All posts by Che Det


1. I have lost faith in our civilisation. We cannot be civilised if we can allow mass murder to be committed in full view of the world.

2. That is what is happening to the people of Gaza.

3. Men, women, boys and girls, babies, patients in the hospital, the disabled; all of them are being killed.

4. The excuse is the retaliation against Hamas for attacking Israel.

5. Today more than 16,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed. The city of Gaza has been razed to the ground. The people have no roof over their heads. They live in the open as they cannot live even in hospitals and schools. These too are being destroyed by Israel.

6. The whole world is watching this on TV. And the whole world is doing nothing to stop this mass murder.

7. How can we claim to be civilised when mass murder can be perpetrated in full view of the world and the world does nothing to uphold the belief that among the rights that humanity must have is the right to live.


1. It is sad to see that in Malaysia, there are people who think that the Israeli attack against Gaza is a matter of concern only to the Muslims. It should not be so regarded. It is not even a war between the Israelis and the Palestinians. It is a case of criminal oppression of a powerful people against a weak people. It is in fact an international crime.

2. We abhor bullying in school. But in this case the bullying is done by a strong country against a weak people. It involves killing men, women, children and babies. Our condemnation of this bullying should be stronger. But obviously some of us don’t. We think it is the problem of Muslims. Non-Muslims should not care.

3. But in civilised human societies laws do not differentiate between race or religion. Laws apply to everyone equally. Thus if you murder someone, you have committed a crime whether you are of any race or religion.

4. What we are seeing in Palestine is not a war between two countries. What we are seeing is an attempt by the Israelis to commit genocide on the Palestinian. Genocide is a crime. If it had been genocide by the Palestinians against the Israelis, it would still be a crime.

5. So we should all object to this. Whether we are Muslims or Christians or even if we are of the same religion as the Jews we should protest against the barbaric acts that are being perpetrated now in Gaza and the West Bank.

6. So I hope that Malaysians of whatever origin, whether they be Muslims or non Muslims, Christians or Buddhists or Hindus should not consider this as something that is happening only to Muslims. It this happening to fellow human beings. Remember millions of Muslims died to defeat Germany and to end the oppression of the Jews.

7. We claim that we are all Malaysians. Yet we are showing the division between us over this human tragedy.


1. Kemaman menunjuk bahawa sokongan kepada UMNO merosot lagi. Selagi UMNO bersekongkol dengan DAP sokongan kepada UMNO akan terus merosot.

2. Semua sedar UMNO bukan lagi berjuang untuk bangsa, negara dan agama. Perjuangan UMNO ialah untuk duit, untuk selamatkan kepimpinan yang bersekongkol dengan jenayah.

3. Lagi pun pengundi UMNO bukan lagi yang ketahui jasa UMNO kepada negara. Mereka sudah tua dan tidak lagi aktif dalam arena politik.

4. Pengundi muda dibesar setelah negara maju. Mereka berpendapat memanglah negara maju sehingga penuh dengan pencakar langit. Peranan UMNO memajukan negara dari kemiskinan dahulu sehingga separuh maju sekarang tidak disedari oleh mereka.

5. Dalam PRU 16, UMNO akan hapus sama sekali. Yang boleh selamat UMNO ialah pemisahan dari DAP dan kembali perjuangan untuk bangsa, negara dan agama. Pemimpin yang usang perlu digugurkan. Dan masalah Melayu perlu diperjuangkan semula. Khusus berkenaan kemiskinan orang Melayu.

6. Saya sedih kerana bapa yang menyelamat UMNO pada satu masa dahulu, anak yang musnahkan UMNO setelah mengambil alih kepimpinan.

7. Suka atau tidak suka inilah kenyataan.

8. Inilah mesej Kemaman.


1. Saya amat risau dengan keadaan di Gaza dengan kedatangan musim sejuk.

2. Penderitaan akibat dari kekejaman Israel kini akan bertambah lebih berat lagi dengan musim sejuk yang sudah melanda penduduk Palestin.

3. Sebelum ini, pihak Aman Palestin telah menyediakan RM10 juta untuk membantu rakyat Palestin, Yaman, Syria dan Lebanon mengurangkan kesengsaraan mereka.

4. Malangnya, Aman Palestin kita disiasat oleh SPRM dan akaun-akaun mereka dibekukan. Dengan itu, bantuan RM10 juta yang disediakan tidak dapat di salurkan.

5. Bagi saya, SPRM boleh terus buat siasatan tetapi wang sebanyak RM10 juta dari akaun-akaun Aman Palestin perlu di benar disalurkan kepada rakyat Palestin dan penduduk –penduduk lain di Semenanjung Arab yang menderita menghadapi musim sejuk.

