg dah lepas mmg dah lepas, jaga parlimen tu.. perbaiki cara dan implementasi… ni asyik kecoh je.. entah apa2..
entah2 masa depan anak cucucicit melayu(malaysian malay) ada ijazah pun hanya dpt keje ‘jaga’ atau ‘dreber’ kat ‘company asing’. yg pompuan dpt keje ‘tea lady’ je. kita memang suka keje mcm tu pun…
jadi jaga jaga lah…
renung2lah dan tenung2lah kwn2 tu.. semoga bahagia..
saya suka lagu ni…’ you tube-enjit enjit semut…’
Dear friends,
âAMAZINGâ, I donât think thereâs any word that is even close to describe what we collectively achieved here as MALAYSIAN. Of course, there were many abusive words, degrading remarks and racial hatred used by many bloggerâs and I fully understand, why? They were hurt by some of the remarks posted; emotions were running high and started retaliating with more hatred remarks. I have to congratulate some of the commentators who have written some excellent text worth publishing as a reference material for everyone to read and understand what is The Social Contract is all about. There were many bloggerâs lashed out at Tun, labeling him as racist but I believe we just got liberated from the enigma of 50 years. If this discussion was held in 1970âs, I am sure we wouldâve had bloodshed and curfew by the second day itself.
What has happen or changed us in the last 30 to 40 years?
We have developed, the country has developed and our thinking has developed.
That is why I strongly believe that the ârakyatâsâ success co-relate directly with the nationâs development. When thereâs rapid growth and development taking place, rakyat will be automatically educated and our mind opens up to learn something new.
We will also have the task of cleaning up all the negative effectâs which comes with development such as social ills, designer drugs, Immoral activities etc but we need to address this problems fast without jeopardizing the flow of the development, not the other way around. Tun is the man who had the vision and guts to carry out some of the most ambitious projects and proved to the so called developed countries that Malaysia exist and we are closing in.
The main 3 races in Malaysia, we are together, we are friends, we are not divided by our ideology or religion, it is the leaders who are instigating us to fight because when thereâs chaos, the ârakyatâsâ attention will be diverted from them and they will have a peaceful administration. We are being manipulated and diverted over and over again by incapable leaders who are certified bollywood actors and actresses with creative and exciting storyline. There will be something new or exciting in the news paper everyday to keep our mine diverted from the truth and the sad part is 26 million people are silently watching a bunch of adults fighting for position and power and they donât give a damn about you and me.
If we take some time to sit and look through our past and present âselfâ, we will realize how much we have changed, we are not the same person anymore, there is so much hatred in our heart, vengeance, arrogance, revenge and believe me, it is not your fault or mine, it is the system and the top administration that went wrong. I was born and raised in a small fishing village in Mersing, Johor. Throughout my childhood and my schooling days, my friendâs are from all races and religion, completely different ideology and way of life but we are all united in one un-breakable bond called âfriendshipâ. The advantage, we had then was we were all equal and no one is superior to the other. I will stay in Ahmadâs house for the weekend, dine with their family, interact with their neighbors and relatives and help them to fix their chicken coop. The next weekend both of us will stay in Ah Chongâs house and finish our homework and help his father sell durians at his stall. At that time, none of the elderâs put any restrictions on us, but we grow to respect each otherâs religion and will not cross the sacred line, we are exposed to the doâs and donâts of Muslimâs, Hinduâs and the Buddhistâs. In a way, we were actually learning about their culture, heritage and religion effortlessly. I still remember, during my form 1 to SRP, we will have âkelas agamaâ and during this period, all the non Muslimâs are allowed to go out of the class but I will always sit in the class, initially the religious teacher was confused of my presence there but when he ask me why Iâm still in the class, I told him âI want to knowâ, he never asked me again and in fact I was treated as any other students, I have notes and homework too. I learn to write Jawi and quite good with the Islamic civilization and its rich history, although itâs been over 25 years I still can write a few words in Jawi. I didnât convert into Islam but I have learned to acknowledge and respect another religion and Malaysia, being a multi-racial country with the majority of the population is Islam, I have full understanding of my Muslim friends and know the limitation and the restriction of the religion.
What went wrong?
I think, as the country develops, there are many leaderâs who were craving for power and glory, they saw what the general population is doing, they got panic, the fear of a united rakyat is impossible, hard to digest, they had sleepless nights and started implementing laws and restrictions. They are adamant to disrupt the unity of the people by using religion as the core for their political mileage. That is the beginning of the destruction and the word âfriendshipâ becomes a religious word. Nowadays, the kids are entirely different from my childhood days; I have seen an 8 year old boy use some degrading words to a boy from another race. The father of the boy was delighted and encouraging the kid to hurl more bad words. Whose fault is this, the boy, the father, the race, the religion or whoever conditioned the father to be such an evil man.
All of us have someone we look up to as a hero or a role model in our lives. My first hero is my father, my second hero was Tun Dr Mahathir, when he took over as PM, I was in form 1 back in 1981, so obliviously that is the age where u start learning about politic, government and laws, I only see him on the news paper and TV making statements, making new laws, sacking people, solving problems and launching gigantic projects. I think everyone around my age will see him as a hero at that time. Later in life, I completed my studies and start working for a shipping company as a cadet officer and climbed the ladder and finally become a captain of a ship, I have sailed the 7 seas, gained enamors knowledge about the world, seen different types of culture and tradition, stayed in many countries and have friends all over the world and spend 14 years of my life at sea. I would not trade my citizenship in Malaysia with any other country in the world, for me this is heaven because we are very peaceful, friendly and easy going country. Variety of food, a lot of public holidays (ha ha), many festivals, less stressful living condition and the most important, a stable government (not sure about that at present).
I need to say this, in the early 90âs when we go to certain 3rd world country such as Venezuela, Jamaica, Morocco, Tanzania or even Europe, the local people will ask me where I come from, and i say Malaysia, immediately they will ask me where is that place, I have to explain that Malaysia is north of Singapore and south of Thailand. They know Singapore and Thailand but donât know where Malaysia is. I used to get very annoyed with this people because they donât know where is my country but a few years later, the whole scenario changed, they still donât know where Malaysia is but when I say Iâm from Malaysia, immediately they will say, âDr mahathir, always talk a lot and argue with USA, good manâ. That moment, your adrenalin starts pumping and you feel like a million dollars, your are proud to be a Malaysian.
I am a fan of Tun, always been but I also have differences in opinion in some of the things he sayâs or implement and sometimes not agreeing with certain things that he has done BUT when you look at the magnitude of contribution he has done for the society and the country, not forgetting being more famous that the country itself, thatâs another story.
I have a few heroes in life, real experiences, happens years ago but still fresh in my mind. Whenever there are some write-up abt racial problems, kampong Medan incident, breaking temples, I too, get worked up because itâs natural to immediately react but I have perfected a method to take 1 minute silent and see my past and my heroes. I will be able to think and advise people in a very rational way, calm the situation down, buy some time and think of a better way to deal with the matter. I hope Iâm not putting you guyâs to sleep with my story but I need to tell this. There are many incidents in our life but very few touches our heart and stays there forever.
Hero 1
I was abt 16 years old, my father is a JKR lorry driver, a loyal government servant, worked for 36 years as JKR Lorry Driver and very happy with the RM400.00 penchant he is getting. One day, it was about 8pm in the evening, I was watching TV in the hall and my father and mother were outside sitting under the mango tree and chit-chatting. I heard a womanâs voice screaming tolong, tolong, tolong, immediately I rushed out thinking there was an accident, then I saw the house opposite the road is on fire, the house is the typical malay wooden house and its about 70 meters from my house. I got cold feet, couldnât move for a few seconds, donât know what to do, when I compose myself and start running towards the house I realize my father is missing; he is not under the mango tree. I ran towards the house, and I saw the âmakchikâ, that is what I call her, she is about 65 years old and standing in front of her house, helpless, crying and calling people to help but the fire engulfed the house within 30 seconds. Then the âmakchikâ was screaming that the 2 kids were still in the house, and started going hysterical. She was taking care of her sonâs 2 little kids, one is 2 years old and the other is 4 years old. The entire neighborhood has surrounded the âmakchikâ but no one is attempting to do anything, everyone is standing still and shaking their head, the fire has completely engulfed the house. That moment I saw someone running out of the house, covered with wet gunny sack and 2 kids, one in each hand. I was stunned because this man has just run through the fire; the wet gunny sack is on fire. He dashed out to safety; drop the kids to the ground and quickly trying to remove the gunny sack which is on fire. The moment he took out the gunny sack, all the neighbors started saying,â Maniam, lu betul betul gila laâ, thatâs when I realize that my father was the one who brave himself, risked his life and saved the 2 kids. I was in a dilemma for sometime after that because my father although is not racist but he doesnât care less about the Malayâs or Chinese, he was a typical Indian man with his proud heritage, culture and religion. He had a few burns but everything was fine and we came back home, he never spoke about it at all, my mother is very quiet about it and I was thinking to myself, here is a man who risked his life and saved 2 kids from certain death and there is no commotion etc. When I came back from school the next day, he was lying down on the floor in the hallway, and I asked him, why u ran so fast and went into the house and saved the kids, it is not your family or someone close to you for you to take such a risk. He answered, the only thing that makes us different from them is this skin, pointing towards the skin on his chest, without the skin, we are all the same, u cannot see the differences and by doing that I hope someday when we are in some kind of trouble, there will be someone who will risk his life to save us. There is no race, religion or segregation when helping someone in need, donât think, just do it, god will be with you.
My perception of my father changed instantly and I told myself that I will be a man like him when I grow up; he is 76 years old now, still smoking, living a happy life and always my hero.
Hero 2
I was driving back from Johor Bahru to Mersing, it was about 6.30pm in the evening and the roads are wet and slippery after a heavy downpour. The road to mersing is a very windy road and very lonely at times. I was on a 2 month leave, just came back after signing off from a ship and excited about the new sound system I have installed in my car in JB. I have removed the entire backseat of my car to install it, and need to go back to Mersing to fix back my backseat. As I was driving, I saw a car skidded and plunged into a ravine on the opposite side, followed by a thunderous sound. I knew at that time it is bad news, I immediately stopped and rushed out to help. The car was badly crushed and I feared the worst. It was an Indian family, a man and a woman in mid 40âs and a teenage daughter and son. They look ok, I manage to break the side glass and pull the father and the mother out, followed by the son but the girl was motionless. By that time about 10-15 passer by already gathered and helping the victims. I called for help from the passer byâs and we manage to get the girl out of the car, she was still breathing, but loosing a lot of blood, a deep cut on her face and shoulder, broken leg and arm, she looked bad. As part of our syllabus in merchant marine, we have to learn advance first aid and I did the necessary to stop the bleeding etc but I need to get her to hospital, nearest is Kota Tinggi which is about 35km from here.
I was asking for anyone who can give her a lift to the hospital, no one was ready, my car has no backseat and wires and amplifiers were all over the floor, no way. The moment I start asking for a lift, the crowd started disappearing from the scene, maybe because of the blood, she was soaking in blood. I start waving at the passing carâs and all of them slowed down to see the accident (Malaysian style), but no one wanted to help. The jam already started and I was standing on the road side when a Malay couple stopped to ask me, what happened. He was about 60 yearâs old, typical haji with songkok and baju melayu. I was about to answer when I saw an Indian couple in an MPV about 4 cars behind the haji, immediately I told the haji to âjalan, jalan, jangan tunggu siniâ because I wanted to ask the Indian couple for help. The MPV didnât even stop and sped away fearing that I might ask for help, I was dejected and angry and if I had a stone I would have smashed the MPVâs back windscreen. I heard the father of the girl calling me âthambi, thambi, come hereâ, when I turn around, I saw the haji and his wife by the side of the victim talking to the father. I ran to them and the haji instructed me to carry the girl and put her in his car. I didnât say a word, we carried her, placed her in the car and the mother and son sat in the car. The car speed off and I followed behind with her father, I never spoke a word until we reached the hospital.
The Emergency Unit immediately took her for treatment and she had a bad head injury and loss of blood, they transfer her to JB General Hospital within half hour. The Haji and his wife was there all along, talked to the parents, console them and told them they will visit her in JB because they are also living in JB. We exchange phone numbers and the family left to JB in the ambulance with the girl. Haji Suleiman, that is his name, put his hand around my shoulder and said, â Tuhan yang menentukan semuanya, bila kita susah, dia akan hantar pertolongan tapi kita tak nampak dan tak ambil kesempatan, kita ingat semua orang kejam dan pentingkan diri sendiriâ.I had tears flowing over my cheek and I ask for his forgiveness for ignoring him and pre judged him that he will not help. We parted and I head back home, while driving I was questioning myself, who is racist now? The girl survived, The haji and his wife visited them in hospital a few times until she was discharged and I spoke to them over the phone a couple of times. I kept in touch with the haji Suleiman and whenever I come back from sailing, I will get for him souveinerâs and we spend hours talking about everything. He was a very wise man, and I learn a lot from him. I was on the ship somewhere in Mexico when I got the news that haji passed away and I felt sad because I couldnât attend his funeral, he might be gone but his words and wisdom is still fresh in my mind. He was a hero for me.
âAll of us will die one day that is the only certain thing in oneâs life, humans is a special breed, we can determine how we want to live and even when we went wrong sometimes we have the capacity and capabilities to correct it and do the right thing. If everyone realizes this, we will have a beautiful country and a life full of loveâ. Quote by Haji Sulaiman.
I want to have a good peaceful life and help the nation to build a better and brighter future for the next generation. There are many capable and selfless people out there find them and make them leaders, we should play a part in making the changes and not just complain and grumble and do nothing about it. The General Election was a good sign that rakyat is taking their rightful charge, please read, listen, and investigate before deciding on something because there are many stories, theories and leaders out there who is using the vast media for their own popularity and selfish gain. Not all are true although it sounds logic and convincing. This is the hardest task for the rakyat and we have to be careful not to be lured by their âsandiwaraâ
Thank You.
Assalammualaikum Tun,
Moga Allah memberi perlindungan kepada diri mu & keluarga.
Saya berasa sedih melihat bangsa melayu bertikai sesama sendiri di Malaysia. Jikalau bangsa melayu sudah tidak bersatu maka bangsa lain yang akan mengambil kesempatan untuk mengambil alih pemerintahan di Malaysia dengan cara sendiri atau memperbonekakan orang melayu macam politik sekarang. Harap semua bangsa melayu sedarlah dan jangan diperbodohkan. Jangan jadi macam saya, melayu menumpang dinegeri sendiri. Saya berharap agar melaysia mendapat pengganti seperti Tun. Sekian Wasllam.
Hi Tun,
Bagi saya sosial kontract sepatutnya diubah mengikut perkembangan semasa.
I know this is sensitive issue but we have to know we live in globalization now. If we still bound to 50yo contract, it does not make sense anymore (not all).
From I see the past contract is just for Malaysia independence. We have to be realistic that we are Malaysian now must have the same right…no more Bumi or Non-Bumi, no more quota. This is what Chinese and Indian people want.
It now should be Malaysian and Non-Malaysian. The more segmentation in community, the more tense it will be.
Agama rasmi dan bahasa rasmi kebangsaan jangan disentuh.
Semua kaum patut berusaha bekerja keras untuk berjaya. Jangan-lah hanya bantu dan fokus kaum bumiputera sahaja. Kaum lain rasa cemburu juga setiap kali lihat kerajaan tumpu sahaja kaum Bumi. Diskaun bagi Bumi, apatah kaum lain hanya second citizenship?
It will make Bumi just depend on gov. Hence Non-Bumi will treat Bumi differently and the way around. So, Malaysia no more harmony. Hormony on surface but deeep inside each individual actually so much different.
Sekarang orang tak main lagi pasal kaum. We have to protect our Malaysia. I love my country, Tun. But when I look back the way gov policy toward non-Bumi, I very sad.
Malaysia can achieve a great economic result if gov treat one Malaysian.
Kalau katakan tiada pemimpin kaum Melayu dapat menerajui negara Malaysia, sanggup Tun benarkan kaum lain menerajui? atau Tun masih mahu seorang kaum Melayu yang paling tadah kepada negara dan jual negara Malaysia kepada negara asig??!!!
Cukup sudah cukup kerajaan hanya pentingkan kaum Bumi daripada kaum Bukan Bumi. Padah hanya pada negara sendiri dalam dunia penuh global ini jika 50 tahun lagi contract sosial ini terus begini.
Kaum dan Negara…mana paling penting?????!!!!!
Jangan pilih kasih…kaum Melayu jadi petani…bagi tanah….kaum Cina nak jadi petani….banyak syarat dan wang perlu dibayar.
Biarlah semua kaum berusaha sendiri cari jalan keluar dari komposisi. Buatlah sama rata. Itu sahaja saya minta.
It should not be called Social Contract anymore. Cos contact got expiry date. It suppose to be ended if it contract. Renewable should be agree by all.
Dear Tun,
The Malay Social Contract is a non-debatable issue. You are right in saying that this comes into the surface when BN lost the last General Elections (mainly on the 5 states). When the social contract was first formulated and until the time of your leadership no one ever questioned its sanctity. But when Pak Lah and his cronies (unfortunately most of them were yours too!) came into power the weaknesses started to show and became a reality on 8th May 2008.
What hurts me most is that we were completely bamboozled by our own race and creed. Then came the cop out by the Indian community through Hindraf. At first they were targetting Britain demanding billions of pounds for compensations for bringing their fore-fathers to Malaya. We all thought since they were targetting Britain we are safe from this group. But it was all a smoke screen to deceive us of their evil intentions. After the riot at Jalan Tun Razak in KL they suddenly shifted their target and that was when we realised that they actually targetting the Malays and our rights. Now the demand of billions of pounds of compensations from Britain is totally (or rather, conveniently) forgotten and instead we are their actual target.
To say they are ungrateful is too mild a word. Actually they are ‘tamak’. We have provided them with all the needs they should have and even more and yet they want more. Not satisfied with what they have they now want our skin too.
Firstly I am a Malay, secondly I am a Muslim and thirdly I am a Malaysian. I am willing to adhere to what our fore-fathers have promised to all the other races as stipulated in the Federal Constitution. I respect the other races and I admire they have been a major contributor to the development of Malaysia. But don’t be ‘tamak’. Just because I am willing to respect, accept and even admire them don’t take this as an excuse to step on my head. When this happens then don’t blame me for any retaliations. If you don’t want to be treated as mere ‘guests’ in your own country then behave yourselves. Be thankful that we the Malays can be so accomodating. I don’t think other countries can be THAT accomodating! I am not asking you to leave the country for you are all Malaysians and you have the same rights as other Malaysians including the Malays. But don’t think this is a big passport for you to condemn the Malays and to question our rights. All I am asking is for you to behave and we can all live in peace.
I, for one, really look forward to the day when all Malaysians can walk the same road without suspicions and apprehensions. I really look forward to this during my life time.
Thank you.
There is such think as breach of Contract
Three Tribe of Jew did to Muslim of Medina
1. one tribe agreed to leave medina and rent their date farm
2. One tribe agreed and leave their tool
3. One tribe betrayed in war,espionage and trying to act as fifth collumn contempalting rear attac- their male of soldier age were excuted
So never breach a contract as it will return to original Tanah Melayu again.
Salam TUN,
Samada TUN mulakan parti baru atau masuk semula umno,
saya akn menyokong TUN…
Allah selamatkan TUN,rakyat malaysia dan ISLAM..
Peace be on you Tun.
To all Malaysians be they peace loving or otherwise;
Once upon a time there was a HOST entertaining two GUESTS. They became blood brothers sharing their woes and happiness together.
Mr. HOST one day offered two of his daughters to his two GUESTS in holy matrimony. “Why do you do this? Haven’t you done enough?;” said they.
The GUESTS, being descendants of the wise of the East, understood the wisdom of these words, agreed to the offer, and were soon married off. They were GUESTS no more. They are Mr GUE and Mr STS, and the HOST calls himself Mr OST.
The three of them sat down to put their heads together. They all agreed to draw up the ground rules. Thus The Constitution or the Social Contract was born.
“Lets make more cakes (instead of sharing this only still small cake) so that we have more to share.”
Agreed. Agreed. Agreed.
“What happens one day, if our children, who are bald, fight each other over a comb? What happens if AGREED becomes GREED?” they all asked. They put their heads together again.
“They are not peace loving. They are greedy. They destroy the togetherness of the family. Shell we create the ISA just for them?”.
All three agreed.
For 50 years their families grow in bounds and leaps. Then as fate would have it, a patriarch or Grand Keeper Of The Family becomes weak, then he tries to please everybody, especially the progeny of the family of Mr-Bald-Who-Fights-Over-The-Comb and the family of Mr GREEDY. Now the boat is rocking and leaking. (Sabotaged by Mr Bald Comb and Mr Greedy).
Mr Patriarch grew cold out of fright. An outsider robs his people of their purchasing power. An insider slings stones at his glass house.
The Social Contract exist in history but its application today in modern Msia is doubtful. Msia must invest in their best and brightest irrespective of race to survive in today’s global economy. There is no other alternative!
The final word on this subject is this. The Social Contract in its present form may not be good for the economy. But a good and strong economy will certainly help us to implement the Social Contract.
things has change a lot isnt it?
with the IT today..we get to see as how the country is run with its system and individual political parties, everything becomes more transparent now. People are more wise n educated.A country like any other biz organisation and family needs a leader, a father to run it. THere is always good n bad sign of an action. Most of the time a very good father who does very well in his work may prosper n may over pamper their children leaving the kids not to b independent… a great leader need to go thru hardship n bad experience to be ready to b a leader who can lead many followers.
People who never gone thru it..can never understand. that is why we have leaders which are not ready. so to speak.. teach ur child to fish..and he can feed himself n all his family. spoon feeding a child doesnt make them more independent but instead ruin their future..in this case, therefore no new leader is born. Maybe its the conditioning of our mind, our culture ,our religion and belief, may be the people didnt take the initiative becoz of there is no chance to voice out. .
more and more people are now voicing out.. due to the increase of maturity level.. people know how to find ways to voice out.
Every country has its own sets of rules…may it be from past history or the ways how a country is govern. it depends as to how the players who play the game well or not. Some are really wise . they know how to use good strategies to win peoples heart. a great leader catches what rakyat needs n deliver its work. . .
Consider the system we hav in malaysia are in good practice. at least ppl still have their own rights to vote even people are shy to voice out. Just a tot..
Assalamualaikum TDM dan keluarga.
Blog TDM kali ini begitu MEMBAKAR SEMANGAT sekali.
Saya teringat semasa saya dan rakan-rakan nak melanjutkan pelajaran ke UK dahulu, kami menyertai Kem Bina Semangat dan pada masa tu, ada satu lagu yang begitu “MEMBUKA MINDA”..
Anak kecil main api
Terbakar hatinya yang sepi …
Saya rasa semua Melayu khususnya, dan semua pemimpin Melayu khasnya perlu menghayati lirik lagu ini agar ianya tidak menjadi 100% realiti.
Sekiranya pelajar lepasan SPM dikehendaki melalui PLKN, saya syorkan semua pemimpin dan juga rakyat Malaysia, beramai-ramai pergi ke BOOT CAMP kursus Tatanegara agar tidak mudah lupa asal-usul dan sejarah negara.
Lena Khalid
NB : Thanks to ID- chokangla . U opened my eyes with your comment.
With all due respect Tun, I do not see any progress of Malay race for whom has been protected under this contract, as long as our politicians continued to cry about ketuanan melayu, islam is above everthing bla bla bla. I m very very worried of what suppose to be a developed country by 2020 (a brilliant vision initiated by Tun) will remain as 3rd world country or fare even worst than that. I once look into 2020 with full of hope & optimistic but now with 12 years left…..i aint seeing we as bangsa Malaysia are heading anywhere near to that vision……
Dearest Tun,
It is obvious that if one were to peruse the Constituition at its inception the social contract has been suitably addressed and incorporated. More importantly our founding fathers had the foresight and by the spirit in the correct interpretation of this social contract in the Constituition;peace,prosperity and harmony had prevailed since Merdeka. The dark episode of five-one-three is the direct result of political opportunists who diregarded this important verisimilitude with dire consequence. That is why it is of expedient relevance that all our PMs (BN or otherwise) must ensure that the ruling party recognise this important facet of the Constituition as you had.
Best wishes to our beloved Tun and your family
Salam buat Tun and family.
For your information, I have been reading your blog from time to time and after reading your article on the issue of “social contract” I feel that I should join in and render my comment and view. Last two weeks ago, the Bar Council has called for a social contract forum in KL and they have discussed this issue and the media has reported it since.
I wish to bring to your attention that like most of the commentators before me, I feel obliged to the idea of securing the rights of the Malay as accorded by the Constitution – Article 153. I had an opportunity to befriended Tun’s aide (who has now retired) and I have pulled him aside on one occasion – last Friday en route to Indonesia for a business trip and said “Datuk, I can assure you that if I ask what is Article 153 to few Malay gentlemen in the ferry, rest assure out of 5, 4 will not know what it is all about”. True enough only one – only after few hints given can answer what Article 153 is.
From there, I conclude (now my tone is a bit racist…), that most of the Malays out there do not even know what our forefathers had been fighting for us. What they know well is the excitement of “demonstrasi” for the so called “keadilan” without realizing that they have been used to pursue some people’s political ambitions. At the same time they are selling Malay’s dignity.
Thank you Tun, for the post. Least, some of us who visit your blog now is aware the history.
I pray to Allah for your health… Wassalam.
Tun, may I:-
1) When the British came, they confiscated the land and usurped the power of the Malay Rulers. They banished some of these rulers to die in foreign land.
2) They then imported “guests” to help them plunder the riches of the land, leaving the Malays out of the main stream may it be education or wealth-gathering.
3) Being peace loving and gentle, a representative applied for indipendance.
4) The reply was, “We return your land only to YOUR-GUESTS-&-YOU. Take it or leave it.” Being meek and gentle mannered, he took it. Nothing was returned to the original Rulers.
5) The Reid Commission drew the CONTRACT WHICH STIPULATES THAT THE HOST MUST SHARE HIS LAND AND POWER WITH HIS TWO ‘GUESTS’ WHO WERE ONLY NEEDED TO PROMISE TO RESPECT WHAT IS LEFT WITH THE HOST. (These guests have nothing to share anyway). The guests signed this ‘Social Contract’ with a grin but the host with a heavy heart.
6) Using arguments that they are more equal than others now some of the sons of these guests demand for more, or they will drill a hole at the base of the boat. They get foreign help, morally at least and direct help from certain insiders.
7) During the time of the previous PM, these anti-Malay elements did not dare to do this because then the Govt. was strong; or rather the PM was VERY STRONG. (The only “dictator?” to step down ever).
8) When the Malays are made to feel that they have nothing more to lose, or they can’t afford to lose anything more, they SHALL act as before, as when even the Malay Union had to back down.
9) So Tun, lend us the strength of your will that has seen you and us through unsurmountable odds and difficulties before.
Dear Tun,
as a chinese, we have accept the “social contract” for long even we feel unfair as a human being … but I have no problem on that.
The main issues in not that but
1) Under NEP, it suppose to benefit the malay especially the poor group .. but you can see where all this $$ gone .. cronies — Malay who got benefited are very small group (exp: So call “Istana” Klang … where he got so much $$$) all through corruptions.
The society become so much KNOW WHO but not KNOW HOW (this type of culture also seen in state soccer teams ….
2) The longer one party in power the more corruption / crony. So its time to change to re-adjust / re-distribute the wealth more even under NEP … instead of going into small linked-group
3) As we can seen from Penang when the state government implement open tender …. who are the people come out to protest (crony). In fact, the CM has meet up with Malay Business Chamber and they agreed on that cause most of the time, contracts were assigned to few comapines (linked /crony).
4) So my arguements is nothing to do with Social Contract but too much of corruptions.
We hope to see DSAI to take over the gov which may help the country especially poor people who need help and at the same time to make our country ready to compete on globlisation. If that happened at least this help to reduce corruption to certain level and the $$$ can use for social-economy development.
G’day Tun & pembaca sekalian,
Cerita pasal ‘kontrak sosial’ apakah ia menjurus kepada hak istemewa orang Melayu sahaja. Dalam kontrak itu apakah hak orang-orang bukan Melayu? Jangan berdiskusi seolah-olah orang-orang Melayu yg tercabar sedangkan kaum Melayu yg menikmati segala macam keistemewaan selama ini. Beli rumah pun dapat 5% diskaun; masuk IPTA ada standard resultsnya yg tersendiri; biasiswa JPA utk bumi sahaja, non-bumi PTPTN la (itu pun kerajaan mengaku baik hati kerana sedia pinjamkan duit), kontrak2 kerajaan mesti ada status bumiputera (itu yg menyebabkan berlaku ali baba) dsb. terlalu banyak!
Cakap pasal hak istimewa orang Melayu, nak ungkit-ungkitkan peristiwa2 lampau di Tanah Melayu. Apakah relevannya kepada penduduk di Sabah dan Sarawak? Melayu minoriti di Sabah dan Sarawak tetapi kita pentingkan perpaduan, kita ada toleransi, kita mahu lihat Malaysia maju, kita mengaku kita BANGSA MALAYSIA, bukan bangsa Melayu, bukan bangsa cina, bukan bangsa India. Malaysia ada penduduk multi-etnik tetapi kita satu bangsa Malaysia. Sebab itu Taib boleh jadi Ketua Menteri di Sarawak bergitu lama sedangkan etnik dia minoriti di Sarawak. Tanpa toleransi, tanpa kesefahaman, apakah semua itu boleh dikecapi. Sudah lah lebih 50 tahun pulun’ duit minyak yg dikeluarkan daripada Sabah Sarawak, di Malaysia berapa negeri sahaja ada minyak? kenapa Sabah Sarawak masih mundur? Mungkin Sabah Sarawak harus mengikuti jejak langkah Singapura keluar daripada Malaysia.
Masa Jepun serang Tanah Melayu, Cina bukan kecut, malahan Cina yg paling lantang menentang dan berjuang menentang Jepun yg ketika itu belum bg kerakyatan kepada mereka. Mungkin atas tiket ‘komunis’ menyebabkan sumbangan mereka menekan Jepun langsung tidak dipandang. Yg ada disebut misalannya FOrce 136 memberi bantuan senjata kepada gerila komunis menentang Jepun. Jepun dtg Tanah Melayu pun memang aim kat Cina di Tanah Melayu dah kerana mereka kirimkan bantuan balik ke China utk perjuangan menentang penakhlukan Jepun ke atas China. Persoalannya yg ingin sy kemukakan utk direview bersama ialah “Di mana Melayu?? Bersengkol dengan Jepun menyerang Tanah Melayu kononnya Jepun boleh berikan kemerdekaan kepada Tanah Melayu, bebaskan Tanah Melayu daripada British. Balik jauh sedikit kepada Sejarah Tanah Melayu, kenapa Tanah Melayu dijajah? Kerana apabila berlaku perang saudara, ada pihak yang memperlawa British masuk dan kelekaan dan kegilaan untuk memperolehi kekuasaan memakan diri sehingga mengadaikan Tanah Air. Kalau salah saya sebut, sila ubah balik fakta sejarah dalam buku tingkatan 1-5.
Sejarah penting tetapi fakta sejarah selalunya cuba dimanipulasi utk kepentingan pihak2 tertentu. Buat apa? Why not we looking forward? Kenapa mahu cerita macam seolah-olah Melayu semakin dicabar sedangkan selama ini mereka dapat double-standard? Kenapa Cina berdaya tahan? Kerana mereka tahu mereka kena buat dua kali ganda kerja, kena lebih rajin berusaha. Sampai bila kerajaan mahu suapkan golongan2 tertentu itu? Istilah yg kurang sedap sedikit macam sistem fedualisme di Malaysia, siapa cakap Malaysia mengamalkan demokrasi berparlimen? Cari definisi ‘demokrasi berparlimen’ dan bandingkan dengan keadaan di Malaysia. Mana demokrasi itu kalau dah ada “kontrak sosial” itu. Cuba renung2 -demokrasi total kah, demokrasi separa ka, demokrasi bersyarat ka, atau sebagainya.
Kenapa sibuk2 demonstrasi di jalanan macam kanak-kanak jalanan yg tiada ibu bapa? Cuba buat satu tinjauan dan anda akan dapati yg demonstrasi itu majoriti daripada etnik apa? Tidak perlu kerja pun ada makan? Mungkin itu yg sibuk2 nak perjuangkan sebuah “Negara Kebajikan”. Tahu ka demonstrasi itu menganggu orang ramai yg bertungkus-lumus kerja cari makan utk survival keluarga? setiap kali berlaku kesesakan lalu lintas, duit gaji yg susah payah diperolehi yg sepatutnya dibelanjakan utk ahli keluarga tersayang terbakar setiap saat terperangkap dalam kesesakan lalu lintas. YB mana tahu, duit minyak kereta, kereta, semua subsidi, semua driver tolong uruskan. Bila kali terakhir Pak Lah atau Najib pergi pam minyak kereta?
Cuba buat survei, berapa jumlah duit sebuah isi keluarga kena habiskan utk minyak kereta sebulan? Berapa banyak ringgit tambahan yg perlu dibelanjakan utk barangan yg sama semenjak harga minyak naik. di mana hak pengguna kan baik dibincangkan berbanding hak-hak yg cuba dimainkan sekarang? Mana menteri terbabit? Reformasi yg dilakukan membebankan hidup rakyat tahu? Hidup rakyat terhimpit. Takkan mahu rakyat kalau dulu makan 20 kg beras sebulan, sekarang makan 10 kg sebulan, takkan dulu makan 3 kali sehari, sekarang makan 1 kali sehari? Habis, mana mahu cari duit lebih? Pakej subsidi yg dirancang skrg sudah ada itu utk golongan mana? Yg lain macam mana? Secawan kopi, sekeping roti canai, sepiring mee goreng, semua naik.
Kerajaan dibentuk oleh wakil rakyat yg dipilih oleh rakyat. sepatutnya isu2 berkaitan rakyat yg jadi perhatian, BUKAN politik tahu! Ini sekarang isu politik lagi hangat daripada isu rakyat sehinggakan tidak nampak isu-isu rakyat yg jadi perhatian. Cubalah seimbangkan sedikit di antara politik dan ekonomi, cubalah selaraskan sedikit ekonomi dengan politik.
Banyak pula keperitan yg ingin disampaikan. sambung lain kali la.
to bra888,
your ignorance is repulsive.
Your arguments are jsut based on some copy-paste half facts that you memorized and plagiarized without being supported with matured wisdom and an overall understanding that can only come with experience and openness to learn Truth and willingness to see multiple sides of a coin.
The rest of you guys talking about Msian Msia,
Amin, saya setuju dengan awak. Pengalaman saya bekerja pun sama.
Adik saya lebih malang. Lepas SPM, kerja sementara dengan satu syarikat pusat beli belah yang dah lama bertahan di Msia, dan ada cawangan seluruh negara, (nama dia tempat menyimpan barang2), adik saya bekerja sebagai buruh mengangkat barang stok. Dia berhenti selepas bekerja 3 hari kerana tidak dibenarkan solat sewaktu bekerja. Ni berlaku dalam 4 atau lima tahun lepas.
I started believing in Malaysian Malaysia. I still love my non-malay frenz, but after a while, I was “educated” by non-malay Malaysian that my being unbiased and opened to them is meaningless as they would continue to look at me with suspicions, biased prejudice, and racial presumption. I was thought by experience that Malaysian Malaysia is just something people use as a tool to politicise a hidden interest and communal agenda. What I’m saying is that these jokers are racist, but they hide behind these rhetorics and accused me of being racists.
Some of you guys argued that Chinese companies are not racists but merely being fair and recruit people with adequate competencies.
Ok, go see job ads in newspaper, you will see that the requirement stated (one of it) is being able to speak / read / write mandarin. Is this racist? No. not to me. Its fair. Because my sisters went to Manadarin School and is able to get jobs specifically requiring this language skill.
BUT, what would you say if we suggest that everyone applying for a government job MUST BE ABLE TO READ JAWI CHARACTERS.Sounds unfair … right?
Words and sounds can play tricks on you. I rest my case.
Greetings Tun.
1) So … the SocCon spells out all that is to be given to these uninvited GUESTS without spelling out what these guests are to give to the HOSTS … except a PROMISES to toe the line … which some of them now conveniently forget?
2) So … now the hosts have to suffer and and lose more through the hands of WEAKLINGS-IN-POWER and through a DEEP-PLANT AGENT of an outside power?
3) So … the hosts now is deprived of its only leader who can salvage its only remaining shreds of SELF RESPECT?
4) So … ACHTUNG .. BEWARE YOU, those who ROCKS THE BOAT .. or THROWS STONE IN A GLASS HOUSE. We have enough laws and ground rules to deal with stone-throwing or boat-rocking.
5) Tun, we wish you had’nt stepped down when you did.
Pls stop kutuk-ing!!!! We Malaysians are united no matter what color or race. Yang masih dok kutuk lain bangsa itu, tolonglah, sedar sikit ni… kita semua sama aja… bikin apa dok marah-marah…
Masalah skarang ni bukannya social contract, sebenarnya, NEP tu sepatutnya membantu kaum melayu yang masih miskin, tapi kebanyakkan rakyat tidak nampak ada perubahan, maka kita lihat dulu di mana salahnya.. Adakah sistem yang seharusnya membantu org miskin itu disalah guna? Kalau ya, kenapa dan siapa yang ‘benefit’ dari itu?
So we must ask the administration… be transparent and help the needy. That’s it!!! When this country can achieve smaller gap of poverty, then lets hope every race, cina, india, melayu, sikh, orang asli and other minoriti will be able to shake their hands and say ‘terima kasih semua kerana kits berjaya saling bantu-menbantu’.
Yang ada BAD experience di tempat kerja pasal bangsa cina dan ada jugak, india yang kurang puas hati di tempat kerja, jugak cina yang kurang puas hati kerana melayu…. itu semua karenah hidup sayang! biarpun, kalau di Malaysia, katakan semuanya satu bangsa, pasti juga ada diskriminasinya… tak dapet lari ni… rupa muka, gemuk kurus, perempuan lelaki, kulit cerah gelap…. hah!!! surely this kind of discrimination is as bad as race!!! So lets just face the challenge and move forward above this.
Let me remind you all…. the love for other human race begins from home… Teach your children to love and not hate… You will see… a change for a better co-existence.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya amat mengagumi semangat Tun dalam mempertahankan maruah serta kedudukan bangsa Melayu dari terus diperkotak katikkan oleh bangsa lain yang hanya ingin mengambil kesempatan atas kecelaruan yang berlaku sekarang.Sememangnya bangsa lain yang mendapat hak kerakyatan dan berjaya di bumi bertuah ini tidak tahu bersyukur dengan mempersoalkan kontrak sosial.Setelah mereka berjaya dengan menjadi profesional namun kini cuba mempersoalkan sesuatu yang sudah termaktub dalam perlembagaan.Tindakan golongan ini sememangnya menyakitkan hati orang melayu yang banyak bertolak ansur dan dikhuatiri secara beransur-ansur juga hak serta keistimewaan orang melayu akan dirampas.Kepada semua orang melayu kita perlu bangkit dan pertahankan maruah serta hak bangsa kita.
Tun, semoga Tun sentiasa di dalam keadaan sihat. Disini saya ingin menyokong Tun yang sejak dari dahulu mempertahankan bangsa Melayu tanpa rasa gentar.
Saya ingin memberi sedikit komen tentang permasalahan bangsa selain melayu, agar orang melayu dan bukan melayu berfikir sejenak. orang bukan melayu tak habis-habis nak mainkan sentimen bangsa. cuba kita lihat kembali nama negara kita, MALAYSIA, kat situ ajer dah nampak melayu nye, MALAY + ASIA = MALAYSIA, atau kalau ditranslatekan menjadi Melayu Asia. jadik sudah tentu lah malaysia nih milik orang melayu, lain ler kalau nama negara kita jadi CHINASIA ke INDIASIA. sebelum diorang nak hak yang lebih daripada orang melayu, suwuh orang yg tak sedar diri tuh, pi bawak kat Mahkamah Antarabangsa, tukar nama negara jadik MALAYCHINDIASIA.
Seperkara lagi yang kita selalu lupa, andai kata peperangan berlaku atau apa-apa sahaja musibah berlaku di bumi aman malaysia nih, bayangkanlah kemana melayu akan pergi? kalau orang cina, maybe Negara China boleh terima mereka, begitu juga orang India, kerana disanalah tempat asal usul nenek moyang mereka. kurang-kurang pun, rupa dan bahasa mereka adalah sama dinegara tersebut, dan sekurang-kurangnya mereka tahu mereka ada negara nenek moyang yang boleh menerima mereka,tapi kita yang Melayu nih, adakah negara lain selain sini? bangsa melayu hanya satu didunia, tiada negara nenek moyang, tiada tempat untuk diterima di tempat lain. jadik salahkah melayu pertahankan tanah sendiri? simpati lah sedikit kepada bangsa melayu wahai orang yg bukan melayu or melayu yang tak sedar diri sebagai melayu. Sebagai contoh, kalau sesuatu terjadi, Perdana Menteri China tentu mudah menerima orang cina malaysia sebagai rakyatnya, jika dilihat dari sudut bahasa, budaya,agama dan juga bangsa, kerana mereka adalah kumpulan bangsa yang sama, begitu juga di India. tapi mahukah mereka menerima orang melayu menjadi rakyat mereka? bukan mengdiskriminasikan sesiapa,tetapi itulah hakikat.
contoh lain yang perlu kita fikirkan sejenak. bayangkan kita ada sebidang tanah dan kita nih bersifat baik hati. tetamu tuh nak tumpang bermalam ditanah kita, kita pun kerana baik hati, bagilah dia buat khemah kat tanah kita. lama kelamaan, tetamu tuh, mintak kat kita nak bina rumah plak. kita pun, masih baik hati, bagilah dia buat rumah kat tanah kita. last-last, dia minta kita tanah tuh bagi kat dia, kununnya, one nation lah, taknak diskriminasi lah. kita sebagai tuan tanah, apakah kita tak kesah? kalau takde orang pertahankan hak tuh, jom besok pakat ramai-ramai orang melayu, kumpul sejuta orang, pi duduk kat amerika, sejuta lagi duduk kat china, sejuta lagi duduk kat india ke, arab ke, pastu lama sket, kita claimlah nak hak sama rata ngan diorang. bagi ke tak diorang kat kita? kalau diorang baik hati macam kita, maybe le bleh dapat kot, kalau tak pun, diorang hantar kita ke penjara guantanamo.
jadik begitulah comment dan contoh-contoh yang kita perlu fikirkan sejenak. semoga orang lain jgnlah mempertikaikan hak orang melayu dibumi sendiri. sesungguhnya, orang melayu tak pernah mengdiskriminasikan orang lain apatah lagi mainkan sentimen bangsa.
bagi menjamin keamanan yg berterusan, marilah kita bersama-sama menerima apa yang sudah sedia ada tanpa mempertikaikan hak sesiapa, terutamanya hak melayu dan bumiputera. sesungguhnya saya menghormati orang cina dan india yang mempertahankan bangsa mereka, begitu juga mereka perlu menghormati kita untuk mempertahankan bangsa kita.
semoga comment saya ini tidak dipandang sebagai negatif atau bersifat perkauman,tetapi untuk saudara-saudara renungkan sejenak tentang arah tuju melayu kalau tiada hak istimewa di bumi sendiri.
Mohon Maaf.
Dear Sir,
i believe that the social contract is an issue which was done at a time when the objective is of at that parallel time and space.nothing was thought for the future generation of the non-bumis. nevertheless even with the present social contract let the bumis enjoy the benefits derived. the point of contention is that we need a new social contract for the benefits of the non-bumis.please bear in thought no changes should be in done in the actual social contract.this altogether another social contract only dealing for the benefits of non-bumis.after all we are malaysians and there is no use calling us malaysians when we are not equal o each other.the social contract should encompass all matters of religion,education,health,employment,property buying and etc.
Please allow me TUN,
To Esca: I understand your anger (if I may say so) but it is pointless to denigrate oneself for the ignorance of others. I have not even read ‘energy’ but I believe I don’t need to. I am all for the concept of Ketuanan Melayu and have tried many times to put into words my rationale and reason but have not been able to do so. What is important is that in these days and times of uncertainty in the world, we Malaysians must live as ONE as we always have albeit without our beloved TUN at the helm. I could put forward questions to the Indian and Chinese community that would invite criticism or charges of racism. Questions that would bring no benefit even though in my mind they are relevant. Anyway, what will always irk me are comparisons between Malaysia and Singapore. All I can say is no contest; Malaysia by far with its mixed ethnic community has achieved
much,much more than our neighbours and our beloved TUN has put Mr LKY in his place time and again. And that is why we miss him so much.
Best wishes to our beloved TUN.
Salam Ayhda Tun..
Tumpang lalu jap…
Saudara Amin, kisah anda sama dgn kisah yang saya lalui hanya..saya masih punya kuasa untuk menahan dari berlaku di tmpat kerja sya kerana saya punyai good rapport dgn “top management” dan sya lah org yang paling dipercayai dari bangsa MELAYU oleh bangsa asing itu..tpi maaf bukan dgn bodek..saya percaya MELAYU yg punya pegangan agama kukuh dan ilmu yang mantap mampu berdiri kukuh dikalangan bukan melayu..(tpi saya bukan racist)tpi sya akan pertahankan hak kaum teras selagi mampu…terima kasih atas post anda..smoga anda terus “walking tall”..
Salam buat semua.
by energy
Malaysia is collapsing because of this ‘social contract’.
dude, get ur facts right. malaysia is not even collapsing. politically yes. but that is only because of the stupid government of pak lah. you guys start questioning malay rights only because pak lah is so weak of defending it. no one questioned it during Tun’s time. and the economy is doing great at that time. so ur arguments are not even valid. if you still wanna argue bout it, why america is collapsing? issit because of their social contract? if they even have one. pointless pointless.
Malays in general will be lazier from other races because they are brought up with all these ‘crutches’.
not true as well. malay is starting to doing better and better. more malays are graduate students who have a degree than decade ago. more and more see the importance of education. its you chinese people that dont give them chance to shine. rather hire chinese than malay. even if hire the malay, their wage is definitely lower than the chinese.
Chinese schools are they because the malay education system is useless outside Malaysia.
which is one of the reasons why i hate the stupid school. all it preaches is hatred toward the malays. even study china history more than malay history. only mix with chinese people. the result, arrogant bastards who see his race as superior than malays. when you call urself malaysian, remember the 1st 5 letters are spelled as MALAY. so dun you go call urself malaysian if you see urself as superior than the malays. got the nerve to preach equality pulak after that. bodoh giler you orang nie. or terlalu pandai you ingat melayu all bodoh.
Other races will generally be richer and more competitive as long as these ‘crutches’ are there.
you mean to say the chinese community is not richer before there are malay rights? come on. stop giving bs info.
Malays will continue to ask for these ‘crutches’.
only because we still need it.
no doubt singapore is better governed. but if you were to say singapore government is not racist, ur definitely lying. all you are trying to say all this while is let the chinese rule malaysia in order for malaysia to prosper, because in ur small tiny brain you have always looked down on the malays. you dirty singaporean. STOP POSTING HERE IF YOU DON’T HAVE A VALID ARGUMENT. UR PISSING THE MALAYSIAN OFF. AND GIVING THE CHINESE IN MALAYSIA A BAD IMAGE.
Dear Tun,
1. I’m from Sabah and do not understand all the fuss about racism in West Malaysia because such issues are not that obvious here in Sabah where a malay, a kadazan and a chinese friend can sit down in a chinese or indian cafe and have a good conversation about life over a cup of coffee without any sense of prejudice.
2. My personal opinion is that Social Contract is not about race; it is about respect, understanding and most importantly, acknowledging the rights of other individuals as enshrined in the constitution that seal the Social Contract envisaged by our predecessors.
3. On the otherhand, I do not understand why we should dispute the NEP; it is just an economic policy to ensure that the malays/bumiputeras would, at least, be competitive economically with other races which is actually in-line with the spirit of the Social Contract. The intention is respectable though the implementation may need to be closely monitored to ensure fairness to all.
4. Anyway, 30% is not much; why should we question the 30% and not the 70% left for the other races? Is 70% not enough or 30% is too much?
5. Bumiputera/Malay privilages – It is only applicable to those bumiputera/malay who can afford to enjoy the previlige. It is not an entitlement to have a good and properous life; one must have money to enjoy such a mythical previliges.
6. I remembered when Tun announced that DSAAB(Pak Lah)to be the next PM, I said to myself that we are going to face uncertainty in our future. Looking back, nothing significant has been or being done by the current PM that would at least, offer me some comfort and peace of mind to face a more challenging life in the near future. I can see that Pak Lah is really a confuse man.
7. After watching the debat between DSAI and the Info Minister last night, I say DSAI is more convincing and behaved professionally compared to the minister and his assistant who seems to be lost with the issues in hand and mumbling about things that is not our concern. I dare to say that he’s not worth to be a minister and an embarrasement to the malay politic.
8. My question is that, what Tun is planning to do with the current Government? We all know that they are not capable to lead and manage the country well, but talk alone will not produce any immediate solution. We have to make them pay attention and act immediately to address the people grievances.
9. We worked so hard to be at what we are now. Malaysian deserve to have a better leader, at least as good as Tun, for a brighter future.
Thank you for being a great leader that made us so proud to be a Malaysian.
This is so sad. After 50 years of independence we are still arguing about a social contract which was agreed upon MORE than 50 years ago (1946 to be exact). Instead of striving forward together as MALAYSIANS and beating the hell out of our neighbors (in terms of economic growth, sporting excellence, global recognition), we are now fighting internally, allowing the likes of Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand to surpass us in the world.
I am a third generation Malaysian (meaning father born in Malaysia) and have been loyal to my country all this while, supporting and contributing what I can. I love this country and love my friends, who are of all races – I don’t see them as Chinese or Malay or Indian or Kadazan, but they are fellow Malaysians.
I don’t want to question this ‘social contract’ but if the result of this is that second generation Malaysians (meaning father not born in Malaysia, e.g. former MB of Selangor) can be recognized as ‘full’ Malaysians with all the benefits that go with it, but yet it’s not possible for other Malaysians who have been in this land for much longer (even up to before Merdeka) – then I’m truly speechless. We don’t even have to talk about $$ here, because the ‘social contract’ has got nothing to do with whether that person is rich or poor. I will accept the ‘social contract’ without further questions.
Thank you Malaysia, I love this country – but it is time for me to leave this country, as I am clearly not welcomed here.
to Jalapeno,
please stop watever ur trying to do here. it wont get you anywhere. 1st of all, how many poor chinese are there in the country? how many poor indians are there in the country? i juz give you a hint, chinese at most makes up of 30% of the population. at most. indians approx. 9% of the population. rest are almost all bumiputras. out of these 30% of chinese and 9% of indians, how many percent do you think is living in poverty? you tell me. you get wat i mean? and besides, are you telling me the MCA and MIC does not help these poor people?
who are living in kampung. do you have any idea? you are probably from kl so i dont blame you. the fact is, malaysia is more than juz kl. ever been to terengganu, perlis, kelantan, etc. the majority of the people here are poor people. or to be precise, poor malay people. even the chinese in kelantan do business. and so is the chinese in terengganu and perlis, pahang and so on and so forth.
now who are the one who have more babies in malaysia? the answer is malay. so when you were to add this all up into the equation, what you get is poor people with high living expenses. yes, poor malay people.
im not trying to deny that there are poor chinese and indians. but you fail to realise is the extent of the poor malays compare to the poor chinese and indians. and of course you ignore the help of the government to these people. Yes, the government do help the chinese and indians.
and what about 5% discount the bumiputras get. come on, no matter how you people argue, the fact is, the malays did indeed rule this land before ur ancestors were to land on this place. so whats wrong for them to get 5% off the housing price. is that robbing you of ur money? or robbing the poor? NO. its nothing. why are you so jealous with the 5% anyway. you say rich malays who earn 6 figures would be pissing you off if he gets 5% off the housing price. how many malays are earning a 6 digit in malaysia?
after you get that answer, now tell how many that earn 4 digit per year? get what i mean? its not that the malays dont understand ur frustrations, we do. but that doesnt mean you can ignore our frustrations. and besides, you get tax anywhere you work anyway. where do you think the roads come from, where do you think all the infrastructure comes from. like i said earlier in my post, it is the government’s prerogative to give it back or not, directly or indirectly. get wat i mean?
im not saying ur idea is wrong. as a matter of fact, ur idea is beautiful. help the poor regardless of race. that should be the priority of any country. but that is exactly what malaysia is trying to do. assuming the government is not a f*&ked up one. but like i said earlier, racial discrimination in regards to Uni seat allocation, quota for malays in private companies must stay.
Mr Mahathir,
My heart sank on reading your so-called social contract. Show your readers the social contract in its original written form. Or is it a verbal contract?
As a professional doctor (an educated person, no less), a respected statesman, (still pershaps), you need to provide the reference for your ‘social contract’. Otherwise it is known as ‘abuse of history’, ie you make use of history to achieve your own ends and agenda.
And if the ends bring about unrest in your beloved country, you have basically shirked your responsibility as a statesman, and for what ends, Mr Mahathir?
History will judge you. All your good work, your years of service to Malaysia will go to waste if the very stability of Malaysia should in any small way be fractured by your irresponsible piece on a non-existent social contract.
What you wrote above is your own interpretation of history. To call it a social contract has to be a fable dreamed up by you.
And by the responses you received thus far, you have achieved what you intended your piece of doctored history seek to achieve.
But again, the question is, is it ‘worth it’ to pit one ‘racial group’ against another? And being an educated doctor, you yourself know better ; there is no such thing as a pure racial type, whether Aryan, Caucasian, Malay, Indian, or Chinese.
Look around you, open your eyes. Is there a pure racial type walking the streets in any part of the world?
And why bother to even have the term, “Malaysian” when equal citizenship was not meant to be, or never intended to be.
And if the 30 years of NEP has not achieved its objectives, another 30 years of the same will not improve situation much. Maybe it is time to treat all Malaysians as Malaysians, perhaps progress can be achieved slowly but assuredly.
With all Malaysians pulling their weight together, what is there that Malaysia cannot achieve?
Malaysia Boleh! Your own belief.
Then let me re-quote Lee Kuan Yew:
Singaporean politician Lee Kuan Yew of the PAP, who publicly questioned the need for Article 153 in parliament, and called for a “Malaysian Malaysia”.
In a speech, Lee Kuan Yew bemoaned what would later be described as the Malaysian social contract:
“According to history, malays began to migrate to Malaysia in noticeable numbers only about 700 years ago. Of the 39% malays in Malaysia today, about one-third are comparatively new immigrants like the secretary-general of Umno, Dato Syed Jaafar, who came to Malaya from Indonesia just before the war at the age of more than thirty. Therefore it is wrong and illogical for a particular racial group to think that they are more justified to be called Malaysians and that the others can become Malaysians only through their favour.”
Eventually, and Singapore became an independent nation in 1965, with Lee Kuan Yew as its first prime minister.
Dear Tun,
Orang melayu kita ni maseh tak sedar sedar yang kuasa ekonomi mereka jauh ketinggalan, cuba lihat sampai skang berapa kerat kilang perusahaan melayu dibandar bandar besar, boleh bilang dengan jari, kenapa skang masih tidak dapat menguasainya. lebih dari kaum lain padahal orang kita skit punya ramai.Mana2 projek pelancharan harta orang tak mampu nak beli.
saya masih ketika 1978 berkerja di durian tunggal, saja jalan kat kedai runcit cina, adalah sa orang kg hantar seikat petai lebih 100papan kat. padahal bende tu dia mintak dua ringgit je.Taukeh tu punya action buat kawan tu duk tunggu lebih sejam baru nak bagi duit. Tu lah pasal kene ada social contract supaya manusia ini dapat hidup dengan baik , tidak terus menerus sampai anak cucu merempat dikasari oleh orang yang tidak tahu berbudi bahasa macam bangsa melayu
Human rights does not exist in Malaysia.
Chinese, Indians, and the Malays are all human beings in God’s eyes. There’s a famous saying by a famous Japanese politician “The Heavens do not create people above people, nor do they create people below people”.
The reasons used to fight for this Malaysian Social Contract (MSC) is only limited to the Malaysian history, which I believe is too short and biased. The history Malaysia does not promote unity among the people as the people of various races during that time were divided by the British throughout history.
I believe that those who support the MSC:
1) are narrow minded to only Malaysian History
2) are not educated of the world history
3) are ignorant towards human rights
4) are naive towards the need of all races of human beings to be treated fairly
5) are naive to have expectations of other races to blindly accept their children’s fate of receiving unequal treatment
6) failed to understand the feelings of those who struggled because of this MSC
7) failed to understand that NEP supports the Malays regardless of wealth that ignores the needs of poor Chinese and Indians
8) don’t even who’s Jr Martin King Luther
9) never heard of Jr Martin King Luther’s speech entitled “I have a dream”
10) do not understand the reasons why civilization struggled to achieve racial equality
11) do not understand the reasons people are willing to sacrifice their sweat and blood so that their children will have a better future
12) do not understand that Malaysia will always have people of various races that will be ill-treated
13) judge a person by the colour of their skin and not based on a person’s character
14) denies non-Malays’ existences of being worthy of being treated equally as a human being
15) are too proud of their own race
16) believe that their race are above all other races
17) can’t see Chinese and Indians as human beings that needed fair treatment
18) can’t see the contributions of the Chinese and Indian communities in terms of the economic growth and city development throughout history
19) failed to realized that the schools history books lack world history
20) ignorant about the importance of world history
21) naive about the importance of human rights
22) selfish for the benefit of the their own race
23) greedy for the benefit of the their own race
By ainaloa on July 15, 2008 6:52 AM
……And my question to you is who is defined as Malays? I agree that aborogines and other malays decendents from 1400s should be the MALAYS of yester years and today..but what about arabics or indian mamaks? Just because they come to Malaysia, are Muslims and suddenly they are also known as Malays?
