1. Anwar ask, “How are we a less Malay, Islamic Government”.

2. I suppose as PM Anwar assumes that he is above the law regarding the prohibition on talking about the 3R.

3. But if I answer I would be breaching the law. Police will question me.

4. I can answer “how”, I know a lot.

5. But in Malaysian democracy of today, many things cannot be talked about.
6. So I will not answer Anwar’s questions.


1. Words cannot describe the horrors befalling Gaza as a result of the Israeli genocide war. Israel claims that it was punishing the Palestinians because on the 7th October Hamas rocketed Israel killing, it is claimed, 1400 Israelis. But Israel forgets that for 70 years Israel had oppressed the Palestinians, stealing their land to create the state of Israel, expanding their country into Palestinian land, building settlements, arresting and incarcerating thousands of Palestinians without trial, torturing them, killing Palestinians every day, seizing Jerusalem and the West bank.

2. The Palestinians had tried to get back their land. They even accepted the state of Israel. But the oppression, the killing, the desecration of Al Aqsa, the arrest detention and torture, the building of settlements etc continued.

3. Is it unusual for Hamas to eventually resort to violence to retaliate against Israel. If on Oct 7th Hamas rocketed Israel, it is less than what other people would do if their land is occupied by others.

4. But the so-called punishment of the Palestinians is out of proportion to the damage done by Hamas. Already 18,000 Gazans have been killed. 70% of them were women and children. Even babies are not spared. The whole city of more than a million people has been razed to the ground. Hospitals, schools have been bombed. Electricity and water supply cut off. Food is not available. Except for a few Israelis being taken as hostages, Israel has not suffered much.

5. The whole world demand for a ceasefire. The whole world except the US – the champion of human rights and freedom from oppression. The US wants Israel to continue mass murder of the Palestinians not just in Gaza, but in the West Bank and in Lebanon. There are no Hamas in the West Bank or Lebanon. Israel is against all Palestinians.

6. It must have learnt a lot from the Nazis. For the Nazis the final solution was ridding the world of the Jews. For Israel the final solution seems to be to rid the world of Palestinians. It is not just Hamas. The only way to end the war is by killing all Palestinians in a massive genocide.

7. Netanyahu must know that ridding Israel of Hamas alone will not be the final solution. The Palestinians will breed fighters like Hamas to fight Israel. And the war will go on. Israel will never know peace.

8. The West must know this too. We have seen two world wars supposedly to end wars. But wars have not ended. It will not end because the US is forever preparing for wars, for killing people, for hegemony.

9. The veto against a ceasefire by the US is normal. This is a country founded on the genocide of the natives of North America. This we must not forget.


1. Kenyataan Sultan Johor baru-baru ini yang dia mahu SPRM dan Petronas melapor secara langsung kepadanya serta beberapa perancangan lain apabila dia menjadi Yang di-Pertuan Agong, tidak boleh diambil ringan.

2. Walaupun kuasa tersebut tidak diperuntukkan di dalam Perlembagaan, keinginan yang disampaikan oleh Sultan Johor itu jika menjadi kenyataan akan menimbulkan beberapa persoalan penting berkait dengan peranan Raja-Raja Melayu sebagai Raja Berperlembagaan.

3. Perlembagaan serta Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri telah menggaris secara terperinci peranan, tanggungjawab serta bidang kuasa setiap Raja yang memerintah Negeri-Negeri serta juga Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

4. Sebelum kuasa Raja-Raja dan Yang di-Pertuan Agong diperincikan di dalam Perlembagaan yang disediakan untuk Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang merdeka, pihak Raja-Raja mudah dipaksa oleh British supaya menyerah negeri-negeri mereka kepada British dan mereka menjadi Raja yang tidak ada negeri. Untuk elak dari tekanan seperti ini konsep Raja Berperlembagaan disyor dan diterima.

5. Hari ini tekanan perlu dibuat juga kepada Parlimen. Hanya jika Raja dan Parlimen bersetuju barulah sesuatu undang-undang atau dasar atau keputusan boleh dibuat. Agihan kuasa antara dua pihak lebih selamat dari kuasa mutlak.


1. I met ten Korean people the other day. They were not Koreans from Korea. They were from Japan.

2. When Korea was under Japanese rule about one hundred years ago, a large number of Koreans were brought to Japan to work as labourers.

3. When Korea became independent, the descendants of the migrants chose to remain in Japan. They did not get Japanese citizenship, nor do they have votes in Japanese elections.

4. They can vote in Korean election but they had no documents to prove they were Korean citizens. So, they do not participate in Korean politics either. They do not have Korean political parties in Japan.

5. But they seem happy with their life in Japan. Many have gone into business and many have become very successful. Their companies often invest in Korea.

6. We do not hear of any conflicts or protest regarding their status in Japan. They seem to accept their situation and they apparently get on well. They habitually speak Japanese.

7. I wonder whether we can learn something from them.


1. I have lost faith in our civilisation. We cannot be civilised if we can allow mass murder to be committed in full view of the world.

2. That is what is happening to the people of Gaza.

3. Men, women, boys and girls, babies, patients in the hospital, the disabled; all of them are being killed.

4. The excuse is the retaliation against Hamas for attacking Israel.

5. Today more than 16,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed. The city of Gaza has been razed to the ground. The people have no roof over their heads. They live in the open as they cannot live even in hospitals and schools. These too are being destroyed by Israel.

6. The whole world is watching this on TV. And the whole world is doing nothing to stop this mass murder.

7. How can we claim to be civilised when mass murder can be perpetrated in full view of the world and the world does nothing to uphold the belief that among the rights that humanity must have is the right to live.