6. Jika SPRM sangsi sama ada wang tersebut akan sampai kepada rakyat Palestin atau tidak, mereka boleh hantar pegawai mereka mengiringi wakil Aman Palestin yang di amanah menyalur wang tersebut kepada rakyat Palestin.

7. Jika tidak, SPRM turut sama mendera rakyat Palestin yang memang sedang menderita akibat deraan Israel.


1. Walaupun Kerajaan dalam demokrasi didiri oleh parti yang menang, tetapi Kerajaan tidak menjadi Kerajaan untuk parti itu sahaja. Kerajaan demokrasi adalah untuk seluruh negeri atau negara. Peruntukan-peruntukan tidak boleh diperuntuk kepada parti yang mendiri Kerajaan sahaja. Semua rakyat perlu diberi peruntukan melalui wakil rakyat mereka.

2. Apabila Kerajaan menghadkan peruntukan untuk wakil rakyat parti Kerajaan sahaja, ia bertentangan dengan amalan demokrasi. Apabila peruntukan ini diberi jika wakil rakyat pembangkang sanggup sokong Kerajaan ia menjadi sogokan oleh Kerajaan untuk mendapat sokongan.

3. Soal rundingan tidak timbul. Amal sahaja cara Kerajaan negara mengikut prinsip demokrasi dan bukan Kerajaan untuk parti bolot duit Kerajaan.

4. Jikalau Kerajaan berhajat menghapuskan rasuah, jangan guna rasuah untuk dapat sokongan.


1. Kata Perdana Menteri, sokongan oleh wakil rakyat Parti Bersatu bukan kerana disogok.

2. Tetapi wakil rakyat Bersatu yang beralih sokong PM ke-10 mengaku mereka diberi peruntukan untuk Kawasan mereka yang biasanya diberi kepada wakil rakyat Kerajaan sahaja.

3. Ada pemberian lain juga diakui oleh wakil rakyat Bersatu.

4. Segala pemberian ini tetap rasuah kerana yang tidak sokong PM tidak dapat.


1. It is generally believed that on 7th of October 2023 Hamas launched rocket attack against Israel. As a result we are told 1400 Israelis were killed. Some captives were taken by Hamas.

2. Since then there seem to be no more kills by Hamas. On the other hand Israeli retaliation killed more than 2000 Palestinians on the 7th October. And everyday more than 100 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli bombs and rockets. To date the total number of Palestinians killed is 15,000.

3. Aljazeera shows the Palestinians carrying dead and wounded people to hospitals. Ambulances scuttled between hospitals and streets littered with collapsed buildings. Rescue workers worked continuously day and night. And off and on we see flames mushrooming as bombs and rockets exploded and burning buildings collapsing.

4. Now the Israeli armies have invaded Gaza city. Heavily armed Israeli soldiers are everywhere. They entered damaged houses, supposedly searching for Hamas. They have entered Al Shifa Hospital searching for the command center of Hamas or the hostages.

5. There was no fighting. There were no armed Palestinians. But Israel reports that 25 Israeli soldiers have been killed by the Palestinians.

6. The press were there, Al Jazeera as well as foreign reporters. Whereas the TV showed many Palestinians killed. There were dozens of dead people in shrouds lying on the ground. There were Palestinians praying over the dead before burial. There were big mass graves with the shrouded bodies thrown in.

7. Obviously the Palestinian are being killed and wounded. They are lying as patients on the floor in the corridors of the hospitals. Many were lying on the floor. Many were boys and girls. And dozens of new born babies lying in big cots or beds, crying, kicking their legs and waving their arms.

8. Outside people are being pulled out from under the collapsed buildings some alive, many dead.

9. But we get to see nothing of the 1400 Israelis killed on the first day. We do not see on TV or still pictures of the 1400 dead Israelis. We do not get to see the buildings which had been rocketed by Hamas. And we see none of the twenty-five Israeli soldiers who have been killed.

10. 1400 dead bodies is a big number. Surely we should be able to see the dead bodies after the rocket explosion. Surely the Israeli press would show the damage to building etc.

11. Maybe there were. Maybe the Israelis do not want to show what Hamas had done.

12. But Israel is claiming that their murderous punishment of the Hamas is because the Palestinians had dared to kill Israelis. Surely pictures of the killing and destruction caused by Hamas would show why Israel is punishing the Gazas.

13. But nothing is shown of the sufferings of the Israelis.

14. Is it really true that on the first day Hamas killed 1400 Israelis? Is it true that the reaction of Israel is due to provocation by Hamas.