Dear ainaloa,
i presumed you have not read all the bloggers’ comments and articles posted here however to enlighten you on your query pertaining to “who is defined as malay” below is an excerpt from one of the bloggers…and of course you can always look out for more definition of “malay” in wikipedia or oxford dictionary.
here is the Article 160 in our constitution:
The article defines a Malay as a Malaysian citizen born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia or Singapore.
Thank you and Good day.
to esca, amin, neo and takretikbodek,
The fact is,
Malaysia is collapsing because of this ‘social contract’.
Malays in general will be lazier from other races because they are brought up with all these ‘crutches’.
Chinese schools are they because the malay education system is useless outside Malaysia.
Other races will generally be richer and more competitive as long as these ‘crutches’ are there.
Malays will continue to ask for these ‘crutches’.
Singapore generally better governed than Malaysia in every aspect, all she needs is the land in Johor. Will buyout most of IDR in phases.
Like is or not, that’s the fact.
kalo india dan cina diambil british , malaysia munkin jadi macam indonesia .
C.D munkin kmu lupa asal kmu …. kmu kan mamak , kenapa nak pura pura jd melayu tulin ? mcam anak anjing yg dibela olh kucing ..tinkah lakuny dan cara ia pikir mcam kucing …..agaknya begitu la kmu
mamak india tp tunjuk lagak …kenapa ? dah tak ada suppot ke ?
Saya menyeru seluruh rakyat Malaysia, pertahankan SOCIAL CONTRACT, benar kata Tun, kerajaan lemah, macam macam akan timbul, kepada kaum CINA dan India terutamanya, sepatutnya bersyukur tinggal di Malaysia ini. Aman dan Damai. Mungkin anda tidak kenal, Mat Kilau, Tok Janggut, Datuk Maharajalela, Tok Sagor, Datuk Bahaman, Dol Said, tetapi kami Melayu kenal siapa mereka malah darah Mat Kilau mengalir di dalam tubuh saya. Malah merekalah yg berjuang dan sanggup mati demi Tanah Melayu. Bangsa lain menumpang dari susah payah mereka ini. Saya mungkin waris akhir Mat Kilau tapi mungkin tidak anak saya. Apa yg saya mintak jangan persoalkan hak hak istimewa Orang Melayu, Sultan dan apa saja isu yg menyentuh perasaan orang Melayu. Apabila disentuh Melayu akan bangkit tidak mengira Parti Politik, Kg Medan dah menjadi buktinya.
Ayuh Melayu Bangun, jadikan kita Bangsa Kuat Di Bumi Berdaulat.
Airmata Mat Kilau setelah memperkenal dirinya di Masjid Pulau Tawar pada Jumaat 26 Disember 1969 adalah airmata Keramat dan lambang Melayu sejati.
Good day everyone,
I can see that this blog will sooner or later becomes the fire starter. Many people left bitter comments about other races because of what Tun has written. I am so sad. Tun, you have once again successfully separated the Malaysian race.
I still remember the last time Tun attended the UMNO Assembly as the PM. You utterly criticized the Malay for being too dependent on the NEP and this and that. See, this is what NEP has done to our fellow Malays and Bumiputras. As a matter of fact, a social contract is not a rigid gospel that we ought to preach until end of time…it should be appropriately modified to suit the era and the needs of the people. The white Canadians recognized the social contract between them and the Indians and the Inuits and so they keep them in the reserves and subsidize their living expenses so long they do not come to the city and compete with others. This is what a social contract could do…damages instead of overall advancement of a race.
Every country has their own “social contract” to deal with the native people in the homeland. Some give them land in remote areas to isolate them from big cities, some give them beer money and hope that they keep drunk 247, some resort to genocide, and so on and so on. But one has to realize that the percentage of native people in many countries are considered the minorities. Say aborigines in Australia, Inuits in Canada, Maori in New Zealand. It is therefore tolerable for the majority to, so call, subsidize the natives. But in Malaysia it is other other way round; the majority is native. So the country has to use a lot of its resources to look after the majority native in the name of NEP! Other non-native sooner or later will feel that they are in overdrive mode all the time and not getting anything out of it. Frustration and anger will soon grow within. Imagine a rich native making 6-figure annually still gets a 5% rebate when buying a house…anyone of lower income without this privilege will of course be agitated when this issue is bragged.
I do believe in some kind of economic policy…not to help certain race but to help the poor in general. Do you guys actually think that all Malaysian Chinese/Indians are well-off and they don’t need any financial support at all??? Many chinese work double shifts just to make enough to feed their children and put schoolbags on their back. Some indians are still living in the rubber estates making petty income that are not even enough for some of us to buy petrol. We should have a policy to assist poor Malaysians…regardless of their race.
Tun is smart. And smart man likes popularity. Helping the poor is definitely not a popular move, just like saving the earth from pollution or saving near extinction animals/insects. Have you ever heard any great names behind WWF or UNICEF? The urge for popularity has made him created this blog…
Tun, you are a great man. Malaysia won’t be Malaysia if it is not because of you. I salute you. Having said that, I must also condemn you for being equally evil. So is everyone else in the political arena.
being racist or not being racist..
i have a little understanding of cantonese dialect, and some time i over heard this conversation (in cantonese) between the staffs of the client i am doing work for.
“malai chai kong mei” which can be translated to “what the malay man says” or “melayu itu cakap apa?”. What facsinates me is that why would he refer me as a “malay” ?
I was just standing beside these people.
What facsinates me is that why would he refer me as a “malay” ? Is that person being racist because he refers me as my race ? urrmmmm… dunno.
Kepada semua,
Saya masih teringat & tidak akan lupa selamanya peristiwa dimana semasa saya & kwn2 buat partime bekerja sewaktu semester break, iaitu majikan (berbangsa cina) telah membayar gaji yang berbeza dikalangan pekerjanya mengikut bangsa. Pekerja bangsa cina mendapat gaji yang lebih berbanding dengan pekerja berbangsa lain. Kami amat berasa sakit hati & untuk pengetahuan maklumat ini diketahui melalui seorang rakan yang boleh berbahasa dialek cina, dimana beliau terdengar perbualan berkenaan gaji diantara para pekerja berbangsa cina. Namun sifat orang Melayu, lemah lembut, sopan santun, diam sahajalah, yelah, anggap benda ini remeh sahaja pada masa itu. Untuk pengetahuan semua, maklumat dari kawan-kawan yang bekerja partime di syarikat lain pada masa itu (yang majikannya juga berbangsa cina), juga mendapati ada perbezaan gaji antara pekerja cina dengan bukan cina.
Satu contoh lagi, saya berpendapat umum telah maklum, bekalan & pasaran alat-alat ganti kereta di Malaysia dikuasai/monopoli oleh pembekal/pemasar berbangsa cina. Pada masa sekarang, terdapat juga pomen-pomen Melayu membuka bengkel membaiki kereta. Tapi, dalam kebanyakkannya kes, jika diteliti dari sudut harga perkhidmatan, harga oleh pomen melayu ini agak lebih tinggi dari yang ditawarkan oleh bengkel-bengkel pomen-pomen cina. Mengapa ini berlaku? Saya berpendapat ramai yang maklum bahawa para pembekal/pemasar alat-alat ganti (yang berbangsa cina) telah meletakkan harga yang lebih tinggi kepada pomen Melayu (berbanding pomen cina) dalam urusan urusniaga mereka.
Saya bukan hendak membangkitkan soal perkauman, tetapi sedarlah orang-orang Melayu, bangsa cina adalah satu bangsa yang tebal semangat perkaumannya dan mereka tidak segan silu berusaha untuk memartabatkan serta sentiasa mengintai peluang untuk memperkasakan bangsa mereka, baik di Malaysia, atau di mana-mana negara di dunia ini.
Bangsa Melayu kini perlulah bersiap sedia, sentiasa pastikan dan berusaha untuk mempertahankan hak mereka. Dah ditindas sedimikian rupa seperti contoh di atas pun masih tak sedar2 lagi ke.. jangan anggap ini perkara kecil. Sedar-sedarlah, cuba kaji-kaji keadaan disekeliling kita..
Artikel oleh saudara amin pada 15 July 2008 amat menarik untuk direnungi dan dihalusi oleh orang melayu semua. Memang TEPAT dan JITU seperti apa yang diperkatakan oleh saudara amin. Ini adalah realiti yang sedang berlaku di negeri ini. Malangnya orang melayu kita tak pandai bersuara untuk menegakkan hak hak mereka. Tapi apakan daya orang kita tak macam orang cina..suka berdiam diri walaupun kita dipijak, dibuli, ditindas dan dimain mainkan oleh bangsa lain. ini lah kelemahan orang melayu kita yang tidak “outspoken” dan lantang bersuara macam orang cina yang sering meminta minta walhal yang sudah pastinya eknonomi negara dimonopoli oleh mereka tetapi masih kedengaran lagi suara suara tamak haluba dan rakus yang mempertikaikan hak hak melayu, pemberian biasiswa kerajaan, sistem kuota dan macam macam lagi walhal kita sudah hidup bertoleransi dan makmur selama 50tahun merdeka.
Dengan penjelasan saudara amin itu ingin saya ceritakan pengalaman kawan baik saya (melayu) yang membuka kedai baju di bukit bintang plaza dua tahun lalu.
alkisahnya setelah dua tahun berniaga baju di bukit bintang plaza, perniagaannya menampakkan kemajuan dan oleh itu teman saya itu memerlukan ruang kedai yang lebih besar dari apa yang disewanya di bukit bintang plaza. jadi teman saya ni pun pergilah membuat “enquire” lot lot kosong di shopping complek yang berhampiran (lot kedai di bukit bintang plaza sudah penuh) seperti di sungei wang plaza dan berjaya times square. cari punya cari dapatlah beberapa lot lot kosong yang lebih besar di tingkat empat di sungei wang (itupun diceruk ceruk belakang koridor). hatinya sungguh gembira tetapi bila diajukan kepada management sungei wang, bermacam macam alasan yang tak menasabah diberi kononnya lot lot tersebut sudah diambil tetapi sampai ke hari ini masih lagi kosong. begitu juga di times square, walaupun di paras lima keatas banyak lot lot kosong tetapi disebabkan teman baik saya ini seorang bumiputera pihak management times square sanggup tidak menyewakan kepada bumiputera. mereka sanggup lot lot tersebut kosong dari disewa oleh kaum bumiputera. nah…..sekarang siapa yang mengamalkan RACISM dan meminggirkan kaum di sini?? sedihnya bila perkara ini berlaku orang kita (melayu)tak pandai melatah macam orang cina. orang kita ambik tak kesah walhal kita boleh mengadu ke pihak atasan macam orang cina lakukan melalui NGO nya ataupun wakil wakil rakyat cina (BN atau DAP). Dimana silapnya kita? walhal kita ada saluran yang sah untuk komplain tapi kita tak ambik peduli.
orang orang cina ini mudah melatah. kalau perkara itu tidak memihak kepada mereka cepat mereka mengatakan mereka di”sideline” kan atau di anaktirikan oleh kerajaan, tapi mereka TIDAK SEDAR yang bangsa merekalah yang mengamalkan pinggir meminggirkan kaum.
terima ksaih.
Dear Commentators,
Today Im not going to address Tun, but to mainly all the commentators. I strongly believe, Tun has the reason based on facts and figures why should he write about the Social Contract topics. You see, in the europe- or western countries, they indicates that everyone is treated equally. But then again the blacks has limitation in the big cake. Other than that, the asian people who had lived or being staying there more than 500 years old still couldnt get the same treatment as the whites.
You can see many Caucasian considered other Caucasian as the SAME. If you’re italian has a fair skin-you’ll be treated with respect with the british people who has fair skin as well. So that is what to them means fair and square. But lets take a look on this simple case- An asian living in let say Holland- do they get the same privilage as if freely to practise their faith and speaks with native language? Do you all think that he/she (the asian) able to get what has been offered here in Malaysia? Im not going to answer that, but i hope some can
The subject of SOCIAL CONTRACT is very sensitive and i think it is best we shouldn’t put up any argument. As you all can see- we’re all free to go out to grocery shop to buy bread without any harrassment. If you go at Taxes, where the majority is cowboys people- who somehow or rather earn high education back ground- but still if they sees abnormal people such as asian/arabs/africans/arboginies..go out to buy bread- the possibility that NO SALES take place still occurs.
TUN, I dont think so that most of these people who question social contract really understand about the MALAY privilages. They all thought that by having equal rights can balance everything. But after 50 years- there is still no balance..Why the bumis are still lack in terms of economic and purchasing power??
Salam Tun,
A glance of the Constitution of Malaysia will illustrate the gist of what Tun’s article is all about.
The history and factors surrounding its creation is nice summarised by Tun.
Based on this formula and expert leadership from our past governments, Malaysia was once touted to be the most successful multiracial, Islamic country in the world.
The Bumiputeras make up the majority population of Malaysia and hence it is in the interest of every Malaysian that their welfare are taken off.
However, such ideals are easily manipulated and bent to serve certain parties, which ultimately leads to the failure of such policies that aims to protect the Bumis in the first place.
Another interesting note is although Islam and Bumis are given certain privileges, the constitution did mention that this should not be done at the expense of the non-Bumis. This is essence guarantees the same privileges should be enjoyed by the non-Bumis.
Therefore, it is only wise that any discourse with regards to race relations, social contracts etc must be made within the premise of the Constitution.
SaLam Buat Tun Dr.M yg dihormati;
Kpd denkoh,
Kami bukan nk pandang rendah pd bangsa sendiri, tapi sejarah dh menjelaskan. Lihat saja S’pura. Rakan sebangsa di sana merintih. Mungkin spt anda skrg? Itukah yg anda mahukan? Sekali tanah tergadai, takkan kami bertolak ansur utk kehilangan kali ke-2.Kerana jelas, jika peluang diberikan kpd kaum ‘itu’, bangsa kami ditolak ke tepi. Sejarah sudah buktikan, dan itulah faktanya.
Kalau kerajaan tolong anda, sudah tentunya kami takkan terasa kehilangan. Tetapi suara2 sumbang yg mempertikaikan hak2 Org Melayu itu yg menyakitkan hati. Suara2 yg mempertikaikan ‘social contact’ itu yg menyeksa jiwa. Lantas bila kami bersuara, anda semua menghentam kami kononnya kami ‘racist’. Tapi adakah kami persoalkan hak kamu? Kalaupun ada hak keiistimewaan utk org Melayu & Bumiputra, hak2 itu pun tak seberapa byk. Jadi kenapa kalian susahkan hak sekecil itu??
Adakah kalau kerajaan tolong bangsa kami, anda kekurangan? Soalan itu sy tujukan balik kpd anda.
Dan sejauh soal undang2 dn perlembagaan anda bangkitkan, hak istimewa org2 Melayu & Bumiputra sudah pn termaktub di dalamnya. Jadi patut atau tidak kita mematuhinya???
Sy tak nafikan, sikap & tabiat org2 Melayu patut diperbaiki.
Kami pn bukannya nk bermusuhan dgn kaum Cina. Cuma yg diminta, sedikit penghormatan. Kalau anda lihat video menghina lagu ‘negaraku’ di youtube, dn kalau anda blh bayangkan berada di tempat kami, mungkin anda akn lebih memahami. Kalau kepemimpinan yg anda persoalkan, maka sy bersetuju.
By amin on July 15, 2008 5:31 PM
I like to cancer my Insurance… .” Dalam hati saya berkata ”
Awatlah teruknya cina bukit ni tulis surat … dia ni tau ke meaning cancer dengan cancelled tu …
this is the funniest thing i ever read for the week!!!!
to amin,
i understand where ur coming from with ur post, and i only wish the chinese people who are demanding for equality to give a minute of their time to read ur post. i hope it would be clear to them that malays have their own problems to take care of too, juz like them.
but i hope you dun get me wrong amin, the reason i posts in regards to this sensitive issues are to avoid any racial tension that will cause by their excessive demands. both race should come to recognised that we all have issues in regards to being treated unequally. no one will benefit from the exchange of hatred between one another.
although i did say that these people are not truly malaysian in my previous post, the fact remains, they are undoubtedly malaysian and have contributed generously to the economy of the country. what they fail to realise is the fact that each race needs one another. that is how we have always live in.
the chinese needs to noe, the reason for overseas company to invest in malaysia in the beginning is all because of the cheap labor that we can provide them with. these cheap labor are not chinese. these people are malays. with that, the chinese have the opportunities to fill in the office jobs that comes along with it. these is how our country begin to flourish back in the days.
i have always hated to see one race mix with only their own kind. chinese mix with chinese, malay with malay, indian with indian. its ugly. it juz show how disunited we are to one another. we as malaysian should love each other, ignoring the colors. these is how the country should be. the chinese should ignore that the malay has advantage in government allocation and helps, the malays should ignore the fact that the chinese can easier have better jobs than them.
facts: malaysia would be nothing like how it is without any of these race. each race are of equal importance. this has always been the way i see it.
facts: malays must be given the rights that belong to them in order to compete in equal terms with the chinese. this is to ensure racial harmony, by way of reducing the gap of wealth between the different race.
facts: chinese companies hiring chinese people is juz human. its not because they are chinese. it never matters wat race they are. we as human being always have the urge to help our own kind.
facts: chinese schools and indian schools are the stupidest thing that has ever been allowed in malaysia. it is so stupid words simply fail me.
Dear all brothers and sisters of non-malay, we should respect the social contract as it was our forefathers who have made it with much thoughts. Although many of us may questions the application in this current world, lets just say, it is pointless. Because, most of the Malays will think that we are trying to rob them off their rights and their land. In which it will not be a good turn out… There will be some who is racist to the core because of their bitter encounter with other race and lets pray that God will ease their spiteful heart and cure all pains so that all human will see eye to eye with passion and love.
So, i do agree with some of the readers in Che Det… The majority of the poor population is still the malays, so it is good that the government pays more attention to help them. And of course, apart from the help there is a reason for the quota system. I have met many smart malay students who is much qualified to get the scholarship…. of course there are many non-malay students too who are equally qualified… As long as all races are given chances, lets not try to eat the bigger piece of the pie.
What is very hurtful is, the way most malays hated the chinese. Although i do agree ‘some’ chinese are arrogant and very ignorant towards other race’s sensitivities. But i urge that all of us should look beyond colors and background. Because i am so worried that my children will live to suffer from the hatred that venting within the malaysians..
I feel the pain when my foreign friends criticised malaysia… I am not malay but a chinese, but i will fight for malaysia should there be any intruder. If Malaysia goes to war, I will be there. I will fight side by side the malays and indian. And i always teach my children to love the country and its contents.
So Dearest Dr Mahathir, many of us appreciate your contribution, but your post could stirr hatred among the people. So please, be a father to all Malaysians…
Again, dear bothers and sisters of non-malays, please stop talking about the social contract… it is just a guideline… Lets just admit it and we allow the malays to prosper.. When they prosper, we too can prosper… We just have to forbid the misuse of the quota and the social contract to benefit the elites.
So please do not go into a deep conversation about this… We are far more mature than 30 years ago..
to esca-
I setuju dgn apa yg u utarakan. I baca all yur comments. Senang i kejer dgn kempeni CINA, biasalah jangan melayu HARAP nak naik pangkat atau ada sedikit kelebihan diberikan. I ada masters degree, tapi yg naik pangkat langsung tak diberikan perhatian, CINA bukit mana datang entah, tetiba naik pangkat. kerja lingtang pukang, cakap Ingris tungang langang..cakap melayu jgn ceritalah, apakah ini tak racist namanya. Sebab bahagian saya memerlukan berhubung dgn jabatan kerajaan, maka itulah saya kekal di sini, sebab itulah dia org kekalkan di sini.
Luahan rasa sebenar seorang MELAYU BUMIPUTRA selepas 50 tahun MALAYSIA
BUMIPUTRA: Melukut Di Tepi Gantang
Kebelakangan ini kita banyak membaca berita seperti yang tersiar di akhbar
mengatakan orang bumiputera masih mundur dan ketinggalan, itu adalah sama
sekali tidak benar. Di sini saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman dengan saudara
saudari sekalian pengalaman saya selama bekerja di bahagian industri. Saya
berjaya mendapat kerja di kilang mungkin kerana nasib menyebelahi saya.
Majoriti ditempat kerja saya adalah bangsa Cina dan rata-rata daripada
mereka tidak fasih berbahasa Inggeris dan memiliki Diploma dari kolej yang
tidak diiktiraf oleh JPA.
Setelah beberapa tahun saya berada di sini,saya telah dinaikkan pangkat
yang mana saya adalah satu-satunya orang bumiputera yang memegang jawatan
tertinggi dalam syarikat saya. Sedangkan ramai lagi bumiputera lain yang
berkebolehan dan berpendidikan tinggi yang layak menjawat jawatan tinggi
dalam syarikat ini.
Saya dikelilingi oleh bangsa cina yang tidak tahu bertutur dalam bahasa
Inggeris dan tak ada qualification (not qualified by JPA) tetapi dinaikkan
pangkat sehingga menjadi pengurus dan senior engineer. Sedangkan orang
bumiputera yang mempunyai ijazah, boleh berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggeris
dengan baik dan mempunyai reputasi kerja yang baik hanya diberi jawatan
assistant engineer.. Kalau pasal gaji tak payah cakap lah. Graduan lepasan
ijazah bumiputera diberi gaji RM 1200/- (starting salary) tetapi graduan
ijazah bangsa Cina diberi gaji RM 1800/- Bayangkanlah betapa jauhnya
berbezaan mereka. Saya pernah didatangi oleh seorang engineer (bangsa cina)
dia minta tolong saya memeriksa surat draft untuk membatalkan perkhidmatan
insuran bagi credit cardnya. Alangkah terkejutnya saya seorang engineer
menulis ” I like to cancer my Insurance… .” Dalam hati saya berkata ”
Awatlah teruknya cina bukit ni tulis surat … dia ni tau ke meaning cancer
dengan cancelled tu … “Sebenarnya rata-rata orang cina boleh berjaya
kerana mereka ni diberi peluang oleh majikan mereka saja. Sekiranya orang
bumiputera diberi peluang sepertimana yang diperolehi oleh mereka tu, we
can perform much better than them.. Masalahnya nasib orang bumiputera tidak
terbela disebabkan kuota tidak dibuka untuk bahagian staff dan management.
Kerajaan kita hanya meletakkan kuota secara umum disetiap sector swasta
30-40% mestilah bumiputera. Maka 30-40% itu dimasukkan ke dalam bahagian
bawahan seperti operator, drebar dan kerani saja.. Sebenarnya orang
bumiputera merempat di negara sendiri.Orang bumiputera dianggap ‘second
class’ oleh orang cina di Malaysia .
Perkara diskriminasi di sektor swasta terlalu ketara sekali. Orang-orang
bumiputera kalau adapun hanya dipergunakan oleh majikan mereka. Contohnya
diri saya sendiri saya bekerja di bahagian logistics. Saya behubung rapat
dengan jabatan kerajaan mengenai kemasukan dan penghantaran barang. Saya
tak rasapun yang saya dihargai di tempat kerja saya kerana saya tak dapat
layanan (treatment) yang sepatutnya berbanding dengan bangsa cina yang
sejawatan saya. Dari segi gaji, elaun dan bonus.. Saya hanya dipergunakan
untuk memudahkan urusan mereka saja. Tetapi saya masih bekerja di sini
kerana, sekiranya saya lari ke tempat lain keadaannya juga sama atau
mungkin lebih teruk lagi. Di sini sekurang2nya saya diperlukan, kalau saya
tidak ada siapa nak membela nasib anak buah saya yang kesemuanya
Saya pernah ditegur oleh MD saya kenapa pilih semua staff bumiputera.Dengan
alasan bila perayaan siapa nak standby? Saya rasa sakit hati teramat sangat
dengan persoalan tadi secara terang-terangan dan saya Tanya dia balik,
kenapa Procument / purchasing department semua Cina pulak? Macam mana kalau
cuti Chinese New Year siapa nak stand by ? Boss saya terus diam dan tak
dapat kata apa-apa.
Nampak tak mentaliti mereka? Cukup busuk hati. Dalam hati mereka dah
tertanam sikap bencikan bumiputera dan beranggapan bumiputera no class.
Kalau dikaji mereka tu lagi tak dak class. Kita selalu lihat di luar rumah
mereka begitu gah tersergam indah tapi di dalamnya bersepah tak berkemas
lansung. Begitu jugalah diri mereka nampak putih bersih tapi busuk dan tak
suci. Saya sangat berharap agar kita semua dapat lakukan sesuatu untuk
membantu nasib graduan bumiputera yang terpinggir dan juga bumiputera yang
lain agar tidak menjadi kuli batak saja. Anggapan bumiputera bodoh dan tak
de class patut dihakis sama sekali. Alasan pengangguran siswazah bumiputera
yang selalu dikeluarkan oleh pemimpin kita adalah kelemahan berbahasa
Inggeris dan kekurangan pengetahuan tentang teknologi maklumat dan
komunikasi (ICT).Tetapi bagi saya, pemimpin yang berkata begitu adalah
pemimpin yang hanya dengar cakap orang dan jarang turun padang . Saya ingin
menyatakan pengalaman saya dan rakan-rakan semasa proses pencarian kerja
sejurus tamat pengajian di dalam dan di luar negara.
Saya telah duduk di kalangan bangsa asing sejak berumur 19 tahun. Saya
menimba ilmu dengan dikelilingi bangsa lain begitu juga dengan rakan-rakan
saya. Jadi bahasa pengantar kami adalah bahasa Inggeris. Jarang saya jumpa
pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) terutama sekali yang datang dari
bandar-bandar besar lemah berbahasa Inggeris kecuali yang datang dari
pedalaman. Kalau nak diikutkan purata pelajar IPT yang betul-betul datang
dari pedalaman amat sedikit sekali bilangannya. Di manakah silapnya orang
bumiputera kita? Hampir setiap hari di dada surat khabar kita dihamburkan
dengan kritikan-kritikan yang tidak membina tentang orang bumiputera. Semua
yang tak bagus dilemparkan kepada orang bumiputera, yang baik-baik kepada
bukan bumiputera. Bagi saya itu hanyalah alasan pihak tertentu untuk
mata rakyat.
1)Ketinggalan. Apa sebenarnya berlaku di Malaysia ? Sebenarnya bukan kerana
kelemahan bahasa Inggeris ataupun ketinggalan dari segi teknologi, tetapi
kita mesti akui bahawa syarikat-syarikat besar di Malaysia kebanyakannya
dikuasai oleh kaum bukan bumiputera walaupun syarikat itu milik Amerika
Syarikat (AS) ataupun Eropah. Mereka telah memegang jawatan penting di
syarikat itu dan mempunyai agenda tersendiri. Mereka menggunakan pelbagai
cara supaya orang bumiputera dilihat sebagai lemah. Mereka menggunakan
alasan bahasa Inggeris sedangkan apabila membuat iklan tercatat di situ
Mandarin is an added advantage atau berkemahiran berbahasa Mandarin ataupun
Kantonis. Kalau dilihat, syarikat-syarikat tersebut adalah dari AS ataupun
Eropah. adakah mereka akan menggunakan bahasa Mandarin untuk
berkomunikasi? Sudah tentu tidak. Itu hanyalah alasan yang dibuat-buat
supaya peluang orang bumiputera akan tertutup dengan sendirinya. Kalau
tidak percaya, belilah akhbar bahasa Inggeris dan lihat di ruangan jawatan
kosong. Untuk pengetahuan pembaca, bukan setakat belajar bersama bangsa
asing tetapi saya bekerja pun bersama mereka.. Saya adalah satu-satunya
pegawai peringkat pertengahan di mana selebihnya adalah bukan bumiputera
dari peringkat saya sampai ke peringkat atasan. Saya percaya tujuan
pengambilan saya adalah untuk mencukupkan syarat supaya apabila ada
pegawai-pegawai kerajaan yang hadir, saya dipaksa untuk melayan mereka
walaupun bidang saya tidak mempunyai kaitan langsung dengan mereka. Saya
telah lihat mereka bukanlah seperti yang digembar-gemburkan di dada-dada
akhbar malah mereka adalah lebih teruk daripada bumiputera bila berbahasa
2)Bercakap Memang mereka yang tidak tahu berbahasa Inggeris mengatakan
mereka sudah cukup bagus tapi bagi saya orang bumiputera kita lagi bagus.
Mereka hanya berani bercakap walaupun tatabahasanya tunggang terbalik. Di
sini saya sertakan beberapa ayat yang selalu digunakan oleh mereka “you
calling from where?”, (sepatutnya, Where do you call me from?) ?you want to
talk to who? ” (sepatutnya, Whom do you want to talk to?) yang mana
kadang-kadang menyebabkan saya ketawa besar bila mendengarnya. Inikah kaum
yang perlu dicontohi oleh orang kita? Mungkin mereka pandai dalam bidang
ekonomi tapi sebenarnya mereka bukanlah pandai sangat. Mereka hanya
mempunyai persatuan yang kuat di mana mereka bersatu padu dan sanggup
bantu-membantu. Antara pengalaman yang saya alami sendiri apabila ingin
mengambil staf di bahagian saya yang baru. Pengurus besar awal-awal
memberitahu, jawatan ini adalah untuk bukan bumiputera. Mereka sudah
pendekkan senarai dan suruh saya
menemuduga mereka, yang paling mengejutkan bos saya (yang ketika itu berada
di sisi) yang selama ini mengutuk orang bumiputera keluar tersipu-sipu dari
bilik temuduga kerana malu apabila kaumnya sendiri bercakap bahasa Inggeris
tunggang terbalik dan mempunyai ijazah dan diploma yang tidak berkualiti
dari IPT swasta. Pengalaman rakan baik saya semasa ditemuduga oleh sebuah
kilang milik pelabur AS yang terkemuka di Malaysia amat menyedihkan.
Walaupun fasih berbahasa Inggeris tetapi tidak juga Berjaya menambat hati
kaum pegawai bukan bumiputera. Dia lulus ketiga-tiga peringkat yang
diperlukan dan akhir sekali penemuduga tidak mempunyai cara lain selain
berterus-terang. Rakan saya bagaikan tidak percaya, walaupun berada di
Negara sendiri tetapi diberi layanan seperti rakyat asing. Akhirnya dia
Berjaya mendapat jawatan di salah sebuah syarikat kerajaan.Tujuan saya
menceritakan semua bukanlah untuk mengutuk pemimpin kita, tetapi janganlah
lagi menggunakan alasan yang tiada langsung kebenarannya. Buat analisis di
kilang-kilang, kenapa banyak orang bumiputera hanya bekerja sebagai
operator kenapa tidak jawatan yang berpangkat? Di manakah longgokan graduan
bumiputera? Adakah mereka ini benar-benar tidak berkualiti atau menjadi
mangsa keadaan kerana pemimpin yang sengaja menutup sebelah mata?
i. Di dalam akhbar menyatakan setakat hari ini seramai 80,000 graduan
menganggur di mana 90% adalah bumiputera. Itu di dalam akhbar, hakikat
sebenar mungkin lebih.
ii.Kenapa isu graduan bumiputera menganggur tak selesai sampai hari ini?
Siapa Menteri Sumber Manusia: Fong Chan On. Kenapa ramai anak bumiputera
(baca: kanak2) yang sakit kritikal (e.g: sa kit jantung berlubang, hati)
tak dapat bantuan. Masalah birokrasi, tiada peruntukan. Dalam media
massa/elektronik ramai yang mati sebelum dapat rawatan. Orang bumiputera
tengok sahaja. Lebih2 pun mengalir air mata. Besok lupa. Siapa Menteri
Kesihatan? Dulu Chua Jui Meng, sekarang Soi Lek. Pernah keluar berita anak
cina mati tak dapat rawatan? Fikir2kan lah.
iii.Satu2nya peluang anak bumiputera adalah dalam pendidikan. Itupun sedang
digugat sekarang. Ada kuota untuk mrsm,matrikulasi dan lain2. kenapa tak
mintak kuota untuk pusat serenti? Di bidang pekerjaan, jabatan kerajaan
kekosongan jawatan hampir tepu, swasta,mimpilah anak bumiputera nak masuk
kecuali milik bumiputera.
iv.Betulkah pelajar bumiputera tidak bersungguh2? Mungkin ada tapi bukan
majoriti. Ramai yang berminat belajar tapi tiada panduan.Yelah, waktu
sekolah menengah, mrsm, matrikulasi ada orang jaga. Masuk U takde siapa
jaga, bebas, kau-kau aku-aku. Di jabatan kerajaan lebih 80% adalah
bumiputera. Penglibatan semua pihak, makcik cleaner, pekerja am, pensyarah,
para pegawai nc, tnc, universiti amat2 diperlukan. Perlu satu anjakan model
untuk mengubah segalanya. Kalau pelajar bumiputera kurang motivasi, kita
beri motivasi, yang susah kita bagi bantuan. Majoriti anak bumiputera
datang dari kampong dan keluarga susah, anak yatim. Tiada siapa yang
pandang atau membantu. Dari segi psikologi rasa keseorangan. Akan menjadi
seorang ‘individualism’ .
v.Kenapa nak tolong pelajar bumiputera/islam. Kenapa nak manjakan mereka?
Kenapa nak suap? — Kenapa perkara yang sama orang cina buat kita tak
cakap apa — memang budaya bangsa cina tolong menolong. Kenapa bila nak
tolong bangsa sendiri kita cakap nak manjakan, nak suap. Tolonglah ubah
pemikiran begini.
vi.Memang penat dan payah nak tolong anak bangsa sendiri. Kadang2 menyirap
pun ada bila tiada sambutan yang baik. Tapi kita kena banyak bersabar.
Benda baik banyak dugaan dan cabaran. Kalau maksiat tu senang sahaja buat
sebab syaitan bagi lorong untuk permudahkan keje. Pelajar bumiputera akan
berubah sedikit demi sedikit sikap mereka bila kita dapat buktikan jika
mereka belajar bersungguh2, mereka akan dapat keputusan yang baik. Kira
dorongan positif.
vii.Orang cina adalah golongan oportunis (berkepentingan) . Kalau kita ada
kepentingan, mereka akan baik, bodek bagus, muka manis. Cuba kalau kita
takde kepentingan, pandang pun taknak. Pengalaman seorang pensyarah senior:
waktu belajar, student cina (satu kumpulan) ni cukup baik ngan saya. Boleh
kata selalu jumpa kat bilik. Tunjuk minat untuk belajar, muka manis
tersenyum 24 jam. Tapi bila dah bergraduate, selisih (face to face) kat
shopping complex, sikit pun tak pandang. Pelajar bumiputera walaupun kurang
berjaya, bila ada masa mereka datang melawat. Kalau kereta kita rosak tepi
jalan anak2 bumiputera yang ‘bodoh dan malas’inilah yang akan tolong tolak
(berdasarkan pengalaman). Anak2 bangsa yang kita pandang rendah inilah
saudara seagama kita. Pelajar2 bumiputera walaupun kita bagi ‘D’ atau ‘F’
sekalipun, bila berselisih susah mau kedekut untuk memberi salam dan sedia
membantu bila kita memerlukan.
viii.Orang bumiputera cuma akan sedar/insaf bila:
a.bila datang dari keluarga susah. Mak ayah penoreh getah, nelayan. Kena
berusaha bersungguh2 untuk berjaya dalam hidup.
b.bila masuk dunia pekerjaan (baca: swasta). Walaupun kita sama kelayakan
dengan mereka (baca: bangsa cina), mimpilah kita akan dapat jawatan atau
layanan yang setaraf dengan mereka.
c.bila kene tipu ngan cina, pernah tak kene tipu ngan cina bila beli
barang? ya, banyak kali pulak tu. beli rumah pun kene tipu. hari2 keluar
berita AhLong. Masalah tak selesai2 pun. Siapa menteri Perumahan dan
Kerajaan Tempatan? Ong Ka Ting (cina). Siapa pemaju perumahan? (Ong Ah Tip
– cina juga) Orang bumiputera memang dilahirkan untuk ditipu agaknya..
d.Bila diri sendiri atau ahli keluarga dianiayai oleh orang cina.
Bumiputera adalah bangsa individualism. Bila tengok orang lain kene pukul,
biaq pi la. Bukan keluarga aku yang kene. Tapi bila kene kat batang hidung
sendiri baru tau nak marah.
ix.Orang bumiputera perlu menjadi BANGSA YANG BERANI. Jangan takut dengan
bangsa cina. Mereka berani sebab ramai (samseng). Cubakalau sorang2. takkan
berani punya. Bangsa yang kurang ajar perlu dilayan dengan kurang ajar
juga. Jangan takut. Kalau mereka ada samseng, kita ada askar dan polis.
Orang bumiputera memang senang dipijak, pijak banyak kali pun takpe. Tapi
kalau sekali dia bangun, mengamuk satu Negara. (e.g: 13 Mei 1969 & Tragedi
Kampung Medan).
x.Ingat tak zaman darurat dulu. Parti Komunis Malaya ditubuhkan untuk apa?
Adakah untuk memerdekakan Malaya pada waktu itu? Tidak. Mereka menubuhkan
Parti Koumintang untuk menguasai dari Tanah Besar Cina sehingga ke
Indonesia . Tapi tak berjaya. Tapi usaha itu masih diteruskan dari sudut
politik, ekonomi dan social. “Tanah Rizab Untuk Dipajak, Tanda bumiputera
Akan Dipijak”. Arwah datuk (bekas pegawai tentera) pernah berpesan, kalau
Singapura serang Malaysia , cina Malaysia akan membantu cina Singapura. Tak
percaya? Kita tunggu… Tapi takkan tunggu kosong?? Kita sepatutnya belajar
dari kelemahan kita.. Kita bangun. Bangkitkan sebuah mercu yang unggul!!
Jangan sibok pasal halo rang lain lah!!! Mulakan dengan diri sendiri dulu,
nanti baru kawan-kawan kita akan mencontohi kita!! JANGAN CAKAP
Happy Belated Birthday Tun Dr Mahathir!
Well, what can I say…..they’re not gentlemen enough to respect our true gentlemen’s agreement that is the social contract!
Dear Tun,
Happy Belated Birthday from me also. I would like to apologies for posting a bit too strongly, but why cannot everyone here see the road we are all going down to ?
This is the country of my birth, I would defend it to the last if required.
But how am I going to do it when most of us want the easy way and not the country building way.
All here who is interested please visit “MalaysiaToday.com” under section “Malaysia Today Chat room” and under topic “Casual talk” and subject “First Class infra structure and third class mentality “. I invite only level people who is interested in Building a better country, all those who just want the easy way out please stay away, we do not need you.
Maybe if Tun is free, we would love to have you comment there and help us build a better Malaysia.
to denkoh and all that i have so far offended with my posts, i owe you guys an apology. it was never my intention to offend anyone, but well sometimes shit happens.
my reasoning so far has always been simple. leave the malays alone. there is no need for you guys to rob them of their rights. the uni quota is there for a reason. and it should be understandable given that malays constitute 60% population in the country, give or take. and besides, given that the chinese has always been given priorities in the office jobs, what’s the problem with giving the malays priorities in Uni. the kampung people needs help because they cant afford private education. some people got it bad. not everyone is born fortunate with the means of receiving private education.
this is justifiable since the malays make up the poorest race in the country. and therefore government’s help are necessary for them to lift up their social status.
im not trying to defend the malay people blindly. but at this point of time, i still think they need help from the government. racial discrimination is necessary to lower the gap betweem both race. in the event that the malays did turn out to be successful and having equal wealth distribution in the country with the chinese and indians, then maybe it is justifiable for you guys to call for equality. but obviously this is not the case at this point of time.
i believe this is all for the betterment of the country. racial tension must be avoided at all costs because someone’s gonna get hurt. someone might loss his/her love ones. it might not be you, but by then you would noe its not worth it. its not funny anymore.
im not trying to scare you people, both of us noe that what i juz said is not something far fetched. you see, with government’s help, if they dont succeed, then they can only blame themselves. but if you rob them of their rights and they dont succeed, then they got someone to blame. and both of us noe who they are going to put their blames on.
juz so you noe, i did not received any help from the government so far. i dont go to local U. im the fortunate ones who have the means of attending private Uni. my opinion are all based on what i see, what i read and what i hear. i dont mean to offend anyone. and surely i understand ur frustrations. but then again, i believe this is not the right time to demand for the malay’s right to be abolished, assuming that there would be a right time for it to do so.
I respect ur view, but the point is u have forgotten ur root,
let go back to kerala, south india to trace ur root!
1)Mahathir was born on July 10, 1925, in Alor Star, the capital of the northern state of Kedah (Dr Mahathir real birthday is July 10, 1925, but his official birthday registered by his father is December 20, 1925). His father was a school teacher of Indian origin, specifically Malayalee (people who speak Malayalam also known as KAKA, not to be confused with Malay), having migrated from the southern state of Kerala, while his mother was a Malay. Despite being only half Malay and having acknowledged his Indian heritage, Mahathir generally considers himself to be Malay.
tun iruke anniche orru umma taro( i luv u in malayalam)
Happy Belated Birthday Tun…semoga panjang umur hendaknya.
Its a very informative article Tun. You spelt it out clear and loud for Pak Bodohwi and his cronies, the traitors and the leftist in this beloved country Malaysia. I bet Bodohwi know off hands all these salient points about the social contract. So sad that Tun had to prepare all this for him….
Salam bahagia Tun dan Isteri,
Saya amat tertarik dengan penjelasan sosial kontrak untuk tiga kaum utama dia Malaysia. Penjelasan Tun amat mudah difahami serta teratur dan seharusnya tidak menjadi pertikaian untuk penjelasan tersebut.
Saya adalah berbangsa minority Siam, mempunyai keahlian UMNO, boleh memiliki tanah rizab melayu dan boleh melabur dalam Amanah Saham Bumiputera. Kaum saya berasal dari utara semenanjung Tanah Melayu dan bersempadan dengan negara Thailand. Kaum saya kebanyakannya adalah petani sejak turun temurun dan tinggal di kawasan kampung. Gaya hidup, budaya serta iras wajah kaum saya adalah seperti kaum Melayu cuma kami tidak menganut Agama Islam. Ada juga orang Melayu yang beragama Islam di utara semenanjung yang bertutur bahasa yang sama dengan kami sebagai bahasa pengantar antara mereka.
Adakah kaum Siam adalah terletak dalam kategori Orang Asli Semenanjung di bawah perlembagaan Malaysia. Harap tun dapat menberi sedikit pandangan.
Dear Tun,
I agree with what you had done for the country, u are hero for this country.
BUT, about your context about Chinese and India in malaysia, i feel very annoying. Neither Malay are the origin from Malaysia.This is not TANAH MELAYU, this is TANAH MALAYSIA. REMEMBER THIS!
We all are Malaysian now, why must we differentiate who is bumi who is non-bumi? Everyone should be equal.
Chinese and Indian are should not be grateful for what we have now, this is OUR RIGHT as Malaysian, we don’t need people to grant us what right we should have.
Racist is a dangerous issue which should not come out from the mouth of people who have influence like TUN.
Dear Tun,there is some point that u should stop criticize then start to act like a ex-PM. By this way TUN maybe will keep ur good into the day when TUN are beside Allah.
Thank you.
Dear Esca
when i said woman in malaysia will have to work elsewhere to be maid, i was referring to all woman in malaysia regardless of race..i am not just refering to malay being maid…ALL..chinese maid indian maid…all maids…
i got a chinese friend, she has left malaysia to go UK, to work in the restaurant kitchen(could be worst than maid).. she got no working permit..so it is illegal.. this is what i am refering to.
Anyway, this can go on and on… i am too tired to debate anymore..
i apologize to everyone who has been hurt by my words. i admit i got carried away after reading “go back to your country”. But honestly, i don’t mean to hurt anyone…just at that angry point of time..the words came out. SORRY..
bye guys, hope all will be well for Malaysia..
Tun..if your intention is to stir racial tension..i think you at some point did succeed. It is not that we are not aware of the social contract.. i already knew when i was in primary school..my parents told me..but no need to bring up la.. just enjoy the priviledge already cukup le…u should count yourself lucky too Tun.. you are not a pure malay, but even the agong is scared of you.
anyone wanna sponsor my plane ticket? hahaha
This is for all of you here who is fighting and willing to die just to keep the NEP.
Do you people know what you are doing or not ?
Example :-
You get to keep the NEP, you have multi million RM in bank and other assets. Ok so far.
Then you die (as all of us must, at one point or another) and leave all these to your childern and grandchildren.
Now imagine (For all below 30 years old people who post here) if your grandfather has left you with a wealth so much that you no longer need to worry about money, what would you do then ?
Assuming you already have a nice house to stay in, and already going to work in a nice car, ok.
What are you going to do ?
Maybe first buy a big bike and go biking around, joining bike groups for bike week in Thailand and so on. (Resign from job first lah)
Fishing, maybe organise more deep sea fishing trip and really enjoy the trill of bringing up the big one.
What else ?
Ohhhh not to forget the tea tarik every day at the mamak shop.
What else ?
Not go back and be the grand father. Look at the way your grand children is going to behave (big bike, deep sea fishing) , good life is it not ? usefull life ?????
Run out it must, it is just a matter of time.
Oh you can say we will continue to put the wealth to use and regenerate more of it, how ???? If you are not willing to work it out but ask for NEP, how do you expect your children and grabdchildren to work it out ?
Do you people really want the NEP ? (or maybe you people will never understand what I have written ?)
Wow is there really a neccesity to go on with this racial topic thing and npe? it kinda hurt my eyes actually to go through other comment such as who’s race is right or wrong, should I say that people here are being paranoia over racial topic despite of mismanagement of You-Know-Who? Maybe it is just me that feeling this problem never exist at all, I’m more assured that I never feeling any impact after reading this:-
44. For 50 years no one seriously questioned the social contract. Even today the majority of Chinese and Indians and the indigenous Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak accept the social contract. But because Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi basically lost the 2008 election and now heads a weak Government the extremists and erstwhile detractors have questioned the social contract. The Bar Council has now become a political party believing that its expertise in law will exempt it from being questioned as to its credentials and its political objectives.
45. Abdullah’s UMNO is incapable of countering any attack on the social contract. If anything untoward happens Abdullah and UMNO must bear responsibility.
now I wonder how would Mr. You-Know-Who pay for causing this.
to esca, i enjoyed reading your argument, though i may not agree on all of them, I agree on your principles and perspective you are trying to share.
I am beginning to learn, to respect your views. I still cannot except your choice of words on July 12, 2008 11:55 PM , but the rest of your arguments, I could see that you got a valid point to argue.
Esca, denkoh, everyone, I am not racist. I was not brought up to be one. I grew up with a bunch of friends from 5 different kind of races (yeah I used to think there were only 3 races in Msia).
In university, i was isolated by my Malay friends because I speak fluent English. So, my best buddies are a couple of chinese seniors, punjab roommates and a mamak friends. It is kind of odd to view the racial communities being suspicious of each other.
Although I am not being racist (having Javanese, Siamese, Malay and American blood in my vein make me a what?….hybrid?) I would get upset if anyone try to take away Malay rights and previlege. And I would be willing to die to defend them.
But, if your demands include improvement of government delivery system, fairness and efficiency, fair wealth distribution within your community. Why not? We should all fight for it. Why some people get annointed by the politicians, and get to be Billionaires easily, while others struggle without any help. I’m not sayimng we should rob Vincent Tan and give back to the rest of the Chinese community (tempting though), that would sound like socialist/communist kinda quick fix.
So what is the main problem here? The problem is, despite all of you fighting over rights, previlege, opportunities, with all of you pleading for help…WHO CARES? THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE POWER TO DO SOMETHING ARE JUST TOO BUSY TAKING CARE OF HIS OWN SURVIVAL.
I saw in this movie years ago (Air Force One) that The U.S. have a clause that if the President is found to be in position that render him unable to make sound judgement in the interest of the Nation (example: fear of own survival OR daughter was kidnapped) then he will be relieved of his duties immediately.
Tun, masa letak jawatan dulu takde buat apa2 backdoor-failsafe button macam tu ke?
Salam Tun.
Saya ni baru je menyertai Blog Tun ni.
Tak terperanjat saya tatkala kini Hak-hak Keistimewaan orang Melayu @ Bumiputera mula dipersoalkan.
Ini sebab yang memandu rakyat negara ni adalah orang yang lemah, dikelilingi orang yang tersangat lemah akalnya tanpa memikir akibatnya…
Lantas, yang jadi mangsa rakyat terutama sekali orang Melayu bumiputera.
Dah kalah buat taktik lain pulak nak tarik pengundi yang tak kenang budi…
Hak kita orang Melayu selamba badak dibagi kat orang yang Tak Tahu Diuntung Ni!
Ada ke patut, biasiswa JPA untuk Bumiputera dibagi kat pendatang…
Tak patut…
Sekarang ni pulak Hindraf dah dapat sekolah tamil “Bersubsidi Penuh” dari kerajaan.
Bijak sungguh pemikir ini…
Nanti, bertambah pandai la diorang nak mintak itu ini…
Apa pun, bagi saya bila orang Melayu bersatu, mereka-mereka ni takkan berani angkat kepala…
Gerenti punya la Tun…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I really envy your linguistic oratory and descriptive skills. Like other good lecturers that I ever had, when I read or listen to your speeches, the information will be embedded in my memory.
I think I got the keypoints:-
a) Dato Onn Jaafar was expelled from UMNO because he fight for equality between races.
b) Tunku Abdul Rahman lead UMNO that protects the “interest” of the Malay.
c) Tunku has managed to get all other parties – The British, MCA and MIC to agree with the idea.
d) Perlembagaan is the proof of these agreement – so perlembagaan is “The Social Contract”.
e) Chronology of historical events is the proof of the subtance in the social contract.
There is a need to study and inform historical milestone and event to ensure that present and future generation understand “social contract” plus perlembagaan.
Thank you !
Yo you guys… stop talking to Energy.
energy is your typical kiasu racist pig who do not know history of his own nation. Got the cheek to meddle in other people’s business. If tunku wasnt so kind to maintain bilateral relationship, you guys would be no where.
salam Tun.dah lama saya tak hantar posting.saya ada 4 komen;
1)kepada kaum india terutamanya hindraf kalau awak di india awak akan jadi dalits- the untouchables.there r no social contracts there.so if u dont want any reference to factual history u can go back to india;
2)kpd kaum cina s’pore is enlarging itself to accomodate malaysian chinese immigrants.go and migrate there and u will have the opportunity to vent your anger on the malays.later on when s’pore is strong enough,or with the support of isreal,us and australia,u can conquer malaysia and wipe away the social contract and NEP,
3)to pakLah dont wait til 2010.step down after february 2009 and let Umno decides who it wants to be president.dont simply pass down to Najib unless he can clear his cupboard of the alleged skeletons that are in there.
4)to u Tun may Allah bless u always,long life and good health
Salam Tun,
kembali lah pimpini kami tun. Era pemerintahan MELAYU akan berakhir tak lama lagi. Kembali lah tun.
Buka penglihatan Makrifat. Buka pandangan metafizik.
R : Tunku Abdul Razak
A : Abdul Rahman
H : Hussien Onn
M : Tun Mahathir
A : Abdullah Badawi
Tinggal N untuk completekan RAHMAN. Maknanya Era Kepahlawan Melayu berakhir disitu. Kemudian itu? Sama juga berakhirnya semua dinasti, empayar, yang tinggal sejarah.
Kesian anak cucu kita saudara sekelian. Bertindak lah…Peliharalah untuk mereka.
Salam Ayhda Tun..
Tumpang lalu jap…
By energy on July 14, 2008 2:55 PM
As a Malaysian Chinese residing in Spore, i look at all this racial policies with disgust. We are in the 21st century now. Whatever verbal ‘contract’ 50 years ago should be updated to modern human rights. You went up against Spore about the water contract which was an official contract and you are defending a verbal ‘contract’.
No wonder such a brain drain of more than 500k Malaysian Chinese moved and living in Spore. Most of whom have become successfull and fueling the Spore economy. Majulah Singapura!
Saya tak taulah samada kamu ini paham ke tak paham bahasa MELAYU kami..
Siapakah tetamu asing datang tak diundang, masuk tak bersalam, beginikah cara 1st class punya moral dan civilized ppl?????yang diagung2kan????….kami x perlu kamu..air nak minum pun mintak dgn kami ,tanah datuk nenek moyang kami, kamu dah ambik…jgn buat honar hormati bngsa lain, jiran kamu terdekat…betuLlah kata Orang MELAYU..BAHASA MENUNJUKKAN BANGSA… dgn ini nampaknya kamu dgn terang2 menunjukkan dimana taraf bangsa kamu dimata kami..kamu begitu bangga dan bongkak…INGAT LANGIT TAK SELAUNYA CERAH,
Semoga anda terus dan terus dibuai dlm dunia fantasi anda…kerana satu hari ianya akan LENYAP!!
Salam buat semua…
To energy:
“Since ur so happy with singapore, why do you even bother to message here. obviously the topic discussed would not be in relation to ur beloved Singapore. Well i hope you enjoy making frens with the kiasu people over there.” Congratulations esca. I AGREE WITH YOUR STATEMENT. BRAVO. The person like ‘energy’. I think better he comments in the Lee Kuan Yew blog ..not here.
Dear All,
I don’t think it’s fair to say that only the non-Malays are not from this land. I mean, if you study history carefully ( of course a lot of our Malaysian history have been concealead for obvious reasons!), one will know that just like the non-Malays, even the Malays , not all of them are from here, if one traces back to their roots , it will go back to maybe, some parts of Indonesia, Acheh, Bugis etc! And also note, the famous Parameshwara of Malacaa is an Indian King who then later converted to Islam.
You can also note the huge influence of the Vedic/Indian culture into the Malay culture, even the language has countless Sanskrit, Hindi or Tamil words in it, the list goes on. The much spoken word “bumiputera”, this itself is a Sanskrit word.
The essence , the Non-Malays own this land as much as any other Malay. So, why fight over it? And I don’t think everything which is written in the “Social Contract” is correct or accurate ( no offence intended to Tun)! We just can’t deny that Malaysia practices open discrimination, and this has to stop by one way or another! We all must absolve ourselves from this terrible “skin-disease” for a better Malaysia! Let’s work towards doing this,instead of trying to figure out our roots etc!
to aston,
the agong is a malay. and how do malays rob you of ur rights? give example please?
being a mix of chinese and malay, i have always hated the chinese for being such an ungrateful and greedy people. not all, but a majority of them. and please dont deny, you are greedy. having controlled the economy, command the majority of the working class, driving the most BM’s on the road is clearly all not enough. you guys still want to rob the malays of their only way to compete with you guys on an equal term. which is to have priorities in local U. the reasoning is ezy, but you people choose not to understand it. what happens if ur a teacher and there are only 2 students in ur class. one is smarter than the other. wont you give priorities to the less bright student. i dunno bout you, but to me thats equal. the kind of equality you guys keep shouting about are nothing but plain greed. exactly the type who is never grateful for what has been given to him. some of you people dont even realise that the problem is not caused by the malays but by you pro chinese who are asking beyond what has been provided to you. YES, THE PROBLEM IS YOU. now, no one ever point a gun to you and ask you to stay in malaysia, why cant you juz migrate somewhere else than keep asking for more like a leech.
this is MALAYsia, this is how this is going to roll. and why do the malays want to abolish their rights for you ungrateful bastards anyway. i can be sure that in the event that the country is attacked by other foreign countries, you are the people who will shout, let’s run and hide, lets migrate to US, Aus, let the malay assholes defend their own country. and dont deny please. i noe you are that type. im not saying all of you are that type. but those who shout for equality are definitely that type.
and no, you guys are not truly MALAYsian. not when you hate the malays, not when you urself see people by the colors, not when you keep shouting equality because ur a pure pro chinese, and not when you cant even speak proper malay because ur juz one ignorant b*&ch who see ur race as superior than the malays.
this equality is never about malaysia. for damn sure i noe that you noe that equality will not bring any good to malaysia as a whole. this is all bout the chinese community and urself. it was never bout malaysia.
and please don’t get me wrong, im not generalizing all chinese as being ungrateful and greedy. i mean half of my families are chinese. what im saying is, to you chinese who keep shouting equality, you racist f*&k please juz leave this country. you’re a 2 face f*^k and everyone noes it. calling people racist wont get you off the label. we noe ur play even before you unfold it. dont go thinking ur so smart that you can juz walk all over us because we decide to let you talk.
to denkoh,
man, i really thought im going to have a good healthy debate with you. after sending you an essay, you point indonesia maids to me? come one man. you can do better than this.
i dunno bout you, but i do remember at one time our government is looking at a proposal to hire chinese maids. but of course the chinese malaysian wont allow that to happen now would it. tough love huh.
and please stop the bs saying chinese indonesian are leaving the country. they are the rich people who is controlling the indonesia’s economy. now let me tell you who is leaving the country. malay indonesians. why you ask, cuz obviously enough, when the chinese gets wealthy, he will only make other chinese rich. now why would the chinese in indonesia even care bout the poor malays. same can be seen here in malaysia. why would i hire a malay if i can hire a chinese. IM CHINESE!!!! you see, there is no equality to begin with. the FACT is, you noe there is no equality in malaysia. both race have got the advantages and disadvantages. but you dun care. you dun care bout malays. you only care bout urself. you dun care bout malaysia. you only care for urself. so please, i beg you, juz leave the country. its not that hard now issit. i mean if you dun have enough money to buy the ticket, im sure there will be alot of people here willing to chip in rm10 for you. shit i dont mind myself.