1. It is sad to see that in Malaysia, there are people who think that the Israeli attack against Gaza is a matter of concern only to the Muslims. It should not be so regarded. It is not even a war between the Israelis and the Palestinians. It is a case of criminal oppression of a powerful people against a weak people. It is in fact an international crime.

2. We abhor bullying in school. But in this case the bullying is done by a strong country against a weak people. It involves killing men, women, children and babies. Our condemnation of this bullying should be stronger. But obviously some of us don’t. We think it is the problem of Muslims. Non-Muslims should not care.

3. But in civilised human societies laws do not differentiate between race or religion. Laws apply to everyone equally. Thus if you murder someone, you have committed a crime whether you are of any race or religion.

4. What we are seeing in Palestine is not a war between two countries. What we are seeing is an attempt by the Israelis to commit genocide on the Palestinian. Genocide is a crime. If it had been genocide by the Palestinians against the Israelis, it would still be a crime.

5. So we should all object to this. Whether we are Muslims or Christians or even if we are of the same religion as the Jews we should protest against the barbaric acts that are being perpetrated now in Gaza and the West Bank.

6. So I hope that Malaysians of whatever origin, whether they be Muslims or non Muslims, Christians or Buddhists or Hindus should not consider this as something that is happening only to Muslims. It this happening to fellow human beings. Remember millions of Muslims died to defeat Germany and to end the oppression of the Jews.

7. We claim that we are all Malaysians. Yet we are showing the division between us over this human tragedy.


1. Kemaman menunjuk bahawa sokongan kepada UMNO merosot lagi. Selagi UMNO bersekongkol dengan DAP sokongan kepada UMNO akan terus merosot.

2. Semua sedar UMNO bukan lagi berjuang untuk bangsa, negara dan agama. Perjuangan UMNO ialah untuk duit, untuk selamatkan kepimpinan yang bersekongkol dengan jenayah.

3. Lagi pun pengundi UMNO bukan lagi yang ketahui jasa UMNO kepada negara. Mereka sudah tua dan tidak lagi aktif dalam arena politik.

4. Pengundi muda dibesar setelah negara maju. Mereka berpendapat memanglah negara maju sehingga penuh dengan pencakar langit. Peranan UMNO memajukan negara dari kemiskinan dahulu sehingga separuh maju sekarang tidak disedari oleh mereka.

5. Dalam PRU 16, UMNO akan hapus sama sekali. Yang boleh selamat UMNO ialah pemisahan dari DAP dan kembali perjuangan untuk bangsa, negara dan agama. Pemimpin yang usang perlu digugurkan. Dan masalah Melayu perlu diperjuangkan semula. Khusus berkenaan kemiskinan orang Melayu.

6. Saya sedih kerana bapa yang menyelamat UMNO pada satu masa dahulu, anak yang musnahkan UMNO setelah mengambil alih kepimpinan.

7. Suka atau tidak suka inilah kenyataan.

8. Inilah mesej Kemaman.


1. Saya amat risau dengan keadaan di Gaza dengan kedatangan musim sejuk.

2. Penderitaan akibat dari kekejaman Israel kini akan bertambah lebih berat lagi dengan musim sejuk yang sudah melanda penduduk Palestin.

3. Sebelum ini, pihak Aman Palestin telah menyediakan RM10 juta untuk membantu rakyat Palestin, Yaman, Syria dan Lebanon mengurangkan kesengsaraan mereka.

4. Malangnya, Aman Palestin kita disiasat oleh SPRM dan akaun-akaun mereka dibekukan. Dengan itu, bantuan RM10 juta yang disediakan tidak dapat di salurkan.

5. Bagi saya, SPRM boleh terus buat siasatan tetapi wang sebanyak RM10 juta dari akaun-akaun Aman Palestin perlu di benar disalurkan kepada rakyat Palestin dan penduduk –penduduk lain di Semenanjung Arab yang menderita menghadapi musim sejuk.

6. Jika SPRM sangsi sama ada wang tersebut akan sampai kepada rakyat Palestin atau tidak, mereka boleh hantar pegawai mereka mengiringi wakil Aman Palestin yang di amanah menyalur wang tersebut kepada rakyat Palestin.

7. Jika tidak, SPRM turut sama mendera rakyat Palestin yang memang sedang menderita akibat deraan Israel.


1. Walaupun Kerajaan dalam demokrasi didiri oleh parti yang menang, tetapi Kerajaan tidak menjadi Kerajaan untuk parti itu sahaja. Kerajaan demokrasi adalah untuk seluruh negeri atau negara. Peruntukan-peruntukan tidak boleh diperuntuk kepada parti yang mendiri Kerajaan sahaja. Semua rakyat perlu diberi peruntukan melalui wakil rakyat mereka.

2. Apabila Kerajaan menghadkan peruntukan untuk wakil rakyat parti Kerajaan sahaja, ia bertentangan dengan amalan demokrasi. Apabila peruntukan ini diberi jika wakil rakyat pembangkang sanggup sokong Kerajaan ia menjadi sogokan oleh Kerajaan untuk mendapat sokongan.

3. Soal rundingan tidak timbul. Amal sahaja cara Kerajaan negara mengikut prinsip demokrasi dan bukan Kerajaan untuk parti bolot duit Kerajaan.

4. Jikalau Kerajaan berhajat menghapuskan rasuah, jangan guna rasuah untuk dapat sokongan.


1. Kata Perdana Menteri, sokongan oleh wakil rakyat Parti Bersatu bukan kerana disogok.

2. Tetapi wakil rakyat Bersatu yang beralih sokong PM ke-10 mengaku mereka diberi peruntukan untuk Kawasan mereka yang biasanya diberi kepada wakil rakyat Kerajaan sahaja.

3. Ada pemberian lain juga diakui oleh wakil rakyat Bersatu.

4. Segala pemberian ini tetap rasuah kerana yang tidak sokong PM tidak dapat.