15. Maybe Hamas fired the rockets. But is it true that the rockets, pierced the iron dome protecting Israel?

16. Okay. You cannot show that the dome failed. But it must have if 1400 Israelis were killed. Before 1400 Israelis could get killed, many buildings would have been destroyed. But Israel has not shown the destroyed buildings.

17. We remember that the attack against Iraq was because it had weapons of mass destruction. Now it is admitted that Iraq had no such weapon.

18. Can it be that 1400 Israelis were not killed. That it was a hoax; that Israel manufactured this lie to justify killing thousands of Palestinians, to justify invading Gaza and imposing Israeli rule over it.

19. Think.


1. The world is watching the mass murder of Palestinians by the Israelis.

2. It is not a war. We don’t see Palestinian soldiers fighting the Israeli invaders.

3. All we see are Israeli soldiers, fully armed, killing and wounding unarmed Palestinians. We see children being killed. We see babies being deprived of oxygen and dying. We see hospitals being forced to evacuate. And Gaza city is razed to the ground clearly burying Palestinians.

4. The picture is one of mass killing by armed Israeli soldiers, day in and day out. There is no resistance of any kind by the Palestinians.

5. It is not war. It is mass murder. It is ethnic cleansing. It is genocide.

6. But the world can do nothing as the American and European Governments clearly approve of what Israel is doing.

7. The Europeans and the Americans are as culpable for the genocide that is going on because they obviously approve.

8. So this is the new world order. This is the world order according to the American and European Governments.

9. I would like to say God help us.

10. But these Governments do not believe in God. They cannot. They have abandoned their own religions.


1. Dulu apabila berlaku rusuhan yang mendedah orang ramai kepada bahaya pembunuhan dan keseksaan, Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) akan hantar pasukan pengaman.

2. Malaysia telah hantar pasukan pengaman ke Congo, Namibia, Cambodia, Somalia, Bosnia Herzegovina dan kini, ke Lubnan.

3. Tetapi apabila Israel melakukan pembunuhan rakyat Palestin dengan kejam untuk hapus bangsa Palestin, kenapa PBB tidak hantar pasukan keselamatan sama sekali.

4. Saya percaya Amerika Syarikat (AS) dengan kuasa vetonya memain peranan.

5. Malaysia tidak perlu hadkan pendirian kepada merayu supaya Israel hentikan serangan.

6. Kita perlu bertubi-tubi desak supaya AS henti sokongan terhadap Israel.

7. Saya yakin hanya AS sahaja yang boleh hentikan pembunuhan beramai-ramai oleh Israel.


1. I cannot help but feel very disappointed that the Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit a few days ago failed to propose any concrete or strategic measures to pressure Israel and its Western allies to stop the massacre of Palestinian civilians.

2. Let’s not kid ourselves – all the strongly worded communiqué, statements, demands and condemnations directed towards Israel and its Western allies, in particular the United States will fall on deaf ears.

3. As it is, the reaction from war criminal Netanyahu is very telling, condescending and derogatory when he arrogantly said: “I say to the Arab leaders, if you want to preserve your interests, you must do one thing…Remain silent.”

4. The reality is that despite efforts by Israel over seven decades to strip Palestinians of their dignity, the Palestinians still hold their heads high.

5. In the past month, the Palestinians, including school going youths again proved their courage and defiance in the face of Israel’s barbarity and atrocities.

6. In the face of such adversity, we witnessed civilian Palestinians especially doctors and nurses, refusing to leave their hospitals for safer places, insisting on staying and treating the wounded at the risk of their own lives.

7. Many died but they will live on as martyrs and heroes.

8. Instead, it is Muslim and Arab leaders who are being stripped of their dignity as Israel, the US and their Western allies continue to “humour” them but never taking them seriously.

9. Despite sitting on areas of abundant wealth that could be used as leverage to demand Western nations apply sanction against Israel for its atrocities on Palestinians, Arab and Muslim leaders merely appeal for Israel to stop the genocide. They don’t even demand that the UN send peace keepers.

10. I am aware that some of these leaders are nauseated and want the Arab and Islamic Summit to take more drastic and concrete measures against Israel.

11. However, the others preferred to play it safe so that consensus could not be reached – other than the meaningless diplomatic appeal.

12. With that, the Palestinians are left at the mercy of Israel, the US and its Western allies. And they are as culpable as Israel over the genocide.

Note: This article is part of a speech on 16th November 2023 in a webinar titled: Addressing Inaction and Bias: A Critical Discussion on the International Community’s Approach to Gaza’s Genocide organised by the Arab Organisation for Human Rights in the UK (AOHR UK)