Andai dapat diundurkan masa, Saya impikan Tun Kembali menerajui Malaysia. Saya sedih dengan apa yang berlaku sekarang, terlalu banyak isu mempertikaikan Islam dan Orang Melayu di bumi Malaysia ini, KONTRAK SOSIAL, HINDRAF,LOMPAT PARTI, Etc, Kenapa ini tak berlaku di zaman Tun, Jelas Tun seorang yang tegas dan berani. Saya memohon ke hadrat Allah semoga Tun sihat dan mendapat lindungan Allah. Malaysia tidak lagi seperti dulu. Andai Tun menjadi PM semula, tidak sama seperti dulu.
Saya sedih dengan apa yang berlaku sekarang.
Dear all,
It is a difficult times all of us Malaysians. The rotten meat in the political house is bloody smelly; the prices of essential items are escalating, the seemingly peaceful inter-racial is being pull out from the delicate concoctions bit by bit. There is uncertain future for us Malaysians.
Let not be a politician. All of us! Let be an ordinary Malaysian while we are inside this blog.
I have no idea if our busy Agung or any sultans ever to read any of Tunâs blogs. Or if any of their immediate kerabats have indeed read Tunâs blogs, please convey some messages to their Royal Highnesses that the Rakyat is feeling very unhappy with your Bendara Perdana Menteri.
And I wonât talk about that because many other blogs, articles, comments and mainstream newspapers already talked and discussed this matter. They are well read and informed. So, just refer to their findings and submit those to The Agung, perhaps His Majesty is dare enough to do something about it before His Rakyat choose somebody who is even more useless to head the governmentâ¦.that for the Agung to think and decide because it is a simple theory â No Rakyat means No Rajaâ and your course of actions: please find ways to do something about our political turmoil otherwise this could be the very beginning of disastrous Malaysia.
Some quarters, the smart and respectful community has voiced their unhappiness of so called Social contract. Tun has described quite easily for people to understand and yet many have presented their own conclusions on this taboo subject. Some have done it very intellectually and well researched and many have also more rhetoric than fact.
Emotional we have become and very racist of late.
Every creature on Earth is racist: for the sake of survival mostly. It is in every fiber of creature. Even the plant is also âracistâ. Human like us even prone to being racist? Thus, let live happily together. Naïve I may seem by saying this but the differences of Chinese, Malays, Indians are too much, simply we must be different in order to progress. Religions exist for many reasons. To Muslim, God is only Allah and one of the rule is they are forbidden to eat pork etc, The Indian Hindus, cannot eat beef etc, some Chinese too, The Jews must only eat their own kosher meals and many other religionâs doâs and donâts.
Look at the logic of this: if all humans are allowed to eat pork, by commonsense what does it tells you?
Shortage of pigs would be the case.
If all were to eat beef only: what happen then?
I can give you all sort examples but I am too lazy to write and finding clues, just think about it.
The differences are for us to see and to evaluate each for betterment of the society yet often we succumbed to greed and selfishness.
âThe poisonous of all poisons is humanâs heartâ I quote this from the Hong Kongâs movie which I forgotten the title. It holds so much trueness to the situation that we are now in Malaysia.
We do not trust each other anymore. The politicians are the ones behind this stupid change of our progress. If we could go back to feudalism but could bring peace: I can be all hands in supporting it. Democracy is seemingly rotten and wasting rakyatâs money. Each politician spent millions of ringgit each election and now they have been elected, what they do now? They are trying their very best to regain their money and energy that being spent on the last election. No one would freely giving goodies for not hoping anything in return. All politicians are the same. Cunning does not means smart. That word probably best describe for being a cheater, liar, conspirator etc.
â¦..Our peaceful country is at risk loosing its glory: not glory but the PEACE!
Yeahâ¦our country might be appearing very regularly on the CNN like the scene of Palestine and in African countries if this never to stopped. Pak Lah (Still I am calling him Pak because out of respect to the elder) please hand over your power to someone else, perhaps to Dato seri Rafidah Aziz. At least she had done a good job under her ministry. AAPs can be put aside but she is the only one I think could somehow lead the country to the next level. Or pass back the baton to Tun!
I would be very happy!
tq Tun… saya rasa Tun memang layak menceritakan tentang kontrak sosial ini. satu informasi yang sepatutnya anak-anak muda memahami dan tahu untuk keharmonian negara…
anyway.. saya ada pandangan saya mengenai kontrak sosial. Kalau Tun sudi, membacanya, silakan..
Okay, so I have finally read everyone’s comment and wanted to say this… we are not questioning the rights of the Malay people but given that in 1950s, the mindset of people at that time were different and we should be moving forward in the 21st century instead of longing and moping about the past. What you are saying Tun is that in over 50 years of independence, the Chinese or Indians have not proven that they are to be citizens of Malaysia? A one nation, one race? They are to be considered 2nd class citizens just because of race and not because of what they have done for the country, both economically and politically?
And my question to you is who is defined as Malays? I agree that aborogines and other malays decendents from 1400s should be the MALAYS of yester years and today..but what about arabics or indian mamaks? Just because they come to Malaysia, are Muslims and suddenly they are also known as Malays? Even someone as knowledgeable as you Tun should know that you are not a proper Malay..so what is in the Social Contract that makes you a Malay.. please define.
wat is ketuanan for the bumiputra?….will this let them just sit at home and wait for people to feed them?….anyway, it only benefit those makan rasuah people…like proton sell AV agusta to unknown people at RM1 then sell it for RM800million….!!!..
if one day the malaysia oil reserve is no more….year 2014..no palm oil…then they will need to buy oil from ..maybe singapore…then u will know they sure selling it at very very high price!!…like the raw water..they will sell it says RM15/L….so malaysian must buang the tongkat now and use their own to make a living..
We can ask the Agung cancel the malays citizenship and send them back to Indonesia if the malays abuse their special rights and rob the non-malays citizen rights.
The malays are totally shameless to steal the land from the Orang Asli but the Orang Asli are still living in the jungle.
I wonder how can the malays get respect from the other races because the malays are so low class mental when we talk about fair and just.
Dear Tun, You are a very loving grand father, who always think and care about your grand children. Although some of your grand children are naughty, some even rude to you, your caring and love towards them has no limit. Your caring towards well-being of Malays is fenomenal while your energy ang thought is ever enlightening.
Tun, we, your grand children, know that a few of us have hurt your feeling. As a grand father, we know that you can be hyper sensitive sometimes. Pak Lah and Khairy did hurt your feeling so much that you decided to resign from UMNO. But we know very well that your love for UMNO and the Malays is as strong as ever.
Honestly, I believe that Pak Lah and Khairy did hurt your feeling so badly. But Pak Lah and Khairy are human beings who have weaknesses, besides their strong points. Both Pak Lah and Khairy are undergoing continuous learning process, and PRU12 did teach them lots of lesson. They have to adjust fast to maintain the support of UMNO members and Malays at large. One of the thing they have to improve is their attitude towards MALAY LEGEND like you.
Being an ever loving father and grandfather, we believe thet Tun will not keep any grudge towards Pak Lah and Khairy for too long. You could be hurt and wounded, but your compassion and willingness to forgive and forget is overvelming. As Malays, we value all our leaders. We know they have their points of strength and weaknesses, but all are part of overall Malay solidarity.
Dear Tun.
I think it does little good to look at the past and foresake the future. Only our grandfathers who were involved in the fight for the independence can truly understand the meaning behind the “social contract” and how it was meant to be implemented. I am sure the intent was genuinely good but whatever the case that was 50 years ago. We are facing a new world today with increasing challenges of globalisation. If we continue to live in the past and wallow over the needs for special rights and protection of certain segment of our population at the expense of others than we will stifle our nation’s growth and lose our most talented people to the rest of the world. We need all the citizen of Malaysia whether Malay, Chinese, Indian etc to pull together and give their very best in order for Malaysia to be ahead in the world. What that may be right 50 years ago may become Malaysia’s achilles heel today. Full meritocracy and Bangsa Malaysia is whats needed to survive into the future. The debate at hand is not about interpreting the past but whats needed for our future.
Interesting reading materail.
But who has challenged the so-called Social Contract? And how? By asking the governments to rid out corruptions? By asking the governments to be accoutable? By asking the governments to cut down on wasteful projects? By asking to have open tenders in all governments’ procurement contracts? By asking to have merit-based system in all governments’ appointments? By asking to set a time frame to abolish the quota system, so all races can be prepared to face the global challenges together?
These are all but just part of the basic requirements in achieving a advance society and developed nation status.
And mind you, governments means both BN and PR governments.
But base on all the huhhas by politicians and ex-politicians regarding the Social Contract, I suspect it simply is because we Rakyat has demostrated in GE12 that we can make a decision to throw out BN if it continues to betray its SOLE responsibility of serving the Rakyat and country.
It is as simple as that. Do we still need to waste time on discussing the Social Contract?
Dear Tun,
Very enlighthening and informative.
Dear Tun
Mr Flip-Flop and his family-in-government are the best people to dismantle the social contract. In fact, they are dismantling the entire country.
We must applaud them for achieving what other Malays fail to do. They satisfy three criteria. Firstly, the family government comprising the Abdullah family and the Mahmud family are not pure Malay. Secondly, they have an insatiable greed and a ruthless agenda for wealth accumulation. Thirdly, they have great power of deception. Some Chinese call Flip-Flop a smiling tiger.
The BN politicians are helping Flip-Flop and his family to plunder until thereâs nothing left. Before the PR politicians can get their act together, Flip-Flop and family will fly away to some paradise and hope to live happily ever after. Better get pictures of their children and grandchildren so that our children and grandchildren can track them down in the future.
Dear Tun
When my siblings and I were small, my father said, âYou study hard. Learn English because I want you to have a good future. Learn Malay because you live here.â
I felt my father accepted the special position of the Malays without a groan. Perhaps, his childhood was so brutally tough in China that he was grateful to be here.
I remember him writing letters and sending small amounts of money to his uncles and aunts in China. Each time he talked of his relatives in China, he would say how lucky I was born here. He repeated it like a broken record that I was tired of hearing it then. Of course, I appreciate it very much now.
I have stopped hating my cousins who used to mock me for not knowing how to read or write Chinese. I have proven to them that lacking a Chinese education has not handicapped me in any way. In fact, Iâm doing much better than them. Now, when they see me they say they envy me. But, when we were kids, they tried so hard to establish their Chinese supremacy over me.
I can safely conclude that people who condemn racial supremacy are capable of practising their own supremacy over others. This is not just confined to the idea that one race is superior than another. Some people believe they are superior to others in their own race.
Tun as usual thanks for the refreshing History lesson.I 100% as agreeable that this should not be seen as racilist for all Malaysian where there is tremendous opportunities for everyone.But as a Malaysian we must respect the constitution of the existing of our Sultans and Malay rights which is spelt out and agreed by the previous leaders and hope this is maintain through out our country.The present UMNO Leaders must read this and put them into their thick head and preserved what was inherited for Malysia. Our muti cultural society is being respected worldwide and hope this is being maintain by every Malaysian citizen regardless of race, religion or ethnic group and respect for one another is a priority.That is why our first PM the late TAR decide and handover Singapore and led by LKY. There is a reason for this and we need to understand the history behind this move.The reason behind the choas within our country was as everyone knows is DSAI.He being release by AAB during his premiership resulted in BERSIH, HINDRAF etc.Malaysian present PM whom we all know is most of the time sleeping than awake, is very weak indeed, and has caused tremendous damage to the Malaysian society as a result of family affairs, chronies, with poor check and balance within his minister whom whithin the goverment are having a nice time within their respective department. The awakening call was the result of the last PR12 election where AAB begins to be awken from his sleep and was shocking tohave lost even his own state + 4 other states which he did not expect to happen.AAB was overconfident and with the announcement of Corridors within the Malaysian country he thaought he would win but this does not happen.The present opposition which won the existing states will be very hard indeed to be recaptured by BN.DSAI is the mastermind and his goal is to destroy us Malaysian with his personal gains.DAP leaders is similarly to LKY which would riun the Kings(Sultan) constitution as previously agreed and we can see what Karpal & Kit Siang is up to. AAB after losing try to blame this on TDM whith the Lingam case as such the Judges previously insulting the King(Sultan)was paid handsomely and TDM integrity was seen as being responsible. Karpal what has he to say?Ian Chin is politically a judge with self interest.All whom are trying to tarnish TDM whom as normal human try his level best to govern our country where at time there was not refernce but base on judgement and fast decision in resolving issiues just like giving out project where none would take the challenge and fast decision was required such as the LRT,Monorail,KLCC.KLIA,Proton, Putrajaya,Perwaja and IMF bailout which we need not have to borrow. 22 years of effort being put to govern Malaysia but unfortunately forgotten while AAB is in power and this was the result.90% of his previous minister whom he has elected and some even was once a traitor, being brought back into the cabinet including AAB the present PM.TDM at the age of 83 is still fighting with his so called dictatorship administration to create awareness to bring the power of UMNIO & BN which was proven sucessful for Malaysia again.Seeking AAB to resign the day BN lost 5 states to the opposition. AAB refusal and seeking support from his cabinet whom are most unreliable during TDM adminstration are now taking revenge for their personal gain and sinking UMNO & BN to be made history for the new Malaysian to come. PKR & DAP if they were to be in power come PR13, our King (Sultan) will be another history to be remembered only. PAS is not is agreement to this so is UMNO and other BN component which was formed by our forefathers. I am just an ordinary malaysian citizen but love peace and stability for the benefit of every Malaysian and hope this messege could be understood by those reading it.I am not a politician but respected TDM and our previoius leaders whom are sincerely fighting for the rights of every Malaysian. As a working man and with family to support, I at times have to be cruel to be kind and this benefit my family which I have raised. But again I know that our present goverment is being unfair with his approach and not firm enough to make decision, often being wrongly advise as such has lost his credibility to govern Malaysia.Malaysia need a PM that is sincere, able to digest,react and make fast decision for the benefit of our country which ABB has failed to produce.He is being misguided, selfish,revengeful,has family interest above the Rakyat and submit to the opposition request and most of all weak.I once again do not wish to be racilist but the fact remain that this country is call Malaysian.The majority are the Malays, Orang Asli, Ibans,Bidayuh,Melanau,Portugese,Kelabit,Lun Bawang,Kadasan, etc. All of which are considered Bumiputra status, and that for sure will remain in Malaysia.I have no objection with the other races as I have many so friends from chinese, Indians, sikh which made us Malaysian a Multi cultural country. The DAP, PKR idiolegy is to create dishormony in Malaysia and riots so as they would be ablwe to govern are we all going to allow this to happen?This workd is not a perfect world that we live in, but we must adopt to the muticutural environment and have respect for sustainiing harmony amomgs all of us understanding our history.I have tears in my eyes evertime i’m in Tun’s web,because of Tun sincerity and openess to create a vision 2020 for all of us, and fighting to topple ABB and his so called crooked whom is presently in power abusing their authority and creating unnecessary inconvenience for all Malaysian.Sorry to say this again for the benefit of everyone whom is in favoour of our Beloved Tun, AAB must go,he has failed to even carry out the leftover mission in completing certain projects being instructed to be implement, and now trying to look as though Tun is guilty when he was the PM for 22 Years.With this I seek Malaysian whom are agreeable to read what I briefly trying to explained not as good or as details as what Tun is expreesiing.I seek for those in favour to go into our PM goverment wesite WARKAH untuk PM seeking him to step down fast before he ruined everyone of us.
SaLam Buat Tun Dr.M yg dihormati;
Terima kasih Tun, sesungguhnya penerangan Tun amat membantu kami utk lebih memahami konsep ‘social contract’ ini.
Sejarah itu penting. Untuk belajar & memahami sejarah itu lagi penting. Kenapa???
Kerana sejarah itu akan berulang…
By esca on July 14, 2008 2:52 PM
to denkoh
i know exactly what ur talking about. and i see ur point. but look, the idea is beautiful. it is meant to help poor malays in order to reduce the wealth gap between malay and chinese. humans are not perfect, are greedy, and so along the way, many people that shouldnt be benefited from the idea get benefited. you get wat i mean? and i don’t 100% blame them, cuz thats juz human.
Human is not perfect, that is why laws are put in place to make sure Human comply. If the laws are properly implemented, the poor malays will get the help instead of the greedy ones. If you don’t blame them, then you should blame the one enforcing the law
i’ll do the same and i bet you will do the same as well.
I know you would do the same..that is why i think this Nep has been abused. I would NOT do the same. If it is meant for the poor only..just let the poor have it
the weakness is not of the NEP, but our government itself.
i agree, the greedy gov and greedy ppl who knows how to take advantage of the NEP
to say that the chinese people have not been benefited by the NEP is juz ignorant. who’s the richest man in malaysia? the second? the third? go check online. none of these people are malay. you guys may not been benefited directly by the NEP, but that doesnt mean the chinese and the indians have not been benefited indirectly by the NEP. this is all the work of a strong government, racial harmony and good implementation scheme by the government that the chinese and the indians have been prosperous in malaysia.
Yes, i know who is the 3 richest man in Malaysia. You know why they can publish this everywhere? and even you can see them online? Because they do legal business and worked for it. so they can openly tell everybody that they are rich.(meaning they can declare their assets)
Actually, The real rich ppl in Malaysia are Malay you know. For example, your Idol, Tun Mahathir, mukriz, mokzani(i am sure you know how much they are worth) Najib razak and his brothers? Rafidah. Muhamad Taib? (He did not declare his assets doesn’t mean he is not rich you know) there are more rich malays…syed mokhtar? but very low profile.. quiet quiet.
now to the idea of “as a malaysian, we should all be treated equally disregards of the race and gender”. you see, the idea is totally understandable, and theoretically should be practicable, only if all the race share the same culture, the same work attitude and the same way of life. but obviously this is not the case.
seriously, i believe only our religion is different. Every Malaysian likes almost the same thing. Attitude and character can never be the same, even if you are the same race
this may sound ignorant, or generalizing people and may offend many, but i have always believe that chinese people are superior compared to the malays people economically.in the way of doing business, in studies, business attitude and more. the main problem lies within the culture of the malay people. the rileks lar attitude. well not all, but a majority of them. chinese on the other hand always strive for success, and success is measured by how much wealth have you acquired. malay does not measure success in this sense, or rather, the word itself is vague to them. they always want jolly time. rileks time. as this is all fine, not to say its a problem to seek happiness in that sense. but when we were to compare between these two race, then obviously chinese people are more likely to succeed than malay.
Chinese is such because it is “do or die” for them. No one will help them..so under a no choice condition, they are forced to work hard.. There are also many lazy inferior chinese
now going back to “all malaysian should be treated equally” idea, what you will get is therefore, the majority of the uni student in the local U would be chinese, majority of people occupying the office job would be chinese and the majority of rich people would be chinese.
why look down on Malays? don’t you have faith in your own kind?
now remember, 2 out of 3 of these are reality. the fact that most office job are occupied by chinese and majority of rich people is chinese is a fact, with or without any help from the government. but juz ignore this for the sake of argument.ok now imagine if all of this is reversed. or simply juz imagine if ur a malay, now how would you feel?
my boss is malay, sitting next to me is malay, in my work place, there are more malay than chinese. How come i feel alright? I enjoy working with my malay collegue and they enjoy working with me. I think this is your individual problem..you cannot tahan chinese
won’t you get pissed by the fact that all the wealth are being acquired by some other race that came to ur country, without leaving anythin for them. now isnt that juz greedy. you get wat i mean?
This is a clear cut racist remark. ie, you cannot tahan to see other race better. okie, if the chinese is not born in Malaysia, fine..have it your way but if the chinese was born in Malaysia?? you jealous of your own countryman?
and besides, if the chinese and indians in malaysia are like chinese in indonesia, who mix with all races, who speak the same language, which is malay, and who watch malaysian movies, and do not always spread hatred about malays, then maybe it is still an acceptable request, to shout for race equality. but obviously this is not the case.
beribu bintang di langit kini menghilang,…i can sing this song. i watch malay movie if it is good. saya cakap bahasa melayu.
Actually, i did not ask for equality also..you sudah salah faham. i only ask that jangan ada gov corrupt. Whatever written in constitution be uphold. That is all. because gov now is corrupt and the terms written in the constitution is not being uphold
im not saying that the chinese is the one to blame. obviously it was never anyone’s fault to acquire as much wealth as he can possibly get and want. i mean its not the chinese fault to justify what success meant to them and strive for it. i personally blame the malay. i must say. the lazy attitude has to go. the mat rempit has to go. its destroying the beautiful race. and you chinese cant say that the malay are not a beautiful race,
i never said malay is not a beautiful race..if you hear other chinese say that, i apologize on his behalf
because that would be ignorant. the fact that they never care that the chinese have more wealth than them, well at least doesnt make any troubles to you guys, the fact that the government allow the chinese to enter politics, speak ur own language, build temples, build ur own school and mix with only ur own race, allow a casino to open, the fact that there are roads named after chinese people, means that they are basically a tolerant race. now they have never questioned ur rights, never said anything bout the stupid DAP being so damn pro chinese and basically anti malay.
What is written in the constitution must be upheld. DAP is a political party..so is Umno
never said a word. so dont rob them of their rights. cuz i bet ur ass the white people will create another ku klux klan if the black people have more wealth than them. i bet hu jing tao will have more excuse to accuse the uighur people as terrorist and kill them lots and singapore start banning the malay alltogether from living in the country.
be grateful, there’s racism everywhere, even malays get treated like shit in malaysia. since most companies are chinese owned, they prefer chinese people than malays for the jobs. you probably gonna say, thats becuz of work attitude and the chinese have proficiency in mandarin and the malays dont. probably, but even without all that, juz imagine all the results are the same, the malay guy who apply for the job can even speak mandarin, without any government quota on companies requiring certain percentage of malays in the company, the chinese will get the job for sure. its a simple theory really. the “juz helping my own kind” theory. its that simple.
I got chinese friend apply to uni tak dapat, apply job in government tak dapat.apply anything from gov, tak dapat.. dia akan ingat ini buat selama lamanya. If he ever own a company one day, he will sure do the same to those who did this to him before. So, if you don’t want other ppl to do such a thing to you.. first, DO NOT do to other people. you start it that is why others retaliate
ooo, and stop thinking that you guys are the one that is running the economy. without the malays, will the chinese work as a toll attendant for 800 a month? hell no? how bout pump attendant? firemen? no. this is all malay. cuz they never see that 800 is juz too damn low. which i myself dun understand them sometimes. but then again thats juz life. some people got it good, some got it bad.
I think you are slightly immature, in HongKong, the garbage man is chinese. The garbage man in spore also is a chinese. What i am trying to say is, you choose what you wanna be. Kalau you nak jadi fireman..you will jadi..kalau you nak jadi doktor..you will jadi..that is all. Eh..if our country is run properly, we will be a developed nation already. Firemen is known as a professionals in developed country and their gaji is very high. and pump attendant, we can hire those who are willing to work from foreign country.
so in conclusion, stop bitching and be grateful. no one rob you of anything. we got the roads working for you to use, clubs for you to go, mamak for you to yamcha, casino for you to gamble. so enough is enough. you juz happen to pay tax because you work here. its the same policy elsewhere. you work in aus, you pay ur tax to them. work in US, you pay ur tax to them. it is their prerogative to give it back or not, directly or indirectly no one gives a shit. so stop hating. we need more love in the country as of now. and f*&k badawi.
You should NEVER stop bitching cause you gotta make sure the politicians in the country betul betul uphold the law and the constitution supaya we can become a developed nation.Jangan sekalipun bagi politician tolong kroni sendiri dengan NEP dan neglect the ones that really needs it.
In australia, walaupun tax bayar banyak, masuk uni tiada masalah. kalau tak cukup makan, boleh mintak kerajaan tolong. Tapi di sini, cina terpaksa pinjam dari ah long kerana kerajaan akan tolong melayu saja. If you open your eyes, alot of chinese also sangkut with ah long because bank tak akan pinjam kepada cina susah takut jadi bad debt.
Please don’t hate the chinese,(i agree chinese can be racist too cause human being like you say) we are just trying to survive. Do you know since petrol price go up, i tak pernah pump full tank? kalau i mintak dari kerajaan untuk tanggung susu anak sedikit, adakah kamu akan marah? kalau kerajaan tak nak tolong, saya terpaksa cari kerja part time. Kalau kerajaan tolong saya, adakah anda akan kekurangan?
che det
happy birthday and always in good health and state of mind.
malaysia social contract well written towards stablelity and security.design by our forefather towards fair distribution of wealth and power.ensuring bumiputra not being denied of the country wealth and to govern it.
however malay which is represented by UMNO enjoy the special attention .
Slowly by slowly Malaysia is going to be Indonesia.
All the woman will go to other countries to be Maids.
The trend is seen in Indonesia, economy is stagnant because business ppl and investors has left the country.
The Indon land clearly belongs to the Indonesia.(It’s what they wanted,no infidel).
Only Indon demand their own land now.. no value.
The Malay rights should be protected because the country is given to them only..
1)Malays must not work because the government should take care of their needs. it is their right
2)When a Malay wanna go school..he just need to go there. All fees should be paid for and all books and education material must be provided free. it is their right
3)When a Malay wanna go for holiday, the government must pay for it because it is their right
4)when a Malay wanna start a business, the government must give him capital and make sure his business prosper. it is their right
5)when a Malay wanna get married, the government must give them money to get married. it is their right
6)When a Malay wanna give birth, the government must provide them free health care. it is their right
7)When a Malay wanna buy anything, he can ask money from government. it is their right
8)Malay don’t need to to pay tax. it is their right
9)All land in Malaysia belongs to Malay and Malay only. They cannot sell the land. it is their right
10)The Government must pay for the expenses of all Malays cause it is their right
11) Malays do not need to pay for any utilities. It is their right
Malaysia can only have one race… Malays ONLY
and every Malay is a TUAN
All you who disagree…pack your bags and get out of this land
assalamulaikum ayahanda tun.
semoga sentiasa berada di limpahan rahmat Allah SWT.
semangat waja ayahanda amat2 anakanda sanjungi .harap ayahanda dapat teruskan perjuangan ayahanda.tentang komen2 buruk terhadap ayahanda usah di perdulikan kerana manusia tetap manusia ada saja yang tak kena.
tumpang lalu ayahanda.
untuk tokwan tu.
akalau hang cakap lagu tu hang tau tak ayanda mahathir senyum ja kat hang dan dia boleh bisik kat telinga hang dan kata “Yang PM TU AKU TAPI YANG PENDATANG TU HANG LA ;HARAM PULAK TU”
to energy,
i dun need the 1st world people to give a shit bout my opinion. i only need the 3rd world people (malaysian) to at least give a thought bout what i have to say. since ur so happy with singapore, why do you even bother to message here. obviously the topic discussed would not be in relation to ur beloved singapore. well i hope you enjoy making frens with the kiasu people over there.
Well said overseasm’sian, totally agree with you. Even Tun have time and time again mentioned about the M’sian Chinese and Indians’ contribution to the economy of M’sia.
The Malays can deny all they want, Globalization will take care of you. “Melayu akan hilang di dunia” – Even Hang Tuah is a Chinese.
Dont need to wake up, stay where you are.
assalamualaikum ayahanda tun dr.mahathir.semoga selalu di dalam rahmat di kurniakan Allah SWT.anakanda tumpang lalu. Untuk tokwan tu.Kalau hang cakap lagu tu tentu ayahanda mahathir senyum kat hang dan dia bisik kat telinga hang dan kata yang PM tu aku lah tapi yang pendatang tu hang lah . hgaram pulak tu kah klah kah.
Excerpt from Worldpress.org
“3 millions Indonesians have migrated to Malaysia and become Malaysian citizens with Bumis status.
600,000 Chinese and Indian Malaysians with red IC were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship in the past 40 years. Perhaps 60% of them had already passed away due to old age. This shows racism, based on how easily Indonesians got their citizenships compared with the Chinese and Indians.”
Shocking!! So this country is willing to give the Indonesians bumi status which I presume comes with your dubious ‘malay rights’, and yet based on the numbers above many non-malays weren’t even given citizenship. And all that you melayu’s can do, is wallow within your pitiless selves and wonder why & how the chinese & indians are blossoming without the rights that you get! Well, I have news for you mates! They are where they are through sheer hard work and persistence. Perhaps the malays ought to take a page out of their books!
To esca,
Nobody in the 1st world country cares about your opinion too. What will happen in the near future;
Spore’s GNP will soon overtake Malaysia (with just 4M population).
China will grow so strong that even Japanese, EU and Americans will fear them. Forget about Msia.
Globalization will take care of the NEP in due time.
Malaysia’s economy and politics will collapse (collapsing already).
Everything will have to be resetted again.
The verbal ‘contract’ will disappear forever.
Good Luck.
tupailompat, I agree with you on your thoughts on “liberal Malays”, and for Muslims, I think it is even more critical that they keep these liberals at bay because they are not only questioning the existence of the Social Contract, but also trying to reinterpret and re-mould Islam to their shallow way of thinking. For those who still identify the Malay race with Islam, it is more important for you to safeguard the single greatest factor that defines and unites us all. Liberal thought and ‘modernistic’ interpretations that that play into the hands of secularists needs to be rejected for the harm it can inflict on the harmony and stability of Malaysia.
I don’t think you’re fit to be a Malaysian. Hand over your citizenship and stay in Singapore permanently. I am very sure the Singaporean will be happy to keep you there.
Bangsa Melayu bersatulah untuk malaysia dan Agama Islam
Salam Tun,
Saya rasa orang Melayu dalam dilema memilih pemimpin yang sanggup mempertahankan hak mereka.
Besar harapan saya agar bakal pemimpin orang Melayu nanti tidak gentar dengan tuntutan yang bukan-bukan dari golongan yang menggugat ini.
Pemimpin tidak boleh khianati rakyat seperti Pak Lah.
Jadikan Tun Mahathir sebagai tauladan!
Jadikan Pak Lah sebagai sempadan!
Demi bangsa, negara dan agama.
To vokoyo,
You are the only one I’m 100% agreed. especially the below
“Give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.” you will realise that many non-malays have learned how to fish but the government is still handing out fishes to the malays. One day the fish will run out.
The only one held the malay is not chinese or indian but the Malay themselve.
To abhsaa,
Semut masalah you kamu terangkan berasal dari ariticle atas.
Dear Tun,
Your article is rather interesting, and although I’m not old enough to have experienced most of what you wrote about, I am smart enough (or so I hope) to know that our country’s present state is deplorable.
Being a middle-class citizen of Chinese descent, I was educated in Malay schools, with predominantly Malay students (there were only 7 Chinese in my Form 5 class). I have grown up with Malays around me and I can say I fully understand their position in this country. I have never tried to subvert their position nor will I fight to have this right removed.
However, I think you’re missing the point here. Many of the non-Malays aren’t out to undermine the privileges enjoyed by the Bumis. Personally, I’m already so used to the policies in place that I’m not going to complain. But having said that, I’m not sure that these policies are beneficial to Bumis in the first place.
What I’m concerned about is the deterioration of our morals. No matter what politicians say, corruption is rampant in our society. And I’m not just talking about Malays; that would be racist. Chinese, Indians, etc. are all brought up with the mindset that corruption is okay, as long as nobody is harmed. How many times have we heard our friends or family members ‘settling summonses on the spot”? Every solution is there, it just takes some cash to obtain. Politicians themselves are ripping off the country, from the clerks in any government office, to municipal councillors, policemen, etc. The recent arrests by the ACA of immigration’s highest officer is a clue to how pervasive corruption has become. Everyone in (any) position thinks that it is their God-given right to benefit from their appointment and wouldn’t think twice about taking commissions, giving contracts to friends and family or taking under-table money directly. This is the real problem that must be addressed. Unfortunately, Tun, although I grew up respecting you in every way, I must now say that a lot of this corruption happened on your watch, to which you must take responsibility.
It has come to a stage where I now fear for my children’s future. I can no longer expect those in power to expense justice, when justice is determined by those who are in power. Right or wrong no longer matters, as long as the powers-that-be stay in power. This is a future nobody would want for their kids. The fear of God (I’m a Christian, btw) is no longer there and money is what drives every leader.
We may laugh, sigh and shake our heads at Zimbabwe’s Mugabe, but he’s only one human and one day he’ll meet his maker. In Malaysia, the whole government is corrupt (and this doesn’t exclude the opposition either) and our Mugabe is a lot harder to be rid of. The whole system is flawed and unfortunately, our current PM is not the right person to fight this. And God forbid, his successor is even worse.
I’m not very optimistic that Malaysians will ever see the end of corruption in government, at least not in my lifetime. We need a miracle of sorts to rid ourselves of this problem. But for the time being, I can only hope and pray that God will convict our hearts, all of us, that corruption is NOT okay and that ALL sin, big or small is unacceptable in His eyes.
Dear Tun,
Our citizens of Chinese and Indian ethnic groups and even some of the younger so-called “liberal Malays” are now expressing their discord and are showing their true colours ever since UMNO lost the two-third majority in the Federal Parliament at the last General Election on 8 March this year. Now that Pakatan Rakyat are administring the 5 state governments i.e. KL Federal Territory, Selangor,Perak, Kedah and Pulau Pinang they are becoming more vocal in questioning the Malay/Bumiputra rights and even the Sultan’s prerogratives as embedded in the spirit of the Malaysian Social Contract which is manifested in the Federal Constitution.Even now they are showing disrespect to the state government e.g the DAP reculcitrant who refused to wear songkok when attending the Johor State Government Parliamentary session and the DAP’s questioning of the Sultan of Perak’s prerogrative to be consulted in the selection and removal of the Muslims’Relious Head of Perak.
Just imagine if PR were to form the Federal Government with two-third majority instead. I can bet you the whole Malaysian Constitution will be thrown out of the window of Parliamenet House. That would be a sad day for this country and a great tragedy for the Malays/ Bumiputras. And yet we have even some stupid Malays who choose to question even the existence of Social Contract. Let me remind these so called liberal Malays that we have paid for our independence with the sweat and blood of the Malay/Bumiputra soldiers who have been in the main making-up the majority of the Malayan/Malaysian Police and Armed Forces since WW1, WW2 and the 45 years of Malayan/Malaysian Emergency Emergency(1948-19930), albeit with the strong support of some commonwealth countries. We lost many lives and limbs, many grandfathers, fathers,brothersand husbands diring the Malayan/Malaysian Emergency as result of Chin Peng and his band of guerillas who wanted to overthrow the British Colonial government and later the local Malayan and Malaysian government after our independence in order to exert a communist form of government over us. And because of the security provided at the expense of our policemen and soldiers lives, the business people mostly of Chinese and indian community of this country could carry on doing business and enrich themselves without hindrance.
We have gained our independence for 50+ years now and the politics of our country have and will always be based on racial/communal sentiments. UMNO, MCA and MIC which are the co-founders of our independent government have been able to administer a multi-racial Malaysian population with comparative success using the give-and-take formula between them( I would be the last person to deny that there have been flaws and weaknesses in the administration such as corruption, the lack of independence of the judiciary, the inefficient performance of the civil service, etc. However, in hindsight we have fared better than most of our immediate neighbours and most of the African ex-European colonies.) But these are the challenges every developing nations face. Our present government has shown its willingness to try to reduce and eliminate these weaknesses with certain reforms with stronger sense of urgency and political will as in the case of ACA being empowered with independence to act without fear or favour. The reforms in the judiciary will be undertaken soon.This are just the beginning of the corrective actions under taken by the government.We should give the government the time and space to fulfill these aspirations.
UMNO, MCA and MIC each have always fought for the interest of their respective community, but they have been able to co-exist and work together in relative peace and harmony by coming up with compromised solutions in the spirit of give and take, taking recognition of the social contract that have existed since 1957. Our country has prospered, though some cynics and critics of this country have compared us with a small island state with 1/6 of our population and which exercise far stronger authoritarian type of government. The complexities of admininistrating the two countries are so different requiring different policies and strategies.They are like apple and orange.
Despite these shortcomings, our country have fared better than most of our closest neighbours and all the ex-colonies of the European powers throughout the world.
So it is best that we allow the present goverment to carry out their tasks without creating other distractions. And for the Malays, my advise to you is to remember your roots and to make your every vote count so that we will not have to face that tragedy that awaits us ! Don’t let these people rock the boat. We must remain united!!
Peringatan utk Tok Wan.
Sebagai Melayu pure, sepatutnya Tok Wan rasa malu pada bangsa sendiri kerana kini yang lantang memperjuangkan hak orang Melayu ialah seorang Mamak (kalaupun betul TDM adalah adalah seorang Mamak)
Nak harapkan Melayu yang betul-betul Melayu, kejenya dok kaut untung je tanpa memikirkan nasib bangsa sendiri. Kalau saya jadi Tok Wan, saya akan malu pada TDM, dan lebih-lebih lagi pada diri sendiri yang begitu megah dengan Melayunya, tapi biarkan hak dan kedaulatan bangsa dipijak-pijak.
Dear Tun,
Our citizens of Chinese and Indian ethnic groups and even some of the younger so-called “liberal Malays” are now expressing their discord and are showing their true colours ever since UMNO lost the two-third majority in the Federal Parliament at the last General Election on 8 March this year. Now that Pakatan Rakyat are administring the 5 state governments i.e. KL Federal Territory, Selangor,Perak, Kedah and Pulau Pinang they are becoming more vocal in questioning the Malay/Bumiputra rights and even the Sultan’s prerogratives as embedded in the spirit of the Malaysian Social Contract which is manifested in the Federal Constitution.Even now they are showing disrespect to the state government e.g the DAP reculcitrant who refused to wear songkok when attending the Johor State Government Parliamentary session and the DAP’s questioning of the Sultan of Perak’s prerogrative to be consulted in the selection and removal of the Muslims’Relious Head of Perak.
Just imagine if PR were to form the Federal Government with two-third majority instead. I can bet you the whole Malaysian Constitution will be thrown out of the window of Parliamenet House. That would be a sad day for this country and a great tragedy for the Malays/ Bumiputras. And yet we have even some stupid Malays who choose to question even the existence of Social Contract. Let me remind these so called liberal Malays that we have paid for our independence with the sweat and blood of the Malay/Bumiputra soldiers who have been in the main making-up the majority of the Malayan/Malaysian Police and Armed Forces since WW1, WW2 and the 45 years of Malayan/Malaysian Emergency Emergency(1948-19930), albeit with the strong support of some commonwealth countries. We lost many lives and limbs, many grandfathers, fathers,brothersand husbands diring the Malayan/Malaysian Emergency as result of Chin Peng and his band of guerillas who wanted to overthrow the British Colonial government and later the local Malayan and Malaysian government after our independence in order to exert a communist form of government over us. And because of the security provided at the expense of our policemen and soldiers lives, the business people mostly of Chinese and indian community of this country could carry on doing business and enrich themselves without hindrance.
We have gained our independence for 50+ years now and the politics of our country have and will always be based on racial/communal sentiments. UMNO, MCA and MIC which are the co-founders of our independent government have been able to administer a multi-racial Malaysian population with comparative success using the give-and-take formula between them( I would be the last person to deny that there have been flaws and weaknesses in the administration such as corruption, the lack of independence of the judiciary, the inefficient performance of the civil service, etc. However, in hindsight we have fared better than most of our immediate neighbours and most of the African ex-European colonies.) But these are the challenges every developing nations face. Our present government has shown its willingness to try to reduce and eliminate these weaknesses with certain reforms with stronger sense of urgency and political will as in the case of ACA being empowered with independence to act without fear or favour. The reforms in the judiciary will be undertaken soon.This are just the beginning of the corrective actions under taken by the government.We should give the government the time and space to fulfill these aspirations.
UMNO, MCA and MIC each have always fought for the interest of their respective community, but they have been able to co-exist and work together in relative peace and harmony by coming up with compromised solutions in the spirit of give and take, taking recognition of the social contract that have existed since 1957. Our country has prospered, though some cynics and critics of this country have compared us with a small island state with 1/6 of our population and which exercise far stronger authoritarian type of government. The complexities of admininistrating the two countries are so different requiring different policies and strategies.They are like apple and orange.
Despite these shortcomings, our country have fared better than most of our closest neighbours and all the ex-colonies of the European powers throughout the world.
So it is best that we allow the present goverment to carry out their tasks without creating other distractions. And for the Malays, my advise to you is to remember your roots and to make your every vote count so that we will not have to face that tragedy that awaits us ! Don’t let these people rock the boat. We must remain united!!
Langkah, beribu langkah
Ke destinasi yang diimpi
Tiba terhenti, tercari-cari
Haluan arah, yang telah pun musnah
Harapan tak kesampaian
Hina, hinanya diri
Hanya menantikan bantuan
Bagaimanakah ini terjadi
Kerdilnya diri bukan lagi tuan
Inikah rupanya nasib bangsaku
Langkah demi langkah
Biarkah bertatih
Impian kan juga terlaksana
Martabat diri ini, tiadakan bererti
Tanpa usaha, janganlah leka
Mewah negaraku semerbak harumnya
Renjisan keringat oh bangsaku
Teruskan langkah ini
Biarkan ia kekal selamanya…
‘Bangsaku bukan kecil hati dan jiwanya
Bukankah sejak zaman berzaman
Mereka menjadi pelaut, pengembara
Malah penakluk terkemuka?
Bukankah meraka sudah mengembangkan sayap
Menjadi pedagang dan peniaga
Selain menjadi ulama dan ilmuan terbilang?
Bukankah bangsaku pernah mengharung samudera
Menjajah dunia yang tak dikenal?
Bukankah mereka pernah menjadi wira serantau
Yang tidak mengenal erti takut dan kematian?
Di manakah silapnya?’
Langkah demi langkah
Biarkah bertatih
Impian kan jadi terlaksana
Martabat diri ini, tiadakan bererti
Usahalah, janganlah leka
Mewah negaraku semerbak harumnya
Renjisan keringat oh bangsaku
Teruskan langkah ini
Biarkan ia kekal sentiasa…
‘Hari ini, jalan ini pasti semakin berliku
Kerana masa depan belum tentu menjanjikan syurga
Bagi mereka yang lemah dan mudah kecewa
Perjuangan kita belum selesai
Kerana hanya yang cekal dan tabah
Dapat membina mercu tanda
Bangsanya yang berjaya’
Please lead our country again….Abdullah Badawi & Anwar Ibrahim are destructing this nation and its people.
In 2 years time, all hell will break loose.
Our country will be in chaos.
Dear Zaiton,
You want to be call a racist ? That means doing bad thing to other human beings ? You sure that is ok with your religion ? This might means going to hell my friend, you sure about that, a few years of easy leaving in exchange for thousands of year of suffering by being burn ?
Akum Dearest Tun,
You are indeed a walking encyclopedia. Thank you for enlightening
us with your knowledge and wisdom that no other leader could ever do.
Terima kasih kerana jelaskan isu Social Contract yang selalu di bangkitkan oleh orang yang tak sedar-sedar diri. Kini kami telah bersedia untuk menangkis tohmahan atau tuduhan yang dilemparkan oleh mereka yang mahu menghapuskan hak2 bumiputra. Call me a racist…! So what?!!!!!!!
Please continue to write, sir.
Dear Tun,
Excellent article. It would be a great read if u can put in major newspapers, but u gotta remove the last 2 paragraphs to do that 😉
Its great to know the origins of our social contract. Rugi pulak masa belajar sejarah dulu zzzzzz.. although i understand now how the social contract came about, i believe it will become irrelevant in future, mostly because new generations (like me) dont understand it.
to energy
no one cares bout ur opinion. singapore is a stupid kiasu country doesnt deserve any respect. you people are materialistic and racist to the core. and singaporean got stupid english slangs too. not to mention have the nerve to call malaysian cuisine as urs. stop terrorizing this website with ur stupid opinion if ur not malaysian. and yes, ur not malaysian. its the substance than form that matters. kthxbai
Salam Tun Dr. Mahathir,
It’s good to remind today’s generation that there used to be “Tanah Melayu” in as much as there use to be “Tanah Mindanao” long before there was a Philippine State in the world map. Unfortunately for us in Mindanao, it was the colonizers and immigrants who are succeeding in winning this continuous contest for sovereignty. I surely hope that Malaysia does not become a Mindanao. And should Malaysians complain that they love the democracy and freedom enjoyed by Filipinos, I will always be happy to exchange citizenship with them a thousand times.
The social contract has been a blessing to Malaysia’s past, present, and future. It has served as a conflict resolution mechanism in itself considering its colonial history and migration. I am afraid that even at this point of our peace processes in Mindanao, a similar contract will be impossibly made with the dominant ruling class and ethnicity of the Philippine State. Not unless there becomes a messiah from heaven amongst them…and such miracle is very rare these days.
I wish you the best of health always…and the unstoppable passion for your beloved Malaysia.
Salam Tun…..
Kontrak Sosial?…ramai yang tidak memahami apakah makna kontrak sosial yang sedang hangat diperkatakan sekarang ini….lagi bagus sekiranya isu ini di tulis didalam akhbar…biar semua orang faham…baik cina,melayu,india..dan yang lain2nya…
kerana isu ini mampu menggugat keharmonian kaum di negara ini….
pemimpin2 UMNO yang ada sekarang tidak mampu mempertahankannya….kerana mulut2 yang diucapkan tidak sebisa mulut Tun…masing2 takut bersuara..tidak tahulah sampai bila isu ini akan diperdebatkan…dan sekaligus mengancam negara…diharap akan muncul wira mempertahankan isu ini…wassalam….
Saya rasa matapelajaran sejarah di sekolah perlu di olah semula. Saya dulu sejarah dapat C4 saja, tapi saya tak ingat ada belajar pasal constitutional ni. Cikgu saya ka yang tak pandai ngajar ka , saya ka yang malas, ka memang ini perkara kurang pendedahan dalam matapelajaran kita, entahlah… perkara2 seperti ini yang perlu lebih perhatian kerana ini merangkumi aspek kehidupan sekarang dan masa hadapan. Sejarah negeri melaka, kesultanan melayu, JWW Birch, semua tu sudah kurang relevant dan menyusahkan proses pembelajaran pelajar kita. Bak kata orang putih, less added value to life
Saya syorkan agar Pak Lah berunding dengan Kerajaan India untuk menerima balik masyarakat India disini yang dikatakan ditindas dan dibunuh secara “ethnic-cleansing”.
HINDRAF ini dah lebih dari parti politik. Nak minta kerajaan British bayar balik pampasan kepada mereka sebab bawa mereka ke Tanah Melayu? Bukan kita minta mereka.
Saya harap kerajaan India dapat terima mereka dengan hati terbuka. Tak perlu risau.
Tapi pada pemikiran saya, tak mungkin masyarakat India nak pulang ke Negara India. Apa yang mereka boleh buat kalau kasta mereka adalah rendah sekali? Di Malaysia sahaja , kasta paling rendah boleh buka mulut dan menjadi pegawai kerajaan ataupun ahli politik?
Saya tak paham macammana orang melayu boleh sokong HINDRAF?? terutamanya PAS……
Kan haram bagi PAS untuk sokong HINDRAF????
Tun, social contract is one thing but I think that was a contract made in which century? Life changes, policy changes, I think last time slave is permitted and we can smoke in the hospital. If we grasp and hold on to the pass how are we gonna improve? We need to evolve and blend to the society.
I’m sorry to break the news to you that the contract is seriously out of date, its expired. Blacks used to be slaves in the US and now we may be looking at the first black president of the United States.
BTW I’m an admirer of your spirit, my late father had always wanted to write letters to you but had no idea where to send to, luckily the world had evolve and we have the internet now and I see you;ve evolve and using the net to communicate too…see how life evolve?
Benderbuzz wrote :
Saya mohon mencadangkan agar diadakan REFERENDUM untuk mendapatkan pandangan orang Melayu sendiri sama ada mereka menerima atau menolak kontrak sosial. Biarlah kaum Melayu menentukan haknya sendiri dan bukannya kaum lain.
Firstly, I think it is a very promising idea except for the fact that the sample does not represent the population that it needs to be relevant to. Whatever is being questioned about the social contract, no one disputes the fact that they involve every single racial component of this land.
A contract, once agreed, should not be re-defined by any one of the parties involved unilaterally. A referendum that gauges the Malay opinion on the subject is important. I would go so far as to say that i think it could singly be the most important measurement made on the subject. However, there are other measurements as well, and just that one measurement, however important, would not be sufficient to address the issues raised by the subject.
Secondly, if the objective of the referendum is to be taken to re-negotiate the original meaning of the Social Contract, i would have to oppose such an undertaking. The original spirit of the Contract cannot be known by anyone else expect the stakeholders of the 1957 Contract. Those stakeholders have either passed on or do not retain their original form any longer. We should be so presumptuous as to think that we can put words into the mouths of those already dead or do not exist..
However, if anyone could think of other objectives of what such a referendum could do, it would be a really interesting undertaking to pursue.
There is an underlying belief held by a large segment of the population that there is something wrong with the way this nation is currently going. The pakatan rakyat success shows the willingness of the people to invest in other experiments to correct this error.
A referendum sounds like something that could possibly deliver something. At least, it should promise more than than doing just about absolutely nothing.
Benderbuzz wrote :
Saya mohon mencadangkan agar diadakan REFERENDUM untuk mendapatkan pandangan orang Melayu sendiri sama ada mereka menerima atau menolak kontrak sosial. Biarlah kaum Melayu menentukan haknya sendiri dan bukannya kaum lain.
Firstly, I think it is a very promising idea except for the fact that the sample does not represent the population that it needs to be relevant to. Whatever is being questioned about the social contract, no one disputes the fact that they involve every single racial component of this land.
A contract, once agreed, should not be re-defined by any one of the parties involved unilaterally. A referendum that gauges the Malay opinion on the subject is important. I would go so far as to say that i think it could singly be the most important measurement made on the subject. However, there are other measurements as well, and just that one measurement, however important, would not be sufficient to address the issues raised by the subject.
Secondly, if the objective of the referendum is to be taken to re-negotiate the original meaning of the Social Contract, i would have to oppose such an undertaking. The original spirit of the Contract cannot be known by anyone else expect the stakeholders of the 1957 Contract. Those stakeholders have either passed on or do not retain their original form any longer. We should be so presumptuous as to think that we can put words into the mouths of those already dead or do not exist.
However, if anyone could think of other objectives of what such a referendum could do, it would be a really interesting undertaking to pursue.
There is an underlying belief held by a large segment of the population that there is something wrong with the way this nation is currently going. The pakatan rakyat success shows the willingness of the people to invest in other experiments to correct this error.
A referendum sounds like something that could possibly deliver something. At least, it should promise more than than doing just about absolutely nothing.
Dula org melayu dijajah oleh Potugis,belanda,Inggeris,Jepun.Sekarang ada percubaan utk menjajah bangsa melayu oleh kaum lain melalui saluran politik/undang undang/NGO.Jgn biarkan ia berlaku..
A’kum Tun,
Saya tidak faham apakah maksud Malaysian Malaysia yg diperjuangkan oleh PR? Adakah ini bermaksud lebih banyak sekolah2 jenis kebangsaan??, lebih meluas penggunaan bahasa ibunda(Tamil & mandarin) di rumah2 & di pejabat2??, lebih banyak media cetak & elektronik didalam bahasa ibunda??, kemestian penguasaan bahasa ibunda(mandarin) untuk mendapat perkerjaan?? mengiktiraf kuasa asing(Ratu Britain & ketua menteri India) sebagai ketua negara alternatif?? Sekiranya ini dipersetujui, kita lihatlah dlm sepuluh tahun akan datang banyak negeri2 di Malaysia ini yg akan menjadi wilayah autonomi.
Orang2 Melayu juga hendaklah menjaga anak2 isteri. Pemimpin yg terdahulu sudah bersusah payah untuk mempertahankan keistimewaan. Jaga2 lah keturunan dari masalah sosial seperti merempit, meragut, penagih, bohsia, GRO, seks bebas, pergaulan bebas, lari dari rumah dsb. Ini semua mencerminkan orang Melayu selepas 50 tahun merdeka pun masih lemah malah gagal untuk memimpin keluarga sendiri. Akhirnya terpaksalah kerajaan membuat peruntukan besar untuk pusat2 pemulihan & jelajah kutub utara sana sini, unit penguatkuasa dsb. Ini memberi imej yg kurang elok kepada bangsa lain.
As a Malaysian Chinese residing in Spore, i look at all this racial policies with disgust. We are in the 21st century now. Whatever verbal ‘contract’ 50 years ago should be updated to modern human rights. You went up against Spore about the water contract which was an official contract and you are defending a verbal ‘contract’.
No wonder such a brain drain of more than 500k Malaysian Chinese moved and living in Spore. Most of whom have become successfull and fueling the Spore economy. Majulah Singapura!
to denkoh
i know exactly what ur talking about. and i see ur point. but look, the idea is beautiful. it is meant to help poor malays in order to reduce the wealth gap between malay and chinese. humans are not perfect, are greedy, and so along the way, many people that shouldnt be benefited from the idea get benefited. you get wat i mean? and i don’t 100% blame them, cuz thats juz human. i’ll do the same and i bet you will do the same as well. the weakness is not of the NEP, but our government itself. to say that the chinese people have not been benefited by the NEP is juz ignorant. who’s the richest man in malaysia? the second? the third? go check online. none of these people are malay. you guys may not been benefited directly by the NEP, but that doesnt mean the chinese and the indians have not been benefited indirectly by the NEP. this is all the work of a strong government, racial harmony and good implementation scheme by the government that the chinese and the indians have been prosperous in malaysia.
now to the idea of “as a malaysian, we should all be treated equally disregards of the race and gender”. you see, the idea is totally understandable, and theoretically should be practicable, only if all the race share the same culture, the same work attitude and the same way of life. but obviously this is not the case.
this may sound ignorant, or generalizing people and may offend many, but i have always believe that chinese people are superior compared to the malays people economically. in the way of doing business, in studies, business attitude and more. the main problem lies within the culture of the malay people. the rileks lar attitude. well not all, but a majority of them. chinese on the other hand always strive for success, and success is measured by how much wealth have you acquired. malay does not measure success in this sense, or rather, the word itself is vague to them. they always want jolly time. rileks time. as this is all fine, not to say its a problem to seek happiness in that sense. but when we were to compare between these two race, then obviously chinese people are more likely to succeed than malay. now going back to “all malaysian should be treated equally” idea, what you will get is therefore, the majority of the uni student in the local U would be chinese, majority of people occupying the office job would be chinese and the majority of rich people would be chinese. now remember, 2 out of 3 of these are reality. the fact that most office job are occupied by chinese and majority of rich people is chinese is a fact, with or without any help from the government. but juz ignore this for the sake of argument. ok now imagine if all of this is reversed. or simply juz imagine if ur a malay, now how would you feel? won’t you get pissed by the fact that all the wealth are being acquired by some other race that came to ur country, without leaving anythin for them. now isnt that juz greedy. you get wat i mean? and besides, if the chinese and indians in malaysia are like chinese in indonesia, who mix with all races, who speak the same language, which is malay, and who watch malaysian movies, and do not always spread hatred about malays, then maybe it is still an acceptable request, to shout for race equality. but obviously this is not the case.
im not saying that the chinese is the one to blame. obviously it was never anyone’s fault to acquire as much wealth as he can possibly get and want. i mean its not the chinese fault to justify what success meant to them and strive for it. i personally blame the malay. i must say. the lazy attitude has to go. the mat rempit has to go. its destroying the beautiful race. and you chinese cant say that the malay are not a beautiful race, because that would be ignorant. the fact that they never care that the chinese have more wealth than them, well at least doesnt make any troubles to you guys, the fact that the government allow the chinese to enter politics, speak ur own language, build temples, build ur own school and mix with only ur own race, allow a casino to open, the fact that there are roads named after chinese people, means that they are basically a tolerant race. now they have never questioned ur rights, never said anything bout the stupid DAP being so damn pro chinese and basically anti malay. never said a word. so dont rob them of their rights. cuz i bet ur ass the white people will create another ku klux klan if the black people have more wealth than them. i bet hu jing tao will have more excuse to accuse the uighur people as terrorist and kill them lots and singapore start banning the malay alltogether from living in the country.
be grateful, there’s racism everywhere, even malays get treated like shit in malaysia. since most companies are chinese owned, they prefer chinese people than malays for the jobs. you probably gonna say, thats becuz of work attitude and the chinese have proficiency in mandarin and the malays dont. probably, but even without all that, juz imagine all the results are the same, the malay guy who apply for the job can even speak mandarin, without any government quota on companies requiring certain percentage of malays in the company, the chinese will get the job for sure. its a simple theory really. the “juz helping my own kind” theory. its that simple.
ooo, and stop thinking that you guys are the one that is running the economy. without the malays, will the chinese work as a toll attendant for 800 a month? hell no? how bout pump attendant? firemen? no. this is all malay. cuz they never see that 800 is juz too damn low. which i myself dun understand them sometimes. but then again thats juz life. some people got it good, some got it bad.
so in conclusion, stop bitching and be grateful. no one rob you of anything. we got the roads working for you to use, clubs for you to go, mamak for you to yamcha, casino for you to gamble. so enough is enough. you juz happen to pay tax because you work here. its the same policy elsewhere. you work in aus, you pay ur tax to them. work in US, you pay ur tax to them. it is their prerogative to give it back or not, directly or indirectly no one gives a shit. so stop hating. we need more love in the country as of now. and f*&k badawi.
TUN,sepatutnye kite implement 100% policy british govt.from my opinion,those chinese & indians tuh kite bg PR je……n diorg xde hak utk mengundi kat TANAH MELAYU ni.so that diorg akan sedar status diorg dkt sini……..just imagine klau org melayu yg pergi migrate dkt mainland.saya jamin yg govt china xkan layan request immigran di sana yg demand hak2 yg sepatutnye milik pribumi sahaja….tapi kita org melayu nih tlampau tolerate sgt2 smpi diorg pn take advantage.
Off late, I have seen so many openly question, challenge and citicize the Social Contract, and especially the Bumis special rights and previlage.
Checkout this site ( http://www.worldpress.org/2298.cfm ) that list down so called “racial discriminations” of Malaysian Government since indepencence.
Even in this site, amongst the so many comments, we have people criticizing Bumi rights (Tun, credits to you for practicing fair play and allowing these people to criticise you policies in here. But some of the choice words used may be considered as “in bad taste” and unsuitable).
I don’t think I should question people’s right to discuss, debate, question or even criticize Bumis right. Its good that people are interested in the issue, lest future generations will forget what its all about.
However, some of the arguments brought forward reflect a lack of maturity and ability to master logic and simple concepts and philosophies. ( I won’t argue with whats written by denkoh on July 12, 2008 11:55 PM, as its not worth arguing. Its just full of emotional rhetorics)
Do you people want equal treatment…or equal opportunities? These (I would call them as) accusers cannot make up their mind. You talk about the big picture of equality, but you argue on the minute details of policies government created to help the Bumis.You question about the incentives and aids targeted to the Malays and muslims. See below excerpt from the site stated above, the kept a list of statistics of “racial discriminations” (55 items in the list so far):
(23) While a Chinese parent with RM1000 salary (monthly) cannot get school textbook loan, a Malay parent with RM2000 salary is eligible.
(24) All 10 public university vice chancellors are Malays.
and the last item in the list
(55) 12% is what ASB/ASN got per annum while banks fixed deposits are only about 3.5% per annum.
Why do you focus on what the Malay get from its government? Why focus on the role of MARA in helping the Bumis improve its economic status? They even question ASB/ASN rate of dividents? They never saw people queue at ASW counters before this?
Dasar Ekonomi Baru is not focused on discriminating non-malays. It is focused on creating a levelled playing field, on empowering the backward community of Bumiputeras so that they are given EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES.
Let me simplify it for those who cannot grasp on what I am hinting on. Look at the fight for equality in gender. When the Woman Rights Movement fight for equality, which do you think they are asking for:
a) Equal treatment. Woman are treated the same as Men (thus they are expected not to take maternity leave, not offended when their boss pat their behind, and closely abide by a uniformed dress code)
b) Equal opportunity. With sufficient provision and allowance that empower and enable the Females to compete as equals with the Men (which include reasonable and sufficient Maternity Leave, a Day-Care or Child-Care center within or near the working locations etc.)
Look at the Bumiputeras, pre AND post Merdeka. They were given these special rights to help them improve themselves. Whether they take this opportunities or not is another matter. But the policies were supposed to ensure that they are not subjected to a “racial marginalization” in a country that bears their namesake MALAYsia, or used to be known as Tanah Melayu, or Malaya. If you wish to argue that non-malays, non-muslim occupied (or roam) the land before the malay sultanate set up its political system here, than you might as well include Israel in your argument of rhetorical histories while you’re at it.
The Bumis are pretty much left behind in business, education, in standard of living as well as in level of general health. Affirmative Action or whatever you call it is meant to let this people have a fughting chance to raise their level up to the rest of the nation. Would you like to swap places with us the Malays? Or perhaps you prefer to swap places with the non-caucasion in the US or Europe. See what rights they will give you publicly as well as in reality. (Have you seen a Sino-white President of USA,or black President? Lest wait and see what happen to Obama).
So, you wish to have equal treatment? See you at the Masjid later allright? No, you dont have to “potong” first, we can do that later. ….Now, would you appreciate it if I impose my culture and beliefs on others?
Why then do you impose your values on me and my community without even trying to understand our perspectives?
We have not imposed anything on you. Our government gave you all the rights and opportunities to own equity, do business, acquire assests, build place of worship (even if you construct a place of worship on government properties and private properties without asking permission first!)
So, to Human Book from Penang, Malaysia who wrote to the editor of WorldPress, and to “denkoh” who strongly felt against the Bumis in Malaysia…do you really think the government deserved to be compared with the Nazis regime? Denkoh, are you proud of being able to use dirty words against the Malay?
Perhaps, you should send some journalist to study and follow the local Indians who migrated to India, or the local Chinese who migrate to China. See if they get better treatment in those countries.
Personally, I would love to migrate to Australia, but I was advised by my muslim friends in Australia, US, France and in UK to reconsider my plans. I was told the western block are so friendly they have a special welcoming party arranged by Immigration and other enforcement officers….for those who have “bin” or “ben” as their middle name. Perhaps I should change name to Mamat Benjamin Ben Jovi.
To my fellow Malaysians,
Firstly, I am a Malaysian.
My race comes second.
My religion third.
How about you? Or am I the only TRUE Anak Malaysia.
Dear Tun yg amat di kasihi,
Saya tak sangka Tun punya pandai sejarah sampai macam tu…
Sesungguhnya saya byk belajaq drpd Blog Tun ni…
Keep it up…
Cuma yang bodoh,sombong,dungu sahaja yg tidak mahu belajaq, kerana mungkin beliau tidak tahu yg sebenaqnya beliau bodoh!! Akibat dikelilingi oleh pengampu,pembodek yg gila jawatan dan kepentingan peribadi sahaja..Tengoklah apa akibatnya kpd bangsa Melayu, diperkotak-katikkan,dihina dan dibuat macam sampah dibumi sendiri…
Siapa harus dipersalahkan?
Dear Tun,
By the way I agreed with you on the AAB issue, he is indeed a weak leader and if he trys to force any racial issue, god help all of us. The results I think will be boyond his poor brain to accept.
People under the Malaysian Educational system do not read very well do they ?
Where does it mention that Bumi (East Malaysian people would not like this at all because they get jackass out of this NEP thing) should have 30% of the country wealth or economical pie ?
Where does it says that University places should mostly goes to Bumi’s people ? (Never mind the scholarship – actually scholarship is mean for scholar, but in Malaysia it is for whatever)
Quote ” 29. A quota was fixed for the Malayan Civil Service wherein the Malays would get four posts for every one given to Chinese or Indians.”
And how has point 29 being carry out ? What is the differences now ? 4 to 1 or 20 to 1 ?
Better still from 29 onwards, it says that the rulers should not be challenged. Quote “32. The position of the Malay Rulers was entrenched and could not be challenged”. So do our YDMM Agung still have the same power he is suppose to have ?
Social contract or the spirit of it ? You mean the spirit of it is to make slaves out of the non bumi to serve the Bumi’s ? SPIRIT ? Please get your head screw on right first, if that is not racist then please explain what is.
Hello we (Human) have been out of caves for a very long time now, please do not put Malaysian back into the stone age ok.
It’s been really enlightening everytime i visit your blog, it somehow reflected the reason malaysia being one of the few exemplary countries in the muslim world till recently.
Your brain is brilliant and your sight is far. No doubt you find problem looking for your successor.
Only when these are addressed can you find a far more suitable candidate easier:
1. Prime Minister may not be necessarily a malay muslim.
2. Brain drain factor reversed.
Salam Tun,
Sepertimana biasa walau sepanjang manapun penjelasan diberikan berkenaan kontrak sosial, pasti ada yang akan mempertikai. Saya perhatikan ada jugak blogger yang tak dapat menerima kenyataan berkenaan wujudnya kontrak ini.
Mereka ini sebagaimana parti-parti politik seperti DAP, PKR, “Bar Council Party”, MCA, MIC dan lain-lainnya akan sedaya-upaya menegakkan benang basah seolah-olah mereka sahaja yang arif tentang perlembagaan dan kontrak sosial.
Saya mohon mencadangkan agar diadakan REFERENDUM untuk mendapatkan pandangan orang Melayu sendiri sama ada mereka menerima atau menolak kontrak sosial. Biarlah kaum Melayu menentukan haknya sendiri dan bukannya kaum lain.
While reading his thoughts on the matter, one gets the feeling that the tempo of Dr.M explanation is in ascending order.It is as if the first item is to be read first before the second can be appreciated, and so on and so forth until the last item is reached. Also, the composition suggestes that they are not meant to be be digested separately. Instead, all 45 points are in a manner interconnected with one another, as in the notes in an orchestra are when they are arranged to form a symphony.
As a non-bumiputera, I cannot agree agree with Dr.M on point 1 for self evident reasons. Had the name of this land at its birth been Tanah Melayu, ,maybe i could have compelled myself to agree with him on the basis of history but since i know that even as early as independence approximately 50 years ago, many names other than Perseketuan Tanah Melayu was considered by the founding fathers as the name of the newly independent federation, to do so would not only be unnecessary but also unprofitable at the same time.
My forefathers maybe foreigners in this land once upon a time ago, but that was only because they had a place called home and somewhere else to go. I don’t have anywhere else to go. Ergo, this is my home.
ex- Prime Minister’s and kings and Parliament and historians can and do have opinions to the to the contrary but i have to respectfully disagree.
I believe in a good god after all.
Now what kind of believe will that turn into if i also choose to believe that such a god could have also seen it fit to deliver countless men into this world without a home to rest their soul.
Ybgh Tun,
Alhamdullilah , jelas dan terperinci sejarah dan penerangan Ybgh Tun diatas tu.
Rententan sejarah tu, seolah menjadi rahsia negara ni dan beransur cuba dipadamkan olih pemerintah negara.
Namun persoalan besar yang perlu difikirkan, mengapa pemilihan pemerintah dibuat secara demokrsi total, setuju diterima olih Melayu diawal menuntut kemerdekaan ? jika majoriti bolih menentukan pemerintah dan pengubalan perlembagaan bolih dibuat dengan majoriti 2/3 , tiada apa yang tidak bolih dipinda.
Malaysia dalam pejalanan menuju saperti Singapura. Kita masih menganggap Sigapura sebagai jiran yang baik.
Melayu kebanyakan nya sedang lemas, hanya segelintir yang bersikap sikitol sedang bermewah dan berlagak dengan kuasa seciput yang ada. PM saperti berkuasa macam, MB selangor, MB perak , banyak menghulur, supaya kerusi tidak tercabut ??????
Usahakan lah Tun supaya Melayu terselamat di Negara sendiri.
Doa kupanjatkan kehadrat Allah supaya Tun senantiasa sejahtera dan bahagia.
Assalamua’laikum, Tun, persoalan saya ialah:
1. Bukankah Tun sendiri memperkenalkan konsep ‘Malaysian Malaysia”?
2. Bukankah ketika zaman Tun sendiri biasiswa dihapuskan, sebaliknya digantikan dengan pinjaman.
Saya sebenarnya menyanjung Tun sehingga Tun digelar BAPA PEMODENAN MALAYSIA ataupun BAPA PENGSWASTAAN MALAYSIA. Namun beberapa tindakan Tun mengecewakan saya. Seharusnya Tun menjalin kerjasama yang baik dengan PAS. Sebaliknya Tun menjadi dalang dalam peristiwa berdarah MEMALI, operasi LALANG dsb.
Saya rasa ini adalah natijah dosa-dosa semalam Tun sendiri.
Maafkan saya.
One thing,I wish to clear the air first is that will the sedition Act ,the PPP Act or Defamation Act apply here?Please get your legal adviser to clarify on them.
1)As you put it,the aborigines accepted the Malay Sultans.Can it be in perpetuity?Was it a level field at that time?Did the forefathers of the aborigines knew very well what they were doing? I have doubts because no sound mind would have done or you?
2)It is Not those salients points of the contracts from no.20 onwards thats attract many forums.It is the distribution of the econimic pie that causes many unhappiness.
3)You said that in the old days,div I were mainly non-Malays.But now?Now you look at the current situation.Does it in compliance with the social contract?I need not give a list of examples but just to highlight the post of Finance Minister.Who holds it now?MCA did well in 2004 but it never go back to MCA let alone talk about the qouta in other areas.Is it power sharing in reality and in compliance with the spirit of 50 years ago?
Good afternoon Yang Berhormat Tun Mahathir
Foremost I have to say that I was a little surprised that among so many topics, you had written about a rather sensitive topic which I feel hits the core of most non-bumis in Malaysia. I have so much to say in response to your article but am choosing to keep it short and contained.
I find it funny that you state that NO ONE has questioned the social contract – I know a lot of Malaysians have questioned this “priviledge” over the years – even before and during your time as PM and it has only fallen on deaf ears.Malaysia did not prosper on the efforts of the bumis alone, Malaysia prospered and developed over the 50 years with the blood, sweat , tears, passion and loyalty of the many races who made Malaysia recognised.
Are you saying that because this social contract “has never been questioned” – therefore the other Malaysian races other the bumis should just accept this as status quo?
I think the Malaysian government has to be sensible enough to recognise this so called “social contract” will be questioned in great detail as the Malaysian society progress to be become a more educated and sophisticated society and may I remind, dear Tun that this very topic which you now write about was a taboo subject during your years as PM – and now it has become a public forum – on your website!
Yes, I am not a bumiputera, my grandfather was from China but I was born a Malaysian, it is my land of birth and I am “anak Malaysia” but what upsets me is I am considered “second class” citizen because of this “social contract”.
I look up the word racist and this is what it means:
” belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others”
Salam Tun!
Wonder if Pak Dolah knows about this…..
….tengok macam tak faham je…or saja buat2 tak faham..
Allah bless Tun!
cheyan – orang kedah
Salam Tun,
1. Hal ehwal Islam LEBIH UTAMA daripada hal ehwal Melayu, walaupun Melayu ditakrifkan sebagai beragama Islam oleh Perlembagaan.
2. Pemerintah dan rakyat Kesultanan Melayu Melaka (diikuti Kedah-Pulau Pinang-Perlis, Perak, Pahang, Johor-Singapura, Kelantan dan Terengganu) sama-sama berdosa dari aspek Fardhu Kifayah kerana gagal mempertahankan sebuah kerajaan Islam. Dosa ini hanya boleh ditebus dengan bertaubat serta berusaha untuk mengembalikan kedaulatan Islam di SINI.
3. UMNO masih GAGAL untuk mendaulatkan Islam selepas satu generasi (50 tahun) merdeka kerana terlalu memberi perhatian kepada persoalan BANGSA sahaja.
4. Kekalahan BN pada PRU12 ada hubung kaitnya dengan kegagalan ini walaupun dilihat berada pada landasan paling sesuai setelah menang besar PRU11 melalui Perdana Menteri baru yang berimejkan Islam.
5. Perpaduan Malaysia sebenarnya boleh dicapai dengan mudah melalui Islam kerana orang Cina dan India yang beragama Islam akan diterima oleh orang Melayu yang sememangnya sinonim dengan Islam.
6. Semakin saya susuri permasalahan yang ditimbulkan oleh Tun, semakin saya yakin bahawa Islam ada setiap penyelesaiannya.
7. Sesungguhnya, Allah jualah yang akan memberikan kejayaan kepada hamba-hambaNya yang beriman di dunia dan di akhirat.
Salam Tun,
Selalunya yang menuduh kita “Recist” adalah lebih “recist”. Disini saya rase orang melayu yang patut saman british bukannya HINDRAF kerana british memaksa kita menerima penjanjian mereka kerana itu british bertanggungjawab menyusahkan, mengenakan tekanan kepada kita,menyebabkan banyak hak kita diambil ,bergaduh yang menyebabkan kematian antara kaum sebab british bawa masuk pendatang (british nak untung untuk perlombongan dan estet getah)tapi yang menanggung kesan adalah orang melayu.kalau dilihat sejarah, Cuba bayang kan jika pemimpin kita bersetuju bergabung dengan indonesia ,saya rasa singapura pun tidak boleh keluar malaysia kan.Banyak sangat jika dilihat sejarah orang melayu terlalu bertolak ansur dan jika tak salah saya orang melayu dianggap pasif oleh kaum lain,dengan itu mereka akan mengambil peluang atas kebaikan kita atau tolak ansur kita, Persoalannya adakah kita nak jadi “punching bag” dan membiarkan sahaja hak kita dirampas, dimana NGO melayu yang kurang bersuara dan bertindak dan yang paling penting pembaca-pembaca melayu blog ini ,
Persoalan untuk org melayu,
Apakah yang anda telah lakukan untuk bangsa anda?
Adakah anda hanya membaca dan mengharapkan orang lain menjaga hak untuk anda?
Bagaimanakan nasib anak cucu anda siapakah nak pertahankan hak mereka ?
Ingat kita perlu bertanggungjawab atas nasib bangsa kita dan anak cucu kita.
I tried restricting my self from making any racial orientated comments….but ill just make a reality check..better i speak in bahasa “MALAYSIA” NOT melayu.
dari mana asal usul mu?jawa ,sulawesi?….Siam?
Dr.Mahathir yang saya amat hormati..nampaknya Tun juga telah lupa sedikit sejarah mu..walaubagaimanapun petikan Tun tepat sekali..tapi hanya dengan melupai apa yang berlaku sebelum sejarah yang tercatit di atas..
Srivijaya?Raja Chola?macam pernah dengar aje?
Kenapa Indonesia terdapat banyak sangat yang beragama Hindu?kenapa adat di Thailand sama seperti adat di India?
Kenapa Sultan dan raja kita di malaysia mengikuti adat traditional India di malaysia?
Sipakah Parameswara?Adakah in bermakna semua kesultanan and raja di malaysia berasal dari India?
Bahasa Malaysia?apa tu?bahasa tulis ikut cara Latin!!!
vocabulary campur belanda,portugis,India,Cina
mana asal usul mu?
you tak nak balik ke tanah air mu ke?Thailand ke..Indonesia ke
asal usul you ….orang asli atau Iban ke?dayak ke?kelabit ke?
Itulah sebab dia orang tak suka sangat dengan kita yang bermaharajalela di sini!!Cuba pergi ke Sabah atau Sarawak dan tanya peduduk di sana tentang Melayu di sini.
Ekonomi negara 89 peratus di pegang Cina dan India
Sekarang team bola kita dasyat betul..takde cina dan India yang bermain..pasti qualify untuk world cup!!!Team kita boleh jalan sendiri ke dengan satu bangsa?
Siapkah yang asyik menang pingat pingat untuk negara…
Siapa yang menjadi terkenal di dunia sama ada sukan,music dan dari segi profesional…anda?
78% banduan di penjara siapa?
70% pengidap AIDS siapa?
95% kes rogol anak sendiri siapa?
70% pemilik business di negara in siapa?
you cuba bayangkan sendiri bagaimana situasi di Maaysia ??!!!
Lain kali sebelum buat komen ….fikir sikit!!! gunakanlah otak yang diberi oleh tuhan..
kami memang berasa bertuah menjadi warganegara Malaysia … tetapi kamu harus anggap dan fahami bahawa ketiga ketiga bangsa di malaysia adalah “immigrants”…”pendatang asing”
Kita harus pulang ke generasi 60 an dan 70 an di mana….prinsip MALAYSIA di pertengahkan sebelum bangsa dan agama….
70% rakan saya adalah berbangsa Melayu dan setuju dengan pendapat saya..
bezanya adalah mereka adalah kritikal dan cerdik daripada yang asyik komplen buta buta!!!
Selamatkanlah Malysia dan bukan tanya
Kerana kita saling memerlukan sesama diri…
bagi yang ingin mengritik dengan membuta tuli teruskanlah …harap generasi depanmu dapat menikmati Malysia di masa depan tanpa India dan Cina..pasti masa depanya “CERAH”!!!
I would like to apologise to anyone who was offended by this comments..and to those who understand kudos to you mate…
Salam Tun,
Sejak akhir2 ni,pelbagai masalah yg timbul dlm negara akibat dasar pemerintahan AAB…especially in “Social Contract, matter…
FYI Tun,I’m one of the Sabahan which got the Pakistan n Filipino blood on my father side but I still consider myself as a MALAY…
Pekara racist berbangkit d sebabkan kita terlampau berlembut dgn bangsa2 lain n membiarkan mereka melakukan sesuatu sesuka hati tanpa monitor dr kjaan…
Bangsa cina contohnya,mereka tlh menguasai ekonomi negara tp adakah mereka berterima kasih dgn peluang yg telah diberikan malah ‘diberi betis,hendakkan peha’…
Saya merupakan graduan dr sebuah IPTA tempatan dan sehingga skg sy sukar memperolehi pekerjaan yg sesuai…Ini disebabkan sy tidak menguasai bahasa Mandarin (sdgkan sy menguasai bhs Inggeris dgn baik)…Alasan majikan spy mereka senang berinteraksi dgn pekerja…
Terdapat jg alasan mgenai pelabur dari Cina…sy berasa seolah-olah tgl d Singapore…Apa tindakan kerajaan skg untuk membendung ‘pilih kasih’ dlm soal mencari pkerjaan?????
Berbanding dgn Indonesia,sy sgt suka dgn masyarakat majmuknya yg mana cina n India bercakap mggunakan bahasa Melayu…Ini termasukla cina sesama cina…sungguh tidak d sangka negara yg mempunyai masalah dlman boleh hidup dlm keadaan begitu…ini sepatutnya d jadikan contoh mcmana kerajaan sebenarnya boleh mengawal rakyatnya…Saya berharap kita belum terlambat…Sungguh menakutkan saya terpaksa tgl d negara yg semakin porak peranda…
Wish u still the PM of Malaysia…
Hak sama rata konon….suruhlah kaum lain sama sama menjaga Malaysia dengan menjadi Polis atau Tentera….ini tidak…jawatan kerajaan dipenuhi orang Melayu sahaja. Kaum lain tak mahu..ingat Melayu ni kuli je ke kena kerja dalam sektor perkhidmatan..bagi perkhidmatan untuk diaorang….diaorang ambil jawatan besar…gaji besar….dalam sektor swasta jawatan penting diberi pada kaum sendiri dan kalau diberi pada Melayu pun gajinya pasti berbeza….tak percaya?…auditlah mana mana syarikat swasta….ada hati nak kesamarataan pula…….Melayu pula…sedarlah diri tu…..ingat sejarah….jangan asyik berpecah belah aje……
Assalammualaikum Tun,
Salam sejahtera dari saya dan semoga Tun akan sentiasa berada dalam keadaan sihat walafiat.
Other races are beginning to question about Malay’s rights and privileges, describing it as being racist, unfair etc.
This can only happen when UMNO is weak. The Malays NEED UMNO, but so long as UMNO is weak, with weak leadership, Malays will have no champion on our side.
Slowly, but surely, our rights and privileges will be lost
Salam to Tun and family.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Tulisan Tun mengingatkan saya isi kandungan buku The Malay Dilemma. Ia masih relevan sehingga kini. Saya hanya kesal kerana pada zaman pemerintahan Tun, buku tersebut tidak dijadikan rujukan wajib, sekurang-kurangnya di peringkat pengajian tinggi, jika tidak pun sebagai rujukan sejarah peringkat sekolah rendah dan menengah. Barangkali, itulah sebabnya generasi muda hari ini, terutama penyokong PKR gagal memahami wawasan Tun untuk pembangunan negara Malaysia yang tercinta ini.
The Malay Dilemma mungkin boleh merungkai beberapa senario di bawah ini, untuk difikirkan oleh golongan yang sengaja tidak mahu belajar dari sejarah, dan berjuang atas niat suci untuk mencapai Impian 2057 Malaysia untuk ‘semua’;
Akhirnya setelah mencapai Wawasan 2020, maka tiga pemimpin utama bersetuju meneruskan agenda Malaysia Untuk Semua menjelang tahun 2057. Selain isu agama, semua pihak bersetuju membahaskan hak sama rata termasuk perkara berkenaan sekolah kebangsaan dan bahasa ibunda. Sebagai syarat pembentukan Malaysia Untuk Semua, usul supaya Sekolah Kebangsaaan, Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (China & India) hendaklah digantikan dengan SEKOLAH NEGARA MALAYSIA, dengan bahasa pengantar BAHASA MALAYSIA. Berikut adalah reaksi para pemimpin parti masing-masing;
a) Pemimpin Parti Melayu Malaysia; “Tak pe lah, kita terima aje, orang Melayu boleh bertolak ansur, tak pe lah..”
b) Pemimpin Parti Cina Malaysia; “Mana boleh! Kita nak lebih! lagi satu, itu kita punya bahasa ibunda wo, mana boleh tukar…”
c) Pemimpin Parti India Malaysia; “Mana-mana pun boleh. Kita ikut saja. Tapi itu bahasa tak boleh, kita punya bahasa ibunda oo…”
KESIMPULAN 1: Orang Melayu selalunya sedia bertolak ansur, walaupun menghakis hak mereka sendiri. Masalahnya, orang Cina dan India belum tentu setuju. Fikirkanlah!
Setelah beribu-ribu seminar dan siri perbincangan, akhirnya usul tersebut dilaksanakan juga dengan rasminya pada tahun 2057. Tiba-tiba berlaku satu tuntutan oleh 1 juta anak kelahiran Wilayah Pembangunan Kiasu di selatan tanah air. Mereka menuntut diberikan hak sama rata dalam semua bidang kerana ibu-bapa mereka telah pun mempunyai hartanah di Wilayan Pembangunan Kiasu dan mempunyai taraf PR sejak tahun 2010 lagi. Menurut wakil Persatuan Anak Kelahiran Kiasu tersebut, mereka patut diberi peluang terlibat dalam politik negara, kedudukan dalam kerajaan dan diberikan kontrak kerajaan kerana mereka teramat cerdik dalam segala segi, dan berkeupayaan tinggi kerana kewangan yang lebih kukuh (kerana turut diberi sokongan oleh Negara Kiasu asal mereka, yang terletak hanya beberapa kilometer jauhnya menyeberangi Tambak Selat Air Tak Mengalir.
PERSOALAN: Adakah Pemimpin Pelbagai Parti Negara Malaysia akan bersetuju dengan tuntutan tersebut?
JAWAPAN 1 oleh pemimpin muda yang tidak mengendahkan sejarah; “Ok lah, tak pa lah, kita bagi aje lah… mereka bagus, bagi sajalah”
JAWAPAN 2 oleh pemimping pengasas Malaysia Untuk Semua; MANA BOLEH! KITA PENAT-PENAT 100 TAHUN BERJUANG DAPATKAN HAK MALAYSIA UNTUK SEMUA, senang-senang je orang-orang Kiasu nak hak sama rata!”
Kedua-dua senario tersebut di atas dibuat berdasarkan sikap setiap 3 bangsa utama di Malaysia, yang masih tidak berubah SEBELUM, SEMASA DAN SELEPAS kelahiran buku The Malay Dilemma. Secara mudahnya, hari ini semasa menuntut hak sama rata, kebanyakan orang sengaja membelakangkan sejarah. Akan datang, apabila sejarah berulang, masa itulah mereka kata pula; KITA KENALAH TENGOK SEJARAH!
Kepada pemimpin sekarang, Wilayah Pembanguan Kiasu itu pasti akan wujud pada 2057. Menurut akta khas yang telah diluluskan, niat suci anda kononnya membangunkan selatan tanah air mungkin boleh menyelamatkan anda daripada disaman generasi akan datang. Akan tetapi, di akhirat kelak, terimalah balasan kerana mengabaikan amanah sebagai khalifah.
For 22 years, UMNO under the Tun hijacked the Social Contract for their own ends. When Badawi came to power, he found out that it was indeed “profitable” for UMNO to continue hijacking the Social Contract to enrich an elite group of UMNOputras.
The Social Contract as interpreted by UMNO is simple – we have the right to take what we want, and if what we take turns out to be “no good” or “not profitable”, the Government will bail us out. So MAS was given to Tajuddin Ramli, and the government bailed him out at twice the market price. Timedotcom was forced upon the EPF at several times the grey market price. The Light rail systems in the Klang valley were nationalised after the construction profits were taken by the contractors.
Recently, an article appeared about some UMNO Putera exco member being given 1200 APs to import hybrid cars. If the hybrid cars don’t sell, the government will buy those cars. Recently it was announced that NAZA will build a new building near KLCC for Felda at RM700 million. Felda’s a cash cow, while NAZA is mired in debt despite the hundreds of thousands of APs it gets.
There is nothing racist in exposing theft. Especially when the stealing benefits only a small group of elite UMNOputras. The worst part about the stealing is this – UMNO can’t even steal with style.
Tidak menghairankan jika AAB begitu generous kepada non-malays esp. the chinese. Kita tidak tahu apa yang berlaku dibelakang tabir tetapi kita tahu siapa yang mengunjungi AAB sebaik saja dia menjawat PM. Mula-mula beliau menerima kunjungan sepupu beliau dari China. Kemudian ketua-ketua Dong Jiao Zong (Gabungan Lembaga-Lembaga Pengurus Sekolah Cina Malaysia dan Gabungan Persatuan-Persatuan Guru-Guru Sekolah Cina Malaysia) yang satu ketika mendesak dan menolak keras penubuhan sekolah wawasan, dan pengekalan sekolah-sekolah berbahasa cina, adalah kumpulan yang terawal mengadakan pertemuan dengan AAB selepas memegang jawatan PM. Apa yang berlaku selepas pertemuan itu amatlah jelas hingga kehari ini, bahkan mereka telah memperolehi lebih daripada yang diminta. Semasa bersekolah kami difahamkan bahawa biasiswa adalah hak istimewa bagi orang Melayu. Tetapi apa yang dah jadi? Yang terbaru 40% biasiswa diberikan kepada bukan Melayu. Tidak patutkah jika AAB dikatakan pengkhianat bangsa?
Selepas PRU12 AAB menjadi seperti orang yang mabuk meluluskan apa saja yang dia orang minta. HINDRAF kononnya sebuah pertubuhan haram tetapi banyak yang kaum mereka sudah dapat selepas PRU12. Apa perlunya HINDRAF mengadu kepada kerajaan India kononnya kaum mereka ditindas di Malaysia. Mengapa mereka tidak memohon menjadi rakyat India terus dan balik ke India. Tengok apa nak jadi.
Dear Tun,
I’m very happy & congrats both Pak Lah,Anwar & other cowered MP of Pak Lah follower (sarcastic words) for being treatean our own Malay races..no wonder nowadyas non-malays questioning all about Malays rights including DEB & Social Contract.
They should thankful & blessed live here in Malaysia…wonder what happen if the history change & these Non-Malays going back to their own country.
P/S Tun I’m working in one of private sector with multiracial workers…as I can see we malays are being bias by giving low rate salary, workloaded & other benefits…rather then this chinese & indian workers.
Are they still questioning eventhough its happen in front our eyes that they get more wealth,power& propserty in Malaysia.
Wei jgn nak kecoh persoalkan hak keistimeweaan org Melayu di Tanah Melayu ini. Berterima kasihla dah di beri kerakyatan Malaysia. Kalau nak lebih2 bising, sila akan lu punyer bag n get out from MALAYsia.
Pak Lah!!!!! , kalu aper2 terjadi sehingga terlucutnyer hak keistimewaan org Melayu ko lah PETUALANG BANGSA MELAYU YG SEBENAR !!!!!! kerana gagal mempertahankan kontrak sosial yg telah di terima selama 50 tahun.
Yang Amat Dihormati Tun,
Keputusan PRU12 mengakibat beberapa hak-hak keistimewaan serta nasib Orang Melayu Islam semakin dipersoalkan dan sekiranya perkara yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan tidak dapat dipertahankan apatah ditambah lagi, pastinya suatu hari nanti Orang Melayu Islam akan merempat di bumi sendiri.
Telah terang lagi nyata bagaimana isu-isu sensitif seperti kedudukan Raja-Raja Melayu, pemberian biasiswa, jawatan tinggi dalam sektor awam & GLC, tanah rezab orang Melayu, kuota institusi pengajiang tinggi dan sebagainya telah dengan beraninya dicabar secara terbuka. Adakah selama ini kedengaran Orang Melayu Islam pernah mempertikaikan pegangan ekonomi, kekayaan, isu kerakyatan dan kebebasan beragama mereka? Tidak ada sama sekali melainkan jika dijolok sarang tebuan. Sejarah Tanah Melayu/Malaya dan Kemerdekaan membukti hanyalah Orang Melayu Islam yang menentang penjajah dan ancaman komunis.
Ternyata kepimpinan yang ada sekarang sama sekali tidak mampu dan berupaya mempertahankan kuasa politik Orang Melayu Islam apatah lagi Perlembagaan dan Raja-Raja Melayu.
Empat (4) perkara pokok/persoalan utama yang perlu dijawab dan ditangani kepimpinan sekarang:
1) mengapa semua balak dan bencana terjadi kepada Orang Melayu Islam sahaja berbanding dengan bangsa-bangsa yang lain;
2) mengapa Orang Melayu Islam sahaja berpecah-belah berbanding dengan bangsa-bangsa yang lain;
3) mengapa Orang Melayu Islam sahaja kelihatan lemah dalam semua bidang dan menjadi juara gejala sosial seperti merempit, penagihan dadah, sumbang mahram, ajaran sesat, anak luar nikah dan sebagainya berbanding dengan bangsa-bangsa yang lain; dan
4) mengapa Orang Melayu Islam sahaja yang ramai terlibat dalam kejala rasuah dan pecah amanah berbanding dengan bangsa-bangsa yang lain.
Lakukanlah sesuatu.
Salam Tun,
Peribahasa yang tepat untuk golongan minoriti “dah dapat betis nak paha” atau “bagai Belanda minta tanah”. Silap kita juga yang beri kerakyatan kepada mereka dari dulu lagi. Lihat negara jiran yang lain, kecuali pulau di selatan tanah air, golongan minoriti di negara mereka skit je dan pandai pulak hormat penduduk asal. Tetapi hairan juga selepas setengah abad, orang Bumiputera di Malaysia hanya lebih kurang 60%++ saja. Nampak gayanya golongan minoriti di Malaysia ini beranak lebih banyak daripada orang Bumiputera. kalau rasa di malaysia ini tidak adil tolonglah berhijrah ke negara lain. Cuba try buat apa yang anda buat di malaysia ini di sana. Tak payah fikir jauh2, cubalah buka sekolah berasaskan perkauman di negara lain, boleh ke?
Tun, bumiputra tu termasuk la org Sabah & Sarawak kan? Kenapa sy tgk x ramai org Sabah & Sarawak yg dpt privilege (in terms of tertiary education) mcm org Semenanjung. Sy bpeluang utk blajar kat Semenanjung, so sy tau scholarship JPA or MARA byk dpt kat org semenanjung. Mcm mana ek dorg set kuota? By the way, sy bpendapat yg Sabah Sarawak layak utk dpt eqiupment pembelajaran n cikgu yang lebih baik dpd sekarang. Sy tgk, dr zaman sy bsekolah dlu, cuma fresh grad teacher je yg dhantar kat sana, pas 3-4 tahun, dorg akan pindah ke semenanjung balik. So anak2 Sabah Sarawak akan dpt cikgu baru je balik2 sbb yg bpengalaman nak mengajar kat Semenanjung. Ni cuma comment utk drenungkan bersama ye tun. Macam mana pun, sy tetap sayang malaysia~
Salam Ta’zim Tun Dr M,
Dalam silibus mata pelajaran Sejarah Tingkatan 3 dan Tingkatan 5 untuk PMR dan SPM ada diterangkan dengan panjang lebar tentang Kontrak Sosial. Malahan, seorang pensyarah UTM subjek Kenegaraan Malaysia dan Hubungan Etnik sendiri mengakui bahawa kandungan buku teks sekolah menengah tersebut adalah lebih lengkap berbanding silibus peringkat universiti mengenai sejarah Malaysia berkaitan usaha ke arah kemerdekaan dan pengisian kemerdekaan.
Buku teks Tingkatan 3 yang digunakan sehingga tahun 2005(?) telah digunakan sejak PMR pertama kali diperkenalkan sejak 1984(?). Maka, sepatutnya kebanyakan generasi yang kini majoriti rakyat Malaysia faham tentang kandungan Kontrak Sosial ini. Kenyataan sesetengah individu bahawa mereka baru sahaja faham tentang perkara ini dapat diterima sebagai menghairankan.
Sebelum kita perjuangkan sesuatu ataupun takut untuk memperjuangkan sesuatu, adalah penting untuk kita fahami dahulu apa sebenarnya kandungan perjuangan tersebut. Jika tidak, kelak kita akan diperbodohkan dengan strategi bijak pihak lawan. Lebih malang lagi, kita akan memperbodohkan diri kita sendiri dengan melakukan kesilapan yang membantutkan perjuangan kita. Sayangnya andai kesilapan tersebut mematahkan usaha kita ke arah satu perjuangan yang murni.
Penerangan Dr M atau sesiapapun tentang Kontrak Sosial ataupun sebarang perkara mengenai Ketuanan Melayu dan hak-hak istimewa Melayu dan Bumiputera sering digunakan sebagai hujah untuk melabelkan kita tersebut sebagai ‘racist’. Dan akibat daripada kejahilan kita sendiri, kita takut lalu meminta maaf. Alangkah malangnya sesuatu bangsa itu apabila warganya sendiri malu dan takut untuk mempertahankan maruah bangsanya.
Maka perlulah kita tahu hak kita dan yakin dengannya sehingga pihak lain tidak mampu menafikan apa jua yang sememangnya mereka tahu bahawa ianya hak kita. Namun, oleh sebab pertentangan perjuangan lawan kita akan sanggup menggunakan strategi tak kira bersih ataupun kotor asalkan ideologi mereka tercapai.
Ideologi dan perjuangan yang kini dilaungkan oleh pihak pembangkang terutama DAP dan PKR adalah perjuangan yang tampak universal dan mulia pada mata kasar. Sama jugalah dengan agenda globalisasi yang dibawa USA dan sekutu negara2 kaya. Tun Dr M merupakan salah seorang pemimpin yang lantang menentang globalisasi mutlak. Globalisasi mutlak mempromosikan platform persaingan sama rata bagi semua negara. Ini seolah2 perlawanan tinju antara atlet featherweight dan heavyweight. tentulah sukar bagi atlet featherweight tersebut untuk menang. Kalaupun menang, adalah dengan usaha yang jauh lebih besar berbanding atlet heavyweight yang lebih besar dan kuat. Menurut Tun, secara kasar, globalisasi perlulah memberi ‘fighting chance’ kepada semua negara termasuk yang miskin. Majoriti dunia telah termakan dengan hujah ‘universal’ dan ‘mulia’ negara kaya tentang globalisasi. Malaysia bernasib baik kerana mempunyai Perdana Menteri yang sangat berani menentang arus dan mempunyai pendirian fikiran sendiri yang teguh. Penolakan tawaran pinjaman IMF ketika krisis ekonomi 97/98 merupakan kemuncak kepada keberanian ini. Dalam saat genting kegawatan ekonomi dan politik waktu itu, Malaysia masih mampu menganjurkan Sukan Komanwel ke-16 dengan jayanya.
Agenda universal yang dibawa DAP dan PKR andainya terjadi akan menafikan Kontrak Sosial yang telah menjadi asas pembinaan negara Malaysia. Mungkin ada hujah bahawa selagi Kontrak Sosial dikekalkan, maka selagi itulah semua pihak Melayu dan bukan Melayu akan tidak berpuas hati dan meretakkan hubungan antara kaum.
Isu ini pernah dijawab oleh Allahyarham Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman (Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Menteri Dalam Negeri era Tun Razak) seperti berikut, ” Malaysia adalah negara untuk orang Melayu yang sederhana dan orang Cina yang memahami”-Bukan Kerana Pangkat.
Ini bererti harapan sesetengah ekstremist orang Melayu untuk mencapai ketuanan Melayu mutlak tidak dapat dibenarkan. Begitulah juga ideologi sama rata sekular ala Singapura yang dibawa oleh ekstremist Cina tidak dapat dibenarkan.
Toleransi sebeginilah yang telah membawa kestabilan kepada Malaysia setelah kekacauan 13 Mei. Tun Dr Ismail telah digelar sebagai pemimpin yang telah menyelamatkan Malaysia kerana kejayaannya menstabilkan negara berdasarkan prinsip tersebut.
Alangkah sayangnya sekiranya kestabilan ini dimusnahkan kerana cita-cita melampau setengah kumpulan kecil. Lebih malang lagi apabila ada golongan yang menyokong usaha oleh kumpulan ini tanpa berfikir secara kritis dan rasional yang akhirnya akan menjahanamkan diri mereka sendiri.
Perkembangan politik pada masa ini yang sarat dengan isu-isu mengenai pelbagai ideologi dan perjuangan bukanlah perkara baru sebenarnya. Dengan menyoroti sejarah negara, kita akan dapat melihat bahawa tuntutan2 dan perjuangan ini berulang2 setiap kali wujudnya krisis.
Kajian mendalam terhadap sejarah dan kandungan tersirat mengenai sesuatu isu merupakan salah satu ‘strong point’ yang menjadikan Tun Dr M seorang pemimpin dan pemikir yang hebat. Tindakan dan keputusan yang dibuat beliau dalam menggesa perletakan jawatan Dato Seri Abdullah contohnya adalah usaha yang strategik yang akan mengelakkan dan menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah yang boleh timbul daripada hanya satu faktor ini. Begitu jugalah usaha beliau dalam Menjenayahkan Perang-Criminalizing War. Logiknya amat mudah tetapi sangat kuat. Membunuh adalah jenayah dan perang adalah tindakan membunuh. Maka, perang juga adalah jenayah. Menjadikan perang sebagai jenayah akan menjatuhkan nilai moral negara2 yang memulakan perang serta menggerakkan tindakan undang2 sedunia terhadap jenayah peperangan. Ini kelak juga akan melemahkan peluang kerjasama ekonomi negara tersebut dengan pasaran dunia. Lebih baik lagi, perang tidak lagi akan menjadi satu pilihan langsung untuk menyelesaikan konflik antara negara.
Perlulah kita ingat kembali bahawa Malaysia ingin menjadi sebuah negara maju dengan acuannya tersendiri. Wawasan 2020 menggariskan cita-cita dengan tepat dan padat dalam 9 Cabaran utamanya. Oleh itu, menjadikan USA atau Jepun atau Singapura sebagai model negara maju untuk Malaysia bukanlah sesuatu yang bijak.
Maka, kita juga perlu membentuk pemikiran kritis dan strategik seperti Tun. Semoga keputusan dan tindakan kita adalah yang terbaik.
Usahlah membenarkan orang lain menafikan naluri kita untuk membela agama,bangsa dan negara kita sendiri.
Adakah pekara ini termaktub dalam THE MALAYSIAN SOCIAL CONTRACT mengenai Singapura sebelum dilepaskan oleh Tengku Abd Rahman….
The Constitution acknowledges ethnic Malays as “the indigenous people of Singapore” and charges the Government to support and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social, cultural, and language interests.
The Presidential Council on Minority Rights examines all pending bills to ensure that they do not disadvantage a particular group. It also reports to the Government on matters affecting any racial or religious community and investigates complaints.
Salam Sejahtera Untuk Tun,
Racist adalah perkataan yang terlalu kasar untuk dilemparkan kepada Tun. Penjelasan Tun apakah social contract ini banyak memberi maksud kenapa ianya diwujudkan dan rasional disebaliknya. Bukannya racist, tapi satu PERSEFAHAMAN yang DIPERSETUJUI oleh semua kaum. Adakah ini yang dikatakan racist?
Tuduhan yang melulu dan tidak berasas hanya menunjukkan ketidak matangan individu terbabit yang hanya mengikut emosi sahaja. Bukan kera saya seorang Melayu, tetapi dalam kehidupan setiap manusia, apabila sesuatu telah difahami dan dipersetujui, adalah tidak patut untuk dipersoalkan lagi.
Apakah salah Melayu di bumi sendiri mendapat apa yang mereka patut dapat? Bukannya bangsa lain tidak langsung dapat mengecap kenikmatan hidup harmoni di bumi Malaysia. Tapi mereka berkehendakkan yang lebih lagi. Cuba setiap dari kita jawab soalan ini. Adakah orang Melayu yang berhijrah ke negara Cina dan India atau negara-negara lain akan mendapat layanan yang berbeza? Tidak sama sekali. Jadi kita semua patut bersyukur kepada masih bole hidup dengan aman dan harmoni di Malaysia.
Pindaan tertentu sememangnya boleh dibuat dengan sikap toleransi yang orang-orang Melayu tunjukkan sejak daripada dulu lagi. Tapi meminta terlalu meminta banyak juga bole mengecewakan orang-orang Melayu yang sudah lama memberi kelonggaran kepada bangsa-bangsa lain. Apa-apa pun perbincangan yang sihat mestilah difahami dan dipersetujui oleh semua pihak bukan dengan membuat tuduhan dengan sesedap mulut sahaja. Yang penting sejarah mesti difahami bukan setakat mengikut cakap orang yang buta Sejarah (mungkin gagal matapelajaran sejarah)
Apa yang penting di sini ialah orang-orang Melayu tidak pernah berniat untuk menjadi racist. Hanya pihak-pihak tertentu sahaja yang suka untuk membakar-bakar dan mempengaruhi secara negatif untuk tujuan tidak sihat. Keamanan dan keharmonian negara ini telah dihasilkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin berbilang kaum yang terdahulu. Mengapa ditimbulkan isu sekarang? Mungkin kesempatan diambil kerana kerajaan yang semakin lemah dan membuka peluang untuk diasak kiri dan kanan untuk sesuatu kepentingan. Kita patut hormat dan menghormati bangsa-bangsa lain dan masalah sepatutnya selesai dengan aman.
Hanya golongan yang tidak berpuas hati sahaja akan cuba mempertikai isu sensitif ini. Apa pula kata mereka sekiranya mereka yang mendapat kelebihan ini? Adakah mereka akan berkongsi atau makan sendiri? Sudah jadi adat manusia hendakkan sesuatu perkara atau benda yang menjadi milik orang lain.
Berbalik kepada catatan Tun ini. Adalah sangat baik sekiranya semua rakyat Malaysia dapat membacanya dan memahami mengapa semua ini berlaku melalui pensejarahan Malaysia. Bagi saya Tun bukan racist orangnya. Beliau seorang yang patriotik dan tahu apa hak yang sepatutnya diterima oleh bangsanya. Pada masa yang sama, bangsa yang lain juga masih boleh mencapai cita-cita mereka. Racist dalam erti kata yang sebenar 100% langsung tidak memberi peluang kepada orang lain. Tanya diri sendiri, adakah kita di Malaysia seteruk itu?
Tun bukanlah seorang racist. Beliau menjalankan tanggungjawabnya untuk bangsa yang disayangi. Pengorbanan sebesar ini adalah sesuatu yang fenomenal. Orang boleh berkata apa sahaja, tetapi mesti diingat hanya Tuhan sahaja yang lebih mengetahui. Kepada bangsa-bangsa bukan Bumiputera, kami orang-orang Bumipetera bukannya racist dan tidak pernah berniat menjdai racist, hanya mempertahankan hak di bumi sendiri. Pastinya anda akan melakukan perkara yang sama di tanah sendiri, bukan begitu?
Tun, kami dahagakan penjelasan rasional melalui sejarah politik dan perkara yang berkait. Sejarah tidak pernah menipu, hanya orang sahaja boleh menipu. Oleh itu, amat penting penjelasan seperti difahami oleh rakyat Malaysia itu sendiri. Dan, saya amat kagum dengan pengetahuan dan kajiselidik Tun untuk membawakan topik ini. Teruskan dan kami akan sentiasa membaca, berfikir and respons.
Harap2, kaum bukan bumiputera baca artikel ini dan faham keadaan sebenar. Jangan lagi minta yang bukan-bukan dan sama-samalah kita hidup secara harmoni di Malaysia.
Salam Ta’zim buat Tun Dr M,
Dalam silibus mata pelajaran Sejarah Tingkatan 3 dan Tingkatan 5 untuk PMR dan SPM ada diterangkan dengan panjang lebar tentang Kontrak Sosial. Malahan, seorang pensyarah UTM subjek Kenegaraan Malaysia dan Hubungan Etnik sendiri mengakui bahawa kandungan buku teks sekolah menengah tersebut adalah lebih lengkap berbanding silibus peringkat universiti mengenai sejarah Malaysia berkaitan usaha ke arah kemerdekaan dan pengisian kemerdekaan.
Buku teks Tingkatan 3 yang digunakan sehingga tahun 2005(?) telah digunakan sejak PMR pertama kali diperkenalkan sejak 1984(?). Maka, sepatutnya kebanyakan generasi yang kini majoriti rakyat Malaysia faham tentang kandungan Kontrak Sosial ini. Kenyataan sesetengah individu bahawa mereka baru sahaja faham tentang perkara ini dapat diterima sebagai menghairankan.
Sebelum kita perjuangkan sesuatu ataupun takut untuk memperjuangkan sesuatu, adalah penting untuk kita fahami dahulu apa sebenarnya kandungan perjuangan tersebut. Jika tidak, kelak kita akan diperbodohkan dengan strategi bijak pihak lawan. Lebih malang lagi, kita akan memperbodohkan diri kita sendiri dengan melakukan kesilapan yang membantutkan perjuangan kita. Sayangnya andai kesilapan tersebut mematahkan usaha kita ke arah satu perjuangan yang murni.
Penerangan Dr M atau sesiapapun tentang Kontrak Sosial ataupun sebarang perkara mengenai Ketuanan Melayu dan hak-hak istimewa Melayu dan Bumiputera sering digunakan sebagai hujah untuk melabelkan kita tersebut sebagai ‘racist’. Dan akibat daripada kejahilan kita sendiri, kita takut lalu meminta maaf. Alangkah malangnya sesuatu bangsa itu apabila warganya sendiri malu dan takut untuk mempertahankan maruah bangsanya.
Maka perlulah kita tahu hak kita dan yakin dengannya sehingga pihak lain tidak mampu menafikan apa jua yang sememangnya mereka tahu bahawa ianya hak kita. Namun, oleh sebab pertentangan perjuangan lawan kita akan sanggup menggunakan strategi tak kira bersih ataupun kotor asalkan ideologi mereka tercapai.
Ideologi dan perjuangan yang kini dilaungkan oleh pihak pembangkang terutama DAP dan PKR adalah perjuangan yang tampak universal dan mulia pada mata kasar. Sama jugalah dengan agenda globalisasi yang dibawa USA dan sekutu negara2 kaya. Tun Dr M merupakan salah seorang pemimpin yang lantang menentang globalisasi mutlak. Globalisasi mutlak mempromosikan platform persaingan sama rata bagi semua negara. Ini seolah2 perlawanan tinju antara atlet featherweight dan heavyweight. tentulah sukar bagi atlet featherweight tersebut untuk menang. Kalaupun menang, adalah dengan usaha yang jauh lebih besar berbanding atlet heavyweight yang lebih besar dan kuat. Menurut Tun, secara kasar, globalisasi perlulah memberi ‘fighting chance’ kepada semua negara termasuk yang miskin. Majoriti dunia telah termakan dengan hujah ‘universal’ dan ‘mulia’ negara kaya tentang globalisasi. Malaysia bernasib baik kerana mempunyai Perdana Menteri yang sangat berani menentang arus dan mempunyai pendirian fikiran sendiri yang teguh. Penolakan tawaran pinjaman IMF ketika krisis ekonomi 97/98 merupakan kemuncak kepada keberanian ini. Dalam saat genting kegawatan ekonomi dan politik waktu itu, Malaysia masih mampu menganjurkan Sukan Komanwel ke-16 dengan jayanya.
Agenda universal yang dibawa DAP dan PKR andainya terjadi akan menafikan Kontrak Sosial yang telah menjadi asas pembinaan negara Malaysia. Mungkin ada hujah bahawa selagi Kontrak Sosial dikekalkan, maka selagi itulah semua pihak Melayu dan bukan Melayu akan tidak berpuas hati dan meretakkan hubungan antara kaum.
Isu ini pernah dijawab oleh Allahyarham Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman (Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Menteri Dalam Negeri era Tun Razak) seperti berikut, ” Malaysia adalah negara untuk orang Melayu yang sederhana dan orang Cina yang memahami”-Bukan Kerana Pangkat.
Ini bererti harapan sesetengah ekstremist orang Melayu untuk mencapai ketuanan Melayu mutlak tidak dapat dibenarkan. Begitulah juga ideologi sama rata sekular ala Singapura yang dibawa oleh ekstremist Cina tidak dapat dibenarkan.
Toleransi sebeginilah yang telah membawa kestabilan kepada Malaysia setelah kekacauan 13 Mei. Tun Dr Ismail telah digelar sebagai pemimpin yang telah menyelamatkan Malaysia kerana kejayaannya menstabilkan negara berdasarkan prinsip tersebut.
Alangkah sayangnya sekiranya kestabilan ini dimusnahkan kerana cita-cita melampau setengah kumpulan kecil. Lebih malang lagi apabila ada golongan yang menyokong usaha oleh kumpulan ini tanpa berfikir secara kritis dan rasional yang akhirnya akan menjahanamkan diri mereka sendiri.
Perkembangan politik pada masa ini yang sarat dengan isu-isu mengenai pelbagai ideologi dan perjuangan bukanlah perkara baru sebenarnya. Dengan menyoroti sejarah negara, kita akan dapat melihat bahawa tuntutan2 dan perjuangan ini berulang2 setiap kali wujudnya krisis.
Kajian mendalam terhadap sejarah dan kandungan tersirat mengenai sesuatu isu merupakan salah satu ‘strong point’ yang menjadikan Tun Dr M seorang pemimpin dan pemikir yang hebat. Tindakan dan keputusan yang dibuat beliau dalam menggesa perletakan jawatan Dato Seri Abdullah contohnya adalah usaha yang strategik yang akan mengelakkan dan menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah yang boleh timbul daripada hanya satu faktor ini. Begitu jugalah usaha beliau dalam Menjenayahkan Perang-Criminalizing War. Logiknya amat mudah tetapi sangat kuat. Membunuh adalah jenayah dan perang adalah tindakan membunuh. Maka, perang juga adalah jenayah. Menjadikan perang sebagai jenayah akan menjatuhkan nilai moral negara2 yang memulakan perang serta menggerakkan tindakan undang2 sedunia terhadap jenayah peperangan. Ini kelak juga akan melemahkan peluang kerjasama ekonomi negara tersebut dengan pasaran dunia. Lebih baik lagi, perang tidak lagi akan menjadi satu pilihan langsung untuk menyelesaikan konflik antara negara.
Maka, kita juga perlu membentuk pemikiran kritis dan strategik seperti Tun. Semoga keputusan dan tindakan kita adalah yang terbaik.
Usahlah membenarkan orang lain menafikan naluri kita untuk membela agama,bangsa dan negara kita sendiri.
I believe that British brought Chinese and Indians to improve the Malay peninsular economy. Malay Peninsular was rich with natural resources to support the industrial revolution in Britain. They faced problems from the local people and decided to bring in Chinese and Indians to support the economy. As we all know, these communities have contributed so much for the development of Malay Peninsular. Right from building the roads, railway tracks, buildings, postal system, health care, education, transportation, sanitation to businesses. Malays and the aboriginals were not encourage to take part to any of these activities, the reason only the British knows why? They were given the right to preserve their traditions and religion. One have to be clear that all the citizens of todays Malaysia have respected each other and duely know their duties for nation building. We have to unite together to compete internationally. There was a rethoric comment on wether Chinese or Indians can become a minister in UK. The fact is that, the first MP in British parliment of Indian origin was Sir Mancherjee Merwanjee Bhownagree in 1895. The past is past, it will be in history forever no one can change it. What I want to know is what Malaysia will be in 100 years time. When it will be truly asia rather than truly racist?
Salam Ayhda Tun..
1.Nampaknya ada yang marah2 dan memaki2 antara satu sama lain..sesungguhnya KEBENARAN itu adalah pahit dan sakit untuk ditelan dan diakui…mereka yang terlalu emosional adalah mereka yang telah termakan cili itu..
2.Ada pula yg menimbulkan ttg KASTA/kelas tertentu disini…serta mempersoalkan kitab suci agama lain????…sudah salah dimengerti dan nampaknya org2 tertentu akan memanipulasikan dan terus memanipulasikan demi kepentingan sendiri/kaum tertentu..mempertikaikan keturunan dan asal usul..oleh kerana kecetekan pengetahuan atau mndapat maklumat kabur dari org lain..
salah menyalah..kerana ketidakpuasan hati..
Walau apapaun kenali diri sendiri, renunglah dalam diri, tanyalah dahulu apa tujuan kita semua dihidupkan?? jika anda tahu, perkara 1. dan 2. tentu tiada..Apalah gunanya berforum jika tiada jalan penyelesaian…malah padah mengundang..
Kepada yang telah faham Malaysia adalah Tanah Melayu, untuk orang dari gugusan Tanah Melayu (termasuk penduduk asal sarawak, sabah). Ttpi “TETAMU” ttp tidak dipinggir..apa lagi yg mereka mahu?????? selagi keturunan ekstrimist dan komunis (dari kaum bumi atau “TETAMU”)masih ada selagi itu keharmonian kaum terancam.
Salam buat semua…
Nobody wants to racists, but how sure are you guys that the Malays will be protected if we open it to all races?
Melukut di tepi gantang.
Malays are still weak, and the Chinese are so strong, even without uplifting the hak keistimewaan Bumi. How trusting are you towards them once we uplift this special rights the Bumi has now?
I say we better tread this carefully. Some stupid goon has obviously Effed the system and now a few nutters have been brave enough to stand up and demand their “rights”.
Assalamualaikum Tok Det,
Terima kasih Tok Det, kerana merungkaikan kembali sejarah Tanah Melayu, bertitik tolak dari Malayan Union dan bermulanya kisah dan sejarah kontrak sosial yang sebenar.
Bermula dengan cadangan British terhadap Malayan Union itu, dikira sebagai kayu pengukur bermulanya SEJARAH kemerdekaan 50 tahun Malaysia tercipta dan bertahan.
Pada pendapat saya, SEJARAH , 50 tahun itu hanya bertahan setakat 50 tahun. Tahun menuju ke 51 tahun, SEJARAH di MULAKAN dikira/DIUKUR semula dari TAHUN SATU/PERTAMA.
Sejarah ini bermula dari kehadiran Pak Lah, beliau mencipta/memulakan semula SEJARAH dari kiraan SATU.
1- Sejarah keputusan Pilihanraya, DISASTER pertama terhadap rekod2 yang lalu. (Diakui sendiri oleh beliau sebagai pencipta sejarah dalam Buletin Utama semalam).
2- Sejarah Kontrak Sosial mula dipersoal dan diungkit.
3- Sejarah berikutnya akan dicipta lagi oleh beliau dalam masa terdekat….
MAKA, oleh yang demikian pada kiraan 50 TAHUN yang akan datang kita akan menghitung dan mencatatkan kembali SEJARAH yang dimulakan pada hari ini. Jika BLOG Tun Che Det ini masih wujud lagi 50 TAHUN akan datang, bolehlah dijadikan sebagai SAKSI/BUKTI/RUJUKAN SUMBER. (mungkin BLOG INI akan diteruskan kesinambungan oleh cicit piut Tun… manalah tahu kan…)
Demikian lah sahaja pada pendapat peribadi saya sendiri.
Salam .. kepada Tok Det.
Abd Rahim Helmee bin Awang
hey Subra..Dr. M is not an Indian,he is a Malaysian Malay. Indian is not a race,it is a nationality. When Dr.M’s dad left what is today modern day India,there was no such thing as India.And I think a Tamilian has no right to equate themselves with Keralites.They both have separate states and different culture (Keralites have break way from Tamils 500 years ago).
Secondly, here is the Article 160 in our constitution:
The article defines a Malay as a Malaysian citizen born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia or Singapore. As a result, Malay citizens who convert out of Islam are no longer considered Malay under the law. Hence, the Bumiputra privileges afforded to Malays under Article 153 of the Constitution, the New Economic Policy (NEP), etc. are forfeit for such converts.
This is not just about defending the Malay rights, it’s about defending the social contract that has been embraced for ages until liberal Malays and right wing Chinese and Hindus ( I am a non-Hindu Tamil) started to question it.
One has to look at Tibet and East Turkistan where the Han Chinese have taken over those occupied territories’ economy and started to dictate and destroy the cultures of both Tibetans and Uighur Muslims. This is by no means an example to bash Chinese but a reality check of what would befell the Malays had the social contract was not followed.
Attention Captain on: May I comment and amend your articles: “Malay (especially Bugis- that why called Lanun ‘Pirates’)people expanded outwards into Pacific Island till America (United States-Red Indian their origin from Malay) including Philippines, Taiwan, Fiji, Tahiti, Hawaii and all over Pacific Ocean….
The Malay people are believed to have originated in (NOT BORNEO)Borneo and then expanded outwards into Sumatra and later into the Malay Peninsula these people were descendants of Austronesian-speakers “who migrated from the Philippines and originally from Taiwan”. The main foundation of this school of thought lies in the fact that the oldest Malay settlements have been discovered in Sumatra (NOT SUMATRA) and not in the Malay Peninsula. This suggests an “upward – south to north”( NORTH TO SOUTH AND THEN SOUTH TO ALL OVER PACIFIC ISLAND as stated above)- migratory route. Malay culture reached its golden age during Srivijayan times. Malays practiced Buddhism, Hinduism, and their native Animism before converting to Islam in the 15th century.
our planet our home
our malaysia our home
our sabah our home
our tawau our home
law made by human
law can change future
law can make fair
pass is pass we can change future
why we want said islam country why we not said christian country why we not said buddha country…?why any one can tell me….
don too selfish and be fair together for peace in this world…
jangan bezakan kaum…”bumiputra” nama saja… planet is for human to lived why we want to be compare…WHY….any one can tell me
masuk agama apa pun tak apa…semua agama pun bagus…jangan kutu makan babi…atau minum arak…
adakah makan babi akan jadi kotor busuk…do u have any evidence eat pork will die or be stupid or etc……
if we got change we also want change the pass all the chinese go back to china…….
WE ARE HUMAN ….not DOG..OR ANIMAL..be fair in this world…
bad attitude will make WORLD WAR THREE in the end and another war we all died together……….i think this comment won’t be allowed to post…TUN pls see what i’m saying
we only call malaysia is our home…we not call china is our home or singapore…. stay peace ….
to all, the insight to what Malays in Singapore are facing:
dear TUN,
Despite all the attacks on u,i as a malaysian has always regarded u very highly.it was a good write up but totally impractical and it shows and confirms your nepotism to a newer heights.these social contracts is not practical are they? If it is then Chinese would not be the 80% taxpayers of the country while our-ex government power is paid from that money? How come when taking the money no one has ever discussed or think about this so called social contract?
Take good care of yourself n please attend your regular check ups.
And yed Tun,after reading the atricle i will have to say that ur racist elements is still very much in you!! You havent lost any of your old self like they claim. well at least i know u are in good helath. 🙂
The Malays have not become lazier or stupider. They have on the other hand become a race,perhaps the only race that has allowed Chinese and Tamil schools to prosper and until now have refused to demand the Chinese and Tamils to assimilate into their culture.Go and ask the Tongans and Tibetans on how they treat Han Chinese.Tongans have recently expelled Chinese from Tonga.
Why are the top students in Malaysia are Malays while until today, there have been only one Malay and a few Indians who were awarded the Presidential scholarship in Singapore?Are the Malays and Indians in Singapore genetically inferior to Chinese Singaporeans ? And why is it Singapore is willing to award Chinese students from China with scholarships while refusing to award Malays and Indians the same scholarships?
Only a brainwashed person will assume Singapore,even without the social contract, is free from racism and bigotry.
I see myself as a Malaysian Chinese. The reason I considered myself as a Malaysian Chinese because I want to remember that my great grandfather left his country to Malaysia for the search of peace and hope. I’m the third generation in Malaysia and we’ve fourth generation Malaysian now. Malaysia is the only home I have.
I don’t care how our politician defined our racial relation or social contract. Our skin color and name is different but you can’t deny deep in your heart we’re all fellow Malaysian. This is the land which all races were able to flourish.
Salam Dr Mahathir,
Blog Media Pusaka Bangsa (Sek.Pemuda Umno) ada memberi laporan
mengenai Forum Kontrak Sosial yang dianjurkan oleh Bar Council
yang diadakan pada hujung bulan June yang lepas.
Dalam panel tu ada seorang penganalisa politik, Dr Farish A.Noor
(seorang melayu),yang telah menghina UMNO, seperti yang dilaporkan
oleh Pemuda. Dr Farish mengatakan bahawa UMNO telah memomokkan orang
Melayu bahawa mereka diancam agar UMNO terus mangamalkan politik
memberi perlindungan kepada orang Melayu. Selainnya beliau mengata
sistem politik Malaysia berdasarkan pemerintah berpuak.
Beliau menambah lagi bahawa sistem politik kita ditubuh sebagai
maya maka kontrak sosial yang juga adalah maya, hanyalah satu alasan
untuk mengekalkan konsep bukan nyata seperti kewarganegaraan.
Tujuan kewarganegaraan ini adalah untuk menimbulkan semangat kekitaan.
Oleh itu kontrak sosial ini boleh diubah semula.
Saya tak faham langsong apa tujuan Dr Farish berkata demikian. Saya
akui beliau seorang intelek. Saya pernah mengikuti tulisan beliau yang
selalu keluar dalam media arus perdana (NST) satu masa dulu.
Saya juga mempunyai buku beliau The Other Malaysia. Saya amat sedih
kenapa beliau menjadi begitu extreme jika betullah apa yang dilaporkan
oleh Pemuda UMNO yang menghadiri Forum tersebut.
Sayang seribu kali sayang, jika anak Melayu yang bijak pandai seperti
Dr Farish dipengaruhi oleh ideoloji musuh negara.
Kadang-kadang mempunyai minda terlalu tinggi dan luas pun menjadi
masalah dan tidak ada minda langsong pun lagi masalah.
WAllah hualam.
hey Subra..Dr. M is not an Indian,he is a Malaysian Malay. Indian is not a race,it is a nationality. When Dr.M’s dad left what is today modern day India,there was no such thing as India.And I think a Tamilian has no right to equate themselves with Keralites.They both have separate states and different culture (Keralites have break way from Tamils 500 years ago).
Secondly, here is the Article 160 in our constitution:
The article defines a Malay as a Malaysian citizen born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia or Singapore. As a result, Malay citizens who convert out of Islam are no longer considered Malay under the law. Hence, the Bumiputra privileges afforded to Malays under Article 153 of the Constitution, the New Economic Policy (NEP), etc. are forfeit for such converts.
This is not just about defending the Malay rights, it’s about defending the social contract that has been embraced for ages until liberal Malays and right wing Chinese and Hindus ( I am a non-Hindu Tamil) started to question it.
One has to look at Tibet and East Turkistan where the Han Chinese have taken over those occupied territories’ economy and started to dictate and destroy the cultures of both Tibetans and Uighur Muslims. This is by no means an example to bash Chinese but a reality check of what would befell the Malays had the social contract was not followed.
In my humblest opinion, I personally think social contract will no longer work especially in this era and as we are gearing towards vision 2020. It worked before and suited best during its time.
Fundamentally, social contract was necessary during the formation of malaysia (or precisely malaya). This was done to maintain order after Merdeka and to help to solve any dispute regarding citizenship of the newly formed country. It also helped the assimilation of the new administrative power between major races. Please remember that our country has been colonized (or partly) since 1511. And, in 1957 we gained control of our own country and during that time, we malay insisted that we are the “tuan” and all other races were immigrants. As a trade-off we give these so-called immigrants their malaya nationality and in return we have certain priviledges protected under the contstitution.
This give and and take scenario was the best course of action feasible at that time. It probably good enough for 1st and 2nd generation after Merdeka. However, for the latter generations, the social contract is no longer viable. I am a malay (probably not as ultra as you) and I mean no disrespect to your or to our forefathers but its about time we move on.
The social contract is now creating adverse effects to the malays. We become lazy, always wanted to be spoon-fed by the government, and we are not competitive when it comes to merit based results. We dont have the sense to help each others and that is why DEB failed. The concept of DEB is very good. It suppose to help malays to be in better position in economic sector. No doubt about it. But since malays are lacking the sense to help each others, it failed. While 1 successful DEB graduates should help create another 10, the results remained 1.
As for the non-malays, I wonder until what generation can they truly be appreciated as malaysian? Yes they should be reminded that their forefathers were immigrants but so do we centuries ago. It should remained as a history of how our ancestors and theirs arrived in malaysia. These non-malays who are truly born in malaysia generation after generation should be able to enjoy the benefits of being a malaysian equally as we do. Afterall, this is their home. We can not possibly ask them to pack and leave can we? I doubt China’s government or Indian’s government will accept them. They are not their citizen. They are malaysian.
In conclusion, we all need to change our mindset. We envisioned Malaysia to be a developed country with high tech infrastructures, booming economies, high income per capital and many more. Yet, we are reluctant to change our thinking. A developed country needs its people to have developed mindset.
Assalamuailaikum Ayahnda TDM..
Ayahnda Tun disifatkan seorang yang “racist”terhadap bangsa yang lain dari Bangsa Melayu.Adakah bercakap mengenai orang melayu kita dicop sebagai “racist”?. Mustahil hendak bercakap mengenai nasib Orang Melayu di Tanah Melayu dianggap “Racist”?.
Pendapat saya.. mungkin ini adalah kerja-kerja orang-orang yang berkepentingan untuk memburukkan nama Ayahnda Tun supaya Ayanhda Tun supaya tidak lagi releven untuk orang Melayu.Kalau begini lah fikiran dan kerja-kerja orang tertentu percaya lah hancur berkecailah PArti UMNO sedikit masa nanti..
Semoga Allah panjangkan umur Ayahnda Tun …..
a) jangan lah racist… dan jangan belajar to become 1. my family is muhibbah… so racism … insyaallah di jauhkan. kalau tak…, hmmm…ERRRK!!!!
b) just to share with you boz… (what i’ve read recently…)
Surah 49.
Surah Al-Hujuraat (The Dwellings)
13. O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. one of the Muttaq�n (pious – see V.2:2)]. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.
c) perhaps, others who are more knowledgeable could explain better.
Salam Tun,
Isteri saya pernah berkhidmat dengan Kumpulan LION di Cheng Melaka. Pada keseluruhannya Pengurusan Atasan terdiri daripada orang Cina melainkan HR sahaja diterajui oleh bangsa Melayu. Middle management pula 80 percent orang Cina. Kaum Melayu kebanyakannya operator.
Kenaikan gaji dan pangkat terdapat berbezaan, peluang kenaikan pangkat tipis, peluang berkursus sekali sekala.
Jelas sekali, apabila organisasi dimiliki oleh bangsa Cina, keutamaan pekerjaan adalah milik mereka tanpa mengambilkira dasar kontrak sosial mahupun NEP.
Apa yang nak dihairankan.
Dear Tun,
It is worth noting that the social contract does exist back in the 50’s for the independence of Malaysia to take place. I must repeat, “50 years ago”. The challenge now is making all Malaysia irregardless of race to come together and fight as a nation not just one particular race. For as long as this decree is not erased from the general masses, there will not be a unity among all Malaysian. Yes, the opposition is taking advantage of the political instability and putting forth their claim of Malaysia for Malaysian, but it may work well for the nation for the next 50 years. I know it will not be accepted by the masses, when their “rights” are questioned. Tun, I am sure you will agree that the country prospered together with the “non-bumi’s” contribution. And this cannot be denied. Bear in mind that they came from afar back in 1800’s and now already in their third or fourth generation, what would you expect to be? Truly, they are proud of being Malaysian as they and their forefather had also contributed significantly to the progress of the nation. A social contract does exist 50 years ago and I will fully support it to be amended to reflect the current era where race, religion, wealth CANNOT be questioned.
” 50 years ago, most ride bicycle, why use car now?”….Hence, it is unfair to use the social contract to continue to rule Malaysia.
Some mentioned about Singapore. In fact, Singapore is being thrown out of Malaysia by our then PM. Nevertheless, they are able to succeed and progress very well though with no natural resources and able to accumulate wealth in less than 50 years. Why they can achieved and we have been tailing all along. They have UNITY! Same for Japan! They are loyal and proud and they succeeded! As long as there is no Malaysia for all Malaysian (of equal fairness), we won’t go very far. There must be loyalty, trust and equality for a country to succeed. Then, no one will seek independence just like East Timore.
Social Contract is the paramount of the country future success but it must be amended.
Tun, I am truly proud of being a Malaysian and hope you will agree with me. Wishes you good health and happiness.
To Captain,
I feel proud of you for the excellent article you have posted here.
I would not believe if you are just an ordinary citizen of Malaysia. We need more people like you in Malaysia that are capable of convincing who are these Orang Melayu, which in Portuguese means migrant.
Thanks for your efforts and keep it up.
They say that in certain mat salleh countries, there are 1st class citizens, 2nd class citizens and 3rd class citizens. Is Malaysia having this sort of thing too ? If it does, then it will create divisions and not unity. Some of the commentators here are very proud. So what does that make them ? And what does that make the other races ? The 1st class citizens are the whites. 2nd class are the Blacks. 3rd class are the Asians. Are the Bumiputras putting themselves on par with the Whites ? Does the Quran divide races ?
dear tun,
first of all, YOU ARE NOT A MALAY, your father is a kerala muslim mother is malay(i assume)so the decedents are indian muslim. don’t try to claim that your are malay and fighting for their rights, by the way if you are fighting for malay rights, can i ask you from who????
secondly as i know malay race is not like you ( i hope your are malay) or the brained washed BTN generation. Malays are more accommodative and humble human being. all this nonsense about defending malay rights is bull shit. all they want is an opportunity to compete, but you and your BTN generation have done is created an begging race, discriminated against other by giving house discounts, easy loan, easy university entry, ASN/ASB, easy contract etc.
you should have done better then this and all this racist talk would not have happen.
i’m waiting for your reply, if my mail is rejected by your admin, i assume that i am right with my argument otherwise pls pls comment on this
It was extremely nauseating reading 98% of the responses on this blog. Most of you give a whole new meaning to the word ‘kowtow’ (or kiss a**, if you prefer!), what with your sugary acquiescence of everything written by this blogger.
1. Yes, the ‘social contract’ is completely and hopelessly outdated, as is the NEP.
2. Yes, you malays have, as a result of being constantly spoon-fed, become extremely lazy. Why else would they say you are taken care of from the ‘womb to the tomb’!
3. And YES, the have-nots ie the non-malays are sick and tired of losing out to so many of you who do not deserve scholarships and your other so-called rights. Lets face it, there are not that many of you who are that bright!
As for you, Dr. M, surely you are doing your best to stir the unhealthy cauldron of racial tension. Stop while you’re at it sir, unless you want to see your country of birth disintegrate fast into racial nothingness!
Sup Tun,
I agree that this social contract is a quid pro quo contract,tit for tat and all that but looking at it from a logical perspective would the younger generation of Malaysians accept this so called ‘agreement’ that was made by their forefathers so many years ago? Aside from the fact the generation of that time would probably just be glad to get their citizenships/special rights, the question still remains is it fair for people that have been born and bred in this land we call Malaysia to be told that they’re status as citizens may be reviewed if they choose to contradict a doctrine that had been orchestrated during the stone age? Not to mention the fact that they will be known as second class citizens for the rest of their lives.
A change is definately needed and seeing how the social contract and the new economic policy have failed to increase the targeted level of equity ownership of the Malays perhaps it is wise to look at other avenues. Even a little baby will eventually have to use its own two legs to walk by itself. As long as we’re carried around by ancient policies we will forever be known as a jaguh kampung. Thats because when we go overseas people are running on their own two legs whereas our legs are too weak because of years of spoon feeding and obliviousness.
Tun Salam Sejahtera buat Tun Dan Keluarga.
Jutaan terima kasih kepada Tun kerana mengeluarkan tulisan yang bernas ini.
Sebenar nya raayat Malaysia banyak terhutang budi kepada Tun. Bayang kan kalau Tun tidak memimpin kami selama 22 tahun tak tahu lah apa akan jadi pada kami. Kemungkinan besar kami telah di perkotak-katik kan oleh musuh musuh kami.
Pulau Batu putih sudah hilang, mahu kah kita kehilangan lagi sebahagian dari Johor.Saperti Tun kata kan dalam ceramah Tun, Wilayah Iskandar ini lambat laun akan di diami oleh orang dari Singapura dan Tanah besar cina.ia munglin tidak berlaku sekarang tapi masa nya akan tiba kalau kita tak berhati.Saperti sejarah Pulau Batu Putih. Jangan ambil mudah.
Satu demi satu kita akan kehilangan percaya lah.perkara begini tidak mustahil. Lihat saja lah Pulau Batu Putih, menteri Malaysia amat yakin Pulau Batu Putih adalah hak Malaysia.Lihat apa dah jadi. ingat ini tidak mustahil.
Tun jangan lupa jaga kesihatan.
Tun Salam Sejahtera buat Tun Dan Keluarga.
Jutaan terima kasih kepada Tun kerana mengeluarkan tulisan yang bernas ini.
Sebenar nya raayat Malaysia banyak terhutang budi kepada Tun. Bayang kan kalau Tun tidak memimpin kami selama 22 tahun tak tahu lah apa akan jadi pada kami. Kemungkinan besar kami telah di perkotak-katik kan oleh musuh musuh kami.
Pulau Batu putih sudah hilang, mahu kah kita kehilangan lagi sebahagian dari Johor.Saperti Tun kata kan dalam ceramah Tun, Wilayah Iskandar ini lambat laun akan di diami oleh orang dari Singapura dan Tanah besar cina.ia munglin tidak berlaku sekarang tapi masa nya akan tiba kalau kita tak berhati.Saperti sejarah Pulau Batu Putih. Jangan ambil mudah.
Satu demi satu kita akan kehilangan percaya lah.perkara begini tidak mustahil. Lihat saja lah Pulau Batu Putih, menteri Malaysia amat yakin Pulau Batu Putih adalah hak Malaysia.Lihat apa dah jadi. ingat ini tidak mustahil.
Tun jangan lupa jaga kesihatan.
Yang dihormati Tun Dr. Mahathir
Terima kasih diatas artikel ini. Jelas dan merangkumi sejarah secara yang amat mudah difahami. Tiada pernah diperolehi penjelasan berkaitan Kontrak Sosial yang ditulis oleh mana mana pemimpin sebelum ini. Tun adalah yang pertama. Setiap rakyat Malaysia perlu memahami kandungannya dan memahami mengapa Kontrak Sosial ini di wujudkan oleh pemimpin pemimpin sebelum Merdeka.
Saya amat berharap agar Professor Ungku Aziz membaca artikel ini serta memahaminya. He was the one that says there wasn’t any social contract in Malaysia. He’s certainly ignorance about the subject. Its a known fact that not all professor are well verse on matters beyond their field. Sir, sometimes it’s better to keep quiet if you’re not sure of something. Than saying something that backfire. Sorry Sir, this time you’re incorrect. Perhaps, you may need to make a public apology that the speech you made pertaining to the Social Contract was not base on fact and historically wrong. Sir, you’re a public figure, you must undone what you’re done wrong.
Sekiranya Kontrak Sosial ini diketepikan maka padahlah akibat nya. Bibit bibit untuk mempersoalkan Kontrak Sosial telah mula di dengari sepertimana yang ditulis didalam artikel ini. Apabila kerajaan dibawah pimpinan AAB gagal untuk menguasai persoalan ini, orang Melayu tentunya akan merasa terhina. Saya secara peribadi merasa terhina dan marah apabila pihak Bar Council menganjurkan perbahasan mengenai Kontrak Sosial baru baru ini.
Bar Council dan persatuan yang menganjurkan majlis tersebut, seperti mempersoalkan kedudukan orang Melayu didalam negara ini. Hakikatnya, pihak Bar Council berani mempersoalkan perkara ini adalah disebabkan Kerajaan dibawah AAB, lemah. Apabila kerajaan lemah, maka ramai lah pihak yang akan mengambil kesempatan. Tambahan pula oleh kerana orang Melayu hari ini telah berpecah kepada beberapa kumpulan disebabkan oleh pengaruh politik. Seperti yang dikatakan oleh perpatah Melayu “Bersatu Teguh, Bercerai Roboh”.
Apabila kita orang Melayu berpecah, maka lemah lah kita didalam negara sendiri. Ingat lah wahai bangsa ku.
Tun yg di hormati,
Tak lama lagi..kita nak sambut 31 Ogos
merdeka kali ni.. merdeka utk apa?
apa yg kita nak isi kemerdekaan tahun ini??
51 tahun merdeka? merdeka apa??
merdeka dapat apa?
apa yg tinggal utk anak2 kita nanti? cucu2 kita nanti?
kita dalam zaman serba salah..
kata tun dulu kalau nak maju kita kena buang mentaliti tongkat..,
tapi hanya segolongan kecil saja yg boleh buang tongkat? orang lain macam mana? tak semua bangsa kita yg dah boleh duduk sama tinggi dgn bangsa lain.. (yg luar bandar sana.. yg ketinggalan tu .. macam mana?)
tapi kalau kita terus pakai tongkat.. sampai bila pun mentaliti kita akan jadi macam mentaliti pemalas penduduk2 asal London dan Uk laa.! cuba lihat di sana.. rata2 mereka pemalas.. dan mudah complacent.., dan ekonomi mereka kini di jana oleh para imigran .. paki.. india.. cina.. dan ramai lagi..
sama macam kita kat sini..
inilah yg perlu pemikiran maha kritis dari tun ni..!
tolong laah tunjukkan jalan.. bagaimana agaknya.. kita nak move forward.. supaya bangsa kita boleh maju.. dan bersikap lebih agresif dan sentiasa nak maju kedepan berbanding bangsa lain..!
I do think its healthy to share our views on the social contract within the context of our time.
I do think its relevant for us to move ahead towards understanding and embracing the concept of being in a multi-racial nation.
I do believe that we need to start moving away from the concept of one being Malay, or Indian, or Iban, or Chinese, or whatever mixed blood that one has.
After all, history does teaches us of Malaysia with its 50 years of Govt & milestones, that we are ultimately the same that we all love our country.
All we need to do now is to unite the bangsa into one.
To Cempaka
Pakai otak dan pikir.. kalau syarikat tersebut kena buat business dengan Hong Kong, Taiwan, atau China, mestilah syarikat itu mangambil manusia yang boleh bertutur Mandarin. Kalau I hantar you pergi Taiwan untuk close sales, you cakap melayu dengan Taiwanese ke nak cakap Mandarin? Kalau you cakap Mandarin, maka chances of closing sales lebih tinggi… takan tu pun tak tau? itu business tau..you ingat main-main ka?
Eh..anyway…banyak juga benda kat malaysia… bumi only can apply…bumi only can apply… siapo perkauman dulu?? hahaha
By cempaka on July 13, 2008 3:32 PM
Salam Tun,
Saya tidak berniat untuk bersifat perkauman. Dan rasanya kebanyakan orang Melayu juga seperti saya. Hanya bercakap tentang
sejarah silam dan asal-usul kewujudan Malaysia hari ini saja boleh menyebabkan kita dituduh perkauman.
Adakah syarikat-syarikat yang dimiliki oleh orang-orang Cina ini tidak bersifat perkauman apabila terang-terang menyenaraikan “BOLEH BERBAHASA MANDARIN” sebagai salah satu syarat apabila mengiklankan jawatan kosong di syarikat mereka?
Kita sedia maklum berapa ramaikah Bumiputera yang boleh berbahasa Mandarin? Dengan kata lain apabila mengenakan syarat tersebut sudah pastilah hanya kaum Cina sahaja yang layak. Tidak perkaumankah ini?
Bila kita dlm keadaan yg kuat, tiada siapa yg akan berani melawan atau mempertikaikan keadaan. Itulah UMNO dahulu. Semasa ianya kuat, tiada parti2 lain yg berani mempertikaikan sebarang keputusannya. Apatah lagi ingin memperkecilkan UMNO. Tapi apa yg terjadi sekarang sebaliknya. Bila pembangkang berjaya menguasai negeri2 utama di Malaysia, segala perancangan dan hal2 yg telah termaktub sebelum ini akan dijadikan isu. Ini akan hanya membuatkan Pak Lah makin lemah kerana terpaksa memadamkan api2 yg membara. Isu2 yg lebih penting dan lebih global terpaksa mengambil tempat kedua atau kesepuluh kerana kesemua tenaga telah digunakan utk isu2 kecil dan dalaman ini.
Sebab itulah pentingnya UMNO utk jadi satu parti yg kuat. Mulakan usaha tersebut dgn mengeluarkan Pak Lah dari jawatan presiden!
Dear Tun,
I think it is great that I can read your thoughts from your blog without the filter of the press as when you were PM. What you write now is genuine and your true believe, and tough I might not always agreed with what you say, but I respect and treasure it very much!
I do not know what has prompted you to write this article, but I think it is timely as everyday we read in the newspaper about Malay talking about Malay unity. As a Chinese Malaysian, I do not always appreciate why all the uneasiness by the Malay and the need to talk about Malay Unity, and I normally put that down as political ploy by UMNO. Now, after reading your article, I can relate what you are saying to why some Malays are worry.
Although your article is essentially a lesson on history of Malaysia, however, we would love to hear your thoughts about the future too!
I believe that many Malaysian do aware of the implication of the social contract that existed for 50 years, like it or not it has been part of our live (quote in education, contract, government employment). I, for one, has passionately defended the NEP to many foreign friends of mine when they come to visit Malaysia and tell them about its necessity to maintain social and economical stability of Malaysia.
However, I believe that all the unhappiness about current state of Malaysia is not necessary challenging the social status as such, but many (Chinese / Indian and even some Malay) are questioning how BN has cleverly and successfully exploited the Social Contract for their own ends. The system that has been evolved for 50 years now is so broken that many believe the weak ABB administration is not the cause of the problem now facing Malaysia, but it is the result of the broken system.
So, apart from the changing of the guard at the top, I have not heard from Tun on how we could bring Malaysia forward. Take out ABB, we will have another leader with the same problem of greedy and power hungry crony / relatives, underachieving Malays with clutches mentality, as you once famously put it, etc. Sure, this new leader might be stronger, more decisive and outspoken, but we are all still back to square one again with many of the problems we are facing today prolonged and unsolved!
In short, I think many Malaysian (regardless of race) do accept the implication of the social contract, but many feel grievance by the brokern system. But I think most importantly, we cannot see light at the end of the tunnel! And it is depressing!
There must be another way which under the Social Contract, Malaysia can move forward without the evils? Any enlightenment, Tun (apart from just the change of leadership)?
Thank you!
Aslmkm Tun,
Kalau orang Cina dan India seperti HINDRAF tidak henti-henti menuntut dan sekarang sudah berani pula mengancam. Mungkin perkataan syukur tidak ada di dalam vocubalary mereka. Adakah munasabah mereka mengatakan ada berlaku ethnic cleansing terhadap orang India di negara ini. Sedangkan saya percaya terdapat lebih banyak kuil daripada masjid. Dengan begitu mudah Tun menjelaskan mengenai perkara yang begitu penting iaitu Social Contract. Tetapi ada segelintir yang sengaja menafikannya tetapi jangan pedulikan mereka ini kerana mereka adalah orang-orang yang goblok. Tetapi yang mengkhuatirkan orang-orang melayu adalah pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO hari ini terdiri daripada orang-orang yang tidak berwibawa, ahli-ahli UMNO lemah dan lesu di bawah kepimpinan yang ada sekarang. Jika tidak berlakau sesuatu yang drastik untuk memulihkan kepercayaan orang melayu kepada parti UMNO pilihan raya umum yang akan datang akan membawa malapetaka kepada semua. Teruskan Tun berjuang untuk bangsa, agama dan negara.
Tanah ada..tapi takde orang kerjokan tanah…sama lah seperti indon…hahahah… tak lama lagi, bukan lagi indon datang sini jadi maid.. isteri kamu yang ego tinggi akan pergi jadi maid…hahaha
Salam Tun,
What happened to the ‘PERKARA 20’.
It’s not a fabrication.
It’s solid history fact.
U didn’t allow them to be appeared.
Yang Mulia Tun
I posted earlier around 11.57 am Sunday, it didn’t get posted perhaps the content might not be to your editior’s liking; but it definitely did not contain obscenities nor profanities.
Thank you for elaborating of the social contract in your esteemed blog.
Refer to your points 38 and 44 above it is most refreshing to know that the natives of Sabah and Sarawak were given the same status as the Malays. So say the social contract and the constitutions. Beautiful!
What is ugly is the wide spread of unhappiness across the beloved state of Fairland Sarawak by the majority Dayak inhabitants who are the minority non Muslim bumiputras in Malaysia. Is that really true? people ask & many would quickly brush such remark aside (or refuse to listen or suppress it) particularly those who are the like of your âapologistsâ â where in the Fairland Sarawak we have another type of “apologistsâ too.
Dear Tun,
I am pleased with your article about the Malaysian Social Contract, it was very informative and all Malaysian need to understand the contents and stop arguing on what had been decided 50 years ago. We should move ahead and think how to overcome the obstacles and improve on our future.
Tun, since you have gone back in history to explain, let me go back further in history and discuss in general how Malaya and Malayâs come about. This information is from various sources and it will be helpful for us to identify our roots. This is just for the purpose of discussions onlyâ¦.
Prehistoric Malaysia may be traced back as far as 200,000 years ago from stone tools found at Kota Tampan, an archaeological site in Lenggong, Perak. The earliest human skeleton, Perak Man, dating back 11,000 years and Perak Woman aged 8000 years, were also discovered in Lenggong. The Niah Caves, in Sarawak had evidence of the oldest human remains in Malaysia, dating back some 40,000 years.
60,000-35,000 years ago- Paleolithic (Early Stone Age)
Paleolithic Malaya had no defined border or countries, no known government, religion, money, etc. Descendants of these early inhabitants still live in the hills of Malaysia, they are known as Orang Asli or aborigines.
35,000-10,000 years ago – Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age)
Anthropologists traced a group of newcomers Proto Malay seafarers who migrated from Yunnan to Malaysia. Negrito and other Aborigines were forced by them into the hills. In this period, people learnt to dress, to cook, to hunt with advanced stone weapons. Communication techniques also improved. Proto Malay also known as Melayu Asli or Melayu Purba.
10,000-5,000 years ago- Neolithic (New Stone Age)
People learnt to build simple houses and to have families. Simple moral and simple society concept germinated.
2,500 years ago – Bronze Age
More people arrived, including new tribes and seafarers. The Malay Peninsula became the crossroads in maritime trades of the ancient age. Seafarers who came to Malaysia’s shore included Indians, Egyptians, Javanese and Chinese. The great Ptolemy (Mathematician, Astronomer, Geographer) named the Malay Peninsula the Golden Chersonese (During the Roman time, the Malay Peninsula developed an international reputation as a source of gold, hence the name was given).
Mekong River Migration
Mekong River, approximately 4180km in length, originated from Tibet and runs through Yunnan province of China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and South Vietnam. Anthropologists traced the migration of Proto Malays, who were seafarers, to some 10,000 years ago when they sailed by boat (canoe or perahu) along the Mekong River from Yunnan to the South China Sea and eventually settled down at various places.
The Proto Malay (Melayu asli) who first arrived possessed agricultural skills while the second wave Deutero Malay (mixed blood) who joined in around 1500 BC and dwelled along the coastlines have advanced fishery skills. During the migration, both groups intermarried with peoples of the southern islands, such as those from Java and aboriginal peoples of Australoid, Negrito and Melanesoid origin.
Oldest Malay text
The Kedukan Bukit Inscription of 682 CE (during Srivijaya era) found at Palembang and the modern Yunnan Dai minority’s traditional writings were of the same language family of Pallava, also known as Pallava Grantha. Dai ethnic of Yunnan is one of the aboriginal inhabitants of modern Yunnan province of China.
Malay & Cham languages.
The similarity of the Cambodian Cham language and the Malay language can be found in names of places such as Kampong Cham, Kambujadesa, Kampong Chhnang, etc and Sejarah Melayu clearly mentioned a Cham community in Parameswara’s Malacca around 1400s. Cham is related to the Malayo-Polynesian languages of Malaysia, Indonesia, Madagascar and the Philippines. In mid 1400s, when Cham was heavily defeated by the Vietnamese, some 120,000 were killed and in the 1600s the Champa king converted to Islam. In 1700s the last Champa Muslim king Po Chien gathered his people and migrated south to Cambodia while those along the coastline migrated to the nearest peninsula state Terengganu and Kelantan, approximately 500km or less by boat. Malaysian constitution recognizes the Cham rights to Malaysian citizenship and their Bumiputra status.
The Malay people are believed to have originated in Borneo and then expanded outwards into Sumatra and later into the Malay Peninsula these people were descendants of Austronesian-speakers who migrated from the Philippines and originally from Taiwan. The main foundation of this school of thought lies in the fact that the oldest Malay settlements have been discovered in Sumatra and not in the Malay Peninsula. This suggests an upward – south to north – migratory route. Malay culture reached its golden age during Srivijayan times. Malays practiced Buddhism, Hinduism, and their native Animism before converting to Islam in the 15th century.
Meaning of the word Melayu
1. According to the History of Jambi, the word Melayu originated from a river with name Sungai Melayu near to Sungai Batang Hari of today’s Muara Jambi, Sumatra.
2. The founder of Malacca, Parameswara was a prince of Palembang which was once owned by a nation called “Malayu” back in the seventh century.
3. The word “Malay” was adopted into English via the Dutch word “Malayo”, itself from Portuguese “Malaio”, which originates from the Malay word “Melayu”.
4. According to one popular theory, the word Melayu means “migrating” or “fleeing”, which might refer to the high mobility of these people across the region
5. Javanese verb ‘mlayu’ means to run
6. In Tagalog, ‘malayo’ with the root word ‘layo’, which means ‘distance’ or ‘far’
7. Another theory holds that the name refers to the Tamil word Malai Yur which means “Land of Mountains” (malai means mountain and yur means land), a reference to the hilly nature of the Malay Archipelago.
The term Melayu, in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, refers to a person who professes Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, conforms to Malay custom and who has at least one ancestor from the Malay Peninsula or Singapore.
In Malaysia, the majority of the population is made up of ethnic Malays while the minorities consist of southern Chinese (e.g. Hokkien and Cantonese), southern Indians (mainly Tamils), non-ethnic Malay indigenous peoples (e.g. Iban and Kadazan), as well as Eurasians.
The influential Srivijaya kingdom (3rd-13th centuries) had unified the various ethnic groups in Southeast Asia into a convergent cultural sphere for almost a millennium. It was during that time that vast borrowing of Sanskrit words and concepts facilitated the advanced linguistic development of Malay as a language. Malay was the regional lingua franca, and Malay-based Creole languages existed in most trading ports in Indonesia
The social contract in Malaysia refers to the agreement made by the country’s founding fathers in the Constitution. The social contract usually refers to Articles 14â18 of the Constitution, pertaining to the granting of citizenship to the non-Malay people of Malaysia, and article 153, which grants the Malays special rights and privileges. The term has also been used occasionally to refer to other portions of the Constitution, such as the Article stating that Malaysia is a secular state.
A higher education Malaysian studies textbook conforming to the government syllabus states: “Since the Malay leaders agreed to relax the conditions for citizenship, the leaders of the Chinese and Indian communities accepted the special position of the Malays as indigenous people of Malaya. With the establishment of Malaysia, the special position status was extended to include the indigenous communities of Sabah and Sarawak.
The Reidâs Commission
The Reid Commission which prepared the framework for the Constitution stated in its report that Article 153, the backbone of the social contract, would be temporary only, and recommended that it be reviewed 15 years after independence. The Commission also said that the article and its provisions would only be necessary to avoid sudden unfair disadvantage to the Malays in competing with other members of Malaysian society, and that the privileges accorded the Malays by the article should be gradually reduced and eventually eliminated. Due to the May 13 Incident, after which a state of emergency was declared, however, 1972, the year that Article 153 was due to be reviewed, passed without incident.
Members of Reid Commission
⢠Lord William Reid – Chairman
⢠Sir Ivor Jennings – Britain
⢠Sir William McKell – Australia
⢠Hakim B. Malik – India
⢠Hakim Abdul Hamid – Pakistan
Tunku Abdul Rahman spoke:
When he assumed the Presidency of UMNO, Tunku Abdul Rahman (later the first Prime Minister of Malaysia) stated that “…when we (the Malays) fought against the Malayan Union (which upset the position of the Malays’ rights) the others took no part in it because they said this is purely a Malay concern, and not theirs. They also indicate that they owe their loyalty to their countries of origin, and for that reason they oppose the Barnes Report to make Malay the national language. If we were to hand over the Malays to these so-called Malayans when their nationality has not been defined there will be a lot of problems ahead of us.” However, he continued that “For those who love and feel they owe undivided loyalty to this country, we will welcome them as Malayans. They must truly be Malayans, and they will have the same rights and privileges as the Malays.
I agree with the statement by Tunku Abdul Rahman, those days most of the âimmigrantsâ came to Malaya to work and earn a living. They save all their money and send back to their country with the intention to go back when they saved enough. There is no loyalty to this country and granting them citizenship is definitely not acceptable.
Many of the âImmigrantsâ went back to their native country but there were significant amount of them decided to stay back and becomes Malaysian Citizens. Most of us are 2nd and 3rd generation citizen in Malaysia and our love and loyalty is to this country, we donât even know from which town or cities our grandfatherâs came from, we lived, studied, socialized, worked and probably die here. Are we still not the true Malaysian that the constitution wanted, what else can we do to prove our loyalty to this country.
I am not questioning the bumiputra rights, please donât take my statements as racist, I am not a racist, I love my country, my best friends are Malayâs, i have traveled to many places around the world and Malaysia is still the best country to live in and I will defend the sovereignty of my country at any cost but will the government help and care for us as much as we care for them. We are not asking to be spoon fed, give us equal opportunities and we are willing to work and earn a decent living and rights as sons of Malaysia.
I appreciate if dear Tun can give me your opinion on the article above.
Thank You.
Salam Tun,
Sejarah perlu di ulang-ulang macam penglipurlara, agar kita tidak terlajak dari cerita asal. Rosie Tan dari Singapura nampak gembira dan jelas akan sejarah yang telah hilang di bumi Singapura.
Setiap rakyat Malaysia perlu faham isu ini. Kalau kita bertolak ansur dalam banyak perkara, adakah mereka sanggup berkongsi ekonomi sesama kita? Cadangan Tun dulu berkenaan smart partnership dengan peniaga bukan Melayu tidak menjadi. Perlukah dasar perniagaan di Malaysia dirombak? Konsep menurunkan ilmu bersama mereka yang telah berjaya di tekankan. Yang pasti prinsip perniagaan Islam yang bukan menipu boleh di tentukan sebagai perjalanan perniagaan yang sah di Malaysia. Tentukan perniagaan tidak dimonopoli oleh satu bangsa. Monopoli mereka perlu dipecahkan sekiranya DEB hendak di rombak semula. Perkongsian kuasa perlu seiringan dengan perkongsian ekonomi. Tapi sekarang…………….. apa dah jadi.
Tun yg di hormati,
Tak lama lagi..kita nak sambut 31 Ogos
merdeka kali ni.. merdeka utk apa?
apa yg kita nak isi kemerdekaan tahun ini??
51 tahun merdeka? merdeka apa??
merdeka dapat apa?
apa yg tinggal utk anak2 kita nanti? cucu2 kita nanti?
kita dalam zaman serba salah..
kata tun dulu kalau nak maju kita kena buang mentaliti tongkat..,
tapi hanya segolongan kecil saja yg boleh buang tongkat? orang lain macam mana? tak semua bangsa kita yg dah boleh duduk sama tinggi dgn bangsa lain.. (yg luar bandar sana.. yg ketinggalan tu .. macam mana?)
tapi kalau kita terus pakai tongkat.. sampai bila pun mentaliti kita akan jadi macam mentaliti pemalas penduduk2 asal London dan Uk laa.! cuba lihat di sana.. rata2 mereka pemalas.. dan mudah complacent.., dan ekonomi mereka kini di jana oleh para imigran .. paki.. india.. cina.. dan ramai lagi..
sama macam kita kat sini..
inilah yg perlu pemikiran maha kritis dari tun ni..!
tolong laah tunjukkan jalan.. bagaimana agaknya.. kita nak move forward.. supaya bangsa kita boleh maju.. dan bersikap lebih agresif dan sentiasa nak maju kedepan berbanding bangsa lain..!
Tun yang di hormati,
Kontrak sosial adalah di cipta, di rangka, di persetujui pada masa dan suasana masa itu.
Selepas 50 tahun merdeka, anak-anak dan cucu-cucu kemerdekaan meminta kontrak sosial ini di bincang, di tambah (jika perlu) dan di persetujui mengikut masa ini.
Jika perbincangan, penambahan dan persetujuan ini mendatangkan kebaikan kepada semua, seharus nya ia di terima oleh semua.
Kemungkinan ada segelintir yang tidak berpuas hati, kemungkinan ada sebahagian yang tidak mau perubahan, kemungkinan juga ada beberapa kumpulan yang merasa rugi.
Seperti perjanjian awal, semua rungutan, semua keluhan dan semua keinginan perlu di lihat agar dapat di penuhi dan di persetujui.
Terima kasih
salam tun,
saya cadangkan kita tukar nama Malaysia balik kepada Tanah Melayu seperti Keretapi Tanah Melayu, Bahasa Melayu semuanya ada nama Melayu supaya orang Cina,India dan bangsa asing tahu ini negara Melayu.
salam.sy jrg2 komen.hanya jd silent reader blog dr m je.tp kali ni sy tergerak hati sgt2 nk komen.
sy btul2 risau dgn ap yg akan jd pada malaysia nnti.bukn nk bermulut cabul,tp dgn usia tun yg dah lanjut.sy btol2 xdpt fikirkn siape yg layak jage malaysia lg.sy bknlh nk bersikp racist, tp kte smer tahu yg ad nye ketegangan di antara kaum2 di malaysia.
dgn kepimpinan paklah yg lemah mcm ni.tak dpt di bayangkn ape yg akn terjd pada malaysia nnti.mmg btol ayat tun “ika apa-apa terjadi Abdullah dan UMNO harus dipertanggungjawabkan.”. tp nnti kalau dah btol2 terjd.xkn kte nk nanges air mate darah je.sy btol2 risau.
pd pendapt sy,mmg lumrh pemimpin melakukn kesilpn.tp pemimpin yg bagus,die dpt mengawal keadaan jajahan pimpinan nye tnpa ada tentangan yg significant sgt dan wujudkn keadaan yg kondusif untuk rakyat pimpinan nya.dan dgn amat bangga untuk sy katakan.dr m tlah dgn cemerlang nye lakukn smer itu slama 22tahun lamenye.
tlg lah tun.sy xtahu nk mengadu pd sapa lg.sy tahu sy bersikap selfish.tp sy yakin,insyaallah dengn izin allah, tun dpt selesaikn smer ini.sy doakn yg baek2 untuk tun dan smoge tun pjg umur.
tlglah tun.sy risaukn malaysia.
Anak jadi Kedah JAAFAR:
I don’t expect you to understand. After all, you are hiding behind a huge inferiority complex, of being unable to compete in the real world, of coming second every time to a Chinese or an Indian. What is it that makes you come second every time ? Nature or nurture ? Ask the good Tun, as he is a medical doctor.
Regarding Mafia justice, I won’t educate you in our ways of dispensing justice. Look at what happened to the UMNO lapdog Gani Patail or to Augustine Paul. They were so subservient to the Tun, and now totally subservient to Badawi. If Badawi were to take action against the Tun now in a court of law, he will win – he controls the AG’s Chambers and the judiciary. Who allowed this corruption to happen ? The Tun himself.
Pray for the day that you don’t have to fight one of your own kind. If your opponent is a senior UMNOputra, you can’t win. You can’t find justice, because justice was eliminated a long time ago by none other than the owner of this blog.
Social contract dan hak keistimewaan orang Melayu (yang diperjuangkan oleh UMNO) perlu dipertahankan demi kemajuan bangsa Melayu dan keamanan negara kita yang terdiri dari berbilang kaum. Kita kena ingat ramai orang tak kira didalam atau luar Malaysia yang dari dulu sentiasa mempersoalkan hak keistimewaan orang Melayu (termasuklah apek-ultra Lee Kuan Yew). Dan sekarang persoalan-persoalan itu semakin menyerlah disebabkan oleh kelemahan parti UMNO dan kesilapan-kesilapan yang telah dilakukan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu yang telah lupa dan tidak bertanggungjawab. Pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu dari parti pembangkang seperti DSAI dan Tuan Nik tak akan mempertahankan perkara ini sebab bukan dasar parti mereka dan PKR perlukan sokongan lebih ramai dari kaum lain untuk menang di dalam election yang akan datang. Pemimpin DAP tak payah cerita lah, mereka ini idiolize apek-ultra Lee Kuan Yew dan tengoklah sendiri nasib orang Melayu kat Singapura. Oleh itu kita kena perbetulkan UMNO and a revise in UMNO leadership mesti dilaksanakan sekarang supaya orang Melayu kembali yakin sokong UMNO.
Salam Tun,
Paklah memang sengal dulu, kini dan selamanya…
Teringat dulu masa isu khinzir..sampai ada yang cakap ‘Badwi kat Arab jaga unta, Badwi kat sini jaga b###…
Rasanya memang betullah..
Paklah sekarang masih menjaga b###…iaitu tukang bodek2 beliau..
Semoga sihat selalu Tun sekeluarga…
Salam Tun,
Saya tidak berniat untuk bersifat perkauman. Dan rasanya kebanyakan orang Melayu juga seperti saya. Hanya bercakap tentang
sejarah silam dan asal-usul kewujudan Malaysia hari ini saja boleh menyebabkan kita dituduh perkauman.
Adakah syarikat-syarikat yang dimiliki oleh orang-orang Cina ini tidak bersifat perkauman apabila terang-terang menyenaraikan “BOLEH BERBAHASA MANDARIN” sebagai salah satu syarat apabila mengiklankan jawatan kosong di syarikat mereka?
Kita sedia maklum berapa ramaikah Bumiputera yang boleh berbahasa Mandarin? Dengan kata lain apabila mengenakan syarat tersebut sudah pastilah hanya kaum Cina sahaja yang layak. Tidak perkaumankah ini?
actually the social contract has no problem just some people abusing power
Salam Tun,
Cina ada negara China nye yg nak d bangga , Keling ( maaf tiada ayat yg sesuai, India = negara , Hindu = agama , Hindraf = pengganas Hindu )ada negara India nya yg nak dibangga Indon ada negara Indonesia yg nak dibangga..tetapi kalau dah tiada lagi nilai2 ketuanan melayu di malaysia apa kah yang ada kepada bangsa melayu apa bila semua ini telah d gadai sepenuh nya, apa yg ada pada anak2 dan cucu2 kita ada kah akan menjadi satu sejarah saja ketuanan melayu ini. Apa yg nak dibangga kan olih nak2 Melayu nanti?
Kenapa Majlis Peguam menyentuh perasan orang melayu ada kah mereka ini terlebih ajar atau terlampau kurang ajar?.
Ayahanda Tun,
Minta PAUSE….PAUSE….PAUSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moga teman dan seluruh rakyat M’sia dapat membaca dan memahami sejarah kontrak sosial ini. Tentu sekali issue ini akan mengundang banyak komen, termasuk dari pihak Majlis Peguam. Oleh itu, BERILAH MASA UNTUK RAKYAT MEMBUAT KOMEN dan KAMI JUGA MEMERLUKAN MASA UNTUK MEMBACA KOMEN-KOMEN TERSEBUT!!!
Minta Tun postpone next articles in a week time or more.
TUN, saya lihat apabila TUN lepaskan kuasa je kumpulan2 komunis pun kluar dari lobok masing2 lah menuntut kuasa lah, wang lah, hak bersama lah, keadilan lah, hapuskan ini dan itu lah dan macam macam lagi lah.
Kalau TUN meninggal dunia kelak saya rasa lah mereka ni ada yang akan impot senjata2 dari Aghanistan, Amerika, India dan China.
Mampoi2 hancur negara.
God bless You & Family, Semoga Sihat Walafiat.
Y.Bhg Tun,
TAHNIAH Tun. Semakin Tun menulis, maka semakin kecil dan kerdil rakyat melihat kebolehan Pak Lah and the geng.
Hope Datuk Ali Rustam pun take time tod read all this. Beginilah caranya menulis di dalam blog. Jangan menulis blog untuk sehari sahaja, lepas tu terus tutup blog bila kena hentam.
Now UMNO dah nak election. PILIHLAH PEMIMPIN YANG SUDAH MEMBACA ARTIKEL dari TDM ini agar dapat embouat plihan yang tepat.
Pilih juga Naib Presiden yang BERFIKIRAN NASIONAL DAN INTERNATIONAL.. cukuplah kita memberi peluang pada Datuk Ali Rustam, yang hanya mamapu menabur gelaran Datuk agar mendapat undi Naib Presiden..
Diharapkali ini tidak ada lagi Timbalan Ketua Bahagian yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan negeri Melaka.. tapi dapat gelaran sebab minta undi masa pehimpunan UMNO. Adakah ini juga rasuah?? semoga BPR cuba siasat //
Tun, I remember going to Taiwan once and I visited a village of a particular indigenous people there and to my surprise I saw a picture of Tun with a village tribe head. I believe the picture was taken when Tun visited them when Tun was still a Deputy Prime Minister or Education Minister. I don’t know whether Tun could still remember that. The indigenous people there had been staying there since time immemorial. To my surprise, they spoke in a language resembling Bahasa Melayu e.g. “eat” is “makan”; “thank you” is “terima kasih”, etc. and from the explanation given by the people there, I was told that many of these people used to travel to the far corners of the world including to South East Asia. Some of them even settled down in this part of the world. They even claimed that they could be related to the ancestors of the indigenous people in Malaysia and in fact till now they still invite the indigenous people from our part of the world to get together annually in Taiwan.
From the above, I have a strong feeling that the Chinese and Malays and for that matter even the Indians could have a same ancestral line. The only thing is that we keep on harping on the differences to the extent that we are blinded by that pursuit to notice our same trait.
Sebagai bangsa Melayu ‘salahkan diri sendiri disebab keangkuhan Melayu sendiri’. 1) Malas selalu bergantung kpd kerajaan. 2) Sombong bila dah senang sikit pdhal masih kuli bukan taukeh 3) Masih ada hasrat dengki khianat, irihati, busuk hati dll 4)Kelemahan boleh dibeli dgn wang ringgit (kasi RM100 semua boleh, boleh jual maruah bangsa, boleh kutuk, hina bangsa sendiri dll) 5)Mengaku Islam tapi tak seiring dgn ajaran Islam 6) Menumpang kesenangan org lain tanpa ada usaha sendiri 7) Tidak bangga dgn bahasa Melayu kononnya bahasa Melayu bahasa kuno 8) Yang berkhidmat dgn kerajaan (civil servant) ingatkan mereka ini org pegawai besar pdhal mereka tidak sedar diri yg tanggung jawab mereka melayan rakyat sa-olah2 mereka lebih tinggi dari kedudukan rakyat wah hal mereka ini pelayan rakyat mengambil kesempatan “under table” rasuah. 9) Meludah bangsa sendiri, dan agungkan bangsa lain sa-olah mereka ini tuan mereka. 10) Berpuak2, pilih kasih dan memusuhi dgn bangsa sendiri dlm segi banyak aspek… dan bermacam2 lagi macam mana hendak jadi bangsa maju dgn sifat yang kurang baik yg ada pd diri sendiri. Ubahkan minda yg tidak baik kpd minda membangun.
dear Tun, when telling the truth…i know it’s gonna hurt to some people…for me, at least you are not a hypocrite…you know where you’re stand…i really appreciate clarity…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Hidup Melayu! Hidup cina! Hidup india! Hidup kaum- kaum minoriti yang lain! Tapi marilah kita hidup dalam suasana yang aman dan damai, saling hormat- menghormati, dan saling faham- memahami. Kita harus sama- sama menjadi warganegara Malaysia yang baik, warganegara malaysia yang boleh menyesuaikan diri untuk hidup di dalam sebuah negara yang mempunyai sistem politik yang amat unik di dunia ini.
Bak kata orang bijaksana, orang yang pandai belajar daripada kesilapan sendiri, orang yang bijak belajar daripada kesilapan orang lain. Jadi, asalkan kita belajar daripada kesilapan orang lain, maka bijaklah kita. Tak perlulah nak berperang atau berbunuhan sesama sendiri sekali lagi, baru kita nak jadi pandai bagaimana untuk hidup di tanah Malaysia. Rasanya terlalu mahal ‘harganya’ nanti.
Itulah pandangan saya Tun. Benar kata Tun, orang melayu mudah lupa. Tapi pada pendapat saya, ia taklah sehebat bagaimana ‘orang- orang lain’ telah begitu mudah lupa. Saya percaya, orang Melayu bukanlah nak jadikan Tanah Melayu ini hak mereka seorang. Orang Melayu sedia berkongsi. Sejarah telah membuktikan kesanggupan dan pengorbanan orang Melayu dalam hal ini. Tetapi sejak akhir- akhir ini, sempadan kompromi ini nampaknya cuba dilangkaui. Ini bukanlah satu perkembangan yang menyihatkan. Ia tidak baik untuk ‘kesihatan’ kita semua.
Semoga Tun akan terus bersuara dan menulis dalam menyedarkan semula apa- apa sahaja perkara yang melibatkan kepentingan agama, bangsa dan negara. Semoga Tun akan sentiasa sihat, ceria, tenang, tenteram, dan diberkati usia olehNya. Adalah satu penghormatan bagi saya kerana berpeluang menulis sesuatu didalam blog seseorang yang bernama Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, seorang tokoh yang takkan dapat dicari ganti. Sekian, Assalamualaikum.
****Tun, saya nak buat permintaan sikit. Boleh tak kalau bahasa Melayu didahulukan, kemudian dituruti dengan terjemahan bahasa Inggeris. Saya tahu laman Web ini English Based dan bukan dibaca di Malaysia sahaja. Tapi nampak cantik kalau macam tu. Terima Kasih.
Salam untuk YAB Tun dan rakan bloggers,
1. Mohon izin kepada semua untuk memberi cadangan. Kita bloggers dalam blog Tun boleh menjadi satu power yang boleh menurunkan Dollah sebelum negara tergadai.
2. Kita perlu ada leader/coordinator seperti sahabat kita yang mencadangkan pakai riben dan bendera tu dan sahabat yang minta kita tulis kepada Majlis Raja2. Ini penting.
3. Oleh itu, saya cadangkan seorang koordinator untuk mengembeling usaha kita. Di antara usaha kita termasuklah;
a. kumpulkan senarai nama bloggers yang pernah membuat laporan kepada polis ataupun BPR tentang rasuah yang dilakukan oleh Dollah, ahli keluarga, kroni dan menteri2. apabila ada senarai laporan polis/bpr, kita boleh mendesak polis/bpr untuk menyiasat. Apatah lagi sekarang BPR ada kuasa lebih, boleh mendakwa. Bagus, mari kita lihat kehebatan agensi in. Baru2 ini berjaya menahan pegawai2 tinggi kerajaan kerana rasuah, jadi kita mahu melihat ikan2 yu pula. Then only we can put our trust in our BPR/PDRM. Jika belum ada koordinator, mohon sesiapa yang pernah membuat laporan memberikan maklumat laporan kpd BPR/PDRM dalam blog ini. Boleh Tun?
b. mengenal pasti siapa di kalangan kita bloggers yang
celik undang2′ untuk menasihatkan kita cara2 membuat laporan yang ‘foolproof’, iaitu yang tidak akan digunakan untuk menghukum pelapor pula. Daripada maklumbalas YAB Tun dan rakan bloggers lain, banyak isu, perkara yang boleh disiasat BPR/PDRM. Katanya surat layang pun agensi tu kena siasat. Ayuh, mari kita buat sesuatu!
Terima kasih, wasallam.
semua penerangan ini saya dah baca semasa disekolah lagi dan masih ingat kebanyakan kandungannya,apa yang berlaku sekarang sama seperti 1998 dimana pertubuhan kaum cina menuntut kerajaan dibawah pimpinan Tun untuk melaksanakan berpuluh tuntutan untuk kaum mereka walaupun mereka sangat sedar tentang hak dalam perlembagaan.Apakah mereka ini yang kebanyakan bersekolah kebangsaan Cina & Tamil tidak belajar sejarah ini,jika begini ada baiknya sekolah ini ditutup saja,ini adalah perkara pokok yang menyebabkan kewujudan mereka sebagai anak Malaysia.Mereka patut sedar orang melayu memperjuangkan kemerdekaan tanah melayu sejak dari zaman portugis lagi dan tidak memerlukan bantuan orang cina & india dalam hal ini.Fiji boleh menjadi contoh bagaimana kaum imigran India yang memerintah dirampas kuasa oleh kaum penduduk asal.Apakah mereka mahu orang melayu & bumiputra mempersoalkan pula perlembagaan yang suatu ketika dulu dipaksakan oleh British untuk diterima jika mahu merdeka
YAB Tun Mahathir,
Pertamanya – Selamat Hari Lahir ke 83 Tun!….semoga Allah swt memberkati Tun dan keluarga dan sentiasa memberi Tun semangat, kekuatan dan kemampuan untuk membela nasib rakyat negara kita Malaysia yang tercinta ini.Segala usaha Tun hanya Allah saja yg membalas.
Kedua – penjelasan kontrak sosial oleh Tun kali ni amat berharga. Amatlah rugi kerana media perdana sekarang tidak langsung boleh di harap untuk membentuk aspirasi visi negara.Rata-rata semua media dijangkiti penyakit ‘AIDS'(Aku Ikut Dia Saja)-dalam hal ini ‘Dia’ ialah ‘Perdana Menteri yang masih bermimpi’.
Mingguan Malaysia hari ni memaparkan komentar PM Abdullah, DPM Najib dan En Khairy Jamaluddin – ketiga2 nya memalukan orang Melayu tetapi masih di berikan tempat untuk cuba memperbodohkan bangsa sendiri lagi. Apakah mereka belum sedar ? Rata2 orang yang memegang akhbar Mingguan hari ni memcemekkan bibir tanda ‘meluat'(loghat Kedah) dan muak melihat seorang PM yang tak sedar kedegilannya merosakkan negara, seorang TPM yang takut tetapi dia berasa dianya seorang yang berprinsip dan akhirnya seorang menantu yang hanya nak kaya dan kuasa menerusi bapa mertuanya tetapi perasan sendiri bahawa ‘kepimpinannya’ di perlukan!
Jika senario di atas direnung betul2, UMNO sudah pun kalah. PRU yang lepas cuma pengenalan atau pun mungkin amaran. Apa pun nampaknya mereka2 ini tidak faham mesej pengenalan ini dan langsung tak nampak amaran yang di maksudkan. Atas sebab ini, UMNO akan kalah 100% dlm PRU yang akan datang.
Orang-orang seperti ini hendak di harap untuk menjelaskan dan mempertahankan perihal kontrak sosial negara tercinta ini?
Selepas Tun M melepaskan jawatan dan kuasa, rata2 rakyat terus di buai mimpi dengan ‘gimik’ ketelusan, Islam Hadhari dan lain2 buaian yang ternyata kepalsuannya sekarang.
Hari ini rakyat sudah bangun dan rakyat akan terus menolak ‘kebodohan’ ini. Mereka ini semua hendak sedar atau tidak rakyat sudah tidak peduli lagi. Yang jelas negara perlu di selamatkan dari terus di ranapkan oleh mereka2 yang begini.
Saya sehingga merasakan malu untuk memanggil mereka ini ‘pemimpin’. Apa yg mereka ‘pimpin’ hanya lah ketamakan, kedegilan dan kepentingan mereka semata2.
Ketiga – Kontrak sosial adalah sangat jelas. Tidak pernah ada masalah selagi rakyat dan pemimpin faham semangat kontrak sosial ini. Apa2 pun jangan Melayu di mangsakan hanya kerana org yang memimpin seorang yang lemah dan pentingkan diri sendiri! Apa yang Tun jelaskan tidak ada sesiapa pun rasa saya dapat menyangkal jika semangat harmoni dan aman yang di harapkan.
Keempat – Majlis Peguam sememangnya sudah melampau dan perlu di tegur. Peguam2 Melayu pun diharap jangan lah dapat sindrom “AIDS” yang serupa dengan UMNO.
Tun, the reality now is Malaysia is a multiracial country. Now the present generation has already assimilated into Malaysian culture. Yes, the bumiputras shouldn’t be sidelined but also every Malaysian in general. Why Malaysian government should discriminate its own citizens? Your idea is outdated. Why even after 50 years we are lagging behind Singapore? Let’s look all Malaysians as Malaysians. Love all serve all
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Ayahanda Tun
Terubat rasa hati bila dapat berjumpa Tun pada satu majlis pada malam 6 Julai 2008 di Hilton PJ. Tun masih lagi ceria dan bertenaga di tangga usia 83 tahun. Selamat hari lahir dan semoga Tun di limpahkan kurnia dan berada di dalam peliharaanNYA, insyaAllah
dear all
i’d like to reflect some salient excerpts of tun’s article on the subject matter. i’m no expert, but certainly it doesnt make me a complacent person.
the title: ‘uniquely’ the malaysian social contract.
the article, so chronicled by tun, is done as not to off-track his readers.
a one off presentation, definitive for the malaysian backdrop via history and its social roots and background.
understandbly, it has its origins, nutured, evolved, survived colonial pressures and ultimately legitimised through the constitution for independence.
tun used the word ‘ingenious’ malays, and together, they and the abrogines were the subjects of the malay rulers, thus implying the rulers were also of the ‘ingenious’ type malay. further suggesting that the abrogines had no qualms about being ruled over by the ‘ingenious’ malay rulers. the person who actually ended jww.birch life at pasir salak was an orang asli.
then there were these ‘treaties’ that were negotiated and written down. this also suggest that the ruler of the land were ‘taken’ into account, a recognition, otherwise, the colonists would have just trampled these ‘ingenious’ malay rulers and their subjects without much ado.
i guess, a pretty sane mind, with a good head would have accepted the idea of the malaysian social contract on an as-is-where-is basis. well, its just that they dont want to, and they will not want to, all the way to their graves.
to dislike a person who is different from you doesnt make you a racist, but if you dislike a person because he is different from you, then you are. so, which side of the fence you are and i am anyway?
am i a racist if i have accepted the social contract that have accomodated others,
or am i racist that i have not accepted a social contract that is not fair to others whilst i know that the fact that the contract in itself have accomodated others?
or am i a bigger bigot of a racist that i do not at all accept the existence of the so called the malaysia social contract?
obviously the contract could be ammended, possibly modified, if there are earnest and fair requirements justified. the colonists, tried as they did because they had something from the west that they thought could be of benefit, if not an alternative to the existing ones then. may we be reminded that the colonists that we are talking about were the british empire, were no fairies themselves. they ran over pasir salak, the seat of the then perak goverment, burnt everything from the place all the way to kg gajah inland, exiled the ruler and his entire court, hunted and kangaroo courted them and punished as guilties, and they plundered the lands of anything they could laid their greddy hands on, and galled us now to instal a new perak govt elsewhere and impose the new ruler new rules, theirs. if there had been any other crime of the centuries, they would have equalled, if not exceed that of the spainish conquorers of the latin americas. there isnt any social contract in tasmania, because there isnt any tasmanian left.
if someone in malaysia wishes to do so, go ahead collectively in a mannered way, go and approach the agong via the govt in sitting, put something on the table that he and his other court of rulers could see.
comprende! … and good luck.
terima kaseh.
To those who wanted to “rewrite” the social contract:
This episode will go into the future history book as something like this: ” After the crows started calling the magpies scum black-scavengers, the buzzards flew in to make THE FINAL SAY.”
Making allegations based on half-truth and unfounded evidences to provide the excuse to achieve the desired cause, can result in disaster for both parties.
The present social ecosystem has worked in a rather mysterious way that has helped all the races survived peacefully. So far no particular race has won all and no race has lost all. That’s why Malaysia is so unique. So let us not be too adventurous.
Salam sejahtera Yang Berbahagia Tun,
Kenapa rakyat menolak BN pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke 13 ? Adakah kerana mereka sudah muak dengan kepimpinan BN dewasa ini ataupun terpengaruh dengan dakyah pembangkang. Masalah sebenar terletak pada BN sendiri dimana suara dan kehendak rakyat tidak lagi didengari. Justeru itu, rakyat menolak BN sekaligus. Sememangnya banyak kemajuan dibawa oleh BN namun isu-isu semasa yang amat dekat dengan pengundi tidak ditangani dengan baik. Kepimpinan dewasa ini lebih suka mendengar cerita yang baik adanya. Kelemahan diri tidak diberi perhatian yang sewajarnya. Kadang-kadang terfikir juga apa jadi dengan semua Pakar Penasihat yang menasihati kerajaan ? Kumpulan ini masih berfungsi ataupun tidak ? Memang senang menunding jari terhadap pengundi yang kononnya tidak setia dan sebagainya. Isu utama sekarang apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh kerajaan bagi menarik balik sokongan terhadap BN ? Pak Lah kata sudah dengar suara rakyat tapi setakat ini semua polisi dan dasar dibuat tidak mencerminkan mengambil kira suara rakyat. Rakyat semakin marah dengan perkembangan yang berlaku di negara ini. Apapun rakyat Malaysia masih dapat bertahan dengan kehidupan yang semakin hari semakin menekan dengan kenaikan harga minyak.
Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun,
Thank you for writing and clarifying on the issue of social contract. Your writing has provide an additional dimensions of my understanding of the issue.
I agree with you that whenever we the Malay raise an issue about our Bangsa Melayu, the non-Malay will be quick to the trigger to shoot it down as RACIST.
What they do not understand is that there are always two faces to the coins; two sides to a story.
Whenever they call us racist, they are actually a worse racist themselves. Why did they want to change or amend the social contract? Are the Chinese want a better terms for the Malays? Of course not. Are the Indians want a worse terms for them in the contract? The answer is again, of course not.
So, the call of Malaysia for Malaysian will lead to a better position for both Chinese and Indian. Since the amout of the pie is finite, then someone will be worse off; the Malays. For those who is seeking for the changes of the social contract have their own agenda. They are now making it public their demand and as usual the Bar Council is ever ready to “help” them with their cause.
From my observation, those who are calling for the changes in the social contract believe this is the right time to do so as the PM is a weakling. Pak Lah hs to a certain extrent allow them to bash the Malay. This Flip Flop PM of Malaysia is equally eager to support anything that will demonise and belittle Tun Dr. Mahathir.
Pak Lah has said many things and doing almost nothing. For the little things that he actually do are not for the rakyat but for his own personal benefits. As such, since this calling for the amendment of the social contract did not attacke him personally, he will not lift a finger to address the issue.
Once again Tun, thank you for enlightening us on the social contract that was agreed upon by the previous leaders of the country.
Terimakasih Tun Dr Mahatir untuk menggambarkan Hak-terpelihara Malaysia. Tun telah mendedahkan sampah-sarap yang ditinggalkan oleh British dan sebagai satu unsul untuk mengatasinya dalam ‘constitution’ kita yang akan atau mengalih-semula ruangan Malaysia. Saya rasa bahawa ramai orang Cina dan India pilih untuk menghindarkan saja ‘constitution’ ini, sebagaimana yang Tun pastikan adalah satu perjanjian yang membenarkan orang Cina dan India berdiam disini.
Pada ketika ini, kelihatan sekali lagi bahawa orang Melayu akan kehilangan ruangan dalam kumpulan ini. Jika tiada sesiapa sekuat Tun untuk mempertahankan hak-terpelihara ini untuk kita semua, tentulah ada kemungkinan akan hilangnya Melayu di Malaysia.
Badawi, sebagaimana sudah kelihatan dan juga setahu Tun, adalah punca semuanya ini. Dia tidak langsung menyokong semangat Melayu dan paling dahshat sekali, dia adalah sewajar dan secocok dengan Anwar Ibrahim.
Kita memerlukan dengan secepat mungkin satu jawapan tertentu untuk menyelesaikan masaalah ini.
Cukup memuaskan bagi kita semua akan sumbangan dan pergorbanan Tun. Kita semua menyokong sepenuh hati, jiwa dan lara akan kebijaksanaan Tun.
Tun, are we still not ready for Malaysia? Are we pretending still that we don’t want Malaysia to exist? Do we really want the Rakyat to Unite and be proud of being identified as Malaysian? Are we moving any closer to Wawasan 2020 or moving away? Haven’t we really learn from history? or Tun wants to keep reminding us the history and not to trust one another!
BN has to go. BN has lived far too long to split all the races, compartmentalise them into parties of races, ruled them separately, teach them separately (separate schools for Chinese, Tamils and Malays, entertain them separately (different TV channels for each, allocate fund separately (NEP), threaten them with the repeat of May 13, so as to keep the Malays the BOSS, and to allow the bosses of them all to take the cake openly, etc etc etc…
PR has the ingredients of people unity under one umbrella. They have worked on their common numerators, subtract their common differences, they can now safely and certainly move forward. The rakyat have gone fed up with the divide and rule tactic that benefitted the few.
Dear Tun,
With regards to the status of Sabah and Sarawak natives, I wish to make a correction. Most government forms that I fill and in the constitution (I checked), it seems that my position or race is not “Malay” but “Melayu Sarawak”. So we Sarawakian Malays are different from the Malays from Peninsular.
Kontrak sosial semestinya mengundang harapan dan semangat kepada bangsa melayu. Rasa selesa pun ada. Meskipun ada pihak-pihak nakal yang cuba menilai semula minta di”review” apa yang telah dipersetujui ianya harus dilihat sebagai bukan satu ancaman terhadap bangsa melayu. Bagi melayu yang sinonim dengan Islam, jagalah Islam itu sendiri berbanding dengan bangsa. Tidak kira bangsa mana yang memerintah, Islam wajib dijunjung. Islam adalah agama yang memperakukan semua bangsa adalah dianggap saudara. Berhentilah menegakkan bangsa
Yang Berbahagia Ayahda Tun,
Tekanan dari pihak Tun sekurang-kurangnya telah berhasil apabila Pak Lah yang mengakui bahawa PRU12 baru ini telah menghasilkan keputusan yang amat buruk dalam sejarah UMNO. Biarpun 2010 menjadi taruhannya, Pak Lah akhirnya akur akan hal ini.
Semua pengetahui bahawa Tun merasakan peralihan kuasa ini patut berlaku pada 2008. Setidaknya tindakan Tun sudah menampakkan hasil. Tanpa tindakan dari Tun mungkin 2010 nanti pun belum tentu berlaku peralihan kuasa.
Saya mengalu-alukan tindakan dari Tun diteruskan lagi bagi memastikan tiada flip-flop seperti yang semua orang tahu. Dalam bersangka baik terhadap Pak Lah perhatian patut diberi kepada perkara di atas. Di tahap ini Tun munkin dapat merangka perancangan kepada Dato’ Seri Najib bagi menguatkan penyatuan Melayu seterusnya kekuatan UMNO.
Memandangkan tiada lagi kekuatan pada parti-parti komponen kerajaan adalah wajar tindakan secara drastik di ambil untuk menarik sokongan parti lawan pimpinan Melayu untuk menyertai Barisan Nasional. Agenda KEKUATAN MELAYU perlu dikhususkan bagi mempertahan ketuanan bangsa, Melayu perlu bersatu. Tumpuan keterlaluan untuk menarik sokongan bangsa lain perlu di nilai semula biarpun kepentingannya tidak dapat dinafikan. Keamanan negara akan berlaku dengan sendirinya selepas ini.
Ini hanyalah cetusan dan impian seorang rakyat biasa. Kebijaksanaan Tun amat diperlukan demi kekuatan bangsa Melayu. Kepentingan bangsa lain akan kita jaga demi keamanan Malaysia.
Semoga Tun sihat sejahtera.
Dari Langkawi. http://rumahkebunrba.blogspot.com
ya, Tun, i studied in Sejarah and i knew part of these…but i might just wonder whether these historical is true or frm reliable sources, just like Japan, they never admit that the World War II created lots of suffer to most Asian countries…and the Japanese Citizens now studying the History books which is after amended and suit to the political situations. In Malaysia, i am not the professor or historical well verse, and no comment.
Tun raised this social contract issues again, is to unite the Malays, and create some ownership feel, and to avoid the ownership fall onto other races. We as Chinese which is born in tanahair ini, never thought of mengancam kedudukan Melayu, but to wish same treament on non-bumi.
Kami dilahirkan dalam tanahir yang tercinta ini, dan tidak pernah berfikir seperti adanya komen disini bahawa kalau kami diusir,boleh balik ke China dan India, fikiran sempit dan bersifat perkauman ni kena henti serta merta. Kami sentiasa bangga sebagai rakyat Malaysia, walaupun saya sebagai keturunan cina, dan dalam banyak keadaan, saya dengan kawan-kawan, sentiasa dipanggil sebagai Chinese di luar negara termasuk China, Taiwan, HK, tetapi, kami akan memperbetulkan mereka bahawa kami adalah dari Malaysia, and we are Malaysian, walaupun kami fasih dalam bahasa mandarin. Dan apabla artis kami disambut baik dan popular di Taiwan, mereka selalu bangga dan sebut nama Malaysia saja, tetapi, apabila balik ke Malaysia, kami disebut bukan bumiputra, dan apabila sahabat karib saya yang ada status bumiputra, sama-sama kita nak beli rumah, tapi dia dapat bumi discount, dan saya tidak dapat masuk Universiti Kerajaan disebabkan bumi quota, nak jual rumah kena patuh bumi quota…saya tidak faham…sama juga dengan org Melayu tidak faham keadaan org cina di Malaysia.Org bukan bumi pun kerja kuat, cina mahupun india, kita tak pernah dapat kebanyakan bantuan kerajaan, dan semuanya bergantung pada diri sendiri, dengan tangan sendiri, bukan durian runtuh, dan kami menyumbang juga kepada cukai-cukai, dan bisnes dan ekonomi negara, kenapa disingkirkan? saya bukan bersifat perkauman, tapi saya rasa ramai org Melayu pun baik belaka dan rajin, hanya ahli ahli politik yang sentiasa mencipta keadaan seakan org bukan Melayu yg mengancam org Melayu, supaya kemunculan parti politik boleh membantu, tapi sekarang pula kepada kroni. Kita semua rakyat Malaysia, tak kira apa bangsa, cinta pada tanahair ini dan jangan fikir kita balik china, india, itu bukan negara kami. Parti-parti dan ahli -ahli politik, stop to create tension between races, we are well educated and will not fall into trap and to make your pocket full with money…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
BIARKAN ORANG MELAYU HANCUR dengan UMNO nya sekali…… orang melayu tidak boleh menyalahkan sesiapa,….. kerana orang melayu buta, pembodek PAK DSAAB dan MUDAH LUPA……..
2 Tahun lagi DSAAB memerintah untuk menanam kebencian orang melayu kepada UMNO……..
Esok-esok kalau sudah nasi jadi bubur, akan memberontak, menjadi pengebom berani mati da……..tiada lagi keamanan.
Majlis peguam harus memikirkan sensiviti orang melayu……..saya fikir mereka tidak akan dapat apa yang mereka mahu….sebaliknya akan mengakibatkan permusuhan antara kaum di mlayasia………
Sememangnya Tun sentiasa berjuang untuk orang melayu untuk mencapai keamanan dan kemajuan orang melayu bersama kaum-kaum yang lain…..
Salam untuk Tun sekeluarga…..kami sentiasa ada menyokong.
– Kenapa Tun tidak mengatakan Parti Komunis Malaya juga memainkan peranan penting, mereka juga sayang kepada Tanah Melayu, Ini dapat dilihat Parti Komunis Malaya bertempur darah dan lawan Jepun, lawan British, kenapakah sumbangan mereka dilupakan, malah dijadikan musuh negera??
– Social contract yang disarankan adalah lesen untuk merampas hartanah negara, menyamun kekayaan Malaysia, cuba tengoklah Petronas adalah milik negara, tetapi Umno Baru telah merompakkannya, sambil mengatakan NEP adalah senjata untuk menghapuskan kemiskinan, sudah lebih 30 tahun NEP telah dibuktikan satudasar yang menipu Melayu, satu dasar yang mengkayakan golongan umnoputra.
– UMNO pandai menipu melayu dengan menggunakan unsur politik untuk menipu melayu, bejuang untuk Melayu?? padahal menjadikan melayu luar bandar lebih teruk dan dijadikan hamba politik UMNO. Jadi apa gunanya social kontrak? Melayu patutlah berdikari untuk memperjuangkan diri dalam sektor ekonomi, politik cumalah unsur membencikan antara manusia dengan manusia.
Kalau lah nak harapkan politik jadi kaya, baik jual roti canai di tepi jalan.
Rencana ini dituliskan oleh Tun hanya membakar emosi kaum Melayu, dan menanamkan semangat perkaumanan sahaja. awas awas jangan percaya semua. Tun bukan lah Tuhan tetapi hantu politik yang pandai menyamar.
Yang Mulia Tun
Thank you for elaborating on the social contract in your esteemed blog.
At the time of writing there almost 400 comments but not a single one saying anything from Sarawak Dayakâs perspective. While you went on and on about the Chinese and Indians and their historical status, you hardly explained about the Dayaks and the Kedazandusuns. That speaks a lot for itself, about how the Dayaks have always been unimportant, unnoticeable and the ignored minority. Sorry to say Tun, but you are no different from other West Malaysians when come to Dayaks, the minority bumiputras. During your premiership, you too had forgotten and hadnât done much to help us.
Refer to your points 38 and 44 above it is most refreshing to know that the natives of Sabah and Sarawak were given the same status as the Malays. So say the social contract and the constitutions. Beautiful!
What is ugly is the wide spread of unhappiness across the beloved state of Fairland Sarawak by the majority Dayak inhabitants who are the minority non Muslim bumiputras. Is that really so people ask? Many would quickly brush such remarks aside particularly those who are the like of your âUMNO Apologistsâ â where in Fairland Sarawak we have âWhite Termite Apologistsâ.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Amat memalukan sampai Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sendiri terpaksa memuji Datuk Najib Abdul Razak sebagai pemimpin yang paling menyinar dalam UMNO ketika ini.
Datuk Najib Tun Abdul Razak lebih memikirkan tentang perpaduan parti dan kemenangan dalam PRU ke-13 akan datang.Maka dia berfikiran dia patut tidak bertanding dalam pemilihan Disember nanti.
Datuk Najib masih tidak memahami kebenaran bahawa tanpa penstrukturan semula subsidi kerajaan akan kalah dan kerajaan tetap akan kalah walaupun ada penstrukturan semula subsidi selagi Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi masih memerintah negara.
Datuk Najib Tun Abdul Razak masih tidak menyedari bahawa strategi pentadbiran Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang masih digunapakai oleh beliau boleh dikatakan sudah tidak begitu relevan lagi kerana perubahan corak politik masa kini.
Hanya kerana Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad keluar dari UMNO dan mewujudkan ruangan blog beliau sendiri barulah pemulihan kerajaan sekarang dapat dijalankan.Nampak tersangat licin tanpa ada ganggu gugat yang mendesak.Tapi siapa yang tahu yang kenapa Tun Dr Mahathir keluar dari UMNO?
Amat menakjubkan apabila dapat menjelajah bersama-sama Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (Perdana Menteri Malaysia selama 22 tahun) ke dalam pentadbiran negara melalui komputer.
Dapat melihat bagaimana perjalanan dan gerak kerja sebagai seorang Perdana Menteri tanpa perlu menjadi seorang ahli politik,ahli UMNO,ahli Parlimen,ahli MT,ahli Kabinet mahupun sebagai seorang Perdana Menteri.Tetapi anda tetap boleh menjadi Perdana Menteri tanpa semua itu.Amat mengagumkan.Tidak akan ada program realiti sehebat ini.
Sesungguhnya untuk berbicara dengan Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad memerlukan keizinan dari-Nya.Untuk berbicara dari salah seorang dari hamba-Nya di muka bumi ini.Allah Maha Besar.
Selamat Hari Lahir yang ke-83 Tun.
Terima kasih Tun.
I’m really very, very sick of the current politic issues.Everyone wanted to be a BOSS. To me, whoever is qualified, capable and has a good leadership by all means go ahead to be a LEADER regardless what races.
I’m very sick with the RACIST issue too. I’m mixing very well with all races since my school days. Please bear in mind EVERY ONE, our LIFE AND FATE is created by ourselves not be GIVEN. Please WORK HARD of it and get it if you deserved it. Nothing comes easy and free. If HELP has been GIVEN then that is NOT A MUST but it is A BONUS point GIVEN to us in order to have a better life (just like BONUS was given during year end for salary earner).
WHY everyone still COMPLAINING…..with no ending…..ini tak cukup, itu tak cukup ??????? First, ask ourself, do we done our part to work hard and try to stand alone and don’t waste time to CREATE more problems into this society and country ???? Without trying then said CANNOT and wanted the so called privilege to be given then it is not a principle to achieve a GOAL. Another very simple idea we all can learn from is : from our own family member or children. What will happen if we just know how to protect, manja, spoon fed the young one, what do they learn ???? Everything can’t find just call KAKAK, not enough money called DADDY / MUMMY / NENEK. If from young we don’t TRAIN them to be INDEPENDENT, then forever, they needed help and can’t stand alone. ‘PARENT’ merely is a guardian and move along with them and given help when it is needed (but don’t make it a habit by helping everyday). Then they only can GROWTH STRONGER in future.
BUT….. nowdays….. NONE OF THE LEADER and so called good leader can LEADS or show good example to all RAKYAT. All they wanted is POWER…..POWER AND POWER. It very clear, power has been GIVEN, you must use it wisely but not for own interest. SAD….. who can tell me with this current POLITICIAN, who has the QUALITY leadership to HELP THE ECONOMIC, NATION AND COUNTRY so that all RAKYAT can have a peaceful life ??????????????????? If can, all non qualified OLDIES be replaced because they are not fighting for the rakyat’s right.
Please don’t raise anymore RACIST issue, it does not bring any good to anyone. Yang lalu sudah lalu…… we can learn from the history but don’t look back we must learn to move forward AND REALLY HOPE ….. CURRENT LEADERS PLEASE DON’T DRAG all issues but we RAKYAT wanted PROBLEMS TO BE SOLVED and NOT just DIVERT or DRAGGING AWAY. A good leader will not do that just like a GOOD BOSS will try their very hard to solve problem for his / her staffs, to protect their staff…then a RESPECT IS EARNED…………. and their names will be well known in the market.
We just wanted a peaceful life regardless what races we are. I feel like wanted to scold in front of them just like scolding the young children when they really don’t change their attitude or learn from their mistake.
assalamualaikum Tun,
semoga Tun dan keluarga sentiasa dalam keadaan sihat walafiat..
untuk pengetahuan tun, semalam saya ada menghadiri majlis yang dianjurkan di PICC (katanya untuk menyokong kepimpinan AAB)..itupun atas dasar tugas saya di sana.. namun rata2 yang saya lihat, hanya datang untuk makan angin, maklumlah..PUTRAJAYA..orang kampung terutamanya makcik2 yang datang dari negeri2 lain mungkin teringin benar melihat keindahan PUTRAJAYA yang di ilhamkan oleh TUN sendiri..pastu datang free lagi..sapa tak mau kan..AAB macam biasa la..lewat lagi..masa time AAB nak bagi ucapan..dah 3/4 dewan dah kosong..masing2 dah berebut nak naik bas..dah la penat..makanan yang tersedia juga tak berkhasiat..lagi la orang meluat..
itula hakikat yang patut dia terima..orang dah tak sokong dia..masih buat muka tebal lagi..jika kroni AAB terbaca ini..terimalah hakikat..bagi la nasihat kat dia..tak yah la nak mengampu..kasihani la rakyat negara ni sebelum terlewat..
lots of love for TUN n family..
By john1234 on July 13, 2008 3:52 AM
It’s a wonder why Tun as my idol leader will focus so much attention on special rights and not how to improve our country effectiveness and competitiveness
John, I agree with you that we should concentrate on improving our country effectiveness and compentitiveness. But first we should get our facts right on the the move to question the Bumiputra status. What we don’t want is things to get out of hand and therefore chaos will happen and in the end history will repeat again. May 13, remember. We have been living together harmoniously since the incident and due to Pak Lah imcompetency, the stability has begun to look shaky. Therefore, we have to go back to history. We want a win win situation and not lost lost situation.We have only got our Independence 50 years and due to our race composition, it is a thin thread to walk on indeed. If wrong decision made, all of us irrespecive of race will suffer.
Oh ya John, I assume you are the majority Chinese/Indian who appreciates what we had before Pak Lah’s regime took control.
Thank you
Salam Tun,
Why do the non-Malays always have to look down so much on the capability of the Malays in general? We keep on hearing them saying that Malaysia would not have progressed to what it is today without their (the non-Malays) skills, effort and contribution. This is why they believe in the illusion they should now be given absolute equal rights with the Malays, and given half the chance they will want to take total control of the Tanah Melayu.
Times have changed and there are already so many highly qualified, highly educated, highly professional, highly experienced and highly capable Malays and bumis, thanks to the progressive policies during Tun’s tenure as PM.
Maybe it is time that the Malays prove them wrong.
I am in total agreement with some suggestions of bloggers here that non-bumis who are unhappy with the rights and opportunities in Malaysia, to just migrate to other countries. They think Malaysia will ‘collapse’ without them. We will show them that the Malays/bumis can do even beter. Many of us will relish the opportunity.
Pada zaman dahulu,
Orang Cina dikatakan pandai tipu dacing;
Orang India dikatakan pandai pusing;
Orang Melayu dikatakan pandai bising.
Pada zaman sekarang,
Orang Cina diyakini sudah bersahabat orang asing;
kerana di laut dagang dunia, orang Cina mau pancing.
Orang India dituduh oleh Syed Hamid Albar suka main samseng;
kerana kebanyakan orang India bukan kroni Samy sudah miskin.
Orang Melayu diserukan oleh Hadi Awang janganlah liwat-meliwat;
kerana sudah lamanya orang Melayu tak berubah dan terusnya pandai bising!
Pak Janggut
Salam ayahanda Tun,
Saya setelah membaca artikel Sosial Contract mengaku bahawa niat seseorang pemimpin tak kira latar belakang atau keturunan/kaum pada waktu itu adalah ikhlas,jujur dan baik untuk membina masyarakat makhmur yang bertangung jawab di masa mendatang sebagai garis pandu dan pada pemikiran saya ia juga akan berubah mengikut zaman tetapi mesti berpandukan garis garis tersebut.
Saya juga percaya untuk tidak menidakkan hak hak sesuatu bangsa ia tercatit sesuatu keistimewaan untuk bangsa tersebut,seperti MELAYU tetapi percaya ia bermaksud untuk MELAYU TEMPATAN dan juga Bumiputra(aborgines) tetapi hak hak ini sekarang juga di hayati olih kaum kaum MELAYU pendatang seperti Melayu JAWA,Melayu Acheh,Melayu India(mamak) di mana kaum ini juga pendatang sama seperti kaum Cina dan India jadi untuk kehidupan aman makmur dan berharmoni kita tidak sepatutnya menidakkan hak hak untuk kaum kaum Cina dan India atau lain lain yang termaktub dalam Kontrak Sosial demi Negara kita Malaysia,bagaimana pula kepada kaum kaum Cina/India yang telah berumah tangga dengan kaum Melayu (muslim),keturunan pihak ini akan di rujuk kepada hak yang sepatutnya di warisi olih kaum yang mana satu? dimana pemimpin terdahulu tidak terfikirkan soal ini jadi ia adalah tangungjawab pemimpin waktu sekarang untuk mempelihara hak hak mereka ini justeru itu saya berpandangan adalah wajar untuk kita berkerjasama sebagai satu bangsa malaysia demi Negara dan kemakmuran dan keturunan yang akan datang.
Ayahanda Tun JIka ada salah silap saya susunkan sepuluh jari mohon ampun dan maaf.
Saya dan keluarga berdoa agar allah berkati segala usaha Tun yang murni ini dan jasa jasa Tun kepada tanah air kita yang bertuah.
Salam semua yang berkenaan and not a very good morning to some especially ‘godfather’.
So you are a foreigner – Sicilian, Italian or Greek origin? No wonder you wrote the way you did, because your mafia family cannot operate in our country. Your gang members were arrested by the ACA, the Police, trialled at the Courts and sent to Prisons or hanged to Death, because they were proven guilty with no doubt at all. This irked you because in your country of origin, all rivals are judged as enemies, the sentence, death to them and their families by assassination.
By the way what are doing here in Malaysia, our country, looking at places where your family can operate? Or you are a spy for new colonialists/
My suggestion to you is leave the country before it’s too late. Leave Malaysia to us, for us to decide our future and the future of our generations. Do you know how to fly kite?
Have you heard of ‘gold rains at other places and stone rains in our country’, we prefer the latter not like you.
Anak Jadi Kedah.
That is an appalling recount of recent history by the Tun, which only serves political expediency and will not stand scrutiny by historians. No doubt malays will like it, lied to as they are these last 50 years.
The only thing that was agreed was the constitution of 1957, which over the years had its provisions removed or watered down, or not effected, and all good intentions trivialised. IOW, the people were cheated! Not only the non malays but the east malaysians too, as well as the malays too who were clamped down with lies, bigotry and backwardness.
Whatever provisions made for the malays was for the noble and compassionate intention of assisting them and not to introduce racial and religious hegemony!
Thank you Tun Dr Mahathir for illustrating Malaysian Rights. You make a powerful point by indicating the mess we inherited from the British, and, as a counter-measure to that, our constitution, which seeks to create or regain the Malaysian space. I think many Chinese and Indians choose to overlook this constitution, and, as you point out, an agreement that allowed Chinese and Indians to remain.
Presently, it seems, once again, Malays are going to loose their space in society. Without someone as strong as you to stand up for and with us… we will most likely loose Malays in Malaysia.
Badawi, as we have all seen, and as you point out, is the cause of this. He does not believe in the Malay spirit and what is worst, it seems he is destroying it with the likes of Anwar Ibrahim.
We need a fast solution before it is too late.
Please keep up the great work. We are here for you in support and admiration!
Thank you Tun Dr Mahathir for illustrating Malaysian Rights. You make a powerful point by indicating the mess we inherited from the British, and, as a counter-measure to that, our constitution, which seeks to create or regain the Malaysian space. I think many Chinese and Indians choose to overlook this constitution, and, as you point out, an agreement that allowed Chinese and Indians to remain.
Presently, it seems, once again, Malays are going to loose their space in society. Without someone as strong as you to stand up for and with us… we will most likely loose Malays in Malaysia.
Badawi, as we have all seen, and as you point out, is the cause of this. He does not believe in the Malay spirit and what is worst, it seems he is destroying it with the likes of Anwar Ibrahim.
We need a fast solution before it is too late.
Please keep up the great work. We are here for you in support and admiration!
Salam Tun dan rakan bloggers,
Saya adalah penyokong fanatik Tun. Izinkan saya menulis…
1. Kebanyakan (majoriti) pembesar negara amat ‘naif’ tentang hak bumupitera Sabah dan Sarawak apabila membincangkan Ketuanan Melayu dan Kontark Sosial.
2. Pembesar negara seringkali terikat dengan ruang-lingkup yang terhad mengenai Ketuan Melayu (Orang Islam) dengan hanya berbicara mengenai keadaan di Semenanjung Malaysia sahaja tanpa meliputi Malaysia Timur di Borneo – Ini jelas melalui blog Dato’ Seri Mantan Menteri Besar Selangor dan lain-lain.
3. Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak adalah masyarakat majmuk dengan pelbagai sosio-budaya, adat resam dan agama – bagaimana dengan status ketuanan mereka di persada Malaysia?
4. Bolehkah Tun menjelaskan mengenai WP Labuan? bagaimana Pulau Labuan terlepas ke tangan Kerajaan persekutuan? Tahukah bahawa isu pulau Labuan adalah punca tumpasnya Kerajaan Berjaya kepada PBS di Sabah? – Harap saya tak dikenakan ISA ye…
Isu Guru
5. Sampai hari ini saya masih keliru mengapa melimpah-ruah guru dari Semenanjung ditempatkan di Sabah. Memang betul Sabah kekurangan guru pada tahun-tahun 90an ke bawah. Tapi tidak pada masa sekarang. Buktinya pada masa kini, pengambilan guru baru amat terhad oleh BPG.
6. Guru-guru yang di’posting’kan di sini sungguh demand kerana hanya mahu ditempatkan di kawasan bandar/pekan/pinggir bandar/pinggir pekan, jauh sekali mahu ditempatkan di kawasan pedalaman.
7. Yang menjadi mangsa adalah guru-guru di Sabah sendiri, terpaksa mengajar di akwasan pedalaman. Kenapa mereka menikmati Elaun Wilayah dan Elaun Perumahan yang besar bila posting di sini? Mengapa ia sebaliknya jika guru Sabah posting di Semenanjung?
8. Guru-guru dari Semenanjung semasa proses penempatan biasanya ‘diringi’ oleh pembesar dari BPG KL. Kenapa?
9. Program J-Qaf: Terima kasih kerana cuba mempertingkat mutu pendidikan Islam di Sabah.
10. Persoalannya – Adakah Subjek Pendidikan Islam sedia ada tak cukup?
11. Bagaimana dengan status Sekolah Ugama Islam (SUI) negeri Sabah? Program J-Qaf bertindih dengan kelas Agama SUI (dari segi masa).
12. Mengapa Ustaz dan Ustazah J-Qaf dari Semenanjung (khususnya Kelantan) begitu ramai ditempatkan di Sabah? Orang Sabah tiada yang layakkah?
13. Adakah Program J-Qaf itu hanya sekadar memenuhi aspirasi dan hasrat Islam Hadhari AAB?
14. Adakah Program J-Qaf hanya batu loncatan jangka pendek dan sederhana bagi mengatasi masalah pengangguran di kalangan siswazah?
15. Dari sudut politik – saya tak kisah – Adakah ia satu cara untuk ‘memujuk’ rakyat Kelantan menyokong Kerajaan? (majoriti dari Kelantan)
16. Tahukah Kerajaan Malaysia, bahawa kebanyakkan mereka ini amat taksub dengan parti pembangkang dan menyebarkan idologi pembangkang di sini?
Saya memohon maaf jika tulisan saya ini amat kasar untuk dibaca. Ini adalah pendapat saya berdasarkan kajian dan pemerhatian selama ini.
Salam Ayahanda Tun Sekeluarga Serta Bloggers Sekelian
Tajuk akhbar utusan MALAYSIA hari ini 13 Julai 2008….
” Pas kaji kedudukan dalam Pakatan Rakyat ”
” Tahniah kepada Ayahanda Tuan Guru Dato Hj. Nik Aziz ”
” Tak payah nak kaji-kaji dah……!!!! KELUAR terus je….!!!! ”
” Buat persediaan mantap untuk PRU13, Kami sekeluarga di Kulim tentu akan keluar mengundi kali ini ”
Kita tengok nanti………
Bodoh punya pakBODOlah…………… Bila nak turun hah………
Dear Tun,
I agree with all that you say. To my mind the constitution is the Social Contract. Can you tell me why does the Malaysian Cabinet corrrectly reflect the racial composition of this country. And two, why was there an unwritten understanding amoung the founding fathers that recruitment into the the then Malayan Civil Service(MCS) now remaned Administrative and Diplomatic Service(PTD)should be on the ratio of 4:1 – four malays to one non malay.
These two form the basis for the protection of the Social Contract. They are to ensure that the politicians and the civil servants do not introduces policies that are ultra virus to the constitution.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Semoga kedua-dua Tun suami isteri dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik oleh Allah s.w.t. untuk terus membimbing kami.
Malaysia had been very peaceful. All races had live in good accord and harmony. During your leadership, no one brought up sensitive issues but not lately.
The extremists and erstwhile detractors,(which I believed that these are the hardcore decendents of the communist regime that favours waging wars and confrontations);-“Like Father Like Son”-, had started to questions sensitive contitutional issues and creating provocative agendas. They are willingly happy to jeopardise peace and harmony just to be shining political heroes. Law professionals who hide behind their professional labels and designations, are supposed to have significant contribution to upkeep the peace and harmony of Malaysia, but they did otherwise instead, by encouraging disorderly public behaviour in taking up and organising protest and rallies, especially sensitive ones. They enjoy manupulating these sensitive issues as long as they are kept popular. Should disorderly behavior law breakers be law professionals? I strongly doubt!!!- But they are still allowed to sit in the ‘bar’.
A good leader must be able to tackle these social issues and provide a balanced living condition for all races amid the constitutional policies, just like you did Tun. In your days, even though policies are helping the malays but those not mentioned in the policies do enjoyed and harbour wealth and prosper very well. The Chinese are wealthier than the Malays. More professional Indians than the Malays etc. Even the Richest and Wealthiest man in Malaysia are mostly of the Chinese and Indians races.
Your article above do shed a lot of light. But those blind hearted quarters will never comprehend but will keep on manupulating them for their personal agendas and satisfaction, just to shine as heroes for their quaters.
Kenapa British tak angkat itu Cina sama India ke UK ? Kalau tu yang terjadi…adakah harapan Samy Vellu jadi menteri kat sana..??
Sepatutnya orang Cina dan India bersyukur dapat menetap di Malaysia, Tanah Melayu. Harus lah hormat dan faham kepentingan atau hak-hak istimewa Bumiputera.
your word please respect chinese and india…what is that ” itu cina sama india”
kita ini orang malaysia mesti lah respect sikit…tak kan saya cakap ” itu melayu”
sorry for insolent…..we are 3rd generation man….past is past..law is law ..human is human…human can change law..human can change future
we not going to say china is our home….we only say malaysia is our home…always talk about past…how many pass we want to talk…..
my friend ask me where you come from…i said malaysia…i not going to said ” i come from CHINA”
even thai people they got chinese and indian people…they also said they are thai people….thai ppl also can accept chinese and indian
open minded …don’t be narrow minded….already 2008…
in the pass malay ppl think that chinese and indian disloyal to malaysia…so they make this” bumiputra”…….if we not change it everypeople will unhappy…next generation is fourth generation….or see them back to china or india…
bumiputra is human …then we also human….is this call racist
i always talking to my friend that TUN is the great PM in malaysia ever
even i unhappy about everything about bumiputra but i happy living in malaysia because you TUN
Salam Tun serta keluarga
Macamana orang Cina dan India nak faham, sebab ramai orang Melayu pun baru faham. Terima kasih Tun.
Hidup Tun!
Nak jumpa Tun.
Salam YABTun,
Setelah membaca artikel dari YABTun dan saya kembali rujuk buku-buku sejarah semasa zaman persekolahan… Memang benar…
Tanah Melayu memang milik jati orang Melayu. Bukan hendak membangkitkan ‘perkauman’ tetapi secara logiknya, kaum Cina berasal dari Tanah Besar China dan kaum India berasal dari India (maaf kalau saya silap).
Sebaik-baiknya tidak elok kita yang telah hidup ‘berukuntetangga’ ini mempersoalkan ‘The Malaysian Contract Sosial’ ini. Mungkin lebih elok perkara seperti ini tidak dibangkitkan terus! Membangkitkan soal ini bermakna negara akan menghadapi kemusnahan besar.
Rakyat (pelbagai bangsa/kaum/agama) pasti tahu sejarah dan latar belakang kesemua PM kita (rujuk salasilah keluarga).
Semua bangsa/kaum ada kelebihan dan keunikan tersendiri di Malaysia. Hidup dalam demokrasi merupakan anugerah dan kenapa kita kalut-kalut mempersoalkan ‘anugerah’ ini?
Inginkah melihat generasi akan datang berbalah? Tembak sana sini. Parang (bukan perang) sana sini. Gaduh sana sini. Lihat dan bacalah berita kekalutan politik di negara-negara jiran. Seperti yang pernah saya tekankan, kita rakyat biasa juga yang akan
Cuma kita (rakyat) sebagai bangsa Melayu, sedarlah ‘kelebihan’ ini dan jangan leka. Berusahalah untuk genarasi akan datang. Kepada pemimpin, pimpinlah negara dan rakyat ke arah kebaikan, kecemerlangan(politik,ekonomi,sosial) dan keharmonian (demokrasi,pelbagai kaum). Jangan ambil kesempatan dengan mempersoalkan sesuatu yang sesensitif ini semasa ‘kegawatan politik’ negara. Jangan musnahkan ikatan perkauman. Jangan musnahkan negara. Dan jangan ingat pangkat dan duit sahaja… Rakyat bagaimana?
salam Tun…..
topik yang Tun bicarakan ini menarik kerana ramai yang tidak mengetahui istilah Kontrak Sosial…saya pun baru mengetahui makna dan wujudnya istilah Kontrak Sosial yang hangat dibicarakan sekarang ni….UMNO sekarang tidak mampu dan tidak layak untuk mempertahankan Kontrak Sosial ni..kerana isu dalaman UMNO itu sendiri sedang parah..kerana masing2 hipokrit..takut untuk bersuara menyatakan kebenaran…Kontrak Sosial adalah keistimewaan orang melayu..bagaimana sekiranya satu hari nanti Kontrak Sosial dicabar di mahkamah??…adakah ini boleh berlaku Tun?..saya sendiri tidak pasti..Majlis Peguam sekarang semakin berani untuk mempersoalkan Kontrak Sosial…kita tidak mahu satu hari nanti golongan2 profesional yang lain pula mengambil pendekatan yang sama untuk mempersoalkan Kontrak Sosial ini…ini pasti berlaku sekiranya pakatan UMNO-MCA-MIC retak dan perbalahan dalaman menjadi parah…kalau ini berlaku…apa akan terjadi pada negara tercinta ni??…cuba kita fikirkan kesannya…perpaduan dan keakraban bukan hanya harus wujud dalam UMNO sahaja tapi juga dengan MIC dan MCA…itu yang paklah tidak dapat lakukan sejak menjadi PM ..saya sayangkan bumi malaysia…saya cadangkan agar Tun menjadi pemimpin kepada rakyat yang cintakan malaysia mengadakan perarakan secara aman menggesa paklah dan sekutunya yang hanya gilakan kuasa meletak jawatan…Tun harus mengadakan taklimat dan perarakan secara aman di seluruh malaysia…saya pasti ramai rakyat yang akan menyokong Tun..walaupun paklah tidak akan meletak jawatan kerana masih ada projek2 mega anak2 dan kroni2nya belum siap…Tun cuma perlu menjadi ketua kepada kami..kami mahu tengok siapa yang berani menyentuh ayahanda kami….saya sanggup menjadi benteng kepada Tun…jangan tinggalkan kami Tun..perjuangan belum selesai…perjuangan baru bermula……..wassalam
The only chance for us to live peacefully and harmony,is by seriously considering a one race,one nation??????? seriously i would like to believe this but singapore is an example of one nation one race and see how “lucky” the malay living there…dream ON IT WOUNT HAPPEN not aT LEAST IN 500 YEARS….CIAO
Whatever you’ve wrote regarding the Social Contract is a history and guideline applied at the time when the social conditions was in turmoil. But we have been gone through more than half a century, I believed all the Malaysian have to realized that this Social Contract could be improved or even modified as our people could live together peacefully and harmony at all times .
Nevertheless since the implementation of social contract the Malay were given special treatments & other racers were quietly followed the systems without much queries and complaints.
As a good leader in this planet, we must be able to forseen the requirement of changes other than just obliged the duties stated in the Social Contract. Maybe this changes could bring more peaceful and harmony life for the people here, OTHER THAN BEING MAKING USED OF THIS SOCIAL CONTRACT BY THE OPPORTUNISTS/POLITICIANS for their own objectives and purposes.
Good day!
Salam Tun,
Tidak menjadi kesalahan jika Tun dikatakan memerintah secara kuku besi kerana mempertahankan kontrak sosial yang dipersetujui terdahului oleh nenek moyang kita.
walaupun social contract sudah wujud lama, tapi apa yang tidak boleh ubah di dunia ini.
yang paling penting ialah policy government yang adil saksama.
Dan jangan rasuah banyak sampai simpan duit banyak-banyak di Bank Israel.
Rakyat biasa cuma mau cari makan untuk bini dan anak.
Orang politik jangan mangorbankan masa depan kita.
Tolong simpati sikit.
Aku cuma teksi driver saja, harga minyal naik lagi saya mesti mati!
It is timely now you lead another political party solely to look at the interests, safegaurding the Malays and Bumiputras.UMNO seems not able to lead.Please register me to joint your party.TQ
Poor Godfather
Still has his heart in Malaysia but no way of influencing her …
Salam Tun,
Kontrak Sosial kenapa perlu diungkit oleh pihak yg tak bertanggung jawab ini. Saya setuju menyatakan jika kontrak ini dipertikaikan dan jika dihapuskan, semua faedah yg didapati oleh kaum lain terutama kerakyatan turut terhapus. Inikah yg kita inginkan. Kenapa diperingkat awal kemerdekaan ini dipersetujui…. Adakah sebab kaum-kaum ini sedar akan mereka dipihak yg meminta dan tiada kuasa. Tapi sekarang dengan pemerintahan yg lemah, mereka (yg mempertikaikan ini) merasakan mereka kuat, berkuasa ditambah lagi adanya kerajaan yg ada skrg. ini.
Siapakah yg layak memerintah Malaysia sekarang ini, bagi saya umno paklah sudah tidak layak. PR lagi tidak masuk akal. Bilakah DSAAB nak berundur, 2 tahun terlalu lama. Umno, bn akan gagal. Saya pernah menjadi penyokong setia umno, walupun bukan ahli umno. Tapi sekarang saya tidak akan mengundi mana2 parti. Undi saya tidak akan ada maknanya jika PR dan umno DSAAB sahaja pilihan yg ada. Oleh itu semua ahli umno perlu bersatu untuk menukar kepimpinan yg ada. Jadikan umno parti yg kuat semula. Bagi saya mana2 pemimpin umno yg dulu begitu menyanjungi tun sekarang sebaliknya adalah pemimpin yg berkepentingan untuk diri sendiri sahaja. Masih ada beberapa pemimpin tulin dalam umno, naikkan lah mereka ini supaya saya masih boleh menyokong umno… kontrak sosial tak dipertikaikan lagi. Malaysia boleh kembali terus aman, maju dan semua kaum saling hormat menghormati.
Assalamualaikum Tun…
Teringat saya nyanyi lagu Warisan masa di BTN, Ulu Sepri dulu..sedih dengan orang melayu yang masih tak sedar diri, masih terus lena, entahkan bila mereka akan sedar. Kenapa tidak dijadikan lagu warisan tu sebagai lagu wajib setiap kali perhimpunan rasmi kakitangan kerajaan. Walaupun agak lucu bunyinya… lama kelamaan apabila dihayati, pasti ianya akan menyentuh hati. Sampai bila la melayu akan terus layu. Jika kaum lain naik, tidak ada apa lagi yang tinggal untuk orang-orang melayu. Mereka akan cuba tarik sedikit demi sedikit. Dulu kuota MRSM, sekarang kuota JPA ditingkatkan kepada bukan bumiputera. Apa nak jadi? Kesian anak melayu ketinggalan dibelakang kerana IPTA & biasiswa dari kerajaan merupakan saluran utama bagi anak-anak melayu meneruskan pengajian.
Askm YABhg.Tun
Sebelum saya mengulas atau respond tulisan Tun kali ini, saya nak sentuh balik pasal peralihan kuasa oleh PM. Nampaknya tekaan saya terhadap pengunduran atau peralihan kuasa pada Disember ini tidak akan jadi realiti. PM dah kata akan undur pada Jun 2010. Sebelum ni saya ada menulis dalam utusan Malaysia bertajuk Rasional Sistem Kouta. Dalam artikel itu, saya bersetuju agar Sistem Kouta dikekalkan walaupun Tun sendiri yang cadangkan sistem itu di mansuh. Walhal sistem itu digunapakai pada zaman Tun. Walau Tun tidak setuju, saya setuju ia dikekalkan cuma pada pandangan saya sistem ini perlu jangan ada yang melobi atau ‘membisik’ kepada ahli yang akan terpaksa mengikut kata-kata ketua mereka. Apabila PM umumkan yang dia akan undur pada Jun 2010 ni, jelaslah bahawa secara terang-terang dia sudah memberitahu bahawa pada Disember ini, sesiapa pun jangan lawan PM atau TPM. Cara ini bagi saya telah menyelamatkan PM daripada dilabel sebagai pelobi kerana dilakukan secara terang-terangan. Jadi rakyat atau ahli UMNO tidak nampak yang PM sebenarnya sudah melobi kepada ahli lain. Dan secara tidak sedar dia dah rosakkan sistem kouta. Tak apalah sekurang-kurangnya rakyat faham keadaan ini. Bagi saya dua tahun lama. Kerana sepanjang dua tahun ini, dengan beberapa kelemahan PM, banyak dasar negara yang tidak jelas. Sudah tentu rakyat akan meluat dalam tempoh dua tahun itu. Dan juga, dua tahun ini akan memberi kekuatan kepada pakatan rakyat untuk hentam dasar kerajaan yang tidak jelas kepada pembangunan negara. Mereka akan sentiasa ada point atau isu nak jual pada rakyat. Saya tertunggu-tunggu 16 September ni. Apa akan jadi.
Mengenai kontrak sosial, bagi saya walau siapa jua di kalanan rakyat sama ada peguam, pensyarah, pegawai kerajaan atau sesiapapun kupas pasal kontrak sosial ni, mereka semua tidak berbalik kepada sejarah. Mungkin disebabkan mereka ini memang nak hapuskan hak orang Melayu atau terlalu liberal kepada konsep keadilan yang tidak berpijak kepada sejarah nyata. Zaman dahulu, orang Melayu kurang dalam bidang pelajaran tetapi mereka amat berkualiti. Sekarang ni pula, orang Melayu yang berpendidikan ramai tetapi asal usul sejarah bangsa sendiri mereka dah lupa. Sebab tulah apa sahaja hak yang ada semua nak beri kepada orang lain. Mereka tak kisah. Eloklah Tun telah menulis sejarah kontrak sosial di negara ini. Harap rakyat faham sejarah.
Masa saya belajra di Universiti, saya ada catat petikan ucapan Tun iaitu “kita perlu menoleh sesekali ke belakang untuk kita mengetahui ke mana hala tuju kita yang seterusnya”
Terima kasih Tun.
Roslee Mardan
To denkoh on July 12, 2008 11:55 PM and his sympathizers …
Hai, Nampak marah2 aje sampai tak siuman. You kena duduk di Singapura baru you tahu orang Melayu sana rakyat tertinggal. READ what joehenry has to say. It will educate you further.
By joehenry on July 13, 2008 1:07 AM
The rationale of positive discrimination is itself based on the concept of equality: to impose equality on already unequal groups simply perpetuates inequality, thereby defeating the very purpose of attainment of equality. It is inherent in the concept of equality that inequality must be overcome, and it is inherent also in the concept of discrimination that at some point it must be regarded as having fulfilled its purpose and I hope that the time that it shall have fulfilled its purpose will come soon when that dream of mine that âthis nation will rise up and live out the true nature of its creed, and I believe it to be self evident that, all men are created equalâ shall become a reality.
By JAAFAR on July 13, 2008 1:08 AM
By Hajar on July 13, 2008 1:10 AM
By pie_elora on July 13, 2008 1:14 AM
By zulkarnain on July 13, 2008 1:19 AM
Syabas kepada joehenry, JAAFAR, Hajar, pie_elora dan zulkainain. Kami bangga dengan daya pemikiran semua.
Tun, here are samples of your anak buah. Take care Tun. We look forward to read more from you.
Assalammualaikum Tun
Saya bersyukur kepada Allah SWT kerana Tun sihat dan masih menulis untuk berkongsi pengetahuan dan pengalaman Tun bersama kami.
Saya sentiasa bersetuju dan faham sosial kontrak cuma saya terkejut kerana Prof Ungku Aziz menafikannya. Kata beliau ia adalah fantasi ahli ahli politik sahaja.
Kerajaan Pak Dollah sememangnya tidak dapat menangani isu sosial kontrak ini. Apabila Menteri Nazri Aziz membentangkan kenyataan bahawa Kerajaan menstruktur semula kuota biasiswa JPA, pelajar Bumiputra mendapat hanya 50%, lain lain kaum 50%. Yang lebih menyakitkan hati, Menteri ini melakukan pernyataan ini dengan sombong dan tanpa perasaan bahawa ramai pelajar Melayu yang akan teraniaya.
Untuk pengetahuan Tun, saya adalah ahli UMNO yang tidak mengundi BN pada pilihanraya yang lalu kerana marahkan Pak Dollah, anak anaknya dan menantunya serta Menteri2nya yang tidak menghormati Tun. Kini saya mula kecewa dengan Dato Najib dan Hisham yang pada mulanya saya agak membantu Tun secara diam diam. Rupa rupanya darah yang mengalir dalam tubuh mereka bukan darah perjuangan. Entah darah didalam tubuh mereka, saya pun tak tahu.
to @Mamak Tua, @Anti-Mamak, @Isteri Mamak, Mamak Gila Roti Canai, etc.
Melayu Tulen ke, Melayu Palsu ke, Melayu campur ke, Melayu Recon ke, Melayu Patah Syap Hilang Berganti ke, Melayu Rock ke, Melayu Mamak ke, Melayu Kaya ke, Melayu Miskin ke…
P/S : Kenapa kau tak berambus kt tempat lain kalau kau betul2 x suka negara ni…pergi arr ke India..sana banyak mamak yg kau suka..LOL..
In Bolehland, those UMNOputras who hijack the NEP and enrich themselves ought to have their hands chopped off as per syaria law. In Sicily we have a slightly different, but equally effective, form of punishment.
That’s why UMNO has to control the Police, the AG’s Chambers and the ACA – the fear of being caught is greatly diminished.
I don’t expect any less vitriol from a blind supporter of Tun. I hope you are pleased with your share of NEP benefits, which were really meant for the poor. I hope you will chase out the Chinese landowners once you have nothing else to steal. Stealing is a hard habit to break. You understand the meaning of this phrase ? Steal with style, don’t hide behind the NEP.
Theorizing requires simplification and idealization.
Firstly, simply treats only two-person societies whose members have common knowledge of their situation. Imagines Adam & Eve adopting a marriage contract that will regulate their long term relationship. Various distributions of the benefits of cooperation are possible. Some are equilibra in the sense that no one has an incentive for unilateral rejecting them. A convention sustaining an equilibrium is a social contract which is a GIANT LEAP for mainkind.
The movement from one social contract to another in response to changing circumstances. Reform is a process of equilibrium selection. Norms of fairness have evolved to handle such selection problems. The outcome should be an equilibrium with respect to actual circumstances such as “The Malaysia Social Contract”, that is, a continous equilibrium in the Game of Life. But it should also be an equilibrium in the special circumstances imagined by norms of fairness , that is, a continous equilibrium in the Game of Morals.
A fair social contract is a continuity of equilibrium in the Game of Life that is also a continuity in the Game of Morals.
Back to very simple basic beginning, our fairness norms is the GOLDEN RULE. As continuous improvement, agreements reached in a modification of the original position. It makes the veil of ignorance thin so that it screens off only knowledge of one’s identity. Behind the veil, Adam knows about Adam, Eve, and their situation. He loses only his knowledge that he is Adam.For all he knows, he may be Eve.The original position does not alter the character of the agents, who are assumed to be rational. It does not eliminate envy or the basis of comparing utility interpersonally. It does not impose risk aversion or disinterstedness.
In conclusion, members of society may appeal to this feature “The Malaysia Social Contract” of our fairness norms to redress grievances. A member of society dissatisfied with his lot may appeal to its original position in the hope be assigned in a better lot. When the veil is lifted, he hopes to find himself with superior social standing!
Assalamualaikum Tun dan salam ukhuwah untuk semua,
Sekadar menyatakan ucapan terima kasih kepada Tun atas limpahan ilmu yang Tun berikan.
Sesungguhnya pengetahuan tentang kontrak sosial malaysia ini amatlah begitu bermakna terhadap rakyat malaysia, kepada orang melayu sendiri serta kaum-kaum lain juga.
Bahkan perkara ini akan terus kekal di malaysia insyaAllah. Maka, wajar semua orang faham mengenainya.
Dengan adanya blog Tun ini, sangat membantu kepada generasi muda.
~Salam ukhuwah semua~
Dear TUN
Thank you for your simple but very insightful explaination of The Social Contract. Frankly, i didn’t know that it existed or maybe i’m ignorant…lol
I’m a non-Bumi & frankly speaking during my time (1960’s till today) , i didn’t know or even heard or read of the existence of this Social Contract. I couldn’t remember whether i did study about it during my school days or not but since this matter is being brought up only recently in a big way says a lot about the present administration vunerabilities & weaknessess.
I believe during my time which i remember quite vividly, all the races be they Malay, Chinese or Indian, did really co-exist with each other without much problems thus the matter of the Social Contract doesn’t even crop up. I guess that during that time, all of us respect & do tolerate each other’s cultures, ways of livings & especially their rights that i actually feel that the said Social Contract is ’embedded’ in everyone of us which our forefathers is trying to achieved when they first agreed on it & they have succeeded to a certain extent. But now………sadly, what our forefathers had already achieved & build are being destroyed by the ineptness of the present leadership & now you can see the ‘musuh dalam selimut’ coming out of every hooks & cranies showing their ‘taring’ & colours…. and WHY???? The present BN parties are really to blame & as you have said, they are not relevant anymore at this moment & they have to change their present leaders immediately or chaos would follow.
Dear Tun,
Malaysia has enjoyed great progress during the 22 years under your great leadership. Thank you, Tun. I can’t say the same for the current government.
I believe we are all God’s creations, all of us. Shouldn’t all of us be treated equally and fairly?
Yes,the strong should help the weak and the rich should help the poor in order to achieve harmony among all Malaysians. That I believe is the spirit of the social contract.
I believe most chinese and indians can speak Bahasa Malaysia and are no less patriotic than Bumiputras. Quite a few are muslims, too.
If I have house guests who stay with my family for a few generations already, and who actually treat my family as their family, I would regard them as my family. Whether they were born as my family members or not really doesn’t matter, does it? To begin with we are all God’s children, aren’t we? Why all these distinctions about who is from which race, etc.? Even if they speak Bahasa Malaysia with accents shouldn’t really matter, right? Bumiputras of different states speak different dialects.
The current problems with Malaysia have to do with weak and corrupt leadership, not with who is denying who his or her birth rights.
I believe with this article, Tun is making the mistake of losing sight of your original focus which is to urge the people to replace those useless so-called leaders with more trustworthy and capable ones. I am afraid this article will prove to be divisive. I hope Tun would give more detailed guidance to all on how to live together as fellow human beings.
I actually for one hold Tun in very high esteem, and think of Tun as a great leader of Malaysia, one who is even better than Lee Kwan Yew. Malaysia has benefited a lot from Tun’s leadership. I am grateful to Tun and I believe a lot of people are, too.
Please do something to get Abduallah Badawi out of office. I believe few are disputing the spirit of the social contract. The issue is stirred up by people who wants to confuse the current issues to buy more time for Abdullah.
Please Tun, do not fall into the trap.
Dear Tun, another fine example of clarity and logical explanation of a simple yet divisive subject. You are absolutely right on point 25 that “in no other country has there been a similar provision. Even the most liberal countries do not have this constitutional guarantee.” – In Britain or the US, they would never allow or recognise that education be taught in another language in a formal capacity. Malays have been so accommodating of others who now call Malaysia their home; this is the uniqueness of our beautiful country. For social harmony and national stability to remain, we need a strong and unrelenting government. UMNO unfortunately do not have such a government under the weak leadership of AAB.
Dear Tun,
Tiada ungkapan yang dapat menzahirkan jasa dan tinggalan Tun pada bangsa dan negara.Saya menangis bila menghayati tulisan dan pandangan tajam Tun pada keadaan semasa dan bakal tiba.
What a great lost to this country without you leading us in front.
Dear Tun, friends and foes too,
The internet works just like a knife that has double sided blades. This blog has the same effect. It can be very useful and can be very dangerous.
To Tunâs supporters: all he said are true nothing else but true but do not get too emotional.I am one of you. To his critics, his words are merely annoying and so acidic that corrodes their bone of belief.
Tun are not maksum and he is no angel. He made mistakes during his reign as Prime Minister of Malaysia. His mistakes were mostly his failure to see whose and whose are good in both characteristic and leadership acumen. When he chose someone to hold certain post, he left these personalities with full authority to do thing and usually they failed him with their creed and stupidity. Tun as an appointer, like it or not, he had to take the blame. Tunâs mind was merely concentrating on making this country prosper. His concentration towards making our Malaysia as what it is today has neglected his observation on people under his command.
That was Tunâs biggest weaknesses and mistake.
To all,
If Tun was very accommodating towards the west and ignores the biased treatment by these super powers onto small countries like us, I am sure our country would be better than Singapore which is richer and prospered. But Tun Dr Mahathir chose to stood up and challenge them, openly criticized their unfair and unjust ideas, rules that being imposed on other countries. He was simply speaks his mind and that cost a little fortune to slip away. But at least we have dignity and people look at us with respect and admirations. Somehow, with the grace of God, with his leadership, we have prospered the way we are now.
People kept on saying unwise and unkindly words against Tun: it is very sad to see how ungrateful people have become. His former ministers seemingly afraid to speak up and to defend certain accusations that being threw to Tun. The so called new generations labeled Tun as a dictator and his dictated the way the country was running. These current politicians who are still in the office despite different portfolios, they were there while Tun was still in power and they knew Tun was not like that, yet they chose to remain silent. They may show their loyalty towards Pak Lah, but at least they should show some gratitude to this old man Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammed. The western Medias still condemning Tun for his style of leadership that was very critical of their mindset, yet not a single of Tun former minister would say that their writing or reporting is wrong. These people are simply coward.
The de facto Nazri: many times over kept on opening his mouth and putting his smelly foot inside that rotten mouth of his. He must now learn to respect his elders. Arrogant this man is. Look at the way he talk and his speeches, there were nothing but pure arrogance and selfish.
To all; sementara our beloved Tun is still alive and still sane to write and to read, please let us show this man that we love him. On my personal note, I have forgiven him for the mistakes he may have committed while in power, overall we are forever debted to Tun for his superb leadership and commitment in making Malaysia as what it is today.
We love you Tun, may Allah always give you strength and good health.
Malaysia is really a wonderful place where people from different races and religions can mix together without much frictions. I think it is because most of us like to have a peaceful country and don’t like to keep fighting.
But as time pass by, we have to adapt to the changes in our world too. With the advancement in technology, the world is now flat. Only by equipping ourselves with knowledge and skills, we can remain competitive in the new world.
Malaysia is just a small country with USD 186 bil in annual GDP. So even if one is given special rights, how much can this person actually get at the end of the day? It is not even 0.4% of the world GDP of USD 54,311 bil. And if non-Bumis and foreign investors leave Malaysia, it would left only USD 37 bil in annual GDP, which will instantly send Malaysia back to become an “ulu” nation. It is not much pride to become the “tuan” of an “ulu” nation right?
It will be smarter if we can leave behind the burden of history and work harder to make us competitive is the new world. Bragging for special rights means we are fighting for 0.4% of the opportunity whereby 99.6% of opportunity is waiting for us. And with the current trend of world development, it is obvious that Malaysia are going to move backward to less than 0.1% of the world GDP.
It’s a wonder why Tun as my idol leader will focus so much attention on special rights and not how to improve our country effectiveness and competitiveness.
nape la bangsa melayu ni terlalu berlembut ye..
tgk german di germany..
bukan nk racist,tp sedey gk kalau jd cmni…
sape tak sedey..
Dear All,
wanna noe wats facts..well facts is if we dun get PLah to step down den we r all in big s***… d world is facing economic turmoil n we need sum1 who can really bring back Malaysia to its feet..i vite for YM Ku Li as he has a solution on d economy aspect & he can liase wth Tun M on certain aspect.. DS Najib reputation n wats left of him woz brought down by his own bro Nazir saying his big bro d TPM make a mistake on d foreign investment thingy..duh..wat can I say..(“,)
“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.”
~ Napoleon
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.”
~ Abraham Lincoln
The 20 points safeguards
While there was no objection to Islam being the national religion of Malaysia there should be no State religion in North Borneo, and the provisions relating to Islam in the present Constitution of Malaya should not apply to North Borneo
a. Malay should be the national language of the Federation
b. English should continue to be used for a period of 10 years after Malaysia Day
c. English should be an official language of North Borneo for all purposes, State or Federal, without limitation of time.
3. Constitution
Whilst accepting that the present Constitution of the Federation of Malaya should form the basis of the Constitution of Malaysia, the Constitution of Malaysia should be a completely new document drafted and agreed in the light of a free association of states and should not be a series of amendments to a Constitution drafted and agreed by different states in totally different circumstances. A new Constitution for North Borneo (Sabah) was of course essential.
4. Head of Federation
The Head of State in North Borneo should not be eligible for election as Head of the Federation
5. Name of Federation
�Malaysia� but not �Melayu Raya�
6. Immigration
Control over immigration into any part of Malaysia from outside should rest with the Central Government but entry into North Borneo should also require the approval of the State Government. The Federal Government should not be able to veto the entry of persons into North Borneo for State Government purposes except on strictly security grounds. North Borneo should have unfettered control over the movements of persons other than those in Federal Government employ from other parts of Malaysia into North Borneo.
7. Right of Secession
There should be no right to secede from the Federation
8. Borneanisation Borneanisation of the public service should proceed as quickly as possible.
9. British Officers
Every effort should be made to encourage British Officers to remain in the public service until their places can be taken by suitably qualified people from North Borneo
10. Citizenship
The recommendation in paragraph 148(k) of the Report of the Cobbold Commission should govern the citizenship rights in the Federation of North Borneo subject to the following amendments:
a) sub-paragraph (i) should not contain the proviso as to five years residence
b) in order to tie up with our law, sub-paragraph (ii)(a) should read �7 out of 10 years� instead of �8 out of 10 years�
c) sub-paragraph (iii) should not contain any restriction tied to the citizenship of parents � a person born in North Borneo after Malaysia must be federal citizen.
11. Tariffs and Finance
North Borneo should retain control of its own finance, development and tariff, and should have the right to work up its own taxation and to raise loans on its own credit.
12. Special position of indigenous races
In principle, the indigenous races of North Borneo should enjoy special rights analogous to those enjoyed by Malays in Malaya, but the present Malays� formula in this regard is not necessarily applicable in North Borneo
13. State Government
a) the Prime Minister should be elected by unofficial members of Legislative Council
b) There should be a proper Ministerial system in North Borneo
14. Transitional period
This should be seven years and during such period legislative power must be left with the State of North Borneo by the Constitution and not be merely delegated to the State Government by the Federal Government
15. Education
The existing educational system of North Borneo should be maintained and for this reason it should be under state control
16. Constitutional Safeguards
No amendment modification or withdrawal of any special safeguard granted to North Borneo should be made by the Central Government without the positive concurrence of the Government of the State of North Borneo
The power of amending the Constitution of the State of North Borneo should belong exclusively to the people in the state. (Note: The United Party, The Democratic Party and the Pasok Momogun Party considered that a three-fourth majority would be required in order to effect any amendment to the Federal and State Constitutions whereas the UNKO and USNO considered a two-thirds majority would be sufficient)
17. Representation in Federal Parliament
This should take account not only of the population of North Borneo but also of its seize and potentialities and in any case should not be less than that of Singapore
18. Name of Head of State
Yang di-Pertua Negara
19. Name of State
20. Land, Forests, Local Government, etc.
The provisions in the Constitution of the Federation in respect of the powers of the National Land Council should not apply in North Borneo. Likewise, the National Council for Local Government should not apply in North Borneo.
Sarawak presented a paper as well to the IGC (Inter-Governmental Committee) containing 18 points. The Sarawak 18 points were similar to the Sabah 20 points, but were on a couple of importantly different.
1. Language
The Sarawak paper contained no request corresponding to that of the USNO party�s request that Malay should be an Official Language together with English
2. Head of State
Sarawak requested that the Head of State be chosen from any of the indigenous ethnic groups in Sarawak, but the method of choice would be discussed further. The Sabah paper did not mention this which now strange. The Sabah paper only stipulated that the name of Sabah�s Head of State be the Yang di-Pertua Negara
3. Immigration
The Sabah paper asked explicitly asked that Sabah should have unfettered control over the movement of persons, other than those in Federal Government employ, from other parts of Malaysia into Sabah. This requirement was not included in the Sarawak paper, which explicitly refers only to immigration control seemed better thought through.
4. Borneanisation
The Sarawak paper was explicit in its reservation that federal posts in Sarawak should be filled by Sarawak-born citizens.
5. Citizenship
Both Sabah and Sarawak requested that the period of residence for registration as a citizen of Malaysia during the first eight years after Malaysia be reduced from eight years out of twelve to seven years out of ten. The Sabah paper added two further points, namely the deletion of the requirement of five years� residence immediately before Malaysia for a citizen of the United Kingdom and colonies, born or naturalized, to become a citizen of Malaysia, and deletion of the requirement that after the formation of Malaysia persons in both Sabah and Sarawak should only be citizens by operation of law if one of their parents was a citizen or a permanent resident.
6. Finance
The Sabah paper asked for control of its own finances, development and tariff. The Sarawak paper only asked for three assurances; a development fund, a formula ensuring adequate revenue to the State and gradual increase of taxation to Malayan levels.
7. Representation in the Federal Parliament
The Sarawak paper accepted that the term of the 13th schedule of the Constitution of Malaya should govern the assessment of representation in the Federal Parliament. The Sabah paper, however, avoided any reference to the provisions of the Malayan constitution and asked explicitly that the size and potentiality of Sabah should be taken into account and that in any case Sabah�s representation should not be less than Singapore�s. The Sarawak paper added the requirement for adequate ministerial representation at both the higher and lower levels to provide for Sarawak�s interests in the Federal Government
8. State Government
The Sarawak paper requested a Chief Minister and a membership system. The Sabah paper asked for a Prime Minister and a proper ministerial system
9. Transitional Period
The Sarawak paper asked that this should be from three to five years and during this period federal powers should be delegated to Sarawak as a State by agreement. The Sabah paper asked for a seven year transitional period, and that during such period legislative power should be left with the State by the constitution and not merely delegated by the Federal Government
10. Education
The Sarawak paper asked that provision should be made to safeguard the Sarawak National Education Policy for the future. The Sabah paper asked that the existing educational system of Sabah should be maintained, and for this reason it should be under State control.
People changed according to times.
Each era has its own unique circumstances.
The demands of the peoples in those days are different to the millennium needs.
Letâs put it in this way, if the leaders in those days were accorded to each other that all the fillings and the documentations processes must be executed manually meaning on hand writing basis than it clashes with the birth of Microsoft Windows in 1985.
The earth changes geographically.
The music changes, the technology changes.
The pattern of thinking changes.
What works in those days might not workable in the present.
Salams Tun,
Quote from truthseeker:
Alkisah tersebut seorang pemanjat pokok kelapa yang berani naik ke puncak tetapi takut pula nak turun. Maka dia buat janji…’Tuhan, kalau saya tak jatuh, saya sembelih lembu untuk kesyukuran..’
Bila sampai separuh jalan, masih tak jatuh, dia berdoa pula..
‘Tuhan, kalau saya tak jatuh, saya sembelih kambing..tumpah..’
Bila sampai 10 kaki dari tanah, masih tak jatuh, dia turun sikit janjinya..’Tuhan, kalau tak jatuh, saya sembelih ayam…’
Bila sampai lagi 3 kaki dari tanah, dia sengaja lepas tangan dan jatuh…lalu mengeluh ‘ tuhan, oleh kerana saya jatuh, maka cancel semua janji tadi, bukan salah saya…’
Begitulah sebahagian daripada pendatang dari china dan india yang sebelum mendapat kerakyatan, sanggup apa saja, tetapi selepas dapat…minta peha pula. Macam Belanda minta tanah.
Beginilah yang terjadi pada Singapura sekarang.
Telah terbukti Pak Lah merupakan pemimpin yang tersangat lemah, sehinggakan puak2 pelampau dah berani mempersoalkan apa yang mereka takut ketika era Tun.
Ingatlah, kumpulan zionis yahudi amat suka dgn keadaan ini. Maka dgn gembiranya mereka sanggup bantu orang seperti Anwar untuk memusnahkan Social Contract ini, dan pergaduhan antara kaum bakal terjadi. Maka puak zionis yahudi akan berpura2 menjadi hero, maka tergadailah negara Malaysia ditangan yahudi, dijajah dibawah telunjuk mereka.
Dengan Najib bakal menjadi pengganti Pak Lah yang lemah, keadaan akan jadi lebih teruk! Najib yang sudah terkenal dengan sikap LALANG dan PENGECUT nya! Puak pelampau akan bertepuk tangan! Parti pembangkang akan menjadi lebih gembira! Maka orang2 seperti Anwar bakal menjadi HERO MALAYA!
Ya Allah! inilah dugaan akhir zaman!
Salam ayahanda,
kuota bagi masyarakat melayu tidak patutlah dipersoalkan. bagi saya KOUTA YANG DIBARI KEPADA KAUM BUMIPUTRA TIDAKLAH MEMBUNUH KAUM BUKAN BUMIPUTERA. dan kepada pengunjung blog ayahanda. di sini saya ingin menceritakan sedikit pendapat dan pengalaman saya. saya adalah seorang bekas pelatih program latihan khidmat negara(PLKN) dan selama 3 bulan beradanya saya di sana. saya banyak membuat kawan tak kira melayu india cina dan lain lain. PLKN bagi saya mencapai matlamatnya dalam mewujudkan generasi akan datang yang hidup dalam masyarakat pelbagai kaum dan aman. malah sesudah tamatnya PLKN. kami masih lagi menjadi kawan dan berhubung rapat antara satu sama lain. di sini apa yang ingin saya nyatakan kita semua adalah rakyat malaysia. kita patuh kepada perlembagaan, and WE BEAT AS ONE HEART tak kira melayu cina atau india.
Assalamualikum Tun.
Thank you for the informative and enlightening article. It serves as a good reminder, especially to the younger generation, of how this multi-racial nation came about and how weâve managed to live together in peace for 50 years.
As for the racists and extremists, they are as the Malay proverb says, âKacang lupakan kulit.â Itâs human nature to never be satisfied with what we have. But at least, we should be grateful. Sad to say, some people are not. In fact, not only are they ungrateful, they are extremely greedy. They want it all and are willing to rip apart the delicate fabric of this society and undo the foundations our forefathers had laid. I can only pray that this country get back on the right track soon.
By the way, I have saved this article and will circulate it among my friends just to remind them of whence Malaysia came. I should probably frame this also.
“Bagi bangsa non-bumiputra apakah perkorbanan anda terhadap Malaysia, Kenapa tiada satu pun atau segelintir aja yang mau masok tentera utk mempertahankan Malaysia sekiranya diserang oleh negara lain.” Irso
Dear Irso,
Please stop acting like you have a third-class mentality. Protecting a nation from war is not the only element of nation-building. That would probably be the silliest measure for patriotism. You want to talk about level of patriotism among our armed forces? Correct me if I am wrong but rate of corruption among the police is skyhigh…(all that must be for the sake of Malaysia!)
There are many people who slog for this nation in many ways. Even those people who sweep the streets are serving this nation…that is patriotism. There are millions who are driving this nation’s economy. Many of us come back home to serve even though we are deserving students for scholarship (but rejected…of course.) Please do not question our patriotism.
Let me quote Obama,
“…I believe deeply that we cannot solve the challenges of our time unless we solve them together â unless we perfect our union by understanding that we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; that we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction â towards a better future for of children and our grandchildren”
Racist vs Not Racist
Since after 12 GE results, much debate of racism has been on-going particularly in blogs. So I would like to list all the racist remarks and not-racist remarks based on my readings on the blogs and newspapers.
Racist is when Hamidah, an UMNO MP said that there is a fable to kill an Indian man than to kill a snake or something like that.
Not racist is when someone replied in a blog saying that they should rape a Malay woman and ask the snake to bite her.
Racist is when crime permitted by a Malay-male muslim raping and killing of Chinese woman.
Not racist is when someone in blog said that a Malay male muslim is a rapist who like to rape our own kind because we have good looks and fairer skin.
Racist is when Malay politicians abusing the power because of corruption practices.
Not racist is when some towkay bribe the politicians so they can have appproved permits by using another Malay male muslim name.
Racist is when Malays got jobs in Government and they are lazy and in-efficient and take times off to perform obligatory prayers and during that time, they will pass down their work to other non-malays co-workers.
Not racist is when a private sector advertised the position is a must-speak Mandarin, and all the engineers and above positions are filled in with “I-can-speak-Mandarin” speakers, whilst the operators and technicians are filled with Malays and Indians, and sometimes foreign workers too.
Racist is when a Malay student receive scholarship regardless of how their examination results are (is this true? because I got pretty good result and not froze during the interviews whilst my friends who are Malays whose have good results too didn’t get the scholarship after the interview and I didn’t know why).
Not racist when someone sending a letter to Star newspaper saying that his/her son/daughter got flying colors in exam but didn’t receive schoplarship to pursue study in medical because they are not Malays.
Racist is when a Malay speaks about a Malay rights as he/she believes written in the constitution (I don’t know the content of the constitution; so no comment)
Not racist is when a Chinese/ an Indian saying out-loud about their rights as citizen of this country and how they feel like second-class citizen? HIndraf? China-draf? Back-draft?
Racist is when many mosques/ suraus are built to accomodate the muslim needs because someone wrote that no mosques/ suraus have never been demolished by the authority. Well that’s not true because there are many mosques/suraus been torned down for various reasons including political ones, just the Malay muslims are quite tolerant to it, that they believe in qada’ and qadar.
Not racist is when someone wrote that temples are easily demolished by the authority (whether its illegal or not illegal I don’t know)
Racist is when women are said to be cause of the rape because of their indicent dress and sexy outfit (plus nthe eed to follow the dressing code setup by PAS in Kelantan)
Not racist is when its the men should be punish, and locked up and castrated. Women can dress anyhting they want beacuse men can drooled at women breasts but never touched them. Besides, rape victims did not happen to those wearing sexily outfit but also happen to those wearing tudung and children too. (Oh yeah, like I’m going to rape that Ogawa sexy models during the broad daylight and in crowded places; duh!)
Racist is when PAS mursyidul am said that government employees must perform obligatory prayers in order for promotions because he believe in prophet Muhammad words that prayers can prevent kemungkaran (bad deeds)
Not racist is when saying this is also a kind of bribery to the government employee. Some even want to be a Muslim scholar by reciting translation Koran that “there is no compulsion in Islam”.
Hello dude. Get your fact straight. If that the case then no need to hudud laws lah moron!
Racist is when it happens in Malaysia.
Not racist is when Violet (an Indian female engineer working in Woodland Singapore) told me she ‘d hope that her new boss is mat salleh, not a Chinese. Well that’s in Singapore and it’s different because they are not racist. I met many Indian Singaporean that day and I was amazed that they are very fluent in Bahasa.
Indeed you are the most beloved “MALAY ULTRA” and Malaysian should be proud of you. It is similar with LIM KIT SIANG is a CHINESE ULTRA and KARPAL SINGH is a SINGH ULTRA. Dont shout that you fight for all Malaysian because all three of you are ULTRA for your own race but now the most important fact is does your ULTRA attitude brings social and economic harmony and stability in MALAYSIA. One does and he is our beloved TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD.
For the latter and currently the one who love the back door,can only brings riots and street demontration, brings unstabilities in social stabilities.
So it is not a crime being an “ULTRA” for your races to safe guard interests. If all these so called “ULTRA” from each race can work together as shown in the past we will have the social and economic stability that we want. Forget about MALAYSIA for MALAYSIAN as since MERDEKA we are all MALAYSIAN in MALAYSIA plus we are truely ASIAN. IF you still insist to ask for MALAYSIAN RACE then it is a good news because from now on all chinese and Tamil School have to closed down because to be a MALaYSIAN you have to has only ONE ORIANTED SCHOOL that is a MALAYSIAN NATIONAL SCHOOL and be tought in BAHASA MELAYU as A NATIONAL LANGUANGE.Can all of you that fight for ONE MALAYSIAN RACE accept that? Definately no because in each of us we are proud for what we are,so the social contracts that exist since the beginning of MALAYA and MALAYSIA should be respected because we,MALAYSAN are special because WHAT WE ARE.
Please think wisely maybe MALAYs been treated and given advantages but it does not mean that Chinese and Indian being left out. We are only 50 years as a country,and with so many colours in it,we need times to achieve what we all want.
I respect my Chinese and Indian friends like RAGUBALAN an architect,MOGANADAS a doctor, ERIC CHIA a consultant,OOI BOON HONG n engineer,and many more and they also respect me as a MALaY.We have a happy memories during our schooling days in a NATIONAL SCHOOL and still they speak their own languange at home and we a proud of that.
May all Malaysian have the same feeling and attitude like us.
God bless Malaysia and MALAYSIAN.
By esca “but far more important than that is the fact that without government’s help, there will be a huge gap between wealth distributions of the malays and the chinese in particulars.”
That is precisely where i am getting at… Look around you if you are ignorant.
Yes… the malay may need the gov’s help so that the huge gap can be drawn narrow..
but over the years…look at what happened? You stupid fools created a new Gap. Now there are super rich malay and the hardcore poor malay. Apparently, the super rich malay adopted a very western culture.. you can see them in zouk KL. (open bottle siul)
If you can’t see… take a drive.. seriously, who are the people driving the imported cars? mostly well connected malays. While the hardcore malay still have to sell curry puff to top up their income. When the poor malay complaint hardship, you are fast to blame the chinese are the ones that sakau(took) all the money.
Esca… true..you tax the rich and give the poor(simple economics theory)…but you cannot take that factor out of the equation, you tax the chinese but you put in the pocket of a few people..
As a tax payer, sure lah i bengang.. kalau betui betui tolong melayu miskin tak pe…ini tolong elite rich melayu yang tak perlu pertolongan.
How other countries treat their people is their problem.. How our country treats its people is our problem. What spore do or what the chinese president do is not my problem. i have no control.. as far as i am concerned, at this point of time, i am a malaysian.
Dear Tun,
Point 45: âAbdullah’s UMNO is incapable of countering any attack on the social contract. If anything untoward happens Abdullah and UMNO must bear responsibility.â This statement of yours is very worrying indeed. Can you share with all Malaysians what kind of untoward events that might happen?? Will there be riots or will there be â¦â¦???
I agree 100% with comments made by denkoh. This blogger/commenter is talking real facts and you may want to comment on some of the issues raised by him/her. Let the non-Malays understand why so many Indonesians can obtain citizenships easily and why BN government never objected to the importation of Indonesian migrant workers to Malaysia?? What kind of social contract are you talking about without touching on the large influx of Indonesians to East and West Malaysia?? Is the BN government or the ex-PMs and current PM closing one eye on this issue??
saya amat bersedih dengan sikap orang melayu yang mudah lupa pada perjuangan tun selama ini yang banyak memperjuangkan dan mempertahankan warisan nenek moyang kita daripada dijajah,dan saya amat berharap tun dapat membantu membetulkan politik kita daripada konkongan paklah dan menantunya dan saya amat berharap tun dapat membantu dato najib menjatuhkan paklah secepat mungkin,dan saya orang pertama akan mencadangkan tun dilantik sebagai penasihat kerajaan dan umno….
“melayu-melayu berbagai lambang ni” sibuk berebut kerusi, maka sanggup terlampau bertolak ansur dgn “kaum-kaum tu”, so, “kaum-kaum tu” pun beransur ansur menolak melayu.Yang sorang sibuk kenyangkan anak cucu, sorang lagi kemaruk nak duduk “disitu”. Hanya kerana dua keluarga, kita semua yang tergadai. Kita undi depa (whichever party) utk depa sibuk buat kerja membangun negara, tapi depa sibuk kata mengata pulak.
Katakan TIDAK pada mereka mereka semua. Kita pilih yang baru.
Tun, who would you think fit to be…?
Tidak menghairankan jika AAB begitu generous kepada non-malays esp. the chinese. Kita tidak tahu apa yang berlaku dibelakang tabir tetapi kita tahu siapa yang mengunjungi AAB sebaik saja dia menjawat PM. Mula-mula beliau menerima kunjungan sepupu beliau dari China. Kemudian ketua-ketua Dong Jiao Zong (Gabungan Lembaga-Lembaga Pengurus Sekolah Cina Malaysia dan Gabungan Persatuan-Persatuan Guru-Guru Sekolah Cina Malaysia) yang satu ketika mendesak dan menolak keras penubuhan sekolah wawasan, dan pengekalan sekolah-sekolah berbahasa cina, adalah kumpulan yang terawal mengadakan pertemuan dengan AAB selepas memegang jawatan PM. Apa yang berlaku selepas pertemuan itu amatlah jelas hingga kehari ini, bahkan mereka telah memperolehi lebih daripada yang diminta. Semasa bersekolah kami difahamkan bahawa biasiswa adalah hak istimewa bagi orang Melayu. Tetapi apa yang dah jadi? Yang terbaru 40% biasiswa diberikan kepada bukan Melayu. Tidak patutkah jika AAB dikatakan pengkhianat bangsa?
Saban hari TUN MAHATHIR MOHAMAD memperjuangkan hak dan keadilan Bangsa Melayu dan Rakyat Malaysia. PEMIMPIN TULEN YANG BERJUANG.
Saban hari juga ANWAR IBRAHIM memperjuangkan imej peribadi,kepentingan diri dan sandiwara politik untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri. PEMIMPIN PELAKON YANG PENGKHIANAT.
Saban-saban hari hari ABDULLAH BADAWI memperjudikan maruah dan kebodohan untuk merompak negara dan mengabaikan kesejahteraan rakyat.
If my malay friend, Hamzah gets interest free loan and discount from the government to buy his house, I WILL BE VERY VERY HAPPY FOR him..cause he is struggling.
but if some rich menteri who bring cash out of the country to australia gets this kind of special priviledge, i will be furious and i will cry unfair..
i am not taxed by the government..
then i have no right…
but if i am taxed…i believe i have a right of up to the amount i am taxed.
In another words, i want my tax money to truly reach those who are poor…not to the menteri who bring money to australia and the dentist who tebang all the pokok in selangor and got away with it.
All readers,
Tun has written” It was to be a quid pro quo arrangement. In exchange for the one million citizenships the non-Malays must recognise the special position of the Malays as the indigenous people”.
It is clearly stated in the Constitution “Special Position”, and not “Special Right or Previlege”. We are all Malaysians and should not drag this “right” issue for 50 years and more.
At the time of gaining Independence, special position for one million citizenships was purely a negotiation and had been agreed by British to be set in the Constitution or the social contract. In the mind of the British, they don’t want the Chinese and Indian will overtake or replace the Bumiputra in the country and the bumi should be protected from any untoward competition from the Chinese and Indian. However, many Bumis have manipulated the meaning of “special position” and pretended they are given “special right” in everything over the Chinese and Indian and any other races. Just because the British did not define it very well, we are here to argue this “special position” for 50 years.
The earth exists for all the people with different races living together, not for one race only. You will agree with me if there is only one land and one country in the whole world after the rise of sea level one day.
“Melayu-melayu berbagai lambang ni” sibuk berebut kerusi maka sanggup terlampau bertolak ansur dengan “kaum-kaum tu”, so “kaum-kaum tu” pun beransur ansur menolak melayu.. sorang tu sibuk kenyangkan anak cucu, yang sorang lagi kemaruk nak duduk “disitu”. Hanya kerana dua keluarga ni, kita semua makin tergadai.. katakan TIDAK pada mereka semua, kita pilih yang lain.
Tun, who would you suggest is fit to be …?
Dearest Tun.
Thanks Tun for this interesting history lessons. Wish the current leaders that we have running the country have 10% of Tun brain capacity.
To sjankan,
U R Moron…. Tun is teaching you history, understand? That is not being racist, stupid. Understand what you are reading before blasting away. And also Tun do not need you to put his article in your blog. Who do you think you are that Tun need your blog? Perasan.
To nunu,
Boleh tolong faham sikit tak apa yang dibaca sebelum buat komen kat blog ini? Kalau baca sekali tak faham, baca lagi sampai 10 kali. Jangan baca ikut emosi dan lepas tu tak sabar nak hentam balik.
To a mafia moron named “Godfather”,
Facts? Your facts?? You got proof for your facts?? Your facts comes from Salleh Abbas, Steve Shim and others who just receive some bribes in the form of “compensations” from the very person who hated Tun guts, right? You call that facts?
I have a few fact here for you.
FACT: You are envious of people who became billionaires through their hardwork with or without NEP help. You on the other hand are a loser. So the best thing to do is blame the NEP for your failure. Thats FACT.
FACT: You must be a moron for labelling yourself “Godfather.” You crazes for power but you are a natural born loser. Even the dog have no respect for you. Thats FACT.
Buat ayahanda Tun,
Saya sungguh mengagumi ayahanda. Semenjak kebelakangan ini kita telah lihat kehancuran bangsa kita. Penulisan Tun telah menaikkan semangat cintakan bangsa, agama dan negara kepada diri saya. Kepada semua umat bangsaku..sedarlah..
Anak Kecil Main Api
Terbakar Hatinya Yang Sepi
Airmata Darah Bercampur Keringat
Bumi Dipijak Milik Orang
Nenek Moyang Kaya Raya
Tergadai Seluruh Harta Benda
Akibat Sengketa Sesamalah Kita
Cinta Lenyap Di Arus Zaman
Indahnya Bumi Kita Ini
Warisan Berkurun Lamanya
Hasil Mengalir Ke Tangan Yang Lain
Pribumi Merintih Sendiri
Masa Depan Sungguh Kelam
Kan Lenyap Peristiwa Semalam
Tertutuplah Hati Terkunci Mati
Maruah Peribadi Dah Hilang
Kini Kita Cuma Tinggal Kuasa
Yang Akan Menentukan Bangsa
Bersatulah Hati Bersama Berbakti
Pulih Kembali Harga Diri
Kita Sudah Tiada Masa
Majulah Dengan Gagah Perkasa
Jangan Lalai Teruskan Usaha
Melayu Kan Gagah Di Nusantara
Salam Yg diKasihi Tun,
Tun sebenarnya telah BERJAYA merobah cara PEMIKIRAN dan SIKAP ramai orang Melayu, walaupun Tun pernah mengatakan yg Tun gagal berbuat demikian. Tun sebenarnya tidak gagal (tadi DSAAB dgn bangganya mengingatkan org ramai tentang perkara ini).
Jadi Tun usah bimbang kerana mereka yg TIDAK BERUBAH ialah org-org seperti DSAAB & CO yg tidak sampai akal fikiran untuk menghayati pemikiran bernas Tun. Saya yakin bila Tun mengatakan yg Tun gagal mengubah sikap org Melayu ialah kerana Tun nampak keadaan pemimpin-pemimpin (kaki bodek…) yg berada di sekeliling Tun pada masa itu yg kebanyakan tiada KETOKOHAN langsung untuk meneruskan PERJUANGAN murni Tun untuk memartabat agama, bangsa dan negara.
Dan, sebagai bukti kita tengok sajalah apa yg DSAAB & CO dah buat kepada Malaysia â semuanya hampir MUSNAH dek kerana kedangkalan pemikiran dan juga kerana SIKAP buruk mereka yg suka BERBOHONG, MENGKHIANAT, BIADAP & BONGKAK. Dan Tun memang tak boleh ubah sikap mereka ni kerana mereka sendiri yg TIDAK MAHU BERUBAH. Ditambah pula dengan sikap DEGIL, dan BODOH SOMBONG dan tak mahu belajar. Kami yg mengikuti kelas dalam blog Tun ni tak macam mereka sebab kami jenis yg nak belajar.
Saya yakin yg DSAAB & CO memang tidak faham apa dia kontrak sosial Malaysia. Kalau tanya kepada DSAAB, entah apa-apalah agaknya jawapan merapu beliau. Tapi, Tun boleh menerangkan asas2 kepada kontrak sosial Malaysia dengan bernas, tepat, padat dan senang difahami oleh rakyat biasa. Artikel2 Tun telah banyak merobah cara kami berfikir & secara tak langsung telah merobah sikap kami kepada yg lebih POSITIF.
Cuma, malangnya Malaysia sekarang ni ada PM yg bersikap NEGATIF, tetapi perasan yg beliau cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang â yg sebenarnya cuma penuh dengan temberang. Sila LAH letak jawatan DSAAB! Kami tidak akan rugi apa-apa.
Terima kasih Tun. Semoga Tun sihat sejahtera.
Salam semua. Eh geram punya pasal terlupa nak ucap selamat berambus pada a few people who wrote on this topic, orang2 yang sangka depa pandai dan tau semua, boleh blahLah.
To Godfather,
I think you should start to go back to school and study some history and do some research on certain facts.
Firstly, the NEP was there long before Tun became PM.
Secondly, do research on the facts about the rise, fall and rise of Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar, the Albukhary Foundation and what the Foundation did, does and going to do to the people and ‘our country’. Too bad, the foundation cannot help people like you.
Thirdly, please for goodness sake, check properly who the The AP Kings really were and Nasimuddin (Tan Sri, the late) with whom they were actually associated with (or related with).
One way or another, I like the late Gen Suharto and President Mugabe and I admire and adore Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad because they are NATIONALISTS and not racists as you claimed. They governed and managed their countries as should be, by themselves for their people and foreign interventions were never welcomed. In sickness or in health in poorness or in wealth just purely by themselves.
Another thing which you need not worry the Present UMNO will not be be there in 2050.
Anyway I wish one way or another, your assumption or premonition that by 2050 only 10% non.malays left are true and materiales, what a beautiful scenario. The Federal Govt is controlled by PAS or UMNO or PASUMNO, the States are likewise governed. At that time you cannot talk like this anymore. godfather (the G already becomes g).
So, you boleh beLah Lah!( i am finished addressing you).
Haru betoi, dia tak mau beLah lagi. Masih ingat lagi, how and why MAGERAN was formed by arwah TUN, the Govt was weaker, so some opportunists took advantage and created chaos in the country, jadi melayang2lah dan buldozer digunakan. The Tunku had to step down and gave way to arwah TUN almost immediately after the memorable
La ni KERAjaan lemah sebab pemimpin lemah dan lembek. Apa orang mintak semua dia bagi, tak kira tak logik ka tak patut ka semua dia bagi. Kot manapun bukan harta dia. Last last dia tu mintak yang tu kat dia, ha! baru syok. Last sekali dia biar kawan tu kacau sana sini, orang ‘lain’ pulak ambek kesempatan, yang duduk atas pagar terjun gelanggang, apa akan jadi?
Hai, lagi pikiaq lagi geram. TurunLah. Kalau tidak kami minta tolong DYMM supaya jangan sain apa2 pun yang hang bagi, macam dua calon MB yang hang kemukakan O O ditolak. Toksah bagi kerjasama sampai hang kena terjun dari Putrajaya kot tingkap bagi orang lain masuk ikut pintu.
Sekian, wassalam.
Anak Jati Kedah.
Tun, there can not be any doubt that social contracts in various forms exist in various countries. This theory is at least the common understanding of the jurists like Hugo Grotius, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean Jacues Rousseau and many others.
Hugo Grotius was the first to espouse the notion that social contract is the sine qua non for the formation of a nation and its government and the basis for the relationship inter se among individuals to protect their natural rights i.e. their freedom and equal rights. These individuals would then transfer all their rights and powers to a government formed subsequently.
In early Malaysian history, the feudal system was adopted. This system was not very different from the system of social contract envisaged by Thomas Hobbes in his The Leviathan. Thomas Hobbes propounded that for the maintenance of security and peace, individuals had to enter into social contract wherein all individuals transferred ALL their rights and power to a person or a group of persons called âLeviathanâ. This social contract was binding on the individuals only and not the âLeviathanâ who had the absolute power in order to maintain peace and harmony for the individuals. Hobbes also theorized a legal fiction that there could not be any law pronounced by the âLeviathanâ which could be unfair because it would be impossible for a person to be unfair to himself and he went on to say âThe obligation of subjects to the sovereign is understood to last as long as, and no longer than, the power lasteth by which he is able to protect them.â
This system of social contract is consistent with the historical Malay system of government and consistent with what Tun described as âBefore these the Malay States were feudal with the Malay Rulers enjoying near absolute power. Only the elites played a role in State politics. The Malay subjects had no political rights at all.â
As society developed, the subjects of these absolute rulers began to realize that they, too, possessed certain fundamental rights and this realization gave rise to the charter of human rights like Magna Carta. John Locke in his Two Treatises of Government, discarded the concept of absolutism and held the view that all individuals possessed their fundamental rights which could not be taken away from them by even the rulers. These fundamental rights, i.e. the right to life, liberty and property were the natural rights of the individuals which could not be taken away from them and that the government was only a public trustee or agent who had to perform for the general good of the society.
There does not seem to be any Malaysian historical record regarding this development in Malaysia from the system of absolutism to a more liberal government. Most of the development actually happened in Europe like the French Revolution and subsequently the Independence of America and most of the theories developed in that period of time were adopted in the constitutions of many countries in the world including the Malaysian Constitution like Part II of the Malaysian Constitution that guarantees our Fundamental Liberties. One of the said Fundamental Liberties is Article 8 entitled âEquality Before The Lawâ.
Clause 2 of Article 8 reads âExcept as expressly authorized by this Constitution, there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground of religion, race, descent, gender or place of birth in any law or in the appointment of any office or employment under a public authority or in the administration of any law relating to the acquisition, holding or disposition of property or the establishment or carrying on of any trade, business, profession, vocation or employment.â
One of the exception provided in the aforesaid Clause 2 of Article 8 is Article 153 which refers to the Special Privileges of the Malays and the Bumiputras. This kind of Constitutional Discrimination is not without precedents. In the United States of America they have Affirmative Action Programs and in India, they have the Special Protection for Scheduled Tribes and Castes but the only difference is that the two former Constitutional Discrimination provisions are for the protection of the minority whereas the latter i.e. the Malaysian context, it is for the protection of the majority.
To understand the concept of Constitutional Discrimination in the Malaysian context it is pertinent to understand the social and political landscape of Malaysia before and after the Second World War.
Prior to the Second World War, most of the immigrants in Malaysia including the Chinese and Indians came to Malaysia to earn a living with the intention of ultimately going back to their countries of origin upon amassing sufficient wealth. Most of them worked in rubber estates or tin mines especially the Chinese. They continued to evince the allegiance to the country of origin and in the Chinese context, they continued to be faithful to Komintang which was the ruling party in China before the Second World War. These Chinese settlers continued to keep close liaison with the officials of the Komintang through the local liaison officers here in Malaysia and these settlers were duly registered with their names and other particulars well recorded in China and in most instances, these settlers remitted monies to their relatives in China and some even paid taxes to the Komintang government.
As the demand for rubber and tin grew, the British brought in more and more Chinese workers and this caused uneasiness in the Malay rulers who protested to the British resulting in the introduction of the Special Privileges of the Malays by the British in 1930s as quid pro quo for the continued bringing in of Chinese workers to Malaysia. Therefore Tun, the Special Privileges of the Malays was not introduced in 1957, it was already in existence then because it was first introduced in the 1930s. In fact some State Enactments had provided for land reservations for Malays long before the Federation of Malaya Agreement, 1948 (see Tun Mohd Suffian, an Introduction to the Constitution of Malaysia, Second Edition)
After the Second World War, the social and political environment changed rapidly for the Chinese in Malaysia. Beside fighting the Japanese during the Japanese occupation of Malaysia, the solidarity of the Chinese community were also tested owing to the emergence of the Communist Ideology espoused by the Chinese Communist Party. Some of the Chinese began to be attracted to the promises of the Communist propaganda and devoted themselves to the Communist causes of fighting the local government supported by the British when the British returned to Malaysia while those who continued to embrace Komintangâs ideology were told to settle permanently in Malaysia after the escape of the supreme commander of Komintang, General Chiang Kai Sek to Taiwan upon the defeat of Komintang in China by the Communist Party in 1949 which coincided with the formation of MCA for the remnants of the Komintang supporters in Malaysia to assist them in their social and political wellbeing in Malaysia.
After the Second World War, the British returned to Malaysia and introduced the Malayan Union Concept which embodied the abolishment of the Special Privileges of the Malays coupled with the granting of the citizenship to the Chinese and other immigrants.
The lack of unity of the Chinese in that critical time as opposed to the Malays who were almost unanimous in their opposition to the Malayan Union concept facilitated the birth of the Federation of Malaya which continued with the concept of the Special Privileges of the Malays and when the Reid Commission was tasked to formulate the Constitution for Malaya, this concept of the Special Privileges of Malays was given the force of constitutional recognition and the same was further entrenched after the May 13 riot to the extent that this Article may not be amended without the unanimous consent of the Council of Rulers.
As can be seen, this concept of the Special Privileges of the Malays was all the while recognized and was well in existence long before the Malaya Constitution was formulated and when it was embodied in the Malaya Constitution and later in the Malaysian Constitution, whether it can be treated as being the quid pro quo for the granting of the citizenship for the Chinese or Indian settlers in Malaysia is a pertinent question for the Malaysian jurists and I am not an expert in this field to comment on it.
As for the recognition of the citizenship for the immigrants, it is no doubt a generous and kind gesture of the then coalition government and the Malays towards the immigrants then. However, was it the intention of the forefathers that all the offspring of the immigrants would be forever saddled with this same burden to forever take cognition of this endowment of citizenship upon them in exchange for the recognition of the special privileges of the Malays notwithstanding the jus soli and the jus sanguinis principles and notwithstanding the recommendation of the Reid Commission that this provision of the Special Privileges of the Malays should be reviewed in 15 years time from the date of the inception of the Constitution of Malaya?
Was it the intention of the forefathers that notwithstanding the extent of the love and allegiance of the offspring of the immigrants towards this country and notwithstanding the duration of time, the offspring of the immigrants of this country have forever had to be subjected to the Special Privileges of the Malays lest these offspring be described as ingrates?
When the NEP was formulated, it was supposed âto reduce and eventually eradicate povertyâ and âto restructure Malaysian society to correct ethnic imbalance, so as to reduce and eventually eliminate the identification of race with economic functionâ. Another pertinent question would be whether this Special Privileges of the Malays will be reviewed if eventually the identification of race with economic function is eliminated?
Jean Jacques Rousseau in his Du Contract Social said that a social contract is formed when each individual in a society surrenders his power and rights to the society (pactum unionis). However, the surrender by him of his rights and power will not cause him to lose any such power and rights because these power and rights will be returned to him as civil rights. If the offspring of the immigrants surrender all their rights and power to the society but obtain in return something less than others in the society, is there something wrong with the social contract?
I fully agree with Anatole France who wrote sarcastically âthe law, in its magisterial equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor from sleeping under bridges and stealing breadâ The rationale of positive discrimination is itself based on the concept of equality: to impose equality on already unequal groups simply perpetuates inequality, thereby defeating the very purpose of attainment of equality. It is inherent in the concept of equality that inequality must be overcome, and it is inherent also in the concept of discrimination that at some point it must be regarded as having fulfilled its purpose and I hope that the time that it shall have fulfilled its purpose will come soon when that dream of mine that âthis nation will rise up and live out the true nature of its creed, and I believe it to be self evident that, all men are created equalâ shall become a reality.
Thanks puteraku73
seriously…we should really chart and think about how to improve the whole country so we malaysian can stand tall when we face the rest of the world instead of harping on the “malay rights” issue.
Seriously, when all malaysian are properous…we won’t care what right this right that right anymore cause our real competitor will be the world…
don’t compete with your fellow countrymen..support your countrymen to compete with the world..
stop talking abt the malay rights… you can keep it.. chinese are not interested in the malay rights..seriously, i as a chinese is more interested in my purchasing power when i go oversea…
BN adalah satu-satunya parti yang dapat menyatu padukan rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum sekaligus membawa kepada keharmonian dan keamanan kepada Malaysia. Tetapi malangnya BN sekarang terumbang ambing dan diambang kehancuran kerana tiada pemimpin yang berkaliber seperti Tun. It’s scary because of weaken BN will cause PR to becoming strong & powerful. PR hanya ditubuhkan untuk kepentingan diri sendiri dan bukan untuk kepentingan rakyat Malaysia. So BN please do something for the sake of rakyat Malaysia. We want to live in peace, to be united and be proud to be called Malaysian like we use to do. PLEASE STAY UNITED
Dear Tun,
It is very heartening to read this piece from you and this is my first time commenting on your blog for I usually don’t bother leaving my thoughts but after reading this, I am truly touched that I could actually find a politician/ex-politician who is aware of our constitution. Perhaps it is high time that all politicians and politician wannabes sit for a test on the Federal Constitution and ensure they pass before they could be Ministers.
Thank you for your vision and efforts which allowed Malaysia to move forward and be where she is now or rather until your resignation. I do sincerely wish that you could live until 200 years old and continue to lead the country and see your vision comes true. I seriously doubt the current government whether they truly understand what you meant by 70M Population and Wawasan 2020 in the first place.
May you have good health.
Salam Tun
Do you know exactly what is the word MALAYSIA stand for and why this particular tanah air kita bernama MALAYSIA. Actually MALAYSIA is two words coined together by our predecessors to mean: MALAY (Melayu) and SIA (kubu atau kawasan atau tempat atau NEGARA) and MALAYSIA is actually MELAYUSIA atau negara melayu. It is not CHINESEsia or HINDUsia/TAMILsia or INDIAsia. I am not trying to a racist. My grandmother is of Chinese muslim origin and one of my auntie is married to an indian muslim convert. We all live in harmony and respected our diverse and multi cultural ways of life. The point is our predecessors comprised of Malay,Chinese and Indian agreed to name this country from Tanah Melayu to MELAYUSIA.. err sorry pardon me.. i meant MALAYSIA. So what the big fuss! If you stay in Rome do exactly what the Roman are doings and if you stay in kandang kambing MENGEMBIKlah and if you stay in MELAYUSIA please behave yourself to the requirement of the malay population. Aren’t you thankful that the malay allows you to stay in their homes, eat their rice, drink their water and protect you and your family from rain and sun burnt and provide your future here forever. Give some thought to it you will find that the malays are the most tolerance race in this god foresaken world. Aprreciate them and they will appreciate you more..
Dear Tun
As long we have a weak leader there will be more problems coming our way the extremist will take advantage more demands will come and it will create racial tension this time it will be too late i love this country and proud to be a malaysain.
You deserved all the credit during your tenure as PM you have maintained peace and stability in our multiracial country.
TUN, terima kasih atas penjelasan TUN mengenai social contract amat tepat sekali dan dapat memberi kesedaran kepada semua kaum khususnya kepada generasi muda kita.
TUN, UMNO civilisedkan orang Melayu dan kaum bukan Melayu dapat hidup secara harmoni dan makmur mahupun politiknya atau ekonomi.
Saya amat setuju sekali dengan TUN yaitu semangat memelihara social contract lebih penting daripada bersurat.
UMNO lah selama ini yang mendokong semangat ini.
Bar Council yang ada hari ini yang mempolitikan isu social contract yang tersedia jalin hendak dihadapkan kepada Agong atau ISA.
Perbuatan Bar Council ni memecah belahkan penyatuan rakyat dan ada unsur usur hasut yang boleh mengembalikan peristiwa hitam 1969.
TUN terima kasih banyak banyak atas penjelasan tentang social contract ini.
May Allah Bless You & Family, Sihat Walafiat.
Well said denkoh… I think you have a point there… And i think you’re right about it..
The good government should look at this type of problem and by handle this problem only the malay rights can be preserved.
But with current government who manage by “imam hadhari” i don’t think what denkoh said will open their eyes…
So why wait all malaysians… Lets bring this “imam hadhari” DOWN forever!!!!
Salam TDM…
Syabas dan tahniah, satu maklumat yang amat berguna dan penting untuk ingatan setiap generasi.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
From the bottom of my heart, i do really miss your era of being a Prime Minister. I was born by knowing you as our Prime Misiter and I adore you very much. Well done Tun, for your effort to still giving Malaysian a helping hand by voicing out bold regarding the weakness of our current government. I cant even imagine what will happen to Malaysia until 2010. Hope ALLAH will always protect Malaysian from facing any worst disaster. Eventhough I’m still young, but I felt unsecure about my future in Malaysia. What will happen to us and our future generations? Keep on writing Tun..we will always be with you.
Dear Tun and all readers,
I beg to differ from the opinions of Adzhar Aziz, whose comments have been excerpted at the end of this message.
I believe no one Social Contract in this World can effectively bind two or more parties in the society for ever and ever again without being put to the test by the time and by the change in humanity.
Just take for instance, in Indonesian History the liberal class of highly educated people who controlled the law-making insitution of the Netherlands centuries ago decided to implement the Culture System in Indonesia in order to improve the living standards of the Indonesian people after having the self-awareness with their own conscience and the religious enlightenment which made them realize that the Dutch Colonial Power had done a lot of wrong by oppression and making slavery of the Indonesian people in the contemporary periods. This was an example of the initiative coming from the learned persons for initiating a change to the social contract in order to bring forth betterment to all human beings.
In the course of history, the self-aware Americans also took the initiative to make the constitutional amendments for giving the voting rights to the women and to the Black citizens in political elections. These historical records also proved that humans are able to create improvement for themselves when they grow much more matured in politics and are able to see all other human beings as their brethrens of one mankind.
“The Chinese simply good at doing business and they have no limit towards what can they do in business. They can be bapak ayam to the prostitutes and making money. The money gained from socially accepted by their community. Gambling is also allowed in Chinese culture and no provisions in their religious believe on what do’s and don’ts in business. They can trade anything under the sun and to use any business tactics that can spell good result. No limit.”
The above statement is in fact not a praise but an insult to the common Chinese moral value. To Adzhar Aziz, I wish to advise that please do not be biased against the Chinese and label all Chinese as immoral man of cardinal sins.
The Chinese universal philosophy, Confucianism, does require all its followers to conform to this moral standard:
“It is all right for the gentleman to love wealth but the wealth shall only be allowed to earn with a way in conformity to the highest virtue of moral norm!”
“Yet, still the majority of Malays still have the same mental shortness when come to business.” If this comment of Adzhar Aziz holds true, then I wish to suggest that a soul searching be done by the Malays in order to find out where the “mental shortness” lies. I personally feel that the Malay Special Privileges are more of a liability than an asset to most Malays. These Special Privileges could have created a wrong mentality among the Malays that goes by saying that “it is nothing wrong for me to borrow money from someone and then not bother to pay back the debt to my creditor, even at the time when the debt falls due and at the time when I can financially afford to pay back the debt because I as a Malay have the Special Rights!” To those Malays who have this kind of cheating mentality, I wish to advise that the total losses caused by the long-term losing of a person’s credibility will eventually surpass the short-term gain which had been obtained by cheating the money lender.
“If Malays were well eguipped with business acutement and they were not LAZY: I am sure the Chinese would have not prospered as what they are enjoying now.”
I totally disagreed with this statement of Adzhar Aziz. In the Chinese culture, business acumen is not the crucial factor which determines a success in business. What is the more important factor than anything else for achieving a success in business is the trust-worthiness of a person, the so-called credit rating of a person. If you can really prove that you are a Malay who really walks your words, then I can guarantee that there will be plenty of people, regardless of their ethnic origins and their religious backgrounds, who will want to invite you to join as a business partner in a business plan that is deemed to be mutual beneficial and will bring forth a win-win situation for both participants in the partnership. It is vitally important for all of us to understand that doing business may not necessarily be a zero-sum game therefore we should always adopt an attitude to honour our words to our business partners or be frank to our business partners during a difficult time when we have lost our capability to fulfill our promise within the anticipated time frame no matter how shameful or how humiliating our personal situation can be!
While “cunning” may sometimes be spoken by the Malays as a biased stereotype of the Chinese businessmen, the Chinese will also like to label the Malays “untrustworthy” because most Malays simply like to take advantage of a Chinese friend and always take a friendly loan from a Chinese friend for granted and never bother to pay back the personal loan.
Here I am talking about a general phenomena in the society. Therefore please do accept my apology if you feel that you have been offended because you happen to be a Malay who has already borrowed some money from a Chinese friend and has not been able to pay back the debt so far. I need to clarify also that I am not here trying to speak in favour of the Chinese loan sharks, whom I saw as a eye-sore and the public enemy to the nation!
However, if there is anyone who is debt-ridden and needs a prayer, I would offer to pray for him/her and ask God to set him/her free and release him/her from the indebtedness with His merciful grace!
May God bless you!
By Adzhar Aziz on July 12, 2008 6:49 PM
Dear Tun and all readers,
Our forefathers who “signed” this social contract were the people who fought for independence. There is no time frame when is that this social contract should be reviewed and to draft a new one. It has done very well in the past 50 years to bind us socially, then let it be.
The Chinese who inherited thousand years of business expertise and civilizations are too advanced to catch up. They know how to count money even before they know how to talk. The Chinese simply good at doing business and they have no limit towards what can they do in business. They can be bapak ayam to the prostitutes and making money. The money gained from socially accepted by their community. Gambling is also allowed in Chinese culture and no provisions in their religious believe on what do’s and don’ts in business. They can trade anything under the sun and to use any business tactics that can spell good result. No limit. If Chinese were to read this and care to add or to challenge my view, please do so. Otherwise for the Malays. The Malays civilization is small compared to the Chinese. Malays were farmers, fishermen and all related to labor related work field. The Malays simply did not and still do not have that special acutement in business. The young generations are different and they start learning and thank you God, many of them are successful now. Yet, still the majority of Malays still have the same mental shortness when come to business. They are simply too soft to charge too much for their products and services. The heart of the Malays are too soft…the words kesian and tak pa la…untung sikit but cukup makan seemingly deep rooted in Malays hearts and their cultures. That is why the Malays are hardly excel in business. The Chinese, Indians and foreign readers should try to understand this complexity in our differences in term of our culture and belief.
If Malays were well eguipped with business acutement and they were not LAZY: I am sure the Chinese would have not prospered as what they are enjoying now.
1. Before there was Malaya and Malaysia the peninsular was known as Tanah Melayu, or Malay Land.
2. Saying this alone would result in accusations of being racist.
Very correct Tun. Problem is that the accuser often conviniently forgot to mention India and China too.
Tun Dr.,
Thank you Tun for this very clear explanation. I really wish you were still our PM. I longed for the old Malaysia under your strong leadership when we had political peace and stability and when other countries, developing and developed alike, were somehow in awe of us. We could stand proud to be Malaysians then.
Please come back to lead us or nurture someone who can.
tun…kita tunggu mana mana ..isyaallah kalau ada
mana mana kerusi parlimen atau adun kosong…kita masuk
btanding…independant…tun pi bagi nama saja
lepas tun tunggu depa declare kemenangan tun…saya yakin ini
boleh berlaku…
mungkin media cetak ada rasa hormat sikit…
…beribu wartawan melayu tapi satu pun tak guna… banyak yg tun
tulis adalah fakta benar dan mengatasi logik dan relevan..
tapi tak mau tulis, depa ni pun kena dgn pm indirectly…ini iktibar yg saya pelajari dari tun…kerana saya MELAYU…saya sedih
banyak melayu jadi kuda,,,contohnya melayu makan rasuah dan budak budak yg pegang walkie talkie duduk ikut jpj pi mana mana kemudian bagitau tow-kay cina..pendek kata jadi barua..sekali lagi barua..
dan pimpinan sekarang apa buat…zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
lebih kurang sama…tabur duit sana sini jadi ayam..lepas tu
kenyang mai balik……………
Assalamualaikum YABhg TDM,
Penjelasan YRBhg TDM mengenai SC sangat jelas dan perlu difahami oleh semua rakyat Malysia. Walaupun kedudukan orang melayu diperkatakan oleh banyak pihak,nampaknya tiada jawapan balas yang jitu diberikan oleh pemerintah, sehinggakan sebahagian rakyat melayu tidak merasa terdesak dengan keadaan ini ditambah lagi dengan cakap-cakap orang-orang yang bernafsu besar untuk menjadi pemimpin yang sanggup bersama-sama berjuang dengan tetamu asing atas dasar keadilan,samarata dsb.
Mereka telah lupaperjuangan orang-orang tua mereka terdahulu untuk mendapatkan hak tanahair ini daripada penjajah.Apa akan terjadi agaknya jika gagasan Malayan Union dulu menjadi kenyataan? Dimanakah orang melayu yang beragama Islam ini agaknya. Adakah ianya dihormati samada bangsanya atau ugamanya?
Kalau sudah diberi hak, melayu(Islam) masih terkapai-kapai, apakah dengan kedudukan yang lemah kita dapat memperkasakan ugama kita,Lihatlah saudara kita di palestin,ugamanya kuat, tapi rakyatnya dibunuh setiap hari?
Insaflah wahai bangsaku,bersyukurlah kerana UgamaAllah datang kesini, jika yahudi & nasara yang dominan, kenalkah kita kepada Ugamayang suciini.
Salam sejahtera kpd YABhg TDM & Isteri serta blogers
I agree with History..
Kalau betul betul mahu kaji sejarah, kita kena kaji bila melayu menetap di Malaysia. Sebelum ia dipanggil tanah melayu, apa namanya?
Kepada semua defender “Bumiputra rights” …are you sure you are defending bumiputra? or just the Malays? Orang asli, iban kadazan all hapus oleh melayu…
apparently a smart indian who memeluk islam can come out with a story to kencing all of you simple minded malays who claim to be defender of the bumi rights… till today, after 50 years.. still developing…slownya…very slow… dah lah tuhan kasi resources…tapi hanya fikir short term nak beli mercedes…maka negara hapus sampai sekarang tak capai developed status.
BINCANGLAH MACAM MANA NAK JADI DEVELOPED COUNTRY DAN NAIK TARAF HIDUP INSTEAD OF BINCANG HAK MELAYU… BODOH!!! The fact that you are supporting this post shows you are really really backward…BACKWARD, YOU KNOW!!!!
DON’T CALL YOURSELF MUSLIM…you like to jilat buntut mat saleh..(I witness this at the airport, Mat salleh gets special treatment..nampak chinese…senyum pun tak senyum) jepun.. korean…semua warga asing..you anggap sebagai tuhan… tapi your brother ah ming and muthu who grew up with you… you treat them like shit and call them pendatang… teruk lah… but when a chinese or an indian got a success story to share..you call them malaysian… mana itu keadilan?
bukak mata dan tengok..selalu cakap DSAI ialah spy untuk America tapi you tak tengok ke anak-anak melayu jilat ponai mat salleh???
anak-anak melayu yang melancong ke tempat mat salleh dan beli banyak barang buatan mat salleh.
PUI!! Double standard betui ko rang…
1) Bahasa utama malaysia adalah bahasa melayu
2) bahasa inggeris menjadi bahasa kedua
3) bahasa ibunda sesuatu kaum tidak boleh digunakan untuk tujuan perniagaan/ceramah/perhimpunan atau sewaktu dengannya
4) Sekolah jenis kebangsaan dihapuskan.
5) Orang melayu masih mengetuai kepimpinan negara (PM).
6) Menteri2 pula perlu terdiri daripada semua kaum.
7) Agama Islam masih lagi agama rasmi.
8) Pembinaan tempat ibadat bagi semua agama perlu memenuhi satu syarat berikut,-> keperluan untuk minimum 50 orang pada sesuatu kawasan.
1) suruhanjaya pemberian kontrak pembangunan kerajaan ditubuhkan. suruhanjaya ini perlu terdiri dari semua kaum dan sama jumlahnya.
2) CEO syarikat GLC akan mempunyai satu badan penasihat dimana badan penasihat ini terdiri dari semua kaum. CEO masih lagi orang melayu.
3) Setiap syarikat yang mahu mendapatkan kontrak kerajaan perlulah mempunyai pekerja dari semua kaum dan ianya perlulah sama jumlahnya
ini saya tulis sebagai untuk melepaskan apa yang terbuku.. mungkin ia boleh diikut atau mungkin tidak. terpulanglah kepada sesiapa untuk menilainya..
kalau ada sebanrang komen atau cadangan atau penambahan atau penukaran atau apa2.. sila email ke [email protected]
Salam Tun,
Ya amat benar sekali perihal kontrak sosial seperti yang ditulis oleh Tun itu.
Tidakdapat tidak…UMNO Abdullah mesti dipertanggungjawabkan kerana mereka sangat tidak berdaya untuk mempertahankan kontrak sosial di antara kaum…di mana kaum Melayu merupakan membuat kontrak sosial dengan kaum yang datang dari China dan India kerana diimport oleh Inggeris.
Sikap Inggeris yang menekan kaum melayu untuk syarat kemerdekaan sangat tidak adil kepada raja-raja Melayu dan kaum Melayu.
Setelah merdeka Tanah Melayu….Inggeris pun melepaskan tangan mereka…dan dengan harapan…Melayu akan bergaduh dengan kaum Cina dan India….
Kontrak sosial termaktub dalam Perlembagaan…..
Kenapa UMNO Abdullah sangat lemah mempertahankan kontrak sosial dan membenarkan kaum bukan Melayu mempersoalkannya…??
Kaum bukan Melayu sepatutnya bercakap soal sekolah wawasan, perpaduan nasional, bahasa kebangsaan,….sekolah kebangsaan,….tapi mereka gagal menjadi rakyat Malaysia sejati…
Mereka hanya genmbira…bila mereka kaya raya…dapat lesen…boleh berpolitik…dan …bla..bla…
Keadilan bukan bermaksud mempertikaikan hak istimewa Melayu….
Dearest Tun and the readers,
There are some who seems do not understand the simple explanation by Tun here or rather refuse to do so and trying to come up pathetic excuse to give their opinion on unfairness of the social contract. Some predict that by 2050 composition of non-bumi will be 10% (who cares – go lah!), while others with their blind hatred for Tun refuse to accept the facts that Tun presented here. Some even go to the extent of refusing to acknowledge the fact that this country was formed thru’ the Raja2 Melayu. Aiyooo..
The facts that I can see from all these comments are that people are in despair due to bleak future that can be seen in the horizon. This situation brings out the worst from people, be it the malays or chinese or indians. The present government is not just weak but also incompetent to handle the issues of economy, racial unity etc etc. The opposition is also not an alternative. They will bring disaster to the country. Entahlah…I’m in despair also. Dear UMNO, care to do something radical?
assecheng… I am with you on your observations. Some of us were in a cocoon for way too long, we were not exposed to the real competition out there.
I am quite divided in this issue. Many Malays have benefited rightfully by getting scholarships to go to uni without having any cable etc to any politicians, we worked hard to get the grades. But every time i go back to my hometown, I see many evidence of rural Malays who are still behind. I feel sad that after all these years of NEP, there are still areas left to be improved, hence the reason to continue with the current terms of the social contract. But then again if you are so used to being spoonfed, you will lose that desire to work hard. If you ask the rural malays if they still want these rights to be kept, they will all say yes. But they dont know what is happening out there in the real world – you cant keep on depriving some of the other races, who worked hard to get their grades, their right to go to uni. The truth is, Malays are a bit complacent themselves, especially when they have a bit more money, as I’ve already mentioned in my earlier comments. When they lose this money they complain to govt and ask for more.
For that I am for the review of the social contract. But that is not to say that the other races should get all they want without sacrificing some of the privileges they currently enjoy. Everything needs to be reviewed in light of our vision of the future Malaysia. What is that? I remember chedet’s vision 2020, but I remember it more for the economy side of it, not its vision of how the social fabric should be. Do we all have to speak one language that is Malay? Is that really what we should aim for? What harm is it to learn 2 or three more languages? Roger Federer speaks english, swiss-german, french and italian very fluently. And do we really have to have vernacular schools? Cant we have one school, but where other languages are taught as compulsory subjects? And what’s all the fuss abt temples? Just give them the right to build theirs, with the condition that they are build at the right places. Melayu ni pun bukan selalu pergi masjid. Buat besar-besar tapi selalu kosong je. Penuh masa solat jumaat je, itupun penuh dgn budak-budak sekolah buat bising. What about jobs? Yes, no discrimination at all, be it in public or private companies. You hardly see any malays working in the big foreign and chinese banks, yet the other races are quite free to work in the so-called Malay or GLC banks. Look at CIMB – Malays can consider themselves lucky to work in HR. I am not saying that we should get more Malays in there without merit. I am just saying that the other races already have a big share of the cake, they shouldnt really complain.
Competition and hard work is key. It opens your mind to what is out there. That the world is big, and has no place for small-minded Malays who only think for the next 2-3 years, and who likes to go home to watch tv all the time, who likes to hang around the masjid and read quran without understanding its meaning (which also tells you that what you know is only a drop in the ocean, so we should continue to seek for more!), who likes to show off and squabble among each other over trivial matters (who is more islamic than the other, who has the nicer chandelier bought from london etc).
The world is fast becoming capitalist, that many of us without capital are nothing. The chinese have them, malays and indians have little of it, but at least if we are hardworking, we wont be so left behind. The NEP was supposed to give some capital to malays, but I really dont know now where it went. But in the meantime, we lost that will to work hard. Tuhan tahu, if we work hard we will be rewarded.
My 2 sen.
Salam TDM…
Dengan KONTRAK SOSIAL yang telah TDM terangkan, saya ada kemusykilan berkenaan dengan status warganegara. Saya menetap di JB dan apa yang saya dapati ialah kebanyakkan anak-anak berketurunan Indonesia (ibubapa warganegara indonesia) telah mendapat status WARGANEGARA MALAYSIA dengan memiliki surat beranak dan kad pengenalan biru.
Mereka ini bersekolah di sekolah kebangsaan sama seperti kita dan apa yang membimbangkan ialah mereka ini menuntut hak seperti taraf warganegara bumiputera. Apakah ini sesuatu yang dibenarkan oleh perlembagaan negara malaysia? Saya dapati pemberian hak warganegara kepada golongan-golongan seperti saya nyatakan diatas berada pada tahap membimbangkan!! Jika perkara ini dibiarkan berterusan akan terjadilah seperti mana yang TDM nyatakan pada awal pembentukan Malaysia iaitu KONTRAK SOSIAL dengan kaum yang baru ini!!!!!
Satu lagi yang saya dapati tentang pendidikan dan pengajaran di Malaysia masa kini. Saya yang berasal di JB dan dibesarkan di JB mendapati tahap pendidikan dan pengajaran yang diamalkan di sekolah-sekolah amat tidak menyenangkan.
Saya tidak mempertikaikan kepakaran tenaga pengajar tetapi “undang-undang” yang diterapkan oleh Jabatan Pelajaran. Saya dapati tenaga-tenaga pengajar ini gagal mendidik serta mengajar bukan disebabkan oleh kepakaran mereka tetapi lebih kepada “undang-undang” yang telah menyekat penyampaian pendidikan serta pengajaran tersebut.
Sebagai contoh, tenaga pengajar ini di LARANG mengenakan hukuman atau denda pada murid-muid yang bermasalah. Jika murid-murid gagal menyiapkan kerja-kerja yang tenaga pengajar ini berikan, mereka (murid-murid) tidak boleh di denda atau di hukum… Mereka bebas melakukan apa sahaja dan segala kekurangan atau kesalahan mereka akan diletakkan pada tenaga pengajar. Perkara seperti ini amat jarang berlaku pada sekolah-sekolah jenis kebangsaan.
Jika murid-murid yang bermasalah ini di hukum atau di denda, maka tindakkan akan diambil kepada tenaga pengajar ini oleh jabatan Pelajaran ataupun ibupada murid tersebut. Perkara seperti inilah yang akan merosakkan anak-anak kaum bumiputera dan tidak mustahil satu hari nanti kita akan di “jajah” dan KONTRAK SOSIAL yang termaktub didalam perlembagaan akan terhapus!
Jika perkara seperti ini berterusan, saya yakin lambat laun kaum bumiputera akan kehilangan bumi tercinta ini. Tahap pendidikan anak-anak bumiputera kini berada pada tahap yang terlalu rendah jika dibandingkan dengan kaum-kaum lain.
Anak-anak kaum bumiputera harus dididik dan diajar dengan berkesan kerana suatu hari nanti mereka inilah bakal pemimpin yang akan mempertahankan KONTRAK SOSIAL tersebut.
Dengan apa yang telah berlaku sekarang dibawah kepimpinan “imam hadhari” yang ternyata GAGAL mempertahankan KONTRAK SOSIAL tersebut, kita haruslah memperkukuhkan anak-anak kita dengan ilmu dan taraf hidup yang tinggi agar mereka mampu mempertahankan KONTRAK SOSIAL tersebut.
P.S: Untuk mempastikan anak-anak kita hidup aman dibawah KONTRAK SOSIAL tersebut, kita wajib menolak atau membuang terus “imam hadhari” dari terus merosakkan KONTRAK SOSIAL tersebut!!
Hari ini saya telah meminta semua anak2 saya yang berusia 13 hingga 21 tahun membaca artikel “KONTRAK SOSIAL MALAYSIA” penulisan Tun yang ringkas, jujur, jelas dan padat ini. Saya meminta mereka menyebarkan penulisan ini kepada kawan2 mereka.
Saya percaya ramai anak2 bangsa pelbagai bangsa generasi ini perlu disedar dan difahamkan tentang Kontrak Sosial, Ketuanan Melayu, Dasar Ekonomi Baru, Toleransi dan Visi Perjuangan Tun untuk Agama, Bangsa dan Negara.
Hari ini saya dan keluarga amat bangga dengan perjuangan Tun. Artikel hari ini merupakan salah satu ARTIKEL TERBAIK daripada puluhan artikel-artikel terbaik oleh Tun.
Tun adalah pemimpin terbaik pernah dilahirkan di TANAH MELAYU ini. Bagi mereka yang masih menafikan jasa dan sumbangan Tun, saya menganggap mereka ini sama ada “in the state of denial forever” atau bebal, bingung dan bermentaliti hipokrit. Artikel Tun penuh dengan urutan-urutan fakta sejarah Ketuanan Melayu yang tercatit di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Jika ingin menyangkal atau berdolak-dalih dengan Isu Kontrak Sosial yang diperjuangkan oleh Tun Mahathir, maka nasihat saya layarilah lamanweb Anwar Ibrahim yang penuh prejudis, hipokrasi, membangga diri, menjaja imej (self interest) dan mem’belakang’kan fakta2 atau kebenaran.
Hari ini saya menganggap Kerajaan ABDULLAH BADAWI & Menteri2 Pembodeknya bukan sahaja gagal dan biadap, malah menjurus ke arah mengkhianati hak2 ORANG MELAYU dan RAKYAT MALAYSIA.
Hari ini saya menganggap ANWAR IBRAHIM yang memperjuangkan Ketuanan DAP, Kesaksamaan PKR, Liberalisasi Islam, Penghapusan Etnik Hindraf, Foundation For Future Ala Amerika, Musang Yahudi, Talibarut Penyangak George Soros, Ilimiah Barat dan Penghapusan DEB bukan sahaja licik, pembohong, penipu dan hipokrit, malah Anwar Ibrahim adalah PENGKHIANAT & PETUALANG AGAMA, BANGSA & NEGARA.
Hari ini, Tun Mahathir telah memberi kesedaran tidak terhingga kepada Bangsa Melayu dan Rakyat Malaysia.
Inilah Amanat Khas Tun Mahathir bagi pihak rakyat Malaysia kepada Cawangan2 & Bahagian2 UMNO supaya sedar, bangun dan bertindak untuk singkirkan ABDULLAH BADAWI, KJ & PEMBODEK2nya SEKARANG JUGA, ATAU TERIMALAH KEKESALAN UMNO & BN DISINGKIRKAN OLEH ORANG2 MELAYU SENDIRI NANTI.
Kesal kemudian tiada gunanya……
Yang dihormati Tun Dr. Mahathir
This is an excellent summary of Malaysia history with regard to its topic. The social Contract. I hope our good Professor Ungku Aziz read this and understand it in detail. He was the one that insist on the non existent of the Social Contract. Perhaps not all professors are smart and knowledgeable. He got the style of an Orang Putih Cakap Melayu.
Personally, I think AAB can never handle this subject on Social Contract. Not even the back door Minister. They are just good pretender.
Read and understand it folks.
Thank you Tun and goodnite.
Hari ini saya telah meminta semua anak2 saya yang berusia 13 hingga 21 tahun membaca artikel “KONTRAK SOSIAL MALAYSIA” penulisan Tun yang ringkas, jujur, jelas dan padat ini. Saya meminta mereka menyebarkan penulisan ini kepada kawan2 mereka.
Saya percaya ramai anak2 bangsa pelbagai bangsa generasi ini perlu disedar dan difahamkan tentang Kontrak Sosial, Ketuanan Melayu, Dasar Ekonomi Baru, Toleransi dan Visi Perjuangan Tun untuk Agama, Bangsa dan Negara.
Hari ini saya dan keluarga amat bangga dengan perjuangan Tun. Artikel hari ini merupakan salah satu ARTIKEL TERBAIK daripada puluhan artikel-artikel terbaik oleh Tun.
Tun adalah pemimpin terbaik pernah dilahirkan di TANAH MELAYU ini. Bagi mereka yang masih menafikan jasa dan sumbangan Tun, saya menganggap mereka ini sama ada “in the state of denial forever” atau bebal, bingung dan bermentaliti hipokrit. Artikel Tun penuh dengan urutan-urutan fakta sejarah Ketuanan Melayu yang tercatit di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Jika ingin menyangkal atau berdolak-dalih dengan Isu Kontrak Sosial yang diperjuangkan oleh Tun Mahathir, maka nasihat saya layarilah lamanweb Anwar Ibrahim yang penuh prejudis, hipokrasi, membangga diri, menjaja imej (self interest) dan mem’belakang’kan fakta2 atau kebenaran.
Hari ini saya menganggap Kerajaan ABDULLAH BADAWI & Menteri2 Pembodeknya bukan sahaja gagal dan biadap, malah menjurus ke arah mengkhianati hak2 ORANG MELAYU dan RAKYAT MALAYSIA.
Hari ini saya menganggap ANWAR IBRAHIM yang memperjuangkan Ketuanan DAP, Kesaksamaan PKR, Liberalisasi Islam, Penghapusan Etnik Hindraf, Foundation For Future Ala Amerika, Musang Yahudi, Talibarut Penyangak George Soros, Ilimiah Barat dan Penghapusan DEB bukan sahaja licik, pembohong, penipu dan hipokrit, malah Anwar Ibrahim adalah PENGKHIANAT & PETUALANG AGAMA, BANGSA & NEGARA.
Hari ini, Tun Mahathir telah memberi kesedaran tidak terhingga kepada Bangsa Melayu dan Rakyat Malaysia.
Inilah Amanat Khas Tun Mahathir bagi pihak rakyat Malaysia kepada Cawangan2 & Bahagian2 UMNO supaya sedar, bangun dan bertindak untuk singkirkan ABDULLAH BADAWI, KJ & PEMBODEK2nya SEKARANG JUGA, ATAU TERIMALAH KEKESALAN UMNO & BN DISINGKIRKAN OLEH ORANG2 MELAYU SENDIRI NANTI.
Kesal kemudian tiada gunanya……
YABhg. Tun,
Salam hormat. Dalam komen saya kepada penjelasan awal YABhg. Tun beberapa minggu yang lalu mengenai kontrak sosial ada saya nyatakan bahawa pemimpin2 sekarang terutamanya PM dan Menteri yang jaga undang-undang dan peguam patut memberi penjelasan mengenai kontrak sosial apabila Majlis Peguam mempersoalkan kewujudan kontrak sosial.
Saya percaya mereka tidak akan dapat memberi penjelasan seperti YABhg Tun jelaskan dengan terperinci. Sejarah dan penubuhan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan usaha usaha mencapai Kemerdekaan adalah hasil daripada kontrak sosial yang dipersetujui oleh kaum kaun utama di negara ini.
Kenapa tidak ada respons/penjelasan mengenai perkara ini oleh pemimpin2 yang berkuasa sekarang apabila Majlis Peguam membincangkan dan mempersoalkan kewujudan kontrak sosial. Saya percaya mereka tidak terfikir seperti YABhg. Tun telah jelaskan. Apakah tugas-tugas Menteri yang jaga undang2…adakah beliau dilantik untuk tubuh suruhanjaya, pinda undang2 dan menyerahkan cek ex-gratia kepada hakim2 yang dipecat..!!! Dan bagaimana dengan Menteri menteri Melayu yang lain. Mereka patut baca nota YABhg Tun ini.
salam perjuangan…
Hak keistimewaan Melayu kini di cabar..kiranya masih ada Tok Janggut, Tok Bahaman, Dato Maharaja Lela, Mat Kilau..sudah semestinya…mereka yang mencabar ini ditentang habis-habisan sebagaimana penjajah..
“Umat Islam di akhir zaman ini, sebagaimana seratus ekor unta dan hanya seekor sahaja yang boleh dijadikan unta tunggangan”
salam perjuangan…
Hak keistimewaan Melayu kini di cabar..kiranya masih ada Tok Janggut, Tok Bahaman, Dato Maharaja Lela, Mat Kilau..sudah semestinya…mereka yang mencabar ini ditentang habis-habisan sebagaimana penjajah..
“Umat Islam di akhir zaman ini, sebagaimana seratus ekor unta dan hanya seekor sahaja yang boleh dijadikan unta tunggangan”
Hello Tun,
Is there any good that you are breeding racism for the next generation?
I have no choice to be born here. If only i can choose where to be born.
Isn’t God sovereign in deciding where one should be born?
Did you think other races in Malaysia appeared by chance? Or God select them to be here?
Have you ever thought of what if God wants you to be born a Chinese?
okie.. 4 things i hope you would look into and ponder over..
1)I as a Chinese have no problem with the Malay rights..but the thing is you take the rights and give it to Indonesian migrants
2)If you tax the Chinese, why not let them share also in the subsidies that you give to bumiputra alone? When Chinese do well, you tax them more isn’t it? Besides, i don’t think any Chinese send money back to China. I don’t even know anybody in China..all the money is retain in Malaysia..no repatriation of funds unlike all your menteri menteri who bring money and put oversea. Seriously, all the Malays who have commented and supported this post, please understand it is those menteri who made easy profit from “malay rights” who have brought the cash out of the country, buying businesess and properties oversea. Chinese spend it all here.
3)Vincent Tan, Ananda Krishnan, Lee Kim Yew? They are your partners aren’t they? All made rich under “malay Rights”
4)If a chinese or Indian memeluk islam, can they really enjoy the “malay rights” ah?
Tun, do not fear malay loses its rights,
chinese is not interested in the malay rights..you can keep it, chinese just want to survive..and live a happy life..besides…time on earth is short. That is why we are the great migrants..always in search of a better life. Things we like are food, nice car, nice house,big tv, iphone etc etc.
I am not asking that the special help/priviledge that you give to the Malays to be given to all the Chinese…just give to those Chinese who are struggling..so we don’t have to keep borrowing from Ah long.
Chinese like Vincent Tan don’t need your help.. so no need to help them.
Help me..I am only a working class chinese in Malaysia and I never fail to pay my tax..my company deduct using the PCB system.
Prices are very high in Malaysia, I am struggling. My malay colleague name Hamzah is also struggling with me. He told me he actually did not benefit from the “malay Rights”. He send in many many business proposal to government before but only the well connected malay gets help.
You know why Malaysia cannot solve the foreign illegal immigrant problem especially from Indonesia?
Because they know once they come here, find a Malay woman, make sweet love to her and this Indonesian will become a Bumiputra.
DO you know why so many Indonesian maids run away?Because they run away, find a Malay man, make sweet love to him, bare a child and becomes a Bumiputra. Easy right?
That is why we can never solve this social problem..
You can’t blame the police..there are too many social problems and police are all more worried over peaceful demo rather than robbery now.
DOn’t hate Me..please help me, God chose me to be born a Chinese in Malaysia. I did not choose that.
To Twocents02:
Please stop insulting the Malays and brand us as lazy.
To sjankan..
dear sjankan urself yg racist actually 😉
ur ques..
“U R Racist…. Apa motif Tun tulis artikel ini? takan nak tulis tanpa agenda?”
klu u sdiri xtau wat pa nk org lain yg bg tau..
klu u sdiri sudah tau..kasi tutup la u punya mulut tgn..
jgn suruh org lain plak..
p/s: sorry 4my frank word…10q
Salam Tun,
Terima kasih kerana maklumat yang amat berguna ini. Ramai golongan muda sekarang ini kurang faham apatah lagi menghayati soal Kontrak Sosial Malaysia. Memahami ini dapat membantu rakyat bukan Melayu untuk faham bahawa kerajaan Malaysia bukan hanya mementingkan bangsa Melayu.
Orang melayu terlalu baik sangat…
dah sedap2 nama ‘Tanah Melayu’… ditukarnya jadi Malaysia..
lihat negara China, India… ada tak penambahan sebutan?
~ orang cina dah ada negara sendiri iatu China, orang india dah pun ada negara sendiri iaitu India, orang melayu ????….
minta maaf pada chinese and india, kami bukan racist, tapi sebenarnya kamu beruntung kerana bangsa kamu ada negara sendiri..kamu sepatutnya berbangga…tetapi, bangsa kami masih lagi bertatih mencari jati diri..
we can not always talked about past, history. We must solved the problems based on current situation. We must face the reality.
If you keep on talking about the past, no one here is a bumiputra! ALL ARE IMMIGRANT!
Dear Tun
I find your latest posting on social contract is very interesting. I admire your ability to explain it in a simple and plain English. Social contract should be included in the history lesson taugh in schools so it would be understood by all Malaysias regardless of their race. I don’t believe that Pak Lah is inteligent and knowledgable to discuss and elaborate the subject.
If the social contract and Bumiputra rights are clearly defined and stated in the constitution, I believe it should be accorded to the Malays and it is not the right for other Malaysians to question. However, an amendment to the constitution could be done if majority of the citizens decided to abolish Bumiputra rights. A national referendum on this should be done. Abolishing Bumiputra rights without ensuring any discrimination against Bumiputras is dangerous.
People labelled you as a dictator because they confused the difference between dictatorship and strong leadership. You were a strong leader who was capable of holding the country united. With weak leader like Pah Lah, everything falls apart. Although I don’t live in Malaysia anymore, it is sad that my homeland is leading to destruction at the mercy of current leaders.
Keep on writing Tun. Harap Tun and keluarga sihat2 selalu.
Except for the last few points, I have read this article in one of your book (probably The Way Forward). In other words, you have tried to educate us but nobody seems to be learning especially the current leadership, be it Pak Lah and the opposition.
You have to save us Tun, if not, with the current economy coupled with weak leadership, we may not only having economic problem but also start fighting with each other races.
Salam Tun,
The comments from ‘Godfather’ ended with the following statement:
“At the rate UMNO is going, there will be 10 pct non-Malays by 2050, and these will be those who are not skilled or qualified enough to migrate elsewhere. Then UMNO can have its Tanah Melayu, just as Zimbabwe now has its Robert Mugabe.”
I am certainly not pro the UMNO under Pak Lah today, but if non-bumis or non-Malays kept challenging the social contract as is happening these days, I for one do not have a problem if Malaysia is left with only 10% non-Malays. Good riddance in fact, unless they understand how to behave and show respect to the Malays and bumis accordingly.
I don’t see a problem for Malaysia to progress even without these ungrateful non-bumis or non-Malays. They under-estimate the capability of the Malays too much, always thinking that we are an incapable lot in practically everything, and we desperately need the non-Malays to progress.
Dear Tun,
The present UMNO is merely a forum for PakLah to toy with. I do not see UMNO as a political party worthy to co-run the Govt, much less themselves.
PakLah knows the history that you had mentioned, however he chooses to not learn from history, instead seeks to recreate history. A history where he is the only one visible (lets not start with Najib!).
However history should be a platform for us to understand the need for change. Change in the mindset of not only the Bumiputra but also the rest of our fellow Malaysians. I do believe that we need to form the country as one. I do believe that we need to produce a Malaysian society. Isn’t these factors part of what Vision 2020 was trying to create? Its a pity that this Wawasan has been forgotten.
I do not want my children to be living in a society where we are always bound by our history however history should be used for us to be one for the country, moving positvely forward.
The social contract that was set by our forefathers should merely give us the guidance to become truly Malaysian. Many in UMNO would not agree with me, I am sure. Thats because they live in the past where perhaps the periuk nasi mentality is still stronger than contribution towards a truly united community.
Manakah terdapatnya social contract yang tulin? cuba lihat , manakah terdapatnya melayu tulin?? terkecuali orang asli saja lah. yang lain juga pendatang dari nusantara, semua kacukan sahaja.
Golongan kacukan melayu ini lah mengambil kuasa dalam pemerintahan malaysia. Khasnya golongan mamak mempunyai pilihan sahaja dan paling menguntungkan, mahu masuk MIC atau UMNO, mereka mempunyai hak untuk memilih. tapi bangsa lain tiada pilihan.
#Abdullah Badawi’s forefathers came from Hainan Island, China.
#Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s forefathers came from Kerala State, India.
#Sanusi Junid’s forefathers came from Aceh,Sumatra, Indonesia.
#Senator Datuk Syed Ali Al-Habshee, the Cheras UMNO Chief, whose forefathers were Ethiopian-Arab slaves.
salam tun,
malang betul kaum bumiputera dengan Pak Lah yang lemah, bodoh yang merosak hak istimewa orang melayu.
macamana nak buat orang bodoh ni… tak faham-faham dengan prestasi sendiri dalam PRU12.
Pah Lah adalah seorang yang jahil tak tahu mana sebenarnya yang “hak” dan yang mana sebenarnya yang “adil” seperti yang selalu diucapkannya dialah seorang yang adil bagi semua kaum tapi merosak kaum sendiri.
50 SEBAB kenapa KITA HARUS menolak Pak LAH:-
1) Tidak menghormati serta menolak nasihat dan teguran oleh Negarawan Negara iaitu Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dan pemimpin-pemimpin lain. Atas sikap inilah pemimpin-peminpin lain juga telah bersikap kurang ajar dan biadap serta memperkecil-kecilkan kewibawaan Tun Dr. Mahathir seperti Nazri Aziz, Musa hitam, Shabery, Zaid ibrahim dan lain-lain lagi.
2) Penglibatan Ahli Keluarga terutama anaknya Kamaludin dan menantunya Khairy Jamaluddin di dalam menentukan dasar dan keputusan pentadbiran Pak Lah. Semua menteri tahu berkenaan hal ini dan mereka takut menyuarakannya dan mengambil sikap berdiam diri.
3) Mempunyai “Penasihat Tingkat 4” yang kurang cerdik lagi bodoh sombong. Mereka ini terdiri daripada orang-orang yang terdiri dari mereka yang “bijak pandai”, “pemikir” dan “berilmu tinggi” yang mendapat kelulusan dari University Oxford, Cambridge dsb. PM tidak memerlukan mereka yang berkelulusan dari Universiti dari dalam negara kita. Hebat-hebat mereka ini.
4) Beliau tidak membenarkan ahli-ahli umno menegur serta mengkritik beliau. Sekiranya ada, mereka akan dikenakan tindakan, diugut ataupun dipecat. Mereka juga sanggup mempergunakan pegawai keselamatan kita seperti polis, FRU dan BPR untuk bertindak kepada mereka-mereka yang berani.
5) Tidak fokus dan mendapat maklumat tidak tepat tentang kepercayaan rakyat kepada beliau terutamanya ahli akar umbi UMNO semasa Pilihanraya Umum ke-12 (PRU12) yang lepas.
6) Kerajaan BN kalah teruk, sehingga hilang 6 negeri (termasuk Wilayah Persekutuan) kepada pembangkang – sesuatu yang memalukan dan mengaibkan Barisan Nasional (BN) terutamanya UMNO.
7) Paklah selalu membuat keputusan yang berubah-ubah (Flip-flop). Sekejap ada sekejap tiada. Sekejap tiada sekejap ada. Jawapan yang selalu keluar dari mulutnya seperti ” I dont know!” dan ” I’m not involved!.
8) Terlalu banyak membazirkan wang rakyat untuk kepentingan peribadi seperti mengubahsuai rumahnya di Sri Perdana bernilai RM15.81 juta (seperti yang dilaporkan oleh balaci beliau nazri Aziz di parlimen), dan menganjurkan parti sosial bersama kroni-kroninya di rumahnya dengan kehadiran semua ahli keluarganya meraikan bersama-sama. Turut hadir adalah bos pasukan F1 Ferrari Jean Todt dan tunangnyer Michele Yeoh.
9) Membatalkan Projek Jambatan Bengkok (menggantikan jambatan sedia ada di sebelah tambak johor) yang sedang dalam pembinaan dan Projek Landasan Berkembar Keretapi Laju yang ditangguhkan. tapi sekarang kedengaran projek ini akan disambung semula. Yang nyata kos pembinaan dan perlaksanaannya meningkat 100% (seperti lapuran dari chedet.com) apabila dimulakan kelak.
10) Hilangnya kedaulatan negara berkenaan Pulau Batu Putih kepada Singapura. Mengikut Sultan Johor Pulau Batu ini adalah hak milik kita, tetapi apakan daya akhirnya jatuh ke tangan Singapura. Dan kita “dihadiahkan” Batuan Tengah (South Ledge).Win-win situation katanya.
11) Penglibatan Khairy Jamaludin dan Kalimullah dalam kes ECM Libra – Pengabungan dengan Avenue Capital. Ibarat syarikat kecil menelan syarikat besar. Setelah di bongkar kegiatannya, dengan cepat beliau menjual saham-sahamnya di dlam ECM Libra dan memperolehi keuntungan berjuta-juta ringgit.
12) Penglibatan Kamaludin dalam penganugerahan kontrak secara terus dari Petronas kepada SCOMI. Dimana Scomi lah satu-satunya syarikat yang diluluskan oleh kerajaan untuk membekalkan minyak penggerudian (drilling fluid) kepada semua syarikat-syarikat carigali yang menggali dan mencari minyak di lautan negara kita.
13) Memecat Tan Sri Mahalel sebagai CEO Proton yang dianggap berjaya membawa keuntungan kepada proton dan melantik orang yang tidak punya apa-apa pengalaman dalam industri ini.
14) Penjualan MV Agusta (Milik Proton) kepada Gevi Spa dengan harga 1 euro – Beli dengan harga RM315 juta (70 juta euro)dan menjualnya dengan harga RM4.50 sahaja. Dan bukannya RM4.50/unit saham.
15) Indek jenayah meningkat akibat ketidakseimbangan sosio-ekonomi negara. contohnya Kes Nurin Jazlin serta Kes Sharlini dan Asmawi yang sehingga kini masih belum selesai.
16) Penglibatan Pak Lah dalan scandal “Oil for Food” dengan Iraq. Program dimana pertukaran makanan dengan minyak dengan negara Iraq. Oleh Syarikat yang dimiliki oleh Kakak iparnya.
17) Menubuhkan Islam Hadhari yang nyata lari dari landasan “Islam” yang sebenar.
18) Penyelewengan Wang Ehsan Terengganu kepada Patrick Lim (Patrick Badawi) seperti penganjuran Monsoon Cup, Pembinaan Masjid Kristal, Perkampungan Hadhari dsb. Siapakah Patrick Lim ini? Patrick Lim adalah bapa saudara kepada Azrene Abdullah, isteri kepada Kamaluddin, anak PM Malaysia. Jadi Patrick Lim adalah bapa saudara kepada menantu Pak Lah yang bernama Azrene.
19) Pembangunan Wilayah Iskandar Malaysia yang memihak kepada kepentingan singapura. Namanya pula sudah 3 kali di tukar ganti. Kepentingan bumuputera juga diabaikan. Kerajaan juga berkali-kali menukar polisi pelaburan di WPI ini atas desakan rakyat.
20) Tidak menunjukkankan keprihatinan atau tindakan segera kepada nasib malang rakyat yang mengalami sesuatu bencana seperti banjir, tsunami dan kes hilang anak. Seingat saya kes sharlinie dan aswawi ini tidak tidak datang menjenguk dan begi semangat cuma menghantar “first lady”nya sahaja serta pemimpin-pemimpin yang prihatin kepada nasib rakyatnya.
21) Menaikkan harga petrol dan diesel dengan terlalu tinggi hingga menyusahkan rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah semenjak mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan dari Tun Dr Mahathir.
22) Tidak memainkan peranan yang besar dalam OIC semasa malaysia mempengerusikan mesuarat OIC. Tidak berani bersuara langsung.
23) Pemberian kontrak secara runding terus daripada Kerajaan kepada kroni-kroninyer sahaja tanpa tender terbuka ataupun dengan tender terbuka.
24) Menubuhkan GLC di bawah kementerian kewangan untuk menyelia dan mentadbir berkenaan projek-projek di bawah RMK-9 seperti Pembinaan BLT , Pelaburan Hartanah Bumiputera Berhad, dsb. Bukankah Kementerian Kewangan ini dibawah Pak Lah. – Disinilah antara tempat kroni menagih projek-projek.
25) Penglibatan Anak Syarikat Scomi, Scope dalam penghasilan centrifuges untuk membuat senjata nuklear melalui agennya BSA Tahir (Dia di tahan dibawah ISA dan kini dikhabarkan dbeliau telah bebas)
26) Kenaikan harga barang pengguna yang tidak terkawal hari ke hari sehingga menyusahkan rakyat. Dan adakalanya sampai stok tiada di pasaran. seperti minyak, gula, tepung dsb.
27) Membuatkan menteri-menteri serta ahli Umno menjadi takut untuk menegur kepimpinan beliau walaupun mereka tahu akan kesalahan dan kesilapan beliau. Cari makan katakan.
28) Indek rasuah dilaporkan meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Rasuah di mana-mana. Untuk jadi pemimpin pun kena memberi rasuah. MasyaAllah.
29) Kaum lain mengambil kesempatan di atas kelemahan beliau untuk menuntut hak mereka yang dianggap keterlaluan. – contohnya Hindraf.
30) Segala ucapan dan mesej beliau kepada rakyat tiada isi dan tidak menarik minat orang ramai mendengarnya. Hanya membaca teks yang telah disediakan. Bosan.
31) Tidak mempunyai “aura” sebagai seorang pemimpin yang berwibawa dan berwawasan demi kepentingan agama, bangsa dan negara.
32) Selalu menafikan sesuatu perkara yang akan berlaku dan akhirnya berlaku juga – “Denial Syndrome”
33) Pemberian kontrak membekal bas kepada SCOMI untuk dibekalkan kepada Syarikat Prasarana Negara untuk RapidKL dan Rapid Penang.
34) Tidak menjawab segala tuduhan yang dilemparkan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir dengan jelas dan berfakta. Sampai sekarang diam membisu. Dan juga tuduhan-tuduhan terbaru di laman blog chedet.com.
35) Suka “Tidur” dan selalu menguap semasa sesi penerangan dan majlis-majlis tertentu.
36) Selalu mengambil cuti untuk ke Perth, Australia bersama anak dan cucu-cucunya walaupun rakyat di dlam kesusahan semamsa banjir yang berlaku di johor tahun lepas – Kampung kedua selepas Pulau Pinang.
37) Tidak peka dan tidak berani memberi tekanan kepada kuasa luar di atas tindakan mereka menindas dan menyerang umat islam di seluruh dunia.
38) Tidak mengambil langkah drastik untuk merangsangkan kedudukan ekonomi negara yang agak perlahan dan tidak bermaya ini.
39) Peluang pekerjaan yang terhad dan jumlah penggangguran yang tinggi.
40) Mengatur dan melantik wakil-wakil calon untuk diketengahan semasa penamaan calon PRU12. Orang lama digugurkan tanpa sebab.
41) Melindungi dan menafikan akan penglibatan menteri serta orang berkepentingan yang mempunyai rekod buruk ataupun rasuah.
42) Memberi peluang DAP (parti bukan Melayu) menawan Pulau Pinang iaitu negeri kelahirannya.
43) Menghapuskan subsidi minyak dan digantikan dengan pemberian rebat tunai yang mungkin akan melibatkan penyelewangan di bawah POS Malaysia.
44) Dasar yang diutarakan sentiasa berubah-ubah akibat tiada membuat kajian yang mendalam dan adakalanya bertindih dengan keputusan menteri-menteri lain.
45) Mengawal media-masa di bawah pengaruh Kalimullah untuk kepentingan politik Pak Lah yang Terlampau. Dia ini lah yang dikatakan “Spin Doctor” oleh Tun Mahathir.
46) Memecat Ketua Editor Melayu Di NST yang dimiliki oleh UMNO dan diganti dengan Brendan Parera. (akhirnya diberhentikan juga atas desakan)
47) Membenarkan Kapal perang Amerika berlabuh Di Pelabuhan Kelang semasa Perang Iraq.
48) Memberi kontrak secara runding terus kepada Patrick Lim (Patrick Badawi) berkenaan projek Jambatan Kedua Pulau Pinang dan Sistem Monorel di Pulau Pinang
49) Pihak Kerajaan membayar ex-gratia kepada Tun Salleh Abbas dan bekas-bekas hakim lain sebagai tanda memohon maaf bagi pihak kerajaan. Jumlahnya juga dirahsiakan untuk pengetahuan umum.
50) Pembelian pesawat peribadi (yang dikatakan disewa dan diselengagarakan oleh PMB) yang menelan kos sebanyak hampir RM200 juta .
Jangan takut, jangan malu berani bersemuka dengan siapa sahaja.
Masalah orang Melayu sekarang tidak berani bersemuka dengan bangsa lain kononnya isu perkauman peduli apa dengan kaum CINA dan INDIA diorang tumpang NEGARA MALAYsia kalau nak hidup cara diorang baliklah ke NEGARA CHINAsia dan INDIAsia ingat asal usul nenek moyang yang beranak kat NEGARA lain bukannya di MALAYsia. CERMIN SIKIT MUKA TU JANGAN NAK TUNJUK PANDAI PULAK.
Sorry TUN terlalu emosi kerana punca kekalahan PRU-12 bukanlah daripada orang MELAYU UMNO tetapi bangsa lain INDIA CINA yang tak kenang budi orang MELAYU di TANAH MELAYU yang BODOH bagi diorang ni duduk kat TANAH MELAYU. PENIPU PUNYA CINA INDIA
Salam sejahtera Tun Mahathir,
Saya ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kerana kesudian Tun menandatangani buku ‘DR MAHATHIR’S SELECTED LETTERS TO WORLD LEADERS’pagi tadi di Port Dickson Golf & Country Club.Ini adalah kali pertama saya berpeluang betul-betul bersama dengan Tun.Segala-galanya menjadi mudah bagi saya pagi tadi.Saya pernah membaca buku mengenai Karl Marx suatu ketika dulu,antara yang saya ingat ialah apabila seseorang memberi tahu Karl Marx bahawa “gerakan Marxist sedang hebat berkembang di Perancis sekarang”,maka berkata Karl Marx kepada si pemberitahu,”aku bukan Marxist”.
Minggu lepas saya membaca sebuah buku bertajuk ‘UMNO dan MALAYAN UNION’ karangan Ja’afar Onn (anak kepada Dato’ Onn bin Ja’far).Kombinasi maklumat dari buku ini dan apa yang Tun terangkan kepada kita semua dapat membantu Melayu seperti saya memahami sejarah bangsa dengan lebih baik.Saya adalah Melayu biasa yang ‘lahir’ selepas PRU12,bukan seorang sarjana mahupun seorang intelek.Saya cadangkan kita membaca buku ini, ianya tidak tebal.
Kesimpulan yang saya dapat buat ialah senarionya adalah sama waktu Melayu melawan Malayan Union dulu dan sekarang.Nama Malayan Union sekarang adalah ‘MALAYSIAN,MALAYSIA’,sementara ‘Inggeris’nya pula…….fikirlah sendiri.Kesan akibat kepada bangsa Melayu nanti adalah PUKULAN MAUT.Jika ini berlaku Melayu yang mengejek Tun juga akan turut maut.Sejarah berlaku dan akan terus berlaku.Bagaimana Yugoslavia kini terbahagi kepada tujuh negara.Jika sekiranya kita gagal bertindak sekarang maka itu namanya mengundang padah.Bila tewas,Melayu tidak akan berdiam diri,maka terjadilah tragedi,lebih buruk kali ini.Inilah yang diimpikan oleh hindraf dan DAP.Untuk Melayu terus hidup selama-lamanya kita mesti ada keberanian untuk mencipta sejarah,belum terlambat,pejuang-pejuang zaman Malayan Union dulu masih bersama kita.Kalau mereka, bukan Melayu (AI termasuk)ingin menukar perlembagaan,MAKA KITA JUGA PERLU MENUKAR PERLEMBAGAAN.Undang-undang manusia boleh di tukar demi untuk keselamatan bangsa.Tidak perlu kecoh lagi pasal kontrak sosial,KUASA MUTLAK BANGSA MELAYU.Tidak ada lagi’kongsi kuasa atau kongsi raya’.Bunyinya agak radikal.Apakah orang-orang Cina dan India ini tidak radikal?Datang dari jauh untuk menghina bangsa Melayu,’menolong anjing tersepit’,sudah lupakah kita semua dengan peribahasa Melayu ini.Kita mulakan sekarang,Tun mungkin tidak setuju dengan pemikiran ini.Seperti kata Karl Marx,”aku bukan Marxist”.Walau bagaimanapun saya tetap pejuang Tun… Tunggu blog saya nanti.
Salam Ayahanda Tun Sekeluarga serta Bloggers sekelian.
Terima Kasih yang tidak terhingga dari KAMI RAKYAT MALAYSIA kerana menjaga dan membantu AYAHANDA TUN mentadbir NEGARA MALAYSIA TERCINTA selama 22 tahun dengan cukup sempurna.
Tahniah juga buat Dato Mukhriz atas kelahiran puteri tersayang
Salam Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,
Maaflah, nak mencelah lagi, baru dapat ilham…
Cuba kaji orang2 dalam Bar Council, mereka terdiri daripada vultures yang menunggu masa nak buat duit bagi sapa2 nak melawan kerajaan Malaysia. Macam si karpal, dapat 10% daripada rakyat Msia yang mahu melawan kerajaan dah cukup untuk dia jadi kaya raya.
Saya pernah mendapatkan khidmat peguambela dan terduduk dalam kelompok mereka di kafetaria. Ini yang saya pernah dengar…mereka risau kalau kes mereka didengar oleh hakim yang tegas, yang tidak bertolak-ansur sebab kalau kalah kes memberi impak kepada firma mereka. Jadi ada yang sanggup mendapatkan bantuan orang dalam untuk memastikan kes mereka didengar oleh hakim yang lebih relax, tidak terlalu tegas. Ini tindakan orang baik2 kah? Ini tindakan para penyamun, tambah pula sekarang dapat lesen besar dari Dollah dan Zaid. Inilah golongan dalam Bar Council yang tak bermaruah tetapi mahu pertikaikan keistemewaan orang melayu, keistimewaan bukan melayu dalam social contract!
Terima kasih
Salam Ayahanda Tun Sekeluarga serta Bloggers sekelian.
Bravo…………. Pengetahuan yang cukup berguna…… Saya setuju dengan apa yang diperkatakan oleh bloggers yang bernama ” princeofpeace “.
Pinjam sat Bro……
Saya hendak bertanya kepada golongan-golongan pendatang, berapa ramaikah bangsa kamu mati akibat mati kena tusukan keris selama ini? Sedangkan apabila kamu bagai nak rak berdentum-dentam satu kampung Naga menari, mercun meletup-letup adakah bangsa Melayu bising dan mempertikaikan..Saya percaya sikitpun bangsa Melayu tak kesah..kerana Bangsa Melayu kerana naga adalah lambang bangsa kamu…Apa ada pada lambang pada hakikatnya pribumi masih menjadi hamba di bumi sendiri?
Kaum Cina dan kaum India diMalaysia ini tidak sepatutnya mempertikaikan hak-hak dan warisan orang-orang Melayu sama sekali. Selama 50 tahun merdeka, orang-orang Melayu tidak pernah mempertikaikan apa yang mereka miliki dan apa yang mereka lakukan selagimana mereka tidak tidak melanggar akya-akta dan undang-undang negara.
Apa yang berlaku sekarang adalah kerana golongan muda dari kaum Cina dan kaum India tidak tahu apa apa yang tetulis dan termaktub dalam “KONTRAK SOSIAL MALAYSIA”. Sepatutnya MCA dan MIC harus memainkan peranan mereka dalam memperjelaskan “KONTRAK SOSIAL MALAYSIA” ini kepada kaum-kaum yang mereka wakili. Sentiasa diperingatkan supaya mereka menjadi lebih beradap dan tidak mempertikaikan hak-hak orang Melayu.
Pihak pembangkang PAKATAN RAKYAT terutamanya dari parti DAP suka memainkan isu-isu yang berbaur perkauman. Dan yang terbaru parti Keadilan dibawah pimpinan al-juburi juga mula mengambil tindakan yang sama walaupun tidak secara terang-terangan.
Tidak sepatutnya isu Keris pada baru-baru ini, dijadikan satu isu yang besar kerana Keris adalah lambang dan warisan turun temurun orang-orang Melayu.
Dimajlis-majlis perkahwinan, pengantin lelaki masih lagi berpakaian ala pendekar. Keris terselit dipinggang, dibahagian hadapan atau dipegang. Permainan Silat masih dapat kita lihat dimajlis-majlis seperti ini.
Apakah apabila keris digunakan, dan permainan silat dipertontonkan pada majlis seperti ini, APAKAH mereka terasa mereka tercabar?????????
Fikir…..Fikirkan lah…..Nabil.
Ternyata kerajaan pakBODOlah terlalu lemah untuk menangani isu-isu sebegini.
TURUN…………………..LAH……. TURUN……..
Dear Dr. Mahati Mohammad,
How r u? I’m an international student in your country. before coming here, everything we heard, was good thing that Malaysia is a developing and safe country. the moment we came here, we noticed that there are bad news everywhere about the crime rates happen especially for foreigners who r living here. so we rented an expensive appartment in Juta Mines Condominium that guaranteed the 24 hour security. not leaving money at home, not being out at nights, always worried even when we were to sleep that somebody may come to the house and threaten us by nife to give him everything we have. we were two girs living together. finally the bad event happened. when we were out from 12-7pm, somebody had come to the appartment by the back window which is on the 8th floor, broke the kitchen lock and robbed my housemate’s laptop and mp3player which cost 1200US$. she couldn’t beleive that. we went immidiately to the building security and they came up, told us to go to kajang police station ad report there. we did it. the day after, we went to the management office to complain about the security system, the only thing they told us was:” we are sorry!!” can we buy another laptop by your feeling sorry?! we called to our embassy, they told us that we can go to police station again and complain from the management and security head of the condominium. we did it, too. they promised us to come and check the security and complain to the management. in these ways, everyone told us that there is no use of doing these things, there is not any security in this country. so, is this the answer we should hear after all these developments in your country? isn’t security the first priority in a country to attract the tourists and others to come to that country? i know that all the recent developments in Malaysia are your plans and efforts result. so, it is obvious that your country is so important for you. please help us for feeling secure and relaxed here as foreign students. otherwise, these bad feelings go with us to our country and everywhere else and i’m sure that you don’t want that. I really appreciate your kind helps in advance.
Hajar Kashani
Apabila ada transisi power dalam pucuk pimpinan negara, tidak pernah dalam sejarah politik negara terjadi seperti apa yang kita lihat sekarang ini. Sungguhpun dulu tetap ada konflik dalaman parti, juga pertelagahan antara dua pemimpin; yang memimpin dan yang bakal memimpin…tetap budaya menghormati bekas pemimpin tetap dijunjung. Dunia tahu pertelagahan Tengku Abdul Rahman dan Tun Mahathir satu ketika dulu, tetapi even apabila TDM memerintah, nama Tengku Abdul Rahman tetap dipastikan akan tetap disanjung dalam sejarah bangsa hinggalah ke generasi kami yang malah tidak sempat melihat Tengku pun.
Tetapi apabila Pak Lah berkuasa, apa yang terjadi kepada TDM amat mengejutkan kita anak bangsa. Bukanlah saya menidakkan ada kelemahan malah kesalahan yang TDM lakukan, tetapi cara character TDM mahu dibunuh amat tidak boleh diterima akal. Pak Lah juga malah membiarkan pemimpin-pemimpin hingusan menjadi begitu ‘kurang ajar’ sehingga kami rakyat melihat seorang bekas pemimpin boleh dihina, dicerca dan dikeji oleh sesiapa saja termasuk para pemimpin yang pernah menyanjungi TDM. Kami seolah-olah dididik bahawa semua sanjungan itu adalah fake, mengikut tuntutan masa atau lebih tepat mengikut tuntutan kepentingan pada masa tersebut.
Maka apa yang kita lihat sekarang ini adalah natijah kepada sikap KURANG AJAR itu. Rakyat merasakan tidak perlu menunggu untuk Pak Lah turun untuk rakyat tidak menghormati beliau malah menghina atau mencerca beliau…Kami diajar untuk berbuat demikian. Pak Lah telah melahirkan rakyat generasi baru. TIDAK PERLULAH HORMATI PEMIMPIN!
Hukum Karma…Pak Lah?
tumpang lau sat na bapak na..
go2 bapak go…yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah….